Student Essays

Essay on Swimming

8 Unique Essays on Swimming – History, Importance, Benefits [ 2024 ]

Swimming is one of the best all-around exercises. It provides cardiovascular exercise, strength training and muscle toning, flexibility, range of motion and coordination. The fact that swimming can be done anywhere makes it a great workout option for people on the go or who may have injuries that limit their ability to do outdoor activities outside of the pool.

Read the following short and long essay swimming, value and importance of swimming essay for children and students. These are quite beneficial quite for school exams preparation.

Essay on Swimming | Importance, Benefits of Swimming for Students

Swimming is an exercise in the water that involves the use of one’s body to move through said medium. It can be used as a type of relaxation or warm-up or, more commonly, done with specific goals in mind for physical fitness purposes.

Essay on Swimming

Swimming allows people to achieve physical fitness goals, such as weight loss or gaining strength in specific areas. It can also be used as a break from high-impact exercises for those with joint troubles. Swimming serves various functions for different people, but can be used as a form of meditation or stress-relief by many swimmers. As one swims, breathing techniques can help reduce anxiety and increase focus while also providing invaluable aerobic exercise to improve the cardiovascular system.

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Benefits of Swimming 

Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can be done no matter one’s current fitness ability or age. Because of this, it is beneficial for those who may have injuries and need rehabilitation as well as those looking to keep fit and young. Following are 5 major benefits of swimming:

  • One of the greatest benefits of swimming is that it can be done by nearly everyone. Because there are no high-impact motions involved, those who are recovering from joint injuries or age-related problems such as arthritis can participate in swimming without exacerbating these conditions. This makes it a good workout option for seniors and rehabilitation purposes for younger populations.
  • Swimming can be done at any fitness level, making it an exercise accessible to nearly everyone. This is because there are many ways to swim – one can choose whether they want to use their arms or legs more, for example, or simply stick with a style that works best for them. For those who are not physically fit, swimming is a low-risk workout option, allowing them to slowly improve their health and fitness level.
  • Because water offers resistance, swimming strengthens the muscles one uses when they are in the pool. Many swimmers also do weight training outside of the pool to build muscle mass and increase strength even further. As muscles are built, fat is burned, providing even more incentive for people to get in the pool.
  • Swimming is a cardio exercise that can help improve cardiovascular health and overall endurance while also strengthening muscles needed for other activities where high-impact motions may be involved, such as running or jumping sports. Regular aerobic exercise, such as swimming, has been shown to reduce the risk of disease by lowering blood pressure, cholesterol levels and body fat. This makes swimming beneficial for those with medical conditions that are worsened by these factors, such as heart disease or obesity.
  • Finally, swimming is a low-impact workout that can be done by nearly everyone, making it beneficial for those with joint issues or other medical conditions that restrict their ability to do high-impact exercises. Since swimming reduces the risk of injury later in life while still providing many other benefits, people may want to consider adding this activity into their lifestyle if they want to improve their overall wellness and decrease the risk of developing medical conditions in the future.

Swimming is good for Children

The importance of learning to swim early in life cannot be understated. Beyond the health benefits, swimming builds confidence and a love for an activity that is great exercise with lifelong benefits.  As a parent, there are many things you can do to help ensure your children enjoy a positive experience while also making sure they stay safe in and around the water.

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Swimming is a beneficial form of exercise for all ages and populations. It can be done by people at any level of fitness. Swimming can be done with or without equipment and is a low-impact workout that can help those who are rehabilitating injuries or who may have medical conditions worsened by high impact exercises like running or jumping sports.

History of Swimming Essay:

Swimming is an ancient activity that has been enjoyed by humans since prehistoric times. It is believed that swimming originated as a survival mechanism, with early humans learning how to swim in order to cross waterways for hunting and gathering purposes.

The first recorded evidence of swimming dates back to 4000 BC, with stone age cave paintings depicting people swimming. In ancient Egypt, swimming was also used for religious purposes as seen in hieroglyphics and paintings depicting people swimming in the Nile River.

During the Greek and Roman empires, swimming became a popular recreational activity. The Greeks even built various public swimming pools known as “palaestras” which were used for both exercise and military training.

In medieval times, however, swimming lost its popularity due to religious restrictions and the belief that immersing oneself in water could lead to illness. It wasn’t until the 19th century when swimming made a comeback as an organized sport, with the creation of swimming clubs and competitions.

In 1875, swimming became an official Olympic sport at the first modern Olympics in Athens, Greece. Since then, it has become one of the most popular Olympic events, with various styles and distances being added to the competition over time.

Today, swimming is not only a competitive sport but also a recreational activity enjoyed by people of all ages. It offers numerous health benefits, such as improved cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and stress relief.

Furthermore, advancements in technology have allowed for the development of specialized swimwear and equipment, making swimming even more accessible and enjoyable for both amateurs and professionals alike.

In conclusion, the history of swimming is a long and fascinating one, with various cultural, practical, and recreational aspects shaping its evolution over time. From ancient survival technique to modern-day sport and leisure activity, swimming has stood the test of time and continues to be an integral part of human life.

So, whether you’re an Olympic athlete or a casual swimmer, the water is waiting for you to dive in and experience the joys of swimming. So let’s keep enjoying this wonderful activity that connects us with our ancient roots and brings people together in a fun and healthy way. Happy swimming!

Happy Swimming !

Benefits of Swimming Essay:

Swimming is a popular water sport that has gained immense popularity over the years. It involves moving through water by using limbs or special devices such as flippers and snorkels. Swimming can be done for recreational purposes, competitive sports, or even as a form of exercise. In this essay, we will discuss some of the benefits that swimming offers.

Firstly, swimming is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints and muscles. Unlike other forms of physical activity, such as running or weightlifting, swimming does not put stress on the body. This makes it an ideal form of exercise for people of all ages and fitness levels, including those with injuries or conditions that restrict their movements.

Secondly, swimming is a great cardiovascular workout. It involves using large muscle groups in the arms, legs, and core to propel the body through water. This increases the heart rate, which in turn improves blood circulation and strengthens the heart muscles. Regular swimming can also reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.

Next, swimming is a great way to build strength and endurance. The resistance offered by water is much greater than that of air, which means that the body has to work harder to move through it. This resistance helps in building muscle strength and improving overall endurance. Moreover, since swimming involves using multiple muscle groups at once, it provides a full-body workout.

Apart from physical benefits, swimming also offers mental health benefits. It is a great stress-reliever and can help in reducing anxiety and depression. The rhythmic movements and focus on breathing while swimming can also have a calming effect on the mind. Additionally, being in water can create a sense of weightlessness, which can be therapeutic for those with joint pain or chronic illnesses.

In conclusion, swimming is not just a fun activity but also offers numerous health benefits. It is a low-impact exercise that is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. Regular swimming can improve cardiovascular health, build strength and endurance, and have a positive impact on mental well-being. So next time you hit the pool, remember that you are not just having fun but also improving your overall health. So, start swimming today and dive into a healthier lifestyle!

Swimming Speech Ideas:

  • The Benefits of Swimming: Swimming is a great form of exercise that offers numerous physical and mental health benefits. It is a low-impact activity that can help improve cardiovascular health, build muscle strength, and reduce stress levels.
  • Types of Swimming Strokes: There are four main types of swimming strokes – freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly. Each stroke targets different muscle groups and can be used for different purposes, such as speed or endurance.
  • Swimming Techniques: To become a better swimmer, it’s important to learn proper swimming techniques. This includes breathing patterns, body position, and arm and leg movements. Improving technique can not only help with performance but also prevent injuries.
  • Overcoming Fear of Swimming: Many people are afraid of swimming, whether it’s due to a traumatic experience or simply not being comfortable in the water. Overcoming this fear can be a challenge, but with patience and practice, anyone can learn to enjoy swimming.
  • Swimming for All Ages: Swimming is an activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to seniors. It’s a great way for families to bond and for seniors to stay active and maintain their mobility.
  • Swimming as a Competitive Sport: For those who are more serious about swimming, it can be pursued as a competitive sport. There are various levels of competition, from local meets to the Olympic Games, providing opportunities for athletes to showcase their skills and compete against others.
  • Swimming Safety: As with any water activity, safety is of the utmost importance when swimming. Proper supervision, knowing how to swim in different bodies of water, and understanding rip currents are all crucial for staying safe while swimming.
  • Swimming as Rehabilitation: Due to its low-impact nature, swimming can be a great form of rehabilitation for people recovering from injuries or with certain physical limitations. It can help improve range of motion and strengthen muscles without putting too much strain on the body.
  • Swimming as a Social Activity: Swimming can also be a fun social activity, whether it’s taking a water aerobics class or joining a swim team. It allows for connecting with others who share similar interests while staying active and healthy.
  • Discovering the World Through Swimming: Finally, swimming can offer unique opportunities to explore different parts of the world. From snorkeling in tropical waters to participating in open water races, there are many ways to experience new cultures and environments through swimming. So why not dive into this versatile activity and reap its numerous benefits? Happy swimming!

Essay on Swimming Pool:

Swimming pools are artificial water bodies that are designed for recreational purposes. They provide a safe and controlled environment for people to swim, relax and have fun. Swimming is not only a popular sport but also a great way to stay fit and healthy. It has numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being.

One of the major advantages of swimming is that it is a low-impact exercise that is gentle on joints and muscles. This makes it a suitable form of workout for people with injuries, chronic pain or mobility issues. It also helps in improving cardiovascular health by increasing heart rate and improving blood circulation.

Moreover, swimming is a great stress-reliever as it releases endorphins, also known as ‘happy hormones’, which can improve mood and reduce anxiety. It is also a great way to socialize and spend quality time with friends and family, making it a popular choice for get-togethers and parties.

From an early age, children should be encouraged to learn how to swim as it not only teaches them a valuable life skill but also builds their confidence and discipline. Swimming can also serve as a form of therapy for children with special needs, helping them to improve their motor skills and coordination.

In conclusion, swimming pools have a significant impact on our physical, mental and social well-being. They provide a fun and refreshing way to stay active and healthy while also promoting relaxation and social interaction

Essay on Swimming Competition:

Swimming is a popular sport that has been around for centuries. It involves propelling oneself through water using the arms and legs, while trying to cover a certain distance in the shortest amount of time possible. Over the years, swimming competitions have become increasingly popular, with professional swimmers competing at national and international levels.

History of Swimming Competitions

The history of swimming competitions dates back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks. They used swimming as a form of exercise and entertainment, with races being held in natural bodies of water like rivers and lakes.

In the 19th century, competitive swimming gained popularity in Europe, with the first recorded competition taking place in England in 1837. The sport continued to evolve, with various organizations being formed to govern and organize swimming competitions.

Types of Swimming Competitions

Today, there are several types of swimming competitions that cater to different skill levels and styles. The most common ones include freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and individual medley races. There are also relay races where teams compete against each other.

Swimming competitions can take place in indoor or outdoor pools, and distances vary from 50 meters to several kilometers. The most prestigious competitions include the Olympic Games, World Championships, and Commonwealth Games.

Rules and Regulations

Swimming competitions follow strict rules and regulations to ensure fair competition. Some of the rules include starting with a dive, touching the wall at the end of each lap, and staying within designated lanes. Any violation of these rules can result in disqualification.

Training for Swimming Competitions

To compete at a high level in swimming, athletes must undergo rigorous training regimes that include daily swim sessions, strength and endurance training, and proper nutrition. The goal is to build strength, speed, and stamina while perfecting the techniques required for each stroke.

Benefits of Swimming Competitions

Participating in swimming competitions has various benefits, both physically and mentally. It improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength, and increases flexibility. It also teaches discipline, resilience, and teamwork.

In conclusion, swimming competitions have a rich history and continue to be a popular sport around the world. They offer an exciting platform for athletes to challenge themselves and compete against others while promoting physical and mental well-being. Whether you are a professional swimmer or simply enjoy swimming as a hobby, there is something for everyone in the world of competitive swimming. So next time you have the chance, dive right in and experience the thrill of a swimming competition firsthand!

Essay on Swimming for Class 2:

Swimming is a popular water sport and recreational activity that has been enjoyed by people for centuries. It involves moving through water using the arms and legs while floating on the surface or underwater. Swimming is not just a fun activity, but also an important life skill that everyone should learn.

There are various types of swimming styles such as freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly. Each style has its own unique technique, but the basic concept remains the same – move through water using coordinated arm and leg movements. Swimming can be enjoyed in pools, lakes, rivers, or oceans depending on one’s preference and skill level.

Swimming has numerous physical and mental benefits. It is a great form of exercise that engages multiple muscle groups and improves cardiovascular health. Regular swimming can also help in maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Moreover, it is a low-impact activity that puts minimal stress on joints, making it suitable for people of all ages.

Apart from physical benefits, swimming also has positive effects on mental well-being. It is a relaxing activity that helps in reducing stress and anxiety. The feeling of weightlessness in water can be therapeutic, especially for individuals with chronic pain or injuries. Swimming also promotes social interaction and teamwork, making it a great way to bond with family and friends.

Swimming is not only a recreational activity but also an important life-saving skill. Drowning is one of the leading causes of accidental death worldwide, and knowing how to swim can significantly reduce the risk. It is crucial for children and adults to learn basic swimming techniques and water safety rules in case of emergencies.

In conclusion, swimming is a fun and beneficial activity that offers physical, mental, and social benefits. It is also an essential life skill that everyone should learn. Therefore, parents should encourage their children to enroll in swimming lessons at an early age, and adults should also make an effort to improve their swimming abilities. So, let’s dive in and enjoy the wonderful world of swimming!

Narrative Essay about Swimming:

Swimming has always been a part of my life since I was a young child. My parents enrolled me in swimming lessons at the local community pool when I was just six years old, and from that moment on, it became my favorite activity.

I remember feeling nervous as I stepped onto the diving board for the first time. The water looked so deep and never-ending, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear. But once I jumped in and felt the cool water against my skin, all my worries disappeared. From that moment on, I was hooked.

As I grew older, swimming became more than just a fun activity for me. It became an outlet for stress and anxiety. Whenever I had a bad day or needed to clear my head, I would head to the pool and swim laps. The rhythmic motion of my strokes and the feeling of weightlessness in the water always brought me a sense of calm.

In high school, I joined the swim team and discovered a whole new level of competitiveness within myself. I pushed myself to become faster and stronger in the water, and it paid off as I broke multiple school records and even qualified for state championships.

Even now, as an adult, I still find solace in the water. Swimming has become a form of meditation for me, allowing me to disconnect from the chaos of everyday life and focus solely on my breathing and movements.

I am grateful for the opportunities that swimming has provided me and will always cherish the memories and lessons it has taught me. It is more than just a hobby – it is a part of who I am.

The sport of swimming has also taught me important life skills such as discipline, perseverance, and teamwork. The countless hours spent training in the pool have taught me the value of hard work and dedication. And being a part of a swim team has shown me how to work together with others towards a common goal.

Moreover, swimming has also introduced me to some of my closest friends. The bond formed during early morning practices and grueling swim meets is like no other. We have cheered each other on through victories and supported each other through defeats.

But perhaps the greatest lesson that swimming has taught me is the importance of perseverance. There have been times when I wanted to give up, when the water seemed too cold or the laps seemed never-ending. But I pushed through and came out stronger on the other side.

Swimming may just seem like a simple act of moving through water, but for me, it is so much more than that. It has shaped me into the person I am today, and I will always be grateful for its impact on my life. So, I encourage everyone to dive in and discover the joys of swimming – you never know what it may bring to your life.

Q: Why is swimming important in our life essay?

A: An essay on why swimming is important in our life would discuss the physical, mental, and social benefits of swimming, as well as its practical uses, such as safety and survival skills.

Q: What is a short paragraph about swimming?

A: Swimming is a versatile and enjoyable activity that provides exercise and relaxation. Whether in a pool or open water, it offers a refreshing and liberating experience.

Q: What is swimming in your own words?

A: Swimming, in my own words, is the skill and art of moving through water using various strokes and techniques, offering both therapeutic and competitive opportunities.

Q: Why do people love swimming?

A: People love swimming for the weightlessness it provides in water, the opportunity for exercise and relaxation, the social aspect of swimming with friends or in a team, and the cooling relief it offers on hot days.

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Swimming Essay & Paragraph in English

While writing these essays on swimming, I remembered the face of the boy as beautiful as the moon, who drowned in the pond. He had reached adolescence, and lived in a riverine country, yet why did he drown? This is because his father taught him how to read, but he did not teach him how to swim. But since these compositions on swimming are structured essays and paragraphs, I have not only focused on the importance of learning to swim but also discussed its process and benefits.

Swimming Essay - Swimming Paragraph in English

Table of Contents

Essay on Swimming in English

By: Haque | Sentences: 39 | Words: 567


The technique of floating in the water by moving the limbs is called swimming. Everyone who lives in a village in a riverine country knows how to swim. It is as easy for them as learning to walk. But most of the people living in cities and developed countries do not know how to swim. It’s an art for them, and a matter of special effort.

How to Swim

To keep the body afloat, one has to move the arms and legs in a special process. The water has to be pushed continuously downwards and backwards with the limbs. A little boy can easily learn to swim with a little effort. But if an adult wants to learn to swim, it seems difficult to him. But swimming is a laborious task. Just a few minutes of continuous swimming makes even a strong man tired. Nowadays swimming has been adopted as an international sport.

How to Learn Swimming

Childhood practice is most effective in learning to swim. Since then the body remains light and agile. A father leaves his child upside down in the water and supports him with his hands on his chest and abdomen and he then starts moving his arms and legs randomly. If he tries to do this for a while, he will understand how to move his limbs to stay afloat.

If you want to learn to swim on your own, you can take the help of a piece of a banana plant. Yes, a banana tree is your best teacher when it comes to swimming. Alternatively, you can take the help of inflatable tires, tubes, or other floating things. Always practice swimming in shallow water to avoid danger. Practice regularly for a few days, you will see that swimming is not a difficult thing at all.

Health Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is a great exercise. Because when you move your limbs to keep your body afloat on the water, every limb and muscle in the body gets tense. It increases your heart rate and blood circulation and gives you cardiovascular fitness. Regular swimming keeps your weight under control and makes your heart and lungs healthier. Swimming is considered to be the best form of exercise, as not all the muscles of the body are used together in any exercise other than swimming.

Swimming Saves Lives

Sometimes the ability to swim saves lives. Every year many children who do not know how to swim drown and thousands of adults die in boat sinking. It is possible to reduce these untimely deaths by giving importance to swimming at the family and national levels.

Swimming Competitions

Swimming competitions are now a widespread trend. It is a popular event of the Olympic Games. Some people become famous every year for their quickness and skill in swimming. Our Bengali hero Brazen Das (1928-1996) was the first South Asian swimmer to set a world record by crossing the English Channel in 1958. In all countries of the world, the great achievement of swimmers is highly praised by their nation. They are awarded medals and prizes.

Learning to swim is almost as habitual and urgent as learning to walk to survive. Swimming is the most effective form of exercise, sometimes it saves lives. Therefore, swimming capability is important for everyone, young and old. In particular, every family should help and encourage children to learn how to swim.

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Boys Swimming, Swimming Essay and Paragraph in English

Essay on the Benefits of Swimming

By: Haque | Sentences: 30 | Words: 400

Swimming is part of the daily bathing of people in riverine countries. In modern times, however, many people learn to swim as a way to exercise. Swimming is very beneficial for whole-body exercise. But how much you can benefit from swimming depends on the type of swimming. This means that there are different types of swimming. So keep an eye on what type of swimming you are practicing.

You can practice swimming in different styles in a pond or a small river. You can practice back-stroke swimming facing the sky, so you don’t have to waste much energy to swim. Another type is breast-stroke swimming, in which the arms, legs, shoulders, buttocks, and some other limbs are performed. If you swim fast in competition with someone, it will benefit your heart too. This is because the heart works faster to provide energy while swimming faster. And when breathing is faster, the lungs become stronger.

Swimming is a great exercise to get rid of some injuries. Suppose you are a runner. Your knees can’t stand the stress of running due to a minor injury. In this case, you can benefit from regular swimming. Not only that, before and after running, cycling and fitness exercises, swimming is very beneficial. Since swimming increases heartbeat and blood circulation and helps to stretch muscles. In swimming, you can easily exercise a particular limb if you like. For example, if you just want to do hand exercises, lie down on a long floating board and keep moving your hands quickly in the water on both sides. Similarly, only leg exercises can also be done.

Although swimming is an excellent exercise, it has some limitations. If your goal is to build strong and attractive muscles, then you will not get much benefit from swimming. In that case, you have to choose another way of exercise. Similarly, even if the goal is to strengthen the bones, you need to pay attention to any other form of exercise.

But despite these few limitations, there is no doubt that swimming is an excellent exercise. Swimming exercises all the organs of the body, it increases the functioning of your heart and lungs.

  • Swimming is the easiest but most beneficial exercise.
  • There is not much benefit in swimming to build strong muscles.
  • Swimming before running or cycling is great.
  • Swimming increases the speed of blood circulation.

Swimming Paragraph, 150 Words

By: Haque | For class: 8-10 | 25-02-’22

Swimming is both a necessity and a form of recreation. It is getting popular day by day. However, the art is known and practiced all over the world. Those who live near a river or sea need it very much. They also take to the water as naturally as a duck to the pond. Swimming is also a very good form of exercise. It exercises the limbs of the entire body without straining them. Moreover, the pace can be varied as one likes. It can also be practiced at any time of the day be it morning, afternoon, or evening. Almost every club or gymnasium of developed countries and even big hotels have swimming pools attached to them. Members can drop in and refresh themselves very easily there. Swimming has also secured an important place in competitive sports like the Olympic games. Among the aquatic games, swimming is the most popular. Hence, everybody should try to learn swimming early in life.

Swimming Paragraph, 100 Words

By: Haque | Sentences: 9 | Words: 100

To propel the body by floating it in water is called swimming. Swimming is a common human skill, but an excellent exercise. Swimming benefits us a lot. Regular swimming helps in building health and wellness. It increases the efficiency of the lungs, heart, and muscles. The ability to swim often saves lives from drowning. Nowadays swimming is an interesting sport and an exciting international competition. Each year, the best swimmers at the National Games, Asian Games, and Olympic Games are honored with gold and silver medals. We should all learn to swim to make our lives safer and health better.

About the Author


A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Swimming” Complete English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Swimming is an ancient aquatic sport. It is the art of self-movement in water by using hands and/or feet. Swimming is observed as a sport or a recreational activity. Its main uses include lowering the body heat, relaxation, exercise as well as athletic training. Swimming done in spare time is a good way to relax. As the density of the human body is similar to that of water, bones and joins do not receive much stress. Swimming can be very effective for those patients suffering from disabilities.

Swimming gained popularity since its origin. However, in 1538, the first swimming book called ‘A Dialogue on the Art of Swimming’ was written by a German man named Nikolaus Wynmann. In 1896, swimming was included as the first modern Olympic Games played in Athens. In 1902, the world came to know about the front crawl in swimming. In 1908, the World Swimming Association was formed. Soon butterfly stroke was known. However, the stroke was not in complete use until it was accepted as a separate style. In 1964, Lillian Bonnell won the award for being the first woman to take part in a swimming competition.

Swimming is also a professional sport. Different companies across the world sponsor swimmers of international level. Cash awards and prizes are also given to the winners at major competitions. Swimming is also important from military point of view. Military swimming is usually done to approach a location, to rescue people during crises or even during the times of marine conflict.

However, people of all ages can swim. For swimming there is no weight limit, as it is a non-weight bearing exercise. It is easy on the joints of the human body. Even people suffering from knee pain can swim without worrying about further damage to their knee. Most importantly, swimming helps in burning calories. Thus, it is a good exercise to lose weight.

There are different styles of swimming. They are known as strokes. A stroke can also refer to a single sequence of body movements repeated while swimming in the given style. Sidestroke, front stroke, dog paddle, butterfly and breaststroke are the most common strokes used while swimming. It is also possible to swim by moving only legs without arms or vice versa.

Many recreation centers contain swimming pools. Rich residential owners have their private swimming pools. Around any swimming pool, safety equipment and supervision by trained personnel for rescue is important. Swimming is also a valuable tool outside competition and recreation. Knowing how to swim can save one’s life during the times of emergencies. Besides being a recreational activity and general exercise, swimming can also help in physical treatment.

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5 paragraph essay on swimming


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My Favourite Game Swimming Essay

5 paragraph essay on swimming


When we were small, what do you think most thrilled us? Is it a day out in the park or a beach trip? Most of us would have answered the latter, and this explains why children like to spend time in the water. Even our kids will jump with joy when they get a chance to play inside a pool and lay there for several hours. If your kids have a special liking for beaches, pools and small rivers, why not engage them in the relaxing sport of swimming? My favourite game swimming essay is written for young children to know more about it.

In this essay on overcoming the fear of swimming, we will describe an experience that led a child to conquer his fear of water, and how he mastered the game of swimming. Swimming is a healthy exercise, and introducing kids to this sport at an early age will hugely impact them in many ways.

Experience in Swimming

It was during one summer, when I was 6 years old, my parents took me to a nearby beach to spend the evening playing on the sand and swimming on the beach. Although I had seen many swimming pools, it was the first time that I was exposed to a huge water body, and the thought itself made me nervous and excited at the same time. This essay on my favourite game swimming explains how I began to like swimming.

The sight of the beach and waves coming to the shore made me want to take a dip in it, but I was afraid to go near it. My father took my hands and brought me closer to the waves, and I became enthusiastic when those cold waters touched my feet. We went further deeper, and that was when I lost my balance and fell into the water . For a second, I did not understand what was happening. Although I was pulled out of the water suddenly, the incident made me scared, and I never went near the water again.

So, swimming was the most feared game in my life at that point, but due to the compulsory participation in school, I had to keep my worries aside and face my fears head-on. My swimming instructor played a huge role in overcoming my fears, and once I was assured that I wouldn’t drown if I knew swimming, I was motivated to learn and master it.

I felt special when I wore the swimsuit and goggles to practise swimming, and the sport made me relax and kept my mind calm. While floating on the water, I felt so lightweight and thought about how swimming made my problems, tensions, and worries go away. I would also like to mention how I participated in swimming competitions through this essay on my favourite sport swimming. At the sound of the gunshot, I raced myself against other competitors in the pool and crossed the finish line first. Through consistent practice and hard work, I was able to defeat my fears and thereby enjoy the benefits of swimming. To understand different types of essays for children to write, visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions on My Favourite Game Swimming Essay

What are the benefits of swimming.

Swimming provides many physical and mental benefits to people. Along with keeping our minds fresh and relaxed, swimming has many advantages to our health. Swimming is good for the heart and lungs as it keeps our body fit.

How can we overcome the fear of swimming?

The main step to overcoming swimming fears is to have a strong presence of mind. The fear is only in our heads, and we must challenge those fears by practising breathing exercises before jumping into the pool for swimming. You can also begin swimming in shallow waters first as well as get help from the coach.

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Essay on Swimming | Benefits of Swimming

December 10, 2017 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

We never know when the danger would come to us. We don’t know about what is going to happen next. We should be prepared for every situation. We should be trained for the dangerous situation.

One such activity is swimming. Everyone should be aware of swimming. Swimming is a kind of exercise which is performed in water.  It helps people to float on the water. Usually heavy objects drown in water. But swimming helps to float in water. It enables us to get the feel of water.

We are humans. We need to learn how to swim. There are animals who are natural swimmers. They don’t need to learn swimming. They have limbs. The animals such as cattle, crocodiles, frogs, etc. if go into the water will swim. But if humans go they will drown.

They need to learn the art of swimming first and then get into the water. People should learn this. This is a safety weapon. It is not necessary that only a certain category of people should learn swimming. The fisherman should know the art of swimming. The sailors should know the art of swimming. Everyone should know it. The mishap can happen to any -one. It will not see who is to be victimized.

It is even seen in most of the cases that the sailors or the fishermen are itself not the swimmers. They should know it. It is very important for them. They have to deal with the water bodies all through-out the day. It would be a great risk for them if they are unaware of this art.

swimming essay

There are various examples of this. On the other hand there are people who have made world records in swimming. The best way to teach swimming is to teach them when they are young. It is easy for the children to learn new things and to convince them.

It is easy to deal with them and to manipulate them. Moreover the earlier they learn the more experienced they become. This would make them perfect swimmers. This would give them so much of practice. They will not have any fear of water. In fact they would love to experiment with their swimming style.

They would try to go deep into the water body. They would do all these things out of confidence. They would do these things out of experience that they had gained. The most important advantage of it is that they can save themselves in dangerous situation.

They can save themselves from drowning. They can easily do boat rides knowing the fact that know swimming. If anything goes wrong they would be able to escape and be safe. They can easily do water sports which other people hesitate to do.

All the non -swimmers who try these water stunts or go on boat rides they are always under the threat of danger. They are in areas prone to high waves and disturbances. Their life is always under the risk. If it happens that a big huge wave turns the boat then people would drown.

The one who knows swimming would escape easily but others would die. There are various incidents happening near the sea shore. We always get to hear the news of death of several people because of the drowning in the river. This is very sad. Hence it becomes very necessary to learn swimming.

 The advantage of knowing swimming is great. It is said that save some one’s life is equal to give life to some-one. A swimmer in tough situations can perform several things. He has the power not only to save himself but also to save others. He can protect other as well. It feels so sad and dejected if we are unable to help some-one who is really in need. On the other hand it feels great when we are able to help others.

There would not be any other site as helpless as to see some -one dying. In case of drowning we could only see the people drowning if we don’t know swimming. But it would feel great and amazing if we are able to save the life of the drowning one. It is a big gift to us.

Nothing is bigger than saving the life of some-one.  Swimming has lot more advantages other than this. It is very healthy and it keeps the metabolism of body stable. It helps the people to remain healthy. It is very pleasing and a good experience.

It makes people feel light and enables them to enjoy themselves. It is a very amazing way of exercise. It makes the movement of muscles. The beautiful destination places to spend vacations are on river side. It looks ecstatic and beautiful.

The feeling of happiness would increase more if people know how to swim. They can take the complete pleasure of their vacation. They can swim and float on the river. They can perform various water tasks. They can go for water surfing.

They can go for boat rides. They can swim. They can do river rafting and cliff jumping. All these sports are possible only when you know how to swim.

There are various swimming competitions held up to national and international levels. People participate in this. The contestants make world records.

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Descriptive Writing Swimming

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Words: 639 |

Published: Mar 19, 2024

Words: 639 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

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Descriptive writing swimming: creating a sensory experience, the key to successful descriptive writing swimming, a multisensory experience, transcending boundaries, in conclusion.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay

Last Updated: April 4, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 524,732 times.

Five paragraph essays are a common assignment throughout your school career, especially in high school and college. Since any subject can include a five paragraph essay, you’ll want to be good at writing them. Luckily, five-paragraph essays are really easy to write if you know the expected format and give yourself the time you need to write it. To write your five paragraph essay, draft your introduction, develop three body paragraphs, write your conclusion, and revise and edit your essay.

Drafting Your Introduction

A draft of a hook for an essay written on a piece of paper.

  • For example, you could phrase your hook like this: Nature’s life cycle is often used as a metaphor to convey ideas about the passage of life.
  • If you are writing a persuasive essay, don’t include your stance in your hook.
  • Don’t say “In this essay” or “I am going to show.” Instead, use the “show, don’t tell” technique using descriptive language.
  • It’s often easiest to come up with your hook after you write the rest of your essay. If you’re struggling to come up with one, use a basic placeholder and then create a better hook when you revise your essay.

Step 2 Include a sentence about your topic that provides more information.

  • Don’t reveal your main points yet.
  • For example, you could say something like this: While spring compares with birth, summer can symbolize maturity, with fall and winter showing a descent toward death.

Step 3 Write another sentence about your topic that leads to your thesis.

  • This sentence depends on what type of paper you’re writing. If it’s an argumentative paper, introduce both sides of the argument. In an informative paper, mention the central idea and focus.
  • As an example, you could narrow your topic like this: Writers often use nature metaphors in their work to show themes about life, such as the blossoming of youth.

Step 4 Finish the introduction...

  • For example, your thesis could read like this: In the poem “Raspberries,” the author shows youth through the ripening berries, summer blossoming, and blushing color of the fruit.
  • Each of the three examples provided in the thesis will become the topic of a body paragraph. For the example thesis, you would have body paragraphs about ripening berries, summer blossoming, and the blushing color of the fruit.

Developing Three Body Paragraphs

Step 1 Arrange your points to sandwich your weakest.

  • You should include three body paragraphs, one for each supporting point.

Step 2 Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence.

  • Your topic sentence is like a mini-thesis for just that paragraph.
  • Use a quote related to your thesis and analyze it in the body paragraph. If you use a topic sentence, put the quote next.
  • For example, your topic sentence could look like this: Ripening berries show youth in the poem “Raspberries” by reaching maturity and becoming ready for picking.

Step 3 Provide your evidence or examples.

  • Each paragraph should contain two to three examples or pieces of evidence.
  • If you use research, cite your sources in the appropriate format that your instructor specifies.

Step 4 Add your own commentary.

  • Include two to three sentences of commentary for each example or piece of evidence.
  • Depending on the type of evidence or examples, it’s often best to alternate your evidence and commentary throughout the paragraph. For example, provide one example, then provide the commentary.

Step 5 Conclude your paragraph by linking back to your thesis.

  • For example, you could wrap up your paragraph like this: As the girl plucks the ripe raspberries from the bush and eats them, her actions represent her own youth and readiness to be “plucked” by someone.

Drafting Your Conclusion

Step 1 Restate your thesis.

  • For example, you could restate your thesis like this: The poem “Raspberries” provides an allegorical representation of youth through a metaphor of ripening berries, summer blossoming, and blushing color of the fruit.
  • If you're a beginning writer, it's okay to start your conclusion with "In conclusion." However, if you're an advanced writer, avoid starting your conclusion with statements like “In conclusion,” “To conclude,” or “In the end.”

Step 2 Summarize how your points supported your thesis.

  • Use an authoritative tone as you restate your arguments so that your reader walks away knowing that you are correct.

Step 3 Avoid introducing new information.

  • Include a call to action.
  • Provide a warning about what could happen if your stance is ignored.
  • Create an image in the reader’s mind.
  • Include a quote.
  • Make a universal statement about life.

Revising and Editing Your Essay

Step 1 Use spell check.

  • Always reread your sentence to make sure that the word processor is suggesting the right word. If you’ve misspelled a word that is similar to another word, then it’s possible that your spell check could suggest the wrong spelling, such as “then” instead of “than.”

Step 2 Proofread your essay.

  • Look for errors that your spell checker missed.
  • If you can, ask someone else to proofread your paper. They will usually spot errors that you overlooked.

Step 3 Revise your essay to improve the flow.

  • Combine choppy sentences.
  • Breakup long, convoluted sentences into shorter sentences.
  • Rewrite fragments and run-on sentences.

Step 4 Fix your formatting.

  • If you have cited sources, make sure that you include a reference page in the style chosen by your instructor.

5 paragraph essay on swimming

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Jake Adams

To write a five paragraph essay, start with an introductory paragraph that includes a hook to capture your audience’s attention, and a thesis that explains the main point you’re trying to make. Then, use the next 3 paragraphs to explain 3 separate points that support your thesis. As you explain each point, use evidence from your research or examples in the text you’re discussing. Finally, conclude your essay with a paragraph summing up the points you’ve made and telling the reader how those points support your thesis. For tips on how to revise your essay to improve the flow and formatting, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Gun safety and mental health concerns have been at battle for many years and have currently escalated with the rise in school shootings across the country. Research about what schools have done to prevent such travesties are interesting to note. Are zero tolerance policies really effective? Or do these issues stem beyond the trigger? Student and teacher protestors can be seen outside state capital and national buildings urging lawmakers to make changes to the policies regarding state and national gun […]

Mental Health of Teens and the Catcher in the Rye

What people never understand is that depression isn't about the outside; it's about the inside, a quote asserted by Jasmine Warga. Associating with the black cloud of depression by concealing one's true feelings is the way many people were brought up by. Depression has a way of silently striking a person, similar to the way it overtook Holden Caulfield, in the book The Catcher in the Rye (genre: literary realism), written by J.D Salinger. Although Holden Caulfield was never clearly […]

Mental Health and Social Media

On June 14th, 2017, 12-year-old Mallory Grossman took her life away after being told to kill herself on Snapchat. A girl who was extremely involved, bright, and enthusiastic, was completely tormented by bullies online. It all started at school, but she could never escape the bullying once she got home and hopped on social media. They sent the 12-year-old mean messages through posts on Instagram and Snapchat, calling her “fat”, “a loser”, and even more cruel, proposing her to kill […]

The Dark Side of Adoption: Mental Health in Adoptees

To an outsider, the idea of adoption may seem as a very fruitful endeavor – the birth family gets spared of the financial and time-consuming burden that can come with having another child while the said adoptee gets placed into a more stable environment, with a family who can provide for them in ways the birth family cannot. While on paper this ideology might ring with a perfect tune, to those who have lived as adoptees know the tone to […]

The Brain of a Psycopath

Psychopathy refers to a complex condition that encompasses affective and interpersonal traits like lack of behavior control, guilt, remorse, lack of empathy promiscuity and glibness (Kiehl). A lot is known about psychopathy assessment however, little is known about the associated brain disturbances. It's a severe mental disorder and believed to affect about 1% of global population (Kiehl). This paper discusses three areas of psychopaths brain including amygdala, the prefrontal cortex and extended paralimbic structures. Psychopaths have minimal activity both in […]

Exercise Benefits for Physical and Mental Health

Everyone knows that exercise helps your physical health and can help you lose weight, but is that the most important part of exercise? The more research that is done on overall health we are finding that exercise doesn’t just help your physical health, but also can help release stress, help your immune system, improve mental health, and help impact the body in almost every way. There is more to it than just going out and running or lifting weights and […]

Importance of Mental Health

What is Mental Health? According to( “mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being, which affects how we think, feel, act, relate to others and handle stress and everyone is affected by it.” In life, you are faced with countless challenges and some being more extreme than the other. For example, dealing with the loss of a loved one now, although that's something very hard to deal with eventually people with bounce back and cope overtime but sadly some […]

Domestic Violence and Women’s Mental Health

Domestic violence occurs worldwide irrespective of culture, geographical and historical period. There are many factors that cause or lead to domestic violence and they are: Unmet role expectations. Unmet role expectations on the part of the wife or husband could lead to domestic violence in the family. If women fail to fulfil basic domestic responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning, managing household budgets and taking care of child, it often leads to domestic violence. Child care was a source of argument […]

Marijuana Mental Health Depression

Within the past five years there has been an increase in availability for marijuana and an increase in attitudes for marijuana. 20 states have legalized marijuana for medical use (NORML). 8 states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use (NORML). Fifty-seven percent of American adults support the legalization, and 69% of American adults believe alcohol is more harmful to your health than marijuana ( Due to the increased interest of marijuana, it has raised some questions especially concerning mental […]

The Unfamiliar Childhood Disorder – Reactive Attachment Disorder

The purpose of this paper is that a study was conducted for the diagnosis of Reactive attachment dsorder (RAD). This study was assessed with using the Relationships Problem Questionnaire (RPQ) and Reactive Attachment Disorder – Checklist (RAD-C). Chronbach's alpha of was used to test inter-rater, reliability and test-retest reliability (Thrall, Hall, Golden, & Sheaffer, 2009). There were fifty-three parents and caregivers who participated in the study. The first group were composed of children and adolescents who had former diagnoses of […]

Mental Health Screenings and the Effect on Gun Violence

Historically speaking, guns were used for hunting and for protection. In the late 1700's, the Revolutionary War began from Britain's pursuit to take away the colonists weaponry and oppress them. Lexington and Concord was the beginning of the fight for freedom. When Britain surrendered at Yorktown in 1781, the colonists had won their independence. The first constitution called the Articles of Confederation was ratified by all thirteen colonies in 1781 and was in place until 1789 when the U.S Constitution […]

Crime and Punishment: Women Mental Health in Prison

An unsafe living environment is a risk factor for many future crimes, as young women who run away from home to avoid abuse are more likely to get involved in drug distribution, prostitution and property crime (DeHart, 2008). Drug distribution, prostitution and property crime (such as robbery and theft) become their only source of fast and reliable income while substance abuse is an unfortunate and tragic by-product of the drug trade, as many women self-medicate in an attempt to cope […]

Schizophrenia: Mind and Mental Health

Psychological clarity is something that everyone strives for. A mind that is free from abundant clutter and jumbled thoughts that bring on stress and negativity. Everyone wants a mind that is able to recognize what is presented to it. A reliable psyche that is free from hallucinations and unwanted paranoia. Even though clarity can be achieved, certain illnesses can hinder individuals from reaching it. There are a multitude of disorders that affect the mind in more ways than one. The […]

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How To Write An Essay On Mental Health

Introduction to mental health as an essay topic.

When writing an essay on mental health, it's essential to understand its complexity and significance in today's society. Mental health refers to the state of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act, and it also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. In your introduction, define mental health and its importance in maintaining overall well-being. Clarify the specific aspect of mental health you plan to explore, whether it's discussing a particular mental disorder, examining the impact of mental health on various life aspects, or analyzing mental health policies. This introduction should provide a clear context for your essay and highlight its relevance.

Exploring the Various Aspects of Mental Health

Dedicate the main body of your essay to a thorough exploration of your chosen aspect of mental health. If focusing on a specific mental disorder, discuss its symptoms, causes, and treatment options. For a broader approach, you might analyze the factors that contribute to good or poor mental health, such as genetics, environment, lifestyle, and societal influences. Include current research and statistics to back up your points and provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Remember to handle the subject with sensitivity and empathy, especially when discussing conditions that may affect your readers or their loved ones.

Addressing Challenges and Misconceptions

Another critical aspect of your essay should be addressing the challenges and misconceptions surrounding mental health. Discuss the stigma often associated with mental illness and its impact on individuals seeking help or treatment. Examine the barriers to accessing mental health care, such as cost, lack of resources, or cultural attitudes. You can also explore common misconceptions about mental health and how they hinder societal understanding and support for those affected. This section is crucial in shedding light on the obstacles faced in the realm of mental health and advocating for a more informed and supportive approach.

Concluding with the Importance of Mental Health Awareness

In your conclusion, summarize the main points discussed in your essay and reflect on the significance of mental health awareness and support. Emphasize the need for open dialogue, education, and comprehensive care to promote mental well-being. Discuss how increasing mental health awareness can benefit individuals and society as a whole, leading to a more empathetic and healthier community. Your conclusion should not only tie together your analysis but also inspire readers to recognize the importance of mental health and advocate for better support and resources in their communities.

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