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Hypothesis Examples

Hypothesis Examples

A hypothesis is a prediction of the outcome of a test. It forms the basis for designing an experiment in the scientific method . A good hypothesis is testable, meaning it makes a prediction you can check with observation or experimentation. Here are different hypothesis examples.

Null Hypothesis Examples

The null hypothesis (H 0 ) is also known as the zero-difference or no-difference hypothesis. It predicts that changing one variable ( independent variable ) will have no effect on the variable being measured ( dependent variable ). Here are null hypothesis examples:

  • Plant growth is unaffected by temperature.
  • If you increase temperature, then solubility of salt will increase.
  • Incidence of skin cancer is unrelated to ultraviolet light exposure.
  • All brands of light bulb last equally long.
  • Cats have no preference for the color of cat food.
  • All daisies have the same number of petals.

Sometimes the null hypothesis shows there is a suspected correlation between two variables. For example, if you think plant growth is affected by temperature, you state the null hypothesis: “Plant growth is not affected by temperature.” Why do you do this, rather than say “If you change temperature, plant growth will be affected”? The answer is because it’s easier applying a statistical test that shows, with a high level of confidence, a null hypothesis is correct or incorrect.

Research Hypothesis Examples

A research hypothesis (H 1 ) is a type of hypothesis used to design an experiment. This type of hypothesis is often written as an if-then statement because it’s easy identifying the independent and dependent variables and seeing how one affects the other. If-then statements explore cause and effect. In other cases, the hypothesis shows a correlation between two variables. Here are some research hypothesis examples:

  • If you leave the lights on, then it takes longer for people to fall asleep.
  • If you refrigerate apples, they last longer before going bad.
  • If you keep the curtains closed, then you need less electricity to heat or cool the house (the electric bill is lower).
  • If you leave a bucket of water uncovered, then it evaporates more quickly.
  • Goldfish lose their color if they are not exposed to light.
  • Workers who take vacations are more productive than those who never take time off.

Is It Okay to Disprove a Hypothesis?

Yes! You may even choose to write your hypothesis in such a way that it can be disproved because it’s easier to prove a statement is wrong than to prove it is right. In other cases, if your prediction is incorrect, that doesn’t mean the science is bad. Revising a hypothesis is common. It demonstrates you learned something you did not know before you conducted the experiment.

Test yourself with a Scientific Method Quiz .

  • Mellenbergh, G.J. (2008). Chapter 8: Research designs: Testing of research hypotheses. In H.J. Adèr & G.J. Mellenbergh (eds.), Advising on Research Methods: A Consultant’s Companion . Huizen, The Netherlands: Johannes van Kessel Publishing.
  • Popper, Karl R. (1959). The Logic of Scientific Discovery . Hutchinson & Co. ISBN 3-1614-8410-X.
  • Schick, Theodore; Vaughn, Lewis (2002). How to think about weird things: critical thinking for a New Age . Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. ISBN 0-7674-2048-9.
  • Tobi, Hilde; Kampen, Jarl K. (2018). “Research design: the methodology for interdisciplinary research framework”. Quality & Quantity . 52 (3): 1209–1225. doi: 10.1007/s11135-017-0513-8

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1.1 Chemistry in Context

Learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Outline the historical development of chemistry
  • Provide examples of the importance of chemistry in everyday life
  • Describe the scientific method
  • Differentiate among hypotheses, theories, and laws
  • Provide examples illustrating macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic domains

Throughout human history, people have tried to convert matter into more useful forms. Our Stone Age ancestors chipped pieces of flint into useful tools and carved wood into statues and toys. These endeavors involved changing the shape of a substance without changing the substance itself. But as our knowledge increased, humans began to change the composition of the substances as well—clay was converted into pottery, hides were cured to make garments, copper ores were transformed into copper tools and weapons, and grain was made into bread.

Humans began to practice chemistry when they learned to control fire and use it to cook, make pottery, and smelt metals. Subsequently, they began to separate and use specific components of matter. A variety of drugs such as aloe, myrrh, and opium were isolated from plants. Dyes, such as indigo and Tyrian purple, were extracted from plant and animal matter. Metals were combined to form alloys—for example, copper and tin were mixed together to make bronze—and more elaborate smelting techniques produced iron. Alkalis were extracted from ashes, and soaps were prepared by combining these alkalis with fats. Alcohol was produced by fermentation and purified by distillation.

Attempts to understand the behavior of matter extend back for more than 2500 years. As early as the sixth century BC, Greek philosophers discussed a system in which water was the basis of all things. You may have heard of the Greek postulate that matter consists of four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. Subsequently, an amalgamation of chemical technologies and philosophical speculations was spread from Egypt, China, and the eastern Mediterranean by alchemists, who endeavored to transform “base metals” such as lead into “noble metals” like gold, and to create elixirs to cure disease and extend life ( Figure 1.2 ).

From alchemy came the historical progressions that led to modern chemistry: the isolation of drugs from natural sources, such as plants and animals. But while many of the substances extracted or processed from those natural sources were critical in the treatment of diseases, many were scarce. For example, progesterone, which is critical to women's health, became available as a medicine in 1935, but its animal sources produced extremely small quantities, limiting its availability and increasing its expense. Likewise, in the 1940s, cortisone came into use to treat arthritis and other disorders and injuries, but it took a 36-step process to synthesize. Chemist Percy Lavon Julian turned to a more plentiful source: soybeans. Previously, Julian had developed a lab to isolate soy protein, which was used in firefighting among other applications. He focused on using the soy sterols—substances mostly used in plant membranes—and was able to quickly produce progesterone and later testosterone and other hormones. He later developed a process to do the same for cortisone, and laid the groundwork for modern drug design. Since soybeans and similar plant sources were extremely plentiful, the drugs soon became widely available, saving many lives.

Chemistry: The Central Science

Chemistry is sometimes referred to as “the central science” due to its interconnectedness with a vast array of other STEM disciplines (STEM stands for areas of study in the science, technology, engineering, and math fields). Chemistry and the language of chemists play vital roles in biology, medicine, materials science, forensics, environmental science, and many other fields ( Figure 1.3 ). The basic principles of physics are essential for understanding many aspects of chemistry, and there is extensive overlap between many subdisciplines within the two fields, such as chemical physics and nuclear chemistry. Mathematics, computer science, and information theory provide important tools that help us calculate, interpret, describe, and generally make sense of the chemical world. Biology and chemistry converge in biochemistry, which is crucial to understanding the many complex factors and processes that keep living organisms (such as us) alive. Chemical engineering, materials science, and nanotechnology combine chemical principles and empirical findings to produce useful substances, ranging from gasoline to fabrics to electronics. Agriculture, food science, veterinary science, and brewing and wine making help provide sustenance in the form of food and drink to the world’s population. Medicine, pharmacology, biotechnology, and botany identify and produce substances that help keep us healthy. Environmental science, geology, oceanography, and atmospheric science incorporate many chemical ideas to help us better understand and protect our physical world. Chemical ideas are used to help understand the universe in astronomy and cosmology.

What are some changes in matter that are essential to daily life? Digesting and assimilating food, synthesizing polymers that are used to make clothing, containers, cookware, and credit cards, and refining crude oil into gasoline and other products are just a few examples. As you proceed through this course, you will discover many different examples of changes in the composition and structure of matter, how to classify these changes and how they occurred, their causes, the changes in energy that accompany them, and the principles and laws involved. As you learn about these things, you will be learning chemistry , the study of the composition, properties, and interactions of matter. The practice of chemistry is not limited to chemistry books or laboratories: It happens whenever someone is involved in changes in matter or in conditions that may lead to such changes.

The Scientific Method

Chemistry is a science based on observation and experimentation. Doing chemistry involves attempting to answer questions and explain observations in terms of the laws and theories of chemistry, using procedures that are accepted by the scientific community. There is no single route to answering a question or explaining an observation, but there is an aspect common to every approach: Each uses knowledge based on experiments that can be reproduced to verify the results. Some routes involve a hypothesis , a tentative explanation of observations that acts as a guide for gathering and checking information. A hypothesis is tested by experimentation, calculation, and/or comparison with the experiments of others and then refined as needed.

Some hypotheses are attempts to explain the behavior that is summarized in laws. The laws of science summarize a vast number of experimental observations, and describe or predict some facet of the natural world. If such a hypothesis turns out to be capable of explaining a large body of experimental data, it can reach the status of a theory. Scientific theories are well-substantiated, comprehensive, testable explanations of particular aspects of nature. Theories are accepted because they provide satisfactory explanations, but they can be modified if new data become available. The path of discovery that leads from question and observation to law or hypothesis to theory, combined with experimental verification of the hypothesis and any necessary modification of the theory, is called the scientific method ( Figure 1.4 ).

The Domains of Chemistry

Chemists study and describe the behavior of matter and energy in three different domains: macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic. These domains provide different ways of considering and describing chemical behavior.

Macro is a Greek word that means “large.” The macroscopic domain is familiar to us: It is the realm of everyday things that are large enough to be sensed directly by human sight or touch. In daily life, this includes the food you eat and the breeze you feel on your face. The macroscopic domain includes everyday and laboratory chemistry, where we observe and measure physical and chemical properties such as density, solubility, and flammability.

Micro comes from Greek and means “small.” The microscopic domain of chemistry is often visited in the imagination. Some aspects of the microscopic domain are visible through standard optical microscopes, for example, many biological cells. More sophisticated instruments are capable of imaging even smaller entities such as molecules and atoms (see Figure 1.5 ( b )).

However, most of the subjects in the microscopic domain of chemistry are too small to be seen even with the most advanced microscopes and may only be pictured in the mind. Other components of the microscopic domain include ions and electrons, protons and neutrons, and chemical bonds, each of which is far too small to see.

The symbolic domain contains the specialized language used to represent components of the macroscopic and microscopic domains. Chemical symbols (such as those used in the periodic table), chemical formulas, and chemical equations are part of the symbolic domain, as are graphs, drawings, and calculations. These symbols play an important role in chemistry because they help interpret the behavior of the macroscopic domain in terms of the components of the microscopic domain. One of the challenges for students learning chemistry is recognizing that the same symbols can represent different things in the macroscopic and microscopic domains, and one of the features that makes chemistry fascinating is the use of a domain that must be imagined to explain behavior in a domain that can be observed.

A helpful way to understand the three domains is via the essential and ubiquitous substance of water. That water is a liquid at moderate temperatures, will freeze to form a solid at lower temperatures, and boil to form a gas at higher temperatures ( Figure 1.5 ) are macroscopic observations. But some properties of water fall into the microscopic domain—what cannot be observed with the naked eye. The description of water as comprising two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and the explanation of freezing and boiling in terms of attractions between these molecules, is within the microscopic arena. The formula H 2 O, which can describe water at either the macroscopic or microscopic levels, is an example of the symbolic domain. The abbreviations ( g ) for gas, ( s ) for solid, and ( l ) for liquid are also symbolic.

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  • Authors: Paul Flowers, Klaus Theopold, Richard Langley, William R. Robinson, PhD
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Chemistry 2e
  • Publication date: Feb 14, 2019
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What is a scientific hypothesis?

It's the initial building block in the scientific method.

A girl looks at plants in a test tube for a science experiment. What's her scientific hypothesis?

Hypothesis basics

What makes a hypothesis testable.

  • Types of hypotheses
  • Hypothesis versus theory

Additional resources


A scientific hypothesis is a tentative, testable explanation for a phenomenon in the natural world. It's the initial building block in the scientific method . Many describe it as an "educated guess" based on prior knowledge and observation. While this is true, a hypothesis is more informed than a guess. While an "educated guess" suggests a random prediction based on a person's expertise, developing a hypothesis requires active observation and background research. 

The basic idea of a hypothesis is that there is no predetermined outcome. For a solution to be termed a scientific hypothesis, it has to be an idea that can be supported or refuted through carefully crafted experimentation or observation. This concept, called falsifiability and testability, was advanced in the mid-20th century by Austrian-British philosopher Karl Popper in his famous book "The Logic of Scientific Discovery" (Routledge, 1959).

A key function of a hypothesis is to derive predictions about the results of future experiments and then perform those experiments to see whether they support the predictions.

A hypothesis is usually written in the form of an if-then statement, which gives a possibility (if) and explains what may happen because of the possibility (then). The statement could also include "may," according to California State University, Bakersfield .

Here are some examples of hypothesis statements:

  • If garlic repels fleas, then a dog that is given garlic every day will not get fleas.
  • If sugar causes cavities, then people who eat a lot of candy may be more prone to cavities.
  • If ultraviolet light can damage the eyes, then maybe this light can cause blindness.

A useful hypothesis should be testable and falsifiable. That means that it should be possible to prove it wrong. A theory that can't be proved wrong is nonscientific, according to Karl Popper's 1963 book " Conjectures and Refutations ."

An example of an untestable statement is, "Dogs are better than cats." That's because the definition of "better" is vague and subjective. However, an untestable statement can be reworded to make it testable. For example, the previous statement could be changed to this: "Owning a dog is associated with higher levels of physical fitness than owning a cat." With this statement, the researcher can take measures of physical fitness from dog and cat owners and compare the two.

Types of scientific hypotheses

Elementary-age students study alternative energy using homemade windmills during public school science class.

In an experiment, researchers generally state their hypotheses in two ways. The null hypothesis predicts that there will be no relationship between the variables tested, or no difference between the experimental groups. The alternative hypothesis predicts the opposite: that there will be a difference between the experimental groups. This is usually the hypothesis scientists are most interested in, according to the University of Miami .

For example, a null hypothesis might state, "There will be no difference in the rate of muscle growth between people who take a protein supplement and people who don't." The alternative hypothesis would state, "There will be a difference in the rate of muscle growth between people who take a protein supplement and people who don't."

If the results of the experiment show a relationship between the variables, then the null hypothesis has been rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis, according to the book " Research Methods in Psychology " (​​BCcampus, 2015). 

There are other ways to describe an alternative hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis above does not specify a direction of the effect, only that there will be a difference between the two groups. That type of prediction is called a two-tailed hypothesis. If a hypothesis specifies a certain direction — for example, that people who take a protein supplement will gain more muscle than people who don't — it is called a one-tailed hypothesis, according to William M. K. Trochim , a professor of Policy Analysis and Management at Cornell University.

Sometimes, errors take place during an experiment. These errors can happen in one of two ways. A type I error is when the null hypothesis is rejected when it is true. This is also known as a false positive. A type II error occurs when the null hypothesis is not rejected when it is false. This is also known as a false negative, according to the University of California, Berkeley . 

A hypothesis can be rejected or modified, but it can never be proved correct 100% of the time. For example, a scientist can form a hypothesis stating that if a certain type of tomato has a gene for red pigment, that type of tomato will be red. During research, the scientist then finds that each tomato of this type is red. Though the findings confirm the hypothesis, there may be a tomato of that type somewhere in the world that isn't red. Thus, the hypothesis is true, but it may not be true 100% of the time.

Scientific theory vs. scientific hypothesis

The best hypotheses are simple. They deal with a relatively narrow set of phenomena. But theories are broader; they generally combine multiple hypotheses into a general explanation for a wide range of phenomena, according to the University of California, Berkeley . For example, a hypothesis might state, "If animals adapt to suit their environments, then birds that live on islands with lots of seeds to eat will have differently shaped beaks than birds that live on islands with lots of insects to eat." After testing many hypotheses like these, Charles Darwin formulated an overarching theory: the theory of evolution by natural selection.

"Theories are the ways that we make sense of what we observe in the natural world," Tanner said. "Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts." 

  • Read more about writing a hypothesis, from the American Medical Writers Association.
  • Find out why a hypothesis isn't always necessary in science, from The American Biology Teacher.
  • Learn about null and alternative hypotheses, from Prof. Essa on YouTube .

Encyclopedia Britannica. Scientific Hypothesis. Jan. 13, 2022.

Karl Popper, "The Logic of Scientific Discovery," Routledge, 1959.

California State University, Bakersfield, "Formatting a testable hypothesis."  

Karl Popper, "Conjectures and Refutations," Routledge, 1963.

Price, P., Jhangiani, R., & Chiang, I., "Research Methods of Psychology — 2nd Canadian Edition," BCcampus, 2015.‌

University of Miami, "The Scientific Method"  

William M.K. Trochim, "Research Methods Knowledge Base,"  

University of California, Berkeley, "Multiple Hypothesis Testing and False Discovery Rate"  

University of California, Berkeley, "Science at multiple levels"

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hypothesis examples in chemistry

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How to Write the Perfect Chemistry Lab Report: A Definitive Guide

February 11, 2020 By Guest Posts Leave a Comment

Students have to deal with multiple academic tasks, and writing lab reports (lots of them!) is one of them. Its main purpose is to explain what you did in your experiment, what you learned and what the results meant.

Performing experiments and reporting them properly is a cornerstone of on your way into learning chemistry .

But how do you write a chemistry lab report properly?

It’s now time to find out!

writing a chemistry lab report for an experiment

Our ultimate guide sheds light on the main parts of lab report writing. You ought to be aware of every section and understand how to complete them properly. Therefore, we have divided our guide into three major sections that are:

  • Parts of the lab report;
  • A step-by-step review;
  • Writing your project.

General Information

It’s necessary to begin with an overview of the main sections that should be present on a laboratory report for chemistry.

Mind that sometimes these sections are called differently but have the same purpose. Some of the sections may be missing, but the general structure should be close to this. Everything depends on the educational institution.

It is important to know that usually lab reports are written after the lab session is finished . This means that you need to have everything previously recorded in your lab notebook . You are supposed to keep track of everything you do in the lab in your laboratory notebook, and then using that notebook to write down your lab report, not the other way around.

Reviewing Every Step

Now, we’d like to go through the main stages of a chemistry lab report. It’s necessary to add brief comments concerning each of them. Your laboratory report begins with a title page. You already know what it consists of. Let’s check how to compose it correctly. The information must be presented on the upper right-hand side of the page. All the points (the title, your name, collaborators, etc.) should be mentioned on the separate line.

Afterward comes the second part, which includes:

  • The course title
  • Title of the experiment
  • Title of the parts within the experiment
  • Semester, year, etc. (optional)

This data appears in the middle of the title page.

The next section is the Introduction and it begins with this word in the left upper corner of your report. It should consist of no more than a couple of paragraphs and end with at least one hypothesis.

The body of your project consists of the procedure, materials and methods employed; data; results and observations.  The section Procedure commonly consists of several steps that were followed for the proper conduction of the experiment(s). They could be divided in different parts, and those would describe your actions.

The section Data contains the numerical facts and Observations that provide the changes that took place. Afterwards, you move to the Discussions, in which you ought to plainly explain all the numbers, observations and collected data. Your conclusions provide an overall summary of the entire lab report, and the whole experimental session itself.

Writing a Chemistry Lab Report

The last lap in our “race” is to write a laboratory report . We have already mentioned the main constituents of the title page. Therefore, we can hit the text of your project. Your abstract appears soon after the title page. An abstract is a quick summary that sums up the whole thing (hypothesis to be proven, and conclusions that are reached). Nonetheless, you should leave some space and skip it until the entire project is finished. It is recommended to write the abstract last. The main point is that this section provides a brief review of what your lab report is about and what you’ve managed to achieve.

Main Sections

The introductory part tells your readers what to expect from the project. Write a couple o paragraphs and explain the purpose of your experiment. Including references here is also highly encouraged. The last sentence of your introduction is called a hypothesis or a thesis statement. It shows what you hope to achieve at the end of your research.

The main body consists of several parts and of course, each has its purpose. You should introduce the materials and methods you need to conduct the research. Explain your choice and how your choice helps to conduct a safe and accurate study.

Take instant records of everything that happens during the experiment in your lab notebook . Never rely on your memory!

Afterwards, you’ll interpret the data and explain it using plain words. Don’t draw any conclusions when you record data and don’t explain it in the section called Results. This function should be fulfilled in the sections Discussions or Analysis sections, which should come right afterwards.

Your conclusion makes a brief summary. It should consist of 3-4 sentences, not many more. Restate your hypothesis in other words. Mention whether you’ve achieved your initial goal and explain its value.

Importantly, do realize that if a hypothesis cannot be proven, or an experiment doesn’t give you the results you expected, it doesn’t mean that your experiment and lab session was a failure. It is extremely common in chemistry to find yourself on this kind of situations! You only need to be able to explain why you got the results that you got, and how would you go around to fix them!

Further Sections on Your Report

Don’t forget about the contributors (labmates, supervisiors…) to your research.

You should also obligatorily use some secondary sources to support your theory. Therefore, you have to cite and make references according to the assigned writing format. You can reference other articles all over your manuscript (especially in the introduction and discussion sections), but don’t forget to put them together (or at the bottom of each page), and cite them properly.

The final step is to proofread your lab report. You’re free to use reading aloud and in your head, reading everything again, and using special grammar and spelling checking applications.

To sum up, keep in mind all these guidelines when you’re assigned to write a lab report. Thus, you’ll never miss something important, which can cost you essential grades. Write each section properly to receive the highest grades for your experiment. Always be clear, cite the appropriate references, and be objective with your analysis and conclusions!

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hypothesis examples in chemistry


Three Famous Hypotheses and How They Were Tested

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Art Hasler

Key Takeaways

  • Ivan Pavlov's experiment demonstrated conditioned responses in dogs.
  • Pavlov's work exemplifies the scientific method, starting with a hypothesis about conditioned responses and testing it through controlled experiments.
  • Pavlov's findings not only advanced an understanding of animal physiology but also laid foundational principles for behaviorism, a major school of thought in psychology that emphasizes the study of observable behaviors.

Coho salmon ( Oncorhynchus kisutch ) are amazing fish. Indigenous to the Pacific Northwest, they begin their lives in freshwater streams and then relocate to the open ocean. But when a Coho salmon reaches breeding age, it'll return to the waterway of its birth , sometimes traveling 400 miles (644 kilometers) to get there.

Enter the late Arthur Davis Hasler. While an ecologist and biologist at the University of Wisconsin, he was intrigued by the question of how these creatures find their home streams. And in 1960, he used a Hypothesis-Presentation.pdf">basic tenet of science — the hypothesis — to find out.

So what is a hypothesis? A hypothesis is a tentative, testable explanation for an observed phenomenon in nature. Hypotheses are narrow in scope — unlike theories , which cover a broad range of observable phenomena and draw from many different lines of evidence. Meanwhile, a prediction is a result you'd expect to get if your hypothesis or theory is accurate.

So back to 1960 and Hasler and those salmon. One unverified idea was that Coho salmon used eyesight to locate their home streams. Hasler set out to test this notion (or hypothesis). First, he rounded up several fish who'd already returned to their native streams. Next, he blindfolded some of the captives — but not all of them — before dumping his salmon into a faraway stretch of water. If the eyesight hypothesis was correct, then Hasler could expect fewer of the blindfolded fish to return to their home streams.

Things didn't work out that way. The fish without blindfolds came back at the same rate as their blindfolded counterparts. (Other experiments demonstrated that smell, and not sight, is the key to the species' homing ability.)

Although Hasler's blindfold hypothesis was disproven, others have fared better. Today, we're looking at three of the best-known experiments in history — and the hypotheses they tested.

Ivan Pavlov and His Dogs (1903-1935)

Isaac newton's radiant prisms (1665), robert paine's revealing starfish (1963-1969).

The Hypothesis : If dogs are susceptible to conditioned responses (drooling), then a dog who is regularly exposed to the same neutral stimulus (metronome/bell) before it receives food will associate this neutral stimulus with the act of eating. Eventually, the dog should begin to drool at a predictable rate when it encounters said stimulus — even before any actual food is offered.

The Experiment : A Nobel Prize-winner and outspoken critic of Soviet communism, Ivan Pavlov is synonymous with man's best friend . In 1903, the Russian-born scientist kicked off a decades-long series of experiments involving dogs and conditioned responses .

Offer a plate of food to a hungry dog and it'll salivate. In this context, the stimulus (the food) will automatically trigger a particular response (the drooling). The latter is an innate, unlearned reaction to the former.

By contrast, the rhythmic sound of a metronome or bell is a neutral stimulus. To a dog, the noise has no inherent meaning and if the animal has never heard it before, the sound won't provoke an instinctive reaction. But the sight of food sure will .

So when Pavlov and his lab assistants played the sound of the metronome/bell before feeding sessions, the researchers conditioned test dogs to mentally link metronomes/bells with mealtime. Due to repeated exposure, the noise alone started to make the dogs' mouths water before they were given food.

According to " Ivan Pavlov: A Russian Life in Science " by biographer Daniel P. Todes, Pavlov's big innovation here was his discovery that he could quantify the reaction of each pooch by measuring the amount of saliva it generated. Every canine predictably drooled at its own consistent rate when he or she encountered a personalized (and artificial) food-related cue.

Pavlov and his assistants used conditioned responses to look at other hypotheses about animal physiology, as well. In one notable experiment, a dog was tested on its ability to tell time . This particular pooch always received food when it heard a metronome click at the rate of 60 strokes per minute. But it never got any food after listening to a slower, 40-strokes-per-minute beat. Lo and behold, Pavlov's animal began to salivate in response to the faster rhythm — but not the slower one . So clearly, it could tell the two rhythmic beats apart.

The Verdict : With the right conditioning — and lots of patience — you can make a hungry dog respond to neutral stimuli by salivating on cue in a way that's both predictable and scientifically quantifiable.

Pavlov's dog

The Hypothesis : If white sunlight is a mixture of all the colors in the visible spectrum — and these travel at varying wavelengths — then each color will refract at a different angle when a beam of sunlight passes through a glass prism.

The Experiments : Color was a scientific mystery before Isaac Newton came along. During the summer of 1665, he started experimenting with glass prisms from the safety of a darkened room in Cambridge, England.

He cut a quarter-inch (0.63-centimeter) circular hole into one of the window shutters, allowing a single beam of sunlight to enter the place. When Newton held up a prism to this ray, an oblong patch of multicolored light was projected onto the opposite wall.

This contained segregated layers of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet light. From top to bottom, this patch measured 13.5 inches (33.65 centimeters) tall, yet it was only 2.6 inches (6.6 centimeters) across.

Newton deduced that these vibrant colors had been hiding within the sunlight itself, but the prism bent (or "refracted") them at different angles, which separated the colors out.

Still, he wasn't 100 percent sure. So Newton replicated the experiment with one small change. This time, he took a second prism and had it intercept the rainbow-like patch of light. Once the refracted colors entered the new prism, they recombined into a circular white sunbeam. In other words, Newton took a ray of white light, broke it apart into a bunch of different colors and then reassembled it. What a neat party trick!

The Verdict : Sunlight really is a blend of all the colors in the rainbow — and yes, these can be individually separated via light refraction.

Isaac Newton

The Hypothesis : If predators limit the populations of the organisms they attack, then we'd expect the prey species to become more common after the eradication of a major predator.

The Experiment : Meet Pisaster ochraceus , also known as the purple sea star (or the purple starfish if you prefer).

Using an extendable stomach , the creature feeds on mussels, limpets, barnacles, snails and other hapless victims. On some seaside rocks (and tidal pools) along the coast of Washington state, this starfish is the apex predator.

The animal made Robert Paine a scientific celebrity. An ecologist by trade, Paine was fascinated by the environmental roles of top predators. In June 1963, he kicked off an ambitious experiment along Washington state's Mukkaw Bay. For years on end, Paine kept a rocky section of this shoreline completely starfish-free.

It was hard work. Paine had to regularly pry wayward sea stars off "his" outcrop — sometimes with a crowbar. Then he'd chuck them into the ocean.

Before the experiment, Paine observed 15 different species of animals and algae inhabiting the area he decided to test. By June 1964 — one year after his starfish purge started — that number had dropped to eight .

Unchecked by purple sea stars, the barnacle population skyrocketed. Subsequently, these were replaced by California mussels , which came to dominate the terrain. By anchoring themselves to rocks in great numbers, the mussels edged out other life-forms. That made the outcrop uninhabitable to most former residents: Even sponges, anemones and algae — organisms that Pisaster ochraceus doesn't eat — were largely evicted.

All those species continued to thrive on another piece of shoreline that Paine left untouched. Later experiments convinced him that Pisaster ochraceus is a " keystone species ," a creature who exerts disproportionate influence over its environment. Eliminate the keystone and the whole system gets disheveled.

The Verdict : Apex predators don't just affect the animals that they hunt. Removing a top predator sets off a chain reaction that can fundamentally transform an entire ecosystem.

purple sea stars

Contrary to popular belief, Pavlov almost never used bells in his dog experiments. Instead, he preferred metronomes, buzzers, harmoniums and electric shocks.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can a hypothesis become a theory, what's the difference between a hypothesis and a prediction.

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Chemistry LibreTexts

2.11: Hypothesis testing

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\( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

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( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\)

\( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

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\( \newcommand{\vectE}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{\mathbf {#1}}}} \)

Safety and hazardous waste

At the beginning of this lab, you will observe an experiment (a "magic trick") without knowing the substances it contains. This experiment will change every year, with different safety considerations. Over the semester, we have handled acids and bases, flammable substances, toxic substances, gases, high and low temperatures, etc. Observe all precautions you observed for previous labs. If there are any special considerations, your professor will announce them at the beginning of the lab. Do not discard any of the solutions until you have received instructions from your professor.

Lab organization

We will explore a "magic trick" that is based on chemical reactions. You can use all of the concepts you learned in GenChem1 and GenChem2 to try to explain what is going on. You will work in three large groups which you can organize as you wish. Your group will present twice during the lab, first announcing your initial hypothesis and observations supporting or rejecting it (about 1 hour into the lab). You will again report out at the end of the lab, presenting your updated hypothesis. Individually, your job is to write a short report stating the hypothesis. This year, we will look at the blue bottle experiment, where a blue color appears (the dye methylene blue) and then disappears again.

Part 1

Your group will receive 25 mL of the magic solution in a screw-cap 50 mL vial. The solution contains 0.5 mol/L sodium hydroxide, a strong base you should only handle while wearing goggles. To start the trick, you shake the closed vial. Before you do so, make sure everyone is wearing their goggles, and the lid is screwed on finger-tight. After you tried the magic trick, consider the following questions:

  • What type of reactions might the "bluing" and "debluing" reactions be? We learned about three types of reactions in GenChem1: Acid/base, redox, and precipitation. What kind of experiment/observation could help you decide?
  • What role could the shaking step have in starting the reaction? Could you do something other than shaking to get the same effect? What kind of experiment/observation could help you decide?

You will have various equipment available (pH meter, pH paper, capped vials with a size between 1 mL and 50 mL, a magnetic stirrer and stir bar, a vortex mixer). Design experiments you can do with the given 25 mL of magic solution. Discuss the experiments with your instructor to make sure you are aware of all the safety considerations. Once you get the go-ahead, do the experiments and record your observations.

Once you are done, prepare a short presentation where you share the experiments you did and your conclusions from them with the entire class. This is a "chalk talk", so you just talk and use the white board, if necessary.

For this part, you will have the reagents available separately as three solutions A, B, and C. Solution A contains the strong base. This allows you to leave out reagents or change their concentration. For this part, there are three questions you should address:

  • Which reactants are necessary for debluing, and which are necessary for bluing?
  • Choose one of the following   a. How does lowering the concentration of components in solution A added change things? Is the content of B a reactant, a catalyst, or neither? b. How does lowering the concentration of components in solution B added change things? Is the content of B a reactant, a catalyst, or neither? c. How does length of shaking/mixing change things? Does the shaking add a reactant, an catalyst, or neither?
  •  What is your model of the bluing and of the debluing reaction? Which reagents do they require?
  •  How fast is the debluing reaction compared to the bluing reaction?

First, repeat the magic trick, using the three solutions (mix 8 parts of A with 1 part of B and 1 part of C). Then decide on a set of experiments to address the questions. Discuss the experiments with your instructor to make sure you are aware of all the safety considerations. Once you get the go-ahead, do the experiments and record your observations.

You can do the same magic trick by mixing solution A (the strong base) with blue sports drink. Try mixing 15 mL of the blue sports drink with 5 mL of 2 mol/L NaOH in a 50 mL vial (under the hood), cap the vial and swirl to see what happens to the color. Then, shake and observe. What ingredients in the sports drink correspond to the ingredients in solution B and C, making this variation of the trick possible?

Asking for reagents, supplies and equipment

In your exploration, you might suggest an experiment for which you need certain materials not available to you. If there is something you have used in previous experiments (thermometer, pipette pump, etc), your instructor might make it available to you. You can also ask for anything else, but don't be disappointed if your request is declined. All experimenters, even in highly funded research labs, will have real world limitations (too expensive, too dangerous, tool has not been invented yet, limited amount of sample) determining which experiments they can and which they can't pursue.

Discard reaction mixes in the container provided under the hood. As you rinse the tubes, remember that you are still handling 0.5 mol/L NaOH. This is a strong base, and you have to protect your eyes even while cleaning up. As a mental exercise while rinsing, try to estimate the pH of the reaction mix without a calculator (hint: the concentration is in between 0.1 mol/L and 1 mol/L).


Hypothesis If Then

Ai generator.

hypothesis examples in chemistry

In the vast universe of scientific inquiries, the “if-then” hypothesis structure stands out as an essential tool, bridging observation and prediction. This format not only simplifies complex scientific theories but also provides clarity to young learners and budding scientists. Whether you’re experimenting in a professional lab or just in your backyard, understanding and crafting a Thesis statement succinct “if-then” hypothesis can be the key to unlocking the secrets of the world around us. Dive in to explore, write, and refine!

What is If Then Hypothesis?

The “If-Then” hypothesis is a predictive statement that sets up a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables. It’s structured such that the “If” portion introduces a condition or a cause, and the “Then” portion predicts the effect or outcome of that condition. This format helps in clearly establishing a link between the independent and dependent variables in an experiment.

What is an example of a Hypothesis If Then Statement?

For instance, let’s consider a basic experiment related to plant growth:

  • Hypothesis : If a plant is exposed to direct sunlight for at least 6 hours a day, then it will grow taller than a plant that is kept in the shade.

In this example, the exposure to sunlight (or the lack thereof) is the condition, while the growth of the plant is the predicted outcome. The statement concisely links the cause (sunlight exposure) to the effect (plant growth).

100 If Then Hypothesis Statement Examples

Hypothesis If Then Statement Examples

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The “If-Then” hypothesis elegantly captures a cause-and-effect relationship in scientific inquiries. This predictive format, with its concise clarity, bridges observation and anticipated outcome, guiding experiments in a myriad of domains.

  • Plant Growth : If a plant receives fertilizer, then it will grow faster than one without fertilizer.
  • Melting Points : If ice is exposed to temperatures above 0°C, then it will melt.
  • Battery Life : If a battery is used continuously, then it will drain faster than if used intermittently.
  • Sleep & Performance : If a person sleeps less than 6 hours a night, then their cognitive performance will decrease.
  • Diet & Weight : If an individual consumes more calories than they burn, then they will gain weight.
  • Hydration : If a person drinks less than 8 glasses of water daily, then they may experience dehydration.
  • Light & Vision : If a room is darkened, then the pupils of one’s eyes will dilate.
  • Sugar & Energy : If children consume sugary drinks, then they will show increased levels of energy.
  • Study Habits : If a student revises regularly, then they will retain more information than those who cram.
  • Exercise & Health : If a person exercises three times a week, then their cardiovascular health will improve.
  • Noise & Concentration : If a room is noisy, then people inside will find it harder to concentrate.
  • Medication & Pain : If an individual takes painkillers, then they will report reduced pain levels.
  • Soil Quality : If soil is rich in nutrients, then plants grown in it will be healthier.
  • Reading & Vocabulary : If a child reads daily, then their vocabulary will expand faster than a non-reading peer.
  • Social Media : If a teenager spends over 5 hours on social media, then they may experience decreased sleep quality.
  • Sunscreen : If sunscreen is applied, then the chances of getting sunburned decrease.
  • Coffee & Alertness : If an individual drinks coffee in the morning, then they will feel more alert.
  • Music & Productivity : If calming music is played in the workplace, then employees will be more productive.
  • Temperature & Metabolism : If the ambient temperature is cold, then a person’s metabolism will increase.
  • Pets & Stress : If an individual owns a pet, then their stress levels might decrease.
  • Vegetation & Air Quality : If trees are planted in an urban area, then air quality will improve.
  • Vaccination : If a child is vaccinated, then they will have a reduced risk of contracting certain diseases.
  • E-learning : If students use e-learning platforms, then they will have flexible study hours.
  • Recycling : If a community adopts recycling, then landfill waste will decrease.
  • Fast Food : If an individual eats fast food regularly, then their cholesterol levels might rise.
  • UV Light : If UV light is shone on a glow-in-the-dark material, then it will glow more brightly.
  • Brushing Teeth : If a child brushes their teeth twice daily, then they will have fewer cavities than those who don’t.
  • Bird Migration : If the climate becomes colder, then certain birds will migrate to warmer regions.
  • Space Exploration : If astronauts go without gravity for long periods, then their bone density will decrease.
  • Plastic Pollution : If we reduce single-use plastic consumption, then the amount of plastic in the ocean will decrease.
  • Books & Imagination : If a child reads fantasy novels, then their imaginative skills will be enhanced.
  • AI & Efficiency : If companies use artificial intelligence in operations, then their efficiency will improve.
  • Video Games : If children play violent video games, then they might exhibit aggressive behavior.
  • Healthy Diet : If someone consumes a balanced diet, then their overall health will benefit.
  • Deforestation : If forests are cleared at the current rate, then global temperatures will rise due to reduced carbon sequestration.
  • Renewable Energy : If a country invests in renewable energy, then its carbon footprint will decrease.
  • Exercise & Mood : If an individual engages in regular physical activity, then their mood will generally improve.
  • Microplastics : If microplastics enter the water system, then marine life will be at risk.
  • Language Learning : If a person practices a new language daily, then they will become fluent faster.
  • Organic Farming : If farmers use organic methods, then the pesticide residue in the food will decrease.
  • Remote Work : If employees work remotely, then office costs will reduce.
  • Yoga & Flexibility : If someone practices yoga regularly, then their flexibility will increase.
  • Public Transport : If a city improves its public transportation system, then traffic congestion will decrease.
  • Meditation & Stress : If an individual meditates daily, then their stress levels will be lower.
  • Fish & Omega-3 : If someone includes fish in their diet weekly, then their omega-3 fatty acid intake will be adequate.
  • Smartphones & Sleep : If a person uses their smartphone before bed, then their sleep quality might decrease.
  • Waste Segregation : If households segregate waste, then recycling processes will be more efficient.
  • E-Books : If students use e-books instead of paper ones, then paper consumption will decrease.
  • Carpooling : If more people adopt carpooling, then urban air quality will improve due to fewer car emissions.
  • Digital Payments : If digital payment systems are adopted widely, then cash handling costs will reduce.
  • Online Learning : If students engage in online learning platforms, then their access to diverse educational resources will increase.
  • Tree Planting : If a community plants more trees in urban areas, then the air quality will improve due to increased oxygen output.
  • Pet Ownership : If an individual adopts a pet, then they may experience reduced feelings of loneliness.
  • Recycling : If recycling is made mandatory in cities, then landfill waste will decrease significantly.
  • Natural Cleaners : If households use natural cleaning agents, then water pollution from residential areas will decrease.
  • Solar Panels : If a house installs solar panels, then its electricity bill will decrease.
  • Music & Productivity : If workers listen to instrumental music while working, then their productivity might increase.
  • Healthy Breakfast : If someone eats a nutritious breakfast daily, then their energy levels throughout the day will be higher.
  • Water Conservation : If individuals reduce their shower time by 5 minutes, then significant water conservation can be achieved annually.
  • Learning Instruments : If a child learns a musical instrument, then their cognitive and motor skills may improve.
  • Reusable Bags : If shoppers use reusable bags, then the demand for plastic bags will reduce.
  • Public Libraries : If a city invests in public libraries, then the literacy rate of its citizens may rise.
  • Organ Donation : If awareness about organ donation increases, then the waiting list for organ transplants will decrease.
  • Green Spaces : If urban areas increase green spaces, then residents’ mental well-being may improve.
  • Sleep & Memory : If a student gets at least 8 hours of sleep, then their memory retention might be better.
  • Digital Detox : If someone takes a weekly digital detox day, then their stress levels may decrease.
  • Composting : If households start composting kitchen waste, then the amount of organic waste in landfills will reduce.
  • Gardening & Health : If individuals engage in gardening activities, then they might experience improved mental health.
  • Flu Vaccination : If a person gets a flu shot annually, then their chances of getting influenza will reduce.
  • Hand Washing : If people wash their hands regularly, then the spread of common diseases may decrease.
  • Diverse Diet : If someone consumes a diverse range of vegetables, then they will have a better nutrient intake.
  • Physical Books : If a student reads from physical books instead of screens, then they might have better sleep patterns.
  • Mindfulness & Anxiety : If an individual practices mindfulness exercises, then their anxiety levels may decrease.
  • Green Vehicles : If a city promotes the use of electric vehicles, then air pollution levels will reduce.
  • Walking & Health : If someone walks 10,000 steps daily, then their cardiovascular health might improve.
  • Art & Creativity : If children are exposed to art classes from a young age, then their creative thinking skills may enhance.
  • Dark Chocolate : If someone consumes dark chocolate regularly, then their antioxidant intake may increase.
  • Yoga & Flexibility : If an individual practices yoga thrice a week, then their flexibility and posture may improve.
  • Cooking at Home : If families cook meals at home more frequently, then their intake of processed foods might decrease.
  • Local Tourism : If local tourism is promoted, then a region’s economy can benefit due to increased business opportunities.
  • Reading Aloud : If parents read aloud to their children every night, then the children’s vocabulary and comprehension skills might expand.
  • Public Transportation : If cities improve their public transportation system, then the number of cars on the road might decrease.
  • Indoor Plants : If a person keeps indoor plants in their workspace, then their concentration and productivity may enhance due to better air quality.
  • Bird Watching : If an individual engages in bird watching, then their patience and observation skills might develop.
  • Biking to Work : If employees bike to work, then their cardiovascular health can improve and their carbon footprint might reduce.
  • Aquariums & Stress : If someone spends time watching fish in an aquarium, then their stress levels may decrease.
  • Meditation & Focus : If an individual meditates daily, then their attention span and focus might increase.
  • Learning Languages : If a student learns a new language, then their cognitive flexibility and memory retention may improve.
  • Community Gardens : If neighborhoods establish community gardens, then residents may benefit from fresh produce and community bonding.
  • Journaling : If someone journals their thoughts regularly, then their self-awareness and emotional processing might improve.
  • Volunteering : If an individual volunteers once a month, then their sense of purpose and community connection may strengthen.
  • Eco-friendly Products : If consumers prefer eco-friendly products, then industries might adopt more sustainable manufacturing practices.
  • Limiting Screen Time : If children limit their screen time to an hour a day, then their physical activity levels and sleep patterns may benefit.
  • Outdoor Play : If kids play outdoors regularly, then their motor skills and social interactions might develop better.
  • Therapy & Mental Health : If someone attends therapy sessions, then they may experience improved mental well-being and coping strategies.
  • Natural Light : If workspaces are designed to allow more natural light, then employee morale and productivity might rise.
  • Water Intake : If a person drinks at least 8 glasses of water daily, then their hydration levels and skin health may improve.
  • Classical Music : If students listen to classical music while studying, then their concentration might increase.
  • Home Composting : If households adopt composting, then garden soil quality might improve and organic waste in landfills may reduce.
  • Green Roofs : If buildings adopt green roofs, then urban heat islands might decrease, and biodiversity may benefit.

Hypothesis If Then Statement Examples in Research

The crux of experimental research revolves around predicting an outcome. An ‘If-Then’ hypothesis format succinctly conveys anticipated cause-and-effect relationships, enabling clearer comprehension and assessment.

  • DNA Sequencing : If we utilize CRISPR technology for DNA sequencing, then the accuracy of detecting genetic mutations may increase.
  • Drug Efficiency : If a new drug compound is introduced to malignant cells in vitro, then the proliferation rate of these cells might decrease.
  • Digital Learning : If students are exposed to AI-driven educational tools, then their academic performance might significantly improve.
  • Nano-technology : If nanoparticles are used in drug delivery, then the targeting of specific cells may become more efficient.
  • Quantum Computing : If quantum bits replace traditional bits in computing, then the processing speed might witness a revolutionary acceleration.

Hypothesis If Then Statement Examples about Climate Change

Understanding climate change necessitates predicting outcomes based on varied actions or occurrences. These hypotheses present potential scenarios in the vast realm of climate studies.

  • Deforestation : If deforestation rates continue at the current pace, then global carbon dioxide levels will rise significantly.
  • Solar Energy : If solar energy adoption increases by 50% in the next decade, then global reliance on fossil fuels might decrease considerably.
  • Ocean Temperatures : If the world’s oceans warm by another degree Celsius, then coral bleaching events may become twice as frequent.
  • Carbon Taxation : If a global carbon tax is implemented, then emissions from industries might see a drastic reduction.
  • Melting Ice Caps : If polar ice caps continue to melt at the current rate, then sea levels might rise to submerge several coastal cities by 2100.

Hypothesis If Then Statement Examples in Psychology

Psychology delves into understanding behaviors and mental processes. Formulating hypotheses in an ‘If-Then’ structure can streamline experimental setups and interpretations.

  • Mindfulness Meditation : If individuals practice daily mindfulness meditation, then symptoms of anxiety and stress may decrease.
  • Social Media : If teenagers spend over five hours daily on social media, then their self-esteem levels might drop.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy : If patients with depression undergo cognitive-behavioral therapy, then their coping mechanisms may strengthen.
  • Sleep and Memory : If adults get less than six hours of sleep nightly, then their memory retention might deteriorate faster.
  • Nature Exposure : If urban residents are exposed to natural settings weekly, then their mental well-being might improve.

Alternative If Then Hypothesis Statement Examples

Sometimes, researchers propose alternate scenarios to challenge or complement existing beliefs. These hypotheses capture such alternative insights.

  • Vitamin Intake : If individuals consume Vitamin C supplements daily, then their immunity might not necessarily strengthen, contradicting popular belief.
  • Digital Detox : If tech professionals take a monthly digital detox day, then their productivity may not diminish, countering the notion that constant connectivity boosts efficiency.
  • Organic Foods : If consumers solely eat organic foods, then their overall health markers might remain unchanged, challenging the health superiority of organic diets.
  • Exercise Routines : If gym-goers switch to calisthenics from weight training, then muscle mass gain might remain consistent, offering an alternative to traditional gym workouts.
  • E-learning : If students transition from classroom learning to e-learning platforms, then their academic performance may not necessarily drop, challenging the indispensability of physical classrooms.

Hypothesis If Then Statement Examples in Biology

In biology, the interaction of living organisms and their environments often leads to distinct outcomes. The ‘If-Then’ hypothesis structure can efficiently predict these outcomes based on varying factors.

  • Cell Division : If a cell is exposed to radiation, then the rate of its division might decrease significantly.
  • Plant Growth : If plants are provided with blue light, then their growth rate might be faster compared to those exposed to red light.
  • Enzyme Activity : If the temperature of a reaction involving enzymes rises by 10°C, then the activity of the enzymes might double.
  • Animal Behavior : If nocturnal animals are exposed to continuous artificial light, then their feeding and reproductive behaviors might be disrupted.
  • Genetic Modification : If crops are genetically modified for drought resistance, then their yield in arid regions might increase substantially.

Hypothesis If Then Statement Examples in Chemistry

The realm of chemistry is filled with reactions and interactions. Predicting outcomes based on specific conditions is crucial, and the ‘If-Then’ hypothesis structure provides clarity in such predictions.

  • Acid-Base Reactions : If a solution has a pH below 7, then it might turn blue litmus paper red, indicating its acidic nature.
  • Temperature and Reaction Rate : If the temperature of a chemical reaction is increased, then the rate of that reaction might speed up.
  • Metal Reactivity : If zinc metal is placed in copper sulfate solution, then it might displace the copper, indicating its higher reactivity.
  • Organic Synthesis : If an alkene is treated with bromine water, then the solution might decolorize, suggesting the presence of a double bond.
  • Electrolysis : If an aqueous solution of sodium chloride undergoes electrolysis, then chlorine gas might be released at the anode.

Hypothesis If Then Statement Examples in Physics

Physics examines the fundamental principles governing our universe. ‘If-Then’ hypotheses help in determining cause-and-effect relationships amidst complex physical phenomena.

  • Gravity : If an object is dropped from a certain height in a vacuum, then it might accelerate at 9.81 m/s^2, irrespective of its mass.
  • Refraction : If light travels from air into water, then it might bend towards the normal due to the change in speed.
  • Magnetism : If a magnetic field is applied to a moving charged particle, then the particle might experience a force perpendicular to its direction of motion.
  • Thermal Expansion : If a metal rod is heated, then it might expand due to the increased kinetic energy of its atoms.
  • Quantum Mechanics : If an electron is observed in a quantum system, then its wave function might collapse, determining its position.

What is an if-then because hypothesis?

An “if-then-because” hypothesis is a structured statement that predicts the outcome of an experiment based on a proposed cause and effect scenario. The structure usually goes as follows: “If [I do this specific action], then [this particular result will occur] because [of this scientific reason].”

For example: “If I water plants with sugar water, then they will grow taller than the ones watered with plain water because sugar provides additional nutrients to the plants.”

This type of simple hypothesis statement not only predicts the outcome but also provides a reasoning for the expected outcome, thereby setting the groundwork for the experimental procedure and its subsequent analysis.

Is a hypothesis typically an if-then statement?

Yes, a hypothesis is often framed as an “if-then” statement, especially in experimental studies. This format succinctly presents a proposed cause and its expected effect. By specifying a relationship between two variables, it offers clarity to the hypothesis and makes the intended testing straightforward. However, while common, not all hypotheses are written in the “if-then” format.

Is an if-then statement a hypothesis or prediction?

An “if-then” statement can be both a hypothesis and a prediction. However, their contexts differ:

  • Hypothesis: It is a tentative explanation for an observation or phenomenon that can be tested experimentally. When written in the “if-then” format, it usually predicts a relationship between variables based on theoretical understanding.Example: “If a plant is given caffeine, then it will grow faster.”
  • Prediction: It is a specific, testable statement about what will happen under particular conditions. It is based on the hypothesis and narrows down the expected outcomes of an experiment.Example: “If a bean plant is watered with a 1% caffeine solution daily, then after one month, it will be 10% taller than plants watered with plain water.”

How do you write an If Then Hypothesis Statement? – A Step by Step Guide

  • Identify the Variables: Determine the independent variable (the factor you’ll change) and the dependent variable (the factor you’ll measure).
  • Frame the Relationship: Using your understanding of the topic, establish a potential relationship between the identified variables.
  • Start with “If”: Begin your hypothesis with “If” followed by your independent variable.
  • Follow with “Then”: After stating your independent variable, include “then” followed by the potential outcome or change in the dependent variable you expect.
  • Review for Clarity: Ensure your hypothesis is clear, concise, and testable. It should state a specific relationship between the variables.

Tips for Writing If Then Hypothesis

  • Be Specific: Ensure your variables are clearly defined. Instead of “If I water plants more,” use “If I water plants twice daily.”
  • Ensure Testability: Your hypothesis should propose a relationship that can be tested through an experiment.
  • Avoid Conclusions: A hypothesis is a prediction, not a conclusion. It shouldn’t state a known fact but should be based on prior knowledge.
  • Use Simple Language: Especially when the audience might not have a deep understanding of the topic. Keeping it straightforward ensures comprehension.
  • Revise and Refine: After drafting your hypothesis, revisit it to check for clarity, specificity, and relevance to the research question at hand.


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Null Hypothesis Examples

ThoughtCo / Hilary Allison

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  • Biochemistry
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  • Chemistry In Everyday Life
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  • Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
  • B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College

In statistical analysis, the null hypothesis assumes there is no meaningful relationship between two variables. Testing the null hypothesis can tell you whether your results are due to the effect of manipulating ​a dependent variable or due to chance. It's often used in conjunction with an alternative hypothesis, which assumes there is, in fact, a relationship between two variables.

The null hypothesis is among the easiest hypothesis to test using statistical analysis, making it perhaps the most valuable hypothesis for the scientific method. By evaluating a null hypothesis in addition to another hypothesis, researchers can support their conclusions with a higher level of confidence. Below are examples of how you might formulate a null hypothesis to fit certain questions.

What Is the Null Hypothesis?

The null hypothesis states there is no relationship between the measured phenomenon (the dependent variable ) and the independent variable , which is the variable an experimenter typically controls or changes. You do not​ need to believe that the null hypothesis is true to test it. On the contrary, you will likely suspect there is a relationship between a set of variables. One way to prove that this is the case is to reject the null hypothesis. Rejecting a hypothesis does not mean an experiment was "bad" or that it didn't produce results. In fact, it is often one of the first steps toward further inquiry.

To distinguish it from other hypotheses , the null hypothesis is written as ​ H 0  (which is read as “H-nought,” "H-null," or "H-zero"). A significance test is used to determine the likelihood that the results supporting the null hypothesis are not due to chance. A confidence level of 95% or 99% is common. Keep in mind, even if the confidence level is high, there is still a small chance the null hypothesis is not true, perhaps because the experimenter did not account for a critical factor or because of chance. This is one reason why it's important to repeat experiments.

Examples of the Null Hypothesis

To write a null hypothesis, first start by asking a question. Rephrase that question in a form that assumes no relationship between the variables. In other words, assume a treatment has no effect. Write your hypothesis in a way that reflects this.

Other Types of Hypotheses

In addition to the null hypothesis, the alternative hypothesis is also a staple in traditional significance tests . It's essentially the opposite of the null hypothesis because it assumes the claim in question is true. For the first item in the table above, for example, an alternative hypothesis might be "Age does have an effect on mathematical ability."

Key Takeaways

  • In hypothesis testing, the null hypothesis assumes no relationship between two variables, providing a baseline for statistical analysis.
  • Rejecting the null hypothesis suggests there is evidence of a relationship between variables.
  • By formulating a null hypothesis, researchers can systematically test assumptions and draw more reliable conclusions from their experiments.
  • Difference Between Independent and Dependent Variables
  • Examples of Independent and Dependent Variables
  • What Is a Hypothesis? (Science)
  • What 'Fail to Reject' Means in a Hypothesis Test
  • Definition of a Hypothesis
  • Null Hypothesis Definition and Examples
  • Scientific Method Vocabulary Terms
  • Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis
  • Hypothesis Test for the Difference of Two Population Proportions
  • How to Conduct a Hypothesis Test
  • What Is a P-Value?
  • What Are the Elements of a Good Hypothesis?
  • What Is the Difference Between Alpha and P-Values?
  • Understanding Path Analysis
  • Hypothesis Test Example
  • An Example of a Hypothesis Test


  1. How to Formulate a Hypothesis for an Experiment

    hypothesis examples in chemistry

  2. 😎 How to write a hypothesis for chemistry. Scientific Hypothesis

    hypothesis examples in chemistry

  3. PPT

    hypothesis examples in chemistry

  4. Scientific hypothesis

    hypothesis examples in chemistry

  5. 13 Different Types of Hypothesis (2024)

    hypothesis examples in chemistry

  6. What is an Hypothesis

    hypothesis examples in chemistry


  1. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry _01/Avogadro's Hypothesis/Chapter 1/Class 11th/NEET

  2. Hypothesis Testing of Normal Variables- examples

  3. Proportion Hypothesis Testing, example 2

  4. Hypothesis Testing Examples

  5. Concept of Hypothesis

  6. Valid or Non valid Hypothesis


  1. 1.6: Hypothesis, Theories, and Laws

    Marisa Alviar-Agnew ( Sacramento City College) Henry Agnew (UC Davis) 1.6: Hypothesis, Theories, and Laws is shared under a CK-12 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Marisa Alviar-Agnew & Henry Agnew. Although many have taken science classes throughout the course of their studies, people often have incorrect or misleading ideas ...

  2. Hypothesis Examples

    Here are some research hypothesis examples: If you leave the lights on, then it takes longer for people to fall asleep. If you refrigerate apples, they last longer before going bad. If you keep the curtains closed, then you need less electricity to heat or cool the house (the electric bill is lower). If you leave a bucket of water uncovered ...

  3. What Are Examples of a Hypothesis?

    Here are examples of a scientific hypothesis. Although you could state a scientific hypothesis in various ways, most hypotheses are either "If, then" statements or forms of the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis is sometimes called the "no difference" hypothesis. The null hypothesis is good for experimentation because it's simple to disprove.

  4. Scientific Hypothesis Examples

    Scientific Hypothesis Examples . Hypothesis: All forks have three tines. This would be disproven if you find any fork with a different number of tines. Hypothesis: There is no relationship between smoking and lung cancer.While it is difficult to establish cause and effect in health issues, you can apply statistics to data to discredit or support this hypothesis.

  5. 1.3: Hypothesis, Theories, and Laws

    Henry Agnew (UC Davis) 1.3: Hypothesis, Theories, and Laws is shared under a license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts. Although all of us have taken science classes throughout the course of our study, many people have incorrect or misleading ideas about some of the most important and basic principles in science. We ….

  6. 1.1 Chemistry in Context

    Chemistry: The Central Science. Chemistry is sometimes referred to as "the central science" due to its interconnectedness with a vast array of other STEM disciplines (STEM stands for areas of study in the science, technology, engineering, and math fields). Chemistry and the language of chemists play vital roles in biology, medicine ...

  7. Scientific Hypothesis, Theory, Law Definitions

    A hypothesis is an educated guess, based on observation. It's a prediction of cause and effect. Usually, a hypothesis can be supported or refuted through experimentation or more observation. A hypothesis can be disproven but not proven to be true. Example: If you see no difference in the cleaning ability of various laundry detergents, you might ...

  8. How to Write a Strong Hypothesis

    Developing a hypothesis (with example) Step 1. Ask a question. Writing a hypothesis begins with a research question that you want to answer. The question should be focused, specific, and researchable within the constraints of your project. Example: Research question.

  9. What is a scientific hypothesis?

    A scientific hypothesis is a tentative, testable explanation for a phenomenon in the natural world. It's the initial building block in the scientific method. Many describe it as an "educated guess ...

  10. 1.2: Using the Scientific Method

    The Scientific Method. Scientists search for answers to questions and solutions to problems by using a procedure called the scientific method. This procedure consists of making observations, formulating hypotheses, and designing experiments, which in turn lead to additional observations, hypotheses, and experiments in repeated cycles (Figure 1. ...

  11. Scientific hypothesis

    The Royal Society - On the scope of scientific hypotheses (Apr. 24, 2024) scientific hypothesis, an idea that proposes a tentative explanation about a phenomenon or a narrow set of phenomena observed in the natural world. The two primary features of a scientific hypothesis are falsifiability and testability, which are reflected in an "If ...

  12. Writing a Hypothesis for Your Science Fair Project

    A hypothesis is a tentative, testable answer to a scientific question. Once a scientist has a scientific question she is interested in, the scientist reads up to find out what is already known on the topic. Then she uses that information to form a tentative answer to her scientific question. Sometimes people refer to the tentative answer as "an ...

  13. How to Write the Perfect Chemistry Lab Report: A Definitive Guide

    The next section is the Introduction and it begins with this word in the left upper corner of your report. It should consist of no more than a couple of paragraphs and end with at least one hypothesis. The body of your project consists of the procedure, materials and methods employed; data; results and observations.

  14. Hypothesis ( Read )

    The word hypothesis can be defined as an "educated guess." For example, it might be an educated guess about why a natural event occurs. But not all hypotheses—even those about the natural world—are scientific hypotheses. What makes a statement a scientific hypothesis rather than just an educated guess? A scientific hypothesis must meet two ...

  15. A Strong Hypothesis

    Keep in mind that writing the hypothesis is an early step in the process of doing a science project. The steps below form the basic outline of the Scientific Method: Ask a Question. Do Background Research. Construct a Hypothesis. Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment. Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion.

  16. What Is a Hypothesis? The Scientific Method

    A hypothesis (plural hypotheses) is a proposed explanation for an observation. The definition depends on the subject. In science, a hypothesis is part of the scientific method. It is a prediction or explanation that is tested by an experiment. Observations and experiments may disprove a scientific hypothesis, but can never entirely prove one.

  17. PDF The Hypothesis in Science Writingaccordingly.

    hypothesis. When writing a hypothesis, be sure to include these components. Use Example 1 as a reference: Population- the specific group or individual the research pertains to (Dandelions) Interest- the main concern of the study (Effects of nitrogen-rich soils on plant growth) Comparison- the main

  18. Theory vs. Hypothesis vs. Law

    A hypothesis is a possible explanation that can be tested. This simple definition needs some further explanation. It says it must have a possible explanation. The hypothesis should apply reasoning ...

  19. Three Famous Hypotheses and How They Were Tested

    Although Hasler's blindfold hypothesis was disproven, others have fared better. Today, we're looking at three of the best-known experiments in history — and the hypotheses they tested. Contents. Ivan Pavlov and His Dogs (1903-1935) Isaac Newton's Radiant Prisms (1665) Robert Paine's Revealing Starfish (1963-1969)

  20. 2.11: Hypothesis testing

    This is a strong base, and you have to protect your eyes even while cleaning up. As a mental exercise while rinsing, try to estimate the pH of the reaction mix without a calculator (hint: the concentration is in between 0.1 mol/L and 1 mol/L). 2.11: Hypothesis testing is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or ...

  21. Planning an experiment

    For example, a hypothesis might be made about the way that springs behave when they are loaded. From this a prediction can be made about what will happen to a spring when force is added ...

  22. Hypothesis If Then

    Hypothesis:It is a tentative explanation for an observation or phenomenon that can be tested experimentally. When written in the "if-then" format, it usually predicts a relationship between variables based on theoretical understanding.Example: "If a plant is given caffeine, then it will grow faster.".

  23. How to Formulate a Null Hypothesis (With Examples)

    To distinguish it from other hypotheses, the null hypothesis is written as H 0 (which is read as "H-nought," "H-null," or "H-zero"). A significance test is used to determine the likelihood that the results supporting the null hypothesis are not due to chance. A confidence level of 95% or 99% is common. Keep in mind, even if the confidence level is high, there is still a small chance the ...