The Stanford Review

Arguing For and Against Genetic Engineering

Harvard philosopher Michael Sandel recently spoke at Stanford on the subject of his new book, The Case against Perfection: Ethics in the Age of Genetic Engineering. He focused on the “ethical problems of using biomedical technologies to determine and choose from the genetic material of human embryos,” an issue that has inspired much debate.

Having followed Sandel’s writings on genetic enhancement for several years, I think that this issue deserves special thought. For many years, the specter of human genetic engineering has haunted conservatives and liberals alike. Generally, their main criticisms run thus:

First, genetic engineering limits children’s autonomy to shape their own destinies. Writer Dinesh D’Souza articulates this position in a 2001 National Review Online article: “If parents are able to remake a child’s genetic makeup, they are in a sense writing the genetic instructions that shape his entire life. If my parents give me blue eyes instead of brown eyes, if they make me tall instead of medium height, if they choose a passive over an aggressive personality, their choices will have a direct, lifelong effect on me.” In other words, genetic enhancement is immoral because it artificially molds people’s lives, often pointing their destinies in directions that they themselves would not freely choose. Therefore, it represents a fundamental violation of their rights as human beings.

Second, some fear that genetic engineering will lead to eugenics. In a 2006 column, writer Charles Colson laments: “British medical researchers recently announced plans to use cutting-edge science to eliminate a condition my family is familiar with: autism. Actually, they are not ‘curing’ autism or even making life better for autistic people. Their plan is to eliminate autism by eliminating autistic people. There is no in utero test for autism as there is for Down syndrome…[Prenatal] testing, combined with abortion-on-demand, has made people with Down syndrome an endangered population…This utilitarian view of life inevitably leads us exactly where the Nazis were creating a master race. Can’t we see it?” The logic behind this argument is that human genetic enhancement perpetuates discrimination against the disabled and the “genetically unfit,” and that this sort of discrimination is similar to the sort that inspired the eugenics of the Third Reich.

A third argument is that genetic engineering will lead to vast social inequalities. This idea is expressed in the 1997 cult film Gattaca, which portrays a society where the rich enjoy genetic enhancements—perfect eyesight, improved height, higher intelligence—that the poor cannot afford. Therefore, the main character Vincent, a man from a poor background who aspires to be an astronaut, finds it difficult to achieve his goal because he is short-sighted and has a “weak heart.” This discrepancy is exacerbated by the fact that his brother, who is genetically-engineered, enjoys perfect health and is better able to achieve his dreams. To many, Gattaca is a dystopia where vast gaps between the haves and have-nots will become intolerable, due to the existence of not just material, but also genetic inequalities.

The critics are right that a world with genetic engineering will contain inequalities. On the other hand, it is arguable that a world without genetic engineering, like this one, is even more unequal. In Gattaca, a genetically “fit” majority of people can aspire to be astronauts, but an unfortunate “unfit” minority cannot. In the real world, the situation is the other way round: the majority of people don’t have the genes to become astronauts, and only a small minority with perfect eyesight and perfect physical fitness—the Neil Armstrong types—would qualify.

The only difference is that in the real world, we try to be polite about the unpleasant realities of life by insisting that the Average Joe has, at least theoretically, a Rocky-esque chance of becoming an astronaut. In that sense, our covert discrimination is much more polite than the overt discrimination of the Gattaca variety. But it seems that our world, where genetic privilege exists naturally among a tiny minority, could conceivably be less equal (and less socially mobile) than a world with genetic engineering, where genetic enhancements would be potentially available to the majority of people, giving them a chance to create better futures for themselves. Supporters of human genetic engineering thus ask the fair question: Are natural genetic inequalities, doled out randomly and sometimes unfairly by nature, more just than engineered ones, which might be earned through good old fashioned American values like hard work, determination, and effort?

“But,” the critics ask, “wouldn’t genetic engineering lead us to eugenics?” The pro-genetic engineering crowd thinks not. They suggest that genetic engineering, if done on a purely decentralized basis by free individuals and couples, will not involve any form of coercion. Unlike the Nazi eugenics program of the 1930s, which involved the forced, widespread killing of “unfit” peoples and disabled babies, the de facto effect of genetic engineering is to cure disabilities, not kill the disabled. This is a key moral difference. As pointed out by biologist Robert Sinsheimer, genetic engineering would “permit in principle the conversion of all the ‘unfit’ to the highest genetic level.” Too often, women choose to abort babies because pre-natal testing shows that they have Down syndrome or some other ailment. If anything, genetic engineering should be welcomed by pro-life groups because by converting otherwise-disabled babies into normal, healthy ones, it would reduce the number of abortions.

In addition, the world of Gattaca, for all its faults, features a world that, far from being defined along Hitler-esque racial lines, has in fact transcended racism. Being blond-haired and blue-eyed loses its racially elitist undertones because such traits are easily available on the genetic supermarket. Hair color, skin color, and eye color become a subjective matter of choice, no more significant than the color of one’s clothes. If anything, genetic engineering will probably encourage, not discourage, racial harmony and diversity.

It is true that genetic engineering may limit children’s autonomy to shape their own destinies. But it is equally true that all people’s destinies are already limited by their natural genetic makeup, a makeup that they are born with and cannot change. A short person, for example, would be unlikely to join the basketball team because his height makes it difficult for him to compete with his tall peers. An ugly person would be unable to achieve her dream of becoming a famous actress because the lead roles are reserved for the beautiful. A myopic kid who wears glasses will find it difficult to become a pilot. A student with an IQ of 75 will be unlikely to get into Harvard however hard he tries. In some way or another, our destinies are limited by the genes we are born with.

In this sense, it is arguable that genetic engineering might help to level the playing field. Genetic engineering could give people greater innate capacity to fulfill their dreams and pursue their own happiness. Rather than allow peoples’ choices to be limited by their genetic makeup, why not give each person the capability of becoming whatever he or she wants to, and let his or her eventual success be determined by effort, willpower, and perseverance? America has long represented the idea that people can shape their own destinies. To paraphrase Dr. King, why not have a society where people are judged not by the genes they inherit, but by the content of their character?

Looking at both sides, the genetic engineering controversy does raise questions that should be answered, not shouted down. Like all major scientific advances, it probably has some negative effects, and steps must be taken to ameliorate these outcomes. For example, measures should also be taken to ensure that genetic engineering’s benefits are, at least to some extent, available to the poor. As ethicists Maxwell Mehlman and Jeffrey Botkin suggest in their book Access to the Genome: The Challenge to Equality, the rich could be taxed on genetic enhancements, and the revenue from these taxes could be used to help pay for the genetic enhancement of the poor. To some extent, this will help to ameliorate the unequal effects of genetic engineering, allowing its benefits to be more equitably distributed. In addition, caution must be taken in other areas, such as ensuring that the sanctity of human life is respected at all times. In this respect, pro-life groups like Focus on the Family can take a leading role in ensuring that scientific advances do not come at the expense of moral ethics.

At the same time, we should not allow our fear of change to prevent our society from exploring this promising new field of science, one that promises so many medical and social benefits. A strategy that defines itself against the core idea of scientific progress cannot succeed. Instead of attempting to bury our heads in the sand, we should seek to harness genetic engineering for its positive benefits, even as we take careful steps to ameliorate its potential downsides.

genetic engineering essay

Genetic Engineering Essay Guide With 70 Hot Topics

Genetic engineering has been a subject of heated debate. You will find many essays on genetic engineering, asking you to debate for or against, discuss its ethical implications, or emerging congenital disease.

With all these at hand, you may be tempted to opt-out immediately. However, this top-notch guide seeks to make genetics essay writing as fun and as straightforward as possible. Ride along to see the magic!

What Is An Essay on Genetic Engineering?

Now, genetic engineering in itself is the use of biotechnology to manipulate an organism’s genes directly. Therefore, essays on genetics will require students to explore the set of technologies used to change cells’ genetic makeup. These include the transfer of genes within and across species boundaries to produce novel or improved organisms.

We have various areas of genetic engineering, such as:

  • Human genetic engineering definition: Deals with genetic engineering techniques applied to humans
  • Genetic engineering in plants: Concentrates on genetically modified plant species

Genetic engineering is mostly applied in medicine and thus its technicality. I know this is a field that most students approach with reverence and uttermost humility. Nonetheless, it doesn’t have to be that way. The next few lines might change your opinion on genetic engineering forever!

Why is genetic engineering necessary?

Importance of Genetic Engineering

It is essential in the following ways:

  • Ensures that seed companies can protect modified seed varieties as intellectual property.
  • Leads to production o organisms with better traits
  • Helps maintain the ecosystem

You can see why this field is unavoidable regardless of the negative talk behind it.

Genetically Engineering Plants and Animals – Essay Sample

Young in practice, a little over forty years old, genetic engineering has provided the scientific community with an abundance of knowledge once thought absurd. Genetic engineering means deliberately changing the genome of an organism to acquire some desired traits during its cultivation. On the whole, genetic engineering has a multitude of advantages and disadvantages when it comes to using it on animals and plants; the most prominent advantages include disease resistance, increased crop yields, and a decrease in need for pesticides and antibiotics, whereas disadvantages include the potential for emergence of stronger pathogens, as well as various unexpected consequences. This current paper discusses the pros and cons of using genetic engineering on plants, animals, and provides a synthesis, arguing that, despite its disadvantages, it still serves as a pivotal advantage not only within the scientific community, but also society.

The Advantages of Using Genetic Engineering

The impact of genetic engineering on society can be seen at various aspects, affecting various aspects of social and physical organic life, especially in terms of human beings. The practice consists of the specific selection and removal of genes from organic organisms and inserting them into another. The practice, though still young in practice and not yet deemed completely socially acceptable, makes the possibility of curing diseases once thought incurable a reality, thereby inherently improving the life of both humans and non-human animals. It has many positive effects on society, an example being in Uganda bananas, a main source of caloric intake, are susceptible to the emergence of new diseases that affects their production because of the disease’s potency. Ugandan scientists have successfully used a genetic modification, inserting a pepper gene into bananas, which prevents the fruit from getting the disease (Bohanec, 2015). Furthermore, through genetic engineering, tissue, skin cells, and other forms of organic matter can be grown and used in replacing damaged, worn, or malfunctioning organs and tissues thereby prolonging human life and benefiting their quality of life. The practice helps better advance both the scientific and medical field, both of which are essential in discovering how to better life on Earth.

Genetic engineering, as previously mentioned, can be used to grow and replace damaged tissue or organs, aiding in the betterment and prolonging of human life; it can cure diseases once though incurable, an example being AIDS and cancer. Millions of people around the world suffer from AIDS and cancer, both posing a severe risk to the overall health of the person. More than 900,000 lives were taken by AIDS in 2017 (UNAIDS, 2018). Similarly, over 600,000 were taken by cancer in the following year (NIH, 2018). Genetic engineering makes the possibility of eradicating these diseases a reality. In theory, genetic engineering can help those who suffer from these diseases live longer, healthier, fuller lives by eradicating the disease in its entirety. Though it would not be an easy feat, nor a cheap one, it could still help further advance and better human life and prolong the human life span. People would no longer live in fear of dying from these prolific diseases. Furthermore, genetic engineering, despite the naysayers and opposers of the practice, is another step in organic evolution. From plants to animals, the practice has the chance to achieve strides within scientific history that can greatly benefit the planet in its entirety. From eliminating hunger, to eradicating once prolific diseases, genetic engineering can provide a better, longer, and higher quality of life and tackle bounds once thought impossible the scientific community.

Genetically engineered plants and animals may provide a wide array of benefits that might be pivotal for humanity in the modern world. These benefits include the possibility of developing such plant cultivars that would be resistant to a wide variety of pathogens and diseases caused by microorganisms such as viruses (Ginn, Alexander, Edelstein, Abedi, & Wixon, 2013). If such plant cultivars are created, it might become unnecessary to use chemicals in order to battle these plant diseases. This is clearly a major benefit, since it means better preserving the natural environment and avoiding the use of chemicals that may contaminate soils and waters, as well as kill wildlife.

The Disadvantages of Using Genetic Engineering

The use of genetic engineering to alter plants and animals used in agriculture and husbandry may also have a variety of adverse consequences. For instance, it should be noted that high rates of resistance to disease might have a serious flip side. More specifically, the pathogenic microorganisms (such as bacteria and viruses) can usually mutate quickly in order to adapt to the new conditions. This means that if new cultivars or breeds of plants or animals with high resistance to diseases are created, the pathogens may adapt to these changes in their “hosts” and turn stronger, thus becoming capable of infecting the new cultivars or breeds (Ayres, n.d.). This might again necessitate the use of chemicals or antibiotics; only now stronger drugs or pesticides would be needed. In addition, the old cultivars or breeds may also become infected by the new microorganism strains, and these strains will probably cause more severe diseases in the “original” plants and animals and will be more difficult to cure or prevent.

Another negative possibility is accidentally creating some invasive species that may harm the local ecosystems. For instance, if new plants are made in such a manner that the local species of animals cannot eat them, and then humans lose control over their growth, the new plants may pose a danger to the original plants growing in the given ecosystem, therefore disrupting the ecosystem. For example, in 1984 a patch of seaweed labelled as Caulerpa taxifolia was bred with another robust strain of seaweed identified by scientists as Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agandh . The initial objective was to breed an aquarium plant, however, after a sample escaped in 1984 into the Mediterranean Sea, being found off the coast of both the United States and Australia in 2000, it was found that the strain’s taste was subpar to marine wild life. It was eventually poisoned by the California state government to avoid further damage to marine life and the marine ecosystem and was consequently outlawed by hundreds of countries. The World Conservation Union named it one of the 100 World’s Worst Invasive Alien Species, despite it being manmade (Cellania, 2008).

Finally, there is always the risk of “going too far” when practicing genetic engineering (Bruce & Bruce, 2013). Indeed, it should be noted that the humanity has used various methods of cultivation for millennia in order to breed for specific traits. For example, in 1956, Warwick Kerr, a Brazilian geneticist, imported an aggressive breed of African honeybee to breed with a European species to aid in the decreasing bee population epidemic. Provoked by even the smallest of instigation, after over 26 swarms of the aggressive bee escaped from the apiary in Sao Paulo, they wreaked havoc in North and South America, found in the United States in the early 90s. Nevertheless, genetic engineering is a fast and radical method to change organisms, and very little, if any, data is available to predict the potential adverse impacts of its utilization. It may be difficult to tell when (if at any point) one must stop the process of genetic engineering to avoid unexpected adverse influences of its utilization.

Genetic engineering, despite its disadvantages, can help progress humanity in ways that once seemed impossible. With the environmental and physical epidemics surrounding the planet, the practice can serve as a benefit to resolving the hunger crisis, the preservation of endangered plant and animal species, bringing certain species back from extinction, and so much more. It should be stressed that the utilization of biotechnology and genetic engineering may bring a wide array of significant benefits, which may be of great use to the humanity nowadays. The creation of breeds and cultivars which are immune to disease, resistant to harsh environmental conditions, are cheap to grow, and provide better nutritional value for people might be extremely helpful in reducing the amount of chemicals, pesticides, and antibiotics needed to grow these animals or plants, and, consequently, to help preserve the environment. However, it should also be remembered that genetic engineering might have a wide array of adverse impacts, such as the emergence of new, stronger pathogens, the creation of invasive species, and a multitude of negative consequences that no one knew to expect.

Genetic Engineering Essay Structure

A top-rated genetic engineering essay comes in the manner outlined below:

  • Genetic engineering essay introduction: Provide context for your paper by giving a well-researched background on the subject of discussion. Include the thesis statement which will provide the direction of your writing.
  • Body: Discuss the main points in detail with relevant examples and evidence from authentic and reliable sources. You can use diagrams or illustrations to support your argument if need be.
  • Genetic engineering conclusion: Finalize your paper with a summative statement and a restatement of the thesis statement while showing the genetic engineering process’s implication. Does it add any value to society?

Armed with this great treasure of knowledge, you are good to begin writing your paper. However, we have quality genetic engineering essay topics from expert writers to start you off:

Interesting Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay Topics

  • How human curiosity has led to new advancements and technologies in genetics
  • History of genetically modified food
  • Discuss the process of genetic engineering in crops
  • Evaluate the acceptance of genetically modified crops worldwide
  • Analyze the leading countries implementing genetic engineering
  • Does genetic engineering produce a desired characteristic?
  • What are the legal implications of genetic engineering
  • The role of scientists in making the world a better place
  • Why coronavirus is a game-changer in the field of genetic engineering
  • The effectiveness of genetic engineering as a course in college

Great Topics on the Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering in Humans

  • Why changing the sequence of nucleotides of the DNA affects human code structure
  • Impact of genetic engineering human lifespans
  • Genetic engineering and population control
  • Ethical questions to consider in human genetic engineering
  • Unintended side effects on humans
  • Increasing the risk of allergies
  • The foundation of new weapon technologies
  • Disadvantages of trait selection before birth
  • The greater risk of stillbirth
  • Why ladies are at risk with genetic engineering

Why is Genetic Engineering Good Essay Topics

  • Genetic engineering and disease prevention
  • The creation of a healthy and better society
  • Production of drought-resistant crops
  • Crop pollen spreads further than expected
  • Survival of human species
  • Birth of healthy children with desirable traits
  • Solving food insecurity problems globally
  • Elimination of fertility issues for couples
  • Medical advancements as a result of genetic engineering
  • Reducing the prevalence of schizophrenia and depression

Good Genetic Engineering Topics

  • The development of genetic engineering in the modern world
  • Application of ethics in genetic engineering
  • Societal class versus genetic engineering
  • Impact of genetic engineering on natural selection and adaptation
  • Detection of toxins from GMO foods
  • Social effects of genetic engineering
  • Why people are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics
  • How gene editing affects the human germline
  • Medical treatment opportunities in genetic engineering
  • The relationship between molecular cloning and genetic engineering

Impressive Genetic Engineering Research Paper Topics

  • Impact of genetic engineering on food supply
  • The taste of GMO food versus ordinary food
  • GMOs and their need for environmental resources
  • Why genetic engineering may face out the use of pesticides
  • Reduced cost of living and longer shelf life.
  • Growth rates of plants and animals
  • Application of genetic engineering on soil bacteria
  • New allergens in the food supply
  • Production of new toxins
  • Enhancement of the environment for toxic fungi

Latest Genetic Engineering Ideas

  • The discovery of vaccines through genetic engineering
  • Biological warfare on the rise
  • Change in herbicide use patterns
  • Mutation effects in plants and animals
  • Impact of gene therapies
  • Does genetic engineering always lead to the desired phenotype?
  • Genetic engineering in mass insulin production
  • Role of genetic engineering in human growth hormones
  • Treating infertility
  • Development of monoclonal antibodies

Pro and Cons of Genetic Engineering in Humans Topic Ideas

  • Possibility of increased economic inequality
  • Increased human suffering
  • The emergence of large-scale eugenic programmes
  • Rise of totalitarian control over human lives
  • The concentration of toxic metals in genetic engineering
  • Creation of animal models of human diseases
  • Using somatic gene therapy on Parkinson’s disease
  • Production of allergens in the food supply
  • Redesigning the world through genetic engineering
  • Bioterrorism: A study of the issue of emerging infectious diseases

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Genetically Modified Food Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Need to write a genetically modified foods essay? Take a look at this example! This argumentative essay on GM foods explains all the advantages and disadvantages of the issue to help you form your own opinion.


  • The Benefits
  • The Drawbacks

Genetically modified (GM) foods refer to foods that have been produced through biotechnology processes involving alteration of DNA. This genetic modification is done to confer the organism or crops with enhanced nutritional value, increased resistance to herbicides and pesticides, and reduction of production costs.

The concept of genetic engineering has been in existence for many years, but genetic modification of foods emerged in the early 1990s. This genetically modified food essay covers the technology’s positive and negative aspects that have so far been accepted. Currently, a lot of food consumed is composed of genetically altered elements, though many misconceptions and misinformation about this technology still exist (Fernbach et al., 2019).

Genetically modified foods have been hailed for their potential to enhance food security, particularly in small-scale agriculture in low-income countries.

It has been proposed that genetically modified foods are integral in the enhancement of safe food security, enhanced quality, and increased shelf-life, hence becoming cost-effective to consumers and farmers. Proponents of this technology also argue that genetically modified foods have many health benefits, in addition to being environmentally friendly and the great capability of enhancing the quality and quantity of yields (Kumar et al., 2020).

Genetically modified foods are, therefore, considered to be a viable method of promoting food production and ensuring sustainable food security across the world to meet the demands of the increasing population. This genetically modified food advantages and disadvantages essay aims to cover conflicting perspectives in the technology’s safety and efficacy. In spite of the perceived benefits of genetic engineering technology in the agricultural sector, the production and use of genetically modified foods have triggered public concerns about safety and the consequences of consumption (Fernbach et al., 2019).

Genetically Modified Foods: The Benefits

Many champions of GM food suggest the potential of genetic engineering technology in feeding the huge population that is faced with starvation across the world. Genetically modified foods could help increase production while providing foods that are more nutritious with minimal impacts on the environment.

In developing countries, genetic engineering technology could help farmers meet their food demands while decreasing adverse environmental effects. Genetically modified crops have been shown to have greater yields, besides reducing the need for pesticides.

This is because genetically modified crops have an increased ability to resist pest infestation, subsequently resulting in increased earnings (Van Esse, 2020). Some genetically engineered crops are designed to resist herbicides, thus allowing chemical control of weeds to be practiced. Foods that have been genetically modified are perceived to attain faster growth and can survive harsh conditions due to their potency to resist drought, pests, and diseases.

Genetically modified foods have also been suggested to contain many other benefits, including being tastier, safer, more nutritious, and having longer shelf life. Though scientific studies regarding the safety and benefits of genetically modified foods are not comprehensive, it is argued that critics of this technology are driven by overblown fears (Fernbach et al., 2019).

Genetically Modified Foods: The Drawbacks

To most opponents of the technology’s application in agriculture, issues relating to safety, ethics, religion, and the environment are greater than those that are related to better food quality, enhanced production, and food security. Genetic modification technology is perceived to carry risks touching on agricultural practices, health, and the environment.

The major issue raised by society concerning this technology pertains to whether genetically modified foods should be banned for people’s benefit. The gene transfer techniques are not entirely foolproof, thus raising fears that faults may emerge and lead to many unprecedented events.

There is a possibility that DNA transfer to target cells may not be effective. Alternatively, it may be transferred to untargeted points, with the potential effect being the expression or suppression of certain proteins that were not intended. This may cause unanticipated gene mutations in the target cells, leading to physiological alterations (Turnbull et al., 2021).

A number of animal studies have indicated that genetically modified foods could pose serious health risks/ Those include the tendency to cause impotency, immune disorders, acceleration of aging, hormonal regulation disorders, and alteration of major organs and the gastrointestinal system (Giraldo et al., 2019). It has also been demonstrated that genetically modified foods can act as allergens and sources of toxins.

Opponents argue that there is a lack of clear regulatory mechanisms and policies to ensure that genetically modified foods are tested for human health and environmental effects. Thus, human beings allegedly become reduced to experimental animals subjected to adverse toxic effects and dietary problems.

In animals, it has been argued that the use of genetically modified feeds causes complications, such as premature delivery, abortions, and sterility, though these claims have later been debunked (Xu, 2021). Some genetically modified crops, such as corn and cotton, are engineered to produce pesticides.

It has been demonstrated that this built-in pesticide is very toxic and concentrated as compared to the naturally sprayed pesticide, which has been confirmed to cause allergies in some people. Many studies have also shown the immune system of genetically modified animals to be significantly altered. For instance, a persistent increase in cytokines indicates the capability of these foods to cause conditions such as asthma, allergy, and inflammation (Sani et al., 2023).

Some of the genetically modified foods, such as soy, have also been shown to have certain chemicals known to be allergens, for example, trypsin inhibitor protein (Rosso, 2021). Genetic engineering of food may also result in the transfer of genes that have the capability to trigger allergies into the host cells.

Furthermore, most of the DNA transferred into genetically modified foods originates from microorganisms that have not been studied to elucidate their allergenic properties. Similarly, the new genetic combinations in genetically modified foods could cause allergies to some consumers or worsen the existing allergic conditions. Various cases of genetically modified foods causing allergic reactions have been reported, leading to the withdrawal of these foods from the market (Kumar et al., 2020).

Genetic modification of crops could also increase the expression of naturally occurring toxins through possible activation of certain proteins, resulting in the release of toxic chemicals. It is argued that sufficient studies have not been carried out to prove that genetically modified foods are safe for consumption (Fernbach et al., 2019).

Genetically modified foods are also associated with many environmental risks. Issues relating to the manner in which science is marketed and applied have also been raised, challenging the perceived benefits of genetically modified foods. Many opponents of genetic engineering technology perceive that genetic modification of food is a costly technology that places farmers from low-income countries in disadvantaged positions since they cannot afford it (Kumar et al., 2020; Leonelli, 2020).

It is also argued that this technology cannot address the food shortage issue, which is perceived to be more of a political and economic problem than a food production issue (Liang et al., 2019).

Political and economic issues across local and global levels have been suggested to prevent the distribution of foods so as to reach the people faced with starvation, but not issues of agriculture and technology. Politics and economic barriers have also been shown to contribute to greater poverty, subsequently making individuals unable to afford food (Kumar et al., 2020).

Some bioethicists are of the view that most genetic engineering advances in agriculture are profit-based as compared to those that are need-based. It challenges the appropriateness of genetic modification of food in ensuring food security, safeguarding the environment, and decreasing poverty, especially in low-income countries.

This argument is supported by the costly nature of genetic engineering technology and the yields from the application of this technology. The economic benefits of genetic engineering of foods are usually attained by large-scale agricultural producers, thus pitting the majority of the population who are involved in small-scale agricultural production (Kumar et al., 2020).

With the widespread adoption of genetic engineering technology, regulatory policies such as patents have been formulated, subsequently allowing exclusively large biotechnological organizations to benefit (Kumar et al., 2020).

Though biotechnological firms suggest that genetic modification of foods is essential in ensuring food security, the patenting of this technology has been perceived by many as being a potential threat to food security (Leonelli, 2020).

Patenting of genetically modified foods gives biotechnology firms monopoly control, thus demeaning the sanctity of life. This technology has also enhanced dependency, whereby farmers have to continuously go back to the biotechnology firms to purchase seeds for sowing in subsequent planting seasons.

Genetically modified food is believed to be unsafe, allegedly because sufficient tests have not been carried out to show that it would not cause some unprecedented long-term effects in another organism. Despite possessing positive attributes, such as health benefits and food safety, many consumers are wary of these foods because of a consistent belief in a lack of proven safety testing (Fernbach et al., 2019).

There are also fears that the genetic material inserted into genetically modified foods often gets transferred into the DNA of commensals found in the alimentary canal of human beings. This may lead to the production of harmful genetically modified chemicals inside the body of the human being, even long after ceasing the consumption of such foods.

Prior to the widespread adoption of this genetic engineering technology in agriculture, many scientists and regulatory agents raised health concerns. Some argue that genetically modified foods are inherently harmful and can trigger allergies, toxic effects, gene transfer to commensals in the gut, and can lead to the emergence of new diseases and nutritional problems (Deocaris et al., 2020; Seralini, 2020).

Despite multiple rigorous studies, it remains unknown whether genetically modified foods could be contributing to the rising cases of various health conditions such as obesity, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and reproductive problems. In most cases, the testing that has been performed involves the evaluation of the growth and productivity of the modified organism, and not in terms of environmental and health impacts (Agostini et al., 2020).

Gene transfer may affect the nutritional quality of foods as the transfer is likely to reduce the amounts of certain nutrients while raising the levels of other nutrients. This causes a nutritional variation between conventional foods and similar foods produced through genetic modification techniques.

Furthermore, few studies have been carried out to show the effect of nutrient alterations brought about by genetic engineering in relation to nutrient-gene interactions, metabolism, and bioavailability (Hirschi, 2020). Critics of genetically modified foods argue that little information is available to show how the alteration of food contents affects gene regulation and expression as these changes occur at rates that far overwhelm scientific studies.

Genetic modification of food involves the transfer of genetic material even between organisms belonging to different species. To biotechnology firms and other proponents of genetically modified foods, this approach helps in maximizing productivity and profits. However, many consumers, environmental conservationists, and opponents of genetically modified foods perceive gene transfer across different species as causing a decrease in diversity (Turnbull et al., 2021).

With the reduction of diversity, benefits such as resistance to diseases and pests, adaptation to adverse weather conditions, and productivity also diminish. Critics of genetic engineering technology, therefore, suggest that applying this technology creates uniformity in organisms and decreases their genetic diversity, rendering them at increased risks of diseases and pests.

Transfer of genetic material also carries many environmental risks, especially in the event of wide cultivation of such crops. Some critics suggest that genetically engineered plants with herbicide and insect-resistant traits could transfer these traits to wild plants and subsequently lead to the evolution of difficult-to-eradicate weeds (Anwar et al., 2021).

These weeds could develop into invasive plants with the capability to decrease crop production and cause a disruption of the ecosystem. The genetically modified plants could also evolve into weeds, which will then require costly and environmentally unfriendly means to eradicate.

The genetic engineering of food may also have an impact on non-target organisms, which would further reduce diversity. It is a persistent concern that genetically modified foods, such as pesticide-resistant crops, could cause harm to non-target organisms.

Certain genetically modified crops have the potential to change the chemistry of the soil by releasing toxins and breaking down the plants after they die. Moreover, crops that have undergone genetic modification to withstand elevated chemical concentrations sustain a heightened application of herbicides, ultimately leading to elevated chemical concentrations in the soil (Anwar et al., 2021).

Genetic engineering’s intentional transfer of antibiotic resistance genes could have detrimental effects on human health and the environment. Antibiotic-resistant genes may be passed to pathogenic bacteria in animals’ and humans’ digestive tracts, increasing their pathogenicity and causing more and more public health problems (Amarasiri et al., 2020).

Genetic modification of food is applauded as an appropriate method of ensuring increased food availability, better nutrition, and general improvement in the agricultural sector. However, as this genetically modified food essay demonstrates, many issues surround this technology, mostly concerning safety, health, cultural, social, and religious issues.

Most of the concerns regarding genetically engineered foods can be cleared by conducting expansive research to establish clear grounds for such issues. Unless concrete research is conducted to substantiate the benefits and potential harms of genetically engineered foods, the majority of people will remain wary of genetically modified foods. In the end, the full potential of genetically engineered foods will not be realized.

Amarasiri, M., Sano, D., & Suzuki, S. (2020). Understanding human health risks caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) in water environments: Current knowledge and questions to be answered. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 50 (19), 2016-2059.

Anwar, M. P., Islam, A. M., Yeasmin, S., Rashid, M. H., Juraimi, A. S., Ahmed, S., & Shrestha, A. (2021). Weeds and their responses to management efforts in a changing climate. Agronomy, 11 (10), 1921-1940.

Agostini, M. G., Roesler, I., Bonetto, C., Ronco, A. E., & Bilenca, D. (2020). Pesticides in the real world: The consequences of GMO-based intensive agriculture on native amphibians. Biological Conservation, 241 , 108355.

Deocaris, C. C., Rumbaoa, R. G., Gavarra, A. M., & Alinsug, M. V. (2020). A Preliminary analysis of potential allergens in a GMO Rice: A Bioinformatics approach. Open Journal of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, 4 (1), 12-16.

Fernbach, P. M., Light, N., Scott, S. E., Inbar, Y., & Rozin, P. (2019). Extreme opponents of genetically modified foods know the least but think they know the most. Nature Human Behaviour, 3 (3), 251-256.

Giraldo, P. A., Shinozuka, H., Spangenberg, G. C., Cogan, N. O., & Smith, K. F. (2019). Safety assessment of genetically modified feed: is there any difference from food?. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10 (1592), 1-17.

Hirschi, K. D. (2020). Genetically modified plants: Nutritious, sustainable, yet underrated. The Journal of Nutrition, 150 (10), 2628-2634.

Kumar, K., Gambhir, G., Dass, A., Tripathi, A. K., Singh, A., Jha, A. K., Yadava, P., Choudhary, M., & Rakshit, S. (2020). Genetically modified crops: current status and future prospects. Planta, 251 , 1-27.

Leonelli, G. C. (2020). GMO risks, food security, climate change and the entrenchment of neo-liberal legal narratives. In Transnational food security (pp. 128-141). Routledge.

Liang, J., Liu, X., & Zhang, W. (2019). Scientists vs laypeople: How genetically modified food is discussed on a Chinese Q&A website. Public Understanding of Science, 28 (8), 991-1004.

Rosso, M. L., Shang, C., Song, Q., Escamilla, D., Gillenwater, J., & Zhang, B. (2021). Development of breeder-friendly KASP markers for low concentration of kunitz trypsin inhibitor in soybean seeds. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22 (5), 2675-2690.

Sani, F., Sani, M., Moayedfard, Z., Darayee, M., Tayebi, L., & Azarpira, N. (2023). Potential advantages of genetically modified mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of acute and chronic liver diseases. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 14 (1), 1-11.

Seralini, G. E. (2020). Update on long-term toxicity of agricultural GMOs tolerant to roundup. Environmental Sciences Europe, 32 (1), 1-7.

Turnbull, C., Lillemo, M., & Hvoslef-Eide, T. A. (2021). Global regulation of genetically modified crops amid the gene edited crop boom–a review. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12 , 630396.

Van Esse, H. P., Reuber, T. L., & van der Does, D. (2020). Genetic modification to improve disease resistance in crops. New Phytologist, 225 (1), 70-86.

Xu, Q., Song, Y., Yu, N., & Chen, S. (2021). Are you passing along something true or false? Dissemination of social media messages about genetically modified organisms. Public Understanding of Science, 30 (3), 285-301.

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IvyPanda. (2018, December 11). Genetically Modified Food Essay.

"Genetically Modified Food Essay." IvyPanda , 11 Dec. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Genetically Modified Food Essay'. 11 December.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Genetically Modified Food Essay." December 11, 2018.

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A-grade Higher English Discursive Persuasive Essay Genetic Engineering

A-grade Higher English Discursive Persuasive Essay Genetic Engineering

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Age range: 14 - 18

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22 June 2017

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Genetic Engineering Persuasive Speech

It is 2080. Imagine that a young couple just found out that they are going to be expecting a baby; their first child together. The news is very thrilling, as the thought of creating a new life can send chills down anyone’s spine. Now, it’s four months later, and the couple is sitting in the doctor’s office, waiting for an ultrasound. They are slightly anxious, as they want to know if they can genetically engineer their baby to what they want. While they are in the doctor’s office, the doctor informs them that he has the technology to design the baby to what the couple prefers.

After they find out the gender, they tell the doctor the qualities they want their new baby to have. While the doctor takes note of these requests, he warns them that certain qualities can have more than one effect, and that these changes will require a hefty expense. The couple goes ahead and tells the doctor to go ahead anyway, that they want this regardless of the cost and what procedures they would have to go through. This was a scenario derived from a topic that humans have studied for decades, genetic engineering . What is genetic engineering ?

Genetic engineering is a way to directly manipulate one’s DNA in order to alter and organism’s characteristics in a specific way. It is an eight step process that requires very specific medical processes. It can be done in foods, animals, and now humans. However, is this process really ethical? Should people really genetically engineer their food or their baby just to their preference? What people fail to realize is genetic engineering is a process that is spiraling out of control. Many people are devoting countless amounts of hours only to see how the process works.

On the other hand, the amount of research that has been done have unraveled some harsh truths about genetic engineering , as a part of biomedical advances. Biomedical advances, specifically genetic engineering , is spiraling out of control, because it reveals an ugly truth that the human eye refuses to see. It causes health issues, moral issues , and it is very expensive. Biomedical advances, specifically genetic engineering , is spiraling out of control, because it reveals health problems that could be very hazardous if left unnoticed.

Genetic engineering refers to the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an organism’s characteristics (phenotype) in a particular way” (Simmons Article Page 1). This leads people to believe that genetic engineering can change a living organism, which to some may seem like a positive thing, when in reality it can cause permanent long-term damage. Another hazard that comes attached to genetic engineering is that it can lead to genetic defects, which in turn, can limit genetic diversity. This can impose a health problem, because it can almost reverse the positive effect that genetic engineering is supposed to have.

Even though genetic engineering can cause horrible health problems, some will say that there are not any health problems, and that this can help benefit the human race. They would also say that these health problems are not major, ignoring the topic all together, and that genetic engineering is the right step to improving the health of the world’s people, by giving young couples the baby of their dreams, or the (genetically engineered) healthy food that can will help start of someone’s diet.

While these facts may be true and it may reveal that the future can promise a life full of positive things, people have to keep in mind that when it comes to something positive, there is always a negative. Another fact that was discovered about genetic engineering is that the traits that people would select (specifically for genetically engineering babies), could possibly have more than one trait. “Genes influence health and disease , as well as human traits and behavior” (Simmons Paragraph 1). This imposes a health problem because it shows how if a gene were to become manipulated, it could cause serious health problems for the child.

Overall, genetic engineering is very negative in the sense that it can raise the amount of health problems not only in the United States , but also in the world. Another negative of genetic engineering , and why it is spiraling out of control, is that it is not very ethical, and its morals help raise many problems within today’s society (as a whole). Biomedical advances, specifically genetic engineering , is spiraling out of control, because it raises many moral problems in modern society. Many people around the world are devoted to their religion , and they express it by following the rules of their god or gods in public, and in private.

There are also certain things that they think of as taboo, or something they forbid to touch or associate themselves with. Genetic engineering is something that people find to be raising many (moral) red flags. It also creates many questions, like is it really right to do something that extreme just to have what one truly wants. “Many religions believe that genetic engineering , after all, is tantamount to playing God, and expressly forbid that it is performed on their children, for instance. Besides the religious arguments, however, there are a number of ethical objections.

These diseases, after all, exist for a reason and have persisted throughout history for a reason. Whilst we should be fighting against them, we do need at least a few illnesses, otherwise we would soon become overpopulated” (“Pros and Cons” of Genetic Engineering by Conserve Energy Future). This quote is a great example about how and why these moral issues can greatly impact today’s society . However, there are some people that will say that there are people that worship their god(s) and they still believe that genetic engineering is still ethical for people to practice.

That genetic engineering has nothing to do with religion at all and that it is silly for people to go ahead and believe that genetic engineering can cause these issues to come about. People have the right to be entitled to their own opinion. However, if someone believes that genetic engineering conflicts with their moral beliefs, then it is their right to believe that. Genetic engineering overall is a large moral issue, and it causes a very negative damper on society. Not only is it negative for many people of many religions, it is a very costly expense.

Biomedical advances, specifically genetic engineering , is spiraling out of control, because it comes with a very heavy price tag. Picture this; a young couple just got married and they are trying to save their money. They just found out that they are expecting their first baby, a little baby girl . They want her to look just like her mom, having blonde hair and blue eyes. What they get hit with the news that the process is very expensive, they are in complete shock. “Finally, in terms of society, it is not feasible for everyone to have access to this type of expensive technology.

Thus, perhaps only the most privileged members of society will be able to have “designer children” that possess greater intelligence or physical attractiveness. This may create a genetic aristocracy and lead to new forms of inequality” (Simmons Article Page 1). No one wants a new social pyramid to come about. They want everyone to have the same opportunities for everything. One problem that has been researched about genetic engineering is that it is very expensive, and this is a problem because not many people around the world have money that they can just spend.

If rich people can get the services that they want, it can cause many people to become discouraged and feel worthless. Yes, there are people that would say that genetic engineering is something that everyone needs to have. There are people, who believe that money is no object, and, they will spend whatever it takes to achieve what they want, and for some, that is a genetically engineered piece of food, or a genetically engineered piece of food. While some can think that way, others simply cannot afford the expenses. This is why genetic engineering is a negative thing.

It can cause many people to go into debt, and it also is very hard to achieve, as many doctors who are genetic engineers , usually put a very large amount of money attached to each type of process that they can perform. Biomedical advances, specifically genetic engineering , is spiraling out of control, because it reveals an ugly truth that the human eye refuses to see. It causes health issues, moral issues , and it is very expensive. Why is a process that seems so innocent, and so beneficial, comes with a million different negative side affects ?

Yes, people will constantly run into people who believe that genetic engineering limits individual liberties, and that this can cause the term “unique” to become faint in society. Yes, this could be a possibility, but genetic engineering is simply a huge negative that society needs to remove. It causes too much stress and drama, from health problems, to expenses. This also includes everything in between. One thing that people need to keep in mind, if they decide to go for this, if it is what they truly want.

Remember that it could cause many health problems, and is that something that one would want? Another discovery imposes this question. If genetic engineering , with food, babies, and many other things, causes health problems, this can directly relate to the amount of money that would be coming out of people’s pockets. Genetic engineering is not something people need. There are many problems in today’s society that deserve way more attention that genetic engineering . It is a process that is spiraling out of control, and that needs to be fixed.

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Home — Blog — Topic Ideas — 200 Ethical Topics & Questions to Debate in Essay

200 Ethical Topics & Questions to Debate in Essay

ethical topics

Ethical topics and questions are essential for stimulating thoughtful discussions and deepening our understanding of complex moral landscapes. Ethics, the study of what is right and wrong, underpins many aspects of human life and societal functioning. Whether you're crafting an essay or preparing for a debate, delving into ethical issues allows you to explore various perspectives and develop critical thinking skills.

Ethical issues encompass a wide range of dilemmas and conflicts where individuals or societies must choose between competing moral principles. Understanding what are ethical issues involves recognizing situations that challenge our values, behaviors, and decisions. This article provides a thorough guide to ethical topics, offering insights into current ethical issues, and presenting a detailed list of questions and topics to inspire your writing and debates.

Ethical Issues Definition

Ethical issues refer to situations where a decision, action, or policy conflicts with ethical principles or societal norms. These dilemmas often involve a choice between competing values or interests, such as fairness vs. efficiency, privacy vs. security, or individual rights vs. collective good. Ethical issues arise in various fields, including medicine, business, technology, and the environment. They challenge individuals and organizations to consider the moral implications of their actions and to seek solutions that align with ethical standards. Understanding ethical issues requires an analysis of both the potential benefits and the moral costs associated with different courses of action.

⭐ Top 10 Ethical Topics [2024]

  • Climate Change Responsibility
  • Data Privacy in the Digital Age
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • AI and Automation
  • Animal Rights
  • Freedom of Speech vs. Hate Speech
  • Healthcare Accessibility
  • Human Rights in the Age of Globalization

Ethics Essay Writing Guide

Writing an ethics essay involves more than just presenting facts; it requires a thoughtful analysis of moral principles and their application to real-world scenarios. Understanding ethical topics and what constitutes ethical issues is essential for crafting a compelling essay. Here’s a guide to help you address current ethical issues effectively:

  • Choose a Clear Topic: Select an ethical issue that is both interesting and relevant. Understanding the definition of ethical issues will help you narrow down your choices.
  • Research Thoroughly: Gather information from credible sources to support your arguments. Knowing what ethical issues are and how they are defined can provide a solid foundation for your research.
  • Present Multiple Perspectives: Show an understanding of different viewpoints on the issue. This will demonstrate your grasp of the complexity of current ethical issues.
  • Use Real-world Examples: Illustrate your points with concrete examples. This not only strengthens your arguments but also helps to explain ethical topics in a relatable way.
  • Structure Your Essay: Organize your essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. A well-structured essay makes it easier to present your analysis of ethical issues.
  • Provide a Balanced Argument: Weigh the pros and cons to offer a well-rounded discussion. Addressing various aspects of current ethical issues will make your essay more comprehensive.
  • Conclude Thoughtfully: Summarize your findings and reflect on the broader implications of the issue. This is where you can discuss the impact of ethical issues on society and future considerations.

By following this guide, you will be able to write an ethics essay that not only presents facts but also offers a deep and nuanced analysis of ethical topics.

Selecting the Right Research Topic in Ethics

Choosing the right research topic in ethics can be challenging, but it is crucial for writing an engaging and insightful essay. Here are some tips:

  • Relevance: Ensure the topic is relevant to current societal issues.
  • Interest: Pick a topic that genuinely interests you.
  • Scope: Choose a topic with enough scope for research and debate.
  • Complexity: Aim for a topic that is complex enough to allow for in-depth analysis.
  • Availability of Sources: Make sure there are enough resources available to support your research.

What Style Should an Ethics Essay Be Written In?

When writing an ethics essay, it is essential to adopt a formal and objective style. Clarity and conciseness are paramount, as the essay should avoid unnecessary jargon and overly complex sentences that might obscure the main points. Maintaining objectivity is crucial; presenting arguments without bias ensures that the discussion remains balanced and fair. Proper citations are vital to give credit to sources and uphold academic integrity.

Engaging the reader through a logical flow of ideas is important, as it helps sustain interest and facilitates a better understanding of the ethical topics being discussed. Additionally, the essay should be persuasive, making compelling arguments supported by evidence to effectively convey the analysis of moral issues. By following these guidelines, the essay will not only be informative but also impactful in its examination of ethical dilemmas.

List of Current Ethical Issues

  • The impact of social media on privacy.
  • Ethical considerations in genetic cloning.
  • Balancing national security with individual rights.
  • Privacy concerns in the digital age.
  • The ethics of biohacking.
  • Ethical considerations in space exploration.
  • The ethics of surveillance and data collection by governments and corporations.
  • Ethical issues in the use of facial recognition technology.
  • The ethical implications of autonomous vehicles.
  • The morality of animal testing in scientific research.
  • Ethical concerns in the gig economy.
  • The impact of climate change on ethical business practices.
  • The ethics of consumer data usage by companies.
  • Ethical dilemmas in end-of-life care and assisted suicide.
  • The role of ethics in the development of renewable energy sources.

Ethical Issues in Psychology

  • Confidentiality vs. duty to warn in therapy.
  • Ethical dilemmas in psychological research.
  • The use of placebo in psychological treatment.
  • Ethical issues in the treatment of vulnerable populations.
  • The ethics of involuntary commitment and treatment.
  • Dual relationships and conflicts of interest in therapy.
  • The use of deception in psychological experiments.
  • The ethics of cognitive enhancement drugs.
  • Ethical considerations in online therapy and telepsychology.
  • Cultural competence and ethical practice in psychology.
  • The ethics of forensic psychology and assessment.
  • The impact of social media on mental health and ethical practice.
  • The use of emerging technologies in psychological treatment.
  • Ethical issues in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
  • The role of ethics in psychological testing and assessment.

Ethical Debate Topics

  • Is capital punishment morally justified?
  • Should organ donation be mandatory?
  • The ethics of artificial intelligence in warfare.
  • Is euthanasia ethically permissible?
  • Should human cloning be allowed?
  • The morality of animal rights vs. human benefit.
  • Is it ethical to use animals for entertainment?
  • Should there be limits on free speech?
  • The ethics of genetic modification in humans.
  • Is it ethical to have mandatory vaccinations?
  • The morality of government surveillance programs.
  • Should assisted reproductive technologies be regulated?
  • The ethics of using performance-enhancing drugs in sports.
  • Should healthcare be considered a human right?
  • The ethical implications of wealth inequality and redistribution.

Medical Ethics Topics

  • Ariel Case Study: a Comprehensive Analysis
  • The Case for and Against Daylight Saving Time
  • Technological Advancements in Medical, Educational & Other Fields
  • The Language of Medicine
  • Medical Ethics: Beneficence and Non-maleficence
  • Overview of What Sonography is
  • The Use of Steroids and HGH in Sports
  • Media and The Scientific Community Treat People Like Tools
  • Informative Speech for Organ Donation
  • Medicine in Our World
  • The Origin of Medical Terminology
  • Preserving Sight: My Journey to Becoming an Optometrist
  • Case of Dr. Eric Poehlman's Ethical Violation
  • Should The NHS Treat Patients with Self-Inflicted Illnesses
  • My Education as a Medical Technologist

Ethics Essay Topics on Business

  • Ethics Report on Panasonic Corporation
  • Case Study on The ACS Code of Morals
  • Differences in Business Ethics Among East Asian Countries
  • Business Ethics in Sports
  • Business Ethics in Different Countries, and Its Importance
  • Selfless Service and Its Impact on Social Change
  • Challenges in Doing Business Across The Border
  • The Importance of Ethics in Advertising
  • Ethical Issues that Businesses Face
  • Profitability of Business Ethics
  • The Law and Morality in Business
  • How Ethnic Variances Effect Worldwide Business
  • The Ethical Practices in The Business Sector in the Modern Economy
  • Key Responsibilities and Code of Ethics in Engineering Profession
  • Analysis of The Code of Ethics in Walmart

Ethics Essay Topics on Environment

  • Understanding The Importance of Keeping Animals Safe
  • The Importance of Treating Animals with Respect
  • CWU and The Issue of Chimpanzee Captivity
  • The Process of Suicidal Reproduction in the Animal World
  • Analysis of The Egg Industry to Understand The Causes of The High Prices in Eggs
  • The Dangers of Zoos
  • Importance for Animals to Be Free from Harm by Humans
  • Should Animals Be Killed for The Benefit of Humans
  • Reasons Why Genetic Engineering Should Be Banned
  • What I Learned in Ethics Class: Environmental Ethics
  • Nanotechnology and Environment
  • Review of The Environmental Protection Act
  • How The Idea of Preservation of Nature Can Benefit from Environmental Ethics
  • The Relation and Controversy Between American Diet and Environmental Ethics
  • Green Technology

Work Ethics Essay Topics

  • The impact of workplace surveillance on employee privacy.
  • Ethical considerations in remote work.
  • Discrimination in the workplace.
  • An Examination of Addiction to Work in The Protestant Work Ethic
  • The Work Ethic of The Millennials
  • My Understanding of The Proper Environment in the Workplace
  • Social Responsibility & Ethics Management Program in Business
  • The Maternity Benefits Act, 1961
  • The Issue of Stealing in The Workplace
  • Chinese Work Management and Business Identity
  • Ethical Issues of Using Social Media at the Workplace
  • The Teleological Ethical Theories
  • Learning Journal on Ethical Conflicts, Environmental Issues, and Social Responsibilities
  • Social Media at Workplace: Ethics and Influence
  • Ethical Issue of Employees Stealing and Whistleblowing

Ethics Essay Topics on Philosophy

  • A Critical Analysis of Ethical Dilemmas in Education and Beyond
  • Overview of What an Ethical Dilemma is
  • The Implications of Exculpatory Language
  • Ethical Dilemmas in End-of-life Decision Making
  • What I Learned in Ethics Class: Integrating Ethics in Aviation
  • Doing What is Right is not Always Popular: Philosophy of Ethics
  • An Analysis of Public Trust and Corporate Ethics
  • Ethical Concerns of Beauty Pageants
  • Simone De Beauvoir’s Contribution to Philosophy and Ethics
  • The Impact on Decision-making and Life Choices
  • Importance and Improvement of Personal Ethics
  • Personal Ethics and Integrity in Our Life
  • Analysis of The Philosophical Concept of Virtue Ethics
  • Understanding Moral Action
  • How to Become a Gentleman
  • A Call for Emphasis on Private Morality and Virtue Teaching
  • A Positive Spin on Ethical Marketing in The Gambling Industry
  • An Overview of The Ethical Dilemma in a Personal Case
  • Bioethical Principles and Professional Responsibilities
  • Ethical Considerations in Counseling Adolescents
  • Ethical Dilemma in College Life
  • Ethical Theories: Deontology and Utilitarianism
  • Issues of Fraud, Ethics, and Regulation in Healthcare
  • Navigating Ethical Dimensions in Education
  • The Ethical Landscape of Advanced Technology
  • Research Paper on The Ethical Issue of Publishing The Pentagon Papers
  • The Trolley Problem: an Ethical Dilemma
  • Analysis of "To The Bitter End" Case Study
  • Ethical Theories: Virtue and Utilitarian Ethics
  • Feminist Ethics: Deconstructing Gender and Morality
  • Is Deadpool a Hero Research Paper
  • My Moral and Ethical Stance
  • The Concept of Ethics and The Pursuit of Happiness
  • The Ethics of Graphic Photojournalism
  • The Quintessence of Justice: a Critical Evaluation of Juror 11's Role
  • The Wolf of Wall Street: Ethics of Greed
  • The Importance of Ethics in Our Daily Life
  • Analysis of The Envy Emotion and My Emotional Norms
  • The Topic of Animal Rights in Relation to The Virtue Theory

Ethics Essay Topics on Science

  • The Cause of Cancer as Illustrated in a Bioethics Study
  • Bioethical Issues Related to Genetic Engineering
  • Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Research
  • The Role of Ethics Committees in Biomedical Research
  • The Legal and Bioethical Aspects of Personalised Medicine Based on Genetic Composition
  • The Ethics of Clinical Trials: Ensuring Informed Consent and Patient Safety
  • Ethical Challenges in Neuroethics: Brain Privacy and Cognitive Liberty
  • Gene Therapy: Ethical Dilemmas and Social Implications
  • Overview of Bioethics The Trigger of Contentious Moral Topics
  • The Progression of Bioethics and Its Importance
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Medical Ethics
  • The Drawbacks of Free Healthcare: Economic, Quality, and Access Issues
  • Bioethical Issues in My Sister’s Keeper: Having Your Autonomy Taken to Save Your Sibling
  • The Ethics of Biotechnology in Agriculture: GMOs and Food Safety
  • Ethical Considerations in Organ Donation and Transplantation

List of Ethical Questions for Students

Exploring ethical topics is crucial for students to develop critical thinking and moral reasoning. Here is a comprehensive list of ethical questions for students to discuss and debate. These topics cover a wide range of issues, encouraging thoughtful discussion and deeper understanding.

Good Ethical Questions for Discussion

  • Is it ethical to eat meat?
  • Should parents have the right to genetically modify their children?
  • Is it ever acceptable to lie?
  • Should schools monitor students' social media activity?
  • Is it ethical to use animals in scientific research?
  • Should companies be allowed to patent human genes?
  • Is it right to impose cultural values on others?
  • Should the government regulate internet content?
  • Is it ethical to have designer babies?
  • Should wealthy countries help poorer nations?
  • Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos?
  • Should there be limits to freedom of speech?
  • Is it right to use artificial intelligence in decision-making?
  • Should we prioritize privacy over security?
  • Is it ethical to manipulate emotions through advertising?

Moral Questions to Debate

  • Is genetic modification in humans ethical?
  • Should vaccinations be mandatory?
  • Is government surveillance justified?
  • Is it ethical to use performance-enhancing drugs in sports?
  • Is wealth inequality morally acceptable?
  • Should education be free for everyone?
  • Is it ethical to allow autonomous robots to make life-and-death decisions?

Ethical topics and questions are a rich field for exploration and discussion. Examining these issues, we can better understand the moral principles that guide our actions and decisions. Whether you're writing an essay or preparing for a debate, this comprehensive list of ethical topics and questions will help you engage with complex moral dilemmas and develop your critical thinking skills.

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    132 Genetic Engineering Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. Welcome to our list of genetic engineering essay topics! Here, you will find everything from trending research titles to the most interesting genetic engineering topics for presentation. Get inspired with our writing ideas and bonus samples!

  7. Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering

    Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is currently a growing field in which people are obsessing over. This is new and upcoming technology that combines genetic and Nanotechnological enhancements, which completes the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an organism's characteristics in a particular way.

  8. Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering

    Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering. "With genetic engineering, we will be able to increase the complexity of our DNA, and improve the human race. But it will be a slow process, because one will have to wait about 18 years to see the effect of changes to the genetic code" (Hawking). Scientists have been practicing editing the DNA of ...

  9. Genetically Modified Food Essay: Pros & Cons of GM Foods

    It has been proposed that genetically modified foods are integral in the enhancement of safe food security, enhanced quality, and increased shelf-life, hence becoming cost-effective to consumers and farmers. Proponents of this technology also argue that genetically modified foods have many health benefits, in addition to being environmentally ...

  10. Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering

    Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay 1269 Words | 6 Pages. Tay-Sachs is an inherited genetic disorder and it is linked with genes. The infant born with Tay-Sachs will gradually get worse and lose motor skill, lose their sight and hearing, suffer seizures, have intellectual disabilities, and die during early

  11. Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay

    Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay. Genetic engineering in humans, as influencing and promising as it sounds, is actually a whole new area of discovery in which we know very little about, and making mistakes could be dire to an individual's life. We know that this could lead to a breakthrough but it can end very badly, and also make ...

  12. Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay

    Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay. 694 Words 3 Pages. Introduction: ¬¬¬¬¬¬ People have been manipulating the genetic make-up of plants and animals for countless generations. This is referred to as traditional cross breeding and involves selecting plants and animals with the most desirable characteristics (e.g. disease resistance, high ...

  13. Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay

    Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay. 1269 Words6 Pages. It is ethical to genetically engineer children for non-disease traits. If it is possible to improve a child's life before he or she is born, then it should be done. Nature can often be cruel; it may grant one child the gift of a perfectly functional body, while give another Tay-Sachs ...

  14. Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering

    Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is currently a growing field in which people are obsessing over. This is new and upcoming technology that combines genetic and Nanotechnological enhancements, which completes the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an organism's characteristics in a particular way.

  15. Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay

    Genetic engineering is a burgeoning technology that has been surging in development and popularity within the last few years. Genetic engineering is the altercation of genes in an organism. Humans have been doing this for millennia through process of selective breeding since the dawn of agriculture.

  16. Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay

    Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay. Improved Essays. 1037 Words; 5 Pages; Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. In this rapidly changing world, scientists are creating new ways to improve the human race. They have turned to genetic engineering to accomplish the job. Genetic engineering is adding new DNA to an organism ...

  17. Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering

    Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering. Improved Essays. 700 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. I believe that if there is no set limits on how far human genetic engineering can go, then we may be heading down the rabbit hole into Pandora's box. With no thought as to the consequences, not to mention ...

  18. Importance Of Genetic Engineering In Different Aspects: Free Essay

    Published 05 Jun 2024. The importance of genetic engineering obtains the ability to produce various products from other organisms. It is a strategy used to break up and join collectively genetic material, mainly DNA from exclusive organic species, and also to introduce the resulting crossbreed DNA into an organism in order to achieve a new ...

  19. Genetic Engineering Persuasive Research Paper

    Genetic Engineering Persuasive Research Paper. 873 Words4 Pages. Imagine a world where disease and disorders were a thing of the past.Where technology and mankind mixed to create what some would like to call super humans. Humans who live longer, are more intelligent than ever before, and are nearly invincible to tragic disease.

  20. Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering

    Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is currently a growing field in which people are obsessing over. This is new and upcoming technology that combines genetic and Nanotechnological enhancements, which completes the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an organism's characteristics in a particular way.

  21. Genetic Engineering: A Way To Advance The Life Of People: Free Essay

    Genetic engineering can also improve disease and insect resistance. The American Society of Plant Biologists published an article that discusses the recent progress and future plans of improving disease resistance in plants. Viruses reduce crop yield by 3%, bacterial and fungal pathogens reduce the yield by about 15%, and for some crops the ...

  22. Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering

    Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is currently a growing field in which people are obsessing over. This is new and upcoming technology that combines genetic and Nanotechnological enhancements, which completes the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an organism's characteristics in a particular way.

  23. A-grade Higher English Discursive Persuasive Essay Genetic Engineering

    A-grade Higher English discursive / persuasive essay on the subject of genetic engineering. The essay is around 1200 words and is fully referenced. International; Resources; Jobs; Schools directory ... A-grade Higher English Discursive Persuasive Essay Genetic Engineering. Subject: English. Age range: 14 - 18. Resource type: Other. biggles1230 ...

  24. Genetic Engineering Persuasive Speech

    Genetic engineering refers to the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an organism's characteristics (phenotype) in a particular way" (Simmons Article Page 1). This leads people to believe that genetic engineering can change a living organism, which to some may seem like a positive thing, when in reality it can cause permanent long-term damage.

  25. 200 Ethical Topics for Your Essay by GradesFixer

    Additionally, the essay should be persuasive, making compelling arguments supported by evidence to effectively convey the analysis of moral issues. By following these guidelines, the essay will not only be informative but also impactful in its examination of ethical dilemmas. ... Bioethical Issues Related to Genetic Engineering; Ethical Issues ...

  26. Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering

    Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering. There is so much DNA inside a human body that if it was all lined up, the DNA would stretch from the earth to the sun 100 times. The process of adding or modifying this DNA is know as genetic engineering. Using this technology, we can remove certain traits from an organism and give it more desirable traits.