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Strategic Management Analysis: PT Bank Central Asia


PT Bank Central Asia is one of Indonesian Living Legend companies that operates in a finance sector of industry, with the sub sector of industry is banking, which has succeed in operating in many regions in Indonesia up to the international level. This bank that is more likely to be called as BCA, has ran the business for over than 63 years, which means that the bank has been innovated in the year of 1957. The successful of BCA now has a history behind it, with the founder was Liem Sioe Liong or also familiar with the name of Sudono Salim, he succeed to officially established BCA on 21 February 1957.

In order to grow BCA’s business, Sudono Salim worked together with Mochtar Riady, a businessman. The aim of him joined into the business operation of BCA was to help fixing any problem that occurred, such as how the business work, any strategies, repairing documents, and others. The other strategy that also implemented by BCA on their starting years was by collaborating with other bank, such as Bank Gemari. With the merger strategy with Bank Gemari, this made BCA succeed in becoming foreign exchange bank. Several years afterward, in the year of 1980s, BCA did another cooperation. At that time, they cooperated with MasterCard to invent credit card from BCA. This bank continued to grow. By their responsiveness about technology, in year 2000s, they quickly produced and offered debit card, credit card, mobile banking, Internet banking, flazz card, and others. But for the last few years, PT Bank Central Asia has shifted under the owner of Djarum group as they bought many shares of BCA.

Up to now, the key of BCA that can survive their business is because they understand well their customers and directly offer the suitable product. This is also reflected by their vision and mission. There are two things that BCA wants to become in the future, this bank company objectives are to be a bank that people always looking for as they stated that they want to become a bank of choice. Besides, BCA does not only seek for profit for their own selves, but they also want to become a company that contributes directly to the growing of Indonesian economy. Whereas their mission, some of the things that BCA concentrates and does now, are help their customers in doing the paying settlements and other financial activities. The second thing is they always try to increase their values. Moreover, they also know very well that their customers’ needs can be different withing each other, therefore, BCA provides many choices of products so that their customers can choose which of them is suitable based on their financial needs.

As stated previously, it is known that PT Bank Central Asia has definitely understand well the variety of customers. Hence, they created many products. BCA does not only look at individual as their customers, but also other companies or organizations. As for the individuals, according to their 2016 Annual Report, BCA succeed in becoming the choice for their customers by providing several products and services due to match it with the needs of their customers, with their target market is for customers from middle classes up to professionals. The variety of products and services ranges within the middle classes up to professionals, making it more niche which create another specific market segments. For instance, for a wealthier customer, BCA has its own other type of service that priorities them, which is called as BCA Prioritas. As mentioned before, BCA also serves other firms, companies, or organization. An example would be that BCA has a service which they offer loan for commercial and SME (small and medium – sized enterprises). With this service, BCA aims to help the business growth of other companies or help them in doing their business project, since implementing business needs a lot of money.

BCA can successfully engage many customers is also because the good marketing operation, such as technology and people. This company is very adaptive to the current trend and they see that technology always develop and will be a very important part on daily lives. This is proved by majority of people rely on Internet and their phones, and the number of users always increasing. Therefore, as for an example, BCA use this opportunity to extent their market by innovated m-banking, an application that can be accessed by customers only just through their phone. On the application, customers can do many financial activities, such as transacting to other customers, checking their balance, pay many things, and others. This is a good example that BCA see the opportunity in making an ease for the customers in doing financial activities and also a chance for BCA itself to engage more customers due to their concern of the customers’ needs.

Although BCA is very successful, this company has also competitors that operate in the same field, which is financial or bank industry. There are many bank companies in Indonesia, such as PT Bank Mandiri, PT Bank Bank Negara Indonesia, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, PT Bank CIMB Niaga, and still many others. But the most common competitors that compete with BCA are Bank Mandiri and BNI. BCA became one of the top banks alongside with those two competitors.

The succeed of BCA in offering the customers many choices of products and services, and also competing well with the competitors with the right strategies, those made BCA in receiving many awards. In 2019, BCA achieved 15 awards in just a single award ceremony, Contact Center Service Excellence Award. This award ceremony was observed based on customer satisfaction performance, which means that BCA has succeed in giving solution to the problems that occur withing the customers. Some of the award that BCA achieved on that ceremony were for its call center on platinum credit card, regular credit card, sharia banking, personal loan, life and health insurance, priority banking, and regular banking. Therefore, it could be seen that by implementing the right strategies and hard work, BCA can survive and succeed on the business.


In this chapter, it will be going to analyze PT Bank Central Asia rom several factors regarding the strategic management that they implement, such as the internal analysis, external analysis, business level strategy, competitive Rivalry, competitive dynamics, and diversification. These are the strategies that create BCA become one of the largest bank companies in Indonesia, which also the largest market value.

  • External Environment

The external environment means that factors from outside of the company that give impact toward the operational of the companies, which means that these can affecting the strategy and action that BCA should apply. It is divided into sections:

  • General Environment
  • Opportunities:

In the general environment, it considers about the opportunity that might help BCA in achieving their objectives. This focuses in Indonesia, where majority of people use technology regularly, moreover people are hardly enough to stay away from their phones. According to data from Statista , the number of people that use mobile phone had reaches 193.4 million in 2019. BCA can see this as an opportunity to provide better services through technology.

People need houses or apartments to live, but it costs a lot of money to own it or even just rent the living place. As this is a most important things that people should have, they will seek for loan to help them paying it first. Therefore, BCA can offer credit for helping them in owning or renting it. Still about credit, this is also can be an opportunity since people not only wanting houses, but they also are consumptive in wanting to purchase many needs and wants but cannot afford it directly with cash, such as phones, laptops, and bags. Therefore, they will tend to need credit in order to purchase it.

Unlike the opportunity, threat means something that would challenge BCA in growing their business. This would be the economic situation in Indonesia itself. The current news stated that the economic situation in Indonesia would grow negatively up to minus 1.5%. The offering products and services from other companies that become BCA’s competitors can be also a consideration of threat. In addition, the changes behavior of people on how they like to transact can be a threat, because BCA should adapt to it quickly before their competitors. Since many people need financial sector, ranges from young up to adult age, this also create differences on how they like to transact, pay, or save money.

  • Industry Environment
  • Threat of New Entrants

This threat can be either from new companies or others’ new products. As in bank industry, companies are competing in engaging customers by offering lower interest rate on the credit rather than other companies, lower selling rate of currencies, or even administration payment of each month for using the debit card.

  • Bargaining Power of Buyers

Customers will always want to have loan or credit from bank that offer lower interest rate. It seems that BCA is not the lowest one, but it has good services and responsibilities toward the customers. Reputation also become an important thing to be considered, such as the asset that BCA has for over Rp953.7trillion in March 2020, which making this company has a good reputation.

  • Threat of Substitute Products

This focuses more on the substitute products in financial terms that can be a threat for BCA. E-wallet has become a substitute for people in transacting with simpler way. As for an example, the m-bank from BCA has a competitor which is Ovo, an e-wallet that can does transfer to another bank account as well.

  • Internal Analysis

The internal analysis means that the factors that occur inside BCA that help in achieving the succeed of the company. There are strengths, factors that the company can offer and great on it, and weaknesses, things that are lacking on, from BCA.

There are many resources that BCA has. Human resources that BCA employed would be one of its. Those are the one who work internally to achieve BCA’s goals and making more profit. In 2015, BCA had recruited for nearly 24,000 of employees.

The other resources are the asset that BCA owns. With owning for more than Rp900 trillion in March, surprisingly, the recent news from Kompas.com , stated that BCA has owned Rp1.003.6 trillion on September.

  • Capabilities

Capabilities are how BCA can develop the resources that they have.  In order to maintain and grow their employees’ skills, many trainings are done, which usually conducted at BCA Learning Center. The training programs that BCA offers are related to how the bank companies operate, the service for payment settlement, how to do marketing, until other kind of programs like leadership, and personality development. Not forgetting the existence of technology, BCA also give training through it to make them adaptive and used to with the development of technology.

  • Core Competencies

Due to the training and development of the employees are very well from BCA, this makes a good reflection on how the workers think and offer the products and services to the customers. It is proved by this bank company succeed in becoming one of the companies that has good services and one of the best banks. By also adaptive with the technology trend, BCA becomes one of the companies that offer the product through it wisely and quickly knows customers’ needs, by the help of their research and development team.

  • Competitive Advantage

To create the competitive advantage, BCA offers several values. As it has mentioned before, BCA has a plus value by becoming a company with best customer services. This is a value that makes BCA shines more than the competitors. Other than that, BCA offers several products that fits with several customers, which making it a competitive advantage too. For instance, for the debit card, they have it ranges for school student until professionals.

Although there are many strengths, BCA also has weakness. As this company is very concern about technology and see that it can be an opportunity to make customer easier in transacting and also a chance for them to gain more profit, BCA seems to forget that there are still many Indonesian that not really into technology. For instance, many of them still not using m-bank from BCA, they prefer to go directly to ATM to transfer their money. This means that maybe the promotion about it has not yet go to many of them. In addition, the physical service is still slow, they are nice but slow due to the customers that come to the office are too many compares with the customer services.

  • Business Level Strategy

Every company has its own strategy that best fits with them, to achieve their goals. Business strategy is the way of company to take action on offering their products by gaining competitive management. There are these five business level strategies which are cost leadership, differentiation, focused cost leadership, and focused differentiation.

The same way goes to PT Bank Central Asia or BCA, which also has strategy. On the Five Business Level Strategies analysis, it is believed that BCA is using the differentiation strategy. It is not a cost leadership strategy, because BCA does not offer a low cost for the customers. In fact, they offer special products and services, therefore, they are using differentiation of business level strategy.

This is proved by these factors:

  • Deposit Interest

BCA is one of the banks that set a high percentage of deposit interest, which is 4.1%. But, according to (Kinerja Bank, 2019), BCA came to the third upper position on the asset total. This means that although the deposit interest rate is high, there are many customers that trust this bank and use it to become their place in doing financial activities, such as to gain loan or to have saving accounts. It is can be seen that they provide good services that suits many of customers.

  • Variety of products

BCA offers variety of products to help the customers’ financial life that can fit with their own needs. Each of deposit, credit card, credit facilities, and bank assurance has many different types, so that customers can choose which one matches their needs. They also have sophisticated E-banking that make an easier way for customers to do transaction. An example would be BCA has a product called as Tahapan Xpresi, which is focuses for teenagers or young people.

This is also a plus value of BCA. They locate their offices in several places to make an ease for their customers to be facilitated. Therefore, customers will not have a difficulty in approaching the office. This is very important, because most people tend to be happier if the location is near to them rather than having to go for a far distance.

Other than the office, BCA also locates their ATM at many places. People can often find it at shopping centers, supermarkets, minimarkets, and even there are several schools and campuses that has BCA’s ATM. This makes many people can easily do transaction that requires to do it via ATM.

Achieving award is also a proof that they succeed in offering their products and services. The newest award is on March 2020. They achieved two awards, which are Top SME Lender and Best Bank in Mortgage, as a result of maintaining and increasing their performance.

  • Competitive Rivalry

Competitive rivalry is a set of action in which business make among the direct competitors, such as in terms of market and products, and also how they response to each other. Every companies must have these, including PT Bank Central Asia. As this company is included as a bank industry, it must be competed with other bank companies.

Hence, these are the analysis on PT Bank Central Asia’s competitive rivalry:

  • Competitors analysis

As it has been stated before, the competitors of PT Bank Central Asia, or BCA, would be other banks too. Specifically, private bank since BCA is also a private bank. Here are several lists of the top BCA’s competitors:

  • Mandiri: It is believed that Mandiri is the top competitor of BCA. After comparing their products with BCA, through website, it could be seen that they offer the same products. Those of them are savings, loans, E-banking, credit card, remittance, and invest & assurance.
  • BNI: According to com , BNI also a top competitor of BCA. By taking one place rank under BCA, this makes BNI one of the tough competitors. With having several same products, such as savings, loans, credit card.
  • BRI: In Indonesia, BRI sits the first rank of having the most assets among other private banks. Therefore, this is also another BCA’s competitors. Link the previous bank that has mentioned, BRI has similar products to offer.
  • Awareness (Drivers of Competitive) Analysis:

BCA is very aware about any challenges that might happen in the future. Therefore, they are willing to adapt easily with the current trend or situation. For that reason, this makes BCA as one of the banks that innovate new method in financial term in Indonesia. The main important things for them are considering customer’s behavior and technology. Hence, BCA can gain competitive advantage by being aware of the surrounding.

  • Motivation (Drivers of Competitive) Analysis:

BCA using their customers loyalty as their motivation. According to them, gaining customer loyalty is not that easy. Therefore, if they can receive it, then they have to maintain and develop it. By the development, hence, they can gain business growth and compete well.

  • Ability (Drivers of Competitive) Analysis:

In order to gain competitive advantage among the competitors, BCA hire skillful human resources. A business would not succeed without the help of the internal workers. In 2018, BCA has recruited approximately five thousand workers. Through training and other soft-skill programs for the employees, BCA can be popular with its nice service.

  • Likelihood of Attack Analysis:

Based on the previous analysis, it could be concluded that BCA is a first mover. This is because BCA are willing to adapt with the current trend, specifically technology and customers behavior. This means that BCA always try to find new way to be the first firm that can innovate new method in doing financial importance. In terms of advertisement, BCA is very active through social media. In addition, this is also to prevent any challenges from competitors.

  • Type of Competitive Action (Likelihood of Action) Analysis:

This would be consisted of the marketing, new product, service that can gain competitive advantage. In terms of marketing, BCA are active in introducing its products to the customers and know well what product is best to be innovated. The service is also well-known with its fast respond and nice.

  • Actor’s Reputation (likelihood of Action) Analysis:

It is believed that BCA takes the action of looking from the previous action and forecasting the future. This create a quick action made, in order to response competitors.

  • Dependence on the Market (Likelihood of Action) Analysis:

BCA is one of the largest bank company in Indonesia. By having one of the most assets among the competitors, this proved that BCA has the “power” on the market. In Indonesia, BCA positioned as the third bank in 2019.

  • International Strategy:

BCA does not only operate domestically, but they also expand their business to the international level. The services include trade and remittance. In order to do that, BCA gain support from several international bank. The remittance and trade services are very beneficial for other companies as BCA’s customers.

  • Recognition (Competitive Advantage) Analysis:

BCA has run their business for over 63 years with the strong positioning of their products. The key of success behind it is that they offer their unique value to the customers. They understand that customers have different needs. Therefore, they provide different type of products with a good service. In addition, they engage technology more to make an ease for the customers in doing transaction or any other financial activities.

  • Competitive Dynamics

This differs into several types of competitive dynamics. BCA is considered as a fast-cycle markets . This is proved by BCA is very responsive and adaptive to any changes that occur from the external environment. They use technology wisely, by becoming it as their products and also services. Moreover, BCA understand that many of the customers come from variety of segmentation, hence, they provide many products that also varies. These aim so that BCA can be used by many kind of people. Therefore, they can cope new market. In other word, BCA is very likely to speed up and accept the new market entry, following the fast development of their products and services. This is because new market must be given new products that suits them. Therefore, BCA has their research and development team in order to always know what is the next thing to invent.

  • Corporate Strategy ( Type of Diversification)

Corporate strategy is a set of strategy about how the firm manage their businesses, such as how they gain benefits from those businesses. There goes the same way with PT Bank Central Asia. This company has several products that can be used differently. Therefore, BCA creates segments of their business according to the customers’ needs:

  • Transaction Banking

The transaction banking of BCA includes the transaction through the Internet and mobile. The most common tool that are used by the customers are the M-Bank and BCA machine, ATM. BCA is well-known with their various types of saving accounts, such as Xpresi, Gold, and Tapres. They also notice that they can gain more revenue by collaborating with other companies from different industries, like Ovo, Gojek, Dana, Tokopedia, Traveloka, Starbucks, Tiket.com, and many others. As many customers use BCA to transact their money, for about 22 million transaction, it created 27 thousand trillion of Rupiah are transacted. From this transaction banking, BCA receives an income of 21.08 trillion of Rupiah.

  • Corporate Banking

BCA also offer the service of corporate banking, in which BCA provide facilities for the customers for lending activities. BCA offers the customers with the best interest rate and they seek for customers with quality. In Indonesia, BCA become one of the largest banking company in terms of lending. They gain approximately 78 trillion of Rupiah from the corporate lending.

  • Commercial and SME Banking

This commercial and SME Banking is the loan that is given for business inquiries. The strategy that BCA use to create competitive advantage is that to lower the interest rate in order to receive more demand. By the strategy that BCA apply, it made BCA achieve income for about Rp 149.3 trillion. In this service, BCA also improves their performance because they also provide the knowledge about the importance of cash management. Therefore, SMEs not only gain loan, but also knowledge to be better in managing their cash.

  • Individual Banking

The individual banking is the second main product of PT Bank Central Asia. This individual banking includes mortgage, loans, credit cards, saving accounts, and bancassurance. BCA is very well in understanding that the customers’ needs are different, also in terms of financial things. Therefore, BCA create several types of each of the individual banking. With the most demand is mortgage loan that reaches 82.1 trillion of Rupiah.

From these, it can be concluded that PT Bank Central Asia type of diversification is moderate to high level. With various segments of businesses that BCA has, there is no significant gap in terms of revenue between them. The dominant business, which is transaction banking, holds less than 70% of the revenue. Besides, this is included as related linked type, because not all of the businesses are related together. For example, the segment of commercial and SME banking is not linked together with the individual banking, since it is objected for different purpose.


From the analysis above, it could be concluded that PT Bank Central Asia is truly a living legend company in Indonesia that has been operating its business as a financial or bank industry for such a long time. 63 years of them operating is not a short time. This company that was established and found by Liem Sioe Liong, the father of Salim Group, becom a company that can run for a very long time due to several strategies that they conduct. The bank that often called as BCA, able to stick with their vision and mission of becoming choice for people and help Indonesian company, by increasing their values, becoming solutions for many people’s financial activities, and also offering many products and services for different customers.

With the external environment that exist around BCA, such as people that are keeping more attached with technologies, people always seek for lower rate for saving or loan, and the competitors that has the same products or even a substitute product, BCA can overcome the outside challenges wisely with their internal factors. The internal factors would be their human resources and trainings for them to create a skillful and adaptive employee, especially in terms of technology and how to respond customers. By the understanding toward customers’ variety about their needs, this make BCA is suitable for individuals and also other firms / organizations. They offer several segments, such as individual banking, transaction banking, corporate banking, and commercial and SME banking. Each of these types has its own branches according to what kind of people or firms to be served.

The products and services that are the results of BCA’s understanding toward the customers is made in order to gain competitive advantage among the competitors. Although that BCA is one of the largest bank companies in Indonesia, they also face many competitors. The competitors that often occur to be compared with BCA are PT Bank Mandiri (Mandiri), PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI). Although many people are seeking for lower rate, BCA is actually not offering this, but the company still considered as one of the top companies that gain many total assets. This means that even though the interest rate from BCA is relatively high, many customers still use the services from BCA. Hence, this prove that BCA is very trust-worthy in handling customers’ financial needs.

Every companies must have weakness, because there is no perfect in terms of fulfilling customers’ needs and wants. The same way goes for PT Bank Central Asia. Even though their services have got attention from several parties, making it the best services, they are still lacking in terms of the office. There are still a lot of customers that prefer to ask regarding the products directly to the office, not through the phone calls or website. This made the office often full of customers and they have to queue for a long time. This is also triggered by the phone calls that almost often does not picked up by the customers service due to lots of customers. In hence, this should be solved by BCA. For instance, maybe they could recruit more customer services. It is also important to differentiate customer services that for serving customers in office and customer services that specialized in picking up phone calls from the customers. Other problem that need to be considered would be the existence of e-wallet application that starts to shift people’s way of transferring their money or paying something. Therefore, BCA should take a look more on their m-bank. A suggestion would be corporate more with many e-commerce, such as Shopee, and Tokopedia, by developing their m-bank. Focusing on the m-bank will hopefully can keep up within the competition with the e-wallet companies. All in all, the best that BCA can do is by fixing the service and make it better. It is believed that the best services and products can engage more customers and make them loyal, without thinking about the price that BCA offer to them. Therefore, they might train or give compensation more to the employees.


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Last updated : October 19, 2021 00:00

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Pt bank central asia tbk (bbca.jk), key executives, pt bank central asia tbk, description.

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, together with its subsidiaries, provides banking products and services to individual, corporate, and small and medium enterprise customers in Indonesia and internationally. It offers savings accounts; motorcycle financing and vehicle, housing, and personal loans; mutual funds and bonds; insurance, including property, life, accident, auto, health, education, retirement, travel, and heritage protection; electronic money services; credit cards; business collection services; and eBanking, remittance, and customer services. The company also provides investment financing and business, investment, multipurpose business, and working capital loans; corporate financial management solutions; and treasury and custodian services, such as fixed income, custodian, money market, and foreign currency services. In addition, it offers auto and multipurpose financing, money lending and remittance, securities brokerage dealing and securities issuance underwriting, general insurance, Sharia banking, and venture capital services. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk was founded in 1955 and is headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk operates as a subsidiary of PT Dwimuria Investama Andalan.

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GDP Growth Q1-2024  5.11%  (y/y)

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Central Bank BI 7-Day Reverse Repo April 2024 6.25%

Bank Central Asia

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) is Indonesia’s largest lender by market value and the second largest bank by assets. The bank has experienced a remarkable recovery from the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s when the Indonesian banking system almost went bankrupt. In terms of market capitalization, BCA is one of the largest companies in Indonesia. It provides both commercial and personal banking services through its 1000-plus branches across the country. BCA is partly controlled by the Djarum Group, one of Indonesia’s largest conglomerates, with its businesses ranging from cigarette manufacturing to property development and management.

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Stock Quote Bank Central Asia - BBCA:

Business Summary

BCA offers both individual and business products and services. Its individual products and services consist of savings accounts, electronic banking, credit cards, bank assurance, investment products, consumer credit products, remittance, collection and safe deposit facilities. Its business products and services consist of BCA trade, savings accounts, working capital loans, investment loans and bank guarantees for small and medium- sized enterprises, as well as for corporate customers.

Bank Central Asia's Operational Highlights:

¹ in thousands Source: Bank Central Asia, Annual Report 2017

Bank Central Asia's Financial Highlights:

in billion IDR rupiah, except otherwise indicated ¹ in IDR rupiah ² gross Source: Bank Central Asia, Annual Report 2017

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Projection Bank Central Asia's Future Corporate Earnings:

in billion IDR rupiah, except otherwise indicated Source: Mirae Asset Sekuritas (20.06.2020)

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Contact Details

Menara BCA 20th Floor, Grand Indonesia Jalan M.H. Thamrin No. 1 Jakarta - 10310 Phone: +62 21 2358 8000 Fax: +62 21 2358 8300 www.klikbca.com

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Commercial Bank of Moscow (MOSCOMBANK) is a privately owned full-service universal bank, active in retail, corporate and SME banking, and headquartered in Moscow. The Bank has a Banking License to conduct financial operations No. 3172, issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. MOSCOMBANK is a member of the Russian Savings Deposit Insurance System.

HQ: Moscow, Russia Founded: 1994 ID: 2187. Updated: 19.10.2015

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  • Key people: Mr. Yuriy Y. Karavaev (Chairman)
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PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Third Quarter 2021 Results - Solid Performance to Support Economic Recovery

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Jakarta, 21 October 2021 – PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (IDX: BBCA) and its subsidiaries reported solid financial performance for the first nine months of 2021. Loan disbursement grew stronger at 13.8% YoY in line with BCA’s commitment to support economic recovery. On the funding side, current accounts and savings accounts (CASA) achieved year-on-year growth of 21.0% in September 2021. Supported by this positive credit performance and strong CASA growth, BCA recorded a net profit of Rp23.2 trillion in the first nine months of 2021, an increase of 15.8% YoY. 

“We appreciate the Government's efforts to handle the spread of covid-19 in Indonesia, among others by accelerating the vaccination program, allowing business activities started to rise along with increased mobility. The extended period of tax relaxation policies in the property and automotive sector helped the public's purchasing power. Along with the rollout of the Government’s stimulus, BCA again held BCA Online Mortgage Expo from September 9 to October 10, after the previous expo held in July 2021. BCA also hosted the BCA Vehicle Financing Virtual Mall , presented special offers for the retail segment. These events, which were held throughout the third quarter of the year, demonstrated our optimism in supporting credit distribution and national economic recovery despite all the challenges,” said Jahja Setiaatmadja, President Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. 

New disbursed loans outweighed loan repayment, allowing total outstanding loans grew by 4.1% to Rp605.9 trillion in September 2021. Placement in corporate bonds also grew positive, by 16.1% YoY. In total, BCA’s combined portfolio of loans and corporate bonds increased 4.5% YoY to Rp630.2 trillion. The loan growth was supported by improving demand from the corporate segment and mortgages, with credit in these two segments rising 7.1% YoY and 6.5% YoY respectively to reach Rp269.9 trillion and Rp95.1 trillion. In the same period, commercial and SME loans rebounded, increasing 1.5% YoY to Rp185.4 trillion. Meanwhile, vehicle financing fell 7.6% YoY to Rp35.6 trillion, but we have seen lower rate of decline compared to earlier period. The outstanding balance on credit cards and others rose 1.2% YoY to Rp13.9 trillion. Overall consumer portfolio recovered with an increase of 2.1% YoY to Rp144.7 trillion. 

“BCA always emphasizes environmental, social, and governance (ESG) values in all of its activities, marked by a 25.6% YoY growth in sustainable financing, reaching Rp143.1 trillion. This amount represented 23.6% of the total loan portfolio, such as financing to the SME, natural resources and sustainable land use, and renewable energy,” said Jahja Setiaatmadja. 

On the third party funds side, BCA recorded a solid performance in the third quarter of 2021. CASA rose 21.0% YoY to reach Rp721.8 trillion as of September 2021. Meanwhile, time deposits also increased 9.7% YoY to Rp201.9 trillion. Overall, third party funds increased by 18.3% to Rp 923.7 trillion, propelling total assets to grow 16.5% YoY to reach Rp 1,169.3 trillion. This solid CASA funding was supported by BCA’s strong performance in the transaction banking that saw growing digital ecosystem and larger customer base. As of September 2021, CASA contributed to 78.1% of total third party funds. BCA processed 45.7 million transactions per day on average in the first nine months of 2021, up 39.2% from the same period last year, and the highest increase in the last three years. 

Along with solid liquidity growth and increasing outstanding loans, BCA maintained positive growth in Net Interest Income, up 3.3% YoY to Rp42.2 trillion, for the first nine months of 2021. Non-interest income was recorded at Rp15.5 trillion during the same period, a growth of 2.4% YoY. The positive performance of non-interest income was driven in part by a 11.2% increase year-on-year in fee and commission income, which reached Rp10.7 trillion. In total, operating income was recorded at Rp57.6 trillion, an increase of 3.1% YoY. Overall, net profit grew 15.8% YoY to Rp23.2 trillion, attributable to lower operating cost and lower loan provisioning expense. 

BCA’s financial ratios remained solid with Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of 26.2%, higher than the regulatory requirement, and liquidity remained ample with Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) of 62.0%. Non-performing loan ratio (NPL) was manageable at 2.4%, supported by the relaxation of restructuring policy. Return on Assets (ROA) was recorded at 3.5%, and Return on Equity (ROE) at 18.7%. Loan at Risk (LAR) fell to 17.1% in the first nine months of 2021, from 19.1% in the first half of 2021. 

Embracing digital innovation, after launching “myBCA” apps and “blu”, the apps of our subsidiary Bank Digital BCA, we rolled out “haloBCA” apps and “merchantBCA” apps in July 2021. The haloBCA application integrates all contact center channels, allowing customers to contact Halo BCA via online calls without pulse charges, e-mails, chats, and social media venue. The merchantBCA application provides digital solution for customers to manage and run their business. Through this application, BCA’s merchant customers can apply for EDCs and QRIS on 24 hours basis, monitor EDC and QRIS transactions through dashboard, and download historical transaction records. In September 2021, BCA increased capital of its subsidiary, Bank Digital BCA, by Rp2.7 trillion to reach Rp4.0 trillion. With stronger capital, BCA Digital aims to provide various needs of customers through relentless innovations, and to expand its digital ecosystem. 

During the enforcement of Mobility Restriction policy, BCA also took an active role in supporting the government's efforts to curb the pandemic, as well as prioritizing the safety of employees and customers. BCA adjusted its work from home policy in accordance with government regulations and promoted “Banking from Home”. In order to support the national vaccination program, BCA implemented “Gotong Royong” program for employees. Furthermore, BCA also actively contributed to the provision of vaccination centers for people in various regions, collaborating with the government and relevant authorities. As of September 2021, more than 95% of BCA employees received at least the first dose of vaccine. In total, BCA has distributed vaccines to more than 150,000 recipients, including both employees and their families as well as the general public.

BCA's 2021 Third-Quarter Results – Bank Central Asia's (BCA) President Commissioner Djohan Emir Setijoso (second right), President Director Jahja Setiaatmadja (middle), Deputy President Director Suwignyo Budiman (right), Director Rudy Susanto (left), Director Vera Eve Lim (second left), Director Subur Tan (front), and Director Santoso (behind) at the presentation of BCA's 2021 third-quarter results in Jakarta, Thursday (21/10). In the third quarter of 2021, the bank's net profit increased by 15,8% YoY up to Rp23.2 trillion. The bank also recorded a solid performance in Third-Party Funds. CASA rose by 21.0% YoY up to Rp721.8 trillion in September 2021. Time Deposits increased by 9.7% YoY up to Rp201.9 trillion. Third-Party Funds increased by 18.3% to Rp 923.7 trillion, with total assets growing by 16.5% YoY up to Rp 1,169.3 trillion. 

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BCA's 2021 Third Quarter Results – BCA's Corporate Secretary Raymon Yonarto (right), Secretariat & Corporate Communication Executive Vice President Hera F. Haryn (left), and Investor Relations Senior Vice President Rudy Budiardjo (middle) at the presentation of the bank's 2021 third-quarter results in Jakarta, Thursday (21/10).

About PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (as of 30 September 2021)

BCA is one of the leading commercial banks in Indonesia with the core business of transaction banking. BCA also offers a full range of financial services in consumer, SME, commercial and corporate segments. As of September 2021, BCA has the privilege of serving more than 26 million customer accounts, processing around 46 million of daily transactions through a network of 1,237 branches; 17,913 ATMs as well as the 24-hour internet & mobile banking systems; supported by 24/7 Halo BCA contact center. BCA’s presence is complemented by a number of subsidiaries focusing on vehicle financing, sharia banking, securities, general and life insurance, digital bank, remittance as well as venture capital business. BCA is committed to building lasting relationship with customers, putting people first, and making positive impact on society at large. With more than 25,000 employees, BCA's vision is to be the bank of choice and a major pillar of the Indonesia economy.

PT BANK CENTRAL ASIA TBK Corporate Secretary & Communication Public Relations

Address : Jl. MH Thamrin No.1, Menara BCA Lt. 20. Jakarta 10310

Telepon : (021) 2358-8000

Fax : (021) 2358-8339

E-mail : [email protected]

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Hubungi biro humas bca pt bank central asia tbk group corporate communication and social responsibility - csr corporate communication jl. m.h. thamrin no. 1 menara bca lt. 22 jakarta 10310 [email protected] (021) 2358 8000 (021) 2358-8339.

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Dengan mengklik ‘Lanjutkan’, Anda akan diarahkan menuju website di luar www.bca.co.id yang tidak terafiliasi dengam BCA dan mungkin memiliki tingkat sekuriti yang berbeda. BCA tidak bertanggung jawab dan tidak mendukung, menjamin, mengendalikan konten, mengendalikan ketersediaan dan perspektif atas produk-produk atau layanan-layanan yang ditawarkan atau dinyatakan oleh website tersebut.


Moscow, April 21, 2010

Aug 23, 2014

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Opportunities and development in the current global crisis Ute Kochlowski-Kadjaia, Euler Hermes Russia. Moscow, April 21, 2010. Contents. Role and Function of Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) Crisis Response – Consequences for ECAs Cover Policy for Russia Conclusion. Mandatary business.

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Presentation Transcript

Opportunities and development in the current global crisisUte Kochlowski-Kadjaia, Euler Hermes Russia Moscow, April 21, 2010

Contents • Role and Function of Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) • Crisis Response – Consequences for ECAs • Cover Policy for Russia • Conclusion

Mandatary business Federal Export Credit Guarantees By order and for account of the Federal Republic of Germany as leading partner cooperating as partners to a consortium

Interministerial Committee for Export Guarantees (IMA) BMF Federal Ministryof Finance AA Federal Foreign Office IMA BMWi Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology(in charge) BMZ Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Consortium Euler Hermes PricewaterhouseCoopers Experts - KfW IPEX-Bank - AKA Ausfuhrkredit-Gesellschaft - Representatives of export and banking

Definition Export Credit Guarantees Insurance against • the political / commercial risks arising abroad • involved in export business (or export financing) • transacted by an exporter domiciled in Germany • provided by the Federal Republic of GermanyIt requires • the payment of a premium in accordance with the risk involved and • an uninsured portion to be borne by the policy holder

Requirements for Export Credit Guarantees • Business that qualifies for official support • Export transactions (supply, works/services and financing contracts) of a German exporter with goods of mainly German origin involving non-marketable risks abroad • Criteria for the granting of cover are • that the transaction is eligible for support • that the risk is justifiable • that the terms of the contract are in accordance with common practice • that the provisions of the federal budget law are observed

NEWLY COVERED BUSINESS in Euro billions 22.4 20.6 20.7 19.8 17.0


BREAKDOWN OF SPECIFIC POLICIES BY TYPE OF SECTORS in Euro millions and in % thereof: aircraft: 21% ships: 19% thereof: metal industry: 16% Total: 15,156 EUR millions

Types of export guarantees – extract • Cover facilities • Single export cover/tied loan cover (pre and post shipment) • Framework credit cover • Revolving buyer credit cover • Project financing • Structured financing including countertrade business • Cover in local currency • Cover against payment defaults for confirmed L/C • Whole turnover cover

German exporter Foreign buyer Export contract/delivery If necessary: buyer involvement in payment obligations Disbursement of buyer credit German bank Foreign bank Loan contract Repayment Types of export guarantees I Tied loan cover Local contract

Types of export guarantees II Framework credit cover • Targets • Financial credits for smaller transactions • More flexible and quicker • Criteria for cover • Credit volumeup to EUR 10m per single transaction • Currencyframework and single contract must be the same • International standards e.g. consensus must be considered

Types of export guarantees III Revolving buyer credit cover • Contract between a German and a foreign bank to finance transactions between one German exporter and one foreign importer • Payment terms on short term basis (up to 12 months, in exceptional cases up to 24 months) • Policy period is one year and will be automatically extended if notice of termination is not given • Targets • Cover of short term credits • More flexible and quicker

Foreign ContentInclusion of non-German sub deliveries In general: Export guarantees are granted to promote German export goods, but… • … a product receiving a German certificate of origin is considered as German. • … foreign content is acceptable in principle. Local costs and foreign content can amount to 30% (base rate) of the contact value without any statements. Exceeding the base rate is possible under certain circumstances.

Foreign Content – Reinsurance I Background • Main supply and subcontracting deliveries will be covered by one credit insurer • The value of the subcontracting deliveries will be reinsured by the credit insurer for goods sourced from his country • Resulting in • One policyholder • One credit insurer • One cover • One cover scheme = One stop shop

ASHR´A (Israel) Atradius (Netherlands) CESCE (Spain) COFACE (France) COSEC (Portugal) ECGD (Great Britain) EDC (Canada) EFIC (Australia) EGAP (Czech Republic) EKF (Denmark) EKN (Sweden) FINNVERA (Finland) GIEK (Norway) KUKE (Poland) NEXI (Japan) ODL (Luxemburg) OeKB (Austria) ONDD (Belgium) SACE (Italy) SERV (Switzerland) SID (Slovenia) US Ex-Im Bank (U.S.A) Foreign Content – Reinsurance II German ECA: 21 reinsurance agreements with other ECAs

Challenge for ECAs The major challenge for ECAs in a world characterised by a financial and increasingly economic crisis is to find a balance between… • ... a prudent and responsible • administration of the German • government‘s and taxpayer‘s • money • grant cover after a thorough • evaluation of the risks involved • …and the objective of promoting • the economy, in our case • especially German exports • accept risks despite the global economic turbulences

Crisis response – Consequences on ECAs I During the crisis ECAs were forced to act counter-cyclically and flexibly. • Substantial increase in demand for ECA cover in combination with ECA related government action against the crisis • ECAs are approached by new customers and are getting involved in new industry sectors and/or buyer countries such as EU and other OECD countries Cover is sought for risks that used to be perceived as save

Crisis response – Consequences on ECAs II • Governments response with new/amended insurance products and cover policies in order to facilitate export finance • (Re-)Entry of ECAs in the field of marketable risks (short term cover for EU and OECD countries) due to restrictions of the private credit insurance market ECAs are extending their umbrella – rather than closing it

Crisis response –New and amended products I • German Government launched a package of new cover • regulations embedded in the Economic Stimulus Plan II. • Supplier Credit Guarantee • Increased percentage of cover up to 95 % to reduce refinancing costs • Credit Confirmation Risk Cover • Newly established instrument to stabilize L/C business • Banks can insure themselves against the risks involved in the confirmation of a letter of credit that has been issued to finance an export transaction by a German company

Crisis response –New and amended products II • German Government launched a package of new cover • regulations embedded in the Economic Stimulus Plan II. • Contract Bonding • Increased single limit of cover from EUR 80 to EUR 300 million to ease exporter’s liquidity position, as it helps to ease the pressure on the exporter’s credit line • Securitisation Guarantee in relation to the KfW Refinancing Program • Facilitating access to long-term funding for banks arranging Hermescovered transactions. • Banks sell their covered receivables (from existing and new loans) to KfW and make fresh funds available for the financing of new business covered under Federal Export Credit Guarantees

The crisis so far • Despite a double-digit decrease in German exports in 2009 as well as cancellations and postponement of many projects cover volume is expected to rise • Both standard and new products contributed to this result • During the crisis, ECA-covered financing has gained tremendous importance • ECAs have proved to be a reliable partner and will continue giving support to maintain and where necessary restore trust in global financial systems and trade relationships.

Policies regarding the analyses of banks I • Apart from generally accepted banks, still case by case analysis • No general rejection of any CIS country • Detailed information regarding ownership structure • In-depth insight into the respective bank‘s risk management

Policy regarding analysis of banks II • Financial Statements (preferentially according to IFRS) for 3rd Quarter 2008 • Securities portfolio • Detailed overview of liquidity situation • Exposure to currency risks • Matching Maturities • Proportion of ‘Loans to customers’ in foreign currencies and assessment of customers’ ability to pay back such loans • Detailed overview of ‘Loans to Individuals‘ • Exposure to real estate sector • Impairment provisions

Russia – cover policy • Generally open for short-term transactions (examination of creditworthiness) • Criteria / securities for credit business transactions: • State guarantee • Corporate risk • Additional securities not required in cases of excellent standing of the buyer • Bank guarantee • Generally accepted banks: 15 banks such as VTB, Sberbank, Vnesheconombank, Gazprombank or Alfa Bank • Other banks on a case-by-case basis (about 50 banks so far) • In general involvement of the Russian buyer in the payment obligations • Premium category 4

Russia – cover volume for recent years (in million EUR)

German ECA underwriting volume (long term) for Russia by type of security %

Russia – recent experience • Only very few covered banks have not been able to meet their obligations so far • Strong effort by the Russian government to support system relevant banks • Further consolidation of the banking sector is nevertheless to be expected in 2009 Russia will remain a major partner in the years to come

Conclusion Due to the current challenges and difficulties ECA-covered financing has gained tremendous importance. ECAs will be a reliable partner and will give support to maintain and where necessary restore trust in global financial systems and trade relationships. Russia and CIS will remain major partners also in the years to come.

Thank you for your attention! • Vorname Name • Unternehmen • Tel.: • E-Mail: • Further information is provided under: • Hotline: +49 (0) 40/88 34-90 00 • [email protected]

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21 April 2010

21 April 2010

Growing and packing citrus to meet export market requirements. 21 April 2010. Discussion points. Pre-plant investigation Post plant critical points Production practices Picking and handling activities Packing process. Pre-plant investigation. Ensure investment is economically viable

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Moscow, 11 February 2010

Moscow, 11 February 2010

International Seminar of the Commission of the Customs Union on the Application of the Provisions of the Customs Union Code within the Single Customs Territory of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. Moscow, 11 February 2010.

618 views • 21 slides

April 21

April 21. Turn revised papers in (Character & other short story analysis) Introduction to drama “Reading a Play” p. 807 “Modes of Drama” p. 828 Oedipus the King p.853. “Reading a Play” Chapter 31. Play Dialogue Advantages Conventions Structure Read Trifles p. 809.

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April 21

April 21. If you were absent 4/13-4/21, you need to get a Ch 29 note sheet from your teacher and fill out to prepare for our unit test. You may sign out a book at the end of the day or read the chapter online on my home page. Was Alexander’s title “the Great” justified? Read pg. 289 – 291

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April 21

April 21. Turn revised papers in (Character & other short story analysis) Introduction to drama “Reading a Play” p. 807 “Modes of Drama” p. 828 Oedipus the King p.853 Homework:

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April 21, 2010

April 21, 2010

April 21, 2010. Vocabulary Instruction. What do you know about vocabulary instruction?. VOCABULARY.

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Moscow, 21 June 2006

Moscow, 21 June 2006

Off Portal Strategy Experiences from Gallery in France. Vincent Roger [email protected]. Moscow, 21 June 2006. Mobibase and Off Portal Strategy. A unique Positioning.

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April 21, 2010

AMS Low-Income Programs Market Meeting. April 21, 2010. Why Are We Here?. The Commission included funds in the AMS Surcharges of AEP Texas, CenterPoint Energy, and Oncor to cover the costs of: providing in-home monitors to low-income customers, the associated administrative costs, and

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Moscow , Russia April 1, 2010

Moscow , Russia April 1, 2010

Russian Annual Meeting of Energy Regulator s. Comparison of key objectives, tasks and problems facing the EU and non-EU ERRA member energy regulators. Moscow , Russia April 1, 2010. d r. Gábor Szörényi Chairman of ERRA Director of Hungarian Energy Office.

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EWEC Warsaw, April 21, 2010

EWEC Warsaw, April 21, 2010

Wind – key developments. Rabobank: Current wind market developments from a bankers’ point of view. EWEC Warsaw, April 21, 2010 Marc Schmitz Senior Vice President, Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Finance. Introducing Rabobank. 9.5 million clients. EUR 568bn Total Assets.

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SACE in Russia Sace Moscow office 21 th April 2010

SACE in Russia Sace Moscow office 21 th April 2010

SACE in Russia Sace Moscow office 21 th April 2010. Our strengths. Over 30 years of providing risk management solutions to small and medium-sized businesses and large corporations. EXPERIENCE. Aa2 credit rating (Moody’s) Shareholders’ equity: € 5.9 Bn. FINANCIAL SOUNDNESS.

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Connectathon DoHA Overview 21 April 2010

Connectathon DoHA Overview 21 April 2010

Connectathon DoHA Overview 21 April 2010. Janine Bevan Director Clinical Communications eHealth Strategy Branch Department of Health and Ageing. National E-Health Strategy. Path to Connectathon. March - September 2009 Working group to develop web services messaging specification

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World Regional Geography April 21, 2010

World Regional Geography April 21, 2010

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PHOTONICA’2011. Lasers, Optics and Application. The 6-th international specialized exhibition for laser, optical and optoelectronic technologies. APRIL 18-21, 2011 EXPOCENTRE FAIRGROUNDS MOSCOW, RUSSIA www.photonics-expo.ru. PHOTONICA. The Unique Event for Russian Laser Industry.

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Moscow, July 9, 2010

Moscow, July 9, 2010

JTC Petroleum Co. v. Piasa Motor Fuels, Inc. , 179 F.3d 1073 (7th Cir. 1999), superceded by 190 F.3d 775 (7th Cir. 1999). Moscow, July 9, 2010. Douglas H. Ginsburg. Alleged Cartel. Contractor 1. Contractor 2. Contractor 3. Contractor 4. Contractor 5. plaintiff. defendants

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21 April 2010

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Moscow April 27, 2016

Moscow April 27, 2016

The use of indicators for evaluation and policy making. Giorgio Sirilli Research Associate. Moscow April 27, 2016. Outline of the presentation. STI indicators Science and technology policy Evaluation the need the socio-political dimension cost experience of Italy

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Credit Bank of Moscow seeks to buy back up to $200M in loan participation notes

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Banking Essentials Newsletter: 17th April Edition

Banking Essentials Newsletter: 7th February Edition

  • 23 Mar, 2020
  • Author Beata Fojcik
  • Theme Banking

CBOM Finance, at the request of PAO Credit Bank of Moscow, launched an invitation to repurchase up to $200 million worth of loan participating notes maturing in 2021, 2023, 2024 and 2025.

The minimum purchasing price for the 2021 notes, 2023 notes and 2025 notes has been set at $910, $840 and $720 per $1,000 principal amount, respectively. The minimum price for the dollar-denominated notes maturing in 2024 amounts to $830 per $1,000 principal amount, and the minimum price for the euro-denominated notes maturing in 2024 is set at €830 per €1,000 principal amount.

The invitation expires March 26, and buyback results will be announced March 27. The transaction will be settled on or around March 31.

Citigroup Global Markets Ltd. and Société Générale will act as dealer managers, while Lucid Issuer Services Ltd. will act as tender agent for the transaction.

  • Beata Fojcik


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  4. #1 Basic Introduction of Financial Accounting

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  6. BCA Corporate Video


  1. BCA

    Tentang BCA - Corporate Presentation. By visiting this site , you have agreed the using of cookies. Website ini terbaik dilihat dengan browser Internet Explore 11, Google Chrome 48, Mozilla Firefox 43, atau yang terbaru. ... & Bank Indonesia . BCA is a member of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan);

  2. BCA

    Financial Report & Corporate Presentation. Investor News. Corporate Ratings. Good Corporate Governance. ACGS, Policy, & Report. ... (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) & Bank Indonesia . ... BCA tidak bertanggung jawab dan tidak mendukung, menjamin, mengendalikan konten, mengendalikan ketersediaan dan perspektif atas produk-produk atau layanan-layanan ...

  3. Bank BCA Corporate Presentation Q1 2020

    Bank BCA Analyst Meeting Q1 2020Source: Bank BCA Q1 2020 PT Bank Central Asia Tbk.Disclaimer:Video ini bersifat edukatif dan informatif, demi kepentingan bel...

  4. Bank Central Asia

    PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, commonly known as Bank Central Asia (BCA) is an Indonesian bank founded on 21 February 1957.Bank Central Asia is the largest private bank in Indonesia with an asset of Rp 1.029,83 trillion (USD 68,5 billion) as of 2022. It is headquarters at BCA Tower in Jakarta.. Bank Central Asia (BCA) was founded by Salim Group as "NV Perseroan Dagang Dan Industrie Semarang ...

  5. Bca Annual Report 2019

    Bca Annual Report 2019 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk's 2019 Annual Report discusses the company navigating changes in digital technology, customer behavior, and the business environment. In 2019, BCA undertook strategic initiatives to maintain service excellence, satisfy customer needs through quality products ...

  6. Strategic Management Analysis: PT Bank Central Asia

    This bank that is more likely to be called as BCA, has ran the business for over than 63 years, which means that the bank has been innovated in the year of 1957. The successful of BCA now has a history behind it, with the founder was Liem Sioe Liong or also familiar with the name of Sudono Salim, he succeed to officially established BCA on 21 ...

  7. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA.JK)

    See the company profile for PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA.JK) including business summary, industry/sector information, number of employees, business summary, corporate governance, key executives ...

  8. Bank Central Asia

    Contact Details. Menara BCA 20th Floor, Grand Indonesia. Jalan M.H. Thamrin No. 1. Jakarta - 10310. Phone: +62 21 2358 8000. Fax: +62 21 2358 8300. www.klikbca.com. Bank Central Asia (BCA) is Indonesia's largest lender by market value and second largest bank by assets. It is one of the biggest companies in Indonesia.

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    Konsep budaya kerja perusahaan BCA adalah: teamwork, integrity, continuous pursuit for excellence, dengan menitikberatkan pada kebutuhan nasabah, customer focus. customer focus diartikan sebagai perilaku karyawan dirumuskan dengan konsep layanan SMART Service (2010). Yang artinya Sigap, Menarik, Antusias, Ramah, Teliti.

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    Commercial Bank of Moscow profile, including a business description, a list of financial services and products, as well as contact details. Banks DAILY.com. Home; About Us; Directory; Search; Finance Events 2024; Top Banks. Top Banks World 2024 Top Banks Europe 2024 Top Banks World 2023 Top Banks Europe 2023 Top Banks MENA 2022.

  15. PDF BCA Annual Report

    President's Report - Adam Cooper RBP, FBCA. 2020 and into 2021 was an extraordinary year in the history of the BCA. For the first time in the Association's history, we postponed the annual meeting. Then again, in 2021, we postponed it to 2022, but this time we pivoted and were able to put on the annual meeting as monthly interactive Zoom ...

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    (BCA) and our assumption of a high probability of support from the Government of Russia (Baa3 stable). The support assumption is based on Alfa's status as a systemically important bank and results in a one-notch rating uplift. Alfa's BCA of ba2 reflects its strong financial metrics, which remained resilient despite last year's economic downturn.

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    BCA's 2021 Third Quarter Results - BCA's Corporate Secretary Raymon Yonarto (right), Secretariat & Corporate Communication Executive Vice President Hera F. Haryn (left), and Investor Relations Senior Vice President Rudy Budiardjo (middle) at the presentation of the bank's 2021 third-quarter results in Jakarta, Thursday (21/10).

  18. PPT

    Opportunities and development in the current global crisis Ute Kochlowski-Kadjaia, Euler Hermes Russia. Moscow, April 21, 2010. Contents. Role and Function of Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) Crisis Response - Consequences for ECAs Cover Policy for Russia Conclusion. Mandatary business.

  19. Credit Bank of Moscow seeks to buy back up to $200M in loan

    CBOM Finance, at the request of PAO Credit Bank of Moscow, launched an invitation to repurchase up to $200 million worth of loan participating notes maturing in 2021, 2023, 2024 and 2025. The minimum purchasing price for the 2021 notes, 2023 notes and 2025 notes has been set at $910, $840 and $720 per $1,000 principal amount, respectively.