Illustration with collage of pictograms of face profile, leaf, cloud

Facilities management helps ensure the functionality, comfort, safety and efficiency of buildings and grounds, infrastructure and real estate.

Facilities management includes:

  • Lease management, including lease administration and accounting
  • Capital project planning and management 
  • Maintenance and operations
  • Energy management
  • Occupancy and space management 
  • Employee and occupant experience 
  • Emergency management and business continuity
  • Real estate management

Types of facilities management:  There are two basic areas: Hard facilities management (Hard FM) and soft facilities management (Soft FM). 

  • Hard FM deals with physical assets such as plumbing, wiring, elevators and heating and cooling.
  • Soft FM focuses on tasks performed by people such as custodial services, lease accounting, catering, security and groundskeeping.

This guide summarizes what sustainability-forward organizations look for in their ESG software platform to help achieve their goals.

Register for the guide on sustainability trends

For people to do their best work and feel engaged in their environments, they need to be in buildings that are safe, welcoming and efficient. Facilities management has a hand in everything that surrounds the people in facilities and on the grounds. Where they work, play, learn and live should be comfortable, productive and sustainable.

Superior facilities management will contribute to your organization’s bottom line, impacting the short-and long-term value of property, buildings and equipment. Your efforts can be crucial to:

  • Space optimization
  • Guiding capital projects
  • Energy management and maintenance
  • Lease accounting
  • Workplace experience

People spend 87% of their time in buildings. See how to improve your operations to make their lives more comfortable and maximize efficiencies.

In its first worldwide integrated workplace management system (IWMS) MarketScape report, market research firm IDC highlights TRIRIGA for its innovation, flexibility, functionality and industry expertise.

Real estate is the second-highest cost for an organization and effective space management can result in cost savings up to 30%. ¹

The average capital project is 80% over budget and 20 months behind schedule, but adopting capital project management technology can lead to up to a 45% reduction in overall project costs. ²

Companies that rank high in employee engagement have 59% less turnover, 17% more productivity and 41% less absenteeism. 3

A smart building with integrated systems can realize 30–50% savings in existing buildings that are otherwise inefficient. 4

The technology in facilities management includes both software and systems. Vast amounts of data are generated by built environments through Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, wifi, meters, gauges and smart devices.

The most effective solutions enable facilities management departments to make good use of this data by infusing analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) into an integrated workplace management system (IWMS). These technologies deliver cognitive capabilities that make computer-aided facilities management possible—so you can analyze and learn from data, enabling you to achieve real-time visibility, perform predictive facilities maintenance and create more productive, cost-efficient environments.

Across numerous industries and company sizes, facilities managers have a wide range of important day-to-day responsibilities. These managers need to both plan ahead and also be ready for various tasks within any given day. While the manager’s responsibilities often include:

  • real estate management
  • capital projects and planning
  • occupancy and space management 
  • lease administration and accounting
  • workplace experience

There are also ways to improve the performance of each responsibility that will fill the manager's schedule:

  • deliver operational efficiencies
  • create an environment conducive to productivity
  • find and adopt technological solutions 
  • guarantee regulatory compliance
  • minimize risks to facilities and employees
  • reduce energy consumption costs
  • reduce the carbon footprint of the real estate portfolio

As many enterprises return to their offices, the workplace ideally becomes a destination where employees want to gather and collaborate—connecting safely with each other.

The new workspace in the post-pandemic world must to satisfy even more needs. Does productivity mean keeping face-to-face working or saving employees commuting time? Have a look at the advantages and challenges of building a hybrid workspace model.

Give employees a better workplace experience. “A great place to work” is being redefined by COVID-19, employee expectations and technology. That experience can still mean the difference between engaged, productive employees and a company facing turnover and even more disruption. Learn how to create that new experience .

See how ISS is transforming the facilities management of more than 25,000 buildings worldwide using TRIRIGA. Specific facilities management examples show the value of IoT as buildings and environments become more personalized, intuitive and easy to use.

With the onset of COVID-19, GRE was able to move 95% of IBM’s global employees from the office to home by using our own solutions. Now we’re preparing for the move back to the office, with the ability to monitor adherence to pandemic-related protocols and to verify health credentials.

Learn how an integrated workplace management system (IWMS) can increase the operational, financial and environmental performance of facilities and real estate.

Use data to make better-informed and data-driven decisions for intelligent real estate and facilities management.

Get intelligent asset management, monitoring, predictive maintenance and reliability in a single platform.

Read how as artificial intelligence gets integrated with building management systems and IoT devices, it has the potential to improve occupant experience, increase operational efficiency and optimize space management and asset utilization.

Explore how the workplace as a destination is changing the way facilities managers are optimizing space for safety, productivity and improved experiences.

Data and AI are increasingly critical tools in how organizations are evolving their facilities management. Simple, fast and flexible, IBM TRIRIGA is an integrated workplace management system that has the right mix of applications in one modular solution to maximize your building lifecycle while preparing you to meet future needs.

¹  Research and Markets  (link resides outside

²  McKinsey & Company  (link resides outside

³  Gallup  (link resides outside

⁴  American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy  (link resides outside


Facilities Management Plan Template

Facilities Management Plan Template

What is a Facilities Management Plan?

A Facilities Management Plan outlines processes and procedures for managing a facility. It outlines strategies and goals for improving the efficiency, safety, and security of a facility and the people who work in it. It is important for facilities managers and teams to have a plan in place to ensure that the facility is managed in the most effective and efficient way possible.

What's included in this Facilities Management Plan template?

  • 3 focus areas
  • 6 objectives

Each focus area has its own objectives, projects, and KPIs to ensure that the strategy is comprehensive and effective.

Who is the Facilities Management Plan template for?

This Facilities Management Plan template is designed for facilities managers and teams in all industries who are looking for a way to create a plan for managing their facilities. This template provides a structure for creating a plan that can be adapted to fit the needs of any facility. It can also help facilities managers and teams stay organized and on track to achieving their goals.

1. Define clear examples of your focus areas

Focus areas are the primary goals that the Facilities Management Plan is designed to achieve. These focus areas can vary depending on the goals and needs of the facility, but some common examples include enhancing facility management, optimizing maintenance processes, and enhancing facility security. It is important to clearly define these focus areas as they will serve as the foundation for the rest of the plan.

2. Think about the objectives that could fall under that focus area

Objectives are the specific goals that need to be achieved in order to accomplish the focus area. For example, under the focus area of enhancing facility management, objectives could include improving communication between Facility Managers and staff and increasing the efficiency of facility management. Objectives should be specific and measurable.

3. Set measurable targets (KPIs) to tackle the objective

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are measurable targets that are designed to track the progress of an objective. For example, an objective of increasing the efficiency of facility management could have a KPI of decreasing the time spent on daily tasks. KPIs should be measurable, achievable, and relevant to the objective.

4. Implement related projects to achieve the KPIs

Projects, or actions, are the steps that need to be taken in order to achieve the KPIs. For example, if the KPI is to decrease the time spent on daily tasks, a project could be to implement a facility management software. Projects should be specific and achievable.

5. Utilize Cascade Strategy Execution Platform to see faster results from your strategy

Cascade Strategy Execution Platform helps teams create, execute, and measure their strategic plans. Cascade makes it easy to create a plan and keep track of progress, and helps teams identify areas for improvement and take action quickly. With Cascade, teams can see faster results from their strategy.

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How to Develop a Successful Facility Management Plan

Filip Dimkovski - Writer for POC System

Filip is an experienced search engine optimization writer with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. He specializes in information technology, business management, and finance.

Learn about our

Nevena Radulović - Editor for POC System

After completing her master's degree in English Language and Literature, Nevena began her full-time editing career in the marketing industry. Before this, she worked as an ESL teacher, translator, and fiction book editor.

Published March 3, 2023.

Woman in an office presenting with charts

Facility management refers to planning and overseeing all the physical resources of your organization, such as buildings, equipment, furniture, and more. To ensure good facility management, you first need to create a plan to design, construct, maintain, and upgrade your facilities to maximize their value and achieve your business goals.

A facility management plan is a specific document that outlines the strategies and goals for managing your organization's physical resources.

A successful facility management plan can help you minimize costs and efficiently manage your physical resources. For example, a facility management plan can help in real estate decision-making by providing insight into your planning, design, and space management operations.

What Should You Consider for Your Facility Management Plan?

Developing a good facility management plan is easier said than done, as the factors around it can differ based on your company's goals. Nevertheless, you should consider these universal tips:

Provide Safety and Security

The safety and security of your employees, visitors, and assets should be your top priority when developing a facility management plan. You can achieve your organization's safety goals by implementing access control measures such as key cards, alarm systems, and CCTV cameras throughout the facility.

Another important element of creating a safe and comfortable workspace is adhering to safety regulations such as having fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and wayfinding maps to exits in case of emergency.

■ Create an efficient wayfinding system with these best practices

Improve Communication

It's essential to ensure open communication between occupants, stakeholders, and other parties involved in your facility management. This can help clarify everyone's objectives and establish an open dialogue so that everyone's informed of any changes or improvements to the facilities.

In addition to boosting employee satisfaction , open communication will also allow your collaborators to express their concerns and doubts so you can address them before they turn into bigger issues.

Ensure Maintenance and Business Continuity

Planning for preventative maintenance, analyzing the elements that need maintenance or repair, creating budgets for these tasks, and preparing for unexpected problems are all key aspects to ensure your operations are uninterrupted.

To plan for maintenance and potential issues, you should consider implementing advanced maintenance management systems to better track and manage your assets. This will help to reduce costs and unexpected breakdowns to keep your business running smoothly.

■ Regular maintenance can allow for better facility management reports 

Optimize Space Utilization

 Space utilization is an important factor to consider when developing a facility management plan because optimizing space usage within your facility can boost employee productivity and reduce costs. Important space usage factors you should consider include:

  • Office layout : Choose either an open or closed office layout based on your specific business needs.
  • Design choices : Ensure your design creates an inviting environment within your facility while making the most out of the space.
  • Eco-friendly spaces : Green workspaces can lower costs with more efficient energy use .
  • Furniture and equipment : Make sure these elements are placed in the best positions where employees can easily access them and actually use them.
  • Space flexibility : Opt for flexible workspaces that can easily be changed depending on your needs.

Taking these factors into account when calculating your space utilization rate can help ensure all areas of your facility are used to their full potential.

■ Ensure maximum space utilization using these key metrics 

4 Basic Steps for a Successful Facility Management Plan

If you're not sure where to start, take a look at these four basic steps for creating a successful facility management plan:

1. Identify the Current State of the Facility

By identifying the current state of the facility first, you create a baseline from which you can make decisions about budgeting, repair needs, and space utilization. It also provides insight into areas that need improvement, enabling you to focus your efforts on these critical points and maximize efficiency.

2. Prioritize Objectives

When developing a facility management plan, it's important to ensure it aligns with your overall business objectives to prevent wasting resources and halting progress.

If your business goal is to become more energy efficient, any facility improvements you make should reflect this goal. This could involve changes to the facility layout and implementing green workspaces.

By prioritizing your objectives, you can make sure your organization's efforts are focused on the right areas and your facility management contributes to your goals.

■ Improve your facility management with these essential KPIs 

3. Create and Implement a Plan

Once you've identified your objectives, you should conceive an actionable plan and set achievable timeframes.

If one of your goals is to switch to an open layout due to the benefits of open-space offices , your plan should outline the design choices, budgeting requirements, and furniture and equipment placement while specifying the expected completion dates for each point.

Once you have a plan in place, you should communicate it to everyone involved so they can perform their duties mindfully and with clear direction, thereby maximizing productivity and ensuring your objectives are met within the established timeline.

4. Monitor the Plan

Regularly monitoring the facility management plan is important to identify any shortcomings or inefficiencies and establish a success rate. This should involve regular check-ins with employees, creating maintenance reports, and changing the layout as necessary.

These steps will ensure that you can identify any issue early on and take corrective action quickly and efficiently while allowing for better decision-making in the future.

Automated Software Can Assist In Your Success

POC System_Office Space Management Software

POC System: Office Space Management

When implementing a facility management plan, automated software like POC System's Space Management Software can be an invaluable asset. This useful tool offers the following features:

  • Visual simulations to help with floor plan design 
  • Streamlined booking of desks and meeting rooms
  • Creating custom seating plans for maximum employee productivity
  • Advanced analytics to evaluate the success of your objectives
  • Real-time tracking of your current seating and office layout

These features can provide you with the tools you need to maximize space utilization and ensure your objectives are met within the set timeline.

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Easily Create a Successful Facility Management Plan

Creating a successful facility management plan that aligns with your overall business objectives can be highly beneficial to your organization's bottom line. This process should involve prioritizing objectives, creating and implementing an actionable plan, and regularly monitoring the facility space usage.

While this can be a daunting task, automated software like POC System's Space Management Software can make it a whole lot easier. With this tool, you can quickly develop an effective facility management plan and ensure your resources are being used in the most efficient manner.

■ Book a demo to explore POC's features

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Complete Guide to Facilities Management

Facility management professionals carry out a range of activities to ensure all types of buildings and properties remain safe, orderly, productive, and efficient.

Without  facilities managers , the world as we know it would quickly cease to exist. It would start small. Light bulbs would burn out, machines would overheat and fail, eventually buildings would crumble and fall.  Facilities managers and maintenance professionals  keep their organizations running by ensuring properties and equipment always remain in peak condition to keep employees safe and productive and ensure customers are always satisfied. 

What if facilities management didn’t exist? 

As humans, we occupy space, and we are accustomed to our spaces working for us, not against us. We need these areas to be safe, functional, and comfortable. And there’s a lot to that. 

When everything goes to plan, this means that your job as a facilities manager is less stressful. No emergencies, easy-to-manage workloads, and fewer incidences.  A boost in productivity and reductions in absenteeism, downtime and wastage, not to mention the lack of accidents. 

It’s clear how important it is to have a well-maintained facility, but what if you don’t? What happens if you don’t have the resources you need to make it happen: adequate staffing, budget, training, equipment, etc.?

The impact on the Company

Your facilities management team is responsible for the overall well-being and functioning of the entire facility. You touch each and every department. Without you, equipment lifespans are reduced, inventory controls can fall by the wayside, bulbs can burn out, machines can overheat. Even worse, problems can get so bad that they bring your revenue-generating activities to a screeching halt. Facility safety also becomes an issue. You manage the security systems, fire systems, ventilation systems, and tricky and often risky elevator systems. If something is out of order, people’s safety is at risk. If someone gets hurt, that bill the company receives is going to hurt.  Depending on the situation, that bill could come in the form of a lawsuit, an expensive settlement, fines from a regulatory agency, and a whole lot of bad PR….or all of the above. It’s not worth the risk. The workspace becomes a non-working space very quickly. 

The impact on the Employee

No employee wants to feel unsafe or uncomfortable at work. Imagine working in an organization that has recurring equipment failures, or worse yet, extremely high incidents of injury at work. That would be terrible, but the same is true If employees can’t do their jobs because there is no space to work, the building is too hot or too cold, and the network keeps failing.  If these issues go on for long enough the company would have a hard time keeping employees too.

The impact on the Customer

Employees are not the only ones who suffer from poor facility management. Customers notice things, too. If buildings are in bad shape, equipment breaks down more often than it works. Orders can get delayed, the quality of your products and service decreases. Injuries become a regular occurrence. Your customers are going to pick up on this.  Their user experience will not be as good as it should be. Your brand, your reputation, and your source of income will be destroyed very quickly. Get it right, and your customer satisfaction jumps up too.

Which facilities require maintenance and management?

facility management functions

Image source

  • Industrial facilities :  Factories , warehouses, manufacturing facilities, power plants, refineries, chemical plants, etc. 
  • Commercial facilities : Offices, retail stores,  hotels , restaurants, conference centers, banks, entertainment venues, etc. 
  • Residential facilities : Apartments, condominiums, retirement facilities, dormitories, etc. 
  • Recreational facilities : Fitness centers, golf courses, arenas, amusement parks, etc. 
  • Institutional facilities : Schools, hospitals,  religious institutions , government buildings, etc.

Types of facilities management

Depending on the type and size of your organization and its properties, facilities management could mean a range of 

  • Facilities maintenance : Management and maintenance go hand in hand, ensuring that all facilities are suited to serve their function. 
  • Asset management : Working alongside maintenance teams, facilities departments oversee the upkeep, repairs, and replacement of assets like equipment and vehicles. 
  • Real estate  management : In collaboration with property managers, facilities professionals keep buildings safe and ensure repairs are all up to date. 
  • Occupancy  management : Managing facilities includes using advanced data analysis to optimize space management across built environments to maximize employee well
  • Financial and performance management : Platforms like  Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS)  help consolidate budget and performance data to generate detailed reports and drive better decision making and elevate the role of facilities professionals as strategic advisors. 
  • Building systems  management : Each facility includes a range of systems and subsystems, including those for fire safety and building security. 

Hard facility management services vs. soft facility management services

How do businesses keep all these various services and systems straight? Many break the vast world of facility management into two smaller categories: hard and soft facilities management. 

hard and soft facilities management services

Hard facilities management services (space and infrastructure)

Hard FM services focus on the physical components of the work environment and infrastructure. Most of them fall under the maintenance department. Here is an overview of hard facilities management services:

  • The plumbing system: This system plays an essential role in bringing water to a building and removing waste. Over time, blockages can occur, pressure builds up, and fixtures/piping must be replaced. As the Facility Manager, it’s your job to ensure that the plumbing system is regularly maintained and that the possible issues are fixed as quickly as possible. 
  • Lighting and HVAC systems: You will work with your team to see if the lighting and heating fixtures need repair or replacement. It’s up to the team to decide the best solutions for cost and energy savings, comfort, and functionality. 
  • Fire safety regulation compliance: Fire safety systems are required in most countries and must be regularly maintained and checked for compliance issues.
  • Mechanical & electrical systems: Keeping the electrical system running well to keep up with other building operations. The same goes for mechanical systems like elevators and water pumps. You and your team ensure they work properly and do not cause safety incidents. 
  • Structural maintenance: Regular usage or even poor design can lead to structural issues over time. When it comes to buildings, weather and other elements can start to take a toll on the structures. Wind, sun, salt, and extreme temperature changes all play their part. As a part of facility management, there should be a structural maintenance plan to identify, classify, and deal with possible structural problems. 

To successfully schedule, track, and manage all maintenance activities and work orders , facility management teams will often seek the help of computerized maintenance management software (CMMS) or Computer-aided facilities management (CAFM) software. We will discuss available software solutions in more detail towards the end of the article.

Soft facilities management services (people and organization)

On the flip side, soft facility management focuses on people and organizations. It includes services that create a more comfortable, healthier, safer, and visually appealing environment.  Common examples include:

  • Waste management: If waste is not managed, garbage bins become overloaded, and things become smelly. This is never a good thing. Waste management gets the garbage into the correct containers. It sends it away to make sure that you stay within regulatory requirements and prevent trash overcrowding.
  • Cleaning services: Custodial teams come in to clean common areas and perform other janitorial duties. Many companies will have their own janitorial staff, while others will choose to outsource.
  • Space planning: Space planning and management is an important part of facilities management. Whenever your company hires more people, expands to a new floor, buys new assets that take a big chunk of space, and wants to remodel the existing space, they will turn to you to help organize the space so that it remains comfortable, safe, and functional. 
  • Landscaping: Well-maintained grounds improve curb appeal and signal top-notch property management. Your team takes care of the seasonal and non-seasonal changes, such as planting flowers in the spring, trimming the grass during the summer, removing falling leaves during the autumn, or removing excess snow from the walkway in the winter.
  • Pest control: These fall under your domain, be it scheduling seasonal pest controls or managing pest outbreaks if they ever happen.
  • Building security: Having control of people going in and out of the facility is something that almost every building these days requires. It can also involve the management of restricted access areas inside the facility.
  • EHS compliance: Defining and maintaining acceptable standards of comfort that might include temperature, noise, seating standards, and visual cues is imperative in every company. For example, selecting specific chairs that guarantee employee comfort for desk workers. Depending on the industry, EHS standards can differ widely. In a typical office setting, they may seem relatively tame. Still, in a pharmaceutical company where employees may be handling dangerous substances, standards will be different. EHS standards will change from business to business depending on the needs of the company. 

Free Building Maintenance Checklist

13 simple steps to improved productivity and reliability.

business plan for facilities management services

What do facilities managers do?

Maintenance manager skills

You have to be a jack of all trades to do this job well. The support of a great team and the right software will help take you to the next level of your career.  A facilities manager can have a dozen balls up in the air on any given day. As a facility manager, you touch so many areas: 

  • Property strategy: What’s the current property portfolio of the company? Do you lease or own? As the world turns, more and more companies are adopting remote work policies where employees can work from home at least some of the time. How your company approaches this major shift in the culture of work will also impact your needs for employee-occupied space into the future.
  • Space management: To piggyback on what was said above, are employees required to be in office? If not, there’s room for some creativity in space management. Perhaps changing to an “open office” layout where employees can “check out” a workspace as needed is a solution your company considers if employees work in a hybrid format.
  • Communications infrastructure: We’re talking phones (no pun intended), network cabling, server storage, and beyond.
  • General building maintenance : Depending on if your company leases or owns the building, maintenance responsibilities may shift. Many commercial building owners push a lot of maintenance responsibilities to the lease-holder, not everything and not all the time.
  • Testing and inspections: This is a part of routine maintenance . You regularly check in on assets and alarms to ensure that everything is up to code and working correctly. You also need to make sure that you are compliant with OSHA and other regulatory agencies (like FDA, if applicable to your industry).
  • Contract management : You have several service providers, and those contracts and relationships need to be managed. It’s your job to make sure these are kept up. Using Lmble makes managing vendors and their contracts easy!
  • EHS(environment, health, safety): Health and safety live with you, and it’s your job to make sure that the workplace is safe for everyone in it. 
  • Security: Be it the locks on the doors, the security monitoring team or cameras, and any other part of security, these all fall under your jurisdiction. 
  • Facility Maintenance planning : Predictive and preventative maintenance are best practices to keep your organization’s assets in working order. The planning of these is a crucial part of your role. Using Limble, you can plan, schedule, and report on your maintenance and use this information to collaborate with Finance on budget forecasting.
  • Managing renovations and refurbishments: The workplace is ever-changing. Offices get bigger or smaller, paint colors change, boardrooms are built. Renovations and refurbishments sit squarely with the facility professionals to manage. The same is true for capital projects. You will work with teams to build new facilities and expand the campus.
  • Inventory management: Knowing what you have and what you need, and the value of your inventory is an integral part of maintenance and cost management. Limble makes it possible to see the value of your stock at the click of a button, and the customized reporting helps you break it down any way you need to.

And in case you wanted more, you’re not done yet! You are also responsible for: 

  • Advising businesses on measures to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the facility.
  • Supervising teams of staff across different divisions.
  • Dealing with emergencies as they arise.
  • Managing budgets; Planning for the future by forecasting the facility’s upcoming needs and requirements.
  • Helping with office relocations.
  • Drafting maintenance reports.

Tips for building and managing your facilities team

  • Develop clear and detailed job descriptions : The titles and brief descriptions above are just suggestions. You should make sure the roles, responsibilities, and the chain of command are all tailored to your unique facilities. Once you’ve got these in place, ensure all facilities team members always know where they fit in. 
  • Offer  up-skilling opportunities  and detailed  career paths : You’ll boost both performance and engagement by ensuring team members have opportunities to cross-train, learn new skills, and expose themselves to different sides of the business.
  • Emphasize the role of technology : The right time- and cost-saving solutions can improve engagement and job satisfaction across your team. Take care to loop end users in whenever you’re making tech selections and always emphasize the ways the right tools can augment their capabilities and empower them to do their jobs even better. CMMS tools in particular offer useful  integrations  with other solutions, automations for core processes, and features for  real-time data analytics . 
  • Balance  in-house  and third-party FM resources : Depending on the size of your organization and the scope of your facilities management needs, you’ll rely on a blend of both internal and external resources to make your full FM program possible. 

Software solutions that make facility management simpler, better, and faster

There are a lot of software solutions out there to help you plan and execute facility management. Let’s walk through some of the better options out there so that you can make an informed decision about the one that’s right for you, your team, and your organization.  Don’t be worried if you do not see a clear difference between some of them at first sight. They do have a lot of overlapping features.

As with every other software on this list, different software vendors offer different levels of functionality. It makes more sense to look at the exact features you need than to focus on labels like IWMS, CMMS, or CAFM.

CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System)

A CMMS is at the top of the list.  Using a CMMS like Limble can be a great way to help keep all your ducks in a row. You’ll be able to track workflows, report on repairs, easily keep an eye on the budget and find ways to cut costs if you need to.  Imagine how great it will be to be called into a meeting last minute and easily give feedback on the FM team’s work. It makes maintenance vastly easier by streamlining and automating all maintenance processes.  Use your CMMS to: 

  • Streamline your work order management
  • Schedule and monitor all maintenance work
  • Track spare parts inventory and forecast future inventory needs
  • Effectively manage your assets
  • Easily manage vendors and contracts
  • Run any report you need or can imagine from your custom dashboards 

Organizations that use Limble CMMS for facility management

CAFM (Computer-Aided Facilities Management)

CAFM is software that helps facility managers execute core functions. CAFM technology combines business administration, behavioral science, architecture, and engineering concepts to optimize the functioning of your organization. It can be helpful to think of computer-aided facility management as a comprehensive commercial facility or building maintenance tool with many different facets and functions. It uses several different models to cover:

  • Information management
  • Maintenance management 
  • Physical building administration
  • Floor plans and space management
  • Leasing and real-estate management
  • Asset lifecycle management
  • and administrative support

The core difference between a CAFM and CMMS is that a CAFM focuses on the physical space and things. In contrast, a CMMS focuses on the management of maintenance.  If you need more from your CAFM, you can combine it with a CMMS to give your team more support. 

IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management System)

The easiest way to describe it is that it usually offers everything you can find in a CAFM software, and then some. You can think of it as an all-in-one solution for facilities management. Aside from the CAFM features listed above, IWMS can also include:

  • Flexible real estate and lease management features
  • Project management features
  • Environmental management features
  • Mailroom management features
  • Visitor management features

On its own, this software solution would be lacking. But when paired with another more comprehensive tool, implementing an IWMS has the potential to be powerful.


Let’s first explain the acronyms:

  • BMS = building management system
  • BAS = building automation system
  • BEMS = building energy management system

BMS and BAS are often used interchangeably because they serve the same purpose. They combine hardware and software solutions to control different building systems like lighting, heating, HVAC, access control, etc. They can also be used to measure the performance and energy consumption of HVAC systems and other assets.  Facility managers have to keep an eye on energy consumption because it accounts for a big chunk of their facility’s operational costs. Building energy management systems help them measure energy consumption across the whole facility and find problematic systems and assets.  While BEMS and BMS can come together, they are usually standalone systems, implemented separately. That being said, they do work very well together. BMS/BAM primary function is to control building systems and assets. BEMS’ primary role is to collect and analyze energy consumption data (it can track everything from device electricity usage to water, gas, and steam consumption). Want to know more? Here is an article that discusses the differences between these systems in more detail. 

Building security systems

Security systems also come in different forms and offer a lot of diverse functionalities. You can use them to detect risks, record incidents, and perform risk analysis. They offer visitor management features ranging from facial recognition and badge scanning to video surveillance and capacity and occupancy tracking. As with most things, different software offers different functions. Rather than looking at the labels, think about the exact features you need and use those to help you decide what’s best for your team and organization. 

Facility professionals: titles, roles, and responsibilities

The shape and structure of your facilities management department will depend on a number of factors, but here are a few of the titles you’ll see on just about any multi-person employee roster. 

  • Facility manager : These professionals oversee facilities management programs and assign duties to teams of technicians and operators. Depending on the size and type of facility, they may have a large team of specialized operators and technicians working under them. In addition to specialized education, professionals at this level may bolster their credentials with certifications like Facility Management Professional (FMP) or Certified Facility Manager (CFM), issued by the International Facility Management Association (IFMA). 
  • Maintenance manager : Your facilities management team may work alongside a separate maintenance department or include maintenance pros among its ranks. Managers typically oversee teams of operators and technicians, assigning tasks, tailoring the work order system, and reviewing performance. 
  • Maintenance technician : Technicians make up the foundation of facilities management and maintenance units, putting in the most  wrench time  and executing on  work orders  in the most hands-on way. 

Across all roles, the core competencies of facilities management professionals include familiarity with specific machinery, communication skills, and problem-solving savvy. More senior professionals typically blend these attributes with project management and leadership skills.

Small organizations may operate with facilities and maintenance departments as small as a single person. As organizations grow and their facilities take up more square feet, the department may take various different forms and employ a host of different strategies. Some organizations delegate responsibilities based on zone, with certain employees responsible for specific facilities. Others take a service-specific approach to assigning tasks, reserving specific types of work for specific employees or teams. 

Why are facilities management strategies important? 

Effective FM strategies empower employees to perform to their full potential by keeping the workplace safe, orderly, and conducive to excellence. Over time, taking the right approach to facilities management has effects that you, your employees, your partners, and your customers will feel. 

Benefits of strong facilities management programs

The top- and bottom-line effects of well-managed facilities are numerous. 

  • Reduced  operating costs : A more strategic and proactive approach to facilities management ensures teams plan and schedule maintenance tasks, repairs, and other important work for maximum cost effectiveness. Reducing excess maintenance costs and avoiding unplanned breakdowns ultimately boosts the profitability of facilities and organization-wide operations. 
  • Safer, more productive properties and  workspaces : Safe, comfortable, and accessible facilities are essential for productivity. Minimizing risk and liability helps keep excess costs low and reduce the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns or labor shortages. 
  • Ensuring compliance with legal regulations : Taking a forward-thinking approach to maintaining assets and facilities keeps your team 
  • Greater  energy efficiency : More strategic maintenance and facilities management can play a key role in  making sustainability more than a buzzword . Poor visibility and a lack of direction can often keep businesses from making progress against their green objectives. A management program can help address both these obstacles, ultimately reducing excess energy consumption and emissions across your full portfolio of facilities.   
  • Improved employee experience : Better planning and a more productive workplace leads to improved overall satisfaction. Your team will thank you for enabling them to spend less time on reactive repairs and more time contributing to high-value projects.  

Facilities management vs. property management vs. building management 

How does facilities management differ from  property management  and  building management ? While the three terms sound similar and the concepts overlap, they aren’t quite the same thing. Facilities management programs cover the most ground.

  • Facilities management refers to the wide variety of activities related to keeping facilities operational, safe, and maximally efficient. FM programs involve buildings as well as all of the assets and systems included within those buildings. 
  • Building management typically focuses on the physical structure of buildings. Tasks related to roofing and painting, for example, may qualify as examples of building maintenance. 
  • Property management programs are broader than building management, taking into account exterior spaces and encompassing services like landscaping. 

Facilities management: today and tomorrow 

How are facilities managers leveraging cutting-edge tools to overcome common challenges and confidently entering a new era? We surveyed more than 250 professionals from maintenance and facilities management departments to learn which strategies they’re employing.  Check out the report  and dive deeper with our  webinar on strategies for facilities managers.

I am interested, pls whattsapp me 00971558984428

Good presentation. I want to start a career in facility management after retirement from a microfinance bank at 60,what steps do I need to take?

That is a really specific question 🙂 I’d suggest you read the following guide to get you started: . Good luck!

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  • Procurement
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Achieve increased efficiency and operational reliability while reducing carbon and lowering cost with connected building automation, IoT, AI, and advanced analytics solutions that leverage people, processes, and integrated technology.


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Facilities Management Cost Trends 2023

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  • Create Labels
  • Warehouse Rack Labels Durable, fully customized label options for every warehouse rack system, including long-range scanning.
  • Warehouse Floor Label Kits The most durable bar code labeling solutions available, with permenant adhesive or mechanical attachment options.
  • Warehouse Signs Browse location, identification and safety signage for both indoor and outdoor installation.
  • Warehouse Cold Storage Check out labels and signs that can be installed in refrigerated or freezing warehouse environments as cold as -20°F.
  • Bulk Storage Labels Designed to withstand abuse from forklifts and the inclement conditions of both warehouse environments and the outdoors.
  • Outdoor Solutions Explore labels and signs engineered to last in even the outdoor spaces.

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Maximize efficiencies across your warehouse with a customized warehouse labeling system.

When setting up a new Warehouse Management System (WMS), you want rack labels printed correctly and ready for easy, accurate installation. Get the most out of your WMS investment with durable, customizable warehouse labels and signs. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Warehouse Management ›

  • Utility & Energy Maintenance Tracking Explore durable asset tracking tag options for utilities and energy applications.
  • Telecom Assets Explore telecommunication asset tracking options.
  • Government & Civil Assets Explore asset tags designed for permanent attachment to government assets such as traffic signs, equipment and infrastructure.
  • Manufacturing Assets Explore asset tags designed to last in harsh manufacturing conditions.

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Track and maintain your assets to keep operations running smoothly.

Durable asset tags connect your equipment with your CMMS or FM software package. Set up your program correctly the first time with properly designed tags that last in your conditions and integrate properly with your software application(s). Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Maintenance Management ›

  • Leak Detection & Repair (LDAR) Explore asset tags designed for fugitive emissions program asset identification and tracking.
  • Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity (RRF) Explore durable asset tags for tracking traffic signs and other infrastructure assets.
  • Gas Cylinder Testing Increase the accuracy of cylinder tracking for testing, certification and delivery.
  • Cable Tracking & Testing Labels designed specifically for cable or hose applications requiring a durable bar code label.

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Automate and error-proof your asset inspection process.

Uniquely and permanently identify equipment your teams need to inspect or maintain in the field to automate inspections and virtually eliminate the chance inspections are done on the wrong asset. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Inspection & Audit Management ›

  • Commercial Real Estate Explore asset identification and tracking labels for commercial real estate
  • Education Explore asset tags designed for educational facilities and university property tracking.
  • Government & Civil Assets Explore asset tags designed for permanent attachment to government assets.
  • Healthcare Explore asset tags for hospital facilities, medical device tracking and sterile assets.
  • Property Identification Tags Explore options for easy identification and tracking of property assets.
  • Retail Explore asset identification and tracking labels for the retail market.
  • Asset Management Control Portal Easily standardize asset management across your entire organization with a dedicated online asset label portal.

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Work In Process Asset Tracking Tags.

Explore asset tags designed for tracking work-in-process items during the manufacturing process. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Manufacturing WIP Tracking ›

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Ensure compliance with any asset management standard.

Many government, military and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) require their suppliers to mark in accordance with a specification or standard. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Standards Compliance Marking ›

  • Sunlight/UV & Weather Explore asset tags certified for installation in outdoor environments exposed to sunlight, weather and heat.
  • High Temperatures Explore heat-resistant labels that withstand temperatures up to 1,200°F.
  • Chemical Resistance Explore labels resistant to degredation from exposure to a wide variety of solvents, cleaners and other chemicals.
  • Saltwater Explore asset tags for use in marine operating conditions exposed to saltwater spray.
  • Abrasion & High Traffic Explore asset tags for use in abrasive conditions such as harsh industrial, desert or high-traffic applicaitons.

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Get continuous asset tracking, even in the harshest conditions.

See why asset managers trust Metalphoto photosensitive anodized aluminum in applications where permanent identification is critical. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Harsh Environment Asset Tracking ›

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Security Labels and Tamper-Evident Barcode Labels.

Explore tamper-evident and anti-counterfeit asset tracking barcode labels. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Security Labels ›

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Consumer Product Registration & Tracking Labels.

Durable, QR code labels that enable product tracking and easy product registration for consumers. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Product Registration & Tracking ›

  • Industrial Metal Barcode Labels, Tags and Stickers Asset identification with tracking options featuring unmatched durability for industrial environments.
  • Durable Labels and Tags for Harsh Industrial Environments Explore barcode labels designed for permanent tracking of assets installed in harsh operating conditions.
  • Firearm Tracking Explore durable firearm tracking options that increase accountability and enable compliance.
  • Gas Cylinder & Tote Tracking Explore barcodes designed to permanently track gas cylinders and chemical totes.
  • Utility Asset Labels Explore durable asset tracking tag options for electric, gas and water utilities.

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On-Demand Metal Label Manufacturing System.

When you need to produce labels or nameplates in real-time, Camcode’s all-in-one On-Demand Laser System provides you with everything you need create them quickly and easily. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore On-Site Label Making ›

  • UID Labels Explore tracking options that comply with Unique Item Identification (UID) standards such as MIL-STD-130 (USA) and STANAG 2290 (NATO).
  • On-Demand Metal Label Manufacturing System Produce durable, ready-to-apply barcode labels where and when needed with Camcode’s On-Site/On-Demand Laser Marking System
  • RFID Labels Explore radio-frequency identification (RFID) asset tags.

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Labels that meet defense standards and last the life of your assets.

Track property, manage preventive maintenance, reduce operational costs, and more with UID labels that meet an array of government, industrial and military specifications including MIL-STD 130. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Defense & Law Enforecement Solutions ›

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Label and track your education organization’s property with durable barcode labels.

Serialized asset tags that have the durability to last the life of your education items. Our barcode labels integrate seamlessly into the leading education asset tracking software solutions and virtually eliminate errors caused by manual data collection, ensuring accurate information. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Education Solutions ›

  • Utility Explore durable asset tracking tag options for utility assets and equipment.
  • Energy Explore durable asset tracking tag options for assets and equipment in power generation applications.
  • Gas Utility Explore durable asset tracking tag options for natural gas production and distrbituion assets and equipment.
  • Oil and Gas Explore durable equipment tracking tag options for oil and gas exploration, production and distribution.
  • Bar Code Tags for Utility Pole Applications See how barcoded utility pole tags can automate mainteance, inspection and joint-use tracking.

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Efficient asset management systems begin with Camcode bar code labels.

From meter tags used for meter maintenance systems to pole tags used to track inspection and treatment, utilities rely on Camcode’s highly durable anodized aluminum bar code labels. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Utility & Energy Solutions ›

  • Government & Civil Explore asset tags designed for permanent attachment to government assets such as traffic signs, equipment and infrastructure.

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Improve tracking and minimize risk with labels that last the life of your assets

Camcode asset tags are designed for permanent attachment a wide variety of government fixed-asset inventory items such as office equipment to outdoor street signs. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Government & Civil Solutions ›

  • Medical Device Tracking / UDI Explore asset label options the FDA’s Unique Device Identification (UDI) rule for medical devices.

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Durable asset tracking labels for the healthcare industry.

With durable medical asset tracking labels, you’ll reduce replacement costs, integrate seamlessly with asset management solutions, and eliminate manual data entry errors. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Healthcare Solutions ›

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Reduce replacement costs and integrate seamlessly with durable asset tracking labels.

Construction, farming and mining equipment can see a lot of abuse. When tracking heavy equipment and its components, select an asset tag that is durable enough to last (and stay affixed) for the life of the equipment/component. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Heavy Equipment Solutions ›

  • Manufacturing Explore asset tags designed to last in harsh manufacturing conditions.
  • Manufacturing WIP Tracking Explore asset tags designed for tracking work-in-process items during the manufacturing process.

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Labels that last the life of your manufacturing assets.

Manufacturers discovered long ago that Camcode asset tags and nameplates offer extremely durable asset identification and can be delivered quickly and cost-effectively. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Manufacturing Solutions ›

  • Shipboard & Marine Explore asset tags for use in marine operating conditions exposed to saltwater spray.
  • Laser-Markable Label Blanks Explore pre-fabricated, adhesive backed laser-markable metal blanks to use with your CO2 or fiber marking laser.

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Modernizing shipboard marking.

Camcode’s broad experience in the identification products market and with ship marking are unique in the industry. Camcode produces millions of custom identification products every year and has traveled to over 250 sites worldwide to assess and mark equipment items. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Shipboard & Marine Solutions ›

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Automate and error-proof your asset tracking processes.

Camcode barcode pole tags virtually eliminate errors caused by manual data collection, ensuring accurate information. This improves the productivity and effectiveness of a telecommunications company by reducing entry errors in the field. The results are increased revenue, lower expense and better management of risk and NESC requirements. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Telecommunications Solutions ›

  • Outdoor Warehouse Solutions Explore labels and signs engineered to last in even the outdoor spaces.

Make it easy for workers to navigate the facility, cut down on travel time & congestion in aisles.

You can streamline picking & stocking processes and remove the guesswork of identifying the proper storage locations for inventory. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Warehouse & Logistics Solutions ›

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Durable labels for sunlight and UV exposure.

Standard asset labels don’t surive extended outdoor exposure. For assets exposed to outdoor conditions, Camcode recommends Metalphoto® photosensitive anodized aluminum. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Weather & Sunlight Resistant Solutions ›

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Labels with ultimate heat-resistance.

Anodized aluminum face stock labels that are trated with our proprietary XHT process to withstand exposure to temperatures up to 1200°F. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Ultra-High Temperature Resistant Solutions ›

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Camcode offers several chemical resistant asset label materials.

Whether it’s hydraulic fluid, jet fuel, gasoline or a wide variety of industrial solvents, cleaners and acids, Camcode has a variety of asset tracking label materials that will remain scannable after prolonged chemical exposure. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Chemical Resistant Solutions ›

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Proven saltwater resistance for asset tracking in marine applications

Asset tags used in ocean environments must be resistant to corrosion from salt spray. Camcode has worked with offshore oil rigs, shipping containers, Naval vessels, and ports around the world to tag and track assets deployed on or near the ocean. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Saltwater Resistant Solutions ›

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Labels with engineered, proven abrasion resistance.

Asset tags in harsh industrial, desert or high-traffic public environments can be exposed to abrasive conditions that will render most standard asset tags unreadable. Select an asset tracking label that is proven to survive abrasive conditions. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Abrasion Resistant Solutions ›

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Trusted for over 50 years by The US Armed Forces, NASA, Caterpillar and Boeing.

The most durable printed aluminum substrate available, ideal for prolonged exposure to the harshest outdoor environments. The durability for which Metalphoto is known is the result of a unique manufacturing process in which a silver halide image is embedded within the sapphire-hard, anodic layer of the aluminum. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Metalphoto Products ›

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DuraBlack® durable laser-markable aluminum for CO2 lasers.

Label blanks made of the most durable CO2 laser markable aluminum substrate on the market, ready to mark onsite and available with several attachment options. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore DuraBlack Products ›

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AlumaMark® CO2 laser-markable aluminum.

Label blanks made of the only CO2 laser-markable aluminum that produces black graphics on a natural background. Available with several attachment options. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore AlumaMark Products ›

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Teflon™ coated Metalphoto® barcode labels.

Camcode’s Metalphoto with Teflon is perfect for applications that require resistance to paint (including CARC) or contact with strong acids or caustics. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Teflon Coated Products ›

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Metalphoto XHT (Extra High Temperature) labels.

Anodized aluminum face stock labels that are trated with our proprietary XHT process to withstand exposure to temperatures up to 1200°F. The photographic-quality bar code and graphic images are sealed within the anodic layer of the aluminum, creating a very durable, high-quality and temperature-resistant metal asset tag. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore XHT Metalphoto Products ›

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AlumaMark® BlackPLUS™ laser markable aluminum.

AlumaMark BlackPLUS is the most durable YAG/Fiber laser-markable aluminum on the market. This label is constructed of aluminum with an inorganic black colorant with satin finish, displaying silver graphics on a black background. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore AlumaMark® BlackPLUS™ Products ›

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304 alloy or 316 alloy stainless steel.

Designed specifically for applications requiring resistance to frequent cleaning with strong caustics, such as food processing, medical, laboratory, chemical, textile, petroleum and marine environments. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Stainless Steel Products ›

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Brass labels and tags with a rich luster and striking appearance.

A popular choice for industrial and decorative applications, a robust and malleable metal that performs well in indoor and outdoor environments, offering excellent resistance to saltwater, corrosion, tarnish, chemicals and solvents, as well as extreme temperatures. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Brass Products ›

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tesa® Secure™ bar code labels for MIL-STD-130.

These poly-acrylic labels are strong yet flexible in many conditions, and feature UV resistance with a tamper-proof design. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore tesa PET Products ›

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Premium polyester asset labels.

Durable gloss white polyester labels with permanent pressure sensitive adhesive to clearly mark and identify indoor assets, such as office equipment. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Polyester Products ›

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Vinyl asset labels and tags.

Aneconomical plastc label option with superior pliability, performing well for interior labeling applications. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Explore Vinyl Products ›

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RFID asset labels and tags.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags are an ideal asset tracking system in certain applications, however before investing, consider the functionality, durability and security issues of RFID. Need help? Get in Touch ›

More About RFID ›

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Metalphoto® is field proven to last over 20 years and meet the most demanding specifications.

Metalphoto satisfies wide ranging set of industrial, government and military specifications including MIL-STD-130 for Department of Defense UID data matrix bar code applications. Need help? Get in Touch ›

View All Certifications & Specifications ›

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Federal Specification GG-P-455B(3)

This specification covers the requirements for photosensitive anodized aluminum sheets and foils. Need help? Get in Touch ›

View the Certification ›

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Military Standard 130 (MIL-STD-130)

One of many standards that the U.S. Government has developed to guide individuals and companies within the DoD and outside the DoD on uniform engineering and technical requirements for military-unique or substantially modified commercial processes, procedures, practices, and methods. Need help? Get in Touch ›

Military Standard 130 Overview ›

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Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 2290

Provides details on both the construction of the UII and the marking of items with a UII. Need help? Get in Touch ›

STANAG 2290 Overview ›

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Underwriters Laboratories (UL) UL PGGU2

Provides details on the viability of using Metalphoto for marking and labeling system material components. Need help? Get in Touch ›

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Metalphoto® meets Lockheed Martin UID specifications.

Metalphoto satisfies wide ranging set of industrial, government and military specifications including Lockheed Martin UID specifciations. Need help? Get in Touch ›

View Lockheed Martin Certifications & Specifications ›

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Metalphoto® meets Boeing industry specifications.

Metalphoto satisfies wide ranging set of industrial, government and military specifications including Boeing Commercial Aircraft Company specifciations. Need help? Get in Touch ›

View Boeing Certifications & Specifications ›

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Metalphoto® meets Honeywell industry specifications.

Metalphoto satisfies wide ranging set of industrial, government and military specifications including Honeywell, Inc. industry specifciations. Need help? Get in Touch ›

View Honeywell Certifications & Specifications ›

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Metalphoto® meets BF Goodrich aerospace specifications.

Metalphoto satisfies wide ranging set of industrial, government and military specifications including BF Goodrich aerospace specifciations. Need help? Get in Touch ›

View BF Goodrich Certifications & Specifications ›

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Metalphoto® meets SAE specifications.

Metalphoto satisfies wide ranging set of industrial, government and military specifications including SAE industry specifciations. Need help? Get in Touch ›

View SAE Certifications & Specifications ›

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Metalphoto® meets NASA identification specifications.

Metalphoto satisfies wide ranging set of industrial, government and military specifications including NASA identification specifciations. Need help? Get in Touch ›

View NASA Certifications & Specifications ›

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Metalphoto® meets CSA identification specifications.

Metalphoto satisfies wide ranging set of industrial, government and military specifications including Canadian Standard Association (CSA) identification specifciations. Need help? Get in Touch ›

View CSA Certifications & Specifications ›

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Metalphoto® meets NATO identification specifications.

Metalphoto satisfies wide ranging set of industrial, government and military specifications including NATO identification specifciations. Need help? Get in Touch ›

View NATO Certifications & Specifications ›

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Metalphoto® meets US DOD identification specifications.

Metalphoto satisfies wide ranging set of industrial, government and military specifications including US Department of Defense identification specifciations. Need help? Get in Touch ›

View US DOD Certifications & Specifications ›

  • Create My Own Labels

What is Facility Management? Core Functions, Challenges, Trends & More

Facility management concept, facility worker holding graphic illustrations of facility management components

Table of Contents

  • What is Facility Management?
  • Importance of Facility Management in Business Operations
  • The Facility Management Quality Standard: ISO 41001:2018
  • Key Components of Facility Management
  • Operations and Management Strategies
  • Facility Management Challenges
  • How to Implement an Effective Facility Management Plan
  • Types of Facility Management Software
  • Best Practices for Facility Management Regulatory Compliance
  • Latest Trends in Facility Management: Challenges & Opportunities
  • Looking to the Future of Facility Management
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Key Takeaway

  • Facility management is integral to ensuring buildings and infrastructure function optimally, for better productivity, safety and cost efficiency. It includes a range of services, from maintenance to security, waste management, space utilization, and risk management.

Have you ever wondered how businesses keep their facilities running smoothly and efficiently? Facility management plays a crucial role in ensuring that buildings and infrastructure are well-maintained and operating at their best.

Facility management involves overseeing the maintenance, security, and overall operation of a building or facility. It encompasses a wide range of tasks, from managing utilities to coordinating maintenance schedules and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

Effective facility management is essential for the success of any business. By properly managing facilities, organizations can improve productivity, reduce operational costs, and create a safe and comfortable environment for employees and customers. In this article, we’ll explore the key components of facility management and how it can benefit businesses of all sizes.

Facility managers discussing a project

Facility management is the coordination of people, processes, and systems to ensure the functionality, comfort, safety, and efficiency of buildings and their supporting infrastructure. This includes managing maintenance , security, cleaning, catering, waste disposal, and other services to support the organization’s core activities.

Facility management is widely used across practically every sector to manage a variety of types of buildings and facilities , such as:

  • Office buildings
  • Manufacturing plants
  • Industrial facilities
  • Laboratories
  • Retail spaces
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Education facilities
  • Government facilities
  • Military facilities
  • Restaurants

Significant sectors within facility management include healthcare , government, education, military and defense, and real estate, with real estate being the largest segment , followed by other unclassified industries. Education rounds out the top three and is followed by healthcare, military, and defense.

Government is the smallest sector in global facilities management, but it’s expected to experience progressive growth due to an increased government focus on infrastructure investments. 

The healthcare sector is expected to see considerable growth due to an increase in healthcare facilities​. Additionally, the real estate sector is expected to grow globally due to expansion in construction and development.

Hard Services vs. Soft Services

There are two main categories of facility management services :

  • Hard Facility Management Services: These services refer to the physical assets and infrastructure within a facility that require maintenance and management. This can include services related to building systems (e.g., fire systems and plumbing), equipment, utilities (e.g., electrical, HVAC, and lighting), and building maintenance (e.g., replacing damaged doors or windows, roof repair, etc.).
  • Soft Facility Management Services: These services refer to the non-physical aspects of facility management that focus on creating a positive and productive environment for occupants. This can include services related to space management, cleaning and waste management, security, landscaping, catering, risk management, and more.

Soft facility management services vs. hard facility management services growth rate chart from 2024 to 2029

Based on data from Mordor Intelligence: Soft Facility Management Market and Hard Facility Management Market

According to ToolSense , hard services account for more than half of the global market, driven by the continued expansion of the global infrastructure market and the rapidly expanding building and construction services industry. However, soft services are the fastest-growing segment, with a projected CAGR of 5.2% from 2024 to 2029 , compared to a projected 4.22% CAGR for the hard services segment during the same period.

Growth in the soft services segment of facility management is driven by increased investments in energy management, waste management, wastewater management, and similar services. Significant infrastructure development also creates additional demand for soft services. 

Facility management plays a crucial role in the smooth operation and success of any organization, yet it’s often overlooked. From maintaining buildings and equipment to managing space utilization and ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations, facility management is essential for businesses of all sizes.

One key reason facility management is important in business operations is that it helps to create a safe and comfortable work environment for employees by addressing issues such as proper lighting, temperature control, and ergonomic workstations. A well-maintained facility not only reduces the risk of accidents and injuries but also supports effective collaboration, efficiency, and productivity.

Additionally, effective facility management can help businesses save money in the long run. By implementing preventive maintenance programs and energy-efficient practices, facility managers can reduce operational costs and extend the lifespan of equipment and infrastructure.

Regular inspections and repairs can prevent costly emergencies and downtime, ensuring business operations run smoothly without unexpected disruptions.

Demand Organization

Screenshot via ISO

ISO 41001:2018 , the International Standard for Facility Management Systems, is a quality standard specifically designed for the field of facility management. It’s the first international standard for facility management systems published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

This standard provides a framework for organizations to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve an effective facility management system. It covers a wide range of areas related to facility management, including strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, risk management, performance evaluation, and continuous improvement.

Implementing ISO 41001:2018 enables organizations to streamline processes and improve efficiency, ensuring that facility management practices are consistent, reliable, and meet the needs of stakeholders.

ISO 41001:2018 was amended in 2024 to incorporate climate change awareness and action changes, with the goal of integrating climate considerations into facility management systems. The current ISO 41001:2018 standard is set to be replaced by ISO/AWI 41001 , which is currently under development.

By achieving ISO 41001:2018 certification , organizations can demonstrate their commitment to providing a high level of quality in facility management. Certification requires a thorough audit conducted by a certified third-party auditing body. This process involves assessing the organization’s facility management system against the standard’s requirements to ensure compliance.

Once an organization obtains certification, it can display the ISO 41001:2018 certification logo, demonstrating to stakeholders and customers that the company adheres to international best practices in facility management.

According to the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA), which adopts the ISO’s definition of facility management , “Facility Management is an organizational function which integrates people, place and process within the built environment with the purpose of improving the quality of life of people and the productivity of the core business.”

It encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, from ensuring the facility’s overall maintenance and upkeep to managing budget and expenses related to facility operations , overseeing safety and security protocols within the building, and coordinating with vendors and contractors for repairs and renovations. Here’s a closer look at the key elements of facility management. 

Daily Operations & Maintenance

Facility managers are tasked with overseeing the day-to-day building operations, such as electrical systems, HVAC, plumbing, and landscaping. They are responsible for managing preventive maintenance activities to ensure that all systems run smoothly and minimize disruptions, as well as corrective maintenance needs as they arise. This includes managing janitorial and maintenance contracts with third-party vendors.

Facility managers also create detailed reports and maintain systems to track maintenance and repairs , safety and compliance, inspections, and other processes and functions.

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)

Business person stacking blocks representing Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)

The environmental health and safety, or EHS, aspects of facility management include:

  • Ensuring that the facility complies with health and safety regulations (such as fire safety standards and codes)
  • Conducting regular safety audits
  • Implementing health and safety policies and procedures
  • Responding to emergencies
  • Creating cleaning schedules for employees and contractors
  • Upholding all cleanliness and sanitation standards

These responsibilities are carried out with the goal of maintaining a safe environment for both employees and visitors.

Facility security involves protecting the building’s infrastructure, physical space, and hardware and software components from both internal and external threats. The security component of facility management includes:

  • Overseeing the building’s security personnel
  • Implementing security policies and procedures
  • Conducting risk assessments
  • Regularly auditing security systems and processes, such as ensuring that CCTV and video surveillance systems are operational
  • Managing visitors, such as maintaining visitor logs
  • Ensuring that visitors enter only through authorized access points
  • Ensuring all restricted access areas are clearly marked
  • Ensuring the facility’s safety and security policies are followed by both employees and visitors

Sustainability & Energy Management

Facility managers and executives discussing solar panel installation

The aim of sustainability and energy management is to minimize the impact of a company’s operations on the environment. According to a report by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), “Buildings use about 40% of global energy, 25% of global water, 40% of global resources, and they emit approximately ⅓ of GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions.” 

Sustainability has become a key priority for many companies, and facility management is one of the primary areas where gains can be made . Sustainability and energy management includes:

  • Conducting energy audits
  • Implementing water conservation measures
  • Utilizing sustainable building materials and practices
  • Developing eco-friendly waste management practices, such as recycling
  • Improving energy efficiency, such as by upgrading HVAC systems to more energy-efficient systems, replacing windows, and installing LED lighting
  • Converting to renewable energy sources such as solar or geothermal
  • Closely monitoring and analyzing utility usage and costs

These measures help reduce the operation’s environmental impact and can also reduce costs. For example, facilities that implement sustainable practices can lower their energy consumption, which translates to lower operating costs.

Asset Maintenance and Management

Asset maintenance and management is a function that often falls under the facility management umbrella. Predictive and preventive maintenance methods are vital to prevent equipment breakdowns before they occur​, and regular maintenance helps to extend the useful lifespan of equipment and infrastructure.

Keeping equipment in optimal working condition and optimizing equipment utilization can also help to reduce operational costs. Asset maintenance and management include:

  • Maintaining an up-to-date inventory of assets, including the purchase date, lifespan, warranty information, maintenance schedules, and historical repair data for each asset
  • Developing and implementing a preventive maintenance schedule, including routine inspections, cleaning, lubrication, adjustments, and replacements of parts before failure occurs
  • Performing corrective maintenance when assets break down or malfunction, including diagnosing problems, initiating repair, and minimizing equipment downtime
  • Regularly inspecting assets to ensure their safe operation and compliance with applicable regulatory standards
  • Monitoring asset performance and efficiency
  • Managing contractors or vendors who perform maintenance or repairs, including sourcing service providers, negotiating contracts, and overseeing the work performed
  • Managing costs associated with asset maintenance, repairs, and replacements
  • Reporting on asset performance, expenses, and other metrics

Space Planning and Utilization

Facility management oversees an organization’s physical space, which includes planning for efficient space utilization. This includes:

  • Analyzing the organization’s space requirements considering the number of employees, the number and frequency of anticipated visitors, the nature of the work performed in the facility, and the need for collaborative and private spaces such as meeting rooms and private office space
  • Planning and designing the layout of the space, including the placement of desks, offices, equipment, and common areas to maximize efficiency and support functional workflows
  • Creating flexible and scalable space configurations
  • Ensuring that the facility complies with health, safety, and accessibility regulations, such as maintaining clear egress paths, adhering to building codes, and incorporating ergonomic standards
  • Integrating technology into the space to support the organization’s needs
  • Managing costs associated with space utilization, such as utilities costs, maintenance costs, and rent or lease payments
  • Ensuring that the space meets safety standards, such as creating accessible emergency exits, planning clear evacuation routes, and equipping workspaces with necessary safety equipment

Strategic Planning for Future Needs

Facility management plays a crucial role in the strategic planning for an organization’s future needs, ensuring that physical spaces and infrastructures align with long-term goals and adapt to changing requirements. This includes:

  • Planning for renovations, expansions, or new construction
  • Investing in energy-efficient systems and new technologies to reduce operating costs
  • Ensuring facilities can accommodate company growth and changing needs, such as with adaptable infrastructure and scalable spaces
  • Identifying and analyzing risks to the facility, such as natural disasters, security threats, and technology failures
  • Developing risk mitigation plans, disaster recovery plans, and business continuity plans

Facility management team in a strategic planning meeting

The current presiding global facilities management organization, the International Facility Management Association, calls for facility management leaders to take a more tactical and strategic approach to protect the future of the company’s properties.

In its Strategic Facility Planning white paper, the IFMA calls for facility managers to carry out SFP (strategic facility planning) as it “helps to avoid mistakes, delays, disappointments, and customer dissatisfaction.” In addition to safety and maintenance responsibilities, facility managers are encouraged to look beyond their normal duties so that they can better support operational efficiency.

To do this effectively, managers must compile two things:

  • Strategic Facility Plan
  • Master Facility Plan

Let’s take a look at how each one can better strengthen the overall productivity of the business:

Strategic Facility Plan (SFP)

Developing a comprehensive Strategic Facility Plan (SFP) requires:

  • An understanding of the core values or changing values of the organization and how facilities must reflect the values
  • An in-depth analysis of the facility, including location, capability, and condition
  • A fundamental understanding of how the organization’s goals might affect scalability in facilities

The manager can operate as a true strategic support system if they are able to confirm each and every one of these benchmarks with the appropriate departments while implementing effective day-to-day practices. It is through the use of this blend of current and future that all parties involved can tackle changes as they arise as effectively as possible.

Master Facility Plan (MFP)

The Master Facility Plan (MFP), also known as a Facilities Master Plan , is a framework for planning the “physical environments that encompass the buildings.” Let’s explore what a holistic master plan looks like, taking into account both day-to-day tasks and future space needs.

Here’s what a Master Facility Plan should include:

  • Zoning, regulation, covenant assessments
  • Space standards and benchmarks
  • Program of space use
  • Workflow analyses
  • Engineering assessment and plan
  • Block, fit, or stacking plans
  • Concept site plan or campus plan
  • Architectural image concepts
  • Long-term maintenance plan
  • Construction estimates
  • Phasing or sequencing plan (the sequence or projects)

The MFP should be regularly reviewed and updated. Facility managers should engage all departments that impact their facility so they can support their organization as it moves forward profitably.

Like any other discipline, facility management comes with its fair share of challenges. Here are some of the top challenges faced by facility managers.

Cost Management

Cost management is a challenge for facility management because there are so many variables to consider. From maintenance and repairs to utilities and supplies, there are numerous expenses that need to be carefully monitored and controlled.

Additionally, unexpected issues can arise that require additional funds to address, making it difficult to stick to a budget. Furthermore, facility managers need to balance cost management with providing a safe, comfortable, and functional environment for employees and customers. This can sometimes require investing in more expensive solutions in order to achieve long-term cost savings.

In the face of economic instability and budget constraints, facility management may not be seen as a critical investment by businesses, which can create additional cost restraints. Effectively managing facility costs requires a strategic approach and constant monitoring to ensure that expenses remain within budget.

Technological Advancements

Facility managers using sophisticated digital technology solution

Facilities require constant updates and upgrades to keep up with the latest technology . This can be costly and time-consuming for facilities managers, as they need to continuously assess and implement new technologies to improve efficiency and productivity.

Additionally, technological advancements can also pose security risks, as more connected devices and systems, such as IoT devices and cloud-based systems, increase the potential for cyber attacks. Facilities managers must stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and implement robust security measures to protect their facilities from potential breaches.

Technological advancements are particularly challenging in facility management because they have the potential to streamline operations and enhance the facility’s functionality, but at the same time, they require a significant investment of time and resources to effectively manage.

Sustainability and Environmental Regulations

Sustainability requires a shift in mindset and practices toward more eco-friendly and sustainable operations . This may involve implementing new technologies, processes, and materials that can be costly and time-consuming.

Compliance with environmental regulations also adds another layer of complexity, as facility managers need to stay abreast of changing policies and ensure that their operations comply with these regulations.

The biggest challenge for modern organizations is balancing sustainability goals with operational and financial considerations. Sustainability initiatives often require long-term planning and investment, which can be difficult to prioritize in the face of immediate budgetary constraints.

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency preparedness requires a significant amount of planning, training, and resources to ensure that a facility is prepared for any type of emergency situation. Facility managers must conduct risk assessments, develop emergency response plans, provide training for staff, and invest in emergency equipment and supplies.

Additionally, facilities must comply with various regulations and standards related to emergency preparedness, which can be complex and time-consuming to navigate. In the event of an emergency, facility managers must be able to quickly and effectively respond to protect the safety of occupants and minimize damage to the facility.

The ever-changing nature of potential threats requires constantly updating and improving emergency response plans. This requires clear communication, coordination with emergency services, and the ability to make quick decisions under pressure.

Changing Needs and Demands

Facility manager discussing changing needs with a worker

As mentioned above, changing needs and demands present a prominent challenge in facility management, requiring constant adaptation and flexibility.

Facilities need to be able to respond to shifting priorities, regulations, and technological advancements to meet the needs of employees, customers, and stakeholders. This means that facilities managers must constantly assess and reassess their strategies, processes, and resources to ensure they are providing an optimal environment for the people using the facility.

Failure to anticipate and address changing needs can lead to inefficiencies, dissatisfaction among employees and visitors, and ultimately, an impact on the organization’s overall success. Staying ahead of evolving trends and demands is essential for effective facility management.

Staffing and Hiring

Staffing and hiring require finding individuals with a specific set of skills and experience in areas such as maintenance, engineering, and operations. Additionally, facility management roles often involve a wide range of responsibilities, from ensuring compliance with safety regulations to managing budgets and overseeing projects.

Finding candidates who are not only qualified but also culturally fit with the organization can be a time-consuming process. Furthermore, turnover rates in facility management tend to be high due to the demanding nature of the job, which means that constant recruitment and training efforts are necessary to maintain a fully staffed and capable team.

Facility manager wearing an orange vest touching digital screen with facility management icons

Having a well-thought-out facility management plan is crucial for maintaining the functionality and efficiency of any building or property. Follow these key steps to implement an effective facility management plan.

  • Inventory your current assets. Create a comprehensive inventory of all assets , equipment, and systems within the building. Identify any maintenance issues or areas that need improvement. This will help you prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively.
  • Audit your facility operations. In addition to assessing your assets , you should also evaluate your facility’s current operations to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and opportunities for process improvements.
  • Set clear objectives. Clearly define what you aim to achieve with your facility management plan, aligning with the overall organizational goals. Your goals and objectives could range from ensuring the longevity of physical assets to enhancing the well-being and productivity of occupants.
  • Develop facility management policies. Policies will guide your workforce in ensuring efficient and safe operations. Policies should include emergency protocols, evacuation plans, emergency contact information, and safety measures. You can also establish policies for preventive maintenance, security, sustainability, information technology, procurement and vendor management, and disaster recovery. 
  • Develop a maintenance schedule. One of the key aspects of facility management is maintenance. Develop a schedule for routine facility maintenance tasks such as HVAC system inspections , plumbing checks, electrical system maintenance, and general cleaning. Regular maintenance is crucial to prevent breakdowns and extend the useful lifespan of your assets.
  • Implement technology solutions. Technology plays a significant role in facility management. The right facility management software to centralize data, streamline operations, and improve decision-making through analytics. Consider features like asset tracking, work order management, and predictive maintenance .
  • Develop an asset tagging system . Facility management asset tags and labels integrate seamlessly with your facility management software to streamline work order tracking, equipment maintenance, condition monitoring, and reporting. Choose durable asset tags and labels, such as Camcode’s Rigid Metalphoto® Labels and Foil Metalphoto® Labels , that can withstand your facility’s operating conditions. For instance, Camcode’s Metalphoto labels have excellent resistance to chemicals, solvents, abrasion, extreme temperatures, and UV, offering an expected exterior lifespan of more than 20 years.
  • Maintain comprehensive documentation. Keep detailed records of all facility management activities, including maintenance records, inspections, compliance documents, and training records. This supports regulatory compliance and can also aid in decision-making. 
  • Train your staff. Make sure your facility management team is well-equipped to handle their responsibilities and tasks. Provide training on safety procedures, maintenance protocols, and how to use any technology solutions that are in place. Foster a culture of engagement and accountability, encouraging staff to take ownership of facility maintenance and efficiency. 
  • Monitor and continuously improve performance. Track key performance indicators such as maintenance costs, downtime, and energy usage. Leverage this data to inform decision-making and adjust your processes to continuously optimize performance.
  • Plan for the future. Be prepared to adapt your strategies in response to new technologies, regulatory changes, or shifts in organizational priorities. Your facility management plan should include a future needs assessment, capacity planning, and resilience strategies that can help your company mitigate long-term risks. 

Global Facility Management Market Growth Projections Chart

Based on data from Fortune Business Insights

Managing facilities efficiently is crucial to ensuring smooth operations and maximizing productivity. Facility management software has emerged as a powerful tool that enables organizations to streamline their facilities management processes, improve asset performance, and reduce costs.

In fact, the global facility management market was valued at $1,260.0 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.7%, reaching $2,031.4 billion by 2030​​.

Facility management software helps organizations manage their facilities, assets, and maintenance processes more effectively. It provides a centralized platform where facility managers can track and monitor various aspects of their facilities, such as equipment maintenance, space utilization, energy consumption, and vendor management.

Facility management software comes in various forms, from software focused on a specific function such as asset management to comprehensive, integrated facility management solutions that encompass all the core functions of facility management. Here’s a look at the most commonly used types of facility management software.

Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM)

Facility manager using facility management software on a laptop

CAFM software is a tool used by facility managers to efficiently manage and maintain their buildings, assets, and workplace environments. This type of software integrates various aspects of facility management , such as space planning and allocation, maintenance management, asset tracking, and resource management and scheduling, into one centralized platform.

CAFM software streamlines workflows and improves overall productivity by providing real-time information on building operations and maintenance. With this software, managers can easily track key metrics, generate reports, and make informed decisions to optimize building performance and reduce costs .

The benefits of CAFM solutions include:

  • Extending asset life spans due to preventive maintenance
  • Increased safety
  • Centralized data for strategic planning
  • Cost savings
  • Improved communication
  • Reduction in energy-related expenses

Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS)

CMMS software , or a centralized maintenance management system , centralizes information about an organization’s maintenance operations. It helps optimize the use and availability of equipment such as vehicles, machinery, and other physical assets.

CMMS systems are designed to simplify the maintenance process by providing tools and features that streamline tasks such as work orders, inventory management, asset tracking, and scheduling.

At its core, a CMMS is used to track and manage maintenance activities, from routine inspections to major repairs. By centralizing all maintenance-related data in one system, organizations can better organize their maintenance operations, improve workflow efficiency, and reduce downtime.

Key features of a CMMS include preventive maintenance scheduling, which allows users to create maintenance schedules for equipment based on time or usage triggers; work order management, which enables users to create, assign, and track maintenance tasks; inventory management, which helps users keep track of spare parts and supplies needed for maintenance; and reporting and analytics, which provide insights into maintenance performance and help identify areas for improvement.

The benefits of a CMMS include:

  • Increased efficiency
  • Reduced equipment downtime
  • Improved equipment and employee safety
  • Cost control
  • Predictive and preventive maintenance scheduling
  • Accurate reporting and data analytics

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) software is a comprehensive solution that helps organizations manage their physical assets throughout their lifecycle. These assets can range from equipment and machinery to vehicles and buildings. EAM software enables businesses to track, maintain, and optimize their assets to ensure they are operating efficiently and effectively.

Asset tracking is a key feature of EAM. It allows businesses to monitor where their assets are located, who is using them, and how they are being utilized. With this information at their fingertips, organizations can make more informed decisions about their assets and maintenance needs.

Another key function of EAM is maintenance management. It allows businesses to schedule routine maintenance for their assets, track work orders, and ensure that all maintenance tasks are completed on time.

EAM software also provides valuable insights into asset performance and usage. By analyzing data collected from the software, organizations can identify trends, make predictions, and optimize their asset management strategies.

The benefits of EAM software include:

  • Reduced costs
  • Improved asset performance
  • Reduced breakdowns and downtime

Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS)

Facility managers using a multi-screen setup with an integrated workplace management system (IWMS)

IWMS solutions provide a comprehensive suite of tools to manage all aspects of facility and real estate management. They integrate functionalities for real estate management, capital project management, facility space management, maintenance management, and environmental sustainability.

IWMS software enables facility managers to streamline their processes, improve efficiency, and make data-driven decisions to optimize the use of their workspace. One key feature of an IWMS is its ability to centralize data and generate insightful reports on various aspects of facility management. This includes information on space utilization, maintenance schedules, energy consumption, lease agreements, and compliance with regulations.

An IWMS can also automate routine tasks and workflows. For example, maintenance requests can be automatically routed to the appropriate personnel, work orders can be scheduled and tracked, and inventory levels can be monitored in real-time.

An IWMS also helps organizations ensure compliance with health and safety regulations, environmental standards, and industry best practices. By providing tools for tracking and reporting on these aspects, facility managers can proactively address any issues and maintain a safe and sustainable work environment for employees.

The benefits of an IWMS include:

  • Increased productivity and efficiency
  • Reduced errors
  • Informed decision-making backed by data
  • Automation of routine tasks and workflows
  • Improved safety

Facility manager and inspectors conducting  an audit to ensure regulatory compliance

Facility management is subject to various regulations and laws to ensure safety, compliance, and efficiency within the workplace. These regulations cover a wide range of aspects, from health and safety measures to regulations related to equipment.

The regulations applicable to a specific organization depend on the industry, location, and size of the business. Regulations are set forth by multiple entities.

On top of international and federal regulations, state and local regulations may also apply to specific industries or across the board for businesses and employers. Needless to say, compliance is multi-faceted and incredibly complex, requiring a comprehensive management strategy. 

Let’s review some best practices for implementing and maintaining a strong facility management compliance program.

Understand What Regulations Apply

Facilities managers must stay informed about relevant laws, regulations, and codes that apply to their industry. Laws can vary depending on the location and type of facility, so it’s important to monitor updates and changes in regulations regularly.

As mentioned above, there are many regulations that facilities may be required to comply with, so the first step in developing a robust compliance program is to understand what regulations apply to your facility.

For example, the UK government introduced The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations in 1999, which apply to employers in the UK, while U.S.-based businesses are subject to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulations and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). There are also international and national labor laws created by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the U.S. Department of Labor , respectively.  

The U.S. healthcare sector must comply with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) regulations , and food manufacturing facilities , medical device manufacturers , and pharmaceutical facilities are subject to regulations set forth by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  

Start by identifying all applicable regulations and laws, considering organizational, reputational, and strategic risks.

Conduct Regular Audits

Conduct internal audits to assess your compliance with these regulations and the effectiveness of your security and compliance strategies.

Conducting regular audits of your facility can help you identify areas where you may be falling short of regulatory compliance. These audits should cover everything from fire safety regulations to environmental laws to ensure that your facility is meeting all necessary requirements.

Develop a Compliance Roadmap

Developing a comprehensive compliance plan requires a clear understanding of your compliance status and the regulations you need to comply with. This plan should outline the specific regulatory requirements that apply to your facility and the steps you will take to ensure compliance. Prioritize your actions based on the most critical compliance requirements and risks​.

It should also clearly define the responsibilities of all stakeholders involved. This plan should be regularly reviewed and updated as regulations change.

Develop Safety & Compliance Checklists

Facility worker reviewing a safety and compliance checklist before operating equipment

Develop safety and compliance checklists that clearly outline the steps to take in certain situations. Some commonly used safety and compliance checklists in facility management include:

  • Fire safety checklist
  • Electrical safety checklist
  • HVAC system checklist
  • Building security checklist
  • Environmental compliance checklist
  • General maintenance checklist

Of course, the checklists you develop will depend on the regulations that apply to your organization as well as your company’s internal policies and procedures. 

Each item on the checklist should be specific, measurable, and actionable, leaving no room for ambiguity. Regularly review and update the checklist to reflect changes in regulations, facility modifications, or lessons learned from incidents, and ensure that checklists are readily available to employees and stakeholders.

For example, you might post a fire safety checklist or evacuation plan near the emergency exits in your facility or attach durable instructional labels to equipment . These labels can be printed with essential safety, operational, or compliance steps to promote workplace safety and compliance.  

Provide Comprehensive Training

Educate your employees about compliance policies, procedures, and standards. All staff members involved in facilities management should receive training on regulatory compliance. This training should cover the specific regulations that apply to your facility and the procedures and protocols that need to be followed to ensure compliance.

Regular training ensures that employees understand their roles in maintaining compliance and are updated on any regulatory changes or updates to company policies​.

Maintain Documentation

Keeping detailed records of your facilities management activities, including maintenance schedules, inspections, and repairs, is essential for demonstrating regulatory compliance. Make sure that all documentation is easily accessible and up-to-date.

Establish Effective Communication & Monitoring Procedures

Establish effective communication channels for reporting compliance issues or concerns without fear of retaliation. Implement monitoring and auditing systems to continuously assess the effectiveness of your compliance program and identify risks.

Regular reviews and updates to the program are essential to adapt to changes in regulations and business operations.

Leverage Technology

Utilize regulatory compliance software (or facility management software with compliance management capabilities) to automate and streamline compliance processes. This can simplify the management of regulatory changes, policy updates, and compliance assessments. The right software can also provide valuable insights and analytics to improve decision-making and ensure continuous compliance​.

Implement Accountability & Corrective Action Plans

Establish clear procedures for enforcing compliance policies and taking corrective action in case of non-compliance. Accountability at all levels ensures that compliance is taken seriously and that any issues are addressed promptly to prevent recurrence.

Cultivate a Culture of Compliance

Clearly communicating your organization’s code of conduct and ensuring it reflects your organizational values, regularly communicating changes, and implementing effective training and employee engagement programs are all part of building a culture of compliance. Following these practices and the best practices outlined above helps to minimize compliance violations and promotes a positive working environment.

If you’re unsure how to ensure regulatory compliance in your facility, consider working with compliance experts who specialize in facilities management and have experience in your industry. These experts can provide guidance and support to help you meet all necessary requirements.

A variety of trends and technologies are shaping facility management, revolutionizing the way facilities are operated and maintained. Let’s examine some of the biggest trends in facility management and the challenges and opportunities they present for facility managers and operators.

Smart Buildings

Growth Projections for the Global Smart Buildings Market from 2023-2032 chart

The global smart buildings market has grown significantly. It was valued at $96.96 billion in 2023, and it’s projected to grow at a CAGR of 21.8%, from $117.42 billion in 2024 to $568.02 billion by 2032.

The rapid adoption of smart technologies marks a shift towards more efficient, sustainable, and user-friendly environments. This transformation is driven by the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and other digital innovations into the physical infrastructure of facilities.


  • Advanced analytics: These advancements produce vast amounts of data, from occupancy levels to energy usage patterns. This data, analyzed through advanced analytics, informs strategic decision-making, helping managers optimize space usage, reduce costs, and improve overall building performance.
  • Automation: Smart building technologies can automate routine tasks, from HVAC adjustments to lighting control, based on real-time data and predictive analytics. This reduces manual oversight requirements and helps to reduce waste, promote sustainability, and lower operational costs, leading to more efficient facility management.
  • Safety & security: Smart building technologies enhance building safety and security measures. Real-time surveillance, access control systems, and emergency response mechanisms can now be integrated and managed through a centralized platform, improving the ability to respond to incidents and ensure occupant safety.

While the benefits are substantial, the rapid adoption of smart building technologies also presents challenges, such as the significant upfront investment, potential cybersecurity risks, and the requirement for ongoing management and updating of these systems.

These advanced systems require facility managers to have a solid grasp of building information systems, and there’s a growing need for skilled personnel who can manage and optimize them.

Cloud-Based Solutions

Cloud-based solutions are a major driver in the industry, offering opportunities for efficiency, scalability, and integration. These solutions allow facility managers to access and analyze data from anywhere, make informed decisions in real time, and improve the overall management and operation of facilities.

  • Lower costs: By utilizing cloud solutions, organizations can reduce the need for expensive on-premises hardware and the associated maintenance costs. Cloud services typically operate on a subscription model, which can be more affordable and predictable in terms of budgeting.
  • Scalability: Cloud-based solutions can be easily scaled up or down based on the facility’s needs, allowing for efficient resource management. This scalability supports the organization’s growth without the need for significant additional investment in IT infrastructure.
  • Integration: Cloud platforms can also facilitate the integration of various building management systems and applications, from energy management to security and maintenance. This integration can lead to more holistic and efficient facility management practices, and it can also enhance collaboration among team members, stakeholders, and third-party service providers.

As with any technology that relies on internet connectivity, cloud-based solutions introduce risks related to data security and privacy. Ensuring the protection of sensitive information and compliance with data protection regulations is paramount.

The effectiveness of cloud-based solutions is heavily reliant on consistent and high-speed internet access. Interruptions in connectivity can hinder access to the systems and data needed for facility management.

Sustainability & Green Initiatives

In the modern world, sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting have become crucial aspects of facility management, driven by both regulatory and societal pressures. With the increasing focus on corporate responsibility and environmental impact, organizations are being held more accountable for their operations and the effects they have on the environment and society.

Sustainability and ESG reporting in facility management play a significant role in ensuring that businesses are operating in a way that is not only profitable but also responsible and ethical.

  • Measuring environmental impact: By collecting data on energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and waste generation, companies can monitor their performance and identify areas where improvements can be made to reduce their overall environmental footprint.
  • Transparency & stakeholder engagement: By disclosing information about their sustainability efforts and performance, organizations can build trust with investors, customers, employees, and the broader community. This can foster improved relationships with stakeholders and can attract socially responsible investors who want to support companies that prioritize sustainable and ethical practices.
  • Competitive advantage: Companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and ethical practices may also benefit from increased market opportunities, improved brand reputation, and a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Unlike financial reporting, there is no universal set of standards for reporting on sustainability and ESG factors. This can make it difficult for facility managers to know what data to collect and how to report on their sustainability performance in a consistent and meaningful way.

Another challenge is the complexity of collecting and analyzing data on sustainability and ESG factors. It involves tracking a wide range of data points, from energy and water consumption to waste management and indoor air quality, which may be spread across multiple systems and sources. This makes it challenging to aggregate and analyze in a timely and accurate manner.

Different stakeholders sometimes have differing priorities and expectations related to sustainability, which can be difficult to balance. 

Employee Well-Being

Today’s companies are increasingly prioritizing employee and occupant well-being , with initiatives aimed at creating productive and satisfying work environments through ergonomic workspaces and indoor air quality monitoring​​.

  • Enhanced productivity: Properly designed workspaces that follow ergonomic principles can significantly reduce physical strain and discomfort, and good indoor air quality (IAQ) can improve cognitive function, reduce fatigue, headaches, and dizziness, and decrease absenteeism due to illness. This translates to higher levels of concentration and productivity.
  • Reduced absenteeism and turnover: A healthy work environment can significantly reduce absenteeism related to health issues, as well as turnover resulting from dissatisfaction with the work environment. Lower turnover rates not only reduce recruitment and training costs but also contribute to a more experienced, cohesive, and efficient team.
  • Enhanced corporate image: A company’s commitment to employee well-being reflects positively on its brand and corporate image. It signals to customers, clients, and partners that the company values its human resources and is committed to sustainable, responsible business practices.

The upfront costs of purchasing ergonomic furniture, upgrading HVAC systems for better air quality, and implementing other wellness-focused changes can be significant. However, it’s difficult to quantify and measure the direct impact of wellness initiatives on productivity, employee satisfaction, and health outcomes, which can make it challenging to monitor and adjust strategies.

Facility managers may find it challenging to demonstrate immediate returns on investment to stakeholders, as benefits such as increased productivity and reduced absenteeism may take time to become evident, making it challenging to justify further investment.

Space and infrastructure limitations can also pose challenges when it comes to implementing these initiatives. For instance, older buildings may have limitations that make it difficult to implement modern ergonomic solutions or improve air quality without substantial renovations. 

Flexible Workspaces

Flexible workspaces are work environments that are adaptable and can be easily reconfigured to meet the changing needs of a business or organization. These spaces are designed to enable employees to work in a variety of settings, whether it be in a traditional office space, a collaborative area, a quiet zone, or even remotely.

  • Adaptability: By offering a range of work settings, employees can choose the environment that best suits their task at hand, whether it be a quiet area for focused work or a collaborative space for group projects. This can lead to increased motivation and efficiency in the workplace.
  • Reduced overhead costs: With a dynamic layout that can be easily adjusted, companies can make more efficient use of their physical space and avoid the need for costly renovations or expansions. Hot-desking and shared spaces minimize unused office real estate, especially in companies that offer remote work options.
  • Talent acquisition and retention: Modern, adaptable work environments are attractive to prospective employees, particularly the growing segment of the workforce that values flexibility and autonomy. This can be a significant advantage in talent acquisition and retention.

Flexible workspaces come with challenges, such as managing noise levels, ensuring adequate privacy, and maintaining a sense of community and team cohesion. For example, it’s often challenging to find the right balance between open spaces, collaborative areas, and quiet zones can be challenging. Too much of one type of space can lead to underutilization of others, affecting overall productivity.

It can also be difficult to manage shared resources efficiently, such as ensuring that all employees who need it have access to private office space at the same time or that enough conference rooms are available for scheduled meetings.

Data security is also a potential concern. With employees moving around and using different workstations, ensuring secure and reliable access to networks and data is more complicated. The risk of data breaches may increase if proper cybersecurity measures are not in place.

Increasing Building Standards

Facility manager discussing building regulations while reviewing facility plans

In recent years, building standards and regulations have become increasingly strict in order to promote sustainability, energy efficiency, and overall safety. Regulations such as California’s A.B.2446 , which requires new buildings to conduct lifetime environmental impact studies and make these findings public, signify a broader shift towards sustainability and transparency in the construction and facility management industries.

This trend is growing, as governments around the world are imposing stricter building standards to combat climate change, reduce energy consumption, and minimize facilities’ environmental footprints. While these regulations are important for the environment and public safety, they have a direct impact on facility management.

For example, A.B.2446 requires the entire building lifecycle to be considered from the start, from using sustainable construction materials and methods to optimizing operational energy consumption and sustainable methods for eventual decommissioning. The aim is to reduce embodied carbon emissions, which account for an estimated 11% of global energy-related carbon emissions, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

According to the U.S. Green Building Council , “In the buildings context, embodied carbon refers to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by the manufacturing, transportation, installation, maintenance and disposal of building materials.”

As mentioned earlier in this guide, ISO 41001:2018, the International Standard for Facility Management Systems, was amended in 2024 to incorporate climate change awareness and action considerations. These changes apply not only to facility management but all existing and upcoming ISO Management Systems Standards (MSS).

Companies pursuing ISO 41001:2018 certification will need to incorporate these considerations into their business practices. The amendments, added to Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of the current Annex SL Standards , include:

  • Clause 4.1: This clause, “Understanding the organization and its context requirements,” now has a new requirement that “The organization shall determine whether climate change is a relevant issue.”
  • Clause 4.2: This clause, “Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties,” now has an additional note, “NOTE: Relevant interested parties can have requirements related to climate change.”
  • Energy auditing and benchmarking: Conducting energy audits and benchmarking building performance against industry standards can identify areas for improvement and track progress over time. Facility managers can manage these audits and implement strategies to improve energy use and reduce carbon footprints.
  • Corporate branding and reputation: Companies that are proactive in adopting sustainable practices can position themselves as industry leaders in corporate responsibility. Communicating these sustainability efforts effectively can enhance customer loyalty and attract new customers who prefer to support businesses that are committed to environmental stewardship.
  • Enhanced community relations: Implementing sustainability initiatives, especially those that have a direct positive impact on the local community, can improve a company’s relationship with the community. This might include efforts to reduce emissions, waste management practices that contribute to cleaner local environments, or the implementation of green spaces. For instance, companies can make a significant impact by implementing waste reduction and recycling programs, particularly in larger complexes and commercial buildings.

As public awareness grows, the pressure on lawmakers to pass stricter building codes and legislation to combat climate concerns.

Stricter building standards often require more advanced systems and technologies to be installed in buildings, such as energy-efficient HVAC systems, smart building controls, and renewable energy sources. Preventive maintenance becomes critical to ensuring systems operate at peak efficiency, reducing energy consumption, and prolonging the lifespan of building components.

Stricter building standards can also impact the overall design and layout of buildings, and maintenance procedures must be adapted accordingly. For example, buildings with more stringent fire safety regulations may require more frequent fire drills and inspections, while buildings with enhanced energy efficiency standards may need to have their systems serviced more frequently.

With the requirement to disclose environmental impacts, there is an increased need for accurate data collection, monitoring, and reporting. Facility managers must implement systems to track energy consumption, water usage, waste generation, and other environmental metrics. On the plus side, this data can also help identify opportunities for improvement and demonstrate sustainability efforts to stakeholders.

Facility management is a comprehensive discipline crucial for the successful operation and growth of organizations in every business sector. Effective facility management enhances the safety and productivity of workspaces and plays a pivotal role in reducing operational costs and environmental impact.

As we look to the future, the importance of facility management in enhancing business operations, reducing environmental impact, and improving the quality of work environments cannot be overstated. The ongoing development of new technologies and the increasing focus on sustainability and flexibility will continue to drive innovation in this field, presenting both challenges and opportunities in facility management.

What do facilities managers do?

Facilities managers are responsible for ensuring that the buildings and services meet the needs of the people who work in or visit them. They manage services such as cleaning, security, and parking, and ensure that the environment is safe and efficient.

Their role includes maintaining, operating, and improving buildings, ensuring that facilities comply with laws and regulations, and managing budgets and contracts related to building services.

How can you determine the success of facility management?

Determining the success of facility management involves measuring performance against specific goals and objectives. Key performance indicators (KPIs) might include operational efficiency, cost savings, compliance with regulations, occupant, visitor, or employee satisfaction, and sustainability metrics.

For example, cost savings can be measured by comparing the facility management budget to actual expenses and seeing if there are any reductions in costs. Efficiency improvements can be evaluated by analyzing how well resources are being utilized and whether there are any bottlenecks in operations. Regular audits, feedback from users, and comparisons with industry benchmarks are also crucial.

What is the quality standard for facility management?

The quality standard for facility management is often benchmarked against the ISO 41001:2018 standard. This international standard provides a framework for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving an effective facility management system, focusing on efficiency, safety, and sustainability.

What is facility management compliance?

Facility management compliance involves ensuring that a facility’s operations and practices align with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. This includes everything from safety regulations to environmental policies to building codes.

Facility managers must stay current on compliance requirements and ensure that their facilities always meet these standards. Failure to comply with regulations can result in fines, penalties, or even legal action, making compliance a critical aspect of successful facility management.

What is a facility management plan?

A facility management plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the strategies and procedures for managing and maintaining a facility. It includes information on how the facility will be operated, maintained, and repaired to ensure that it remains in optimal condition.

The plan may cover areas such as preventative maintenance schedules, emergency response protocols, security measures, energy efficiency strategies, and budgeting for maintenance and repairs. A well-developed facility management plan is essential for ensuring that a facility operates efficiently and effectively and that it meets the needs of its occupants.

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Facility planning: A strategic approach to a better office

Facility planning is essential for the modern office, especially given the rapidly changing landscape of today’s workplace. With more and more companies embracing remote work , hybrid work , and more flexible working in general, they need strategic solutions that come from good facility planning in order to maintain structure and productivity. 

In this article, we explore why and how facility planning can help companies stay profitable and better support their workers. Even in the midst of new and changing realities on the ground. 

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What is facility planning?

Facility planning is the systematic process that smart organizations use to ensure they have the facilities and related resources necessary to meet both their short and long term goals. Sometimes referred to as strategic facility planning, it’s the key decision-making that companies use to future-proof their workspaces. 

The reality is that simply following space management best practices isn’t always enough for your facility. Without good strategic planning and foresight, companies often stay stuck in problem-solving mode, instead of anticipating new problems before they arrive. 

On the other hand, when companies realistically assess their current and future space and facility needs, they can put themselves in a much better position to weather any new storms. 

In other words, facility planning is what helps companies take a proactive approach to their workplace strategy and real estate management , instead of a reactive one.  It’s about bringing business goals in line with facility goals. It’s also about ensuring both the business and its facilities are ready for the future. 

Who is responsible for facility planning?

The facility planning process is complex, requiring a high level of collaboration in the workplace .

That said, facility needs are typically handled by a facility manager (FM), or a facility management team. FMs make great planners, because they typically have both the data and resources at hand to make smart decisions for the office. And because keeping things running smoothly and anticipating needs is ultimately their main goal. 

FMs are responsible for all aspects of facility management, including ensuring employees have the tools and space they need to do their jobs properly.  As such, they are in the best position to understand facility goals. This is especially true when they collaborate with either an executive or growth team to stay up to speed on overarching business goals as well. 

Moreover, the roles and responsibilities of FMs have been evolving since the pandemic, so that they are more and more becoming leaders in their organizations—again, priming them to be in the best position to make good facility plans. 

This is also one of the main reasons why facility management services are usually best handled in-house—either by a dedicated FM, or by using facility management software to disperse these tasks among invested team members.  

facility planning steps

What are the four steps in facilities planning?

No matter who manages facilities planning for your organization, this process works best when it follows the following four steps.

1. Understand your goals

As we’ve mentioned, facility planning is about bringing business goals in line with both current facilities and any planned expansions. So before any planning actually takes place, the planning task force needs to identify what demands are being placed on them from the business, coupled with the realities of their existing facility.

Thankfully, these two perspectives often dovetail. 

For example, cost-effective sustainability is quickly becoming a goal of virtually every business. 

Improving space utilization —which can dramatically cut back on the amount of corporate real estate needed—can therefore keep everyone happy. 

Remember, business drivers will vary from company to company. This ranges from responding to changing markets or demographics, adopting new information technology, preparing for potential mergers, or opening new offices or storefronts, just to name a few.

And of course, virtually every company is concerned with growth. 

Identifying which goals are most important now is the critical first step to planning. To make this process work, everyone on the facility planning team needs to understand the mission, vision, and company culture. 

FMs should therefore be given the tools and access they need to evaluate the entire real estate portfolio . Then, they can then understand how the business plan and other items coming down the pipeline will impact their space needs.

Only when they are armed with this critical data can they understand if current facilities will meet demand, or whether construction projects—or maybe just a better desk booking system—should be planned for the near future.

2. Analyze and set benchmarks

Of course, planning doesn’t stop with simply understanding your goals. You also need to understand how to actually make those goals a reality. 

To properly plan a facility, FMs need to leverage any and all existing data about the organization’s existing space management.

This isn’t just about knowing what your square footage is; it’s about figuring out how those square feet interact with staffing concerns and long term goals. 

Specifically, FM need three tools to strategically analyze their existing workspace and make plans for change:

  • Comprehensive reports and analytics that provide actionable insights into the existing needs of employees and real-time use of existing space, including occupancy and portfolio reports
  • Scenario planning software, which makes it easy to virtually test out the impacts of reconfigurations before having to manually implement them
  • Stack plans , which provide a high-level picture of how space is currently being used

Of course, this assumes there is already an existing strategy in place to maximize the three basic elements of space management —effective space planning, effective office use, and effective space tracking. 

When these systems are in place, and the right data is being collected, FMs can use them to perform gap analysis and set benchmarks. This will guide future facility management in the best way possible. 

3. Start planning

Once FMs understand both their goals and their benchmarks, they can begin the actual work of creating their master plan. This is when the challenging work of translating a facility plan into a business plan happens. It will look different, depending on the business drivers for your organization. 

To plan properly, FMs should first document their primary objectives, and then conduct a risk assessment of any plans. This assessment should include cost analysis, which can be done using scenario reports. 

At this stage, FMs can also benefit immensely from move management software . They will also need to develop a method for both gaining approval and reporting on results. 

Especially if their plans will include new working policies (such as implementing flexible seating arrangements like hot desking or office neighborhoods ), they may also want to seek input from both human resources and the employees themselves. 

In fact, companies should look to include all stakeholders in all aspects of the strategic planning process. 

4. Start acting

The more FMs are able to maximize the first steps of facilities planning, the easier acting on their plan will be. 

This is also where the right tools become essential. The best way to implement any new changes to a workplace or facility is with the right facility management software. Ideally, this is one that can integrate with your company’s existing integrated workplace management system (IWMS).

Finally, remember that strategic facility planning isn’t a ‘one and done’ occurrence. 

This is an iterative process. Any plans will need to be assessed, adapted, and maybe even rewritten on an ongoing basis. This will include continually relying on real-time data and comparing it against financial reports and other benchmarks. This will provide a picture of what’s working and what isn’t. 

facility planning importance

What is the importance of facilities planning? 

There is a rise in types of work environments , the growing reliance on the digital workspace , and greater competition. As a result, we can only expect facility planning to become more and more important. 

When managed properly with the right tools, companies can expect to see the following benefits from strategic facility planning:

  • Cost savings and improved sustainability, usually in the form of requiring less office space
  • Improved employee experience and engagement, derived from new working arrangements that make better use of office space and enhance the digital workspace as well—critically important now during the Great Resignation
  • Greater efficiency, thanks to the thoughtful analysis of how resources can optimized

Better still, these new changes will likely benefit other departments, potentially improving all aspects of using an office. For example, when FMs bring in better wayfinding systems to support any of the hybrid work models we’re currently seeing, they’re actually making the office easier to navigate for anyone who walks through its doors. 

In other words, when organizations are planning their facility, they are actually planning to future-proof their facility.

facility plans

What are the dangers of not having a plan? 

Like Benjamin Franklin famously said, if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Winging it is simply not an option. Especially when you’re managing something as complex as even a small company—let alone complete enterprise facility management . 

As the pandemic taught us, things don’t always go to plan. But the companies that had a system in place for making and implementing plans were the ones that were able to more quickly adjust to the new reality. Companies that have the right approach to facility planning will always be more nimble and resilient than those that fail to plan in the first place. 

See OfficeSpace in Action

Get a personalized demo and create a hybrid workplace that works for everyone

OfficeSpace offers a software solution that makes facility planning easy. Reach out for a free demo. 

Photos: Thirdman , Sora Shimazaki , ANTONI SHKRABA production , Mikhail Nilov

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What is Facility Management?

Who manages one of your organization’s largest assets with one of the largest operating budgets? Your facility manager.

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What is facility management?

Facility or facilities management (FM) is a profession dedicated to supporting people. It ensures the functionality, comfort, safety, sustainability and efficiency of the built environment - the buildings we live and work in and their surrounding infrastructure. As defined by ISO and adopted by IFMA,

Facility Management is an organizational function which integrates people, place and process within the built environment with the purpose of improving the quality of life of people and the productivity of the core business.

This combination of job responsibilities supports the operations of each organization to create an environment where the systems work together seamlessly, from the parking lot to the executive suite. Facility managers are the people who make sure we have the safest and best experience possible, by coordinating the processes that make the built environment succeed.

  • what do facility managers do?
  • why is fm relevant?
  • what skills do fms need?
  • how does ifma fit in?
  • what is the future of fm?

What do facility managers do?

Whether the space is a factory, office, hospital, shopping mall, airport, museum or stadium, someone makes sure the building and all of its components work properly. That person is a facility manager. Facility managers (FMs) make sure systems in the built environment work together as they should, that buildings fulfill their intended purposes, and that personnel are healthy and productive.

Facility managers have many different titles and career paths. They often aren’t called facility managers even though they are responsible for aspects of facility management, including planning, evaluating and maintaining building systems. Facility managers hold a variety of roles, including:

  • Building operations like cleaning, security, maintenance and grounds management
  • Return-to-work processes and policies
  • Emergency and disaster mitigation and response
  • Sustainability planning
  • Project management and budgeting
  • Real estate management and space planning
  • Business continuity planning

Why is FM relevant?

The FM industry is growing rapidly, and the COVID-19 pandemic made safety and health a top priority. Changes to technology, green initiatives and other current trends are changing how FM teams conduct business and respond to everyday challenges.

Facility managers are a crucial part of every organization because they ensure that the places where we work, play and live are safe, comfortable, sustainable and efficient. Facility managers contribute to an organization’s strategy and bottom line in a variety of ways.

  • Contribute to operational efficiencies
  • Plan and deliver infrastructure needs to support productivity
  • Manage risks including those to facilities, employees, suppliers and business reputation
  • Mitigate and reduce environmental impact
  • Promote sustainable tactics for long-term cost management
  • Leverage technological solutions
  • Mitigate and overcome effects of natural disasters
  • Guarantee compliance
  • Leverage security

FM continues to be an important part of returning to the office after the pandemic. Ensuring that offices meet the needs of changing organizations and evolving workforces, and guaranteeing the safest workplaces possible, has become the focus of many facility managers. The profession is also starting to impact environmental, social and corporate governance issues. Facility managers help support how each organization works toward social goals, including responsible and ethical investing, sustainability and overall impact, instead of only focusing on the bottom line.

What skills do facility managers need?

FM is a varied career. FMs could be working on a maintenance budget one day, overseeing work on an HVAC system the next and making real estate decisions the day after that. In order to stay on top of the profession, facility managers should be knowledgeable of the 11 Core Competencies of FM .

How does IFMA support FM?

IFMA’s 40+ years of knowledge and expertise enables, empowers and equips FMs to solve challenges today and in the future. IFMA’s mission is to advance our collective knowledge, value and growth for FM professionals to perform at the highest level.

IFMA serves the global FM community through career development, learning, networking opportunities and leadership skills - and the world's best FM events. IFMA serves all FMs, regardless of membership status.

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Full IFMA members receive 30+ benefits to help them succeed.

How are IFMA and the FM industry preparing for the future?

IFMA is focused on supporting facility managers and other built environment professionals at every career stage. We are constantly tracking emerging topics and technologies and forecasting future skills, bringing the industry at large timely information and resources to encourage facility managers to advance and thrive in their careers. We work with facility professionals to tackle today’s challenges and integrate insights and ideas into an exciting blueprint for a more resilient, adaptive and sustainable future.

Here are some of the initiatives underway to guarantee the future of FM:

  • Globally Recognized FM Credentials
  • Accredited Degree Programs – Graduate and Undergraduate
  • Global Workforce Initiative Targeting High School/Young Adults
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Standard Occupational Classification Code (2018)
  • ISO 41000 Facilities Management Standard
  • Facility Management Conferences, Expos and Events
  • IFMA Chapter, Council and Community Events
  • IFMA Programs and Services

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Plan template bundle, 8+ facility management plan templates in pdf, 1. simple facility management plan template, 2. free facility management plan template, 3. free facility management business plan template, 4. facility management infrastructure plan template, 5. climate research facility management plan template, 6. free facility management service plan template, 7. free facility asset management plan template, 8. property facility management work force plan template, 9. facilities strategic asset management plan template, how to create the facility management plan, what are the uses of the facility management plan, what are the benefits of the facility management plan, what are the purposes of the facility management plan.

The facility management plan is the formal planning instrument used by the organization to manage the current and future operations of the club facility. The plan is to put together to make sure the efficiency of operation is increased, saving them money over the life of your facility and even expand the overall lifespan of your facility. The quality, safety, and sustainability of the plan must be in the facility management plan. And, the plan to achieve these strategies.

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How to Create a Marketing Plan for Facilities Management

Though many facility managers may think marketing doesn't fall within FM's core competencies, the facility management team must consider how it markets facility services in its contact and conduct with customers. In this respect, customer service is vital. The terms marketing and customer service are not synonymous, however. While customer service provides opportunities to reinforce positive images of a facility management department, marketing involves first researching who the customers are and then selling and promoting facility services to them. The main responsibility falls on the shoulders of the facility management department leader.

All facility managers should understand the following basic concepts of marketing:

  • Know the market. Each type of customer, what their needs are, and how they perceive facility management. Know and anticipate their needs.
  • Know the facility management department’s strengths and weaknesses. What is done well, and where does it fall short? To do this, facility managers should identify what skills are involved in marketing, which of these skills are performed, and how well they’re performed.
  • Develop a marketing plan that serves as a road map.
  • Recognize the importance of quality customer service. Every facility staff member must realize how every interaction with a customer can serve marketing objectives and foster a positive image of the facility management department.

Know the market

If a facility management department is one of the administrative services supporting the core business departments, it is unlikely that much thought has been given to marketing the facility management department. Instead, the market was guaranteed: Corporate customers had to get facility services through the department. Today, many facility management customers are given the option to outsource facility management. Facility managers now compete with contracting firms that have developed considerable marketing skills.

As the struggles for market share intensify, workers in all companies have been besieged with entreaties from their leaders to be sensitive to their customers. This issue has particular urgency for facility managers, whose customers have become increasingly aware that they have choices of where and how to obtain facility services. In many companies, executives openly permit departments to shop for facility services, putting corporate facility management departments in direct competition with outsourced providers.  

In recent years, facility management customers have become quite sophisticated. They are smarter, better informed, and far more cost conscious. Many have substantial experience in marketing their own products and services and expect others to market their goods and services similarly. They may know as much as the facility management team does about topics such as indoor air quality or accessibility for the disabled.

Facility managers must also understand that their customers are not people whose needs, motivations, and objectives are identical. Most companies have several different types of customers. From the facility manager’s perspective, each one constitutes a niche market — a particular population with certain characteristics and needs that are distinct. For example, top management has needs unlike those of administrative support units or core business units.  

Facility managers should also know the skills of their staff. Every staff member makes an impression on a customer in every transaction, whether it is by email, telephone, in person, or in a report. For marketing purposes, every worker should understand the customer. Mechanics, custodians, and housekeepers who make contact with customers may exert more influence on them than higher-ranking facility management employees who are seldom seen. 

Develop a Marketing Plan

To develop a marketing plan, it is important to identify the marketing elements already in place. The greatest asset is the range and magnitude of customer contact. There is a fundamental maxim of customer service that applies particularly well to facility management marketing: “If you’re not serving the customer, you’d better be serving someone who is.”  A marketing plan can be organized around the following basic steps.

  • Conduct market research — Know the characteristics and needs of your customers; know about the service of your competitors.
  • Promote services — Devise a marketing plan that matches services with the right customers. A marketing brochure explaining facility services can be customized for different customers.
  • Keep customers informed — Talking to customers directly provides an opportunity to inform them of upcoming developments that may affect them, such as new regulations. This enables you to apply another basic marketing maxim: “Prepare the market for change.” Eliminating surprises, helps facility managers and their customers become allies.
  • Evaluate service delivery — Ask customers for feedback on service delivery. In doing so, potentially damaging misunderstandings about facility services are diffused. That’s especially regarding sensitive issues such as indoor air quality.
  • Create a website — A website can allow users to download standards, post construction schedules, obtain standards forms, and post surveys or questionnaires for research or benchmarking purposes.

To implement the steps mentioned above, an overall marketing strategy is needed. This strategy incorporates several key elements that form the backbone of an effective marketing plan.

This article is adapted from BOMI International's Fundamentals of Facilities Management course, part of the FMA designation program. More information regarding this course or the BOMI-HP™ credential is available by calling 1-800-235-2664. Visit BOMI International’s website, .

business plan for facilities management services

Six emerging trends in facilities management sourcing

For companies with distributed operations—retailers, manufacturers, transportation and logistics—facilities management can represent 10 to 25 percent of total indirect spending. Several recent developments, including fears of a recession, trade conflicts, tech disruption, and rising wages, have made cost cutting a higher priority in this area. But business leaders must strike a tricky balance to reduce non-core costs without affecting the performance of core operations.

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Companies have no shortage of options at their disposal to optimize facilities management expenditures. Outsourcing is a well-established strategy that’s on the rise thanks to an influx of vendors, while integrated approaches to facilities management, workplace strategy, and technology all hold promise. The global market for in-house and outsourced facilities management is estimated to reach $1.9 trillion by 2024. The outsourced segment accounts for more than half the total and has attracted a growing number of vendors with new service offerings. Still, charting a clear path forward—one that enables companies to extract the most value—is an increasingly complex task.

How should companies proceed? As a first step, executives must familiarize themselves with how six emerging trends could reduce facilities management costs and improve productivity. The first three involve the application of existing strategies and approaches; the second three involve using technology to transform the way companies complete tasks. However, these trends aren’t plug and play; companies must have the right strategy and capabilities to get the most from them. Facilities management and sourcing leaders should focus on several immediate steps to mobilize their organization and pursue these trends.

The evolution of facilities management strategy

When facing ongoing pressure to reduce operating costs, companies tends to look for savings without giving much thought to the long-term repercussions. This dynamic makes facilities management a particularly ripe target. During challenging economic times, companies trim facilities management budgets; once the outlook rebounds, spending levels often remain low. This pattern can lead to deteriorating conditions of buildings and equipment, potentially costing more in the long run.

Over the years, industries have accepted outsourcing as a viable option to non-core operations, including facilities management. Companies typically follow a progression that begins with outsourcing noncore activities at individual locations (Exhibit 1). The consolidation, standardization, and bundling of these tasks across facilities over time results in the outsourcing of a comprehensive set of noncore services and management to third parties.

Several economic factors have made outsourcing more relevant for facilities management. Growth is slowing across several large countries as they reach the tail end of current economic cycle. Far-reaching global trade conflicts have created unexpected changes in commodity and finished product prices. Meanwhile, increased tech disruptions in a handful of industries are pushing legacy companies to free up cash for technology investments. Last, lower unemployment rates are pushing wage rates higher for the best talent. Thanks to these developments, the total market for facilities management (both in-house and outsourced) is expected to grow at more than 6 percent a year from 2018 to 2024, hitting nearly $1.9 trillion (Exhibit 2).

Facilities management is ripe for disruption: it lags behind other functions such as production equipment maintenance by both digital maturity and penetration of technology. Although technology is available for facilities management, several obstacles have inhibited adoption, such as a lack of digital skills within the function, other priorities for leadership, and a focus on continuous cost cutting. These factors have made the facilities management outsourcing market attractive for leading vendors that were already engaged directly or indirectly with this function. Several incumbents have developed an integrated facilities management offering in an effort to capture a greater market share.

Six emerging trends

We have identified six trends that offer cost savings or productivity improvement opportunities now or could transform facilities management over the next decade. Since the attractiveness of each trend will depend on an organization’s needs and capabilities, the trends are presented in a manner to facilitate evaluation and comparison.

1. Outsourcing facilities management

Organizations are evaluating their operating model to maximize value creation. Before they outsource facility management to third parties, however, they review the appropriate mix of insourcing and outsourcing based on capability, cost, and coverage. Several factors are altering the equation.

Case example

One large retailer was seeking to prioritize tasks that could be handled more cost-effectively by a third-party vendor. Its team compiled a list of categories that should be kept in-house as well as those to outsource. In-house categories were determined based on which ones could be handled through a shared-services model with high utilization of internal labor. Outsourced categories were defined by current specifications and, separately, by the essential level of service for the organization. It put out an RFP for the outsourced categories with two types of specifications and then selected suppliers that best matched the retailer’s needs. This approach reduced facilities management spending by 15 percent, which was reallocated to support the organization’s investment strategy.

  • Growth in outsourcing. Outsourcing has now surpassed 50 percent of the total facilities management market in several regions, including Europe, Middle East, and North America.
  • Industry-based adoption. In manufacturing companies, soft services such as landscaping and janitorial are preferred categories for outsourcing. Hard services such as utility equipment maintenance are typically still insourced. Meanwhile, retail, banking, and other non-manufacturing industries are looking to first optimize their operating model by balancing insourcing and outsourcing. If the benefits they achieved are not significant, some players in these industries have opted to fully outsource facility management.
  • Penetration of integrated facility management (IFM). IFMs are capturing increased market share in outsourcing, particularly in North America, where IFMs are close to 20 percent of the outsourced category.


  • Cost: Is your operating model optimized and peers still have better cost performance?
  • Competitive advantage: Does facilities management provide a competitive advantage over peers?
  • Organizational capability: Does the company have experienced personnel in facilities management with intrinsic knowledge of the location as well as highly efficient internal technicians that would be challenging for a third party to match?

2. Integrated value and related services

Companies are exploring the integration of facilities management and related services in an effort to streamline management and improve performance. This offering can include the following functions:

A global financial institution was spending $450 million annually to maintain its thousands of locations around the world. Its fragmented supplier base included more than 10,000 vendors across about a dozen categories. To assess opportunities for outsourcing, the institution undertook a scoping and prioritization exercise, sought to gain greater transparency into spending categories, applied advanced sourcing techniques, and invested in stakeholder management. With the insights gained from this process, the company was able to consolidate its facilities management spending from dozens of suppliers to just one vendor, while standardizing business processes and service quality. Adopting integrated facilities management helped reduce costs by more than $150 million over three years.

  • Real estate. This category includes all services related to transaction management, project management, and other services.
  • Facilities management. All of the tasks that are involved in maintaining a facility, such as equipment maintenance and building services.
  • Energy management. Activities focus on the conservation of energy, including retrofits and procedural changes.
  • Production maintenance. The maintenance of production equipment comprises areas such as assembly stations, process equipment, and testing stations.
  • Employee services. Services for employees could include mailroom, fitness center, and cafeteria and food service.
  • Decision making is easier, as fewer people are involved.
  • A comprehensive view of all services with fewer providers eases the management of these categories.
  • Suppliers that provide integrated services can become strategic partners for organizations.

Factors to evaluate if the organization should pursue an arrangement with an outsourcing integrator:

  • Cost: Are costs higher than benchmarks for peers?
  • Geographic portfolio: Does the company have a diverse geographic footprint?
  • Property portfolio: Is the property portfolio diverse?
  • Organizational capability: Does the real estate function have limited capacity or capability?

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3. workplace strategy.

Workplace strategy is becoming a key tool to enhance employee engagement and retention. It includes several different categories:

One energy company sought to trim its real estate costs while implementing workplace strategies that would maximize its use of space and accommodate evolving employee needs. It pursued a range of densification initiatives, including doubling up offices for employees of specific positions, converting excess conference rooms to offices, and reducing office sizes for certain functions, such as accounting or reception. It also created “hoteling” zones, where employees could secure workspaces on an as-needed basis.

Through these approaches, it increased the number of available seats by nearly 60 percent without expanding its footprint. As important, an internal survey found that employees viewed this reconfiguration favorably.

  • Modular workspace. Workspaces can become more modular and activity-based to increase agility and flexibility with changing workforce while decreasing total square footage.
  • Coworking. Coworking provides flexibility in selecting the type of space and period of occupancy, which can offer cost savings.
  • Lifestyle amenities. Lifestyle amenities such as yoga, meditation, daycare, recreation rooms, and nap areas have become common features to enhance employee experience.
  • Wellness designs. Companies can invest in workspaces with appealing acoustics, lighting, furniture, and flooring, among other features.

Together, these categories form options along the continuums of space and well-being (Exhibit 3).

Notably, trends in this category can increase facilities management costs (for companies that choose to invest more in workspace design), but they could also indirectly compensate for these outlays with higher employee productivity.

  • When considering workforce strategies, companies need to balance employee engagement and workplace investment.
  • Organizations are increasingly looking for suppliers that are capable of maintaining an evolving workplace.

Factors to help organizations determine if revamping the workplace is right for them:

  • Geographic portfolio: Is the geographic portfolio of facilities fragmented and consistently changing with customer location?
  • Employee productivity: Is current employee productivity lower than peer benchmarked levels, and would wellness design and lifestyle amenities have an impact?

4. Internet of Things (IoT) evolution

A number of trends and developments are spurring the adoption of IoT-enabled equipment by facilities management across a range of applications.

A mining company sought to increase rig uptime and reduce maintenance spending, which accounted for 25 percent of operating expenses. An analysis determined that top drive and pipe handling accounted for 40 percent of all downtime and 10 percent of all maintenance spending. It then conducted a thorough “digital teardown” to estimate specific opportunities in predictive maintenance for each component. To support a predictive maintenance deployment, the company focused on five building blocks:

  • Capabilities
  • Organization
  • Processes and procedures

Its efforts paid off handsomely: the company created an end-to-end system with real-time data collection, storage, and processing to enable predictive maintenance. These capabilities enabled it to reduce maintenance spending by 27 percent while increasing revenue from services thanks to higher reliability.

  • Energy efficiency. The implementation of IoT devices, such as motion sensors for lights and automated temperature controls, enabling more visibility into energy usage and management.
  • Occupant experience. This factor could be a contributor to the adoption of IoT.
  • Computing. Data transmission costs are determining whether edge, cloud, or hybrid computing approach will prevail.
  • Stack ownership. Companies are trying to own multiple layers of IoT stack. Hardware infrastructure and/or software are emerging as preferred ownership models.
  • IoT security. Security is lagging behind the development of IoT devices and platforms.
  • Companies have to upgrade or retrofit legacy systems before facilities can benefit from IoT.
  • Lingering skepticism about IoT’s impact means that organizations will have to develop multiple use cases to demonstrate the impact of these technologies on occupant experience.
  • Companies should consider partnering with suppliers that have an end-to-end IoT vision and the capabilities required to convert this vision into reality.

Executives should consider the following factors to determine if now is the right time to adopt IoT for facilities management:

  • Cost: Is the cost of IoT conversion in facilities comparable to current expense of maintenance and operations?
  • Change champion: Do IoT initiatives have C-level sponsors beyond the CIO?
  • Device compatibility: Can systems be retrofitted with IoT technology ?
  • System compatibility: Is the building management system (BMS) capable of integrating with devices and software? Does the organization have the data management and security capabilities necessary to support IoT-equipped devices?

5. Advent of robots

Robotic automation is well suited to take over repetitive and hazardous tasks. Thus far, Asian and European companies are leading in adoption of robotics for services such as cleaning and security; widespread adoption could occur within the next decade.

Leading companies are in the process of integrating robotics into their facilities management operations for tasks such as floor cleaning, window washing, and power washing. Innovations in early stages of development include robots for security patrol, lawn mowing, and snow removal, among other tasks. The promise of such robots is threefold: beyond the opportunity to reduce operating expenses, these machines could free up existing staff to focus on higher-value activities while mitigating some of the risk associated with these tasks.

  • Repetitive tasks. Activities that follow the same process every time, such as sweeping a floor, are prime opportunities to integrate robots into operations. Several companies are currently designing and building robots to automate repetitive tasks such as power washing and lawn mowing.
  • Hazardous tasks. The use of robots for certain jobs—for example, security patrol or HVAC duct cleaning—could enable companies to reduce costs and risk.
  • Applications of robotic process automation are still in the early stages for facilities management.
  • Repetitive and hazardous facility management tasks are prime for disruption by robots.
  • Organizations can pilot robots for repetitive tasks or partner with suppliers that have expertise in the deployment and maintenance of robots.

Factors to evaluate if now is the right time to invest in robotic automation:

  • Cost: Is the cost of owning or leasing a robot less than current costs?
  • Market support: Has a service supply chain for the equipment been established?
  • Effectiveness: Is the quality of work similar or better than current processes?
  • Technology maturity: Will current technology change dramatically in the short term?

6. Augmented reality

Technology players are developing end-to-end AR solutions that have the potential to transform facilities management.

Companies are experimenting with various applications of AR to support workers in selected tasks. A remote assisted maintenance toolkit, for example, includes endoscopic and thermal cameras, a microphone, and a portable computer. With these tools, the equipment operator can connect remotely to an expert, who can guide him through the maintenance procedure. AR maintenance also offers operators support through an integrated helmet with special glasses and software that details proper maintenance procedures.

  • Hardware. Smartphones and tablets are dominant in the hardware market, while wearables are still in low levels of market penetration.
  • Content source. Information is limited to content pulled from maintenance manuals and through user interaction. Content sources from IoT-based devices are also in the early stages and would ideally be enhanced further by data collected from IoT sensors.
  • Interaction. Information can be visual, instructive, or interactive. Technologies are developing across all areas, but visualization is currently the most mature.
  • Mapping. While mapping is still limited to spatial tracking, marker-based and shape imposition technologies are being developed.
  • Software development kit. SDKs are well developed for consumer applications such as gaming but are still in the early stages for facility management applications.
  • Augmented reality is still in the early stages of development for facilities management.
  • Organizations would have to coordinate across several functions to use AR effectively.
  • Companies should work with partners that are actively engaged with AR providers and pilot technology when market is ready with a solution.

Factors to evaluate if now is the right time to implement AR

  • Market support. Has the service supply chain of hardware, software, and content been established?
  • IT infrastructure: Has IT infrastructure been developed to support AR on a few controlled applications?
  • ROI: Does technology have a good ROI when considering technician time, number of visits, safety, and ease of process use?
  • Workforce skill level: Is the current workforce sufficiently technology savvy?

Revolutionizing indirect procurement for the 2020s

Revolutionizing indirect procurement for the 2020s

Actions companies can take now.

Facilities management leaders can’t simply flip a switch to harness these trends. Some companies will need to adjust their strategy, organizational capabilities, and culture. And considering that a few of these trends are still in their infancy, executives should focus on laying the foundation. Several actions can help.

Elevate facilities management to a C-level priority (with a focus on COO/CFO engagement).

Many industries have traditionally kept facilities management on the backburner, but this category can be a goldmine of savings. One company, for example, was under pressure to reduce costs, but the procurement team was skeptical of addressing facilities management because of sensitivities within the organization. The indirect procurement team asked for support from CPO and COO to back a transformation of facilities management, and this support created an actionable pipeline of savings for the next three years.

Establish a cross-functional team.

True cross-functional collaboration between procurement and operations is required to create sustainable impact. Companies should form a team that includes the COO, CIO, a facilities management leader, a strategic sourcing leader (for facilities management or innovation), and a project management office leader, among others. Without alignment, facility management initiatives face a difficult path. One company’s procurement team identified savings during the RFP process and moved to adopt integrated facilities management, but some stakeholders were not on board. During implementation, an operations team found that the prescribed specifications were not aligned with its equipment. Within a few months, the IFM contract was nullified after some heated conversations between procurement and operations. In another company, procurement leaders were adamant about pursuing IFM. Although it was the right strategy, they first sought to gain alignment and support from the operations team before the process kicked off.

Assess the organizational maturity and capabilities needed to manage vendors and support digital technologies.

Capabilities, both from a relationship and content standpoint, are important. Vendor relationships can be built by acting on stakeholder satisfaction surveys, organizing joint meetings with suppliers, and managing supplier performance as a team. Organizations can develop content-based capabilities by introducing supplier-led training on digital technologies and investing in external expert trainings. For instance, a client set up a meeting cadence between suppliers and stakeholders to identify and address issues every quarter.

Build the business case for investment in selected trends.

Companies can support the adoption of emerging technologies by doing controlled pilots. Projects that apply augmented reality to simple tasks and experiment with IoT can get the organization acclimated to technology. Successful pilots can provide the business case for scaling; a similar rationale can be used for opportunities to integrate robots. The hotel industry, for example, is adopting robots for bell service and housekeeping through pilots in certain hotels.

Partner with IFMs and set up a robust governance mechanism.

A company can view IFM suppliers as a partner to achieve savings and manage portfolio, but it must first establish a robust governance mechanism to maintain trust with suppliers. A regular auditing cadence can ensure that any savings are contributing to the bottom line. In addition, companies should make decisions collaboratively with IFMs on topics such as specification standardization and computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) technology. At one manufacturer, a factory manager set up a regular auditing cadence to review IFM initiatives with the finance team to ensure that savings flowed to the bottom line.

Design an implementation road map.

Companies should develop a comprehensive, long-term category strategy to incorporate all facilities management trends. A sequencing exercise can help companies to prioritize initiatives. Since technologies will continue to evolve, facilities management leaders should establish a regular strategy review process of all categories to refine and hone their vision.

Traditionally overlooked, facilities management is on the cusp of disruption. Companies that track emerging trends and invest in the right organizational capabilities will be well positioned to reduce costs and increase the impact of their facilities management spending.

Sourav Das Adhikari is a knowledge expert, Steve Hoffman is a partner, and Britta Lietke is a senior knowledge expert in McKinsey’s Chicago office.

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Business Continuity Planning for Facilities Managers

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Facility Management should play a crucial role in Business Continuity – they manage the 2nd largest and most consequential business “assets” (after IT) on which day-to-day business operation rely.

Yet many Facilities Management (FM) departments are often excluded from the planning process, either because BIA surveys skew a focus toward IT dependencies and financial impacts, or because Recovery strategies lean toward alternate site configurations (under the assumption that a damaged facility will be a total loss).  Both of these perspectives ignore the fact that ‘total loss’ of a facility almost never occurs.

Then there are Facilities Managers who perceive little value in planning for potential disruptions – either under the assumption that response and recovery are part of their existing job duties (and don’t require planning), or that they can’t plan for what they can’t anticipate.  Both are short-sighted.

Having spent more than a dozen years as a Facility Manager (I began my involvement in Business Continuity in that role), I’ve learned that there is a great deal Facility functions can do to plan for recovery from disruptions; and FM can play a vital role in Response and Recovery activities – but only with advance planning and coordination with overall BCM objectives.

First, the typical “Loss of Building” scenario which many organizations use as a foundation for BCM Planning is an exaggeration: damage to facilities (other than small buildings and stand-alone facilities – like branch banks or retail stores) almost never results in a total loss.  Damage may occur, but the facility is seldom rendered useless.  (See our earlier blog for more on this subject).

There are things the Facilities Team can do to plan for a ‘total loss’, but they are limited.  I’ll touch on those planning requirements later.  Meanwhile, Facility Managers can plan the logistics in the event of building damage (a water or sprinkler leak, broken windows, an isolated power outage, small fires and other partial disruptions).

Prioritized Internal Relocation

Facilities Managers plays a vital role in helping to devise a Recovery Strategy for ‘partial loss’ (damage to a floor, quadrant or other portion of a building).  A sound BIA will enable the organization to determine their most critical business processes.  Facility Managers hold the key to determining where critical business process participants can move if their portion of a building is damaged.

Using the BIA’s prioritization results, the least critical process participants can move out (work from home, or just go home) and be replaced by more critical players.  Armed with floor plans designating the occupied space for each business process, Facilities Managers can work with the BCM team (or Incident Managers) to shuffle employees within the facility to reduce the impact of damage on those most critical processes.

Repairing Building Damage

Although overlooked as part of their day-to-day job, knowing whom to contact – plumbers, electricians, restoration companies and similar skilled trades and suppliers – is critical to responding quickly and effectively to facility damage.

A good Facilities Manager is adept at responding to day-to-day ‘crises’; they can be invaluable in during any disruption because they also know (or are responsible for) critical support functions:

  • Physical Security (including access controls and security guards)
  • Mail and overnight deliveries (and internal distribution)
  • Adds, moves and changes of furniture and equipment
  • Vending, catering and food services (IM and Recovery Teams can’t work on empty stomachs)
  • Coordination with local Emergency Services (they should be on a first name basis with the Fire Marshall)
  • Logistics (shipping, receiving, inventory and suppliers)
  • Interaction with landlords and building owners.

Capturing that knowledge in a Business Continuity Plan assures access to those contacts under all circumstances (including damage to the Facilities Management Department, or absence of their staff!).

Temporary Facilities

Some impacts may render a facility temporarily uninhabitable (or off limits).  If only a day or two, work-from-home strategies may suffice – but they begin to lose their effectiveness in 3-5 days.  Knowing where local, alternate space may be available (workspace sharing or hoteling vendors, neighboring buildings or other tenants with extra space, for example) may provide better long-term temporary solutions.  Having a good working relationship with a landlord or building owner can pay big dividends in a disruption.  Having quick access to those contacts – within the Business Continuity Plan – will ensure adequate time to make phone and network connections to make such spaces usable.

In the unlikely event that a building is destroyed (a ‘total loss’) those same contacts will enable the organization to begin sourcing replacement facilities quickly.

Risk Mitigation

Electrical outages can be annoying (and costly) disruptions.  Adding a backup power generator can help mitigate the impact of those outages.  And FM can help determine not only the siting (where) but also the capacity (what) of generators – to serve both the primary objective (keeping the data center running) and secondary objectives: providing emergency power at the desk of critical business processes (like Customer Service or Order Fulfillment).

Need to shelter-in-place?  FM should have the best understanding of the most structurally safe areas of the building.

Planning evacuation gathering points?  FM can coordinate with other tenants or neighbors to make sure everyone isn’t planning to meet up in the same locations.

Flooding a problem?  There are as many ways to divert water as there are budgets to pay for them.  If you understand the financial impact of a possible flood, FM can help find a permanent or temporary means to mitigate some or all of the potential damage.

These are just a few of many areas where FM can help reduce the potential risks an organization faces – if they’re included in the planning process.

Decision Support for Incident Managers

Facilities Managers – often overlooked as a purely ‘administrative function’ – can be a highly valuable participant in Incident Management.  They have access to knowledge that no one else possesses.  They have established contacts with suppliers, vendors and trades that may be needed following a disruption.  And they have an understanding of the capacity (for people, electrical loads and HVAC) that may be crucial to determining long- and short-term recovery strategies.

Every Business Continuity Management program should include Facilities Management.  A smart Business Continuity Manager works hand-in-hand with their FM team to help build both their high-level strategy, and their Incident Management plans.  Just like the technical support provided by IT, FM possesses a set of skills and a wealth of knowledge that BC Managers can leverage both before and during a disruption.

  • Business Continuity
  • Business Impact Analysis
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Uncategorized

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Manufacturing Business Plan PDF Example

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  • May 7, 2024
  • Business Plan

the business plan template for a manufacturing business

Creating a comprehensive business plan is crucial for launching and running a successful manufacturing business. This plan serves as your roadmap, detailing your vision, operational strategies, and financial plan. It helps establish your manufacturing business’s identity, navigate the competitive market, and secure funding for growth.

This article not only breaks down the critical components of a manufacturing business plan, but also provides an example of a business plan to help you craft your own.

Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or new to the manufacturing industry, this guide, complete with a business plan example, lays the groundwork for turning your manufacturing business concept into reality. Let’s dive in!

Our manufacturing business plan covers all essential aspects necessary for a comprehensive strategy. It details operations, marketing strategy , market environment, competitors, management team, and financial forecasts.

  • Executive Summary : Provides an overview of the manufacturing company’s business concept, market analysis , management, and financial strategy.
  • Facilities & Equipment: Describes the facility’s capabilities, machinery, and technological advancements.
  • Operations & Supply: Outlines the production processes, supply chain logistics, and inventory management.
  • Key Stats: Offers data on industry size , growth trends, and market positioning.
  • Key Trends: Highlights significant trends impacting the industry, such as automation and localization.
  • Key Competitors : Analyzes primary competitors and differentiates the company from these rivals.
  • SWOT: Analyzes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Marketing Plan : Outlines tactics for attracting new contracts and maintaining client relationships.
  • Timeline : Sets out key milestones from inception through the first year of operations.
  • Management: Information on the management team and their roles within the company.
  • Financial Plan: Projects the company’s financial performance over the next five years, detailing revenue, profits, and anticipated expenses.

the business plan template for a manufacturing business

Manufacturing Business Plan

business plan for facilities management services

Fully editable 30+ slides Powerpoint presentation business plan template.

Download an expert-built 30+ slides Powerpoint business plan template

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary introduces your manufacturing business plan, offering a concise overview of your manufacturing facility and its products. It should detail your market positioning, the range of products manufactured, the production process, its location, size, and an outline of day-to-day operations.

This section should also explore how your manufacturing business will integrate into the local and broader markets, including the number of direct competitors within the area, identifying who they are, along with your business’s unique selling points that differentiate it from these competitors.

Furthermore, you should include information about the management and co-founding team, detailing their roles and contributions to the business’s success. Additionally, a summary of your financial projections, including revenue and profits over the next five years, should be presented here to provide a clear picture of your business’s financial plan.

Make sure to cover here _ Business Overview _ Market Overview _ Management Team _ Financial Plan

Manufacturing Business Plan exec summary1

Dive deeper into Executive Summary

Business Overview

Facilities & equipment.

Describe your manufacturing facility. Highlight its design, capacity, and technology. Mention the location, emphasizing accessibility to transport routes. Discuss advantages for efficiency and cost management. Detail essential equipment and its capabilities.

Operations & Supply Chain

Detail product range. Outline your operations strategy for efficiency and scalability. Discuss supply chain management. Highlight sourcing of materials, inventory control, and logistics. Emphasize strong partnerships with suppliers and distributors.

Make sure to cover here _ Facilities & Equipment _ Operations & Supplies

business plan for facilities management services

Market Overview

Industry size & growth.

Start by examining the size of the manufacturing industry relevant to your products and its growth potential. This analysis is crucial for understanding the market’s scope and identifying expansion opportunities.

Key Market Trends

Proceed to discuss recent market trends , such as the increasing demand for sustainable manufacturing processes, automation, and advanced materials. For example, highlight the demand for products that utilize eco-friendly materials or energy-efficient production techniques, alongside the rising popularity of smart manufacturing.

Key Competitors

Then, consider the competitive landscape, which includes a range of manufacturers from large-scale enterprises to niche firms. For example, emphasize what makes your business distinctive, whether it’s through advanced technology, superior product quality, or specialization in certain manufacturing niches. This section will help articulate the demand for your products, the competitive environment, and how your business is positioned to thrive within this dynamic market.

Make sure to cover here _ Industry size & growth _ Key competitors _ Key market trends

business plan for facilities management services

Dive deeper into Key competitors

First, conduct a SWOT analysis for your manufacturing business. Highlight Strengths such as advanced production technology and a skilled workforce. Address Weaknesses, including potential supply chain vulnerabilities or high production costs. Identify Opportunities like emerging markets for your products or potential for innovation in production processes. Consider Threats such as global competition or economic downturns that may impact demand for your products.

Marketing Plan

Next, develop a marketing strategy that outlines how to attract and retain customers through targeted advertising, trade shows, digital marketing, and strategic partnerships. Emphasize the importance of showcasing product quality and technological advantages to differentiate your business in the market.

Finally, create a detailed timeline that outlines critical milestones for your manufacturing business’s launch, marketing initiatives, customer acquisition, and expansion goals. Ensure the business progresses with clear direction and purpose, setting specific dates for achieving key operational and sales targets.

Make sure to cover here _ SWOT _ Marketing Plan _ Timeline

Manufacturing Business Plan strategy

Dive deeper into SWOT

Dive deeper into Marketing Plan

The Management section focuses on the manufacturing business’s management and their direct roles in daily operations and strategic direction. This part is crucial for understanding who is responsible for making key decisions and driving the manufacturing business toward its financial and operational goals.

For your manufacturing business plan, list the core team members, their specific responsibilities, and how their expertise supports the business.

Manufacturing Business Plan management

Financial Plan

The Financial Plan section is a comprehensive analysis of your financial projections for revenue, expenses, and profitability. It lays out your manufacturing business’s approach to securing funding, managing cash flow, and achieving breakeven.

This section typically includes detailed forecasts for the first 5 years of operation, highlighting expected revenue, operating costs and capital expenditures.

For your manufacturing business plan, provide a snapshot of your financial statement (profit and loss, balance sheet, cash flow statement), as well as your key assumptions (e.g. number of customers and prices, expenses, etc.).

Make sure to cover here _ Profit and Loss _ Cash Flow Statement _ Balance Sheet _ Use of Funds

Manufacturing Business Plan financial plan

Privacy Overview

National Elk Refuge Bison & Elk Management Plan

business plan for facilities management services

Upcoming Bison and Elk Management Plan  

In August 2023, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service opened a 30-day scoping period for the development of an updated Bison and Elk Management Plan and an associated Environmental Impact Statement for managing elk, bison and habitat on the National Elk Refuge. The documents associated with this announcement are in the Federal Register . During this scoping period, the Service took public comments and held public scoping meetings to provide interested stakeholders and members of the public an opportunity to learn more about the process, ask questions and provide feedback. 

In March 2024, the Service announced additional opportunities to engage in the development of Updated Bison and Elk Management Plan (Plan) for the National Elk Refuge. The Service would like to update the public on these proposed objectives and alternatives and answer the public’s questions. 

Public Meetings  

The Service is looking to create meaningful and accessible opportunities for public engagement in the decision-making process, and we are seeking diverse public feedback and the best available science to inform the NEPA process. 

Public information sessions: 

  • May 1, 2024, 6:00 p.m. MDT in Jackson, Wyoming at the Ordway Auditorium in the Teton County Library
  • May 6, 2024, 12:00 p.m. MDT: Virtual: Watch the recording on YouTube  
  • A recording is also available from the August 23, 2023, virtual meeting: Watch the recording on YouTube .  

The Service will also be holding half-day workshops for interested parties in late May or June to further understand concerns, tradeoffs, and potential ways to reduce adverse consequences associated with potential management alternatives. We are looking to hear from a diverse set of stakeholders. If you are interested in participating in these workshops, please contact [email protected] by April 10, 2024.

Proposed major milestones for the ongoing 2-year planning process include:  •    May-June 2024: Community Engagement on Objectives and Alternatives (which includes these information sessions and workshops) •    June-December 2024: Development of Draft Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)  •    January-March 2025: Public Comment on Draft Plan and Draft EIS  •    Fall 2025: Publication of Final Plan, EIS and Record of Decision  

In 2007, the Service completed the first plan  to guide management of bison and elk herds on the National Elk Refuge for a 15-year timeframe. The Service also completed a 5-year Step-down Plan in 2019 to reduce supplemental feeding on the refuge. Updates to the management plan seek to address newly available scientific information and changed conditions since adoption of the original management plan. New conditions include the detection of chronic wasting disease in the Jackson area. The updated management plan will also set new desired conditions, management goals, objectives and strategies to guide future management of bison and elk on the refuge.     The Service is working closely with Tribes, the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, and others to update the plan as the Jackson elk and bison herds migrate across several jurisdictional boundaries.  

For more information, view the National Elk Refuge Bison and Elk Management Plan Fact Sheet .


Q: Why is the National Elk Refuge considering updating the Bison and Elk Management Plan (BEMP) now?  

A:  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service updating the plan based on the original timeline outlined in the 2007 BEMP. In addition, the 2019 Bison and Elk Management Step-down Plan (Step-down Plan) to reduce supplemental feeding on the National Elk Refuge (NER) expires in December 2024. Elk management, including supplemental winter feeding, remains one of the most important management actions for the NER.  

Q: What is the purpose of an updated BEMP?   

A: An updated BEMP is needed to fill the gap left by the expiration of the 2007 BEMP. The updated BEMP will address changed conditions and new available scientific information from the past 15 years. The updated BEMP will also set new desired conditions, management goals, objectives, and strategies to guide the management of bison and elk on the NER in the future.  

Q: What has changed since the previous BEMP was adopted?  

A: In December 2019, NER completed the Step-down Plan and associated Environmental Assessment. NER has been implementing the Step-down Plan to reduce reliance on supplemental winter feeding.  The principal goal of this Step-down is to reduce the number of elk wintering on the NER to a 5,000 elk objective.  The primary strategy to achieve this goal is reducing feed season length.   

Since the previous BEMP was adopted, Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been detected in the Jackson elk herd.  The best available evidence suggests that CWD will have significant negative effects on the Jackson elk herd over time, and that supplemental feeding will exacerbate these effects.  

Q: What is NEPA and why does it matter?  

A: Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), agencies are required to consider environmental, social, and economic effects of proposed actions and determine if proposed actions may have significant environmental effects.  

NEPA provides a valuable way for the public to engage in government activities and provide input. Our goal is to create opportunities for meaningful public engagement into decision-making by actively engaging diverse interests to obtain inclusive public feedback and the best available science (biological information, potential effects to the human environment, etc.) to inform the NEPA process.  

Q: What is an Environmental Impact Statement?   

A: Under NEPA, a federal agency may prepare three different levels of documentation to analyze a proposed action: 1) a categorical exclusion; 2) an Environmental Assessment ; or, 3) an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). An agency may prepare an EIS if the agency determines the proposed action may involve scientific controversy or may be determined to have a significant environmental impact.  

Q: Will the public have opportunities to provide input on  the updated BEMP?  

A: Yes. Public scoping meetings and a public scoping comment period will follow the publication of the Notice of Intent (NOI). In addition, a draft of the updated BEMP will be provided with the draft EIS for public review and comment. We strongly encourage public participation during scoping engagement opportunities to advise the formulation of the BEMP and draft EIS.  

Q: When could the public expect to review and comment on a draft EIS?  

A: We anticipate having the draft BEMP and draft EIS available for public review in late summer to fall 2024.  

Q: What is the legal authority for managing the bison and elk on NER?  

A: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has the authority to administer National Wildlife Refuges, which includes actions to manage bison and elk on the NER, pursuant to the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956, the Refuge Recreation Act of 1962, the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act as amended 1974 and the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997.   

Q: Why manage bison and elk on NER?  

A: Bison and elk are managed on NER to ensure healthy and sustainable populations of these species in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  

Q: What size herd would the Service manage on NER?  

A: Currently the NER manages for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department herd objective of 500 bison and 11,000 elk. NER’s management objectives will be evaluated in conjunction with our cooperating agencies during the BEMP planning process with the goal of maintaining sustainable and healthy bison and elk herds.  

Q: Will the updated BEMP supersede the Step-down Plan?  

Yes. The Step-down Plan is a 5-year plan that is current through December 2024. The updated BEMP will provide future guidance on feeding.   

Q: Will the results of the Step-down help inform the analysis of the BEMP?  

A: One of the primary purposes of the Step-down is to gather information on bison and elk behavior in relation to the reduction of supplemental feeding, with the goal of reducing reliance of supplemental feeding for a 5-year period.  Information gathered during this 5-year period will be used to inform the development of the updated BEMP. 

Previous Planning Documents 

2007 Bison and Elk Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement  

2019 Step-down Plan and Environmental Assessment   


Alice Lee, Conservation Planner via email at [email protected] . Individuals in the United States who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access telecommunications relay services. Individuals outside the United States should use the relay services offered within their country to make international calls to the point-of-contact in the United States.  

National Elk Refuge Bison and Elk Management Plan Fact Sheet

An overview of the National Elk Refuge's plan to update their Bison and Elk Management Plan. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes to develop an updated Bison and Elk Management Plan to ensure healthy, sustainable bison and elk herds.

A bright blue sky obstructed by fluffy white clouds reflected off of a stream shot from inside a kayak

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Bison and elk graze on a snow-patched field of grass

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Facilities Management Services

Commissioning Services-Hawthorn Residence Hall Renovation Building

Submittals are due by 2:00 p.m., June 18, 2024.

Do not transmit any submittal information via email. Please deliver one copy of the submittal, along with one electronic copy in pdf format USB.

Project Description:

Hawthorn Residence Hall, built in 1981 with 66,700 GSF, houses 232 students. The building is in need of major renovation. All building systems are at the end of life, except those renovated in 2016 and 2017. Hawthorn Hall offers suites, houses first-year students and is home to the Engineering Learning Community. The project is a comprehensive renovation that replaces mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems, provides new finishes and upgrades to bathrooms and kitchens.

Submittals shall be addressed to : La'Keya Hewlin The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Facilities Management 2nd Floor-Project Management 9151 Cameron Blvd Charlotte NC 28223-0001


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    Advanced Planning Services-Witherspoon Residence Hall Renovation. Advertisement End Date: Thursday, June 27, 2024 ... The building has a facility condition index of 0.43 (poor condition) and will undergo a ... Facilities Management 2nd Floor-Project Management 9151 Cameron Blvd Charlotte NC 28223-0001. Attachment

  28. National Elk Refuge Bison & Elk Management Plan

    Upcoming Bison and Elk Management Plan In August 2023, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service opened a 30-day scoping period for the development of an updated Bison and Elk Management Plan and an associated Environmental Impact Statement for managing elk, bison and habitat on the National Elk Refuge. The documents associated with this announcement are in the Federal Register.

  29. Commissioning Services-Hawthorn Residence Hall Renovation Building

    Division of Business Affairs. About Us . Frequently Asked Questions; Our Units; Mission, Vision and More; News; ... Commissioning Services-Hawthorn Residence Hall Renovation Building. Advertisement End Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 ... Facilities Management 2nd Floor-Project Management 9151 Cameron Blvd Charlotte NC 28223-0001. Attachment


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