Detail of a painting depicting the landscape of New Mexico with mountains in the distance

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  • Part of Cato Institute (Aug. 3, 2021)
  • Part of University of California Press
  • Part of Open: Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture
  • Part of Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Vol. 19, No. 1 (Winter 2012)
  • Part of R Street Institute (Nov. 1, 2020)
  • Part of Leuven University Press
  • Part of UN Secretary-General Papers: Ban Ki-moon (2007-2016)
  • Part of Perspectives on Terrorism, Vol. 12, No. 4 (August 2018)
  • Part of Leveraging Lives: Serbia and Illegal Tunisian Migration to Europe, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Mar. 1, 2023)
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Science News

A colorful swath of nerve cells fans out horizontally.

Biological puzzles abound in an up-close look at a human brain

Mirror-image nerve cells, tight bonds between neuron pairs and surprising axon swirls abound in a bit of gray matter smaller than a grain of rice.

Illustration showing three atoms, representing quantum memories, are connected by lines, representing entanglement, over a cityscape backdrop.

Two real-world tests of quantum memories bring a quantum internet closer to reality

An illustration shows water molecules arranged in hexagons and other shapes surrounded by ice

Here’s how ice may get so slippery 

A pill bottle with a fentanyl label sits next to several pills and a vial on a table

Two distinct neural pathways may make opioids like fentanyl so addictive

A stock image of a white box containing three blue injector pens. The box is labeled with the words weight loss and semaglutide.

Young people’s use of diabetes and weight loss drugs is up 600 percent 

Image shows the head and upper appendages of a glowing green human body louse. Two red dots on either side of the head indicate the louse carries Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes plague, in specialized structures called Pawlowsky glands.

Human body lice could harbor the plague and spread it through biting 

A sensor chip with multiple small pixels is shown

The neutrino’s quantum fuzziness is beginning to come into focus

Trending stories.

Many unearthed partial structures dot a large dig site protected by a modern roof

One of the world’s earliest farming villages housed surprisingly few people

A sensor chip with multiple small pixels is shown

Sumatran orangutans start crafting their engineering skills as infants

Image shows the head and upper appendages of a glowing green human body louse. Two red dots on either side of the head indicate the louse carries Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes plague, in specialized structures called Pawlowsky glands.

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A flock of birds flying over some dairy cattle

Genetic analyses of the bird flu virus unveil its evolution and potential

The H5N1 outbreak in cattle is giving flashbacks to the COVID pandemic. But this time is different.

Burning the stomach lining reduces the ‘hunger hormone’ and cuts weight 

Extreme heat will put millions more older adults at risk in the future, from the archives.

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Human Behavior: Do Animals Have the Answer

April 27, 1974 Vol. 105 No. #17

Science News Magazine

Cover of the May 4, 2024 issue of Science News

May 4, 2024 Vol. 205 No. 9

A hidden danger lurks beneath Yellowstone

A vaccine for bees has an unexpected effect, how ötzi the iceman really got his tattoos.

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Featured Media

a quillback rockfish

Eavesdropping on fish could help us keep better tabs on underwater worlds

Scientists are on a quest to log all the sounds of fish communication. The result could lead to better monitoring of ecosystems and fish behavior.

A still from a video in which a fruit fly walks on a tiny treadmill

Tiny treadmills show how fruit flies walk

A map of mostly the eastern hemisphere shows multicolored tracks of 13 total solar eclipses over the next 20 years

Explore a map of the next 15 total solar eclipses

On the left, Emo, a robot with a blue silicone face, smiles in tandem with researcher Yuhang Hu, on the right. Hu wears a black t-shirt.

This robot can tell when you’re about to smile — and smile back

Rain Bosworth smiling and looking at a parent-child pair to her left. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and wearing blue button-up shirt. The parent is looking at an iPad, sitting in front of them on a round table. The iPad is displaying what appears to be a video with a person signing. The parent has black hair and wearing a navy polka dot shirt. The child is sitting on the parent's lap and staring at Bosworth.

Rain Bosworth studies how deaf children experience the world

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A honeybee perches on a purple wallflower. The bee is sipping nectar from the flower's yellow anthers. A new bee vaccine may protect against a bacterial and a viral disease.

This marine alga is the first known eukaryote to pull nitrogen from air

During a total solar eclipse, some colors really pop. here’s why.

Close-up of a young woman's sweat-stained underarm area.

These are the chemicals that give teens pungent body odor

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More than a dozen plastic containers dot the greenish-brown vegetation in the foreground of this Arctic tundra site in Sweden. A body of water and mountains shrouded in mist are visible in the background.

As the Arctic tundra warms, soil microbes likely will ramp up CO 2 production

A ruinous hailstorm in spain may have been supercharged by warming seas, three reasons why the ocean’s record-breaking hot streak is devastating.

A chromolithograph of the sun during the total solar eclipse in 1878

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Jwst spies hints of a neutron star left behind by supernova 1987a, astronomers are puzzled over an enigmatic companion to a pulsar.

An illustration of atoms in an altermagnet shows a grid of alternating blue and purple shapes, rotated with respect to one another.

Newfound ‘altermagnets’ shatter the magnetic status quo 

Separating science fact from fiction in netflix’s ‘3 body problem’ , physicists take a major step toward making a nuclear clock, health & medicine.

A composite image showing a long rod-like H5N1 avian influenza virus, a black and white dairy cow facing the camera and rounded H2N3 human flu virus particles.

Cows might host both human and bird flus

A new gel stops mice from getting too drunk, chronic asthma could be caused by cell overcrowding in the airways.

illustration of Earth’s magnetic field

A weaker magnetic field may have paved the way for marine life to go big

Polar forests may have just solved a solar storm mystery, science & society.

Language model misses depression in Black people's social media posts.

Language models may miss signs of depression in Black people’s Facebook posts

In ‘get the picture,’ science helps explore the meaning of art, what  science news  saw during the solar eclipse.

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100 Best Websites to Find Research Articles, Papers & Journals

In the vast landscape of digital information, access to credible academic resources is indispensable for the curious mind. Navigating through a myriad of websites to find scholarly journals, articles, and books can be a daunting task. To aid in this quest for knowledge, we’ve curated a list of the top 100 websites renowned for their repository of academic treasures . These platforms serve as indispensable tools for researchers, students, and enthusiasts seeking reputable and diverse scholarly materials. From comprehensive databases to user-friendly interfaces, each website stands as a testament to the democratization of education and the evolution of digital learning.


Join us on this expedition through the virtual libraries that serve as gateways to a world of intellectual richness and exploration.

1. Google Scholar


As a widely-used academic search engine, Google Scholar provides access to scholarly articles, theses, books, and conference papers across various disciplines. Its user-friendly interface allows researchers to explore a vast database of scholarly literature, offering citations, abstracts, and sometimes even full-text access. Its citation tracking feature enables scholars to follow research trends and connect with related publications. With its comprehensive coverage and indexing of academic sources, Google Scholar is an indispensable tool for academics, students, and researchers seeking reliable and diverse scholarly content.

2. ScienceDirect


ScienceDirect is a comprehensive platform offering access to a vast collection of academic journals, articles, and books across various scientific disciplines. With a user-friendly interface, it provides researchers and students with a plethora of scholarly resources in fields like science, technology, medicine, and social sciences. ScienceDirect grants access to a multitude of peer-reviewed journals, research articles, book chapters, and reference works. Its advanced search functionalities and intuitive navigation streamline the process of locating relevant literature for academic pursuits.

3. ReaserchGate

As a prominent academic networking platform, ResearchGate fosters collaboration among researchers globally. Offering access to a vast repository of academic journals, articles, and books across disciplines, it serves as a hub for scholarly communication. Researchers can connect, share findings, and access a diverse range of publications, facilitating knowledge exchange and collaborative efforts in advancing scientific endeavors.

4. Springerlink


SpringerLink stands as a prominent platform for accessing academic journals, books, and reference works across disciplines such as science, technology, medicine, and the social sciences. Offering a vast collection of peer-reviewed content from renowned publishers, SpringerLink provides access to high-quality research articles, book chapters, and reference materials. Its user-friendly interface facilitates easy navigation and searchability, making it a valuable resource for scholars, researchers, and students seeking in-depth academic literature and cutting-edge research in various fields.

VET-Bib serves as a specialized repository for veterinary science-related literature, catering to professionals, researchers, and students in the field. This platform offers a curated collection of academic journals, articles, and books specific to veterinary medicine, animal health, and related disciplines. VET-Bib facilitates access to a diverse range of scholarly resources, including research papers, clinical studies, textbooks, and reports, contributing significantly to advancements in veterinary sciences.


academia_edu is a social networking platform designed for academics to share and access scholarly papers, articles, and research. It allows researchers to create profiles, upload their work, and connect with peers worldwide, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Users can explore a wide range of academic disciplines, access papers, follow scholars, and track research interests. serves as a hub for disseminating research, accessing scholarly content, and networking within the academic community.

7. e-Print Archive is a preprint repository primarily focused on physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, and statistics. It hosts a vast collection of research papers, providing early access to cutting-edge findings before formal publication. Researchers worldwide contribute to arXiv, sharing their work and enabling the dissemination of crucial discoveries within these disciplines. Its open-access nature encourages collaboration, facilitates rapid dissemination of research, and serves as a vital resource for scholars and students alike.

8. Astrophysics Data System


The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) stands as an authoritative digital library providing access to a wealth of literature in astrophysics, astronomy, and related sciences. ADS serves as a comprehensive platform offering academic journals, articles, conference proceedings, and data sets relevant to the field. Its sophisticated search tools enable researchers to explore astronomical literature, access preprints, and gather valuable resources for their scholarly inquiries.

9. Google Books

Google Books offers an extensive and diverse collection of digitized books, providing access to a wide range of academic literature across multiple disciplines. While not exclusively academic, Google Books encompasses a significant repository of scholarly works, allowing users to preview, purchase, or access full texts of books relevant to their research. Its search feature allows users to explore content, view excerpts, and locate academic publications, making it a valuable resource for scholars, researchers, and students.

10. ProQuest

An extensive digital library offering access to a vast array of scholarly journals, articles, and books across multiple disciplines. ProQuest’s user-friendly platform facilitates research, providing comprehensive resources for academics, researchers, and students worldwide. With diverse content, including historical archives, current publications, and multimedia resources, it’s a go-to destination for in-depth exploration and reliable sources.

11. Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)


ERIC is a comprehensive platform offering an array of educational resources, research articles, and publications. It specializes in curating scholarly content related to education, spanning diverse topics from early childhood to higher education. ERIC acts as a centralized hub for educators, researchers, and policymakers, providing access to peer-reviewed articles, reports, and conference papers. With its extensive database, ERIC facilitates exploration and dissemination of knowledge, fostering advancements in educational practices and policies.

12. Microsoft Academic Search


Microsoft Academic Search is a dynamic platform dedicated to facilitating academic exploration and research discovery. Leveraging advanced algorithms and vast data sets, it offers a user-friendly interface to access scholarly articles, publications, and citations across various disciplines. This tool provides in-depth search functionalities, citation analysis, and semantic understanding, empowering researchers to navigate through a plethora of academic resources. Microsoft Academic Search encourages collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovative scholarly pursuits by offering a robust platform for academic exploration.

13. Oxford Academic Journals Search

Oxford Academic Journals Search is a prestigious repository hosting a wide spectrum of scholarly articles and publications across multiple disciplines. Renowned for its high-quality content and authoritative contributions, it serves as a gateway to scholarly excellence. This platform offers access to esteemed journals published by Oxford University Press, encompassing diverse fields such as humanities, social sciences, science, and medicine. With its rigorous peer-review process and rich historical archive, Oxford Academic Journals Search fosters academic inquiry, knowledge dissemination, and intellectual discourse.


JSTOR is a revered digital library providing access to an extensive collection of academic journals, books, and primary sources. Catering to researchers, students, and scholars worldwide, JSTOR archives scholarly content across various disciplines, including arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Known for its archival depth and user-friendly interface, JSTOR grants access to a wealth of peer-reviewed articles, books, and research materials. Its comprehensive database and interdisciplinary approach facilitate scholarly research, critical analysis, and the exploration of historical and contemporary academic literature. JSTOR remains a vital resource for academic pursuits and intellectual discovery.

15. Behavioral and Brain Sciences

Behavioral and Brain Sciences is a prestigious academic journal that publishes target articles and commentary on significant and controversial topics in psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and related fields. Recognized for its unique format, BBS publishes comprehensive articles accompanied by multiple commentaries from experts in the field, fostering in-depth discussions and debates on key issues. This journal serves as a platform for rigorous scientific discourse, shaping the direction of research and theory development in behavioral and brain sciences.

16. PubChem

Operated by the NCBI, PubChem stands as an extensive chemical database, offering insights into compound properties, structures, and biological activities. Its collection includes scientific articles, journals, and books relevant to chemistry, pharmacology, and life sciences. Researchers benefit from its comprehensive information on chemical compounds, aiding in drug discovery, bioinformatics, and chemical research.

PubMed serves as a comprehensive resource for accessing biomedical literature. With millions of articles from various fields like medicine, biology, and health sciences, it provides researchers, healthcare professionals, and students with a vast repository of peer-reviewed articles. Its user-friendly interface allows easy navigation through research articles, clinical studies, and reviews, making it an invaluable tool for staying updated on the latest advancements in healthcare and life sciences.

18. CiteSeerX

CiteSxeerX project is funded by the National Science Foundation, is a public integrated digital library, database, and search engine for scientific papers in chemistry. The goal of this project is to develop an intelligent search and database that provides easy access to relevant data for diverse community of users who need for chemical information.

19. Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar is an academic search engine that utilizes artificial intelligence methods to provide highly relevant results for journal articles. It is designed to quickly highlight the most important papers and identify the connections between them. It currently includes on computer science and biomedical publications.

20. Web of Science

Web of Science is an online subscription-based scientific citation indexing service that provides a comprehensive citation search. It gives access to multiple databases that reference cross-disciplinary research allowing in-depth exploration of specialized sub-fields within an academic or scientific discipline.

21. Analytical Abstracts

Analytical Abstracts is a literature updating service that keeps researchers and students informed of the latest developments in analytical science. It includes details of the most relevant literature presented as individual records that are easily searchable by analyte, matrix, technique and subject area.

22. Merck Index

The Merck Index is a revered compendium of chemical compounds, providing in-depth information on their properties, structures, and uses. Widely used by chemists, researchers, and students, it offers a wealth of data on chemicals, drugs, and biological substances. With over 11,000 monographs featuring precise details, including synthesis pathways and safety information, it remains an indispensable reference for understanding and researching chemical compounds and their applications.

23. MedlinePlus

MedlinePlus is an online information service created by the United States National Library of Medicine. The service provides curated consumer health information and brings together information from the National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, other U.S. government agencies, and health-related organizations.

24. Agricola

Agricola is a bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library. The database indexes a wide variety of publications covering agriculture and its allied fields, including, animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture, fisheries, and many more.

25. AGRIS: Agricultural Database

AGRIS is a global public domain database with more than 8 million structured bibliographical records on agricultural science and technology. The AGRIS Search system allows scientists, researchers to perform sophisticated searches using keywords, journal titles or names of countries, institutions, and authors.

26. WorldCat

WorldCat stands as a vast catalog of library collections worldwide, encompassing books, journals, multimedia materials, and more. It facilitates access to resources held in numerous libraries globally, allowing users to locate and borrow items beyond their local collection. Its extensive database aids researchers, scholars, and enthusiasts in discovering a broad range of academic resources, fostering collaborative research and access to diverse perspectives across various subjects and disciplines.

27. IOPscience

IOPscience serves as a leading platform for accessing scientific content in physics, engineering, and related disciplines. Hosting journals, conference proceedings, and magazines published by the Institute of Physics, it offers a trove of high-quality research articles, reviews, and cutting-edge studies. Researchers and academics benefit from its authoritative content, advanced search features, and access to vital information shaping the forefront of scientific exploration and technological advancements.


PLOS ONE stands as an open-access, peer-reviewed journal publishing multidisciplinary scientific research. It houses a vast repository of articles across various scientific disciplines, fostering accessibility and collaboration within the academic community. Known for its rigorous review process and commitment to transparency, PLOS ONE promotes diverse research findings and encourages innovation in scientific exploration.

A comprehensive abstract and citation database catering to scientific, technical, medical, and social sciences. Scopus offers access to an extensive collection of peer-reviewed literature, providing researchers and institutions with powerful tools for tracking, analyzing, and visualizing research trends and data. Its vast coverage and analytical features make it a vital resource in the academic community.

30. Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database

The Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database provides extensive coverage of advanced technology literature. It features over 26 million A&I records and more than 250 full-text titles that date back to 1962. Its topics cover aeronautics, communications, computer and IT, electronics, lasers, space sciences, telecommunications and many more.

31. Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals (AULIMP)

AULIMP specializes in curating military-centric literature, indexing journals, periodicals, and articles vital to military studies and defense. Catering to scholars, military personnel, and historians, it provides a wealth of resources covering military history, strategy, technology, and policy analysis, aiding in comprehensive research within the defense domain.

32. ACM Digital Library

Geared towards computing professionals, the ACM Digital Library hosts an extensive collection of journals, conference proceedings, and books in computer science and related fields. It offers a rich repository of cutting-edge research, enabling access to pivotal works and fostering innovation and advancement in the realm of technology and computing.

33. Project MUSE

Project MUSE offers a comprehensive digital collection of scholarly journals and books in humanities and social sciences. Recognized for its extensive coverage and user-friendly interface, it provides access to high-quality content from reputable publishers and institutions worldwide. With a focus on academic excellence, Project MUSE supports research, learning, and intellectual discovery.

34. Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory

Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory serves as an authoritative resource for information on academic journals, magazines, and other periodicals. It offers detailed bibliographic data, including publication details, peer-review status, and indexing information. Widely used by researchers, librarians, and institutions, Ulrich’s facilitates the identification and evaluation of publications, aiding in academic research and scholarly communication.

35. OAIster Database

OAIster functions as a global aggregator, collating digital resources from diverse libraries worldwide. With access to academic content spanning journals, theses, and books sourced from various repositories and institutions, it provides a comprehensive search platform across disciplines, aiding researchers in accessing a wide array of scholarly materials.

36. Beilstein Database

A renowned resource in organic chemistry, Beilstein Database aggregates exhaustive data on organic compounds, providing critical information on their properties, reactions, and synthesis methods. Researchers access a plethora of peer-reviewed articles, journals, and books, empowering scientific exploration and innovation in chemical research and development.

37. Mendeley

Mendeley, a reference manager and academic social network, empowers researchers to organize, annotate, and collaborate on research papers and articles. Its user-friendly platform enables citation management, document sharing, and networking among scholars globally. With integrated features for discovery and collaboration, Mendeley streamlines the research process and supports scholarly communication.

38. Chinese Social Science Citation Index

Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) is an interdisciplinary citation index program in China. This citation database covers more than 500 Chinese academic journals of humanities and social sciences. Many Chinese universities and institutes use CSSCI as a basis for the evaluation of academic achievements and promotion.

39. Library of Congress

The Library of Congress offers an extensive collection of academic journals, articles, and books spanning diverse disciplines. As the largest library in the world, it provides access to unparalleled resources, including historical manuscripts, government publications, and research materials. With a vast digital repository, users can delve into scholarly literature, research papers, and educational resources, making it an indispensable hub for academic pursuits.

40. CiNii Articles

As a comprehensive Japanese academic database, CiNii Articles houses a diverse collection of scholarly articles, theses, and research papers spanning multiple disciplines. Drawing from Japanese academic institutions, it facilitates cross-disciplinary research, serving as a valuable resource for global knowledge dissemination.

41. PsycINFO

PsycINFO, curated by the American Psychological Association (APA), is a comprehensive database encompassing literature in psychology and related disciplines. It indexes scholarly journals, books, conference proceedings, and other resources, providing access to psychological research, behavioral sciences, and mental health literature. With its extensive coverage of peer-reviewed content, PsycINFO aids researchers, psychologists, educators, and students in accessing credible and relevant information, enabling informed analysis and understanding within the realm of psychology and associated fields.

42. Tisch Library – Journals and Articles

Tisch Library serves as a central academic resource hub at Tufts University, providing access to a vast collection of scholarly materials, including books, journals, databases, and multimedia resources. With expert librarians offering guidance and support, Tisch Library facilitates research and learning, offering access to diverse information sources and fostering a conducive environment for academic exploration.

43. is a digital publishing platform dedicated to the humanities and social sciences. Hosting journals, books, and research content, it promotes open access to scholarly resources, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and knowledge dissemination. With a commitment to free access and innovative publishing models, facilitates academic exchange and contributes to the democratization of knowledge.

44. Digital Library Of The Commons Repository (DLC)

DLC is a comprehensive resource housing academic works on the commons, including scholarly articles, theses, and research papers. It curates a vast collection focused on topics like environmental studies, economics, and social sciences. Users access a wealth of resources supporting interdisciplinary research on communal resources, governance, and sustainability.

45. Arts & Humanities Citation Index

The Arts & Humanities Citation Index is a citation index, with abstracting and indexing for more than 1,700 arts and humanities journals, and coverage of disciplines that includes social and natural science journals. Its subjects cover arts, humanities, language, poetry, music, classical works, history, philosophy, architecture, religion, and many more.

46. Science Citation Index

An esteemed bibliographic database, Science Citation Index, meticulously indexes scientific literature across various disciplines. It enables researchers to navigate and explore scholarly articles based on citation connections, facilitating robust literature reviews and comprehensive insights into academic trends and advancements.

47. EurekaMag Biomedical Library

Focused on the biomedical field, EurekaMag offers an extensive repository of research articles, journals, and publications. Specializing in biological and medical sciences, this library provides a wealth of knowledge for professionals, researchers, and students. Its curated collection spans diverse subfields, offering valuable insights and updates within the biomedical domain.

48. CERN Document Server (CDS)

The CERN Document Server is the institutional repository that provides acquisition, search and collaborative tools to manage collections of documents produced at CERN. This includes HEP documents, multimedia documents, bulletins, administrative documents, EU project documents and many more.

49. Open Library

Open Library stands as a digital repository, granting free access to an impressive array of academic journals, articles, and books. Its open-source platform enables users to explore a wide spectrum of scholarly content, fostering global access to educational resources. With a user-friendly interface, it supports research endeavors by offering a comprehensive collection of materials, ranging from classic literature to contemporary academic publications.

50. Ei Compendex

A pivotal resource for engineers, Ei Compendex boasts an extensive engineering database comprising journals, conference proceedings, and articles. Covering a wide array of engineering disciplines such as mechanical, civil, and electrical engineering, it serves as a gateway to cutting-edge research and advancements in the field.

Embase stands as a pivotal repository for biomedical research, housing a wide array of peer-reviewed journals, conference abstracts, and articles. Specializing in pharmacology, toxicology, and clinical medicine, it aids medical professionals and researchers in accessing crucial information for evidence-based practice and scientific exploration.

52. IEEE Xplore

A paramount platform for engineering and technology, IEEE Xplore is a treasure trove of research papers, conference proceedings, and technical articles. It hosts a plethora of resources spanning electrical engineering, computer science, and related fields, fostering innovation and knowledge dissemination among professionals and academia.

53. Social Science Research Network (SSRN)

SSRN serves as a leading platform for social sciences, offering a vast repository of preprints, working papers, and published articles. Embracing disciplines like economics, law, and humanities, SSRN facilitates scholarly collaboration and dissemination, fostering discussions and advancements in social science research.

54. The World Factbook – CIA

The World Factbook offers information on the people, history, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. It provides maps of the major world regions, flags of the World, political maps of the World, world oceans map as well as standard time zones of the world map.

55. Europe PMC

A comprehensive platform for accessing biomedical literature, Europe PMC hosts a vast repository of academic journals, articles, and books. It offers a user-friendly interface, allowing researchers to explore a wealth of scientific content, including full-text articles, abstracts, and research papers across various disciplines within the life sciences. With powerful search capabilities and access to funding information, Europe PMC facilitates efficient navigation through a diverse collection, supporting scholars, scientists, and healthcare professionals in their quest for credible and relevant academic resources.

56. National Diet Library

Serving as Japan’s national library, the National Diet Library provides a rich assortment of academic journals, articles, and books, reflecting the country’s cultural and scholarly heritage. It encompasses an extensive collection of publications, archives, and digital resources, catering not only to researchers and scholars but also to the general public. With its emphasis on Japanese history, culture, and scholarly works, the library offers a valuable repository, fostering academic exploration and knowledge dissemination on a national scale.

57. DBLP Computer Science Bibliography

Renowned in the field of computer science, DBLP stands as a comprehensive bibliographic database, meticulously curating academic journals, articles, and books within the realm of computing. Its meticulous indexing covers a wide array of topics, including algorithms, artificial intelligence, and software engineering. Researchers benefit from its organized and structured platform, facilitating easy access to authoritative publications, conference proceedings, and scholarly contributions, making it an indispensable resource for the computer science community worldwide.

58. National Archives Catalog

As a treasure trove of historical records and government documents, the National Archives Catalog preserves the rich tapestry of the United States’ history. It serves as a gateway to a vast collection of academic journals, articles, and books, encompassing an extensive range of topics spanning politics, culture, and society. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive search functionalities, researchers, historians, and the public can delve into primary sources, manuscripts, and official records, unraveling the nation’s past and shaping contemporary understanding.

59. University of Guelph Library

The University of Guelph Library stands as a comprehensive repository, offering an extensive collection of books, journals, and articles across diverse disciplines. It caters to the research and academic needs of students, faculty, and scholars, fostering a conducive environment for learning, exploration, and scholarly pursuits.

60. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)

CAS is an online source of chemical information that provides many tools such as SciFinder and tagged keywords, summaries, indexes of disclosures and structures of compounds in recently published scientific documents. CAS has over 8,000 journals, technical reports, dissertations, conference proceedings available in different languages.

61. Scientific Information Database (SID)

SID serves as an Iranian digital repository housing scholarly journals, articles, and theses across various domains. It plays a pivotal role in disseminating scientific knowledge, enabling research collaboration and providing access to valuable academic content within Iran and globally, fostering innovation and academic growth.

A leading aggregator of open-access research content, CORE collates millions of academic journals, articles, and books from various repositories and repositories globally. It offers a centralized platform, facilitating seamless access to diverse scholarly publications across multiple disciplines. Emphasizing open access, CORE champions unrestricted availability to research literature, providing researchers and students with a valuable resource for discovering scholarly works, enhancing academic exploration, and fostering collaboration. With its expansive collection and user-friendly interface, CORE stands as an essential tool for accessing credible and diverse academic resources.

63. Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

RePEc is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers to enhance the dissemination of research in economics and related sciences. The heart of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of working papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components, all maintained by volunteers.

64. Book Review Index Online

Offering a comprehensive collection of book reviews, this platform serves as a valuable resource for scholars and book enthusiasts. Users gain access to extensive critiques spanning various genres and subjects, aiding in informed decision-making for academic pursuits or leisure reading. Its indexed reviews enable efficient searches and critical assessments, providing a nuanced understanding of literary works and their scholarly reception.

65. IngentaConnect


IngentaConnect provides online articles from over 30000 publications. Abstracts are free; full text is available by subscription or pay-per-view. The site is ideal for publishers looking to put their content online for the first time and increase the global visibility of their publications.

66. ASCE Library

ASCE Library is an online civil engineering database that provides the contents of peer-reviewed journals, proceedings, e-books, and standards published by the American Society of Civil Engineers. It offers free access to abstracts of academic journal articles, proceedings papers, e-books, standards, etc.

67. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

Renowned for its pivotal role in economic research, NBER is a hub for high-quality academic papers and data-driven analysis. Catering to economists and policymakers, it disseminates groundbreaking research on diverse economic facets. The site offers access to a wealth of working papers, economic indicators, and conferences, fostering collaboration and innovation in the field.

Tailored for researchers in science and engineering, Inspec is an indispensable database hosting a vast collection of peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, and patents. Its meticulously curated content covers an array of disciplines, providing in-depth insights and cutting-edge information crucial for technological advancements and academic pursuits.


INSPIRE-HEP is an open access digital library for the field of high energy physics. In addition to scientific papers, It provides other information like citation metrics, plots extracted from papers or internal experiment notes and tools for users to improve metadata.

70. MathSciNet Mathematical Reviews

MathSciNet is a fully searchable database with many tools designed to help navigate the mathematical sciences literature. It serves researchers and scholars in the mathematical sciences by providing peer-reviewed articles and books.

71. African Journals Online (AJOL)

AJOL is the world’s largest online library of peer-reviewed, African-published scholarly journals. With AJOL, you can browse peer-reviewed journals from Africa and download full text articles. Articles can be searched by title, authors or keywords.

72. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

A champion of open access, DOAJ serves as a goldmine for scholarly literature, housing a wide spectrum of peer-reviewed journals across disciplines. By promoting unrestricted access to quality research, it empowers academics worldwide. Its stringent criteria ensure credibility, fostering transparency and democratizing knowledge dissemination.

73. JournalTOCs

Aiming to streamline academic research, JournalTOCs aggregates tables of contents from thousands of scholarly journals. This platform facilitates swift access to the latest articles, aiding researchers in staying updated within their areas of interest. Its user-friendly interface and customizable alerts enable efficient navigation through a plethora of scholarly content, optimizing the research process.


academic_journals_org is a broad-based open access publisher. It provides free access to research information to the international community without financial, legal or technical barriers. All the journals from this organization will be freely distributed and available from multiple websites.

75. Library Genesis (LibGen)

A controversial yet immensely popular platform, LibGen hosts an extensive catalog of academic texts, journals, and books. Known for its extensive collection and accessibility, LibGen is a resource for individuals seeking academic materials that might not be readily available through traditional channels. It has gained traction as a resource for users worldwide due to its broad range of content.

76. is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. It’s an online source of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics.


SciELO hosts a vast collection of academic journals primarily from Latin America, Spain, Portugal, and other Ibero-American regions. It’s a rich resource for accessing scholarly articles in various disciplines, offering open access to high-quality research, fostering knowledge sharing, and promoting regional academic excellence.

78. EBSCO Information Services

EBSCO is a comprehensive platform providing access to a wide array of scholarly journals, articles, and books across multiple disciplines. With its user-friendly interface and robust search capabilities, it’s a go-to resource for researchers, libraries, and institutions globally, offering diverse content and valuable research tools.

79. Econlit

EconLit, a premier resource for economics research, curates a comprehensive database of scholarly journals, articles, and books in the field. Tailored for economists, researchers, and students, it encompasses a vast array of economic literature, including peer-reviewed articles, working papers, and conference proceedings. Its specialized focus ensures in-depth coverage of economic theories, trends, and analyses, serving as an indispensable tool for those immersed in economic studies and research.

80. State Legislative Websites Directory

This online database contains information gleaned from the websites of the 50 state legislatures, the District of Columbia and the territories. You can select to view specific website content materials such as, bills, press rooms, statutes from any states.

81. Information Bridge: Department of Energy Scientific and Technical Information

The Information Bridge serves as a hub for the Department of Energy’s vast scientific and technical knowledge repository. It houses a comprehensive collection of academic journals, articles, and books, focusing on energy-related research. Researchers and academics access cutting-edge information on various energy disciplines, from renewable energy to nuclear physics, aiding in scholarly pursuits and industry advancements.

82. BioOne Complete

BioOne Complete is a specialized database catering to the life sciences, environmental studies, and related fields. It curates a collection of high-impact scholarly journals and research articles, facilitating access to cutting-edge biological research and ecological studies.

83. Civil Engineering Database

CEDB is a free bibliographic database for all ASCE publications including journals, conference proceedings, books, standards, manuals, magazines, and newspapers on all the disciplines of civil engineering. The coverage dates back to 1872.

84. LessonPlanet

LessonPlanet serves educators by offering a vast repository of lesson plans, teaching resources, and educational materials. It’s an invaluable tool for teachers, providing curated content to enhance classroom instruction and streamline lesson planning across various subjects and grade levels.

85. CiteULike

CiteULike is a free online service that allows users to save and share citations to academic papers. Based on the principle of social bookmarking, the site works to promote and to develop the sharing of scientific references amongst researchers.

86. acts as a centralized gateway to authoritative scientific information sourced from multiple U.S. government agencies. It aggregates a wide spectrum of academic journals, articles, and books across scientific domains. This resource facilitates comprehensive searches, empowering researchers with reliable scientific data and publications crucial for academic research and evidence-based decision-making.

87. Cochrane Library

Cochrane Library is renowned for its systematic reviews and evidence-based healthcare research. It’s a crucial resource for medical professionals and researchers, offering comprehensive reviews that inform healthcare decisions and practices worldwide.

88. CAB Abstracts – CABI

CAB Abstracts is an English-language bibliographic information online service that provides access to the world’s applied life sciences literature. It comes with CABI Full Text, giving users automatic access to over 410,000 journal articles, conference papers and reports.

Zenodo is an open-access repository for scientific research data, enabling researchers to store, share, and explore datasets across disciplines. It promotes collaboration, transparency, and accessibility in scientific research, fostering innovation and knowledge exchange within the global research community.

90. Archives Hub

Archives Hub serves as a gateway to historical archives in the UK, offering access to a wealth of primary sources. It consolidates descriptions of archives held in various institutions, facilitating academic research. Through detailed records, researchers explore diverse topics spanning arts, humanities, and social sciences. The platform enables users to locate specific materials, aiding in comprehensive and in-depth investigations. Archives Hub stands as a vital resource for scholars delving into historical records, fostering a deeper understanding of past events and societal evolution.

91. OpenStax

Dedicated to advancing access to education, OpenStax offers free, peer-reviewed, and openly licensed textbooks. As an initiative aiming to alleviate the financial burden of education, OpenStax provides quality academic resources across various subjects. With a mission to make learning more accessible, it supports educators and learners globally by offering high-quality educational materials at no cost.

92. Bioline Internationl

Bioline International stands as a prominent platform offering open-access scholarly resources in the life sciences. Hosting a vast repository of peer-reviewed journals from developing countries, it promotes global access to valuable research. With a focus on biodiversity, environment, and healthcare, Bioline International facilitates the dissemination of cutting-edge scientific knowledge. Its diverse collection empowers researchers, students, and practitioners worldwide, fostering collaboration and advancing scientific discovery in crucial fields.

93. WorldWideScience

WorldWideScience serves as a global platform, aggregating scientific content from various countries and international organizations. It offers access to an extensive repository of academic journals, articles, and books, transcending geographical barriers. Researchers benefit from diverse perspectives and a wealth of information, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange on an international scale.

94. is an innovative research platform revolutionizing academic exploration. It integrates a vast array of scholarly resources, including articles, datasets, grants, and patents, offering a comprehensive view of research landscapes. Using sophisticated analytics and visualization tools, it assists researchers in uncovering connections, trends, and emerging areas of study. facilitates efficient literature searches, empowering scholars to navigate the expansive realm of academia and make informed contributions to their fields.

95. Ethnologue

Ethnologue is an annual reference publication in print and online that provides statistics and other information on the living languages of the world. It contains information on over 7000 languages including the number of speakers, locations, dialects, linguistic affiliations, autonyms, etc.

96. Taylor & Francis Online

Taylor & Francis Online hosts a vast collection of academic journals, articles, and books across various disciplines. With a user-friendly interface, it offers extensive resources in fields like science, humanities, social sciences, and more. Researchers benefit from comprehensive search tools, robust citation metrics, and access to cutting-edge research.

97. Zentralblatt MATH

Zentralblatt MATH serves as a comprehensive database for mathematical literature, covering a broad spectrum of mathematical research. With its extensive collection of abstracts and reviews, it provides valuable insights into mathematical publications worldwide. Researchers benefit from its indexing of mathematical articles, enabling efficient access to critical information, fostering collaboration, and supporting advancements in the field of mathematics.

98. PubMed Central

PubMed Central, a free digital repository, is a treasure trove of biomedical and life sciences literature. Hosting a vast archive of peer-reviewed articles, PubMed Central is a go-to platform for researchers, healthcare professionals, and students. Its comprehensive database encompasses a myriad of topics, facilitating easy access to authoritative information and fostering advancements in healthcare and life sciences.

99. EconBiz

EconBiz stands as a crucial resource for economists and social scientists, offering access to economic literature, research, and information. It aggregates a diverse range of publications, including articles, working papers, and research papers, facilitating comprehensive research in economics and related disciplines. EconBiz empowers users with efficient search functionalities, access to full-text documents, and information on events and job opportunities, fostering a vibrant academic community in the field of economics.

100. RefSeek – Academic Search Engine

RefSeek is a powerful academic search engine that scours the internet for scholarly resources. It indexes millions of documents, including articles, books, encyclopedias, and journals, ensuring a wide breadth of sources for researchers. With its user-friendly interface and advanced search capabilities, RefSeek streamlines the process of locating credible and authoritative information across various disciplines. It prioritizes academic content, making it an indispensable tool for students, scholars, and educators in their quest for reliable and relevant research materials.

101. Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)

BASE functions as a robust academic search engine, scouring the web for scholarly resources, including journals, articles, and books. It indexes content from various repositories, providing a user-friendly interface for researchers worldwide. With a focus on open access materials, BASE enhances accessibility to academic literature, supporting scholarly investigations across multiple disciplines.

102. JournalSeek

JournalSeek operates as a comprehensive database for academic journals, offering easy access to scholarly publications. It catalogs journals from diverse disciplines, allowing users to discover relevant articles and research papers. Researchers benefit from a user-friendly interface, streamlined search capabilities, and detailed journal information, facilitating efficient academic exploration and literature reviews.

Click here for more academic databases and search engines .

Remember, while these platforms offer valuable resources, access to some content may require institutional subscriptions or payment. Additionally, it’s essential to verify the credibility and peer-reviewed status of the sources before citing them in academic work.

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A child watches others swim at the Emancipation Swimming Pool in Houston on July 19, 2022. Brandon Bell/Getty Images hide caption

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A concentrated dose of history: The class of 2024 looks back

From left: Alexis Jones (Cornell University), Mei Lamison (New York University), Anaka Srinivas (Northwestern University). Alexis Jones; Mei Lamison; Anaka Srinivas hide caption

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The main entrance to FCI Sheridan in Oregon. Office of the Inspector General/Department of Justice hide caption

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  • Howard University Gospel Choir Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times
  • Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Saul Loeb/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
  • Sean Penn and Ann Lee Saul Loeb/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
  • Al Sharpton and Aisha McShaw Saul Loeb/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
  • Mark Weinberg and Mayor Kate Gallego of Phoenix Saul Loeb/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
  • Bianna Golodryga and Peter Orszag, former director of the Office of Management and Budget Saul Loeb/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

President Biden honored Kenya as it prepared to send forces to Haiti.

The state dinner guest list included Bill and Hillary Clinton, Melinda Gates and Sean Penn.


China Has a Plan for Its Housing Crisis. Here’s Why It’s Not Enough.

A new approach by China’s top leaders is bold but pales against the problem: a vast number of empty apartments no one wants to buy.

The abandoned shells of several unfinished apartment towers with weeds growing in a path between them.

Top U.N. Court Is Expected to Rule on Israel’s Assault on Rafah

South Africa has requested that the International Court of Justice in The Hague order Israel to halt its ground assault in southern Gaza.

People walk by a small fire on a debris-strewn street.

U.S. Military Faces Reality in Gaza as Aid Project Struggles

The Pentagon predicted that a stream of humanitarian aid would be arriving in Gaza via the floating pier, but little relief has reached the besieged strip.

At a Trump Rally in the Bronx, Chants of ‘Build the Wall’

Speaking to a more diverse crowd than his events usually draw, Donald Trump addressed New Yorkers and railed against President Biden and the migrant crisis.

Donald Trump speaks from a stage with trees behind him. In the foreground, members of the crowd have their hands up showing 4 more years with their fingers.

Once Critics of Trump, These Republicans Are Now Playing by His Rules

Republicans like Nikki Haley have had to contort themselves to overlook their criticisms of former President Trump as they decide to back him after all.

Ohio’s governor called a special legislative session to ensure President Biden is on the fall ballot there.

Lawmakers Dial Up Pressure on Alito to Recuse From Elections Cases

The outcry over Justice Samuel Alito comes amid fears about whether the American public will regard the Supreme Court’s rulings about Jan. 6 as fair.

Justice Alito, Virginia Thomas and Justice Thomas sitting in a row. The two men are wearing dark suits and Ms. Thomas is wearing a black suit.

Why Amtrak Is to Blame for a Hellish Night for New Jersey Commuters

Sharing tracks means that any disruption along the 427-mile Northeast Corridor, which links Boston to Washington, D.C., can be felt by thousands of passengers.

Morning commuters walk through Pennsylvania Station in Manhattan.

At U.C.L.A., Protesters Briefly Occupy Building Before Police Move In

The actions came as the university chancellor testified before Congress. The school said it was not aware of officers making any arrests.

In a House hearing, Republicans demanded discipline for student protesters.

Russia, in New Push, Increasingly Disrupts Ukraine’s Starlink Service

Russia has deployed advanced technology to interfere with Elon Musk’s satellite internet service, Ukrainian officials said, leading to more outages.

Two members of the Ukrainian military, dressed in camouflage fatigues, against the back of a truck.

A Test of Cloud-Brightening Machines Poses No Health Risk, Officials Say

After halting a test of controversial technology to fight global warming, the city of Alameda, Calif., said it had found no “measurable health risk.”

Clouds of misty air billow across the flat deck of an aircraft carrier, with two people standing near the edge of the mist.

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We Haven’t Hit Peak Populism Yet

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Do You Want a ‘Unified Reich’ Mind-Set in the White House?

A photo of Donald Trump raising his fist in the air. His arm is obscuring his face from the side.

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The ‘Trump-Oprah’ Voter

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America Is Still Having a ‘Vibecession’

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A Giant Crater in Siberia Is Belching Up Russia’s Past

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The Death of Iran’s President Could Change the World

A man casually looking down walks past a banner showing flying missiles.

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How to Buy Yourself a Longer Life

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In Case You Missed It

Restaurant Collapse Kills at Least 4 and Injures 16 in Majorca

People were feared to be trapped after parts of a beach restaurant’s terraces fell to the ground level on a Spanish island popular with tourists.

Cannabis Tops Alcohol as Americans’ Daily Drug of Choice

A new study shows a growing number of people are regularly using cannabis, while frequent alcohol consumption has remained stable.

Bob McCreadie, ‘the Master of Going Faster,’ Dies at 73

One of the winningest drivers in dirt racing history, he was a folk hero who cursed wildly, drove aggressively and crashed a lot.

A black-and-white photo of a young man who has a large beard and wears a trucker hat. He is squatting in front of a dirt racing car.

Is Modi Worried? India’s Long-Deflated Opposition Finds Some Momentum.

After setting a very high bar for his party in the election, Prime Minister Narendra Modi often appears on the defensive as the voting nears its end.

The Athletic Sports coverage

Culture and lifestyle.

In shadow, a man without a shirt on climbs up the underside of a large boulder, gripping with both hands.

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With its splendor and proximity to Paris, the Forest of Fontainebleau draws millions of people each year. Some worry that its popularity is taking a toll.

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An illustration of a person giving a figure a thumbs up.

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The Puzzle Personality Quiz

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An illustration of various puzzle personality quiz tarot cards.

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10 Great Places to Find Articles Worth Reading on the Web

The Internet is arguably the best news morgue on the planet right now. And apart from that great collection of old articles, thousands of new ones are added every day.

The internet unquestionably has masses of content that is enjoyable to read. But there is also a fair amount of clickbait rubbish. How do you find interesting articles to read while avoiding all the low-effort ones?

Here are some of the best article reading sites to find thoughtful and engaging content.

1. Longform

Longform is an article curation service. It recommends both new and classic non-fiction articles from a variety of different online sources.

It encourages submissions from its engaged community of readers, thus giving rise to a diverse and delightful selection of interesting articles to read on any given day. Furthermore, it also accepts readers' own work, though the work has to pass through a strict editorial filter before it is recommended on the site.

The core focus of the Longform site is non-fiction, though a spinoff fiction service launched in 2012 has become perennially popular.

Although Longform retired its article recommendation service in September 2022, you can still check out the “Best Of” annual archive for a rich trove of suggestions from bygone years, or browse by sections to discover topics that interest you. The sections on this article reading site include Arts, Business, Crime, History, Politics, Science, Sports, Tech, and World.

2. Longreads

Another one of the most popular article reading sites is Longreads, a direct competitor of Longform. The different categories of articles you can dig into include food, crime, sports, current events, arts and culture, and more. On Longreads, a section called Shortreads if you prefer having short articles to read.

The site also produces its own stories (often revolving around gun violence, genocide, and environmental destruction), with the work funded by its membership pass. The membership costs $5/month and $50/year.

And in case you still doubt the quality of the work on Longreads, be aware that it has been nominated for four National Magazine Awards and has been highlighted as a quality source by both the Online News Association and the Peabody Awards.

3. The Browser

If you’re drowning from the mindless content on social media, finding interesting articles to read is one of the best things to do when you’re bored online . The Browser sifts through hundreds of articles every day to bring you the finest content from across the web in the form of a newsletter. All the content is handpicked.

The free newsletter itself offers five interesting articles to read per day, and subscribers will also get access to a daily podcast, a daily video, a daily quote, and more.

For this site, subscription plans start at $5/month and $48/year. It offers a free preview, so you can try out their service before you commit. The higher tier plans offer you a special letter from the editor every week, a unique merchandise item every year, and a spot on their London Amble Tour.

4. r/InDepthStories

Reddit has no shortage of enjoyable content posted across its thousands of Subreddits. But as any Reddit user will know, there is also an enormous number of poor submissions that you should not waste your time with. These tips to find your next favorite Subreddit will help you discover content you’ll love the most.

Now, to use Reddit as a good article reading site, you need to know where to look. If you are specifically keen on long-form journalism, you should subscribe to r/InDepthStories for interesting articles to read. It started life as a forum for investigative journalism, but has since grown to become a repo of all forms of high-quality long-form content.

Standards are kept high by the Subreddits mods, who rule with an iron fist. Anything that is not considered long-form will be removed, and they also do not allow political long-form articles. The ban on political content might seem Draconian, but it is done to keep the community civilized and make sure the comments on each article remain focused and thoughtful.

Pocket is best known as a read-it-later bookmarking service. By using browser extensions or mobile apps, you can save stories that pique your curiosity. Later, when you have the time, you can revisit these interesting articles to read and give them your full attention.

However, Pocket also offers a list of curated stories for you. Stories are partially sourced by the company's own editorial team, but are also pulled from the content that its users are saving most frequently on a given day.

The main section focuses on “essential reads”. However, there are also subcategories for topics such as business, career, education, self-improvement, tech, personal finance, science, food, health and fitness, entertainment, and more.

6. CoolTools: The Best Magazine Articles Ever

If you want to delve into some of the most iconic and memorable magazine articles of all time, check out The Best Magazine Articles Ever subsection of CoolTools. This article reading site is a great place to start your journey.

The list is based on suggestions by readers and is not vetted, but there is still a tremendous amount of fantastic and interesting articles for you to read and enjoy.

The best part is The Top 25 Articles list. It rounds up some of the best articles going back as far as the 1960s. Some of the pieces that have made the cut include 1996's Mother Earth, Mother Board: Wiring the Planet by Neal Stephenson in Wired, and 1971's Secrets of the Little Blue Box by Ron Rosenbaum in Esquire.

You can also use the filters to browse by decade. The 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and 2010s are all available.

Medium is a social journalism platform that launched back in 2012. As one of the most popular article reading sites on the internet, it offers content from a mix of professional journalists and writers, as well as amateur writers who want to discuss a topic in which they are an expert.

Users can subscribe to writers or topics that they are interested in to curate their own feed of relevant content, but Medium also offers browsable sections in case you want to digest something that is outside of your usual wheelhouse when you’re looking for interesting articles to read.

Although you can read some content for free, Medium is designed as a paid platform. It costs $5/month or $50/year, and you get unlimited access to every story with no ads or additional paywalls. Check out our article if you want to get started on Medium today .

Aeon is digital magazine that covers philosophy, science, psychology, society, and culture. The majority of Aeon's articles today are long essays. However, you can still find short articles to read in its archive as the magazine used to publish a category of content called Ideas.

Aeon is a registered charity and all the articles are free for everyone to read. There are no ads, and the organization promises that its content will never have a paywall. Therefore, you don't have to worry about subscriptions. The site only asks you to consider donating if you enjoy the published work and would like to help support them.

9. Nautilus

Nautilus is a great site to get your daily dose of science . You'll find articles on anthropology, neuroscience, the environment, sociology, astronomy, and many more.

Don't worry about being bombarded with jargon or dry facts, though. The content is written in a vivid style, along with gorgeous illustrations, so it feels as though you're being drawn into story after story on the site.

As a free user, you can only read a limited number of articles. The digital membership costs $9.99/month or $59/year. If you like reading and collecting physical copies, you can opt to subscribe to the digital and print membership, which costs $89/year.

10. MakeUseOf

Come on; you've got to let us have this shameless plug! If you want to read the best how-to articles, reviews, listicles, buying guides, and more, you're already in the right place. We’re the trusted article reading site to cover all your tech needs.

Make sure you also check out MakeUseOf’s YouTube channel for the latest insight into the world's newest gadgets. We also release an episode every week on The Really Useful Podcast to discuss tech news, as well as other tips and tricks!

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If you only read articles from the sites we've recommended and never visit another site again, you can be sure that you're going to become more educated, understand the world more fully, and avoid wasting your time on content that does not deserve your attention.

With new stories suggested almost every day, you’ll never run out of interesting articles to read. So, what are you waiting for? Start reading more today.

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Differences between websites and journal articles

Differences between websites and journal articles

As you undertake research for your next paper or project, you will likely encounter both websites and online journal articles. But, what’s the difference between these two types of sources? In this post, we discuss the main differences between websites and journal articles.

What is a website?

A website is a set of web pages grouped together under one domain. Typically, when you think you are citing a website, you are actually citing a web page : one page of the website that likely has a single author (a blog post) or a corporate author (a government webpage).

  • Typically have multiple web pages that are linked together, and that can be individually cited

Examples of common, credible websites are:

  • Government websites (.gov)
  • University websites (.edu)
  • Non-profit organizations (.org)

Online newspaper articles should not be cited as websites. Follow the appropriate style guidelines for online newspaper articles to create correct citations for this source type.

What is a journal article?

Also known as scholarly articles , journal articles are secondary, peer-reviewed sources that you can use in your research papers. They are published in journals, which are periodicals, published on a regular basis, that include multiple articles.

Today, most of the journal articles that you find are online or in a digital format, and this may cause some confusion over whether a work is a website or a journal article.

Journal articles:

  • Are hosted on a platform, database, or digital repository, but are not websites
  • May be in the form of a PDF
  • May also be available in a traditional print format

The most important thing to remember is that an online journal article is not a website . A journal article that you find online should be cited just like a printed article, with the addition of a DOI. A DOI is a “digital object identifier” and represents an article’s permanent location online. While URLs often change, DOIs do not.

How do I know if the work I'm citing is a website or a journal article?

Check the address.

Pay close attention to the address of the source. If the address ends in .pdf, for instance, it is likely a journal article that is available online in a downloadable form. Also, most online journal articles have permalinks, or DOIs, that represent their permanent location online.

Although an online journal article may appear to have a URL because it's hosted by an online database, that address does not actually point to the article's official location online. In other words, if you list an online journal article as a website with a URL in your bibliography, your instructor will not be able to get to that article to verify if it's a credible source.

Check the origin

Take note of where you found the source. If you encountered the work on Canvas or Blackboard, it’s not likely that it originated there.

Look carefully for signs that the work is a journal article or website: does it have a cover page, with publication info, including a DOI? Is there any info at the bottom (footer) of the work that gives you clues to its origin? When in doubt, do a brief Google or Google Scholar search to see if you can pinpoint the work's origin or ask your instructor or a librarian.

How to use BibGuru to cite online sources

Use the BibGuru searchbar to find both website and online journal article sources for your bibliography. Select the correct tab for the source type and input a URL (for websites) or DOI (for journal articles).

BibGuru allows you to create accurate citations in APA , MLA , Chicago , and many other styles. You can find online sources easily with the search bar and instantly add them to a bibliography.

Frequently Asked Questions about differences between websites and journal articles

No. Although many articles are hosted on websites, they should be cited as articles .

A website is a set of web pages grouped together under one domain.

Journal articles are published in journals, which are often hosted online by a platform, database or digital repository. Online journal articles:

A journal is a periodical that is published on a regular basis, while a book is typically published once. Journals feature different journal articles in each issue. Books, even when they are published in multiple editions, typically feature the same general content.

How to read a scholarly article

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Pew: Quarter of web pages vanished in past decade

Luckily we have the wayback machine.

The web is melting away like so many glaciers these days.

A report published by the Pew Research Center finds that digital decay is erasing online news, Twitter/X posts, and web links.

The Pew team - Athena Chapekis, Samuel Bestvater, Emma Remy, and Gonzalo Rivero - found that 25 percent of web pages that existed at some point between 2013 and October 2023 no longer function. As for older web pages that existed before 2013, 38 percent can no longer be accessed. As a point of comparison, about 8 percent of web pages from 2023 have disappeared.

The study, based on an analysis of web crawl data from Common Crawl , some 50,000 Wikipedia articles, and Twitter/X posts from last year, confirms longstanding concerns about the ephemeral nature of digital content.

articles and websites

"The internet is an unimaginably vast repository of modern life, with hundreds of billions of indexed webpages," Pew says. "But even as users across the world rely on the web to access books, images, news articles and other resources, this content sometimes disappears from view."

This has particular implications for news and government websites. A sample of half a million news pages from Common Crawl in March/April 2023 found that 23 percent had at least one broken link. For government websites – the same size sample during the same period – 21 percent had at least one broken link.

In a sample of 50,000 English-language Wikipedia pages, 82 percent included at least one reference link – a cited source – and 11 percent of these are no longer accessible. This makes fact checking much more difficult.

For the social media platform X, which was still referred to as Twitter during the March 8 to April 27, 2023 sample period, some 18 percent of 5 million tweets were no longer accessible by June 15 of that year. Some had been suspended, some had been removed, and some had been made private.

Among the portion of tweets that got removed, half vanished within the first six days of posting, and 90 percent were no longer available within 46 days.

Twitter posts, however, also get resurrected – about 6 percent resurface at some point, a phenomenon the researchers attribute to accounts that went private and then returned to public status, or suspended accounts that got reinstated.

  • The internet – not as great as we all thought it was going to be, eh?
  • How the Internet Archive faces potential destruction at the hands of Big Four publishers
  • Internet Archive's 2046 Wayforward Machine says Google will cease to exist

Mark Graham, director of the Wayback Machine at the non-profit Internet Archive, told The Register : "This is why we do what we do."

The Wayback Machine crawls the web and archives copies of websites for posterity.

"We have identified and fixed more than 21 million broken URLs in Wikipedia articles, replacing them with archived versions of those web resources from The Wayback Machine," he explained.

Graham said the consequence of digital decay is the loss of our collective history. "When a society or people lose the ability to cite and compare and contrast, they lose the ability to do any kind of critical analysis or contextualize current events."

"We operate in the forever-now," he said. "We lose access to our memory. The ability to contextualize the events of our times depends upon having a record of our times." ®

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When Online Content Disappears

38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible a decade later, table of contents.

  • Webpages from the last decade
  • Links on government websites
  • Links on news websites
  • Reference links on Wikipedia
  • Posts on Twitter
  • Acknowledgments
  • Collection and analysis of Twitter data
  • Data collection for World Wide Web websites, government websites and news websites
  • Data collection for Wikipedia source links
  • Evaluating the status of pages and links
  • Definition of links

Pew Research Center conducted the analysis to examine how often online content that once existed becomes inaccessible. One part of the study looks at a representative sample of webpages that existed over the past decade to see how many are still accessible today. For this analysis, we collected a sample of pages from the Common Crawl web repository for each year from 2013 to 2023. We then tried to access those pages to see how many still exist.

A second part of the study looks at the links on existing webpages to see how many of those links are still functional. We did this by collecting a large sample of pages from government websites, news websites and the online encyclopedia Wikipedia .

We identified relevant news domains using data from the audience metrics company comScore and relevant government domains (at multiple levels of government) using data from , the official administrator for the .gov domain. We collected the news and government pages via Common Crawl and the Wikipedia pages from an archive maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation . For each collection, we identified the links on those pages and followed them to their destination to see what share of those links point to sites that are no longer accessible.

A third part of the study looks at how often individual posts on social media sites are deleted or otherwise removed from public view. We did this by collecting a large sample of public tweets on the social media platform X (then known as Twitter) in real time using the Twitter Streaming API. We then tracked the status of those tweets for a period of three months using the Twitter Search API to monitor how many were still publicly available. Refer to the report methodology for more details.

The internet is an unimaginably vast repository of modern life, with hundreds of billions of indexed webpages. But even as users across the world rely on the web to access books, images, news articles and other resources, this content sometimes disappears from view.

A new Pew Research Center analysis shows just how fleeting online content actually is:

  • A quarter of all webpages that existed at one point between 2013 and 2023 are no longer accessible, as of October 2023. In most cases, this is because an individual page was deleted or removed on an otherwise functional website.

A line chart showing that 38% of webpages from 2013 are no longer accessible

  • For older content, this trend is even starker. Some 38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are not available today, compared with 8% of pages that existed in 2023.

This “digital decay” occurs in many different online spaces. We examined the links that appear on government and news websites, as well as in the “References” section of Wikipedia pages as of spring 2023. This analysis found that:

  • 23% of news webpages contain at least one broken link, as do 21% of webpages from government sites. News sites with a high level of site traffic and those with less are about equally likely to contain broken links. Local-level government webpages (those belonging to city governments) are especially likely to have broken links.
  • 54% of Wikipedia pages contain at least one link in their “References” section that points to a page that no longer exists.

To see how digital decay plays out on social media, we also collected a real-time sample of tweets during spring 2023 on the social media platform X (then known as Twitter) and followed them for three months. We found that:

  • Nearly one-in-five tweets are no longer publicly visible on the site just months after being posted. In 60% of these cases, the account that originally posted the tweet was made private, suspended or deleted entirely. In the other 40%, the account holder deleted the individual tweet, but the account itself still existed.
  • Certain types of tweets tend to go away more often than others. More than 40% of tweets written in Turkish or Arabic are no longer visible on the site within three months of being posted. And tweets from accounts with the default profile settings are especially likely to disappear from public view.

How this report defines inaccessible links and webpages

There are many ways of defining whether something on the internet that used to exist is now inaccessible to people trying to reach it today. For instance, “inaccessible” could mean that:

  • The page no longer exists on its host server, or the host server itself no longer exists. Someone visiting this type of page would typically receive a variation on the “404 Not Found” server error instead of the content they were looking for.
  • The page address exists but its content has been changed – sometimes dramatically – from what it was originally.
  • The page exists but certain users – such as those with blindness or other visual impairments – might find it difficult or impossible to read.

For this report, we focused on the first of these: pages that no longer exist. The other definitions of accessibility are beyond the scope of this research.

Our approach is a straightforward way of measuring whether something online is accessible or not. But even so, there is some ambiguity.

First, there are dozens of status codes indicating a problem that a user might encounter when they try to access a page. Not all of them definitively indicate whether the page is permanently defunct or just temporarily unavailable. Second, for security reasons, many sites actively try to prevent the sort of automated data collection that we used to test our full list of links.

For these reasons, we used the most conservative estimate possible for deciding whether a site was actually accessible or not. We counted pages as inaccessible only if they returned one of nine error codes that definitively indicate that the page and/or its host server no longer exist or have become nonfunctional – regardless of how they are being accessed, and by whom. The full list of error codes that we included in our definition are in the methodology .

Here are some of the findings from our analysis of digital decay in various online spaces.

To conduct this part of our analysis, we collected a random sample of just under 1 million webpages from the archives of Common Crawl , an internet archive service that periodically collects snapshots of the internet as it exists at different points in time. We sampled pages collected by Common Crawl each year from 2013 through 2023 (approximately 90,000 pages per year) and checked to see if those pages still exist today.

We found that 25% of all the pages we collected from 2013 through 2023 were no longer accessible as of October 2023. This figure is the sum of two different types of broken pages: 16% of pages are individually inaccessible but come from an otherwise functional root-level domain; the other 9% are inaccessible because their entire root domain is no longer functional.

Not surprisingly, the older snapshots in our collection had the largest share of inaccessible links. Of the pages collected from the 2013 snapshot, 38% were no longer accessible in 2023. But even for pages collected in the 2021 snapshot, about one-in-five were no longer accessible just two years later.

A bar chart showing that Around 1 in 5 government webpages contain at least one broken link

We sampled around 500,000 pages from government websites using the Common Crawl March/April 2023 snapshot of the internet, including a mix of different levels of government (federal, state, local and others). We found every link on each page and followed a random selection of those links to their destination to see if the pages they refer to still exist.

Across the government websites we sampled, there were 42 million links. The vast majority of those links (86%) were internal, meaning they link to a different page on the same website. An explainer resource on the IRS website that links to other documents or forms on the IRS site would be an example of an internal link.

Around three-quarters of government webpages we sampled contained at least one on-page link. The typical (median) page contains 50 links, but many pages contain far more. A page in the 90th percentile contains 190 links, and a page in the 99th percentile (that is, the top 1% of pages by number of links) has 740 links.

Other facts about government webpage links:

  • The vast majority go to secure HTTP pages (and have a URL starting with “https://”).
  • 6% go to a static file, like a PDF document.
  • 16% now redirect to a different URL than the one they originally pointed to.

When we followed these links, we found that 6% point to pages that are no longer accessible. Similar shares of internal and external links are no longer functional.

Overall, 21% of all the government webpages we examined contained at least one broken link. Across every level of government we looked at, there were broken links on at least 14% of pages; city government pages had the highest rates of broken links.

A bar chart showing that 23% of news webpages have at least one broken link

For this analysis, we sampled 500,000 pages from 2,063 websites classified as “News/Information” by the audience metrics firm comScore. The pages were collected from the Common Crawl March/April 2023 snapshot of the internet.

Across the news sites sampled, this collection contained more than 14 million links pointing to an outside website. 1 Some 94% of these pages contain at least one external-facing link. The median page contains 20 links, and pages in the top 10% by link count have 56 links.

Like government websites, the vast majority of these links go to secure HTTP pages (those with a URL beginning with “https://”). Around 12% of links on these news sites point to a static file, like a PDF document. And 32% of links on news sites redirected to a different URL than the one they originally pointed to – slightly less than the 39% of external links on government sites that redirect.

When we tracked these links to their destination, we found that 5% of all links on news site pages are no longer accessible. And 23% of all the pages we sampled contained at least one broken link.

Broken links are about as prevalent on the most-trafficked news websites as they are on the least-trafficked sites. Some 25% of pages on news websites in the top 20% by site traffic have at least one broken link. That is nearly identical to the 26% of sites in the bottom 20% by site traffic.

For this analysis, we collected a random sample of 50,000 English-language Wikipedia pages and examined the links in their “References” section. The vast majority of these pages (82%) contain at least one reference link – that is, one that directs the reader to a webpage other than Wikipedia itself.

In total, there are just over 1 million reference links across all the pages we collected. The typical page has four reference links.

The analysis indicates that 11% of all references linked on Wikipedia are no longer accessible. On about 2% of source pages containing reference links, every link on the page was broken or otherwise inaccessible, while another 53% of pages contained at least one broken link.

A pie chart showing that Around 1 in 5 tweets disappear from public view within months

For this analysis, we collected nearly 5 million tweets posted from March 8 to April 27, 2023, on the social media platform X, which at the time was known as Twitter. We did this using Twitter’s Streaming API, collecting 3,000 public tweets every 30 minutes in real time. This provided us with a representative sample of all tweets posted on the platform during that period. We monitored those tweets until June 15, 2023, and checked each day to see if they were still available on the site or not.

At the end of the observation period, we found that 18% of the tweets from our initial collection window were no longer publicly visible on the site . In a majority of cases, this was because the account that originally posted the tweet was made private, suspended or deleted entirely. For the remaining tweets, the account that posted the tweet was still visible on the site, but the individual tweet had been deleted.

Which tweets tend to disappear?

A bar chart showing that Inaccessible tweets often come from accounts with default profile settings

Tweets were especially likely to be deleted or removed over the course of our collection period if they were:

  • Written in certain languages. Nearly half of all the Turkish-language tweets we collected – and a slightly smaller share of those written in Arabic – were no longer available at the end of the tracking period.
  • Posted by accounts using the site’s default profile settings. More than half of tweets from accounts using the default profile image were no longer available at the end of the tracking period, as were more than a third from accounts with a default bio field. Tweets from these accounts tend to disappear because the entire account has been deleted or made private, as opposed to the individual tweet being deleted.
  • Posted by unverified accounts.

We also found that removed or deleted tweets tended to come from newer accounts with relatively few followers and modest activityon the site. On average, tweets that were no longer visible on the site were posted by accounts around eight months younger than those whose tweets stayed on the site.

And when we analyzed the types of tweets that were no longer available, we found that retweets, quote tweets and original tweets did not differ much from the overall average. But replies were relatively unlikely to be removed – just 12% of replies were inaccessible at the end of our monitoring period.

Most tweets that are removed from the site tend to disappear soon after being posted. In addition to looking at how many tweets from our collection were still available at the end of our tracking period, we conducted a survival analysis to see how long these tweets tended to remain available. We found that:

  • 1% of tweets are removed within one hour
  • 3% within a day
  • 10% within a week
  • 15% within a month

Put another way: Half of tweets that are eventually removed from the platform are unavailable within the first six days of being posted. And 90% of these tweets are unavailable within 46 days.

Tweets don’t always disappear forever, though. Some 6% of the tweets we collected disappeared and then became available again at a later point. This could be due to an account going private and then returning to public status, or to the account being suspended and later reinstated. Of those “reappeared” tweets, the vast majority (90%) were still accessible on Twitter at the end of the monitoring period.

  • For our analysis of news sites, we did not collect or check the functionality of internal-facing on-page links – those that point to another page on the same root domain. ↩

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Bing outage shows just how little competition google search really has, opinion: actively searching without google or bing is harder than it looks..

Kevin Purdy - May 23, 2024 8:01 pm UTC

Google logo on a phone in front of a Bing logo in the background

Bing, Microsoft's search engine platform, went down in the very early morning today . That meant that searches from Microsoft's Edge browsers that had yet to change their default providers didn't work. It also meant that services relying on Bing's search API—Microsoft's own Copilot, ChatGPT search, Yahoo, Ecosia, and DuckDuckGo—similarly failed.

Services were largely restored by the morning Eastern work hours, but the timing feels apt, concerning, or some combination of the two. Google, the consistently dominating search platform , just last week announced and debuted AI Overviews as a default addition to all searches . If you don't want an AI response but still want to use Google, you can hunt down the new "Web" option in a menu, or you can, per Ernie Smith , tack "&udm=14" onto your search or use Smith's own "Konami code" shortcut page .

If dismay about AI's hallucinations, power draw, or pizza recipes concern you—along with perhaps broader Google issues involving privacy, tracking, news, SEO, or monopoly power—most of your other major options were brought down by a single API outage this morning. Moving past that kind of single point of vulnerability will take some work, both by the industry and by you, the person wondering if there's a real alternative.

Search engine market share, as measured by StatCounter, April 2023–April 2024.

Upward of a billion dollars a year

The overwhelming majority of search tools offering an "alternative" to Google are using Google, Bing, or Yandex, the three major search engines that maintain massive global indexes. Yandex, being based in Russia , is a non-starter for many people around the world at the moment. Bing offers its services widely, most notably to DuckDuckGo, but its ad-based revenue model and privacy particulars have caused some friction there in the past . Before his company was able to block more of Microsoft's own tracking scripts, DuckDuckGo CEO and founder Gabriel Weinberg explained in a Reddit reply why firms like his weren't going the full DIY route:

… [W]e source most of our traditional links and images privately from Bing … Really only two companies (Google and Microsoft) have a high-quality global web link index (because I believe it costs upwards of a billion dollars a year to do), and so literally every other global search engine needs to bootstrap with one or both of them to provide a mainstream search product. The same is true for maps btw -- only the biggest companies can similarly afford to put satellites up and send ground cars to take streetview pictures of every neighborhood.

Bing makes Microsoft money, if not quite profit  yet. It's in Microsoft's interest to keep its search index stocked and API open, even if its focus is almost entirely on its own AI chatbot version of Bing . Yet if Microsoft decided to pull API access, or it became unreliable, Google's default position gets even stronger. What would non-conformists have to choose from then?

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Bing’s API was down, taking Microsoft Copilot, DuckDuckGo and ChatGPT’s web search feature down too

Bing logo

Bing , Microsoft’s search engine, was working improperly for several hours on Thursday in Europe. At first, we noticed it wasn’t possible to perform a web search at all. Now it seems search results are loading properly.

This outage also affected Bing’s application programming interface (API), which means that other services that relied on Bing weren’t working properly.

The incident seemed to end around 7.20 a.m. PT, and services began coming back online after more than five hours of outage.

Those affected included DuckDuckGo and Ecosia , two alternative search engines that rely on Bing’s search results. Microsoft Copilot wasn’t loading either. ChatGPT Plus subscribers, who have the ability to perform web searches, also got an error when they tried to search for something.

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Once again, an outage proves the web depends on a handful of tech companies. If an API goes down, many services are affected.

In this particular case, it was interesting to see the increasingly important role of Bing’s API. While Google still dominates when it comes to web search, many services are now reliant on Bing’s API.

Microsoft could not immediately be reached for comment on the outage.

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Is the Internet bad for you? Huge study reveals surprise effect on well-being

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Vuorre, M. & Przybylski, A. K. Technol. Mind Behav . (2024).

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Heffer, T. et al. Clin. Psychol. Sci. 7 , 462–470 (2018).

Coyne, S. M., Rogers, A. A., Zurcher, J. D., Stockdale, L. & Booth, M. Comput. Hum. Behav . 104 , 106160 (2020).

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    The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is a weekly general medical journal that publishes new medical research and review articles, and editorial opinion on a wide variety of topics of ...

  21. 10 Great Places to Find Articles Worth Reading on the Web

    2. Longreads. Another one of the most popular article reading sites is Longreads, a direct competitor of Longform. The different categories of articles you can dig into include food, crime, sports, current events, arts and culture, and more. On Longreads, a section called Shortreads if you prefer having short articles to read.

  22. Differences between websites and journal articles

    Journal articles: The most important thing to remember is that an online journal article is not a website. A journal article that you find online should be cited just like a printed article, with the addition of a DOI. A DOI is a "digital object identifier" and represents an article's permanent location online.

  23. Pew finds a quarter of web pages vanish in the last decade

    The web is melting away like so many glaciers these days. A report published by the Pew Research Center finds that digital decay is erasing online news, Twitter/X posts, and web links.. The Pew team - Athena Chapekis, Samuel Bestvater, Emma Remy, and Gonzalo Rivero - found that 25 percent of web pages that existed at some point between 2013 and October 2023 no longer function.

  24. Amazon Web Services to invest $17.02 bln in data centres in Spain

    MADRID, May 22 (Reuters) - Tech giant Amazon's (AMZN.O) cloud computing unit AWS will invest 15.7 billion euros ($17.02 billion) in data centres in Spain's northeastern Aragon region, it said on ...

  25. Link Rot and Digital Decay on Government, News and Other Webpages

    But even as users across the world rely on the web to access books, images, news articles and other resources, this content sometimes disappears from view. ... 23% of news webpages contain at least one broken link, as do 21% of webpages from government sites. News sites with a high level of site traffic and those with less are about equally ...

  26. Boeing, Singapore Mishaps Spur Surge in Web Searches on Flight Safety

    A spate of high-profile airline accidents this year have left a lasting impression on the public. There was the fiery Japan Airlines runway collision on Jan. 2, followed days later by the Boeing ...

  27. Bing outage shows just how little competition Google search really has

    85. Bing, Microsoft's search engine platform, went down in the very early morning today. That meant that searches from Microsoft's Edge browsers that had yet to change their default providers didn ...

  28. Bing's API was down, taking Microsoft Copilot, DuckDuckGo and ChatGPT's

    Bing, Microsoft's search engine, was working improperly for several hours on Thursday in Europe. At first, we noticed it wasn't possible to perform a web search at all. Now it seems search ...

  29. Is the Internet bad for you? Huge study reveals surprise ...

    However, women aged 15-24 who reported having used the Internet in the past week were, on average, less happy with the place they live, compared with people who didn't use the web.