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Games Design Personal Statement

Use one of the best Games Design personal statement examples as a guide to write and prepare your statement for university.

Games Design Personal Statement Examples

Video games have captured my imagination since childhood, but it was the E3 2009 event that got me interested in how they were developed. The presence of gaming giants such as Nintendo and NaughtyDog highlighted the industry’s key position and power in multimedia, and I am becoming increasingly aware that gaming has grown to become the world’s largest entertainment industry in recent years.

As I have tried to create characters and worlds, my thirst for becoming a part of this has only increased. Drawing to digital modelling and animation, I have experimented with both physical and digital platforms, and I am convinced that studying Games Design at university is the right path for me. For the sake of driving visual innovation in gaming, I would love the opportunity to combine my talent for analogue drawing with computer software, pixel art, and animation.

My inspiration and influence have come from Naughty Dog developers, notably the Uncharted series, which combines stunning graphics with a thrilling character-driven story at E3 2009. As the creator of Zelda and Super Mario, Shigeru Miyamoto has created worlds and characters that remain iconic, enduringly playable, and versatile.

The development of my own games for smaller platforms, including independents and mobile applications, has motivated me to earn my place alongside these giants. In this course, I am especially interested in the creation of worlds and characters: the design, modelling, and editing of these aspects of games are crucial to their success, and I am eager to develop my graphics and rendering skills.

As a member of the biggest gaming forums on the net such as IGN and Gamespot, I’ve gained a good understanding of genres, visuals, and gameplay tools. During Portugal’s most exclusive gaming event in 2011, I had the opportunity to interview Uncharted 3’s creators about the game’s development. As I learned about the work and lives of the developers of my favourite franchise, I was inspired to follow my passion as they had, through constant gameplay, study, and dedication.

Arts and Multimedia, History of Art and Drawing, and IELTS 7.5 are all subjects in which I have achieved high grades at school. Multimedia class assignments involve managing a Tourism blog and acting as a designer, writer, and photographer, and I have also created a blog to showcase my portfolio and latest design work, a project I am very proud of. Throughout my studies, I have undertaken work placements at Anipop and IberAnime, allowing me to develop my ability to communicate as part of a team and solve problems.

In addition, I freelanced as a graphic designer for a web-based store, designing and developing banners and logos. During my school years, I was responsible for leading a class project of a painted mural, including choosing colours and lettering and organizing other students. The mural appeared on national TV, which gave me a unique sense of accomplishment. Later on, I organized the school LAN party: bringing my passion for games to others was a real motivator for me. As part of the TV network’s school communication department, I am also one of two managers.

In addition to being part of an international gamers’ community online, I’ve always considered myself a citizen of the world. The desire to bring my creations to life inspires me to complete my training in the UK and pursue a career in the most exciting industry on the planet.

As a child, I was always drawn to the creative and immersive worlds of video games. From the thrilling action of Super Mario to the intricate storytelling of The Legend of Zelda, I was constantly captivated by the endless possibilities of this medium. As I grew older, my love for games only deepened, and I became more and more interested in the design and development process behind them. This led me to pursue a degree in Games Design, which I am now eager to study at a higher level.

Throughout my time in secondary school, I took every opportunity to learn more about game design and development. I taught myself basic programming languages such as C++ and Java, and I even built my own simple games using software like GameMaker. As I gained more skills and knowledge, I began to participate in local game jams and hackathons, where I was able to collaborate with other like-minded individuals and bring my own game ideas to life.

In addition to my passion for games, I have also always had a strong creative streak. I have enjoyed drawing, writing, and storytelling for as long as I can remember, and I believe that these skills will be invaluable in my future career in Games Design. I am confident that my combination of technical expertise and creative flair will make me an asset to any game development team.

I am excited to apply for a degree in Games Design because I believe it will give me the opportunity to learn from industry professionals and develop my skills to the highest level. I am confident that with hard work and determination, I will be able to turn my passion for games into a successful career. I am grateful for the opportunity to study at your esteemed institution, and I hope to be able to contribute to the thriving games industry in the future.

Writing a personal statement can be a real challenge. Hope these personal statements for game design will help you to perfect your application for UCAS .

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Games Design and Development BSc (Hons) Personal Statement

Personal statement for games design and development BSc (Hons) Degree application - page 1

  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 10th July 2023
  • Word count: 999 words
  • File format: Text

Ever since I was young, I have been captivated by the world of gaming. From the pixelated adventures on my first console to the immersive virtual reality experiences of today, games have always been a source of fascination and inspiration for me. It is this passion that has led me to choose the Games Design and Development Degree, as I am eager to turn my love for gaming into a career where I can create innovative and captivating experiences for players around the world.

What excites me the most about this subject is the opportunity to blend creativity with technology. I am amazed by the intricate designs, captivating storylines, and immersive gameplay that go into creating a successful game. I want to be a part of the process that brings these virtual worlds to life, where I can contribute my unique ideas and skills to develop games that will resonate with players and leave a lasting impact.

My previous studies have primarily been focused on technology , and I believe that my general background has given me a good grounding for this course. Throughout courses on Code Academy and similar platforms, I have gained a strong technical foundation in programming languages such as C#, C++, and Python. These languages have allowed me to create functional prototypes and experiment with various game mechanics, showcasing my ability to translate ideas into tangible software solutions. Moreover, I have developed expertise in scripting and design capabilities using software such as Blueprint Visual Scripting within Unreal Engine 4 (UE4). Through UE4’s intuitive visual scripting system, I have successfully created interactive gameplay mechanics, implemented AI behaviors, and designed immersive environments. My proficiency in these technical areas ensures that I can effectively contribute to the development process and adapt to evolving technologies in the gaming industry.

In terms of work experience, I have actively sought opportunities to apply my technical skills in real-world settings. Last summer, I secured an internship at a local game development studio, where I worked closely with a team of talented game designers and developers. During this internship, I was involved in various stages of game development, from brainstorming ideas and creating concept art to testing gameplay mechanics and providing feedback. This hands-on experience not only enhanced my technical skills but also exposed me to the collaborative nature of the industry. It was inspiring to witness how each team member contributed their unique expertise and ideas to create a cohesive and captivating game. This internship solidified my passion for game design and further fueled my determination to pursue a career in the field.

Beyond my academic and professional experiences, I have had numerous life experiences that have shaped me as an individual and influenced my desire to study this subject. Growing up, I was constantly intrigued by puzzles and problem-solving games. I would spend hours exploring the intricate mazes and challenges, developing critical thinking and analytical skills along the way. These experiences have not only nurtured my love for gaming but also honed my ability to think strategically and creatively—a crucial skill set for a successful game designer.

One of my proudest achievements was creating a game prototype as part of a student competition. Working alongside a team of like-minded individuals, we designed a unique puzzle game that required players to think outside the box. We collaborated closely, combining our diverse skills and perspectives to bring our vision to life. The feeling of seeing our creation in action, receiving positive feedback from players, and even winning the competition was incredibly rewarding. This achievement further solidified my conviction to pursue a career in game design, as it demonstrated my ability to collaborate effectively in a team and turn ideas into tangible and enjoyable experiences.

Apart from my achievements, I possess several skills that make me well-suited for this degree. Firstly, I have a strong eye for detail, which is essential in creating visually stunning games that immerse players in captivating worlds. Whether it is designing intricate environments or crafting intricate character models, I am meticulous in ensuring that every element contributes to the overall experience. Furthermore, my technical background has equipped me with excellent problem-solving abilities, allowing me to tackle complex challenges that arise during game development. Finally, I am an effective communicator and collaborator, as demonstrated by my experiences in team projects and my internship. I understand the importance of clear communication and open-mindedness in a collaborative environment, and I am eager to contribute my skills to a diverse team of developers.

Looking ahead, my plans and ambitions for my future career in the games industry are twofold. Firstly, I aspire to work in a renowned game development studio, where I can learn from industry professionals and contribute to the creation of groundbreaking games. I am excited to be part of a team that pushes the boundaries of innovation, artistry, and storytelling in gaming. Secondly, I have a long-term vision of establishing my own game development studio, where I can bring my unique ideas and visions to life. I am eager to create games that not only entertain but also provoke thought, evoke emotions, and challenge conventions. I want to leave a lasting impact on players and contribute to the evolution of the gaming industry.

In conclusion, my choice to pursue the Games Design and Development Degree at [University] is driven by my lifelong passion for gaming, my diverse technical background, my work experience, and my personal achievements. I am excited about the opportunity to blend creativity with technology , to create immersive and innovative gaming experiences. With my proficiency in programming languages and software technologies such as C#, C++, and Python, as well as my scripting and design capabilities using Blueprint Visual Scripting within Unreal Engine 4 (UE4), I am confident that I am well-suited for this program. My plans and ambitions for the future include working in a renowned game development studio and eventually establishing my own. I am committed to pushing the boundaries of gaming and contributing to the industry’s evolution.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Computer Science Personal Statement

Submitted by Joseph

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Become highly employable with a Computer Science degree that allows you to specialise in areas such as game design, data science & artificial intelligence.

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Computer Science Personal Statement

Picking apart game files and understanding their composition was an enjoyable way to spend my time while growing up. It ended being something I spent an extensive amount of time on. This experience made me especially interested in how games were created and how the code that made up the backbone of every major game was written.

Taking Computer Science at AS level was an enjoyable experience that has improved my knowledge in programming. I learnt how to write efficient procedural programs during the course and that knowledge inspired me to try creating small programs for my own computer. In my own time I learnt how to write small shell scripts (.bat files) in Windows that allowed me to easily execute groups of programs at once rather than open each program individually. Subsequently, I added a time delay to these programs and end said programs when the console instance was closed. This boosted my productivity immensely: I no longer have to dig through my computer for obscure programs I rarely use.

Maths and Computer Science complement each other very well and knowing this fact drove me to begin learning some of decision maths since it is the one of the most relevant AS level Mathematics modules to Computer Science. I found algorithms, such as Dijkstra’s Algorithm, particularly interesting because they have useful real-world applications. I learnt that maps could be represented as weighted undirected graphs, with the weights representing distance, vertices representing locations and edges representing roads between them. This allows the algorithm to be used to find the shortest distance between two locations, likely the single most used feature of all current navigation software.

Outside of college, I have deepened my understanding of programming by partaking a Hackathon held in Google’s Soho Office UK. We pitched a completed concept for an application on the Play Store and the winners received the funding and guidance to actualise their concepts. I was tasked with creating the front-end which was done using HTML and it was an experience that not only informed my decision to pursue Computer Science at a higher level, but provided me with the drive and planning skills to do so. I will be refining the web-based development knowledge gained at that event as I complete computer science coursework, it will also involve the creation of an e-commerce website for my mother. Another hobby of mine is building computers for friends and myself. For me, putting the hardware together to make a fully functional computer is a rewarding experience and I look forward to learning about the software interactions involved.

Taking Computer Science at university will provide me with practical tools that will prove vital to a career in game development.

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Game Developer CV Example

Cv guidance.

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CV Tips for Game Developers

  • Highlight Your Game Development Skills : Specify your proficiency in programming languages like C++, C#, or Java, and game engines like Unity or Unreal. Also, mention your expertise in areas like AI, physics, or graphics.
  • Showcase Your Portfolio : Include a link to your portfolio showcasing games you've developed or contributed to. Use this to demonstrate your creativity, technical skills, and understanding of gameplay mechanics.
  • Customize Your CV for the Role : Tailor your CV to the job description, emphasizing relevant experiences and skills. If the role requires expertise in mobile game development, highlight your experience in this area.
  • Detail Your Problem-Solving Skills : Game development often involves overcoming technical challenges. Highlight instances where you've solved complex problems or implemented innovative solutions.
  • Demonstrate Teamwork and Communication : Game development is often a collaborative effort. Include examples of successful team projects, your role in them, and how you effectively communicated with team members.

The Smarter, Faster Way to Write Your CV

game development course personal statement

  • Directed a team of 10 game developers in the creation of a top-selling game, resulting in a 30% increase in company revenue and a 50% increase in user base within the first quarter of release.
  • Implemented a new game development pipeline that improved efficiency by 40%, reducing the time from concept to market launch and increasing the number of games produced annually.
  • Introduced innovative game design elements that led to a 20% increase in player engagement and retention, contributing to the overall success of the game in the market.
  • Developed and launched a mobile game that reached over 1 million downloads within the first month, exceeding company KPIs by 25%.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to create a successful game promotion strategy, resulting in a 15% increase in game visibility and user acquisition.
  • Optimized game performance, reducing crashes by 60% and improving user ratings from 3.5 to 4.5 stars on the app store.
  • Designed and coded an interactive game feature that increased user engagement by 30%, leading to a significant increase in daily active users.
  • Worked closely with the QA team to identify and fix over 100 bugs, improving game stability and user experience.
  • Contributed to the development of a popular game title, which received a prestigious industry award for its innovative gameplay and design.
  • Game Design and Development
  • Team Leadership and Management
  • Efficiency Improvement
  • Player Engagement and Retention Strategies
  • Mobile Game Development
  • Collaboration with Cross-Functional Teams
  • Game Performance Optimization
  • Interactive Feature Design and Coding
  • Quality Assurance and Bug Fixing
  • Award-Winning Game Development

Game Developer CV Template

  • Collaborated with [teams/departments] to develop [game feature or system, e.g., combat mechanics, AI behavior], demonstrating strong [soft skill, e.g., teamwork, leadership].
  • Managed [development phase, e.g., pre-production, beta testing], optimizing [process or task, e.g., bug tracking, asset creation] to enhance [game aspect, e.g., gameplay experience, visual fidelity].
  • Implemented [technology or methodology, e.g., Agile development, Unity engine], resulting in [quantifiable benefit, e.g., 20% faster development time, improved game performance].
  • Played a key role in [project or initiative, e.g., game launch, DLC development], which led to [measurable impact, e.g., increased player engagement, positive reviews].
  • Directed [type of analysis, e.g., game analytics, player feedback], using [analytical tools/methods] to inform [decision-making/action, e.g., game updates, design changes].
  • Instrumental in [task or responsibility, e.g., game design, code optimization], ensuring [quality or standard, e.g., gameplay balance, performance efficiency] across all game components.
  • Major: Name of Major
  • Minor: Name of Minor

100+ Free Resume Templates

How to format a game developer cv, start with a compelling profile, highlight technical skills and proficiencies, detail relevant projects and experience, emphasize soft skills and game design knowledge, include certifications and education, personal statements for game developers, game developer personal statement examples, what makes a strong personal statement.

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Best Game Development Master’s Degree Programs, Jobs, and Salaries

Game development is a growing field with lots of career opportunities for professionals. Experts in this field can work as game developers, game producers, game testers, and game artists. To enter this field, most employers require a bachelor’s degree. However, the best Master’s Degrees in Game Development can help you advance in your career.

Game development master’s degree programs can also increase your potential earnings. If you want to pursue this advanced degree, this article will help you make an informed decision by highlighting the best game development master’s degrees. It will highlight some of the top Master’s Degrees in Game Development along with potential career options after you graduate.

Find your bootcamp match

What is game development.

Game development is a technical field that involves game design and production. It also involves the entire process of creating a game from ideation to deployment. This process may also include the stages that follow creation and development. 

Where Can I Get a Master’s Degree in Game Development?

The colleges where you can get a Master’s Degree in Game Development include American University, DePaul University, and New York University, among others. In fact, there are many colleges around the country where you can get a game development master’s degree.  

What Schools Offer the Best Game Development Master’s Degrees?

  • University of Central Florida
  • Savannah College of Art and Design
  • Full Sail University
  • Bradley University 
  • Academy of Art University 

What Are the Admission Requirements for a Master’s Degree in Game Development?

The admission requirements for a Master’s Degree in Game Development include having a bachelor’s degree and a portfolio of previous work. However, the exact requirements will vary from school to school. Many Master’s in Game Development requirements include a statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, transcripts from previous degrees, and a professional resume.

Other institutions may require an interview to check that you meet the education requirements for the academic program. In addition, students who do not have bachelor’s degrees in similar programs may be required to take extra classes.

Game Development Master’s Degree Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Portfolio of past work 
  • Recommendation letters
  • Resume 
  • Personal statement

How to Get a Master’s Degree in Game Development 

You can get a game development master’s degree by attending an advanced academic program and adhering to all of the graduation requirements. Usually, you will need to study for one to two years to get a Master’s in Game Development. Further, you may also need to complete a thesis or capstone project towards the end of your program.

How Many Credits Do You Need for a Master’s Degree in Game Development?

You need at least 30 credits for a Master’s in Game Development. However, some programs require you to have more. In addition, programs that work on the quarter system may require upwards of 45 credits to complete a game development master’s degree program.

Game Development Degree Requirements

  • Thesis or capstone project 
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA (varies by school)
  • Completion of all core classes 
  • Completion of required elective credits
  • Final presentation

Best Game Development Master’s Degree Programs and Schools: Overview

Best schools for game development: top game development master’s degree programs.

The best schools or game development master’s degrees are those that offer you industry-relevant knowledge and hands-on experience. In this section, we will break down the best schools for a Master’s Degree in Game Development. 

If you want to advance your career and thrive in the video game industry, attending one of the top game development master’s programs is a great way to reach your goals. Learn more about the admissions requirements for the best game development master’s programs below.

Academy of Art University is a private for-profit institution. Founded in 1929, the university has had students from more than 112 countries. Academy of Art University comprises 17 different facilities around the city of San Francisco. 

Master of Arts in Game Development 

This program emphasizes UI/UX design, game design, and 3D character modeling. The coursework covers specialized practices for gameplay mechanics, complex 3D software usage, and other useful tools in the field. The program offers hands-on experience. Students also work in groups on real-world projects.

Master of Arts in Game Development Overview

  • Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges 
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,218/credit (domestic); $1,276/credit (international)
  • Required Credits: 36 credits
  • Program Length: 2 years
  • Learning Format: Hybrid
  • NCES School Graduation Rate: 47%

Master of Arts in Game Development Admission Requirements

  • GPA: No minimum
  • Standardized Tests: Not specified 
  • Application Fee: $50
  • Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree
  • Other Requirements: Statement of intent, resume, portfolio 

Applying to Academy of Art University

  • Complete an online application.
  • Pay the $50 application fee.
  • Submit your official undergraduate transcripts.
  • Provide a one-page statement of intent.
  • Submit your resume and portfolio.

As a private research institution, American University offers more than 170 different academic programs at varying degree levels. The university was chartered by Congress in 1893 and since then has helped thousands of students become top scholars in their respective fields.

During the fall of 2021, American University had about 14,852 enrolled in its programs. One notable fact is that it also became the first university to be carbon neutral in 2018.

Master of Arts in Game Design

The main focus of this program is game engagement mechanics and game design. It offers several concentrations and students can customize the program to suit their career aspirations. Some of the courses in the curriculum include Games and Society and Games and Rhetoric. Students also need to complete nine credit hours of electives.

Master of Arts in Game Design Overview

  • Accreditation: Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools 
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,866/credit
  • Learning Format: In person
  • NCES School Graduation Rate: 79%

Master of Arts in Game Design Admission Requirements

  • Standardized Tests: None
  • Application Fee: $55 
  • Other Requirements: Two letters of recommendation, resume, admissions essay

Applying to American University Washington 

  • Complete an online application and pay the application fee.
  • Send your unofficial undergraduate transcripts.
  • Submit two letters of recommendation.
  • Provide a resume.
  • Submit your 500-to-1,000-word admissions essay.
  • Submit a portfolio of previous work, if desired.
  • Complete an interview, if requested by the admissions team.

With almost 6,000 students, Bradley University is a small private institution. Nonetheless, the university still offers more than 185 different academic programs for students to choose from. Founded in 1897 by Lydia Moss Bradley, the university now has over 70,000 alumni around the world.

Master of Science in Game Design and Development

Students in this 30-credit graduate degree program can earn their master’s degree within a calendar year. The program has a game programming concentration for students, however, and this concentration requires additional credits to complete. Students in this concentration master professional skills in software design and development and build a professional portfolio.

Master of Science in Game Design and Development Overview

  • Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
  • Tuition and Fees: $990/credit
  • Required Credits: 30 credits
  • Program Length: 1 year
  • NCES School Graduation Rate: 76%

Master of Science in Game Design and Development Admission Requirements

  • GPA: 3.0 (unconditional admission); 2.5 (conditional admission)
  • Application Fee: $40
  • Other Requirements: Two recommendation letters, resume, statement of interests, portfolio

Applying to Bradley University 

  • Fill out the online application form. 
  • Pay the $40 application fee.
  • Provide your official undergraduate transcripts.
  • Submit two recommendation letters and your resume.
  • Provide a statement of interest or short admission essay. 
  • Submit a portfolio of previous game development work.

Located in the middle of Chicago, DePaul University hosts 21,670 students, of which 7,376 are graduate students. DePaul University is a private, nonprofit school that was established in 1898. Today, the university comprises 10 different colleges and schools. 

Master of Fine Arts in Game Design

This program focuses on interactive design and game development. It prepares students for the field of game design. It features a design lab and game center for virtual and augmented reality, study trips, exhibitions, and symposiums. The projects students create are exhibited by the faculty. This program also includes a thesis project.

Master of Fine Arts in Game Design Overview

  • Tuition and Fees: $900/credit
  • Required Credits: 64 credits
  • Program Length: 2.5-3 years
  • NCES School Graduation Rate: 71%

Master of Fine Arts in Game Design Admission Requirements

  • GPA: 2.5 
  • Application Fee: $25
  • Other Requirements: Two letters of recommendation, statement of creative intent, digital portfolio, resume

Applying to DePaul University

  • Fill out an online application. 
  • Pay the $25 application fee.
  • Send in your official undergraduate transcripts. 
  • Provide two letters of recommendation.
  • Submit your statement of creative intent and your resume.
  • Submit your digital portfolio showcasing past work.

Established in 1979, Full Sail University currently has about 21,000 students. The private, for-profit university offers a variety of both online and in-person degree options. Full Sail University helps students learn through its innovative approach to project-based education. Overall, the institution focuses on entertainment, art, technology, and media.

Master of Science in Game Design

This program features 41 credits and focuses on production, user experience research, and design. Students are also allowed to customize their programs to fit different roles in the field. 

The roles include producer, user experience researcher, game publisher, and game designer. Some of the main courses in the program include game design, project and team management, game production tools, and user experience.

Master of Science in Game Design Overview

  • Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
  • Tuition and Fees: $867/credit
  • Required Credits: 41 credits
  • NCES School Graduation Rate: 44%

Master of Science in Game Design Admission Requirements

  • Application Fee: $75
  • Other Requirements: Previous coursework in topics related to game design

Applying to Full Sail University

  • Fill out the online application.
  • Pay the $75 application fee.
  • Send in your official undergraduate transcripts.

Laguna College of Art and Design offers three graduate degree programs and a handful of undergraduate degrees. The school was founded in 1961 and had 766 students in the Fall of 2021. Each student who is studying for a Master’s in Fine Arts at this school will also get their own private studio to work in.

Master of Fine Arts in Game Design 

This 60-credit program in game design focuses on game creation and development. It can be completed in two years and students are trained in player interaction and design fundamentals. Some courses in the curriculum include game production, game programming, prototyping, engine technology, and mechanics-based game analysis.

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"Career Karma entered my life when I needed it most and quickly helped me match with a bootcamp. Two months after graduating, I found my dream job that aligned with my values and goals in life!"

Venus, Software Engineer at Rockbot

  • Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,334/credit
  • Required Credits: 60 credits
  • NCES School Graduation Rate: 67%
  • Application Fee: None
  • Other Requirements: Statement of purpose, portfolio, resume, letters of recommendation

Applying to Laguna College of Art and Design

  • Fill out an online application.
  • Write and submit your statement of purpose.
  • Submit your portfolio of previous game development and design work.
  • Provide your undergraduate transcripts.
  • Submit your resume and any recommendation letters you have.

Established in 1831, New York University is now comprised of 19 different schools and colleges. It is a large, private university that offers instruction to more than 65,000 students. In addition to the New York location, the university also has campuses in Abu Dhabi and Shanghai.

This program focuses on game design and development. Most students can complete this program within two years. It also includes cultural and critical literacy. The coursework covers game studies, game production, game design, game history, and studio courses. 

Students also write a thesis during their second year. You will work on individual and group projects to develop engaging game experiences. The program structure is also quite flexible as classes can be taken from any department.

  • Accreditation: Middle States Commission on Higher Education 
  • Tuition and Fees: $2,046/credit
  • Required Credits: Information not available
  • NCES School Graduation Rate: 88%
  • GPA: Information not available
  • Application Fee: Information not available
  • Other Requirements: Two letters of recommendation, a portfolio containing your resume, a personal statement, a critical analysis of a game, a design statement, and one or two previous projects

Applying to New York University

  • Fill out an online application form.
  • Send in your unofficial undergraduate transcripts.
  • Submit your creative portfolio with all of the necessary documents.

Rochester Institute of Technology was born out of two different institutions merging, the Rochester Athenaeum and the Mechanics Institute, which were both founded in the 1800s. The school currently has around 19,718 students, with 3,050 being graduate students. In addition, the school has global campuses in places such as Croatia and China.

This program allows students to enhance their game development skills by exploring topics such as world building, computer graphics, game engines, and more. In the second year of the program, students will work on developing a game engine in designated development teams. Students will study topics such as digital audio, level design, and console development. 

  • Tuition and Fees: $2,257/credit
  • Required Credits: 33 credits
  • Standardized Tests: GRE (only applies to students with a GPA lower than 3.25)
  • Application Fee: $65 
  • Other Requirements: Two recommendation letters, resume, portfolio, personal statement, one year of object oriented programming experience

Applying to Rochester Institute of Technology

  • Pay the application fee.
  • Send your undergraduate transcripts.
  • Submit a personal statement.

Savannah College of Art and Design was founded in 1978 as a private, nonprofit institution. The school now offers more than 100 academic degree programs and has over 15,000 students. In addition, this art and design school also has two galleries in Atlanta and six galleries in Savannah, Georgia. 

Master of Arts in Computer Game Design

This program requires 45 credits and covers a variety of essential game development topics. Students can expect to study concepts such as virtual world building and character creation. Students in this program will also have access to cutting-edge technology, like virtual reality labs. 

Master of Arts in Interactive Design and Game Development Overview

  • Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
  • Tuition and Fees: $890/credit
  • Required Credits: 45 credits
  • Program Length: 1-1.5 years
  • Learning Format: In person, online
  • NCES School Graduation Rate: 73%

Master of Arts in Interactive Design and Game Development Admission Requirements

  • Application Fee: $100 
  • Other Requirements: Two letters of recommendation, portfolio, resume, statement of purpose, optional interview

Applying to Savannah College of Art and Design

  • Pay the $100 application fee. 
  • Submit two letters of recommendation and your resume. 
  • Provide a portfolio. 
  • Submit a statement of purpose.
  • Complete an in-person or phone interview, if requested.

Founded in 1963, University of Central Florida now offers over 230 different degree programs covering a wide range of topics. With 70,406 students, the university offers both online and in-person degree options. As of August 2021, the university had awarded 382,857 degrees. 

Master of Science in Interactive Entertainment 

This program covers game programming, video game design, 3D artistry, technical design, level design, creative collaboration, modeling, motion capture, rapid prototyping, technical art, and software engineering. In the 30-credit program, students also learn the ethical and legal issues that accompany mobile game design. They also learn about pre-production and the initial concept phases of entertainment.  

Master of Science in Interactive Entertainment Overview

  • Tuition and Fees: $1,098/credit (in state); $1,922.40/credit (out of state)
  • Program Length: Information not available
  • NCES School Graduation Rate: 74%

Master of Science in Interactive Entertainment Admission Requirements

  • Standardized Tests: GRE
  • Application Fee: $30 
  • Other Requirements: Three personal references, portfolio

Applying to University of Central Florida 

  • Pay the $30 application fee.
  • Provide three personal references with their contact details.
  • Submit your portfolio of past work.

What Is a Game Development Master’s Degree?

A game development master’s degree is an advanced degree that focuses on different aspects of game development. The coursework may cover production methodologies, practical application, team leadership, and project management. A Master’s Degree in Game Development allows you to gain a more in-depth understanding of the hard skills and theoretical concepts you need to thrive in the game industry. 

Some game development master’s degree programs are available online. Others are held on campus. Institutions often provide high-tech software for game design courses. Most game development master’s degrees last for two years. However, some can be completed in as little as one year.

How Important Is a Master’s Degree in Game Development?

Though an advanced degree is not essential, a Master’s Degree in Game Development is important for career advancement. One of the reasons a game development master’s degree is important is that it allows you to become an expert in the field, and subsequently qualify for higher-paying roles. 

By earning an advanced degree, you will both refine and expand your game development skills and become a more valuable employee. As such, if you want to be at the top of your profession, getting a Master’s Degree in Game Development is important. 

What Types of Master’s Degree Can You Get in Game Development?

You can get the following types of Master’s Degrees in Game Development: 

  • Master of Science 
  • Master of Arts 
  • Master of Fine Arts 

Each of the game development master’s degree types listed above will teach students both theoretical and technical skills pertaining to the game development industry. However, the different degree types may have varying focuses. 

Is It Better to Get a Master of Science or Master of Arts in Game Development?

It is better to get a Master of Science Degree in Game Development if you want to work more on the technical side of the industry. A Master of Science in Game Development will focus more on coding and programming concepts than a Master of Arts degree will. 

However, when deciding which is better, a Master of Science or Master of Arts in Game Development, you should primarily consider your own career goals. If you would like to focus professionally on visual game design or the creative aspect of the game development process , then it would be wise to opt for a Master of Arts in Game Development.

What Is the Difference Between a Game Development Master’s Degree and a Game Development Certificate?

The main differences between a game development master’s degree and a certificate in game design are that a master’s degree is a more intensive and in-depth program. In addition, when comparing a game development certificate vs a master’s degree , you should know that it is typical for a master’s degree to take longer to earn.

Earning a Master’s Degree in Game Development requires students to adhere to many more academic requirements than earning a certificate does. As such, master’s degrees are generally more respected by employers. However, earning a certificate in game development can be helpful if you already have a master’s degree in a similar field. 

How Much Does It Cost to Get a Master’s Degree in Game Development?

A game development master’s degree costs $19,792 per year on average. This is according to the National Center for Education Statistics’ average tuition for all graduate institutions . However, the average Master’s in Game Development cost can vary widely depending on the type of institution you attend.

The average tuition at a public university for graduate studies is just $12,410. On the other hand, the cost is a lot higher for graduate programs at private institutions where students pay an average of $26,597 per year.’

How Long Does It Take to Get a Game Development Master’s Degree?

It takes one to two years to get a Master’s Degree in Game Development. Each individual Master’s in Game Development program length will vary along with the number of credits required and course availability. However, some schools offer accelerated programs that allow students to earn a game development master’s degree in as little as 12 months.  

How Hard Is It to Get a Master’s Degree in Game Development?

Relative to earning an undergraduate degree, getting a game development master’s degree is hard. As an advanced degree program, a Master’s Degree in Game Development will require intensive study and research. Graduate students will also need to adhere to strict academic requirements. 

That being said, a game development master’s degree is not harder than the average master’s degree program. If you are interested in the field and able to fully commit to your studies, you will be able to earn a Master’s in Game Development. 

Why Should You Get a Game Development Master’s Degree? 

You should get a game development master’s degree because it is a great way to access higher-paying roles in the industry. Further, one of the benefits of getting a Master’s Degree in Game Development includes becoming an expert in your field. By obtaining an advanced degree, you will be able to work in more senior-level and management roles.

What Courses Do You Need to Take in a Master’s Degree Program in Game Development?

The required courses in a Master’s in Game Development program will cover both technical and theoretical topics surrounding game development. Some Master’s in Game Development courses will help students gain familiarity with the common software and tools used in the profession. 

To learn more about what to expect, check out our detailed Master’s in Game Development course list below. These are some of the main courses or topics you will need to master in order to get a game development master’s degree. 

Game Engine Design and Development

This course helps students build both theoretical and technical skills. It covers the connection between mathematical principles and various features of game design, such as collision systems, control systems, and more. Students will likely work in teams to develop a game engine using different software. 

Level Design

Students will learn level design by examining example games throughout history and also creating their own level designs. By evaluating game levels from various genres, students will be able to discern what makes level design successful. This course will provide hands-on experience in game development.

Virtual World Building

This course offers students a breadth of knowledge on everything from texture and materials to common methodologies for game design. Students will work within a game engine and use various methods to build an entire virtual world.

Computer Animation

In this course, students will gain more technical programming skills. They will learn to use various algorithms that are common in the gaming industry. Students will work on programming motion and behavioral systems within a game setting. This type of course often has prerequisites. 

User Experience Design 

When creating a video game, it is important to keep the user experience in mind. With that, game development students will need to learn how to implement human-centered design. Students will learn how to gauge the user-friendliness of a product as well as different human-centered design strategies.

Continuing Education Paths for Game Development Master’s Degree Graduates

When it comes to continuing your education, the best path to take with a game development master’s degree is to get a PhD in Game Development. A PhD degree will allow you to dive deep into the field of game development. In fact, in order to earn a PhD, you will be required to conduct your own research within the field. 

After earning a PhD in Game Development, you have the highest form of education for your profession. As such, you will be able to choose from any job in the industry, including teaching courses for a Master’s Degree in Game Development program. 

Related Game Development Degrees

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What to Look For in the Best Game Development Master’s Degree Programs

The best game development master’s degree programs offer students high-quality education within a flexible timeframe. There are many different programs available in game development. With ample choices, it can be challenging to know what to look for in a college for a Master’s Degree in Game Development. 

To help you determine how to choose a game development master’s program, we have detailed some of the key factors to consider. Learn more about five crucial elements of a Master’s in Game Development program below. 


Choosing a game development master’s degree program that is properly accredited should be paramount. Accreditation shows that a school or program was evaluated by a third party. With this, receiving accreditation shows that the school offers quality education and, in turn, it is more likely to be respected by potential employers.

It is no secret that higher education in the US can be extremely costly. However, some programs are more expensive than others. As an advanced degree, many master’s degree programs will come with significant tuition costs. However, you can still make sure that the amount you pay in tuition is justified by the value you will get from the program.

Accelerated Degree Options

After spending four years earning a bachelor’s degree, continuing to study for two more years may seem daunting. In fact, another two years of studying may seem even longer if you have already started working. Thankfully, many colleges allow students to earn a master’s degree in just one year. 

If you do not want to spend another several years studying, you should look into accelerated degree options. By taking classes online or over the summer, many students are able to earn a Master’s Degree in Game Development in less than two years.

The Reputation of the Program

Along with general accreditation, the reputation of the program you attend is an important consideration. For example, if a program has an industry-wide reputation for producing students who are not properly prepared for professional careers, that program may not be worth your time and money. 


Many students choose to pursue a master’s degree after they have already entered the workforce. For these students, flexible learning options are essential. If you already have a busy schedule, it is important to check if the game development master’s degree program you’d like to attend offers evening, weekend, or online classes. 

What Is the Most Affordable Game Development Master’s Degree?

The most affordable Master’s Degrees in Game Development include the following: 

  • Master of Science in Game Design from Full Sail University 
  • Master of Science in Game Design and Development from Bradley University 
  • Master of Fine Arts in Interactive Design and Game Development from Savannah College of Art and Design 

The most affordable game development master’s program in the list above is offered by Bradley University at just $990 per credit, with 30 total credits required. At Full Sail University, students will pay $867 per credit for a total of 41 credits to complete this program. Lastly, the Savannah College of Art and Design program requires 45 credits at a rate of $890 per credit. 

Salary and Job Outlook for Game Development Master’s Degree Graduates

Man wearing headphones and working on two computer screens. Game Development Master's Degrees

There are a wide range of game development master’s degree jobs available to graduates. Since game development is part of the tech industry, many Master’s Degree in Game Development jobs are well-paying. Learn more about these jobs and the typical Master’s in Game Development salary below.

How Hard Is It to Get a Job With a Game Development Master’s Degree?

It is easy to get a job with a game development master’s degree. As the gaming industry continues to grow, there are ample opportunities available. Further, with a Master’s Degree in Game Development, you have advanced credentials that will set you apart from other applicants. After getting a master’s degree, you will be a sought-after job candidate. 

What’s the Average Game Development Master’s Degree Salary?

The average salary for a Master’s in Game Development degree holder is $79,000 per year, according to PayScale. However, this figure largely depends on the exact role you have and the location where you work. With a few years of experience, many professionals in game development earn much more than the game development master’s degree average salary. 

What Types of Jobs Can You Get With a Game Development Master’s Degree?

The jobs you can get with a game development master’s degree include VFX artist, project manager, game animator, and more. The highest-paying game development jobs for master’s degree holders include working as a game engineer or game developer. However, there are numerous well-paying jobs available with a game development master’s degree.

Game Development Degree Jobs

  • Lead quality assurance
  • Software engineer
  • Gaming programmer
  • Simulations programmer
  • Game writer

Potential Careers With a Game Development Degree

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How Much Money Can You Make With a Master’s Degree in Game Development?

You can make between $50,000 and $130,000 with a Master’s in Game Development. The average amount of money that game development majors make out of college can fluctuate greatly due to a variety of factors. For example, the location of the job and the company that someone works for can influence the amount of money that they can make. 

Highest-Paying Game Development Master’s Degree Jobs and Salaries: Overview

Best jobs for game development master’s degree grads.

In this section, we will look closer at the best jobs for a Master’s Degree in Game Development graduate. Since a master’s program offers well-rounded knowledge, the best jobs for a game development master’s degree holder include a range of different positions. Learn more about the best-paying game development jobs below.

Game engineers produce digital games as they work with other professionals like designers, engineers, and programmers. They are also responsible for artificial intelligence and other programs that control character movement, action, and appearance. 

  • Average Salary: $138,716
  • Job Outlook: 22% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 1,847,900
  • Highest-Paying States: California, Washington, Maryland, New York, Rhode Island

Lead quality assurance professionals oversee product testing to ensure that it meets the standards of the organization. They also take part in developing testing plans, liaising with members of the product team, and creating strategies for risk mitigation. These experts also suggest process improvements to ensure a game of the highest possible quality.

  • Average Salary: $110,140
  • Highest-Paying States: New York, California, Maryland, New Mexico, Massachusetts

Software engineers design and develop software solutions for clients. These experts work on web apps, databases, content management systems, and operating systems. Software engineers apply mathematical analysis to design computer software.

  • Average Salary: $110,140 

Game developers specialize in creating video or computer games. They may work on one or several platforms and have an in-depth understanding of digital media and the video gaming industry. These experts may also be responsible for artificial intelligence and virtual landscape programming in games.

  • Average Salary: $100,985

Gaming project managers create and meet target deadlines for different projects in a game studio. These professionals are experts in effective communication and are responsible for project organization for the studio, which ensures that objectives are met. They also design plans and introduce processes to make sure others on the team produce quality work.

  • Average Salary: $94,500
  • Job Outlook: 11% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 482,000
  • Highest-Paying States: New Mexico, Washington, New York, New Jersey, Virginia

Gaming programmers develop software that is used to create video games. The role of mobile gaming programmers may include assembling game engines and platforms to power a game and writing code for custom software that will support the requirements of the game.

  • Average Salary: $87,243
  • Job Outlook: -10% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 185,700
  • Highest-Paying States: Washington, California, Virginia, Washington DC, Massachusetts

Simulation programmers are responsible for developing computer simulations that allow users to test, view, and manipulate real products, systems, services, issues, and conditions. All this can be done by the users without having to take risks or incur costs.

  • Average Salary: $79,561
  • Highest-Paying States: Washington, California, Virginia, District of Columbia, Massachusetts

Game animators bring 3D and 2D art to life by making these creations move. They often work with a storyboard and create movement for the vehicles and characters of a game. These experts are responsible for adding emotion, personality, and realism to a game.

  • Average Salary: $78,790
  • Job Outlook: 16% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 62,400
  • Highest-Paying States: Connecticut, California, Washington, New York, District of Columbia

Visual effects (VFX) artists are responsible for adding effects to playable games. They create things that move in a game. Some examples include water, dust, explosions, and superpowers. These artists use digital art software and create stunning effects to make the game more realistic. 

Game writers develop video game plots for various game genres. They are also responsible for writing the dialogue in the video game. These experts work during pre-production and create characters to further the game narrative. Their work is passed on to programmers and designers who craft the game structure. 

  • Average Salary: $55,757
  • Job Outlook: 9% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 143,200
  • Highest-Paying States: California, New York, District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Connecticut

Best Jobs According to Your Major

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Game Development Bootcamp vs Game Development Master’s Degree: Which Is Better?

Both game development bootcamps and game development master’s degree programs can help you to advance your career in the field. The best option for you depends on your long-term career goals and resources. Here are some advantages of both options to help you compare a game development degree vs a bootcamp.

Benefits of a Game Development Master’s Degree

  • Advanced skills training. A Master’s Degree in Game Development can help you learn advanced skills. This means that more organizations will be willing to pay for your skills.
  • Diverse career options. This approach to education can give you a plethora of options to pursue in your career due to the interdisciplinary nature of many degree programs. You can choose to work as a game designer, software engineer, or VFX artist.
  • Opportunities to grow your network. A master’s degree program is an excellent way to connect with other professionals in the field. These connections can come in handy in the future.
  • Competitive salary. Professionals with a game development master’s degree often benefit from a competitive salary because they earn more than their counterparts with bachelor’s degrees.
  • Increased confidence. A master’s degree will boost your confidence because you will have many useful skills that make you stand out in the game development industry.

Benefits of a Game Development Bootcamp

  • Affordable. Game development bootcamps are more affordable than master’s degrees or bachelor’s degrees. You can also use loans, scholarships, and installment payments to pay for your tuition.
  • Student support. Students in bootcamps receive support during and after their program. They also learn how to prepare for job interviews to ensure they result in job offers.
  • Short-term. Bootcamps make it easier to enter the field within a short period. The programs last for a few weeks to months and you can get a job in game development within a few months after graduating.
  • Networking. Networking is also possible in the best game design bootcamps because students work together and collaborate on cross-disciplinary projects. They can also interact with bootcamp alumni. 
  • In-demand skills training. Your educational experience in a bootcamp program will only focus on skills that employers are looking for and not general topics. Bootcamp students gain experience in game development and build professional game portfolios.

Is a Master’s Degree in Game Development Worth It? 

Yes, a Master’s Degree in Game Development is worth it because it can give you the critical thinking skills you need to thrive professionally. The degree also gives you options when it comes to choosing a career path once you have a goal in mind. If you are interested in game production and management, a master’s degree is a great choice. 

In addition, a game development master’s degree increases your earning potential. Employers are usually willing to pay candidates more if they have more skills and credentials. If you are looking to advance your career or access higher-paying roles, then a Master’s Degree in Game Development is not only worth it, but it is essential. 

Additional Reading About Game Development


Game Development Master’s Degree FAQ

No, you do not need a master’s degree to become a game developer. Most game companies accept candidates with a bachelor’s degree. However, a master’s degree can increase your chances of securing a rewarding job.

Game developers earn $101,644 on average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, some industry professionals can earn even more depending on their location, experience, and employer.

A master’s in game development program can take up to two years to complete and most require 30 credits. However, some schools have accelerated programs where students can complete the program within 18 months or one year.

The main difference between a Master of Science and Master of Arts in Game Development is that the Master of Science option is for science- or mathematics-focused subjects while the Master of Arts degree is focused on humanities. However, both degrees are accepted by employers. 

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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Computer Game Animation Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

Like most of my friends, Playstation and Xbox games have been a large part of my leisure time as I was growing up. Unlike them, my interest went deeper than just playing the game. I got quite a reputation for constantly analysing the graphics and the special effects, hungry to know how the best of these had been created. My interest has spilled over into films I have seen in the cinema and I have been known to refuse to go and see a film if I know the special effects have received a poor review.

I quickly realised that finding out more about how films and games are put together would require quite a deep understanding of computers, IT and programming and this has encouraged me to study maths, IT and physics with an enthusiasm that I would not have had without this goal. Working with a computer is almost second nature to me, but wrestling with complex physical concepts has required a lot of determination to stick with it and get the grades I needed.

The extended applications of gaming and virtual reality are going to be exploited more effectively in the future in all sorts of other areas beyond leisure and entertainment and I want to develop the advanced computer animation skills to be able to play a part in this. The thought of working for a major company such as Pixar is very appealing but I think it’s difficult to predict where this technology will be in 5 years time. This gives my future career an unknown path, which I find very exciting.

A large part of my free time is spent on a Playstation but I think the online gaming that I do has broadened my knowledge of gaming and its use by others. I play in an online clan, which includes members from China, Holland, Australia and Thailand. Interacting with people on the other side of the world, sharing a virtual world, is something that would not have even been dreamed about 20 years ago, but it’s now commonplace. We have set up the clan so that we can talk together as a group while gaming and finding out about the lives of contemporaries in other cultures and countries has been interesting.

It is tempting to be on a computer or a Playstation all the time but getting a break away from a screen is necessary. I play football and cricket, depending on whether its winter or summer, and I have mentored some of the younger football teams, assisting the coach with training and preparation for matches. This still gives me the chance to get some exercise but I have really enjoyed working with younger kids – we do tend to talk about gaming and they have been amazed to learn, as I was originally, that it’s possible to do a degree in gaming animation. It’s an opportunity that I can’t wait to take up.

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Computer games programming personal statement example 9.

Ever since I was introduced to video games, I became captivated by their depth and complexity. I did not see them merely as a form of entertainment to pass time. As games developed with time, my curiosity grew stronger. Playing video games was not enough for me anymore; I needed to know how they were created and brought to life. I started off by researching the history and origins of video games and studied the evolution of the gaming era from the 90s to the present day. I watched documentaries and participated in online discussions about classic video games and their influence on more recent releases. I also focused on games that were commercial failures and analyzed the errors that caused them. I then moved on to watching Youtubers breaking down the games and modifying them by using different tools such as coding. I also watched developers' streams in order to see how video games were created with all the animations, event lists and code blueprints. Programming video games quickly became a strong interest of mine. I knew that we were going to learn Java in school during my final year. However, I was not patient enough to leave it till then. I installed RPG Maker VX and Unreal Engine and looked up online tutorials for both software and followed their instructions. I also experimented with other features in the software, and I was finally able to create small game demos. I shared the demos with friends and family, and after quickly finishing them, their feedback was nothing but positive. With every praise and constructive criticism I received about the demos that I created, I became even more eager to become a game developer and had bigger projects in mind. One achievement of which I am very proud of was creating a robot for Discord, a voice and text communication platform. Discord allows people to host robots on their servers for automation purposes, so I created a bot written in C despite having zero knowledge of programming at the time. It was not a quick process, but I searched for online tutorials and asked other developers for help. Finally, after a lot of trial and error, I created a robot with multiple features such as calculating large and complex numbers and playing RNG based mini-games such as Rock Paper Scissors and turn-based Combat. Within the large world of computers and software programming, I have found video games to be the most fascinating and interesting. That is why I have chosen to study Computer Science and Programming in order to pursue my passion of becoming a game developer. The development cycle of video games requires a team of people with different talents and skills such as graphic designers, animators, musicians, and writers. All the members of the team play an important role in creating a spectacular video game. However, the code is the heart of the video game, and I want to be able to bring the combination of efforts from the team into life. I look forward to being able to learn and work alongside students that are talented and passionate in order to create bigger projects. Video games have had a huge impact on my life. I find them a form of art, a fantasia, brimming with imaginative worlds for us to thrive in and explore. Video games connect people together. They have created communities that have enabled people to meet others and form friendships. Video games also teach us a lot of valuable lessons. Some has taught me how a small action can change the fate of others and how it is important to stay determined and work with a team in order to succeed. Video games not only tell epic stories, but they make us part of them. I look forward to being able to create games that will inspire people and bring them joy. I know I will be able to achieve this through being around other passionate students in an environment that will help me reach my goals.

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