Democracy Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on democracy.

Democracy is known as the finest form of government. Why so? Because in a democracy, the people of the country choose their government. They enjoy certain rights which are very essential for any human being to live freely and happily. There are various democratic countries in the world , but India is the largest one. Democracy has withstood the test of time, and while other forms have the government has failed, democracy stood strong. It has time and again proved its importance and impact.

Democracy essay

Significance of a Democracy

Democracy is very important for human development . When people have free will to live freely, they will be happier. Moreover, we have seen how other forms of government have turned out to be. Citizens are not that happy and prosperous in a monarchy or anarchy.

Furthermore, democracy lets people have equal rights. This ensures that equality prevails all over the country. Subsequently, it also gives them duties. These duties make them better citizens and are also important for their overall development.

Most importantly, in a democracy, the people form the government. So, this selection of the government by the citizens gives everyone a chance to work for their country. It allows the law to prevail efficiently as the rules are made by people whom they have selected.

In addition, democracy allows people of various religions and cultures to exist peacefully. It makes them live in harmony with one another. People of democracy are more tolerant and accepting of each other’s differences. This is very important for any country to be happy and prosper.

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India: A Democratic Country

India is known to be the largest democracy all over the world. After the rule of the British ended in 1947 , India adopted democracy. In India, all the citizens who are above the age of 18 get the right to vote. It does not discriminate on the basis of caste, creed, gender, color, or more.

essay on democracy for class 12

Although India is the largest democracy it still has a long way to go. The country faces a lot of problems which do not let it efficiently function as a democracy. The caste system is still prevalent which hampers with the socialist principle of democracy. Moreover, communalism is also on the rise. This interferes with the secular aspect of the country. All these differences need to be set aside to ensure the happiness and prosperity of the citizens.

In short, democracy in India is still better than that in most of the countries. Nonetheless, there is a lot of room for improvement which we must focus on. The government must implement stringent laws to ensure no discrimination takes place. In addition, awareness programs must be held to make citizens aware of their rights and duties.

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Democracy Essay

Democracy is derived from the Greek word demos or people. It is defined as a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people. Democracy is exercised directly by the people; in large societies, it is by the people through their elected agents. In the phrase of President Abraham Lincoln, democracy is the “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” There are various democratic countries, but India has the largest democracy in the world. This Democracy Essay will help you know all about India’s democracy. Students can also get a list of CBSE Essays on different topics to boost their essay-writing skills.

500+ Words Democracy Essay

India is a very large country full of diversities – linguistically, culturally and religiously. At the time of independence, it was economically underdeveloped. There were enormous regional disparities, widespread poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, and a shortage of almost all public welfare means. Since independence, India has been functioning as a responsible democracy. The same has been appreciated by the international community. It has successfully adapted to challenging situations. There have been free and fair periodic elections for all political offices, from the panchayats to the President. There has been a smooth transfer of political power from one political party or set of political parties to others, both at national and state levels, on many occasions.

India: A Democratic Country

Democracy is of two, i.e. direct and representative. In a direct democracy, all citizens, without the intermediary of elected or appointed officials, can participate in making public decisions. Such a system is only practical with relatively small numbers of people in a community organisation or tribal council. Whereas in representative democracy, every citizen has the right to vote for their representative. People elect their representatives to all levels, from Panchayats, Municipal Boards, State Assemblies and Parliament. In India, we have a representative democracy.

Democracy is a form of government in which rulers elected by the people take all the major decisions. Elections offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the current rulers. This choice and opportunity are available to all people on an equal basis. The exercise of this choice leads to a government limited by basic rules of the constitution and citizens’ rights.

Democracy is the Best Form of Government

A democratic government is a better government because it is a more accountable form of government. Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts. Thus, democracy improves the quality of decision-making. The advantage of a democracy is that mistakes cannot be hidden for long. There is a space for public discussion, and there is room for correction. Either the rulers have to change their decisions, or the rulers can be changed. Democracy offers better chances of a good decision. It respects people’s own wishes and allows different kinds of people to live together. Even when it fails to do some of these things, it allows a way of correcting its mistakes and offers more dignity to all citizens. That is why democracy is considered the best form of government.

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  • Democracy Essay for Students in English


Essay on Democracy


Democracy is mainly a Greek word which means people and their rules, here peoples have the to select their own government as per their choice. Greece was the first democratic country in the world. India is a democratic country where people select their government of their own choice, also people have the rights to do the work of their choice. There are two types of democracy: direct and representative and hybrid or semi-direct democracy. There are many decisions which are made under democracies. People enjoy few rights which are very essential for human beings to live happily. 

Our country has the largest democracy. In a democracy, each person has equal rights to fight for development. After the independence, India has adopted democracy, where the people vote those who are above 18 years of age, but these votes do not vary by any caste; people from every caste have equal rights to select their government. Democracy, also called as a rule of the majority, means whatever the majority of people decide, it has to be followed or implemented, the representative winning with the most number of votes will have the power. We can say the place where literacy people are more there shows the success of the democracy even lack of consciousness is also dangerous in a democracy. Democracy is associated with higher human accumulation and higher economic freedom. Democracy is closely tied with the economic source of growth like education and quality of life as well as health care. The constituent assembly in India was adopted by Dr B.R. Ambedkar on 26 th November 1949 and became sovereign democratic after its constitution came into effect on 26 January 1950.

What are the Challenges:

There are many challenges for democracy like- corruption here, many political leaders and officers who don’t do work with integrity everywhere they demand bribes, resulting in the lack of trust on the citizens which affects the country very badly. Anti-social elements- which are seen during elections where people are given bribes and they are forced to vote for a particular candidate. Caste and community- where a large number of people give importance to their caste and community, therefore, the political party also selects the candidate on the majority caste. We see wherever the particular caste people win the elections whether they do good for the society or not, and in some cases, good leaders lose because of less count of the vote.

India is considered to be the largest democracy around the globe, with a population of 1.3 billion. Even though being the biggest democratic nation, India still has a long way to becoming the best democratic system. The caste system still prevails in some parts, which hurts the socialist principle of democracy. Communalism is on the rise throughout the globe and also in India, which interferes with the secular principle of democracy. All these differences need to be set aside to ensure a thriving democracy.

Principles of Democracy:

There are mainly five principles like- republic, socialist, sovereign, democratic and secular, with all these quality political parties will contest for elections. There will be many bribes given to the needy person who require food, money, shelter and ask them to vote whom they want. But we can say that democracy in India is still better than the other countries.

Basically, any country needs democracy for development and better functioning of the government. In some countries, freedom of political expression, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, are considered to ensure that voters are well informed, enabling them to vote according to their own interests.

Let us Discuss These Five Principles in Further Detail

Sovereign: In short, being sovereign or sovereignty means the independent authority of a state. The country has the authority to make all the decisions whether it be on internal issues or external issues, without the interference of any third party.

Socialist: Being socialist means the country (and the Govt.), always works for the welfare of the people, who live in that country. There should be many bribes offered to the needy person, basic requirements of them should be fulfilled by any means. No one should starve in such a country.

Secular: There will be no such thing as a state religion, the country does not make any bias on the basis of religion. Every religion must be the same in front of the law, no discrimination on the basis of someone’s religion is tolerated. Everyone is allowed to practice and propagate any religion, they can change their religion at any time.

Republic: In a republic form of Government, the head of the state is elected, directly or indirectly by the people and is not a hereditary monarch. This elected head is also there for a fixed tenure. In India, the head of the state is the president, who is indirectly elected and has a fixed term of office (5 years).

Democratic: By a democratic form of government, means the country’s government is elected by the people via the process of voting. All the adult citizens in the country have the right to vote to elect the government they want, only if they meet a certain age limit of voting.

Merits of Democracy:

better government forms because it is more accountable and in the interest of the people.

improves the quality of decision making and enhances the dignity of the citizens.

provide a method to deal with differences and conflicts.

A democratic system of government is a form of government in which supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodic free elections. It permits citizens to participate in making laws and public policies by choosing their leaders, therefore citizens should be educated so that they can select the right candidate for the ruling government. Also, there are some concerns regarding democracy- leaders always keep changing in democracy with the interest of citizens and on the count of votes which leads to instability. It is all about political competition and power, no scope for morality.

Factors Affect Democracy:

capital and civil society

economic development


Norway and Iceland are the best democratic countries in the world. India is standing at fifty-one position.

India is a parliamentary democratic republic where the President is head of the state and Prime minister is head of the government. The guiding principles of democracy such as protected rights and freedoms, free and fair elections, accountability and transparency of government officials, citizens have a responsibility to uphold and support their principles. Democracy was first practised in the 6 th century BCE, in the city-state of Athens. One basic principle of democracy is that people are the source of all the political power, in a democracy people rule themselves and also respect given to diverse groups of citizens, so democracy is required to select the government of their own interest and make the nation developed by electing good leaders.


FAQs on Democracy Essay for Students in English

1. What are the Features of Democracy?

Features of Democracy are as follows

Equality: Democracy provides equal rights to everyone, regardless of their gender, caste, colour, religion or creed.

Individual Freedom: Everybody has the right to do anything they want until it does not affect another person’s liberty.

Majority Rules: In a democracy, things are decided by the majority rule, if the majority agrees to something, it will be done.

Free Election: Everyone has the right to vote or to become a candidate to fight the elections.

2. Define Democracy?

Democracy means where people have the right to choose the rulers and also people have freedom to express views, freedom to organise and freedom to protest. Protesting and showing Dissent is a major part of a healthy democracy. Democracy is the most successful and popular form of government throughout the globe.

Democracy holds a special place in India, also India is still the largest democracy in existence around the world.

3. What are the Benefits of Democracy?

Let us discuss some of the benefits received by the use of democracy to form a government. Benefits of democracy are: 

It is more accountable

Improves the quality of decision as the decision is taken after a long time of discussion and consultation.

It provides a better method to deal with differences and conflicts.

It safeguards the fundamental rights of people and brings a sense of equality and freedom.

It works for the welfare of both the people and the state.

4. Which country is the largest democracy in the World?

India is considered the largest democracy, all around the world. India decided to have a democratic Govt. from the very first day of its independence after the rule of the British. In India, everyone above the age of 18 years can go to vote to select the Government, without any kind of discrimination on the basis of caste, colour, religion, gender or more. But India, even being the largest democracy, still has a long way to become perfect.

5. Write about the five principles of Democracy?

There are five key principles that are followed in a democracy. These Five Principles of Democracy of India are -  secular, sovereign, republic, socialist, and democratic. These five principles have to be respected by every political party, participating in the general elections in India. The party which got the most votes forms the government which represents the democratic principle. No discrimination is done on the basis of religion which represents the secular nature of democracy. The govt. formed after the election has to work for the welfare of common people which shows socialism in play.


ROAD TO DEMOCRACY ESSAY SAMPLE (TALKS/NEGOTIATIONS) NOTE:your introduction and conclusionis highlighted with green colour.Your lines of arguments are highlighted withred colour.

One would totally agree with the statement that it was leadership,negotiations and compromises among various leaders that ensured that South Africa become a democratic state.For example,Nelson Mandela and De Klerk worked together including ot her organisations to bring democratic South Africa on 1994. (Make sure your introduction is not longer than 5 pages) In1981,FW De Klerk replaced PW Botha as a state president of South Africa and immediately made drastic changes by unbanning political parties and release political prisoners.De Klerk made an announcement for the release of Nelson Mandela on 11 February 1990.This was a huge step taken by De Klerk and it gave people hope that the apartheid was coming to a nend. (Make sure your back ground is not more than 5 lines).

The National Party(NP) and African National Congress(ANC) delegation met at two locations to discuss the way on how they will work together towards the democratic South Africa.The first meeting was held in 2 May1990 at the official resident house of Groote Schuur and it was called the Groot Schuur Meeting.In this meeting both ANC and NP agreed on ending violence which were occurring in the country and to work together towards the process of negotiations or talks to bring a democratic South Africa.The second meeting were held at Pretoria on 6 August 1990 which led to an agreement called the Pretoria Minutes.Here the ANC government agreed that they will suspend the armed struggle and the NP government agreed to end the state of emergency.Other major law were removed.The Group Areas Act and Registration Population were also removed.This convinced countries that imposed sanctions to S.A and boycotts to stop them.Thus,the leadership and negotiations and compromises among various leaders ensured that South Africa become a democratic country in1994.

Although,the violence did not stop in the country between Inkandla Freedom Party(IFP)and ANC.The IFP supporters attacked ANC on commuter trains and led into almost 573 deaths. It was emerged that the NP government handed weapon to IFP supporters to eliminate ANC supporters.This created a huge distrust between ANC and IFP including NP.Another violence occurred in Sebokeng in hostels when the IFP attacked ANC strong hold and almost 30 people died.Moreover,another violence occurred in ZonkizizweTownship in Germistonin Gauteng between supporters of the IFP and the ANC.The ongoing violence between the ANC and IFP members led into a Seven Day Warat Pietermarisburg (PMB).Therefore,the violence and uncertainly that confronted South Africa in the early1980s almost delayed the process of negotiations.

Moreover,the formal negotiations occurred on 20December 1990 at Convention for Democratic South Africa(CODESA1)at Trade Work Centreat Kempton Park.Nineteen political organisations including UNO and common wealth.Even though talks sometimes broke down but the Declaration of Intent was signed.It was agreed that South Africa should be an undivided country.Free from apartheid, discrimination and all other forms of prejudices.This also led into accountability of a meeting by four groups that were preparing for the future meeting which was CODESA2 which were to be held in May2.The PAC and PC boycotted against the CODESA.The IFP and the Independent Bophuthatshwana did not sign it because the irrequest for an extra delegation for the Zulu King was refused.Therefore, compromises among various leaders ensured that South Africa become a democratic state in1994.

Furthermore,DeKlerk called for a white only referendum on1991. Here DeKlerk wanted to see if the white people were still with him from the negotiations he had started making from 1990 to change South Africa.The majority voted positive and it was clear that he should continue.This gave people hope that apartheid was coming to an end.Thus,the compromises also ensured that South Africa become a democratic country in1994.

CODESA2 occurred on May1991.It was agreed that the SABC should presents the neutral view of the negotiations on televisions.The NP and ANC did not agreed on major power sharing like power sharing,majority rule and regional powers.The NP still wanted a major place from the government and the ANC did not admit on that.The ANC and NP did not come into consensus solution on how they will end the violence in South Africa. As a results,ANC and COSATU walked out of the negotiations and called for a mass rally to force government to compromise.Therefore,it was leadership,negotiations and compromises among various leaders that ensured that South Africa become a democratic state.

Even though the official negotiations had ended but the unofficial negotiations continue between Cyril Ramaphosa and Roef Meyer. The Record of Understanding was signed between Cyril Ramaphosa of ANC and Roef Meyer of the NP.This committed and encouraged South Africa to work together again towards the negotiations.Moreover,Joe Slovo came up with Sunset Clause on April 1993.The Sunset Clause allowed the National Party government until 2000.It also protected the security jobs for whites people for more than 10years.Therefore, the commitment and compromises among various leaders ensured that South Africa become a democratic country in 1994.

Moreover, the violence did not end between IFP and ANC.The ANC attacked the squatter camps of the ANC near the township of Boipatong in the Gauteng and almost 49people died.It was said that a white man was the one who handed over the Force Defence Agency to cause violence and chaos.The ANC called for a march to the Cickel to protests against homeland leaders.Here almost 79 people died and 200 people got injured when they were trying to break through the police barriers.The assassination of Chris Hani almost stopped the negotiations process of the elections.Chris Hani was a General Secretary of the Communist Party(CP) and he was assassinated on1993 by members of the Military Wink.There was a violence and chaos in a country after his assassination. DeKlerk realised he could not deal with this anymore and called for Nelson Mandela to address the issue. Mandela addressed that on national television that there must calm down and stop fighting each other.Thus,thev iolence and uncertainty that confronted South Africa in the early 1980s almost delayed the process of negotiations.

Moreover, the Multi talks began on 1993April1. It was said that the date of the election was going to be 27thApril1994 on this meeting which was held at World Trade Centre. Furthermore, the AWB and Volk front stormed the World Trade Centre attempt to disturb the negotiations.They vandalised the entrance and threatened delegation.The AWB was killed by the South African Defence Force.The APPLA opened on fire on St James Church and killed 11 people.The IFP marched to Shell House and was killed by ANC security.This led to a Shell House Massacre.Then DeKlerk, Mandela and Buthelezihada meeting led to IFP joining the negotiations.Then finally the election held free and fairly. ANC won the elections and Nelson Mandela became the first president of South African Democratic Country.The election were held on 27 April 1994. DeKlerk and Thabo Mbheki became deputy president. Therefore, the compromises, negotiations and leadership ensured that South Africa become a democratic country in 1994.

To conclude, it was leadership,negotiations and compromises among various leaders that ensured that South Africa become a democratic state in 1994. For example Nelson Mandela and De Klerk compromised so much working with other organisations to bring democracy in South Africa. (Your conclusion must be less than5lines).

MAKE SURE YOU WRITE LINES OF ARGUMENTS ON EACH AND EVERY PARAGRAPH. For more information or questions feel free to contact me via Whatsapp or calls to 0729272510(Msawenkosi Chamane) GOODLUCK!!!!!!

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Essay on Democracy in 100, 300 and 500 Words

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  • Jan 15, 2024

Essay on Democracy

The oldest account of democracy can be traced back to 508–507 BCC Athens . Today there are over 50 different types of democracy across the world. But, what is the ideal form of democracy? Why is democracy considered the epitome of freedom and rights around the globe? Let’s explore what self-governance is and how you can write a creative and informative essay on democracy and its significance. 

Today, India is the largest democracy with a population of 1.41 billion and counting. Everyone in India above the age of 18 is given the right to vote and elect their representative. Isn’t it beautiful, when people are given the option to vote for their leader, one that understands their problems and promises to end their miseries? This is just one feature of democracy , for we have a lot of samples for you in the essay on democracy. Stay tuned!

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This Blog Includes:

What is democracy , sample essay on democracy (100 words), sample essay on democracy (250 to 300 words), sample essay on democracy for upsc (500 words).

Democracy is a form of government in which the final authority to deliberate and decide the legislation for the country lies with the people, either directly or through representatives. Within a democracy, the method of decision-making, and the demarcation of citizens vary among countries. However, some fundamental principles of democracy include the rule of law, inclusivity, political deliberations, voting via elections , etc. 

Did you know: On 15th August 1947, India became the world’s largest democracy after adopting the Indian Constitution and granting fundamental rights to its citizens?

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Must Explore: NCERT Notes on Separation of Powers in a Democracy

Democracy where people make decisions for the country is the only known form of governance in the world that promises to inculcate principles of equality, liberty and justice. The deliberations and negotiations to form policies and make decisions for the country are the basis on which the government works, with supreme power to people to choose their representatives, delegate the country’s matters and express their dissent. The democratic system is usually of two types, the presidential system, and the parliamentary system. In India, the three pillars of democracy, namely legislature, executive and judiciary, working independently and still interconnected, along with a free press and media provide a structure for a truly functional democracy. Despite the longest-written constitution incorporating values of sovereignty, socialism, secularism etc. India, like other countries, still faces challenges like corruption, bigotry, and oppression of certain communities and thus, struggles to stay true to its democratic ideals.

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As Abraham Lincoln once said, “democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people.” There is undeniably no doubt that the core of democracies lies in making people the ultimate decision-makers. With time, the simple definition of democracy has evolved to include other principles like equality, political accountability, rights of the citizens and to an extent, values of liberty and justice. Across the globe, representative democracies are widely prevalent, however, there is a major variation in how democracies are practised. The major two types of representative democracy are presidential and parliamentary forms of democracy. Moreover, not all those who present themselves as a democratic republic follow its values.

Many countries have legally deprived some communities of living with dignity and protecting their liberty, or are practising authoritarian rule through majoritarianism or populist leaders. Despite this, one of the things that are central and basic to all is the practice of elections and voting. However, even in such a case, the principles of universal adult franchise and the practice of free and fair elections are theoretically essential but very limited in practice, for a democracy. Unlike several other nations, India is still, at least constitutionally and principally, a practitioner of an ideal democracy.

With our three organs of the government, namely legislative, executive and judiciary, the constitutional rights to citizens, a multiparty system, laws to curb discrimination and spread the virtues of equality, protection to minorities, and a space for people to discuss, debate and dissent, India has shown a commitment towards democratic values. In recent times, with challenges to freedom of speech, rights of minority groups and a conundrum between the protection of diversity and unification of the country, the debate about the preservation of democracy has become vital to public discussion.

democracy essay

Did you know: In countries like Brazil, Scotland, Switzerland, Argentina, and Austria the minimum voting age is 16 years?

Also Read: Difference Between Democracy and Dictatorship

Democracy originated from the Greek word dēmokratiā , with dēmos ‘people’ and Kratos ‘rule.’ For the first time, the term appeared in the 5th century BC to denote the political systems then existing in Greek city-states, notably Classical Athens, to mean “rule of the people.” It now refers to a form of governance where the people have the right to participate in the decision-making of the country. Majorly, it is either a direct democracy where citizens deliberate and make legislation while in a representative democracy, they choose government officials on their behalf, like in a parliamentary or presidential democracy.

The presidential system (like in the USA) has the President as the head of the country and the government, while the parliamentary system (like in the UK and India) has both a Prime Minister who derives its legitimacy from a parliament and even a nominal head like a monarch or a President.

The notions and principle frameworks of democracy have evolved with time. At the core, lies the idea of political discussions and negotiations. In contrast to its alternatives like monarchy, anarchy, oligarchy etc., it is the one with the most liberty to incorporate diversity. The ideas of equality, political representation to all, active public participation, the inclusion of dissent, and most importantly, the authority to the law by all make it an attractive option for citizens to prefer, and countries to follow.

The largest democracy in the world, India with the lengthiest constitution has tried and to an extent, successfully achieved incorporating the framework to be a functional democracy. It is a parliamentary democratic republic where the President is head of the state and the Prime minister is head of the government. It works on the functioning of three bodies, namely legislative, executive, and judiciary. By including the principles of a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic, and undertaking the guidelines to establish equality, liberty and justice, in the preamble itself, India shows true dedication to achieving the ideal.

It has formed a structure that allows people to enjoy their rights, fight against discrimination or any other form of suppression, and protect their rights as well. The ban on all and any form of discrimination, an independent judiciary, governmental accountability to its citizens, freedom of media and press, and secular values are some common values shared by all types of democracies.

Across the world, countries have tried rooting their constitution with the principles of democracy. However, the reality is different. Even though elections are conducted everywhere, mostly, they lack freedom of choice and fairness. Even in the world’s greatest democracies, there are challenges like political instability, suppression of dissent, corruption , and power dynamics polluting the political sphere and making it unjust for the citizens. Despite the consensus on democracy as the best form of government, the journey to achieve true democracy is both painstaking and tiresome. 


Did you know: Countries like Singapore, Peru, and Brazil have compulsory voting?

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Democracy is a process through which the government of a country is elected by and for the people.

Yes, India is a democratic country and also holds the title of the world’s largest democracy.

Direct and Representative Democracy are the two major types of Democracy.

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Essay on Democracy: a way of Life for Class 10, 12 and Mains Exam

Essay on democracy: a way of life for class 10, 12, mains exam (upsc, psc, ssc).

The term democracy is derived from the Greek word Demokratia where ‘demos’ means people and kratos means ‘rule’. So, democracy is a form of government where people have the authority to elect representatives by voting. The first democratic country in the world is Greece. India has the largest democracy in the world where people elect the government and enjoy rights and privileges of their choice. So Indian democracy implies a government of the people, by the people and for the people. In a democratic country, people can live freely and happily which otherwise would not have been possible in a country where the monarchs rule. Democratic government provides certain rights to the citizens which they enjoy joyously. Besides, the citizens are also assigned with certain duties which make them responsible citizens and bring in their overall development.

Types of democracy:

According to Mazzini, democracy is the government of the best and the wisest, for the progress of all and through all. Democracy is of two types:

A.) Direct democracy: A direct democracy is a form of democracy where people make laws and decide their execution by holding a mass meeting. They do so without electing any representative or any agents. The early Athens practiced democratic form of government. New England and Vermont of United States, Swiss cantons of Glarus and Appenzell Innerrhoden of Switzerland, Rojava and Montana’s Crow nation decide policies without electing representatives.

B.) Indirect democracy: Representative or indirect democracy is the form of democracy where people elect representatives by voting and assigns them powers on decision making. England first established the indirect form of democracy in the 17 th Countries like India, France, Italy, Australia, Denmark, Belgium, Japan, Canada, Holland, Sweden and Austria have indirect democracy.

Principles of democracy:

The principles of democracy are stated below:

A.) Liberty: People enjoy their freedom freely without the fear of being criticized. The freedom of rights, speech and expression are enjoyed by the people.

B.) Socialist: This means that the government works for the well-being of the people. It implements various schemes for the benefit of the citizens.

C.) Secular: There shall be no state religion in a democratic country. All religion will be same in the eyes of law No religious biasedness will prevail. Every citizen will be allowed to practice their own religion.

D.) Republic: The head of the state is directly elected by the citizens by means of casting vote. The elected representative has a fixed tenure to serve.

E.) Democratic: This means that the government is elected by the people by voting. Every citizen on attaining the age of 18 has the right to caste vote in favor of their chosen candidate.

Merits of democracy:

The merits of democracy are:

  • It promotes equality of all irrespective of caste, class, race, gender and religion.
  • It promotes the welfare of every citizen.
  • It prioritizes the public opinion as the government it elected by the citizen of the country.
  • Chances of revolution is less in a democratic country.
  • It helps in promoting patriotism in the country and keeps the people united.

Demerits of democracy:

The demerits of democracy are as follows:

  • There is no scope for morality as there is constant political competition.
  • Due to political instability, the leaders do not remain constant.
  • It gives ways to corruption due to electoral competition.
  • Sometimes the elected candidates do not take care of the needs and interests of the citizens in the process of fulfilling their personal desires.
  • The citizens cannot decide on anything and their demands remain unheard.

Indian democracy:

India has a parliamentary democratic republic. Here the president is the head of the state and Prime minister is the head of the government. The constitution guarantees freedom to its citizens which is thoroughly enjoyed by them. The citizens too are entrusted with duties that they are bound to execute. Violation of any laws is a punishable offense. The citizens elect the representatives to form the government.  India stands in the 51 st position in the world in terms of having a democratic republic.


One of the significant ways of living a life is possible in a country where there is democratic form of government. In such a country people can exercise their rights freely and voice their opinion regarding their likes and dislikes. But political corruption has blotched the actual concept of democratic government in the present days. Considering the good aspects, democracy is the best form of government that defines the ways of human life in the most effective ways.

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Democracy In India Essay

Democracy is regarded as the best type of government since it allows citizens to directly elect their leaders. They have access to a number of rights that are fundamental to anyone's ability to live freely and peacefully. There are many democratic countries in the world, but India is by far the biggest. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘Democracy In India’.

100 Words Essay On Democracy

200 words essay on democracy, 500 words essay on democracy.

Democracy In India Essay

Democracy is a term used to describe a form of government in which the people have a voice by voting. Democracy is an essential part of any society, and India is no exception. After years of suffering under British colonial control, India attained democracy in 1947. India places a great emphasis on democracy. India is also without a doubt the largest democracy in the world.

The spirit of justice, liberty, and equality has permeated Indian democracy ever since the country attained independence. As the world’s largest democracy, India has been a shining example of how democracy can foster progress and ensure rights for all its citizens.

In a democracy, the people have the ultimate say in how their government is run. They elect representatives to represent them in government, and they can hold those representatives accountable through regular elections. And finally, the rule of law is important in a democracy to ensure that everyone is treated equally before the law and that the government operates within its proper bounds. Democracy has been a recent phenomena in human history, only really taking root in the last few centuries. But it has quickly become one of the most popular forms of government around the world. India is one of the world’s largest democracies, with over 1 billion people living within its borders.

India's constitution serves as the foundation for its democracy. The Indian Constitution guarantees equality for all citizens regardless of caste, creed, or religion. It also establishes a system of representative government, with elected officials at the national, state, and local levels. And finally, it enshrines the rule of law by establishing an independent judiciary to interpret and uphold the Constitution.

There are many different types of democracy, but most modern democracies are based on the principles of popular sovereignty, representative government, and rule of law and public opinion.

There are two main types of democracies—direct and representative. Direct democracy allows citizens to participate directly in the decision-making process, while representative democracy allows citizens to elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. The advantages of democracy in India include the fact that it allows for greater participation of citizens in the political process, and it also provides checks and balances on the government. The disadvantages of democracy in India include the fact that it can be slow to make decisions and that it can be difficult to hold people accountable for their actions.

Features Of Indian Democracy

Sovereignty | One important aspect of Indian democracy is sovereignty. The absolute control a governing body has over itself without external influence is referred to as sovereignty. In India's democracy, people can also exert their power. The fact that Indians choose their representatives is remarkable. Furthermore, these officials continue to be accountable to the general public.

Political Equality | It is the foundation of Indian democracy. It also simply means that everyone is treated equally under the law. The fact that there is no discrimination based on caste, religion, race, creed, or sect is particularly notable. As a result, all Indian citizens have equal political rights.

Rule Of Majority | A key component of Indian democracy is the rule of the majority. Furthermore, the winning party creates and governs the government. In addition, the party with the most seats creates and governs the country. Most importantly, no one can object to majority support.

Socialist | Being socialist implies that the country continuously prioritises the needs of its citizens. The poor person should be offered numerous incentives, and their fundamental needs should be met by any means necessary.

Secular | There is no such thing as a "state religion," and there is no discrimination based on religion in this nation. In the eyes of the law, all religions must be equal; it is not acceptable to discriminate against anyone based on their religion. Everyone has the right to practise and spread any religion, and they are free to do so at any moment.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Democracy In India

There are many advantages and disadvantages of democracy in India. On the one hand, democracy gives everyone an equal say in how the country is run. This is particularly important in a country as large and diverse as India. On the other hand, democracy can also be slow and chaotic, and it can be difficult to get things done. One advantage of democracy in India is that it ensures that everyone has a say in how the country is run. This is especially important in a country as large and diverse as India.

There are many different languages spoken in India, and democracy ensures that everyone has a voice. Another advantage of democracy in India is that it leads to more stability than other forms of government. In a dictatorship, for example, one person has all the power. This can lead to them making decisions that are not in the best interests of the country. In a democracy, there are checks and balances in place so that no one person has too much power.

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Essay on “Democracy in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Democracy in India

The Indian voters have off and on shown their strength, thrown out one government and brought in another. The elections, conducted more or less peacefully, have, on the whole proved that democracy – at least in its electoral aspect – is well- entrenched in India. Indeed, Indian democracy is thriving on the basis of other criteria as well- campaigning is free and open with no restriction on any political party, the changeover form one government to another is mostly smooth and peaceful, and the government is accountable to the people. These are positive aspects which we ought to value  

          Today, say some analysts, Indian democracy has become more representative , with more regional groups coming to the fore and having a say in the political arena. But in the circumstances, can any party truly claim the ‘majority’ of votes? In the first-past-the post electoral system followed here, and with the existence of so many parties in the fray, the with the government that is formed is never truly representative; it has the support of much less than even 50 per cent of the voters.

If Indian democracy has become more representative, it is only in the sense that several caste, sect oral and regional grouping have risen to claim a share of the people’s vote; this has led to leaders who feel they have to see to the welfare of the particular group which they represent, and not all the people. And, equally , people have taken to voting along caste and communal limes, in the belief that this will ensure their welfare. It is the short-term gains that people seek, and it is these short-term gains that the political party tries to address. The promise of populist measures directed tweeds sectors of population is lapped up eagerly without thought as to how and for how long these promises can be implemented. Again, populist and impassioned speeches can easily sway the electorate. In the recent elections, one cannot explain the victory of film stars who have just entered the political arena, and are clearly at loss over political issues; their victory is surely to be attributed to other reasons than their competence or ability to serve the people they are to represent. If the people voted for them surely it was not on the basis of politics parties of lal hues. Not much thought is given to public weal.

          Even now , distribution of liquor and money or gifts is used as a ploy to woo voters, and the voters  also accept these ‘benefits’. In the maze of caste and communal and regional groupings, other deserving groups lose out because their cause cannot win votes. There is no doubt that money and musicale power have much to do with elections in India, and many a constituency suffers from  rigging –even in the age fo the electronic voting machine- and criminal intimidation in voting  besides bogus voting and bought votes.

          To too many people in India, the right to vote is per se the one and only criterion of democracy. But a healthy democracy means much  more; it implies the existence and enjoyment of civil rights and socio-economic rights; indeed, the vote is just an adjunct to these. Today , if the poorer sections of the population vote in greater numbers , it seems as if they are clutching desperately to this one right in the absence of those other rights except on paper; there is a great joy in the power experience, the power to change governments. But people will be empowered experience, the power to change governments. But people will be empowered only if the rule of law and equality before the law are firmly entrenched into the politico –socio- economic system. Only that would ensure that democracy has come of age in this country.    

Essay No. 2

The Democracy in India

In equality of rights and disparity of opportunities has been breeding ground for revolutions. So on the ruins of monarchy and aristocracy, democracy has come into being with its doctrine of political equality. It is undoubtedly a grand social ideal. According to George Bernard Shaw, “It is a social order aiming at the greatest available welfare for the whole population an not for a class.’’ ‘’A world in which, the voice of the people is the voice of God and the political capacity and sagacity of everyone over the age twenty one is infinite and infallible.”

According to eminent political theorists, there are three basic conditions, which a democracy must fulfill.  It must aim at the greatest food of the largest number, it must aim at setting differences through discussions and compromise and it must work for the establishment of an egalitarian society. If we cast a critical glance backward, we shall see that the evolution of a genuinely democratic system in India has been continuously blighted by these factors ever since we became free.

Efforts to secure the greatest good to the largest number have been blocked by the undue attachmenent to self-interest on the part of the citizen, the legislator and the minister alike. The most eloquent proof of this is the widespread incidence of corruption in its various forms. There is almost no sphere of doesn’t get them. At this stage the drugs are sold to him at the highest rates.

The eradicates this menace, Anti Narcotic Squad (ANS) and International Drugs Enforcement Agency (IDEA) have been formed, but agencies do not seem to be effective as more and more youth are lured towards it. The reason is that the police and other agencies responsible to control the evil are corrupted by the racketeers and even the top officials and politicians become the patrons of the trade instead of controlling it.

Some of the narcotic drugs, which need special mention, are LSD, Ganja, Brown Sugar, Crude Molasses, and Cocaine etc. The most common drug is CRACK which can be very easily prepared. With every puff of smack, one inhales a deadly combination poisonous chemicals like carbon monoxide, nicotine, hydrogen oxide, arsenic, tar, etc. then an addict takes in the drugs through hypodermic needles or through nostrils, it cause hardening of arteries, heart attack, high blood pressure and cancer. Obviously a combination of various diseases springs up, resulting in acute paralysis and finally leads to death.

Most of those who start taking drugs are socially maladjusted persons. Some of them are unemployed and frustrated while others have some other social or family problem. The government is duty-bound to look through the various pros and cons of the problem. Strict measures to stop sale of drugs in open as well as secret market should be taken. Guidance and counseling centers should be opened in all universities and institutional complexes to give advice and guidance to the youth. The advertising media has to be very effectively used to counter the spread of the menace by educating people about the harmful effects of drugs. Expert medical aid should be made readily available to wean the addicts away from this malady. Moral Education should be started as a subject. Phonographic literature should be banned. Hippies and foreign visitors who encourage the use of drugs and smuggle them in the country should be put behind bars. 

These steps can help in a long way to stop the trend. The disease is still infancy in India. It will be proper to nip the evil in the bud before it is too late.

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Harvard Kennedy School faculty explore aspects of democracy in their own words—from increasing civic participation and decreasing extreme partisanship to strengthening democratic institutions and making them more fair.

Winter 2020

By Archon Fung , Nancy Gibbs , Tarek Masoud , Julia Minson , Cornell William Brooks , Jane Mansbridge , Arthur Brooks , Pippa Norris , Benjamin Schneer

Series of essays on democracy.

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Election and Democracy Essay in English for Children and Students

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Elections are the backbone of a democratic nation. The electoral system gives people the right to choose their own government by casting vote to the candidate they deem suitable. There are different forms of democracy but elections form an integral part of each of these. The procedure and purpose of elections may however vary based on the form of democracy.

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Long and Short Essay on Election and Democracy in English

Here are long and short essay on Election and Democracy to help you with the topic in your exam or during any school function/competition.

After going through these Election and Democracy essay you will be able to know what is election, what is democracy, what is the role of election in a democracy, what are the rights in a democratic country, what is the form and role of the election commission of India, what are different forms of democracy etc.

You can go through all the essay written below to get the best one for you as per your need:

Short Essay on Election and Democracy (200 words) – Essay 1

A democratic nation is one in which the citizens have the right to express their views and give their opinions publically regarding any situation/ condition in the country. This can be the country’s social, economic, political or any other condition.

Citizens in a democratic government are also given the right to elect their government. They can cast votes through secret ballot and state their opinion about whom they find suitable to run their country. The candidate/ party that gets majority of votes comes into power. So, the collective opinion of the citizens of a democratic country determines as to who would rule the country. Elections are held at regular intervals to ensure a fair play.

India is considered to be the largest democracy in the world. An autonomous body called the Election Commission of India has especially been formed to oversee the humongous task of conducting, managing and overseeing the election process. The Election Commission of India addresses several issues and puts in immense efforts to ensure free and fair elections in the country.

Any citizen of India who is 25 years of above (with few exceptions such as those involved in criminal activities, etc) can contest elections to come into power and give new direction to the country.

Also Read: How to Vote in India?

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Essay on the Role of Elections in a Democracy (300 words) – Essay 2


Democracy is the type of government in which the citizens of a country get the right to choose their representatives. These representatives come into power and form the government. These representatives are chosen by way of elections. The candidates and political parties that get the maximum number of votes during elections come into power. Elections are thus a significant part of democracy.

Elections Form the Basis of Democracy

Elections form the basis of democracy. Here is a look at how the election process works to give shape to a democratic government:

  • Elections are held at regular intervals. In India, the elections are held every five years.
  • People cast vote for bringing the candidate to power, they feel can best handle the position.
  • People cast their vote through secret ballot. This ensures a fair game as they are not answerable to anyone for the choice made by them.
  • The Election Commission of India administers the election process.
  • The process of election is bigger and much more complicated than you can imagine. There is a lot of work that needs to be taken care of. This is the reason why a separate body has been formed to manage the whole election process.
  • Many political parties participate in elections. They share their agendas with the common man. They also highlight all the tasks undertaken by them for the benefit of their citizens and the development of the nation to convince the general public to vote for them.
  • At times, some notorious people try to disrupt the process of elections by indulging in malpractices such booth capturing, vote rigging, etc. The Election Commission takes necessary action against them to ensure smooth completion of the election process.

Fair and regular elections are an essential part of a democratic country. They empower the common man of the country to elect government and change it every few years.

Essay on Elections – An Integral Part of Democracy (400 words) – Essay 3

Democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. A democratic nation allows its citizens to elect their government. The government remains in power mostly for a period of five years. Once the tenure is completed elections are held again to allow the citizens to cast vote and choose their government yet again. Elections are thus an integral part of a democracy.

Rights in a Democratic Country

Unlike monarchy and dictatorship government, the citizens in a democratic set up are empowered with many rights that are crucial for their development as well as the overall growth and development of the country. Here is a brief look at the rights given to the citizens in a democratic set up:

  • Freedom of Speech and Expression

This is the fundamental right given to every citizen in a democratic nation. The citizens of a democratic country have complete right to express their opinion on any matter including the economic, social, cultural and political issues.

  • Right to Vote

The right to vote is given to the citizens of every democratic nation. They elect the government of their country by exercising this right.

  • Right to Fair Trial

The citizens of a democratic country have the right to free and just legal processes. They can sue anyone who has done wrong to them as per the Indian Penal Code. The decision is taken by the judiciary after listening to both the parties. It is the responsibility of the democratic nation to build a judicial system that people can trust.

  • Right to Free Media

Democracy can function effectively if there is transparency. People in a democratic set up have complete right to information. This information about the working of the government and political parties is provided to them by media. This information helps them assess and understand if they have elected the right candidates or should they reconsider their decision in the next elections.

  • Right to Worship

The citizens of a democratic country can choose the religion they wish to follow without any interference from the state or any political party. They can worship in a free setting without any fear. Any kind of communal riots are condemned and the government takes strict action against people involved in the same.

The right to elect government is one of the fundamentals rights of the citizens of a democratic nation. This right must be exercised with great responsibility to bring the most deserving candidate to power.

Essay on India as the Largest Democracy in the World (500 words) – Essay 4

India is considered to be the largest democracy in the world. It is one of the best examples of representative democracy where people exercise their right to vote to elect representatives. These representatives take major decisions pertaining to the country including those related to policy-making. Citizens of India cast their votes via secret ballot and this forms the basis of fair elections in the country. Indian democracy is appreciated for its free and fair electoral system.

The Election Commission of India

The union government in India is elected for a period of five years. Elections in the country are therefore held every five years. The Election Commission of India conducts and manages the entire election process in the country. The Election Commission came into form in the year 1950. Initially, it consisted of just one member. Two more commissioners were appointed for the Election Commission of India in 1989. A subsidiary of the Election Commission is formed in every state to ensure smooth and successful completion of the election process.

The main responsibility of the Election Commission is to administer the election process. The task is humongous and a lot of things need to be taken care of in order to accomplish it. This includes planning election schedules, assessing new political parties and validating them, watching the behaviour of the political parties contesting elections, providing election related updates to the media, overseeing the election process, taking action against any malpractice and conducting by-elections (if needed). EC has been working hard ever since its inception and has brought about many changes in the electoral system of India to improve the election process.

EC administers Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha elections, State Legislative Councils and State Legislative Assemblies elections and the elections of the President and Vice President of India. It is thus said to be the backbone of Indian democracy.

Countries with Democratic Government

Many countries around the world have democratic form of government. Just like India, the citizens of these countries have the right to vote and elect government. Some of the countries with democratic set up include Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Canada, Sweden, Bhutan, Germany, United States of America and Finland.

While these are all democratic nations, they do not follow the same set of rules when it comes to conducting elections and setting public policies. Democracy has been categorised into various forms including direct democracy, representative democracy, Islamic democracy, social democracy, parliamentary democracy, presidential democracy, participatory democracy and authoritarian democracy. Different democratic countries practice different forms of democracy.

Elections are an inseparable part of a democratic government. The citizens of a democratic country elect the government by voting for the candidate they deem suitable to run the government. The government bears the interest of the common man in mind while making or amending any law or policy.

In a democratic country, people have the right to question the government for its decisions. They have the power to overthrow the current government and bring another political party into power in the next elections. This drives the ruling government to work with dedication and take fair decisions considering public interest.

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Essay on Different Forms of Democracy and their Election Process (600 words) – Essay 5

Democracy is a set up in which the citizens of a country exercise their right to vote in order to elect the government of their choice. This type of government works for the benefit of the citizens and ensures a fair play. The citizens of a democratic nation have the right to question the decisions of their government and express their views on the same. Several political parties contest elections in a democratic nation and the one that majority of people deem suitable comes into power. People cast their votes through secret ballot.

Different Forms of Democracy

Democracy is divided into various forms. Different forms of democratic governments work differently. They have their own unique style of working and handling matters. The rights given to the citizens may also vary based on the type of democracy. Here is a look at the different forms of democracy:

  • Direct Democracy

The citizens of a nation with direct democracy have the right to vote directly for the making of various policies and for taking important decisions. They vote each time there is a need to take an important decision. They do not vote for representatives who take decisions on their behalf. So, every decision in a direct democracy is taken collectively by the citizens. This type of democracy works well for nations with less population. Switzerland is an example of successful direct democracy.

  • Representative Democracy

In representative democracy people elect representatives by using their right to vote. These representatives come into power and take all the decisions. People vote for the candidates they feel are responsible and can be trusted. Citizens can voice their grievances and seek action on them. They also have the right to express their opinion and question the government’s decision. This is the most common type of democracy followed in countries like India and USA.

  • Parliamentary Democracy

In this type of democracy the legislature has greater power over the president. The president is merely an official head or a weak monarch in the parliamentary democracy. The head of state in such a set up is different from the head of government and both of them have their own set of responsibilities.

  • Presidential Democracy

In this type of democracy, the president of the country has considerable power over the government. Elected either directly or indirectly by the citizens, the president in such a set up is not liable to the legislature or does he has the power to remove the legislature. Similarly, the legislature is not empowered to remove the president unless it is an extreme case.

  • Participatory Democracy

Participatory democracy gives opportunity to every citizen of the country to come up with unanimous decisions on important matters related to the country. This type of democracy encourages greater participation from the citizens.

  • Authoritarian Democracy

Authoritarian democracy is one in which only the elite class of the country has the right to be a part of the parliamentary process. The common people of the country are not allowed to cast vote. So, it is the elites in power who take various decisions related to the country. Modern day Russia is an example of authoritarian democracy.

  • Islamic Democracy

This type of democracy applies Islamic law to policies. The leaders here are elected by the citizens of the country and everyone here is subject to the Sharia law. The leaders in this type of democracy need to strictly practice Shura which is a special type of consultation practiced by Prophet Muhammad. Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran are examples of Islamic democracy.

This clearly shows that even democratic form of government varies from region to region. Different forms of democratic governments are formed in different countries. The rules to elect the government and run the country differ as per the democratic government formed.

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Essay on Democracy in Pakistan

Democracy in Pakistan Essay with Quotations

by Pakiology | May 24, 2024 | Essay | 1 comment

Explore the evolution, challenges, and progress of democracy in Pakistan in this in-depth essay . Gain insights into the nation’s rich history, the influence of the military, the pervasive issue of corruption, and the role of civil society in shaping Pakistan’s democratic landscape.

Title: The Evolution of Democracy in Pakistan: Challenges, Progress, and Prospects for the Future


Pakistan, a country characterized by its rich and diverse history, has embarked on a tumultuous journey in pursuit of democracy. Overcoming numerous obstacles, its citizens have tenaciously defended their democratic rights and worked diligently to forge a more equitable society. In this comprehensive essay, we delve into the current state of democracy in Pakistan, recognizing its historical context, addressing the persistent challenges it confronts, highlighting the progress made, and considering the prospects for the future.

The Historical Landscape

Democracy, at its core, is a system of government grounded in the principle of representation, allowing citizens to actively participate in decision-making processes that impact their lives. Regrettably, the implementation of democracy in Pakistan has been marred by a series of military coups and periods of martial law, intermittently disrupting its democratic trajectory. Despite these adversities, Pakistan now operates as a federal parliamentary republic with a president and prime minister at the helm.

The Military’s Influence: A Persistent Challenge

A major impediment to democracy in Pakistan has been the enduring influence of the military on the political landscape. Pakistan’s history is replete with instances of military interventions in civilian governance, including several coups and martial law declarations. This persistent interference not only undermines democratic principles but also erodes public trust in the democratic system. Additionally, intelligence agencies have faced accusations of wielding substantial influence in the political sphere, further eroding democratic institutions and processes.

Corruption as a Hindrance: A Deep-Seated Issue

Another significant challenge is the pervasiveness of corruption within Pakistan. Corruption has become deeply ingrained in the country, with numerous politicians and government officials implicated in embezzlement and bribery. This deeply rooted issue corrodes the legitimacy of the democratic process and erodes public trust in the government. The adverse effects of corruption are most acutely felt by marginalized communities, who suffer from a lack of essential public services and resources.

The Resilience of Democratic Aspirations: Signs of Progress

Despite these formidable challenges, the citizens of Pakistan persistently strive to defend their democratic rights and fortify democratic institutions. In recent years, the country has seen a notable rise in the number of civil society organizations dedicated to advocating for transparency, accountability, and the promotion of awareness regarding democratic rights and freedoms. Additionally, the media has played a pivotal role in promoting democratic values and holding the government accountable for its actions.

The Role of Civil Society

Civil society organizations have emerged as vital agents of change in Pakistan’s democratic landscape. They tirelessly work to bridge the gap between the government and the governed, acting as watchdogs for accountability and transparency. Through advocacy, awareness campaigns, and public mobilization, these organizations have managed to shine a spotlight on the pressing issues of democracy and governance in Pakistan. Their activities range from monitoring elections to exposing corruption and advocating for the rule of law.

Media as the Fourth Estate

The media in Pakistan has undergone a transformational journey, evolving into a vibrant fourth estate that plays a crucial role in promoting democratic values. While media outlets often grapple with challenges such as censorship and intimidation, they continue to serve as a check on government power and a forum for diverse voices. Investigative journalism has uncovered corruption scandals, challenged authoritarianism, and provided a platform for citizens to engage in political discourse.

In conclusion, democracy in Pakistan remains an imperfect yet indispensable system, despite the numerous setbacks and challenges it has encountered. The people of Pakistan ardently safeguard their democratic rights, and the fortification of democratic institutions and processes is pivotal for the nation’s future. The enduring challenges posed by military influence, corruption, and public mistrust can only be surmounted through persistent efforts and sustained citizen engagement in the democratic process. As Pakistan continues its journey towards a more robust democracy, the world watches with hope and anticipation, recognizing the nation’s potential to overcome its challenges and achieve democratic excellence. The path may be long and arduous, but the resilience and determination of Pakistan’s people offer a promising outlook for the future of democracy in the country.

Quotes Related to Democracy

Here are a few quotes related to democracy and its challenges in Pakistan:

“A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” – Milton Friedman, Economist
“The greatest threat to democracy is not the enemies from without, but the enemies from within.” – Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States
“I believe that the real solution to the problems facing Pakistan lies in true democracy and the rule of law.” – Imran Khan, Former Prime Minister of Pakistan
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” – John Philpot Curran, Irish Orator and Statesman.

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Sir you have used a lot of bitter words in this essay which are enough to awake a nation.😭😭😭😭 But It’s reality I think inshallah one day we will achieve that original democracy which will prevent our basic rights and our motherland…..

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Library Custodian Leo Torres receives national award for exceptional service

Four men pose wearing suit jackets and ties in front of mirror. Man at left wears striped tie, man at right wears pink bowtie

Leo Torres, who works in Sterling Memorial Library, was one of six members of Facilities Operations awarded the 2024 CINTAS Custodian of the Year Award. The national contest recognizes exceptional custodial service at schools and universities.

“Leo is an outstanding custodial employee who consistently achieves stellar results in all he does,” said Facilities Superintendent Kenneth Hajducky.

“The library is so grateful to have someone like him on our team as he is always willing to go above and beyond to meet the needs of students and staff in his area. Leo is a team player who is always willing to assist, step in to help with projects, and aid an employee who needs it. He has played a key role in maintaining an incredibly busy area in the library and he does so flawlessly and without fail. Thank you, Leo, for being an excellent example to the rest of the team!”

Read more about  Leo Torres and the other award winners in “YourYale.”

Image (left to right): President Salovey, Leo Torres, Kenneth Hajducky, and Joseph Adcock (central campus area manager). Photo by Harold Shapiro

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CBSE Class 10, 12 Revaluation 2024: How to check updated marks, expected result date and more

  • No Change in Marks: If there is no change in marks after verification, students can still request a photocopy of their answer sheets. The portal for this request will open on June 1 for Class 12 and June 4 for Class 10 results. It is not mandatory to proceed at this stage, but keep in mind that if you do not apply for the photocopy, you will not be able to apply for revaluation of the answers either. Revaluation involves the board reassessing the answers to ensure they were marked correctly, which could potentially alter the marks. If you choose not to proceed, the process ends here, and no further action is required from you.
  • Marks Changed: If the marks change after verification, students can choose to accept the revised marks and exit the process. In this case, a new marksheet with the updated marks will be issued and made available on DigiLocker soon. To receive the printed marksheet, students must first submit the original marksheet issued by CBSE to the respective regional office via speed post. Once received, the office will send the new marksheet to the registered address.

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