marketing assignment writers

10 Tips For Writing Marketing Assignments

You are currently viewing 10 Tips For Writing Marketing Assignments

  • Post author: Cyrus Nambakhsh
  • Post published: September 1, 2023
  • Post category: Content Marketing

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Everyone, from celebrities to businesspeople, relies on marketing to get exposure, add value, and increase their worth. Hence, the demand for professionals and marketing assignments is increasing rapidly. 

However, the path to becoming a marketing major and expanding your reach through organic marketing is not easy. One has to take exams, write assignments, and participate in several group activities before getting that degree. Sounds like too much work? 

In this article, we’ll introduce you to top marketing assignment tips that will allow you to maximize the effectiveness of your efforts.

Once and for all, let’s try to end the dilemma of marketing assignments. According to reports, 46% of youngsters in a survey said they would pursue a career in marketing!

Aside from hiring experts who will write your assignment for you or having group studies and sharing the burden, here are 10 other ways you can master marketing tasks quickly and write marketing assignments perfectly:

#1 Know the Assignment First

One major mistake marketing students make is not spending time dissecting the task. Often, the tasks are not just assignments but case studies, PowerPoint presentation defense , projects, dissertations, and more. This means each task demands a different kind of writing and presentation.

Hence, know the assignment type and what the topic means. Break down the topic and think of ways to cover it. What other slants can you insert to elevate the resonating factor of the topic? 

It is better to spend time on understanding the needs of the topic rather than rushing in by completely misunderstanding it.

#2 Pick an Example

First-year marketing students often fail to realize that their work will be more impactful if they add an example to strengthen the topic. Pick a brand or organization for your paper and use it as an example. This will allow you to find practical answers and develop logical results.

Also, papers with information on renowned brands and big names attract more audiences, making the paper more impactful. However, don’t think of public attention only when picking big organizations; think of your capabilities to justify them to make the paper notable.

#3 Put a Self-Deadline

Of course, your professor will allot a deadline, but setting your own will only push you to finish on time. However, do not confuse this step with rash writing. Have an organized routine and set a deadline to complete it on time before the actual date.

Students who do this don’t have to worry about late submissions. This also gives the writer extra time to revise, which is often overlooked.

#4 Research Fiercely

This tip is quite common to any other assignment type out there. Yet this is the step that makes a major difference. Research as much as you can. There will be many competitors in your class. 

Some may even pick the same topic as yours. The only way to stand out in such competition is through research. Students who are lazy with their research end up with shallow or superficial information. Such students rarely make it above the average mark.

Hence, to stand out, you must do in-depth research and find information from the deepest pits of the internet. Scout through many online and offline books, journals, and more to get the most real and deepest data on the topic. The professor will see through your efforts and hard work, and you can be awarded with grace marks for it.

#5 Real Events Make an Impression

Whether it’s marketing assignments or history assignments, real events never fail to make an impression. Your work will be read by others who always resonate with real-life examples. 

This is again where your capacity to research shows. Those who research without excuses can find excruciating facts that make the topic shine.

Find accurate figures and data that validate your work. Some like introducing these statistics and events at the beginning and slowly unfolding them later in the paper to keep the audience hooked.

Try to find some related data to your work which will bring thousands of readers to explore the topic. Some students also take the extra step of conducting surveys, interviews, and even doing online polls to find information on the topic and add it to their assignments.

#6 Choose the Correct Writing Style

Various writing styles depend on the topic and purpose. Students can pick a business writing style or a personal writing style. Pick one that your audience finds dependable. Aim for a blend of sophisticated and simple terms rather than making it entirely simple or sophisticated.

Using complicated words for the context is okay. But avoid using overly challenging words, which an ordinary audience may find difficult to work with. 

Do not forget to pick the one you are most comfortable with. Some writers can rock simple writing styles and still get good grades. Maintain writing flair and add authenticity to speak to your readers.

#7 Cite Correctly

With any assignment, finding online information is quite obvious. This is why you need to cite your sources. Citing means giving credit to the original writers whose information you have used in your paper. This gives credit to the original writer and helps the writer avoid plagiarism issues.

With marketing assignments, too, students need to cite the sources. There are plenty of citation styles, and one can pick the style which they prefer. Be cautious of different citing styles to avoid any mistakes and do it justice. 

Learning how to cite can take some extra time, so you can hand over this part to someone who can do it for you, leaving no errors behind.

#8 Get a Second Consultation

Both beginners and professionals need a helping hand sometimes. Students who are uncertain about their work can contact professionals or their professors. They can review the work and make suggestions to improve the quality of the paper.

Experts can suggest better examples and better brands to use and even offer effective writing tips. If you are uncomfortable with an expert, consult your friends, siblings, and family members to be more comfortable with them. Together, you can make a remarkable paper that meets everyone’s expectations.

#9 Use Online Tools

Although many find this tip controversial, we strongly agree with it. There are plenty of tools online, and the best thing is that they can be used. 

Students can find tools to improve their writing and grammar, find plagiarism issues, and even check the quality of their papers.

The best thing about these tools is that they are free, and several are available online, making them a favorable option for students. These tools also highlight problem areas, making it easier for students to correct them. 

Overall, find a trustworthy tool because numerous tools out there may not give you the desired result.

#10 Proofread Using Innovative Ways

Finally, the last step is to proofread your paper. Again, this is a very basic step that many people overlook. Proofread your paper before making the final submission. Do not jump into this process just after writing. 

Wait a few days to make the process fruitful. You can also use innovative proofreading techniques to make the process fun.

Some ways of proofreading are:

●       Reading it backward,

●       Reading one section at a time,

●       Having a list of mistakes,

●       Reading it out aloud.

It keeps the proofreading process simple and interesting, eliminating the chances of any errors.

Marketing assignments involve various aspects. Combining them and doing justice is not an easy job. Hopefully, the tips above will show you how to write impeccable marketing assignments and get your deserved score.

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Cyrus Nambakhsh

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Home » Blog » Digital Marketing » 10 Ways to Improve Your Digital Marketing Assignment Writing Skills

10 Ways to Improve Your Digital Marketing Assignment Writing Skills

10 Ways to Improve Your Digital Marketing Assignment Writing Skills

Are you overwhelmed with digital marketing assignments with your poor academic writing skills? If so, read everything you need to know to improve your digital marketing assignment writing skills in the upcoming lines. 

In the current century, digitalisation has taken over every aspect of our lives, and its advancement is rapidly increasing, including marketing. Marketing is one of the essential aspects of today’s era, mainly digital marketing. 

What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is a crucial component of traditional marketing techniques in which marketers use online-based digital technology containing mobile devices, personal computers, and laptops for running digital marketing campaigns through social media marketing and websites while using the internet.

Also, developing new strategies and digital marketing plans for online marketing and online advertising products. 

According to Oxford Reference: 

“Using digital technologies such as websites and multimedia, e-mail and digital media including mobile, and wireless, and delivering digital television for promotion, development, and distribution of a brand product and services is called Digital Marketing.”

Ever-Rising Scope of Digital Marketing 

Marketing is the most essential part of our society, and no business or brand can be successful without it. As a dynamic and promising career, digital marketing is increasing rapidly. In any case, you have seen ads on the Internet like “ do my chemistry homework ” or something similar, this is an example of marketing in fast-growing niches.

Noble Desktop represents its growing charm:

“The field of digital marketing is projected to grow up to a 10% growth rate from 2021 to 2031, with advancements in artificial intelligence, email marketing and content marketing, virtual and augmented reality for driving more revenue. Digital marketers increase the average wage of a beginner is $51,000 with 0-1 years of experience, $55,000 for 1-3 years, $61,000 for 4-6 years, and $68,000 for 7-9 years.”

All the facts and figures attracted many students to specialising in marketing, and most of them enrolled in digital marketing courses, seeking employment in sales and marketing. Even some of those who come without any prior background in marketing eventually learn the skills and knowledge to make ends meet by working in marketing departments. 

But when they encounter assignment writing, they find it hard to manage and seek a detailed guide and some proven tips. Furthermore, they can also get help from assignment writing services to tackle all the assignment writing hurdles. 

10 Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Assignment Writing Skills

Yes, you can get professional help from Digital Marketing Assignment writers to make your writing process effortless. But before that, you can follow our top 10 ways to improve your digital marketing assignment writing skills to get high scores. So let’s first with the most essential one: 

1. Know the Prompt and Instructions

Before you get started, it is essential that you have a complete understanding of the question that is being asked in the assignment. To understand the prompt, read it multiple times and focus on the critical phrases and action words.

Also, look over other instructions that mention the guidelines. If you find something confusing, ask your professor through email or communication for better calcification. 

2. Plan Your Digital Marketing Writing Process 

Most of the students skip this part and then try to complete the assignment with ambiguous planning till the date of submission. Therefore, it is crucial to make a schedule or a plan by dividing your whole process into small sections.

RMIT University Library represented a writing process planning followed by multiple steps from analysis to submission, shown below. 

marketing assignment writers

This section will allow you to address your research question logically. You can also make a Grant chart of sculling assignments by giving these tasks a dedicated time to complete them. 

3. Choose Topics Wisely 

Topic selection seems like a tiny step in writing a digital marketing assignment, but it is the only step determining the rest of the assignment writing process. Because a wrong topic selection creates difficulties for your assignment completion, this is why students should give their full attention while selecting a topic.

For this purpose, you need to consider the following aspects: 

  • Your personal interest and expertise 
  • Fulfil the assignment requirements 
  • Your instructor’s expectations and suggestions 
  • Available research sources 
  • Complete before the due date 

Further, here are some digital marketing fields you can consider to choose the topics:

  • PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing

By focusing on these steps, you will be able to select the best topic on which you can write your assignment easily. 

4. Brainstorming and Mind Mapping 

After selecting a topic, critically think about the topic, gather more and more digital marketing project ideas related to the prompt and then create a mind map. In this step, just sketch your brain, thinking about how your mind relates your ideas with the main topic. For generating a strong mind map, develop three to four main ideas around the subject matter. 

Draw lines by connecting each map idea to its supporting details and brainstorm digital marketing assignment ideas, tasks, and questions for each. As a sample, you can see the below mind map example presented by Agus Masrianto in “Model for Improving Firm Digital Marketing Capabilities Based on Adoption Eco-system Readiness and Digital Transformation.”

marketing assignment writers

5. Conduct Extensive Research 

Conduct extensive keyword research on your specific topic to cover every query relevant to the subject matter. While doing research, collect both types of data: 

  • Primary information 
  • Secondary information 

Your primary data is first-hand data for better evaluation that comes from your self-observation. On the other hand, utilise secondary sources of information, which include internet search engines, library books, encyclopaedias and databases. 

6. Follow a Global Assignment Structure 

While writing any type of assignment, from essay to case study, there is a general digital marketing assignment structure that is standard to compose an effective academic paper. It includes three main sections: 

  • Introduction
  • Main body paragraph 


Begin with a captivating introduction by stating your personal statement, continue it with a detailed explanation in the main body paragraph, and finally, conclude your assignment on digital marketing by summarising all the key points and emphasising the importance of your topic and its application. 

7. Add Reference and Citations 

If you want to make your work more authentic and trustworthy in front of your reader, then add references and citations. It is one of the best tips that enhance the worth of your assignment. There are different types of citation styles that are mostly used by institutes, such as: 

  • Vancouver 
  • Chicago 
  • Harvard 

But in cases where your professor is guiding you to follow a specific referencing style, then make sure to follow the instructions. 

8. Filtered Your Digital Marketing Assignment 

After completing the writing process, do not submit it for revision multiple times. Filtered your assignment first against minor mistakes you skipped while drafting your work. In this step, look over the following: 

  • Grammatical flaws
  • Punctuation 
  • Capitalisation 
  • Typos errors
  • Spelling mistakes

After removing all the above mistakes, you create a refined form of your digital marketing assignment to impress your professor. 

9. Check Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the most serious offence that can result in various serious consequences. To overcome all the barriers to stand out from the rest of the class, you must cross-check your content against plagiarism. Checking plagiarism is not a task to handle manually. But for this purpose, you can use a plagiarism checker or a detector. 

Submit your document by uploading it from your computer, or you can also copy and paste content. Go to get a percentage of unique and plagiarism content with just one click. You will get plagiarism reports in just a few seconds. If work is caught as plagiarised somewhere, remove it and create plagiarism-free content. 

10. Ask For Feedback 

Our last tip that makes a big impact is to look for a third eye for a bird’s eye view of your assignment. For this purpose, ask for feedback from your class fellows or any other expert. 

If you want to check your work from a professional in digital marketing, make an impressive email to deliver your message with a humble request and ask for honest feedback. This is the best way to improve your mistakes and learn from your flaws. 

Digital marketing assignment writing is a most technical process because, with the advances of digital marketing, its theory concepts and technologies become more advanced, giving a tough time to most students. Students face many difficulties in understanding its prompts and composing a good piece of paper because of a lack of good academic writing skills. 

If you are one of them and struggling with your assignment on digital marketing, follow the above ways to improve your digital marketing writing assignment skills. But if it still makes you upset, then avail yourself of beneficial assignment writing help from a suitable firm.

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Marketing Assignment Help

Academic Writing Service

iResearchNet is a company that offers marketing assignment help to students who need assistance in completing their academic assignments. If you are struggling with your marketing assignments and need professional help, then iResearchNet is the right place for you. Here, we will explain why iResearchNet is the best choice for marketing assignment help, the types of marketing assignments we can help with, and our process for delivering top-quality work. We also include information on our extras, frequently asked questions, and a call-to-action to get started with your marketing assignment help.

Get Professional Marketing Assignment Help from iResearchNet

Marketing assignments can be quite challenging and demanding, often requiring a deep understanding of complex concepts, data analysis, and critical thinking. As a marketing student, you may find yourself struggling to complete your assignments on time, particularly when you have other academic commitments and responsibilities to attend to. This is where iResearchNet comes in to offer you professional marketing assignment help.

Academic Writing, Editing, Proofreading, And Problem Solving Services

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Our team of expert writers is dedicated to providing you with high-quality marketing assignment solutions that meet your specific needs and requirements. At iResearchNet, we understand the importance of submitting well-researched and well-written marketing assignments, and that is why we are committed to delivering top-quality work that exceeds your expectations.

We take pride in our years of experience in providing marketing assignment help to students from all over the world. Our team of writers comprises marketing professionals, industry experts, and academicians with advanced degrees in marketing and related fields. We are dedicated to providing you with customized solutions that address your specific needs and requirements.

At iResearchNet, we are committed to excellence, and we strive to deliver high-quality work that is tailored to your specific needs. We understand that as a student, you may have budgetary constraints, and that is why we offer affordable prices that do not compromise on the quality of work we deliver. Additionally, our timely delivery guarantees that you will receive your work within the agreed-upon deadline.

The Need for Marketing Assignment Help

Marketing is a constantly evolving field, and the demand for professionals who can navigate its complexities has never been higher. As a result, marketing courses have become increasingly popular in universities and colleges around the world. Students pursuing marketing courses are expected to develop a deep understanding of the key principles and concepts of marketing, and apply them to solve real-world problems. However, mastering marketing concepts and completing assignments can be challenging for many students, especially those who are new to the field.

Marketing assignments can range from developing marketing strategies, analyzing consumer behavior, to creating marketing plans, and many more. These assignments can be overwhelming for students, who often struggle to meet deadlines or produce work that meets the high standards set by their professors. Marketing students may also have other commitments, such as part-time jobs or extracurricular activities, which can make it difficult for them to devote enough time and energy to their coursework.

This is where iResearchNet comes in. We understand the challenges that students face in completing their marketing assignments, and we are here to help. Our team of experienced writers specializes in marketing and can help students at all levels of education to produce high-quality assignments that meet their professors’ expectations. Our services are designed to alleviate the stress and pressure that students feel, and to help them achieve their academic goals.

Why Choose iResearchNet

At iResearchNet, we understand the importance of delivering top-quality marketing assignments that meet our clients’ expectations. We take pride in offering the best marketing assignment help services in the industry, which are specifically tailored to meet the needs of our clients.

Here are some reasons why you should choose iResearchNet for your marketing assignment needs:

  • Expert Writers : Our team of marketing experts comprises highly qualified and experienced professionals who are experts in their respective fields. They have the skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality assignments that meet the highest academic standards.
  • Top Quality : We understand that quality is crucial when it comes to academic assignments. At iResearchNet, we ensure that all our assignments are thoroughly researched, well-written, and free from plagiarism. We use advanced plagiarism detection software to ensure that our assignments are 100% original.
  • Customized Solutions : We understand that each client has unique requirements when it comes to marketing assignments. That’s why we offer customized solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients. We work closely with our clients to ensure that their assignments meet their expectations.
  • Affordable Prices : We offer competitive pricing for our marketing assignment help services without compromising on the quality of our work. We understand that students have limited budgets, and we strive to offer affordable solutions that meet their needs.
  • Timely Delivery : We understand the importance of meeting deadlines when it comes to academic assignments. That’s why we ensure that our assignments are delivered on time, without compromising on the quality of our work.
  • 24/7 Support : Our customer support team is available round the clock to assist our clients with any queries or concerns they may have. We understand the importance of effective communication and strive to ensure that our clients are always informed about the progress of their assignments.
  • Money Back Guarantee : We are confident in the quality of our work and offer a money-back guarantee if our clients are not satisfied with our services.

By choosing iResearchNet for your marketing assignment needs, you can be assured of top-quality assignments that meet the highest academic standards. Our team of experts is committed to delivering the best marketing assignment help services in the industry, customized to meet the unique needs of our clients.

Marketing Assignment Help in Subfields of Marketing

Marketing is a vast field with various subfields, and it can be challenging for students to navigate through these subfields and complete their marketing assignments. At iResearchNet, we understand the complexities of marketing as a subject, and our team of expert writers has experience in different subfields of marketing. Our writers are well-versed in various marketing concepts, theories, and practices, and can provide you with customized solutions to your marketing assignments.

Our marketing assignment help covers a wide range of subfields, including:

  • Brand Management : Our writers can assist you in developing and managing a brand’s identity and reputation, including creating a brand strategy, positioning, and communication.
  • Digital Marketing : In today’s digital age, digital marketing has become a crucial aspect of marketing. Our writers can help you with various digital marketing assignments, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, and email marketing.
  • Consumer Behavior : Understanding consumer behavior is essential in marketing. Our writers can help you with assignments related to consumer behavior, including analyzing consumer preferences, attitudes, and decision-making processes.
  • Marketing Research : Our writers can assist you in designing and conducting marketing research, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions to make effective marketing decisions.
  • Marketing Strategy : Developing a marketing strategy is critical for the success of any organization. Our writers can help you with assignments related to developing a marketing strategy, including market segmentation, targeting, and positioning.
  • International Marketing : Our writers have experience in international marketing and can help you with assignments related to analyzing and implementing marketing strategies in different countries and cultures.

At iResearchNet, we have a team of writers who specialize in various subfields of marketing, ensuring that we can provide you with the right expert for your assignment.

Types of Academic Assignments We Can Help With

At iResearchNet, we understand that students may have different academic requirements when it comes to marketing assignment help. That’s why we offer assistance with a wide range of academic assignments to cater to diverse needs. Here are some of the types of assignments we can help you with:

  • Essay : Writing a marketing essay can be a challenging task, especially if you lack the necessary skills and knowledge. Our team of expert writers can help you craft a high-quality essay that meets your specific requirements and exceeds your expectations.
  • Research paper : If you’re struggling with your marketing research paper, don’t worry. Our team has extensive experience in conducting research, analyzing data, and writing high-quality research papers.
  • Case study : Analyzing a marketing case study requires critical thinking and analytical skills. Our team can help you develop an insightful and well-structured case study that showcases your understanding of marketing concepts.
  • Dissertation : Writing a marketing dissertation is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of the subject matter. Our writers can assist you in developing a comprehensive dissertation that demonstrates your knowledge and skills in the field.
  • Thesis : A marketing thesis is a lengthy and detailed document that requires extensive research and analysis. Our team can help you develop a well-structured and comprehensive thesis that meets the highest academic standards.
  • Business plan : A marketing business plan is a crucial document for any organization. Our team can help you develop a comprehensive and professional business plan that outlines your marketing strategy, target audience, and financial projections.
  • Presentation : Presenting your marketing assignment can be nerve-wracking, especially if you lack the necessary presentation skills. Our team can help you create an engaging and professional presentation that effectively conveys your message and impresses your audience.

At iResearchNet, we are committed to providing top-quality marketing assignment help that meets your specific needs. No matter what type of assignment you need assistance with, our team of expert writers is ready to help you achieve academic success.

How It Works

At iResearchNet, we believe in making the process of getting marketing assignment help as seamless as possible for our clients. That’s why we have developed a simple, easy-to-follow process that can be completed in just a few steps.

  • Place your order : The first step is to fill out the order form on our website. This form requires you to provide some basic details about your assignment, such as the type of assignment, the length, the deadline, and any specific instructions or requirements.
  • Make payment : Once you have submitted your order form, the next step is to make payment. We offer a variety of secure payment options, including PayPal and credit card.
  • Choose your writer : After we receive your payment, we will assign a writer who specializes in your specific area of marketing. You can communicate directly with your writer to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.
  • Receive your work : Once your writer has completed your assignment, it will be sent to you via email. We also offer the option to download the completed assignment from our website.
  • Free revisions : We offer free revisions to ensure that our clients are completely satisfied with the work we provide. If you feel that any changes are necessary, just let us know, and we’ll make them for you.

At iResearchNet, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality marketing assignment help in a timely and efficient manner. Our goal is to make the process as stress-free as possible for our clients so that they can focus on their studies and achieve their academic goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that students may have some questions before placing an order or while availing of our services. In this section, we have provided answers to some of the frequently asked questions about our marketing assignment help.

  • Is it safe to use iResearchNet for marketing assignment help? Yes, it is absolutely safe to use our services for marketing assignment help. We take the privacy and security of our clients very seriously and follow strict confidentiality policies.
  • How do I place an order for marketing assignment help? To place an order for marketing assignment help, you need to visit our website and fill out the order form. You will need to provide the details of your assignment, such as the topic, deadline, word count, and any specific instructions or requirements.
  • How do I make payment for my order? We accept payments through secure and reliable payment gateways such as PayPal, Credit Cards, and Debit Cards.
  • Can I communicate with my assigned writer during the writing process? Yes, you can communicate with your assigned writer during the writing process through our messaging system. This allows you to stay updated on the progress of your assignment and provide any additional information or feedback to your writer.
  • What if I am not satisfied with the quality of the work delivered? We have a free revision policy that allows you to request revisions if you are not satisfied with the quality of the work delivered. We also have a money-back guarantee in case we are unable to meet your expectations.
  • How do I receive the completed work? Once your assignment is completed, it will be uploaded to your account on our website. You will receive an email notification regarding the completion of your assignment. You can then download the completed work from your account.
  • Do you provide plagiarism reports? Yes, we provide plagiarism reports along with the completed work to ensure that it is original and plagiarism-free.
  • What if I need my assignment urgently? We offer urgent assignment help services for students who require their assignments to be delivered within a short period of time. You can mention the deadline while placing the order, and we will ensure that the work is delivered to you within the given timeframe.
  • Is your customer support available 24/7? Yes, our customer support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any queries or concerns you may have. You can contact us through live chat, email, or phone.

We hope these answers provide clarity and help you make an informed decision about our marketing assignment help services. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Expert Marketing Assignment Help from iResearchNet

At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges that students face when it comes to completing marketing assignments. That’s why we have a team of expert writers who are dedicated to providing top-quality marketing assignment help to students. Our services are designed to provide customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each student.

We are committed to providing affordable prices for all our services, and we ensure timely delivery of all orders. Our team of writers is available 24/7 to provide support to our customers, and we have a money-back guarantee in case a student is not satisfied with our work.

In conclusion, if you need marketing assignment help, iResearchNet is the perfect choice. We offer marketing assignment help in various subfields of marketing and can help with various academic assignments such as essays, research papers, case studies, and more. Our process of placing an order is simple, and our extras such as VIP service, plagiarism report, and text messages about order updates are designed to enhance the customer experience. Order now and experience top-quality marketing assignment help from iResearchNet.


marketing assignment writers


Fast & Secure Marketing Assignment Help For Students

When it comes to marketing assignment help, GradeSmiths is your reliable and efficient solution. We understand the time constraints and pressure that students face when it comes to completing marketing assignments. That’s why we offer fast and secure assistance, ensuring that your paper is delivered on time by an expert in the field of marketing.

Our team of marketing assignment experts consists of professionals who have a deep understanding of marketing concepts, strategies, and principles. They are well-versed in various subfields of marketing, including digital marketing, branding, market research, consumer behavior, and more. With their expertise, you can be confident that your assignment will be handled by a knowledgeable specialist in the field.

At GradeSmiths, we prioritize timely delivery to ensure that you meet your assignment deadlines. We understand the importance of timely submissions in maintaining academic success. Our experts work efficiently to complete your marketing assignment within the given timeframe, allowing you to submit your work on time and avoid any penalties.

We also emphasize the security and confidentiality of your information. When you seek marketing assignment help from GradeSmiths, you can trust that your personal and academic details will be kept secure. We maintain strict confidentiality protocols to ensure that your information remains private and protected.

By choosing GradeSmiths for your marketing assignment help, you can expect a well-researched, well-structured, and professionally written paper. Our experts conduct extensive research, analyze relevant marketing theories and concepts, and provide accurate and insightful analysis in your assignment. They will tailor the content to your specific requirements, ensuring that your paper reflects your understanding of the topic and meets your professor’s expectations.

Experience the benefits of fast and secure marketing assignment help from GradeSmiths. We are dedicated to assisting students in achieving their academic goals by providing reliable and high-quality assignment solutions. Trust our experts to deliver your marketing assignment on time while maintaining the utmost professionalism and security. Contact us now to get your paper done by an expert in the field of marketing.

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  • Sun. May 26th, 2024

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6 Top Tips To Write Marketing Assignments Like A Pro

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The key to writing a practical marketing assignment is to use your strengths. Here we discuss the tips for writing marketing assignments like a pro.

If you have spent many hours developing your marketing profile, you know what makes a marketer successful.

Your marketing communications plan should have a framework and processes in place to avoid getting lost in the middle and missing meaningful communication opportunities.

You also need to establish clear, measurable objectives and metrics and how and when you will achieve those objectives.

  • The success of your marketing thesis may depend on how you can deliver the efforts considerably.
  • The project summary gives you a list of the tasks and their status. This should contain questions to write a marketing assignment that is tailored specifically for a professional marketing company.
  • By creating this checklist, you’ll be sure that you get the correct answers to all your questions and that you have sufficient answers to complete your role in managing marketing effectively.

When writing a Marketing Assignment as a Professional, your primary objectives should be to

  • Write a professional profile.
  • Describe the project, team, and its goals.
  • Describe your desired outcomes.
  • Cover two types of marketing you need to define while writing a marketing assignment, online and offline.

Follow these tips for your perfect assignment to get the best results

1. Online marketing can be used for various types of social media marketing


  • It consists of a few key steps: Log on to a website. Find out who your prospects are. List your services. Make an offer. Communicate offers to potential customers via email, phone, or any other communication.
  • Use email marketing as your primary means of marketing, but make sure that your offers are engaging.

2. Reliability and quick turnaround of the transactions


Online marketing is the process of engaging potential buyers in one large, centralized form to get feedback, suggestions, or questions.

  • The focus is on getting customers to make a decision. In the case of online shopping, one’s decision affects other people’s actions, which may affect other customers’ decisions.

3. Write the outline to the client or business owner


  • business goals.
  • how to create value.
  • marketer persona or persona profile.
  • and business process.

4. You should create an online form


5. Your content should be catchy and attractive


6. Find quotes and examples for your marketing assignment and feel free to use them


  • Marketing is about what products and services are offered, the perceived success of those products and services, and the opportunity cost of the lack thereof.
  • If your writing is going well and you are using good writing techniques, you may be prepared to submit the assignment. If you are unsure, it would be recommended to consult a professional and get your writing back on track by asking for marketing assignment help .

You can always follow the above guidelines to write your marketing assignment like a pro and avoid common assignment writing mistakes , but if you still face any obstacles, you can search online for help, because investing in your writing skills can pay off and you may make money online as a student with content writing .

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Marketing Assignment Help By Expert Writers

Do you need assistance in perfecting your marketing assignment? That is precisely what ResearchProspect’s marketing assignment service stands for. Our panel of experts has years of experience in steering preliminary research findings, articulating first drafts, constructing them in the required formats, and using the appropriate references. So, what are you waiting for? Place an order for marketing assignment help now!

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When Do You Need To Hire An Expert Marketing Writer?

In the challenging landscape of a marketing course, the complexities can sometimes leave students feeling swamped. Amidst navigating jargon-heavy terminologies such as ‘market segmentation’, ‘SWOT analysis’, or ‘consumer behaviour’, and the relentless pursuit of maintaining a high grade point average, the idea of soliciting help from a ‘Marketing Assignment Specialist’ often presents a welcome respite.

This is especially true when students are tasked with intricate and demanding assignments that require a deep understanding of marketing concepts and their application in real-world scenarios.

With a rising need to secure high grades to bolster their overall academic performance, the expert guidance offered by a digital marketing writing service can be an essential lifeline.

High University Standards

For students studying in the United Kingdom, the pressure can be even more intense due to the rigorous nature of the marketing courses offered in the country’s educational institutions. In such cases, reaching out to marketing assignment helpers becomes an appealing option.

These services are specifically tailored to meet the demands of British curricula, ensuring all assignments strictly adhere to the distinct standards and evaluation criteria. This level of personalisation alleviates academic pressure and provides peace of mind to the students, knowing their assignments are in capable hands.

Moreover, a plethora of ‘marketing assignment agencies’ are at the student’s disposal, catering to an array of diverse needs. Whether it’s an introductory marketing course or a complex marketing strategy assignment, there’s a service perfectly equipped to handle the nuances of each.

The beauty of these services lies in the fact they are manned by experts who offer personalised assistance. These specialists employ their knowledge and expertise to guarantee that each assignment is a shining beacon of academic excellence, effectively bridging the gap between comprehending the subject matter and proficiently conveying it through written work.

Reasons to Choose Our Marketing Assignment Writing!

Studying marketing in the United Kingdom can be an exhilarating yet demanding endeavour. In this fast-paced academic climate, it’s essential to have a reliable ally – enter ‘ResearchProspect’. Here are some compelling reasons to consider this service:

At ResearchProspect, we specialise in providing top-notch marketing assignments. Our team comprises marketing experts who deeply understand the field’s complexities and challenges. They offer the assistance needed to grasp and apply marketing theories, models, and strategies effectively, ensuring your assignments stand out.

Digital Marketing Specialisation

In an increasingly digital world, we understand the importance of being versed in digital marketing. That’s why we offer dedicated digital marketing assignment assistance. Our experts are proficient in subjects ranging from SEO and PPC to social media and content marketing, ensuring you are well-equipped to conquer the digital realm.

Tailored To UK Standards

When you opt for our marketing coursework help in the UK, you choose an ally that comprehends the unique nuances of British academia. Our services align with UK universities and colleges’ standards and evaluation criteria, guaranteeing assignments that meet, if not exceed, your institution’s expectations.

Wide Array Of Services

We don’t just offer one service but a spectrum of marketing writing services catering to various requirements. Whether it’s a case study, a project report, or a dissertation, our team is prepared to offer tailor-made solutions for your academic needs.

ResearchProspect is a beacon of academic support for marketing students across the UK. Our dedication to excellence and our experts’ comprehensive knowledge assures a service designed to elevate your academic journey. Empower your learning and alleviate your assignment stress by entrusting your work to us. Your academic success is our prospect!

Our Marketing Assignment Service Features

Effective marketing strategies.

Coming up with highly flawless marketing strategies that focus on the target audience is what we are best at. Our marketing experts have years of experience, and there is no room for “marketing gone wrong” here.

All Topics Covered

Whether you need help understanding concepts of market research and positioning or want to finish that budgeting assignment, we have your back.

Qualified Marketers

We have some of the industry geniuses at ResearchProspect who are ready to walk the extra mile and use the best models and approaches for your assignment.

Excellent Quality Analysis

Our specialists begin dissecting the subjects you give with all the important ideas, realities, and most recent models and put all the information in an efficient order.

Customised Approach

We help in finishing the tasks precisely according to the directions given. We are prepared to modify as and when required or work with rules given by your Marketing professor.

Rigorous Quality Control

Each marketing assignment completed by our academics goes through a rigorous quality check process to ensure that it meets every bit of your requirements and instructions.

Our Marketing Assignment Samples

Take a look at our free samples before placing an order so you know exactly the quality you will be getting when you engage ResearchProspect for help with your marketing assignment.

Expert Writers For Marketing Assignment Writing

At ResearchProspect, our Marketing assignment writers are the driving force behind your academic success. Our team consists of seasoned experts with a deep understanding of marketing theories, strategies, and market dynamics. We specialise in crafting top-tier marketing assignments that showcase cutting-edge research, industry insights, and innovative marketing solutions. Trust us to elevate your marketing education to new heights. With ResearchProspect, excellence in marketing assignments is our promise.

Our Writers

How To Order Your Marketing Assignment?

Submit order form.

Place your order using our simple order form. Provide personal and academic details at the first step, order specifics at the second, and make payment at the final step to confirm your order.

Writer Start Working

Our customer services team will assign the perfect writer to your order immediately once we receive it. You will be able to converse with them over emails and the client portal.

Download & Relax

The completed marketing paper will be delivered in parts or full as per your requirements directly to your email address. Or you can choose to download it from the client portal. It’s that simple, really.

Trusted by over 1000,000 students

Thousands of students have used ResearchProspect academic support services to improve their grades. Why are you waiting?


Harry Noble

Even though marketing is a fascinating field, I needed to hire an expert because the job was taking too much time. After researching, I found a marketing assignment agency online in UK and hired them to help me. They did their homework thoroughly, conducting original research where necessary. The cost was reasonable, and the task was completed on schedule.

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Samantha Connolly

I thought their services were excellent, and they came across as extremely sincere. On-time, I received the marketing management assignment that I was given to complete. It was well written, and as a result, I received an A for the assignment. Many thanks to you all. Only for the next projects will I consider hiring you. Very strongly suggested!

The project’s market research phase ran longer than expected, so I requested an extension. I was looking for a service to assist me with my homework and came across ResearchProspect. I reached out to them and explained the nature of the work I needed. They sent in an assignment on time that showed evidence of a thorough investigation. Thanks a lot for the great service and excellent information. Everyone would be able to afford the pricing plan.

FAQs About The Global Marketing Assignment Help UK

What kind of marketing areas does researchprospect cover.

ResearchProspect pretty much offers assignment services for almost every marketing topic. Some of these include:

  • Relationship Marketing
  • B2B Marketing
  • Strategic Marketing

And the list goes on.

What if the writer does not fulfil my initial requirements?

Our experienced writers can handle most academic subjects. It is very unlikely this situation will occur. If it did, we have a free-amendments policy and would ask the writer to fix the work under that.

When might you seek marketing assignment help?

You might seek digital marketing assignment help online when facing challenges understanding concepts, lack of time to complete assignments, need for additional guidance, or desire for higher grades. Expert assistance can offer clarity, support, and improved academic performance.

What are some reasons to choose our service?

ResearchProspect is a well-known name in the academic assistance field, and it is due to the high-quality services that we’ve gained the trust of all our customers. Our marketing assignment writers make sure that all the required aspects of marketing writing are included in the assignment so that both students and tutors are satisfied with the assignment.

What is a marketing assignment writing service?

It is a professional service that offers assistance in completing marketing assignments for MBA and other fields. Expert writers with marketing knowledge and experience can help you with research, analysis, and crafting high-quality marketing assignments tailored to your requirements.

Can ResearchProspect help me write my marketing assignment?

ResearchProspect writers are skilled in marketing and can provide comprehensive assistance. They conduct in-depth research, analyse market trends, and create well-structured assignments. Their expertise ensures that your marketing assignments are accurate and engaging and reflect a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Do ResearchProspect writers deliver marketing assignments plagiarism-free?

Absolutely! ResearchProspect writers are committed to delivering plagiarism-free marketing homework help. They create original content by conducting extensive research and citing credible sources. Additionally, they use advanced plagiarism detection software to ensure that the assignments are unique and meet the highest academic standards.

Can ResearchProspect writers meet tight deadlines for marketing assignments?

Yes, ResearchProspect writers understand the importance of meeting deadlines. They are accustomed to working under pressure and can handle tight deadlines effectively. By prioritising your assignment and employing efficient writing techniques, they ensure that your marketing assignments are delivered on time without compromising quality.

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All Types and Subjects Covered

We have specialists in every academic subject who can handle all types of assignment.






  • How It Works

How to Write Marketing Assignments Like a Pro


Table of Contents

Do marketing assignments make you struggle? Do not worry, you are not the only one facing challenges while writing a top-notch marketing assignment. Marketing is a dynamic field and it needs a lot of analytical thinking, creativity, and strategic planning. At first, it might be intricate to write a marketing assignment but if you know the right approach, nobody can stop you from achieving an expert-like assignment. In this blog by All Assignment Help , we will try to educate you about some essential steps with which you can effectively compose your marketing assignment.

An Example of How Effective Marketing Can Be

Nike’s sales were $800 million in 1988. They launched their well-known “Just Do It” campaign. Within a decade, sales had surpassed $2 billion. “Just Do It” is a core message that is still relevant today, 36 years later. Just an example of what successful marketing can do to a brand. Through platforms like YouTube, you can learn about Nike’s marketing strategy to understand how Nike and all other big brands created their name with clever marketing. Also, why Marketing is such a crucial part of the business?

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What is the Need for a Marketing Assignment?

Different marketing courses, institutions, and instructors are using marketing assignments to serve different purposes. However, given below are some of the common objectives of your marketing assignment.

  • Your marketing assignment is an opportunity for the application of theoretical concepts into practice. Moreover, you will learn how you can use marketing principles in business settings and develop practical skills.
  • It helps you develop your critical thinking and analytical skills as it requires you to analyze marketing strategies critically. Moreover, it also requires you to analyze consumer behaviour, market trends, and campaigns.
  • When you enhance your analytical thinking ability through your marketing assignment, you can evaluate how different approaches can affect business and make informed decisions.
  • Like any other assignment, marketing assignments also require thorough research. Hence, it develops your research skills. However, in case you have poor research skills then you can hire marketing assignment help experts to guide you with your assignment.
  • Marketing assignments are inclusive of report writing, presentation preparations, and delivering persuasive arguments. Hence, we can say that it helps in communication skills enhancement.
  • With the challenge to come up with creative solutions, marketing assignments help you develop your innovation and creativity levels.
  • Ultimately, it prepares you for the marketing industry.

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How to Write an Effective Marketing Assignment?

Marketing as a subject has a lot of potential and has a bright future, which is why many students choose it as their graduation subject. However, writing a marketing assignment can be just as difficult as exams. Assignment writing follows a precise structure, and if you are unaware of it, you will suffer greatly in your scores every time you have an assignment due. It has its own way of evaluation and scoring grounds. Let us take you through some of the important aspects that you need to keep in mind while doing your marketing assignment.

Understand the assignment brief  

Before you begin to write your marketing assignment, it is crucial to understand the assignment brief. It means that you must know about the key objectives and the requirements of the assignment, and is there any specific guidelines given by your professor. In addition to this, pay attention to the required word count, formatting style, and deadline.

Choose the right topic

When writing a marketing assignment, it is critical to choose an appropriate topic from which you can draw a large amount of data to support your claims.

  • Make sure it has enough research material.
  • Do not just randomly select a topic. Try researching what is in the news and what is creating an impact.
  • Choose a topic that also attracts your interest as well. You can never do justice with your work if you are uninterested in the subject you choose
  • Make sure the topic you choose is popular and trending because marketing needs you to be aware of the new-age trends. For example, Digital Marketing and social media campaigns.

However, if the professor chooses the topic, you have no say in the matter at first. Once you have been given the topic, you will need to ask the professor for more resources and conduct searches using focused keywords relating to the topic to gather information. Also, there are certain things you should consider while writing your assignment.

  • The topic must be tied to a specific marketing challenge, and you must remain on that topic from beginning to conclusion.
  • You need to make sure to avoid deviation from the topic in pressure of word count or an approaching deadline.
  • Do not use irrelevant stuff just to fill in the gaps.
  • Sticking to the topic should be your primary goal.

In addition to this, to avoid the challenges of a marketing assignment and score well, you can seek professional guidance from websites providing assignment help online .

Conduct thorough research

Begin your marketing research as soon as you have chosen your topic. Find out if there is any theory about the topic that you can explain later. Moreover, find out as much as you can about the subject, including figures and data to back up your claim. You must have a very clear notion about the topic you have chosen/provided to write the assignment on to collect all of the material and digest it appropriately. If you have any questions about the issue, speak with your lecturer as soon as possible. Furthermore, if you put it off, you may develop new problems, and the fundamental ones may become buried beneath them.

Take care of the assignment structure

Making a structure of the assignment is important. This will act as a backbone and ribs, holding all of the muscle pieces together.


If you create a strong opening to your assignment, you will undoubtedly attract your examiner’s attention and, as a result, receive good marks. Moreover, marketing is a creative field and full of mind-blowing stories of extraordinary marketing campaigns. It is advised to start your assignment with an interesting anecdote. Take a story or a popular trend getting viral on Instagram. Make sure you hold the readers’ attention from the start.

The central theme is the main idea around which your whole marketing assignment revolves. Every sub-idea, statement, facts, market research, the marketing strategy will connect to it.

Your marketing assignment conclusion should include:

  • Summarized argument: It is helpful to restate your primary points for your reader by the time you have reached your conclusion, especially if you have made a long and intricate argument.
  • Your takeaway: You should always mention your takeaways from the assignment you just concluded. You can include your personal opinion but keep in mind to not get too personal.

Critical analysis of marketing assignment

The goal of marketing assignments in MBA programs is to determine your vision as a multifunctional management student. Your thought process is distinct from that of your classmates, and your assignment should reflect this. If the examiner eventually acknowledges your ideas and depth of research, you can obtain good scores. In addition to this, if you find it tough to analyze your assignment critically or you miss out on other significant parameters of making your assignment expert-like, you can seek expert assistance. For many students who wonder, if is it possible to pay someone to do my assignment , assignment writing websites are nothing less than a boon. With the help of these websites, you can get professionally written error-free assignments anytime.

Cite your sources properly

Make sure to list any resources you utilized at the end of your marketing assignment by creating a separate page labelled references. Check the university’s guidelines for the reference format you have been instructed to use while putting those together. Referencing is required, and this is one of the criteria for evaluation. If you do not perform it right, you will lose some points.

This is how you can approach a marketing task. It is widely regarded as the most effective rule, and most writers and academics use it all around the world. But keep in mind that you should begin working on an assignment as soon as you receive it so that you have enough time to complete these two tasks effectively.

Proofread and edit

Once the writing portion is completed. Proofread and edit your assignment. This helps to reduce the likelihood of errors related to punctuation, sentence construction, or grammatical errors, which are a big no-no at any university. When professors notice such errors, they deduct a large number of points. There are many different software and websites like Grammarly and others that are available online for grammar, unintentional plagiarism, and punctuation mistakes.

In addition to this, the marketing assignment writing process is time-consuming and there are chances that it might cause you constraints issues in attending your marketing online classes. However, you do not have to worry about it. You can easily hire an online class helper to take your class on your behalf whilst you focus entirely on making your assignment flawless and error-free.

Points to Ponder While Completing Marketing Assignment

There are certain things that you must keep in mind while composing your marketing assignment. These are as follows:

  • Every marketing assignment has a specific audience to target. Hence, you must define your audience and accordingly tailor your assignment.
  • You must apply marketing concepts and theories to let the audience and professor know about your understanding of marketing principles. For that matter, you need to analyze industry trends, case studies, marketing campaigns, etc. and in case of difficulties, consult a good assignment writing help .
  • To make your assignment appealing and reliable you can use visual aids like graphs, images, charts, etc. Moreover, it will also help in making the readability of your assignment better.
  • We all know that the market is ever-evolving. Hence, it is significant that you keep yourself updated with industry trends, innovations, and best practices.

In conclusion, it requires critical thinking skills, theoretical knowledge, and practical application to make your assignment appear expert-like. Moreover, you can follow the steps of this blog if you wish to compose a professional-looking assignment. When you embrace the challenges of marketing assignments and face them with enthusiasm and diligence, you will not only get an expert-like assignment but also move successfully towards a fulfilling marketing career. So, go ahead and use the aforementioned strategies to compose an assignment like a pro.

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Mastering the Art of Marketing Assignment Writing: Expert Tips for Student Success

by venus · Published October 22, 2023 · Updated April 27, 2024

Marketing assignments are a common task for students pursuing degrees in business, marketing, or related fields. These assignments not only test your knowledge but also your ability to apply marketing concepts and strategies to real-world scenarios. To help students excel in their marketing assignments, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of tips to create the best marketing assignment possible.

Understand the Assignment Brief

Before you start crafting your marketing assignment, it’s essential to thoroughly understand the assignment brief. Carefully read the instructions, guidelines, and any specific requirements your instructor has provided. Pay attention to the formatting, word count, submission date, and the main objectives of the assignment. A clear understanding of the brief is crucial to ensure you meet all the criteria.

Expert Tips for Student Success

Research Extensively

Effective marketing assignment writing requires in-depth research. Don’t rely solely on your textbook or class notes. Explore various sources such as academic journals, books, reputable websites, and industry reports. The more diverse and credible your sources, the stronger your assignment will be. Stay updated with the latest marketing trends and case studies, as they can provide valuable insights and examples for your work.

Define Your Target Audience

Just as in marketing itself, understanding your target audience is crucial. In this case, your target audience is your instructor. Consider their expectations, preferences, and grading criteria. If your assignment is open-ended, inquire about any specific preferences your instructor may have regarding the topic or approach.

Choose an Engaging Topic

Selecting the right topic can make a significant difference in the quality of your marketing assignment. Look for topics that not only interest you but are also relevant and up-to-date. This could be related to emerging trends, case studies, or marketing strategies used by well-known brands. An engaging topic will not only make the assignment more enjoyable for you but also captivate your instructor’s attention.

Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

Like any academic paper, your marketing assignment should have a clear and concise thesis statement. This statement should provide a snapshot of what your assignment aims to achieve. It’s your roadmap, guiding both you and your readers throughout the paper.

Structure and Organize Effectively

Organizing your marketing assignment is key to delivering a coherent and well-structured paper. Typically, assignments should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. The body of your assignment should be divided into sections, each with a clear subheading. This makes it easier for readers to follow your arguments. Use a logical flow, presenting your ideas in a systematic order.

Original Content and Plagiarism Avoidance

One of the cardinal rules of academic writing is to avoid plagiarism at all costs. Ensure that your work is entirely original. Cite your sources correctly using the appropriate referencing style, such as APA, MLA, or Harvard. Plagiarism not only affects your grades but can have serious consequences for your academic integrity.

Analyze and Evaluate

Marketing assignments often require you to analyze and evaluate a marketing strategy or concept. When conducting your analysis, consider the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Use relevant tools and models such as SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, or the marketing mix (4Ps or 7Ps) to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy in question.

Provide Real-World Examples

Supporting your arguments with real-world examples is a surefire way to make your marketing assignment more compelling. Whether it’s a successful or unsuccessful marketing campaign, case studies, or industry trends, these examples help solidify your arguments and demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter.

Use Visuals Wisely

Incorporating visuals such as charts, graphs, and images can enhance the visual appeal of your marketing assignment. However, use them judiciously and make sure they are relevant to the content. Visuals should complement your text, not replace it. Additionally, provide clear explanations for any visuals you include.

Edit and Proofread

Never underestimate the importance of editing and proofreading. After completing your assignment, take the time to review it for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and clarity. Ensure that your writing is concise and that your ideas are communicated effectively. If possible, ask a peer or professor to review your assignment for a fresh perspective.

Seek Feedback

Before submitting your marketing assignment, consider seeking feedback from classmates, friends, or professors. A fresh set of eyes can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

In conclusion, writing the best marketing assignment requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. By following these tips, you can create a high-quality marketing assignment that not only meets your instructor’s expectations but also contributes to your understanding of marketing concepts and strategies. Good luck with your assignments!

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Marketing 101 for Writers: Get More Assignments and Make More Money by Knowing the Basics

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Want to make it easier to land well-paid writing assignments?

There’s a reason why companies pay copywriters so much money to write effective copy and content …

Because without it, their marketing machine – and therefore their business – would cease to exist!

You have massive power as a writer to help clients attract and engage prospects with useful and relevant marketing materials, build trust, and ultimately turn them into customers (and sales!).

And whether you’re writing “pre-suasive” content or persuasive copy, understanding the basics of marketing will help give you a huge advantage as a writer.

You’ll be able to have more meaningful conversations with existing and potential clients. This often translates into those clients seeing you as a valued partner in their success, rather than as “just a writer.

Your higher perceived value will also pave the way for charging higher fees and building stronger relationships with your clients.

Are you ready to learn some marketing basics for writers that will help fast-track your career?

Let’s get started.

What Is Marketing?

Marketing is any business activity that promotes the buying or selling of a product or service.

This includes anything a business does that has the intention, at some point, of selling something.

For example, public relations and customer service efforts are part of a company’s marketing because they’re meant to sway public perception of that company in a positive way. And if people view that company in a positive light, they’re more likely to become customers.

It’s similar for written communications from a business. All the content they publish on their website, social media, or other channels is meant to engage and build relationships with their potential customers.

And as people get to know and trust the company through their content, they’re also more likely to buy the company’s products and services.

Can you see a theme developing here?

Nearly everything a company does can be viewed as marketing.

This applies to essentially every organization, whether it’s a large corporation or a small nonprofit. They all need to get the word out about their business and engage with potential customers in a meaningful way, with the eventual aim of moving them toward taking some kind of action.

Seth Godin , a bestselling author and entrepreneur, offers this definition:

Marketing is the generous act of helping others become who they seek to become.

A core goal in all marketing efforts is to take the buyer on a journey toward achieving what they want in life, as well as solving whatever problems they may have. Essentially, as Seth Godin says, to help them become who they seek to become.

Whether someone wants to reach a long-term goal or needs a more immediate solution to a problem, a company’s marketing messages should convey how their products or services can help that person achieve their goals.

If a company can clearly express the benefits and value they can offer a potential customer, their marketing will be much more effective.

And keep in mind that without marketing, businesses would cease to exist !

This is why businesses have an ongoing need for writers to help them communicate their marketing messages to potential customers.

In fact, in this recent blog post, AppSumo identified 99 different marketing channels businesses commonly use . From writing website content to social media posts to video scripts, the opportunities for skilled writers who know the basics of marketing are nearly endless.

Why Is Understanding Marketing So Important for Writers?

A foundation in basic marketing is highly valuable for writers.

Understanding where your writing fits into the larger scheme of a business’s marketing strategy is vital.

Being familiar with marketing fundamentals will help you …

1. Be a Better Writer

The intention of all forms of marketing and copywriting is to get your prospect to take a certain action, such as sign up for an email list or schedule an appointment for a consult.

And all the steps you encourage a person to take over time as they interact with the company will ideally lead to a sale.

If you understand this intention, as well as what you’re trying to get a potential customer to do at each step of the process, you’re almost certainly going to become a better writer.

We’re going to discuss the sales process in more detail later in this article, but you can likely already see how customizing your writing for each stage of a customer’s journey will produce a better written product.

Having a good understanding of your prospect will also take your writing to the next level. It’s easier to write an engaging and compelling piece when you know exactly who you’re writing to and what their goals are.

2. Get Your Foot in the Door More Easily

When you’re speaking to potential clients, they’ll be able to tell if you have a basic understanding of marketing and how your writing fits into the bigger picture.

And that will automatically get their attention.

They’ll start to see you as a potential ally and collaborator with valuable ideas to share, rather than a writer they’ll need to direct more closely.

Companies know that all writers will improve over time, so they’re often accepting of some technical editing or other writing guidance along the way.

But if you possess marketing knowledge on top of your technical writing skills, you’re going to quickly set yourself ahead of the competition.

Two professional women talking about marketing

3. Get Better Results from Everything You Write

Once you’re familiar with all the parts that go into a marketing campaign, you can write those parts more effectively.

For example, if you’re writing an email series that encourages the readers to go to a specific landing page, you’ll be able to include that focus in the emails you write.

And better yet … you can offer to write the landing page as well!

Knowing how all the pieces of a campaign fit together means you can easily work on a range of different projects from one client.

You’ll also be able to tie them all together seamlessly and get better results from everything you write.

4. Make More Money!

Your marketing knowledge makes you more valuable in the eyes of a potential client.

Instead of needing a lot of training up front, you’re more likely to be able to write what they need from the start.

Businesses appreciate a writer who can also contribute to their marketing plans. And once you have your writing project assigned, they know they can count on you to get the writing done with minimal direction.

As your marketing expertise grows, your writing fees will, too.

6 Simple Marketing Lessons for Writers

Marketing is a dynamic process that’s always changing.

This is good news for writers, because it means that companies constantly need new content to keep up with their marketing efforts.

But on the other hand, nearly all marketing campaigns share certain basic marketing principles that make them successful.

Let’s go through the top six marketing lessons for writers that we feel can help improve your craft and raise your income.

Lesson 1: Marketing 101

Marketing has three core functions in any company:

  • Attract prospects
  • Turn these prospects into customers
  • Get those customers to buy more

This process is called “ascension.”

You want to start by attracting potential customers who would be interested in your product. For example, if a company produces infant safety products, they would want to target new parents in their marketing efforts.

Then the next step would be to convert these prospects, or leads, into customers.

And once someone has bought one of the company’s products or services, the company’s goal shifts to keeping that new customer happy and encouraging them to buy additional products.

Marketers recognize that it’s much less expensive for a company to keep an existing customer than it is to acquire a new one. This is why many companies include robust customer service and support.

In each of these three phases of marketing, companies need specific written materials.

Remember that all companies must sell to survive. And they can’t sell without you, the writer!

Lesson 2: Buyer’s Journey

All of us are on a journey when it comes to making a purchase. Sometimes the journey ends quickly — “No, this isn’t for me.” But the outcome all companies are striving for is “Yes, this is for me!”

This is what’s known as the buyer’s journey, or the customer’s journey.

If someone is facing a problem or looking for information, they typically go through three stages as they work toward answers:

  • Awareness — they know they have a problem but aren’t sure what to do yet.
  • Consideration — they start to examine different options or ways to deal with their issue.
  • Decision — they make a final decision on how they’re going to solve their problem.

For example, someone might have a leaky tap in their bathroom. At first, they’re probably just aware of it and may not want to do anything about it yet.

But as the leak gets worse, they’ll probably start to look into ways to fix it. They might search online for do-it-yourself options or consider hiring a plumber for the repair.

Finally, they’ll have to decide whether they’re going to buy some supplies to fix the tap themselves or who they’re going to hire to fix it.

No matter what problem a person is trying to solve, companies need specific types of content to help prospects move through the buyer’s journey, and ideally purchase one of their products or services at the end.

This is why copywriters who understand this marketing fundamental are highly sought-after. You’re in an excellent position to help companies create all the pieces they need along the buyer’s, or customer’s, journey.

We’ve broken this journey into four separate stages of what we call our AWAI Copywriting-Content Continuum.

A diagram of our Copywriting-Content Continuum is below:

Graphic of the AWAI copywriting content continuum.  Moving your prospect from awareness to buyer to happy customer.  Stage 1:Content that builds traffic/awareness/leads.  Stage 2:Copy linking to a direct sales page. Stage 3:Direct sales copy, buy/order now. Stage 4:Retention copy and content.

The stages we’ve identified are as follows:

  • Stage 1: Content that Builds Traffic/Awareness/Leads

As someone becomes aware of their problem or “want,” they may start reading articles about the topic, download a free report, or watch a video about it.

  • Stage 2: Copy Linking to a Direct-Sales Page

During the consideration phase of the buyer’s journey, a person usually starts looking at potential products or services that will help solve their problem or that offer what they’re looking for. In this phase, they’ll be more interested in looking at articles or videos that review specific products, or product pages on a website. They may also want to interact directly with a company to get answers to their questions via chatbots or email.

  • Stage 3: Direct-Sales Copy: Buy/Order Now

When they’re close to their buying decision, a person will be more likely to read direct-sales materials, such as sales pages, video sales letters, or magalogs.

  • Stage 4: Retention Copy and Content

After they’ve made their purchase, an entirely new phase of copy and content is needed to keep that customer happy and potentially ready to buy additional products.

As a copywriter, your job is to move a person forward to the next phase of their buyer’s journey.

Now, don’t assume this means you have to write all the different types of copy and content that exist.

You don’t even need to write content from all the different phases. Simply understanding the goals of each phase and how everything works together is enough.

You can easily specialize in writing content for only one stage of the buyer’s journey. For example, if you don’t like writing sales copy, you can specialize in writing for the first stage, which aims to raise awareness of a product or service through largely informative, “pre-suasive” pieces of content.

But if you’re drawn to writing direct-sales copy, you can specialize in writing for the third stage that focuses on the purchasing process.

For a full breakdown of all the different types of copy and content that companies need, as well as how much copywriters charge for these projects, download AWAI’s free Copywriting Pricing Guide here .

Lesson 3: Meet Your Prospect Where They Are

It’s important to know where your prospect is in their buyer’s journey.

You’ll want to be able to answer these questions before you start writing any type of project:

  • Who are you writing to?
  • How aware is your prospect of their problem or need and possible solutions?
  • What actions have they taken so far?

Knowing these factors ahead of time will help you tailor whatever you’re writing to speak to your prospect more effectively. You can address the issues they’re concerned or excited about within the moment, whether they’re just starting to become aware of the problem or opportunity or are ready to buy a solution.

Eugene Schwartz’s 5 Levels of Awareness

  • Completely Unaware: No knowledge of anything except, perhaps, his own identity or opinion.
  • Problem-Aware: Your prospect senses he has a problem but doesn’t know there’s a solution.
  • Solution-Aware: Your prospect knows the result he wants but not that your product provides it.
  • Product-Aware: Your prospect knows what you sell.
  • The Most Aware: Just needs to know “the deal.”

Advertising pioneer Eugene Schwartz identified five levels of awareness that can also help you gauge where your prospect currently is:

As we discussed in the previous section, specific types of content are published for people at different stages of the buyer’s journey.

For example, here at AWAI, the marketing materials we create for people who are completely unaware of our company are very different from those we create for people who are already familiar with us.

If someone has already taken one of our courses and knows the quality of our products, they are at “The Most Aware” level of Eugene Schwartz’s scale. At this point, if they see another AWAI course that interests them, they likely just want to know how much it costs and what’s included.

On the other hand, a person who’s at the “Completely Unaware” level may never have even heard the term “copywriting” before. Perhaps they feel unhappy in their current career and are interested in a change, but they likely haven’t started exploring any options yet.

At this point, they might be searching for possible careers they could switch into or other ways to pursue their dreams. This search could bring them to our free resource What Is Copywriting?: AWAI’s Essential Introduction to the Copywriting Industry .

They might also be moved by our long-standing sales page for The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting , which starts with the question “Can You Write a Letter Like This One?”

This sales page is written for someone who’s unfamiliar with the copywriting industry, and it discusses the basics of the industry and the many benefits of becoming a copywriter.

Knowing where your prospect is in their buyer’s journey is vital for writing any of these pieces of copy and content.

To help with this process, many companies will create what they call customer personas. These are short profiles that list any personal attributes of their ideal customers. The profiles are fictitious, but they provide a helpful overview of what their potential customers might be interested in, their age range, or other relevant information.

You can download an example customer persona template from Modern Publisher here .

The customer persona can go by various different names:

  • customer avatar
  • buyer persona
  • marketing persona
  • customer profile

Graphic of other ways to define the prospect

Most companies will provide you with a customer persona to help you with the project you’re working on. But if they don’t, this is another project you can offer to complete for them. All it takes is gathering some basic information from the company about their ideal prospect and summarizing it in a template like Modern Publisher’s .

Whether you create a customer persona or get it from your client, understanding your prospect and meeting them where they are will make all your writing more effective.

Lesson 4: The Sales Funnel

A sales funnel refers to the copy that is used at each stage of a buyer’s journey.

As a person “moves through the funnel,” they’re exposed to specific types of copy as their awareness of a company and their products increases.

For example, in business-to-business (B2B) marketing, on average 27 different pieces of content — or touch points — are needed from raising awareness of a company’s product to making a purchase. And each of those 27 pieces of content is part of their sales funnel.

Hint: If you want to find an industry where both content and writers are in huge demand, look no further than the B2B industry . This is where many AWAI members have found their first clients and have since built thriving careers.

As an example of a sales funnel, let’s look at someone who’s interested in becoming a web developer. They might go through the following steps as they research their options:

  • They start with an online search for web development training. From here, they might click on a Google or Facebook ad, or simply click on one of the search results. The ads or the search result may take them to a blog post or article about web development training.
  • They read the blog post or article, which mentions one or more companies that offer web development training programs. They can then click on a link for more details on a company, which will take them to a landing page.
  • The landing page will typically offer a free report or other lead magnet the reader can sign up to receive.
  • After signing up for the report, the reader starts receiving emails from the training company. These emails will introduce them to the company and describe the programs the company offers.
  • They may click on a promotion in one of the emails, which takes them to a sales page for a training program.
  • They may buy at this point … or not. If they don’t buy, they’ll likely receive a follow-up series of emails with additional information about web development and the benefits of the company’s training programs.

The following diagram shows the stages of the sales funnel that we just described:

Graphic image of a sales funnel

The reason it’s called a “funnel” is that a lot of people typically enter the funnel at the top, and fewer and fewer people continue all the way to the end.

In this example, a lot of people would click on Google ads or search results as they start their research. But not all of those people will click through to the landing page. And even fewer people will sign up for the lead magnet and carry on through the rest of the steps.

At the end, significantly fewer people will actually buy the product than started out at the top of the funnel.

This is all part of the design of a marketing campaign. But, regardless of who eventually buys from a company, all the parts of the funnel need to be there to support their journey.

Lesson 5: Metrics

The only thing you really need to know about metrics is the fact that everything we do as copywriters is measurable.

Whatever piece of copy you write, the results of that piece can be tracked and measured.

And marketers keep a close eye on these measurements to see how their marketing campaigns are performing.

You don’t need to know the details of how they record and analyze metrics — that is up to the marketing team within the company. But if you really want to impress a client, ask them this simple question:

How will we measure success?

If you’re writing a blog post, how will you and your client measure its success? By how many social shares it gets? By how many comments readers add?

Or if you’re writing an email series, will its success be measured by how many recipients open the email or how many click on a link within it?

Asking these types of questions will show a client you’re sincerely invested in their success and interested in providing a valuable service.

You’re going to hear a variety of different terms when it comes to metrics and tracking marketing campaigns. You don’t need to know the definitions of all these terms right off the bat, but over time you’ll naturally start to understand what marketers mean when they use them.

This is a quick overview of the most common terms you’ll hear when marketers talk about metrics:

Terminology for Understanding Metrics

  • Conversion Rate
  • Response Rate
  • Cost-per-Acquisition (CPA)
  • Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Lifetime Value
  • Click to Open Rate (CTOR)
  • Cost Per Lead
  • % of Breakeven

Social Media

Don’t worry about learning the definitions for all these terms right now. Just know that when they come up, your client is talking about metrics and how the company measures the success of their marketing campaigns.

And if you ever need to know the exact definition of a term, look to AWAI’s Ultimate Glossary of Copywriting Terms and Direct-Response Definitions , where we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of definitions for nearly every marketing and copywriting term you’ll ever encounter.

Lesson 6: Testing

There’s a saying in marketing: Always be testing.

This simply refers to the fact that marketers are always trying different things, then measuring the results using metrics.

As we said at the beginning of this article, marketing is always changing. And the best way to stay on top of any changes is to keep testing to see what works best.

Testing is another area you don’t need to know all the nitty-gritty details about, but know that it’s an important factor in any marketing campaign.

Marketers will test nearly everything, such as these elements:

  • types of copy and content
  • creative elements like font or images

Almost anything can be tested in a marketing campaign, down to the smallest details.

And when marketers test different approaches, they typically do it in what’s called an “A/B split test.” For example, if they’re testing an email message, they may send a certain email to one half of their list and a different email to the other half of their list to see which one performs better.

This would be an A/B split test, because they’re testing two different variations on a piece of content and comparing the results.

These are a few other examples of things marketers can A/B split test:

Graphic image showing items to A/B split test

Testing also needs to follow certain guidelines to make sure it’s useful and accurate.

A test won’t be helpful to any marketer unless they clearly know what they’re measuring and how to interpret the results.

The general rules of testing are as follows:

  • Test only one variable at a time so you know what’s being measured.
  • Decide exactly what you want to learn from the test ahead of time.
  • Judge whether the test is meaningful and relevant. If it isn’t, redesign it.
  • Determine how you will use the information gained from the test.
  • Make sure your test will be statistically significant and valid.

Again, don’t worry about knowing the particulars of testing. Your job as a copywriter is simply to know that testing exists and to be able to work with your clients to create the copy and content they’ll need.

Ways to Use Marketing Knowledge to Your Advantage

When you’re speaking to a potential or existing client, there are many ways to use marketing knowledge to your advantage.

A key factor is to look at where your writing project fits into the larger picture of the company’s sales funnel and the buyer’s journey.

Try asking your client the following questions to help get some clarification on this:

  • How are people getting to the page you want me to write?
  • Where will I be sending people next?
  • What’s the ultimate goal?

Knowing these details will already set your project up for success. But if you want to take it to the next level, brainstorm some ways your client might be able to improve their campaign.

And don’t be modest here. The material we’ve covered in this article is more than enough to give you a few solid ideas for strengthening any marketing campaign.

Once you have at least three good ideas, share them with your client. Or if you’re talking to a potential client, tell them what you like about their current marketing campaign, and then politely share your suggestions for how they could make it even better.

Taking steps like these will increase your value in the eyes of nearly any client. They’ll see your marketing knowledge as the asset that it truly is, and your fees will reflect your higher value as a writer.

If you want to learn more about how marketing works and how you can use it as a writer, check out our Master Certification for Direct Response Copywriters . This eight-week program goes into detail about metrics and how all the marketing pieces fit together. It also takes you through planning and writing an entire digital marketing campaign.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we’ve covered all the core marketing basics for writers that you’ll need to know as you advance your career.

But there will always be more to learn when it comes to marketing, so we encourage you to keep exploring marketing fundamentals and how they’re applied to copywriting.

Seeing the “big picture” of how marketing works and how all the different parts relate to the buyer’s journey will increase your value to existing and future clients.

Knowing all the different pieces of content that are needed will also increase your opportunities as a writer. Instead of writing only one kind of project for a company, a broader knowledge of marketing will help you write a range of different projects that will all work together to achieve the company’s goals.

Not only will this make you a better writer, but it also means you won’t need as many clients. You can have a full work schedule with just a handful of clients because you can do more for each one.

In this way, you can also increase your per-project income by increasing the scope of individual projects.

A basic understanding of marketing fundamentals is all it takes to help accelerate your writing career.

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Additional Resources

Article: 4 Abundant Marketing Buckets of Opportunity for Freelance Writers

AWAI’s Ultimate Glossary of Copywriting Terms and Direct-Response Definitions

AWAI’s Copywriting Pricing Guide

AWAI’s Master Certification for Direct Response Copywriters

AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting

AWAI’s Modern B2B Copywriting Program

AWAI Article Archives

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Access the Inside AWAI archives here.

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4.23: Assignment- Marketing Plan, Part I

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  • Page ID 47975
  • Lumen Learning

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Student Instructions: Complete the following information about the organization and products and/or services you will focus on as you develop a complete marketing plan throughout the course. You may need to do research to get answers to the questions below. Be sure the organization and offering you select will 1) remain interesting to you for the duration of the course, and 2) have sufficient information available for you to conduct research and make informed recommendations in your marketing plan.

Company Profile

  • Company Name:
  • Major products and/or services (names, types):
  • Products and/or services your marketing plan will focus on:
  • Target customers:
  • Distribution channel(s):
  • Headquarters (city, state, country):
  • Year founded:
  • Number of employees:
  • Annual revenue (estimated)
  • Key competitors:
  • Link to Web site:
  • Link to Yahoo! Finance information page (for public companies):

Market Segmentation and Targeting

  • What problem does your product or service solve?
  • Describe the total market for your solution: Who are potential customers?
  • What are the key segments within this market?
  • Identify and briefly describe 1–3 segments that this company serves.
  • Which segment does this marketing plan focus on, and why? Why do you believe this segment will offer growth and profit opportunities?

Situation and Company Analysis

Economic environment.

Discuss factors that affect your consumers’ purchasing power and spending patterns. What is the economic environment that you are operating in? Is it a growth, recovery or recession? Will it be easy to find staff? What is the current interest rate i.e. is it increasing or decreasing? What is consumer confidence like?

Technical Environment

The technological environment changes rapidly. You need to make sure that you are aware of trends in your industry and other industries could affect your business. New technologies create new markets and can influence you consumers and competitors. Industry environment What are the trends in your industry? Are there new entrants in the market? Has a substitute product been introduced? Are there changes in industry practices or new benchmarks to use?

Competitive Environment

How many competitors do you have? Who are the key competitors? What are the key selling points or competitive advantages of each one. What is your advantage over competitors? Is the market large enough to support you and competitors?

Political Environment

Consider the political environment for the areas that your business will trade and operate in. Is there a stable political system? Are there any licenses and regulations that you should be aware of? Do you need to win support to be able to operate?

SWOT Analysis

Instruction: Complete the table below with descriptive responses and explanation as you answer the questions below.

  • Does the organization have a strong brand presence?
  • What resources are available for marketing activities?
  • Does the the company have unique products or services that satisfy the needs of their target market?
  • What makes the company’s products or services unique?
  • What value is brought to customers?
  • Does the organization have a weak brand presence?
  • Are resources insufficient for marketing activities?
  • Does the company lack distinctive products or services?
  • Do current products or services fail to satisfy the needs of customers?
  • Do current products or services fail to bring value to customers?


  • What is the unique opportunity that the company is trying to take advantage of?
  • Does the target market have any unfulfilled needs that the company can satisfy?
  • Are there emerging target markets with needs that the company can satisfy?
  • Are there ways the company and its competitors can benefit by working together?
  • Are there opportunities for collaborating with customers to build brand presence?
  • Describe and analyze if market demand is increasing?
  • Are there changes in the government regulations that will affect the company?
  • Describe any emerging global issues that will affect the company?
  • What are the tactics that competitors use to pursue customers?
  • What are the strengths of the company’s biggest and or emerging competitors?
  • In what ways are the competitors’ products or services superior to the company’s offerings?
  • How are competitors likely to respond to any changes in the way the company markets?
  • Is the company behind in adopting new technologies for marketing?
  • Describe any ways in which international competitors are taking away market share?
  • What do customers dislike about the company?
  • Describe and analyze if market demand is decreasing?

Mission, Objectives, and Goals

State the mission or business purpose: what the organization wants to achieve, in market-oriented terms. (Example: Disney’s mission could be, “We create happiness by providing the finest in entertainment for people of all ages.)

List 1–3 objectives that move the organization a step closer to achieving the mission. (Example: A Disney objective could be, “To be the most popular theme park for international visitors.”)

Convert objectives into specific marketing goals that are easy to measure and evaluate. (Example: Our goal is to increase market share of international theme park visitors by 10% in the next two years.”)

Sample Grading Rubric

Company profile grading rubric.

Total points possible for Company Profile Assignment: 10 pts.

Market Segmentation and Targeting Grading Rubric

Total points possible for Market Segmentation and Targeting Assignment: 10 pts.

Situation and Company Analysis Grading Rubric

Total points possible for Situation and Company Analysis Assignment: 50 pts.

Total points possible for Marketing Plan, Part 1 Assignment (Consists of Company Profile Assignment, Market Segmentation and Targeting Assignment, and Situation and Company Analysis Assignment combined): 100 pts.

Contributors and Attributions

  • Assignment: Marketing Plan, Part I . Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • SWOT and Integrated Marketing Communications Templates. Authored by : Melissa Barker. License : CC BY: Attribution


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Are you struggling to buy a marketing assignment in the UK that aligns with your goals? If yes, you are at the right spot then. Our expert team specialises in serving flawlessly, ensuring your work not only meets your needs but also helps you build a long-term plan for success.

We understand the importance of incorporating correct marketing strategies into the given reports and courseworks so that it could meet your selected company’s goals, taking into account the needs of their customers and gaining a competitive advantage over your colleagues. With our marketing essay help, we provide in-depth insights into differentiation and cost domination, helping you stand out.

With our assistance, you can craft a report by perfectly analysing any particular campaign through various channels. We analyse the competitors of your selected company to build a comprehensive marketing strategy .

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Most of the time, students find it difficult to meet the standards as prescribed by their institutes while submitting their tasks. This is because they do not have access to the PhDs who can look after them. And when it comes to Crowd Writer, we have a team of expert marketing assignment writers, all with PhD qualifications, who offer a wide range of features to meet your customised needs. We dig deep into each of your ordered works and assign the task to a particular writer with specialisation in the required marketing topic, as mentioned below.

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With our professional guidance and expertise, you can trust us to provide exceptional assistance across these diverse areas. Avail our marketing assignment help UK and ensure you stand tall among your colleagues.

Get Quality Assured Assignments In UK For Your Marketing Plan

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  • Our team is dedicated to providing quality-assured assignments that will enhance your understanding of marketing strategies.
  • No matter if it’s about crafting a comprehensive social media campaign or conducting a SWOT analysis, we’re here to assist you.
  • Our Masters and PhD writers go beyond the basics. They will help you create a personal plan to sharpen your marketing skills.
  • In case you need assistance with launching a new product or developing an international or global marketing plan, we have got you covered.
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Our Marketing Assignment Help Is Perfect For All Relevant Elements

As far as marketing is concerned as a subject, it is a huge domain which covers so many elements under it. While receiving marketing homework help from us, you can expect us to cover all of them for you. Let’s have a look at some of the main marketing elements that we usually do for undergraduates, masters and PhD students.

Marketing Mix

We specialise in Marketing Mix, helping you identify core values and select viable products. Our experts set clear objectives and provide a roadmap to achieve optimum sales. Trust us to guide you towards academic excellence.

Pupils often get marketing assignments related to the 4Ps, where they are asked to discuss it in various manners. What we can do for you is to analyse the following:

  • Products on the basis of their design, quality, options, features, packaging, marketing position and other factors.
  • Pricing with respect to penetration, psychology, competition and skimming. It also includes premium pricing.
  • Placement of the article among intermediaries, wholesalers, retailers and distributors.
  • Promotion includes different ways of marketing, for instance, advertising, sales promotions, personal selling, public relations, branding, etc.

You may be further asked to produce your marketing assignments on the basis of 7Ps instead of four. We then analyse it for three more factors that include:

  • People by highlighting the importance of the personnel involved in delivering the service and ensuring positive customer interactions.
  • Process by discussing sales funnel, payment systems, and distribution approach for maintaining quality and consistency.
  • Physical evidence on the basis of spatial layout, ambience and physical environment.

Sometimes, you are required to conduct your analysis on the basis of 8Ps, and your marketing assignment requires you to elaborate further on the company profile or its particular article in regards to 8Ps. It includes some previous factors like Product, Pricing, Placement, Promotion, People, and Process. The other two factors that we analyse for you are:

  • Positioning by creating a unique image of an item among the customers using its particular features.
  • Performance by calculating the success of the article in terms of reputational gains and returns of profit.

Write My Marketing Assignment UK For Every Single Type

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  • STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) analysis
  • Management reports
  • Marketing Dissertation
  • Effective communication strategies
  • Product life cycle evaluations
  • In-depth consumer behaviour studies
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  • Pricing strategy analysis
  • Thorough competitor analysis
  • Creative advertising campaign planning
  • Comprehensive industry and competitive analysis

Our services are tailored to meet your unique needs in each of these areas as you ask us to do my marketing assignment. We are here to provide the help you need and not let you down in any situation. Let us take the stress out of your workload so you can focus on your success. Rise and shine in your UK institutes, and feel free to contact us 24/7!


Professor amber epp.

Project Overview

Students will work in groups of 3-4 for this assignment. To begin the project, choose a company and select a “new” product or service being introduced by this company. A good place to find product introductions is on a company’s website, either under a “products” heading or in the company’s press releases. You may also find some interesting new products/services in reviews of new innovations from various magazine and blogger sources:

Time magazine’s list of the “Best Inventions of the Year”;

Marketplace that focuses on start ups and indie projects (best with Google Chrome browser);

Good Housekeeping Home Innovations;

Annual Edison Awards;

CES Innovation Awards;

The product or service you select may be entirely novel or simply a line extension of an existing product. Please provide  me with the name of the product or service your team has selected (either via email or in class) by Thursday, September  21 st . Next, imagine you are the marketing team in charge of the product/service you selected, and choose a relevant  market segment to target. Your task is to convince company decision makers that this market segment makes sense,  provide them with a detailed analysis of the segment, and offer recommendations for how to reach them.

Status Report

Please submit a progress report (about 3-4 single-spaced pages) by Thursday, October 12 th . This report should include the  following components: (a) define your target market segment, (b) generate initial analysis of the target market segment [This  could be a bulleted list summarizing what you know about your consumers’ behaviors.], (c) list any questions you have about  the project, especially related to any information are you having trouble finding, and (d) provide a reference list of your  secondary data sources. One purpose of this report is to keep you on track in completing the project on time. Another  purpose is to determine whether you are on the right track in analyzing your market. We will meet in person to go over your  progress.

Market Segment Analysis Paper (100 points)

Your Market Segment Analysis paper (about 20-25 double-spaced pages, including figures and references) should include  the following sections and provide complete information regarding the features of your target market.

Please include the name of the product/service, type of project (market segment analysis), date submitted, and the  names of your group members.

Table of Contents

List section titles in order, with corresponding page numbers.

Executive Summary

This is a brief (less than one page) overview of the project that should convince readers of the importance of this document. You should outline the key elements of your paper.

Customer Profile

At the beginning of this section, briefly identify your target market segment (e.g., men, ages 18-24) and offer a rationale or justification for selecting it. Once you have selected a target market segment, your customer profile should include a complete explanation of the following characteristics.

 Size (How large is the market and what is its growth potential?)

Relevant demographic variables (age, income, etc.—focus on variables you did NOT use to segment the market initially)

Lifestyle Characteristics (What are their values, motivations, and/or attitudes? How do they spend their time—activities, hobbies, interests?)

Communication/media behavior (What do they listen to, watch, and read? How do they communicate with one another and with the company? What are their preferred technologies— e.g., email, twitter, facebook, texting? What types of behaviors do they engage in online?)

Purchasing behavior (Are consumers in your market brand loyal? Where do they shop for this type of product—specific retail outlets? online? How much are they willing to spend on this product category? Are they responsive to price incentives?)

Product/Service usage (How often do they buy this product? What benefits are they seeking? How do they use this product/service?)

Relevant cultural influences and industry trends (This section requires you to consider how cultural contexts shape consumer behavior. What cultural trends are relevant to your market? You may also wish to include industry trends related to the product/service you’ve selected that may impact the behavior of your market.)

Information outlined in the profile must be based on research obtained from relevant secondary data sources. Please remember to cite your sources in the body of the paper (parenthetically or using footnotes)! The purpose of this section is to build an argument for the attractiveness of this market segment and offer information that will be useful in reaching this market and developing a relevant positioning statement.

Positioning Statement

After developing your customer profile, generate a positioning statement for your product/service. What image will you attach to your product/service, based on what you know about your target market segment from the research in your customer profile? Provide a brief rationale for your positioning statement.

Marketing Mix Elements

In this section, provide a specific account of your proposed marketing mix strategy (including product/service, promotion, distribution and price) that is ready to implement. Your choices should be well-supported and refer to the research you presented in the customer profile.

• Product/Service

This section should provide a description of the product/service and specify its features and benefits. That is, how will your product fit into or match your consumers’ lifestyles? This section also might include recommendations for packaging and/or service environment elements that should be incorporated.

• Distribution

This section should outline information about where consumers can purchase the product (e.g. specific retail outlets, online, etc.). You also may incorporate/propose potential partnerships here, if applicable.

This section should include your pricing strategy. Please give pricing information (including any special discounts or rates for your market segment), and justify based on your research.

• Promotion

This section should outline your choices related to promoting your product/service. Your plan should include general media (i.e. television, magazine, billboard, online, non-traditional, etc.) you recommend as well as specific outlets (e.g. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Men’s Health, Sports Illustrated, and online episodes of Dexter). These choices should make sense based on the research you conducted about your target market’s communication and media behavior.

Reference List

Please cite your sources internally and provide a full list of references at the end, using either APA or MLA formatting.

Presentation (20 points)

A group presentation, limited to oral highlights and summary visuals, will be required during the final weeks of class ( November 30 th – December 12 th ). More presentation details will be given later in the semester. All group members should present and be prepared to answer questions. To facilitate the grading process, please bring hard copies of your presentation materials (for example, slides, handouts, etc.) to me on the day of your presentation.

Summary of Evaluation and Due Dates

In addition to the content of the paper/presentation as outlined above, performance on both the written report and presentation will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: logic (are your marketing mix choices supported by your customer profile research?), quality of writing, thoroughness, clarity, creativity, and professional appearance.

marketing assignment writers

7 Things Creators Should Know About Marketing Their Book

Published: May 20, 2024

Writing a book is a gargantuan task, and reaching the finish line is a feat equal to summiting a mountain.

Author Kayla Ihrig shares 7 Things Creators Should Know About Marketing Their Book

Getting the “It's a great book, you did it!” email from my publisher was a high I hope I'll never forget. I thought all the hard work was over after that. What a sucker I was.

Book marketing felt completely overwhelming to me (which I'm embarrassed to say as a professional marketer). And there are endless book marketing strategies and click-bait articles on how to become a New York Times bestseller.

And there's a lot on the line : good book marketing attracts readers, leads to book sales, and more books down the line.

Download Now: Content Promotion Templates + Kit

What I wanted more than anything during my book marketing process was an honest, thorough conversation with another author on how to market a book. And that‘s what I’m sharing with you today.

How I Marketed My Book

5 helpful book marketing tools, 7 tips for marketing your book.

My book, How to Be a Digital Nomad, was published by Kogan Page in January 2024. I was eyebrows-deep in my book marketing plan when my publisher let me know that they'd be funding a 12-week publicity campaign.

The campaign, run by The Book Publicist , got me in BBC, Reader‘s Digest, and Forbes, among other print and digital publications. Book promotion services are incredible assets, but they’re not in every budget and they're still only one piece of the puzzle.

Before you spend money on professional marketing services, you'll need to wrap your head around the basics of book marketing strategy.

These are the steps I took to market my book on my own, plus some bonus advice if you’re considering a professional campaign.

How to be a digital nomad by Kayla Ihrig

Step 1: I budgeted lots of time.

Magazines are planned a season in advance. Some podcasts are booked nine months out. Articles can take months to rank on Google.

Marketing and publicity take time. This means that your first step in marketing your book is beginning early enough to have your marketing efforts come to fruition at your release date.

You can promote your book for weeks, months, and years after it‘s released, but marketing is most important during its release.

This is what generally qualifies you for best-seller lists, and these numbers are also used by bookstores when they're deciding what to stock on the shelves.

Here's the book marketing schedule I used for myself:

  • Marketing research : Began August 2023
  • Marketing plan development : Began September 2023
  • Plan execution : October 2023 - February 2024
  • Release : January 2024

I'll share a word of warning for your late-game marketing efforts in a minute.

marketing assignment writers

Free Marketing Plan Template

Outline your company's marketing strategy in one simple, coherent plan.

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You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

Step 2: I got publicity training.

Publicity is similar to normal marketing, but they're cousins (not twins). Marketing is the act of getting your name and message out there.

Publicity has the same end goal but does so by leveraging respected publications and tapping into their existing audiences.

So why did I choose publicity as my primary vehicle for book promotion?

  • Publicity has a snowball effect . Getting featured in Reader's Digest makes it easier for you to get featured in Forbes (and so on).
  • The audience is already built . You can skip the line of attracting the audience from scratch and instead walk out onto a stage that's built and already has raving fans.
  • One story, endless outlets . I shared my same story with 49 podcasts, many digital publications, several print magazines, and two local newspapers. If I was creating unique content for my own website or YouTube channel, I could've only shared that same story once .

If you already have an audience gathered, fantastic: they're already warmed up to your message and used to engaging with your content, which makes them easier leads for book sales.

But the opportunity to market your book to new oceans of people is too big to pass up.

To learn the ins and outs of publicity, I took the Impacting Millions course by Selina Soo.

Step 3: I committed to ongoing education.

Publishing is an intense industry, and if you're like me (pre-book launch), you probably have no idea how a lot of it works.

The closest (or most enjoyable) way to learn about the publishing world I found was the On Good Authority Podcast by Anna David. I highly recommend working a few episodes into your weekly routine leading up to your release.

The episodes are delicious to listen to and shed light on the industry's inner workings while also giving actionable tips for newbies (and span both traditional publisher and self-published books).

I found myself taking notes constantly while listening.

Some of my favorite interviews are with Estelle Erasmus, Ben Mezrich, and Ryan Paugh. I worked this into my routine beginning in September.

Step 4: I started pitching podcasts.

In October, I started pitching podcasts my story. Podcasts were my primary marketing focus because:

  • Less work is required from the guest . Not much preparation is required and guests aren't responsible for any of the post-production.
  • The same story can be shared every time . No “reinventing the wheel” is necessary for podcasts, as it is for other mediums (such as guest blogging).
  • Loyal listener base . Popular podcasts have very loyal listener bases and a long shelf-life.

I used the platform Podmatch and can't recommend it enough (more on this in a moment).

Step 5: I built an author webpage.

You might be wondering: Shouldn't this step have come before pitching podcasts?

Yes, building a website would ideally come before any marketing begins UNLESS building your webpage leads you to postpone your book marketing process. This was me.

When I initially started building my author webpage, it quickly became a black hole, and I felt like it would never be “ready” for eyeballs.

I felt it holding back the entire book marketing process, so I decided to pause the website until after the first podcast interviews were booked.

Step 6: I teamed with book marketers.

After working for almost ten years in marketing, I was excited to see what book marketers did differently from general marketers.

My campaign‘s focus was getting in front of other publications’ audiences (such as BBC Radio and Women's Own Magazine), which confirmed my theory that publicity was a fruitful marketing path for book marketing.

What I learned : When book marketers secure you publicity, it's often the result of pre-built relationships with publications and journalists.

They also have years of experience pitching outlets and bring so much niche-specific knowledge to the table.

Book promotion is a very specific type of marketing and it would be a mistake to task a virtual assistant (VA) or general marketing team member with tackling publicity outreach and expect the same results.

Self-published authors may have even more to gain from hiring niche-specific marketing services. A traditional publisher will offer some marketing services of their own, so self-publishing naturally creates a greater demand on the author.

Releasing a book is like launching a rocket into space, and each of these tools was an extra engine on my rocket ship.

1. Podmatch

Podmatch is the best way to get yourself booked on podcasts. Once you‘ve set up your profile, you can quickly apply to dozens of podcasts and easily communicate with hosts through your inbox.

It’s much easier than managing conversations in your email inbox, and hosts are typically very active. The standard membership costs $29 a month.

Podmatch screenshot

Image Source

2. Gmail's Built-In Email Scheduler

Pre-writing and scheduling emails will save you hours during your launch process. You don‘t need specific email marketing tools for this; Gmail has a native scheduler built in. I’ll share examples of batchable emails in a moment.

Gmail schedule email feature

Notion is a workspace tool that can help you stay organized through the brainstorming, execution, and tracking of your book promotion process.

I used private Notion workspaces for all of the behind-the-scenes work and created a shareable workspace for my industry contacts who offered to help promote the book.

Notion book promotion screenshot

Later is a social media scheduler that allows you to pre-schedule posts across platforms. It‘s incredibly user-friendly and I’m surprised that they give users so many features on the free plan.

Pro tip : On the Later free plan, you can only schedule 12 posts on each platform per month — but, if you start your marketing far enough in advance, you can work within these limits.

If you run out of free posts and don't have the budget to sign up for a paid plan, spend time using the native schedulers on Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X, and TikTok.

5. Google Drive

In terms of file organization, Google Drive is as good as it gets. I can't imagine going back to the days of having to save your work on a USB stick that was easily misplaced.

Pro tip : Name and file everything correctly 100% of the time. This will save so much time and make you an organization machine.

Google Drive screenshot

Feeling more prepared to market your masterpiece? Here are my top tips to help you progress (and dare I say, enjoy the process).

Tip 1: Don't overthink your website.

The right path for your author website will depend on your genre. Fiction writers can have an enormous amount of fun with their online presence. A stunning example of fiction website design is author Hafsah Faizal's website .

Beyond her own website, Hafsah Faizal is also the founder of IceyDesigns , where she displays other author websites that she‘s designed. It’s a fantastic source of inspiration and guidance for fiction writers.

My recommendation for nonfiction writers? Don't overcomplicate the website process. If you already have a website and your book supports your main brand, simply add a new tab to display your book.

You can see a great example of this from the Career Contessa .

A good author website needs to:

  • Offer contact info.
  • List praise for the book.
  • Communicate your authority/expertise.
  • Share past publicity (interviews, features, and so on).
  • Include FAQs like release date, where to purchase, etc.
  • Offer pictures of your book cover plus other photos for media use.

Is my author website perfect? Definitely not. I didn‘t have a budget for professional photos or a web designer.

The headshot I used is a selfie, and the book photo is a mockup I created in Canva before receiving a physical copy of my book. I'm not a professional web designer, but I did my best using a website template.

It would be quite different if I'd hired professionals to help, but I think clarity is the most important thing to remember when designing your website.

Author website example from Kayla Ihrig

Tip 2: Schedule everything you can.

This naturally applies to social media, but you should also apply this to your inbox. Emails turned out to be an unexpected black hole during my book marketing process.

I‘m not referring to bulk email marketing, either — just plain ’ole email correspondence related to your book release.

You'll save a lot of time when you pre-write and schedule emails such as:

  • Endorsement request, follow-up, and thank-you.
  • Book review request, follow-up, and thank-you.
  • Interview request, follow-up, and thank-you.
  • Request to share your book, plus follow-up and thank-you.
  • Post-release thank you email to everyone else who helped.

Not only will batch-scheduling these emails free up time and headspace, it'll also take away the repeated moment of decision-making.

The closer my book release date inched, the more insecure I got.

By January, the pre-release nerves had soaked through to the bone, and I could've never typed up and hit send on so many request emails related to interviews, reviews, and so on.

My scheduled emails saved the progress from flatlining.

Tip 3: Save some energy for promoting your features.

When you publish interviews and op-eds, people rely on you to promote them: most importantly, the hosts/publications.

The relationship with guests is supposed to be symbiotic, and they expect you to expand their viewership by sharing your features with your audience.

If you have a traditional publisher, they also want to re-share the content to show off their authors in the spotlight.

You can promote your book's publicity this way:

1. Include links in your email marketing.

2. Schedule posts on social media.

3. Put it on your website.

One of the big regrets I have from my launch process is not dedicating more time to promoting my features.0

I had dozens of interviews come out within two weeks of each other at launch, and I was emotionally raw and had never felt worse about the book.

Out of exhaustion and insecurity, I failed to share some great features, and I know I really let those hosts/publications down.

It was embarrassing to ghost people who had me on their show, and I'm sure it impacted the odds of me being invited back for a future episode.

Tip 4: Decide how to handle book reviews.

Book reviews can bolster your spirits or make you feel like pulling the plug on book marketing altogether. I think it‘s helpful to decide in advance how you’d like to approach this.

Do you plan on using book reviews to market your book? If the answer is no, then I would wholeheartedly recommend you not read your reviews while you‘re still promoting your book’s release.

Reviews have too much power and will be a distraction whether they're wonderful, or they move you to tears. I found myself obsessed with my book reviews, and I’m not alone.

The Guardian described Goodreads reviews as “a psychological thriller” for new authors.

For me, obsessing over book reviews drained the remaining enthusiasm from the book launch process. It ultimately made me feel like I never wanted to see my book again; I eventually blocked all review sites from my web browsers.

It took a few months before I saw my book on the shelves in a bookstore for the first time, and when this happened, I felt happy. Had I still been re-reading all of my book reviews on a daily basis, I’m not sure this would’ve happened.

Instead of relying on unverified book reviewers, you can use feedback from early readers/beta readers and your endorsers in your marketing materials.

Kayla Ihrig with her book

Tip 5: Remember your closest circle.

Don't forget your family and friends in the book marketing process (but don't treat them like everybody else, either).

Spare your network the pre-written marketing materials and share some honest updates, both the highs and lows, on your Facebook page or through text updates.

Your past colleagues or friends from school might not be your target audience, but some will still transform into paying customers.

People whom I hadn't spoken to in years came out of the woodwork to buy my book and send me a direct message on Facebook sharing their well-wishes. I was completely shocked on several occasions, but so incredibly appreciative.

Tip 6: Focus on ROI.

Avoid tasks that “feel” productive but don't deliver results. For example, guest posting on blogs can feel like a great use of time, but writing a great blog post takes hours. Does the blog have a large readership?

Is the audience directly interested in what your book is about?

Not all opportunities are equally fruitful for you while you promote your book.

Tip 7: Create your content in advance.

Most of the above tips focus on reaching new potentially interested readers, but don‘t neglect the audience you’ve already gathered.

The majority of your email marketing, YouTube videos, social media posts, etc., related to your book should be batched and scheduled ahead of time.

This content can include:

  • Pre-orders . Remind your audience that they can pre-order your book and why it helps.
  • Organic content marketing . If applicable, create helpful content that's related to your book topic.
  • Personal author journey . Your followers and network are interested in your journey, especially if you‘re a first-time author. Try to show the human side of what it’s like to publish a book.

You‘ll be thanking yourself when these posts are going live across platforms and you’re freed up to focus on last-minute opportunities.

Next Steps for Marketing Your Book

Are you feeling ready to market your book with confidence and attract readers?

Marketing a book is a full-time job, especially for self-published authors who don't have the support of a publisher with selling experience.

I hope this article made you feel less alone through all of it, and makes the process feel more approachable.

All the work will pay off soon. Congrats, author!

promoting content

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A Quick Guide to the MoSCoW Method Technique

January 12, 2022 - 10 min read

Maria Waida

The MoSCoW method is a prioritization technique used by project and campaign managers to work smarter not harder. In this quick guide, we’ll explain exactly what the MoSCoW method is, how it works, and provide some examples you can use to inform your own analysis. Keep reading to better understand the various categories within the MoSCoW method, as well as an alternative prioritization tool for project managers.

What is the MoSCow method?

The MoSCoW method is a technique used by organizations to communicate the importance and priority of the various requirements being met in various projects. This method is also referred to as MoSCoW prioritization and MoSCoW analysis.

The term MoSCoW is an acronym that refers to the first letter of each of the four priority categories. It uses four categories, which are must-have, should-want, could-have, and will not have. While it’s meant to be used at the start of a project when time is on your side, it can also be adapted to work seamlessly for time constraints .

Software developer Dai Clegg originally created the MoScoW method. Since then, many other leading companies have used it to get their team on the same page, properly distribute resources, and achieve project goals. 

How does the MoSCow technique work?

The MoSCoW technique works by allowing teams to include multiple representatives from the organization in their project management discussions. This gives everyone a wider perspective on the organization's operations and where their collective priorities lie. 

Before you begin your MoSCoW method, think about which people can provide valuable context for your team. They can help you identify opportunities and threats, and they can help you make better decisions. Once finalized, the MoSCoW method will also force stakeholders to show evidence before they can submit additional work requests mid-project. 

Critics of MoSCoW often say that it does not include a comprehensive objective scoring system for all initiatives. This is a common mistake that many teams make. A weighted scoring method will more accurately measure the backlog against a set of predefined benefits and costs.

One of the most challenging aspects of the MoSCoW technique is learning which categories their initiatives should go in.  As the manager, you will need to know which of your team's initiatives are “must haves” for their product or which are merely “should haves”. 

You may even need to solicit feedback from a different department in order to get greater perspective on your current project prioritization. For example, a marketing department head may have greater insight into which selling points for your upcoming product launch are resonating more with buyers so that you can work on perfecting those components first. 

Another key idea about how the MoSCoW technique works is that it’s only effective if you follow it. This means that, once an initiative is placed into a category, the entire team needs to stick to that decision. Many beginner MoSCoW teams end up agreeing that an initiative should have been initiated, but they move on to the next step instead because it feels better or more familiar to them. 

Finally, when it comes to making decisions about prioritization, your team will need to have a consistent framework in place before you engage with this technique. A consistent framework for assessing and ranking all initiatives is critical if you want to avoid biases and falling into old patterns. 

Your team’s prioritization strategy helps set expectations across the organization. It lets them know that they have made the right decisions and weigh all the factors that go into making those decisions. Don’t be afraid to make your MoSCoW method results available to the rest of your organization if applicable. 

Understanding MoSCow prioritization categories

Before the MoSCoW analysis can begin, all participants need to agree on which initiatives will be prioritized. It's important to discuss how to resolve disagreements in order to prevent them from holding up progress during this preparation stage. This can help prevent issues from happening in the first place.

Once the framework has been established, it is time to start identifying the appropriate categories for each project. Here are the definitions and explanations of each of the MoSCoW prioritization categories: 

Musts are defined as initiatives that are critical to the success of a project or product. These are usually non-negotiable and can be used to describe specific functionalities or solutions that need to be implemented.

The “must have” category is challenging to define. Before you start, ask yourself if something is truly necessary in this category.

Should have

Although “should have” initiatives are not essential to a product or project, they may add significant value. A “should have” initiative is different from a “must have” initiative, which means it can be scheduled for a future release.

“Could haves” are initiatives that are not necessary to the core of a product. Projects that are placed in the “could have” category are often the first ones to be deprioritized when another project takes longer than expected.

Will not have

The MoSCoW method places several initiatives in a “will not have” category. This method allows you to manage expectations about what will not be included in a release or another timeframe.

Putting initiatives in the “will not have" category can help prevent scope creep . This category shows the team that the project is not a priority at this specific time frame. 

Some initiatives are prioritized in the “will not have” group, while others are likely to happen in the future. Some teams then decide to create a subcategory for these initiatives.

How is the MoSCoW method used in project management?

The concept of MoSCoW allows project managers to prioritize tasks that can be done efficiently even when they have limited time. For example, if the team has a tight budget, it can use MoSCoW to determine which initiatives can be completed within those limitations. 

This is especially useful for managers juggling more than project or leading cross-functional teams. This is because cross-functional teams are sometimes obligated to another company or department’s priorities. While your team is working on a new product release, another project manager may have them on a tight timeline for another client’s goal. 

And, as we all know, things come up throughout the lifespan of a project. Although efficient planning helps teams remain agile, the MoSCoW method can make even the biggest and most unexpected roadblocks more manageable. 

MoSCoW examples

This method can be used for nearly any industry or project type because it has to do more with project decision-making than the subject matter itself. Here are a couple of MoSCoW method examples you can use to get started with your first draft: 

1. National College of Ireland’s website project

In this example from a lecture on the MoSCoW analysis, Professor Eugene O’Loughlin demonstrates how to use this technique when building a website . 

The project goal in this example is to create a platform where users can securely log in and access files. Because of this, the tasks listed under their MoSCoW categories will look different from other standard website creation projects. 

For example, while another project may add “have an eye-catching design” to their should-have section, this particular website has added “password retrieval” because it directly applies to their security-oriented goal. 

Even if this website project could benefit from a great design, the MoSCoW method helps managers and teams laser focus on completing the highest priority activities first. If they have more time later on, they can potentially add a design improvement task to their “could haves” if they determine the ROI is high enough. 

Takeaway: Consider your project holistically when assigning priority. Your goals should be your north star for determining what is or is not truly important, regardless of what conventional wisdom says to do. 

2. Slideteam’s Assessing HR Requirements Template

This is one of the MoSCoW examples that shows how many different types of tasks this technique covers. Here, we see storing employee leave history as a must, leave letter printing a should, notifications for pending leave dates a could, and remote access a won’t. 

In HR, many of their decisions around prioritization will be made by compliance and legal counsel that they must adhere to. Still, it’s important to define these tasks and their MoSCoW label so that employees understand at a glance that it’s less important to set up leave notifications and more important that they update employment histories in their software. 

Takeaway: The MoSCoW method can be used to cover many different aspects of projects including compliance and procedure. 

How to undertake a MoSCoW analysis using Wrike

Wrike is a project management software that allows users to strategize how they prioritize their portfolio of projects as well as the tasks within each individual initiative. Using visual tools such as road maps that show what progress will look like from kickoff to completion, managers can easily see which of their chosen MoSCoW analysis configurations work best for achieving their goals. 

Wrike also allows you to centralize all of your project planning in one central location. You can view potential resource conflicts across projects, individual task progress statuses, and automate tasks from your should or could have categories that you otherwise wouldn’t have time for. 

Ready to get started with the MoSCoW method and Wrike? Sign up for a two-week free trial today. 

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Maria Waida

Maria is a freelance content writer who specializes in blogging and other marketing materials for enterprise software businesses.

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An Introduction to Bullet Journal Project Management

An Introduction to Bullet Journal Project Management

Bullet journals are great tools to destress and organize various aspects of project management. In this guide, we’re diving deep into the pros and cons of using this method to organize projects of all kinds. Keep reading to discover what bullet journal project management is and how this practice can boost productivity to new levels.  What is a bullet journal? A bullet journal is a customized space to organize all of your personal projects and goals. It can also be used to track deadlines and prioritize tasks. Bullet journaling became popular thanks to the book Getting Things Done, which is about a project management technique that uses a bullet journal to manage different projects efficiently. Bullet journals are often used to create daily, weekly, and monthly project plans. They can also be home to your to-do lists, inspiration boards, and project notes. They’re relaxing to create and relatively easy to maintain.  If you have multiple projects to manage, then you may want to use more than one notebook. Or you can swap your physical journal for a professional services management software that has plenty of space for storing digital plans.  Software tools are also easy to customize, make collaboration easier, and help with turning the plan into reality through task creation and assignment tools. With Wrike, data from multiple users will automatically sync so that everyone is on the same page with new updates and responsibilities.  If you do use a physical journal, using loose leaf paper in a binder will allow you to add pages as you go. This is useful for keeping track of all the data in one place instead of switching to additional notebooks when you run out of room.  There are many elegant, decorated bullet journal page layouts out there. Many invest time into making them artistic with drawings, decorative tape, and cut-out images. This isn’t necessary for project management, but it may be a fun activity outside of work.  Bullet journals can use several different layouts. The most common is a two-page spread that includes a month-long calendar on one page and a breakdown of goals for that period on the other. The latter will help you keep track of all the dates and commitments that are important to you as you get closer to starting a new project. The two-page spread makes it easy to see where you'll be working most efficiently in the coming weeks. It's ideal for people who manage multiple projects simultaneously. You can also create a view of the next six months within your bullet journal project management layout. This is called a future log. A future log is a calendar that lets you keep track of important events and dates for long-term projects. How do you use a bullet journal in project planning? Projects are essentially collections of notes and tasks that are linked to a common goal. They can be pulled together in a bullet journal for you to easily see all of the work related to that specific project. To start, you’ll need to list out your goals.  Create a list that includes every project goal you or your team can think of. Sort them in order of importance. Ideally, these smaller project goals will align with your organization’s big-picture goals.  Once you know what you’d like to accomplish, you can begin your bullet journal. Start by breaking down your number one goal into a project action plan. This can span days, weeks, or months. Then, break down your project action plan into individual tasks. Determine what the task is, who will be in charge of getting it done, and when it needs to be completed.  After that, you’re ready to use your bullet journal for project planning.  Step 1: List out your sections Number your pages if they aren’t already. At the beginning of the bullet journal, write the name of the page on the left side and the page number on the right.  Step 2: Add your key You may use symbols and abbreviations throughout your project planning. Put these at the beginning of the journal either after or on the same page as your key. Use color coding to signify which symbols belong to each project if you have more than one.  Step 3: Write out your future log A future log is a list of key dates and tasks that aren’t part of your immediate three-to-six month plans but are important to keep in mind. Add this after your key and leave space for other items as they come up.  Step 4: Create your calendar This can be in the form of a traditional calendar page. Some people like to hand draw them. However, you can also print, cut out, and paste a blank monthly calendar page into your journal too.  Step 5: Track tasks Create sections for monthly, weekly, and daily task lists. You can organize these in a few ways. Some project managers prefer to do it by project or by person. You can also create one massive list with everything you’re personally responsible for so you have it all in one place. Or use a combination of any of these for your various projects.  Make sure to check in with your bullet journal weekly and monthly. Note any upcoming or past deadlines. Adjust your task list and schedule for unexpected issues as needed.  The benefits of using a bullet journal for work Project managers often have a hard time keeping track of their work activities without losing track of anything along the way. This is one of the reasons why the bullet journal is so useful. Not only does it give you a roadmap of your next projects, but it’s also good for daily use.  You can keep track of to-do lists, priorities, and daily reflections. You can also journal about your progress and realign with goals all in the same notebook or tool. You can also rapidly log your thoughts for the day to boost your creativity and clear out emotions that no longer serve the project.  Combine your bullet journal for work with your personal goals. It will be easier to prioritize and accurately schedule tasks when you have your entire life laid out in front of you on paper.  Another benefit of using a bullet journal for work is that you can either DIY a notebook or use a planner you already have. It’s not so much what you use but how you use it.  And bonus: bullet journaling only takes five to 15 minutes a day. Whether it’s reviewing tomorrow’s meetings or crossing off today’s tasks, a bullet journal practice is easy to build into your schedule no matter how busy you are.  The disadvantages of using a bullet journal in project management While bullet journaling project management is great for keeping track of key project details, many project managers need a separate system to manage their meetings and reports.  Having more than one journal or calendar to manage at one time can be confusing. Add more than one project to the mix, and it may be counterproductive to use a traditional pen and paper bullet journal to accomplish your goals.  Another disadvantage of using a bullet journal in project management is your lack of ability to collaborate with others. When writing on paper, you have to either show your team the notebook in person or scan the pages and share them online. Either way, it’s not ideal for large, remote, and/or revolving teams.  The other thing to know about bullet journaling before diving in headfirst is that it can be quite time-consuming. If you do a crafty layout with calligraphy and scrapbooking accessories, then it may even take several days to finish.  And once you do have your plans laid out, they can be hard to change. Rewriting, erasing, and making more space for things that come up are essential for project planning. For that reason, we suggest using an 11 inch by 7 inch grid lined notebook to give yourself extra space.  Also, you can outline headlines and calendars with a pen or marker if you like the look. But stick to pencil for any factual information that is subject to change throughout the lifetime of the project. If you don’t do this now, you may end up having to scrap entire pages and start over later on.  Bullet journal alternatives you should consider Bullet journals are fun, unique, and creative. But there are some projects where they just aren’t the best possible option for managing it all. The project may be too complex or too large for a single notebook. There may even be so many updates needed that a physical notebook doesn’t make sense for your project.  If you’re facing any of these issues, you can try any of the following bullet journal alternatives:  Digital calendar and list app combo Bulletin board, sticky notes, and shared files Project management software Project management software is the top choice for bullet journal alternatives. Not only is it flexible, but it can make project planning more productive.  Wrike is the ultimate platform for customizing your own bullet journal project management processes. With over 30 predefined apps you can use to sync all your project data in one place, it's the most versatile platform for managing complex tasks. As a single source of truth for a project, team, and entire organization, project management software offers more advanced features than a simple notebook can. Instead of writing everything down on a few sheets of paper, Wrike acts like a living document. And unlike other digital organization tools, Wrike is specifically built to optimize project performance and success.  Wrike's tools are designed to work seamlessly with any team. Anyone who has permission to access the project can share files and tasks quickly and easily. Once uploaded, collaborators can visually edit and obtain files.  They’ll also have access to reports and tasks that are simple to understand at a glance without losing the details in the process. This allows all managers to gain visibility across departments and groups. Wrike is the ideal solution for teams that want to grow and operate efficiently with the help of cutting edge technology. For example, Wrike’s Work Intelligence helps you get started with the next generation of work, with AI-powered projects and automation. Wrike also features a streamlined UI that lets you customize its features to work seamlessly with your team. Although bullet journaling allows you to customize your project planning, you’ll be able to get and implement feedback from partners faster with a digital project tool.  Here are some other stand out benefits of using a project management software over a physical or digital bullet journal:  It’s interactive. For example, Wrike offers Gantt charts that lets users visualize their plans and progress. It’s efficient. Kanban boards make it easy to work seamlessly with Agile teams by creating and sharing whenever needed.  It’s faster. Wrike's template library is designed to help you quickly create and manage complex projects. It’s customizable. With custom request forms, you can easily gather details for your intake, assign tasks to the right teams, and dynamically route questions and requests. It’s up to date. Wrike’s calendars are ideal for team members who want to keep up with the latest information. It’s repeatable. Most tasks go through the same steps before they are finished. In a project management solution, you build a path for yours that will automatically assign and notify people when it's ready to begin through Wrike’s Automation Engine.  It’s trackable. With timers, approvals, and visual task assignments, you can manage entire teams while streamlining your work. It’s transparent. Get a 360 view across all of your organizations with custom dashboards. It’s syncable. Wrike's 400+ app integrations make it possible to integrate hundreds of apps into one central hub.  It’s safe. A digital project management software can safeguard your data by enforcing rules and encryption key ownership. Ready to upgrade your project planning methods and tools? Check out Wrike’s two-week free trial for some more goal-achieving features. 

What Is The Pomodoro Technique and How Does it Work?

What Is The Pomodoro Technique and How Does it Work?

Endless tasks and expectations from colleagues and employers can make getting things done hard. There’s always something else to add to your to-do list and, as that list grows, it starts to feel like there’s never enough time to do it all. Productivity hacks can seem gimmicky and semi-helpful at best. But what if there was a time management strategy that could help you tackle your to-do list, meet others’ expectations, and help you feel more productive and balanced?  That’s where the Pomodoro Technique comes in. This popular time management strategy can help you better plan your workload, overcome distractions, and check tasks off your list. And it doesn’t require working overtime or jamming more work into your day. Instead, it encourages frequent breaks in between stints of work. Perhaps one of the best aspects about it is that it’s easy to use.  We’re here to help you make your workdays better and more productive. In this guide, we’re breaking down the Pomodoro method — how to use it, why it works, and its advantages and disadvantages. And don’t worry, we’ll cover what Pomodoro means while we’re at it. Add reading this guide to your list of to-dos for today, and let’s get started.  What is the Pomodoro Technique? The Pomodoro Technique is a productivity or time management method created in the early 1990s by Francesco Cirillo.  A university student at the time, Cirillo struggled to focus and get his assignments done. Feeling overwhelmed, he realized he needed to try a new way of working and held himself accountable for committing to 10 minutes of focused time while studying. As he committed to the challenge, he found a tomato-shaped timer (you guessed it, Pomodoro is “tomato” in Italian), and the Pomodoro Technique was born. Cirillo wrote an entire book about the Pomodoro Technique, but the gist of it is simple. The method encourages short bursts of manageable chunks of work with breaks built in between. With this method, you work for 25-minutes sessions separated by five-minute breaks. After every four or five Pomodoros (think of these as work sessions), you indulge in a more extended break for 15-20 minutes. With a sense of urgency built into it, the method forces you to think through your to-do list and eliminate distractions while progressing on your tasks for a limited amount of time. And you can eliminate distractions knowing that you have breaks built into your day to look forward to. Let’s start by understanding what exactly the word “Pomodoro” means and where it came from. What does Pomodoro mean? Pomodoro quite literally means “tomato” in Italian. But what does a tomato have to do with time management?  Like we mentioned earlier, Cirillo used a tomato-shaped timer to help him manage his focused work time. He later named his famous technique after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that helped him do his best work.  When we talk about the Pomodoro Technique, a Pomodoro also refers to one 25-minute focused work session. You’ll use a timer to work for one Pomodoro. Get it? Don’t worry — we’ll walk you through the nitty-gritty of how to use the Pomodoro Technique next.  How to use the Pomodoro Technique One of the best parts of the Pomodoro Technique is that it’s super simple to use without any training. Depending on who you ask, these steps may vary slightly. But that’s one of the best parts about the method — you can customize it.  Here’s how Cirillo’s Pomodoro method works: 1. Make a list of the tasks you need to accomplish To make the best use of your Pomodoro sessions, consider starting your day by creating a to-do list and outlining the tasks you need to accomplish. Don’t panic if your list becomes lengthy! Remember, you’re going to split up your work so that it’s more manageable throughout the day. You just need to make a note of what you need to accomplish today.  Tip: When you make a list of your tasks, think about how much time you need to complete each task. For example, one task might take you a full 25-minute Pomodoro. Or you might have three short tasks that you can group during one Pomodoro. Write down how many minutes each task will take. That way, you can pair up tasks that will take less than 25-minutes to complete. Your estimations don’t have to be perfect, but you want to avoid having gaps of time to fill or going past time during your Pomodoro sessions. 2. Set a timer for 25 minutes You don’t have to mimic Cirillo exactly and use a tomato-shaped kitchen timer, but to live the complete Pomodoro Technique experience, give a real timer a try. It doesn’t matter if you use a virtual or physical timer; any will do. Here are a few options to choose from when selecting a Pomodoro Technique timer: Pomodoro tomato timer Online tomato timer Focus Keeper app Pomodoro Timer Lite app The timer you use doesn’t need to be overly cumbersome or have any fancy capabilities, so don’t get caught up in the details. Keep it simple to make it most effective.  3. Focus on your tasks until the timer goes off This is the tricky part. Once you’ve set your timer, you need to work on the task or tasks you’ve chosen for 25 minutes without any interruptions throwing you off track. Combating distractions is no easy feat, and it may take practice to nail this step.  Tip: If possible, alert those around you when you’re using the Pomodoro method. This can help reduce interruptions and external distractions.  If you find yourself with spare time during a Pomodoro and aren’t sure what to focus on, Cirillo recommends taking advantage of the opportunity for overlearning. Use the time to make improvements and tidy up your work, reflect on the tasks you completed, or make a note of what you’ve learned until the timer goes off. Use the 25 minutes as best you can and avoid starting your break early if possible. 4. Enjoy a short break for five minutes You made it! Time is up and you can enjoy a break for five minutes or so. Consider using this time to use the restroom, grab a snack, or fill up your water bottle. Give your eyes a break and try to limit screen time if you can. Get up and stretch your legs or move your body around. Taking care of your well-being will help you stay motivated throughout the remainder of the day. 5. Repeat steps the first four steps Are you getting the hang of it? Rinse and repeat the above steps. After you’ve completed four Pomodoros, skip step four and jump straight to step six. 6. After every four or five Pomodoros, enjoy a more extended break You’ve earned it! Enjoy a longer, restorative break this time. Take 15-20 minutes to rejuvenate yourself. Maybe it’s time for breakfast or lunch. Or perhaps you want to spend a few minutes outside in the sun. Whatever the case may be, use your break wisely and prepare to jump into more Pomodoros after the break. That’s it. The Pomodoro Technique is an easy-to-use system, which means there isn’t much of a learning curve to start using it to your advantage. Does the Pomodoro Technique work? It sounds simple, right? That means you might be asking yourself whether the Pomodoro method truly works or not.  Reviews of the method spread amongst the internet suggest that many have seen success when using the technique. One person found that the Pomodoro Technique was a great solution for monotonous tasks on the to-do list. Knowing that they only needed to work on a task for 25 minutes encouraged them to get started on those dreaded, tedious to-do’s. Another person found success using the Pomodoro Technique and later adapted the method to fit their specific needs. The Pomodoro Technique helped them define a practice of self-discipline to expand on and boost productivity.  But what is it about the Pomodoro Technique that makes it work? Studies suggest that brief mental breaks help keep you focused. Frequent distractions rob us of productivity at work, but the Pomodoro method helps eliminate distractions for more focus in the workplace.  As with any time management strategy, what works best for some may not work well for others. Give the Pomodoro Technique a try and tailor it to your individual needs to ensure it has the most payoff for you.  The advantages and disadvantages of the Pomodoro method As with any time management strategy, the Pomodoro Technique has both benefits and drawbacks to consider before experimenting with it. Let’s take a look at both, starting with the advantages. Advantages of the Pomodoro Technique Break the habit of multitasking  When you follow the Pomodoro Technique, you’ll break the habit of multitasking. While multitasking might seem like a great way to get more done, it’s distracting and actually hinders your productivity. With the Pomodoro method, your goal is to dedicate your focus to any given task at hand — and save the rest of the items on your to-do list for another Pomodoro.  Reduce or prevent feelings of burnout Looking at your neverending to-do list can feel overwhelming and stressful, and working through that list without a strategic plan in place can cause feelings of burnout. The Pomodoro Technique not only encourages frequent breaks but it builds them directly into your schedule for you. You can reduce or prevent stress and burnout by taking full advantage of your breaks when you have them. Reduce procrastination We all procrastinate now and then, but the Pomodoro Technique ignites a sense of urgency in the day, which reduces or eliminates procrastination. There isn’t any time to scroll through your favorite social media platform, grab another snack, stare out the window, or engage in another distraction when you know you only have 25 minutes to complete a task. (Don’t beat yourself up — we’re all guilty of these things!) Disadvantages of the Pomodoro Technique Some tasks take more than 25 minutes  The Pomodoro method is said to be beneficial for tasks like writing, coding, and studying. It also comes in handy when needing to work through some monotonous to-dos like cleaning out your inbox or digging into some administrative items. But some tasks are bound to take more than 25 minutes to complete, which means the Pomodoro Technique may not always work for every type of project or task. If you’re in the middle of a project and are in a solid flow state, you might want to keep working past the 25-minute timer mark, which will interrupt all subsequent Pomodoro scheduling. You know your work styles and productivity best, so you’ll be in charge of making the judgment call on whether you need to work past the timer’s buzz.  Meetings could interfere with your Pomodoro planning  The Pomodoro method sounds particularly beneficial to those who have full control over their schedules. But many career professionals are bound to be interrupted by planned and unexpected meetings. Your meeting schedule could interfere with how you plan your Pomodoros or could interrupt you in the middle of a Pomodoro session.  Every time management strategy comes with advantages and disadvantages, and no method is guaranteed to be one-size-fits-all. Since the Pomodoro method is easy and comes without cost, consider giving it a try to see if it works for you. Remember, you can always tweak it to suit you best.  How to use Wrike to plan your Pomodoros  To set yourself up for success when using the Pomodoro Technique, you’ll want to have a to-do list prepared. A project management tool like Wrike can help you organize your tasks so that you can dive right into your Pomodoros (without wondering what you should start with).  With Wrike, you can: Manage and prioritize your work Use templates to organize and break your projects down into manageable tasks Track your time to understand how you’re spending it Manage workloads with resource management capabilities  You’re on your way to a more productive workday. Start your free trial of Wrike and begin planning your Pomodoros today.

Moore’s Law and the Productivity Problem

Moore’s Law and the Productivity Problem

As the year draws to a close, developing strategies for how to be more productive and finish the year off strong is on every team’s mind — regardless of department or industry.  According to a study by California-based management platform Redbooth, the month of the year that we are at our most productive is October, followed by November, then September. The fall provides a feeling of a new start for many businesses, with the desire for shiny new productivity tools and aids bringing us back to our school days. But, while a new pencil case or a multi-colored pen can work wonders, today’s organizations are looking to much more sophisticated tools to boost their productivity. Note-taking apps, instant messaging platforms, virtual to-do lists, calendar tools — our desktops are overflowing with software designed to make us our most productive selves. But, with so many conflicting apps clouding our vision, it can often be difficult to get anything done at all.  So, why are we so inclined to constantly invest in new technology, believing it will exponentially increase our productivity levels? This concept is commonly referred to as Moore’s Law, and it’s important to understand it if you’re concerned about your team’s or your own productivity levels. What is Moore’s Law? Let’s start off with a simple enough question: what is Moore’s Law? The origins of Moore’s Law lie in IT and computer hardware. It is the principle that the speed and efficiency of a computer can be expected to double every two years, while the cost decreases by half. Moore’s Law is named after Gordon E. Moore, the co-founder of Intel, who made this observation of exponential growth in 1965.  You will have no doubt experienced Moore’s Law for yourself over the last decade, as the need to purchase a new phone or laptop normally begins to creep up every two years or so. While the technical capabilities of your gadget will have grown hugely, the price largely remains standard. We then begin to fall into a cycle of purchasing new technology as a habit, stretching our view to include phones, computers, exercise aids, entertainment systems, and, yes, productivity tools. Moore’s Law and endless productivity tools Of course, Moore’s Law has huge benefits for the technologically-driven society that we live in. The standards of the technology that we rely on can even be linked to Moore’s Law. The overarching idea of Moore’s Law — that speed, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of technology is constantly evolving at a rapid pace — could apply to productivity tools and solutions. The need to update and reinvest in the ever-growing ecosystem of productivity tools and software every few years sees many teams losing themselves to too many apps.  In 2015, the average number of cloud applications per company was 73. In 2020, that number had increased to 163. So much so, that 56% of IT executives are now reporting having to use manual spreadsheets to keep track of all their SaaS apps — defeating their productivity goals before they’ve even started. This concept is commonly known as ‘SaaS sprawl,’ a term that refers to the dilemma of an organization’s tech stack being so expansive that it becomes unmanageable and causes visibility problems across departments. $40 billion is estimated to be spent on unused software each year, and the number of apps we are downloading continues to rise.  Many teams believe themselves to be more productive than ever, when really, spending so much time flicking between apps, tools, and software stifles creativity and raises burnout to an all-time high. How your team can effectively invest in productivity If your organization has fallen foul to overindulgence in productivity tools and gadgets, don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to empower your teams and teach them how to be more productive without overwhelming themselves with dozens of productivity platforms.  Consider toxic productivity The concept of toxic productivity relates to an unattainable desire for increased productivity, at the expense of other priorities, such as family or health. Toxic productivity is a real issue for many teams, especially if both our personal and work devices are overrun with technology that is constantly drawing us back to working mode. Consider whether your team could benefit from a digital detox of work-related technology, and set boundaries for after-hours work communication. Turn your attention to other methods of increasing productivity There are plenty of ways to increase productivity and wellbeing at work that have nothing to do with technology. For example, has your organization invested in a flexible work structure, allowing employees to choose where they work best? Could your business go the extra mile and trial a four-day workweek? Could your employee recognition programs use some extra love? These are all areas to consider when brainstorming how to be more productive across the board. Making the most of all-in-one technology like Wrike Of course, technology will always be a cornerstone of a successful business, and continuing to use productivity tools in some way at work is non-negotiable. But which tools should you invest in? What are the most important features of work management software that can actually increase productivity by up to 40%? Workflow automation: With Wrike’s custom request forms and automated task assignment, your team will never miss important tasks and details because of a cluttered workspace. App integration: Using so many apps can be tiresome and inefficient, with details and updates often being missed by team members. Wrike’s work management includes over 400 app integrations, so the constant context switching can stop. Single source of truth: Trawling through emails and messaging apps to find important documents and updates is time-consuming and frustrating for teams. Keeping everything organized in one centralized hub, where users can comment, edit, and give feedback, is a life-saver for teams who wish to be more productive. Collaborative features: Whether your team works in-office, remotely, or under a hybrid model, breakdowns in communication are one of the most common challenges to successful projects. Wrike’s collaborative features, including @mentions, real-time editing, and email and chat app integrations means that your team all have the same view, no matter where they are. Want to know more about how Wrike can boost your team’s productivity? Try out a free two-week trial today.

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James Rodgers

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Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin

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Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin Hardcover – Large Print, 23 July 2020

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  • Print length 256 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher I.B. Tauris
  • Publication date 23 July 2020
  • Dimensions 16.36 x 2.5 x 23.8 cm
  • ISBN-10 0755601157
  • ISBN-13 978-0755601158
  • See all details

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About the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ I.B. Tauris (23 July 2020)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 256 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0755601157
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0755601158
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 16.36 x 2.5 x 23.8 cm
  • 1,217 in Russian Historical Biographies
  • 1,507 in British Historical Biographies from 1901 Onwards

About the author

James rodgers.

James Rodgers writes books on international affairs, especially armed conflict. His work has a focus on how the stories of those events are told to the world. Much of his writing draws on his own experience reporting from the former Soviet Union and the Middle East as a journalist from the 1990s onwards. During his BBC career (1995-2010), James completed postings in Moscow, Brussels, and Gaza where, from 2002-2004, he was the only international correspondent based in the territory. His numerous other assignments included New York and Washington following the September 11th attacks; reporting from Iraq in 2003 and 2004 during the United States-led invasion; and covering the wars in Chechnya.

James now lectures in International Journalism at City, University of London. He still works as a journalist, too--contributing work to the BBC, NBC Think,, Monocle Radio, and others.

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Attack in Moscow: What role does the band Picnic play?

A t least 137 people have been killed in the attack on the "Crocus City Hall" in Moscow. The Russian rock band, Picnic, was due to perform on stage on Friday. What does their performance have to do with the attack?On the evening of Friday March 22, at around 8 p.m. local time, the Moscow concert venue, Crocus City Hall, became the scene of a bloody attack -- the exact background of which is still the subject of speculation. At least 137 were killed in the massacre, while many others are in critical condition. They were all awaiting a concert by the Russian rock band Picnic, which was due to start at 9 p.m.

'Wash yourself with your own blood'

Russia has been in a state of shock ever since. While the whole world is expressing its sympathy, rumors and false information are doing the rounds. Four suspects have been brought before a court in the Russian capital. The four Tajiks were formally accused of involvement in a terrorist attack by the Basmanny district court on Sunday evening. They face possible life imprisonment. At the same time, people are wondering why the terrorists chose this particular event. Was the attack also aimed at the band Picnic?

"Fear nothing, fear nothing -- no fire, no ringing shadow. You are no longer a rosy child. Wash yourself with your own blood in the morning. And shake the blossoming day." These are some of the lyrics of Picnic's new song, which was released on March 7 on the band's YouTube channel.

Those lines sound almost prophetic, especially now in Russia. A message posted on the band's website reads, "We express our deepest sympathy to the families and friends of the victims. We pray for the speedy recovery of the injured. We are deeply shocked by this terrible tragedy and mourn with you." The band's musicians were unharmed because they were able to hide in the dressing room.

Picnic is one of the veterans of the Russian music scene, with origins in progressive rock. Founded in 1978 in St. Petersburg, which was still called Leningrad then, the band initially called itself Orion before changing its name to Picnic in 1981. Both monikers go back to the typical Soviet rock scene trick of choosing names that sound Western but cannot be banned.

In the 1980s, however, Picnic ended up on the list of bands that were denied major public appearances. The musicians and their audience therefore lived out their love for role models such as Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones in rock clubs, sometimes underground. Singer and songwriter Edmund Shklyarsky has been the band leader since 1982. The son of a renowned scientist and a concert pianist, Shklyarsky attaches great importance to his Polish roots and his Catholic faith. From an early age, his sources of inspiration were not only the Rolling Stones and The Animals, but also Russian avant-garde poetry.

Picnic members are considered war supporters

In May 2023, Russian writer and nationalist activist Zakhar Prilepin praised the band's leader. According to Prilepin, Shklyarsky actively supported the "special operation" in Ukraine, among others through monetary donations. Prelepin further presumed that this was the "normal position of a Russian man and a Russian musician" -- a statement that has neither been denied nor confirmed by the members of Picnic.

Their being booked to perform in venue as renowned as the Crocus City Hall in Moscow can be seen as proof of the band's loyalty to the Russian state -- which had demanded a clear commitment from the country's rock and pop scene, especially when the war against Ukraine began. Musicians and bands who positioned themselves against the war -- including Russian stars such as Boris Grebenshchikov (Aquarium), Yuri Shevchuk (DDT) and Zemfira -- had to leave the country and suffered career setbacks. Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva has also sharply criticized the Putin regime from abroad.

On the other hand, stars loyal to the regime are rewarded with lucrative performances and awards. The approximately 6,200 tickets for the Picnic concert on March 22 were almost sold out, as was the planned second gig on Saturday. Ticket prices ranged from E100 to E300 and the band was to be accompanied by a symphony orchestra and a "spectacular stage and light show," at least according to advertising.

Even before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Picnic was added to the list of artists unwelcome in Ukraine. The reason for this was the band's repeated performances on the occupied Crimean peninsula, including in Sevastopol.

The day after the tragedy, numerous interview requests, including from DW, were met with nothing but expressions of grief and shock. On Sunday, March 24, Edmund Shklyarsky released a video message. "I would like to express my condolences to all the victims and relatives of this terrible and senseless tragedy," he said, adding that no words have yet been invented that could resurrect people and comfort their fellow human beings.

Whether there's any special significance in the terrorists' choice to attack a concert by this particular band remains a matter of speculation -- as does the question of whether Crocus City Hall plays any special role as the target of the carnage.

A concert venue of superlatives

Crocus City Hall is a state-of-the-art concert hall on the grounds of an exhibition complex and is probably the most prestigious stage in Moscow among musicians. With an audience capacity of 5,000 to 10,000 people, it is much larger than a traditional concert hall and only slightly smaller than a soccer stadium. In short, a superlative venue in Moscow with no competitors.

Completed in 2009, Crocus, as it is known for short, quickly became one of Russia's most important concert halls. Located some 20 kilometers from the Kremlin, the venue can be reached within 30 minutes from the city center, depending on Moscow's notorious traffic congestions. It's faster for residents of the affluent suburbs in the west of the city, who prefer to attend the concerts there.

The excellent public transport links could have been an argument for the terrorists to choose Crocus City Hall for their attack. In addition, security precautions on the outskirts of the city are not as strict as in the center of Moscow.

Cultural events canceled in Russia

The concert hall belongs to the group of companies owned by the Azerbaijani-Russian construction tycoon and oligarch Aras Agalarov and his son Emin, a businessman and singer. There were rumors when the Crocus opened that Aras Agalarov had built his son a stage.

In recent years, however, Emin Agalarov has put his pop career on hold and concentrated primarily on the development and marketing of Crocus City Hall. Over the years, internationally renowned bands have performed here: Scorpions, Smokie, Pet Shop Boys, Nazareth and A-ha, as well as Sting, Elton John, Thomas Anders, Vanessa May and many others. In 2013, Donald Trump even strayed onto the stage, as a special guest at the final of the Miss Universe competition. But those days of cosmopolitanism are long gone.

A look at the program at Crocus City Hall gives a good insight into the sensitivities of Russian society, which oscillates between denial of reality and resignation: Concerts by regime-compliant musicians alternate with entertainment blockbusters such as Japanese drum shows or women's stand-up comedy. Now all major events have been canceled, not only in the damaged Crocus City Hall, but throughout Russia. Theaters, cinemas and museums will remain closed for the time being.

This article was originally written in German.

Copyright 2024 DW.COM, Deutsche Welle. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


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  20. 7 Things Creators Should Know About Marketing Their Book

    Tip 7: Create your content in advance. Most of the above tips focus on reaching new potentially interested readers, but don't neglect the audience you've already gathered. The majority of your email marketing, YouTube videos, social media posts, etc., related to your book should be batched and scheduled ahead of time.

  21. A Quick Guide to the MoSCoW Method Technique

    The MoSCoW method is a technique used by organizations to communicate the importance and priority of the various requirements being met in various projects. This method is also referred to as MoSCoW prioritization and MoSCoW analysis. The term MoSCoW is an acronym that refers to the first letter of each of the four priority categories.

  22. Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin

    Editorial Reviews. Assignment Moscow exposes how the Moscow correspondent has had to adapt to multiple manifestations of censorship, or compete with state-run media, the severity of which has ebbed and flowed with changes in regime." —History Today "Rodgers's narrative rests on an enormous number of articles in Anglo-American media, books by and about jourbanalists, and his own ...

  23. Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin

    Buy Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin by Rodgers, James (ISBN: 9780755601158) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. ... Much of his writing draws on his own experience reporting from the former Soviet Union and the Middle East as a journalist from the 1990s onwards. During ...

  24. New Edition of 'Assignment Moscow' out in 2023

    This is a site about the books and other writing by James Rodgers, author of Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia From Lenin to Putin (published July 2020); Headlines from the Holy Land (2015 and 2017); No Road Home: Fighting for Land and Faith in Gaza (2013); Reporting Conflict (2012). My work looks at how stories of international affairs, especially armed conflict, are told to the world.

  25. Attack in Moscow: What role does the band Picnic play?

    At least 137 people have been killed in the attack on the " Crocus City Hall" in Moscow. On the evening of Friday March 22, at around 8 p.m. local time, the Moscow concert venue, Crocus City Hall ...

  26. Amanpour and Company

    Walter speaks with bestselling novelist Amor Towles about his new book "Table for Two." The book, a New York Times bestseller, is a collection of short stories and a novella, described by the ...