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unipd master thesis guidelines

Start and conclusion of Master’s thesis activities

Selecting a supervisor.

During the second year of his/her Master’s degree, and at least 6 months before the start of the graduation session in which he/she intends to participate, each student must:

  • personally contact individual lecturers to identify possible topics for their thesis;
  • identify the topic of greatest interest for him/her among the available options and express his/her interest to the lecturer who proposed it; the lecturer then becomes a student’s thesis supervisor ;
  • fill in the Form to begin Master's Thesis activities, have it signed by the supervisor and e-mail it to the Co-ordinator of the Degree Programme, who will reply to confirm acknowledgement and keep the form.

The date of submission specified on the form must be the same (neither earlier nor later) as the date of beginning of the activities. The form must be completed even if the activities are carried out at a company . The thesis activities cannot begin until the President has signed the form.

If thesis activities are carried out abroad in the framework of an official student mobility programme (e.g. Erasmus+), the student must follow a specific procedure in order to start his/her thesis, without prejudice to the validity of all the other information on this page.

Possible thesis activities

Master’s thesis activities must be “ experimental ”, including not only instrumental laboratory activities, but also design, modelling and computer simulation activities. The content must be original and not related, in whole or in part, to that of one’s Bachelor’s thesis. Only “compilation” activities are excluded.

Organising, filing and archiving the thesis

Before taking the final examination, the “Master’s Degree Thesis” must be completed. The thesis must be written in English, according to the following criteria in terms of content organisation and layout :

  • Guidelines for the thesis preparation

The Master's thesis must be submitted exclusively in digital format , by uploading it in UNIWEB within 3 days before its defense

Final discussion of the thesis

The final defense of the thesis will be carried out by using a PowerPoint or PDF presentation , which must be uploaded to the STEM-DII e-learning platform by 12:00 noon on the day prior to the defense . Unless otherwise specified, the duration of the presentation will be 10/12 minutes and the presentation will be followed by some questions from the Graduation Committee.

Before commencing his/her presentation, each candidate must make a few bound hard copies of their thesis available for inspection by the Committee. The copies will then be collected by the candidate at the end of the proclamation ceremony.

A final graduation grade is awarded in accordance with the procedures approved by the Faculty of Engineering Council on 25 March 2010 .

A proclamation ceremony will take place approximately every 4 candidates.

It is recommended that you strictly observe the procedures and deadlines for the submission of your thesis and final presentation. Failure to follow the procedure and respect the deadlines will create issues and cause delays in the Graduation Committee’s work , potentially even resulting in the candidate being unable to graduate .

unipd master thesis guidelines

  • 2020 - 2023 41155
  • 2010 - 2019 13633
  • 2000 - 2009 1237
  • 1990 - 1999 8
  • 1980 - 1989 6
  • 1970 - 1979 2
  • 1957 - 1959 1
  • Settore SECS-S/01 - Statistica 1497
  • Economia 1050
  • Settore ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di E... 822
  • Settore SECS-P/07 - Economia Azie... 693
  • Settore ING-INF/06 - Bioingegneri... 553
  • Settore ING-INF/01 - Elettronica 506
  • Simulazione 467
  • Settore FIS/05 - Astronomia e Ast... 459
  • Settore ING-INF/04 - Automatica 414
  • Settore FIS/02 - Fisica Teorica, ... 391

Accesso al fulltext

  • reserved 14182
  • no fulltext 8986
  • embargoed 819
  • partially open 2

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Corso:  corso di laurea magistrale in local development - home page 2023/24 | moodle scienze umane, second-cycle degree in local development.

unipd master thesis guidelines

Notices and News from the Degree Course in Local Development

Courses and programme ld moodle courses ld welcome book 2023/24  (rev. 22/09/23) academic calendar lectures schedule and timetable office hours lecturers ld internship (see below "internship" section) ld seminars 2023/24, programme erasmus+ for studies.

unipd master thesis guidelines

Chiudi tutti

Kick-off seminar.

  • Il campo Codice Corso di Laurea del tuo profilo è uguale a SU2446
  • Il campo Cognome del tuo profilo è uguale a accogli

unipd master thesis guidelines

Study plan and Educational Proposed Activities

General information about the study plan, terms and instructions to fill in study plan, examinations, examination schedule, signing up for exam - uniweb, how to sign up for exams - guide, internships.

The master course in Local Development  includes an on-site traineeship, in Italy or abroad, in conjunction with relevant agencies, associations,  governmental or research institution s, private companies and NGOs, with the ultimate objective of conducting a case study that will provide the starting point for the master degree’s dissertation.

The goal of the internship is to acquire significant practice related to Local Development issues. Further objectives are the practice of social and organizational skills, critical attitude and results orientedness.

The duration of the internship is  200 hours  and counts for  8 CFU .

It will be carried out according to the rules of the University of Padova, as far as identification of the partner organization, procedures of monitoring and assessment, validation. The  presentation of the internship activity, the guidelines for starting, developing and concluding the internship  are reported in this page.

Icona Risorsa

Final Exam and Graduation

  • Il campo Cognome del tuo profilo è uguale a Castiglioni

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unipd master thesis guidelines

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unipd master thesis guidelines

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unipd master thesis guidelines

1. Do I have to submit a written PhD Research Proposal during the application?

No. The PhD Research Proposal will be presented and discussed only during the interview

2. May I insert images in the 2-page thesis summary? Yes.

3. In which language should I write the 2-page thesis summary? English.

4. Do I have to upload to PICA the Master thesis PDF file along with the 2-page summary? If you already defended your Master Thesis you have to upload your thesis PDF file AND the 2-page summary to PICA (as two distinct PDF files).

If you are supposed to defend your Master Thesis no later than Sept. 30, 2024, you can upload just the 2-page summary signed by you and your thesis supervisor. 5. Do I need to upload recommendation letters? No. You just need to upload your Motivation Letter. 6. (for students from UniPD) May I use the Self-Certifications provided by the UNIWEB personal page as the Transcript of Records (ToR)? Yes.

7. Do I need to include the requested ToR in the same PDF of the CV? No. You have to use and upload two distinct PDF files.

8. Instead of a BSc and a MSc, I hold a single 5-year degree (or similar) equivalent to a master's level of qualification: how can I fill the field regarding my academic records (Section C)? You can use the MSc Section. In the BSc Table please write in the first row near 'BSc Degree in' a phrase to refer the reader to the MSc table (e.g., ' my Degree is structured in a single 5-year MSc program: see the MSc Table for details ').

unipd master thesis guidelines

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Prospective Students

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  • Welcome events
  • Second-cycle Degree Overview
  • Educational path
  • Why LM Physics
  • International students
  • Language requirements for Second-cycle Degree
  • Regulations and guidelines
  • Key Academic Dates
  • International Desk @ DFA
  • Funding and Fees
  • Uniweb Manuals
  • Introduction to Research
  • Going global
  • Evaluation of Teaching

Post lauream

  • Career service
  • Doctoral Degrees - PhD Programmes
  • Specialisation Schools
  • Short specialisation programmes
  • Higher level training courses
  • Professional courses
  • Opportunities for researchers
  • Scholarships

Programme structure

  • Degree Programme Coordinator and Degree Programme Board
  • Student representatives
  • Accreditation and Assessment Group
  • Academic Office
  • Student administration and support
  • Educational offer
  • Informations for Teaching Staff

Second cycle degree

  • Teaching Staff and Syllabus
  • Appuntamenti
  • Comunicazioni
  • Archivio News
  • Summer school
  • How to formalise the attribution of the thesis topic
  • Registration for the graduation on Uniweb
  • Thesis submission
  • Graduation Sessions

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Study plans can be filled in exclusively online through Uniweb . The procedure is available from November 8th 2023 to June 27th 2024 . Outside of the period mentioned above, the procedure will be inactive.

Please note that once the study plan has been approved, it will be possible to modify it ONLY IF strictly necessary.

WARNING: once the application for the graduation has been submitted, it won’t be possible to insert or modify the study plan.   This procedure is aimed at students enrolled in the first and second year who have never presented a study plan or who would like to modify their existing study plans. Students may: - Opt for a  "automatically accepted" plan , in this case the elective credits will come from those suggested and the plan will be automatically approved; - Opt for a  "requiring approval" plan , by choosing "Plan submitted for approval" in Uniweb; in this case, students can choose the activities to insert, which should be coherent and consistent with the study plan.

The choices will be guided step by step, we kindly invite you to check the guidelines for the compilation of "requiring approval" plan :

  • enrolled in the first year for the a.y. 2023/2024 ;
  • enrolled in the first year for the a.y. 2022/2023 ;
  • enrolled in the first year for the a.y. 2021/2022 ;
  • enrolled in the first year for the a.y. 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 ;
  • enrolled in the first year for the AA 2018/19 can present the "requiring approval" plan on Uniweb, please also make reference to the above guidelines as the mandatory courses, which are preloaded by the system, will change.

FIRST-CYCLE DEGREE COURSES CANNOT BE INCLUDED IN THE STUDY PLAN . The examinations will appear in the certifications, but they will remain out of study plan.

Professors will check the study plans monthly (or on request, in case of justified urgent cases which must be reported by email to the address didattica.dfa(at)unipd.it). The system will notify the approval or rejection of the study plan with an explanatory note.

The contingents prior to a.y. 2017/2018 included who wants to present a"requiring approval" plan must send an email to didattica.dfa(at)unipd.it

Study Plan Commission

M. Lunardon marcello.lunardon(at)unipd.it P. Marchetti pieralberto.marchetti(at)unipd.it 


  • Dipartimento
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  • Segreteria didattica
  • didattica.dfa [at] unipd.it
  • Via Marzolo 8
  • 0039 0498277088
  • PEC: dipartimento.dfa[at]pec.unipd.it
  • Contatti webmaster: [email protected]
  • Informazioni sul sito
  • Accessibilità
  • Note legali
  • Atti di notifica
  • Elenco siti tematici


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  4. What Is a Thesis?

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  5. template-latex-unipd/Tesi.tex at master · mamio1994/template-latex

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  5. Master Degree in Management Engineering

  6. Selecting A Research Topic (Urdu Language)


  1. PDF Master's thesis Guidelines and procedure

    The volume of the thesis is roughly 80 pages. It should be presented in lightweight cardboard cover and consist of A4 sheets. Both sides of the sheets should be used. The thesis should be typewritten. Line spacing is 1.5, 2 centimeters of upper and lower margins, 2 centimeters of right margin, and 3 centimeters of left margin.

  2. PDF Final Paper and Master's dissertation guidelines

    LENGTH:The final paper for bachelor's degrees should be between 15 and 25 pages, and the master's dissertation should not exceed 100 pages (excluding annexes and appendices). The recommended font is Arial or Times New Roman, size 12, with line spacing of 2 or 1.5 . WRITING PROCESS:Before drafting the final paper or master's dissertation, it ...

  3. Start and conclusion of Master's thesis activities

    The thesis must be written in English, according to the following criteria in terms of content organisation and layout: Guidelines for the thesis preparation; The Master's thesis must be submitted exclusively in digital format, by uploading it in UNIWEB within 3 days before its defense. Final discussion of the thesis

  4. Master's thesis: Guidelines and procedures

    UniPD. The tutoring service is organizing a meeting for 2nd year graduate students. The meeting will focus on all relevant information needed to draft the final thesis. The meeting will be presided over by Prof. Gianecchini. ... Master's thesis: Guidelines and procedures. Room C, 13.00-14.30. 19.02.2018.

  5. PDF Editorial guidelines for master thesis Dipartimento di Geoscienze

    - Title of the thesis - Supervisor - Co-supervisor (if any) - Candidate name and matriculation number - Academic year The inscription page is optional and must follow the front page. Structure of the main text (IMRaD. style: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion): 1. Table of contents 2. Abstract 3. Introduction 4.

  6. Home page [thesis.unipd.it]

    La SLA e la figura del caregiver: analisi dei bisogni educativi e proposte di intervento. La ricerca che verrà presentata in questo elaborato ha lo scopo di delineare la figura del caregiver e di identificare i relativi bisogni educativi, mediante una revisione della letteratura nazionale e internazionale.

  7. Graduation

    Thesis Upload. To be admitted to the final exam, students must upload a digital copy of the thesis in PDF/A format to the Uniweb portal GUIDE: pay particular attention to the following aspects:. 1) The document uploaded on Uniweb must: a) represent the final version of the thesis b) be in PDF/A FORMAT: instructions for creating a document in PDF/A format c) have a maximum size of 40 megabytes

  8. PDF Guide for thesis application procedure

    3 - write twice the Titolo tesi - thesis title in English - for Attività didattica - please figure out the course to which the thesis/ the supervisor belongs: - Parole chiave - insert key words - then Avanti _ - forward - next step is to insert the name of the supervisor - then click ^Avanti - forward - for the last confirmation click on "Completa tesi" - complete thesis

  9. Avp7078921


  10. Course: DATA SCIENCE

    Here, you can find a nice Latex template for your Master's thesis. The template meets the latest UNIPD formatting guidelines. For any comment or update, please email us. Data Science Internships. There are two simple steps to start an internship: 1.

  11. PDF Corso Di Laurea Magistrale in Local Development

    The master course in ... the guidelines for starting, developing and concluding the internship are reported in this page. At the end of the Internship the student must write a maximum 3000 words Internship reflective report. Internship rules & procedure 2023-24 File. Caricato il 12/10/2023 11:24. TOA and TOP by Career Service Unipd File ...

  12. FAQ

    If you already defended your Master Thesis you have to upload your thesis PDF file AND the 2-page summary to PICA (as two distinct PDF files). If you are supposed to defend your Master Thesis no later than Sept. 30, 2023, you can upload just the 2-page summary signed by you and your thesis supervisor. 5. Do I need to upload recommendation ...

  13. Master's Degree in Physics: Study plan

    The choices will be guided step by step, we kindly invite you to check the guidelines for the compilation of "requiring approval" plan: enrolled in the first year for the a.y. 2023/2024; enrolled in the first year for the a.y. 2022/2023; enrolled in the first year for the a.y. 2021/2022; enrolled in the first year for the a.y. 2019/2020 and ...