present speech choir

“Nature’s Symphony”: A Stunning Speech Choir Celebrating the Wonders of Nature.

  • March 6, 2023

Table of Contents

Title: nature’s symphony.

Nature is a symphony, a harmony divine With every creature, every plant, every wind and every line It’s a never-ending performance, a symphony of life A masterpiece of creation, with beauty beyond our strife

Nature’s symphony, a song we all can hear The rustling of leaves, the buzzing of bees, the call of the deer It’s a concert that plays, with every sunrise and set A timeless melody, that we should never forget

Part 1 – The Forest:

The forest is a choir, a singing of the trees The rustling of the leaves, the buzzing of the bees It’s a place of peace, a sanctuary of life With every bird and insect, a symphony of strife

Part 2 – The Ocean:

The ocean is a chorus, a singing of the waves The crashing of the surf, the sound that it creates It’s a place of mystery, with creatures great and small A symphony of life, with every rise and fall

Part 3 – The Mountains:

The mountains are a symphony, a singing of the land The rustling of the leaves, the tumbling of the sand It’s a place of majesty, with peaks that reach the sky A symphony of nature, that we can’t deny

Nature’s symphony, a song of love and peace A concert that plays, that will never cease Let’s all cherish and protect, this masterpiece divine And let its symphony, forever entwine.

Sample Speech Choir About Nature

Have you ever experienced the beauty of nature? If so, you know how powerful a force it can be. Nature has been around us since the beginning of time and continues to inspire us with its grace and magnificence. A speech choir about nature is a great way to bring that awe-inspiring power to life. It’s an opportunity to learn more about this incredible force and celebrate its power through words, music, and movement.

In this article, we will explore what makes a successful speech choir about nature. We’ll break down the components that go into creating a performance that captures the beauty of our natural world. We’ll also discuss how to use creative techniques like solo singing or spoken word poetry to elevate your speech choir performance. Finally, we’ll look at ways to ensure your audience is captivated from start to finish by your message of hope and appreciation for nature.

So if you’re looking for an inspiring way to bring the beauty of nature into your life, then look no further than a speech choir about nature! This article will provide all the key information you need in order to create an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. Let’s get started!

What Is A Speech Choir?

A speech choir is a type of performance art in which several individuals come together to deliver a unified, spoken-word piece of literature. It is typically performed with an audience and may be accompanied by musical instruments or other sound effects. Speech choirs are used to convey messages, stories, ideas, and emotions in an engaging and creative way.

Speech choirs can take many forms; they can be used as part of a theatrical production, as a stand-alone performance piece, or even as a tool for teaching language skills. The members of the speech choir work together to create a unified voice that speaks to its audience. This is done through careful coordination of timing, inflection, and delivery. Each member brings their own individual style and interpretation to the piece, creating an overall effect that is greater than the sum of its parts.

The topic chosen for the speech choir can vary greatly depending on its purpose and intended audience. For example, one group might choose to perform an uplifting poem about nature while another group might opt for something more political or personal in nature. Whatever the topic may be it must be thoughtfully crafted into a cohesive message that resonates with the audience. In this instance we have chosen to present a speech choir about nature – looking at how we interact with it and how it affects us in our daily lives.

Benefits Of Presenting Speeches About Nature

Presenting speeches about nature has many benefits, both to the performers and the audience. By exploring our relationship with the environment, we can gain a better understanding of the world around us. This knowledge can be used to inform decisions and shape values in ways that will benefit all of us. Additionally, speaking about nature carries with it an emotional connection that can bring people together and create a sense of shared purpose.

The physical act of delivering a speech also offers tangible benefits. The process of preparing for and performing a speech builds confidence, strengthens public speaking skills, and encourages creativity. Furthermore, it allows performers to express themselves in meaningful ways while they explore their emotions and experiences related to nature.

Finally, when done skillfully, a speech choir performance can be incredibly powerful. As each performer brings their own voice to the conversation, they create an atmosphere that is both thought-provoking and inspiring. Through this medium we are able to connect with one another on a deeper level while appreciating the beauty of our natural world.

Preparing Your Speech

As we transition from discussing the benefits of presenting speeches about nature to considering how to prepare your own, it’s important to remember that everyone’s experience with public speaking is different. However, there are several tips and tricks that can help make the process easy and enjoyable.

The first step is to decide on a topic. It should be something you feel passionate about and that connects to nature in some way. Then, begin researching your topic so you have a better understanding of the material. This will also help form an outline for your speech, which should include an introduction, body, and conclusion.

When crafting your speech, use language that resonates with your audience while staying true to yourself. Speak slowly and clearly so listeners can appreciate each word and phrase you choose. Most importantly, don’t forget to express your emotions! As you bring your voice into the conversation, you are bound to create a powerful impact on those around you.

Choosing The Right Words

Now that your speech is written, it’s time to choose the words that will bring it to life. When selecting your vocabulary, consider the audience and their level of understanding. You want to use words that are appropriate for the situation, but also powerful enough to make an impact.

In addition, think about the rhythm of your speech and how different words can be used to create a certain flow. For example, if you are describing a scene in nature, use adjectives and phrases that roll off the tongue and paint a vivid image in listeners’ minds.

Finally, remember to pause occasionally throughout your speech. Pausing allows you to emphasize important points and gives listeners time to process what has been said. It can also help create suspense as you move from one point to the next. With careful word choice and an effective delivery, your speech will be sure to captivate any audience.

Utilizing Gestures And Facial Expressions

Beyond the words, facial expressions and gestures can be powerful tools for delivering a speech. Through facial expressions and hand gestures, you can further enhance the message of your speech and emphasize certain points.

For example, when describing a beautiful nature scene, use your hands to illustrate the vastness of the landscape or to mimic the swaying of trees in the wind. Alternatively, when discussing a sad moment in nature, you can use a combination of facial expressions and body language to evoke emotion from your audience.

In addition to using gestures to illustrate what you are saying, they can also be used as signposts that help guide listeners through your speech. By subtly pointing or gesturing towards different areas of your body while speaking, you can help orient listeners and keep them engaged with what is being said.

When used effectively, facial expressions and gestures can be powerful tools to convey emotion and emphasis in your speech. With practice and experience, these techniques will soon become second nature as you deliver speeches about nature with confidence and poise.

Building Connections With Your Audience

In addition to using gestures and facial expressions, connecting with your audience is essential for delivering a successful speech. A great way to do this is by using storytelling or anecdotes related to nature that can give your audience an emotional connection to the subject matter. For instance, you could tell the story of a particular species of bird that symbolizes freedom or resilience, or you could relate a personal experience in nature that was transformative in some way.

By creating these emotional connections, you help listeners to relate and become more engaged with the message of your speech. Additionally, you can use humor or metaphors to illustrate complex concepts and make them easier for your audience to comprehend. This not only helps them stay focused on what you are saying but also adds an enjoyable element to your speech.

Finally, it’s important to show genuine appreciation for the beauty of nature during your speech choir performance. Speak from the heart about how much nature means to you and why it should be cherished and protected for future generations. Doing so will help create a strong connection between yourself, your topic of discussion, and the people listening.

Setting The Mood

In order to effectively deliver a speech choir about nature, the mood of the performance must be set. To do this, it’s important to use your body language and facial expressions to convey enthusiasm and appreciation for the beauty of nature. Make sure your gestures are big enough for everyone in the audience to see. When speaking about particular plants or animals, you can use hand motions to explain their size or shape.

The tone of your voice should also reflect your passion for the topic. If there’s a particularly exciting part of your speech, emphasize it with a louder volume and an energized delivery. You can even make use of pauses or dramatic breaks in between sentences to highlight important points and engage the audience more deeply with what you’re saying.

Finally, think carefully about how you will end your performance. Choose words that leave a lasting impression on listeners and encourage them to take action – such as conserving natural resources or becoming more aware of environmental issues – after they leave the auditorium. Leave them with something meaningful so they can remember what they learned during your speech choir presentation long after it’s over.

Rehearsal Tips For A Successful Performance

Once you’ve set the mood for your speech choir, it’s time to rehearse. Rehearsal is the key to ensuring a successful performance, so make sure you take it seriously. Here are some tips for rehearsing your speech choir effectively:

First, practice speaking in front of a mirror. This will help you become more comfortable with public speaking and identify any areas that need improvement. Pay close attention to your body language and facial expressions while saying each line – are they conveying what you want them to? Also, get used to different volumes and tones of voice by practicing at different speeds.

Second, practice with a group if possible. Create a safe atmosphere so everyone can be open and honest with their critiques of each other’s performances. Make sure everyone has an opportunity to talk about any issues or concerns they have about their own delivery as well as the team’s overall presentation. If there are any lines that aren’t working well, come up with alternate solutions until you find one that works better.

Finally, don’t forget to have fun! Doing a speech choir should be an enjoyable experience regardless of the outcome. When all members feel relaxed and comfortable during rehearsal, this will carry over into the actual performance in front of an audience – ensuring that everyone delivers their best work on the day of the show.

Popular Themes For Nature-Themed Speech Choirs

Nature is an inspiring theme for any speech choir performance. From the beauty of its landscapes to the complexity of its ecosystems, there are endless possibilities to explore. Here are some popular themes that you can use to create a nature-themed speech choir:

The Power of Nature – This theme focuses on exploring the power and strength of natural forces, from wind and water to earthquakes and volcanoes. It can be used as an opportunity to discuss how humans can both respect and protect nature in order to maintain a healthy balance between our environment and our species.

The Wonders of Our World – This theme explores the diversity of life on Earth, from plants and animals to different cultures around the globe. It’s an ideal way to highlight the importance of respecting all life forms while also showing appreciation for their beauty and uniqueness.

Exploring Conservation – This theme focuses on understanding the importance of conservation efforts, from protecting endangered species to preserving our planet’s resources. It’s a great way to educate audiences while also inspiring them to take action in order to help save our world.

No matter which theme you choose, make sure it resonates with your audience so they can relate and be moved by your performance. With thoughtful preparation and creative planning, you can craft a speech choir experience that will leave everyone in awe!

Wrapping Up Your Speech Choir Performance

Having discussed some of the most popular themes for nature-themed speech choirs, let’s turn our attention to wrapping up the performance. It’s important to leave audiences with strong, lasting impressions that will stay with them long after the show is over.

One way to do this is through a powerful closing statement. This should be concise yet emotionally impactful, summarizing the main points of your speech choir and inspiring your audience to take action. It’s also a great opportunity to bring in any call-to-actions or quotes that you may have mentioned throughout the performance.

You can also close off with an appropriate song or poem that captures the essence of your message. The words don’t necessarily have to match your spoken words, but they should still convey the same theme and emotion as your performance. Music can be a powerful tool for expressing complex ideas, so use it wisely!

As you come to an end, make sure you thank everyone involved in making this event possible – from your fellow performers to those who helped organize it all. A little bit of gratitude goes a long way in creating lasting memories and making people feel appreciated. With these tips in mind, you’ll be ready to deliver an unforgettable speech choir performance!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should a speech choir performance last.

When it comes to the length of a speech choir performance, there isn’t one set answer. It can vary greatly depending on the subject matter, the number of people involved, and the desired effect. While it’s possible to estimate an average duration for such a performance, there are no hard and fast rules about how long it should last.

The length of a speech choir performance is often determined by what is being discussed. For example, if there is only one speaker talking about Nature, then their performance may not take too long. On the other hand, if multiple individuals are presenting different topics related to nature in succession, then the duration could be longer. In addition to this, if there are props or visuals accompanying each speaker’s presentation, then this could also add time to the overall performance.

When organizing a speech choir performance about Nature, it’s important to consider all these factors and plan accordingly. This will ensure that everyone involved has an enjoyable experience with enough time for everyone’s contributions to be heard and appreciated. It is also important to keep in mind that while it is possible to plan out an estimated amount of time for when each person speaks or performs their piece, some people may go over their allotted time due to enthusiasm or complexity of their topic – something that can be expected depending on the content being presented at any given moment during the performance.

No matter what length is decided upon for a speech choir performance about Nature – whether short or lengthy – it’s important to appreciate every individual’s contribution within its framework as they work together as a collective voice with one message: that Nature should be respected and cherished!

What Are The Most Effective Ways To Engage The Audience?

Engaging the audience is an important part of any speech choir performance. It helps to ensure that members of the audience are attentive and connected to the message or theme being presented. There are many effective ways to engage an audience, and it is important to consider what will work best given the context of the performance.

In order to create an engaging experience, it is helpful to use a variety of techniques. This could include varying one’s delivery style, using humor, and making eye contact with members of the audience. Additionally, including visual elements such as props or multimedia can help capture people’s interest. Furthermore, using personal stories or examples in one’s speech can make the performance more relatable for those listening.

It is also important to consider how long one should talk for during a speech choir performance. If a speaker talks for too long, they risk losing their audience’s attention; on the other hand, if they talk for too short a time period then their message may not be fully communicated. Therefore, it is essential that speakers find a balance between these two factors when preparing their performance.

Finding ways to engage an audience during a speech choir performance requires creativity and thoughtfulness on behalf of the speaker. By considering various techniques such as using humor and visuals as well as utilizing personal stories and examples in one’s speech, speakers can create an engaging experience that resonates with their listeners while also ensuring they keep within their allotted time frame.

What Type Of Music Should Be Used To Set The Mood?

When it comes to creating the right atmosphere for a performance, the type of music chosen is incredibly important. Music can set the mood and tone of any event, and in this case, a speech choir performance. Selecting the right pieces to complement the nature-themed performance is crucial for connecting with the audience and creating a memorable experience.

The best way to choose music that will engage an audience is by picking pieces that are meaningful and relevant to the topic at hand. For a speech choir about nature, pieces that evoke feelings of awe and reverence can be particularly effective. Instrumental songs with orchestral elements like strings or wind instruments could create a powerful and solemn atmosphere. Uplifting choruses or solos can also be used as accompaniments to enhance certain moments in the performance.

In addition, finding songs with lyrics related to nature could further emphasize the theme. Whether it’s singing along with choruses or listening attentively to heartfelt ballads, these pieces can help draw out emotion from both performers and spectators alike. With thoughtful song selection, audiences will be moved by the music and become more invested in what’s happening on stage.

Choosing appropriate music for this particular event requires careful consideration as it’s essential for creating an impactful atmosphere that resonates with everyone involved in the performance. By selecting meaningful pieces that evoke strong emotions related to nature, audiences will be deeply engaged throughout the entire show – making it an unforgettable experience for all involved!

Are There Any Particular Tips For Memorizing A Speech?

Memorizing a speech can be daunting, especially if the topic is complex and the delivery must be perfect. However, with the right tips and tricks, anyone can successfully memorize a speech and deliver it with poise. There are certain strategies that can help make memorization much easier.

First, it is important to become familiar with the material. Reading through the speech several times can help you understand the content more deeply and make memorization simpler. It also helps to break up your speech into smaller chunks or sections and practice each one in succession. This will help you commit different parts of the speech to memory more quickly rather than trying to learn everything at once. Additionally, it may be useful to use mnemonic devices such as rhymes or acronyms to remember specific phrases or points within the speech.

Another helpful tip for memorizing a speech is repeating it out loud multiple times until it becomes second nature. This can assist in committing phrases and words to muscle memory, which can be incredibly useful when giving an impromptu presentation or speaking off the cuff. Even if you don’t have someone else present who could listen as you rehearse, simply speaking out loud by yourself can help you nail down your speech so that you won’t forget any lines while presenting in front of an audience.

No matter what techniques are used, strong preparation is key when memorizing a speech. Taking time to become comfortable with all of its elements will ensure that nothing gets forgotten during delivery, allowing for smooth and confident presentations every time!

Are There Any Special Techniques For Making A Speech About Nature More Interesting?

Memorizing a speech is an important part of delivering it effectively, but making the speech interesting is just as important. When crafting a speech about nature, there are certain techniques that can be used to make it more compelling and engaging for the audience. In this article, we’ll explore some of these special techniques and how they can help to make a speech about nature more interesting.

One great way to add interest to a speech about nature is through the use of storytelling. By weaving together stories from personal experience or other sources, you can create a narrative that will keep your audience engaged and entertained. Additionally, introducing vivid images with language helps to paint a vivid picture in your audience’s mind as you discuss topics related to nature.

Another effective method for making a speech about nature more interesting is by using humor. When done tastefully, humor can help break up difficult concepts into more manageable pieces while also helping audiences connect with a topic on an emotional level. Additionally, humor can add levity and lightness to important conversations that may otherwise be heavy or uncomfortable.

To create the most engaging speech possible when discussing nature, it’s essential to research thoroughly before giving your presentation. Read books and articles about the subject matter and study any relevant data points so that you have enough factual information available for your audience. Once you’ve gathered all your facts and figures, practice delivering them in an organized manner so that your delivery flows smoothly from one point to another without getting bogged down in unnecessary details or tangents. With careful preparation and thoughtful planning, you can create an informative yet entertaining speech that will leave your audience wanting more!

In conclusion, a speech choir performance about nature should last between four to five minutes. To engage the audience and set the right mood, I would suggest finding the right type of music that fits the theme and energy of your performance. Memorizing your speech is key and there are a few tips that can help make it easier, such as breaking it down into smaller chunks or reading it out loud. Finally, to make a speech about nature interesting, you can use creative techniques like incorporating props or telling stories. By combining these elements together, you can create an engaging and memorable performance that will leave your audience with a lasting impression.

Overall, preparing for a speech choir performance about nature can be challenging but also rewarding. With some practice and creativity, you can deliver an amazing performance that captures everyone’s attention and leaves them in awe. So don’t be afraid to take risks and have fun with it! After all, your success depends on how well you are able to connect with your audience while delivering your message.

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Objectives of using Speech Choir

The speech choir experience – 1. getting teachers ready.

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The Speech Choir Experience – 2. Familiarising children with the text

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The Speech Choir Experience – 3. Choreographing the performance

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The Speech Choir Experience – 4. The performance

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The Speech Choir Experience

  • An opportunity for children to:
  • gain confidence in speaking and communicating as a group before an audience 
  • work cooperatively with one another towards a common goal 
  • A new strategy which teachers can use to enhance children’s learning 

Journal of Communication Pedagogy

ScholarWorks > Arts & Sciences > Communication > JCP > Vol. 1 (2018)

Creating a Speech Choir: The Bounty of Authentic Audience Experience for Students

Susan Redding Emel , Baker University Follow

For most students at my university, classroom experience alone was the choice for formally developing speaking skills. My idea was to provide students with recurring authentic audience experience, attending to the audience dimension outlined by Derryberry (1989) as a critical requirement of public speaking pedagogy. Through research, a new idea was proposed: Create a Speech Choir, combining talents of the students in one performance. Though it has elements of forensics, reader’s theater, choral reading, public speaking and more, it is not identical to any of these. As the team evolved, more pedagogical elements were added including service learning, attention to feedback intervention, and limited social activism in an atmosphere of collaboration and creativity. Quite unexpectedly, however, Speech Choir managed to attract both students with performance confidence and those professing high communication apprehension.


Recommended Citation

Emel, S. R. (2018). Creating a speech choir: The bounty of authentic audience experience for students. Journal of Communication Pedagogy, 1, 58-63. 10.31446/JCP.2018.11

Since December 18, 2018

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Musical U

How To Achieve Excellent Tone, Balance and Blend in Your Choir

by Jenny Green | Choir , Singing

How To Achieve Excellent Tone, Balance and Blend in Your Choir

Sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and that can certainly be true with a choir. If you recorded every member of a choir separately and played the recordings simultaneously, it would not sound the same as the whole choir singing!

Why is that?

A key aspect of choir singing is that the sound produced is the result of lots of voices singing together . Because of this, it’s not enough that each singer be good; the quality of the overall sound that a choir produces has to be kept at a high standard. Specifically, the choir’s members must blend well.

I’ll be offering some advice and guidance for choir directors to achieve a good blend with their choir, but of course it all hinges on the singers at the end of the day. So don’t think you can skip this article just because you’re a singer rather than a director!

Balance, tone quality and the blend

Blending in a choir is key to getting a unified sound. It’s all very well when individuals can sing confidently, but if certain voices are sticking out, it’s not a choir anymore – it’s just a group of soloists!

Blending well can be achieved in two ways: Balance and Tone Quality .

As a director of a choir, it is important to listen out for discrepancies in balance amongst different parts. By “balance” here we mean the relative volume of each part. Depending on the piece of music, the volume of each part shouldn’t necessarily be the same. Good balance does not just mean every part has the same volume. It means every part has an appropriate volume.

One common rule of thumb is that the melody should be most prominent. Usually this is in the Soprano part, or whichever part is singing in the highest register. At times though a lower part such as the Tenors might briefly take the focus. As a choir director don’t be afraid to ask for “more tenor” for example, if you want to bring out an important phrase, or ask for “less basses” if they’re overpowering everything else.

As a singer, you should always be aware of the balance your choir is aiming for in each section of each piece, and stay conscious of how your own singing is contributing to that. Are you and the others in your section singing too loudly or too quietly? Adjust your volume and maybe have a word with your fellow singers or the choir director if you feel something’s out of balance.

2. Tone Quality

Tone quality consists of the following:

  • The overall style of tone. This can range from a very pure, broad, resonant tone as used in classical choral music, to a narrower, concentrated sound used more in pop and gospel music.
  • The vowel and consonant sounds (“enunciation”) used. To make the members of a choir sound more like one person, a general agreement of how to pronounce words must be established. Again, this varies depending on the style of music performed.

Tone quality is much harder to perfect in a choir than balance. It’s mostly up to the singers themselves rather than the director to improve it, because it requires them to not only listen to themselves and each other, but to adapt their voice accordingly. This awareness and response is extremely important in all types of singing, whether performing with a choir or as a soloist.

Pay attention to the other singers in your choir

Don’t be this guy.

Listen to each other

There are various tips and tricks which can be used to encourage your choir members to listen to each other and improve their tone. There’s nothing more harmful to a choir’s blend than singers who sing too loudly, seemingly oblivious to the other singers and the overall sound of the choir!

This skill is more habit-driven than anything, so you should regularly encourage choir members to listen to themselves and their own part more if there is a section or phrase in the music where they are the most prominent. One very important example is if they are singing a section by themselves (solo). While this is happening, the other parts should be listening to them, even if they are not singing anything themselves. It’s a common beginner mistake to “switch off” during rests, when in fact you should be paying attention to how the music continues.

While another part has the solo or is the most prominent, singers should be continually comparing that part’s sound to their own, and applying the directions given in the music score and by the director.

As an example, take this excerpt from “Confutatis” from Mozart’s Requiem. To depict the terrifying hellfire, the tenors and basses are marked forte earlier in the score. However once they have finished and the sopranos and altos are portraying a final plea of mercy, their part is marked sotto voce which means “softly”.

Bring strong dynamics to life

From the markings it is clear that there there should be a huge contrast in the dynamics, but it is up to the choir singers to bring to life these two opposite ends of the spectrum and make the abrupt changes in the music work as intended.

A simple yet effective warm-up for your choir

A warm-up exercise can also help with establishing a better tone amongst the higher and lower voices in order to encourage all the different voices to blend with each other.

This is a good one to start off with as well, as it involves very relaxed singing but with a lot of listening:

Exercise: all together

  • While they do this, ask the singers to relax their jaw, massage their cheek muscles and stretch their neck. This will help to get rid of tension in their sound.
  • You can move them from one note to another as long as all stay in a comfortable range.

Exercise: Sopranos and Tenors

Exercise: Altos and Basses

A follow-up exercise which gets choir members to retain their desired sound consists of parts staying in their pairs, starting on the “comfortable” G and then doing a long portamento either up or down to the octave above/below for Sopranos/Tenors or Altos/Basses respectively. This provides them with a foundation for the sound before they then venture into more difficult territory. Make sure the portamento is very gradual, as moving too quickly risks losing this solid foundation.

Practice makes perfect!

Getting a choir to listen to the quality of their sound blend is an ongoing process, so make sure to keep their ears active. Use regular reminders, warm-up exercises and encourage active listening to melodies present in other parts.

Listening to each other is not exclusively for improving the sound and blend either. Once you feel they are getting the hang of it, you can use this technique for rhythms, pitch, diction and many other aspects of music.

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What Are The Elements Of A Speech Choir? (Answer)

Here is the answer to the question “what are the elements of a speech choir”.

ELEMENTS OF A SPEECH CHOIR – In this topic, we will now learn and discuss about the different elements of a speech choir.

A speech choir is a type of choir that is similar to the traditional choir but only without the music and especially, without singing. The people involved in a speech choir do spoken-word- pieces.

There are two types of speech choir: the conventional or traditional speech choir and the theatrical or dynamic speech choir.

Here are the following elements:

  • Like choir, these are the participants who will perform the piece. They can be 12 or more and are divided based on their natural or speaking voices.
  • A writing compostion that the members are going to perform. They are usually poems or poetic passages like from the Greek or Shakespearean plays. These are broken into parts by the conductor.
  • In simple terms, dance or planned movement. It may not be vital to speech choir. However, it adds emphasis, flair, or dramatic effect to the performance.
  • What members will wear. It could be simple or it could be in line with the theme of the piece.
  • The ability to mix light, medium, and dark voices well, as well as the capacity to communicate reactions to thoughts or emotions through voice
  • The ability to add or subtract how many members that should speak in a certain part to increase or diminish the intensity of the piece.
  • The highness or the lowness of the voice
  • The capacity to control volume, force, or loudness in order to enhance or reduce emphasis.
  • The rate of speed or the ability to balance the rhythm of a piece.
  • The capacity to organize the position of the choir on stage for performance effect.

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U.S.C. Valedictorian Graduates Without a Speech, but With Cheers

Asna Tabassum, whose speech was canceled by University of Southern California administrators, received plenty of support at an engineering school ceremony.

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Asna Tabassum, wearing a red sash, lei, black graduation gown and black graduation cap, gives a big smile while holding a brown diploma. Professors are nearby in robes.

By Jonathan Wolfe

Reporting from the University of Southern California campus in Los Angeles.

  • May 10, 2024

For weeks, Asna Tabassum, the valedictorian at the University of Southern California, has been at the center of a maelstrom that upended the school’s longstanding commencement traditions and left campus leaders scrambling.

School administrators said last month that it would have been too dangerous to let her speak at a schoolwide ceremony after pro-Israel groups condemned the selection of Ms. Tabassum, a Muslim student who had sympathized with Palestinians on social media. She became the target of criticism and harassment.

But at her graduation ceremony on Friday morning, Ms. Tabassum received her degree to cheers and loud applause from students and parents.

In mere weeks, Ms. Tabassum has gone from a relatively obscure undergraduate at the U.S.C. Viterbi School of Engineering to a national symbol of free speech and a voice for the Palestinian cause. She still has critics — a conservative nonprofit paid for a moving billboard near campus this week that attacked her — but has also won over students and academics who felt that she had been unfairly treated by the university.

Since the school canceled Ms. Tabassum’s speech, there have been protests over the decision and against the war in Gaza. The first of the demonstrations resulted in a swift crackdown ordered by the school president, Carol Folt, and 93 arrests by the Los Angeles Police Department.

A subsequent protest was allowed to linger on campus for days, a sign that Dr. Folt and U.S.C. leaders had softened their approach. But that was also shut down early Sunday, this time without arrests.

“The world is in angst and it is in pain,” Yannis Yortsos, the dean of the engineering school, told students on Friday. “International events take place thousands of miles away in different parts of the world, but we feel them here on our campuses. Through it, you demonstrated dignity, moral compass and true grace.”

Some universities have faced protest disruptions during their graduation ceremonies, including on Friday at the University of California, Berkeley, where some law school graduates chanted during speeches.But the engineering graduation at U.S.C. on Friday was drama free. There were no outbursts and no visible signs of protest, aside from a few students who wore keffiyehs, a checkered scarf that has become a symbol of the pro-Palestinian movement.

Still, traces of the turbulence of the last few weeks could still be seen across the campus on Friday. Entrances to the campus were tightly controlled and signs erected along campus walkways warned that the university reserved the right to eject anyone who disrupted graduation ceremonies.

Ms. Tabassum did not give a speech at the engineering school ceremony on Friday and declined to speak to a reporter after the event. Despite the intense focus on her, she seemed like any other graduate, smiling and taking photos with friends, and cheering with fellow classmates when a speaker singled out their degree program.

In the end, Ms. Tabassum may have had the last word. The Daily Trojan, the student newspaper, published what was billed as the speech that she had hoped to give. After initial greetings, Ms. Tabassum blacked out the rest of the contents aside from offering congratulations and thanks.

Shawn Hubler contributed reporting from Los Angeles.

Jonathan Wolfe is a senior staff editor on the newsletters team at The Times. More about Jonathan Wolfe

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Why the speech by Kansas City Chiefs kicker was embraced at Benedictine College’s commencement

The Benedictine College sign is seen Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Atchison, Kan., days after Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker gave a commencement speech that has been gaining attention. Butker's speech has raised some eyebrows with his proclamations of conservative politics and Catholicism, but he received a standing ovation from graduates and other attendees of the commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 11. (AP Photo/Nick Ingram)

The Benedictine College sign is seen Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Atchison, Kan., days after Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker gave a commencement speech that has been gaining attention. Butker’s speech has raised some eyebrows with his proclamations of conservative politics and Catholicism, but he received a standing ovation from graduates and other attendees of the commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 11. (AP Photo/Nick Ingram)

Students leave after attending a Catholic Mass at Benedictine College Sunday, Dec. 3, 2023, in Atchison, Kan. Students told The Associated Press in interviews they embrace the college’s emphasis on Catholic teaching and practice. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

FILE - Catholics pray during Mass at Benedictine College Sunday, Dec. 3, 2023, in Atchison, Kan. Enrollment, now about 2,200, has doubled in 20 years. Some 85% of its students are Catholic, according to the Cardinal Newman Society. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel, File)

The campus at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kan., was quiet on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, days after Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker gave a commencement speech that was getting attention. Butker’s speech has raised some eyebrows with his proclamations of conservative politics and Catholicism during his weekend speech, but he received a standing ovation from graduates and other attendees of the commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 11. (AP Photo/Nick Ingram)

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Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker may have stirred controversy in some quarters for his proclamations of conservative politics and Catholicism on Saturday, but he received a standing ovation from graduates and other attendees of the May 11 commencement ceremony at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas.

The fast-growing college is part of a constellation of conservative Catholic colleges that tout their adherence to church teachings and practice — part of a larger conservative movement in parts of the U.S. Catholic Church.

Butker’s 20-minute speech hit several cultural flashpoints.

Butker, a conservative Catholic himself, dismissed Pride month as consisting of the “deadly sin sort of pride” while denouncing abortion and President Joe Biden’s handling of the pandemic. He said women are told “diabolical lies” about career ambition when “one of the most important titles of all” is that of homemaker. He said this is not time for “the church of nice” and in particular blasted Catholics who support abortion rights and “dangerous gender ideologies.”


Benedictine College is a Catholic college in Atchison, Kansas, that traces its roots to 1858. It is located about 60 miles north of Kansas City., and has an enrollment of about 2,200.

FILE - Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker speaks to the media during NFL football Super Bowl 58 opening night Monday, Feb. 5, 2024, in Las Vegas. Butker railed against Pride month along with President Biden’s leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and his stance on abortion during a commencement address at Benedictine College last weekend. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel, File)


In some ways, Benedictine College sounds like a typical Catholic college. Its “mission as a Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts, residential college is the education of men and women within a community of faith and scholarship,” according to its website.

But its home to more traditional expressions of Catholicism, such as the Latin Mass, all-night prayer vigils and a strict code of conduct. Its mission statement further cites its commitment to “those specific matters of faith of the Roman Catholic tradition, as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ and handed down in the teachings of the Church.”

The school gets a high ranking from the Cardinal Newman Society, a group that touts nearly two-dozen conservative colleges that exhibit what it calls “faithful Catholic education.” That includes upholding church teachings and Catholic identity while providing ample Masses and other devotional activities in shaping their students.

The society seeks to differentiate schools that “refuse to compromise their Catholic mission” from those that have become “battlegrounds for today’s culture wars.” Others praised by the society include Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., Ave Maria University in Florida and Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio.

The society’s ranking says Benedictine benefits from having monks in residence, multiple Masses and prayer groups, spiritually focused organizations and theology programs with professors with a “mandatum” of approval from the local bishop.


Benedictine’s enrollment has doubled in the past 20 years. Some 85% of its students are Catholic, according to the Cardinal Newman Society.

Students told The Associated Press in interviews they embrace the college’s emphasis on Catholic teaching and practice.

“It’s a renewal of, like, some really, really good things that we might have lost,” one student told the AP in its recent article on the revival of conservative Catholicism.


Annual tuition for full-time undergraduates is $35,350, but Benedictine says 100% of its students receive some form of financial aid.

Benedictine’s sports teams, called the Ravens, compete in National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. Its athletics department says it is committed to ”setting the highest standards for academic success, athletic competition, ethical behavior, fiscal responsibility, and spiritual development.”


Video of the commencement shows virtually all the graduates and spectators rising to a standing ovation, but student interviews showed a more mixed reaction.

ValerieAnne Volpe, 20, who graduated with an art degree, lauded Butker for saying things that “people are scared to say.”

“I was thinking about my dad, who was also here, and how he’s probably clapping and so happy to see what he would say is a real man (reflecting) family values, good religious upbringing and representation of Christ to people,” she said. “You can just hear that he loves his wife. You can hear that he loves his family.”

Kassidy Neuner, 22, said the speech felt “a little degrading” and gave the impression that only women can be a homemaker.

“I think that men have that option as well,” said Neuner, who will be spending a gap year teaching before going to law school. “And to point this out specifically that that’s what we’re looking forward to in life seems like our four years of hard work wasn’t really important.”

Elle Wilbers, 22, who is heading to medical school in the fall, said the Catholic faith focuses on mothers, so that portion of the speech wasn’t surprising. She was more shocked by his criticism of priests and bishops “misleading their flocks” and a quip comparing LGBTQ+ Pride month to one of the seven deadly sins.

“We should have compassion for the people who have been told all their life that the person they love is like, it’s not okay to love that person,” Wilbers said. “It was sort of just a shock. I was like, ‘Is he really saying this right now?’”


The Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica, one of the founding sponsors of Benedictine College, issued a statement Thursday criticizing Buter’s speech, contending it did not properly represent the college’s values.

“Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division,” the statement said.

“One of our concerns was the assertion that being a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman,” it added. “We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God’s people, including the many women whom we have taught. ... These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers.”

Associated Press religion coverage receives support through the AP’s collaboration with The Conversation US, with funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. The AP is solely responsible for this content.

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Kaydence Reyes of Colo-NESCO is the Ames Tribune's newest Student of the Week

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Colo-NESCO's Kaydence Reyes is the Ames Tribune's newest Student of the Week.

The Story County high school student received 84% of the votes to prevail over fellow nominee Clare Stahr of Gilbert.

Reyes continually demonstrates accountability and a desire to be successful in Spanish class each day. Reyes embraced a curriculum change in Spanish class with a positive attitude and demonstrated strong leadership qualities amongst her peers. She is one of the first to offer support and to help classmates who are struggling.

Reyes is continually involved in other extracurricular activities, such as student council, volleyball, basketball, spring musical, choir, soccer, and softball, where she demonstrates the same positive qualities. Colo-NESCO staff said she is a great example of what it takes to be a Royal.

The most recent winner in the Ames Tribune Student of the Week series was Jacques Attinger of Ames .

More: Ames High students say the district can save $5 million through solar energy

This week's other Student of the Week nominee was as follows:

Clare Stahr, Gilbert

Clare Stahr is a 4.0 student-athlete and accomplished fine arts participant. Most recently, she was part of the GHS band and choir ensembles that earned Division I ratings in the Large Group Contests. She is a percussionist for the band and a member of the 11/12 and audition choirs for Gilbert High School.

Stahr is also an elite distance runner. She is part of the record-setting 4x800 relay team at GHS and has been a leader in cross country and track. Stahr also participates in Speech and is a member of the Student Council.

More: Jacques Attinger of Ames High is the Tribune's Student of the Week

Do you want your student to be considered as Student of the Week? Ask your principal to send nominees to [email protected].

Celia Brocker is a government, crime, political and education reporter for the Ames Tribune. She can be reached at [email protected].

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Biden reaches out to Black Americans. He'll give commencement address at Morehouse

Steve Inskeep, photographed for NPR, 13 May 2019, in Washington DC.

Steve Inskeep

Asma Khalid photographed by Jeff Elkins/Washingtonian

Asma Khalid

President Biden is giving a commencement address at Morehouse College this weekend, but that speech has created some controversy. Morehouse is in the swing state of Georgia.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker blasted for commencement speech encouraging women to be homemakers

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker has aggravated one of the internet's biggest culture wars by telling a class of college graduates that one of the “most important” titles a woman can hold is homemaker.

During a commencement speech last weekend at Benedictine College, a Catholic liberal arts school in Atchison, Kansas, the NFL player railed against abortion, Pride month and Covid-19 lockdown measures.

Drawing the most viral backlash this week, however, was a section of his speech in which he addressed the female graduates specifically — telling them that it’s women who have had “the most diabolical lies” told to them.

“How many of you are sitting here now, about to cross this stage, and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world,” Butker said. “But I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.”

The criticisms that followed took aim at Butker as well as the NFL.

Harrison Butker.

"Hey @NFL — If you want to continue to grow your female fan base and any other marginalized group (straight white men are already watching your product), come get your boy," wrote Lisa Guerrero, a former NFL sideline reporter and now an investigative journalist for "Inside Edition."

He went on to tell the graduates that his wife would agree that her life “truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.” It is her embrace of this role, he said, that made his own professional success possible.

Butker’s comments share similarities with some of the more extreme ideas around gender roles that have gained traction in communities that promote “ tradwife ” lifestyles or other relationship dynamics that center on traditional gender roles .

“Listen, there’s nothing wrong with his wife being a homemaker. Homemakers are wonderful, that’s not the point,” filmmaker Michael McWhorter, known by his more than 6 million TikTok followers as TizzyEnt, said in a video response. “The point is he seemed to be acting as if you should be ashamed if you don’t want to be a homemaker, or, ‘I know what you really want to do is just stay home and have babies.’"

The speech was the latest incident to add fuel to the flames of this increasingly vocal cultural battle, much of which is playing out online. While many prominent right-wing men have voiced such beliefs before, they’re usually confined to internet forums, podcasts and other online communities where these ideologies thrive.

A spokesperson for Butker did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Benedictine College and the Kansas City Chiefs did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

A spokesperson for the NFL told People Magazine that Butker "gave a speech in his personal capacity" and his "views are not those of the NFL as an organization."

"The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger," a spokesperson told the publication.

Butker, who is teammates with Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, further drew surprise and criticism when he quoted Kelce’s girlfriend, Taylor Swift, whose monumental career success as a global pop star has inspired college courses .

“As my teammate’s girlfriend says, ‘familiarity breeds contempt,’” he said, drawing murmurs from the crowd as he used the “Bejeweled” lyric as an analogy for why Catholic priests should not become “overly familiar” with their parishioners.

In the days since his speech, a petition for the Chiefs to dismiss Butker for “discriminatory remarks” has garnered nearly 19,000 signatures.

“These comments reinforce harmful stereotypes that threaten social progress,” the petition stated. “They create a toxic environment that hinders our collective efforts towards equality, diversity and inclusion in society. It is unacceptable for such a public figure to use their platform to foster harm rather than unity.”

Those who criticized Butker’s speech online include actor Bradley Whitford as well as DJ and rapper (and self-proclaimed Swiftie ) Flavor Flav .

But his speech was also lauded by some on the religious right, including conservative sports media personalities such as Clay Travis and Jason Whitlock , who defended Butker’s statements toward women.

“Not a word Harrison Butker says here should be remotely controversial. He’s 100% correct,” former NFL wide receiver T.J. Moe posted on X . “Those trying to convince women that being assistant VP of lending & intentionally childless at age 40 is more fulfilling than making a family and home are evil.”

Sports and culture commentator Jon Root also posted that Butker “exposed the lies that the world has been telling women.” Women, he wrote, are wrongly encouraged to climb the corporate ladder, view children as a “burden” and see marriage as “not worth pursuing.”

Still, a deluge of viewers online took issue with his attitude toward women and the LGBTQ community. Many women also rejected the premise that they would be happier staying at home in lieu of paid work, even if they do have a husband and children.

“I am moved. I actually had no idea that my life began when I met my husband,” neurosurgeon Betsy Grunch, known as Ladyspinedoc on TikTok, said sarcastically in a TikTok video . “It did not begin when I graduated magna cum laude from the University of Georgia with honors. It certainly did not begin when I graduated with a 4.0 GPA, Alpha Omega Alpha, from medical school. And I had no idea that it did not begin when I completed my residency in neurosurgery.”

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Angela Yang is a culture and trends reporter for NBC News.

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The Wildest Things Trump Said at His Private Mar-a-Lago Fundraiser

Portrait of Chas Danner

The Republican National Committee and Trump campaign co-hosted a private retreat for big GOP donors at Mar-a-Lago over the weekend. In case you didn’t contribute at least $40,000, the amount necessary to attend on Saturday, you missed Donald Trump saying a number of wild things to the audience of hundreds of donors at the event, according to attendee accounts and an audio recording of his speech, which was shared with the New York Times and others. Below are the most notable comments he reportedly made.

. Trump compared the Biden administration to the Nazi secret police.

“These people are running a Gestapo administration,” Trump said of his successor’s administration, while complaining about the many indictments he faces. “And it’s the only thing they have. And it’s the only way they’re going to win, in their opinion, and it’s actually killing them. But it doesn’t bother me.”

. He alleged Democrats use welfare to buy votes.

Per the New York Times :

Mr. Trump’s comments about welfare to wealthy donors at the event called to mind remarks caught on tape by Mitt Romney during his 2012 presidential run, when he dismissed 47 percent of voters as off-limits because they did not pay taxes. “When you are Democrat, you start off essentially at 40 percent because you have civil service, you have the unions and you have welfare,” Mr. Trump said on Saturday. “And don’t underestimate welfare. They get welfare to vote, and then they cheat on top of that — they cheat.”

. Trump offered the mic to anyone who pledged $1 million, but had just two takers.

At one point during the event, Trump announced an incentive for the gathered donors — “as if he were at an auction,” reports the Washington Post . “Anyone who makes a $1 million donation right now to the Republican Party,” Trump said, “I will let you come up and speak.” Only two donors accepted. One used his time onstage to declare that “Donald J. Trump is the person that God has chosen.”

. He also complained about donors (to the donors).

This probably isn’t a good idea when you’re reportedly having trouble with fundraising. Per the Post :

At another point, [Trump] complained about having to take so many pictures with donors and told people in the crowd that if they didn’t get a picture, it was because they didn’t give enough money. He also claimed that a wedding at the property got preference over the donors because the wedding was paying more per person to be there.

. Trump insisted everyone was ‘begging’ to be his VP.

Trump also spoke his search for someone to be his running mate , bragging that there was a desperate clamor for the job via one of his trademark, made-up “sir” stories . According to Trump:

It’s funny when I listen to the fake news, they all say, “Well, you know, he’s going to have a hard time getting people in his administration because he’s very tough and I’m not sure he can get anybody to be vice president of the United States.” I’ve got 50 people calling me, begging me … “I’ll cut off my right arm, sir. Please, I want to be the vice president.” These are ambitious politicians.

. He crudely attacked Jack Smith and Fani Willis.

Per the audio recording of his speech , Trump called special council Jack Smith a “fucking asshole,” an “ evil thug ,” and “deranged.” He also referred to Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis as a “real beauty” and “Mrs. Wade” — a reference to her controversial relationship with former special prosecutor Nathan Wade, whom she hired to work on the case.

. And he bragged about having a bigger hit record than Taylor Swift.

At the event, RNC co-chair Lara Trump reportedly presented Trump with a “ Billboard Music Award” for the song “ Justice for All ” — a rendition of the national anthem performed by a choir of imprisoned January 6 mob members, overlaid with Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. USA Today reports that Trump was very happy to talk about the success of the song, which his campaign now plays at every event he attends:

The Trump campaign said in a readout of the meeting sent to reporters that Trump’s daughter-in-law and RNC co-chair Lara Trump “presented President Trump with a Billboard Music award for the No. 1 song ‘Justice for All” … In the picture shared with USA TODAY, the former president and Lara Trump are posing next to the framed Billboard acknowledgement Saturday. “He said something to the effect that: I was approached about helping out, I did it as a favor, I didn’t think much about it, next thing I know, it’s top of the charts! I mean can you believe it? It was higher than Taylor Swift!” an individual at the luncheon told USA TODAY.

It’s not clear if the framed Billboard acknowledgement, presumably regarding the song’s previous No. 1 status, is in fact a real award.

This post has been updated.

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Chattanooga bach choir presents st. john passion may 18.

  • Friday, May 17, 2024

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The Chattanooga Bach Choir will perform Bach's St. John Passion this Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the Basilica of Saints Peter & Paul at 214 E. 8th St. in Chattanooga. 

Tickets are $25-$35 and available here . About the St. John Passion: Historical Backdrop Johann Sebastian Bach’s “St. John Passion,” originally performed in 1724 at Nikolaikirche, Leipzig, represents a milestone in Baroque music. Bach reworked it several times, finalizing it in 1749, although he never heard this version in his lifetime. Narrative and Structure This composition interprets the Passion narrative from the Gospel of John, a tale distinct from the synoptic gospels, rich with dramatic and emotional depth. Bach’s work is divided into five sections: the arrest, Peter’s denial, the trial before Pilate, the crucifixion and death, and the burial, each part unfolding with gripping intensity. The piece is divided into two parts, each comprising a series of movements that blend together to form a cohesive narrative. Part One Chorus: “Herr, unser Herrscher” (Lord, our ruler) Recitatives and Choruses: Following the story of Jesus and his disciples, leading to Jesus’ capture. Chorale: “O große Lieb” (O great love) Recitative: “Auf daß das Wort erfüllet würde” (That the word might be fulfilled) Chorale: “Dein Will gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleich” (Your will be done, Lord God, likewise) 6-14. Recitatives, Aria, Chorales: Depicting the arrest of Jesus and Peter’s denial. Part Two Chorale: “Christus, der uns selig macht” (Christ who makes us blessed) 16-22. Recitatives, Chorales, Arioso, Aria: Focus on the trial before Pilate and Jesus’ condemnation. 23-30. Recitatives, Chorales, Aria: Covering the crucifixion and Jesus’ last moments. 31-40. Recitatives, Arioso, Aria, Chorales: Jesus’ death, the tearing of the temple veil, and his burial. Musical Evolution The Passion genre, a blend of chorales, devotional texts, and Gospel passages, sung in German, evolved post-Reformation. Bach, during his tenure as Cantor at Thomasschule, Leipzig, contributed significantly to this genre. His “St. John Passion” stands out for its complex compositional history and its vivid textural contrasts, drawing from a variety of sources and incorporating chorale verses and Passion poetry. Thematic Essence Central to this masterpiece is the portrayal of Christ not just as a figure of suffering but as an eternal, omnipresent ruler. This theme resonates throughout the work, particularly in the pivotal chorale “Durch Dein Gefängnis” and the climactic aria “Es ist Vollbracht”. In summary, Bach’s “St. John Passion” is not just a musical rendition of a biblical story; it’s an intricate tapestry of theology, history, and profound musicality, presenting a multifaceted portrait of one of the pivotal events in Christian lore.

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The upcoming Chattanooga Live Music events are scheduled through May 23. Send your event co-host invites to Chattanooga Live Music (Mark A Herndon) to amplify your events. 16-May Comedy ... more

Summer Nights Concerts Kick Off June 7

Summer Nights Concerts Kick Off June 7

The month of June heats up with hot, local musical talent as Rhea Heritage Preservation Foundation presents the fifth annual Nokian Tyres Summer Nights concerts each Friday night. “Nokian ... more

McLemore Songwriter's Series Begins May 23 With Patrick Davis

McLemore Songwriter's Series Begins May 23 With Patrick Davis

The Songwriter’s Series at McLemore’s 4th annual season begins on Thursday, May 23, with monthly performances through October. This year’s performances are sponsored by First Bank and Land Rover ... more

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Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker's speech was ugly. He's only part of a bigger problem.

present speech choir

A question: Are the Kansas City Chiefs OK with one of their players, kicker Harrison Butker, saying women belong as homemakers?

The team has several women executive vice presidents who have careers outside of the kitchen. What do they think of this? The team has celebrated Women's History Month , not Woman You Better Get My Dinner on the Table Month.

"I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolic lies told to you," Butker said at a recent college commencement. "Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.

"I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and a mother," Butker added. "I’m on this stage, and able to be the man I am, because I have a wife who leans into her vocation."

Her vocation? Really? Did I slip and fall into a time machine and travel back to the 1950s?

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“I’m beyond blessed with the many talents god has given me," he said, "but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker."

The team thus far has been silent about Butker's comments which don't stop with his antiquated views of a woman's role in society. He also went on an anti-LGBTQ rant.

Speaking of Pride month, Butker said: “Not the deadly sins sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the holy ghost to glorify him.”

The organization did not respond to an email request for comment.

But former Kansas City commissioner Justice Horn did respond to Butker. He wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter: "Harrison Butker doesn’t represent Kansas City nor has he ever. Kansas City has always been a place that welcomes, affirms, and embraces our LGBTQ+ community members."

Before all of you Constitutional scholars chime in from your grammy's basement, I'm aware Butker can say whatever he wants, but that doesn't mean the rest of us should stay silent.

On social media, one of the prevailing sentiments was that Butker was just an idiot kicker and didn't matter. That's false. Not the part about him being an idiot. That's true. The part about him not mattering.

He's a key part of a Super Bowl champion team. He plays in the most popular sport in the country. His words will carry and while they have the waft of Archie Bunker's couch, they shouldn't be ignored. We should take every opportunity to push back against this type of extremist, Neanderthalic view of the world.

(It's also interesting to see right-wing and white nationalist platforms that usually tell athletes of color to shut up and dribble championing Butker's remarks. Maybe interesting isn't the word for it.)

Read more KC Chiefs news: Harrison Butker strikes against Pride Month, lauds wife's role as 'homemaker'

Butker represents a segment of the population that wants to go backwards, particularly with women's rights. These people are getting bolder and more hateful.

The goal is to wrench power from a society that has become more pluralistic and diverse, and put it back into the hands of a small group of men. And I can tell you, in their universe, they aren't talking about men of color having all this power.

Butker gives the entire game away with this part of his speech.

"To the gentlemen here today, part of what plagues society is this lie that has been told to you that men are not necessary in the home or in our communities,' Butker said. "As men, we set the tone of the culture, and when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction and chaos set in. This absence of men in the home is what plays a large role in the violence we see all around the nation.

"Be unapologetic in your masculinity. Fight against the cultural emasculation of men. Do hard things. Never settle for what is easy."

There is no emasculation of men. It's not happening. It has never happened. It's a totally fabricated thing.

Again, none of this has to do with the loss of rights. No one is being emasculated. Men aren't losing power. Women don't need to stay in the kitchen. Unless they want to.

There are people like Butker who want to take America back in time. Not the majority. But enough.

And that's scary.


  1. Speech Choir: 8 Easy Tips in Conducting It

    present speech choir

  2. What Is A Speech Choir

    present speech choir

  3. Speech Choir

    present speech choir

  4. Speech choir

    present speech choir

  5. Speech Choir 2014 Champion (Speech 11-H) "Listen"

    present speech choir


    present speech choir


  1. Speech Choir Like the Molave 2nd Place

  2. English Choral Recitation 2023

  3. St Petersburg Chamber Choir Concert


  5. Speech Choir

  6. He Lives (I Serve a Risen Savior)


  1. Speech Choir: 8 Easy Tips in Conducting It

    8. Deliver to be understood. Communicate with the goal of being understood; hence, actions and props are not essential for a traditional speaking choir. It is sufficient to just stand with the hands at the sides of the body. The tone of one's voice and the look on one's face are what really matter.

  2. PDF Creating a Speech Choir: The Bounty of Authentic Audience ...

    "Speech Choir"—which is now a one-credit-hour, repeatable course that typically enrolls 25-40 students, is offered each semester, and serves as an audience-experience credit for the Communication ... I was intrigued enough to give it a try. The first presentation was a scripture reading at the university's regular chapel service, with ...

  3. "Nature's Symphony"

    In this instance we have chosen to present a speech choir about nature - looking at how we interact with it and how it affects us in our daily lives. Benefits Of Presenting Speeches About Nature. Presenting speeches about nature has many benefits, both to the performers and the audience. By exploring our relationship with the environment, we ...

  4. Speech Choir: A sample presentation by grade 3 pupil

    Speech choir is a group performance that recite speeches, verses, stories or rhymes in unison with elements of choreography and costuming to help bring the ...

  5. Speech choir

    Speech choir or choral speaking has a hallowed and proud tradition. The first plays put on by Greeks featuring choruses of speakers. Today, speech choir is a popular teaching tool, as well as a performing art in itself. Speech choir operates like a music choir minus the music. Instead of singing, speech choirs perform spoken-word pieces.

  6. Speech Choir Mechanics

    The speech choir invokes thoughts and feelings and initiates a shared experience with the audience through superior dynamics, unique techniques, and expressive interpretations of the lines. ... E-Poetry: Poetry Beyond Text is a digital poetry composition and presentation contest that captures the literary prowess of student poets in the light ...

  7. Dare to Say No! Speech Choir 10-LOVE S.Y. 2018-2019

    An annual speech choir hosted at the Juan Sumulong Memorial School System Campus in Taytay, Rizal. In this particular video, the APHS (Angono Private High Sc...

  8. Speech Choir

    Objectives of using Speech Choir. Children. • Improve their oral skills e.g. pitch, tone, volume, pace, diction and enunciation. • Work as a team towards a common goal. • Develop confidence. Teachers. • Trained on the use of 'Speech Choir' as an instructional strategy. • Equipped with skills to carry out lessons using 'Speech ...

  9. Creating a Speech Choir: The Bounty of Authentic Audience Experience

    For most students at my university, classroom experience alone was the choice for formally developing speaking skills. My idea was to provide students with recurring authentic audience experience, attending to the audience dimension outlined by Derryberry (1989) as a critical requirement of public speaking pedagogy. Through research, a new idea was proposed: Create a Speech Choir, combining ...

  10. How to Write a Speech Choir Piece

    What makes a good piece for a speech choir? original and unique in its message. awe-inspiring and captivating. short and snappy. melodic and rhythmic. Workshop Outline. Task 1: Map Your Territory. Task 2: Draw a Blueprint. Task 3: Build the Structures.

  11. How To Achieve Excellent Tone, Balance and Blend in Your Choir

    Blending well can be achieved in two ways: Balance and Tone Quality. 1. Balance. As a director of a choir, it is important to listen out for discrepancies in balance amongst different parts. By "balance" here we mean the relative volume of each part. Depending on the piece of music, the volume of each part shouldn't necessarily be the same.

  12. Peace Not War


  13. 7 More Theme Ideas for Your Next Choir Program

    A few years ago, I wrote a post called, 10 Theme Ideas for Your Next Choir Program.Today, I'm writing a follow-up post to share seven more ideas to add to your inspiration list. Choir programs are a great way to keep your choir members engaged and committed to rehearsals (especially toward the end of the academic year, or over the summer) and explore some new music that you wouldn't ...

  14. What Are The Elements Of A Speech Choir? (Answer)

    The highness or the lowness of the voice. Power. The capacity to control volume, force, or loudness in order to enhance or reduce emphasis. Tempo. The rate of speed or the ability to balance the rhythm of a piece. Staging. The capacity to organize the position of the choir on stage for performance effect.

  15. Elements of A Speech Choir

    ELEMENTS OF A SPEECH CHOIR - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. PPT OF SPEECH CHOIR

  16. Speech choir

    Speech choir. Jan 26, 2015 • Download as PPSX, PDF •. 74 likes • 73,381 views. Jamaica Olazo. Speech choir or choral speaking has a hallowed and proud tradition. The first plays put on by Greeks featuring choruses of speakers. Today, speech choir is a popular teaching tool, as well as a performing art in itself.

  17. iRubric: speech choir, "Double Face" by Amy Tan rubric

    Double Face, A Speech Choir Present Presenting the story creatively and to test speaking skills. Fair 2 pts Good 5 pts Very Good 8 pts Creativity of the Script (Includes the assignments of voices and characterization. The choice of dialogues and scenes, giving details that will summarize the whole story without misleading events.) ...


    good presentation of effective, fresh and candid original lines that blend well with the given text and adhere to the theme Fair interpretation and sustainable ... SPEECH CHOIR scoring rubric . Author: Microsoft Office User Created Date: 9/25/2018 8:54:57 AM ...

  19. Speech Choir Final

    Speech Choir Final Ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Speech choirs are performance groups that recite speeches or poems in unison, often with elements of choreography and costuming.

  20. Rubric FOR Speech Choir Production

    Sample only rubric for speech choir production criteria choreography and coordination costume and props delivery interpretation the speech choir incorporates. Skip to document ... fluency, power, phrasing, rhythm, pronunciation, blending, and harmony are present but still needs improvement. Good quality of voice, fluency, power, phrasing ...

  21. USC Valedictorian Graduates Without a Speech, but With Cheers

    Ms. Tabassum did not give a speech at the engineering school ceremony on Friday and declined to speak to a reporter after the event. Despite the intense focus on her, she seemed like any other ...

  22. Why Harrison Butker's speech was embraced at Benedictine College's

    The Benedictine College sign is seen Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Atchison, Kan., days after Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker gave a commencement speech that has been gaining attention. Butker's speech has raised some eyebrows with his proclamations of conservative politics and Catholicism, but he received a standing ovation from ...

  23. Desiderata

    Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all p...

  24. Kaydence Reyes of Colo-NESCO is the Ames Tribune's newest Student of

    Clare Stahr is a 4.0 student-athlete and accomplished fine arts participant. Most recently, she was part of the GHS band and choir ensembles that earned Division I ratings in the Large Group Contests.

  25. Biden reaches out to Black Americans. He'll give commencement ...

    Politics. Biden reaches out to Black Americans. He'll give commencement address at Morehouse. President Biden is giving a commencement address at Morehouse College this weekend, but that speech ...

  26. Chiefs' Harrison Butker blasted for commencement speech encouraging

    The speech was the latest incident to add fuel to the flames of this increasingly vocal cultural battle, much of which is playing out online. While many prominent right-wing men have voiced such ...

  27. The Wild Things Trump Said at His Mar-a-Lago Donor Retreat

    At one point during the event, Trump announced an incentive for the gathered donors — "as if he were at an auction," reports the Washington Post. "Anyone who makes a $1 million donation ...

  28. iRubric: Speech Choir Rubric

    iRubric YC4528: Rubric title Speech Choir Rubric. Built by mamuykenneth using Free rubric builder and assessment tools.

  29. Chattanooga Bach Choir Presents St. John Passion May 18

    The Chattanooga Bach Choir will perform Bach's St. John Passion this Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the Basilica of Saints Peter & Paul at 214 E. 8th St. in Chattanooga.

  30. Harrison Butker commencement speech represents an ugly fringe

    The goal is to wrench power from a society that has become more pluralistic and diverse, and put it back into the hands of a small group of men. And I can tell you, in their universe, they aren't ...