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How to Nail Your Wedding Speech?


You might have stumbled onto this article because it is the night before your wedding and you’re still trying to get your wedding speech written before trying your best to sleep. First, let’s just say don’t panic and get solace in the knowing that you’re not alone – almost every wedding couple we’ve met wrote their wedding speeches the day (or night) before!

So let’s Keep Calm and Write On. To help you nail that speech in a jiffy, we got tips from Emcee Sharlyn on how to start, engage and deliver it in a memorable way. Even if you still have plenty of time to your wedding day, read on for tips and some interesting alternatives you can use without giving an actual speech (#YouAreWelcome).

wedding speech groom singapore chinese

Featured Professional: Emcee Sharlyn has been hosting events and weddings for more than a decade. With an energetic persona and a natural flair to build quick rapport with the audience, Sharlyn has been well-loved by her clients and couples! She has hosted countless weddings, big and small, so who better to ask than someone who has heard numerous speeches right?

Steps to nailing your wedding speech:

How Should You Begin and End?

What should you include in your wedding speech, making your speech more entertaining, practical tips in delivering your speech, what are some common mistakes to avoid, alternative forms of wedding speeches, advertisement.

For those who have been staring at a blank page, here’s how to start.

Think about the angle and main theme of your speech, then craft the beginning and the end of your speech with that in mind. Sharlyn

As the saying goes, “begin with the end in mind”. With an overarching theme, it helps you start, stay on-topic and end the speech by rounding it all up nicely. For example, if your theme is about love, begin with how that first started with the love from your parents and how it translates into your perspective about caring for those who matter to you such as your close friends and your partner. Then conclude with how love will be the foundation on which you start your own family in the future.

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  • Loved Ones and Friends You Want to Thank but Keep It Brief Don’t risk missing out on any important people. Look through your guestlist to see if there’s anyone you should be thanking! However, don’t go on and on about this because you don’t want to lose your guests!
  • Family and Bridal Party If they have played a big part in putting your wedding together, some acknowledgement and appreciation will go a long way!
  • Thanking Your Partner There will be no wedding without your partner. Here’s a good opportunity to thank your partner for the life both of you will be creating together.

Other than content, Sharlyn recommends injecting some humour as a great way to loosen up your nerves and keep your guests engaged.

Humour and storytelling are very important, so it won’t be too solemn. Sharlyn

Stories are a great way to not lose your audience and some common ones are stories about how you both met. This is easy for you to share and interesting enough to grab your guests’ attention because no two stories will be the same.

Most guests may not know the love story between the couple and stories about how couples overcome hardships together are also very memorable. Sharlyn

Unless you’re a professional public speaker, or an emcee like Sharlyn, a wedding speech is probably one of the rare few times you’re addressing a crowd. Here are some practical tips she has for us!

  • Breathing Techniques To combat anxiety, Sharlyn recommends taking a few deep breaths and calming yourself down. This will give you a better start to your speech.

TWM Tip: We heard a light glass of wine works miracles too!

  • Craft Your Speech in Bullet Points Instead of writing out your speech in full, have bullet points. Writing your speech in full will result in you reading word for word, and you might get nervous if you miss a line. With bullet points, you can narrate and elaborate on your own points, which will feel more natural and “in your own style”.
  • Pace Yourself! Even if you’re running a little behind schedule, do not try to rush through your wedding speech. Pace yourself because you’re the star of the night and no one is rushing you. Plus, you only get this one chance so savour every moment of it!
  • Be Yourself! An easy approach is to remember that you are delivering a speech in front of your families and friends, whom you’ve known for a long time. Be as natural as possible as these are your loved ones and they know how you’re like!

We asked Sharlyn if there were any common mistakes she has seen couples make and we’re not surprised by the answer –

Getting too nervous at the start. Sharlyn

Some couples may be too nervous at the start, being on stage and facing tables and tables of guests. Always remember, the guests are the closest people to you, and they have been with you probably for a few milestones in your life. Don’t be afraid to let them know you’re nervous and laugh it off! Take a deep breath and slow down! The audience are your friends and family so just deliver your speech like how you talk to them usually. Nothing is truly at stake here!

For those who still think giving a full-on speech is too nerve-racking, TWM is here to your rescue with these alternatives below.

If addressing a big crowd isn’t something up your alley, we have other creative alternatives you can consider. The best part is, you can prepare all these way in advance before your wedding so the night before D-Day will be stress-free for you!

  • Letter Writing It is a wedding tradition among Japanese to write letters to their parents and loved ones and read out the letter at the wedding reception. It brings a different dimension of emotions as you are addressing directly to the receiver as if you’re speaking to them only. For those who can’t do humour, this is a heartfelt alternative you can adopt. To make it even more sentimental, accompany your letter reading with a piece of suitable instrumental background music. Not only will you bring tears to the receiver, but you will also tug the heartstrings of the others in the audience. (Psst, this also gives you an excuse to look at your letter as you recite rather than having to look at the crowd the whole time!)
  • Videos If you’re afraid of stumbling on your words or boring your guests, another form of speech is to get it done via videos. Alanmitchi Cinematography is a great example of how to infuse your wedding speeches to your wedding videos! Speak to your videographer on the best way to get your message across in a visual format. As you “read” your speech through the video, the accompanying visuals will further engage your audience. To the audience, this will feel very much like watching a mini movie with a story unfolding.
  • Dedicate a Song If you’re not good with words, then borrow them from a song! Keep your speech portion short then direct the guests’ attention to a song you’ve picked that best convey your feelings or message. Some examples are songs that express appreciation such as “You Raise Me Up” (there are many wonderful versions), The Perfect Fan by The Backstreet Boys, Mama by Spice Girls or Father (父亲) by Chopsticks Brothers (筷子兄弟)! (Check out our Spotify Playlist for a list).

TWM Tip: The current COVID-19 Phase 3 regulations in Singapore still doesn’t allow live singing at receptions but once live bands are allowed back in weddings, we’d suggest having them sing it “live” for most impact! While the live band is singing, you can flash pictures on the screen as accompaniment too.

We hope this article has given you a good head start to drafting or creating your wedding speech, now get writing or prepping! For those writing, remember to prepare a few hard copies just in case 😊

Feature image – Photo courtesy of Canva Pro

  • Emcee Sharlyn


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wedding speech groom singapore chinese

Chinese Wedding Traditions Every Bride and Groom Should Know

chinese wedding traditions

Traditional Chinese wedding customs are an important part of getting married, even for modern Chinese couples.

But knowing which Chinese wedding traditions you must include on your wedding day and what they mean can be confusing.

This is because most of the traditions are passed down through generations primarily by word-of-the-mouth, and each tradition itself requires a lot of planning and preparation.

Thus, to help you and your partner, we have listed the essential Chinese wedding customs you need to know to start your union with fertility, happiness, and abundance!

But before we start, why is it important to still honour the customs of traditional Chinese weddings?

Our traditions are in place for a reason.

More than a sign of respect to our elders, these acts of blessing are essential to our Chinese culture and who we are as people.

They bring us back to our roots which is vital in starting anything anew.

At the same time, we owe the continuation of these traditional obligations to future generations.

In a way, by following these Chinese wedding traditions as our ancestors did, they are also with us, providing auspiciousness and good fortune.

chinese wedding tea ceremony gifts

Asking for the bride’s hand in marriage (提亲)

This is where grooms pay a formal visit to the bride’s parents to ask for her hand in marriage.

Here are a couple of things to bear in mind for this tradition:

  • Set an auspicious date. Avoid the first and seventh months of the Lunar calendar, as this is considered unlucky.
  • Wear proper attire and arrive on time to show respect.
  • Bring gifts to show sincerity and good manners.

bride's house

The betrothal ceremony or Guò Dà Lǐ (过大礼)

The betrothal ceremony is the official wedding proposal, so it’s important to consult a feng shui master for the most auspicious date.

In this tradition, the groom delivers elaborate wedding gifts to the bride’s family home accompanied by a good-fortuned older male (well-liked, already has a few grandchildren, and is financially well-to-do).

Gifts such as the betrothal ang pao and bride’s dowry are a must, while the rest of the Guò Dà Lǐ ceremony items will depend on the bride’s dialect.

betrothal gift ceremony or guo da li

Essential betrothal gifts according to dialect

chinese wedding banquet

Sugarcanes, pig trotters, and rice candies

chinese weddings bride's family

Flaky pastries, traditional wedding cakes, peanuts, 4 pieces of gold jewellery (四點金 sì diǎn jīn), pair of dragon and phoenix bangles


Pair of dragon and phoenix bangles and a whole roast suckling pig to the bride’s mother

traditional chinese wedding banquet

Whole roast suckling pig to the bride’s mother and Hakka Abacus Beads (算盘子 Suàn pán zi)

Matrimonial bed set-up or Ān Chuáng (安床)

This tradition is meant to bless your union with joy, harmony, and children, and is held between 3 to 7 days before the wedding.

The bride’s home, the groom’s home, or the couple’s new home are all acceptable locations for the bed installation.

It’s frequently said that a lady with “excellent fortune”—one whose husband, children, and grandkids are all still alive—should have the honour of making the bed.

groom's house traditional chinese wedding

Hair combing ritual or Shàngtou (上头)

The hair-combing ceremony represents the coming-of-age of the bride and groom.

Here the parents of the couple comb through their hair four times as they recite the following ancient litany of Chinese blessings:

一梳梳到尾, (May your marriage last a lifetime) 二梳百年好合, (May you be blessed with a happy and harmonious marriage until old age) 三梳子孙满堂, (May you be blessed with an abundance of children and grandchildren) 四梳白发齐眉。 (May you be blessed with longevity)

The actual date of the ceremony differs among dialect groups but always takes place at the couple’s respective homes and ends with eating a bowl of glutinous rice balls as a symbol of togetherness.

hair combing ceremony traditional chinese wedding

Gatecrashing or Chuang Men (闯门) and fetching the bride or Jie Xin Niang (接新娘)

Perhaps the most fun part among Chinese wedding traditions, this custom symbolises the groom’s sincerity and love and the bride’s family’s reluctance to marry their daughter off.

Here, the groom and his groomsmen will ‘gatecrash’ the bride’s home, complete a series of tasks involving the tasting of four flavours: sour, sweet, bitter and spicy (酸甜苦辣), and ‘bribe’ the bridesmaids with ang paos.

The ceremony ends with the groom finally ‘getting’ the bride, lifting her veil, and kissing her.

chinese wedding reception

Leaving the bride’s home or Chū Gé (出阁)

The bride leaves her home after the gatecrash ceremony.

To bid the couple goodbye, the bride’s family will serve them a bowl of mee sua with hard-boiled eggs to symbolise longevity.

After the meal, the newlyweds will bow three times. Each bow represents a gesture of respect to the heavens and earth, their parents, and each other.

On the way to the bridal car, a companion will hold a red umbrella for the bride to protect her from harmful elements. Usually, the companion will be the father of the bride , but there are some exceptions:

  • an older male for Teochew and Hokkien brides,
  • or a matchmaker/bridesmaid for Cantonese and Hakka brides.

Before the car leaves her home, the bride will throw a red foldable fan out of the car window to symbolise leaving her past and everything negative behind, ending the ceremony and embarking on a new chapter of her life.

chinese weddings

Entering the groom’s home or Guò Mén (过门)

In this tradition, the groom’s family will ‘hide’ from the couple to avoid seeing them enter the home. This step is meant to avoid future disputes between the bride and her new family.

After this step, the couple will share a sweet soup made of longans, red dates, lotus seed, a hard-boiled egg and/or glutinous rice ball (汤圆) for a blissful marriage.

Tea ceremony or Jìng Chá (敬茶)

This is the most important custom of all the wedding traditions since this where the bride will formally meet the groom’s family.

The ceremony will be her way of paying respects to the elder members of the family, addressing them by their formal titles, serving them tea, and receiving their blessings in return.

Traditionally, the bride will change into Qun Kua, the traditional Chinese wedding dress, or a modern cheongsam before this.

But nowadays, it is common to skip this and for the couple to proceed with the tea ceremony in whichsoever attire they prefer.

groom's parents

Returning to the bride’s home or San Chao Hui Men (三朝回门)

The bride’s return home usually happens 3 days after the wedding but most couples go on the same day of the wedding.

Similar to the tea ceremony performed by the bride at the groom’s home, here it is the groom’s turn to be formally welcomed to the bride’s family and receive their blessings.

After the tea ceremony, the groom will gift a whole roast pig to the bride’s family to symbolise chastity.

In exchange, the groom will receive either mandarin oranges or the head and tail part of the pig to represent a perfect union.

lotus seeds

Chinese wedding banquet or Xǐ Jiǔ (喜酒)

The last part of the Chinese wedding ceremony, the wedding banquet, celebrates the successful union of both the bride and groom’s family.

The banquet proceeds as celebrations go but with two unique customs— ang paos and yam sengs .

Ang paos or red packets are traditional gifts of money to the newlyweds to bless and help them get off to an abundant start.

Yam sengs are three rounds of lively cheers that toast to three specific wishes:

百年好合 Bǎi nián hǎo hé Wishes the couple a blissful marriage 永浴爱河 Yǒng yù ài hé For the couple to have everlasting love 早生贵子 Zǎo shēng guì zǐ Wishes the couple to have early childbirth

At the night’s end, the newlyweds will bid everyone good night and thank them for coming.

wedding banquet and chinese tea ceremony

Let La Belle Couture help you ace the more traditional aspects of your wedding

chinese wedding day

Following Chinese wedding traditions has never been easier with us as your partners.

From our flexible terms and customisable wedding packages to our convenient payment options , you can count on our services to be efficient, making your wedding planning a breeze.

With convenience at your side, you can have more time to focus on the essence of your union and carve out a marriage marked with auspiciousness through ancient traditions and rituals.

Make La Belle Couture your wedding partner.

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Sample wedding speech for a laowai?


By vellocet July 30, 2018 at 08:33 AM in Society

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I'm getting married in 2 weeks and was just yesterday informed I will have to do a short speech in English and Chinese.  Does anyone have a suggested speech in Mandarin for me to use as a template?  I'll write my own English speech and it's not necessary to be the same as the Chinese speech.  I am primarily interested in looking good in front of the wedding guests, as they are not wife's friends & family but instead all the managers and big boss of her company.  I have to be sober and serious, and give them something they expect to get. It's all about looking good in their eyes.  I've looked on previous discussions on this site but the linked speeches are all trying to be funny, or so obtuse in Chinese culture as to be unsuitable for a laowai to speak.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears!  I have a million things to do, and the wedding is approaching fast!  

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Xiao Kui

You got 2 whole weeks notice about giving a speech in China?! That is probably a record for advanced notice in Chinese culture!! ? I think the earliest I've ever been informed about giving an upcoming speech was the night before...

Congratulations! I have no advice except to speak from the heart.  ?



Have you been to a Chinese wedding before?  As long as you name-drop the important people from her company who are present and shout the entire thing very loudly then it should go down well.

Also, if you have a "host" for your wedding (likely from the outside company who is doing all the decorating, lights, etc.) then you should check with them about when the speech will be, and how long it will last.  I once attended a wedding where the best man gave a speech and despite having arranged a translator for him, they hadn't really discussed anything else.  I remember standing at the side of the stage and the host turning round and commenting disapprovingly to the other organisers about how long the speech was taking - and this was after about only five minutes.  

It seems odd that you have to speak in both English and Chinese.  I'd have thought English with a translator, or just straight Chinese would be more appropriate.

Anyway, congratulations! (Let us know how it goes).


I'd have thought effusive thanks for the 大力支持 of the people she needs to keep sweet and some general sucking up should cover it (regardless of whether there's actually been any, of course). I've tried cracking jokes before but it's a bit of a minefield. Short, sweet and obsequious.

Hmm...any templates or suggested speeches I can crib from?  

Just did a search using the terms 喜酒 新郎 致辞 and it turned up several pages, should expect they've all been used a fair few times though! Example links below:




Must confess been too lazy to do anything but skim them but suspect they'll be aimed at a native groom so I'd grab a few sentences and cobble something simpler together.


2 hours ago, vellocet said: Hmm...any templates or suggested speeches I can crib from?  

What's the Chinese for "ladles and jelly-spoons"?


11 hours ago, vellocet said: I am primarily interested in looking good in front of the wedding guests, as they are not wife's friends & family but instead all the managers and big boss of her company.

In that case I suggest asking your soon-to-be wife for advice. Assuming she is Chinese, she will likely have more Chinese wedding experience than you, and she will have a better idea than anyone else what her managers and big boss would expect to hear. Also she probably has the most at stake here.

Good luck and congratulations!


A bit off topic but are you doing the flying veil thing? 

13 hours ago, Lu said: In that case I suggest asking your soon-to-be wife for advice. Assuming she is Chinese, she will likely have more Chinese wedding experience than you, and she will have a better idea than anyone else what her managers and big boss would expect to hear. Also she probably has the most at stake here.

I did.  She told me she doesn't know what to say so I should write it myself.  Even though I wrote every word of the English speech she's going to say.

15 hours ago, imron said: What's the Chinese for "ladles and jelly-spoons"?

I'm lost here.  

1 minute ago, vellocet said: I did.  She told me she doesn't know what to say so I should write it myself.

God I'm so tempted to advise you to also be real passive-agressive about this. 'I don't know either! What do you think? I don't know! I just... What do you think?' until she actually finds (or contributes to) some kind of solution. Perhaps she has a colleague who has more of a clue. Perhaps her dad knows. Whatever. This is much easier for her to solve than for you. And you just know that people (possibly including her) will criticise you if you do get it wrong.

I wouldn't overthink it, or get too stressed about it.  You're not trying to make people cry.

1. Thank her parents.

2. Thank her boss/bosses (by name).

3. Thank everyone else for coming.

4. Something about how great your life is after having met your wife and how you look forward to the rest of your life together (with children).

5. Something self-deprecating about your Chinese.

Then on to the eating and drinking, a.k.a. the important part.

And once you've written it, I'd show it to your wife.  She might not be able to help you write it, but she should be able to tell you if what you're planning on saying is not appropriate.



Weddings being such a big thing, there must be loads of online templates on the web. Search Baidu:

新郎婚礼发言 新郎婚礼讲话 新郎婚礼演讲 新郎婚礼讲话模板  

This one seems quite good for inspiration, though you may want to search further on as this one is on page 1 of the search and may have been used several thousands of times:


5 hours ago, vellocet said: I'm lost here. 

Ladles and Jellyspoons,

I come before you, to stand behind you, To tell you something I know nothing about. Next Thursday, which is Good Friday, There will be a mothers' meeting for fathers only. Admission is free, pay at the door, Pull up a seat and sit on the floor. We will be discussing the four corners of the round table.

7 hours ago, Lu said: God I'm so tempted to advise you to also be real passive-agressive about this.

Doesn't sound like a great way to start a marriage...

On 7/30/2018 at 9:33 AM, vellocet said: I am primarily interested in looking good in front of the wedding guests... It's all about looking good in their eyes.  

Why? It's difficult to understand why anyone would have this as their priority on a day of solemn commitment to someone they're madly in love with.

Can't you use your speech to explain why you've chosen to marry who you have, what wonderful qualities she has as a person, and how privileged you feel to be marrying her? Anecdotes from your relationship so far illustrating her qualities and your attempts at grappling with a foreign language and culture is one way of introducing pathos and humour and of discreetly thanking the people who deserve thanks for helping you get where you've got in life.

9 minutes ago, Zbigniew said: It's difficult to understand why anyone would have this as their priority on a day of solemn commitment to someone they're madly in love with.

Have you been to a Chinese wedding?

9 minutes ago, Zbigniew said: discreetly thanking the people who deserve thanks

Have you been to China?

Seriously though, I agree with your advice @Zbigniew , but only if this was a Western wedding.  My favourite thing about weddings in the UK is always the speeches, and the best ones are just as you describe.  But unless the OP is having some massively unconventional Chinese wedding, most people are there to show their face, repay a 红包 and eat until they feel like sleeping.

If I was the OP, I'd save the more meaningful conversations for when toasting with individual tables, or having a private close-family dinner later on in the day (or maybe the night before).

1 hour ago, somethingfunny said: show their face, repay a 红包 and eat until they feel like sleeping.

This is very accurate, except the part where you left out all the drinking.

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Guide to Thank You Speech for Weddings

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, Guide to Thank You Speech for Weddings

Giving a wedding thank you speech at your wedding at your wedding venue is important to show your appreciation towards your family and friends. It is also a common tradition for the bride and groom to take turns nearing the end of the evening to raise their champagne glasses to give their individual speeches. In Singapore where most are educated under the bilingualism education policy, couples may also choose to each undertake a language to cater to different wedding guests. There’s no order to whether the bride or groom should give their speech first. 

Since they are such a staple at weddings, it is also important to make your speech personalised and distinct instead of having a generalised one. While it’s common to be thanking your parents for their upbringing and your guests for attending your wedding, having an unoriginal speech can come across as dull and insincere. A bad example would be something like this. 

“Thank you to my parents for bringing me up to the person I am today. I want to thank everyone for making time to attend our wedding.”

Although you have good intentions behind your speech, your heartfelt appreciation may not come through when it sounds like every other thank you speech. Your wedding speech should be deeply personal and distinct to your wedding and the people in your life. 

Wedding speeches can be daunting especially for those terrified or unfamiliar with public speaking. However, with this guide, you can hopefully prepare yourself better for your big day!

What to include in your wedding speech

Share memorable anecdotes / stories.

Stories and personal anecdotes are great ways to get your guests to listen. A memorable story can also be a funny or heartwarming one depending on the vibe you’re going for. It can be about how you met, how you realised they were the right one for you or even wacky incidents throughout your relationship. Every couple has been through different life situations and this is a great way to give all your guests a sneak peak into your distinct love story!

Thank your loved ones 

To put together a wedding, many people also play a part to make sure your big day goes through smoothly. From your parents, parents-in-law, bridesmaids and groomsmen , they have stood by your sides throughout the whole hectic journey. They are also the people who have been through with you across different periods of your life. It would be a good chance to thank each and everyone of them. However, you should not just start rambling all of their names. Thank the special ones that you feel strongly for and talk about the impact they had on you.

For example, “Thanks to my brother Brian who never forgets my share when he’s ordering food delivery.” “Thanks to my best friend Lucy who has cried together with me after every heartbreak” If you are thanking your grandparents who only understand certain dialects, taking the effort to craft a few lines out specially for them will be heartwarming. By adding a personal touch, it can add a degree of sentiment and nostalgia to your speech. As a whole, also remember to show your appreciation to all your guests for taking time off their schedule to attend your wedding celebration. 

Other than your close families and friends, wedding vendors and planners have also been instrumental in making your wedding day happen. As there would be a lower emotional connection with them compared to your other guests, your thank you speech to them can be brief. 

While thanking your guests, you should also not forget your partner standing right beside you during your speech. Your thank you speech to your spouse can come together with the personal anecdotes or stories you’re sharing.

Tell a joke 

A thank you speech can feel boring if it’s just full of emotional stories. Including jokes can help lighten the mood up. When your guests are reacting to your speech, it can also loosen up your tension and carry on with your speech more calmly. 

You can share snippets of dumb and funny situations that happened throughout your relationship. But you should also be careful to avoid raunchy inside jokes. Your wedding guests would probably comprise people of all ages from babies to elders. It can be inappropriate and uncomfortable for your guests to listen to such jokes. Inside jokes can also make your guests feel alienated so it’s crucial to explain and give the full context.

Use informal language 

Avoid using stiff and formal language in your speech. You’re not giving a presentation in a meeting to your employers or clients. Instead, you should keep your speech audience-friendly by using informal language. Also, remember to pause at certain intervals to allow breathing space and for your guests to digest what you’ve said and react accordingly.

It also doesn’t have to have bombastic and impressive vocabulary. What needs to be conveyed is your sincere feelings. When you put your heart into your speech, your words should come out smoothly.

Finish with a toast

Having a strong and punchy end can add memorability to your speech. You can choose to use a quote that resonates or represents your love story. Otherwise, you can also mention your hopes and aspirations for your married life journey with your spouse ahead.

To signify the end of your speech, end it off with a toast! You can do so with a simple request for your guests to raise their glasses and join you in a toast to your spouse or marriage ahead.

For the Couple:

  • Thank your guests and your wedding staff
  • Mention every group of guests you have invited, such as your colleagues, your secondary/JC/Poly/University friends. Share a small story of every group and how much they mean to you.
  • Thank your bridesmaids and groomsmen for helping you with the wedding planning, and mention how much you cherish this friendship with them.
  • Thank your parents for bringing you up and for all the efforts they have poured into your life.
  • Mention your partner’s parents and thank them for welcoming you into the family.
  • Most importantly, tell your partner how you feel about him/her. Share about how happy you are to be able to marry him/her, how he/she makes you feel, the fond memories you had together, the things you love about him/her etc. 
  • To end off, you can once again thank your guests and ask them to enjoy the rest of the celebration.

Sample Speech:

“Thank you all of you for making the time and effort to come for (name of partner) and I’s wedding, and it really means a lot to us to have you all down to celebrate this special day with us. We would also like to shout out to all the staff that made this celebration possible, to the banquet staff, wedding coordinator, the live band, you all have been super awesome tonight.

To my colleagues, thank you for always being so accommodative and patient with me. Life at work doesn’t feel like work with you all, and I’m extremely thankful for you guys especially leading up to my wedding day, constantly offering your help and advice.

To my secondary school friends at the back, just want to say that I’m super grateful to have this friendship in my life. Growing up, you guys have constantly been so supportive and I can always count on you all to have my back covered. 

To my daddy and mummy, thank you for all your efforts to raise me up. I know I wasn’t the easiest child to raise and always making trouble for you guys, but thank you for your unfailing love for me. 

And to my new dad and mum, thank you for being so nice and welcoming to me, always making me feel at home with you guys. Thank you for raising ( name of partner) so well, to be such a dependable and sweet guy. 

Lastly, to my dearest husband/wife, I never knew that the dorky guy I met at the club 6 years ago would be the very same man that I am saying I-Do to. The very first time I met you, I was like ‘oh gosh, this guy is weird’. But as we started talking and subsequently meeting up with our group of friends and then meeting up together one-on-one, I started noticing the inner humour in you and we clicked with each other. We are pretty different in our personality, but we complement each other. You always have a way to brighten up my mood whenever I am down, and I know that you will always be there for me. I am excited for our new journey together as husband and wife.”

Preparation for the Wedding

After you have your full draft of your speech ready, it’s time to practise delivering it by reading it out aloud. By doing so, you can double check on your speech and ensure there are no awkward sentence structures. For those who are not familiar with public speaking, it’s also a good way to loosen your nerves when you get used to hearing your own voice. 

During the soundcheck, you should also try speaking into the microphone to get used to the PA system. This helps you to gage how loud and how near you need to be to the microphone.

Remember that ‘Practice makes perfect.’ The more you practise your speech, the more confident and prepared you will be to ensure you don’t stumble on your actual day!

Eye contact

You can also choose to practise your speech in front of a small audience like your bridesmaids or partner. They can also help to point out areas you can improve on that you might not notice. 

Try to have eye contact with the ones you’re addressing certain portions of your speech to. It is said that ‘eyes are windows to the soul’. While maintaining eye contact, it helps to deliver your sincerity and heartfelt emotions to your guests. For those who still prefer to keep the contents of your speech private until the big day, practising in front of a mirror and doing so while standing can be an alternative. 

You can highlight the main points on your speech and remember them instead of memorising the whole speech like a script. During your speech, occasionally glancing at your notes would be fine.

Length of speech

Although having the details help enhance the magic in your speech, it is important that you don’t tell a grandmother story. Your speech should be kept short and sweet. While practising, it’s advisable to record it down. It allows you to check how much time you’re spending on it and also to look out for weird portions you might have missed. Five minutes would be a good enough time.

Make multiple copies

With so much going on during your wedding, it would add on to your stress if you were to lose your copy of your speech. To prevent that from happening, you can make multiple copies and entrust one copy each to your maid of honour, spouse or bridesmaids for safekeeping. The chance of all of the copies being lost would be relatively low.

For the Father of the Bride Speech:

  • You can start off by thanking the guests for coming to the celebration and appreciate the staff for their hard work to put together the wedding. 
  • Let your daughter know how proud you are of her
  • Share a fond memory of the bride when she was growing up
  • Welcome your son-in-law into the family and tell him how 

“First of all, I just want to thank all the guests who have made time to come to my daughter’s wedding. I really appreciate each of you to be able to witness and celebrate such a joyous occasion together. I also want to thank all the banquet staff, the live band, the wedding coordinator and those who made all these possible, you guys are so amazing and we all really enjoyed ourselves. 

This day is such a special day for me. I can still remember the very day I first hold ____ in my arms, and today I am walking her down the aisle. _____, I am so proud of you and you will always be my daddy’s girl. Thank you for growing up to be such a kindhearted and sweet girl yet independent and strong woman. You have always brought so much joy and laughter to the family with your quirky and lively personality. 

To (name of groom) , I am so glad to have you as my son-in-law and we warmly welcome you into our family. The very first time I met you, I knew that my daughter is in good hands. I saw the way you look at _____, the way you take care of her and the way you smile at what she says. Rather than losing a daughter today, I feel like I have gained another son instead. 

Lastly, a piece of advice from an old wise man, marriage isn’t always smooth sailing. Communication and spending quality time with one another is the key to a long lasting marriage.”

For the Best Man / Bride of Honour:

  • Introduce your name and how your relationship is with the couple. You can also share how both of you got to know each other.
  • Share some qualities of the couple
  • Share some memories/stories you have with the couple. It can be a funny story or an unforgettable memory, but it must link to a point, such as elaborating a characteristic.
  • Praise how compatible the couple is, and how you have seen them change for the better.
  • You can end the speech with some wishes and blessings for the couple

“ Hi everybody, hope all of you are enjoying the dinner celebration so far. My name is ____, and I am the Best Man for (name of groom) today. (name of groom) and I have known each other for 12 years since secondary school, in the same CCA, same JC and even enlisting in the army together. We have been through thick and thin, and I am just so grateful to always have (name of groom) supporting me. I am so happy that you’ve met the love of your life, and really celebrate this joyous day with you.

(name of groom) is always known to be the jokester of our gang, constantly pranking people and doing all those silly things. I remember there was once in secondary school, (share a funny story about the groom). Yet, (name of groom) also has his serious side and we can always depend on him whenever we need help. (share a touching story of the groom). 

To (name of bride) , when (name of groom) first mentioned you and told me things about you, I knew that he was head over heels for you. You have brought so much joy into his life, and I am very happy that he has met you. 

To end off, I would like to present a toast to (name of bride) and (name of groom) , wishing them everlasting happiness and laughter in their marriage.”


Not good with words? Not everyone is good at expressing their thoughts and emotions into words, but there are still some other ways that you can convey your message to the couple and the guests.

Poems don’t need flamboyant words but yet it is romantic and can convey much more emotions through it. There are many poems online for wedding occasions, and you can take some inspiration from these samples and add some personal touch to it.



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Singing a song

For the bride or groom who isn’t good at expressing their love in words and has a flair in singing, presenting a love song to your partner is a romantic way to replace the same old wedding speech. Some classic love songs to sing to your partner includes Beautiful in White, Love Me Tender, Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars.

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For the couple’s friends or siblings who want to do something different instead of a wedding speech, changing the lyrics from a song and adding the names of the couple can be really fun and personal. 

, Guide to Thank You Speech for Weddings

These are some tips to help you in preparing your thank you speech for your wedding. In essence, your speech should encapsulate your own unique feelings and experiences!

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How to thank your parents in your wedding speech.

By Tansey Tang

wedding speech groom singapore chinese

You’ll be expressing your appreciation for all of your guests at your wedding, and there are some very special people you shouldn’t miss out. Here’s how to properly thank your parents in your wedding speech!

Y our wedding day is finally here, and all the months of hard work and planning have paid off when you see the loving and excited faces gathered to celebrate you and your milestone. Your heart is so full and bursting with appreciation for the dear ones surrounding you, and your wedding speech is the perfect opportunity to express your thankfulness for their presence and their help. Besides thanking the people who cried with you, laughed with you, and worked through the night DIY-ing with you, you’ll also want to set aside a few minutes to honour your parents and in-laws.

Saying thank you to your parents at your wedding isn’t just about thanking them for any financial or logistical help with your wedding; it’s about publicly expressing your gratitude for all they’ve done for you. Thanking your new in-laws is also a respectful way to address them for the first time. Being from our typically reticent Asian culture, you may feel uncomfortable expressing your appreciation to your parents, especially when you’ll be doing so on stage. We put together some tips and sample ways to say thank you to your parents and in-laws during your wedding speech.

wedding speech groom singapore chinese

How Long Should the Thank You Speech Be?

Your thank you speech to your parents will likely be part of your wedding speech, where you have many special people to appreciate, such as your guests, your bridal party, your siblings, and anyone who has played a part in putting your wedding together. To avoid losing attention, you’ll want to keep your speech concise—about 5-8 minutes long each if the both of you are taking turns to speak. Your thank-yous to your parents is a key component of your speech, but probably won’t take very long.

What Should You Include in Your Thank-You Speech to Your Parents?

Your wedding is a big milestone, where you officially leave the household to form a new family of your own. You’ll want to thank your parents for all they’ve done in bringing you to this new chapter. You could express your gratitude for their unconditional love and support, acknowledge their hard work or appreciate their cooking, mention some values they’ve taught you to live by, or reminisce about some childhood memories that you’ll cherish. You could also talk about their role model characters or their example as a loving married couple, and how you hope to follow in their footsteps. If they contributed financially to your wedding, be sure to thank them as well, and appreciate any help they offered through the planning.

How Should You Thank Your In-Laws in Your Wedding Speech?

Your wedding speech is a great opportunity to let your new in-laws know how happy you are to be marrying their son or daughter. Thank them for raising a wonderful person, sliding in compliments about your partner, and win bonus points if you can relate them back to your in-laws. Express your appreciation at their efforts to welcome you into their family, and acknowledge any contribution your parents-in-law made to your wedding, whether it was financial or with the planning and organisation. Tell them how much you look forward to being part of their family.

wedding speech groom singapore chinese

Parent Thank-You Speech Examples

Writing a speech isn’t an easy thing to do, but you don’t need to be completely original! Here are some wedding thank-speech examples you can draw inspiration from.

To your parents:

Mum, Dad, thank you for your love and support through the years. You’ve done everything you could to give us a memorable childhood, and always guided and supported us in achieving our dreams. From you, I learned that failure is simply an opportunity to learn and try again, that being kind to people matters more than being right, and that love means forgiveness and selflessness. Growing up, you’ve shown us a beautiful example of what a great marriage looks like, and Liz and I can only hope to follow in your footsteps as we begin our new chapter together.

To my parents, thank you for working so hard to bring us up. All the home-cooked meals, the weekend family time, and even the time you spent tutoring us over our homework—I appreciate everything you’ve done to give Jie and I such a wonderful childhood. As we grew older, you never failed to lend a listening ear, cheer us on, or give us sound advice as we navigated forks in our life paths. As I celebrate this milestone today, I want to thank you for your love and support that led me here.

To your in-laws:

Pa, Ma, thank you for raising such a fine young man that today, I am proud to call my husband. Daniel is so smart, caring, hardworking, and thoughtful, and that can only be a reflection of how you’ve brought him up. Thank you for always inviting me over for such delicious meals, and for welcoming me so warmly into your lives. I’m so excited to officially become part of your family.

To my new mum and dad, thank you for welcoming me into your family. Thank you for entrusting your beautiful daughter into my care. Liz is truly the ideal woman—she’s patient, supportive, strong, and so talented at what she does. I will everything in my power to give her the happiness she deserves. As we begin building our new life together, we couldn’t be more grateful to have your love and support.

Wedding Thank You Speech Tips

Now that you’ve overcome the challenge of finding the right words to say, it’s time to make sure you deliver your wedding speech well. Familiarise yourself with your speech, then practise delivering it in front of your mirror or friends, or record yourself, to see if there are areas in which you could improve your delivery. While it’s perfectly fine to read off a script, practising your speech beforehand will help you sound more natural on stage. Speak more slowly than you normally would, and make eye contact with your audience as much as you can. The most important tip? Speak from the heart!

Credits: Feature image from Ming Tong and Daryl’s Sustainable Wedding with Gold Accents at Botanico at The Garage by Bottled Groove Photography

All content from this article, including images, cannot be reproduced without credits or written permission from SingaporeBrides.

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Published on: 4 July 2022

Category: Weddings 101

Tagged in: Wedding Speeches

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How to write a wedding speech How to write a wedding speech THE GROOM You will say the most important words of the day.

What to say on your wedding day., thank the father of the bride, thank the mums – often with bouquets, thank the wedding organizers, thank everyone for being there, compliment your new wife, toast the bridesmaids, often giving them a gift, alternatives but you don’t have to stick with tradition. you could: 1) let the bride speak instead, or do the speech together.

2) Read out a poem that sums up how you feel about the day

3) Simply toast those who helped with the wedding, but don’t make a speech

Useful Phrases

1: thank your new father-in-law, i just want to thank my father-in-law for his kind/generous/special words. i feel honored that he has taken/welcomed me into his family., my wife and i would like to thank ken for being the best father of the bride ever. hi kind/sweet/generous/witty words have also made me feel welcome as the newest member of his family, 2: thank your guests, this is the most important day of our lives. and my wife and i are delighted to share it with so many friends and family today. we are also very grateful that so many of your have not only gone to the expense of sharing this day with us but have also bought us presents. thank you., i can’t believe that you all made it here. you really are the best bunch of friends and family that we could ever hope to have. so thank you. we’re also extremely grateful for the presents., 3: compliment your wife, you are always beautiful but you have never looked as stunning/good/wonderful/gorgeous as you do today. you make the most wonderful/stunning/gorgeous/perfect bride. i love you., i was expecting to feel nervous when i woke up today but i didn’t. why because i knew that you would be walking down that aisle towards me and that the only thing i wanted was for you to be my wife. i knew that you would look lovely – you always do – but today you are radiant/gorgeous/beautiful/perfect bride. you mean so much to me, and i want to thank you for agreeing to become my wife. i am so happy to be your husband and i love you very much., 4: thank and toast the bridesmaids, the giggling little posse/stunning group of beautiful bridesmaids over there in front of you have been amazing. not only did they manage to walk down the aisle without falling over, but they have also been great with all the preparations. ladies and gentleman, i’d like you all to charge/raise your glasses. i give you..the bridesmaids a toast., my wife and i would like to say a special thank you to the bridemaids, who have been a tower of strength throughout the preparations. they’ve been great/wonderful/beautiful. ladies and gentleman, please charge/raise your glaesses. i give you… the bridesmaids a toast., what to say, reiterate thanks already given – especially for gifts, thank anyone who has not already been thanked by other speakers or may not be mentioned by them, mirror the groom’s speech – how you met , how the relationship developed, include a personal message to the groom, alternatives, you may decide to make a joint speech with the groom (in many ways a very logical choice)., if you and the groom are speaking separately, you could decide in advance to each address different or mirroring themes (the other’s family, for instance), sample speech snippets, me and my groom, ‘i want to tell you that ray (the groom) is the most easy-going, lovable cheerful man you could ever hope to meet. he’s like a favourite easy chair – comfortable if a bit battered’, ‘i knew that he was a person that i could spend the rest of my life with when i met his mum and dad, hillary and joe. they made me feel at home from the moment i walked through the door.’, thanks for everything, mum, ‘there’s an old chinese saying that to find a good wife you must look for the daughter of a great mother. after what mum and dad have organized for me today, i think we’ll all agree, this is one truly great moment. ed and i would like to ask you to make a special toast to thank my mum and dad.”.

Chinese-Malay groom's Tamil wedding speech touches bride's family, guests

Chinese-Malay groom's Tamil wedding speech touches bride's family, guests

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His love language is definitely not Tamil. But everyone loves this groom for trying… so hard.

Mr Danial Leong, of Chinese-Malay descent, surprised guests at his wedding with his speech in Tamil.

Mr Leong and his wife, Muna, got married last August. 

In a funny and warm video he posted on TikTok, he looks like a Bollywood star in his wedding finery as he takes the microphone and speaks in what sounds like Tamil.

His wife, beautiful in her red wedding lengha, seems to mouth his line silently with him as she stands beside him.

But she and the guests laugh graciously as they listen to Mr Leong trying his best to speak in Tamil.

Woman weds man whose wedding she attended when she was 9

Woman weds man whose wedding she attended when she was 9

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Looking at the guests’ faces, Mr Leong realises that most did not understand what he was saying. 

He quickly translates what he said into English: "I will take care of Muna and also treat Azhar (Ms Muna's brother) like a brother of mine."

@kuchimama22 Even Tiktok can’t captioned my video! HMU if you’re lookin for Tamil classes. I can help you…fail. ? #chineseindian #indian #wedding #malaysiatamil #muslimwedding #weddingspeeches #fyp #malay ♬ original sound - Danial Adam Leong - Kuchimama22

Speaking to AsiaOne, Mr Leong shared the inspiration behind his Tamil wedding speech and preparation for it.

"As my wife's parents and grandma are from India and hence, mostly Tamil-speaking, I felt that it would be a nice gesture to speak in Tamil, especially during our wedding.

He had a six-line paragraph ready with the help of Google Translate. He then rehearsed for hours to get the pronunciation right.

"Sadly after everything, she (Ms Muna) said she still couldn't understand (me). So the day before the wedding, I decided to keep it simple and kept it to just one line,” said Mr Leong. 

Even with just a line, the nerves set in on the wedding day.

Mr Leong said, "As my family, colleagues and friends were all present, I was quite nervous as I didn't want to butcher the words and give them a whole other meaning. 

"Or even worse, be accused of racism by sounding like I was making fun of the language.

"I paced myself and when I was reaching the Tamil section, I slowed down even more to make sure that I pronounced them as best as I could without showing any signs of nervousness.

"In (the) spur of the moment, as I could sense that no one understood me, I translated the Tamil words into English and it was nice that everyone had a good laugh."

Though he did not quite get the pronunciation right, it did not matter to the people whom he did this for. 

"After it was done, I felt very accomplished, as Tamil is a really tough language to grasp, and I felt that my in-laws and Muna's grandma were very touched by my effort." 

Netizens were also impressed with Mr Leong.

Said one, “Congratulations, love conquers all including language.”

“So cuteeeeee,” said another.

But Mr Leong did not let the praises go to his head.

He commented in the caption, “(Hit me up) if you’re looking for Tamil classes. I can help you…fail.”

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How to Write the Best Wedding Thank You Speech to Move your Guests

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Photo Credit: http://www.petitestory.com/

Why write a Wedding Thank You Speech

Who to Include in your Thank You Speech

What to Include in your Speech

How to Structure your Thank You Speech for Wedding

How to Write a Singapore-style Thank You Speech

Tips when Practicing your Thank You Speech

Template for Wedding Thank You Speech

Make your wedding MEMORABLE by getting a Wedding Live Band to give your guests a treat they'll never forget!

About Wedding Thank You Speech

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are wedding plans. They take hours of tiresome execution and months of meticulous planning. These plans surely didn’t actualise on their own either! I’m sure your wedding involves your relatives, parents and perhaps, friends as well!

So, when you’re giving a wedding thank you speech at your wedding in Singapore, it’s basically a big shoutout. When you were younger, Ma and Pa surely taught you the importance of saying thank you. Now, it is time to practice in front of a crowd!

Typically, the bride and groom to take turns near the end of the evening to give their speeches. Each will raise a glass to both give thanks and offer a toast to all who lent a hand. It is also observed that the couple will have the same speech written in both English and their Mother Tongue.

As a word of advice, no different than what we have been doing here, this is a wedding staple. Do not avoid doing this! Besides the promise of a meaningful banquet and a free flow of wine, this is what everyone waits for. Everyone who’s played a part, wants their efforts recognised!

BEFORE WE BEGIN , we would love to share a SUPER UNIQUE Wedding Thank You Speech (not in Singapore) done by a musically-inclined couple:

This video moved us, musicians, to tears!

So, without further ado, we’ve done the homework on the essentials for your perusal. Take a read!

1) Why Write a Wedding Thank You Speech

wedding speech groom singapore chinese

Photo Credit: https://androidsinboots.com/

This may seem like a weird part of this article but it’s perhaps the most important. Conveying gratitude to those who have made sacrifices for your wedding is crucial! Gratitude is a posture of understanding, acknowledgement, and graciousness of the good done for you

More than anything, it speaks to your heart and character. It’s your wedding day; this is the best you’ll ever conduct yourself. Is the you on stage an accurate reflection of your conduct on any other? Besides letting others know what you’re grateful for, it gives you an idea of what’s important to you.

This is why you need to have the best Wedding Thank You Speech, especially when your wedding is in Singapore!

2) Who to Include in your Wedding Thank You Speech

wedding speech groom singapore chinese

Photo Credit: https://www.kaipicture.com/

As we’ve mentioned earlier, planning a wedding is no small feat. Executing one, even less so. To put all of it in place and in working order takes a village. So, whoever was in that village, thank them first! People like your parents, in-laws, bridesmaids, and groomsmen.

They were your logistics and organisational support; give them an applause and a loud one too!

But also appreciate that they only did it because they’ve seen you through your seasons. Marriage is arguably a season bigger than most and they were there still! So, show them some love.

Other than them, wedding vendors were also had a hand in making your wedding a success. Yes, you did pay them. But a job well done is still a job well done. Extend a brief word of thanks, or perhaps a recommendation, in their direction when on stage

Do not forget your guests. Showing up may have taken more effort than you’re aware of. Even more so if they have brought you gifts from your registry or have given an Ang Bao. So, offer a quick word of thanks in your wedding thank you speech in Singapore to everyone present on your special day!

Last but certainly not least, your other half. You’re about to embark on the rest of your lives with each other and it’s best to set off on the right foot! Let them know how grateful you are for a comrade, a confidante and now, a companion for life.

3) What to Include in your Speech

wedding speech groom singapore chinese

Photo Credit: https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/

You’ll definitely want to share memorable anecdotes and stories! They need not pertain strictly to the wedding but keep it relevant and interesting. The funnier and more light-hearted you can keep it, the better. But of course, be sparing with details that could potentially be embarrassing!

You can pepper your stories with jokes to keep your audience properly entertained in your wedding thank you speech. While there is a need to keep things personal and emotive, no one wants to be saddened. It is a joyous occasion, and your speech should reflect that.

Jokes are great way to break formality, ease tension of the ceremony and energize people for the toast! But do beware, you can tell any joke but not every joke is for everyone. Read the room and know your audience. If you think your joke won’t be well received, best not tell it.

You should also include a toast to round things off. A toast is a sure-fire way to put a memorable full stop to your speech. Quote an author, quote yourself or quote the musings of a family member; it all works. Just be sure that when you do, it means something to you.

A toast signals the end of your speech but the start of something new. They are often declarations of a vision one has for the future; that whilst the moment is celebrated, the future awaits. So, raise a glass and say it loud!

4) How to Structure your Thank You Speech for Wedding

wedding speech groom singapore chinese

Photo Credit: https://www.speechy.com/

There’s no right or wrong way of structuring your wedding thank you speech. But, if you’ve never written one before, here’s a rough guideline on how to do it. If you follow the tips we’ve given so far, you should do just fine!

a) Begin with general salutations and a witty preamble.

This warms the crowd up to you and establishes the tone of the speech to come. You want to keep your introductions short sweet and simple. Don’t expend the limited attention of your audience here!

b) Proceed to thank those closest to you including family and best friends

As mentioned, it’s important to acknowledge the contributors to the evenings’ success. Let each group know specifically how they helped you. One level up from simply being acknowledged is being remembered.

c) Then thank everyone else in attendance

Of course, those that aren’t as close or played less of a role in the success of the day. It’s hardly because they’re unimportant and you shouldn’t make them feel that way either. Give them a general thanks

d) Closing statements and offering a toast

Lastly, wrap everything up with any concluding statements and a toast. This is the short and punchy end to your speech. Ideally, you should wish everyone well and segue into your hopes as a couple.

5) How to Write a Singapore-style Thank You Speech

wedding speech groom singapore chinese

Photo Credit: http://awesomememories.com.sg/

If you’re Singaporean, surely there’s a way for you to add a local flavour in your speech! Think about any familiar cultural references that people have latched on to. But that said, avoid hot button issues! The older generation might be in the crowd so dated references might be helpful here in your thank you speech for your wedding!

There are the ever-clichéd national service references you could throw in. But try to keep it relatable. What’s most important is that everybody is in on the joke and that everyone feels included! It’s difficult to have a good time if someone doesn’t know what’s going on.

6) Tips when Practicing your Thank You Speech

wedding speech groom singapore chinese

Photo Credit: https://singaporebrides.com/

If you can, try to keep your speech between 5 to 6 minutes. This is so your partner can speak for an equal amount of time and to keep your guests interested. When to speak is up to you but it’s generally advised to do so before or after the food is served. If in doubt, consult your wedding planner if you’ve hired one!

Remember to use words that you would normally use. It’s important for people to recognise that the speech was written by you. That said, avoid being too stiff and formal with your language. It’ll hard to tell funny anecdotes and jokes through that tone and it may dampen the atmosphere!

When it comes to practicing before an audience, you should start small. Run your speech and self-presentation by your friends and family! Or, if you’d like the speech to be a surprise to them, run it by your bridesmaids, groomsmen, or partner. They can help point out areas of improvement.

Eye contact is essential when addressing any audience. When giving your speech, be sure to look at your audience and not over their heads. If you’re addressing a specific individual, look right at them. This creates an intimacy with the crowd and helps them connect with you.

7) Template for Wedding Thank You Speech

wedding speech groom singapore chinese

Dearest Family, Friends and Colleagues, a Good Evening to you all.

Thank you for joining *spouse name* and I on our very special day. Tonight, we’re honoured to have you all with us. Having you all here to eat free food and say “yum seng” with us “warms the cockles of my heart”. Of course, I’m joking. It’s wonderful seeing all of you together. It’s so rare that we should all meet in one place.

Ladies and gents, this is a night of firsts for me. Just as this is the first and only time I’m getting married, this is the first and only time I’ll be able to speak without *spouse name* cutting me off. So, whatever you do, don’t laugh too hard at my jokes. If you do, you can find my body buried under our marital home at *give address*.

First off, Mom, Dad, Uncle and Auntie, thank you so much for all your support through these trying times. I don’t mean when *reference another event ironically*. I mean in planning and helping with the wedding. Without your combined efforts and bank accounts, this would not have been possible. I love you all so much, and I totally understand if I’ll pay for that joke later.

To my *siblings name(s)*, thank you for driving us around the whole day and only threatening to but not actually crashing the car if we keep asking you to hurry up. You’ve helped tapau our food, found our wedding band, hired our photographer, and edited our wedding video. I’m so grateful for you/all of you. I don’t say this often enough, but you/you all are the best. It’s been a while since I’ve ordered you around so planning this wedding has been a refreshing experience for me.

To our handsome groomsmen and beautiful bridesmaids, you all are a squad that kept us looking ready for everything and I cannot thank you enough. Thanks to you guys, nothing caught us off guard and you made sure everything went smoothly! You guys gave us your all no matter the time of day and we know you guys did it out of love because y’all didn’t even try to claim OT. It brings a tear to my eye and we’re really very touched.

To our childhood friends from *state individually where you know them from*, it’s great that all of you have finally met. It’s been a long time coming and I’m sure you all have stories to tell each other. There’s something poetic about how your different walks of life converged with our wedding. But there’s also something tragic about the combined embarrassment you can unleash on us so please, have mercy. Nonetheless, it’s so great to finally have you all here and I’m so happy you all could make it.

To my friends and colleagues from *insert generally how you know them*. There is a free flow of beer, wine and food being served tonight. So, consider all your belanja paid back, okay? No need to chase me for the 5 cent 10 cent things anymore, okay? But seriously guys, thank you all for coming on our special day. It tells us how much you cherish good food and drinks and that’s how we know all of us get along just fine.

Last but certainly not least, I’d like to thank you *spouse name*. First, for even agreeing to spend the rest of your life with me. Then for managing to put your half of the wedding together while complaining half as much as I did. You’re my rock and you’re my strength. But mostly, I thank you for keeping me on the straight and narrow. With you I have a partner and a sergeant major for life.

So, to all and to us, please raise a glass.

I pray we continue to grow in strength, in life and in love.

That our last days are filled with as much joy as our first.

That we continue to learn from each other with the same eager giddiness as our yester years.

And that we learn to love each other more with each passing year.

Cheers. *Charge glass and drink*.

Thank you everyone. Enjoy the rest of the evening.

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  5. PDF Wedding Speech Template

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