The Scientific Process

Scientific Method is a series of steps that is used to answer a question or solve a problem .

The Scientific Process:

Steps in the Scientific Method

  • 1. Collecting Observations
  • 2. Problem-Asking Questions –research
  • 3. Forming Hypothesis & Making Predictions
  • 4. Experimenting
  • 5. Collecting Data
  • 6.Drawing Conclusions

6 Steps to the Scientific Method:

  • The question or problem is based on observations .
  • Example: My neighbor’s plants growing

better than mine.

  • 2) Research
  • Explore resources that may have information about that question or problem.

Example: I know that my neighbor uses fertilizer on her plants and I don’t.

  • 3) Hypothesis
  • A possible explanation or answer to the questions.
  • Prediction based on observations and questions.

-Fertilizer makes plants grow faster.

  • 4) Experiment=test
  • A planned procedure to test a hypothesis.
  • An experiment tests the hypothesis.
  • A hypothesis tests only one factor (variable) at a time.
  • Example: I test to see if fertilizer has an effect on plants.

The Scientific Process:�6 steps to the scientific Method�4. Experiment � There is a Control group and an Experimental Group .

The control group is the group getting all the factors except the experimental treatment.

The factors are also called constants.

Constants are kept the same for all the groups being tested in the experiment.

The experimental groups are the groups getting experimental treatment . The group being tested in the experiment.

  • Placebo an inert substance given to the control group and should have no effect on the control group .
  • The purpose of a placebo is to eliminate biases . Placebos are often given in experiments involving people because the attitudes of people can be a factor in the experiment.
  • Ex: A pharmaceutical company may want to test the effects of a blood pressure medication. The experimental group would receive a pill with the medication, but the control group would receive a placebo, a pill that does not contain any medication. The group

members would not know if

they received a pill with the

medication or a pill with no

medication. People who

think they have been given

a medication, even if it is a

placebo, can sometimes

improve a health condition

just because they believe

that the medicine they receive will help them. This is called the placebo effect.

  • Sometimes, the doctors don’t know which participants have the placebo and which have the experimental drug . This keeps the doctors from treating the participants differently. This is called a double-blind study , and it helps to eliminates biases .

The Scientific Process:� 6 Steps to the Scientific Method:

Independent —the variable being tested . The

variable that changes in the experiment. It is on

the X-axis of a graph.


  • Example: The independent variable would be the fertilizer.

Dependent —the variable being measured/recored at the end of the experiment. It is on the Y-axis of a graph. (depends on the independent variable)


  • Example: The growth of the plants would be the dependent variable.

X-axis; independent variable

Y-axis; dependent variable

  • Data from the experiment is collected, recorded, and analyzed.

Example: I record the differences in growth of the plants.

  • 6) Conclusion – what you found
  • Example: My experiment showed that plants with fertilizer grew faster and bigger.
  • * If your hypothesis was accepted, problem solved.
  • *If your hypothesis was rejected, the experiment failed.
  • **Don’t give up!! Do more research. Don’t trash your info; build from it!
  • ****For a conclusion
  • to be meaningful or
  • valid, the experiment
  • must be repeatable
  • with the same
  • results!!****
  • Models, such as graphs , can be
  • used to illustrate your
  • conclusions in a visual manner .

Reliability vs. Validity

  • Reliability  is whether or not a test produces stable and consistent results.
  • Reliability is another term for consistency .
  • If one person takes the same personality test several times and always receives the same results, the test is reliable.
  • Validity  is how well a test measures what it is meant to measure.
  • A test is valid if it measures what it is supposed to measure.
  • If the results of the personality test claimed that a very shy person was in fact outgoing, the test would be invalid .
  • Reliability and Validity are independent of each other.
  • A measurement maybe valid but not reliable, or reliable but not valid.
  • Suppose your bathroom scale was reset to read 10 pound lighter. The weight it reads will be reliable(the same every time you step on it) but will not be valid, since it is not reading your actual weight.

Put the following in order according to the scientific process:

  • Hypothesis, problem, conclusion, research, observation, experiment and data collection
  • 1_____________________
  • 2 _____________________
  • 3 _____________________
  • 4 _____________________
  • 5 _____________________
  • 6 _____________________

Theory —a set of related hypotheses that have been tested and confirmed many times by many scientists.

A theory unites and explains a broad range of observations. It is not the same as the general definition—it does NOT imply a lack of knowledge or a guess.

Scientific Method Cont.

  • Hypothesis —an explanation for an observation that can be tested by additional observations or experimentation.
  • Prediction —the outcome that is expected if a hypothesis is correct.
  • Observation —the act of noting or perceiving objects or events using the senses.

Elements of a Good Experiment

  • Increased Population Size —the more subjects you have the better your experiment will be . It helps to eliminate random errors.
  • Control group — a predictable group that you “know” what to expect ; receives no experimental treatment. Used for comparison with variable group
  • Experimental group — a group containing the independent variable ; compared to the control group. Should be identical to control group with only one thing (the independent variable) different.

Independent variable — the ONLY difference between the control group and the variable group. Usually, the independent variable is what you are testing the effect of in your experiment (Factor that is varied)

Dependent variable — the specific result you are looking for to prove your hypothesis . This is usually something you are measuring, the effect of the independent variable. (Factor that is measured)

Dependent Variable

What is measured

Independent Variable

What can change

  • Collecting Observations
  • Asking Questions
  • Forming Hypothesis & Making Predictions
  • Experimenting
  • Drawing Conclusions

Rules and Guidelines for Graphing :

  • What is a graph? Graphs provide visual summaries of data to demonstrate relationships between variables in an experiment. A well-constructed graph usually communicates experimental findings better than a data table. They are constructed to help analyze experimental results and predict future trends in the experiment.
  • There are three main types of graphs we will use in this class: Line graph, Bar graph, and Pie chart . Graphs have two axes: the horizontal axis (x-axis) where the independent variable is usually plotted; the vertical axis (y-axis) where the dependent variable is usually plotted .

Y axis ( Dependent Variable )

X axis ( Independent Variable )

  • 1) Line Graph- Used to show continuous data . Ex: height of plants, amount of fertilizer; length in

time. This is

information that

  • 2) Bar Graph- Used to show data that is categorized or counted. Ex: months of the year, brands of gasoline, number of children, kinds of animal or color. This is information that stops.
  • 3) Pie Chart- Used when you want to show percentages. The size of each “slice” is proportional to the percentage of that item, and all the of the “slices” in the pie can be added together to equal 100 percent.
  • These are labeled pictures that show a relationship between objects or parts .
  • They are used to communicate data in an experiment or to give general information about a biology topic.


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Scientific Problem Solving

Published by Hester Young Modified over 5 years ago

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Scientific Thinking and Problem Solving - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Scientific Thinking and Problem Solving

Science does not absolutely prove anything - only provides data for the existence of phenomena. ... rationalism: the practice of logical reasoning ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • No way of thinking or, however ancient, can be trusted without proof.
  • Henry David Thoreau
  • The exploration of nature
  • Scientists look for organization in nature and try to explain it.
  • Science does not absolutely prove anything - only provides data for the existence of phenomena.
  • Scientific Law
  • Scientific Theory
  • Scientific Hypothesis
  • Natural phenomenon observed, tested and explained
  • Repeatably observed over and over again without exception
  • Greatest degree of certainty
  • Ex. Law of Gravity
  • Many facts, ideas and explanations
  • Unified into a central explanation
  • High degree of certainty among scientist studying problem
  • Subject to continued revision and testing
  • Ex. Global Warming
  • Variety of tentative or possible explanations for an observation
  • Used to generate questions and tests for the hypothesis
  • Often changing as hypothesis is refined
  • Ex. Mass extinctions terrestrial, extraterrestrial or natural causes
  • Hypothesis an educated guess as to the outcome of a particular experiment or phenomenon.
  • Observation a set of data based on measurements obtained using one or more of the five human senses, including instrumentation designed to enhance those senses, such as telescopes or microscopes.
  • Data a set of observations
  • Experiment a test designed to eliminate a possible outcome or to verify the occurrence of a phenomenon
  • Prediction statement of a particular outcome that must be true if a hypothesis is true.
  • Observation and development of a meaningful question to identify a significant problem. The question must be stated in a way that it is possible to answer it.
  • Gather information to solve the problem or further investigate.
  • Propose a solution hypothesis
  • Test the hypothesis
  • Experiments
  • Make further observations
  • If the hypothesis fails it is rejected or modified
  • If the hypothesis is not rejected it is tested over and over. If it remains valid through many tests it becomes knowledge.
  • Formulating questions about observed phenomenon.
  • Must eliminate realm of possibilities and focus the question.
  • Probable answers are explored
  • Generate questions (hypotheses) as why the car will not start
  • Information must be sensible, measurable, and repeatable, so that others can make the same observations
  • Information is gathered from the reliable sources (library) or past (empirical) experiences.
  • Evidence that one can see, hear, touch, taste, or smell it is evidence that is susceptible to one's senses.
  • Foundation for reliable knowledge What you can see and experience.
  • Contrast to
  • Authoritarian Evidence Information passed through sources such as Teachers.
  • Circumstantial Evidence Motive, Cause and Opportunity
  • Car wont start
  • What have I observed, heard, smelled that may be cause of the problem
  • Gather reliable Information
  • Hypotheses and Null Hypothesis
  • Informed, testable, and predictive solution to a scientific problem
  • Developed Through
  • Deductive Reasoning
  • Inductive Reasoning
  • Deduce facts by eliminating all possible outcomes that do not fit the facts
  • All possible outcomes are eliminated until only one possibility remains
  • Car will not start
  • Test all components
  • Component not working is the problem
  • Is this a practical approach?
  • Building a house of cards
  • Every test occurs the same so it must be true
  • Cant test every system on the car
  • Test what we believe is the problem
  • If it fails the problem is identified however..
  • Observations
  • Assumptions
  • Process of arriving at a conclusion through the use of logic.
  • Differs from Emotional, Hopeful and Wishful Thinking that use bias and personal belief.
  • Refine and develop through rational thinking
  • If I leave it alone it will start tomorrow
  • It will not start because I have an important task to accomplish
  • Test the Hypothesis
  • Alternative ideas and hypotheses
  • Bias of Interpretation
  • The constant questioning of beliefs and conclusions.
  • Test the logical consequences to see if your beliefs match objective reality.
  • Look for political, monetary and other motivations that may bias information.
  • Solution for car expensive when repair is not necessary
  • Accept, Refine or Reject the Hypothesis is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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Problem solving

Sep 11, 2014

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Problem solving. Harapan. MASALAH?. Kenyataan. Hal/ kejadian yang tidak sesuai/ menyimpang dari harapan/ norma/ standar. LANGKAH-LANGKAH. 1. IDENTIFIKASI MASALAH. TUJUAN. Memahami masalah secara jelas dan spesifik Mempermudah penetuan prioritas masalah

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Harapan MASALAH? Kenyataan Hal/ kejadian yang tidak sesuai/ menyimpang dari harapan/ norma/ standar

LANGKAH-LANGKAH 1. IDENTIFIKASI MASALAH TUJUAN • Memahami masalah secara jelas • dan spesifik • Mempermudah penetuan prioritas • masalah • Mempermudah penentuan • alternatif pemecahan masalah

IDENTIFIKASI MASALAH • Kegiatan untuk mengenal dan menyata • kan secara spesifik & kuantitatif gap • (masalah) yang ada (dialami) • Perlu dilakukan analisis situasi yang • tepat • Metode dapat dilakukan dengan: • - Brain storming • - Konfirmasi dengan data • - Problem statement

IDENTIFIKASI MASALAH DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PENDEKATAN MUTU DAPAT DILAKUKAN BERDASARKAN PENDEKAT-AN SISTEM : 1. Input (masukan) pelayanan 2. Proses pelayanan 3. Out-put pelayanan 4. Out-come pelayanan Menurut Donabedian, identifikasi masalah dg menggunakan pendekatan mutu sebaiknya dilakukan pada tahap Out Come

2. PRIORITAS MASALAH Penentuan prioritas masalah sangat berguna Untuk alokasi sumber daya. Masalah yang mempunyai prioritas tinggi perlu mendapat Aloksi sumber daya tinggi. Penentuan prioritas dpt dilakukan dg.: MetodeMCUA Delphi Delbeque Dll.

Metode MCUA (Multiple Criteria Utility Assessment) Memperhitungkan Bobot dan Skor Bobot untuk menilai kriteria dan Skor untuk menilai masalah Kriteria yg digunakan adalah kriteria dampak, Contoh: Urgensi (tk.kepentingan) dari mas., seriousness (tk. keparahan), Growth, Akibat terhdp. pasien, Akibat thd. masy., dll. Besar nilai bobot adalah 1 – 5 Besar nilai skor adalah 1 – 10 Nilai bobot dikalikan dengan skor untuk setiap masalah, kemudian hasilnya dijumlah ke bawah. Nilai yang paling besar jumlahnya mendapat prioritas pertama

MCUA: • Kriteria  batasan untuk menyaring alternatif2 sesuai kebutuhan • Contoh kriteria untuk menetapkan prioritas masalah  USG : • Urgency ( mendesak ) • Seriousness ( kegawatan ) • Growth ( meluas ) Kriteria lain untuk masalah manajemen misalnya: kerugian bagi masy. luas, komitmen politis, kemampuan teknologi dan SDM, dll.

Prioritas Masalah dgnMetoda Pembobotan (MCUA) Masalah C dengan Total Skor tertinggi  Prioritas Masalah Bobot : 1 – 5 Skor : 1 - 10

METODE DELBEQUE & DELPHI Delbeque: Kualitatif oleh panel ahli secara tertutup Urutan prioritas dibahas kembali Konvergensi Pendapat Konsensus Delphi Diskusi terbuka oleh panel ahli Konsensus

3. MENETAPKAN MASALAH • Kuantitatif • Operasional • 3W 1 H (What, Where, When, How much) • Tidak menyalahkan seseorang, tidak mengungkapkan penyebab dan tidak menyebut pemecahan yg. diinginkan

CONTOH: PENETAPAN MASALAH • Prevalensi penyakit TB di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mawar pada akhir tahun 2008 sebesar 2,4 per seribu penduduk. • Anak balita yang menderita kekurangan gizi (bawah garis merah) pada akhir tahun 2008 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas X sebesar 5 % dari jumlah anak balita yang ada.

4. MENENTUKAN PENYEBAB MASALAH Masalah yang sudah ditetapkan atau dirumuskan, selanjutnya dapat pula dicari faktor penyebabnya dengan menggunakan fishbone diagram (diagram tulang ikan) Alat/sarana Proses MASALAH Manusia Lingk.

LANGKAH-LANGKAH Rumusan pernyataan masalah ditempat kan pada kepala ikan Untuk pola berfikir, gunakan pendekat- an sistem (INPUT, PROSES, OUTPUT, OUTCOME). Lakukan curah pendapat (brain storming) untuk menentukan penyebab Konfirmasi penyebab masalah dengan data sekunder atau data primer guna menetapkan akar penyebab yang sebenarnya.

5. MENENTUKAN PENYEBAB DOMINAN Dilakukan setelah konfirmasi penyebab masalah dengan data sekunder/ data primer Alat bantu/ metode yang digunakan adalah argumentasi/ justifikasi Cara yang terbaik adalah dengan menggunakan diagram Pareto

6. ALTERNATIF PEMECAHAN MASALAH Jika penyebab sudah jelas maka dapat langsung mengidentifikasi alternatif pemecahan masalah Apabila pemecahan tidak jelas, tulis penyebab masalah yang sudah dipilih Gunakan metode curah pendapat untuk menggali alternatif pemecahan masalah dengan mencoba melihatnya dari berbagai sudut pandang (mis. sudut pandang pasien, tokoh masyarakat, petugas, pemerintah daerah, dll.)

7. PENETAPAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH TERPILIH Kriteria yg digunakan berbeda dengan kriteria untuk menetapkan masalah Kriteria lebih menekankan pd. harapan akan keberhasilannya, mudah dilaksana kan, murah biayanya, singkat waktunya, komitmen petugas,tersedianya teknologi, dll.) Gunakan 3 – 5 kriteria. Cara sama dengan penetapan masalah terpilih.

8. PENYUSUNAN RENCANA PENERAPAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH Penyusunan rencana dapat dbuat dengan menggunakan Gantt Chart, dengan item: nomor, kegiatan, tujuan, sasaran, waktu, pelaksana, biaya yang dibutuhkan, indikator keberhasilan. Perlu mempertimbangkan kemungkinan adanya faktor penghambat dan faktor pendukung (Force-Field Diagram) dalam pemilihan alternatif pemecahan masalah

PENYUSUNAN RENCANA PENERAPAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH DAPAT MENGACU KEPADA PROGRAM DAN KEGIATAN YANG ADA Program adalah kumpulan dari berbagai kegiatan Untuk Puskesmas sudah ada 6 program pokok dan 1 program pengembangan (inovasi) Tentukan program yang akan mendukung pencapaian tujuan

PENYUSUNAN KEGIATAN Kegiatan adalah penjabaran dari program yang ada Kenapa kegiatan itu penting Apa tujuan kegiatan tersebut Dimana kegiatan akan dilakukan Kapan kegiatan di adakan Siapa yg mengadakan & siapa sasarannya & berapa banyak Bagaimana seharusnya kegiatan tsb. dilaksanakan

PENYUSUNAN KEGIATAN Kegiatan yang disusun merupakan penjabaran dari program yang ada dengan memperhatikan kebijakan yang ada: Menyusun kegiatan berarti melakukan alternatif pemecahan masalahuntuk mencapai tuj. yang sudah ditentukan Untuk menentukan alternatif pemec. masalah perlu pemahaman akan mas. yang ada & pemahaman sub sistem masalah (faktor determinan atau penyebab masalah)

Masing-masing alternatif/ kegiatan, pertimbangkan: • Relevansi hasil (output) alternatif dg. tuj. pemecahan masalah (dapat mengurangi/ menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi • Evektivitas • Relatif cost (benefit cost) • Technical Feasibility (dpt dijalankan/tdk.) • Sumber daya • Keuntungan dan kerugian • Faktor penghambat & pendukung

Penyusunan kegiatan harus memperhatikan Kebutuhan Sumber Daya: Tenaga (jenis, jumlah, pengetahuan, keterampilan & sikap) Menghitung jumlah tenaga (berdasarkan rasio pddk & tenaga, berdasarkan target, dll) Perlengkapan - Barang apa yg benar-benar diperlukan - Mengapa barang tsb diperlukan - Dimana dan kapan dibutuhkan - Biaya yang dibutuhkan - Cara pengaadaan yg menguntungkan - Siapa yg akan mengurus barang, dsb.

9. PELAKSANAAN /IMPLEMENTASI KEGIATAN Setelah merencanakan tahap-tahap penerapan, tim mutu dapat melaksanakan sesuai rencana penerapan yang telah disepakati.

10. MONITORING & EVALUASI Hal-hal yang perlu dimonitor: - Jenis Kegiatan - Waktu pelaksanaan - Waktu kegiatan berakhir - Pelaksanaan Kegiatan - Prosedur pelaksanaan - Hasil yang dicapai Untuk melakukan pengkajian diperlukan standar dan indikator

Siklus Problem Solving Mengenal Masalah Merencanakan Pemecahan Pemilahan Masalah Menetapkan Prioritas

Evaluasi Prioritas Masalah Controlling Tujuan Monitoring Pelaksanaan&Penggerakan Alternatif Pemecahan Masalah Rencana Operasional Problem Solving Cycle (SiklusPemecahanMasalah). Analisis Situasi Identifikasi Masalah


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Empowering Steps in Problem Solving _ Materi Training "Mastering Problem & Analysis"

Kanaidi ken

Narasumber; Kanaidi, SE., M.Si., cSAP HP. 0812 2353 284, WA.: 0877 5871 1905 e-mail : [email protected] atau [email protected] --------------------------------------------- Read less

materi scientific problem solving ppt


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  • 1. Empowering Steps in The Problem Solving Training “Mastering PROBLEM”
  • 2. “He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes, but he who never asks a question remains a fool forever.” - Tom Connelly “Yangbertanyabisajadi dianggapbodohselama lima menit,tapiyangtidakpernahbertanyatetapbodoh selamanya.”
  • 3. Barriers to EffectiveProblem Solving • Failure to recognize the problem • Conceiving the problem too narrowly • Making a hasty choice • Failure to consider all consequences • Failure to consider the feasibility of the solution XX• Gagal mengenali masalahnya • Memahami masalahterlalu sempit • Membuat pilihanyang terburu-buru • Kegagalanuntuk mempertimbangkan semua konsekuensi • Kegagalanuntuk mempertimbangkan kelayakansolusi.
  • 4. 1. Identify the Problem. (Write your Problem) 2. List All Possible Solutions. 3. Evaluate Each Option and Select Best Choice 4. Take Action.
  • 5. 1. Take Action 2. Empowering 3. Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Decision Empowering Steps in The Problem Solving
  • 6. Take Action • (Write the action you plan to take. What will you do?) a. When will you start or try this plan? (date/time) b. Who will you talk to about your plan? (list names)
  • 7. Take Action … • Langkah ini seringkali sangat sulit, maka dibutuhkan dukungan dan penguatan. • Manajer bisa membantu memfasilitasi upaya pemberdayaan dengan mendorong pelaksana yang ditunjuk untuk bertanggung jawab dalam pemecahan masalah yang direncanakan. • Perhatikan lagi: ❖ Action plan ❖ Resources required ❖ Appropriate order of activities ❖ Time table for completion ❖ Person(s) responsible
  • 8. Empowerment • It is defined as giving employees the authority & information they need to make wise decisions and solve the problems. “The paradox of empowerment is that in order to gain power, you must give some of it away. Good managers are those who recognize that empowerment is not a substitute for leadership or a decrease in their own authority. The more people are empowered, the more they need leaders who can set goals and define a vision of where the org. should be going.” “Paradoks dari empowerment adalah untuk mendapatkan kekuasaan, ini yang harus Anda berikan (sebagian). Manajer yang baik adalah mereka yang menyadari bahwa pemberdayaan bukanlah pengganti kepemimpinan atau penurunan otoritas seorang manajer. Semakin banyak orang diberdayakan, semakin mereka membutuhkan pemimpin yang dapat menetapkan tujuan dan menentukan visi ke mana organisasi seharusnya pergi."
  • 9. Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Decision • Dengan memperhatikan: ❖ Outcome objectives met? ❖ Problem solved? ❖ Process improved? ❖ Strategic goal achieved? ❖ If the plan is not being followed as expected, then consider:  Was the plan realistic?  Are there sufficient resources to accomplish the plan on schedule?  Should the plan be changed?
  • 10. Evaluate … • Pada fase ini, petugas yang bertanggung jawab diminta untuk mengevaluasi setiap opsi yang ada dalam daftar (dari sesi brainstorming terdahulu). • Petugas yang bertanggung jawab memiliki kesempatan untuk memproyeksikan konsekuensi dari setiap opsi yang ada, mengidentifikasi dan menghilangkan pilihan yang tidak aman atau dianggap bertentangan, sehingga mempersempit daftar solusi yang potensial.
  • 11. The Decision-Making Process
  • 12. What is Decision Making?
  • 13. What are the things you consider before making a decision? What is Decision Making?
  • 14. Definition Decision Making: The cognitive process leading to the selection of some action among alternatives. or The process of examining your possibilities options, comparing them, and choosing a course of action.
  • 15. Six C's of Decision Making (1 of 2)  Construct a clear picture of precisely what must be decided.  Compile a list of requirements that must be met.  Collect information on alternatives that meet the requirements.
  • 16. Six C's of Decision Making (2 of 2)  Compare alternatives that meet the requirements.  Consider the "what might go wrong" factor with each alternative.  Commit to a decision and follow through with it.
  • 17. Inherent Personal Traps  Trying too hard to play it safe.  Letting fears and biases tilt your thinking and analysis.  Getting lost in the minutia can cause trouble.  Craving for unanimous approval.  Trying to make decisions which are outside your realm of authority. • Berusaha terlalu keras untukbermain aman. • Membiarkan ketakutandan bias dalam pemikiran dan analisis. • Tersesat dalam hal-halkecilyang dapat menyebabkan masalah. • Mendambakan persetujuan dengan suara bulat. • Mencoba membuat keputusanyang berada di luar kewenangan.
  • 18. Inherent System Traps  Willing to begin with too little, inaccurate, or wrong information.  Overlook viable alternatives or waste time considering alternatives which have no realistic prospects.  Not following the six C's.  Failure to clearly define the results you expect to achieve.  Worst of all, failure to reach a decision. • Bersediamemulaidenganinformasiyangterlalusedikit,dangkal, tidakakurat,atausalah. • Mengabaikanalternatifyanglayakataubuangwaktudengan mempertimbangkanalternatifyangtidakmemilikiprospek realistis. • TidakmengikutiSix’C. • KegagalanuntuksecarajelasmendefinisikanhasilyanginginAnda capai. • Yangterburuk,kegagalan untukmengambilkeputusan.
  • 19. Barriers to GoodDecision Making "Pemimpin yang sukses memiliki keberanian untuk mengambil tindakan sementara yang lain ragu."
  • 20. Barriers to Good Decision Making  Hasty - Making quick decisions without having much thought.  Narrow - Decision making is based on very limited information.  Scattered - Our thoughts in making decisions are disconnected or disorganized.  Fuzzy - Sometimes, the lack of clarity on important aspects of a decision causes us to overlook certain important considerations.
  • 21. The Decision-Making Process
  • 22. What is the process of the Decision-Making ? 1. Identify the problem 3. Consider consequences of each alternative 4. Select the best course of action 5. Evaluate the results 2. Gather information and list possible alternatives
  • 23. 1. Identify the problem • What is the problem?: ……………………  Semakin spesifik definisi Anda tentang keputusan apa yang akan dibuat, maka harus semakin jelas analisis Anda sehingga akan semakin besar kemungkinannya untuk berhasil.
  • 24. • What : Data & Informasi? • Why?  Pengambil keputusan yang sukses adalah yang mampu mengeksplorasi semua kemungkinan pilihan dan situasi. 2. Gather information and list possible alternatives • What : Data & Informasi? • Why?  Pengambil keputusan yang sukses adalah yang mampu mengeksplorasi semua kemungkinan pilihan dan situasi.
  • 25. 3. Consider consequences of each alternative 1. Why? + – 2. Why? + – 3. Why? + – Analisis keuntungan dan kerugian dari setiap alternatif. Dalam banyak kasus, ada kemungkinan terdapat kekurangan informasi yang memadai untuk membuat keputusan yang tepat. 1. Why? + – 2. Why? + – 3. Why? + – Analisis keuntungan dan kerugian dari setiap alternatif. Dalam banyak kasus, ada kemungkinan terdapat kekurangan informasi yang memadai untuk membuat keputusan yang tepat.
  • 26. 4. Select the best course of action • Why ? • Dari kesemua yang ada di langkah sebelumnya:  pilih salah satu alternatif,  yang merupakan kesimpulan yang dapat meyakinkan bahwa itu adalah pilihan "terbaik" Anda. • Dari kesemua yang ada di langkah sebelumnya:  pilih salah satu alternatif,  yang merupakan kesimpulan yang dapat meyakinkan bahwa itu adalah pilihan "terbaik" Anda.
  • 27. 5. Evaluate the results • When? • Where? • Whom? Setelah Anda menetapkan pilihan terbaik, Anda perlu mengembangkan dan menerapkan rencana berupa tindakan yang spesifik dan konkret. Nantinya, ketika Anda mulai melakukan langkah- langkah dalam rencana Anda tersebut, lakukan evaluasi agar Anda menemukan adanya penyesuaian yang perlu dibuat.
  • 28. (Narasumber) e-mail: [email protected] atau [email protected] Fax. 022-4267749 HP. 0812 2353 284 WA. 0877 5871 1905


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    Scientific Problem Solving. Scientific Problem Solving. The 4 Step Method. Objective. The learner will be able to describe the purpose and requirements for each of the 4 main steps in the technique for problem solving. Overview. Step 1: "Show What You Know" Step 2: "Isolate" Step 3: "Plug-n-Play" Step 4: "Solve" 611 views • 34 ...

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    Scientific problem solving. Nov 25, 2012 • Download as PPSX, PDF •. 3 likes • 4,612 views. Kangen Pelangi. Just Real; Education. 1 of 10. Download now. Scientific problem solving - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  3. Scientific Method Presentation

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    Dec 2, 2008 • Download as PPT, PDF •. 133 likes • 294,005 views. Andrew Schwartz. Problem Solving PowerPoint Presentation Content slides include topics such as: teaching problem solving skills, evaluating how you solve problems, understanding the process: how to solve problems, 8 active listening techniques, primary issues for problem ...

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  15. PPT

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  17. Problem Solving & Mathematical Reasoning

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Let's make math learning more fun, especially at early levels of education. This new template has some cute illustrations and lots of elements related to math, including backgrounds that look like blackboards. This is a great choice for teachers who want to turn ...

  18. Problem solving ppt

    Problem Solving PowerPoint Presentation Content slides include topics such as: teaching problem solving skills, evaluating how you solve problems, understanding the process: how to solve problems, 8 active listening techniques, primary issues for problem solvers, group or individual brainstorming, the problem solving framework, vertical and lateral thinking, adaptors and innovators as problem ...

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  20. Problem Solving Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits. Get these problem-solving templates to create effective presentations that offer solutions to any challenge. No Download Limits Free for Any Use No Signups.

  21. PPT

    Problem solving. An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. Download presentation by click this link.

  22. Problem Solving Lesson Google Slides & PowerPoint template

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. To have a better experience when teaching little kids at school, you can use resources such as slideshows so they keep focused on the lecture. Start editing this template containing pastel colors and simplified layouts! It's not focused on any subject in particular ...

  23. Empowering Steps in Problem Solving _ Materi Training "Mastering

    8. Empowerment • It is defined as giving employees the authority & information they need to make wise decisions and solve the problems. "The paradox of empowerment is that in order to gain power, you must give some of it away. Good managers are those who recognize that empowerment is not a substitute for leadership or a decrease in their own authority.