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Essay on Nepal – My Country My Pride For Kids & Students Of Schools and Colleges

Nepal is amazingly beautiful. The unmatched beauty of the majestic Himalayas fills the visitors with great awe. Not only the natural beauty but the romantic, spiritual and omnipresent spirituality capture tourists and provide Nepal with a magical atmosphere that makes it a special and unique travel destination.

Jay Nepal

In this article, we will present some of the essays on Nepal for you and your friends. We’ll mention some popular facts, information, and attractive places in the Nepal essay. After reading this article you should have a clear idea about the essay about Nepal. Here are some of the top selected essays on Nepal.

Table of Contents

Essay about nepal: my country my pride [500 words].


My country Nepal is situated between two large countries China and India. According to the census of 2011 A.D., 26,494,504 people living in my country.

The area of Nepal is 147,181 SQ.K.M. the density of population in urban regions is higher than in rural regions. Similarly, valleys and plains are more densely populated than the hilly region.

The national flag of Nepal is unique to them all. It is the only flag in the world that is not rectangular. The flag is crimson red which signifies the rhododendron which is the national flower of Nepal. The border is blue which signifies peace and harmony.

I Love My Country Nepal

Until 1962, the flag’s emblems, the sun, and the crescent moon had human faces which signify the unity of the country. The national flower and bird, rhododendron and Danfe respectively, the flag was a plumed crown worn by the kings and crossed Kukhris carried by the Gurkhas for their bravery. Nepal followed a monarchy system until the people movement in 2063 BS.

Nepal is an agro-based country. About 80 percent of the people depend on agriculture. Some of the educated people are employed in other sectors such as teaching, office work, business, etc.

Although people belong to various social groups and religions, the real practice of ‘unity is diversity. Most of the people in Nepal followed the Hindu religion but people enjoy a right to other religions too.

People speak different languages and enjoy different modes of culture and traditions. In Nepal people respect each other’s religion and culture as well.

It is said that ‘Hario ban Nepal ko Dhan’. Nepal seems to be beautiful because of the green forest. In the forest, there are wild animals. Many tourists come to watch them which helps to increase the foreign currency.

A Lady Traveller is travelling Nepal himalayas

Nepal is famous for its natural beauty and gifts. Although Nepal is landlocked, people from foreign countries are fond of visiting in Nepal. Nepal is famous for its mountains, rivers, lakes, etc.

The highest mountain peak in the world, Mt. Everest , lies in Nepal. Many tourists visit her every year. Through tourism, Nepal can earn foreign currency which can be used for development. Nepal is rich in water resources.

Many rivers flow from high mountains twisting and turning around the hills and moving through Terai.  Many brooks and streams serve people in many ways. They are advantageous for irrigation, transportation, rafting, running hydroelectricity projects, and so on.

The most amazing fact about Nepal is that it does not greet another person with a handshake or a hello, it rather joins their hand and says Namaste which means I respect you as a person.

Nepal is the neighboring country of India, thus Indians do the same when they meet one another. Another amazing fact about Nepal is related to food. If you ever come to Nepal as a tourist, you must try the famous food called ‘ momo ’.  It is a delicious dumpling made from flour and water filled with meat filling.

And how can we ever forget the birthplace of Lord Buddha? Lord Buddha was born in Lumbini in 500BC. It is a founder of the religion Buddhism which covers 9% of the total population.

He had four noble truths about pain and sorrow. Also, he had eight right paths about how to live a proper life. He is still regarded as the one who found peace and how the world then has become.

Nepal is developing a country. About 70 percent of the people are literate. The farmers are provided with the facilities of irrigation, modern fertilizers, improved seeds, and a modern method of farming. The facilities of electricity health care and other facilities are also increasing.

I feel proud to be a citizen of Nepal. We, Nepali people, respect each other. I do feel most of the people love the nation. We feel that mother and motherland are the same. I do hope that our country Nepal will be the most famous in the world.

This Essay on Nepal – My Nation My Pride is written by Susan Basel

Essay on Nepal – My Nation My Pride [1000 words]

My nation, Nepal, is extremely a heaven. The main imperfection is that it has no ocean to get to; it’s a landlocked nation. I adore my nation more than anything else on the planet.

What has my nation not got? It is one of the most extravagant nations on the planet in bio-assorted variety; hydropower or water assets; arrival structure and the amicable idea of individuals and their customs and culture.

My nation, Nepal has numerous activities and numerous things to see. Drifting, boating, mountaineering, paragliding, bouncing, and trekking are regular things to see, as well. Mountains, lakes, national parks , streams, and old structures are ladies’ viewing.

Even though an incredible number of the general population are under destitution line and uneducated; they are sufficiently cognizant to safeguard their traditions and societies.

They are politically mindful, as well. My nation’s present need is instructive and financial advancement, and vote-based standards and qualities. I cherish my nation.

I was conceived for it and I’ll bite the dust for it. In general, Nepal is such a  land of mine where I can live cheerfully.

It is the guests ‘heaven where nature is alive. It is such s put a reality where its single touch revives everybody.

Nepal lies in the southern piece of Asia between China and India. It is a landlocked nation. It has a territory of 1,47,181 square km. The capital city is Kathmandu . Nepal can be partitioned into three natural zones.

The Himalayan districts, the Hilly area, and the Terai locale. The Himalayan locale covers 15% of the land region, the Hilly district has 68% and the Terai district has 17% of the land territory.

Nepal’s standard time is 5 hours and 45 minutes quicker than the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is London time. Nepal is separated into 5 advancement locales, 14 zones, and 77 district areas. Nepal has almost 25 million of the populace.

Nepal is wealthy in regular assorted variety. It has numerous types of plants and creatures. Nepal is additionally reached in hydro control. It has numerous great waterways like Koshi, Gandaki, and Karnali.

Nepal is a heaven for vacationers. They can do numerous things like trekking, boating, and mountaineering.

In this way, enterprises in light of tourism ought to be built up here with the goal that each Nepali gets utilized. In addition, Nepal will turn into the goal of the voyagers.

Nepal is honored with one of the most extravagant societies on the planet. The announcement holds especially valid if there should arise an occurrence in Nepal where each part of life, sustenance, dress , and even occupations are socially guided.

The way of life of Nepal incorporates the codes of conduct, dress, dialect, customs, standards of conduct, and frameworks of conviction.

The way of life of Nepal is an exceptional blend of custom and curiosity. The conventions are taken after as they were and new traditions are made to keep pace with the evolving times. Culture in Nepal is a gathering of music, design, religion, and writing.

The mountain kingdom of Nepal is multi-ethnic and multi-lingual. The land is rich with special social gatherings like Tharu, Yadav, Ahir, Newars, and others.

Nepalese are among the most accommodating hosts. This is the explanation behind why travelers from distant locations abroad appreciate coming to Nepal over and over.

Nearby Nepalese are for the most part country individuals who welcome the visitors to their homes for tea, espresso, or dinner. Nepalese are socially warm, cordial, and tender hosts who put their hearts over their heads.

Nepalese model with newari traditional dress

Party is the equivalent word in the Nepalese Culture. For the Nepalese, celebrations are not just the early scenes, but rather additionally are a living piece of their rich social legacy.

Celebrations viably tie together the Nepalese individuals of various social foundations and convictions into one country. Most Nepalese celebrations are identified with various Hindu and Buddhist divinities. They are commended on days sanctified for them by religion and convention

Nepal is regarded as a standout amongst the most extreme social orders on the planet. The declaration holds particularly substantial if there ought to emerge an event in Nepal where each piece of life, sustenance, dress, and even occupation are socially guided.

The lifestyle of Nepal consolidates the sets of accepted rules, dress, lingo, traditions, norms of direction, and structures of conviction.

Better than average to Know that the lifestyle of Nepal is a remarkable mix of custom and interest. The traditions are taken after as they were and new conventions are made to keep pace with the developing circumstances.

The gathering is the proportional word to the Nepalese Culture. For the Nepalese, festivals are not only yearly scenes but instead moreover are a living bit of their rich social heritage. Festivities suitably integrate the Nepalese people of different social establishments and feelings into one nation.

Most Nepalese festivals are related to different Hindu and Buddhist divinities. They are praised on days blessed for them by religion and tradition.

Tihar : This celebration of lights that falls between October/November is the second greatest celebration after Dashain . This celebration goes on for five days and individuals venerate Laxmi – the Goddess of Wealth.

Dashain Nepal

Every one of the houses is cleaned and beautified with the conviction that Goddess Laxmi will go into the house that is the cleanest and individuals lit candles, oil lights, and different lights and the entire place looks enlightening.

Amid the five days, crows, canines, and bovines are revered and regarded with vermilion, wreath, and heavenly sustenance for what they have done in the lives of people.

Crows are viewed as the flag-bearers that brought news notwithstanding amid the circumstances when there were no postmen and no postal administrations. Pooches are the most devoted creatures and they protect our home as obvious gatekeepers.

Dairy animals are additionally an image of riches in Hinduism and she is likewise the rational creature of Nepal. Amid Tihar, the Newari people group in Nepal additionally watches Mha puja – a custom of loving one’s own body and life.

On this very day, the Newari New Year which is otherwise called Nepal Sambat starts. The celebration closes with Bhai Tika – siblings’ day when his sisters adore him for his long and sound life to shield the lives of his sisters. This is additionally a betting time in Nepal as betting isn’t unlawful during this celebration.

This Long Essay on Nepal, My Nation My Pride is written by Abhishek Raj Jha

Essay on Nepal MY COUNTRY MY PRIDE [1500 words]

Mother and country are more prominent than paradise. It is a genuine proclamation. We are born in this nation that is brimming with characteristic delights.

We are exceptionally nationalist. We adore the country more than our soul. Nation resembles a paradise for me. My nation’s name is Nepal. It is gotten from two supernatural words ‘Ne’ and ‘Pala’.

The word Nepal implies a nation of peace and love. This is where Master Gautama Buddha ‘ the light of Asia’ was born. This is a nation of Bir Gorkhalies. The most noteworthy crest on the planet Mt. Everest is situated in a nation that makes a nation the best.

There are numerous mountains in my nation along these lines it is called a precipitous nation. Numerous waterways spill out of the mountain to the slopes and plain place where there is Terai.

My nation Nepal is isolated into three geological districts and seven advancement areas called provinces. Nation national bloom is the rhododendron, the national fowl is Daphne, the national color is a smirk and the national weapon is khukuri.

My nation Nepal is little on the planet outline, but for me, my nation whether it is little or enormous is a world. Numerous national identities are born in nation life: Prithivi Narayan Shah, Bahadur Shah, Rajendra Laxmi, etc. The history of the nation Nepal is great.

Every one of the pages of history is loaded with the hot and red blood of national legends. My nation Nepal is the Yam between two major stones. I mean it is between the two greatest nations India and China. Nation Nepal is separated into numerous ethnic gatherings.

The nation is multi-rank, multi-culture, multi-convention, and multi-religious. They are of various positions yet they are living in ‘solidarity of assorted variety’ without battling for the sake of culture, religion, rank, and so forth. They are living in a tranquil condition.

People of diverse religions and beliefs are the dominant features of my country’s society. Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity are the major religions that are practiced in my country.

People have a sense of unity, though living in diversity. Mostly, Brahmins and Chhetris are regarded as Hindu believers and people from the Mongoloid community are taken as Buddhist devotees, but they have good respect for each other in the course of cultural exchange.

A Hindu has a distinct tradition of sacrificing animals to the goddess because they are the symbol of having ferocious power and need the blood of a living being to be satisfied. Lord Shiva is considered to be the supreme God in Hinduism.

The way of life in my country is a collection of music, engineering, religion, and writing. Our mountain kingdom is multi-ethnic and multi-lingual. The land is rich with interesting social gatherings like Tharu, Yadav, Ahir, Newars, and others.

Culture is inserted in the high pinnacles of our country, convention streams with its waterways, workmanship crosses through its valleys and religion lies in the core of its kin. Our country is a place where craftsmanship, culture, and religion are a piece of the life of the occupants. Individuals praise each minute with the smell, adding curiosity to the customs without influencing their quintessence.

Further, the craftsmanship and engineering of my country are profoundly impacted by religion. Exceptional craftsmanship can be found in sanctuaries, engineering, sanctums, wellsprings, and the outline of religious articles.

Craftsmanship and religion are so profoundly interlocked that it is difficult to isolate one from the other. All artistic expressions express both Hindu and Buddhist iconography.

Along the line of culture, we Nepalese have our unique way of celebrating festivals, It is a blend of multilingual and multicultural measurement.

More than 60 ethnic gatherings have been recorded and numerous are as yet investigated, who are prosperous with their dialect, ensembles, and conventions.

They have their remarkable celebrations of festivity. In my country, individuals praise national celebrations and nearby reasonable for the entire year in various months.

MagheSakranti is praised in January, on the principal day of Magh as indicated by the Nepali timetable. Individuals eat different dishes of heavenly nourishment such as ghee, laddoo and Chaku, and sweet potatoes. Hitched little girls go to their folks to join the joy.

Fagupurnima is a beautiful celebration, celebrated amid the long stretch of March on a full moon day. Individuals praise this celebration by tossing hues and water to each other. It is flawlessly celebrated in the Terai areas of Nepal.

MahaShivratri festivity is devoted to Lord Shiva, celebrated on the no-moon night by the Hindus by and large in March. A major reasonable held in the Pashupatinath territory by a huge number of Hindu aficionados. Sadhus paint their bodies with the fiery debris and love Shiva all through the entire night.

Ghodejatra is otherwise called a pony race festivity, for the most part, celebrated toward the finish of March (15 Chaitra). It is a breathtaking festival at Tundikhel by amassing the ponies of police and armed force. Ordinarily, the visitors are the senior government authorities and high personnel.

Gai Jatra is held in August, particularly celebrated inside the Kathmandu Valley. The members are from those families who have lost they’re any of their relatives or closest ones.

It was begun by King Pratap Malla to support his significant other, who was especially stunned by the passing of a child. It demonstrated that it isn’t just an illustrious family who lost their dearest one yet, in addition, to numerous families.

The Indra Jatra is praised to pay tribute to the lord of rain Indra, in August for eight days. It is commended by a mass of individuals pulling the chariot.

Buddha Jayanti is the festival of Lord Buddha’s birthday. Buddhist and Hindu fans walk rallies and visit Buddhist Stupas and attempt to spread the message of peace on the planet.

Losar is Tibetan New Year. Individuals commend it for a few days on singing, moving, and eating delectable substances. Tibetans accumulate around the Stupa with their outfits.

Chhath  is a festival by venerating the rising and setting sun by sinking half of the body in the water. For the most part, it is commended in the Terai area by wedded ladies. They remain to fast amid the celebration and sing people melodies.

Teej  is a celebration celebrated by Hindu ladies for three days. It regularly falls in August or early September. This celebration is commended to wish the long existence of the spouse.

Dashain is the longest celebration in Nepal, praised for15 days. It falls between September-October. The Hindu individuals adore goddess Durga for nine days and put on Tika and Jamara on the tenth day till the fifteenth day alongside the gift of the senior citizens.

Deepawali is known as the Tihar celebration celebrated for five days amid harvest time. It is the celebration of lights. On the fifth day, sisters put tika and wreaths on their siblings and sibling offered some sort of presents. It is known as the celebration, making a great connection between siblings and sisters.

Along the line of these festivals, the mood, beats, and bob of Nepali conventional people, and established music are sufficiently otherworldly to soothe you and sufficiently engaging to cheer you.

Music is related to each occasion in Nepal, at that point be it birth, marriage, celebrations, or national occasions. You will be surprised to find a piece of various unique music full of rhythm in every culture that is sufficient enough to blow your mind and demand the music for a long time.

If one moves away from our rich culture and diversity within it, if one can take one’s eye away from these, one will be surprised by the natural beauty my country possesses.

With top eight in the top ten 8000-meter high mountains in the world in its lap, my country shines every morning to make people over here smile with it.

Apart from these White Mountains, green mountains are all over the mountain region to make one sparkle within yourself with its astonishing beauty.

Within these green mountains, we have a large landscape of forest where one will be able to find the scenario of 500 various types of butterflies and 600 types of the indigenous plant family.

My country, Nepal is an overall package of beauty, diversity, history, and on top of that unity among people. I am certainly proud to be a part of this beautiful creation.

This Short Essay on Nepal, My Nation My Pride is well written by  Hari Adhikari.

Essay on Nepal – Our country, our pride [200 words] 

There is a widely famous statement that “Mother and motherland are greater than heaven.” This quote is so true without any doubt. We are born in a country that is filled with natural beauty.

The feeling of patriotism flows in the blood of every Nepalese citizen. We love the nation more than our soul. Our country is like heaven for us. Our country’s name is Nepal.

The word Nepal signifies a country of peace and love. Nepal is a country where Lord Gautam Buddha also known as the ‘light of Asia’ was born. Nepal is a country of Bir Gorkhali soldiers. The highest peak in the world i.e. Mt. Everest is located in our country Nepal.

There are various mountains in our country therefore Nepal is also globally known as a mountainous country. Our country Nepal is divided into three geographical regions and five development regions.

The national flower of Nepal is the rhododendron, the national bird is Daphne, the national color is the smirk and the national weapon is khukuri. Our country Nepal is very small on the world map but for us, whether it is small or big it is the world.

Nepalese can see the whole world in their homeland. Many national personalities are born in our country. For instance Prithvi Narayan Shah, Bahadur Shah, Rajendra Laxmi, and so on.

The history of the country Nepal is very powerful. All the pages of the past are crammed with hot as well as pure dark red blood of our national heroes. Our country Nepal is the Yam between two big stones.

This means Nepal lies in the middle of two leading countries i.e. India and China. Country Nepal is divided into many ethnic groups. The country is multi-caste, multi-culture, multi-tradition, and multi-religious.

Nepalese are living in a very peaceful environment. Nepal is loved by many tourists numbers of tourists is increasing day by day. Tourists are attracted by countries by which country can move ahead in their economic status.

Foreign currency which tourists left in the country helps to make the country more developed. We, Nepalese people, do not need big buildings, expensive things, etc. We are happy by the smell of rhododendron.

We are happy with the natural beauties which are located in the country. We all are well known for the saying, “Hario ban Nepal ko Dhan”. It is true as every green forest in Nepal is wealth for our country.

More than 80% of the total population of the whole country depends upon agriculture therefore country can be said as an agricultural country also. Many rivers, green forests, mountains, lakes, etc. make the country at the top.

Our country Nepal is heaven for us. Our country which is full of natural beauty is everything for me that I want. We all Nepalese are ready to sacrifice souls to our country Nepal. We feel very proud to be Nepali. Thus, we say that our country is a pride for us. We feel proud to say that we are Nepali.

By Saugat Thapa

Essay on Nepal – My Country My Pride (Essay in 300 words)

Nepal is known for its natural beauty in the world. There is no sea linked with this country but yet people like to see mountains, hills, forests, rivers, lakes and so many other things. Everyone knows Nepal as the country with the highest mountain in the world.

This is the only country where people have found innumerable kinds of birds which live in high mountains as well as in low Terai. Most people enjoyed mountain climbing, trekking, rafting in the rivers and lakes, and having a wonderful view of wild animals.

Mountains speak their beauty, golden view in the morning, the sun playing in those regions. Bright red light can be observed in the west on the horizon at the sunset. Probably the sun looks playing with young people of the land.

Rivers flow from the high mountains twisting and turning around the hills and through the Terai and reaching the other’s land. The murmuring brooks (rivers) refresh the human heart and mind. Sals, pines, and other trees where rhododendrons smile in full bloom. Leaves and branches move in the gentle breeze.

Lophophorus sing beautiful songs in higher flights. Lovely flowers bloom and. smile in rainbow colors. The cuckoo is seen sitting on branches and calling the spring with rapturous songs. Mechi, Koshi, and Karnali run far in distance carrying calls from Nepalese people for foreigners.

Mechi is in the east. Kali in the west making borders of the country. Mountains in the north and Terai in the south join with neighboring countries. Southern plain lands speak their own words. Green crops and harvest produce their delights. During the plow, planting, and harvesting one can enjoy the songs sung by the farmers.

Temples and pagodas ring the bells and gongs (large bells) to invite the foreigners. Wild animals living in the dense forest make a beautiful show for the people. Who will miss the beauties of Nepal? Who’ll not have the desire to see once the real beauty of Nature?

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Being tempted by low prices and promises of quick paper delivery, you may choose another paper writing service. The truth is that more often than not their words are hollow. While the main purpose of such doubtful companies is to cash in on credulity of their clients, the prime objective of is clients’ satisfaction. We do fulfill our guarantees, and if a customer believes that initial requirements were not met or there is plagiarism found and proved in paper, they can request revision or refund. However, a refund request is acceptable only within 14 days of the initial deadline.

Our paper writing service is the best choice for those who cannot handle writing assignments themselves for some reason. At , you can order custom written essays, book reviews, film reports, research papers, term papers, business plans, PHD dissertations and so forth. No matter what academic level or timeframe requested is – we will produce an excellent work for you!

Customers usually want to be informed about how the writer is progressing with their paper and we fully understand that – he who pays the piper calls the tune. Therefore, with you have a possibility to get in touch with your writer any time you have some concerns or want to give additional instructions. Our customer support staff is there for you 24/7 to answer all your questions and deal with any problems if necessary.

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Customer Reviews

Niamh Chamberlain

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What is the best essay writer?

The team EssaysWriting has extensive experience working with highly qualified specialists, so we know who is ideal for the role of the author of essays and scientific papers:

  • Easy to communicate. Yes, this point may seem strange to you, but believe me, as a person communicates with people, he manifests himself in the texts. The best essay writer should convey the idea easily and smoothly, without overloading the text or making it messy.
  • Extensive work experience. To start making interesting writing, you need to write a lot every day. This practice is used by all popular authors for books, magazines and forum articles. When you read an essay, you immediately understand how long a person has been working in this area.
  • Education. The ideal writer should have a philological education or at least take language courses. Spelling and punctuation errors are not allowed in the text, and the meaning should fit the given topic.

Such essay writers work in our team, so you don't have to worry about your order. We make texts of the highest level and apply for the title of leaders in this complex business.

Estelle Gallagher

Finished Papers

Customer Reviews

Looking for something more advanced and urgent? Then opt-in for an advanced essay writer who’ll bring in more depth to your research and be able to fulfill the task within a limited period of time. In college, there are always assignments that are a bit more complicated and time-taking, even when it’s a common essay. Also, in search for an above-average essay writing quality, more means better, whereas content brought by a native English speaker is always a smarter choice. So, if your budget affords, go for one of the top 30 writers on our platform. The writing quality and finesse won’t disappoint you!

Premium essay writers

Essay writing help from a premium expert is something everyone has to try! It won’t be cheap but money isn’t the reason why students in the U.S. seek the services of premium writers. The main reason is that the writing quality premium writers produce is figuratively out of this world. An admission essay, for example, from a premium writer will definitely get you into any college despite the toughness of the competition. Coursework, for example, written by premium essay writers will help you secure a positive course grade and foster your GPA.

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Perfect Essay

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You will be notified once the essay is done. You will be sent a mail on your registered mail id about the details of the final draft and how to get it.

Diane M. Omalley

Finished Papers

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We select our writers from various domains of academics and constantly focus on enhancing their skills for our writing essay services. All of them have had expertise in this academic world for more than 5 years now and hold significantly higher degrees of education. Once the writers get your topic in hand, only after thorough research on the topic, they move towards the direction to write it. They take up information from credible sources and assure you that no plagiarism could be found in your writing from our writing service website.

Gain efficiency with my essay writer. Hire us to write my essay for me with our best essay writing service!

Enhance your writing skills with the writers of penmypaper and avail the 20% flat discount, using the code ppfest20.

Finished Papers

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All our papers are written from scratch. To ensure high quality of writing, the pages number is limited for short deadlines. If you want to order more pages, please choose longer Deadline (Urgency).

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Looking for something more advanced and urgent? Then opt-in for an advanced essay writer who’ll bring in more depth to your research and be able to fulfill the task within a limited period of time. In college, there are always assignments that are a bit more complicated and time-taking, even when it’s a common essay. Also, in search for an above-average essay writing quality, more means better, whereas content brought by a native English speaker is always a smarter choice. So, if your budget affords, go for one of the top 30 writers on our platform. The writing quality and finesse won’t disappoint you!

Premium essay writers

Essay writing help from a premium expert is something everyone has to try! It won’t be cheap but money isn’t the reason why students in the U.S. seek the services of premium writers. The main reason is that the writing quality premium writers produce is figuratively out of this world. An admission essay, for example, from a premium writer will definitely get you into any college despite the toughness of the competition. Coursework, for example, written by premium essay writers will help you secure a positive course grade and foster your GPA.

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EssayService strives to deliver high-quality work that satisfies each and every customer, yet at times miscommunications happen and the work needs revisions. Therefore to assure full customer satisfaction we have a 30-day free revisions policy.

Online Essay Writing Service to Reach Academic Success.

Are you looking for the best essay writing service to help you with meeting your academic goals? You are lucky because your search has ended. is a place where all students get exactly what they need: customized academic papers written by experts with vast knowledge in all fields of study. All of our writers are dedicated to their job and do their best to produce all types of academic papers of superior quality. We have experts even in very specific fields of study, so you will definitely find a writer who can manage your order.

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Customer Reviews

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Write my essay for me frequently asked questions.

Customer Reviews

Artikel & Berita

Write my essay for me.

All our papers are written from scratch. To ensure high quality of writing, the pages number is limited for short deadlines. If you want to order more pages, please choose longer Deadline (Urgency).

Can you write my essay fast?

Our company has been among the leaders for a long time, therefore, it modernizes its services every day. This applies to all points of cooperation, but we pay special attention to the speed of writing an essay.

Of course, our specialists who have extensive experience can write the text quickly without losing quality. The minimum lead time is three hours. During this time, the author will find the necessary information, competently divide the text into several parts so that it is easy to read and removes unnecessary things. We do not accept those customers who ask to do the work in half an hour or an hour just because we care about our reputation and clients, so we want your essay to be the best. Without the necessary preparation time, specialists will not be able to achieve an excellent result, and the user will remain dissatisfied. For the longest time, we write scientific papers that require exploratory research. This type of work takes up to fourteen days.

We will consider any offers from customers and advise the ideal option, with the help of which we will competently organize the work and get the final result even better than we expected.

We are inclined to write as per the instructions given to you along with our understanding and background research related to the given topic. The topic is well-researched first and then the draft is being written.

my country my pride uzbekistan essay

English Summary

My Country My Pride India Essay in English

Out of all the countries throughout the world, I consider myself lucky enough to be born in this wonderful multicultural country India .

It is also the world’s biggest secular republic which gives me the chance to interact with people from so many different ethnicities and cultures firsthand.

It is a very big country with varying demographic features too ranging from the mighty Himalayas in the North to the vast Indian Ocean in the south. It is very rich in wildlife too and has a very large amount of flora and fauna. India is also famous for its variety of foods and spices too.

There are twenty-eight states and nine union territories and a number of rivers. India is also the biggest democracy in the world. Being a secular country there are a lot of festivals celebrated throughout the year like Diwali, Eid, Christmas and Guru Parwa to name a few.

The capital of the country is Delhi which is located in the heart of the nation. It is also home to some very famous historical monuments like the Red Fort and the Qutub Minar. Nearby Delhi is Agra which houses the incredible Taj Mahal one of the seven wonders of the world.

India is also the birthplace of some very prominent figures such as Mahatma Gandhi who is hailed as the flagbearer of non-violence throughout the world.

The country has also been blessed with distinct architecture and historical mathematicians too. Ramanujam and Aryabhatta are recognized throughout for continued fractions and the discovery of zero respectively.

Living in this country I feel privileged and proud to be a part of this cultural diversity. I love my country and I hope to contribute to its progress once I grow up.

Table of Contents

Questions on My Country India

What is the pride of india, what do you know about our country india.

It is a very big country with varying demographic features too ranging from the mighty Himalayas in the North to the vast Indian Ocean in the south. It is very rich in wildlife too and has a very large amount of flora and fauna.

What is our country name?

India is my country. The capital of the country is Delhi which is located in the heart of the nation.

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Dr.Jeffrey (PhD)

Customer Reviews

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The second you place your "write an essay for me" request, numerous writers will be bidding on your work. It is up to you to choose the right specialist for your task. Make an educated choice by reading their bios, analyzing their order stats, and looking over their reviews. Our essay writers are required to identify their areas of interest so you know which professional has the most up-to-date knowledge in your field. If you are thinking "I want a real pro to write essay for me" then you've come to the right place.

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Our company has been among the leaders for a long time, therefore, it modernizes its services every day. This applies to all points of cooperation, but we pay special attention to the speed of writing an essay.

Of course, our specialists who have extensive experience can write the text quickly without losing quality. The minimum lead time is three hours. During this time, the author will find the necessary information, competently divide the text into several parts so that it is easy to read and removes unnecessary things. We do not accept those customers who ask to do the work in half an hour or an hour just because we care about our reputation and clients, so we want your essay to be the best. Without the necessary preparation time, specialists will not be able to achieve an excellent result, and the user will remain dissatisfied. For the longest time, we write scientific papers that require exploratory research. This type of work takes up to fourteen days.

We will consider any offers from customers and advise the ideal option, with the help of which we will competently organize the work and get the final result even better than we expected.

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Student life is associated with great stress and nervous breakdowns, so young guys and girls urgently need outside help. There are sites that take all the responsibility for themselves. You can turn to such companies for help and they will do all the work while clients relax and enjoy a carefree life.

Take the choice of such sites very seriously, because now you can meet scammers and low-skilled workers.

On our website, polite managers will advise you on all the details of cooperation and sign an agreement so that you are confident in the agency. In this case, the user is the boss who hires the employee to delegate responsibilities and devote themselves to more important tasks. You can correct the work of the writer at all stages, observe that all special wishes are implemented and give advice. You pay for the work only if you liked the essay and passed the plagiarism check.

We will be happy to help you complete a task of any complexity and volume, we will listen to special requirements and make sure that you will be the best student in your group.

Online Essay Writing Service to Reach Academic Success.

Are you looking for the best essay writing service to help you with meeting your academic goals? You are lucky because your search has ended. is a place where all students get exactly what they need: customized academic papers written by experts with vast knowledge in all fields of study. All of our writers are dedicated to their job and do their best to produce all types of academic papers of superior quality. We have experts even in very specific fields of study, so you will definitely find a writer who can manage your order.

Our writers always follow the customers' requirements very carefully

Essay Service Features That Matter

Customer Reviews

Gain efficiency with my essay writer. Hire us to write my essay for me with our best essay writing service!

Enhance your writing skills with the writers of penmypaper and avail the 20% flat discount, using the code ppfest20.

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How do essay writing services work?

In the modern world, any company is trying to modernize its services. And services for writing scientific papers are no exception. Therefore, now it is very easy to order work and does not take time:

  • First, you need to choose a good site that you can trust. Read their privacy policies, guarantees, payment methods and of course reviews. It will be a big plus that examples of work are presented on the online platform.
  • Next, you need to contact a manager who will answer all the necessary questions and advise on the terms of cooperation. He will tell you about the acceptable writing deadlines, provide information about the author, and calculate the price of the essay.
  • After that, you sign the contract and during the indicated days stay in touch with the employee of the company.
  • Then you receive the file, read it attentively and transfer a certain amount to the company's bank card. After payment, the client downloads the document to his computer and can write a review and suggestions.

On the site Essayswriting, you get guarantees, thanks to which you will be confident and get rid of the excitement. The client can ask any questions about the writing and express special preferences.


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