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How To Write An Essay On Plastic Ban In 10 Lines, Short And Long Form

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Plastic Ban For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on plastic ban for children, short essay on plastic ban in english for kids, long essay on plastic ban for children, what will your child learn from the plastic ban essay.

Essay writing is integral to all students’ school curriculum, including debates and speeches. An essay on plastic ban for classes 1, 2 and 3 teaches kids to gain awareness of the dangerous effects of environmental pollution caused by plastic and how it contributes to global climate change. Plastic pollution is disastrous for both humans and marine animals. Simply banning the use of plastic is not enough. Humans must alter their ways, follow the law, and treat mother nature kindly. Here are some crucial points on plastic pollution and sustainable practices that kids can incorporate in their essays, speeches, and, most importantly, in their ways of living.

Essay writing is a creative expression that needs proper research and practice for quality output. Here are some tips to remember while writing an essay on the ban of plastic for lower primary classes.

  • The essay should have an introduction, body and conclusion.
  • Gather relevant information on the topic and divide the essay into different paragraphs.
  • Use simple language and avoid spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
  • The essay must have a clear line of argument.

The art of essay writing helps develop writing skills, vocabulary, and a definitive writing style. Here is an essay for classes 1 and 2 that can create positive curiosity among children and help to perfect future assignments.

  • Widespread use of plastic causes severe illness for humans apart from environmental pollution.
  • Plastic is not a natural element and is produced with the use of chemicals.
  • Plastic decomposition is a slow process, so the waste remains on Earth for many years.
  • Plastic waste released into water bodies causes immense water pollution.
  • Plastic bags disposed of carelessly cause clogged drains and sewage lines.
  • We should switch to reusable, eco-friendly, and sustainable alternatives to plastic.
  • Waste plastic releases chemicals that enter the soil, making it infertile.
  • The disposal of plastic indiscriminately will ruin our planet entirely.
  • Banning plastic bags or levying taxes by the government can keep our environment safe.
  • The Indian government has issued guidelines to states to ban single-use plastic items from July 1, 2022.

An essay on the Plastic ban is essential to every kid’s learning. Here is a short essay for class 1, 2 and 3 that can educate children on better use and waste management of plastic products.

Plastic bags have gained widespread popularity as they are important industrially and are very cheap. However, they are non-biodegradable and take a long time to break into small particles. Only a few plastic bags are recyclable, and they create environmental pollution. Even the energy used for plastic production negatively affects our environment. The burning of plastic bags emits gas and smoke that are immensely toxic. When plastics found in the garbage are consumed by animals and sea creatures, it results in the death and extinction of these species. These bags can even jam the sewage lines if not disposed of away properly. Preservation of food in plastic bags can not only intoxicate it but causes fatal diseases like cancer. Even doctors advise us not to regularly drink hot beverages in plastic glasses and polythene, which may affect our health. Plastic bags strewn all over the land causes a decline in soil fertility and productivity. Plastic waste also affects marine life and causes an imbalance in biodiversity. We can find plastic waste everywhere, and it causes severe damage to nature. Recycling plastic bags is a very complicated, lengthy, and costly process, but it is possible to reduce the harm to mother nature by reusing plastic objects instead of throwing them after single use or switch to sustainable materials. Understanding the same, the Indian government has issued guidelines to states to ban single-use plastic items from July 1, 2022.

An essay for class 3 helps to evaluate a student’s research, analytical, and writing skills. Here is a long essay on plastic ban in English for kids that would encourage them to appreciate nature and ways to protect it.

Plastic bags are most convenient to use when shopping, either for groceries or daily provisions. Being lightweight, easy to carry, and readily available in the market, they have become an essential part of everyday life. However, this convenience of using them comes at a very high cost that may affect the environment and our human health negatively. Littering by indiscriminate use of plastics can cause significant damage to our environment. It threatens our natural resources such as water, trees, and crops. As plastics get defragmented into small pieces, they get easily swept away into our soil and end up in oceans, then consumed by wildlife and marine life. Thereby, the number of animals and marine life reduces or becomes extinct. Approximately 46,000-1,000,000 fragments of plastics can be seen floating within every square mile of the oceans. The use of 1 trillion non-biodegradable plastic bags worldwide and the burning of plastic bags are damaging our earth. When these plastic bags are burned, they release toxic gases into the atmosphere, creating air pollution. Several cities around the world have banned the usage of plastic bags, while some have implemented legal procedures against the use of plastic bags. Countries like China, Bangladesh, and India have banned using and selling polythene bags with a thickness of fewer than 50 microns. Plastics are generally made from non-renewable fossil fuel-based resources like polypropylene (material made from petroleum and natural gas). With the extraction and production, greenhouse gases are created that contribute to global warming and climate change.

According to Green Tumble reports, almost 35% of turtles die by ingesting plastic. ABC News reports found 25 bags in the stomach of a crocodile in Australia. According to a National Geographic report, nearly 90% of seabirds consume discarded plastic. We all must collectively contribute to making the plastic ban a success. Only when an educated lot of society takes it up as their responsibility to support the campaign against plastic ban we can save the environment.

Problems Caused By Plastic and Plastic Bags

  • Death Of Animals – Many animals ingest plastic bags every year. They die due to choking or other issues.
  • Toxic Chemicals – Plastic bags contain chemicals including BPA that cause harmful diseases in humans like ulcers, obesity, and asthma.
  • Clogging Of Drains – The drainage system is often blocked by the accumulation of plastics as
  • Groundwater Pollution – Chemicals mixed into the groundwater reservoirs enter our bodies through the plants and drinking water.

What You Can Use Instead of Plastic

There are many eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags like recycled paper bags, jute bags, reusable cotton tote bags, and glass bottles.

How Can We Minimise The Use of Plastic?

Plastic bags contribute to plastic pollution in our environment. Here are some ways to minimise the use of plastics.

  • Many Indian states need to restrict the utilisation of plastics as directed by the government of India
  • By following stricter measures and creating general awareness, we can reduce the use of plastics.
  • More fines must be imposed on retailers for selling plastic bags.
  • The public should be fined for carrying plastic bags.

Plastic Ban In India

The Indian government has banned plastics to save our beautiful mother earth. At first, Sikkim went completely plastic-free, and then Himachal Pradesh became the first state to restrict plastic and polythene bag in 2009. In 2016, Karnataka banned all single-use plastic items, while Delhi banned all disposable plastic items in 2017. Later, Bihar, Tamilnadu, Odisha, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Uttarakhand implemented the ban in 2019. The Indian government has issued guidelines to states to ban single-use plastic items from July 1, 2022.

Your child will understand why they should not use plastic and why the plastic ban is important for our environment. They will also get aware of various ways to stop plastic usage.

Our throw-away culture causes plastic pollution in oceans and impacts biodiversity. We should find alternative and sustainable solutions to make our planet plastic-free for a better tomorrow.

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Say No To Plastic Essay

Essay On Say No To Plastic - When plastic was first introduced, it was a fantastic innovation. For the changing lifestyle, they promised convenience and ease, which attracted many to use products made from plastics. Here are 100, 200 and 500 word essays on say no to plastic.

When we look around, one thing we always see is plastic. Today plastic has become so common that most things we use have some sort of plastic. Plastics can be seen as a product that is very helpful at the same time and can be very deadly too. Here are a few sample essays on "Say No to Plastic".

100 Words Essay On Say No To Plastic

When plastic was first introduced, it was a fantastic innovation. For the changing lifestyle, they promised convenience and ease, which attracted many to use products made from plastics. One of the essential features of plastic is that it can be easily moulded into any shape. Also, these materials are very cheap and lightweight compared to their counterparts, making them one of man's favourite materials.

Say No To Plastic Essay

These benefits pushed our thoughts away from the negative side of plastics and motivated us to use them extensively. Today, they are choking us with their presence and are proven to cause serious health issues. So, we must limit the use of plastics in our daily life.

200 Words Essay On Say No To Plastic

Plastic products were a great blessing for the expanding population. Plastics were easy to manufacture, cheap and easily moldable to any shape. One of the most convenient forms of plastic is plastic bags. Their influence on our life was tremendous that we opted for plastics over every other material. On one side, we can see the advancement in our life due to the invention of plastic, but everything comes with a price. Today we are revoking if it was really a blessing or a curse.

Usage Of Plastic

To meet the demands of plastic products from the general public, the manufacturing industries expanded, resulting in massive production of plastic. One thing that was so wrong about plastic was the use and the policy followed by consumers. As plastic was cheap, even the common people started to use and throw plastic waste.

The second issue was that there was no proper disposal or recycling method followed in tackling the plastic waste, which made plastic waste litter the surroundings. Plastic waste chokes the drain, causing water overflow.

Burning plastics produces harmful chemicals capable of causing cancer. Plastic waste gets trapped underground and prevents the sweeping of water into the ground.

Most plastic wastes find their way to water bodies like rivers, seas, oceans etc. Many of them get consumed by animals on land and water. To save our environment, we must say no to plastics.

500 Words Essay On Say No To Plastic

Numerous factors suggest that we should abandon plastic bags. Along with cars and other sources of environmental damage, plastic bags are a significant cause of pollution.

Facts About Plastic

There is sufficient evidence that plastics poison the land, water, and food chain of our planet via processes such as enteric fermentation (ingestion and digestion by animals) or leaching into water supplies.

The plastic bag may be used to store your lunch or textbooks in one place. These bags do not biodegrade, posing significant threats to the natural world. These bags don't decompose by soil-friendly organisms but rather into smaller and smaller fragments.

Danger To Sea Life

Million metric tonnes of plastic enter the ocean annually, where it remains for years and causes environmental damage. When trash ends up in the sea, it may be transported by currents to far-flung locations.

Ocean and wildlife life are directly and fatally affected by plastic waste. Every year, thousands of marine creatures, including seals, sea turtles, and various birds, die after swallowing plastic or being entangled in it.

Burning Plastic Causes Air Pollution

Numerous toxic compounds are released into the atmosphere when plastic trash is incinerated. The air is poisonous due to these substances. When this occurs, the health of anyone in the vicinity of the fire is negatively impacted.

Air pollution is a significant cause of asthma and other respiratory illnesses for many individuals. Burning plastic garbage is a significant health hazard for those who work in the regions around it.

Plastic Bags Pollute The Soil

It is considered that they are manufactured from synthetic materials that contribute to soil pollution. Polyethene, polypropylene, and polyester are used in their construction. Harmful effects from these substances are possible. For example, they may be taken up by the soil and used against the bacteria that call them home.

Initiatives Taken

At the moment, four distinct processing concepts (extrusion, injection, compression, shredding) can be done in the device to recycle waste plastic into a better usable form. This concept makes the recycling process cheap and easy, enabling mass recycling of plastic waste.

But we, as students, can contribute well here.

As a first step in saying no to plastic, I used to replace plastic items in my house with more eco-friendly products. I have replaced plastic bags with jute bags for usage purposes. They may appear costlier, but they can be reused and are much safer for the environment.

Similarly, plastic containers and bottles can be replaced by healthier metal counterparts. Please dispose of the plastic waste in your home safely and never burn them.

Lastly, I used to make my family aware of the impotence of avoiding plastic products.

The problem of plastic waste disposal has resulted in a worldwide emergency, necessitating immediate international action. An efficient strategy to reduce plastic use is urgently required. To solve the issue of plastic pollution, we must first learn how to recognise it and then abandon plastic entirely. Plastic bags and other plastic materials should be banned, and our government should impose severe regulations to make this possible.

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Essay on Say No to Plastic – 150,250,500 Words and 10 Lines Essay

November 15, 2021 by Son of Ghouse Leave a Comment

In this article, we will explain how to write an essay on “Say No to Plastic ” in 150, 250,500 words and 10 lines.

Today, plastic usage has increased gradually with the appearance of the number of shops in the market. Because of the most affordable and cheap material, plastic is used everywhere. Since plastic is non-biodegradable, it does not decompose easily.

Using plastics and depositing them in the garbage bin after their use harms the whole environment and Earth severely and decreases the quality of the soil in which it is getting blenched after several days.

Today, in this essay, we will discuss the harmful effects of plastic on the environment, how plastic changed the world and the usage of plastic in our daily life.

Say No to Plastic Essay

Say No to Plastic, short paragraph

say no to plastic essay for class 1

Usage of plastic has gradually increased. We can find plastic everywhere in this world. Because plastic is cheap and easily available, it is used at a very high level worldwide.

In the world as a whole, plastic is used to pack the bought items. It is also very convenient for the customers to carry the purchased products in a bag of plastic. But using this plastic material and depositing it in the garbage bin after its use is completed is harming the whole environment of the Earth. It also decreases the soil quality in which it is getting blenched after a significant number of days.

Since plastic is non-biodegradable, it is very difficult to decompose it completely. It takes many years to decompose completely in soil. Therefore it is very important to ‘say no to plastic’. Due to plastics being made up of strong chemicals, it is resistant to the many natural degradation processes. Plastic pollution is affecting both water bodies and land.

Due to excessive use of plastic, the soil of the Earth surface is losing its fertility because plastic marine life is severely hampered. Many species of fish are getting extinct because of plastic pollution. It is also destroying the habitat of aquatic organisms. Many companies are using plastic to package their food products and other things; it is causing many diseases by consuming the food products packaged in plastic.

Thus, to avoid the harmful effects of plastic pollution, consumers should be aware of using those dangerous plastic products.

People should not accept plastics from the stores while buying any item. The social organisation should conduct many awareness programs to educate the civilians against the harmful effects of using plastics. It is very important to be aware of plastic pollution because it is highly poisonous and deadly for the globe’s environment, which may even disrupt the hormonal balance in humans. So it has become very important to ‘say no to plastic’.

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10 lines on Say no to Plastic

1. Plastic has become a necessity in our daily lives and provides us ease and convenience. It is very cheap and easily affordable.

2. Plastics are non-biodegradable, and it takes hundreds and thousands of years to decompose completely in the soil. Since it is made up of chemicals, it is very harmful to the environment of the glow.

3. Because of plastic pollution, the soil of the Earth’s surface is losing its fertility, and Marine bodies are also hampered. Many organisms are getting extinct because of plastic pollution.

4. To decrease plastic usage, plastic bags and plastic products have been banned in many countries, including India.

5. we must pick up plastic litter in our surroundings to keep our environment clean and healthy.

6. Because of plastic, marine life is severely hampered. Many species of fish are getting extinct because of plastic pollution.

7. Many wild animals and other organisms consume plastic, mistaking them as Food, and die immediately.

8. The entire world consumes almost one trillion plastic bags every year for packaging and other purposes.

9. We should use eco-friendly and natural materials and say no to plastic.

10. To avoid plastic pollution, we should not accept plastics from the stores while buying any item.

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Essay on Say No to Plastic in 250 Words

The usage of plastic became a part of our lifestyle in the 20 century. People go empty-handed to the shops and markets and return with lots of plastic bags carrying their items. Plastics are mostly made up of polythene which is made out of petroleum.

As we know, petroleum is a limited natural resource, which can be exhausted if used irrationally. Many toxic chemicals are also released while manufacturing plastic materials and bags, which is very harmful to the globe’s environment.

Plastics are made up of a hard chemical structure which is very difficult to decompose easily. Since plastics are non-biodegradable, it takes hundreds and thousands of years to decompose completely in the soil. Due to plastic pollution, many water bodies and the fertility of the Earth are getting destroyed.

Due to the consumption of plastic by animals, they are dying in large numbers. It also becomes the reason for the extinction of many aquatic organisms. Many whales and marine microorganisms are dying because of plastic pollution in water bodies. Natural habitats of aquatic organisms are also getting destroyed because of plastic.

Many companies are using plastic for the packaging of their food products which is harmful to our health. It is damn easy to say no to plastic. Keep a bag made out of cotton or jute with you. Don’t take items in plastic bags. Use materials that are easily degradable and say no to plastic.

Essay on Say No to Plastic in 150 Words

Plastic has become one of the serious ecological threats to humanity. Including India, almost 74 countries have called a ban on plastic bags and plastic materials, and 34 States impose a charge per pack. The PM has called for a nationwide ban on single-use plastic products in India, especially plastic bags, cups, and plastic bottles.

We know that plastics are made up of petroleum which is not easily degradable in the environment; therefore, the government should take strict measures and a lot of plastic bag disposal systems in many cities, towns and rural areas to avoid littering. To prevent plastic bags ‘ need, people should make alternatives such as canvas bags, paper bags, cans, paper boxes, etc.

Plastic bags alone kill almost 1 lakh birds and Marine animals every year. Hundreds to thousands of Whales and turtles have died of poisoning by eating plastic particles mistaking it as a jellyfish. Plastic is also dangerous for our health, so it has become very important to say no to plastic and choose other alternatives for our daily needs.

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Essay on Say No to Plastic in 500 Words


Plastic bags are quite popular because they are light in weight, easily affordable and easy to carry. Because of the cheap price, plastic bags are used by many shopkeepers. We don’t need to purchase these plastic bags and our purchased items as they are given freely by the shopkeepers.

A problem caused by plastic

As plastics are non-biodegradable, it takes hundreds and thousands of years to degrade completely in the soil. Here are some of the problems caused by plastic are :


Plastic materials and plastic bags are non-biodegradable. Thus disposing of these plastics is the biggest challenge for us. They break down into small particles and enter the soil and water bodies; however, they do not decompose completely. Since it takes many years to decompose, it pollutes the ground of the Earth’s surface, decreases soil fertility, and decreases the production of vegetables and crops.

Harmful effects on the environment

Plastics are destroying nature owing to their harmful effect. Plastics have become a major cause of land pollution and water pollution today. Plastic wastes that are thrown into the landfills take almost 500 years to decompose. It is also destroying the ecosystem of oceans and seas. It is polluting the water bodies and killing the aquatic animals. Thousands of Whales and millions of fish are getting killed because of plastic pollution in the ocean.

The harmful effect of plastic on animals and Marine creatures

Many animals and Marine creatures consume plastic along with their natural Food. Plastics cannot be digested and thus get trapped in their body. Large amounts of plastic particles accumulated in the intestines of various sea creatures and animals result in serious health problems. Millions of animals and sea creatures are killed just because of plastic pollution. It has become one of the biggest problems for the entire world to avoid plastic.

Cause of illness in humans because of plastic.

The manufacturing of plastic bags releases toxic chemicals that can cause serious illness among those involved in plastic manufacturing. Because of its cheap price, plastic bags are used for the packaging of Food which can also cause health hazards.

Source: 1 , 2

We need to understand the problem caused by plastic pollution, and we have to stop the use of plastic. Our government should take some strict measures and rules to ban plastic bags and plastic materials.

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10 Lines on Say No to Plastic Bags

Plastic bags have become an integral part of everyone’s life as it is very handy to carry our stuff in plastic bags. But one thing we all forget that every convenience comes with some or the other drawbacks. Plastic bags have become a threat to our ecosystem and it has also started affecting the biodiversity of our planet.

We all know that plastic bags are non-biodegradable i.e. it could not be decomposed easily and takes hundreds of years to decompose, eventually leaving its trail of toxicity. Plastic bags have become a serious threat to wild animals and aquatic species as becoming a major reason for their unnatural deaths.

Ten Lines on Say No to Plastic Bags

1) Plastic bags look very useful and convenient but act as a hazard to the ecosystem.

2) They are non-biodegradable items that stay in our ecosystem destructing biodiversity.

3) Plastic bags are a major cause of waterlogging in cities during rainfalls disrupting lives.

4) They mix with the soil and do not let water pass through them making the land infertile.

5) Wild animals often eat them mistaking it as food items resulting in their deaths.

6) Thousands of whales and turtles are killed by eating plastic bags mistaking it as a jellyfish.

7) ‘Say No to Plastic Bags’ is the best way to avoid these situations and save our environment.

8) It is always better to carry cotton or jute bags before going shopping which will reduce the use of plastic bags.

9) Synthetic bags should be disposed of properly and littering should be completely avoided.

10) The government should act to completely ban the production and circulation of plastic bags to save the ecosystem.

Additional set of 10 lines on Say No to Plastic Bags is also provided below which will mainly focus on how to stop the use of plastic bags in our daily lives. It will also emphasize how you can bring a positive change in the ecosystem by saying no to plastic bags.

1) Plastic bags kill around 100,000 marine animals and birds every year.

2) The increasing debris of plastic bags is making the environment toxic.

3) Replacing synthetic bags with eco-friendly and biodegradable items is the best way to stop plastic pollution.

4) Youths should come forward and spread awareness about the effects of plastic pollution.

5) A proper recycling and reuse solution should be used to control the littering of plastic bags.

6) The government should plant a plastic bag disposal system in cities and rural areas so that it is not littered everywhere.

7) Use of paper or canvas bags, cans, paper boxes, etc should be encouraged instead of plastic-based materials.

8) Always pick up plastic litter in your vicinity and dispose of in the bins provided so that it does not get eaten by stray animals.

9) The government has to take stringent steps in improving plastic waste management so that it doesn’t toxicate the ecosystem.

10) Say No to Plastic Bags initiative helps to reduce the usage of plastic bags and improving our ecosystem.

10 Lines on Say No to Plastic Bags

1) Plastic bags are used for various purposes and the most common use of these bags is for carrying grocery items.

2) These are easily available in the market and thus are used extensively.

3) However, disposing of these bags is a major issue as they are non-biodegradable.

4) They have become a major cause of land pollution.

5) Plastic bags are causing more harm to our environment than anything else.

6) The use of these bags should be banned to protect the environment from their harmful effects.

7) The government has banned the use of plastic bags in many states of India but people continue to use them as they are still available in the market.

8) Each of us should take responsibility to stop using them.

9) A common awareness campaign should be run by the government at regular intervals through media and roadshows to make people aware of its harm.

10) Understanding the disastrous effect of plastic we must swear to stop using it.

1) Plastic bags should be banned completely as it is a threat to the environment.

2) Plastic bags are thrown after use prove to be a major environmental hazard.

3) They pollute the soil and affect vegetative growth.

4) They lead to infertile soil.

5) Every year a large number of animals and sea creatures die due to the consumption of plastic bags.

6) Plastic bags have been banned in many countries around the world.

7) It is the time that the people of our country should understand that plastic bags are banned for our good.

8) Although plastic bags have become an integral part of our everyday lives, it should not be said that it is not as difficult to stop using it, as it seems.

9) We should have to go for other alternatives of the plastic bags and use paper bags or cloth bags when we go shopping.

10) To save the environment and protect life on earth, we should stop using plastic bags otherwise no days are left when we have to pay the cost.

Plastic has become a serious ecological threat in the world and various governments have already started banning them in their countries. It is the call of the hour that the production of plastic bags should be completely banned in India.

Although banning of plastic less than 50 microns has been done in many states of India but it has not made any major impact on our ecosystem. It lies in the hands of people to say complete no to plastic bags so that we could save our ecosystem and biodiversity of our planet.

Useful Links:

10 Lines on Environmental Pollution and Plastic 10 Lines on Plastic Bag and its Harmful Effects 10 Lines on Plastic Pollution

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Essay on Plastic Bag for Students and Children

500 words essay on plastic bag.

Plastic bags are one of the most commonly used things today. It makes our work easier and gives us a lot of conveniences. They have formed an essential part of our lives now. We use them almost every day for various purposes.

Essay on Plastic Bag

The usage is to the extent that we often get angry at the shopkeeper who refuses to offer us the plastic bag. It becomes daunting to carry your own bag every time. The shopkeeper’s refusal is due to the government ban on plastic bags. One often wonders why? Plastic bags make our lives easier but at what cost? They damage our earth and environment. It is high time we all stop using plastic bags.

Stop Using Plastic Bags

There are a number of reasons to say no to plastic bags. We must stop using them to better our environment and save it from degradation. There are various eco-friendly alternatives that can be used to stop the usage of plastic bags.

Firstly, plastic bags are a major source of plastic pollution. As they are non-biodegradable, they take years to decompose. They contribute to a lot of waste which keeps collecting over the years. Plastic takes thousands of years to break down and decompose. It remains in the land which contributes to the rising problem of land pollution.

Similarly, it also causes water pollution . As people throw away the bags carelessly on the roads, in the drains and rivers, they enter the water bodies. They are carried away by winds in them and sometimes dumped into water deliberately. This plastic bag goes deep in the water and also hampers the aquatic life.

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Furthermore, plastic bags contaminate the soil causing hindrance to growth of plants. They seep into the soil after breaking down and remain there causing infertility in soils . The chemical hampers the soil and interferes with agriculture.

Most importantly, plastic causes the death of animals. The animals have no sense of what to eat and what to avoid. The stray animals gulp down plastic bags that get stuck in their bodies. In other words, this causes serious illnesses in their bodies. Sometimes, they choke to death after eating plastic bags.

How to Avoid Plastic Bags?

Though it may be difficult to avoid the plastic bags at first, it needs to be done for the greater good. Plastic is slowly and steadily eating away our planet and damaging it. The government has banned the use of plastic bags but still, people continue to use it despite the ban.

In order to implement these laws strictly, the government must take strict action against the ones using it. Moreover, each of us must come forward to practice this ban and make it successful. We must not buy plastic bags from shopkeepers. Instead, we must refuse to take our groceries in them when the shopkeeper offers us.

Furthermore, we must carry our own cloth or paper bags for shopping. Try to pack your food in steel or aluminum containers instead of plastic ones.

We must encourage children to avoid the use of plastic bags. If we see someone using it, we must call them out immediately. Never throw away the plastic on roads, as animals die after consuming it. We must come together to initiate a ban on plastic and make the world safer and healthier.

FAQs on Plastic Bag

Q.1 Why must we stop using plastic bags?

A.1 We must stop using plastic bags as they cause land pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. They cause the death of several animals as well.

Q.2 How can one say no to plastic bags?

A.2 It is easy to quit using plastic bags. We must carry our own cloth or paper bags when shopping. Moreover, we must not accept plastic bags from shopkeepers which will discourage them from using them in the first place.

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Plastic Pollution Essay

500+ words essay on plastic pollution.

Plastic has become an integral part of our daily lives. We begin our day using mugs and buckets made of plastic for bathing. Further, as we trace back our activities throughout the day, we use plastic in the form of water bottles, combs, food packaging, milk pouches, straws, disposable cutlery, carry bags, gift wrappers, toys etc. The wide use of plastic has resulted in a large amount of waste generated. Plastic has been so much used that plastic pollution has become one of the environmental problems that the world is facing today. It has impacted the environment, our health and well-being. We have all contributed to this problem, and now it’s our responsibility to work towards it to reduce and ultimately End Plastic Pollution. This essay on plastic pollution will help students to understand the harmful effects of using plastic and how it is affecting our environment. So, students must go through it and then try to write their own essays on this topic. They can also practise CBSE essays on different topics as well.

Plastic Pollution

The accumulation of plastic products in huge amounts in the Earth’s environment is called plastic pollution. It adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans, which has become a major concern. In 2008, our global plastic consumption worldwide was estimated at 260 million tons. Plastic is versatile, lightweight, flexible, moisture-resistant, strong, and relatively inexpensive, because of which it is excessively used by everyone. It has replaced and displaced many other materials, such as wood, paper, stone, leather, metal, glass and ceramic. Plastics have come to clutter almost every landscape. In the modern world, plastics can be found in components ranging from stationery items to spaceships. Therefore, the over-consumption of plastic goods, discarding, littering, use and throwing culture has resulted in plastic waste generation and thus creating plastic pollution.

Every day, thousands of tons of pollutants are discarded into the air by natural events and human actions. Far more damaging are the substances discharged into the atmosphere by human actions. Most plastics are highly resistant to the natural processes of degradation. As a result, it takes a longer period of time to degrade the plastic. It has resulted in the enormous presence of plastic pollution in the environment and, at the same time, adversely affected human health. It is estimated that plastic waste constitutes approximately 10% of the total municipal waste worldwide and that 80% of all plastic found in the world’s oceans originates from land-based sources.

How to Manage Plastic Pollution?

To save the environment from plastic waste, we should minimise and ultimately end the use of plastic. Each one of us has to learn the following 4 R’s:

  • Refuse – Say no to plastic, particularly single-use plastic, as much as possible.
  • Reduce – Limit or reduce the use of plastic in daily life.
  • Reuse – Reuse plastic products as much as possible before disposing of them.
  • Recycle – Plastic products should be recycled into other usable products. This reduces the demand for manufacturing raw plastic required to make various plastic products.

Apart from that, we should educate other people around us. We should create awareness campaigns in public places and help people know about plastic pollution and its harmful effects. We should stop this culture of using and throwing and start reusing things. When everyone takes a pledge to minimise the use of plastic, then we will be able to manage plastic pollution.

Students must have found this Essay on Plastic Pollution helpful for improving their writing section. They can also access more study material related to CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive exams, by visiting the BYJU’S website.

Frequently asked Questions on Plastic pollution Essay

How does plastic pollution affect the environment.

Excessive usage of plastic products has caused the accumulation of this plastic on Earth. Plastic is non-biodegradable and does not naturally degrade or break down thus these plastics are flooded over the Earth.

How to reduce plastic usage?

Replacement of plastic items with jute, cotton and other biodegradable items needs to come into practice more.

What are the simple steps to avoid plastic overuse?

The simple 3 R method can be followed: “Reduce, reuse and recycle”.

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say no to plastic essay for class 1

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Student Essays

Essay on Say No to Plastic | 10 Lines & Short Essay for Children

Plastic use is very harmful for our environment. There is strong need we should leave plastic. Say No to Plastic should be our national preference. In order to popularize the concept of plastic free society we needed to take strong measures.

The following short & long essay on Say no to Plastics, Plastic use, importance, importance in our daily life etc. This essay is helpful for children & students of Ukg class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10th level students in 100,120,150,200,300 plus words short & long essay for students.

Essay on Say No to Plastic | Plastic Ban, 10 Lines & More Sentences For Students

Plastic is a non-biodegradable material which cannot be decomposed. Unfortunately, now it has become an essential and constant element in our lives.

Essay on Say no to Plastic

The irony is that even after knowing the harmful effects of plastic, people are using it on regular basis. It is a threat to living things and environment.

Therefore, essential steps should be taken to reduce its consumption and lessen its harmful impacts on environment.

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Effects of Plastics on Environment

Now a days, we are surrounded with plastic. It is used to pack or cover everything. Though it seems easy to carry items in a plastic bag but throwing plastic in garbage after its usage is extremely harmful as it is non-degradable.

Every type or quality of plastic is injurious to health. The chemicals used in plastic are resistant to degradation, that is why, it is difficult to get rid of it. Even if we burn it, then it will release harmful chemical particles in air which can cause air pollution.

Main disadvantage of plastic is that it cannot be decomposed. It can neither melt in water nor decompose in soil, that is why a plastic bottle or bag can remain in a land for hundreds of years.

The plastic that has been in environment for all these years converts into micro plastics. These micro-plastics are consumed by animals.

These animals are consumed by larger animals and through consumption of these animals, the particles enter the bodies of human beings. This increases the risk of cancer in humans.

Plastic is also the main reason of soil infertility. Since its non-degradable so it mixes with soil and does not allow water to pass through. Moreover, plastic is also a threat to marine life.

Our oceans are filled with plastic junk which is affecting marine life dangerously. Marine animals consume this plastic and it gets stuck in their throat. Moreover, the consumption of plastic is also affecting the physiological structure of these animals.

People also heat food in microwave in plastic boxes which causes release of harmful toxins which get mixed in food. When they eat this food, it increases their risk of getting many diseases like cardiac problems, cancer and asthma.

Unfortunately, people are okay with this situation. They do not care as long as their houses are clean. They throw wrappers and plastic bags on streets for sweepers to clean their mess.

If sweepers lack somewhere in their duty then all people do is sit and complain about how government is not making the city clean. Due to this irresponsible behavior, drains get filled with junked plastic and get clogged.

Steps; How to Stop Plastic Use

Plastic pollution is extremely dangerous for environment. Therefore, it is high time to take this issue seriously and take essential steps to fight against it. Following are some ways to replace the use of plastic:

  • Instead of plastic bags, we should promote the use of paper bags. We can also put a basket in our car into which we can fill our shopped items. These paper bags are so easy to make at home.
  • It is our moral duty that if we find any plastic litter in our streets then we should throw it in the dustbins so that it does not get eaten by stray animals.
  • Public awareness is very important to educate the people about the harmful effects of plastic. Government should also take strict actions to ban the production and use of plastic bags.

This is our country and it is our responsibility to take care of the mess which is a threat to this country. If we prevent the use of plastic in our daily life like a responsible person then there will less junk floating in our country.

2 thoughts on “Essay on Say No to Plastic | 10 Lines & Short Essay for Children”

It’s kind of a little short essay for like 678 classes it should be like 20 lines

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  • Speech on Plastic Pollution


Long and Short Speech on Plastic Pollution

Plastic waste makes its way from our homes and workplaces to landfills and bodies of water, resulting in plastic contamination. There is an immediate need to correctly dispose of such plastic waste and to reduce its widespread usage in the interests of health and the environment. Here we have provided both long and short speeches on plastic pollution for students of Class 5 to 12 along with 10 lines for a speech on plastic for students of Class 1 to 4. 

Long Speech on Pollution by Plastic Bags

Today, I am here to deliver a speech on plastic pollution. Plastic has very seriously impacted the health and life of human beings in the last decade. Several events have drawn the attention of the whole world and placed a question mark on the use of plastic in everyday life.

Plastic, the wonder material we use for anything that pollutes our atmosphere, is probably the most destructive waste deposited in the sea by sailors and sea-goers because it does not break down easily. The plastic that goes in the river today might still be around to ruin the fishing gear, ship propellers, and beaches for future generations.

Plastic is non-degradable material, it does not completely mix up with the natural elements unlike degradable materials like food, clothes, paper etc Hence, it persists in nature for a longer time than other materials. India generates around 9 million tons of plastic waste annually. It is so sad to know that 40% of the total waste generated is not even collected from the source. Most of the plastic waste generated is single-use plastic which is discarded by people with minimal use of it. 

Plastics can be broadly divided into microplastics and macroplastics. Microplastics are smaller in particle size with less than five millimeters. They include microbeads that are used in making cosmetics, personal hygiene products, industries, and microfibers which are used for sanitation. On the other hand, macroplastics are particles with more than five millimeters. Comparatively, microplastics cause more damage as they are easily transferred from one trophic level to another trophic level.

According to the Central Pollution Control Board in India, we generate around 26,000 tons of all types of plastics every day and half of it is not even collected from the source. They choke the drains, get eaten by animals, enter the water resources and pollute the environment. On average, every Indian consumes 11 kgs of plastic every year. Though it is 10 times less than the USA, as India has more population, we seem to generate a lot of waste comparatively.

Careless plastic handling can have dire repercussions. For an indiscriminate feeder like the sea turtle, a plastic bag seems like a delicious jellyfish, but plastic is indigestible. It can choke, block the intestines of those animals that eat it or cause infection.

A plastic bag can clog the cooling system of an outboard engine as well. Monofilament fishing lines lost or discarded may foul propellers, break oil seals and lower engine units, or may become an enveloping web for fish, seabirds, and marine mammals.

More and more plastic is collected in our oceans every day. Recreational boaters are not the only party to dispose of plastic refuse at sea improperly. Through waste outfalls, merchant shipping, commercial fishing activities, and beachgoers, plastics are also entering the marine environment.

It is very flexible in the middle stage and, depending on temperature and pressure, any shape can be provided. In the practice of plastic waste preparation, urea, formaldehyde, polyethene, polystyrene, polycythylcholide, phenolic compounds and other substances are used.

The most widespread plastic contamination nowadays is caused by polyvinyl chloride (P.V.C.). The soluble chemical is eventually dissolved in them when any food substance or blood is deposited in the aforementioned plastic containers, causing death due to cancer and other skin diseases.

The fertility of animals and their respiratory systems have also been found to be destroyed by polyvinyl chloride. It causes paralysis when combined with water and also affects bones and causes skin irritation.

Here are several steps we should take to reverse the tide of harmful, non-biodegradable waste so that our world will not be overtaken by it.

Use of paper, canvas, and other healthy-fiber containers, placed produce.

Using bags of wax paper, cloth napkins, or reusable sandwich boxes (e.g., tiffins, described below).

Using bottles or cans of glass only.

We need to acknowledge that we only have one planet, which we are supposed to pass down to our future generations. It is our responsibility to keep it safe and clean.

Short Speech on Plastic Waste Management

Today, I am here to deliver a speech on plastic waste management. The influx of plastics into our environment has reached crisis levels, and it is evident through the pollution of our oceans. Up to 12 million metric tons of plastic are expected to flood our ocean each year.

Our oceans are increasingly becoming plastic broth, and the effect on the survival of the oceans is chilling. Discarded plastic fishing lines entangle turtles and seabirds, and bits of plastic of all sizes choke and clog the stomachs of animals, from small zooplankton to whales, which confuse it for food. Plastic is now entering all layers of the food chain and is even showing up on our plates with seafood.

Our world can no longer accept throw-away plastics as a society. Our landfills are being filled up with single-use plastics, choking our waterways, and contaminating our oceans. Corporations have been blaming us all for far too long to deal with their own failed design problem. We have been advised that citizens should simply recycle the billions of tons of output from plastic companies and that it will make the required difference to sustain our world.

We were told a lie.

There is no recycling of over 90 percent of plastics. Recycling alone will simply never solve this problem. A radical change in how they deliver goods to people must be faced with the size of the problem companies have developed. It is up to all of us to demand more, to tell these industrial companies that the plastics they impose on us will no longer be accepted. Our planet deserves better and if they fail to adapt, we don't need their goods.

For a lifetime, nothing that is used for a few minutes should end up polluting our oceans. It's time for us to denounce the old corporate story that we are content with a throw-away lifestyle and build a better future. 

10 Lines for Speech on Plastic

Plastic is a synthetic substance that is non-bio-degradable.

We use it indiscriminately in almost all day-to-day products.

Environmental contamination comes from plastic accumulation.

Land, rivers and oceans are plagued by its accumulation.

It releases poisonous gases such as nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide upon burning.

It also contributes to the loss of marine life and wildlife.

We ought to use biodegradable materials instead of plastic.

It is compulsory to use advanced incinerators for successful waste disposal.

In the soil, chlorinated plastics emit harmful chemicals that seep into the groundwater and damage us.

If we want to preserve Mother Earth, we should stop using plastic and use only natural biodegradable materials.


FAQs on Speech on Plastic Pollution

1. What are the sources of Plastic Waste?

One major invention that changed the entire manufacturing sector and industries is “Plastic”. It helped in increasing the concept of consumerism as plastic is cheap and has many advantages to use in industries compared to its alternatives. Following are the major sources of plastic:

Most of the plastic debris is found in ocean and land base

They enter the ocean or wastelands from the urban and stormwater runoff from the towns and cities.

Inadequate waste management plans, improper disposal of waste materials also contribute to this issue

Main sources for ocean-based plastic pollution are the fishing industry, aquaculture, naval activity, letting the wastewater from nearby places into the water bodies

When the UV rays, wind and other agents act on the plastics, they remove the plastics and turn them into microplastics which are comparatively much more harmful.

2. What are the impacts of Plastic Waste?

Plastic is a non-biodegradable substance. They either take a lot of time to get degraded or they never get degraded completely. Hence they lead to persistent ill effects on the environment including biotic and abiotic components. Following are some of the effects:

Plastics that persist on the shoreline will ruin the scenery of the beach and damage the revenue obtained from the tourism sector of a place

When plastic is ingested by aquatic animals, they get stuck in the digestive tract and leading to their death or starvation.

Animals can get trapped in the plastic materials like bottles and covers. They can not come out by themselves and thus die due to suffocation and starvation

Plastics can have toxic elements and thus they damage the vital organs of the animals. Sometimes plastics have carcinogenic agents leading to the death of the living being

Chemicals and toxins that are leached from the plastics might contain anti-androgen and other hormones that affect the human reproductive system badly. 

The toxins leached from the plastic enter the land, water and other natural resources and pollute them. They turn unfit for human consumption.

3. What are the measures taken to reduce the Pollution caused by Plastic?

Plastic pollution affects not only the finite natural resources but also animals, plants and humans directly. Following are the measures to reduce plastic pollution:

Most of the plastic items we use in our daily life are single-use plastics. Try to trace such items and replace them with reusable alternatives.

20 billion plastic bottles are generated every year and simply tossed after using them. Try to replace them and carry your bottle when you go out

Microbeads are a type of microplastics, they are used in scrubs, cosmetics and many personal hygiene products. They are very minute and cause enormous damage to the animals, especially to the aquatic animals when they are consumed. Try buying products that do not have microbeads.

4. What is the International Agreements made to control Plastic Pollution?

Plastic pollution is a much wider issue and requires a global solution. Any effect of pollution is felt across the geographical area. Hence international cooperation is needed to control plastic pollution. Following are some of the measures and targets taken up to control plastic pollution:

170 countries have decided to reduce plastic usage by 2030. This was done after the UN assembly held at Nairobi. 

Initially, an attempt was made to ban single-use plastic by 2025 but this was discarded by many members

Plastic wastes are considered harmful under the Basel Convention and measures were taken to stop dumping them into water resources and targets were fixed accordingly.

5. How are Plastics made?

The use of plastic has changed the entire production process. It has reduced our dependence on paper to some extent and we need to cut down the trees. But excessive dependence and improper waste management mechanisms led to plastic pollution. Plastic is made from oil, natural gas and plants which are processed into ethane and propane. These elements are further treated by applying enormous heat energy to convert them into ethylene and propylene. Several ethylene and other materials are combined to form “polymers”. It is sent into an extruder and then into a pipe after melting. They're made into tubes, cubes after settling them down.

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10 Lines on Say No to Plastic Bags Essay for Class 1 to 10 Sudents

Here are 10 Lines on Say No To Plastic Bags in English . This will be very easy for students and kids who are studying in school. If you are studying in between classes 1 to 10, then you must read all the sets of Say No to plastic 10 lines .

Plastic bags cause big problems for the world. Many plastic bags end up in landfills and oceans. This pollutes and harms wildlife and people.

We must say no to plastic bags. We must use bags made of cloth, paper, or jute instead. Supermarkets should charge for plastic bags. This will make people use fewer plastic bags. Schools should teach students that plastic bags are bad.

It is everyone’s duty to say no to plastic bags. We must convince others to stop using them too. So, here are 5 different sets of 10 lines on say no to plastic bags.

10 lines on say no to plastic bags

SET 1: 10 Lines On Say No to Plastic Bags

  • Plastic bags are harmful to the environment as they take hundreds of years to decompose.
  • When plastic bags end up in oceans and rivers, they pose a serious threat to marine life.
  • Many countries have banned or imposed restrictions on the use of plastic bags to reduce pollution.
  • Switching to reusable cloth bags or paper bags is a sustainable alternative to plastic bags.
  • Plastic bags are made from non-renewable resources like petroleum, contributing to resource depletion.
  • Plastic bag production emits greenhouse gases, further exacerbating climate change.
  • Plastic bags are often found littered on streets, spoiling the beauty of our surroundings.
  • The toxic chemicals released during plastic bag decomposition can contaminate soil and water.
  • By saying no to plastic bags, we can reduce the demand for them and encourage eco-friendly options.
  • It is our responsibility to protect the planet and future generations by minimizing plastic bag usage.

SET 2: Say No to Plastic 10 Points

  • Plastic bags are a major contributor to the global plastic pollution crisis.
  • The production of plastic bags consumes vast amounts of energy and resources.
  • Wildlife can ingest or become entangled in plastic bags, leading to injury and death.
  • Plastic bags can clog drainage systems, causing floods and water pollution during rains.
  • Single-use plastic bags are used for an average of just 12 minutes but last for centuries.
  • Many retailers now charge for plastic bags to encourage customers to bring their own reusable ones.
  • Plastic bags break down into microplastics, entering the food chain and harming human health.
  • Choosing reusable bags not only helps the environment but also saves money in the long run.
  • Plastic bag bans and regulations are being implemented globally to address this issue.
  • Saying no to plastic bags is a simple yet impactful step towards a cleaner and healthier planet.

SET 3: 10 Lines On Say No to Plastic

  • Plastic bags are made from non-renewable petroleum resources and take hundreds of years to decompose.
  • Billions of plastic bags end up in landfills and oceans every year, polluting the environment.
  • Plastic bags choke drains and cause flooding during monsoons. Stray animals often eat plastic bags leading to their death.
  • Plastic bags are difficult to recycle and less than 5% of the total plastic bags are recycled worldwide.
  • Many countries have banned single-use plastic bags completely. We should follow these examples.
  • We must say no to plastic bags and switch to eco-friendly alternatives like jute, cloth, and paper bags.
  • Supermarkets must charge for plastic bags to discourage their use. The money collected can be used for environmental causes.
  • Schools and colleges should educate students about the harmful effects of plastic bags and why their use must be avoided.
  • The government should run awareness campaigns to inform people about plastic bag pollution and punish their wrongful usage.
  • It is our responsibility as citizens to refuse plastic bags and motivate others to do the same for a greener planet.

SET 4: 10 Simple Lines to Say No Plastic Bags

  • The convenience of plastic bags comes at a steep environmental cost.
  • Plastic bags contribute to the destruction of ecosystems and harm biodiversity.
  • Alternatives like biodegradable bags are not a perfect solution as they still take time to degrade.
  • Plastic bags litter our landscapes, posing health and aesthetic problems.
  • Using reusable bags reduces the demand for plastic production and helps conserve resources.
  • Plastic bags in landfills can release harmful chemicals into the soil and groundwater.
  • Say no to plastic bags and opt for sustainable choices to protect our planet.
  • Some countries have adopted innovative measures like plastic bag recycling programs.
  • Individuals can make a big difference by refusing single-use plastic bags.
  • Together, we can reduce the environmental impact of plastic bags and promote a greener future.

SET 5: 10 Lines Essay Say No To Plastic Bags

  • Plastic bags are made from chemicals and take years to break down.
  • Billions of plastic bags end up in landfills and oceans, polluting the planet.
  • Plastic bags clog drains and cause flooding when it rains heavily.
  • Animals often swallow plastic bags, causing them to choke or die.
  • Less than 5% of plastic bags are recycled worldwide, most end up as trash.
  • Many countries have successfully banned single-use plastic bags.
  • We should say no to plastic bags and switch to jute, cloth or paper bags.
  • Stores should charge for plastic bags to reduce their use. The money can fund green causes.
  • Schools must educate kids on the problems caused by plastic bags.
  • It’s our duty as citizens to avoid plastic bags and inspire others to do the same.

So, here you have read 10 lines on saying no to plastic bags. Plastic bags are causing immense harm to the environment and wildlife. We cannot afford to ignore this issue anymore. The time has come for each of us to act responsibly and say no to plastic bag usage. Together we can make our planet cleaner, greener, and free from plastic bag pollution.

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Take the Pledge

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Say ‘No’ To Single-Use Plastic

Refusing single-use plastic in your daily life can be as simple as saying, “No plastic straw, please,” or bringing your own reusable water bottle and bag with you when you leave home. These small actions do add up, and send a message to companies and the world that you don’t want all this plastic.

say no to plastic essay for class 1

REFUSE single-use plastic whenever and wherever possible. Choose items that are not packaged in plastic, and carry your own reusable bags, containers, and utensils. Say ‘No plastic straw, please.’

say no to plastic essay for class 1

REUSE durable, non-toxic straws, utensils, to-go containers, bottles, bags, and other everyday items. Choose glass, paper, stainless steel, wood, ceramic, and bamboo over plastic.

say no to plastic essay for class 1

REDUCE your plastic footprint. Cut down on your consumption of goods that are made of and packaged in plastic. If it will leave behind plastic pollution, don’t buy it.

say no to plastic essay for class 1

RETHINK what you can’t Refuse, Reduce, or Reuse. Pay attention to the entire lifecycle of items you bring into your life, from source to manufacture to distribution to disposal.

say no to plastic essay for class 1

Take the pledge, sign a petition, begin your plastic-free journey.

say no to plastic essay for class 1

Join our Coalition as an individual, an organization, or a business.

say no to plastic essay for class 1

Learn about Plastic Pollution Coalition’s work and impact.

To Stop Plastic Pollution


Speech on Say No To Plastic

Plastic pollution is a global menace that’s choking our earth. Your daily choices can make a big difference. Let’s join hands to say ‘No’ to plastic. By refusing, reducing, and reusing, you can help save our planet.

1-minute Speech on Say No To Plastic

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, we gather here to talk about plastic. Plastic is everywhere. It’s in our homes, our schools, our offices, even in our oceans. It’s hard to imagine life without it. But it’s a problem, a big problem.

Why is it a problem? Plastic does not go away. When we throw it away, it stays there for hundreds of years. It hurts our earth. It hurts the animals who live in the sea. They eat the plastic and fall sick. Many of them die because of this.

What can we do? We can say no to plastic. It’s simple. Don’t use plastic bags when you go shopping. Use a bag made of cloth instead. Don’t use plastic bottles for water. Use a metal or glass one. These are small changes, but they can make a big difference.

By saying no to plastic, we help our earth. We help our animals. We help ourselves. We make our world a better place. We make our future better.

So, let’s say it together. Let’s say no to plastic. Let’s promise to use less plastic every day. Let’s do it for our earth, for our animals, for ourselves.

Also check:

  • Essay on Say No To Plastic

2-minute Speech on Say No To Plastic

Let’s talk about plastic. You see it everywhere, right? In your home, at school, in stores. But do you know it’s not good for us or our planet? Today, we need to understand why we should say no to plastic and what we can do about it.

Plastic seems helpful. It’s light, strong, and lasts a long time. But that’s the problem. It lasts too long. A plastic bag can take up to 1,000 years to break down. That’s longer than your life, my life, or even our grandchildren’s lives. What’s worse, when it does break down, it turns into tiny bits, or ‘microplastics’, which can harm animals and nature.

Imagine you’re a fish. You’re swimming along when you see something that looks like food. You eat it. But it’s not food. It’s plastic. This happens to many fish, birds, and other animals. They can get sick or even die because of plastic. We can’t let this happen.

Our world is full of beautiful places, isn’t it? Mountains, oceans, forests, and fields. But now, too many of these places are full of plastic. It’s like a monster that never goes away. It’s spoiling the beauty of our Earth.

So, what can we do? The answer is simple. Say no to plastic! We can start by using less plastic in our daily lives. For example, carry a cloth bag when you go shopping instead of taking a plastic one. Drink water from a glass or metal bottle, not a plastic one. And if you have toys or things you don’t need anymore, don’t throw them away. Give them to someone who can use them.

Schools can help too. Teachers can teach children about the harm caused by plastic. They can show them how to use less plastic and recycle. Schools can also organize clean-up days when students pick up litter, especially plastic, from parks and beaches.

Companies have a big role to play as well. They can make products that use less plastic. Or even better, use no plastic at all. They can also use recycled plastic to make new things.

Saying no to plastic is not just a slogan. It’s a promise to ourselves, to our children, and to our planet. It’s a step towards a better, healthier, and cleaner world. We all have a part to play. So let’s start today. Let’s say no to plastic!

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say no to plastic essay for class 1

say no to plastic essay for class 1

Say No To Single-Use Plastics

  • July 22, 2021
  • Muntaha Abdullah Al Qasmi

Plastic pollution is one of the most critical environmental issues these days. It is the accumulation of plastic materials (like grocery bags, drink bottles, straws, food wrappers, plastic packaging, and microbeads) in the marine and wild environments. This accumulation adversely impacts both humans and wildlife. 1. Every year, about 8 million tons of plastic waste escapes from coastal nations into the oceans 1. This is like setting five garbage bags full of trash on every foot of coastline around the world 2. The latest studies indicated that microplastics are being eaten by animals 2 . These microplastics could negatively impact their lives and human health because they can be stored in the animals’ tissues and cells for months. Scientists believe that the amount of plastic in the ocean might triple by 2050 3 . Learn why microplastic pollution prevention matters and the most effective strategies that can be taken by individuals to decrease plastic waste, and say no to single-use plastic.

Why does single-use plastic pollution matter?

Interesting statistics and facts:

  • The United States is by far the world’s largest generator of plastic waste—it produced about 42 million metric tons of the waste (46 million U.S. tons) in 2016 4 .
  • The U.S. ranks as high as third among coastal nations for contributing litter, illegally dumping trash and other mismanaged waste to it’s shorelines 4 .
  • The average American uses and throws away 110 pounds, or roughly 50 kilograms, of single-use plastic every year 5 .
  • Only about 8% of plastic gets recycled in the United States 5 . Learning how to recycle properly is a key factor in increasing this percentage.
  • Half of all plastics ever manufactured have been made in the last 15 years 2 .
  • Production increased exponentially, from 2.3 million tons in 1950 to 448 million tons by 2015. Production is expected to double by 2050 2 .

Last year, in partnership with SYSTEMQ, a London-based environmental consulting firm, Pew (Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank) predicted that plastic waste in the marine environment will triple by 2040. Pew suggested the world should act urgently to eliminate plastic use and gain control of trash 6 . According to a study in 2015, scientists found many developing nations with poor waste management 6 . These nations have reported later improvements in waste management and the construction of infrastructure 6 . Asian nations are one of the top five collections of nations that reported more gains. For example, China has reported about a 60% decrease in waste generation and a 51% reduction in inadequately managed waste. These decreases happened due to the rapid construction of incineration plants 6 . In 2016, there were more than half of the 3.91 million metric tons of plastics gathered and exported outside the United States  6 . There were about 88% of the plastics exported to nations lacking adequate resources to properly manage and process them  6 . There were about 1 million metric tons of waste that were estimated by the team; This ended up polluting the marine environment outside the United States  6 .

Want to know how plastic is made? Watch this:

How did single-use plastic come about.

Plastics are made up of fossil fuels that can be over a century old 5 . World War II had produced and developed thousands of new plastic products 2 . Nowadays, plastic is one of the important things which made the modern age cannot live without it. Plastics revolutionized medicine with life-saving devices, made space travel possible, lightened cars and jets, saved lives with helmets, incubators, and equipment for clean drinking water 2 . Unfortunately, some of these plastic products have a long lifespan when they enter the environment and it can persist for more than hundreds of years 5 .

“If we don’t get the plastic pollution problem in the ocean under control, we threaten to contaminate the entire marine food web, from phytoplankton to whales. And by the time science catches up to this, perhaps definitively concluding that this is problematic, it will be too late. We will not be able to go back. That massive amount of plastic will be embedded in the ocean’s wildlife essentially forever 7 .”

What can we do about single-use plastic pollution?

The best solution to prevent plastic waste from entering rivers and seas is to understand our responsibilities towards our ecosystem 8 . Here are some significant steps people can follow to eliminate single-use plastic:

Here are some steps to follow to say no to single-use plastic:

  • Carry Reusable Shopping Bags.
  • Drink Your Coffee from a Reusable Cup.
  • Avoid Bottled Water.
  • Steer Clear of Plastic Straws.
  • Shop at a Farmers Market.
  • Swap Out Bottles for Bars.
  • Avoid Buying Clothes Made with Plastic.
  • Compost Food Waste.
  • Stop Smoking — or At Least Use a Refillable Lighter.

Let’s join the Plastic Free July organization to reduce our plastic waste to get clean streets, oceans, and beautiful communities: https://www.plasticfreejuly.org/ #plasticfreejuly

Are you looking for plastic-free shops? Here are some shops:

https://www.theplasticfreeshop.co.uk/ https://lifewithoutplastic.com/

  • https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/nature/kids-vs-plastic/article/pollution-1  
  • https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/plastic-pollution  
  • https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/plastic-pollution-huge-problem-not-too-late-to-fix-it  
  • https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/us-plastic-pollution  
  • https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/18/climate/single-use-plastic.html?searchResultPosition=2  
  • https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/tips-reduce-plastic/  
  • https://ideasforus.org/all-about-microplastics-facts-and-new-research/ ‏
  • https://ideasforus.org/planet-earth-vs-plastic/  

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Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay

Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay: Why And How To Make The Switch

Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay: Plastic bags are everywhere. They are used to carry groceries, clothes, and other items from stores to homes across the world. However, this convenience comes at a cost. Plastic bags are not biodegradable and contribute to environmental pollution, endangering marine life and the planet. As such, it is imperative to make the switch to eco-friendly alternatives. In this article, we will explore why and how to say no to plastic bags.

In this blog, we include the Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover the Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class. You can read more essays in 10 lines, and Essay Writing about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay is also available in different languages.

The Negative Impact Of Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are a significant contributor to environmental pollution. The statistics are staggering. According to a report by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), over 380 billion plastic bags are used in the United States every year. Of these, only a small fraction is recycled, while the rest end up in landfills or as litter. Plastic bags take up to 1,000 years to degrade, releasing harmful chemicals into the soil and water.

The environmental consequences of plastic bags are dire. Marine life, in particular, is adversely affected by plastic waste. Plastic bags, once in the ocean, pose a serious threat to sea turtles, whales, dolphins, and other marine animals that mistake them for food. The bags block the digestive tract, leading to malnutrition and death. Additionally, plastic bags that end up in landfills contribute to the release of greenhouse gases, which are a leading cause of climate change.

Alternatives To Plastic Bags

The good news is that there are many alternatives to plastic bags. Reusable bags are one of the most popular options. These bags are made from durable materials such as cotton, jute, canvas, or nylon and can be used multiple times. Biodegradable bags, made from materials like paper or plant-based plastics, are another eco-friendly option. These bags break down more quickly in landfills, reducing the impact on the environment. Other alternatives include backpacks, totes, and baskets.

Benefits Of Saying No To Plastic Bags

There are many benefits to saying no to plastic bags. For one, it is a simple way to reduce waste and preserve the environment. It is estimated that if everyone in the United States used reusable bags instead of plastic bags, we could save over 100 billion plastic bags each year. Additionally, reusable bags are more durable and can be used for years, saving money in the long run.

Benefits Of Saying No To Plastic Bags

Saying no to plastic bags also has social benefits. It is a tangible way to contribute to a sustainable future and raise awareness about environmental issues. Many retailers offer incentives for using reusable bags, such as discounts or loyalty points. By making the switch to eco-friendly alternatives, we can join the movement toward reducing plastic waste and creating a better world for future generations.

Making The Switch To Eco-Friendly Bags

Making the switch to eco-friendly bags is easier than you might think. Start by investing in a few reusable bags. Many stores sell them at a low cost, and they are available in various sizes and styles to suit your needs. Keep them in your car or bag, so they are always on hand when you need them. You can also use biodegradable bags or other eco-friendly alternatives when reusable bags are not practical.

Overcoming common obstacles, such as forgetfulness or convenience, is key to making the switch to eco-friendly bags. Start small and gradually incorporate the use of reusable bags into your daily routine. Remember to take them with you when you go shopping and use them whenever possible. With time, using eco-friendly bags will become second nature, and you will wonder how you ever lived without them.

In conclusion, saying no to plastic bags is a simple yet effective way to reduce waste and preserve the environment. By making the switch to eco-friendly alternatives, we can contribute to a sustainable future and raise awareness. The harmful effects of plastic bags on the environment cannot be ignored.

By saying no to plastic bags and adopting eco-friendly alternatives, we can reduce pollution, save wildlife, and protect our planet for future generations. It is our responsibility to make a conscious effort to reduce our plastic consumption and make sustainable choices. By taking small steps towards a plastic-free lifestyle, we can make a significant impact and create a cleaner, healthier planet.

Read More: Essay Writing

FAQs On Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay

Question 1. How do you write a paragraph on Say No to plastic?

Answer: To write a paragraph on Say No to Plastic, you can follow these steps:

  • Introduction: Begin by introducing the topic and the issue of plastic pollution, highlighting the harm caused by single-use plastics on the environment.
  • Problems caused by plastic: Discuss the problems caused by plastic, such as its non-biodegradability, impact on wildlife, and contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Alternatives to plastic: Offer alternatives to plastic, such as reusable bags, bottles, and containers, as well as natural materials like cloth, paper, and glass.
  • Call to action: Encourage the reader to join the movement to reduce plastic use and advocate for sustainable alternatives, emphasizing the importance of individual actions in reducing plastic pollution.

Example paragraph: Say No to Plastic! Plastic pollution is one of the biggest environmental problems of our time, with single-use plastics causing immense harm to wildlife and ecosystems. Plastics take hundreds of years to decompose and release toxic chemicals into the environment, contributing to climate change and harming marine life. To reduce our plastic use, we can choose to carry reusable bags, water bottles, and containers, as well as opt for natural materials like cloth, paper, and glass. By saying no to plastic and advocating for sustainable alternatives, we can make a significant impact on the health of our planet.

How do you write a paragraph on Say No to plastic

Question 2. Why say no to plastic essays?

Answer: To answer the question “Why say no to plastic essay?” you can use the following paragraph:

Single-use plastics are one of the biggest contributors to pollution in our oceans and landfills. Not only do they take hundreds of years to decompose, but they also harm marine life and release toxic chemicals into the environment. Saying no to plastic means reducing our carbon footprint, protecting wildlife, and promoting sustainability. By adopting more eco-friendly alternatives, we can make a positive impact on the environment and ensure a healthier future for generations to come.

Question 3. What is say no to plastic bags?

Answer: Say no to plastic bags is a campaign aimed at reducing the use of single-use plastic bags. These bags take hundreds of years to decompose and are harmful to the environment and wildlife. By choosing to use reusable bags made of cloth, paper, or other eco-friendly materials, we can reduce our plastic consumption and contribute to a more sustainable future. Joining the say no to plastic bags movement means taking a small step towards protecting our planet and preserving its natural resources.

Question 4. Why plastic is banned 10 points?

Answer: Here are 10 reasons why plastic is banned:

  • Non-biodegradability: Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, leading to the accumulation of plastic waste in landfills, oceans, and other natural environments.
  • Harmful to wildlife: Marine animals, birds, and other wildlife often mistake plastic for food, leading to injury, illness, and death.
  • Pollution: Burning plastic releases toxic chemicals into the air, contributing to air pollution and climate change.
  • Clogging drainage systems: Discarded plastic bags and other items can clog drainage systems, leading to floods and other environmental problems.
  • Health concerns: Plastic contains harmful chemicals that can leach into food and water, posing health risks to humans and animals.
  • Resource depletion: The production of plastic requires significant amounts of fossil fuels and other natural resources, contributing to resource depletion and environmental degradation.
  • Aesthetics: Plastic litter can be unsightly and detract from the beauty of natural environments.
  • Financial costs: The management and disposal of plastic waste can be costly for governments and communities.
  • Environmental justice: Plastic pollution often impacts low-income communities and communities of color disproportionately.
  • Alternative solutions: There are many alternative materials and products available that are more environmentally friendly, making it unnecessary to rely on plastic.

Question 5. What are the 3 lines for saying no to plastic?

Answer: Here are three lines for “say no to plastic”:

  • “Refuse single-use plastic and opt for reusable alternatives.”
  • “Reduce your plastic footprint to protect the environment and wildlife.”
  • “Choose sustainable options and say no to plastic to promote a healthier future.”


Speech On Say No To Plastic [1 to 3 Minutes]

We use plastic in uncountable forms in our daily life. There is no doubt the use of plastic provides us with a great deal of convenience. But this convenience is too costly for the environment, animals and our health. Hence, it is high time to say no to plastic.

In this article, we shared 2 short and long speech examples on the topic “say no to plastic”. These speeches will help students prepare for speech competitions. Also, you will get to know the harmful effects of using plastic-made items.

1 Minute Speech On Say No To Plastic

Hello and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to present a speech on saying no to plastic.

Plastic is the most used material of current times. We use it in various forms and for various purposes. But careless use of anything is very harmful. The plastic bags, plastic packaging, and plastic bottles we use do not get dumped properly.

These plastic-made items travel here and there on the streets and even reach water bodies. Land animals and aquatic species eat them mistaking their food and suffer from various health problems. Apart from this, plastic is dumped into landfills which causes soil pollution.

In short, the use of plastic is not good for our health, our biodiversity and our environment. In every possible manner, we need to avoid the use of plastic. There are various alternatives that can replace the use of plastic-made items. So, it is time to say no to plastic. Thank You!

1 Minute Speech On Say No To Plastic

Speech On Say No To Plastic For 2 to 3 Minutes

I cordially welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on saying no to plastic Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

Let’s talk about the harmful effects of using plastic. This will inspire all of us to avoid the use of plastic as much as possible.

1. Deterioration of Environment

Plastic is one of the greatest contributors to pollution. Plastic takes around 600 years to completely decompose. Plastic in various forms is dumped into landfills which reduces the fertility of the soil and hence it is a reason for soil pollution.

2. Harmful to animals and Aquatic Creatures

Plastic bags are light in weight. For this reason, they can travel by air far and wide. Animals eat these bags with their food and suffer from various problems. Even some animals die from eating plastic bags. This way the use of plastic is reducing our biodiversity.

3. Harmful to Health

We use plastic bottles to carry water and various drinks. These bottles release chemicals into our food which leads to various health problems. Apart from this, when we order food online, it is mostly packed in plastic bags which becomes toxic and not healthy food .

So, the use of plastic is no better. We need to replace this practice with some alternatives so that we can prevent all of these harmful effects. Let’s talk about some of the ways to say no to plastic.

One . We can use paper bags or reusable cloth bags in place of plastic bags. Two. We can use a stainless bottle for carrying water and other drinks. Three. Use a stainless tiffin to avoid health problems. Four. Avoid ordering food online where you find plastic packaging, it is better to eat healthy homely food.

Five. dump the plastic-made items into the proper place. Also, if you find plastic litter on the streets, make sure to transfer it to dustbins so that animals do not eat it. Six. Spread awareness about the harmful effects of the use of plastic.

To sum it up, there are various ways to say no to plastic. We need to care for our health, our animals and our environment for sustainable development.

This is all I wanted to say. I hope you liked my thoughts. Thank you!

Long Speech On Say No To Plastic

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Essay on Plastic Bag in English for Children and Students

say no to plastic essay for class 1

Table of Contents

Essay on Plastic Bags: Plastic Bags are used for various purposes. The most common use of these bags is to carry grocery items. These are easily available in the market and thus used extensively. However, disposing these bags is a big issue as these are non-biodegradable. They have become a major cause of land pollution. Plastic bags are harming our environment more than anything else. The use of these bags must be banned in order to save the environment from their harmful effects.

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Long and Short Essay on Plastic Bag in English

Here are essays on Plastic Bag of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams/school assignments. You can go with any Plastic Bag essay which you like the best for you:

Essay on Plastic Bag | Why Plastic Bags Should be Banned Essay | Why Plastic Bags are Harmful for Health

Short Essay on Plastic Bags – Essay 1 (200 words)

Plastic bags are commonly seen in the market. These bags are available in various sizes and come handy while shopping. These are light and inexpensive. This is the reason why these are being used extensively. However, it is important to understand that as convenient as these are to carry and use these are equally harmful for the environment.

Unlike the cloth and paper bags, the plastic bags are non-biodegradable. It is a challenge to dispose them off. Used plastic bags stay in the environment for years and contribute to land and water pollution. This is the reason why many countries have banned the use of these bags. These countries have replaced plastic bags with paper bags or reusable cloth bags.

The government of India has also banned the use of plastic bags in many states however the same has never been implemented properly. We must understand that these have been banned for our good. Every individual must take it has his responsibility to stop the use of these bags to make our environment cleaner.

The use of plastic bags must be banned throughout the world in order to make earth a better place to live. The task should not be very difficult as these can easily be replaced by bags made of other materials.

Essay on How Plastic Bag is Harmful to Health and Environment – Essay 2 (300 words)


Plastic bags are preferred over other kinds of bags as these are economical, light and easy to carry. Though these are widely popular we cannot overlook the harmful effects of these bags on the environment as well as the health hazards they cause.

Plastic Bags Ruin the Environment

Plastic bags contain synthetic polymer – a substance that causes harm to the environment as it is non-biodegradable. It is hard to dispose of plastic bags due to this nature of plastic. The waste plastic bags lead to pollution. Since these are extremely light they are easily blown by the wind and scatter far and wide. They do not only pollute our towns and cities but even enter the oceans and become a threat for the marine life.

Plastic Bags are Hazardous for Health

Plastic bags cause health problems in human beings as well as animals. Waste food and vegetable and fruit peels are usually thrown away in plastic bags. Animals and birds often gulp pieces of plastic while having food. This causes various diseases and illnesses in them. Gulping plastic bags can even choke their throat and suffocate them to death.

Likewise, the marine creatures also tend to mistake the plastic pieces for food and eat them. This toxic substance causes various health problems in them. People who have sea food can get infected if they have fishes, lobsters or other marine creatures suffering from illness.

Besides, the pollution caused due to plastic bags is a cause of various illnesses.

Thus, plastic bags are ruining our beautiful environment and have become a threat to our health. It is high time we must stop the use of plastic bags. We must think about the bigger scenario rather than convenience of a few seconds. It is not that difficult to keep a cloth bag with us as we head to the market. This will go a long way in keeping our environment clean.

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Essay on Harmful Effects of Plastic Bags – Essay 3 (400 words)

Plastic bags are one of the most widely used bags when it comes to carrying grocery items. However, these are one of the worst types of bags to use as these cause a major harm to the environment. These light bags get torn into small pieces over the time but do not get disposed off because they are non-biodegradable. They remain in the environment for years and years and add to land, air and water pollution.

Harmful Effects of Plastic Bags on Plants

Trees and plants are an integral part of our environment. They are a source of the life-giving oxygen and one of the main reasons life is possible on our planet. Unfortunately, we human beings are ruining these beautiful creations of God. Among other things, it is the plastic bags that are causing immense harm to the flora.

Today, plastic bags have become a major cause of land pollution. The toxic chemicals produced by plastic contaminate the soil. This is hampering the growth of the plants. Since these are light and are carried by wind to different places, the agricultural land is also getting affected by them. They are deteriorating the soil quality making it less fertile. They damage the seeds sown in the ground and interfere with the growth of plants.

Harmful Effects of Plastic Bags on Animals and Humans

As the environment gets deteriorated and the growth of agricultural crops and other trees and plants gets hindered, life of animals and human beings is likely to get worse. The pollution caused due to plastic bags impacts the human beings and animals directly as well as indirectly.

Animals open eat plastic bags lying in the garbage. These bags can cause severe damage to their digestive tract and cause various illnesses. Birds, fishes and various marine creatures also eat the plastic content that floats in the air and water and incur various diseases. Humans who consume these creatures having illnesses are likely to incur serious illness.

Besides, animals and marine creatures even tend to gulp plastic bags as it is and are often suffocated to death. Large number of innocent animals die each year because of plastic bags.

Plastic bags are causing immense harm to our environment. The use of these bags must be banned by the government and as responsible citizens we must stop using these bags. In fact, the government should put a ban on the manufacturing of these bags so that these are not circulated in the market.

Essay on Say No to Plastic Bags – Essay 4 (500 words)

Plastic bags are a convenient way to carry our goods. These have become an integral part of our modern day life. We use these almost every day and are often miffed when the shopkeepers tell us these are banned and that we need to either get our own bag or purchase a cloth bag from them to carry our goods. What we fail to understand is that the government has put a ban on these bags for our good.

Why Say NO to Plastic Bags?

Here is why we must say NO to plastic bags and switch to eco-friendly alternatives:

  • Major Cause of Land Pollution

Plastic bags are non-biodegradable. These are not good for use mainly because they create a lot of waste. These use and throw bags are a challenge when it comes to disposing them off. They break into tiny pieces and remain in the environment for thousands of years and add to land pollution.

  • Adds to Water Pollution

Plastic bags are extremely light. People litter these bags carelessly. These are easily blown by the wind and enter the water bodies. Besides, most of our packaged food comes in plastic packing. People who go for picnics and camping carry such food and throw the waste plastic bags in the seas and rivers thereby adding to the water pollution.

  • Effect on Plant Growth

The chemicals present in plastic bags contaminate the soil. They make the soil infertile and hinder the growth of plants. These are thus interfering with agriculture which is the major occupation of our country.

  • Serious Illness in Animals

Animals are unable to distinguish between food and packing. They often gulp the whole thing from the garbage bins. Plastic bags get stuck in the digestive system of the animals. They even get stuck in the throat when gulped as it is and chokes them. Besides, tiny pieces of plastic that they eat from the garbage along with their food also gets accumulated in their body and eventually leads to serious illness in them.

  • Responsible for Climate Change

Plastic bags are mostly made of polypropylene which is produced from petroleum and natural gas. These are both non-renewable fossil fuels and their extraction creates greenhouse gases that are the leading cause of global warming.

How to Say NO to Plastic Bags?

Although plastic bags have become an integral part of our everyday life saying no to these should not be as difficult as it seems. The government has put a ban on the use of plastic bags in many states of India but people continue to use these as these are still available in the market.

The government must take strict measures to ensure these are not used. Besides, each one of us should take it as a responsibility to stop using these. Ban on plastic bags can only be successfully implemented if each one of us stops using these sincerely.

The harmful impact of using plastic bags has been stressed upon time and again. We are all aware about the harm they are causing to our environment. We must stop their use to make our environment safer to live.

Essay on Ban on Plastic bags to Save Environment – Essay 5 (600 words)

Plastic is a man-made substance. Unlike natural substances, it is difficult to dispose of plastic as it is non-biodegradable. Plastic bags are used extensively throughout the world and produce a large amount of waste. It is a waste that remains on earth for thousands of years and causes land, water and air pollution. This gives way to serious illnesses and degrades the overall environment.

Plastic Bags should be banned completely because it is a Threat to the Environment

Plastic bags when thrown after use prove to be a major threat to the environment. They pollute the soil and effect the growth of flora. They lead to infertile soil. Both wild plants as well as agricultural crops are affected by this. When the trees and plants suffer then the entire environment is impacted negatively.

Birds and animals mistake plastic for food and eat it. This causes serious illness in them. Large number of animals and marine creatures die each year because of consuming plastic bags. Plastic bags contribute majorly in land and water pollution. These are degrading our environment by the day.

Besides, petroleum is used in the production of plastic. Petroleum is a non-renewable resource and is required for various other purposes as well. Several things that we cannot imagine our lives without run on petroleum. So, we must save this resource for their production rather than wasting it on producing plastic which is ruining our environment.

Ban on Plastic to Save Environment

  • Government Must Take Strict Measures

Plastic bags have been banned in many countries around the world. The government of India has also banned the use of plastic bags in many states. However, the same has not been implemented properly. These are still used extensively throughout the market. It is essential for the government to take strict measures to ensure that the usage of these bags is stopped. Here are some suggestions to ensure strict and smooth implementation of ban on plastic bags:

  • The production of plastic bags must be stopped.
  • The shopkeepers must be fined for circulating plastic bags. Those seen carrying plastic bags must also be fined.
  • Plastic bags already available in the market must be made chargeable.
  • People Must Act Mature

It is high time that the people of our country should understand that plastic bags have been banned for our own good. These have been banned so as to make the environment cleaners and healthier to live. They must thus act maturely and contribute their bit by saying no to plastic bags.

  • Alternatives to Plastic Bags

We have grown used to using plastic bags but is it that difficult to replace these and stop their use? The answer is No! There are many alternatives to the plastic bags.

Plastic bags are mainly used by shoppers to carry grocery items and other goods. It is a good idea to carry a jute bag or a cloth bag whenever we head to the market. Big shopping bags made of clothes are available in the market. We can buy one and reuse it several times. These bags are much better than the plastic bags as they have more capacity. We can keep a good number of things in a big cloth bag. It is much better than holding several small plastic bags. Cloth bags are easier to carry and are also quite firm.

You can also use paper bags instead of plastic bags. Many stores have started providing paper bags as an alternative to the plastic bags.

We humans have caused immense harm to our planet earth. We have degraded the environment and are continuing to do so every day. A switch from plastic bag to cloth bag can be our little effort to reduce pollution and save our environment.

Related Information:

  • Essay on Environment
  • Why Plastic Bags should be Banned
  • Why Plastic Bags are Harmful for Health
  • Speech on Plastic Pollution
  • Speech on Beat Plastic Pollution

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Say "NO" to plastic bags

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Say ‘NO’ to Plastic Bags!

Gone are the days when our grandmothers used cloth bags and straw baskets to carry the grocery while going around in the market. For small items there were brown or newspaper bags, but now whether you buy clothes, groceries, meat, books or buttons, the shopkeepers only use plastic bags for the items.

Have you ever wondered the beneficial and dangerous side of using plastics? I have and I have found that plastics are very harmful to the environment, even though they are very useful to carry things around. You must be wondering how just a plastic bag, can be so detrimental to the environment. Allow me to tell you how.

Plastic bags are cheap and are light in weight. They are also water and chemical resistant and require less energy in manufacture.  These are the advantages of using plastic bags, but above all these benefits they are still very harmful to the environment!

Let’s begin with a story to give you all an idea what actually happens when you just throw away a plastic bag, without considering what harm it can cause.

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This is a preview of the whole essay

A young boy asks a shopkeeper for a plastic bag for the items he had bought; not knowing that it would harm the earth for not carrying the items in his hands or pockets. As soon as he arrives at his doorstep, he throws away the "plastic bag" now regarding it as a useless piece of junk. The winds carry the bag into the river and into the sea. A face of a turtle appears and the bag disappears inside the mouth of a turtle who has mistaken it for a jellyfish, his primary food source. The turtle then suffocates and dies. The turtle's body slowly rots away freeing the bag of death to roam the ocean again. The bag is then eaten by a killer whale mistakes it for a jellyfish. The plastic enters the digestive system and stays there as it is indigestible. It soon starts blocking the entire digestive system. The gigantic whale is killed by a bag which is nearly one-thousandth of its size!

See! How harmful these plastic bags are to the marine life. Just one plastic bag can kill many animals.

Plastic bags also block drainage systems and cause the awfully dirty water to come out into the street making puddles that are breeding grounds for flies and mosquitoes. These disease carriers in return spread cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea, contaminating drinking water and further spreading the disease and even causing hepatitis B.

Four to five trillion plastic bags are produced each year but less than one percent is recycled!  100, 000 marine animals die annually by plastic bags when they mistake them for food.

Plastic bags choke landfills and can take 400-1,000 years to breakdown. The littering of plastic bags also stops rain water from penetrating into the soil which results in less rains and low water levels.

Plastic bags have been a problem in South Africa. They are known as the country’s ‘national flower’ , because they are found everywhere littered in the streets. According to the South African government the country uses eight billion plastic bags a year! A current study of blue petrel chicks in South Africa showed that 90% of the chicks had plastic in their stomachs.  South African seabirds are amongst the worst affected in the world. Plastics remain in their stomachs, blocking the digestive system and perhaps cause starvation.

Plastic bags are dangerous to birds and marine animals! Plastic Bags litter and spoil the landscape! Plastic Bags block drainages! So why not just say “No” to plastic bags? We seem to be doomed to sink in a sea of polythene bags, unless we put our foot down and learn to say “No”! We then have to find alternatives to end these problems. If you have no other option than to accept plastic bags at the checkout, then make sure you use less plastic bags as possible. Reduce the amount of plastic bags you use!

Instead of throwing away plastic bags, reuse them at home. There are many ways like freezing food, packing school lunches or storage of clothing and other household items. Consider recycling your plastic shopping bags by returning them to the store. And last but not least, create public awareness. Tell others how harmful it is to use plastic bags.

If you have no guts to say ‘NO’ to plastic bags then remember that you can always…. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!!!

Name : Laraib Hussain

Subject : English Language

Criteria : Assignment 1 - (informative, analytical and/or argumentative)

Topic : Say “NO” to Plastic Bags!

  What are the advantages of Plastic Bags? By Tyler Lacoma  


 Buzzle.com - Environmental Pollution: The Harmful Effects of Plastic Bags                                                           Web: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/environmental-pollution-the-harmful-effects-of-plastic-bags.html

 Reusablebags.com – The real cost of free plastic bags ‘ Phase 3 Disposable and Litter costs’

    Web:  http://www.reusablebags.com/facts.php?id=2

 Say No to Plastic Bags -The Shocking Facts about Polyethylene Bags,                                               Web: http://environmental-activism.suite101.com/article.cfm/say_no_to_plastic_bags

  BBC News| Africa|   South Africa bans plastic bags  - Friday, 9 May 2003

Web:   http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3013419.stm

  Causes of Plastic Pollution -   Web:   http://members.rediff.com/jogsn/BP4.htm

Peer Reviews

Here's what a star student thought of this essay.


Quality of writing

Spelling and punctuation is largely faultless, with only a few minor inaccuracies as with "whale [then] mistakes it" which is not grammatically sound. However, the candidate is penalised for using exclamatory statements excessively, which impedes upon what is otherwise a finely polished essay. In paragraph eleven alone, we observe five instances of this, which then renders the device obselete - save exclamation marks for genuinely shocking statements. In order to develop what is a short conclusion, the candidate could consider explaining the terms "reduce, reuse and recyle" and perhaps offering examples of ways in which this can be achieved, for example, using charity shops instead of "evil" high street commercial giants. Or it is certainly my experience that during school I was bombarded with recycling propaganda often in the forms of jingles which could offer a dynamic ending for this response.

Level of analysis

The embedded narrative in paragraph five is an interesting addition to the piece; it adds a (perhaps unintentional) element of humour using the metaphor "bag of death". The story has a hyperbolic feel about it also which contributes to the general line of argument expressed that plastic bags are a terrible creation. The comparative statistic "whale is killed by a bag... one-thousandth of its size" is well-used, making the response read far more authentically. The candidate concludes strongly, with the suppositioning clause "if you have the guts to say 'NO'..." which leaves the reader with a somewhat 'niggling' conscience!

Response to question

This is an appropriate response to the set question which develops a detailed line of argument relating to the pros and cons of plastic bags. Numerous examples are used throughout in order to better substantiate the candidate's claims. The response opens with an impartial and effective introduction - I particularly like the image of "grandmothers [and] cloth bags" which is easily identifiable character to the majority of readers.

Say "NO" to plastic bags

Document Details

  • Word Count 909
  • Page Count 6
  • Subject English

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