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Conservation of Environment Essay

Air, water, land, sunlight, minerals, plants, and animals are just a few of the many blessings that nature has given us. Our Earth is a place worth living because of all these elements of nature that act as a blessing. Without any of these, life on Earth would not be conceivable. Here are a few essays on the topic ‘Conservation Of Environment’.

100 Words Essay On Conservation Of Environment

200 words essay on conservation of environment, 500 words essay on conservation of environment.

Conservation of Environment Essay

It is important to conserve the environment because if we don’t, the earth will be ruined. The main factor that leads to environmental destruction is the way people use and abuse natural resources. For example, people cut down trees without planting new ones to replace them. They also pollute air and water with harmful chemicals and waste. As a result, animals and plants die, and eventually humans will too. So it’s important for everyone to do their part in conserving the environment. By taking action to conserve our environment, we can protect it for future generations. A healthy environment is essential for humans and other species to thrive.

As the human population continues to grow and expand, it is important to take steps to conserve our environment. There are many factors that lead to environmental destruction. Rapidly increasing population and rapid consumption of resources are two major drivers of environmental degradation. As the world’s population increases, we need more food, water, and energy, which puts a strain on the planet’s resources. In addition, industrialization and economic development often come at the expense of the environment. Pollution from factories and automobiles harms air quality and contributes to climate change.

What Can We Do | The first step in conserving the environment is to reduce our reliance on natural resources. We can do this by using less water, energy and paper. We can also recycle more and waste less. Another important step is to promote sustainable development. This means meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We can do this by using renewable resources, such as solar and wind power, rather than fossil fuels; by using environmentally friendly technologies; and by protecting ecosystems so that they can continue to provide vital services, such as clean air and water, food, and habitat for wildlife.

It is important to conserve the environment because if we don't, the natural resources that we depend on will eventually be depleted. Additionally, pollution and other environmental problems will continue to worsen if we don't take steps to reduce our impact on the planet. Conserving the environment can help to preserve delicate ecosystems, prevent species extinction, and improve air and water quality. It's important to remember that we all have a role to play in protecting our planet.

Fortunately, there are things we can do to help conserve our environment. One way is to reduce our consumption of natural resources. We can do this by using less water, recycling materials instead of throwing them away, and using energy-efficient appliances. Another way to help is to support businesses that are environmentally friendly.

Why We Should We Conserve The Environment

One of the most important reasons to conserve the environment is that it leads to environmental destruction. When we don't conserve the environment, we are putting strain on the very things that we depend on for our survival. This includes air, water, and soil.

We need to be good caretakers of our environment so that it can continue to provide for us. Additionally, conserving the environment helps ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the same benefits that we do. It's not just about us, it's about preserving our planet for future generations.

Steps To Conserve The Environment

As the world’s population continues to grow, so does the demand on our natural resources. This increased demand often leads to environmental destruction, as we see with deforestation, water pollution and climate change. However, it is possible to conserve our environment, and in doing so we can help protect the planet for future generations. Here are some tips on how you can conserve environment—

Use Less Water | Water is an essential resource, but unfortunately it is often taken for granted. One way to help conserve water is to use less of it when you can. For example, water your plants during the cooler hours of the day to minimise evaporation, and fix any leaks in your home as soon as possible.

Recycle And Reuse | Another way to reduce your impact on the environment is to recycle and reuse materials whenever possible. Instead of throwing away paper, cans or plastic bottles, recycle them. And instead of buying new products made from fresh materials, opt for products that are made from recycled materials.

Drive Less | Transportation emits large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. To help reduce these emissions, try driving less whenever possible. If you live close enough to work or school, walk or ride a bike instead of driving. And when you do drive, carpool or take mass transit when possible.

Save Energy | Home energy use accounts for a large portion of total energy consumption in most countries. So save energy when TVs, lights, fans, electronics, gadgets and even fixtures like water heaters are not in use. Unplug electrical equipment when not in use and only leave the lights on when absolutely necessary.

We should conserve the environment because it is essential for our survival. The factors which lead to environmental destruction are many and varied, but the most important are population growth, poverty, unsustainable resource use, and environmental degradation.

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environment conservation essay

  • Environmental Studies /

Environmental Conservation

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  • Updated on  
  • Nov 21, 2022

Environmental Conservation

Human existence is quite impossible without the presence of a healthy ecosystem. Our environment comprises all living and non-living components and their interactions within a natural habitat. Environmental conservation has become one of the core issues that need to be addressed to battle climate change and global warming . Sustainable development is the need of the hour that can save mother earth from the repercussions of industrialization. In this blog, we will aim to elaborate upon environmental conservation , its needs and ways of conserving the environment.

This Blog Includes:

What is environment conservation, importance of environmental conservation, forest conservation , soil conservation, waste management, public awareness , pollution control , ways of conserving the environment, speech for environmental conservation, environmental conservation material for upsc, books on environment & environmental conservation, essays on environmental conservation, environmental conservation ppt.

International Day of Nature Conservation is held on the 28th of July around the world annually.

Environmental conservation is a practice that paves the way for protecting the environment and natural resources on the individual, organisational as well as governmental levels.

Various core environmental issues are taking a heavy toll on human lives. Ranging from overpopulation, hydrological issues, ozone depletion, and global warming to deforestation, desertification and pollution , all these issues pose a severe threat to the existence of humankind. Unless environmental conservation is becoming an effective mass movement, it is futile to expect positive growth especially in the age of digital media which holds the potential to bring a revolution to save our planet from destruction. 

Also Read: Importance of Climate Crisis Classes 

It has become inherently important to work towards environmental conservation in contemporary times. The following pointers elucidate this crucial need to save the environment from further degradation:

  • To reduce air , water and land pollution
  • To facilitate the conservation of natural resources for our future generations
  • To ensure the protection of biodiversity
  • To implement sustainable development
  • To restore the ecological balance
  • To save our planet from harmful repercussions of global warming
“A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.” John James Audubon

Check Out: How To Become an Environmentalist?

What are the Methods of Environmental Conservation?

Now that you are familiar with the meaning and importance of Environmental Conservation, let’s understand the core methods through which it can be effectively facilitated:

We know that plants and trees are the essential sources of air, food as well as other day-to-day products we use. Forests are the dwelling place of different living creatures and a single disturbance in the ecosystem can cause disruption in the water cycle as well as the food chain . Thus, afforestation is amongst the core Environmental conservation and aims to plant more trees as well as save the existing ones from cutting down as trees play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance. 

The Global Day of Forests celebrated internationally on 21 March, is an incentive to recognize the vital importance of forests for human and environmental wellbeing.

As one of the prominent methods for environmental conservation, the need for soil conservation has arisen to tackle the harmful effects of soil pollution . On earth , the soil is the main element that plays a pivotal role in soil erosion, land degradation and floods. Soil is filled with rich nutrients for plant production. Soil conservation can be carried out by ensuring minimal use of fertilizers and venomous chemicals as well as abolishing the disposal of harmful industrial waste in the soil. 

Especially in developing countries and congested places, on a daily basis, a large amount of waste is thrown away recklessly on the streets and roads. The improper disposal of waste segregation can lead to various dreadful diseases as well as soil pollution.

To ensure minimal wastage as well as facilitate waste disposal, we can opt for various techniques like the 3R’s, i.e. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, dry and wet waste segregation, amongst others.

Also Read: How to Become an Environmental Chemist?

With the boom of information technology and the advent of digital media, public awareness pertaining to environmental conservation can potentially yield promising results. There is a dire need to aware the masses of the consequences of environmental pollution and degradation. Further, every individual should be made conscious of how they are polluting the environment and what steps can be taken to implement environmental conservation, be it through using greener energy sources to following the 3Rs of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. 

Every year on the 2nd of December, India observes National Pollution Control Day in remembrance of the memory of those who lost their lives in the tragic 1984 Bhopal Gas Tragedy.

As the increase in temperature is concerning, there is a need to keep a watch on the toxic compounds we ingest that pollute the atmosphere. We need to adopt environmentally sustainable methods to minimise multiple forms of emissions, such as eliminating waste, saving electricity, limiting the unnecessary usage of fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides, and using energy-efficient appliances, among others.

“In nature’s economy the currency is not money, it is life.” Vandana Shiva

Also Read: Environmental Science Courses

Here are some ways of conserving the environment:

  • Deforestation must be stopped
  • Natural non-renewable resources must be utilized properly
  • Every year, we lose a huge number of forest life due to forest fire. We must find a solution to this.
  • Afforestation is the best way to conserve the environment
  • Create public awareness
  • Control pollution and population
  • Recycle goods
  • Adopt an environment-friendly lifestyle
  • Adopt waste management techniques
  • Species on the verge of extension should be saved.

Good morning everyone. My name is _____ and my topic for today’s assessment is the Save Environment. What’s the biggest threat to everyone globally? Is it the decreasing currency rate or fewer jobs? Other than these, one of the major issues we are facing today is the adverse implications on mother earth. We want our houses to be clean, and our school uniforms to be always ironed so why are we not concerned about the place we all live in? Melting glaciers, natural calamities, climate change, and shortage of water are just some major alarming points, if we don’t do something today there will be more consequences. Environmental pollution can not be pinned on a single country or individual we all have been participating in it directly or indirectly and we certainly won’t be able to change it back to normal in a day but little effort every day can lead to a big change.

Although the environment or environment conservation syllabus for the UPSC Civil Services Mains exam is less, we still suggest our UPSC aspirants not to leave important topics on environment and environment conservation. Given below is a list of important topics and sub-topics on the environment that you must study if you are preparing for the UPSC Civil services examination for future:  

  • Conservation of Soil and Land 
  • Water and Energy Conservation 
  • Biodiversity and Environment Conservation 
  • Conservation of other Natural Resources 
  • Water Conservation at Different Levels 
  • Energy Conservation 
  • Disasters and their Management 
  • Yojana on Disaster Management.
  • Disaster Management Report (in brief)
  • National Environmental Issues
  • Global Environmental Issues 
  • Environmental Pollution 
  • Pollution (in brief)
  • Environment and Health
  • Environmental Legislation 
  • Environmental Related Institutions and Organisations
  • Environmental Impact assessment

Note: These materials are adequate for preparing the static portion of the syllabus’s environment-related subjects. Aside from the materials listed above, you must research current environmental issues in newspapers and publications. You may also study the above-mentioned topics by consulting NCERT books.

 “It’s hard to celebrate the world when it vanishes piece by piece, but I’m still an optimist. I’m sure it doesn’t pay to be too serious all the time, even about issues such as global warming.” Si mon Drew

Confused about how to write an essay on Environment Conservation? Here are some sample essays on Environment Conservation:

  • Essay on Environment
  • Essay on Save Environment
  • Essay on Sustainable Development
  • Essay on Global Warming
  • Essay on Pollution
  • Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

The prevention, management and conservation of natural habitat and species are known as environmental conservation.

Here are some common methods for the same: 1. Use cotton bags and say no to plastic 2. Use less water and find ways to save water 3. Recycling 4. Waste Management 5. Sustainable development

Life is possible on earth just because we have a perfect environment to live in. It is our responsibility to provide the same or similar experience to the upcoming generation. To save life on earth, it is essential to save the environment.

1. Environmental Conservation 2. Animal conservation 3. Marine Conservation 4. Human Conservation

Hence, we hope that this insightful blog on environmental conservation has helped you understand its importance and ways of conserving the environment from further deterioration. Planning to study Environmental Sciences? Sign up for an e-meeting with our Leverage Edu experts and we will assist you in selecting the right course and university that fits your interests, skills and preferences.

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It provides better knowledge for me

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that’s really excellent

that’s really excellent👏👏👏👏👏

Hi Mary, Thanks a lot for appreciating our blog on Environmental Conservation. Here are some amazing and interesting reads that you should try: https://leverageedu.com/blog/environmental-movements https://leverageedu.com/blog/environmental-management/ https://leverageedu.com/blog/msc-environmental-science/

Damn! This is really helpful for me . because I had an project on environmental conservation and it took me so long to decide a topic but this helped me a lot thank u

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  • Essay On Conservation Of Nature

Essay on Conservation of Nature

500+ words essay on conservation of nature.

Nature refers to living plants, air, water, minerals, sunlight, and animals. It makes this Earth a place worth living. We can exist on this planet because of mother nature. We get plenty of natural resources from our planet Earth. But unfortunately, most of the natural resources are getting depleted because of overpopulation and misuse of these resources. If we don’t work to conserve natural resources, all these resources will not exist one day. So, we should understand its value and importance.

Define the Conservation of Nature

Natural resources on Earth include minerals, air, water, soil and wildlife. It contains genes, ecosystems, diversity of species and functions of the environment. It is impossible to exist on this planet without these natural resources. Conservation of nature means taking care of and protecting these resources for future generations.

So, we should conserve these natural resources to maintain an equal balance in our environment. Now, we will discuss the types of resources and how they can be conserved.

Types of Natural Resources

Natural resources can be classified into four categories: Renewable resources, Non-Renewable resources, Biotic and Abiotic.

Renewable Resources: Renewable resources cannot be replenished through natural processes. For example, wind, water, forests, solar energy, etc. These resources can fill by themselves at the same speed they are used. But, we should manage these resources wisely to avoid the depletion of renewable resources.

Non-Renewable Resources: Non-renewable resources are exhaustible resources, which means once they are exhausted, they will take millions of years to form, for example, fossil fuels, minerals, etc.

Biotic: Biotic natural resources come from the ecosphere, including vegetation, animals, and other substances procured from them. It also includes oil, coal and petroleum because they are decayed organic matter.

Abiotic: Abiotic natural resources are generated from non-living and non-organic materials. Examples of abiotic natural resources are land, water, and heavy materials like gold, silver, etc.

Natural resources can also be categorised as stock resources, actual resources, potential resources and reserve resources based on their stage of development.

How to Conserve Nature and Its Resources?

It is necessary to conserve natural resources because many of them are used faster than their production speed. We have discussed a few ways of preserving these resources below:

Consumption of less water: Making a habit of taking shorter showers, closing the tap while brushing our teeth, etc., will help reduce the wastage of water. Also, try to use your dishwasher and washing machine when there is enough load and shift to energy-saving applicants if possible.

Switch off the lights: Make sure to turn off the lights once you leave the room. When there is no use of appliances like air conditioners, coffee-makers, etc., switch them off as they consume electricity in small amounts. LED lights use less amount of electricity compared to standard bulbs. So, try to switch to these alternative options of light.

Usage of renewable energy: Renewable resources have been in practice for centuries. But, in recent years, global warming and climate change forced researchers and scientists to look for other ways to incorporate greenery into our everyday life. The usage of wind energy and solar panels can reduce our dependence on natural gas and reduce the depletion of natural resources.

Recycle: Recycling means reusing materials that are already used. It reduces waste, helping in reducing groundwater and air pollution. Look for a place that recycles items like plastic bottles, aluminium, etc.

Composting means converting scrap food waste into valuable materials for gardening purposes. It enriches the soil and avoids water runoff, which reduces soil erosion. By composting, the need for pesticides can also be cut down, lessening the amount of wastage and pollution produced by food.

Nature comprises everything that surrounds us. The trees, forests, rivers, brooks, soil, and air are all part of nature. Keeping nature and its resources integral is crucial for continuing life on Earth. It would be difficult to imagine life on Earth with a spoiled natural environment.

Therefore, taking appropriate steps to conserve nature must be a priority for the human race. Only human beings can save nature in its purest forms with their power and ability.

From our BYJU’S website, students can also access CBSE Essays related to different topics. It will help students to get good marks in their exams.

Frequently Asked Questions on Conservation of Nature Essay

What are some simple ways to conserve nature.

Follow: 1. Reduce, reuse and recycle 2. Plant trees on special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries etc.) 3. Avoid shopping for unnecessary items 4. Volunteer for public clean-ups 5. Educate others about environmental protection

Why is the conservation of nature important?

Humans are dependent on nature and its various resources for their survival and sustenance. Preserving wildlife and nature is important as the constant depletion of nature will only lead to exhaustion of these.

What can schools do to conserve nature?

1. Avoid plastic items in canteens 2. Reuse paper, notebooks, etc. 3. Avoid wastage in all forms, especially water

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Wildlife conservation.

Wildlife conservation aims to protect plant and animal species as the human population encroaches on their resources.

Biology, Ecology, Conservation, Storytelling, Photography

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Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting plant and animal species and their habitats . Wildlife is integral to the world’s ecosystems , providing balance and stability to nature’s processes. The goal of wildlife conservation is to ensure the survival of these species, and to educate people on living sustainably with other species. The human population has grown exponentially over the past 200 years, to more than eight billion humans as of November 2022, and it continues to rapidly grow. This means natural resources are being consumed faster than ever by the billions of people on the planet. This growth and development also endangers the habitats and existence of various types of wildlife around the world, particularly animals and plants that may be displaced for land development, or used for food or other human purposes. Other threats to wildlife include the introduction of invasive species from other parts of the world, climate change, pollution, hunting, fishing, and poaching. National and international organizations like the World Wildlife Fund, Conservation International, the Wildlife Conservation Society, the United Nations, and National Geographic, itself, work to support global animal and habitat conservation efforts on many different fronts. They work with the government to establish and protect public lands, like national parks and wildlife refuges . They help write legislation, such as the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 in the United States, to protect various species. They work with law enforcement to prosecute wildlife crimes, like wildlife trafficking and illegal hunting (poaching). They also promote biodiversity to support the growing human population while preserving existing species and habitats. National Geographic Explorers, like conservation biologist Charudutt Mishra and conservation technologist Rebecca Ryakitimbo, are working to slow the extinction of global species and to protect global biodiversity and habitats. Environmental filmmakers and photographers, like Thomas P. Peschak and Joel Sartore, are essential to conservation efforts as well, documenting and bringing attention to endangered wildlife all over the world.

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Global Climate Change and Environmental Conservation Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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Minnesota’s climate is characteristic of a continental one, with cold, frequently icy winters and hot, muggy summers. Due to its placement in the Upper Midwest, the state has access to some of the country’s most diverse weather, with all four seasons bringing unique features. In Minneapolis, the average everyday temperate ranges from 12°F (-11°C) in January to 74°F (23°C) in July (International, 2022). Over the past ten years, significant changes in the area’s climatic system have been reported. For instance, the summer of a decade ago saw much rainfall, and the season-long precipitation levels were average. This year’s rainfall and atmospheric precipitation levels are lower than a decade ago over the summer.

The effects of climatic change on one’s life may not constantly cause worry or spur action. According to this logic, people frequently analyze new material biasedly to draw their preferred conclusion and uphold their preexisting ideas. As a result, people’s preexisting views on climate change may affect how they perceive changes in their local weather. There may be a significantly lesser possibility that skeptics will acknowledge the facts and implications of climate change, which may result in a lower desire on their part to adopt adaptation (Gao et al., 2018). This prediction would force scientists to research because people’s perceptions are biased.

The climate of Minnesota is presently shifting quickly and will do so in the coming years. Temperatures are rising, particularly in the winter, and severe precipitation is growing more severe (International, 2022). Environmental habitats and how people relate to and utilize them have been impacted by significant warming in the winter and at night, more precipitation, and bigger downpours (Gao et al., 2018). Even hotter winters and nights will be expected in the next decades, as well as higher rainfall and summer heat waves that could last longer (International, 2022). The effects of climate variation on Minnesotans and the economy include more hospital admissions for heat-related illnesses, expensive maintenance to infrastructure, rising home and crop coverage costs, damaging changes to ecological systems, and more.

Gao, L., Huang, J., Chen, X., Chen, Y., & Liu, M. (2018). Contributions of natural climate changes and human activities to the trend of extreme precipitation . Atmospheric Research, 205 , 60–69. Web.

International, S. P. 2022 weather history in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States . Minneapolis 2022 Past Weather (Minnesota, United States) – Weather Spark. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 13). Global Climate Change and Environmental Conservation. https://ivypanda.com/essays/global-climate-change-and-environmental-conservation/

"Global Climate Change and Environmental Conservation." IvyPanda , 13 Dec. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/global-climate-change-and-environmental-conservation/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Global Climate Change and Environmental Conservation'. 13 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Global Climate Change and Environmental Conservation." December 13, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/global-climate-change-and-environmental-conservation/.

1. IvyPanda . "Global Climate Change and Environmental Conservation." December 13, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/global-climate-change-and-environmental-conservation/.


IvyPanda . "Global Climate Change and Environmental Conservation." December 13, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/global-climate-change-and-environmental-conservation/.


Essay on Environment Conservation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Environment Conservation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Environment Conservation

What is environment conservation.

Environment conservation means protecting our natural world. It’s about keeping the air clean, the water pure, and making sure plants and animals are safe. This is important for our health and the health of the Earth.

Why It Matters

A healthy environment gives us fresh air to breathe, clean water to drink, and food to eat. Without it, we can’t live. It also keeps the Earth balanced. When we harm the environment, we harm ourselves too.

Ways to Help

We can conserve the environment by recycling, saving water, and planting trees. Using less electricity and walking instead of driving also helps. Everyone can do these simple things to make a big difference.

Taking care of the environment is taking care of our home. By working together, we can keep our planet beautiful and safe for all living things. Let’s start today!

Also check:

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250 Words Essay on Environment Conservation

Environment conservation means keeping our air, water, plants, and animals safe. It’s like making sure our home is clean and healthy, but for the whole world. We do this by using less, recycling more, and not hurting nature.

Why Save the Environment?

All living things need a good place to live. Dirty air and water can make us sick. If we cut too many trees or harm animals, we hurt our planet’s balance. Keeping our environment safe means we can all have a better life.

Simple Ways to Help

There are easy things we can all do. Turning off lights saves energy. Walking instead of driving cuts down on pollution. Using less plastic helps our oceans. Every small action adds up to a big difference.

Plants and Animals Matter

Plants give us oxygen and food. Animals keep nature working right. We need to protect forests and oceans to help them survive. When we look after them, they look after us too.

Working Together

Everyone can play a part. Schools, families, and even kids can join in. When we work as a team, we can make our planet healthier. Let’s all do our bit for environment conservation!

500 Words Essay on Environment Conservation

Environment conservation means protecting our natural surroundings. It includes the air, water, plants, and animals around us. When we conserve the environment, we make sure that all these parts are safe and healthy. It is like taking care of our home because the Earth is our big home.

Why Should We Protect the Environment?

We should protect the environment because we need it to live. Clean air is important to breathe, and clean water is needed to drink. Plants give us food and oxygen, and animals are part of nature’s balance. If we harm the environment, we harm ourselves. For example, when trees are cut down, there are fewer plants to make oxygen, and the air can get dirty.

How to Save Water and Energy

Saving water and energy is a big part of helping the environment. When we use less water, we save it for animals and plants that need it. Fixing a leaky faucet or turning off the tap while brushing teeth can save a lot of water. Energy can be saved by turning off lights when we leave a room and using energy-saving bulbs. This helps because making energy can sometimes make the air dirty.

Recycling and Reusing

Recycling means taking something old and making it into something new. This is good for the environment because it means we don’t need to take more from nature. We can recycle paper, glass, and plastic. Reusing is also helpful. Instead of throwing things away, we can use them again. This can be as simple as using a shopping bag many times instead of getting a new one each time.

Protecting Plants and Animals

Plants and animals are very important for the environment. We can help by not hurting the places where they live. This means not littering and not taking plants or animals from their homes. We can also plant trees and flowers to help the environment. This gives animals places to live and helps make the air clean.

What Can Everyone Do?

Everyone, including kids, can help with environment conservation. We can learn about the environment and tell others about it. We can join groups that help the environment. Even small things like picking up trash can make a big difference. When many people do a little bit, it adds up to a lot of help for the environment.

Environment conservation is very important. It keeps our world safe and healthy for us and for the animals and plants. By saving water and energy, recycling, reusing, and taking care of nature, we can all help. It starts with small steps, and everyone can be a part of it. Let’s all do our part to take care of our big home, the Earth.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Happy studying!

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  • Environmental Protection Essay


Essay on Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is improving, defending, and maintaining the quality of the environment. The main methods of environmental protection are recycling, reusing, and reducing; however, some other methods such as Green Energy production, green transportation development, and eco-friendly industrialization also exist. Not only residents but also businesses and industries should play their basic roles to improve the environment.

The History of Environmental Protection  

Humankind has always been concerned about the environment. The ancient Greeks were the first to develop environmental philosophy, and they were followed by other major civilizations such as India and China. In more recent times, the concern for the environment has increased because of growing awareness of the ecological crisis. The Club of Rome, a think tank, was among the first to warn the world about the dangers of overpopulation and pollution in its report "The Limits to Growth" (1972).

In the early days of environmentalism, people thought that the best way to protect nature was to set aside areas where humans would not disturb the environment. This approach, which is known as preservation, was given a major boost in the United States with the establishment of the National Park Service in 1916.

The modern environmental movement began in the 1960s when concerns about the negative impact of humans on the environment began to increase. In response to these concerns, governments around the world began to pass legislation to protect the environment. In the United States, for example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in 1970.

The Principles of Environmental Protection

There are three fundamental principles of environmental protection:

The precautionary principle: This principle states that if an activity has the potential to cause harm to the environment, then steps should be taken to prevent that harm even if there is no clear evidence that the activity is damaging.

The polluter pays principle: This states that the party responsible for causing pollution should be held responsible for cleaning it up.

The public right to know the principle: This principle states that the public has a right to know about any potential threats to the environment and what is being done to address them.

The goals of Environmental Protection

There are three main goals of environmental protection:

To protect human health: This is the most important goal of environmental protection because humans cannot survive without a healthy environment.

To protect ecosystems: Ecosystems are the foundation of life on Earth, and they provide many benefits to humans, such as clean air and water, food, and fiber.

To promote sustainable development: Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Environmental protection is a practice that aims to protect the natural environment from the hands of individuals, organizations, and governments. It is the need of the hour because the Earth's environment is deteriorating every day, and the reasons are human beings. They are mishandling the Earth's environment to fulfill their needs. If it goes like this, then it is difficult to say that the future generation will have a safer environment to live in. Through this essay, you will learn the importance of environmental protection.

A Long Essay on Environmental Protection

It is imperative to protect our natural environment from deteriorating, and the only way to do that is through environmental protection. This process should be adopted by every country as soon as possible before it is too late. The objective of this process is to conserve all the natural resources and try to repair some parts of the environment that are possible to get repaired. The biophysical environment is getting degraded permanently because of overconsumption, population growth, and the rapid development of technology. This can be stopped if the government plan strategies to restrict these activities to perform in a controlled way. This environmental protection essay can be a great help for the students to understand the environment they are living in.

Voluntary Environmental Agreements

Voluntary environmental agreements are getting popular in most industrial countries. Through this free essay on environmental protection, one will learn more about this type of agreement. These agreements provide the companies with a platform where they are recognized if they are moving beyond the minimum regulatory standards for protecting the environment. These agreements support the development of one of the best environmental practices. For example, the India Environment Improvement Trust (EIT) has been working in this environment field since the year 1998. Through this environmental protection essay, one is getting so much to learn.

Ecosystems Approach

An ecosystem approach to environmental protection aims to consider the complex interrelationships of the ecosystem as a whole to the process of decision making rather than just focusing on specific issues and challenges. The environmental protection essay writing will give a more precise overview of this approach. The ecosystems approach aims to support the better transferring of information, develop strategies that can resolve conflicts, and improve regional conservation. This approach has played a major role in protecting the environment. This approach also says that religions also play an important role in the conservation of the environment.

International Environmental Agreements

In the present scenario, many of the Earth's natural resources have become vulnerable because of humans and their carelessness towards the environment across different countries. As a result of this, many countries and their governments have come into different agreements to reduce the human impact on the natural environment and protect it from getting deterioration. Through this environmental protection essay in English, one will get a much clearer view on this matter particularly.

The agreements made between different governments of various countries are known as International Environmental Agreements. This agreement includes factors such as climate, oceans, rivers, and air pollution. These agreements are sometimes legally bound, and in case they are not followed, it may lead to some legal implications. These agreements have a long history with some multinational agreements that were made in the year 1910 in Europe, America, and Africa. Some of the most well-known international agreements are the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. Through this environmental protection essay, it is clear that governments are taking steps to solve the environmental issue, but it is not enough.

A Short Paragraph on Environmental Protection in English

Earth is a beautiful place to live in, with the most favorable environmental conditions for living beings. But we humans are making it vulnerable and are destroying our own homes with activities that are causing pollution at an increased rate. In this protecting the environment essay, 200 words will be explained properly on how to save the environment.

Environmental protection has become the need of the hour as it is getting destroyed each day. So, governments are making policies and are coming into agreements with other countries to come up with strategies that can protect the environment. Some companies also have the same aim of protecting the environment from the activities of humans.

In this short article on environmental protection, it is clear that if sudden steps are not taken then, our future generation will have to live in a polluted environment that is conserved very conserve difficult. Environmental protection is the key to a safe and secure future with a beautiful environment to live in. 

With pollution increasing each year and causing deterioration of the natural environment, it has become necessary to take steps to protect the natural environment. As we know that the reason for all these problems is humans, governments should make policies to restrict their activities that are causing harm to the environment. If they are not stopped urgently, then the world might see some catastrophic destruction in the coming years. For example, climate change has been a huge problem, and this is one of the causes of increased pollution. A secured future depends on the environment as a whole.


FAQs on Environmental Protection Essay

1. What are International Environmental Agreements?

International environmental agreements are legal contracts between countries that discuss the protection of the environment to provide better living to present and future generations. These include issues such as climate, oceans, rivers, air pollution, etc. we should always consider that if we harm our environment, then it can affect us as well, and we will become more vulnerable. If we do not take action now, it might get a lot worse. We need to be the generation that starts taking care of our planet and future generations!

2. What is the Kyoto Protocol?

The Kyoto Protocol is one of the most well-known and successful international environmental agreements that has been made in the past to protect the environment. This agreement between countries was made to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases which are causing damage to the ozone layer and climate change. With the help of Kyoto, protocol countries have reduced emission rates by 8% and are planning to reduce them more so that future generations can live in a healthy environment in which they can flourish.

3. What is the Paris Agreement?

The Paris Agreement was made in 2015 to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and to stop climate change. This agreement is very important as it includes every country in the world, and all have agreed to work together to stop climate change. This is a huge step forward as it means that everyone is now working together to try to save our planet. If we try to solve these problems together, then we will have a chance to save our planet.

4. What is the Green Climate Fund?

The Green Climate Fund comes from an agreement made in 2010 to provide money for developing countries that are going through issues such as deforestation and air pollution by making them more sustainable. This fund has a goal of collecting 100 billion dollars by 2020 for supporting developing countries. If this can happen, then many lives can be saved, and we will be able to see a lot of positive changes in the coming years and decades so that we can see an improved environment.

5. What are some activities that harm the Environment?

Some activities that harm the environment include burning fossil fuels, deforestation, air pollution, and wastewater discharge. These activities harm not only the environment but also humans, and we must take action now to reduce the impact which we are causing. For example, the burning of fossil fuels is one of the main reasons for climate change and air pollution, which both have a huge impact on humans. If we stop these activities, then it will be a lot better for everyone!

6. How can we protect the Environment?

Environmental protection is very much required in today's time. Some of the ways to protect the environment are to reduce, reuse, recycle, conserve water, save electricity, clean up the community, educate people on pollution, conserve water, preserve soil, tree plantation, use long-lasting bulbs, and plant trees. Heaven these are the ways which help us to protect the environment from getting polluted.

7.  Why is Environmental Protection Important?

The ecosystem in which we live provides the natural services that are very much important to humans and other species for health, quality of life, and survival. So to protect that, environmental protection is very important. Hence, governments of various countries should make strategies to protect our natural environment from getting polluted.

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Essay on Conservation of the Environment

Essay on Conservation of the Environment: Preserving Our Planet for Future Generations

Title: conservation of the environment: preserving our planet for future generations, introduction:.

The environment is the very foundation of our existence, providing us with the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the resources we depend upon for survival. However, the rapid pace of industrialization, urbanization, and unsustainable practices has put tremendous pressure on our ecosystems, endangering the delicate balance of nature. In this essay, we will delve into the importance of conserving the environment and discuss the measures we can take to preserve it for future generations.

1. Biodiversity Preservation:

One of the primary reasons for conserving the environment is to protect biodiversity, the incredible variety of life on Earth. Every species, from microscopic organisms to majestic animals, plays a crucial role in maintaining the equilibrium of ecosystems. By preserving biodiversity, we ensure the resilience and stability of ecosystems, which in turn benefits human health, agriculture, and overall well-being. Conservation efforts, such as the establishment of protected areas and the prevention of habitat destruction, are essential for safeguarding the intricate web of life.

2. Sustainable Resource Management:

Conserving the environment involves managing our natural resources in a sustainable manner. This means using resources responsibly, minimizing waste, and reducing our reliance on non-renewable sources. By embracing practices like recycling, energy efficiency, and sustainable agriculture, we can reduce our ecological footprint and ensure the long-term availability of vital resources. Sustainable resource management also includes protecting forests, which act as carbon sinks, provide habitat for countless species, and contribute to the overall health of our planet.

3. Climate Change Mitigation:

Environmental conservation is closely linked to mitigating climate change, one of the most pressing global challenges of our time. The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation have led to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, resulting in rising temperatures and severe weather events. By transitioning to clean and renewable energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting climate-friendly practices, we can limit the impacts of climate change and protect vulnerable ecosystems and communities.

4. Water and Air Quality Protection:

Conserving the environment also involves safeguarding the quality of our water and air, essential resources for all life forms. Pollution from industrial activities, improper waste disposal, and harmful agricultural practices has contaminated water bodies and compromised air quality. By implementing strict regulations, adopting sustainable practices, and investing in water and air treatment technologies, we can ensure clean and safe environments for current and future generations.

5. Environmental Education and Advocacy:

Education and awareness are pivotal in fostering a culture of environmental conservation. By educating individuals about the importance of environmental protection, we can empower them to make informed choices and take action. Environmental advocacy plays a crucial role in influencing policy decisions, promoting sustainable practices, and holding corporations and governments accountable for their environmental impact. By coming together as a global community, we can amplify our efforts and create a collective movement for the conservation of our planet.


Conservation of the environment is not just a responsibility; it is a moral imperative for the survival and well-being of future generations. By preserving biodiversity, practicing sustainable resource management, mitigating climate change, and protecting water and air quality, we can ensure a sustainable and thriving planet. It is crucial for individuals, communities, governments, and organizations to work hand in hand to prioritize environmental conservation. By nurturing a deep respect and appreciation for nature, we can pave the way for a harmonious coexistence with our environment and secure a brighter future for all.


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Essay on Conservation of Environment

Conservation of the environment means protecting the environment from human hazards and saving them for the upcoming generation. When we go outside, we see many things like trees, birds, flowers, animals, etc. All these things make nature beautiful. Also, we love seeing them. Then why we are harming their existence? Other than that, we want fresh air, fresh water, proper rainfall, a good climate, etc to carry out our living. But is this possible if we will continue to harm nature? To find the answer and the solution to the rising problem, today, we will discuss the growing concern for the conservation of environment.

Short and Long Conservation of Environment Essay in English

Here, I’m providing short and longessays on conservation of environment in three different word limits: 100-120 words, 250 words, and 600 words. You will also get interesting FAQs related to this topic. It will be helpful for students of all the classes as well as for every responsible citizen.

Conservation of Environment Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Environment protection means saving natural resources.

2) It supports the life of all the species on the earth.

3) Environment also balances the ecosystem.

4) Human activities are degrading the environment.

5) Environment should be protected for the future.

6) Pollution, population, modern lifestyle, etc are harming the environment.

7) We can conserve the environment by practicing Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

8) Public awareness plays an important role in environmental conservation.

9) Conservation of the environment is essential to living happily.

10) We should use natural resources wisely and save them for the future.

Short Essay on Conservation of Environment (200 – 250 Words)

The act of conserving and saving our natural resources is known as the conservation of the environment. It is necessary to protect the environment for promoting healthy living. It will also help in maintaining the proper balance of the ecosystem.

The consequences of growing environmental threats include global warming, ocean acidification, acid rain, unfavorable climate change, inappropriate rainfall, etc. Natural resources have been negatively impacted by modern lifestyles and technological advances. Due to human activities, the condition of the environment is getting terrible day by day.

It is high time to reflect some light on the importance of conservation of the environment. Firstly, we need to control growing pollution. We should rely more on environment-friendly resources.

Reducing pollution will help in creating a healthy environment. Many people are unaware of certain environmental issues due to a lack of exposure and education. Improper knowledge of environmental conservation is the major cause of its degradation.

Individuals should also be made aware of their impact on the environment and how they can take steps to conserve it. A healthy environment will help us to live happily. It will also help all the other living creatures to live peacefully together. By using resources responsibly and wisely, we can conserve the environment.

Long Essay on Conservation of Environment (500-600 Words)


Environment conservation refers to the protection of the natural environment in order to ensure the health and well-being of all living organisms on the planet. Our environment consists of everything that is present around us. Therefore, it is our duty to keep it clean and protected.

Need for Environment Conservation

There are many reasons that reflect the need to conserve the environment. Some of them are mentioned below:

To balance the ecosystem: To avoid future consequences, it is necessary to balance the ecosystem. Forests are the major supporter of life on the earth. However, they play a major role in maintaining the climate and rainfall. If the ecosystem gets disturbed, the lives of the species on the earth will also be disturbed.

Prevent natural disasters: Human activities are responsible for causing many death-like hazards. These activities also lead to provoke natural disasters. Natural disasters often have a negative impact on human well-being, causing climate change, prolonged rainfall, and sea-level rise.

Reducing the effect of global warming: Global warming has a number of side effects, like glacier melt, acid rain, greenhouse effect, ocean acidification, etc. Increasing population and irresponsible activities are the reasons to increase the global temperature. We can save the world from upcoming, unexpected disasters due to global warming if we understand the importance of environmental conservation.

Factors Affecting the Environment

There are many factors that are affecting the environment majorly. The prime and superior cause is human activities, which leads to increasing pollution. Pollution is the biggest hazard that the environment is facing today.  With the greed of earning more profit and making life more luxurious, people are degrading the environment.

The newer technology makes excessive use of electricity. Natural resources like petroleum, coal, natural gas, etc are depleting at a high rate. The growing population is another factor affecting the environment. As the population increases, the demand for natural resources is also doubling. Therefore, it became very important to use resources sustainably.

Methods of Environment Conservation

On seeing the importance of the environment, it is necessary to take proper steps for its conservation. Some methods of environment conservation are discussed below:

Adopting 3Rs: It stands for Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. There are certain things that can be reused many times in order to reduce waste. In the same manner, we can use the things that can be reduced in their simpler form or can be recycled.

Reducing Pollution: Environmentally sustainable methods should be adopted to reduce multiple forms of emissions. It includes eliminating waste, saving electricity, limiting excessive fertilizer, insecticide, and pesticide usage, using energy-efficient appliances, etc.

Public Awareness: People need to be made aware of the dangers of pollution and degradation of the environment. Public awareness relating to environmental conservation can potentially be enhanced by the boom in information technology and the advent of digital media.

Waste Management: Waste is thrown away recklessly on streets and roads daily, especially in developing countries and congested areas. Various dreadful diseases, as well as soil pollution, can result from improper waste management. This is not only harming the environment but also indirectly the humans.

Currently, our planet is suffering from a severe environmental crisis. We are polluting our environment irresponsibly and indiscriminately, which threatens the upcoming generation. If this continues, the future generation is going to suffer a great loss. Therefore, without wasting time we should take care of this serious issue and take proper steps to conserve the environment.

I hope the above provided essay on Environment Conservation were helpful in understanding the importance of the environment and its conservation for the life in future.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Conservation of Environment

Ans. The Environmental Act (1986), the Forest Act (1980), the Wildlife Protection Act (1972), the Indian Forest Act (1927), etc. are some Environmental Protection acts in India. 

Ans. 17 trees are cut to make 1 ton of paper.

Ans. Canada generates the highest waste in the world.

Ans. Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, etc are some environmentally friendly countries.

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Essay on Environment for Students and Children

500+ words essay on environment.

Essay on Environment – All living things that live on this earth comes under the environment. Whether they live on land or water they are part of the environment. The environment also includes air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, etc.

Moreover, the earth is considered the only planet in the universe that supports life. The environment can be understood as a blanket that keeps life on the planet sage and sound.

Essay on Environment

Importance of Environment

We truly cannot understand the real worth of the environment. But we can estimate some of its importance that can help us understand its importance. It plays a vital role in keeping living things healthy in the environment.

Likewise, it maintains the ecological balance that will keep check of life on earth. It provides food, shelter, air, and fulfills all the human needs whether big or small.

Moreover, the entire life support of humans depends wholly on the environmental factors. In addition, it also helps in maintaining various life cycles on earth.

Most importantly, our environment is the source of natural beauty and is necessary for maintaining physical and mental health.

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Benefits of the Environment

The environment gives us countless benefits that we can’t repay our entire life. As they are connected with the forest, trees, animals, water, and air. The forest and trees filter the air and absorb harmful gases. Plants purify water, reduce the chances of flood maintain natural balance and many others.

Moreover, the environment keeps a close check on the environment and its functioning, It regulates the vital systems that are essential for the ecosystem. Besides, it maintains the culture and quality of life on earth.

The environment regulates various natural cycles that happen daily. These cycles help in maintaining the natural balance between living things and the environment. Disturbance of these things can ultimately affect the life cycle of humans and other living beings.

The environment has helped us and other living beings to flourish and grow from thousands of years. The environment provides us fertile land, water, air, livestock and many essential things for survival.

Cause of Environmental Degradation

Human activities are the major cause of environmental degradation because most of the activities humans do harm the environment in some way. The activities of humans that causes environmental degradation is pollution, defective environmental policies, chemicals, greenhouse gases, global warming, ozone depletion, etc.

All these affect the environment badly. Besides, these the overuse of natural resources will create a situation in the future there will be no resources for consumption. And the most basic necessity of living air will get so polluted that humans have to use bottled oxygen for breathing.

environment conservation essay

Above all, increasing human activity is exerting more pressure on the surface of the earth which is causing many disasters in an unnatural form. Also, we are using the natural resources at a pace that within a few years they will vanish from the earth. To conclude, we can say that it is the environment that is keeping us alive. Without the blanket of environment, we won’t be able to survive.

Moreover, the environment’s contribution to life cannot be repaid. Besides, still what the environment has done for us, in return we only have damaged and degraded it.

FAQs about Essay on Environment

Q.1 What is the true meaning of the environment?

A.1 The ecosystem that includes all the plants, animals, birds, reptiles, insects, water bodies, fishes, human beings, trees, microorganisms and many more are part of the environment. Besides, all these constitute the environment.

Q.2 What is the three types of the environment?

A.2 The three types of environment includes the physical, social, and cultural environment. Besides, various scientists have defined different types and numbers of environment.

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Conservation of nature's strongholds needed to halt biodiversity loss

Researchers argue for scaling-up area-based conservation to maintain ecological integrity.

To achieve global biodiversity targets, conservationists and governments must prioritize the establishment and effective management of large, interconnected protected areas with high ecological integrity, John G. Robinson from the Wildlife Conservation Society, US, and colleagues argue in an essay publishing May 21 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology .

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), signed at the 2022 Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity in Montreal, recognized the importance of protecting large areas of natural habitat to maintain the resilience and integrity of ecosystems. To halt biodiversity loss, these protected and conserved areas need to be in the right places, connected to one another, and well managed. One of the GBF targets is to protect at least 30% of the global land and ocean by 2030, known as the 30x30 target.

To achieve GBF targets, the authors propose prioritizing large, interconnected protected areas with high ecological integrity, that are effectively managed and equitably governed. They emphasize the importance of conserving landscapes at scales large enough to encompass functioning ecosystems and the biodiversity they contain. In many cases, this will require interconnected groups of protected areas that are managed together. Effective governance means that the diversity of stakeholders and rights holders are recognized and that the costs and benefits are shared equitably between them. The authors argue that protected and conservation areas that meet all four criteria -- which they name "Nature's Strongholds" -- will be disproportionately important for biodiversity conservation. They identify examples of Nature's Strongholds in the high-biodiversity tropical forest regions of Central Africa and the Amazon.

By applying the four criteria presented in this essay to identify Nature's Strongholds around the world, governments and conservationists can coordinate their efforts to best address threats to biodiversity, the authors say.

The authors add, "'Nature's Strongholds' -- large, interconnected, ecologically intact areas that are well managed and equitably governed -- are identified in Amazonia and Central Africa. The approach offers an effective way to conserve biodiversity at a global scale."

  • Ecology Research
  • Endangered Plants
  • Biodiversity
  • Rainforests
  • Land Management
  • Urbanization
  • Environmental Policies
  • Biodiversity hotspot
  • Organic farming
  • Agroecology
  • Conservation biology
  • Sustainable land management
  • Deforestation
  • Unified neutral theory of biodiversity

Story Source:

Materials provided by PLOS . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • John G. Robinson, Danielle LaBruna, Tim O’Brien, Peter J. Clyne, Nigel Dudley, Sandy J. Andelman, Elizabeth L. Bennett, Avecita Chicchon, Carlos Durigan, Hedley Grantham, Margaret Kinnaird, Sue Lieberman, Fiona Maisels, Adriana Moreira, Madhu Rao, Emma Stokes, Joe Walston, James EM Watson. Scaling up area-based conservation to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework’s 30x30 target: The role of Nature’s Strongholds . PLOS Biology , 2024; 22 (5): e3002613 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002613

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