what is your spiritual assignment

10 Facts About Your Assignment

  • God gave you an assignment before you were born. God told Jeremiah, “Before you were formed in the womb, I knew you…I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV). God has an assignment for each of us. I am called to be an evangelist. It was prophesied that I would be an evangelist when I was five years old. Joyce Meyer says, “What you can’t stand is a hint to what you are called to fix.” If you had the money and time to do anything you wanted to help people, what would you do?

what is your spiritual assignment

  • Your assignment will be revealed by your diligence. You will never discover your assignment sitting in a rocking chair. You may not know whatyour assignment is right now, but if you will start moving diligently in the direction of your dominate focus your divine assignment will be revealed. Initially, I did not know I was called to be a writer. But, my larger assignment to be an evangelist created the need for me to also be a writer.
  • Your assignment will be something that no one else can accomplish. Look at your thumb. No one else on the planet had your fingerprint. You are unique and special. God has given you abilities that are not duplicated in any other person on earth. If you do not complete your assignment, it will never be done in the way that only you can do it.
  • Your assignment is bigger than you can accomplish alone. You need other people. You need God to be involved in your assignment. With God’s help you can do something bigger than is possible with your own strength.
  • Your assignment will take your whole life to accomplish. Your life purpose is bigger than a few months or years. It may take you a lifetime to prepare to accomplish your assignment. After you die, the fruit of your assignment will continue.
  • There are a variety of ways for you to accomplish your assignment. The nature of your calling comes from God, but the way you fulfill your assignment comes from your creativity. My assignment is to be an evangelist, within this calling there are a variety of ways of accomplishing my assignment. I could be a street evangelist, a crusade evangelist, an Internet evangelist, or a television evangelist. Each of these options would be a fulfillment of God’s call on my life. My assignment comes from God, but the method I use to fulfill that assignment comes from me. The nature of my calling comes from God, the scope of my calling is revealed by my willingness to be used.
  • Your assignment is attached to a particular place, people, or problem. You are not called to fix every problem in the world. You are called to fix a specific problem that no one else can fix. Stay in your assignment and don’t try to minister to everyone. Paul was not assigned to John Mark. A trash collector cannot collect trash in both Seattle and Miami, he has to choose a geographical location to fulfill his assignment.
  • By embracing your assignment, you are saying no to distractions. Know who you are and what you are called to do. I am called to be an evangelist. When I embrace my assignment, it forces me to decline many invitations that are good but have nothing to do with my calling. The more clearly your assignment is defined, the easier it will be to make important decisions. On Facebook, some people make comments that I disagree with but I do not say anything. Why? Because trying to set them straight is not my assignment.
  • When you are in your assignment, you will be sought out by people who need your specific skill. People will appreciate you for who you are instead of for who they wish you were. I don’t get mad at my dentist because he does not cut my hair. You will be rewarded for the problems that you solve.

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

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what is your spiritual assignment

Priscilla Shirer Sermon : What is Your Spiritual Assignment?

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Priscilla Shirer: What is Your Spiritual Assignment?

Priscilla Shirer speaks at Lakewood on TBN’s Praise. Enjoy this full teaching from Priscilla Shirer as she shares how to know your spiritual assignment and follow God in daily life; boldly, and with purpose.

“We pray because our own solutions don’t work and because prayer deploys, activates, and fortifies us against the attacks of the enemy. We pray because we’re serious about taking back the ground he has sought to take from us.” ― Priscilla Shirer

God’s Messages

Dear Lord, Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..

Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you got an assignment and don’t let anybody tell you that your assignment isn’t ministry just because it happens to be in a corporate setting. Mother of small Children who’s chosen to stay home with those kids. Don’t let anybody tell you that ain’t ministry, high school student, college student. You’re the only student that stands for truth. When your professor says this is the way it is and you say no, that’s not the way it is. Don’t let anybody tell you as the light on that college campus that you are not in ministry. Every single one of us has an assignment. Thank you, Victoria for this. Thank you for this. Thank you for this opportunity to be um amongst such amazing women and in the presence of such wisdom. Oh my gosh, my life’s been equipped and I’ve said this before whenever I’ve had the opportunity to be um at this church and uh Miss Victoria is probably tired of miss, you’re probably tired of hearing me say it, but I’m gonna say it again because I think it’s so important and it’s so meaningful to me. But I was about 18, 19 years old at the University of Houston. Um, here right here but I was about 18, 19 years old at the University of Houston. Um, one of my college buddies is sitting right here on the, on the front where we went to school together about 23 24 years ago now. And one day, an older woman at the time. Well, she’s about 30 you know, we were 19, She’s a 30 year old. That kind of took a bunch of us under her wing. So she was older than us and she took us under her wing. And one day she said, we’re going to Lakewood and we went to Lakewood when it was this little fledgling, small group of believers, small is relative. And all of us walked up in there. Do you remember about 10 of us? We filed in, we sat down, we had church under the leadership of John Osteen and then she filed us up front during the prayer time. And that man walked down the road, Miss Teen and he laid hands on every single one of us and he prayed God’s blessing on us. Yeah. And so any time I have the privilege of being on this platform, I cannot tell you what a gift it is to me to see the fruit of God’s faithfulness through the life of this family. Thank you. So, Jerry and I, my husband and I we’ve been married nearly 20 years now. I can’t believe that. And we have three sons that we are raising. They are giant, they are giants y’all. My 15 year old is six ft two inches tall. His 14 year old brother is six ft two inches tall. Um, their nine year old brother is coming up right after them. They are some big boys and one of the things I do for these boys, in fact, you should know that my full time job is feeding the boys. That is my full time job. I am trying to figure out any which way I can differently to cook chicken for dinner every single night, just like y’all. That’s exactly what I’m doing. So we just do sports and everything with the boys and they’re growing up so quick. So one of the things that I have done since my oldest was five, I started when he was five. Um I went to uh Ross dress for less in the back hand corner, left hand side, there is a one row that has books and journals and those sorts of things I went and I grabbed um three journals, hard back journals. They were just little, little um with the little spine, spiral spines, nothing real fancy. 4 99 I picked one for each boy. I’ve had it ever since my oldest was five and at that age I started to record a journal for them. I do not write in it every week or every month or even, um, you know, just on a regular basis. It’s just when something happens, I don’t want to forget or they say something that’s really interesting. Or I see the hand, the handy work, the fingerprints of God in their life in some way. I kind of write it down. My, my goal is to have a collection of writings and thoughts and, and love letters really to my boys about their life that I hand over to them when they’re, you know, mature enough to appreciate it or better yet. I might just hand it over to their wives and say, girl, this is what you’re getting yourself into right here. And because my oldest will be 16 next month, I was looking through his journal and came across a story from when he was five. I read it with fond memories because it was the, the little journal entry I put in there about him losing his first tooth. He had wiggled that tooth and wiggled it. He couldn’t wait for it to come out. And the reason he couldn’t wait for it to come out is because we had told him that when your tooth comes out, the tooth fairy will come, she will come and she will replace the tooth with a treasure. So he could not wait. Finally, the tooth came out and that is my boy still to this day that that has never been eager to go to sleep. But that night he dove into bed at bedtime, he could not wait. He put the tooth underneath the pillow, he laid his head down and he was, he was trying to go to sleep. But every 3 to 5 seconds, he would look under the pillow to see if anything had happened. Finally, he did fall asleep. We let some time pass and then about three o’clock in the morning or so, the six ft 2 £250 tooth fairy that I sleep next to every night. He got up, he went upstairs and he replaced the tooth for a treasure in the morning. I knew when Jackson and at the time we just had Jackson and Jerry Junior at, I knew when they got up. I knew I could hear it. I could hear the excitement, the squeals, I could hear the stomps on the floor. I could hear the eagerness and enthusiasm because the tooth fairy had come and left the treasure. They bounded down the stairs into the room. Jackson’s fists were both clenched closed. He ran up to me and said, mom, the tooth fairy came. She left me a treasure. I said, buddy, let me see what she left. You opened up one hand and it was a package of gummy bears, which was a big deal at the time because that was his favorite snack. He opened up the other hand and it was $5. Now, I don’t know what happened when y’all were growing up, but I grew up in the days of dimes and nickels. Can the church say? Amen? It might. So, you know, I’m trying to be excited for the boy. Really, I’m annoyed about this whole $5 situation and my husband can I am troubled and you know, if mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy. After Jackson left the room, Jerry came over to me and he said, Priscilla, don’t worry. He said, do you remember that last month was Jackson’s fifth birthday? He said, do you remember that? We had all of the family over still to this day? We do that when one of the boys has a birthday, we invite the whole clan over grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles, everybody comes to celebrate. He said, do you remember they all came? Most of them had cards and then those cards were $5 bills. He said, do you remember? We took all those $5 bills and we put them in a birthday drawer in the kitchen. He said this morning at three ami went right inside that birthday drawer. Dave Ramsey would be so proud of us. That’s good financial stewardship right there is what that is. So that morning, really, what I had witnessed was my little boy getting excited about treasure that actually already belonged to him. Treasure that he already has. He just didn’t know it. I came to tell somebody that there is treasure hidden in these earth and vessels. I came to tell you that by God’s spirit, there is gift and there is power that that has been entrusted to you that is available to you, available to me as daughters of the most high king. You need to know that even if you do not believe what the scriptures declared to be true about your treasure. If you don’t believe that you’ve been forgiven or that you already have the victory or that the enemy is already underneath your feet and that there is no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ Jesus or that you have been made competent by the spirit of God. I came to tell you that even if you don’t believe it, the enemy does, he knows who you are, what ashamed it would be for him to know and us not to. So it’s time for us to open up the drawer and start pulling out the treasure, the treasure. We’ve been ignoring the treasure. We’ve been calling insignificant. The thing that we’ve said is not enough, not valuable, Lord. If I could just be like her Lord, if I could just be like that, if I could just have a bit more of that. If I weren’t me, then Lord, I’d be enough. He says, uh uh you have enough. You just have to open up the drawer, pull out the treasure. There is a story in scripture that is going to be very familiar to you. It’s the one that the Lord has been using in my own life to remind me about how he will compel me and he will compel us to open up the door and reach in and pull out the treasure and see what it’s like when he uses what he has already entrusted to us. Luke chapter nine verse one and two says this and he called, that’s Jesus. He called, somebody said, he called, he called the 12 together and he gave, somebody said, he gave, he gave them power and he gave them authority over all demons and to heal all diseases. Verse two, and then he sent somebody say, he sent, he sent them out, he called them, he gave him treasure and then he sent them out. Verse 10 says, and then when they returned to him, they gave an account to him of everything they had done and taking them with him, he withdrew by himself to a hill called Beth Sada. The multitudes were aware of this. Verse 11 says, so they followed Jesus because you know, wherever Jesus went, a crowd was sure to follow, they weren’t quite sure he was the messiah. But what they did know was that when this man showed up, blind people could see what they knew is that when Jesus showed up, the lame could walk and the deaf could hear the dead were being raised. So wherever Jesus was, they came, the crowd followed and welcoming the multitude. Jesus began speaking to them about the kingdom of God and curing those who were in need of healing. Verse 12. So the day starts to come to a close and the 12 come to Jesus and say now Jesus, you’re gonna have to send this multitude away. They’ve got to go into the surrounding villages and countryside and find lodging, they gotta get something to eat. Jesus, come on now, here we’re in a desolate place. Verse 13, Jesus said to them, uh-huh, you give them something to eat. They said, Jesus, we have no more than five loaves and two fish unless perhaps you let us go and buy food for all these people because you know, we’re not enough as we are right now. There were about 5000 men. Scholars say the reason why Luke specifies men is because there were women and Children too. So there were probably about 15,000 hungry people that day, Jesus said, have them reclined to eat in groups of about 50 each. So they did so had them all reclined and then he took the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he blessed them and then he broke them and he kept giving them to the disciples to set before the multitude. And verse 17 says, they all ate, they were all satisfied. And just so you know how satisfied they were, they went by and picked up all the leftovers because there was overflow. In this story, we meet a hungry multitude, a multitude that is placing a demand. They have a need. There is a lack that needs to be filled. And most of the time when this proportion of the scriptures is looked into the multitude is who we concentrate on the five loaves and the two fish and how they were satisfied with it. But just for a few moments tonight, I wanna talk to you about the 12 disciples. Those who walked with Jesus and talked with Jesus. Those who were in close communion with Jesus. Those who would come out on a Friday night to be in the presence of Jesus amongst the people of Jesus. I wanna talk to the disciples of Jesus. The disciples on this occasion had been called to Jesus by Jesus. They were having a conversation with each other. Jesus entrusted them with power and authority and then he sent them out. I love that. This gospel is one of the Synoptic gospels. The Synoptic gospels are those that tell their three of them, Matthew Mark and Luke. These three tell some of the similar stories in a similar tone in a similar way so that we’re able to get more layers to the story. I love the gospels. In that way, they give us layers just like if someone were to offer you a chocolate cake, but they gave you options. You could have a one layer chocolate cake or a seven layer chocolate cake. Which one you’re gonna choose seven every single time? Because the more layers there are the more rich and delectable the experience becomes Mark. Chapter six is a layer of choc chocolate cake. For us. It tells us that this is the experience when Jesus called the disciples to himself and then he sent them out in prayers. Do you remember two by two into the neighboring towns and communities? They were supposed to teach and preach and perform miracles that would authenticate the deity of Jesus Christ. Mark chapter six, our layer of chocolate cake tells us that they expended themselves. Y’all, they were busy from sun up to sun down. They were about the task of doing what it was that Jesus had assigned to them. They wanted to be diligent about it so much so that when they came back to Jesus, they gave an account to him. And Jesus recognized their exhaustion. He saw that they were tired. In fact, Jesus himself commented that they didn’t even have time to eat because they had been so busy. They were depleted and they were tired and they came back to Jesus and they gave him an account for how they handled the assignment that he had entrusted to them. If you were a believer in Jesus Christ, you got an assignment and don’t let anybody tell you that your assignment isn’t ministry just because it happens to be in a corporate setting. Mother of small Children who’ve chosen to stay home with those kids. Don’t let anybody tell you that ain’t ministry every single time you make that chicken for dinner and you set it on that table and you teach those kids a bible verse before bedtime. Don’t let anybody tell you that. That ain’t ministry corporate woman when you sit around that boardroom table and you’re the only one that has a set of ideals that lines up with the truth of scripture at a table with those who are thinking and acting and planning in a way that is left of God’s word. Don’t let anybody tell you that you are around that boardroom ain’t ministry. That’s ministry, high school student, college student. You’re the only student that stands for truth when your professor says this is the way it is and you say no, that’s not the way it is. Don’t let anybody tell you as the light on that college campus that you are not in ministry. Every single one of us has an assignment and the day is coming when we’re gonna have to give an account. And here’s the thing. You don’t know when that day is my 38 year old cousin, 38 four small Children. The day is coming and you don’t know the day or the hour. Neither do I when we’re going to have to stand before him and give an account for how we handled what he had entrusted to us. I’m asking you tonight, how are you handling your assignment? Because young women, if you think that you’re young because of your age, listen to me if you’re 20 but you only have till 30 you’re pretty old. If you’re 50 and you’re gonna live until 100 then you’re pretty young. Age is just a number my friend and you and I cannot qualify young or old base birth based on our our birthdays. It’s based on our death date. And since we don’t know when that day is that I implore you sisters by the mercies of God to walk in a manner worthy of the calling by which you have been called. Because listen, I don’t know about y’all, but when I see him face to face, I’m looking for a well done. I’m looking for well done. When I see him, he will not ask me how many Instagram followers I had. He will not wonder whether or not folks liked my post. He will not be interested in whether or not my selfies were perfectly lit. He will ask me, did I know his son? And then I will give an account. So the disciples, they come and they give an account to Jesus. I wondered if there was a recipe for effective ministry because if these guys were willing to come and look Jesus in his face and give an account. I figured there might be a recipe for us for effective ministry. I’m interested. Anybody interested. There are three ingredients to the recipe. Luke chapter nine verse one, it says he called them, he called them and his calling superseded any personal ambition that they had, they laid down whatever they were going to do because they heard the call of God beckoning them to do something else. The beautiful thing about that entire picture is that all of the glory of God, the Father, all of the glory of heaven was packaged in human flesh, Jesus one so much God, the Father wanted so much to make sure that he could speak and so that humanity could hear that he left his throne in glory, put on flesh so that the disciples could hear his call. And in the same way, he has given us the Holy Spirit so that each and every one of us have the privilege to hear the calling of God on our lives, the conviction, the unction, depressing the fire that is shut up in your bones, sending you in a particular direction. He the call of God on your lives. Then they were not just called. I love so much that before he skips to the third uh ingredient in the recipe, sending them. I love that before we get to the third one. There’s that second one, he did not just call, but then he gave them power and authority. It means that what he was calling them to do. He was simultaneously equipping them with supernatural power to be able to pull it off. So it’s good news for anybody in the room that you feel like you’ve got a dream that is way over your head. You’ve been called to do something. You don’t have the money to, you don’t have the time for, you don’t have the patience for. You don’t have the gifting for, you don’t have the talent for you don’t have the connections for the good thing. And the great thing about our God is that He does not call people who are already equipped. He calls you. And then for the people that say yes, he equips them with what they need for the calling. He entrusted them with power and authority. And can I tell you why? This is important. This is important because in order to accompli accomplish supernatural tasks, you have to have supernatural capacity. In other words, you can be the most talented person in the world. But if you go in your own strength and power, you still won’t be able to accomplish the God calling on your life. It requires what it is that only God himself can give to you to accomplish the task, the enemy hopes you will go in your own power. He hopes you will think you are flashy enough and savvy enough and talented enough and impressive enough so that you will no longer lean on God instead of leaning to your own understanding. But it is not by power and it is not by might. It is by the spirit of God and some trust in horses. Other folks trust in chariots but not us. We trust in the name of the Lord, our God. So he called them and then he entrusted them, he gave them some treasure and then he sent them. He’s the one who did the sending, resist the urge to send yourself to do something that it is not yet time for. Because just as important as our calling is that is equally as important as the timing is in which that calling is outworked in our lives. And if you go too soon, you might, if you, if you give birth too soon to that, which God is trying to produce through you, you might abort what it is that he’s trying to accomplish in you, the spiritual backbone, the fortification that he was trying to establish in you so that you could handle the spotlight when it hit you. Because listen, that spotlight that you may be craving. If it hits you and you have no character, it will burn you to a crisp. So he called them, he entrusted them, he sent them out and they returned to him and gave an account. They were tired, the disciples had been given it everything they had. And I know there are some of you in the room and you would admit that you haven’t done it perf perfectly. But man, you’ve sure been purposeful. You’ve been intentional about this marriage. You’ve been giving it everything you’ve got, you’ve been intentional about that teenager. You’ve been giving that kid everything you’ve got this toddler that has this specific bent or this specific issue that you’ve been doing everything you can going to see every expert that you can reading everything that you can to be the best that you can as a mother, single mother, you’ve been giving it everything that you’ve got, working, the jobs that you’ve got to work to keep food on the table. You’ve been giving that business, that ministry, that endeavor, everything that you have and you, the disciples are tired. The good news about Jesus is that when the disciples come to him tired, he does not say go away from me and get yourself together, come back and then I can use you. He says come away with me. In other words, listen, the cure for your exhaustion is intimacy with Jesus. That’s the cure y’all. I’m saying. I agree. Take the holiday, take the vacation, tell them you need a little sabbatical. You gotta step back for just a little bit. You need a little margin in your life, take the holiday, but don’t take a holiday from Jesus. Don’t take the sabbatical from your relationship with the Lord. Prayer shouldn’t exit your schedule because these are your rest days. You still need to be the deer that pants after the water, your soul has still got to be replenished and can only be replenished when you have intimacy with him. And you’re trying to figure out Lord, you told me that I was gonna be replenished. You told me that I was gonna re refresh, you told me that you had something that you wanted to give to me. Why would you take me here to this place where I’m being pressed down by a multitude of issues and concerns and frustrations. There’s something overwhelming me that is bigger than what I feel like I have the capacity to handle. Why would you bring me here? This tells us that the story of the feeding of the 5000 is not just about the 5000. It’s also about the disciples. It’s not just about the multitude getting fed. It’s about the disciples being fed physically, spiritually, emotionally. And it tells us that the five loaves and the two fish are the gift to the multitude, but it’s the multitude. That’s the gift to the disciples because the multitude is what’s going to make them have to finally open up their drawer, pull out the treasure that they would have otherwise ignored. Place it in the hands of a multiplying master who’s gonna show them what it looks like when he takes their little bit and makes it a lot. There is no replenishing like watching God multiply your loaves and fish. I came to tell somebody who’s got a multitude presenting on you in your marriage or in your finances or in your health or in your parenting or in your singleness. That thing is weighing down on you. That means that there is a drawer waiting to be opened. That means there’s some treasure waiting to be unveiled. And when you take it out, finally, when you stop ignoring it, when you stop circumventing it, when you stop acting like God hasn’t given you everything you need, when you will finally recognize this little bit, this little gifting, this little talent, this little time, this little money, this little dream, this little vision that this is all I need. If I’ll just pull it out and entrust it to the hands of a multiplying master, can I just show you real quick what the disciples did just real quick because I think it’s interesting because it’s so us. They said to Jesus in verse 12, send the multitude away. And here’s the thing that’s so us. See, we don’t just say it, we pray it, we pray away. What we don’t even recognize is the gift he has given us to press us into opening up our drawer. So if you pray for your multitude to be taken away and in God’s sovereignty, he has left it in your life. That means there’s a drawer. There’s a drawer, start start looking for a drawer. If there’s a multitude, that means there’s loaves and fish somewhere in your life that is supposed to be entrusted into the hands of God. So we pray away. Did you realize in verse 12? They are wishing away? What in verse 11, Jesus welcomed Jesus welcomed what they’re wishing away. So the disciples say, get, get this multitude away. They don’t even know they’re praying away their miracle. Everybody wants to see the red sea divide, but nobody wants to be the one that comes face to face with a red sea. Everybody wants to see the walls of Jericho come tumbling down. But nobody wants to be the one who has to walk around those walls in obedience to God to trust him to shout prior to seeing one brick fall. If there is a multitude, that means there is a miracle. So praise the multitude or they ask for the multitude to to go away and Jesus, he doesn’t go for that. So when he doesn’t, he doesn’t go for that, the disciples have another solution. This is us too. Send the multitude away. Jesus says mm mm and they say, well, send us away, then you see it. They said send us to the surrounding towns and villages so that we can go and buy more, accumulate more, get more because as we are is not sufficient. So send us somewhere else so we can get better and be better suited to this multitude because as we are is not enough, it has always been the tactic of the enemy to get us to think that we are not enough as we currently are that what we currently have is not sufficient for the task that is before us. But if the Lord has allowed that multitude into your experience, that means that as you currently are with the entrusted treasure, the power, the authority that he has given to you, you’ve got everything you need. If you just pull out what he already has entrusted to you. In fact, in Mark chapter six, our layer of chocolate cake, we find out that he says to the disciples. Well, what do you have? He asked them that question. He says, what do you have? And then he didn’t even give him a chance to, to answer. He just immediately responds and says, go and look, he said it like that, go and look. He said it like you would tell your kid if the month, I mean the week after Christmas they came to you and said, mom, I’m bored. You would say, well, what do you have? And then before you gave them a chance to respond because you could already tell that the response they was going to give you was gonna get them in trouble. So you didn’t even give them a chance. You just say you would say to them, go and look because if you’ll just look, you’ll see that the thing you’re complaining about is something you already have access to. If you will go and look Moses, you will see that everything you need to do what I’ve called you to do. It’s in your hand, it’s that rod, that common rod that has always been right beside you. But now I’m gonna infuse it with my power. If I can just get you to go and look Moses, pick the stick up, put it over the Red Sea, you will see that it will make the Red Sea divide like a solid wall. Go and look David. Yes, Goliath is right there. But if you’ll go, look down by the stream, I’ve already provided five smooth stones that will be everything you need to take that giant down. Go and look, spend all of the energy that you’re spending, complaining, spend that energy going to look for what God has already given us access to. So they pulled it out. All right, Jesus, you gonna do something with this. They say, OK, here you go and they put it in his hand. Everything changes. When you put your five and two in the hands of Jesus, everything changes when you stop speaking negatively about it and just trust it into the hands of Jesus. When you just take that little dream that, that he is entrusted to you and you give it back to him and you say, don’t look like much right now, but I’m putting it in your hands and the great thing about our God. Verse 16 says is that he took the meager gifts of man. He didn’t look at that little bit and say, come back when you’ve got more uh uh a holy divine almighty, powerful God, a God who does not need us or our loaves and fish. When man gave it to him, he received it and looking up to heaven, he blessed y’all. You don’t need more. You just need God’s blessing on what you’ve already got. You don’t need more. You just need God’s blessing on your five and two girl. That’s all you need. You know what his blessing is. It’s his favor. Y’all favor is what makes the scales balance over in your favor favor is what makes things a little bit unfair on your behalf. Favor is what opens doors that nobody can shut favor is what puts you in positions that nobody can take away favor is what sets you before kings and queens. The favor of God is what you want on your life. On your five and two. Looking up to heaven, he blessed it, then he broke it and he kept giving it to the disciples and it kept going and it kept going. And the 12 didn’t understand how the little bit they had. They had in the beginning had become so much and their entire multitude, the whole burden was satisfied and when everybody was satisfied, oh somebody say satisfied, oh Victoria, I wish we had time tonight, girl satisfied. This is not some, you know, happy meal sort of situation here. This is not a number one on the Burger King drive through. This is Sunday afternoon. I’m talking about old school Sunday where your mom started to cook on Saturday night and the yeast rolls were rising and the macaroni and cheese was bubbling and the sweet potatoes were all gooey on the stove and, and every, the sweet tea was going the roast. You know, she started the roast on 200 the night before and let it simmer all night long. Y’all are getting hungry, aren’t you? I know. Listen. Do you remember how, when you came home from church the next day you ate that and the only thing you could do after that was, that’s all you could do. That’s why Jesus said, go ahead and have the people reclined, have them get in a posture of expectation. But I’m getting ready to do exceedingly. Anything that they can ask or think satisfied Sunday afternoon, kind of satisfied. That’s what he does. And they were so satisfied. Y’all don’t even sit down, just stay, stand and listen. They were so satisfied. This is how, you know how good the meal was. There was leftover. They started going around picking up the leftovers y’all and guess what? There were 12 baskets full one basket for each disciple to take home as an overflow of the grace and the blessing of God I want to pray for any of you who are in this room and you’ve got a multitude weighing on you. You got, I mean, that thing is burdening you down and you’ve never considered the fact that you’ve already got what you need. You’ve been thinking this is not enough gifting, this is not enough talent, it’s not enough money, it’s not enough time. I don’t have enough and Jesus is whispering in your ear tonight. Just give it to me. I’m gonna multiply it. I’m gonna blow your mind with what I’m gonna do. If you just trust it to me, anybody got a specific multitude that you need prayer in regards to just go ahead and raise your hand. We’re gonna pray right now in Jesus say Victoria, will you come up with me, please? Just as a pastor in this house, would you just be present in this moment so we can pray over God’s people. Lord right now, we entrust every single woman who has her hand raised in particular. We entrust every single one under the sound of our voice. Lord to your love and care. We thank you that you are sovereign over their lives. Father, we thank you that there is nothing that is in our experience right now, that is not first passed through your fingers. And since we know you are good and that you are kind and that your mercy endures forever, then father, we believe that if you’ve allowed this multitude. There’s something in this multitude we don’t want to miss. And so father, I pray right now that you would change our perspective. So we can see in this multitude what you have for us. Don’t let us miss it for anything in the world. Lord. And then father, I’m going to pray over our five and two. I ask right now in jesus’ name, whatever the five loaves and the two fish are that you have entrusted to every single woman. I pray that you would give a holy courage and a holy boldness that would compel us to open up the drawer and pull it out and sit to your hands. Father God, I do pray that if this multitude has anything to do with the enemy, Lord, if the enemy has assigned an attack on any woman or her family, I pray that his attack would be canceled in Jesus name and by his blood that has been shed on Calgary. But Lord, if this multitude is of you, then right now in Jesus name must thank you for it in our lives. Come on and thank him for it. I thank you for it. And then father, we’re gonna go ahead and get you in a posture of abundance. We’re gonna start living and praying and acting like people who believe that you are the God of Ephesians 3 2021 you can do above all that we ask for faith. In Jesus, name in Jesus. Name everybody.

Thank you so much for this for this prayer.i received it in Jesus mighty name this was for me thank you Lord almighty thanks for answering my prayers my Jesus is alive thank you Lord 🙏 God bless you abundantly Angel of God.

Thank you Lord I received and believe in Jesus mighty matchless name Amen. This was right on time for me.

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Finding Your Divine Assignment: A Biblical Guide to Purposeful Living

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In a world where distractions and worldly pursuits often consume our attention, we can easily lose sight of our divine assignment on this Earth. We find ourselves chasing material possessions, success, and societal validation, yet deep within us, there’s an innate yearning for something more profound, something that aligns with our Creator’s plan for us. This yearning is our soul’s call to discover and fulfill our divine purpose.

The Manufacturer’s Divine Design

Imagine entering an electronics store and noticing two devices, both bearing the same manufacturer’s name – a television and a washing machine. At first glance, they may appear similar, perhaps even constructed from the same materials. However, their purposes are distinct. The television is designed for entertainment, while the washing machine is meant to cleanse your clothes. When these devices fulfill their intended purposes, they bring satisfaction to their maker.

Likewise, God, our Divine Manufacturer, fashions each of us with a unique purpose in mind. Just as a television was never meant for laundering clothes, we were not created to wander aimlessly through life Instead, our Creator delights in our discovery and embrace of our individual assignments because, in doing so, we bring Him pleasure.

The Dangers of Misplaced Purpose

Consider this scenario: these electronic devices, the television and the washing machine, suddenly gain consciousness and decide to swap roles. The television, not designed to hold water, attempts to do laundry, and the washing machine endeavors to display your favorite shows. What do you imagine would occur?

Chaos would surely ensue, and both devices would rapidly lose functionality. The television would short-circuit, and the washing machine would become inoperable. Why? Because they strayed from their intended purposes.

Similarly, when we deviate from our divine assignment, we risk spiritual short-circuiting and ineffectiveness. Just as the manufacturer designed each device for a specific purpose, our Creator fashioned us with a unique mission that aligns with our talents, passions, and spiritual gifts.

Embracing Your Unique Assignment

Understanding that no two individuals share the same divine assignment is crucial. You are endowed with a unique calling, a specific purpose that only you can fulfill. This realization should not foster competition but rather inspire collaboration and support as we work together to fulfill our respective assignments, contributing to the greater good.

Now, Let’s explore biblical ways for discovering and embracing your divine assignment. The following Scriptures provide profound insights and guidance to help you align your life with God’s purpose:

  • Seek Divine Guidance

Proverbs 3:5-6 reads, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” Trusting in the Lord wholeheartedly means surrendering your desires and ambitions to Him. Acknowledge that His understanding surpasses yours, and seek His guidance in every aspect of your life. When you do, He promises to direct your steps and lead you along the path that aligns with your divine assignment.

  • Listen to Your Heart

In Psalm 37:4 , the Bible says, “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires.” When you delight in the Lord, your desires become aligned with His will. Your heart’s desires, when rooted in a deep relationship with God, can provide valuable clues about your divine assignment. As you cultivate your relationship with Him, your desires will naturally gravitate toward the purpose He has for you.

  • Seek and Discern Spiritual Gifts

God has put in place unique spiritual gifts for the discovery and fulfillment of your purpose. These gifts are not only meant to build up the body of Christ but also to guide you toward your divine assignment. 1 Corinthians 12:7 says, “A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” Take time to discern your spiritual gifts through prayer and self-reflection. Understanding your gifts can reveal where you can make the greatest impact in the body of Christ.

  • Pray and Meditate

Psalm 119:105reads, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” Regularly immerse yourself in God’s Word through prayer and meditation. Scripture serves as a source of wisdom, guidance, and inspiration. It illuminates your path, helping you discern God’s will and understand the specific steps you need to take to fulfill your divine assignment.

  • Seek Wise Counsel

The Bible says, “Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.” (Proverbs 15:22). Seek the counsel of wise and mature believers who can provide guidance and insight on your journey to discovering your purpose. They can offer perspectives and experiences that may shed light on your unique assignment and help you navigate challenges along the way.

  • Act with Faith

Faith is essential, but it must be accompanied by action. As you discern your divine assignment, step out in faith to pursue it. James 2:17 reads , “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.” Trust that God will guide and empower you to carry out the work He has prepared for you. And ensure your faith is expressed through meaningful actions that is aligned with your purpose.

Conclusion: Living a Purpose-Driven Life in Alignment with God’s Word

In conclusion, living a purpose-driven life isn’t about comparing yourself to others or competing with them. It’s about recognizing your unique role in God’s grand design, just as the television and washing machine serve distinct functions in the world of electronics.

By embracing your divine assignment, you not only find fulfillment and satisfaction but also bring glory to the One who lovingly created you. Your life becomes a testimony to God’s wisdom and grace, and you become a beacon of inspiration and guidance for others seeking their own purpose.

As you embark on this journey of purposeful living, remember that you are a unique creation, fashioned by the Divine Maker for a specific mission. It’s time to align your life with your divine assignment and fulfill your purpose, bringing glory to God and leaving a lasting legacy of inspiration and purpose for generations to come.

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  • Preach of Priscilla Shirer

What is Your Spiritual Assignment?

Priscilla offers an inspiring perspective on how to discover and use the gifts and talents that god has given us..

We often underestimate or overlook the treasures and gifts that God has bestowed upon us. We all have hidden treasures within us, gifts and talents that God has entrusted to us. In Luke 9:1-17, Jesus calls His disciples, gives them power and authority, and then sends them out to preach and perform miracles. This passage reveals a "recipe plan" for effective ministry, consisting of three key ingredients: the calling, the empowerment, and the sending. Firstly, the calling represents the divine conviction that a person feels to perform a specific task in the service of God. God's calling always surpasses any personal ambition, and we should be attentive to listen and respond to that calling in our lives.

You don't need more; you just need God's blessing on what you already have.

Secondly, empowerment refers to the supernatural ability that God grants to those He calls. We don't need to be perfect or fully equipped to respond to God's calling, as He empowers us with what we need for the task. Thirdly, the sending implies that it is God who sends us to carry out His work in the world. It is vital to obey God's timing for our ministry. Many times, we ask for more resources, more time, or more skills when, in reality, we already have what we need. We can see this when the disciples wanted Jesus to send away the hungry crowd instead of recognizing that they already had five loaves and two fish, which Jesus would later multiply. Instead of praying for those crowds to disappear, we should acknowledge that they are often opportunities for God to reveal the treasures we have within us. The key to unlocking the power of these inner treasures is to surrender them to God, trust in His blessing, and allow Him to multiply them. God's blessing is what makes things work in our favor and opens doors that no one else can close.

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Priscilla Shirer

Priscilla Shirer is a renowned speaker, author, and Bible teacher, known for her Christian ministry and work in the field of teaching and writing. Born on December 31, 1974, in Dallas, Texas, United States, Priscilla is the youngest daughter of the renowned preacher and author, Tony Evans.

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What Is My Assignment From God?

what is your spiritual assignment

hat is my assignment from God? This is a question that many resonate with because God has given each one of us a direct assignment. When many in the body of Christ think of their God-given assignment, they make the mistake to understand it on a broad level that feels unreachable.  As we will unpack today, an assignment is something that God uses to start us on the path of our destiny. 

After Jesus had risen from the dead, and spent 40 days walking with his disciples, He gave them disciples an amazing assignment.  

“Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.  When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.  Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:16-20)

The disciples were given a direct assignment from Jesus to go and to “make disciples of all nations.”  How were they to go about accomplishing this assignment?  By “teaching them to obey everything” Jesus had taught them.  This assignment is known today as the great commission.  Why did Jesus give them this assignment? 

It is in the Father’s heart for His children to partner with Him.  In the beginning, Adam co-labored with God in stewarding the garden of Eden (see Genesis 2:15 ).  This assignment was given so that Adam could discover God’s heart and love for the earth.  Today, in the same way, God gives His children unique assignments to carry out so that they can release the love of God on the earth. 

Jesus Modeled The Perfect Assignment 

When Jesus walked the earth, he modeled the perfect assignment.  As one reads the Gospels, they understand Jesus had a clear mission - to usher the kingdom of heaven into the earth.  This mission released various assignments from God to destroy the works of the devil.  1 John 3:8 makes this assignment clear.  “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” 

As Jesus modeled the perfect assignment, he invited others to share in this responsibility.  Many times, after healing the sick or performing a sign to inaugurate the kingdom of God, he would release the recipients with a direct assignment.  

“Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”  She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” (John 8:10-11)

When the woman who was caught in adultery was brought to Jesus, she discovered something she never expected.  In the aftermath of being forgiven and unjudged by the Son of God, he gave her a direct command, “Go and sin no more.”  

In order to release her into her God-given destiny, Jesus commanded her to walk away from her former life and to follow the direction of Jesus.  By her sinning no more and obeying the word of God, she would be released to walk in a manner that she had never once walked in before.  

Assignments Fulfill Our Purpose   

When we discover our assignments from God, we partner with Him into his divine plans for our lives.  The book of Jeremiah speaks to the intentions of God’s plans over us.  

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

God has a plan for our lives.  These divine plans are rooted in our welfare and give us a wonderful hope and a future.  Although this is an amazing promise in scripture, when many read this verse they forget that it is a conditional promise, according to the preceding verses. 

“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:12-13)

After God reveals to us His divine plans, He gives us a direct assignment.  Those that embark upon His plans of welfare must take on the assignment to seek Him with all of their heart.  By obeying this command, one embarks upon the road of their own destiny.  

This passage of scripture makes it clear, the path of our purpose is found by saying yes to our God-given assignments.  Saying yes to God’s assignment allows His purpose to begin working in your life.  When Jesus called his first disciples, he gave them clear assignments to propel them into their future.  

“And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)

Jesus could of stop after his initial calling of “follow me”, but he didn’t.  Why?  Because Jesus wasn’t looking for followers alone, he was looking for co-labors in the kingdom of heaven.  Just as God gave Adam tasks to steward the garden, so Jesus gave his disciples tasks to steward the kingdom of God.  

Jesus didn’t ask the first disciples to just simply follow him, he gave them an assignment, “to become fishers of men.”  This assignment set them on the path of their destiny.  Years later, the disciples would produce the first fruits of the great commission by spreading the gospel around the modern world.  Imagine if Jesus would have never given them an assignment, could they have taken on their destiny? 

God gives us assignments to steward His divine purpose for our life.  Sometimes, His assignments make no sense to us at first (think of Noah), but we must obey them.  Obedience releases a grace of faith that unlocks our destiny and fulfills our assignment. 

Today, know this - God has called you and has a plan for your life.  The Lord has assigned an amazing purpose for you. It can only be unlocked through your response to His assignments and developed over the course of your own spiritual life. One thing is certain, His assignments are meant to fulfill the words of Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer , 

“Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)

Kyle Echols

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Fulfilling God’s Assignment | Christian Leadership Insights

by Mark Dreistadt | Jun 8, 2012 | Leadership

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God has given everyone an assignment! An assignment is a mission or position to which a person is assigned. We each have a position in the Body of Christ and a distinct mission to fulfill… and God has perfectly equipped us to succeed in His assignment. All visionary leaders have to some degree recognized and embraced this charge.

The Calling of Christian Leadership

God places a Word in your spirit … He gives you a revelation.  Then as your life surrounds that revelation it comes to life within you. That revelation released into the world through your thoughts, words, and actions is your Godly assignment.  This is a hallmark, a cornerstone of inspirational leadership .

  • First , you must discover your assignment? Look inside yourself. What do you know God has said to you?  What is your passion? What makes you happy? What makes you angry? What excites you? The answers to these questions will help you know the assignment God has placed within you.
  • Secondly , to effectively fulfill your assignment you must learn to limit. You cannot read everything — know everything — do everything — and be everything — for everyone! Once you understand your assignment, you must focus wholeheartedly and complete the tasks God has entrusted to you.  Church leaders often struggle here because they want to do everything and help everyone, but we need to focus on what our unique assignment is.
  • Thirdly , to fulfill God’s assignment, you need to be willing to self-assess.  You need to take stock of how well you serve in the position God has placed you. Assess what is right and what is wrong — what works and what does not work.
  • Fourthly , you must be willing to change. If you discover something that does not work in your life, you have to change it. If you discover something needs to be done, you need to do it. You must listen to the Spirit of God, and make a change.  Effective church leadership always looks to change things and make adjustments to stay focused on their assignment.
  • Lastly , you need to be willing to make critical choices. If you do not make the hard decisions, you will never successfully fulfill God’s assignment. The great news is once you make the tough decisions, God fills the void left behind with His grace and provision. His joy and blessing will follow you — when you walk in your Godly assignment.  The most fulfilling place for Christian leadership to be is right in the middle of their God given purpose.

God has a spectacular plan for you. You will be amazed at what God will do through you!  Discover his assignment, make the right choices and watch your life soar!

Infinity Concepts understands what you need as a Christian Leader. Let us help you deliver your message in the most effective way. Let’s talk today!

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Vp | chief growth officer.

With two decades of leadership experience at a multi-campus megachurch and a global broadcast ministry, Darrell brings a wealth of expertise to Infinity Concepts. His knack for leveraging limited resources to achieve maximum results has made him a pivotal figure in the realm of faith-based initiatives. Darrell’s diverse skill set includes developing effective fundraising strategies, crafting donor retention programs, initiating global humanitarian efforts, and driving growth in local churches through innovative marketing and assimilation strategies. His ultimate drive is to empower our clients to realize their visions and accomplish their missions.

At the helm of Infinity Concepts’ client teams, Darrell orchestrates the creation of integrated fundraising and marketing strategies tailored to a broad spectrum of ministries, nonprofits, and organizations keen on connecting and engaging with the Christian community. His adeptness at pinpointing growth obstacles, formulating strategic solutions, and delivering tangible outcomes underscores his role as a catalyst for client success.

When Darrell is not in the office, he enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife and daughter. Darrell also loves being in the great outdoors water skiing and boating, and hopes to one day build his dream home on a lake.

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Keys to Living in Divine Alignment

April 9, 2018

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2

Have you ever felt out of alignment—either physically, emotionally, or spiritually?

There are many ways our lives and bodies and hearts and minds can get out of alignment with God’s best intentions for us.

When we step out of His love, His rest, His peace, or even His presence, our lives can quickly fall into misalignment on all sorts of levels.

If you’re not growing, your life is out of alignment.

Many of us are ignorant that our lives are misaligned.

We are quick to blame forces outside of ourselves—the circumstances, people, government, and too often, the enemy—for what isn’t working in our lives.

But more often, we allow our lives to become misaligned because of socialization.

We defer to our relational constellation, the people we hang around, and how we were brought up to determine how high we fly.

If you want to change the flock you fly with, you must first change yourself.

The truth is, when you change, everybody and everything around you must adjust to accommodate your growth and progress.

Don’t wait for people or circumstances to get into alignment with your hopes and dreams; align yourself.

Could things be the way they are because you are the way you are?

What one thing can you change that can change everything?

You can change the way you think.

You can change your expectations.

How would knowing that God wants to use you to impact a multitude of people change your thinking about what’s possible?

God is wanting to increase your influence wherever He has positioned you.

God is actively providing you with opportunities to increase your network. I encourage you to leverage these opportunities, because when your network increases, so does your net worth.

I want to take you to Genesis 48:16 where Jacob laid hands on his grandson Ephraim.

Jacob was not only laying hands on him so he could prophesy over him and transfer an anointing, but to bring alignment to his mind.

When hands are laid on you, it’s not just about what God is going to do for you, but it’s also about what God is aligning you to.

Whenever hands are laid upon someone, it means God is inviting them to cooperate with a mantle adjustment.

Adjusting your spiritual mantle requires a realignment.

In other words, there is an adjustment of perception or “alignment of the mind” taking place—a mental adjustment.

Your mind is spiritual, but your brain is physical—your brain seeks homeostasis.

If God sends you a word that challenges you to grow, your brain is going to fight you every step of the way.

Anybody that has been on a diet can testify to the brain’s resistance to change. This is why breaking a habit is so challenging!

You can’t just break a habit by stopping something; you have to break a habit by creating a new habit. This works by the law of displacement and the law of replacement.

If you displace something, you must replace it with something else.

You break a bad habit by replacing it with a good habit.

When it comes to God bringing alignment so you can grow and increase in your ministry or business, it means you will have to change the way you think—you will have to change your mind.

And when you change, the culture will have to change—procedures and precedents will have to change—but your brain will always want to do the same thing the same way.

Do the same, get the same. Do different, get different.

Once you start changing, your brain is going to resist. Your own neurobiology is the biggest stronghold you will be required to overcome.

So when God begins to invite you into a realm of growth, you don’t have to worry about the enemy fighting against you.

Too many of us use the enemy as a reason why we can’t change.

Do you not know God has given you power over all of the works and wiles of the enemy?

Even so, it’s most probably not the devil fighting against you. More often, it’s our own wiring; we misfire because we’re mis-wired!

God wants to rewire your mind so you think thoughts that will enable you to maximize your potential.

God wants to reset your mind.

When Jacob lays hands on Ephraim and Manasseh, it gives God an opportunity to reset their thought processes.

Jacob commands a blessing and prophesies:

“God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, The God who has fed me all my life long to this day, The Angel who has redeemed me from all evil, Bless the lads; Let my name be named upon them, And the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; And let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.” Genesis 48:15-16

I decree and declare your children are being redeemed from all evil—your grandchildren and great grandchildren, and all of your loved ones are being brought back and pulled out of evil—not by your hand, but by the Angel of the Lord.

Jacob was not only commuting a blessing, but he was transferring influence.

The name and the anointing God placed on Abraham that made him influential and wealthy was being transferred. 

Jacob was saying, “How God transformed my life, I’m transferring that to you. You are going to think differently. You are going to think like a powerful and wealthy person of influence.”

Your thoughts are a precursor to your lifestyle. 

I decree that however God shows you that you’re going to live in the next 2-3 years—whatever vision He has given you—whatever prophetic word He has spoken over you—I decree and declare that you are acquiring the necessary mentality right now!

If you want to be the best in the industry, you must think like you’re the best, you must act like you’re the best, dress like you’re the best, network like you’re the best.

Many of us don’t leave the realm God delivers us from because we’re afraid of what people are going to say.

I say, give people something to talk about! 

It starts with a mentality.

Your internal reality will express itself externally as the reality you experience.

Whatever the realities are in your life, don’t try to fix your circumstances, fix your thoughts.

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

Show me your life, and I’ll show you your thoughts…

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  • Priscilla Shirer - What is Your Spiritual Assignment?

Priscilla Shirer - Watch Sermon: What is Your Spiritual Assignment? Priscilla Shirer speaks at Lakewood on TBN's Praise. Enjoy this full teaching from Priscilla Shirer as she shares how to know your spiritual assignment and follow God in daily life; boldly, and with purpose.

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Jeff Budzinski avatar

Knowing Your Specific Assignment In Life (Part 1) Series

Contributed by jeff budzinski on oct 18, 2006 (message contributor).

Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11

Denomination: Evangelical/Non-Denominational

Summary: We all have a specific assignment from God when we became a Christian. We must uncover what are assignment is, how to complete it with God’s help and be a blessing to the Body of Christ.


· God has a specific assignment for each Born Again Believer.

· God has laid out a road map for you to be successful in His plans.

· He has given you His Holy Spirit to guide you to your divine destination.

· The only way to be sure of completing your assignment is through constant fellowship with God (Secret Place).

· Seeking the Lord in prayer, meditation on the Word of God and by fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, you will discover the assignment of God for your life.

· Let us look to the scriptures this morning to find out our assignment.

A. God has a specific assignment for your life.

(NKJV) Jeremiah 29 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

(AMP) Jeremiah 29 11For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.

1. God has already placed a specific assignment in your life that only you can accomplish with His help.

a. It is your job to discover that assignment.

2. Your assignment or plans can be found in studying the Word of God.

a. God’s thoughts toward you and His plans for your life are for good and not evil. They are to prosper you!

b. God’s assignment for you will not fail when you do it His way.

c. God has laid out a detailed plan for you to complete your assignment. Seek Him and He will reveal it to you.

d. God is concerned about your welfare and your peace of mind.

B. You are predestined to do good works & complete your assignment.

(AMP) Ephesians 2 10For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].

1. It is up to you to make sure you locate the path for your life.

a. Studying and meditation on the Word is key.

2. You are created in the image of Jesus Christ, God’s handiwork. You are created to win in life.

3. Follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit at all times. He will direct your steps.

4. When the Holy Spirit speaks to you, do what He say immediately. Do not delay or you will be steered off course.

a. When the Holy Spirit speaks, you will know that it is God directing you.

(NKJV) Ephesians 3 2 if indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you, 3 how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery (as I have briefly written already, 4 by which, when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ), 5 which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets: 6 that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ through the gospel, 7 of which I became a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effective working of His power.

5. When you communicate with the Holy Spirit, He will reveal the secrets or mysteries of God to you. This allows you to complete your assignment.

6. Revelation knowledge is revealed knowledge by the Spirit of God.

7. Revelation knowledge will always line up with the Word of God.

a. The Holy Spirit will reveal secrets when you spend a considerable amount of time with Him.

b. God’s sheep know His voice.

i. Like a parent knows the voice of his or her child, we as children of God, will know His voice when we spend time fellowshipping with Him daily.

c. When your thoughts line up with the Word of God, you will have great results in life.

8. God will guide you on your assignment by giving you insight.

C. Keeping your course as you perform your assignment.

1. God gave you His spirit so that you can know Him better and keep on course to complete your assignment.

2. God requires you to be a good steward over the revelation knowledge He gives you.

3. Ask God to reveal things to you. Be persistent in your asking.

4. Speaking in tongues enable you to communicate directly with God.

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Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 14 , 1 Corinthians 2 , Ephesians 2 , Ephesians 3 , Jeremiah 29 , Jeremiah 29:11

Sermon Topics: Becoming A Christian

Neiko Jones avatar

Neiko Jones

commented on Aug 13, 2017

This sermon was timely and helpful. Our pastor gave us the assignment of finding a scripture and discovering what our assignment is in life and the church. I will used the information in learned in this sermon to study and discover. Thanks and God bless!

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We all have a specific assignment from God when we became a Christian. We must uncover what are assignment is, how to complete it with God’s help and be a blessing to the Body of Christ.

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Your Job Is God’s Assignment

Tbt with every square inch: reading the classics.

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More By John Piper

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TBT (Throwback Thursday) with Every Square Inch: Reading the Classics is a weekly column that publishes some of the best writings on vocation from the past. Our hope is to introduce you to thoughtful literature that you may not have yet discovered and, as always, to encourage you to know and love Christ more in all spheres of your life. This excerpt is adapted from “Your Job as Ministry” by John Piper. Copyright © 1981. Used by permission of Desiring God, www.desiringgod.org .

On Sunday, June 14, 1981, John Piper preached on 1 Corinthians 7:17–24, which begins, “Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him” (1 Cor. 7:17). The point of Piper’s message , he said, could be stated as a declaration and as a prayer:

As a declaration it would be: How you fulfill the demands of your vocation is an essential part of Christian discipleship. Or to put it another way: How you do your job is a big part of your obedience to Jesus. Stated as a prayer, the main point today is: Father, grant to us all the grace to be conscious of your presence at our work and to obey your commands in all our vocational relationships.

He then explained how that declaration and prayer related to Paul’s letter to the churches in Corinth. He concluded his sermon by offering four helpful and practical implications for our work. [To read and/or listen to the sermon in its entirety, click here .]

First, God is much more concerned with the way you do the job you now have than he is with whether you get a new job. We have in this congregation nurses, teachers, carpenters, artists, secretaries, bookkeepers, lawyers, receptionists, accountants, social workers, repairmen of various sorts, engineers, office managers, waitresses, plumbers, salesmen, security guards, doctors, military personnel, counselors, bankers, police officers, decorators, musicians, architects, painters, house cleaners, school administrators, housewives, missionaries, pastors, cabinet makers, and many more. And we all need to hear that what lies most on the heart of God is not whether we move from one to the other, but whether in our present work we are enjoying God’s promised presence and obeying his commands in the way we do our work.

Second, as we have seen, the command to stay in the calling in which you were when converted is not absolute. It does not condemn all job changes. We know this not only because of the exceptions Paul allowed to his principle here in 1 Corinthians 7 (cf. verse 15), but also because Scripture depicts and approves such changes. There is provision for freeing slaves in the Old Testament, and we are familiar with a tax collector who became a preacher and fishermen who became missionaries. Besides this, we know that there are some jobs in which you could not stay and obey God’s commands: for example, prostitution, numerous forms of indecent and corrupting entertainment, and others in which you may be forced to exploit people.

Paul is not saying that professional thieves or Corinthian cult prostitutes should stay in the calling in which they were called. The question at Corinth was: When we come to Christ, what should we abandon? And Paul’s answer is: You don’t need to abandon your vocation if you can stay in it with God. His concern is not to condemn job changes, but to teach that you can have fulfillment in Christ whatever your job is. This is unfashionable teaching in contemporary Western society, because it cuts the nerve of worldly ambition. We need to think long and hard about whether what we communicate to our children about success is biblical or just American. The word of God for all us “success seekers” is this: Take all that ambition and drive that you are pouring into your upward mobility and pour it instead into a spiritual zeal to cultivate an enjoyment of God’s presence and obedience to his revealed will in Scripture.

Third, for you younger people who have not yet entered a profession, the implication of our text is this: When you ask yourself the question, What is God’s will for my life?  you should give the resounding answer: His will is that I maintain close fellowship with him and devote myself to obeying his commandments .  God’s revealed will for you (the only will you are responsible to obey) is your sanctification ( 1 Thessalonians 4:3 ), not your vocation. Devote yourself to that with all your heart, and take whatever job you want. I have no doubt that, if all our young people are bending every effort to stay close to God and to obey the commands of Scripture, God will distribute them in the world exactly where he wants their influence for him.

Fourth, and finally, this text implies that the job you now have, as long as you are there, is God’s assignment to you. Verse 17 says, “Let everyone lead the life which the Lord has assigned to him.” God is sovereign. It is no accident that you are where you are. “A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” ( Proverbs 16:9 ). “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established” ( Proverbs 19:21 ). “The lot is cast in the lap, but the decision is wholly from the Lord” ( Proverbs 16:33 ).

You are where you are by divine assignment, even if you got there by fraud. Your job is your ministerial assignment, just as much as mine is. How you fulfill the demands of that job is just as essential in life as what you do here on Sunday. For many of us that may mean turning over a new leaf tomorrow morning. Let’s all pray before we set out to work: “God, go with me today and keep me conscious of your presence. Encourage my heart when I tend to despair, and humble me when I tend to boast. O God, give me the grace to obey your commandments, which I know are all summed up in this, to love my neighbor as myself. Amen.”

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John Piper (BA, Wheaton College; BD, Fuller Theological Seminary; ThD, University of Munich) serves as founder and lead teacher at Desiring God and is chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary . For 33 years, Piper served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, and he is a Council member of The Gospel Coalition. He has authored more than 50 books, and more than 30 years of his preaching and writing are available free of charge at desiringGod.org .

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Preparing for God-Given Assignments

Courtnaye Richard

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Originally published Monday, 16 July 2018.



At this time, do you think or believe that God has given you an assignment? If so, what is it? Are you preparing for it? And in what ways? That’s what I’m going to help you focus on this week from a biblical and practical perspective. So, let’s get started.

For starters, there were many in the Bible we can quickly trace back to such as Noah who was given the assignment of building the ark. Moses who was given the huge task of leading millions of the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Joshua who was given the torch to bring them into the Promised Land. Esther who was chosen to be a queen for such a time to save her people from annihilation. Nehemiah who was heavily passionate and burdened with the task of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. And the disciples, as well as the Apostle Paul with carrying out the Great Commission to all the nations and spreading the gospel ( we  also have this assignment).

So, has God given you any assignments?

As I thought and prayed about this post, the Lord impressed upon my heart to write specifically about understanding the importance of assignments, who they affect, how we should prepare ourselves for them, and why we do them in the first place. Before I go deeper, just know that any assignment God gives you should be taken seriously and with a confident trust that He will show up and be there to help and lead you by His Spirit. And guess what, no matter what it looks like or how it turns out in your eyes, God’s plans never fail. Remember that.

When you look back at his track record - the ark was built. Moses  did  lead the people out of Egypt. Joshua successfully lead them into the Promised Land. Esther boldly saved her people from annihilation. Nehemiah and his team did finish rebuilding the wall. The disciples, as well as the Apostle Paul kept the faith and finished the race at all cost. Paul said in 2 Timothy 1:1-2, “I, Paul, am on special assignment for Christ, carrying out God’s plan laid out in the message of life by Jesus.” (MSG). Amen! You see, in all of these successfully completed assignments, God’s plan prevailed.

So, when God gives you an assignment, it’s very important to stay close to Him through prayer and His word for direction. He may even send Spirit-led messengers, volunteers, or instruct you to create a team to assist you. The key is following His divine provision step by step. Trust me. He knows how to get the job done, successfully .

And listen. In your lifetime sis, there will be many assignments given. If you’re a mother, you have the assignment of not only nurturing your kid or kids, but also teaching and training them godly ways and the Word. If you’re a wife, you have the assignment of being a loving, respectful and submissive wife who comes alongside her husband to help him fulfill his God-given assignment. You two are a team.

But also, if you work on the job, you’ll have many natural assignments. You’ll also have the task of being a light even on the dark or hard days. Your co-workers or fellow co-laborers will need encouragement by you and to see Jesus working through you by the way you carry yourself as a Christian. And you and I both have the assignment of helping to fulfill the Great Commission.

Assignments come in big and small packages. Our job is to unwrap them, accept them, and trust that our good Lord will help us carry them out well with the gifts He has so graciously given to us by His Spirit.

So lastly, I’ll ask one more time. Do you have a God-given assignment? Do you have something that you need to work on specifically this week? If so, prepare yourself accordingly. Break out a pen and pad, and start writing ideas down. Or open up a fresh screen on your computer and do some research about how to do what it is that you need to do. Make a list. Plan your week out early. Ultimately, you and God know what it all entails to get the job done and to get it done right and on time.

Don’t forget to pray, watch for His direction, listen for His voice and messengers, and be diligent in working towards completing your assignment. And make sure to give Him all the glory when it’s all said and done. I echo the words of the Apostle Paul from Philippians 1:6, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the  Inside Out !

QUESTION:  Do you have a God-given assignment that He has called you to be all in on? How can you prepare for it? Also, if you need prayer, you can email me directly @ [email protected] . I look forward to hearing from you and praying for you.

ALSO, my NEW 8-Week Study Guide and Video Teaching Series from my book, "IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ & Moving Forward in Your Purpose” is FINALLY available!!! Purchase here .

*Tune in every Monday at 7:30am for new posts, “Like” my Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/InsideOutWCourtnaye ), and follow me on Twitter at  https://twitter.com/InOutwCourtnaye . Also, share this blog with friends, family, co-workers, or your women’s group or ministry. I’d love to stay connected and help more women grow in the Lord! Thanks again and may God be with you!


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