HR presentation: The all-in-one guide

Boost your HR skills with our definitive guide to HR presentation. Learn to create engaging slides, foster talent acquisition and improve productivity

Sahul Hameed

Building presentations

Girl making HR presentation in office

Ever felt stuck with how to carry out a flawless HR presentation that not only informs but also engages? Hey, you're not alone! This guide is your go-to resource for nailing that HR presentation, impressing your audience, and truly making a difference within your organization. Buckle up as we embark on this informational journey.

Let's be honest,  HR presentations are a cornerstone of modern HR management. They can be a hit or a miss depending on various elements. But worry not! This guide will delve deep into all aspects to help you prepare the best HR presentation of your career. Let's jump right in!

Key roles and responsibilities of HR in an organization

Before we even touch on the high-impact world of HR presentations, it's crucial to lay down some fundamentals. Let's get to know the unsung heroes of any organization: the HR department. What makes them tick? What challenges do they tackle every day?

What does HR do?

HR isn't just a department; it's the backbone of an organization.

They wear many hats, starting with recruitment , where they scour the talent pool to bring in the best fit for the company. Following recruitment, the HR team shifts its focus to onboarding , which is all about integrating new hires into the company culture and operations.

Compensation and benefits are next on the list, comprising both financial rewards and non-monetary perks that help retain valuable employees. HR also takes the lead in fostering employee relations to ensure a positive and productive work environment.

Last but certainly not least, they spearhead training and development initiatives to equip employees for future roles and responsibilities.

Here is a guide on recruitment presentation .

I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day, you bet on people, not on strategies. - Lawrence Bossidy

What is an HR presentation? (HR management presentation)

An HR presentation is not your run-of-the-mill PowerPoint. It's an essential tool for HR professionals to communicate various HR initiatives, processes, and metrics in an organized and engaging manner. If done professionally, it can hold the attention of your audience and effectively deliver your key messages.

Common presentations prepared by HR

Ah, presentations—the bread and butter of corporate communication.

But wait, don't yawn just yet!

When it comes to HR, presentations are far more than a set of slides; they're dynamic tools that serve a plethora of purposes. They’re the vehicles HR professionals use to download key information into the minds of employees and management. From introducing new hires to the company culture to navigating the intricate web of HR metrics, these presentations are vital cogs in the organizational machine.

Let's break down the "Oscars" of HR presentations, shall we?

Employee onboarding presentations

Imagine the first day at a new job. Exciting yet nerve-wracking, right? Employee onboarding presentations are like the welcome mat at the front door. They cover the company's history, values, and workplace safety, setting the tone for a newbie's journey.

Company culture presentations

If your organization has a personality, this is where it shines. Company culture presentations dig deep into what makes your workplace tick—its mission, values, and environment. It's like a backstage pass into the ethos of the company.

HR strategy presentations

Pop quiz: Who listens to the HR strategy presentations ? That's right—senior leadership. Here, you lay out your grand plan for the year, complete with all the nitty-gritty details on workforce trends and best practices. Consider it your HR manifesto.

Performance management presentations

Alright, managers, gather around. This one's for you. These presentations teach you how to set goals, conduct performance reviews, and give constructive feedback. In other words, they're the rulebook for how to keep your team in top shape.

Training and development presentations

Who doesn't love leveling up? These presentations focus on the XP points of the corporate world—training and development opportunities. They cover everything from training resources to tailored development plans.

Benefits presentations

Ah, the siren call of "perks." Benefits presentations are detailed brochures of what the company offers besides a paycheck. Health insurance, retirement plans, and oh-so-precious PTO—it's all here.

Diversity and inclusion presentations

In a world where diversity and inclusion aren't just buzzwords but necessities, these presentations are the HR equivalent of a TED Talk. They cover unconscious bias, microaggressions, and how to be a good ally.

Employee engagement presentations

Feel like your team's morale needs a boost? These presentations get down to the brass tacks of what keeps employees ticking, from satisfaction surveys to recognition programs.

Change management presentations

Change is the only constant, they say. Well, these presentations are your guidebook on how to manage it. They cover the process of change, effective communication strategies, and employee support mechanisms.

So why are these presentations so pivotal? First off, they're informative, chock-full of valuable information that guides employees and management alike. Secondly, they're strategic, aligning HR department goals with organizational objectives. And don't forget engagement; a well-structured presentation can hold the attention of your audience, facilitating a better understanding and retention of crucial data. If you're an HR professional, you know the magic isn't just in the message but also in how you deliver it.

How to structure an effective HR presentation

An effective HR presentation is not just about stuffing slides with bullet points and charts. It requires a well-thought-out structure.

Not all HR presentations are created equal. Depending on the type, the architecture of your PowerPoint can be as different as chalk and cheese. You wouldn't bring a spatula to a swordfight, would you? Similarly, the structure for a new-hire onboarding presentation is going to look quite different from, say, an HR Strategy Presentation .

Presentation types dictate structure

First things first—your presentation's structure must be tailored to its purpose. For instance, a New hire onboarding presentation should include slides on the company overview, employee policies, code of conduct, and other foundational elements that guide a new employee's journey.

On the other hand, HR strategy presentations are like the "financial quarter reports" of the HR world. Your audience is typically the top brass, and you're expected to present slides related to budgets, future hiring projections, and workforce trends. Don't forget those important charts and graphs that visualize your strategic aims and KPIs.

And let's not overlook Employee benefits presentations . These require slides discussing employee perks, healthcare plans, retirement benefits, and paid time off. In a way, you're acting like a salesperson, making the "benefits" package as enticing as possible to your internal audience.

Feel like diving deeper? Navigate to the specific HR presentation types linked above to explore the unique structure for each.

Tips for crafting awesome slides

Whether you're laying out the corporate welcome mat or spilling the company's future tea, your slides need to be top-notch. Here's how you can polish them:

  • Design : Make use of high-quality, brand-approved designs. Your slides should be visually engaging without being overwhelming.
  • Font & text : Choose readable fonts and keep your text crisp and to the point. Remember, less is often more.
  • Visual elements : Spice up your slides with charts, graphs, and other visual aids. These can serve to break up the text and make your points more digestible.
  • Customize : Adapt your slides to your audience's specific needs and expectations. Whether you're speaking to new hires or senior execs, tailor your content accordingly.

If the thought of crafting these different types of presentations seems daunting, take a breath. Prezent has got you covered. With features like real-time sharing, a variety of storylines, and brand-approved designs, Prezent streamlines the presentation-making process. You can create tailored, impactful presentations that resonate with your audience, saving time and ensuring brand consistency.

Do's and don'ts of an HR presentation

Before you dash off to dazzle your audience, let's tap the brakes for a sec and chat about some road signs on your presentation highway—your do's and don'ts. Trust me, understanding these can make the difference between an ovation and a snooze-fest.

  • Rehearse : Knowing your material inside-out will make you a confident presenter. Your audience will thank you for it.
  • Use templates : A well-designed PowerPoint template can save you time and ensure consistency. And if you're looking for the crème de la crème of templates, platforms like Prezent offer a wide range of brand-approved options.
  • Engage your audience : Use interactive elements like polls or Q&A sessions to break the fourth wall and get your audience involved.
  • Provide feedback : Encourage the audience to share their thoughts and opinions. Constructive dialogue only adds value.


  • Avoid overloading slides : Too much information can be overwhelming. Aim for clarity, not confusion.
  • Don't read from the slides : This isn't storytime at the library. Your audience can read; they're looking to you for elaboration.
  • Steer clear of jargon : Unless you're trying to win a corporate buzzword bingo game, keep it simple.
  • No last-minute changes : Spontaneity may spice up a first date but can derail a presentation. Stick to the plan.

Remember, even the fanciest slides won't save you if you're not prepared. Preparation is key! So, go ahead and knock 'em dead, but not literally, okay?

Summarizing key takeaways

HR presentations can make or break your credibility in the department. And no, this isn't an episode of a reality TV show, although the drama levels might feel similar. From the structure to the visual elements and engagement strategies, every aspect plays a vital role.

Frequently asked questions

1. what presentation tools can hr managers use to streamline their workflow.

HR managers have an array of presentation tools at their disposal. For traditionalists who are comfortable with PowerPoints , Microsoft's offering remains a stalwart choice. For those looking for real-time collaboration, Google Slides is an excellent option. Don't forget Keynote for Apple aficionados. Additionally, platforms like Prezent specialize in providing editable slide templates that help HR professionals save time and maintain brand consistency.

2. How do I choose the right diagrams and graphics for my HR presentation?

Choosing the right diagrams and graphics is essential for capturing your audience's attention and conveying information effectively. A rule of thumb is to use diagrams that simplify complex processes or relationships, making them easier to understand. Diagrams can be especially useful in HR projects that involve workflow processes or organizational hierarchies. Presentation graphics should align with the overall theme and should serve to illustrate or emphasize key points rather than distract.

3. What are some best practices for virtual HR presentations?

Virtual presentations have their own set of challenges, from ensuring everyone can connect to engaging an audience you can't see. First, make sure all your slides are easily viewable in a digital format—this may mean limiting text and focusing more on visual elements. Use interactive features like polls or Q&A sessions to engage your audience. Remember, you're not just sharing information; you're facilitating a conversation. Don't underestimate the power of a well-placed pause or the use of humor to keep people engaged. Virtual tools also offer the advantage of being able to record and distribute the presentation for later viewing.

4. How can a PPT dashboard help HR leaders in employee evaluation?

PowerPoint (PPT) dashboards are invaluable tools that empower HR leaders to track key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to employee evaluation. For instance, a well-designed dashboard can display productivity metrics, attendance records, and even results from periodic assessments. When you're presenting this data, especially in annual meetings with other department heads or the CFO, it helps to have all these essential metrics showcased in one easily digestible format.

5. How can design teams incorporate SHRM guidelines into new employee onboarding decks?

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) provides a host of guidelines that can be invaluable in the HR area, especially when it comes to new employee onboarding. Design teams can create onboarding decks that incorporate SHRM's recommendations for legal compliance, employee engagement, and benefits information. This not only ensures that the deck covers all the bases but also meets team needs for compliance and quality engagement.

Here is a comprehensive guide on roles and responsibilities presentation .

Create your HR presentation with Prezent

Tired of outdated PowerPoint slides that do more harm than good? Say hello to Prezent, your one-stop solution for HR presentations. With Prezent, you'll have access to 50+ storylines and 35,000+ slides that are 100% on-brand and compliant. Plus, you can save 70% of your time and reduce communication costs by 60%.

‍ Some features that might interest you!

  • Audience preferences: Create a professional presentation tailored to your audience.
  • Real-Time sharing: Enable instant sharing and collaboration within your HR team.
  • Overnight presentation service : Submit by 5:30 PM PST and get a polished presentation by 9:30 AM the next day.

So why settle for less when you can have the best? With Prezent, your HR presentation will be nothing short of a masterpiece.

There you go, folks! Hopefully, you've been armed with the info you need to wow your audience. Now, go out there and make some HR magic happen—or at least a PowerPoint that won't put people to sleep. Cheers!

Sign up for a free trial or book a Demo today with Prezent!

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Top 10 HR Presentation Templates

Top 10 HR Presentation Templates

Organizations rely on human resources departments to relay important company information to the team. This could be anything from training and onboarding materials, to company compliance and performance management. HR teams act as a resource for employees for anything regarding their compensation, behavior, education, and more. 

Regardless of the information, HR managers can benefit from presentations to help them communicate more effectively. These are the top 10 HR presentation templates your team needs.

A 30-60-90 plan defines a new employee’s responsibilities and goals for the first 90 days after onboarding. It maps out achievable goals tied to their role so that they can be productive and efficient while learning the ins and outs of the job. Teams can set clear expectations more effectively with’s 30-60-90 presentation example.   

A successful 30-60-90 presentation can help leadership and teams lay down the foundation for personal, performance, and learning goals. Our 30-60-90 template can also help you make the transition for a new employee more seamless and empowering, set priorities for the new position so they know where to start, and achieve more success on the team, faster.

hr presentation for company

Year End Employee Review

A year end employee review is a conversation that happens between managers and employees that goes over performance expectations and how well they were executed. The employee review allows leadership to reflect on the previous year with their team in order to help them grow for the overall success of their career and the business. Teams can facilitate these meetings more effectively with’s year end employee review presentation example.  

Our Year End Employee Review template can also help you get a better understanding of your responsibilities and expectations for your role, communicate concerns or provide feedback to your manager, or position yourself in a favorable way to ask for a raise or promotion. 

hr presentation for company

Company Culture

Good company culture can be the difference between landing top talent and losing them to the competition. When an employee finds a company that matches their values, they tend to form better relationships with their colleagues in turn making them more motivated and productive. A successful company culture presentation helps you define things like your work environment, values and mission, and expectations of employees, and can help HR managers and teams align on values for a more balanced workplace. 

Our company culture template can help HR managers define company culture standards and guidelines, onboard new hires more efficiently, and host annual or quarterly training as a refresher to existing employees.

hr presentation for company

Training Presentation

Are you training a team of new recruits to your company? Or delivering a webinar on a topic in your industry to your employees? To pull off a training session, webinar, or coaching session effectively, you’ll need an organized presentation as a visual aid.

A good training presentation can provide structure to your speech and boost your confidence as a presenter. It can also deliver your message efficiently, and stick with your audience long after your presentation is over. Use our training presentation template to present information simply and logically, help on-board new recruits, motivate, inspire, or inform your audience.

hr presentation for company

Performance Review Presentation

A performance review can help managers and employees align on expectations and set goals so the team as a whole can be more successful. Keep your notes and employee evaluations organized with’s performance review template . 

Our customizable template has all the performance review basics like communication hits and misses, job performance, and overall feedback. Our performance review template can also help you customize your performance review presentation for different employees, act as a take-away resource that employees can reference throughout the quarter, organize your notes and expectations for future hires.

hr presentation for company

Employee Handbook

HR managers have a lot to share with new employees during their first week on the job. That’s why you need an employee handbook template for your upcoming presentation. You’ll also need a template that covers it all: the company’s history and values, essential policies, perks and benefits, expected employee behavior, who they can contact for help, and much more. 

A comprehensive employee handbook presentation can help HR teams inform new hires and get them excited to work for the company. Plus, it can be used as a resource that they can come back to again and again.

hr presentation for company

New Hire Onboarding

New employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new hire with a company and its culture, as well as getting a new hire the tools and information needed to become a productive member of the specific team they’ll be working with. There’s a lot of information for HR managers to share with new hires on their first day and beyond: what the company is all about, what they can expect to do and who to work with, and so much more. Having all of that information conveyed in a template helps to standardize the onboarding process across the organization. Our new hire onboarding template keeps everything organized for you and new employees who are starting their journeys. 

HR teams can use the new hire onboarding template to introduce new hires to the company, help onboarding run more consistently across teams and functions, standardize the knowledge base all new employees will have upon finishing orientation, and check in with new employees periodically. 

hr presentation for company

HR Benefits Presentation

Our human resources benefits template makes it easy to break down important benefits and perks for your employees. Understanding medical, dental, and vision insurance coverage can be confusing. Figuring out incentives like 401(K) retirement plans can be, too. Lay everything out in one easy-to-read HR benefits presentation.

Use the HR benefits template to explain the open enrollment process, onboard new employees, or to keep on hand as a company resource.

hr presentation for company

Recruitment Presentation

In a competitive market, recruiters and HR representatives need to attract and lock down top talent for their organization. Your company might provide competitive benefits, high salaries, an engaging company culture, and enticing opportunities for growth, but if you don’t know how to sell those perks, you won’t bring in those candidates. 

A compelling and informative job recruitment presentation can set you apart from your competitors and bring in top quality job candidates who are perfect for your team. Use our recruitment presentation template to highlight your company’s advantages, connect and network with candidates in your industry, and attract high-quality candidates.

hr presentation for company

Company Overview

Every company has a unique story to tell. However, it can be difficult to put together a beautiful presentation that tells your story effectively and looks great at the same time. Our company overview template is the answer. With this presentation template, you can share your company’s philosophy, specific goals, team members, products or services, plans for the future, and more.

Our company overview template is perfect for organizing annual meetings, potential customer or investor pitches, or new hire orientations. It’s a versatile HR deck that every team should have on hand.

hr presentation for company

Beautiful.AI Team

Beautiful is an AI-powered presentation tool that makes it fast and easy for anyone to build clean, modern and professionally designed slides that they can be proud of.

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What's the Best Way to Present HR Analytics? 15+ Expert Tips

An illustration of an employee giving a presentation to a group of colleagues.

As an HR professional, you have access to people data that can be used to transform culture and kickstart engagement. Through HR analytics and reporting, you can unite departments and empower people to do their best work. Sounds pretty great, right?

But if all that HR data lives in siloes, change will be slow and decisions will be made without all the facts.

That’s where HR analytics presentations come in. With an effective HR presentation, you can package all that good HR analysis into a powerful story that persuades company leaders and positively influences decision-making..

Read on to discover pro tips on building presentations with your HR analytics, including advice from experienced HR pros and tips from BambooHR's in-house team of expert graphic designers. Through data, reporting , and effective HR presentations, you’ll be able to secure your seat at the table when it comes to strategic decision-making.

4 Fundamentals of HR Analytics Presentations

Align the presentation with company goals.

Simply put, your leadership team needs to know that the HR data you’re presenting on will impact the company’s goals and overall mission. Try to connect each data point to a key objective. For example, if one of your company’s initiatives is to improve employee retention , you can speak to employee satisfaction and how it directly affects that initiative.

Include The Financial Impact of HR

Money talks. When possible, include dollars and cents as they relate to overall financial goals. What’s the cost of labor for each employee? How much could the company save on office space if more employees went fully remote?

Build The Presentation Around The Key Takeaway

HR manager Jenny Wells expressed the importance of defining key takeaways. She says, “I try to structure HR presentations by always starting with what I want the audience to take away from it.” At the end of her talk, she makes a point to circle back.

Tailor The Presentation To Your Audience

The HR analysis should be relevant to the audience you’re presenting to. Put yourself in the shoes of your audience and ask yourself these questions: Why do I care? What can I do about it? For example, your finance team may find more value in compensation trends, where your managers might want to dive deeper into performance metrics.

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Best Practices for Using Visuals in HR Analytics Presentations

A picture is worth a thousand words—and that's especially true when it comes to HR presentations.

Any HR analysis is likely chock-full of people data, and people data means numbers. You’ll not only better tell the story of the HR impact by using visual strategies in your presentation, but you’ll tell it in a way that your audience can understand.

To make sure your message hits home, consider incorporating the following best practices into your HR analytics slides:

  • Keep it simple. If your audience is trying to read a block of text on your slides, they’re likely not listening to the verbal part of your presentation. Keep the amount of words to a minimum, and prioritize key takeaways on your slides.
  • Add visual interest. Illustrate your main points through data visualizations such as pie charts, graphs, flows charts, images, and videos. These will help engage your audience and make your HR data more digestible.
  • Use visual hierarchy. The gist of visual hierarchy: Make the most important information bigger, bolder, and in contrast to less important information. You can accomplish this by using fonts, colors, shapes, and more. Read up on the fundamentals of visual hierarchy here .
  • Weave in some humor . HR data may fire you up, but the standard HR analysis might not be quite as exciting to others in your organization. Adding a dose of humor can really help bring the message home. Perhaps you can kick it off by providing a funny video, image, meme, or quote that pertains to your topic. (Just be sure it’s office-appropriate.)
  • Provide short snippets . Avoid providing too much information, and use bullet points and numbered lists to make your HR presentation short and sweet. You may know ten reasons why an organization should make the switch to e-signatures , but you’ll want to limit your points to four or five. When in doubt, include hyperlinks to additional information for the people who may want or need more context.

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Linking people data to business outcomes is a critical measure of how your business is performing and a way for HR to show up as strategic players.

5 Methods for Engaging Employees in Your HR Analysis

It’s not always easy to get a roomful of employees involved and engaged. Try using these tips to increase audience participation and attention so your people can absorb the information they need.

Arrange Discussion Groups

“Pairing people for discussions and forming small groups really helps all people participate,” says Stan Kimer, an HR consultant with more than 30 years in the field.

Small groups allow your audience to dive deep into the HR data you’re presenting, and a discussion format encourages deeper critical thinking. Consider giving each small group discussion questions to kickstart the conversation.

Reward Participation

HR consultant Joshua Evans recommends not only facilitating participation, but rewarding it: “Work to involve the audience by asking non-rhetorical questions, playing games, or even offering prizes for participation.”

Vary Your Presentation Style

You probably don’t love the idea of staring at a screen for an hour, right? Neither does your audience. Alternate between slides, discussion, activities, and hands-on education to keep your audience engaged.

Develop Interactive Materials and Handouts

To hold the attention of your audience, consider adding a handout to your presentation where they can take notes and write down any questions. You could also incorporate some fun, short quizzes or surveys to which your audience can respond online using virtual tools such as Poll Everywhere .

Bonus Tip: Handouts double as tangible resources for attendees to look back on at their convenience.

Work The Room

One thing our experts all agreed on: stepping away from the whiteboard to engage with the audience. Moving around the room is a great way to capture attention and is much more effective than staying in one location and lecturing from a single spot.

For virtual audiences, online whiteboards like Miro, Mural, and Stormboard are engaging and Zoom-friendly.

How to Measure the Success of an HR Analytics Presentation

As with anything in work and life, understanding the success of your HR presentation will help you improve future HR reporting and pinpoint any action items that came from the presentation. Here are some strategies to measure the success of an HR presentation:

Use Surveys & Evaluations

Several experts suggest ending your presentation with a short questionnaire or evaluation. Here are some sample questions to include in your survey:

  • Did you learn something new from this presentation?
  • Do you have any follow-up action items after attending this presentation?
  • What are your key takeaways from this presentation?

For full participation, make your surveys quick and easy. You could even conduct a brief evaluation using a mobile survey app , so everyone can use their smartphones to provide feedback on the spot.

Schedule time to speak with your attendees afterward to get a feel for how well they absorbed the information.

You can frame this in terms of interaction in order to give you an in to follow up: “I wanted to follow up on your question about ____ in the HR presentation. Do you have any additional questions?” or “I noticed you didn’t get a chance to ask your questions during the HR presentation. Is there anything I can dive deeper into for you?”

Seek Hard Metrics

You can also try to measure the success of your HR presentation using hard metrics. For example, if your presentation was about career development opportunities, you could measure how many employees participated in development initiatives like leadership training or tuition reimbursement.

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Success in HR

  • HR Interview Secrets
  • Unwritten HR Rules


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hr presentation for company

My Secret Weapon for Giving Insanely Great HR Presentations (and 34 Things to Avoid)!

hr presentation for company

Public speaking and giving talks in your HR area of expertise is one of the fastest ways for you to promote yourself and advance your HR career.

I was reminded of this when I was recently asked to give a 30 minute talk to a group of 20 senior HR executives in Chicago.

Since I was only given a few days notice, I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare.

So I followed my “simple formula” for giving great 30 minute presentations…

Speak for 22 minutes straight from the heart. No slides. No handouts. No flip charts. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse beforehand. And if you must open with a joke, let it be on you.

I’ve done a lot of talks over the years.  What I’ve discovered is that the best presentations are simple, authentic, genuine and leave the audience wanting more of you, not less.

And, one of the best things I ever did for my HR career is becoming a “good” public speaker.

Notice I said good, NOT great!

Let me be clear: no one will ever mistake me for being the next Tony Robbins, Reagan, JFK, MLK or Oprah (especially her Golden Globes speech, WOW!)

However, I’m convinced that any HR professional can give terrific presentations if they’re willing to speak, prepare in advance and have a passion for their topic.

The best HR leaders seek out opportunities to speak and enthusiastically share their message all the time.

The superstars in our profession give presentations at offsite meetings, team presentations, big annual meetings, or to HR associations.

Or they lead college recruiting presentations, orientation sessions, tele-classes or webinars.

They use these presentations to promote their topic, their organization…and yes, promote themselves and their HR career.

Guidelines For Giving Absolutely Horrible Presentations

The biggest presentation mistake I see HR professionals make is waiting until the last minute to prepare.

They rush to throw together a PowerPower presentation relying on it as their “crutch” to bail them out.  You can tell who these HR presenters are because they follow the guidelines below…(note: #16 & #28 are my personal favorites):

1. They dive right to their first slide – with no inspiring intro to grab your attention

2. They drown you in slides — say 1 slide/minute (or 60 slides per 1 hour speech)

3. They focus on facts and data – no interesting stories, anecdotes and examples

4. They use 12 lines of single-spaced, bullets per slide

5. They don’t use images or pictures on the slides, just lots of text

6. They read each slide word for word

7. They read the slide twice to make their points

8. They make an excuse about small text, “I know you can’t read this, but…”

9. They use lots of animations, especially twirls, fly-ins and spinning words

10. They make the text so small people in the back can’t see it

11. They turn their whole back to the audience when looking at a slide

12. They use that annoying laser pen

13. They make crazy little circles with that annoying laser pen

14. They make zig-zags with that annoying laser pen

15. They have no gestures, just stand there with arms dangling down

16. They wave their arms around like Michael Jackson singing Billie Jean

17. Or they don’t move at all

18. Or they pace like a lion in a cage

19. They stand in front of the screen (letting the words display on their face)

20. That tell jokes, that aren’t funny or are inappropriate

21. They walk with their hands in their pockets

22. They fold their arms

23. They don’t sound passionate about their own topic

24. They don’t engage the audience

25. They memorize their slides and sound like a robot

26. They put two or three charts on one slide

27. They use as many builds as humanly possible on each slide

28. They point to a slide with their middle finger

29. They point at the audience with any finger

30. They insert a video with poor sound quality

31. They use lots of word art and slanted text

32. They use child-like clip art and lots and lots of cartoons

33. They never repeat the agenda so people can follow their ideas

34. They always go over, never under their allotted time

I don’t know about you.  But nobody I know ever walked out of one of these presentations inspired, sold, or well-informed.

They just left bored out of their freaking mind saying silently to themselves: “I wonder how long that presenter is going to keep that great HR job she has.”

Obviously, I’m building up to a better way.

Tips For Giving Insanely Great Presentations

If you must give a presentation — and yes, if you must use PowerPoint — the video below will show you some better guidelines to follow…compliments of the late, great Steve Jobs:

And if you’re drop dead serious about taking your HR game to the next level, start taking steps today to polish up your presentation skills.

Besides, why should you settle for just giving average presentations…when you can give insanely great ones!

Hit me up with your comments on this article by CLICKING HERE.

hr presentation for company

About the author: Alan Collins is Founder of Success in HR and the author of a variety of best selling books for HR professionals  including UNWRITTEN HR RULES .   He was formerly Vice President – Human Resources at PepsiCo where he led HR initiatives for their Quaker Oats, Gatorade and Tropicana businesses.

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38 Responses to “My Secret Weapon for Giving Insanely Great HR Presentations (and 34 Things to Avoid)!”

Alan: This is well put together.

I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Alan, the experience you have gained from your amazing career could help anyone ramp up quickly. I was on a panel discussion at a HRMAC event last year covering the topic of networking.

Being on a panel discussion showcased my skills as an expert in the industries and definitely generated a lot of interst. Coupling personality with the mechanics of an amazing presentation would definitely raise anyones game. Thank you for sharing your expert opinion in your book.

Alan: As a person who often speaks professionally, I’ve seen my share of speakers (and made my share of mistakes) over the years. You have put, in an easy to read essay, the critical components of a great presentation. The formula really isn’t all that complicated, is it? The suggestion to rehearse, rehearse and rehearse some more can’t be overstated. Thank you for taking the time to help us all become better speakers.

You are right on! There is nothing – absolutely nothing – more boring than watching a presenter read the powerpoint slide bullet points. In most cases, using a lot of slides is just an excuse for poor preparation. The presenter uses them as reminders of the details of the presentation.

As you indicated, if you must use slides, keep the slides and the bullet points to a minimum. The audience can read the words, the presenter must tell the audience why they should care about the slide’s message.

My most successful presentations were made to persuade a group to adopt a particular point of view or to accept a new idea. I’ve found that the maximum number of points that you can successfully make is three (3). Anything more than that, the audience will probably forget.

Lastly, to echo your “formula” — no slides, handouts, or flipcharts. Why would you want your audience to look at your props — they should be concentrating on YOU.

Great subject, great video, great points! Keep it coming.

Timely topic: I was just discussing this with a colleague who had returned from a deadly Power Point presentation. He said the entire audience was nodding off because they’d given up trying to follow the 10 point fonts on the screen. Your advice is solid and practical for all professionals, not just those in HR.

WHEN will people learn that a Power Point presentation alone will not make an effective presentation?

[…] on a recent HR project you got rave reviews on?  Do you blog?  Not a writer, ok – can you speak? Could you put together a short presentation that showcases your expertise?  Do you already have a […]

Superb advice. It is sad to see so many great HR professional sink like stones when doing direct talks or open forum presentations. Sage advice..

I’m one of those who hate public speaking, despite that I do it with near perfection point…the fear that I might get it wrong makes me do it and redo it imagining all moves and the reactions of my audience, and how I would respond to them. Alan, this is one of the best, easy put together, I hope everyone enjoyed it the way I did.

Dear Allan, Your topic is nice. I enjoyed with that.

I am sure that i does make a difference. I have been associated with Toastmasters intertnational and tremendously improved on my communication skills.

Great article.. I have been following many of your articles and all presented very well. Looking forward for many more articles as those have been of great help to me.

Mr Allan Your advice is worth millions. Thank you.

Thanks for a great article, Alan. Very timely as I am making a presentation at our area Non-Profit conference next week. Incorporating many of your helpful hints…However, I do enjoy a bit of child-like clip art now and then!

Very informative. As a soon to be graduating HR student it is reassuring that I have not made too many of your mistakes in the PowerPoints I have given. Also, I knew that joining Toastmasters would be helpful in my career goals. I enjoy public speaking but we can all use such great tips on how to do it well. Thank you.

Thanks for putting together such useful tips to make an effective presentation. What I fully endorse is your emphasizing Passion in one’s presentation, apart from other useful tips, because unless one is is convinced about what one is presenting, he/she cannot make an effective presentation. After all, all leaders need to be convincing speakers and passion goes with it. Thanks once again

I agree with some elements in this article. However, you can find more up-to-date information here: What make an excellent presenter? A new, original and polemic article by Ian Brownlee. Shortlink:

There are more articles dealing with communication at:

Alan–Again, good topic and good points. How often has the presenter just took a photo of a written page and presented it. Or, I use to go to a monthly financial update by the CFO, and ALWAYS he would photo his Balance Sheets and other Financials and throw it onto a slide, and ALWAYS apologize that the type is too small to read. The message really was–I do not give a dam about the audience. Too many times I have been at presentations that have 30 slides for a 20 minute presentation, and nothing is going to stop the “speaker” from going through his presentation and reading word-by-word to you. And what is amazing is most of these people continue doing the same wrong things time and time againl.

Dear Allan,

Another thought provoking tool from your tool kit to help HR professionals be the best in our field. Keep them coming!!

Dear Allen,

Really nice sharing, look forward to your next article. I’ve always learned a lot from your great advice.

Alan: Do you think that perhaps a lot of “Presentors” (not just HR folks) do all that you described because they are (1) unprepared as you state, (2) not passionate about the subject matter and (3)out of FEAR?? Aren’t most of the poor public speaking habits you describe arise out sheer panic or fear of public speaking in general? Thank you- Leslie DeMerville, BSc, MSc…Labor Rels

Here are some additional articles that cover this area:

– Making presentations sitting down= Less influence & more problems. Fastlink:

– Oh no! Not ANOTHER boring company presentation!: shortlink:

– “An Elephant in the Room” # 2: The Hidden Dangers of Interrupting during Presentations.

For many more additional articles visit:

Leslie, I would agree — and I think your points 1and 2 are the key to addressing the fear — especially your point 1.

Alan, I always love your articles and tips. This was great.

I do have one question that I struggle with and would love some tips from all you and your amazing followers. How do you keep some of the boring and redundant HR topics fresh and meaningful? For example, the annual anti-harassment trainings etc.

Thanks again Alan for another great topic and I look forward to everyones feedback.

Kelly, my suggestion would be to have include in your HR topic tons of: –stories (disguise the names) –anecdotes –case examples –cartoons –videos –guest speakers –industry experts –etc.

My experience is that people tire of hearing dry concepts, principles, guidelines and to-do’s quickly. Whatever you can do to turn “education” into “entertainment” (without losing your message) will be most appreciated by the audience.

That’s just one thought.

Anxious to hear others.

Alan, Wonderful article it reminded me of times I have made some of the same mistakes. But, that is how we learn and grow. I would have to say # 23. Don’t sound passionate or interested in their own material have to be the most dangerous mistakes of all. If you present yourself as being bored with your own information how could you expect the audience to gleam anything from what you are saying? If you show passion and sincere love for what you’re presenting, the audience can ignore some of the more minor infractions you may be displaying. The key word is “Presenting” not spewing, not mumbling, and not dictating. We are to present ourselves and our material with a passion. Passion can hold your audience even when you are fumbling. Actors practice their lines in order to perform. We need to do the same be prepared and show our passion.

Allan, Thanks a ton.Very useful & timely input on Power Point Presentation. Your article have always covered aspects which i never thought would even exist. Keep doing such great jobs.

Thanks Arti Vyas

I periodically teach ‘Presenting with Impact’. You’re list is fantastic! While I address about 33% of your list, the additional points will definitely add value.

Thank you again,

Lisa McSharry

Great post, Alan. Thank you. Sad to admit I’ve caught myself doing a few of these things. I do always try to rehearse and time myself in the process. And I always try to make it interactive; I figure if I’m boring myself, then I’ve certainly lost the audience!

I often gave presentations in grad school with no notes (I was well-rehearsed), and the class often commented how mine were always good. One particular instructor asked them why they thought mine were good, and then he pointed out that it was because I was prepared and knew my topic. (By the way, I picked that up from a former pastor, who always preached without notes. He NEVER lost his congregation’s attention!)

I am really impressed by the kind of articles you write Allan. This one is something I was really looking for and I agree with all the points. I am sure many people need to think again before giving a presentation; because usually they end up being boring and loose interest of their audience.

Thank you Alan! Great article, so much learning through such useful/valuable practical examples/videos. You are so enriching and empowering!

Alan, what i read is so true!!!! Do you know what is missing from most of HR colleagues in their presentations? PASSION. That’s what is missing. Speaking from the heart and engage your audience, needs passion for what you are talking about… My best presentation was with 1 slide and i video, holding a speech of about an hour and nobody wanted to leave the room! So, trigger us more with inspirational topics! We all needed them! Warmest Regards, Z.

Wow! Alan, you are always on point. I always look forward to your articles. You paint a very clear picture of the Presenter/ PowerPoint we all dread. I definitely don’t want to be that boring Presenter that puts grown adults to sleep ( after all it is not a lullaby ?)

I will print your list and hang it on my wall to remind me to always put in extra effort to make a great presentation.

This is an awesome I must say Alan. These things usually we do unconsciously some time! It will remind me not to do further. Thank u so much 🙂

thank you Alan. i just join HR division and i fully agree that many HR’s needs to prepare well before making a presentation. i realy felt that the message from the article is so empowering.

warmest regards

Great points. As HR leaders who have seen and experienced many unique situations we have plenty to share. Our ability to be passionate and relatable to a diverse audience enables us to connect and engage spectators which makes our message all the more interesting. I was the presenter with the slides and graphs, etc. and had a situation where the projector was broken. I had to improvise and I received more compliments from that presentation than any I had ever done. From that point forward I started speaking from my heart and left handouts summarizing my presentation. I believe there is a distinct correlation between the amount of fun you have as a presenter and the amount of information your audience takes away.

Dear Mr. Alen,

Lovely article once again.Inspiring, insightful and clearing all the myths over making great presentations.

You always bring something really innovative and impact-full. Sometime we really work more on what is not required then what is required and miss the buss.

Your article is really helpful to all HR professionals.

Keep sharing.

Best Regards, Rahul Mehandiratta

Thanks for another great article and it was a pleasure to meet you at your Detroit SHRM presentation!

Alan-I’m guessing you don’t like those little red laser pens (hehe). Thoroughly enjoyed this article. It brought to mind my presentations (which I like doing) and wondering how to improve. Thanks for the insight.

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This HR Strategy Template is 186 PowerPoint slides of hr & org strategy storylines, plans, frameworks, org charts , analysis , icons, examples, templates, and more. Designed by human resource leaders and McKinsey consultants, the HR strategy template covers HR strategy , org strategy, org design , strategic alignment, financials, the employee journey (hiring, onboarding , development, evaluation, advancement), HR plans & initiatives, culture , values , compensation design, and much more.

Your HR & organizational strategy and plan are critical to you. Your time and energy are precious. Get a massive jumpstart on your HR strategy and presentation by instantly downloading the HR strategy template now with professionally designed and easy-to-edit slides and three color palettes included.

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The HR & Org Strategy template has everything you need to create an amazing HR & Org presentation. The template agenda starts with the Year in Review & Current State, covering wins, metrics , org structure, key metrics, headcount, and current initiatives. The agenda then covers Next Year's Goals, outlining key HR & Org goals, KPIs , metrics, budgets, initiatives and more. Then the agenda dives into the details of the HR & Org strategies and initiatives covering how the team is going to improve every aspect of the Employee Journey from recruiting, onboarding, development, evaluation, promotions. The next part of the agenda covers Org Design , which dives into headcount, layers, career tracks, org consolidation, and team composition. The last agenda section covers Culture & Compensation. In addition, you get tons of extra frameworks, icons, and slides to customize your presentation. Furthermore, you can generate ideas for strategies and initiatives utilizing our free guides on Org Strategy, The Employee Journey & Culture , and Org Design . Take a look at all 186 pages of the template below. 


HR Strategy Template Title Page

The Table of Contents for the Human Resources & Organizational Strategy Template:

1. Title Page 2. The HR Team's Mission 3. HR Strategy Agenda Slide 4. HR Team & Org Wins 5. HR KPI Performance 6. Company Org Chart 7. US Org Headcount Map 8. World Headcount Map 9. Org Current State Metrics 10. Headcount Chart 11. Headcount by Function Chart 12. HR & Org Strategy Framework 13. HR Strategy Scorecard 14. Next Year's HR & Org Goals 15. HR Goals 16. Company Goals, & Budget 17. Employee Engagement Heatmap 18. HR Initiatives & Progress 19. Human Resources Budget 20. Improve the Employee Journey 21. Employee Journey Framework 22. Employee Journey Initiatives 23. Employee Survey Results 24. Employee Journey Goals / KPIs 25. Talent Acquisition Funnel 26. 5C Onboarding Strategies 27. Employee Development Initiatives 28. Employee Assessment Strategy 29. HCM Platform Strategy 30. HCM Project Plan 31. Change Management Template 32. Employee Journey Strategy 33. Strategic Org Design 34. Org Design Framework 35. Core Competency Strategy 36. Cascading Goals & KPIs 37. Job Career Ladder Template 38. Headcount Reduction 39. Manager Headcount Reduction 40. Centers of Excellence Consolidation 41. Employee Certification Chart 42. Employee Mix Trend Chart 43. Organizational Chart 44. Elevate the Culture & Comp 45. Company Culture Framework 46. Company Culture Scorecard

47. Company Culture Initiatives 48. List of Core Values 49. Core Values Strategy 50. Core Values Initiatives 51. Company Norms 52. List of Comp & Benefits 53. Total Compensation Strategy 54. Cash Compensation Strategy 55. Commission Strategy 56. Stock Option Chart 57. Medical Benefits Initiatives 58. Office Improvement Strategy 59. Thank You & Questions 60. Additional Slides 61. GENERIC FRAMEWORKS 62. Arrow Tree Framework 63. 5 Block Horizontal Slide 64. Four Part Circle 65. Expanding Circle Framework 66. 5 Block Slide 67. Hexagon Slide 68. 3 Strategy Yin Yang Slide 69. 4-Part Puzzle Piece 70. Roadmap Slide 71. 4-Part Flower Framework 72. 8-Part Flower Framework 73. Speedometer Slide 74. Pyramid Framework 75. 3-Ellipse Framework 76. Funnel Framework 77. Alternative Funnel 78. Project Template 79. Performance Template 80. 3-Box Framework 81. Staircase Framework 82. Downward Flow Template 83. 4-Piece Process Framework 84. Core Initiative Framework 85. Milestone Framework 86. 4-Box Framework 87. 3-Box Framework 88. 3-Box Segmented Framework 89. KPI Template 90. KPI Goal Template 91. STRATEGY ICONS 92. Light Blue Background 1 of 3

93. Light Blue Background 2 of 3 94. Light Blue Background 3 of 3 95. Dark Blue Background 1 of 3 96. Dark Blue Background 2 of 3 97. Dark Blue Background 3 of 3 98. White Icons 1 of 3 99. White Icons 2 of 3 100. White Icons 3 of 3 101. Dark Blue Icons 1 of 3 102. Dark Blue Icons 2 of 3 103. Dark Blue Icons 3 of 3 104. Team Images 105. Human Resources & Org Icons 106. Human Resources & Org Icons 107. Human Resources & Org Icons 108. Charts & Agendas 109. Org Goals & Composition 110. Core HR Initiatives 111. European HR Strategy 112. Retention Initiatives 113. Mission & Values 114. HR Strategy Initiatives 115. HR Spend Doughnut Chart 116. Alternative Agenda 117. Employee Mix Pie Chart 118. Headcount Trend Chart 119. Stacked Column Chart 120. 100% Stacked Column Chart 121. Waterfall Chart 122. Bubble Chart 123. HR Radar Chart 124. Bonus Material 125. Fundamentals of an Org 126. Purpose of an Organization 127. Organizational Processes 128. Company Processes 129. The Profit Equation 130. Core Competency Examples 131. Org Strategy Building Blocks 132. Solving a Business Model 133. Functional Process Examples 134. What is a Process? 135. Improving Processes 136. Org Strategy Framework 137. Infrastructure Prioritization 138. Procurement & Partners

139. Org Design Fundamentals 140. Org Design Elements 141. Org Structure & Roles 142. Types of Org Structures 143. Matrix vs. Functional vs BUs 144. HR & Org Benchmarking 145. Span of Control 146. The Right Leaders 147. ROLES Framework 148. Employee Journey 149. Building Blocks of Culture 150. Culture Strategy 151. Examples of Culture Strategy 152. Potential Company Values 153. Values Example 154. Norms Best Practices 155. Amazon Meeting Norms 156. Employee Journey Questions 157. List of Employee Journey Ideas 158. Google’s Employee Journey 159. Comp & Benefits Framework 160. Company Environment 161. Culture Transformation Plan 162. Employee Diagnostic Results 163. Diagnostic Survey (1/2) 164. Diagnostic Survey (2/2) 165. HR / Employee Worksheets 166. SMART Goal Worksheet 167. ROLES Worksheet 168. Will Skill Matrix 169. Will Skill Template 170. Sources of Power 171. Personal Power Plan 172. High Performing Teams 173. Team Charter 174. Extended Team Charter (1/2) 175. Extended Team Charter (2/2) 176. Functional Roadmaps 177. Roadmap PowerPoint Template 178. Roadmap Excel Template 179. Project Planning Exercise 180. Project Plan Template 181. Project Scorecard Exercise 182. Project Management Scorecard 183. Problem Statement Exercise 184. Problem Statement Template 185. KPI Worksheet 186. Terms of Use




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Human Resources Strategic Plan Templates

This HR strategy presentation template is 186 PowerPoint slides of hr & org strategy storylines, plans, frameworks, org charts, analysis, icons, examples, templates, and more. Designed by human resource leaders and McKinsey consultants, the HR strategic plan template covers HR strategy , org strategy, org design , strategic alignment, financials, the employee journey (hiring, onboarding, development, evaluation, advancement), HR plans & initiatives, culture, values, compensation design, and much more.

HR & Powerpoint Organizational Chart Templates

Human Resources & Organizational Strategy

This section covers the fundamental building blocks of your HR strategy, including the clear articulation of your HR team's mission.

Company Organization & Structure

Gain clarity and insight into your company's organizational structure with comprehensive org charts, visualize your workforce distribution with US and world headcount maps, and evaluate key organizational metrics

Headcount & Workforce Management

Dive into headcount analysis to make informed decisions about workforce management, explore headcount reduction strategies, and design career ladders to foster employee growth .

Employee Journey & Engagement

Build an engaged and productive workforce by improving the employee journey through efficient hiring, seamless onboarding, continuous development initiatives, and understanding employee sentiments with survey results.

Talent Acquisition & Development

Discover the power of an effective talent acquisition funnel to attract and retain top talent, utilize 5C onboarding strategies to ensure a successful integration, and develop employees with thoughtful initiatives for continuous growth.

Human Capital Management (HCM) & Technology

Strategize your Human Capital Management (HCM) with a comprehensive platform strategy, effectively plan HCM projects , and navigate organizational change with a robust change in human resources strategic plan template.

Culture & Compensation

Elevate your company culture and compensation design with frameworks that reinforce your values, and utilize scorecards to track the effectiveness of culture initiatives.

Core Values & Core Competencies

Define and uphold your core values, align your core competencies with your organizational strategy, and develop initiatives to strengthen these foundational elements.

Performance & Strategy Frameworks

Ensure alignment across your organization with cascading goals and KPIs, utilize milestone frameworks to track progress, and leverage powerful 3-box frameworks for strategic decision-making.

Employee Certification & Assessment

Implement employee certification processes for skill validation and use employee assessment strategies to identify potential and areas of growth.

Company Norms & Employee Journey Strategy

Establish company norms for efficient collaboration, and design a cohesive employee journey strategy that aligns with your organizational goals.

Retention Initiatives & High Performing Teams

Implement retention strategies to nurture talent, create team charters to foster high performing teams, and drive a culture of continuous improvement .

Company Culture Initiatives & Employee Diagnostic Results

Drive cultural transformation with well-defined culture initiatives, and gain valuable insights into your organization's strengths and areas for improvement through employee diagnostic surveys.

Compensation Framework & Procurement Prioritization

Craft a comprehensive compensation framework that aligns with your organizational goals, and prioritize strategic procurement to optimize resource allocation with this human resources strategic plan template.

Project Planning & Problem Statement Exercise

Utilize project planning templates to ensure successful execution of your HR initiatives, and conduct problem statement exercises to address organizational challenges effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! The template offers flexibility, and you can easily customize the slides to match your organization's branding, such as using specific colors, logos, and fonts.

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HR Presentation Templates For PowerPoint & Google Slides

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What are human resource templates.

Human resources ppt templates are a collection of pre-designed  100% editable PowerPoint slides  created explicitly for HR professionals to help them effectively communicate their HR strategy, ideas, and initiatives. These templates usually include various HR-related themes such as recruitment, training and development, employee engagement, performance management, etc. They come with professionally designed graphics,  presentation icons , and images that easily match an organization’s branding or personal preferences. Free HR templates are perfect for creating impressive and visually appealing presentations that can help HR professionals convey essential information to their audience engagingly and clearly.

What Are The Various HR Topics For Presentation?

Several HR Topics For Presentation are usable for  creating attractive business presentations . Some of the most common ones include:

  • Recruitment and Selection:  This topic covers organizations’ methods and strategies to attract, identify, and select the most qualified candidates for a job.
  • Onboarding and Orientation:  This topic covers integrating new employees into the organization and familiarizing them with its culture, policies, and procedures.
  • Employee Engagement:  This topic covers the strategies and techniques used to motivate and engage employees, improve their job satisfaction, and foster a positive work environment.
  • Performance Management:  This topic covers setting goals, monitoring performance, providing feedback, and improving performance to achieve organizational objectives.
  • Employee Training and Development:  This topic covers the methods and strategies used to enhance employee skills and knowledge to meet the organization’s changing needs.
  • Compensation and Benefits:  This topic covers how organizations attract, retain, and reward employees through various forms of compensation and benefits.
  • Diversity and Inclusion:  This topic includes  strategic initiative templates  used to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace, including the recruitment of diverse talent, creating an inclusive culture, and managing diversity-related issues.

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Art of Presentations

13 Useful Presentation Topics for Human Resources

By: Author Shrot Katewa

As an HR head, you might be invited to many forums, conferences, and board rooms to discuss burning topics that are being debated within your community.

We think there is surely room for more and more presentations to be made and points to be discussed within this space. So, today we share with you some ideas that you can read, discuss and develop for your next PowerPoint presentation.

So, let’s dive right into the topics directly –

A Quick Note Before We Begin – if you want to make jaw-dropping presentations, I would recommend using one of these Presentation Designs . The best part is – it is only $16.5 a month, but you get to download and use as many presentation designs as you like! I personally use it from time-to-time, and it makes my task of making beautiful presentations really quick and easy!

1. Employee well-being

The role that employee health and well-being play in the success of an organization is something that cannot be doubted. Yet, we do not see enough debate around how a healthy body and mind is good for business as well.

Using this topic we would encourage HR heads, students, and professors to discuss how such policies with respect to employee well-being should be framed, how business functions should be rewarded for promoting employee well-being.

It would be a great topic for starting an organizational behavior discussion as well. 

2. Digitalization in HR practices

We all acknowledge that the digitalization of processes and systems is something no function can escape from – including HR. Do you agree that technology has a role to play in HR? Or do you believe that the role of the ‘human’ here is more important to focus on than automation of HR practices?

Either way, this is a great topic to take off from and talk about how HR as a function has been impacted by technology over the years, and what possibly will it look like 5 to 10 years hence.

3. Role of Employee Mental Health

A goal-focused approach, having a mindset for success, an enhanced focus for better productivity — these are aspects that many a time we talk to employees about. However, how do you develop a healthy mind that is not stressed and anxious? A mindset that actually wants to succeed but isn’t feeling pressured.

We think HR departments have a great opportunity in expounding on the critical need for investing in mental health and providing good counseling opportunities across levels. A great presentation topic at any forum for sure!

4. Importance of Learning and Development

Now, this has always been a top favorite amongst HR practitioners.

There is no doubt that the need to learn and upskill employees is a crucial aspect in today’s ever-increasing VUCA world. Globalization has ensured that one can learn both online and offline from experts.

It would be interesting to showcase your thoughts and present how training resources are being assigned. The presentation can also include how HR teams are adapting to the ever more nuanced learning needs of their people.

5. Dispute Resolution among Employees

We are human and so it is obvious that there shall be disagreements. In fact, disagreements are often encouraged to ensure that good ideas on the table become even better! We see HR heads presenting this topic with examples and anecdotes from their work lives.

Also, as a presentation topic, it can extend to offline case studies that can be discussed event after a workshop. There is a possibility that at times you have seen that a dispute is highly subjective – for example when it comes to interpretation say of a gesture, culturally it can be a genuine mistake.

So go ahead make this presentation topic as engaging and interactive as you like it!

6. Secrets of a Happy Workplace

We all want to work at an organization where we feel motivated, engaged, and safe. However, what goes behind in building and maintaining such a happy workplace?

Is it when you have an employee-first approach or is it when it is about a customer-first approach? Do HR and management value the same thing?

These are all pointers that we think your PowerPoint presentation can touch upon. There is enough research out there that supports both points of view. So go happy presenting!

7. How to Attract Millennials to your Workplace?

Now, this is another great presentation topic – and one that many people would like an answer to!

Millennials have a reputation that they are either too distracted or disloyal to stick to an organization. However, recent surveys suggest that all they need is a purpose-driven organization. If they can identify with your cause, they actually are quite a loyal bunch!

As an HR practitioner your role in attracting and retaining such talent, and the role of the CEO in providing this enabling environment can well be a good presentation topic for your next HR board meeting.

8. Creating an Engaged Workforce

Engaged workforce as a presentation topic works very well at all levels.

You have an opportunity over here to talk about a variety of aspects that go into engaging your workforce such as progressive and inclusive policies, diversity management, the role of sports, off-sites, etc.

You might want to stress certain productivity numbers that the industry has experienced when working with an engaged workforce. We believe that this topic can go as niche or wide as you would prefer.

9. Open Offices – boon or bane?

HR teams across the world have often been sold the concept of open offices over closed cabin environments.

It seems logical that the more open the office, the less the hierarchy. Yet does that also mean more distraction, less productivity?

This is a presentation topic that can help you open up a lot of room for an active discussion with your audience. Is there a formula for success to open offices? Why do some industries or sectors have more success w.r.t to these open formats?

Again as an HR head or student, you would have unique experiences that will make for a great presentation.

10. Encouraging a work-life balance at a startup

Start-up culture is something that still is a hot topic at most HR seminars. It is usually this unique time in an organization where the organization is still figuring out what suits its employees best.

HR professionals can use this PowerPoint presentation topic to both share and invite ideas on how work-balance can be maintained, and what is needed in their organizations as they move along the growth curve.

11. Employee Volunteering – Role of HR or CSR?

Another great topic is the role volunteering plays in an organization and which team really needs to front this. Since Corporate Social Responsibility teams are often merged with the Communication teams there can be a difference in the approach.

HR heads have an opportunity here to dissect their role as employee engagement custodians and how & if they see volunteering as part of this mandate.

12. Importance of an Ethics Committee

Do you need an ethics committee for your organization? Usually, well yes! However, is the firm at too nascent a stage for such a ‘committee’? Can it work via an ombudsperson? Do you need a formal whistle-blower policy?

All these topics can come together within this presentation topic and make it worthy of a discussion across board rooms. We believe that HR heads have another great topic here for making their voice heard!

13. Job Rotation and its contribution to Employee Growth

The industrial revolution showcased how employee productivity grew if people repeated a task often. It was stated that this reduced the chances of errors and in fact, is what led to the whole 6 sigma quality and productivity concept. Yet, is this concept relevant now?

As an HR head you can ponder on why this has worked but even how in this digital age, and reducing attention spans, employees are seeking to learn new skills.

Your presentation can cover how job rotation can lead to, for example. better talent development and retention. Worth your time! 

So there you have it. There is a lot to talk about when we need to share something useful on human resources. I would like you to consider these topics only as a conversation starter and build up from the brief pointers that we have mentioned. I also hope that you find the above topics really something that you can use and is effective in your business setting. Do let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Our goal on this blog is to create content that helps YOU create fantastic presentations; especially if you have never been a designer. We’ve started our blog with non-designers in mind, and we have got some amazing content on our site to help YOU design better.

If you have any topics in mind that you would want us to write about, be sure to drop us a comment below. In case you need us to work with you and improve the design of your presentation, write to us on [email protected] . Our team will be happy to help you with your requirements.

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Top 7 Recommended PowerPoint Templates for HR Presentations

Last Updated on April 30, 2024 by Anastasia

Working in the human resources department of middle or bigger companies involves effectively communicating various HR processes, and analyzing & presenting organizational structures. Explaining these rather complex HR concepts can be a lot easier when you use clear visuals.

For you, we’ve handpicked some recommendations of PowerPoint slide deck examples that can be a source of graphical inspiration for you.

You can get any example presented here as editable PPT files. Click on the slide pictures to see and download the source illustration. Check the full collection of Human Resources PowerPoint templates here .

Let’s explore our selection of presentations covering the major HR management presentation topics:

  • HR Metrics Dashboards with PowerPoint Data Charts
  • Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Processes
  • HR Talent Management Concepts
  • Employer Branding Essentials

Payroll, Compensation, and HR Administration

  • Company Organizational Structure Charts
  • Company Roles and Department Structure

Dashboard Template with HR Metrics PowerPoint Charts

Do you need to report HR-related KPI metrics in a clear presentation? Show it in the form of a dashboard presentation.

An HR dashboard is a presentation type that visually displays major key performance indicators on one or more slides. Check this HR Metrics Dashboard Data Charts PowerPoint template with places for displaying the KPI measures. For example: employee profiles, remuneration structure, skills, or satisfaction. There you can find slides for reporting employee performance and retention, as well as HR project status and progress.


Where you can use those HR dashboards:

  • Presenting your employee skills matrix evaluating key competencies
  • Illustrate your recruitment & onboarding metrics
  • Visualize your remuneration changes year-over-year
  • Create your employee retention dashboard

Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Processes PowerPoint HR Diagrams

If you want to present recruitment steps or the onboarding processes in a visually attractive format,  then have a look at this set of Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring HR diagrams .

Using creative visuals to illustrate the steps to fill the job post helps you to communicate those processes to your peers.


You can use these HR presentation ppt graphics to:

  • Illustrate the overall process of hiring employees 
  • Show the candidate selection roadmap
  • Visually compare  hiring journeys with or without pre-onboarding

HR Diagrams for Presenting Talent Management Concepts

This is another HR area that can benefit from using a visual method of communication. If you need to present talent management processes, check this pre-designed HR Talent Management slide deck . 

It includes layouts for presenting talent management definition,  performance process cycle, and goal management from an organization and individual perspective, and more.


You can use it as a library of eye-catching diagram templates to explain HR concepts within your organization. Also, check our icon ideas to illustrate talent management , even 1 symbol can make a difference to your slide.

Employer Branding Essentials Presentation

If you are working with employer branding frameworks and roadmaps, explore this Employer Branding HR Process Diagrams PowerPoint template . It includes a dozen diagram slides to illustrate the process of employee life-cycle or employee value proposition.

A well-designed employer branding roadmap helps to implement relevant activities for improving the employer’s image.

employer-branding-process-hr-diagram-ppt-template HR diagrams

Examples of using Employer branding graphics:

  • Presenting employer branding framework areas
  • Showing employer branding stages 
  • Visualizing employer EVP offerings (employee value propositions)

Need to present a compensation and benefits scheme inside your organization?

Here’s a Payroll, Compensation, and HR Administration PowerPoint library of slide graphics covering these topics. 

There you can find editable diagrams illustrating benefits management, salary determination, and payroll processes.


These HR diagrams can be used in a broad spectrum of contexts:

  • Presenting the scope of HR administration management 
  • Showing and analyzing your company’s compensation and benefits scheme
  • Describing your salary determination process 
  • Visualizing stages of the payroll process

Template for Company Organizational Structure Charts

Do you need to quickly create a creative organization map in PowerPoint?

This Company Organizational Structure Charts slide deck includes company structure organograms as well as matrix management structures for several projects spanning multiple departments.

corporate-structure-org-chart-ppt-diagram HR diagrams

There are 16 pre-designed org charts editable in PowerPoint, for example:

  • Hierarchical organization charts with pictures of the CEO and department managers
  • Diagrams for flat organization structures, tree parallelograms, vertical and horizontal flow org charts
  • Hand-drawn matrix organizational charts for creative scribbled org chart
  • Vector icons for various roles, project teams, and company departments

Creating your own organizational chart in PowerPoint allows you to get a unique-looking organizational chart and make flexible changes to reflect organizational fluctuations. Replacing, adding, or removing a position or department is a matter of fast shape modification.

How you can use this template:

  • Clearly present the organization management flows, company size, and personnel structure.
  • Introduce people managing a company in a personal way, adding a person’s photograph or role icon only.

Company Roles and Departments PowerPoint Icons Collection

Need to illustrate various senior management roles or specific departments? Have a look at this presentation with Company Roles and Department Structure PPT icons . 

There you will find 32 outlined symbols of company positions such as CEO, CFO, COO, CMO, HR head, or Chief Sales Officer. There are also icons representing corporate product-related departments, sales-related issues, back-office, and various product development steps.


You can reuse the icons and organizational chart templates for presenting your company hierarchy, from the board through to the CEO and directors to specific department heads.

Feel free to explore these and reuse visualization ideas if they fit your work.

With the help of PowerPoint templates full of HR diagrams and role icons, you can enrich your existing slides or create a professional presentation from scratch. 

Thanks to the PowerPoint format you can edit all content – change descriptions, expand diagrams, replace icons as you need, etc. 

Having such HR presentation templates allows you to create your own do-it-yourself toolbox that can speed up your presentation preparation. You can also import those slides to Google Slides or Keynote presentation software if that is a presentation tool you use.

Resource: HR Presentation Examples and Template s for PowerPoint

Explore the complete set of presentation graphics about human resources and personnel development topics. If you find it useful you can download all the source illustrations for commercial use and free modifications. All these resources are available in the infoDiagram collection of presentation graphics:

HR Management Diagrams & Icons Decks Collection

Further inspiration for HR presentations

Explore more blog posts to find the right infographics and visuals for presenting your ideas:

  • How to Present Employee Engagement Factors
  • Use Attention-Grabbing Graphics for Your Next Remote Work Presentation and Visual Metaphors to Illustrate Work From Home Concepts
  • 7 Design Ideas for Group Development Chart Slide
  • Use Symbols to Show 6 HR Management Areas
  • Illustrate Needs and Values with icons

To try out how these PPT diagrams work, get a free sample of PowerPoint diagrams and icons that you can use to play with this kind of presentation graphic.

Subscribe to the newsletter  and follow our  YouTube channel  to get more design tips and slide inspiration.

HR Management Slides

HR Management Slides and HR Management Tools

15 Powerful HR Slide Series

In this page, you can view all of 15 excellent powerpoint slides on HR Management. All slides are designed in powerpoint files (ppt) so that you can modify and immediately use for your own learning process.

There are 15 excellent HR presentation topics :

1. Competency-based HR Management 2. HR Scorecard 3. Principles of HR Management 4. Measuring ROI of Training 5. Change Management 6. Diagnosing Organizational Effectiveness 7. Good to Great 8. Coaching for Optimal Performance 9. Balanced Scorecard 10. Career Management 11. Communication Skills 12. Emotional Intelligence 13. Developing Leadership Skills 14. Presentation Skills for HR Managers 15. Creative Thinking Skills for HR Managers

You can download all of these amazing slides HERE


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Creating a Great Employee Experience: March 2024 EN:Insights Forum

hr presentation for company

You’ve heard of employee engagement, but how about “employee experience?” According to SHRM Senior Researcher Kristina Meacham, employee experience is a more holistic way of quantifying how workers feel about their jobs, akin to the better-known “customer experience” metric. By including factors beyond engagement, such as work environment, culture, worker autonomy, and interactions with co-workers, employee engagement expands the scope of what HR can measure.

“Employee experience wants to look at the totality and of what it’s like to work at an organization at a very broad level,” Meacham said during the March 2024 EN:Insights Forum. “If you add employee experience to the mix, you’re going to be able to improve your ability to predict organizational success.”

Here are five key takeaways from her research presentation.

Research Insight 1: It’s important to measure employee experience, but there’s no standard for how employee experience should be operationalized in the workplace.

  • Out of 10 workplace considerations, both workers and HR professionals agreed that the most important factor was the work itself.
  • “Your manager” ranked in the top three considerations for both groups.
  • Although HR professionals valued “organizational culture” as third most important, workers ranked it eighth most important.
  • While workers ranked “your co-workers” as second most important, HR professionals ranked it fourth most important.

Research Insight 2: For another way to examine how employee experience influences an organization, researchers asked, “What is HR’s most important responsibility?”

Both workers and HR professionals listed the top priority as “creating a positive employee experience.” This brings us back to the question: How do we measure employee experience?

Research Insight 3: One measurement to consider is the employee experience index created by Jacob Morgan in 2017. His index evaluates 17 items divided into three categories: physical work environment, organizational culture, and quality of tools and technology provided to workers. Each area has a few key elements that enhance the employee experience when present.

Signs that Tools and Technology Support a Great Employee Experience

  • The right tools are available to everyone who needs them.
  • The employer uses consumer-grade technology, which is good enough that employees would consider using something similar in their personal lives.
  • The technology meets employee needs and reflects how employees perform tasks, as well as meeting the needs of the business.

Signs that a Physical Space Supports a Great Employee Experience:

  • Employees are proud of the space and want to show it off to friends or family.
  • The space offers flexibility.
  • The environment reflects the organization’s values.
  • Multiple workspace options, such as open and closed offices, modern cubicles, lounge areas, cafe environments, and quiet areas, are leveraged in tandem.

Signs that a Culture Supports a Great Employee Experience:

  • The company is viewed positively by employees and the public.
  • Everyone feels valued.
  • Employees feel a sense of purpose.
  • The culture supports inclusion, equity, and diversity.
  • Employees feel like they’re part of a team.
  • Talent referrals come from employees.
  • Employees have the resources they need to learn and advance.
  • The organization treats employees fairly.
  • Executives and managers are coaches and mentors.
  • Employee health and wellness are prioritized.

Research Insight 4: This gives us a way to look at how this index meshes with other measurements we already collect and analyze. When HR professionals and workers were asked which of the 17 items from Morgan’s index were most important, both groups highlighted four cultural considerations:

  • Feeling you are part of a team.
  • Feeling a sense of purpose.
  • Feeling you are fairly treated.
  • Feeling valued.

Research Insight 5: Many organizations already measure job satisfaction and turnover, two elements that predict organizational success. As engagement and satisfaction go up, organizational outcomes will improve. Add employee experience to those measurements and the ability to predict organizational success increases.

  • Employees who report high engagement and employee experience scores are about six times more likely to report high job satisfaction.
  • Better employee experience (especially culture) reduces turnover.
  • Within a negative culture, approximately 42% of workers will consider quitting.
  • A positive culture cuts likely turnover, with about 9% of workers thinking of quitting.

Key Takeaways

Measuring employee engagement and employee experience provides a more complete picture of job satisfaction and retention.

  • The first step is to define what employee experience means for your organization, how to measure it, and how to take action to shape it. Positive change is impossible without agreement on the end goal.
  • Creating a positive culture is crucial. The four criteria that HR professionals and workers agree are most important in creating the employee experience can help form the basis of an action plan for improvement. They are:

o   Being part of a team.

o   Having a sense of purpose.

o   Being treated fairly.

o   Being valued for your contributions. 

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How to speed up your HR onboarding process for new employees

For new hires and human resources teams alike, employee onboarding is an experience that can benefit from streamlining. Here’s how HR professionals can improve their onboarding process.

When hiring for new team members, a smooth and efficient onboarding program can make all the difference to the employee experience. In fact, research by BambooHR found that 89% of employees say an effective onboarding process helped them feel very engaged at work. What’s more, these employees are 30x more likely to feel overall job satisfaction, compared to employees who felt they had an ineffective onboarding experience.

But, unfortunately, not everyone has a great onboarding experience. A survey by Paychex found that employees of small companies (66%) and remote workers (63%) feel undertrained after onboarding. Additionally, almost one-third of employees find the onboarding process confusing.

Traditional, paper-based onboarding creates a pretty heavy workload for HR professionals—and it’s not very efficient for remote employees . To speed up the process and improve the experience for all involved, new and intelligent automation tools should be introduced into your workflow.

In this article, we’ll explore the different steps involved in onboarding a new hire, common obstacles HR professionals face during this process, and how time-saving tools can improve onboarding for you and your new employees.

What is the employee onboarding process in HR?

Onboarding is the process of introducing a newly-hired employee to your business. It helps new employees understand their new place of work, their role, and what is expected of them in their new position.

It’s a key process that helps to integrate new hires into your organization and get them up to speed on the people and company culture.

Why is employee onboarding important?

According to research by Brandon Hall Group , companies that have a strong onboarding process improve their retention of new hires by 82% and productivity by over 70%.

A good onboarding process can help to set good expectations for the new hire’s experience at your company and ensure they feel welcome. The process should help them settle in faster, establish relationships with their new colleagues, and ultimately hit the ground running in their new role.

What is the process for onboarding new hires?

The new employee onboarding process differs from organization to organization. However, it typically involves the following five steps:

1. The recruitment stage—preboarding

The hiring process is often regarded as separate from onboarding, but they are closely connected. In some ways, onboarding starts at the very beginning of the recruitment process, with setting good impressions in clear job descriptions and interviews.

The period between the sending of an offer letter and the new hire’s first day is known as “preboarding.” During this stage, you'll be answering any questions the new hire has before they start, keeping in touch, and making sure they have everything they need for their first day.

2. The week before joining

As the new hire’s start date approaches, it’s time to send them the relevant paperwork, company policies, and forms, as well as organizing their equipment and access.

At this stage you will:

  • Send relevant documents and materials, such as contracts to sign and employee handbooks
  • Send equipment such as a laptop and finalize resources such as a work email account and network access
  • Confirm their personal information to be added to your internal systems
  • Schedule introductory meetings and your first day induction call
  • Send a welcome email with important information, such as how to get to the office if they are working on-site

3. The first day

No matter your level of experience, day one at a new job can be overwhelming—especially because there’s so much information to take in at once.

However, new joiners are more likely to remember how they felt on that first day rather than what they learned. Especially for remote workers, one virtual meeting after another on your first day can cause serious Zoom fatigue —not a great first impression! It's your job to make sure their first day is an enjoyable experience for them and to put their minds at ease.

The role of HR here is to welcome the new starter either virtually or in-person at an induction meeting, and make sure they have everything they need. You can then introduce them to their immediate team, direct them to any training that needs to be completed, and help them with any practicalities such as submitting a profile picture for their communications apps like Slack .

4. The first week

HR involvement after the first day will be more subtle. You’ll likely be liaising with the new starter’s manager to ensure they have a reasonable schedule during their first week and can access the relevant tools or software needed for their role. You might want to schedule meetings with other teams in your company so they can fully understand how each department functions within the organization.

You might also help the new hire schedule regular check-ins or 1:1s with their line manager, and just generally touch base to make sure they’re settling in well.

5. The first 3-6 months

HR’s objective during this period, along with the new hire’s line manager or supervisor, is to ensure the employee’s expectations and reality at your company are aligned.

With their line manager, you can discuss the employee’s progress, any areas they feel they need additional training for, issues, career ambitions or goals, and how the onboarding experience was for them. You can then work with their line manager to provide feedback and agree to what can be done by each party to ensure the new hire becomes a key member of the organizational family.

Common difficulties with the onboarding process

Some common difficulties HR teams face with onboarding include:

  • A lack of pre-boarding , causing new hires to feel unprepared and overwhelmed on their first day
  • Neglecting feedback , making employees feel unheard and unvalued
  • Low-quality or inaccurate information for new employees, leading to confusion or frustration
  • Misleading job descriptions and unclear expectations , leaving new employees feeling lost or unsure of their role in the company
  • Failing to demonstrate the relevant software , hindering the new hire's ability to perform their job effectively
  • Giving too much information too quickly , inundating the new hire with document overload
  • A lack of introductions and team building activities , making new employees feel isolated and disconnected from their colleagues

All of these factors can contribute to a negative onboarding experience and ultimately, result in a disengaged and unmotivated employee.

It is crucial for companies to invest time and resources into creating a comprehensive and effective onboarding process to set their new employees up for success. By doing so, they can ensure a smooth transition into their new role and foster a positive and productive work environment.

How to speed up the onboarding process

We’ve explored the onboarding process and discussed the different people and materials involved throughout. But when this often takes longer than it should do, what can you do to streamline it?

Dropbox offers a suite of tools to help HR professionals speed up onboarding new hires. These allow you to:

  • Customize documents and templates with logos, fonts, and colors for consistent branding across your onboarding materials
  • Manage important documents by tracking views, forwards, and downloads with DocSend
  • Improve turnaround time and automate workflows with information tracking and built-in reminders using Dropbox Sign
  • Stay updated on internal progress with file activity tracking and comment notifications
  • Build a trustworthy reputation among employees and candidates by protecting sensitive information at all times

When used as part of your HR workflow, these features save you significant amounts of time so you can focus on nurturing your relationship with your new colleagues.

Make onboarding new hires a breeze

Dropbox provides HR professionals with a comprehensive set of tools and resources to streamline the onboarding process for new hires.

With features such as automated workflows, customizable templates , and secure file sharing capabilities , HR professionals can easily collaborate with hiring managers and ensure a smooth transition for new hires.

By utilizing Dropbox's onboarding tools, HR professionals can save time, reduce administrative burden, and provide a positive experience for new hires as they integrate into the organization.

Streamline your onboarding process.

Start onboarding with Dropbox

Everyone hates Workday

It creates mountains of busywork for everyone. So why does half of the Fortune 500 use it?

If you've hunted for a job in the past decade or so, you've likely encountered the following obstacle course. Applying to a desired role online, you're greeted with a login prompt. The employer is asking you to create a profile to apply? Annoying, but you go ahead.

You're given a long form to fill out with the information that's already on your résumé. In a world where we can all attach PDFs, this seems unnecessary, but — ah, phew — the form promises to autofill the entries if you simply drag your résumé over, and — oh, crap. It loads all wrong. Your work experience is scattered across the lines that want your name and address. Your address, truncated, is where your college degree should be. It's a mess. You find it's easier to delete it all and manually type in each entry. How obnoxious.

Soon after, applying to a different job at a different company, you click through and see the same form. You recognize the logo at the top of the page: a blue W with a yellow arch cresting above it. Is the arch a … frown? Geez. But you'd set up a user ID to apply to the previous job, so this should be — huh? It wants an entirely new ID. New company, new profile, new form. Oof. Surely it saved your application entries from the other job, right? Nope. Does the autofill work this time? Of course it doesn't. Another half-hour of formatting and you're done with the application — and so done with whichever confounding organization decided to execute these tasks this way.

Then you find another job opening and — no. No! So the logo is a frown.

The company devising this torture that is the modern job application is called Workday. Since 2006, Workday, which provides software for payroll, talent management, and expense processing, has been making a mint creating misery where painless processes could be. More than half of the Fortune 500 companies use Workday to pay, hire, onboard, and administer benefits to their employees. Clients range from Netflix to Goodwill, Spotify to The Washington Post, Chick-fil-A to Ohio State University. Trillions of dollars in revenue and tens of millions of employees are at the mercy of Workday's back-end people-management software. The company is worth some $70 billion, a market cap greater than that of FedEx, Nintendo, or Honda.

LinkedIn, Reddit, and Blind abound with enraged job applicants and employees sharing tales of how difficult it is to book leave, how Kafkaesque it is to file an expense.

Few seem happy about this. LinkedIn, Reddit, and Blind abound with enraged job applicants and employees sharing tales of how difficult it is to book paid leave, how Kafkaesque it is to file an expense, how nerve-racking it is to close out a project. "I simply hate Workday. Fuck them and those who insist on using it for recruitment," one Reddit user wrote. "Everything is non-intuitive, so even the simplest tasks leave me scratching my head," wrote another. "Keeping notes on index cards would be more effective." Every HR professional and hiring manager I spoke with — whose lives are supposedly made easier by Workday — described Workday with a sense of cosmic exasperation. "It's like constantly being botsmacked by bureaucracy incarnate," said a copy director at an AI startup in San Francisco who had the misfortune of having to hire contractors through Workday. He went on: "Getting someone onboarded using Workday is like trying to get water from your sink to your stove using a colander." The X account Work Day Failing tracks memes and news articles describing workers and companies suffering within various circles of Workday hell, from Amazon's failed migration to Workday in 2021 (after which Workday's stock dropped by 7%) to an ongoing class-action lawsuit that alleges Workday uses AI to discriminate against candidates based on race, age, and disability. ("We believe this lawsuit is without merit and deny the allegations," said a Workday spokesperson. "Workday does not have oversight or control of our customers' job application processes.")

If candidates hate Workday, if employees hate Workday, if HR people and managers processing and assessing those candidates and employees through Workday hate Workday — if Workday is the most annoying part of so many workers' workdays — how is Workday everywhere? How did a software provider so widely loathed become a mainstay of the modern workplace?

The answer, to use a term that any client of Workday could surely use, is POSIWID. This is a saying in systems thinking: The purpose of a system is what it does (POSIWID), not what it fails to do. And the reality is that what Workday — and its many despised competitors — does for organizations is far more important than the anguish it causes everyone else.

Of the 160 million Americans with jobs, about 130 million of us aren't self-employed or don't own a business and so receive wages and health-insurance plans through our employers. Serving these 130 million people are roughly 1 million human-resources professionals. That's an impossible shit ton of hirings, firings, withheld taxes, expenses, paid leaves, orientation trainings, and professional-growth reviews to keep track of. It's a world of paperwork that software is eager to eat.

In the late 20th century, companies moved more and more of that recordkeeping from filing cabinets to mainframe computers and then to servers. In 1988, PeopleSoft , backed by IBM, built the first fully fledged Human Resources Information System. In 2004, Oracle acquired PeopleSoft for $10.3 billion. One of its founders, David Duffield, then started a new company that upgraded PeopleSoft's model to near limitless cloud-based storage — giving birth to Workday, the intractable nepo baby of HR software.

Unlike its predecessors, Workday stores our applications and profiles as objects that relate to each other, linked with metadata. How this works is less important than the fact that it means Workday could conceivably build its own encrypted database of our information, across our different jobs and applications. When you leave Spotify to go work at Netflix, your profile could follow you, allowing you to more easily apply to the job. The multiplying powers of tech could scale to free us of our busy work, as promised.

But Workday's servers belong with its clients, and so it can't (or won't) do this. Does Workday want to carry the liability of a data breach that could damage half of the Fortune 500? Probably not. A Workday spokesperson said that Workday's clients "configure the application process for each job to fit their unique hiring processes and needs." She added, "Our customers retain control over their own data."

This raises another point: Workday is indifferent to our suffering in a job hunt, because we aren't Workday's clients, companies are. And these companies — from AT&T to Bank of America to Teladoc — have little incentive to care about your application experience, because if you didn't get the job, you're not their responsibility. For a company hiring and onboarding on a global scale, it is simply easier to screen fewer candidates if the result is still a single hire.

Also, because Workday is a jack of all trades program (recruiting and finance and company-wide planning etc. etc.), the supposed convenience of an all-in-one platform often come at the cost of creating frustrating new problems for clients. At one major university last year, migrating its IT — including 11,000 outstanding invoices — to Workday became a full-blown fiasco . A search on a job board can return hundreds of listings for in-house Workday consultants: IT and engineering professionals hired to fix the software promising to fix processes.

Bureaucratic hell is always about one person's ease coming at the cost of someone else's frustration, time wasted, and busy work.

For recruiters, Workday also lacks basic user-interface flexibility. When you promise ease-of-use and simplicity, you must deliver on the most basic user interactions. And yet: Sometimes searching for a candidate, or locating a candidate's status feels impossible. This happens outside of recruiting, too, where locating or attaching a boss's email to approve an expense sheet is complicated by the process, not streamlined. Bureaucratic hell is always about one person's ease coming at the cost of someone else's frustration, time wasted, and busy work. Workday makes no exceptions.

Workday touts its ability to track employee performance by collecting data and marking results, but it is employees who must spend time inputting this data. A creative director at a Fortune 500 company told me how in less than two years his company went "from annual reviews to twice-annual reviews to quarterly reviews to quarterly reviews plus separate twice-annual reviews." At each interval higher-ups pressed HR for more data, because they wanted what they'd paid for with Workday: more work product. With a press of a button, HR could provide that, but the entire company suffered thousands more hours of busy work. Automation made it too easy to do too much. (Workday's "customers choose the frequency at which they conduct reviews, not Workday," said the spokesperson.)

Of course, Workday has innumerable competitors, their names as ridiculous as their sheer volume. We have Dayforce, Zenefits, and Sage. We must not confuse Paycom with Paycor, or Kudos with Kudoboard. How dare you mistake Namely or Cornerstone for Rippling. Beyond standard HR Information Systems, legions of niche operators offer add-ons to boost employee engagement, from Bonusly (really) to BucketList (sad but true), to Motivosity (yes).

Are any of these better, or are they all maligned? As easily as you can find a founder who hates UKG Pro but loves Rippling you can find a similar rant from another founder ripping Rippling a new one. HR and payroll and recruiting are unenviable tasks, and not easy even before scale. At the scale of a large company, this is simply too much work to expect a few people to do and far too user-specific to expect automation to handle well. It's why Workday can be the worst while still allowing that Paychex is the worst , Paycom is the worst , Paycor is the worst , and Dayforce is the worst . "HR software sucking" is a big tent.

The writer and tech critic Cory Doctorow coined the term "enshittification" to describe how internet platforms inevitably decay. First, platforms are good to their users, creating value (Facebook, where people can connect and share their lives with one another). Then they abuse their users to make money for their actual customers, advertisers or businesses (Facebook, where we sell your data to inundate you with ads). Then they abuse those business customers to try to recoup revenue for themselves (Facebook, pivoting to video). Then platforms die.

Workday finds itself between enshittification steps two and three. The platform once made things faster, simpler for workers. But today it abuses workers by cutting corners on job-application and reimbursement procedures. In the process, it provides the value of a one-stop HR shop to its paying customers. It seems it's only a matter of time before Workday and its competitors try to split the difference and cut those same corners with the accounts that pay their bills.

Workday reveals what's important to the people who run Fortune 500 companies: easily and conveniently distributing busy work across large workforces. This is done with the arbitrary and perfunctory performance of work tasks (like excessive reviews) and with the throttling of momentum by making finance and HR tasks difficult. If your expenses and reimbursements are difficult to file, that's OK, because the people above you don't actually care if you get reimbursed. If it takes applicants 128% longer to apply , the people who implemented Workday don't really care. Throttling applicants is perhaps not intentional, but it's good for the company.

Customer service is Workday's goal. It's just that the customer isn't you.

I once worked at a cocktail lounge with a creaky board behind the bar, and the owner refused to fix it. We all complained nonstop about the board, but never about him. He'd seemed to realize the same net benefit that Workday and all of its love-to-hate-them competitors provide us in the modern workplace: Nothing brings people together like a common enemy.

Matt Alston 's writing has appeared in Wired, Rolling Stone, Playboy, and Believer. He trained as a civil engineer, and now works as a copywriter in tech. He lives in Maine with his wife and daughter.

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May 10, 2024

  • Students receive National Beef Packing Company awards

Submitted by Randall K Phebus

National Beef Packing Company, with headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, and multiple beef processing facilities in Kansas, will present their annual outstanding K-State student awards on Thursday, May 9. 

This year's winners are: Emma Sutherly, animal sciences and agricultural communications and journalism, Casstown, Ohio; Weston Schrader, animal sciences, Wells; Jordyn Seamans, food science, Topeka; and Eda Kaya, food science, Turkey. 

These awards recognize three outstanding upperclassmen in the food science and industry and the animal sciences and industry majors who have excelled in their academic programs and professional service while at K-State. 

An additional award is given to the outstanding food science graduate student. This is the eighth consecutive year for the food science awards and the inaugural year for the animal sciences awards, which come with scholarships and recognition plaques. 

Executives from National Beef will make the award presentations during a Call Hall ice cream social. 

In this issue

From the president.

  • A letter from President Linton

From the administration

  • K-State Alerts upgrades, changes launch today
  • Select Anderson Hall offices to relocate for summer construction
  • Science communication professional development webinar offered May 13
  • Call for session proposals for AI Symposium extended to June 1

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  • Building Next-Gen Leadership workshop adds additional session May 16

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Kudos, publications and presentations

  • K-State Concrete Canoe team wins regional competition, advances to nationals
  • Mortar Board Senior Honor Society selects 2024-2025 class
  • K-State engineering honor society inducts new members
  • Bohren named 2024 Animal Sciences and Industry Outstanding Senior
  • College of Health and Human Sciences announces outstanding senior award winners
  • Silveru and Parks honored with Dr. Susan Ariola Bosco Putting Students First Awards
  • Biology presents Haymaker Award to outstanding seniors
  • Agronomy graduate student awarded Association for Women Geoscientists scholarship
  • K-State esports wins NECC National Championship
  • Stock, Gaffield receive Larry Corah Graduate Student Awards
  • K-State's Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Climate Resilient Cereals visits Bangladesh
  • Valent named inaugural recipient of NCRA agInnovation Research Innovation Award of Excellence
  • Anthropology hosts annual symposium, honors current students with awards
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University life

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  • Students invited to apply to serve as peer mentors

Volunteer opportunities

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  • Updated: 3/16/16


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