Expert Guide to Writing an Effective Change Management Plan

By Diana Ramos | December 22, 2016 (updated July 24, 2023)

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The one thing a business can almost certainly expect is change. A lot of it. Most organizational change happens for one of two reasons: unexpected circumstances or intentional actions implemented to facilitate organizational growth or progress. Whether the change is due to a market influence, a reduction in budget, resource constraints, or expansion, it’s a safe bet that organizational change will affect your business on a fairly regular basis. 

Change management has evolved from simply something that happens in organizations to an entire discipline. This comprehensive guide provides information on how creating a change management plan can help your organization prepare and handle forecasted and unforeseen changes. We’ll also provide direction on writing effective change management plans for managing organizational change, along with best practices and tips from experts in the field. 

Understanding the Change Management Process

Many change management theories, models, and frameworks have been developed based on research and experience. One of these theories is Kotter’s 8-step Change Management Process. World-renowned change expert, John Kotter, outlined this 8-step process for change: create urgency, form a powerful coalition, create a vision for change, communicate the vision, remove obstacles, create short term wins, build on the change, and anchor the change into corporate culture. 

These models or frameworks act as a guide to managing change both personally and within an organization. Most of these models include a supporting process or sequence of steps to move a change from initiation to completion. Within the sequence of steps, there is typically a ‘Planning’ stage where teams create a change management plan to help manage the project tasks and activities. 

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Addam Marcotte, Vice President of Organization Development for FMG Leading says, “The one constant in life is change. This is especially true in the business environment with eternally changing conditions. As the world becomes more interconnected, interdependent, and complex, seemingly trivial variables can have profound impact on global markets. Studies have shown that agile organizations, those that can adapt to change rapidly, are more likely to succeed — therefore having competency in organizational change can no longer be a reactionary one-time solution, but is a vital element of organizational strategy. Organizational Change Management is a systematic approach to leading large scale change, from process and org structure to culture and human capital.”

What is a Change Management Plan and Why Do You Need One?

A change management plan helps manage the change process, and also ensures control in budget, schedule, scope, communication, and resources. The change management plan will minimize the impact a change can have on the business, employees, customers, and other important stakeholders.

Marcotte believes that, “Effective organizations are able to handle varying degrees of complex change and quickly pivot and navigate the changing landscape. Deep emergent change can be extremely disruptive and unsettling, whereas intentional incremental change may feel like minor efficiency improvements and largely go unnoticed. All forms and degrees of organizational change need someone leading the journey and continually communicating with employees. It is important to have a comprehensive and integrated change management plan to help clearly articulate organizational strategy, helping people understand ‘why’ the change is critical and what the future state will look and feel like.”

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According to Amy Kauffman , Founder of Strategic Moxie, “You need a change management plan because strategy and processes are always perfect in their conception, but as time goes on these elements of business become living, breathing, and changing entities. Change management plans help you remain agile, adapt to challenges along the way, monitor success metrics, and track milestones.”

How to Write a Change Management Plan

There are several steps involved in writing a change management plan. You can get started by using a change management template. We’ve outlined them here and provided some best practices recommended by experts in the field:

1. Demonstrate the reasons for the change.

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Kevin Lonergan of PMIS Consulting Limited explains that, “One should never assume that people know why change is needed. Even the blindingly obvious is never obvious to all. Make sure that the reasons for the change effort are clearly defined.” When your stakeholders have a clear understanding of why the change is needed and how it will improve business or the way they work, they are more likely to support rather than resist the change.

2. Determine the scope. The next step in writing the change management plan is determining who the change will affect. Also determine what the change will impact, including policies, processes, job roles, and organizational structure.

3. Identify stakeholders and the change management team. Marcotte explains that the “best practices in change management often include a task force or team who ‘owns’ the organizational change and is empowered to execute it. The composition of this team is extremely important and it must be led by a credible leader.” The change management team interacts with stakeholders, addresses concerns, and oversees a smooth change transition. Roles within the team require clear definition, including outlining each member’s responsibilities. A Change Advisory Board (CAB) may also be established to oversee changes, offering change approvals and guidance. 

4. Clarify the expected benefits. These benefits should be clearly delineated so that everyone involved understands the advantages of proceeding with the change. 

5. Milestones as well as costs must also be clearly outlined. Marcotte explains the importance of clear milestones: “Research shows 70% of changes fail because people believe that results relative to the effort aren’t worth it, or aren’t working. Establishing well-communicated and achievable milestones are vital to the success of any change plan. These milestones become symbols to employees that the plan is working, progress is happening, the direction is still right, and the effort is worth it.”

6. Create a change management communication plan.

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Susanne Powelson , Vice President of Lovell Communications, Inc., explains the value and importance of clear, consistent communications as part of the change management plan. “The right strategic communications can help maintain employee focus and foster trust – even in the most uncertain times. Build trust among your employees by being visible and accessible. Strive to set a positive tone for the organization and resist the urge to let problems or shortfalls dominate all of your communications. Instead, focus on helping employees across the organization understand the benefits of the change. Create opportunities for employees to ask questions and let them know what information you can share, what information you can’t share and when they can expect further updates,” she says.

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‌ Download Stakeholder Communication Plan - Microsoft Word

There are three basic elements to communications in the context of change management. 

  • Identify the stakeholders and those impacted by the change. 
  • Next, schedule regular face to face interactions and email communications to keep stakeholders updated on progress. 
  • Finally, communications should be consistent, thorough, and regular. Communications should also clearly explain the change, define the reasons for change, present the benefits of the change, and always include change owner’s contact information.

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Below you will find a sample of how Bob Kermanshahi, Head of Strategy at Siemens Real Estate for the Americas, (part of Siemens, a conglomerate with $20 billion in annual revenues from the Americas,) manages business transformation utilizing a formal change management plan. 

Siemens Case Study

Change Management Processes and Systems

Change management processes and systems pave the way for successful change management. It is essential to be able to submit a change request, track, schedule, and manage that request through delivery. Along the way, you must also monitor roadblocks, milestones, and resistance. A change management system will allow a single storage location for all data association with organizational changes, standardization of procedures, analysis of trends and activity, and easy access from anywhere at any time. 

Look for a system that offers the following functionality:

  • Configurable change request forms
  • Change approvals
  • Change monitoring
  • Updating change
  • Change assignment to individuals, teams, and/or Change Advisory or Change Control Board
  • Ability to classify as a change and reclassify as a defect if necessary
  • Schedule of changes (Forward Schedule of Change)
  • Configurable change management processes
  • Role assignment
  • Change log for historical tracking
  • Budgeting and cost controls
  • Ability to break work down into tasks

Resistance Management Plan

How you manage resistance is a critical element when managing change. After identifying the stakeholders, a project manager should examine how they will each be affected by the change. According to Lonergan, “It’s not only important to identify stakeholders, but also predict how they will respond to the change. Often stakeholders will respond by resisting change, so creating a resistance management plan is important.”

Currently, there is an extremely busy industry focused on creating and studying change management models, frameworks, processes, plans, and tools - not to mention professional trainings and certifications that span industry verticals. Since change is a necessary element of organizational growth, this industry will continue to prosper.   

Planning for Change in Healthcare Organizations

Planning for change in an organization is a necessary, yet often challenging aspect of business planning. In healthcare-oriented businesses in particular, change management is even more essential, as there are many more variables to keep in mind, like patient confidentiality, secure data storage, credentialing processes, and more.

Change management plans help to determine how changes will affect an organization, the scope of the change, and how change will be communicated to the rest of the organization. In healthcare organizations, this process needs to be transparent, quick, and updated regularly to maintain optimal patient care, while keeping providers and insurance companies on the same page. To plan for change in your healthcare business and ensure your organization remains efficient while keeping all information and data protected, you need a powerful, real-time, and secure tool.  

Smartsheet is a work execution platform that enables healthcare companies to improve work efficiency, scale repetitive processes, and securely store and share protected health information. Streamline documentation, improve communication of changes both internally and externally, and modify healthcare processes for the better, while also maintaining top-level data security compliant with HIPAA’s regulatory requirements. Track the progress of changes in individual processes with all-up reports and centralized dashboards.

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Explore the Levels of Change Management

9 Successful Change Management Examples For Inspiration

strategic change management assignment sample

Updated: February 9, 2024

Published: January 3, 2024

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Welcome to our guide on change management examples, pivotal for steering through today's dynamic business terrain. Immerse yourself in the transformative power of change management, a tool for resilience, growth, innovation, and employee morale enhancement.

This guide equips you with strategies to promote an innovative, adaptable work environment and boost employee morale for lasting organizational success.

Uncover diverse types of change management with Prosci's established methodology and explore real-world examples that illustrate these principles in action.

What is Change Management?

Change management is a strategy for guiding an organization and its people through change. It goes beyond top-down orders, involving employees at all levels. This people-focused approach encourages everyone to participate actively, helping them adapt and use changes in their everyday work.

Effective change management aligns closely with a company's culture, values, and beliefs.

When change fits well with these cultural aspects, it feels more natural and is easier for employees to adopt. This contributes to smoother transitions and leads to more successful and lasting organizational changes.

Why is Change Management Important?

Change management is pivotal in guiding organizations through transitions, ensuring impactful and long-lasting results.

For example, a $28B electronic components and services company with 18,000 employees realized the importance of enhancing its processes. They knew to adopt more streamlined, efficient approaches, known as Lean initiatives .

However, they encountered challenges because they needed a more structured method for effectively managing the human aspects of these changes.

The company formed a specialized group focused on change to address their challenges and initiate key projects. These projects aligned with their culture of innovation and precision, which helped ensure that the changes were well-received and effectively implemented within the organization.

Matching change management to an organization's unique style and structure contributes to more effective transformations and strengthens the business for future challenges.

What Are the Main Types of Change Management?

Discover Prosci's change management models: from individual application and organizational strategies to enterprise-wide integration and effective portfolio management, all are vital for transformative success.

Individual change management

At Prosci, we understand that change begins with the individual.

The Prosci ADKAR ® Model ( Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement ) is expertly designed to equip change leaders with tools and strategies to engage your team.

This model is a framework that will guide and support you in confidently navigating and adapting to new changes.

Organizational change management

In organizational change management , we focus on the core elements of your company to fully understand and address each aspect of the change.

Our approach involves creating tailored strategies and detailed plans that benefit you and manage you to manage challenges effectively, which include:

  • Clear communication
  • Strong leadership support
  • Personalized coaching
  • Practical training

Our strategies are specifically aimed at meeting the diverse needs within your organization, ensuring a smooth and well-supported transition for everyone involved.

Enterprise change management capability

At the enterprise level, change management becomes an embedded practice, a core competency woven throughout the organization.

When you implement change capabilities:

  • Employees know what to ask during change to reach success
  • Leaders and managers have the training and skills to guide their teams during change
  • Organizations consistently apply change management to initiatives
  • Organizations embed change management in roles, structures, processes, projects and leadership competencies

It's a tactical effort to integrate change management into the very DNA of an organization—nurturing a culture that's ready and able to adapt to any change.

Change portfolio management

While distinct from project-level change management, managing a change portfolio is vital for an organization to stay flexible and responsive.

Change management examples 9 Industry Innovators Concept

9 Dynamic Change Management Success Stories to Revolutionize Your Business

Prosci case studies reveal how diverse organizations spanning different sectors address and manage change.  These cases illustrate how change management can provide transformative solutions from healthcare to finance:

1. Hospital system

A major healthcare organization implemented an extensive enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and adapted to healthcare reform. This case study highlights overcoming significant challenges through strategic change management:

Industry: Healthcare Revenue: $3.7 billion Employees: 24,000 Facilities: 11 hospitals

Major changes:

  • Implemented a new ERP system across all hospitals
  • Prepared for healthcare reform


  • Managing significant, disruptive changes
  • Difficulty in gaining buy-in for change management
  • Align with culture: Strategically implemented change management to support staff, reflecting the hospital's core value of caring for people
  • Focus on a key initiative: Applied change management in the electronic health record system implementation
  • Integrate with existing competencies: Recognized change leadership as crucial at various leadership levels

This example shows that when change management matches a healthcare organization's values, it can lead to successful and smooth transitions.

2. Transportation department

A state government transportation department leveraged change management to effectively manage business process improvements amid funding and population challenges. This highlights the value of comprehensive change management in a public sector setting:

Industry: State Government Transportation Revenue: $1.3 billion Employees: 3,000 Challenges:

  • Reduced funding
  • Growing population
  • Increasing transportation needs


  • Major business process improvement

Hurdles encountered:

  • Change fatigue
  • Need for widespread employee adoption
  • Focus on internal growth
  • Implemented change management in process improvement

This department's experience teaches us the vital role of change management in successfully navigating government projects with multiple challenges.

3. Pharmaceuticals

A global pharmaceutical company navigated post-merger integration challenges. Using a proactive change management approach, they addressed resistance and streamlined operations in a competitive industry:

Industry: Pharma (Global Biopharmaceutical Company) Revenue: $6 billion Number of employees: 5,000

Recent activities: Experienced significant merger and acquisition activity

  • Encountered resistance post-implementation of SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing)
  • They found themselves operating in a purely reactive mode
  • Align with your culture: In this Lean Six Sigma-focused environment, where measurement is paramount, the ADKAR Model's metrics were utilized as the foundational entry point for initiating change management processes.

This company's journey highlights the need for flexible and responsive change management.

4. Home fixtures

A home fixtures manufacturing company’s response to the recession offers valuable insights on effectively managing change. They focused on aligning change management with their disciplined culture, emphasizing operational efficiency:

Industry: Home Fixtures Manufacturing Revenue: $600 million Number of employees: 3,000

Context: Facing the lingering effects of the recession

Necessity: Need to introduce substantial changes for more efficient operations

Challenge: Change management was considered a low priority within the company

  • Align with your culture: The company's culture, characterized by discipline in projects and processes, ensured that change management was implemented systematically and disciplined.

This company’s experience during the recession proves that aligning change with company culture is key to overcoming tough times.

Change management examples Web Services Team Collaboration

5. Web services

A web services software company transformed its culture and workspace.  They integrated change management into their IT strategy to overcome resistance and foster innovation:

Industry : Web Services Software Revenue : $3.3 billion Number of employees : 10,000

Initiatives : Cultural transformation; applying an unassigned seating model

Challenges : Resistance in IT project management

  • Focus on a key initiative: Applied change management in workspace transformation
  • Go where the energy is:  Establishing a change management practice within its IT department, developing self-service change management tools, and forming thoughtful partnerships
  • I ntegrate with existing competencies:  "Leading change" was essential to the organization's newly developed leadership competency model.

This case demonstrates the importance of weaving change management into the fabric of tech companies, especially for cultural shifts.

6. Security systems

A high-tech security company effectively managed a major restructuring.  They created a change network that shifted change management from HR to business processes:

Industry : High-Tech (Security Systems) Revenue : $10 billion Number of employees: 57,000

Major changes : Company separation; division into three segments

Challenge : No unified change management approach

  • Formed a network of leaders from transformation projects
  • Go where the energy is:  Shifted change management from HR to business processes
  • Integrate with existing competencies:  Included principles of change management in the training curriculum for the project management boot camp.
  • Treat growing your capability like a change:  Executive roadshow launch to gain support for enterprise-wide change management

This company’s innovative approach to restructuring shows h ow reimagining change management can lead to successful outcomes.

7. Clothing store

A major clothing retailer’s journey to unify its brand model.  They overcame siloed change management through collaborative efforts and a community-driven approach:

Industry : Retail (Clothing Store) Revenue : $16 billion Number of employees : 141,000

Major change initiative : Strategic unification of the brand operating model

Historical challenge : Traditional management of change in siloes

  • Build a change network :  This retailer established a community of practice for change management, involving representatives from autonomous units to foster consensus on change initiatives.

The story of this retailer illustrates how collaborative efforts in change management can unify and strengthen a brand in the retail world.

A major Canadian bank initiative to standardize change management across its organization.  They established a Center of Excellence and tailored communities of practice for effective change:

Industry : Financial Services (Canadian Bank) Revenue : $38 billion Number of employees : 78,000

Current state : Absence of enterprise-wide change management standards

Challenge :

  • Employees, contractors, and consultants using individual methods for change management
  • Reliance on personal knowledge and experience to deploy change management strategies
  • Build a change network:  The bank established a Center of Excellence and created federated communities of practice within each business unit, aiming to localize and tailor change management efforts.

This bank’s journey in standardizing change management offers valuable insights for large organizations looking to streamline their processes.

9. Municipality

You can learn from a Canadian municipality’s significant shift to enhance client satisfaction. They integrated change management across all levels to achieve profound organizational change and improved public service:

Industry : Municipal Government (Canadian Municipality) Revenue : $1.9 billion Number of employees : 3,000

New mandate:

  • Implementing a new deliberate vision focusing on each individual’s role in driving client satisfaction

Nature of shift : 

  • A fundamental change within the public institution

Scope of impact :

  •  It affected all levels, from leadership to front-line staff

Solution : 

  • Treat growing your capability like a change: Change leaders promoted awareness and cultivated a desire to adopt change management as a standard enterprise-wide practice.

The municipality's strategy shows us how effective change management can significantly improve public services and organizational efficiency.

Change management examples Six Tactics Infographic

6 Tactics for Growing Enterprise Change Management Capability

Prosci's exploration with 10 industry leaders uncovered six primary tactics for enterprise change growth , demonstrating a "universal theme, unique application" approach.

This framework goes beyond standard procedures, focusing on developing a deep understanding and skill in managing change. It offers transformative tactics, guiding organizations towards excelling in adapting to change.  Here, we uncover these transformative tactics, guiding organizations toward mastery of change.

1. Align with Your culture

Organizational culture profoundly influences how change management should be deployed.

Recognizing whether your organization leans towards traditional practices or innovative approaches is vital. This understanding isn't just about alignment; it's an opportunity to enhance and sometimes shift your cultural environment.

When effectively combined with an organization's unique culture, change management can greatly enhance key initiatives. This leads to widespread benefits beyond individual projects and promotes overall growth and development within the organization.

Embrace this as a fundamental tool to strengthen and transform your company's cultural fabric.

2. Focus on key initiatives

In the early phase of developing change management capabilities, selecting noticeable projects with executive backing is important.

This helps demonstrate the real-world impact of change management, making it easier for employees and leadership to understand its benefits. This strategy helps build support and maintain the momentum of change management initiatives within your organization.

Focus on capturing and sharing these successes to encourage buy-in further and underscore the importance of change management in achieving organizational goals.

3. Build a change network

Building change capability isn't just about a few advocates but creating a network of change champions across your organization.

This network, essential in spreading the message and benefits of change management, varies in composition but is universally crucial. It could include departmental practitioners, business unit leaders, or a mix of roles working together to enhance awareness, credibility, and a shared purpose.

Our Best Practices in Change Management study shows that 45% of organizations leverage such networks. These groups boost the effectiveness of change management and keep it moving forward.

4. Go where the energy is

To build change capabilities throughout an organization effectively, the focus should be on matching the organization's current readiness rather than just pushing new methods.

Identify and focus on parts of your organization that are ready for change. Align your change initiatives with these sectors. Involve senior leaders and those enthusiastic about change to naturally generate demand for these transformations.

Showcasing successful initiatives encourages a collaborative culture of change, making it an organic part of your organization's growth.

5. Integrate with existing competencies

Change management is a vital skill across various organizational roles.

Integrating it into competency models and job profiles is increasingly common, yet often lacks the necessary training and tools.

When change management skills expand beyond the experts, they become an integral part of the organization's culture—nurturing a solid foundation of effective change leadership.

This approach embeds change management deeper within the company and cultivates leaders who can support and sustain this essential practice.

6. Treat growing your capability like a change

Growing change capability is a transformative journey for your business and your employees. It demands a structured, strategic approach beyond telling your network that change is coming.

Applying the ADKAR Model universally and focusing on your organization's unique needs is pivotal. It's about building awareness, sparking a desire for change across the enterprise, and equipping employees with the knowledge and skills for effective, lasting change. 

Treating capability-building like a change ensures that change management becomes a core part of your organization's fabric, benefitting every team member.

These six tactics are powerful tools for enhancing your organization's ability to adapt and remain resilient in a rapidly changing business environment.

Comprehensive Insights From Change Management Examples

These diverse change management examples provide field-tested savvy and offer a window into how varied organizations successfully manage change.

Case studies , from healthcare reform to innovative corporate restructuring, exemplify how aligning with organizational culture, building strong change networks, and focusing on tactical initiatives can significantly impact change management outcomes.

This guide, enriched with real-world applications, enhances understanding and execution of effective change management, setting a benchmark for future transformations.

To learn more about partnering with Prosci for your next change initiative, discover Prosci's Advisory services and enterprise training options and consider practitioner certification .

Download the eBook, "6 Tatics for Growing Enterprise Change Capability."

Founded in 1994, Prosci is a global leader in change management. We enable organizations around the world to achieve change outcomes and grow change capability through change management solutions based on holistic, research-based, easy-to-use tools, methodologies and services.

See all posts from Prosci

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Strategic Change Management. Workbased Assignment for Diploma in Strategic Leadership (DSM/MBA)

Term paper, 2015, 33 pages, grade: 82%, maxim weinmann (author).

1 Understanding the background to organisational strategic change 1.1 Introduction to the chosen organisation 1.2 Models of strategic change 1.2.1 Lewin’s change management model 1.2.2 Burke-Litwin’s causal change model 1.2.3 Tuckman’s model of team challenge 1.2.4 Kotter’s eight-Step change model 1.2.5 The McKinsey 7-S Model 1.3 The relevance of models of strategic change to organisations in the current economy 1.4 The value of using strategic intervention techniques in organisations

2 Issues relating to strategic change in an organisation 2.1 The need for strategic change in an organisation 2.2 Factors driving the need for strategic change in an organisation 2.2.1 External factors 2.2.2 Internal factors 2.3 Resource implications if the organisation fails to respond to the need for strategic change

3 Leading stakeholders in developing a strategy for change 3.1 Developing systems to involve stakeholders in the planning of change 3.2 Developing a change management strategy with stakeholders 3.3 The systems used to involve stakeholders in the planning of change 3.4 Create a strategy for managing resistance to change

4 Planning to implement models for ensuring ongoing change 4.1 Developing appropriate models for change 4.2 The plan to implement a model for change 4.3 Developing appropriate measures to monitor progress

5 Conclusion

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Title: Strategic Change Management. Workbased Assignment for Diploma in Strategic Leadership (DSM/MBA)

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How to Make a Change Management Plan (Templates Included)


A change management plan is a critical part of any project plan can be the difference between project success and failure. Let’s break down how to create one so you can better manage project change, no matter where it shows up in your project life cycle.

What Is a Change Management Plan?

A change management plan is a process that implements a change or changes in a project or across an organization. You can think of a change management plan as a roadmap that shows all the steps you need to take from identifying the change to realizing it. This plan not only sets the course by which you can execute the change, but asks how it will impact the project or organization, how workflows will be affected and whether it will alter your relationship with your customers or teams.

Manage Change, Reap the Benefits

By using an effective change management plan you’re able to manage the process and thereby be more productive in its execution. It helps you control the budget, schedule , scope and resources. It even impacts your communication process. In fact, the change management plan is systemic, touching on all aspects of project management. When done correctly, it will minimize the impact to your project or organization.

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Change Log Template

Use this free Change Log Template for Excel to manage your projects better.

Elements of a Change Management Plan

Define the following elements below to create an effective change management plan for your project.

  • Change Management Roles:  First, who is going to be doing what in your change management plan? Who has the authority to submit a change request, who reviews them and who authorizes them? You’ll need to define roles and responsibilities for effective change control
  • Change Control Board:  Staff your change control board with people who will receive the change requests and have the authority to approve or veto them.
  • Develop a Process: You need a process in order to effectively submit, evaluate, authorize and manage and control the change requests. Without a process, change management is unmanageable.
  • Change Request Form: You can’t have a process, however, if you don’t first create a change request form to capture the data. It’s important that the information you collect is consistent throughout the project.
  • Change Log: Basically, this is a place to collect, and then track all the change orders . Without a central location where changes can be identified, requests approved and assignments documented, there’s no way to know if there’s been any progress.
  • Use a Tool: A project planning software  can help you keep track of changes through every phase of the project until it’s finally resolved.

Project management software can help you execute your plan. ProjectManager has an award-winning Gantt chart that can be used to create your change management plan: organize tasks, link dependencies, set milestones and even filter for the critical path. The plan can be shared with your team, who can use our multiple project views to collaborate better. You won’t find an easier-to-use or more powerful change management software. Get started with ProjectManager today for free!

ProjectManager's Gantt chart

How to Make a Change Management Plan

Jennifer Bridges, PMP, breaks down how to create a change management plan in the following video. She explains how change is measured against the project baseline , which is the detailed description of the time, cost, scope and quality of the project that you have determined when planning. Therefore, a change management plan is going to take that baseline and ask how, what, when where, why and how to figure out change and how to manage it.

After you watch the video, be sure to try some of our free templates below to help you manage change and your project.

Pro-Tip: There are different types of change management, and the best way to get a holistic understanding of it is through the triple constraint. There are processes established to help with the change management process , and it’s crucial to know them. Also, keep in mind that change management procedures vary depending on the industry you’re in. For example, change order forms are used primarily in construction to change the scope of projects.

Take it Further: Sometimes, when tough changes happen in the midst of execution, technical debt can be accrued. Learn all about it and how to minimize it.

Our free change log template for Excel is part of any thorough change management plan.  It is the next step once a change has been proposed and authorized by the project manager. This free template has space to write the change request type, the date it was identified, a brief description, the priority and its status.

strategic change management assignment sample

We’ve created other change management templates for Word and Excel you can download from our online library. Below are three free templates to get you started.

More Change Management Plan Templates

Change management can be planned, executed and monitored best with project management software , but if you’re not using that tool then you can still get by with templates. ProjectManager has dozens of free templates on its site, which touch on every aspect of a project, including the change management plan.

Change Request Form Template

Before a change can be approved, stakeholders or project team members should use a change request form to suggest changing the project scope or project plan. If their request is feasible, it can be approved and turned into a change order.

Change Order Form Template

Our free change order form template for Excel is just the tool to streamline the change approval process. It helps you understand the change, from the opportunity it offers and the reason for the change to how long it’ll take, who requested it and who will authorize or deny it.

Action Plan Template

Get that change management plan executed properly with our free action plan template for Excel. This is where you can organize all the tasks that are necessary to implement the change. You can note which action steps occur during which phase in the project and then assign them to your team. They’ll see the start date and due date as well as the planned hours you expect for the duration of each task. There’s even room for resources and costs related to the work.

Go Beyond Change Management Templates with ProjectManager

ProjectManager is cloud-based work and project management software that connects hybrid teams to help implement change across an organization or project. Real-time data makes it collaborative to the core and multiple project views mean anyone in any department, no matter how, when or where they work can use it the way they want, whether in a task list, Gantt or kanban board.

You’ve seen how a Gantt chart can organize the change management plan but when that plan is assigned to teams that maybe work in a more agile environment, then they need a different tool. Kanban boards visualize workflow and workflows can be customized to automate task approvals, for example. Managers have control and transparency, while team members can manage their backlog and collaborate when planning sprints.

A screenshot of the Kanban board project view

Track Change on the Dashboard

Monitoring change is how you make sure your actual progress is aligned with your change management plan. Our real-time dashboard gets live data and crunches the numbers to display metrics on time, cost and more in easy-to-read graphs and charts. It’s a status report whenever you need one so you can catch issues and resolve them before they cause problems.

ProjectManager’s dashboard view, which shows six key metrics on a project

ProjectManager is award-winning work and project management software that connects hybrid teams for greater productivity. Manage change without impacting your schedule or budget. Get started with ProjectManager for free today!

Click here to browse ProjectManager's free templates

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Strategic Change Management - Assignment Example

Strategic Change Management

  • Subject: Management
  • Type: Assignment
  • Level: Undergraduate
  • Pages: 25 (6250 words)
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  • Author: kareem54

Extract of sample "Strategic Change Management"

For even the most successful companies, survival cannot be guaranteed. In many segments of the economy, organisation should have talent to adapt quick to change for their survival. When business organisations fail to change, the cost of failure may be quite high. For instance, Eastman Kodak Company was once a great successful business, but now it is in the doldrums as it failed to recognise changes that were happening in the industry. Eastman Kodak narrow-minded corporate culture assumed that its strength was its marketing strategy and brand, and it miscalculated the threat of digital cameras (Dan 2012).

This research report will analyse why business is to give great significance to strategic change management, and if it failed to recognise the changes happening around it , it may become one of the 70 companies disappeared from the list of top 100 companies of Fortune magazine and how the Eastman Kodak failure is offering the costly lesson for not responding to changes with particular reference to eBay by demonstrating how eBay is responding to strategic change management quickly and fastly to secure its market position.

The strategic change involves enhancing the alignment between an organisation’s atmosphere, organisational design and strategy. Strategic change interventions include initiatives to enhance both the organisation’s association to its environment and the proper balance between its cultural, political and technical systems. Due to some major disruptions to the organization, the need for change is normally triggered such as a technological breakthrough, removal of regulatory needs or where a new CEO has been appointed who is hailing from the outside the organization.

The speed of the international technological and economic development makes the change as an unavoidable factor for an organisation. Organisational development (OD) is designed by introducing the planned change to enhance an organisation’s

  • General Motors Change Management
  • Job Redesign
  • Cited: 1 times
  • Copy Citation Citation is copied Copy Citation Citation is copied Copy Citation Citation is copied

CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF Strategic Change Management

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ChangeStrategists 5

How To Write A Change Management Strategy

Change Strategists

business strategy

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Are you struggling with implementing changes in your organization? Do you find that your team is resistant to change and you’re not sure how to get them on board?

Writing a change management strategy can help you overcome these challenges and successfully navigate changes within your organization.

To write a change management strategy, start by identifying the need for change and the desired outcome. Next, analyze the impact of the change on all stakeholders and develop a communication plan to keep them informed. Then, create a plan for implementing the change, including any necessary resources and training. Finally, establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the change to ensure that it is successful. It is important to involve key stakeholders throughout the process and to be flexible in adapting the strategy as needed.

A change management strategy is a plan that outlines how to manage changes within an organization. It involves:

  • Defining the scope and objectives of the change
  • Building a team to manage the change
  • Assessing and managing risks
  • Implementing the change
  • Evaluating the success of the change

By following a change management strategy, you can ensure that changes are implemented smoothly and effectively, minimizing resistance and maximizing success.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps of creating your own change management strategy.

Understanding the Need for Change

You’re probably feeling frustrated and overwhelmed with the way things are currently operating, and it’s time to take a step back and truly understand why change is necessary in order to move forward.

The first step in creating a successful change management strategy is to identify the change drivers. These are the factors that are driving the need for change in your organization. It could be anything from new technology to changing customer needs.

By identifying these drivers, you can better understand the scope of the change that needs to take place.

Once you’ve identified the change drivers, you need to assess your organization’s readiness for change. This means taking a look at your current culture, structure, and processes to determine if they are conducive to change.

If your organization is resistant to change, it’s important to address this before moving forward with any major initiatives. This could involve providing training and support to your employees, or even restructuring your organization to better facilitate change.

In order to create a successful change management strategy, it’s essential to have a deep understanding of the need for change. By identifying the change drivers and assessing your organization’s readiness for change, you’ll be better equipped to develop a plan that addresses the unique needs of your organization.

Remember, change is never easy, but with the right strategy in place, you can successfully navigate the process and come out stronger on the other side.

Defining the Scope and Objectives of Change

When defining the scope and objectives of change, it’s essential to set clear goals and objectives that align with the overall vision of the organization. By doing so, you provide a clear direction for your team and ensure that everyone is working towards the same end goal.

Establishing a timeline for implementation is also crucial as it helps you prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively.

Setting Clear Goals and Objectives

To effectively set clear goals and objectives, it’s important to understand that having specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals can increase the success rate of organizational change initiatives by up to 70%.

When setting goals for your change management strategy, it’s important to clarify your vision and determine what you want to achieve. This will help you determine what goals are relevant and attainable for your organization.

Measuring success is also an important component of setting clear goals and objectives. By establishing specific measures of success, you can track progress and determine if your change management strategy is working as intended.

When setting goals, consider what metrics you will use to measure success and how often you will review these metrics. This will help ensure that your goals are achievable and that progress is being made towards your overall vision for change.

Establishing a Timeline for Implementation

Establishing a timeline is crucial in ensuring the successful implementation of any organizational initiative, as it provides a clear roadmap for achieving goals and tracking progress towards the overall vision.

When creating a timeline for your change management strategy, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind:

Start by breaking down the overall initiative into smaller, more manageable tasks. This will help you identify specific milestones that need to be achieved along the way.

Assign realistic deadlines to each task, taking into account any potential roadblocks or delays that may arise.

Consider the resources that’ll be required to complete each task, and ensure they’re available when needed.

Build in regular check-ins and progress reports to ensure that everything is on track.

Finally, make sure that you’ve a plan in place for measuring success and evaluating the effectiveness of the overall initiative.

By following these steps, you can create a timeline that’s both realistic and achievable, and that’ll help ensure the success of your change management strategy.

Creating milestones and measuring success will also allow you to celebrate achievements along the way and make any necessary adjustments to keep the initiative moving forward.

Building a Change Management Team

When building your change management team, it’s important to identify key stakeholders who will be impacted by the change and involve them in the process.

Assigning clear roles and responsibilities for each team member is also crucial for a successful change implementation.

By taking a flexible and analytical approach to building your team, you can ensure that everyone is aligned and committed to achieving the objectives of the change.

Identifying Key Stakeholders

You need to identify the VIPs who’ll either be your biggest cheerleaders or your strongest opponents – the movers and shakers who can make or break your efforts to shake things up. These key stakeholders can include executives, shareholders, customers, employees, and even suppliers.

By understanding their needs and perspectives, you can tailor your change management strategy to address their concerns and gain their support. To identify your key stakeholders, follow these steps:

Conduct a stakeholder analysis to identify who’ll be impacted by the change and who has the power to influence it.

Prioritize your stakeholders based on their level of impact and influence.

Develop communication strategies to engage with each stakeholder group and address their concerns.

Remember that effective stakeholder engagement is critical to the success of your change management strategy. By identifying and addressing the concerns of your key stakeholders, you can build a coalition of support that’ll help you navigate the challenges of change.

Assigning Roles and Responsibilities

Assigning roles and responsibilities is crucial for the successful implementation of any change initiative. Change champions should be identified and given specific tasks that align with their strengths and expertise. This ensures that the team is composed of individuals who can drive the change forward and are passionate about the initiative.

By assigning clear roles and responsibilities, team members can focus on their tasks and work collaboratively towards the same goal. In addition, accountability measures should be established to ensure that team members are held responsible for their actions. This can be done by setting deadlines for tasks and regularly checking in on progress.

By doing this, team members are motivated to complete their tasks in a timely and efficient manner. Moreover, clear accountability measures provide transparency and help to avoid confusion or misunderstandings. Assigning roles and responsibilities and setting accountability measures are essential steps in developing a change management strategy that will lead to a successful change initiative.

Developing a Communication Plan

Crafting a clear and effective plan for communication is like building a bridge between the old way and the new way of doing things. Effective communication is key to the success of any change management strategy. Without it, stakeholders may not fully understand the changes being made or may resist them altogether.

Stakeholder engagement is crucial in developing a communication plan that will be effective and meet the needs of all involved. To develop a communication plan that is effective, consider the following four items.

First, identify all stakeholders and their communication preferences. This will enable you to tailor your messages to each group, ensuring that they are understood and well-received.

Second, establish a communication schedule and stick to it. Consistent communication helps to build trust and credibility with stakeholders.

Third, use multiple channels of communication to ensure that your messages reach all stakeholders. This could include emails, newsletters, meetings, and social media.

Finally, be open to feedback and adjust your communication plan as needed. Incorporating these elements into your communication plan will help to ensure its success.

Effective communication is essential in any change management strategy, and developing a plan that addresses the needs of all stakeholders will help to minimize resistance and ensure a smoother transition. By taking the time to craft a thoughtful and comprehensive communication plan, you can build a bridge between the old way and the new way of doing things, creating a path to success for all involved.

Assessing and Managing Risks

When it comes to assessing and managing risks, the first step is to identify potential risks that may arise during the change management process. This involves looking at all areas of the organization that may be impacted by the change and identifying any potential roadblocks or obstacles that could arise.

Once these risks have been identified, the next step is to develop mitigation strategies that can help to minimize their impact and ensure that the change management process is successful.

Identifying Potential Risks

Identifying potential risks is crucial for a successful implementation plan, as it allows for proactive measures to mitigate any unforeseen obstacles that may arise. To identify potential risks, it’s important to start by evaluating the current state of the organization and understanding how the proposed change may impact various stakeholders.

This includes conducting a thorough risk assessment. The assessment involves identifying potential risks, evaluating their likelihood and impact, and developing a plan for risk mitigation.

It’s also important to involve key stakeholders in the process of identifying potential risks. This can include employees, customers, suppliers, and other relevant parties. By involving these stakeholders, you can gain valuable insights into potential risks that may not have been identified otherwise.

Additionally, involving stakeholders in the process can increase buy-in and support for the change management strategy, as they feel heard and valued. Overall, identifying potential risks is a critical step in developing a successful change management strategy, and it shouldn’t be overlooked.

Developing Mitigation Strategies

To successfully navigate potential obstacles and ensure a smooth transition, you’ll need to develop effective plans for mitigating risks. This involves identifying the potential risks through a thorough risk assessment process and then developing contingency planning strategies to minimize the impact of those risks.

One way to mitigate risks is to establish clear communication channels between stakeholders and the change management team. This will help ensure that everyone is aware of any potential issues and can work together to address them in a timely and efficient manner.

Another important step in developing mitigation strategies is to establish a risk management team that’s responsible for monitoring potential risks and responding quickly to any issues that arise. This team should be made up of individuals with the necessary expertise and experience to identify and address potential risks, and they should have clear guidelines and procedures in place for responding to those risks.

Additionally, it’s important to have a detailed contingency plan in place that outlines how the organization will respond to any potential issues or disruptions that may arise during the change management process. By taking these steps and developing effective mitigation strategies, organizations can minimize the risks associated with change management and ensure a successful transition.

Building a Training and Development Plan

Let’s delve into crafting a training and development plan to support your team through the upcoming transition. This plan should focus on providing your employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to adapt to the changes in the organization. To create an effective training and development plan, you must first identify the skills and knowledge that your employees need to acquire. You can achieve this by conducting a skills gap analysis, which will help you identify the areas where your employees need to improve.

Once you have identified the skills and knowledge that your employees need, you can start building your training and development plan. To do this, you should create a table that outlines the training activities, the expected outcomes, and the resources required. This table should be divided into four rows and three columns. The first column should list the training activities, the second column should list the expected outcomes, and the third column should list the resources required. The fourth row should be used to summarize the total cost of the training program.

Measuring the effectiveness of your training and development plan is essential. After all, you want to ensure that the plan is achieving its intended outcomes. To do this, you can use a variety of tools, such as surveys, performance metrics, and feedback sessions. This feedback will help you identify areas where the plan is working well and areas where it needs improvement. By continuously evaluating and adjusting your training and development plan, you can ensure that your employees are equipped to handle the changes in the organization.

Implementing the Change

When implementing change, it’s important to monitor progress and keep track of any issues or concerns that arise. This will allow you to identify any potential roadblocks and address them in a timely manner.

By actively addressing concerns and making adjustments as needed, you can ensure a smoother transition for your team and increase the chances of success for your change management strategy.

Monitoring Progress

Monitoring progress is an essential aspect of successfully implementing any plan, and it’s fascinating to note that companies that track their progress are 2.5 times more likely to achieve their goals. To ensure that your change management strategy is on track, you must take a data-driven approach and continuously monitor the progress of your plan.

The following are some tips on how to monitor the progress of your change management strategy:

Use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure progress: Identify KPIs that are relevant to your change management strategy and track them regularly. This will help you understand if you are on track to achieving your goals or if you need to adjust your plan.

Conduct regular check-ins with stakeholders: Engage with stakeholders regularly to get their feedback on the progress of the plan. This will not only help you understand the progress of the plan but also identify potential roadblocks that you may need to address.

Celebrate small wins: Celebrating small wins along the way can help keep the momentum going and motivate the team to continue working towards the end goal.

Continuous improvement is essential to ensure that your change management strategy is successful. By monitoring progress regularly, you will be able to identify areas that need improvement and make the necessary adjustments to your plan.

Remember, change is a journey, not a destination, so be flexible and willing to adjust your plan as needed.

Addressing Issues and Concerns

As you navigate through the challenges of implementing your change management strategy, it is important to address any issues or concerns that arise to ensure that your efforts are successful.

One of the biggest challenges you may face is resistance from stakeholders who are comfortable with the status quo and may not see the benefits of the proposed changes.

It is important to address these concerns by communicating the benefits of the change and addressing any misconceptions or fears that stakeholders may have. Engaging stakeholders in the change process can also help to build buy-in and support for the change.

To effectively address resistance and engage stakeholders, consider using a table that outlines the concerns and potential solutions. In the left column, list the concerns or resistance that stakeholders may have, such as fear of job loss or increased workload.

In the right column, list potential solutions, such as providing training and support, involving stakeholders in the change process, and addressing any misconceptions or fears through effective communication.

By using a table, you can help stakeholders visualize the potential solutions and feel more confident in the change process. Remember to remain flexible and open to feedback as you address issues and concerns, as this will help you to adapt your change management strategy and ensure success.

Evaluating the Change

You need to assess the impact of the proposed changes on your organization and its stakeholders to ensure that the benefits outweigh the risks. This is a crucial step in evaluating the change.

It’ll help you identify any potential negative effects that the change may have on your organization and stakeholders. You should also consider the impact of the change on your employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. This will help you understand how the change will affect the different groups of people involved in your organization.

To evaluate the change, you should also consider the effectiveness of the change management plan. This plan should outline the steps that you’ll take to implement the change and manage the risks associated with it.

The plan should also include a timeline for the change and an evaluation plan to measure the success of the change. You should regularly review the plan to ensure that it’s still relevant and effective.

Finally, you should measure the success of the change by evaluating the results. You should compare the current state of your organization with the state before the change was implemented.

This will help you determine whether the change has been successful or not. You should also gather feedback from your employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to understand their perception of the change.

This will help you identify any areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to the change management plan. By following these steps, you can effectively evaluate the change and ensure its success.

Making Adjustments

It’s time to tweak things a bit and make sure the plan is hitting the right notes, like a conductor fine-tuning the orchestra’s performance.

Adapting to change is a necessary skill to have in the world of business, and making adjustments to your change management strategy is essential to ensuring its success. As you evaluate how the plan is working, keep in mind that resistance is a natural part of change and should be expected.

When making adjustments to your change management strategy, it’s important to analyze the areas where resistance is coming from. Look at the reasons behind the resistance and try to address them in a way that is respectful of everyone involved. You may need to make changes to the communication plan or adjust the timeline to make sure people have enough time to adapt to the new way of doing things.

Flexibility is key when adapting to change, and it’s important to be open to making adjustments as needed. Keep in mind that change management is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process. As you make adjustments, track their impact and adjust again if necessary.

Remember that change is a journey, and it’s important to stay committed to the end goal while being flexible in your approach.

Sustaining Change

Maintaining a successful change involves sustaining the progress made towards the end goal. Research shows that only 30% of change initiatives are successful in the long run. To sustain change, employee buy-in is necessary. Employees are the ones who will implement the changes, so it’s essential to gain their support. The more employees believe in the change, the more likely they are to work towards its success.

To gain employee buy-in, communication is crucial. Leaders need to be transparent about the change and its benefits, and they should address any concerns employees may have. It’s also essential to create a sense of urgency around the change. If employees don’t see the need for the change, they won’t be motivated to support it. Finally, leaders need to involve employees in the change process. When employees feel like they have a say in the change, they’re more likely to support it.

Long-term sustainability of change involves continuous improvement. Leaders need to be aware that the change process is ongoing and that there will always be room for improvement. They should regularly assess the effectiveness of the change and make adjustments as necessary. Additionally, leaders should celebrate the successes of the change and acknowledge the employees who contributed to its success. By doing so, employees will feel valued, and their motivation to support the change will increase.

In conclusion, sustaining change requires employee buy-in and long-term sustainability. Leaders need to communicate effectively, create a sense of urgency, involve employees in the process, continuously improve, and acknowledge successes. By following these steps, leaders can increase the chances of a successful change initiative.

What Are Some Innovative Change Management Strategies That Can Be Included in a Change Management Strategy?

When creating a change management strategy, it’s essential to incorporate innovative change management strategies . This could include fostering a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging open communication and feedback, offering professional development opportunities, and using technology to streamline processes. Embracing these innovative methods can lead to smoother transitions and better outcomes.

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of this article on how to write a change management strategy. But before you close this page and move on to your next task, let me leave you with a final thought.

Change is like a river. It can be calm and peaceful at times, but other times it can be fast and furious, carving its way through whatever stands in its path.

A change management strategy is like a dam that helps control the flow of that river. It gives you the power to channel the energy of change in the direction you want it to go, rather than letting it run wild and cause chaos.

So, don’t be afraid of change. Embrace it and use it to your advantage. With the right strategy in place, you can navigate the waters of change and come out on the other side stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Remember, change is inevitable, but with a solid plan in place, you can make it work for you instead of against you. Good luck!

About the author

Change Strategists

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Managing and Leading Strategic Change

The various business industries available in the current market, largely focuses on the changes in their procedure of business conduction as the situation is changing in a frequent manner. The organizations are continuously changing their approach of dealing as they are subjected to an increased level of competition in the business market. The changes are visible in the form of business expansions, reformation in the organizational structure, task allocation and other major events relating to the employees (GU, 2014). The general point of these changes are generally progressive and at times they are situational as well. According to Kotey & Sorensen (2014), the organizations usually do not wish to conduct a change but the situations under which the organizations are operating force them to do so in order to survive in the industry. The employees of the organization do think these changes according to their consideration and usually, they do not get the reason behind those changes but this generates the existence of the leaders in the management (Cummings & Worley, 2014). According to Alvesson & Sveningsson (2015), the managerial position holders are the concerned people who are liable to communicate and manage the employees in order to make sure that the misunderstandings that are generated among the employees regarding the change gets minimized. The paper generally focuses on the issues that these managerial position holders are facing and also their assistance in the context of the leadership skills in reducing the concern of the organization. The general concept of leadership and the managerial functionality in terms of analysing the change in the organization is present in the form of various frameworks like 7 “S” model and 8 step model. The paper also focuses on the ability of the leaders in the organization to analyse these frameworks in order to properly assess the impact of the change on the organization and then act according to their analysis.

The chosen industry is the healthcare industry and the sector is the human resource management of the industry. The healthcare industry is a significantly essential part of the society and the entire society depends on the concerned industry in a significant manner. The lightest of the changes in the concerned industry get significantly high exposure and coverage as a large number of people relates to the industry. The human resource department is a major part of any organization as the concerned sector is able to conduct the entire process in a considerably smooth manner. The necessity of the human resource sector in the organization is widely recognized by the industry. The concerned sector is able to acknowledge the need for the changes and initiates the general process of adapting to the change. The organizations generally focus on the progressive and profitable business expansions and in order to do so the HRM section of the organization is the first part to calculate the efficiency and availability of the resources of the organization to match the requirement of the changes. The competitive world of the healthcare industry is forcing the organizations to change. The general demand in the concerned industry regarding the immense pressure of the patients is generating a significant amount of scope of business expansion for the organizations. The human resource management is the concerned sector to analyse the scope of the expansion with the availability of the assets of the organization. The changes that the organization considers regarding the business expansion in the section of workforce management has a significant amount of concern related to it and the factors like employee dissatisfaction, unavailability of skilled employees will be of major significance in the decision of change.

The organizational changes with a focus on business expansion generally relate to the factors like outsourcing or transfers of efficient employees in the new roles. The promotional policy helps the organization. But the additional pressure has a greater adverse impact on the workforce. The increased amount of work pressure will cause a significant amount of disturbances to the employees in performing in a productive manner. The agencies that are linked with the organization in order to provide manpower to the organization for the smooth conduction of the operations will not be pleased with the concept of outsourcing. But with the focus on the business expansion, the organization may need to follow the concept of the outsourcing in order to reduce the operating cost and that is significantly justified from the part of the organization as they are concerned with the profit for the organization. The issues like these need to be dealt with proper consideration of the matter. The internal dynamics of the organization will also be significantly affected by the change and the added point of introduction of the efficient employees in order to meet the high demand of the healthcare industry will also be a significant factor of the change that will be having its impact on the operations of the organization (Twarowska & K?kol, 2013).

As mentioned the general factors that affect the organizational change in case of the business expansion is generally the employee and the internal configuration of the organization, the management of the healthcare industry need to focus on this parts so that the primary concerns of the business expansion gets minimized. The outsourcing of the organizational assets is a genuine issue to work on for the management in order to implement the organizational change smoothly (Klimovets, 2015). As the business expansion is the main plan for the organization, so they need to focus on the smaller segments of the plan. The organization decides the mode of the change as the analysis of the change will dictate the method of adjustments that will be needed from the part of the different segments of the organization. The business expansion plan can be of continuous approach or it can differentiate from being continuous and the decision completely depends on the organizational decision makers. The change in the case of the healthcare industry business expansion can be termed as internal with a significant effect on the organization as the process of business conduction for the organization will be subjected to a major shift. The organizations in the healthcare industry which do not use the concept of outsourcing will be observed to feel the impact of it.

In order to cope up with the impact of the change in the organization, the managerial position holders need to make sure that they analyse the change in a proper manner. The management needs to manage and lead the organization through the period of the change. For that, the change analysis frameworks like 7?S” model and the 8 step model provides the added advantage and ease to the organizational decision makers. The above-mentioned models are generally used to analyse the effect of the change in an organization with a precise focus on the situation and the condition of the organization.

The 7 “S” framework is also a business tool for the organizational analysis which was developed by Robert H. Waterman and Tom Peters with an objective to analyse the condition of the organizations. The framework is able to analyse the organizational changes irrespective of their types may that be an organizational merger, restructuring, change of leadership or it may be new processes or systems into the organization. The model generally depends on the seven factors starting from Strategy, Systems, skills, shared values, structure, style to the staff of the given organization. The factors are generally divided into two division naming them to be soft “S” and hard “S” depending on the effect of them into the organizational analysis regarding the change. The segmentation of the hard and the soft “S” included Strategy, System, Structure and skills, staffs, shared values and style respectively (Ravanfar, 2015). For managing the process of the change and leading the organization in an effective manner, the 7 “S” model needs to utilized by the organization in identifying the sectors of the organization that are not aligned with the plan of expansion in the healthcare industry. The second step that needs to be followed is the determination of the design by the organization in order to manage the change and the continuous review of the mentioned aspects of the model needs to be there for effective leadership through the period of change.

As the organization is considered to be expanding, the purpose of the strategy section is to make sure the effective planning of the expansion so that the implementation of the plan becomes easy. With the knowledge of the strategy to manage the change, the organizations in the healthcare industry are expected to focus on the division of the activities and the integration of the divisions in order to follow the strategy (Hrebiniak, 2013). The mechanism for the effective coordination is to be created on this that the integration of the divisions is managed well. The structural elements of the organization need to analysed and measured with a focus on the effectiveness of the systems and the impact of the rewards and the allocation of the resources in order to manage the organization has significant importance as well (Bolman & Deal, 2017). The general effect of the business expansion plan on the staff is immense as the concept of outsourcing will pose significant difficulties to the organization which the organization needs to manage. The section staff will focus on the sector of the human resource department and their performances in order to manage the change (Fullan, 2014).

The skills in the case of the healthcare industry are significantly important as the concerned trade is highly service oriented and being an emergency service the industry or the organization cannot afford to make mistakes (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). The quality of the employees and the educational qualifications of the concerned employees is a major point of attention for the organization. The organization needs to introduce effective plans for the training of the new employees as they will be inducted in the service of the industry. The style segment of the model generally specifies the process of the change in the pattern of the behaviour of the key figures in the organization in order to manage the change. The shared values of the organization are generally is the description of the rules and regulations or the norms of the organization or the expected standards of the employees of the organization in which they are required to operate to provide the scope to the organization in managing the change (Beck & Cowan, 2014).

The 8 step model for leading the organizational change is also a significantly important tool for the organization as that enables the organization with the scope of effective planning in the case of managing the organization. The 8 steps of the concerned model are the creation of the sense of urgency, creation of a guiding coalition, the creation of a vision aiming a change, communicate the vision, remove the barriers, the creation of the short-term wins, consolidation of the improvements and anchor the changes (Auguste, 2013). John Kotter’s prescribed steps for the effective leading of the change enables the managerial position holders of the healthcare industry to create a sense of emergency among the parts of the organization. The organizations need to create an atmosphere where the participating individuals know the importance of the change and the reason behind the change (Pollack & Pollack, 2015). The opportunity to serve a larger number of people with their service and the scope of the business expansion for a given organization in the concerned industry will be able to trigger the organizational decision makers in the creation of the urgency among the various sectors of the organization so that it performs to implement the plan of expansion in the desired manner. The leaders of the organization need to aware the individuals about the existing problems or the probable scope for the change. The human resource management needs to compose effective communication with every part of the industry in order to reduce the difficulties relating to the change.

According to a study by Hornstein (2015), the managerial decision makers of the organizations need to form constructive coalitions in order to monitor the entire organizations’ adaptability to the change. The coalition is to be made by the participation of a range of skills and people with the significant amount of experiences along with the employees from different areas of the organization. The coalition will increase the effectiveness in leading the change and will be of immense significance in expressing the messages throughout the organization so that the employees be able to produce maximum support to the organization (Sarayreh, Khudair & Barakat, 2013). The organization must introduce their vision for the change to the different parts of the organization. An easy to understand vision from the organization will enable the lower level employees of the health care industry to get the vision in a more effective manner which will be benefitting for the organization as the efficiency of the employees will be increased in managing the changes (Small et al., 2016).

The above mentioned four steps are generally very crucial as they are the concerned topics for strengthening the change initiatives but the formation of this is not the all that the organizations need. With the formations of the initiatives, the successful application of the initiative is also desired and in that case the next topic that needs to be checked is the probable barriers and their removal. The successful implementation of the change initiative will generally become much smoother with the effective removal of the barriers which are posing significant difficulty in the implementation process (Mishra, 2013). The general issue with the business expansion and the introduction of new employees in the system will be the insecurity of the job of the current employees and a possible conflict in the operating process of the two segments. These barriers are to be assessed by the HRM section of the organization and they need to step forward in order to make sure that the chance of rising of conflict between the junior and the senior employees does not continue. These will eliminate any sort of intentional resistance from the parts of the employees in order to block the process of change and will enable those employees to see what is needed for the betterment of the organization.

The process of rewarding and acknowledging the people who made the life easier for the leaders in order to lead the change will also be instrumental under the mentioned circumstances (Matos Marques Simoes & Esposito, 2014). The business expansion for many critics of the change is to be implemented with a completely new model of the existing process where the organizations are believed to think of starting from the scratch with every aspect of their operations may that be the manpower or the construction.

But in leading these sort of expensive parts of the changes, the leaders will feel significant trouble and that is the reason why creating and implementing the short-term goals is highly necessary (McAlearney et al., 2015). The healthcare industry with the plan of expansion in new regions must consider the concept of outsourcing so that these preliminary issues do not make an immense impact on the plan. The preliminary troubles are not only limited to one or two issues and with the win of those issues, there lies the scope for improvement. The short-term wins are needed to be analysed thoroughly in order to find the scope of improvement and integrate these wins to form the ultimate change. Segmentation in order to achieve crucial objectives is significantly needed with the proper assessment of the goals, in order to build momentum for achieving the ultimate aim (Chappell et al., 2016). The essential inputs and leading during the change with the probable success story relating to the business expansion are to be communicated from the part of the leaders. The recognition of the key members of the coalition in the organization and the publication of their contribution should be made from the part of the leaders.

The healthcare organizations in managing the plan of expansion, need to incorporate a transformational leadership where the skills of the leader will be able to overcome the above mentioned issues, faced in managing the change. The skills of a transformational leader will significantly help the organization as the leadership attributes of a transformational leader suit the organization most in managing an organizational change. The situation of an organization during the change needs to idealize the perfect example and in that context the organizational leadership is significantly crucial. The characteristics of the transformational leader in inspiring the entire workforce by his or her enthusiasm and charisma will critical in achieving the change smoothly (McKnight, 2013). The leaders of the organization in this case need to put a strong emphasis on the values, morals and needs of the employees of the organization in this case as the people associated with the change will perform more smoothly if their requirements are met by the organization.

In the plan of the expansion, the organizational leaders must provide the employees with the sufficient amount of basic facilities which enable them to fit themselves in the change process in a convenient manner. The leader must follow a proactive approach in leading the change as the environment of the organization under the change will be turbulent and the proactive follow up from the leader will provide significant calmness around the organization (Choudhary, Akhtar & Zaheer, 2013). The style of the leadership in this case will be charismatic as the presence and impact of the leader are believed to affect and inspire the employees in a significant manner. According to McCleskey (2014), the leaders in managing the change, must concentrate on the formation of the coalitions and they believe in inspiring the employees according to their group goals. The group objectives are advised to be thought as the ultimate priority by the leaders in leading a change.

On a concluding note, it can be said that the organizations will be subjected to significant turbulence during the change process but the proactive leadership with the suitable skills from the part of the leader will enable the organization to overcome the general issue of the organizational change. The leadership in the case of managing the change is significantly important as it must motivate the employees in order to overcome the preliminary adverse impact of the change.

References: Alvesson, M., & Sveningsson, S. (2015). Changing organizational culture: Cultural change work in progress. Routledge.

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Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.

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Small, A., Gist, D., Souza, D., Dalton, J., Magny-Normilus, C., & David, D. (2016). Using Kotter’s Change Model for Implementing Bedside Handoff: A Quality Improvement Project. Journal of nursing care quality, 31(4), 304-309.

Twarowska, K., & K?kol, M. (2013). International Business Strategy-reasons and forms of expansion into foreign markets. Poland: Maria Curie-Sk?odowska University, 55.


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Strategic Management Assignment Sample

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Strategic Management Assignment Help This is an era of globalization and cut throat market competition. It becomes of paramount importance for organizations to use their resources strategically so that they can meet their predefined goals by maximizing their internal strengths and stay afloat in the market. The process adopted by organizations to achieve this is known as strategic management. Strategic management is a vast area which includes proper planning in advance, creating a schedule of each and every task, monitoring the whole process and once all the tasks completed analyzing if the idea is working or not by comparing previous results with current performance. We, at Best Assignment Experts, provide strategic management assignment help for students to help them gain significant knowledge from our top experts who have vast theoretical knowledge as well as practical business experience. We help students to write their strategic management assignment in a structured manner which is explained below –  Problem – Any strategic management assignment will definitely have a problem which you will be trying to solve with your managerial skills and knowledge. In this section, you will be defining the problem which you are aiming to solve. You will need to explain the problem to the readers so that they are aware of the situation.  Solution – Our experts will help you to define an approach which you will be used to provide a solution for the mentioned problem. You will need to explain the method you will be using to effectively answer the question. Experts will help you to research and try to ascertain how this problem was solved effectively previously and if they are of any help in your situation.  Analytics – It is very important to provide an analytical approach in your assignment as you will be talking about huge data. You need to talk about every aspect in detail as just scratching the surface wouldn’t be sufficient for strategic management assignment.  Assumptions – Since you will be discussing the future goals of an organization, you will be making assumptions based on your market study and analysis of the current situation. Our experts will help you to come to an assumption which will work for the organization. Their years of experience will come in handy for you to state estimates and goals in your assumption.  Creativity – More often than not people assume that there is no place for creativity in academic writing. This is completely wrong as creativity in any field will work positively for you. Our top experts always suggest following a structure for writing strategic management assignments with scope for creativity. This will not only keep readers interested but will also show your enthusiasm towards solving a problem. Our strategic management assignment help follows a structure so that you will be able to express your thoughts and findings in a manner which will definitely work for your institution/professor. We offer 24x7 help for students so that they don’t feel the pressure of working on such a serious assignment all by themselves. We take special care of quality for your assignment with plagiarism free work and we abide by the university rules.

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Ousseynou Ndoye

"This paper makes a commodity-chain analysis on the capture and trade of the African grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus) from Lobeke National Park area in the East Province of Cameroon. The African grey parrot has been noted as one of man's friendliest pets with popularity attributed to its intelligence, cognitive, communicative and extraordinary mimetic abilities. Worldwide, the African Grey Parrot is the third most commonly traded wild bird species. Being a CITES' Appendix II species, Cameroon's export quota of 12000 African grey parrots is worth some US$ 12 million in European markets. The Lobeke National Park area supplies 80% of the birds with seven stakeholders involved in the commodity-chain. These stakeholders earn differential amounts with total annual gross revenue. The trappers, government and licensees get just 0.1-0.18%, 1.6% and 0.6- 0.8% respectively of what the importers get. These statistics are indicative that very small proportion of the money gener...

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Building resilience to extreme events is very complex. It involves consideration of climatic and non-climatic factors, human and natural environments and their dynamics, and governance systems that include groups with wide-ranging authorities, influence and interests. In this article, we analyse the effects of the latest multi-year drought (2011–2016) in agricultural production in California; impacts on food security; and coping responses of several actors. We found that despite the drought and water shortages, California continued to be the leading state for fruit and tree nuts and that it did not affect food security. We also found that these results were strongly influenced by the numerous policy, regulatory, institutional, and management decisions taken at the local, state and federal levels, as well as to availability of groundwater, the primary drought reserve. The California case can be considered an example for the rest of the country, and the world, that extreme events require extraordinary preparedness and response measures just to cope with them, not to mention adapting to them, and that building resilience is a long-term process.

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  • Guidelines and Guidance Library
  • Core Practices
  • Isolation Precautions Guideline
  • Disinfection and Sterilization Guideline
  • Environmental Infection Control Guidelines
  • Hand Hygiene Guidelines
  • Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDRO) Management Guidelines
  • Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) Prevention Guideline
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Infection Control Basics

  • Infection control prevents or stops the spread of infections in healthcare settings.
  • Healthcare workers can reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections and protect themselves, patients and visitors by following CDC guidelines.

Germs are a part of everyday life. Germs live in our air, soil, water and in and on our bodies. Some germs are helpful, others are harmful.

An infection occurs when germs enter the body, increase in number and the body reacts. Only a small portion of germs can cause infection.

Terms to know

  • Sources : places where infectious agents (germs) live (e.g., sinks, surfaces, human skin). Sources are also called reservoirs.
  • Susceptible person: someone who is not vaccinated or otherwise immune. For example, a person with a weakened immune system who has a way for the germs to enter the body.
  • Transmission: a way germs move to the susceptible person. Germs depend on people, the environment and/or medical equipment to move in healthcare settings. Transmission is also called a pathway.
  • Colonization: when someone has germs on or in their body but does not have symptoms of an infection. Colonized people can still transmit the germs they carry.

For an infection to occur, germs must transmit to a person from a source, enter their body, invade tissues, multiply and cause a reaction.

How it works in healthcare settings

Sources can be:.

  • People such as patients, healthcare workers and visitors.
  • Dry surfaces in patient care areas such as bed rails, medical equipment, countertops and tables).
  • Wet surfaces, moist environments and biofilms (collections of microorganisms that stick to each other and surfaces in moist environments, like the insides of pipes).
  • Cooling towers, faucets and sinks, and equipment such as ventilators.
  • Indwelling medical devices such as catheters and IV lines.
  • Dust or decaying debris such as construction dust or wet materials from water leaks.

Transmission can happen through activities such as:

  • Physical contact, like when a healthcare provider touches medical equipment that has germs on it and then touches a patient before cleaning their hands.
  • Sprays and splashes when an infected person coughs or sneezes. This creates droplets containing the germs, and the droplets land on a person's eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Inhalation when infected patients cough or talk, or construction zones kick up dirt and dust containing germs, which another person breathes in.
  • Sharps injuries such as when someone is accidentally stuck with a used needle.

A person can become more susceptible to infection when:

  • They have underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer or organ transplantation. These can decrease the immune system's ability to fight infection.
  • They take medications such as antibiotics, steroids and certain cancer fighting medications. These can decrease the body's ability to fight infection.
  • They receive treatments or procedures such as urinary catheters, tubes and surgery, which can provide additional ways for germs to enter the body.


Healthcare providers.

Healthcare providers can perform basic infection prevention measures to prevent infection.

There are 2 tiers of recommended precautions to prevent the spread of infections in healthcare settings:

  • Standard Precautions , used for all patient care.
  • Transmission-based Precautions , used for patients who may be infected or colonized with certain germs.

There are also transmission- and germ-specific guidelines providers can follow to prevent transmission and healthcare-associated infections from happening.

Learn more about how to protect yourself from infections in healthcare settings.

For healthcare providers and settings

  • Project Firstline : infection control education for all frontline healthcare workers.
  • Infection prevention, control and response resources for outbreak investigations, the infection control assessment and response (ICAR) tool and more.
  • Infection control specifically for surfaces and water management programs in healthcare settings.
  • Preventing multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs).

Infection Control

CDC provides information on infection control and clinical safety to help reduce the risk of infections among healthcare workers, patients, and visitors.

For Everyone

Health care providers, public health.

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Managing and Leading Strategic Change

The various business industries available in the current market, largely focuses on the changes in their procedure of business conduction as the situation is changing in a frequent manner. The organizations are continuously changing their approach of dealing as they are subjected to an increased level of competition in the business market. The changes are visible in the form of business expansions, reformation in the organizational structure, task allocation and other major events relating to the employees (GU, 2014). The general point of these changes are generally progressive and at times they are situational as well. According to Kotey & Sorensen (2014), the organizations usually do not wish to conduct a change but the situations under which the organizations are operating force them to do so in order to survive in the industry. The employees of the organization do think these changes according to their consideration and usually, they do not get the reason behind those changes but this generates the existence of the leaders in the management (Cummings & Worley, 2014). According to Alvesson & Sveningsson (2015), the managerial position holders are the concerned people who are liable to communicate and manage the employees in order to make sure that the misunderstandings that are generated among the employees regarding the change gets minimized. The paper generally focuses on the issues that these managerial position holders are facing and also their assistance in the context of the leadership skills in reducing the concern of the organization. The general concept of leadership and the managerial functionality in terms of analysing the change in the organization is present in the form of various frameworks like 7 “S” model and 8 step model. The paper also focuses on the ability of the leaders in the organization to analyse these frameworks in order to properly assess the impact of the change on the organization and then act according to their analysis.

The chosen industry is the healthcare industry and the sector is the human resource management of the industry. The healthcare industry is a significantly essential part of the society and the entire society depends on the concerned industry in a significant manner. The lightest of the changes in the concerned industry get significantly high exposure and coverage as a large number of people relates to the industry. The human resource department is a major part of any organization as the concerned sector is able to conduct the entire process in a considerably smooth manner. The necessity of the human resource sector in the organization is widely recognized by the industry. The concerned sector is able to acknowledge the need for the changes and initiates the general process of adapting to the change. The organizations generally focus on the progressive and profitable business expansions and in order to do so the HRM section of the organization is the first part to calculate the efficiency and availability of the resources of the organization to match the requirement of the changes. The competitive world of the healthcare industry is forcing the organizations to change. The general demand in the concerned industry regarding the immense pressure of the patients is generating a significant amount of scope of business expansion for the organizations. The human resource management is the concerned sector to analyse the scope of the expansion with the availability of the assets of the organization. The changes that the organization considers regarding the business expansion in the section of workforce management has a significant amount of concern related to it and the factors like employee dissatisfaction, unavailability of skilled employees will be of major significance in the decision of change.

The organizational changes with a focus on business expansion generally relate to the factors like outsourcing or transfers of efficient employees in the new roles. The promotional policy helps the organization. But the additional pressure has a greater adverse impact on the workforce. The increased amount of work pressure will cause a significant amount of disturbances to the employees in performing in a productive manner. The agencies that are linked with the organization in order to provide manpower to the organization for the smooth conduction of the operations will not be pleased with the concept of outsourcing. But with the focus on the business expansion, the organization may need to follow the concept of the outsourcing in order to reduce the operating cost and that is significantly justified from the part of the organization as they are concerned with the profit for the organization. The issues like these need to be dealt with proper consideration of the matter. The internal dynamics of the organization will also be significantly affected by the change and the added point of introduction of the efficient employees in order to meet the high demand of the healthcare industry will also be a significant factor of the change that will be having its impact on the operations of the organization (Twarowska & K?kol, 2013).

As mentioned the general factors that affect the organizational change in case of the business expansion is generally the employee and the internal configuration of the organization, the management of the healthcare industry need to focus on this parts so that the primary concerns of the business expansion gets minimized. The outsourcing of the organizational assets is a genuine issue to work on for the management in order to implement the organizational change smoothly (Klimovets, 2015). As the business expansion is the main plan for the organization, so they need to focus on the smaller segments of the plan. The organization decides the mode of the change as the analysis of the change will dictate the method of adjustments that will be needed from the part of the different segments of the organization. The business expansion plan can be of continuous approach or it can differentiate from being continuous and the decision completely depends on the organizational decision makers. The change in the case of the healthcare industry business expansion can be termed as internal with a significant effect on the organization as the process of business conduction for the organization will be subjected to a major shift. The organizations in the healthcare industry which do not use the concept of outsourcing will be observed to feel the impact of it.

In order to cope up with the impact of the change in the organization, the managerial position holders need to make sure that they analyse the change in a proper manner. The management needs to manage and lead the organization through the period of the change. For that, the change analysis frameworks like 7?S” model and the 8 step model provides the added advantage and ease to the organizational decision makers. The above-mentioned models are generally used to analyse the effect of the change in an organization with a precise focus on the situation and the condition of the organization.

The 7 “S” framework is also a business tool for the organizational analysis which was developed by Robert H. Waterman and Tom Peters with an objective to analyse the condition of the organizations. The framework is able to analyse the organizational changes irrespective of their types may that be an organizational merger, restructuring, change of leadership or it may be new processes or systems into the organization. The model generally depends on the seven factors starting from Strategy, Systems, skills, shared values, structure, style to the staff of the given organization. The factors are generally divided into two division naming them to be soft “S” and hard “S” depending on the effect of them into the organizational analysis regarding the change. The segmentation of the hard and the soft “S” included Strategy, System, Structure and skills, staffs, shared values and style respectively (Ravanfar, 2015). For managing the process of the change and leading the organization in an effective manner, the 7 “S” model needs to utilized by the organization in identifying the sectors of the organization that are not aligned with the plan of expansion in the healthcare industry. The second step that needs to be followed is the determination of the design by the organization in order to manage the change and the continuous review of the mentioned aspects of the model needs to be there for effective leadership through the period of change.

As the organization is considered to be expanding, the purpose of the strategy section is to make sure the effective planning of the expansion so that the implementation of the plan becomes easy. With the knowledge of the strategy to manage the change, the organizations in the healthcare industry are expected to focus on the division of the activities and the integration of the divisions in order to follow the strategy (Hrebiniak, 2013). The mechanism for the effective coordination is to be created on this that the integration of the divisions is managed well. The structural elements of the organization need to analysed and measured with a focus on the effectiveness of the systems and the impact of the rewards and the allocation of the resources in order to manage the organization has significant importance as well (Bolman & Deal, 2017). The general effect of the business expansion plan on the staff is immense as the concept of outsourcing will pose significant difficulties to the organization which the organization needs to manage. The section staff will focus on the sector of the human resource department and their performances in order to manage the change (Fullan, 2014).

The skills in the case of the healthcare industry are significantly important as the concerned trade is highly service oriented and being an emergency service the industry or the organization cannot afford to make mistakes (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). The quality of the employees and the educational qualifications of the concerned employees is a major point of attention for the organization. The organization needs to introduce effective plans for the training of the new employees as they will be inducted in the service of the industry. The style segment of the model generally specifies the process of the change in the pattern of the behaviour of the key figures in the organization in order to manage the change. The shared values of the organization are generally is the description of the rules and regulations or the norms of the organization or the expected standards of the employees of the organization in which they are required to operate to provide the scope to the organization in managing the change (Beck & Cowan, 2014).

The 8 step model for leading the organizational change is also a significantly important tool for the organization as that enables the organization with the scope of effective planning in the case of managing the organization. The 8 steps of the concerned model are the creation of the sense of urgency, creation of a guiding coalition, the creation of a vision aiming a change, communicate the vision, remove the barriers, the creation of the short-term wins, consolidation of the improvements and anchor the changes (Auguste, 2013). John Kotter’s prescribed steps for the effective leading of the change enables the managerial position holders of the healthcare industry to create a sense of emergency among the parts of the organization. The organizations need to create an atmosphere where the participating individuals know the importance of the change and the reason behind the change (Pollack & Pollack, 2015). The opportunity to serve a larger number of people with their service and the scope of the business expansion for a given organization in the concerned industry will be able to trigger the organizational decision makers in the creation of the urgency among the various sectors of the organization so that it performs to implement the plan of expansion in the desired manner. The leaders of the organization need to aware the individuals about the existing problems or the probable scope for the change. The human resource management needs to compose effective communication with every part of the industry in order to reduce the difficulties relating to the change.

According to a study by Hornstein (2015), the managerial decision makers of the organizations need to form constructive coalitions in order to monitor the entire organizations’ adaptability to the change. The coalition is to be made by the participation of a range of skills and people with the significant amount of experiences along with the employees from different areas of the organization. The coalition will increase the effectiveness in leading the change and will be of immense significance in expressing the messages throughout the organization so that the employees be able to produce maximum support to the organization (Sarayreh, Khudair & Barakat, 2013). The organization must introduce their vision for the change to the different parts of the organization. An easy to understand vision from the organization will enable the lower level employees of the health care industry to get the vision in a more effective manner which will be benefitting for the organization as the efficiency of the employees will be increased in managing the changes (Small et al., 2016).

The above mentioned four steps are generally very crucial as they are the concerned topics for strengthening the change initiatives but the formation of this is not the all that the organizations need. With the formations of the initiatives, the successful application of the initiative is also desired and in that case the next topic that needs to be checked is the probable barriers and their removal. The successful implementation of the change initiative will generally become much smoother with the effective removal of the barriers which are posing significant difficulty in the implementation process (Mishra, 2013). The general issue with the business expansion and the introduction of new employees in the system will be the insecurity of the job of the current employees and a possible conflict in the operating process of the two segments. These barriers are to be assessed by the HRM section of the organization and they need to step forward in order to make sure that the chance of rising of conflict between the junior and the senior employees does not continue. These will eliminate any sort of intentional resistance from the parts of the employees in order to block the process of change and will enable those employees to see what is needed for the betterment of the organization.

The process of rewarding and acknowledging the people who made the life easier for the leaders in order to lead the change will also be instrumental under the mentioned circumstances (Matos Marques Simoes & Esposito, 2014). The business expansion for many critics of the change is to be implemented with a completely new model of the existing process where the organizations are believed to think of starting from the scratch with every aspect of their operations may that be the manpower or the construction.

But in leading these sort of expensive parts of the changes, the leaders will feel significant trouble and that is the reason why creating and implementing the short-term goals is highly necessary (McAlearney et al., 2015). The healthcare industry with the plan of expansion in new regions must consider the concept of outsourcing so that these preliminary issues do not make an immense impact on the plan. The preliminary troubles are not only limited to one or two issues and with the win of those issues, there lies the scope for improvement. The short-term wins are needed to be analysed thoroughly in order to find the scope of improvement and integrate these wins to form the ultimate change. Segmentation in order to achieve crucial objectives is significantly needed with the proper assessment of the goals, in order to build momentum for achieving the ultimate aim (Chappell et al., 2016). The essential inputs and leading during the change with the probable success story relating to the business expansion are to be communicated from the part of the leaders. The recognition of the key members of the coalition in the organization and the publication of their contribution should be made from the part of the leaders.

The healthcare organizations in managing the plan of expansion, need to incorporate a transformational leadership where the skills of the leader will be able to overcome the above mentioned issues, faced in managing the change. The skills of a transformational leader will significantly help the organization as the leadership attributes of a transformational leader suit the organization most in managing an organizational change. The situation of an organization during the change needs to idealize the perfect example and in that context the organizational leadership is significantly crucial. The characteristics of the transformational leader in inspiring the entire workforce by his or her enthusiasm and charisma will critical in achieving the change smoothly (McKnight, 2013). The leaders of the organization in this case need to put a strong emphasis on the values, morals and needs of the employees of the organization in this case as the people associated with the change will perform more smoothly if their requirements are met by the organization.

In the plan of the expansion, the organizational leaders must provide the employees with the sufficient amount of basic facilities which enable them to fit themselves in the change process in a convenient manner. The leader must follow a proactive approach in leading the change as the environment of the organization under the change will be turbulent and the proactive follow up from the leader will provide significant calmness around the organization (Choudhary, Akhtar & Zaheer, 2013). The style of the leadership in this case will be charismatic as the presence and impact of the leader are believed to affect and inspire the employees in a significant manner. According to McCleskey (2014), the leaders in managing the change, must concentrate on the formation of the coalitions and they believe in inspiring the employees according to their group goals. The group objectives are advised to be thought as the ultimate priority by the leaders in leading a change.

On a concluding note, it can be said that the organizations will be subjected to significant turbulence during the change process but the proactive leadership with the suitable skills from the part of the leader will enable the organization to overcome the general issue of the organizational change. The leadership in the case of managing the change is significantly important as it must motivate the employees in order to overcome the preliminary adverse impact of the change.

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