Top 18 Dog Trainer Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 20, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a concise statement of your professional goals and qualifications for the job you're applying for. When writing a resume objective for a dog trainer position, it's important to focus on your skills and experience that are relevant to the role. Start by listing any relevant certifications or training programs you have completed, such as animal behavior courses or canine obedience classes. Then, include any experience you've had working with dogs, such as volunteer work at animal shelters or private pet care services. Finally, make sure to emphasize any unique qualities that make you stand out as an ideal candidate for the job. For example, if you have extensive knowledge of canine anatomy or nutrition, be sure to mention that in your resume objective. Examples of effective resume objectives for dog trainers include: "Seeking a dog trainer position where my expertise in canine behavior and nutrition can help improve the lives of pets and their owners," or "Experienced dog trainer with 10 years of experience teaching obedience classes and working one-on-one with clients."

Dog Trainer Resume Example

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Top 18 Dog Trainer Resume Objective Samples

  • To use my knowledge and experience in animal behavior to become a successful dog trainer.
  • To apply my expertise in canine psychology and training to help clients achieve their goals.
  • To utilize my passion for animals by becoming a successful dog trainer.
  • Seeking an opportunity to leverage my extensive background in animal behavior and training to benefit the clients of a respected dog-training facility.
  • To bring my enthusiasm for working with dogs and helping owners understand their pet’s needs as a professional dog trainer.
  • To contribute my skills in positive reinforcement, clicker training, and problem solving as a certified dog trainer.
  • To provide compassionate yet effective instruction to pet owners that will result in well-behaved, obedient dogs.
  • Looking for an opportunity to use my strong communication skills and understanding of canine behavior to help people develop better relationships with their pets.
  • To use my knowledge of animal psychology and behavior modification techniques to help owners train their dogs more effectively.
  • Seeking an opportunity to work as a professional dog trainer, utilizing my experience in obedience training, agility training, and problem-solving techniques.
  • Utilizing my expertise in canine nutrition, health care, and behavioral issues as a certified dog trainer.
  • Applying my knowledge of breed characteristics and individual temperaments when providing instruction on proper handling techniques for pet owners.
  • To employ my understanding of canine body language and communication methods when instructing clients on how best to interact with their pets.
  • Utilizing creative teaching methods while providing positive reinforcement techniques that will ensure the success of each client’s individualized training plan.
  • Applying innovative approaches when developing customized programs tailored specifically to the needs of each client's pet(s).
  • Seeking an opportunity where I can combine both traditional methods of obedience training along with modern approaches such as clicker training or agility courses.
  • Bringing enthusiasm for working with animals along with strong organizational skills when creating lesson plans for each individual client's needs.
  • Applying excellent customer service skills while providing instruction on proper handling techniques that will lead to successful outcomes for all parties involved

How to Write a Dog Trainer Resume Objective

When writing a dog trainer resume objective, it is important to be clear and concise in order to stand out among other applicants. The objective should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for and should demonstrate your experience, qualifications, and passion for working with dogs.

Begin your resume objective by stating who you are and what type of position you are seeking. This will help employers quickly identify the type of applicant you are and the role that you want to fulfill. For example: “Certified Dog Trainer with five years of experience seeking a full-time position as a Dog Trainer at ABC Dog Training Facility.”

Next, include any relevant qualifications or certifications that make you an ideal candidate for the job. If you have any special knowledge or skills related to dog training, mention them here as well. This could include certified pet first aid/CPR training, animal behavior courses, or any hands-on experience with dogs. Showing employers that you have the necessary credentials and expertise will increase your chances of landing an interview.

Finally, express why this particular job appeals to you and how it fits into your career goals. Demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment by emphasizing why this job is particularly attractive to you – such as its location or unique opportunities – rather than simply listing generic qualities that could apply to any employer.

By following these tips when writing a dog trainer resume objective, employers will get a better understanding of who you are as an applicant and why they should hire you for the position!

Related : What does a Dog Trainer do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Dog Trainer Resume Objective

In the competitive field of dog training, your resume objective should not only express your passion for animal behavior and well-being but also highlight the key skills that make you an ideal candidate for the job. These skills can range from practical abilities like understanding canine psychology to soft skills such as patience and communication. In this section, we will delve into the essential skills you need to emphasize in your dog trainer resume objective to stand out among other applicants and catch the attention of potential employers.

1. Clicker Training

Clicker training is a crucial skill for a dog trainer as it demonstrates the ability to use positive reinforcement techniques to modify and improve a dog's behavior. This method is widely recognized as effective and humane, and its inclusion in a resume shows that the candidate is knowledgeable about modern training methods. It also indicates that the trainer can effectively communicate with dogs, understands their learning processes, and can provide an enjoyable training experience for both the dog and its owner.

2. Leash Handling

Leash handling is a critical skill for a dog trainer as it directly relates to the core responsibilities of the job. This skill is essential in maintaining control and ensuring the safety of the dog during training sessions. It demonstrates the ability to manage dogs of various sizes, breeds, and temperaments. Including this on a resume objective shows potential employers that you have practical, hands-on experience in a key area of dog training.

3. Obedience Instruction

A dog trainer needs the skill of obedience instruction because it is a fundamental part of their job. They must be able to effectively teach dogs how to follow commands and behave appropriately. This skill demonstrates that the trainer is capable of managing and improving a dog's behavior, which is crucial for client satisfaction. Including this skill in a resume objective would show potential employers or clients that the candidate has specific expertise in training dogs, increasing their chances of being hired or chosen for a job.

4. Agility Coaching

A Dog Trainer needs the skill of Agility Coaching to effectively train dogs in agility and obedience, a key aspect of the job. This skill demonstrates the trainer's ability to work with dogs of all breeds and sizes to improve their physical performance, coordination, and behavior. It also shows that the trainer is capable of providing specialized training sessions that require a deep understanding of dog psychology and behavior. In addition, it can highlight the trainer's patience, perseverance, and ability to motivate and reward dogs to encourage desired behaviors.

5. Behavior Modification

A Dog Trainer needs the skill of Behavior Modification as it is crucial for their job role. This skill allows them to effectively train dogs, correcting undesirable behaviors and promoting good ones. It demonstrates their understanding of dog psychology and their ability to use various techniques to achieve training goals. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of handling and training different breeds and temperaments of dogs, making them a strong fit for the role.

6. Canine Communication

Understanding canine communication is a crucial skill for a dog trainer as it allows them to interpret the behavior, emotions, and needs of dogs. This knowledge is essential for effectively training dogs and resolving behavioral issues. It also helps in building trust and a positive relationship between the trainer and the dog, making training sessions more productive. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates an applicant's ability to interact with dogs on their level and can make them stand out to potential employers.

7. Positive Reinforcement

A dog trainer needs the skill of positive reinforcement to effectively train dogs and modify their behavior. This method encourages good behaviors through rewards, which helps in establishing trust and cooperation between the dog and the trainer. In a resume objective, mentioning this skill shows potential employers that you are knowledgeable about effective training methods and can successfully manage and improve a dog's behavior. It also demonstrates patience, understanding, and the ability to motivate - skills that are valuable in any job role.

8. Crate Training

Crate training is a crucial skill for a dog trainer because it demonstrates their knowledge and ability to effectively teach dogs how to comfortably and safely use a crate. This is an essential part of puppy training and behavior modification in adult dogs. It shows potential employers or clients that the trainer can handle various aspects of dog behavior, contributing to the overall well-being of the pet. Furthermore, this skill may be particularly attractive to those who frequently travel or work long hours and need their pets to be comfortable in crates for extended periods.

9. Housebreaking Techniques

A dog trainer needs to have knowledge and experience in housebreaking techniques as it is one of the fundamental aspects of dog training. This skill is essential for a resume objective because it demonstrates the candidate's ability to effectively train dogs, manage their behavior, and help them adapt to living in a domestic environment. It also shows potential clients that the trainer can assist with one of the most common challenges faced by dog owners - toilet training their pets.

10. Socialization Guidance

A dog trainer needs the skill of socialization guidance to effectively train dogs to interact appropriately with humans and other animals. This skill is essential in preventing or correcting behavioral issues such as aggression, fear, or anxiety. It also helps in promoting a healthy and balanced relationship between pets and their owners. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates the ability to provide comprehensive training that not only focuses on obedience but also on improving a dog's overall behavior and temperament.

Top 10 Dog Trainer Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, effectively highlighting your key skills in your dog trainer resume objective is crucial to standing out from the competition and showcasing your abilities to potential employers. This section should succinctly encapsulate your expertise, experience, and passion for dog training. Remember, it's not just about listing skills; it's about conveying how these skills translate into successful outcomes in the field of dog training. By doing so, you can make a strong first impression and increase your chances of landing that desired job role.

Related : Dog Trainer Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Dog Trainer Resume Objective

When writing a dog trainer resume objective, it is important to be aware of common mistakes that can cause your resume to be overlooked. A poorly written objective can ruin the chances of securing an interview, so it should be well crafted and tailored to the position being applied for. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a dog trainer resume objective:

1. Not Being Specific: A generic resume objective such as “seeking a rewarding career in dog training” is too broad and doesn’t provide any specific information about what you can offer the employer. It’s important to include specifics such as your experience working with different breeds of dogs, or which methods of training you prefer.

2. Not Showcasing Your Skills: Your resume should emphasize the unique skills and qualifications you possess that make you an ideal candidate for the job. Instead of simply stating that you are experienced in dog training, provide details about how long you have been doing it, what types of techniques you use, or what results you have achieved through your work.

3. Not Tailoring It To The Job: A great way to stand out from other applicants is by tailoring your objective statement to the specific job opening. Make sure to mention any relevant certifications or qualifications that would make you an ideal fit for the role. Additionally, if there are certain aspects of dog training that you excel at, be sure to include them in your statement as well.

4. Too Long Or Too Short: An effective resume objective should be concise and clear while still providing enough detail about your experience and qualifications. If it’s too long or too short it could lose its impact on employers who may skim over it without reading the details carefully enough. Aim for two to three sentences that succinctly explain why you are perfect for the job at hand.

By avoiding these common mistakes when writing a dog trainer resume objective, employers will take notice of your application and give it due consideration before moving onto other candidates for review. With careful thought and attention given to crafting this critical piece of your job application package, you will have a much better chance at getting an interview and ultimately landing the job!

Related : Dog Trainer Resume Examples

Dog Trainer Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a dog trainer should demonstrate the applicant's knowledge and experience in working with dogs, while a wrong resume objective should focus on what the applicant wants to get out of the job, such as financial gain or personal satisfaction.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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3 Dog Trainer Resume Examples for 2024

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  • • Developed and implemented effective training methods resulting in improved behavior and obedience of dogs.
  • • Provided individualized attention to each dog, identifying specific training needs and tailoring programs accordingly.
  • • Mentored and trained new employees, ensuring consistent application of positive reinforcement training techniques.
  • • Designed and implemented customized training plans for dogs, targeting specific behavioral issues.
  • • Demonstrated effective communication and teaching skills to educate owners on proper training techniques.
  • • Delivered exceptional customer service, resulting in a high rate of client satisfaction and repeat business.

Modern Dog Trainer Resume Example

Modern Dog Trainer Resume Example

Creative Dog Trainer Resume Example

Creative Dog Trainer Resume Example

Top 7 Soft Skills for Dog Trainer Resume

  • Excellent communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Observation skills
  • Adaptability

Top 7 Hard Skills for Dog Trainer Resume

  • Animal training
  • Behavior modification techniques
  • Training programs development
  • Operant conditioning
  • Canine body language
  • Dog breed knowledge
  • Dog handling techniques

Frequently Asked Questions

What should be included in a dog trainer resume.

A Dog Trainer resume should include information such as previous experience working with dogs, any certifications or relevant training, specific skills like obedience training or behavior modification, and any notable accomplishments or achievements as a dog trainer.

What format should I use for a Dog Trainer resume?

A Dog Trainer resume should generally be formatted in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent experience. Use clear headings, bullet points for listing key information, and ensure the document is well-organized and easy to read.

How can I highlight my dog training skills on my resume?

To highlight your dog training skills, include a dedicated skills section where you can list skills such as obedience training, agility training, behavior modification, breed-specific knowledge, and any other relevant abilities. Also, provide specific examples or achievements that demonstrate your proficiency in these skills.

Should I include a cover letter with my Dog Trainer resume?

While not always required, including a cover letter can help you stand out as a dog trainer candidate. It allows you to introduce yourself, express your passion for working with dogs, and highlight specific experiences or skills that make you a great fit for the role.

Is it important to include certifications on a Dog Trainer resume?

Including certifications on a Dog Trainer resume is highly recommended. Certifications, such as Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT) or Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), demonstrate your expertise and dedication to the field. They can significantly enhance your resume and increase your chances of being hired.

How can I show my experience with different dog breeds on my Dog Trainer resume?

To showcase your experience with different dog breeds, mention specific breeds you have worked with either in your work history section or in the summary/objective statement at the beginning of your resume. Emphasize your understanding of breed-specific behaviors, temperaments, and training techniques to highlight your versatility as a dog trainer.

For more inspiration, why not check out our free resource of job-focused resume examples?

Drive-Thru Attendant resume example

Drive-Thru Attendant

When creating a resume for the role of a drive-thru attendant in 2024, it is crucial to pay attention to the length, design, and format. Keep in mind the following: Length: Ensure that your resume is concise and to the point. Aim for a one-page document that highlights your relevant skills and experiences. Hiring managers often skim through resumes, so it is essential to make every word count. Design: Keep the design of your resume simple and professional. Avoid using flashy fonts or excessive colors that may distract the reader. Stick to a clean and organized layout, using headings and bullet points to enhance readability. Format: Choose a standard resume format, such as reverse-chronological or functional, depending on your background and career goals. Tailor your format to highlight the most relevant information for the drive-thru attendant position. When applying for a drive-thru attendant position, certain sections are essential to include, while others may be optional but impactful. Consider including the following sections: Contact Information: Provide your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable) at the top of your resume for easy contact. Summary/Objective: Write a brief summary or objective statement that highlights your relevant skills and career aspirations. Skills: List your key skills that are relevant to the drive-thru attendant role. Include both hard skills (e.g., cash handling, food preparation) and soft skills (e.g., customer service, communication). Experience: Detail your previous work experience in reverse-chronological order, focusing on roles that showcase your relevant skills and achievements. Education: Include your educational background, mentioning any relevant certifications or degrees. Additional Sections: Optional sections like "Volunteer Experience," "Professional Development," or "Languages" can add value to your resume if they are relevant to the job. When describing your experience as a drive-thru attendant, using the Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework can effectively highlight your accomplishments and skills. Take a look at the following examples of bullet points: Context: Managed high-volume drive-thru orders during peak hours, ensuring efficient customer service. Action: Utilized excellent multitasking skills to accurately process orders, prepare food, and handle cash transactions simultaneously. Result: Increased drive-thru order accuracy by 20% and received positive customer feedback for timely delivery of orders. Context: Led a team of drive-thru attendants in a fast-paced environment, overseeing daily operations and ensuring adherence to quality standards. Action: Trained new employees on company policies, procedures, and customer service techniques, fostering a cohesive and high-performing team. Result: Improved team efficiency by 15% and received recognition for maintaining a clean and organized drive-thru area. As you craft your drive-thru attendant resume, keep these key takeaways in mind: Keep it concise: Aim for a one-page resume that efficiently showcases your skills and experiences. Focus on relevant sections: Include essential sections like contact information, summary/objective, skills, experience, and education. Optional sections can add value if relevant. Use the CAR framework: When describing your experience, use the Context-Action-Result framework to demonstrate your skills and accomplishments. Highlight your achievements: Quantify your results and emphasize how you added value in previous roles. By following these guidelines, you can create a compelling drive-thru attendant resume that catches the attention of hiring managers and increases your chances of landing that job interview.

Freelance Writer resume example

Freelance Writer

When creating a freelance writer resume in 2024, there are a few key factors to consider in terms of formatting, design, and length. As the demand for freelance writers continues to grow, it's important to ensure your resume stands out among the competition. Length Keep in mind that recruiters and hiring managers may have limited time to review each resume. Keep your resume concise and focused on your most relevant skills and experiences. Aim for a one-page resume, but if you have extensive experience, it's acceptable to extend to two pages. Design Your resume design should be modern, clean, and easy to read. Avoid using flashy or complicated designs that could distract from the content. Utilize a legible font, such as Arial or Calibri, with a font size between 10 and 12 points. Use subheadings and bullet points to organize information clearly. Format Use a reverse-chronological format to highlight your most recent experience first. This format allows hiring managers to quickly see your relevant work history. Include a header with your name and contact information at the top of the page. Use sections, such as "Summary," "Experience," "Skills," and "Education," to structure your resume. When crafting a freelance writer resume, certain sections are essential, while others can be optional but still impactful. Including these sections will help you showcase your skills and experience effectively. Summary A compelling summary can capture the attention of recruiters and encourage them to read further. Summarize your experience, skills, and unique selling points in a concise paragraph, highlighting what sets you apart as a freelance writer. Experience Within the experience section, use the Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework to effectively communicate your accomplishments. Begin each bullet point with the context of a task or project, followed by the action you took, and conclude with the result or impact. For example: Context: Developed engaging blog content for a technology website Action: Researched and wrote 10 articles per week, optimizing for SEO Result: Increased website traffic by 30% within three months Skills Highlight your relevant skills such as strong writing abilities, proficiency in various writing styles, knowledge of SEO, and familiarity with content management systems. Tailor these skills to match the specific requirements of the freelance writing job you are applying for. Optional Sections In addition to the essential sections mentioned above, consider including optional sections that can showcase your expertise even further. Awards and Certifications Publications or Writing Samples Testimonials or References When creating a freelance writer resume in 2024, keep these key takeaways in mind: Keep it concise: Aim for a one-page resume and prioritize your most relevant skills and experiences. Design for readability: Utilize a clean and modern design with a legible font. Utilize the CAR framework: Structure your experience section using the Context-Action-Result framework to showcase your accomplishments effectively. Include essential sections: Summary, Experience, and Skills are essential sections to include in your resume. Consider optional sections: Depending on your experience, consider including optional sections such as Awards and Certifications, Publications or Writing Samples, and Testimonials or References. By following these guidelines and tailoring your resume to the freelance writing job you're applying for, you can increase your chances of securing your dream freelance writing gigs.

Financial Analyst resume example

Financial Analyst

When creating a resume for a financial analyst position in 2024, there are several key considerations to keep in mind. The length, design, and format of your resume can significantly impact its effectiveness in catching the attention of hiring managers. Length: Keep your resume concise and to-the-point. Aim for a one-page resume, unless you have extensive experience that necessitates a second page. Design: Choose a clean and professional design that is easy to read and navigate. Avoid overusing colors, graphics, or fancy fonts that can distract from the content of your resume. Format: Utilize a reverse chronological format to highlight your most recent and relevant experience. Start with your contact information followed by a summary or objective statement, then list your work experience, education, skills, and any additional sections. While the specific sections may vary depending on individual circumstances, there are several popular sections that are highly recommended for a financial analyst resume: Summary/Objective: Provide a brief overview of your experience and career goals. Work Experience: Detail your relevant work experience in reverse chronological order, highlighting your achievements and responsibilities. Education: Include your educational background, degrees, and relevant certifications. Skills: List your technical skills, such as financial modeling, data analysis, and proficiency in relevant software. Certifications: If you have any certifications relevant to the financial analyst role, include them in a separate section. Awards/Achievements: Highlight any notable awards or achievements that demonstrate your skills and qualifications. Professional Associations: Mention any memberships or affiliations with professional organizations related to the finance industry. Optional but impactful sections may include Projects, Publications, Languages, or Volunteer Experience. These can help showcase your broader skillset and interests. When describing your experience as a financial analyst, it is essential to provide concrete examples that demonstrate your impact and accomplishments. One effective way to structure your bullet points is by using the Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework: Context: Start by providing the context or background of the situation you were in. For example, "Analyzed financial data for a Fortune 500 company." Action: Describe the specific actions you took to address the situation. For example, "Developed financial models to analyze revenue trends and forecast future performance." Result: Highlight the outcome or result of your actions, focusing on quantifiable achievements whenever possible. For example, "Identified cost-saving opportunities, resulting in a 10% reduction in expenses." Here are a few example bullet points that demonstrate the CAR framework in action for a financial analyst resume: Analyzed market trends and competitor performance, providing strategic recommendations that contributed to a 20% increase in revenue. Developed comprehensive financial models to assess investment opportunities, resulting in a 15% improvement in investment portfolio performance. Implemented process improvements in financial reporting, reducing monthly close time by 20% and improving accuracy. 1. Keep your financial analyst resume concise and professional. Focus on relevant experience, highlighting achievements and quantifiable results. 2. Include popular sections such as summary/objective, work experience, education, skills, and certifications. Optional sections like projects or publications can provide additional context. 3. Use the Context-Action-Result framework to describe your experience. Provide the background, actions taken, and the tangible results achieved. By following these guidelines, you can create a compelling financial analyst resume that effectively showcases your skills and qualifications to potential employers in 2024.

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Dog Trainer Resume Example

Perfect your resume with our tips and tricks for Dog Trainers

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Dog Trainer Resume Example & Template

Who doesn’t love animals with their cute eyes and wiggly tails? 

Well, if you’re looking to be a Dog Trainer, you’re in the right hands -- or paws! The animal care industry is currently growing at 22%, and that number is only increasing as people are going back to work and need their quarantine pets cared for and trained. 

Without further ado, let’s get started!

In this article, we’ll discuss

  • Which format is right for your resume
  • How to write a resume summary 
  • Describing your work experience
  • Including your education 
  • Listing your certifications
  • Choosing the right template

‍ Dog Trainer Sample Resume

Owner and Senior Trainer, Riverside Dog Training

  • Trained 25+ dogs for 20 clients
  • Worked out payment plans for each client
  • Instructed dogs on proper behavior in dog parks and in public
  • Helped dog owners and dogs decrease bad pet behaviors such as chewing, barking, biting, destroying property, and jumping on people
  • Taught dogs basic commands and pottrytraining
  • Coach dogs on trick commands if client wishes, including shaking and playing dead

Service Dog Trainer, Hearts & Paws

  • Trained 14 dogs for clients
  • Specialized in seeing-eye dogs and dogs for those with epilepsy
  • Personalized training programs for each dog and client
  • Maintained confidentiality surrounding clients' medical records
  • Checked on dogs monthly to refresh their training

Dog Trainer, PetSmart

  • Trained over 50 puppies, including breeds like Rottweilers and Poodles
  • Handled aggressive behavior with calmness and patience
  • Used positive reinforcement techniques to encourage desired behavior
  • Created a safe environment for dogs by monitoring their behavior for discomfort
  • Explained training processes to clients in a clear and coherent manner
  • Researched proper training programs pertinent to each dog
  • Taught dogs to perform basic commands like sit, stay, and lie down
  • Pottytrained dogs to reduce indoor accidents

1. Choose the Right Format for a Dog Trainer Resume

So what’s the best format?

The first step to drafting your resume is deciding which resume format to use. This depends on your career experience and skillset. 

You have 3 main options for resume:

  • Reverse-Chronological -- this is the most commonly used resume format. With this structure, place your most recent jobs first, followed by the next most recent job, and ending with your oldest position. 
However, it’s important to include only jobs relevant to the position to which you’re applying, so leave out any former jobs that don’t fit. 
  • Functional -- this format is best for people who have been out of the workforce for a while, perhaps because they had to care for children or an elderly parent. This format lists your specific skills and qualifications. 
Have headers like “Customer Service” and “Administrative Support” with their respective skills listed in bullet points below. At the very end, include a brief snapshot of your work experience.  
  • Hybrid / Combination -- this format is a mix of both Functional and Reverse-Chronological. It provides more detailed work experience descriptions that would typically be seen in the latter, while still offering a bulleted list of skills.  
Tip: When in doubt, choose the Reverse-Chronological resume format. 

For a Dog Trainer, hiring managers want to glance at your resume and get a sense of the following:

  • Experience with dogs of all sizes and breeds
  • Excellent communication skills, with both people and pets
  • Passion and a love for animals

The best format for a Dog Trainer is the Reverse-Chronological resume format. Whether you’re a self-employed Dog Trainer or you work in a pet store, this format will show clients your work history and skillset. 

2. Write a strong Dog Trainer resume summary

Did you know that resumes are looked at for less than 10 seconds?

While this is certainly an optional section, your resume summary is one of the best ways to succeed in that short glance.

But first --- what is a resume summary?

A resume summary is one or two sentences at the top of your paper that summarizes your entire resume. It’s the punch line that gets the resume reviewer wanting to know more.

For a Dog Training career, include the following points in your summary

  • Any specialties you have experience in, such as trick training or therapy dog training
  • The amount of time you’ve worked as a Dog Trainer
  • An adjective or two conveying your personality 

The best strategy in this section is to only include info that is relevant to the job.

Here is an example of a bad resume summary: Experienced Dog Trainer with a love of animals. 
Here is an example of a good resume summary: 7+ years of experience training dogs in obedience, behavioral modification, and aggression management. 4+ years experience training service dogs for the blind. Passionate about working with dogs of all sizes and breeds to fit client needs. 

For more information, checkout our guide on writing a killer resume summary .

3. Describe your work experience as a Dog Trainer

The next step to drafting your resume is to list your work experience. This includes the name of your position (e.g., Senior Dog Trainer, Apprentice), the name of the location at which you worked, and the time period in which you worked. 

Furthermore, write your resume experience in a way that anyone in your industry will understand. Don't use company-specific language.

For example, let’s say you worked at a place that called dog treats “oven-baked biscuits.” Not everyone is going to know what this means, so it’s best to stick with the common name, otherwise it may confuse the resume reader and throw them off track. 

Relevant Skills

  • Ability to handle stressful situations 
  • Operant Conditioning Training Techniques
  • Clicker Training Techniques
  • Enthusiasm 
  • Confidence 
  • Problem Solving Skills

If you want to learn how to nail this section, read our guide on the proper way to include skills on your resume.

4. Include an Education Section 

Dog Trainers do not require a formal education like a high school diploma or college degree. Nevertheless, many employers expect some form of education or certification. You can learn from an experienced trainer, or pursue a structured program. 

There are several programs to choose from, but the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) is one of the most reputable organizations in the business, and offers two different types of certifications. The first certification is knowledge-based (KA), which requires at least 300 hours of dog training in three years, and a signed attestation from a veterinarian or another CCPDT certificate holder. The second certification is skills-based (KSA.) In order to acquire this certification, you must already hold the CCPDT-KA credentials. Lastly, the CCPDT requires continuing education credits to maintain your certification.

Additional Certification programs include:

  • The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants ( IAABC ) 
  • The Association of Animal Behavior Professionals ( AABP ) 
  • The Certified Behavior Adjustment Training Instructor ( CBATI ) program
  • The International Association of Canine Professionals ( IACP )
  • The National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors ( NADOI )
  • The Karen Pryor Academy ( KPR ) 

The Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) is the largest association of dog trainers. It has a “Professional Member” classification, which is available to those who have been certified by one of the aforementioned certifications. Having this on your resume can help show employers your competency and professionalism. 

5. Mention Certifications Relevant to the job

In addition to the certifications mentioned above, many Dog Trainers pursue other certifications in order to specialize in an area like service dog training or puppy training. 

Specialties include:

  • Behavioral Modification
  • Aggression Management
  • Therapy or Service Dog Training
  • Show Dog Handling
  • Puppy Training
  • Trick Training
  • Dog Racing Training
  • Training dogs for movies
  • Specific Breeds

For more information on certifications, check out our guide on how to include certifications on your resume the right way.

6. Pick the right template

Now it’s time for the fun part -- picking the aesthetics of your resume! 

Here at EasyResume, we offer 4 different templates. 

  • Creative : these resumes are bold and colorful with eye-catching fonts to help you stand out from the crowd. This is best for those in creative fields like marketing and art. 
  • Simple : these resumes follow a clear, straightforward format that highlight you and your experiences. This is best for those in fields that prefer austerity, such as the healthcare and finance industries. 
  • Modern : these resumes have sleek designs that are fresh and bold with elegant fonts and clean lines. This is best for individuals applying to startups or to companies with a young audience or product.
  • Professional : these resumes have a clean, crisp look that incorporates only one or two accent colors. The focus is solely on the text, pulling the recruiter into your experiences and accomplishments. This is best for individuals applying to straight-laced companies that mandate a suit-and-tie dress code. 

Your resume template should reflect the job to which you’re applying. For Dog Trainers, try a Professional or Modern format to keep the focus on your skills while still creating a stylish resume.

7. Takeaways

We’ve done it! Almost. 

Now it’s time to get down to business -- actually creating the resume. 

Here’s what you need to do: 

  • Research the job description to locate keywords
  • Use a Reverse-Chronological resume layout
  • Write your resume summary, including your accredited program, specialties, and years of experience
  • Include your education and relevant certifications
  • Write your experience section in a way that any outsider could understand. Talk more about the how and why of your responsibilities. Quantify your results.
  • Pick a resume template that fits the position to which you’re applying.

You’ll be training your next pup in no time!

Browse more resume templates that fit your role

Katerina Frye

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Professional resume templates to help land your next dream job.


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Dog Trainer Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the dog trainer job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

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  • Perform other duties as directed by management
  • Adhere to and promote established safety and loss prevention procedures
  • Is effective in a variety of formal presentation settings and can command attention, establish clear directions and create a climate that motivates others
  • Ensure work complies with Olin policies and professional standards
  • Maintain NILO Farms by keeping hunting courses well-groomed, target fields well stocked, and providing maintenance to equipment, buildings and grounds
  • Provide for care and feeding of hunting dogs, and clean and maintain dog kennels
  • Consistently set, capture and record Dog Training class selling targets with all store partners and General Manager
  • Promoting established safety and loss prevention procedures
  • Assisting in the loading, unloading and stocking of merchandise
  • Ensuring that store animals receive the highest quality care and are maintained in clean, safe and secure habitats
  • Coaching, encouraging and motivating dogs and pet parents
  • Promoting, conducting and instructing all current dog training curricula
  • Acting as a subject matter expert for Petco’s Positive Dog Training Program, products, services and in-store promotions
  • Achieve Dog Training goals by offering creative Training solutions
  • Promote conduct and instruct all current Dog Training curricula
  • Consistently meet and exceed store’s budgeted sales
  • Committed to enhancing communication and teamwork between dog and pet parent by offering positive solutions and rewarding success
  • Interact professionally and effectively through verbal and written communication with all pet parents and store partners regarding Dog Training or other pet services
  • Maintain provided class-related materials to consistently call back interested pet parents in a timely manner to promote Dog Training classes, seminars, workshops, Meet Your Trainer and/or Dog Training events sponsored by Petco
  • Maintain and utilize all Dog Trainer tools as defined in operational guidelines (such as calendars, flyers, business cards, local store marketing, build an event) with all partners as part of G.U.E.S.T.+ to drive the Dog Training business
  • Form and maintain partnerships with store management, store partners, grooming partners, 3rd party services vendors and local adoption partners and recognize Petco’s Think Adoption First philosophy
  • Strong ability to inspire and motivate self and others
  • Effectively deliver formal presentations
  • Be a genuine Petco ambassador who exemplifies the Petco culture and values in all communications and interactions

3 Dog Trainer resume templates

Dog Trainer Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

How to tailor your resume, how to make a resume, how to mention achievements, work experience in resume, 50+ skills to put on a resume, how and why put hobbies, top 22 fonts for your resume, 50 best resume tips, 200+ action words to use, internship resume, killer resume summary, write a resume objective, what to put on a resume, how long should a resume be, the best resume format, how to list education, cv vs. resume: the difference, include contact information, resume format pdf vs word, how to write a student resume, dog trainer / apprentice resume examples & samples.

  • Acting as a subject matter expert for Petco’s Positive Dog Training Program, products, services and in-store promotions
  • CPDT-KA or Karen Pryor Academy (KPA-CTP) certifications
  • Previous experience teaching positive reinforcement dog training techniques in group or class settings
  • Computer skills with the ability to quickly research information from the Internet
  • The ability to work during peak traffic periods during week days and weekends

Dog Trainer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must promote the positive training philosophies of the Petco Positive Dog Training Program and ensure a safe dog training environment for pet parents, customers, dogs and Petco partners
  • Must confidently perform all tasks & duties as outlined in the Dog Training Instructor Program
  • Promote, conduct and instruct all current Dog Training curricula
  • Be a Dog Training related resource for Dog Trainers in store to support consistent achievement of targeted goals and exhibit the ability to enlist the aid and support to accomplish common tasks
  • Cross-train store management and partners on how to promote Dog Training classes using the G.U.E.S.T.+ model by engaging pet parents and provide solutions to various training challenges, and the products needed to assist in solving those issues within established guidelines
  • Maintain provided class-related materials to consistently call back interested pet parents in a timely manner, promote Dog Training classes, seminars, workshops, Meet Your Trainer and/or Dog Training events sponsored by Petco
  • Utilize and maintain all Dog Trainer tools as defined in operational guidelines (such as calendars, flyers, business cards, local store marketing, build an event) with all partners as part of G.U.E.S.T.+ to drive the Dog Training business
  • Form and maintain relationships with store management, store partners, grooming partners, 3rd party services vendors and local adoption partners and be familiar with Petco’s Think Adoption First philosophy
  • Be familiar with all new products and services in order to be able to engage with customers regarding their features and benefits. Upon hiring, must complete Petco’s Positive Dog Training Instructor Program and associated Petco onboarding within specified timeframe
  • Complete and maintain other MyLearningCenter courses as assigned
  • Schedule a minimum of two new classes starting weekly (5 start dates a month on a weekend day), include two level two classes, two Canine Good Citizen classes and adhere to the national seminar dates and times. Add seminars and workshops on as-needed basis. The Dog Training calendar to be posted two months in advance and updated with any changes (in partnership with other Dog Trainers)
  • Execute both national and local policies and procedures related to the delivery of Positive Dog Training classes with Petco pet parents, including operations, safety, and loss prevention measures
  • Knowledge of Dog Training class-related materials and tools available for store order through the Online Supply System and, in partnership with the Dog and Cat Department Manager, ensure all products are in stock and available in store at all times
  • Effectively employ suggestive enrollment techniques to consistently increase and drive Dog Training enrollments while meeting and exceeding budget
  • Maintain familiarity with current store promotions and special services
  • Maintain Dog Training area cleanliness and equipment per Operational guidelines and Policy and Procedures. This includes but is not limited to maintaining dog training barriers, dog training kiosk and associated signage
  • Must embrace and advocate the role of Dog Trainer in own store and local area to consistently represent Petco’s positive atmosphere and culture by positively communicating with dogs, dog parents, store partners and your community
  • Provide quick and courteous service to all Petco customers by determining their needs and sharing product knowledge to suggest the appropriate merchandise to satisfy them, and by effectively employing suggestive selling techniques to increase individual sales
  • Complete cash register transactions as well as customer carry-out service consisting of merchandise weighing up to but not exceeding 50 pounds per trip
  • Assist in the loading, unloading and stocking of merchandise according to established procedures in order to ensure that the store is well stocked and that inventory counts are accurate
  • Ensure that store animals, birds, reptiles and fish receive the highest quality care, are maintained in habitats that are clean, safe and secure and that all reasonable and required steps are taken to maintain their good health. Alert store management immediately if any animal, reptile, bird or fish is abused, in need of medical attention or other special care
  • Perform routine housekeeping tasks as required to maintain the professional image and appearance of the store, to include sweeping/mopping the floors, dusting, washing the windows, facing the merchandise on the shelves
  • Assist store management in the opening/closing of the store as needed, to include the accurate completion of required paperwork
  • Participate in the completion of quarterly and annual physical inventory counts
  • CPDT-KA or Karen Prior Academy (KPA-CTP) certifications preferred
  • Must successfully complete Petco’s Positive Dog Training Instructor Program upon hiring, within established timelines
  • Possess basic computer skills with the ability to quickly research information from the Internet

Senior Dog Trainer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must promote the positive training philosophies of the Petco’s Positive Dog Training Program and ensure a safe dog training environment for pet parents, customers, dogs and Petco partners
  • Consistently meet and exceed store’s budgeted sales
  • Encompass excellent listening skills and able to effectively coach in an encouraging and motivating way by delivering points efficiently and easily. Ability to influence without authority
  • Be a Dog Training related resource in the store to consistently achieve targeted goals and exhibit the ability to enlist the aid and support to accomplish common tasks
  • Cross-train store management and partners on how to promote Dog Training classes with G.U.E.S.T. + model by engaging pet parents and provide solutions to various training challenges, and the products needed to assist in solving those issues within established guidelines
  • Form and maintain partnerships with store management, store partners, grooming partners, 3rd party services vendors and local adoption partners and recognize Petco’s Think Adoption First philosophy
  • Be familiar with all new products and services in order to be able to engage with customers regarding new product and services features and benefits
  • High school diploma or GED is generally preferred
  • Previous experience teaching positive reinforcement Dog Training techniques in group or class settings preferred
  • Must have completed Petco’s Positive Dog Training Instructor Program and must maintain designation of Petco Positive Dog Training certified DTI
  • Consistently meet and exceed own store’s budgeted sales for the most consecutive 90 days
  • Promote, conduct and instruct all current Dog Training offerings in home store consistently for at least 6 months

K-handler, Military Working Dog Trainer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Associates Degree in related field; 6 years’ experience in the Air Force Security Forces career field may be accepted in lieu of degree
  • Successfully graduated from the DoD K-9 handler’s course and the DoD kennel master’s course IAW AFI 31-202, section 2.3
  • Basic Graduate of the Air Force Security Forces Academy
  • Conduct safe, orderly and pleasant upland field hunts and flighted mallard hunts
  • Train classy, well-behaved hunting dogs in the retriever, flushing and pointing breeds
  • Assist guests at target field through knowledge of games, guns, and shooting techniques in a courteous and helpful manner, while always stressing the importance of firearms and hunting safety
  • Keep game birds in top condition by feeding, watering, and maintaining pens in clean and repaired state
  • Control predators and pests at NILO Farms to protect dogs, birds, and guests
  • Knowledge and ability to operate farm machinery and general construction equipment and tools
  • Knowledge of proper and safe use of firearms and ammunition
  • Superior organizational, communication (written and verbal), interpersonal, and presentation skills
  • Must be an independent self-starter who requires minimal supervision and can work effectively with all levels of management
  • Ability to build collaborative relationships with customers
  • Must be able to lift and carry up to 50 lbs
  • Individual must be able to climb stairs and ladders, walk considerable distances, work at heights, in weather elements, extreme temperatures and stand for prolonged periods

Dog Trainer / Musher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Travel with dogs to races schedule for next year. Estimated 4-5 races in that year period
  • Feeding, watering, training, conditioning, health assessment, scooping, etc. dogs
  • Routine maintenance of kennels and equipment
  • Previous Sled Dog experience is NOT necessary
  • Previous experience and passion working with animals
  • Personal physical condition allowing the ability to lift heavy items such as food for dogs, and ability to have physical capacity to train at high intervals with dogs
  • Computer Skills: Demonstrate expertise with Microsoft products and other applicable software or applications
  • Employee is frequently required to sit for extended periods of time and may be required to talk and listen to employees and/customers
  • Employee is occasionally required to stand for long periods of time; walk; use hands to finger, handle, or feel; and reach with hands and arms
  • Employee must regularly lift and/or move up to 80 pounds and occasionally lift and/or move up to 80 pounds

Related Job Titles

dog trainer objective on resume


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dog trainer objective on resume

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dog trainer objective on resume

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Make use of expert tips & tricks to to help you build the perfect resume

Dog Trainer Resume: Templates & Top Tips

As a Dog Trainer, you’re used to teaching pets how to behave and ensuring they follow their owner’s commands. However, are you having trouble getting job recruiters and pet owners to play fetch with your resume? If that’s the case, use our resume template to get the treatment you deserve.

dog trainer objective on resume

Dog Trainer Resume Example MSWord® Improve the performance of your resume with our Dog Trainer Resume template in World format.

Cameron Ripley

When it comes to dream jobs, working with furry friends has to be toward the top of the list! Being a dog trainer comes with plenty of perks like belly rubs and tail wags, but it also takes patience, skill, and expertise. That’s why it’s so important to show you have what it takes to be a dog trainer with a resume that showcases your skills and experience.

At ResumeGiants, we might not be able to tell you the best way to get dogs to listen to you, but we can help you write the best dog trainer resume. In this guide, we’ll cover all the essentials to help you “train up” a great resume that’ll have potential employers eating out of your hand:

  • How to write a dog trainer resume.
  • Creating a dog trainer resume summary or objective.
  • Completing your experience and education resume sections.
  • Adding relevant dog training skills.
  • Tips, tricks, and advice to help you start a fulfilling career as a dog trainer.

If you’re ready to chase the ball and don’t feel like you need to read all our helpful tips (no hard feelings), head over to our free online resume builder to get started on your resume. There are plenty of professional templates available. Just choose the one that best fits your style, update your information, and you’re ready to start sending to potential employers.

However, if you want a little training of your own first, keep on reading. There are plenty of tips, tricks, and advice ahead to help you make the most of your dog trainer resume.

Dog Trainer Resume Sample

It’s always best to sniff before taking a bite. So before we jump into the exciting world of resume building, let’s take a look at a dog trainer resume example . This will give you an idea of the sections and information to include in your own resume.

Taylor Waggs [Dog Trainer] 6495 Wet Nose Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28105 | 704-555-7877 | [email protected]

>> Summary << Engaged and passionate dog trainer with over five years of experience working with various breeds. Strong understanding of canine behavior and experience using positive reinforcement techniques for potty training, walking, and performing tricks on command.

>> Experience <<

Well-Behaved Dog Training, Inc. | Charlotte, NC

Dog Trainer

2019 – 2022

  • Worked with 200 clients per year on average, customizing programs to suit the needs of both owner and pet.
  • Implemented training programs using positive reinforcement, clickers, electronic devices, and other tools to encourage desired behavior.
  • Educate clients to reinforce positive behaviors at home.
  • Average 95% customer satisfaction rating in post-training surveys.

Pets ‘R’ Us | Concord, NC

Pet Groomer

2017 – 2018

  • Worked closely with pets and followed specialized care instructions.
  • Used gentle grooming and behavioral techniques to ensure a comfortable experience for dogs.
  • Received a 97% satisfaction rating from customers.

>> Education <<

Canine Training Institute | Charlotte, NC

Graduate | 2017 – 2018

Cabarrus High School | Concord, NC

Diploma | 2017

>> Skills <<

  • Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Time management
  • Flexibility
  • Training techniques
  • Clicker, training remote, and repellent knowledge

>> Certifications <<

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer | Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT)

>> Memberships <<

  • Member of Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT)

>> Languages <<

  • English (native)
  • Spanish (fluent)
  • French (proficient)

Don’t have the qualifications to be a dog trainer yet? That’s okay; everyone has to start somewhere! Starting your career as a dog sitter is a great way to get experience with man’s best friend while you learn some training techniques. Check out this article to learn how to write a dog sitter resume and get your career started.

What’s the Best Dog Trainer Resume Format?

Some dogs like treats, and others are happy with just a few ear scratches. There’s no “best” way to work with every dog, and the same goes for your resume’s format. The best resume format is simply the one that best showcases your skills to potential employers.

While you’re welcome to choose the format you like best, there are a few universal resume rules you should follow to make the most of your dog trainer resume:

  • Use reverse-chronological order for your experience and education sections.
  • Leave plenty of space between sections to keep your resume clean and easy to read.
  • Keep it to one page (you can go to two if you really can’t help it).
  • Include headings and bold titles for each section for organization. 
  • Use a professional font like Calibri, Arial, or Cambria.
  • Choose a readable font size around 13-15 for headings and 11-12 for body text.
  • Save your resume as a PDF to prevent formatting issues.

No matter which format you choose, it’s always best to put the most important information at the top . Since people read from top to bottom (including potential employers), you want to show off your most impressive experience at the top to encourage them to keep reading. 

How to Write a Dog Trainer Resume Summary or Resume Objective

You have all the pieces of a great dog trainer resume, now it’s time to put them all together. Since we don’t know your contact information , let’s jump right to the resume summary or objective.

First things first, what’s the difference between a dog trainer resume summary and objective?

  • Resume summary – Two to three sentences describing your professional experience and skills.
  • Resume objective – A short overview of your career goals and a few key skills you possess.

These are the first things potential employers read, so they have to be good. Let’s take a look at how to write each — and when to use them.

Resume summaries are best for applicants with professional experience to summarize, while resume objectives are best for entry-level dog trainers.

Dog Trainer Resume Summary Example

A resume summary is simply a quick rundown of your professional experience in two to three sentences. The key is to keep it short and concise and make sure you include only the most important information. Think of your resume summary as the teaser trailer before the movie (the rest of your resume).Here’s a quick example of what a good dog trainer resume summary might look like:

Engaged and passionate dog trainer with over five years of experience working with various breeds. Strong understanding of canine behavior and experience using positive reinforcement techniques for potty training, walking, and performing tricks on command.

It might just be a few sentences, but this dog trainer resume summary has everything you need. It doesn’t just say the applicant has five years of experience. It goes into detail about the specific kinds of experience the applicant has and how they’ve used it. Just like with dog training, the devil is in the details!

Entry-Level Dog Trainer Resume Objective 

Resume summaries only work if you have a resume to summarize. For entry-level dog trainers, it’s best to go with a resume objective.

A resume objective is just a few short sentences about your career goals and a few skills that would make you a great dog trainer. Since it’s always better to learn from others’ mistakes, let’s look at what not to do with your dog trainer resume objective:

High school graduate looking for a position as a dog trainer. I don’t have much professional experience, but I’m passionate about working with animals and get along well with dogs.

Applying to a job is a competition. It’s you against all the other applicants. So if your resume doesn’t stand out, you’re probably not going to get the job. 

This resume summary doesn’t stand out. There aren’t any specific skills or goals mentioned, and the general skills that are included (get along with dogs) are so generic that every other applicant likely has them too.

Instead, follow the same rules as writing a resume summary. Include specific details about your background that will make you stand out from the (dog) pack:

Passionate animal lover with an in-depth understanding of canine behavior and implementing training techniques using clicker and positive reinforcement methods, looking to help pet owners enjoy more safe, quality time with their dogs. Seeking a position as dog trainer with ResumeGiants Kennels. 

As an entry-level applicant, you might not have professional experience, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have any experience. If you used a clicker and belly rubs to train your own dog, that counts! As long as you include specific details about your skills and objectives , you’ve earned your treat!

Include the potential employer’s name in your resume objective for a few extra brownie points. It shows you took the time to customize your resume to fit the job description, and it’s not just a copy and paste job.

How to Describe Your Dog Trainer Experience on Your Resume

Your experience section is arguably the most important part of your entire resume. Not only does it show off tons of your skills, but it also shows that you can put those skills to use in real-life situations. 

To write a great dog trainer resume experience section, you need to include three key pieces of information :

  • Work history 
  • Key accomplishments
  • Responsibilities

You likely have tons of experience you want to show off, but like with everything else on your resume, it’s best to keep your experience section short and concise . Hiring managers don’t have all day to read through pages and pages of experience, so limit your section to only the most impressive and relevant to the position.

Every item in your resume’s experience section should be relevant to the position you’re applying to. You might have waited tables at the local diner, but if you can’t link that experience to being a dog trainer, it’s best to just leave it out.

No matter what experience you decide to include on your resume, be sure to follow these time-tested tips to make your experience section stand out with hiring managers:

  • Include concrete numbers and statistics.
  • Customize your work experience to the job you’re applying to.
  • Keep all information concise and to the point.
  • Include keywords from the job description.

Basically, the closer you can make yourself fit the job, the better! For example, if the description mentions the need to use a specific training method, be sure to talk about your previous work experience using that method — even if it’s not a part of your “standard” resume.

It’s always best to customize your resume for the job. Don’t just send the same resume in every application.

Dog Trainer Resume Examples: Experience

Now that you’ve been “trained” to write a great experience section, let’s put that training to use with some examples. First, let’s take a look at what not to do with your dog trainer resume experience section:

Dog Trainer – 2019 

  • Worked with dogs
  • Taught tricks and commands

This dog trainer resume experience section falls a bit flat. There’s nothing here that wouldn’t apply to anyone else in the stack of resumes on the hiring manager’s desk. It’s not going to stand out, meaning it’ll probably end up as a puppy potty training material.

Your experience section needs to be full of details about your background and skills. Show hiring managers what makes you unique and why you’d be a good fit for the position. 

With that in mind, here’s an example of what a good dog trainer resume experience section looks like:

  • Implemented training programs using positive reinforcement, clickers, electronic devices, and other tools to encourage desired behaviors.

This dog trainer resume experience example will have potential employers begging for more. There are tons of specific and concrete details to back up the experience. It’s one thing to say you worked with a lot of clients, but it looks even better if you give a real number. It adds more credibility to your experience and helps set you apart from other applicants. 

Entry-Level Dog Trainer Resume Experience Section

Don’t have much professional experience to show off? That’s okay! You probably still have plenty of skills to showcase in your resume’s experience section. 

Think back to any past job, extracurricular, volunteer position , or even hobby you’ve had in the past. If any of the skills you learned translate to dog training , you can use it in your dog trainer resume.

For example, take a look at this entry-level dog trainer resume experience section :

This might not be professional dog training experience, but the skills mentioned in the section are definitely relevant for a dog trainer position . Plus, there are plenty of specific details and numbers to reinforce the experience. 

Is Your Education Section Well-Trained? Maybe Not

Your resume’s education section might not be as important as your experience section, but that doesn’t mean you can skip it. Luckily, it doesn’t take much to train your education section into shape.

A great resume education section needs only three key pieces of information :

  • Where you went to school
  • The dates of attendance
  • The degree or diploma

As long as you have those three points, you’re good to go as far as potential employers are concerned!

Dog Trainer Resume Education Section

Now that you know the three key points of an education section, let’s take a look at a dog trainer resume education section example :

Short, sweet, and to the point. That’s all it takes for a great education section. 

You’re also welcome to add your GPA or any academic achievements , but only if they’re impressive and relevant to the position you’re applying to.

If you have college experience, you can leave out your high school experience. It’s typically assumed you graduated high school if you went to college, so save the space for more important information.

The Best Dog Trainer Skills for a Resume

It’s hard to fit all your incredible expertise into just your experience and education sections. Adding a skills section is a great way to round out your resume and showcase some of your more specific or unique skills.

There are two types of skills you can add to your resume:

  • Hard skills – Measurable, concrete skills.
  • Soft skills – Universal, harder-to-define skills.

Think of hard skills as something you can become certified and tested in (like walking on a leash), while soft skills are more like personality traits (like not begging for food). 

You want to look well-rounded, so it’s always a good idea to include a mixture of both hard and soft skills on your resume. Here are just a few of the skills that look great on a dog trainer resume:

Soft Skills

  • Communication 

Hard Skills

  • Training techniques (the more specific, the better)
  • Knowledge of specific training tools or aids
  • CPR and first aid
  • Knowledge of dog behavior
  • Positive Reinforcement Techniques

You probably have dozens of skills you want to mention on your resume, but unfortunately hiring managers don’t have all day to read through all those skills. Limit your skills section to only the most impressive and relevant skills you have.

How to Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume

You’re an impressive person, and there’s probably more you want to say about yourself that might not fit into the standard sections on your resume. That’s what an “other” section is for.

Other sections are just that: additional sections to fill out your resume and set you apart from the other applicants. You’re welcome to add whatever extra sections you like as long as they’re relevant to the position you’re applying to. (Tired of hearing that yet?)

Dog Trainer Resume Sample Extra Sections

Not sure what kind of extra sections you should include? Here are just a few that look great on a dog trainer resume:


Memberships, key takeaway.

Now that you’ve been fully “trained” in the art of resume building, it’s time to get started on your own resume — but don’t forget to grab a treat as a reward first!

While you’re working on your professional dog trainer resume, be sure to keep these time-tested resume tips in mind:

  • Personalize your resume to fit the exact job description.
  • Use plenty of specific details about your background and experience. 
  • Match your skills and experience to the position you’re applying to. 
  • Include concrete numbers and specifics.
  • Use a clean resume layout.
  • Choose a professional font and format.
  • Save your resume as a PDF. 

Need a little inspiration to get started? Check out some of the resume templates at All our templates follow resume building best practices, so all you need to do is fill in your information according to these tips, and you’re ready to start applying. With a great resume at your side, you’ll be working with four-legged friends in no time!

dog trainer objective on resume

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StandOut CV

Dog Trainer resume example

Andrew Fennell photo

You’re an expert at working with our four-legged friends whilst simultaneously teaching their owners how to implement your techniques.

But showcasing your ability to multi-task, as well as your training qualifications, can feel tougher than getting little Fido to stop chasing the neighbour’s cat.

That’s where we come in. We can help you to craft the perfect application and highlight your skills with our writing advice and dog trainer resume example in the guide below.

Guide contents

Resume templates 

Dog Trainer Resume Example

Dog Trainer Resume 1

The example Dog Trainer resume above shows you how a professional resume should look, along with the type of content it should contain.

You can see that the information is well-organized across the page, and its easy for busy recruiters to see the candidate’s important skills.

Keep this in mind when writing your own resume.

resume builder

Dog Trainer resume layout and formatting

Your resume layout and format will play a big role in helping hiring managers to take notice of your resume and stay glued to it.

Shoot for a simple yet professional look to ensure you make a strong first impression, and organize the page in a way that is easy for readers to digest the information.

The following formatting tips should help.

How to write a resume

How to format your resume

  • Length: Keep your resume to 2 pages or under. You’ve probably heard that recruiters and hiring managers don’t have lots of time to read every resume, so keep yours brief if you want to ensure that they read all of the important info in yours.
  • Font & text : Readability is the name of the game when it comes to your resume. Ensure yours is a dream to read by using a simple clear font, and breaking the text up with plenty of bullet points and short paragraphs.
  • Design & layout: Hiring managers should be able to skim through your resume easily and pinpoint the information they want quickly. To help them do this, organize the page into clear sections with bold headings and dividing borders. The design should be clutter-free and professional-looking, with a calm color scheme.
  • Photos: You don’t have to add a photo to your resume in the States, but some regions and industries like to see them.

Quick tip: Achieving a professional look for your resume can be difficult and time-consuming. If you want to create an attractive resume quickly, try our quick-and-easy Resume Builder and use one of their eye-catching resume templates.

Resume formatting tips

Resume layout

When you write your resume , include the sections below.

  • Name and contact details – Pop these at the very top to ensure recruiters know how to contact you.
  • Resume summary – An eye-catching paragraph which summarizes your most valuable attributes – placed near the top of your resume
  • Skills section – A bullet pointed list of your most in-demand skills, enabling recruiters to see your suitability from a glance.
  • Work experience – List some or all of your previous jobs in reverse chronological order – voluntary work and college placements can be included if you have no paid experience.
  • Education – A summary of your professional training and academic qualifications.
  • Additional info – An optional section for anything that may boost your application, such as relevant hobbies and interests

Here’s what you should include in each section of your resume.

Resume Contact Details

Contact details

Keep your contact details short to save resume space and include the following.

  • Name and profession title
  • Cell phone number
  • Location – Add your local area such as Silicon Valley or New York , unless you are looking for work in a different location
  • Email address – Keep it professional and don’t use an old address that you thought was cool in high school, but now looks a bit embarrassing.

You can add a link to your LinkedIn profile if you have one – you do not need to include personal details like date of birth or marital status.

Dog Trainer Resume Summary

Start your resume with a bang by adding a powerful summary to the top, summarizing your most valuable skills and experience.

This short paragraph is your chance to show recruiters why you are a perfect fit for the job and encourage them to read more of your resume.

resume profile

3 tips for creating a resume summary that will get noticed:

  • Keep it concise: Your summary is intended to be a high-level introduction to hook readers’ attention, so keep it brief (4-7 lines) – save the details for later in your resume.
  • Tailor to target jobs: Tailor your resume to your target jobs by studying the job description and adding as many matching skills as you can.
  • Don’t use cliches: You may be a “ team player who always give 110%” but generic phrases don’t tell employers much about you in reality – stick to factual information.

Example resume summary for Dog Trainer

What info to include in your dog trainer resume summary.

  • Summary of experience: Provide an overview of the type of work you have done in the past and the impact you have made at previous employers.
  • Relevant skills: Scatter your most in-demand Dog Trainer skills through your summary to ensure they are noticed quickly by hiring managers.
  • Vital qualifications: If your job requires any qualifications such as a professional course or a college degree, mention it briefly in your summary.

Quick tip: Choose from hundreds of pre-written summaries across all industries, and add one to your resume with one-click in our quick-and-easy Resume Builder . All written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset and style.

Core skills section

Sitting just underneath your resume summary, your core skills section gives recruiters 4-10 of your most in-demand skills in just a glance.

As Dog Trainer jobs may get hundreds of applications, this is a great way to stand out and quickly grab hiring managers’ attention.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points and highlight attributes that are hyper-relevant to the jobs you are aiming for.

Core skills section resume

Top skills for your Dog Trainer resume

Dog Handling – Knowledgeable around the various techniques used to approach dogs of varying demeanours, lifting and carrying dogs, and using collars and harnesses.

Dog Training – Utilizing a variety of dog training techniques such as positive reinforcement, clicker training, mirror training, alpha training, and relationship-based training.

Pet Behavior & Learning Theory – Understanding the complex theories around how animals learn and what training techniques are most appropriate.

Safety Management Policies – Working in line with established safety policies and regulations to ensure the safety of all dog trainers and dogs.

Client Care Instructions – Providing easy to understand instructions around how clients can continue their dogs training at home.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy Resume Builder contains thousands of in-demand skills for every profession that can be added to your resume in seconds – saving you time and greatly improving your chances of landing job interviews and getting hired.

Resume work experience section

Now that you’ve reeled recruiters in with your awesome summary, it’s time to delve into your work experience.

Here you’ll list your previous jobs (starting with your most recent and working backward) and showcase how you apply your skills in the workplace.

Provide lots of detail in recent jobs, and less in older roles.

If you have no relevant paid experience, you can include voluntary work and placements – but if you have lots of experience, you can leave out some of the really old jobs.

Work experience resume

Structuring your job descriptions

Resume job descriptions contain lots of information, so its crucial to structure them well.

Use the structure below to ensure hiring managers can consume the information easily.

Role descriptions

Job outline

Kick off each role with a high-level overview to summarize the focus of the job, what the organization/department does, and how you fit into the bigger picture.

Key responsibilities

List your notable responsibilities in short sharp bullet points to demonstrate your input and how you contributed to the organization’s success.

Highlight the skills that are most important to the roles you are applying for.

Key achievements

Round off each job by adding some impressive achievements you made in the role.

Anything you’ve done that has made a big impact on your employer will make a good impression, think; generating revenue, saving costs, or improving a product.

Quantify your achievements with number where possible e.g. “reduced call wait time by 10%”

Example job for Dog Trainer resume

Responsible for dog training brand consistency, delivering all program offerings, and maintaining operational standards within the pet care center for a category-defining health and wellness company focused on improving the lives of pets, owners, and Petco partners since 1965.

Key Responsibilities

  • Offer efficient and courteous services by greeting customers, answering questions, and resolving any issues.
  • Implement appropriate training programs to address and resolve problem areas, including aggression, separation anxiety, hyperactivity, and biting.
  • Perform all tasks and duties as outlined in the dog training instructor program.
  • Develop training plans for pet parents and dogs to increase the use of positive reinforcement and eliminate the need for punishment.

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy Resume Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education section

Near the end of your resume add your education section

Experienced candidates should keep it brief and focus on professional qualifications – and junior candidates can include high school diplomas, college degrees etc.

Additional information

At the end of your resume, you can add any extra information that might be relevant to the jobs you are applying for.

This could be hobbies, interests, publications, clubs or memberships.

This section is optional and doesn’t need to be added if you have nothing more relevant to add.

Writing your Dog Trainer resume

A winning Dog Trainer resume should look great, read well, and sell your skillset to hiring managers.

If you follow the steps above, you should be able to bag yourself a top job in no time.

And don’t forget you can use our quick-and-easy Resume Builder if you want to save time and ensure your resume contains the very best content.

Good luck with your job search!


Resume Templates

Resume samples

dog trainer objective on resume

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dog trainer objective on resume

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Dog Trainer Resume Examples

Make your dog trainer resume perform tricks with expert optimization tips

RC Team

Dog Training Resume Samples

1. Candidate seeking a Dog Trainer role:

Attentive and caring dog trainer with a responsive approach and special expertise in healthy nutrition for dogs and other animals.

  • Used operant conditioning to train obedience in pet dogs of all breeds
  • Trained animals in response and reaction to voice commands
  • Helped owners teach pets proper home behavior
  • Instructed pet owners on healthy animal nutrition for the breed and age of their dog

2. Candidate seeking a service dog trainer role:

Disciplined and experienced dog trainer with extensive experience in the training, care, and management of service animals for disabilities.

  • Trained and taught safety awareness behavior in dogs through positive reinforcement
  • Helped acclimatize owners of assigned dogs to their care and management
  • Corrected behavioral problems in dogs selected for the program
  • Used operant conditioning to train dogs in specific tasks necessary to the owner’s needs

Dog Trainer Resume Vocabulary & Writing Tips

Recruiters want to see  detailed knowledge of the work required of dog trainers  on your resume. Therefore you should always ensure you use the right vocabulary and keywords on your resume.

Using the correct sector-specific words will not only ensure you demonstrate you’ve got what it takes to train dogs expertly, but it can also be  the difference between whether your resume even gets read by the recruiter . Many hiring managers now use applicant tracking software to vet resumes and these tools will often penalize candidates who submit applications with spelling mistakes or that underuse the most important keywords.

Words to Use

  • Positive reinforcement
  • Group settings
  • Trick training
  • Rewards systems
  • Aggressive situations
  • Veterinarian
  • Operant conditioning
  • Service dog training
  • Clicker training
  • Behavioral modification
  • Voice commands

Action Verbs

Dog trainer resume tips and ideas.

It’s safe to say that many dog trainer resumes could afford to learn a few new tricks. Whilst this is a  highly niche field , a well optimized resume can still make a big difference in getting hired.

Dog trainers as a profession vary from standard pet dog trainers, all the way up to police dog trainers, dog trainers for the military and dog trainers for the disabled. This is a deeply specialized field and candidates should always demonstrate a good working record,  expertise in teaching dogs correct behavior  and a decent level of training.

That’s a lot to fit into a short summarizing professional document of course. However, to make the process much easier, the following guide explains  what should be included in a dog trainer’s resume  and how you can effectively design and create a template that gets selected. Use these guidelines along with our  resume builder tool  to create a document that recruiters will notice.

Reverse chronological

  • Don’t add graphics or illustrations
  • Write in a legible 12 point font
  • Break up long texts into bullet points
  • Add a little neutral color

Not required

  • Contact information
  • Resume objective statement

Work experience

  • Awards and honors
  • Courses and certificates
  • Hobbies and interests

Resume Length

1-2 x letter page (8.5” x 11”)

In a field like dog training, your resume should  focus most on your practical experience . Therefore the best  resume format  to choose is a  reverse chronological  design.

Reverse chronological resumes place your work experience as an animal trainer in the most prominent position on the page. Additionally, these types of document allow you to express the most information about  precisely what you did in previous roles  and detail how you achieved success. All this will give your resume a much better chance of getting picked.

Designing a dog trainer resume doesn’t require you to commission a template created by a  professional  graphic designer  (using our resume maker is much easier too), but it still needs to look good. However, whilst design features on a resume make a positive difference with getting the job,  overdesigning the document is not advised .

Avoid adding graphics or illustrations and  use color in moderation . A bit of neutral color around headers and borders is more than enough normally.

The typeface of your document also has a big impact on the performance of your resume.  Choose an easily legible font  and keep it a consistent size 12 throughout. This will make it much easier for the recruiter to skim-read and locate your most hirable traits.

To make the document even better to skim, break up long paragraphs into easier to read bullet points.  Recruiters will often have to review hundreds of resumes daily  and the easier you can make their job the better your resume will perform.

Your resume for a dog trainer job  will not require a photo if you’re applying for a job in the United States . Hiring managers are much more interested in reading about your talents and expertise in the field. They also might be wary of progressing your application in fear of contravening strict employment discrimination rules.

Sections of a Dog Trainer Resume

In order to get hired for the specific job of your choice, you need to  tailor the sections on your resume carefully . However, in all cases, you’ll need the following segments:

Depending on your experience and achievements there’s  a lot more that can also be included  on a resume for a dog trainer. If you’ve won awards for your work or been given specialist training (which is especially important for military and police jobs in dog handling) this can be represented with one of the following optional sections:

It is generally better to keep your resume on the concise side.  A single letter page is usually enough  to communicate your professional ability. However, if you’ve had a long and illustrious career training dogs, it is also ok to extend to second sheet.

Dog Trainer Resume Section Headings

Getting hired requires getting noticed . The best way to make this happen immediately is to include a potent  resume objective statement  on your document.

This short introduction  should be no more than a couple of sentences in length  but if done right it can really improve your chances of getting interviews. Tailor this section to each job you apply for by including one or two details that the recruiter wants to see in candidates and you will be much more likely to get selected.

A good  work experience section  should quickly communicate the stage you’re at in your animal training career and  give the hiring manager confidence you’re able to do the work required .

Your resume should also aim to  keep things relevant . Therefore if you’ve worked in other sectors or in other types of profession you don’t have to include it. Focus on just explaining why you’re suited to the job on offer. For each position you include on the page, add the following information:

  • Your job title
  • The company’s name and location
  • Your roles and responsibilities in the business
  • The dates you were employed with it

When you detail your previous roles, be sure to draw attention to  how you achieved measurable goals  and be specific with the exact methods you used in your day-to-day work. Make sure to talk about how many dogs you trained, what kind of breeds they were and what techniques you employed as a matter of course.

It takes a lot of skill to succeed as a dog trainer  and as such your  skills section  needs to be well equipped. To pique the interest of employers, ensure to include one or more of the following abilities on your resume:

Hard skills:

  • Animal obedience
  • Hand signals
  • Dog voice commands
  • Puppy training
  • Aggressive behavior management
  • Dog grooming
  • Animal nutrition

Soft skills:

  • Communication
  • Attention to detail

Whilst there aren’t many formal qualifications in dog training at a college level, having a well-detailed  education section  still makes the difference. Recruiters will at the very least want to see a  GED or High School Diploma  on the page and you should still include any Bachelors’s or Masters’s degrees you have earned too.

There are however plenty of ways to demonstrate your preparation in the training of dogs.  Apprenticeships, certifications and practical courses  from accredited bodies will all go a long way to showing you’re ready to help with canine care.

Additonally, whilst it is voluntary, it is a good idea to  note any licensure you have with professional bodies . This could be with The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) or the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (ADPT), which are two of the most important ortganisations in this field.

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Dog Trainer Resume Guide

Dog trainers help people train their dogs to behave in a desired manner. They use positive reinforcement techniques and work with the dog’s owner to develop an individualized training plan that fits both the pet and its family’s needs. Dog trainers teach basic obedience commands, such as sit, stay, come when called, heel on leash walks and more advanced behaviors like agility courses or tricks.

You have a natural knack for training dogs, and any pet owner would be lucky to work with you. But employers don’t know who you are yet – so create an eye-catching resume that shows off your canine expertise.

This guide will walk you through the entire process of creating a top-notch resume. We first show you a complete example and then break down what each resume section should look like.

Dog Trainer Resume

Table of Contents

The guide is divided into sections for your convenience. You can read it from beginning to end or use the table of contents below to jump to a specific part.

Dog Trainer Resume Sample

Torrey Hettinger Dog Trainer

[email protected] 078-186-2266

Energetic and knowledgeable dog trainer with over 10 years of experience in canine behavior modification. Passionate about helping pet owners establish a positive relationship between dogs and humans by utilizing reward-based training methods. Seeking to join ABC Pet Center as the head trainer, combining my knowledge of animal psychology with strong leadership skills to help create an enjoyable learning environment for clients and their pets alike.

Dog Trainer, Employer A Louisville, Jan 2018 – Present

  • Improved obedience levels in over 200 canine clients by 20% through consistent positive reinforcement training methods.
  • Meticulously monitored and recorded the progress of each dog’s development, providing owners with detailed feedback on their pet’s behavior modification plans.
  • Monitored for safety hazards such as aggressive temperament and dominance-related behaviors; implemented effective strategies to reduce incidences of these issues by 15%.
  • Instructed group classes consisting of up to 8 dogs per session on basic commands (sit, stay, come), leash etiquette & potty training; also conducted private sessions with individual owners as needed.
  • Reduced client complaints related to barking or other disruptive behavior from 30 cases a month down to 5 within 6 months through careful instruction and customized one-on-one coaching techniques.

Dog Trainer, Employer B Milwaukee, Mar 2012 – Dec 2017

  • Advised over 100 dog owners on proper canine behavior and obedience training techniques, helping them to successfully resolve behavioral issues such as aggression, destructive chewing and excessive barking.
  • Structured customized lesson plans based on each pet’s capabilities and individual needs; increased obedience success rate by 20%.
  • Actively implemented positive reinforcement methods when teaching basic commands (sit, stay etc.), resulting in a 95% increase in response rates from dogs of all breeds/ages within 4 weeks of training.
  • Streamlined the program’s curriculum for better comprehension among novice trainers; decreased average time spent for each session by 30 minutes without sacrificing learning outcomes or accuracy levels.
  • Spearheaded the development of an online course exploring innovative approaches to clicker-training which benefited over 200 students with complex behaviors — improving their overall understanding by 40%.
  • Dog Training
  • Dog Behavior
  • Animal Behavior
  • Dog Walking
  • Animal Welfare

Certificate in Dog Training and Behavior Modification Educational Institution XYZ Nov 2011


Certified Professional Dog Trainer Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers May 2017

1. Summary / Objective

Your resume summary/objective should be like a movie trailer – it should give the employer an overview of your qualifications and why you are the best fit for their dog training position. Include information such as how long you have been working with dogs, any certifications or awards you may have received, and what methods/techniques you use to train animals. Additionally, mention any special skills that make you stand out from other applicants (e.g., ability to work with aggressive breeds).

Below are some resume summary examples:

Accomplished dog trainer with 8+ years of experience in canine behavior and obedience training. Adept at developing customized programs to meet the needs of individual clients, ranging from basic commands and housebreaking to more complex agility courses. At XYZ Animal Shelter, trained over 100 dogs for adoption into loving homes. Passionate about helping people and their pets build a stronger bond through positive reinforcement techniques.

Seasoned dog trainer with 5+ years of experience in teaching dogs obedience, socialization and potty training. Skilled at working with many breeds, sizes and temperaments of dogs. Successful track record in providing behavior modification services to owners whose pets have exhibited challenging behaviors such as fearfulness or aggression. Committed to helping clients achieve their goals for the overall health and happiness of their pet(s).

Reliable and experienced dog trainer with 5+ years of experience training dogs to achieve high levels of obedience and behavior. Committed to providing positive reinforcement techniques that encourage learning, cooperation, and trust in animals. Seeking the opportunity to join ABC Pet Services as a lead trainer where I can apply my knowledge, skills, and dedication towards fostering harmony between pets and their owners.

Proficient dog trainer with 8+ years of experience in teaching canine obedience to a variety of breeds. Successfully trained over 500 dogs, including service and therapy animals. Proven track record for dramatically improving the behavior problems associated with aggression, anxiety, and fear. Committed to providing humane training methods that promote positive reinforcement techniques for maximum results.

Committed and experienced dog trainer with 5+ years of experience developing individualized training programs for a variety of breeds and temperaments. Successfully trained over 200 dogs in basic obedience, agility, scent work and more. Seeking to join ABC Dog Training Center to continue helping pet parents create stronger bonds with their furry friends through tailored techniques.

Detail-oriented and dedicated dog trainer with 5+ years of experience successfully rehabilitating and training dogs. Seeking to join ABC Dog Training to help build a responsible, happy pet-owning community through personalized instruction and positive reinforcement techniques. At XYZ Kennel, trained 10 dogs in basic commands with an average 85% success rate within 8 weeks.

Professional dog trainer with 5+ years of experience in both private and commercial settings. Skilled at assessing individual canine needs, creating customized training plans to develop desired behaviors and obedience, as well as teaching owners how to effectively communicate with their pets. Received multiple awards for excellence in service from ABC Dog Training Center.

Driven and passionate dog trainer with a successful track record of training dogs for basic obedience and advanced behavioral modification. 10+ years of experience working in residential, commercial, and shelter settings. Seeking to join ABC Pet Care as the next lead canine behavior specialist to help pet owners understand their furry friends better.

2. Experience / Employment

For the experience section, you should list your work history in reverse chronological order, with the most recent job listed first. Stick to bullet points primarily when writing this section; doing so allows the reader to quickly digest what you have written.

When stating what you did and achieved, be sure to provide detail and quantifiable results where possible. For example, instead of saying “Trained dogs,” say something like “Successfully trained 10+ dogs per month using positive reinforcement techniques resulting in improved obedience.”

To write effective bullet points, begin with a strong verb or adverb. Industry specific verbs to use are:

  • Demonstrated
  • Implemented

Other general verbs you can use are:

  • Coordinated
  • Facilitated
  • Participated
  • Reorganized
  • Represented
  • Spearheaded
  • Streamlined

Below are some example bullet points:

  • Prepared and trained over 100 dogs of all breeds, sizes and temperaments in basic commands such as ‘sit’, ‘stay’ & “down”; improved obedience levels by 40% within 4 months.
  • Reinforced positive reinforcement techniques with clients to modify their pet’s behaviors which led to reduced barking incidents by 25%.
  • Successfully implemented the use of reward-based training methods to help improve coordination issues in canines and increased agility speeds by 30%.
  • Guided dog owners on how to properly groom their pets for competitions including trimming fur, brushing teeth and bathing; enhanced appearance of 50+ show dogs in 6 months.
  • Expedited the learning process through creative teaching strategies that resulted in a 75% success rate amongst students during group classes lasting 10 weeks or less each time.
  • Assessed behavioral issues in over 150 dogs and developed tailored obedience training programs to improve their behavior; rehabilitated 7 aggressive canines with a success rate of 83%.
  • Demonstrated the correct way to use verbal commands, leash corrections & positive reinforcement techniques during individualized sessions with pet owners; improved knowledge of dog-handling skills among clients by 60% within 6 months.
  • Introduced basic puppy behaviors such as proper housebreaking procedures, crate training, socialization activities and problem solving methods for destructive habits.
  • Compiled detailed reports on each client’s progress after every session featuring notes on accomplishments and areas that require additional attention; documented data from 70+ cases per week accurately without errors or omissions.
  • Consistently monitored all dogs under his/her care for signs of distress or illness throughout duration of program and provided preventive healthcare advice when necessary.
  • Competently trained 50+ dogs of all breeds, ages and behavioral issues in basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, come and heel; increased successful command response rate by 25%.
  • Managed the daily care activities for up to 20 animals at a time including feeding, grooming and exercise routines while providing exceptional customer service.
  • Evaluated canine behavior problems using positive reinforcement techniques as well as operant conditioning principles; improved overall success rates across clients’ pets by 18% within 6 months.
  • Reorganized group training sessions into smaller classes based on skill level to improve learning outcomes among diverse dog populations ahead of schedule with no additional cost or staff involvement required.
  • Socialized puppies with other dogs during playtime activities per owners’ requests resulting in fewer nuisance behaviors such as excessive barking or jumping due to anxiety or fear-causing triggers throughout their lives.
  • Presented personalized dog-training sessions to over 90 clients, teaching them canine obedience and behavior management techniques while achieving a 92% success rate in training.
  • Encouraged positive reinforcement methods with owners to ensure that their dogs responded reliably during training exercises; reduced housebreaking time by 20%.
  • Reliably assessed the temperament of all dogs involved in programs, helping owners understand how they should interact with their pets and creating individualized plans tailored specifically to each animal’s needs.
  • Formulated new behavioral modification techniques for more challenging cases which resulted in successful transformation of aggressive or disobedient canines within 8 weeks on average.
  • Optimized existing protocols for group classes by offering interactive activities such as agility courses and scent games; increased enrollment from 5 participants per class up to 15+.
  • Developed and implemented personalized training programs for 50+ dogs, helping to correct problem behaviors and improve general obedience by 60%.
  • Coordinated with pet owners on a regular basis to discuss progress and provide feedback; increased customer satisfaction ratings from 75% to 95%.
  • Represented the organization at community events such as dog shows and festivals, highlighting products & services while also providing education about responsible pet ownership.
  • Motivated dogs using positive reinforcement techniques while reinforcing desirable behavior; achieved over 85% success rate in teaching basic commands within 6 weeks of training sessions per client request.
  • Effectively communicated complex canine behavioral concepts to both experienced and novice pet owners during private consultations and group classes, resulting in improved understanding of animal needs overall.
  • Facilitated training sessions for over 60 dogs per week, accurately teaching basic commands such as sit, stay and come to owners.
  • Trained an average of 12 pet therapy dogs a month in accordance with the American Kennel Club (AKC) standards; successfully certified 10+ dogs that have been deemed suitable for animal-assisted therapy work.
  • Utilized positive reinforcement training methods to teach complex behaviors such as retrieving objects and agility course completion to 20+ clients’ pets each day; increased customer satisfaction by 15%.
  • Accurately assessed dog temperaments during initial consults and created individualized training plans based on their needs/behaviors, achieving 90% success rate within 2 months of follow up sessions from clients reporting back results.
  • Participated in additional continuing education courses focusing on advanced obedience techniques like scent detection & tracking, increasing knowledge base by 25%.
  • Adapted dog training techniques to suit the individual needs of over 150 dogs, resulting in an improved success rate of 85% in obedience classes.
  • Implemented new behaviors and commands for puppies, adult dogs and senior canines; trained 10+ breeds including Golden Retrievers, Dachshunds and Greyhounds with positive reinforcement methods.
  • Mentored pet owners on how to apply daily routines that will help develop their dog’s good behavior; educated clients on safety measures when interacting with animals, reducing incidents by 40%.
  • Confidently handled challenging tasks such as introducing a puppy into a home environment or teaching aggressive dogs not to bark excessively; successfully solved behavioral issues within 8-10 sessions per animal on average.
  • Revised existing canine curriculums according to breed specific characteristics while consulting other trainers regarding methodology improvements; increased customer satisfaction ratings by 25%.

The skillset employers require in an employee will likely vary, either slightly or significantly; skimming through their job adverts is the best way to determine what each is looking for. One organization may be looking for someone with experience in agility training, while another may require a dog trainer who is knowledgeable about canine nutrition.

It’s important to tailor the skills section of your resume to each job you are applying for because many employers use applicant tracking systems these days – computer programs that scan resumes and filter out those deemed not to meet their criteria.

In addition to listing relevant skills here, it would also be beneficial if you could discuss them further in other sections such as the summary or work experience area.

Below is a list of common skills & terms:

  • Animal Husbandry
  • Animal Nutrition
  • Animal Training
  • Behavior Modification
  • Dog Grooming
  • Fundraising
  • Leadership Development
  • Pet Sitting
  • Small Business
  • Social Networking
  • Team Leadership
  • Time Management

4. Education

Adding an education section on your resume will depend on how far along you are in your career. If you just graduated and have no work experience, mention your education below the resume objective. However, if you have significant work experience to showcase, omitting an education section is perfectly acceptable.

If including an education section, try to list courses or subjects related to the dog training job that you are applying for.

5. Certifications

Certifications are a great way to demonstrate your expertise in a certain field. They show potential employers that you have been tested and certified by an accredited organization, which can give them confidence in your abilities.

Including certifications on your resume is especially important if the job requires specific skills or knowledge related to the certification you hold. This will help set you apart from other applicants and make it clear that you are qualified for the position.

6. Contact Info

Your name should be the first thing a reader sees when viewing your resume, so ensure its positioning is prominent. Your phone number should be written in the most commonly used format in your country/city/state, and your email address should be professional.

You can also choose to include a link to your LinkedIn profile, personal website, or other online platforms relevant to your industry.

Finally, name your resume file appropriately to help hiring managers; for Torrey Hettinger, this would be Torrey-Hettinger-resume.pdf or Torrey-Hettinger-resume.docx.

7. Cover Letter

Including a cover letter with your job application is a great way to make yourself stand out from the other candidates. It’s an opportunity for you to showcase your personality, highlight key skills and explain why you’re suited for the role.

A cover letter should consist of 2-4 paragraphs that are separate from your resume. Here you can provide more detail about who you are professionally, what experience and expertise makes you suitable for the position and how excited or passionate you feel about working with the company in question.

Below is an example cover letter:

Dear Christelle,

I am writing to apply for the Dog Trainer position at ABC Kennels. I am a certified dog trainer with 5 years of experience working in a professional kennel environment. In my current role, I oversee all training operations and lead a team of 4 trainers. I am confident that I can bring my knowledge and expertise to your organization and contribute to the success of your business.

As a certified dog trainer, I have extensive knowledge of canine behavior and psychology. I am skilled in using positive reinforcement techniques to train dogs of all breeds and temperaments. In my previous role, I successfully trained more than 200 dogs ranging from puppies to adult dogs. My ability to develop customized training programs based on each dog’s individual needs has resulted in consistently high customer satisfaction rates.

In addition to my experience as a dog trainer, I also have experience working as a kennel technician. In this role, I was responsible for feeding, exercising, bathing, and grooming the dogs in our care. This experience has given me a well-rounded understanding of the daily care requirements of different types of dogs which will be beneficial in developing training programs that meet their needs both physically and mentally.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences can benefit your organization further during an interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Dog Trainer Resume Templates

dog trainer objective on resume

Dog Trainer Resume Samples

The job duty of a Dog Trainer is to teach dogs who to be obedient at home and teach them certain common commands such as – to sit, lay down, and run; while specific job duties may vary based on work setting, the common duties are universal and include the following on the Dog Trainer Resume – teaching dogs to react to various commands, teaching the dogs to respond and understand hand signals, overseeing dog’s physical exercise , mental stimulation, and medical care; and improving the behaviour of the dogs by teaching them new or improved behaviour.

Potential job applicants should possess several skill sets such as – robust dog handling skills, ability to read dog’s body language, knowledge of aggression management, ability to train puppies and dogs for dos shows; trick training proficiency and love for animals. As the Dog Trainers learn the ropes through on-the-job training, only a minimum education of high school diploma or GED is expected.

Dog Trainer Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Dog Trainer

Dog Trainer Resume

Objective : Hard working with multiple years of experience working in a corporate environment and interacting with the public.

Skills : Customer Service, Social Networking, Social Networking.

Dog Trainer Resume Sample

Description :

  • Trained animals for riding, harness, security, performance, or obedience, or assisting persons with disabilities.
  • Accustomed animals to human voice and contact; and condition animals to respond to commands.
  • Trained animals according to prescribed standards for show or competition.
  • Conducted training programs in order to develop and maintain desired animal behaviors for competition, entertainment, obedience.
  • Cued or signal animals during performances. May train animals to carry pack loads or work as part of the pack team.
  • Evaluated animals in order to determine their temperaments, abilities, and aptitude for training.
  • Fed and exercised animals, and provide other general care such as cleaning and maintaining holding and performance areas.

Dog Trainer II Resume

Headline : A dependable, determined, and dedicated individual, who is wishing to come across an opportunity that will allow to acquire new information in an environment that provides teamwork, stability.

Skills : Customer Service, Computer Skills Computer Literate.

Dog Trainer II Resume Sample

  • Managed confidential paperwork pertaining to the customers and their pets.
  • Trained pets in a limited amount of time while following training guidelines.
  • Provided the necessary medical assistance to the pets that needed it.
  • Managed the eating cycle of the animals on an imperative time schedule.
  • Signed in pets to the daycare facility filed paperwork for an incoming pet. 
  • Answered phone calls, and managed the cash register at the front desk.
  • Processed exchanges and refunds to include credit card and check payments.

Dog Trainer I Resume

Objective : To obtain a position where can maximize potential. Aspire to pursue challenging and rewarding positions at a well-respected company. Looking for a position where can positively contribute towards the integrity of a company.

Skills : Experience Working With Animals, Technical Skills.

Dog Trainer I Resume Sample

  • Generated monthly class schedules for beginner and advanced classes.
  • Promoted dog training and signed clients up for classes.
  • Responsible for selling all obedience classes. Taught beginner and advanced obedience classes.
  • Sold over half of all dog training classes in the district during the month of October.
  • Prepared and tested students for Canine Good Citizen and AKC S.T.A.R.
  • Successfully owned and operated a small business providing K-9 training and other services.
  • Utilized professional knowledge of positive reinforcement training for basic and behavioral K-9 instruction.
  • Managed daily finances concerning business overhead and customer payment.

Dog Trainer/Analyst Resume

Headline : To obtain a position that will allow to utilize diversified background and experience in sales, sales management and animal science in a position offering challenge and opportunity for growth.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Technical Skills.

Dog Trainer/Analyst Resume Format

  • Trained clients' dogs through group and private classes.
  • Worked with fellow employees to help foster a training culture within the store.
  • Assisted customers throughout the store with great customer service.
  • Achieved yearly training goals at two stores through the sales of training classes.
  • Trained associates on the benefits of training classes to help contribute to training going sales goals.
  • Consistently continued education of dog training through outside training seminars and classes.
  • Helped to sell classes but to also aide in-store goals by recommending needed products for customers.

Dog Trainer/Executive Resume

Headline : Loyal, and clearly dedicated individual who has an ambition to succeed in any given environment. Extensive experience in the industry, learn and always up to a challenge whatever the situation.

Skills : Retail Sales, Book keeping, Quick books.

Dog Trainer/Executive Resume Template

  • Evaluated animals to determine their temperaments, abilities, or aptitude for training.
  • Observed animals' physical conditions to detect illness or unhealthy conditions requiring medical care.
  • Fed or exercise animals or provide other general care, such as cleaning or maintaining holding or performance areas.
  • Conducted training programs in order to develop and maintain desired animal behaviors for competition, entertainment, obedience, security, riding, and related areas.
  • Administered prescribed medications to animals. Keep records documenting animal health, diet, or behavior.
  • Interacted with animals to familiarize them with human voices or contact.
  • Cleaned and maintaining the dog's boarding areas was also constant.

Jr. Dog Trainer Resume

Objective : Professional Dog Trainer with the knowledge and skills of using positive reinforcement and behavior modification techniques to change canine behavior.

Skills : Various computer skills, Hard Working.

Jr. Dog Trainer Resume Example

  • Identified and assessed problematic behavior in dogs and their owners.
  • Designed and implemented a behavior modification program to meet the client's needs and lifestyles.
  • Educated clients about canine behavior and positive reinforcement training methodologies.
  • Evaluated clients on the implementation of training techniques.
  • Documented weekly progress of training goals and objectives for clients.
  • Collaborated with trainers to address difficult cases. Lead trainer and owner of Wonder Dog Training.
  • Displayed professional customer service via telephone and email.

Dog Trainer/Co-ordinator Resume

Summary : Customer service professional driven to exceed goals and build long term relationships with customers. Delivers positive experiences through high-quality customer care.

Skills : Microsoft Office Suite, Communication Skills.

Dog Trainer/Co-ordinator Resume Sample

  • Provided an outstanding dog training experience to generate a loyal clientele.
  • Communicated with pet parents to advise on the benefits of dog training.
  • Ensured pet parents have the knowledge they need to develop a strong bond with their dogs.
  • Stocked and replenished merchandise in attractive displays. Meet or exceeds expectations for soliciting reward card enrollment.
  • Communicated all store initiatives and promotions to customers to generate return business.
  • Recommended alternative items if a product was out of stock.

Dog trainer Resume

Summary : Safety-conscious transporter well-versed in vehicle maintenance and repair. Trustworthy, dependable and professional. Excellent driver providing quality service and completing on-time deliveries.

Skills : Customer Service, Communication Skills.

Dog trainer Resume Sample

  • Cleaned kennels, examination, and operating rooms and animal loading and unloading facilities.
  • Treated animals in both routine and emergency situations.
  • Educated animal owners regarding feeding, general care, medical conditions, and treatment options.
  • Live and worked with dogs for two months before having them put up for adoption.
  • Created a detailed journal documenting our two month training period groomed dogs regularly.
  • Weighed and examined animals and recorded information in files.
  • Developed dietary and nutritional plans to help animals reach and maintain their optimal weight.

Lead Dog Trainer Resume

Headline : Have extensive Knowledge and Experience in Child Care, House cleaning, Construction, Sales, Customer Service, Deli, and Meat & Seafood Departments, Overnight and Day Stocking.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Customer Service, Spanish.

Lead Dog Trainer Resume Sample

  • Vaccinated animals and administer medications orally and intravenously.
  • Prescribed medications to sick and injured animals to resolve health problems and ease the pain.
  • Restrained and managed scared and active animals.
  • Monitored animals undergoing treatment for changes and signs of improvement.
  • Utilized Cesar Milan guidelines, developed humane training solutions to address animal behavior problems.
  • Prioritized animal safety and comfort at all times. Animals to soothe them and familiarize them with the human voice.
  • Cued and signaled animals during performances.

Associate Dog Trainer Resume

Summary : Dedicated person in retail and customer service. High-achieving Sales Associate offering an extensive background in customer service, sales, client relations and merchandising.

Skills : Cash Handling, Microsoft Office, Typing 50 Wpm.

Associate Dog Trainer Resume Example

  • Retrieved alternate items and sizes on request. Met incoming customers and provided immediate assistance.
  • Listened to customer needs and preferences to provide accurate advice.
  • Increased purchase totals by recommending additional items.
  • Reviewed purchases for fraudulent activities. Completed purchases with cash, credit, and debit payment methods.
  • Worked a flexible schedule to accommodate changing customer levels.
  • Organized items in a visually appealing manner.
  • Answered incoming telephone calls with professional and knowledgeable responses.

Summary : Looking to further skills and knowledge. Work experience, which includes work as an HVAC Installer/Tech, General Maintenance, Legal Research Assistant, and a Dog Trainer.

Skills : Customer Service Skills, Computer Skills, Communication.

Dog Trainer Resume Model

  • Trained bloodhounds in obedience and tracking.
  • Assisted in the search for missing individuals. Trained dogs for socialization and obedience.
  • Trained dogs in security, search and rescue, and police work.
  • Evaluated dogs to learn about their individual temperaments and aptitude for training.
  • Socialized dogs through talking and handling.
  • Experienced in behavior modification, operant conditioning, and positive reinforcement techniques.
  • Provided care including feeding, exercise, companionship, and grooming.

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Dog Trainer resume examples for 2024

A dog trainer resume should highlight your ability to provide excellent customer service and your knowledge of training techniques. You should also mention your experience working with pets, behavior issues, and training programs. If you have experience in law enforcement or handling money, be sure to include that as well. Finally, show your ability to educate owners in dog behavior and body language.


Dog Trainer resume example

How to format your dog trainer resume:.

  • Tailor your job title to match the role you're applying for, such as 'Dog Trainer' or 'Canine Behavior Specialist.'
  • Highlight your accomplishments in your work experience section, like developing individualized training plans or enhancing detection capabilities for local police departments.
  • Keep your resume concise and focused, ideally on one page, by prioritizing relevant achievements and eliminating unnecessary details.

Choose from 10+ customizable dog trainer resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use dog trainer resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your dog trainer resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Dog Trainer Resume

Dog Trainer resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your dog trainer resume.

Dog Trainer Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Dhruv Johnson

[email protected] | 333-111-2222 |

2. Add relevant education to your dog trainer resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Dog Trainer Education

Dog Trainer Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

High School Diploma 2008 - 2010

Dog Trainer Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

High School Diploma 2010 - 2012

3. Next, create a dog trainer skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an dog trainer resume

Customer service is the process of offering assistance to all the current and potential customers -- answering questions, fixing problems, and providing excellent service. The main goal of customer service is to build a strong relationship with the customers so that they keep coming back for more business.

Law enforcement is the task of certain members of the community who work together to uphold the law by identifying, preventing, rehabilitating, or prosecuting others who break society's laws and norms. The phrase refers to the police, the judiciary, and the correctional system.

Private lessons provide knowledge, learning, or practice to an individual on a one on one basis.

Top Skills for a Dog Trainer

  • PET , 81.6%
  • Training Techniques , 13.7%
  • Customer Service , 1.0%
  • Behavior Issues , 0.9%
  • Other Skills , 2.8%

4. List your dog trainer experience

The most important part of any resume for a dog trainer is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of dog trainers" and "Managed a team of 6 dog trainers over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

  • Bathed dogs as well as other cosmetic necessities (brushing, nails, ears, teeth, ect.
  • Provided training and testing for Canine Good Citizen (CGC) status through the American Kennel Club (AKC).
  • Performed various pet services including bathing, brushing, styling, nail clipping and teeth-brushing.
  • Completed 160hrs Grooming Academy Certification Course in pet styling, health, safety and AKC breeds.
  • Conducted dog training in the store ranging from basic puppy socialization to novice and advanced training.
  • Tested and taught Canine Good Citizen and passed dozens of dogs.
  • Conducted Puppy Playtime on the weekends.
  • Certified Dog Trainer and AKC Evaluator.Consistant leader in the San Antonio Region in sales for Pet Services and Dog Training.
  • Certified American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen and S.T.A.R.
  • Conducted the Canine Good Citizen Program Pilot nationally, including reporting to "corporate level procedures" as well as management.
  • Trained and maintained all first aid and CPR certifications.
  • Completed First-Aid and CPR Taught children how to swim
  • Certified in CPR and required to save lives daily.
  • Required CPR certification and extreme attention to safety.
  • Instructed children/adults beginner to expert.
  • Performed Bathing and AKC Standard haircuts for all breeds of dogs.
  • Performed basic grooming needs (brushing, nail trims, teeth brushing).

5. Highlight dog trainer certifications on your resume

Specific dog trainer certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your dog trainer resume:

  • Certified Pet Dog Trainer (CPDT)
  • OSHA Safety Certificate
  • Pet First Aid
  • Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT)
  • Certified Personal Trainer
  • Laboratory Animal Technician (LAT)

6. Finally, add an dog trainer resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your dog trainer resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common dog trainer resume skills

  • Training Techniques
  • Customer Service
  • Behavior Issues
  • Various Training
  • Law Enforcement
  • Training Programs
  • Group Classes
  • Animal Handling
  • Behavior Modification
  • Training Sessions
  • Private Lessons
  • General Care
  • Medical Care
  • Scheduling Appointments
  • Explosive Detection
  • Problem Behaviors
  • Clean Environment
  • Therapy Dog
  • Body Language
  • Emergency First Aid
  • Service Dogs
  • Explosive Devices
  • Secret Service
  • Animal Health
  • Clean Kennels
  • Potty Training

Dog Trainer Jobs

Links to help optimize your dog trainer resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Updated April 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

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  • Guide Dog Instructor
  • Guide Dog Trainer
  • Horse Trainer
  • Lion Trainer
  • Marine Animal Trainer
  • Marine Mammal Trainer
  • Obedience Trainer
  • Pet Handler
  • Service Dog Trainer
  • Show Dog Trainer

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    dog trainer objective on resume

  2. Dog Trainer Resume (CV) Example and Writing Guide

    dog trainer objective on resume

  3. Dog Trainer Resume (CV) Example and Writing Guide

    dog trainer objective on resume

  4. Dog Trainer Resume Examples and Tips

    dog trainer objective on resume

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    dog trainer objective on resume

  6. Dog Trainer Resume Examples and Tips

    dog trainer objective on resume


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  7. Dog Trainer Resume Samples (Also for Entry Level)

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