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speech about life challenges brainly

Struggle Makes You Stronger (Motivational Speech)

Struggles, challenges and hard times offer you much more value than any other time in your life. You can not grow without struggle. You can not get STRONGER without resistance. Think about a time in your life that may have been hard, but forced you to become better. Get grateful for the struggles and WORK on yourself to ensure your future has much more PLEASURE than PAIN.

Struggle Makes You Stronger (Motivational Speech) Ft. William Hollis

Download or Stream To ANY DEVICE, Worldwide:  iTunes ,  GooglePlay ,  AmazonMP3 ,  Spotify ,  Apple Music Struggle Makes You Stronger (Motivational Speech) –  Lyrics, Music, Speech: Copyright:  Fearless Motivation Speaker:  William Hollis

Transcript – Struggle Makes You Stronger (Motivational Speech) |  Fearless Motivation

Imagine if you got what you want, every time. No struggle. No hard work. No challenges. No hard work required.

Some of you are saying… that would be great… You would be weak!

And then, when something hard comes up in your life, you wouldn’t know how to handle it, because you have never gone through anything that strengthens you.

You can not GROW
 without struggle. You can not develop STRENGTH without resistance, without challenging yourself, without struggle.

PAIN is your friend. Maybe not in the moment. But for the evolution of your soul, for the long term benefit of you as a stronger human being – pain IS YOUR FRIEND.

If you didn’t have failures… If you didn’t have struggles… If you didn’t have disappointment, you could have no strength, no courage, no compassion. How could you? Those qualities are MADE from your pain and struggle.

You were given pain because you are strong enough to handle it. You were given this LIFE because you are strong enough to live it. Because you are strong enough to drive though it. To THRIVE THROUGH IT. To inspire others through it.

They will look to you and say: He did it, She did it, I have the strength to do it to.

You are stronger than you think. You’ve survived all your challenges to this point… And you will survive whatever is coming. But next time a struggle comes I don’t want you to curse the skies. Know that it was sent for a reason and a lesson. It might be to make you stronger, it might be to teach you patience, it might be for you to show others your spirit, there is a reason.

So don’t you give up. You have a purpose in this world. And you will only find it if you keep going and keep GROWING.

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23 Responses

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Kindly please tell me the exacts words in this part: “Do you want people just to feel sorry for you or you want people to look up to you?! Do you want to be a LESSON?! Because lessons are born in the valley of STRUGGLE. fear is only (“a fiction on movies?”)????????? ” not sure if it is ‘ a fiction on movies’ or not

Fear is only a fictional movie (A made up concept) There is nothing to fear.

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What a powerful piece of thought

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It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of sunshine.

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It’s allways darkest before The light i can struggle i got this situation and i will Learn from it. It’s just a grain in my shoe.

Any feed back would Be great.

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Great videos! What is the name of the speaker who kicks in about 2:26? Motivating beyond words. Thanks.

Same speaker throughout the whole speech, William Hollis – listed in the description

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The idea which you have shared is right.Struggle makes people stronger and that is a biggest fact.Last day I have gone through one blog called Leadlife blog by Sean Hughes and I consider it as one of the best lifestyle blogs and it was truly motivating.

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life is full of challenges we should be ready to handle it comment or explain

please give a good answer for this

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whoa its so MaRVELOUS

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Like a strongger

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bloop says its good

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Such an inspirational thoughts… Love it….

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It’s always darkest before The light i can struggle i got this situation and i will Learn from it. It’s just a grain in my shoe. I believe it.

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A really really POWERFUL motivation for us in the hustle mode!

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It is the fact struggle comes from our strength, thats why we feel miserable but if we fight against to our problem there is a reason we can live in happiness.

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Amazing, motivation is power. I love it.

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Imagine if you got what you want, every time. No struggle. No hard work. No challenges. No hard work required. (What makes this introduction weak is that you repeated “No hard work” twice.)

You can not GROW
 without struggle. You can not develop STRENGTH without resistance, without challenging yourself, without struggle. (Also here why did you repeat “without struggle”?)

Also i’m a grade 10 student. Please be nice i’m just asking why?

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I really enjoyed this post! It was very motivational and inspiring.

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This motivational speech is spot on! I’ve been through some tough times in my life, but I’ve found that struggling pushes me to be stronger, more resilient, and more determined. The speaker’s message is so inspiring and has given me the courage to keep pushing through the hard times. Thank you for sharing this video!

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Leah Marone LCSW

Resilience: The Power to Overcome, Adjust, and Persevere

Building resilience begins with increasing your self-awareness..

Posted June 27, 2021 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

  • What Is Resilience?
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  • Individuals with high levels of self-awareness and self-connection tend to be the most resilient people on the planet.
  • We are designed to experience an array of feelings. If we choose to suppress difficult ones, it becomes harder to feel the positive ones.
  • People are not born with high levels of resilience. It is something they earn through practice and consistency.

I begin most of my training sessions by inviting the participants to define or share their thoughts about the topic of focus. Not only does this encourage participation, but it also helps to identify the audience’s baseline of knowledge. Resiliency, a popular topic of discussion over the last year or so, tends to generate a variety of answers similar to the ones below.

  • Always performing your best
  • Standing strong when life throws challenges your way
  • Having the ability to move forward
  • Not breaking down or appearing weak
  • The strength to cope with various obstacles simultaneously

Most people seem to associate resilience with consistently pushing forward, coping without emotionally breaking down, and succeeding time and time again. All qualities, though, that by definition seem to be more associated with stamina rather than resilience. Stamina is generally associated with sustaining physical exertion within a known block of time. For example, having the energy to finish a marathon or play all four quarters of the game with the same intensity and strength. Sports and physical competitions are scheduled and the duration or goal is common knowledge to those participating. There is training involved and time allotted for rest and recovery.

Events or experiences that require resilience tend to occur without warning, lack a structured format, and can be highly unpredictable. Typically there are no known timeframes or clues to inform you about what may happen next. Of course, the most recent example being the pandemic and how it continues to impact us socially, academically, politically, and economically. It has been a long, intense journey, but also one that has provided unique opportunities to pause, reflect, and rearrange priorities.

How do some people:

  • Remain hopeful and creatively adapt?
  • Push forward and live through life's hardships?
  • Consistently access their resilience and avoid stagnation?

Genetic factors can play a small role in one’s level of resilience, but overall it is something that is learned and acquired through action and perception. Life is not a sprint, but rather a marathon through valleys, mountains, sunshine, and rain. Building resilience consists of several steps. Ones that require time to reflect, acknowledge, adjust, and restore. Individuals with high levels of self-awareness and self-connection tend to be the most resilient people on the planet.

We can persevere through difficult times and uncomfortable obstacles. The necessary tools are already something we possess. They may just need to be activated or nurtured.

Every time you challenge yourself and live with an open mind and open heart, you are increasing your repetitions and in turn, building your confidence and. As humans, we are designed to experience an array of feelings. If we choose to constantly suppress or avoid the difficult ones, it becomes harder to access the extraordinary ones too.

Ways to Build Resilience

1. Accept that change is part of life

This is a challenging step for many simply because we love control, but let’s face it, we don’t have much of it. Change is inevitable and how we receive it is key. Rather than viewing change as derailing or sabotaging, try welcoming it as a challenge, an obstacle, or an opportunity. This mindset will channel strength and optimism rather than trigger feelings associated with the ‘victim’ mentality.

2. Acknowledge what you have already accomplished and navigated

Just pause for a moment and think about all of the events, experiences, and conversations you have been involved in. They are over, in the past. You survived them, pushed through. Sometimes with grace and vigor and sometimes with pure luck. It is so important to encourage ourselves, our children, and our co-workers to take positive risks and welcome the unpredictable and uncomfortable. This is what builds resilience and creates the memories to access later. The wins, the tears, the laughs, and the struggles—they all count. They are all part of your story. You are the creator and therefore have the power to ignite and utilize the strength and knowledge acquired from your past.

3. Maintain presence and perspective

Limit your distractions or at least take the time to identify what it is you need to repeatedly distract yourself from. The world is not out to get you or create havoc. Unfortunately, we tend to do a pretty good job of this to ourselves. Practice showing up as a participant and acknowledge that whatever you are presented with also comes with the opportunity to choose how you respond or react. We are all intertwined and connected. Our actions and words do matter and can positively or negatively impact others, sometimes more than we know.

4. Challenge your mind and body: keep learning and sweating

Never stop learning and connecting to your environment. Our bodies and our minds want us to thrive and be as healthy as we possibly can. They are on our team, not working against us. Our bodies and minds need to be nourished, challenged, and replenished. View anxiety , pain, restlessness, or exhaustion as opportunities to set a boundary or invite something new into your world. They are signals to make adjustments or adapt a viewpoint or behavior.

speech about life challenges brainly

5. Build a positive support network

This year has forced us to take a step back socially and perhaps re-evaluate the types of relationships or exchanges we tend to invite or engage in. What role do you typically play in relationships? Do you find yourself constantly seeking validation from others? Do you tend to feel depleted or re-energized? Aim to surround yourself with people who are active listeners and value relationships that are balanced and non-competitive.

6. Complete small tasks from start to finish

Whether you create daily checklists or schedule reminders to keep yourself focused, remember the power of the process. We build momentum and confidence every time we start something and see it through to completion. This could be as simple as making your bed or washing your face. These simple tasks demonstrate respect for yourself and your environment. The focus and the control required to finish something creates purpose and builds resilience. Perhaps try something completely new like learning another language, listening to a new genre of music, or cooking a dish from a different country every week.

7. Use a keyword, phrase, or song to refocus and reset

We all have experienced what it feels like to be overwhelmed and discouraged. It’s not easy, but try to view these feelings as opportunities to learn and reorganize. Scan your memory and think back to a time when you felt strong, empowered, peaceful, or safe. What was happening? Who was around? What was stimulating your senses? Identify what word or song resonates with these memories. This is now your "reset," your resilience on demand. Use it as a tool to re-ignite and reconnect with the energy it once took to rise up and persevere.

8. Find the positives, practice gratitude

You are not alone if you are currently feeling stressed , depressed , exhausted, or negative. At times, finding the positives can be a challenge. It may require you to "fake it till ya make it." Challenge yourself to smile at least 10 times a day. Of course, these smiles might not be completely genuine, but you are sparking positivity. Smiling actually activates tiny molecules to help fight off stress and even trick your brain into thinking you're happy. Give it a try. What do you have to lose?

9. Focus on what you can control and own

Begin to identify your response patterns and the level to which you internalize. Do you tend to take ownership of other people’s feelings/actions, adjust to avoid conflict, or constantly compromise your needs for the needs of others? In order to change such tendencies, you must first learn to establish healthy boundaries . This step serves as a reminder to acknowledge your feelings and needs that tend to be overshadowed by the intense desire to please and accommodate others.

10. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: rest and restore

Prioritize the basics; set yourself up for a good night’s sleep, drink plenty of water throughout the day, be mindful of what you eat, and move your body. A healthy body and mind create a strong foundation and the resiliency it takes to move forward in life. Currently, people are working longer hours at home than they did in the office. To avoid burnout , you must schedule ample time to relax, disconnect from work, and be present with friends or family. Resilience can only be sustained when you set healthy boundaries and make the time to rejuvenate. Don’t just go through the motions. Truly live life by being deliberate and present.

Embrace the idea that you will not have always have all of the answers, know how to react, or work gracefully through an obstacle. These though are the times when extraordinary growth takes place and we have the opportunity to watch ourselves bounce back and recover.

Resilience is something you earn through practice and consistency. It requires a healthy mindset, time for reflection, and the ability to be present with your feelings.

Remain hungry and truly welcome the adversities and challenges that are sure to come your way.

Leah Marone LCSW

Leah Marone, LCSW , is a psychotherapist who works with teens and adults. She is also a corporate wellness consultant and speaks on performance anxiety, resilience, and mindfulness.

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May 2024 magazine cover

At any moment, someone’s aggravating behavior or our own bad luck can set us off on an emotional spiral that threatens to derail our entire day. Here’s how we can face our triggers with less reactivity so that we can get on with our lives.

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Gaslighting
  • Affective Forecasting
  • Neuroscience


Speech on Life Is Struggle

Life is a journey, and like all journeys, it’s not always smooth sailing. You’ll face struggles, challenges that can seem insurmountable. Yet, these struggles are what shape us, what mold us into who we are. They are the path to growth.

Think of struggles as your teachers. They may be tough, even harsh at times, but they are essential. They teach us about resilience, courage, and the power of perseverance. They remind us that life isn’t a straight road, but a winding path full of lessons.

1-minute Speech on Life Is Struggle

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about life. Life is like a journey on a rough road, full of ups and downs. It is not always easy, it’s full of challenges. Just like climbing a mountain, you can’t reach the top without effort. This is the first lesson of life – struggle.

Think of a little bird. Before it spreads its wings to touch the sky, it has to break out of the egg. That first struggle is necessary. It makes the bird strong. It gives it the power to fly. This is what struggle does to us. It makes us strong. It gives us the power to achieve our dreams.

Now, let’s think about a seed. It fights with soil, wind, and water to become a big tree. It does not give up. It keeps on fighting until it becomes a tree providing fruits and shade. Just like that seed, we should also keep on fighting. We should not give up.

Remember, tough times don’t last, but tough people do. And every struggle in life shapes you into the person you are today. When life pushes you down, you must get up. You must keep going.

In conclusion, life is struggle. But this struggle is not there to break us. It’s there to make us strong, to make us ready for the future. So, let’s embrace the struggle and become the best versions of ourselves. Thank you.

2-minute Speech on Life Is Struggle

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today we talk about a universal truth, that is, “Life is a struggle”. It’s a simple phrase but filled with deep meaning. It’s like a big puzzle that we all need to solve.

Let’s start by looking at life as a journey. Like every journey, it has ups and downs, twists and turns. From little kids learning to walk, to adults trying to balance work and family, everyone faces challenges. A bird learning to fly, a seed growing into a tree, all face struggles. It’s a part of life that we can’t ignore.

Now, let’s think about the struggles we face. They can seem like big mountains standing in our path. It could be a difficult math problem, a tough game, or a friend who is upset with you. But remember, these struggles are not there to stop you, they’re there to make you stronger. Like a piece of coal that becomes a diamond under pressure, we too become better through our struggles.

But, why do we struggle? Why can’t life be easy? The answer is simple. Struggles make us learn. When we face a problem, we think, we try and we learn. We learn to be patient, to be strong and to never give up. It’s through our struggles that we grow. Just like a caterpillar struggles to become a beautiful butterfly, we struggle to become the best version of ourselves.

And, how do we deal with struggles? We face them. We don’t run away. We stand tall and brave. We learn to accept challenges and find solutions. It’s like playing a game. The more you play, the better you get. So, the more problems you face, the stronger you become.

Lastly, remember, even if struggles are tough, they are not forever. Like a storm that passes, struggles too pass. And after every storm, there’s a rainbow. So, after every struggle, there’s a victory, a lesson, a growth.

To conclude, don’t be scared of struggles. Welcome them. Embrace them. Grow through them. Always remember, life is not about avoiding struggles, it’s about facing them with courage and coming out stronger. After all, a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. So, let’s make our struggles our stepping stones to success.

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  • Speech about Life for Students and Children

Speech about Life

Good morning one and all present here. I am standing before you all to share my thoughts through my speech about life. Life is a continuous ongoing process that has to end someday. Life is all about adoring yourself, creating yourself. A quote for you that life can be only understood backward but it must be lived forwards. Life itself is a golden opportunity to live a meaningful life and support others to do so. It doesn’t matter how many years you live. But it matters how well you live a quality life.

Speech about Life

Source: pixabay.com

The fear of death always threatens our lives. Every person has to face death sooner or later, but that doesn’t mean that it should discourage us from living life to the fullest or achieving our goals. A person is wise only when he/she is ready to meet destiny when it comes, but until that time enjoys every bit of it. It is a sense of readiness. It is a journey in everyone’s life wherein we have to cross the bridge of death to be able to wake up to a life eternal.

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Human life – A very Precious Gift

Human life is truly a very precious gift. Each moment of human life carries us an opportunity, to act to develop and express our virtues. Every moment unlocks the path to us to receive blessings. This is the truth that life gives us both positive and negative situations. What is really important is how we react.

Life is the gift of God in the form of trust that we will make it meaningful in whatever we can. We are all unique individuals. No one is born like you and no one will ever be, so cherish your individuality. Many times, I come across people accusing God of things that they don’t have. They always cursing their lives. But, do they realize that this life itself is precious? If we make it worth living and work hard towards positivity.

Life is a Journey, not a Destination

Life is nothing but a journey with lessons, hardships, heartache and special moments. It will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be a plane; in fact, throughout our travels, we will face many challenges.

These challenges will always test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along our way, we may encounter obstacles that will come between the paths and we are destined to take.

In order to be on the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise, only we don’t understand that at the time. The secret of life is best known to those who are not attached to anything deeply so much.

Therefore, they remain out of touch with worries and shifting fortunes of their lives. They are the people who do not measure their lives in terms of materialistic possessions, but by measuring their lives in terms of people they cannot live without.

Lastly, I will conclude that we should make life worthwhile. It should be with the love of our family and friends that life can be made beautiful. Life can be more beautiful and purposeful by discharging our duties in our family, at work, society and the world at large.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

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Its amazing!!

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  • Speech About Life


Speech About Life in English for Students

Long speech about life.

‘Good morning everyone’!Today I want to share my opinion about life. So what is life all about? Does life mean to have success or to have money, a great group of friends, or anything? 

To some people, success means to have all the money, to some success means to be with loved ones, to some it could be to live a luxurious life or it could be a wish to get a good life partner.

No matter what the image of success is for anyone. Success can be defined by only one word and that word is “Happiness”.Happiness is the only thing that is linked to success. It is the reason we stress over money, perfect job, good marks, admission to a good university, or trying to live up to the life that would term us as successful 

Life isn’t all about money and happiness cannot be brought with money. We see many cases around the world where people with all the luxurious suffers from depression. Money can only solve your financial problem but not all the problems. You cannot take money with you to the grave so don’t stress about it. So does that mean you should not have money? well, the answer is no. If you have money use it for the good of others and help poor people but never stress about it. Money is great but only when you use it with positive intentions. 

Life is not about being right always, it’s about always been kind. Students should remember that there will come a time in your life when you have to choose between been right or kind. Always choose kindness over being right. Kindness always follows the love with it. 

It is also important to understand that life is not about noticing the negatives. Always try to create positive around the negative that will completely solve the problem. For example, you might be not good at math. so does that mean you should stop reading math? the answer is no. The positive that could be created is to solve more problems which will help you in excelling in that subject. 

Life is not about comparing yourself to others. You have to remember that you are unique and important. It is impossible even for you to find someone who is exactly like you. So never compare yourself with others. Let every else be exactly as they are while you should focus on being the best you can be. 

To conclude I want to say that your life is not defined by any circumstances. Your life is not defined by what happens to you or not. Life is defined by how you react to all the goods and bad. Hard time helps in building a character and never lose your spirit. In the end, what you become through all those life challenges matters the most. Remember that you are a miracle and the world is a blessing. Life is a miracle and it is what you make out of it. Live every day like you are blessed. Be grateful for whatever happens in your life. Be happy no matter what happens in life. Last but not least always remind yourself that the whole purpose of life is to be happy, no matter what life throws at you. 

Short Informative Speech About Life

‘Good morning everyone’!Today I want to share my opinion about life. So what is life all about? Does life mean to have success? and what is success? is it to have money or anything ? and does success differs from one person to another.

The definition of success differs from person to person. For a few, it could be to be rich, to spend time with family, and so on. Success can be defined by only one word and that word is “Happiness”.Happiness is the only thing that is linked to success. It is the reason we stress about money, good marks and so on. 

Life isn’t all about money and happiness cannot be brought with money. There are many cases in which people are depressed even after having money. You won’t be taking money with you to the grave so don’t stress about it. 

Life is not about being right always, it’s about always been kind. Everyone should choose kindness over being right. Show kindness to everyone as love always follows kindness. 

It is also important to understand that life is not about noticing the negatives. Always try to create positive around the negative that will completely solve the problem.

Life is not about comparing yourself to others. You have to remember that you are unique and important. To conclude I want to say that your life is not defined by any circumstances.

Life is defined by how you react to all the goods and bad. Hard time helps in building a character and never lose your spirit. Remember that you are a miracle and the world is a blessing. Life is a miracle and it is what you make out of it. Live every day like you are blessed. Be grateful for whatever happens in your life. Be happy no matter what happens in life. Thank you!.

10 Lines on Speech About Life

Life is not about everyone wrong but it’s about proving yourself right. Always be kind to everyone. Ego kills a man before his death.

Happiness is the only thing that is linked to success. It is the reason we stress over money, perfect job, etc. 

Life isn’t all about money and happiness cannot be brought with money. There are many cases in which people are depressed even after having money. 

Life is not about money. You cannot take it with you to the grave so don’t ever stress about it. 

Life is not about being right always, it’s about always been kind. Always show kindness to every soul you meet. Kindness is followed by love so spread love. 

Life is not about comparing yourself to others. You have to remember that you are unique and important.

Your life is not defined by what happens to you or not. Life is defined by how you react to all the goods and bad.

Life is a miracle and it is what you make out of it. Live every day like you are blessed. Be grateful for whatever happens in your life

The whole purpose of life is to be happy, no matter what life throws at you. 


English Summary

2 Minute Speech On Life Challenges In English

Good morning to everyone in this room. I would like to thank the principal, the teachers, and my dear friends for allowing me to speak to you today about life challenges. Everyone, in my opinion, must deal with issues or obstacles daily. Even those who believe themselves to be flawless have difficulties or obstacles in life. Nonetheless, those issues may always be resolved.

Each experiences life’s hardships differently. Some persons experience physical difficulties, such as illnesses or disabilities, which make it difficult for them to carry out specific jobs. Some people struggle with emotional problems like despair or anxiety. Some people experience mental health problems. Then some individuals struggle spiritually, experiencing things like feeling lost in a world that moves too swiftly for them to keep up with.

It’s important to know what kind of support is available to you if you need it in addition to being aware of the challenges you are now facing in your own life. 

Life challenges can be physical, mental, or emotional and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are short-term and long-term challenges in life. While some obstacles in life may be conquered, others cannot.

Having a challenging relationship with someone else where you feel like your needs aren’t being met or that there is no way to communicate with them because they don’t listen to what you have to say makes it challenging for you to trust yourself or anyone else because you worry they will hurt you the same way the other person did before is one of the most common types of life challenges. Thank you. 

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  12. Brainly

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    Find an answer to your question Hi! Can you pls give me a speech about life challenges, what are your ideas about it?

  21. Life Is Full of Challenges

    Life-is-full-of-Challenges - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

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