
141+ Best Capstone Project Ideas For Computer Science

In the growing world of computer science, selecting the right capstone project can be a pivotal decision for students. A well-chosen project can not only demonstrate your skills but also open doors to exciting opportunities in the tech industry.

To help you make an informed choice, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of 141+ good capstone project ideas for computer science students, categorized by fields of interest. These ideas encompass a wide range of topics, ensuring there’s something for every computer science enthusiast.

What Is Capstone Project in Computer Science

Table of Contents

A capstone project represents the conclusion of a student’s career. It is often completed during the student’s last year of study. The capstone project displays all you’ve learned and accomplished all semester long. Depending on the discipline and the criteria of the educational institution, capstone projects might take the shape of research articles, software programs, experiments, presentations, or artistic works.

Real-world applicability and significance are what make a capstone project shine. It requires students to work with faculty mentors to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world situations and develop original solutions. Students may demonstrate their knowledge and skills, get practical experience, and grow from beginners to experts in their profession via this project.

Significance of Capstone Projects

Want to why capstone project ideas are good to make? Let’s know the importance of capstone project ideas for computer science students.

1. Integration of Knowledge

Capstone projects require students to draw upon the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout their academic journey. This integration of concepts from various courses fosters a holistic understanding of the subject matter.

2. Problem-Solving Skills

Capstone projects often involve tackling complex problems or tasks. This challenges students to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, which are highly valuable in any profession.

3. Interdisciplinary Learning

In some cases, capstone projects encourage interdisciplinary collaboration. This exposure to multiple fields can lead to innovative solutions and a broader perspective on the subject matter.

4. Professional Development

Completing a capstone project can boost a student’s confidence and competence. It provides tangible evidence of their abilities, which can be showcased to potential employers or used as a portfolio piece.

5. Real-World Application

The practical value gained through capstone projects is significant. They provide students an opportunity to work on real problems and develop workable solutions, which is invaluable training for their future employment.

How to Choose the Right Capstone Project

Want to know What Are the Three Best Ways to Generate Ideas for A Writing Project and how to choose them? These are the following steps to choose the right capstone project for computer science. 

How to Choose the Right Capstone Project

1. Identify Your Interests

Consider your passion and interests within your field of study. A project aligned with your interests will keep you motivated throughout the process.

2. Define Your Goals

With this last project, what do you want to accomplish? Get your academic or professional objectives in the open, and make sure your project serves them.

3. Consult with Faculty

Seek guidance from your professors or mentors. They can provide valuable insights, suggest relevant topics, and help you refine your project idea.

4. Assess Feasibility

Evaluate the feasibility of your project in terms of available resources, time, and scope. Ensure it’s achievable within the constraints of your academic program.

5. Consider Impact

Evaluate the results you want to achieve with your project. How will it help advance your area of study or solve pressing societal issues?

6. Research Existing Work

Review existing literature and projects related to your chosen topic. This will help you identify gaps in knowledge and opportunities for innovation.

7. Plan and Develop

After choosing the best capstone project, you will create a detailed plan outlining the steps, milestones, and resources needed for its successful completion.

8. Seek Feedback

It’s important to get input from instructors, peers, and subject matter experts throughout the project. You may learn a lot from their analyses and suggestions.

9. Stay Committed

Capstone projects often require dedication and perseverance. Stay committed to your project, even when faced with challenges.

141+ Best Capstone Project Ideas For Computer Science Students

Following are the best capstone project ideas for computer science students. It is such as;

Best Capstone Project Ideas For Computer Science Students

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Image Recognition for Medical Diagnosis
  • Predictive Text Generation using GPT-3
  • Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions
  • Recommendation System for E-commerce
  • Autonomous Drone Navigation
  • Natural Language Processing for Sentiment Analysis
  • Handwriting Recognition for Language Translation
  • Autonomous Self-Driving Car Simulation
  • Speech Recognition for Voice Assistants
  • Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Equipment

Data Science and Big Data Capstone Project Ideas For Computer Science

  • Predictive Analytics for the Stock Market
  • Customer Churn Prediction
  • Social Media Sentiment Analysis
  • Healthcare Data Analytics
  • Data Visualization for Climate Change
  • Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing
  • Recommender System for Streaming Platforms
  • Predicting Disease Outbreaks with Epidemiological Data
  • Sports Analytics for Performance Improvement
  • Financial Fraud Detection Using Big Data
  • Cybersecurity and Network Security

Capstone Project Ideas For Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Development

  • Network Traffic Analysis for Anomaly Detection
  • Secure Password Management System
  • Biometric Authentication for Access Control
  • Malware Detection and Analysis
  • Blockchain-Based Secure Voting System
  • Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
  • IoT Device Security
  • Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform
  • Web Development and Mobile App Development

Best E-commerce Platform Development

  • Social Networking Application
  • Online Learning Management System
  • Healthcare Appointment Booking App
  • Real-Time Language Translation App
  • Travel Planning and Booking Website
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Tourism Experience
  • Task Management Mobile App
  • Food Delivery Service App
  • Cryptocurrency Portfolio Tracker
  • Computer Vision and Image Processing

Capstone Project Ideas In Object Detection and Tracking 

  • Facial Recognition for Attendance
  • Augmented Reality (AR) Gaming
  • Document Scanner with Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Art Style Transfer
  • QR Code Generator and Scanner
  • Gesture Recognition System
  • License Plate Recognition
  • Image Stitching for Panoramas
  • Medical Image Analysis for Disease Detection
  • Database Systems and Management

Online Grocery Store Database

  • Library Management System
  • Patient Record Management
  • Restaurant Reservation System
  • Inventory Management Database
  • Social Media Analytics Database
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System
  • Job Search and Recruitment Platform
  • Online Auction Platform Database
  • Personal Finance Tracker
  • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Humanoid Robot with Emotion Recognition

  • Reinforcement Learning for Robot Navigation
  • AI-powered Chatbot for Customer Support
  • Robotic Arm Control with Computer Vision
  • Autonomous Delivery Robot
  • Smart Home Automation with AI
  • AI-Powered Music Composer
  • Speech-Enabled Home Automation
  • Autonomous Quadcopter Control
  • AI Dungeon Master for Role-Playing Games
  • Software Engineering and Development Tools

Version Control System for Distributed Teams Capstone Project Ideas 

  • Code Review and Collaboration Platform
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipeline
  • Automated Testing Framework
  • Bug Tracking and Issue Management System
  • Code Quality Analysis Tool
  • DevOps Dashboard for Infrastructure Management
  • Code Optimization Tool
  • Static Code Analysis for Security
  • Agile Project Management Tool
  • Internet of Things (IoT)

Capstone Project Ideas For Smart Home Energy Management

  • Environmental Monitoring with IoT Sensors
  • Smart Agriculture System
  • Wearable Health Monitoring Device
  • IoT-Based Smart Traffic Management
  • Smart Water Quality Monitoring
  • Smart Parking System
  • Home Automation with Voice Control
  • IoT-Based Asset Tracking
  • Industrial IoT for Predictive Maintenance

Game Development Capstone Project Ideas

  • 2D Platformer Game
  • First-Person Shooter (FPS) Game
  • Puzzle Adventure Game
  • Real-Time Strategy (RTS) Game
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Game
  • Augmented Reality (AR) Game
  • Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) Game
  • Racing Game with Physics Simulation
  • Educational Game for Kids
  • Roguelike Dungeon Crawler
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Capstone Project Ideas For Chatbot with Multilingual Support

  • Sentiment Analysis for Social Media
  • Language Translation Tool
  • Text Summarization
  • Question-Answering System
  • Language Model Fine-tuning
  • Named Entity Recognition
  • Language Generation for Storytelling
  • Plagiarism Detection
  • Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech Conversion
  • Cloud Computing and Virtualization

Great Cloud-Based File Storage and Sharing

  • Virtual Machine Management
  • Serverless Computing Platform
  • Cloud-Based Video Streaming Service
  • Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
  • Cloud-Native Application Development
  • Cloud Security Monitoring and Compliance
  • Cloud Cost Optimization Tool
  • Disaster Recovery Planning in the Cloud
  • Cloud-Based Data Warehousing

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Capstone Project Ideas

  • Accessibility Tools for People with Disabilities
  • Eye-Tracking Interface for Hands-Free Control
  • Virtual Keyboard for Touchscreen Devices
  • User Experience (UX) Testing Platform
  • Gesture-Based User Interface
  • Brain-Computer Interface for Disabled Users
  • AR/VR-based Educational Interactive Platform
  • Voice User Interface (VUI) for Smart Homes
  • Emotion Recognition in User Interfaces
  • Natural Language Interface for Software Applications

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Capstone Projects

  • Cryptocurrency Wallet Application
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Platform
  • Supply Chain Tracking with Blockchain
  • Digital Identity Verification
  • Tokenization of Real Assets
  • Blockchain-Based Voting System
  • Smart Contracts for Legal Agreements
  • NFT Marketplace Development
  • Blockchain for Healthcare Records
  • Energy Trading Platform with Blockchain
  • Cryptocurrency Exchange Development

Future of Capstone Projects in Computer Science

Capstone projects become more important as computer science evolves rapidly. These concluding efforts will shape computer science education and tech sector integration in the future. Let’s look forward to computer science capstone projects:

1. Integration of Emerging Technologies

Capstone projects will increasingly involve cutting-edge technologies like AI, blockchain, and quantum computing.

2. Industry Collaboration

Collaboration between academia and industry will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of capstone projects, providing students with real-world challenges and opportunities.

3. Interdisciplinary Focus

Expect a trend toward interdisciplinary capstone projects, addressing complex issues that require expertise from multiple fields.

4. Globalization and Remote Collaboration

Capstone projects will embrace remote collaboration, allowing students to work on international projects and gain diverse perspectives.

5. Emphasis on Ethical AI

Ethical considerations in AI and machine learning will become a central theme in computer science capstone projects.

6. Personalized Learning

Capstone projects will be tailored to individual student interests, fostering a more personalized and engaging educational experience.

7. AI-Powered Project Guidance

AI-driven tools will assist students in selecting, planning, and executing capstone projects, enhancing project success rates.

How To Find Your Passion in Computer Science Projects

 here are the headings for the steps to find your passion in computer science projects:

  • With the Self-Reflection
  • Explore a Variety of Topics
  • Practical Experience
  • Learn Continuously
  • Seek Inspiration from Others
  • Experiment and Innovate
  • Problem Solving and Impact
  • Feedback and Adaptation
  • Collaboration and Networking
  • Stay Informed

Choosing a capstone project is a big step for computer science students. Apply your knowledge and creativity to real-world situations. These many capstone project ideas for computer science students should excite you. Whether you’re interested in AI, web development, cybersecurity, or another sector. Choosing a project that matches your interests and professional ambitions can help you create something amazing.

The capstone project options range from AI and web development to cybersecurity and blockchain , offering something for every computer science enthusiast. Choose a capstone project that matches your hobbies and professional ambitions. These projects might affect your academic career and the future of technology, so embrace the difficulties, seek help, and remain dedicated.

With the appropriate project and perseverance, you’ll graduate with knowledge and a showcase of your abilities and creativity. Enter capstone projects and show off your creativity and technical skills. Your input will shape computer science.

Does computer science have a capstone?

Yes, computer science often includes capstone projects as a culminating experience in many academic programs.

What is a capstone project examples?

Capstone projects come in all shapes and sizes, including research papers, case studies, creative works, internships, and field placement projects.

How do I get ideas for a capstone project?

You can get ideas for a capstone project by exploring your interests, seeking inspiration from coursework, and considering real-world problems in your field of study.

What makes a good college capstone?

The capstone should be a culminating set of personal, academic, and professional experiences.

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161+ Best Computer Science Capstone Project Ideas

As the culmination of your academic journey, a capstone project offers a unique opportunity to apply your acquired knowledge and skills to real-world challenges. In this space, we’ll delve into a myriad of thought-provoking concepts, from cutting-edge technologies to practical solutions that bridge theory and practice. 

Whether you’re a student seeking inspiration or an educator guiding the next generation of tech enthusiasts, our curated collection of computer science capstone project ideas aims to spark creativity and foster a deeper understanding of the diverse and ever-evolving field of computer science. Join us as we embark on a journey of exploration and discovery in the realm of capstone projects.

Table of Contents

Brief overview of computer science capstone project

A computer science capstone project serves as the culmination of a student’s academic journey, requiring the application of theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges. Typically undertaken in the final year, these projects demand innovation, problem-solving, and collaboration. Students choose projects aligned with their interests, often delving into emerging technologies. Successful completion not only demonstrates proficiency but also enhances practical skills and contributes to the academic and professional community. It’s a transformative experience that prepares students for the dynamic landscape of the tech industry.

Advantages of Using Computer Science Capstone Project Ideas

Discover some advantages of using computer science capstone project ideas:

  • Practical Application of Knowledge: Computer science capstone projects allow students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, bridging the gap between academia and industry.
  • Skill Enhancement: Engaging in capstone projects enhances practical skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and project management, preparing students for the challenges of the professional world.
  • Portfolio Enhancement: Successfully completing a capstone project significantly enhances a student’s portfolio, making them stand out to potential employers and showcasing their ability to tackle complex, real-world problems.
  • Networking Opportunities: These projects often involve collaboration with mentors and industry experts, providing valuable networking opportunities that can be instrumental in future career development.
  • Contribution to the Field: Capstone projects have the potential to contribute valuable insights and solutions to the computer science field, showcasing students’ innovation and their impact on the broader academic and professional community.

Criteria for Selecting a Capstone Project

A. alignment with personal interests and career goals.

Choosing a project that aligns with your passion ensures sustained motivation and dedication throughout the process.

B. Relevance to Current Industry Trends

Staying abreast of industry trends guarantees that your project addresses contemporary challenges, enhancing its impact and relevance.

C. Feasibility and Available Resources

Evaluate the feasibility of your project concerning available resources, both in terms of technology and support.

D. Potential for Innovation and Contribution to the Field

Opt for projects that push boundaries and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of computer science.

Also Read: Computer Presentation Topics

List of Best Computer Science Capstone Project Ideas

Here is a complete list of computer science capstone project ideas for students:

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Neural Network-based Image Recognition
  • Natural Language Processing Chatbot
  • Predictive Analytics for Healthcare
  • AI-powered Fraud Detection System
  • Autonomous Drone Navigation
  • Gesture Recognition System
  • Personalized Recommendation System
  • AI-based Game Design
  • Sentiment Analysis on Social Media Data
  • Speech Emotion Recognition
  • Autonomous Vehicle Routing
  • AI for Predicting Stock Market Trends
  • Deep Learning for Music Generation
  • AI-driven Virtual Personal Assistant
  • AI-powered Cybersecurity Monitoring

Machine Learning

  • Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Equipment
  • Customer Churn Prediction in E-commerce
  • Automated Video Surveillance
  • Credit Scoring Model
  • Smart Home Energy Management
  • Facial Recognition Attendance System
  • Disease Prediction using Health Data
  • Recommendation System for Online Learning
  • Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic
  • Fraudulent Transaction Detection
  • Autonomous Robot for Warehouse Management
  • Image-based Plant Disease Detection
  • Traffic Flow Prediction for Smart Cities
  • Gesture-based Control for Smart Devices
  • Machine Learning-based Crop Yield Prediction

Data Science

  • Social Media Analytics Platform
  • E-commerce Sales Forecasting
  • Predictive Policing System
  • Climate Change Data Analysis
  • Healthcare Data Management System
  • Sentiment Analysis Dashboard
  • Movie Recommendation Engine
  • Sports Analytics Platform
  • Crime Rate Prediction Model
  • Personal Finance Tracker
  • Virtual Health Assistant for Patients
  • Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence System
  • Smart City Traffic Management
  • Customer Segmentation for Marketing
  • Data-driven Air Quality Monitoring

Web Development

  • E-commerce Platform with AI Product Recommendations
  • Online Learning Management System
  • Social Networking Platform for Professionals
  • Blogging Platform with AI-driven Content Suggestions
  • Real-time Collaborative Document Editing
  • Event Management System
  • Personal Portfolio Website Generator
  • Fitness Tracking App with Social Integration
  • Online Food Delivery Platform
  • Crowdfunding Platform for Creative Projects
  • Job Matching Platform for Freelancers
  • AI-driven Resume Builder
  • Task Management Application
  • Travel Planning and Recommendation Platform
  • Property Rental Management System


  • Network Intrusion Detection System
  • Biometric Authentication System
  • Blockchain-based Secure File Storage
  • Phishing Detection and Prevention
  • Secure Password Manager
  • Ransomware Detection and Mitigation
  • Two-Factor Authentication Implementation
  • Vulnerability Assessment Tool
  • Secure Communication Platform
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) System
  • Automated Incident Response System
  • Mobile App Security Analyzer
  • Firewall Rule Anomaly Detection
  • Malware Analysis Tool
  • Identity and Access Management System

Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Smart Home Automation System
  • Health Monitoring Wearable Devices
  • IoT-based Agriculture Monitoring
  • Smart City Parking Management
  • Industrial IoT for Predictive Maintenance
  • Water Quality Monitoring System
  • Intelligent Traffic Light Control
  • Smart Energy Management System
  • Smart Refrigerator with Inventory Tracking
  • Wildlife Conservation Monitoring using IoT
  • IoT-enabled Waste Management
  • Smart Building Energy Efficiency
  • Real-time Air Quality Monitoring
  • Smart Retail Shelf Monitoring
  • IoT-based Disaster Management System

Mobile App Development

  • Augmented Reality Navigation App
  • Language Learning App with AI Tutor
  • Fitness Tracking and Social Integration
  • Virtual Interior Design App
  • Location-based Social Networking App
  • Task and Time Management App
  • Personal Finance and Budgeting App
  • AR-based Educational Games for Children
  • Meditation and Mindfulness App
  • Food and Nutrition Tracker
  • Emergency Services Locator App
  • Language Translation App with Voice Recognition
  • Social Impact Reporting App
  • AR-based Museum Guide
  • AR-based Shopping Experience App

Software Development

  • Version Control System for Distributed Teams
  • Bug Tracking and Reporting System
  • Project Management Dashboard
  • Automated Code Review Tool
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment Pipeline
  • Collaborative Code Editing Platform
  • Automated Documentation Generator
  • Software License Compliance Checker
  • Codebase Security Analyzer
  • Application Performance Monitoring Tool
  • Test Case Management System
  • Code Quality Metrics Dashboard
  • Agile Project Management Tool
  • DevOps Collaboration Platform
  • Codebase Clone Detection System

Game Development

  • Virtual Reality (VR) Game Experience
  • Multiplayer Online Game with AI Opponents
  • Educational Game for Children
  • Real-time Strategy (RTS) Game
  • Puzzle Game with Dynamic Level Generation
  • Augmented Reality (AR) Game
  • Simulation Game for Training
  • Story-driven Adventure Game
  • Game with Procedural Content Generation
  • Sports Simulation Game
  • Music-based Rhythm Game
  • Virtual Pet Simulation Game
  • Game with AI-driven NPCs
  • Interactive Narrative Game
  • Cross-Platform Multiplayer Game
  • SDN-based Network Management System
  • IoT Device Communication Protocol
  • Network Traffic Optimization
  • Load Balancing for Web Servers
  • Intrusion Detection System for Networks
  • QoS-enabled Video Streaming
  • Network Bandwidth Monitoring Tool
  • VPN Configuration and Management
  • Software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) Implementation
  • Dynamic Routing Protocol Implementation
  • Network Simulation Environment
  • DNS Security Implementation
  • Network Packet Sniffing Tool
  • Network Topology Visualization Tool
  • Wi-Fi Signal Strength Analyzer
  • Autonomous Robot for Package Delivery
  • Humanoid Robot with Natural Language Understanding
  • Swarm Robotics for Agricultural Tasks
  • Robotic Arm for Industrial Automation
  • Underwater Exploration Robot
  • Robotic Prosthetic Limb with AI Control
  • Educational Robot for STEM Learning
  • Firefighting Drone with AI-based Navigation
  • Robot-assisted Elderly Care System
  • Agricultural Robot for Crop Monitoring and Harvesting
  • Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation
  • Search and Rescue Robot with Vision System
  • Mars Rover Simulation
  • Robot for Hazardous Material Handling
  • Robot-based Inventory Management System

Challenges and How to Overcome Them

1. time management and project deadlines.

Effective time management and setting realistic project deadlines are key to overcoming time-related challenges.

2. Technical Challenges and Problem-Solving Strategies

Expect technical hurdles, and devise effective problem-solving strategies to address them promptly.

3. Communication Issues within a Project Team

Establish clear communication channels to mitigate misunderstandings and foster collaboration within your project team.

4. Balancing Academic Responsibilities with Project Commitments

Maintain a balance between academic responsibilities and project commitments to ensure both aspects receive the attention they deserve.

In conclusion, computer science capstone project ideas represent a transformative journey for students, encapsulating the practical application of knowledge, skill enhancement, and the development of a robust professional portfolio. As students navigate the challenges of these projects, they not only forge connections within the industry but also contribute to the evolving landscape of computer science. The culmination of innovative ideas and problem-solving approaches prepares them for successful careers while leaving a lasting impact on the academic and professional communities. Embracing the opportunities presented by capstone projects is not just an academic requirement but a pivotal step towards becoming adept, industry-ready professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. is it necessary for my project to be groundbreaking.

While not mandatory, a groundbreaking project can significantly enhance your portfolio and career prospects.

2. How Long Does a Typical Capstone Project Take to Complete?

The duration varies, but on average, a capstone project may take several months, depending on complexity and scope.

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  • News & Events

2021 Capstone Projects

To wrap up their undergraduate experience at CU Boulder, computer science students participate in a year-long senior capstone project that gives them a chance to put their skills into practice on real-world projects, as well as to make important professional connections.  Software design projects are sponsored  by companies, academic units and individuals who volunteer their time to work closely with students throughout the year. 

This year, 27 teams completed their software design projects despite the challenges of distance and pandemic. Thank you to all of the students and project sponsors who worked through these uncertain times --  congratulations on a job well done!  

We asked each team to put together a video to introduce their team, demo the final product and share about their journey. 

Evaluating Internet of Things (IoT) Protocols

  • Sponsor:   BI Inc.
  • Team Members : Chris Kardaras, Jacob Hans, Nicholas Wentzel

BISON (BI Incorporated Stream Optimization Network)

  • Team Members : Jared Keefer, Leyen Qian, Tyler Tokumoto, Erik Rhodes, Tianchen Wang

Mobile App - Boulder Apple Tree Project

  • Sponsor:   Boulder Apple Tree Project (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department at CU Boulder)
  • Team Members:  Alexander Haynie, Tanner Ball, Shanli Ding, Yang Li, Qihang Mao, Zach Morrissey

Mobile Apps to Reduce Cross-Race Recognition Deficit - CU Psychology

  • Sponsor:   CU Psychology
  • Team Members : Santillan Alvaro, Guangshi Xu, Liyang Ru, Madison Rivas, Siyu Yao

Digital Marketplace - Festo

  • Sponsor:   Festo
  • Team Members : Sid Bostwick, Ana Vukojevic, Devin Noth

Identity Graph Insight Tool - FullContact

  • Sponsor:   FullContact
  • Team Members : Jonathan Bluhm, Joshua Hamel, Liam McCarthy, Valyria McFarland, Neil Borde, Robert Sarno

Automated Ingestion Data System - Gloo

  • Sponsor:   Gloo
  • Team Members : Cole Sturza, Andrew Gilfillan, Keyuan Huang, Carlos Salazar, Jack Spicer, Rohan Suri, Justin Vuong

Website Redesign - Innovar Group

  • Sponsor: Innovar Group
  • Team Members : Kyle Bremont, Gerritt Luoma, Vincent Liu, Jacob Malcy, Jenn Riley, Chad Wireman

Crime Maps - Caliber Public Safety 

  • Sponsor:   Caliber Public Safety
  • Team Members : Kyle Mock, Elijah Berumen, Yinnan Chen,Brendan Ostrom, Luke Soguero, Xingxuan Tang, Casey Tran

Donor Relations - CEAS advancement team

  • Sponsor:   CU Boulder College of Engineering and Applied Science Advancement
  • Team Members : Nirvan Ashish, Ean Kramer, Max Macaluso, Peter Martin, Frank Stinar

Locomotive training software support - Union Pacific PST

  • Sponsor: Union Pacific PST
  • Team Members : Miles McCorkendale, Spencer Koelsch, Ryan Fleury, Ryan Gomez, Ian Meadows, Justin Reiss, Jansen Wenberg

Mobile App - INSIGHTS Intervention

  • Sponsor:  INSIGHTS Intervention
  • Team Members : Kyran Butler, William Ness, Jessica Sanborn, Ryan Than, Tiffany Phan

Transcript Corpus + Moody's Manuals - Leeds School of Business

  • Sponsor:   Leeds School of Business
  • Team Members : Royce Schultz, Tianwei Zhao, Chace Trevino, Andrew Yee

Everglades Wargame - Lockheed Martin

  • Sponsor:   Lockheed Martin
  • Team Members : Allen Fu, Jeff Lucca, Desmond Manthy, Jackson Meyer, Ryan Novak, Ian Peterson, Holden Kjerland-Nicoletti

Data Science Models - Lockheed Martin Space 

  • Sponsor:   Lockheed Martin Space
  • Team Members : James Douthit, Owen Fulton, Jared Gorthy, Brian Jackman, Matt Janc, Brandon Roemer, Karthik Venkatram

Mobile App - MindBeWell

  • Sponsor: MindBeWell
  • Team Members : Christian Sousa, Tucker Eckhoff, Liz Parker, Serena Evans-Lutterodt, Sam Goulding, Blythe Waltman, Nate Wilson

Ozone Garden Website - NCAR

  • Sponsor:   NCAR
  • Team Members : Tyler Devlin, Haley Drexel, Nick Volpe, Sabrina Kavesh, Travis Cochran, Yu Li

Platform - NMBL Strategies 

  • Sponsor:  NMBL Strategies
  • Team Members : Maureen Aubrey, Mike Donovan, Andrew Hack, Ryan Moore, Gerrett Pape

Golang API Logger - Resurface

  • Sponsor:   R esurface.io
  • Team Members : Chandler Garthwaite, Tim Lenahan, Devin Magnuson, Jiayao Li, Kolin Newby, Kyle Neubarth

First responders reporting tool - Caliber Public Safety

  • Sponsor:  Caliber Public Safety
  • Team Members : Dylan Sain, Alex Book, Andy Kim, Kevin Ruby, Blake Hampton, Joe Wilson

Machine Learning Evaluative Framework - Terumo Blood and Cell

  • Sponsor:   Terumo BCT: Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies
  • Team Members : Sean Flood, Simon Koeten, Erik Pohle, Ruijiang Ma

Cloud Crawler - Trimble

  • Sponsor:   Trimble
  • Team Members : Nasurudin Furi, Colin Craighead, Zachary Teutsch, Obaid Ebadi, Nate Jones

Sounding Climate Data - UCAR

  • Sponsor: UCAR
  • Team Members : Mattias Leino, Nick Vomund, Garrett Hempy, Fahad Shaik, Priyanka Karki, Zhaoyi Xie

K-12 EdTech - UR Turn

  • Sponsor:   UR Turn
  • Team Members : Ziad AlWazzan, Artem Nekrasov, Adam Bender, Bhawana Karn, Darrien Lee, Ryan McGarvey, Wayne Wood

Parallel SPICE Implementation - NASA JPL

  • Sponsor:   NASA
  • Team Members : Austin Albert, Willie Chew, Joel Courtney, Joseph Ledesma, Nicholas LaMonica, Matthew Cohen, Sahib Bajwa

Factory Automation Solutions - Festo

  • Team Members : JC Abrahamson, Taylor Ellis, Tim Euken, Jack Holland, Emily Millican, Bryn Sorli

Infrastructure and Radio Transcription - Digiclips

  • Sponsor:   Digiclips
  • Team Members : Aiden Anderson, Jordan Hernandez, Trevor Jedziniak, Alexander Louie, Ahman Pasha, Drake Rutherford, Muntaha Woods

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  • Ann and H.J. Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences
  • Chemical & Biological Engineering
  • Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering
  • Paul M. Rady Mechanical Engineering
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Creative Technology & Design
  • Engineering Education
  • Engineering Management
  • Engineering Physics
  • Integrated Design Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Materials Science & Engineering

Affiliates & Partners

  • ATLAS Institute
  • BOLD Center
  • Colorado Mesa University
  • Colorado Space Grant Consortium
  • Discovery Learning
  • Engineering Honors
  • Engineering Leadership
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Herbst Program for Engineering, Ethics & Society
  • Integrated Teaching and Learning
  • Global Engineering
  • Mortenson Center for Global Engineering
  • National Center for Women & Information Technology
  • Western Colorado University

This is CS50x 2021, an older version of the course. See cs50.harvard.edu/x for the latest!

199+ Astonishing Capstone Project Ideas for Computer Science

Unearth some seriously cool Capstone Project Ideas for Computer Science that will turbocharge your coding skills. Get ready, future tech maestros – you’ve reached the home stretch of your computer science adventure, and guess what’s on the horizon?

Hey! Almost done with your computer science journey? It’s time for that big capstone project. This is where you shine, applying all you’ve learned. Think cool apps, AI experiments, cybersecurity, or data fun. Check out our ideas, find what excites you, and let’s make this project unforgettable. Ready to kickstart your career in computer science? Let’s do it!

Table of Contents

The Significance of Capstone Projects for Computer Science

Capstone projects are crucial in computer science degrees, going beyond mere exams to showcase students’ practical knowledge and its relevance:

  • Real-World Skills: You apply theoretical learning to real job scenarios.
  • Problem-solving: Tackling complex problems boosts critical thinking.
  • Research: Independent information gathering becomes a strength.
  • Project Management: You master time and team coordination.
  • Communication: Explaining technical concepts becomes effortless.
  • Employer Appeal: A standout project impresses potential employers, highlighting your capabilities in the competitive job market.

Capstone Project Ideas for Computer Science

Have a close look at capstone project ideas for computer science:-

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Chatbot for customer service
  • Movie/book/product recommendation system
  • Neural network for image recognition
  • Sentiment analysis tool for social media
  • Self-learning algorithm for game playing
  • Speech recognition system
  • Stock market trend predictor
  • Natural language processing tool
  • Machine learning model for medical diagnosis
  • AI-powered virtual assistant

Data Science and Big Data

  • Social media trend analysis
  • Data dashboard for business analytics
  • Predictive model for customer churn
  • Recommendation system for online shopping
  • Weather pattern analysis tool
  • Data pipeline for large datasets
  • Anomaly detection in network traffic
  • Real-time data streaming and processing
  • Fraud detection using machine learning
  • Sports statistics analysis tool

Software Development and Engineering

  • Mobile app for task management
  • Web-based project management tool
  • Game development using Unity/Unreal Engine
  • Database management system
  • Automated software testing tool
  • Version control system for collaborative coding
  • Online learning platform
  • Code refactoring and optimization tool
  • Automated software deployment tool
  • Virtual reality application development

Cybersecurity and Network Security

  • DDoS attack detection and mitigation tool
  • Secure file transfer system
  • Firewall system for network security
  • Network traffic monitoring and analysis tool
  • Secure messaging application
  • IoT device security analysis tool
  • Phishing attack detection and prevention system
  • Biometric authentication system
  • Secure password management tool
  • Malware detection and removal system

Internet of Things (IoT) and Embedded Systems

  • Smart home automation system
  • Wearable device for health monitoring
  • Agricultural operations monitoring and control system
  • Inventory tracking using RFID
  • Smart transportation system for traffic management
  • Energy consumption monitoring and control system
  • Remote environmental monitoring device
  • Smart waste management system
  • Fleet vehicle tracking and management tool
  • Smart irrigation system for agriculture

Web Development and E-Commerce

  • Online marketplace for buying/selling goods
  • Online event ticketing platform
  • Online food ordering and delivery system
  • Online survey creation and management tool
  • Travel accommodation booking platform
  • Online restaurant reservation system
  • Online tutoring and educational services platform
  • Online job recruitment and hiring system
  • Online course creation and management tool
  • Crowdfunding platform for projects

Mobile App Development

  • Fitness tracking app
  • Augmented reality mobile game
  • Language learning app
  • Niche-specific social networking app
  • Personal finance management app
  • Travel planning app
  • Meditation and mindfulness app
  • Productivity app for task management
  • Recipe app for meal planning
  • Mental health and well-being app

Game Development

  • 2D platformer game
  • Puzzle game with innovative mechanics
  • Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game
  • Role-playing game (RPG) with a compelling story
  • Simulation game for education or training
  • Virtual reality game for immersive experiences
  • Strategy game with complex decision-making
  • Sports simulation game
  • Casual mobile game for quick play sessions
  • Interactive narrative game with branching storylines

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

  • Blockchain-based voting system
  • Cryptocurrency exchange platform
  • Smart contract for automated transactions
  • Blockchain-based supply chain management system
  • Decentralized application (dApp) for a specific use case
  • Blockchain-based digital identity management system
  • Tokenization platform for asset management
  • Blockchain-based crowdfunding platform
  • Decentralized marketplace for buying/selling goods
  • Blockchain-based solution for transparent charity donations

Health and Wellness Technology

  • Telemedicine platform for virtual consultations
  • Fitness app with personalized workout plans
  • Health monitoring system for elderly care
  • Mental health tracking and support tool
  • Nutrition tracking and meal planning app
  • Chronic disease monitoring and management system
  • Platform for connecting patients with healthcare providers
  • Virtual reality application for physical therapy
  • Medication management and reminders tool
  • Wearable device for monitoring vital signs

Education Technology

  • Online learning and course management platform
  • Tool for creating interactive educational content
  • Student performance tracking and analytics system
  • Language learning mobile app
  • Virtual reality application for immersive learning
  • Tool for collaborative online study groups
  • Platform for virtual field trips and educational tours
  • Gamified learning app for children
  • Tool for creating and sharing educational videos
  • Mobile app for digital storytelling and creative writing

Social Impact and Civic Tech

  • Platform for reporting and tracking environmental issues
  • Tool for connecting volunteers with local community projects
  • System for tracking and reducing food waste
  • Mobile app for emergency response and disaster management
  • Platform for citizen journalism and community news
  • Tool for promoting and organizing local events
  • System for connecting donors with charitable causes
  • Platform for community-driven urban planning
  • Tool for promoting sustainable transportation options
  • Mobile app for connecting homeless individuals with support services

Finance and Fintech

  • Budgeting and expense tracking app
  • Financial planning tool for retirement savings
  • Cryptocurrency portfolio management platform
  • Tool for analyzing and predicting stock market trends
  • Platform for peer-to-peer lending
  • System for automated investment management
  • Platform for crowdfunding startup projects
  • Mobile payment system for small businesses
  • Tool for financial literacy education
  • Blockchain-based solution for secure online payments

Robotics and Automation

  • Robotic arm for industrial applications
  • Self-driving car simulation environment
  • System for autonomous drone navigation
  • Robot for assisting with household chores
  • Robotic pet companion for the elderly
  • System for automated inventory management in warehouses
  • Robot for agricultural automation
  • Robotic bartender for mixing drinks
  • Robot for educational purposes in schools
  • System for automated quality control in manufacturing

Accessibility and Assistive Technology

  • Tool for translating sign language to spoken language
  • System for enhancing communication for individuals with disabilities
  • Navigation aid for visually impaired individuals
  • Tool for speech recognition and synthesis for individuals with speech impairments
  • Mobile app for identifying and describing objects for visually impaired individuals
  • System for text-to-speech conversion for individuals with reading disabilities
  • Tool for remote assistance and support for individuals with disabilities
  • Wearable device for monitoring health conditions of individuals with chronic illnesses
  • System for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for individuals with communication disorders
  • Tool for adaptive gaming for individuals with disabilities

Environmental Conservation and Sustainability

  • System for monitoring and reducing energy consumption in buildings
  • Tool for tracking and analyzing air quality data
  • Platform for promoting and organizing eco-friendly initiatives
  • Mobile app for encouraging sustainable transportation options
  • System for monitoring and managing water usage
  • Tool for calculating and reducing carbon footprint
  • Platform for connecting eco-conscious consumers with sustainable products
  • System for recycling and waste management
  • Tool for sustainable farming practices
  • Mobile app for promoting eco-tourism and conservation efforts

Entertainment Technology

  • Platform for hosting virtual concerts and events
  • Tool for creating and sharing personalized playlists
  • System for crowd-sourced movie recommendations
  • Mobile app for discovering local live music events
  • Platform for interactive storytelling and narrative experiences
  • Tool for creating and sharing fan theories and speculation
  • System for organizing and managing tabletop gaming sessions
  • Platform for hosting virtual art exhibitions
  • Mobile app for discovering and booking tickets to live performances
  • Tool for generating and sharing custom memes and viral content

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

  • Virtual reality training simulator for a specific industry
  • Augmented reality app for navigation and wayfinding
  • Virtual reality game for educational purposes
  • Augmented reality tool for interior design and home planning
  • Virtual reality tour of historical landmarks and monuments
  • Augmented reality tool for learning anatomy and biology
  • Virtual reality application for mental health therapy
  • Augmented reality tool for learning new languages
  • Virtual reality experience for exploring space and astronomy
  • Augmented reality app for interactive museum exhibits

Computer Vision and Image Processing

  • Tool for detecting and recognizing facial expressions
  • System for object recognition and tracking in videos
  • Image editing tool with advanced features
  • Tool for analyzing and enhancing satellite images
  • System for detecting and counting wildlife in nature reserves
  • Tool for detecting and analyzing defects in manufacturing
  • System for recognizing and classifying plants and flowers
  • Tool for analyzing medical images like X-rays and MRIs
  • System for monitoring and analyzing traffic flow
  • Tool for enhancing and restoring old photographs

Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

  • Tool for analyzing and visualizing genetic data
  • System for predicting protein structures
  • Tool for identifying and analyzing DNA sequences
  • Platform for simulating biological systems
  • System for analyzing and predicting drug interactions
  • Tool for studying evolutionary patterns
  • Database for storing and retrieving biological data
  • System for analyzing and predicting disease outbreaks
  • Tool for studying gene expression patterns
  • Platform for collaborative research in bioinformatics

What is a capstone project in computer science?

It’s the big challenge students tackle in their last year, showing off all they’ve learned.

Here’s what makes a capstone project cool:

  • Big Finish: It’s the last big thing students do, where they use all their skills.
  • Real Problems: They solve real issues, connecting what they learned to the real world.
  • Hands-On: They get to build stuff like apps or solve tricky problems.
  • Different Styles: Projects can be solo or team efforts, tackling big challenges.

What is the best topic for a computer science project?

When picking a computer science project, think about what you enjoy. Here are some ideas:

  • AI/ML: Make chatbots or image/speech recognition systems.
  • Data Science: Create data visualizations or analysis tools.
  • Software Dev: Build apps or focus on web security.
  • HCI: Design user-friendly interfaces or explore VR/AR.

Consider trends like cybersecurity, IoT, and cloud computing. And don’t forget basics like algorithms and game development. Talk to professors for guidance. The best project is one that excites you!

What are examples of capstone project?

Here are some simple capstone project ideas in computer science:

Machine Learning & AI

  • Create a machine learning model to predict stock market trends or customer behavior.
  • Develop a chatbot for customer service or specific topics.
  • Design an image recognition system for object identification or medical scans.

Data Science & Big Data

Build a data visualization tool for social media trends or public health data. Develop a recommendation system for a streaming service or online store. Design a big data processing pipeline for scientific research or weather patterns.

Software Development

  • Create a mobile app for language learning or fitness tracking.
  • Design a web app for social networking or content management.
  • Develop software for project management or data analysis in a specific field.

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

  • Design a user-friendly interface for a library system or government website.
  • Explore virtual reality for education or training.
  • Develop an augmented reality system for product visualization or navigation.

Security & Networking

  • Design an intrusion detection system for a network.
  • Build a tool for testing web app vulnerabilities.
  • Develop a blockchain app for secure data storage or financial transactions.

These ideas can help you get started on your computer science capstone project!

What should I do for my capstone project?

Here’s a roadmap to guide you:


Reflect on what excites you in computer science. Are you into algorithms, software development, or data analysis? What recent advancements interest you, like AI or cybersecurity?

Skillset Evaluation

Consider your strengths and areas for growth. Are you proficient in Python or Java? Do you know data analysis tools? Understanding your skills will help you choose a project that showcases them.

Program Requirements

Check your program’s guidelines. Do they suggest specific project areas or technologies? Knowing this will focus your ideas.

Professorial Guidance

Talk to your professors. Discuss your interests, skills, and project ideas. They can refine your scope, ensure it aligns with requirements, and offer guidance.

Real-World Impact

Consider the project’s impact. Can it solve a real problem? Could it benefit a community or organization? A purpose-driven project can be more fulfilling.

Sure thing! When it comes to capstone projects in computer science, the options are pretty exciting! There’s bound to be a project that gets you buzzing. Take stock of your strengths, check out what your program expects, chat with your professors for some guidance, and aim to make a real splash with your project.

With some creativity and a lot of passion, your capstone could be the start of something amazing in the world of computer science.

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  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Operating System
  • Computer Networks
  • Digital Logic and Design
  • C Programming

Data Structures

  • Theory of Computation
  • Compiler Design
  • Computer Org and Architecture

Interview Preparation

  • Interview Preparation For Software Developers
  • Must Coding Questions - Company-wise
  • Must Do Coding Questions - Topic-wise
  • Company-wise Practice Problems
  • Company Preparation
  • Competitive Programming
  • Software Design-Patterns
  • Company-wise Interview Experience
  • Experienced - Interview Experiences
  • Internship - Interview Experiences

Practice @Geeksforgeeks

  • Problem of the Day
  • Topic-wise Practice
  • Difficulty Level - School
  • Difficulty Level - Basic
  • Difficulty Level - Easy
  • Difficulty Level - Medium
  • Difficulty Level - Hard
  • Leaderboard !!
  • Explore More...
  • Linked List
  • Binary Tree
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Advance Data Structures
  • All Data Structures
  • Analysis of Algorithms
  • Searching Algorithms
  • Sorting Algorithms
  • Pattern Searching
  • Geometric Algorithms
  • Mathematical Algorithms
  • Randomized Algorithms
  • Greedy Algorithms
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Divide & Conquer
  • Backtracking
  • Branch & Bound
  • All Algorithms

Programming Languages

Web technologies.

  • Tailwind CSS
  • Web Browser
  • File Formats

Computer Science Subjects

  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Network
  • Computer Organization & Architecture
  • Digital Elec. & Logic Design
  • Software Engineering

Data Science & ML

  • Complete Data Science Course
  • Data Science Tutorial
  • Machine Learning Tutorial
  • Deep Learning Tutorial
  • NLP Tutorial
  • Machine Learning Projects
  • Data Analysis Tutorial

Tutorial Library

  • Python Tutorial
  • Django Tutorial
  • Pandas Tutorial
  • Kivy Tutorial
  • Tkinter Tutorial
  • OpenCV Tutorial
  • Selenium Tutorial
  • GATE CS Notes
  • Gate Corner
  • Previous Year GATE Papers
  • Last Minute Notes (LMNs)
  • Important Topic For GATE CS
  • GATE Course
  • Previous Year Paper: CS exams
  • Git Tutorial
  • AWS Tutorial
  • Docker Tutorial
  • Kubernetes Tutorial
  • Microsoft Azure Tutorial

QUIZ Section

  • Python Quiz
  • JavaScript Quiz
  • Data Structures Quiz
  • Algorithms Quiz
  • Topic-wise MCQs

School Content

  • CBSE Notes 2023-24
  • CBSE Class 8 Notes
  • CBSE Class 9 Notes
  • CBSE Class 10 Notes
  • CBSE Class 11 Notes
  • CBSE Class 12 Notes
  • School Programming
  • English Grammar
  • Accountancy
  • Business Studies
  • Human Resource Management
  • Top 100 Puzzles
  • Mathematical Riddles

Computer Science Projects

Computer science is a popular topic of study today, with numerous applications spanning a wide range. Final-year students frequently find it difficult to select the appropriate computer science project. On the final day of graduation, projects are the only thing that matters. Any IT-related industry where projects have a substantial impact can be chosen for a job or further education. Project work indicates knowledge depth as well as some soft skills like creativity and problem-solving. Your interview prospects will also improve as a result of your final year projects. As a result, in their last year of graduation, students are required to complete a project.

Best Domain to Choose for Conducting the Projects

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Web Technology
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning

Recent Project Articles !

  • C++ Projects
  • Java Projects
  • Python Projects
  • Project Ideas
  • Department Store Management System(DSMS) using C++
  • Test Cases For Signup Page Using C Language
  • Shopping Cart Project Using C Language
  • OpenCV C++ Program for Face Detection
  • OpenCV C++ Program for coin detection
  • OpenCV C++ Program to blur an image
  • OpenCV C++ Program to create a single colored blank image
  • OpenCV C++ Program to blur a Video
  • OpenCV C++ Program to play a video
  • Creating a PortScanner in C
  • Student Data Management in C++
  • OpenGL program for Simple Ball Game
  • Implementation of Minesweeper Game
  • Finding cabs nearby using Great Circle Distance formula
  • Program to remotely Power On a PC over the internet using the Wake-on-LAN protocol.

Java Projects :

  • A Group chat application in Java
  • Generating Password and OTP in Java
  • Creative Programming In Processing | Set 1 (Random Walker)
  • Creative Programming In Processing | Set 2 (Lorenz Attractor)

Python Projects :

  • Make Notepad using Tkinter
  • Color game using Tkinter in Python
  • Python | Message Encode-Decode using Tkinter
  • XML parsing in Python
  • Desktop Notifier in Python
  • Hangman Game in Python
  • Junk File Organizer in Python
  • Browser Automation Using Selenium
  • Tracking bird migration using Python-3
  • Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Python
  • Image Classifier using CNN
  • Implementing Photomosaics
  • Working with Images in Python
  • OpenCV Python Program to blur an image
  • Opencv Python program for Face Detection
  • Cartooning an Image using OpenCV – Python
  • OpenCV Python Program to analyze an image using Histogram
  • OpenCV Python program for Vehicle detection in a Video frame
  • DNA to Protein in Python 3
  • Viruses – From Newbie to pro
  • Handling Ajax request in Django
  • Working with zip files in Python
  • Morse Code Translator In Python
  • Simple Chat Room using Python
  • Creating a Proxy Webserver in Python | Set 1
  • Creating a Proxy Webserver in Python | Set 2
  • Project Idea | Audio to Sign Language Translator
  • Understanding Code Reuse and Modularity in Python 3
  • Multi-Messenger : A python project, messaging via Terminal
  • Movie recommendation based on emotion in Python
  • Implementing Web Scraping in Python with BeautifulSoup
  • Computer Vision module application for finding a target in a live camera

Web Development Projects

  • Design an Event Webpage using HTML & CSS
  • Design a Parallax Webpage using HTML & CSS
  • Design a Webpage like Technical Documentation using HTML & CSS
  • Design Homepages like Facebook using HTML and CSS
  • Page for online food delivery system using HTML and CSS
  • Responsive sliding login and registration forms using HTML CSS and JavaScript?
  • Design a Student Grade Calculator using JavaScript
  • Slide Down a Navigation Bar on Scroll using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 
  • Design a BMI Calculator using JavaScript
  • Task Tracker Project

Project Ideas :

  • Project Idea | (Static Code Checker for C++)
  • Project Idea | (Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition using neural network)
  • Project Idea | God’s Eye
  • Project Idea | (Ca-solutions)
  • Project Idea | College Connect
  • Project Idea | Empower Illiterate
  • Project Idea | (Remote Lab Assistance)
  • Project Idea | (Project Approval System)
  • Project Idea | (Online Course Registration)
  • Project Idea | (Universal Database Viewer)
  • Project Idea | Sun Rise/Set Time Finder
  • Project Idea | Automatic Youtube Playlist Downloader
  • Project Idea | Aadhaar Thumb: A Platform to All Services
  • Project Idea | (Health services & Medical outcome monitoring)
  • Project Idea| (Magical Hangouts: An Android Messaging App)
  • Project Idea | JamFree
  • Project Idea | AI Therapist
  • Project Idea | Get Your Logo
  • Project Idea | ( Client Master)
  • Project Idea | (A Game of Anagrams )
  • Project Idea | Breakout game in Python
  • Project Idea | (Games using Hand Gestures)
  • Project Idea | Amanda: A Smart Enquiry Chatbot
  • Project Idea | (A.T.L.A.S: App Time Limit Alerting System)
  • Project Idea | Sign Language Translator for Speech-Impaired
  • Project Idea | Personality Analysis using hashtags from tweets
  • Project Idea | Recommendation System based on Graph Database
  • Creating a C/C++ Code Formatting tool with help of Clang tools
  • Project Idea (Augmented Reality – QR Code Scanner)
  • Project Idea (Augmented Reality – ARuco Code Detection and Estimation)
  • Project Idea | (CSE Webnode)
  • Project Idea | College Network
  • Project Idea | (Online UML Designing Tool)
  • Project Idea | Voice Based Email for Visually Challenged
  • Project Idea | Assist Bot
  • Project Idea | Social-Cop
  • Project Idea | MediTrack
  • Project Idea | (CAPTURED)
  • Project Idea | LinkBook
  • Project Idea | (Trip Planner)
  • Project Idea | EveMythra Bot
  • Project Idea | Green Rides
  • Project Idea | E-Ration Shop
  • Project Idea | Smart Elevator
  • Project Idea | Get Me Through
  • Project Idea | Innovate Email
  • Project Idea | NextVAC Platform
  • Project Idea | League of Fitness
  • Project Idea | (A Personal Assistant)
  • Project Idea | (Smart Restaurants)
  • Project | Scikit-learn – Whisky Clustering
  • Creating a Calculator for Android devices
  • Project Idea | Airport Security Using Beacon
  • Project Experience | (Brain Computer Interface)
  • Project Idea | ( True Random Number Generator)
  • Project Idea | Distributed Downloading System
  • Project Idea | (Personalized real-time update system)
  • Project Idea | Attendance System Using Smart Card
  • Project Idea | (Detection of Malicious Network activity)
  • Project Idea | Smart Waste Management System
  • Project Idea – Bio-Hashing : Two factor authentication
  • Project Idea | noteSort (Classify handwritten notes)
  • Project Idea | Health Application powered by IBM Watson
  • Project Idea | Collaborative Editor Framework in Real Time
  • Project Idea | Department Data Analysis Mobile Application
  • Project Idea | Analysis of Emergency 911 calls using Association Rule Mining
  • Crop monitoring and smart farming using IoT
  • MyHelper (Access your phone from anywhere without Internet)
  • Project Idea | (Robust Pedestrian detection)
  • Project Idea | ( Character Recognition from Image )
  • Project Idea | (Model based Image Compression of Medical Images)
  • Project Idea | Motion detection using Background Subtraction Techniques
  • Project Idea | (Optimization of Object-Based Image Analysis with Super-Pixel for Land Cover Mapping)
  • A Number Link Game
  • Designing Use Cases for a Project
  • Building a Basic Chrome Extension
  • How to write a good SRS for your Project
  • Creating WYSIWYG Document Editor | Natural Language Programming

Computer Science – FAQs

1. what is computer science .

Computer science (CS) is the study of computers and algorithmic processes including their principles, their hardware and software designs, their applications, and their impact on society.

2. Which is the best project in the final year?

The best final-year project is subjective and depends on your interests and skills. Choose a project that appeals to your interests, challenges you, and provides real learning possibilities.

3. How do I choose a major project for CSE?

To choose a major project for Computer Science Engineering (CSE), follow these steps: Identify your interests and strengths within CSE. Research current trends and emerging technologies in the field. Discuss project ideas with professors, peers, and industry professionals. Consider the project’s feasibility, scope, and potential impact. Select a project that excites you and aligns with your academic goals.

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The Capstone Experience

About capstones.

Student laser tag

Capstone are senior-level project courses that allow you to solve a substantial problem with knowledge gained from many areas in computer science and engineering. Students work in teams to define a problem, develop a solution, produce and demonstrate an artifact that solves the problem, and present their work. Class time focuses on the project design and implementation, but it may also include lectures on the practical application of advanced topics. Interdisciplinary projects that require interaction with other departments are encouraged.

A Capstone course is not simply an advanced course in a particular sub-area, nor is it an unstructured project course. A Capstone is designed to be a culmination of your learning, and a chance to develop and express many skills at once: For example, technical expertise and communication ability.

Capstone Goals

  • Projects must be large enough to require teams of several students to work on over one quarter.
  • Students must apply concepts from more than one sub-area of CSE (at the 300-level and above).
  • The work must involve a substantial design effort.
  • Students must present their work using formal oral presentations and written reports.
  • Efforts must culminate in an interesting, working artifact.

Capstone Course List

Capstones 2024 - 2025, autumn 2024.

  • Taught by: Shwetak N. Patel
  • Prerequisites: Either EE 271 or CSE 369; either CSE 466, EE 472, or CSE 474/EE 474
  • Description: Capstone design experience. Prototype a substantial project mixing hardware, software, and communications. Focuses on embedded processors, programmable logic devices, and emerging platforms for the development of digital systems. Provides a comprehensive experience in specification, design, and management of contemporary embedded systems.
  • Taught by: Tim Althoff
  • Prerequisites: CSE 332 and CSE 312, and at least one of CSE 446, CSE 442, or CSE 344.
  • Description: This Data Science Capstone focuses on the complete end-to-end process of data analysis performed with code: the iterative, and often exploratory, steps that analysts go through to turn data into results. Our focus is not limited to statistical modeling or machine learning, but rather the complete process, including transformation, exploration, modeling, and evaluation choices. Students will work in groups of four on a single project that will tie together and apply previous experiences from CSE 312, 332, 446, 442, 344, and other classes. Students are expected to already possess knowledge of appropriate machine learning, visualization and database methods, and will focus on independently applying those methods in the context of your project. There will therefore be limited lecture material in this course. Course staff will instead work closely with students to critique and advise on their group project. Students will experience the end-to-end data analysis process from transformation and exploration of data to modeling and evaluation. Your group will brainstorm on a project during the first week, before collaboratively exploring the data and implementing a complete data analysis workflow. This capstone course gives hands-on experience with selecting a data science question, and with crafting and evaluating a data science process to answer that question.

Winter 2025

Spring 2025, capstones 2023 - 2024.

  • Description: This Data Science Capstone focuses on the complete end-to-end process of data analysis performed with code: the iterative, and often exploratory, steps that analysts go through to turn data into results. Our focus is not limited to statistical modeling or machine learning, but rather the complete process, including transformation, exploration, modeling, and evaluation choices. Students will work in groups of four on a single project that will tie together and apply previous experiences from CSE 312, 332, 446, 442, 344, and other classes. Students are expected to already possess knowledge of appropriate machine learning, visualization and database methods, and will focus on independently applying those methods in the context of your project. There will therefore be limited lecture material in this course. Course staff will instead work closely with students to critique and advise on their group project. Students will experience the end-to-end data analysis process from transformation and exploration of data to modeling and evaluation. Your group will brainstorm on a project during the first week, before collaboratively exploring the data and implementing a complete data analysis workflow. This capstone course gives hands-on experience with selecting a data science question, and with crafting and evaluating a data science process to answer that question. question.

Winter 2024

  • Taught by: Barbara Mones
  • Prerequisites: CSE 458; CSE 459
  • Description: Apply the knowledge gained in previous animation courses to produce a short animated film. Topics include scene planning, digital cinematography, creature and hard surface modeling, animatics and basics of character animation, and rendering techniques.
  • Taught by: ECE
  • Taught by: Zoran Popovic
  • Prerequisites: CSE 351, 332 and ideally one 400-level course
  • Description: TBA
  • Taught by: Amy Zhang
  • Prerequisites: None, but CSE 440 is strongly suggested
  • Description: In this capstone course, students will work in groups to apply software engineering and system design skills they have learned over their four years in computer science towards building a novel social computing system to address a social challenge. We will follow a human-centered design process for groups to ideate, prototype, test, implement, and showcase their novel system. Along the way, students will gain a broad understanding of the current major pressing issues and state of the art of knowledge in social computing, while taking a critical lens toward social computing systems they use every day. Along with the capstone project, we will have readings, group discussions, reflections, and guest speakers working in social computing.
  • Taught by: Maya Cakmak
  • Prerequisites: Senior standing in CSE or permission of the instructor
  • Description: The main goal of this course is to open up new career options in robotics for computer science and engineering students. To that end, the course will teach you the basics of robotics and give you implementation experience. You will learn to use libraries and tools within the most popular robot programming framework ROS (Robot Operating System). We will touch on robot motion, navigation, perception, planning, and interaction through mini-lectures, labs, and assignments, eventually integrating these components to create autonomous or semi-autonomous robotic functionalities. The project will give you team-work experience with large scale software integration and it will get you thinking about opportunities for using robots to address societal challenges.

Spring 2024

  • Taught by: Sheng Wang

Prerequisites: CSE 312; CSE 331; CSE 332

  • Description: Designs and implements a software tool or software analysis for an important problem in computational molecular biology.
  • Taught by: Yoshi Kohno
  • Prerequisites: CSE 484

Description: Student teams will be tasked with creating a computer security themed product. The work will progress from product conception to requirements to design to implementation to evaluation. Along the way, students will incorporate key computer security tools and practices, including threat modeling, penetration testing, and bug fixing. Examples include password managers, censorship resistance systems, and mobile payment systems.

  • Taught by: Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman

Prerequisites: CSE 332, and at least 1, CSE 400 level course recommended

  • Description: Virtual and Augmented reality are promising technologies that are certain to make an impact on the future of business and entertainment. In this capstone, students will work in small project teams to build applications and prototype systems using state of the art Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Seattle is a nexus of VR tech, with Oculus Research, Valve, Microsoft (hololens), Google (cardboard, jump), and teams in the area. We will be developing on the latest VR/AR headsets and platforms, and will bring in leading VR experts for lectures and to supervise student projects. Students will experience the end-to-end product cycle from design to deployment, and learn about VR/AR technology and applications. The capstone culminates in a highly anticipated demo day where the students demonstrate their creations to other students, faculty and industry luminaries. (See Video)
  • Taught by: Noah Smith
  • Prerequisites: 446 or 447 strongly recommended but not required
  • Description: This class will provide students with an intensive 10-week experience in successfully completing a challenging, well-scoped research project. Participants will work in small groups (approximately 3 people in each group) to hone their technical skills to quickly absorb and adapt new technical knowledge, gain experience in complex programming, perform thorough experiments and analysis, and learn how to find a path when faced with negative results.
  • Taught by: Simon Peter
  • Prerequisites: CSE 451
  • Description: This course is intended to give students a thorough understanding of design and implementation issues for modern operating systems. We will cover key design issues in implementing an operating system, such as memory management, inter-core synchronization, scheduling, protection, inter-process communication, device drivers, and file systems, paying particular attention to system designs that differ from the traditional monolithic arrangements of Unix/Linux and Windows.
  • Taught by: Rajesh Rao
  • Prerequisites: Senior standing in CSE or permission of the instructor.

Description: Design, build and present a prototype device or software tool that solves an important problem in neural engineering. Examples include interfaces based on combining AI with brain-, muscle-, and/or eye-tracking signals to control computers or robotic devices, virtual reality approaches to improving neural function, and machine learning-based software tools for analyzing large-scale neural data.

  • Taught by: Steve Tanimoto
  • Prerequisites: CSE 332 or instructor permission
  • Description: Each team analyzes a wicked problem and develops a game that stimulates player engagement with the problem and approaches to solving it. Tools and techniques include Python, large language models, multiplayer supports, problem-solving theory from AI, formulation frameworks, simulation models, iterative design, Scrum-based agile development, and playtesting.
  • Taught by: Richard Anderson
  • Prerequisites: CSE 332; CSE 351; either CSE 331 or CSE 352
  • Description: Students will work on a group project that makes use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to address global needs with an emphasis on developing countries. While ICTs are having an enormous impact on livelihoods worldwide, deployment environments vary dramatically based on available infrastructure and technologies accessible to people. Areas of projects could include: health information systems, data collection technologies, applications for basic mobile phones, user interface design for low literate populations, behavior change communication, voice based social networks, community cellular networks, open source projects for global good, low-cost smartphones, satellite image analysis or mobile financial services targeting domains including health, education, agriculture, finance, and livelihood.
  • 5 credits (satisfies DIV requirement)

Capstones 2022 - 2023

  • Description: Data analysis is a central activity for scientific research and is increasingly a critical part of decision making in government and business. However, producing reliable data analysis outcomes is challenging since the decisions made throughout the analysis process can dramatically affect the eventual outcome. This Data Science Capstone focuses on the complete end-to-end process of data analysis performed with code: the iterative, and often exploratory, steps that analysts go through to turn data into results. Our focus is not limited to statistical modeling or machine learning, but rather the complete process, including transformation, exploration, modeling, and evaluation choices. Students will work in groups of four on a single project that will tie together and apply previous experiences from CSE 312, 332, 446, 442, 344, and other classes. Students are expected to already possess knowledge of appropriate machine learning, visualization and database methods, and will focus on independently applying those methods in the context of your project. There will therefore be limited lecture material in this course. Course staff will instead work closely with students to critique and advise on their group project. Students will experience the end-to-end data analysis process from transformation and exploration of data to modeling and evaluation. Your group will brainstorm on a project during the first week, before collaboratively exploring the data and implementing a complete data analysis workflow. This capstone course gives hands-on experience with selecting a data science question, and with crafting and evaluating a data science process to answer that question. question.

Winter 2023

  • Taught by: ECE Department
  • Taught by: Haduong
  • Prerequisites: CSE 351, 332 and ideally one 400
  • Description: Coming soon...
  • Taught by: Roesner

Spring 2023

  • Taught by: Wang
  • Taught by: Zhang
  • Prerequisites: TBD
  • Taught by: Cakmak
  • Explain basics of robot navigation, perception, planning, interaction;
  • Enumerate challenging problems in robotics;
  • Use important tools in ROS, contribute to ROS, find available packages in ROS;
  • Operate a robot platform using ROS tools;
  • Articulate the importance of interface design and robustness of functionalities in robotics.
  • Taught by: N. Smith
  • Prerequisites: none listed
  • Taught by: S. Peter
  • Taught by: Shyam Gollakota
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Description: Create cool and interesting projects where you get to use various mobile systems and networking technologies. The capstone will include background material on Android programming, networking as well as how various sensors like GPS, IMU, acoustic work to enable tracking, localization, augmented reality and ranging applications. This class will provide students with an intensive 10-week experience in successfully completing an intellectually-exciting project in mobile systems and networking. Participants will work in small groups to learn new technical skills to quickly absorb and adapt new technical knowledge, gain experience in mobile programming and networking, implement their ideas on mobile devices and perform thorough experiments and analysis. Other than programming, no prerequisites are required.
  • Taught by: R. Anderson
  • Description: Students will work on group project that use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to address global needs with an emphasis on developing countries. While ICTs are having an enormous impact on livelihoods worldwide, deployment environments vary dramatically based on available infrastructure and technologies accessible to people. Areas of projects could include: health information systems, data collection technologies, applications for basic mobile phones, user interface design for low literate populations, behavior change communication, voice based social networks, community cellular networks, open source projects for global good, low-cost smartphones, satellite image analysis or mobile financial services targeting domains including health, education, agriculture, finance, and livelihood.

Capstones 2021 - 2022

  • Taught by: Patel,Shwetak N.
  • Taught by: Althoff
  • Description: Student teams design and implement a software project involving multiple areas of the CSE curriculum. Course emphasizes the development process, rather than the product.
  • Taught by: Heimerl
  • Prerequisites: Recommended: HCI (440) or Operating Systems (451) or Networks (461)
  • Description: Public Interest Technology Capstone Experience. Develop tools and technologies in partnership with communities around Seattle and Tacoma that assist in small organizations running Internet access networks. Focus on core network development as well as HCI and user-facing systems. Provides a comprehensive experience designing, building, and deploying technology in the real world with the goal of doing social good.

Winter 2022

  • Taught by: E.E.
  • Description: coming soon...
  • Taught by: Anderson, Richard
  • Prerequisites: CSE 351 and 332

Spring 2022

  • Taught by: Kohno
  • Taught by: Popovic
  • Taught by: Reinecke
  • Description: Students will work in groups of three or four on a single project that parallels the experience of delivering an interactive prototype within a company or with a customer. Students are expected to already possess knowledge of appropriate HCI methods, and will focus on independently applying those methods in the context of your project. There will therefore be little lecture material in this course. Course staff will instead work closely with students to critique and advise on their group project. Students will experience the end-to-end product cycle from design to deployment.
  • (1) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  • (2) an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, , and economic factors
  • (3) an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  • (4) an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  • (5) an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  • (6) an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  • (7) an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
  • Description: Students work in substantial teams to design, implement, and release a software project involving multiple areas of the CSE curriculum. Emphasis is placed on the development process itself, rather than on the product. Teams are expected to develop a work plan, and to track and document their progress against it.

Capstones 2020 - 2021

CSE/EE 475: Embedded Systems (Taught by CSE) - Bruce Hemingway

Prereq: CSE 369 and 474

CSE 481DS: Data Science Capstone - Tim Althoff

Pre-req: CSE 332, 312 and one of (446, 442, 344)

Description: Data analysis is a central activity for scientific research and is increasingly a critical part of decision making in government and business. However, producing reliable data analysis outcomes is challenging since the decisions made throughout the analysis process can dramatically affect the eventual outcome. The Data Science Capstone focuses on the complete end-to-end process of data analysis performed with code: the iterative, and often exploratory, steps that analysts go through to turn data into results. Our focus is not limited to statistical modeling or machine learning, but rather the complete process, including transformation, exploration, modeling, and evaluation choices. Students will work in groups of three or four on a single project that will tie together and apply previous experiences from CSE 312, 332, 446, 442, 344, and other classes. Students are expected to already possess knowledge of appropriate machine learning, visualization and database methods, and will focus on independently applying those methods in the context of your project. There will therefore be little lecture material in this course. Course staff will instead work closely with students to critique and advise on their group project. Students will experience the end-to-end data analysis process from transformation and exploration of data to modeling and evaluation. Your group will brainstorm on a project during the first week, before collaboratively exploring the data and implementing a complete data analysis workflow. This capstone course gives hands-on experience with selecting a data science question, and with crafting and evaluating a data science process to answer that question. CSE students should have completed CSE 332 and CSE 312, and at least one of CSE 446, CSE 442, or CSE 344. There are no other requirements for participating in this capstone class.

Winter 2021

CSE 460: Animation Capstone - Barbara Mones (Note: requires application and admission in summer)

CSE/EE 475: Embedded Systems Capstone - ECE Faculty

CSE 481i: Sound and Media Capstone - Bruce Hemingway

  • Pre-req: CSE 351, 332 and ideally one 400

Description: This capstone will build projects utilizing computer audio and video techniques for human interfacing, sound and video recording and playback, encoding and decoding, synchronization, sound synthesis, recognition, and analysis/resynthesis. Projects may contain any types of media. Students will work in teams to design, implement, and release a software project utilizing some of the techniques such as those in the links below.

We have two Oculus-VR development kits , two Tobii EyeX Eye-tracking Controllers , and 15 Leap Motion controllers for use in building musical/audio/media interfaces. We also have three Nvidia Jetson TX1 Developer Kit s for high-performance Deep Neural Network learning and computer vision.

CSE 481 S: Security Capstone - Kohno

Prereq: CSE 484 (CE students graduating in fall who have not completed 484, please send email asap to [email protected] )

CSE 482: Accessibility Capstone - Anat Caspi

Prereq: (recommended) CSE 490 D, (recommended) CSE440

Notes: This course has a DIV designation and fulfills the diversity requirement

Description: Accessibility is quickly emerging as a leading consideration for product design and engineering. Disability is part of the human condition – almost everyone will be temporarily or permanently impaired at some point in life, and those who survive to old age will experience increasing difficulties. Disability is complex and heterogeneous, and the technological interventions to accommodate different abilities are wide ranging and vary with context. Many familiar technologies like voice recognition, text-to-speech, and gaze detection were initially engineered to assist people with disabilities gain more access and increase participation in daily life. Students will work in interdisciplinary project teams that include community members with expertise on project needs. Groups will follow participatory design practices and apply design and engineering skills to create technology solutions that increase independence and improve quality of life for people of all abilities. Teams will complete one end-to-end product iteration cycle: ideation, design, specification refinement, prototype and usability testing  

Spring 2021

CSE 428 A: Computational Biology Capstone

Description: Designs and implements a software tool or software analysis for an important problem in computational molecular biology. 

CSE/EE 475 A: Embedded Systems Capstone - ECE Faculty

CSE 481 C: Neural Engineering Capstone - Rajesh Rao

Prerequisites: (Recommended) CSE 490N, (Recommended) CSE 446 or CSE 473

CSE 481 D: Games Capstone - Zoran Popovic

CSE 481 H: HCI Capstone - Reinecke

  • Students will work in groups of three or four on a single project that parallels the experience of delivering an interactive prototype within a company or with a customer. Students are expected to already possess knowledge of appropriate HCI methods, and will focus on independently applying those methods in the context of your project. There will therefore be little lecture material in this course. Course staff will instead work closely with students to critique and advise on their group project. Students will experience the end-to-end product cycle from design to deployment.
  • CSE 481 N: Natural Language Processing Capstone - Noah Smith
  • Prereq: CSE 447, CSE446 (ML) is recommended
  • Description : Algorithms that deal with text or speech, either as inputs as outputs, are increasingly part of our everyday lives.  Systems that translate accurately between languages, read many documents and summarize or answer questions about them, and even hold conversations with us, are on the horizon. Successfully designing and implementing such systems requires understanding and integration of ideas from linguistics, statistics, and computation, and testing them rigorously requires a strong grasp of experimental methodology.  This capstone course gives hands-on experience with selecting a natural language processing problem and with crafting and evaluating a solution.

CSE 481 V : Virtual and Augmented Reality - Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman

Description: Virtual and Augmented reality are promising technologies that are certain to make an impact on the future of business and entertainment. In this capstone, students will work in small project teams to build applications and prototype systems using state of the art Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technology.  Seattle is a nexus of VR tech, with Oculus Research, Valve, Microsoft (hololens), Google (cardboard, jump), and teams in the area.  We will be developing on the latest VR/AR headsets and platforms, and will bring in leading VR experts for lectures and to supervise student projects.  Students will experience the  end-to-end product cycle from design to deployment, and learn about VR/AR technology and applications. The capstone culminates in a highly anticipated demo day where the students demonstrate their creations to other students, faculty and industry luminaries. ( See Video )

  • CSE 482 K: Technology for Resource Constrained Environments - Richard Anderson
  • Prereqs: CSE 351 and 332
  • Description:  Students will work on group project that use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to address global needs with an emphasis on developing countries.  While ICTs are having an enormous impact on livelihoods worldwide, deployment environments vary dramatically based on available infrastructure and technologies accessible to people.    Areas of projects could include: health information systems,  data collection technologies,  applications for basic mobile phones,  user interface design for low literate populations,  behavior change communication, voice based social networks, community cellular networks,  open source projects for global good, low-cost smartphones, satellite image analysis or mobile financial services targeting domains including health, education, agriculture, finance, and livelihood.   
  • Mini Projects
  • Web Development
  • Career Guidance
  • Developer Essentials
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Programming Languages
  • Crio Community
  • In the News

Top 10 Final Year Projects for Computer Science Students

Top 10 Final Year Projects for Computer Science Students

The technology era is always developing, and businesses seek employees who can solve problems and come up with creative ideas in their area of interest. Companies must stay up with technology developments in today's startup era since they have a fierce rivalry.

With the mainstreaming of a wide variety of technologies such as data processing, web architecture, algorithm design, mobile development, etc., it is getting tough to learn for recent college grads. Most occupations now need hands-on industry experience.

Learning these skills is essential for today's and tomorrow's workforces since it offers new and exciting career opportunities. So, if you're new to computer science, the best thing you can do is come up and work on some real-world project ideas. When pursuing a career in software engineering, it is critical for aspiring software engineers to work on their own projects.

In this blog, we'll look at some of the most inventive computer science engineering final year projects perfect for students looking to grow their knowledge in software development. The more computer science project ideas you try, the more you'll learn and get familiar with new tools and technologies. We've made things easier by offering a summary of each project because they're all different.

So, if you're seeking some intriguing Computer Science project ideas to start working on, this article is perfect for you!

Let us broaden our horizons. get down to business and look for fresh projects to put your ideas into action.

1. Bookmarks Keeper

capstone project ideas cse

A bookmark is a tool of a browser that enables you to save the URL address of a webpage for subsequent reference. With a bookmark, you won't have to input the address; instead, you'll be able to click a readily accessible link in your browser's toolbar. When you bookmark a website, you're essentially generating a shortcut to that website.

Managing bookmarks is a time-consuming chore if you use many web browsers for various purposes. You frequently forget which bookmarks exist in which browser, resulting in a jumbled mess. Even if you recall a term from a URL you bookmarked, you'll need to go through every bookmark on every browser to find it. This may result in the waste of your valuable time and, in certain cases, the loss of useful information.

What if you could access all of your bookmarks from all major browsers in one place? This will address the problem of bookmark finding and updating.

This is just what you will achieve in this project, saving time for your coworkers and learning useful skills in the process.

Skills to gain from this project

In this project, you'll create a Bash script that collects bookmarks from all major browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Brave Browser, and saves them in a markdown file. It will also be able to extract a specific term from the list of bookmarks. You will learn the following concepts while working on this engaging project:

  • Linux commands : The Linux command is a program that runs under the Linux OS. Commands may be used to complete all simple and sophisticated operations.
  • Conditional Statements: Used to make judgments depending on a set of circumstances. Under no condition, statements are executed sequentially but If you add a condition to a block of statements, the execution flow may alter depending on the condition's result.
  • Positional Parameters: Commonly known as command-line arguments are dynamically sent to the script. The numerical positional parameters are referred to with a preceding '$': $1, $2, $3, and so forth.
  • SQLite : In-process library that creates a transactional SQL database engine that is self-contained, serverless, and requires no setup.

Shell scripting is commonly used to automate time-consuming developer processes as well as to move sophisticated systems to the cloud. This may be used to automate a wide range of tasks. It will dramatically improve your understanding of how simple commands work together to do complicated tasks and break down challenges into smaller parts.

Who should try this project


Basic knowledge of the Linux operating system, SQL, and Linux commands is advantageous, but not required, since you may learn these skills and get hands-on experience on bash while working on this project.

Time required

This project is expected to take no more than 10 hours to complete.

Difficulty level

This project is aimed at beginners who want to learn how to construct a helpful utility utilizing technology while also gaining confidence and improving their technical skills. Professional developers who want to improve Linux commands and automate tasks using shell scripts would appreciate creating this utility.

2. Learn to create apps on Kubernetes

capstone project ideas cse

As more businesses embark on the cloud-native DevOps path, it's critical to understand how solutions like Docker and Kubernetes help them achieve digital transformation.

Running your applications on distributed systems with automated scaling has a lot of advantages. Apps built using Kubernetes may use a variety of technologies to improve their resiliency. Your deployment will be highly resilient due to the ability to swap environments with little to no code change and the comprehensive monitoring tools provided.

Docker and Kubernetes, when used collectively, are digital transformation drivers and innovative cloud architectural technologies. For quick application deployments and releases, using both has become the new mainstream. This project will teach you how to build up your environment so that you can immediately compose apps for Kubernetes .

Here you will learn how to build up your environment so that you can immediately begin writing apps for Kubernetes . Steps will be offered to assist you to develop a mental image of how things work and what the best practices are for a quick and straightforward setup. Tools that you will get hands-on experience with are:

  • Docker: Docker container offers its own OS libraries, hence makes it easy to execute code in a similar environment without any dependencies or OS difficulties.
  • Kubernetes: Open source container orchestration technology that is in charge of the main container management tasks, such as container deployment, scaling, healing, and load balancing.
  • Git H ub Actions : This allows you to easily automate all of your development tasks. You can develop, test, and release code directly from GitHub. Make the process of code reviews, branch management, and problem triaging as painless as feasible.

capstone project ideas cse

You'll be able to develop apps and execute them on Kubernetes nearly instantly after completing this project. With the aid of Kubernetes expertise, you'll be better positioned to navigate the sea of cloud-native technologies.

Previous experience with app deployment can help you understand the jargon more quickly, but it is not required. It will not require you to write any code or logic; instead, it will familiarise you with cloud application development and the move from monolithic programs to distributed systems.

Check out 50+ simple to advanced projects to build your experience in app deployment.

This project should require no more than 35 hours to implement.

This project is ideal for anybody interested in learning more about app deployment or pursuing a career in DevOps. Everyone will benefit from the new tools and technologies, from beginners to professionals.

3. Two truths and a lie game slack bot

capstone project ideas cse

The majority of the IT team has been working remotely throughout this crisis, and they are not all in the same time zone. As a remote team, developers utilize Slack for a lot of our communication. It's challenging to reintroduce workplace fun while also relieving zoom fatigue.

You can reintroduce joy to your workplace by being tech-savvy. Are you unsure how to go about it? By creating simple gaming projects using the Slack bot API, you may engage with workspace members and learn more about them.

In this project, you will create a bot for your Slack workplace named " Two Truths and a Lie ." This bot will aid you in playing this intriguing game in order to increase communication within your organization, allowing your co-workers to work smarter and more productively.

In this project, we'll create a Slack Bot that alerts other users when a new person joins a channel and commences the game. During this exciting journey, you will gain the following important skills:

  • Slack API: Used to create integrations that transfer data between Slack and your other cloud-based apps.
  • Glitch: An advanced and powerful collaborative platform for developing, remixing, and hosting applications.

After finishing the development and deployment of this bot in your workplace, you will develop a sense of trust working with the Slack API and will be ready to turn sluggish, recurring, manual operations like induction or feedback collection into rapid and automated apps and workflows.

Familiarity with Slack is a major benefit because you won't be bothered by its naming practices. Previous experience creating automation scripts may be advantageous if you want to understand how these bots function, but it is quite acceptable to skip that step. All the technologies and APIs that are used can be learned while implementing your bot.

capstone project ideas cse

Implementing this project should take no more than 20 hours.

This project will be a wonderful learning experience for developers who want to create some entertaining projects that will help them automate their job or use technology to have some fun at work. Developers who are just starting out should first create a beginner-friendly project that will explain how such automated processes function under the hood.

4. Chatbot Song Recommender System

capstone project ideas cse

Chatbots are designed to assist and scale company teams in their interactions with consumers. Chatbots powered by artificial intelligence improve operational efficiency and reduce costs for businesses while providing convenience for customers. Businesses may decrease the requirement for human interaction by automating FAQs.

Chatbots extract relevant elements by evaluating and recognizing the purpose of the user's request, which is the most essential duty of a chatbot. Following the completion of the analysis, the appropriate answer is provided to the user.

Do you want to witness the power of AI without actually conducting any statistical experiments? If you answered yes, you will undoubtedly enjoy this project.

You will be integrating several services and open-source technologies in this project to create a Chatbot that recommends music based on the tone of the user's discussion with the chatbot.

You will gain hands-on experience with numerous cognitive services and fantastic tools, which you will combine and wrap in Python to create this wonderful music suggesting chatbot . By the completion of the project, you will have learned not only how to implement clean modular code using various Python libraries, but also several important skills and tools such as:

  • Python: Object-oriented programming language that is interpreted and used interactively. Popular in scientific computing, web development, and automation as it's good for prototyping and ad-hoc jobs.
  • API : Collection of specifications and protocols for creating and integrating application software that allows two software to communicate with one another.
  • Chatbot: Computer software that mimics and processes human speech in order to allow humans to connect with digital devices. Chatbots use AI, automated rules, natural-language processing (NLP), and machine learning to process data and reply to a range of inquiries (ML).

Every organization, whether it is a consumer products provider, a banking service provider, or a food service provider, is looking for developers who are well-versed in the development of such chatbots. Chatbots are used to resolve common customer issues and dynamically build FAQs and gather valuable feedback. This is a project that will wow recruiters when they see it in your portfolio!

You'll need a basic grasp of Python fundamentals as well as experience with third-party APIs to execute this project. All other relevant skills can be learned throughout the implementation phase of the project.

This project is supposed to be completed in a maximum of 50 hours.

It's designed for Python intermediate developers, particularly those with an interest in Data Science and AI. Beginners should start with entry-level projects to gain hands-on experience with Python before moving on to this project. This project will serve as a good refresher for experienced developers and ML/AI experts.

5. Companion App

capstone project ideas cse

Taking care of one's mental health might help one's capacity to appreciate life. To do so, you must strike a balance between your daily activities, obligations, and attempts to improve your psychological resilience. Many people who suffer from mental health issues are unaware that their problems are caused by untreated illnesses.

Working from home, temporary unemployment, homeschooling children, and a lack of physical activities are all new realities that take time to adjust to. Adjusting to lifestyle adjustments like these, are difficult for all of us.

This project is the first step toward finding a solution that works for everyone. In this project, you will create a user-friendly mental health tracker that will assist users in solving issues in a fun way. You'll aim to acquire a sense of your user's mental state (in the least invasive way possible), determine if they're suffering, and then offer methods for them to get out of their current situation.

The goal of the project is to create a mental health tracker . A user answers certain questions, and you propose tasks to them based on their responses, as well as keep track of their mental condition for display on a dashboard. In this interesting journey you will master the following skills:

  • UI/UX: Enhances the user experience and customer interaction time, which aids business and revenue growth. The UI and UX design aids in gaining the attention of customers and encourages them to utilize your app to solve problems for which the app is designed.
  • Flutter: Open-source platform for coding and developing native Android and iOS apps. Developers may create a complete user interface by just merging several widgets.
  • Cloud Firestore: Firebase's managed serverless cloud-native NoSQL document database that makes data synchronization, storage, and querying smooth. It supports both live and offline synchronization.
  • Authentication : The process of establishing that a fact or an identity is genuine by supplying credentials, which are agreed-upon pieces of data shared between the user and the system.

You'll create a beautiful and responsive app that's entertaining to use while also accomplishing your goal by the conclusion of this project. With little study and tweaks, this software may be turned into a full-fledged healthcare app. You will be able to construct commercial and helpful applications in the future with the abilities you learned while developing this app. This will be a terrific utility software that will stand out in your portfolio since recruiters will be able to connect to it given the present employment crisis.

To complete this project, you'll need a basic understanding of Dart and, preferably, Flutter. Your understanding of new technologies will be accelerated if you have prior experience working in mobile app development. All extra competencies can be acquired throughout the development of this project.

This project should take no longer than 65 hours to complete.

Intermediate developers will get valuable experience while developing the app by exploring and learning new things about widgets, design techniques, and fine-tuning the app for the target audience. Professionals may find this project to be a good addition to their portfolio, and important principles will be quickly revised. This project will be difficult for beginners with Flutter to finish.

6. Library Management System

capstone project ideas cse

Management systems are used by institutions in every area, including banking, IT, healthcare, and travel. Everyone uses it in various forms for their own purposes, whether digital (software) or analog (record books/ledgers). Data is considerably more powerful than we realize, and it has the potential to drive today's economy. However, data must be well-managed for clean and correct data to exist at all times.

Library Management System is one such system, which is used to keep track of the volumes in a library. This system has information on books, and we can use it to do all of the activities that are necessary for a real system.

In this project, you'll build a Library Management System that includes all CRUD activities, as well as sophisticated search, book issuance, Serialization, and Deserialization to save the information (in an encrypted manner) within files.

capstone project ideas cse

This project will equip you with the skills necessary to create management applications, which are quite popular and in demand in work-from-home environments these days. Following skills are some of the takeaways from this project apart from best coding practices that you will learn:

  • Java Collections API: Set of classes and interfaces that enable dealing with collections of objects like lists, maps, and stacks considerably easier for Java developers.
  • Serialization: Technique for saving/persisting an object's state by converting it to a byte stream.
  • Deserialization: Process of recreating the actual Java object in memory using the byte stream. This technique is employed to keep an object viable.

These abilities will come in handy in the future if you pursue fields such as app-web development, system design, or project management tools like Jira and confluence. When you cooperate with a different tech stack to develop strong apps that contain ideas like serialization and may also utilize your understanding of classes and object usage that you can enhance from this project, learning these will be extra support and a star point.

This project will require a basic understanding of Java and OOPS principles . The development will be a breeze if you've been exposed to low-level design in the past. These capabilities must be mastered prior to implementing this project, and more tools will very certainly be learned as the project progresses.

This project should be finished in no more than 40 hours.

It's ideal for Java developers with a basic understanding of the language's syntax and semantics since it allows users to write code in Java while also learning how to create native Java apps that can be used straight from the command line! This project will not be an appropriate starting point for Java beginners, but it will be an excellent refresher for Java pros.

7. Contact App Android

capstone project ideas cse

The Android contact app keeps your contact list accessible at all times and from any location. With this app, users can conveniently add important contacts, with more detailed fields to fill in to know more about their loved ones.

What if you could make your own contact app with all of the features you want, such as sophisticated filtering and birthday reminders? However, you'll have to work with the source code, which you don't have access to.

Not anymore, Here In this project, you'll build a contact app from scratc h. The main goal is to build a simple Phonebook/contact Application that allows users to initiate phone calls, keep contact numbers in their local storage, and simply remove them.

This project will help you get a better knowledge of the stages of Android app development as well as enhance your expertise in building apps that heavily rely on databases. Apart from learning to develop production-ready code utilizing your coding and design abilities by the conclusion of the project, you will also gain knowledge of the most often used tools, such as:

  • Java : A powerful, user-friendly, object-oriented coding language with cross-platform features.
  • SQLite : SQLiteDatabase provides ways for creating, deleting, executing SQL commands, and carrying out other typical database administration activities.
  • Recyclerview in Android : Versatile view that provides a narrow window into a huge data collection. It adds an extra layer of abstraction to detect data set changes in batches during layout calculations hence improves speed by performing all view bindings at the same time and avoiding superfluous binds.

These critical abilities can help you get into the booming app development sector and offer you an advantage over other applicants. This project will demonstrate your ability to work with a variety of tech stacks to create robust apps that integrate SQL databases and Android, as well as strengthen your understanding of OOPS principles . After you've supported fundamental processes, you may add further features and upgrades.

This project requires a basic grasp of Java syntax and semantics, as well as familiarity with OOPS principles . SQL database knowledge will be highly useful. These abilities, on the other hand, can be rekindled while working on this project.

This project is slated to take a maximum of 15 hours to complete.

This is a great project for Java newbies who want to get started with Android since it teaches you how to write Java code while simultaneously teaching you how to make beautiful Android apps. This project will be beneficial for intermediate developers who wish to review and improve their coding and design best practices, as well as Java specialists who need a refresher.

8. Instagram Clone

capstone project ideas cse

Developing Clones of renowned social media giants built in the framework of your preference is the smart way to jumpstart your app development path and impress recruiters -- whether you're seeking to launch your own social network business or trying to enter the software industry.

The fast popularity of photo-sharing applications like Instagram has prompted a slew of entrepreneurs and companies to create their own social media platforms, allowing employees to openly post photos and videos about company culture and promote the brand.

You will learn how to use Kotlin and Firebase to create a simple functioning clone of Instagram in this project.

capstone project ideas cse

You will learn and appreciate the engineering brilliance that allows millions of individuals to connect with their loved ones and share pleasant moments with their network in this project. To build a small functioning Instagram clone , you'll use Kotlin and Firebase. The skills and topics listed below will be strengthened after implementing this project:

  • Kotlin Advanced : Type inference in a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language.
  • Firebase: Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS), is your server, API , and datastore, all designed in a way that allows you to customize it to fit your specific needs.
  • Push Notifications : Method of alerting consumers to information from apps and services that they have opted in to. Notifications cover almost every imaginable use case and type of service, including various forms of communication.

This project will show you how to deal with scaling concerns while maintaining uptime. Knowing how to utilize Instagram and incorporating it into your portfolio would help you stand out because it is such a popular site. This will ensure that you have been exposed to difficult scenarios, design difficulties, and critical decisions, as well as that you have addressed engineering challenges after discovering the right fit.

You must have prior experience developing mobile apps as well as a working knowledge of Kotlin. If you're coming from another language, spend some time learning Kotlin syntax and you'll be good to go. It's a benefit if you've worked with cloud databases like Firebase before.

This project can be completed in around 85 hours.

For beginners, this is not a suitable place to start, but for intermediate developers seeking a tough project to work on, it may be a fantastic learning experience. This is a worthwhile project for experienced Kotlin developers who wish to learn low-level design and improve their coding skills.

9. Resume Builder Web Application

capstone project ideas cse

Resumes assist recruiters in filtering and selecting the best candidates for the position they are seeking. If you can show off your work in your resume and meet the minimum qualifications, your chances of getting a call are good. Many developers struggle to create a strong CV and waste a significant amount of time doing so.

This project addresses this issue and guides you through the process of setting up a web-based résumé builder that uses cutting-edge technologies. It will help you to enhance your JS skills and get your hands dirty with popular JS frameworks like ReactJs and ExpressJs for the frontend and backend, respectively. Along the way, you will encounter a range of challenges, and it is through these experiences that you will grow.

capstone project ideas cse

With the aid of a template of your choice, you will strive to simplify the resume creation procedure and automate the difficult editing process in this project. This will develop into a full-stack application that will provide you with the skills and tools listed below:

  • ReactJs: Developers may use React to construct huge web apps that can modify data without refreshing the page. The primary goal is to be quick, scalable, and simple. It only works on the application's user interfaces. This is equivalent to the view in the MVC template.
  • NodeJs: Used to create event-driven, i/o intensive blocking applications, including command-line apps, web applications, real-time chat applications, REST API servers, and so on. The whole server-side program is built with JavaScript.
  • ExpressJS: Lightweight web application framework that aids in the server-side organization of your web application into an MVC architecture . For your templating language, you have a range of options.
  • Material UI: Material-UI components are self-contained. They are self-sufficient and will only inject styles that they require. They don't use any global stylesheets at all.
  • React BootStrap: Library for creating front-end stylesheets which comprise two libraries: react.js and bootstrap. Many Bootstrap packages have been created by the community with the goal of rebuilding Bootstrap components as React components.

Full-stack developers, especially those that specialize in the MERN stack, are in high demand, and having projects to demonstrate your talents gives you an advantage and allows you to stand out from the crowd. Because you are knowledgeable with a variety of technologies, you can assist other team members when they get stuck. In most cases, a full stack developer may perform updates independently, cutting down on project communication time.

This project will require a basic grasp of JavaScript and experience working with the frontend framework React. Working with Node.js will be easier if you have working experience with backend development. All other supporting libraries can be grabbed as the need arises.

This project will take a total of 15 hours to complete.

It's a wonderful project for Javascript beginners who want to get started with full-stack development. This will give you a fair idea of the total software stack needed to create a real-world application. This project will act as a refresher on basic JS principles for mid-senior level engineers.

10. Multiplayer Game - Connect4

capstone project ideas cse

I'm sure you and your friends go online every now and then to play a multiplayer game. During this Pandemic crisis, the majority of young people have spent a lot of time playing multiplayer games like FreeFire, Clash of Clans, and other similar games. Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of that game and how it all works?

By creating a multiplayer Connect4 game for you and your friends, you will learn about multiplayer game programming in this project. Along the way, you'll learn about object-oriented programming and gain a better understanding of how real-life objects collaborate to build such complex applications.

You'll build a multiplayer Connect4 game in Python from scratch using PyGame library, Socket concept, and game development principles. You will work with the gaming engine and graphics to enhance the user experience and get to know how challenging it is to develop games that you love playing. You will be able to grasp the libraries and ideas listed below:

  • PyGame: You can manage the logic and visuals of your games with the pygame module without having to worry about the backend complexity of working with video and audio.
  • Game Networking: Rules established by games to deal with the netcode include transmitting information between clients and the server, dealing with synchronization, updating every client at a reasonable pace, and all other aspects of game networking.
  • Socket Programming: Demonstrates how to create communication linkages between distant and local processes using socket APIs. Socket programming is the primary API for developing Internet-based distributed applications.
  • Game engine: Software development environment designed primarily for the development of video games. 2D or 3D graphics rendering, physics engine, animation, artificial intelligence, sound, and streaming are some of the most common features of game engines.

Game programming will teach you the value of optimization and the ability to handle several concurrent connections without sacrificing the game experience. Games demand a different approach than regular web apps, and they provide unique challenges. Working on a multiplayer game will offer you an advantage over the competition, and who knows, you may find yourself creating games for your favorite gaming company.

The multi-user application knowledge gained in this project may be used to create more complex systems and games that support a larger variety of features and even concurrency.

This project is appropriate for individuals who have working experience with Python and are comfortable with computer networking fundamentals. The computer network as a topic can be revised easily if you have studied it before. Bonus points if you're interested in the inner workings of your favorite multiplayer games this will be a dream project for you. As the project advances, other libraries will be used, and new terminology will be learned.

The time it will take to complete this project is estimated to be between 20 and 25 hours.

This project will be difficult for you to finish if you are new to python and have a difficult time understanding basic networking principles, and it is not a good place to start.

This is an excellent project for honing your web development and design abilities for people who have previously worked with Python.

Here's the list of 10 projects you can get started with right away. All projects are fully explained and can be completed on your own.

Top 10 final year projects for 2022

  • Bookmarks Keeper
  • Learn to create apps on Kubernetes
  • Two truths and a lie game slack bot
  • Chatbot Song Recommender System
  • Companion App
  • Library Management System
  • Contact App Android
  • Instagram Clone
  • Resume Builder Web Application
  • Multiplayer Game - Connect4

Additional Resources

Resume writing tips with a free resume template

Actionable framework to impress interviewers with structured answers

Gain exclusive insights on developer job opportunities, popular tech stacks in the industry, and more - Download Now!

capstone project ideas cse

Written by Samyak Jain

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Capstone Project Ideas: Inspiring Academic Journeys

capstone project ideas cse

Tips For Creating Capstone Project

Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Engineering capstone project ideas, computer science capstone project ideas, cyber security capstone project ideas, data science capstone project ideas, final words.

As I begin the final phase of my academic journey, I am focused on finding compelling ideas for capstone project. This stage is not just a requirement; it is a canvas for innovation, a chance to synthesize years of study into a cohesive and meaningful work. Reflecting on my experience, I realized how important it is to choose a project that not only meets academic criteria but also awakens passion and curiosity. In this article, I want to share a collection of ideas spanning various disciplines in hopes of inspiring students to find a project that aligns with their aspirations and academic goals. Whether you are drawn to the sciences, arts, technology, or social sciences, the perfect idea awaits you to mark the culmination of your educational journey with significance and personal achievement. With tools like paper typer , students can refine their ideas and transform them into well-crafted projects that showcase the skills and knowledge they have gained throughout their academic endeavors.

5 Tips For Creating Capstone Project

  • Leveraging these five strategies greatly enhanced my Capstone Project:
  • Choose a Passionate Topic: Keeps motivation high.
  • Plan Early: Ensures ample time for research and development.
  • Seek Feedback: Offers new perspectives and refinement.
  • Use Interdisciplinary Approaches: Broadens the project's scope.
  • Focus on Practicality: Increases the project's real-world relevance.

100 Capstone Project Ideas For You

  • Implementing a patient safety protocol to reduce medication errors in a hospital setting.
  • Developing a community health program to address chronic diseases prevalence.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of telehealth services in rural communities.
  • Creating a mental health support system for frontline nurses.
  • Studying the impact of nurse-led interventions on patient satisfaction.
  • Designing an educational program for managing diabetes in elderly patients.
  • Assessing the outcomes of evidence-based practice in wound care.
  • Analyzing the role of nursing in managing patient pain in palliative care.
  • Investigating the effects of a new nursing handoff process on patient safety.
  • Developing a strategy to improve vaccination rates in pediatric populations.
  • Examining the impact of cultural competence training on nursing care quality.
  • Creating a program to reduce hospital readmissions for heart failure patients.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of a breastfeeding support program in neonatal units.
  • Implementing a stress management workshop for emergency department staff.
  • Analyzing the benefits of pet therapy in long-term care facilities.
  • Developing a mobile app for patient education on preventive healthcare.
  • Studying the effects of nurse-led initiatives on reducing hospital-acquired infections.
  • Creating a peer mentoring program for newly graduated nurses.
  • Evaluating patient outcomes of integrative therapies in oncology nursing.
  • Investigating the impact of technology on nursing efficiency and patient care.
  • Designing a solar-powered water purification system for remote areas.
  • Developing a low-cost, efficient wind turbine for rural energy solutions.
  • Creating a smart traffic control system to reduce congestion and improve safety.
  • Engineering a portable, disaster-resistant emergency shelter.
  • Designing an innovative waste-to-energy conversion system.
  • Developing an autonomous drone for agricultural monitoring and analysis.
  • Creating a wearable device for monitoring vital signs in athletes.
  • Engineering a robotic arm for precision tasks in manufacturing.
  • Developing a sustainable urban rainwater harvesting system.
  • Designing an eco-friendly, modular housing solution.
  • Creating a smart grid system for optimized energy distribution.
  • Developing a mobile app for real-time public transport updates.
  • Engineering a low-cost prosthetic limb with 3D printing technology.
  • Designing a bridge health monitoring system using IoT sensors.
  • Developing a biodegradable packaging material from agricultural waste.
  • Creating a smart irrigation system to conserve water in agriculture.
  • Engineering an efficient, electric vehicle charging station network.
  • Developing a safety-enhanced, high-speed railway system design.
  • Creating a pollution tracking and analysis system for urban areas.
  • Engineering a compact, home-based recycling system for plastics.
  • Developing a mobile app for personalized fitness and nutrition plans.
  • Creating a virtual reality (VR) platform for immersive educational experiences.
  • Developing an AI-based chatbot for customer service enhancement.
  • Creating a blockchain system for secure voting in elections.
  • Developing a machine learning model to predict stock market trends.
  • Creating an augmented reality (AR) app for interactive learning in museums.
  • Developing a cloud-based platform for collaborative academic research.
  • Creating a smart home automation system with IoT devices.
  • Developing a cybersecurity toolkit for small businesses.
  • Creating a game that educates players on environmental conservation.
  • Developing an AI assistant for managing personal finances.
  • Creating a platform for real-time, collaborative code development.
  • Developing a recommendation system for e-commerce websites.
  • Creating an app for monitoring and reducing screen time.
  • Developing a facial recognition system for enhanced security.
  • Creating a predictive maintenance system for industrial machinery.
  • Developing an app for tracking and reducing food waste.
  • Creating a peer-to-peer file-sharing system with enhanced privacy.
  • Developing a language learning app with AI pronunciation correction.
  • Creating a system for detecting fake news using machine learning.
  • Developing an intrusion detection system for IoT networks.
  • Creating a secure, decentralized file storage system using blockchain.
  • Developing a framework for assessing mobile app security vulnerabilities.
  • Creating a cybersecurity awareness training program for organizations.
  • Developing a tool for real-time detection of phishing attempts.
  • Creating a secure authentication system using biometric data.
  • Developing a privacy-preserving data sharing platform for healthcare providers.
  • Creating a simulation environment for cyber-attack training exercises.
  • Developing a secure communication protocol for remote work environments.
  • Creating a compliance monitoring system for data protection regulations.
  • Developing an AI-based system for detecting and mitigating DDoS attacks.
  • Creating a blockchain-based identity verification system.
  • Developing a smart contract audit tool to enhance blockchain security.
  • Creating a digital forensics toolkit for analyzing network breaches.
  • Developing a machine learning model to identify malware in real-time.
  • Creating a secure voting system to prevent tampering and ensure anonymity.
  • Developing a cybersecurity risk assessment tool for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
  • Creating an encryption tool for secure messaging on public networks.
  • Developing a security framework for protecting against API vulnerabilities.
  • Creating a system for automatic patching of software vulnerabilities.
  • Developing a predictive model for forecasting economic trends based on social media sentiment analysis.
  • Creating a machine learning system to optimize supply chain logistics.
  • Developing a model to predict patient readmission risks in hospitals.
  • Creating a data visualization tool for environmental change data.
  • Developing a recommendation system for personalized learning resources.
  • Creating an anomaly detection system in financial transactions to prevent fraud.
  • Developing a natural language processing (NLP) tool to analyze customer feedback.
  • Creating a predictive maintenance model for manufacturing equipment.
  • Developing a system for real-time traffic pattern analysis to improve urban mobility.
  • Creating a tool for genomic data analysis to aid in personalized medicine.
  • Developing an AI-based platform for job market trends and skill gap analysis.
  • Creating a model for energy consumption prediction in smart buildings.
  • Developing a sentiment analysis tool for political election forecasts.
  • Creating a system for predictive analysis of stock market movements.
  • Developing an AI assistant for academic research paper summarization.
  • Creating a model to predict the impact of climate change on biodiversity.
  • Developing a tool for analyzing social network dynamics to identify influence patterns.
  • Creating a system for detecting and classifying online hate speech.
  • Developing a deep learning model for automatic image captioning.
  • Creating a platform for real-time sports analytics and performance prediction.

As I reflect on these diverse capstone project ideas across nursing, engineering, computer science, cyber security, and data science, it's clear that the possibilities are limitless. Each idea presents a unique challenge that tests what I've learned and pushes me to innovate and think critically. I hope these suggestions inspire you to embark on a project that fulfills your academic requirements and fuels your passion and curiosity. Remember, the capstone project is not just the culmination of your studies; it's a stepping stone into your future career.

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AEquitas (2022) Students: Coco Chen, Duncan Shober-Fernback, Arthur Lewis, Andrew Viera Advisors: Prof. George Witmer, Jennifer Long, Eric Baumer

Café Justo (2022) Students: Kenneth Cho, Joss Duff, Hudson Pavia, Justin Venezia Advisors: Eric Grill, Roberto Salaverria, Prof. Smith, Prof. Korth

Celebr8 (2022) Students: Amy Cho, Karis Jang, Leeza Khalif, and Jason Weiss Advisor: Prof. Stephen Lee-Urban

Coach AL Ride Motivator (2022) Students: Jordan Bautista-Lazo, Max Leibowitz, Jack Miller, Yuxuan Song Advisor: Prof. George Witmer

College Buddy (2022) Students: Kendra Marable, Kishan Patel, Mary Ye Advisor: Mooi Choo Chuah

Decentralized Identity in Supply Chain Context (2022) Students: Alex D'Alessandro, Emily Grandon, Alex Kline, Rafaela Mantoan Borges Advisor: Prof. Andrea Smith

DigiClips (2022) Students: Yusef Abaza, Eddie Diggs, Roxy Gretz, Gus Teteris Advisor: Prof. James Mikitka

Driverless Car (2022) Students: Kelan Liu, Robin Maillard, Nathan McNece, Isslam Yehia Advisor: Corey Montella

Dubstep Dukeout: An NFT Collection (2022) Students: Benjamin Aulenbach, Rishab Ayyappath, Emily Freney, Morgan Long Advisor: Prof. Andrea Smith

Eng College - Mobile App (2022) Students: Thomas Petz, Sonny Sakihara, Lauren Workosky, Jouny Zedan Advisor: Prof. James Mikitka

Energy and Water Dashboard (2022) Students: Wesley Guarneri, Alyssa Milrod, Caitlyn Somma Advisors: Debra Kreider, Edwin Yeakel

enrolld (2022) Students: Ryan Colflesh, Carl Saba, Yianni Varkaris, Caitlyn Wagner Advisor: Prof. Stephen Lee-Urban

Facial & Object Detection Algorithms (2022) Students:Andy Llanos, Jeremy Feng, Quang Tran, Timothy Odom Advisor: Prof. Stephen Lee-Urban

Flood Adventures (2022) Students: Nathan Lerro, Evan Rubin, Sarah Sechrist, Jessica Vogel Advisor: Prof. James Mikitka

Follett: Ice Machine IoT (2022) Students: Miguel Hernandez, Matthew Sireci, Wei Zheng Advisor: Prof. Brian Colville

The Future of CapSource's Product and E-Commerce Strategy (2022) Students: Colin Gabuzda, Teng Huang, Hana Kenworthy, Anh Vu Advisor: Prof. George Witmer

Game Library Port (2022) Students: Shayne Conner, Cole Lavalle, Michelle Li, Mason Mosack Advisor: Prof. Michael Spear

Human-in-the-Loop Spambot Detector (2022) Students: Kevin Coxhead, Alonso Cornejo, Kamilla Muminova, Philip She Advisor: Prof. Xie

Iris ICPS/VAR Portals (2022) Students: DJ Edwards, Artem Maryanskyy, Adam Stavash, Iven Zhang Advisor: Prof. Stephen Lee-Urban

Lehigh College of Engineering Web Analytics (2022) Students: Spencer Lander, Steven Nazaroff, and Nnamdi Chima-Anyanka Advisor: Prof. James Mikitka

Lutron Device Diagnostics (2022) Students: Connor Lachman, Matthew Niejadlik, Satyam Patel, Nathaniel Todd-Long Advisor: Prof. Brian Colville

Lutron Distributed Consensus (2022) Students: Dave Dolan, Parker Evans, Chris Oster Advisor: Brian Colville

Machine Learning Renewable Energy Risk Assessment (2022) Students: Abe Berlin, Henry Eaton, Muhammad Delen, Rakene Chowdhury Advisor: Prof. Stephen Lee-Urban

Mech Programming Language Design & Implementation (2022) Students: Haocheng Gao, Simone Pankenier, Xinhao Tang, Zishuo Wang Advisor: Prof. Corey Montella

Merck & Co. Environmental Database (2022) Students: Joseph Feuer, Lester Huang, Brandon Kondis, Sammy Schutz Advisor: Prof. Debra Kreider

Merck P&ID Network Mapping (2022) Students: Max Asteris, Samuel Collins, Jude Gerhart, Grace Gundrum Advisor: Prof. Debra Kreider

Neufood (2022) Students: Amanda Castillo, Jake Fleischer, Phoebe Li, Yiqun Xu Advisor: Prof. Debra Kreider

NutraData (2022) Students: Ethan Santalone, Kendall Riskevich, Misha Seagull Advisor: Prof. Debra Kreider

Platform for Numerical Analysis & Data Visualization (2022) Students: Stephanie Murphy, Rose Rush, Sebastian Chavarro, Andrew Sukach Advisor: Dr. Arielle Carr

Sales Wizard (2022) Students: Sarah Pontier, Breana Lo, Layne Trautmann, and Howard Li Advisor: Prof. Andrea Smith

Scaling Skillion's System (2022) Students: Nathan Dean, Mitchell Katz, Advaith Nair Advisor: Prof. Brian Colville

Smart Electric Transit (2022) Students: Garrett Kreeger, Gabriella Nuzzolese, Kieran O’Connor, Matthew Piriya Advisor: Shalinee Kishore

vCARETM Consult Application (2022) Students: Harry Boon, JiSoo Park, Theodore Woodworth, Yiwen Wu Advisor: Prof. Andrea Smith

AEquitas Document Search Portal (2021) Students: Victoria Dorn, Hannah Leland, Buckley Ross, Jenna Simon Advisor: Prof. George Witmer

ArtsQuest eCommerce Platform (2021) Students: Bora Fanuscu, Hannah Gotwalt, Kenneth Lopez Advisor: Prof. Andrea Smith

Autonomous Robot Cars Capstone (2021) Students: Dante Biase, Graham Wandless, Sam Schwartz, Brian Zhu Advisor: Dr. Corey Montella

Bike Facts / Kickstarter App (2021) Students: Xinhao Liu, Alec Mitrokostas, Michael Port, Jason Schanck Advisor: Brian Coville

Celebr8 Life - Shared Memories (2021) Students: Peter Luba, Chloe Norvell, Blake Wei Advisors: Corey Montella & Prof. Stephen Lee-Urban

Concurrent Data Structures for 3D Simulation (2021) Students: Ji Ho Choi, Jared Lee, Jeff Van Buskirk Advisor: Prof. George Witmer

Coach AL Ride Motivator (2021) Students: Gustavo Adame-Delarosa, Mickias Bekele, Shant Keshishian Advisor: Prof. George Witmer

Distributed Consensus for Large Scale IoT Systems (2021) Students: Tal Derei, Marc Ferdinandusse, Hailey Goldschmidt, Jacob Oakman Advisor: Brian Colville

Energy & Water Sustainability Dashboard (2021) Students: Erik Bissell, Joshua Krinsky, Nick Owens, Bratislav Petkovic Advisors: Prof. Debra Kreider, Prof. Edwin Yeakel

EY ModOps Product Suite Capstone (2021) Students: Dylan Goldstock, Kenny Kwock, Meghna Mishra, Iris Zheng Advisor: Prof. James Mikitka

Flood Adventures (2021) Students: Surui Huang, Kenneth Straw, Benjamin Zalatan Advisor: Prof. James Mikitka

Halocy (2021) Students: Kevin Do, Yuzhe Liu, Sarah Loher, Yue Zhuo Advisor: Debra Kreider

Human in the Loop (2021) Students: Noah Backman, Jinan HonĀ, Andy Kelly, Chris Muñoz Advisor: Shiang Xie

JatLag Port (2021) Students: Luke Lenny, Blake Wilkey, KaiDa Ma, Yode-Jiaqiang Yuan Advisor: Corey Montella

Lutron Mobile Installer Tool (2021) Students: Alan Wang, Alan Zarza, Kenny Lin, Hannah Fabian Advisor: Prof. George Witmer

Machine Learning Risk of Renewable Energy (2021) Students: Kevin Bergdoll, Parker Fu, Muyuan He, Sam Joffe Advisor: Prof. Stephen Urban

Major Exploration Quiz (2021) Students: Peter Bernard, Sony Chen, Julio Gonzalez, Ryan Stelly Sponsors: Chris Larkin, Marc Rosenberg

Matching System (2021) Students: Kevin Laudano, Lingtao Kong, Runjie Zhao, Jiageng Zheng Advisor: Prof. George Witmer

Merck External Data Ingest Portal (2021) Students: Jason Lee, Will McCormick, Sam Sausville, Yifan Zhang Advisor: George Witmer

Merck Financial Valuation (2021) Students: Andrew MacCausland, Anshika Singh, Haydn Davis, Karthick Sivakumar Advisor: Prof. George Witmer

Mobile Self-Guided Tour (2021) Students: Rebecca Housey, Cameron Rosenthal, Dylan Staniszewski Advisors: James Mikitka

Modernization of a Client Portal (2021) Students: Brock Herring, Cyndy Meng, Carter Schmalzle, Joseph Wesselman Advisor: Debra Kreider

NutraData (2021) Students: Kyle Burke, Gary Fishkin, Omid Ghazizadeh Advisor: Debra Kreider

PayHippo Machine Learning (2021) Students: Zach Coriarty, Daniel Karkhut, Chase Mattingly, Marc Soda Advisor: Brain Colville

Programming Language Design & Implementation (2021) Students: Nic Campion, Sean Hong, Sherry Huang, Dave Jha, Ronan Leahy Advisor: Corey Montella

Skillion Riders App/Toolbox App (2021) Students: Jordan Baum, Sarah Home, Ulan Mirlanov Advisor: Brian Colville

Smart COPD Patient Monitoring System (2021) Students: Thanos Kougionis, Xiangzhi Liu, Maximillian Machado, Brian Snyder Advisor: Prof. James Mikitka

Smart Electric Transit (2021) Students: Andrew Ha, Cormac O’Day, Neel Sikka, Graham Shanno Advisor: Prof. Stephen Lee-Urban

Strategic Alliance Listings (2021) Students: Melissa Fedorka, Owen Licht, Jack Liu, and Andrew Principato Advisor: Prof. Andrea Smith

Toloka (2021) Students: Manasi Vitthanala, Sahil Malhotra, Zack Elliot, Daolong Liu Advisor: Prof. George Witmer

Vistacom Sales Wizard (2021) Students: Connor Greene, Matthew Gunton, Swetha Ramesh, Joshua Yang Advisor: Prof. Andrea Smith

WeShareRE (2021) Students: Adam Debus, Yichen Shen, Nick Silva, Jiabei He Advisor: Prof. Andrea Smith

Zubel (2021) Students: Antonio Lia, Tyler Nguyen, John Taulane, Ngan Tran Advisor: Prof. George Witmer

AutoMobile (2018)

Students: Luke Bernick, Connor Deppert, Kelli Frank, Jonathan Sphar Advisor: Prof. John Spletzer

3D MRI Skull Stripping (2018)

Students: Jiaye Chen, He Huang, Yifan Huang, Yichen Xu Advisor: Prof. Miaomiao Zhang

LUCOIN (2018)

Students: Brian Dwyer, David Kauffman, Athicha Srivirote, Duc Tran Advisor: Prof. Liang Cheng

Spotlight (2018)

Students: Bobby Gould, Nicole D"Annibale, John McBryan, Mira Straathof Advisor: Prof. James Femister

CSE Tools (2018)

Students: Joseph Boderck, Kaitlyn Hennessy, Lizzie Shaffran Advisor: Prof. Michael Spear

Goal Driven Autonomy In Minecraft (2018)

Students: Gilbert Carrasco, Anil Morisetti, Travis Weghofer Advisor: Prof. Hector Munoz-Avila

Preventing Web Timing Attacks

Preventing Web Timing Attacks (2018)

Wrestling robots (2018).

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10 Unique Data Science Capstone Project Ideas

A capstone project is a culminating assignment that allows students to demonstrate the skills and knowledge they’ve acquired throughout their degree program. For data science students, it’s a chance to tackle a substantial real-world data problem.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: Some great data science capstone ideas include analyzing health trends, building a predictive movie recommendation system, optimizing traffic patterns, forecasting cryptocurrency prices, and more .

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 10 unique capstone project ideas for data science students. We’ll overview potential data sources, analysis methods, and practical applications for each idea.

Whether you want to work with social media datasets, geospatial data, or anything in between, you’re sure to find an interesting capstone topic.

Project Idea #1: Analyzing Health Trends

When it comes to data science capstone projects, analyzing health trends is an intriguing idea that can have a significant impact on public health. By leveraging data from various sources, data scientists can uncover valuable insights that can help improve healthcare outcomes and inform policy decisions.

Data Sources

There are several data sources that can be used to analyze health trends. One of the most common sources is electronic health records (EHRs), which contain a wealth of information about patient demographics, medical history, and treatment outcomes.

Other sources include health surveys, wearable devices, social media, and even environmental data.

Analysis Approaches

When analyzing health trends, data scientists can employ a variety of analysis approaches. Descriptive analysis can provide a snapshot of current health trends, such as the prevalence of certain diseases or the distribution of risk factors.

Predictive analysis can be used to forecast future health outcomes, such as predicting disease outbreaks or identifying individuals at high risk for certain conditions. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to identify patterns and make accurate predictions based on large datasets.


The applications of analyzing health trends are vast and far-reaching. By understanding patterns and trends in health data, policymakers can make informed decisions about resource allocation and public health initiatives.

Healthcare providers can use these insights to develop personalized treatment plans and interventions. Researchers can uncover new insights into disease progression and identify potential targets for intervention.

Ultimately, analyzing health trends has the potential to improve overall population health and reduce healthcare costs.

Project Idea #2: Movie Recommendation System

When developing a movie recommendation system, there are several data sources that can be used to gather information about movies and user preferences. One popular data source is the MovieLens dataset, which contains a large collection of movie ratings provided by users.

Another source is IMDb, a trusted website that provides comprehensive information about movies, including user ratings and reviews. Additionally, streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime also provide access to user ratings and viewing history, which can be valuable for building an accurate recommendation system.

There are several analysis approaches that can be employed to build a movie recommendation system. One common approach is collaborative filtering, which uses user ratings and preferences to identify patterns and make recommendations based on similar users’ preferences.

Another approach is content-based filtering, which analyzes the characteristics of movies (such as genre, director, and actors) to recommend similar movies to users. Hybrid approaches that combine both collaborative and content-based filtering techniques are also popular, as they can provide more accurate and diverse recommendations.

A movie recommendation system has numerous applications in the entertainment industry. One application is to enhance the user experience on streaming platforms by providing personalized movie recommendations based on individual preferences.

This can help users discover new movies they might enjoy and improve overall satisfaction with the platform. Additionally, movie recommendation systems can be used by movie production companies to analyze user preferences and trends, aiding in the decision-making process for creating new movies.

Finally, movie recommendation systems can also be utilized by movie critics and reviewers to identify movies that are likely to be well-received by audiences.

For more information on movie recommendation systems, you can visit https://www.kaggle.com/rounakbanik/movie-recommender-systems or https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221364567_A_new_movie_recommendation_system_for_large-scale_data .

Project Idea #3: Optimizing Traffic Patterns

When it comes to optimizing traffic patterns, there are several data sources that can be utilized. One of the most prominent sources is real-time traffic data collected from various sources such as GPS devices, traffic cameras, and mobile applications.

This data provides valuable insights into the current traffic conditions, including congestion, accidents, and road closures. Additionally, historical traffic data can also be used to identify recurring patterns and trends in traffic flow.

Other data sources that can be used include weather data, which can help in understanding how weather conditions impact traffic patterns, and social media data, which can provide information about events or incidents that may affect traffic.

Optimizing traffic patterns requires the use of advanced data analysis techniques. One approach is to use machine learning algorithms to predict traffic patterns based on historical and real-time data.

These algorithms can analyze various factors such as time of day, day of the week, weather conditions, and events to predict traffic congestion and suggest alternative routes.

Another approach is to use network analysis to identify bottlenecks and areas of congestion in the road network. By analyzing the flow of traffic and identifying areas where traffic slows down or comes to a halt, transportation authorities can make informed decisions on how to optimize traffic flow.

The optimization of traffic patterns has numerous applications and benefits. One of the main benefits is the reduction of traffic congestion, which can lead to significant time and fuel savings for commuters.

By optimizing traffic patterns, transportation authorities can also improve road safety by reducing the likelihood of accidents caused by congestion.

Additionally, optimizing traffic patterns can have positive environmental impacts by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By minimizing the time spent idling in traffic, vehicles can operate more efficiently and emit fewer pollutants.

Furthermore, optimizing traffic patterns can have economic benefits by improving the flow of goods and services. Efficient traffic patterns can reduce delivery times and increase productivity for businesses.

Project Idea #4: Forecasting Cryptocurrency Prices

With the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, forecasting their prices has become an exciting and challenging task for data scientists. This project idea involves using historical data to predict future price movements and trends in the cryptocurrency market.

When working on this project, data scientists can gather cryptocurrency price data from various sources such as cryptocurrency exchanges, financial websites, or APIs. Websites like CoinMarketCap (https://coinmarketcap.com/) provide comprehensive data on various cryptocurrencies, including historical price data.

Additionally, platforms like CryptoCompare (https://www.cryptocompare.com/) offer real-time and historical data for different cryptocurrencies.

To forecast cryptocurrency prices, data scientists can employ various analysis approaches. Some common techniques include:

  • Time Series Analysis: This approach involves analyzing historical price data to identify patterns, trends, and seasonality in cryptocurrency prices. Techniques like moving averages, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), or exponential smoothing can be used to make predictions.
  • Machine Learning: Machine learning algorithms, such as random forests, support vector machines, or neural networks, can be trained on historical cryptocurrency data to predict future price movements. These algorithms can consider multiple variables, such as trading volume, market sentiment, or external factors, to make accurate predictions.
  • Sentiment Analysis: This approach involves analyzing social media sentiment and news articles related to cryptocurrencies to gauge market sentiment. By considering the collective sentiment, data scientists can predict how positive or negative sentiment can impact cryptocurrency prices.

Forecasting cryptocurrency prices can have several practical applications:

  • Investment Decision Making: Accurate price forecasts can help investors make informed decisions when buying or selling cryptocurrencies. By considering the predicted price movements, investors can optimize their investment strategies and potentially maximize their returns.
  • Trading Strategies: Traders can use price forecasts to develop trading strategies, such as trend following or mean reversion. By leveraging predicted price movements, traders can make profitable trades in the volatile cryptocurrency market.
  • Risk Management: Cryptocurrency price forecasts can help individuals and organizations manage their risk exposure. By understanding potential price fluctuations, risk management strategies can be implemented to mitigate losses.

Project Idea #5: Predicting Flight Delays

One interesting and practical data science capstone project idea is to create a model that can predict flight delays. Flight delays can cause a lot of inconvenience for passengers and can have a significant impact on travel plans.

By developing a predictive model, airlines and travelers can be better prepared for potential delays and take appropriate actions.

To create a flight delay prediction model, you would need to gather relevant data from various sources. Some potential data sources include:

  • Flight data from airlines or aviation organizations
  • Weather data from meteorological agencies
  • Historical flight delay data from airports

By combining these different data sources, you can build a comprehensive dataset that captures the factors contributing to flight delays.

Once you have collected the necessary data, you can employ different analysis approaches to predict flight delays. Some common approaches include:

  • Machine learning algorithms such as decision trees, random forests, or neural networks
  • Time series analysis to identify patterns and trends in flight delay data
  • Feature engineering to extract relevant features from the dataset

By applying these analysis techniques, you can develop a model that can accurately predict flight delays based on the available data.

The applications of a flight delay prediction model are numerous. Airlines can use the model to optimize their operations, improve scheduling, and minimize disruptions caused by delays. Travelers can benefit from the model by being alerted in advance about potential delays and making necessary adjustments to their travel plans.

Additionally, airports can use the model to improve resource allocation and manage passenger flow during periods of high delay probability. Overall, a flight delay prediction model can significantly enhance the efficiency and customer satisfaction in the aviation industry.

Project Idea #6: Fighting Fake News

With the rise of social media and the easy access to information, the spread of fake news has become a significant concern. Data science can play a crucial role in combating this issue by developing innovative solutions.

Here are some aspects to consider when working on a project that aims to fight fake news.

When it comes to fighting fake news, having reliable data sources is essential. There are several trustworthy platforms that provide access to credible news articles and fact-checking databases. Websites like Snopes and FactCheck.org are good starting points for obtaining accurate information.

Additionally, social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook can be valuable sources for analyzing the spread of misinformation.

One approach to analyzing fake news is by utilizing natural language processing (NLP) techniques. NLP can help identify patterns and linguistic cues that indicate the presence of misleading information.

Sentiment analysis can also be employed to determine the emotional tone of news articles or social media posts, which can be an indicator of potential bias or misinformation.

Another approach is network analysis, which focuses on understanding how information spreads through social networks. By analyzing the connections between users and the content they share, it becomes possible to identify patterns of misinformation dissemination.

Network analysis can also help in identifying influential sources and detecting coordinated efforts to spread fake news.

The applications of a project aiming to fight fake news are numerous. One possible application is the development of a browser extension or a mobile application that provides users with real-time fact-checking information.

This tool could flag potentially misleading articles or social media posts and provide users with accurate information to help them make informed decisions.

Another application could be the creation of an algorithm that automatically identifies fake news articles and separates them from reliable sources. This algorithm could be integrated into news aggregation platforms to help users distinguish between credible and non-credible information.

Project Idea #7: Analyzing Social Media Sentiment

Social media platforms have become a treasure trove of valuable data for businesses and researchers alike. When analyzing social media sentiment, there are several data sources that can be tapped into. The most popular ones include:

  • Twitter: With its vast user base and real-time nature, Twitter is often the go-to platform for sentiment analysis. Researchers can gather tweets containing specific keywords or hashtags to analyze the sentiment of a particular topic.
  • Facebook: Facebook offers rich data for sentiment analysis, including posts, comments, and reactions. Analyzing the sentiment of Facebook posts can provide valuable insights into user opinions and preferences.
  • Instagram: Instagram’s visual nature makes it an interesting platform for sentiment analysis. By analyzing the comments and captions on Instagram posts, researchers can gain insights into the sentiment associated with different images or topics.
  • Reddit: Reddit is a popular platform for discussions on various topics. By analyzing the sentiment of comments and posts on specific subreddits, researchers can gain insights into the sentiment of different communities.

These are just a few examples of the data sources that can be used for analyzing social media sentiment. Depending on the research goals, other platforms such as LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok can also be explored.

When it comes to analyzing social media sentiment, there are various approaches that can be employed. Some commonly used analysis techniques include:

  • Lexicon-based analysis: This approach involves using predefined sentiment lexicons to assign sentiment scores to words or phrases in social media posts. By aggregating these scores, researchers can determine the overall sentiment of a post or a collection of posts.
  • Machine learning: Machine learning algorithms can be trained to classify social media posts into positive, negative, or neutral sentiment categories. These algorithms learn from labeled data and can make predictions on new, unlabeled data.
  • Deep learning: Deep learning techniques, such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) or convolutional neural networks (CNNs), can be used to capture the complex patterns and dependencies in social media data. These models can learn to extract sentiment information from textual or visual content.

It is important to note that the choice of analysis approach depends on the specific research objectives, available resources, and the nature of the social media data being analyzed.

Analyzing social media sentiment has a wide range of applications across different industries. Here are a few examples:

  • Brand reputation management: By analyzing social media sentiment, businesses can monitor and manage their brand reputation. They can identify potential issues, respond to customer feedback, and take proactive measures to maintain a positive image.
  • Market research: Social media sentiment analysis can provide valuable insights into consumer opinions and preferences. Businesses can use this information to understand market trends, identify customer needs, and develop targeted marketing strategies.
  • Customer feedback analysis: Social media sentiment analysis can help businesses understand customer satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement. By analyzing sentiment in customer feedback, companies can make data-driven decisions to enhance their products or services.
  • Public opinion analysis: Researchers can analyze social media sentiment to study public opinion on various topics, such as political events, social issues, or product launches. This information can be used to understand public sentiment, predict trends, and inform decision-making.

These are just a few examples of how analyzing social media sentiment can be applied in real-world scenarios. The insights gained from sentiment analysis can help businesses and researchers make informed decisions, improve customer experience, and drive innovation.

Project Idea #8: Improving Online Ad Targeting

Improving online ad targeting involves analyzing various data sources to gain insights into users’ preferences and behaviors. These data sources may include:

  • Website analytics: Gathering data from websites to understand user engagement, page views, and click-through rates.
  • Demographic data: Utilizing information such as age, gender, location, and income to create targeted ad campaigns.
  • Social media data: Extracting data from platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to understand users’ interests and online behavior.
  • Search engine data: Analyzing search queries and user behavior on search engines to identify intent and preferences.

By combining and analyzing these diverse data sources, data scientists can gain a comprehensive understanding of users and their ad preferences.

To improve online ad targeting, data scientists can employ various analysis approaches:

  • Segmentation analysis: Dividing users into distinct groups based on shared characteristics and preferences.
  • Collaborative filtering: Recommending ads based on users with similar preferences and behaviors.
  • Predictive modeling: Developing algorithms to predict users’ likelihood of engaging with specific ads.
  • Machine learning: Utilizing algorithms that can continuously learn from user interactions to optimize ad targeting.

These analysis approaches help data scientists uncover patterns and insights that can enhance the effectiveness of online ad campaigns.

Improved online ad targeting has numerous applications:

  • Increased ad revenue: By delivering more relevant ads to users, advertisers can expect higher click-through rates and conversions.
  • Better user experience: Users are more likely to engage with ads that align with their interests, leading to a more positive browsing experience.
  • Reduced ad fatigue: By targeting ads more effectively, users are less likely to feel overwhelmed by irrelevant or repetitive advertisements.
  • Maximized ad budget: Advertisers can optimize their budget by focusing on the most promising target audiences.

Project Idea #9: Enhancing Customer Segmentation

Enhancing customer segmentation involves gathering relevant data from various sources to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and demographics. Some common data sources include:

  • Customer transaction data
  • Customer surveys and feedback
  • Social media data
  • Website analytics
  • Customer support interactions

By combining data from these sources, businesses can create a comprehensive profile of their customers and identify patterns and trends that will help in improving their segmentation strategies.

There are several analysis approaches that can be used to enhance customer segmentation:

  • Clustering: Using clustering algorithms to group customers based on similar characteristics or behaviors.
  • Classification: Building predictive models to assign customers to different segments based on their attributes.
  • Association Rule Mining: Identifying relationships and patterns in customer data to uncover hidden insights.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Analyzing customer feedback and social media data to understand customer sentiment and preferences.

These analysis approaches can be used individually or in combination to enhance customer segmentation and create more targeted marketing strategies.

Enhancing customer segmentation can have numerous applications across industries:

  • Personalized marketing campaigns: By understanding customer preferences and behaviors, businesses can tailor their marketing messages to individual customers, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.
  • Product recommendations: By segmenting customers based on their purchase history and preferences, businesses can provide personalized product recommendations, leading to higher customer satisfaction and sales.
  • Customer retention: By identifying at-risk customers and understanding their needs, businesses can implement targeted retention strategies to reduce churn and improve customer loyalty.
  • Market segmentation: By identifying distinct customer segments, businesses can develop tailored product offerings and marketing strategies for each segment, maximizing the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Project Idea #10: Building a Chatbot

A chatbot is a computer program that uses artificial intelligence to simulate human conversation. It can interact with users in a natural language through text or voice. Building a chatbot can be an exciting and challenging data science capstone project.

It requires a combination of natural language processing, machine learning, and programming skills.

When building a chatbot, data sources play a crucial role in training and improving its performance. There are various data sources that can be used:

  • Chat logs: Analyzing existing chat logs can help in understanding common user queries, responses, and patterns. This data can be used to train the chatbot on how to respond to different types of questions and scenarios.
  • Knowledge bases: Integrating a knowledge base can provide the chatbot with a wide range of information and facts. This can be useful in answering specific questions or providing detailed explanations on certain topics.
  • APIs: Utilizing APIs from different platforms can enhance the chatbot’s capabilities. For example, integrating a weather API can allow the chatbot to provide real-time weather information based on user queries.

There are several analysis approaches that can be used to build an efficient and effective chatbot:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP techniques enable the chatbot to understand and interpret user queries. This involves tasks such as tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, and sentiment analysis.
  • Intent recognition: Identifying the intent behind user queries is crucial for providing accurate responses. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to classify user intents based on the input text.
  • Contextual understanding: Chatbots need to understand the context of the conversation to provide relevant and meaningful responses. Techniques such as sequence-to-sequence models or attention mechanisms can be used to capture contextual information.

Chatbots have a wide range of applications in various industries:

  • Customer support: Chatbots can be used to handle customer queries and provide instant support. They can assist with common troubleshooting issues, answer frequently asked questions, and escalate complex queries to human agents when necessary.
  • E-commerce: Chatbots can enhance the shopping experience by assisting users in finding products, providing recommendations, and answering product-related queries.
  • Healthcare: Chatbots can be deployed in healthcare settings to provide preliminary medical advice, answer general health-related questions, and assist with appointment scheduling.

Building a chatbot as a data science capstone project not only showcases your technical skills but also allows you to explore the exciting field of artificial intelligence and natural language processing.

It can be a great opportunity to create a practical and useful tool that can benefit users in various domains.

Completing an in-depth capstone project is the perfect way for data science students to demonstrate their technical skills and business acumen. This guide outlined 10 unique project ideas spanning industries like healthcare, transportation, finance, and more.

By identifying the ideal data sources, analysis techniques, and practical applications for their chosen project, students can produce an impressive capstone that solves real-world problems and showcases their abilities.

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Computer Science Capstone Projects

Graphical modeling of biological systems in education, monitoring patients' cardiovascular health via common wearable fitness devices, scalable genome assembler using apache spark on cloud, mozilla language plugin, kaetzi symbolic storage and identification system, detecting common spelling and grammatical errors by mining wikipedia changelogs, study of bus stop quality in st. louis county, on the rails, medication tracking app, a real-time survival-defence game, the game theory of machine scheduling, taiwanese student association website, codebots: a programmable battlebotsgame system, artificial intelligence for rock-paper-scissor game, a turn-based strategy dame in unity, educational animations and interactives in html5/javascript, stack reader, segmentation and analysis of spinal canal in ct images, interactive website for taiwanese student association, creating a gui for cgminer setup and monitoring, sample swap, design space analysis of popular image segmentation algorithms, cs1 graphics program, management portal for shawnee lodge, system to collect and analyze departmental activity data, performance analysis of trend-following trading systems, scheduler and homework, text prevention cell phone application, develop an eeg device with raspberry pi, attack vector linux, parallelizing regina normal surface engine, mobile website for residential life, battlefield strategy game using gamemaker, graphic zipper foldings of polygons to convex polyhedra, libreoffice/openoffice accentuate extension, quick shifts, multimedia website for biology researchers, open source wordnet visualization, exploring a data set with derived formulas, aka, the formulatron 5000, convex zipper folding, congressional district evaluator, math placement test, online survey system, detection and classification of nails from an image, improved e-prime scripting environment, analysis of algorithms using game theory, k-nearest neighbor algorithm, e-commerce for a building supply company, stock prediction with neural networks, radar processing optimization using compressed sensing, automated report aid, parse tree visualizer, business information system, finance manager, iphone interface for electronic medical record system, bayesian grammar checker for irish, forensic analysis of u3 smart enabled devices and silent virus propagation, example-based machine translation software, cell broadband engine simulator, machine-learning translation program, racing game.

Students in introductory biology courses must demonstrate their understanding of biological systems by developing graphical models of such systems (e.g., food chains, signaling pathways, metabolic networks). This web-based system will support students' creation and revision of such diagrams, will support the course staff in reviewing the diagrams and providing embedded feedback, and will provide analytics that might support educational research.

The goal is to develop a system that allows for medical remote evaluation of patients using biometric data (e.g. heart rate, activity, sleep) from existing commercially available wearable devices (e.g., a Fitbit). The system will rely upon a patient's mobile phone for the communication link from the device to the remote electronic medical records, and will allow physicians to remotely monitor and communicate with patients. The system may also calculate additional variables derived from the primary data such as variability of heart rate and activity and to alert a physician to detection of critical levels.

Genome assembly refers to the process of taking a large number of DNA fragments and putting them back to create a representation of the original chromosomes from which the DNA originate. De novo genome assembler attempts to reconstruct genomes from its genomic sequencing data without using reference genomes. Recently developed high-throughput sequencing technologies generate very large scale DNA fragments that enhance the correctness of genome assembly, but those large scale datasets are computationally expensive.

To cope with massive sequence data generated by next-generation sequencing machines, a highly scalable and efficient parallel solution for genome assembly is important. In this capstone project, we will implement a scalable genome assembler using Apache Spark on Cloud. Apache Spark is a cutting edge open-source cluster computing framework for large-scale data processing. Apache Spark provides GraphX API that is a distributed graph processing framework on top of Spark. The GraphX enabled us to easily distribute a very large overlapping graph into several virtual machines and process the big graph. This very large-scale sequence analysis can be adapted not only for genome assembly but also for many other scientific domains.

The goal of this project is to create a Mozilla Firefox plugin that will allow a user to highlight an unfamiliar word in order to find the definition via JavaScript modal popup. The program will be written mostly in JavaScript, but will likely employ CSS for formatting purposes. Optimally, the plugin will be versatile enough to allow a user to use the plugin with a dictionary website/database of their choice. Once completed, the plugin will be available for download at addons.mozilla.org.

A major challenge with this project is the issue of "stemming" words. If a dictionary only recognizes the singular form of a word, for example, it would be difficult to define a word such as "oxen," or "geese." By the final version of this program, this plugin will be able to define words in both English and Spanish.

The project is to be a software system for the storage of symbolic languages, codes, shorthands, etc.It will be designed and tested using my personal symbolic shorthand code Kaetzi. The software will take a symbol input (drawn with a mouse via writing tablet) and store it as private use data, displayable with a font (i.e. an image, which consists of the symbol only, without a background). The database of symbols is to be searchable by keyword.

The goal is to mine the changelog history on Wikipedia and extract the most frequent spelling and grammatical errors in three separate languages. Then, (1) turn this into a proofing tool to avoid the same errors in the future, and (2) analyze and publish the results to help language teachers focus on the most common mistakes.

The first portion of the project will be project management and data mining for changelogs. Unix tools and regex will most likely be used to format these logs. The second part of the project will consist of turning the results into usable correction tool for word processing. This will be implemented with the OpenOffice API. The API will allow for multiple suggestions for commonly misspelled words.

A tool to examine bus routes in St. Louis County, overlaid on Google maps, with imagery. The tool will also allow bus stop rating through a checklist of essential traits the stop has. This tool will assist in checking the quality of the stops, and be a foundation to persuade improvement of bus stops from Metro organization.

We will build a game of the first person "rail" shooter genre. In this game, players will be kept on a guided path as they battle through enemies. The game will require cooperation from two players, and the players will interface with the game via gaming joysticks.

Unlike most first person shooters, this game will attempt to abstract core elements of the genre so that our game does not simulate the killing living beings. Thus, the enemies of the game will be drones, and the environment of the game will be set in cyberspace. The artwork for the game is inspired from the movie Tron Legacy, and thus, it will feature of simple geometrical shapes with a color scheme that is composed of black and bright neon colors.

The game will be built via the Unity Game engine, and we anticipate that the code for the game will be written in C#. Furthermore, game objects will be constructed using a 3D modeling software called SketchUp.

In addition to building the software for the game, we will also be constructing a physical shell for the game like most arcade machines. The players will sit side by side in an encapsulation. A computer will be housed inside the encapsulation, and it will be tasked with running the game.

Android app that can take a picture of a target from a gun range and locate the bullets. It offers up corrections to help increase the shooting accuracy.

This will be an Android app to allow patients to maintain a list of medications, alongwith information about each medication, and notifications when to take them.Optionally, we will create a doctor database with links to medication and contact information.

This project targets the design and implementation of a survival-defense game with Unity 3D.The game will be a third-person overhead combination of levels and monster wave generation.The player will move around the map and collect ammo, health, and currency while defending against a variety of enemies with different attributes coming in wave pattern attacks. As the levels progress, the waves become harder and harder, and it will be the goal of the player to survive as long as possible. A good example of such a game may be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yq8pEH48JnY. My game, while similar in fundamental nature, will contain significant differences, including a full upgrade system allowing he player to collect currency from slain creatures and spend it on upgrades between rounds in order for them to survive higher levels. The game design and coding will be done in Unity, while the models and textures will be done in Blender and/or 3dsMax. Some models may be obtained from Unity Asset Store as well. The target platform for the game will be the computer (PC and Mac) initially, but I believe the nature of the game will port well to mobile devices.

The app is designed for users to have the ability to create certain machines/equipment workout routines based on the equipment available to them. (What's the point of looking up workout routines online with certain machines/equipment if the user doesn't have that same equipment available to them?) The app includes a database with tables including SLU equipment, exercises, muscle groups, etc.

The main purpose of this project is to better understand a machine scheduling problem. Traditional competitive analysis for the problem can be viewed as a two-player game, with one player releasing jobs to the second player who chooses to schedule them among m machines. Viewing this problem as a game allows us to use alpha-beta pruning to help analyze scheduling algorithms. The first step is to create an alpha-beta pruning search algorithm in Java that is generic for two-player games. This allows us to run alpha-beta algorithm on different turn based games, such as Tic Tac Toe. Once the search algorithm is implemented, we can use it on the scheduling problem game to analyze scheduling algorithms. The next step will be to create the rules of the scheduling game to run the alpha-bete pruning search algorithm on it. We view the game as two players that take turns, one assigns jobs to be scheduled and the other schedules the assigned jobs. Once we are finished with creating the rulesfor the scheduling problem game, we can use the generic alpha-beta pruning search algorithm to analyze algorithms. We use a competitive ratio, which is the number of jobs the optimal solution can assign divided by the number of jobs the scheduling algorithm actually assigned. The point of the game is to have one player assign jobs to force the largest possible competitive ratio, while the other schedules jobs to get the smallest possible competitive ratio. The alpha-beta pruning search algorithm allows us to search for the lowest possible competitive ratio possible to analyze the algorithms.

The purpose of this project will be to construct an interactive web interface for the Taiwanese Student Association to manage its members as well as providing an interactive portal tailored for members and the e-board. The front end of the project will be driven by a web interface using HTML5 with Javascript/JQuery. The front end design of the project will optimize usability for members and have an intuitive flow that allows users to navigate through to quickly find information about the organization. The back-end will include a database that will store information such as users, which will consist of members, non-members, and e-board, as well as events. It will be implemented using MySQL or some other SQL based database tool. Together, it will provide a complete infrastructure for member interaction, as well as being a way for TSA to interact with its members. It will also help to publicize our student organization in a more effective way.

The purpose of this project is to create a robot arena fighting game (in the vein of Battlebots), but with an emphasis on making the robots user- programmable. This would entail creation of a very simplistic programming system, from which users could create their own programming modules for controlling their bots. In essence, the underlying goal of the project is to create a new avenue for kids and even adults to learn about programming in a fun and interesting way. This is a new area of game software and every addition could help. As the key aspect of this game is the programmability of the bots, the primary focus of the game development lies there. The desire is to create a simple programming language for creating modules to control bots, and then a drag-and-drop system for populating the bots with these modules. Should the drag-and-drop system prove infeasible in the allotted time, a fallback approach of using drop- down menus to select options is also perfectly acceptable. However, some other game aspects are also needed to complete the game. These game components may be done more simply: - Implementation of an arena game map, to provide a setting for the robot fighting - Simple unit models for representing the bots - A turn-based combat system sufficient to demonstrate the programmable nature of the bots, and to demonstrate the different features of their programmability. This game will be built using one of the popular game engines, such as Unity or Unreal Engine, to be selected as deemed appropriate by the student.

Streams is an Android app that will allow users to view live streams of images based on geolocation by implementing the Google Maps framework and the TwitterStreaming API. The app will populate streams of images by taking image content from geo-tagged tweets. That will be viewable via a constantly updating graphical interface provided by Google Maps.

Develop a pretty web page to let a user play the RPS game with a carefully designed AI embedded in a JavaScript file.

The goal of this project is to create a Turn-Based Strategy (TBS) game using the Unity game engine. The vision for the game is akin to the classic game Risk, but with the addition of resource gathering and a monetary system. Some of the specific aspects of the project needed for this strategy game include: - Enemy AI for controlling the computer-controlled players - Implementation of one or more game maps, which indicate which players control each of the regions - A combat system for managing attempts by players to take other players regions - A game GUI for showing the game map and indicating the amount of resources available to the player - Tools for gathering, managing, and using a player's resources (such as armies, gold/money, and gather able resources like wood, ore, etc.)

The project will be a mobile fitness app targeting people interested in learning proper form and tracking their progress.

The aim of this project is to redesign existing interactive CS teaching tools for compatibility with modernweb browsers. These tools are currently written as Java applets, a technology, which has been effectively deprecated by HTML5 standards and is slowly loosing support in web browsers. The tools will be rewritten in HTML5/JavaScript, and in the process they will be extended and improved upon as opportunities to do so arise.

In this project, we will be building a web application, which will an eBook Reader with added features. These features will include the ability to highlight text and either make a comment about that particular text or post a question about it. Users will be able to see these highlighted posts and respond/interact with these posts in a similar fashion to stack overflow. Additionally users will be able to upload their own documents, which can be shared with a certain group of people who can then use these features. As well, users can filter what kinds of posts or posts from specific types of users.

This project's goal is to develop a Web-Based application that helps an instructor to teach students to program numeric, algebraic, and trigonometric expressions.

The goal of the project is to design and implement an image segmentation and structural analysis software toolset that will segment a series of cervical spine CT images, identify the spinal canal, and measure the structure of the spinal canal. Java and ImageJ will be used to implement the toolset. Some of the specific aspects of the project needed for this segmentation and analysis toolset include: - Assess the segmentation performance of a variety of segmentation algorithms in segmenting spinal CT images, and identify the most capable algorithms for segmenting the spinal canal. - Learn the ImageJ Java application toolset and library, and how new applications of ImageJ are created as plug-ins to the main toolset. - Implement one of the more effective segmentation algorithms in ImageJ. - From the segmentation results, use line and/or curve detection on the interior walls of the bones surrounding the spinal column, and connect those lines/curves to form the boundary of the spinal canal. - For each slice (single image) in a series of spinal CT images, compute the spinal canal width at each point along the spine. From the distribution over all slices, identify the expected spinal canal width. - Provide a GUI that visualizes the segmentation results and highlights the spinal canal.

NOTE: The project may assume the existence of sagittal spine CT images (i.e. side-view slices of the spine). It is not a requirement that series of transverse/axial (top-down view) or coronal (front-view) CT images be converted to sagittal view (though students may wish to use such an ImageJ plug-in, if such already exists).

The purpose of this project will be to construct an interactive Web interface for the Taiwanese Student Association to manage its members as well as providing an interactive portal for members. The front end of the project will be driven by a Web interface using HTML5 with Javascript/JQuery. The front end design of the project will optimize usability for members and have an intuitive flow that allows users to navigate through and learn about the organization. The back-end will include database that will store information such as users, which will consist of members, non-members, and e-board, as well as events. It will be implemented using MySQL or some other SQL-based database tool. Together, it will provide a complete infrastructure for user interaction and for a business to interact with its customers.

The goal of the project is to create a GUI for the CGMiner tools, which is a software suite for mining Bitcoin transactions. "Mining" - the process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin's public ledger of past transactions - is a difficult resource-intensive task, the purpose of which is to enable the network to reach a secure, tamper-resistant consensus for each of the transactions. It has been found that GPUs are particularly well suited to the task of mining, and so CGMiner provides an open-source software suite allowing any interested user to beging perform mining using their AMD GPU card. The CGMiner tools are solely command-line driven tools, and require considerable parameterization to appropriately install and use. As such, the purpose of this project is to create a CGMiner dashboard - a GUI allowing users to more easily setup and monitor their mining with the CGMiner. This dashboard would provide a variety of features for effectively setting up and controlling CGMiner, including a setup and control panel and GPU temperature monitoring. The temperature monitor would provide a graph of the GPU's temperatures over time, including average and max temperatures of the graphics cards, and a temperature shutoff should the GPU become too hot. The dashboard setup and control panels would provide GUI controls both for initial setup and dynamic control of the CGMiner tools, including GPU speed, thread concurrency, work size, memory speed, intensity, fan speed, etc. The dashboard would initially target a single graphics card, with the intent of extendingcontrol to multiple graphics cards through CGMiner.

The goal of this project is to rehaul the website, making all pages follow similar template and add more functionality. Includes adding access to data stored in Excel spreadsheet ith ability to search through and request things like an online catalog of specimens. To request, must trade equal number of samples from equal number of genera and species. Include ability to select species and image and description will pop up.

The project goal is to perform a thorough design space analysis of a number of popular image segmentation algorithms. Such analysis first requires collecting image segmentation results over the full range of the parameter design space for a few popular image segmentation algorithms (e.g. Mean Shift, Normalized Min Cuts, etc). The segmentation resultswill then be analyzed by Prof. Fritts segmentation evaluation toolset, which quantitatively evaluates the qualify of the segmentation results using a variety of evaluation metrics. With the quantitative evaluation data, a software toolset will be developed that performs parameter space correlation and multivariate kernel density estimation to identify trends and data clusters that best characterize the algorithm's performance. While outside the scope of this project, this design space analysis will greatly facilitate unbiased selection of sample segmentations for use in subjective human studies on segmentation evaluation.'

Cs1 graphics is a Python module that wraps the Tkinter graphics package to make use of graphics more accessible for students in introductory computer science courses. The most recent release (cs1graphics 1.2) is an alpha version that lacks robust support for many advanced features such as multi-threading. The project will entail thorough perusal of, understanding, documenting, and updating the current code, while paying special attention to the threading model and internal architecture and design of the system. These combined activities will allow for strengthening the robustness of the package, as well as in time, reintroducing support for more advanced features that are missing from the alpha, and new functionality.

The project is to design and implement a management portal for the Shawnee Lodge, an internal group inside the Greater St. Louis Area Council, Boy Scouts of America. This project will be in the form of a web portal that will allow members to register and keep their information up to date. The different units inside the Lodge will be able to have certain reporting abilities that will be outlined in the Requirements and Design document. Main users of this portal will be the members of the Lodge, the administrative staff of the Greater St. Louis Area Council, Boy Scouts of America and the Lodge and Chapter Leadership. This system should be a roles based accesssystem where access will be controlled by roles.

The objective of this project is to establish a database and interface for faculty members in the department of Theology to enter data. This data is critical for faculty reviews and the current process by which the data is collected is time consuming and not very efficient. The goal is to improve that and streamline the data collection process.

This project employs extensive financial market data to analyze portfolio allocation based on a variety of popular technical indicators.

We want to build an Android app that will help with school. We want to make a check-in system for classes and a homework tracker. The check-in system would use the user's location to verify that they are in class. The homework tracker would allow the student to add and track their homework, as well as possibly turn in their homework to the professor or receive homework from their professor via a bluetooth transmission. We also want to use alerts to notify the user of homework due datesand classes. We will prioritize making features for the students first and then iftime permits we will add a separate account type for professors. Therefore, all professor features discussed in the requirements will be optional.

The project will be creating a cell phone application that prevents the driver from cell phone use, but allows passengers to use their phones. To do this, we will lock phones based on geolocation speed and provide phone unlock functions with bluetooth/wifidirect and image recognition.

The goal of this project is to build an EEG device that uses electrodes on the scalp to measure brain activity. The EEG will be composed of a Raspberry Pi microprocessor that receives input stimuli from electrodes attached to the patient. One (or more) electrodes will be placed on the scalp, two at various grounding points, and a final 60Hz ground antenna to help eliminate background noise. The microprocessor will sample the voltage level at the electrodes at periodic intervals and then perform a 1-D FFT to convert the sampled time domain signal to the frequency domain, which will facilitate further data analysis. The scalp electrode(s) will be sampled at a rate of at least 100kHz and input to the microprocessor with an ADC (analog-to-digital converter) that's at least 12-bits wide. A true differential input is desired for obtaining the clearest signal. All the signal processing will be done in software. Given the high-speed sampling and the processing needs for 1-D FFT, the Raspberry Pi system has been selected for this project. It has the requisite sampling ability, is able to receive data at 150KB/s, and has sufficient memory and processing ability to store the data, perform the 1-D FFT over time slices of data, and still have processing time remainingfor further data analysis.'

While BackTrack requires a modified kernel for drivers of adapters to use promiscuous mode and so forth, TAILS is designed form the bottom up for encryption, privacy, and anonymity. The intention of AttackVector Linux is to provide the capability to anonymize attacks while warning the user when he or she takes actions that may compromise anonymity. The two projects have different design philosophies that can directly conflict with one another. In spite of this, the goal of AttackVector Linux is to integrate them complementarily into one OS.

Paralellize the double descriptor algorithm in the open source software package Regina. The software will be benchmarked running in serial and using OpenMP. As a proof of concept, the software shoudl be run on GPU's using OpenACC. The final version will run using Cuda to optimize its computational efficiency.

The goal of this project is to create a mobile website for Residential Life that would provide Res Life individuals the ability to check students into and out of dorm rooms (e.g., tracking existing damage) using a smart phone or tablet. Currently Res Life uses paper forms, requiring significant effort in hand-entry of details and management of the forms during the year. This online website would alleviate much of that burden.

The goal of this project is to create a two-player 2D battlefield strategy game, similar to the FireEmblem game series. The game will employ a turn-based combat style, allowing each unit to move/attack once in each player's turn. There will be a variety of different types of units, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Positioning of units will be done in a 2D grid, with each grid space corresponding to one of a variety of different types of terrain. the type of unit, position of units, and types of terrain in which those units reside will all affect combat results, providing players ample opportunity to employ strategies towards defeating the opponent.

The intent of this project is to create a tool that can find the crease patterns to fold polygons to convex polyhedra and then show what it looks like folded into three dimensions. It will take a user specification of a polygon and a zipper point. Then using the input data, it will find the valid crease patterns and give access to them to the user. Finally, it will fold the polygon and show it in three dimensions.

Using the already established Accentuate web service, create an extension to LibreOffice/OpenOffice that is capable of utilizing Accentuate's features.

This project will be to design a scheduling application for hourly employees. Input will be employee's availability, and schedule template of shifts needed. Output will be a spreadsheet of times and positions employers need to work. User will be able to build schedule manually, automatically, or integrating manual and automatic techniques.

This project will be a website for biology researchers to collaborate on the naming and classification of specific bones in fish. Each bone will have a dedicated webpage with; a description of the bone, a video displaying a 360 degree view of the bone, an image highlighting the bone, and the opportunity for other researchers to add their own input. The goal for the website is to be completely user driven, with users discussing and ultimately deciding on the name for each bone.

A WordNet is a database of word senses with links between them (synonyms, broader/narrower terms, part/whole relations, etc.). The most famous of these is the Princeton WordNet (http://wordnet.princeton.edu) which is freely available. The site visualthesaurus.com allows one to navigate the Princeton WordNet in a web browser, but sadly it's a subscription service. It should be quite easy to do something even better using a modern open source .js library like d3 (https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Gallery) or arborjs (http://arborjs.org/).

This project is an application that allows the user to model aspects of a data set by defining additional formulas that are derived from a combination of ground data and other derived formulas for each record in the data set. For this project, historical baseball data will be used to demonstrate the capabilities of the software. The user could use that data to generate a formula and have the data set presented with inclusion of the calculated value as a new field. Derived formulas will be saved persistently by the application, on a per user basis, so that they can be reused during a later session. Finally, the interface should allow a user to filter displayed results based on restrictions that depend on a combination of ground data or derived computations. For example, a baseball player might be required to have a certain number of plate appearances to qualify for a given statistic. The user will also be able to group results by certain allowed criteria. The results of using this data set should lend credence to the assertion that at some point in the future, the software can be generalized for any subject that has base data.

Folding convex polygon to a single convex polyhedron using the perimeter halving method is the main purpose of this project. The basic steps are first setting the crease pattern and then fold the polygon by Mathematica 8. Finding the right crease pattern and using the right command to compute the angles are the most important task we have.

Use the Shapley-Shubik power index to evaluate indvidual voter power based on the geography of congressional districts. This will consist of two parts. The first is a preprocessor using the ANN library to group voters and their neighbors. The second will be to do a Monte Carlo simulation to approximate each voters power and will be parallelized using OpenMP and OpenACC.

The goal is a system for creating, administrating, and analyzing online surveys. Custom surveys can be formed using a variety of question templates (e.g., multiple choice, free answer, quantitative rating). When complete, the survey will be made available on the internet, either to invited respondents or to anyone given the appropriate URL. The back end will offer the survey owner the ability to generate a recreation of an individual respondant's completed survey, or composite data for all subjects.

The goal of this project is to create a software system capable of identifying and classifying the types of nails from an image. The software system will use color space conversion, thresholding, connected components, and feature extraction to identify the characteristics of each region of the image corresponding to a nail, and use the feature values to classify the type of nail corresponding to each region in the image. The system should be able to correctly determine the number of nails in the image, and categorize the type of nail into one of at least five different nail types. The features used for classification will include area, circularity, moments, and possibly length.

The project will assume that the background is white (or very light), so that the regions corresponding to nails can be easily detected through thresholding. The project will likewise assume that the nails are non-overlapping in the image, so that each detected region corresponds to an individual nail. The final assumption is that each image will also contain a penny, which will be used as a frame of reference for determining the scale/size of nails in the image.

The E-Prime 1.4 software package, used by several labs in Saint Louis University's Psychology department, contains a scripting environment (called E-Studio) to create modified Visual Basic scripts used to run computer-based experiments. E-Studio is difficult to customize, however, and many users in the Psychology department would prefer a more intuitive scripting environment. Though E-Prime 2.0 has recently been released, many labs in the department do not wish to purchase the upgrade. The hope is that this project will extend the useable life of the existing software package, and improve the speed at which users can create and modify experiments. This project would be able to supplant the need for E-Studio as a coding environment.

Analysis of an online algorithm can be modeled as a two-player game between the algorithm and an adversary. This semester, I will develop a general tool for solving two-player games using alpha-beta pruning. I will demonstrate the general framework on several classic games and then apply it to analyze a modelfor online machine scheduling.

Implement k-nearest neighbor algorithm for weighted points on a GPU use Nvidia's CUDA programming environment. Two different methods with be implemented: the first using brute force and the second is based on kD-trees. As reference algorithms, the two algorithms will also be implemented for a CPU using a single thread. Run-time analysis will be performed to determine which algorithm is best for different input sizes.

This project will be an e-Commerce system supporting a building supply company. It will consist of a web-based front-end allowing customers to place orders and the store owner to see relevant views of the pending orders, together with a backend database in which all information is stored.

Using a back propagation neural network with economically relevant training, I will attempt to make predictions on stock values of individual companies. The primary concern with the project is to develop and implement this neural net into a functional model. A functional model is one that, after a limited training, can predict stock values of the stock ticker at different time increments from the "current" day. Predicted values will be compared to historic stock prices to evaluate performance of the model. This model will be incorporated into an output interface which would produce visualizations of the internal network structure, weights, and other pertinent elements of the model, allowing development of the model. Performing multiple experiments (different time windows, different activation and error functions, etc) could potential lead to different optimized models. Time permitting, a front end interface can be implemented where one can select models and provide necessary inputs and specify the stock ticker to be predicted. The output could be the predicted price of the stock for the next day, week, etc.

Radar Signal processing is computationally difficult because of the number of samples that must be taken to perform a FFT on the data. The Nyquist-Shannon Theorem states that we must take 2B (B=highest frequency in signal) samples to perfectly interpret the wave. This ends up being very costly because high speed A/D converters and fast DSP hardware is needed. It turns out that radar signals tend to be sparse. Using compressed sensing, we need far fewer samples to reconstruct the wave.

This project is designed primarily for experimentation. I will create software that can run simulations, then conduct experiments using that software. The goal is to see how well traditional radar processing compares to compressed sensing, especially when using degraded (noisy) signals.

Compressed sensing is an exciting, new field in Computer Science. While some of the principles have been known since the mid-20th century, the field really developed in 2004. There has been some research on compressed sensing with radar. However, it is still a research project that depends on ideal conditions. There is an excellent description of Radar Compressed Sensing available at http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= .

The authors describe three problems that are currently holding back the design of operational systems. In particular, "the signal recovery algorithms must be able to handle real-world radar acquisition scenarios with sufficient computational efficient and robust performance for noisy data." This is the primary focus of my project: testing the effectiveness of CS on noisy signals. This should provide some very useful research to the academic community.

This project will aid in the creation of automated reports for the logistics department. Projects are requested often, sometimes several per week, and we have only three programmers. Reports can be derived from several sources, including three databases and mainframe files. Sorting out the right files can take a good amount of time, as can reports to the requester's specifications. The idea behind this project is to create an application that will created the basic sql queries in PC SAS to gather the correct data for the requested reports, including multiple sources when needed. As well, the application will allow users to manipulate an excel sheet to their own specifications, while recording the macro an creating the base code in Visual Basic. The programmer will then have far less work to automate the report.

Construction of database that will contain information on business operations and human resources that will provide tools for analysis of the data therein. This project will also include a management role in that a high school volunteer will be collaborating on the project. For the sake of concreteness , this project will be tailored to a computer hardware manufacturer model but should hopefully be relatively easy to adapt to different markets. The ultimate goal of this database is to help business owners identify possible sources of inefficiency and ways to cut costs.

My project is to be a financial manager. The financial manager enables the user to keep track of multiple bank accounts. The user enters receipts into the program, which tracks where the money is going and forms spending habits. The receipt information consists of the name of the business, the date, the amount, the account, and what type of charge it is. The types of charges are food, gas, entertainment, bills, and miscellaneous. The spending habits can then be visually displayed for the user to view. The visual representation of the spending habits will be in pie and line charts.

The program will also track the balances of the user's credit cards. The user will add each credit card to the program and the program will compute how much the minimum payment should be. The program will also compute how many payments remain (assuming the minimum is payed each month). When receipts are entered into the program, credit card receipts are included, which allows the program to update the credit card balance as information is entered.

Bills will also be tracked with the program. The program will take the average of previous bills to compute a projected amount for the bill. The program will also keep track of automatic monthly charges, which the user can add and remove.

Loans will also be tracked with the program. Much like credit cards, the payment amount will be calculated along with the amount of payments remaining.

Paychecks will be entered in much like receipts. In addition to this, the projected monthly income will be calculated to show how much money should be coming in to pay the bills.

There are many electronic medical record systems currently in existence. Many doctors have stated it would be useful to have access to the electronic records of their patients available on their smart phones. My project is an iPhone application that is able to directly access and edit patient records from a sample database.

In the Irish language, certain grammatical contexts cause spelling changes on words called initial mutations. The rules governing these are complicated and are not well understood. The goal of this project is to write a program to learn automatically these rules from a plain text corpus of Irish.

This project is aimed at the research of U3 Smart enabled USB drives, the architecture on which their file systems are built, the methods implemented to carry out their stated goal, and the implied security concerns surrounding these devices in regards to the undetected propagation of viruses on the U3 sector of the USB drive.

Design and develop a software application that has the ability to translate an English string into other languages. Since the general version of this problem is notoriously difficult, we will restrict attention to strings of the type that are usually found in translations of software, e.g. "File not found", "Could not open X", "Firefox Preferences", etc.

I will write three individual programs.

1) Program one will accept a huge number of English strings of the above type. It will strip the strings of any untranslatable items, such as punctuation and newline characters. Furthermore, program one will preserve the common (translatable) substrings within each string while converting any uncommon (untranslatable) substrings into a symbol (i.e. "***"). Finally, program one will return the original string converted into a "translation template." Any unknown, uncommon words that were found by program one will have been converted into the symbol.

Example 1: Input: "File not found" Output: "*** not found"

Example 2: Input: "Could not open file" Output: "Could not open ***"

2) Program two will take as input (1) the generated list of translation templates, and (2) a large database of existing translations from English into the target language, and will generate a statistical model for how each template is translated.

3) Program three will apply the statistical model to new English strings to translate them into the target language. Finally, the three programs will be combined into one package.

The purpose of this project is to create a Java based simulator which will illustrate the execution process of the Cell Broad Band Engine. The Cell Broad Band Engine was developed by IBM, Sony, and Toshiba as a multimedia and vector processing architecture. The most famous implementation of the Cell Broadband Engine processor is Sony's Playstation 3 video game console. In order to reduce the complexity of the overall project this simulator will not automatically translate standard C code into assembly code. Instead the program will only take in valid assembly code. This program will be originally written to run on a Linux x86 based computer (with the primary development and testing of this simulator being done on a Redhat Enterprise Linux version 5.3 machine). The student's custom made simulator shall be able to illustrate at least two independent threads passing through the SPE core of the cell processor. Additionally the software shall display a graphical, color distinguishable illustration of each individual SPE and which assembler code is currently being executed, which code is waiting to execute, and which code is in a stall.

A parallel corpus is a database of document pairs where one document is a translation of the other and the documents are "aligned" at some level, usually sentences. Parallel corpora are used to train all modern statistical machine translation systems. One approach to creating parallel corpora is via web-crawling and a system which will identify document pairs which are translations of each other from the crawled documents.

The goal of this project is to create such a program. It will take two text files as input and calculate the probability that the two files are translations of each other. The translation program should be language-independent. The program will function by using pairs of known translations to form "word pairs" that will then be used in texts that are not known to be translations of each other to calculate the probability of the texts being translations of each other.

futuristic hovercraft racing game that will be single player and have at least one AI opponent. The race track will be flat and have a variety of turns and the game will use physics in order to make it realistic and challenging. A level of power will be set and will be decreased by a specific amount with each collision with another racer, the track walls, or other obstacles. The game play will be similar to the games F-Zero and Wipeout but will include all original models, textures, animations, and concept design with graphics and user interface controlled by the Irrlicht engine.

60+ Inspiring Capstone Project Ideas for STEM Students: Unlocking Excellence

Capstone Project Ideas for Stem Students

  • Post author By admin
  • October 3, 2023

Discover a range of innovative and challenging capstone project ideas for STEM students.

Hey there, STEM enthusiasts! We get it; you’re not just studying science, technology, engineering, or math – you’re living it.

And now, you’ve reached that thrilling moment in your academic journey: the capstone project. It’s like the grand finale of a spectacular fireworks show, where all your hard-earned knowledge bursts into a brilliant display of real-world application.

But hold on – choosing the right capstone project can feel a bit like picking your superpower for the future. Exciting, right? Well, that’s where we come in.

In this guide, we’re serving up a buffet of capstone project ideas specially crafted for STEM students like you. We’ve got everything from mind-bending tech wizardry to earth-saving eco-innovations.

Whether you’re into building robots that might just take over the world (kidding!) or exploring the mysteries of the human genome, we’ve got you covered.

So, let’s ditch the ordinary, embrace the extraordinary, and find that one project that’s going to make your STEM journey legendary. Ready to dive in? Let’s roll!

Table of Contents

What is Capstone Project Ideas for Stem Students?

Alright, listen up, STEM folks! Capstone projects? They’re like the big, epic finale of your journey through science, tech, engineering, and math. It’s where you get to flex those brain muscles and apply everything you’ve soaked up in the classroom to real-life challenges.

But here’s the kicker: picking the right project? It’s kind of a big deal. This ain’t just any old assignment; it’s your chance to shape your future career path.

So, in this article, we’re not just scratching the surface – we’re diving headfirst into a treasure trove of Capstone Project Ideas, tailor-made for STEM students.

Our mission? To help you find that spark, that “a-ha” moment, that will light up your academic journey. Ready to roll? Let’s do this!

Importance of Capstone Project Ideas for Stem Students

Alright, buckle up because we’re diving into why Capstone Projects are like the secret sauce of STEM education. These projects are a big deal, and here’s why:

Putting Knowledge to Work

You know all that stuff you’ve been learning in your STEM classes? Capstone projects are where you finally get to roll up your sleeves and put that knowledge to practical use. It’s like taking a test, but the real world is your exam paper.

Mixing It Up

STEM isn’t just one thing; it’s a melting pot of science, tech, engineering, and math. Capstone projects are like your chance to be the mad scientist mixing all these disciplines to cook up something amazing. It’s where you see how different fields can work together to solve complex problems.

Unleash Your Inner Genius

Remember those crazy ideas that kept you awake at night? Capstone projects give you the green light to bring those ideas to life. They’re all about innovation and letting your creativity run wild.

Hands-On Learning:

Forget about textbooks and lectures for a moment. Capstone projects are where you get your hands dirty (figuratively, most of the time). You learn by doing, and that’s an experience you can’t put a price on.

Becoming Sherlock Holmes

Investigating, researching, and analyzing data become your superpowers. Capstone projects turn you into a detective, seeking answers and solving mysteries.

Boss-Level Skills

Ever heard of project management and teamwork? Capstone projects are like your crash course in these essential skills. You learn how to work in a team, meet deadlines, and communicate like a pro.

Finding Real-World Problems

Capstone projects aren’t just for grades; they’re about addressing real-world problems. You become a problem-spotter, finding issues in your field that need fixing.

Supercharging Your Resume

Completing a Capstone Project is like having a golden ticket on your resume. Employers love seeing that you’ve tackled a real-world challenge and come out on top.

Changing the Game

Sometimes, your Capstone Project isn’t just a project; it’s a game-changer. You might stumble upon something so cool that it pushes the boundaries of what’s known in your field.

Opening Doors

Collaborating with experts and industry pros isn’t just a possibility; it’s often a reality in Capstone projects. These connections can open doors to your future career.

Making a Real Difference

And here’s the kicker – some Capstone Projects aren’t just about you; they’re about making the world a better place. Whether it’s in healthcare, sustainability, or technology, your project can have a positive impact on society.

Showcasing Your Awesomeness

Completed Capstone Projects are like trophies. They’re proof of what you’re capable of and a source of inspiration for future STEM students.

In a nutshell, Capstone Projects are like the stage where you step into the spotlight and showcase your STEM superpowers.

They prepare you for the real world, fuel innovation, and help move the needle in science and technology. So, get ready to rock your Capstone journey!

Capstone Project Ideas for Stem Students

Have a close look at capstone project ideas for stem students:-

Engineering and Technology

  • Solar-Powered Gadgets: Design solar-powered phone chargers, backpacks, or outdoor lighting.
  • Autonomous Robots: Create a robot for search and rescue operations or autonomous delivery.
  • Smart Home Automation: Develop a home automation system that responds to voice commands.
  • 3D Printing Advancements: Research and improve 3D printing materials and techniques.
  • Electric Vehicle Prototypes: Design electric bikes, scooters, or small urban electric vehicles.
  • Aerospace Innovations: Develop drones for agricultural monitoring or low Earth orbit satellites.
  • Renewable Energy Innovations: Build a small-scale wind turbine or experiment with tidal energy.
  • Biomedical Breakthroughs: Invent wearable medical devices for remote patient monitoring.
  • Environmental Conservation Initiatives: Create an app to report and track environmental issues in your community.
  • Robotics and Automation: Design a robotic system for assisting individuals with disabilities.

Biotechnology and Healthcare

  • Genetic Engineering: Engineer bacteria for biodegradable plastics production.
  • Telemedicine Solutions: Create a telemedicine platform for mental health support.
  • Drug Discovery Algorithms: Develop algorithms to predict potential drug interactions.
  • Biomedical Imaging Enhancements: Improve MRI or ultrasound imaging technology.
  • Prosthetic Limb Innovations: Design advanced prosthetic limbs with sensory feedback.
  • Stem Cell Therapies: Research the use of stem cells in regenerative medicine.
  • Precision Medicine Tools: Develop tools for tailoring medical treatments to individual genetics.
  • Medical Data Privacy Solutions: Create secure systems for handling sensitive medical data.
  • Healthcare Access Apps: Design apps for improving healthcare access in underserved areas.
  • Virtual Reality in Healthcare: Develop VR simulations for medical training and therapy.

Environmental Science and Sustainability

  • Eco-Friendly Building Solutions: Construct green buildings with innovative energy-saving features.
  • Waste Reduction Initiatives: Implement a smart waste management system in urban areas.
  • Clean Water Technologies: Invent low-cost water purification systems for rural communities.
  • Climate Change Mitigation Strategies: Develop strategies for reducing carbon emissions in industries.
  • Urban Green Spaces: Create plans for urban parks and green spaces to combat urban heat islands.
  • Renewable Energy Storage: Investigate novel methods for storing energy from renewable sources.
  • Sustainable Agriculture Solutions: Design vertical farming systems for urban food production.
  • Marine Conservation Innovations: Develop technologies to protect and restore marine ecosystems.
  • Biodiversity Monitoring Tools: Create apps and devices for monitoring wildlife populations.
  • Renewable Energy Education: Develop educational programs to raise awareness about renewable energy.

Computer Science and Data Science

  • AI-Powered Language Translation: Build a language translation tool that uses AI to enhance accuracy.
  • Machine Learning for Healthcare Diagnostics: Develop ML models for early disease detection.
  • Cybersecurity Advancements: Create an AI-driven cybersecurity platform for threat detection.
  • Data Analytics for Social Impact: Analyze data to identify social issues and propose solutions.
  • Quantum Computing Algorithms: Design quantum algorithms for solving complex computational problems.
  • Blockchain Applications: Develop blockchain-based systems for secure transactions or voting.
  • Virtual Reality for Education: Build immersive VR educational experiences for students.
  • IoT in Smart Cities: Create IoT solutions for improving urban infrastructure and services.
  • Natural Language Processing Chatbots: Design chatbots that assist with customer service or information retrieval.
  • Data Visualization for Climate Change: Develop visualizations to communicate climate data effectively.

Space Exploration and Astronomy:

  • CubeSat Missions: Plan and execute CubeSat missions to study Earth’s atmosphere or space phenomena.
  • Exoplanet Discovery Tools: Create algorithms and tools for identifying exoplanets.
  • Astrobiology Research: Investigate extreme environments on Earth as analogs for extraterrestrial life.
  • Space Tourism Initiatives: Design spacecraft or systems for commercial space travel.
  • Asteroid Impact Mitigation: Develop strategies for deflecting potentially hazardous asteroids.
  • Lunar Base Planning: Create blueprints for sustainable lunar bases or habitats.
  • Satellite-Based Earth Monitoring: Build sensors and instruments for monitoring Earth from orbit.
  • Space Debris Cleanup Technologies: Engineer systems for removing space debris.
  • Mars Colony Concepts: Design habitats and infrastructure for future Mars colonies.
  • Astronomy Outreach Apps: Develop apps for stargazing and astronomy education.

These project ideas offer a wide spectrum of exciting possibilities for STEM students to explore and contribute to their respective fields.

What are the capstone topics for stem?

STEM capstone topics are typically broad and interdisciplinary, and they allow students to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned throughout their STEM education to solve a real-world problem. Some examples of capstone topics for STEM students include:

  • Developing a new way to generate renewable energy
  • Designing a more sustainable transportation system
  • Creating a new medical device or treatment
  • Developing a new software application or algorithm
  • Improving the efficiency of a manufacturing process
  • Reducing the environmental impact of a product or service
  • Developing a new educational program to teach STEM concepts
  • Designing a more accessible and inclusive community
  • Addressing a social or economic challenge through STEM innovation

What is the Capstone Project for stem students?

Alright, so picture this: the Capstone Project for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) students is like the thrilling climax of their academic adventure.

It’s where all that brainpower they’ve been accumulating throughout their STEM journey gets its moment to shine – by taking on actual, real-world problems.

Think of it as the ultimate challenge where they don’t just read about stuff in textbooks; they roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty, so to speak. It’s the part where theory meets practice, and things get exciting.

Now, what’s on the menu for these projects? Well, it’s like a buffet of possibilities. STEM students can work solo or team up, and they might find themselves researching, tinkering, designing, or even inventing stuff. All with one goal in mind: making a tangible difference in their chosen STEM field.

But it’s not just about acing an assignment; it’s about preparing for their future careers. These projects teach them how to think critically, collaborate seamlessly, and confront real-world challenges head-on.

It’s not just education; it’s a taste of what awaits them in the dynamic world of STEM.

What is an example of a capstone topic?

Imagine having the power to foresee when a customer might bid farewell to a product or service. That’s customer churn, and it’s a puzzle that businesses need to solve.

Predicting customer churn is like having a crystal ball that helps identify customers at risk of leaving and take proactive steps to keep them on board.

So, what’s the scoop on this capstone project? It’s all about crafting a machine learning model that can predict customer churn based on past data. Businesses can use this model to pinpoint customers who might be on the verge of leaving and then craft personalized strategies to keep them happy.

But hold on, that’s just one flavor of the STEM capstone ice cream parlor. Here’s another tasty one in the realm of mechanical engineering:

Revolutionizing Prosthetic Limbs: Comfort and Functionality Redefined

Prosthetic limbs are like real-life superheroes for people who’ve lost their own limbs. But let’s be honest, there’s always room for improvement. This capstone project is a ticket to the world of designing and building a prosthetic limb that’s not just functional but also super comfortable.

Imagine this: cutting-edge materials, groundbreaking technologies, and innovative designs coming together to create a prosthetic limb that goes beyond expectations.

But hey, the STEM capstone universe is vast, and there are countless other galaxies to explore, such as:

  • Powering the World with Renewable Energy: Dreaming up new ways to harness renewable energy sources and save the planet.
  • Eco-Friendly Commutes: Crafting a sustainable transportation system for a greener tomorrow.
  • Medical Marvels: Inventing groundbreaking medical devices or treatments to enhance healthcare.
  • Software Wonders: Developing game-changing software or algorithms to simplify our lives.
  • Manufacturing Efficiency: Streamlining production processes for greater productivity and sustainability.
  • Environmental Guardians: Reducing the environmental impact of products or services for a cleaner Earth.
  • STEM Education Revolution: Creating exciting educational programs to make STEM concepts accessible to all.
  • Inclusive Communities: Designing communities that embrace diversity and accessibility.
  • Tackling Global Challenges: Using STEM innovation to address complex social and economic issues.

When you’re choosing your capstone topic, remember it’s your chance to shine. Consider what tickles your curiosity, matches your skills, and aligns with your career dreams.

And don’t forget to have a chat with your advisor or mentor for some valuable insights and guidance. Happy capstone adventures!

How do I get ideas for a Capstone Project?

Check out how to get ideas for a capstone project:-

Explore Your Passions

Kickstart your idea quest by diving into your passions and interests. Think about what genuinely fires you up within your field of study. When you’re passionate about a project, it doesn’t feel like work; it feels like a thrilling adventure.

Real-World Challenges

Shift your focus to the real world. What are the burning problems or challenges that industries or communities are facing right now? Your Capstone Project could be the solution they’ve been waiting for.

Course Curiosity

Recall those “Aha!” moments in your classes. Were there topics or concepts that made you sit up and take notice? Delving deeper into one of these could be the start of a captivating project.

Seek Expert Guidance

Don’t be shy about tapping into the wisdom of your professors, advisors, or mentors. They’re like treasure chests of knowledge and can point you in the direction of intriguing project ideas.

Industry Insights

Take a virtual tour of your field’s online spaces. Look at industry blogs, forums , or websites to discover the latest trends, innovations, and hot topics. It’s like eavesdropping on the professionals’ secret conversations.

Team Brainstorming

If you’re up for it, consider teaming up with classmates. Sometimes, two (or more) heads are better than one. Brainstorm together to cook up a project idea that gets everyone excited.

Project Archives

Dive into the past. Check out previous Capstone Projects from your school or program. While you’re there, see if you can add a unique twist to a familiar topic.

Research Opportunities

Sneak a peek at what’s cooking in your department’s research labs or ongoing initiatives. Joining an existing project might be your ticket to becoming a project superstar.

Expert Interviews

Reach out to the experts. Conduct interviews or surveys with professionals in your field. Their insights might just be the inspiration you need.

Personal Stories

Reflect on your own life experiences. Has a personal challenge or journey sparked an idea? Sometimes, the best projects come from personal stories.

Social Good

Think about projects that can make the world a better place. Projects with a positive impact on society or the environment often feel incredibly rewarding.

Futuristic Tech

Explore the cutting-edge stuff. Keep an eye on emerging technologies or innovative approaches. Your project could be the next big thing.

Feasibility Check

While dreaming big is great, make sure your project idea is feasible within the confines of your program’s time, resources, and your own expertise.

Get Creative

Embrace creativity. Dedicate some time to brainstorming sessions. Let your imagination run wild, jotting down all those wild ideas. Later, you can sift through them to find the golden nuggets.

Remember, your Capstone Project should feel like an adventure, not a chore. Take your time, let the ideas simmer, and choose the one that makes your heart race with excitement.

That’s the idea that’s going to propel you to Capstone success. Happy brainstorming!

In wrapping up our exploration of Capstone Project ideas for STEM students, let’s remember that this journey is nothing short of thrilling. It’s a world brimming with opportunities waiting for your genius touch.

As you venture into this territory, keep your passions close at heart. Seek out those real-world challenges that ignite your curiosity and resonate with your values.

Don’t hesitate to lean on the wisdom of your mentors and peers for guidance; they’ve been there and have invaluable insights to share.

Whether you find yourself immersed in renewable energy, pioneering medical breakthroughs, or tackling societal issues head-on with STEM innovation, your Capstone Project is your chance to shine.

It’s your canvas to paint your ideas, your passion, and your creativity. It’s the first chapter in your journey to shaping a brighter future through STEM.

So, embrace the adventure, let your imagination soar, and embark on your Capstone Project journey with confidence. The world is waiting for your innovative solutions, and the possibilities are endless.

Your STEM story is just beginning.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i choose the right capstone project for me.

Consider your interests, skills, and career goals. Choose a project that excites you and aligns with your future aspirations.

Are there any funding opportunities for Capstone Projects?

Many universities and organizations offer grants and scholarships for STEM projects. Research and apply for funding opportunities early.

Can I collaborate with other students on a Capstone Project?

Collaboration can enhance your project’s scope and creativity. Consult with your advisor and explore team projects.

What should I do if I encounter challenges during my Capstone Project?

Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from professors, mentors, or online communities. Challenges are opportunities for growth.

How can I make my Capstone Project stand out to potential employers?

Focus on innovation, documentation, and presentation. Showcase your problem-solving skills and the real-world impact of your project.

What’s the importance of networking during my Capstone Project journey?

Networking can open doors to opportunities, mentorship, and industry connections. Attend conferences and engage with professionals in your field.

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The Capstone Experience

The Capstone Experience provides the educational capstone for all students majoring in computer science at Michigan State University. Teams of students build software projects for a variety of project sponsors.

During the Capstone Experience, students

  • design, develop, debug, document, and deliver a software project for a corporate client,
  • work in a team environment,
  • develop written and oral communication skills,
  • become proficient with software development tools and environments,
  • build and administer systems, and
  • consider issues of professionalism and ethics.

See the student teams and projects in person in the Engineering Building on Design Day .

Project sponsors are local, regional, national and international corporations and institutions ranging in size from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies.

See this semester's project sponsors on our Projects page. From there, click on any project title to view the project team page and learn more about it.

Read about the Capstone projects from 2022–2023 in The Capstone Experience .

Visit the Capstone Archives to find a history of projects and project sponsors.

For information on becoming a project sponsor, see Project Sponsorship or contact Dr. Wayne Dyksen .

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

10 Machine Learning Mini-Project Ideas for CSE Students

1. sentiment analysis on social media: gauge public opinion., 2. handwritten digit recognition: identify digits from images., 3. spam email detection: filter out unwanted emails., 4. image classification: categorize images into groups., 5. movie recommendation system: suggest films based on preferences., 6. predictive maintenance: anticipate equipment failures., 7. fraud detection : identify anomalous behavior., 8. text summarization: condense lengthy text into key points., 9. stock price prediction: forecast financial market trends., 10. gesture recognition: interpret human gestures for commands., discover more stories.

Innovative Solutions, Real-World Impact

Written by Andrew Binion and Tina Potterf

May 23, 2024

Project Center digital graphic

Project Center pairs students with industry leaders to gain hands-on experience tackling a pressing need or challenge.

Through Seattle University’s Project Center , students are truly engineering solutions for real-world problems. 

This year student teams worked on 41 projects—38 of which will be presented at Projects Day—from sponsors including Amazon, Snohomish County, Seattle City Light, F5, Sound Transit and more. The collaboration among the students—with guidance from a faculty advisor—and organizations provides hands-on experience on projects that apply classroom learning to real-life scenarios, while shaping the next generation of STEM professionals. 

“Projects Day showcases our students’ innovative solutions to real-world industry challenges through experiential learning opportunities made possible by our invaluable sponsors,” says Rachael Brown, director of the Project Center. 

Now the monthslong work of these students will culminate—and be on display—at the 37th annual Projects Day, Friday, May 31, noon–6 p.m. in Sullivan Hall, with in-person and virtual opportunities to explore this year’s projects.

Here’s a look at three of this year’s projects: Our Fabric Stash, Tech4RefugeesandImmigrants and Visiting Angels.


Sponsor : Our Fabric Stash, owners: Gary and Deborah Boone Student Team : Diana Sambotin, Joseph “Bud” Robinson, Kevin Adjie, Angelina Kennedy Faculty Advisor : James Obare Project Scope : Create an app that allows sewists and crafters to organize their fabric, yarn and bead stashes by focusing on inventory management and design planning.

By Andrew Binion 

Deep inside the historic Pike Place Market is Our Fabric Stash , Deborah Boone’s eco-friendly consignment shop devoted to fabric—sometimes vintage and often rare—for use by sewists and artists. But sometimes devotion to fabric can get out of control, with people collecting more than they can use and losing track of what they have.

That’s why Boone has partnered with computer science students through the Seattle University Project Center, tasking them with creating a free app for customers and non-customers alike to take control of their stash.

The project Boone assigned to students was to endow the app with two functions. First, it would allow tailors and artists to systemically inventory their “stash” of fabric.

“I kind of went back to the basis of the business when I first started,” Boone says. “I just wanted people to get organized and to be intentional about projects and buying.”

The app’s second function gives users a “design board,” or a way to visually represent their projects. Boone intends for the app to be available for anybody who wants to get their fabric stash organized and comes without any obligation to buy from the store.

The app aligns with the three philosophical pillars of Our Fabric Stash—keep usable material out of the waste stream, maintain skills from one generation to the next and bring awareness to social causes.

For two members of the student team, the project required them to learn new software and databases, tailoring the needs of the project to the technology, rather than the other way around.

Diana Sambotin, ‘24, a computer science major with a minor in business administration, says there was a learning curve, with the team at first not accomplishing as much as it intended.

“But we had this sprint where we made a lot of progress,” she says. “And when we went to show it to our sponsor, she was super blown away and impressed. And it was just exciting to see her be excited about it. So, it’s just the little wins are always nice.”

Group shot of our fabric stash

“The big overarching thing is in the future, I'll definitely be faster and I think the team will be faster at figuring out what we need specifically for the project,” says Joseph “Bud” Robinson, ‘24, also majoring in computer science with a minor in business administration.

After working in high-tech for more than 20 years, Boone sees partnering with the Project Center and working with students as keeping up with changes in the industry. This is her third year partnering with the College of Science and Engineering’s Project Center.

“It was cool because I felt like I had my team again,” she says, with a laugh. “Having the relationship just keeps me in tune with what's going on. I’m out of corporate now, but this is the new wave of what’s coming up as far as the generations are concerned.”

With such a challenging project, Assistant Teaching Professor of Computer Science James Obare says his role as faculty advisor is in assisting students by creating an environment where students could do their best, along with meetings with team members and the sponsor. “For a student the feeling of successful development of software is rewarding,” he says. “Our hope is that they join software development houses as entry level software engineers or better still start up their own company.”

Sponsor : Tech4RefugeesandImmigrants (founder, Afrikaan Sahra) Student Team : Tarun Mathew, William McCormick, Parsa Rahimi Derimi, Kenneth Young Faculty Advisor: Kivanc Dincer, PhD Project Scope : When immigrants/refugees come to the U.S., they often face challenges to accessing social services in big and tech cities like Seattle. This project aims to develop an intuitive application/website for immigrants and refugees, addressing challenges in accessing social services, while also creating a database integrated with a user-friendly interface to overcome language barriers and tech limitations.

By Tina Potterf

For this year’s senior capstone project, soon-to-be graduate Tarun Mathew worked on project that leverages technology to empower immigrants and refugees, equipping marginalized communities with a tool to easily access social services.

The project, part of this year’s slate from the Project Center, is sponsored by Tech4RefugeesandImmigrants (T4RI) and Mathew, ’24, and his team worked on a pressing real-world problem for the nonprofit and its founder Afrikaan Sahra.

This is the first year that Tech4Refugees has partnered with the Project Center. Specifically, the project’s scope focused on enhancing a multilingual support application’s usability and accessibility for refugees and immigrants. “The student team was tasked with ensuring social services are easily navigable and beneficial for our target audience, regardless of how tech savvy they are,” Sahra explains.

On the team Mathew played a dual role, focusing on project management and developing the front-end user interface for the website. “I was responsible for overseeing the project’s progress and ensuring the website’s interface is user-friendly and accessible,” says Mathew, a computer science major with a specialization in business administration.

Approaching the project involved a thorough understanding of the problem and its potential challenges.

“We prepared extensive questions to grasp the project's scope and identified potential gaps to address,” Mathew explains. “Our decisions were driven by the impact on end-users, ensuring that delivering value to customers remained our top priority.”

Tackling this project and arriving at a workable solution also involved exploring a variety of existing technologies, adds team member William McCormick, ’24, a computer science and math major. According to McCormick, much of the time “was spent researching and experimenting with different technologies that could address the challenge presented by our sponsor.”

Group shot of team

The freedom to innovate and devise solutions independently was particularly enriching, says Mathew. “My favorite part of this experience has been the autonomy we’ve had to solve the problem in the way we believe is most effective.”

For Mathew, the highlight of this experience has been the camaraderie and learning within the team.

“Getting to work with and learn from my team members has been incredibly rewarding. We all share a passion for using our skills to make a positive impact and this project is an excellent opportunity for us to learn the fundamentals of product development,” he says. “We established an atmosphere of accountability, respect and compassion that encouraged risk-taking and personal growth.”

Working with students has been an enlightening experience for the project sponsor, too.

“The most rewarding aspect has been seeing their ideas directly benefit the communities we serve,” says Sahra. “Their growth, from understanding our mission’s complexities to implementing practical solutions, has been exceptionally gratifying.”

Looking ahead, Mathew envisions meaningful change arising from their work. “I hope our project sparks a shift in how technology can be leveraged to assist those in need. This is just the beginning of integrating social services with technology to make a tangible difference,” he says.

Teammate McCormick agrees: “I believe we’ve laid the groundwork for Afrikaan’s nonprofit and I hope that our efforts will ultimately benefit the immigrant population of Seattle.”

Sponsor : Visiting Angels of Greater King County Student Team : Alina Podd, Samuel Nerayo, Victor Kesuma, William Sun Faculty Advisor : Sheila Oh Project Scope : Implementation of scheduling tool on desktop computers​ and developing a way to track and display caregiver availability.

By Andrew Binion

For Visiting Angels , which provides homecare services to senior citizens in their homes and senior living communities across King County, helping people live independent and dignified lives comes naturally.

But what isn’t so intuitive is the massive administrative task of ensuring its caregivers’ schedules, skillsets and geographic locations can be matched up with the needs of clients, ensuring that clients are properly cared for and that caregivers, who often work more than one job, aren’t stretched thin.  

“Their availability is very fluid and changes so quickly and we need a quick, easy way to capture that change,” says Tina Valdez, executive director and owner of Visiting Angels of Greater King County. “Time is of the essence when trying to assign a caregiver to a client’s schedule.”

Having a tool that allows managers to effectively schedule visits within their region is essential to balancing the needs of clients and caregivers and that was the task Visiting Angels handed students working on their senior capstone project.

Team working on Visiting Angels project in classroom

It was the second year SU students had tackled the challenge of creating a program that could serve as the scheduling brain for the organization, a project that another team began last year.

Visiting Angels uses a service to coordinate scheduling, “but the scheduler has to spend a lot of time keeping a lot of information in their head and communicating a lot between caregivers to figure out all the scheduling,” says team member and computer science major William Sun, ‘24. 

The project ultimately took two forms—creating an interface for employees to enter their availability, making the job of scheduling much more fluid and ensuring that the work last year’s team accomplished could be implemented.

This required students to utilize all the computer science knowledge they learned in the classroom combined with the soft skills needed to be a successful software engineer, says faculty advisor Sheila Oh, teaching professor and director of the Computer Science Fundamentals Certificate Program. 

“By working with real companies, students can address the exact needs of a business, learn domain knowledge and work with key stakeholders,” says Oh. “Students are asked to adapt and be agile in their thinking, planning and development of software solutions since projects can often change due to updated or new technology solutions or business needs.” 

Though it proved a challenge for students, who pushed themselves to learn new tools and coordinate the division of work within the team, the biggest reward was having something concrete they could show their client, moving the project out of the theoretical into reality.  

“The most fun part has been seeing our sponsors be able to actually use this and be excited about it,” says computer science major Alina Podd, ‘24. “When we were able to figure out some of those connection issues, they were really excited and wanted to use it, which was cool.”

This is Part I of a two-part series spotlighting some of the projects at the year’s Projects Day.

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    2021 Capstone Projects. To wrap up their undergraduate experience at CU Boulder, computer science students participate in a year-long senior capstone project that gives them a chance to put their skills into practice on real-world projects, as well as to make important professional connections. Software design projects are sponsored by ...

  6. Gallery of Final Projects

    A Very Wild Game of Pong by Mohamed Tarek Mohamed AbdelAal Shamekh. An engaging adventure that starts with a game of pong but turns into an interesting adventure that's above and beyond what a game of pong can offer. Bank of Kids by Elminson De Oleo Baez. Bank made for Kids and manage by parents Live Demo: GQW23bVY1L4.

  7. 199+ Astonishing Capstone Project Ideas for Computer Science

    Capstone projects are crucial in computer science degrees, going beyond mere exams to showcase students' practical knowledge and its relevance: Real-World Skills: You apply theoretical learning to real job scenarios. Skill Development: Beyond coding, you improve in: Problem-solving: Tackling complex problems boosts critical thinking.

  8. Computer Science Projects

    Computer Science Projects. Computer science is a popular topic of study today, with numerous applications spanning a wide range. Final-year students frequently find it difficult to select the appropriate computer science project. On the final day of graduation, projects are the only thing that matters. Any IT-related industry where projects ...

  9. Crio Projects Hub

    Find interesting project ideas for CSE and get started with an execution plan. ... Crio Projects Hub is a collection of computer science projects that you can pick up and complete on your own with guided instructions. Once you have selected a project you want to work on, you will be doing it in your own local work environment. ...

  10. The Capstone Experience

    Fall 2020. CSE/EE 475: Embedded Systems (Taught by CSE) - Bruce Hemingway. Prereq: CSE 369 and 474 CSE 481DS: Data Science Capstone - Tim Althoff. Pre-req: CSE 332, 312 and one of (446, 442, 344) Description: Data analysis is a central activity for scientific research and is increasingly a critical part of decision making in government and business. However, producing reliable data analysis ...

  11. Top 10 Final Year Projects for CSE Students

    10. Multiplayer Game - Connect4. I'm sure you and your friends go online every now and then to play a multiplayer game. During this Pandemic crisis, the majority of young people have spent a lot of time playing multiplayer games like FreeFire, Clash of Clans, and other similar games.

  12. capstone-project · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    To associate your repository with the capstone-project topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  13. capstone-project · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    To associate your repository with the capstone-project topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  14. 100 Innovative Capstone Project Ideas for Students

    Engineering capstone project ideas. Designing a solar-powered water purification system for remote areas. Developing a low-cost, efficient wind turbine for rural energy solutions. Creating a smart traffic control system to reduce congestion and improve safety. Engineering a portable, disaster-resistant emergency shelter.

  15. 21 Capstone Project Topics for Computer Engineering Diploma

    List of Best Capstone Project Topics for Computer Engineering Diploma. 1. IoT-Based Home Automation System. Design and implement a smart home system that enables users to control appliances and ...

  16. Computer Science Capstone Projects

    Computer Science Capstone Projects. Capstone Projects. 2022. AEquitas (2022) Students: Coco Chen, Duncan Shober-Fernback, Arthur Lewis, Andrew Viera ... Computer Science & Engineering. Building C; 113 Research Drive; Lehigh Mountaintop Campus; Bethlehem, PA 18015; P: (610) 758-3065. Twitter @lehighcse;

  17. 10 Unique Data Science Capstone Project Ideas

    Project Idea #10: Building a Chatbot. A chatbot is a computer program that uses artificial intelligence to simulate human conversation. It can interact with users in a natural language through text or voice. Building a chatbot can be an exciting and challenging data science capstone project.

  18. cse-project · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Add this topic to your repo. To associate your repository with the cse-project topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  19. Computer Science Capstone Projects

    In this capstone project, we will implement a scalable genome assembler using Apache Spark on Cloud. Apache Spark is a cutting edge open-source cluster computing framework for large-scale data processing. Apache Spark provides GraphX API that is a distributed graph processing framework on top of Spark.

  20. 60+ Inspiring Capstone Project Ideas for STEM Students: Unlocking

    STEM capstone topics are typically broad and interdisciplinary, and they allow students to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned throughout their STEM education to solve a real-world problem. Some examples of capstone topics for STEM students include: Developing a new way to generate renewable energy.

  21. The Michigan State University Computer Science Capstone Experience

    The Capstone Experience. The Capstone Experience provides the educational capstone for all students majoring in computer science at Michigan State University. Teams of students build software projects for a variety of project sponsors. During the Capstone Experience, students. design, develop, debug, document, and deliver a software project for ...

  22. 33 Best Computer Science Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners ...

    8. Symbol recognition. This is one of the excellent computer science project ideas for beginners. The proposed project seeks to build a system that can recognize symbols inserted by the user. This symbol recognition system leverages an image recognition algorithm to process images and identify symbols.

  23. Ideas for a Capstone project? : r/compsci

    Use python, a raspberry pi to make a bird house with a camera in it that uses motion detection and can take picture in night and day. Have it connect to WiFi and run on a solar panel. Weather proof it. Make a web server using python so you can download pictures through a web interface. 1.

  24. 10 Machine Learning Mini-Project Ideas for CSE Students

    1. Sentiment Analysis on Social Media: Gauge public opinion. 2. Handwritten Digit Recognition: Identify digits from images. Explore 10 exciting machine learning mini-project ideas for CSE students, covering sentiment analysis, image classification, fraud detection, and more.

  25. 2024 Projects Day showcases student computing and engineering

    The special occasion on May 8 marked the culmination of a year's work on a wide variety of more than 30 student projects. Seniors representing the disciplines of civil engineering, computer science, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, and software engineering presented and demonstrated their findings to faculty, staff, representatives of project sponsor companies, visiting ...

  26. Senior Design accepting project proposals for upcoming academic year

    The School of Computing invites university faculty and staff to submit software project ideas for its 2024-25 Senior Design capstone course. Students enrolled in Senior Design spend two semesters working in teams of five or six on a software project sponsored by members of local industry or university faculty or staff.

  27. PDF High-Impact Educational Practices: Capstone Courses and Projects

    Capstone courses and projects are one of the 11 types of high-impact practices endorsed by the Association of American Colleges and Universities. The AAC&U defines capstone courses and projects as "culminating experiences [that] require students nearing the end of their college years to create a project of

  28. 2024

    May 23, 2024. Project Center pairs students with industry leaders to gain hands-on experience tackling a pressing need or challenge. Through Seattle University's Project Center, students are truly engineering solutions for real-world problems. This year student teams worked on 41 projects—38 of which will be presented at Projects Day—from ...