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Industrial Chemistry Final Year Project Research Topics


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100+ Great Chemistry Research Topics


Table of contents

  • 1 What are the best chemistry research topics?
  • 2 5 Tips for Writing Chemistry Research Papers
  • 3 Chemical Engineering Research Topics
  • 4 Organic Сhemistry Research Topics
  • 5 Іnorganic Сhemistry Research Topics
  • 6 Biomolecular Сhemistry Research Topics
  • 7 Analytical Chemistry Research Topics
  • 8 Computational Chemistry Research Topics
  • 9 Physical Chemistry Research Topics
  • 10 Innovative Chemistry Research Topics
  • 11 Environmental Chemistry Research Topics
  • 12 Green Chemistry Research Topics
  • 13.1 Conclusion

Do you need a topic for your chemistry research paper? Are you unsure of where to start? Don’t worry – we’re here to help. In this post, we’ll go over a series of the best chemistry research paper topics as well as Tips for Writing Chemistry Research Papers on different topics. By the time you finish reading this post, you’ll have plenty of ideas to get started on your next research project!

There are many different subfields of chemistry, so it can be tough to find interesting chemistry topics to write about. If you’re struggling to narrow down your topic, we’ll go over lists of topics in multiple fields of study.

What are the best chemistry research topics?

Doing research is important to help scientists learn more about the world around us. By researching different compounds and elements, we can learn more about how they interact with one another and how they can be used to create new products or improve existing ones.

There are many different topics that you can choose to research in chemistry. Here are just a few examples:

  • The history of chemistry and how it has evolved over time
  • How different chemicals react with one another
  • How to create new compounds or improve existing ones
  • The role of chemistry in the environment
  • The health effects of different chemicals

5 Tips for Writing Chemistry Research Papers

Once you have chosen a topic for your research paper , it is important to follow some tips to ensure that your paper is well-written and accurate. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Start by doing some background research on your topic. This will help you understand the basics of the topic and give you a good foundation to build your paper on.
  • Make sure to cite all of the sources that you use in your paper. This will help to show where you got your information and will also help to add credibility to your work.
  • Be sure to proofread your paper before you submit it. This will ensure that there are no errors and that your paper is clear and concise.
  • Get help from a tutor or friend if you are struggling with your paper. They may be able to offer helpful advice or feedback.
  • Take your time when writing your research paper . This is not a race, and it is important to make sure that you do a good job on your research.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your chemistry research paper will be a success! So what are you waiting for? Let’s go over some of the best research paper topics out there.

Chemical Engineering Research Topics

Chemical Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design and application of chemical processes. If you’re wondering how to choose a paper topic, here are some ideas to inspire you:

  • How to create new alloy compounds or improve existing ones
  • The health effects of the food industry chemicals
  • Chemical engineering and sustainable development
  • The future of chemical engineering
  • Chemical engineering and the food industry
  • Chemical engineering and the pharmaceutical industry
  • Chemical engineering and the cosmetics industry
  • Chemical engineering and the petrochemical industry

These are just a few examples – there are many more possibilities out there! So get started on your research today. Who knows what you might discover!


Organic Сhemistry Research Topics

Organic chemistry is the study of carbon-containing molecules. There are many different organic chemistry research topics that a student could choose to focus on and here are just a few examples of possible research projects in organic chemistry:

  • Investigating new methods for synthesizing chiral molecules
  • Studying the structure and reactivity of carbon nanotubes
  • Investigating metal complexes with organometallic ligands
  • Designing benzene derivatives with improved thermal stability
  • Exploring new ways to control the stereochemistry of chemical reactions
  • Studying the role of enzymes in organic synthesis
  • Investigating new strategies for combating drug resistance
  • Developing new methods for detecting explosives residues
  • Studying the photochemistry of organic molecules
  • Studying the behavior of organometallic compounds in biological systems

Іnorganic Сhemistry Research Topics

Inorganic Chemistry is the study of the chemistry of materials that do not contain carbon. Unlike other chemistry research topics, these include elements such as metals, minerals, and inorganic compounds. If you are looking for inorganic chemistry research topics on inorganic chemistry, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • How different metals react with one another
  • How to create new alloys or improve existing ones
  • The role of inorganic chemistry in the environment
  • Inorganic chemistry and sustainable development
  • The future of inorganic chemistry
  • Inorganic chemistry and the food industry
  • Inorganic chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry
  • Atomic structure progressive scale grading
  • Inorganiс Сhemistry and the cosmetics industry

Biomolecular Сhemistry Research Topics

Biomolecular chemistry is the study of molecules that are important for life. These molecules can be found in all living things, from tiny bacteria to the largest animals. Researchers who work in this field use a variety of techniques to learn more about how these molecules function and how they interact with each other.

If you are looking for essential biomolecular chemistry research topics, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • The structure and function of DNA
  • The structure and function of proteins
  • The role of carbohydrates in the body
  • The role of lipids in the body
  • How enzymes work
  • The role of biochemistry in heart disease
  • Cyanides and their effect on the body
  • The role of biochemistry in cancer treatment
  • The role of biochemistry in Parkison’s disease treatment
  • The role of biochemistry in the immune system

The possibilities are endless for someone willing to dedicate some time to research.

Analytical Chemistry Research Topics

Analytical Chemistry is a type of chemistry that helps scientists figure out what something is made of. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as spectroscopy or chromatography. If you are looking for research topics, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • How food chemicals react with one another
  • Mass spectrometry
  • Analytical aspects of gas and liquid chromatography
  • Analytical chemistry and sustainable development
  • Atomic absorption spectroscopy methods and best practices
  • Analytical chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry in Ibuprofen consumption
  • Analytical chemistry and the cosmetics industry in UV protectors
  • Dispersive x-ray analysis of damaged tissues

Analytical chemistry is considered by many a complex science and there is a lot yet to be discovered in the field.


Computational Chemistry Research Topics

Computational chemistry is a way to use computers to help chemists understand chemical reactions. This can be done by simulating reactions or by designing new molecules. If you are looking for essential chemistry research topics in computational chemistry, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Molecular mechanics simulation
  • Reaction rates of complex chemical reactions
  • Designing new molecules: how can simulation help
  • The role of computers in the study of quantum mechanics
  • How to use computers to predict chemical reactions
  • Using computers to understand organic chemistry
  • The future of computational chemistry in organic reactions
  • The impacts of simulation on the development of new medications
  • Combustion reaction simulation impact on engine development
  • Quantum-chemistry simulation review

Computers are cutting-edge technology in chemical research and this relatively new field of study has a ton yet to be explored.

Physical Chemistry Research Topics

Physical chemistry is the study of how matter behaves. It looks at the physical and chemical properties of atoms and molecules and how they interact with each other. If you are looking for physical chemistry research topics, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Standardization of pH scales
  • Structure of atom on a quantum scale
  • Bonding across atoms and molecules
  • The effect of temperature on chemical reactions
  • The role of light in in-body chemical reactions
  • Chemical kinetics
  • Surface tension and its effects on mixtures
  • The role of pressure in chemical reactions
  • Rates of diffusion in gases and liquids
  • The role of entropy in chemical reactions

Here are just a few samples, but there are plenty more options! Start your research right now!

Innovative Chemistry Research Topics

Innovative chemistry is all about coming up with new ideas and ways to do things. This can be anything from creating new materials to finding new ways to make existing products. If you are looking for ground-breaking chemistry research topics, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Amino acids side chain effects in protein folding
  • Chemistry in the production of nanomaterials
  • The role of enzymes in chemical reactions
  • Photocatalysis in 3D printing
  • Avoiding pesticides in agriculture
  • Combining chemical and biological processes
  • Gene modification in medicinal chemistry
  • The role of quantum mechanics in chemical reactions
  • Astrochemical research on extraterrestrial molecules
  • Spectroscopy signatures of pressurized organic components

If you need a hand, there are several sites that also offer research papers for sale and can be a great asset as you work to create your own research papers.

Whatever route you decide to take, good luck! And remember – the sky’s the limit when it comes to research! So get started today and see where your studies may take you. Who knows, you might just make a breakthrough discovery!

Environmental Chemistry Research Topics

Environmental Chemistry is the study of how chemicals interact with the environment. This can include anything from the air we breathe to the water we drink. If you are looking for environmental chemistry research topics, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Plastic effects on ocean life
  • Urban ecology
  • The role of carbon in climate change
  • Air pollution and its effects
  • Water pollution and its effects
  • Chemicals in food and their effect on the body
  • The effect of chemicals on plant life
  • Earth temperature prediction models

A lot of research on the environment is being conducted at the moment because the environment is in danger. There are a lot of environmental problems that need to be solved, and research is the key to solving them.

Green Chemistry Research Topics

Green chemistry is the study of how to make products and processes that are environmentally friendly. This can include anything from finding new ways to recycle materials to developing new products that are biodegradable. If you are looking for green chemistry research topics, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Recycling and reuse of materials
  • Developing biodegradable materials
  • Improving existing recycling processes
  • Green chemistry and sustainable development
  • The future of green chemistry
  • Green chemistry and the food industry
  • Green chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry
  • Green chemistry and the cosmetics industry

A more environmentally friendly world is something we all aspire for and a lot of research has been conducted on how we can achieve this, making this one of the most promising areas of study. The results have been varied, but there are a few key things we can do to make a difference.

Controversial Chemistry Research Topics

Controversial chemistry is all about hot-button topics that people are passionate about. This can include anything from the use of chemicals in warfare to the health effects of different chemicals. If you are looking for controversial topics to write about , here are some ideas to get you started:

  • The use of chemicals in warfare
  • Gene modification in human babies
  • Bioengineering
  • How fast food chemicals affect the human brain
  • The role of the government in regulating chemicals
  • Evolution of cigarette chemicals over time
  • Chemical effects of CBD oils
  • Antidepressant chemical reactions
  • Synthetic molecules replication methods
  • Gene analysis

Controversial research papers often appear in the media before it has been peer-reviewed and published in a scientific journal. The reason for this is that the media is interested in stories that are new, exciting, and generate a lot of debate.

Chemistry is an incredibly diverse and interesting field, with many controversial topics to write about. If you are looking for a research topic, consider the examples listed in this article. With a little bit of effort, you are sure to find a topic that is both interesting and within your skillset.

In order to be a good researcher, it is important to be able to think critically and solve problems. However, innovation in chemistry research can be challenging. When thinking about how to innovate, it is important to consider both the practical and theoretical aspects of your research. Additionally, try to build on the work of others in order to create something new and unique. With a little bit of effort, you are sure to be able to find a topic that is both interesting and within your skillset.

Happy writing!

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industrial chemistry research project topics

UniProjects Project Topics Network

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Top 100 Industrial Chemistry Research Topics in 2024

  • Green chemistry applications in industrial processes
  • Sustainable methods for chemical synthesis
  • Development of catalytic processes for cleaner industrial production
  • Waste minimization strategies in chemical industries
  • Integration of renewable energy sources in industrial processes
  • Advances in process intensification for improved efficiency
  • Design and optimization of continuous manufacturing processes
  • Nanotechnology applications in industrial chemistry
  • Process safety in chemical industries
  • Smart sensors for monitoring and control in chemical plants
  • Life cycle assessment of industrial chemical processes
  • Carbon capture and utilization in chemical manufacturing
  • Biorefinery concepts for sustainable chemical production
  • Circular economy principles in the chemical industry
  • Integration of artificial intelligence in process optimization
  • Sustainable solvents and reaction media in industrial processes
  • Novel separation technologies for industrial applications
  • Advanced materials for corrosion resistance in chemical plants
  • Bio-based polymers and their applications in industry
  • Green solvents for extraction and purification processes
  • Electrochemical processes for industrial applications
  • Advances in membrane technology for separation processes
  • Development of eco-friendly surfactants for industrial use
  • Sustainable packaging materials in the chemical industry
  • Process optimization using machine learning algorithms
  • Green synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates
  • Alternative feedstocks for chemical production
  • Water conservation strategies in chemical manufacturing
  • Integration of Industry 4.0 in chemical plants
  • Environmental impact assessment of chemical processes
  • Enhanced oil recovery techniques in petrochemical industries
  • Sustainable approaches to petrochemical refining
  • Recycling of rare earth elements from industrial waste
  • Clean energy solutions for the chemical industry
  • Supercritical fluid technology in chemical processing
  • Advances in heterogeneous catalysis for industrial applications
  • Development of sustainable lubricants for industrial use
  • Process analytical technology for real-time monitoring
  • Bio-inspired materials for industrial applications
  • Green synthesis of metal nanoparticles for catalysis
  • Carbon-neutral production of chemicals
  • Electrocatalysis for green hydrogen production
  • Advanced process control in chemical manufacturing
  • Green chemistry education and awareness in industry
  • Integration of renewable feedstocks in polymer production
  • Sustainable farming practices for bio-based chemicals
  • Development of biofuels from industrial waste streams
  • Sustainable alternatives to traditional plasticizers
  • Design of energy-efficient chemical reactors
  • Integration of bioinformatics in enzyme engineering
  • Application of microwave technology in chemical synthesis
  • Sustainable practices in the textile chemical industry
  • Biocompatible materials for medical device manufacturing
  • Waste-to-energy conversion technologies in industry
  • Smart materials for controlled drug release
  • Advances in industrial water treatment technologies
  • Sustainable coatings for industrial applications
  • Bio-inspired catalysts for industrial processes
  • Valorization of agro-industrial by-products
  • Integration of renewable resources in fine chemical synthesis
  • Sustainable approaches to metal extraction from ores
  • Development of eco-friendly adhesives for industrial use
  • Green manufacturing of electronic components
  • Carbon-neutral production of ammonia for fertilizers
  • Sustainable approaches to textile dyeing processes
  • Bio-based additives for lubricant formulations
  • Development of sustainable insecticides for agriculture
  • Green chemistry in the production of pharmaceuticals
  • Integration of algae-based products in industrial processes
  • Sustainable methods for rare earth element extraction
  • Biodegradable packaging materials for food industry
  • Smart coatings for corrosion protection in industrial settings
  • Green synthesis of nanomaterials for industrial applications
  • Sustainable approaches to the synthesis of specialty chemicals
  • Integration of biotechnology in industrial fermentation processes
  • Carbon footprint reduction in chemical supply chains
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of surfactants
  • Eco-friendly approaches to metal finishing processes
  • Development of sustainable cleaning agents for industry
  • Green chemistry in the production of agrochemicals
  • Integration of renewable resources in the production of resins
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of bioplastics
  • Development of environmentally friendly flame retardants
  • Integration of circular economy principles in chemical manufacturing
  • Green synthesis of carbon nanotubes for industrial applications
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of specialty gases
  • Bio-based alternatives to traditional industrial lubricants
  • Smart materials for self-healing coatings in industrial settings
  • Green chemistry in the production of cosmetic ingredients
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of vitamins and supplements
  • Integration of waste heat recovery in industrial processes
  • Eco-friendly alternatives to traditional refrigerants
  • Development of sustainable antioxidants for industrial use
  • Green chemistry in the production of food additives
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of flavor and fragrance compounds
  • Integration of renewable resources in the production of adhesives
  • Bio-based alternatives to traditional plastic packaging
  • Smart materials for controlled release of agricultural fertilizers
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of specialty inks
  • Green chemistry in the production of inkjet inks
  • Integration of waste-to-energy technologies in chemical manufacturing
  • Eco-friendly alternatives to traditional cleaning solvents
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of construction chemicals
  • Development of environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors
  • Green chemistry in the production of printing inks
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of polymer additives
  • Integration of renewable resources in the production of detergents
  • Bio-based alternatives to traditional metalworking fluids
  • Smart materials for enhanced oil recovery in the petroleum industry
  • Green chemistry in the production of lubricant additives
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of plasticizers
  • Eco-friendly alternatives to traditional hydraulic fluids
  • Development of sustainable antifreeze formulations
  • Integration of waste valorization in the production of agrochemicals
  • Green chemistry in the production of rubber additives
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of textile auxiliaries
  • Bio-based alternatives to traditional asphalt modifiers
  • Smart materials for corrosion protection in marine environments
  • Green chemistry in the production of wood preservatives
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of metalworking additives
  • Eco-friendly alternatives to traditional paint and coating solvents
  • Development of sustainable cleaning agents for electronic components
  • Integration of waste valorization in the production of pharmaceuticals
  • Green chemistry in the production of cosmetic preservatives
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of plastic packaging additives
  • Bio-based alternatives to traditional printing ink solvents
  • Smart materials for corrosion protection in aerospace applications
  • Green chemistry in the production of specialty chemical intermediates
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of agricultural chemicals
  • Eco-friendly alternatives to traditional industrial degreasers
  • Development of sustainable corrosion inhibitors for military applications
  • Integration of waste valorization in the production of biomaterials
  • Green chemistry in the production of bio-based polymers
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of specialty coatings
  • Bio-based alternatives to traditional metal surface treatments
  • Smart materials for corrosion protection in automotive applications
  • Green chemistry in the production of industrial lubricant additives
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of food packaging materials
  • Eco-friendly alternatives to traditional metal cleaning solvents
  • Development of sustainable corrosion inhibitors for marine applications
  • Integration of waste valorization in the production of construction materials
  • Green chemistry in the production of bio-based resins
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of specialty adhesives
  • Bio-based alternatives to traditional insulation materials
  • Smart materials for corrosion protection in oil and gas pipelines
  • Green chemistry in the production of metalworking additives
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of specialty surfactants
  • Eco-friendly alternatives to traditional electronic cleaning solvents
  • Development of sustainable corrosion inhibitors for aerospace applications
  • Integration of waste valorization in the production of electronic components
  • Green chemistry in the production of bio-based plasticizers
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of specialty lubricants
  • Bio-based alternatives to traditional lubricant additives
  • Smart materials for corrosion protection in power generation facilities
  • Green chemistry in the production of metal surface treatments
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of bio-based coatings
  • Eco-friendly alternatives to traditional anti-corrosion coatings
  • Development of sustainable corrosion inhibitors for automotive applications
  • Integration of waste valorization in the production of specialty chemicals
  • Green chemistry in the production of bio-based metalworking fluids
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of specialty plasticizers
  • Bio-based alternatives to traditional corrosion-resistant materials
  • Smart materials for corrosion protection in chemical storage tanks
  • Green chemistry in the production of bio-based lubricant additives
  • Sustainable approaches to the production of specialty electronic cleaning solvents

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201+ Chemistry Project Topics [Updated]

chemistry project topics

Chemistry, often hailed as the “central science,” plays a pivotal role in understanding the world around us. From the composition of substances to the reactions that transform them, chemistry influences nearly every aspect of our lives. One fascinating way to delve deeper into this field is through chemistry projects. These projects offer a hands-on approach to learning, allowing students and enthusiasts alike to explore various concepts and phenomena. In this blog, we’ll journey through a diverse array of chemistry project topics, offering insights into each area’s significance and potential for exploration.

How To Select Relevant Chemistry Project Topics?

Table of Contents

Selecting relevant chemistry project topics requires careful consideration of several factors to ensure that the chosen topic aligns with your interests, goals, and resources. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you select the most suitable chemistry project topic:

  • Identify Your Interests: Consider your interests within the broad field of chemistry. Are you fascinated by organic synthesis, environmental chemistry, biochemistry, or another sub-discipline? Choosing a topic that aligns with your interests will keep you motivated throughout the project.
  • Assess Your Knowledge and Skills: Evaluate your current knowledge and skills in chemistry. Choose a topic that challenges you without being too overwhelming. If you’re a beginner, opt for a project that allows you to build upon your existing knowledge while learning new concepts.
  • Consider Available Resources: Take stock of the resources available to you, including laboratory equipment, chemicals, reference materials, and access to mentors or experts. Select a project that can be feasibly completed with the resources at your disposal.
  • Review Literature and Current Trends: Conduct a literature review to explore recent advancements, emerging trends, and unresolved questions in your chosen area of interest. This will help you identify gaps in knowledge or areas where further research is needed, guiding your selection of a relevant project topic.
  • Define Your Objectives and Goals: Clearly define your objectives and goals for the project. Determine what you aim to accomplish and what outcomes you hope to achieve. Your project topic should align with these objectives and contribute to fulfilling your academic or personal goals.
  • Consult with Mentors or Advisors: Seek guidance from mentors, advisors, or faculty members who can provide insights and suggestions based on their expertise. Discuss potential project topics with them and solicit their feedback to ensure that your chosen topic is relevant and feasible.
  • Brainstorm and Narrow Down Options: Brainstorm a list of potential project topics based on your interests, knowledge, resources, and goals. Narrow down your options by considering factors such as feasibility, novelty, and potential impact. Choose a topic that excites you and has the potential to make a meaningful contribution to the field of chemistry.
  • Refine Your Topic and Formulate a Research Plan: Once you’ve selected a topic, refine it further by clearly defining your research question or hypothesis. Develop a research plan outlining the specific objectives, methods, and timeline for your project. Be prepared to adapt and refine your plan as you progress with your research.

By following these steps, you can select relevant chemistry project topics that align with your interests, goals, and resources, setting the stage for a successful and rewarding research experience.

201+ Chemistry Project Topics: Beginners To Advanced

Organic chemistry projects.

  • Synthesis and characterization of aspirin.
  • Extraction and analysis of caffeine from tea leaves.
  • Isolation and identification of natural dyes from plants.
  • Synthesis of biodiesel from vegetable oil.
  • Investigating the acidity of fruit juices using titration.
  • Synthesis of esters for fragrance applications.
  • Preparation of soap from vegetable oils.
  • Studying the effect of catalysts on organic reactions.
  • Analysis of essential oils from aromatic plants.
  • Synthesis and purification of acetaminophen.
  • Investigating the properties of polymers.
  • Extraction of DNA from fruits or vegetables.
  • Synthesis of nylon-6,6.
  • Investigating the effects of different solvents on crystallization.
  • Studying the reactions of carbohydrates.
  • Synthesis of biodegradable plastics.
  • Analysis of food additives using chromatography.
  • Investigating the process of fermentation.
  • Synthesis and characterization of bioderived materials.
  • Studying the properties of antioxidants in foods.

Inorganic Chemistry Projects

  • Synthesis and characterization of metal oxides.
  • Investigating the properties of transition metal complexes.
  • Preparation of metal nanoparticles and their applications.
  • Studying the formation and properties of zeolites.
  • Synthesis of coordination compounds.
  • Investigating the redox properties of metal ions.
  • Preparation and characterization of metal alloys.
  • Studying the properties of rare earth elements.
  • Synthesis of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs).
  • Investigating the catalytic properties of metal nanoparticles.
  • Preparation and properties of superconductors.
  • Synthesis of semiconductor materials.
  • Investigating the properties of carbon allotropes (e.g., graphite, diamond).
  • Preparation and characterization of magnetic materials.
  • Studying the properties of chalcogenides.
  • Synthesis of nanocomposites for catalytic applications.
  • Investigating the properties of perovskite materials.
  • Preparation and characterization of phosphors.
  • Studying the properties of metal halides.
  • Synthesis of metal carbonyl complexes.

Analytical Chemistry Projects

  • Development of a method for heavy metal detection in water samples.
  • Analysis of food preservatives using spectroscopic techniques.
  • Determination of vitamin C content in fruit juices.
  • Quantification of caffeine in beverages using chromatography.
  • Development of a method for pesticide analysis in fruits and vegetables.
  • Analysis of air pollutants using gas chromatography.
  • Determination of pH in household products.
  • Quantitative analysis of alcohol content in beverages.
  • Development of a method for drug analysis in pharmaceutical formulations.
  • Analysis of mineral content in water samples.
  • Determination of total dissolved solids (TDS) in water samples.
  • Quantification of sugar content in soft drinks.
  • Development of a method for forensic analysis of trace evidence.
  • Analysis of heavy metals in soil samples.
  • Determination of acidity in vinegar samples.
  • Quantitative analysis of proteins in biological samples.
  • Development of a method for antioxidant analysis in food samples.
  • Analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air.
  • Determination of chlorophyll content in plant samples.
  • Quantification of nicotine in tobacco products.

Physical Chemistry Projects

  • Investigation of reaction kinetics using spectrophotometry.
  • Study of gas laws through Boyle’s and Charles’s experiments.
  • Determination of the heat of neutralization using calorimetry.
  • Investigation of solubility equilibria using conductivity measurements.
  • Study of colligative properties through freezing point depression.
  • Determination of molecular weight using vapor pressure measurements.
  • Investigation of electrochemical cells and their applications.
  • Study of phase transitions using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
  • Determination of rate constants using the method of initial rates.
  • Investigation of adsorption phenomena using surface area measurements.
  • Study of the behavior of ideal and non-ideal gases.
  • Determination of activation energy using the Arrhenius equation.
  • Investigation of chemical equilibria using Le Chatelier’s principle.
  • Study of reaction mechanisms using isotopic labeling techniques.
  • Determination of the heat capacity of solids using calorimetry.
  • Investigation of diffusion and osmosis phenomena.
  • Study of molecular spectroscopy using UV-Vis spectroscopy.
  • Determination of reaction enthalpy using Hess’s law.
  • Investigation of acid-base titrations and pH indicators.
  • Study of reaction rates using temperature-dependent kinetics.

Biochemistry Projects

  • Isolation and characterization of enzymes from biological sources.
  • Study of enzyme kinetics using spectrophotometry.
  • Investigation of metabolic pathways using biochemical assays.
  • Study of protein structure and function using SDS-PAGE.
  • Analysis of nucleic acids using gel electrophoresis.
  • Investigation of cellular respiration using respirometry.
  • Study of photosynthesis using chlorophyll fluorescence.
  • Analysis of biomolecules using mass spectrometry.
  • Investigation of DNA replication using PCR.
  • Study of gene expression using reporter assays.
  • Analysis of protein-protein interactions using co-immunoprecipitation.
  • Investigation of membrane transport using permeability assays.
  • Study of signal transduction pathways using ELISA.
  • Analysis of enzyme inhibition using kinetic assays.
  • Investigation of DNA damage using comet assays.
  • Study of protein folding using circular dichroism spectroscopy.
  • Analysis of cell viability using MTT assays.
  • Investigation of apoptosis using flow cytometry.
  • Study of protein purification using chromatography techniques.
  • Analysis of lipid metabolism using TLC.

Environmental Chemistry Projects

  • Analysis of heavy metal contamination in urban soils.
  • Study of water quality parameters in local streams.
  • Investigation of air pollution sources using atmospheric sampling.
  • Study of the effects of acid rain on aquatic ecosystems.
  • Analysis of microplastics in marine environments.
  • Investigation of nutrient pollution in freshwater systems.
  • Study of pesticide residues in agricultural soils.
  • Analysis of landfill leachate contaminants.
  • Investigation of emerging contaminants in drinking water.
  • Study of oil spill remediation techniques.
  • Analysis of pharmaceuticals in wastewater treatment plants.
  • Investigation of the effects of climate change on soil microbiota.
  • Study of ozone depletion in the stratosphere.
  • Analysis of indoor air pollutants in residential homes.
  • Investigation of eutrophication in freshwater lakes.
  • Study of bioaccumulation and biomagnification in food chains.
  • Analysis of heavy metal uptake in aquatic plants.
  • Investigation of the effects of deforestation on soil erosion.
  • Study of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural activities.
  • Analysis of pollutants in urban stormwater runoff.

Interdisciplinary Chemistry Projects

  • Development of nanomaterials for drug delivery applications.
  • Study of the chemistry of art conservation and restoration.
  • Investigation of the role of chemistry in renewable energy technologies.
  • Study of the chemistry of food preservation techniques.
  • Analysis of chemical communication in ecological systems.
  • Investigation of the chemistry of brewing and fermentation.
  • Study of the chemistry of cosmetics and personal care products.
  • Analysis of the chemistry of natural and synthetic dyes.
  • Investigation of the chemistry of perfume formulation.
  • Study of the chemistry of materials science and engineering.
  • Analysis of the chemistry of medicinal plants and herbal remedies.
  • Investigation of the chemistry of wine production and aging.
  • Study of the chemistry of biodegradable plastics.
  • Analysis of the chemistry of flavor compounds in foods.
  • Investigation of the chemistry of natural products and pharmaceuticals.
  • Study of the chemistry of soil fertility and nutrient cycling.
  • Analysis of the chemistry of water treatment technologies.
  • Investigation of the chemistry of alternative fuels.
  • Study of the chemistry of insecticides and pest control.
  • Analysis of the chemistry of nanotechnology applications.

Advanced Chemistry Projects

  • Synthesis and characterization of novel organic frameworks.
  • Investigation of reaction mechanisms using computational chemistry.
  • Study of advanced spectroscopic techniques for molecular analysis.
  • Analysis of chemical kinetics using ultrafast laser spectroscopy.
  • Investigation of catalytic reactions using surface science techniques.
  • Study of quantum chemistry principles and applications.
  • Analysis of supramolecular assemblies and host-guest interactions.
  • Investigation of molecular modeling and simulation methods.
  • Study of advanced materials for energy storage and conversion.
  • Analysis of chemical dynamics and reaction kinetics.
  • Investigation of organometallic catalysis for organic synthesis.
  • Study of advanced techniques in NMR spectroscopy.
  • Analysis of photochemical reactions and photophysics.
  • Investigation of electron transfer processes in biological systems .
  • Study of theoretical approaches to chemical bonding.
  • Analysis of advanced electrochemical techniques.
  • Investigation of non-covalent interactions in molecular recognition.
  • Study of advanced techniques in mass spectrometry.
  • Analysis of quantum dots and their applications in nanotechnology.
  • Investigation of chemical sensors and biosensors.

Chemistry Education Projects

  • Development of interactive chemistry teaching modules.
  • Investigation of inquiry-based learning approaches in chemistry education.
  • Study of the use of multimedia resources in chemistry instruction.
  • Analysis of student misconceptions in chemistry learning.
  • Investigation of the effectiveness of laboratory experiments in teaching chemistry concepts.
  • Study of collaborative learning strategies in chemistry education.
  • Analysis of the integration of technology in chemistry classrooms.
  • Investigation of the role of assessment in promoting conceptual understanding in chemistry.
  • Study of the impact of hands-on activities on student engagement in chemistry.
  • Analysis of the use of real-world applications to enhance chemistry learning.
  • Investigation of the implementation of flipped classroom models in chemistry education.
  • Study of the development of critical thinking skills in chemistry students.
  • Analysis of the role of feedback in improving student performance in chemistry.
  • Investigation of the use of peer teaching and tutoring in chemistry education.
  • Study of the incorporation of environmental chemistry concepts in the curriculum.
  • Analysis of the influence of classroom climate on student motivation in chemistry.
  • Investigation of the role of metacognition in chemistry problem-solving.
  • Study of the use of concept maps and graphic organizers in chemistry instruction.
  • Analysis of the impact of teacher professional development on student achievement in chemistry.
  • Investigation of the use of authentic assessments in chemistry education.

Chemistry Outreach Projects

  • Development of chemistry demonstration shows for public outreach events.
  • Investigation of community-based science education programs in chemistry.
  • Study of chemistry-themed science fairs and competitions.
  • Analysis of chemistry outreach activities in underserved communities.
  • Investigation of the role of science communication in promoting chemistry awareness.
  • Study of chemistry-themed podcasts and educational videos.
  • Analysis of chemistry outreach efforts in museums and science centers.
  • Investigation of chemistry-themed summer camps and workshops.
  • Study of chemistry outreach initiatives in schools and universities.
  • Analysis of chemistry outreach efforts on social media platforms.
  • Investigation of the impact of chemistry outreach on public perception of science.
  • Study of chemistry-themed citizen science projects.
  • Analysis of chemistry outreach programs for adults and lifelong learners.
  • Investigation of the use of storytelling in chemistry outreach.
  • Study of chemistry-themed art and literature projects.
  • Analysis of chemistry outreach collaborations with industry partners.
  • Investigation of the role of role models and mentors in chemistry outreach.
  • Study of chemistry-themed escape rooms and puzzle games.
  • Analysis of chemistry outreach efforts during national science weeks.
  • Investigation of the use of virtual reality and augmented reality in chemistry outreach.
  • Study of chemistry-themed science cafés and public lectures.
  • Analysis of the impact of chemistry outreach on career aspirations in STEM fields.

Chemistry projects offer a dynamic and engaging way to explore the diverse facets of chemical science. Whether synthesizing new compounds, analyzing environmental samples, or unraveling biochemical processes, these projects foster curiosity, critical thinking, and innovation.

By delving into various chemistry project topics, students and enthusiasts can deepen their understanding of the world’s chemical complexity while contributing to scientific knowledge and societal progress.

So, let’s embark on this exciting journey of discovery and uncover the wonders of chemistry together!

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Industrial Chemistry Research Topics/Papers

List of industrial chemistry research project topics and papers – download in pdf or doc format.

Adsorption Of Palm Oil With Synthetic Adsorbent (Coal).

Phytochemical And Anti-Inflammatory Properties Of Methanol Extract Of Crateva Adansoni Stem Bark.

Construction Of A Hydro Cyclone.

Construction Of Book Shelve.

Assessment Of Carbon Monoxide (Co) Level In Monitoring Industrial And Residential Area. Case Study Of Enugu Metropolis Monitoring Industrial And Residential Area

Comparative Analysis Of Coal And Coconut Activated Carbon.

Production Of High Quality Foam.

Construction Of Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger.

Extraction And Formulation Of Perfume From Lemongrass Leaves.

Effect Of Liquid Flowrate And Gas Flowrate On A Packed Absorption Tower And Repair Of Equipment.

Effect Of Environment On Corrosion.

Construction Of An Electrical Stove With Three Oven Apartment.

Construction Of 2,000 Litres Capacity Water Reservoir.

Production Of Plant Mirror Using Local Raw Material.

Construction Of Two Face Gas Burner.

Temperature And Water Requirement For Leaching of Caustic Alkalt From “NGU”.

Production Of Wood Adhesive.

Phytochemical Analysis And The Anti- Inflammatory Activities Of Methanol Extract Of Crateva Adansonii.

Fabrication For A Set Of Sieves And Saker.

Phytochemical Analysis On Moringa Oleifera And Azadrichta Indica Leaves.

Effect Of Pterocarpus Mildbreadii Seed On Plasma HDL Cholesterol OF Albino Rat.

Production Of A High Quality Bar Soap And Compare With Detergent.

Design And Operation Of A Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger.

Desulphurisation Kerosene.

Impact Of Enugu State Broadcasting Service (E.S.B.S) Radio On Voters’ Mobilization During Election. A Case Study Of Enugu North Municipality

Production Of Domestic Powder.

Production Of Starch From Cassava.

Construction of office Table and chairs.

Production Of Yam Flour.

Production Of Plastic Materials.

Construction Of Kerosene Cooking Stove.

Construction Of Steel Cupboard.

Construction Of Wheelbarrow.

Design And Construction Of A Refrigerating Unit.

Bleaching Of Palm Oil Using Activated Charcoal.

Effect Of Processing Method On The Physio Chemical Properties Of Sweet Potato And Sorghum.

Effect Of Water Extract Of Colanitida Pod On Lipoprotein Concentrations Of Albino Wistar Rats.

Production of black and brown polish Brown polish.

Construction Of Sieve Equipment.

Production Of Liquid And Vapourized Perfume.

Water Purification Unit.

Refurbishing Of A Fixed And Fluidized Bed.

Fabrication Of Briquette Stove.

Synthesis Of Activated Carbon From Enugu Coal.

Refining Of Vegetable Oil With Enugu Coal.

Construction Of A Steel Cupboard.

Comparative Analysis Of Coal, Fuel Oil And Natural Gas For Cement Production.

Effect Of Interface On The Quality Of Petroleum Product In Multi Purpose Pipeline System.

Construction Of “5” Liter Electric Kettle.

Extraction Of Oil From Local Seed (Groundnut Seed) And Characterization.

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List of Industrial Chemistry Project Topics and Materials PDF

List of Industrial Chemistry Project Topics and Research Thesis Materials PDF and DOC File Download for Final Year Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in the University and Polytechnic.

Approved Read-Made Industrial Chemistry Research Topics with Seminar Works for the Degree of National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), (BSC) Bachelor of Sciences, (MSC) Master of Science, and Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy).

Industrial Chemistry Thesis and Dissertation Topics, Proposal Topics, Journals, Presentations, Seminar Topics, Research Papers, and Project Reports can also be gotten from this page.

All Project Materials for the Industrial Chemistry Department Listed on this Research Page have their Complete work from Chapters 1 to 5 which are: Title Page and the Case Study, Table Of Contents, Abstract, the Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Research Questions, Objectives of the Study, Research Hypothesis, Signification of the Study, the Scope of the Study, the Definition Of Terms, Organization of the Study, Literature Review (Theoretical Framework or Conceptual Framework), Research Methodology, Sources of Data Collection, the Population of the Study, Sampling and Sampling Distribution, Validation of Research Instrument, Method of Data Analysis, Data Analysis, Introduction, Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation, References/Bibliography/Citations and Questionnaire (Appendix).

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Showing all 114 results

The Study Of Properties Of Briquette Produced From Groundnut Shell Coal Blend

sold by ibitayo Damaris

The Utility Of Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reaction In The Synthesis Of Angular Benzo[A]Phenothiazine And Benzo[A]Phenoxazine Derivatives And Their Anti-Microbial Screening

The small-scale dye industry in kaduna state problems and prospects, the feasibility of utilizing cast iron filings in clay body for the production of decorative ceramics, the effects of incorporating highly electron withdrawing groups on colour and dyeing properties of mono azo disperse dyes, the effect of 4-acyl substituents on the infrared stretching frequencies of some 1-phenyl -3- methyl -4- acylpyrazol -5-ones and their magnesium (ii) ,cobalt(ii), copper (ii) and zinc (ii) chelates, the adoption of an appropriate oil burning system for small scale ceramic firing in nigeria, tandem amidation catalysis in the synthesis of diazaphenoxazinecarboxamides of pharmaceutical interest, uv, ir and heavy metals characterization of the c6 – asphaltene from ugwueme oily seepage, the utilization of local raw materials for the production of marbled wares using the jiggerjolley techniques., the use of rice husk powder in composites cement system, the potentials of adansonia digitata root and stem powders and stem activated carbon as low-cost adsorbents for the removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions, the effects of vanillin as carrier in the dyeing of polyester fabric, the effects of client, designer, and printer operational relationship on the quality of reprographic products, the develophent of ceramics proto-type gas stove osing locally available resources., tandem amination catalysis in the synthesis of diazaphenoxazine compounds of pharmaceutical interest, synthesis, characterization and use of zeolite in removal of pb(ii) ions from waste water, synthesis, characterization and solvent extraction studies of 3,5-bis[(2-hydroxybenzylidene)- amino]-benzoic acid and its co(ii) and ni(ii) complexes, synthesis of n-(heteroaryl substituted) benzene sulphonamides and their biological activities, synthesis and evaluation for biological activities of n-pyridin-3-yl substituted [phenylsulphonamido] acetamide, synthesis and characterisation of alkylated isocyanate derivatives of [pt2(μ-s)2(pph3)4], synthesis and biological activities of phenylsulphonylaminoalkaanamides, synthesis and antimicrobial activity of branched benzoxazinophenothiazines and their derivatives, syntheses of functionalised angular phenothiazines and phenoxazines of pharmaceutical interest via transition metal-catalyzed tandem reactions, studies of the chemical vapor deposition method of generating graphene, standoff bomb detective techniques by neutron interrogation technique, spectrophotometric determination of paracetamol using zirconium (iv) oxide and ammonium trioxovanadate (v), spectrophotometric determination of chromium(iii) and chromium(vi) using 2-[e)-[{3-[(2-hydroxybenzylidene) amino]phenyl}imino)methyl]phenol, socio-cultural and economic impact of the “anger” woven fabric on kwande people of benue state, risk assessment of selected heavy metal contaminants in paddy soil and rice samples from two farms in edda, afikpo south lga, ebonyi state, nigeria, quality characteristics of underground water resources in nkanu east and nkanu west local government areas of enugu state, nigeria, production, optimization and application of printing ink from waste carbon sources, production of microbial growth media using brewer´s spent grain from intafac brewery, onitsha, anambra, production of copper-clad printed circuit bare board substrate from agricultural and plastic waste materials., phytochemical quantification, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of root extracts of dennettia tripetala and milicia excelsa., oxygen absorption and drying studies on blends of fatty acids for development of alkyd resin paint binders, o-arylation of angular diazaphenoxazine and related carbocyclic analogue using buchwald catalyst, liquid fuel burning system for ceramic firing, levels of heavy metals in pasta available in the nigerian market: assessing the health implications, kinetics and mechanisms of the electron transfer reactions of the μ-oxo- bridged iron(iii) complex, na4[(feedta)2o].12h2o with some thiols, investigation of effects of alum and potassium sesquicarbonate on the fire characteristics of flexible polyurethane foam, heavy metal concentrations and degradation efficiency of total petroleum hydrocarbons on environment in ibeno local government area, akwa ibom state, nigeria, extraction and characterization of vegetable oil using bread fruit seed, extraction and utilization of banana plant resin for possible use as pigment binder on cotton fabric, evaluation of the fuel properties and thermal efficiency of sub-bituminous coal-biomass blends, enhancing the properties of coal briquette using spear grass (imperata cylindrica) and elephant grass (pennisetum purpureum), effects of roofing sheets on harvested water run-off in ichida, anambra state., development of low temperature glass ceramic from local raw materials, concentration of cadmium, lead and chromium in human whole blood, comparative assessment of performance of aluminium sulphate (alum) and ferrous sulphate as coagulants in water treatment, comparative analysis of acid activated nteje clay and two commercially available adsorbents (fuller’s earth and activated carbon), comparative analyses of wurno, dange and weppa gypsums in nigeria for plaster and ceramic production.

sold by Damian Chibueze

Chemistry And Therapeutic Effects Of Analgesics

Characterisation of the compounds of the ethylacetate extract of the leaves of alstonia boonei de wild and their antioxidant and antimicrobial potentials, cadmium and lead adsorption capacity of selected nsukka urban soils, assessment of the phytochemical constituents and proximate composition of african peer, assessment of some heavy metals in soil samples along gutters in nkpor, anambra state, assessment of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water, fish and sediments of rivers niger and benue confluence, in lokoja, kogi state, central nigeria, analysis of heavy metals in five different baby foods, analyses of some selected heavy metals and contaminants in underground water and three satellite river stations in owerri local government area of imo state., an evaluation of the suitability of ceramic raw materials in kebbi state for the production of tableware for small scale industry, synthesis, characterization and pharmacological studies of 4-acylpyrazolone complexes of some d-block elements, synthesis and evaluation for biological activities of npyridin- 3-yl substituted [phenylsulphonamido] acetamide, synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide nanowire, synthesis and characterisation of lead suphide semiconductor nanostructures using chemical bath deposition method, synthesis and biological activities of phenylsulphonylaminoalkanamides, synthesis and application of azo-anthraquinone disperse dyes on polylactide fabrics., syntheses, characterization and antimicrobial activities of alkynylated angular phenoxazines and alkynylated naphthoquinones, syntheses of benzothiazinophenothiazine derivatives and evaluation of their antimicrobial activities, studies in the deproteinization potential of coconut water (cocos nucifera) natural rubber latex, spectrophotometric determination of vanadium(iii) and vanadium(v) using 2-[(e)-[3-[(e)-(2-hydroxyphenyl)methyleneamino] phenyl]iminomethyl]phenol, spectrophotometric determination of niacin, thiamine, glibenclamide, erythromycin and para amino benzo ic acid using 2, 3 – dichloro – 5, 6 – dicyano – 1, 4 – benzoquinone, solvent extraction studies on zn(ii) and cd(ii) complexes of 1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-4[(e)-(2,3,4-trihydroxyphenyl)]diazenyl-1,2-dihydroxyl-3h-pyrazol-3-one, screen printing techniques in pottery decoration, remediation of cr (vi) from contaminated water by activated carbon entrapped in calcium alginate beads, quality assessment of borehole waters in enugu urban, production of surface shine (polish), production of handcrafted tapestry using selected landscape formations in plateau state as inspiration, production of biscuit from water yam (dioscoreaalata) flour using gum arabic as a binder or thickener, physicochemical and bacteriological analyses of borehole waters in aninri, awgu and oji river local government areas of enugu state, nigeria., palladium–catalyzed sonogashira synthesis of mono- and bisalkynylated derivatives of quinoline-5,8-dione and their antimicrobial activity, organochlorine pesticides residue in cocoa beans (theobroma cacao) and soils of cocoa plantationsin ondo state, nigeria., modification of coconut shell activated carbon with an azo ligand: 1, 2– dihydro-1, 5- dimethyl-2 phenyl-4- (e)–(2,3,4- trihydrophenyl)-3h-pyrazol-3-one (ddptp) and its potentials for the removal of cd2+, pb2+ and ni2+ from polluted water., levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in some brands of pastas in nigerian market: an assessment of possible potential health risk, leachate, groundwater, surface stream, treated water and soil characteristics of the vicinity of a municipal solid waste dumpsite at uyo metropolis, akwa – ibom state, nigeria, investigation of effects of two flame retardants on the fire characterisitics of flexible polyether foam., investigation of effects of two flame retardants on the fire characterisitics of flexible polyether foam, impact of torrefaction on the fuel properties of lignite, coconut shells, cassava peels and their blends, flammability studies of some fire tolerant trees of south-east, nigeria, fabrication and characterization of zeolites and its application in heavy metal capture, extraction of lignin from cocoa pod husk theobroma cacao), evaluation of the quality assurance of five brands amoxicillin trihydrate capsules sold in the open drug market at nsukka, evaluation of facilities and materials for teaching ceramics in some selected colleges of education in north – east geo- political zone of nigeria, embellishment of fabrics and garments using design motifs from the costumes of the oba of benin, effects of fabric architecture and alkali treatment on the mechanical properties of cotton fabric-reinforced unsaturated polyester composites, development of glass ceramics using kaolin processing waste, sodalime and borosilicate glass wastes, comparative study of print based graphic design facilities in selected universities and the graphic design industry in nigeria, comparative analysis of coal briquette blends with groundnut shell and maize cob., comparative analysis of acid activated nteje clay and two commercially available adsorbents (fuller’s earth and activated carbon, combination of digital technology with manual method of printing to achieve precision for home textiles, chemical treatments of bagasse natural fibre and application for use as filler in unsaturated polyester composite, catalyst development from locally available resources – (a case study of nickel-silica catalyst), biogas generation from kitchen waste, assessment of two local plant dyes as colourants for petroleum products (petrol, kerosene and diesel), assessment of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water, fish and sediments of rivers niger and benue confluence, in lokoja, kogi state, central nigeria., assesment of the suitability of saw dust ash as fluxing raw material in soda lime silica glass production, analysis of exhaust emissions from engines fueled with petrol, diesel and their blends with biodiesel produced from waste cooking oil, an examination of cloth weaving and its socio-economic impacts in ushongo local government area of benue state, nigeria, an assessment of the suitability of ibeto clay in niger state for the production of tableware, an analysis and appraisal of professor abbas ahuwan’s ceramic forms, alkylation of [pt2(μ-s)2(pph3)4] with boronic acid derivatives by pressurized sample infusion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (psiesi- ms) technique, advocating for the implementation of the rotterdam rules, a conceptual exploration of nigeria’s historical experiences in clay form, theobroma cacao and soils of cocoa plantations in ondo state, nigeria.


Project Topics

Industrial Chemistry Project Topics, other project categories.

  • 15. BIOLOGY
  • 26. COMMERCE
  • 56. GEOLOGY
  • 87. NURSING
  • 92. PHARMACY
  • 94. PHYSICS
  • 109. SOCIOLOGY
  • 111. SPORTS
  • 112. SURVEYING
  • 113. TAXATION
  • 115. THEOLOGY
  • 120. ZOOLOGY


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Home » 300+ Chemistry Research Topics

300+ Chemistry Research Topics

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Chemistry Research Topics

Chemistry is a fascinating and complex field that explores the composition, properties, and behavior of matter at the molecular and atomic level. As a result, there are numerous chemistry research topics that can be explored, ranging from the development of new materials and drugs to the study of natural compounds and the environment. In this rapidly evolving field, researchers are constantly uncovering new insights and pushing the boundaries of our understanding of chemistry. Whether you are a student, a professional researcher, or simply curious about the world around you, there is always something new to discover in the field of chemistry. In this post, we will explore some of the exciting and important research topics in chemistry today.

Chemistry Research Topics

Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

Organic Chemistry Research Topics

Organic Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development of novel synthetic routes for the production of biologically active natural products
  • Investigation of reaction mechanisms and kinetics for organic transformations
  • Design and synthesis of new catalysts for asymmetric organic reactions
  • Synthesis and characterization of chiral compounds for pharmaceutical applications
  • Development of sustainable methods for the synthesis of organic molecules using renewable resources
  • Discovery of new reaction pathways for the conversion of biomass into high-value chemicals
  • Study of molecular recognition and host-guest interactions for drug design
  • Design and synthesis of new materials for energy storage and conversion
  • Development of efficient and selective methods for C-H functionalization reactions
  • Exploration of the reactivity of reactive intermediates such as radicals and carbenes
  • Study of supramolecular chemistry and self-assembly of organic molecules
  • Development of new methods for the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds
  • Investigation of the biological activities and mechanisms of action of natural products
  • Synthesis of polymeric materials with controlled architecture and functionality
  • Development of new synthetic methodologies for the preparation of bioconjugates
  • Investigation of the mechanisms of enzyme catalysis and the design of enzyme inhibitors
  • Synthesis and characterization of novel fluorescent probes for biological imaging
  • Development of new synthetic strategies for the preparation of carbohydrates and glycoconjugates
  • Study of the properties and reactivity of carbon nanomaterials
  • Design and synthesis of novel drugs for the treatment of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Inorganic Chemistry Research Topics

Inorganic Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Synthesis and characterization of new metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for gas storage and separation applications
  • Development of new catalysts for sustainable chemical synthesis reactions
  • Investigation of the electronic and magnetic properties of transition metal complexes for spintronics applications
  • Synthesis and characterization of novel nanomaterials for energy storage applications
  • Development of new ligands for metal coordination complexes with potential medical applications
  • Investigation of the mechanism of metal-catalyzed reactions using advanced spectroscopic techniques
  • Synthesis and characterization of new inorganic materials for photocatalytic water splitting
  • Development of new materials for electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction reactions
  • Investigation of the properties of transition metal oxides for energy storage and conversion applications
  • Synthesis and characterization of new metal chalcogenides for optoelectronic applications
  • Development of new methods for the preparation of inorganic nanoparticles with controlled size and shape
  • Investigation of the reactivity and catalytic properties of metal clusters
  • Synthesis and characterization of new metal-organic polyhedra (MOPs) for gas storage and separation applications
  • Development of new methods for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles using environmentally friendly reducing agents
  • Investigation of the properties of metal-organic frameworks for gas sensing applications
  • Synthesis and characterization of new coordination polymers with potential magnetic and electronic properties
  • Development of new materials for electrocatalytic water oxidation reactions
  • Investigation of the properties of metal-organic frameworks for carbon capture and storage applications
  • Synthesis and characterization of new metal-containing polymers with potential applications in electronics and energy storage
  • Development of new methods for the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks using green solvents and renewable resources.

Physical Chemistry Research Topics

Physical Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Investigation of the properties and interactions of ionic liquids in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions.
  • Development of advanced analytical techniques for the study of protein structure and dynamics.
  • Investigation of the thermodynamic properties of supercritical fluids for use in industrial applications.
  • Development of novel nanomaterials for energy storage applications.
  • Studies of the surface chemistry of catalysts for the optimization of their performance in chemical reactions.
  • Development of new methods for the synthesis of complex organic molecules with improved yields and selectivity.
  • Investigation of the molecular mechanisms involved in the catalysis of biochemical reactions.
  • Development of new strategies for the controlled release of drugs and other bioactive molecules.
  • Studies of the interaction of nanoparticles with biological systems for biomedical applications.
  • Investigation of the thermodynamic properties of materials under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure.
  • Development of new methods for the characterization of materials at the nanoscale.
  • Investigation of the electronic and magnetic properties of materials for use in spintronics.
  • Development of new materials for energy conversion and storage.
  • Studies of the kinetics and thermodynamics of adsorption processes on surfaces.
  • Investigation of the transport properties of ionic liquids for use in energy storage and conversion devices.
  • Development of new materials for the capture and sequestration of greenhouse gases.
  • Studies of the structure and properties of biomolecules for use in drug design and development.
  • Investigation of the dynamics of chemical reactions in solution using time-resolved spectroscopic techniques.
  • Development of new approaches for the synthesis of metallic and semiconductor nanoparticles with controlled size and shape.
  • Studies of the structure and properties of materials for use in electrochemical energy storage devices.

Analytical Chemistry Research Topics

Analytical Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development and optimization of analytical techniques for the quantification of trace elements in food and environmental samples.
  • Design and synthesis of novel analytical probes for the detection of biomolecules in complex matrices.
  • Investigation of the fundamental mechanisms involved in the separation and detection of complex mixtures using chromatographic techniques.
  • Development of sensors and biosensors for the detection of chemical and biological species in real-time.
  • Investigation of the chemical and structural properties of nanomaterials and their applications in analytical chemistry.
  • Development and validation of analytical methods for the quantification of contaminants and pollutants in water, air, and soil.
  • Investigation of the molecular mechanisms underlying drug metabolism and toxicity using mass spectrometry.
  • Development of analytical tools for the identification and quantification of drugs of abuse in biological matrices.
  • Investigation of the chemical composition and properties of natural products and their applications in medicine and food science.
  • Development of advanced analytical techniques for the characterization of proteins and peptides.
  • Investigation of the chemistry and mechanism of action of antioxidants in foods and their impact on human health.
  • Development of analytical methods for the detection and quantification of microorganisms in food and environmental samples.
  • Investigation of the molecular mechanisms involved in the biosynthesis and degradation of important biomolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids.
  • Development of analytical methods for the detection and quantification of environmental toxins and their impact on human health.
  • Investigation of the structure and properties of biological membranes and their role in drug delivery and disease.
  • Development of analytical techniques for the characterization of complex mixtures such as petroleum and crude oil.
  • Investigation of the chemistry and mechanism of action of natural and synthetic dyes.
  • Development of analytical techniques for the detection and quantification of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in water and wastewater.
  • Investigation of the chemical composition and properties of biopolymers and their applications in biomedicine and biomaterials.
  • Development of analytical methods for the identification and quantification of essential nutrients and vitamins in food and dietary supplements.

Biochemistry Research Topics

Biochemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • The role of enzymes in metabolic pathways
  • The biochemistry of DNA replication and repair
  • Protein folding and misfolding diseases
  • Lipid metabolism and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
  • The role of vitamins and minerals in human metabolism
  • Biochemistry of cancer and the development of targeted therapies
  • The biochemistry of signal transduction pathways and their regulation
  • The mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
  • The biochemistry of neurotransmitters and their roles in behavior and disease
  • The role of oxidative stress in aging and age-related diseases
  • The biochemistry of microbial fermentation and its applications in industry
  • The biochemistry of the immune system and its response to pathogens
  • The biochemistry of plant metabolism and its regulation
  • The molecular basis of genetic diseases and gene therapy
  • The biochemistry of membrane transport and its role in cell function
  • The biochemistry of muscle contraction and its regulation
  • The role of lipids in membrane structure and function
  • The biochemistry of photosynthesis and its regulation
  • The biochemistry of RNA splicing and alternative splicing events
  • The biochemistry of epigenetics and its regulation in gene expression.

Environmental Chemistry Research Topics

Environmental Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Investigating the effects of microplastics on aquatic ecosystems and their potential impact on human health.
  • Examining the impact of climate change on soil quality and nutrient availability in agricultural systems.
  • Developing methods to improve the removal of heavy metals from contaminated soils and waterways.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of natural and synthetic antioxidants in mitigating the effects of air pollution on human health.
  • Investigating the potential for using algae and other microorganisms to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  • Studying the role of biodegradable plastics in reducing plastic waste and their impact on the environment.
  • Examining the impact of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals on water quality and the health of aquatic organisms.
  • Investigating the effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms and ecosystems.
  • Developing new materials and technologies to reduce carbon emissions from industrial processes.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of phytoremediation in cleaning up contaminated soils and waterways.
  • Studying the impact of microplastics on terrestrial ecosystems and their potential to enter the food chain.
  • Developing sustainable methods for managing and recycling electronic waste.
  • Investigating the role of natural processes, such as weathering and erosion, in regulating atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
  • Assessing the impact of urbanization on air quality and developing strategies to mitigate pollution in cities.
  • Examining the effects of climate change on the distribution and abundance of species in different ecosystems.
  • Investigating the impact of ocean currents on the distribution of pollutants and other environmental contaminants.
  • Developing new materials and technologies for renewable energy generation and storage.
  • Studying the effects of deforestation on soil quality, water availability, and biodiversity.
  • Assessing the potential for using waste materials, such as agricultural residues and municipal solid waste, as sources of renewable energy.
  • Investigating the role of natural and synthetic chemicals in regulating ecosystem functions, such as nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration.

Polymer Chemistry Research Topics

Polymer Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development of new monomers for high-performance polymers
  • Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable polymers for sustainable packaging
  • Design of stimuli-responsive polymers for drug delivery applications
  • Investigation of the properties and applications of conductive polymers
  • Development of new catalysts for controlled/living polymerization
  • Synthesis of polymers with tailored mechanical properties
  • Characterization of the structure-property relationship in polymer nanocomposites
  • Study of the impact of polymer architecture on material properties
  • Design and synthesis of new polymeric materials for energy storage
  • Development of high-throughput methods for polymer synthesis and characterization
  • Exploration of new strategies for polymer recycling and upcycling
  • Synthesis and characterization of responsive polymer networks for smart textiles
  • Design of advanced polymer coatings with self-healing properties
  • Investigation of the impact of processing conditions on the morphology and properties of polymer materials
  • Study of the interactions between polymers and biological systems
  • Development of biocompatible polymers for tissue engineering applications
  • Synthesis and characterization of block copolymers for advanced membrane applications
  • Exploration of the potential of polymer-based sensors and actuators
  • Design of novel polymer electrolytes for advanced batteries and fuel cells
  • Study of the behavior of polymers under extreme conditions, such as high pressure or temperature.

Materials Chemistry Research Topics

Materials Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development of new advanced materials for energy storage and conversion
  • Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials for environmental remediation
  • Design and fabrication of stimuli-responsive materials for drug delivery
  • Investigation of electrocatalytic materials for fuel cells and electrolysis
  • Fabrication of flexible and stretchable electronic materials for wearable devices
  • Development of novel materials for high-performance electronic devices
  • Exploration of organic-inorganic hybrid materials for optoelectronic applications
  • Study of corrosion-resistant coatings for metallic materials
  • Investigation of biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
  • Synthesis and characterization of metal-organic frameworks for gas storage and separation
  • Design and fabrication of new materials for water purification
  • Investigation of carbon-based materials for supercapacitors and batteries
  • Synthesis and characterization of self-healing materials for structural applications
  • Development of new materials for catalysis and chemical reactions
  • Exploration of magnetic materials for spintronic devices
  • Investigation of thermoelectric materials for energy conversion
  • Study of 2D materials for electronic and optoelectronic applications
  • Development of sustainable and eco-friendly materials for packaging
  • Fabrication of advanced materials for sensors and actuators
  • Investigation of materials for high-temperature applications such as aerospace and nuclear industries.

Nuclear Chemistry Research Topics

Nuclear Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Nuclear fission and fusion reactions
  • Nuclear power plant safety and radiation protection
  • Radioactive waste management and disposal
  • Nuclear fuel cycle and waste reprocessing
  • Nuclear energy and its impact on climate change
  • Radiation therapy for cancer treatment
  • Radiopharmaceuticals for medical imaging
  • Nuclear medicine and its role in diagnostics
  • Nuclear forensics and nuclear security
  • Isotopic analysis in environmental monitoring and pollution control
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Radiation damage in materials and radiation effects on electronic devices
  • Nuclear data evaluation and validation
  • Nuclear reactors design and optimization
  • Nuclear fuel performance and irradiation behavior
  • Nuclear energy systems integration and optimization
  • Neutron and gamma-ray detection and measurement techniques
  • Nuclear astrophysics and cosmology
  • Nuclear weapons proliferation and disarmament.

Medicinal Chemistry Research Topics

Medicinal Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Drug discovery and development
  • Design and synthesis of novel drugs
  • Medicinal chemistry of natural products
  • Structure-activity relationships (SAR) of drugs
  • Rational drug design using computational methods
  • Target identification and validation
  • Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (DMPK)
  • Drug delivery systems
  • Development of new antibiotics
  • Design of drugs for the treatment of cancer
  • Development of drugs for the treatment of neurological disorders
  • Medicinal chemistry of peptides and proteins
  • Development of drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases
  • Discovery of new antiviral agents
  • Design of drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases
  • Medicinal chemistry of enzyme inhibitors
  • Development of drugs for the treatment of inflammatory diseases
  • Design of drugs for the treatment of metabolic disorders
  • Medicinal chemistry of anti-cancer agents
  • Development of drugs for the treatment of rare diseases.

Food Chemistry Research Topics

Food Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Investigating the effect of cooking methods on the nutritional value of food.
  • Analyzing the role of antioxidants in preventing food spoilage and degradation.
  • Examining the effect of food processing techniques on the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables.
  • Studying the chemistry of food additives and their impact on human health.
  • Evaluating the role of enzymes in food digestion and processing.
  • Investigating the chemical properties and functional uses of food proteins.
  • Analyzing the effect of food packaging materials on the quality and safety of food products.
  • Examining the chemistry of food flavorings and the impact of flavor on consumer acceptance.
  • Studying the role of carbohydrates in food texture and structure.
  • Investigating the chemistry of food lipids and their impact on human health.
  • Analyzing the chemical properties and functional uses of food gums and emulsifiers.
  • Examining the effect of processing on the flavor and aroma of food products.
  • Studying the chemistry of food preservatives and their impact on food safety.
  • Investigating the chemical properties and functional uses of food fibers.
  • Analyzing the effect of food processing on the bioavailability of nutrients.
  • Examining the chemistry of food colorants and their impact on consumer acceptance.
  • Studying the role of vitamins and minerals in food and their impact on human health.
  • Investigating the chemical properties and functional uses of food hydrocolloids.
  • Analyzing the effect of food processing on the allergenicity of food products.
  • Examining the chemistry of food sweeteners and their impact on human health.

Industrial Chemistry Research Topics

Industrial Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development of catalysts for selective hydrogenation reactions in the petrochemical industry.
  • Green chemistry approaches for the synthesis of biodegradable polymers from renewable sources.
  • Optimization of solvent extraction processes for the separation of rare earth elements from ores.
  • Development of novel materials for energy storage applications, such as lithium-ion batteries.
  • Production of biofuels from non-food sources, such as algae or waste biomass.
  • Application of computational chemistry to optimize the design of new catalysts and materials.
  • Design and optimization of continuous flow processes for large-scale chemical production.
  • Development of new synthetic routes for the production of pharmaceutical intermediates.
  • Investigation of the environmental impact of industrial processes and development of sustainable alternatives.
  • Development of innovative water treatment technologies for industrial wastewater.
  • Synthesis of functionalized nanoparticles for use in drug delivery and other biomedical applications.
  • Optimization of processes for the production of high-performance polymers, such as polyamides or polyesters.
  • Design and optimization of process control strategies for efficient and safe chemical production.
  • Development of new methods for the detection and removal of heavy metal ions from industrial effluents.
  • Investigation of the behavior of surfactants in complex mixtures, such as crude oil or food products.
  • Development of new materials for catalytic oxidation reactions, such as the removal of volatile organic compounds from air.
  • Investigation of the properties and behavior of materials under extreme conditions, such as high pressure or high temperature.
  • Development of new processes for the production of chemicals from renewable resources, such as bio-based building blocks.
  • Study of the kinetics and mechanism of chemical reactions in complex systems, such as multi-phase reactors.
  • Optimization of the production of fine chemicals, such as flavors and fragrances, using biocatalytic processes.

Computational Chemistry Research Topics

Computational Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development and application of machine learning algorithms for predicting chemical reactions and properties.
  • Investigation of the role of solvents in chemical reactions using molecular dynamics simulations.
  • Modeling and simulation of protein-ligand interactions to aid drug design.
  • Study of the electronic structure and reactivity of catalysts for sustainable energy production.
  • Analysis of the thermodynamics and kinetics of complex chemical reactions using quantum chemistry methods.
  • Exploration of the mechanism and kinetics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions using molecular dynamics simulations.
  • Investigation of the properties and behavior of nanoparticles using computational modeling.
  • Development of computational tools for the prediction of chemical toxicity and environmental impact.
  • Study of the electronic properties of graphene and other 2D materials for applications in electronics and energy storage.
  • Investigation of the mechanisms of protein folding and aggregation using molecular dynamics simulations.
  • Development and optimization of computational methods for calculating thermodynamic properties of liquids and solids.
  • Study of the properties of supercritical fluids for applications in separation and extraction processes.
  • Development of new methods for the calculation of electron transfer rates in complex systems.
  • Investigation of the electronic and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes for applications in nanoelectronics and nanocomposites.
  • Development of new approaches for modeling the interaction of biomolecules with biological membranes.
  • Study of the mechanisms of charge transfer in molecular and hybrid solar cells.
  • Analysis of the structural and mechanical properties of materials under extreme conditions using molecular dynamics simulations.
  • Development of new approaches for the calculation of free energy differences in complex systems.
  • Investigation of the reaction mechanisms of metalloenzymes using quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) methods.
  • Study of the properties of ionic liquids for applications in catalysis and energy storage.

Theoretical Chemistry Research Topics

Theoretical Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Quantum Chemical Studies of Excited State Processes in Organic Molecules
  • Theoretical Investigation of Structure and Reactivity of Metal-Organic Frameworks
  • Computational Modeling of Reaction Mechanisms and Kinetics in Enzyme Catalysis
  • Theoretical Investigation of Non-Covalent Interactions in Supramolecular Chemistry
  • Quantum Chemical Studies of Photochemical Processes in Organic Molecules
  • Theoretical Analysis of Charge Transport in Organic and Inorganic Materials
  • Computational Modeling of Protein Folding and Dynamics
  • Quantum Chemical Investigations of Electron Transfer Processes in Complex Systems
  • Theoretical Studies of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
  • Computational Design of Novel Materials for Energy Storage Applications
  • Theoretical Analysis of Chemical Bonding and Molecular Orbital Theory
  • Quantum Chemical Investigations of Magnetic Properties of Complex Systems
  • Computational Modeling of Biological Membranes and Transport Processes
  • Theoretical Studies of Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules and Materials
  • Quantum Chemical Studies of Spectroscopic Properties of Molecules
  • Theoretical Investigations of Reaction Mechanisms in Organometallic Chemistry
  • Computational Modeling of Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Quantum Chemical Studies of Excited State Dynamics in Photosynthesis
  • Theoretical Analysis of Chemical Reaction Networks
  • Computational Design of Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications

Astrochemistry Research Topics

Astrochemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Investigating the chemical composition of protoplanetary disks and its implications for planet formation
  • Examining the role of magnetic fields in the formation of complex organic molecules in space
  • Studying the effects of interstellar radiation on the chemical evolution of molecular clouds
  • Exploring the chemistry of comets and asteroids to better understand the early solar system
  • Investigating the origin and evolution of interstellar dust and its relationship to organic molecules
  • Examining the formation and destruction of interstellar molecules in shocked gas
  • Studying the chemical processes that occur in the atmospheres of planets and moons in our solar system
  • Exploring the possibility of life on other planets through astrobiology and astrochemistry
  • Investigating the chemistry of planetary nebulae and their role in the evolution of stars
  • Studying the chemical properties of exoplanets and their potential habitability
  • Examining the chemical reactions that occur in the interstellar medium
  • Investigating the chemical composition of supernova remnants and their impact on the evolution of galaxies
  • Studying the chemical composition of interstellar grains and their role in the formation of stars and planets
  • Exploring the chemistry of astrocytes and their role in the evolution of galaxies
  • Investigating the formation of interstellar ice and its implications for the origin of life
  • Examining the chemistry of molecular clouds and its relationship to star formation
  • Studying the chemical composition of the interstellar medium in different galaxies and how it varies
  • Investigating the role of cosmic rays in the formation of complex organic molecules in space
  • Exploring the chemical properties of interstellar filaments and their relationship to star formation
  • Studying the chemistry of protostars and the role of turbulence in the formation of stars.

Geochemistry Research Topics

Geochemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Understanding the role of mineralogical and geochemical factors on metal mobility in contaminated soils
  • Investigating the sources and fate of dissolved organic matter in aquatic systems
  • Exploring the geochemical signatures of ancient sedimentary rocks to reconstruct Earth’s past atmospheric conditions
  • Studying the impacts of land-use change on soil organic matter content and quality
  • Investigating the impact of acid mine drainage on water quality and ecosystem health
  • Examining the processes controlling the behavior and fate of emerging contaminants in the environment
  • Characterizing the organic matter composition of shale gas formations to better understand hydrocarbon storage and migration
  • Evaluating the potential for carbon capture and storage in geologic formations
  • Investigating the geochemical processes controlling the formation and evolution of ore deposits
  • Studying the geochemistry of geothermal systems to better understand energy production potential and environmental impacts
  • Exploring the impacts of climate change on the biogeochemistry of terrestrial ecosystems
  • Investigating the geochemical cycling of nutrients in coastal marine environments
  • Characterizing the isotopic composition of minerals and fluids to understand Earth’s evolution
  • Developing new analytical techniques to better understand the chemistry of natural waters
  • Studying the impact of anthropogenic activities on the geochemistry of urban soils
  • Investigating the role of microbial processes in geochemical cycling of elements in soils and sediments
  • Examining the impact of wildfires on soil and water chemistry
  • Characterizing the geochemistry of mineral dust and its impact on climate and biogeochemical cycles
  • Investigating the geochemical factors controlling the release and transport of contaminants from mine tailings
  • Exploring the biogeochemistry of wetlands and their role in carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling.

Electrochemistry Research Topics

Electrochemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development of high-performance electrocatalysts for efficient electrochemical conversion of CO2 to fuels and chemicals
  • Investigation of electrode-electrolyte interfaces in lithium-ion batteries for enhanced battery performance and durability
  • Design and synthesis of novel electrolytes for high-energy-density and stable lithium-sulfur batteries
  • Development of advanced electrochemical sensors for the detection of trace-levels of analytes in biological and environmental samples
  • Analysis of the electrochemical behavior of new materials and their electrocatalytic properties in fuel cells
  • Study of the kinetics of electrochemical reactions and their effect on the efficiency and selectivity of electrochemical processes
  • Development of novel strategies for the electrochemical synthesis of value-added chemicals from biomass and waste materials
  • Analysis of the electrochemical properties of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for energy storage and conversion applications
  • Investigation of the electrochemical degradation mechanisms of polymer electrolyte membranes in fuel cells
  • Study of the electrochemical properties of 2D materials and their applications in energy storage and conversion devices
  • Development of efficient electrochemical systems for desalination and water treatment applications
  • Investigation of the electrochemical properties of metal-oxide nanoparticles for energy storage and conversion applications
  • Analysis of the electrochemical behavior of redox-active organic molecules and their application in energy storage and conversion devices
  • Study of the electrochemical behavior of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for the catalytic conversion of CO2 to value-added chemicals
  • Development of novel electrode materials for electrochemical capacitors with high energy density and fast charge/discharge rates
  • Investigation of the electrochemical properties of perovskite materials for energy storage and conversion applications
  • Study of the electrochemical behavior of enzymes and their application in bioelectrochemical systems
  • Development of advanced electrochemical techniques for the characterization of interfacial processes in electrochemical systems
  • Analysis of the electrochemical behavior of nanocarbons and their application in electrochemical energy storage devices
  • Investigation of the electrochemical properties of ionic liquids for energy storage and conversion applications.

Surface Chemistry Research Topics

Surface Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Surface modification of nanoparticles for enhanced catalytic activity
  • Investigating the effect of surface roughness on the wetting behavior of materials
  • Development of new materials for solar cell applications through surface chemistry techniques
  • Surface chemistry of graphene and its applications in electronic devices
  • Surface functionalization of biomaterials for biomedical applications
  • Characterization of surface defects and their effect on material properties
  • Surface modification of carbon nanotubes for energy storage applications
  • Developing surface coatings for corrosion protection of metals
  • Synthesis of self-assembled monolayers on surfaces for sensor applications
  • Surface chemistry of metal-organic frameworks for gas storage and separation
  • Investigating the role of surface charge in protein adsorption
  • Developing surfaces with superhydrophobic or superoleophobic properties for self-cleaning applications
  • Surface functionalization of nanoparticles for drug delivery applications
  • Surface chemistry of semiconductors and its effect on photovoltaic properties
  • Development of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates for trace analyte detection
  • Surface functionalization of graphene oxide for water purification applications
  • Investigating the role of surface tension in emulsion formation and stabilization
  • Surface modification of membranes for water desalination and purification
  • Synthesis and characterization of metal nanoparticles for catalytic applications
  • Development of surfaces with controlled wettability for microfluidic applications.

Atmospheric Chemistry Research Topics

Atmospheric Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • The impact of wildfires on atmospheric chemistry
  • The role of aerosols in atmospheric chemistry
  • The chemistry and physics of ozone depletion in the stratosphere
  • The chemistry and dynamics of the upper atmosphere
  • The impact of anthropogenic emissions on atmospheric chemistry
  • The role of clouds in atmospheric chemistry
  • The chemistry of atmospheric particulate matter
  • The impact of nitrogen oxides on atmospheric chemistry and air quality
  • The effects of climate change on atmospheric chemistry
  • The impact of atmospheric chemistry on climate change
  • The chemistry and physics of atmospheric mercury cycling
  • The impact of volcanic eruptions on atmospheric chemistry
  • The chemistry and physics of acid rain formation and effects
  • The role of halogen chemistry in the atmosphere
  • The chemistry of atmospheric radicals and their impact on air quality and health
  • The impact of urbanization on atmospheric chemistry
  • The chemistry and physics of stratospheric polar vortex dynamics
  • The role of natural sources (e.g. ocean, plants) in atmospheric chemistry
  • The impact of atmospheric chemistry on the biosphere
  • The chemistry and dynamics of the ozone hole over Antarctica.

Photochemistry Research Topics

Photochemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Investigating the mechanisms of photoinduced electron transfer reactions in organic photovoltaic materials.
  • Developing novel photoredox catalysts for photochemical reactions.
  • Understanding the effects of light on DNA and RNA stability and replication.
  • Studying the photochemistry of atmospheric pollutants and their impact on air quality.
  • Designing new photoresponsive materials for advanced photonic and electronic devices.
  • Exploring the photochemistry of metalloporphyrins for potential applications in catalysis.
  • Investigating the photochemistry of transition metal complexes and their use as photodynamic therapy agents.
  • Developing new photocatalytic systems for sustainable energy production.
  • Studying the photochemistry of natural products and their potential pharmaceutical applications.
  • Investigating the role of light in the formation and degradation of environmental contaminants.
  • Designing new photochromic materials for smart windows and displays.
  • Exploring the photochemistry of carbon nanomaterials for energy storage and conversion.
  • Developing new light-driven molecular machines for nanotechnology applications.
  • Investigating the photochemistry of organic dyes for potential applications in dye-sensitized solar cells.
  • Studying the effects of light on the behavior of biological macromolecules.
  • Designing new photoresponsive hydrogels for drug delivery applications.
  • Exploring the photochemistry of semiconductor nanoparticles for potential applications in quantum computing.
  • Investigating the mechanisms of photochemical reactions in ionic liquids.
  • Developing new photonic sensors for chemical and biological detection.
  • Studying the photochemistry of transition metal complexes for potential applications in water splitting and hydrogen production.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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ABSTRACT Production of carbon black from novel sources like spent automobile tyre, anthracite coal, furnace soot and graphite rod and subsequent use in the production of offset printing inks has been investigated. Carbon black from these sources were obtained by pyrolysis of shredded spent tyre and coal samples at 750-900o C in an electrical furnace, isolation of furnace carbon black and graphite rod from dry cell, drying and pulverization of the resulting samples. Acid demineralization of th...

Synthesis and Biological Activities of Phenylsulphonylaminoalkanamides

ABSTRACT Palladium catalysed synthesis of substituted 2-[acetyl(phenylsulphonyl)amino]-3- methylbutanamide (176) is reported. The intermediate 2-[acetyl(phenylsulphonyl)amino]-3- methybutanamide (175) was obtained by the reaction between 2-[acetyl (phenylsulphonyl)amino]-3-methybutanoic acid chloride (175) and ammonia. Substituted 2- [acetyl (phenylsulphonyl)amino]-3-methylbutanamides (176a-f) were obtained by coupling 2-[acetyl (phenylsulphonyl)amino]-3-methylbutanamide (175) with various re...

Phytochemical Quantification, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Root Extracts of Dennettia Tripetala and Milicia Excelsa.

ABSTRACT The roots of Dennettia tripetala and Milicia excelsa were analyzed for the presence of phytochemicals. Five different solvents, which include methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate, butanol and water, were used for the extraction of the phytochemicals.The root of Dennettia tripetala contained alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, saponins, phenols, steroids and glycosides in varying degrees of abundance in the different solvents with tannins not detected in all the solvents. Milicia excelsa c...

The Effect of 4-Acyl Substituents On the Infrared Stretching Frequencies of Some 1-Phenyl -3- Methyl -4- Acylpyrazol -5-Ones and Their Magnesium (Ii), Cobalt(Ii), Copper (Ii) and Zinc (Ii) Ch

ABSTRACT The divalent metal chelates of Mg,Co,Cu and Zn with 4-acetyl (hpmap), 4- benzoyl(hpmbp),4-butyryl(hpmbup),4-capyroyl(hpmcp),4-propiony (hpmprp) and 4-palmitoyl(hpmpp) derivatives of 1-phenyl -3-methyl pyrazol-5-one have been synthesized and characterized by UV ,IR, and conductivity measurements. It is shown that the ligands behaved like bidentate enols, all forming neutral chelates with the metal ions , bonding through oxygen of the enolic hydroxyl group and /or the oxygen atom of th...

A Survey of Industrial Pollution in Anambra State, An Assessment of Water Quality Parameters of Rivers Dodo, Oji and Ebenebe Lake

ABSTRACT A survey of industrial pollution in Anambra state WFS carried out between February A990 and June 1997, The survey showed that Idemili, Onitsha and Nnewi Local Government Areas h3ve the greatest concentration of industries* Some of these industries.: discharqe their wastes into the environment with very little or no tre3tment. ~histochemical characteristics of rivers godo, Oji and Ebenebe Lake were determined, The concentrations of some water-quality-parameters vi7, dissolved oxygen (...

Determination of Gold Concentration in the Gold Ore in Lujinji, Mubende District.

Abstract This study is aimed at determining the concentration of gold in the gold ore in lujinjimubende district. Currently investing in gold mining is taken as a riskyinvestmentbecause people are not sure of the concentration of gold in lujinji and also the depth where gold concentration is high. The results of this research gave the concentration of gold in lujinji and also the depth of high concentration from the surface, which eased the mining activity by extracting gold at a known height...

Assessment of Selected Pollution Indices of Domestic Wastewater Discharge from Kira Town Council, Wakiso.

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the temporal monitoring and analysis of wastewater from Kira Tocvn Council. The distribution of the chemical constituents major and minor is determined and compared with National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) Standards of wastewater discharge on land and into water bodies. The obtained results indicated that most of collected wastewater samples exceeded the acceptable limits set by standards used for most parameters determined. The wastewater parameter...


Table of ContentsAcknowledgementDeclaration.Dedication ivAbstractList of Figures yiNList of Tables ixCHAPTER ONE 11.1 Background 11.2 Problem statement 31.3 objectives 31.3.1: general objective 31.3.2: specific objectives 31 .4Justification 41.6 Scope of the study 41.7 Significance of the study 4CHAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0. General description of gold 52.1: An overview of gold extraction process 62.2: Researches and developments 82.3: Artisanal and small-scale Gold mining 122.3.1: The...

Industrial Chemistry is the branch of chemistry which applies physical and chemical processes towards the transformation of raw materials into products that are of benefit to humanity. Industrial chemistry is the link between the research and industrial-scale chemical engineering. Afribary curates list of academic papers and project topics in Industrial Chemistry. You can browse Industrial Chemistry project topics, Industrial Chemistry thesis topics, Industrial Chemistry dissertation topics, Industrial Chemistry seminar topics, Industrial Chemistry essays, Industrial Chemistry text books, lesson notes in Industrial Chemistry and all academic papers in Industrial Chemistry field.

Popular Papers/Topics

The effect of environment on corrosion, biochemical role of vitamin a in vision, water treatment and purification process: a case study of kiwasco treatment plant in kisumu,kenya (an industrial attachment report), analytical reagents for the spectophotometric determination of chromium, tin and lead – a review, production, characterization and biodegradability of biodiesel from mangifera indica kernel oil, heterocyclics compound effects in crude oil, synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial evaluation of curcumin-bismuth nanoparticles, the effects of three organic fertilizers: poultry droppings, cattle dung and pig excreta on the growth of fingerlings of clarias gariepinus, technical report on students´ industrial work experience scheme held at cement company of northern nigeria sokoto, sokoto state, synthesis, characterization of acid orange 7 dye on cellulose acetate biopolymer, the production and comparison of biodiesel from microalgae and waste cooking oil, the physicochemical parameters and levels of selected heavy metals (cd, cr, mn, zn and pb) in soil around dana steel rolling limited katsina, ethno medicinal claims on the aerial parts of rauvolfia vomitoria, extraction and isolation of alkaloids from asystasia gangetica (chinese violet), removal of dye stuff from textile wastewater by physico-chemical methods.

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100s of Free Chemistry Dissertation Topics & Ideas

Published by Owen Ingram at January 2nd, 2023 , Revised On August 18, 2023

It is not easy to come up with intriguing and compelling chemistry dissertation topic ideas , especially if one is juggling multiple subjects or looking at adjacent fields simultaneously. Students often choose simple and familiar topics for their dissertation papers, but that is not always effective since excellent academic papers are distinctive.

From mode reactions to experimental procedures, the selected chemistry topic should be analytical and scientific in nature. It is essential to avoid a topic that is too specific, intricate, or broad. For instance, students can explore issues related to environmental chemistry or chemical reagents. The student should ensure that the chosen subject has a clearly defined emphasis.

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Here are some ideas to explore if you’re having trouble selecting a topic for your chemistry dissertation:

Organic Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • Infrared spectroscopy is used to detect chemical molecules
  • Discuss the chemical makeup of pain relievers
  • What causes aromatic compounds to be nonreactive?
  • Determine the variables that drive proton chemical changes
  • The composition, application, and impact of added polymers or plastics
  • Chemical synthesis is based on carbon-carbon bond formation processes
  • Developing novel ways for producing chiral compounds
  • Investigating the structure and reactivity of carbon nanotubes
  • Metal complexes containing organometallic ligands are being studied
  • Improving the thermal stability of benzene derivatives
  • Investigating novel approaches to controlling the stereochemistry of chemical reactions
  • Investigation of the role of enzymes in organic synthesis
  • Developing innovative techniques to overcome drug resistance
  • Creating new techniques for identifying explosive residues
  • The investigation of the behaviour of organometallic compounds in biological systems

Inorganic Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • The health consequences of various substances
  • Discuss in depth the chemical processes that result in sapphire production
  • Introduction to the chemistry of sulphuric acid
  • Discuss how silicon dioxide may be used in solar cells
  • What exactly do you mean by orbital hybridization in molecules?
  • Discuss the chemical structure of hard and soft acids
  • What exactly do you mean by Crystal Field Theory?
  • Steel vs iron malleability: A comparison
  • What do you mean by the Multiple Proportions Law?
  • Give instances of Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
  • Understanding Lewis Structures as well as Electron Dot Models
  • How does a gemstone’s chemical structure affect its colour?
  • What roles do point groups play in inorganic chemistry?
  • How can molecular symmetry predict a molecule’s chemical properties?
  • What is the most efficient method of producing synthetic diamonds?

Chemical Engineering Dissertation Topics

  • Describe the role of biofuel in rocket fuel
  • What exactly do you mean by microfluidics?
  • Explain the wastewater treatment process
  • Explain in detail the rare earth extractions
  • What do you mean by reducing NOx emissions?
  • What exactly do you mean by molecular dynamics and simulation?
  • What exactly do you mean by simulation of density functional theory?
  • What exactly do you mean by Nano filters, and how do they work?
  • Discuss how coal and iron ore slimes are processed
  • Explain how photocatalysis works in a 3D printer
  • Explain the similarities and differences between rocket fuel and biofuels
  • Describe molecular dynamics and simulation
  • What exactly are nanofiltration systems, and how do they function?
  • Explain the density functional theory simulation
  • Analyze the processing of iron and coal slimes

Physical Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • When does a collision not result in a response?
  • Examine harmonic and anharmonic oscillators
  • Define the energies of successive ionization
  • How can intermolecular forces influence a substance’s melting point?
  • Why is the Earth considered a closed thermodynamic system?
  • Explain how to utilize the mean bond enthalpy
  • Reasons why molecules with polar connections may not have a persistent dipole
  • What is the relationship between quantum mechanics and chemistry?
  • What exactly do you mean by vibrational spectroscopy?
  • Examine the similarities and differences between harmonic and anharmonic oscillators
  • What exactly do you mean by multielectron atoms?
  • In basic terms, discuss the elements of heteroatomic. Bonding between chemicals
  • Provide a thorough examination of the Schrodinger Equation
  • Describe the physical and chemical characteristics of the gas
  • Explain the process of water expansion during the freezing process

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Biochemistry Dissertation Topics

  • Evaluate the effect of PH on the plants
  • Describe in detail cell metabolic processes. Define the structure of proteins and their involvement in chemical and physiological changes in the living organism
  • Explain the process of fatty acid metabolism in the human body
  • Explain the proliferation and repair of DNA
  • Examine the structure and function of carbohydrates in the living organism
  • Provide an in-depth analysis of the composition and function of nucleic acids
  • Explain some of the unique characteristics of water
  • Discuss the roles of lipids in biological systems
  • Explain how the tea brewing process may be improved
  • Discuss the significance of biochemistry in the human immune system

Environmental Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • What are the chemical reactions and compositions responsible for cloud formation?
  • Explain the chemical reactions that result in the creation of pearls
  • How industrial activities and acid rains are correlated with each other?
  • What lessons can one learn from ecological disasters such as Chornobyl and Fukushima?
  • Building green energy and its scope that lies in future
  • Purification of the tap water through the application of chlorine
  • How do the chemical changes in the atmosphere result in global warming?
  • What are the adverse results of deep-sea mining?
  • Discuss the contamination risks of groundwater in developing economies
  • Plastic packaging and its impact on the overall quality of food we consume

Analytical Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • What exactly do you mean by Chemical Equilibrium?
  • Describe some of the most effective electro-analytical procedures
  • What are the advantages of the isomerism framework?
  • Name a few of the most effective electrochemical applications
  • Develop the overall idea of Soda Industrial Quality Assurance
  • Examine the evolution of spectroscopic applications
  • What exactly do you mean by Electrodes and Potentiometry?
  • Make a comparison of the vitamin pills
  • Discuss with examples the characteristics of acid-base titrations
  • Sustainable development and analytical chemistry
  • Methods and best practices for atomic absorption spectroscopy
  • In Ibuprofen use, analytical chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry.
  • UV protectors: analytical chemistry and the cosmetics sector
  • What happens when food molecules interact with one another?
  • How to make new compounds or enhance old ones

Computational Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • Discuss the evolution of chemical sensors in depth
  • What are the primary advantages of dye-sensitized solar cells?
  • Investigate the hydrogen bonding simulation process in depth
  • What exactly do you mean by metal oxide nanoparticles?
  • Explain in detail the heterogeneous catalytic CO2 to the CH3OH conversion process
  • Energy surfaces are mathematical functions that provide a molecule with a function based on its geometry: Elaborate
  • What exactly do you mean by Coupled Cluster Theory?
  • Explain how NBO, or natural bond orbitals, produce the highest electron density

Nuclear Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • What are the most prevalent applications for radioactive elements?
  • How do you determine the half-life of an element?
  • Hydrogen’s importance in nuclear fusion
  • Compare the effectiveness of various extraction processes
  • The discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel
  • What biological uses does radiochemistry have?
  • Water and radioactive elements interact
  • What role does nuclear chemistry have in medicine?
  • How do elements transform during nuclear fission?
  • Irradiation can be used to eliminate hazardous chemical molecules
  • The negative consequences of ionizing radiation vs non-ionizing radiation
  • What role does chemosensory play in radiation chemistry?

Green Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • Discuss the twelve green chemistry concepts
  • Discuss the most important challenges in green chemistry nowadays
  • Compare the efficiency of various solar cell materials
  • What are the most efficient techniques to extract and utilize key materials sustainably?
  • Electrocatalysis is a method of producing and using fuels
  • Will growing meat become a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional farming?
  • Innovative pesticide-free agriculture methods
  • What are the different kinds of bio-based sustainable feedstocks?
  • How do metathesis reactions aid in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions?
  • Explore the most effective methods to reduce carbon pollution

Common Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • The Evolution of Chemical Warfare What is the next step?
  • How did Chemistry become one of the most dangerous scientific professions?
  • Discuss the role of chemicals in political assassinations throughout history
  • The history of the use of chemistry as a weapon in genocide during the Holocaust
  • The relevance of human rights and the notion of lethal injection
  • What role does chemistry play in murder or euthanasia?
  • How might chemistry aid in detecting and differentiating natural and manufactured diseases?
  • Why is the use of petroleum products regarded as hazardous?
  • What are the generational consequences of herbicide exposure?
  • How is pollution a significantly greater threat than melting ice caps?
  • Investigating the four distinct states of matter: Why is plasma so rare on Earth?
  • Why is lithium considered one of the most successful battery materials?
  • Examine the impact of PH on planets
  • Describe the formation of synthetic diamonds
  • Discuss how to maximize tea brewing
  • Explain how heavy metals in plants are identified
  • Examine the air that people breathe
  • Why is it risky to use petroleum products?
  • Describe how chemistry might help indoor plants
  • Explain how to clean oil successfully

This concludes the extensive list of c hemistry dissertation topic ideas produced by the industry’s best dissertation writers . It is our pleasure to inform you that these themes can be used not only for chemistry dissertations but also for research journal papers.

Nevertheless, it is a challenging task to write a flawless chemistry dissertation. You must have excellent analytical and dissertation writing skills in order to produce a well-structured dissertation . No need to worry. Our team of experts is here to help you along the way. We are happy to assist you to come up with an original chemistry dissertation topic . Our customer service is active 24/7.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find dissertation topics about chemistry.

To find chemistry dissertation topics:

  • Research recent breakthroughs.
  • Explore unresolved questions.
  • Consider interdisciplinary areas.
  • Review scientific journals.
  • Consult professors for ideas.
  • Select a topic aligning with your passion and career aspirations.

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  • ACS Publications

28 Must-Read Topics in Chemistry

  • Mar 4, 2021
  • 14 min read

ACS Publications regularly produces collections of the most important chemistry research topics. These Virtual Collections of the most important chemistry research topics bring together the most important ideas in the field in a variety of ways, including Special Issues and ACS Selects from across the portfolio journals. These collections reflect the most important chemistry research […]

industrial chemistry research project topics

ACS Publications regularly produces collections of the most important chemistry research topics. These Virtual Collections of the most important chemistry research topics bring together the most important ideas in the field in a variety of ways, including Special Issues and ACS Selects from across the portfolio journals. These collections reflect the most important chemistry research topics of current scientific interest and are designed for experienced investigators and educators alike.

Browse 28 of the most important, engaging topics in chemists with Virtual Collections released by ACS Publications journals in Q4 2020:

Crystalline molecular materials: from structure to function.

industrial chemistry research project topics

This Virtual Special Issue focuses on the design and study of materials wherein the target properties arise from, or are enhanced by, the three-dimensional assembly of molecules in a solid phase. The “structure−function” relationship transcends the nature of the individual molecule, and supramolecular organization is a key component in the material’s properties. The goal of this issue is to assemble contributions from a broad community of scientists with similar research interests, as defined by the need to understand and manipulate the bulk assembly of molecules. Placing emphasis on a common interest in supramolecular architecture, this issue showcases work in apparently disparate fields, including molecule-based magnetism, rare zero thermal expansion properties, and catalytic activity.

Read the Issue. ***

Materials for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion

industrial chemistry research project topics

This virtual issue of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and ACS Applied Energy Materials presents cutting edge articles in the field of Thermoelectric Energy Conversion. Thermoelectric materials and devices are central for energy conversion and management as they convert waste heat into electricity. Given the ubiquitous nature of heat, thermoelectric materials provide total-package solutions to mitigate environmental crisis and energy needs. The realization of this has caused a surge in the development of high-performance, environmentally benign, robust, and earth-abundant inorganic materials, which can be used in heat to electrical energy generations in power plants, space, automobiles, households, battery technology, and data centers. Interestingly, flexible thermoelectric materials, mainly based on organic/polymer materials, have successfully been integrated into body-worn fabrics and watches, which simply utilize body heat to generate electricity. Furthermore, using the Peltier effect, thermoelectric coolers are developed and are one of the mainstays in the consumer market for refrigeration purposes, especially for portable applications. Hence, thermoelectricity is foreseen as a potential frontrunner in energy management for the near future.

Interfacialscience Developments at the Chinese Academy of Sciences

industrial chemistry research project topics

This virtual issue is a sampling of some of the most recent work from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with an emphasis on work from this year (2020) so far. The 46 articles in this virtual issue cover a broad range of research topics, examples of which include Janus particle engineering and interfacial assembly, surface modification of colloid particles, stability of water monolayer in mineral under high pressure, nano-bubbles adsorption on surface, switching of underwater superhydrophilicity and superoleophobicity, nanostructured de-icing surface, lithium ion battery anode binder, bio-inspired smart liquid directional transport control, corrosion resistance of alloys, behavior of polymers at solid/liquid interface, and effect of polymer conformation on protein resistance.

Celebrating 90% Completion of the Human Proteome

industrial chemistry research project topics

Twenty years after the establishment of the international Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) and ten years after its launch of the Human Proteome Project (HPP), researchers have much to celebrate. Today, HUPO will release the draft human proteome at the 19th Human Proteome Organization World Congress, connecting virtually, with this Virtual Issue published in the Journal of Proteome Research.

Read the Issue . ***

Nanomaterials-based Membranes for Chemical Separations

industrial chemistry research project topics

Membranes are a critical area of research in academia and have been used in industrial applications for decades. Membrane-based separations are desired in industry because they can be highly energy efficient and up to an order of magnitude less expensive than other techniques such as distillation. In addition, these separations are easily scaled to industrial levels so that advances in the laboratory can be translated to real applications. The key challenges in this field are how to separate chemicals with similar sizes by having a high flux for only one chemical through a membrane. This difference in flux should translate into a high selectivity for one chemical over one or more other chemicals present in a mixture. An unfortunate trade-off in membrane-based separations is that as the permeation of a chemical increases, the selectivity of the membrane will often decrease. To address these challenges, scientists often use cross-linked polymers with ill-defined pores, hard materials such as zeolites with well-defined pores, 2D materials, coated nanofibers, carbon nanotubes, metal nanoparticles, or other nanomaterials.

Organic Chemistry in China: Synthetic Methodology, Natural Products, and More

During the past 20 years, China has become a powerhouse in chemistry research, now leading globally in submissions of research articles to chemical journals. In recognizing these developments, Organic Letters presents a Virtual Issue that includes a collection of 25 research articles contributed by Chinese chemists during 2019-2020, selected from among the more than 1,000 articles published in the journal from China over this period.

Advances in Microfluidics Research

industrial chemistry research project topics

This Virtual Issue highlights articles published in Analytical Chemistry that showcase advances in microfluidics research over the past several years. The articles below are separated by sub-field and span research on virus detection to cell manipulation to 3D-printing, and are all at the cutting edge of microfluidics technologies. The thirty articles included in this collection were selected by Associate Editor Yoshinobu Baba and include previous winners of the Chemical & Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS)/ Analytical Chemistry co-sponsored Young Innovator Award.

Chemistry in Korea: IBS and Beyond

industrial chemistry research project topics

This virtual issue of “Chemistry in Korea: IBS and Beyond” highlights the latest contributions from eight IBS centers along with exciting advances from other emerging scientists in South Korea. Topics encompass a wide range of chemistry and its cross-boundary researches from theory and simulations, nanomaterials, molecular synthesis, catalysts, spectroscopy, supramolecular chemistry, soft materials to nanomedicine.

Highlighting Analytical Chemistry 2020 Advisory Board Members

industrial chemistry research project topics

The members of Analytical Chemistry ‘s Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) and Early Career Board (ECB) panels devote substantial voluntary time and energy to support Analytical Chemistry and deserve special recognition for their contributions. In recognition of their service, this new virtual issue is dedicated to the members of both the journal’s EAB and ECB, with each selecting one of their recent Analytical Chemistry articles to highlight.

A Bright New World of Ferroelectrics: Magic of Spontaneous Polarization

industrial chemistry research project topics

Ferroelectric materials featured with spontaneous polarization have experienced a century of vigorous development. The permanent electric dipole moment makes ferroelectric an outstanding multifunctional material for a wide range of applications. Ferroelectrics with unique coupling effects among electric, optical, mechanical, thermal, and magnetic orders, have been developed for a wide range of functional devices and triggered a new world-wide wave of ferroelectric research. This virtual issue highlights some of the key state-of-the-art findings in ferroelectrics published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and ACS Applied Electronic Materials , and the editorial attempts to reflect the rapid development and provide a perspective in this field.

Peter J. Rossky Festschrift

This Virtual Special Issue honors Professor Peter J. Rossky and his contributions to the field of physical chemistry.

Computational and Experimental Advances in Biomembranes

industrial chemistry research project topics

As an integral component of cellular architecture and signalling, cell membranes are central to cell physiology. Comprising a vastly heterogeneous mixture of proteins and lipids, cell membranes are constantly adapting their structural organization to regulate cellular processes. Malfunction at the level of lipid-protein interaction is implicated in numerous diseases, and hence, understanding cell membrane organization at the molecular level is of critical importance. The collection of articles in this Virtual Special Issue from The Journal of Physical Chemistry B provides a survey of the advances in both computational and experimental characterization of the complex processes underlying the behavior of cellular membranes.

Sensors and Industry

industrial chemistry research project topics

In this virtual issue, ACS Sensors and Analytical Chemistry highlight 30 of these outstanding industrial co-authored papers recently published in the two journals. The breadth of the articles in this collection emphasizes the incredible research on diagnostic methods being performed in both universities and industries, and highlights the benefits of collaboration between the two. Read the Issue . ***

Machine Learning in Physical Chemistry

industrial chemistry research project topics

Physical chemistry stands today at an exciting transition state where the integration of machine learning and data science tools into all corners of the field is poised to do nothing short of revolutionizing the discipline. These powerful techniques – when appropriately combined with domain knowledge, tools, and expertise – have led to new physical insights, better understanding, accelerated discovery, rational design, and inverse engineering that transcend traditional approaches to materials, molecular, and chemical science and engineering. This collection of nearly 150 manuscripts from The Journal of Physical Chemistry A / B / C and The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters reflects the relevance and popularity of this topic in physical chemistry by both the depth and breadth of excellent articles in this exciting collection.

Self-Healing Materials

industrial chemistry research project topics

This is a spotlight on applications discusses developments made over the last six years that have enabled the fabrication of increasingly high-performance spray-coated perovskite solar cells. In particular, the various approaches adopted to spray-cast perovskite films (one-step vs two-step processes) ware charted and the development of sophisticated techniques used to control thin-film crystallinity is described. Finally, remaining research challenges are discussed that, once solved, may allow the mass deployment of low-cost solar energy.

Women in Mass Spectrometry

industrial chemistry research project topics

This virtual issue was assembled to feature talented women mass spectrometrists who publish in JASMS as the corresponding author. The articles compiled are among the most highly cited that were published in the journal in the last 5 years, regardless of gender, and are representative of the best mass spectrometry science reported in JASMS .

In Memory of Mario Molina (1943-2020)

industrial chemistry research project topics

Mario Molina was a Mexican chemist who shared the 1995 Nobel Prize in chemistry with the late F. Sherwood Rowland of UC Irvine and Paul Crutzen of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz “for their work in atmospheric chemistry particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone.” Molina passed away in his birth city of Mexico City at age 77 on 7 October 2020. A physical chemist at heart, Molina published about 80 papers in The Journal of Physical Chemistry . His mentees remember him by celebrating 30 of them. His indelible legacy lives on through his publications, his collaborators, the scholars that he trained, the innovations in experimental design he made, the thousands who were inspired and informed by his science communication, and the millions whose quality of life improved thanks to his work on stratospheric ozone depletion and air quality in megacities.

Women Scientists at the Forefront of Energy Research: A Virtual Issue, Part 3

industrial chemistry research project topics

This is the third part of a series that recognizes women energy researchers who have published new advances from their laboratories in ACS Energy Letters . The inspirational stories and advice to newcomers in the field contained in this issue should provide motivation to advance the scientific research in energy conversion and storage. Through their personal reflections, these researchers discuss the successful career paths they have taken to become leaders in the scientific community.

Scalable Organic Chemistry: A Virtual Issue to highlight Organic Process Research & Development

industrial chemistry research project topics

From small-scale use in academic research to large-scale application in industrial processes, only select chemistries make the cut to be relevant throughout the scale-up process. This virtual issue showcases a collection of innovative and industrially-relevant papers on key topics from academic and industrial chemists in Organic Process Research & Development .

Virtual Issue in Memoriam of Dr. Alan Poland (1940-2020)

industrial chemistry research project topics

Dr. Alan Poland was a major influence on the development of modern molecular toxicology and the understanding of how chemicals cause cancer. He is most widely known for his groundbreaking work to explain the adverse effects of dioxins, chemicals and related environmental pollutants.

Deep Eutectic Solvents

industrial chemistry research project topics

This virtual issue focuses on scientific and engineering advances related to Deep Eutectic Solvents. It includes papers that have appeared in the last two years in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering , Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research , Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data , and Journal of Physical Chemistry B and C .

Celebrating ACS Sensors ‘ Editorial Advisory Board

industrial chemistry research project topics

Metal-Organic Frameworks: Fundamental Study and Applications

industrial chemistry research project topics

Exciting developments in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are the focus of this Virtual Issue that is jointly produced by Langmuir and ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( ACS AMI ). These two journals publish complementary and ground-breaking work on interfacial science. ACS AMI has a strong focus on practical applications whereas Langmuir encourages reports of both fundamental and applied nature, when rational design is a highlighted feature of the work.

Inorganic Synthesis in Uncommon Reaction Media

industrial chemistry research project topics

Water and organic solvents have long been the most common reaction media for chemical synthesis. Nevertheless, given limits in solubility and the need for extreme temperatures sometimes, especially for inorganic substances, chemists have had a growing interest in moving to “uncommon” reaction media to improve the access to certain compounds or to permit the fundamental study of the behavior of chemicals under unique conditions. In this Virtual Issue, “Inorganic Synthesis in Uncommon Reaction Media,” Guest Editor Julia Chan and Associate Editor Stefanie Dehnen highlight recent reports from Inorganic Chemistry and additionally from Chemistry of Materials and Crystal Growth & Design that feature reactions taking place in currently used uncommon systems: molten metals (metal flux), molten salts (nonmetal flux), ionic liquids (ionothermal if carried out under elevated temperatures), supercritical solvents (solvothermal), and liquefied gases.

The Challenge of Antibacterial Drug Permeation and Current Advances

industrial chemistry research project topics

Recent advances in the area of drug permeation feed the pipeline of antibacterial agents with new and improved activities and keep the ever-changing landscape of antibiotic resistance effectively managed by small molecule therapeutics. The articles included in this Virtual Issue broadly represent three areas of research: 1) new experimental approaches to analyze intracellular accumulation of compounds in whole cells and compound permeation across model membranes; 2) new computational models of drug permeation across the outer membrane and integrated kinetic models of drug permeation across membranes with active efflux; and 3) new antibiotic screening campaigns and exploration of synergistic drug combinations bypassing bacterial permeation barriers.

Organic Chemistry in Japan: A Strong Foundation and Honorable Tradition

Organic chemistry has a strong foundation and honorable tradition in Japan, centering in recent decades predominantly on the development of synthetic methodologies, particularly in an interdisciplinary fashion focusing on cross-coupling and C-H activation and functionalization, the total synthesis of natural products, chemical biology research, supramolecular chemistry, and applications of (opto)electronic materials—all with an eye toward fostering international collaborations. This new Organic Letters Virtual Issue features 25 selected articles form 2019-2020 to highlight these achievements.

industrial chemistry research project topics

This virtual issue in Environmental Science & Technology ( ES&T ) marks the 50-year anniversary of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Recognizing this significant milestone brings an opportunity to reflect on the enormous achievements and impact this federal agency has had on the remediation and protection of the environment, reaching both domestically within the USA and globally since its official beginnings on December 2nd, 1970.

Bioconjugate Chemistry 30th Anniversary Reviews

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The breadth and impact of these 30th anniversary reviews demonstrate how the Bioconjugate Chemistry of today continues the forward-looking embrace of new science and systems while maintaining the old-fashioned virtues of scientific rigor and reproducibility.

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Undergraduate Industrial Chemistry Project Topics And Materials

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9 Undergraduate Research Projects That Wowed Us This Year

The telegraph. The polio vaccine. The bar code. Light beer. Throughout its history, NYU has been known for innovation, with faculty and alumni in every generation contributing to some of the most notable inventions and scientific breakthroughs of their time. But you don’t wind up in the history books—or peer-reviewed journals—by accident; academic research, like any specialized discipline, takes hard work and lots of practice. 

And at NYU, for students who are interested, that training can start early—including during an undergraduate's first years on campus. Whether through assistantships in faculty labs, summer internships, senior capstones, or independent projects inspired by coursework, undergrad students have many opportunities to take what they’re learning in the classroom and apply it to create original scholarship throughout their time at NYU. Many present their work at research conferences, and some even co-author work with faculty and graduate students that leads to publication. 

As 2023-2024 drew to a close, the NYU News team coordinated with the Office of the Provost to pull together a snapshot of the research efforts that students undertook during this school year. The nine featured here represent just a small fraction of the impressive work we encountered in fields ranging from biology, chemistry, and engineering to the social sciences, humanities, and the arts. 

These projects were presented at NYU research conferences for undergrads, including Migration and Im/Mobility , Pathways for Discovery: Undergraduate Research and Writing Symposium , Social Impact: NYU’s Applied Undergraduate Research Conference , Arts-Based Undergraduate Research Conference , Gallatin Student Research Conference ,  Dreammaker’s Summit , Tandon’s Research Excellence Exhibit , and Global Engagement Symposium . Learn more about these undergrad research opportunities and others.

Jordan Janowski (CAS '24)

Sade Chaffatt (NYU Abu Dhabi '24)

Elsa Nyongesa (GPH, CAS ’24 )

Anthony Offiah (Gallatin ’26)

Kimberly Sinchi (Tandon ’24) and Sarah Moughal (Tandon ’25)

Rohan Bajaj (Stern '24)

Lizette Saucedo (Liberal Studies ’24)

Eva Fuentes (CAS '24)

Andrea Durham (Tandon ’26)

Jordan Janowski (CAS ’24) Major: Biochemistry Thesis title: “Engineering Chirality for Functionality in Crystalline DNA”

Jordan Janowski (CAS '24). Photo by Tracey Friedman

I work in the Structural DNA Nanotechnology Lab, which was founded by the late NYU professor Ned Seeman, who is known as the father of the field. My current projects are manipulating DNA sequences to self-assemble into high order structures.

Essentially, we’re using DNA as a building material, instead of just analyzing it for its biological functions. It constantly amazes me that this is possible.

I came in as a pre-med student, but when I started working in the lab I realized that I was really interested in continuing my research there. I co-wrote a paper with postdoc Dr. Simon Vecchioni who has been a mentor to me and helped me navigate applying to grad school. I’m headed to Scripps Research in the fall. This research experience has led me to explore some of the molecules that make up life and how they could be engineered into truly unnatural curiosities and technologies.

My PI, Prof. Yoel Ohayon , has been super supportive of my place on the  NYU women’s basketball team, which I’m a  member of. He’s been coming to my games since sophomore year, and he’ll text me with the score and “great game!”— it’s been so nice to have that support for my interests beyond the lab.

Anthony Offiah (Gallatin ’26) Concentration: Fashion design and business administration MLK Scholars research project title: “project: DREAMER”

Anthony Offiah (Gallatin '26). Photo by Tracey Friedman

In “project: DREAMER,” I explored how much a person’s sense of fashion is a result of their environment or societal pressures based on their identity. Certain groups are pressured or engineered to present a certain way, and I wanted to see how much of the opposing force—their character, their personality—affected their sense of style. 

This was a summer research project through the MLK Scholars Program . I did ethnographic interviews with a few people, and asked them to co-design their ideal garments with me. They told me who they are, how they identify, and what they like in fashion, and we synthesized that into their dream garments. And then we had a photo shoot where they were empowered to make artistic choices. 

Some people told me they had a hard time conveying their sense of style because they were apprehensive about being the center of attention or of being dissimilar to the people around them. So they chose to conform to protect themselves. And then others spoke about wanting to safeguard the artistic or vulnerable—or one person used the word “feminine”—side of them so they consciously didn’t dress how they ideally would. 

We ended the interviews by stating an objective about how this co-designing process didn’t end with them just getting new clothes—it was about approaching fashion differently than how they started and unlearning how society might put them in a certain box without their approval.  

My concentration in Gallatin is fashion design and business administration. In the industry some clothing is critiqued and some clothing is praised—and navigating that is challenging, because what you like might not be well received. So doing bespoke fashion for just one person is freeing in a sense because you don’t have to worry about all that extra stuff. It’s just the art. And I like being an artist first and thinking about the business second.

Lizette Saucedo (Global Liberal Studies ’24) Major: Politics, rights, and development Thesis title: “Acknowledging and Remembering Deceased Migrants Crossing the U.S.-Mexican Border”

Lizette Saucedo (Global Liberal Studies '24). Photo by Tracey Friedman

My thesis project is on commemorating migrants who are dying on their journey north to cross the U.S.–Mexican border. I look at it through different theoretical lenses, and one of the terms is necropolitics—how politics shapes the way the State governs life and especially death. And then of the main issues aside from the deaths is that a lot of people in the U.S. don’t know about them, due to the government trying to eschew responsibility for migrant suffering. In the final portion of the thesis, I argue for presenting what some researchers call “migrant artifacts”—the personal belongings left behind by people trying to cross over—to the public, so that people can become aware and have more of a human understanding of what’s going on. 

This is my senior thesis for Liberal Studies, but the idea for it started in an International Human Rights course I took with professor Joyce Apsel . We read a book by Jason De León called The Land of the Open Graves , which I kept in the back of my mind. And then when I studied abroad in Germany during my junior year, I noticed all the different memorials and museums, and wondered why we didn’t have the equivalent in the U.S. My family comes from Mexico—my parents migrated—and ultimately all of these interests came together.

I came into NYU through the Liberal Studies program and I loved it. It’s transdisciplinary, which shaped how I view my studies. My major is politics, rights, and development and my minor is social work, but I’ve also studied museum studies, and I’ve always loved the arts. The experience of getting to work one-on-one on this thesis has really fortified my belief that I can combine all those things.

Sade Chaffatt (Abu Dhabi ’24) Major: Biology Thesis title: “The Polycomb repressive component, EED in mouse hepatocytes regulates liver homeostasis and survival following partial hepatectomy.”

Sade Chaffatt (NYU Abu Dhabi '24). Photo courtesy of NYUAD

Imagine your liver as a room. Within the liver there are epigenetic mechanisms that control gene expression. Imagine these epigenetic mechanisms as a dimmer switch, so that you could adjust the light in the room. If we remove a protein that is involved in regulating these mechanisms, there might be dysregulation—as though the light is too bright or too dim. One such protein, EED, plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression. And so my project focuses on investigating whether EED is required in mouse hepatocytes to regulate liver homeostasis and to regulate survival following surgical resection.

Stepping into the field of research is very intimidating when you’re an undergraduate student and know nothing. But my capstone mentor, Dr. Kirsten Sadler , encourages students to present their data at lab meetings and to speak with scientists. Even though this is nerve-wracking, it helps to promote your confidence in communicating science to others in the field.

If you’d asked 16-year-old me, I never would’ve imagined that I’d be doing research at this point. Representation matters a lot, and you often don't see women—especially not Black women—in research. Being at NYUAD has really allowed me to see more women in these spaces. Having had some experience in the medical field through internships, I can now say I’m more interested in research and hope to pursue a PhD in the future.

Kimberly Sinchi (Tandon ’24) Major: Computer Science Sarah Moughal (Tandon ’25) Major: Computer Science Project: Robotic Design Team's TITAN

Sarah Moughal (Tandon '25, left) and Kimberly Sinchi (Tandon '24). Photo by Tracey Friedman

Kimberly: The Robotic Design Team has been active at NYU for at least five years. We’re 60-plus undergrad and grad students majoring in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, and integrated design. We’ve named our current project TITAN because of how huge it is. TITAN stands for “Tandon’s innovation in terraforming and autonomous navigation.”

Sarah: We compete in NASA’s lunatics competition every year, which means we build a robot from scratch to be able to compete in lunar excavation and construction. We make pretty much everything in house in the Tandon MakerSpace, and everyone gets a little experience with machining, even if you're not mechanical. A lot of it is about learning how to work with other people—communicating across majors and disciplines and learning how to explain our needs to someone who may not be as well versed in particular technologies as we are. 

Kimberly: With NYU’s Vertically Integrated Project I’ve been able to take what I was interested in and actually have a real world impact with it. NASA takes notes on every Rover that enters this competition. What worked and what didn’t actually influences their designs for rovers they send to the moon and to Mars.

Eva Fuentes (CAS ’24) Major: Anthropology Thesis title: “Examining the relationship between pelvic shape and numbers of lumbar vertebrae in primates”

Eva Fuentes (CAS '24). Photo by Tracey Friedman

I came into NYU thinking I wanted to be an art history major with maybe an archeology minor. To do the archeology minor, you have to take the core classes in anthropology, and so I had to take an intro to human evolution course. I was like, this is the coolest thing I’ve learned—ever. So I emailed people in the department to see if I could get involved. 

Since my sophomore year, I’ve been working in the Evolutionary Morphology Lab with Scott Williams, who is primarily interested in the vertebral column of primates in the fossil record because of how it can inform the evolution of posture and locomotion in humans.

For my senior thesis, I’m looking at the number of lumbar vertebrae—the vertebrae that are in the lower back specifically—and aspects of pelvic shape to see if it is possible to make inferences about the number of lumbar vertebrae a fossil may have had. The bones of the lower back are important because they tell us about posture and locomotion.

I committed to a PhD program at Washington University in St. Louis a few weeks ago to study biological anthropology. I never anticipated being super immersed in the academic world. I don’t come from an academic family. I had no idea what I was doing when I started, but Scott Williams, and everyone in the lab, is extremely welcoming and easy to talk to. It wasn't intimidating to come into this lab at all.

Elsa Nyongesa (GPH, CAS ’24 ) Major: Global Public Health and Biology Project: “Diversity in Breast Oncological Studies: Impacts on Black Women’s Health Outcomes”

Elsa Nyongesa (GPH, CAS '24). Photo by Tracey Friedman

I interned at Weill Cornell Medicine through their Travelers Summer Research Fellowship Program where I worked with my mentor, Dr. Lisa Newman, who is the head of the International Center for the Study of Breast Cancer Subtypes. I analyzed data on the frequency of different types of breast cancer across racial and ethnic groups in New York. At the same time, I was also working with Dr. Rachel Kowolsky to study minority underrepresentation in clinical research. 

In an experiential learning course taught by Professor Joyce Moon Howard in the GPH department, I created a research question based on my internship experience. I thought about how I could combine my experiences from the program which led to my exploration of the correlation between minority underrepresentation in breast oncological studies, and how it affects the health outcomes of Black women with breast cancer.

In my major, we learn about the large scope of health disparities across different groups. This opportunity allowed me to learn more about these disparities in the context of breast cancer research. As a premedical student, this experience broadened my perspective on health. I learned more about the social, economic, and environmental factors influencing health outcomes. It also encouraged me to examine literature more critically to find gaps in knowledge and to think about potential solutions to health problems. Overall, this experience deepened my philosophy of service, emphasizing the importance of health equity and advocacy at the research and clinical level.

Rohan Bajaj (Stern ’24) Major: Finance and statistics Thesis title: “Measuring Socioeconomic Changes and Investor Attitude in Chicago’s Post-Covid Economic Recovery”

Rohan Bajaj (Stern '24). Photo by Tracey Friedman

My thesis is focused on understanding the effects of community-proposed infrastructure on both the socioeconomic demographics of cities and on fiscal health. I’m originally from Chicago, so it made a lot of sense to pay tribute back to the place that raised me. I’m compiling a list of characteristics of infrastructure that has been developed since 2021 as a part of the Chicago Recovery Plan and then assessing how neighborhoods have changed geographically and economically. 

I’m looking at municipal bond yields in Chicago as a way of evaluating the fiscal health of the city. Turns out a lot of community-proposed infrastructure is focused in lower income areas within Chicago rather than higher income areas. So that makes the research question interesting, to see if there’s a correlation between the proposed and developed infrastructure projects, and if these neighborhoods are being gentrified alongside development.

I kind of stumbled into the impact investing industry accidentally from an internship I had during my time at NYU. I started working at a renewable energies brokerage in midtown, where my main job was collecting a lot of market research trends and delivering insights on how these different energy markets would come into play. I then worked with the New York State Insurance Fund, where I helped construct and execute their sustainable investment strategy from the ground up. 

I also took a class called “Design with Climate Change” with Peter Anker in Gallatin during my junior year, and a lot of that class was focused on how to have climate resilient and publicly developed infrastructure, and understanding the effects it has on society. It made me start thinking about the vital role that physical surroundings play in steering communities.

In the short term I want to continue diving into impact-focused investing and help identify urban planners and city government to develop their communities responsibly and effectively.

Andrea Durham (Tandon, ’26)  Major: Biomolecular science Research essay title: “The Rise and Fall of Aduhelm”

Andrea Durham (Tandon '26). Photo by Tracey Friedman

This is an essay I wrote last year in an advanced college essay writing class with Professor Lorraine Doran on the approval of a drug for Alzheimer’s disease called Aduhelm—a monoclonal antibody therapy developed by Biogen in 2021, which was described as being momentous and groundbreaking. But there were irregularities ranging from the design of its clinical trials to government involvement that led to the resignation of three scientists on an advisory panel, because not everybody in the scientific community agreed that it should be approved.

When I was six years old, my grandmother was diagnosed. Seeing the impact that it had over the years broke my heart and ignited a passion in me to pursue research. 

When I started at NYU, I wasn’t really sure what I was going to do in the future, or what opportunities I would go after. This writing class really gave me an opportunity to reflect on the things that were important to me in my life. The September after I wrote this paper, I started volunteering in a lab at Mount Sinai for Alzheimer's disease research, and that’s what I’m doing now—working as a volunteer at the Center for Molecular Integrative Neuroresilience under Dr. Giulio Pasinetti. I have this opportunity to be at the forefront, and because of the work I did in my writing class I feel prepared going into these settings with an understanding of the importance of conducting ethical research and working with integrity.

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B7 2024: Final Communiqué

B7 2024 final communiqué.

May 20, 2024

The below is the executive summary. You may download the full report on this page.

Maximizing the Benefits of AI  

As a major catalyst for the transformation of our era, AI, in synergy with other enabling technologies, can enhance productivity and economic resilience, optimize the functioning of GVCs, and improve infrastructure planning, natural resource management, energy demand forecasting, and climate mitigation. Investing in AI and its applications ethically and inclusively will usher industries into the data economy, expand the labor market, and enhance progress in key sectors such as healthcare and life sciences. More effective public-private partnerships enhance education, skills, risk-based frameworks, interoperability, and capacity building, and make AI applications safer, and more secure and trustworthy.  

Building upon the G7 AI Hiroshima Process, the B7 fully supports the G7 in establishing human-centered principles and standards to monitor and guide its evolution, while fostering innovation and interoperability for the benefit of all.  

Enhancing Global Trade and GVCs’ Resilience  

Critical dependencies should be addressed by coordinating policies, streamlining compliance costs associated with export controls and investment screening regimes, enhancing partnerships with, and investing in Least Developed Countries (LDCs), sharing frameworks to predict supply chain disruptions, and increasing preparedness and security. 

In parallel, the G7 strive for a global level playing field by eliminating unjustified existing barriers and refraining from adopting new ones. The B7 is deeply concerned about the future of the WTO and reiterates its support for a rules-based multilateral trading system. Making the WTO Moratorium on Electronic Transmissions permanent is vital, while a sound reform of the Organization remains the overarching priority. The G7 policymakers should limit policy uncertainty and support businesses’ strategies, investments, and confidence. Delivering on the objectives of the PGII and the Build Back Better World (B3W) is paramount for revamping investments and supporting the sustainable growth of market economies.  

Tackling Energy, Environmental, and Climate Challenges  

The G7 countries’ industrial policies and regulatory frameworks should converge while ensuring energy security, competitiveness, and decarbonization. Investing in sustainable and low-carbon technologies, research and development-oriented projects, and strategic value chains according to the principle of full technological neutrality and enhancing the diversification of cost-efficient transition energy sources’ supplies and carriers would favor the affordability of energy prices during the transition phase. Public-private investment funds, convergent taxonomies and labeling, aligned incentives, and reduced divergencies in carbon markets would support the decarbonization of hard-to-abate industrial sectors, boost circular economy initiatives, energy efficiency, facilities’ reconversions and recycling, and new smart transmission and distribution infrastructures. 

For a just transition, the G7 should make the Loss and Damage Mechanism operational, and promote voluntary cooperation and targeted technological transfer, while preserving intellectual and industrial property rights. It should also take into account that just transition requires the build-out of infrastructure to empower consumers and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) beyond the most advanced areas.  

Embracing the Data Economy and Digital Technologies  

The G7 should operationalize Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT) through the Institutional Arrangement for Partnership (IAP) while promoting a continuous dialogue with the industry to craft regulations for a digital trust framework. Recognized evidence and risk-based standards for data flow transparency and accountability should be established, and incentives to favor trust, privacy, risk mitigation, cybersecurity, intellectual property, and interoperability should be prioritized. Promoting the development of a common G7 quantum computing ecosystem and joint research on post-quantum cryptography will enhance the security and reliability of digital infrastructures and technologies.  

Also, the G7 should promote an ambitious connectivity agenda to further accelerate the take-up of advanced technologies, and enhance digitalization by spreading digital skills across businesses, administrations, and societies, notably by leveraging STEM-based pathways and the use of Digital Identity for G2B, G2C, B2B and B2C transactions. 

Unleashing Talents’ Potential and Enhancing the Resilience of Welfare Systems  

The B7 calls on the G7 to reform the educational systems at all levels to meet emerging job markets’ requirements and new technological trends and to facilitate the transition from education to work. The B7 renews its commitment to bridge between the workforce and employers by identifying labor market gaps, investing in skills development, and funding apprenticeship and mid-career reskilling programs. The B7 urges G7 governments to strengthen active labor market policies, promote entrepreneurship, encourage the social inclusion of underrepresented groups, particularly women and youth, and modernize welfare systems through farsighted fiscal and employment policies providing citizens with long-term equitable access to quality services in healthcare and education and address the old-age dependency. 

Measuring Achievements  

The B7 Italy 2024 introduces the adoption of leading Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) making the G7 and the other owners accountable for measurable outcomes. To track these KPIs over time and measure progress against the related targets, the B7 recommends the establishment of a joint G7-B7 Monitoring Committee. 

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