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IB Chemistry EE examples

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International Baccalaureate (IB)


IB students around the globe fear writing the Extended Essay, but it doesn't have to be a source of stress! In this article, I'll get you excited about writing your Extended Essay and provide you with the resources you need to get an A on it.

If you're reading this article, I'm going to assume you're an IB student getting ready to write your Extended Essay. If you're looking at this as a potential future IB student, I recommend reading our introductory IB articles first, including our guide to what the IB program is and our full coverage of the IB curriculum .

IB Extended Essay: Why Should You Trust My Advice?

I myself am a recipient of an IB Diploma, and I happened to receive an A on my IB Extended Essay. Don't believe me? The proof is in the IBO pudding:


If you're confused by what this report means, EE is short for Extended Essay , and English A1 is the subject that my Extended Essay topic coordinated with. In layman's terms, my IB Diploma was graded in May 2010, I wrote my Extended Essay in the English A1 category, and I received an A grade on it.

What Is the Extended Essay in the IB Diploma Programme?

The IB Extended Essay, or EE , is a mini-thesis you write under the supervision of an IB advisor (an IB teacher at your school), which counts toward your IB Diploma (learn more about the major IB Diploma requirements in our guide) . I will explain exactly how the EE affects your Diploma later in this article.

For the Extended Essay, you will choose a research question as a topic, conduct the research independently, then write an essay on your findings . The essay itself is a long one—although there's a cap of 4,000 words, most successful essays get very close to this limit.

Keep in mind that the IB requires this essay to be a "formal piece of academic writing," meaning you'll have to do outside research and cite additional sources.

The IB Extended Essay must include the following:

  • A title page
  • Contents page
  • Introduction
  • Body of the essay
  • References and bibliography

Additionally, your research topic must fall into one of the six approved DP categories , or IB subject groups, which are as follows:

  • Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature
  • Group 2: Language Acquisition
  • Group 3: Individuals and Societies
  • Group 4: Sciences
  • Group 5: Mathematics
  • Group 6: The Arts

Once you figure out your category and have identified a potential research topic, it's time to pick your advisor, who is normally an IB teacher at your school (though you can also find one online ). This person will help direct your research, and they'll conduct the reflection sessions you'll have to do as part of your Extended Essay.

As of 2018, the IB requires a "reflection process" as part of your EE supervision process. To fulfill this requirement, you have to meet at least three times with your supervisor in what the IB calls "reflection sessions." These meetings are not only mandatory but are also part of the formal assessment of the EE and your research methods.

According to the IB, the purpose of these meetings is to "provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their engagement with the research process." Basically, these meetings give your supervisor the opportunity to offer feedback, push you to think differently, and encourage you to evaluate your research process.

The final reflection session is called the viva voce, and it's a short 10- to 15-minute interview between you and your advisor. This happens at the very end of the EE process, and it's designed to help your advisor write their report, which factors into your EE grade.

Here are the topics covered in your viva voce :

  • A check on plagiarism and malpractice
  • Your reflection on your project's successes and difficulties
  • Your reflection on what you've learned during the EE process

Your completed Extended Essay, along with your supervisor's report, will then be sent to the IB to be graded. We'll cover the assessment criteria in just a moment.


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What Should You Write About in Your IB Extended Essay?

You can technically write about anything, so long as it falls within one of the approved categories listed above.

It's best to choose a topic that matches one of the IB courses , (such as Theatre, Film, Spanish, French, Math, Biology, etc.), which shouldn't be difficult because there are so many class subjects.

Here is a range of sample topics with the attached extended essay:

  • Biology: The Effect of Age and Gender on the Photoreceptor Cells in the Human Retina
  • Chemistry: How Does Reflux Time Affect the Yield and Purity of Ethyl Aminobenzoate (Benzocaine), and How Effective is Recrystallisation as a Purification Technique for This Compound?
  • English: An Exploration of Jane Austen's Use of the Outdoors in Emma
  • Geography: The Effect of Location on the Educational Attainment of Indigenous Secondary Students in Queensland, Australia
  • Math: Alhazen's Billiard Problem
  • Visual Arts: Can Luc Tuymans Be Classified as a Political Painter?

You can see from how varied the topics are that you have a lot of freedom when it comes to picking a topic . So how do you pick when the options are limitless?


How to Write a Stellar IB Extended Essay: 6 Essential Tips

Below are six key tips to keep in mind as you work on your Extended Essay for the IB DP. Follow these and you're sure to get an A!

#1: Write About Something You Enjoy

You can't expect to write a compelling essay if you're not a fan of the topic on which you're writing. For example, I just love British theatre and ended up writing my Extended Essay on a revolution in post-WWII British theatre. (Yes, I'm definitely a #TheatreNerd.)

I really encourage anyone who pursues an IB Diploma to take the Extended Essay seriously. I was fortunate enough to receive a full-tuition merit scholarship to USC's School of Dramatic Arts program. In my interview for the scholarship, I spoke passionately about my Extended Essay; thus, I genuinely think my Extended Essay helped me get my scholarship.

But how do you find a topic you're passionate about? Start by thinking about which classes you enjoy the most and why . Do you like math classes because you like to solve problems? Or do you enjoy English because you like to analyze literary texts?

Keep in mind that there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing your Extended Essay topic. You're not more likely to get high marks because you're writing about science, just like you're not doomed to failure because you've chosen to tackle the social sciences. The quality of what you produce—not the field you choose to research within—will determine your grade.

Once you've figured out your category, you should brainstorm more specific topics by putting pen to paper . What was your favorite chapter you learned in that class? Was it astrophysics or mechanics? What did you like about that specific chapter? Is there something you want to learn more about? I recommend spending a few hours on this type of brainstorming.

One last note: if you're truly stumped on what to research, pick a topic that will help you in your future major or career . That way you can use your Extended Essay as a talking point in your college essays (and it will prepare you for your studies to come too!).

#2: Select a Topic That Is Neither Too Broad nor Too Narrow

There's a fine line between broad and narrow. You need to write about something specific, but not so specific that you can't write 4,000 words on it.

You can't write about WWII because that would be a book's worth of material. You also don't want to write about what type of soup prisoners of war received behind enemy lines, because you probably won’t be able to come up with 4,000 words of material about it. However, you could possibly write about how the conditions in German POW camps—and the rations provided—were directly affected by the Nazis' successes and failures on the front, including the use of captured factories and prison labor in Eastern Europe to increase production. WWII military history might be a little overdone, but you get my point.

If you're really stuck trying to pinpoint a not-too-broad-or-too-narrow topic, I suggest trying to brainstorm a topic that uses a comparison. Once you begin looking through the list of sample essays below, you'll notice that many use comparisons to formulate their main arguments.

I also used a comparison in my EE, contrasting Harold Pinter's Party Time with John Osborne's Look Back in Anger in order to show a transition in British theatre. Topics with comparisons of two to three plays, books, and so on tend to be the sweet spot. You can analyze each item and then compare them with one another after doing some in-depth analysis of each individually. The ways these items compare and contrast will end up forming the thesis of your essay!

When choosing a comparative topic, the key is that the comparison should be significant. I compared two plays to illustrate the transition in British theatre, but you could compare the ways different regional dialects affect people's job prospects or how different temperatures may or may not affect the mating patterns of lightning bugs. The point here is that comparisons not only help you limit your topic, but they also help you build your argument.

Comparisons are not the only way to get a grade-A EE, though. If after brainstorming, you pick a non-comparison-based topic and are still unsure whether your topic is too broad or narrow, spend about 30 minutes doing some basic research and see how much material is out there.

If there are more than 1,000 books, articles, or documentaries out there on that exact topic, it may be too broad. But if there are only two books that have any connection to your topic, it may be too narrow. If you're still unsure, ask your advisor—it's what they're there for! Speaking of advisors...


Don't get stuck with a narrow topic!

#3: Choose an Advisor Who Is Familiar With Your Topic

If you're not certain of who you would like to be your advisor, create a list of your top three choices. Next, write down the pros and cons of each possibility (I know this sounds tedious, but it really helps!).

For example, Mr. Green is my favorite teacher and we get along really well, but he teaches English. For my EE, I want to conduct an experiment that compares the efficiency of American electric cars with foreign electric cars.

I had Ms. White a year ago. She teaches physics and enjoyed having me in her class. Unlike Mr. Green, Ms. White could help me design my experiment.

Based on my topic and what I need from my advisor, Ms. White would be a better fit for me than would Mr. Green (even though I like him a lot).

The moral of my story is this: do not just ask your favorite teacher to be your advisor . They might be a hindrance to you if they teach another subject. For example, I would not recommend asking your biology teacher to guide you in writing an English literature-based EE.

There can, of course, be exceptions to this rule. If you have a teacher who's passionate and knowledgeable about your topic (as my English teacher was about my theatre topic), you could ask that instructor. Consider all your options before you do this. There was no theatre teacher at my high school, so I couldn't find a theatre-specific advisor, but I chose the next best thing.

Before you approach a teacher to serve as your advisor, check with your high school to see what requirements they have for this process. Some IB high schools require your IB Extended Essay advisor to sign an Agreement Form , for instance.

Make sure that you ask your IB coordinator whether there is any required paperwork to fill out. If your school needs a specific form signed, bring it with you when you ask your teacher to be your EE advisor.

#4: Pick an Advisor Who Will Push You to Be Your Best

Some teachers might just take on students because they have to and aren't very passionate about reading drafts, only giving you minimal feedback. Choose a teacher who will take the time to read several drafts of your essay and give you extensive notes. I would not have gotten my A without being pushed to make my Extended Essay draft better.

Ask a teacher that you have experience with through class or an extracurricular activity. Do not ask a teacher that you have absolutely no connection to. If a teacher already knows you, that means they already know your strengths and weaknesses, so they know what to look for, where you need to improve, and how to encourage your best work.

Also, don't forget that your supervisor's assessment is part of your overall EE score . If you're meeting with someone who pushes you to do better—and you actually take their advice—they'll have more impressive things to say about you than a supervisor who doesn't know you well and isn't heavily involved in your research process.

Be aware that the IB only allows advisors to make suggestions and give constructive criticism. Your teacher cannot actually help you write your EE. The IB recommends that the supervisor spends approximately two to three hours in total with the candidate discussing the EE.

#5: Make Sure Your Essay Has a Clear Structure and Flow

The IB likes structure. Your EE needs a clear introduction (which should be one to two double-spaced pages), research question/focus (i.e., what you're investigating), a body, and a conclusion (about one double-spaced page). An essay with unclear organization will be graded poorly.

The body of your EE should make up the bulk of the essay. It should be about eight to 18 pages long (again, depending on your topic). Your body can be split into multiple parts. For example, if you were doing a comparison, you might have one third of your body as Novel A Analysis, another third as Novel B Analysis, and the final third as your comparison of Novels A and B.

If you're conducting an experiment or analyzing data, such as in this EE , your EE body should have a clear structure that aligns with the scientific method ; you should state the research question, discuss your method, present the data, analyze the data, explain any uncertainties, and draw a conclusion and/or evaluate the success of the experiment.

#6: Start Writing Sooner Rather Than Later!

You will not be able to crank out a 4,000-word essay in just a week and get an A on it. You'll be reading many, many articles (and, depending on your topic, possibly books and plays as well!). As such, it's imperative that you start your research as soon as possible.

Each school has a slightly different deadline for the Extended Essay. Some schools want them as soon as November of your senior year; others will take them as late as February. Your school will tell you what your deadline is. If they haven't mentioned it by February of your junior year, ask your IB coordinator about it.

Some high schools will provide you with a timeline of when you need to come up with a topic, when you need to meet with your advisor, and when certain drafts are due. Not all schools do this. Ask your IB coordinator if you are unsure whether you are on a specific timeline.

Below is my recommended EE timeline. While it's earlier than most schools, it'll save you a ton of heartache (trust me, I remember how hard this process was!):

  • January/February of Junior Year: Come up with your final research topic (or at least your top three options).
  • February of Junior Year: Approach a teacher about being your EE advisor. If they decline, keep asking others until you find one. See my notes above on how to pick an EE advisor.
  • April/May of Junior Year: Submit an outline of your EE and a bibliography of potential research sources (I recommend at least seven to 10) to your EE advisor. Meet with your EE advisor to discuss your outline.
  • Summer Between Junior and Senior Year: Complete your first full draft over the summer between your junior and senior year. I know, I know—no one wants to work during the summer, but trust me—this will save you so much stress come fall when you are busy with college applications and other internal assessments for your IB classes. You will want to have this first full draft done because you will want to complete a couple of draft cycles as you likely won't be able to get everything you want to say into 4,000 articulate words on the first attempt. Try to get this first draft into the best possible shape so you don't have to work on too many revisions during the school year on top of your homework, college applications, and extracurriculars.
  • August/September of Senior Year: Turn in your first draft of your EE to your advisor and receive feedback. Work on incorporating their feedback into your essay. If they have a lot of suggestions for improvement, ask if they will read one more draft before the final draft.
  • September/October of Senior Year: Submit the second draft of your EE to your advisor (if necessary) and look at their feedback. Work on creating the best possible final draft.
  • November-February of Senior Year: Schedule your viva voce. Submit two copies of your final draft to your school to be sent off to the IB. You likely will not get your grade until after you graduate.

Remember that in the middle of these milestones, you'll need to schedule two other reflection sessions with your advisor . (Your teachers will actually take notes on these sessions on a form like this one , which then gets submitted to the IB.)

I recommend doing them when you get feedback on your drafts, but these meetings will ultimately be up to your supervisor. Just don't forget to do them!


The early bird DOES get the worm!

How Is the IB Extended Essay Graded?

Extended Essays are graded by examiners appointed by the IB on a scale of 0 to 34 . You'll be graded on five criteria, each with its own set of points. You can learn more about how EE scoring works by reading the IB guide to extended essays .

  • Criterion A: Focus and Method (6 points maximum)
  • Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 points maximum)
  • Criterion C: Critical Thinking (12 points maximum)
  • Criterion D: Presentation (4 points maximum)
  • Criterion E: Engagement (6 points maximum)

How well you do on each of these criteria will determine the final letter grade you get for your EE. You must earn at least a D to be eligible to receive your IB Diploma.

Although each criterion has a point value, the IB explicitly states that graders are not converting point totals into grades; instead, they're using qualitative grade descriptors to determine the final grade of your Extended Essay . Grade descriptors are on pages 102-103 of this document .

Here's a rough estimate of how these different point values translate to letter grades based on previous scoring methods for the EE. This is just an estimate —you should read and understand the grade descriptors so you know exactly what the scorers are looking for.

Here is the breakdown of EE scores (from the May 2021 bulletin):

How Does the Extended Essay Grade Affect Your IB Diploma?

The Extended Essay grade is combined with your TOK (Theory of Knowledge) grade to determine how many points you get toward your IB Diploma.

To learn about Theory of Knowledge or how many points you need to receive an IB Diploma, read our complete guide to the IB program and our guide to the IB Diploma requirements .

This diagram shows how the two scores are combined to determine how many points you receive for your IB diploma (3 being the most, 0 being the least). In order to get your IB Diploma, you have to earn 24 points across both categories (the TOK and EE). The highest score anyone can earn is 45 points.


Let's say you get an A on your EE and a B on TOK. You will get 3 points toward your Diploma. As of 2014, a student who scores an E on either the extended essay or TOK essay will not be eligible to receive an IB Diploma .

Prior to the class of 2010, a Diploma candidate could receive a failing grade in either the Extended Essay or Theory of Knowledge and still be awarded a Diploma, but this is no longer true.

Figuring out how you're assessed can be a little tricky. Luckily, the IB breaks everything down here in this document . (The assessment information begins on page 219.)

40+ Sample Extended Essays for the IB Diploma Programme

In case you want a little more guidance on how to get an A on your EE, here are over 40 excellent (grade A) sample extended essays for your reading pleasure. Essays are grouped by IB subject.

  • Business Management 1
  • Chemistry 1
  • Chemistry 2
  • Chemistry 3
  • Chemistry 4
  • Chemistry 5
  • Chemistry 6
  • Chemistry 7
  • Computer Science 1
  • Economics 1
  • Design Technology 1
  • Design Technology 2
  • Environmental Systems and Societies 1
  • Geography 1
  • Geography 2
  • Geography 3
  • Geography 4
  • Geography 5
  • Geography 6
  • Literature and Performance 1
  • Mathematics 1
  • Mathematics 2
  • Mathematics 3
  • Mathematics 4
  • Mathematics 5
  • Philosophy 1
  • Philosophy 2
  • Philosophy 3
  • Philosophy 4
  • Philosophy 5
  • Psychology 1
  • Psychology 2
  • Psychology 3
  • Psychology 4
  • Psychology 5
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology 1
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology 2
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology 3
  • Sports, Exercise and Health Science 1
  • Sports, Exercise and Health Science 2
  • Visual Arts 1
  • Visual Arts 2
  • Visual Arts 3
  • Visual Arts 4
  • Visual Arts 5
  • World Religion 1
  • World Religion 2
  • World Religion 3


What's Next?

Trying to figure out what extracurriculars you should do? Learn more about participating in the Science Olympiad , starting a club , doing volunteer work , and joining Student Government .

Studying for the SAT? Check out our expert study guide to the SAT . Taking the SAT in a month or so? Learn how to cram effectively for this important test .

Not sure where you want to go to college? Read our guide to finding your target school . Also, determine your target SAT score or target ACT score .

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

As an SAT/ACT tutor, Dora has guided many students to test prep success. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and photography.

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2016-2017 IB Extended Essay: Sample IB EE's

  • Workshop 1: Getting started
  • Workshop 2: EE Options
  • Workshop 3: Selecting a topic
  • Workshop 4:Research Questions
  • Workshop 5: Supervisors and Reflections
  • Finding Books & Ebooks
  • Primary Sources
  • Citation Guide
  • Subject guidance
  • Sample IB EE's
  • Biology (2018 new rubric)
  • Biology Light Intensity
  • Does Age Have an Effect on Short-term Memory of 6 to 18 Year Old Students?


  • Chemistry 1
  • What are the Alternative Fuels for the Depleting Fossil Fuels and which is the Best Fuel in Accordance with the Energy Output?
  • A Copper Ions
  • Chemistry 3

Design Technology

  • Does Hull Trim and Balance Affect the Speed of a Boat?

Individuals & Society:

  • Market Form of the Retail Petroleum Supply Industry in Parklands
  • Economics 1
  • Economics 2
  • Economics 3

I have an exemplar but the file is too big to upload.  If you are interested in this topic I can share the essay with you.

  • Geography 2
  • History EE (2018 new rubric)
  • To What Extent was the Establishment of the State of Israel in Palestine in 1948, Influenced by Theodor Herzl?

Information Technology in a Global Society

  • Philosophy 1
  • Philosophy 2
  • Philosophy 3
  • Philosophy 4
  • Psychology EE (2018 new rubric)
  • Applied Behavior Analysis and Early Intervention: The Extent of Recovery from Autism
  • Psychology 1
  • Psychology 2
  • Psychology 3

Social & Cultural Anthropology

  • Social & Cultural Anthropology 1
  • Social & Cultural Anthropology 2

World Religions

  • To What Extent do the Core Scriptural Teachings of Sikhism Permit them to Marry Outside of the Religion?
  • World Religions 1
  • World Religions 2

Language Acquisition:

  • French: Les Liaisons Dangereuses

Literature & Language 

  •   Journeys in the Inferno and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz   
  •   Toni Morrison 


  •   Cryptography and Rubik's Cube: An Investigative Analysis   
  •   Pascal's Triangle 

Visual Arts: 

  •   How Does the work of Yinka Shonibare Illustrate the Changing Role of African Art in a Global Society? 
  • Ballet's Accessibility and Costumes Affecting Society's View of the Art Form
  • Visual Arts 1
  • Visual Arts 4

Interdisciplinary Essays:

Environmental Systems & Societies

  • ESS Extended Essay (2018 new rubric)

World Studies

  • World Studies EE History, Economics, & Politics  (2018 new rubric)
  • Does the Production of Dairy and Meat from Dairy Cows in the United States affect the Environment and Well Being of Animals and Humans?
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  • Last Updated: May 2, 2024 12:55 PM
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Chemistry Extended Essay Topics: 30+ Ideas to Get You Started

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by  Antony W

September 2, 2022

chemistry extended essay topics

Have you searched for the best IB Chemistry Extended Essay topics but you haven’t found any that’s useful for further investigation?

Or maybe you don’t know how to choose a topic for the subject and you need guidance?

Continue reading this guide to learn more.

What is an Extended Essay in Chemistry?

An extended essay in chemistry gives you the chance to study a specific area of our environment's components.

Within a more broad set of research standards, the essay should highlight a particular chemical aspect.

The result of the study should be a logical and organized piece of writing that effectively tackles a certain subject or research question and reaches a specific, and ideally personal, conclusion.

Chemistry Extended Essay Writing Help

Are you struggling with topic selection for your Chemistry EE? Or maybe you have no idea how to start your preliminary research to develop your research issue?

You can contact Help for Assessment right now for professional help.

If you’re asking yourself  who can write my Extended Essay for me ,  you can be sure that our platform has the writing team that you’re looking for. We can help you with IB Chemistry EE topic selection, conduct preliminary research, develop a relevant research issue, and get the writing done.

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve run out of time or your grasp of Chemistry is weak.

We connect you with professional writers with experience in the subject, so you never have to worry about quality and relevance of the work you get from us. 

Take advantage of this writing service, and let us help you score top grades in your Chemistry EE.

How to Choose Chemistry Extended Essay Topics

Below are some points that will help you to choose the best Chemistry extended essay topics:

1. Pick a Topic Focused on Chemistry

It is essential that the emphasis of the extended essay be on chemistry, and not on another subject.

Chemistry is the study of the composition, classification, and change of substances.

Therefore, a long essay in chemistry should include chemical principles and theory and underline the core character of chemistry, which is the study of matter and its transformations.

2. Pick a Topic for Which You Can Provide a Chemistry-based Approach

Although the same evaluation criteria apply to all extended essays, the topic chosen for a chemistry extended essay must provide a different chemistry-based approach.

Whereas you can handle a topic from several perspectives, you have to treat everything from a chemical standpoint.

For instance, if registered as a chemistry extended essay, a biochemistry extended essay will be evaluated based on its chemical content, not its biological content.

3. Pay Attention to the Assessment Criteria

The topic's breadth and accompanying research should allow for the consideration of all criteria.

An excellent subject is one in which the single research question is focused and may be adequately addressed within the word limit.

Perhaps the most crucial component is your ability to provide an in-depth analysis of the issue.

Broad or complex survey topics (such as investigations into health problems caused by water pollution, chemotherapy for cancer treatment, or the use of spectroscopy for chemical analysis) will not allow you to discuss opposing ideas and theories or produce an in-depth personal analysis within the word limit.

4. Avoid Topics that Raise Safety Concerns

Some topics may not be acceptable for examination due to safety concerns.

You should not experiment using poisonous or hazardous chemicals, carcinogenic compounds, or radioactive materials, for instance, unless suitable safety equipment and competent supervision are available.

5. Avoid Topics Whose Outcomes are Already Documented in Textbooks

Other topics may not be appropriate since the outcome is well documented in standard textbooks and the student may not be able to demonstrate personal involvement.

Example: a study of the interactions of alkali metals with water, which is previously covered in the curriculum.

However, you must use caution when determining if a topic is appropriate; for instance, the study of the allotropes of carbon may have been considered trivial in the past, but this is no longer the case.

Related Reading

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IB Chemistry Extended Essay Topic Ideas

The following are some Chemistry Extended Essay topic ideas that you can start exploring right away – or just use for inspiration.

  • How does the flower come into being?
  • Why do plants grow while submerged in water?
  • The influence that shifts in climate have on the reproductive processes of plants
  • Sugar and cocaine are both very addictive.
  • Why do some individuals consume more food but still manage to seem thin?
  • What causes the pollen tube to develop, and how does pollination take place in isolated areas?
  • The several kinds of eucalyptus trees
  • The impact that rising temperatures are having on plant life.
  • What is the one item that is absolutely necessary for the development of plants?
  • The process of photosynthesis that takes place in the absence of sunlight
  • The connection between the brain and the rest of the body The health and safety regulations regarding the preservation of cow milk for commercial purposes
  • What distinguishes plants that grow in water from those that grow on land?
  • The effectiveness of pollination by different species
  • The possibility that medications used to treat pain and other similar substances might be harmful to the human brain.
  • How can plants be used as a kind of treatment?
  • Is it feasible for plants growing in the same environment to act in a variety of ways?
  • What kind of an impact does a shift in habitat have on the touch-me-not plant?
  • The phases of development that occur in a fetus
  • Ultrasound's influence on the ratio of elimination to substitution yields in the reaction of halogenoalkanes with sodium hydroxide.
  • How does the equilibrium change when you replace hydrogen in ethanoic acid with groups that pull electrons and release them?
  • Diaper gel (sodium polyacrylate) absorbs liquids, but how much sodium chloride (as well as the solution's pH) depends on how much water is present.
  • A Green Chemistry approach is used to studying the synthesis of vanillyl alcohol from vanillin and sodium borohydride.
  • Raw milk's accessible calcium is studied in relation to the temperature at which it was heated, and lab-treated milk is compared to commercially-processed milk.
  • Thanaka powder and traditional sunscreens are compared for their thermal stability and photostability.
  • Analysis of catalase denaturation during the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide
  • Visible light absorption by 1,x-dihydroxyanthraquinone as a function of the location of the second hydroxyl group.
  • Temperature's impact on the fading kinetics of a photochromic dye was studied using spectrophotometry.

Final Thoughts

There are many IB Chemistry Extended Essay topics, but these ones should be good for a start, especially if you’re already struggling to find topics in the first place.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

Chemistry Extended Essay Topic Ideas and RQs for IB Students


Table of contents

  • Writing Metier

Greetings, future innovators and explorers of the chemical world! As a co-founder of Writing Metier , a platform dedicated to fostering the academic growth of IB students, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to THE LIST of good and the most important – working IB Chemistry extended essay topics. 

The adventure through chemistry is a quest for knowledge, spanning the micro to the macro, from the intricacies of molecular bonds to the grandeur of environmental chemistry. 

Our mission is to light the path for your exploration, offering a rich array of topics that serve as academic pursuits and as gateways to real-world impact. 

Thanks to the help of our IB writers , no I am able to break the list into various categories to cover as many ideas as possible.

Here’s a comprehensive guide that spans various aspects of chemistry, designed to spark curiosity and encourage in-depth exploration.

Organic Chemistry

  • Synthesis of Biofuels : Investigating methods for producing biofuels from organic waste materials.
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry : Exploring the synthesis and analysis of pharmaceutical compounds.
  • Green Chemistry : Developing sustainable and environmentally friendly synthesis methods.

Inorganic Chemistry

  • Coordination Compounds : Examining the properties and applications of coordination compounds in medicine and industry.
  • Catalysis : Investigating the role of catalysts in speeding up chemical reactions, with a focus on industrial applications.
  • Metal Extraction : Analyzing methods for extracting metals from ores using different chemical processes.

Physical Chemistry

  • Thermodynamics : Exploring the energy changes that occur during chemical reactions.
  • Kinetics : Investigating the factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions.
  • Spectroscopy : Using spectroscopy techniques to identify chemical compounds.

Environmental Chemistry

  • Atmospheric Chemistry : Studying the chemical composition of the atmosphere and its impact on climate change.
  • Water Quality Analysis : Analyzing pollutants in water sources and their effects on the environment.
  • Soil Chemistry : Investigating soil contamination and remediation techniques.

Analytical Chemistry

  • Food Chemistry : Examining the chemical processes involved in food production and preservation.
  • Forensic Chemistry : Using chemical analysis to solve forensic cases.
  • Pharmaceutical Analysis : Determining the composition and purity of pharmaceutical products.

Theoretical Chemistry

  • Quantum Chemistry : Exploring the application of quantum mechanics to chemical problems.
  • Computational Chemistry : Using computer simulations to solve chemical problems and predict the properties of molecules.
  • Molecular Modeling : Designing and modeling new molecules for specific applications.

Materials Chemistry

  • Nanotechnology : Investigating the synthesis and application of nanomaterials.
  • Polymer Chemistry : Studying the synthesis and properties of polymers.
  • Battery Technology : Exploring the chemistry behind battery materials and energy storage solutions.

Whether you’re passionate about creating sustainable solutions or unraveling the complexities of chemical reactions, this guide is designed to spark your imagination and set the stage for a journey of significant discovery.

Before I proceed to the list, I’ll also suggest that everyone who is interested in Chemistry check our article with the awesome IB IA Chemistry topics list. Moreover,you can always get assistance with writing your IB Chemistry extended essay from our experts at Writing Metier.

Each topic you’ll encounter is a step toward not only mastering the principles of chemistry but also applying them in ways that challenge, innovate, and inspire.

Are you ready for the list?

IB Chemistry EE Topic Ideas List

Chemistry Extended Essay Topic Ideas

Below is a list of Chemistry Extended essay topics and research questions for each subcategory I’ve mentioned above, designed to align with IB Extended Essay criteria and, most importantly, spark interest in ambitious students who selected IB Diploma Program.

We’re stepping into an arena where the building blocks of life become the playground for our curiosity. 

Here, we explore how everything from the fuels that power our world to the medicines that keep us healthy are crafted. It’s a space where creativity meets science, transforming simple carbon chains into complex life-improving compounds.

Synthesis of Biofuels

  • Research Question: How do varying feedstocks affect the efficiency and sustainability of biofuel production?
  • Research Question: Which method offers a more sustainable and efficient pathway for biodiesel production: enzymatic or chemical?

Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  • Research Question: How does the synthesis process affect the purity and effectiveness of aspirin?
  • Research Question: Can specific chemical compounds enhance the effectiveness of existing antibiotics against resistant bacteria?

Green Chemistry

  • Research Question: How do catalysts improve the efficiency and environmental impact of biodegradable plastics synthesis?
  • Research Question: How can the principles of green chemistry be applied to reduce waste in industrial chemical syntheses?

Moving on from the carbon-centric universe of Organic Chemistry, we find ourselves in the diverse and often colorful world of Inorganic Chemistry. 

This is where metals, minerals, and other non-carbon elements take center stage, revealing a spectrum of compounds that influence everything from technology to medicine.

In Inorganic Chemistry, we venture beyond the realm of carbon to explore the vast array of elements that make up our world. From the coordination compounds that color our fireworks to the metals at the heart of our electronic devices, this field is about the endless possibilities that arise when we combine different elements from the periodic table.

Coordination Compounds

  • Research Question: How does changing ligands in coordination compounds affect their color and absorption spectra?
  • Research Question: How do specific coordination compounds enhance the efficiency of photocatalytic reactions?
  • Research Question: How do heterogeneous catalysts compare in efficiency and selectivity in the production of biofuels?
  • Research Question: Can nano-catalysts significantly improve the decomposition rates of common industrial pollutants?

Metal Extraction

  • Research Question: How do different hydrometallurgical techniques affect the efficiency and purity of copper extraction?
  • Research Question: Is bioleaching a more environmentally friendly method for gold extraction compared to traditional methods?

As we leave the tangible world of compounds and crystals, we approach the more abstract but equally thrilling domain of Physical Chemistry. 

Here, we zoom in even further, examining the very essence of chemical reactions and the energy that powers them.

Welcome to Physical Chemistry, where the micro meets the macro in the most fascinating ways. This is where we get to decode the secrets behind the energy changes in reactions , the speed at which they occur, and the advanced techniques we use to peek into the molecular realm. 

It’s like being a detective, but for molecules, uncovering clues about how and why reactions happen.


  • Research Question: How do temperature changes affect the efficiency and voltage output of electrochemical cells?
  • Research Question: How do energy changes in endothermic and exothermic reactions compare in terms of reaction spontaneity?
  • Research Question: How does the introduction of different catalysts affect the decomposition rate of hydrogen peroxide?
  • Research Question: How does varying the temperature influence the rate of esterification reactions?


  • Research Question: How effective is UV-Vis spectroscopy in measuring the concentration of specific pollutants in water samples?
  • Research Question: How can infrared spectroscopy be used to identify and distinguish between different organic compounds?

From the microscopic interactions in Physical Chemistry, we broaden our view to the impact of chemicals on our planet in Environmental Chemistry. It’s about understanding how chemical reactions don’t just happen in labs but are ongoing in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil that feeds us.

Environmental Chemistry takes us into the heart of our natural world, examining how chemicals play a role in everything from the air quality in our cities to the health of our oceans. 

This is our chance to see how chemistry directly impacts our environment and what we can do to protect it. It’s a call to action, using our chemical knowledge for the greater good.

Atmospheric Chemistry

  • Research Question: What role do nitrogen oxides play in the formation of urban smog, and how can their impact be mitigated?
  • Research Question: How does the chemical composition of rainwater in industrial areas reflect the presence of atmospheric pollutants?

Water Quality Analysis

  • Research Question: How do agricultural runoff and the presence of nitrates and phosphates affect the quality of water in local waterways?
  • Research Question: What are the sources and potential health impacts of heavy metal contamination in urban drinking water supplies?

Soil Chemistry

  • Research Question: How does acid rain alter soil pH levels and affect the availability of essential nutrients for plant growth?
  • Research Question: What are the most effective chemical remediation techniques for restoring oil-contaminated soils?

After considering the broad environmental impacts, let’s zoom back in on the specifics with Analytical Chemistry. Here, we focus on the tools and techniques that allow us to measure, analyze, and understand the chemical makeup of our world.

In Analytical Chemistry, it’s all about the details. Whether we’re testing food for safety, analyzing forensic evidence, or ensuring the quality of pharmaceuticals, this field equips us with the precision to quantify the chemical components of various substances. 

It combines chemistry and detective work, where accuracy can solve mysteries and save lives.

Food Chemistry

  • Research Question: How can chromatographic techniques be used to detect and quantify adulterants in olive oil?
  • Research Question: How do different cooking methods affect the retention of vitamin C in commonly consumed vegetables?

Forensic Chemistry

  • Research Question: How can chemical analysis of bodily fluids contribute to determining the time of death in forensic investigations?
  • Research Question: How can the composition and distribution of gunshot residue be used to reconstruct crime scenes?

Pharmaceutical Analysis

  • Research Question: How do different storage conditions affect the stability and efficacy of vitamin supplements?
  • Research Question: What methods can be used to evaluate the purity and dosage accuracy of over-the-counter painkillers?

Leaving the hands-on world of analysis, we venture into the theoretical landscapes of Theoretical Chemistry. This is where imagination and mathematics converge , allowing us to predict and model the behaviors of atoms and molecules in ways we can’t always see.

Theoretical Chemistry invites us into a world of possibilities, where we use computers and equations to unlock the mysteries of chemical behavior. 

Here, we’re not just observing what happens; we’re predicting what could happen, exploring everything from the quantum level to complex molecular structures. It’s about pushing the boundaries of what we know and venturing into new territories of understanding.

Quantum Chemistry

  • Research Question: How does quantum chemistry contribute to predicting the interaction between drugs and their target molecules?
  • Research Question: How can quantum mechanics principles be applied to explain the bonding and structure of complex molecules?

Computational Chemistry

  • Research Question: How can computational chemistry techniques be used to predict protein folding and its implications for diseases?
  • Research Question: How accurate are computational methods in estimating the energies of chemical reactions compared to experimental data?

Molecular Modeling

  • Research Question: How can molecular modeling be used to design efficient catalysts for use in green chemistry applications?
  • Research Question: How does molecular modeling aid in the development of new materials for renewable energy sources, such as solar cells?

From the abstract models of Theoretical Chemistry, we transition to the tangible innovations of Materials Chemistry. This field is where theory meets application, leading to the development of new materials that shape the future of technology and society.

Materials Chemistry is where innovation takes form. From the nanomaterials that could revolutionize medical treatments to the polymers that reduce our environmental footprint, this field is about creating the future. 

It’s an exciting intersection of chemistry, engineering, and imagination, driving us towards solutions for some of the world’s biggest challenges.


  • Research Question: How can nanoparticles be engineered to improve the efficiency and targeting of drug delivery systems?
  • Research Question: How do nanomaterials contribute to enhancing the efficiency of solar panels?

Polymer Chemistry

  • Research Question: How do biodegradable polymers decompose, and what is their environmental impact compared to conventional plastics?
  • Research Question: How can conductive polymers be used in the development of flexible electronic devices?

Battery Technology

  • Research Question: What are the key chemical reactions that occur in lithium-ion batteries, and how do they affect battery life and efficiency?
  • Research Question: What are the most promising chemical alternatives to lithium-ion batteries for sustainable energy storage solutions?

These topics and research questions aim to inspire IB Chemistry students to explore the frontiers of chemical science, fostering a deep understanding and appreciation for the subject’s potential to address real-world challenges.

I hope these ideas will help in understanding the fundamental processes that shape our world and how we can harness them to improve our lives and protect our planet.

Select IB Chemistry EE Topic Wisely, My Friend

As I wrap up this guide with an amazing and detailed list of IB Chemistry Extended essay topics, I hope you feel inspired and ready to take on the challenge. 

The journey ahead is one of inquiry and perseverance, where your questions and experiments can lead to insights that resonate far beyond the classroom. At Writing Metier, our commitment to your success is unwavering. 

We’re here to assist you with all the complexities of your research and writing process, ensuring that your Extended Essay stands as a testament to your dedication and intellectual curiosity. 

As you select your topic, remember that your work has the potential to illuminate unknown aspects of chemistry and make a meaningful contribution to the scientific community. 

extended essay chemistry examples ib

With Writing Metier’s chemistry essay writers by your side, your exploration into chemistry is not just an academic requirement; it’s an opportunity to leave your mark on the field. Together, let’s turn curiosity into discovery, transforming the theoretical into the tangible.

Free topic suggestions

Vasy kafidoff.

Vasyl Kafidoff is a co-founder and CEO at WritingMetier. He is interested in education and how modern technology makes it more accessible. He wants to bring awareness about new learning possibilities as an educational specialist. When Vasy is not working, he’s found behind a drum kit.

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IB Chemistry/Extended Essay

  • 1.1 Non-coalescing drops
  • 1.2 Thiosulphate/acid reaction (‘disappearing cross’)
  • 1.3 How can we assess the amount of oil contamination on beaches?
  • 1.4 Synthesis and isolation of propanoic acid from propan-1-ol.
  • 1.5 Making biodiesel from waste vegetable oil.
  • 1.6 Analysing the gases remaining after burning a candle in a gas jar.
  • 1.7 Extraction of caffeine from tea.
  • 1.8 Other suggestions
  • 1.9 References

Suggestions [ edit | edit source ]

Here is a list of suggestions for Science Investigations. Please add/amend/extend the list as you see fit. This is essentially a brainstorm ...

Non-coalescing drops [ edit | edit source ]

Some industries will mix liquids by cascading one liquid into another, assuming mixing will be complete. These drops may prevent complete mixing and need to be investigated.

Recent research has shed light on this phenomenon: The fast-moving shiny drops that skid across the surface of soapy water. Detergents play a crucial role – but how does the concentration of detergent affect the drops? What about ‘non-ionic’ detergents? What about a surface of anionic detergents and drops of cationic ones?

Challenges: Making drop-producing apparatus, Researching the chemistry of detergents, Assessing the numbers of drops

Thiosulphate/acid reaction (‘disappearing cross’) [ edit | edit source ]

Chemical engineers wishing to check if turbidity is a useful surrogate measurement for whether a reaction has reached completion.

How does the reaction respond to changes in acid concentration (it is first order for thiosulphate concentration but varies from first to zero order with acid).

How can we assess the amount of oil contamination on beaches? [ edit | edit source ]

Various groups will want to assess oil contamination, and a simple quick method would be appreciated.

The method used solvent extraction. Sand samples were laced with oil and the efficiency of recovery was measured. The sensitivity of the method was also estimated.

Synthesis and isolation of propanoic acid from propan-1-ol. [ edit | edit source ]

Chemical suppliers who want to investigate production of this chemical.

Trialling different methods.

Making biodiesel from waste vegetable oil. [ edit | edit source ]

Motoring enthusiasts who want to make their own environmentally-friendly and cheap fuel.

By using methanol and sodium hydroxide it is possible to make diesel fuel from old chip fat.

Analysing the gases remaining after burning a candle in a gas jar. [ edit | edit source ]

Motor vehicle engineers who want to check the composition of exhaust gases.

CO 2 is easy; it is readily absorbed with NaOH.

O 2 is harder; an oxygen probe is very useful but otherwise oxygen could be absorbed by, for example, the slow reaction of steel wool.

CO is challenging; it will be absorbed by CuCl solution but it is in very low concentrations.

Extraction of caffeine from tea. [ edit | edit source ]

Suppliers or independent analysts want to assess the caffeine content of tea products. Chemical suppliers want to provide pure caffeine to clients.

[1] This method usually involves solvent extraction with a chlorinated alkane (e.g. dichloromethane or 1,1,1,-trichloroethane). With care it is possible to recycle the solvent and avoid health and environmental damage.

Other suggestions [ edit | edit source ]

  • Investigation of weak acid strengths/synthesis of new acids
  • Rate expression for tin/iodine reaction [2] – kinetics of a reaction
  • Nobili’s rings [2] – strange colours seen during electrolysis.
  • A transient red colour [2] – the chemistry of iron/sulphate complexes.
  • Liesegang rings [2] – stripey effects in gels.
  • Polarimetry to investigate concentrations of sugars. Suppliers of sugar syrups who want to assess their products.
  • Flame photometry to determine concentrations of aqueous ions. Analysis of mineral water samples to check manufacturers' claims.
  • Is the level of chloramines found in swimming pool water affected by temperature? [1] Swimming pool operators concerned about eye irritation amongst their customers.
  • Effectiveness of two major washing powders on five common household stains. [1] Consumer testing organisation who wants to test commercial claims.
  • Factors affecting the decomposition of biodegradable plastics. [1] Environmental agencies testing claims of environmental-friendliness from plastics manufacturers.
  • Studies of infrared spectroscopy: nature and applications. [1] Applications include breath-testing for alcohol and testing vehicle exhaust emissions.
  • NaCl and potential alternatives to NaCl as a roadway de-icer. [1] Highways agency investigating de-icers which cause less environmental damage - but at what cost?
  • Synthesis and analysis of hexane-3,4-diol. [1]
  • Calcium carbonate content of seashells. [1]
  • Characterisation of New Polyethylenes Prepared by Single-Site Catalysis. [1]
  • An Investigation Into The Uses Of Environmentally Friendly Additives/Alternatives To Petrol. [1]
  • Protein Purification. [1]
  • A study into the colour of ketchup. [1]
  • Comparison By Spectral Characterisation Of Myoglobin In Beef, Pork and Turkey. [1]
  • Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Iron in Plant Samples. [1]
  • The effect of disulphide reduction on the structure, and activity of Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase. [1]
  • Investigation into the effect of pH on the mechanism of glycation of phenylalanine as a model of the glycation of the B chain of insulin. [1]
  • Analysis of Vitamin C in Orange Juice through a Chemiluminescent Clock Reaction. [1]
  • Investigating the Effect of Different Halide Ions on the Stern Volmer Constant. [1]
  • Developing and Validating an Assay for Tissue Thiols and the Analysis of the Effects of Aging and Taurine on Tissue Thiols. [1]
  • Relation between the Slow Relaxation Time and Foaming of Selected ICI Surfactants. [1]
  • Purification of ibuprofen from commercial tablets.
  • Building a breathalyser.g
  • Titration of various commercial vinegar samples.
  • Titration of vitamin C content of commercial fruit juices.
  • Investigation in the synthesis of acetylsalicylic acid ( aspirin ).

References [ edit | edit source ]

  • ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Suggested IB Extended Essay projects
  • ↑ a b c d In search of more solutions - Royal Society of Chemistry resource book

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  • Book:IB Chemistry

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Chemistry EEs need to emphasize the chemical aspects of the subject matter, incorporating chemical principles and theory, and emphasize the study of matter and of the changes it undergoes. (See the IB's  Chemistry: Subject-specific guidance .)

The following is a comparison of Chemistry EE topics to demonstrate the focus and specificity your topic should have.

extended essay chemistry examples ib

(Source: Chemistry: Subject-specific guidance , IB)

Subject Options

a. Experiment-based essay: The focus with experiment-based essays is the primary data produced as a result of the experiment(s) conducted by students. Secondary sources in the form of scientific publications should be used to support a line of argument or indicate where the student has adapted their approach so as to produce different results. A consideration of the quality of the secondary source should also be offered to identify limitations or weaknesses in approach, method and so forth. Note: there are restrictions placed on the use of animals and humans when it comes to experiment-based essays. Check the IB Policy ‘Guidelines for the use of animals in IB World Schools’.

b. Non-experiment-based essay: Non-experiment-based (literature) essays should effectively question the reliability of the secondary source material used, and offer some insight into the strengths and limitations of the methodological approaches taken by the secondary sources.

Source Options

Source: Lekanides, K. (2016).  Extended Essay Course Companion.  Oxford University Press.

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This extended essay delves into the intriguing world of surfactants and critical micelle concentration ( CMC ) values, expanding beyond the IB syllabus. The student explores surface chemistry and its practical applications, offering an in-depth study of this captivating subject.

How Does The Magnitude Of Critical Micellization Concentration(CMC) Of Anionic Detergent, (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate) Depends On Temperature, Determined Using Conductometric Analysis? unlocked

Effect Of Composition Of A Mixture On It’s Freezing Point

This extended essay delves into the fascinating world of colligative properties and eutectic mixtures, inspired by real-life observations in Kashmir. The student investigates the correlation between the freezing point of a naphthalene and 4-nitrophenol mixture and its composition, using temperature-composition diagrams, offering a unique exploration of this chemical phenomenon.

Effect Of Composition Of A Mixture On It’s Freezing Point  unlocked

How does the UCST of the phenol-NaCl system vary with the molar concentration of NaCl, as determined by mutual solubility curves?

This extended essay explores the intriguing world of liquid miscibility, connecting real-life observations in cooking with scientific principles. The student investigates how factors like temperature, mass/volume ratios, and the addition of other substances influence the mixing behavior of liquids, offering a unique perspective on this chemical phenomenon.

How does the UCST of the phenol-NaCl system vary with the molar concentration of NaCl, as determined by mutual solubility curves? unlocked

Effect of the vape ban on the welfare costs of tobacco consumption in Bangalore.

This extended essay examines tobacco as a de-merit good in the context of its harmful effects, particularly the prevalence of nicotine addiction among Indian youth. The study explores the economic aspects of over-provision in the tobacco market and the associated societal costs, emphasizing the broader impact on individuals and communities.

Effect of the vape ban on the welfare costs of tobacco consumption in Bangalore. unlocked

The Impact Of Economic Forces On The Allocative Efficiency Of Passenger Car Market Of Bangalore, Karnataka.

This extended essay delves into the vital role of the Indian automobile sector in the country's economic growth, manufacturing GDP , exports, and employment. The student explores the sector's divisions and its significance in both domestic and international markets, emphasizing its impact on the overall economy.

The Impact Of Economic Forces On The Allocative Efficiency Of Passenger Car Market Of Bangalore, Karnataka.  unlocked

Effect of global pandemic on procurement of cotton by cotton corporation of india (CCI) in maharashtra, india

This extended essay delves into the economic significance of cotton production in Maharashtra, India. The student examines the impact on farmers, the textile industry, and overall rural well-being, emphasizing the need to address issues and policies related to this vital cash crop for the region's economic welfare.

Effect of global pandemic on procurement of cotton by cotton corporation of india (CCI) in maharashtra, india unlocked

Investigating the correlation of antimicrobial effect of Ocimum tenuiflorum (Tulsi) on the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast)

This extended essay explores the medicinal potential of the "Tulsi" herb, commonly found in Indian households. The student investigates its antimicrobial properties and aims to determine how the concentration of the extract affects its effectiveness, shedding light on traditional remedies in comparison to allopathic drugs.

Investigating the correlation of antimicrobial effect of Ocimum tenuiflorum (Tulsi) on the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) unlocked

Effect of nature of substrate on rate of alcoholic fermentation

This extended essay explores the impact of raw materials on industrial alcohol production. It investigates how varying raw materials, fractional distillation, and additives influence the diversity in price, taste, and flavor of alcoholic beverages.

Effect of nature of substrate on rate of alcoholic fermentation unlocked

Effect of density of fluid and shape on terminal velocity of an object falling through it.

This extended essay delves into the fascinating world of fluid dynamics and its real-life applications, focusing on the impact of fluid density on the speed of objects in motion. The student's curiosity sparked by swimming explores the science behind drag force and the factors influencing an object's movement through a fluid column in physics.

Effect of density of fluid and shape on terminal velocity of an object  falling through it. unlocked

To what extent has the acquisition of Essar oil by Rosneft helped them attain profitability?

This extended essay explores Rosneft's strategic objectives in the oil sector, emphasizing reserves replacement, project development, offshore expansion, infrastructure enhancement, and profit optimization.

To what extent has the acquisition of Essar oil by Rosneft helped them attain profitability? unlocked

How does the interference fringe width (distance between two maxima i.e. two bright spots) depend on the diameter of the slits (behaving as source), refractive index of medium present between the source of the light (double slit) and the screen?

This extended essay delves into the captivating world of optics and the phenomenon of light. The student explores the connection between wave optics and the colors of light observed in various situations. The investigation includes the double-slit experiment, shedding light on the intriguing wave-particle duality and its ties to quantum mechanics in the realm of physics.

How does the interference fringe width (distance between two maxima i.e. two bright spots) depend on the diameter of the slits (behaving as source), refractive index of medium present between the source of the light (double slit) and the screen? unlocked

IB Chemistry Web

extended essay chemistry examples ib

  • Syllabus 2016
  • The IB Diploma
  • Experimental
  • Extended essay
  • May 2023 schedule
  • Periodic table
  • MYP Chemistry

Extended essay assessment criteria

This section provides an overview of what each criterion assesses in the extended essay. Further advice on interpreting the assessment criteria is provided within the guidelines for each subject in the subject specific section.

The extended essay is assessed against common assessment criteria for all extended essays. Candidates must understand that the work submitted for assessment must address these criteria effectively. Supervisors of extended essays should ensure that the assessment criteria are made available to candidates and that the candidates understand these criteria.

A: research question - (Objectives 1 and 2)

This criterion assesses the extent to which the purpose of the essay is specified. In many subjects, the aim of the essay will normally be expressed as a question and, therefore, this criterion is called the research question. However, certain disciplines may permit or encourage different ways of formulating the research task.

B: introduction - (Objectives 1 and 5)

This criterion assesses the extent to which the introduction makes clear how the research question relates to existing knowledge on the topic and explains how the topic chosen is significant and worthy of investigation.

C: investigation - (Objectives 1 and 3)

This criterion assesses the extent to which the investigation is planned and an appropriate range of sources has been consulted, or data has been gathered, that is relevant to the research question. Where the research question does not lend itself to a systematic investigation in the subject in which the essay is registered, the maximum level that can be awarded for this criterion is 2.

D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied - (Objectives 3 and 7)

Where the research question does not lend itself to a systematic investigation in the subject in which the essay is registered, the maximum level that can be awarded for this criterion is 2. “Academic context”, as used in this guide, can be defined as the current state of the field of study under investigation. However, this is to be understood in relation to what can reasonably be expected of a pre-university student. For example, to obtain a level 4, it would be sufficient to relate the investigation to the principal lines of inquiry in the relevant field; detailed, comprehensive knowledge is not required.

E: reasoned argument - (Objectives 1 and 4)

This criterion assesses the extent to which the essay uses the material collected to present ideas in a logical and coherent manner, and develops a reasoned argument in relation to the research question. Where the research question does not lend itself to a systematic investigation in the subject in which the essay is registered, the maximum level that can be awarded for this criterion is 2.

F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject - (Objective 7)

G: use of language appropriate to the subject - (Objective 6)

H: conclusion - (Objectives 1, 4 and 5)

This criterion assesses the extent to which the essay incorporates a conclusion that is relevant to the research question and is consistent with the evidence presented in the essay.

I: formal presentation - (Objective 5)

This criterion assesses the extent to which the layout, organization, appearance and formal elements of the essay consistently follow a standard format. The formal elements are: title page, table of contents, page numbers, illustrative material, quotations, documentation (including references, citations and bibliography) and appendices (if used).

J: abstract - (Objective 5)

The requirements for the abstract are for it to state clearly the research question that was investigated, how the investigation was undertaken and the conclusion(s) of the essay.

K: holistic judgment - (Objective 1)

The purpose of this criterion is to assess the qualities that distinguish an essay from the average, such as intellectual initiative, depth of understanding and insight. While these qualities will be clearly present in the best work, less successful essays may also show some evidence of them and should be rewarded under this criterion.


IB Extended Essay: Reflections

  • Research Questions
  • Past Essays
  • Notes & Outlines
  • Works Cited Page
  • In-Text Citations
  • Assessment Criteria
  • Reflections
  • Supervisor Info
  • Net Valley Library This link opens in a new window

extended essay chemistry examples ib

Three Reflections: Prompts & Examples

  • Reflection 1
  • #1: Example
  • Reflection 2
  • #2: Example
  • Reflection 3
  • #3: Example
  • Scored Samples

Write the first reflection  after one of the early sessions with your supervisor. Focus on...

  • Your ideas regarding the topic in general
  • The research question you have in mind
  • Initial background reading or research you may have conducted
  • Possible approaches
  • Initial thoughts about the answer to your research question
  • Roughly 100 words in length

Guiding Questions:

  • What exactly do you want to find out?
  • What resources do you plan to use?
  • What problems do you anticipate?
  • To what extent does your topic fit within the subject EE criteria?
  • What sources have you found and what do you still need to find?
  • Have you collected sufficient data? (if applicable)
  • Why are you interested in research this?
  • Do you have sufficient knowledge in the subject area to fulfill the EE requirements?
  • Are there any ethical issues to consider before beginning this research?

Sample 1st Reflection: History

I was attracted to Anna Comnena's  The Alexiad  as a result of some extra readings which formed part of my IB History course (Crusades). As the first female historian, she stands in a unique place in terms of historiography, something which appealed to me as both a woman and budding historian. I was initially considering writing about her accounts of the First Crusade but quickly found the topic to be far too wide in scope. A reading of Paul Magdalino's article "The Pen of the Aunt" helped refocus me on the issue of historical purpose, i.e., why she wrote the history she did. I have now allocated time to reading historical accounts of Manuel I's reign to decide how closely the events Anna mentions in her history of her father's reign (Alexius) so as to validate my current hypothesis-  that Anna intended the work as a celebratory account of her father so as to cast a negative light on the rule of her nephew Manuel I. My current list includes Runciman, France, Macrides, Christomides, and Hill.

The Second Reflection session usually falls somewhere in the middle to latter half of your EE process

  • Discuss how the research question has become more refined
  • Comment on any challenges you have encountered & what solutions you have attempted
  • Discuss how your thinking on your topic has evolved
  • Roughly 200 words in length

Where was I? Where I am now? Where am I going?

What sources do you find helpful?

How have you evaluated your sources?

Have you adopted a structure for writing based on what the IB requires?

What do you need to do next?

Sample of 2nd Reflection: History

I was finding it hard to come up with a satisfactory counter to the question of accuracy and authenticity which feature prominently in modern readings of her work. Historians ranging from Edward Gibbon and John France to the more direct Howard-Johnson paper which completely challenges her authorship effectively negated my hypothesis entirely. Using Magdalino and Hill as a focus point, I re-read key sections of  The Alexiad  and mapped out her account against the policital events of Manuel I's reign and quickly discovered some interesting overlaps (building works, military campaigns, relations with the West, etc.). Though occasionally obscure and subtle, the criticisms emerge by means of an unspoken comparison which Byzantine readers of her account would have well understood. This approach is providing me with a suitable counter to the aforementioned criticisms. I have also begun structuring my work accordingly with sections devoted to historical context followed by a section on  The Alexiad  which compares and contrasts events from Alexius' time with those of Manuel's. I am considering a chapter on the historiographical tradition of Byzantium but may integrate it into the main body in the end.

The Third Reflection can be written before the Viva Voce meeting to help you prepare for the conversation.

  • Offer your final reflections on the process
  • Discuss any achievements realized or challenges overcome
  • Discuss elements that allowed you to complete the task that may not be readily apparent in the essay itself.
  • Discuss any relevant ATL's (Approaches to Learning) that you have developed through the process & be ready to provide good examples.

Guiding Questions

What did you discover that surprised you?

Is writing the EE mainly about process or product AND why?

What would you have done differently and why?

What advice would you give to a student just beginning this process?

What have been the high and low points of the research and writing processes?

What would you have done differently?

What is the most important thing that you learned?

What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it?

What would you change if you did another EE?

What was the most valuable experience that you took away from the process?

What was your greatest challenge and what did you do to overcome it?

What IB learner profile attribute would you say helped you through the process (communicator, risk-taker, etc.)?

Would you like to continue reading on this topic?

What questions did this process raise?

What conclusions have you drawn about the topic?

Sample 3rd Reflection: History

I am very pleased with how the essay has turned out. Skills wise, I had no problems with referencing which I picked up quickly though integrating source analysis did prove a challenge at times due to my narrative tendencies. I believe I've been able to challenge the orthodox interpretations of Anna's work as a piece of fantasy fiction at the hands of a disgruntled woman by showing that Anna was effectively using one of the few weapons still permitted her in her diminished political state- the power of words- to criticize the existing leadership. Hill's works proved of particular use to me as they examined female power in a broader context and thus gave me a framework for interpreting what Anna was able to do within the context of her time.

  • Lang & Lit (scored 3)
  • Lang & Lit (scored 4)
  • Psychology (scored 4)
  • Visual Arts (scored 3)
  • Visual Arts (scored 4)
  • Geography (scored 6)
  • Philosophy (scored 6)
  • World Religions  (scored 6)

Also see these examples with examiner comments

Questions to Ask Yourself

Avoid using only description and keep descriptions brief. Use the prompts to spark your thinking.

See  reflections with Examiner comments to get an idea of the level of thinking you want to attain.

Descriptive Ideas (limited reflection)

  • What did I do?
  • How did I undertake my research?
  • What were the problems I faced?
  • Did my approach or strategies change throughout the process?
  • What have been the high and the low points of the research and writing process?

Analytical Ideas (good reflection)

  • To what extent was my research successful?
  • If I changed approach or strategies during the process, why did I do this?
  • What did I learn from the experience in terms of my understanding of the subject area and/or skills needed?
  • How has my understanding of the topic and process developed?

Evaluative Ideas (excellent reflection)

  • If I did this again, what would I do differently?
  • If I did this again, would I change the theories applied, or my methodology?
  • Would there be a different outcome?
  • What can I conclude?
  • Were the strategies I used most appropriate for achieving my outcomes?
  • What questions emerged as a result of my research? Would these questions influence my approach if I did this all over again?

Reflection Tips

IB Mastery  (article + video)

Writing Tips:

  • Use strong active verbs (eliminate "to be", is, was)
  • Personal interest
  • Research Planning
  • Concrete details/examples (brief)
  • Use words such as: choice, decision, progress, engaged 

Sentence starters:

  • "I decided to...."
  • "I gained insight when...because of...regarding...."
  • "I adjusted my approach when/because/due to/ order to..."
  • "Based on ---, I decided to ---"
  • "I made progress when...."

Criterion E: Engagement

EE Marks Breakdown:

A: Focus and method (6 marks) B: Knowledge and understanding (6 marks) C: Critical thinking (12 marks) D: Presentation (4 marks) E: Engagement (6 marks) = Your REFLECTIONS! Total marks awarded: 34 

Due Dates (Class of 2022)

Submit to MB in the "Progress and Planning" tab

First Reflection (100 words)

  • Week of May 10-14

Interim Reflection (150 words)

  • Week of Sept 6-10

Viva Voce and Final Reflection (250 words)

  • Between Oct 20 - Nov 6
  • << Previous: Assessment Criteria
  • Next: Supervisor Info >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 9, 2024 9:39 AM
  • URL:


World Studies Extended Essay: Examples

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Global Themes
  • Interdisciplinary Research
  • What Makes Up a "Discipline"?
  • Evaluating the Insights of Academic Disciplines
  • Multiple Forms of Integration
  • Evaluating Your Essay
  • Common Stumbling Blocks
  • Examples of Globally Conscious Students

Examples of interdisciplinary research

Interdisciplinary research projects can vary extensively in content and extent of material covered.  Here are two examples:

WSEE Example 1 - IB Subjects: ESS (Environmental systems and societies) and Economics WSEE Example 2 - IB Subjects: Economics, Biology, Political science

WSEE Example 1 - IB Subjects: ESS (Environmental systems and societies) and Economics

A student assesses the effectiveness and viability of the environmentally friendly method of "cleaner production". He focused on a specific ceramic tile manufacturer in China, placing this local case in the context of global environmental sustainability. He used concepts from environmental systems and societies such as “end-of-pipe protection” and “cyclonic separation”, as well as tools such as a “water balance flow diagram” and an “analysis of pollution or inefficiency” to assess the potential environmental advantages of adopting a cleaner production approach. He also incorporated the financial tool of “net present value” (NPV) to appraise the viability of a long-term project such as pollution control. Through his study, he convincingly demonstrated that cleaner production makes environmental as well as financial sense for companies.

WSEE Example 2 - IB Subjects: Economics, Biology, Political Science

A student studied the economic and cultural causes of infant malnutrition in the rural district of Maharashtra and considered the public health policies needed to tackle the problem. Her wide-ranging study incorporated knowledge and concepts from a range of disciplines including economics, the humanities, biology and political science. She developed a complex explanation of some of the causes and effects of malnutrition in this Indian state, taking into          account the interconnection between low maternal literacy levels, decreased government health spending and poor child nutrition when considering elevated levels of child malnutrition. She then applied this understanding to come up with policy recommendations.

WSEE Documents

WSEE Subject Guide and worksheets

  • IB EE Subject Guide - World Studies, 2018
  • Making Meaningful Connections Use this worksheet to help you think about your research plans: the concepts or methods your will be using, the global topic you're focusing on, and the academic disciplines you will be using.

RRS (Researcher's Reflection Space)

  • Sample Prompts for the WSEE RRS What should you write in your RRS? Use these questions and prompts to help you think through the various stages of the research for your WSEE: your initial ideas, your thoughts and reflections during the process, and your conclusions.
  • RRS Example B - World Studies

RPPF (Researcher's Planning and Progress Form) examples:

  • RPPF Example 5 - World Studies
  • RPPF Example 7 - World Studies

IB Extended Essay Guide & Timeline

Check the Extended Essay guide for specific guidance on completing the various steps in the research and writing process of the EE, and  these documents:

extended essay chemistry examples ib

  • << Previous: Interdisciplinary Research
  • Next: Academic Lenses >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 19, 2022 9:16 AM
  • URL:


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  1. IB Chemistry EE examples

    EE Chemistry A. Effect of storage temperature and time on the Vitamin C concnetration in citrus fruit juices. EE Chemistry B. How does 5g of different types of oils (palm oil, avocado oil, castor oil, and olive oil) contribute to the production of soap bars with a pH level closest to 7 measured at constant temperature (50°C) and after constant ...

  2. The Complete IB Extended Essay Guide: Examples, Topics, and Ideas

    Conclusion. References and bibliography. Additionally, your research topic must fall into one of the six approved DP categories, or IB subject groups, which are as follows: Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature. Group 2: Language Acquisition. Group 3: Individuals and Societies. Group 4: Sciences.

  3. IB Chemistry

    Extended essay in chemistry. The following is an overview of the extended essay guidelines for chemistry (IBO documents) An extended essay in chemistry provides students with an opportunity to investigate a particular aspect of the materials of our environment. Such extended essays must be characterized by a particular chemical emphasis within ...

  4. Examples

    These highlight the diverse range of topics covered by International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) students during their extended essays. Some examples are: "An analysis of costume as a source for understanding the inner life of the character". "A study of malnourished children in Indonesia and the extent of their recovery ...

  5. John R. Lewis Library: 2016-2017 IB Extended Essay: Sample IB EE's

    2016-2017 IB Extended Essay: Sample IB EE's. Home; Workshops Toggle Dropdown. Workshop 1: Getting started ; Workshop 2: EE Options ; Workshop 3: Selecting a topic ; ... Chemistry: Chemistry 1 What are the Alternative Fuels for the Depleting Fossil Fuels and which is the Best Fuel in Accordance with the Energy Output? A Copper Ions ...

  6. Past Essays

    Review Past Papers. From the IB: papers from other students and how they scored. Renaissance Library Past Essays : Links to all subject area examples.

  7. Chemistry Extended Essay: Definition, Criteria, And Topics

    Chemistry is the study of the composition, classification, and change of substances. Therefore, an extended essay in chemistry should include chemical principles and theory, and it should underline the core character of chemistry, which is the study of matter and its transformations. 1. Pick a Topic Specific to Chemistry.

  8. Extended essay

    The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. One component of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, the extended essay is mandatory for all students. Read about the extended essay in greater detail. You can also read about how the IB sets deadlines for ...

  9. Chemistry Extended Essay Topics: 30+ Ideas to Get You Started

    1. Pick a Topic Focused on Chemistry. It is essential that the emphasis of the extended essay be on chemistry, and not on another subject. Chemistry is the study of the composition, classification, and change of substances. Therefore, a long essay in chemistry should include chemical principles and theory and underline the core character of ...

  10. Chemistry specific extended essay guidelines

    An extended essay in an interdisciplinary area such as biochemistry will, if registered as a chemistry extended essay, be judged on its chemical content, not its biological content. The scope of the topic and the research associated with it should enable all the criteria, particularly the subject specific criteria, to be addressed.

  11. PDF IB CHEMISTRY: Extended Essay Assessment Criterion A: Focus and Method 6

    IB CHEMISTRY: Extended Essay Assessment All extended essays are externally assessed by examiners appointed by the IBO. All extended essays are marked on a scale from 0 to 34. For each criterion, examiners are instructed to identify the level descriptor that is most appropriate (i.e. the best match) for the

  12. Chemistry Extended Essay Topic Ideas and RQs for IB Students

    February 8th, 2024. IB Topics. Greetings, future innovators and explorers of the chemical world! As a co-founder of Writing Metier, a platform dedicated to fostering the academic growth of IB students, it's my pleasure to introduce you to THE LIST of good and the most important - working IB Chemistry extended essay topics.

  13. Tanglin LibGuides: IB Extended Essay (EE): Chemistry

    Excellent Extended Essays - Chemistry. The effects of ultrasound on the relative yield of elimination and substitution mechanisms when Halogenoalkanes are reacted with Sodium Hydroxide? (2009) How does substituting hydrogen on ethanoic acid with electron-withdrawing and electron-releasing groups affect the equilibrium constant in the ...

  14. IB Chemistry/Extended Essay

    Suppliers or independent analysts want to assess the caffeine content of tea products. Chemical suppliers want to provide pure caffeine to clients. [1] This method usually involves solvent extraction with a chlorinated alkane (e.g. dichloromethane or 1,1,1,-trichloroethane). With care it is possible to recycle the solvent and avoid health and ...

  15. PDF Ib Extended Essay Guide

    IB mission statement The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

  16. The York School Library: Gr. 11-12 Extended Essay: Chemistry

    PubChem is an open chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). PubChem mostly contains small molecules, but also larger molecules such as nucleotides, carbohydrates, lipids, peptides, and chemically-modified macromolecules. Contains information on chemical structures, identifiers, chemical and physical properties, biological ...

  17. Extended Essay resources

    The International Baccalaureate® (IB) provides several resources for IB World Schools. These include support materials for the extended essay. Items in the IB store are available to everyone. Publications include: 50 more extended essays, a DVD of essays submitted in the DP that all fulfil the requirements for an 'A' grade in the current ...

  18. 46+ Free Sample EEs

    This extended essay delves into the intriguing world of surfactants and critical micelle concentration (CMC) values, expanding beyond the IB syllabus. The student explores surface chemistry and its practical applications, offering an in-depth study of this captivating subject.

  19. IB Chemistry

    Supervisors of extended essays should ensure that the assessment criteria are made available to candidates and that the candidates understand these criteria. A: research question - (Objectives 1 and 2) This criterion assesses the extent to which the purpose of the essay is specified. In many subjects, the aim of the essay will normally be ...

  20. IB Extended Essay

    Sample 1st Reflection: History. I was attracted to Anna Comnena's The Alexiad as a result of some extra readings which formed part of my IB History course (Crusades). As the first female historian, she stands in a unique place in terms of historiography, something which appealed to me as both a woman and budding historian.

  21. World Studies Extended Essay

    The development of the world studies extended essay pilot has been underpinned by extensive academic research and development. IB staff have worked closely with both teachers in the pilot schools and Harvard Graduate School of Education, Project Zero Interdisciplinary Studies Project, to develop this exciting extended essay option.

  22. World Studies Extended Essay: Examples

    Examples of interdisciplinary research. Interdisciplinary research projects can vary extensively in content and extent of material covered. Here are two examples: WSEE Example 1 - IB Subjects: ESS (Environmental systems and societies) and Economics. WSEE Example 2 - IB Subjects: Economics, Biology, Political science.