Farmer Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on farmer.

Farmers are the backbone of our society. They are the ones who provide us all the food that we eat. As a result, the entire population of the country depends upon farmers . Be it the smallest or the largest country. Because of them only we are able to live on the planet. Thus Farmers are the most important people in the world. Though farmers have so much importance still they do not have proper living.

Importance of farmers

Farmers have great importance in our society. They are the ones who provide us food to eat. Since every person needs proper food for their living, so they are a necessity in society.

Farmer Essay

There are different types of farmers. And they all have equal significance. First are the farmers who grow a crop like wheat, barley, rice, etc. Since the maximum intake in the Indian houses is of wheat and rice. So, the cultivation of wheat and rice is much in farming. Moreover, farmers who grow these crops are of prime importance. Second, are the ones who cultivate fruits. These farmers have to prepare the soil for different types of fruits. Because these fruits grow according to the season. Therefore the farmers need to have a great knowledge of fruits and crops. There are many other farmers who grow different other types . Furthermore, they all have to work very hard to get maximum harvesting.

In addition to the farmers contribute almost 17% of the Indian economy. That is the maximum of all. But still, a farmer is deprived of every luxury of society.

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Conditions of farmers in India

The condition of farmers in India is critical. We are hearing suicide news of farmers every week or month. Moreover, farmers are all living a difficult life from past years. The problem is they are not getting enough pay. Since the middlemen get most of the money, so a farmer gets nothing in hand. Moreover, farmers are not having money to send their kids to school. Sometimes the situation gets so worse that they are not even having proper food. Thus farmers go in famine. As a result, they attempt suicides.

essay on farmer is the backbone of our country

Furthermore, the other reason for the worst condition of farmers is Global warming. Since Global Warming is hampering our planet in every way, it affects our farmers too. Because of global warming, there is a delay in season. As different crops have their own season to ripe, they are not getting nourishment. Crops need proper sunlight and rain to grow. So if the crops are not getting it they get destroyed. This is one of the main reasons why farms are getting destroyed. As a result, farmers commit suicide.

In order to save farmers, our Government is trying to provide them with various privileges. Recently the government has exempted them from all the loans. Moreover, the government pays an annual pension of Rs. 6000 to them. This helps them to at least have some earning apart from their profession. Furthermore, the government provides quotas (reservations) to their children. This ensures that their children get a proper education. All the children should get a proper education in today’s world. So that they get a chance to live a better life.

At last, farming is a profession which hard labor and effort . Moreover seeing the growing population of our country we should take initiatives to help farmers of our country.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Who are farmers?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Farmers are the one who grows crops in farms. Thus they provide us food to eat.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why are farmers attempting suicides?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Farmers are attempting suicides because their profession is not providing them even food to eat. Moreover, their farms are getting destroyed. As a result, it leaves them with nothing.”} }] }

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Essay on Farmer | Importance | The Backbone of Our Nation | 100, 150, 200, 300 & 400+ words

Essay on Farmer

Agriculture has been the backbone of human civilization for centuries, and farmers have played an important role in feeding the world population. While many of us may take food for granted, it’s important to remember that without farmers, we wouldn’t have access to fresh produce or livestock. In this essay, we’ll explore why farmers are so important and how they contribute to our daily lives in ways that often go unnoticed.

Essay on Farmer- 100 Words

Farmers are the backbone of any nation. They wake up early in the morning and work very hard. The life of a farmer is not easy. They lead a very simple life. They sow seeds and grow crops. They supply food for humans and animals also. They play a very important role in the society. The hard work of farmers often goes unnoticed. Farmers often face many challenges in their lives. Climate change, droughts, floods and extreme weather patterns harm farmers. Despite these problems farmers grow crops for us. We should respect farmers for their hard work. let us not forget the importance of farmers

Essay about a Farmer- 150 Words

The life of a farmer can be both rewarding and challenging. From the early morning wake-ups to the late-night harvests, farmers work tirelessly. They provide us with all types of food. They face harsh weather conditions, pests, financial struggles, and physical labour. The life of a farmer is not an easy one. It requires hard work, dedication, and patience. They spend long hours working under the sun bearing harsh weather conditions in order to ensure that everyone gets food. Farmers often have a very busy daily schedule. Their lives are closely tied to nature as they depend on it for their livelihood. But despite many challenges, many farmers find great joy in their work. They take pride in seeing their crops grow. They find satisfaction in feeding their nation. Farmers need to be knowledgeable about soil management techniques, irrigation methods, pest control measures and animal care practices. It is important we recognize the importance of farmers. They feed us every day. We can help farmers by supporting local agriculture initiatives.

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Essay about a Farmer

Essay on Why are Farmers Important for School and College Students- 200 words

Farming has been an integral part of human society since the dawn of time. It provides us with food, clothing, and a variety of other products. Farmers provide us with materials necessary for our everyday life. Farmers are also responsible for maintaining the health and sustainability of our environment. Without them, we would be unable to survive. Farmers play an integral role in our world. Without them, the world would be a much different place indeed. From planting and harvesting crops to caring for livestock, farmers play a crucial role in ensuring that we have access to fresh and nutritious food. One of the most important works farmers do for us is cultivating sustainable agriculture practices. Farmers use innovative techniques like crop rotation, cover cropping, and integrated pest management to minimize the environmental impact of their farming activities. In addition to providing us with food, farmers also support rural economies by creating jobs and supporting local businesses. They contribute significantly to our national economy by producing goods that are exported all over the world. Overall, it’s evident that farmers make significant contributions not just in terms of feeding us but also in preserving our environment and sustaining our economy. Let’s appreciate them more!

Essay on Why are Farmers Important

Why Farmers are so Important Essay- 300 Words

From the moment we wake up and enjoy our breakfast to the time we tuck ourselves into bed at night, farmers have an impact on every aspect of our lives. From growing the food we eat to providing materials for clothing and shelter, their hard work and dedication nourishes and sustains us in countless ways. The life of a farmer is made up of hard work and dedication. Their efforts are essential for the functioning of the society. Without farmers, many people would lack access to nutritious food and the ability to produce their own goods. All types of food industries run because of Farmers. They also provide necessary sustenance for animals and help maintain the environment by growing crops sustainably. In short, they are an integral part of our lives and communities.

The Importance of farmers can be better understood with the following points-

  • Food Production: Farmers are responsible for growing and cultivating crops, fruits, vegetables, and livestock. They play a crucial role in ensuring an adequate and sustainable food supply for the population.
  • Food Security: Farmers contribute to national and global food security by producing staple crops and essential food items. Their efforts help to reduce dependence on imported food and stabilize prices in the market.
  • Economic Contribution: Agriculture forms a significant portion of the economy in many countries. Farmers generate income through the sale of agricultural products, contributing to economic growth and employment opportunities.
  • Rural Development: Farmers are key contributors to rural development, as agricultural activities are often centered in rural areas. Their work helps create employment opportunities, supports local businesses, and strengthens rural communities.
  • Environmental Stewardship : Farmers play a vital role in sustainable land management and conservation practices. Through responsible farming techniques, they can protect soil health, preserve biodiversity, and mitigate the impact of climate change.
  • Cultural Heritage: Farming practices and traditions are deeply rooted in many cultures and communities. Farmers help preserve and pass on traditional knowledge, farming techniques, and cultural heritage from generation to generation.
  • National and Global Trade: Agricultural exports contribute to a country’s trade balance and foster international relations. Farmers participate in global trade by exporting agricultural products, strengthening economic ties between nations.
  • Innovators and Adaptability: Farmers constantly adapt to new technologies, techniques, and market demands. They serve as innovators, embracing advancements in agricultural practices to improve productivity and sustainability.
  • Social Impact: Farmers provide a valuable service to society by ensuring food availability and contributing to the overall well-being of communities. Their work fosters a sense of connection to the land and promotes healthy lifestyles through access to fresh, nutritious food.
  • Sustainable Development: Farmers have a significant role in achieving sustainable development goals by promoting responsible and environmentally friendly farming practices.

They contribute to a more sustainable future by balancing economic viability, environmental stewardship, and social well-being. So we should respect fermers

Essay on Why are Farmers Important for School and College Students- 400+ Words

As we sit down to eat our favorite meal, let’s take a moment to thank the farmers who made it possible. Farmers are the backbone of our food system and play a crucial role in providing us with fresh produce, meats, and dairy products. They work tirelessly under unpredictable weather conditions and struggle to keep up with ever-evolving market demands. In this blog post, we’ll explore why farmers are important for school and college students to understand. From the different types of farming to its benefits and drawbacks, we’ll dive deep into what makes farming such a vital profession in today’s society. So grab your fork and let’s dig in!

Why are farmers important?

Farmers are essential to our economy, society, and environment. They provide us with the food we eat, but their role goes much deeper than that. Farmers also help create jobs in rural areas and contribute significantly to a country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Without farmers, food scarcity would be an inevitable consequence. Farming is not just about producing food; it also has significant environmental benefits. Farmers play an important role in preserving natural resources like water and soil by implementing sustainable farming practices. By using crop rotation methods or adopting precision agriculture techniques, they can reduce the use of fertilizers and chemicals that harm the environment. Moreover, farmers are responsible for maintaining biodiversity on their lands by protecting wildlife habitats such as wetlands or forests. This helps prevent species from going extinct while providing opportunities for ecotourism. In summary, farmers are critical to our well-being as a society since they provide us with sustenance while protecting the environment at large. Students should understand how vital this profession is and strive to learn more about its intricacies so that we can appreciate the hard work of those who grow our food every day!

Why are farmers important

The different types of farming

Farming is a diverse industry with various types of farming practices. Each type has its unique characteristics, methods, and benefits. Here are some different types of farming: 1) Subsistence Farming: This type involves producing enough food for personal or family consumption. It’s common in developing countries where people rely on their farms to survive. 2) Commercial Farming: In this type, farmers grow crops or raise livestock to sell for profit. Commercial farming is more prevalent in developed economies. 3) Organic Farming: Organic farming focuses on using natural fertilizers and pesticides instead of synthetic ones to reduce environmental pollution. 4) Aquaculture Farming: This practice involves raising fish and other aquatic animals in tanks/ponds for commercial purposes. 5) Hydroponic Farming: Hydroponics is the art of growing plants without soil but by suspending them in nutrient-rich water solutions. Understanding the different types of farming helps us appreciate how farmers contribute to our economy and society at large. They provide us with essential products we need for survival while also preserving our environment through sustainable agricultural practices.

The different types of farming

The Benefits of Farming

Farming has numerous benefits that can positively impact both the farmers and society as a whole. One of the primary benefits is that farming provides food security for people around the world. Farmers cultivate crops and livestock, which are essential to our daily diets. Moreover, farming also helps to preserve natural resources such as soil, water, and biodiversity. Crop rotation techniques prevent soil depletion while integrated pest management practices reduce chemical use in agriculture. In addition to this, farming creates job opportunities for rural communities leading to economic growth in these areas. It promotes social cohesion by bringing together community members through shared interests in agriculture and cultural traditions. Farming also plays an important role in mitigating climate change by reducing carbon emissions through sustainable land-use practices such as conservation tillage, agroforestry systems or cover cropping. Farms serve as habitats for wildlife which contributes towards maintaining healthy ecosystems. This helps ensure a balanced environment with diverse plant and animal species coexisting peacefully. There are many benefits of farming that are vital to human welfare along with environmental sustainability making it a crucial component of economies worldwide.

The drawbacks of farming The Impact on the Environment

Farming has an impact on the environment, which can be a concern. The use of pesticides and fertilizers can harm the soil, water, and wildlife. This can lead to soil degradation, water pollution, and negative effects on biodiversity. Resource Intensive- Traditional farming methods often require a lot of land and resources. This can result in deforestation and further harm to biodiversity. Physical Demands and Limited Access – Farming can be physically demanding, with long hours in tough conditions. Farmers in remote areas or with limited resources may have difficulty accessing healthcare and basic necessities. Furthermore, farmers are often at the mercy of market forces beyond their control such as weather patterns or fluctuating prices for crops. This uncertainty can make it difficult for them to plan for the future and make investments in their businesses. Despite these challenges, farmers continue to play a vital role in our society by providing us with food security and contributing significantly to local economies. It is important that we support sustainable practices that minimize environmental harm while also ensuring fair compensation for farmers who dedicate themselves tirelessly every day towards feeding us all.

Farmers play a crucial role in our society and are essential to our survival. They provide us with the food we need to survive and ensure that we have access to healthy, nutritious meals. Moreover, they contribute significantly to the economy by creating jobs and driving growth. Despite facing numerous challenges such as climate change, rising costs of inputs, low market prices for their produce, among others; farmers remain committed to providing us with quality food products. As students at school or college level studying agriculture or related subjects such as environmental science or biology it is important that you recognize the vital role that farmers play in our world today. You can consider volunteering on a farm during your free time or even pursuing a career in farming after graduation. In summary, always remember: “No Farmers No Food”- so let’s appreciate all those who work tirelessly every day on farms across the globe.

1) Why are farmers important? Farmers are crucial for several reasons: 1.Food Production: Farmers are the backbone of our food system. They grow and raise the crops and livestock that provide the essential food we consume daily. Without farmers, there would be a significant shortage of food, leading to widespread hunger and malnutrition. 2.Food Security: Farmers play a vital role in ensuring food security. By producing a diverse range of crops and livestock, they help maintain a stable and abundant food supply. Their work helps prevent food shortages and reduces dependence on imported food, promoting self-sufficiency in a country’s food production. 3.Economic Impact: Agriculture is a significant contributor to the economy, and farmers are key drivers of this sector. They generate employment opportunities, both directly and indirectly, in rural areas. Additionally, the agricultural industry supports related industries such as food processing, transportation, and retail, contributing to economic growth and stability. 4.Environmental Stewardship: Farmers play a critical role in environmental conservation. They implement sustainable farming practices to protect soil health, reduce water usage, minimize chemical inputs, and preserve biodiversity. By adopting sustainable agriculture techniques, farmers contribute to mitigating climate change and preserving natural resources for future generations. 5.Rural Development: Farmers are essential for the development and prosperity of rural communities. Their presence contributes to the social and economic fabric of rural areas, providing livelihoods, infrastructure development, and supporting local businesses. They help maintain the vitality of rural communities and preserve the cultural heritage associated with farming. 6.Knowledge and Innovation: Farmers possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise accumulated over generations. They continually innovate and adapt to changing conditions, incorporating new technologies and scientific advancements into their farming practices. Farmers’ knowledge and innovation contribute to the advancement of agricultural techniques, leading to increased productivity and sustainability. In summary, farmers are important because they ensure food production and security, contribute to the economy, practice environmental stewardship, drive rural development, and bring knowledge and innovation to the agricultural sector. Their role is vital for sustaining communities, promoting food accessibility, and building a more sustainable and resilient future

2) Why are seasons important to farmers? Seasons are crucial to farmers for the following reasons: 1.Crop Growth and Yield: Different crops have specific seasonal requirements for optimal growth and development. Seasons provide farmers with a predictable pattern of weather and temperature changes, which are essential for determining the appropriate time to plant, nurture, and harvest their crops. The timing of planting and harvesting directly impacts crop yields and overall agricultural productivity. 2.Water Availability: Seasons play a significant role in determining water availability for irrigation and crop needs. In many regions, rainfall patterns vary across seasons, with wet and dry periods. Farmers rely on the rainy season to replenish water sources, ensuring sufficient irrigation for their crops. Proper water management during different seasons is vital to prevent droughts, water scarcity, and crop failure. 3.Pest and Disease Management: Seasons influence the prevalence of pests and diseases in agricultural systems. Different pests and diseases thrive under specific climatic conditions. Understanding seasonal patterns helps farmers anticipate and manage pest outbreaks and diseases effectively. They can implement appropriate pest control measures, disease-resistant crop varieties, and timely crop protection practices. 4.Nutrient Cycling: Seasons impact soil fertility and nutrient cycling processes. For example, during fall and winter seasons, organic matter from crop residues and leaves decomposes, enriching the soil with essential nutrients. This natural process enhances soil health and provides a nutrient-rich environment for future crops. Farmers utilize these seasonal cycles to plan soil management practices, such as cover cropping and nutrient application, to maintain soil fertility. 5.Crop Rotation and Diversity: Seasons influence farmers’ decisions regarding crop rotation and diversification. By rotating crops seasonally, farmers can break pest and disease cycles, improve soil health, and optimize resource utilization. Different crops have varying seasonal requirements, and farmers leverage this knowledge to create a balanced and sustainable cropping system. 6.Market Demand and Seasonal Cycles: Consumer preferences and market demand often vary with the seasons. Certain crops are more in demand during specific seasons, such as fresh fruits and vegetables during the summer. Farmers need to align their planting schedules and crop choices with market demand to maximize profitability and meet consumer needs. In summary, seasons are vital to farmers as they dictate optimal planting and harvesting times, influence water availability, guide pest and disease management strategies, affect soil fertility and nutrient cycling, facilitate crop rotation and diversification, and align with market demand. Understanding and working in harmony with the seasonal cycles are key to successful and sustainable farming practices.

3)How important are agronomists for farmers? Agronomists play a crucial role in supporting farmers in various aspects of agricultural production and management. Their importance can be summarized as follows: 1.Crop Selection and Management: Agronomists provide expertise in crop selection based on factors such as soil conditions, climate, and market demand. They help farmers choose the most suitable crop varieties and guide them in implementing appropriate crop management practices, including planting techniques, nutrient management, pest and disease control, and irrigation strategies. This ensures optimal crop growth, productivity, and quality. 2.Soil Health and Fertility: Agronomists assist farmers in assessing soil health and fertility. Through soil testing and analysis, they provide recommendations on soil amendments, nutrient application, and soil conservation practices. By optimizing soil conditions, agronomists help farmers maintain soil fertility, prevent nutrient deficiencies or imbalances, and minimize soil erosion. 3.Pest and Disease Management: Agronomists play a vital role in helping farmers identify and manage pests and diseases that can significantly impact crop yields. They provide advice on integrated pest management (IPM) practices, which emphasize a combination of cultural, biological, and chemical control methods to minimize the use of pesticides and promote environmentally friendly approaches. 4.Technology and Innovation: Agronomists stay updated with the latest advancements in agricultural technologies and innovations. They introduce farmers to new tools, equipment, and precision farming techniques that can enhance productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. This includes the adoption of precision agriculture technologies, remote sensing, data analysis, and other digital tools that assist in decision-making and resource optimization. 5.Climate Change Adaptation: With the increasing challenges posed by climate change, agronomists help farmers adapt their practices to mitigate its impacts. They provide guidance on climate-resilient crop varieties, water management strategies, and conservation practices to cope with changing weather patterns, extreme events, and water scarcity. 6.Education and Training: Agronomists contribute to farmer education and capacity building by conducting training programs, workshops, and demonstrations. They disseminate knowledge on best agricultural practices, new technologies, and sustainable farming methods. Through extension services, agronomists bridge the gap between research and practical implementation, helping farmers stay informed and empowered. In summary, agronomists are vital for farmers as they provide valuable expertise in crop selection and management, soil health and fertility, pest and disease management, technology adoption, climate change adaptation, and education and training. Their support enhances agricultural productivity, sustainability, and resilience, ultimately contributing to the success and profitability of farmers.

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Essay on Farmer | 500+ Words

Farmers in India are the backbone of our nation, toiling day in and day out to feed millions and drive the economy. In this essay, we will explore the vital role of Indian farmers, their challenges, and their enduring contributions to our society.

The Agrarian Heartbeat

Indian agriculture has a rich history dating back thousands of years. It is an integral part of our culture and sustains a significant portion of our population. Farmers have been tilling the land and growing crops that form the basis of our meals.

Feeding the Nation

Indian farmers play a pivotal role in ensuring food security for over a billion people. They cultivate a wide range of crops, from rice and wheat to pulses and vegetables, providing the sustenance required for a healthy and thriving population.

Economic Contribution

Agriculture is a major contributor to India’s economy, employing more than half of the country’s workforce. It accounts for a significant share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and supports various industries such as food processing and textiles.

The Challenge of Small Farms

Many Indian farmers operate on small landholdings, which can make agriculture economically challenging. Fragmented land ownership often leads to limited access to modern farming techniques, equipment, and credit facilities.

Seasonal Uncertainty

Indian agriculture is heavily dependent on monsoon rains, making it susceptible to the vagaries of weather. Inconsistent rainfall can lead to droughts or floods, which can devastate crops and threaten livelihoods.

The Farmer’s Plight

Farmers face a host of challenges, including rising input costs, fluctuating market prices, and the lack of access to credit and insurance. These factors can lead to financial stress and debt burdens for many farming families.

Innovations in Farming

Despite the challenges, Indian farmers have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability. Many are embracing modern farming practices, including organic farming, precision agriculture, and sustainable crop management.

Government Initiatives

The Indian government has launched various initiatives to support farmers, such as the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme, which provides financial assistance to small and marginal farmers. However, there is a need for continued policy efforts to address farmers’ challenges comprehensively.

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainability is a growing concern, and Indian farmers are increasingly adopting eco-friendly practices. Sustainable farming techniques not only protect the environment but also ensure the long-term viability of agriculture.

The Resilience of Farmers

Indian farmers display remarkable resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity. They work tirelessly, often facing hardships with a spirit of determination that is truly admirable.

Conclusion of Essay on Farmer

In conclusion, Indian farmers are the unsung heroes of our nation. They contribute significantly to our food security, economy, and culture, despite facing numerous challenges. It is essential that we recognize their vital role and support their efforts to build a more sustainable and prosperous future. Farmers in India are the lifeblood of our country, and their dedication and hard work deserve our utmost respect and gratitude.

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Essay on Indian Farmer For Kids – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On FarmerS For Lower Primary Classes

Role and importance of farmers in any country, daily life of indian farmers and their families, 10-line essay on indian farmer in english, short essay on farmers for kids, essay on indian farmers in english, long essay on indian farmers for kids, challenges and issues of indian farmers and their current conditions, what your child will learn from the essay.

Farmers form the backbone of the nation. When your child writes an essay on farmers, they discover the importance of farmers and begin to see them in a whole new light. When your little one writes a composition, they need ideas they can write around, and this can improve their thought process. Penning down the ideas on paper in short and simple sentences gives structure to their thoughts, and it enhances their creative writing skills.

There are some important points that your child needs to remember while writing essays. With this article , let us learn how to write an essay on farmers.

Let your child form the ideas they want to write about farmers.

  • Let your child jot down the ideas on paper and create an outline. It will help them to cover all the points while writing the essay.
  • H elp your child form easily readable short and simple sentences from the outline.
  • You can tell your child to write short and crisp sentences and cover multiple points. 
  • Direct your child to write with the flow. This will make them learn the art of writing compositions.
  • Your child can mention the importance of farmers, their lifestyle, the problems they face, etc.

Farmers play an extremely important role in any country. They are the people who feed the whole nation. Let us take a small example to understand the importance of farmers in a better way. When we are hungry, we cannot stay without food. That food reaches our plates only because of farmers. Farmers make a huge contribution to the economy of any country.

The life of farmers is very simple and rooted to the ground. They and their family members who work on the farm wake up early in the morning and spend the whole day in the fields. They plough the land, sow the seeds, water the plants, and do their best to protect the field and yield. They then wait patiently for the harvest time. A farmer’s life is plain and simple. They don’t look forwards to many luxuries. They look forward to a good harvest and getting a reasonable price for their crops.

Social Life of Indian Farmers

A farmer’s life in the villages is very different from people in cities. Their social life is very different from city folk. They spend all day in the farms. From early morning till sunset, they toil in the fields. The farming activity requires such hard work that they get exhausted when they return home. Their social life is more or less meeting other farmers or people from their neighbourhood post sundown and sharing their thoughts.

Farmers have a very important role in any country. Let’s help your child to write a 10-line essay for class 1 and class 2. 

  • Farmers play a very important role.
  • Farmers are often called the backbone of any country.
  • Farmers provide food to the whole country.
  • They are very hard working.
  • They wake up very early in the morning.
  • Farmers toil in the fields all day.
  • They return home after sunset.
  • Their life is very simple.
  • Farming requires a lot of patience.
  • Farmers deserve a lot of respect.

Farmers form the backbone of the nation. Let us show an example of how to compose a short paragraph or essay on farmers.

Farmers provide food to the whole country. We have food on our plates every time we feel hungry only because of them. There’s a lot of effort and hard work that goes behind each harvest. Farming is an activity that requires extremely hard work. Farmers toil in the fields all day and return home only after sunset. They plough the fields, sow seeds, water the plants, take care of them, and wait patiently for the harvest time. Their lifestyle is pretty simple. Their life revolves around their farm and farming. Farmers are the most valuable asset for any country. We cannot imagine a day without food. Therefore, we cannot imagine a day in our lives without the farmers in any country. 

Farmers are an essential part of any economy. Let us guide your child to write an essay on Indian farmers in about 250 words.

Farmers supply food to the entire country. People throughout the country will starve without them. No living being can survive without food. It is only because of the dedication of Indian farmers that we have such a prosperous country when it comes to food production. The life of a farmer is not easy; it is full of hard work. They toil in the fields all day and return home only after sunset. They plough the fields, sow seeds, water the plants, remove weeds, and save the crops from disturbances. They work on the fields through all the seasons. They tend to the crops and farm and wait patiently for the crops to mature. They look forward to the harvest time when they can sell the produce in the market at a fair price. Some farmers grow multiple types of crops based on the season and their soil.

India is an agricultural country, and farmers form the backbone of our nation. Here’s a sample essay for class 3 that your child can refer to when writing their essay on farmers.

Farmers play a very important role in the growth and development of the country. They provide food to the entire country. When we serve food at the table, we should humbly recognise that it comes from the hard work of the farmers. They are people who are extremely dedicated and hard-working. They wake up very early in the morning and go to the fields. They plough the fields, sow seeds, water the plants, remove weeds, and protect the crops from disturbances. They toil in the field irrespective of the weather.  They wait patiently for the golden season of harvest.

Most farmers depend on the traditional ways of farming which are very labour oriented and may result in lower productivity. However, the latest innovations and scientific improvements in various stages of farming can help increase the harvest and make the farming process less laborious. There are many regulations to protect the farmer’s rights and improve their work conditions for better yield. The government has introduced many schemes to benefit this valuable section of the nation. Farmers deserve a lot of respect from each one of us. We should be grateful to farmers who provide us with our basic need for food.

Farmers are important people who provide us with the basic necessity of life – food, but they also face many challenges because of various factors. An immense drought or heavy rainfall can cause crop failure. Inadequate mechanisation, modern tools, and insufficient facilities add to their trouble. Small farmers own small pieces of land and use traditional farming methods, limiting their productivity and output. In order to increase their production, they must use good quality seeds and advanced techniques, which required a lot of investment. Poor roads hamper access to markets. In order to make life easier for farmers, the government has introduced many policies and schemes to help the son of the soil.

When your child writes an essay on farmers, they learn to value the people who supply food to the whole nation. Their gratitude and respect for farmers will grow. Additionally, your child will also learn about the farmers’ lifestyles and their struggles when cultivating the food we relish every day.

1. What are the main crops farmers usually grow in their fields?

Farmers usually grow rice, wheat, and millets.

2. What are the other crops besides rice and wheat that farmers grow?

Farmers also grow spices, fruits, and vegetables.

3. What is the safest and the best form of fertiliser for crops?

Cow dung is the best fertiliser for crops.

4. What are the types of farmers in India?

Small farmers, marginal farmers, semi-medium farmers, medium farmers, and large farmers are the various types of farmers in India based on the size of their cultivation.

5. Why are farmers important in India?

Farming is a major contributor to the Indian economy. It creates employment opportunities for a large part of the population. Besides that, the farmers provide food, which is an essential need for human existence.

We hope the above essay on Indian farmers helps your child write an amazing composition on Indian farmers. It will help them learn about the importance of farmers, and they will also learn to respect and thank them. We have made sure to keep the language extremely simple so that it’s easy for your little one to understand.

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  • Essay On Indian Farmer

Indian Farmer Essay

500+ words essay on indian farmer.

Farmers are the backbone of the Indian Economy. More than half of the Indian population relies on Agriculture as a source of income. Farmers not only make the country secure by providing food, fodder and other raw materials as feedstock for industries, but they also serve as a source of livelihood for the majority of the Indian population. Sadly, though farmers feed the entire population, they sometimes sleep without having their night meals. In this essay on an Indian Farmer, we will be discussing the role of farmers and the problems faced by them. Students must go through this CBSE essay to get ideas so they can write essays by themselves.

Importance and Role of Indian Farmers

Farmers are the soul of the nation. Agriculture is the only means of living for almost two-thirds of the employed class in India. Farmers produce crops, pulses and vegetables which are needed by everyone. They work extremely hard so we can have food on our table every day. So, whenever we have a meal or eat food, we should thank the farmer.

Farmers in India are the largest producer of pulses, rice, wheat, spices and spice products. They are also involved in other small businesses such as dairy, meat, poultry, fisheries, food grains etc. According to the Economic Survey 2020-2021, the share of agriculture in the gross domestic product (GDP) has reached almost 20 per cent. India has also emerged as the second-largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world.

Issues and Challenges of Indian Farmers and their Current Situation

Farmers face various issues and challenges related to agriculture. Some of them are poorly maintained irrigation systems and a lack of good extension services. Farmers’ access to markets is hampered by poor roads, rudimentary market infrastructure, and excessive regulation. India has inadequate infrastructure and services for farmers because of low investment. Most farmers hold small areas of land due to which they are restricted to use traditional methods of farming and limit productivity. Whereas farmers with large pieces of land implement modern agricultural techniques and boost productivity.

If small farmers want to increase their production, they have to use good quality seeds, proper irrigation systems, advanced tools and techniques of farming, pesticides, fertilizers etc. For all this, they need money, due to which they have no choice but to take debt or loans from banks. They have immense pressure to produce crops so as to yield profit. In case their crop fails, all their effort goes in vain. In fact, then they are not able to produce enough to even fill the stomachs of their families.

Change is happening in rural India but it still has a long way to go. Farmers have benefited from improved farming techniques but the growth is not equitable. The effort should be to stop the migration of farmers to urban areas. To make agriculture successful and profitable, it is vital that proper thrust be given to the improvement of the condition of marginal and small farmers.

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Frequently asked Questions on Indian farmer Essay

What is the role of farmers.

A person is someone who is engaged in agriculture and raising livestock for a living.

What is the latest bill that has been passed in India for farmers?

The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill is the newest bill passed for farmers in 2020.

Are there different types of farmers in India?

Yes, the main types of farmers in India are Marginal farmers, Small farmers and Semi-medium farmers.

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Essay on Agriculture – The Backbone of the India

Students are often asked to write an essay on Agriculture – The Backbone of the India in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Agriculture – The Backbone of the India


Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for about 58% of India’s population. It provides raw materials to industries and is the backbone of the Indian economy.

Importance of Agriculture

Agriculture is important as it feeds the nation. It also creates vast employment opportunities. Industries like textiles and sugar depend on agriculture for raw materials.

Challenges in Agriculture

Despite its importance, agriculture faces challenges like lack of modern technology, dependence on monsoon, and low productivity. These need to be addressed for sustainable growth.

Agriculture is vital for India’s economic and social well-being. It’s the backbone of the nation and deserves attention and support.

250 Words Essay on Agriculture – The Backbone of the India

The significance of agriculture in india.

Agriculture, often referred to as the backbone of the Indian economy, plays a pivotal role in driving the country’s socioeconomic fabric. It contributes to around 17-18% of the country’s GDP and employs more than half of the total workforce, underpinning its significance in India’s economic structure.

Interdependence of Agriculture and Indian Society

The interdependence of agriculture and Indian society is profound, as it not only provides livelihoods but also ensures food security. The diversity of crops, ranging from cereals to fruits and vegetables, caters to the dietary needs of the vast population. Moreover, agriculture has a direct bearing on rural development, as it influences the rural economy and shapes the social dynamics in these areas.

Agriculture and Environmental Sustainability

In the context of environmental sustainability, agriculture plays a critical role. Traditional agricultural practices in India have always advocated for harmony with nature. However, the challenge lies in balancing the need for increased production with sustainable practices. Innovative strategies such as organic farming and precision agriculture are being adopted to address this.

The Way Forward

The future of Indian agriculture hinges on technological advancements, policy reforms, and a shift towards sustainable farming practices. Emphasizing research and development, improving access to credit, and strengthening the agricultural value chain are crucial steps in this direction.

In conclusion, agriculture remains the lifeblood of India’s economy and society. Its importance transcends beyond mere economic contributions, linking to social cohesion, food security, and environmental sustainability. As such, the need to prioritize and modernize this sector is more imperative than ever.

500 Words Essay on Agriculture – The Backbone of the India

Agriculture, often referred to as the backbone of India, is a significant part of the country’s economy, contributing to approximately 17% of the total GDP. It is the primary source of livelihood for about 58% of India’s population, emphasizing its crucial role in the socio-economic fabric of the country.

Historical Significance

India’s history is deeply intertwined with agriculture. The Indus Valley Civilization, one of the world’s oldest, was primarily agrarian. Over centuries, the agricultural practices evolved, and the advent of the Green Revolution in the 1960s marked a major turning point. It led to a substantial increase in crop yield, transforming India from a food-deficit country into a food-surplus nation.

The Modern Agricultural Landscape

Today, India is the world’s largest producer of pulses, rice, wheat, and spices. It’s the second-largest fruit producer and the third-largest in vegetables. Yet, the sector faces numerous challenges such as inadequate irrigation facilities, small and fragmented land-holdings, and lack of modern technology.

Technological Interventions in Agriculture

In the age of digital revolution, technology has started making its way into the agricultural sector. Precision farming, using AI and IoT, is enhancing productivity and reducing wastage. Drones are being used for crop monitoring, and mobile apps are providing real-time weather forecasts and market prices to farmers.

Agriculture and Climate Change

Climate change poses a significant threat to agriculture. Rising temperatures and erratic rainfall patterns can lead to a decrease in crop yield. However, sustainable farming practices like organic farming and rainwater harvesting can mitigate these adverse effects.

The Role of Government

The government plays a pivotal role in supporting agriculture. Policies like Minimum Support Price (MSP), crop insurance schemes, and subsidies on fertilizers aim to safeguard farmers’ interests. The recent farm bills have sparked debates about their potential impact on farmers’ income and the agricultural sector at large.

Agriculture and India’s Future

Agriculture’s role extends beyond mere food production. It is a key player in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With the right mix of policies, technological interventions, and sustainable practices, agriculture can be the driving force in India’s journey towards sustainable development.

Agriculture, indeed, is the backbone of India. It is not just an economic activity but a way of life for a majority of Indians. It is the thread that binds the ‘Bharat’ to ‘India’. As we move towards a more technologically advanced future, it is essential to ensure that this sector is not left behind. With the right interventions, Indian agriculture has the potential to feed not just the nation but also the world.

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Essay on Indian Farmer for Students in English | 500 Words Essay

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Farmer: India is a land of farmers as it is considered as an agricultural country. Agriculture employed around 50% of the workforce & farmers is the backbone of Indian economy. Indian farmers do a lot of hard work to make us available for the final product we get in the market. Indian farmers are the soul of our nation.

Essay on Farmer 500 Words for Students in English

Below we have provided an Indian Farmer Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

“If the farmer is rich, then so is the nation. He is a magician who produces money from the mud. To a farmer, dirt is not a waste, it is wealth.” – Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words.

Farming was one of the earliest occupations of mankind. The Indian farmer is often referred to as the backbone of our country. As per the Register General of India and Census report 2011, there are a total of 118 million farmers and 144 million agricultural labourers in the country. This constitutes more than 30% of the total rural population. A farmer is one of the most important members of society. He is a provider & responsible for growing sufficient food for the nation. Farming products have a major contribution to the nation’s GDP.

Typically, a farmer’s day begins early in the morning by ploughing the field, usually with the help of oxen or a tractor. Over time, based on the season, he sows the seeds and protects the plants. He also ensures they get enough nourishment through water and fertilizers. Most farmers also use pesticides to protect the crop from pests. Literacy has played a major role in farming practices. Educated farmers have used better techniques and ensured higher productivity; however, even after all the hard work done by the Indian farmers, poverty and farmer suicide plague the community.

Importance of an Indian Farmer

It is necessary to note that India was not a self-sufficient food-producing unit before the 1970’s. Indian farmlands were inefficient, old, and non-productive. But when our imports became a mode of blackmail, the country decided that it had enough. With a major rural population at that time and land, which was home to all kinds of resources, we were more than capable of producing food for ourselves.

Lal Bahadur Shastri gave a slogan “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan” to motivate the countrymen. Soon, with a major contribution from the green revolution, Indian farmlands were producing enough for the country. We also started exporting farm products, which became a major source of revenue. Economically, farming not only adds on to our labour force but also to our productivity. Farming contributes to 17% of our GDP. We export products like rice, fresh vegetables, groundnut, fresh fruits, cereal preparations, dairy products, cocoa products, other cereals, and pulses.

We also export cash crops like tea, coffee, spices, oil-seeds, cotton, and cashew, which are about 50% of Indian agricultural exports. Our surplus production has also reduced our cost of imports to a bare minimum. Moreover, agriculture is the main source of income in the country. It not only employs a majority of the rural population, but it also employs researchers, lab technicians, and others working towards modernising Indian agriculture.

Problems faced by Indian Farmers

Poverty is a major problem faced by Indian farmers. Even though they produce food for the entire nation, many farmers cannot afford 2 square meals a day for their families. Agriculture in India is heavily dependent on weather conditions. A season of drought or a flood can destroy a farmer’s yearlong hard work. Unhealthy plants and fires are yet another issue. As land in India has been divided and re-divided over the years, productivity per acre is low.

Even if farmers manage to take their products to the market, the presence of levels of intermediaries leads to farmers getting a very low price. Illiteracy and the use of inefficient methods are yet another major concern. Farmers often do not have the monetary capacity or the education required to shift to modern techniques of production or use modern equipment. They are often hesitant and doubtful of farming technology.

Being illiterate also closes any other occupation choice for them. Thus, farmers are more often than not stuck in a vicious cycle of inefficient production, poverty, and misery. Another major problem faced by the country in regards to farmers is farmer suicide. The pressure to earn a living, failed crops, multiplying loans, and familial responsibilities like illness or a daughter’s marriage together push a farmer to take the final step.

It is disheartening that farmers, who are the backbone of society, have been pushed to this extent. Further, farmer suicides have left their family with no one to care for, causing more problems of hunger and poverty. Over the years, different governments have tried various policies to improve a farmer’s standard of living. From loan waivers to buying crops for a better price, many ideas have been attempted. The government has tried providing free water and electricity in some places and also offered compensation to families who are victims of farmer suicide.

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Essay on Indian Farmers in 100, 200, and 350 words

essay on farmer is the backbone of our country

  • Updated on  
  • May 16, 2024

Essay On Indian Farmers

Indian farmers are the backbone of the economy. They work tirelessly throughout the year to produce the best quality food. Since India’s soil fertility is rich, it allows farmers to grow two types of crops; Rabi and Kharif. To improve Indian farmers’ condition the Government of India has introduced schemes like PM Fasal Bima Yojana , Krishi Udan Scheme , National Mission on Natural Farming and many more. On this page, we will discuss some samples of essay on Indian farmers.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Indian Farmers in 100 words
  • 2 Essay on Indian Farmers in 200 words
  • 3 Essay on Indian Farmers in 350 words
  • 4 Challenges Faced by the Indian Farmers
  • 5 Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF)
  • 6 Conclusion

Essay on Indian Farmers in 100 words

The farmers of India play a very important role in the economy of the country as agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for the majority of the Indian Population. They are hardworking, and resilient individuals who have a major impact on the development of the country. Although they play such an important role in the country, the farmers of India have to face numerous challenges which include lack of access to modern technology, lack of access to credit, and challenges related to irrigation and water management. Certain other aspects such as climate change, urbanization, etc are also affecting them. The government of India and society should take the necessary steps to address these challenges and hence support the Indian farmers to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for the country.

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Essay on Indian Farmers in 200 words

The farmers of India play a very crucial role in the development of the country’s economy as well as the development of society. Even though they face several challenges such as lack of access to credit and markets, unpredictable weather conditions, etc they still work tirelessly to feed the nation. The hard work and dedication the Indian farmers show make the backbone of India’s agriculture which is the main source of livelihood of the majority of the population. They are a symbol of determination and their contributions to the country must be recognised.  

The backbone bone of the Indian economy is agriculture and Indian farmers play a major role in the country’s economic growth. Agriculture employs around 50% of the country’s workforce and accounts for almost 17% of India’s GDP. Indian farmers don’t only practice agriculture, they grow livestock as well which is another important source of food and income for several families. 

Agriculture is a major contributor to the country’s exports, with crops like rice, wheat, and cotton being some of the major export items. In addition, the Indian farmer also plays a critical role in the country’s food security. India is the world’s second-largest producer of food, and farmers in the country produce a wide range of crops, including rice, wheat, maize, sugarcane, and fruits and vegetables. We should acknowledge the role of our farmers in developing our nation and recognize the same.

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Essay on Indian Farmers in 350 words

In India, agriculture accounts for almost 17% of the GDP and employs almost 50% of the population. The Indian farmers are the backbone of the Indian economy. They play a crucial role in the country’s development. Despite all this, they face numerous challenges. 

Challenges Faced by the Indian Farmers

Farmers face several challenges despite their role in the Indian economy. One such major challenge is the lack of access to credit. A major portion of Indian farmers do not have the financial resources to invest in modern farming techniques. Hence, they are forced to take loans from money lenders who charge extraordinary interest rates making it difficult to repay the same. 

One other major challenge is the lack of modern technology. The majority of farmers in India have to still rely on traditional and old farming methods. In addition to the same, they face challenges regarding water management and irrigation as well. In a lot of regions in the country, they are dependent on the monsoon for their crops, which can become quite unpredictable and hence, may lead to crop failures.

Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF)

This is one of the methods that was developed to help farmers with low budgets and limited resources. This technique is based on the principle of using locally available resources such as cow dung and cow urine to improve soil fertility naturally. In this method, farmers rely on natural predators for pest control. This method was not only more sustainable, but it also helped increase crop yields and reduced costs for farmers.

Although change is happening in rural areas of India, they still have a long way to go. And although the situation of the farmers has improved, the growth is still not equitable. More efforts should be made by the Government of India towards the Indian farmers to provide them with modern technology and resources so that they thrive and have improved crop yields and hence that will eventually to the country’s economy and its development. 

A.1 The farmers of India play a very important role in the economy of the country as agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for the majority of the Indian Population. They are hardworking, and resilient individuals who have a major impact on the development of the country. Although they play such an important role in the country, the farmers of India have to face numerous challenges which include lack of access to modern technology, lack of access to credit, and challenges related to irrigation and water management. Certain other aspects such as climate change, urbanization, etc are also affecting them. The government of India and society should take the necessary steps to address these challenges and hence support the Indian farmers to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for the country.

A.2 The Indian Government has launched several schemes for the welfare of Indian farmers: PM Fasal Bima Yojana, Krishi Udan Scheme, National Mission on Natural Farming, PM Kisan, Soil Health, etc.

A.3 Farmers work tirelessly to provide the nation with food to survive. They very extremely hard but still have to face several challenges such as lack of access to modern technology, poor soil quality, insufficient government support, etc. Such challenges have led to widespread distress and poverty among the farmers. However, now governments are taking initiatives to improve their situation, and hence the situation is improving. Crop yields are now better and have improved the livelihood of many farmers.

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  • Indian Farmers Essay


Essay on Indian Farmers

The essay on “Indian Farmers”, has been drafted by our mentors at Vedantu to help you experience it in a more helpful way. These are inducted in a very structured and organized way for you to grasp the main features quickly. You can also download the essay which is available in the PDF format. You can go through the essay and get in touch with them directly by visiting our Vedantu's official website to clear all your doubts or concerns.

Farming has always been one of the most important jobs in economic activities in India. With about 70% of the population engaged themselves with agriculture and agriculture-related activities which makes farmers the backbone of the country. While taking a single bite of food have we ever thought about our food givers, that is farmers, contribution to the progress of our country? The fifth prime minister of developing country India- Chaudhary Charan Singh, who himself came from a peasant family. Chaudhary Charan Singh is considered the messiah of the farmers and his birthday December 23 is celebrated as ‘The Farmers Day’. The rate of exporting agricultural things and products is much more than that of imports. This brings a rise in GDP of India.

Farmers live and breathe on farming along with their family and love is the only feeling they have towards it. Bunch of lessons must be learned from the farmers like helping the neighbour with selfless intent, caring for pets and domestic animals, unity is strength, water conservation, techniques in natural calamities like drought, the methods of soil fertilization.

The farmers are not graduate ones. But, campaigns of education might help in evolving their lives. Governments arrange various financial planning programmers for them. A cow, Sheep, Goats and Chickens plays an important role in farmers and in the farm ecosystem. These livestock animals eat the corn and hay grown and in return, they provide milk, eggs, meat and wool. Even their waste is beneficial for the soil fertilization process. They serve as a side business for the Indian Farmers.

Keeping in mind the hardworking lives of this backbone of the nation, the 2nd prime minister of the nation India provides the slogan of “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan” and gives the 2nd importance to the farming service.

Small farmers own a small piece of land due to inequality in the land distribution in India. Small farmers are still suffering from a lack of controlled water supply from Artificial Irrigation facilities. Though they are being called as the backbone of the country, they live in poverty. They even struggle to get two times of food for their family. The amount of debts on the lands is increasing day by day. And worst! They don't have any source of clearing it. Fluctuating agricultural prices, high debts, untimed and fewer payments became part of the daily lives of few farmers. 

With growing urbanization, the essence of Indian Farming culture is a little bit fading away. In this concrete world, farms are rapidly replaced by the hot molten asphalt roads and skyscrapers. Nowadays, people are neglecting farming as a career option for themselves as well as for their children. If this continues to happen the Indian economy will fall like a house of cards. The government of India runs the ‘Debt waiver scheme’ to reduce loads of the instalments on the farmers so that they will be glued with the same reputed profession and try some innovative ideas in their daily work for improving cultivation. 


FAQs on Indian Farmers Essay

Q1: Why Farmers are Important in India?

Ans: Importance of farmers

They are the ones who provide us with food to eat. As every human requires proper food for their existence, so they are a requirement in society. First are the farmers who grow a crop like wheat, barley, rice, etc. Since the maximum intake in the Indian houses is of wheat and rice.

Q2: Why Do We Need Farmers?

Ans: We need farmers to grow our grains, fruits and vegetables. We need herders to raise cattle, swine, chickens and other valuable sources of protein that are a portion of a healthful diet. And we need their decades of experience growing the food, fuel and fibre to ensure our way of life continues. 

Q3: What are the 3 Types of Crops?

Ans: The crops can be classified as:

Food crops- wheat, rice, maize, millets, pulses.

Cash crops- sugarcane, tobacco, jute, cotton, oilseeds.

Horticulture crops- Fruits and vegetables.

Plantation crops- tea, coffee, coconut, rubber.

Q4: How Many Types of Crops are There in India?

Ans: There can be many ways to divide the types of crops (based on area, season, economic value etc). Based on the seasons, the crops in India are divided into three types: Kharif, Rabi and Zaid. 

Kharif Crops: Rice, Jowar, Bajra, Cotton, Jute, etc.

Rabi Crops: Wheat, Oats, Onion, Potato, Pea, Oilseeds, etc.

Zaid Crops: Watermelon, Cucumber, Muskmelon, Pumpkin, etc. 

essay on farmer is the backbone of our country

Agriculture is backbone of this country

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Klodette Stroh

This country dedicated the first day of spring to celebrate and honor American farmers and America’s agricultural sector, perhaps because this country was started by farmers and ranchers. As Americans we often take things for granted and we may forget the bravery, hard work and self-sacrifice it took to build this land of liberty.

History has it that in the 17th century as people were moving to the United States, they brought with them livestock. With the help of natives, settlers learned to grow maize, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, beans, maple sugar, cotton and tobacco. They gave their heart and soul to God and with hard work they trusted God to help them build this nation.  

In 1776, the Continental Congress offered land grants to people who wanted to serve in the Continental Army. As a result of the land grants, young Americans started growing and producing crops from their land to feed themselves and prosper. Farmers located in the northern areas of the country produced a variety of crops and raised livestock. On the southern plantations, operators mainly were producing crops to export, and the exports began building wealth for this young nation. Soon tobacco became a chief cash crop and the most important export of the south.

With heavy taxation came the Declaration of Independence which resulted in parting from British control on farm exports, restrictions on land titles and the limitations on western settlement. By 1790, value of tobacco exports reached $4.36 million.  

George Washington, one of the founding fathers of our nation, was a farmer and had his own plantation. He was a genius in improving crop production. My husband Rick and I and our family had the opportunity to visit Mount Vernon a few years ago. Washington’s crop rotation display and harvesting methods were ahead of his time, so much so that even today’s farmers are practicing his methods. He realized agricultural income would build a strong country, therefore in 1799 he asked Congress to establish a National Board of Agriculture. My favorite quote from Washington is, “[It] will not be doubted that with reference either to individual or national welfare, agriculture is of primary importance.”  

Many of the early presidents realized the important role agriculture plays in the economic well-being of a nation. For instance, President Thomas Jefferson said, “Cultivators are the most valuable citizens … they are tied to their country.” And at the time of Abraham Lincoln’s presidency the value of agriculture exports and economic benefit to America escalated to $182 million, or 75% of total exports. Lincoln is famous for his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 which freed slaves. Lincoln valued the agriculture sector as our country’s renewable resource and transformed George Washington’s National Board of Agriculture to what we know it as the United States Department of Agriculture, or USDA.  

The importance of agriculture in the U.S. led to the Reclamation Act, which was signed by Theodore Roosevelt on June 17, 1902, authorizing construction of irrigation projects in 14 western states and two territories (Arizona and New Mexico). Congress added Texas to the Act in 1906. Today irrigated agriculture contributes over $10 billion annually and there are 34 million acres under irrigation systems.

essay on farmer is the backbone of our country

Wyoming is the home of the Shoshone Irrigation Project, one of the oldest and largest projects in the state. The water flows from Buffalo Bill Dam through Cody, Powell, and Deaver, irrigating nearly 92,000 acres. The economic impact of agriculture in Park County is more than $100 million annually.  

The United States economy is struggling, and our deficit has climbed to $2.3 trillion. In this difficult pandemic time, we have to salute agriculture. Government regulations on agriculture has increased the cost of production for American farmers. There is no way U.S. farmers can compete with foreign subsidized crops coming into our country.  

At the beginning of this nation, farm families were the basic units shaping life in America. Alfalfa hay, barley, corn, cotton, cattle, dry beans, milk, rice, oats, sugar beet, sugar cane, soybeans and wheat are the body of America’s agriculture. Some of our lawmakers have been trying to dismember this productive body, which I consider to be the backbone of this country.

American agriculture is our nation’s most vital renewable industry. Its contribution is more than $1.3 trillion to our gross domestic product and more than $50 billion in exported products to feed people in other countries. Keep in mind that only 1% of the U.S. population is farmers, yet their work is beyond measure. Perhaps we have forgotten their hard work and dedication to the land and have taken them for granted.

Let us remember to appreciate our farmers as we celebrate Ag Day and please let your lawmakers know dismembering a fruitful and dynamic working machine, such as American agriculture, will not result in prosperity for this nation’s economy.  

(Klodette Stroh of Powell is the national sugar chairman for Women Involved in Farm Economics.)


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Indian Farmer Essay

India is a land of farmers. It is called so because majority of Indians are directly or indirectly involved in agricultural activities. It would not be wrong to say that farmers are the backbone of our economy. In the following essays I have tried to discuss the problems being faced by the Indian farmers and have also given my opinion on it. Hope you will find my essays helpful.

Long and Short Essay on Indian Farmer in English

Indian farmers are the backbone of the Indian economy but everything is not going right for them. Their life is getting more and more difficult day by day.

In the following essays I have tried to answer the question, “why nobody wants to become a farmer and also, as to why those in farming want to move to other occupations”? The answer to the questions is not straightforward.

In the following Indian Farmer essay I have tried to touch all the issues which the farmers of our country are facing currently. Hope you will appreciate my efforts for essay on Indian Farmer.

Short Essay on Indian Farmer – Essay 1 (200 words)

Some one has truly said, “India is a land of villages and farmers are the soul of the country.” I also feel the same. Farmers are a respected lot and farming is considered a noble profession in our country. They are also called “Annadata”, which means “food provider”.  According to this logic, farmers in India should be a happy and prosperous lot but the irony is that the reality is exactly opposite to it.

This is the reason why kids of farmers don’t want to pursue the profession of their parents. According to a government data, around two and a half thousand farmers leave farming and migrate to cities daily in search of livelihood.  If this trend continues, then a time may come when there will no farmers left and our country will turn from “food surplus”, which we are now to “food deficient”.

I used to think that when the prices of commodities go up, the farmer benefits but the reality is that most of the money is grabbed by the middle men. So, the farmer is always a looser. When there is a bumper crop, the price of the products fall and at many times he has to sell his produce at a throwaway price to the government or to the middlemen and when there is drought or flood, then we all know what happens to the poor farmer.

The condition of the farmers is getting from bad to worse. If something is not done urgently, there will be nothing left to save.

Essay on Importance of Indian Farmer – Essay 2 (300 words)


I think the farmer plays the same role for our country as the backbone plays for the human body.  The problem is that this backbone (our farmer) is suffering from many problems. Sometimes, many of them can’t even afford two square meals a day. Despite all the hardships which they face, they continue to play an important role. Some of them are discussed below.

Importance of Indian Farmer

  • They are the Food Producers of the Country

Before late 1970s India was not able to produce sufficient food grains to meet its requirements. In other words, India was not self-sufficient in terms of food grains. We used to import large quantities of food grains from abroad (mainly from USA). It went good for some time but afterwards the USA started blackmailing us on trade.

They even threatened to stop the supply of food grains totally. The then Prime Minister Lal bahadur Shastri accepted the challenge and gave the slogan “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan” and took some drastic measures, which resulted in the green revolution and because of that we became self-reliant in terms of food grains and even started exporting the surplus produces.

India has never looked back since then.  Our farmers have never let us down, even though they are facing many problems.  They have been able to meet the demand of the growing population.

  • One of the Biggest Contributor to the Indian economy

Farmers contribute around 17% to the Indian economy. Even after that they continue to live a life of poverty. There are many reasons for it. If we are able to overcome various obstacles, then there is a good chance that this percentage will improve.

  • All Farmers are Self Employed

Farmers do not depend on any other source for employment. They are self employed and also create employment for others.

We have come a long way since Independence but still a lot has to be done. I am sure, if we work sincerely, we would be able to overcome the problems which we are facing today and God willing our villages will become as beautiful and prosperous as they are shown in Bollywood movies.

Essay on life of an Indian Farmer – Essay 3 (400 words)

Persons like me, who have lived in cities for the whole of their lives, have a very wrong idea about village life. They believe what is shown in Bollywood movies. I was no different. I also thought that in villages, women move around in their designer lehengas. They go to the well for fetching water and move here and there happily. I also believed that in the evening they gather around and danced together on the movie songs like “sun mitwa” or “mere desh ki dharti”.

Life of an Indian farmer

One fine day I told my dad, “what a nice life these village folks have…”. On this my dad laughed loudly and suggested me to visit our ancestral village which is in Lucknow. Last time when I went to our village, I was 4 years old. I remembered very few details from my last visit or better to say I had no idea what a village looked like.

I took a week’s leave from office and boarded the train with my father. I was really very excited. At the railway station we were greeted by our relative (my cousin brother) who had come to receive us. I asked him, “how we will go home”? On this, he showed his bullock cart. On this my reaction was, “What!”. My dad told me, “son, this is just the beginning….”.

On reaching home firstly, I decided to answer my natures call. So, I asked, “where is the toilet”? On this I was took to an open field. I was told that there is no toilet in the village and all the villagers including women have to go in the open field. After that I decided to have a look around. I found broken houses made with mud and bamboo with men and women in old and torn clothes (definitely not designer), working very hard in fields to get their ends meet.

An used plow and a pair of feeble bullock stands in every house as a testimony to the strenuous life of the occupants.  Maximum houses had no electricity connection and even those houses which had electricity connection used oil lamps because electricity was rare. Nobody had a gas connection, so food was cooked on wooden or coal fire which generated smoke and that caused various lung diseases.

I found an old woman coughing. I asked her, “Are you having your medicines”? On this she gave a blank look and said, “Beta, I don’t have money to buy medicines or go to a private hospital.” Other persons told me that the there is no government clinic nearby. On hearing this I really got emotional. The plight of the Indian farmers is unimaginable as they work tirelessly throughout the year in the absence of basic necessities.

I decided to join my cousin brother who was working in the fields. When I reached there, I found him and some other farmers arguing with some men. I was told that they were bank officials and had come to give a formal notice (of non-payment of EMIs) to the farmers. My cousin brother told me that no body in the village was able to pay EMIs this time as they had a bad crop this time.

I ate my food and went to sleep. After some time, I woke up to drink water. I found bantu (my cousin brother’s son) reading in candle light. I asked, “its late, go to sleep”. On this he replied, “Uncle, I have a test tomorrow”. On listening this I felt that everything is not lost and there is still a ray of hope.

Our villages and farmers are not the same as I had thought but I have a strong feeling that one day it will become the village as it is shown in Bollywood movies.

Essay on Role of an Indian Farmer – Essay 4 (500 words)

India has a diverse culture. In India, around 22 major languages and 720 dialects are spoken. People of all major religions like Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism live here. People here are engaged in all sorts of professions but agriculture is the main occupation here. This is why India is also known as a “Krishi Pradhan desh”.

Role of an Indian Farmer

This is the reason why a major percentage of our population is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. It would not be wrong to say that farmers are the backbone of our nation and also, they are the driving force behind the Indian economy. Yet all is not well with Indian farmers. They continue to live a life of poverty and misery. Still they play an important role in nation building. Some of the important roles of farmers are discussed below.

  • Food Security is National Security

As we all know that food is the basic necessity of life. This is why in olden times, food grains were stored in large quantities in forts, so that in times of war, when outside supply would be stopped by the enemy, still there would be food to eat. The same logic is valid even today. As we are “self-reliant” in terms of food grains, no country can blackmail or threaten us. This became possible only because of the hard work of our farmers.

  • Drivers of the Indian Economy

Farmers contribute around 17% to Indian economy. Indian agricultural exports were around 33 billion US dollars in 2016-17.

Everything is not Right with Indian Farmers

One would expect Indian farmers to be prosperous because of the value of the exports, but the reality is just the opposite. They are committing suicides, are trying to leave the profession, migrating to cities, and could not even able to manage 2 square meals a day.

There are so many things that have to be blamed but one thing is sure that if the problem continued soon we may become a “food importer country” from “food exporter country” which we are now.

Due to large scale agitations and farmer suicides the issue of farmer problems have been highlighted but “are we doing enough”? That’s the million-dollar question we have to answer. When our “Annadata” is being forced to commit suicide, then really it is some thing to worry about.

In the last I would only like to say that, its high time, we have to do some thing urgently otherwise things will definitely go worst.

Long Essay on Why Indian Farmer Suicides – Essay 5 (600 words)

This is a very sensitive topic which should be handled very carefully but are we handling it properly? That’s a million-dollar question. As the problem is complex, therefore the solution is also not straightforward but if we genuinely want to save our country from going into a turmoil we have to solve this problem. We did not heed to the warning signs which have been coming for quite some time. Now, when the problem has taken monstrous proportions, we are searching for a quick fix solution.  I strongly feel that there is no quick fix solution to this.

As the problem has taken time to grew, so in the same way, it will take time to settle. So, it’s high time, we must start doing something concrete rather than indulging in chest-beating.

Severity of the Problem

The severity of the problem could be judged from the fact that around 3 lakh (government estimate, other sources say it’s 10 times more) farmers have committed suicide since 1995. The main reason cited for these suicides is the farmer’s inability to repay the loans taken by him due to various reasons. The dubious distinction of topping this list goes to Maharashtra.

According to another estimate (government data) around a bit more than 50 percent of farmers are in debt. Maximum are poor and many are forced to live below poverty line. Around 95% of the farmers are forced to sell there produce below the official MSP (Minimum support price) and their average annual income is less than twenty one thousand rupees.

This is why many farmers are quitting farming and trying to move to other professions and this is also the reason why no one wants to become a farmer.

Reasons for Agriculture being in such a Bad Shape

  • Changing of Climate due to Global Warming (Flood and Drought)

Due to global warming and some other reasons, the climate of the earth is changing. This is why the frequency and severity of floods and droughts have increased, which has resulted in large scale crop damage.

  • Lack of Irrigation Facilities

Maximum farmers depend on rains as they don’t have proper means of irrigation, like, diesel pump sets, canal or dam water etc. this means that if it’s a bad monsoon then they will have a bad harvest.

  • Smaller Land Holdings

In India maximum farmers have small to very small plots of land on which they do farming. This makes farming unprofitable.

  • Expensive Seeds and Fertilizers

Many farmers do not have money to buy good quality seeds and fertilizers. So, they use inferior quality seeds and this is why there per acre output suffers.

  • Loan not Available Easily

Farming, like any other business requires investment, which the poor farmers don’t have. The conditions and paperwork of public sector banks are too much. So, they have to go to private money lenders, who charge high interest rates and if the crop fails due to some reason, then it becomes very difficult for them to repay the loans.

  • Lack of Awareness of new Scientific Methods

Most of the farmers have very little education or they are illiterate. So, they are not aware of the new farming and scientific methods of cultivation. This is why government has launched tollfree helpline numbers on which farmers can ask their problems.

  • Corruption at Various Levels

Due to corruption at various levels the implementation of various schemes and subsides get affected and so the benefit of it does not reach to farmers.

Solutions for Improving the Condition of Farmers

  • Proper Insurance

As crop failure can occur due to many reasons, therefore proper insurance facilities would be quite beneficial to the farmers. It would be better if the partial or whole of the premium could be paid by the government as many farmers are poor and can’t afford to pay the premium.

  • Compensation

From time to time government provides compensation to farmers in case of crop failure. I think it is a temporary measure and not a permanent solution.

  • Availability of Easy Loans

This is one of the important factors. If easy loans are provided to farmers, their condition will surely improve as they will be able to buy good quality seeds from the market.

  • Reduction in Corruption

If we are able to control corruption then the benefit of the various schemes will reach farmers and their condition will get improved.

I agree that there is no easy solution to this problem but if we start working with good intension, there is a chance that one day our Indian farmers will also become as prosperous as American farmers are now.

Related Information:

Speech on Indian Farmer

Essay on Farmer Suicides in India

Essay on Agriculture

Speech on Agriculture

Essay on Organic Farming

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essay on farmer is the backbone of our country

Farmers are the backbone of our country

Vinod Chandrashekhar Dixit

'National Farmer's Day' was celebrated on 23rd December. It is the birthday of Former Prime Minister of India Chaudhary Charan Singh. Charan Singh, the Jat icon belonged to a peasant family, which made him relate himself with the problems of the farmers. Consequently, he did his best to support them. He was a son of the soil and his efforts towards the improvement of an Indian farmer are unparalleled.

India is basically an agricultural-dependent nation with nearly half of its population residing in villages. Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy that contributes to the overall economic growth of the country and determines the standard of life for more than 50% of the Indian population. 

Charan Singh contributed a lot to improve the condition of Indian farmers by understanding the real problems of farmers and he did his best to help them. His passionate appeal and magnetic persona united all the farmers against the moneylenders and landlords. As a writer, he was also a very effective writer and penned his thoughts on farmers and their problems and solutions. He served as the Prime Minister of India from 28 July 1979 until 14 January 1980 but he had never faced the Lok Sabha.

Sustainability in agriculture is of utmost importance as many problems faced by farmers. According to figures from the Ministry of Agriculture, the total of number of suicides committed by farmers for agrarian reasons in the last three years stands more than 3500. 

Farm suicides, whether owing to purely agricultural reasons like crop failure, or the complex pressures on an Indian farmer, must be tackled seriously on the basis of a comprehensive examination of the causative factors, and the context.

Farmers who feed us toil in the sun and rain all days of the year, but reap little benefits. They are least respected in society that eats their fruits. Lack of proper understanding of the need to grow crops sustainably will push farmers into a vicious circle – of debts, heavy use of fertilisers, water mismanagement, low productivity and thus more debts for the next cycle. Agriculture has always been a high risk business in our country and crop failure is very common because very much depends upon nature. 

Today, Banks are too willing to lend money to a village consortium which can be utilised to boost farm productivity, employ sustainable farming methods, reduce over – dependence on fertilisers and thus solve many problems. What is needed is safe but remunerative farming. We need to think of organic farming and avoidance of large scale wastage of agricultural productions. Creation of good surface irrigation and maintenance of tank systems so as to improve underground storage and remunerative prices are the most important.

Farmer’s endless hard work has been an example to all of us. Farmers are the backbone of the nation. He worked very hard for the development of farmers. Charan Singh will always be remembered as Kisanon Ke Neta or farmers’ leader. 

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