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Mathematics Personal Statement Guide

Your Personal Statement plays a crucial role in your mathematics university application , as i t’s the first chance you have to introduce yourself as an individual to the admissions tutors .

Y ou can demonstrate your passion to study maths, show the contribution you would make to the cohort, and prove that you have the abilities and motivation to receive an offer.   

A lot of applicants struggle to write personal statements. It’s difficult to balance writing about academic interests with personal achievements, keep everything relevant to the maths courses you’re applying to, and fit it all within just over one A4 page of text.   

To help you get on the right track, our Personal Statement Guide takes you through everything you need to know to create a great maths personal statement :  

  • Why are Personal Statements Important?
  • What Should I Include in a Mathematics Personal Statement?  
  • What Should I Avoid in a Mathematics Personal Statement?  

Advice on How to Start a Mathematics Personal Statement  

Advice on how to finish a mathematics personal statement  .

bristol maths personal statement

Why are Personal Statements Important?  

The personal statement is a written piece that you submit as part of your UCAS application. You write and submit one statement that is sent to all of your university choices, and it must fit within either 4,000 characters or 47 lines in the UCAS form (whichever limit you reach first).   

The personal statement gives Admissions Tutors a feeling of who you are as a potential student. It gives a personality to the rest of your application and helps universities decide between applicants with very similar qualifications , based on who they think is best suited to the course.   

As an applicant, you have to check certain boxes in your personal statement. You have to prove that: you have the skills to succeed on the course, you are academically curious about mathematics , and you are motivated and passionate about studying mathematics at a high level .    

This means that a successful mathematics personal statement needs to be unique, interesting, and packed full of specific interests that you have within the field of maths. If you’re applying to Oxbridge or other top-level universities, you especially need to make sure the statement is focused on your academic interests and only includes maths-relevant achievements.   


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What Should I Include in a Mathematics Personal Statement ?  

A mathematics personal statement needs to cover your passion for studying maths, your academic achievements and experiences relating to maths, and your specific interests or evidence of research you’ve done within the field of math ematics.   

Passion for Studying Maths 

You need to demonstrate your passion and motivation without being general or telling a long story.   

Begin by thinking about why you decided you wanted to study maths? Perhaps you’ve always loved working with numbers, maybe you want to use maths to solve engineering or mechanical problems, or maybe you find beauty in the logic and process of pure maths proofs?   

Whatever the reason may be, it should be unique to you and a genuine reflection of why you love maths. 

Academic achievements and experiences  

You should think about what you are proud of having completed in your mathematics career so far. This could be ‘proper’ achievements like winning a maths competition or receiving a school prize, or it could be more personal, like persevering at solving a difficult problem.   

When it comes to experiences, this could be anything provided you can link it to maths (either directly or indirectly). Think about transferable skills here; for example, undertaking a law internship could be relevant if it involved lots of data handling and statistical work, as well as analytical and critical thinking.   

Specific interests and evidence of research  

The point of this element is to show that you have thought about maths beyond the classroom.   

You could discuss interesting academic books you have read, relevant news stories that relate to or involve maths, or multimedia sources like documentaries, films, or TV programmes that in some way relate to or have inspired you to pursue mathematics.   

Rather than producing a list of sources, you should pick some key examples and discuss them in depth: get to the heart of the mathematic principles involved, and engage with them on a personal level. Not only will this make for a good personal statement, but it will also help prepare you for Oxbridge interviews .

bristol maths personal statement

What Should I Avoid in a Mathematics Personal Statement ?  

Do not be wishy-washy with your statements . Rather than saying that you have always loved maths, perhaps explain how numbers or equations fit into your world view; rather than saying you like a particular mathematician, discuss their specific contributions and how they have inspired your maths journey.   

Being specific and digging down into the academic side of maths is what is really going to impress admissions tutors.   

Avoid cliched statements like the plague . Even though you are passionate about maths, don’t state “I am passionate about maths”; find a less cliched way to say it instead.   

Your statement might require several drafts to ensure the language is interesting yet accurate, but it’s worth it: if you came up with something in a minute, then it’s likely so did lots of other applicants.  

Don’t be tempted to mention personal achievements that are not related or involve transferable skills relevant to maths. We understand that it’s tempting to include details of your Judo black belt, your gold Duke of Edinburgh award, or your prize for best history essay, but unless you can clearly argue its relevance to studying mathematics, then it won’t impress the tutors.

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There are a thousand different ways that you can begin a personal statement, which often makes it the most difficult part of the process.   

There’s one one-size-fits-all answer to this: some applicants begin with a quote from a mathematician that has inspired them, others start by discussing what inspired them to pursue maths at university, whilst others jump straight into a discipline that they find most interesting.   

The opening of the statement sets the tone for the entire personal statement , so it’s crucial that it’s in your own words and reflects your own personality; admissions tutors will be able to tell if it’s someone else’s words! If you’re struggling to find an opener, we recommend drafting the rest of the personal statement before coming back to write the introduction.   

This can help you have a better idea of what opening will best set the groundwork for the rest of the statement body.   

Knowing how to close out a personal statement can be just as difficult as beginning one. The final paragraph of your personal statement should round up the statement and summarise your dedication to maths and your academic interest.   

Like the opening, the final section of your personal statement will likely need a good few rewrites, so don’t feel disheartened if you haven’t captured it perfectly first time round.   

  • What are some Tips for Writing a Strong Mathematics Personal Statement?
  • How Long Should my Mathematics Personal Statement Be?
  • What Kind of Extracurricular Activities Should I Include in my Mathematics Personal Statement?
  • How Can I Tailor my Mathematics Personal Statement to the Oxford/Cambridge Course?

Getting started is one of the trickiest parts of the personal statement process. We recommend making a big list of everything you have done or are interested in to help focus your mind.   

Just because STEM subjects like maths seem less creative than other subjects, it doesn’t mean that your inspiration has to be stale. Prehaps try:  

  • Watching films about maths or mathematics (the most famous examples are Good Will Hunting, Moneyball, and A Beautiful Mind ) to get you in the right frame of mind  
  • Getting into a podcast about maths (Oxford University has one called The Secret of Mathematics )  
  • Reading some accessible maths books (such as Humble Pi: A Comedy of Maths Errors by Matt Parker or The Simpsons and their Mathematical Secrets by Simon Singh)  

Remember to Keep note of the things you read, watch, and experience that inspire you as you do them; this will help make writing the statement easier.  

UCAS has strict limits for all personal statements: 4,000 characters or 47 lines on the UCAS form (whichever limit is reached first). This is roughly one to two sides of typed A4.   

This may feel like a lot of space, but once you get going you’ll realise that it’s not! We recommend using up the majority if not all the space given to you so that you give admissions tutors the best possible idea of who you are as a maths student.   

It can be difficult to decide what you should or shouldn’t include in a maths personal statement.   

As a general rule, if you include something, you must be able to relate it to maths – either through its content or through transferrable skills.   

For example, if you spent time working as a maths tutor or competed in maths competitions, then clearly these are relevant. However, the link you find can be more creative than this: perhaps you have studied multiple languages which exercises your skills at pattern-spotting, or maybe you have won a critical thinking essay competition which demonstrates your problem-solving skills?   

The key is to think outside of the box, and for every activity you mention, clearly state how it links to important maths-related skills.   

Tailoring a personal statement to any one course is difficult, since the same statement is sent by UCAS to all of your university choices (of which you have up to five). This means that you should not directly mention the specifics of any one course, since it signals to other universities that you are not considering their course as your main option.   

Instead, we recommend targeting Oxbridge through the style of your statement: keep it tight to the academic study of maths and demonstrate your analytical skills.   

Showing that you’ve researched maths outside of school to a high level, and leaving out any personal interests that don’t relate to maths, is a good way to keep Oxbridge tutors interested.

Book your Mathematics Personal Statement Package

You can contact our Oxbridge-graduate Consultants on +44 (0) 20 7499 2394 or email [email protected] to discuss our personal statement packages.  

If you’d like to know more about Mathematics, we have admissions test guidance and interview preparation readily available.  

Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

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Mathematics Personal Statement Examples

Hopefully, these examples of Mathematics Personal Statements will help you create a unique statement for your UCAS application . 

I have always been fascinated by the world of mathematics and its ability to explain and understand complex phenomena in the world around us. From a young age, I have been drawn to the beauty and elegance of mathematical concepts and their ability to provide answers to some of the most challenging questions we face.

At school, I have excelled in mathematics, consistently achieving top grades in my exams and regularly participating in extra-curricular math competitions. I have particularly enjoyed studying topics such as calculus, algebra, and geometry, and I have found that my natural aptitude for problem-solving has allowed me to excel in these areas.

In addition to my passion for mathematics, I have also developed a strong interest in computer science. I have taught myself several programming languages and have enjoyed using these skills to create my computer programmes and simulations. I believe that the combination of my mathematical knowledge and computer programming skills would make me an ideal candidate for a degree in mathematical sciences.

As a university student, I am eager to continue exploring the fascinating world of mathematics and to push myself to the limits of my abilities. I am confident that a degree in mathematical sciences would provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in this exciting and rewarding field.

I am applying to your university because I believe that it offers an outstanding programme in mathematical sciences, with a strong emphasis on both theoretical and practical applications. I am particularly impressed by the diverse range of research opportunities available, and I am eager to participate in cutting-edge research projects that will challenge and inspire me.

As a student with a passion for mathematics, I am excited at the prospect of studying at such a prestigious institution and I am confident that your programme would provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in this field.

At school, I have consistently achieved top grades in my mathematics exams, and I have regularly participated in extra-curricular math competitions. I have a particular interest in topics such as calculus, algebra, and geometry, and I have found that my natural aptitude for problem-solving has allowed me to excel in these areas.

In addition to my passion for mathematics, I have also developed an interest in computer science. I have taught myself several programming languages and have enjoyed using these skills to create my computer programmes and simulations. I believe that the combination of my mathematical knowledge and computer programming skills would make me an ideal candidate for your degree programme.

As a university student, I am eager to continue exploring the fascinating world of mathematics and to push myself to the limits of my abilities. I am confident that a degree from the University of Cambridge would provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in this exciting and rewarding field.

I am particularly impressed by the wide range of research opportunities available at your university, and I am eager to participate in cutting-edge research projects that will challenge and inspire me. I am also excited by the opportunity to study at such a historic and prestigious institution, and I believe that the intellectual environment at Cambridge would be the perfect place for me to grow and develop as a student.

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Successful Personal Statement For Cambridge Mathematics And Physics

Last Updated: 6th April 2022

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Mathematics and Physics applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Cambridge University. The Mathematics and Physics Course at Cambridge offers the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects: everything from abstract logic to black holes.

Read on to see how this strong Personal Statement addresses both maths and physics to showcase a high level of their ability. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:


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Mathematics And Physics Personal Statement

Since childhood, I’ve always loved complex puzzles, logical problems and challenges. Later on I discovered mathematics and physics which offered a lot of interesting problems and I enjoyed spending time on them. I loved the fact that real-life events, such as throwing a ball, could be described by a virtual language created by humans. However the most impressive fact for me was when I discovered that mathematicians and physicists can predict events just by solving equations. That’s is when I decided that maths and physics are what I want to do in life to contribute to the world.

Even though my passion in mathematics started very early, I have struggled to get to where I am now. When I got into Bratislava’s best gymnasium in mathematics I found myself at a position I had never been before. That was the first time I wasn’t the best in mathematics in our class, in fact I was one of the weaker students in this field. However over time I made my way to the top, but I still couldn’t surpass my classmates. When I got to the 5th grade, I realized why I didn’t succeed. That year we got a new mathematics teacher and she opened my eyes and showed me the beauty of maths. The most important thing that happened that year however was when I won the regional mathematics Olympiad and they invited me to KMS which is a camp for people interested in mathematics. There I realized that the school mathematics is just a fraction of the possibilities in this area. However the thing that I believe helped me in mathematics is that I started enjoying it. Rather than solving a Sudoku or crossword puzzle I was solving geometry problems. Since then I have won many prizes including bronze medals from the Middle European Mathematical Olympiad and the International Mathematical Olympiad.

Besides maths and physics I also love playing the piano and practicing Kung Fu. I have played the piano for 13 years and my personal favourites are Chopin’s Nocturnes. I may not be great at it, but playing the piano helps me relax and forget about my worries for a while. I practice Kung Fu mainly for health. My favourite style is Bagua. I learned that Kung Fu is not only a martial art, but a way of living. Besides Kung Fu and the piano, I also enjoy teaching kids interesting facts or problems in mathematics. During school, I teach a mathematics club and I want to teach the kids that mathematics isn’t just numbers.

Every summer I help organize a mathematics day camp for children. Mathematics may be the subject which I’m best at, but I don’t want to be ‘just a mathematician’ in the future. Since I was little, I’ve always wanted to do something great like solving global issues or inventing something useful, however I realize that it is very hard to achieve this with pure mathematics. People advised me to go study economics and financial mathematics so I could have a good job and earn money, but that is not what I want to achieve in life. My goal is to shape the world and make it a better place for future generations. This is the reason I want to study physics or engineering. I started doing physics two years ago and since then I participated and won some competitions including the Regional Physics Olympiad. To be better at physics I started reading Feynman’s lectures which helped me a lot, but also taught me that there is much to learn out there about the world. The reason why I want to study in the UK is because there are many opportunities compared to Slovakia. I have many friends who study there and heard from them that it’s an amazing experience. The most important fact, though, is that in the UK I can study and work with people who are ambitious. I know what I want to achieve in life, and even though I don’t yet know exactly how to get there or where ‘there’ will be, I believe that a UK university education will steer me in the right direction.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

Successful Personal Statement For Natural Science (Physical) At Cambridge

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

This is a very good statement. The statement is well-written and structured. The student describes their life experiences without making the statement sound like a list of achievements. This is achieved because the student explains every experience described, rather than listing their life experiences with no context. It is clear that the student has many talents and achievements, and these are stated in a humble manner that does not make it seem as though the student is bragging. It is clear that the student is aware of the significance of their decision to study outside of their native homeland and the challenges that this will bring. The student explains their reasons for applying to study a dual honours course and does not neglect either discipline.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

The student uses the word ‘gymnasium’ instead of school/college. Whilst this may be the term used in Slovakia, in the UK a ‘gymnasium’ is a place where people exercise and its use in this statement is somewhat confusing. The way in which the student writes about their personal experiences makes the statement sound somewhat like an autobiography.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 

This is a very good statement. The student clearly has personality and a high level of ability. Strange terminology used can be excused due to the fact that the student’s first language is not English, and that the vast majority of the statement is very well-written.

This Personal Statement for Maths and Physics is a great example of how to showcase a high level of ability. The candidate’s interest and achievements are clearly shown which is vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Cambridge, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

You can find more successful personal statements and our expert guides on our Free Personal Statement Resources page.

Our expert tutors are on hand to help you craft the perfect Personal Statement for your Cambridge Mathematics and Physics application.

With our  Oxbridge Maths Premium Programme, we help you craft the perfect Personal   Statement , score highly on the STEP and teach you how to  Interview effectively .

Discover our  Oxbridge Maths Premium Programme  by clicking the button below to  enrol and triple your chances of success.

UniAdmissions students placed at Oxford And Cambridge

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Top tips: personal statements for postgraduate study

So you’ve made the decision to apply for a postgraduate course and have researched the course and the university, what’s next .

A personal statement is your opportunity to showcase what you have to offer and convince the admissions tutor(s) that you have the motivation, relevant knowledge , and academic capability to successfully complete the course and reflect well on the institution.

Remember, when you have finished the first draft you can have it reviewed with one of our advisers via our Careers information and advice appointments . These can be booked via mycareer .

Best of luck!

Jenny Livesey, Careers Adviser

Before you begin

  • Check whether the University admissions team has written instructions on what to include, word count, etc
  • Unless there are contrary instructions, we recommend you write about 500 words, which equates to approximately 1 A4 page.

A personal statement should address these questions:

Why do you want to study this subject.

Begin your personal statement with some concise motivations . Be careful not to waste space here on general comments that anyone could make, such as that you are “hard-working” or “enthusiastic”. Both these characteristics should not need to be stated so instead spend some time reflecting on phrases that are more personal to why you are applying.

Think about specific experiences that have motivated you. Perhaps an inspirational talk you attended, a debate in the field that excites you, or the chance to make a real difference to the world. Remember, don’t just make claims either – ensure your motivations are always demonstrated by brief evidence . Here is an example of this and clearly reflects this applicant’s passion for the subject.

Example: My passion for transport planning was sparked when I attended a talk by John Nash at the Bristol Festival of Ideas in 2016. Inspired by the concept of modal shift as a means of reducing traffic congestion and therefore environmental pollution, I joined the Transport Planning Society and developed my understanding through their policy reports and attending regional events every month. I am now seeking to develop my knowledge through a Master’s in Transport.

Why have you chosen this specific course, at this specific institution?

Reflect on why you’re applying for this course and this institution. Consider what attracted you to it in the first place, and what continues to inspire you about it?

For the course, think about what makes it unique compared to other universities to show you understand what it’s about. What excites you about the units? The course structure. Perhaps you will get to study abroad? Or maybe it’s the reputation of the course within the field?

When it comes to the institution, avoid general statements like ‘you’re an internationally renowned university’, unfortunately, this will show a lack of research and imagination. Instead, choose something specific about the institution you’ve discovered when researching it. Is there an academic you’d love to work with? Do they have strong links with industry? State-of-the-art facilities?

Example: I am applying to the University of Bristol as I was inspired by the ground-breaking research led by Professor Joan Bateman into the impact of music on children’s development. I drew on the project’s unique interdisciplinary methodology combining musicology and psychology in my undergraduate dissertation and would relish the opportunity to contribute to the development of this research.

What are your plans?

Show the admissions tutor that you’re not just doing further study because you can’t think of anything else to do. Even if you have not fully planned your next career steps, a broad statement will suffice. The example here is very focused, however, it is also acceptable to cite a love of learning , passion for the subject, and developing further knowledge as your reason for applying for the course.

Example: As I aim to become an accountant, I am particularly attracted to your programme for two reasons: first, it offers the accreditation needed; and second the extensive practical experience opportunities will allow me to develop good practice in advance of joining the work force and enhance my employability.

Are you academically capable of taking this course?

Admissions tutors will be looking for evidence of academic capability as well as motivation. Show that you understand what’s required to take your subject further, and that you have been developing this knowledge within and outside of your degree.

A good place to start is a dissertation or extended project, as this will show your passion for a certain area and requires the development of advanced knowledge or skills. You should also think about relevant units you’ve taken, projects you’ve been part of any technical skills you’ve developed, and any prizes or scholarships you’ve won.

Example: Attending the weekly seminar series run by the Department of Classics developed my knowledge of Latin and its reception. In my third year I took two optional units on Latin language and founded a Latin reading group for non-classicists. As a result, my Latin is now B1 standard. These language skills will allow me to engage with primary material and contribute to class discussion.

Do you have any relevant work experience?

Key skills for postgraduate study can be demonstrated by a wide range of work experience. In some cases, relevant work experience might be obvious, but even work experience that seems irrelevant provides you with transferable skills . Consider what you’ve been doing outside of your degree and reflect on the skills you have been developing.

For more tips, do’s, and don’ts, visit the Further Study page of our website and have a look at Prospects postgraduate personal statement guide .

Adapted from an original blog post by Dr Tracy Johnson

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement

Submitted by Arnav

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Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement

The combination of the holistic approach of Economics with the precise detail of Mathematics is exciting and would give me the skills to excel in the field that I am interested in: the financial sector. I was reading a BBC article about issues Scotland had with the public expenditure they received, which initiated my interest for understanding a broader range of economics. This brought my attention to the Barnett formula, which uses the accurate nature of Mathematics in Economic methodology and is a model used by the Treasury in the UK to distribute the amount of public spending that is allocated to Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

A-level Further Mathematics has helped me develop skills such as critical thinking and creativity through attempting complex questions which often need considerate methodology. I have always tried to push myself when it comes to Maths and this has been shown through my participation in the UK Maths Challenge, attaining a gold certificate and the "Best in the Year" award. Studying Further Maths has introduced me to matrices and vectors, so having the opportunity to simultaneously manipulate the two when studying Linear Algebra at University would be quite captivating. I am intrigued by the way statistics at A-level can be used as a means of drawing conclusions from data and I would like to be able to extend these ideas and have the opportunity to analyse experiments and collate information that can genuinely be useful to society. A full understanding of Economics will allow me to engage with the current affairs and explain why certain economic phenomena occur by relating it to the economic performance of a country.

In order to gain a stronger understanding of macroeconomics beyond my studies, I applied for an extremely competitive week-long summer work experience programme with Lloyds Banking Group in 2017, providing me with a greater insight to their Group Corporate Treasury (GCT) sector - arguably the bank's most important team known for being the “bank to the bank”. I learnt that GCT manage the flow of cash between the deposits that divisions bring in, and the loans they lend out through four main functions: balance sheet management, funding and liquidity, capital and issuance. The most valuable skills I gained from the programme was through the trading game that I played. I had 6 assets and used the stock market to judge how much of my assets I should buy or sell and when would be the best time to make the trades. This gave me an idea of the level of risk-taking that is involved, not just in trading but also with how banks operate. Presenting to employees on what I had learned about the FTSE 100 was also a vital experience as it allowed me to work on relevant skills in relation to my aim of wanting to apply economic theory to real world scenarios. I was required to identify drivers of the index, both economic and fundamental, and answer technical Q&A raised by the audience.

I have developed a range of transferable skills through non-academic activities; by playing tennis outside of school at a county level, representing my age as well as the men's team and winning many club tournament competitions. My passion for tennis extends beyond playing, as I coach younger children aged 4-9 to develop their playing skills. I have captained my school cricket team on several occasions as well as doing my Higher Sports Leaders Award (Level 3), where I worked with younger students by getting them involved in a variety of sports. My communication skills have been further enhanced during my National Citizen Service (NCS) programme as I volunteered with the elderly at the Royal Chelsea Hospital, providing them with entertainment. This has enabled me to gain confidence in my communication skills through adapting them in different situations depending on my audience, which I believe is an important skill to have, not only at university but also in the world of work.

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Postgraduate study

Submit supporting documents.

Required documents

Whichever programme you apply for, there are documents that you will need to provide with your application. Please refer to the postgraduate admissions statement for each programme to see individual requirements.

The documents that may be required include:

  • two academic references (see further information on references below);
  • If you are currently studying : university degree transcripts to date (transcripts are documents showing your grades for individual units or essays and exams throughout your degree);
  • If you have completed your degree(s), provide colour scans of university degree certificate(s) and final transcripts confirming completion. In exceptional circumstances, an official letter from your university confirming completion of your award and final grade may be accepted in place of a certificate;
  • personal statements, which should describe your skills, experience and academic achievements and interest in studying a programme. Your personal statement should be around 1000 words. It should highlight your motivation for applying for the programme and any relevant experience/skills. Please refer to your chosen programme's admissions statement for specific guidance;
  • English language certificate, if your first language is not English, to show that you meet the  English language requirements  for your chosen programme;
  • some programmes require additional documents; research applications may need a research proposal.
  • some programmes will require an application fee. Please refer the  application fee policy  for further guidance.

International applicants should submit scans of original documentation in the language of the country it was received in. They must include a certified translation of all documents to English. Translations must be signed or stamped by an official translation service or education provider.

How to submit additional documentation

If you have already submitted your application, you can attach additional supporting documents to be considered for your application in the applicant portal .

Help is available on our ' how to apply ' pages.

We are unable to receive documents for your application via email.

In exceptional circumstances, we may accept documents posted to the postgraduate admissions team for the appropriate faculty or school. However, please make every effort to upload your documents online, as sending documents separately by post may cause a delay in your application being assessed. If you need to post documents to us, you must include the following details:

  • your full name
  • your date of birth
  • your applicant ID number
  • the name of the programme you are applying for.

Use the applicable school or faculty address for delivery.

Application checks

Information submitted as part of an application will be scrutinised and we may request additional information to verify specific details including verification of results with third parties such as other universities, test providers, schools and other external parties assisting with admissions. Please see our  Fraudulent Applications Policy  for further details.

You should check the postgraduate admissions statement for your programme to find out whether any other supporting documents are required. For example, PhD applications may need a research proposal. 

Certified copies of documents

We accept certified copies of documents  for interim degree documentation only. For completed degrees, you should submit a colour scan of the original official documentation.

If you are an international student and are required to post your documentation to the University, you may keep your original documents to be used for a visa application and submit certified copies to us.

A certified copy has been approved as a true copy by a relevant authority. You can ask your university, your local British Council, a solicitor or another professional person to certify documents for you.

Missing degree certificate or transcripts

We need your degree certificate(s) and transcripts in order to make a decision on your application. If you do not have these documents, you must ask your university to provide another copy. They may charge you for this service. In exceptional circumstances, you may be allowed to ask your university for a letter confirming your award and final grade instead of a degree certificate.

Providing documents if you haven’t graduated

If you’re waiting to graduate and can’t provide a degree certificate, please apply as usual. Include your transcripts to date (e.g. if you are a third-year student, please include transcripts from your first and second years). Please ensure your transcript shows details for every year of your programme.

If an offer of study is made, it may be conditional on obtaining the required final grade in your degree. You will then be asked to provide evidence that you have met the condition.

For most programmes you will be required to submit at least two references for us to consider your application. You should refer to the postgraduate admissions statement for your chosen programme for details of what is required. Applications received without references will not be processed. It is your responsibility to ensure that we receive your letters of reference.

References should be submitted electronically by the referee, using the online reference form. Alternatively, scanned copies of the original reference can be uploaded by the applicant. 

References must be written, signed and dated on official headed paper from the referee's organisation. They must include the referee’s full contact details, i.e. postal address, telephone number and organisation email address. A   reference template   is available to show the required format. References supplied with a personal email address can only be accepted under exceptional circumstances, which must be explained within the reference. All references should be dated within the last two years.   

If you graduated more than two years ago, or if professional experience is relevant to the application, professional references will be accepted in lieu of one academic reference. At least one referee should be familiar with the applicant's academic work.

Additional references

Applicants are welcome to upload additional references to support their application further. Professional references from work experience in a related field and/or industrial placements can help an application.

In exceptional circumstances, we may accept documents posted to the postgraduate admissions team in the faculty or school. However, please make every effort to include your references online, as sending documents separately may cause a delay in your application being assessed. Please read the guidance below on submitting a reference. We are unable to accept references via email.

Submitting a reference

There are several ways you can provide references:

Submitting references online

You can ask a referee to provide a reference online, as long as they have an organisational email address (e.g., connected to their place of work).

  • Your referee will be emailed with an access link and instructions explaining what they should do next. The link will expire after 90 days or when a decision has been made regarding your application, whichever occurs first.
  • You can provide the referee’s information in the Referees section of your application form. The referee will be contacted as soon as you submit your application.
  • Once your referee submits their reference it will automatically be matched to your application.
  • After you apply , you will be able to view the status of your online references, correct referee information, add a new referee, or send a reminder to your referee on your applicant portal.

For most postgraduate programmes, we will not assess your application until references have been submitted.

Uploading a reference you already have

  • On application, you can upload your reference as a document in the Referees section of your application form.
  • If you have already submitted your application, you can upload your reference as a document through the Upload documents tile in your applicant portal .
  • Please note: you cannot view the reference you have uploaded or any references provided by your referee(s) within the applicant portal.
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Maths and philosophy personal statement example 1.

I believe that there are two ways to look at how the world develops: the first is through the progress of history and human civilisation, and the second is through the progress of knowledge and human understanding. The two are intensely interlinked, and I am and always have been passionately interested in both. In addition to maths, cosmology and philosophy, I also devote much of my time to pursuing my love of history and current affairs.

I have read widely in these subjects, but have ultimately decided that my abilities and interests are best focused in the study of mathematics and philosophy, in order that I may be able to increase my understanding of the universe we live in so that I can perhaps contribute to its future. Over the last couple of years I have regularly read New Scientist (and the Economist), and occasionally copies of Nature and the BMJ. I have always read the newspapers and books on science, history and politics; I have been to political party conferences as an observer, participated in debating all through school and spent time in the medical world both on work experience and with my parents.

In my own time, I enjoy swimming, walking and climbing. I work part-time as an office junior for a local independent financial advisor and have a babysitting business. I love working with children and seeing their minds develop - two of the children I look after were unable to speak English when they arrived in this country, and I have really enjoyed watching and helping both their linguistic and mathematical abilities develop. This has made me realise that maths above all things is something that can be universally understood.

I am also lucky enough attend one-to-one tutorials once a week at Glasgow University, and have done so since September 2002. There is no set course: I have covered some number theory, fields, complex numbers, quaternions and octonians, but, more importantly, I have gained a basic understanding of proof and mathematical arguments. The tutorials have been an inspiration in that I have discovered ideas and a way of thinking which I did not know was possible and which I am extremely excited by. It is this that has really attracted me to studying both maths and philosophy at university; I really love the process of arguments and proofs and I am eager to pursue this interest, wherever it may take me. My personal study of some of the early Greek philosophy - such as Plato's Republic, which I particularly enjoyed - has only served to make me more certain of my decision.

Studying at university is something I have looked forward to for a very long time, but what to study has been a difficult decision as I find it almost impossible to focus on a career. Ultimately I have chosen, as I have always done, based on my own interests and passion for learning. I hope that if I am able to study the 'language' of maths along with the process of philosophy, I will be ableto develop myself and my thinking in order that I may take my place in the world.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by mussed for application in 2004.

mussed's university choices Oxford University University of Bristol The University of Warwick University of Bath The University of Durham The University of York

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

mussed's Comments

First, I'm from Scotland, so I sat S Grades not GCSES, and got 1s rather than A*s; I did Highers and Advanced Highers instead of ASs and A2s, and didn't have room on the form to put in this year's Chemistry Higher. Just to clarify.

You may notice that my personal statement does not have the obligatory paragraph saying "I am a Prefect and a Sgt in the cadets and captain of debating and..." I was all these things, but decided that they were not relevant to the future and really not as important to me as the learning aspect of a degree. The school were not happy about that (!) but to be honest, my only advice is to be true to who you are and where your interests lie: this is true to me, and I got six offers, so I feel quite happy with it; really, though, it's personal, so write what you want rather than following the formula. At least it will stand out! *g*

Related Personal Statements

Two words absolutely.

Tue, 20/09/2005 - 00:00

two words absolutely fantastic.

Wed, 21/09/2005 - 00:00

Does anybody else feel

Sun, 25/09/2005 - 00:00

Does anybody else feel intellectually inferior?!

inferior is not the word!!

Tue, 05/09/2006 - 00:00

inferior is not the word!! people that are like this want to make us look bad i thought i was having problems before but now well...

Thu, 14/09/2006 - 00:00

Judging by your results you deserve all 6 offers. I was just confused by one thing.. Your A levels say that you didn't do maths or philosophy, hence how did you get into oxford if you didn't do maths at A level?

Thu, 28/09/2006 - 16:05

The last comment says you didnt do maths? How did you get in, I really want to know

I understood everything. I

Mon, 05/03/2007 - 19:59

I understood everything. I mean, PS is not written in complicated way and there is no arrogance in her words. Bravo!

Fri, 29/06/2007 - 09:16

your personal statement is truly impressive, very well structured and balanced in your activities,

simply brillant

Mon, 16/06/2008 - 21:03

i'm guessing, but oxford

Sat, 19/07/2008 - 19:33

i'm guessing, but oxford might have accepted her without mathematics A level because of the mathematics tutorials which she attended at glasgow. They sound far more valuble than just following the fumulaic maths a level sylabus, and oxford would value real university maths experience over the A level, which doesn't prepare you for the rigorous proofs involved in uni maths. Excellent ps btw.

Being an Admissions officer

Thu, 11/09/2008 - 20:47

Being an Admissions officer for the University of Oxford I believe it got through due to one, and only one reason:

It's passion to strive through the integral facilitated components of integration and differentiation of simple functions etc.

well written, i like the tone

Tue, 04/11/2008 - 19:26

well written, i like the tone portrayed however i do think at times you need to cut wording down and make things more direct. i have written my PS for maths and philosophy too, might well put it up on here.

I love it! And thanks for the

Wed, 15/06/2011 - 09:54

I love it! And thanks for the advice.


Thu, 15/12/2011 - 20:18

It was a real pleasure reading this PS! The best one in this site so far.

Good luck finding you place in the world!

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    15 Dec,2022 Alan Withworth. Hopefully, these examples of Mathematics Personal Statements will help you create a unique statement for your UCAS application . Example 1. I have always been fascinated by the world of mathematics and its ability to explain and understand complex phenomena in the world around us. From a young age, I have been drawn ...

  14. PDF Undergraduate Admissions Statement for Mathematics

    1.3 Personal statement criteria. We may refer to the personal statement and reference to differentiate between applicants with similar academic profiles. In these cases, we use the following criteria: Evidence of additional Mathematics qualifications. Evidence of participation in competitions and other related activity.

  15. Successful Personal Statement For Cambridge Mathematics And Physics

    This Personal Statement for Maths and Physics is a great example of how to showcase a high level of ability. The candidate's interest and achievements are clearly shown which is vital to Admissions Tutors. Remember, at Cambridge, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to ...

  16. Top tips: personal statements for postgraduate study

    Begin your personal statement with some concise motivations. Be careful not to waste space here on general comments that anyone could make, such as that you are "hard-working" or "enthusiastic". Both these characteristics should not need to be stated so instead spend some time reflecting on phrases that are more personal to why you are ...

  17. University of Bristol Personal Statements

    Bristol University Personal Statements. These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to University of Bristol. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place. You can also view our entire collection of personal statements or view personal ...

  18. Mathematics & Economics Personal Statement

    Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement. Submitted by Arnav. The combination of the holistic approach of Economics with the precise detail of Mathematics is exciting and would give me the skills to excel in the field that I am interested in: the financial sector. I was reading a BBC article about issues Scotland had with the public ...

  19. Maths Personal Statement Examples

    Maths Personal Statement Example 16. The study of mathematics and the challenges that it presents arouse equal measures of both frustration and enjoyment. It is the moment of enlightenment arrived at through differing proportions of determination and experimentation that is the appeal of the subject...

  20. Submit supporting documents

    However, please make every effort to upload your documents online, as sending documents separately by post may cause a delay in your application being assessed. If you need to post documents to us, you must include the following details: your full name. your date of birth. your applicant ID number. the name of the programme you are applying for.

  21. Maths and Philosophy Personal Statement Example 1

    Maths and Philosophy Personal Statement Example 1. I believe that there are two ways to look at how the world develops: the first is through the progress of history and human civilisation, and the second is through the progress of knowledge and human understanding. The two are intensely interlinked, and I am and always have been passionately ...