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Essays About Fashion: Top 5 Examples and 9 Prompts

If you are writing essays about fashion, check out our guide of helpful examples and exciting writing prompts to get started.

Fashion is individuals’ way of expressing their personalities. They do this through clothes and accessories that display their tastes and preferences. There are different fashion styles and trends, and anyone can choose anything they want to follow. Additionally, fashion has various benefits, such as boosting self-confidence, lightening moods, and developing creativity. Our fashion choices also help us send messages and present our beliefs. Thus, fashion can also be political .

Below are five essay examples and nine writing prompts to help you create an eye-catching essay about fashion:

5 Top Essay Examples

1. why fashion is important by george k., 2. fashion: an important part of life by ankita yadav, 3. fashion as communication by eunice summers, 4. fashion 2022 by edudwar, 5. the effect of fashion on teenagers in school by anonymous on, 1. fashion trends and women, 2. fashion evolution, 3. fashion and starting a business, 4. effects of fashion on society, 5. the best fashion styles for men, 6. fashion trends in different countries , 7. careers in the fashion industry, 8. cultural fashion vs. modern fashion, 9. the best and worst of fashion trends.

“The clothes we wear has become more than merely a way to cover our nakedness; instead it has also become one of the primary ways in which people express themselves.”

George K explains that fashion separates individuals from the rest. A person can introduce himself to others for who and what he is through style choices. Further, the author expounds on how fashion is a very competitive industry that depends on one’s search for identity. The author also points out that every person is unique and thus needs a distinct style to fit them. However, because of constant peer pressure and criticism, an individual’s fashion picks can’t be entirely their own. Ultimately, George K reminds the reader that it’s not just the clothes but how individuals wear and feel in them.

“…if we can do something then it is choosing the right stuff like entertainment, adventure, fashion, etc. All these things can make us happy and are also an important part of life. Fashion always attracts and it is available for all,”

Yadav considers how fashion originated from people’s traditions and cultures and became what it is today through individuals adopting each style and making it their own. In the following sections of the essay, she defines fashion and lists its importance, including how it developed new employment options and how styles speak for the wearer. 

In her conclusion, she encourages everyone to choose their styles and not to mind their age. Fashion helps everyone live life to the fullest.

“Fashion is an industry based on creating a need where there is none and nowadays, due to the current recession, I can understand that fashion may not be people’s biggest concern. But we cannot qualify it as ‘trivial’ since we are surrounded by it; each new generation of customers is highly exposed to commercial influences.”

Summers gives her opinion about the book “Fashion as Communication” by Malcolm Barnard . She identifies points in the work and shares her thoughts on them. The first point being those working in the fashion industry aren’t smart. As a Fashion Marketing student, Summers vehemently disagrees with this statement and recounts her experiences to counter it. She continues to analyze Barnard’s other arguments and agrees with some of them. Summers ends her essay by highlighting that fashion is too essential in modern culture and economic organization for it to be considered “trivial.”

“…the youth cares more about what they wear and how they look which could affect their status in their peer group and meddle with their mental health. Following trends and doing what everyone is doing like a sheep is never a good idea. Fashion is there to reflect your personal style, not copying what other people think is trendy.”

User Edudwar reminds people that fashion is not simply following what’s currently trendy. Fashion is there to give people the chance to show off their individualism and personalities and not present a fake version of themselves to be accepted by society. Additionally, he mentions that youth nowadays are more sensitive to what people think of them, so some will always do everything to follow trends, even if they’re not presentable or appropriate.

“Youths of the present times have indulged themselves in so much fashion that they do not receive sufficient time for other work… The time spent on studies is being used in watching TV programmes, reading fashion articles, or even finding the recent trendy outfits on the Internet.”

The essay discusses the real effects of fashion on today’s youth. The author focuses on kids zeroing in on finding the latest style instead of caring for their studies that directly affect their future. The essay also delves into how youths of yesterday had ambitions and goals in life compared to today’s youths, who prefer to have fun rather than study hard.

See our best essay writing tips to help you write an attractive, attention-grabbing essay.

9 Writing Prompts For Essays About Fashion

To assist you with your essay, we’ve compiled nine exciting writing prompts you can use:

Some women follow fashion trends religiously. They are also more conscious of their physical appearance. Some even go to the extreme and do plastic surgeries to look better in clothes. In your essay, discuss what you think these trends do to women’s perception of their worth and beauty. Add which trends you believe are unhealthy and why there’s more societal pressure for women to be fashionable.

Each era had its styles that directly resulted from that time’s circumstances. Make a timeline of how fashion evolved and the factors that influenced them. At the end of your essay, pick what you think is the best fashion era and explain why.

For this prompt, include the relevant things a future fashion clothing boutique owner should bear in mind. For instance, they should always be on top of the fashion trends and know how to balance demand and costs. Then, find a boutique owner and interview them about their experience to make your essay more fun to read.

Tackle what makes people choose the clothes they wear daily. Some prefer their fashion to display their personalities while others merely follow what they think is popular. To make your essay more interesting, you can do a simple experiment: Go out in public on two occasions: while wearing your fashion picks and donning the latest fashionable clothes. Then, add your findings and how people reacted to you.

Essays About Fashion: The best fashion styles for men

Fashion for men is different from women. Although most brands dedicate their line to women, men also deserve to know what makes them look fashionable; this essay lists styles that are excellent for men depending on the setting and event. 

What could be considered fashionable in one country can be seen as disrespectful in another. For this prompt, compile fashion trends many do but are unacceptable in other places. Reasons why may include religion or tradition. Use research data and cite reliable sourcing for a compelling piece.

In this essay, identify the career opportunities available in the fashion industry, including the steps to get there. Next, list the different job roles within fashion, and describe the responsibilities for each. Then, add tips on succeeding in that job and standing out from the rest. For an intriguing essay, conduct interviews with professionals within the industry and include this in your piece.

Our ancestors’ culture greatly influenced today’s fashion. Meanwhile, modern styles are those that the current generation uses. Write an essay about cultural and contemporary fashion’s differences, similarities, advantages, and disadvantages. 

Fashion trends come and go. However, not all popular fashion is pleasing to the eyes. For this essay, compile a list of what is, in your opinion, the best and worst fashion trends. Then, describe why you have formed these opinions and describe the details of each outfit.

Are you looking for your next essay subject? Check out our list of the best writing topics for students .

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Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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117 Awesome Fashion Research Topics: Inspirational Ideas List

fashion research topics

Finding some decent fashion research topics that you can use for your next papers is not easy nowadays. You want something new, something original. Your classmates are probably scouring the Internet as we speak, so why are you still wasting time? Take a look at our long list of 117 exceptional fashion research topics and choose the best one right now.

What makes our topics different, you ask? Our experts are constantly updating the list and adding new ideas. This means you will always be able to find an original idea here on this page. We will soon be adding new topics for 2023, so stay tuned!

What Is The Fashion Research Paper?

Keep in mind that finding some great fashion topics to write about is not enough. You need to be able to create a well-organized, concise research paper. To help you do just that, we will show you the 8 main parts of a research paper:

Title page (or cover page) Start with a hook to catch the attention of your readers, then talk a bit about the background of the problem and present your thesis. Literature review. Here, you will need to demonstrate that you have analyzed the literature related to the topic and that there is a gap in knowledge that needs to be addressed. Research In this section, you will explain in great detail all the methods you have used to gather the data. Be as specific as possible. Data analysis. This is the section where you present and analyze the data. Be objective and avoid discussing the results. This is the section where you can discuss your findings and prove how your research results back your thesis. Don’t forget to acknowledge the limitations of your research. Restate your thesis and summarize your research and findings. Show your readers how your findings answer the research questions. References page. This is where you list all the resources you have used to write your research Make sure you don’t miss any.

Now that you know the overall structure of a research paper, it’s time to give you some excellent topics to write about:

Brand New Fashion Research Paper Topics

We will start our list with the brand new fashion research paper topics. These have been added to the list recently, so you can pick one right now knowing that it’s original:

  • Fashion in Ancient Rome
  • The impact of Jane Austen on the world of fashion
  • Swimwear in the 1980s
  • Using bizarre colors in fashion
  • The rise and fall of the jeans
  • Peer pressure related to fashion trends
  • Social networking and fashion
  • The life and work of Giorgio Armani
  • Talk about hippie fashion
  • Fashion in Islamic religions

Interesting Fashion Topics To Write About

If you are looking for something out of the ordinary, we have a long list of interesting fashion topics to write about. Take a look at the following ideas:

  • The rise of the Chanel brand
  • Does price reflect quality?
  • Fashion in Ancient Egypt
  • The sense of fashion in women
  • The link between art and fashion
  • Discuss ethics in fashion
  • The relationship between style and money
  • The role of clothes in your culture
  • Interesting fashion hacks

Fashion Research Topics 2023

In the fashion research topics 2023, you can find topics that were greatly appreciated in 2023. These may or may not be as appreciated in 2024 though:

  • Fashion in developing countries
  • Research smart casual fashion
  • Compare Asian fashion with American fashion
  • Fashion and aesthetics
  • Marketing a new brand of clothes
  • Fashion in vlogging
  • What are cycles in fashion?
  • The rise of the Versace empire
  • Fashion in Paris

Advanced Fashion Topics To Discuss

We also have a list of more advanced fashion topics to discuss. Just keep in mind that the following topics are not easy to write about. But as an option, you can buy a dissertation on any topic.

  • Negative effects of fashion on the environment
  • Forecasting new trends in 2023
  • Celebrities and fashion
  • Negative effects of fashion on the human psychology
  • Influencer marketing of fashion products
  • Fashion from a religious standpoint
  • The place of leather in fashion in 2023
  • Largest fashion shows in the world
  • The importance of Fashion Weeks in Eastern Europe

Fun Research Topics On Fashion

Who said a research paper can’t be fun? Choose one of these fun research topics on fashion and start writing the perfect paper today:

  • Fashion in 1990s media
  • Funny fashion mishaps
  • Men in fashion advertisements/commercials
  • Fashion in medieval times
  • Crossover fashion in 2023
  • Can you start a fashion business?
  • Fashion in the royal family (the UK)
  • Fashion and school uniforms

Important People In Fashion

One of the easiest ways to write a research paper in the field of fashion is to research an icon. Here are some important people in a fashion that you can talk about:

  • Karl Lagerfeld
  • Stella McCartney
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • David Bowie
  • Princess Diana
  • Charles Frederick Worth
  • Harry Styles
  • Kim Taehyung
  • Coco Chanel
  • Designer Paul Poiret

Fashion Research Paper Topics For High School

If you are a high school student, you need some easier topics to write on. Check out these fashion research paper topics for high school and pick the one you like:

  • Fashion in Ancient Egyptian times
  • Michael Jackson’s fashion
  • Fashion in Western Europe
  • Fashion at the workplace
  • Fashion in schools in the UK
  • Discuss fashion in North Korea
  • Luxury products and the human brain
  • Fashion trends and the science that explains them

Captivating Fashion Design Research Paper Topics

In case you want to discuss fashion design, we have a nice list of captivating fashion design research paper topics right here. All these topics are, of course, 100% free to use:

  • Fashion in the LGBTQ community
  • Fashion in Nazi Germany
  • Fun facts about beachwear
  • The role of Versace in fashion
  • New York as a fashion center
  • Effects of Tik-Tok on fashion
  • The origins of ethnic clothing
  • Mixing 3 styles the right way
  • Fashion and sexism in 2023

Fast Fashion Research Paper Topics

Don’t want to spend a lot of time working on that research paper? No problem! Simply choose one of these fast fashion research paper topics:

  • The role of politics in fashion in the United States
  • Talk about wedding ceremony fashion
  • Talk about trends in baby clothing in the United Kingdom
  • The role celebrities play in fashion marketing
  • Talk about 3 iconic fashion characters
  • An in-depth look at fashion in the punk world

Fashion Topics To Research In 2023

It’s time to think about the topics that should work great in 2023. In fact, our experts have already compiled a list of fashion topics to research in 2023:

  • Talk about the notion of “invisible branding” in fashion
  • Research women’s fashion in the 1980s
  • The role played by art in fashion trends
  • Research 3 major fashion companies
  • Talk about the low rise fashion trend
  • Discuss the women’s oversized bomber jackets trend

Fashion And Marketing Research Topics

As you probably know, fashion and marketing go hand in hand. Take a look at our latest and most interesting fashion and marketing research topics right here:

  • Fashion marketing on social media
  • Fashion marketing in the 1960s
  • Effective marketing strategies for luxury products
  • Style vs. functionality in marketing
  • Marketing and fashion cycles
  • The role of fashion in TV commercials

Fashion Ideas For College Students

College students should research topics that are more complex in nature. Don’t worry though; we have more than enough fashion ideas for college students:

  • Research the hoodies under blazers fashion trend
  • Compare Asian and European fashion
  • Research Jane Austen’s style
  • A closer look at minimalist fashion
  • The beginning of the Haute Couture
  • Fashion and the Internet

Unique Ideas Related To Fashion

This list of topics has been revised recently to make sure all ideas are unique. So, if you’re looking for unique ideas related to fashion, you have definitely arrived at the right place:

  • Analyze the cropped cardigans trend
  • Research the plus-size fashion industry in Indonesia
  • The impact of feminism on fashion
  • Social issues caused by fashion
  • Fashion and cheap labor
  • Effects of religion on fashion

Easy Fashion Essay Topics

If you want to make sure you ace that research paper, you should find an easy topic to talk about. Take a look at these easy fashion essay topics and pick one today:

  • Discuss the notion of “color blocking”
  • Fashion trends during World War II
  • The evolution of men’s suits over the last 100 years
  • Fashion and child labor
  • What is organic clothing?
  • Talk about the rise of wig fashion

Creative Fashion Research Questions

Professors really appreciate creativity, so you should definitely go through this list of creative fashion research questions:

  • A closer look at the puff sleeves trend
  • The Kardashian family’s impact on fashion
  • How did Chanel rise to fame?
  • Sustainability in the fashion industry
  • Fashion and body types
  • Interesting fashion trends in Dubai
  • Talk about fashion in the armed forces

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Home Essay Samples Life

Essay Samples on Clothes

Unveiling identity: exploring how clothing is a form of self-expression.

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Why Gender Neutral Clothes May Become a Permanent Part of our Life: The Advantages of Gender Neutral Clothing

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Best topics on Clothes

1. Unveiling Identity: Exploring How Clothing is a Form of Self-Expression

2. Gucci: The Sustainability and Innovation in the Fashion Industry

3. The Importance of Gender Neutral Clothes: Abolishing the Gender Stereotypes

4. How Clothes Can Affect Our Mood

5. Why Gender Neutral Clothes May Become a Permanent Part of our Life: The Advantages of Gender Neutral Clothing

6. The Beauty of Orientalism in European Clothing

7. Research and Survey Report on the Influence of Appereance in First Impressions

8. Double Cloth Structure To Facilitate Versatile Application Of Denim Fabric

9. The Significance Of Dress Code For Medical Assistant

10. Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Wrangler Tv Commercial

11. Clothing Exhibition “Reigning Men: Fashion In Menswear 1715-2015”

12. Company Name: Heng Yuan Xiang Hyx

13. Influence Of Wearing Red Colored Shirt On The Athletes’ Performance

14. Market Definition , Analysis and Competitive Landscape

15. Research Of The Geography Of My Closet

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Revealing Clothes: Exploring The Dynamics of Fashion

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Words: 683 |

Published: Sep 16, 2023

Words: 683 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

The evolution of fashion, revealing clothes as self-expression, societal perceptions and double standards, agency and personal choice, conclusion: a complex dialogue.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Essay on Fashion for Students and Children

500+ words essay on fashion.

Fashion refers to anything that becomes a rage among the masses. Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression. Most Noteworthy, it is something that is in vogue. Fashion appears in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, hairstyles, lifestyle, and body proportions. Furthermore, Fashion is an industry-supported expression. In the contemporary world, people take fashion very seriously. Fashion is something that has permeated every aspect of human culture.

Essay on Fashion

History of Fashion

The origin of Fashion is from the year 1826. Probably everyone believes Charles Frederick to be the first fashion designer of the world. He also established the first Fashion house in Paris. Consequently, he began the tradition of Fashion houses. Furthermore, he gave advice to customers on what clothing would suit them. He was prominent form 1826 to 1895.

During this period, many design houses hired artists. Furthermore, the job of these artists was to develop innovative designs for garments. The clients would examine many different patterns. Then they would pick the one they like. Consequently, a tradition began of presenting patterns to customers and then stitching them.

At the beginning of the 20th century, new developments in Fashion took place. These developments certainly began in Paris first. Then they spread in other parts of the world. Consequently, new designs first came into existence in France. From Paris, they went to other parts of the world. Hence, Paris became the Fashion capital of the world. Also, Fashion in this era was ‘haute couture’. This Fashion design was exclusively for individuals.

In the mid-20th century, a change took place. Now Fashion garments underwent mass production. There was a significant increase in the rate of production of Fashion garments. As a result, more and more people became involved with Fashion garments. By the end of the 20th century, a sense of Fashion awareness was very strong. Now people began to choose clothes based on their own style preference. Hence, people began to create their own trends instead of relying on existing trends.

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Fashion Trend

Political influences certainly play a major role in influencing Fashion. Many politicians become fashion symbols. Notable examples are First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Diana. Also, political revolutions make a huge impact on the Fashion trend. For example, in 1960’s America, liberal clothing styles became popular among the younger generation. This was due to the Liberal revolution.

Another significant factor which influences Fashion trend is technology. There certainly has been a rapid growth of technology in the Fashion industry. For example, wearable technology has become a popular Fashion trend. Furthermore, 3D printing technology and the internet have also made an impact on Fashion.

Social influences are probably the strongest influences on the Fashion trend. Many music stars strongly influence Fashion choice. For example, wearing hoodies became famous due to rap musicians. Furthermore, movie and television actors create a big impact on Fashion. Many youngsters love to emulate the Fashion sense of their favourite celebrity.

To sum it up, Fashion certainly has become a part and parcel of human life. It certainly is a force that is here to stay. Most noteworthy, Fashion has immersed every place on Earth.

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Clothing - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Clothing serves many purposes, including protection from environmental elements, a means of personal expression, and a reflection of cultural, social, or professional identification. Essays can explore the history, sociology, or psychology of clothing, its role in cultural or gender identity, or the fashion industry’s social and economic impact. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Clothing you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Female Beauty in the Renaissance

Throughout millennia, the idea of female beauty has been changed and sculpted more times than one can count. To put things into perspective, blue eyeshadow, bee-hive hairstyles, and being overweight have all been part of the female beauty standards we followed in the past. To go back a few hundred years and examine the Renaissance era, we find rules and regulations of feminine beauty very different from our modern models. The ideal woman of the Renaissance, as described by Petrarch, […]

Employing Child Labor of Nike Company

Nike is a multi-billion sportswear company and it has been accused of employing child labor in the past and recent years. In the article 'We Blew It': Nike Admits to Mistakes Over Child Labor written by Steve Boggan, Nike acknowledges that they have employed children in Third World countries. After Nike presented its first “corporate responsibility report” to its stakeholder’s labor groups such as Oxfam's Nike Watch and the Clean Clothes Campaign were not comfortable with the situation. The report […]

Does Patagonia Use Child Labor?

Have you ever checked the labels on your clothes to see where they come from? Do the companies provide safe and fair conditions to the workers? You may not have known that some of these workers work up to 20 hours a day to make the product you need. There are some companies that use forced labor and don’t tell the truth about what themselves. Over the past years, Patagonia has been installing progressive ideas to help create better working […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Dress Code Equality

“While it is important that young, curious students are not arriving to school dressed more maturely than their age (yes, for boys and girls) it is important to pay attention to the sexism against girls within these dress code policies.” cited source. Female students are constantly being put on the spot and brought to attention. They are sometimes even harassed by others about their attire. Students and teachers alike should be more focused on education and learning, rather than wardrobe. […]

School Dress Codes

Two girls walk into school one day wearing the exact same shirt. One of the girls has bigger breasts than the other. Though both girls were wearing the exact same shirt, only the girl with the bigger breasts is dress coded. School dress codes can come with their helping qualities but, they can also come with their drawbacks. Both girls and boys should have the same rules in the school environment. The dress codes found in almost every school are […]

Why we should have School Uniforms

Educators and experts who are in support of school uniforms believe that buying kids uniforms gives them a positive behavior. For instance, it is believed that when students wear uniforms, they feel more professional and behave better. Many educators also theorize that students can become distracted by fashion trends and clothing with symbols on it. Therefore, when all students are dressed in regulated uniforms, there is less focus on fashion in the classroom and more focus on learning.When there's no […]

EU should Charge Tax on Fast Fashion

 The development of globalisation has brought a new business concept called fast fashion to society. Fast fashion is “a business model that encourages new designs in stores every few weeks instead of every fashion season.” (Okonkwo, 2016, p. 229). The fast fashion industry originated in Europe, and its main features are that the price of clothes is low, the number of clothes is large, and the styles of clothes are various (Wilkinson, 2018). Brands such as Zara and H&M send […]

Great Tacticians: Mahatma Gandhi and Steve Jobs

Steven Paul Jobs was an American inventor, designer, and entrepreneur who was the co-founder, chief executive and chairman of Apple Computer. Born in 1955 and died in October 2011. When Jobs was 21 years old, he started Apple Computer in his family garage, together with Steve Wozniak. Jobs sold his Volkswagen bus and Wozniak his beloved scientific calculator and funded entrepreneurial venture. Jobs and Wozniak are credited with revolutionizing the computer industry with Apple by democratizing the technology and making […]

Creation and Development of the Nike Brand

Nike’s mission statement is a simple one but one that can relate to everyone as well. Its mission statement is, “Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. [1]” The founder Bill Bowerman’s statement of, “If you have a body, you are an athlete. [2]” This could be used as a global and local mission statement that represents the company strategic goal of reaching out to the global leisure and sports footwear and apparel and equipment markets. Nike […]

Questions the Effectiveness of School Dress Codes

Introduction In recent years, students and parents alike have questioned the effectiveness of school dress codes and noticed the negative ramifications these codes have on women and people of color. Traditional dress codes usually prohibit certain categories of clothes, such as gang attire, but some schools may enforce uniform codes ranging from “jeans and a white t-shirt to blazers and skirts” (Gilbert 1999, p.1) According to University of Memphis Law and Leadership professor Nathan L. Essex (2004), school officials first […]

Renaissance Clothes

The clothing worn by men of upper class was a bit different than men in lower class. The same goes for women and children as well. For men of upper class, they had plenty to work with when it comes to getting dressed. It states in the article, 'Hanson', " a man's outfit would start with a shirt similar to today's but without the collar and cuffs we are used to, instead they would use lace for collars and cuffs. […]

Fashion and Feminism

The late 1700s through early 1800s saw a major shift from huge Victorian dresses with extensive undergarments to thinner Greek-inspired forms. This change occurred as a direct result of America's independence from British rule. The idea behind this shift was to appear less British and more democratic, hence why inspiration was drawn from the democratic Greeks. This led to greater freedom of movement for women, both physically and socially. In 1851, Amelia Bloomer introduced "bloomers," the first form of women's […]

Jamaican Culture

The fashion industry is one which is evident in all areas in the world. In Jamaica, for instance, modern day fashion is encompassed within the ordinary dress code of people all over the country. Most of the clothes worn by people in Jamaica reflect a significant part of their cultural and religious beliefs. However, this fashion sense grows from their connection with one fashionably renowned African country, Ghana. Fashion design and contemporary wear in Jamaica is closely related to the […]

Dress Codes in School aren’t a Good Idea

Throughout the years, students at schools have had problems with the school dress code. Students get in trouble for not dressing appropriately for school. Most schools are starting to change their codes because of the controversy they are receiving.A dress code does more harm than good because it limits self expression in females, it is sexist towards female students and distorts women's self expression. A dress code does more harm than good because is sexist towards female students.Huffington Post posted […]

Fashion Always Creates Interest

"Fashion always creates interest in people anywhere, anytime. Everyone becomes so confidential with the latest styles that think fashion is just a popular trend. However, life is more controlled by the fashion industry than many people notice; It affects not only clothes, but almost all the conditions of daily life. For a lot of people, fashion is just a preference and for other people it is important to wear only the newest fashion trends. For others, nevertheless, the fashion and […]

Cultural Relativism in an Age of Globalization

After spending an entire life in the U.S. or the relative shelter of Western Europe, perhaps visiting a country where women cannot show their hair in public, drive or own property could come as a shock. In some places, gender differences continue to create deep power rifts, especially where the divides come from religion (Levine & Robbins, 2017). How would a westerner react to what is (from a western perspective) a clear infringement on gender equality and human rights? Culture […]

School Uniform – Dress for Success

The Macquarie wordbook defines the thought of uniform as; dress of the same style, materials and colour worn by a group.. For many decades, students have become more concerning about fashion instead of education. Now, public schools have debated whether students should wear school uniforms.A dress code enforces discipline toward learning by changing a person's attitude toward success. Students generally act the way they are dressed. With fewer fashion distractions, school will be seen as a priority for teaching and […]

The Dreaded Dress Code

In the article “The sexism of school dress codes” Li Zhou discusses how there is a different standard between girls and boys when it comes to their attire. She states dress codes are criticized as sexist, and they target girls. This negatively affects girls self-esteem and confidence. Zhou mentions how girls’ dress is considered a distraction for boys. The dress code conveys the message that women are the ones who must protect themselves from unwanted sexual attention. She also points […]

Nike: a Company that Never Stands Still

Nike is one of the world's largest companies. Their brand is very complex, yet simple at the same time. They use many factors to make sure that the business side of things runs smoothly. Nike has had a very positive impact on many worldwide, and is very well respected by many. Businesses now have to move very fast to keep up with the needs of its customers. If a company cannot provide the ideal product for the consumers, they will […]

Falling Stocks: Motivation for New Ideas

Nike is one of the most popular apparel brands known primarily for their line of shoes. On September 4, 2018 Nike stock fell 3.2%. This is believed to be caused by the recent controversy surrounding Nike’s choice to put Colin Kaepernick, the NFL quarterback who started kneeling during the national anthem in supposed protest of police brutality, as the face of their new advertising campaign. The recent ad pictures Kaepernick’s portrait with the slogan “Believe in something. Even if it […]

Federalism Essay Fall 2018

In the state of Minnesota voters have flaunted their political opinions on t-shirts, hats, pins and other apparel while voting since 2010. It all began with "Tea Party" t-shirts and pins with the phrase "please I.D me" which came from a failed legislation which would've required Minnesota's residents to show photo ID when voting. State officials did not allow these t-shirts or buttons to be worn while voting and those wearing these shirts were asked to cover up. This lead […]

How See Now, Buy Now Enabled by Artificial Intelligence

Walter Mischel, a psychologist famed for the 1960's Marshmallow Test, which he elucidated the virtue of delayed gratification for youngsters. Today, the data economy promotes the dichotomy of an on-demand culture. Enabled by AI on divinatory consumer demand and predictive supply chain, front-line companies are charged up to provide a See-Now-Buy-Now (SNBN) experience to the consumers. Amongst the US retail categories, grocery ranks first with $770 billion (30% of dollar share), while apparel second at $310 billion. After the acquisition […]

Company with Unfair Working Conditions and Low Wages

The term “Nike” derives from a Greek Goddess of victory who was called ???? in Greek mythology. In 1964 a company called Blue Ribbon Sports was created from a deal between Phil Knight, Bill Bowerman, and a Japanese shoe company named Onitsuka. Knight and Bowerman later split from Onitsuka because Knight thought that “the financial arrangement with the Japanese firm was strangling his chances for financial expansion” (Theodoros II, 2014). Blue Ribbon sports later launched its own shoe line and […]

Feminism is Freedom

"Bell hooks’ Feminism is for everybody was written in an attempt to educate the larger population about what feminism is and, as stated in the title, how it is for everybody. Author bell hooks defines feminism as “...a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.” (1) hooks explains that she is in favor of this definition because it doesn’t make men seem like the bad guys. Instead, it blatantly states why feminism is necessary. hooks often talks about how […]

Significance of School Uniform – why it should be Required

More often than we may know, people struggle to feel comfortable in clothing for the fear that they will be judged. That is why uniform is a perfect solution. It is a great way to avoid any issues associated with fashionable preferences among individuals. Students encounter these difficulties from when they pick out clothes to showing up at school with their choice of clothing. The use of uniforms increase the attention of students as they are not concerned with other’s […]

The Apparel Industry in the U.S.

Political Factors Gap as a company working around many countries at an international level it is considered a multinational corporation. Unfortunately, in the U.S it is included in the list of multinational corporations to speak out against Trump's government and pro-business plan. Gap believes that investing in a low carbon economy will help to create a better and healthier environment and will help to unlock a new business growth for the U.S around the world. (The Guardian, 2017) Every company […]

Current Status of Bangladesh’s Unsafe Garment Factories

The purpose of this memorandum is to present findings of the current status of Bangladesh’s unsafe garment factories, key aspects of the response to the catastrophic collapse of Rana Plaza, and relevant stakeholders interested in the issue. There has been significant progress toward building equitable supply chains since international organizations, such as ILO, Accord and IndustriAll Global Union, stepped in. A few national legislative reforms have been approved; workers in Bangladesh’s garment industry are safer while having secured a slightly […]

Federal Judge Struck down a North Carolina School’s Policy

"Last week a federal judge struck down a North Carolina school’s policy requiring girls to wear skirts for violating the Constitution’s equal protection clause. In his ruling, US District Judge Malcolm Harris wrote that “[t]he skirts requirement causes the girls to suffer a burden the boys do not, simply because they are female” (Peltier v. Charter Day School, Inc., 2017). The ruling comes as part of a larger wave of awareness that appears to be building among researchers and education […]

The Propagation of Child Labor

The Propagation of Child Labor in the Ready-Made Garment (RMG) Industry of Bangladesh as a Result of the Increase in Demand for Fast Fashion. According to The International Labor Organization (ILO), an estimated 170 million children are engaged in child labor around the world (Moulds, n.d). Although the situation is improving over the years with a 30% decline in child labor between 2000 and 2012, the century old battle against child labor does not seem to be ending soon with the […]

Use of Natural Materials

Indigenous Peoples are culturally unmistakable societies and communities. The land that they live on and the natural resources that they depend on are connected to their identities, cultures, livelihoods. There is a photo of Indigenous peoples, and it captures how they dressed and why they dressed the way the did. The source came from google and it is unclear who took the picture. Before European settlers arrived, Indigenous peoples used land in a way that rather planned for its ongoing […]

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99 Dress Code Essay Topics & Examples

Welcome to our list of topic ideas! Here, you will find dress code research questions, titles for dress code essays, and bonus samples. Explore the importance of school uniform, arguments for and against it, and much more with our dress code argumentative essay topics!

🔝 Top 10 Dress Code Titles for Essays

🏆 best dress code topic ideas & essay examples, ⭐ good research topics about dress code, 👍 simple & easy dress code essay titles, ❓ dress code research questions, ✅ most interesting titles for dress code essays.

  • How to Dress for Special Events
  • Dress Codes and Gender Equality
  • Dress Codes in Religious Institutions
  • Uniforms in the Hospitality Industry
  • Workplace Diversity through Traditional Attire
  • Trends in Entertainment Industry Dress Codes
  • Individual Expression in Workplace Dress Code
  • Impact of School Dress Codes on Student Behavior
  • Brand Representation through Sports Dress Codes
  • Where Is the Line between Formal and Casual Attire?
  • Dubai’s Food, Dress Code and Culture Religion is an important in aspect in Dubai because it influences the lifestyle of the people and forms the foundation of their culture.
  • School Dress Codes and Self-Expression Being urged to wear only approved clothes, students are deprived of an opportunity to understand the differences between social groups and the unique problems of their social class.
  • Dress Code and Social Norm Violations In my opinion, this norm is not appropriate in the modern world due to several reasons: first, people are free to make decisions and consider their interests; second, fashion is a current issue that cannot […]
  • Workplace Dress Code Rules and Their Failure As it has been mentioned before, it seems to me that a company must offer a certain dress code or, at least, certain boundaries in terms of clothes, for its employees.
  • Dress Code and Modesty in the Society In modern cultures, dressing controls and conveys a special message to the society. Dress code and modesty in the society should conform to the moral rules regardless of a person’s religion or culture.
  • A Support for Dress Code Policy Dress codes issues in America have been serious to an extent that students have historically taken school administration to courts because of infringing on individual free expression contained in the 1st and 14th amendments.
  • A Dress Code Policy as a Discriminatory Practice A dress code is an organizational policy of a school, university, company, or community organization that prescribes prohibitions and rules for the wearing of clothing.
  • Organizational Manual for Dress Code: Attire and Grooming The figure below illustrates the contents of this manual: The organization will create an environment to help the workers and other stakeholders optimize their productivity. However, the employees will still be expected to groom in […]
  • Legal Issue: A Working Dress Code The manager, in turn, replied that heels are part of the dress code that complements the image of the waitresses and attracts customers.
  • Altman Corporation’s Dress Code Policy Memorandum In line with the recent dress code policies developed by the communication manager, the following previews and revisions have been made for the effective implementation of the policies.
  • Altman Corporation Dress Code Policy They are civilian ware and not professional. Underwear should not be visible above the waistline of the clothing.
  • Consultant to an Organization: Dress Codes The reason for changing a dress code policy is to ensure that employees dress appropriately to the work place. However, not all employees respond positively to a change in the dress code.
  • Medical Assisting Vocational School: Dress Code First and most obvious, the establishment of the standards in accordance with which the dress code will be altered will have to be considered.
  • Dress Code Implementation Into the NBA
  • Religious Beliefs and Dress Code Policies in the Workplace
  • The Dress Code and Its Effect on the Safety of Students at School
  • Arab Women Freedom and the Dress Code
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  • Effectiveness of Student Dress Code in American Schools
  • Casual Dress Code vs. Business Casual Dress Code
  • Increased School Safety and the Dress Code Policy
  • School Uniform: Improving the Dress Code
  • Dress Code Dilemma: School Education Clothing
  • Feminism and the School Dress Code for Girls
  • Body Piercing, Tattooing, and the Public School Dress Code
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  • Arguments for Reversing the Dress Code for High School
  • School Dress Code and Limit Students Freedom of Express
  • Nursing Uniforms: Why There Should Be a Mandatory Dress Code for Nurses
  • Establishing Employee Dress Code: Suit up or Ship Out
  • Dress Code and Uniforms Code: What Is the Difference in Restrictions?
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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 99 Dress Code Essay Topics & Examples.

"99 Dress Code Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '99 Dress Code Essay Topics & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "99 Dress Code Essay Topics & Examples." October 26, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "99 Dress Code Essay Topics & Examples." October 26, 2023.


IvyPanda . "99 Dress Code Essay Topics & Examples." October 26, 2023.


Essay on Clothes

Students are often asked to write an essay on Clothes in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Clothes

What are clothes.

Clothes are pieces of fabric we wear on our bodies. They protect us from the sun, cold, and rain. People wear different clothes for sleeping, playing sports, and going to parties. They come in many colors, shapes, and sizes to fit everyone.

The History of Clothes

Long ago, humans made clothes from animal skins and plants. Over time, they learned to make cloth from cotton, wool, and silk. Now, machines help us make lots of clothes quickly. This lets people have many outfits to choose from.

Why Clothes Matter

Clothes are important for keeping us safe and warm. They also show our style and can tell people where we’re from. Uniforms help us know who is a doctor, police officer, or student. Clothes are a big part of our lives every day.

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  • Paragraph on Clothes

250 Words Essay on Clothes

Clothes are pieces of fabric that we wear to cover our bodies. People from different places wear different kinds of clothes. The weather, where they live, and their culture can influence their choice. For example, in hot places, people often wear light and airy clothes, while in cold places, they wear thick and warm ones.

The Importance of Clothes

Clothes are important for many reasons. They protect us from the sun, cold, rain, and wind. They can also keep us safe from scratches and bites when we are outside. Besides protection, clothes help us to look nice and can tell others about our style or the groups we belong to.

Types of Clothes

There are many types of clothes. Shirts, pants, and dresses are some of the most common. We also have special clothes for certain jobs, like uniforms for police officers or doctors. For sports and activities, we wear gear that fits the action, like swimsuits for swimming or tracksuits for running.

Clothes and Occasions

We choose different clothes for different events. For a party, we might wear something fancy, while for playing in the park, we would wear something comfortable. On cultural festivals, people often dress in traditional outfits that show their heritage and celebrate their customs.

Clothes are a basic part of our lives. They keep us safe, show who we are, and can be fun to choose and wear. Whether it’s a school uniform or a costume for a play, clothes have a special role in our daily activities and special occasions.

500 Words Essay on Clothes

Clothes are pieces of fabric that we wear on our bodies. They are made from many different materials like cotton, wool, and silk. People wear clothes for many reasons. They help protect us from the hot sun, cold weather, rain, and wind. Clothes also cover our bodies to give us privacy. Over time, the clothes we wear have become a big part of our culture and history.

There are many kinds of clothes. Some are made for hot places and some for cold. For example, in hot places, people might wear shorts and t-shirts. These are light and help keep us cool. In cold places, people wear jackets, hats, and gloves to stay warm. Clothes are not just for weather. We also have special clothes for events like weddings, parties, and school uniforms. Each type of clothing has a purpose.

Colors and Designs

Clothes come in all colors and designs. Some are very bright and others are plain. The design of clothes can tell you where they are from. In some countries, clothes have special patterns that mean something important to the people there. For example, in Scotland, the pattern called tartan is used in kilts and each pattern can show a different family group.

Making Clothes

Long ago, people made clothes by hand. They would weave fabric from plants or animal hair. Today, most clothes are made in big factories with machines. These machines can make lots of clothes very fast. Some people still make clothes by hand for special traditions or as a hobby.

Clothes and Fashion

Fashion is when people decide that certain styles of clothes are popular. These styles can change very fast. What is fashionable one year might not be the next. Some people like to follow the latest fashion and wear new styles. Other people don’t care about fashion and just wear what they like or what is comfortable.

Clothes and the Environment

Making clothes can be hard on the environment. Factories can pollute the air and water. Also, when people throw away clothes that they don’t want anymore, it can create a lot of waste. Now, some people are trying to make clothes in better ways that don’t hurt the planet. They use materials that are safer for the environment and recycle old clothes to make new ones.

Caring for Clothes

Taking care of our clothes is important. It means they will last longer and we won’t have to buy new ones so often. We can look after our clothes by washing and drying them the right way. Reading the labels on our clothes can tell us how to do this. Fixing clothes when they get a little tear or a button comes off can also help them last longer.

Clothes are a big part of our lives. They keep us safe from the weather, show who we are, and can be a fun way to express ourselves. We should think about how they are made and how we can take care of them so they last a long time. By doing this, we can help the environment and save money too. Clothes are not just things we wear. They tell a story about who we are and the world we live in.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Internet For Students
  • Essay on Internet For Entertainment
  • Essay on Internet Boon Or Bane For Students

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Clothes Essay Examples

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Fashion – a World of Pseudo-satisfactions that is Superficially Exciting But Hollow at Its Core

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Review of the Apparel Industry: Trends, Challenges, Opportunities

Apparel is necessity of our lives; they could not only cover our body, protect us from the cold & heat stroke but also reflect the economy, politics of time and nation. Clothing can be made of textiles, animal skin, or other thin sheets of materials...

Analysis of the Main Issues and the Construction of the Play Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage

Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage is a tale about relationships and affection in the 1900’s. This play involving 4 women and 2 men, serves as a depiction of how both interpersonal intimacy (both physical and emotional) and external systemic factors can transform relationship in more...

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