
Top 150 Project Management Dissertation Topics [Updated]

Project Management Dissertation Topics

Project management is like the conductor of an orchestra, harmonizing various elements to achieve a masterpiece. Dissertation topics in this field are crucial as they delve into the heart of managing projects effectively. Whether you’re a budding project manager or a seasoned professional looking to deepen your understanding, choosing the right project management dissertation topic is paramount. Let’s embark on a journey to explore some intriguing project management dissertation topics that could spark your interest and contribute to this dynamic field.

How To Pick A Dissertation Topic?

Table of Contents

Picking what you’ll study for your big research project (dissertation) is a really important choice. Take your time and think about it carefully. Here are some steps to help you pick the right topic:

  • Reflect on your interests: Consider topics that genuinely interest you and align with your passion and expertise. Your enthusiasm will sustain you through the research process.
  • Review existing literature: Conduct a thorough review of literature in your field to identify gaps, unanswered questions, or emerging trends that could form the basis of your research.
  • Consider practical relevance: Choose a topic that has practical relevance and real-world implications for your field, industry, or community. Aim to address pressing issues or challenges faced by practitioners or organizations.
  • Consult with advisors and peers: Seek feedback from your academic advisors, mentors, or peers to get their perspectives on potential topics. They can give you good advice and assist you in making your ideas better.
  • Narrow down your focus: Once you have a broad topic in mind, narrow it down to a specific research question or area of investigation. Make sure your topic is manageable within the scope of your dissertation and aligns with the available resources and timeline.
  • Evaluate feasibility: Figure out if your topic is doable by checking if you can find enough information, if you have the right tools to study it, if it’s morally okay, and if there are any real-life limits that might get in the way. Ensure that you have access to the necessary resources and support to conduct your research effectively.
  • Stay flexible: Stay ready to change or improve your topic as you learn more during your research and find out new things. Your dissertation topic might change as you go, so it’s important to be open to that and be able to adjust along the way.
  • Consider your long-term goals: Think about how your dissertation topic aligns with your long-term academic or career goals. Choose a topic that will allow you to develop valuable skills, make meaningful contributions to your field, and position yourself for future opportunities.

150 Project Management Dissertation Topics: Category Wise

Traditional vs. agile methodologies.

  • A comparative analysis of traditional waterfall and agile project management methodologies.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of agile methodologies in software development projects.
  • Implementing agile practices in non-IT industries: challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of project management maturity models in transitioning from traditional to agile methodologies.
  • Agile project management in dynamic and uncertain environments: case studies from various industries.
  • Integrating hybrid project management approaches: combining elements of traditional and agile methodologies.
  • Assessing the impact of agile project management on team dynamics and collaboration.
  • Agile project management in large-scale and complex projects: lessons learned and best practices.
  • Overcoming resistance to agile adoption: strategies for organizational change management.
  • The future of project management: trends and innovations in agile methodologies.

Project Management Tools and Software

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of project management software in improving project outcomes.
  • Adoption and implementation of project management tools: a case study approach.
  • Comparing different project management software solutions: features, benefits, and limitations.
  • Customization vs. out-of-the-box implementation: factors influencing the choice of project management software.
  • The impact of cloud-based project management tools on remote team collaboration.
  • Enhancing project management efficiency through the integration of collaboration platforms and project management software.
  • Project management software usability and user experience: implications for adoption and usage.
  • Assessing the security and data privacy risks associated with project management software.
  • Trends in project management software development: artificial intelligence, automation, and predictive analytics.
  • The role of project management software vendors in driving innovation and industry standards.

Project Risk Management

  • Identifying and prioritizing project risks: a systematic approach.
  • Quantitative vs. qualitative risk analysis: comparing methods and outcomes.
  • Risk management strategies for high-risk industries: construction, aerospace, and defense.
  • The role of project risk management in achieving project success: evidence from case studies.
  • Incorporating risk management into project planning and decision-making processes.
  • Stakeholder engagement in project risk management: challenges and best practices.
  • Resilience and adaptability: building a risk-aware project culture.
  • Emerging risks in project management: cybersecurity threats, geopolitical instability, and climate change.
  • Risk management in agile projects: adapting traditional approaches to dynamic environments.
  • The future of project risk management: predictive analytics, big data, and machine learning.

Project Scheduling and Planning

  • Critical path analysis and its applications in project scheduling.
  • Resource leveling techniques for optimizing project schedules and resource allocation.
  • The role of project management offices (PMOs) in project scheduling and planning.
  • Earned value management (EVM) as a performance measurement tool in project scheduling.
  • Lean project management principles: minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency in project schedules.
  • Agile project planning techniques: iterative planning, sprint planning, and release planning.
  • Time management strategies for project managers: prioritization, delegation, and timeboxing.
  • The impact of schedule compression techniques on project duration and cost.
  • Project scheduling under uncertainty: probabilistic scheduling models and Monte Carlo simulation.
  • Real-time scheduling and adaptive planning: harnessing technology for dynamic project environments.

Leadership and Team Management

  • Transformational leadership in project management: inspiring vision and empowering teams.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in project leadership and team performance.
  • Cross-cultural leadership in multinational project teams: challenges and strategies.
  • Building high-performing project teams: recruitment, training, and team development.
  • Distributed leadership in virtual project teams: fostering collaboration and trust.
  • Conflict resolution strategies for project managers: mediation, negotiation, and arbitration.
  • Motivating project teams: rewards, recognition, and intrinsic motivation.
  • The impact of leadership styles on project outcomes: autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire.
  • Gender diversity in project teams: implications for leadership and team dynamics.
  • Team resilience and psychological safety: creating a supportive and inclusive project environment.

Project Governance and Stakeholder Management

  • Project governance frameworks: roles, responsibilities, and decision-making structures.
  • Stakeholder identification and analysis: mapping stakeholder interests, influence, and expectations.
  • Effective communication strategies for project stakeholders: stakeholder engagement plans and communication channels.
  • Managing stakeholder conflicts and competing interests in projects.
  • Make sure companies do good things for the community and talk to the people affected by their projects.
  • Look at how the big bosses of a project make decisions and handle the people involved.
  • Accountability and transparency in project governance: reporting mechanisms and performance metrics.
  • Regulatory compliance in project management: legal requirements and industry standards.
  • Balancing stakeholder interests in project decision-making: ethical considerations and social responsibility.
  • Continuous improvement in project governance: lessons learned and best practices.

Project Finance and Cost Management

  • Project budgeting and cost estimation techniques: top-down vs. bottom-up approaches.
  • Cost-benefit analysis and return on investment (ROI) in project decision-making.
  • Earned value management (EVM) as a cost control tool in project management.
  • Managing project financial risks: budget overruns, resource constraints, and market fluctuations.
  • Project procurement and contract management: negotiating contracts, vendor selection, and performance monitoring.
  • Life cycle costing in project evaluation: considering long-term costs and benefits.
  • Value engineering and value management: optimizing project value while minimizing costs.
  • Financial modeling and scenario analysis in project finance: assessing project feasibility and viability.
  • Funding sources for project financing: equity, debt, grants, and public-private partnerships.
  • Project finance in emerging markets: challenges and opportunities for investment.

Project Quality Management

  • Total quality management (TQM) principles in project management: continuous improvement and customer focus.
  • Quality planning and assurance processes: setting quality objectives and quality standards.
  • Quality control techniques in project management: inspection, testing, and quality audits.
  • Six Sigma methodology and its applications in project quality management.
  • Lean principles in project management: eliminating waste and optimizing processes.
  • Measuring project quality performance: key performance indicators (KPIs) and quality metrics.
  • Building a culture of quality excellence in project teams: training, empowerment, and recognition.
  • Supplier quality management in project procurement: ensuring supplier compliance and performance.
  • Benchmarking and best practices in project quality management.
  • Continuous improvement in project quality: feedback loops, lessons learned, and process optimization.

Project Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

  • Stakeholder engagement strategies in project management: stakeholder analysis, mapping, and engagement plans.
  • Effective communication techniques for project managers: verbal, written, and nonverbal communication.
  • Managing virtual project teams: communication tools, technologies, and best practices.
  • Conflict resolution strategies for project stakeholders: negotiation, mediation, and collaboration.
  • Stakeholder communication in crisis situations: managing stakeholder expectations and maintaining trust.
  • Building trust and credibility with project stakeholders: transparency, integrity, and responsiveness.
  • Cultural sensitivity and communication in multicultural project teams.
  • The role of project managers as communication facilitators and mediators.
  • Communication challenges in cross-functional project teams: aligning diverse perspectives and priorities.
  • Measuring stakeholder satisfaction and feedback: surveys, interviews, and feedback mechanisms.

Project Human Resource Management

  • Human resource planning in project management: resource allocation, skills assessment, and capacity planning.
  • Talent management strategies for project teams: recruitment, training, and career development.
  • Team-building techniques for project managers: icebreakers, team-building exercises, and bonding activities.
  • Performance management in project teams: setting objectives, providing feedback, and evaluating performance.
  • Conflict resolution strategies for project managers: negotiation, mediation, and conflict coaching.
  • Diversity and inclusion in project teams: fostering a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Leadership development in project management: training, coaching, and mentorship programs.
  • Managing virtual project teams: communication, collaboration, and team cohesion.
  • Building resilience and well-being in project teams: managing stress, burnout, and work-life balance.

Project Procurement and Contract Management

  • Procurement planning and strategy development: make-or-buy decisions, sourcing options, and procurement methods.
  • Contract types and structures in project procurement: fixed-price, cost-reimbursable, and time-and-material contracts.
  • Supplier selection criteria and evaluation methods: vendor qualifications, bid evaluation, and supplier performance metrics.
  • Negotiation techniques for project managers: win-win negotiation, BATNA analysis, and concessions management.
  • Managing contracts and contractor relationships: contract administration, performance monitoring, and dispute resolution.
  • Outsourcing and offshoring in project procurement: risks, benefits, and best practices.
  • Legal and regulatory considerations in project procurement: compliance with procurement laws, standards, and regulations.
  • Contractual risk management: mitigating contract risks through indemnification clauses, insurance, and contingency planning.
  • Ethical considerations in project procurement: fairness, transparency, and integrity in procurement processes.
  • Continuous improvement in procurement and contract management: lessons learned, process optimization, and supplier feedback.

Project Sustainability and Social Responsibility

  • Integrating sustainability principles into project management: environmental stewardship, social equity, and economic viability.
  • Sustainable project planning and design: minimizing environmental impacts, maximizing resource efficiency, and promoting resilience.
  • Social impact assessment in project management: stakeholder engagement, community consultation, and social license to operate.
  • Sustainable procurement practices: ethical sourcing, fair trade, and supply chain transparency.
  • Green project management: reducing carbon emissions, conserving natural resources, and promoting renewable energy.
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in project management: philanthropy, community development, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Sustainable infrastructure development: green buildings, sustainable transportation, and eco-friendly urban planning.
  • Environmental risk management in projects: assessing and mitigating environmental impacts and regulatory compliance.
  • Sustainable project financing: green bonds, impact investing, and sustainable finance mechanisms.
  • Sustainability reporting and disclosure: communicating project sustainability performance to stakeholders.

Project Innovation and Technology Management

  • Innovation management in project-based organizations: fostering a culture of creativity, experimentation, and learning.
  • Technology adoption and diffusion in project management: factors influencing technology acceptance and implementation.
  • Managing innovation projects: from ideation to commercialization, stage-gate processes, and innovation ecosystems.
  • Open innovation and collaborative project management: partnerships, co-creation, and knowledge sharing.
  • Digital transformation in project management: leveraging emerging technologies for project delivery and collaboration.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning in project management: predictive analytics, automation, and decision support systems.
  • Blockchain technology in project management: decentralized project governance, smart contracts, and supply chain transparency.
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality in project management: immersive training, visualization, and virtual collaboration.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) applications in project management: real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and asset tracking.
  • Data-driven project management: leveraging big data, analytics, and business intelligence for project insights and decision-making.

Project Governance and Compliance

  • Regulatory compliance in project management: legal requirements, industry standards, and certification programs.
  • Ethics and integrity in project governance: code of conduct, conflict of interest policies, and whistleblowing mechanisms.
  • Corporate governance and project management: alignment with organizational objectives, risk management, and performance oversight.
  • Internal controls and assurance mechanisms in project governance: auditing, monitoring, and accountability.
  • Project portfolio governance: prioritization, resource allocation, and strategic alignment.
  • Regulatory reporting and disclosure requirements: compliance with regulatory agencies, stakeholders, and investors.
  • Project audits and reviews: evaluating project performance, compliance, and lessons learned.
  • Governance of public-private partnerships (PPPs): contractual arrangements, risk allocation, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Continuous improvement in project governance: feedback loops, lessons learned, and process optimization.

Project Resilience and Change Management

  • Building project resilience: risk management, contingency planning, and adaptive strategies.
  • Change management in project management: managing resistance, communication, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Organizational resilience and project management: lessons from crisis management, business continuity planning, and disaster recovery.
  • Agile project management and organizational agility: responsiveness to change, iterative planning, and adaptive leadership.
  • Innovation and creativity in project management: fostering a culture of experimentation, learning, and adaptation.
  • Anticipatory project management: scenario planning, risk assessment, and proactive decision-making.
  • Crisis leadership and project management: decision-making under pressure, communication, and stakeholder management .
  • Change readiness assessment in project management: organizational culture, capacity building, and change champions.
  • Learning from failure: post-mortem analysis, root cause analysis, and continuous improvement.
  • Resilience in project teams: psychological safety, emotional intelligence, and well-being.

In conclusion, selecting the right project management dissertation topics is essential for exploring new frontiers, addressing pressing challenges, and making meaningful contributions to the field. By choosing a topic that aligns with your interests, expertise, and aspirations, you can embark on a rewarding journey of discovery and innovation in project management.

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Home > PMGT > Dissertations and Theses > 35

Project Management, Graduate (PMGT)

Dissertations and Theses

Reasons for success and failure of projects.

Tamunogbenye Dago , Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Completion Date

Spring 4-8-2018

Document Type

Degree name.

Master of Science (MS)

Program or Discipline Name

Project Management

First Advisor

Stephen Onu

This paper discusses information from at least ten peer-reviewed project management related articles on project success and failure. The articles provide information on the challenges faced in global projects. This paper will address the link between infrastructure, culture and project outcome.

Regardless of the chosen methodology, there are many possible reasons for project failure, partial success and total success, the articles have discussed different factors which could be a reason or a partial reason for the outcome of a project.

Agile methodology is becoming increasingly popular and utilized on large and complex projects. Large projects that lack clarity in some respects can adopt this methodology as it accommodates the changing nature of the project objectives.

(Symonds, 2012) addressed the importance of effective financial management to keep costs within budget on a large or complex project. The articles also draw attention to the fact that different types of projects could have varying critical success factors, and these would need to be identified for each specific project. The author of each article has a different focus in his or her research on why projects may succeed or fail. (Walid, 1996) explains that there are critical success factors which must be identified and achieved by the project team to attain project success. (Glass, 1999) however, focused on the human contribution to project success or failure. His research addressed the impact that the project manager has on the performance of the project team.

This paper evaluates the assertions made by previous researchers on the subject to establish the relationship between infrastructure, culture and project outcome.

Recommended Citation

Dago, T. (2018). Reasons for Success and Failure of Projects . Retrieved from

Since July 10, 2018

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125 Project Management Research Topics Ideas

125 Project Management Research Topics

Are you urgently in need of top-class project management research topics for your upcoming exam? Keep reading for exclusive writing ideas.

Those who have handled a project management thesis before can witness that this is not a smooth affair. The creativity, level of research, and critical thinking necessary for developing such a paper require a mature student. The greatest hurdle comes in when you want to develop your research topic. Our professional writers have everything you need to write an award-winning paper. Scroll down to find out how?

What Is A Project Management Research Paper?

It is an assignment that requires students to integrate the different processes to achieve a particular goal and deliverables. Project management is based on the principle that all tasks are special, and thus, you should not treat two tasks as the same.

In this type of assignment, students have to develop many coordination skills and fairness in dealing with various projects. Since various tasks differ in line with their functional procedures, you have to dig deeper to determine how each yields direct and proportional earnings in the end.

Does all these sound like rocket science to you? Well, the next few lines will make you understand this subject better.

Key Points About A Project Management Thesis

There are different steps involved in writing a project management paper. These will contribute to the body paragraphs’ overall quality, length, and depth. The various practices involved in project management include:

Initiating Planning Executing Controlling Closing the work of a team

When you bring all these processes together, you can achieve a particular goal or specific success within the set time. That brings us to a critical component of project management – time!

Every project has a given time frame within which it is complete. It is the primary challenge as time constraints are always when unexpected issues arise. However, with practice, time will not be a factor anymore; it will be the motivation for completing a particular project.

If you don’t feel those skills are important to you, you can get custom dissertation help from our expert team.

How To Write A Top-Rated Project Management Paper

For you to write a paper that will get the attention of your university teacher, there are various steps that you have to take. Remember that you have to demonstrate to your professor that you understand your topic and can significantly contribute to the topic at the end of the day.

Here is a step-by-step guide that will take you through the full process of project management writing:

  • Understand your assignment: You should carefully read the question and point out any confusing part that you may need clarity with your professor. You also set the goal, timeline, length, format, and other requirements.
  • Develop an interesting project management topic: The best way to generate a writing idea is by brainstorming. You can ask a friend tutor or get inspiration from other research papers.
  • Begin your preliminary research: You can point out arguments that seem important to your topic and find captivating angles to present them. It is advisable to consult sources such as books, journals, or reliable websites. Having research questions in this section will give you ample time.
  • Think of an exciting thesis statement: This will be your central argument that will establish your research paper’s position and purpose. Remember to include the evidence and reasoning you intend to support your answer.
  • Develop an outline for your paper: It includes the key topics, arguments, and examples that will feature in your paper. Having a structured outline helps you complete the writing process effortlessly.

Once you complete these steps, your writing will be like a walk in the park. You will express your ideas clearly and have a logical paper.

Now let’s explore some of the most sought after project management topics:

Easy Project Management Research Topics

  • How to implement capital improvement projects
  • Discuss the essence of a good project management plan before the onset
  • The role of technology and funding in implementing projects
  • Consider the effects of working from home on project management
  • How global companies manage projects across various regions
  • What is the impact of the world becoming a global village in project management?
  • Why is it necessary to segment tasks in a multi-sectorial project?
  • Discuss the process of harmonizing systems, people, and resources
  • Why is project management as a course in school necessary for the job market?
  • Discuss the challenges related to transit projects
  • Evaluate the various trends in project management in the digital age
  • The role of leadership systems in project management
  • Why time management is necessary for the completion of any task
  • How to develop achievable goals or aspirations in a project
  • The role of risk management before embarking on a project

High-Quality Project Management Topics

  • The undisputed role of administrators in any project
  • Technological systems that have made project management easier
  • Discuss the complexity in completing different projects
  • Why should every project have a project tracking instrument?
  • Steps towards developing a working budget for a project
  • Why do project managers write a proposal before embarking on the actual work?
  • How often should the project manager meet to discuss the progress of a project?
  • How to develop cost-effective projects in developed nations
  • Discuss the various sources of primary funding for projects
  • Why are communications skills necessary for any project?
  • Compare and contrast the completion rate of government projects versus private projects.
  • Discuss the authorization process of a project

Custom Project Management Research Paper Topics

  • Discuss the roles of various officers involved in the running of a project
  • What makes a particular project require a great number of resources?
  • How to develop objectives and scope of work for different projects
  • Analyze how the 24-hour economy is impacting the completing of massive projects
  • Why it is important to determine the timing of an escalation in a project
  • Should project managers remain engaged throughout the lifecycle of a project?
  • Discuss some of the leadership qualities necessary for project management
  • Why motivation is necessary for the completion of any project
  • How to point out signs of retardation in a project
  • The essence of addressing emerging issues in a project as soon as possible
  • What are the differences at the micro and macro levels of a project?
  • Steps involved in the termination process of a project

The Best Project Management Topics For Research

  • Compare and contrast the procedural and mechanical parts of a project
  • How to yield direct and proportional earnings from a project
  • Management of a project during the economic recession
  • Evaluate how COVID-19 restrictions impacted project management policies
  • The role of integrating people and machines in the completion of projects
  • Analyze the role of soft skills in project success rates
  • How does cultural diversity impact project performance in the US?
  • Why it is important to keep financial records in the implementation of a project
  • Evaluate the design and implementation of projects
  • A review of the stalled projects and why the project managers are to blame
  • An in-depth analysis of procurement procedures in project management
  • How organizational characters affect the development of a project

College Project Management Topics For Research Papers

  • Investigate the organizational characteristics that affect project completion
  • Identify cost-effective key performance indicators in a project?
  • Social network analysis tools necessary for project management
  • Discuss how emotional intelligence leads to the success of a project
  • How to develop an effective project scheduling system for large projects
  • Why standard operating procedures are necessary for effective projects
  • The role of teamwork and collaboration in project completion
  • Why quality control is necessary for any successful project
  • Effective resource management techniques for technical projects
  • Interpersonal skills that will make a project work
  • Ethics involved in project management
  • Discuss project mapping and progress reporting

Latest Research Topics For Project Management

  • Are all project problems an indicator of more trouble to come?
  • The role of identifying job descriptions in the success of projects
  • Why it is necessary to incorporate staff retention and training in projects
  • Evaluate the various project documentation processes
  • How to develop better project control and management tools
  • Discuss the differences between contractual and commercial management of projects
  • Why delays and disruptions increase the cost of projects
  • Impact of timely delivery of projects on economic development of countries
  • Effects of sanctions of global projects
  • Discuss conflict resolution practices in a particular project
  • How to develop credit risk modeling techniques for projects
  • Why appraisals and incentives are necessary for project success

Hot Research Project Topics In Business Management

  • The role of business planning in a competitive environment
  • How different business structures affect their development paradigms
  • How to develop effective customer service strategies for businesses
  • Why it is necessary to resolve employment issues before they escalate
  • Inventory control practices in business management
  • Discussing the necessity of keeping a keen eye on tax compliance in business establishments
  • The role of record-keeping in the management of business ventures
  • How to develop pricing structures that will keep the business afloat
  • Discuss the peculiarities of merchandising and packaging
  • Evaluate how insurance is necessary for any business
  • Marketing strategies that will outshine competitors in a business setting
  • How e-commerce is transforming project management in businesses

Innovative Topics For Project Management Research

  • The role of decision making and problem-solving in project management
  • Why technology and analytics are important components of successful projects
  • How to use organizational culture to the benefit of project management
  • How to manage international businesses using social media
  • Discuss the role of entrepreneurs and founders in project development
  • Effective operation strategies for developing projects
  • How to adjust and adapt to organizational change
  • Performance indicators that are necessary for competitive project management
  • The role of feedback in the development of any commercial project
  • Why personal productivity is necessary for any project management strategy
  • Reasons why health and behavioral science are important in project management
  • Discuss the effects of globalization on project management policies

Quality Research Topics In Management

  • Discuss the role of government policies and regulations in project management
  • How power and influence impact award of tenders for various projects
  • Human rights to consider in project management
  • The role of incubation hubs in project development
  • Cross-functional management in projects
  • Team member engagement in project management
  • Legal issues in project management
  • Political interference in development projects
  • Evaluate various workspaces design
  • Why should workplace health and safety be a priority in project management?
  • Virtual teams and project management
  • Why mission statements are necessary for project management

Construction Project Management Research Topics

  • Best practices in digital project management
  • How English as a language necessitates project management
  • Online technologies that offer innovative project management ideas
  • Student-centered symposiums in project management
  • Cheap project management solutions that offer quality output
  • The role of expatriates in development projects
  • Discuss the four phases of project management
  • How to manage change in a project
  • Agile innovation methods for project success
  • Quantitative tools for project management
  • The revival of the construction project economy
  • Developing sustainable construction projects
  • The impact of building information modeling
  • Collaborative work in project management

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20 Thesis Topics for Project Management

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  • Richard Thornton
  • March 21st, 2018

Project Management Thesis?

Project management basically includes initiating, planning, controlling and executing a project. While preparing a project management thesis, dissertation, essay or any assignment, one must be well-versed with the primary terminologies and requirements of the subject. Broadly, the assignment can be divided into 3 phases:

  • Initiation of a project includes all the processes involved in defining a new project. This phase determines the nature and scope of the project. If this stage is not followed, it is very unlikely for the project to meet the business’ needs.
  • Planning and controlling involves monitoring and controlling the time and resources, and effectively managing risk during the project execution. The ongoing procedure measures all the project variables and corrective actions are taken to address the issues.
  • The closure means formal acceptance of the project, thereby the ending. This involves the documentation and report of the learning. Post Implementation Review also constitutes a vital phase of the closure.

While working on a project management assignment, students, as well as working professionals, may find the need to emphasise on minute details such as PBS, WBS, RACI, project documentation, cost engineering and many more.

Project Management Assignment TutorVersal

20 Topics to Write a Project Management Thesis or Dissertation:

Following are the topics that students as well as working professionals can choose from while preparing project management assignments:

  • Business Requirement Analysis
  • Descriptive Analytics And Visualisation
  • Business Value Of Information
  • Project Scheduling and Control
  • Project Integration and Procurement
  • Project Leadership
  • Management Research and Practice
  • Project Procurement Management
  • Information Systems Challenges
  • Contemporary Approaches
  • Project Program and Portfolio Management
  • Sustainable Project Management
  • Facility Life Cycle Costing 
  • Project Stakeholder Management
  • Work And Organisation Systems
  • Project Investment Analysis
  • Organisation Change Management
  • Global Leadership
  • Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Project Risk Management

TutorVersal Project Management Assignment Help

TutorVersal’s project management assignment experts are well-versed with all the aforementioned topics, and their respective requirements when it comes to preparing any write-up.

TutorVersal Project management Assignment Writing Experts

Our project management experts have been part of different industries including construction projects, production engineering, design engineering, computing, architecture, telecommunications and many heavy industries from all over the globe. Apart from the subject-matter knowledge, our experts can prepare your project on the basis of its complexity. Moreover, they have successfully delivered projects with up to Level 7 complexity . Therefore, based on various criterion such as time-span and project output, our professionals can provide you the best possible assignment with your precise specifications.

The services differ we provide differ for different communities. For students, the assignment help experts of TutorVersal sticks to the marking rubric as per the specific university guidelines. On the other hand, for working professionals, the experts provide highly specialised projects. Our non-disclosure clause ensures that any information related to the client as well as the respective ghostwriter(s) is kept highly confidential.

Apart from project management, you can avail the services of subject matter experts from diverse fields to get the best engineering assignment help or guidance in other subjects.

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thesis on project management

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A group of people in professional clothing gather around a table examining several documents.

Program Snapshot

  • Master of Science
  • 100% online
  • Part-time or full-time
  • Finish in 1-3 years
  • GRE/GMAT not required
  • Offered through Brandeis Graduate Professional Studies

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Exclusive Project Management Research Topics For Enhancing The Project Efficiency

The project management is able to enhance the complete efficiency of the project as it can provide an accurate and clear roadmap which assist in the guidance and leading the individuals towards the completion of the project successfully. Nevertheless, a clear roadmap of the project enables smarts routes instead of focusing on working hard on the project. Project managers are considered to be vital elements of the project which are responsible to hold the project together and ensures that the objective of the project are fulfilled along with its budgeting. It is important to value the parameters of effective project management as those organisations which disvalue the elements which mainly contribute in the successful project management have 50% of failed projects which leads to delay in the growth of the business.

The concept of project management is beyond the setting a budget and tracking deadlines. The good project managers are in complete control of the project when it comes to its management from the beginning of the project till the its successful completion while making sure that the initiatives along with the objectives or goals of the project are aligned strategically and the project contains the support of its all stakeholder. Moreover, each and every individual working on the project are on the same page. The MSc project management research topics are in wide range which provide useful information concerning good management practices. Remote work and virtual project management is considered to be one of the most important topic for project management research topics 2021. However, this blog will provide several MSc project management research topics which will be helpful for the students who are enrolled in the master’s program of the project management.

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Project Management Thesis Topics

The project management thesis topics are in large number for the students to explore its different parameters which will be helpful them practically. Learning the importance of the effectiveness of project management practices is necessary. Project management research topics helps to identify best practices and techniques that can be used to improve the effectiveness of project management in a variety of contexts. This can help the individuals to increase the success rate of projects and reduce the risk of project failure. There are several MSc project management thesis topics which focuses on eenhancing the efficiency of project management processes. Project management research proposal topics can help to identify ways to streamline and optimize project management processes, which can help to reduce costs and increase the speed at which projects are completed. These proposals can help in the introduction of project management topics for research papers facilitating the current literature which will emphasise on the news ideas and assist in solving the problems occurring in the current project management practices.

Project Management Master Thesis Topics

The project management thesis topics mostly bas on the development of new project management tools and technologies. The research on the development of new project management tools and technologies assist in the improvement of efficiency and effectiveness of project management. Providing a foundation for further research is done by exclusive project management thesis topics as project management research and take business management thesis help to build a body of knowledge that can be used as a foundation for future research and development in the field. Overall, project management these topics plays a vital role in helping organizations to deliver projects successfully and achieve their business objectives.

Here is the list of the project management master thesis topics which are basically based on the new ideas and techniques utilized in order to enable effective project management.

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Critique on the green practices in project management - a secondary case study

Aim and objectives.

The main aim of this study is to understand the role of green practices in project management. The objectives of this study are as follows;

  • To promote environmentally sustainable practices within the project management process. This may include identifying and mitigating the environmental impacts of a project, conserving natural resources, and reducing waste and pollution.
  • To assess how complying with environmental regulations and standards, minimizing the carbon footprint of the project, and promoting the use of renewable energy and eco-friendly materials. Green practices in project management can also help to improve the sustainability and long-term viability of a project, as well as enhance its social and economic benefits.

The effect of economic and political stability on project management

The goal of this study is to analyse the effects of the economic and political stability on project management. However, the study objectives are discussed as;

  • To understand how these external factors can impact the success of a project.
  • To investigate how project managers can develop strategies to mitigate these risks and ensure the project stays on track by understanding the potential risks and challenges that may arise due to economic or political instability.
  • This may involve developing contingency plans, seeking alternative sources of funding or resources, or adjusting the project plan to account for potential delays or other issues. By considering these factors and taking appropriate actions, project managers can increase the chances of successfully delivering their projects on time, within budget, and to the desired level of quality.

Project management importance in terms of student’s learning- a primary investigation

This study aims to identify the importance of project management in terms of student learning- a primary investigation. Nevertheless, the objective of the study are given below;

  • To assess how this project management can benefit students in their academic and professional careers.
  • To evaluate how students can develop skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork, which are valuable in any career by learning project management principles and techniques.
  • To understand how students can gain an understanding of how to plan and execute complex tasks, set and achieve goals, and deliver results on time and within budget by learning project management.
  • To examine how these skills are essential for success in any field, and can help students stand out in the job market.

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Analysis of the impact of marketing strategies on the project management

The aim of this study is to examine the impact of marketing strategies on the project management. Nevertheless, there are several potential objectives that could be pursued when examining the impact of marketing strategies on project management. Some of the objectives include:

  • To understand how marketing strategies can support project management by helping to define project goals, target audiences, and desired outcomes.
  • To examine the role of marketing in project planning, including the development of marketing plans and the identification of marketing resources and budgets.
  • To Analyse the impact of marketing efforts on project timelines and budgets, and how to effectively incorporate marketing activities into project plans.
  • To identify best practices for integrating marketing and project management, and examining how these practices can support the overall success of a project.

To evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies on project outcomes, and identifying areas for improvement.

Analysing the practices of project management in UK and US - a comparative case study

This study aims to assess the practices of project management in UK and US – a comparative case study. However, there are several objectives that could be pursued when analysing the practices of project management in the UK and the US. Some of the objectives include:

  • To Compare and contrast the approaches to project management used in the UK and the US, including any differences in project management methods, tools, and techniques.
  • To examine the similarities and differences in the organizational structures and cultures of project management in the UK and the US, and how these may impact the way projects are managed.
  • To identify best practices in project management in both countries, and examining how these practices could be implemented in other countries or industries.
  • To analyse the challenges and opportunities facing project managers in the UK and the US, and how these may differ between the two countries.

To evaluate the effectiveness of project management practices in the UK and the US, and identifying areas for improvement.

Analysis of the best technologies utilized in the project management

The aims of the study is to examine the best technologies utilized in the project management. However, the objectives of the study includes;

  • To improve efficiency and productivity of the project.

This can be achieved through a variety of means, such as automating certain tasks, streamlining communication and collaboration, and providing tools for tracking and analysing progress. Some specific technologies that are commonly used in project management include project management software, project collaboration tools, and project communication platforms. Other technologies that may be useful in specific industries or contexts include project scheduling software, project budgeting tools, and project risk management tools.

Role of soft and hard skills in terms of project management

This study aims to evaluate the role of soft and hard skills in terms of project management. Nevertheless, the objectives of this study are described as;

  • To examine the difference between soft skills and hard skills, and how they both contribute to the success of a project.
  • To understand the specific soft and hard skills that are most important for project managers to possess, and how these skills can be developed and improved.
  • To identify how different combinations of soft and hard skills may be needed for different types of projects, and how project managers can adapt their skills to meet the needs of each project.
  • To analyse the best practices for developing and using soft and hard skills in project management, and examining how these practices can support the overall success of a project.
  • To evaluate the impact of soft and hard skills on project outcomes, and identifying areas for improvement.

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The influence of change management

The aims of the study is to examine the influence of the change management. Nevertheless, the objectives of the study is described below;

  • To evaluate the role of change management in project management, and how it can help to ensure the success of a project.
  • To identify the various techniques and approaches used in change management, and how these can be applied to different types of projects.
  • To assess the challenges and opportunities that arise when managing change in a project, and how these can be addressed to ensure the success of the project.

Techniques in project management

This study aims to assess t techniques in project management . However, there are several potential objectives that could be pursued when examining techniques in project management. Some of the objectives include;

  • To inspect the various techniques and approaches that are used in project management, and how they can be applied to different types of projects.
  • To evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of different techniques, and how to choose the most appropriate technique for a given project.
  • To identify how different techniques may be used in conjunction with one another, and how to effectively combine techniques to achieve project goals.
  • To assess best practices for using techniques in project management, and examining how these practices can support the overall success of a project.
  • To understand the effectiveness of different techniques in various project management contexts, and identifying areas for improvement.

The impact of teams on the success of the project

The main goal of this study is to understand the impact of teams on the success of the project. The objectives of the topic are as follows;

  • To inspect the role of teams in project management, and how effective team collaboration can contribute to the success of a project.
  • To study the factors that contribute to the success of a project team, including team composition, communication, leadership, and motivation.
  • To evaluate the challenges and opportunities that teams may face during a project, and how these can be addressed to ensure the success of the project.
  • To find out the best practices for building and managing effective project teams, and examining how these practices can support the overall success of a project.
  • To assess the impact of team dynamics on project outcomes, and identifying areas for improvement.

Analysis on the culture management

This study aims to understand the factors involved in culture management. However, the objectives of the objectives of this study are as follows;

  • To inspect the impact of organizational culture on project management, and how it can affect the success of a project.
  • To examine the various techniques and approaches used in culture management, and how these can be applied to different types of projects.
  • To analyse the challenges and opportunities that arise when managing culture in a project, and how these can be addressed to ensure the success of the project.
  • To identify the best practices for managing culture in project management, and examining how these practices can support the overall success of a project.

To evaluate the impact of culture management on project outcomes, and identifying areas for improvement.

Investigation of the conflict management in relation to society

This study aims to consider the investigation of the conflict management in relation to society. The objectives of the study are listed as;

  • To discuss the types of conflicts that can arise in society, and how these conflicts can be managed effectively.
  • To identify the various techniques and approaches used in conflict management, and how these can be applied to different types of conflicts in society.
  • To find out the challenges and opportunities that arise when managing conflicts in society, and how these can be addressed to promote social harmony.

To assess the best practices for managing conflicts in society, and examining how these practices can support the overall well-being of communities.

Significance of the utilizing the software based on project management

The aims of the study is to inspect the significance of the utilizing the software based on project management. Some of the objectives of the study are as follows;

  • To evaluate the various types of project management software that are available, and how they can support the planning and execution of projects.
  • To assess the benefits and drawbacks of using software in project management, and how to choose the most appropriate software for a given project.
  • To analyse how different software tools can be used in conjunction with one another, and how to effectively combine software to achieve project goals.

To identify best practices for using software in project management, and examining how these practices can support the overall success of a project.

Principles of project management

This study aims to evaluate the principles of project management. There are several possible objectives that could be pursued when examining the principles of project management. The major objectives of this study are listed below;

  • To find out the key concepts and principles that form the foundation of project management, including goal setting, planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closure.
  • To understand the various approaches and frameworks that are used in project management, such as agile, lean, and traditional methods, and how these approaches are influenced by the principles of project management.
  • T analyse how the principles of project management can be applied to different types of projects, and how to adapt these principles to meet the specific needs and goals of each project.
  • To identify best practices for implementing the principles of project management, and examining how these practices can support the overall success of a project.

To evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches to project management, and identifying areas for improvement.

Dynamics of project management

The aims of the study is to examine to understand the dynamics of project management. Some of the objectives of the study are a follows;

  • To understand various factors that can impact the successful planning, execution, and completion of a project. These factors may include the resources available to the project team, the budget allocated for the project, the schedule for completing the project, the scope of the project, the risks involved, and the stakeholders who are affected by the project.
  • To inspect how the understanding the dynamics of project management can help project managers and team members effectively navigate these challenges and deliver successful project outcomes.

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American University


Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 28-03, Section: A, page: 8360.

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The Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering (MS ISE) degree is offered through the School of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering (SSIE). The MS ISE degree provides the balance of theory and practical knowledge for the practice of the profession and/or for advancement to a doctoral program. In recognition of the high concentration of industry in the Binghamton area, this program has been structured to serve both full-time and part-time graduate students. Taking advantage of this industrial resource allows the program to develop a realistic approach to integrating both engineering and non-engineering systems, such as those found in manufacturing, healthcare, supply chain management, and transportation, using a wide variety of industrial and systems engineering tools, such as modeling and simulation, statistical process control, data science and analytics, reliability modeling, scheduling, human factors engineering and ergonomics, optimization, and engineering management, among others.

The academic environment of the School of SSIE may be enriched by the appointment of adjunct faculty members employed in local industry. Under appropriate circumstances, thesis and/or project activity may be carried out in industrial laboratories.

Important Information:

  • Many of the graduate courses in the School of SSIE are also offered through EngiNet (Watson College Distance Learning Program).
  • All of the School of SSIE graduate programs (including all available concentrations) are available fully online in addition to the traditional on-campus offerings.
  • Any graduate student who may have taken an undergraduate course that is cross-listed with a graduate course will already have earned the credit for the undergraduate course. Note that the student will not be eligible to earn graduate-level credit for the cross-listed graduate course at a later date and will not be eligible to take the course again at the graduate level.

Admission Requirements

Applicants who have already earned a BS degree in engineering or a related field are invited to apply for admission to this program.

Applications are considered for both spring and fall semesters and are reviewed on a rolling basis.

  • Recommended submission dates for fall semester admission: Apply before Feb. 1 for funding consideration or April 1 for regular admission.
  • Recommended submission dates for spring semester admission: Apply before Oct. 15 for funding consideration or Nov. 15 for regular admission.

Graduate students who are well qualified may receive assistantships, such as teaching assistantships (TA), research project assistantships (RPA), or graduate assistantships (GA). Funding decisions are decided among the admitted pool of applicants during the spring semester for fall admissions and as needed for spring admissions.

Applications to degree programs should include:

  • Official transcript(s), although unofficial transcripts are acceptable for initial application
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • A personal statement including mention of interests
  • Official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores (this requirement may be waived at the discretion of the graduate director)
  • Proof of English proficiency (such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), PTE academic scores, or Duolingo)
  • Immigration and financial documentation (i.e., the International Student Financial Statement and statement of financial support/bank statement)

Program Requirements

In addition to the requirements listed below, a student whose undergraduate degree is not in engineering may be required to complete some preparatory study, to be defined by the director of graduate studies based on the candidate’s background. The preparatory study does not count toward the graduate degree.

Subject to the approval of the director of graduate studies, the student may elect to substitute up to two graduate-level elective courses from a non-SSIE school or department, including those graduate-level courses the candidate may wish to transfer, pending approval, from another institution. However, credits transferred from another institution would not count toward the 24-credit residency requirement.

To complete the MS in Industrial and Systems Engineering, students must must maintain at least a B average in all graduate coursework.

MS in Industrial and Systems Engineering

Required courses (12 credits).

For students with adequate backgrounds, the required courses may be substituted with electives with consent from the director of graduate studies and/or the chair of the school.

  • SSIE 505 - Applied Probability & Statist.
  • SSIE 510 - Enterprise Systems Engineering
  • SSIE 520 - Modeling And Simulation
  • SSIE 553 - Operations Research
  • OR   SSIE 561 - Quality Assurance For Engineer

Elective Courses and Degree Completion Option

Thesis option.

  • Four additional graduate-level courses from the school, at least one of which must be at the 600-level (12 credits)
  • SSIE 599 - Thesis - Oral presentation and defense of the thesis are required (Minimum 6 credits)

Project Option

  • Five additional graduate-level courses from the school, at least one of which must be at the 600-level (15 credits)
  • SSIE 598 - MS Termination Project - Oral presentation and defense of the termination project are required (Minimum 3 credits)

Coursework-only Option

  • Five additional graduate-level courses from the school (15 credits)
  • Complete one of the following 600-level courses that includes project-based coursework to serve as a capstone for the termination requirement of the program (3 credits):
  • SSIE 605 - Appl’d Multivar. Data Analysis
  • SSIE 612 - Adv. Topics In Integrated Mfg.
  • SSIE 613 - Adv Stats Method for Dat Analy
  • SSIE 615 - Advanced Supply Chains
  • SSIE 616 - Adv Topics Applied Soft Compu
  • SSIE 617 - Fuz. Sets, Fuz.Logic & Fuz.Sys
  • SSIE 621 - Advanced Simulation
  • SSIE 631 - Foundations Of Neural Networks
  • SSIE 633 - Advanced Human Factors
  • SSIE 637 - Advanced Topics in Health Syst
  • SSIE 641 - Adv Topics in Network Science
  • SSIE 643 - Advanced Engineering Analytics
  • SSIE 644 - Found Of Adaptive Optimization
  • SSIE 650 - Systems Optimization
  • SSIE 660 - Stochastic Systems
  • SSIE 661 - Advanced Issues In Quality
  • SSIE 664 - Advanced Eng Management
  • SSIE 665 Advanced Topics in Energy Systems Optimization
  • SSIE 671 - Integer Programming
  • SSIE 673 - Adv Iss In Proc For Electr Pkg

MS ISE Health Systems Concentration

This option aims to prepare students for professional or leadership roles in healthcare, including hospital operations management, health systems engineering, health information technology, consulting, medical supply chain, insurance, operations within the pharmaceutical industry, organ procurement networks, and other not-for-profit health organizations.

Additional Requirements

In addition to the required courses of all students in the MS ISE program, students pursuing this concentration must complete the following requirements:

  • Take one additional required course: SSIE 537 - Industrial and Systems Engineering in Healthcare (Note: This reduces the number of electives by one course).
  • Take at least one of the approved healthcare-related courses (see below) as one of their chosen electives, in consultation with either the advisor or the director of graduate studies.
  • The thesis or project must be healthcare-related, chosen in consultation with the advisor.
  • Coursework-only option students must complete SSIE 637 - Advanced Topics in Health Systems.

Approved Healthcare-Related Courses

  • SSIE 530 - Healthcare Policy Analysis
  • SSIE 534 - Fundamentals of Health Systems
  • SSIE 538 - Healthcare Financial Eng
  • SSIE 539 - Human Factors Eng Healthcare
  • SSIE 548 - Healthcare Data Sci&Analytics
  • NURS 532 - Nurs & Comm Hlth Care Delv Sys
  • NURS 540 - Elem Epidemiology&Biostatistic
  • NURS 615 - Info Sys & Tech in Healthcare
  • NURS 633 - Adv Health Sys & Public Policy

MS ISE Engineering Management Concentration

This option aims to prepare students for professional or leadership roles in engineering management in highly technical and complex teams, departments, and organizations. Students will master the engineering and management skills needed to excel in their future positions, create new opportunities and grow as respected, competent engineering managers, strategic planners and/or policy makers. Also underlined are topics of advanced engineering leadership attributes, steps to acquire these attributes, and strategies to develop core competencies.

Required Courses (21 credits)

  • SSIE 515 - Operations Mgmt Supply Chains
  • SSIE 522 - Advanced Decision Modeling
  • SSIE 565 - Engineering Project Management
  • One additional graduate-level course at the 600-level from the school (3 credits)
  • SSIE 599 - Thesis - Oral presentation and defense of an engineering management-related thesis are required (Minimum 6 credits)
  • Two additional graduate-level courses from the school, at least one of which must be at the 600-level (6 credits)
  • SSIE 598 - MS Termination Project - Oral presentation and defense of an engineering management-related termination project are required (Minimum 3 credits)
  • Two additional graduate-level courses from the school (6 credits)
  • SSIE 664 - Advanced Eng Management which includes project-based coursework to serve as a capstone for the termination requirement of the program

MS ISE Executive Health Systems Concentration - Manhattan

This 12-month program is designed to provide working professionals who already have a bachelor’s degree an opportunity to gain sufficient knowledge and skills for modeling, analyzing and/or designing healthcare delivery systems and processes. The industrial and systems engineering discipline plays a significant role in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare systems. Over the years, industrial and systems engineering has helped healthcare facilities improve total quality management, scheduling and sequencing in outpatient clinics, and operational control, such as medical record management and patient turnaround time in emergency rooms to name a few. With the ultimate goal being continuous process improvement, the research methodology looks at current workflow, identifies bottlenecks and, finally, proposes solutions and recommendations using a number of tools, such as modeling and simulation, problem-solving, statistical analysis, operations research, human factors engineering, and data mining.

Classes are scheduled on weekends with hours generally every Saturday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., with intermittent days off, at a convenient Midtown Manhattan location. During each class, the student experiences lectures, group activities, projects, and open discussions with a great deal of class participation. At the onset of the program, there is a required orientation weekend at Binghamton University’s main campus.

Plan of Study (30 credits)

Alternate courses may be applied in select cases with the approval of the program director.

  • SSIE 597 - Independent Study
  • SSIE 537 - Ind & Sys Eng in Healthcare
  • SSIE 501 - Intro to Systems Science
  • SSIE 561 - Quality Assurance For Engineer
  • SSIE 598 - MS Termination Project

Additional Information about the Program

For more information on the Industrial and Systems Engineering MS program, please refer to the Systems Science and Industrial Engineering Graduate Programs website . To apply to the Industrial and Systems Engineering MS program, please visit the University Graduate Admissions website .


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  4. Thesis Mba Project Management

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  5. Samples Of Thesis

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  1. List of Project Management Methodologies

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  3. Practical Project Management Tools that Reduce Chaos

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  5. Project Financial Management



  1. Project Management (PMGT) Dissertations and Theses

    Discover dissertations and theses written by students enrolled in Harrisburg University's Project Management Master of Science program. Dissertations and theses are completed to fulfill graduation requirements.

  2. Top 150 Project Management Dissertation Topics [Updated]

    Explore top 150 project management dissertation topics, from traditional vs. agile methodologies to sustainability and AI applications.

  3. A Systematic Literature Review of Project Management Tools and Their

    This thesis was conducted to examine project effectiveness and the best methodologies to use for managing projects as supported by the literature. Project effectiveness depends on multiple dimensions and has many situational issues that demand flexibility in method selection and utilization. Three of the most important dimensions explored in this study included: organizational structures, cost ...

  4. Team Performance and Project Success

    This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Project Management (PMGT) at Digital Commons at Harrisburg University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons at Harrisburg University.

  5. The Difficulty With Introducing Project Management Techniques in

    This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Project Management, Graduate (PMGT) at Digital Commons at Harrisburg University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons at Harrisburg University.


    The objective of the thesis is to analyze these case studies from a project management perspective in order to make an evaluation of the project delivery method used, propose alternative project delivery methods, identify and highlight other project management issues, and acquire a better general understanding of the management of both projects.


    This thesis will try to reveal the main sources for the failure of a construction project. due to the lack of risk management in projects, aiming that from now on the risk management. matters will be considered more serious and professional. The benefits of risk management. are not confined to large or risky projects.

  8. PDF How Digitalization influences Project Management

    In project management, various tools are used to carry out projects according to the given conditions in cost, time and quality. Project management tools are used for planning, executing, controlling, documenting and communicating in projects. Digitalization and the associated rapid development in information technology leads to changes in the ...

  9. PDF Human Competencies of an Effective Project Manager Thesis

    The findings of this thesis suggest that there is a clear need for the development of the human side of project management, and that although there is no definite set of competencies for effective project managers, there are some key skills essential to those in the pursuit of success.

  10. PDF Decision-Making in Project Management

    The case programme that is the focus of this thesis is running in a project structure using project management tools adopted from theory, such as milestone planning.

  11. PDF Project Management and Project Planning in Organization

    Results for the thesis aim to offer guidelines to reshape project management and reach a solution for project management tool adaptation for current place of employment.

  12. Project Management: Theses and Dissertations

    UnisaETD: electronic theses and dissertations. This resource contains full text of completed Unisa theses and dissertations.


    Project Implementation: the process whereby project inputs are converted to project outputs, maybe looked at as: put in action the activities of the project, putting in to practice what was proposed in the project proposal into the actual project, management of project or executing the project intention.

  14. Thesis project management quality

    The project manager must create a quality management plan. The quality plan is created early in the project because decisions made about quality can have a significant impact on other decisions about scope, time, cost and risk. The area also includes quality control and assurance.

  15. MSC Project Management (Thesis)

    Msc Project Management (Thesis) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document is the abstract for a research project submitted by Manuel Angel Gonzalez Suarez to the Robert Gordon University in partial fulfillment of an MSc in Project Management. The research focuses on assessing the maturity of a project's performance baseline across ...

  16. PDF Assessment on Application of Tools and Techniques of Project Management

    The second chapter deals about review of related literatures‟ that are; theory and practice of project management and its impact in development activities, the importance of tools and techniques of project management in socio-economic development, the practice of other countries on Mental Health Gap Action program Strategic ...

  17. Reasons for Success and Failure of Projects

    This paper discusses information from at least ten peer-reviewed project management related articles on project success and failure. The articles provide information on the challenges faced in global projects. This paper will address the link between infrastructure, culture and project outcome. Regardless of the chosen methodology, there are many possible reasons for project failure, partial ...

  18. PDF Project Management in Healthcare R&D

    The project management plan in management of a project team must include, but may not be limited to, the roles and responsibilities of individuals in a project team.

  19. PDF St. Mary'S University School of Graduate Studies

    The second section is concerned with the project management process group , project management body of knowledge areas and the level of impact that Project management practice towards the effectiveness of project implementations of MCIT.

  20. 125 Project Management Research Topics Ideas

    Easy Project Management Research Topics. How to implement capital improvement projects. Discuss the essence of a good project management plan before the onset. The role of technology and funding in implementing projects. Consider the effects of working from home on project management.

  21. 20 Thesis Topics for Project Management

    Project Management Thesis? Project management basically includes initiating, planning, controlling and executing a project. While preparing a project management thesis, dissertation, essay or any assignment, one must be well-versed with the primary terminologies and requirements of the subject. Broadly, the assignment can be divided into 3 phases: Initiation of a project includes all the ...

  22. PDF Project Management Causes of Project Success:

    This is to certify that the thesis entitles "Project Management Causes of Project Success: The Case of Selected Public Building Construction Projects in Jimma town", submitted to Jimma University for the award of the Degree of project management & Finance (MA) and is a record of bona fide research work carried out by Mr. Urgessa Gure Tufa, under our guidance and supervision.

  23. Master's in Project and Program Management

    The online master's in Project and Program Management at Brandeis prepares you to effectively lead your team to success. Our uniquely holistic approach addresses current workforce demands and dives deep into both agile and traditional management practices.

  24. List of MSc. Project Management Research Topics for Students

    Here is the list of the project management master thesis topics which are basically based on the new ideas and techniques utilized in order to enable effective project management.

  25. Control of Development by Selected Army Project Management Offices--an


  26. Program: Industrial and Systems Engineering, MS

    The academic environment of the School of SSIE may be enriched by the appointment of adjunct faculty members employed in local industry. Under appropriate circumstances, thesis and/or project activity may be carried out in industrial laboratories.