60 Examples of Strong Closing Statements: How to Close a Cover Letter

By Editorial Team on December 12, 2023 — 16 minutes to read

A strong cover letter closing is essential in making a great impression and reinforcing your enthusiasm for the job opportunity. It provides a final opportunity to emphasize your relevant skills, experiences, and personal attributes that make you an ideal candidate. A compelling closing also encourages the employer to take action, such as inviting you for an interview. Consider these examples:

  • Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute my skills and experiences in this exciting role.
  • I am eager to discuss how my background aligns with your team’s goals and how I can contribute to your company’s growth.
  • I am confident that my expertise in social media marketing makes me well-suited for this position, and I appreciate your time and consideration.

Positive Impact on Employers

Your cover letter closing is crucial, as it leaves a lasting impression on the employer and influences their perception of you as a candidate. A positive and engaging closing helps you stand out among other applicants and increases your chances of being selected for an interview. Here are a few key points that can create a positive impact:

  • Express gratitude : Show appreciation for the time the employer has spent reading your cover letter, and thank them for considering your application.
  • Be enthusiastic : Reiterate your excitement about the job opportunity and the prospect of joining their team.
  • Include a call to action : Encourage further engagement, like scheduling an interview or discussing your qualifications in more detail.

For example:

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I am highly enthusiastic about joining your team and discussing my potential contributions to your ongoing projects. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at your earliest convenience.

Crafting Your Final Paragraph

Summarizing your enthusiasm.

To leave a lasting impression, summarize your enthusiasm for the role in your closing paragraph. Highlight your excitement about the opportunity and express gratitude for the potential connection with the company. For instance:

I’m thrilled about the prospect of joining the (…) team and contributing my marketing skills to drive innovative campaigns. Thank you for considering my application.

Reaffirming Your Best Fit for the Role

Before signing off, reinforce why you’re the perfect candidate for the position. Briefly recap your relevant experience, skills, or accomplishments that set you apart. Be concise yet confident in your message. For example:

With my five years of experience in international sales and my proven ability to develop long-term client relationships, I am confident in my ability to excel as your next Sales Manager.

Choosing the Right Sign-Off

Professional sign-off options.

Selecting the appropriate closing for your cover letter can leave a lasting impression. Here are some professional sign-off options to consider:

  • Sincerely : This classic sign-off is appropriate for most scenarios and conveys professionalism.
  • Best regards : A versatile and slightly more casual option, ideal for a variety of industries.
  • Kind regards : This friendly sign-off is suitable when you have developed a rapport with the receiver, like the hiring manager.

You can also try other options such as Yours truly , Respectfully , or Yours faithfully , depending on your preference and the nature of the job you are applying for.

Matching the Company Culture

Try to tailor your sign-off to match the company culture. Researching the company’s website, social media, or reviewing employee testimonials can help you get a better understanding of the company culture. For example:

  • Innovative or creative industries : Feel free to express yourself with a casual yet professional closing, like Warm Regards or Cheers .
  • Traditional or formal industries : Stick to more formal options such as Sincerely or Best Regards .

Incorporating a Call to Action

Proposing the next steps.

A well-crafted cover letter should inspire the reader to take the next step. This could include scheduling an interview, discussing your application further, or even simply reviewing your attached resume. To encourage this action, incorporate a call to action (CTA) at the end of your cover letter that guides the hiring manager.

Some examples of CTAs in the context of cover letters include:

  • Schedule a meeting : “I’m excited about the opportunity to discuss my experiences and how they align with the [job title] position. Let’s set up a time to chat!”
  • Ask for a callback : “I’d be thrilled to further discuss my application and the value I bring to the table. Give me a call at your earliest convenience to chat more.”
  • Direct them to your portfolio : “I’d love to showcase my recent work, which you can find at [website link]. Let’s discuss how my skillset aligns with the [job title] role.”

Remember to tailor these examples to your specific application and the company to which you’re applying.

60 Examples of Strong Closing Statements For a Cover Letter

  • 1. This position seems like a perfect match for my experience, passions, and career aspirations. I would love to bring my skills and expertise to your organization.
  • 2. I am confident that I can make an immediate and positive impact if given the opportunity to join your team. I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to your organization’s success.
  • 3. My background and capabilities align well with the responsibilities of this role. I am excited by the prospect of applying my experience to this position.
  • 4. I am enthusiastic about the chance to join your organization. Please contact me to further discuss my qualifications and how I can add value.
  • 5. I would welcome the opportunity to showcase my abilities and help drive growth and innovation through this position. I am eager to learn more.
  • 6. With my skills and experience, I am prepared to excel in this role and hit the ground running. I look forward to speaking with you.
  • 7. I am confident I would thrive in this position. I am eager to bring my skills, passion, and drive to your dynamic team.
  • 8. I believe I am an excellent fit for this opportunity and am excited by the prospect of contributing my talents to your organization. I welcome the chance to speak with you further.
  • 9. My experience aligns well with the responsibilities of this exciting role. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to apply my skills to benefit your organization.
  • 10. I am excited by the chance to join your team. I look forward to further discussion.
  • 11. I am confident that I possess the necessary qualifications for this role and would excel if given the opportunity.
  • 12. With my background and passion, I am prepared to hit the ground running and make an immediate impact through this position. I would love to join your team.
  • 13. I am eager to apply my expertise to help drive success and innovation for your organization. Please contact me to arrange a time to talk.
  • 14. My experience has fully prepared me to excel in this role. I am excited by the prospect of bringing my skills to your dynamic organization.
  • 15. I am enthusiastic about this opportunity and the chance to contribute to your company’s continued growth and innovation. I look forward to elaborating on my qualifications.
  • 16. I am confident I can perform exceptionally well in this position. I am excited by the prospect of joining your team and organization.
  • 17. With my proven track record, I am prepared to dive in and deliver results through this role. I would be thrilled to join your organization.
  • 18. I am eager to join an organization where I can utilize my expertise to create meaningful impact. This role seems like an excellent fit.
  • 19. I am excited by the prospect of joining your innovative company. My skills would enable me to contribute to your team’s success right away.
  • 20. I am confident my background makes me a competitive applicant for this opportunity. I am excited to further discuss my qualifications with you.
  • 21. With my experience and passion, I know I would thrive in this position. I hope to have the chance to join your talented team.
  • 22. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of bringing my skills and experience to your dynamic organization.
  • 23. I am eager to apply my expertise to help drive innovation and success in this role. I would be thrilled to join your team.
  • 24. I am confident my abilities make me a strong candidate for this opportunity. I am excited by the chance to contribute to your company’s growth.
  • 25. I believe I possess the necessary skills, experience, and drive to excel in this position.
  • 26. With my background, I am prepared to dive in, roll up my sleeves, and immediately begin adding value in this role. I am excited by this opportunity.
  • 27. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of joining your team. I am confident my experience would allow me to thrive in this position.
  • 28. I would welcome the opportunity to join your organization and collaborate with your talented team in this role. Please contact me to further discuss my qualifications.
  • 29. I am excited by the chance to apply my skills and experience to help drive innovation and success for your company. I hope to speak with you soon.
  • 30. I am eager to bring passion, expertise, and a strong work ethic to this position. I am confident I would excel on your team. I look forward to further discussing how I can contribute to your organization’s success.
  • 31. I am confident that I have the necessary qualifications to excel in this role, and I am excited by the prospect of contributing my skills to your organization. I look forward to discussing this opportunity further.
  • 32. With my experience and capabilities, I know I would be a great asset to your team through this position. I am eager to bring my passion and expertise to your dynamic organization.
  • 33. I am enthusiastic about the chance to apply my background in a way that drives meaningful impact and innovation. This role seems like an ideal fit for my skills.
  • 34. I am eager to join your organization and collaborate with your talented team to deliver exceptional results.
  • 35. I am prepared to hit the ground running and make immediate contributions in this role. My experience aligns well with the responsibilities, and I am excited by the prospect of joining your company.
  • 36. I am confident that I possess the ideal qualifications for this opportunity. I would love to join your organization and contribute my skills to help drive future success.
  • 37. With my proven track record and expertise, I am prepared to dive in and immediately begin adding value through this position. I am excited by this opportunity and welcome further discussion.
  • 38. My background and capabilities make me confident that I can perform exceptionally well in this role.
  • 39. I am eager to apply my skills in a high-impact position with a respected organization like yours. I am confident I would thrive on your team. Please contact me to arrange a meeting.
  • 40. I believe this role is an excellent match for my qualifications. I am excited by the opportunity to contribute my experience and talents to your innovative company.
  • 41. I am confident that my background has prepared me well to excel in this position. I would be thrilled to join your talented team and organization.
  • 42. With my passion, expertise, and proven ability to deliver results, I am prepared to dive in and immediately begin driving value through this role. I am excited by this opportunity and look forward to further discussion.
  • 43. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of applying my skills in a challenging and rewarding position at your respected company. I am eager to learn more about this opportunity.
  • 44. I am excited by the chance to join your dynamic team. My experience has fully prepared me to thrive in this position and help drive your organization’s continued success.
  • 45. I am confident I possess the ideal qualifications for this opportunity. I would welcome the chance to join your team and contribute to future growth and innovation.
  • 46. With my background and capabilities, I am prepared to excel in this role. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of applying my experience to benefit your organization. I look forward to speaking with you.
  • 47. I am eager to utilize my expertise. Please contact me to arrange a meeting to discuss my qualifications.
  • 48. I am excited by the prospect of joining your team. I am confident my skills and experience make me a competitive applicant for this opportunity. I look forward to further discussion.
  • 49. This role seems like an excellent match for my background. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to your organization’s success and future growth.
  • 50. I am confident I possess the necessary experience and qualifications to excel in this position. I would be thrilled to join your talented team. I look forward to speaking with you.
  • 51. I am excited by this opportunity and welcome the chance to further discuss my qualifications.
  • 52. I am eager to apply my expertise in a challenging role that enables me to create meaningful impact. I am confident I would thrive in this position on your team.
  • 53. I believe I am an excellent fit for this opportunity. I would be honored to join your organization and collaborate with your talented team. I look forward to further discussion.
  • 54. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing my experience to help drive innovation and continued success. I am excited by this opportunity and confident in my ability to excel.
  • 55. Thank you for reviewing my application. I am eager to bring my background and capabilities to this exciting role on your team. I am confident I can perform exceptionally well if given the opportunity. I look forward to speaking with you.
  • 56. With my proven skills and expertise aligned with this position’s responsibilities, I am prepared to dive in and immediately begin adding value to your organization.
  • 57. I am confident that my experience, capabilities and passion for excellence would allow me to thrive in this role. I would welcome the opportunity to join your respected organization and am eager to further discuss my qualifications.
  • 58. I am excited by the prospect of utilizing my background to help drive innovation and success in this position. I am confident in my ability to excel on your team and look forward to learning more.
  • 59. I believe I am an excellent candidate for this opportunity. I am enthusiastic about applying my experience to contribute to the continued growth and success of your esteemed organization.
  • 60. With my proven track record and expertise, I know I would thrive in this role. I am eager to bring my skills and passion to your dynamic team. Thank you for your consideration – I look forward to discussing this opportunity further.

When choosing a closing statement, make sure it matches the overall tone of your cover letter and reflects your personality. Also, take into consideration the company culture and position you’re applying for.

Examples of Effective Cover Letter Closings

Formal closings.

  • Respectfully,
  • Yours faithfully,
  • Kind regards,
  • Best regards,
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Yours truly,

Semi-Formal Closings

  • Warm regards,
  • Best wishes,
  • With appreciation,
  • Looking forward to your response,
  • Yours in professional success,
  • Many thanks,
  • Thank you for your consideration,
  • Eager for the opportunity to connect,

Casual Closings

  • Have a great day,
  • All the best,
  • Thanks so much,
  • Excited to chat soon,
  • Grateful for your time.

Polishing Your Cover Letter Ending

Proofreading for errors.

Don’t underestimate the power of a well-proofread cover letter. Before sending it off, give it a thorough read-through, and look closely for any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. Consider using a grammar tool to help catch mistakes you might have missed. Also, ask a friend, family member, or even a professional to review your cover letter. Their fresh perspective can provide valuable insights and catch anything you might have overlooked.

Ensuring Consistency with Your Resume

To make your application seamless, double-check your cover letter and resume to ensure consistency. Pay special attention to details such as job titles, dates, and company names, as inconsistencies can raise concerns from potential employers. It’s also a good idea to match the formatting and fonts across both documents to give your application a polished and cohesive look. Make sure the skills and experiences you highlight in your cover letter are complementary to those mentioned in your resume, so they work together to make a strong case for your candidacy.

Sending Your Cover Letter

Email versus hard copy.

When sending your cover letter, you’ll usually have two options: email or hard copy. Each has its benefits and considerations:

  • More convenient and faster
  • Allows for easy tracking and organization
  • Often preferred by employers
  • Be sure to use professional language and an appropriate subject line
  • Formal option, which may be required for certain industries or applications
  • Neatly print and sign your cover letter
  • Use quality paper and a matching envelope

It’s crucial to consider the preferences of the employer when deciding which method to use. If they haven’t specified a preference, feel free to choose the one that makes the most sense for you.

Following Submission Guidelines

No matter how well-written your cover letter is, failing to follow submission guidelines can hurt your chances of being considered for the position. Pay close attention to these key details when preparing your cover letter:

  • Deadline: Be punctual in submitting your application – submit on time or even earlier.
  • Formatting requirements: Follow any formatting requirements mentioned explicitly, such as font type, font size, and margins.
  • File format: Save and send your cover letter in the requested file format, like PDF or Word Document (.docx).
  • Contact information: Don’t forget to include your up-to-date contact information, such as your email address and phone number.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some strong closing statements for a cover letter that stand out to employers.

A strong closing statement should reiterate your enthusiasm for the position and demonstrate your confidence in your qualifications. Here are some examples:

  • “I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to your team and look forward to discussing my qualifications further.”
  • “Thank you for considering my application. I believe my expertise aligns well with the role, and I am eager to contribute to the success of your organization.”
  • “I’m confident that my skills make me an ideal candidate for the position, and I’m eager to discuss how I can add value to your company.”

What’s the best way to format the closing section of my cover letter?

To format the closing section of your cover letter, you should:

  • Leave a space between the last paragraph and your closing.
  • Use a closing phrase like “Sincerely” or “Kind regards.”
  • Add your full name and contact information, such as email address and phone number.
  • If applicable, include any relevant links, such as your LinkedIn profile or online portfolio.
  • Leave a space between your closing phrase and your name so you can add a digital or printed signature.

Should I use ‘Kind regards’ or ‘Yours sincerely’ to finish off my cover letter?

Both ‘Kind regards’ and ‘Yours sincerely’ are acceptable and professional ways to end a cover letter. You can choose which one you feel most comfortable with or suits your individual style. In general, ‘Kind regards’ is a safe and widely used option, while ‘Yours sincerely’ is considered a bit more formal.

How can you make a cover letter feel personal and engaging without being too casual?

To make your cover letter personal and engaging, try these tips:

  • Address the recipient by name, if possible, to create a connection.
  • Start your cover letter by mentioning a specific detail about the company or role to show you’ve done your research.
  • Share anecdotes from your experience that directly relate to the requirements of the job and showcase your unique qualities.
  • Focus on the value you can bring to the company, rather than just listing your qualifications.
  • Resume vs. Cover Letter (Thoughtful Tips)
  • How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Examples)
  • 3 Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples (Guide)
  • Cover Letter vs. Letter of Interest vs. Letter of Intent
  • 2 Smart Examples: Executive Assistant Cover Letter
  • How To Write a Cover Letter [Inspiring Examples]

How to End a Cover Letter (Examples Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

how to end a cover letter for job

By Mike Simpson

Did you know that 86 percent of executives think cover letters are valuable parts of an application? It’s true. That’s why making sure yours packs a punch is so important, including your cover letter closing.

In many cases, candidates spend most of their time fretting about the main body paragraphs when writing their cover letters, giving little if any thought to how to end a cover letter.

The problem is, your last paragraph and closing sentence make up part of your first impression, playing a big role in whether you land an interview. Is ignoring something so critical a good idea? Of course not.

Luckily, you’re here, and we have your back. Come with us as we explore the ins and outs of how to end a cover letter with style and professionalism.

What Is a Cover Letter?

Alright, before we really dig into how to close a cover letter, let’s take a quick step back and discuss what a cover letter is and what it’s for.

Now, we’ve actually taken a deep dive into how to write a cover letter before, as well as providing some outstanding cover letter examples and helpful cover letter tips . But, as a quick summary, a cover letter is a short, written introduction that supplements your resume. It gives the hiring manager more insights into what you bring to the table, covering points that won’t fit in your resume and giving you some room to showcase your personality.

Technically, every part of your cover letter is important. You want to make sure you address your cover letter properly, nail your introductory paragraph, offer enticing tidbits in the body, and close strong.

In fact, one could argue that your opening and closing paragraphs are the most important. While your opener serves as the initial introduction, your cover letter closing cements your first impression. By nailing it, you can leave the hiring manager with a warm, fuzzy feeling about what you have to offer. That’s powerful stuff.

Alright, but what exactly is your cover letter closing? Well, the closing of your cover letter is typically your final paragraph, as well as your closing sentiment and signature. Each of those sections cements your first impression, so they are all relevant to the equation.

With your final paragraph, you’re wrapping up what you wanted to say, which is why it’s part of the closing. The sentiment before your signature, however, also plays a role. While it may only be a word or two, the words you choose do make an impact, so they are also part of the closing.

And, yes, your signature (and contact details) is also included in the closing. How you present that information does matter, so you want to get it right, too.

What about a postscript (P.S.)? If I have one of those, is it part of the closing? Well, technically, it could be. However, a cover letter really shouldn’t have a postscript. We’ll get into why in a second.

Common Mistakes When Ending a Cover Letter and How to Avoid Them

Alright, we know you’re chomping at the bit for an overview of how to close a cover letter and some examples. We promise they are coming. The thing is, we need to tap on something else important before we get there: common cover letter closing mistakes.

As with all parts of your application, certain mistakes in your cover letter can spell doom for your job search. Thankfully, most of them are completely avoidable. As long as you know to watch out for them and to take steps to address them, you’re set.

So, what are some common mistakes when ending a cover letter? Generally, the biggest mistake you can make when in any part of your cover letter has typos. In fact, 58 percent of hiring managers will remove you from contention if your cover letters contain errors. Ouch.

Luckily, avoiding typos is pretty easy. By simply proofreading your cover letter, making use of handy tools like spell and grammar checks, and asking a trusted family member or friend to take a look, you can probably catch any errors and get them fixed before you submit your cover letter.

Another doozy is making your cover letter too generic. Failing to tailor the content – including the cover letter closing – can cost you big, as 36 percent of hiring managers will toss your application if it isn’t personalized for the job you’re trying to land.

How do you avoid a generic cover letter? By using the Tailoring Method when you write. That way, your content will be incredibly relevant to that role. Problem solved!

Additionally, using the wrong tone can be an issue. While you want to come across as confident, it’s also important to be gracious, appreciative, and polite. If you’re too forceful, aggressive, or boastful, that could hurt your chances instead of helping.

Instead, focus on being passionate about what you do, excited about the opportunity, and thankful that the hiring manager took the time to read your cover letter. That way, your closing is powerful and positive, ensuring the final part of this first impression hits the mark.

Alright, the final mistake we’ll tap on is adding a P.S. to your cover letter. While it may seem like a way to stand out or draw attention to a specific sentence, there’s a good chance it’ll backfire. Postscripts tend to look unprofessional.

Plus, it makes it seem like you couldn’t figure out how to get that point to fit into your letter properly, which could put your communication skills into question. In some cases, the hiring manager might even think that you don’t know how document creation software works, causing you to believe that you couldn’t go back and edit the content to fit that point in.

Finally, there’s actually a chance the hiring manager won’t notice the P.S. at the bottom. If you wait until then to say something important, you’re risking it not getting read at all. That’s no good.

So, while a P.S. could stand out, there’s also a really good chance that the move will backfire. As a result, it’s better to fit that detail into the rest of your letter instead of saving it for a postscript.

How to End a Cover Letter

Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for. To make closing out your next cover letter a breeze, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to end a cover letter.

1. Summarize What You Bring to the Table

Generally, the last paragraph of your cover letter should mirror your introductory one. You want to offer a simple summary that showcases why you’re a stellar candidate, touching on the key skills you bring to the table that the hiring manager wants to find.

Now, the trick is, you want to restate what you’ve shared without rehash the exact phrases you used earlier in the cover letter. That way, this part of the letter feels fresh.

2. Appreciation for Their Time

After your quick summary, thank the hiring manager for taking the time to consider your application. It’s a small gesture, but it’s nonetheless critical.

Everyone likes to feel appreciated. By adding a thank-you moment into your closing, you’re recognizing that the hiring manager is doing you a favor by reading your cover letter, and that can have a big impact on the tone of your closing.

3. A (Confident and Excited) Look Toward the Future

Next, it’s time to add a bit of confidence and excitement about what the future may hold by letting the hiring manager know you’re looking forward to the next steps. It’s a polite way to reassert your interest in the job, ensuring you plant the right seeds without being too aggressive.

Additionally, when done properly, you can take this part to the next level. It’s another opportunity to mention how you are ready to put a relevant skill to work to help the company achieve a particular goal.

Now, the latter approach should only be used if it feels right with the rest of your cover letter. Additionally, you can’t pull this off unless you’ve done a bit of research (which is something you did before you started writing your cover letter, right?). It only works if you can tap on something specific. If you can’t do that, then opt for a more classic approach.

4. Choose the Right Closing Sentiment

The closing phrase you choose before adding your signature does matter. Some options are more appropriate than others. For example, while “Sincerely,” “Thank You,” or “Best Regards” are usually safe bets, using “Fondly,” “Love,” or “Warmly” isn’t.

In the end, a cover letter is a type of formal correspondence. That means you need to err on the side of caution and avoid a cover letter closing that feels too casual or personal. By sticking with the business correspondence classics, you’re probably in good shape.

5. Sign Off (and Include Your Contact Details)

After your closing, you want to list your name, as well as your contact details. Not only does that keep that information conveniently located but, if your cover letter and resume get separated, it guarantees the hiring manager knows the cover letter is yours.

When it comes to contact details, list your email address and phone number at a minimum. If you’re like, you can also include your LinkedIn URL. Just make sure you actually put the URL and not just a link. That way, if the hiring manager prints out your cover letter, they can still reach your profile with ease.

3 Cover Letter Ending Examples

Sometimes, nothing is quite as helpful as an amazing example. With a cover letter closing example, you can see how these critical paragraphs are constructed. Then, you can use them as a framework when you write your own.

Generally, the core strategy for how to close a cover letter remains the same. However, the details change depending on the role and the overall approach. To help you see how to put the tips above into action, here are three cover letter ending examples – based on three different kinds of roles – that you can tweak to meet your needs.

1. Customer Service

With my customer-oriented mindset and previous experience working in a fast-paced retail environment providing exceptional support, I believe that my capabilities make me a great candidate for this position. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to learning more about the opportunity, as well as any next steps in your hiring process.

[Your Name]

[Phone Number]

[LinkedIn URL]

[Personal Website URL]

2. Technology

Ultimately, I am excited to apply my software development skills and education to a new challenge, and I feel that I can help ABC Company achieve its goals of advancing technology innovations in the industry. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to not only discussing my capabilities with your further but also learning more about this exciting opportunity.

3. Management

I, like XYZ Corp., feel like people are always a company’s greatest asset. Your company’s mission and values initially attracted me to this position, and I believe that my skills and experience align with not only your broader goals but also the organization’s culture. Thank you for reviewing my application, and I look forward to hearing back from you about this exceptional opportunity.

Best Regards,

Putting It All Together

Ultimately, you should now have a pretty solid idea of how to end a cover letter with a bang. Take advantage of every tip above as a starting point. Then, really work to tailor your cover letter closing to the job, ensuring that it packs an amazing punch and helps you stand out from other applicants. After all, your closing is part of your first impression. Always make it count.

how to end a cover letter for job

Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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how to end a cover letter for job

How to End a Cover Letter [w/ 4 Examples]

Background Image

How you end your cover letter is an important part of the process. 

You’ve managed to make a good impression with your cover letter and now you want to “exit” on a good note with an equally impactful conclusion. 

This is where this article comes in.

We’ll show you how to end your cover letter effectively and leave the right impression on the recruiter reading it!

  • 6 Ways to end a cover letter for a job (with examples) 
  • Ways NOT to end a cover letter
  • How to sign off a cover letter
  • Signature lines NOT to use 

New to cover letter writing? Give our resumes 101 video a watch before diving into the article!

6 Ways to End a Cover Letter for a Job (With Examples)

Your cover letter ending consists of your closing paragraph and your signature line.

As your official “parting” from the recruiter, your closing paragraph should be an on-point summary of your cover letter’s highlights and a chance to reaffirm your strong points.

To guide you in the right direction, we’ve put together our favorite tips on how to end a cover letter effectively. 

So, let’s see what they’re all about!

#1: Show Confidence 

First things first—make sure you end your cover letter on a confident note. 

All your skills, qualifications, and strengths will lose a bit of their value if you don’t confidently show the recruiter that you can apply them to the company’s benefit. 

Say, you mentioned a bunch of noteworthy achievements and skills as you were writing your cover letter . Your cover letter ending is your chance to confidently reiterate them.

For example, you might have mentioned in your cover letter how you helped your previous company exceed its sales target by 30%. That’s an achievement you can use to conclude your cover letter confidently.  

For example:

I believe my ability to generate sales and drive results will be a significant contribution to your company’s goals and KPIs. 

#2: Sum Up Your Skills (For the Position)

Another way to effectively end your cover letter is to sum up your top skills. 

More specifically, sum up exactly how your skills will bring value to the team or company, or how they are relevant to the position you are applying for.

Here’s an example of how you can do this:

To conclude, I can confidently say that my 5 years of experience as a researcher have made me detail-oriented, patient, and able to connect smaller pieces of information to see the bigger picture. I believe these skills will be of use in this position. 

job search masterclass

#3: Be Enthusiastic

You may be highly qualified and justifiably confident in your skills, but employers also want to see that you will be a motivated and engaged employee. 

So, make sure to express your enthusiasm! This will show that you care about this job and that you will put passion and energy into your work if you’re hired. 

Employees who are enthusiastic about their work are also far more likely to stay on board long term, which means that you’ve got more chances to get (and stay) hired! It’s no wonder that 71% of executives say that employee engagement is critical to their company’s success .

As such, sometimes, the deciding difference between two equally qualified candidates is just their level of interest and enthusiasm for the position.

Being able to apply all of my skills and previous experience to this project is an ideal and exciting opportunity for me. 

#4: State Your Goals and Set Expectations 

Another great way to end your cover letter is by stating your professional goals and giving the recruiter a general idea of what they should expect from you as a potential employee.

This will show that you are proactive and that you have clear objectives for your career.

Keep in mind though—when stating your goals and expectations, focus on mentioning how you’ll contribute to the company and benefit the employer, not just the other way around. 

And remember—what can set you apart from other candidates is expressing exactly what connects you to the company (other than just wanting to be hired). This can make your claims more believable and attract recruiters more easily.

Here’s an example of how you can make that work:

My goal is to be counted among the top professionals in the field, not only due to my skills but also because of my appetite for innovation. Your company’s mission to innovate some basic aspects of our daily lives is an inspiration for my work and I’d be happy to contribute my skills to achieve this common mission.

#5: Don’t Forget to Say “Thank You” 

Don’t forget to end the letter with gratitude. 

After all, recruiters go through countless applications daily, so just the fact that they took the time to read yours is enough of a reason to be thankful. 

Because it is expected that you will say “thank you” (and would be considered rude if you don’t), genuine gratitude is what will make you instantly more likable and win you extra points. 

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I truly appreciate your consideration and hope to have the chance to prove through my dedicated work for your company.

#6. Keep It Professional 

This last piece of advice is quite simple. Keep your cover letter professional. You’ll have plenty of chances to express the more fun side of your character. 

There will be plenty of time to express your more “casual” side once you’re hired. At this stage, though, employers want to see that you are professional, reliable, and serious about your work. 

So, it’s better to use academic language and a clean, simple style. 

Liked the tips we covered in this article? There’s more where that came from! Check out our complete guide with the top 21 cover letter tips .

Ways NOT to End a Cover Letter 

And now that we covered the best ways to end your cover letter, let’s go over what you should NOT do when you’re writing your cover letter ending.  

  • Do not appear desperate for the job. There is a fine line between expressing enthusiasm and being desperate. If you step over that line, you might blow your chances at getting a callback.
  • Don’t be cocky and entitled. Avoid rhetoric that implies that the company would be foolish not to hire you and avoid speaking as though you’ve already been hired.
  • Do not use overly familiar language or slang. That is unless you are working in the comedy industry.
  • Don’t forget to proofread. Forgetting to proofread your cover letter (including the ending) is a big no-no. Typos and grammar mistakes can come across as unprofessional, so make sure to double-check for mistakes or use software like Grammarly .
  • Don’t be sloppy! Pay attention to how you structure your closing paragraph just as much as the rest of your cover letter. This is the last thing the recruiters will read and it is what they will remember from the cover letter.
  • Do not skip the closing! Not including a final paragraph in a cover letter is a huge mistake. This is your opportunity to summarize your strong points, enthusiasm, and gratitude memorably.

Want to know what mistakes you should avoid when you’re writing your cover letter? Our guide on cover letter mistakes has all you need to know.

How to Sign Off a Cover Letter 

Signing off your cover letter is a pretty straightforward task. All you have to do is use a signature line, followed by your full name. Something like this: 

And since “sincerely” has become overused, consider these signature lines to use instead: 

  • Kind regards,
  • With best regards,
  • Most sincerely,
  • Respectfully yours,
  • Best regards,
  • Respectfully,
  • Thank you for your consideration,

Signature lines not to use

You probably know better than to use any of the signature lines below, but we thought to go over them just in case. So, whatever you do, refrain from using any of the following: 

  • Warm Regards
  • Yours Truly
  • Have a wonderful day
  • Affectionately

Do I Sign a Cover Letter? 

Whether you should sign a cover letter depends on how you are sending your cover letter. 

Nowadays, most cover letters are sent electronically. If that’s the case with you, there is no need to add an electronic signature. 

Simply add your full name at the end of the cover letter, using the same font as the rest of your letter. 

If you are sending a good old-fashioned printed cover letter, on the other hand, include the same details and add your signature underneath your name. 

Having a matching resume and cover letter is a great way to make a good impression on the hiring manager! We make that super easy for you - just pick one of our matching pairs of resume & cover letter templates and start writing yours!

matching resume and cover letter

Key Takeaways 

How you end your cover letter is extremely important. If you manage to get it right, your application will make an impression and most surely earn you a callback.

To make sure you got it right, let’s go over the main points we covered in this article: 

  • Your cover letter ending should contain a captivating closing paragraph and a signature line.
  • To write a good closing paragraph, do some of the following: convey enthusiasm, recap your skills and qualifications, show gratitude, and state your goals and expectations.
  • Things NOT to do when you’re writing your cover letter ending are: appearing cocky, being sloppy, forgetting to proofread, and ignoring the ending altogether.
  • Signature lines to consider in addition to sincerely are: kind regards, respectfully, and most sincerely.

Related Readings:

  • Do I Need A Cover Letter in 2024
  • Entry-level Cover Letter
  • Cover Letter for Internship

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StandOut CV

How to end a cover letter + 25 examples

Andrew Fennell photo

So, you’ve written your cover letter – brilliant! But how should you end it professionally?

If you are writing a cover letter, it’s important to end it correctly so you persuade the recruiter or hiring manager to open your CV.

In this article, we’ll share 25 cover letter ending examples and we’ll also take you through a whole host of top tips on how to end your own cover letter with impact.

CV templates 

how to end a cover letter

25 cover letter ending samples

With these 25 cover letter ending examples for inspiration, you’ll find it easy to create your own conclusion, leaving recruiters desperate to open your CV .

I have attached my CV for your review and I am available for an interview at your request. I genuinely appreciate your time and attention to reading my cover letter.

Kind regards,

Kelly Anderton 07777777777 [email protected]

Enclosed is my CV, which provides a comprehensive overview of my qualifications, exceptional skills, and other accomplishments. I am immediately available for an interview and eager to discuss how I can drive your initiatives. Your time in reviewing my cover letter means a lot.Thanks,

Sylvester brown 07777777777 [email protected]

I am highly motivated to learn more from experienced professionals. Please do reach out to me, as I am immediately available for an interview. Thank you for considering my application.Kind regards,

Oliver Mount 07777777777 [email protected]

Feel free to contact me, as I am available for an interview right away and keen to discuss how my copywriting expertise can benefit your organisation. Thank you for your consideration.Best regards,

Terry Mews 01234567890 [email protected]

CV builder

Enclosed is my CV, which provides more details about my relevant skills, qualifications, and additional achievements for the role. You may contact me via email or phone, as I am available for an interview ASAP. Thanks for your effort in reading my cover letter.Kind regards,

Gareth Hill 07777777777 [email protected]

I look forward to an interview at your earliest convenience to further discuss my competencies, qualifications, and other accomplishments. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.Thanks very much,

Paula Keane 07777777777 [email protected]

I am excited to bring my strong creative writing skills to your team. Please feel free to contact me to schedule an interview, as I am available ASAP, or if you require any additional information concerning my qualifications and skills. Your consideration is greatly appreciated.Sincerely,

Rachel Meadows 07777777777 [email protected]

Feel free to contact me at any time of your choosing, as I am immediately available for an interview. I am excited about the chance to leverage my private equity experience to drive strategic growth and value to your company. I am thankful for the opportunity to be considered.Kind regards,

Violet May 07777777777 [email protected]

I am thrilled about the opportunity to bring my competencies, passions, and qualifications to your company. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me to arrange an interview when you have a chance. Your attention to my cover letter is truly valued.Thanks,

Denise Borthwick 07777777777 [email protected]

With an MSc in Finance, I will bring my best efforts to contribute to the company’s ongoing growth and success. Thank you for your attention to my application, and I am available for an interview ASAP.Best regards,

Jeremy Mitchell 07777777777 [email protected]

I look forward to an interview at your earliest convenience to discuss how my qualifications and skills make me the perfect candidate for the position. Thank you so much for considering my application.Regards,

Helen Westgate 07777777777 [email protected]

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to apply my research skills to exploring new avenues of enquiry. You can get in touch with me via email or phone, as I am available for an interview at any time. I want to express my thanks for reading my cover letter.Respectfully,

James Doyle 07777777777 [email protected]

Enclosed is my CV, which outlines my compressive creative qualifications, skills, and other achievements. Please let me know your preferred date and time for an interview, and I will ensure to be there promptly. I am grateful for your interest in my application.Thanks so much,

Aaron King 07777777777 [email protected]

My proactive attitude and ability to foster a positive team ensure that I am the perfect person for this position. You can get hold of me to schedule an interview at your earliest convenience. Your time in reading my cover letter is not taken for granted.Kind regards,

Raul Mohammed 07777777777 [email protected]

I am available right away for an interview and eager to discuss how I can leverage my certifications, qualifications, and IT consultation expertise to drive your digital transformation initiatives. Thanks for taking the time to read my cover letter.Kind regards,

Neil Powell 07777777777 [email protected]

I look forward to discussing how my skills, MBA, and MSc Computer Science qualifications, and CSM, SSM, CSPO, and CSD certifications align with your requirements. I am ready to interview whenever suits you. I am thankful for your interest in my application.Best,

Lucas Strongman 07777777777 [email protected]

Furthermore, I am passionate about bringing my social media experience to your company to enhance your online presence and engage with a broader audience effectively. My CV provides additional details of my experience, qualifications, and other achievements, and I am open to an interview whenever you’d like. Thanks for giving my application your time and attention.Kind regards,

Nadine Wright 07777777777 [email protected]

I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and passion for graphic design in an interview. Please find my contact information below, and I am ready for an interview when you are. Thanks for reviewing my cover letter.Best wishes,

Alex Pierce 07777777777 [email protected]

I welcome the opportunity to meet with you at the time of your convenience to talk more about how my agile development expertise could add value to your department. I really appreciate your time and attention.With thanks,

Anthony Brown 07777777777 [email protected]

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to explore how my extensive teaching skills and passion for education align with your school’s mission to inspire young minds. I am available for an interview from 15th March 2023. Thank you for considering my application.Best regards,

Wayne Barnes 07777777777 [email protected]

I am eager about the chance to demonstrate how my customer service skills and commitment to client satisfaction can benefit your company. I’m available for an interview, and the timing is up to you. Thanks for reading my cover letter – it really does mean a lot.Warm regards,

Lawrence McKenzie 07777777777 [email protected]

I’m keen to explore how my project management expertise and proven track record can help your team achieve outstanding results. I’m flexible and available for an interview any time after 1st July. I appreciate the time it took you to read my cover letter.Warmly yours,

Felicity Gibbins 07777777777 [email protected]

I am deeply interested in learning about any upcoming landscape architecture vacancies in greater detail. Please feel free to contact me via email or by phone – I am free for an interview whenever is convenient for you. Thanks so much for your time.Thanks,

Sarah Butts 07777777777 [email protected]

How to end a cover letter

Your cover letter ending consists of your closing paragraph, a polite two-to-three-word closing, and your professional signature.

Here are 5 steps to writing a cover letter ending that will get hiring managers excited.

Reiterate your value as an employee

Emphasise how you can help the employer solve their problems. In other words, say the kind of results you can bring to the company to show you’re a valuable asset.

For example, you could say:

  • “I am excited about the chance to contribute my strategic vision and data-driven approach to the team at Sussex University.”
  • “My passion for creative and data-backed marketing strategies fits perfectly with the creative work your team is doing. I am confident that my experience and enthusiasm will make an immediate and positive impact, driving growth and success for your company.”
  • “I am convinced that my finance experience and analytical skills will allow me to make meaningful contributions to the financial success of ABC Finance Group.”

Be precise about how you think you can make a positive impact. For example, if you’re in the marketing sector, say how your creative ideas can enhance brand visibility. Or if you’re in finance , mention how your financial experience can save the company money or boost its financial strategies. But avoid coming across as big-headed and over-confident.

For example, don’t say: “I’m not just a graphic designer – I’m the world’s best graphic designer, and I’m here to transform your company’s visual identity. Be ready to witness greatness!” S aying this certainly won’t impress recruiters.

Instead keep it simple and subtle, by suggesting realistic results you can bring to the company .

Indicate the next course of action

Let the recruiter know you’re ready to move forward with your application – this tells them you are serious about the role.

Here’s why implying the next steps is critical:

  • You sound clear and willing – When you mention your availability for an interview, you make it clear you’re ready for the next steps. This allows employers to plan their recruitment process effectively.
  • You express keenness – When you declare that you’re enthusiastic about discussing the job role, it demonstrates that you’re excited about the position. Hiring managers and recruiters value keen applicants.

For example, you could say something like:

Cover letter next course of action

Express gratitude

It’s important to acknowledge the reader has taken the time to consider your application by expressing gratitude. That means thanking them for their time and consideration.

Because let’s face it, recruiters encounter endless applications every day, so the very fact they spent time reviewing your cover letter is a good enough reason to be thankful.

Showing gratitude provides a personal touch and will make you instantly more likeable – giving you some extra kudos.

Express gratitude in your cover letter

Close your cover letter professionally

Finally, write a polite closing, otherwise known as the cover letter closing salutation.

The aim is to strike the right tone – not too formal, but not too relaxed. So, don’t use overly-familiar phrases like, “Cheers, mate” or “Peace out.”

Expressions like these won’t be well-received!

Instead, you could say “Best regards” or “Kind regards”.

Here are more examples of how to sign a cover letter off professionally:

Good cover letter closing sign-offs

Wrap up with a signature

To finish off your cover letter, create a professional signature to add to the bottom. Doing so makes your cover letter look professional and gives the recruiter methods to get in touch easily.

Here’s what you’ll need to include:

  • Your full name – Use your complete legal name as it appears on your official documents
  • Your phone number – A reliable number that you can answer quickly if the recruiter calls.
  • Your email address – Choose a professional email address , preferably one that uses your name, for example, [email protected] or [email protected].

You could also include the following:

  • Your job title – Mention your current professional role visibly.
  • Professional links – Include your links to any professional online profiles you have, such as a portfolio or LinkedIn profile so recruiters can see more evidence of your professional network and expertise.

Here’s an example of a professional signature:

cover letter signature

A quick tip: For the sake of time, save your signature in your email drafts or a separate document so you can copy and paste it for every job application.

Cover letter ending mistakes

Now you know about the best ways to finish your cover letter, let’s explore what you should avoid when concluding it:

  • Using informal language – Keep your cover letter professional. Unless you’re applying for a role in the comedy sector, ditch jargon or casual language like, “Catch you later, alligator! I’d be a boss addition to your company.” Instead, use: “I’m looking forward to the chance of joining your team and making a valuable contribution.”
  • Sounding arrogant – Avoid coming across as overconfident or entitled. Don’t presume you already have the job or assume the company would be stupid not to recruit you.
  • Making typos – Remember to proofread your cover letter and double-check for grammatical mistakes and typos, particularly in the closing. Inaccuracies can make you look unprofessional in recruiters’ eyes.
  • Forgetting the closing paragraph – Always include the final paragraph – it’s a shining opportunity to recap your strengths and express enthusiasm and appreciation memorably.

Sign-offs to steer clear of

Using sign-off phrases such as “Yours fondly” or “Cheers” won’t impress a hiring manager . They can make you sound too over-friendly or casual in a formal job application.

So, choose more standard and polite sign-offs such as those we’ve mentioned above, like “Kind regards” or “ Best regards.”

Here are some sign-offs you should keep your distance from:

cover letter sign-offs to avoid

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How To End a Cover Letter (With Closing Examples)

how to end a cover letter for job

Cover Letter Closing Examples

Closings not to use, how to sign a cover letter, set up an email signature, more cover letter writing tips.

Hugo Lin / The Balance

When you're writing a cover letter or sending an email message to apply for a job, it's important to close your letter in as professional a manner as possible. End your letter with a formal closing, followed by your signature.

As with any job-related correspondence, it's best to opt for a more formal language and tone—a cover letter is no place for "XOXO," “Cheers,” or even a casual "take care" as a closer.

The following is a list of letter closing examples that are appropriate for cover letters and other employment-related correspondence, such as thank-you notes and/or emails to schedule interviews or pass along references.

  • Sincerely yours
  • Best regards
  • With best regards
  • Kind regards
  • Yours truly
  • Most sincerely
  • Respectfully
  • Respectfully yours
  • Thank you for your consideration

A cover letter is a formal correspondence, so it's important not to be too casual or friendly when writing it. Here are some letter closings that are fine to use when emailing or writing to a friend, but are not appropriate to use in a cover letter. 

  • Affectionately
  • Best wishes
  • Eagerly waiting for a response
  • Warm regards
  • Warmest regards
  • Take it easy
  • Have a great day
  • Have a nice day
  • Yours faithfully
  • Abbreviations (Thx or any other abbreviated word isn't appropriate)
  • Any emoticon (no smiley faces)
  • Sent from my phone (if your phone automatically includes it, you can remove it in the settings)

For a printed letter, follow the closing with a comma. Then, on a new line, put your name. Leave a space above your typed name for your written signature.

Signature (hard copy letter)

If you're sending an email, you can add your contact information below your name. For example:

Best regards,

Your Name Your Email Address Your Phone Number Your LinkedIn Profile URL

Whichever sign-off you choose, make sure always to capitalize its first letter.

To simplify, you can set up an email signature that includes your contact information.

An email signature will make it easy for correspondents to readily see how to get in touch and saves you the time of typing the information repeatedly.

Use a Professional Email Account

It’s a wise idea, when conducting a job search, to set up an email account (and accompanying address) dedicated. Doing so will help to ensure that you don’t miss emails from potential employers who might be interested in interviewing you. It also will allow you to provide a professional-sounding email address on your resume and cover letter. This email address should be comprised simply of your name (examples: “ or

Too often, job candidates use their personal email accounts to apply for jobs, often using “cute” email names such as “” or” This casual practice often raises hiring managers, eyebrows, raising red flags about whether a candidate is a serious, qualified applicant for the job to which they are applying.

It’s better to err on the side of safety and separate your professional and personal email accounts.

What To Include in Your Signature

In your signature, include your email address and phone number. You can add your LinkedIn profile URL to make it easy for your recipients to view your skills, accomplishments, educational background, and work history. Depending on your field, you may also want to include a link to your Twitter account; if you do so, make sure that your account is professional and appropriate for viewing by potential employers. 

Find out how to set up a professional email signature, including formatting style and links to help you save a signature in your preferred email program.

Cover letters, whether submitted through email or traditional mail channels, are always the first impression you provide a potential employer. Make sure that this impression is a good one by following the “best practices” outlined in these links so that your cover letter shines.

Having an appropriate close is just one of the many steps required to craft a winning cover letter.

Review how to write a cover letter , including what to include in your cover letter, how to write a cover letter, typical cover letter formats, targeted cover letters, and cover letter samples and examples.

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How to End a Cover Letter? 8 Great Cover Letter Endings (+Examples)

Klára Červeňanská — Copywriter

The closing paragraph of your cover letter shouldn't be overlooked. In this article you'll learn how to end a cover letter to make a good impression on a hiring manager.

So, how to end a cover letter on a high note?

A great cover letter closing should highlight your strengths , call for action , and express gratitude . Ideally, all that without sounding repetitive, pushy, or bland. 

So, whether you're looking for a slightly upgraded version of a universal ending or something more distinctive, you'll find it here. Together with great closing paragraphs from cover letters belonging to real people who got hired by well-known companies like Volvo, Ikea, and NBC. 

how to end a cover letter

Cover letter closing paragraph: What should I include?

All cover letters should have a clear structure consisting of three main sections. An introduction, main body, and a closing paragraph. Each of these sections should follow certain rules regarding their thematic content.

In the introduction of your cover letter, you should introduce yourself in detail, explain why the job is exciting to you, and state that you're a great fit. Excluding the heading, contact info, and greeting, the intro should be one paragraph long.

In the main body of your letter, you should back this by writing about your professional skills, past experiences, and hopes and aspirations for your professional future. The main body should be one longer paragraph or 2 shorter ones.

But, what about the closing paragraph ? Well, the ending of your cover letter consists of several key components: 

  • A succinct summary of your strengths. This doesn't mean you should repeat everything you wrote in the main body. Rather, you should cherry-pick the parts that are most relevant to the role and best illustrate why you make a great fit. Avoid sounding repetitive by changing up the phrasing. 
  • A confident call to action. In a sentence or two you should suggest the next steps. You should be confident without sounding demanding.
  • Express gratitude. You should always express gratitude for the recruiter's time and consideration. Afterall, it takes time to review volumes of cover letters and give each one a thought. Make sure to be polite.  
  • Use a professional sign-off. Avoid slang phrases like Cheers , See ya , or Have a good one . Rather, opt for the tried and tested classics, such as Sincerely , Best wishes , and Respectfully . 

A cover letter closing should fit into one short paragraph plus a few lines including a sign-off, your name, and possibly your contact information if you haven't yet stated these at the beginning. 

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5 Cover letter ending samples from real people

Cover letter ending sample #1 

This first sample cover letter conclusion is short, sweet, and confident. This job seeker is offering his insight as something valuable. This simple psychological trick will make him seem as something diserable by the company.

how to end a cover letter

Cover letter ending sample #2 

In this case, the job seeker is showing enthusiasm for the position, the company, and its culture. Furthermore, "I would love the opportunity to meet with you and dicuss the value I can bring to Ikea" is a strong and confident call to action. 

how to end a cover letter

Cover letter ending sample #3

Wondering how to end a cover letter for an internship? Being self-assured rather than self-effacing will instantly make you a stronger candidate. This person is very pursuasive about wanting to show  why she is deserving of an internship. By doing this, the hiring manager will be intrigued and invite the job seeker for an interview. 

how to end a cover letter

Cover letter ending sample #4 

This candidate is making specific points regarding why he'd be a "top contributor" to their team. His tone is very enthusiastic and confident, which is what hiring managers want to see. His call to action is the opposite of vague and is rather specific as he is looking forward to "hearing from them regarding next steps" .

how to end a cover letter

Cover letter ending sample #5

This cover letter ending has it all. The candidate reiterates her strengths, connects her past experience with the skills she acquired, and mentions how these qualities would make her a valuable member of the team. Her call to action is not bland, but direct and firm. 

how to end a cover letter

Do you prefer to see more examples from hired professionals or find job-specific cover letter samples for your industry? Visit our cover letter library .

3 Examples of cover letter closing paragraphs 

To help you craft a strong cover letter ending paragraph, Kickresume's team of career writers formulated a few examples.

You can use these closing paragraph text examples as inspiration or as a blueprint to write your own.

Cover letter ending example #1

In conclusion, my aforementioned background in [field/profession] and skills, such as [the most relevant skills] have prepared me to be a successful and contributing team member in the kind of environment that  [company] has. I would love the chance to further discuss how my qualifications will contribute to [company] ’s success. 

Thank you for considering my application. 

Cover letter ending example #2

I genuinely believe that my education and [number of years] -year long expertise in [field]  would make me a valuable asset to your organization. Furthermore, the skills I have acquired along the way, including  [the most relevant skills],  make me an excellent match for this job. I’d welcome the opportunity to speak with you more about how I can contribute to the growth and success at  [company].

Thank you for your consideration. 

Best regards, 

Cover letter ending example #3

To conclude,   I believe my [number of years]  years of experience in [field] , specifically working in/on/as  [profession, project, specific industry]  make me a great potential asset. I'd be excited to learn more about this job opening, and show you how I can help [company] 's mission to grow in the next quartile.

Thank you for your time and for considering my application. 


Cover letter closing paragraph: What other things to include?

There are a few other things a good cover letter conclusion can include apart from the 4 key components mentioned throughout the article.

So, what else can you add to your cover letter closing?

  • Contact information. Some applicants prefer to put their contact information in the header of the cover letter. Sure, that's one way to do it, but you can absolutely choose to put the contact info at the bottom. Or even include them in the last paragraph as a part of the call to action. It can go something like "...I'd welcome the opportunity to speak with you more about my qualifications at [phone number and email]."
  • Reference to resume attachment. As you usually send both at the same time, you don't really have to say you attached a resume. They already know. However, if your cover letter and resume complement each other and you make a lot of references to your resume throughout the text, then sure. Say something like "...I've attached my resume and am happy to provide any additional information you might need."
  • A link to your portfolio. This is, of course, only applicable if you have a portfolio or when it's relevant for the job. In creative fields like graphic design or architecture a portfolio is actually worth a lot more than a cover letter. So, definitely make sure to mention it. You can either include the URL for your website or instruct the hiring managers as to where they can find it. Say, for example, "...If you are interested, my portfolio can be viewed at"

While these aren't necessary, they sure add a nice touch. However, bear in mind that some of these might not be applicable to your specific cover letter ending. 

how to sign off a cover letter

Key takeaways: How to end a cover letter

The beginning of a cover letter is what initially draws the hiring manager in. But, in order to make a lasting impression, you need to know how to end a cover letter, too. To do that, you should: 

  • Highlight any strengths, skills, and past experiences that make you a great candidate ;
  • Include a confident call to action that doesn ' t sound demanding or bland ;
  • Express your gratitude in a polite way ;
  • Use a professional sign-off ;
  • If applicable, include your contact information, a reference to your resume attachment, and a link to your portfolio. 

Of course, the content of your entire cover letter matters, not just the ending.

If you'd like to know how to write a complete cover letter, check out our complete cover letter guide .

And for the best result, use one of Kickresume's cover letter templates  alongside any of your email builders or AI writers . Oh, and remember that a cover letter goes hand in hand with a resume . You can even  turn your LinkedIn profile into a great resume  with just one click.

Klára Červeňanská — Copywriter

Klára Červeňanská

Klara recently graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she got an opportunity to write full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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Perfect Cover Letter Salutations: Start Strong

11 min read · Updated on April 24, 2024

Jen David

Greet your future employer professionally with these cover letter salutations

Cover letters – some recruiters love them; some recruiters hate them. Unfortunately, you'll rarely know which type of recruiter you're contacting, so the safest bet is always to send one, just in case. 

The aim of a cover letter is to make the reader want to find out more about you, so in this article, we're looking at starting strong. 

Which are the best cover letter salutations to make a great first impression?

What is a cover letter salutation?

When we say “salutation,” we mean the opening line of the letter where you greet the person you're writing to. For example, when you write to thank your aunt for the jumper she knitted for Christmas, you might use “Dear Aunt Betty” as your salutation. These days, the salutation may refer to the opening of an email as much as to the opening of a handwritten or printed letter. 

While cover letter salutations generally refer to the opening line of your epistle, some people also refer to the sign-off as a salutation as well, so we'll look at that at the end of the article. 

Considerations when choosing cover letter salutations

A cover letter is a formal business document that you use to try to make yourself more memorable. Remember, though, you want to be remembered for the right reasons and not the wrong ones! 

Starting your letter “Yo!” or “Hey” doesn't convey the impression of a competent professional who knows the unspoken rules of office writing etiquette. 

While not everyone is a natural writer, relying instead on personality, speech, and body language, cover letters depend very much on the written word. In fact, a cover letter, along with your resume, is part of your personal sales brochure. You need to choose the right words to sell yourself effectively. 

Stick to these guidelines, and you can't go far wrong.

Keep it formal and professional

Your tone should be aligned with the tone you'd use when speaking to a teacher, religious leader, or grandma, not the tone you'd use with your mates or kid brother. This is the first impression you'll make on your potential employer, so it's important to show that you can communicate professionally , with respect, and in line with workplace norms. 

Personalize wherever possible

Bonus points if you know, or can find out, the name of the person who will be reading the letter. If you can address them by name, you're instantly showing that you've made the effort, done your research, and have taken the time to write a personalized letter rather than firing the same one off to multiple vacancies. 

Always use a salutation

Even if you can't find out the recipient's name, never leave the greeting line blank. It conveys the impression of someone who lacks attention to detail or is just plain lazy. Not a great impression to create on someone you need to impress! 

This doesn't just apply to the cover letter salutation but to the entire document. Punctuation is important as it enables your reader to accurately interpret your meaning. Use capital letters for names and add a comma after the salutation. Get a trusted friend or family member to check over your letter when it's written to help you give it the polish it needs. 

Options for cover letter salutations

Let's take a look at some different salutations you could use on your cover letter. 

Dear Mr Donnelly 

Addressing the hiring manager by name is the ideal option. If it's not given in the job posting or provided by the person connecting you, it's fine to resort to good old Google. You may find their name on the company website or be able to track them down on LinkedIn. It's also perfectly acceptable to contact the company directly and ask them who you should address your application to.

If you're lucky enough to know the name of the hiring manager, you should always use it in the cover letter salutation. Bear these considerations in mind, though: 

Double and triple check the spelling – even the most common names sometimes have unconventional spellings 

Default to “Mr,” “Mrs,” or “Miss” plus their surname and use the generic “Ms” if you're not sure whether “Mrs” or “Miss” would be most appropriate

Reflect the gender-neutral title “Mx” if that's what you find online or on the job advert

Dear Doctor Foster

If the recipient has a professional title, it's recommended you use that instead of “Mr,” “Mrs,” or “Miss.” Examples could include “Dear Professor Dumbledore,” “Dear General Eisenhower,” or “Dear Doctor House.” 

While the formal “Dear Ms Farrell” is the preferred and most formal option, if you only have the hiring manager's first name, it's perfectly acceptable to use it to open the letter. Again, check the spelling. A slightly less formal salutation here isn't a reason to take a less formal tone throughout the rest of the letter, however. This is a suitable salutation for a job application email, as you can get away with a slightly more relaxed approach in an email.

Dear HR team

If you need a greeting for a cover letter to an unknown recipient, this is a popular option. It's not ideal, but your letter is likely to be forwarded to the right department at least. If you can't find the name of the hiring manager, this is a viable Plan B. 

Dear hiring manager

This is an alternative cover letter greeting when you have no name available. It's better than leaving a blank space, but it's far from warm and personal. Additionally, your letter may not find its way to the right person if the company has different teams hiring for different roles. Try to avoid this unless you've run out of other options.

Dear Sir / Madam

This cover letter salutation is falling out of favor. It's not just impersonal; it doesn't even address a specific team or department. Still, it's better than an overly casual greeting or a blank space. 

How NOT to address a cover letter

As we've already said, there are some greetings that are just too informal to use as cover letter salutations. There are others, however, that tread a very fine line. We'd advise avoiding these openings, as they're either too colloquial or too stuffy. 

To whom it may concern

We're not in the 19th century anymore. Trim your whiskers and relegate this stuffy greeting to history, it's too impersonal even for the most uptight offices. 

Using “dear” on its own, with no name or further greeting attached, gives the wrong vibe. It sounds like a combination of your old aunt, someone unfamiliar with the English language, and someone who's forgotten to fill in a blank on their template. Literally, anything is better than nothing after the word “dear.”

Hi, hello, hi there!

While these cover letter salutations certainly aren't stuffy or over-formal, they fall too far in the other direction. They're friendly and casual but too much for an initial introduction. Save these for the interview. 

Expert tip: Read this article to find out more about cover letter mistakes to avoid: 10 of the Worst Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid  

Cover letter closing salutations

How you end is just as important as how you begin. After all, you want to end on a high! Before you come to an abrupt end, you'll want to do both of these things: 

Thank the reader for their time and consideration 

Add a call to action, for example, directing them to look at your resume or give you a call

Cover letter salutations to close 

You've started strong and used the body of the email to convince the hiring manager that you're the ideal candidate for the role. Now, it's time to choose your sign-off. 

Yours sincerely, yours truly

These two phrases should be your go-to sign-offs for a formal business letter. If you've started your letter with the recipient's name, choose sincerely; otherwise, choose truly. 

Best regards, kind regards, regards

These are all acceptable closing phrases but better suited to an email than a full letter. They veer towards the casual and aren't generally considered the best letter-writing etiquette. 


This is a polite way of signing off a letter, although not especially conventional or formal. While it's better than no closing at all, it would be wiser to choose a more formal option. 

How NOT to sign off a cover letter 

Just as there are ways not to start a cover letter, there are ways not to sign off. 

Well, it's polite but way too informal. “Thank you” would be better, but a line within the body of the letter saying that you appreciate the time they take to consider your application would be best. 

Just no. You're not taking leave of a friend you've just dropped in on; you're addressing your potential future employer. A more formal and respectful tone is needed. 

However you choose to end your cover letter, remember to finish with your name – and leave space above to sign it if you intend to print it out.

Cover letter examples

Below you'll find two cover letter examples with strong salutations, one a traditional letter and one an email, that you can use for inspiration. 

Traditional cover letter example

Dear Ms Searle, 

Re: Sales Manager vacancy 

Having seen your advertisement for a Sales Manager on LinkedIn, I would like to outline my professional experience and strong track record. I believe I can make a very significant contribution to Acme Corp.

In addition to extensive experience in a sales environment, I also have a commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and a proven ability to meet targets. As you will see from my enclosed resume, I am a natural people person, communicating effectively with a diverse range of people and demonstrating excellent negotiation and influencing skills. My leadership abilities mean that I am able to successfully engage and motivate teams – my current team has surpassed its Q1 targets by 23%. 

I am driven, ambitious, and keen to progress my career in a growing and innovative business such as Acme Corp. I am confident that my strong work ethic, combined with my sales results and integrity, will enable me to play a key role in your success. 

Please do not hesitate to call me at 555-555-5555 so we can arrange an interview to discuss my application in greater depth. I appreciate your consideration. 

Yours sincerely,

Email cover letter example 

Dear Liz, 

Re: Assistant Security Manager vacancy (ref: 12345)

Having read your advertisement for an Assistant Security Manager with interest, I am writing to outline my extensive professional experience. I believe that I possess the talents necessary to make a positive contribution to your hotel.    

I have a comprehensive understanding of security and a commitment to exceptional service. As a Police Officer, I led teams of up to 6 personnel, overseeing security patrols and managing performance. Colleagues would recommend me for my ability to build and motivate teams to achieve exceptionally high standards and positive outcomes. 

As a manager, I take pride in providing training and development opportunities across the team to improve individual skill levels and ensure the achievement of organizational objectives.

The position at Acme Hotel is particularly appealing to me as I believe it will make the best possible use of my security and leadership skills whilst providing opportunities for further development. 

Please do not hesitate to call me at 555-555-5555 so we can arrange an interview to discuss my application in greater depth. I appreciate your consideration of my application and look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, 

Choose the right cover letter salutations to set the right tone

As you can see, there are several options for opening and closing a cover letter. Make sure you choose one that is professional, has the right amount of formality, and shows you understand corporate communication. 

At TopResume, we create impactful resumes that land jobs. If you need help with your cover letter, we can do that, too! Why not contact us for a strong start on your journey towards a new career? 

Recommended reading: 

Resume vs Cover Letter: How They're Different

What is the perfect cover letter length?

How to Tailor Your Cover Letter for Each Job Application

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how to end a cover letter for job

How to Write a Cover Letter That Will Get You a Job

I ’ve read thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of cover letters in my career. If you’re thinking that sounds like really boring reading, you’re right. What I can tell you from enduring that experience is that most cover letters are terrible — and not only that, but squandered opportunities. When a cover letter is done well, it can significantly increase your chances of getting an interview, but the vast majority fail that test.

So let’s talk about how to do cover letters right.

First, understand the point of a cover letter.

The whole idea of a cover letter is that it can help the employer see you as more than just your résumé. Managers generally aren’t hiring based solely on your work history; your experience is crucial, yes, but they’re also looking for someone who will be easy to work with, shows good judgment, communicates well, possesses strong critical thinking skills and a drive to get things done, complements their current team, and all the other things you yourself probably want from your co-workers. It’s tough to learn much about those things from job history alone, and that’s where your cover letter comes in.

Because of that …

Whatever you do, don’t just summarize your résumé.

The No. 1 mistake people make with cover letters is that they simply use them to summarize their résumé. This makes no sense — hiring managers don’t need a summary of your résumé! It’s on the very next page! They’re about to see it as soon as they scroll down. And if you think about it, your entire application is only a few pages (in most cases, a one- or two-page résumé and a one-page cover letter) — why would you squander one of those pages by repeating the content of the others? And yet, probably 95 percent of the cover letters I see don’t add anything new beyond the résumé itself (and that’s a conservative estimate).

Instead, your cover letter should go beyond your work history to talk about things that make you especially well-suited for the job. For example, if you’re applying for an assistant job that requires being highly organized and you neurotically track your household finances in a detailed, color-coded spreadsheet, most hiring managers would love to know that because it says something about the kind of attention to detail you’d bring to the job. That’s not something you could put on your résumé, but it can go in your cover letter.

Or maybe your last boss told you that you were the most accurate data processor she’d ever seen, or came to rely on you as her go-to person whenever a lightning-fast rewrite was needed. Maybe your co-workers called you “the client whisperer” because of your skill in calming upset clients. Maybe you’re regularly sought out by more senior staff to help problem-solve, or you find immense satisfaction in bringing order to chaos. Those sorts of details illustrate what you bring to the job in a different way than your résumé does, and they belong in your cover letter.

If you’re still stumped, pretend you’re writing an email to a friend about why you’d be great at the job. You probably wouldn’t do that by stiffly reciting your work history, right? You’d talk about what you’re good at and how you’d approach the work. That’s what you want here.

You don’t need a creative opening line.

If you think you need to open the letter with something creative or catchy, I am here to tell you that you don’t. Just be simple and straightforward:

• “I’m writing to apply for your X position.”

• “I’d love to be considered for your X position.”

• “I’m interested in your X position because …”

• “I’m excited to apply for your X position.”

That’s it! Straightforward is fine — better, even, if the alternative is sounding like an aggressive salesperson.

Show, don’t tell.

A lot of cover letters assert that the person who wrote it would excel at the job or announce that the applicant is a skillful engineer or a great communicator or all sorts of other subjective superlatives. That’s wasted space — the hiring manager has no reason to believe it, and so many candidates claim those things about themselves that most managers ignore that sort of self-assessment entirely. So instead of simply declaring that you’re great at X (whatever X is), your letter should demonstrate that. And the way you do that is by describing accomplishments and experiences that illustrate it.

Here’s a concrete example taken from one extraordinarily effective cover-letter makeover that I saw. The candidate had originally written, “I offer exceptional attention to detail, highly developed communication skills, and a talent for managing complex projects with a demonstrated ability to prioritize and multitask.” That’s pretty boring and not especially convincing, right? (This is also exactly how most people’s cover letters read.)

In her revised version, she wrote this instead:

“In addition to being flexible and responsive, I’m also a fanatic for details — particularly when it comes to presentation. One of my recent projects involved coordinating a 200-page grant proposal: I proofed and edited the narratives provided by the division head, formatted spreadsheets, and generally made sure that every line was letter-perfect and that the entire finished product conformed to the specific guidelines of the RFP. (The result? A five-year, $1.5 million grant award.) I believe in applying this same level of attention to detail to tasks as visible as prepping the materials for a top-level meeting and as mundane as making sure the copier never runs out of paper.”

That second version is so much more compelling and interesting — and makes me believe that she really is great with details.

If there’s anything unusual or confusing about your candidacy, address it in the letter.

Your cover letter is your chance to provide context for things that otherwise might seem confusing or less than ideal to a hiring manager. For example, if you’re overqualified for the position but are excited about it anyway, or if you’re a bit underqualified but have reason to think you could excel at the job, address that up front. Or if your background is in a different field but you’re actively working to move into this one, say so, talk about why, and explain how your experience will translate. Or if you’re applying for a job across the country from where you live because you’re hoping to relocate to be closer to your family, let them know that.

If you don’t provide that kind of context, it’s too easy for a hiring manager to decide you’re the wrong fit or applying to everything you see or don’t understand the job description and put you in the “no” pile. A cover letter gives you a chance to say, “No, wait — here’s why this could be a good match.”

Keep the tone warm and conversational.

While there are some industries that prize formal-sounding cover letters — like law — in most fields, yours will stand out if it’s warm and conversational. Aim for the tone you’d use if you were writing to a co-worker whom you liked a lot but didn’t know especially well. It’s okay to show some personality or even use humor; as long as you don’t go overboard, your letter will be stronger for it.

Don’t use a form letter.

You don’t need to write every cover letter completely from scratch, but if you’re not customizing it to each job, you’re doing it wrong. Form letters tend to read like form letters, and they waste the chance to speak to the specifics of what this employer is looking for and what it will take to thrive in this particular job.

If you’re applying for a lot of similar jobs, of course you’ll end up reusing language from one letter to the next. But you shouldn’t have a single cover letter that you wrote once and then use every time you apply; whatever you send should sound like you wrote it with the nuances of this one job in mind.

A good litmus test is this: Could you imagine other applicants for this job sending in the same letter? If so, that’s a sign that you haven’t made it individualized enough to you and are probably leaning too heavily on reciting your work history.

No, you don’t need to hunt down the hiring manager’s name.

If you read much job-search advice, at some point you’ll come across the idea that you need to do Woodward and Bernstein–level research to hunt down the hiring manager’s name in order to open your letter with “Dear Matilda Jones.” You don’t need to do this; no reasonable hiring manager will care. If the name is easily available, by all means, feel free to use it, but otherwise “Dear Hiring Manager” is absolutely fine. Take the hour you just freed up and do something more enjoyable with it.

Keep it under one page.

If your cover letters are longer than a page, you’re writing too much, and you risk annoying hiring managers who are likely sifting through hundreds of applications and don’t have time to read lengthy tomes. On the other hand, if you only write one paragraph, it’s unlikely that you’re making a compelling case for yourself as a candidate — not impossible, but unlikely. For most people, something close to a page is about right.

Don’t agonize over the small details.

What matters most about your cover letter is its content. You should of course ensure that it’s well-written and thoroughly proofread, but many job seekers agonize over elements of the letter that really don’t matter. I get tons of  questions from job seekers  about whether they should attach their cover letter or put it in the body of the email (answer: No one cares, but attaching it makes it easier to share and will preserve your formatting), or what to name the file (again, no one really cares as long as it’s reasonably professional, but when people are dealing with hundreds of files named “resume,” it’s courteous to name it with your full name).

Approaching your cover letter like this can make a huge difference in your job search. It can be the thing that moves your application from the “maybe” pile (or even the “no” pile) to the “yes” pile. Of course, writing cover letters like this will take more time than sending out the same templated letter summarizing your résumé — but 10 personalized, compelling cover letters are likely to get you more  interview invitations  than 50 generic ones will.

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  • How to Answer ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ in a Job Interview

by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

How To Write an Effective Email Cover Letter (Template + Examples)

Nathan Thompson

3 key takeaways

  • An email cover letter is typically sent alongside a resume.
  • Learn the structure and format of a winning email cover letter, and how to create your own.
  • Teal’s AI Cover Letter Generator simplifies the process of creating cover letters tailored to each job.

When applying for a job online, an email cover letter is a crucial part of your application. It's your introduction, providing a personalized narrative that complements your resume and demonstrates your fit for the role.

A well-written email cover letter can distinguish you from other candidates and improve your chances of securing an interview.

This guide walks through best practices for writing an email cover letter, emphasizing the importance of personalization and professionalism.

Struggling to craft the perfect email cover letter? Get started with Teal’s AI Cover Letter Generator for free.

What is an email cover letter?

An email cover letter is a document sent with your resume when applying for a job online or via email. It's an introduction to your qualifications and interest in the role.

Email cover letters have become a standard part of the job application process, often serving as the first impression you make on a potential employer.

The primary role of an email cover letter is to complement your resume by providing context and a personalized narrative that demonstrates your fit for the position. An effective email cover letter can set you apart from other candidates and increase your chances of securing an interview.

Why email cover letters matter

Crafting a compelling email cover letter is more important today than ever before.

A well-written email cover letter can make the difference between your application being noticed or getting lost in a "maybe" bin with other candidates. It lets you showcase your personality, highlight your most relevant skills and experiences, and demonstrate your genuine interest in the position and company.

Plus, an impressive email cover letter can set the stage for a successful job interview.

It gives hiring managers a glimpse into your communication skills, attention to detail, and professionalism—all qualities employers highly value. A memorable email cover letter can pique the hiring manager's interest and make them eager to learn more about you during an interview.

In essence, your email cover letter is a powerful tool for marketing yourself, distinguishing your application, and increasing your chances of landing your dream job.

How to write an effective email cover letter

An effective email cover letter requires a strategic approach to capture the employer's attention and demonstrate your suitability for the role.

Follow these steps to craft a compelling email cover letter:

1. Craft an attention-grabbing subject line

Your subject line is the first thing the employer sees, so make it count. Use a clear and concise subject line that includes the job title and your name.

Marketing Manager Position - John Doe.

2. Address the recipient appropriately

Start your email cover letter with a proper salutation, addressing the hiring manager by name, if possible. If the name is unavailable, use a respectful greeting. 

Dear hiring manager,

3. Write an engaging introductory paragraph

In the opening paragraph, briefly introduce yourself, express your enthusiasm for the role, and provide a hook that piques the reader's interest.

Consider mentioning a mutual connection or a notable achievement relevant to the position.

4. Highlight your qualifications and fit for the role

The main body of your email cover letter should showcase your qualifications, experiences, and skills that align with the job requirements.

Quantify your resume and provide specific examples that demonstrate your potential value to the company. Mention how you can contribute to their success and why you are the ideal candidate.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator helps job seekers craft compelling cover letters that effectively highlight their accomplishments. 

Teal is able to analyze job descriptions to identify the most relevant skills and experiences to emphasize. It then helps you articulate these professional achievements more clearly and persuasively, ensuring your cover letter stands out.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator

Whether you're detailing a project that boosted sales by 25 percent or explaining how you led a successful team, Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator ensures your accomplishments are presented in the most impactful way, increasing your chances of making a strong impression on potential employers.

5. Express enthusiasm and a call to action

Conclude your email cover letter by reiterating your interest in the role and the company.

Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and provide a call to action, such as requesting an interview or discussing your qualifications further.

6. Use a professional sign-off

End your email cover letter with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Thank you for your consideration."

Need help overcoming writer's block? Learn how to generate a great cover letter with ChatGPT cover letter prompts .

Tips for writing compelling email cover letters

Writing your first cover letter can be intimidating. Follow these tips to set yourself up for success:

  • Keep it concise and focused: Aim for a length of three to four paragraphs, highlighting your most relevant qualifications and experiences.
  • Personalize for each application: Tailor your email cover letter to the specific job and company, demonstrating your understanding of their needs and how you can contribute.
  • Proofread carefully: Ensure your email cover letter is free from spelling, grammatical, and formatting errors, as it reflects your attention to detail.
  • Incorporate keywords from the job description: Use relevant keywords and phrases from the job posting to show your alignment with the role's requirements.

Following a clear, professional format is crucial for creating an email cover letter that makes a strong first impression.

Writing email cover letters with AI

Struggling to craft the perfect cover letter for each job application? Research and compare the best AI cover letter writers to avoid writer’s block.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator takes the stress out of the process, allowing you to create effective, tailored cover letters in minutes, not hours.

With just a few clicks, its AI personalizes your cover letter to match any job description, highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences.

Plus, Teal intelligently adds keywords from the job descriptions to help make your cover letter more ATS-friendly, ensuring your application stands out with a professional, customized cover letter every time.

Proper email cover letter format

The standard parts of an email cover letter include:

1. Subject line

Your email cover letter's subject line is the first thing a hiring manager or recruiter will see. It's your chance to make a strong first impression and entice them to open your email.

When crafting your subject line, aim for clarity and conciseness.

Clearly state the purpose of your email, such as "Application for [Job Title] - [Your Name]."

This immediately lets the reader know what the email is about and who it's from.

Avoid using generic subject lines like "Resume" or "Job Application.” While descriptive, those terms are too vague and overused in application subject lines and, therefore, more likely to be overlooked.

To make your subject line stand out, consider including a unique selling point or achievement that aligns with the job requirements. This gives the reader a reason to learn more about you.

Lastly, keep your subject line short and sweet, ideally under 60 characters. That way it won't get cut off in the recipient's inbox preview.

Email cover letter subject line example:

Experienced Software Developer with Expertise in [Relevant Skill]

2. Salutation

One of the most important aspects of your email cover letter is addressing it to the right person.

Whenever possible, aim to find the hiring manager's name or person responsible for filling the position. This shows you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the role.

To find the hiring manager's name, review the job posting carefully. Sometimes, the contact person doesn't have their name listed in the ad. If not, visit the company's website and look for a "Team" or "About Us" page. You might find the name of the department head there.

If you still can't find a name, try searching for the company on LinkedIn. Look for people with titles like "Hiring Manager," "Recruiter," or "Human Resources Manager." You can also search for the head of the department related to the position.

If you exhaust all these options and still can't find a name, using a general salutation is okay.

"Dear Hiring Manager," "Dear Recruiting Team," or "Dear [Department] Team" are all appropriate choices. Avoid outdated salutations like "Dear Sir or Madam" or "To Whom It May Concern."

3. Opening paragraph

Your opening paragraph captures the hiring manager's attention and entices them to read further.

Keep your opening paragraph of your email cover letter short and impactful, ideally no more than three to four sentences.

Remember, your goal is to quickly capture the hiring manager's interest and encourage them to continue reading your email cover letter to discover how you can contribute to their organization's success.

Try the following to get started: 

  • Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and the company to make a strong first impression.
  • Briefly mention how you discovered the position, whether it was through a job board, referral, or the company's website.
  • Explain why you are interested in the role and company.
  • Showcase your knowledge of the company’s mission, values, or recent achievements.
  • Highlight one or two key qualifications that make you an excellent fit for the position.

Email cover letter intro example:

I was thrilled to come across the Marketing Manager position at [Company Name] on [Job Board]. With my 5+ years of experience in digital marketing and my passion for data-driven strategies, I am confident I would be a valuable asset to your team.

4. Body paragraphs

One of the most important aspects of crafting an effective email cover letter is showcasing your relevant skills and experience.

To make a strong impression on the hiring manager, carefully select the most impressive and pertinent qualifications from your background that align with the job requirements.

  • Review the job description and identify the key skills, experience, and qualities the employer is seeking.
  • Choose examples from your work history that demonstrate your proficiency in these areas.
  • If the job posting emphasizes strong project management abilities, highlight a time when you successfully led a complex project from start to finish.
  • Provide concrete details about your role, the challenges you faced, and the positive outcomes you achieved.
  • Quantify your accomplishments wherever possible using hard numbers and metrics.
  • Instead of stating you "improved sales," specify that you "boosted sales by 25% within the first quarter."
  • Incorporate keywords and phrases from the job description into your email cover letter.

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen candidates based on the presence of specific keywords. Naturally integrating these terms into your resume and cover letter also increases your chances of passing through the ATS and landing an interview.

Remember, the goal is to clarify to the hiring manager that you possess the necessary skills and experience to excel in the role.

5. Add a call to action

As you wrap up your email cover letter, be sure to finish strong and leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager. This is your golden opportunity to reiterate your enthusiasm for the role and the company, as well as your confidence in the fit.

Start by briefly recapping your key qualifications and how they align with the position's requirements. This reinforces why you're a strong candidate and reminds the reader of the value you can bring to their team.

Then, clearly state your desire to further discuss the opportunity and learn more about how you can contribute to the organization's success.

This call-to-action demonstrates your proactive approach and eagerness to take the next step in the hiring process.

6. Signature

Finally, end with a polite and professional sign-off.

Best regards, Sincerely, Thank you for your consideration.

Include your full name and contact details below your sign-off to make it easy for the hiring manager to reach out to you.

By leveraging AI to streamline formatting, you can ensure each email cover letter maintains a polished, professional appearance while focusing your time on tailoring the content to make a compelling case for your candidacy.

Need a bit of added help? Check out this resource to learn how to format your cover letter and stand out from the crowd.

Email cover letter sample

To help you visualize what an effective email cover letter looks like, let's explore a few examples for different scenarios:

Email cover letter example: marketing manager position

Subject : Experienced Marketing Manager Excited About [Company Name] Opportunity Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I was thrilled to come across the Marketing Manager position at [Company Name]. With my 5+ years of experience leading successful marketing campaigns and driving brand growth, I am confident I would be a valuable addition to your team. In my current role at [Current Company], I have spearheaded several digital marketing initiatives that have increased website traffic by 40% and generated a 20% increase in lead conversions. I am well-versed in developing data-driven strategies and collaborating with cross-functional teams to achieve measurable results. I am particularly drawn to [Company Name]'s mission of [Company Mission] and believe my skills and experience align perfectly with the goals you aim to achieve. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to your marketing efforts and help drive your company's continued success. Thank you for considering my application. You will find my resume attached for your review and look forward to the possibility of an interview. Best regards,  [Your Name]

Why it works

This email cover letter works effectively for several reasons:

  • Personalized salutation : Addressing the hiring manager by name shows that the applicant has taken the time to research and personalize their application, which demonstrates genuine interest in the position and company.
  • Clear and enthusiastic introduction : The opening sentence clearly states the position applied for and expresses enthusiasm, capturing the hiring manager's attention right away.
  • Relevant experience and achievements : The applicant highlights their 5+ years of experience and provides specific, quantifiable achievements, such as increasing website traffic by 40 percent and lead conversions by 20 percent. This demonstrates their ability to deliver results and adds credibility to their application.
  • Alignment with company mission : By mentioning the company’s mission and explaining how their skills and experience align with the company's goals, the applicant shows they have researched the company and understand its values and objectives.
  • Collaborative skills : The applicant emphasizes their ability to work with cross-functional teams and develop data-driven strategies, showcasing their collaborative and analytical skills, which are valuable in a marketing role.
  • Professional and polite closing : The closing paragraph reiterates the applicant’s interest in the role, thanks the hiring manager for their consideration, and includes a call to action by expressing eagerness for an interview. This leaves a positive and proactive impression.
  • Attachment of resume : Mentioning the attached resume ensures the hiring manager is aware of where to find it, providing a complete picture of the applicant's qualifications.

Overall, this email cover letter is concise, well-structured, and tailored to the specific job and company, effectively showcasing the applicant's qualifications and enthusiasm for the role.

Email cover letter example: software developer position

Subject : Passionate Software Developer Ready to Contribute to [Company Name] Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I am writing to express my strong interest in the Software Developer position at [Company Name]. As a skilled developer with extensive experience in [Programming Languages/Frameworks], I am excited about the opportunity to bring my technical expertise to support your mission. During my time at [Current Company], I have been responsible for developing and maintaining several complex applications. One notable project involved creating a user-friendly web application that streamlined internal processes, resulting in a 30% increase in efficiency. I pride myself on writing clean, maintainable code and collaborating effectively with team members. I am impressed by [Company Name]'s commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology and creating cutting-edge solutions. I believe that my problem-solving skills and passion for innovation make me an ideal fit for your development team. I have attached my resume, which further highlights my qualifications and experience. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to [Company Name]'s success. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely,  [Your Name]

This email cover letter works well for several reasons:

  • Personalized salutation : Addressing the hiring manager by name shows the applicant has taken the time to research and personalize their application, demonstrating genuine interest in the position and company.
  • Relevant technical skills : The applicant mentions their experience with specific programming languages and frameworks, highlighting their technical expertise and aligning with the job requirements.
  • Quantifiable achievements : The applicant provides a specific example of their work, noting a 30 percent increase in efficiency from a user-friendly web application they developed. This demonstrates their ability to deliver tangible results and showcases their impact on previous projects.
  • Alignment with company goals : By expressing admiration for the company’s commitment to innovation and technology, the applicant shows they have researched the company and aligns with its values and mission.
  • Highlighting key strengths : The applicant emphasizes their problem-solving skills, passion for innovation, and ability to write clean, maintainable code, which are essential qualities for a software developer.
  • Attachment of resume : Mentioning the attached resume ensures that the hiring manager is aware of additional details supporting the application, providing a complete picture of the applicant's qualifications.

For more inspiration and guidance, check out Teal's extensive collection of cover letter examples spanning various industries and roles.

How to proofread and edit your email cover letter

A well-polished cover letter demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism, increasing your chances of impressing the hiring manager.

Before hitting send on your email cover letter, take the time to carefully proofread and edit your work by following these steps:

1. Review your email cover letter for any spelling or grammatical errors. Even minor mistakes can make you appear careless or unqualified.

2. Use spell-check tools and read through the content slowly to catch any typos or awkward phrasing.

3. Assess the overall flow and tone of your writing. Does your email cover letter have a logical progression of ideas? Is the tone appropriate for the company culture and industry?

4. Make sure your personality shines through while maintaining a professional demeanor.

5. Get a second opinion. Consider having a trusted friend, family member, or mentor review your email cover letter as well. 

A second set of eyes can often spot issues you may have missed and provide valuable feedback for improvement.

Remember, a little extra effort in the editing process can go a long way in making a positive first impression on potential employers.

How to send your email cover letter

Once you've crafted a compelling email cover letter, you need to send it correctly to ensure it reaches the hiring manager and makes the desired impact.

1. Use a professional email address

Create an email address that includes your name, such as [email protected] . Avoid using casual or outdated email addresses that could undermine your credibility.

2. Attach your cover letter and resume

Use widely accepted file formats such as PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). PDF resumes are often preferred because they preserve the formatting and layout of your documents across different devices and platforms.

3. Name your attachments professionally

Name your attachments clearly, such as "FirstName_LastName_Cover_Letter.pdf" and "FirstName_LastName_Resume.pdf."

This makes it easy for the hiring manager to identify and keep track of your application materials.

4. Double-check before sending

Before hitting send, double-check that you've attached both your cover letter and resume.

It's also a good idea to test your email by sending it to yourself or a friend to ensure that the attachments open correctly and the formatting appears as intended. This extra step can help you avoid any last-minute technical issues that could derail your application.

Write cover letters faster with Teal

Writing an effective email cover letter can be time-consuming and daunting, especially when you're applying for multiple positions.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator simplifies the process, allowing you to generate a compelling email cover letter in minutes.

The AI-powered Cover Letter Generator guides you through the essential components, ensuring you don't miss any crucial elements. Simply input key information about your background and the job you're applying for, and the tool will craft a personalized email cover letter that highlights your relevant skills and experience.

One of the most significant advantages of using Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator is its ability to create customized content for each application. The tool analyzes the job description and incorporates relevant keywords and phrases, demonstrating to hiring managers that you're a strong fit for the role. This level of customization can significantly increase your chances of standing out from other job seekers.

Rather than starting from scratch for each application, you can leverage AI suggestions to quickly assemble a polished email cover letter. This efficiency allows you to focus your energy on other aspects of your job search, such as networking and interview preparation.

Try out Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to write a cover letter in the email body.

It depends on the company size and hiring process. Small companies with fewer applications to manage may prefer the cover letter in the email, while larger companies will need it as an attachment to add to a candidate’s file.

Can the email message itself serve as the cover letter?

In some cases, the email message can serve as your cover letter, particularly if the job posting explicitly states this preference. If taking this approach, craft the email with the same level of care and attention you would give to a formal cover letter document.

How to choose between PDF and Word attachments?

When it comes to attaching your cover letter and resume, both PDF and Word resumes are generally accepted. PDFs are often preferred as they preserve the formatting and layout, ensuring your documents appear exactly as intended.

how to end a cover letter for job

Nathan Thompson

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Experts Are Sharing The Things You Should NEVER Forget To Do At The End Of Job Interview, And I'm Taking Notes

As the clock winds down to the end of your interview, there are key opportunities you can take to help solidify your position as a top finalist. Here’s what you need to remember to do.

Monica Torres

HuffPost Writer

During a job interview , your nerves and adrenaline may be at an all-time high. That’s why it helps to be prepared. 

Ideally, the actual experiences and skills that you share will help you stand out. But how you end the interview can leave a really critical last impression. 

“If a candidate does a bad interview, nothing they can do at the end is going to save them,” said Daniel Space, a senior human resources business partner for large tech companies.

“I have seen a good interview get docked a little bit because of how badly the end went. ... I have seen ‘medium’ interviews go really, really well if a candidate can make a last attempt [to stand out at the end].”

As the clock winds down to the end of your interview, there are key opportunities you can take to help solidify your position as a top finalist. Here’s what you need to remember to do:

1. DO come prepared with targeted questions that show you have done your research. But DON’T invite criticism. 

A person wearing glasses and a suit jacket sits at a table, gesturing while speaking to another person in a casual top. There are notebooks and a coffee cup on the table

After the hiring manager or panel asks you questions, there is usually a time toward the end of an interview where they will ask, “What questions do you have for me?”

Don’t say you have no questions and call it a day.

“I’ve had executive-level candidates sometimes, who at the end of the interview … they only ask one question,” said Laura Hunting, CEO of Found By Inc. , a talent agency and executive search firm specializing in design. “That’s not a good sign. It signals a lack of interest, a lack of strategic ability, a lack of experience. So I think really coming prepared to interview with follow-up questions is important and can make or break the experience.” 

The best questions to ask are those that come up after you do some reflection on what you want out of your next job and what you have heard from interviewers about the role.

Hunting recommends first getting crystal-clear about what core qualities you are looking for in your next job so that you leave an interview getting the information that you need to make a decision. 

If you are job-hunting to escape uncommunicative, unhelpful bosses, for example, try asking questions about things that can be deal-breakers for you , such as, “How do you measure success? How will you know whether you hired the right person three months from now? What are the most successful team members doing differently from the average team member?” 

If you are seeking more hands-on management, ask, “What does your onboarding process look like?”

“You learn right away whether you are going to be thrown to the wolves,” Watkins said.

If you want to make sure all the bases were covered in your interview, Hunting said you can ask, “Is there anything else that I can answer for you that would help you understand more about me and my skills and experience?”

“That really helps interviewers have one last chance to get a sign on anything that’s missing,” Watkins explained.

Keep in mind that there are questions that can do more harm than good. Space warned against asking a question like “Do you have any reservations about me?” because he has seen firsthand how this question can backfire. 

“What you are doing is asking this person to think about you in a negative light,” Space said. “And I’ve met so many managers who just feel incredibly awkward after being asked that. You are just going to get a boring basic answer: ‘I think you’ve answered all of my questions at this time.’ Is that really the impression you want to leave?”

2. DO thank people by name and make eye contact. 

A woman in a grey blazer and black turtleneck smiles while shaking hands with another person at a desk in an office

Thanking people for their time as you end the interview is one basic yet important way to show your professionalism. But if you want to go one step further, make a point to thank them by name. 

“Most of the times when we are interviewing, we are so nervous, we are like ‘OK great, thanks,’” Space said, noting that for others, “There is a magic to hearing your name.” 

Doing this can be as simple as saying the interviewer’s name and thanking them by title with language like, “‘As a VP of HR, I know you are really busy and I wanted to let you know I appreciate our conversation and I look forward to next steps,’” Space shared as an example. “Making sure you are leaving off with the best possible impression will do a lot of good for you when [interviewers] then go on to the debriefing.”

Hunting said candidates can forget the power of body language, such as eye contact, while thanking an interviewer and giving facial cues to show they are being an active listener. But she noted that these basic actions make job interviews, particularly remote video interviews, feel more organic and natural.

“For better or for worse, how people feel in an interview, it’s a bias,” Hunting said. “It’s going to skew them one way or the other. Anytime that you can create as smooth an interview experience as possible … it makes that person on the other end feel that much better about how you can contribute.” 

3. DO clarify if a thank-you note is expected. And if yes, DO follow up with a personalized one to keep the conversation going.

A person with curly hair and glasses, wearing a long-sleeve shirt, is working on a laptop at a desk in a well-lit room

Thanking people in a follow-up note can be helpful on a case-by-case basis. At some companies, interviewers may find it totally unnecessary for you to follow up, while at others, they may expect you to do so.  

“There are so many managers that indicate they are a little bit uncomfortable with a thank-you note because they know they are getting a copy-and-pasted template that someone just looked for online, and they don’t know how to respond to it,” said Space, who finds a thank-you note to be an unnecessary administrative burden for job candidates. 

When in doubt, Hunting recommends determining what the expectations may be regarding thank-you notes. 

Watkins said if you are going to follow up by thanking those you spoke with, don’t just reply all; send individual messages. “If there are five people interviewing you, there are five opportunities to share something interesting, impactful after your interview,” Watkins said. 

Make a point to ensure your message isn’t generic. Often, people write something like, “‘I really enjoyed talking to you about X/Y/Z position. If you have any questions about X position, let me know.’ Well, yeah, that’s obvious,” Watkins said. “What I would like to see people do is use that as an opportunity to sell themselves. You are your best marketer, regardless [of] what it is that you do.”

Watkins suggested that if you take notes during your interview, note key points each person has mentioned so you can personalize your thank-you messages. 

“If you can tie that to a success that you have had … at some point in your career, the thank-you note is a great way to bring that up,” Watkins said.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

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