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How to Complete the DS-160 Form Online: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Complete the DS-160 Form Online: A Step-by-Step Guide

Filling out the DS-160 form is a critical step for anyone applying for a nonimmigrant visa to the United States. The DS-160 is an extensive online form that collects personal and security-related information from applicants. To ensure accuracy and improve your chances of a successful application, follow this detailed guide to complete the DS-160 form.

What is the DS-160 Form?

The DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application form, is required for all applicants seeking a nonimmigrant visa to the United States. This form must be submitted electronically to the U.S. Department of State website. The information you provide will be used by consular officers to process your visa application and determine your eligibility for a visa.

Where to Access the DS-160

You can fill out the DS-160 form on the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) website at https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/ . Ensure you have a reliable internet connection when filling out the application to avoid data loss.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Complete the DS-160

How to Complete the DS-160 Form Online: A Step-by-Step Guide

Log In and Start Your Application:

  • Go to the CEAC website and select the location where you will apply for the visa. Start a new application by clicking on the “Start an Application” button.
Your passport must have at least one blank page available for the visa stamp. Additionally, it should remain valid for a minimum of six months beyond your intended stay in the United States. However, if you are a citizen of certain countries , your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States.

Answer the Security Question:

Also of Interest:

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  • Choose a security question and remember your answer, as this will help in retrieving your application if you need to return to it later.

Fill Out Personal Questions:

  • Enter your full name, marital status, date of birth, and other personal details. Your passport information, travel plans, and previous U.S. travel history will also be required.

Provide Family Information:

  • Include details about your parents and spouse, such as full names and dates of birth.

Detail Your Work/Education/Training Information:

  • Describe your current job, educational qualifications, languages you speak, and any professional affiliations.

Answer Security-Related Questions:

  • These questions will cover areas such as health, criminal history, security, and immigration law violations.

Upload a Digital Photo:

  • Your photo should be a recent, passport-style digital image that meets the U.S. visa photo requirements.

Review and Submit the Form:

  • Carefully review all the information for accuracy. Make any necessary changes before submitting the form.

Print the Confirmation Page:

  • After submitting, print the confirmation page which includes a barcode. You will need this page for your visa interview.

How to Fill the D-160 Form?

Personal questions:.

When preparing to fill out the DS-160 form, you will tackle a variety of questions that fall under several categories including personal information, family details, work/education/training data, and security-related inquiries. Below is a comprehensive list of what you will need to answer under the Personal Questions section of the DS-160 form:

Personal Questions Checklist:

  • Name & Surname : Provide your full name as it appears in your passport.
  • Full Name in Native Alphabet : If applicable, provide your full name in the native alphabet of your country.
  • Marital Status : Specify whether you are single, married, divorced, widowed, or separated.
  • Date and Place of Birth : Enter your date of birth and the city/country where you were born.
  • Country of Origin : The country of your citizenship.
  • Do you have any other nationality other than the one indicated? : Answer yes or no, and provide details if applicable.
  • Are you a permanent resident in any other country aside from your country of origin? : Answer yes or no, and provide details if applicable.
  • Home Address : Provide your current residence address.
  • Phone Number – Work and Personal : Include both numbers if applicable.
  • Email Address : Provide a valid email address that you regularly check.
  • Number : Your current passport number.
  • Date of Place of Issuance : The date when and the place where your passport was issued.
  • Date of Expiration : When your passport expires.
  • Purpose of the Trip to the US : Describe the main reason for your trip (e.g., tourism, business, study, etc.).
  • Intended Date of Arrival : When you plan to arrive in the U.S.
  • Length of Stay : How long you intend to stay.
  • Address Where You Will Stay : Include the address where you will reside during your visit.
  • Will You Be Accompanied by Someone? : Answer yes or no, and give details, if traveling with someone.
  • Have you ever been to the US?
  • Have you ever held a US visa?
  • Have you ever been rejected from getting a visa or refused entry to the US?
  • Relationship to You
  • Home Address

Tips for Answering These Questions:

  • Accuracy is Crucial : Ensure that all the information provided matches the details in your official documents.
  • Be Concise and Clear : Provide direct and to-the-point answers where applicable.
  • Documentation : Have all relevant documents on hand to refer to as needed, such as your passport, previous visa copies, and travel itinerary.

Family Information Section

Questions and suggested answers:.

  • Parents’ Given Full Names : Provide the full legal names of both your mother and your father as per their official documents.
  • Do You Have Any Relatives in the US? : If yes, provide the names, relationship to you, and the status of their residency or citizenship in the U.S. If no, simply answer ‘No’.
  • Your Spouse’s Name, Date and Place of Birth : If applicable, provide your spouse’s full name, their date of birth, and the city and country where they were born. If not applicable, enter ‘N/A’ (not applicable).

Work/Education/Training Information Section

  • Primary Occupation, Address, Start Date, Monthly Salary in Local Currency, and Briefly Describe Your Duties :
  • Primary Occupation : Specify your job title.
  • Address : Address of your place of work.
  • Start Date : When you began your current job.
  • Monthly Salary in Local Currency : Provide your salary.
  • Brief Job Description : Summarize your main responsibilities.
  • Were You Previously Employed? : If yes, list your previous employer(s) and job position(s) held including the dates of employment. If no, indicate ‘No’.
  • Have You Attended Any Education Institutions at a Secondary Level or Above? : List all educational institutions attended, including high school and higher education. Provide names of the institutions, dates attended, and any degrees or certifications obtained.
  • Which Languages Do You Speak? : List all languages you are proficient in.
  • Have You Traveled within the Last Five Years? : Provide details of your travels, including the countries visited and the purpose of each visit.
  • Have You Belonged to, Contributed to or Worked for Any Professional, Social or Charitable Organization? : If yes, provide the names of the organizations and your role or contribution. If no, simply answer ‘No’.
  • Do You Have Any Specialized Skills or Training, Such as Firearms, Explosives, Nuclear, Biological or Chemical Experience? : If you possess such skills, describe them along with any relevant certifications. If not, answer ‘No’.
  • Have You Ever Served in the Military? : If yes, provide details including the branch, rank, and periods of service. If no, answer ‘No’.
  • Have You Ever Served in, Been a Member of, or Been Involved with a Paramilitary Unit, Vigilante Unit, Rebel Group, Guerrilla Group, or Insurgent Organization? : If yes, provide full disclosure of your involvement. If no, answer ‘No’.

Security-Related Questions and Suggested Answers:

  • Do you have a communicable disease of public health significance?
  • Answer : No, unless medically diagnosed with such a condition.
  • Do you have a mental or physical disorder that poses or is likely to pose a threat to the safety or welfare of yourself or others?
  • Answer : No, unless you have been diagnosed with such a condition.
  • Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict?
  • Answer : No, unless this applies to your past or current situation.
  • Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime?
  • Answer : No, unless you have been arrested or convicted at any point.
  • Have you ever violated, or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating to controlled substances?
  • Answer : No, unless applicable.
  • Are you coming to the United States to engage in prostitution or unlawful commercialized vice?
  • Answer : No.
  • Have you ever been involved in, or do you seek to engage in, money laundering?
  • Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offense?
  • Have you ever knowingly aided, abetted, assisted, or colluded with an individual who has committed a human trafficking offense?

Remember, these responses should be tailored to your own experiences and history. Any affirmative answers need to be accompanied by detailed explanations and, potentially, official documents or records. Providing false information can lead to serious consequences including visa denial and potential bans on future travel to the United States .

These responses should be prepared carefully to ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date, reflecting your current situation and travel plans accurately. Remember, providing incorrect or misleading information on a DS-160 form can result in visa denial or other legal consequences. Make sure to review each section multiple times before submitting your application.

Essential Documents Needed

Before starting your DS-160 application, gather the following documents:

  • Your valid passport.
  • A digital photograph in the specified format.
  • Travel itinerary (if you have already made travel arrangements).
  • Dates of your last five visits or trips to the U.S., and details of these trips.
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae – you may need to provide information about your education, work, and travel history.

Special Considerations

  • Applicants for Specific Visa Types : Depending on the visa type, additional information may be necessary:
  • F, J, and M visa applicants : Will need details from their I-20 or DS-2019 forms.
  • H, L, O, P, Q, R visa applicants : Should have information from their I-129 form.

Tips for a Successful Application

  • Ensure all information is complete and accurate.
  • Save your application frequently to avoid data loss.
  • Answer all questions truthfully to avoid delays and possible denials.

More Information and Assistance

For detailed guides and assistance, you can visit the official U.S. Visa Information and Appointment Services website at https://www.ustraveldocs.com/ or contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate.

By following these detailed instructions and preparing accordingly, you can confidently complete your DS-160 application form. Remember, accuracy and honesty are key to a smooth visa application process.

Frequently Asked Questions About the DS-160 Form:

1. Can I amend my DS-160 form after I have booked my visa interview appointment?

  • Once the DS-160 form is submitted, you cannot make changes to it. If you need to make corrections or updates after booking your interview, you will need to complete a new DS-160 form and print the confirmation page of the new submission. Bring the confirmation pages of both the original and revised DS-160 forms to your interview.

2. What if I lose my DS-160 confirmation page?

  • If you lose your confirmation page, you can retrieve it by going back to the DS-160 website where you submitted your application. You will need the application ID number, or if you saved the DS-160 form to your computer, you can upload it and go directly to the confirmation page.

3. How long is the DS-160 form valid once it’s submitted?

  • The submission of your DS-160 form is valid indefinitely for scheduling an interview appointment unless significant personal or logistical changes occur (like change of name, contact information, employment, or new criminal history). If you do not schedule an interview within 30 days of submission, however, some consulates might require a more recent form.

4. Does every family member need a separate DS-160 form?

  • Yes, each family member who is applying for a U.S. visa must complete a separate DS-160 form. Even children listed in their parents’ passports need a separate DS-160 form filled out and submitted.

5. What should I do if I’m unsure about how to answer a specific security question on the DS-160?

  • It’s important to answer all security questions truthfully and to the best of your knowledge. If you are unsure how to answer a question, it may be helpful to consult an immigration attorney or the embassy/consulate directly for guidance.

6. What happens if I accidentally provide incorrect information on the DS-160 form?

  • If you realize you have provided incorrect information before your interview, you should fill out a new DS-160 form, submit it, and bring the new confirmation page to your interview along with an explanation. Incorrect information can lead to delays or denial of your visa application, so it is crucial to address any discrepancies as soon as possible.

7. How strictly are the photo requirements enforced for the DS-160 form submission?

  • Photo requirements for the DS-160 form are strictly enforced. Your visa application might be delayed or denied if your photo does not meet the specified criteria, such as size, background color, and composition.

8. What should I do if my session times out while filling out the DS-160 form?

  • The DS-160 session times out after 20 minutes of inactivity to protect your privacy. Always save your application frequently to prevent data loss. If you do get timed out, you can retrieve your application using your application ID as long as you save it prior to timing out.

Official Resources for DS-160 Form:

  • Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) :
  • DS-160 Online Application Form : DS-160 Application
  • This is the direct link where you can start, complete, and submit your DS-160 form online.
  • U.S. Department of State – Bureau of Consular Affairs :
  • Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160) Page : DS-160 Information
  • This page provides detailed information about the DS-160 form, including instructions, FAQs, and tips for completing the form.
  • U.S. Visa Information and Services :
  • US Travel Docs : U.S. Travel Docs
  • This site provides comprehensive information about U.S. visas, including how to schedule interview appointments, required documentation, and specific instructions based on your country.
  • U.S. Embassies and Consulates :
  • Find U.S. Embassies and Consulates : Embassy & Consulate Finder
  • Utilize this tool to find contact information and websites for U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide where you can get localized assistance and information.
  • Photo Requirements :
  • Visa Photograph Requirements : Photo Guidelines
  • This link directs you to the official guidelines for the photograph that must be submitted with the DS-160 form, detailed requirements, and examples of acceptable and unacceptable photos.
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Visas :
  • Visa FAQ : Visa Questions
  • This resource provides answers to frequently asked questions about U.S. visas, including detailed sections on completing the DS-160 form.

Additional Support and Guidance:

  • Customer Service and Hotline :
  • If you encounter issues or have specific questions while filling out your DS-160 form, reaching out to the support or hotline number provided on the U.S. embassy or consulate’s website in your country can be helpful.

By utilizing these official resources, applicants can ensure that they are receiving the most accurate and up-to-date information available concerning the DS-160 form and the entire U.S. visa application process.


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DS-160 Form for US Visa: Everything You Need to Know

Updated: September 8, 2023

DS-160 Form on a desktop

If you are applying for a US visa, you must complete the DS-160 form. Filling out the DS-160 form is a mandatory requirement for all US nonimmigrant visa applications such as the B1/B2.

The US Department of State uses form DS-160 along with the visa interview to determine your eligibility for a US visa. It’s important to complete this form accurately and honestly.

In this article, you will learn everything about the DS-160 form, the documents needed and how to complete it.

Table of Contents

What is ds-160 form.

DS-160 form is an online nonimmigrant visa application form for the United States. It’s a mandatory form for all US nonimmigrant visa applications such as the B1/B2. Completing this form is the first step in the US visa application process.

It’s a lengthy form so it can take about 60-90 minutes to fill. The form will ask for details about your personal information, travel plans, travel history, education, work, etc. For a sample form, take a look at this sample DS-160 on the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) website.

Who Must Fill DS-160 Form?

If you are applying for a nonimmigrant visa for the US such as a B1/B2, you must fill out the DS-160 form. This form is required for all US nonimmigrant visa applicants regardless of their age or nationality.

Form DS-160 is the first step in the US visa application process. This is an online form that can take about 60-90 minutes to fill.

It’s important to fill this form accurately and honestly. Providing false or misleading information can lead to visa refusal or a temporary ban.

Where to Fill DS-160 Form?

To fill out the form DS-160, visit Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) website. This is the only website authorized for completing and submitting the form DS-160.

A Word of Caution Third parties are allowed to fill out the application on your behalf. But I highly recommend filling out the form yourself to avoid any errors.

Technical Requirements to Fill Out Form DS-160

Before you start filling out your form DS-160, ensure that you have the necessary technical requirements.

  • Device Compatibility: You need a computer or laptop. It’s a lengthy form with several sections. It’s cumbersome to fill it out on a phone or tablet. Use a computer or laptop.
  • Browser Compatibility: You need a major browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer. It also works on Safari and Microsoft Edge, but I highly recommend using Google Chrome.
  • Internet Connection: You need a stable and reliable internet connection. A slow and unstable internet can cause the form to load slowly or freeze. This can lead to frustration and delays.
  • Software Requirements: You need a PDF reader installed on your computer. A PDF reader is necessary to view and print your confirmation page. If you do not have one, download Adobe Acrobat Reader .
  • Other Technical Requirements: Disable popups and download blockers on your browser. These blockers can prevent downloading your confirmation page.

Documents Required to Fill Out DS-160 Form 

DS-160 Form Sample

You must have the following documents ready before filling out your form DS-160. The form is long and requires a lot of information. Make sure to keep these documents and information handy before you start the application.

  • Valid passport: You need a valid passport. The validity requirements for the passport depend on your nationality. Refer to the six-month club update on the CBP website for current passport validity requirements for US visa applications.
  • Old passports (if any): You need your old passports to fill out the information on any previously issued US visas and travel history in the last 5 years.
  • Digital photo: You need one digital photo as per the US visa photo requirements . Otherwise, you must carry two copies of 2-inch x 2-inch (50mmx50mm) photos to your personal interview.
  • Travel itinerary: You need your US travel itinerary such as the date of arrival, length of the trip, etc. If you had made travel arrangements already, you would need your flight and hotel details as well.
  • National ID: You need your National ID as you would need to fill in your national ID number.
  • SSN or ITIN: If you have lived in the US before, you need to fill out your SSN or ITIN information. You need these documents handy as well.
  • Employment history documents: You need information about your employment history starting from your current employer and past two employers.
  • Education history documents: You need information about your education starting from your highest education all the way to high school.
  • Travel history documents: You need information about the countries you have traveled in the last 5 years.
  • Other Information: You also need information about your family, travel companions, social media accounts and the details of your US contact person.

Form DS-160 Fee

There is no fee to fill out form DS-160. This is only the first step in your US visa application process. You will pay the visa fee of $185 in the next step, which is scheduling your visa interview.

Form DS-160 Processing Time

There is no processing time for form DS-160. When you submit your form, the confirmation page is displayed immediately.

Again, keep in mind that filling out this form is only the first step in your US visa application process. You would still need to schedule and attend your visa interview.

Form DS-160 Validity

The validity of your DS-160 form depends on whether you are still filling it out or already submitted it.

Unsubmitted: Form DS-160 is valid for 30 days from the day of starting the application. You must complete and submit your form within this time period. After 30 days, the form will expire, and you will need to complete a new form.

Submitted: Form DS-160 is valid for one year from the day of submission. You must use this submitted DS-160 to schedule your interview within one year.

DS-160 Confirmation Number

When you submit your completed DS-160 form, you will receive a confirmation page with a unique 10-digit barcode. This barcode is your DS-160 confirmation number. You must make a note of this 10-digit code. You would need this to schedule your visa appointment.

How to Fill Out DS-160 Form?

Below are the various sections of the form DS-160 and the information required to fill out each section.

Section 01: Getting Started

Start your DS-160 form by going to the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) website. Select the location and click on “Start An Application”. Make a note of the Application ID displayed.

Section 02: Personal

Enter your personal details such as your name, gender, date of birth, marital status, nationality, national ID number and US social security number (if you have one).

Section 03: Address and Phone

Enter your home and mailing address, phone and email addresses.

Section 04: Passport

Enter your passport details such as the passport number, place of issue, date of issue and expiration.

Section 05: Travel

Enter the purpose of your trip, details of your travel plans and whether you or some else is paying for the trip.

Section 06: Travel Companions

Enter the details of your travel companions. If you will be traveling by yourself, simply select “No” and move on to the next section.

Section 07: Previous U.S. Travel

Enter information about your previous US visa and US travel details. If you have never been to the US, select “No” and move on to the next section.

Section 08: U.S. Contact

Enter the information about your point of contact in the US. If you are a tourist, enter the details of your hotel or family/friend where you will stay.

Section 09: Family

Enter your father’s and mother’s information and details of any relatives that you have in the US.

Section 10: Work / Education / Training

Enter your employment, education and travel history information. This section is applicable only to certain applicants. If you do not see this section, simply move on to the next section.

Section 11: Security and Background

In this section, read and answer each and every security question. Every security question is important so make sure to answer accurately.

Section 12: Photo

In this section, upload your photo as per the photo requirements. This section is not applicable to applicants from certain countries. So if this section is not shown, move on to the next one.

Section 13: Review

In this section, review the information you have entered so far. This section will have 7 subsections, so take your time and review each and every detail for accuracy. Past this step, you cannot correct any information.

Section 14: Sign and Submit

In this section, electronically sign application and submit it. If someone helped you in filling out the form, enter their details and electronically sign the form.

To make this process easier, I have prepared a step-by-step guide with screenshots on how to fill DS-160 form . Refer to this guide and follow along.

How to Print DS-160 Confirmation Page?

DS-160 Confirmation Page

After you submit your form DS-160, a confirmation page will be displayed. Click on the “Print Confirmation” button to print it on a letter size or A4 sheet. If you do not have access to a printer, save it as a PDF so you can print it later.

If you have already submitted your DS-160 but did not print your confirmation page, follow the below steps.

  • Step 1: Go to the CEAC website and click on the “Retrieve an Application” button.
  • Step 2: Enter your 10-digit application ID number (DS-160 confirmation number) and click on “Retrieve Application”. This will retrieve your submitted DS-160.
  • Step 3: Click on the “Print Application Confirmation” button. A new window will open, displaying your confirmation page.
  • Step 4: Click on the “Print” button to print your DS-160 confirmation. If you do not have access to a printer, save the confirmation page as a PDF so you can print it later.

After printing, keep the confirmation page in your records as you will need this for your visa interview appointment.

How to Retrieve DS-160 Form After Submission?

Follow the below steps to retrieve a DS-160 form after submission.

  • Step 2: Enter your 10-digit application ID (also called DS-160 confirmation number) and click on “Retrieve Application”. This will retrieve your submitted DS-160.

You can edit the form or print the confirmation from here.

How to Edit DS-160 Form After Submission?

Follow the below steps to edit a DS-160 form after submission.

  • Step 3: Click on the “Create a New Application” button. This will create a new form DS-160 and auto-populate the information from your old DS-160.
  • Step 4: Make edits where necessary and submit the form. A new DS-160 confirmation will be displayed. Click on the “Print” button to print this new confirmation page.

How to fill out DS-160 for a family?

If you are applying for a US nonimmigrant visa as a family, each family member must submit a separate form DS-160. Follow these steps for completing the form for everyone in the family.

  • Step 1: Start your (primary applicant) DS-160 form first. Add your family members as your travel companions.
  • Step 2: After submitting your form, on the “thank you” page, you will be given the option to create DS-160 forms for your family members.
  • Step 3: Follow the on-screen instructions from there, some of the common information (such as travel dates, companions, etc) will be copied over to your family members’ forms. This saves time and helps to avoid making mistakes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take to fill out the ds-160.

It takes about 60-90 minutes to complete the DS-160. If you don’t have the information required handy, it can take days to fill out the form. In such a case, you can save the form and revisit it as and when you gather the information necessary.

Do I need to complete DS-160 before visa appointment?

Yes, you must complete and submit form DS-160 before your visa appointment. Completing the DS-160 form is a prerequisite to scheduling a visa appointment.

Can someone else complete the DS-160 on my behalf?

Yes, someone else can complete your DS-160 on your behalf. But they must identify themselves at the end of the application within the “Sign and Submit” section. After which, you must personally review and sign the completed form before submitting it.

Can I make changes to my DS-160 form after submission?

Once you submit your DS-160 form, you cannot make any changes to it. However, you can create a new form and submit it with the correct information. You can pre-fill the new form DS-160 by using “Retrieve Application” with your old DS-160 Application ID.

What is an online nonimmigrant visa application?

Form DS-160 is also referred to as a nonimmigrant visa application form. The US Department of State assigns a number to each immigration form and hence the name DS-160. DS may stand for Department of State but there is no official documentation to confirm. 


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


I highly recommend using these websites to plan your trip. I use these websites myself to apply for my visas, book my flights and hotels and purchase my travel insurance.

01. Apply for your visa

Get a verifiable flight itinerary for your visa application from DummyTicket247 . DummyTicket247 is a flight search engine to search and book flight itineraries for visas instantly. These flight itineraries are guaranteed to be valid for 2 weeks and work for all visa applications.

02. Book your fight

Find the cheapest flight tickets using Skyscanner . Skyscanner includes all budget airlines and you are guaranteed to find the cheapest flight to your destination.

03. Book your hotel

Book your hotel from Booking.com . Booking.com has pretty much every hotel, hostel and guesthouse from every destination.

04. Get your onward ticket

If traveling on a one-way ticket, use BestOnwardTicket to get proof of onward ticket for just $12, valid for 48 hours.

05. Purchase your insurance

Purchase travel medical insurance for your trip from SafetyWing . Insurance from SafetyWing covers COVID-19 and also comes with a visa letter which you can use for your visas.

Need more? Check out my travel resources page  for the best websites to plan your trip.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER We are not affiliated with immigration, embassies or governments of any country. The content in this article is for educational and general informational purposes only, and shall not be understood or construed as, visa, immigration or legal advice. Your use of information provided in this article is solely at your own risk and you expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this article as a substitute for professional visa or immigration advice. Under no circumstance shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in this article or for any damage you may suffer in respect to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information in this article. Please refer to our full disclaimer for further information.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please refer to our full disclosure for further information.


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DS-160 Form Guide: Additional Work/Education/Training Information

DS-160 Form Guide: Additional Work/Education/Training Information

As part of applying for a US visa, you have to complete Form DS-160 which asks for additional work, education, or training information. 

Provide the following work, education, or training related information. Provide complete and accurate information to all questions that require an explanation.

  • Do you belong to a clan or tribe?  If Yes, provide the Clan or Tribe Name. 
  • Provide a list of languages that you speak. 
  • Have you traveled to any countries/regions within the last five years? If Yes, provide a list of the countries you have visited. To do this, select the country from the list. If you need to add more countries, click on ‘Add Another’ and select other countries. 
  • Have you belonged to, contributed to, or worked for any professional, social, or charitable organization?  If Yes, provide a list of the organizations that apply. Enter the organization name. If you need to add more organizations, click on ‘Add Another’ and add more organization names. 
  • Have you ever been a member of the Taliban? 
  • Do you have any specialized skills or training, such as firearms, explosives, nuclear, biological, or chemical experience?  If Yes, please explain in detail. 
  • Name of Country/Region This should be the current name of the country where you performed military service. 
  • Branch of Service 
  • Rank/Position 
  • Military Specialty 
  • Date of Service From (DD-MM-YYYY) To (DD-MM-YYYY) If you have served in the military of more than one country, click ‘Add Another’ and enter the above set of information for each additional country.
  • Have you ever served in, been a member of, or been involved with a paramilitary unit, vigilante unit, rebel group, guerrilla group, or insurgent organization?  If yes, please explain in detail. 

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Form Sections Guide

  • Personal Information Address and Phone Information Passport Information Travel Information Travel Companions Information Previous U.S. Travel Information U.S. Point of Contact Information Family Information: Relatives Family Information: Spouse Present Work/Education/Training Additional Work/Education/Training Previous Work/Education/Training Security and Background Signature/Confirmation/Thank You

Category specific

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  • Confirmation Page DS-160 Application Form

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A Guide To Applying for a U.S. Temporary Visa With Form DS-160

Form DS-160 is also called the Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application form. Many people applying for temporary U.S. visa classifications like student visas and fiancé visas will have to file Form DS-160 with the U.S. embassy or consulate in their home country to get permission to come to the United States. This article is a guide to Form DS-160. It explains who needs to file the form, the application process, and what happens after filing.

Jonathan Petts

Written by Jonathan Petts .  Updated August 22, 2022

Who needs to file Form DS-160?

Most people who will be visiting the United States temporarily will need to file Form DS-160. If you plan to visit the United States with a temporary visa, such as the  F-1 visa , you must file  Form DS-160 . If you are traveling to the United States with a  K-1 visa  and will be getting married, you must also file Form DS-160. Citizens of Mexico who are applying for a TN visa (for  NAFTA  professionals) will also need to file this form. But, Canadian citizens applying for a  TN visa won’t need to file Form DS-160. Green card holders also do not need to file Form DS-160.

Each person traveling with you, including your children, will need their own completed DS-160 application. Applicants ages 16 years or younger, and applicants unable to complete the form on their own, may receive assistance from someone else. If you assist another applicant with completing their DS-160 form, you must identify yourself on the form’s “Sign and Submit” page.

How do you fill out Form DS-160?

You must file Form DS-160  online  through the U.S. Department of State Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC). There’s no paper version of the application.

On the CEAC online application, you’ll be able to save your progress on the form in case of any time outs. CEAC will save your information for up to 30 days counting from the day you began  the application. You’ll have to submit the form within 30 days of starting. You can access your saved form when you click the “Retrieve an Application” button on the CEAC landing page.

For those completing other Form DS-160s for their family members, you’ll be able to create a family application on the CEAC instead of setting up a new DS-160 application for each individual. To set up your family’s new application, complete your own Form DS-160. Then, on the CEAC’s “Thank You” page after the confirmation page, there will be an option allowing you to begin a family application. Creating a family application will automatically fill in some information for each family member, but be sure to review all Form DS-160s to ensure that they are complete and that each traveling family member has their own form.

What will you need to fill Form DS-160?

To fill out Form DS-160, you’ll need to have your passport and your travel itinerary. If applicable, you will need a national ID number from your home country and your Social Security Number (SSN) or U.S. Taxpayer ID. You should also find past travel and employment documents because you’ll need to answer some questions about your travel and employment history. You’ll also need to complete some biographical information questions on the forms about your travel companions, so be sure you have access to a record of their biographical information.

If you are traveling to the United States for school, you must also know the address of the school you’ll be attending and have a copy of your Student Exchange Visitor Information System  (SEVIS) ID . You can find your SEVIS ID on your Form I-20 or Form DS-2019.

If you are traveling to the United States as a temporary worker, you should also keep a copy of your Form I-129 close.

Lastly, all applicants must upload a current photograph satisfying  government requirements  to the online form.

What information does Form DS-160 request?

Form DS-160 will first ask you for the location you’ve chosen for applying for your U.S. visa. You should pick a U.S. embassy or consulate convenient for you, but don’t worry if your plans change. Suppose you have to travel unexpectedly but are still waiting to complete the visa application process. In that case, you’ll be free to schedule your visa interview appointment at a different U.S. embassy or consulate.

The next page of Form DS-160 will show you your Application ID number. You’ll also need to answer a security question. Be sure to keep this information in your records because you’ll need your Application ID and security question answer to come back to the application later.

Your saved form only remains available for 30 days. If you need more time than that to complete it, you may download Form DS-160 to your computer’s hard drive and upload it later. Read on for a breakdown of each part of Form DS-160.

Form DS-160 Part 1: Personal Information

The first part of Form DS-160 will ask you for your personal biographical information, including your full name, date of birth, marital status, nationality, passport or national ID number(s), and your U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) or U.S. Taxpayer ID number (if applicable).

Form DS-160 Part 2: Travel Information

The second part of Form DS-160 will ask you about your travel plans. You’ll need to explain your reasons for traveling, provide your arrival and departure dates, and provide the U.S. address at which you’re staying. If you do not have exact arrival or departure dates yet, you should give an estimate.

Form DS-160 Part 3: Travel Companions

The third part of Form DS-160 is where you’ll answer questions about your travel companions—the friends, family, or members of an organized tour group traveling with you to the United States. You won’t need to include information about any work colleagues traveling with you on this part of the form. But, be sure to remember that all travelers will need to complete and have their own Form DS-160.

Form DS-160 Part 4: Previous U.S. Travel

The form will then ask about the dates and details of any past travels to the United States. If the U.S. government has previously denied you a visa or if you have any history of submitting an immigrant petition to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), you’ll need to disclose this.

Form DS-160 Part 5: Address and Phone Number

You’ll need to provide your current address, mailing address, phone number, and email address for section five. You’ll also need to list any social media accounts you have had over the last five years. Immigration officials may check your social media activity during their review of your application.

Form DS-160 Part 6: Passport Information

Next, you’ll need to provide your passport information. You’ll need to provide your Passport Book Number (or Inventory Control Number). Some countries do not use this number, so you should check off “Does Not Apply” if you do not have a Passport Book Number. You’ll also need to disclose if you’ve ever lost your passport before on this part of the form.

Form DS-160 Part 7: U.S Point of Contact

This section will ask you to list contact information for someone in the United States who knows you and can verify your identity. If you don’t have anyone in mind to list here, you can also submit the name of a company or organization you’ll be visiting during your trip instead. 

Form DS-160 Part 8: Relatives

You’ll now need to answer questions about your parents and any relatives currently living in the United States. If you have a spouse, you’ll also need to answer questions about their name, date of birth, nationality, and address.

Form DS-160 Part 9: Work, Education, and Training

Next, you’ll need to provide details about your educational and employment history going back to the last five years. You should also disclose your travel history, any special skills you have, and any military, charity, or professional groups you have been involved with before.

Form DS-160 Part 10: Security and Background Information

The form will then ask you 25 questions on security and background information. Be sure to review each question thoroughly and do not make mistakes as this could harm your application.

Form DS-160 Part 11: Applicant Photo

Next, you should upload a photo satisfying government requirements to the online form. See the Department of State  website  for more information on which kinds of images the U.S. government will accept.

Form DS-160 Part 12: Review, Confirm Location, Sign, and Submit

Lastly, you will have a chance to review each part of your form. The CEAC will ask you which U.S. embassy or consulate you’re applying through. You’ll then need to review terms and conditions and submit the form. Once you complete the form, be sure to save and print out your Form DS-160 confirmation page, as you’ll need it for your visa interview with a consular officer later.

Is there a filing fee for Form DS-160?

Fortunately, there is no filing fee for Form DS-160. However, you’ll still need to pay any applicable filing fees, depending on the type of visa you’re applying for. For many non-petition nonimmigrant visas, like business, tourist, or TN visas for NAFTA professionals, your filing fee will be $160. For most petition-based visas, your filing fee will usually be $190. You can double-check your visa filing fee on the U.S. Department of State  website .

What happens after filing Form DS-160?

Once you complete Form DS-160, you must print out the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) confirmation page. During your visa interview at your local U.S. consulate or embassy, you’ll need this confirmation page. If you did not print out your confirmation page the first time you completed Form DS-160, you can log into the CEAC with your Application ID number and security question. You will then be able to print out the page. At your visa interview, you must bring this confirmation page and any other supporting documents necessary for your visa application.

Throughout your application process, you will be able to check on the status of your Form DS-160 through the Department of State  website .

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Navigating the DS-160 Form: A Step-by-Step Guide for F-1 Visa Applicant

Think about it: A leading university in the US has just sent you their admission letter with the salutation "Congratulations!" Now, just as you might be bracing up for the honor coming your way, there lies an essential prerequisite so everything falls in place: filling out the DS 160 form.

While it might seem daunting, this form is simply your first step toward turning your American college dreams into reality. Yes, the DS 160 form is detailed, but don't worry—it's a manageable process.

This guide will walk you through each section with clear, step-by-step instructions that ease the process. With the correct information, you'll fill out the form that lays a foundation for your future success. Before we list the steps, let’s first understand the basics.

What is the DS 160 Form?

The DS 160 form is a comprehensive online application crucial for nonimmigrants seeking to study in the US . It's the first step in your visa application process and is your formal introduction to US immigration authorities, detailing your personal, educational, and travel background. This form must be completed accurately, as it forms the basis of your visa interview.

For expert guidance through your visa application process, join our webinars led by seasoned professionals. Register now and enhance your chances of visa approval.

Detailed Step-by-Step DS 160 Form Filling Process

Here’s a step-by-step guide to filling out the DS 160 form. Each step includes detailed actions to ensure clarity and ease during application.

Step 1: Initiate Your Application

Begin the Process: Navigate to the Consular Electronic Application Center . Start your application by selecting "Start An Application." This initial step sets the groundwork for the detailed information you will provide, which is crucial for your visa processing.

work education training information ds 160

Step 2: Document Your Application ID

Secure Your Application ID: Once you start, the system will generate an Application ID. Note this ID down carefully and choose a security question. This ID is critical for accessing your form if you need to pause your application or retrieve it later due to an interruption.

work education training information ds 160

Step 3: Complete Personal Information Sections

Provide Detailed Personal Data: Fill in all required fields in Personal Information Sections 1 and 2. These sections will ask for your full legal name, date of birth, and other personal details. Accuracy here is crucial, as discrepancies can cause delays or issues with your visa process.

work education training information ds 160

Step 4: Enter Your Travel Information

Detail Your Travel Plans: Specify your intended travel dates, the purpose of your trip, and details of your stay in the US. This section helps determine the type of visa you require and whether your intended activities align with visa regulations.

work education training information ds 160

Step 5: Disclose Previous US Travels

Report Past US Visits: If applicable, provide details about your previous travels to the US. This includes dates of visits, purposes of the trips, and any visas you used for those travels. Honest disclosure is essential for transparency and trust in your application.

work education training information ds 160

Step 6: Input Contact Details

List Your Contacts: Enter your current residential address, phone number, and email. Ensure these are up-to-date, as they may be used for official communications regarding your visa application.

work education training information ds 160

Step 7: Update Passport Information

Passport Data Entry: Input your passport number, country of issue, and expiration date. Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned stay in the US.

work education training information ds 160

Step 8: Provide US Point of Contact Information

Identify a Local Contact: Input details of a contact in the US, such as a friend, family member, business associate, or educational institution. This person or entity might be contacted to verify information or in case of emergencies.

work education training information ds 160

Step 9: Family Information

Family Background Details: Fill in information about your immediate family members, including relatives, partners, or a fiancé(e) if applicable. This may also include any dependents or former spouses if relevant to your application.

work education training information ds 160

Step 10: Current Work/Education/Training Information

Educational and Employment Details: Provide details on current employment or educational institution. This includes your job title, company name, address, and any relevant training programs you're involved with.

work education training information ds 160

Step 11: Previous Work/Education/Training Information

Historical Professional and Educational Data: Document your past educational and professional experiences. This historical insight supports your visa category justification and helps establish your ties outside the US.

work education training information ds 160

Step 12: Answer Security and Background Questions

Complete Security Screenings: Carefully answer all questions in the security and background sections. These questions are critical for assessing your admissibility and meeting national security standards.

work education training information ds 160

Step 13: Additional Points of Contact

Additional References: Include additional contacts who can verify your identity and personal history. These might be professional or personal references that must be listed in previous sections.

work education training information ds 160

Step 14: SEVIS Information (For Student Visas)

Student Exchange Visitor Information: For F, M, and J visas, provide your SEVIS ID and the associated fee information. It is mandatory for all students and exchange visitors to verify their enrollment in the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP).

work education training information ds 160

Step 15: Upload Your Photograph

Photo Upload: Attach a digital photograph that meets the specific requirements of the US State Department. This photo should be a recent, color photograph of you facing forward.

work education training information ds 160

Step 16: Review and Submit Your Application

Final Review and Submission: Carefully review all information for accuracy and completeness. Once verified, submit your application electronically and keep a copy of the confirmation page for your records.

work education training information ds 160

Following the detailed steps for filling out the DS 160 form, here are some quick tips to keep in mind to ensure a smooth application process:

After Submission: What Next?

After submitting the DS 160, the next step is to schedule your visa interview at the nearest US location: the embassy or consulate. Prepare by reviewing typical interview questions and organizing all necessary documents, including the DS 160 confirmation page.

Completing the DS 160 form is your first step towards studying in the US. If you find the process daunting, Zolve offers comprehensive DS 160 assistance . Their services include expert form reviews, personalized form-filling support, and access to expert-led webinars designed to ensure visa success. Engage with Zolve today to make your visa application process as smooth as possible, and take your first confident step.

Q. How can I fill out the DS 160 form in India?

You can complete the DS 160 form in India by accessing the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) website. Start a new application, follow the prompts, and ensure all required information is accurately filled.

Q. Is it difficult to fill DS 160 form?

Filling out the DS 160 form can be straightforward if you have all the necessary information. The form is detailed, so careful attention to the instructions and accuracy in providing information is crucial.

Q. How much is the fee for the DS 160 form?

The fee for the DS 160 form is generally $160 for most nonimmigrant visas. This fee can vary for certain types of visas, so it’s important to check the specific fee for the visa category you are applying for.

Q. What to do next after submitting DS 160?

After submitting your DS 160 form, the following steps include printing the confirmation page with the barcode. You need this confirmation page to schedule your visa interview at the US Embassy or Consulate.

Q. How do I know if my DS 160 is approved?

You won’t receive direct approval for submitting the DS 160 form alone. After submitting, you must schedule and attend a visa interview at a US Embassy or Consulate. The approval of your visa will be determined based on the interview and the documents you provide there.

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work education training information ds 160

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Completing the DS-160

Important Notice:  Take care to answer all questions on the DS-160 accurately and completely; otherwise, you may have to correct your application and reschedule your visa interview appointment.

Electronically submitting your DS-160 online application is only the first step in the visa application process. Once you have electronically submitted your DS-160 online application, you must contact the embassy or consulate at which you wish to apply to confirm whether you need to be interviewed by a consular officer, and to schedule an interview. You can find a list of U.S. embassies and consulates  here , with links to their websites where you can find information about scheduling a visa interview appointment.  If the embassy or consulate at which you apply informs that you must have a visa interview, the visa application process cannot be completed until you appear for an interview with a consular officer.

Accessing the DS-160

Where can i find the ds-160.

Access the DS-160 here, by clicking:  Consular Electronic Application Center website .

You may wish to preview a sample DS-160 (10.1MB) before beginning.

I am having problems accessing the DS-160.

Use only Internet Explorer 11 or higher, Firefox, or Google Chrome 58 when completing your appplication. Safari and Microsoft Edge are not supported .

What documents do I need to have with me while I complete the DS-160?

You should have the following documents available while you complete your DS-160:

  • Travel itinerary , if you have already made travel arrangements.
  • Dates of your last five visits or trips to the United States , if you have previously travelled to the United States. You may also be asked for your international travel history for the past five years. 
  • Résumé or Curriculum Vitae  - You may be required to provide information about your current and previous education and work history. 
  • Other Information  - Some applicants, depending on the intended purpose of travel, will be asked to provide additional information when completing the DS-160.

Some applicants will need to have additional information and documents handy while completing the DS-160:

  • Students and Exchange Visitors (F, J, and M) : You will be asked to provide your SEVIS ID, which is printed on your  I-20 or DS-2019 , so you should have this form available when completing your DS-160. You also will be asked to provide the address of the school/program at which you intend to study. This information should also be on your I-20 or DS-2019 form. 
  • Petition-based Temporary Workers (H-1B, H-2, H-3, CW1, L, O, P, R, E2C):  You should have a copy of your  I-129  available when completing your DS-160. 
  • Other Temporary Workers:  You will be asked for information about your employer, including the employer’s address, while completing your DS-160.

Can my answers be in my native language?

No. All answers  must be in English, using English characters only,  except when you are asked to provide your full name in your native alphabet. Applications submitted in any language other than English will be denied, and you may be required to submit a new application.

While you must answer all questions in English, translations of questions are available in many languages from the drop-down menu in the right upper corner of the application. These translations should assist you in completing the form in English.

Are all questions on the DS-160 mandatory?

Most questions are mandatory and must be answered in the spaces provided. You may leave spaces blank when the questions are marked “optional.” You may answer a question with “Does Not Apply,” when that question does not apply to you; however, all other questions must be answered. The system  will not  allow you to submit an application with any mandatory questions left unanswered. If you do not complete a mandatory question, the system will display an error message and require you to answer the question before continuing with the application. If you do not answer questions that apply to your circumstances and/or purpose of travel, the system will not accept your application.

Are additional forms required?

No. The online DS-160 application replaced the DS-156, DS-157, DS-158, and DS-3032, which are no longer necessary.  NOTE : In addition to the DS-160, Treaty Trader/Treaty Investor visa applicants also must complete an additional form (see the Treaty Trader/Treaty Investor, E Visa Applicants  section below for more information). 

What happens to my DS-160 if I select a U.S. Embassy or Consulate where I will be applying for my visa, but end up making an interview appointment instead at another U.S. Embassy or Consulate?

The Embassy or Consulate at which you actually apply should be able to access your form using the barcode on your DS-160 confirmation page, which you must bring to the visa interview. For example, a business traveler intends to apply for his visa at the U.S. Embassy in City X, so he selects City X as the location where he will submit his application when he completes his DS-160. He then has an urgent reason to travel to City Y on business. Because there is a U.S. Consulate in City Y, he schedules an appointment for a visa interview there, using the barcode from his completed DS-160 application for appointment scheduling. The U.S. Consulate in City Y is able to accept his DS-160 even though it lists the U.S. Embassy in City X as the location where he originally intended to submit his application.

Completing Specific DS-160 Questions

How do i sign the ds-160 form.

You electronically sign your DS-160 by clicking the “Sign Application” button at the end of the form. Failure to sign may result in termination of the application. Your electronic signature certifies that you have read and understood the questions in the application and that your answers are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief. The submission of an application containing any false or misleading statements may result in the permanent refusal of a visa or denial of entry into the United States. All declarations made in the application are unsworn declarations made under penalty of perjury.

Unless you are exempted from appearing in person, your fingerprints will be electronically scanned on the day of your interview. By providing your fingerprints, you will again certify that that you have answered all questions on the DS-160 truthfully and to the best of your knowledge, and that you will tell the truth during your visa interview. You will be directed to read the following statement prior to having your fingerprints scanned:

“By submitting my fingerprint, I am certifying under penalty of perjury that I have read and understood the questions in my visa application and that all statements that appear in my visa application have been made by me and are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Furthermore, I certify under penalty of perjury that I will tell the truth during my interview and that all statements made by me during my interview will be complete to the best of my ability.”

Can a third party complete the form on my behalf? Who is exempt from signing the form?

If an applicant is illiterate or unable to complete the application, the applicant must be assisted by a third party. The third party must be identified on the “Sign and Submit” page of the application. While the third party can assist the applicant in completing the application, he or she must instruct the applicant on how to endorse the application on his or her own behalf by clicking the “Sign Application” button.

If the applicant is under the age of 16 or physically incapable of completing an application, the applicant’s parents or guardian may complete and click the “Sign Application” button on his or her behalf. If the applicant has no parent or legal guardian, then the application may be completed by any person having legal custody of, or a legitimate interest in, the applicant.

The DS-160 contains terms that I am not familiar with. Are these terms explained?

Explanations of the following terms contained in the online DS-160 form are available to you as help topics while you complete the DS-160 and are also provided below. 

Help: Surnames

Enter all surnames (or family names) exactly as they are written in your passport. If only one name is written in your passport, enter that as your “Surname.”

Help: Given Names

If your passport does not include a first or given name, please enter 'FNU' (meaning “first name unknown”) in the space for “Given Names.”

Help: Other Names

Other names used include your maiden name, religious name, professional name, or any other name by which you are or have been known.

Make sure to enter the other names you have used in full.  Thus, if you have only used another surname, enter it along with your usual given name. If you have only used another given name, enter it along with your usual surname.

Help: Telecode

Telecodes are four-digit code numbers that represent characters in some non-Roman alphabet names.

Help: Date of Birth

Enter as shown in your passport.

Help: Place of Birth

Please choose the name currently used for the place where you were born.

Help: Phone

You must provide a primary phone number. The primary phone number should be the phone number at which you are most likely to be reached; this could be a land line or a cellular/mobile number. If you have an additional land line or a cellular/mobile number please list that as your secondary phone number. 

Help: Identification Numbers

Your National ID Number is a unique number that your government may have provided. For example, the U.S. Government gives unique numbers to people looking to work or who pay taxes.

Help: Other Nationality

Enter all nationalities you currently hold and all nationalities you have previously held (including United States, if applicable), regardless of whether you have formally and/or legally relinquished the nationality. If the country where you previously held nationality no longer exists, choose the name of the country that is currently used for that location. (For example, if you used to be a citizen of the former East Germany, choose “Germany.”)

Help:  Permanent Resident

Permanent resident means any individual who has been legally granted by a country/region permission to live and work without time limitation in that country/region.

Help: Passport/Travel Document Number

Enter the number of the passport or travel document you will use to travel to the United States. This passport/document must still be valid, and must identify you and your nationality.

Help: Passport Book Number

The Passport Book Number is commonly called the inventory control number. You may or may not have a Passport Book Number on your passport. If you do, the location of the Passport Book Number on your passport may vary depending on the country that issued your passport. Please contact your passport issuing authority if you are unable to determine whether or not your passport contains a Passport Book Number.

Help: Expiration Date

In most cases your passport or travel document must be valid for at least six months after your arrival in the United States.

Help: Application Receipt/Petition Number

If you are applying for a petition-based visa, your application receipt/petition number was given to you by the Department of Homeland Security’s U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) after you filed your petition application at a USCIS Service Center. The application receipt/petition number is 13 characters long and the first three characters are letters.

Help: Previous Employer

Please enter information regarding your previous two employers only. Applicants may choose to bring along a separate written list of  all  previous employers to the visa interview for reference.

Saving Your DS-160 and Returning to a Partially Completed DS-160

How can i save my application can i stop in the middle of the application and return to it later.

You can save your application or return to a partially completed application. When you begin a new DS-160, you will be issued a unique application identification (ID) number after selecting and answering a security question. Once you have your application ID number and have selected and answered a security question, you may exit the DS-160 application and return to it later.  You must have your application ID to return to your application .   To save your DS-160 to the Consular Electronic Application Center website, click the “Next” button at the bottom of each page you complete.  You have 30 days to return to a partially completed application . To access your application after 30 days, you must save it to your computer hard drive or a disk, as explained in the  FAQ  below.

How do I save my DS-160 application to my computer hard drive or a disk?

Saving to a hard drive or disk  will allow you to access your application after 30 days . To permanently save your application to your computer hard drive or a disk, select the “Save Application to File” button. Then, click the “Save” button on the File Download window. Identify a place on your computer to save the application, browse to that location, and click the “Save” button on the “Save As” window. The system will download your application to the specified location. Once the download is complete, you can click “Close” to return to the live application on our website.  Note:  Applications saved to the hard drive of a public or shared computer or memory device could likely be accessed by anyone else who uses the computer or device after you.

I apply for U.S. visas often. Can I reuse the DS-160?

Yes, you can use information from a previously submitted DS-160 to populate some fields on a new form. There are two ways that you can do this. First, if you plan to apply for a visa in the future, save your DS-160 to your hard drive or a disk using the instructions in the  FAQ  above. When you go to apply for your new visa you can then select “Option B-Upload a Previously Saved Application” on the Getting Started page. Alternately, if your previous visa application was submitted after November 1, 2010, you can select “Option C-Retrieve Application,” enter your previous visa application ID, and then hit “Create a New Application.” Your personal information will then populate the form. Be careful to check that all previously submitted information is current and accurate.

What if I lose my internet connection, the application “times out,” or I receive an error? Will my application be lost?

Why did the edits i made from the review page "edit" link not save.

In order for data changes made from the review page links to save, you must use the buttons at the bottom of each page to navigate, instead of the browser's back/forward buttons or the buttons along the side of the screen.

Uploading a Photo to Your DS-160

I understand that i can upload a photo with my application. how do i get a digital photo that will successfully upload to my application.

Please refer to the  Photograph Requirements  for detailed guidance.

The confirmation page has an "X" in the box where the photo should be. What does that mean?

That means that the photo upload failed. Therefore, you should submit one printed photograph meeting our requirements, along with the online DS-160 confirmation page, to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate at which you plan to apply for your visa.  Please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you are applying for specific instructions on how to do this.  See the print photo format found in the  Photograph Requirements  for more information. If the confirmation page includes a photo image, then the photo upload function was successful and no separate print photograph is required.

Correcting Answers on a Submitted DS-160

The u.s. embassy or consulate where i went for my visa interview denied my application because my ds-160 contained errors or was incomplete. what does this mean and what do i need to do next.

DS-160 applications submitted before April 1, 2010  cannot be reopened, and therefore, you must complete and submit a new DS-160.

The Embassy or Consulate should reopen your DS-160 submitted after April 1, 2010 if your application is denied for this reason and ask you to correct it , as explained below:

  • DS-160 applications submitted on or after November 1, 2010: Enter your application ID  number and answer additional questions as prompted to access and correct your application. 
  • DS-160 applications submitted on or after April 1, 2010, but before November 1, 2010: Enter your barcode or confirmation number into the Application ID field  and answer additional questions as prompted to access and correct your application.

After I have corrected or completed my DS-160 application, do I need to schedule a new appointment or return to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate?

Ds-160 confirmation page, should i bring my entire application or just the confirmation page with me to the interview.

You are not required to bring your entire application. For your interview, you  are  required to bring your confirmation page with your application ID number on it so we can retrieve your DS-160. You must bring the confirmation page with you during all phases of the application process. Without the confirmation page, we may not be able to process your visa case.

I submitted my online DS-160 application, but lost my confirmation page. Can I print a new one?

Yes, you can reprint the confirmation page of an application that has already been submitted. In order to do so, go into the  Consular Electronic Application Center website  and select the Embassy or Consulate at which you are applying. Hit “Option C-Retrieve Application” on the Getting Started page and enter your application ID number. From there you will be able to view and print your confirmation page.

Family/Group Applications

I am traveling with my family or as part of a group. can i create a family or group application.

Yes. When you select “Email Confirmation” on your Confirmation Page, you will be directed to a “Thank You” page. On the “Thank You” page you will see an option to create a family or group application. When you select this option, certain information from your application, such as destination, will automatically be imported to and displayed on a new application. Please note that if you use this option you must create an individual application for each family member or for each individual within the group.

If I use the option on the "Thank You" page to create a family or group application, can I modify the data automatically populated by the system?

Yes. If one of the dependents has a different surname or nationality, for example, you can alter that data before submitting the application.

Treaty Trader/Treaty Investor, E Visa Applicants

I am applying for a treaty trader/treaty investor, e visa. do i need to fill out the ds-160 and the ds-156e.

It depends. If you are a Treaty Investor (E-2) applicant, you need only complete the DS-160. If you are a Treaty Trader (E-1) or an Executive/Manager/Essential Employee (E-1 or E-2), you must complete the DS-160, and you or your employer must complete the paper  DS-156E  form.

More Information

A-Z Index Latest News What is a U.S. Visa? Diversity Visa Program Visa Waiver Program Fraud Warning Find a U.S. Embassy or Consulate Straight Facts on U.S. Visas

Immigrant Visa Interview-Ready Backlog Report

Global Visa Wait Times

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Guide To Understand The United States’ Form DS-160

Guide To Understand The United States’ Form DS-160

The United States form DS-160 is one of the most important forms you must fill out when applying for a non-immigrant visa. This form is used to apply for a visa by most non-immigrants who want to travel to the US. The US visa application form DS-160 is an online form for applying for a US nonimmigrant visa.

It must be completed by all applicants who want to apply for a US visa . The form includes questions about your personal information, contact details, passport and travel information, previous visits to the US (if any), family details, education and work history, and other security-related questions.

The form also requires you to upload your face image. Filling out the US form DS-160 is important because it contains all the information you want the US embassy to know about you. If you fill out this form incorrectly, you won’t be able to correct it. A form DS-160 is used by applicants who wish to apply for temporary visas to travel to the United States.

It is not suitable if you wish to apply for a visa to immigrate permanently to the United States. For this, you will need a different form (form 260). As noted earlier, form DS-160 includes several questions about your background, family, and other personal information.

These questions will be used to determine your eligibility for the visa. The answers to these questions will be used with your interview to determine whether you will be approved for your visa. In this post, you can find useful information on how to navigate through form DS-160 .

Overview of the form DS-160

Form DS-160 is an online visa application form that non-immigrants must fill out to begin the application process for a US visa. You will need to fill out this form for more than just a student visa . You will also need to fill out this form for a visa for a visitor, a tourist visa, and a work visa. You can fill out this form online by using an online application.

The form DS-160 can take 90-120 minutes to complete. When you apply for a temporary US visa at the US embassy, the initial step is to complete the form DS-160, which is available on the US Department of State website. The form DS-160 is an online application that collects a wide range of personal information about you, including travel and work history and details about your planned US visit.

The information you provide in the form DS-160 , along with the answers you give during your visa interview and the results of your background check and security screenings, will be used by the US consulate to determine whether you are eligible for a visa.

All applicants (including children) have their version of the form DS-160 to help support their visa application. In other words, the form DS-160 is crucial to your US visa application because it includes your personal and other vital information.

In addition, the form serves as a source of information for the United States consulate in your country of residence and determines whether to accept your visa application. That is why you need to fill out the form DS-160 carefully and honestly.

Things to know before completing form DS-160

If you do not answer all questions correctly and truthfully, the US embassy will charge you with immigration fraud, and your visa application will be denied. You may not be allowed to travel to the United States. In some cases, you may not be able to get out of this situation. The US government does a lot of data verification.

You should work under the assumption that they already know about information on your past arrest, conviction, or violation of US immigration laws . For example, you may have overstayed your lawful stay under your I-94 card or worked without authorization. You must tell the truth and address any specific issues directly and forthrightly.

If you think a “yes” answer is required for the “yes/no” questions on the form DS-160 regarding arrests, violations, or other issues raised, contact an immigration lawyer for advice before you fill out and upload the form.

In recent years, US consulates have focused on applicants who have any alcohol-related arrests or convictions and, in some cases, have even sent applicants for medical or psychiatric evaluations. This is even though most “simple” alcohol-related offenses don’t disqualify you for a visa on their own.

If you have a history of alcohol-related arrests, please get in touch with an immigration lawyer for advice on whether you need to disclose it on the form DS-160 . It is important to reveal earlier visa denials, or you might risk being charged with immigration fraud.

Sometimes, determining whether a visa application has been denied earlier is difficult for an applicant. The US embassy may have returned your application to you without making a final decision. For example, if a security check delay has caused your business visitor visa application to take so long, it no longer serves its purpose.

Please consult an immigration lawyer before you upload the form DS-160 to determine if this is a denial.

Filling out the form DS-160

Form DS-160 must be filed online via the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC), there is no paper version. If there is a time-out on the online application, the CEAC will automatically save your progress in the form. The CEAC will store your information for 30 days, counting from when you began the application.

The form must be submitted within 30 days after starting the application. The saved form can be accessed by clicking the “Retrieve An Application” button on the CEAC website landing page.

If you are completing another form, DS-160, for your family members, instead of creating a new family application, you can complete your own form, DS-160, to set up your family’s new application. On the CEAC’s “Thank You” page after the “Confirm Your Status” page, you will find an option to begin a new family application.

When creating a family application, some information will automatically be filled in for each family member. However, it is important to review all sections of the form DS-160 to ensure that they are completed correctly and that traveling family members have their own forms.

Required Information

DS-160 is a visa application form that requires applicants to provide specific information about their intended travel to the United States. It requires a valid passport, a digital image of your photo, a travel itinerary, and an end date. If you have previously traveled to the US, list your trips to the US in the last five years.

You must also provide information about your social media accounts within the last five years, including your account name, URL, username, and password. Additionally, you may need to provide information about your education and work history.

Students and exchange visitors must provide their most recent SEVIS ID and the address of the school/program where they intend to study or train. Petition-based temporary workers must provide a copy of their Form I-797 approval notice, Form I-129, or Form I-129S (Blanket L-1).

To complete the form DS-160 , follow the instructions on each page and fill out the answers completely and accurately. You may mark N/A or not applicable (where allowed and if appropriate). All answers must be in English and use the English alphabet. The form will allow you to review your answers at the end before you submit them.

To sign and submit the form DS-160 electronically, click the “Sign Application” button and the “Submit” button. Once submitted, you will see a confirmation page with a barcode on your screen. Print out a copy of the confirmation page with the barcode and save it in a safe place, as it will be needed during all phases of the application process.

After submitting the form DS-160

Once you have submitted the form DS-160, you must  print out the CEAC confirmation page. You will need to print this page during your visa interview at your local US consulate or embassy.

If you didn’t print out your CEAC confirmation page when you completed form DS-160 the first time, you can log into the CEAC with your Application ID number and Security Question. You can then print out this page. At your visa interview, you will need to bring this confirmation page along with any other supporting documents required for your visa application.

Throughout your visa application process, you can check the status of the form DS-160 on the Department of State’s portal.

Useful tips to know

The form must be completed online; there is no paper version. It can be completed in several sittings. The applicant has 30 days to complete the form in full. Please note your application ID on the right-hand side of the page. If you accidentally close your browser, you can retrieve the form using the application ID.

If you need to complete multiple form DS-160 for family members, there is a ‘create a family application’ option. Once you have completed one application in full, follow the link to the “Thank You” page, and you will see ‘create a family application’. Most of the information is filled out automatically, so you can save time by choosing this option.

Save your application often. If you are not active on the page within 20 minutes, the system will automatically time out, and you will lose any information you haven’t saved. Don’t forget to sign your application electronically (unless you are exempt). Otherwise, your application may not be accepted.

Print and save the barcode page after you submit form DS-160. Always complete the form honestly. If you are unsure of the answer to any question, it is better to have an immigration lawyer help you.

Can form DS-160 be used multiple times?

Form DS-160 must be filed for each individual visa application you submit. However, if you have already filled out the DS-160 form and now need a new one, you can reuse information from the DS-160 form  you submitted previously to fill in certain fields on the new form. Make sure all this information is correct and current.

Denial after filing a form DS-160

If there are any errors in your form, your consulate may have grounds to deny your application. Depending on the nature of the errors, you may have the right to request that they be rectified on your form. If this happens, you may also be asked to attend a further consular interview. Contact the embassy immediately to find out what is going on.

Gehi and Associates represent clients in all types of US immigration law matters. We help individuals with all US visa applications, including petitions for temporary nonimmigrant visas, using form DS-160 . However, we cannot represent our clients by merely completing the form DS-160 without our full involvement in the visa application process.

If your application was rejected due to incorrect form DS-160 information, you may now find it more difficult to obtain your visa. This is especially true if the officer believes the original submission of form DS-160 contained fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation. You may need legal help moving forward. Contact us today to get quick help in your case!

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What is required to fill DS-160 - Education Info and other tips

Documents, Info Needed to Fill DS-160 Form: 5 Tips to Save Time

I have filled quite a few forms related to various kinds of visa stamping over the years, but every time I try to fill one, there is some sort of frustration due to factors like searching for old info and session timing out, forcing me to re-fill everything. Imagine you are filling in some info after searching a lot and you get kicked out at the end…what if the system does that for over 10 times, that’s really frustrating…isn’t it ?

I was in the same boat trying to fill out the DS-160 form for my H1B visa stamping. For instance, I had to dig up addresses and info about my 11th and 12th grade( junior college) address and zip code, which was quite a few years ago….anyways, Let me share my experience and give my suggestions on what you should have at hand before you start filling the DS-160 form…

List of Documents, and Info to complete DS-160 Form Online

In general, we take a few things for granted and start filling out the DS-160 form, but in reality, it does not work that way. It took me over a day to get it done due to a variety of reasons like missing info and session time-out issues. It took two days for me to fill out this form…

The below list is not comprehensive, but it has information or documents that we tend to overlook

Checklist of Documents, info needed to fill out DS-160 form:

  • Address of the location you plan to stay in the United States (with zip code)
  • If you have a flight ticket booked, the information about when your flight arrives in the US
  • List of dates you arrived in the US
  • How long was your trip in the US for each visit
  • If you have been in the US and have a Drivers license from the US, that information
  • First name, Last name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Address of the person
  • Mother’s Full Name, Date of Birth
  • Father’s Full Name, Date of Birth
  • Company Name, Address
  • Your Monthly Salary in the US ( check LCA for this info)
  • Description of your job duties ( check the resume you have sent to USCIS)
  • Your current employment information in your home country
  • Employer name
  • Employer address
  • When you started working at your company
  • Your monthly income/ salary details your local currency.
  • Details about the petition or case number that was approved by USCIS
  • List of previous companies’ names in last five years
  • Employment dates – Start and end date
  • Addresses of companies, Phone numbers
  • Your previous titles
  • Your previous supervisors’ names
  • Your previous  job duties descriptions
  • High School – 10th grade school details with full name and address, including dates attended
  • Junior college name( 11th and 12th class or grade), Full address with Pin/ Zip Code, Dates attended.
  • Bachelor’s degree college name, full address, dates attended, degree awarded.
  • If you have a master’s degree, you need the same info as above.

The above list should be sufficient for any work-related visa like H1B or L1 visa. For other kinds of visas, you will need most of the information except the petitioner and other information related to work.

Basic list of documents you should have :

  • Passport (along with any US visas issued before)
  • Approval notice forms  I-797 form (if applying for H1B, L1, or other petition based visas)

DS-160 Monthly Income in Local Currency

If you are applying for H1B, L1 or other work visa stamping and have never traveled to the US, you would be asked to fill out your current employment information and salary information.

You would come across a question that reads “ monthly income in local currency (if employed) “. For this question, you will need to enter your current monthly salary paid by the company that you currently work for. It will be in your country’s local currency and not in USD. For instance, if you work in India, it will be in Indian Rupees (INR), if you work in Singapore, it will be Singapore Dollars(SGD).

For example, let’s say your salary is 120,000 INR per year, then your monthly salary would be 10,000 INR and you will need to enter 10,000 INR in the field.

You will need to have proof of the monthly income that you enter for this question in the form of offer letter, salary slips or tax filings. You cannot just randomly put something here. Make sure you carry this document as well for visa interview.

If you are not employed at the moment, then you would check the box “Does not apply” and leave it blank. This is to indicate that you are not working for any company in your home country.

Passport Book number, Visa number in DS-160 Form

You maybe asked for passport book number when you are completing the DS-160 form…if you are an Indian citizen, you do not need this. If , check your passport for this info…check NOT applicable, if you do not find it in your passport.

Also, if you have been to US before, you will be asked to enter the US visa number. If you look at the US visa stamped on your passport, it is the number on the right hand bottom in RED color. Check Sample US Visa, field info to know more

Course of Study in DS-160 for 10th, 12th, Bachelors

When you are completing the form DS-160, you will get a section on Education, where you need to fill in your education details. You must fill in all our education details starting from 10th Class, including 12th, until your highest degree.

When they ask in DS-160 about Secondary school, they technically mean 10th Class. Also, when they say High School in DS-160, they mean 11th and 12th Class ( intermediate in some countries). You must enter all your education institutions’ details starting from 10th Class, including 12th Class and Bachelors degree as applicable, up to your highest degree.

5 Tips to fill out the DS-160 form for US visa

  • Write Application Number or Save it : Your information is saved by screen as you complete it. In order to retrieve your info, you need the Application Number. Make sure you write your Application number on a piece of paper, you WILL NEED this application number and the security check question answer. It will be shown at the first time you start filling out the application; if you miss it, you are in trouble and need to create a new one again…
  • Session Timeouts: The system is not so good at calculating your session time…. It will just time out your session for no reason sometimes and drive you nuts.. just be prepared (It kicked me out over 10 times) Be patient, it can be frustrating due to session timeouts. Have half a day allocated with all your information with you to avoid delays.
  • Save Text in Notepad or MS Word : Make sure you have all the information I have listed above at hand and have it typed up in a Notepad file, MS Word or on paper for easy form filling. It will save you time with session timeouts.
  • Allocate two to three hours: They say that you will need 75 minutes, but in reality, you might need at least two hours or more…make sure you have a proper uninterrupted Internet connection for an extended period of time.
  • Digital Photo : You will need a digital photo; make sure you take it with a white background. You may edit it by cropping. There is an option to test your photo before you start your application. Check this before you proceed with your application.

Have you ever filled out DS-160 form ? What are your thoughts ? Any tips to share from your experience ?

If you are applying for H1B Dropbox, you can read Step by Step guide to H1B Dropbox

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Hello, I filled DS-160 for my H1 appointment in India but forgot to mention 10 th and 12th grade info. For education section I only filled my bachelors and maters degree i completed. I have submitted the DS160 form and book the appointment. Is it a major change. Can i ask support team to update 10/12 details on the day of Biometric or fill a new DS160 and submit and bring both DS 160 confirmation page and ask to use latest DS 160 form.

Hello Kumar,

I had created DS 160 last year and had an appointment for H1B stamping.. I couldn’t travel . i have rescheduled 2 times . is there any max limit for rescheduling? Also is there any validity for DS 160? should we create new one again after a year. please reply.

sk, Yes, there is a limit. Check How many times can I reschedule appointment

Previous Education details: 1. Do I need fill the college name or university name, since in OD only university name is specified, there is no college name in any of the testimonials or OD 2. Course of study – 10th or SSC/I2th or IPE/B.tech or ECE

I recently got my green card and i want to bring my mom to visit USA…this information was very helpful and i think i will start saving from today to reach minimum 10000$ balance before i invite my mom to the USA.

The process is very simple to follow, i think i can process all the documents my self.

Hi, I have originally filled my DS160 with proposed VAC as Vancouver but due to unavailability of slots, I had to opt for Ottawa for my PAI. Can someone please confirm if I need to create a fresh DS160 with Ottawa as VAC ? Note: This does not confirm me that I will get a slot in Ottawa with the new DS160 application number…. so how do we get around this issue ? Please advise.

Hey, I’m looking for an appointment for h1b in Vancouver, Canada. Where do I have to fill out the shipping address in canada for them to send me back the passport after the interview? Can I just write my friend’s home address? Is there an option to pick up the passport instead? Please help its urgent .

You could do that or select that you will collect the passport after stamping.

Thanks ! So I didnt know that there was a pick up option on the consulate website. I already wrote my Indian address as home address, canadian friends address as mailing address . Should I make another DS 160 and correct the mailing to my US residence? I would rather pick up my passport than have them mail it to my friend

Rashmi, Try emailing them before you fill another one. Some of these rules can change, so double check by emailing or calling them and then only do the change. Do update here. It should be fine to leave it that way too…

Hello Admin,

I have already completed my Master’s and right now, I am pursuing my second masters with 1st day CPT. My H1-b got approved last month and planning an India trip for stamping. While filling the DS-160, they didn’t allow me to add the future graduation date for my current Masters under the education section and later on, I submitted without mentioning the current masters. How do I mention my current masters in DS160 form?

You should have an option for Present Work/ Training / Education, that’s where you put in your current degree and education details. Even you are on Day 1 CPT, You are still an F1 student and pursuing degree, you should enter your present education details in there.

Thank you for your prompt response.

Since my H1-b got affected by 10/01/2019, I had mentioned about the present work in that section and it is an either-or option, therefore, either I can write about present work or the present education. Do you recommend me to change it from the present work to present education?

Jay, you need to very clear on what you are doing…even though you are working on CPT, you are a still a student, that is your primary occupation… think about it. I will leave it up your discretion.

I am also in similar situation like Jay. I got my h1b and status both approved From 1st October. So, Do I need to mention second master as present occupation in DS160 ? If yes then where I need to mention my company details? or If No, Where I can mention my college details as it is not allowing me to add future date?

Shah, My advice does not change from above. Talk to your attorney and then make a decision.

What did you end up doing eventually?

I have a similar situation.

If on Day 1 CPT and still working, where should I add the present work information (as I can select either student or work in the “Present Work/Education/Training Information” section )

Sarah, Well, if you are working, then you should enter that details.

Do we need to fill a new DS-160 if we are changing status from F-1 to H-1B? Also, how can we check H-1B visa appointment availability dates before payment?

You need DS-160 for any visa stamping that you plan to go to US consulate. You can check Wait times at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/wait-times.html

Hello – Is it mandatory to include my 10th/SSLC details in DS-160? I have added my 12th, UG, and PG details. If I have to add 10th, what is the duration I should specify? Is it just 1 year or 10 years of schooling? Thank you!

Yes. Only 10th and above is good enough.

how to put this in course of study in DS160

10th and 12th as academic graduation and post graduation ??

like i have done MBA in marketing Management so shall i put Marketing management or MBA-marketing management in course of study..

MBA is one masters degree. You need to enter details for all of these : 10th, 12th, Bachelors and then Masters. They will have timeline, so you need to enter accordingly

Hi I am on H4 EAD visa and I am working too. Can I bring my father and step mother here with my employer’s letter or should it be through my husband’s. My husband is on H1B visa

It can be on your name too, they just need invite. They will need proof of funds and who will be the sponsor. if they have enough funds, then it is fine. If your family is sponsoring their trip, then need your spouse’s paystubs, bank statement with funds as proof. Read Parents US Visa Filing Process

Hi my husband employer told that petition got picked….but v didn’t yet received the petition letter…wen Can I expect that.

If picked, you should ask your employer to share the receipt notice. They should have got it by now.

I answered “No” on question “Are there other persons traveling with you? ” because at that time I don’t know yet who will be my companion in the office. But I know I will have someone who will travel with me. Can I change my answer? Thank you

See, if the system allows you to do that. If not, you can always create a new DS 160 form. Call the customer service, they can guide you.

I am applying for an F2 visa and my husband is on F1 visa. I have a doubt in filling the details of primary occupation in ds160 form , previously I used to work for Intelenet global services in India for 1 year and from past 6 months I’m unemployed so do I need to select the option for primary occupation as Unemployed /homemaker And what explaination need to be give if unemployed is selected

Your current work is homemaker. So, you should select that. Also, you can also add your previous work experience in there, you can specify the duration in there.

I booked my visa stamping interview slot for April 3rd week with my current H1b approval, while my h1b transfer was pending. Now my h1b transfer is approved.

Do i need to book for the new interview slot? or can i use the same interview slot? if i use the same slot what all information do i need to update?

Please suggest.

I am also in similar situation, did you go to the interview on April 3rd week using the new approved H1B?

Appreciate if you can reply.

I am filing for DS160 for my H1B stamping. I have query about the length of stay in US before. I am currently in US on F1 visa and my last travel date to India is Nov2015-Dec2015. So now what should I write in length of stay field as from 2015 I am still in US.

should we provide college/school name or university/board names?

You need everything from 10th grade onwards, read above article.

Your article is really very helpful.But I think I made a mistake while filling ds 160 form.I only mentioned my bachelor’s degree and not about 10th and 12th grades.Also,I have booked the visa slot so is my ds 160 wrong?I am worried. Kindly help me out

sam, You can always create a new DS-160 form and have all the details on it. Carry a print out of both and tell at the Consulate that you did a mistake, it should be fine. You can also call the customer service of ustraveldocs or embassy to get it clarified.

I and my wife both are indian citizen. We are having valid passports. We are senior citizens. We were given 10 year visa by USA authorities. But the same has since expired. My wife once had been to USA. Our son has settled in USA with green card. We now would like to visit USA to meet our son and family. Will you please guide us for getting visa. I am sure the above information will be given free of cost. If not, please advise me the amount before sending the information so that I can decide in advance to get your help our otherwise. Regards,

We do not offer any special services, it is pretty standard process to visitor visa like you got the first time. You will need to work with your son and get it processed. Read How to apply for Parents visa USA

I am currently on L1 visa which is expiring next month. I have a new H1 approved petition. I will be going to India for H1B stamping next month.

I filled the wrong Date of birth of my mother in my DS 160 of my previous visa stamping for L1. It got approved with no issues. Can I Correct the DOB now? How will it affect in future when I will be applying my parents VISA or my Green Card.

Appreciate your response & thanks for looking into it.

I have question for filing ds160. I have an approved petition with cmpny A, now my company rebranded as company B basically company A d/b/a company B. while filling ds 160 do i need to enter legal name which is Company A or d/b/a Company B. any other things that i should also be aware of? any help will be appreciated. my role & responsibility remain same .

Regards Sid

I am an Indian Student. I’m filling the DS-160 form for getting F1 visa. In the previous education information section, do I need to fill my 10th & 12th grade details separately? Or do I fill the details considering 9th-12th as high school? Also, in the additional work information section, do they want the charitable organization list I have contributed to in the past 5 years or more/less than that?

Aakriti, If you have attended the same institution, then no need. If they are separate, then you will need to fill them separately. You will have dates attended from and to, that defines the period of study. You should always add, if you have formal working documents with the organization and they can provide the same.

I’m working under O1-B Approval Notice and going back to my country for a vacation in summer. So I have to take an interview at consulate and now I’m filling out DS 160 form to apply. DS-160 form ask me about petitioner’s monthly income but I don’t know if it asks me the gross income of his company or the amount he actually gets after he pays to his employee ( it’s awkward to ask how much he gets for himself…). Does it include tax ?? It also asks me his address. Should I write the address of his company or his home address ? I don’t even know why they ask such things….I would really appreciate if you could help me !


If you haven’t scheduled your appointment yet, then complete another DS-160 form and discard the old one. If interview is already scheduled then make the changes when you appear for biometrics. You can request the person going over your DS-160 form during the biometrics appointment.

i am filling ds 160 for parents for attending my convocation day. my question are as follows 1. is it b1/b2 visa 2. USA point of contact – whose details- me or university details 3. companion travelling with you . 5 member travelling including my brother in law what option shall i select and also do i have to enter there names individually in this section .

wonder i want to fill out my mom n dad in one application

I have read so many content on the topic of the blogger lovers however this piece of writing is genuinely a pleasant paragraph, keep it up.

Hi Saurabh, while filling DS 160 for h1b visa place of work should be client address or employer address Please confirm Thanks Joseph

I have a question regarding Intended length of stay in Business visa. While filling the DS-160, I mentioned 1 month while yesterday my manager confirmed that the training is going to be only for 15 days so most probably i would be staying there for 15 days. Is there a way I can change the lenght of stay from 1 month to 15 days or I can explain the same during interview. I don’t know if this discrepancy can cause denial of Visa.

Please help me what should be done here.

Usually B-1/2 is approved for 3-10 years and w/ multiple entry option. So you would be able to stay for more than 15-30 days even if you entered a lower term in your DS form. The PoE officer would grant an actual term when you enter US. Typically it is 6 months.

I had a question regarding primary occupation in form DS-160. I have an MBA and currently working as Product Manager, what should I fill in the field? I work for a middleware firm.

Please help me out !!! Hey all, I have completed my masters and i have got h-1 approved .So, When i was applying for F-1 visa , I have filled put ds -160 form with experience in India . In usa , I got job without using that experience , Cause i wanted to have a fresh start . now tat i got my h-1 approved . Now my present ds-160 will be different than the previous ds-160. Will that create ant problem during interview, If so how to avoid it ? Please help me out

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  • K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports

ds-160 problem, previous five years work history, only allows two jobs

By intransit.cc June 10, 2015 in K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports

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I'm filling out the ds-160 and in the "previous work/education/training information" section it asks me for the past five years but it will only allow me to add two jobs which barely brings me back two and a half years. I did a quick search of the forum and i found one similar post, the author was worried about the same thing but he could only enter three jobs. he was told they only need the past three jobs by another forum member and to not worry about it. I read a few more posts and it sounds like there are a lot of glitches of information disappearing and certain sections not loading properly. I guess my question is, should I start from scratch or be content with two jobs? Can i even start from scratch? I've tried refreshing the page, clicking around through different pages and coming back, i've tried removing a job so the "add another" button comes back, but nothing I've tried so far will allow me to add another work history. thanks in advance for any insight.

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Shauneg   762

We just filled out what we could and if they ask the embassy (which they probably couldn't care less for a K-1) we will tell. It's a problem they have to know about I would think. Interview on the 18th, I can give post insight after that.

Unidentified   2,930

It's fine to only put two jobs in there. They did not even ask about my job history at the interview, only thing they cared about was our relationship and wedding plans.

  • 3 months later...

Pennycat   880

Any update on this? Especially concerning because my fiance is not currently employed (quit when we got NOA2 because it was a terrible job and our time was much better spent hurrying through the checklist) and in the work history portion, we can only put in two previous jobs because the system doesn't let you add more! So this only brings us back to January. So we've got 8 months worth of work history written down. Our I-129f has all the other information going back 5+ years (and it's all more stable than the past year lol). Did this turn out ok for you all?

Marriage/ AOS Timeline :

23 Dec 2015: Legal marriage

23 Jan 2016: Wedding!

16 Apr 2016 : Filed for AOS and EAD/AP (We delayed a bit-- no big rush, enjoying the USCIS break)

K-1 Visa Timeline :

PLEASE NOTE . This timeline was during the period of time when TSC was working on I-129fs and had a huge backlog. The average processing time was 210+ days. This is in no way predictive of your own timeline if you filed during or after April 2015, unless CSC develops a backlog. A backlog is anything above the 5-month goal time listed on USCIS's site

17 Aug 2015: Sent to NVC

?? Aug 2015: Arrived at NVC

25 Aug 2015: NVC Case # Assigned

31 Aug 2015: Left NVC for Consulate in San Jose

11 Sep 2015: Packet 3 emailed from embassy to me, the petitioner ( 34 days from NOA2).

18 Sep 2015: Medicals complete

02 Oct 2015: Work emergency clears up, interview scheduled (soonest available was 5 business days away--Columbus Day was in there)

13 Oct 2015: Interview

19 Oct 2015: Visa-in-hand

24 Oct 2015: POE !

yeah I just applied as it was. had no issues. I have my k-1 now and am in the states with a wedding ten days away.

  • Pee&Eee


Mena28   35

Interestingly enough I was only asked "current work info" on the DS-160. I wonder if they changed it. This was this weekend.

But also have to supply the DS-230 which asks for the last 10 YEARS of work. My list is very long, I have 4 attachments for the DS-230 alone *urgh*

Mad & J

Mad & J   25

Interestingly enough I was only asked "current work info" on the DS-160. I wonder if they changed it. This was this weekend. But also have to supply the DS-230 which asks for the last 10 YEARS of work. My list is very long, I have 4 attachments for the DS-230 alone *urgh*
Same, I was only asked about current work on the DS-160, and I'm from the same coutry as OP. Strange, as I tripled checked everything I cased I missed anything. I don't think it would have let me complete and sign it with missing sections anyway. I already submitted the form but haven't had my interview yet, but I'm thinking I'll probably bring a copy of my CV just in case.

K1 Visa timeline : Application sent to Visa in hand: 10 months and 4 days (Texas Service Center)

02/26/2015: I-129F Application mailed to Texas lockbox

03/05/2015 : NOA1 email notification

08/27/2015: NOA2! (176 days)

09/02/2015: Sent to NVC

09/14/2015 : Called NVC and obtained MTL case number

09/18/2015 : In Transit to MTL consulate

09/21/2015: Consulate received our file (24 days post-NOA2)

09/24/2015 : Sent Packet 3 (unprompted, but CEAC status had updated a second time)

09/29/2015 : Packet 4 received, interview scheduled. Still haven't received Packet 3, I advise not to wait for it!

10/09/2015: Received Packet 3 in the mail!

11/09/2015 : Medical

12/16/2015 : K1 Interview in Montreal (111 days from NOA2, 293 days total): Approved!

12/18/2015: CEAC status changed to Nonimmigrant Ready

12/21/2015: CEAC status changed to Nonimmigrant AP

12/24/2015: CEAC status changed to ISSUED! Merry Christmas!!

12/30/2015 : Visa in hand

01/15/2016 : POE @ Houlton, ME

AOS timeline: Application sent to card in hand: 6 months and 7 days.

01/25/2016: Mailed AOS, EAD & AP applications to Chicago via UPS

01/29/2016 : NOA1 email notification x3

02/04/2016 : Received NOA1 hard copies x3

02/29/2016 : Still haven't received biometrics letter, Filed service request

03/30/2016 : After more calls to Tier 2 and 2 service requests, letter still not received, USCIS said no appointment has been scheduled. Reached out to Congressman.

04/06/2016 : Biometrics letter finally received thanks to Congressman's inquiry (Appointment scheduled 04/18/2016).

04/18/2016 : Biometrics appointment

04/25/2016: Officially outside processing times for EAD/AP. Scheduled Infopass appointment for 05/10.

05/21/2016 : Finally received email notice that EAD was approved on 05/19 after numerous service requests, infopass appt and ombudsman inquiry

05/23/2016 : Received hard-copy letter notifying me that my AP was approved on the same day as my EAD. No hard-copy for EAD yet.

05/28/2016 : Received EAD/AP Combo Card (122 days since filing).

06/21/2016: Received email notification of AOS interview (Appointment scheduled 07/21/2016)

07/21/2016: AOS interview. Approved, but file was missing medical. Local office can't issue GC until they receive medical from DOS.

07/25/2016: USCIS case status changed to New Card Is Being Produced!

08/01/2016: Green card in hand. ROC window opens Apr 29, 2018 .

You dont have to do the DS-230? Lucky you, that took me longer than the DS-160, even though it is just two pages :-D

This time I printed my DS-160 (and no, it wont even let you go to the next page if you are missing something, I tried because I thought I´d research later and fill it in and it wont let you), so I was able to go back and look at it.

Thanks, all. I don't get what the difference between our applications are (particularly you two from the same country--what the heck) but at least I know it's not a big deal.

You dont have to do the DS-230? Lucky you, that took me longer than the DS-160, even though it is just two pages :-D This time I printed my DS-160 (and no, it wont even let you go to the next page if you are missing something, I tried because I thought I´d research later and fill it in and it wont let you), so I was able to go back and look at it.
There is no mention of it in my Packet 3 or 4, so I guess I get to skip DS-230. I don't envy you, I just had a look at it and it seems like a pain in the butt! It would take me a while to track down all of my addresses since I was 16!

Lucky you! Austria must be one of of the countries still doing it - nobody I have talked to has had to do it :-D

work education training information ds 160

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  4. DS-160 Form Guide: Previous Work/Education/Training Information

    When completing DS-160 as part of a US visa application, you have to provide previous work, education, and training information. Provide your employment information for the last five years that you were employed, if applicable.

  5. How to Complete the DS-160 Form Online: A Step-by-Step Guide

    When preparing to fill out the DS-160 form, you will tackle a variety of questions that fall under several categories including personal information, family details, work/education/training data, and security-related inquiries. Below is a comprehensive list of what you will need to answer under the Personal Questions section of the DS-160 form:

  6. Nonimmigrant Visa

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    Section 10: Work / Education / Training. Enter your employment, education and travel history information. This section is applicable only to certain applicants. ... This will create a new form DS-160 and auto-populate the information from your old DS-160. Step 4: Make edits where necessary and submit the form. A new DS-160 confirmation will be ...

  8. DS-160 Form Guide: Additional Work/Education/Training Information

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  9. A Guide To Applying for a U.S. Temporary Visa With Form DS-160

    Form DS-160 Part 1: Personal Information. The first part of Form DS-160 will ask you for your personal biographical information, including your full name, date of birth, marital status, nationality, passport or national ID number (s), and your U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) or U.S. Taxpayer ID number (if applicable).

  10. PDF Completing the Ds-160

    Present Work/Education/Training Information. Security and Background Parts 1-5. Answer all questions. I. f you answer YES to any of the questions, please call 0113-524-3141/ 01 574 6888 or email [email protected]. Additional Point of Contact Information. The top box says 'You have indicated that. you will be studying in some capacity while in

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  12. How To Fill Out Form DS-160

    Section 1: Personal History and Information. The first part of the application will ask you about personal information including your date of birth, legal name, marital status, nationality, passport/national ID number, and your U.S. Social Security number or taxpayer ID if you have one.

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    12. Present Work/ Education/ Training Information: If you are a student: Put in student and enter details of your university or TAFE (not high school!). If you are not a student, or have graduated: Choose 'Business' then enter in the details and address. Please do not select 'Not Employed'. 13. Previous Work/ Education/ Training ...

  14. Form DS-160: What It Is and How to Complete It

    Form DS-160 is a mandatory online form for individuals applying for a nonimmigrant visa to the United States. Administered by the U.S. Department of State, it collects personal information to determine visa eligibility. The form replaces multiple forms, is customized based on the visa category, and is submitted electronically.

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    DS-160 FAQ mentions about previous employers in last 5 years. For US employers, It's better to put those details where one worked with valid work petitions, tax/W2 history. For Non-US employers in last 5 years, it's better to put that information, if available.

  24. ds-160 problem, previous five years work history, only ...

    I'm filling out the ds-160 and in the "previous work/education/training information" section it asks me for the past five years but it will only allow me to add two jobs which barely brings me back two and a half years. I did a quick search of the forum and i found one similar post, the author wa...

  25. DS-160: Present Work/ Education/ Training Information for an ...

    DS-160: Present Work/ Education/ Training Information for an incoming freshman. Under Present Work/ Education/ Training Information, what should I put? I initially put Student and filled in my university's information and start date (September). However, it said "Start date cannot be equal to or later than today."