How to write a biography essay

Picture of Ibrahim Akturk

  • March 29, 2022

A biography essay is a type of academic writing that tells the story of someone’s life, typically focusing on their achievements, struggles, and impact on the world.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a compelling biography essay that engages readers and tells the story of a person’s life in a meaningful way.

Choose a person to write a biography

First you need to choose a person to write about. The person should have made significant contributions to his/her respective field. This person should also be well-known as you will need resources to find information.

For this guide, we will be writing our biography essay on French-Algerian philosopher and author Albert Camus . There’re some reasons why Albert Camus is a suitable topic for a biography essay:

  • He is an influential person in his field.
  • He has many works that we can refer to in our essay .​
  • There are many reliable sources where we can find information about him. ​

Gather information on the person

You need some information about your the person you chose. While getting this information, pay attention to two main factors: the credibility of your source and what information you are putting in your essay.

Credibility of your source

  • Does this source have any authors and/or editors listed?
  • Does this source cite or link to trustworthy sources?​
  • Is this source prepared professionally?​

If your sources check all the boxes, they are most likely reliable sources . However, if a source doesn’t have any authors, has no citation, or is poorly written, consider it risky.

Information included in the essay

  • Is this information useful in the context of my essay?
  • Is this development remarkable in my subject’s life story? ​

You can definitely add the information if they meet these criteria. If not, it’s best to keep them out.

Use of important information on the person

Now, we will be choosing information from Albert Camus’ life story to include in our biography essay. 

  • Albert Camus was born on 7 November 1913 in French Algeria. (We choose to include this information because it is reasonable to start with this line for a biography essay.)
  • He published his essay The Myth of Sisyphus in the year 1942. (This information is essential because this essay explains his notion of “the absurd,” a philosophy he is widely known for.)​
  • He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. (This event is a significant acknowledgment of his works; therefore, it should be included.)​
  • He died on 4 January 1960 in France. (A reasonable ending point for a biography essay.) ​

Create an outline

essay outline structure

Preparing an outline is essential for biography essays just like any other essay . You can follow our typical outline preparing process in this step because biography essays also adhere to the traditional essay structure.

Biography Essay Outline Example

Albert Camus Biography Essay

  • Open with a curious quote by Albert Camus
  • Explain how Camus contributed to his field
  • Further explore Albert Camus' stance on the field
  • Present your thesis statement
  • Topic sentence of your paragraph
  • Albert's accomplishments and more personal information
  • Closing sentence
  • Restate your thesis statement
  • Mention the importance of Albert Camus
  • Finish your essay with memorable concluding sentences by highlighting Camus' importance

Important reminder

Write an introduction.

The introduction paragraph is crucial. Because you need to grab the reader’s attention at this part. This is where a hook sentence is useful. With a hook sentence , you can start your essay in multiple interesting directions for you reader: 

  • Start your introduction with a quote from your subject, especially one that reveals their personality.
  • Start with an intriguing story or an interesting anecdote about your subject. ​
  • Start by informing the reader about a significant accomplishment of your subject.​

Biography essay introduction example

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” This is a quote by French-Algerian philosopher, writer, and journalist Albert Camus. Camus was born in French Algeria on 7 November 1913. Opening: Intriguing quote that grabs the reader’s attention and summarizes Camus’ philosophy He is one of the most prominent writers of absurdist philosophical thought. Subject: A sentence which explains the subject’s contribution to their field. Through his works, Camus contributed to the rise of the absurdist philosophy, which was essentially a response to nihilism. Stance: Further explanation of the subject’s stance on the field He wrote works that conveyed an abiding faith in the human race’s displaced but still righteous situation. Thesis statement: You highlight your stand and main focus of the essay.

Biography essay body paragraphs

This is the section where the results of your research come in. Like other types of essays, body paragraphs are the central part of your biography essay (see biography essay example ).

Through these paragraphs, you will discuss the milestones in your subject’s life, their accomplishments, and their works.

Biography essay body paragraph example

During his literary career, Camus published his works in three cycles. In each cycle, he published a novel, an essay, and a play. The first cycle of his works was on “the absurd,” and they were published from 1942 to 1944. Topic sentence: Further exploration of the claim presented in the introduction. This cycle’s works were some of his most significant works: The Stranger as the novel, The Myth of Sisyphus as the essay, and Caligula as the play. Camus also explored the concepts “the revolt” and “the love” through the cycle structure. Subject’s accomplishments: Reveal of the subject’s extensive work on the field Through his major works, Camus earned the Nobel Prize for Literature, and he then published his work named Algerian Chronicles. This work revealed his pacifist tendencies. Personal information: Brief introduction into the subject’s personal reflections. After Camus’ death, two more works of his were released. One is his novel titled A Happy Death and an unfinished autobiographical novel named The First Man. Some of the significant themes Camus explores through his literary career are alienation, rebellion, and guilt. Closing sentence: Information on the subject’s identity.

Biography essay conclusion

In your conclusion paragraph , what you need to do is to bring in your final thoughts. Do not make the mistake (see common mistakes ) of only repeating the claims you made throughout the essay.

As an alternative, you can choose to tie your subject’s legacy into the current day . You can ask yourself these questions to figure out what to say in your conclusion paragraph:

  • What was my subject’s contribution to the ideas/events that are relevant today?
  • Are they still remembered? How do people honor their work?​
  • Out of the people that are significant today, who did my subject influence?​

Biography essay conclusion example

Camus died on 4 January 1960, when he was only 46 years old. He died in a car crash, and many scholars point out the “absurdity” of his death. Restatement: Connection with the subject’s main works Since Camus himself had previously stated that the most absurd way of dying he could think of would be a car accident, people regard his death as ironic. Today, Albert Camus is still considered to be one of the most significant thinkers of Western philosophy. Importance of the person: The subject’s relevancy today He is acknowledged as one of the most critical contributors of the absurdist philosophy. He is referred to as one of the best literary writers of his genre and one of the best thinkers of his age. Closing statement: Concluding sentences by highlighting the subject’s influence

Now you know all the separate parts of a biography essay and how to create them.  Remember that these steps can be used in all academic essays.

Before closing this article, let’s have a look at an extensive biography essay example on Mustafa Kemal Ataturk , you see below. 

5-Paragraph Biography Essay Example

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk: The Modernizer of Turkey


Body paragraphs, key takeaways.

  • A biography essay should tell the story of a person's life, but also focus on their contributions and impact.
  • Start by doing thorough research and organizing your information into a chronological outline.
  • Use vivid details and anecdotes to bring your subject to life and make the essay engaging for the reader.
  • Incorporate analysis and reflection to help the reader understand the significance of the subject's life and work.
  • End with a strong conclusion that summarizes the key points and leaves the reader with a lasting impression.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start a biography essay.

Start your biography essay by giving a general information about your subject, such as their profession or importance.

What is biography example?

Biography is a literary work in which a person’s life is narrated. They are based on facts, and the main purpose of them is educating people about well-known individuals.

How do you write an outline for a biography?

A proper biography outline should include details about the information that will be presented in the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Picture of Ibrahim Akturk

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How to Write a Biography Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

A biography essay is a powerful tool to reveal the essence of a person. It goes beyond mere facts, delving into the impact a person has had on the world. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of crafting a compelling biography essay that captures the spirit of the individual you're exploring.

Biography Essay Writing Guide

Writing a biography essay requires a thoughtful approach. It's not just about narrating a person's life but understanding their impact on the world. Follow these steps to create a meaningful and well-structured biography essay:

1. Choose a Compelling Topic

The first step is crucial. Select a person whose life and work resonate with you. Your passion will shine through in your writing, making the essay more engaging.

2. Research Thoroughly

Dive into the life of your chosen subject. Unearth interesting facts, anecdotes, and pivotal moments. A well-researched essay adds credibility and depth to your writing.

3. Craft an Engaging Introduction

Your introduction sets the tone for the entire essay. Create a captivating opening that introduces the person and sparks curiosity in the reader.

4. Develop a Chronological Narrative

Organize your essay chronologically to provide a coherent timeline of the person's life. Highlight significant events and their impact on the world.

5. Analyze Their Impact

Move beyond facts to analyze the person's impact. Discuss how their work, ideas, or actions shaped the world around them.

6. Conclude Reflectively

Conclude your essay by reflecting on the enduring legacy of the individual. Summarize their contributions and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

EssayTigers Brings You the Best in Custom Paper Writing

When it comes to crafting a biography essay, EssayTigers brings you the best in custom paper writing. Our guides and expert writers ensure that your essay is not just informative but impactful.

Dos and Don'ts of Biography Essay Writing

  • Choose a subject you are passionate about.
  • Thoroughly research the person's life and contributions.
  • Craft a compelling and engaging introduction.
  • Organize the essay chronologically for clarity.
  • Analyze the impact of the person on the world.
  • Conclude with a reflective summary.
  • Seek professional help from EssayTigers for custom paper writing.
  • Choose a subject without sufficient historical or biographical material.
  • Rely solely on one source of information.
  • Start the essay with generic information.
  • Present information in a disorganized manner.
  • Neglect to analyze the person's broader impact.
  • Rush the conclusion; take time to reflect thoughtfully.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: how do i choose the right person for a biography essay.

A: Choose someone whose life and contributions align with your interests. Passion for the subject will enhance the quality of your writing.

Q: Is it necessary to include both positive and negative aspects?

A: While it's important to be objective, focus on presenting a balanced view rather than dwelling solely on negatives.

Q: Can I use the first person in a biography essay?

A: It's advisable to maintain a third-person perspective for a more formal and objective tone.

Final Thoughts

Writing a biography essay is a rewarding journey into the life of a remarkable individual. Through thorough research and thoughtful analysis, you can create an essay that not only informs but leaves a lasting impact on your readers. Trust EssayTigers for the best in custom paper writing to ensure your biography essay stands out.

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Autobiography Essay Examples

A well-written biography essay not only informs but also inspires, providing readers with insights into the subject's character, challenges, and achievements. Below, we'll guide you through creating an engaging biography essay, from prompt samples to brainstorming tips, unique topic ideas, and writing inspiration.

Starting Points: Biography Essay Prompt Samples

Prompt 1: Analyze the early life of [Subject] and how it influenced their major accomplishments.

Prompt 2: Discuss the challenges [Subject] faced and how they overcame them, shaping their legacy.

Prompt 3: Examine the impact of [Subject]'s work on their field and beyond during their lifetime and in the present day.

Brainstorming and Selecting a Captivating Biography Essay Topic

To choose a compelling topic for your biography essay, start by considering subjects who have led interesting lives filled with notable achievements, challenges, and impacts. Look for less-explored angles or untold stories within their lives to bring a fresh perspective to your essay.

Unique Biography Essay Topics to Explore

  • The Unsung Heroes of Science: The Life of [Lesser-Known Scientist]
  • Behind the Pen: The Journey of [Influential Writer]
  • From Shadows to Spotlight: The Story of [Pioneering Artist]
  • Breaking Barriers: [Subject]'s Impact on Social Change
  • Innovators in Silence: [Inventor]'s Contributions and Challenges

Inspirational Writing Samples for Your Biography Essay

"[Subject] was not born into greatness, nor did they stumble upon it by chance. From their early years in [Place of Birth], facing [specific challenges], they carved a path that was uniquely theirs. Their contributions to [Field/Industry] were not just advancements but were revolutionary, challenging the status quo and paving the way for future generations."

Phrases for Inspiration:

  • "Amid adversity, [Subject] found their true calling in..."
  • "Despite facing [obstacle], [Subject]'s resilience led to groundbreaking discoveries in..."
  • "[Subject]'s legacy extends beyond their contributions to [Field], inspiring a new wave of [Professionals/Activists/Artists] to follow in their footsteps."
  • "The turning point in [Subject]'s life came when..."
  • "Dedicated to [Cause/Project], [Subject] demonstrated the power of perseverance and vision."

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  • Helping Others
  • Someone Who Inspires Me
  • Self Reflection
  • Responsibility
  • Personal Beliefs

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About Yourself Scholarship Essay Examples (2023)

Jennifer Finetti Sep 28, 2022

About Yourself Scholarship Essay Examples (2023)

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A popular scholarship essay prompt is “Tell us about yourself.” This question is relatively open-ended, which may make it difficult to answer at first glance. What should I tell them about myself? My struggles, my goals, my passions…? These may all be fitting topics, depending on the scholarship. We’ll show you some scholarship essay examples about yourself, along with writing tips to guide you along the way.

What they want to know about you

As you prepare to write, think of the topics the scholarship committee would be interested in. These may include:

  • Your current degree, as it applies to your overall career goals. You can explain why you chose your current educational path and what you want to do with that.
  • Your short-term and long-term professional goals . Frame your answer as if to say “Where will you be in 5 years? Where will you be in 10 years?” Scholarship committees like to reward people with defined aspirations.
  • Past experiences that sparked your passions. You could talk about an influential person in your life, but make sure most of the essay focuses on you. After all, you are talking about yourself.
  • Something about you that relates to their organization. With any scholarship essay, you should try to connect yourself with the organization providing the funding. Don’t force a connection. Find one that naturally fits. Mention hobbies, experiences and goals that match what the review committee is looking for.
  • Something unique that sets you apart from other applicants. This may be volunteer experience, career specialties, situational differences (growing up in an area that didn’t encourage education), etc.

Show off your skillset

Note that you do not have to throw all this information into one essay. Choose the elements that best fit the scholarship. If you were on the review board, what would you want to learn about each applicant? What would make you choose one applicant over another? Keep this in mind as you develop your thoughts.

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What they don’t want to know about you

There is plenty of information you could include in an about yourself scholarship essay. There is just as much information to avoid though. Some topics to keep out of your essay include:

  • False information. Do not make up stories or fabricate goals to fit the prompt. The scholarship committee can instantly tell when someone is lying, and they will disqualify you immediately.
  • Past struggles that do not pertain to the essay topic. You can briefly mention struggles from your past, as long as you mention how you’ve learned from them. Do not make your essay a long story about the hard life you’ve led. Focus on your triumphs, not your obstacles.
  • Vague goals and aspirations. Scholarships are usually given to students who have a plan. If you say, “I’m not sure what I’m doing yet,” the committee will select a more motivated candidate. If you have a plan and a backup plan, that’s fine. Just make sure you mention both options and show which one you favor.
  • Cliché stories that most people tell. There is something that makes you stand out as a person. Use that to your advantage. Don’t rely on generic information they’ll find with other applicants.
  • Unrelated elements of your personal life. In most cases, you should not mention your significant other in the essay. You might mention a spouse if you need to reference your children or a turning point in your life, but these personal details do not fit most essays. Any information that seems frivolous or ill-placed should be removed from the essay.

Read through your essay carefully. If you stop at one point to say, “Why did I mention that?” get rid of the corresponding information. Showcase the best elements about yourself in a fluid and cohesive manner.

Short scholarship essay example: Tell us about yourself (100 Words)

With 100 words, you can only focus on one or two elements of your life. Think about your biggest selling points – the things that show you are the ideal candidate. Start by introducing yourself and your educational status. Then jump into the main topic of the essay. You may not have room to mention how the scholarship will help your education. Instead, mention how your education can help your career. The other information will be implied.

My name is Christian Wood. I am a high school senior who will be attending the University of Nevada, Reno in the fall. I want to become an online journalist. My goal is to work for the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Huffington Post, or another news outlet that has a strong online presence. Most people already get their news on the internet, and the industry will be even bigger by the time I graduate. Getting a degree in journalism with a focus on digital media will set me up for a fulfilling, fast-paced career fit for the future.

Word Count: 96

Medium scholarship essay example: Tell us about yourself (250 Words)

With a mid-length scholarship essay, you have more space to explain how your past has influenced your present and future goals. You should have rom for an intro paragraph, a few body paragraphs, and a conclusion (maybe incorporated into the last body paragraph). Think of a few main points you want to touch on, and write those down first. If you still have room, you can add more details about yourself.

My name is Sarah, and I spent most of my childhood on the wrong medication. I experienced a problem common in clinical psychology – misdiagnosis. Professionals provide inaccurate diagnoses for many reasons – f rom antiquated testing methods to limited education. I want to open my own psychological testing facility and help change that. Therefore, I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Clinical Neuropsychology.  I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child because I had trouble focusing in school. The medication m y doctor prescribed to me only made me numb to the world around me. I couldn’t think or process emotions, or had no emotions at all. After several years my parents finally decided to get a second opinion. I saw a specialist and she concluded that I didn’t have ADHD , but a combination of dyslexia and dysgraphia (difficulties with reading and writing). She sent us to a therapist who helped me learn how to work around my conditions, and my life improved tremendously. I went from being a lifeless student with barely passing grades to an honor roll student full of joy and excitement. Unfortunately, my story is not one of a kind. There are countless children in America who are put on mind-altering medications that do not adequately address their needs. I cannot help all of those children, but I can provide a better alternative for the ones in my area. Through proper education, funded by financial aid, I can learn about psychological evaluations and provide the most accurate diagnoses possible.

Word Count: 249

Long scholarship essay example: Tell us about yourself (500 Words)

Scholarship essays that are 500 words or longer let you tell the whole story. You can discuss your past, present and future in a comprehensive manner. Avoid rambling and make sure each topic contributes to the overall essay. If one piece feels out of place, remove it and elaborate more on the existing elements. By the end of the essay, the reader should have a full understanding of who you are and what you want to accomplish.

My name is Sierra Breault, and I am a junior at Murray State University. I am double-majoring in Criminal Justice and Forensics Science, and I will graduate in 2024 with two bachelor degrees. My career goal is in social justice, so I can contribute to criminal justice reform. I want to ensure that those who commit crimes are treated fairly.  I come from a small town where excessive force and even death by cop incidents are often committed, especially against minorities. A few years ago, one of my relatives was charged for a crime although the crime scene evidence wasn’t properly obtained, catalogued and analyzed.  This experience played a big part in my wish to study criminal justice. I started exploring the career more when I decided that a desk job just wasn’t for me. Throughout high school I struggled because of the routine nature of it all. I saw the same people and attended the same classes every single day. I knew I didn’t want a job that would be that stagnant. That’s when I got the idea to work in law enforcement, because there would always be a new challenge for me to tackle. After researching the field even more, I set my sights on crime scene investigation. I have performed much better academically in college than I ever did in high school. That’s because there is no routine to the experience. Every week, I have new projects to complete, tests to study for, and activities to try. I have been involved with the campus Crime Stoppers organization all three years of college, and I was elected president for the upcoming term. This lets me work closely with law enforcement to supplement my college education and further my career.   After graduating, I will apply for work as a dispatcher in a state organization, such as the Department of Criminal Investigation. While my ultimate goal is to work as a forensic analyst or crime scene investigator, those positions usually only go to people within the organization. Dispatch is the most direct option for career entry, giving me the best chance to pursue my dream career. I am applying for this scholarship to help me finish the last two years of my degrees. As a college junior and soon-to-be senior, my scholarship opportunities are limited. Most awards are reserved for freshmen. I took advantage of those early on, and I have one recurring scholarship that covers half of my tuition. However, I need additional financial aid to cover the remainder of my academic costs. I appreciate your consideration, and I hope that you can help me pursue a profession in criminal justice. This is my passion, and I have a clear plan to turn that passion into a lifelong career.

Word Count: 463


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Jennifer Finetti

Jennifer Finetti

As a parent who recently helped her own kids embark on their college journeys, Jennifer approaches the transition from high school to college from a unique perspective. She truly enjoys engaging with students – helping them to build the confidence, knowledge, and insight needed to pursue their educational and career goals, while also empowering them with the strategies and skills needed to access scholarships and financial aid that can help limit college costs. She understands the importance of ensuring access to the edtech tools and resources that can make this process easier and more equitable - this drive to support underserved populations is what drew her to ScholarshipOwl. Jennifer has coached students from around the world, as well as in-person with local students in her own community. Her areas of focus include career exploration, major selection, college search and selection, college application assistance, financial aid and scholarship consultation, essay review and feedback, and more. She works with students who are at the top of their class, as well as those who are struggling. She firmly believes that all students, regardless of their circumstances, can succeed if they stay focused and work hard in school. Jennifer earned her MA in Counseling Psychology from National University, and her BA in Psychology from University of California, Santa Cruz.

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How to Write a Biography Essay

You have likely composed tens, if not hundreds, of essays of various varieties as a high school or college learner. However, a biographical essay is unlike anything else you may have ever authored. Even though it can seem simple, writing a biography essay can be pretty challenging for newbie writers.

Nevertheless, what constitutes a good biography essay? What is the process of composing a factual but engaging biography? If you have such questions, you are in the right place. Please keep scrolling and learn how to write a biography essay.

Before understanding how to compose a biography essay, you must first discover what it is. In a biographical paper, you describe the course of someone’s life. You strive to establish a picture of the person by providing details than just their background, occupation, and important dates. Your essay should discuss the person’s goals, achievements, values, and philosophy of life.

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That person might be a famous actor, politician, musician, author, or entrepreneur, among other historical figures. The purpose of the biographical essay is to describe the individual in question and their impact on society.

Also see: Personal essay vs autobiography essay 

Below is a guide containing some of the most vital steps to follow when writing a biography essay.

Identify the Subject and Scope of Your Essay

You need to choose your audience, consider your views, and, most importantly, consider a solid subject when getting ready to write your biography essay. You may believe that the simplest task is identifying a person to write about the cover. However, it is one of the most challenging parts of the composition process.

The subject for your biography essay will be the individual whose existence you will be detailing. You must choose an intriguing, significant, or eligible subject to be the focus of a biography essay if you want your article to be successful. Select a subject from which you can quickly learn a vast amount of information from books, articles, periodicals, newspapers, and personal interviews.

The ideal candidate is someone you are personally interested in. In this manner, you will be inspired to investigate more about their life story and write passionately about them. Ask yourself, why pick the individual, and what have they accomplished that ought to be documented and commemorated?

Remember, after picking a subject of your choice, you are a step closer to authoring an excellent biography essay. You are now ready to proceed to the next step.

Establish Authentic Sources and Conduct a Thorough Research

You should devote enough time to researching. Sufficient research is the basis of any well-written paper. Your essay will appear more competent the more references you consult. Therefore, endeavor to locate as many books and articles that discuss them to get a comprehensive vision of the person’s story.

Below is a list of key points to consider when conducting your research. They will help you identify the correct sources and study the right information.

  • Do not wait until the last moment to commence your research; give yourself enough time.
  • Assess the essay’s topic to help you determine which part of the essay you should concentrate your research on.
  • List all information you currently know, pinpoint your information gap, and make a strategy of the information to study and improve on.
  • Set some time to read the books on your reading list and research the literature for your essay.
  • Contact your instructor or the library for help locating relevant sources, and utilize the index rather than reading the entire book.
  • Use caution while using internet resources because they could not be dependable or competent in their academic standards.
  • Prepare your findings, then create an opinion. After doing so, you can formulate your essay’s structure.

Create Your Essay’s Outline

It’s time to organize the facts you’ve gathered after doing your research to create a compelling story. Therefore, it’s critical to consider the essay structure and create its outline. Typically, an outline will serve as the conceptual framework for organizing your article. The main objective here is to list the essential points you wish to make in the essay.

Create a five-paragraph structure for your essay, with an introduction, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Keep your writing within the allotted word count. The easiest method is to write the facts chronologically, focusing on each rubric’s major life events.

Below is a possible outline of a basic five-paragraph biography essay outline that you could use.

  • Introduction:  Identify your subject in the introduction and declare the thesis statement you will sustain in the body paragraphs.
  • Body Paragraph I:  Create a topic sentence that advocates for the thesis, then use illustrations and facts to support it while describing how they relate to the thesis.
  • Body paragraph II : Here, you could add a new aspect or rationale about the
  • person’s life, bolster it, and establish the connection.
  • Body paragraph III : This paragraph has a similar form as paragraph two. However, it ought to make a distinct point and explain it.
  • Conclusion:  Here, you restate the thesis statement, and you might include a call to action at this point if you like.

After coming up with a suitable outline, you are ready to get into the actual writing.

Write Your Draft

Always remember that when writing a biography essay, you are at least partially attempting to convince the reader of the subject’s interest and the deservingness of them being in a standalone essay. Your writing style should reflect how passionate you are about the subject. After all, why should anybody else give importance if you find your subject boring?

Your choice of language should be academic yet still evocative. However, you should also pay attention to changing up your sentence structures, making wise word choices, and other writing strategies that will help you tell your subject’s existence in a way that is captivating and accurate to its significance.

Below is a guide on how to maneuver the draft, starting with your introduction, the body, and finally, the conclusion.

  • The Introduction

The introduction, which serves as the essay’s opening paragraph, should immediately grab the reader’s interest. You could begin by using a famous phrase or proverb said by your subject. This quote ought to give readers a clear picture of them and help them grasp their personality type.

Another choice is to use a personal tale or short story. This perfect narrative or anecdote should be brief, clear, and convey a strong message about the subject. This will retain the essay’s audience’s attention.

Proceed with the introduction by providing details on the individual’s basic identity. This includes their name, birthdate, birthplace, and information about their education, marriage, and occupation. Keep these details strictly on an introductory level. Finally, establish a thesis statement which is a one-liner that encapsulates the subject’s inherent character. It serves as the blueprint for the remainder of the essay.

You put the material from your study in the body paragraphs. Here, you must stay true to your essay’s core premise, expressed in the thesis statement. Remember to describe their childhood to adulthood information in chronological order. Furthermore, include fascinating details such as what their relatives, friends, and coworkers thought of them and what sort of effect they left on others.

Use a chronology to explain their achievements and the effects they have had or are still having on modern society. Furthermore, include memories from their pasts that affected the actions they made afterward to retain the reader’s curiosity peaked.

Any significant incident that significantly altered the course of their lives should be recounted in the body. Similarly, it is vital to discuss topics like how they addressed challenges. Remember, the included information must accurately reflect the complexity of their existence.

The essay’s conclusion is where you present your findings on the subject. You need your essay to conclude strongly. Simply restating your thesis or the ideas you stated in your body paragraphs is insufficient. Instead, surpass that by connecting their legacy to the present.

  • You could ask yourself the following questions;
  • What kind of impact did they have on their specialized field?
  • How does their work still hold up today?
  • What is left behind?
  • How do people remember them?
  • What or who did they significantly influence?

Completing the draft is a great achievement in writing a biography essay. However, it is not the last step.

Conclude the Composition Process

After authoring your essay’s draft, there are some vital requirements that you should complete before you submit the essay. They include;

  • Proofread and edit your work to correct any errors.
  • Cite your references and create a reference list.
  • Request feedback from colleagues or other professional writers.

After completing these steps, your biography essay should be ready for submission.

As mentioned earlier, composing an excellent biography essay is not a walk in the park. The task calls for the writer to have the necessary basic writing skills and, even more, a passion for their subject. This article has taken you through how to write a biography essay. Please utilize this information to help you write factual and captivating biography essays.

All the best!

How To Write An Essay

500 Word Essay

Cathy A.

All You Need to Know About a 500-word Essay

16 min read

Published on: Mar 10, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

500 word essay

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A 500-word essay is a very interesting type of essay writing. Like other academic writing assignments, this type of essay writing is quite often assigned to students at different academic levels.

A 500-word essay tends to polish the writing and analytical skills of a writer. It is not a very extensive composition, but still, it is meaningful and equally important. 

This type of essay writing is interesting and very easy to write. You have to be on point, which means that you do not have to do a lot of research and stay focused on your point of view.

A 500-word essay format is one of the easiest formats to follow for essay writing.

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What is a 500-Word Essay?

A 500-word essay is basically an essay with three sections that give clear depictions of an occasion or any item. This type of essay is a common article design that can be followed for composing any sort of exposition, for example, a descriptive essay, an argumentative essay, and so forth.

A 500-word essay is mostly doled out at secondary schools and universities. Almost every other student faces it multiple times throughout academic life. It doesn't have any broad heading, so you can show all your latent capacity by not relying on the subject and theme.

How to Format a 500-Word Essay?

The format of a 500-word essay is very simple and very similar to other types of essay formats. The only thing that makes it different is the essay length.

As the word count for this type of essay is less, thus the length of the paragraphs is also small, and the word count ranges from 75-125 words.

Each paragraph has 3-5 sentences. These sentences must be well-written so that despite being short in length, the sentence can explain its purpose.

Here is a standard format of a 500-word essay that has the following components with examples of each component.

The introduction is responsible for keeping the reader engaged. It provides a brief overview of the overall essay and contains the thesis statement for the essay topic.

It provides background information about your essay’s topic and mentions why you chose this topic in particular.

Also, there is a hook statement in the introduction paragraph. This is a statement that usually is a verse or a famous quotation. It is used as an opening sentence for the essay.

For Example 

After the introduction, the body of the essay starts. The body paragraphs make the body of an essay. For a 500-word essay, particularly, there are usually 4-6 paragraphs.

Each paragraph discusses a key element and provides the required evidence to give it a logical sense.

Like the body paragraph of any other essay, the paragraphs of the 500-word essay start with a topic sentence. This sentence acts as an introduction to the paragraph.

Each paragraph should end with a transition sentence to show a connection with the upcoming part.

Make sure that such a body paragraph is meaningful yet in a comprehensive form.

Here is a sample body paragraph to help you craft a winning 500-word essay

A conclusion paragraph is the extract of the whole essay. The writing skills of a writer are judged by the way they conclude an essay.

Writing the conclusion is the most complicated part of essay writing. To write a good conclusion, the writer must logically summarize all the key elements and reiterate the thesis statement.

Whatever is mentioned in the conclusion should give the reader a sense of closure and completion.

Let's continue with the cell phone example for a better understanding of the conclusion phase.

500 Word Vs. 250 Word Essay

500-word scholarship essays provide you with a significantly greater degree of writing freedom than 250-word ones. When you're given fewer words, it can be tricky to express your views in concise and effective phrases without sacrificing clarity.

With 500 words at hand though, you have ample space to make sure that all the facets of your opinion are expressed - yet don't need footnotes and cited resources as often!

500 Word Essay Vs. 1000 Word Essay

The length of a 500-word essay and a 1000-word essay is quite different. 

While a 500-word essay may not require much outside research or citations, it still requires more focus and organization than a 1000-word essay. 

A 1000-word essay requires far more time and effort to write than a 500-word essay. Plus, it requires you to be more thorough in your research, analysis, and composition. It will also require you to use a greater degree of critical thinking skills when making arguments.

Additionally, a 1000-word essay may call for the use of outside sources to support points or draw conclusions. Thus, writing a 1000-word essay can be a much more challenging task than writing a 500-word essay. 

How Long is a 500-word Essay?

You must be wondering how long exactly a 500-word essay is? As it is a very easy style of composing an essay, so every student prefers to complete it right away and get back to other activities.

One of the interesting facts about this essay type is that it is even shorter than we think. It depends on the formatting style, sizing, and spacing a writer chooses to use. If a writer wants a double-spaced writing format, that is also acceptable for writing such an essay.

To make sure that you write the essay with perfection, understand all the requirements provided by your instructor to compose this type of essay.

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How to Write a 500-word Essay?

Writing a 500-word essay is a very simple task to do. But things might get complicated if you do not follow a standard way of writing.

The following are the steps you should consider while writing a 500-word essay.

Before you start writing an essay, the first thing you should do is to understand the requirements provided by your instructor.

Understanding the requirements will help you to complete your essay without any mess and up to the mark. Proceeding according to the requirements will keep you composed through the essay writing process.

Once you have understood all the requirements, the next step is to think of some interesting ideas. Brainstorming helps you to use the creativity of your mind, especially when it comes to essay writing.

Note down all the elements that you come up with within your mind. Make a rough list of all the ideas and later on organize them to compose an effective essay.

After you have understood all the instructions and spent enough time brainstorming different ideas, it is time you choose a topic.

Always choose a unique and interesting topic. A good topic is highly responsible for making your essay attractive. Also, try that you have selected a topic that is not overdone. An overdone and repetitive topic would make your audience boring.

For a 500-word essay, a topic must be very interesting as you have to make the essay interesting within a very limited word count. Make sure that you choose such a topic about which you can easily collect evidence and facts to support it and make it stronger.

Conducting research on the selected topic is an essential part of essay writing. The research will help you collect all the relevant information that is necessary to make your essay stronger.

Also, researching a topic will make the writing process very smooth for you as you will have all the information that is needed for the essay.

Collect all information only from reliable sources as you don’t want to misguide your audience.

The outline is an element of an essay that can save time, make things easy, and earn a better grade.

Just write down all the main features and arguments you want to discuss in your 500-word essay. This will help you to get back on track if you forget the things you wanted to write about.

Moreover, your essay will always be structured and clear, so the audience will read it easily and will follow your thoughts without any challenges.

Since you have your topic and all the information related to the topic thus, you are all set to start writing your essay.

Essay writing starts with writing an introduction. As you are writing an essay of 500 words, an introduction should have only one paragraph. In that paragraph, you should explain the main topic and its importance and also the thesis statement.

After introducing the topic, state the body paragraph, and explain all the key elements in it. Usually, there are three body paragraphs in such essays to explain different key elements.

Don’t forget to add transition words, which will make the text smooth and readable. Also, ensure that you use the standard font styles, preferably Arial or Times New Roman.

The same as an introduction, your conclusion should be one paragraph long. Summarize all the key elements in a very precise way and do not add any new points.

Devoting some extra time to proofreading, revision, and editing can make your essay a whole lot better.

This is the simplest thing to do, but most students still skip it and make the biggest mistake. Proofreading ensures that there are no mistakes left behind in your document.

Always make sure that you revise your essay at least once and do the required editing.

Watch this video that shows cases the 5 common mistakes you might make in your 500-word essay writing. Learn how to avoid them to get the desired grade. 

500-Word Essay Examples

To understand any type of essay, one needs to look into some good examples. Unfortunately, when it comes to writing a 500-word essay, things become a bit technical for the writer.

To understand the method of writing a good 500-word essay on any topic, look at the following 500-word essay sample pdf examples. 

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Now that you know exactly what a 500 word essay looks like. Continue reading to select the perfect 500-word essay topic.

Great 500-Word Essay Topics

This type of essay is mostly assigned to high school and middle school students. The following are some amazing topics for 500-word essays.

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  • The love story of Romeo and Juliet.
  • Why is there a belief that marriage destroys love?
  • A religious aspect of love.
  • What is real love?
  • Is it possible to make a person truly love somebody?
  • The influence of love on a person’s life?
  • Why is real love often depicted in fairy tales?
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  • Can animals feel love for their owners?
  • The effects of single space formatting in an essay.
  • A journey to remember.
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  • Thoughts on spacecraft?
  • How do people earn from the Internet?
  • How can money influence people?
  • How can disabilities be a challenge?
  • Carrying guns by people underage.
  • Telling lies is sometimes useful.
  • Why is smoking the greatest threat to youngsters?

Writing assignments can be really daunting sometimes. To write an essay perfectly, you need to have strong writing skills and a lot of time to complete it. Instead of being stressed out, the best option is to seek professional help.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

How many pages is a 500 word essay.

A 500-word essay page is approximately one page single-spaced, or two pages double-spaced. This may vary depending on your writing style and font size.Usually time new roman 12 is used. Typically, a 500 word essay will be about one page single or two pages double spaced.

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How to Write a Biography

Last Updated: April 13, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA . Stephanie Wong Ken is a writer based in Canada. Stephanie's writing has appeared in Joyland, Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Cosmonaut's Avenue, and other publications. She holds an MFA in Fiction and Creative Writing from Portland State University. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,858,604 times.

Writing a biography can be a fun challenge, where you are sharing the story of someone’s life with readers. You may need to write a biography for a class or decide to write one as a personal project. Once you have identified the subject of the biography, do your research so you know as much about them as possible. Then, dive into the writing of the biography and revising it until it is at its finest.

Researching Your Subject

Step 1 Ask the subject for permission to write the biography.

  • If the subject does not give you permission to write the biography, you may want to choose a different subject. If you decide to publish the biography without the subject’s permission, you may be susceptible to legal action by the subject.
  • If the subject is no longer alive, you obviously do not need to ask permission to write about them.

Step 2 Look for primary sources about the subject.

  • You may create research questions to help focus your research of the subject, such as, What do I find interesting about the subject? Why is this subject important to readers? What can I say that is new about the subject? What would I like to learn more about?

Step 3 Conduct interviews with the subject and those close to them.

  • For in person interviews, record them with a tape recorder or a voice recorder on your computer or phone.
  • You may need to interview the subject and others several times to get the material you need.

Step 4 Visit locations that are important to the subject.

  • You may also want to visit areas where the subject made a major decision or breakthrough in their life. Being physically in the area can give you a sense of how the subject might have felt and help you write their experiences more effectively.

Step 5 Study the time and place of the subject’s life.

  • When researching the time period ask yourself: What were the social norms of that time? What was going on economically and politically? How did the social and political climate affect the subject?

Step 6 Make a timeline...

  • You may also include historical events or moments that affected the subject on the timeline. For example, maybe there was a conflict or civil war that happened during the person’s life that affected their life.

Writing the Biography

Step 1 Go for a chronological structure.

  • You may end up focusing on particular areas of the person’s life. If you do this, work through a particular period in the person’s life chronologically.

Step 2 Create a thesis for the biography.

  • For example, you may have a thesis statement about focusing on how the person impacted the civil rights movement in America in the 1970s. You can then make sure all your content relates back to this thesis.

Step 3 Use flashbacks....

  • Flashbacks should feel as detailed and real as present day scenes. Use your research notes and interviews with the subject to get a good sense of their past for the flashbacks.
  • For example, you may jump from the person’s death in the present to a flashback to their favorite childhood memory.

Step 4 Focus on major events and milestones.

  • For example, you may focus on the person’s accomplishments in the civil rights movement. You may write a whole section about their contributions and participation in major civil rights marches in their hometown.

Step 5 Identify a major theme or pattern in the person’s life.

  • For example, you may notice that the person’s life is patterned with moments of adversity, where the person worked hard and fought against larger forces. You can then use the theme of overcoming adversity in the biography.

Step 6 Include your own opinions and thoughts about the person.

  • For example, you may note how you see parallels in the person’s life during the civil rights movement with your own interests in social justice. You may also commend the person for their hard work and positive impact on society.

Polishing the Biography

Step 1 Show the biography to others for feedback.

  • Revise the biography based on feedback from others. Do not be afraid to cut or edit down the biography to suit the needs of your readers.

Step 2 Proofread the biography.

  • Having a biography riddled with spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors can turn off your readers and result in a poor grade if you are handing in the text for a class.

Step 3 Cite all sources...

  • If the biography is for a class, use MLA , APA , or Chicago Style citations based on the preferences of your instructor.

Biography Help

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Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Be careful when publishing private or embarrassing information, especially if the person is not a celebrity. You may violate their "Right of Privacy" or equivalent. Thanks Helpful 31 Not Helpful 5
  • Have the sources to back up your statements about the subject's life. Untruthful written statements can lead to litigation. If it is your opinion, be clear that it is such and not fact (although you can support your opinion with facts). Thanks Helpful 16 Not Helpful 15

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About This Article

Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA

Before you write a biography, gather as much information about the subject that you can from sources like newspaper articles, interviews, photos, existing biographies, and anything else you can find. Write the story of that person’s life, including as much supporting detail as you can, including information about the place and time where the person lived. Focus on major events and milestones in their life, including historical events, marriage, children, and events which would shape their path later in life. For tips from our reviewer on proofreading the biography and citing your sources, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Essay on Albert Einstein in 100, 200, 300, and 500 Words

Essay on albert einstein.

Essay on Albert Einstein has been written in simple English and has easy words for children and students. This English essay mentions about Albert Einstein, and why everyone should know about him. Students are often asked to write an essay on Albert Einstein in their schools and colleges. And if you are also looking for the same, then we have given essay on Albert Einstein in 100 – words, 200 – words, 300 – words, and 500 – words.

Albert Einstein was a physicist who was responsible for developing the famous general theory of relativity. Furthermore, he is one of the most influential and famous scientists of the 20th century. Let’s take a look at the life and achievements of this genius with an essay on Albert Einstein.

Essay – 100 Words

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Germany, he was a theoretical physicist. Einstein attended a Catholic elementary school in Munich, then transferred at the age of 8 to the Luitpold Gymnasium (today known as the Albert Einstein Gymnasium) where he received primary and secondary education.

From a young age, he excelled in physics and mathematics and discovered his original Pythagorean theorem at the young age of 12. Albert Einstein was far ahead of his peers in physics and mathematics and excelled in them. His passion for geometry and algebra convinced everyone that nature could be understood as a mathematical structure. He was also awarded the Federal Teaching Diploma.

Essay – 200 Words

Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in a Jewish family in Germany. Einstein suffered from speech difficulties in his childhood, despite being a brilliant student in primary school. His father wanted Einstein to become an electrical engineer.

In 1894, when Einstein was only fifteen years old, Einstein’s father’s business failed and the family moved to Italy. At that time Einstein wrote ‘The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields’, which was his first scientific work.

While working at the Patent Office, in 1905, four of Einstein’s papers were published in the prestigious journal ‘Annalen der Physik’. These four papers are considered by experts as the tremendous achievements of Albert Einstein. Therefore, the year 1905 is called Einstein’s wonderful year. These four papers were special relativity, Brownian motion and matter, photoelectric effect, and equivalence of energy.

Einstein’s research work continued and in 1921, his efforts bore fruit. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his services to theoretical physics.

Albert Einstein has demonstrated a deep understanding of his achievements, background, contributions, and legacy. They highlight the many ways in which his work and life have shaped the world.

Essay – 300 Words


Einstein was a Physics Nobel Prize winner who was born on 14 March 1879 in a Jewish family in Germany. He had amazing thinking abilities and applied great imagination and creativity to science. It is this ability of his that has inspired many people to think outside their comfort zone and explore the possibilities and the world around them.

Childhood – In childhood, Einstein had trouble speaking because his head was larger than the rest of his body, but gradually his head started improving and taking shape. Still, at that time people believed that he was ill.

Contribution to Physics – He also founded the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1921 and in the same year, he received the Nobel Prize in Physics and also launched the new science of cosmology.

Religious Beliefs – Albert Einstein did not believe in a personal God responsible for destiny, fate, and actions. Einstein also clarified that he was not an atheist and instead called himself a deeply religious nonbeliever.

What do we learn from Einstein?

Einstein gave us the opportunity to the younger generations to think and rethink what we want to do and focus on it so that they can achieve their desired goals. Albert Einstein had amazing thinking abilities and applied great imagination and creativity to science. His work has inspired and encouraged many people to think and explore possibilities and the world around them. He taught us to keep moving in the right direction so that success will come automatically. Everyone should also learn from mistakes because one who does not make mistakes can learn practically nothing. From him, we also learned not to blindly believe whatever is being told but to question everything and look for the reasons.

Essay – 500 Words

Albert Einstein was known for his groundbreaking contributions to the field of theoretical physics and was one of the most famous scientists of the 20th century. He is widely considered the most influential physicist. In this essay, we will shed light on the education, life, and work of Albert Einstein, as well as his background and significant contributions to the field of physics will search for contribution.

Education and Early Life

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in a German-Jewish family. He was the son of an engineer and a salesman. At the age of 16, Einstein left school and enrolled at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. He then completed his PhD in Physics at the University of Zurich in 1905.

Curious about Nature

Albert Einstein was unable to speak as a child and was not like other young people during his boyhood. Therefore he was unable to interact with other children. He loved the environment and the sights and sounds of nature fascinated him. He also took a special interest in knowing the real cause of every natural phenomenon, so he liked to spend as much time as possible in nature.

Contribution to Theoretical Physics

Einstein made many important contributions to the field of theoretical physics. He published the theory of general relativity in 1915. This theory revolutionized our understanding of gravity, space, and time. Furthermore, Einstein also made significant contributions to the field of quantum mechanics which helped develop and establish it as a fundamental theory of physics.

Contribution to Science

Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his study of the photoelectric effect. Based on his deep knowledge, he formulated the hypothesis of relativity and took the opportunity to solve the problem of beam light at the age of 16 while working in the patent office. He also published four publications in 1905 that changed the course of physics, both of which earned him international praise and respect.

Einstein’s Death and Legacy

The most famous scientist, widely considered to be the most influential physicist of the 20th century, died of internal bleeding in the lower abdomen at Princeton Hospital in New Jersey on April 18, 1955.

Albert Einstein was one of the most brilliant scientists of the 20th century, known for his groundbreaking contributions to the field of theoretical physics. Einstein’s influence on the world of science is immense, from his theory of general relativity to quantum mechanics. Furthermore, he was also an ardent supporter of peace and social justice and his activism and advocacy continue to inspire people around the world.

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Biographical Sketch of Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath tagore: essay, introduction:.

Rabindranath Tagore was a phenomenon in the literary firmament not only of Bengal, but of India. Rarely has human civilisation been blessed with such a versatile genius. The soul of a nation expresses itself through him. Such was Valmiki in ancient India, Homer in Greece, Virgil in Rome, Dante in Italy, Goethe in Germany. Rabindranath is, in the words of Dr. Radhakrishnan, ‘the greatest figure in modern R Indian Renaissance’.

Early Life & Education:

Rabindranath was born on May 7, 1861 at Jorasanko, Kolkata. He was the youngest son of Maharshi Debendranath Tagore and Sarada Devi. He had a great dislike for schooling of the orthodox kind. His schools-The Oriental Seminary and the Calcutta Normal School-could not detain him for long. In 1871, he was sent to England to study. He was in Brighton School for some time. But he could. not complete his education there and returned home.

Essay on Rabindranath Tagore

Also Read: Paragraph on Rabindranath Tagore

Literary Works:

Rabindranath was the doyen of Bengali’s cultural arena even in his early life. He composed his first poem at the age of twelve only. For nearly seventy years since then, this prolific genius penned poems, essays, dramas, short stories, and novels which attained the highest degree of splendour.

His Gitanjali won him the Nobel Prize in 1913. At once, the German scholars called him the ‘World Poet.’ Western poets like WB Yeats praised the sublime beauty of his poems. Many of his other works have been translated into a number of languages. Among his works, Balaka contains the greatest of his poems. Chitrangada is a fine lyrical drama. Sonar Tari is a great lyric in Bengali. The King of the Dark Chamber, Gora, Ghare-Baire, Naibedya etc. are some of his immortal works. His The Religion of Man is a monument of literary achievement.

Other Works:

Rabindranath expressed human moods, longings, love, joys, and sorrows in all their variations. He embellished, elevated and lighted up every aspect of Bengali literature. He created a new age in the history of Bengali literature which was known as the age of Rabindranath. But a writer’s life of an ivory tower was not for him.

Tagore had guided the Adi Brahmo Samaj for some time. He also edited the Bharati and Bangadarshana-the two Bengali magazines. He was also associated with the Bangiya Sahitya Parishad.

The partition of Bengal brought him out in to the streets. Rabindranath gave up his knighthood in protest against the Jallianwalla bagh massacre. He set up a school at Santiniketan to implement his own ideas about education. He passed away on August 7, 1941.


Rabindranath is beyond praise, criticism, beyond comparison. One should bow to this radiant genius, the Gurudev of Mahatma Gandhi. He gives us inspiration in. our weakness, hope in our despair, solace in our sorrow, and light in our darkness.

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Essay on Ruskin Bond

500 words essay on ruskin bond.

Ruskin Bond is a famous author, who is an Indian despite his British descent. Furthermore, Ruskin Bond is highly influential in the development of literature among children in India. It will certainly be worth discovering the life of this eminent personality with this essay on Ruskin Bond.

essay on ruskin bond

                                                                                                                    Essay On Ruskin Bond

Early Life of Ruskin Bond                         

Ruskin Bond was born in Kasauli, India , on May 19, 1934. Furthermore, the names of his parents are Edith Clarke and Aubrey Bond. His father served in the Royal Air Force and therefore he moved, along with his son, from one place to another on a regular basis.

At the age of eight, the separation of Ruskin Bond’s parents took place. Afterwards, his mother married a Punjabi-Hindu man. Moreover, the relationship of Bond with his mother was complex as there was very little affection between the two.

His father’s attention towards him was undivided and this helped him grow. However, there was a sudden departure of his father from his life. Such tragedy certainly had a deep impact on Ruskin Bond and left him broken.

Following the sudden demise of his father, Ruskin Bond went to live with his grandmother in Dehradun. Furthermore, his early education took place at Bishop Cotton School in Shimla.

During his school years, several writing competitions took place which Ruskin Bond won. Among his various prizes are the prestigious Hailey Literature Prize and the Irwin Divinity Prize. In 1952, he completed his graduation.

Literary Style of Ruskin Bond

The first twenty years of his life impacted him in such a way that it made him a good writer. In spite of a difficult childhood, there was development and enhancement in his personality.  Most noteworthy, Ruskin took the decision of becoming an earnest writer, which was in accordance with his father’s desire.

Therefore, he was able to find solace in reading books. Moreover, the reason for the inculcation of this reading habit in Ruskin Bond was his father. Some of his favourite reads consist of Rudyard Kipling, Charles Dickens, Charlotte Brontë and Rudyard Kipling.

Ruskin Bond has a simplistic yet interesting reading style that can quickly attract readers. Moreover, his style is easy enough, such that the children and laymen can understand his works. The biggest influence on his writing works is perhaps due to his stay in the beautiful hill stations at the Himalayan foothills.

Ruskin Bond wrote the famous work ‘The Room on the Roof’ merely at the age of 17, which was influenced by his experiences at Dehra Dun. From that point onward, Rukin Bond has come up with a massive three hundred novels, short stories, and essays. Moreover, some of his popular works are ‘The Blue Umbrella’, ‘Vagrants in the Valley’, and ‘A Flight of Pigeons’.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Ruskin Bond

Ruskin Bond is a man who people will always remember as a major figure in English literature. The man has helped in increasing the literature knowledge of Indian children. His efforts are recognized all over the world among the elites of the English language.

FAQs For Essay on Ruskin Bond

Question 1: What makes Ruskin Bond famous?

Answer 1: Ruskin Bond is an eminent Indian writer of British descent who is famous for authorizing very prolific literature books for children. Furthermore, due to his immense effort in the field of English, he was awarded the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award.

Question 2: What is the writing style of Ruskin Bond?

Answer 2:  Ruskin Bond’s writing style is conversational, simple, and easy to read. Furthermore, there was a significant influence on his writing style by his stay at the Himalayan foothills hill-stations.

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Essay on William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is one of the first names that come to our mind when we talk about English Literature. He was a famous writer of his time. His remarkable work in the field of literature left an everlasting impression on this world for forever. He wrote about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 2 narrative poems and many other poems which are recognized as some of the greatest works in the history of English literature. He was an incredible writer whose works were so extraordinary that some had raised many speculations on the true origin of his works many years back. Here are a few sample essays on William Shakespeare.

Essay on William Shakespeare

100 Words Essay on William Shakespeare

A legendary writer and actor William Shakespeare was born on the 23April in 1564 to Mary Shakespeare and John Shakespeare. He was known for his works in the field of English Literature. He produced many plays, sonnets, poems, and verses. He was also known as a well-known stage actor. He completed his schooling at Stratford Grammar School.

He wrote almost every genre of work. Some of his famous comedy genre works are: The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew and The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Romeo Juliet, Julius Caesar, and Titus Andronicus are some of his famous tragic genre works. Richard II, Richard III, and Henry V are some of his historic genre plays. This shows that William Shakespeare was a multi-talented man.

William Shakespeare died on the 23 April, in the year 1616. Shakespeare died at the age of 52 in his hometown Warwickshire, England. He died physically but his existence through his extraordinary work will live forever in this world.

200 Words Essay on William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is one of the renowned names of English playwrights. He was a multi-talented man who was a writer, poet and actor. He produced about one hundred and fifty-four sonnets, two narrative poems, thirty-eight plays and a few verses. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon to a good family with good financial status on 23 April, 1564.

He started his career as an actor and then he started writing. He produced most of his works from 1589 to 1613. He wrote many famous plays like Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar , etc. In the year 1608, Shakespeare wrote some of his finest works of the tragic genre like Othello, Macbeth, and King Lear. These tragic genre works were some of the last works which he wrote in his last few years of life. Julius Caesar and Romeo and Juliet are some of his most famous plays which are played in schools and colleges on various occasions. He wrote vast, voluminous, unique and every different genre of plays.

Several of Shakespeare’s works have been translated into other languages. Several movies and plays are also played in his plays. His works are loved by everyone of every age group. He is one of the most precious playwrights of the times. He died in his hometown at the age of 52 on 23 of April, 1616.

500 Words Essay on William Shakespeare

One of the world's most famous playwrights and a dramatist William Shakespeare was known for his works in English literature. He was also known as Bard of Avon (England’s national poet) for his outstanding and incredible writing skills. He wrote amazing and unbelievable 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 2 narrative poems and a few verses in the English language.

Early life Of Shakespeare

He was born at Stratford-upon-Avon on 23 April in the year 1564. His father was a successful businessman and his mother was a landowner’s daughter. He started his schooling at the age of 7 at Stratford Grammar School. School timing was long and the teachers there were strict. His school was surrounded by woods and fields, which could have influenced his writing skills which are full of nature. Avon is a river which flows in his town, and he was nicknamed Bard of Avon on this basis. He married an eight years older woman Anne Hathaway at the age of 18. They had three kids Susanna, and the twins Judith and Hamnet.

Shakespeare’s Inspirational Career

After completing his education, he moved to London where he started his career as an actor. He became a very famous actor by 1592. It was here that his career started taking shape. He was a member of “The Lord Chamberlain’s Men” one of the very famous theatre companies in the city. By the year 1594, he had produced about six plays which were performed in the company. He played in many of the plays as an actor at various places.

He produced many famous plays like Romeo and Juliet, Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, Henry V and many more. Julius Caesar was a tragic play he wrote in the last few years of his life. It was all about a bad omen that the king saw and it came true. In this play, the king is killed by his loyal and trustworthy people and friends. Romeo and Juliet are one of his other plays which were known for the beauty of the love Romeo and Juliet have for each other. All his plays give some morals to learn. His works were full of nature and he had written in almost every kind of genre. His works are known for unforgettable characters full of human qualities. In 1613, he took a break from acting and fully devoted himself to writing. And on 23 April, 1616 he died leaving this world with his incredible and irreplaceable works.

Shakespeare was a legend of English literature. His fantastic writing skills can take away anyone’s heart. His works are known for being character-centric, narrative-building, natural, realistic, and fictional and he has excellent writing skills. There is a saying that “People die but their words won’t” and it is true William Shakespeare, one of the greatest writers of all time will live forever through his words of writing and his works will always inspire and motivate us to do incredible things in our lives.

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    It might also be impossible to input more than 500 words for your essay if you're applying online. So, if the prompt asks for 500 words, aim to write somewhere between 400-500 words! #5 Don't submit your first draft Your first draft for any essay will never be your best draft. And that's okay. It isn't supposed to be.

  15. Essay on Virat Kohli

    500 Words Essay on Virat Kohli. Virat Kohli, the Indian cricketer and former captain of the Indian national team, is known for his exceptional talent and unmatched passion for the game. He has made a name for himself as one of the greatest batsmen in the world and has several records to his name. But, Virat Kohli is more than just a cricketer ...

  16. How To Write a Personal Bio (Plus Tips and Examples)

    3. Choose a point of view. In a personal bio, you can either write in a first-person or third-person point of view. First-person language uses words like "I," "we" and "me" to describe yourself. It's a good idea to write in the first person if you want to make a personal connection with your audience.

  17. Essay on Albert Einstein in 100, 200, 300, and 500 Words

    Biography-Essay Essay on Albert Einstein in 100, 200, 300, and 500 Words. 150 5 minutes read. ... Essay - 500 Words. Introduction. Albert Einstein was known for his groundbreaking contributions to the field of theoretical physics and was one of the most famous scientists of the 20th century. He is widely considered the most influential physicist.

  18. Essay on Rabindranath Tagore in English [500+ Words]

    Essay / By English Aspirants. Essay on Rabindranath Tagore: Rabindranath Tagore was a great Indian poet. Furthermore, he was also a philosopher, patriot, painter, and humanist. In this article, you are going to read an essay on Rabindranath Tagore in English (500+ words). This essay will be helpful for students from class 1 to class 12.

  19. Abraham Lincoln Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln, the name in itself speaks volumes. He is considered the greatest president of the United States of America. Historians and Political Scientists consistently rank him as the best American president ever.

  20. How To Write a Professional Short Bio (With Examples)

    Here are some steps you can follow to help you write a successful short bio: 1. Choose a voice. The first step in writing a short bio is deciding on a voice. For our purposes, choosing a voice involves deciding whether you are writing in the first or third person. Writing in the first person means using the words "I" and "me", and writing in ...

  21. Rabindranath Tagore Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Rabindranath Tagore. Essay on Rabindranath Tagore: Rabindranath Tagore was a legendary Indian poet. Furthermore, he was also a great philosopher, patriot, painter, and humanist. People often made use of the word Gurudev with regard to him. This exceptional personality was born on the 7th of May in 1861 at Calcutta.

  22. Essay On Ruskin Bond in English for Students

    Essay On Ruskin Bond. Early Life of Ruskin Bond. Ruskin Bond was born in Kasauli, India, on May 19, 1934. Furthermore, the names of his parents are Edith Clarke and Aubrey Bond. His father served in the Royal Air Force and therefore he moved, along with his son, from one place to another on a regular basis. At the age of eight, the separation ...

  23. Essay on William Shakespeare

    200 Words Essay on William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare is one of the renowned names of English playwrights. He was a multi-talented man who was a writer, poet and actor. He produced about one hundred and fifty-four sonnets, two narrative poems, thirty-eight plays and a few verses. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon to a good family with ...