How to Download Miro Board: Comprehensive Exporting Techniques

3 minutes read

Discover the efficient way of downloading your Miro Board. In the dynamic digital age, organizations need effective tools like Miro for seamless planning and collaboration. However, knowing the comprehensive techniques to export these Miro boards is vital to maintain data accessibility. This piece simplifies the process of successfully downloading Miro boards, ensuring your collaborative efforts remain intact for future reference and better user experiences.

Understanding Miro Board

Miro Board is a collaborative online whiteboard platform designed to enhance team productivity. This virtual workspace allows for real-time collaboration, with features ranging from brainstorming sessions, project management to design processes, making it a powerful productivity tool for any team or company.

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Unlocking Miro Download Guides

Now that you've familiarized yourself with the concept of Miro Board, let's delve deeper into the step-by-step tutorial section below. Here, you'll find comprehensive guidance on how to effectively download Miro boards and harness their full potential.

How to Import a Miro Board

To import miro board, just select the board you want to import, click on 'Copy' and 'paste', then you can paste and import this board into any other miro boards.

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How to Export a Miro Board

To export a Miro board, navigate to the top left corner of your Miro board and click on the 'Export this board' button. Then, choose the format from the dropdown list you wish to export to and click 'Export.'

export miro presentation to pdf

How to Export Miro Board to PDF

To export a Miro board to PDF, follow the steps mentioned above, and upon reaching the 'Export this board' section, click 'Save as PDF' from the dropdown list and your board will be downloaded as a PDF file.

export miro presentation to pdf

How to Export Miro Board to Excel

To export a Miro board to Excel, one first needs to export it as a CSV file, which can then be opened in Excel. Select CSV from the export options, and the resultant file can be easily opened using Microsoft Excel.

export miro presentation to pdf

How to Export Miro Board to PowerPoint

Miro's capability to export as a presentation is being tested, so you can consider to export it as picture format to put into PowerPoint. Firstly, navigate to the 'Export this board' section again, select 'Save as image' from the dropdown list, now you can then import this image into a PowerPoint slide.

export miro presentation to pdf

How to Export Miro Board to Another Account

1. Generate a share link access for the intended board.

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2. Sign in to another Miro account.

export miro presentation to pdf

3. On the new board, click on 'Duplicate' to copy it to the current team.

export miro presentation to pdf

Boardmix: Miro’s Better Alternative

Although Miro has significant usability, Boardmix is a game-changing alternative providing a more rounded collaborative sphere and a more user-friendly platform.

export miro presentation to pdf

Boardmix is a real-time collaboration tool offering a seamless experience for teams. It simplifies the process of brainstorming, organizing, and planning in a shared virtual workspace. Moreover, it integrates with multiple applications and offers unlimited board space, catering to the smallest details your team might want to elaborate on. Boardmix is the future of efficient team collaboration and information flow.

Try for Free

How to use Boardmix

Using Boardmix is an absolute breeze as it requires zero technical expertise. The process is as follows:

Step 1: Visit the official Boardmix website and log in or create a new account if you haven't already.

export miro presentation to pdf

Step 2: Once logged in, click on "New board" to create a new board.

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Step 3: Use the tool panel on the side to customize your work based on your needs - be it text, shapes, lines, or colors.

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How to Download and Share Boardmix Files

Now that you have created your whiteboard, there might be a need to share it with your team for further collaboration or download it for future reference. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Go to the Boardmix dashboard and open the board you want to share or download.

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Step 2: To share, click on the "Share" button on the top right corner of your board and click on "Copy" to share the link to someone you want to invite.

export miro presentation to pdf

Step 3: To download, click on the "Export this board" button located at the left top of your board. Choose your preferred file type and click on it. The file will be saved to your linked device.

export miro presentation to pdf

While the breadth and versatility of export options in Miro is commendable, Boardmix outshines with simpler export steps, more accessible interface and smarter data recognition. With Boardmix, users can instantly export boards in various formats without the need for transitions. Hence, for a smoother and more integrated team collaboration experience, give Boardmix a try!

Join Boardmix to collaborate with your team.

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How to Export your Miro Board to PDF

How to Export your Miro Board to PDF


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How to use this tutorial

What is miro, how to create a miro board, add a frame for exporting, save your miro board to pdf, upload to, what to do now.

You may already be a Miro user, but many people are new to the platform. Either way, this tutorial will clarify how to export your Miro board to PDF. A PDF file is a great way to share all or part of your content with those who need access to your information but may not be on your Miro team.

Let’s start with the basics.

For this tutorial, you may use any Miro board you choose. We have chosen to create from scratch a quick-and-easy example to present this method.

  • If you haven’t made a Miro board before, we recommend following this tutorial all the way through, beginning with “What is Miro?.”
  • If you already have a Miro board you wish to export to PDF, you can skip forward to the section below labeled “Saving your Miro Board as a PDF” and follow the tutorial to the end.

According to the Miro website :

“Miro is the online collaborative whiteboard platform that enables distributed teams to work effectively together, from brainstorming with digital sticky notes to planning and managing agile workflows.

With Miro, you can take advantage of a complete set of collaboration capabilities, make cross-functional teamwork effortless, and organize meetings and workshops: use video chat, presentation, sharing, and many other features.”

Experienced Miro users will tell you that Miro has many features and enables teams to cooperate successfully on document creation and sharing. Check out the Miro Help Center or the Miro Academy to learn more.

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You can create a Miro board using the Miro web app or the Miro desktop app. You can also create a Miro board from a file, like an existing image you want to add, but we won’t cover that here.

If you don’t already have a Miro board, you can create one for free using the following instructions.

  • Visit
  • Sign up for a free Miro account OR use Miro Lite, which is also free and requires no account signup.

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After signing in, you will be taken to the Miro dashboard. This dashboard shows your current options and any Miro boards you have already made.

The most uncomplicated course of action now is to create a new board. Here are the steps:

export miro presentation to pdf

  • Click on “New board” under the “Create a board” menu.
  • Choose “Concept map” from the dialog which appears.

export miro presentation to pdf

  • Click the blue “Use pre-filled” button.

You now have an active Miro board! The Miro board is automatically saved.

export miro presentation to pdf

Export your Miro Board as a PDF

You’ve created a great Miro board, and now you want to save it as a PDF. We’ll export your Miro board to a PDF using the following steps.

A Frame is used to define the area of your content that you wish to export. It is similar to defining a page in a spreadsheet. You put the Frame around the content you want saved as a PDF.

export miro presentation to pdf

  • Choose the Frame tool from the toolbar. A popup menu appears.

The popup shows the typical aspect ratio of the Frame. Don’t worry. The Frame is adjustable, as we’ll see below.

  • Choose the “Browser” option. A new Field will appear on the screen.
  • Click and hold on the new Field and drag it into place.
  • Resize the Field by clicking and dragging on a corner circle. Make sure the Field contains all the content to be exported.

export miro presentation to pdf

  • Click outside the Frame to deselect it.

Once the Frame is in place, you’re ready to export your Miro board as a PDF.

Now we’ll save your Miro board to a PDF file which you can freely share across platforms.

  • Choose the sharing icon in the top-left menubar. A popup will appear with several options.

Important : Choose the up-arrow icon on the left side of the screen and NOT the big blue “Share” text button on the right of the screen!

export miro presentation to pdf

  • Choose “Save as PDF.” A file-saving dialog will appear, allowing you to save the file to your desired storage location.
  • Remember where you saved your PDF file!

Congratulations! Your Miro board is exported as a PDF. You can open it in any program which supports viewing PDF files.

Sharing your Miro Board PDF

While Miro is designed to share and collaborate with team members, there are many occasions when you want to have people who are not on your team view your board. You may use email, but that is an inefficient way to share with multiple people over time.

The better way to have people view your PDF file is to share it on the web. Sometimes, you might wish to password-protect the PDF so that only those with the password can view your board. The PDF hosting service we recommend has this feature.

We recommend uploading your PDF to You can upload it for free. In three quick steps, your PDF will be live on the web!

  • Visit . Uploading your PDF is free of charge.

export miro presentation to pdf

  • Enter a name for your PDF link .
  • Drag and drop, or upload your PDF to
  • Click the big blue “Upload” button.

Your Miro board PDF is now live on the World Wide Web.

Access your live PDF file from your web browser at

Share the link with your friends, colleagues, or others.

export miro presentation to pdf

Miro also allows you to create multi-page PDFs. In addition, you can save your Miro board as an image or CSV and share that on is the simplest way to host and share your web project, PDF file, or static HTML site. There are many ways to make use of’s easy 1-2-3 uploading and hosting services. Visit’s FAQ page for more information or to contact support directly.

How to Export your Miro Board to PDF

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How to Export your Miro Board to PDF

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Export to PDF - Upgrade options

  • 2 years ago 24 August 2021
  • RobertEllis

I have been sent a sharing link to review several flowcharts created with Miro.  These were created by a 3rd party delivery partner using a Miro account not operated by myself. I have the option to View the flow charts but that is all (no Editing rights).

I would like now to export these flowcharts to a high-quality set of PDFs for archiving.  However the creator of the flowcharts does not have a Miro account that permits this, so I will need to do this using my own Miro account, which as I understand it means that I will need to upgrade my own account.  (To be clear, under the agreement with the 3rd party delivery partner, this Intellectual Property belongs to me in this context).

I would like to know what is the least expensive way of achieving this export, bearing in mind that I will have no future use for Miro once these assets have been exported successfully.  In particular, which Upgrade-Export-Terminate option includes this functionality at the lowest possible cost.

Many thanks in advance

Kiron Bondale

  • Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3042 replies

@RobertEllis  -

I’d suggest the absolute cheapest method (free!) would be to find someone you know who has a paid Miro account (let’s call the person Sally), ask your delivery partner to add Sally’s user account to their team, Sally can then duplicate the board or copy & paste all relevant content to a new board in her own account, and then she could do a high quality export to PDF for you.

Barring that, you could sign up for a Consultant plan account with one user on a monthly billing cycle ($12 US/month), ask your delivery partner to add your account to their team, duplicate the content and export it, and then cancel your subscription so you’d only spend the $12 US…

Robert Johnson

  • Robert Johnson
  • 6257 replies
  • 2 years ago 25 August 2021

@RobertEllis  - It sounds like you are both using a Free Plan at the moment. You can very easily duplicate the board into your account right now by doing the following:

  • While signed into your account, open the board that is in the 3rd party’s account
  • and then click on the board name and use the  Duplicate  action:  

Now you have a copy of the board. Next, as Kiron suggested, you could either upgrade your account for one month or reach out to a trusted colleague/friend with a paid account, put  your new/duplicated board in Anyone with the link → Can view mode, send them the link, have them Duplicate it as per the above GIF, and then export to hi res and send you the export.

Try it now if you’d like using a board I created for the Miroverse:

One minor correction to  @Kiron Bondale ‘s reply: The Consultant Plan is $15 when paid monthly $12 when paid annually.

Thanks for this advice. Amusingly (somewhat) I have paid my $15 for the Consultant Plan and proceeded to try to export as a high quality PDF and I get this error: 

“Sorry, something went wrong while generating the PDF document”

I’ll keep my fingers crossed that in the event that it is determined that this cannot be made to work, Miro are sympathetic in light of my motivations for paying for account! 

Meanwhile, any advice as to what is causing the error would be gratefully received!

Many thanks

Does the export work for all other formats (e.g. image, low quality PDF)? How “big” is your board - any unreasonably large images or other content? I’d try again after an hour or so, but if it still is not working, contact Miro support here:  Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center

I just tried it with a large test board I have and it worked fine...


Amusingly (somewhat) 

Depending on the situation, you may want to laugh and cry at the same time.

any advice as to what is causing the error would be gratefully received

I would suggest a process-of-elimination exercise to identify the object that is causing the PDF export process to error.

Steps I would take:

  • Duplicate your board, so you have a copy of it.
  • Next, right-click on any blank spot on the board and  Unlock all  - this will allows you to multi-select all objects on the board.
  • Now use the Shift+drag shortcut to start deleting blocks of objects and then trying the PDF export. I would start with larger blocks of objects and then working your way down, e.g., delete half of the board, then a by quarters, eighths, etc.

And as Kiron suggested, I would open a support ticket right away, including a link to the problem board (set the board to Anyone with the link → Can edit ).

guide → Get help → Support

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    Click and hold on the new Field and drag it into place. Resize the Field by clicking and dragging on a corner circle. Make sure the Field contains all the content to be exported. Click outside the Frame to deselect it. Once the Frame is in place, you're ready to export your Miro board as a PDF.

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