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Create a Great Visual Business Plan

Create a great visual business plan

Writing a business plan isn't something to be taken lightly. A survey by the University of Oregon's Department of Economics found that companies that complete a business plan are twice as likely to grow and secure investment capital as those that don't.

This may seem like an insurmountable task. But it doesn't need to be.

We've boiled the important elements down to a few diagrams. Complete these and you'll have a great, visual business plan that will take a fraction of the time to complete than a traditional narrative one. It will also be appreciated by readers, who can see and understand the key elements of your plan quickly, without wasting a lot of time.

Step 1. Mission: Explain Why the Business Exists

Too many businesses fail because the entrepreneur(s) weren't in business for the right reason. All too often, the drive is a desire to get rich or leave a job one doesn't like. Unfortunately, emotional motives usually doom a new enterprise.

Pyramid chart business plan

Focus on the "why" of your business—its purpose for existing. Richard Branson believes that a sense of frustration is the key to business success. His first venture, Virgin Records, was launched because he didn't like how a few high-priced London record outlets controlled the market. His company's mission was to ease this frustration by making it easier and cheaper for people to buy music.

A good way to summarize your mission is with a process list diagram. It has five key questions about what your business is, who your customers are, and why it will succeed within its market space. Each answer needs to be brief—no more than a couple of sentences. Keep your thinking very "high level" in this exercise.

Process list diagram

Step 2. Objectives: Create Milestones for Important Events

What are your primary objectives over a specific time period? How long a time period? For most businesses, this timeframe should be long enough to get the business to at least its first major milestone—profitability, an equity event, etc. It should not be less than a year nor should it be longer than five years.

A timeline diagram is a good way to present this.


Step 3. Team: Show Them You're the Right People for the Job

Lenders, angel investors, and venture capital firms want to know who comprises the team. Do your backgrounds, qualifications, and experiences fit the mission?

An organizational chart should be included, along with a brief bio of each key individual. Make it clear why each person is the right "fit" for the mission.

Organizational chart

Step 4. Marketing: Show How Your Price, Product, and Promotions will Differ

Getting your product into your customers' hands requires a clear and concise strategy. In today's world, having a well-thought-out marketing plan is essential.

A good starting place for this is a 4Ps diagram. It looks at your product, who the potential buyers are, how to reach them, and at what price point they will buy.

4P diagram

Step 5. Tactics: Show Off Your Process

Here's where you want to show you can deliver on your promises. This means getting the product from concept to customers' hands within a timeframe that meets or exceeds their expectations.

There are a number of ways to present this. For most businesses, a basic flowchart, such as a workflow diagram or business process map will work well.

Workflow or business process map

For manufacturing companies, a value stream map is an excellent tool. It not only explains a potentially complicated process succinctly, it also helps your management and production teams to evaluate and streamline operational efficiency.

Value stream map

Step 6. Finances: Presenting the Right Numbers the Right Way is Crucial

What numbers should you present in your business plan? There are many possible answers to this question. It really depends on the purpose of your business plan and who will be receiving it.

For example, say you are writing a business plan for the internal purposes of management. You may not need to document historical data or validate projections to the degree you should, say, for a bank loan.

If you're seeking investment capital, then you need to make sure your forecasts are extremely well thought out, and they show the investor(s) a clear plan for how and when they will be compensated.

Regardless of your intended audience, there are a few financial documents you should include in your business plan.


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Business Plan Template

Collaborate with your team, craft your business plan, and present your ideas visually with the Business Plan Template.

Trusted by 65M+ users and leading companies

About the Business Plan Template

A solid business plan is the key to the success of any project. That's why we have designed a comprehensive business plan template that makes organizing and outlining your business objectives a breeze. This template will help you streamline your process and visualize your goals, creating a roadmap for your business journey.

What's a business plan template?

A business plan template is a pre-structured framework that outlines the core aspects of a business plan. It helps organize and detail key components, providing a clear picture of what the business aims to achieve. Miro's business plan template includes:

Problem: Identify the core problem that the business plans to solve.

Solution: Outline the solution to address the problem.

Resources: Detail the resources required, including time, workforce, and materials.

Benefit: Define the benefits of implementing the proposed solution.

Risks: Analyze potential risks and how they will be mitigated.

Scope: Describe the extent and limitations of the project.

Stakeholders: List the parties involved and their interests.

Costs: Estimate the financial aspects of the project.

Metrics: Identify the key performance indicators to measure success.

How to use the business plan template in Miro

Using Miro's business plan template is an effortless and effective way to craft your business strategy. Here's a step-by-step guide to making the most of this template:

Choose the template: Select the business plan template from Miro's Template Library, tailored to fit any business type.

Define the problem: Identify the core problem your business intends to solve. Use Miro's tagging feature to add relevant tags for easy reference.

Outline the solution: Describe how your product or service addresses the problem. Use Miro's automated diagramming to create flow diagrams or charts illustrating the solution process.

List the resources: Detail all necessary resources, including time, workforce, and materials. Create categories and use color coding to organize them effectively.

Highlight the benefit: Define the benefits and why your solution is preferable. Incorporate visual aids like icons to emphasize key points.

Analyze the risks: List potential risks and their mitigation strategies. Use sticky notes to jot down thoughts and ideas collaboratively.

Describe the scope: Clarify the project's limitations and extent.

Identify stakeholders: List the parties involved using symbols or avatars to represent various stakeholders.

Estimate costs: Break down the financial aspects using tables or charts to present the information clearly.

Determine metrics: Set key performance indicators and use Miro's graphs to visualize the success measures.

Customize your plan: Add, remove, or change any fields to suit your specific project. You can expand the quadrants, adding data or other artifacts as needed.

Collaborate and share: Invite team members to collaborate in real time, adding comments and feedback. Miro's collaboration features support seamless teamwork.

To finish, prepare a presentation. With features like frames and the Presentation Mode , you can visually guide stakeholders through your strategy. And remember, ensure that all details are accurate and aligned with your goals.

With this quick guide and Miro's various sets of features, creating a business plan becomes a collaborative and creative process. The ability to visualize, tag, and present your plan ensures a rich and engaging experience for everyone involved. Whether you're a startup or an established business, Miro's business plan template offers the flexibility and robustness needed to succeed in today's competitive landscape.

Can I customize the business plan template in Miro?

Yes, add, remove, or change any fields to fit the specific needs of your project.

How can I share the business plan template with my team?

Miro's collaboration tools make it easy to share your template with team members, either through a direct link or by inviting them to your workspace.

Is the business plan template suitable for small businesses and startups?

Yes, the template is designed to be flexible and can be adapted to businesses of any size, including startups and small enterprises.

Get started with this template right now.

Roadmap Mountain template thumb

Roadmap Mountain

Works best for:.

Roadmap, Planning, Mapping

The Roadmap Mountain template provides a metaphorical framework for planning and visualizing project objectives and milestones. By depicting the journey towards achieving goals as a mountain ascent, teams can inspire motivation and focus. This template encourages collaborative goal-setting and fosters a sense of accomplishment as teams progress towards their summit. With clear milestones in sight, teams can stay motivated and track their progress effectively.

Product Voice Design toolkit template thumb

Product Voice Design toolkit

Product Management, Planning

The Product Voice Design toolkit facilitates the development of consistent and impactful product messaging. By defining brand voice attributes, tone guidelines, and messaging principles, this toolkit ensures that product communication resonates with target audiences. With sections for crafting messaging frameworks, storytelling templates, and content guidelines, it empowers product teams to create compelling and cohesive product narratives. This toolkit serves as a valuable resource for enhancing product communication strategies and building strong brand identities.


Product Development Roadmap Template

Product Management, Software Development

Product development roadmaps cover everything your team needs to achieve when delivering a product from concept to market launch. Your product development roadmap is also a team alignment tool that offers guidance and leadership to help your team focus on balancing product innovation and meeting your customer’s needs. Investing time in creating a roadmap focused on your product development phases helps your team communicate a vision to business leaders, designers, developers, project managers, marketers, and anyone else who influences meeting team goals.

Product Positioning Canvas template thumb

Product Positioning Canvas

The Product Positioning Canvas template aids product managers in defining and communicating product positioning strategies. By analyzing target markets, competitive landscapes, and unique value propositions, this template helps differentiate products in the market. With sections for defining brand attributes, messaging, and market segments, it enables teams to craft compelling positioning statements that resonate with target audiences. This template serves as a guide for aligning product positioning with business objectives and driving market success.

Process Map Thumbnail

Process Map Template

Agile Methodology, Product Management, Mapping

Process mapping allows you to assess, document, and strategize around any plan or approach your team has put in place. It’s a useful tool for eliminating or preventing blockers. Organized by stages, a process map enables your team to divide up a process or system and record deliverables and action items at each stage of the process. By breaking down the objectives, activities and deliverables at any stage of a project, you can gain insight into whether you are on track or effectively working through a problem.

Communication Roadmap template thumb

Communication Roadmap

Roadmap, Mapping, Planning

The Communication Roadmap template enables teams to plan and execute effective communication strategies. By outlining key messages, channels, and stakeholders, teams can ensure consistent and targeted communication throughout a project lifecycle. This template fosters alignment and transparency, enabling teams to engage stakeholders effectively and mitigate risks associated with miscommunication.

Don't bother with copy and paste.

Get this complete sample business plan as a free text document.

Graphic Design Business Plan

Start your own graphic design business plan

The Metolius Agency

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">.

The Metolius Agency is a Eugene, Ore. based graphic design and visual communications firm.  Metolius will be concentrating on corporate identity of established companies.  The targeted customer is a small- to medium-size company that has been established for five to 15 years.  The company has done well with the business so far, but they are in need of a new corporate identity to allow them to move to the next level.

Metolius will operate out of a small office in the downtown area.  For months one through seven, Kiev Lartiste will be the sole employee.  By month seven, Kiev will be hiring an assistant to help with design work as well as administrative details.

Metolius will offer companies a fresh perspective regarding corporate identity and visual communication.  Kiev has a unique background where he has business skills and creative skills.  Most firms come solely from creative backgrounds.  While this is useful for the crafting of logos and other devices of visual communication, it lacks the intuitive business mindset that Kiev brings to the firm.  This competitive edge allows Kiev to bring both an aesthetic design focus as well as a practical, quantitative mindset that adds value to the service offerings by creating solutions that have both creative elements combined with rational, business ideas.  This is useful since the clients are more business oriented.

Metolius will grow their customer base by providing clients with well-priced projects due to reasonably low overhead, creative, practical designs that add more value than competing graphical art firms, and superior customer attention.  The Metolius Agency will reach profitability by month nine and generate $27,347 in profits by year three. 

Graphic design business plan, executive summary chart image

1.1 Objectives

The objectives for the first three years of operation include:

  • To develop a start-up graphics agency that will grow to profitability within year two.
  • To create a company whose primary goal is to exceed customer’s expectations.
  • To create a firm that provides the target customers with valuable services and provides the owner with a flexible, creative, fun, and profitable business opportunity.

1.2 Mission

The Metolius Agency’s mission is to provide the customer with creative and practical graphic design work and visual communication services.  We exist to attract and maintain customers.  When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place.  Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.

1.3 Keys to Success

The keys to success are:

  • Professionalism
  • Practical insight
  • Enjoyment of the experience

Company Summary company overview ) is an overview of the most important points about your company—your history, management team, location, mission statement and legal structure.">

The Metolius Agency is a start-up graphics firm that serves small- to medium-sized companies.  The firm will be based in Eugene, Ore. and will operate from a small, downtown office.

2.1 Company Ownership

The Metolius Agency is a sole proprietorship owned and operated by Kiev Lartiste.

2.2 Start-up Summary

The Metolius Agency will incur the following start-up costs:

  • Assorted office furniture including two filing cabinets, two work desks, a couch and two chairs for the waiting area, a round table with chairs, and assorted fixtures for the office.
  • Two computers, each with 21″ monitors, graphic tablet, black and white laser printer, inkjet color printer, scanner, CD-RW, and the following software: Illustrator, Freehand, Quark, Photoshop, Font Management Utilities, Traffic Office Manager (a scheduling and billing software), and Microsoft Project.
  • Development of the website which will include design time by Kiev and implementation from a University of Oregon computer science graduate student.
  • A current library of requisite magazines and journals.
  • A DSL connection.
  • Assorted office supplies.
  • Stationary and brochures.
  • Legal fees regarding business formation, creation of standard client contracts, and other general advice.

Please note that the following items which are considered assets to be used for more than a year will be labeled long-term assets and will be depreciated using G.A.A.P. approved straight-line depreciation method.

Graphic design business plan, company summary chart image

The Metolius Agency provides graphic design and visual communication services to established, primarily Eugene-based, companies.  Some of the services offered are corporate identity, marquees, logos, branding, and packaging. 

The pricing of the projects are typically estimated as a project-based cost.  The project cost will be estimated by the approximate number of hours needed to complete the project.  Generally, Kiev will be charging $75 an hour for his services.

The majority of services will be provided at The Metolius Agency’s office space.  This office will be modern, practical, and sleek.  This is very important because the office of a graphic designer is to a large degree a piece of their portfolio and reflects their work product.  Therefore, a decent amount of money will be used to develop a proper appearing business office.

Market Analysis Summary how to do a market analysis for your business plan.">

The Metolius Agency will be targeting small- to medium-sized companies.  What these companies have in common is they have started as a small company with a good idea and have grown into a larger, more mature company that must now decide if they are going to maintain the current business strategy, or reinvigorate the company, employ professional service providers, and move to the next level.

4.1 Market Segmentation

The Metolius Agency has two distinct customer groups which they will concentrate on:

  • Small-size companies: typically five to 15 employees
  • Medium-size companies: 15 to 40 employees

These companies started with a valuable concept and leveraged their original grassroots visual communication elements. Now that they have matured into a larger company, they can no longer rely on the original grassroots corporate identity. These companies are in need of a professional firm like The Metolius Agency to expand their identify and take them to that same level as their competitors and be able to compete.

Graphic design business plan, market analysis summary chart image

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

The market segments will be targeted in a number of different ways.  It must be noted that graphics firms generate visibility and sales not through advertising, but through networking and client referrals.  The methods used for the target market segment strategy will be:

  • Networking. The networking will be based on leveraging Kiev’s personal and professional relationships that he has developed after spending years in the industry.  Ways of networking include sending out notecards to all acquaintances announcing the opening of The Metolius Agency, periodically meeting with people to catch up–as well to continue to network which means to find out who this person knows within the target companies that Metolius will try to turn into customers. 
  • Client referral. A lot of business is derived through referrals.  Some of the referrals will come through the Chamber of Commerce, some of the referrals will come from customers.  Recognizing that referrals will be a good source of new customers, Kiev will be in constant contact with the Chamber.  In addition to being in contact with them, Kiev will investigate the possibility of doing a small project pro bono for the Chamber.  This will be done to let the Chamber view an example of The Metolius Agency’s work.  It will also provide a reason for the Chamber to recommend The Metolius Agency.  Kiev will work very hard to satisfy all of his customers.  By making sure that he exceeds their expectations, he will increase the likelihood that he will receive referrals from satisfied customers.
  • Targeted customer acquisition. This is the researching and strategic formulation to attract a chosen company to become a customer.  Kiev will put together a list of 20-30 companies that would be excellent customers.  Once these companies have been identified, Kiev will devise a strategy to target these companies as customers by initially determining what value Metolius can offer them. Eventually, the goal is to be able to meet with the decision maker of the company and present them with a portfolio of Kiev’s past work as well as the proposed value Kiev can offer them.

4.3 Service Business Analysis

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Within the last seven to 10 years, there has been a trend in the industry for the general advertising agencies, that previously only worked with advertising, to act as a full-service agency that not only prepares advertisements, but also does a lot of the creative work in-house instead of outsourcing it.  This trend toward full-service agencies has continued.  To a large degree it is occurring due to higher profit margins for the service providers.  The Metolius Agency will be bucking this trend and concentrating on their specific skill set.

4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

The following are examples of the different types of competitors:

  • Large advertising agencies: over the years these firms have increased their number of service offerings from selling media forms of advertising, to a full-service company that develops creative work in-house, working with companies to develop corporate identity, etc.
  • Freelance designers: these competitors are similar to Kiev because they are typically a one-man operation, often operating out of their own home.  Often the freelance designers are just getting into the business and are trying to get experience, or they have left a firm in search of a more flexible lifestyle.  Some freelance designers are well experienced and can offer the same professional level of quality the large agencies offer.
  • Kinko’s: while Kinko’s is not a true competitor, it is a substitute competitor that should be mentioned. Kinko’s stores do not have a true creative department, but for some of the larger accounts, it offers free creative services as a value-added feature to the larger customer.  These services are typically provided by an employee who has introductory or intermediate skills using graphic design software such as Quark or Freehand, and in a small amount of time can generate creative images for the client.  These services are typically not billed but used as a value-added benefit.  While the price is quite good, the customer must recognize the fact that these services are not on par with a professional agency.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

The Metolius Agency’s marketing and sales strategy will utilize networking and referrals to develop visibility for the company.  Prospective customers will be turned into qualified sales through a professional showing that displays Kiev’s portfolio of past work.  The portfolio is key for making a positive impression regarding Kiev which illustrates his skill set and capacity as a creative designer.

5.1 Marketing Strategy

As noted previously in the target market segment strategy, The Metolius Agency will rely on three activities in their marketing efforts.  These include:

  • Networking: leveraging relationships to build more relationships within Eugene’s relatively intimate community.
  • Client referral: by providing outstanding customer attention, current customers are more likely to become a long-term customer and are more likely to refer their friends.
  • Targeted customer acquisition: the first step of this process is to target who the ideal customer is, determine how Metolius can offer them value, and then network to come into contact with the decision maker at that company.

5.2 Sales Strategy

The sales strategy will be to utilize Kiev’s portfolio of past work to qualify a sales lead.  Using a portfolio is very common within the industry to show past examples of work.  Kiev’s strategy will be the development of several different portfolios, each one customized to a specific type of work.  By having different portfolios, Kiev is able to better illustrate his proficiency with that specific skill set.  In addition to the use of the portfolio, Kiev will do research on the prospective company and their industry so that he has specific knowledge of the needs the company may have and solutions that he can offer.

5.2.1 Sales Forecast

The first month of operation will be used to get the office set up and ready for business.  Some of the time will be working with the interior designers to create a modern looking office space.

Months two through four will be somewhat slow as Kiev is developing clients. He is forecasted to take on some smaller projects.  By month five Metolius will have developed larger projects and will continue to grow steadily.

Graphic design business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

5.3 Milestones

The Metolius Agency will have several milestones early on:

  • Business plan completion
  • Office set up
  • Establishment of the first major account
  • Profitability

Graphic design business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

5.4 Competitive Edge

The Metolius Agency’s competitive edge is based on Kiev’s diverse background of business and creativity.  Typically, most creative agencies are staffed by right-brain creative types.  These people are extremely aesthetically oriented.  While this is certainly an asset in the field of graphic design, it can be limiting because while their work might be extremely creative, it might not “hit home” with non-creative types which make up a large portion in the business world.

Kiev’s background is based both in aesthetics and business.  While Kiev always had a creative streak that he would use, his education was business oriented. This competitive edge allows The Metolius Agency to offer similar creative services other firms can offer, but also provide a unique business perspective.

Web Plan Summary

The website will be used as a way to disseminate information regarding the firm, show past examples of work, provide the interested party will several ways of contacting The Metolius Agency.  In today’s day and age, a website is almost a given, a standard source of information regarding the company.

6.1 Website Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy for the website will be based on inclusion of the Internet address in all materials that The Metolius Agency releases, as well as submission to popular websites.  Submission to search engines is an art in itself as different search engines work in different ways so a customized submission is most effective.

6.2 Development Requirements

A graduate student from the University of Oregon’s computer science department will be used for the development (writing the code, Kiev will be responsible for the creative work) of the website as well as the periodic maintenance of the site.  A graduate student will be used because of their expertise and typical below market rate.

Management Summary management summary will include information about who's on your team and why they're the right people for the job, as well as your future hiring plans.">

Upon graduation, Kiev went to work for Wieden & Kennedy in Portland.  This was a wonderful experience as Kiev was surrounded by very bright, creative people.  Kiev was given small projects, usually components of larger projects.  While this was a good experience, he was unable to leverage his business skills under these circumstances.

After three years Kiev moved to Eugene and took a position with (name omitted), a large full-service advertising agency.  The firm gave Kiev more management responsibility for his projects. After the third year, Kiev felt confident enough to entertain the idea of going out on his own and opening his own firm.  After market research and writing a business plan, Kiev gave notice and opened up The Metolius Agency.

7.1 Personnel Plan

Kiev will be the sole employee through month seven at which time he will hire an assistant to help out with design execution, as well as some of the administrative details.

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

The following sections will outline important financial information.

8.1 Important Assumptions

The following table details important financial assumptions.

8.2 Break-even Analysis

The Break-even Analysis indicates that approximately $7,000 will be needed in monthly revenue to reach the break-even point.

Graphic design business plan, financial plan chart image

8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

The following table will indicate projected profit and loss.

Graphic design business plan, financial plan chart image

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

The following chart and table will indicate projected cash flow.

Graphic design business plan, financial plan chart image

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

The following table will indicate the projected balance sheet.

8.6 Business Ratios

The following table compares standard business ratios with the Standard Industry Code #7336, Graphic Design Services.

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Business Plan Templates

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2 Essential Templates For Starting Your Business. Available as an interactive PDF or a Google Docs template.

With this business plan template, you'll be able to:

  • Write a company description that sells your story
  • Plan for the future: lay out goals and metrics for success
  • Describe your product line in detail and plan for how to stand out from competitors
  • Consider any legal formalities that require attention when starting your business
  • Put together necessary financial projections to make a strong start
  • Create your buyer persona and determine your product/marketing fit

business plan template

Build A Business Plan That Works

Available as a one-page interactive PDF and a full template on both Google Docs and Microsoft Word!

Whether you’re starting a business or drafting a formalized document with  your current business goals, it’s important to clearly defi ne the scope of all aspects of the venture — from mission, to target customers, to fi nances, and beyond.

When just starting out, it can be tempting to think of a business plan as simply your company’s name and a description of your product or service. But in reality, planning a business involves thinking through a lot more details.

In this business plan template we’ll guide you through the steps of writing company and product descriptions, setting sales and marketing goals and plans, and thinking through legal and fi nancial logistics. We've included a  plain text, designed , and  completed example version of this template. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you write a business plan.

A business plan is a formal written document that you can use to identify the purpose of your company, make important decisions about your future and help grow your company. HubSpot's free business plan templates provides guidance to establishing your company mission, customer research, competition, and a business strategy to profitability.

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Where can I get a free business plan template?

HubSpot's Free Business Plan Templates are the best way to create a professional, thorough business plan. The templates include instructions and everything you need to know about starting your company.

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Just sharing some free knowledge that we hope you’ll find useful. Keep us in mind next time you have marketing questions!

What are the basic format of a business plan?

A business plan is a written document that outlines the company's goals, strategy and implementation. The format of the plan varies depending on the type of organization (e.g., for-profit or nonprofit) and size, but most plans share some common features such as an overview, executive summary, and financial information.

What is the best business plan template?

A great business plan template clearly defines the scope of the venture -- from mission, to target customers, to finances, and beyond. HubSpot's business plan template will guide you through the steps of writing company and product descriptions, setting sales and marketing goals and plans, and thinking through legal and financial logistics.

What is needed to start a business?

If you're thinking about starting a business, you'll need to do some research first. You can't just start a business without doing any market research. Market research will tell you if there's an opportunity to turn your idea into a successful business. After that, write your business plan so that you know how much money and time it will take for the project to succeed. Use HubSpot's free business plan template today!

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Powerful business plan templates

Plan for the future, no matter what your business plans are or the size of your business with these designs and templates. whether it's just one big project or an entire organization's worth of dreams, these templates will keep you and your company on track from ideation to completion..

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Put your ideas to work with simple templates for every business plan

Every successful business took a lot of planning to get there, and these templates will be cornerstones of your future success. Whether you're looking to attract new business, pitch your services or reimagine your company, with these simple, customizable templates at your fingertips you can turn complexity into something tangible. These templates can become marketing assets or simply remain internal touchpoints for your team. And as your dreams change, you'll always have this template to refer to – it's easy to change what exists on paper. If you're a small business, focusing on your niche can help you dominate in your field, and you can forge a plan to figure out exactly what that niche might be and how to target your ideal customer . When it's time to share your vision with stakeholders, craft a presentation that outlines your plan succinctly and with style. Let these templates from Microsoft Designer be your partner in business strategy for years to come.

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Blog Infographics Business Plan Infographic: Everything You Need to Know [Ideas, Templates & Examples]

Business Plan Infographic: Everything You Need to Know [Ideas, Templates & Examples]

Written by: Victoria Taylor May 13, 2021

Business Plan Infographic

Creating a business plan can seem daunting at first but it’s much easier than you think. Your challenge really begins when you want to create a business plan that stands out . Instead of sending over a 50-page document that bores your audience and hardly gets any point across, why not use a business plan infographic? 

Using infographics for writing a business plan allows you to visually illustrate your research, pitch, and business structure in an engaging and creative way. Business plan infographics can be used internally or externally with investors or partners who want a quick overview of what your business has to offer. 

In this article, you’re going to learn everything you need to create a business plan infographic that will wow your readers and showcase your business at its best. 

Not a designer? No problem. Use our professional, fully customizable templates and Infographic Maker to create an engaging infographic today.


Want to learn more about other types of infographics? Read our blog on the 9 main types of infographics or watch the video below:

Click to jump ahead:

What is a business plan infographic, why use business plan infographics, create a goal for your business plan infographic, the best types of business plan infographics, what’s included in a business plan infographic, how to create a traditional business plan infographic, how to create a lean startup business plan infographic, business plan infographic examples, key design elements of a business plan infographic, how to get the most out of your business plan infographic.

  • Business plan infographic FAQ

An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic.

Being a type of business infographics , the  business plan infographic is a collection of text, images, charts and other data visualizations to give an overview of your business plan.

As it’s in the form of an infographic, business plan infographics are normally 1-page documents with visualized data, making them both engaging and easier to skim and scan.

These 1-page business plan infographics can be a reflection of your sales plan , marketing plan, business expansion plan or business stats that you’d like to share with your investors or employees.

Here is an example of a business plan infographic template that presents a 5-step guide to business continuity:

Business Plan Infographic


Return to Table of Contents

Infographics easily allow you to present detailed information in an easy-to-read or simple format so that the viewer can quickly understand and process the information faster than if you had handed them a full-page report.

We live in a fast-paced world where not everyone wants to download a report, view a  business plan , or read an entire blog post to get the information they need. Infographics make the whole process a lot easier.

As most humans are visual learners , your business plan infographics will highlight only the essential and important information while being entertaining and eye-catching so readers stay focused.

Business Plan Infographic


Using an infographic for a business plan also makes it easier for stakeholders to understand your ideas and increases the chance of a successful business pitch.

Business plan infographics are also a great way for you to educate investors, employees, or partners about the structure, purpose, and future of your business. It should accomplish three main goals:

  • Clarify your project and steps towards growth
  • Showcase an exceptional understanding of your financial needs
  • Educate investors, bankers, and lenders

Your business plan infographic should have a specific purpose or, rather, a specific topic to avoid confusing readers. For example, does your business plan infographic focus on a specific aspect or educate the reader on your position in a niche market ?

It’s crucial to keep your business plan infographic’s objective to a singular focus.

For example, if you’d like to educate people about how your business helps to optimize email management tools , your business plan infographic should highlight research backing this statement. Stick to the objective and try not to divert to the history of email marketing or how to use emails for your website.

You should also use relevant data for your business plan infographic based on the topic it addresses.

Data storytelling is the best way to use data to create new knowledge, decisions or actions without overloading your infographic with unnecessary information.

Business Plan Infographics

Only focus on the data that matters the most to your readers or industry. But use it in an interesting and educational way that allows the reader to get sucked into your business infographic.

The aim is to cut down the fluff so that readers can consume as much essential information as possible without being bogged down by unwanted data.

There are two types of business plans you can consider using to model your business plan infographic. You can create a traditional or a lean startup business plan infographic. Bplans  states the difference between the two mainly has to do with the data that’s presented, as: 

A lean startup business plan infographic

This type of plan has a high-level focus, fast to write, and contains key elements only. Some lenders and investors may ask for more information. It’s best to use when presenting a high-level overview with only key information. Most one-page business plan infographics are in this format.

A traditional business plan infographic

This type of plan is very detailed, takes more time to write and is comprehensive. Lenders and investors commonly request this plan. It’s normally in the form of a presentation or a business proposal and includes several business plan infographics altogether.

Business Plan Infographic

What you want to include in your business plan infographic might differ depending on the type of business plans you want to create, and we’ll go into more detail on this later. However, there are some common sections that you should consider when gathering information for your business plan infographic. Those include:

  • Company profile
  • Products & services
  • Business model
  • Risk management

You want to either include only key information on each of these sections or really elaborate on them depending on the type of business plan infographic you want.

This simple business plan mind map summarizes what you should include in a business plan infographic:

Business Plan Infographic


When you’re creating a traditional business plan infographic you need to ensure that you have the following features or data in your infographic based on your objective.

Executive summary

This section should show your reader what your company is all about and why it’s expected to be successful. This means to include your mission statement, values, product or service, company positions, and basic information that will be helpful to know.

Company description

Go in-depth about your company mainly focusing on the problems and solutions your business will provide for your industry, target audience, or niche. In this section, you’ll also have to list out your competitors and how you’ll follow suit on gaining the competitive advantages.

You can include this marketing business plan infographic as part of this section:

Business Plan Infographic


Market analysis

In this section, you’ll show research to show what other businesses are doing and what their strengths are, this means finding trends, stats, reports, themes, and successful breakthroughs that should be considered for your own business and how you can improve upon them.

Related :  20+ Strategy Infographics for Business Planning, Marketing and Branding

Organization & management

Summarize your overall business and legal structure in this section to let investors or bankers know if you’re a C or an S corporation . Take the steps to start an LLC, however, it’s essential to understand the laws and regulations in your state, LLC fees and other aspects that most lawyers recommend. It would also be helpful to add an organizational chart to allow readers to visually see the company hierarchy.

Also, utilizing an LLC Operating Agreement Template can provide a comprehensive framework for defining ownership, management structure, and operational procedures within your limited liability company.

Related :  15+ Company Infographic Templates, Examples & Tips

Service or product

Take the time to give a good first impression about what exactly your service or product does. Showcase the product or service lifecycle with charts and share plans for legal steps surrounding your product or service like copyright or patent filings.

Related :  7 Ways to Show Product Value Using Infographics

Marketing & sales

Outline an overview of your launch marketing strategy and how it will evolve and grow over time to fit your goals and market needs.

Financial projection or Funding request

If you’re sharing this section with an investor then you should focus on convincing them that your business is financially stable to be invested in. This means sharing a prediction of income statements, break-even analysis, return-on-investment calculations, balance sheets, and cash flow statements for the coming 2-5 years of your business.

Related :  14+ Finance Infographics to Simplify Financial Information [Templates and Examples]

This  Coral Technology Pitch Deck  is a perfect example of a comprehensive traditional business plan agency infographic in the form of a presentation that can be used on PowerPoint or Google Slides:

Business Plan Infographic


A lean startup business plan is much “leaner” as the word suggests. This is also shorter than the traditional business plan. A lean startup business plan infographic includes: 

Key partnership

In this section state the other businesses or services that you’re working with to run your business’s operations. These could be key suppliers, manufacturers, subcontractors, and partners. 

Business activities & resources

List in detail how your business will acquire the upper hand in your industry. Highlight features such as selling directly to consumers or taking advantage of the sharing economy. Run down any assets you’ll use to make an incentive for your customers.

Value proposition

This is a statement that shows the reader what unique value your business offers to your target audience in your niche or industry. 

Customer relationships

Create a product or service flow of how consumers will interact with your business. Will this personalized, automated, or specialized based on their needs. You should also list the channels you’ll be using to reach, maintain or optimize for your customers over time.

Business Plan Infographic

Customer segments

Describe who your ideal customers are in detail. List out who or where your target market will be and how your business will service and connect with them. 

Cost structure

This section is similar to the financial projections segment in a traditional business plan, but this also includes how your company will reduce cost or maximize value as you balance significant costs that may challenge your startup. 

Revenue streams

Use this section to explain how your startup will become profitable over time and will be used such as membership fees, subscription payments, selling ad space, and obtaining retainer contracts.

This  Financial Company Business Fact Sheet  is a good example of a lean startup business plan infographic as it gives an overview of the business with key figures only:

Business Plan Infographic

Let’s take a look at some more business plan infographic templates and examples.

Free business plan infographic template

This Light Company Business Fact Sheet is a good example of a free business plan infographic template that belongs to the lean startup type.

Business Plan Infographic

Marketing business plan infographic

On a different note, this  Yellow Marketing Business Plan  leans towards the traditional type, being in the form of a comprehensive marketing business proposal that contains multiple infographics.

Business Plan Infographic

Real estate commercial business plan infographic

The information in this real estate business plan infographic is broken down in the form of a presentation, making it easy to use in business pitches.

Business Plan Infographic

There are three main aspects of a business infographic: visual elements, content elements and data or facts used.

As simple as an infographic may look, putting all three of these elements successfully together can be the difference between good infographics and a cluttered and confusing infographic. 

Since we already covered data, let’s dive into the visual and content elements of your infographic. 

1. Choose an ideal infographic layout

Infographics come with multiple layout options. Layouts help you to decide how you want to share your story or data with the reader. Layouts also guide your designs and colors. Most layouts are recognized by columns or sections, as shown below:

Business plan infographic layout

If you’re not someone whose every design is savvy, you don’t need to memorize all these layouts instead, just remember these three main infographic layouts: stacked , comparison , and chronological . For more information, read our blog on how to choose the right infographic layout .

2. Select captivating colors for your infographic

Other than usingy our brand colors, you always want to keep in mind who your audiences are, what action you want them to take and how colors can affect that.

If you need help picking the right colors for your business plan infographic here are two guides that are sure to help you: 

  • How to Pick Colors to Captivate Readers and Communicate Effectively
  • The Do’s And Don’ts of Infographic Color Selection

Or you can watch this short video on color relationship and how that affects your design:

3. Choose the best content elements

Content elements represent the icons or charts you’ll be using to represent your data. Instead of simply dropping numbers and stats you want to give readers a visualization of what the data means and how it’s transitioned through your topic.

For example, if you want to represent the difference between the growing number of brands going wholesale vs retail, you could use a stacked bar chart to compare the two industries.

If you’re not sure about how to select the best chart for your data when you’re putting the final touches on your infographic design, check out our guide on selecting the right charts for your data , or watch the short video below:

The real work starts once you’ve created your business plan infographic. You’ll now need to effectively showcase or share your infographic in a way that allows you to get the most out of it.

If you’re using your business plan infographic for internal purposes then consider: 

  • Adding it to your onboarding documents 
  • Using it for presentations 
  • Sharing it with new or current investors  for specific projects 
  • Showing team roles and hierarchy 

Business plan infographics can also be used for external purposes to pitch to potential investors or new clients. They’re normally in presentation or proposal form, as we can see from some of the examples above.

Another thing to consider is to make your infographic mobile-friendly. Not all investors or partners look at documents from a business from a desktop. Having a well-optimized infographic allows the reader to get the full experience from your business plan infographic regardless of what device they may be viewing it on.

Business plan infographic FAQ

1. why should i create a business plan infographic.

A business plan infographic with data visualizations and concise, key information allows stakeholders to take a quick look at the current state the company is in and understand right away. This improves the success rates of your business pitches, whether they’re for investors, clients or senior management.

2. How do I make my business plan infographic look professional?

Make sure you keep in mind your brand guidelines while creating your business plan infographic to ensure consistency and professionalism in all comunications materials. You can also customize one of ours ready-to-use infographics which are designed to be used for businesses.

3. How do I create a business plan infographic?

Start by registering for a free account for Venngage’s Infographic Maker . You can then choose from our wide variety of business plan infographic templates that you can create using our easy-to-use editor, no design skills needed.

In summary: Business plan infographics are great to use for both internal and external purposes

Consider using business plan infographics whenever you need to deliver a sales plan presentation, pitch a new project or present your services to new clients.

Venngage has hundreds of business plan infographic templates you can use to create your business plan infographic with no coding or design experience required.

Need to make an infographic? Start creating in seconds with our professional templates and simple online editor.

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👀 Turn any prompt into captivating visuals in seconds with our AI-powered design generator ✨ Try Piktochart AI!

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Are Business Plans Highly Visual

In today’s business landscape, the role of visual elements in communication and presentation has gained significant prominence, with businesses increasingly recognizing the power of visual storytelling and engaging graphics in conveying complex information.

While traditional business plans have typically been characterized by text-heavy content and detailed financial analyses, the evolution of digital tools and multimedia platforms has paved the way for a more visually dynamic and interactive approach to business plan development. This shift toward visual-centric communication has prompted entrepreneurs and business professionals to explore innovative strategies for integrating visual elements into their business plans, enhancing the overall appeal and accessibility of their strategic vision and operational framework.

The Impact of Visual Communication

Visual communication plays a pivotal role in capturing the attention of stakeholders, investors, and potential business partners, enabling businesses to convey their value proposition and market potential in a compelling and easily digestible format. By incorporating infographics, charts, graphs, and multimedia presentations, businesses can effectively illustrate complex data, market trends, and competitive analyses, fostering a deeper understanding of the business’s key objectives and growth trajectory.

While adding infographics, charts, graphs into your plan can take time, there are AI business plan generators that can do it automatically for you.

Engaging Stakeholders through Visual Storytelling

Visual storytelling serves as a powerful tool for engaging stakeholders and fostering meaningful connections with target audiences. Integrating immersive visuals, dynamic animations, and interactive multimedia components within the business plan enables entrepreneurs to narrate their brand story, showcase product features, and highlight market opportunities in a visually captivating and emotionally resonant manner, fostering a sense of authenticity and brand identity that transcends traditional textual narratives.

Enhancing User Experience and Accessibility

Incorporating visual elements into business plans enhances user experience and accessibility, facilitating seamless navigation and intuitive comprehension of complex business strategies and financial projections. Utilizing user-friendly interfaces, intuitive data visualizations, and interactive design features can empower stakeholders to actively engage with the business plan content, facilitating informed decision-making and fostering a sense of transparency and trust between the business and its key stakeholders.

Balancing Visual Appeal with Content Depth

While visual elements serve as effective tools for enhancing the appeal and accessibility of business plans, striking a balance between visual engagement and substantive content depth is essential for ensuring the comprehensive communication of critical business insights and strategic analyses. The integration of visuals should complement the textual content and financial analyses, providing a comprehensive and holistic overview of the business’s market positioning, competitive advantage, and long-term growth prospects.

Adapting to Evolving Digital Trends

As digital technologies continue to evolve, businesses must adapt to emerging trends and best practices in visual communication to stay relevant and competitive in the contemporary business landscape. Embracing interactive presentations, virtual reality simulations, and augmented reality experiences can foster a dynamic and immersive business plan presentation, enabling stakeholders to actively participate in the strategic vision and experiential journey of the business.

How to Make Your Business Plan Visually Appealing

Crafting a visually appealing business plan is essential for capturing the attention of stakeholders, investors, and potential partners, effectively communicating your business’s value proposition, and showcasing its growth potential. Integrating engaging visuals, dynamic design elements, and intuitive infographics can elevate the aesthetic appeal and overall readability of your business plan, fostering a compelling and memorable narrative that resonates with your target audience. Here are key strategies to make your business plan visually engaging and impactful:

1. Visual Branding and Design Consistency: Infuse your business plan with cohesive visual branding elements, including logos, color schemes, and typography that align with your company’s brand identity. Ensure consistency in design elements throughout the document, reinforcing a strong and unified visual identity that reflects your business’s core values and market positioning.

2. Utilize Infographics and Data Visualizations: Transform complex data sets, market trends, and financial projections into visually compelling infographics and data visualizations. Use charts, graphs, and diagrams to illustrate key metrics and performance indicators, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of your business’s growth trajectory and market potential.

3. Incorporate High-Quality Imagery: Integrate high-resolution images, product photographs, and visual representations of your business operations to enhance the visual appeal of your business plan. Use captivating visuals to showcase your products, services, and unique selling points, providing stakeholders with a vivid and immersive glimpse into your business’s offerings and value proposition.

4. Interactive Multimedia Elements: Leverage interactive multimedia elements, such as videos, animations, and virtual presentations, to create an engaging and immersive business plan experience. Use multimedia content to demonstrate product functionalities, showcase customer testimonials, and articulate your business’s competitive advantage, fostering a dynamic and interactive engagement with your target audience.

5. Clear and Concise Visual Hierarchy: Implement a clear and intuitive visual hierarchy that organizes the content flow and highlights key information within your business plan. Utilize visual cues, bullet points, and section dividers to structure the document effectively, enabling stakeholders to navigate through the business plan seamlessly and access critical insights and analyses with ease.

6. Engage with Professional Design Tools: Leverage professional design software and online tools to create visually polished and professional business plan layouts. Explore design platforms that offer customizable templates, graphic design elements, and intuitive editing features, empowering you to craft visually stunning and industry-standard business plans that reflect a high level of professionalism and sophistication.

7. Incorporate Visual Case Studies and Success Stories: Integrate visual case studies, success stories, and customer testimonials to demonstrate your business’s track record, achievements, and market credibility. Use visually compelling narratives and real-life examples to highlight your business’s impact, success stories, and contributions to the industry, fostering a sense of trust and confidence among stakeholders and potential investors.

8. Responsive Design for Digital Platforms: Ensure that your business plan is optimized for digital platforms and mobile devices, incorporating responsive design elements that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and resolutions. Prioritize user-friendly interfaces, intuitive navigation, and accessible content formatting to facilitate a seamless and engaging viewing experience for stakeholders accessing the business plan across different devices and platforms.

In conclusion, the integration of visual elements within business plans has become increasingly vital for facilitating effective communication, engaging stakeholders, and fostering a comprehensive understanding of the business’s value proposition and growth potential. By leveraging the power of visual storytelling, businesses can create impactful and immersive business plans that resonate with stakeholders, inspire confidence, and showcase the compelling narrative and strategic vision that underpin their long-term success and market competitiveness.

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visual business plan template

  • Development

How to Create a Production Company Business Plan [FREE Template]

H ighly successful video companies start with a strong production company business plan. Whether your company has been around for a while, or you’re a freelancer ready to take your services to the next level, this post will provide you with actionable strategies for success to compete more effectively right now.

It all beings with formulating the business plan that will get you where you want to go. If you don’t have a business plan, don’t worry. We provide a  free business plan template below and will walk you through it. 

Step by step.

  • Production Company Business Plan
  • The Executive Summary
  • Perform a Video Company Self Assessment
  • How to Get Started
  • Financing a Video Production Company
  • Marketing Plan
  • Day to Day Operations

Freebie: Business Plan Template for Video Production

Business Plan Template for Video Production - StudioBinder

Download your FREE printable business plan template for your video production. Just enter your email address and we'll instantly send it to you!

business plan template

1. what is a production company business plan.

Essentially it's a tool for raising funds, creating a roadmap, or altering course and plotting out the next steps.

One purpose of any business plan to so convey to investors, or a bank, why they should put money into this business.

Make Your Own Production Company Business Plan - Shark Tank

Think of creating a business plan you could bring to them

What does that mean?

It means you need this business plan for a production company to prove that you will make money. To prove it to you, but also to any investors.

After all, nobody invests to lose money. Or break even. So with that in mind, let's forge ahead into the actual writing of the business plan.

how to make a business plan

2. what is an executive summary.

Every business plan starts from the top down, with an executive summary.

What is that, exactly?

An executive summary is a short part of a larger proposal or report that summarizes the main points so the reader can become quickly educated on the whole document without having to read it all.

So it’s a detailed overview.

Of course, "executive summary" has a nice ring to it...

Your job here is to lay out the big picture of your plan. Some questions to ask yourself: Why do you want this business in the first place?

Similarly, what inspired you to start it? What's going to make it work?

Next, start to answer the questions your investors might have. Try getting into their head-space.

"Why would YOU invest in this business?"

You might want to write about the competition. The targeted demographic. Be specific here.

What need does your business fill? Which kinds of customers and clients are you targeting?

Think about your target market

Furthermore, what else sets you and your business apart?

Especially relevant is using concrete examples and not only ideas. Can you cite previous work you've done?  

This brings us to...

Your production companies competition

What does the rest of the field looks like. Your investor will want to know if they don't already.

What sets this company and this production company business plan apart from others?

Knowing the entire field of competitors you have is a good idea, even if it's a very long list.

Your production company business plan must factor in what else is being offered. That way you can adjust, and target a more specific niche.

Or, you can figure out what you can do better.

For example: what can you identify in your competitor's list of services that you know you can nail?

This is what your video company plan needs to convey.

Finally, remember to think of it from the investor's standpoint. How is this an opportunity for them?

how to create a business plan

3. why a video company self-assessment.

This step is easy to do, but hard to do well.

Can you take a good long look at your video production studio? With the intent to circle problems? Areas that need improvement?

The second part of this step might be easier. Find the areas where your video production studio can really shine.

In contrast, you don't want to elaborate on weaknesses in your video production company business plan. Rather, you want to identify them so you can find ways to address them.

You need to have answers to the questions these flaws might bring to the mind of your investors.

Make Your Own Production Company Business Plan - Mirror

  You are not required to sing “Man in the Mirror” 

Then go beyond looking in the mirror.

Look back at the field before you.

This is a business plan for a production company. What opportunities exist for that?

Most of all, try and tailor this production house business plan to specific needs.

Here are a few methods of company self-analysis:

This is a way to identify changes in your industry, to target potential growth opportunities. The acronym stands for:

P olitical Factors

E conomic Factors

S ocial Factors

T echnological Factors

 P roduction company business plan would include a PEST

We've mentioned elements of SWOT:

W eaknesses

O pportunities

The one to focus in on here is threats. Don't assume everything will work out for the plan just the why you'd like it to.

Because it won't. Investors will know that. You should not only know it, you should expect it.

Most important of all: prove that you're prepared for whatever may happen.

Here's a cool way to approach your SWOT analysis. Try applying your strengths to your opportunities and see what kind of leverage you can create.

Then theoretically expose your weaknesses to your threats. Are you in trouble? Do you need to address something to better protect your company?

Think of this as planning for a battle. Therefore, you don't want to ignore cracks in the wall if your enemy is bringing a battering ram.

Business plan can benefit from SWOT

Strategy, structure, systems, style, shared values, staff, and skills.  The 7S model  was developed by business consultants  Robert H. Waterman Jr. and Tom Peters . It's also known as the McKinsey 7S framework.

The idea here is that your business needs these elements to be aligned and "mutually reinforcing". Let's go over each "S".

Strategy: How does this business plan to gain an advantage.

Structure: How do you divide the various operations of the company.

Systems: Procedure for measurement, reward and resource allocation.

Skills: the companies core and distinctive capabilities.

Staff: Human resources.

Style: Behavior patterns of the key groups like managers.

Shared values are in the middle of them all on the diagram. It's somewhat self-explanatory.

In theory, using these methods of self-analysis will help you a great deal. Due to them you'll know, and decide, all sorts of things about your production company.

The 7 S model of analysis

Start putting these ideas onto paper now! If you haven’t already…

Gentlemen, start your engines

4. how to get started.

A business plan for a production company must lay out how you will get started. This is also referred to as a "roll out plan".

How you engineer your beginning is critical to your cash flow. What do you need to get started?

And can you start at a sustainable level?

Will you open a physical office space right off the bat?

Overhead is a major cost. If this is more of a production house business plan then you’ll want to factor that in.

Do you have existing clients?

Equipment or gear already in place?

A video production business plan suggests that your focus will be on video production. Things like equipment will be critical.

In addition to considering this an entertainment production company business plan you may also want to focus on creative development.

How you want to focus effects how you want to phrase things. And it matters almost immediately.


It's a good idea to propose that you start small.

There are two reasons for this.

The first is that you will scare away investors if you ask for too much up front, almost without fail they can tell if you are asking for more than it seems like you need.

It also throws into question how serious you are about sustaining success.

Which leads to the second reason.

It'll be much harder for you to sustain success if you ask for big upfront funding that you aren't sure you can earn back plus profit.

Let's say because you know of a few jobs you'll have early on, that you ask for less up front.

You'll be able to get rolling right away, earning back the initial investments and then some.

Above all you want to start off with easy wins.

Or as close to easy wins as you can get when launching or re-launching a video production business plan.

Seems like it would somewhat obvious not to ask for more than you can earn back...

Rather, it's a mistake people make all the time.

Speaking of which...

do have the capital?

5. financing a company.

Any business needs capital. As a result, you need a section where you lay out the cash flow for the production house business plan.

What kind of money do you expect to have coming in, and how much do you expect to be spending?

Make the budget, while also estimating how you'll be earning.

If you can't demonstrate this, then you need to go back to the drawing board.

Make Your Own Production Company Business Plan - Stacks on Stacks

Just pose like this and you’ll reassure any investor

You will want to get involved with an accountant at some point soon.

But remember, this is a business plan for a production company. So you may have a lot of costs coming at you early just to get started.

What is a marketing plan?

Your video production business plan is almost complete. Another section worth including would be one on marketing.

Here is a good additional resource on small business accounting .

You want to prove that business will be coming in, and not assume it will on faith alone.

Building a strong portfolio is a must. Consider again what niche you may be able to serve best. Find a solid "bread and butter" to start with.

Remember, good businesses expand when they need to. They don't bite off more than they can chew right out of the gate.


Do some research on how you’ll be building the best website for your product.

Get your production company a few social media accounts, and start trying to create a presence there. You'll need to find many ways to attract clients, and show your work.

Do some additional research on how to market a production company.

All this needs to find its way into the marketing section of your production company business plan.

what's your daily workflow?

7. day to day operations.

The day to day operations are a critical part of the plan. Have you visualized what the daily workflow will be?

Now is the time to do that. Who is going to be on your team, and how will it grow and change over time?

Determine what tasks will take priority each day, and how to best utilize your resources and finances.

This will be a key step in determining if your production company business plan is sustainable.

Ask yourself a few of the following questions:

How much time per day will you spend building your client base? What elements of each job will you tackle in-house? Which tasks might you outsource?

What equipment and gear do you own?

When will it need to be replaced and/or upgraded?

Are you going to hire anyone to start? Will they be full-time employees?

Will you hire independent contractors per project? How many, roughly?

As mentioned in the finance section, you need to know how you'll plan your reporting for taxes and your bookkeeping process.

These questions will help you start to determine what each "day at the office" will look like.

The clearer a picture you can paint here, the better.

Write a Business Plan

Get as specific as possible in each section of your entertainment company business plan. The more you know... right?

Now, let's get a little more advanced. In our next post we'll dive into writing a 4 part business plan. 

Up Next: Write a 4-Part Business Plan →

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Business Plan Templates

Grow your business faster, a single, connected workspace to bring together your business goals, roadmaps, data, and teams together to generate solid business strategies..

  • Multiple business plan templates to get a headstart
  • Real-time collaboration to connect teams across the globe
  • Built-in presentation tools to create dynamic business plan presentations

Business Plan Templates

Make Confident Strategic Decisions

Professionally created business plan templates and frameworks to get started on planning, strategizing, ideating, and innovating.

Online whiteboard with built-in brainstorming tools like mind maps and post-it notes walls to run structured planning and ideation sessions.

Migrate business intelligence data from external sources to visualize on the canvas as meaningful shapes for easier analysis.

Freehand drawing to assist with visualizing strategies and freehand note taking during meetings and brainstorming sessions with stakeholders.

Better Manage Your Business Plans

Better Manage Your Business Plans

Powerful and versatile table with advanced customizability to record, organize, and categorize your business data to uncover trends.

Built-in tools to create interactive and dynamic presentations , reports, and dashboards on business strategies and plans to onboard stakeholders.

Import images, vectors, screenshots, and more to the canvas to add more context to your business plans.

Embed business documents and resources with in-app previews and centralize all business assets in a single location for easier access.

Embed your business plans securely in any site or intranet, or export them as PDFs, PNGs, JPEGs, or SVGs to share or publish them.

Collaborate Seamlessly with Your Team

Collaborate Seamlessly with Your Team

Video conferencing built into the platform to make you feel like you are in the same room.

Real-time cursors for seamless collaboration with any number of participants, bring your team on board for easy business discussions and decision making.

Comment on anything, with context. Async collaboration with comments and discussions.

Smart notifications feature to stay updated on changes other stakeholders make to your documents.

Full version history to keep track of each iteration of your workspaces. Branch out from an earlier version of your business plan if needed at any time.

Multiple access and role levels to streamline reviewing, editing, and managing your strategic business plans.

Expand Your Business Plans

Expand Your Business Plans

Build custom databases for any type of business data from sales data or customer contact information to website traffic statistics.

Frames for Kanban boards, timelines, grids, and more to visually arrange your data and create a view for your own working style on the canvas.

Generate multiple views of the same business information with model objects; easily convert a Kanban board into a workflow into a roadmap.

Extend your business plans by documenting key details on different elements with custom properties and additional fields.

Connect to your favorite tools with Creately plugins for Slack, Google Workspace, Confluence, and more.


What Is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a document that explains your business and what it does, your strategy, key future goals, and an action plan which should outline how you plan to make money and what you need to do to achieve your goals.

How to Make a Business Plan?

  • Start with writing your business overview, which should include who you are, company timeline, industry information, objectives, organizational chart, products & services.
  • Define your target market with customer profiles, and carry out a market analysis to understand your market position. You can use perceptual maps and other marketing strategy tools to do this.
  • Get an understanding of your competitive landscape. Using a SWOT analysis, identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.
  • Add a section featuring your products and services along with general information related to them.
  • Base your marketing strategy on your market and competitor analysis and the research you did on your customers.
  • What are the workflows you’ll implement to achieve your objectives? These should come under your operations plan along with your suppliers, production processes, team and their responsibilities, equipment, facilities etc.
  • The financial plan should include your cash statements, profits and losses, projections of revenue and the funds you will need.
  • Export the diagrams you have created as PDFs or in other image formats for publishing, sharing and printing.

Free 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Templates and Samples

By Joe Weller | September 4, 2020

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In this article, we’ve compiled a variety of useful 30-60-90-day business plan templates. Download them in PDF, Word, and Excel formats for free.

On this page, you’ll find a one-page 30-60-90-day business plan template , a sample 30-60-90-day business plan for startups , a sample 90-day business plan template with timeline , and more that you can use to develop an actionable plan.

Simple 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Template

Simple 30 60 90 Day Business Plan Template

Use this simple 30-60-90-day business plan template to map out main goals and deliverables. You can easily break down your high-level plan into bite-sized chunks to create an effective roadmap for accomplishing business goals. Add key tasks and descriptions, assign ownership, and enter deadlines to keep plans on track.

Download Simple 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Template

Word | PDF | Smartsheet

One-Page 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Template

One Page 30 60 90 Day Business Plan for Template

Document key goals and tasks with this single-page 30-60-90-day business plan template. This template can help you create a high-level view of main business objectives and track the status of your goals in an organized and scannable manner. 

Download One-Page 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Template

Word | PDF  | Smartsheet

Sample 30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Startup 

Sample 30-60-90 Day Business Plan for Startup

Use this sample 30-60-90-day plan as a basis to build out and develop your organization’s startup business plan. This template enables you to produce and implement a plan of action — from idea conception to business plan finalization. There is also space to detail main goals and deliverables, assign task ownership, and set due dates to ensure your plan stays on track.

‌Download Sample 30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Startup Template 

Sample 90-Day Business Plan Template with Timeline

Sample 90 Day Business Plan Template with Timeline

This sample 90-day business plan template is customizable and doubles as an action plan and timeline so you can track progress in 30-day increments. Easily break your plan into phases, then add key tasks, task ownership, and dates for each activity. You can also fill in and color-code the cells according to the respective start and end dates to create a visual timeline. 

Download Sample 90-Day Business Plan Template with Timeline - Excel

30-60-90-Day Business Plan to Increase Sales (With Gantt Chart)

30 60 90 Day Business Plan to Increase Sales with Gantt Chart

Use this template to develop a 90-day action plan to increase sales for your business. This customizable template is designed to help you reevaluate and improve your sales strategy and business plan. Broken up into 30-day increments, this template comes pre-filled with actionable tasks, like defining and prioritizing goals, conducting market research, evaluating current processes, finding untapped opportunities, and refining your sales plan to reach sales goals.

Download 30-60-90-Day Business Plan to Increase Sales

Excel | Smartsheet

For additional resources to create and enhance the sales plan portion of your business plan, visit “ All about Sales Plans: Definitions, Tips, and Free Templates .”

30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Marketing

30 -60-90 Day Business Plan for Marketing

This 30-60-90-day business plan for marketing features a simple and scannable design to help stakeholders track the progress of key marketing goals and activities. Use this customizable template to provide an overview of main objectives and the status of tasks you need to complete.

Download 30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Marketing

Excel | Word | PDF

For additional resources to help develop the marketing plan portion of your business plan, view “ Free Marketing Plan Templates, Examples, and a Comprehensive Guide .”

Purpose of a 30-60-90-Day Business Plan

Unlike a 30-60-90-day plan used to interview for or transition into a new role, a 30-60-90-day business plan is a useful document for developing a roadmap covering the first 90 days of your business planning process.  

Small-business owners, entrepreneurs, and established organizations use a 30-60-90-day business plan to do the following: 

  • Establish high-level goals, objectives, and deliverables for the first 30, 60, and 90 days.
  • Align your team’s goals with overarching business goals.
  • Outline key business activities needed to accomplish the established goals.
  • Determine the necessary resources to effectively complete the tasks.
  • Define success metrics.
  • Assign activity ownership, define milestones, and create a timeline to keep the plan on track.

Looking for additional resources to help you develop your business plan? Visit the following pages for more free templates:

Simple Business Plan Templates

One-Page Business Plan Templates

Fill-in-the-Blank Business Plan Templates

Business Plan Templates for Startups

Business Plan Templates for Nonprofits

Streamline Your 30-60-90-Day Business Plan with Real-Time Work Management in Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Discover why over 90% of Fortune 100 companies trust Smartsheet to get work done.


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10 Free Value Stream Map Templates – Word, Excel

by Shane Drumm · May 26, 2024

visual business plan template

A value stream map visualizes the steps needed to transform a request into a service or a good. It shows a product’s path of production, starting with a supplier and ending with a customer.

Table of Contents

VSM VS Process Map

Value stream amp provides an overview of the delivery of your organizational value and sets the ground for managing the value stream. On the other hand, a process map is used by engineering teams and offers insights into every process, optimizing organizations’ existing operations. 

Segments of a Value Stream Map

There are three segments of the value stream map.

  • Process or production flow : In the process or production flow, the flow is drawn from left to right, including parallel and subtasks. This makes it easier to identify the main tasks occurring frequently throughout the process.
  • Communication or information flow : The communication or information flow shows communications within the value stream. Communication does not follow a standard and can occur in any direction. 
  • Travel distances and timelines : Timelines are set at the bottom of the map. It sets the lines to communicate the time-related measurement of data in process improvement. The line placed at the bottom shows the travel distance through the process.

Value Stream Map Template Word

visual business plan template

Value Stream Map Template Excel

visual business plan template

Value Stream Map Template PowerPoint

visual business plan template

Benefits of Value Stream Map

A value stream map is an effective tool for evaluating work processes and business. It is beneficial to organizations of all extents. Some of the benefits of the VSM are

  • They provide an insight into the perspective of the customer
  • They serve as a language that examines and observes the stream
  • They help with the detection of inefficiencies in processes
  • They help employees develop an understanding of the work system
  • They serve as a tool to improve production workflows

Value Stream Map Online Tools

1. creately.

Using the Creately Value Stream Map template, visualize the important steps of specific processes and easily quantify the volume and time taken by each step. 

visual business plan template

2. Lucidchart

The Lucidchart value stream map template can help analyse and illustrate the steps for producing products or delivering services, achieving higher efficiency levels.

visual business plan template

The Miro value stream mapping template helps you understand repeatable processes and allows for optimization according to your needs.

visual business plan template

Visual Stream Map Analysis and Best Practices

The VSM can be split into four stages, which are described below.

1. Preparation

This is a crucial first step to successfully implementing the map. A competent team is gathered in this step, which comprises cross-functional team members and a manager to set guidelines. 

During this period, the manager and the team should identify the objectives, prepare plans, and measure the scope of any events the team might encounter.

2. Current State Map

The current state map helps discover wasteful and ineffective practices in the existing system and find methods to eliminate them. It needs information gathering, and to gather information, you’ll need to walk down the product path and travel through the factory. 

3. Future State Map

The next step is to draw a map of the future state. While you draw the current state map, you must have identified the areas of waste and overproduction in the current system.

4. Planning and Implementation

The final step is implementing the ideal production path and creating an action plan. The best way is to break down the future state map and proceed with implementing changes.

Value Stream Map FAQs

In which situation would you use a value stream map.

VSM can be used to optimize a process, especially with repeatable steps and multiple handoffs.

What are the limitations of value stream mapping?

VSM might fail when multiple products have no identical material flow map. It lacks value in economic measures, i.e., operating costs, profit, and inventory expenses.

How does value stream mapping reduce the lead time?

The VSM acts as a lean tool and uncovers waste in the production and supply process by separating value-added and non-value-added steps and reducing non-value-added steps.

Is value stream mapping continuous improvement?

The goal of VSM is to continuously improve processes and positively impact profits. Process improvements combine inefficiencies and cost reductions to improve the organization’s bottom line.

Shane Drumm

Shane Drumm

Shane Drumm, holding certifications in PMP®, PMI-ACP®, CSM, and LPM, is the author behind numerous articles featured here. Hailing from County Cork, Ireland, his expertise lies in implementing Agile methodologies with geographically dispersed teams for software development projects. In his leisure, he dedicates time to web development and Ironman triathlon training. Find out more about Shane on shanedrumm.com and please reach out and connect with Shane on LinkedIn.

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Blog – Creative Presentations Ideas

Blog – Creative Presentations Ideas

infoDiagram visual slide examples, PowerPoint diagrams & icons , PPT tricks & guides


Presenting Monthly Business Report with Charts and Tables in PowerPoint

Last Updated on May 27, 2024 by Agnieszka

Are you doing regular business reviews? Whether it is monthly or quarterly reports, consider using a visual way of explaining your data on slides. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of presenting your monthly business report in PowerPoint and how visual elements can enhance clarity and engagement for your audience.

The graphics presented here are crafted by our team and the result of over two decades of experience in designing corporate presentations.

Get all the graphics presented here – click on the slide pictures to see and download the source illustration. Check the full a Monthly Business Report with Financial Performance Review (PowerPoint Template) .

What is a Company MBR?

MBR stands for Monthly Business Review and it is an internal “all hands” regular presentation where a company looks at how well it’s doing, checks important numbers, and sees if it’s meeting its goals.

Monthly management reports help the company see how it’s doing financially and operationally. They let the management team see what’s been happening and make proper decisions for the future.

If you want to make your business performance tracking look nice and easy to understand, try using a visually appealing presentation format. Here are some examples to inspire you!

What is Included in a Monthly Report?

The typical structure of a corporate MBR presentation that includes as financial review has the following sections:

  • General overview of the Month – an Executive summary
  • Revenue status – Month & YTD
  • Gross margin status – Month & YTD
  • Expenses overview – Month & YTD
  • Cashflow status
  • Accounts Receivable status 
  • Review of Monthly operational goals 
  • Next month or other period outlook

We show you an easy way to present the data of the monthly business report. To design this information we added simple shapes to arrange slide. Using rectangular outlines and simple shapes with visual elements such as icon of a financial document keeps your audience from feeling overwhelmed by the text and the content is easy to read.

Presenting an Executive Summary of a Monthly Report

MBR presentation usually starts with an executive summary,  to wrap up the most important facts and show them in the beginning. 

This is especially important when the MBR presentation is longer or when you want the audience to scan through major results right from the start. Sometimes the main decision-makers need to get such an overview at the beginning, e.g. because they will delegate details by discussions and run to other meeting

Here’s how you can show such an executive summary on one slide. Select the key facts, such what’s your 

  • top line e.g. this month revenue, compare it with last year revenue of the same month
  • what’s bottom line
  • what’s outlook for the next month


Idea of such slide design: in the picture above you can see how to create this layout. There are three parts composed of connector shapes. By composing a slide in this way, we create hierarchies of the key facts. It would be good to consider what information should be at the top and what at the bottom.

Each of the factors we highlight thanks to adding icons and distinctive color. At the end, you can add some picture in the background to enhance the overall aesthetics of the slide. Images can help tell a story and convey a message more effectively than text alone. In this case, the colors refer to factors in the picture for better visual appeal.

Presenting KPI Dashboard with Business Units Performance

When you want to show several key financial indicators altogether of your MBR on one slide, below you see an example of how you can organize such information on one concise page.

Notice the clear layout, with each indicator clearly labeled and accompanied by relevant data.


If you need to add a lot of data on one slide, we suggest adding visual elements such as charts in their simplest form – without axis details, repeating legends, and short number format. Additionally, the use of color and spacing helps to emphasize important information while maintaining visual clarity. 

Keep the text on each slide short and to the point thanks to the audience reading a slide much faster, but if it’s necessary to add more data on one slide, just remember about white space, visual consistency, and emphasizing key data.

Showing Main Profit Drivers

If you want to present also more qualitative data such as text explanation of your main business lines profit drivers and their analysis, you can create such slide with short text information about each of the main drivers. 

From the design point of view, you can organize it as follows below.


We arranged visuals in a logical sequence, reading flow is underlined visually by adding section numbers or letters. Remember to use white space and a cohesive look (font styles, sizes, and colors). You don’t want to overdesign. A balanced arrangement ensures the slide remains visually appealing and easy to read. 

The importance is also a clear contrast between text and background color, especially if the slide has a lot of text and is quite small in size. You can also add visuals such as icons or images to complement the text.

Presenting Monthly Revenue Analysis

Do you need to show a table with reviews of sales, and budget per business line?

You can boost up standard Excel table and create customized nice-looking tabular form in PowerPoint. 

See 2 slides below, and check how we designed such a financial table, using table colors and some additional graphics. Notice the use of enough space between text elements to enhance readability and avoid overcrowding. Ensure consistency of colors and shape styles throughout the slide for a cohesive and professional appearance.


The table for presenting monthly revenue analysis is a typical form allowing you to showcase comparison data. You can enhance it using PowerPoint table tools. To highlight key metrics we used formatting features like bold and color text to emphasize important figures or trends within the table. 

If you would like to have more custom tables we suggest adding the shapes for column headings ensuring clarity for the audience.  Additionally, you can use visual elements like color-coded cells or icons to draw attention to significant changes or outliers in the data.


In the second sample of the table with financial analysis, we show you how to create a design, that looks professional and easy to read. You can use an ordinary table with your data and highlight the main data using distinctive color for each of the factors. Then you can use dashed lines and the color of the table lines. It improves the design of the slide. 

Additionally, we added a place for brief analysis or commentary text to provide context and insights into the financial data presented.  

Presenting Monthly OPEX Data Chart 

To show monthly operational expenses, you can customize the Excel bar chart in the following way, to present a monthly business report in a more engaging way. 


We added a custom arrow shaped under each bar chart column to underline the status of Actual versus Estimated value per cost center. Here arrows are manually added, as there is no way to add them automatically in PowerPoint. It takes a minute more but you get the advantage of using nicer non-default custom signs, that make your presentation look different than default charts. 

You can also consider creating separate data legend, adding bigger icons representing 3 categories:

  • estimated expenses expressed as paper with planned financial figures
  • actual expenses illustrated by icon showing giving money away
  • difference shown as plus minus sign

In the end, adding a subtle picture in the background can create a nice visual touch. However be careful so the picture will be only a light addition to your content, not the main element. 

Showing Debt Structure in A/R Section of MBR Presentation

The financial review part of the MBR report can contain an Account Receivable dashboard and cash flow development charts. 

If you need to present a structure of debt, here is a slide with debt structure analysis. 

We reused the Excel table and transformed it into a more readable form, showing various levels of debt by age, their monetary value, and percentage. 


To create a nicer design, you can embed such a debt table with part of the picture, as we did on the bottom. Notice how this is done, so the picture does not overlap data presentation. The design trick we used here is making a table with a white background.

Usually, you also need some place for commenting on the debt structure. For that, we created a separate comment box on the right where you can add a text description of the debt analysis. That can be especially useful if you present a monthly business report that will be read without direct presentation. 

Finish with Presenting the Action Plan for Next Month

At the end of the MBR presentation usually people also present next month’s outlook with next month’s targets and action plan.

We are sharing an example of how we designed such a slide presenting a set of goals, objectives, and actions in an easy-to-understand form. We used a table for that, as it’s easy to expand and gives a structure to the presented information. There is an important last column with a place to show who’s responsible for a specific action, so task assignment is clearly presented. This allows you to make people accountable or discuss eventual reassignments during the meeting. 


On this slide we used the tips, which we wrote about in the previous examples. We designed the table using simple shapes with shadow and color to highlight and harmonize the column headers. To improve visual effects we added dashed lines inside the table.

Key Tips How to Present Monthly Business Report

When you create a presentation of your monthly business report, keep these few tips thanks your presentation will be more eye-catching and easier to remember:

  • use a highlight color to emphasize key factors and headlines,
  • customize tables and charts for clear structure and readability,
  • keep the layout simple and clean,
  • remember about white space and contrast text,
  • consider using graphics such as icons or subtle background images to complement the text and enhance visual appeal.

By following these basic design principles, you can create a compelling presentation that leaves a lasting impact on your audience.

Resource: Monthly Business Report with Financial Performance Review PowerPoint Template

The examples above used the graphics from an Monthly Business Report with Financial Performance Review (PPT Template).  All slides are available in the infoDiagram collection of presentation graphics.

Moreover, you can extend your data presentation with the Listed Company Financial Report Presentation (PPT Template) right here.


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  15. 5 Little-Known Visual Techniques to Improve Your Business Plan

    Fortunately, when adding Creately to your business plan, you can make your plan both more functional and easier to read. To confirm this, I used my core business plan template and brainstormed the best places to add Creately diagrams to improve your business plan. Below are five areas I found where Creately can provide significant value.

  16. Free Visual Business Plan Templates

    business plans. Presentations Business Plan and Schedule. Use Piktochart's Business plan templates to present your business plan in an engaging and understandable way. Free to customize, download, and share.

  17. Free One-Page Business Plan Templates

    This one-page business plan template is intended for an entrepreneur or a small startup business to document a plan as they determine if an idea is feasible. This template provides space to describe the problem and solution, the product or service, the target customer, existing alternatives, the unique value proposition, a marketing and sales ...

  18. Are Business Plans Highly Visual

    Here are key strategies to make your business plan visually engaging and impactful: 1. Visual Branding and Design Consistency: Infuse your business plan with cohesive visual branding elements, including logos, color schemes, and typography that align with your company's brand identity. Ensure consistency in design elements throughout the ...

  19. How to Write an Impressive One-Page Business Plan [Including Templates]

    To design a startup one pager, you should create an outline, research and gather information, choose a template, write the content, design visual components and share it with investors. Visme offers a user-friendly interface with a wide range of customizable templates and features that'll help you create your one-page business plan seamlessly.

  20. Free Video Production Company Business Plan [Template]

    We provide a free business plan template below and will walk you through it. Step by step. Production Company Business Plan. The Executive Summary. Perform a Video Company Self Assessment. How to Get Started. Financing a Video Production Company. Marketing Plan. Day to Day Operations.

  21. Business Plan Templates

    Professionally created business plan templates and frameworks to get started on planning, strategizing, ideating, and innovating.. Online whiteboard with built-in brainstorming tools like mind maps and post-it notes walls to run structured planning and ideation sessions.. Migrate business intelligence data from external sources to visualize on the canvas as meaningful shapes for easier analysis.

  22. Free 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Templates

    Use this simple 30-60-90-day business plan template to map out main goals and deliverables. You can easily break down your high-level plan into bite-sized chunks to create an effective roadmap for accomplishing business goals. Add key tasks and descriptions, assign ownership, and enter deadlines to keep plans on track.

  23. How to make a compelling business plan presentation (plus free templates)

    Pick a color that contrasts with those used in your business branding. Then use this color to present the problem. If you're struggling to pick the right contrast, take a look at the color wheel. Find your primary brand color. Then pick a contrast in the other half of the wheel, avoiding the one directly opposite.

  24. Customize 264+ Business Roadmap Templates Online

    264 templates. Create a blank Business Roadmap. Work Breakdown Structure Team Whiteboard in Purple Yellow Red Simple Colorful Style. Graph by Canva Creative Studio. Project Roadmap Whiteboard. Whiteboard by Canva Creative Studio. Site Map Team Whiteboard in Purple Blue Green Friendly Professional Style. Whiteboard by Canva Creative Studio.

  25. How to Write a Business Plan: Beginner's Guide (& Templates)

    Here's a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit business plan templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below: 8-Step Process for Writing a Business Plan ... This classic business plan template is perfect for a consulting business that wants to use a stunning visual design to talk about its services. Template #8 ...

  26. Business model

    Business model innovation is an iterative and potentially circular process. A business model describes how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value, in economic, social, cultural or other contexts. For a business, it describes the specific way in which it conducts itself, spends, and earns money in a way that generates profit.The process of business model construction and ...

  27. 10 Free Value Stream Map Templates

    2. Lucidchart. The Lucidchart value stream map template can help analyse and illustrate the steps for producing products or delivering services, achieving higher efficiency levels. LucidChart. 3. Miro. The Miro value stream mapping template helps you understand repeatable processes and allows for optimization according to your needs. Miro.

  28. Business Plan Infographic Template

    This template is a reasonable choice for explaining your business plan comprehensively with less text, highlighting the most important elements. You can change the timelines depending on your needs, or use this template for other purposes, like presenting a research plan for your Ph.D. thesis. Switch color themes and font styles with a few clicks.

  29. Presenting Monthly Business Report with Charts and Tables in PowerPoint

    Are you doing regular business reviews? Whether it is monthly or quarterly reports, consider using a visual way of explaining your data on slides. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of presenting your monthly business report in PowerPoint and how visual elements can enhance clarity and engagement for your audience. The graphics presented

  30. Free Strategic Plan Template and Best Practices

    Imagine a visual representation of your organization's performance across various dimensions, all in one place. Our template lets you see the big picture by showcasing the financial, customer, internal processes and growth perspectives. ... This strategic business plan template spans 7 pages to get you set up with a solid foundation for your ...