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How to hyperlink in PowerPoint (best practices)

  • PowerPoint Tutorials
  • Shortcuts & Hacks
  • February 14, 2024

In this post you’ll learn how to hyperlink in PowerPoint.

And the reason that hyperlinking in PowerPoint is important is that it allows you to jump around within your presentation or open documents outside of your presentation without leaving Slideshow Mode.

This allows you to create interactive and non-linear presentations. Common things you might use hyperlinks for in PowerPoint are:

  • Hyperlinking to another slide in your presentation
  • Opening a document or file on your computer Jumping to a page on the internet
  • Open another PowerPoint presentation or slide show
  • Create the mouseover text effect in PowerPoint (using ScreenTips)

The other great thing about hyperlinks in PowerPoint is that they automatically convert to the PDF file format. For details on how to convert PowerPoint into the PDF file format, read our guide here .

Table of Contents

What is a hyperlink in powerpoint.

A hyperlink is typically clickable text that jumps you to a location online, opens a file on your computer or performs some other action when you click it.

An online hyperlink can be written in two ways:

  • As the full URL address you are jumping to: For example, visit our website
  • As shortened text with the hyperlink embedded inside the text (which is how it works in the Microsoft Office suite): For example: Visit our website here (with the entire URL address embedded in the text ‘ here ‘).

This is an important distinction to make, as most of the hyperlinks you add in PowerPoint, Word and Excel are clickable text or objects, with the hyperlink embedded within.

You can use hyperlinks in the Microsoft Office suite to do a variety of things like:

  • Open a web page online
  • Open files or documents on your computer
  • Jump to a specific section in your document
  • Create new documents (that you can begin editing)
  • Start an email message

These hyperlinks can be embedded (as you’ll learn to do below) in text, shapes, pictures, charts, etc., allowing you to create interactive documents.

That is, people can click on things within your document to perform certain tasks, navigate to specific sections of your presentation or even open custom slide shows (if you have already set them up).

NOTE:  In PowerPoint, you can also use clickable objects to trigger animated effects, but these are NOT hyperlinks. To learn how to set up trigger objects to fire your animations (like making objects appear and disappear),  read our guide here .

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How to hyperlink to another slide in powerpoint.

To hyperlink to another slide in PowerPoint, the first thing you need is some text or an object to anchor your hyperlink in. Once you have the object, simply select the text or object and hit Ctrl+K on your keyboard to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.

The hyperlink shortcut is control plus K in PowerPoint

If you do not like keyboard shortcuts, you can alternatively open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box using your Ribbon.

Select your object, click the insert tab, open the Link drop down and click Insert Link

To add a link to an object (or block of text) using the PowerPoint Ribbon, simply:

  • Select your text or object that you want to use as the anchor for link
  • Click the Insert tab
  • Open the Link drop down
  • Select Insert Link…

The Insert Hyperlink dialog box is where you control the destination of your hyperlinks in PowerPoint

For this example, I have done the following in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box:

  • Selected a Place in this Document
  • Selected Slide 3 (the slide I want to jump to within this presentation)

You can choose for yourself where you want your hyperlink to link to. Just keep in mind that a hyperlink can only have a single destination. A hyperlink cannot link to multiple locations at the same time.

Instead of using hyperlinks to jump around your presentation, you can also use action buttons. To learn about action buttons, see GFC Global’s blog post here .

Note. To use the Show and Return feature at the bottom of the Slide preview window, you need to hyperlink to a Custom Slideshow.  That is, a smaller subset of your slides that you set up. 

How to trigger a hyperlink

Once you’ve inserted a hyperlink into PowerPoint, there are two ways to trigger it.

#1. Slideshow mode (Presentation View)

When in any of the Presentation Views (like Presenter View), simply hover your mouse over your hyperlink and click it like you would any online link. Triggering the hyperlink then jumps you to the destination you selected (see details above).

To expand your knowledge and learn the different ways to start a PowerPoint slideshow (including how to start Presenter View), read more about it here .

#2. Normal View

In the Normal View in PowerPoint (the standard editing view), you can trigger a hyperlink by holding the Control  key and clicking the hyperlink with your mouse. This creates the same effect as simply clicking a hyperlink in the Presentation View.

Hyperlinking text vso Objects

When given the choice of what to use as your hyperlink trigger, the best practice is to use the object itself, rather than text. That’s because you have little control over the default hyperlink text formatting as pictured below.

Example of the different hyperlink colors when you hyperlink text versus objects

All the objects in the graphic above have the same exact hyperlink applied to them. Notice how the hyperlinked text displays formatting, while the hyperlinked objects do not show any formatting.

When you add a hyperlink to text, it not only gets that underlined hyperlink formatting, but it also changes color once you have clicked the hyperlink. In PowerPoint, this is known as the Followed Hyperlink color. On the other hand, when you anchor your hyperlink on an object, the text never displays the hyperlink formatting. This is why most presenters prefer to anchor their hyperlink on their object instead of anchoring it on their text.

If you do decide to use text hyperlinks in your slides, you can always change the used hyperlink formatting by resetting your hyperlinks (see the next section).

When would using text hyperlinks make sense? When you want to see what you’ve already clicked on inside your presentation.  That’s because the Followed Hyperlink color (I’ll show you how to change that in a second) shows you exactly what you have already clicked on.

How to reset a hyperlink's color

To reset a hyperlink's color, simply select the hyperlink, hit control plus k to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box and click ok

If you are using text hyperlinks, as you click them in your presentation, the hyperlink color changes to the Followed Hyperlink color. This is fine if you want them to change colors (demonstrating what you have already clicked on), but it’s annoying if you don’t.

If you are using text hyperlinks, this means that after you have tested them out, you will need to reset the hyperlinks, so they start with the unfollowed hyperlink color.

To reset the color of a text hyperlink in PowerPoint, simply:

  • Select the hyperlinked text
  • Open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box (Ctrl+K)
  • Immediately click OK

Clicking OK automatically resets the used hyperlink formatting back to the default unused text hyperlink formatting.

If you do go with text hyperlinks, the used formatting gives you a sense of what you’ve already clicked on. That means you won’t waste time navigating to something you’ve already covered. That said, you will need to reset the text formatting each time before you give your presentation.

How to change your hyperlink color in PowerPoint

To change the color of your hyperlinking in PowerPoint, from the Design tab, navigate to customize colors, change your hyperlink and followed hyperlink colors and click save

To change the colors of your Hyperlinks and Followed Hyperlinks in PowerPoint, simply:

  • Navigate to the Design tab
  • Open the  More option (downward facing arrow)
  • Open the Color drop down
  • Select  Customize Colors
  • Set a new  Hyperlink  and  Followed Hyperlink  color
  • Select  Save

Selecting Save saves your new color combination as a PowerPoint Theme and apply it to your current presentation. When selecting your own colors for your hyperlinks, stark colors work best so they stand out from your presentation.

To learn all about creating your PowerPoint template (including selecting your own theme colors, etc.), read our guide here .

Next, you’ll see how to reset your Followed Hyperlink color back to the default color you set.

How to remove a PowerPoint hyperlink

To remove a hyperlink in PowerPoint, right click the hyperlink and select Remove Link

To remove a hyperlink in PowerPoint:

  • Select the hyperlinked text or hyperlinked PowerPoint object
  • Right-click the object (or text)
  • Select Remove Link

Regardless of what the link was pointing to, Remove Link removes the hyperlink formatting and the link. 

New Zoom Transition Hyperlink

If you have a Microsoft 365 subscription, there is a new way to add hyperlinks to PowerPoint called the Zoom transition. To make it easier to refer to, I will simply call them Zoom slides below.

To create a Zoom transition, simply click and drag a slide from the Thumbnail view on the left of your presentation, onto the slide you are currently using as pictured below.

To create a zoom slide, click and drag the slide you want to zoom to onto your current slide in PowerPoint

Once you have created a Zoom slide, selecting it on your slide opens the Zoom Tools Format tab. From this tab, you have a variety of different formatting and transition options to choose from.

For example, do you want your Zoom transition to return to the slide it started on?

If yes, then in the Zoom Tools Format tab Zoom Options, simply select Return to Zoom (see picture below).

Once you have a zoom slide in your presentation, you can use the Zoom tab to control the behavior of the zoom

Selecting  Return to Zoom  means that after jumping to your Zoom slide, when you advance your slideshow, you will automatically return to the jumping off point within your presentation.

That allows you to create a dashboard like effect within your presentation. For example, you could present your audience with options – have them vote – and then click the link to jump to that section of your presentation.

And while this might seem complicated, you are in fact just creating hyperlinks (with a cool zoom effect).

For a FULL walk through of how to create a Zoom link and everything you can do with it, see the Presentation Guild’s full training online seminar here .

How to troubleshoot hyperlinks that are not working

First off, hyperlinks are meant to work in Slideshow Mode or Presentation View of PowerPoint.

So before troubleshooting your hyperlinks, make sure you have tried them out in the proper view first.

If your hyperlinks are still not working, the probable cause is that your hyperlink is broken. That is, whatever you were hyperlinking to has been deleted or moved. If this is the case, you simply need to reset your hyperlink.

To reset (or fix) a hyperlink in PowerPoint, simply:

  • Make sure you have access to the file, slide or location you want to hyperlink to
  • Select your hyperlinked text or object
  • Open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box ( Ctrl+K on your keyboard)
  • Set up your hyperlink to the correct slide, document, or location on your computer

Clicking  OK , your hyperlink resets, and will properly take you the slide, document, or location that you set it to.

Hyperlink ScreenTip Trick (the Mouseover Text Effect)

Another way to user hyperlinks in PowerPoint is to leverage the ScreenTip functionality to create the mouse pop-up text effect in PowerPoint that you can see in the picture below.

Example of the mouseover text effect in PowerPoint when you hover your mouse over an object

In this case, you are not using the hyperlink to jump around your presentation. Instead, you are leveraging the ScreenTip functionality, to display text as you hover your mouse over an object in PowerPoint.

To expand your knowledge for creating this effect, see my guide on how to create this mouseover text effect in PowerPoint .

As you can see, there is more to hyperlinking in PowerPoint than just inserting the link. There are considerations on what you anchor your link to, how to change the color of your hyperlinks, and how to reset them as well.

I always hyperlink objects instead of text whenever possible as it creates fewer formatting issues as you click through the slides. That said, if you want a visual cue of which links you’ve already clicked in your presentation, you will want to hyperlink your text directly.

In short, hyperlinks are a great way to create choices within your presentation. That is, giving your audience a choice and then jumping to topics within your presentation that they are most interested in learning more about.

If you enjoyed this article, you can learn more about our PowerPoint training and free tutorials  here .

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On a different machine with Powerpoint 2016 Home, my hyperlinks are clickable in Normal Edit View, but on another machine with Powerpoint 2016 Professional I have to view in Slideshow to click the hyperlinks. What gives?

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hyperlink in presentation mode

Add hyperlinks to slides

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Add links to your presentation to show related information on the web, quickly get to a different slide, or start an email message.

Link to a website

Select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink.

Select Insert > Link . The drop-down menu shows any links copied to your clipboard and recent files.

Choose what you want or select Insert Link at the bottom. 

Select Existing File or Web Page , and add the:

Text to display - Type the text that you want to appear for your hyperlink.

ScreenTip - Type the text that you want to appear when the user hovers over the hyperlink (optional).

Current Folder , Browsed Pages , or Recent Files - Select where you want to link to.

Address - If you haven't already selected a location above, cut and paste, or type the URL for the web site you want to link to.

Note:  If you link to a file on your computer, and move your PowerPoint presentation to another computer, you'll also need to move any linked files.

Select OK .

Link to a place in a document, new document, or email address

Select Insert > Link .

Now, select Insert Link  at the bottom. 

Select an option:

Place in This Document - Link to a specific slide in your presentation.

Create New Document - Link from your presentation to another presentation.

E-mail Address - Link a displayed email address to open up a user's email program.

Fill in the Text to display , ScreenTip , and where you want to link to.

Add a hyperlink to a slide 

Bookmark a slide and link to it from elsewhere in the presentation


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Art of Presentations

How to Hyperlink in PowerPoint? [The Complete Guide!]

By: Author Shrot Katewa

How to Hyperlink in PowerPoint? [The Complete Guide!]

If you wish to jump a few slides when delivering your PowerPoint presentation, you will need to make use of the “Hyperlink” feature in PowerPoint!

To insert a hyperlink in PowerPoint, first, select and highlight the text or object. Next, right-click and choose the “Link” option. Select the destination of the link. You can link to an existing file, web page, or a specific slide within the presentation. Once the destination is chosen, click “OK”.

In this article, you will get to understand the hyperlink feature in PowerPoint in great detail. I’ll share with you how to add a hyperlink (in further detail), how do you edit a hyperlink, and even how to link to files outside of PowerPoint! That and much more!

So, let’s get started!

1. How to Add a Hyperlink in PowerPoint?

Let’s get straight to the key reason why you are here reading this article i.e. how do you insert a hyperlink in PowerPoint?

A hyperlink is a link added to a text or image that leads to a new document or a new section within the document when clicked on.

In Microsoft PowerPoint, even though you can add a hyperlink to texts or images, the process of doing so is quite similar for both.

Let’s take a look at the step-by-step process involved in adding a hyperlink in PowerPoint.

Step-1: Select the Text and Click on the “Link” option

hyperlink in presentation mode

The first step is to “Right Click” on the text or image where you want to add the hyperlink. In the dropdown menu, click on the “Link” option. Alternatively, you can press the “Ctrl+K” keys on your keyboard.

You can also click on the “Insert” tab in PowerPoint , and click on the “Link” option from the ribbon. You can use any of the three methods, and you will be prompted with the “Insert Hyperlink” window.

Step-2: Choose the Destination of the Link

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box, you can either link a file from your computer or an online source by clicking on the “Existing File or Web Page” button. Then, navigate to the folder containing the file, click on the file to select it, and click “ OK “.

Alternatively, you can also click on the “ Place in this document ” option to link to an existing slide. (I shall show the exact steps later in this article).

2. How to Edit Hyperlink Text in PowerPoint?

hyperlink in presentation mode

In PowerPoint, adding a hyperlink does not change the behavior of text or the text box. Thus, the process of editing a hyperlink text is similar to the way you would edit the text in PowerPoint normally.

All you have to do is click inside the text box and delete or add text. You can also change the appearance of the hyperlink text by using the tools in the “Font” section of the “Home” tab in PowerPoint .

3. How to Edit the Hyperlink in PowerPoint?

hyperlink in presentation mode

Once a hyperlink is added to a text or image in a PowerPoint slide, you can go back and edit it. To do so, “Right Click” on the hyperlinked text and select the “Edit Link” option from the dropdown menu.

This will open the familiar “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box that we saw in section 1 of this article. Simply select another file or slide from the presentation in order to edit the link.

4. How to Remove Hyperlink in PowerPoint?

hyperlink in presentation mode

In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can remove the hyperlink from a text or an image with only one click. “Right Click” on the text or image to open the dropdown menu.

Now all you have to do is click on the “Remove Link” option to remove the hyperlink.

5. How to Hyperlink to Another Slide in PowerPoint

As mentioned earlier in the article, you can even link one slide to another within the same presentation using the hyperlink feature. This has great benefits especially when you want to specifically jump to a section in the presentation that you want to show in further detail.

Here’s what you need to do in order to link to another slide within the same presentation using the hyperlink feature in PowerPoint –

Step-1: “Right Click” on the selected text or image

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the selected slide, “Right Click” on the text or image where you want to link another slide. Then click on the “Link” option from the dropdown menu.

You can alternatively press the “Ctrl+K” keys on your keyboard. This will open a dialog box.

Step-2: Click on the “Place in This Document” option

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box, click on the “Place in This Document” option from the left sidebar. Then select the slide you want to link.

You can see the selected slide in the “Slide preview” section in the dialog box. Finally, you have to click on the “OK” button to finish the process.

5a. How to Return Back to the Main Slide?

During a presentation, it may be important to return to the main slide in one click after jumping to the linked slide. To do so, you can add a shape and hyperlink it back to the main slide.

Here’s how to create a hyperlink back to the main slide –

Step-1: Click on the “Shapes” option

hyperlink in presentation mode

The first step is to open the linked slide. Then click on the “Insert” tab from the menu ribbon located at the top of the screen. In the “Insert” menu, click on the “Shapes” option and select your preferred shape from the dropdown menu.

Step-2: Edit the shape

hyperlink in presentation mode

Now you can select the shape and click on the “Shape Format” tab from the menu ribbon. In the “Format Shape” sidebar located on the right side of the screen, edit the color and of the shape to visually match the rest of the slide.

I would highly recommend adding a text to the shape something to the effect of “Go back to slide X” (where “X” is the slide number of the main slide you want to return). This will help you and others take note of why a shape exists on the slide and prevent others from deleting it accidentally.

Step-3: “Right Click” on the shape

hyperlink in presentation mode

Now, all we need to do is simply create a hyperlink that links back to the original slide.

Select the shape and “Right Click” on the shape. Then, click on the “Link” option. You can alternatively press the “Ctrl+K” keys on your keyboard to open the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box.

Step-4: Hyperlink the main slide

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box, click on the “Place in This Document” button from the sidebar located on the left side. Then select the main slide and click on the “OK” button.

Now all you have to do is click on the shape to return to the main slide during the presentation.

Note that this link will only work when you are viewing the presentation in slideshow mode!

6. How to Hyperlink Without Underline?

In Microsoft PowerPoint, you cannot hyperlink text without the underline directly. However, there is a workaround.

To add a hyperlink without underlining a text in PowerPoint, you will need to use a transparent shape. Insert a shape over the text. Right-click and add a hyperlink to the shape. Then, select the “No Fill” options to remove the “Fill” and “Line” colors in the “Format Shape” settings.

Here’s a detailed step-by-step process that you will need to follow –

Step-1: Click on the “Remove Link” option

hyperlink in presentation mode

The first step is to remove the hyperlink from the text. “Right Click” on the hyperlink text and select the “Remove Link” option from the dropdown menu.

This will ensure that the underline from the text gets removed.

Step-2: Click on the “Shapes” option

hyperlink in presentation mode

Now click on the “Insert” tab from the menu bar and click on the “Shapes” button in the “Insert” menu. From the dropdown menu, select the “Rectangle” option.

Then insert the rectangle shape over the hyperlink text.

Step-3: Add a hyperlink to the shape

hyperlink in presentation mode

The next step is to add the hyperlink to the shape instead of the text.

“Right Click” on the shape and click on the “Link” option. Alternatively, you can press the “Ctrl+K” keys on your keyboard.

In the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box, paste the link that was previously on the text (as we did before in the previous sections). Then click on the “OK” button.

Step-4: Click on the “Format Shape” option

hyperlink in presentation mode

Now all you have to do is “Right Click” on the shape and click on the “Format Shape” option at the bottom of the dropdown menu.

This will open a “Format Shape” sidebar located at the right side of the screen.

Step-5: Click on the “No fill” and “No line” options

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the “Format Shape” sidebar, click on the “No fill” option under the “Fill” section. Then click on the “No line” option under the “Line” section.

This will make the shape completely transparent and make the text visible while removing the underline from the text. You can now click on the text and access the hyperlink in the slideshow mode.

7. How to Add a YouTube Link in PowerPoint?

To add a Youtube link in a PowerPoint slide, you have to first open the Youtube video that you want to link and copy the link address. Then follow the 2 quick steps.

Step-1: Click on the “Link” option

hyperlink in presentation mode

First, you have to select the text to hyperlink. Then “Right Click” on the selected text and click on the “Link” option. Alternatively, you can press the “Ctrl+K” keys on your keyboard.

Step-2: Paste the Youtube link

hyperlink in presentation mode

Click on the “Existing File or Web Page” option in the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box. Then paste the Youtube link in the “Address” box at the bottom.

Now all you have to do is click on the “OK” button to hyperlink the Youtube video.

8. How to Insert a Website Link in PowerPoint?

In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can hyperlink to any resource available on the web. To insert a website link, you have to first obtain the link from the website. Then follow the 3 easy steps.

Step-1: Click on “Link”

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the open slide, select the text or image which you want to hyperlink. Then “Right Click” on the selected text or image. Click on the “Link” option from the dropdown menu. Alternatively, you can press the “Ctrl+K” keys on your keyboard.

Step-2: Paste the link to the website

hyperlink in presentation mode

The next step is to paste the website link in the “Address” box in the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box. “Right Click” on the “Address” box and click on the “Paste” option from the dropdown menu.

This will paste the copied website link. You can alternatively press the “Ctrl+V” keys on your keyboard.

Step-3: Click on the “OK” option

Now all you have to do is click on the “OK” button at the bottom of the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box to insert the link to the website (as shown in the image in step 2).

9. How to Hyperlink in PowerPoint to an Excel File?

Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to add both links from the web as well as links to existing files in your computer as a hyperlink. To hyperlink to an Excel file in a slide, follow the 3 simple steps.

Step-1: “Right Click” on the selected text

hyperlink in presentation mode

The first step is to select the text or image where you want to insert the link. Then you have to “Right Click” on it. From the dropdown menu, click on the “Link” option.

Step-2: Click on the “Browse for File” option

hyperlink in presentation mode

The next step is to click on the “Browse for File” option in the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box. It is the third icon at the right side of the “Look in” box and looks like a folder.

This will open another dialog box.

Step-3: Click on the “Search Documents” box

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the “Link to File” dialog box, click on the “Search Documents” box located at the top and right corner. Then type in the name of the Excel file you want to hyperlink.

Select the Excel file and click on the “Open” button at the bottom of the dialog box to insert the link to the Excel file.

10.  How to Hyperlink in PowerPoint to a PDF File?

In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can add a hyperlink to a PDF file. This can be an efficient way for you to link to references for your presentation content.

The process is similar to that of adding a link to an excel file. Here’s what you need to do –

hyperlink in presentation mode

You have to first select a text or image and then “Right Click” on it. Click on the “Link” option from the context menu. Alternatively, you can press the “Ctrl+K” keys on your keyboard.

Step-2: Click on “Browse for File”

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog, click on the “Browse for File” option which is the icon that looks like a folder. It will open the “Link to File” dialog.

Step-3: Click on “Search This PC”

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the “Link to File” dialog box, click on the “Search This PC” option and type in the name of the PDF file you want to link.

Then select the PDF file and click on the “Open” button at the bottom of the dialog box. This will hyperlink the PDF file to the presentation.

11. How to Open a Hyperlink in PowerPoint?

hyperlink in presentation mode

To open a hyperlink, “Right Click” on the hyperlink text or image. From the dropdown menu click on the “Open Link” option. This will open the hyperlink in a new window.

Alternatively, you can press down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard and click on the hyperlink text or image simultaneously to open the hyperlink.

Using the keyboard shortcut is more practical in the “Slide Show” screen during a presentation.

12. Hyperlink Not Working in PowerPoint

When inserting or accessing a hyperlink in Microsoft PowerPoint, sometimes, you might run into some issues. For instance, the option to hyperlink a text or image may be greyed out and you may not be able to insert a hyperlink.

These and other issues can be solved quite easily.

12a. Hyperlink is Greyed Out

In the “Insert” menu, you may find that the “Link” option is greyed out. But, this problem can be easily fixed! Here’s what you need to do –

Step-1: Click on the “Insert” tab

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the open PowerPoint presentation, click on the “Insert” tab in the menu ribbon located at the top of the screen. In the “Links” section of the “Insert” menu, you will notice that the “Link” option is greyed out.

Step-2: Click on an object

hyperlink in presentation mode

The “Link” option is usually greyed out because there are no objects selected yet. In Microsoft PowerPoint, you cannot insert a hyperlink to a slide. You can only insert hyperlinks to an object.

To be able to insert a hyperlink, all you have to do is click on any object in the open slide. You will now see that the “Link” option is no longer grayed out, and you can click on it.

12b. Hyperlink in PowerPoint is Not Clickable

After inserting a hyperlink in a PowerPoint presentation, you will notice that the hyperlink is not clickable. This is because you cannot click on the hyperlink in “Normal View” .

In Microsoft PowerPoint, “Normal View” is the default view where you can edit the slides. You can fix this problem in 3 easy methods.

Method-1: Click on “Ctrl+Save”

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the “Normal View” , you cannot open a hyperlink with a click. Instead, you have to press the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard and click on the hyperlink simultaneously. This will allow you to access the link.

Method-2: Click on the “Slide Show” tab

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the menu ribbon located at the top of the screen, click on the “Slide Show” tab. Then click on the “From Current Slide” option in the “Slide Show” menu.

Alternatively, you can press the “Shift+F5” keys on your keyboard. This will start the slideshow where the hyperlink is clickable.

Method-3: Click on the “Reading View” option

In the menu ribbon, click on the “View” tab. Then click on the “Reading View” option from the “Presentation Views” section (as shown in the image in method 2 above).

For the shortcut, all you have to do is click on the “Reading View” option which is the icon that looks like an open book in the status bar located at the bottom of the screen.

This will open the reading view screen where the hyperlinks are clickable.

Credit to cookie_studio (on Freepik) for the featured image of this article (further edited)

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How to Use the Presentation Modes and the Screen Recording Features in PowerPoint

How to Use the Presentation Modes and the Screen Recording Features in PowerPoint | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

After designing all the slides for your presentation, the next and last step is presenting in front of your audience. In this new Slidesgo School tutorial, you’ll see how the presenter view works and how you can record your presentation .

Presentation Modes

Presentation modes — set up slide show, presentation modes — record slide show.

  • There are different presentation modes in PowerPoint, besides the one you can find at the bottom of the screen.
  • To access the presentation modes, go to the Slide Show tab.
  • The first two options allow you to start the presentation from the beginning or from the currently selected slide.

Start Slide Show group

  • If you choose Present Online, an URL will be generated, which you can then share with your potential online viewers. After clicking this button, a new window will open, displaying info about the Microsoft Office online presentation service and a checkbox to enable remote download for your online audience. To enjoy this service, you need an Office 365 account. When you’re ready, click Connect to generate the URL.
  • If you choose Custom Slide Show, you can select which slides to display in your presentation.  First, create a new custom slide show and select the slides that you want to display. Then, click Add, enter the name of the presentation and click OK. This new custom presentation will appear on the list. Select it and click Show to begin the presentation.
  • In the Set Up group you’ll find options to set up the presentation, hide slides, rehearse your presentation and even record it.
  • Click Set Up Slide Show to adjust several settings regarding your presentation. You’ll find more information in the next section of this tutorial .
  • If you click Hide Slide, the selected slide won’t show up during your presentation. Hidden slides will appear faded out on the list and their numbers will be crossed out.
  • If you click Record Slide Show, you’ll be able to record your presentation from the beginning or from the current slide. We’ll go into detail in the last section of this tutorial.
  • There are several checkboxes regarding whether to play narrations, use timings and show media controls.

Checkboxes in Set Up group

  • In the Monitors group you can choose which screen to display your presentation.
  • The last group, Captions & Subtitles, is only available in Office 365. You’ll find options to enable subtitles, which will be generated out of your speech (so you’ll need to have a mic). There are settings to change the language and the position of the subtitles.
  • Open your presentation in PowerPoint.
  • Go to the Slide Show tab.
  • In the Set Up group, click Set Up Slide Show. A new window will open, where you’ll find several options.
  • In the top-left corner, under “Show type”, you can choose whether the presentation will be in fullscreen with speaker notes, windowed, or in fullscreen without speaker notes or the menu bar.

Options under Show type

  • Under “Show options” you can choose whether to show the presentation without narration or animations, or disable the hardware graphics acceleration (for better performance). You can also set the pen and laser pointer color.

Option under Show options

  • Under “Show slides”, you can choose which slides to show in your presentation. You can select all of them, a specific range or a custom slideshow.
  • There are other settings to determine how to advance slides (manually or using timings), what the resolution will be and whether to use the presenter view.
  • Click Record Slide Show. From the drop-down menu, select From the Current Slide or From the Beginning.
  • A new window will open, along with the presentation in fullscreen mode. At the top-left you’ll find a button to start recording.

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How to Use Hyperlinks and Action Buttons in PowerPoint

If you would like to link to an outside source within your PowerPoint presentation, you have the option of using a hyperlink or action button. These instructions are for Office 2016, 2013, 2010, and 2007.

In PowerPoint, you can create a hyperlink using any text within your presentation. When clicked on, a hyperlink can directly link to a specific slide within your presentation, a saved file, a web page, another PowerPoint presentation, or a custom email. To insert a hyperlink into your presentation:

  • Open the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Highlight the text or object you would like to hyperlink.
  • Right-click the highlighted text and select "Hyperlink..."
  • For Existing File or Web Page , browse your computer to locate the file you wish to link to.
  • For Place in This Document , choose the slide you wish to link to.
  • For Create a New Document , type the name of your new PowerPoint presentation and choose when to edit the document.
  • For E-mail Addresses , enter the recipient(s) email address and the subject line of the email.
  • Click [OK].
  • To test the action button, start your PowerPoint slideshow (Click F5 on your keyboard) and click the text with the action button.

A PowerPoint hyperlink can link to a file on one of your drives (with the exception of your C: drive, which will not work in any circumstance) only if you are presenting the PowerPoint on campus. If you are off campus, you can use a path to any portable medium you have on hand (e.g. thumb drive, CD, etc.).

Action Button

In PowerPoint, you can create an action button using shapes, images, and text within your presentation. When activated, an action button can link to either a specific slide within your presentation, a web page, or another PowerPoint presentation. In addition, PowerPoint offers action buttons that play sounds when activated. To insert an action button into your presentation:

  • Click the [Insert] tab > From the "Links" group, click [Action].
  • Select the "Hyperlink to:" radio button > From the drop-down menu, choose where you would like the action button to link to when activated.
  • To test the action button, start your PowerPoint slideshow (Click F5 on your keyboard) and click the text or image with the action button.

To insert an action button that plays a sound into your presentation:

  • Highlight the text or object you would like to play a sound when clicked on.
  • If you would like the text or object to link to a slide, web page, or file and play a sound, select the "Hyperlink to:" radio button and choose a destination. If not, select the "None" radio button.
  • Check the "Play sound:" box > From the drop-down menu, choose what sound you would like the action button to play when activated > Click [OK].
  • To test the action button, start your PowerPoint slideshow (Click F5 on your keyboard) and click the text or object with the action button.

You can also create an action button that activates when you hover your mouse over the text or object (as opposed to clicking the action button). In the "Action Settings" dialog box, click the [Mouse Over] tab and choose where you would like the action button to link to.

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How to Put a Hyperlink in Microsoft PowerPoint

Last Updated: July 18, 2022

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Do you want to add a link to a website or document to your PowerPoint presentation? Adding hyperlinks to PowerPoint slides is incredibly easy. This wikiHow will teach you how to insert hyperlinks into PowerPoint slides using Windows and macOS.

Select a slide.

Click the slide onto which you want to place a hyperlink.

Select the hyperlink text.

Use the mouse to select the text you want to add to the link.

  • You can also make an image a hyperlink—just click the desired image to select it.

Click the "Insert" tab.

You'll see the Insert tab at the top of PowerPoint.

Click the "Link" icon.

Click Link in the toolbar at the top of PowerPoint.

Add a location or address to link to.

Fill out the fields.

  • To link to a file or website, select Existing File or Web Page at the top-left. Then, enter the full URL of the website or select the document.
  • To link to another location in your presentation, select Place in This Document , then select a slide title.
  • To create an email hyperlink, select E-mail address , then enter an email address. Clicking the link will simply compose a new message to this address.

Click "OK" to create the link.

This creates a clickable hyperlink in your PowerPoint presentation.

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How to Hyperlink in PowerPoint (Insert, Remove or Edit Links)

Links representing adding, editing and deleting hyperlinks in PowerPoint.

Insert and Manage Links or Hyperlinks to Create Interactive PowerPoint Presentations

by Avantix Learning Team | Updated October 14, 2022

Applies to: Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 and 365 (Windows)

You can easily add links or hyperlinks in PowerPoint presentations to add interactivity and make it easy for users to click a button or link to jump to another slide in your deck, to another presentation, to an Excel file or to a web site. You can edit hyperlinks at any time and remove hyperlinks if necessary. In PowerPoint, hyperlinks become active when you run a slide show (normally by clicking the Slide Show button on the bottom right of the screen). In newer versions of PowerPoint, the term link is used as an alternative to hyperlink (although the dialog box displays Hyperlink).

Hyperlinks can be displayed as full source URLs or internet addresses such as, as descriptive text, as an image or as a shape.

In this article, we'll be using the Link or Hyperlink command to insert hyperlinks, not Action Settings (an alternative method for adding hyperlinks).

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Insert a text hyperlink

If you select text and use it as a hyperlink on a PowerPoint slide, it appears underlined and in a color (normally blue) and coordinates with the color theme in your document. The text color changes automatically after you click hyperlink text in a slide show (again based on color theme settings). Shapes or images with hyperlinks do not change color.

Insert a hyperlink to a slide in the current presentation

To insert a link or hyperlink to a slide in the current presentation:

  • In Normal View or Slide Master View, select the text, shape or image you want to use as a hyperlink. If you are using a shape that contains text, click its edge.
  • Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon.
  • In the Links group, click Link or Hyperlink. You can also press Ctrl + K. The Edit Hyperlink dialog appears.
  • Under Link to, select Place in This Document.
  • Under Select a place in this document, select the slide you'd like to link to.
  • If you are using a text hyperlink, enter the descriptive text that will become the link text in the Text to display box (if necessary).
  • Click Slide Show on the bottom right of the screen to run your slide show. You can also press Shift + F5.
  • Click the link to test it.
  • Press ESC to exit the slide show.

Below is the Edit Hyperlink dialog box with a link to another slide in the current presentation:

Insert hyperlink dialog box to link to another slide in a PowerPoint presentation.

Insert a hyperlink to another PowerPoint presentation

To insert a link or hyperlink to another PowerPoint presentation:

  • Under Link to, select Existing File or Web Page.
  • Click Browse (yellow file folder icon).
  • Navigate to the other presentation and double-click it.

Below is the Edit Hyperlink dialog box with a link to another presentation:

Hyperlink dialog box with link to another presentation.

Insert a hyperlink to an Excel workbook

To insert a link or hyperlink to an Excel workbook:

  • Navigate to the Excel workbook and double-click it.

Below is the Edit Hyperlink dialog box with a link to an Excel workbook:

PowerPoint hyperlink dialog box with link to an Excel workbook.

Use relative or absolute addresses to external files

If you are creating hyperlinks to external files such as another PowerPoint presentation or an Excel workbook, it's important to understand the difference between a relative and absolute address. A relative hyperlink uses the address relative to the address of the containing document whereas an absolute hyperlink uses the full address of the destination document including the drive location.

The following example uses an absolute hyperlink address (full path address):


The following relative hyperlink contains only the relative address or path to a Budget document in the same folder as the presentation.


You may want to use a relative hyperlink address or path if you want to move or to copy your files to another location such as another server.

Insert a hyperlink to a web site

To insert a link or hyperlink to a web site:

  • In the Address box, enter the web address or url. You can also copy the web address from a browser or select from the drop-down menu of recent web sites.

Below is the Edit Hyperlink dialog box with a link to a web site:

PowerPoint hyperlink dialog box with link to web site.

Create a hyperlink using the context menu

Another method of creating or editing hyperlinks is to right-click and use the context menu (you can also press Shift + F10 to display the context menu).

To insert a hyperlink using the context menu:

  • Right-click and choose Link or Hyperlink from the dropd-down menu and then select Insert Hyperlink or Insert Link. The hyperlink dialog appears.
  • Select the appropriate option under Link to. If you are creating an external link to a webpage or another document, select Existing File or Web Page. If you are creating an internal link within the document, select Place in This Document.
  • In the address field, enter or choose the address or location where the link should lead. For external references, enter or copy the URL in the Address field. For place in the same document, select the appropriate item.

Jump to a hyperlink location

Hyperlinks become active when you run a slide show or save your presentation as a PDF (portable document format). Simply click the hyperlink to jump to the hyperlink location.

Edit a hyperlink

To edit a hyperlink:

  • In Normal View or Slide Master View, right-click the hyperlink and select Edit Hyperlink or Edit Link from the drop-down menu. The Hyperlink dialog box appears.
  • Select the desired options.

You can also select a hyperlink and press Ctrl + K to edit it.

Create a screen tip

You can also create a screen tip that will pop up when you hover over a hyperlink during a slide show.

To create a screen tip for an existing hyperlink:

  • In Normal View or Slide Master View, right-click the hyperlink.and select Edit Hyperlink or Edit Link from the drop-down menu. The Edit Hyperlink dialog box appears.
  • Click ScreenTip (on the top right). A dialog box appears.
  • Enter a screen tip.
  • Click OK twice.

Remove a hyperlink

To remove a hyperlink:

  • In Normal View or Slide Master View, right-click the hyperlink you want to remove.
  • In the context menu, select Remove Hyperlink or Remove Link.

Hyperlinks can add a new dimension of interactivity to your decks and when a PowerPoint file is saved as a PDF, they become active hyperlinks.

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More resources

How to Insert Slide Numbers in PowerPoint

How to Use the Built-in Laser Pointer in PowerPoint (with Shortcuts)

How to Cut a Shape Out of an Image in PowerPoint (Mask a Picture)

How to Remove the Background of an Image  in PowerPoint (2 Ways)

How to Break, Update or Change Links to Excel Charts or Worksheets in PowerPoint

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How to Hyperlink in PowerPoint (Insert, Remove or Edit Links)

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PowerPoint, click and open external file during presentation

is it possible? During presentation on some slide I click on some part of the slide and then the OS opens some external file with its associated program.

  • microsoft-powerpoint

studiohack's user avatar

  • What sort of file? –  ChrisF Jan 16, 2010 at 17:18
  • it is whatever kind of file. i.e., PDF, etc. I am using mac office 2008 and it should work with "inser hyperlink" but it does not! –  asdf Jan 16, 2010 at 17:27
  • 1 for solving the problem one has to put the linked files on the same folder than the presentation file. otherwise one gets problems –  asdf Jan 16, 2010 at 17:45
  • Yeah ideally one could embed the file in the ppt but this does not seem to be possible. –  Timmmm Oct 18, 2013 at 13:29

2 Answers 2

Just right-click on an object (image, text, etc.), select "Hyperlink..." and then select the file you want opened. Note that clicking the object only works in presentation mode.

Mika Fischer's user avatar

At least in PowerPoint 2013 you cloud use following technique:

edit: Sorry, I thought this was about opening embedded file.

enter image description here

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hyperlink in presentation mode

How-To Geek

How to link to another slide in the same powerpoint presentation.

If you know you'll be referring to the content of a previously-viewed slide at some point during your presentation, it might be useful to insert a link pointing back to that slide for quick access.

Quick Links

Linking to another slide in the same presentation, using the zoom feature.

If you know you'll be referring to the content of a previously-viewed slide at some point during your presentation, it might be useful to insert a link pointing back to that slide for quick access. Here's how to set it up.

Open your presentation and navigate to the slide that will contain the hyperlink. Once there, highlight the text, object, shape, or image to which you want to attach the link.

Next, head over to the “Insert” tab and click the “Link” button.

In the Insert Hyperlink window that opens, select “Place in This Document” on the “Link To” list on the left.

On the right, under the “Select a place in this document” list, select the destination slide.

The four options at the top of the list let you select the first or last slide in the presentation or the slide that comes right before or after the slide containing the link.

If you need to link to a different slide, expand the “Slide Titles” category. This shows you a list of all the slides in your document. If a slide has a title, the list shows the title. If a slide does not have a title, the list shows it as something like "Slide 7."

Click the slide to which you want to link.

A preview of the selected slide will appear in the window to the right. If you’re unsure which slide it was that you needed to link back to, this will come in handy.

Once you’re finished, click “OK” and PowerPoint will insert your link.

As a matter of good practice, double-check to make sure the link is working properly. To test the link in the regular slide editing view, Ctrl-click the linked object. To test the link when playing your presentation, you don't have to hold the Ctrl key; just click the linked object.

If for some reason you need to remove the hyperlink, right-click the object and then select “Remove Link.”

If you’re using PowerPoint for Office 365 or PowerPoint 2019, then you can take advantage of the new “Zoom” feature, which lets you seamlessly transition to any slide in the presentation by placing it inside another slide.

First, go to the slide that you'll be linking from. Using “Normal View,” click and drag the slide you want to insert from the left-hand pane to the current slide.

Once the slide is inserted, a new “Format” tab will appear. Click it.

In the “Zoom Options” group, check the box next to “Zoom Transition.” You’re also able to specify the duration of the transition, with 01.00 being the default.

Now let’s take a look at what happens when we click that slide during our presentation.

As you can see in the above GIF, clicking the “Introduction” slide that we placed inside our “Information” transitions back to the "Introduction" slide. Clicking again brings us back to the original "Information" slide.

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Hyperlinks do not work when Revu is used in Presentation view.

This issue is caused by the fact that Presentation view displays an image of the file instead of the original PDF. Although this improves the speed of on-screen rendering, the image doesn’t contain dynamic content, like hyperlinks.


Editing Documents

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Why does this happen.

hyperlink in presentation mode

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hyperlink won't display in presenter mode

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Srinivasu Guntimadugu

Check with the below steps: 

1.    Try with a different presentation by inserting a hyperlink.

2.    Try to play the new presentation on projector using presenter view and check if the issue occurs.

3.   Check if the issue occurs in   windows safe mode .

You can also try to reduce the processing power that is required to display your slide show and check if that helps. To do this, try different performance settings in the Setup Show dialog box:

On the Slide Show tab, click Setup Show.

In the Slide show resolution box, click a lower resolution. For example, if the setting is currently 800x600, click 640x480. Click OK.

Note: You may also want to select US.

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Troubleshoot Hyperlinks

You can add hyperlinks to your PowerPoint presentation. These links will be active in a web presentation that you publish with iSpring. However, some hyperlinks may not work due to peculiarities of the conversion. Usually, this can be easily resolved if you follow suggestions within this article.

Before we drill down, here is some general troubleshooting information:

  • Hyperlinks don’t work in Flash content on local computer due to Global FlashPlayer security restrictions (it only happens when an .swf file is launched fr om the local destination, e.g., c:\ drive).
  • Some PPT objects are converted to a raster format, so hyperlink information is lost. It happens with SmartArt objects and stylized text . See the specific paragraph in this article.
  • If you publish to a video format .mp4 with iSpring, hyperlinks, as well as other interactivities won’t work. Later, after you upload this video to YouTube, you create and edit annotations that also includes adding hyperlinks.

In this article

Links in web presentation, absolute and relative paths, how to make relative hyperlinks work, what objects may have hyperlink, hyperlink on a stylized text, hyperlink on a smartart object, advanced hyperlink techniques: hotspot area.

There are two main hyperlink types that may be used in web presentations.

Internal hyperlink

Ins ert Hyperlink window > Place in This Document > hyperlink to a specific slide

What you can do with internal links:

  • Link slides within a presentation to connect different topics or chapters.
  • Create a table of contents, which is very useful for courses with a complex structure.
  • Create a custom player in your presentation that will provide navigation.

External hyperlink

Ins ert Hyperlink window > Existing File or Web Page > add an external http link to

What you can do with external links:

  • Open an existing webpage in the same or new browser window.
  • Open a file that’s placed on the Web or at the local destination.

Note: All hyperlinks will be opened in a new browser window by default, but you can change that setting via the Resources button on the iSpring toolbar. The other options are to open a link in the same window or in a parent window. We don’t recommend that you sel ect The same window because it will interrupt the presentation’s playback, and your users will have to navigate back in their browsers to continue the presentation.

The other hyperlink types, Create New Document and E-mail Address won’t work in a web browser. You can only use them in PowerPoint.

An absolute path shows a full-length address to access an HTML web page or file on the Internet. This link will work from any place on the Internet.

  • A relative path is a short path to a file that is located in the same folder structure that you are viewing at the moment. This link will for both, local computers and a website that hosts these linked folders.
  • index.html (file is located in the same folder)
  • /data/img01.png (file is located in a subfolder)
  • ../index.html (file is located in a parent folder)

When you create a presentation or a learning course with iSpring, we recommend that you use absolute hyperlinks to web pages or files that are already placed on the Internet.

If you want to add some files (documents) that will go with the presentation, use the iSpring Resources option instead of relative paths. The iSpring conversion engine will keep embedded files organized in a data folder and automatically handle file addressing.

If you have local documents linked with your PowerPoint presentation that you open during a slideshow, these links might not work after you publish the presentation with iSpring for the Web.

hyperlink in presentation mode

In the converted presentation, when you point the mouse to a hyperlink, it will show you an absolute path to the file instead of a short relative path (the bottom tooltip in your browser).

hyperlink in presentation mode

The reason why your links seem to be absolute is just because web browsers render bottom tooltips for relative paths this way. iSpring doesn’t change your relative links.

To demonstrate that, create a test HTML file “my-html-sample.html” with a relative path and save this file in the same folder as your PowerPoint file.

hyperlink in presentation mode

Open it in a web browser, point your mouse on the hyperlink, and it will still show you the full path. If you click on that, the link will open the .pdf file.

hyperlink in presentation mode

The reason why your relative links don’t work in the converted presentation is because iSpring publishes your web presentation to a subfolder, so it is placed one level below. Therefore, the hyperlinked file cannot be found.

When you publish your PPT presentation, the published file will reside on one level deeper in folder structure and relative links won't work.

The same rule applies to the Internet destinations with the only difference that forward slash is used to separate directories there.

If you don’t want to change paths for all local hyperlinks in your presentation, you can copy the linked document to the web presentation folder so it will reside in the same directory as your index.html file.

You can assign hyperlinks in PowerPoint to various objects, from text to SmartArt. However, conversion to a Web format makes some links inactive.

Here is a list of links on objects that may be freely used in a web presentation:

If you assign a link to text that has a style applied to it (shadow, reflection, 3d, etc.), the iSpring conversion engine will save this piece of text as a raster image, and therefore the hyperlink won’t work in a Flash or HTML5 version of your presentation.

Format tab > add WordArt Styles to a selected text.

After conversion, we can see the same text appear as a picture with no hyperlink data. When you point the mouse over the text, it doesn’t change to a hand, and when you click on it, nothing happens.

Mouse pointer doesn't change to a hand. It means that hyperlink doesn't work.

Workaround #1: Save as a picture

  • Right-click on the frame of a text box that contains stylized text and select Save as Picture.
  • Save it on your computer (e.g., on the Desktop) to .png format (default).
  • Ins ert the .png picture on the same slide via the PowerPoint INSERT > Pictures option.
  • Move the picture to the original text’s place. In case you want to change the text later, you can move the original text over the slide border.
  • Assign a hyperlink to the picture.

Workaround #2: Add a hotspot area over the text

You can add a SmartArt object to your presentation and assign a hyperlink to its elements in PowerPoint. However, iSpring renders a SmartArt as a single picture. Therefore, links won’t be active after conversion to Flash or HTML5.

Workaround #2: Create transparent hyperlink areas

Note: If you apply animations to SmartArt elements, they also won’t be reproduced. Apply the second workaround and convert your SmartArt to Shapes. Then, animate them individually.

You can’t assign hyperlinks to some objects in PowerPoint (e.g., video objects). Also, because some objects (e.g., stylized text, SmartArt) are saved in raster format after conversion with iSpring, hyperlinks may be lost.

When you design a touchscreen app in PowerPoint, some small elements may be hard to click. In this case you may want to enlarge the active hyperlink area over the visual element.

All these cases can be resolved by applying an advanced technique: adding hotspot areas on your slides that will overlap objects.

To create a transparent hyperlink area

Select the INSERT tab on the PowerPoint toolbar.

Click Shapes.

Ins ert tab in PPT > Shapes

  • 3 Select a rectangle or another form that matches the object (that should be hyperlinked).

Draw a shape that overlaps a video object.

  • 5 Right-click on the shape and select Hyperlink.
  • 6 Add an internal or external hyperlink and click OK.

Right click on the shape and sele ct No Fill.

  • 8 Do the same with the border. Outline > No Outline.

Format tab in PPT > Shape Fill and Shape Outline.

...or in the Format Shape sidebar when you right-click on the shape and sele ct Format Shape.

Format Shape sidebar in PPT > No fill, No line.

Note: A hyperlinked area will overlap the objects and their controls on the layers below. For example, if you insert an invisible hyperlink over a video, you can’t click on it to start or stop playback. Instead, you will be redirected to the website or a slide corresponding with the hyperlink. To resolve this issue, se t the video to play automatically.

Find and arrange transparent shapes

Selection tab in PPT shows the list of items

Once found, delete it or send it to the back of the slide (right-click, Send to Back > Send Backward ).

Right-click on an object in PowerPoint > Send to Back > Send Backward

Flash Player global security on local computers

Q: I publish my PPT presentation using the Desktop (Flash) mode and launch it on my computer. For some reason, hyperlinks to a website don’t work. When I upload my presentation to the Internet , the hyperlinks work fine.

A: All hyperlinks in Flash .swf files that you launch fr om your computer are blocked due to the Adobe Flash Player global security settings. If you want to test hyperlinks on your local computer, go to the Flash Player settings and add a trusted location (such as a folder on your hard drive wh ere you publish presentations).

Q: I sent an .swf Flash presentation to my colleague via email and he can’t open any hyperlinks that should point to my website.

A: Adobe Flash Player global security settings are applied to all local destinations, even if you send it to a different computer. Your colleague has to adjust the security settings. The best solution is to share a Flash file on the Internet and send a link to access it. Also, you can publish to Mobile (HTML5) , check Zip output and send via email. HTML5 presentations aren’t bound by Adobe’s restrictions.

Inactive hyperlinks

Q: After I publish a presentation to a Web format, a hyperlink text is underlined. However, when I point my mouse on this text, the mouse pointer doesn’t change to a hand. When I click on it, nothing happens.

A: It seems that you applied a style to the text (shadow, 3d effect, etc.), and it was converted to a raster image and lost hyperlink data. Resolution: Remove the effect applied to your text to make it work. If you want to keep the text style, save it as a picture or add a hyperlink area over this text.

Q: I have some Smart Arts in my web presentation and none of the hyperlinks work on them.

A: A SmartArt object is always saved as a picture when you publish your presentation. That’s why, the hyperlinks applied to the elements on your SmartArt were lost after conversion. Resolution: Add a hotspot area with a hyperlink over the elements in PowerPoint before you publish.

Q: I don’t have any effects applied to a shape or its text, and still the hyperlink doesn’t work.

A: Probably some transparent object is overlapping the area with the hyperlink. Turn on the Selection Pane in PowerPoint to find this object.

Linked documents

Q: I added links to some documents located on my computer. When I send this presentation via email, documents can’t be opened by these links.

A: Hyperlinks with local paths work only on the local computer and don’t include these files in the presentation’s data folder. Use the Resources tool on the iSpring toolbar to keep your documents inside your presentation folder.

Q: I have local documents linked with my PowerPoint presentation. After conversion none of them work and URLs for my hyperlinks were changed (they all became absolute and start with file:/// prefix). If I click on that it tells me that the page is not found.

A: Please read the paragraph “How to make relative hyperlinks work” in this article.

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