Top 16 Call Center Manager Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 6, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement at the top of your resume that highlights your qualifications and experience for a specific job. It should be tailored to the position you are applying for and should demonstrate why you are the best fit for the role. When writing a resume objective for a call center manager position, it’s important to highlight your experience in managing customer service teams, working with customers, and problem solving. Additionally, include any relevant skills or qualifications that make you stand out such as knowledge of specific software programs or fluency in multiple languages. For example: “Experienced call center manager with 8 years leading customer service teams and resolving customer issues. Skilled in using CRM software and fluent in Spanish and English. Seeking to leverage expertise to contribute to success at ABC Company.”

Call Center Manager Resume Example

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Top 16 Call Center Manager Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a challenging Call Center Manager position in a reputable organization and utilize my experience in customer service, communication, and problem-solving skills.
  • To secure a Call Center Manager role with an established company where I can contribute to the success of the team and organization.
  • Utilizing my expertise in customer service, problem-solving, and leadership to become an effective Call Center Manager.
  • Looking for a position as a Call Center Manager with an opportunity to use my expertise in customer service, training, and management.
  • Seeking a Call Center Manager role that will allow me to utilize my knowledge of call center operations and customer service.
  • To obtain the position of Call Center Manager where I can demonstrate my ability to lead teams, improve processes, and increase efficiency.
  • Applying for the position of Call Center Manager with the goal of providing excellent customer service while maintaining high standards of performance.
  • Seeking a challenging role as a Call Center Manager where I can apply my experience in sales, marketing, and customer service.
  • To be part of an innovative team as a Call Center Manager using my organizational skills and knowledge of call center operations to drive results.
  • To gain employment as a Call Center Manager utilizing my experience in call center operations, customer relations management (CRM) systems, and process improvement initiatives.
  • Aiming for the role of Call Center Manager where I can use my knowledge of customer service best practices to ensure quality standards are met consistently.
  • Applying for the position of Call Center Manager to use my expertise in managing teams, developing strategies, and improving operational efficiencies within the organization.
  • Seeking an opportunity as a Call Center Manager that will enable me to leverage my experience in recruiting staff members and implementing training programs for employees.
  • Searching for a position as a Call Center Manager where I can apply my knowledge of call center technology solutions such as IVR systems or CRM software applications.
  • To work as a successful Call Center Manager by utilizing my strong communication skills combined with extensive experience in call center operations management.
  • Looking forward to joining an organization as its next successful Call Center Manager by applying exceptional problem-solving abilities along with excellent interpersonal skills

How to Write a Call Center Manager Resume Objective

A call center manager resume objective is an important component of a successful job search. An effective resume objective will give potential employers an immediate impression of the candidate’s capabilities, as well as provide a summary of the applicant’s qualifications and experience. Here are some tips for crafting a powerful call center manager resume objective:

1. Focus on the employer’s needs: A good call center manager resume objective should be tailored to the specific needs and expectations of the employer. It should clearly articulate how the candidate can contribute to the organization's success in managing its call center operations.

2. Highlight your abilities: Your resume objective should emphasize your skills in managing customer service teams, resolving customer issues, and leading staff training initiatives. Be sure to point out any certifications or awards that demonstrate your commitment to excellence in this field.

3. Describe your experience: Call center management is a highly specialized field, so it is important to include relevant details about prior positions and accomplishments in this area. Make sure to include any work with customers, vendors, or other stakeholders that has prepared you for this role.

4. Show enthusiasm: Your resume objective should reflect your enthusiasm for taking on this role and making a positive impact on the organization’s bottom line through improved customer service practices.

By following these guidelines, you can create a powerful and effective call center manager resume objective that will make you stand out from other applicants and help you land the job you want!

Related : What does a Call Center Manager do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Call Center Manager Resume Objective

In the competitive field of call center management, making your resume stand out is crucial. One effective way to do this is by highlighting key skills in your resume objective. This section allows potential employers to quickly gauge your suitability for the role. It should not only reflect your experience and achievements but also showcase specific skills that make you an ideal candidate for a call center manager position. In this section, we will discuss the essential skills you should emphasize in your resume objective to increase your chances of landing the job.

1. Multitasking

A Call Center Manager is responsible for overseeing various tasks such as managing a team of call center representatives, ensuring customer satisfaction, implementing strategies to improve productivity and performance, and handling any escalated customer issues. Multitasking is a crucial skill in this role because it allows the manager to effectively juggle these responsibilities concurrently. This ensures that all aspects of the call center operations are running smoothly and efficiently. Therefore, highlighting this skill in a resume objective can demonstrate an applicant's ability to handle multiple tasks at once and lead a high-performing team.

2. Time Management

A Call Center Manager needs strong time management skills to effectively schedule staff, manage call queues, and ensure that all tasks are completed within set deadlines. This skill is crucial for maintaining efficiency and productivity in a fast-paced call center environment. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of managing multiple responsibilities simultaneously and can prioritize tasks to meet business needs.

3. Conflict Resolution

A Call Center Manager often deals with a variety of situations involving both customers and employees. Conflict resolution is a crucial skill for this role as they need to effectively handle disputes, complaints, or disagreements that may arise. They must be able to mediate between parties and find a solution that satisfies all involved. This ability helps maintain a positive work environment and ensures customer satisfaction, which are key objectives in the role of a Call Center Manager. Mentioning this skill in a resume objective can highlight the candidate's capability to manage challenging situations and lead a team efficiently.

4. Performance Analysis

A Call Center Manager is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of a call center and ensuring that the team meets its performance goals. Having the skill of performance analysis is crucial as it enables the manager to assess the effectiveness of operations, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategies to enhance productivity and customer satisfaction. This skill demonstrates the ability to drive team performance, improve service quality, and contribute to business growth - all key objectives for a Call Center Manager role.

5. Team Building

A Call Center Manager needs the skill of team building because they are responsible for managing a group of call center agents and ensuring they work together effectively. This skill is crucial in creating a productive, positive, and collaborative environment. It helps in improving communication, boosting morale, increasing productivity and efficiency. Moreover, it aids in conflict resolution which is inevitable in such settings. Thus, highlighting this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate can foster a harmonious and high-performing team.

6. Decision Making

A Call Center Manager often needs to make quick, effective decisions regarding customer issues, staff management, and operational procedures. This skill is crucial in maintaining the efficiency and productivity of the call center. Therefore, highlighting decision-making skills in a resume objective can demonstrate to potential employers that the candidate is capable of leading a team and managing various situations that may arise in a fast-paced call center environment.

7. CRM Software (e.g., Salesforce)

A Call Center Manager needs to have proficiency in CRM Software like Salesforce because it is essential for managing customer interactions, tracking customer information and analyzing data. This skill is crucial in improving customer service by ensuring efficient communication and swift resolution of issues. Moreover, a good understanding of CRM software can help in streamlining processes, improving productivity and enhancing overall customer satisfaction. Therefore, mentioning this skill in a resume objective can highlight the candidate's ability to effectively manage and optimize the call center operations.

8. Workforce Management Tools (e.g., Verint)

Workforce management tools like Verint are essential for a Call Center Manager as they help in streamlining operations, scheduling staff, forecasting call volumes, and tracking performance metrics. Having this skill indicates the ability to efficiently manage resources and ensure optimal productivity. This can be a key selling point in a resume objective as it shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of effectively managing their team and improving overall call center operations.

9. Quality Assurance Monitoring

A Call Center Manager with Quality Assurance Monitoring skills can ensure that customer service representatives are adhering to company protocols and delivering high-quality service. This skill is crucial in maintaining customer satisfaction, reducing errors, and improving overall call center operations. It demonstrates the manager's ability to implement strategies for continuous improvement and their commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences.

10. Telephony Systems (e.g., Avaya)

A Call Center Manager is responsible for overseeing the operations of a call center and ensuring that customer service objectives are met. Knowledge and experience with telephony systems, such as Avaya, is crucial because these systems are typically used to manage inbound and outbound calls, monitor call quality, and track performance metrics. A manager proficient in these systems can ensure efficient communication processes, troubleshoot technical issues, train staff on system use, and leverage the technology to improve customer service. Therefore, including this skill in a resume objective can demonstrate a candidate's technical competence and their ability to effectively manage the call center operations.

Top 10 Call Center Manager Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, the objective section of your call center manager resume is a crucial component that can significantly influence an employer's perception of you. It should effectively showcase your key skills and abilities that make you the best candidate for the job. Remember, this section serves as your first impression, so ensure it is compelling, concise, and tailored to meet the specific needs of the role. By highlighting your most relevant skills in a persuasive manner, you will increase your chances of catching the attention of potential employers and landing an interview.

Related : Call Center Manager Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Call Center Manager Resume Objective

When writing a call center manager resume objective, many job seekers make the same mistakes. These common mistakes can cost them the opportunity to land an interview and eventually get the job they want. To ensure your resume objective is successful, it is important to avoid these common errors.

The first mistake that many applicants make when writing a call center manager resume objective is not properly articulating their goals. A successful resume objective should clearly explain what you are hoping to achieve in a position and how your skills and experience will help you meet those goals. Without this information, employers will not be able to see why you would be a good fit for the role. Additionally, if your objectives are too vague or generic, employers may question your commitment to the position.

Another common mistake when writing a call center manager resume objective is using too much jargon or industry-specific terminology that employers may not understand. While it’s important to demonstrate your knowledge of the industry, using too much technical language can be off-putting and difficult to comprehend for most hiring managers. Instead, focus on concisely explaining how your skills and experience can benefit the organization in concrete terms that are easy for anyone to understand.

Finally, many job seekers fail to tailor their call center manager resume objectives specifically for each job they apply for. It is important to customize each one so that it directly answers any questions or requirements outlined in the job description. If you are applying for multiple positions within the same company or industry, make sure you update your objectives accordingly so they accurately reflect each role’s specifications and demands.

By avoiding these common mistakes when writing a call center manager resume objective, you can create an effective summary of why you would be an ideal candidate for the position and increase your chances of getting hired.

Related : Call Center Manager Resume Examples

Call Center Manager Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a call center manager should focus on the candidate's ability to lead a team, increase customer satisfaction and minimize operational costs, while a wrong resume objective would be more focused on personal goals such as gaining experience or career advancement.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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Call Center Resume Examples & The Skills to Include [+Templates]

Swetha Amaresan

Updated: April 26, 2024

Published: May 15, 2023

A good resume stands between your dream job and rejection. The difference between a good resume and a mediocre one is that of structure, keyword use, skill sets, references, and more.

man shares call center resume examples

Writing a call center resume is no exception. You must include the relevant qualifications, skills, and experiences that align with the job requirements.

Read our guide on best practices for writing call center resumes, what skills and objectives to include in your resume, and the industry-best call center resume examples to stand out.

→ Download Now: 12 Resume Templates [Free Download]

Here’s what we’ll cover in this guide:

What is a call center resume?

Call center resume examples & templates.

  • Customer Service Resume Summary

Call Center Resume Objective

Call center resume skills.

resume objective for call center manager

12 Free Customizable Resume Templates

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A call center resume focuses primarily on your skills, professional background, and qualifications, aligning them with the job requirements. Depending on the job position, such as the seniority level or the size of the organization, you should know the average length of your resume.

Just like any resume, make sure you include the following sections when on the hunt for your next call center gig:

  • Your name and contact information.
  • Your education.
  • Relevant work experience.
  • Helpful skills.
  • Relevant non-work experience if you're new to the job market.

In the next section, we'll discuss more specific templates you can leverage based on your skill set and the open role.

These templates will help you better understand how to craft a strong resume that will grab the attention of potential employers. Consider the role you're applying to and find the example below that most closely aligns.

Featured Resource: Free Resume Templates

call center resume examples, free resume templates from HubSpot

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3 Call Center Manager Resume Examples [Edit Docs/Word]

Stephen Greet

Call Center Manager Resume

Elegant call center manager resume, clean call center manager resume.

  • Call Center Manager Resume Writing 101

You oversee agents who handle customer calls and customer service issues, ensuring that each goal and metric is met or exceeded. You also hire and train new staff members and analyze call center statistics to identify areas for improvement.

But you might still be wondering how to make your resume exceed recruiters’ expectations so that you can land your goal role!

Here’s where we can help. After years of assisting call center professionals, we’ve put together three call center manager resume examples and some time-tested resume tips and pointers for you.

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Google Docs

Call center manager resume example with 4+ years experience

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  • Customer service
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What Matters Most: Your Skills & Professional Experience

Your resume skills and work experience

It’s time to show recruiters what kinds of tricks you have up your sleeve to help you resolve more complex customer complaints and handle staffing concerns. Each trait you list in this section should apply very clearly to your job role.

That means, if you have more universal abilities like “communication” or “customer service,” you should break them down into more fine-tuned points. Use terms that reinforce your credibility as a call center manager, like “de-escalation” or “customer education”.

Be as specific as you can with every ability you share! Clearly name any software tools you use and hone skills that demonstrate your ability to manage call center agents and complicated requests with ease:

9 best call center manager skills

  • Customer Education
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Plan Descriptions
  • Constructive Feedback
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Goal Outlines

Sample call center manager work experience bullet points

Skills are crucial, but your experiences are what really make your resume impressive! Recruiters want to see how you’ve demonstrated leadership and a solid understanding of customer service calls in the past.

Always use achievements that are highly relevant to your field and showcase your impact: Reference the time you helped resolve numerous higher-level complaints to boost customer satisfaction or personal ratings.

And make sure you use metrics like those! Provide increased satisfaction percentages, personal ratings, and reduced manual work hours. These tidbits of quantifiable data are key in bolstering your qualifications.

Here are some samples:

  • Managed staff scheduling and established target goals for staff members, increasing the yearly call rate by 12%
  • Assisted customers with escalated complaints, reducing the risk of negative reviews by 47%
  • Recruited new staff members through social media sites, increasing the number of qualified call agents hired by 16%
  • Redesigned call routing system, improving customer experiences and reducing wait time by 7+ minutes
  • Addressed customer questions, receiving 131 5-star reviews

Top 5 Tips for Your Call Center Manager Resume

  • Recruiters are usually in a hurry to get to the good stuff, so make that easy for them by laying out your experience points clearly and keeping each one organized and to-the-point. (Think of how you’d immediately provide info during an escalated complaint!)
  • Make sure your resume skills and experiences show a strong leadership mindset. Mention when you guided new call agents through a fresh call script, or recall the time you took charge of a website overhaul to answer customers’ questions before they even had to ask.
  • Any manager position requires attention to detail, so proofread carefully and use context to show that you’re prepared to handle escalated calls and resolve more complex problems for concerned customers.
  • We’ve provided you with three call center manager resume templates , and any of them are bound to look pretty great (not to brag)! But you should still try each one and see which layout puts your best stuff front and center—whether that’s your skills section or your experience examples.
  • That’s right: A high school diploma or GED are usually all you need to work at a call center, and qualifying for a managerial role depends more on your experience level than your education.

Stick with just a one-page resume or less here! (That’s another good point in favor of streamlining your bullet points, too.) Two-page resumes are usually among the first to go, especially if the recruiter’s in a hurry.

Revisit the job description ! Look for details that make each particular call center unique and mirror back any key terms like “target goals” or “engaging customers”.

Good question! If a success story about revamping the call escalation process or speeding up call volumes is too long for a clean bullet point, then you can can include it when writing a cover letter . Just make sure you never repeat your resume points!

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Call Center Manager Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the call center manager job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

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Resume Builder

  • Creates and executes plans for expense management, staffing, service, technology and process improvements
  • Plan work schedules for around-the-clock operations and assign staff to accomplish daily work by providing for variations in workload
  • Develop, coach and motivate Service and Call Center Managers and front line leadership to improve and measure performance and foster a customer focused culture
  • Fosters an inclusive work environment that promotes associate engagement and development at all levels using the performance management process
  • Provides Payer Relationship Managers and Network Analysts assistance with strategic Payer initiatives as requested
  • Hiring, training, and developing call center employees. Handles all facets of performance management including performance evaluations and corrective action
  • Full people management responsibility (onsite and virtual team members), performance and compensation management, and training and development
  • Monitors quality of credit, including application volumes, approvals, and effective cross selling and declinations and keeps Senior Management advised
  • Focus Focus your full attention by carefully listening to and observing client or member
  • Directs the day-to-day activities of the Call Center employees by ensuring schedule adherence and optimum performance
  • Assists in the development of new products, policies and resulting technology changes
  • Evaluates individual performance, determines trends, analyzes strengths and/or weaknesses and develops training programs for improvement
  • Challenges and supports employees in their development, and uses individuals’ capabilities and potential for the benefit of the team
  • Encourages the professional expression of varied ideas and viewpoints, and creates an environment where individual differences are valued and respected
  • Supervise staff within one or more operations departments
  • Maintain proper employment levels through selecting, interviewing, and training of personnel; conduct performance management activities within each assigned area of responsibility
  • Maintain high levels of performance for customer service metrics including: call answer rate, call quality, customer service ratings, order accuracy, etc
  • Manage and improve operational processes, policies, and systems in support of the organization’s mission and to improve efficiency and quality
  • Maintain effective inventory control processes which includes inspecting and maintaining quality and standards of goods and supplies
  • Create reports, metrics, and budget plans for the organization, as assigned
  • Contribute to long- and short-term organizational planning which includes planning for initiatives geared toward operational excellence
  • Advanced Other Strong knowledge of modern call center systems and ability to utilize them to their maximum potential
  • Solid communication skills and excellent interpersonal skills. Ability to create and deliver presentations and express ideas in clear and concise manner
  • Highly knowledgeable on Paymode-X operations, SOPs and Vendor onboarding processes, including value for both Payers and Vendors
  • Considerable knowledge of the company's products, services and business operations to enable resolution of customer inquiries
  • Considerable knowledge of the company’s products, services and business operations to enable resolution of customer inquiries
  • Intermediate Other Strong knowledge of call center planning and the ability to create and implement a capacity plan that meets goals
  • Working knowledge of workforce management practices and tools (e.g., scheduling software, quality monitoring software)
  • Intermediate Other In-Depth functional knowledge and broad multi-functional knowledge
  • Working knowledge of workforce management practices and tools, e.g., scheduling software, quality monitoring software
  • Strong attention to detail

15 Call Center Manager resume templates

Call Center Manager Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Accountable for operational business decisions and understands when to empower Cast and leaders
  • Remove barriers and identify opportunities for continuous improvement (service, products, facility, systems, etc)
  • Develop and transfer knowledge and skills to entry level management leaders and multifunctional Frontline Cast
  • Develop and lead the execution of processes and procedures to exceed Guest expectations and to deliver consistent high quality Guest Service
  • Ensure target metrics and any legal and regulatory requirements are met in a timely manner
  • Manage the financial performance of departmental expenses by ensuring on-going metrics such as labor, overtime, cost of sales, and other expense meet Annual Operating Plan (AOP)
  • Contribute to the preparation of the annual operating plan, 5-year plan, and capital planning
  • Responsible to ensure daily pre-shift meetings are conducted as well as conducts daily briefing meetings to communicate relevant Guest, Cast or business information in a timely manner
  • Model and ensure effective communication and promote positive relationships within and across lines of business, peers, and vendors to achieve a successful day-to-day operation
  • Coordinate and execute local projects, monitoring operational impact, readiness and schedules
  • Anticipate future staffing needs and plan accordingly
  • Responsible to resolve Guest concerns escalated regarding concerns about experiences at the hotel, theme parks or other areas on Disney property
  • Demonstrated ability to lead a team of leaders
  • Able to be self-directed and demonstrate strong leadership and relationship skills consistent
  • Proven ability to effectively manage and prioritize multiple responsibilities holding self and others accountable
  • Demonstrate a strong level of professionalism and confidence
  • Demonstrated strong organizational, time management and follow-through skills, with strong attention to details
  • Demonstrated strong business planning and analytical skills
  • Demonstrated ability to strong negotiation, influencing, problem solving, as well as continuous improvement process skills
  • Demonstrated strong partnering, coaching and mentoring skills
  • Demonstrated strong written, verbal communication and presentation skills
  • Proven ability to partner with fellow Cast Members and move the operation forward to the next level of excellence
  • Demonstrated financial awareness of budget and daily labor costs
  • Knowledge of industry trends and practical business application
  • Ability to converse in Mandarin & English

Tax Manager National Tax Indirect Tax Affordable Care Act Inbound Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for internal client communications, conflict resolution, and compliance on client deliverables
  • Establish processes to review overall work product of the ACA team to ensure quality standards and client expectations are met
  • Communicate client goals and represent client interests to all internal teams
  • Respond to questions posed by ACA Account Managers, clients, Region team members and EY leadership
  • Strategically review requests considering client needs, EY capabilities, and long term goals
  • Review and evaluate team performance, provide suggestions, and team with internal clients on implementation plans for improvement as needed
  • Co-develop solutions with internal team members on needed changes for ever developing and changing programs
  • Associate must complete in-depth analysis to determine and recommend client performance improvement. Associate must regularly evaluate and respond to unique situations
  • Associate may be responsible for management of others who interact with clients to whom the CRM has been assigned as primary contact
  • Extensive employee management and call center experience as the primary team supervisor (minimum 3 years)
  • Strong analytical/problem-solving skills and attention to detail
  • Excellent managerial, organizational, and verbal/written communication skills
  • Ability to work with professionals at all levels across diverse geographic areas
  • High level of initiative and the ability to thrive in a team environment
  • Capacity to work independently and effectively on a variety of tasks at the same time
  • Proficient in the use of standardized software, specifically MS Office package
  • Ability to handle stressful situations and deadline pressures well
  • Commitment to following through effectively on all client requests
  • “Self-starter” mindset
  • Familiarity with tax-related concepts (desired)
  • Minimum of 3 years of extensive client management experience
  • Familiarity with Unemployment claims is desired

Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 2+ years of previous Supervisory experience in a Call Center, Customer Service, or Patient Relations area; 1+ year Administrative / Communications experience
  • Demonstrate competency and relevant experience in call center operations
  • Knowledge of organizational policies, procedures and systems
  • Knowledge of operating a variety of office equipment and proficient in various
  • Experience in Medical Practice setting
  • Microsoft Office/Suite proficient (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, etc.)
  • Able to multitask efficiently and effectively
  • Set team goals to identify and improve processes and procedures to support the department’s role as a critical and valuable resource to the entire resort
  • Hire, train, coach, and develop Guest Service Agents, providing a career path to other departments
  • Manage department budget and control labor costs
  • Meet or exceed Market Metrix goals related to guest services
  • Support entire Resort Operations including property management, sales and conference services, housekeeping, mountain operations and Keystone Emergency Services
  • Work closely with Management Services to dispatch guest requests and maintenance issues
  • Be a resource to our homeowners as a liaison with the property management team for assistance with housekeeping, maintenance or other service requests
  • Manage guest requests entered into the Hub database for accuracy, and timeliness of resolution
  • Support Front Office Operations with early and late departure requests, additional housekeeping requests, and express checkout using the LMS software system to manage cash handling as part of the departure process
  • Communicate ongoing changes in resort operations and guest activities to the team, through pre-shift and team meetings, emails, and one on one training
  • Maintain staff schedule to support high volume days and time periods throughout the day
  • Oversee administrative functions such as employee paperwork and payroll as well as ordering supplies
  • Audit and approve employee cash outs on a daily basis
  • Prepare reports using call analytics to manage volumes and staffing needs
  • Provide information tool for agents to find resources needed to assist guests
  • Call Center or Customer Service experience - required
  • 3+ years management experience - required
  • Guest Service/Call Center management experience - preferred
  • Proficient in use of web based products and Microsoft Office Applications - required
  • Fluent English - required
  • Ability to work in a fast paced environment - required
  • College Degree in Hospitality - preferred
  • Provide leadership and guidance for the entire outbound survey research staff, including Agents, Production Coordinators, and Supervisor
  • Ensure training and mentoring to all staff
  • Oversee the quality of QA processes
  • Should have knowledge of CATI, Mail, and Web data collection modes
  • Experience with data collection software such as CfMC, Voxco, Confirmit Askia, or another data collection platform
  • Strong understanding and experience with data collection metrics including response rates, incidence rates, refusal rates, and other metrics that affect data collection performance
  • Excellent computer skills, including the MS Office Suite, especially Excel
  • Engage in ongoing data tracking for all in-house projects
  • Track production on all studies and coordinate with call center Supervisor and Production Coordinators to ensure we are staffing each project appropriately
  • Oversee every schedule to ensure we maintain billability and are always staffed appropriately
  • 8+ years of professional experience in a contact/call center environment
  • 5+ years of management/supervisory experience in contact/call center environment
  • Proficiency with computer software programs including MS Office (Word, Excel, etc.)
  • Demonstrated ability to develop, implement and execute business processes for new business
  • Strong analytical, problem-solving and decision making capabilities required
  • Superior interpersonal skills including courtesy, professionalism, and a cooperative attitude required
  • Oversee a team which analyzes and identifies key sales processes that need to be improved, within the call center environment
  • Identify and resolve barriers to performance from determining root cause analysis, creating process mapping and resolution – implementation
  • Oversee the improvement process
  • Ensure standardization of processes within and between all service centers
  • Promote the implementation of best practices
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent related work experience
  • 1-3 years prior demonstrated experience with process or continuous improvement or process design and implementation roles
  • 5 years of experience in call center management leading and managing exempt level associates
  • Comprehensive knowledge of all Microsoft Office applications, including Word, Project and Visio
  • Experience in the healthcare or health related industry
  • Deliver world-class customer service through monitoring and coaching teammates
  • Champion a world-class Employee and Customer experience
  • Facilitate career development among team members
  • Delivery of service level, coaching, budget (overtime, handle time, etc) and other key metrics
  • Ensure Attendance and Adherence expectations are met
  • Actively participate in hiring and development of support and mentor staff members
  • Partner with Teammates to agree on and monitor Performance plans
  • Participate in and lead customer experience calibration sessions
  • Conduct regular evaluations and provide performance and behavior feedback to Teammates
  • Execute Leadership strategies and tactics
  • 2 years combined DPS and Risk Management experience
  • 1 year CSR Lead experience
  • Bachelors degree or equivalent experience. Typically requires a minimum of 5-7 years experience in Financial services industry and/or Customer Service environment
  • Tested Project Management/Organization skills
  • Demonstrated ability to improve process leading to improved customer and/or Teammate experience
  • Deep understanding of call center efficiency levers (Service Level, Occupancy, etc)
  • Solid Change Management tactics
  • Demonstrated decision-making skills
  • Addressing and influencing negative behaviors

AVP / Healthcare Services Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Direct and ensures compliance with all healthcare operations and functions, including policies, procedures, and objectives of departments
  • Conduct regular development sessions with associates to ensure all performance expectations are achieved. Monitor the interactions between customers and associates, including observation of telephone calls, e-mail web chat and written communications to ensure accuracy and consistency of department
  • Serve as a change agent and continuously evaluates healthcare workflow and identify opportunities for improvement
  • Provide guidance and assistance with complex issues, establishes work priorities and makes decisions within established guidelines and/or authority. Maintain a high level of knowledge/awareness in current business objectives. Stay current with all major developments, regulatory/legislative changes, and innovations in health savings account products
  • Schedule adequate staff levels for various shifts and campaigns on a weekly/monthly basis in partnership with business partners. Prepare contingency staffing plans for special projects, unexpectedly high call volumes and absences to maintain the customer experience
  • Implement new processes, procedures and technologies as needed
  • Proficient in Microsoft office products, and applicable call center systems
  • Knowledge of policies and regulations (i.e. Patriot Act, Check 21, Reg. E, IRS publications 969, 502)
  • Demonstrated supervisory, coaching, leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Proficient with UMB systems (i.e., Mainframe, Client Link, FDR and Intranet)
  • Successful track record working in a service organization

Customer Support & Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 10 years project management experience, including
  • Experience transitioning and integrating customer service center programs
  • Experience with customer service center technologies to include customer relationship management systems; telephony and network systems; quality control in a customer service center environment, and reporting procedures
  • Experience presenting achievement and serving as company liaison with senior client executives
  • Experience managing and enforcing secure handling of PII and sensitive customer information
  • Experience managing large teams with significant budget and P/L responsibilities
  • Experience with quality control in a customer service center environment
  • Social work, family support, or case work experience preferred
  • Relevant certifications in technology, program management, and customer contact services
  • Manage Call Center team to achieve service level and abandonment goals, including forecasting and scheduling
  • Manage Call Center’s SLA as set up with customers, both internal and external
  • On a reoccurring schedule, being able to managing the mining of data, its presentation, and high-level summary to different areas of senior management
  • Interview and hire new employees, document behavior, discipline, and terminate employees, and if needed payroll
  • Develop and implement Call Center efficiencies thru CMS reporting tool
  • Assist Senior Management as needed
  • Answer Call Center escalated calls from Guests, Accounting and Resort PSS
  • Communicate Customer based websites information inaccuracies and prioritize existing requests with marketing
  • Product setup/liaison to Product Management
  • Oversee SSV and Vail employees pass processing
  • Answer call center phone calls
  • IT liaison and RPOS testing
  • Actively participate as knowledge base for Front Range team via priority phone line
  • Assist with Front Range and Call Center HR hire sessions
  • Assist with Fall pass sales rollout
  • Budget management

Assistant Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Reports directly to the Call Center Manager
  • Maintains constant communication of floor needs, wants, concerns and plans
  • Forecasts Manpower planning based on inbound/outbound call volume
  • Extensive Experience working with Five9 is required
  • Weekend shifts will be required
  • Designs flow of call campaigns for ACD, manages campaigns and creates reports to
  • Track against projected forecast
  • Strong analytical skills and spreadsheet preparation and analysis in excel
  • Work with individuals on a daily basis to adjust department manpower to reach
  • Optimum campaign targets by adjusting and utilizing manpower (call-outs, over-time,
  • PTO, TWOP (time without pay), etc
  • Create and implement strategies to decrease errors in quality control and train for
  • Future effectiveness
  • 4-5 years experience managing in call center environment
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Finance or a related field
  • Progressive experience in the health solutions industry, with emphasis with leading and managing teams
  • Proficiency in analyzing and manipulating data
  • Comprehensive knowledge of all Microsoft Office applications, including Word, and Excel
  • Master’s Degree in Business Administration or a related field
  • Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
  • 5+ years of experience managing a Call Center in a healthcare environment
  • Strong reporting and metric skills
  • Knowledge of IDX
  • Knowledge of Patient Billing Coding
  • Experience with electronic health records
  • Proven ability to coach, train and motivate for performance and drive customer satisfaction
  • Sound decision making skills
  • Strong time management and organizational skills $
  • Bilingual, English and Spanish
  • Collects information on service deliverables, implements changes and resolves service issues by liaising with supervisors, operatives, team leaders and their departments
  • Sets policies, procedures and performance goals for customer service, quality, speed and efficiency to meet internal and external client requirements
  • Monitors and records the performance levels, statistics and user rates of the call center. Prepares reports accordingly. Analyzes and forecast information about the budget statistics on a monthly or weekly basis
  • Maintains current knowledge of industry new development, legislation and product services
  • Manage the overall performance analysis of existing lists and programs. Develops new scripting for the optimization of existing programs
  • Identifies, recommends and supports the implementation of various programs for the improvement of call center processes and results
  • Manages schedules and Human Resource issues. Writes and conducts performance evaluations, makes employment decisions, sets up performance goals and targets for assigned team
  • Bachelor’s Degree Required
  • 5+ years hands on Call Center Operations Management
  • 8 – 10 years of experience in direct management
  • Demonstrated leadership and development skills of Supervisory and Customer Service staff
  • MS Office Suite
  • Advanced problem-solving skills and Management skills, ability to think tactically and identify significant success factors
  • Solid IVR/VRU, ACD, Call Routing and Telephony Systems knowledge
  • Ability to maintain client and customer confidentiality
  • Delivery of service level, coaching, budget and other key metrics
  • Partner with Workforce Management and Command Center to meet service level
  • Actively participate in hiring and development of team members
  • Manage by example and model Visa behaviors
  • Able to work from 3pm to Midnight shift with weekdays off
  • Bility to develop, support, and retain a high-performing team
  • Aptitude to work with a diverse group of team members within site and across all sites to achieve results
  • Deep understanding of call center efficiency levels (Service Level, Occupancy, etc)
  • Addressing negative behaviors
  • Call Center and/or Customer Service background with 2-3 years of Management experience in a Customer Service and/or Call Center environment, a wellness coaching environment, preferred
  • Analytical with demonstrated ability to monitor trends to forecast optimized staffing schedules
  • Strong financial analytical skills
  • Ability to work effectively in a multidisciplinary approach to management
  • Ability to make thoughtful decisions and exercise sound judgment
  • Ability to handle confidential information with appropriate discretion
  • Basic understanding of Regulatory and Compliance issues that pertain to Wellness, Care, Disease Management, and management of PHI/HIPAA data
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office & business office procedures
  • Knowledge of computer programs, CRM (i.e. Salesforce) & business office procedures
  • Professional & efficient oral & written communication skills
  • Ability to operate a computer & office equipment
  • Ability to motivate employees, establish, & maintain effective working relationships within the care center staff as well as external employees
  • Flexibility and creativity
  • Talk and hear
  • Read, write, type and comprehend text
  • Observe objects up close and at a distance
  • Effectively communicate and interact with others
  • Use reasoning and solve problems through deduction
  • Demonstrate utilization of Contact Center Information Technology hardware and software
  • Maximize utilization of labor
  • Develop and maintain staffing schedules
  • Mentor direct reports
  • Integrate effectively with other departments
  • Initiate adjustments to real time service levels
  • Respond to escalated Customer Service issues
  • Meet or exceed department performance goals
  • Implement continuous process improvement
  • Effective oral and written communication
  • Ensure timely communication across Customer Service Centers
  • Coordinate project needs, problem resolution, and client facing priorities with CSC project manager
  • Provide accurate and timely reporting
  • Assess Quality Control and Quality Assurance
  • Acquire a high level of Product Knowledge for all programs
  • Create and Validate program training materials
  • Identify needs for new and recurrent training and ensure implementation
  • Create an environment that cultivates customer service excellence, growth, empowerment, teamwork and high self-esteem
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent formal training
  • 5+ years of progressive experience with call center supervision/operations
  • 3+ years of experience with client interaction in third party vendor relationships
  • 3+ years of experience staffing and forecasting
  • Commitment to professional and personal growth
  • Ability to orchestrate large multi-tiered staff in a fast paced environment
  • Ability to analyze, plan, organize, control and troubleshoot work activities and processes
  • Shift flexibility - able to work occasional evening and weekend shift
  • 3+ years of training and experience with Contact Center IVR systems Cisco UCCX or UCCE
  • Experience in leadership, delegation, performance planning/management/review, coaching/counseling, team building and the ability to motivate employees
  • Managing change with positive results
  • Commitment and demonstrated dedication to uncompromised customer service
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to develop rapport and communicate with various groups of people to include staff, peers, vendors, customers and senior leadership
  • Deliver world-class customer service through monitoring and coaching employees
  • Ensure Attendance, Adherence and other department metric expectations are met
  • Partner with employees to agree on and monitor Performance plans
  • Conduct regular evaluations and provide performance and behavior feedback to employees
  • Language: Portuguese preferred
  • Proven Organization skills and basic project management
  • Prior experience working in a large organization
  • Prior leadership experience over a large metric-intensive operational unit with a span of control between 50 to 75 associates
  • Bi-lingual English/Spanish. Excellent written and verbal communication skills - Must be able to read, write, and speak English and Spanish
  • Capacity to maintain confidentiality
  • Strong knowledge of MS Word and Excel and PowerPoint
  • Knowledge of Access
  • Certification with Six Sigma and/or the Project Management Institute is very helpful
  • Prior experience in a health care or insurance setting highly desired
  • 3+ years prior call center management experience
  • Prior experience in call center sales organizations is highly preferred
  • Proven ability to maintain and improve employee engagement and morale at all times
  • Ability to handle customer escalations and work across various levels of the organization
  • Deliver superior client service
  • Provide excellent employee growth and management
  • Contribute to the growth of the company
  • Meet assigned financial targets
  • Assisting with Client projects as assigned by management
  • Balance/ leverage floor quality and production of staff while maintaining strategic staffing levels
  • Serve as a secondary escalation point for the Service Center; further direction to management when needed
  • Deliver a high level of customer support to the Client
  • Ensure all Service Center KPI’s are within client threshold
  • Oversee new customer service representative training program
  • Liaise with Data Manager, IT department, field staff, and Client representatives on data-related support needs and inquiries
  • Ensure high quality work output; plan, organize, and coordinate work efficiently; meet assigned deadlines
  • Oversee/ensure proper Client conference call protocol and etiquette
  • Direct management of Service Center Supervisory staff
  • Host and conduct OneView Work Order and related technology tool training sessions via Jones Lang LaSalle standard web meeting tools
  • College degree or equivalent combination of experience and education
  • 5+ years of related work experience
  • Previous experience utilizing CMMS platform
  • Previous employee management experience within Call Center
  • Strong knowledge of robust auditing policies and procedures
  • Strong knowledge of Microsoft applications and resources
  • Ability to multi-task and manage multiple activities
  • Previous experience utilizing One View Work Order (Clarify) platform
  • Previous Project Management experience
  • Versed in practices of property/data management

Call Center Manager Pipc Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of 3 years Management experience
  • Prior demonstrated experience with process improvement or process design and implementation roles
  • Fluency in English communication skills
  • Proficient Microsoft Office-Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point
  • Associate or Bachelor’s Degree-focus in Health Services/Administration or Business
  • 5+ years or experience in Healthcare call center environment
  • Microsoft-Access, Project, or Visio
  • Bilingual English/Spanish fluency
  • To analyse and raise consumer complaints via phone call & social media through the social listening tools for Business Units actions through meeting , monthly report for management meeting
  • To manage serious cases related to Key Influencers (OCPD - Office of The Consumer Protection Board , FDA , NGO , KOL , Press) and manage to close the cases smoothly
  • To present potential issues/complaint/crisis & propose action in the Bi-monthly 'Issue Round Table' meeting
  • To supervise and support ENGAGE & ensure efficiently use of the system
  • To provide daily supervision to complaint handling team
  • To supervise with scientific back-up with key cross-functional team
  • To share best practice related to complaint case & train CLM Consumer Care team including audit compliance of WHO code , Milk Code , Local legislation/code , Consumer data privacy policy
  • To manage Crisis Monitoring & propose actions , threat level according to Nestlé Protocol of Crisis Handling including Social Media , Log book record & Crisis Readiness and Response (including Trade - product quality concerned)
  • To escalate Protocol with PR team & response time (end to end process of Complaint handling & consumer/trade visit) refer to Alert position & Threat level guideline
  • To develop team capability & lead Complaint handling agents in Thailand & CLM
  • Minimum of Bachelor’s degree in marketing or communication or any related fields
  • Minimum 8 years’ experience in communication, marketing service in service industry
  • Experienced in call center service, consumer or customer services
  • Able to lead the time
  • Able to work flexible hours
  • Self-motivated and able to work independently
  • Good command of English and computer skills
  • Attracts, builds, and retains a high-performing department and team; identifies talent strengths and gaps
  • Develops a high performance, customer-oriented team focused on delivering superior customer service with the highest level of responsiveness and customer satisfaction
  • Develops annual departmental strategic and operational plans
  • Establishes priorities and assign resources accordingly
  • Manages relationships and fosters open lines of communication with Institute and Department Administrators and other key partners
  • Prepares annual budgets, manages staffing requirements and cost effective programs
  • Maximizes operational and financial performance of the Patient and Provider Relations organization
  • Organizes functions of department through appropriate assignment of responsibilities, delegation of authority and overall direction of workflow processes
  • Assesses operational performance metrics to ensure that optimal production is reached
  • Monitors and evaluate activities of the departmental employees and provides on-the-job training and retraining, as necessary, to ensure operational efficiency and adherence to policies and procedures and ensure employee engagement
  • 5 Plus years of management and leadership experience in customer relations, sales administration or service environment
  • Ability to develop, deliver and sustain successful customer service programs and consistently meet and/or exceed goals
  • Capable of making commitments, setting priorities and delivering results on time and on budget
  • Prior customer support experience in transforming organizations to deliver superior internal and external service
  • Strong technical background with experience using technology to improve efficiency
  • Experience ensuring high rates of customer satisfaction and retention
  • Experience in report generation, data collection systems and analysis techniques
  • High School diploma required, Bachelor's degree in business or a related area a plus
  • 5 years related work experience
  • Experience architecting, deploying, and managing all infrastructure necessary to operate a customer support center. Includes, but not limited to, helpdesk system, ticket management system, IVR phone system, and schedule management system
  • Knowledge of call center processes
  • At least 2 years hands on customer service experience
  • Knowledge of call center infrastructure and interfaces
  • At least 2 years of people management experience
  • At least 2 years overseeing and altering infrastructure of email/call center communication
  • Highly proficient in using spreadsheets to create and present analysis, auditing, and reconciliation
  • Experience leading, developing, and mentoring staff
  • Familiarity with Call Center operations specifically pertaining to the in-bound and the launch of new products within call centers
  • Experience in preparing reporting documentation on the performance of call center
  • 5-7 years of experience in call center operational management
  • Foster a culture of accountability to actualize organizational and strategic goals: Maintain efficient and effectively functioning call center. Link performance expectations of all areas of responsibility to the Regions strategic goals. Motivate staff to meet or exceed all program and department goals. Collaborate with supervisory staff to ensure accountability of staff. Apply internal and external best practices. Ensure employee safety and quality of care and services. Support the Labor Management partnership. Provide leadership and monitoring of Operational initiatives that support the mission and values of the Region
  • Run a fiscally efficient operation: Optimize call center's employee productivity. Minimize unscheduled absenteeism. Control labor and non-labor budgets. Maintain building and equipment. Meet regional and federal compliance standards
  • Foster a member-centric culture: Balance supply and demand needs for support services. Facilitate customer service excellence. Enable staff to achieve results by providing information, encouragement and discretionary authority. In collaboration with Administration, Providers, and Labor identify and implement initiatives to improve patient access and appointing
  • Coordinate and manage staff: Hires staff for service excellence and technical expertise. Trains and requires staff to meet full job descriptions. Fosters a positive work environment. Work collaboratively with Labor
  • Must have a minimum five (5) years of experience in customer service in a call center environment
  • Must have a minimum four (4) years of supervisory and/or management experience
  • Minimum five (5) years of customer service experience in a contact center in care delivery or health plan setting preferred
  • Minimum four (4) years of work related experience in dental or clinical care setting
  • Thorough knowledge of health care environment
  • Working knowledge of labor/contractual agreements

External Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform the required work to support external call centers effectively execute campaigns, new and existing
  • Assist in the preparation of the annual marketing strategy, budget and business plans for the DTC unit. Maintain awareness of the competitive environment, insurance industry, and key industry regulations which may impact program(s) and/or business model, and overall strategic objective
  • Be able to recommend and manage outsourced partners who would call or take calls on behalf the company
  • Formulate sales center partnerships, strategies and plans aligning with the department's larger strategic objectives
  • Oversight of existing partners to service current and active business as appropriate
  • Work with various internal and external agencies to formulate sound test designs that validate new programs or changes in existing programs
  • Guide or participate in the generation of outsourced sales center processes supporting leads generated via Internet, mail, telemarketing, print, and television marketing campaigns
  • Heavy collaboration with internal and external teams to ensure processes, disclaimers, training, call guides, etc maintains Brand and compliance standards
  • Support product marketers with analyzing and reporting on program performance, including variance analysis and proposed course corrections, to Marketing Product Line Managers and the Senior Marketing Leadership team
  • Communicate to required constituencies, both within and outside of the department, ensuring key partners are aware and informed of the department's strategic direction
  • Aide in marketing research projects, such as focus groups and online or phone surveys, designed to positively impact product design, creative development, sales improvements and competitive awareness
  • Support other teams as needed
  • This job posting is reflective of the Manager essential functions, qualifications, and physical requirements. The Sr. Manager level has variable essential functions, qualifications and physical requirements. Competency and skill set will determine level of placement within the posted job family
  • 2+ years of call center management (sales emphasis)
  • 5+ years call center experience (sales)
  • Results driven, self motivated team-player
  • Strong presentation skills, with the ability to present to senior management
  • Strong communication and human relation skills
  • Excellent customer interactions skills in a sales and service environment
  • Expert understanding of sales and call center principles
  • Competent financial and analytical discipline
  • Demonstrate good strategic thinking and problem solving skills, as well as the ability to make sound business decisions
  • Ability to manage multiple projects, deadlines and priorities
  • Ability to work both independently and as part of cross-functional project teams
  • Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business, Communications or related field
  • 1-3 years of experience within corporate, product and/or sales distribution marketing
  • Sales experience within insurance, banking or financial services
  • Experience in campaign execution across diverse marketing channels
  • Demonstrated successful experience with outsourced sales center management

Call Center Manager, Verification Services Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support account management and client needs via various levels of interaction including conference calls, email correspondence, face-to-face visits, presentations, and investigative reporting/issue resolution to ensure client retention and satisfaction
  • Maintains oversight of operational metrics analysis and reporting to support product and team
  • Provide timely and professional communication to clients, account managers, direct reports, and senior management to effectively support team and company goals
  • Support the implementation of company directives and processes to meet internal/external customer needs such as retention and satisfaction related to the success of the verification services process
  • Implement and maintain process improvement initiatives as related to system and employee development through the monitoring/streamlining of current operating procedures
  • Provide leadership, direction and supervision to a team of processors and associated Team Leads and/or other supporting personnel
  • Conduct annual evaluations of team members and provide feedback and monitor departmental performance; address performance issues via one-on-one meetings and implementing performance improvement plans
  • Evaluate ongoing staffing requirements by reviewing productivity reports, evaluating client provided volume forecasts, and hiring and training new employees to meet these requirements
  • Coach and mentor team members including the facilitation of on-the-job training to develop job skills and effectively address client concerns and meet client needs
  • Bachelor’s Degree preferred or Associate’s Degree with equivalent experience
  • 5+ years experience in both people and process management. Preferred supervisory or lead experience with a strong emphasis on customer service
  • Experience within call center environment is preferred
  • Understanding of PC functions, including Windows-based applications and ability to learn/understand internal Verification Services technology/systems
  • Required to work on site in West Des Moines, IA office
  • Strong emphasis on collaboration and team building
  • Ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time
  • Ability to respond quickly to unexpected changes
  • Ability to deal with people in a professional and courteous manner
  • Ability to communicate and motivate individuals in the department
  • Experienced with Microsoft Office platform (Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Creativity and optimism
  • Ability to interact in written and oral form with clients, state agencies, and all levels of company personnel
  • Ability to handle high volume of work and work under deadlines
  • Excellent analytical skills, problem solving and decision making abilities
  • High ethical standards
  • Ability to follow policies and procedures; complete administrative tasks correctly and on time
  • High level of organization and multi-tasking abilities
  • Ability to handle a high volume of work and work under deadlines
  • Self-motivated with high level of initiative
  • Demonstrated ability to analyze data and develop appropriate presentations for various audiences
  • Relies on experience and judgment to plan an accomplish goals
  • Performs a wide variety of management tasks while delegating work appropriately
  • Bilingual English/Spanish - must be able to speak, read and write in both languages without limitations or assistance
  • Intermediate knowledge of MS Word and Excel and PowerPoint
  • Ability to travel 50% within the Tampa and Orlando area
  • Ability to demonstrate critical thinking
  • Ability to demonstrate prior experience with team engagement
  • Plays an active role in day-to-day management of the Project so as to be knowledgeable and aware of all issues, concerns, and requirements
  • Manage staff assigned to all call center and mailroom business activities, and plans and coordinates day-to-day operations of the Contact Center and Mailroom operations
  • Manage a team of diverse individuals, including Supervisors and Specialists, focused on one of the primary initiatives as defined by the client
  • Approve timesheet, develop team schedules and other assigned duties
  • Manage workload distribution and other personnel matters
  • Assigns and reviews the work of staff for completeness, accuracy, and application of regulations and plans and controls workload to assure quality of service
  • Trains, coaches, counsels, and mentors staff members so they can efficiently and effectively perform their jobs, and conducts regular unit meetings
  • Ensures that problems are resolved with employees and handles any complaints
  • Facilitates communication on all contract and operational changes, including applicable corrective and preventive actions, to members of the Project Management Team
  • Performs other duties as assigned by leadership
  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university required
  • At least four (4) years of experience in managing Tier I and Tier II call center functions for a health care-related organization required
  • Two (2) of the four years must include managing health care provider enrollment call center support required
  • Ability to perform comfortably in a fast-paced, deadline and detail oriented work environment
  • Ability to successfully execute many complex tasks simultaneously
  • Ability to work as a team member as well as independently
  • Experience working with State of Maryland Providers and programs; knowledge of Maryland health care programs and regulations preferred
  • 5 or more year's experience in Reservations/Front Office Supervisor or Management position. Good working knowledge of Microsoft Office (including Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point)
  • RDP experience preferred
  • Success-driven and able to achieve specific reservations sales targets and maximize sales opportunities. Highly flexible in finding solutions to both guest and associate issues
  • Associate or Bachelor’s degree in human services/liberal arts or health care or equivalent experience
  • 4+ years of call center experience
  • Knowledge of the health care industry
  • Knowledge of managed care and / or member services
  • Working knowledge of Medicare and Medicaid programs and experience with regulatory requirements and reporting
  • Experience with call center technology
  • Proven project management experience is required
  • Demonstrated experience in managing a call center staff including recruitment, education, and training
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office products (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Supervisory/ management experience in a managed care or HMO setting

Revenue Administrator Iv-call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Applicants may substitute graduate education in an academic field related to the required experience from an accredited college or university at the rate of one year of education for one year of the required general experience
  • Candidates may substitute U.S. Armed Forces military service experience at a rank of Corporal/Petty Officer or higher as a commissioned officer in accounting and budget classification or accounting and budget specialty codes in the tax examining field of work on a year-for-year basis for the required experience and education
  • For education obtained outside of the U.S., you will be required to provide proof of the equivalent American education as determined by a foreign credential evaluation service. If you possess a degree obtained outside of the United States, please submit a detailed, course-by-course evaluation report from one of the U.S. equivalency evaluating members identified at
  • Experience with multiple tax types and preparing federal and/or state tax returns
  • Customer service experience/ability to deal with the public
  • First and Last Name
  • Recruitment Number (located at the top of the bulletin)
  • The last 4 digits of your SS#

Sales Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversees Sales and Sales Support team in an inbound/outbound B2B sales environment
  • Promotes a positive Sales Environment that includes healthy competition, tiered recognition and celebrates individual and team successes
  • Monitors operations to ensure adherence to lead contact strategies, service level standards and company/department policies and procedures
  • Evaluates the quality of Sales and Support calls from customers; provides feedback to reps on strengths and areas for improvement
  • Provides coaching and mentoring to contact center supervisors and team leads and occasionally to Representatives
  • Tracks and reports contact center performance against objectives and goals (i.e. quality, call volume, lead management, sales goals, customer satisfaction, etc.)
  • May serve as a back up to more senior Sales Call Center management in their absence
  • Considerable Sales Management Experience in an inbound / outbound call center
  • B2B Sales Management experience preferred
  • General skill in the use of MS Office and other standard software applications required to perform the job duties
  • Manages customer service agents at a specified site
  • Review the daily statistics across all agents to ensure compliance with all set metrics and measurements of the call center
  • Manages all aspects of internal tracking systems and processes as assigned
  • Performs quality control reviews as needed
  • Manages vendors used in conjunction with departments under management as assigned
  • Strong customer service and advanced problem resolution skills
  • One to three years of Customer Service management experience
  • Comprehensive knowledge of technical aspects of HOA, including applicable legal, regulatory and accounting issues
  • Good working knowledge of MUB operations and support structure
  • Experience leading meetings and facilitating information exchange with internal and external business partners
  • Familiarity with budgeting and financial control
  • Demonstrated ability to overcome obstacles, gain consensus and implement solutions
  • Project management and analytical skills
  • Demonstrates the following core competencies: Deliver extraordinary customer experiences, drive for results, communicate effectively and professionally, balance risk with opportunity and influence and inspire others
  • Develop, lead and motivate the Customer Service Representatives through coaching and influencing to take accountability for assigned work. Contribute to the overall direction and management of the Call Center
  • Review work process to recommend and implement enhancements. Monitor employee productivity, and generate appropriate progress reports. Track and analyze key operating metrics
  • Ensure an excellent customer experience measured through quality monitoring that supports the business model including retaining and building customer satisfaction
  • Drive employee satisfaction through consistent communication, conducting effective team meetings and helping each team member feel a sense of confidence and control
  • Identify opportunities for improvement on work processes, formulate proposals and make recommendations
  • Build and maintain a strong working relationship with HR Business Partners, HR Leadership Team
  • Provide positive feedback, coaching and counseling to your employees, disciplinary actions as necessary. Plan, monitor and evaluate employee job performance, and conduct performance appraisals
  • Serve as a coach and mentor for those in the Shared Services Call Center team
  • Some international and domestic travel
  • Minimum of six (6) years relevant working experience and managerial experience
  • In depth experience with HR supporting technology, knowledge of the processes within the HR services organization
  • Results orientated, problem solving, (project) management, customer orientated
  • Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite, SAP
  • Ability to communicate at all levels, both written and verbally
  • Master’s Degree in Business Administration a plus
  • ADP Pro Business, PeopleSoft, and Lawson preferred
  • Demonstrated People Management skills
  • Analytical Thinker
  • Keen understanding of metrics
  • Demonstrated Problem Solving Skills
  • Ability to travel 1-2 international trips per year and travel 15% domestic trips
  • Manage a staff of Team Leads with direct reports
  • Establish and maintain training materials
  • Maintain liaison with all departments to keep abreast of policy and procedure changes
  • Assign work and ensure service level agreements are met
  • Represent the department on task forces and cross-functional teams
  • Oversee selection and training of staff
  • Supervise subordinates and perform formal reviews
  • Assist, guide, and train subordinate personnel in their assigned functions
  • Monitor and review Call Center programs used to measure department performance
  • Previous Call Center Management Experience Required
  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of property and casualty insurance and related documents
  • Licensed P&C agent
  • Must have experience with Microsoft Office products
  • Thorough knowledge of call center operations
  • BA or BS or equivalent experience required
  • Self-motivated and goal oriented
  • Able to communicate and work with senior management and staff
  • Able to train and develop new Vendor Compliance Reps
  • Works well with both staff and management
  • Able to triage calls, rapidly aiding customers and staff as needed
  • Patience and tolerance
  • Able to motivate staff and maintain a positive attitude
  • Must demonstrate good work ethics
  • Comfortable dealing with a wide variety of skill levels
  • Good public relations skills
  • Ability to defuse tense situations
  • Willingness to view overall corporate policy
  • Manage customer care center daily departmental operations as well as achievement of quality service level standards to ensure exceptional customer service
  • Hire, develop, coach, support and mentor staff members in order to maximize employee performance
  • Effectively set and monitor departmental goals, ensuring that both service level and budgetary targets are achieved
  • Seek out departmental process improvements, and encourage and reward employee ownership in the development and integration of new processes
  • May participate or lead customer service initiatives or projects
  • Serve as highest level escalation point, responsible for solving most complex customer service issues
  • Foster and facilitate inter-departmental communications and share best practices and process improvements
  • Completing employee performance plans and monthly evaluations
  • RECRUITER MUST EDIT BASED ON LOCATION: Bachelors/Degree or equivalent experience; Typically requires a minimum of 5-7 years experience in financial services industry or customer service environment with a minimum of 2 years in a leadership role. (AP, Canada, LAC, US) OR Professionally qualified or equivalent with related professional experience or equivalent combination of education and experience. (CEMEA)
  • Strong leadership and decision-making ability, able to demonstrate a business presence appropriate for client contact and staff interaction, and must possess a sound foundation in the customer assistance service industry
  • A proven track record for making sound business decisions, setting direction and managing goals to success, achieving high quality operational results and customer commitment
  • Ability to manage and lead independently
  • Project management and organizational skills are required
  • Proven attention to detail
  • Able to develop, support, and retain a diverse & high performing staff
  • Strong customer service focus is required
  • Advanced knowledge of the payments business, VISA operating procedures and all Visa product lines
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office products
  • Planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the activities of our strategic partnership with Capital One
  • Lead, manage, and oversee the operations of the Call Center, with special emphasis on customer care and experience
  • Develop strategies and tactics to ensure this Center reaches objectives
  • Drive increased NPS through focus on customers and customer care techniques
  • Develop call center/customer care policies and procedures that maximize productivity and profitability
  • Establish and ensure attainment of goals for customer satisfaction ratings, call center staff productivity, order and trouble shooting accuracy
  • Create and execute effective staffing model to meet stringent service level requirements
  • Provide timely feedback to Marketing on products
  • Minimum of 5-7 years management experience or equivalent experience in a Call Center environment where generating customer satisfaction is a key objective
  • Communication: excellent verbal, written, and listening skills
  • Interpersonal: ability to work effectively with others, including a diverse population
  • Problem solving: ability to constructively handle unexpected problems. Strong Analytical and mathematical skills
  • Decision making: ability to make sound decisions given the information available
  • Leadership: ability to lead people to accomplish objectives without creating hostility in the workplace. Takes initiative and demonstrates willingness to act with a sense of urgency
  • Subject-matter knowledge: customer satisfaction, clients, and systems
  • Bachelor’s degree preferred
  • Managing a team of call center representatives and directing their activities for the achievement of call center targets and goals
  • Developing and supervising a team of representatives and preparing their performance reports
  • Developing new lead targeting schemes, and scripting for the optimization of existing programs
  • Monitoring team performance to ensure that the call center goals are met and supporting call center quality and training efforts
  • Measuring and demonstrating the group productivity as well as the individual’s reports related to customer outcomes
  • Identifying and articulating reporting requirements, which includes targets, specific data, and anticipated outcomes
  • Identifying, recommending and supporting the implementation of various programs for the improvement of call center processes
  • Writing and conducting performance evaluations, making employment decisions, setting up performance goals and targets for assigned team
  • Promoting sales culture that encourages and ensures the staff satisfaction
  • Ability to maintain customer confidentiality
  • Solid communication skills and excellent interpersonal skills
  • Ability to think tactically and identify significant success factors
  • Previous experience with Call Center Management / Inside Sales is required
  • Knowledge of reprographics, large and small format printing is a plus

Scheduling / Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for direct supervision and leadership of 2-4 Team Leaders and their Teams
  • Maintains and improves scheduling center operations by monitoring system performance; identifying and resolving problems; preparing and completing action plans; completing system audits and analysis; managing system and process improvement, and quality assurance programs
  • Communicates job expectations by coaching and counseling employees and completes disciplinary action when required. Makes sure that policies and procedures are being followed
  • Meets Scheduling Center financial and performance objectives by estimating requirements, analyzing variances, and initiating corrective actions
  • Prepares Scheduling Center performance reports by collecting, analyzing and summarizing data and trends
  • Accomplishes organization goals by accepting ownership of new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments
  • Responds to Office New Patient issues and inquires quickly, professionally and accurately
  • Improve employee engagement and proactively identify opportunities to enhance the employee experience
  • Support communication and modeling of mission, vision, values and words to live by
  • Hours are flexible; priority given to those with flexibility to work evening hours and Saturdays
  • 5-7 years of call center management experience
  • Successful at managing teams of 40 or more agents
  • Proven ability to effectively and proactively manage change and implement process improvement
  • Previous experience with software packages including Excel, MS Word and Power Point
  • Previous experience working with call center software including ACD, QCM, and WFM products
  • Professional and efficient verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to effectively coach, train and develop Team Leaders and Scheduling Center Agents
  • Cooperative, professional and effective interaction skills with co-workers, company staff and visitors
  • Ability to prioritize and organize multiple tasks
  • Excellent analytical ability

National Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Associates Degree Required. Bachelor’s preferred
  • Minimum of 3 years call center and/or customer service experience
  • Strong interpersonal skills with student and staff populations
  • Superior organization, prioritization, and self-motivation skills
  • Strong computer skills. MS Office Suite
  • Ability to interact effectively as either a leader or as a member of a team and work collaboratively with other departments
  • Ability to listen to customers (e.g. staff, etc.) and to understand and respond positively to their requests
  • Ability to adapt to changing assignments and multiple priorities
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks and successfully meet deadlines
  • Eight years of management experience within a telephone call center operated by a government agency*. This experience must include directing and coordinating projects, or process improvement initiatives. It must also include two years of experience in direct staff supervision
  • A master’s degree may substitute for an additional one year of experience (equates to five years total experience)
  • Bachelor’s may substitute for up to four years of experience
  • Associate’s for up to two years of experience
  • A government agency is defined as a department, office, or commission that is part of the
  • Must be an excellent communicator, both interpersonally and in writing. This position requires a problem-solver who is quick thinking, detail-oriented, and able to manage conflict in a constructive positive manner
  • High proficiency with a variety of technologies and web-based applications. Must be proficient in Microsoft Office, particularly Word and Excel
  • Organized self-starter with at least five years of experience in the management of a diverse workforce. Must be able to apply WSF policies fairly and consistently across the board
  • A bachelor's degree involving major study in journalism, communications, public relations, or closely allied field
  • Strategically manages the call queue ( ITC/TCU's, DWPs, Compliance, Pipeline etc)
  • Resolves compliance & technical work items that drive intab performance
  • Maintains and monitors the pipeline (ensures it is assigned and reviewed daily)
  • Manages 10-15 Panel Relation Specialists (PRS)
  • Works with PRS to establish strong relationships with households during Habituation period
  • Coaches PRS on methodology & troubleshooting skills
  • Ensures metrics are met/exceeded
  • Applies compliance force-out rules on a daily basis
  • Reviews various discrepancy reports on a daily basis
  • Ensures appropriate staff in Habituation, Compliance & Service
  • Reviews and drives the quality of PRS work & productivity (utilization rate, bonus index, abandoned rate etc)
  • Escalates potential red files
  • Handles Research Studies & Cross Platform projects
  • Identifies process improvement & strategies to drive the business
  • Responsible for motivating staff & establishing strong cohesive teams
  • Determines the daily priorities of the market based on the broad objectives of the local management
  • Monitors and analyzes data which is reported from faulting homes. Determines appropriate corrective action
  • Manages PRSs: Provides supervision & direction to the PRS
  • Maintains adequate office staffing levels
  • Facilitates training of office personnel
  • Manages HR issues amongst staff
  • Demonstrate managerial fiscal responsibility
  • Reviews BE survey results, develops action plans based on results & monitors implementation of BE action plans
  • Drive employee satisfaction, moral & personnel development
  • Selects, trains, and develops an effective and efficient staff: Manages the timely departmental workflow and productivity as well as enhance Customer Support staff experience and knowledge
  • Develop tactical proposals for the department to support company initiatives
  • Manage and oversee call-tracking system. Develop and maintain customer satisfaction measurement tools and knowledge base program
  • Selects, trains, and develops an effective and efficient staff
  • Recommends salary adjustments, promotions, transfers and dismissals
  • Administers all Company policies and procedures, communicates to staff, interprets, as necessary, and ensures compliance and safety
  • Monitors and ensures that team members are performing their functions safely and productively. Makes recommendations for changes or improvement, when necessary, in order to prevent accident or injuries
  • Monitors department work productivity, reports on trends, and recommends and implements changes to continually improve work productivity
  • Develops staff and/or supervisors, if applicable, particularly in the management techniques of planning, organizing, leading and controlling through continued coaching and feedback on performance
  • Monitors service delivery and customer satisfaction levels
  • Ensures that operational and customer related functions of the Contact Center are completed timely, accurate and sufficient to meet standards
  • Meets with the key team members regularly to discuss and analyze productivity and service
  • Ensure continual improvement of productivity standards and team member performance in order to achieve all financial/budgetary and service goals
  • Formulates Contact Center administrative policies, identifies inconsistencies and develops action plans consistent with Stericycle’s Customer 1st vision
  • Ensures that client, representative and systems issues are escalated and communicated to the appropriate team, as required
  • Provides sound forecasting data
  • Reviews and works with Supervisors in developing an analyzing reports to monitor the overall operations and performance of the Contact Center (e.g. Quantify Data, Trending KPI’s, etc.)
  • Drives process improvement and client retention initiatives by utilizing continuous improvement practices
  • Education equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree or the equivalent in related work experience
  • Six or more years of progressive management experience in a high-volume Contact Center environment with proven ability to manage and supervisor level in addition to front-lint staff
  • Demonstrates superior customer service skills and knowledge of Continuous Quality Improvement practices. Demonstrates the ability to manage within an established budget as well as strong knowledge of budgetary processes, P&L statements, asset management, and project management
  • Demonstrates intermediate to advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office products including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook
  • Must be able to input, monitor and manipulate data within these applications
  • Provides proactive management and support to the Call Center Team by
  • Associate’s degree (A.A.) or equivalent from two-year college or technical school or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Five years customer service experience, strong interpersonal and communication skills and three years management experience
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office products including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
  • Knowledge and understanding of branch banking and operations software applications
  • Excellent organizational skills, attention-to-detail and ability to effectively prioritize and follow- up in a timely manner required
  • Ability to work non-traditional shifts to ensure departmental goals are achieved
  • Ability to work with Cisco Unified Call Manager
  • Certifications and Licenses

Call Center Manager, BPO Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop and maintain strong partnerships with all levels of the call center vendor leadership team through weekly meetings with Sr. Team Lead and Sr. Operations Manager
  • Visit vendor centers monthly for up to one week to validate performance and maintain partnership
  • Participate in weekly meetings with vendor and Sephora teams, including Operations, Workforce Management, Team Lead, Training, and Quality Adherence
  • Coordinate cross-functional subject matter experts to participate in meetings/conference calls as needed
  • Partner with Sephora Client Service Training, Quality, and Call Center leadership teams to ensure compliance from and provide guidance to vendor on items discussed in function-specific meetings
  • 7+ years of call center, customer service, or equivalent experience required
  • Vendor management experience preferred
  • Ability to travel to vendor sites up to 25% of time
  • Outstanding interpersonal skills and ability to develop and maintain positive relationships with business partners at all levels, from call center agents to leadership team
  • Remain poised and professional…and thrive in an environment that is customer-focused, fast-paced, rapidly changing, and occasionally ambiguous
  • Strong attention to detail and exceptional follow-up skills
  • Self-manages multiple projects within tight timeframes and dynamic priorities
  • Proven record in providing an exceptional client experience
  • Strong critical thinking and problem solving skills with the ability to make quick, accurate, creative, and appropriate decisions
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office applications such Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook
  • Must be able to work a flexible schedule as the business requires

Clinical Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supervises and directs daily operations of the Regional Access Services Call Center which provides 24 hours a day seven days a week service. Daily operations are regional in scope and include medical advice, paging services, pap tracking services, and appointment making for Primary, Specialty and Ancillary Services. This includes: Managing schedule requirements. Resource to all staff. Resolving problems raised by members and providers. Ensure monitoring requirements are met. Ensure medical advice acts as extension of Health Care Team. Oversees supervisor liaison program to medical facilities to promote continuing co-operation/interaction of the Clinical Call Center, HCT and providers. Solicits physician input, feedback, and satisfaction as an extension of the HCT on an ongoing basis
  • Assists in the management of direct reports including the selection, development, support, and mentoring of nursing and clerical supervisors
  • Facilitates supervisor communications and promotes consistency across all RAS operations to better meet member needs
  • Works with Human Resources and direct report Supervisors in the recruitment, hiring, orientation, disciplining, counseling and evaluation of staff
  • Works with the Call Center Analyst to develop and interpret accurate and useful data on phone performance. Uses data to establish individual, team and department performance standards. Evaluate individual, team and department performance; uses data to motivate staff to meet, sustain and surpass performance goals
  • Works with Assistant Call Center Administrators, analysts, and QA department to identify trends, develop QA programs based on areas requiring improvement
  • Works with Medical Center Administrators, Clinic Coordinators and physicians to investigate and resolve patient concerns. Handles exceptions to routine clinical call center procedures to accommodate member needs; transmits information to staff regarding center changes i.e.: staffing, contract points, phone numbers, and procedures as needed
  • Responsible for implementing the disaster recovery systems to ensure that service to members continues with minimum disruption when phone systems, electricity, and mainframe computers go down. Requires assessment and diagnosis of problems, directing and escalating resolution to a variety of departments, vendors, and public utilities, activating backup systems, notifying the rest of the region, moving center staff to the emergency sites and resuming normal operations when systems return to service
  • Responsible for Clinical Call Center on-call rotation to serve as a resource for Clinical Call Center staff
  • Provides input into developing annual budget proposals
  • When needed, works with Union Representatives and Shop Stewards to resolve contract issues; disciplinary action resolution; and resolution of employee grievances
  • Provides assistance with input and reviews of all staff evaluations done by supervisors
  • Organizes and conducts supervisory meetings and may participate in staff meetings
  • Actively participates in the Labor Management Partnership
  • Minimum two (2) years of supervisory experience required, some portion of which must have involved significant volume phone operations and/or appointment booking; demonstrated leadership ability with proven record of producing results, satisfying customers, meeting performance goals, and incentivizing staff; experience supervising or leading employers required
  • Minimum one (1) year of experience interpreting or using statistical reports to measure and evaluate individual and group performance required
  • Minimum one (1) year of Call Center, health care, or customer service experience preferred
  • Experience with telephony, PCs, queuing theory, forecasting, and scheduling
  • RN license for appropriate jurisdiction for nurse applicants preferred
  • Familiar with use and interpretation of quantitative statistical reports and analysis
  • Computer literacy (spreadsheets)
  • Understanding of health care organization, provider needs highly

Call Center Manager of Customer Service Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of 5 years progressive experience in a call center environment
  • Minimum of 5 years’ experience in the health care industry
  • Minimum of a high school diploma; BA or BS preferred
  • Knowledge of Managed Care processes
  • Strong knowledge of Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
  • Critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze and present data
  • Ability to lead a team and demonstrate the company culture
  • Ability to communicate with all levels of employees within the Company
  • Ability to read and analyze a wide range of reports relating to the performance of the call center
  • Ability to effectively manage the call center team, but setting and managing goals and targets
  • Maintain a professional demeanor with team and clients
  • Continue to grow and expand knowledge base by attending trainings and educational workshops
  • 3+ years of experience in a call center manager role
  • Experience in the healthcare industry is a plus!
  • Experience in an inbound call center
  • Experience with employee development and management

Customer Service Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage and improve operational processes, policies, and systems in support of the organization’s mission and to improve efficiency and quality
  • Work closely with other departments within to ensure effective execution of new programs and offers
  • Negotiate and coordinate with vendors and suppliers, as needed
  • Excellent computer skills and proficient in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook
  • Experience in customer service improvement in a call center environment
  • Demonstrated leadership in managing people and projects
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and a collaborative management style
  • A demonstrated commitment to high professional ethical standards and a diverse workplace
  • Ability to look at situations from several points of view and make good judgment calls
  • Persuasive/influential regarding details and facts
  • Process improvement minded
  • Delegate responsibilities effectively
  • At least 5 years experience in operations management in call center and customer service management
  • Optical experience is preferred but is not required
  • Facilitates the development and implementation of goals and performance standards
  • Manages processes and projects that are aligned directly to operational goals and budgets
  • Works closely with the appropriate parties to implement high level quality and performance management initiatives
  • Ensures corporate initiatives are implemented to achieve optimum results
  • Establishes objectives, schedules, and cost data of business function being managed
  • Applies a comprehensive knowledge of a particular field of specialization to the completion of assignments
  • Directs, develops and implements appropriate changes in area(s) policy and procedures under the guidance of the Sr Manager and/or Director
  • Acts in a Liaison Capacity with other areas and business units to implement and communicate business strategy as it relates to Operations
  • Responsible for managing and oversight of training and reference materials including content, work instructions, and tools necessary for associates consumption
  • Identify, implement, participate, and lead process improvement initiatives
  • Manages or oversees new implementations for the business like expansions or integrations
  • Acts as a subject matter expert for the lines of business assigned
  • Required 5+ years of experience in a related field based on operational area
  • Required 2+ years experience in leading/supervising others
  • Preferred Other Previous experience in a healthcare environment
  • Required Other Strong experience in the areas of customer service and Call Center management at the leadership level, and a deep understanding of interrelationships between Call Center, Health Services, Provider Relations, Sales, Vendors, and Claims and their impact on the success of the health plan as a whole
  • Preferred 6 months of experience in Project management
  • Intermediate Ability to lead/manage others
  • Intermediate Demonstrated analytical skills
  • Intermediate Ability to drive multiple projects
  • Intermediate Demonstrated project management skills
  • Develops call center systems by developing customer interaction and voice response systems, and voice networks; designing user interfaces; developing and executing user acceptance test plans; planning and controlling implementations
  • Meets call center financial objectives by estimating requirements; preparing an annual budget; scheduling expenditures; analyzing variances; initiating corrective actions
  • Perform any other duties as assigned to deliver impactful results and add value to the organization
  • At least 7 years of experience in Call Center management, and services delivery functions
  • At least 5 years of management level
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in any field
  • Superior interpersonal and communication skill in English and Thai, both written and spoken
  • Understanding of point-of-sale payment terminals and solutions is a plus
  • Understanding of EDC payment terminal app is a plus
  • Understanding of the SQL or MS Access database is a plus
  • Provide proactive solutions to sustain and Timely Decision Making
  • Demonstrated ability to think strategically, turn information into effective strategies to support business needs
  • Demonstrates good judgment in selecting methods and techniques for obtaining solutions
  • Ability to work independently and within a team environment
  • Strong organizational and multitasking capabilities
  • Ability to work in a fast pace environment is a plus
  • Ability to work effectively in a complex and dynamic environment
  • Analytical skills to solve complex problems
  • Ensure callers are treated with courtesy while respecting the callers’ rights to privacy
  • Correctly enter data into software system to record transportation type, pickup time, appointment times, addresses, provider assigned, etc
  • Meet or exceed established performance requirements
  • Adhere to work schedule in order to handle the call volume and contractual requirements
  • Interview and staff call center
  • Manage call center operations
  • Ensure compliance with state and regulatory requirements
  • Identify new opportunities for process development
  • Develop and implement interventions to address deficiencies and negative trends
  • Oversee and monitor performance and productivity standards for the department against contractual and corporate standards
  • Participate in recruitment efforts and training of Member Service Representatives and supporting staff as applicable
  • Maintain, develops and enforces department and company policies and procedures
  • Supervise and lead all direct reports
  • Complete Monthly Coaching Sessions, Performance Evaluations, counseling and disciplinary actions in a timely manner
  • Conduct face to face interactions with members as needed
  • Participate on workgroups and/or committees at plan or enterprise level
  • Produces regulatory reporting, including execution of internal/external Corrective Action Plans
  • Participate in audits including but not limited to state, internal compliance, NCQA and HEDIS as applicable
  • Handles special projects or other duties as assigned
  • Minimum of 3 years call center operations supervisory or managerial or related experience
  • Experience working with regulatory agencies such as state, Federal agencies or NCQA
  • Experience working in managed healthcare or claims processing
  • Leads supervisors and agents in a positive and progressive manner while driving required production
  • Demonstrates proficiency in the navigation of the dialer, which includes, but is not limited to, facilitating assistance with agents log on's, monitors agents calls for script adherence and coaching agent on techniques to improve sales skills (minimum of five coachings per week required), looks up call history, monitors time zones, loads leads, and coaches and develops agents generally on script compliance to meet or exceed sales objectives
  • Aids the Floor Manager in coaching, training, and ensuring minimum weekly booking standards of each agent and team
  • Responsible for weekly supervisor accountability reports
  • Ensures legal compliance in all facets of operations
  • Manages supervisors and team members and provide supportive leadership for all aspects of operations
  • Maintains working knowledge of all company programs and resorts and is well-versed in all facets of the packages offered
  • Monitors agent calls for script adherence and coaching agents on techniques to improve sales skills
  • Provides individual and group training as needed based on work product evaluation
  • Ensures timekeeping accuracy in Oracle for all team members and prepares payroll and commissions
  • Ensures compliance in rules of dialing, script adherence, representations by agents, verifications of all packages, reservation procedures and, in general, company policies and procedures and adheres to general guidelines as they relate to the Do Not Call List and adheres to all company qualifications
  • Manages priorities and activities of all marketing channels
  • Communicates effectively to supervisors and agents new direction, policies and communications from senior management
  • Reviews and communicates to supervisors and agents budget shortfalls and develops action plans to meet requirements
  • Provides reporting and analytical statistics, prepares reports on production and fiscal metrics
  • A minimum of six (6) months of experience in the customer service field required
  • Ability to be highly self-motivated
  • Able to maintain confidentiality in all facets
  • Able to work in a fast-paced environment
  • Ability to maintain a flexible work schedule including but not limited to, mornings, evenings, weekends, and holidays
  • Must be able to operate general office machinery, (i.e. phone, computer, copy machine, fax machine)
  • Ability to take initiative and effectively adapt to changes
  • Able to use sound judgment; work independently, with minimal supervision
  • Competent in public speaking
  • In conjunction with the Sales and Marketing leaders, design and create a training program for call center associates to include written training materials
  • Designs and reports individual and departmental performance metrics for continuous improvements
  • Ensures that work resources are reviewed and updated as needed
  • Provide insight and analytics to identify root cause of challenges and partner with business process owners to drive resolution
  • Ensure cross functional collaboration to drive performance
  • Bachelor's degree in business or related field of study (i.e. Accounting or Communication) and minimum of 2 years management experience in insurance or call center industry
  • In lieu of a degree, minimum of 5 years’ experience in insurance or call center industry including 2 years of management experience
  • Excellent time management skills and ability to multi-task and prioritize
  • Advanced PC skills with a working knowledge of spreadsheets

Claims Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Communicate effectively with internal and external customers via various channels
  • Diffuse escalated situations and address issues and/or complaints
  • Achieve an understanding of various processes and technologies and remain current on constant updates
  • Measure performance and create/execute improvement plans and goals as needed
  • Analyze call center data to form conclusions and recommendations
  • Actively identify areas for continuous improvement and communicate ideas on implementation
  • Oversee the daily, weekly and monthly planning to ensure call center goals and metrics are met
  • Facilitate and delegate special projects
  • Assist with day-to-day call center duties, including front-line duties, as needed
  • Interview and hire qualified call center candidates
  • Manage own career development by soliciting feedback and valuing other perspectives
  • Bachelor's Degree or in-lieu of degree equivalent education, training and work-related experience
  • 3+ years of experience in a call center environment
  • 5+ years of experience as a supervisor, manager and/or leader
  • Possess a practical understanding of workforce management (i.e. calculate necessary staffing to meet department goals, desired output and desired expenses)
  • Effective organizational and time management skills with the ability to work under pressure, adhere to project deadlines, multi-task and pay attention to detail
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to establish working relationships with individuals at varying levels within the organization and contribute to a positive work environment
  • Ability to travel up to 10% of time
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) and basic internet skills
  • Ability to problem solve, think strategically, make decisions and empathize with others
  • Must possess effective verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to work independently with little supervision; a self-starter attitude
  • High degree of initiative, mature judgment, personal accountability and discretion
  • Possess solid knowledge of structure, functions, flow and procedures of the Claims Call Center and how it connects to the Claims Department as a whole
  • 5+ years of experience in the Insurance Industry
  • Obtain and maintain appropriate licensing, professional designations and/or educational requirements (i.e. Active Property & Casualty License)
  • Ability to speak Spanish (Bilingual)

Fs-call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • The incumbent has indirect responsibilities for approximately 200 employees, and direct responsibilities for 50+ employees, while managing the daily operation of the Call Center
  • Ensures the highest caliber of candidates is hired for the Call Center. Works with the HR training staff to make certain that employees are properly trained. Continually monitors and evaluates employee performance, to ensure employees move through the progression career path
  • Ensures all regulatory changes or additions are implemented in the department on time and all staff is properly trained
  • Monitors loan origination and cross-selling opportunity of the Call Center Representatives. Involved in the escalation process for loan appeals and makes appropriate and expeditious recommendations that are referred to the Centralized Lending department for final decisioning
  • Ensures quality controls are in place to actively monitor loan origination and cross-selling efforts. Analyzes and reviews loans to identify trends and recommends up training for employees as needed
  • The stress level in a high volume, high activity loan/call center can be substantial. The incumbent is expected to operate at a highly effective level in spite of significant work pressure. The incumbent is expected to be aware of stress levels amongst employees and facilitate processes that will help provide either temporary or long-term relief
  • Monitors adherence to lending policies, regulations, and service level standards. Provides monthly reports encompassing each of these items to Senior Management
  • Opens doors and eliminates unnecessary barriers that limit the Call Center’s performance and leverages networks to obtain resources and support in order to get the job done. The incumbent is always available for direct member contact for handling unusual problems and complaints
  • Manages the day-to-day operations of the Call Center, which includes performing in depth analysis of staffing needs, reviewing extraordinary transactions, resolving member issues, managing employee conflict, and developing trend analysis regarding member demands. Has to be forward thinking for future development for the Call Center
  • Leads the preparation and publication of business cases/project analysis focused on proactive identification of operational efficiencies, resource planning requirements, and innovative technology solutions to include detailed productivity analysis, capacity planning, relevant ratios and measures for all alternatives required to make intelligent business decisions
  • Coordinates with Supervisors to ensure schedule adherence. Manages ASA, AHT, ACW, abandoned rate and service level ratios along with other important measurement standards to meet business objectives
  • Uses input from employee and member suggestions to improve service and processes
  • Have daily staff meetings to resolve issues impacting Call Center operations and ensure that all members with issues are contacted by the end of the business day
  • Ensures the completion of employee performance appraisals in a timely manner
  • Develops objectives for the team through team and individual goal setting sessions in the area of service standards. Performs the functions of project management for required programs
  • Challenges and supports employees in their development, and uses individuals’ capabilities and potential for the benefit of the team
  • Acts as a role model by taking ownership of personal career, vigorously pursuing own technical and professional development, seeking feedback from others, taking developmental risks, and/or sharing personal leanings with team
  • Have interactions with all levels of management, all departments, all branch locations, members and sometimes members of the Board of Directors
  • Incumbent might be called upon to represent VyStar at various public functions
  • The incumbent is expected to make decisions, in a team environment, that are in the best interest of VyStar and the member
  • The incumbent determines what call volume adjustments should be as the result of marketing programs, other department activities, seasonal trends, etc. Judgment is used in the cost effective scheduling of employees
  • Integrates many pieces of diverse information into a framework that helps explain the reason for a situation, enhances decision-making, or helps others understand the “big picture”
  • Consults with the VP Call Center on an as needed basis to discuss staffing issues, performance issues, policy issues and/or member issues
  • Actively involved in at least one civic organization and be a volunteer for one non-profit community project each year that assists the enhancement of our community in which VyStar operates
  • Actively involved in at least one function that enhances the image of VyStar or the credit union movement within the local, state, or national political arena
  • Connect Consistently be friendly and approachable. Demonstrate your care
  • Counsel Recommend solutions based on your member’s needs and objectives
  • Advance Ensure that member’s expectations were exceeded
  • A minimum of 3-5 years managerial experience in a financial institution is required, preferably in a high volume call center. The incumbent must have working knowledge of Call Center operations, job functions within a Call Center, prior experience with Call Center management systems and scheduling forecasting systems
  • Must be knowledgeable of leading edge call center communications systems, and thoroughly understand the economic impact call centers have on financial success of organizations
  • Strong analytical abilities with proven leadership skills required
  • The incumbent must possess a working knowledge of financial institution operations, a congenial attitude in dealing with people
  • Must be able to work in a team environment, handle member complaints, exercise sound judgment, evaluate complex technical information, and make and communicate decisions effectively
  • The incumbent must have strong proven analytical, organizational, problem solving, communication and time management skills
  • They must be detail oriented, self-motivated, and work well in a team environment
  • Prior experience in a Call Center management role, with experience including but not limited to credit scoring methodologies, underwriting, automated lending systems, and trend analysis is required
  • Assuming the above minimum experience, the incumbent would need six months to become functional in the position
  • Must be PC literate. Knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, etc) is preferred
  • Develop a culture of providing outstanding customer service
  • Develop call volume and manpower requirements in conjunction with the Contact Center Director
  • Make necessary changes in the staffing schedule based on day of week, sales promotions and Aspect data
  • Provide training for agents, insuring consistent application of company and client processes and procedures
  • Monitor and review individual productivity and quality of the Call Center customer service representatives and meet performance goals
  • Monitor, review and meet group productivity and quality performance goals
  • Monitor and review service calls to observe employee demeanor, technical accuracy, and conformity to company policies
  • Monitor calls to improve quality, minimize errors, and track operative performance
  • Develop an excellent relationship with Human Resources to insure consistent application of company policy, practices, and benefits
  • Foster and maintain excellent working relationships with the Client Services, Warehouse Operations, and Louisiana, MO Call Center
  • Develop agents through coaching and other motivational methods
  • Education includes an Associate Degree or higher
  • Strong verbal and analytical skills
  • Strong leadership and decision making abilities
  • Operational knowledge of Word Processing and Excel
  • Training Experience preferred
  • Report and communicate effectively across the organization
  • Effectively manage customer issues, working directly with suppliers and/or other departments as necessary to resolve problems
  • Provide ongoing feedback to Customer Service Representatives regarding performance (both positive and negative)
  • Identify communication gaps and effectively work to eliminate them by monitoring phone and e-mails in Que
  • Move Customer Service Representatives according to workloads within ques by creating reports to monitor and creating changes where needed
  • Assist with calls/customers as needed
  • Manage Customer Service Representative Schedule’s on a daily basis for arrival, breaks, lunch and departure as well as vacation and personal time usage
  • Identify and execute on process improvement plans to continually enhance top levels and efficiencies of the Customer Service Department
  • Efficiently work and manage assigned project tasks to meet established objectives
  • Regularly work with other departments, experts, vendors, customers, etc., both internal and external to the company, as necessary
  • Escalate issues appropriately with respect to business impact
  • Display patience with vendors and/or customers who make demands
  • Listen non-defensively and be open to constructive criticism; ask questions to clarify concerns
  • Confront difficult situations; maintains objectivity and keeps emotions under control in stressful situations
  • Create a clear definition of work to be delivered; ensure that delivery meets the given timeframe
  • Maintain files on each representative pertaining to attendance, production and reviews
  • Maintain open lines of communication to help foster a partnership
  • All other duties assigned by the Director of Customer Service
  • Degree in Business preferred, or 5+ years of equivalent experience required working various business functions
  • Minimum 2 years’ experience required working in a client relationship management role; experience in automotive aftermarket preferred
  • Ability to multi-task and manage multiple priorities in a deadline driven environment while remaining organized
  • Must be self-motivated and detail oriented
  • Independent judgement is required to plan, prioritize, organize and accomplish diversified work objectives
  • Excellent external and internal customer service skills
  • Build call center metrics for the team and each individual Call Center Representative
  • Monthly reps one-on-ones, business analysis, business planning
  • Answer customer calls, provide basic IT troubleshooting and open tickets as needed
  • Monitor call queues to meet performance standards and service levels for remote network resolution and timely technician dispatch
  • Ensure standard telephone techniques are used by the Customer Care Center team by monitoring calls and emphasizing professional customer service
  • Ensure proper service request documentation and management by the Customer Care Team
  • Maintain Customer Care Center team attendance, develop and implement Customer Care Team schedules to provide required coverage and service for customers
  • Provide support and coaching for the Customer Care Center team to respond to service requests with accurate and timely solutions on a day to day basis
  • Implement and contribute to the development of IT Service Management and ITIL processes to optimize performance and service delivered to customers
  • Be the escalation point to resolve day to day challenges for Customer Care Center team and customers
  • Evaluate, develop and ensure training of the Customer Care Center team
  • Ensure continuous communication from the Customer Care Center team to the customers until service requests are completed to the customer's satisfaction
  • Pro-actively review aged calls on a daily basis to ensure response times meet service levels and parts are received within 3 days
  • Demonstrate a high level of professionalism and efficiency to minimize customer anxiety and maximize customer satisfaction
  • Run reports, track data and report to Management as required
  • Support and assist the Field Service Managers and other internal entities as needed
  • People Management and Development
  • IT troubleshooting and analytical skills
  • IT Service Management and ITIL process development and implementation
  • Computer skills including Microsoft Office Products
  • Attentive to details and highly organized
  • Critical thinking skills to assist in problem-solving
  • Ability to handle more than one responsibility at a time
  • Over 5 years of service desk or customer service related experience in a call center environment
  • Over 5 years experience in direct supervision of a team of 10 or more in a call center environment
  • Shoulders primary responsibility for ensuring the highest quality customer experience for all contacts
  • Accountable for building internal and external customer loyalty by providing outstanding service which meets or exceeds quality, time service, and fiduciary expectations
  • Develops, coaches and motivates a team of supervisors to ensure all key metrics are met
  • Uses creativity and innovation to provide the training and skill maintenance programs required to meet and exceed customer needs
  • Establishes collaborative partnerships with all levels within the company to be recognized as a center of excellence for the entire customer experience
  • Ensures departmental compliance with applicable regulations, policies and guidelines
  • Develops company programs and marketing campaigns designed to increase revenue, persistency, conservation, re-enrollments and retention
  • Leads or participates in work teams that identify and execute plans which result in new or improved operations and programs
  • Other related duties as assigned or required
  • 8+ years relevant call center experience
  • 3+ years of people management experience
  • Able to obtain FINRA 6 & 26 Licenses within 4 months of employment
  • Bachelor's degree in related field or equivalent experience
  • This position will involve leading a large call center team (100+) which provides customer service to agents and policyholders on insurance related products. The person in this role will be the face of the team to the end (insurance company) customer
  • Responsible for ensuring continued stabilization of processes and defining standard operating procedures. The incumbent will be responsible for developing operational and tactical plans to ensure adherence to contractual service level agreements
  • Ensures team is effectively staffed to meet required client service levels. Ensures optimal capacity utilization
  • Position involves a high level of client interaction and senior management interaction
  • Coordinate customer-client escalations. Manage work volume, headcount forecast, and cost-revenue analysis
  • Anticipates operational issues and develops preventative measures
  • We require all managers and associates to think 80/20. This means focusing on the 20% of the work that drives 80% of the value. In other words, always apply your effort where it will maximize output. You will be expected to prioritize all your projects using the 80/20 filter
  • 30/30: Implement policies, standards, performance criteria and metrics to continuously improve productivity, service quality, and client and associate retention
  • On any project, we aim to reduce waste by 30% and increase productivity by 30%. While most companies might only focus on reducing expenses and cutting costs, we give equal attention to ways of improving throughput
  • 90/10: Provide daily leadership, management and coaching of multi-site service and call center operations teams
  • At Solera, managers and associates are expected to take 90% of accountability for projects, with the remaining 10% assigned to colleagues. As an individual, you are encouraged to manage up – rather than waiting to be managed down, or avoiding responsibility completely
  • Analyze call center metrics, service levels and other performance indicators and recommend initiatives toimprove service levels, the work environment and to reduce expenses
  • Build and maintain effective relationships with clients and serve as the escalation point with clients when necessary
  • Partner with other cross functional leadership teams whose support is critical to insure service, quality and other company wide goals are attained: Development, Sales, Product Management, Human Resources, IT, etc
  • Manage employee satisfaction thru frequent communication, goal setting, performance management and creating a positive environment of trust and clear expectations
  • BA/BS degree required
  • Minimum of 5-7 years of senior level management experience in high volume, fast paced customer service and telecommunications/call centers with teams of 70+ employees
  • Strong history of managing multi-functional teams across multiple locations and levels
  • Must have comprehensive understanding of service and call center metrics (to include KPIs) and technologies
  • Must be responsive to customer needs, possess a passion for quality and constantly raising the bar, and have a history of strong results
  • Must have experience managing and mentoring staff, providing constructive feedback and coaching, administering H.R. policies, conducting constructive performance reviews, and disciplinary processes
  • Must have compelling communication and influencing skills to win the support of senior management and influence strategic decisions
  • Must have strong analytical and customer service skills
  • Must have advanced computer skills (MS Word, Excel, PPT, and Outlook)
  • Must be willing to travel moderately (40%) by car/air with overnights required
  • Must be able to maintain confidentiality at all times
  • Manages, directs and ensures accurate scheduling of physician schedules
  • Hires, trains, monitors and evaluates staff
  • Oversees orientation/training including cross-training requirements to ensure staff availability/coverage requirements caused by vacations, sickness, peak loads
  • Monitor the accurateness of patient records and documentation of patient visits
  • Ensures positive customer service atmosphere and patient interactions
  • Performs scheduling and medical records tasks as needed
  • Promote a positive work environment and team spirit
  • Oversee Mason Messenger program to include monitoring overall program and who is calling when
  • Analyze historical data and current year statistics to include suggestions, recommendations, and solutions to running a more efficient call program
  • Responsible for productivity of calling campaigns, metrics that include total pledges/total dollars secured, contract completes and/or hours, completes per hour, and other internal budget metrics
  • Monitoring, measuring, and taking action when performance is not on pace to achieve key metrics
  • Enforcement of call centers policies and procedures
  • Devise ways to optimize procedures and keep staff motivated
  • Manage phonathon supervisor(s)
  • Recruit, hire, and maintain records of Call Center managers/students
  • Based on analysis of past calling, develop calling schedule
  • Upload appropriate data to Call Center database for student callers
  • Write scripts for students to use when calling various segments
  • Staff the Call Center on nights when students are calling
  • Serve as a liaison between Call Center and the Office of Annual Giving
  • Provide analysis of overall program on a weekly basis to the Director
  • Run and print pledge reminders to send to donors
  • Generate creative new ideas to keep student callers engaged
  • Tabulate and report gift data, including data analysis of calling segments with year-to-year comparisons
  • Create and run reports that will show weekly calling progress in a clear, concise manner to be presented to the Director
  • Work with Development Officers to provide stats, when requested; and
  • Handle all space and equipment issues related to the Call Center
  • Bachelor’s degree, or an equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Demonstrated experience working directly in call centers, university advancement, development, or college admissions
  • Knowledge of Campus Call software
  • Must be willing to be a team player and perform other duties as assigned
  • Computer literacy with Microsoft Office suite, and Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop
  • Be self-motivated, work well under pressure, and have the ability to multitask
  • Excellent written communication, and research and organizational skills
  • Ability to work in autonomous capacity, demonstrating professional and self-motivated qualities that enable achievement of personal and professional goals
  • Ability to analyze statistics and offer insight into statistical trending of call center/project
  • Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Office products
  • Demonstrated ability to learn new software quickly
  • Entrepreneurial skills and the ability to take ownership of calling centers, utilizing innovation and creativity to advance and improve productivity, are essential
  • Provide effective follow-up and follow-through regarding individual and team performance
  • Ability to reduce issues to core elements, and develop solutions using problem-solving and analytical skills
  • Must be able to work in an environment where the noise level is moderate; and
  • Ability to work nights and weekends, with typical work hours of 11:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m
  • Managerial or leadership experience working directly in a higher education fundraising focused calling center
  • Ensures adequate phone coverage including making decisions regarding scheduling changes
  • Evaluates the quality of customer service associates’ calls from customers; provides feedback to reps on strengths and areas for improvement
  • Serves as an escalation point for resolving the most difficult customer issues
  • Provides coaching and mentoring to contact center supervisors and team leads and occasionally to customer service representatives
  • Coordinates customer service activities with other internal functions
  • Tracks and reports contact center performance against objectives and goals, i.e., quality, call volume, customer satisfaction, etc
  • May serve as a backup to more senior customer service management in their absence
  • Describe your background and qualifications and why you believe you would be a good fit for this position at he FCVC
  • In your most recent position, how was service excellence emphasized?
  • Describe a situation in which a customer or colleague was upset and the steps you took to resolve the issue to reasonable conclusion
  • Identify and plan staffing consistent with needs of patient population and budgetary requirements, accounting for growth within the Frankel CVC Clinics and Call Center
  • Bachelor degree in Health Services Administration, Public Health or related area
  • Two or more years of experience in an ambulatory care setting, including clinics/physician offices, or similar setting
  • Two or more years of experience in a cardiovascular service line
  • Experience working with a variety of roles, including faculty, advanced practice nurses, RNs and clerical/administrative personnel
  • Knowledge of University policies, rules, and regulations
  • Knowledge of Aspect phone system
  • Knowledge of University systems, including MiChart/Cadece (EPIC), Careweb, Microsoft Outlook, Word and Excel
  • Directs all activities associated with a full agenda of an operating department’s day-to-day production regimen
  • Manages overall staff administration, including Permanent or Temporary employee staffing models, recruiting, performance management, salary administration, with oversight of exempt and non-exempt staff
  • Ensures adherence to departmental budget
  • Determines and maintains appropriate organizational structure and staffing levels, achieves production goals and financial goals, and coordinates with other operational departments as needed
  • Provides training, coaching, mentoring to staff as appropriate and provide development opportunities to meet the organization’s future needs
  • Acts as an escalation point for teams, supporting all customers to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction
  • Designs, implements, and manages necessary operational workflows; meet internal and external SLA’s (Service Level Agreements)
  • Prepares, produces, and delivers management reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly frequency
  • Acts in a management capacity and participate as a member of the Operations management team
  • Supports and administers various departmental and corporate policies consistent with the company’s core values and philosophies
  • Ability to work proficiently with Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point & Access
  • Ability to multi-task and prioritize
  • Ability to analyze information and use logic and process to address work-related issues and problems
  • Ability to provide direction and control to multiple teams; exhibit high initiative to get things accomplished; high organizational ability to juggle multiple priorities; proven leadership experience as a leader in charge
  • Ability to perform well in team environment, with staff at all levels, to achieve business goals
  • Ability to handle pressure and meet deadline-oriented project demands as well as manage multiple initiatives
  • Health care related certifications preferred, technical certifications preferred
  • 7+ yrs related work experience with 4+ yrs in a supervising role. Health care background preferred, technical experience preferred
  • Trains and develops associates to increase effectiveness, quality of service, and customer retention
  • Directs all function-related activities within the scope of the operations. Defines and recommends objectives, develops short and long term plans and programs to support company goals and budgets
  • Ensures continuous review and analysis of processes and procedures to identify and implement operational improvements to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction
  • Develops audit and quality assurance programs and strategies to ensure efficiency, quality of service and customer retention
  • Resolves customer problems escalated by supervisors
  • Ensures adequate staffing and productivity level to meet or exceed required performance standards
  • Ensures compliance with policies and procedures
  • Bachelor’s degree and 3+ years of customer service operations experience required, or an equivalent combination of education and experience 1+ years of supervisory experience required
  • Strong communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to analyze processes, enact change, and think strategically to achieve business goals
  • Ability to successfully manage large groups of people and strong leadership skills
  • Ability to create an environment of high trust and high morale
  • Physical Activity
  • % of time Standing 5%
  • Walking 10%
  • Sitting 75%
  • Using hands to touch, handle or feel 95%
  • Reaching with hands and arms 50%
  • Climbing or balancing 0%
  • Stooping, kneeling, crouching, crawling 5%
  • Talking or hearing 90%
  • Tasting or smelling 0%
  • Lifting Requirements Amount of Weight % of time
  • Up to 10 pounds 5%
  • Up to 25 pounds 1%
  • Up to 100 pounds 0%
  • More than 100 pounds 0%
  • Maintain an entrepreneurial, customer service environment
  • Successfully lead, build, and develop a team for modeling service excellence
  • Foster partnerships, while cultivating a self-directed team
  • Maintain associate payroll, benefit and performance information
  • Hire, coach, mentor and develop a team
  • Provide consumer resolutions in a call center/retail environment
  • Inspect furniture returns and exchanges
  • Proactively resolve escalated customer service issues
  • Execute warranty protection plans
  • Able to identify opportunities and find solutions for continuous improvement
  • Act as liaison between the customers, repair technicians and delivery teams
  • Communicate delivery concerns with the operation management team
  • Maintain repair technician vehicle records and product supplies
  • Minimum two years high volume retail or call center management experience
  • Consistently demonstrate professional communication and interpersonal skills
  • Out Bound Calling to policy holders explaining the policy details
  • Good People Management skills to manage large teams of voice resources
  • Should be able to manage customer escalations
  • Should be able to do RCA implementation
  • Should be able to manage Customer Weekly/Monthly reviews
  • Meeting and exceeding the customer service level agreements
  • Should be able to manage team issues and provide resolutions
  • Ensure meeting AHT as per the customer guidelines
  • Experience of Health insurance domain will be preferred
  • Should have relevant experience in to Out Bound calling
  • Should be flexible to work in longer shifts
  • Develop best practices and tools for project execution and management
  • Identify process improvements and procedural challenges, recommending appropriate solutions
  • Track project milestones and deliverables
  • Coach, mentor, motivate and supervise team members, and influence them to take positive, proactive action and accountability for their role
  • Ability to define problems collect data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions
  • Word, Excel, Email, Windows, PowerPoint, Client Systems
  • Effectively present information and respond to questions from groups of managers, clients, customers, and general public
  • Organizational and Time Management Skills
  • Mediation and Management Sills
  • Good leadership skills are necessary
  • Ability to review and calculate data
  • Minimum 1-2 year of experience Preferably with Out Bound calling at Supervisor role
  • Healthcare domain knowledge will be an added advantage
  • Prefer Bachelor’s degree or Associates in Finance or Accounting
  • Achieves monthly goals for all projects
  • Work and manage others in their work on accounts
  • Handles all incoming and outgoing correspondence within 48 hour of receipt
  • To automate, administer, manage, run and make reliable, trustworthy and dependable the processing of production
  • To integrate in production of the new application programs or data processing sequences
  • To configure and parameterize the production equipments
  • To automate the procedures of technical management and pattern matching of alarms
  • To define and implement the procedures of recovery in the event of incident and of restoration of the data. To define, implement and to follow the protection plan and the plans help
  • To implement the standards, standards, rules and procedures of the field to be administer, manage, run and take care of their application program
  • To prepare and upgrade the dashboards, the Handout, specification, instructions, information and the reference frames of production, to transfer knowledge
  • To analyze, treat and capitalize the incidents of production of level 2. To technically assist the administrator of application program and system Junior, the pilots of operations management and the wizards users
  • To formalize the reports of incident and the action plans and to ensure the implementation of it. To put in place, introduce, position rights to use and access, to maintain and put at day
  • Optimize measuring instruments of performance and to produce them referrers
  • To level the pieces of software and the products, to apply the patches. To take part in the projects of change
  • Qualification: Engineering or equivalent degree; Relevant working experience of 7-8 years in Infrastructure Management
  • Must have experience in Technology Solution Design
  • Train and develop direct reports to excel in leadership, improve performance and provide excellent service to all customers while meeting performance goals. This will include developing ongoing leadership training and delivering this training as needed
  • Ensure that Team Leaders are setting/achieving daily goals for their team and actively coaching to those goals to maximize short-term and long-term success
  • Monitor and review work of Team Leaders and Delight Associates to ensure it is within company standards. This includes measuring the use of tools such as QA results and side-by-side monitoring in order to create development plans to address any deficiencies
  • Ensure all company-wide initiatives are implemented in a way that elicits buy-in from direct and indirect reports, maximizes impact, and contributes to meeting or exceeding company goals
  • Review and analyze overall departmental performance, work plans and staffing levels. Adjust game plan and strategies daily based on trends in the business
  • Partner with Human Resources on recruiting, screening, and hiring processes ahead of need and to attract the targeted candidates that embody the Stella & Dot culture
  • Provide proactive leadership to the team to achieve high levels of Customer Service in a manner consistent with Stella & Dot’s vision and values
  • Evaluate performance of direct and indirect reports and provide feedback consistently and in a timely manner based on both observations of performance and behavior and the review of company statistics
  • The duties and responsibilities listed are intended to provide general guidelines and parameters for the job and are not intended to be a comprehensive, detailed description of the job
  • Progressive and successful track record in a call center environment with at least 5+ years of supervisory experience. 2+ years direct experience with contact center channels including phones, chat, email and social media. Salesforce experience a plus
  • Passion for ongoing development of people and assessment of talent
  • Strategic focus with strong analytical skills and problem solving abilities
  • Excellent motivation and team building skills
  • Ability to learn multiple brands in different verticals of business
  • Intermediate level experience with Excel
  • Knowledge of Workforce Management principles associated with developing proper staffing models preferred
  • Bachelor Degree highly preferred
  • Prior direct sales experience a plus
  • Meet or exceed Customer Service operational goals and statistics
  • Ensure efficient “throughput” of work within and across the department
  • Ensure that prescription and customer information/updates on orders are communicated to the other Operation Departments for timely filling/shipping
  • Facilitate communication for problem resolution and changes occurring in the organization that may impact the workflow of the Pharmacy
  • Oversees compliance with State and Federal regulations for department
  • Ensure on-going process improvement in department is taking place
  • Utilize knowledge of industry technology solutions to recommend products to increase efficiency improve customer service, improve quality, and/or decrease costs
  • Meet with mangers and directors of other departments to discuss cross-departmental issues and identify potential solutions
  • Monitor special projects within the Customer Service Department and work with staff to identify opportunities to participate or take leadership roles in a special project
  • Communicate major changes within department to all other areas of business
  • Attention to customer focus to ensure patients are responded to with accurate and timely information
  • Ability to work in teams and coordinate work efforts. Provide team motivation and management direction to staff to promote teamwork and customer service
  • Provide education/training opportunities to allow personal growth including professional, timely training of new associates
  • Work with the Training and Quality department for methods to increase associate satisfaction and retention through feedback and on-going training
  • Utilize the work management and audit capabilities of the system to evaluate performance. Generate appropriate reports to support departmental goals and activities

Patient Access / Service Call Center Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Works collaboratively with the Administrative Director, medical leadership and practice management teams for Healthcare Associates, Spine Center and Rehabilitation Services on schedule and call center systems development, assessment and maintenance. Provides feedback regarding improvements and changes to systematize recommendations
  • Manages Patient Service Representatives, the Supervisor-Patient Service Center and the referral management staff whose functions include prior authorizations, precertifications, and insurance referrals. Assesses variable staffing needs and flexes staff to meet peak demand. Ensures that staff are providing the highest quality of customer service and standards
  • Coordinates support staff involved in administrative duties, with emphasis on sensitivity to patients. Develops and implements procedures to ensure efficient processing of work. Motivates and coaches staff actively and in real time through effective and hands-on leadership. Reviews patient recorded calls for quality assurance and training purposes
  • Collects, analyzes, and reports patient access data, including provider availability for patient care, schedule structures, on-call schedule development and tracking, vacation and leave development and tracking, to ensure that the schedules are structures to ensure availability of access to care. Prepares special non-recurring reports by combining confidential data from several sources
  • Collaborates with management and Medical Director of Access Templates and Reporting. Provides trouble shooting and problem solving abilities. Works in conjunction with the Practice Managers in the clinic on maintaining the flow of the department and meeting goals, gathering, tracking and reporting information. Serves as a resource for financial reports
  • Has the authority to direct and support employees daily work activities. Has the direct responsibility to undertake the following employment actions: hiring, termination, corrective action and performance reviews. Direct Reports: More than 7 Indirect Reports: 1-5
  • Assists in planning, monitoring and/or managing budget in functional area of department
  • High School diploma or GED required. Bachelor's degree preferred
  • 5-8 years related work experience required and 1-3 years supervisory/management experience required
  • Demonstrates a strong desire for process improvement and leadership development
  • Ability to respond quickly and purposefully to routine and unusual situations
  • Advanced skills with Microsoft applications which may include Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Access and other web-based applications. May produce complex documents, perform analysis and maintain databases
  • Problem Solving:Ability to address problems that are highly varied, complex and often non-recurring, requiring staff input, innovative, creative, and Lean diagnostic techniques to resolve issues
  • Independence of Action:Ability to set goals and priorities for functional area. May make recommendations for department policies, practices and programs. Manager or Director provides broad guidance and overall direction
  • Written Communications:Ability to summarize and communicate in English moderately complex information in varied written formats to internal and external customers
  • Oral Communications:Ability to comprehend and communicate complex verbal information in English to medical center staff, patients, families and external customers
  • Team Work:Ability to act as a team leader for small projects or work groups, creating a collaborative and respectful team environment and improving workflows. Results may impact the operations of one or more departments
  • Customer Service:Ability to provide a high level of customer service and staff training to meet customer service standards and expectations for the assigned unit(s). Resolves service issues in the assigned unit(s) in a timely and respectful manner
  • Provides support and guidance to team members. Regularly provides performance feedback based on review of quality reports/quality monitoring and production results
  • Directs workflow to insure maximum efficiency and attention to areas of greatest importance
  • Works with the Trainer to create the training plan for all new hire and continuing educating training. Conducts training as appropriate and continue staff development outside the classroom
  • Handle high priority and escalated calls. Handle regular calls when needed to maintain SLAs
  • Monitor the manual dial queue, taking the appropriate actions on cases
  • A minimum of 3 years experience managing a high-volume call center / customer service environment
  • Background in medical terminology and/or life insurance underwriting highly preferred
  • Associates or Bachelor’s Degree preferred
  • Demonstrated passion for continuous improvement and service excellence
  • Strong leadership/supervisory skills. Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal skills
  • Supports the Director and directives to provide exemplary customer service
  • Manages development and implementation of new programs
  • Develops annual performance objectives and goals for supervisors and agents
  • Responsible for strategic planning accordance with district protocols
  • Ensures inbound requests for information, communications pertaining to safety and policy are responded to in a timely and accurate manner
  • Communicates with Area Directors, District Managers and all appropriate levels of management regarding customer and safety issues
  • Develops and distributes required reports
  • Facilitates staffing and scheduling oversight
  • Coordinates with the field and safety dept for policy and procedure development and compliance
  • Coaches and develops Call Center supervisors
  • Partners with the Human Resources dept to develops job descriptions, enlist recruitment efforts and manage the development of the call center employees
  • Participates in projects and additional duties as requested
  • Strong mentoring and relationship building skills with ability to effectively manage group and interpersonal conflict situations
  • Familiarity with telecomm and workforce management systems and related reporting
  • Ability to make reasonable decisions through understanding of procedures, company policies and business practices to achieve desired results and deadlines
  • Ability to take independent action with general managerial direction
  • Ability to effectively present information to both leadership and direct reports
  • Ability to analyze statistical data, develop executive summary report and prepare business correspondence
  • Strong computer/technology skills including Microsoft Office, Windows, intranet, workforce management systems and reporting, and phone system management
  • Bachelor’s Degree preferred or equivalent work experience
  • 3-5 years experience as manager or supervisor of a 50+ seat Call Center, including Inbound, outbound responsibilities
  • Proven experience in handling personnel-related issues
  • Proven experience in statistical analysis of performance data
  • Proven experience in workforce management systems
  • Identify, track and monitor key performance metrics
  • Provide ownership for the resolution of issues escalated by clients and partners
  • Ensure timeliness and quality service levels are achieved
  • Improve the overall client experience by coaching, role modeling, and providing a high standard of client service
  • Be visible and available to help team and clients, particularly during high traffic periods
  • Create a powerful and compelling vision, show enthusiasm, excitement, and passion for challenging organizational and departmental goals
  • Challenge team to excel levels of performance and service
  • Provide ongoing coaching and learning for continuous improvement of the Client Support Specialists
  • Build strong, key relationships with staff, clients, peers, partners, business owners, and vendors
  • Implement and monitor operational tasks to ensure sufficient audit results
  • Ability to provide and coach an excellent client experience
  • Strong interpersonal, communication, and analytical skills
  • Excellent organizational and leadership skills with problem-solving ability
  • Positive and patient
  • Knowledge of performance evaluation and client service metrics
  • Management experience is required
  • Client service experience is required
  • Retail Banking experience is an asset
  • Call Center experience is an asset
  • 4+ years call center management experience
  • Knowledge of Excel, Word, Power Point and General Microsoft Office Applications
  • Ability to seek improvement and create an environment of idea sharing and creative problem solving
  • Strong customer service skills and abilities
  • Ability to be approachable and facilitate coaching conversations with employees and managers
  • Ability to mitigate and lead others to overcome challenges (Never Ever Give Up Attitude)
  • Ability to encourage open expression of ideas and opinions
  • Ability to work independently and multi-task
  • Ability to communicate professionally and effectively with all levels of the organization
  • Ability to interpret policies, procedures, and standard business practices
  • Be a subject matter expert for the Vendor Enablement function, expertly positioning the value of Paymode-X for the Vendor community and handling Vendor inquiries
  • Responsible for training of new hire employees
  • Supports team members by answering and responding to first line of questions
  • Takes ownership of technical and administrative tasks from the Vendor Enablement Associates
  • Identifying and addressing ongoing training needs of Vendor Enablement Associates
  • Develops strong relationships with other Bottomline teams to build collaboration and identify potential opportunities to improve efficiencies and process
  • Effectively considers challenges end to end and comes up with solutions to resolve them including but not limited to entering JIRA tickets for product issues identified by the team
  • Has the ability to function in a team atmosphere and possesses superior organization and time management skills
  • Drives team performance and communicates performance metrics, key successes, and problem solving recommendations with peers, PRMs and senior management
  • Generate revenue by soliciting participation and enrolling vendors in client payment programs
  • Effectively educate customers on the various aspects of the Paymode-X service
  • Develops new ideas and campaign strategies to promote the value proposition of Paymode-X
  • Responsible for ensuring Customer Delight is at the forefront of all enrollment activities
  • Superior verbal and written communication skills required
  • Prominent organization, problem resolution and creative thinking skills
  • Oversee the day-to-day operations of the Member Sales and Service Department within the call center
  • Directly manage a group of Call Center Supervisors and Sales and Service Associates; evaluate, train and provide performance feedback as necessary
  • Provide direction, leadership and motivation to staff to ensure the achievement of departmental goals
  • Development of strategic planning for departmental operations
  • Manage the implementation of strategies including budgetary responsibilities
  • Responsible for all financial, sales and customer service goals
  • Ensure the department meets all applicable contractual performance standards (i.e. abandonment rate, efficiency rates, etc
  • Develops and monitors the application of operating systems including policy and procedure, operating structure and information flow
  • Communicate operational issues to department staff members across business units
  • Manage special projects, support and participate in corporate committees and response groups
  • Build relationships in the telecommunications, timeshare and travel industries to increase business acumen
  • Work with the workforce planning department to plan & actively forecast headcount requirement
  • Will be responsible for handling a span of 300 Associates
  • Travel for position may be required
  • Demonstrated excellent interpersonal communication and presentation skills, including excellent oral and written communication skills and taking the initiative to actively communicate information in an appropriate manner
  • Excellent time-management skills, organizational skills and the ability to accurately complete all reports on a timely basis
  • Superior conflict resolution and negotiation skills
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills
  • Demonstrated ability to assess department’s work quality as well as develop / implement process improvements to achieve contractual and oversight compliance
  • Ability to build strong relationships across departments/business units
  • Ability to teach and mentor on an individual and group basis
  • Ability to establish trust and credibility at all levels of the organization
  • Ability to manage a variety of complex issues while working on key projects
  • Bachelor’s degree/relevant work experience will be considered in lieu of degree
  • Demonstrated leadership in a large call center environment
  • 3-5 years management experience which include, but are not limited to
  • Determine and implement call center operational strategies and initiatives to improve operational efficiency, the customer experience, and process and system enhancements and changes
  • Plan and direct all aspects of customer contact center policies, objectives, and operations and ensure quality, performance, and customer satisfaction goals are attained
  • Prepare, communicate and implement staffing and process improvement and change management plans for new initiatives and projects
  • Lead, coach, and motivate contact center leadership and staff
  • Respond to executive requests and prepare, lead and execute emergency procedures during an event or other significant incidents
  • High School certificate, or 2 years of equivalent work experience; minimum 2 years' experience in a team leader / management position
  • Proficiency in reading and writing English (additional language required for certain positions)
  • Demonstrate openness to adapt to different cultural contexts based on location
  • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays as required by business needs
  • Organizational Capability- Understanding and leveraging associate talent and capabilities to meet work needs; supporting the attraction, selection, and/or retention of associates in order to achieve department and business objectives. Diagnoses capability needs; recruits and evaluates potential employees; emphasizes retention; champions talent management
  • Talent Management- Providing guidance and feedback to help individuals develop and strengthen skills and abilities needed to accomplish work objectives
  • Direct, guide, coach, and mentor a team of 15-20 agents to achieve individual and corporate goals
  • Monitor phone and email activity using various contact center applications and tools. Conduct weekly one-on-one coaching sessions with agents to review overall performance and ensure success in achieving key performance metrics
  • Create goals to encourage the timely progression of performance management guidelines. Recognize and reward successful performance. Identify and correct areas of substandard work performance through the coaching and progressive discipline process, when necessary
  • Manage daily activities that impact targeted service levels which include, but are not limited to, monitoring adherence to schedule, average handle times, and other key performance indicators
  • Act as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) and as a final point of escalation for issues involving payroll, travel & entertainment, and accounts payable to ensure the needs of our clients are satisfactorily met
  • Assist with training new hires as they transition into their contact center roles
  • Identify, initiate and lead process improvement initiatives; aid in developing and executing strategies to improve end-to-end processes and client satisfaction ratings
  • Communicate company strategies, initiatives, system enhancements and other key information to contact center agents
  • Support the recruiting of new contact center agents and make final hiring decisions
  • Partner with other stakeholders across the organization to execute new policies and procedures in the contact center
  • Provide phone and email support during times of peak contact volume
  • Assist with special projects and other duties as assigned
  • Two years of supervisory experience supporting a team of 10+ agents in a contact center preferred
  • Previous experience in a financial shared services environment handling payroll functions preferred
  • Strong interpersonal skills and enthusiasm for developing others. Ability to inspire and motivate others to pursue accomplishments and stretch themselves to new levels of performance
  • Customer-centric attitude with a passion for delivering world-class customer service. Must be able to foster a fun and engaging work environment for the team that cultivates innovation, communication and an eager anticipation of coming to work each day. Must “walk the talk” and lead by example
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills with the ability to interact in a patient, courteous, clear and comprehensive manner
  • Must demonstrate a high level of customer service by responding to internal and external client needs until satisfied. Utilizes effective decision-making and problem-solving skills
  • Must demonstrate self-motivation and initiative by taking ownership to resolve issues and complete assignments with minimal direction from others
  • Strong organizational skills and the ability to prioritize workload, meet deadlines and perform multiple tasks with a high attention to detail
  • Can learn quickly and adapt to change in a fast-paced, high performance driven culture
  • Demonstrate a professional and polished demeanor with a positive, upbeat, and friendly personality
  • Team player who fulfills commitments to other stakeholders with a positive attitude. Able to work collaboratively and cooperatively with other personnel throughout the organization
  • Outstanding keyboarding/typing and computer skills. Must be browser proficient and possess the ability to multi-task by handling simultaneous things at once
  • Demonstrate exceptional habits of dependability and attendance
  • Schedule flexibility; must be able to work between the hours of 7am-5pm and to extend hours as required to meet the demands of the operation
  • Evaluate historical and current call volume trends to produce weekly schedule. Coordinate with Call Center Manager and marketing team to prepare schedule for any upcoming marketing initiatives
  • Deliver Count on Me! service to guests and associates as necessary to dissect and resolve any issues related to reservations
  • Strategize with Call Center Supervisors and Call Center Manager to motivate associates and create a team environment producing maximum revenues and guest satisfaction; including but not limited to: call monitoring, coaching, training
  • Assist with data entry of third party bookings and maintenance of central email box
  • Assists in managing the reservations department. Identify deficiencies and ensures that the associates have necessary resources and adequate training to be successful and meet Oceana minimum standards
  • Resolve any associate related issues
  • Book and confirm attraction tickets for guest reservations
  • Manage transfer of guest payments between properties
  • Job experience: Minimum three years’ experience in Reservations/Front Office position with supervisory experience strongly preferred
  • Responsible for filling in for the manager, when they are absent or not on duty. Assists with the selection, discharge and training of department. Responsible for scheduling of department. Supervise team of up to 30 Reservation Agents and 4 Supervisors. Manage communications within the staff and all other departments. Adjust schedules throughout the period to accommodate for business needs/demands
  • Serve as a trusted advisor and liaison between Customer Service and all business units
  • Manage the relationship between the Customer Service team through leadership and coordination to facilitate continuous improvement and evolution in aligning those processes
  • Identify and make recommendations for potential changes to the Customer Service process
  • Manage, develop, coordinate and administer various meetings and training sessions related to Customer Service
  • Lead quality assurance program to maintain compliance standards and deliver excellent customer experience
  • Lead development and management of service level achievement and workforce optimization, including multichannel blending, to include calls, email, fax, etc
  • Serves as project lead involving various programs. Establishes guidelines and set action plans in place. Documents projects from start to finish or final review
  • Effectively communicates Customer Services initiatives to management staff and employees
  • Demonstrated track record of achievement in professional and / or personal pursuits
  • Excellent organizational, analytical, planning, multi-tasking, negotiation, problem-solving, verbal, written and communication skills
  • Possess strong personal computer skills, (i.e., Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.)
  • Ability to negotiate with and influence others
  • Ability to effectively resolve conflicts
  • Ability to develop and maintain relationships to achieve business objectives
  • CISCO, NICE, Tableau experience
  • Coaching certification
  • Appropriately staff the call center
  • Manage and oversee training, scheduling of staff and re-training in any deficient areas the call center staff
  • Monitor and oversee all quality assurance/customer service of all call center staff
  • Oversee and monitor ticket store staff
  • Oversee passenger trip requests manually or through use of automated system to achieve system goals (productivity, on-time performance, efficiency, minimum ride lengths, etc.) and considering operator and vehicle availability and vehicle capacity types
  • Oversee when necessary rescheduling trips when necessary in the event of operator or vehicle shortages and in consideration of project work scheduling policies
  • Be the direct liaison for the call center staff union
  • Act as the direct liaison with the client for the call center and its employees
  • Be "on call" during all hours of the call center operations for issues/concerns
  • Daily/hourly monitor all system efficiencies and make adjustments when needed
  • Work with Payroll Support Manager to handle open enrollment and ongoing benefits for Call Center employees
  • Work with Payroll Support Manager on daily and bi-weekly imputing and paying out of Call Center employees pay
  • Maintain professional demeanor and appearance
  • Handle multiple tasks accurately and effectively
  • Additional responsibilities, as assigned
  • Supervises the handling of customer requests within the Call Center, which may include incoming call volume and/or after call work processing for all Generalist Teams. Monitors incoming customer calls and other requests processed and ensures that Team members are following protocols and standards for dealing with customers and for processing requests
  • Utilizes superior knowledge of bank products, services, policies, procedures, and regulations and relies on superior communication skills to ensure that all Team members are accurately, efficiently, and expediently responding to customer requests
  • Ensures the satisfaction of customers by continuously monitoring volumes in the assigned area of responsibility, by scheduling assigned Team members to meet service level targets while maximizing their utilization, and by monitoring individual performance
  • Handles the most complex customer complaints and problems without assistance by making independent decisions. Is able to instill a sense of confidence with these customers based upon content and delivery
  • Ensures that Team members have adequate support and training to present Bank products and services. Creates a Team culture for selling
  • Ensures bank and departmental quality of service by being proactive in identifying common or recurring problems and offering solutions for improvement
  • Plans and leads effective meetings and training sessions. Participates in the on-the-job training process and may participate in classroom style training when called upon
  • Establishes measurable performance objectives and works with Team members in their development. Develops individuals over time by offering feedback and developmental opportunities
  • Possess sound managerial skills and demonstrates a thorough knowledge of employment policies and practices
  • Promotes the development and achievement of initiatives within the Customer Service Center
  • Associate’s Degree or related knowledge/skills base gained through experience required
  • Bachelor’s Degree or related knowledge/skills base gained through experience preferred
  • Strong service background required; call center experience preferred
  • Demonstrated sales ability
  • Proven management skills
  • Excellent communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills required
  • High level of knowledge on Microsoft applications

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resume objective for call center manager

Top 22 Call Center Resume Objective Examples to Boost your Resume

Call Center Resume Objective

An effective call center resume objective statement should contain a brief description of your skills, experience, and knowledge as they meet the needs of the employer.

Having an objective statement in your call center resume is the best way to grab the attention of a recruiter and get him/her to go through it, and ultimately call you up for an interview.

If well written, the objective section of your resume can convince an employer to schedule an interview and subsequently hire you to fill a position.

To complete a resume objective for the call center job, it is necessary to carry out a little research to identify the requirements of the employer and how well your skills will meet the job responsibilities.

A look at a call center job description provides you with information concerning call center duties and responsibilities.

With the information, you can craft your resume’s objective statement by describing the skills you possess and how they will be useful in fulfilling the call center role.

To make it clearer to you on how to create an effective objective for your call center resume, here are 22 examples you can look at; you can also use them as templates in making your objective statement:

To make a great resume that gets you an interview with an employer/recruiter, it is important to learn about various resume statistics before writing your resume. According to novoresume, these resume statistics will give you helpful insight into the prevailing HR trends, guide you in making the right decision about your job hunting, and in creating an effective resume.

1. Seeking a position as call center representative at Leeds Groups, bringing ability to influence product purchase and provide information to customers.

2. A well-spoken and calm individual looking to join MBC Agency as a call center agent. Possess exceptional communication skill useful in providing product information to clients.

3. Desiring the job of call center manager at XYZ company to utilize my organizational and administrative skills drawn from 4 years of experience as a call center representative.

4. A customer-focused call center specialist looking to work at Grand Ventures to provide effective support center management and team leadership.

5. Looking to join an organization where 5 years of experience developing and implementing call center policies will be useful to achieving excellent customer service.

6. To secure a call center agent position with a view to serving as primary customer service contact in the promotion of XYZ products.

7. Passionate call center operator seeking a position at Rogers Ltd. to help with the resolution of client problems and provision of product information to customers.

8. Looking to join a telecommunications company where I can utilize my problem-solving and analytical skills gained from 2 years of experience as customer service representative at Kodafone.

9. Seeking a full time position at Ascatel as an outbound call center representative to promote and convince customers to purchase company products/services.

More Call Center Resume Objective Examples [10-16]

10. Call center manager with 3 years of experience leading a group of technical call center representatives. Looking to work for an organization that provides opportunity to utilize my customer service and managerial skills.

11. An operations manager with experience in a call center organization. Looking for a company that offers attractive remuneration for a result-oriented and driven individual.

12. To occupy a full time call center job at Telemagic using my multilingual skill and customer-focused attitude to the benefit of a globally renowned company.

13. Seeking a challenging and rewarding call center representative job in a company where several years tech support experience and a degree in communications will be fully utilized.

14. With over 5 years of experience as a customer service representative, my goal is to find an organization that rewards hard work and provides a platform to utilize my customer service skills.

15. A highly skilled call center representative with a record of customer satisfaction and successful product sales.

16. Looking to work as Next Telecomm where high level of professionalism and ability to multitask will be useful in addressing various customer and company needs.

Additional Examples [17-22]

17. A highly motivated individual with extensive call center experience looking to join Multi-choice Networks to improve product/service sales through effective inbound and outbound calls to customers.

18. A dedicated, calm and proactive customer care agent with an aptitude to interact with English and French-speaking customers. Currently looking to join SAT globacom as a call center representative.

19. Desire the position of a call center manager at Derby agency where proficiency in directing a support will be beneficial in the delivery of exceptional customer service.

20. Seek to function as a customer service rep at Radford Insurance to provide high quality service to customers by responding professionally and promptly to client needs.

21. Looking to occupy a call center representative position in a rewarding and fast-paced environment where 3 years of experience in retail sales as well as strong interpersonal skills will be useful in maintaining a satisfied clientele.

22. A consistent and organized individual with knowledge of Excel, Word, Outlook, and ability to learn quickly. Desiring to work as a call center agent to utilize my communication and problem-solving skills in providing effective assistance to customers.

Your objective statement plays a pivotal role in determining if a prospective employer goes through your resume or not. Therefore, it is important to capture the attention of a recruiter with a well-crafted resume objective.

Highlighting your skills, knowledge and experience in a way that meets an employer’s mission or goal is a sure way of writing a good objective statement.

You can use the above listed examples as a guide in making your objective statement to increase your chances of securing a call center job.

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Call center

Call center Objectives and summaries

20 Call center objectives and summaries found

A well-written objective or summary on your resume can be the difference between getting rejected, or getting invited for an interview. Copy any of these Call center objective or summary examples, and use it as inspiration for your own resume. All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use.

Learn more about: objective vs. summary

Call center representative

Summary examples.

Versatile service representative with proven experience in fast-paced call center environments. Strong communicator who builds client trust with persuasive language and unwavering customer support attitude. Brings talent as a record-breaking service provider with 99% positive customer feedback rate.

Talented call center representative with 5 years proven history providing top tier assistance to key customers. Proficient in management of complex issues while dealing with difficult personalities and de-escalating frustrated customers.

Resourceful and customer-focused call center supervisor who builds effective service teams through commitment to the company vision. Brings up key performance indicators through 1:1 mentorship and introduction of modern service provision technology and tools to the call center.

Objective examples

Experienced call center representative seeking employment in the sales industry, transferring skills in customer service and managing multiple accounts on a continuing basis. Demonstrated ability to exceed company sales goals and maintain a customer satisfaction rate of 99%.

Conscientious and even-tempered call center representative with 6 years of experience looking for full-time work opportunity to assist a reputable technology company with customer relations.

Call center agent

Personable Call Center Agent with 2 years’ experience in providing customers with premium assistance over the phone on company products to ensure full satisfaction. Maintained a satisfaction rate of 98% from all customers attended to by refining skills and knowledge of products and services.

Interactive and quick-thinking Call Center Agent with 6 years’ experience in leveraging advanced remote support skills to assist customers. Consistently surpassed set milestones by developing prompt and simple solutions to problems to address customer concerns.

Experienced call center agent offering 10 years refined expertise in directing daily workflows at a busy call center mostly providing remote technical assistance. Worked in collaboration with senior management to optimize center operations and improve outcomes.

Solutions-focused Call Center Agent with 6 years’ experience navigating customer concerns within a busy call center. Seeking an opportunity for further career advancement in a challenging position that fully utilizes my skillset.

Talented call center agent seeking employment as a call center supervisor, improving upon team leadership and organizational skills. Demonstrated ability to manage conflict and work as a team, increasing the number of outgoing calls by 15% while keeping detailed case notes for faster resolution.

Call center supervisor

Dynamic Call Center Supervisor with over 6 years’ experience in leading over 30 call center agents within a busy work environment to deliver comprehensive support to customers. Adept at providing motivational leadership to agents to help improve individual performance and foster defined goals.

Dedicated Call Center Supervisor well versed in coordinating busy call center environments and leading over 30 agent to effectively navigate client concerns and surpass defined corporate goals. Consistently leading agent training initiatives to improve performance that encourage more customer engagement.

Dedicated leader and call center supervisor adept at leading experience call center agents to deliver premium customer service to clientele. Seeking to drive staff performance and customer engagement through expert leadership and staff development.

Efficiency-driven Call Center Supervisor with 6 years’ expertise in delivering increasingly improved agent efficiency by driving data-back strategies. Seeking a challenging position to drive performance at Acme Inc. as the next Call Center Supervisor.

Call center manager

Personable Call Center Support Technician, with a proven track record of success in assessing and resolving user issues promptly. Leveraging troubleshooting and communications skills to evaluate problems and proffer viable technical solutions to ease customers of their worries.

Resourceful Call Center Manager, with a diversified expertise in leadership, interpersonal relations and technical support to generate effectual technical solutions to emerging issues. Adept at coordinating a team of dedicated support technicians to optimize response times and improve service.

Dynamic and accomplished Call Center Manager, with over 10 years’ professional experience in directing the operations of a busy call center with over 500 daily call-ins. Reported directly to the company executives and optimized operating policies to improve efficiency and reduce response time.

Solutions-oriented Call Center Manager, offering a track record of success in implementing innovate operations policies to improve response rate and improve customer service quality within the department. Seeking a challenging position that allows for further career growth and exposure.

Effectiveness-focused Management Professional, with an established record of success in streamlining the operations of a busy call center. Seeking employment at Gotham City Communication as the new Call Center Manager to effect positive change in the operations of the department and foster defined corporate goals.

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Call Center Manager Resume Samples

A Call Center Manager is responsible for hiring, training, preparing and motivating staff members to provide excellent customer service. The work activities typically mentioned in the Call Center Manager Resume include some or all of these tasks –developing day-to-day activities for the call center activities , conducting effective resource planning, taking responsibility of budgeting and tracking expenses, hiring and providing training to personnel, evaluating performance, preparing reports, authorizing refunds and replacements, handling escalated issues of customers and ensuring team members achieve the set goals.

Apart from proven work experience, the managers working for the Call Center should demonstrate these skills – ability to multitask, knowledge of management principles, familiarity with company products and services, proficiency with the necessary technology, and knowledge of performance evaluation. While a high school diploma is mandatory, higher education will be appreciated.

Call Center Manager Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Customer Service
  • Call Center Manager

Call Center Manager Resume

Objective : A highly experienced, certified, management professional with broad analytical experience. Diverse background includes software operations management, staff and project management in both customer service and sales environments, high profile analysis, compliance process development and reporting, internal auditing at all levels, superior direct customer contact, and retail management. Proven leadership and communication skills combine with varied experiences to create a motivated, high performing staff, while increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

Skills : Inventory Control Expert, Top sales Performer, Great Customer Service, Strong Organization Skills, Energetic Attitude, Microsoft Office, Type 65 WPM, Inventory Management, Top Notch Telephone Skills.

Call Center Manager Resume Sample

Description :

  • Responsible for management and motivation of 30 direct reports in customer service call center including auditing, coaching and feedback, disciplinary issue resolution, phone statistics reporting, quarterly performance evaluations, and staffing decisions using simple averaging to forecast call volume.
  • Acted as human resources representative.
  • Succeeded in coaching below average performers to become excellent performers by determining each individual's difficulty, developing an appropriate action plan, and monitoring performance.
  • Achieved highest team score for customer satisfaction and lowest hold time for 3 consecutive quarters.
  • Received excellent scores in leadership assessments throughout tenure.
  • Created customer surveys to track customer satisfaction.
  • Based on customer feedback, created save team consisting of experienced representatives to attempt resolution when customers called to cancel policies.

Objective : As a Call Center Manager, oversaw the operations of a call center. Incharge of hiring, training, scheduling, and managing the daily activities of their staff. Here are some key duties they perform.

Skills : Microsoft Office, NT, 2010,.

Call Center Manager Resume Example

  • Redesigned ACD & routing setting to more effective route calls & improve the customer experience.
  • Managed the ongoing transition between Lotus Notes system to SharePoint/Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution.
  • Acted as lead form & entity developer within Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
  • Researched, accepted RFPs, & launched first-ever live chat solution for the company.
  • Developed and lead two-week classroom & hands-on training program for seasonal employees.
  • Developed department's first policies regarding schedule adherence.
  • Redefined job responsibilities of Customer Service Representatives to properly encompass all aspects of the position.
  • Monitored call center programs, manages service levels, and estimates call volume based on historical metrics.

Area Call Center Manager Resume

Headline : Responsible for Managing the day-to-day operations of a multi-channel service center location to assure the customer experience was the number one priority and that all employees were meeting or exceeding performance expectations.

Skills : HTML, CSS, Javascript, IP phone, Microsoft Office, SQL.

Area Call Center Manager Resume Example

  • Recruit, train, develop, and monitor progress of customer service agents.
  • Create attendance/performance plans for employees; which have decreased attrition by 80%.
  • Develop operating system applications including: center policies, procedures and operating structure.
  • Achieved company goals for 6 consecutive months and consistently meets overall call center metrics.
  • Develop business plans and quarterly budgets.
  • Ensure quality assurance and service goals are met.
  • Meet forecasted budget financial targets.
  • Identify new business and revenue opportunities with existing clients.

Call Center Manager/Service Resume

Objective : Strong customer service and problem solving skills. Outgoing, friendly and people oriented with a proven ability to communicate well with diverse groups and individuals. Well organized and efficient with strong communications skills and the ability to manage multiple tasks in a fast paced environment. Always a team player with a positive attitude. Good computer, telephone and people skills. Call center and retail experience.

Skills : Continuous Improvement, Microsoft Office Suite, Employee Supervision.

Call Center Manager/Service Resume Example

  • Managed & provided support to 100-member sales team, ensuring all sales & service objectives were met, as well as training support requirements (i.e., personnel, equipment, facilities, budget, and other resource requirements) Provided training for new customer service representatives & associates.
  • Created, developed and implemented new training practices for new hire training Performed market research surveys to seek feedback on sales techniques, follow-up methods & after sale service.
  • Reviewed and analyzed technical and economic data to support the acquisition of complex, multi-functional instructional systems equipment and services for the 82d Training Wing.
  • Identified, developed and recommended to senior leadership significant and educationally meaningful solutions to training resources/requirements problems.
  • Knowledge of training administration policies and procedures, and training resources programs, principles and policies.
  • Knowledge of the principles, practices and techniques of instruction to include use of technology for design and delivery of training.
  • Ability to recognize and analyze problems, conducts research, summarize results, and develop timely and economical solutions.
  • Ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing.

Home Call Center Manager Resume

Objective : An experienced Call Center Manager working in call center management for the past six years. I have detailed experience in data analysis to increase productivity. Experience goes beyond data analysis and reporting and includes coaching and mentoring to ensure KPI standards are met. I work well with all departments to ensure a team effort for productivity.

Skills : Management Skills, Call Center Management, Coaching, Project Management, Data Analysis, Training & Development, Quality Assurance, Process Improvement, Vendor Management, Lead Generation, Leadership, Interviewing.

Home Call Center Manager Resume Example

  • Implement and maintain predictive and non-predictive dialer strategies and initiate required campaign changes with Y-Tel database following TCPA regulations.
  • Create and maintain schedules sales staff Manage seven agent status and schedule adherence through real-time adherence Create and distribute reports to senior management giving insight for areas of opportunity Troubleshoot technical issues and serve as liaison between vendor and IT staff.
  • Monitor calls through side by side and recorded calls for KPI standards to ensure center goals are met.
  • Coach and provide feedback to enhance representatives skills for QA and KPI standards Maintain and process payroll for all employees Monitor and Coach reps for quality assurance Interview applicants for available open positions Train new hires for on-boarding to have representatives ready for live phone activity in one week.
  • Conduct weekly call calibrations and team meetings Conduct performance appraisals for 30 and 90-day Handle all escalated calls for Irate prospects.
  • Created QA and Training departments with documentation Created call center process and procedures Created staff roles/responsibilities Helped in the creation of company handbook to outline company Accomplishments I built the call center from the ground up.
  • Partnered with detailed human resources roles and responsibilites for all roles in the contact center and accomplished through coaching and mentoring opportunities.

Objective : Insurance professional with over 15 years of industry experience managing sales and call center operations. Successful at establishing the vision and strategies necessary to lead high performing sales, customer service, and support teams. Ability to recruit, train, and develop top-notch talent for the organization while cultivating strong relationships with internal business partners and all levels of management.

Skills : CPR Certificate, Managing Skills.

Call Center Manager Resume Sample

  • Managed the daily call center operations of the Bellevue Outbound Interviewing Center that consisted of 150 Outbound Telephone Interviewers, 4 Supervisors, and 2 Trainers.
  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding the established metrics for the center, training and development of the Outbound Telephone Interviewers, Supervisors, and Trainers, and maintaining a high level of employee engagement within the center.
  • Collaborated with the management team and other business partners to develop and implement plans for the infrastructure of systems, processes, and personnel.
  • Provided leadership and coaching to the Management Team on Best Practice strategies to drive performance and increase employee engagement.
  • Monitored calls for quality and provided coaching on company's guidelines / policies.
  • Determined and formulated policies, procedures, and business strategies to meet the growth objectives of the company.
  • Increased call center capacity by 30% and reduced attrition by 20% through targeted recruiting efforts and improved onboarding processes.

Call Center Manager/Quality Manager Resume

Objective : Being a Customer Service Personnel is very fulfilling and ever changing career choice. Looking for a job where I can continue to use my training and compassionate nature to assist customers effectively.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Leadership, Call Center Management, Business Analysis, Coaching, Data Analysis, Database Management.

Call Center Manager/Quality Manager Resume Example

  • Managed 40+ seat inbound call center handling 30,000 calls per month and yearly sales in excess of $50 million.
  • Improved return and warranty procedures, saving the company over $300,000 yearly.
  • Emphasis on best practices and benchmarking for business development.
  • Budget and maintain department expenses through well managed scheduling and strategic planning.
  • Coordinated operations between order entry and customer service representatives.
  • Developed employee performance and satisfaction optimization programs.
  • Motivate and mentor diverse staff in a positive and challenging environment.

Assistant Call Center Manager Resume

Summary : Senior Leader with a broad base strategic, operational, and tactical background spearheading the establishment of new and startup level companies and top performing call centers for diverse organizations. Lead efforts ranging from center start-ups to turnarounds, expansions, and optimisations in the USA and South Africa focused on ensuring the delivery of superior quality services to a client base of diverse businesses and government entities.

Skills : Five9, inContact, Excel Dashboards, Management.

Assistant Call Center Manager Resume Sample

  • Supervision of telemarketing representatives for a major pharmaceutical marketing firm.
  • Provided progress reports to senior management teams of TVG and clients on program results.
  • Average program value $250K, $9M total program value per year.
  • Supervised recruitment of new hires; ensured training and performance goals were achieved.
  • Mentored and monitored call center personnel to ensure meeting strategic program requirements.
  • Met with staff to review and implement new programs.
  • Managed 40 to 75 employees per assignment.
  • Assisted Training Manager in developing training curriculum for new recruits.

Call Center Manager/Sales Team Leader Resume

Objective : Experienced team player, bringing enthusiasm and energy into the group Ability to successfully manage multiple priorities and assignments Effective planning and organizational skills Proven ability to approach problems effectively and creatively Several years of experience in Customer Service.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Epic, Impact 360, Management, Leadership Development, Team Building, Interviewing, Call Center.

Call Center Manager/Sales Team Leader Resume Sample

  • Provided leadership to supervisors and call center advocates to ensure that all operational procedures are executed.
  • Ensured all employees received proper training to meet the needs of the call center model for patient satisfaction.
  • Analyzed reports to determine efficiencies of existing resources and makes recommendations for future needs.
  • Administered reporting used for analysis and decision-making in regards to the call center growth as well as budgeting.
  • Collaborated with medical office colleagues to ensure that all patient calls are handled properly and customer service standards are consistently achieved Effectively and efficiently managed resources to ensure that the call center goals are met.
  • This includes staffing levels, call center metrics, equipment and other resources.
  • Designed and implemented leadership training and performance goals for supervisors in order to improve managerial skills and professional growth.
  • Maintained databases of current policies, procedures and practices to ensure accurate information is available at all times for the call center staff.

Service/Call Center Manager Resume

Objective : Over 20 years' experience managing customer service and sales personnel. Strengths include implementation and maintenance of an excellent customer service organization. Successful in motivating and developing exceptional customer service associates. Committed to resolving internal and external customer concerns.

Skills : Results-driven Professional With Over 20 Years Of Experience.

Service/Call Center Manager Resume Sample

  • Managed and directed the activities of Customer Service including hiring, scheduling, developing and evaluating performance.
  • Established, implemented and maintained standards, goals and objectives.
  • Developed policies, procedures and budgets associated with ensuring company, customer and employee satisfaction.
  • Gathered, evaluated and resolved customer/consumer complaints.
  • Implemented specialized groups to handle the Industrial Division, Premier Accounts, French and Spanish speaking Accounts as well as Internet and Extranet areas.
  • Implementation of Suggestive Selling program resulting in a 1.5 M increase in sales the first year.
  • Developed and implemented a return system to provide one call resolution as well as reports to Management.

Headline : To establish a long-term career in a company where I may utilize my Call Center Manager professional skills and knowledge to be an effective Associate Program Manager and inspiration to those around me.

Skills : Leadership Skills, Adult Learning/Motivation, Training and Presentation.

Call Center Manager Resume Format

  • Accountable for operational, financial, and KPI performance of a 400 seat inbound site servicing six clients in multiple verticals.
  • Accountable for overall site infrastructure and leading site operations and support.
  • Oversee the call center including its employees, facilities, and the overall satisfaction of the clients serviced.
  • Develop and execute short and long term strategies as well as the overarching communication strategy for the site.
  • Strong focus on implementation of best practices and revenue improvement plans.
  • Partner with Client Services teams to identify opportunities for growth and enhanced service delivery.
  • Implementation of best practices for absenteeism and attrition reduction across all sites in company.
  • Significant improvement in absenteeism and attrition in first two months at the firm.

Call Center Manager/Account Manager Resume

Objective : To use my diverse skills and abilities as a hostess, server, and office manager in an administrative capacity in effort to obtain a full-time job, turn it into a successful career, and learn how to be productive in the work force while getting used to being a college freshman.

Skills : TECHNICAL TRAINING / SKILLS Extensive skills Microsoft.

Call Center Manager/Account Manager Resume Model

  • Responsible for hiring and training employees for the new Call Center.
  • Developed work methodologies to track customer assignments, to record customer contact, and report progress of work operations.
  • Created scripts for employees to follow when contacting customers.
  • Responsible for notifying the company's key decision makers when new assignments are received due to large hail storms.
  • Create spreadsheets to track customers and advise how many estimators will be needed to effectively handle the customer demand.
  • Assist with customers' questions or concerns and communicate with insurance companies to assure the best possible resolution for the customer.
  • Working very closely with the employees on new assignments for the department and coaching and training them on new information whenever needed.

Call Center Manager/District Administrator Resume

Objective : Outgoing, personable communicator with strong ability to build rapport and achieve results with clients, vendors, and colleagues of all backgrounds. Solid documentation, training, and public speaking skills. Analytical, organized and productive, working smart to ensure quality completion of complex, deadline-driven projects and special events. Trained and experience in project management. Key strengths in planning, prioritization, delegation, documentation, and follow through.

Skills : Management, Office Management, Sales Management.

Call Center Manager/District Administrator Resume Model

  • Develop and implement goals and budgets by assessing needs, determining new processes to be added, rolling out and following up on changes, and assisting with budget projects which may include supplies, staffing and hardware and software needs.
  • Manage staff by assessing needs and workflow, developing and training staff, answering questions, assisting with issues, and informing staff of system and related changes.
  • Delegates projects and tasks by verifying tasks, assigning projects and reviewing progress.
  • Test and develop system enhancements by verifying and reporting technology issues, writing and researching requirements, testing, and verifying enhancements are accurate.
  • Analyze statistical performance and quality by tracking call volumes, measuring work quality and output, shifting resources as necessary, identifying issues, and requesting schedule changes or additional staffing.
  • Verify workflows by calibrating and verifying procedures, and processing changes.
  • Provide analysis of key metrics and trends in a timely manner and recommend steps to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.
  • Management of workforce staff for call center.

Sr. Call Center Manager Resume

Headline : Diversified experience in customer service positions within a call center environment. Ability to manage groups of employees, work well with others and be a team player. Particularly effective in determining both employee and customers' needs and following through for solutions.

Skills : Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Management, Customer Service, Data Entry, Sales, Administrative Assistant, Clerical, Troubleshooting.

Sr. Call Center Manager Resume Template

  • Responsible to achieve all call center budget requirements, Service Level Agreements and goals, including associate productivity, utilization, sales, and schedule adherence.
  • Managed 9-15 direct reports consisting of 1 Data Coordinator and 8-15 Customer Care Coordinators.
  • Coached, developed and motivated to build a high performance team that delivered on the established set goals.
  • Managed the CCC's in developing the performance of 150-350 associates, including overseeing the performance evaluation, development, and discipline processes.
  • Ensured that all monthly profiles were completed and delivered.
  • Ensured all policies and procedures were followed including monitoring of (approving) all warnings and terminations and participating in Final Warnings and Terminations as needed.
  • Responsible for awareness and communication of customer issues for each brand, vendor, or departmental partner in a timely manner.

Objective : A proven Manager with efficient and tactful professional skills, seeking to secure a responsible career opportunity where I can fully utilize my training, human resource and management skills, while making a significant contribution to the success of my employer.

Skills : Highly motivated, organized, and dedicated customer.

Call Center Manager Resume Format

  • Monitored calls to improve quality that minimized errors and track operative performance.
  • Coordinated staff recruitment, including writing vacancy advertisements and liaising with HR staff.
  • Reviewed performance of staff, identifying training needs and planning training session.
  • Forecasted and analyzed data against budget figures on a weekly and/or monthly.
  • Insured optimal system performance of imaging locations/systems.
  • Developed and delivered internal and external communications and reports.
  • Coordinate the scheduled maintenance services at Alliance Imaging sites.
  • Met performance targets for speed, efficiency, sales and quality as well as managing the day to day operation of the call center.

Table of Contents

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  • • Orchestrated a team of 50+ reps, achieving a 30% increase in customer satisfaction through comprehensive training and quality control initiatives.
  • • Implemented new call center metrics and KPI tracking systems, leading to a 20% improvement in call efficiency within the first quarter.
  • • Developed a resource allocation plan that reduced average customer wait time by 15%, enhancing overall customer experience.
  • • Launched a cross-departmental workflow optimization project, improving process efficiency by 25%.
  • • Instituted an employee recognition program that correlated with a 50% reduction in staff turnover.
  • • Negotiated with vendors to upgrade call center software, saving the company $40k annually while simultaneously increasing call capacity by 35%.
  • • Managed daily operations of a team of 30 representatives, surpassing service volume goals by 15% each quarter.
  • • Collaborated with IT to customize CRM systems, leading to a 10% reduction in average handling times per call.
  • • Piloted a performance review system that increased the conversion rate of customer interactions by 18%.
  • • Championed the implementation of a remote work program, resulting in a 40% increase in employee satisfaction.
  • • Directed the compliance training, ensuring a consistent 100% adherence to industry regulations and company policies.
  • • Supervised a team of 20 representatives, achieving a 95% customer resolution rate.
  • • Initiated a continual improvement program, enhancing team performance by 20% within six months.
  • • Introduced comprehensive weekly coaching sessions, increasing team productivity by 25%.
  • • Streamlined escalation processes, reducing average complaint resolution time by 30%.

5 Center Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

As a center manager, your resume must highlight your leadership experience. Demonstrate your ability to oversee operations and manage diverse teams effectively. Include your proficiency in budgeting and resource allocation. Your resume should reflect a strong track record of improving efficiency and achieving organizational objectives.

All resume examples in this guide

resume objective for call center manager


resume objective for call center manager

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Center Manager resume example

As a center manager, your resume challenge may lie in effectively showcasing your multitasking abilities and leadership skills within a limited space. Our guide offers tailored strategies to concisely present your diverse expertise, ensuring your resume stands out to potential employers.

  • center manager resumes that are tailored to the role are more likely to catch recruiters' attention.
  • Most sought-out center manager skills that should make your resume.
  • Styling the layout of your professional resume: take a page from center manager resume examples.

How to write about your center manager achievements in various resume sections (e.g. summary, experience, and education).

  • Financial Business Analyst Resume Example
  • Commodity Manager Resume Example
  • Configuration Manager Resume Example
  • Library Director Resume Example
  • Business Operations Manager Resume Example
  • Mortgage Operations Manager Resume Example
  • Division Manager Resume Example
  • Compliance Manager Resume Example
  • Business Relationship Manager Resume Example
  • SAP Business Analyst Resume Example

The importance of format and layout in your center manager resume

Achieve this balance by:

  • Listing your experience, beginning with the most recent and relevant , in reverse chronological order;
  • Ensuring your header contains essential information, such as contact details , a headline, and a portfolio link. Include a professional photo in the center manager resume header if you have one;
  • Including only the most important and relevant resume sections to showcase your expertise and stand out from other candidates;
  • Editing your center manager resume to be no longer than two pages if you have extensive relevant experience. Use your limited resume space judiciously.

Also, remember that your center manager resume might initially be scanned by an Applicant Tracker System (ATS).

When it comes to ATS:

  • Opt for simple and legible fonts like Raleway, Rubik, Lato, etc., making your experience easy for the ATS to scan;
  • Use serif and sans-serif fonts, both of which are ATS-friendly;
  • Avoid overused options like Arial and Times New Roman, which, while suitable, may lack personality.

Contrary to a common myth, our recent study shows that the ATS can effectively process both one-column and two-column resumes. Learn more about this in the ATS myths guide .

Finally, when submitting your center manager resume, always export it as a PDF to ensure all information remains intact, making the document easier to print, read, and scan.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

List all your relevant higher education degrees within your resume in reverse chronological order (starting with the latest). There are cases when your PhD in a particular field could help you stand apart from other candidates.

Don't forget to include these six sections on your center manager resume:

  • Header and summary for your contact details and to highlight your alignment with the center manager job you're applying for
  • Experience section to get into specific technologies you're apt at using and personal skills to deliver successful results
  • Skills section to further highlight how your profile matches the job requirements
  • Education section to provide your academic background
  • Achievements to mention any career highlights that may be impressive, or that you might have missed so far in other resume sections

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Demonstrated leadership and team management experience
  • Proven track record in operational efficiency and process improvement
  • Strong financial acumen and budget management skills
  • Expertise in staff training, development, and performance management
  • Experience in customer relationship management and satisfaction enhancement

Five dos for building your center manager resume experience section

The best strategic approach to your center manager resume experience section is to support your particular responsibilities with actions and achievements.

For example, you could list:

  • Up to six responsibilities in your day-to-day work, supported by why they're important for your role, department, or organization;
  • Experience items that have helped you sustain and enhance your technical knowledge within the field, or, perhaps, have helped you grow as a professional;
  • Any metrics that pinpoint your success within your past roles;
  • How you've solved specific problems in your day-to-day work;
  • Strategies and solutions you've implemented for growth - and how that growth was measured.

The center manager resume experience is your best shot at making a good first impression on recruiters. That's why we've included some real-world professional examples to get you thinking about how you present your experience:

  • Oversaw the strategic planning and execution of center operations, increasing overall productivity by 25%
  • Implemented a customer relationship management system that improved customer satisfaction scores by 40%
  • Led a workforce of 30 employees, fostering a collaborative environment that decreased staff turnover by 15%
  • Drove regional sales growth by 30% through targeted marketing initiatives and community engagement strategies
  • Managed budgets exceeding $2M, achieving a reduction in operational costs by 10% without sacrificing service quality
  • Coordinated the launch of a new service line which contributed to a 20% increase in year-over-year revenue
  • Enhanced center's operational protocols, resulting in a 15% improvement in service delivery time
  • Negotiated contracts with suppliers that led to a 12% reduction in supply costs
  • Developed and executed staff training programs that led to a significant boost in team performance metrics
  • Launched a customer feedback initiative that informed key operational changes, improving client retention by 25%
  • Managed the transition to a new IT system that increased data processing efficiency by 35%
  • Cultivated business relations with external partners, leading to a 20% expansion of the service offering
  • Initiated a cross-functional team project that enhanced operational workflow, reducing error rates by 18%
  • Streamlined inventory management, achieving a consistent supply level and reducing waste by 22%
  • Pioneered a green initiative in the center that cut energy costs by 15% through sustainable practices
  • Championed a customer loyalty program that increased repeat business by 30% within the first year
  • Utilized data analytics to refine operational procedures, boosting service efficiency by 20%
  • Orchestrated an employee recognition program that enhanced job satisfaction, resulting in a 10% decline in annual turnover
  • Executed a turnaround strategy for an underperforming center, elevating performance to top 5 within the corporation
  • Developed a robust emergency preparedness plan that ensured continuity of operations during unforeseen disruptions
  • Fostered strategic partnerships with local businesses, which grew ancillary revenue streams by 18%
  • Implemented an innovative employee scheduling system that maximized staff utilization and cut overtime expenses by 20%
  • Spearheaded the adoption of energy-efficient technologies, reducing the center's carbon footprint significantly
  • Crafted and executed a comprehensive marketing campaign, capturing a 25% market share in the competitive regional landscape

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the total budget you managed, showcasing your financial responsibility and trustworthiness.
  • State the number of staff members you supervised to demonstrate your leadership and management capabilities.
  • Mention specific percentages of cost reduction achieved through operational improvements to show your efficiency and strategic thinking.
  • Highlight any growth in customer satisfaction scores under your management to prove your focus on client experience and service quality.
  • Indicate the percentage increase in overall center revenue to reflect your contribution to business growth and sales acumen.
  • List the number of new programs or services implemented, illustrating your initiative and innovative approach.
  • Report on measurable improvements in team productivity or service delivery times to show your operational management skills.
  • Detail any significant projects undertaken, including project size and scope, to establish your project management experience and ability to handle complex tasks.

Action verbs for your center manager resume

Target Illustration

What to do if you don't have any experience

It's quite often that candidates without relevant work experience apply for a more entry-level role - and they end up getting hired.

Candidate resumes without experience have these four elements in common:

  • Instead of listing their experience in reverse-chronological format (starting with the latest), they've selected a functional-skill-based format. In that way, center manager resumes become more focused on strengths and skills
  • Transferrable skills - or ones obtained thanks to work and life experience - have become the core of the resume
  • Within the objective, you'd find career achievements, the reason behind the application, and the unique value the candidate brings about to the specific role
  • Candidate skills are selected to cover basic requirements, but also show any niche expertise.

Recommended reads:

  • How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume
  • How to List Continuing Education on Your Resume

If you happen to have plenty of certificates, select the ones that are most applicable and sought-after across the industry. Organize them by relevance to the role you're applying for.

Featuring your hard skills and soft skills on your center manager resume

The skills section of your center manager resume needs to your various capabilities that align with the job requirements. List hard skills (or technical skills) to showcase to potential employers that you're perfectly apt at dealing with technological innovations and niche software. Meanwhile, your soft skills need to detail how you'd thrive within your new, potential environment with personal skills (e.g. resilience, negotiation, organization, etc.) Your center manager resume skills section needs to include both types of skills to promote how you're both technical and cultural fit. Here's how to create your bespoke center manager skills section to help you stand out:

  • Focus on skill requirements that are listed toward the top of the job advert.
  • Include niche skills that you've worked hard to obtain.
  • Select specific soft skills that match the company (or the department) culture.
  • Cover some of the basic job requirements by including important skills for the center manager role - ones you haven't been able to list through the rest of your resume.

Get inspired with our center manager sample skill list to list some of the most prominent hard and soft skills across the field.

Top skills for your center manager resume:

Budget Management

Operations Management

Facility Maintenance Knowledge

Customer Service Management

Staff Training & Development

Inventory Management

Regulatory Compliance

Reporting and Documentation

Project Management

Performance Metrics Analysis



Time Management

Strategic Planning


Conflict Resolution


Stress Management

If the certificate you've obtained is especially vital for the industry or company, include it as part of your name within the resume headline.

What are the best certificates to add to your center manager resume + how to curate your education section

The education and certification resume sections are the underdogs of your center manager resume.

They showcase to recruiters that you've invested plenty of time to gain valuable and specific know-how, vital for growth.

As far as the resume education section is concerned:

  • Detail only advanced education, specifying the institution and timeframe.
  • Indicate your forthcoming graduation date if you're in the midst of your studies.
  • Consider omitting degrees that don't align with the job's requirements.
  • Offer a description of your academic journey if it underscores your notable achievements.

When curating your degrees and certificates on your center manager resume:

  • Select only accreditation that matters to the role
  • Niche knowledge that could help you stand out as a candidate (as is within the past few years), should be listed towards the top of your resume
  • Include any pertinent data for credibility (e.g. institute name, graduation dates, etc.)
  • Irrelevant degrees and certifications shouldn't make it on your resume. Those include your high school diploma and any specializations that have nothing to do with the technical or soft skills that are required for the job

As a final note, if you feel tempted to exclude your education or certification from your resume, don't.

These two sections could help you have a better competitive edge over other candidates - hinting that your professional journey in the industry may be for a longer period of time.

Recruiters find all of these center manager credentials impressive:

The top 5 certifications for your center manager resume:

  • Certified Manager (CM) - Institute of Certified Professional Managers (ICPM)
  • Facilities Management Professional (FMP) - International Facility Management Association (IFMA)
  • Professional in Human Resources (PHR) - HR Certification Institute (HRCI)
  • Certified Business Manager (CBM) - Association of Professionals in Business Management (APBM)
  • Certified Facility Manager (CFM) - International Facility Management Association (IFMA)

Always remember that your center manager certifications can be quantified across different resume sections, like your experience, summary, or objective. For example, you could include concise details within the expertise bullets of how the specific certificate has improved your on-the-job performance.

  • How to List a Major & Minor on Your Resume (with Examples)

Adding a summary or objective to your center manager resume

One of the most crucial elements of your professional presentation is your resume's top one-third. This most often includes:

  • Either a resume summary - your career highlights at a glance. Select the summary if you have plenty of relevant experience (and achievements), you'd like recruiters to remember about your application.
  • Or, a resume objective - to showcase your determination for growth. The perfect choice for candidates with less experience, who are looking to grow their career in the field.

If you want to go above and beyond with your center manager resume summary or resume objective, make sure to answer precisely why recruiters need to hire you. What is the additional value you'd provide to the company or organization? Now here are examples from real-life center manager professionals, whose resumes have helped them land their dream jobs:

Resume summaries for a center manager job

  • With over 10 years of comprehensive experience in retail management and a track record of increasing sales by 40% at a flagship store, this driven manager exhibits a deep understanding of effective merchandising and customer service strategies. Skilled in staff training and development, and adept at leveraging data-driven approaches to optimize store operations and profitability.
  • As a seasoned professional in hospitality management for over 12 years, I have mastered the art of creating memorable guest experiences, leading to a 30% rise in customer satisfaction scores. My expertise lies in team leadership, facility management, and implementing innovative revenue enhancement methods without sacrificing service quality.
  • Transitioning from a successful 8-year tenure in healthcare administration, I am bringing my strong organizational skills and a passion for team leadership to the center management field. Known for implementing cost-saving strategies that led to a 20% budget reduction without compromising patient care, eager to apply cross-industry insights to a new management context.
  • With a background in educational program coordination and 6 years of experience reshaping curriculums to increase student engagement by 25%, I am now aiming to leverage my project management skills and strategic planning capabilities to excel in center management, bringing a fresh perspective to operational enhancement and team dynamics.
  • Eager to embark on a managerial career path, I bring an enthusiastic approach to learning and a commitment to excel in orchestrating day-to-day operations. Leveraging a strong academic foundation in business administration and a knack for technology, my objective is to contribute to a thriving environment through innovative problem-solving and meticulous organization.
  • An ambitious graduate with a passion for business operations and customer service, aiming to apply my theoretical knowledge and proficiencies in analytical problem-solving to a center management environment. Seeking to develop practical experience and contribute to operational success while aligning with the company’s strategic goals.

Other relevant sections for your center manager resume

Apart from the standard center manager resume sections listed in this guide, you have the opportunity to get creative with building your profile. Select additional resume sections that you deem align with the role, department, or company culture. Good choices for your center manager resume include:

  • Language skills - always ensure that you have qualified each language you speak according to relevant frameworks;
  • Hobbies - you could share more about your favorite books, how you spend your time, etc. ;
  • Volunteering - to highlight the causes you care about;
  • Awards - for your most prominent center manager professional accolades and achievements.

Make sure that these sections don't take too much away from your experience, but instead build up your center manager professional profile.

Key takeaways

  • Your center manager resume is formatted professionally and creates an easy-to-read (and -understand) experience for recruiters;
  • You have included all pertinent sections (header, summary/objective, experience, skills, certifications) within your center manager resume;
  • Instead of just listing your responsibilities, you've qualified them with skills and the results of your actions;
  • Within your center manager resume, you've taken the time to align specific job requirements with your unique expertise, showcasing the value you can provide as a professional;
  • Technologies and personal skills are featured across different sections of your center manager resume to achieve the perfect balance.

center manager resume example

Looking to build your own Center Manager resume?

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    Objective examples. Experienced call center representative seeking employment in the sales industry, transferring skills in customer service and managing multiple accounts on a continuing basis. Demonstrated ability to exceed company sales goals and maintain a customer satisfaction rate of 99%. Copy to clipboard 128.

  15. Call Center Manager Resume Samples

    Call Center Manager Resume. Objective : Insurance professional with over 15 years of industry experience managing sales and call center operations. Successful at establishing the vision and strategies necessary to lead high performing sales, customer service, and support teams. Ability to recruit, train, and develop top-notch talent for the ...

  16. Customer Service Resume Objective: Samples & Writing Guide

    11 good customer service resume objective examples. The following objective samples for various customer service positions can help you write your resume introduction. 1. Call center rep. Customer service professional with 4+ years' experience in hospitality and call-center settings. Skilled at dealing with multiple calls daily while solving ...

  17. 5 Center Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    How to write about your center manager achievements in various resume sections (e.g. summary, experience, and education). Financial Business Analyst Resume Example. Commodity Manager Resume Example. Configuration Manager Resume Example. Library Director Resume Example.

  18. Customer Service Supervisor Resume Example (With Tips)

    Below is an example of a resume for a candidate with more than three years of experience as a customer service supervisor: Contact. Chuck Ferris. Chicago, Illinois | 304-555-0192 | [email protected] Summary Solution-driven customer service supervisor with more than three years of experience managing a team, driving customer satisfaction and ...