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What Is A Postgraduate Degree? A Definition and Guide

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What is a postgrad degree?

One thing that all postgraduate degrees have in common is that they allow you to continue your studies in a specialised subject. An undergraduate degree is usually required for a student to be considered eligbile to study a postgraduate degree.

Postgraduate degrees are taken for a number of different reasons, such as to move into academia and research, or to specialise or advance in a particular career path. Some people choose to complete a postgraduate degree to change study or career paths entirely. 

There are a lot of different aspects involved in postgraduate education. If you are considering expanding your knowledge with a postgraduate degree, it’s important to understand the details. This guide covers everything you need to know about postgraduate degrees.

Postgraduate degree versus graduate degree

So, what is the difference between a postgraduate degree and a graduate degree ? The answer is basically nothing! The term 'graduate degree' tends to be more widely used in America, whilst 'postgraduate degree' is usually the preferred terminology in the UK. But both terms mean the same thing – and refer to degrees undertaken after completion of an undergraduate or bachelors degree, for example a masters degree or PhD. 

What is a postgraduate degree?

Masters degree

A masters degree is one of the most common postgraduate courses completed after undergraduate study. This postgraduate qualification can take a number of different forms, but what they all have in common is that they usually require an undergraduate degree to gain entry. These forms of postgraduate degree include:

Masters of Arts (MA)

Masters of Science (MSc)

Masters of Philosophy (MPhil)

Masters of Research (MRes)

Masters of Engineering (MEng)

The majority of masters courses require a thesis or dissertation to graduate in addition to any coursework. In the UK, most masters courses are a year in length, apart from some professional masters courses such as Masters of Architecture (MArch) which are generally between two and three years. Most masters courses in the US are two years in duration, as are many masters courses in Europe . 

MA, MSc and MPhil

Masters degrees are gained either through a taught or research course . In a taught masters, students are awarded a Masters of Arts (MA), Masters of Science (MSc) or a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) . 

MA and MSc are the two most common types of postgraduate degrees. MA courses focus on arts and humanities subjects, whereas MSc degrees focus on STEM subject areas.

An MPhil focuses on advanced research in various fields. It involves independent study and the completion of a substantial thesis or dissertation. While often seen as a pathway to a PhD, it also holds value as a standalone qualification for careers in academia, research or related fields.

An MLitt is quite a rare masters degree option and originates from the ancient universities in England and Scotland. It is a postgraduate degree that's awarded for arts and humanities subjects at select universities in both countries. An abbreviation of Master of Letter – the Latin translation of Magister Litterarum – an MLitt serves as an alternative to the more common MA or MPhil degrees, and can be offered as either a taught or research degree. Relatively few British universities offer the MLitt, and most of these are in Scotland. A very select number of universities in the USA and Australia also offer it as a specialised masters degree option.

What is a postgraduate degree? MRes programs

MArch and MEng

Some masters courses like an MArch or a Masters of Engineering (MEng) are taken after completing the relevant undergraduate course with a long-term view to qualify as an architect or engineer. These masters programs are essential parts of the qualification routes and those who wish to become architects or engineers must complete them to be able to practise in their chosen career.

Other masters courses are about specialising or focussing on a career choice, especially those in the law or medical professionals. There are some masters courses that are for those graduates who already have a first degree but wish to retrain in another subject, such as a Masters in Town Planning or Masters in Journalism, for these courses it is assumed that the student has a number of academic skills that are transferable to the new subject.

What about an Integrated Masters Degree?

An integrated masters degree combines undergraduate and postgraduate studies in a single program. Students studying an integrated masters will start with a bachelors degree and move seamlessly on to a masters program after completing their undergraduate studies. Common subjects for integrated masters include engineering, natural sciences, mathematics and some social sciences. These programs offer an accelerated path to advanced masters study, allowing students to deepen their expertise while potentially saving time and money.

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is postgraduate masters or phd

A PhD (Doctorate of Philosophy) is the highest level of postgraduate qualification available that can be studied. This advanced postgraduate degree involves an element of both research and working at an institution.

The majority of students who go on to complete a PhD have already undertaken a masters course in a relevant subject. Often, this will be an MPhil or MRes, but this is not exclusively the case. It is mostly those who wish to go into academic research or teaching who decide to complete PhDs. The whole point of a PhD is further specialisation and it's not an option for changing career path, apart from progressing in the world of academia.

Postgraduate diploma 

Postgraduate diplomas are taught courses that do not require students to complete a dissertation or thesis. This type of postgraduate qualification offers the same level of study as a masters degree, but is completed over a shorter period of time because it doesn’t require a dissertation.

If you undertake a masters course but do not complete the dissertation this is the postgraduate qualification that you will probably find yourself finishing with. Postgraduate diplomas can be a great way for those who are unsure about whether they need or want to complete a full masters course, whilst still finishing with a postgraduate-level qualification to specialise their knowledge base and advance career skills.

There are some UK professions, such as teaching , that involve a postgraduate diploma ( PGCE in Education ) that allows graduates who did not study teaching to quickly qualify in an education profession. 

Postgraduate certificate

Postgraduate certificates are similar to postgraduate diplomas, in that they do not require the completion of a dissertation or thesis in order to get the final qualification. This postgraduate course allows students to gain specialised knowledge in their chosen area in a shorter amount of time. A postgraduate certificate is shorter than a postgraduate diploma, making it one of the shortest postgraduate qualifications to attain.

What is a postgraduate degree?

Applying for a postgraduate degree

There are two main ways to apply for a postgraduate degree in the UK. One is via UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service), which is the centralised system for students studying an undergraduate degree at a UK university. The other, and more common way to apply for a postgraduate degree is directly through the university. Once you have found the postgraduate degree that you want to apply for, check with the university’s admissions department and find out how best to proceed with your application.

Entry requirements

The entry requirements for postgraduate degrees will vary depending on the level of qualification, the course and the university. In most cases, you will need to have completed an undergraduate degree in order to obtain a postgraduate degree, although some postgraduate qualifications may accept students who have a suitable level of work experience in the subject area.

Higher postgraduate level qualifications, such as a PhD, will usually require you to have both an undergraduate and postgraduate degree in order to have a place on the course. You should always check the specific course requirements when choosing a postgraduate degree.

Funding your postgraduate degree

There are various funding options for postgraduate degrees in the UK – these include scholarships and grants offered by universities based on academic achievement or specific criteria, as well as government-backed student loans covering tuition fees and living expenses. Employer sponsorship is another route, especially for courses relevant to a particular field of work. Research councils provide funding for research-based degrees, while charitable trusts and foundations offer support in diverse fields. Many students also opt for part-time work alongside their studies.

You can find out more about funding your postgraduate degree in our Ultimate Postgraduate Student Funding Guide .

Postgraduate degrees: a summary

A postgraduate degree is an excellent way to specialise, retrain and develop new skills in your chosen subject and career path. Postgraduate degrees tend to be shorter than undergraduate degrees, letting you efficiently gain further qualifications once acquiring basic academic skills from an undergraduate degree. 

Further postgraduate study gives students the opportunity to learn and gain a deep understanding of their chosen subject and is well worth the time and money. Having a postgraduate qualification can also help improve your future career prospects, since you have demonstrated both a deeper understanding of a subject area and a determination to complete further academic studies.

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is postgraduate masters or phd

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What is the difference between a postgraduate taught master’s and a postgraduate research master’s?

Pgce, mres, ma, msc or phd if you’re considering postgraduate study, use this guide to learn the difference between the kinds of postgraduate degrees on offer.

Richard Carruthers's avatar

Richard Carruthers

Woman standing at a fork in the road

Postgraduate courses come in many formats, ranging from vocational diplomas and certificates through to master’s and doctoral qualifications.

The two most common categories of postgraduate study are postgraduate taught (PGT) courses and postgraduate research (PGR) courses.

As you shop around potential postgraduate courses, you may also come across the PGCE, the LLM, the MRes, the MPhil and the PhD.

But what is the difference between all these acronyms?

Below is a guide explaining the differences between all the postgraduate degrees on offer, including how the application process varies between them.

Postgraduate taught (PGT) courses

Postgraduate taught courses are sometimes called level 7 qualifications and are one of the most common kinds of master’s degrees. When people refer to master’s courses, they usually mean a postgraduate taught course.

These courses are typically one year in duration if studied full-time, or two years if studying part-time.

The course will usually comprise several months of taught classes, much like undergraduate study, followed by an intensive independent research project for the final few months.

These courses have highly specialised content, making them great launchpads for careers where specialist knowledge is required. They are also often used as a stepping stone to more advanced research degrees.

What’s the difference between an MSc and an MA?

Postgraduate taught courses will usually lead to either an MSc or an MA qualification, depending on the subject you choose.

An MSc stands for a “master of science” and will focus on advancing a particular aspect of scientific research across the sciences, engineering, mathematics or a similar field that involves logic, scientific research or numbers.

An MA refers to a “master of arts”, and covers postgraduate taught degrees in the arts and humanities, such as literature, languages, history, cultural studies and some social sciences.

Applying for a postgraduate taught course

To apply for a postgraduate taught course, you will normally be asked to provide transcripts showing your academic performance on your undergraduate degree, a personal statement and a CV.

Your CV should focus on your educational achievements and interests and discuss any project work that shows you have the technical and academic skills needed to be a successful and independent postgraduate student.

Your personal statement can be tackled in a similar way to a cover letter, where you introduce yourself and convey your interest, enthusiasm and motivation to study the subject. It is also advisable to tailor your statement to each course you apply for and to explain your interest in some of the modules offered by that specific course.

It can also be beneficial to demonstrate some thought around where the course will lead you in the future, whether that’s into a new career or towards further study.

With postgraduate taught courses, you often won’t have to submit a research proposal for your research project as part of your application, as the taught elements of the course are meant to help inform your research proposal.

However, some postgraduate master’s courses may ask for you to submit a research proposal or at least have an idea of the topic you want to do your master’s dissertation on, even if this changes later.

Applying to master’s courses is generally done through a decentralised system, meaning you apply individually to each course and university. Each institution will set different entrance and application requirements. Check the exact requirements your course is looking for, and get in touch with the institution’s postgraduate admissions office with any questions.

What are MRes and MPhil degrees?

The MPhil stands for “master of philosophy”. The MRes course option, which is relatively new but has grown in popularity in recent years, stands for a “master of research”.

Much like postgraduate taught courses, both the MPhil and the MRes are technically classified as level 7 qualifications, and typically take one year to complete.

The main difference between an MRes or MPhil and a postgraduate taught course is that MRes and MPhil courses place much more focus on individual research, with as much as 60 per cent to 100 per cent of either degree consisting of a personal research project.

Given the heavy research focus, MRes and MPhil courses tend to contain fewer taught classes, but you will usually receive training in research techniques. As a result of the research focus, an MRes or an MPhil may help prepare a student for a doctoral programme (PGR) or a career that requires specific research skills and techniques.

Applying for an MRes or MPhil course is very similar to applying for a postgraduate taught course, but you may be asked to submit a research proposal as part of your application, so it’s important to have an idea of the kind of research project you would like to pursue.

Doctorate courses

Postgraduate research (PGR) courses are sometimes called level 8 qualifications and usually refer to doctorate courses.

These courses take about three to four years of full-time study to complete, but the exact duration of a doctorate course depends on whether you get involved in teaching, how long your research takes to complete and how long it takes you to write your doctorate thesis.

Successful PhD candidates are awarded doctoral qualifications such as doctor of philosophy (PhD) or doctor of engineering (EngD), depending on their field of research.

Research is the core component of a PhD programme, and you will be expected to produce original work on a specific subject topic, usually in the form of a thesis.

Doctorate qualifications are often a prerequisite for a career as a university academic, researcher or scientist in industry.

Applying for a doctorate (PhD) programme

To apply for a doctorate degree, you’ll need to submit a personal statement and a CV, both providing evidence of your academic experiences and passion for the subject.

Some PhD programmes will expect you to have already completed a postgraduate taught programme, but this isn’t always essential.

For a PhD, you may also be asked to submit a detailed research proposal outlining a specific research question you would like to address, the subject area you will work in, and the approach you would take to solving this.

Your proposal should demonstrate your current knowledge and discuss how your research idea could develop or challenge existing knowledge. You should also mention the potential significance of your research and why it would be a useful contribution to your chosen field.

Usually, you will be expected to apply individually to each PhD programme you’re interested in. Places will usually be dependent on your academic achievements, but also on the funding available in your chosen university department and whether the university can provide an appropriate supervisor.

If you’re considering applying for a PhD, it may be worth contacting academics individually to discuss whether they’d be interested in supervising you and asking about any funding opportunities.

Other postgraduate courses

Aside from the categories discussed above, there are many other classifications of master’s degrees, including postgraduate diplomas and certificates.

Often these lead to a vocational qualification that is used to gain entry to a specific profession.

Examples include the postgraduate certificate of education (PGCE), which leads to a career in teaching, the graduate diploma in law (GDL) or master of law (LLM), which opens the door to the legal professions, or the master of business administration (MBA), which is a common choice for business professionals looking to gain entry to C-suite positions.

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The difference between a postgraduate vs master’s degree

UNSW postgraduate students

At UNSW, you’re spoilt for choice with over 400 programs on offer.

But when it comes to navigating undergraduate, postgraduate and research programs, the terminology can get a little confusing. If you’re interested in taking your studies further and want to know the difference between a postgraduate degree and a master’s degree, we have good news for you.

They’re the same! Let us explain…

What is a postgraduate degree?

A postgraduate degree is (almost) any type of university program you undertake after completing undergraduate study. ‘Postgraduate’ is a handy umbrella term that helps us classify the “level” of study of a particular program. Postgraduate programs include master’s degrees, as well as graduate certificates and graduate diplomas. 

What is a master’s degree?

A master’s degree is a type of postgraduate degree. They’re often longer than graduate certificates and graduate diplomas, taking between 1-2 years to complete. They involve advanced study of your chosen field and allow you to further enhance your skills, develop a specialisation and gain more academic and professional experience in the field. 

There are two main types of master's degrees:

Course-based: Focuses on coursework and shorter research papers

Research-based: Requires an extensive thesis project

Master’s degrees can help you advance into leadership roles, increase your earning potential, and prepare for doctoral programs.

is postgraduate masters or phd

Choosing between a master’s and other postgraduate programs

If you’re keen to take on postgraduate study but aren’t sure if a master’s degree is right for you, we’ve broken down the key differences and things to be aware of before making a decision. 

Duration: Postgraduate degrees can range from 1-6+ years depending on the program level. Graduate diplomas and graduate certificates can take as little as six months while PhD and other doctoral programs can take up to six years. Master’s degrees are the sweet spot, generally taking 1-2 years to complete.

Cost: Postgraduate degrees vary in cost depending on factors like degree type, university, program prestige and whether you study domestically or internationally. Master's degrees are typically cheaper than doctoral degrees. The average cost of a master’s degree for domestic students is between $6,000 –$11,000 annually. For international students, it’s between $20,000 – $37,000 per year. We encourage all students to check their eligibility for scholarships to support their studies. 

Flexibility : Many postgraduate degrees offer flexible part-time options, catering to working professionals. Flexibility can depend on university policies and degree requirements. As with most programs, a master’s degree can be taken part-time but will extend the time to completion.

Can I change my Master's specialisation after a bachelor's degree?

Yes, many master’s programs are open to students from all academic backgrounds. This means you can change focus areas entirely or specialise further within your field. Depending on your undergraduate program, you may be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)  to reduce your postgraduate study load.

Why should I do a master’s degree?

Studying a master’s degree offers many potential benefits, including:

  • Higher salary prospects and job opportunities
  • Preparation for PhD programs through research experience
  • Specialised knowledge to stand out in your field
  • Personal growth and development opportunities

What are some popular master’s degree options at UNSW?

We are known for producing Australia’s most employable graduates*. Our postgraduate programs are recognised all over the world. Here are some of our most popular master’s programs:

Master of Engineering

Master of Laws

Master of Commerce

Master of Information Technology

Master of Architecture

Master of Education

Master of Public Health

Master of Clinical Optometry

Master of Data Science

Master of Mathematics

Master of Actuarial Studies

*AFR Top 100 Future Leaders Awards 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

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Difference Between Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate

Jennifer Finetti Aug 12, 2022

Difference Between Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate

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As a high school student , you’ve probably started thinking about college. Maybe you even started to do research and narrow down your options. You may have come across the following terms: undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate degrees.

So, what is the difference between undergraduate and graduate and postgraduate?

Read on to learn more! 

What is an undergraduate degree?

After students finish high school, they get an undergraduate degree. An undergraduate degree refers to either a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s degree. When people talk about going to college or university , they are talking about getting an undergraduate degree.

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How many years is an undergraduate degree?

There are two levels of undergraduate degrees: associate degrees and bachelor’s degrees. An associate degree requires 2 years to complete, and typically is earned at a community college . A bachelor’s degree requires completion of four years of study.

Students interested in earning a bachelor’s degree can either complete their entire degree at a four-year college or university OR they can attend a community college for their first two years, and then transfer to a university for their final two years.

What is a graduate degree?

After a student gets their undergraduate degree, they have two options. They may either get a job or continue with their studies. If they choose to continue with their studies, they pursue a graduate degree.

A graduate degree is any degree that is above a bachelor’s degree. This includes a master’s degree or doctoral degree . Master’s degrees take around 2-3 years to complete. Doctoral degrees take around 5-6 years.

Graduate degrees are typically more narrowly-focused than an undergraduate degree. This enables students to dive more deeply into their specific career interest, gaining the knowledge and expertise needed in their chosen field. Oftentimes, a student must have a graduate degree to get a job. Somebody seeking a career as a clinical social worker, must have their Master’s of Social Work.

You don’t have to get a graduate degree right after you finish your undergraduate degree. Many students take a break after their undergraduate degree and decide to work or travel instead. It’s common to see mature students in their late 20s and 30s (and even older) who decide to go back to school to get a graduate degree later in life.

To get accepted into graduate school, you must have a bachelor’s degree. This means that you must graduate from a 4-year undergraduate college or university. A student can only pursue a graduate degree if they already have a bachelor’s degree.

What is a postgraduate degree?

Students get confused with the term “postgraduate degree.” There actually isn’t a real difference between the two. Postgraduate is used interchangeably with graduate. Like a graduate degree, postgraduate refers to the range of higher degrees past the undergraduate degree. This includes both master’s degrees and Phds .

Difference Between Undergraduate and Graduate and Postgraduate

Difference between undergraduate and graduate and postgraduate

Undergraduate degree programs and graduate degree programs are very different from one another. Undergraduate programs help students gain basic knowledge in a major , or even in a few majors. Students must take a variety of courses, and not only courses relating to their major. They usually spend the first few years fulfilling general course requirements.  

Graduate programs are very different. You go to graduate school to learn something very specific. So, all the courses you take relate to your field of study.

Another big difference between the two is switching majors. In undergraduate programs, students aren’t always sure what they want to major in . Even if they choose a specific major, they may end up changing it. Undergraduate programs allow students to switch majors. It is also fairly easy to transfer to another school for any given reason.

Because graduate programs are so specific, it’s not easy to switch your field of study. You would have to fulfill new requirements and go through the application process all over again.

Another big difference is class size. Undergraduate classes tend to be much larger than graduate classes. In graduate programs, class sizes are much smaller.

Because of the difference in class size, teacher-student interaction also differs. In undergraduate programs, there isn’t much room to interact with your professors. There are also fewer opportunities to participate in class.

Graduate programs are more intimate and thus, more dynamic. Students have more opportunities to participate in class discussions. They also have more opportunities to work with their professors.

To get accepted into an undergraduate program, students must take the SAT or ACT . Other requirements include a minimum GPA , letters of recommendation  and personal statements . Colleges and universities all have their own requirements.

Difference Between Undergraduate and Graduate and Postgraduate

Many graduate programs require students to take an entrance exam such as the GRE, or specialized entrance exams for law school or medical school. Not all graduate programs require an entrance exam, so be sure to check the requirements for the program you are applying for.

Graduate programs also typically require that certain undergraduate classes be completed prior to applying, so you’ll want to check to be sure that you have completed any required courses. Sometimes graduate programs will allow you to complete missing prerequisites while enrolled in your graduate degree program.  

Final thoughts

Whether you have already started your bachelor’s degree or you’re still in high school, it’s nice to get an idea of what your options are. This can help you plan the classes you want to take in college or university and make the most of your degree.

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Jennifer Finetti

Jennifer Finetti

As a parent who recently helped her own kids embark on their college journeys, Jennifer approaches the transition from high school to college from a unique perspective. She truly enjoys engaging with students – helping them to build the confidence, knowledge, and insight needed to pursue their educational and career goals, while also empowering them with the strategies and skills needed to access scholarships and financial aid that can help limit college costs. She understands the importance of ensuring access to the edtech tools and resources that can make this process easier and more equitable - this drive to support underserved populations is what drew her to ScholarshipOwl. Jennifer has coached students from around the world, as well as in-person with local students in her own community. Her areas of focus include career exploration, major selection, college search and selection, college application assistance, financial aid and scholarship consultation, essay review and feedback, and more. She works with students who are at the top of their class, as well as those who are struggling. She firmly believes that all students, regardless of their circumstances, can succeed if they stay focused and work hard in school. Jennifer earned her MA in Counseling Psychology from National University, and her BA in Psychology from University of California, Santa Cruz.

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Should I Pursue A Master’s or A Ph.D.?

Shot of back of graduate looking into the distance with chin resting on hand at hooding ceremony

The first step in deciding on the right graduate program for you is to figure out which degree will best serve you—a master’s or a doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.). Here are a few factors to consider.

What are your career goals?

  • Professional master’s: A good choice if you want to develop a particular skill set in order to practice a particular profession. This type of degree provides coursework focused on learning and practicing skills.
  • Research master’s: A good fit if you want to gain expertise in a discipline and know how to teach it. A research master’s typically includes a research project or thesis and comprehensive exams in addition to coursework and provides experience in research and scholarship.
  • Ph.D. (doctor of philosophy): Consider this option if your goal is to ground yourself in a body of research and develop the ability to add to that body of knowledge. Ph.D. study includes a major research project in addition to coursework, and a Ph.D. is the highest scholastic degree awarded by American universities. Contrary to common perception, career paths for Ph.D. graduates are quite varied, not just limited to academia. Ph.D. training helps you hones skills such as writing, research, teaching, data analysis, communicating complex topics—all of which can translate into many sectors, including industry, government, nonprofit, and entrepreneurship.

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How much time do you have to pursue a graduate degree?

Master’s degrees typically take two years to complete, while Ph.D. programs generally take five to seven years ( see Duke programs' time-to-degree ). That is a significant difference in commitment and opportunity costs. It might also play a key role in deciding which factors take higher priority as you evaluate a program. How does the length of the program fit with your career and family plans? How important is the surrounding community if you are going to be there for seven years instead of two? How long are you able or willing to go on a limited income while in graduate school?

How much can you afford to pay for a graduate degree?

Consider your personal financial situation (e.g., how much savings and student loans do you have), as well as how much financial aid you can get. Master’s and Ph.D. programs differ greatly in the amount of financial aid available. Ph.D. programs tend to offer significantly more financial support than master’s programs (but often will have research or teaching requirements). 

A typical Ph.D. financial aid package usually includes coverage of tuition and fees, a living stipend, and some level of support for health insurance for a set number of years. For instance, Duke’s standard Ph.D. package covers tuition, mandatory fees, and a stipend for five years, as well as health insurance premiums for six years. 

Within an institution, the level of financial support often differs across programs, so be sure to ask your specific program about the financial aid it offers. There are also many national organizations that provide competitive fellowships and scholarships for graduate students.

Know which degree you want to pursue? Here are some key things to look for in a program .

Program Type

  • Combined Degree (4)
  • Degree Granting (72)
  • Summer Programs (1)
  • Visiting Students (4)

Academic Areas

  • Arts & Architecture (4)
  • Biological Sciences (4)
  • Engineering & Applied Sciences (10)
  • Harvard Integrated Life Sciences (14)
  • History (14)
  • Humanities (22)
  • Languages (9)
  • Mathematics (2)
  • Medical Sciences (7)
  • Physical Sciences (6)
  • Social Sciences (21)

Degrees Offered

  • AB/AM, AB/SM (1)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (68)
  • Master of Arts (AM) (8)
  • Master of Engineering (ME) (2)
  • Master of Science (SM) (4)

GRE Requirement

  • Not Accepted (28)
  • Optional (28)
  • Required (14)

African and African American Studies

American studies, anthropology, applied mathematics, applied physics, architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning, bioengineering, biological and biomedical sciences, biological sciences in public health.

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  • Graduate School of Business: MBA | MSx | PhD
  • School of Law: JD | Advanced Degrees
  • School of Medicine: MD | MS in Physician Assistant Studies

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A Johns Hopkins postdoc, Herbert Baxter Adams, brought the seminar method of teaching from Germany, where he earned a PhD in 1876. The idea: That students would learn more by doing than by listening to lectures and taking exams.

That spirit of inquiry , of challenging the way things are done, lives on today in our nine academic divisions, all of which offer full-time graduate programs.

More information about our graduate programs is available below

International flags

School of Advanced International Studies

Students get global perspectives on today’s critical issues, with programs in international affairs , international studies , economics and finance , and public policy

Albert D. Hutzler Reading Room

Krieger School of Arts & Sciences

More than 60 full-time and part-time graduate programs spanning the arts , humanities , and natural and social sciences

Also see:   Part-time graduate options via Advanced Academic Programs

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School

Carey Business School

Offers a Global MBA and other masters programs, with an emphasis on health care management , real estate and infrastructure, financial businesses , and enterprise risk management

Johns Hopkins University School of Education

School of Education

One of the nation’s top schools of education, according to U.S. News & World Report , with degree and certificate programs in teaching , special education , counseling , administration , and leadership

Malone Hall on JHU's Homewood campus

Whiting School of Engineering

Programs in fields of critical importance to the future, health, and safety of our world, including robotics , biomedical engineering , cybersecurity , and systems engineering

Also see: Part-time and online options via Engineering for Professionals

Johns Hopkins Hospital

School of Medicine

Since 1893, Johns Hopkins Medicine has trained the next generation of great medical leaders and is widely regarded as one of the best med schools and hospitals in the world, with top programs in internal medicine , women’s health , HIV/AIDS , geriatrics , drug/alcohol abuse , and pediatrics

Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

School of Nursing

The U.S. News & World Report top-ranked school prepares graduate level pre-licensure students and current BSN or advanced practice nurses to be health care leaders through a variety of MSN, DNP, and PhD programs. Students can focus on a wide range of advanced practice specialty areas – including health care organizational leadership , nurse anesthesiology , pediatric , adult/Gerontological , family , or critical care .

Peabody Institute spiral staircase

Peabody Institute

Founded in 1857, this world-renowned conservatory offers degrees in composition , computer music , conducting , performance , jazz , music education , music theory , and recording arts and sciences

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Bloomberg School of Public Health

The Bloomberg School, U.S. News & World Report ‘s top-ranked graduate school of public health for more than two decades, offers programs in health administration , health science , and public policy

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Graduate and Professional Programs

Penn pioneered professional education in the U.S. and continues to set the pace today with outstanding graduate and professional programs.

graduate students in a classroom with one writing on a chalkboard

Degree Programs

Prospective student information.

An overview of Penn’s renowned graduate and professional programs.

A-Z Listing of Graduate Programs

Learn about programs offered for academic credit. Interested users can narrow results by academic level and school.

Graduate Catalog

Find detailed information about graduate programs at Penn including Ph.D., research master’s, professional master’s, and other professional degrees. Also discover information about important policies and resources.

graduate student center building on locust walk

Graduate Student Center

The Graduate Student Center is a centrally located space to connect with other graduate and professional students from across the University. It provides a variety of services and resources to empower graduate and professional students to participate fully in the graduate community at Penn.

graduate student welcome event at the annenberg center

Valuing Graduate Students

The Valuing Graduate Students website provides a comprehensive overview of the many benefits and programs that support graduate student life, research, career advancement, and work-life balance across campus.

Graduate School Populations (Fall 2023)

Annenberg School for Communication 64

School of Arts and Sciences 2,100

School of Dental Medicine 822

Weitzman School of Design 703

Graduate School of Education 1,649

School of Engineering and Applied Science 4,440

Carey Law School 990

Perelman School of Medicine 2,161

School of Nursing 572

School of Social Policy & Practice 565

School of Veterinary Medicine 587

The Wharton School 2,447

Investing in future teachers and educational leaders

The Empowerment Through Education Scholarship Program at Penn’s Graduate School of Education is helping to prepare and retain teachers and educational leaders.

elementary school teacher with two students

is postgraduate masters or phd

  • Integrated Masters with PhD – Explained
  • Types of Doctorates

An Integrated Masters with a PhD (iPhD) is a four-year postgraduate level programme that combines a one-year Masters course with a three-year PhD course. They allow students to familiarise themselves with their chosen topic, research methods and academic writing techniques before embarking on their own independent research project. An Integrated Masters with a PhD is particularly popular with international students and students who initially lack specialised knowledge or research skills.


An Integrated Masters with PhD, also commonly referred to as either just an Integrated Masters degree or an Integrated PhD, offers a relatively new way to undertake postgraduate training. They maintain the depth and focus of a conventional PhD but offer a more comprehensive doctoral training experience.

Due to their growing popularity, both the number of universities offering these newer forms of PhD and the number of students applying to them has steadily increased.

This page describes what Integrated Masters with PhDs are, who they are for, their advantages and disadvantages, how they differ from conventional PhDs and how they are structured in terms of programme, eligibility and costs. This page is for you if you are considering applying for an integrated course, or simply want to know more about them.

What is an Integrated PhD?

An Integrated PhD is a four-year postgraduate programme. They involve undertaking a one-year Masters degree (MRes or MSc) in your first year, followed by a three-year PhD programme in your second to fourth year. Although the courses run back-to-back, a student can only progress to the second year if they show satisfactory performance in their first year. The one-year Masters and the three-year PhD are considered separately in terms of qualifications; therefore, a student who completes an Integrated PhD will receive both a Masters degree (MRes or MSc) and a PhD as opposed to a single postgraduate qualification.

The aim of an Integrated PhD is to provide a structured approach to doctoral studies, combining advanced PhD research with formal teaching in relevant subjects, research methods and communication skills.

As Integrated PhDs are relatively new compared to more regular doctoral pathways such as stand-alone or MPhil-upgraded PhDs, some professors informally refer to them as ‘New Route PhDs’.

Difference Between Integrated PhD and Regular PhD

The most significant difference between an Integrated PhD and a regular PhD is the addition of the one-year Masters degree at the beginning of the programme. This results in an Integrated PhD typically lasting four years, as opposed to the three years as with regular PhDs.

Integrated PhDs are structured in such a way that they provide students with a broader range of foundational skills than a regular PhD. The first year introduces you to a combination of taught elements, practical experience and advanced research skills. In a regular PhD this mode of teaching is missing as it is assumed you already have this level of knowledge.

The last significant difference between the two types of doctoral programmes is the ‘group’ aspect associated with the Integrated version. Since the Masters programme also includes other students enrolled in Integrated PhDs, you will have a small cohort with whom you will work closely alongside during your studies.

Who are Integrated PhDs suitable for?

Integrated PhDs can be an effective pathway for any student, but they stand out in two situations:

Scenario 1: International Students

The Higher Education system differs across countries , although not by a large amount, enough to where an unfamiliar student may struggle, especially when working independently. An Integrated PhD allows you to adapt to the UK education system by offering a more guided and hands-on approach to your learning and research process before you embark on your three-year research project.

It also has visa benefits. If an international student seeking a Masters degree in the UK already knows they want to follow it up with a PhD, enrolling in an Integrated PhD will save them from having to leave the country and re-apply for a visa after completing their initial postgraduate degree.

Scenario 2: Lack of undergraduate research experience or a relevant Masters degree

An Integrated PhD is useful for students who have academic abilities but lack the necessary background to be considered for a standard-route PhD. This usually occurs under one of three scenarios:

  • The applicant is currently an undergraduate student or only holds a Bachelor’s degree,
  • The student has a Masters degree, but in a subject only loosely related to the discipline they wish to pursue at doctoral level,
  • The student has a relevant Masters degree, but the programme lacked a research focus, leaving the student with underdeveloped research skills.

Advantages and Disadvantages of an Integrated PhD

The advantages of an Integrated PhD are strongly linked to the international and inexperienced students they cater for. They offer students an effective means of gaining more confidence, knowledge and research skills in their field before starting a doctorate, and also provide visa benefits to international students who will be undertaking prior postgraduate study.

Integrated PhDs also enable students the possibility of receiving funding for the Masters phase of their programme, as will be explained in more detail in the ‘Funding Opportunities’ section.

Integrated doctorates have no obvious disadvantages, but are generally not suitable for those who already have a Masters degree or well-developed research skills in their chosen field. For these students, the additional costs and duration of an Integrated PhD can be avoided by opting for a traditional PhD for which they will already be suited for.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

The programme of study is naturally divided into two parts, the first for your Masters studies and the second for your PhD studies.

Your Masters studies will usually be divided into 180 module credits, half of which will focus on taught components and the other half on research components.

The modules will be tailored to your course, but they will include a variation of:

Taught modules:

  • Subject-specific module – You choose one or two modules from a predefined list of topics within your subject area. Your selection should reflect the research area you want your PhD to focus on.
  • English and Communication – Academic language and communication skills will be taught to prepare you for the ‘writing-up’ phase of your doctorate. A common misconception is that this module is similar to the English language requirement tests required to apply to a iPhD. In reality, the module will focus on learning how to critically evaluate research sources, write abstracts, literature reviews and conclusions, communicate in lab-based environments and present to audiences.
  • Research Techniques  – You’ll receive in-depth training to familiarise you with the different research methods and analytical techniques available to modern researchers.
  • Research Proposal Development  – You’ll work with your intended PhD supervisor to prepare a research proposal for your three-year PhD research project.

Research Modules:

You will carry out one or two small laboratory research projects under supervision for practical experience.

Integrated PhD in UK - Lectures and Lab Work

If you complete these modules with satisfactory performance, you will be awarded a Masters degree and will be considered for the following three-year PhD programme.

Each university has its own process for making this consideration, but most invite you to an interview with the supervisor you wish to conduct research with. The interview is used to confirm that you have acquired the specialised knowledge and research skills expected at masters level, and beyond that of someone capable of completing doctoral study.

If your interview goes well, you will be enrolled in your PhD programme. From this point on, your path will be the same as a regular PhD student. During your doctoral phase, you will conduct independent research and laboratory work for two years, followed by a final year of writing up and formally submitting your findings as a thesis. Your thesis, expertise and research competence will be assessed in an oral examination known as a viva. Upon successful completion of your viva, you will be officially awarded a PhD, and your studies will come to an end.

It should be noted that aside from the above, your university may offer optional modules which can equip you with a wide range of transferable skills.


Entry requirements for an integrated masters degree in the UK will vary from university to university, but the typical requirement is an Upper Second Class (2:1) honours Bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject. Equivalent international qualifications are also accepted.

If you are an international student and English is your second language, most universities will require proof of your English language proficiency through an exam certificate. It’s best to check directly with the universities which certificate types they accept, but the most common English language qualification requirement is an IELTS certificate, with a minimum overall score of 6.5 with no less than 6.0 in each category.

The typical annual tuition fee for an Integrated PhD in the UK is £4,712 per academic year for home/EU students (or £2,356 for part-time study) and £19,596 per academic year for international students (or £9,798 for part-time study).

As with all doctoral programmes, there are likely to be additional costs associated with your studies, such as bench fees for lab work, travel costs for collaborating and potential write-up fees for students who need more time to submit their thesis. You can get more information about these additional costs on our cost breakdown page .

Funding Opportunities

You can obtain funding for Integrated PhDs in the same way as for regular PhDs. Funding is usually provided by one of the seven UK Research Councils  and research charity organisations such as the  Wellcome Trust ; grants, scholarships and funded opportunities can be found directly in our searchable database .

Funding can either be partial (tuition fees only) or full (tuition fees and living costs). Most funding providers also cover the tuition fee for the Masters degree programme due to being integrated with the PhD, however, you should confirm this on a case-by-case basis.

As with regular PhD funding, the fully-funded opportunities are generally limited to home and EU students.

It’s also worth noting that PhD programmes which include an integrated Masters degree are eligible for a Doctoral Loan , even if you already have a postgraduate Masters degree from a previous university. Applications for Doctoral Loans must be made directly to Student Finance England and you must first be registered for a full doctoral degree. Due to application restrictions, you won’t be able to apply for a separate Postgraduate Masters Loan for the integrated Masters phase of your degree.


You can search for Integrated PhDs in three ways:

  • Our Search Page  – Search for the term ‘Integrated’ in our  comprehensive database of STEM PhDs .
  • University Search Pages – Universities advertise their Integrated PhDs on their postgraduate search pages. You can find them by searching the name of the university followed by “ search postgraduate courses ” directly in Google.
  • Funding Body Websites – Funding bodies which provide studentships for Integrated PhDs sometimes advertise the positions on their website. A list of the most common funding providers can be found here: PhD Studentships .

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Join thousands of other students and stay up to date with the latest PhD programmes, funding opportunities and advice.

Best Graduate Schools

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Graduate School Rankings

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Best Business Schools

Earning an MBA or another master's degree in business can help prospective students advance their careers.

  • # 1 Stanford University  (tie)
  • # 1 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)  (tie)
  • # 3 Northwestern University (Kellogg)  (tie)
  • # 3 University of Chicago (Booth)  (tie)

Programs & Specialties

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Executive MBA

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Best Law Schools

The first step for prospective lawyers is to find a school that can give them a top-notch legal education.

  • # 1 Yale University  (tie)
  • # 3 University of Chicago
  • Environmental Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Part-time Law
  • Trial Advocacy

is postgraduate masters or phd

Best Medical Schools: Research

Students who dream of donning a white coat can explore which schools are best for primary care and research.

  • # 1 Harvard University
  • # 2 Johns Hopkins University
  • # 3 University of Pennsylvania (Perelman)
  • Anesthesiology
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Internal Medicine

is postgraduate masters or phd


Best engineering schools.

Engineers can build on their skills with advanced degrees in a wide range of specialties.

  • # 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • # 2 Stanford University
  • # 3 University of California, Berkeley
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Environmental / Environmental Health Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

is postgraduate masters or phd

Best Nursing Schools: Master's

Nurses are increasingly encouraged to earn a graduate degree to enhance their knowledge of patient care.

  • # 1 Emory University (Woodruff)  (tie)
  • # 1 Johns Hopkins University  (tie)
  • # 3 Duke University
  • Master's Nurse Practitioner: Family
  • Master's Nursing Administration

is postgraduate masters or phd

Best Education Schools

Educators may find it necessary to earn a graduate degree to meet their career goals.

  • # 1 Teachers College, Columbia University  (tie)
  • # 1 University of Wisconsin--Madison  (tie)
  • # 3 University of California--Los Angeles  (tie)
  • # 3 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor  (tie)
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Elementary Teacher Education
  • Higher Education Administration
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  • Special Education

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  • Graphic Design
  • Painting / Drawing
  • Photography

Public Affairs

  • Environmental Policy and Management
  • Health Policy and Management
  • Information and Technology Management
  • Nonprofit Management
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Health Care Management
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Biological Sciences
  • Biostatistics
  • Computer Science

Library and Information Studies

  • Archives and Preservation
  • Digital Librarianship
  • Information Systems
  • Services for Children and Youth

Social Sciences and Humanities

  • Criminology

Featured Advice

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Engineering Graduate Degree Jobs

Preparing and applying for graduate school.

If you’re interested in a profession that requires graduate school , such as law or medicine, it’s important to ensure that you’re committed to that career path before investing time, money and effort into a graduate education. U.S. News & World Report offers guidance to prospective students on how to decide whether to attend grad school and how to identify the correct type of program. The Best Graduate Schools rankings  provide data that you can use to discover schools that match your preferences.

Aspiring business executives, for example, can explore the Best Business Schools  rankings, future lawyers can refer to the Best Law Schools  rankings and medical school hopefuls can consult the Best Medical Schools  rankings. Meanwhile, individuals who plan to pursue graduate engineering degrees can check out the Best Engineering Schools  rankings, and those who wish to obtain an education-related graduate credential may want to look at the Best Education Schools  rankings. People who intend to become advanced practice registered nurses with graduate-level training in nursing can examine the Best Nursing Schools  rankings.

U.S. News also offers rankings of graduate schools within the following disciplines:

  • Library and information studies
  • Social sciences and the humanities
  • Public affairs

Each of these rankings lists includes links to school profile pages where you can find details about the academic institutions. Website users who purchase a subscription to U.S. News Grad Compass  can gain access to school-specific information beyond what is displayed for free on school profile pages. Both paying and nonpaying readers have access to the U.S. News graduate school search tool  that allows them to find grad schools within a specific academic discipline or geographic region.

In addition to its rankings database, U.S. News also offers an abundance of advice  to prospective graduate students. Expert tips cover topics such as deciding where to apply and how to assemble a compelling application, including ways to identify a person who can write a persuasive letter of recommendation for graduate school and techniques that can be used to craft an eloquent personal statement. Plus, U.S. News offers insight into what factors matter most to graduate school admissions officers and answers common questions about the admissions process, such as how much grad schools care about where you went to college  and how to prepare for admissions interviews.

In addition, U.S. News provides advice on how to prepare for graduate school entrance exams such as the GRE , tips for winning graduate school scholarships  and other strategies to pay for graduate school . U.S. News even provides guidelines to applicants who have been admitted to multiple grad programs on how they should choose among those options. All of this advice content, plus the rankings and the grad school directory, can serve as valuable resources for individuals who dream of attending graduate school.

RIT graduate pursues Ph.D. across time zones

Nastaran Nagshineh is shown with other faculty in a small room where she defended her thesis.

Nastaran Nagshineh, center, defended her Ph.D. thesis at RIT in April. Faculty from RIT’s Rochester and Dubai campuses served on her thesis committee and include, from left to right, Kathleen Lamkin-Kennard, Steven Weinstein, Nathaniel Barlow, and David Kofke (a professor at the University at Buffalo). Mohamed Samaha participated remotely and appears on the video screen behind the group and alongside Nagshineh’s picture.

Nastaran Nagshineh is one of the first Ph.D. candidates to bridge RIT’s Rochester and Dubai campuses. Her accomplishment creates a path for future students at the university’s international campuses.

Nagshineh completed her Ph.D. in mathematical modeling while working full time as a mathematics lecturer at RIT Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, teaching as many as five classes a semester. She described her Ph.D. journey as “an exercise in perseverance” due to competing demands and long days. Rochester is eight hours behind Dubai, and the time difference meant many late-night classes and meetings.

“I saw this collaboration as an opportunity, rather than as a challenge, because my primary adviser, Dr. Steven Weinstein (RIT professor of chemical engineering), and my co-adviser, Dr. Mohamed Samaha (RIT Dubai associate professor of mechanical engineering), both have the same area of research interest,” she said. “They both worked toward my success.”

Nagshineh is one of 67 RIT Ph.D. students who defended their thesis this academic year and who will earn their doctorate. RIT awarded 63 Ph.D. degrees in 2023.

In 2020-2021, RIT’s Graduate School met and surpassed the university’s goal of conferring 50 Ph.D. degrees during an academic year. That number will continue to grow as students cycle through the seven new Ph.D. programs that RIT has added since 2017, said Diane Slusarski , dean of RIT’s Graduate School.

Meeting these goals puts RIT on a path toward achieving an “R1,” or research-intensive designation, from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Learning. RIT is currently ranked as an R2 institution . Many factors go into changing a university’s status, including research investment and maintaining a three-year average of 70 Ph.D. degrees awarded per year, according to Slusarski.

“We have met the goals of the strategic plan, and now we look forward to contributing to the research innovation in the future,” Slusarski said. “We want to help the new programs thrive and win national research awards.”

RIT’s emphasis on high-level research is seen in Nagshineh’s Ph.D. work. She applies mathematical modeling to the field of fluid dynamics. Her research has been published in top-tier journals and has gained notice, said Weinstein, her thesis adviser.

Weinstein describes Nagshineh’s accomplishments as “a testament to a fantastic work ethic and commitment” and is inspirational to younger students at Rochester and Dubai.

“The collaboration between RIT Dubai/Rochester has continued,” he said. “Another paper was submitted a few weeks ago with Mohamed Samaha and Nate Barlow (RIT associate professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics) as co-authors, as well as Cade Reinberger, a younger Ph.D. student in my research group.”

Mathematical modeling is one of RIT’s newer Ph.D. degree programs, and Nagshineh is among its earliest graduates. The program has doubled in size since it began accepting students in 2017, Slusarski said. This past fall, the mathematical modeling program had 35 students, with two graduating this year.

Altogether, RIT has 13 Ph.D. degree programs currently enrolling 438 students, with computing and information sciences accounting for the largest with 117 students. RIT’s other Ph.D. programs include astrophysical sciences and technology , biomedical and chemical engineering , business administration , color science , electrical and computer engineering, imaging science , mechanical and industrial engineering , microsystems engineering , and sustainability .

New programs in cognitive science and physics will launch in the fall.

The growth in RIT graduate education—with more than 3,000 master’s and doctoral students—reflects a demographic change in the student population, Slusarski said. “We have a higher percentage of women in the graduate programs than we have for RIT undergraduate programs.”

RIT’s graduate programs enroll 42 percent women, according to Christie Leone , assistant dean for the Graduate School.

Nagshineh, who also holds an MS in electrical engineering from RIT Dubai, welcomes her role as a mentor to other women students on both campuses.

“As a young woman in an Arabic country, the power of women is often underestimated and undervalued, and I hope to serve as a role model to female students, especially those that question their path,” Nagshineh said.

She plans to continue in her career as a professor and a researcher. “I would like to pursue a research program where I can advise my own students and teach them more deeply.”

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Studying in Germany

Applying For a Master’s Degree in Germany

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Master’s programs in Germany offer a diverse range of options, with many taught in English. They are known for their affordability, top-notch curricula, hands-on learning, and excellent career prospects. So, it’s no wonder that master’s degrees are the go-to choice for international students in Germany. During the 2021/2022 period, 42.6% of them (148,901 students) were enrolled in master’s programs.

But don’t let the application process hold you back – we’re here to guide you through the steps and set you on the path to success in Deutschland!

Here are the main steps to apply for a master’s degree in Germany:

Research and Choose a Master’s Program

Check admission requirements.

  • Gather Documents and Meet All Requirements

Secure Funding

Submit your application, wait for the admission letter, get health insurance, apply for the german student visa.

When it comes to pursuing a master’s degree in Germany, the initial step is all about research and making an informed choice. Start by assessing your career goals and pinpoint the field of study that aligns with your aspirations. Look into the curriculum to ensure it covers the subjects that pique your interest.

Language matters too — many programs are available in English, but if you’re proficient in German, it opens up more options. When it comes to costs, most programs are quite affordable or even tuition-free, but be sure to check tuition fees just in case.

To aid your search, German study program databases and university websites offer detailed program information and application guidelines. Take your time to explore and find the program that’s the perfect fit for your educational journey.

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Study at GISMA University of Applied Sciences

Be one step ahead with a globally recognised college in Germany!

> Check out our list of over 9,000 master’s study programs in Germany.

Once you’ve picked a couple of programs that pique your interest and align with your study goals, it’s time to check if you meet their admission requirements or can meet them by the application deadline.

While each program may have its unique requirements, let’s explore some of the most common admission criteria for master’s programs in Germany:

  • Bachelor’s degree. You have graduated or will graduate from a program equivalent to a German bachelor’s degree, often in a related field to the master’s program you’re applying for.
  • Transcripts and diplomas . Submit transcripts and copies of your academic diplomas from previous educational institutions.
  • Subject-specific knowledge . Some programs may require you to have gained specific subject knowledge or credits during your prior education. Business schools and MBA programs may require a particular score from recognized tests, like GMAT or GRE.
  • Language proficiency. Demonstrate proficiency in the language of instruction, which is typically English or German. Proof of language proficiency is often required through standardized tests like IELTS, TOEFL, TestDaF, or DSH.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume . Provide a comprehensive CV or resume detailing your academic and professional background.
  • Statement of purpose & letters of recommendation. Some universities may request a Statement of Purpose (SOP), which details your motivations and goals, along with one to two letters of recommendation from professors or professionals.

> Visit our full guide of admission requirements for master’s programs in Germany for more details.

Gather Documents and Ensure You Meet All Requirements

After reviewing admission requirements and selecting your program(s), it’s time to start gathering what you need for your application, including transcripts, motivation letter, etc.

This is also an ideal time to confirm that you meet your university’s language proficiency requirements. Depending on your program’s language (English or German), you may take a standardized language test or provide alternative proof. Consider language courses if improvement is needed.

According to the German government’s regulations, international students planning to study in Germany must demonstrate financial resources of at least €11,208 per year (equivalent to €934 per month) to qualify for a student visa and pursue a master’s degree in the country.

This financial requirement may seem daunting for many students, so it’s crucial to address this well in advance of the official application period at your preferred German university. You can meet this requirement in various ways:

  • Having €11,208 deposited in a German blocked account .
  • Your parents can provide documentation of their income and financial resources.
  • Someone with permanent residence in Germany can guarantee to the Alien Registration Office that they will financially support you.
  • Present a scholarship awarding certificate specifying the financial amount or coverage granted to you.

Important Tip: To Maximize Your Chances of Getting Your German Student Visa You Should Use a Blocked Account as Proof of Financial Resources.

A blocked account is a special type of bank account , to prove you have enough funds to live in Germany for one year.

As of 2022, as a foreigner in Germany you need a minimum of €934 euros per month for living expenses. So, you are required to have a total of €11,208 in your bank account before you apply for a German internship visa.

Click here to learn more about the German Blocked Account

Planning ahead is important before your preferred German university’s application deadline, as this amount may be substantial for most students. Usually, four to six months prior should provide enough time to save money and explore scholarship and loan options.

Now is the exciting time to send in your application! Most universities have their own application portals where you’ll need to create an account, or they might use uni-assist for handling applications.

Make sure to read and follow all the instructions on the master’s program website, and be sure to submit all the required documents. It’s crucial to respect the application deadlines; your application won’t be processed if you miss the deadline.

Once your application is submitted, the next step is simply waiting for the university’s decision. While you wait, you might want to brush up on your language skills or start looking into the specific visa and travel requirements for Germany. It’s also a good time to explore accommodation options.

The university will notify you via email about the status of your application, and if you’re accepted, they’ll include the next steps you should follow.

Health insurance is a must for all international students in Germany. You can kickstart this process after receiving your admission letter or once you arrive in Germany.

If your home country has an agreement with Germany, you can often use your current health insurance, typically with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). In some cases, private health insurance from other countries may also be accepted.

Alternatively, you can choose to obtain insurance through a provider in Germany, with student packages usually priced around €120 per month, depending on your age and the provider.

Most international students in Germany prefer to get health insured with DR-WALTER .

EDUCARE24 by DR-WALTER is suitable for the following groups of people:

  • Foreign exchange students, language students and students participating in university preparatory courses (Studienkolleg)
  • University students
  • Participants in exchange programmes (e.g. ERASMUS, DAAD, SOKRATES)
  • Accompanying family members

Still have questions about health insurance?  Learn more about health insurance in Germany from experts.

Get DR-WALTER insurance online within a few minutes

With a few exceptions, the majority of international students planning to study in Germany require a student visa. Our German student visa guide covers everything you need to know about this process, from requirements to the application process, fees, and more.

To kickstart the process, set up a visa interview at the German Embassy or Consulate in your home country, ideally about three months before your planned start of studies.

During the interview, provide all the required documents like proof of admission, language proficiency, financial means, and health insurance. Be ready for potential requests for more documents during the interview, and make sure your passport stays valid for your entire stay.

Arrive in Germany and Attend Orientation

Once your German student visa is sorted, it’s time to get on that plane and arrive in Germany. After settling in, make use of the pre-semester orientation sessions at German universities. Some things addressed through the orientation or to over on your own include:

  • You’ll complete the enrollment process , which involves registering for your courses, receiving your class schedule, and learning about academic requirements.
  • Getting your student ID . You’ll be issued a student identification card, often referred to as a “Studierendenausweis” in German.
  • Residence registration. Once you’re in Germany, you will have to register your residence. This is a mandatory process that involves obtaining a “Meldebescheinigung” from the Resident’s Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt).
  • Opening a local bank account. Orientation often provides guidance on opening a bank account in Germany.
  • Campus tour. You’ll explore the campus to discover its facilities, libraries, and labs.
  • Language courses. Some universities offer language courses or resources to help international students improve their German language skills if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Additional Information

Below, you’ll find answers to common questions and additional information to support you on your path to pursuing a master’s degree in Germany:

Which Universities Offer Master’s Degree Programs in Germany?

The higher education system in Germany includes public universities, funded and regulated by the state, and private universities established by independent entities.

While private universities may have higher fees, they are valuable for specialized courses not available at public institutions. Public universities in Germany have their own degree programs, assessments, and entry requirements, with state oversight to ensure the quality and accreditation of courses.

Germany has four main types of higher education institutions that offer master’s degree programs:

  • Research Universities. These publicly administered institutions offer Master’s and PhD programs, focusing on various academic disciplines.
  • Technical Universities. A subgroup of research universities, they specialize in science, technology, and engineering fields.
  • Universities of Applied Sciences. These institutions concentrate on engineering, business, and social sciences, often partnering with professional organizations.
  • Colleges of Art, Film, and Music. These institutions provide instruction in creative fields and can be part of research universities or universities of applied sciences.

What Are the Types of Master’s Degrees in Germany?

In Germany, you can pursue various types of Master’s degrees. Some of the most common include:

  • Master of Arts (MA). Awarded in humanities, social sciences, and arts-related fields.
  • Master of Science (MSc) . Awarded in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA). Focuses on management and business administration topics.
  • Master of Education (M.Ed.). For degrees for high school teacher positions.

What Are Consecutive and Non-consecutive Master’s Degrees?

Consecutive master’s Degrees in Germany follow a logical progression from a related bachelor’s degree and build upon the same academic field. They provide in-depth knowledge and specialization within the same subject area.

Non-consecutive master’s Degrees, on the other hand, don’t necessarily need a bachelor’s degree in the same field. Students with diverse academic backgrounds can go for non-consecutive master’s programs, which often focus on broader skills and interdisciplinary knowledge. These programs may include extra coursework to bridge any knowledge gaps.

How Long Is a Master’s Degree in Germany?

A master’s degree in Germany typically lasts for one to two years, depending on the specific program and the number of semesters required. Each academic year consists of two semesters, and the program may also include a final project or dissertation conducted in collaboration with a mentor.

How Many ECTS Credits Is a German Master’s Degree Worth?

Master’s programs in Germany typically consist of 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits. However, the exact number of credits may vary depending on the university and the specific program.

What is Numerus Clausus?

Numerus Clausus (NC) in German master’s programs is a restricted admission system where limited spots are available, and selection is based on factors like academic performance and qualifications. It controls program capacity to prevent overcrowding. Applicants compete for admission based on their qualifications, and requirements vary by program.

When Are Application Deadlines for Master’s Degrees in Germany?

There are two semesters in German universities; the winter semester and the summer semester. Application deadlines for master’s programs vary depending on the university, however, the most common dates are:

  • For courses starting on the winter semester: July 15th
  • For courses starting on the summer semester: January 15th

Can I Apply for a Master’s in Germany Before I Get My Undergraduate Degree?

Yes, it’s common for students to apply during the final year of their bachelor’s degree. However, you must provide proof of your current academic progress and an expected graduation date as part of your application.

What Are the Language Requirements for Master’s Degrees in Germany?

If your courses are in German, you’ll need to prove your proficiency through tests like TestDaf or DSH. A lower level of proficiency may be accepted if you continue taking language courses upon arriving in Germany or during the early stages of your Master’s program. However, language requirements for master’s programs in Germany can vary depending on the university and program

If you choose English-taught programs, no German language tests are required. Non-native English speakers may need to take English language tests like TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE. If you’ve completed your undergraduate studies in English, you typically won’t need English language tests.

To discover programs in your preferred language, explore our tool and select the program language from the options on the left.

How Much Does a Master’s Degree Cost in Germany?

In most public universities in Germany, semester fees for master’s programs typically range from €100 to €350 per semester, with some exceptions. Some specialized graduate programs may have tuition fees, and the federal states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria may charge tuition fees for non-EU international students.

Private universities set their own tuition fees, and the cost of master’s degrees can vary significantly, especially for programs like MBAs. At private universities in Germany, tuition fees can range from approximately €5,000 to €20,000 per year or more, depending on the institution and program.

To find out more about the costs of studying in Germany, visit our extensive guide .

Can I Work While Studying for a Master’s Degree in Germany?

Yes, students of all nationalities can work while studying for a master’s degree in Germany.

  • EU, EEA, Swiss, and Norwegian students can work up to 20 hours per week. They can exceed this number, however they will have to pay social security contributions.
  • Non-EU students can work up to 120 full days or 240 half days per year, but they face restrictions on self-employment and freelancing.
  • Academic assistants have no limitations on workdays but are required to inform the foreigners’ office.

> Read more about working while studying in Germany .

What Is the Master’s Thesis Process Like in Germany?

In your final year of a master’s program in Germany, you’ll work on your thesis project, guided by a professor. The goal is to showcase your ability to tackle a subject-related issue independently using research methods.

You can usually write your thesis in German or English and may even complete it externally, like at a company or another research institute. Universities often set page limits, usually between 50 to 100 pages, and impose deadlines, typically around six months from the project start.

The thesis defense involves submitting your work and presenting your research methods and findings.

Study Visa Requirements for a Master’s Degree in Germany

Make sure you collect on time all the documents you typically need in order to apply for a German Student Visa .

For detailed information about Germany Visa requirements, go to  www.germany-visa.org/student-visa/

What Are the Career Prospects With a German Master’s Degree?

With a German master’s degree, you’ll have excellent career prospects, especially in STEM fields . EU/EEA graduates can work immediately after graduation, while non-EU/EEA graduates can extend their residence permits for up to 18 months to find field-related jobs.

You can also pursue academic careers, and highly skilled non-EU graduates can apply for an EU Blue Card to work and stay in Germany. Plus, your German degree is globally recognized, offering international career opportunities in multinational companies and organizations.

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Graduate gives top tips for students

As a recruitment specialist, De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) graduate Aikaterini Minas knows all about the power of a well-rounded CV.

And she put that into practice herself by seizing as many opportunities as she could while studying at DMU to learn new skills, widen her network and embrace student life.

Now Aikaterini, who has returned to DMU to study a Master’s in Human Resources , has shared her story and given her top tips for current students.

Alumni Aikaterini Minas a

“My time at DMU was incredibly enriching,” she said. “Beyond academic excellence, I immersed myself in various roles and responsibilities during my BA studies which not only broadened my skill set but also helped me learn the different facets of university life.

“I was a student teaching and learning consultant, student personal tutoring advocate, student engagement associate, course rep and HR brand ambassador.

“I was a proud member of the women’s volleyball team and being from Greece, an active member of the Hellenic and Cypriot Society. This allowed me to not only participate in cultural events but also spearhead initiatives that helped fellow students into adapting and settling into the vibrant student life in Leicester.”

After graduating with a 2:1 in Human Resource Management , with expertise in recruitment and selection, Aikaterini returned to Greece and applied her knowledge to her role as a talent acquisition specialist with Teleperformance Greece, a multinational company with more than 12,500 employees. She has also begun a Master’s degree in HR at DMU and continues to be a student ambassador for the course.

Aikaterini has also shared her five top tips for DMU students to make the most of their time at university:

  • Embrace Networking: Actively engage with professors, peers, and industry professionals. Networking opens doors to opportunities you might not have otherwise discovered.
  • Balanced Approach: Prioritize both academics and extracurricular activities. It's essential to strike a balance for holistic development.
  • Internships and Placements: Seek out internships or work placements related to your field of study. They provide invaluable real-world experience.
  • Stay Curious: Never stop learning. Stay updated with the latest trends and innovations in your field.
  • Leverage University Resources: Make full use of the university's resources, including libraries, career services, and extracurricular offerings.

"Embrace every opportunity and dive into the DMU experience wholeheartedly. It's not just about the academic experience, but also about the connections you make, the experiences you gather, and the skills you develop. Soak it all in and make your time at DMU truly unforgettable!"

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Graduate visa route should remain, report finds, after home secretary raised immigration concerns

James Cleverly commissioned an emergency report into the graduate visa route over concerns it was being abused for immigration purposes.

is postgraduate masters or phd

Political reporter @alixculbertson

Tuesday 14 May 2024 14:31, UK

Trinity College file pic

The graduate visa route should remain as it is key to funding British universities and is "not undermining the quality and integrity" of higher education, a new report has said.

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) looked at whether the visa was being abused and if it was not being "driven more by a desire for immigration" after Home Secretary James Cleverly requested an emergency review in March.

A graduate visa permits overseas students to stay in the UK for up to three years after completing a university course in the UK. Partners and children can also apply as dependents.

Former immigration minister Robert Jenrick published a report last week calling for the graduate visa to be abolished, claiming it "allowed people to come and work in the gig economy and on very low wages".

University and industry leaders had voiced fears that the route, introduced in 2021, could be axed or curtailed if the report had been negative, with universities reporting a steep drop in international students applying over fears of restrictions being introduced.

But the committee, made up of five university professors and a Home Office representative, said they found "no evidence of widespread abuse" of the graduate route.

"The risks of abuse are relatively low due to the limited number of conditions the route imposes," the report said.

is postgraduate masters or phd

It also found the visa route is helping universities to expand the range of courses offered while making up for financial losses from domestic students and research, and is "supporting the government's international educational strategy".

The report said 114,000 graduate route visas were granted for applicants in 2023, with a further 30,000 for dependents.

It said students from India, Nigeria, China and Pakistan account for 70% of all graduate visas, with India accounting for more than 40%.

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MAC chair and leading labour economist Professor Brian Bell, the head of economics at King's College London, said: "Our review recommends the graduate route should remain as it is, and is not undermining the quality and integrity of the UK's higher education system.

"The graduate route is a key part of the offer that we make to international students to come and study in the UK.

"The fees that these students pay help universities to cover the losses they make in teaching British students and doing research.

"Without those students, many universities would need to shrink and less research would be done.

"This highlights the complex interaction between immigration policy and higher education policy."

A government spokesman said: "We are committed to attracting the best and brightest to study at our world-class universities, whilst preventing abuse of our immigration system, which is why the home secretary commissioned an independent review of the graduate route.

"We have already taken decisive action to address unsustainable levels of migration and our plans are working, with a 24% drop in visa applications across key routes in the first three months of this year, compared with the same period last year.

"We are considering the review's findings very closely and we will respond fully in due course."

Bristol.England.September 07, 2018.The Wills Memorial Tower of Bristol University Seen from Park Row

Reacting to the report, Mr Jenrick said the graduate route "should be scrapped" and the UK needs to "urgently unwind the sector's growing dependency on foreign students" as he called the route a "backdoor for foreign students to do low-wage work...that isn't attracting top talent".

He said the review's conclusions were "constrained by the narrow terms of reference deliberately set by the government" to back up their International Education Strategy that includes the "arbitrary target" of attracting 600,000 foreign students a year.

"If you order white paint, you get a whitewash," he said.

The British Chambers of Commerce welcomed the report and said businesses have told them finding people with the right skills to plug the gaps "remains a serious issue".

The MAC recommended the government establishes a mandatory registration system for international recruitment agents and that universities should be required to publish data on their spend on recruitment agents and the number of students recruited through such means to ensure the route is not exploited.

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The report found most people on the graduate route had completed postgraduate courses, with the highest growth in the visa from non-Russell Group universities' postgraduate courses - accounting for 66% of all graduate visas.

Since 2021, the proportion of main applicants aged over 25 has increased by 15 percentage points to 54% in 2023.

It also found graduate visa holders are initially overrepresented in lower-paid work but their job prospects and wages improve over time.

Among the first cohort of graduate visa holders, about half moved to skilled worker visas, primarily into skilled roles.

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Students pictured from behind while sitting in a lecture at university

No evidence foreign students are abusing UK graduate visas, review finds

Migration Advisory Committee says the risks are low, despite Tory claims the route is being exploited

There is no evidence of widespread abuse of the UK’s graduate visa route, the government’s immigration advisers have concluded, despite repeated claims from senior Conservatives that it is being exploited to enter the jobs market.

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) said the graduate visa entitlement – allowing international students to work for two or three years after graduating – should remain in place. Members said the risks of abuse were relatively low and were “not undermining” the integrity and quality of the higher education system.

The report’s release has stoked an internal Conservative party row over net migration, with senior rightwing MPs describing it as a “whitewash”.

Robert Jenrick, a former immigration minister, wrote that the committee’s inquiries were tightly controlled by the commission from James Cleverly , the home secretary.

“The MAC’s conclusions have clearly been constrained by the narrow terms of reference deliberately set by the government. If you order white paint, you get a whitewash,” he wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Neil O’Brien, a Tory MP who is an ally of Jenrick, described the report as a “whitewash” on Substack: “We are pursuing an arbitrary target, and the expansion of universities for their own sake.”

Another Conservative MP said backbenchers were “piling pressure” on Rishi Sunak to ignore the committee’s conclusions.

The government has so far declined to say whether it will accept the MAC recommendations. A source close to the home secretary said he would read the review thoroughly and listen to Prof Brian Bell, the committee’s chair, carefully before he makes any decision. They were due to meet on Tuesday afternoon.

The committee’s decision was greeted with relief by university vice-chancellors, who have warned that abolishing the graduate visa would spell financial turmoil for the sector. But higher education leaders said they still feared No 10 could cherrypick elements of the report to justify a further crackdown.

University leaders had been told to expect the government’s response in the middle of next week, alongside the publication of the ONS’s net migration figures. But the MAC report in favour of retaining graduate visas may have scuppered plans by ministers to use it as the centrepiece of a fresh crackdown.

Cleverly commissioned the review amid a growing clamour in Tory circles that graduate visas were being abused to gain access to employment.

Last week, Jenrick published a report with the Centre for Policy Studies thinktank that called for the graduate visa to be abolished, claiming it “allowed people to come and work in the gig economy and on very low wages”.

In a forthright response, Bell said: “Our review recommends the graduate route should remain as it is, and is not undermining the quality and integrity of the UK’s higher education system.

“The graduate route is a key part of the offer that we make to international students to come and study in the UK. The fees that these students pay helps universities to cover the losses they make in teaching British students and doing research. Without those students, many universities would need to shrink and less research would be done.”

The committee said:

There is no evidence of widespread abuse specifically for the graduate route. The risks of abuse are relatively low due to the limited number of conditions the route imposes.

There is concern about potential exploitation of both student and graduate visa holders due to poor practices by certain agents who recruit students on to courses and may be mis-selling UK higher education, but this is a separate issue from abuse of the rules of the graduate route.

114,000 graduate route visas were granted for main applicants in 2023 with a further 30,000 granted for dependants.

The use of the graduate route is concentrated among four nationalities: the top four – India, Nigeria, China and Pakistan – account for 70% of all graduate visas with India accounting for more than 40%.

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Most of those on the graduate route completed postgraduate taught courses.

Graduate visa holders are initially “overrepresented in lower-paid work” but their outcomes improve over time, the report said.

The MAC review was unable to assess the risk of overstaying due to a lack of Home Office data.

Alex Proudfoot, the chief executive of the representative body Independent Higher Education , said: “We urge the government to swiftly confirm they will follow their experts’ recommendation that the graduate visa be retained in its current form, and commit afresh to working with the education sector to maximise the benefits that international students bring.”

Tim Bradshaw, the chief executive of the Russell Group of leading research universities, said: “The overall message from the MAC is that the graduate route is achieving its objectives as set out by the government. We would therefore urge ministers to end the uncertainty and confirm as soon as possible that the route will continue in its entirety.”

In February, Universities UK (UUK) said it would review international student admissions processes after the allegations of “bad practice” by agents recruiting overseas students.

The MAC has recommended the government should establish a mandatory registration system for international recruitment agents, and universities should be required to publish data on their use of agents to “help protect the integrity” of the UK higher education system.

The review was launched in March after Cleverly instructed the committee, which gives independent advice to the government, to investigate “any evidence of abuse” of the graduate route, “including the route not being fit for purpose”, and to look at which universities were producing graduates who used the route.

Vivienne Stern, the chief executive of UUK, said: “The MAC’s recommendation that the graduate route should remain on its current terms is extremely important and welcome.

“The uncertainty caused by the decision to review the visa has been toxic,” she said. “We hope and expect that government now listens to the advice they have been given and provides categorical reassurance that the graduate visa is here to stay.”

A government spokesperson said: “We are committed to attracting the best and brightest to study at our world-class universities, whilst preventing abuse of our immigration system, which is why the home secretary commissioned an independent review of the graduate route.

“We have already taken decisive action to address unsustainable levels of migration and our plans are working, with a 24% drop in visa applications across key routes in the first three months of this year, compared with the same period last year.

“We are considering the review’s findings very closely and we will respond fully in due course.”

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    A postgraduate degree, or simply a "graduate degree," is an advanced academic degree that is earned after completing a bachelor's degree. These degrees are typically pursued by students who wish to continue their education in a specific field or who wish to concentrate in a particular area of study. ... The PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy ...

  10. Difference Between Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate

    Students get confused with the term "postgraduate degree." There actually isn't a real difference between the two. Postgraduate is used interchangeably with graduate. Like a graduate degree, postgraduate refers to the range of higher degrees past the undergraduate degree. This includes both master's degrees and Phds.

  11. Should I Pursue A Master's or A Ph.D.?

    Ph.D. study includes a major research project in addition to coursework, and a Ph.D. is the highest scholastic degree awarded by American universities. Contrary to common perception, career paths for Ph.D. graduates are quite varied, not just limited to academia. Ph.D. training helps you hones skills such as writing, research, teaching, data ...

  12. Programs

    Degrees Offered. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Deadline. Dec 01, 2023 | 05:00 pm. Next. The Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is a leading institution of graduate study, offering PhD and select master's degrees as well as opportunities to study without pursuing a degree as a visiting student.

  13. terminology

    A Graduate student is usually enrolled with the objective of doing a PhD, many Graduate students, provided they have the coursework and thesis, might get a Masters degree in the middle of the program along with the PhD. Usually for postgraduate students I also think is for post docs, but I'm not sure. In Mexico (and maybe France, because we ...

  14. Graduate Admissions

    Your Starting Point for Graduate Study at Stanford. Browse this website to learn about university-wide requirements and processes for admission to MA, MS, PhD, and other non-professional graduate programs in the following Stanford schools:. Graduate School of Education | School of Engineering | School of Humanities & Sciences | School of Medicine | Doerr School of Sustainability

  15. Online Degrees and Postgraduate Studies from Top Universities

    Earn a Master's degree, a Bachelor's degree, or a Postgraduate credential from a top-ranked university at a breakthrough price. Study on your own schedule with 100% online degree or postgraduate programs. Learn from project-based courses and get direct feedback from your professors. When you graduate, you'll receive the same university degree as students who attend class on campus.

  16. Graduate Studies

    The U.S. News & World Report top-ranked school prepares graduate level pre-licensure students and current BSN or advanced practice nurses to be health care leaders through a variety of MSN, DNP, and PhD programs. Students can focus on a wide range of advanced practice specialty areas - including health care organizational leadership, nurse anesthesiology, pediatric, adult/Gerontological ...

  17. Graduate and Professional Programs

    A-Z Listing of Graduate Programs. Learn about programs offered for academic credit. Interested users can narrow results by academic level and school. Graduate Catalog. Find detailed information about graduate programs at Penn including Ph.D., research master's, professional master's, and other professional degrees.

  18. Integrated Masters with PhD

    Summary. An Integrated Masters with a PhD (iPhD) is a four-year postgraduate level programme that combines a one-year Masters course with a three-year PhD course. They allow students to familiarise themselves with their chosen topic, research methods and academic writing techniques before embarking on their own independent research project.

  19. 2024 Best Graduate Schools

    Students who dream of donning a white coat can explore which schools are best for primary care and research. # 1. Harvard University. # 2. Johns Hopkins University. # 3. University of Pennsylvania ...

  20. Find Masters, PhD And Other Postgraduate Courses Here

    Postgraduate teacher training in England - use the Department for Education's 'Find postgraduate teacher training' service. Postgraduate teacher training programmes in Wales and Scotland - use UCAS' search tool. MA/MSc courses in social work, nursing, medicine, LLB accelerated programmes - these are located in the UCAS Undergraduate ...

  21. UCAS Postgraduate

    Find student accommodation. Halls on campus, student housing in town, or your own private living space? Discover which accommodation is right for you. Learn how to apply through the leading, most trusted postgraduate service. Explore different course types and subject areas here.

  22. RIT graduate pursues Ph.D. across time zones

    RIT awarded 63 Ph.D. degrees in 2023. In 2020-2021, RIT's Graduate School met and surpassed the university's goal of conferring 50 Ph.D. degrees during an academic year. That number will continue to grow as students cycle through the seven new Ph.D. programs that RIT has added since 2017, said Diane Slusarski, dean of RIT's Graduate School.

  23. A Nonapocalyptic Vision of Graduate Education's Future

    Graduate education has held an allure for people who want to satisfy their ongoing curiosity and engage in the robust process of learning and endurance that getting an advanced degree demands. Those people are well-positioned to respond to the knotty challenges of our changing worlds. Opportunities for these grads exist in both the academy and ...

  24. Masters in Germany for International Students [2024 Guide]

    In most public universities in Germany, semester fees for master's programs typically range from €100 to €350 per semester, with some exceptions. Some specialized graduate programs may have tuition fees, and the federal states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria may charge tuition fees for non-EU international students.

  25. Graduate gives top tips for students

    Balanced Approach: Prioritize both academics and extracurricular activities. It's essential to strike a balance for holistic development. Internships and Placements: Seek out internships or work placements related to your field of study. They provide invaluable real-world experience. Stay Curious: Never stop learning.

  26. Nearly Half of All Masters Degrees Aren't Worth Getting

    College. Nearly Half of All Masters Degrees Aren't Worth Getting According to new research, 23 percent of bachelor's degree programs and 43 percent of master's degree programs have a negative ROI.

  27. Graduate visa route should remain, report finds, after home secretary

    The report found most people on the graduate route had completed postgraduate courses, with the highest growth in the visa from non-Russell Group universities' postgraduate courses - accounting ...

  28. No evidence foreign students are abusing UK graduate visas, review

    Most of those on the graduate route completed postgraduate taught courses. Graduate visa holders are initially "overrepresented in lower-paid work" but their outcomes improve over time, the ...

  29. Rishi Sunak unswayed by warnings against scrapping graduate visa

    The MAC warned putting further restrictions on the route — on top of a recent ban on international postgraduate students bringing family members to the UK — would lead to job losses, course ...