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10 Programming Books That Every Programmer Must Read Once

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If we find a person with a rare intellect, we should ask him about the books he reads. A book can define a person’s nature and intelligence. If you are a coder, you should be also a good reader because it develops the mind and the mind is your weapon. You have to train it daily. Before finding any solution to a problem – reading and understanding the problems is the most important if you are a coder or any problem solver. Without good reading and comprehension skills, a person takes more time to understand the problems before solving them. 

Best Programming Books You Must Read

Below there is the list of the top 10 books every programmer should read. These books not only teach the syntax and semantics of programming languages but also help you to think, organize, and become a good problem solver, which is indeed the most important lesson for a coder. These books are not only for mastering a particular programming language like C++ , Java, or Python but will help you to become a Better Programmer. 

Best Programming Books You Must Read:

Let’s get started with the list:

1. Clean Code: By Robert C. Martin 

This is one of the best classic books for beginners and will teach you all tricks and patterns of writing good and clean code. Every code which runs is not a clean code. Most beginner programmer done this mistake, they just try to solve the problem and hence forgets these factors to write clean and perfect professional code. A Clean Code should be properly readable, and well structured so that it could be reused and debugged easily. 

Ideas Presented:

  • How to properly name a variable?
  • How to write a better method?
  • How to structure your code better?
  • What is the code smell?
  • Why another approach is better than this one?

2. The Mythical Man-month: By Frederick Brooks 

According to many software developers in the world, this book is literally a Bible to them. This book will help you build a proper concept about software development, estimates, project management, and troubles in software development. The main theme of this book is “Brooks’ Law ” which says “adding manpower to a late software project makes it later”. 

  • The mythical man-month: measuring useful work in man-months is a myth,
  • Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering,
  • When working on a second system, you should keep in mind that you shouldn’t over-engineer it,
  • Any attempt to fix an error can lead to many new errors.

3. The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey to Mastery

This is book is by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas, about programming and software engineering. The unique feature of this book is it teaches us in a pragmatic way with a collection of tips to improve the programming and development process rather than the theoretical way. This book will help you to become a pragmatic programmer, an early adopter, to have fast adaptation, inquisitiveness, critical thinking, realism, and a jack-of-all-trades. The book presents development methodologies and caveats, analogies, and short stories too, for example, the broken windows theory, the story of the stone soup, or the boiling frog.

Ideas presented:

  • Present development methodologies and processes using many analogies and short stories. e.g, the stone soup, or the story of the boiling frog
  • Many concepts were named which get popular in this book, such as code katas,
  • More use of methods for making and preserving codes highly adjustable,
  • Useful recommendations for estimates of time and expense
  • Introduces you to methods of work that you may not yet have considered.

4. Code Complete (2 Edition): By Steve McConnell 

If you want to be a great software engineer you should read this book once. This book provides the most useful practical guides to programming and helping developers write better software for more than a decade. This book has a rare blend of classic and fully updated with revised leading-edge coding concepts and examples. With these proper concepts, you can easily understand the art and science of software construction. 

Ideas Represented: 

  • Software craftsmanship, e.g, layout, style, character, themes, and self-documentation
  • Coding, debugging, integration, and testing for software development,
  • Other important software development aspects such as requirements and documentation,
  • The techniques of creating high-quality code, code improvements, and system considerations.

5. The Art of Computer Programming

This is another classic book written by the famous computer scientist Professor Donald Knuth. This book is very popular and highly praised by many of the top programmers in the world for its combined mathematical exactness with outstanding humor throughout the chapters. Through his well-known book series art of computer programming, for his major contributions to the analysis of algorithms, Knuth was awarded the Turing Award in 1974. The book begins with basic programming concepts and techniques, explores various programming algorithms and describes their analysis efficiently, and then focuses particularly on the representation of information inside a computer(information structure). 

Ideas Presented: 

  • How to deal with the structural relationships between data elements efficiently,
  • How to solve problems effectively using the basic concepts of fundamental Algorithms,
  • Semi-numerical Algorithms and Combinatorial Algorithms
  • Minimum-Comparison Sorting or Optimum Sorting

6. Programming Pearls

This book is slightly different from the other classics books on the list but this book is one of the most influential books to help a person think like a programmer. Every concept is properly covered with practical problems and various effective and efficient solutions. This is pleasant to read because the writing style is simply great. 

This book may not a usual book of new programming concepts but it is the best practical programming book to practice and follow with clear-cut examples. The book challenges your understanding of the core concepts in memory, CPU, and algorithms and gradually increments the difficulties rather than giving you the answer right away because the main motto of this book is to help you become a better problem solver. This book is the best place to practice problems of data structure and algorithms, especially searching, sorting, heaps, etc. It is really a masterpiece created by Jon Bentley fully justifying the name “Programming Pearls”. 

7. Code: Charles Petzold 

This book introduces us to “The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software” in an outstanding way for anyone who’s ever wondered about the magic and secret inner life of computers and how the working of these complex systems and other smart machines. 

Nowadays the low-level details get masked due to the level of abstractions but if you go through this book you can understand those awesome older technologies like Morse code, Braille, and Boolean logic, to understand vacuum tubes, transistors, and integrated circuits. Sometimes to solve a very complicated bug you have to drive deeper to the dead ends of the electronic, binary computer with a von Neumann architecture to reach a scalable solution. It also easily explained many recent developments topics, like floating-point arithmetic, operating systems, packet-based communication protocols, and GUIs. 

8. Introduction to Algorithms

This is the single famous book widely used as the textbook for understanding and using an algorithm by Thomas H. Cormen , Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. With over 10, 000 citations documented on CiteSeerX, this book is commonly cited as a reference for algorithms in published papers. The book was also a bestseller programming book with half a million sold copies during its first 20 years.  Each chapter in this book covers a broad range of algorithms, their design techniques, and areas of application in depth. Instead of a specific programming language, programming examples are written using pseudo code with rigor and comprehensiveness. 

9. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code  

This book written by Martin Fowler is an essential book for software developers which offers start-to-finish strategies for working more effectively with large software and improving the design of existing code. 

Refactoring is the process of rewriting codes, without changing the functionality, to improve the readability, testability, or maintainability of your code. If you are interested in improving and maintaining the quality of your code this book is for you it contains step-by-step instructions for the implementation of more than 40 proven refactorings examples illustrating with details when and why to use the refactoring. In the second edition of this classic book, it switched from Java to JavaScript for most of the examples but the ideas can be applied to any Object-oriented programming language. The book is well-written and provides samples, examples, diagrams, steps to follow, side notes, commentary, and basically everything you would need to fully understand a refactoring method. 

10. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software   

This is hailed as one of the greatest software development books ever written, describing in great detail the many different design patterns. It has been influential to the field of software engineering and was written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, with a foreword by Grady Booch.

This book is a must-read for a budding architect or designer of a complex system. You will most likely be required to read this book to avoid and handle common problems that the industry faces. This book contains an in-detail description of the many different design patterns and is regarded as an important source for object-oriented design theory and practice that have been developed over the years to help software engineers.

The authors discuss various things like the tension between inheritance and encapsulation, parameterized types, Supporting Multiple Look-And-Feel Standards, Embellishing the User Interface, Supporting Multiple Window Systems, etc. 

Bonus – Coders At Work

This book offers 15 amazing and interesting interviews of renowned coders or computer programmers who are highly acclaimed in their particular fields. The book focuses on how these programmers achieved so much in their lives and the struggles they did in order to get success. It will help you to learn from their struggles and provide you with the proper step to complete your coding journey. The writer of the book Peter Seibel focused on how these people have tackled their day-to-day programming while revealing many important things and the interesting problems they have solved. 

So these are a few books that you must read once in your lifetime in order to gain knowledge about becoming a better programmer. These books will increase your intelligence and help you use your unique mind to become a better programmer. 

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programming for problem solving book

Programming for Problem Solving

This book provides an introduction to computer programming using Python as a way to solve problems. It focuses on programming concepts and fundamentals within the context of solving real world problems.


Table of Contents

  • Attributions
  • Acknowledgments
  • Learning Objectives
  • Introduction
  • Computational Thinking
  • An Example Algorithm
  • Verifying your Algorithm
  • The Process of Computational Problem Solving
  • Values and Variables
  • What is a Program?
  • Computational Problem Design Using the Basic Programming Constructs
  • The Role of Programming in the Field of Informatics
  • Unit Summary
  • Practice Problems
  • Computer Hardware Architecture
  • Digital Computing: It’s All about 0’s and 1’s
  • Operating Systems—Bridging Software and Hardware
  • Software Development Tools
  • Learning Programming with Python
  • Writing a Python Program
  • The Python Interactive Shell
  • The Basics of Python Programming
  • Example: Using Variables and Literal Constants
  • Operators and Expressions
  • Practice with Operators & Expressions
  • Evaluation Order
  • Input/Process/Output Pattern
  • Type Converter Functions
  • Python’s Standard Library
  • More on Strings
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Simple Graphics Programming
  • Graphics Windows: Coordinate Systems
  • GraphWin Objects
  • Text Methods
  • Entry Objects
  • Displaying Images
  • Generating Colors
  • Interactive Graphics
  • Boolean Expressions
  • Logical Operators
  • Conditional Execution
  • Exception Handling
  • Practice with Handling Exceptions in our Programs
  • The for…in Statement
  • Nested Loops
  • Basic File Processing
  • Installing Python 3 and IDLE
  • Using Python and its IDE 
  • Appendix B: Python Cheat Sheet

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How to think like a programmer — lessons in problem solving

How to think like a programmer — lessons in problem solving

by Richard Reis


If you’re interested in programming, you may well have seen this quote before:

“Everyone in this country should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you to think.” — Steve Jobs

You probably also wondered what does it mean, exactly, to think like a programmer? And how do you do it??

Essentially, it’s all about a more effective way for problem solving .

In this post, my goal is to teach you that way.

By the end of it, you’ll know exactly what steps to take to be a better problem-solver.

Why is this important?

Problem solving is the meta-skill.

We all have problems. Big and small. How we deal with them is sometimes, well…pretty random.

Unless you have a system, this is probably how you “solve” problems (which is what I did when I started coding):

  • Try a solution.
  • If that doesn’t work, try another one.
  • If that doesn’t work, repeat step 2 until you luck out.

Look, sometimes you luck out. But that is the worst way to solve problems! And it’s a huge, huge waste of time.

The best way involves a) having a framework and b) practicing it.

“Almost all employers prioritize problem-solving skills first.
Problem-solving skills are almost unanimously the most important qualification that employers look for….more than programming languages proficiency, debugging, and system design.
Demonstrating computational thinking or the ability to break down large, complex problems is just as valuable (if not more so) than the baseline technical skills required for a job.” — Hacker Rank ( 2018 Developer Skills Report )

Have a framework

To find the right framework, I followed the advice in Tim Ferriss’ book on learning, “ The 4-Hour Chef ”.

It led me to interview two really impressive people: C. Jordan Ball (ranked 1st or 2nd out of 65,000+ users on Coderbyte ), and V. Anton Spraul (author of the book “ Think Like a Programmer: An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving ”).

I asked them the same questions, and guess what? Their answers were pretty similar!

Soon, you too will know them.

Sidenote: this doesn’t mean they did everything the same way. Everyone is different. You’ll be different. But if you start with principles we all agree are good, you’ll get a lot further a lot quicker.

“The biggest mistake I see new programmers make is focusing on learning syntax instead of learning how to solve problems.” — V. Anton Spraul

So, what should you do when you encounter a new problem?

Here are the steps:

1. Understand

Know exactly what is being asked. Most hard problems are hard because you don’t understand them (hence why this is the first step).

How to know when you understand a problem? When you can explain it in plain English.

Do you remember being stuck on a problem, you start explaining it, and you instantly see holes in the logic you didn’t see before?

Most programmers know this feeling.

This is why you should write down your problem, doodle a diagram, or tell someone else about it (or thing… some people use a rubber duck ).

“If you can’t explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it.” — Richard Feynman

Don’t dive right into solving without a plan (and somehow hope you can muddle your way through). Plan your solution!

Nothing can help you if you can’t write down the exact steps.

In programming, this means don’t start hacking straight away. Give your brain time to analyze the problem and process the information.

To get a good plan, answer this question:

“Given input X, what are the steps necessary to return output Y?”

Sidenote: Programmers have a great tool to help them with this… Comments!

Pay attention. This is the most important step of all.

Do not try to solve one big problem. You will cry.

Instead, break it into sub-problems. These sub-problems are much easier to solve.

Then, solve each sub-problem one by one. Begin with the simplest. Simplest means you know the answer (or are closer to that answer).

After that, simplest means this sub-problem being solved doesn’t depend on others being solved.

Once you solved every sub-problem, connect the dots.

Connecting all your “sub-solutions” will give you the solution to the original problem. Congratulations!

This technique is a cornerstone of problem-solving. Remember it (read this step again, if you must).

“If I could teach every beginning programmer one problem-solving skill, it would be the ‘reduce the problem technique.’
For example, suppose you’re a new programmer and you’re asked to write a program that reads ten numbers and figures out which number is the third highest. For a brand-new programmer, that can be a tough assignment, even though it only requires basic programming syntax.
If you’re stuck, you should reduce the problem to something simpler. Instead of the third-highest number, what about finding the highest overall? Still too tough? What about finding the largest of just three numbers? Or the larger of two?
Reduce the problem to the point where you know how to solve it and write the solution. Then expand the problem slightly and rewrite the solution to match, and keep going until you are back where you started.” — V. Anton Spraul

By now, you’re probably sitting there thinking “Hey Richard... That’s cool and all, but what if I’m stuck and can’t even solve a sub-problem??”

First off, take a deep breath. Second, that’s fair.

Don’t worry though, friend. This happens to everyone!

The difference is the best programmers/problem-solvers are more curious about bugs/errors than irritated.

In fact, here are three things to try when facing a whammy:

  • Debug: Go step by step through your solution trying to find where you went wrong. Programmers call this debugging (in fact, this is all a debugger does).
“The art of debugging is figuring out what you really told your program to do rather than what you thought you told it to do.”” — Andrew Singer
  • Reassess: Take a step back. Look at the problem from another perspective. Is there anything that can be abstracted to a more general approach?
“Sometimes we get so lost in the details of a problem that we overlook general principles that would solve the problem at a more general level. […]
The classic example of this, of course, is the summation of a long list of consecutive integers, 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n, which a very young Gauss quickly recognized was simply n(n+1)/2, thus avoiding the effort of having to do the addition.” — C. Jordan Ball

Sidenote: Another way of reassessing is starting anew. Delete everything and begin again with fresh eyes. I’m serious. You’ll be dumbfounded at how effective this is.

  • Research: Ahh, good ol’ Google. You read that right. No matter what problem you have, someone has probably solved it. Find that person/ solution. In fact, do this even if you solved the problem! (You can learn a lot from other people’s solutions).

Caveat: Don’t look for a solution to the big problem. Only look for solutions to sub-problems. Why? Because unless you struggle (even a little bit), you won’t learn anything. If you don’t learn anything, you wasted your time.

Don’t expect to be great after just one week. If you want to be a good problem-solver, solve a lot of problems!

Practice. Practice. Practice. It’ll only be a matter of time before you recognize that “this problem could easily be solved with <insert concept here>.”

How to practice? There are options out the wazoo!

Chess puzzles, math problems, Sudoku, Go, Monopoly, video-games, cryptokitties, bla… bla… bla….

In fact, a common pattern amongst successful people is their habit of practicing “micro problem-solving.” For example, Peter Thiel plays chess, and Elon Musk plays video-games.

“Byron Reeves said ‘If you want to see what business leadership may look like in three to five years, look at what’s happening in online games.’
Fast-forward to today. Elon [Musk], Reid [Hoffman], Mark Zuckerberg and many others say that games have been foundational to their success in building their companies.” — Mary Meeker ( 2017 internet trends report )

Does this mean you should just play video-games? Not at all.

But what are video-games all about? That’s right, problem-solving!

So, what you should do is find an outlet to practice. Something that allows you to solve many micro-problems (ideally, something you enjoy).

For example, I enjoy coding challenges. Every day, I try to solve at least one challenge (usually on Coderbyte ).

Like I said, all problems share similar patterns.

That’s all folks!

Now, you know better what it means to “think like a programmer.”

You also know that problem-solving is an incredible skill to cultivate (the meta-skill).

As if that wasn’t enough, notice how you also know what to do to practice your problem-solving skills!

Phew… Pretty cool right?

Finally, I wish you encounter many problems.

You read that right. At least now you know how to solve them! (also, you’ll learn that with every solution, you improve).

“Just when you think you’ve successfully navigated one obstacle, another emerges. But that’s what keeps life interesting.[…]
Life is a process of breaking through these impediments — a series of fortified lines that we must break through.
Each time, you’ll learn something.
Each time, you’ll develop strength, wisdom, and perspective.
Each time, a little more of the competition falls away. Until all that is left is you: the best version of you.” — Ryan Holiday ( The Obstacle is the Way )

Now, go solve some problems!

And best of luck ?

Special thanks to C. Jordan Ball and V. Anton Spraul . All the good advice here came from them.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, test how many times can you hit in 5 seconds. It’s great cardio for your fingers AND will help other people see the story.

If this article was helpful, share it .

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Programming and Problem Solving with C++: Comprehensive, 6th Edition

Programming and Problem Solving with C++: Comprehensive, 6th Edition

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Book description

The best-selling Programming and Problem Solving with C++, now in it's Sixth Edition, remains the clearest introduction to C++, object-oriented programming, and software development available. Renowned author team Nell Dale and Chip Weems are careful to include all topics and guidelines put forth by the ACM/IEEE to make this text ideal for the one- or two-term CS1 course. Their philosophy centers on making the difficult concepts of computer science programming accessible to all students, while maintaining the breadth of detail and topics covered.

Key Features: -The coverage of advanced object-oriented design and data structures has been moved to later in the text. -Provides the highly successful concise and student-friendly writing style that is a trademark for the Dale/Weems textbook series in computer science. -Introduces C++ language constructs in parallel with the appropriate theory so students see and understand its practical application. -Strong pedagogical elements, a hallmark feature of Dale/Weems' successful hands-on teaching approach, include Software Maintenance case studies, Problem-Solving case studies, Testing & Debugging exercises, Exam Preparation exercises, Programming Warm-up exercises, Programming Problems, Demonstration Projects, and Quick Check exercises. -A complete package of student and instructor resources include a student companion website containing all the source code for the programs and exercises in the text, additional appendices with C++ reference material and further discussion of topics from the text, and a complete digital lab manual in C++. Instructors are provided all the solutions to the exercises in the text, the source code, a Test Bank, and PowerPoint Lecture Outlines organized by chapter.

Table of contents

  • What Is Programming?
  • How Do We Write a Program?
  • What Is an Algorithm?
  • What Is a Programming Language?
  • What Kinds of Instructions Can Be Written in a Programming Language?
  • What Is Software Maintenance?
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: An Introduction to Software Maintenance
  • 1.3 What’s Inside the Computer?
  • Software Piracy
  • Privacy of Data
  • Use of Computer Resources
  • Software Engineering
  • Ask Questions
  • Look for Things That Are Familiar
  • Solve by Analogy
  • Means-Ends Analysis
  • Divide and Conquer
  • The Building-Block Approach
  • Merging Solutions
  • Mental Blocks: The Fear of Starting
  • Algorithmic Problem Solving
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Leap Year Algorithm
  • Quick Check Answers
  • Exam Preparation Exercises
  • Programming Warm-Up Exercises
  • Case Study Follow-Up
  • Line Number
  • C++ Program Structure
  • Syntax and Semantics
  • Syntax Templates
  • Naming Program Elements: Identifiers
  • Data and Data Types
  • Naming Elements: Declarations
  • Taking Action: Executable Statements
  • Beyond Minimalism: Adding Comments to a Program
  • Blocks (Compound Statements)
  • The C++ Preprocessor
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: Adding Titles to Names
  • Creating Blank Lines
  • Inserting Blanks Within a Line
  • Special Characters
  • Entering a Program
  • Compiling and Running a Program
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Printing a Chessboard
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Programming Problems
  • 3.1 Overview of C++ Data Types
  • Integral Types
  • Floating-Point Types
  • Named Constant Declarations
  • Variable Declarations
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Increment and Decrement Operators
  • Precedence Rules
  • Type Coercion and Type Casting
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: Precedence Error
  • Value-Returning Functions
  • Library Functions
  • Void Functions
  • Integers and Strings
  • Floating-Point Numbers
  • The length and size Functions
  • The find Function
  • The substr Function
  • Accessing Characters Within a String: The at Function
  • Converting to Lowercase and Uppercase
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Mortgage Payment Calculator
  • Input Streams and the Extraction Operator (>>)
  • The Reading Marker and the Newline Character
  • Reading Character Data with the get Function
  • Skipping Characters with the ignore Function
  • Reading String Data
  • 4.2 Interactive Input/Output
  • 4.3 Noninteractive Input/Output
  • Using Files
  • Run-Time Input of File Names
  • 4.5 Input Failure
  • 4.6 Software Design Methodologies
  • Implementing the Design
  • A Perspective on Design
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Displaying a Name in Multiple Formats
  • The bool Data Type
  • Logical Expressions
  • The If-Then-Else Form
  • The If-Then Form
  • A Common Mistake
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: Incorrect Output
  • The Dangling else
  • Precedence of Operators
  • Relational Operators with Floating-Point Types
  • 5.6 Testing the State of an I/O Stream
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: BMI Calculator
  • Testing in the Problem-Solving Phase: The Algorithm Walk-Through
  • Testing in the Implementation Phase
  • The Test Plan
  • Tests Performed Automatically During Compilation and Execution
  • 6.1 The While Statement
  • 6.2 Phases of Loop Execution
  • Count-Controlled Loops
  • Event-Controlled Loops
  • Looping Subtasks
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: Make a Program General
  • Designing the Flow of Control
  • Designing the Process Within the Loop
  • The Loop Exit
  • Designing Nested Loops
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Recording Studio Design
  • Loop-Testing Strategy
  • Test Plans Involving Loops
  • 7.1 The Switch Statement
  • 7.2 The Do-While Statement
  • 7.3 The For Statement
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: Changing a Loop Implementation
  • 7.4 The Break and Continue Statements
  • 7.5 Guidelines for Choosing a Looping Statement
  • Assignment Operators and Assignment Expressions
  • Bitwise Operators
  • The Cast Operation
  • The sizeof Operator
  • The ?: Operator
  • Operator Precedence
  • Type Coercion in Arithmetic and Relational Expressions
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: The Rich Uncle
  • When to Use Functions
  • Why Do Modules Need an Interface Design?
  • Designing Interfaces
  • Writing Modules as Void Functions
  • Flow of Control in Function Calls
  • Function Parameters
  • Function Call (Invocation)
  • Function Declarations and Definitions
  • Local Variables
  • The Return Statement
  • Value Parameters
  • Reference Parameters
  • Using Expressions with Parameters
  • A Last Word of Caution About Argument and Parameter Lists
  • Writing Assertions as Function Documentation
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Lawn Care Company Billing
  • The assert Library Function
  • Scope Rules
  • Variable Declarations and Definitions
  • Initializations in Declarations
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: Debug a Simple Program
  • Side Effects
  • Global Constants
  • Complete Example
  • Boolean Functions
  • Interface Design and Side Effects
  • When to Use Value-Returning Functions
  • 9.5 Type Coercion in Assignments, Argument Passing, and Return of a Function Value
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Health Profile
  • Stubs and Drivers
  • Numeric Types
  • The Typedef Statement
  • Enumeration Types
  • Named and Anonymous Data Types
  • 10.3 Simple Versus Structured Data Types
  • Accessing Individual Components
  • Aggregate Operations on Structs
  • More About Struct Declarations
  • Binding Like Items
  • 10.5 Hierarchical Records
  • 10.6 Unions
  • Pointer Variables
  • Pointers Expressions
  • 10.8 Reference Types
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Stylistical Analysis of Text
  • Coping with Input Errors
  • Debugging with Pointers
  • Declaring Arrays
  • Out-of-Bounds Array Indexes
  • Initializing Arrays in Declarations
  • (Lack of) Aggregate Array Operations
  • Examples of Declaring and Accessing Arrays
  • Passing Arrays as Arguments
  • Commenting Arrays
  • Using Typedef with Arrays
  • Pointer Expressions and Arrays
  • C-Style Strings
  • Strings as Arrays
  • C String Operations
  • Converting C Strings to C++ Strings
  • Which String Representation to Use
  • Arrays of Records
  • Subarray Processing
  • Indexes with Semantic Content
  • 11.4 Two-Dimensional Arrays
  • 11.5 Passing Two-Dimensional Arrays as Arguments
  • Sum the Rows
  • Sum the Columns Revised
  • Sum the Columns
  • Initialize the Array
  • Print the Array
  • 11.7 Another Way of Defining Two-Dimensional Arrays
  • 11.8 Multidimensional Arrays
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Calculating Exam Statistics
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Favorite Rock Group
  • One-Dimensional Arrays
  • Complex Structures
  • Multidimensional Arrays
  • 12.1 Abstract Data Types
  • Implementing the Member Functions
  • Classes, Objects, and Members
  • Built-in Operations on Objects
  • Class Scope
  • User-Written Header Files
  • Specification and Implementation Files
  • Compiling and Linking a Multifile Program
  • 12.4 What Is an Object?
  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Designing for Modifiability and Reuse
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: Comparing Two TimeOfDay Objects
  • Specification of the ADT
  • Implementation File
  • Design of an Entry Class
  • Diagramming a Class
  • Diagramming Composition of Classes
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Create an Array of Name Objects
  • 13.1 What Is a List?
  • Refining Responsibilities
  • Data Representation
  • Example Program
  • Basic Operations
  • Insertion and Deletion
  • Sequential Search
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: Enhancing Class List with a Sort
  • Binary Search
  • Insert and Delete
  • 13.6 More on UML Diagrams
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Calculating Exam Statistics Revisited
  • Allocating Dynamic Data
  • Deleting Dynamic Data
  • Constants and Dynamic Data
  • 14.2 Sequential Versus Linked Structures
  • 14.3 Creating a Dynamic Linked List: A Walk-Through Example
  • Creating an Empty Linked List
  • Inserting into a Linked List
  • Traversals of a Linked List
  • Deleting from a Linked List
  • Resetting the List
  • Getting the Next Item
  • Testing for the Full Linked List
  • Searching the List
  • Shallow Versus Deep Copying
  • Copy-Constructor
  • Insert(60) (pick up with loop)
  • Insert(100)
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Creating a Sorted List of Entry Objects
  • 15.1 Object-Oriented Programming
  • Inheritance and the Object-Oriented Design Process
  • Deriving One Class from Another Class
  • Specification of the ExpandedEntry Class
  • Implementation of the ExpandedEntry Class
  • Constructor Execution Order
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: Extending TimeOfDay with Support for a Time Zone
  • The Slicing Problem
  • Virtual Functions
  • Brainstorming
  • Scenario Exploration
  • Responsibility Algorithms
  • A Final Word
  • 15.5 Implementing a Design
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Creating an Appointment Calendar
  • Defining a Class Template
  • Instantiating a Class Template
  • Another Way of Implementing Incoming Parameters: const References
  • Organization of Program Code
  • A Word of Caution
  • Function Overloading
  • Defining a Function Template Outside a Class
  • Instantiating a Function Template
  • Using *this
  • The throw Statement
  • The try-catch Statement
  • Nonlocal Exception Handlers
  • Rethrowing an Exception
  • Standard Exceptions
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: Adding Exceptions to the Date Class
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Starship Weight and Balance
  • 17.1 Abstract Data Structures versus Implementations
  • Priority Queues
  • Bidirectional Lists
  • The vector Template
  • The list Template
  • The stack Template
  • The queue Template
  • The priority_queue Template
  • The deque Template
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: Appointment Calendar Using STL List
  • Binary Trees
  • Hash Tables
  • The set Template
  • The map Template
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Creating a Deck of Cards
  • 18.1 What Is Recursion?
  • 18.2 Recursive Algorithms with Simple Variables
  • 18.3 Towers of Hanoi
  • 18.4 Recursive Algorithms with Structured Variables
  • Software Maintenance Case Study: Substituting Binary Search for Linear Search
  • Printing a Dynamic Linked List in Reverse Order
  • Copying a Dynamic Linked List
  • 18.6 Recursion or Iteration?
  • Problem-Solving Case Study: Quicksort
  • Appendix A: Reserved Words
  • Appendix B: Operator Precedence
  • Appendix C: A Selection of Standard Library Routines
  • Appendix D: Using This Book with a Prestandard Version of C++
  • Appendix E: Character Sets
  • Appendix F: Program Style, Formatting, and Documentation
  • Appendix G: More on Floating-Point Numbers
  • Appendix H: Using C Strings
  • Appendix I: C++ char Constants

Product information

  • Title: Programming and Problem Solving with C++: Comprehensive, 6th Edition
  • Author(s): Nell Dale, Chip Weems
  • Release date: March 2013
  • Publisher(s): Jones & Bartlett Learning
  • ISBN: 9781449694272

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Want To Learn Programming? Check Out These Programming Books

In this article, I share the 10 best programming books in 2024.

But what do I mean by programming books? Well, rather than something language-specific, like books on Python programming, HTML, CSS, or Ruby, here I'll cover general programming books with information and skills you can apply in all languages.

Whether you’re new to programming and fresh off a self-taught programming course or an experienced professional looking to boost your programming skills, I’ve included programming books for beginners and pros alike.

Plus, with the Bureau of Labor and Statistics reporting an average salary of over $100K for programmers, picking up a programming book can be the first step to a financially rewarding career.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive into the best programming books to boost your skills .

  • The Best Programming Books You Need To Read

1. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship 1st Edition

Latest Edition : 1st

Published: August 2008

Publisher : Prentice Hall

Format(s) : Kindle/Paperback

Why we chose this book

Taking the top spot on my list is Clean Code by Robert C. Martin, who you may also know as Uncle Bob.

For me, this isn't just about programming but a definitive guide for any software development professional. I love Martin's approach to agile software craftsmanship, as he emphasizes the significance of clean, well-written code. This is like music to my ears!

The idea is that he challenges you to reassess your professional values and dedication to the craft of programming. I also appreciate that the book is divided into three parts: foundational principles of clean coding, engaging case studies, and a final compilation of heuristics and code “smells.”

I know, code smells?!

But what sets this book apart is its comprehensive coverage. You will learn to discern between good and bad code, transform problematic code into high-quality code, and understand the essentials of creating effective names, functions, objects, and classes.

Martin also has a nice writing style, and he places a strong emphasis on practicality, which is demonstrated by extensive code examples and real-world scenarios. This is a big plus point for me, as it means your theoretical knowledge is grounded in actual coding practices.

If you want a 1-line review, Clean Code is indispensable for developing and maintaining high standards in software development.

  • Extensive exploration of clean coding principles and agile practices
  • Insightful case studies to apply these principles practically
  • Guidance on identifying and improving code quality
  • Techniques for writing readable, maintainable, and efficient code
  • Emphasis on professional growth and ethical coding practices
  • Essential for developers, engineers, project managers, and team leads

2. Introduction to Algorithms

Introduction to Algorithms (Eastern Economy Edition)

Latest Edition : 3rd

Pages: 1292

Published: January 2009

Publisher : The MIT Press

Format(s) : Hardcover/Paperback

Taking the next place on my list of programming books is Introduction to Algorithms. For any programmer or aspiring software developer, there comes a time when you need to take on the mastery of algorithms, and this is a great place to begin.

What stood out to me in this 3rd edition is the blend of rigorous analysis and practical application, which is ideal for understanding how an algorithm works before coding it up.

If you want a programming book with extensive coverage of algorithms coupled with clear descriptions and pseudo-code, this is one of my top recommendations.

I also like the authors' approach to detailing complex algorithms in an accessible way. This is a really great approach because there's always a risk of making complex subjects boring or hard to follow, but there's none of that here.

From classic problems to the latest in algorithmic research, I'd say this is well suited to both students and professionals. Plus, if you pick up the latest edition, you get the benefit of added chapters on vEB trees and multithreaded algorithms.

  • In-depth coverage of a broad range of algorithms
  • Blend of theoretical and practical aspects
  • Accessible to readers at different levels of expertise
  • Continuously updated content in new editions
  • Ideal for both academic study and professional reference

3. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP)

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)

Latest Edition : 2nd

Published: Sept 1996

This is an interesting choice because while it's more than 25 years old, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs is a classic textbook for computer science education and learning programming , especially at MIT.

The second edition introduced major changes to reflect the authors' experience and lessons at MIT, including objects with state, concurrent programming, and sections on higher-order procedures in graphics and stream processing.

I particularly appreciate its insightful approach to functional programming and the way it connects mathematical logic with programming by focusing on pure functions and recursion. These are all key skills for any aspiring programmer.

Being an MIT textbook (of sorts), you should expect a rigorous yet engaging style that not only keeps you interested but also transforms your perspective on programming. It's especially great if you'd like to gain a deeper understanding of functional programming and its mathematical roots.

The main idea of this programming book is to take a deep dive into computational thinking and problem-solving, skills that any programmer needs to have. Plus, it's nice that this book takes a somewhat unique approach to demystifying complex concepts.

If you want to understand the philosophy and aesthetics of programming, this is a great read that can change how you think and code while also giving you a new perspective on abstraction, encapsulation, and coding style.

  • Unique approach to programming and computational thinking
  • Emphasis on abstraction, encapsulation, and programming aesthetics
  • Suitable for a wide range of readers, from students to seasoned programmers
  • Influential in computer science education and professional development

4. The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers

The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers 1st Edition

Published: May 2011

Here we are again with one of my favorite authors, Uncle Bob, or more properly, Robert C. Martin.

As a natural extension to Clean Code, which takes the #1 spot on my list, The Clean Coder is another great choice for software developers who want to elevate their craft to an art form. Yes, coding can be art! Plus, it's only around 250 pages long.

Unlike traditional programming books, Uncle Bob focuses on the attitude, discipline, and professionalism required in software development. I really like how he intertwines practical advice with a deep understanding of what it means to be a true software craftsman.

The Clean Coder also goes beyond mere coding techniques, as it addresses how to face the pressures and challenges of being a programmer with integrity and honor.

From handling conflicts and tight schedules to mastering the flow of coding and avoiding burnout, this programming book provides a true blueprint for professional conduct in the often stressful and challenging world of software development.

This is the type of classic book that, in my opinion, every new programmer should be given when venturing out into the real world of software development!

  • Emphasizes the importance of professionalism in software development
  • Provides practical advice on various aspects of programming, from coding to communication
  • Addresses challenges like conflict resolution, time management, and handling pressure
  • Advocates for a responsible, ethical approach to software craftsmanship
  • Essential for developers seeking to refine their professional conduct and skills

5. Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction

Code Complete

Published: July 2004

Publisher : Microsoft Press

Code Complete by Steve McConnell rightfully earns the next spot on my list of programming books for its unparalleled depth in software construction.

For me, McConnell masterfully integrates insights from research, academia, and commercial practice into a single, comprehensive guide. This is not all that common, and I really appreciate how he tried to do this.

This book isn't just about writing code but more of a deep exploration of the principles that underpin quality software development, from minimizing complexity to mastering construction techniques.

I think it's particularly valuable for its real-world applicability, helping programmers refine their craft whether they're working on small or large projects. McConnell's overall approach makes complex concepts accessible, which is ideal for bridging the gap between expert knowledge and everyday coding practices. 

This book also uses multiple programming languages, including Visual Basic, to illustrate key concepts,  making it easy for anyone with some basic programming knowledge to follow along.

  • Comprehensive guide on software construction techniques
  • Blends research insights with practical advice
  • Accessible to a wide range of readers, from novices to experts
  • Ideal for refining and mastering software development skills

6. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

Design Pattern

Published: Oct 1994

Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional

Format(s) : Hardcover/Kindle/Paperback

If you're interested in object-oriented programming (and why wouldn't you be?!), Design Patterns is an excellent read for understanding the concepts of object-oriented software design.

What really stands out to me is that this programming book presents a catalog of 23 design patterns! That's a lot! It also offers simple and succinct solutions to commonly occurring design problems in object-oriented systems.

The idea here is that these patterns can help designers create more flexible, elegant, and reusable designs. Sounds good to me!

I also really appreciate that this programming book takes a systematic approach to explaining and cataloging design patterns. Each pattern is described in detail, including its applicability, implementation, and the trade-offs involved.

Overall, this book is a super strong resource of practical knowledge, compiled from real systems and based on real-world examples, making it a must-read for software developers who are keen on honing their design skills.

  • Comprehensive catalog of 23 reusable object-oriented design patterns
  • Practical guidance on the application and implementation of each pattern
  • Real-world examples demonstrating pattern use in software design
  • Ideal for both beginners and experienced object-oriented developers
  • Enhances design flexibility, elegance, and reusability in software projects

7. The Pragmatic Programmer

The Pragmatic Programmer: your journey to mastery, 20th Anniversary Edition (2nd Edition) 2nd Edition

Published: Sep 2019

The Pragmatic Programmer is, without a doubt, one of the best books for all programmers! Trust me, it is an invaluable addition to any bookshelf if you want a go-to resource for practical and timeless advice from authors who have distilled years of coding experience into accessible pearls of wisdom.

For me, it really bridges the gap between low-level software construction and higher-level methodology, and you could even go so far as to say that it offers technology-independent guidance that's as relevant today as ever.

That said, what sets this book apart for me is its emphasis on practical, real-world truths over theoretical concepts.

It's packed with experience-based advice, focusing on automation and effective development practices. The concept of tracer bullets, for example, advocates for an iterative approach to software development, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and understanding user requirements in real-time.

Of course, like any book that has been around for a while (and this was released originally in 1999), some advice may feel dated, and if you're already well-versed in agile principles, some sections might echo familiar concepts.

But despite this, the book's focus on fundamental development strategies and its emphasis on understanding why something works, not just making it work, make it an essential read.

  • A blend of practical experience and timeless software development principles
  • Focus on automation and adaptable, real-world coding practices
  • Technology-independent, making it relevant for various programming environments
  • Emphasizes understanding the 'why' behind coding solutions

8. Head First Design Patterns: A Brain-Friendly Guide

Head First Design Patterns: A Brain-Friendly Guide 1st Edition

Published: Oct 2004

Publisher : O’Reilly Media

Securing a place on our list for its unique and engaging approach, this head-first programming book is a brilliant option for learning object-oriented design patterns.

If you're not familiar with their series of programming books, the head-first series takes a metacognitive approach by combining text, humor, images, and games to make complex design patterns understandable and fun to learn.

Yep, believe me, this book can make the often dry subject of software design patterns an entertaining and accessible learning experience.

While the examples are primarily in Java, the concepts are applicable across various programming languages, making it a valuable resource for a wide range of developers.

And as I've said, what really sets Head First Design Patterns apart is its ability to turn a complex topic into an engaging one, making it a great reference book to be revisited whenever you need a refresher.

  • Engaging and unique metacognitive approach to learning design patterns
  • Makes complex object-oriented design concepts accessible and enjoyable
  • Covers a wide range of essential design patterns with practical examples
  • Ideal for developers who prefer a more interactive and less formal learning style
  • Excellent as both a learning tool and a reference guide in software design

9. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code

Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Fowler)) 2nd Edition

Published: Nov 2018

Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional

Format(s) : Hardcover/Kindle

As any working programmer knows, writing your code is one thing, but refactoring is another skill altogether.

That's why it made sense to add Martin Fowler's guide to our list because if you're a software developer, you should always be aiming to improve your code's design and maintainability.

I really like that Fowler provides a comprehensive guide to refactoring, with a range of practical advice that's backed by real-world examples.

It's also nice to see that in the latest edition,  Folwer reflects key changes in programming, featuring a new catalog of refactorings with JavaScript examples and functional examples without classes.

This maintains the book's core focus on improving code understandability and maintainability but ensures the advice remains current.

I also appreciate that Fowler emphasizes building solid tests for refactorings and acknowledges trade-offs and obstacles in the process. Overall, I think it's a valuable resource for developers at all levels, as we can all benefit from writing clearer, more efficient code. 

  • In-depth exploration of refactoring techniques and principles
  • Practical advice on improving code design and maintainability
  • Suitable for both novice and experienced programmers
  • Essential for anyone looking to enhance their coding skills and software quality

10. The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-4

The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-4A Boxed Set 1st Edition

Pages: 3168

Published: March 2011

Format(s) : Hardcover

Rounding out my list of programming books, I've actually added a book series from Donald Knuth, who just happens to be a Turing Award laureate (this is like the Nobel Prize for computing) for his contributions to the analysis of algorithms and programming language design:

  • Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms
  • Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms
  • Volume 3: Sorting and Searching
  • Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms

This comprehensive collection makes up the Art Of Computer Programming. Known for its thoroughness and depth, these volumes cover a wide range of topics, from basic programming concepts to more advanced algorithms and data structures.

In fact, for many, Knuth's work is not just a series of books but more a monumental contribution to the field of computer programming, offering unparalleled insights into algorithmic thinking and problem-solving.

This series is also unique for its rigorous mathematical approach, blending theory with practical examples. It's a go-to resource for anyone serious about delving into the complexities of algorithms and programming techniques.

The detailed explanations, accompanied by Knuth’s meticulous and methodical style, make these volumes a hugely helpful body of knowledge for students, educators, and professional programmers alike.

  • Comprehensive coverage of fundamental and advanced topics in computer programming
  • Rigorous mathematics for algorithms and data structures
  • In-depth explanations with practical examples
  • Ideal for students, educators, and professionals in computer science
  • A foundational work in the field of computer programming
  • How To Choose The Best Programming Book?

Choosing the best books to learn programming can be tricky, especially if you’re a beginner and you're still trying to pick the best language to learn !

That's exactly why I created this article!

But if you want some tips for finding the best programming books, here are the criteria I used when creating this list:

  • Determine your skill level: If you are a beginner learning from scratch, look for programming books that cover the basics. If you’re experienced, look for advanced books on specific features.
  • Check the author's credentials: Focus on programming books written by authors with experience in programming and teaching programming.
  • Read reviews: Check out the programming book's reviews online to understand what other readers think. This is often a goldmine of information!
  • Consider your learning style: If you prefer a hands-on approach, focus on programming books that include exercises and projects.
  • Wrapping Up

And there you go, the 10 best programming books in 2024, including programming books for beginners and experienced coders.

Whether you’re just starting out in programming or you want to level up your skills, I’ve included programming books to help you achieve your goals in your career.

Happy reading!

Are you brand new to programming, and you're ready to learn Python? Check out:

Our very own Python Masterclass - Python with Dr. Johns

People are also reading:

  • What is Functional Programming
  • What is Procedural Programming
  • Programming Paradigm
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1. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2022, 15-1251 Computer Programmers [Internet]. [updated 2021 Mar 31; cited 2024 Jan 15]. Available from: https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes151251.htm

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Vibhor Tyagi

I engineer AI for a living, but have yet to get to these books soon enough

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LTCWM > Blog > Reviews > Best of > 70 Best Programming Books for Every Coder in 2022

Computer Science Books

70 Best Programming Books for Every Coder in 2022

Updated on March 1st, 2022 | Sign up for learn to code tips

There are so many amazing programming books and computer science books out there.

Many of the best coding books are used by universities and professional developers to improve their skills. If you’re learning how to code on your own, there’s nothing to say you can’t independently pick up some top books on programming and do the same. 

You might look at this list and think “How do you learn programming from books?” Actually, books on computer science can be just as fun and helpful as a course. Many of the best programming books have hands-on challenges and projects to help you implement what you’ve learned. Plus, at least reading coding books for beginners gives you a break from staring at a screen!

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The best books to learn coding for beginners (and beyond) can vary based on what language you’re pursuing, so the sections below are divided accordingly. Without further ado, here are some of the best books on coding every programmer should read.

Disclosure: I’m a proud affiliate for the books mentioned in this article, available on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I may get a small commission for referring you. Thanks!

Table of Contents

  • Coding Fundamentals
  • Jobs/Careers in Tech
  • HTML and CSS
  • Objective C

Please note that information below may change in the future!

Which Coding Books Should You Start Out With?

If you’re a complete newbie to coding, deciding which programming beginner books to buy can feel a little overwhelming, especially since there are thousands out there. 

It can be helpful to start with one or two coding fundamentals books and then an HTML/CSS book to get a good introduction to coding in general. From there, you can pick and choose based on the language or type of development you’re interested in (e.g., mobile dev, website dev).

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Coding Fundamentals: The Best Books for Computer Science Beginners

Not sure where to start? Here are some of the best books for computer science that beginners can read to start thinking like a programmer.

1. Inside the Machine: An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors and Computer Architecture

Author: Jon Stokes | Available on Amazon

Programming Book: Inside the Machine

The central processing unit, or microprocessor, is at the heart of programming, as it’s responsible for executing the instructions of a computer program.

This top programming book will help you understand the basics of modern computing by learning the different parts of computer architecture and what goes on behind the scenes of programming. It starts with fundamental concepts and covers all the way up to advanced.

inside the machine tweet

2. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Authors: Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman | Available on Amazon

Structure and Interpretation - Book

This computer science book was written by the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at MIT, and it’s based on the curriculum they teach.

As you might expect from prestigious academic authors, it’s fairly dense content that you’ll need to dedicate some brainpower to! If you do, you’ll gain deep and valuable knowledge of programming systems and procedures.

structure and interpretation of computer programs tweet

3. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

Authors: Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides | Available on Amazon

With an in-depth look at 23 different design patterns, this book will teach you how to create more flexible, elegant, and reusable programs. While the actual code written in the book might be outdated (it was published in 1994), it’s still one of the best coding books on object-oriented programming, as the concepts and approaches remain highly relevant even in 2022. 

design patterns tweet

4. Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software

Author: Charles Petzold  | Available on Amazon

Book - Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software

You might know how to code and still struggle to explain what exactly code is . That’s what Petzold is demystifying in this programming book for beginners to tech. He uses familiar examples to pull you in and write a narrative that’s both educational and pleasant to read.

code tweet

5. Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions

Authors: Gayle Laakmann McDowell | Available on Amazon

Although it’s popularly known as the ultimate tech interview prep guide, Cracking the Coding Interview is also an excellent code book for learning core computer science concepts and understanding how to break down problems into manageable chunks. The author really knows her stuff. In fact, she passed coding interviews at big companies like Google, Microsoft, and Apple.

cracking the coding interview tweet

6. Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction

Author: Steve McConnell | Available on Amazon

Programming Book - Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction

This coding book is a highly popular guide to programming and software thanks to its clear, pragmatic writing style. It covers coding, debugging, design , testing, and more.

code complete tweet

7. Programming Pearls

Authors: Jon Bentley | Available on Amazon

Similar to an algorithm and data structures textbook (but with witty descriptions that are fun to read), this book offers ideas for solving coding problems, including how to choose the right algorithm, how to solve problems effectively and how to think like a software engineer . This is a bit of an advanced algorithms programming book, so it may not be the right choice for absolute beginners. 

programming pearls tweet

8. The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey to Mastery

Author: Andrew Hunt, David Thomas | Available on Amazon

The Pragmatic Programmer

This programming book combines useful information with entertaining anecdotes and examples, divided into easy-to-follow self-contained sections. You’ll learn core processes that enable you to be a better programmer and produce flexible, efficient code. And you’ll get tips for honing your career skills in other ways, from work ethic to common pitfalls to avoid.

pragmatic programmer tweet

9. Code Simplicity: The Fundamentals of Software

Author: Max Kanat-Alexander | Available on Amazon

Code Simplicity - Book to read

This programming book for beginners is the “KISS” of coding—going over principles you can follow to make your code simple and efficient no matter what language you’re using. 

Good software development results in simple code. The coding book will show you how to “keep it simple, stupid!”

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10. Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions

One of the best algorithms books for those also interested in psychology, this computer coding book offers a unique look at how computer algorithms can be applied to our everyday lives — from finding a spouse to finding a parking spot. Read this if you want to learn about the history and evolution of algorithms or want to understand what algorithmic thinking is all about. 

algorithms to live by tweet

11. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

Author: Robert C. Martin | Available on Amazon

Clean Code coding book

With case studies and examples in Java , this programming book challenges you to make your code as clean as possible, and explains the principles and best practices you can use to accomplish that.

clean code tweet

12. Think Like a Programmer: An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving

Author: V. Anton Spraul  | Available on Amazon

Programming is more than memorizing principles of coding languages ; it’s learning to think outside the box and solve problems creatively. That’s the focus of this coding book, which goes over one programming concept in each chapter. Along the way, it gives open-ended exercises for you to try yourself and implement what you’ve learned. While you can apply what you’ve learned in any language, examples are in C++.

think like a programmer tweet

13. Introduction to Algorithms

Authors: Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein | Available on Amazon

Algorithms are ways of efficiently solving problems, and they’re absolutely key to a developer’s day-to-day tasks. This code book is accessible to all levels and covers many different types of algorithms . You’ll be going through one of the best algorithms books used by universities and working professionals.

introduction to algorithms tweet

14. A Programmer’s Guide to Computer Science: A virtual degree for the self-taught developer

Authors: Dr. William M Springer II, Nicholas R Allgood, Brit Springer | Available on Amazon

This coding book is written by a senior developer at a major software company with a PhD in computer science. It takes you through what you would have learned while earning a four-year computer science degree, so it’s one of the best IT books for beginners who are self-taught. The coding book covers topics like algorithms and data structures, graphs, problem-solving techniques, and complexity theory.

Chris Stephens tweet

15. Everything You Need to Ace Computer Science and Coding in One Big Fat Notebook: The Complete Middle School Study Guide

Authors: Grant Smith | Available on Amazon

Although it’s technically a CS study guide for middle schoolers, this code book breaks down CS topics into easy-to-understand concepts. Includes mnemonic devices, definitions, diagrams, and doodles to help you understand computer science.

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16. Computer Science Distilled: Learn the Art of Solving Computational Problems

Authors: Wladston Ferreira Filho, Raimondo Pictet | Available on Amazon

This code book offers a walkthrough of computer science concepts you must know. Covers discrete math, common algorithms and data structures, and the principles that make computers and programming languages work.

Computer science distilled tweet

17. Help Your Kids with Computer Science

Authors: DK | Available on Amazon

This isn’t just a good computer science book for kids and parents! It’s a great visual intro to computer science for adults, too. This IT book for beginners condenses computer science topics into an informative, understandable format with clear, colorful pictures and concise definitions.

Careers in Tech: Books Every Career Techie Must Read

Do you have your sights set on a long-term tech career? Here are some good computer science books that shine a light on what it’s really like to work in tech.

18. Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams

Authors: Tom DeMarco, Tim Lister | Available on Amazon

Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams

Some of the major difficulties that software engineers face aren’t about tech at all—it’s human decisions and communication! This best software development book is great for both engineers and managers who want their team to run smoothly and be productive. 

Peopleware tweet

19. Soft Skills: The software developer’s life manual 

Authors: John Sonmez | Available on Amazon

Being a software developer isn’t just about coding; it involves dealing with clients, coworkers, managers, and more. This is one of the best books for software developers that covers all of the social and soft skills developers need to truly excel in many areas of life, including career, productivity, personal finance, and relationship advice — all from the perspective of a developer.

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20. Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules

Rapid Development - book for coders

This book for coders focuses on time-management aspects of software development. It goes over efficient strategies and best practices you can use for an efficient workflow. 

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21. Coders at Work: Reflections on the Craft of Programming

Authors: Peter Seibel | Available on Amazon

Through a collection of 15 interviews with accomplished software developers, you’ll find out how big names in the field learned to program and what they’ve discovered along the way. This programming book offers tons of different perspectives and viewpoints on the world of coding.

coders at work tweet

22. Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability

Author: Steve Krug | Available on Amazon

Tech Book - Don't Make Me Think

In a funny and down-to-earth way, this programming beginner book covers how to design websites so they’re easy and pleasant for users to navigate . It contains illustrations to help you visualize concepts. 

don't make me think tweet

23 . The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development

Authors: Chad Fowler | Available on Amazon

In this book for coders, you’ll learn how to build your software development career step by step, “following the same path that you would follow if you were building, marketing, and selling a product.” A perfect read for junior programmers or those feeling unmotivated in their career. 

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24. Working Effectively with Legacy Code

Author: Michael Feathers | Available on Amazon

Book - Working Effectively with Legacy Code

Legacy code can be frustrating to work with if it’s clunky and difficult to change. This programming book goes over strategies for working with legacy code and make changes as necessary so you can focus on what matters instead of getting bogged down.

working effectively tweet

25. The Self-Taught Programmer: The Definitive Guide to Programming Professionally

Author: Cory Althoff | Available on Amazon

What are the other best coding books for beginners and courses not telling you? That’s what this programming book aims to cover. It starts with teaching you how to code Python , use various tools, learn CS fundamentals, etc. At the end, it goes beyond tech knowledge to cover job-search / interview tips and advice for working with a team.

self taught programmer tweet

26. The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering

Author: Frederick P. Brooks Jr. | Available on Amazon

Book Recommendation - The Mythical Man-Month

Originally published 40+ years ago, this influential tech-career book is updated with new insights on project management within software engineering. It covers how to structure work groups, communication tips, and more.

mythical man month tweet

27 . Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code

Author: Martin Fowler | Available on Amazon

Refactoring is the process of improving poorly designed, inefficient programs so they are simpler and easier to maintain. This coding book breaks down the refactoring techniques you need to know — especially if you’re working with a large legacy code base. The author starts off with a “messy” sample application and goes through the process of refactoring it to make it as efficient as possible. 

refactoring tweet

HTML and CSS: The Best Books to Learn HTML and CSS

These are a few of the best books to learn HTML and CSS.

28. HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

Author: Jon Duckett | Available on Amazon

HTML & CSS book by Jon Duckett

Reading about code can be boring, but not with this book! Illustrations, photography, and an accessible writing style make this easy for anyone who wants to learn HTML and CSS . It’s one of the best programming books for beginners to coding. 

29 . Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics

Author: Jennifer Robbins | Available on Amazon

Learning Web Design - book by Jennifer Robbins

Combining information with exercises and quizzes, this book for programming beginners lets you immediately practice the skills you’re learning. You’ll start by learning foundational skills like how the web works . By the end, you’ll be able to create your own mobile-friendly website. 

learning web design tweet

JavaScript: Top Rated JavaScript Books

These two computer programming books for beginners are some of the best books on coding with JavaScript .

30. Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming

Author: Marijn Haverbeke | Available on Amazon

Eloquent JavaScript - book for developers

With a very hands-on focus, this JavaScript introductory programming book shows you how to write real apps with clean code. While you study, you’ll see examples, do exercises, and build your own projects. 

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31. You Don’t Know JS Yet: Get Started

Author: Kyle Simpson | Available on Amazon

You Don't Know JS - book

Even experienced JavaScript developers don’t always know some of the trickier parts of the language! This top programming book aims to provide a full picture of JavaScript, from essential building blocks to more niche things you can do with the code. (Note: You Don’t Know JS Yet: Get Started is a newer edition of You Don’t Know JS: Up & Going , and was fully updated in 2020.)

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Java: Java Programming Books You Need in Your Library

Next, we’ll look at the best Java programming books, which take a variety of approaches to help you learn Java thoroughly.

32. Effective Java

Author: Joshua Bloch | Available on Amazon

Learn the subtleties and best practices of Java with this computer coding book nicknamed the “Bible of Java programming.” You’ll learn what to do, what not to do, and explanations of why. 

effective java tweet

33. Head First Java

Authors: Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates | Available on Amazon

Head First Java - book suggestion

Thanks to several forms of gamification that keep you engaged with learning Java objects, this may be the best object-oriented programming book for beginners. Puzzles, mysteries, illustrations, and interview-style info combined with key concepts to help you learn quickly and have fun.

head first java tweet

34. Java Concurrency in Practice

Author: Brian Goetz | Available on Amazon

Concurrency, or multi-threading, is the ability to run several tasks or programs at the same time, and it’s something that Java programmers should know. This Java programming book goes over techniques and patterns to help you build great concurrent programs. 

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PHP: The Top Books to Learn PHP

PHP is alive and well in the modern world! Learn it with the best PHP books on programming.

35. Modern PHP

Author: Josh Lockhart | Available on Amazon

Modern PHP - programming book

Best for those who have a beginner understanding of PHP, this computer science book takes you further into all the features and techniques to use for PHP application architecture and planning, databases, security, testing, debugging, and deployment.

modern php tweet

36. Head First PHP & MySQL: A Brain-Friendly Guide

Author: Lynn Beighley, Michael Morrison | Available on Amazon

Head First PHP & MySQL - book for coders

You’ll learn all the essentials of server-side programming with PHP and MySQL so you can build dynamic websites. The coding book engages you with puzzles, exercises, quizzes, and other interactive elements.

head first php tweet

Ruby: Become a Ruby Master with These Books

These are some of the best web development books for those coding with Ruby.

37. Eloquent Ruby

Author: Russ Olsen | Available on Amazon  

Eloquent Ruby by Russ Olsen

This programming textbook teaches you how to think in Ruby, which will enable you to write elegant, expressive Ruby code and intuitively solve problems. 

eloquent ruby tweet

38. The Well-Grounded Rubyist

Author: David A. Black  | Available on Amazon

Whether you’re a newcomer or you’ve worked with Ruby before, this computer coding book explores topics from foundational to sophisticated. The tutorial will take you through your first Ruby program.

well grounded rubyist tweet

Python: The Python Programming Books Every Coder Should Read

Check out these Check out these best books to learn programming quickly with Python.

39. Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming

Author: Eric Matthes | Available on Amazon

Python Crash Course

This practical Python coding book is written to get you programming in Python quickly, teaching programming basics before introducing real projects. You’ll build graphs, charts, an interactive web app, and even a simple video game .

python crash course tweet

Want to master Python?

Then download my list of favorite Python learning resources.

40 . Head First Python: A Brain-Friendly Guide

Author: Paul Barry | Available on Amazon

Head First Python by Paul Barry

One of the best programming books for visual learners, thanks to its illustrative format. You’ll quickly grasp Python concepts and build your own web application. 

head first python tweet

41. Learn Python 3 the Hard Way: A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and Code

Author: Zed A. Shaw  | Available on Amazon

Learn Python 3 the Hard Way by Zed A. Shaw

Think of this less as the “hard way” and more as throwing yourself in the deep end of the “hands-on” way. This is one of those programming textbooks you can actually work on, not just sit down and read through, with 52 exercises driving concepts home.

learn python 3 tweet

C#: Best C# Programming Books

These best books for C# programming will help you master key functions.

42. C# in Depth

Author: Jon Skeet | Available on Amazon

C# in Depth by Jon Skeet

Learn core C# coding components, including asynchronous functions, expression-bodied members, interpolated strings, tuples, and more, with real-world examples to bring them alive.

c# in depth tweet

43. C# 9.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference

Author: Joseph Albahari | Available on Amazon

C# in a Nutshell by Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari

This top C# book is correctly labeled a “definitive reference,” going from basics to advanced topics. It’s written for readers with some prior programming experience who want to learn or improve at C#. 

c# nutshell tweet

C: The Best C Programming Books for Beginners

Read the best C programming books below, including content from the inventors of the language.

44. C Programming Language

Author: Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie  | Available on Amazon

C Programming Language - Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie

This best C programming book for beginners was written by the developers of C, so it’s straight from the source! You’ll need some prior programming knowledge of basics like loops, variables, and functions. The code book has a reference manual you can glance at when you need help as you code with C.

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45. Practical C Programming: Why Does 2+2 = 5986?

Author: Steve Oualline | Available on Amazon

Practical C Programming - book by Steve Oualline

A clear, practical approach with no fluff teaches you how to program with C in a way that’s easy to read and debug. The best book on C programming for learners who like to get right to the code!

practical c programming tweet

Objective – C: Don’t Miss These Objective – C Resources

These are some of the best computer science books to help you improve your Objective-C programming in an actionable way.

4 6 . Objective-C Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide

Authors: Aaron Hillegass, Mikey Ward | Available on Amazon

This programming book is based on the popular Objective-C Bootcamp from Big Nerd Ranch. It has an engaging style while covering C, Objective-C, and tips to work with Apple technologies.

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47. Effective Objective-C 2.0: 52 Specific Ways to Improve Your IOS and OS X Programs

Author: Matt Galloway | Available on Amazon

Book: Effective Objective-C 2.0

Divided into 52 sets of scenarios, tips, and shortcuts for Objective-C, this coding book is concise and practical. You’ll learn how to avoid little-known pitfalls and always choose the best, most efficient option possible.  

effective objective c tweet

C++: Best Books for Learning C++

Looking for good C++ books? Even if you’re new to the language, these top C++ books will get you coding in no time.

48. C++ Primer

Authors: Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo | Available on Amazon

C++ Primer - by Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo

This primer will help you learn C++ fast and start using it to write powerful code for modern applications. 

c++ primer tweet

49. Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++

Author: Bjarne Stroustrup | Available on Amazon

Written by the inventor of C++, this computer science book provides an introduction to programming in general and C++ in specific. The target audience is beginner programmers, and it’s often used as a programming textbook for computer science freshmen.

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R: The Best R Programming Books on the Market

These best R programming books teach you how to use the language to analyze data and build software.

50. Learning R: A Step-by-Step Function Guide to Data Analysis

Author: Richard Cotton | Available on Amazon

Learning R book by Richard Cotton

Even coding newbies can learn how to start analyzing data with R, thanks to this best R programming book. At the end of each chapter, you can test yourself with a quiz and work on hands-on exercises. It also teaches you what to do with data after analyzing, e.g. publishing your results.

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51. R Cookbook: Proven Recipes for Data Analysis, Statistics, and Graphics

Author: Paul Teetor | Available on Amazon

There are over 200 practical R “recipes” in this “cookbook” for you to experiment with! You’ll do simple tasks like input and output, work with statistics, and more as you analyze data. 

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52. The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design

Author: Norman Matloff | Available on Amazon

The Art of R Programming by Norman Matloff

You can also use R for software development, which is the focus of this best book for R programming. It’s accessible for hobbyist programmers, covering functional and object-oriented programming with R and going from beginner to advanced topics.

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SQL: Handy SQL Books

These are some of the top programming books for the popular database language SQL .

53. SQL in 10 Minutes, Sams Teach Yourself

Author: Ben Forta | Available on Amazon

Book SQL in 10 Minutes

This is a short-and-sweet coding book containing 22 ten-minute lessons, so it’s ideal for those who want to complete tasks in SQL quickly and methodically. From basic data retrieval to more in-depth topics like subqueries, table constraints, etc.

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54. SQL Queries for Mere Mortals: A Hands-On Guide to Data Manipulation in SQL

Authors: John L. Viescas, Michael J. Hernandez  | Available on Amazon

SQL Queries for Mere Mortals - book to read

This code book provides a clear, simple tutorial on creating reliable SQL queries for modern databases. It goes over every aspect of query writing so you can write effective ones of all types.

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Android: The Top Android Programming Books

Pick up an Android programming book to turn yourself into a pro app builder !

55 . Android Application Development All-in-One For Dummies

Author: Barry Burd  | Available on Amazon

Android Application Development All-in-One For Dummies

This comprehensive guide is written to get you started developing Android apps . It goes over the key programming concepts you need to do things like program phone features, build and refine your apps, manage data, use the Android native development kit, and more.

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56. Head First Android Development: A Brain-Friendly Guide

Authors: Dawn Griffiths, David Griffiths | Available on Amazon

Mobile App Book - Head First Android Development

This is another “brain-friendly” guide with plenty of visual illustrations to help you learn and keep you engaged. The Android programming book will help you quickly build a working app and improve it with interactive design, cross-device functionality, and more.

head first android tweet

iOS / Swift: Become an iOS Pro With These Books

Last but not least, these are some of the best coding books for aspiring Apple developers .

57. iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide

Authors: Christian Keur, Aaron Hillegass | Available on Amazon

This mobile programming beginner book teaches you the foundations of iOS development and the tools and techniques you need to develop apps with awesome features yourself.

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58. Swift Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide

Authors: Matthew Mathias, John Gallagher | Available on Amazon

Swift is the language of Apple, and this guide will help you understand and use it effectively. From the hows and whys to the grammar and style of Swift, you’ll gain the knowledge and confidence to crush coding challenges and build better apps.

swift programming tweet

Typescript: Top TypeScript Books

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript. These are some of the best books for those coding with TypeScript.

59. Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications Scale

Author: Boris Cherny | Available on Amazon

Ideal for programmers with intermediate JavaScript experience, this TypeScript book teaches both basic and advanced topics. It covers not just the language, but also the ecosystem. The casual, humorous style makes it a fun read, not just an educational one.

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60. Effective TypeScript: 62 Specific Ways to Improve Your TypeScript

Author: Dan Vanderkam | Available on Amazon

This coding book guides you through 62 specific ways to improve your use of TypeScript. It helps you build mental models of how TypeScript and its ecosystem work and gives you the tools to avoid pitfalls and traps.

Effective Typescript tweet

61. Essential TypeScript: From Beginner to Pro

Author: Adam Freeman | Available on Amazon

This awesome TypeScript book shows you how to use TypeScript in realistic scenarios. It goes in-depth to give you the knowledge you need — starting from the nuts-and-bolts and going all the way up to the most advanced and sophisticated features.

Rust: Books to Help You Learn Rust

Here are some of the best coding books for beginners learning Rust, a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language designed for performance and safety.

62. Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development

Authors: Jim Blandy, Jason Orendorff, Leonora F. S. Tindall | Available on Amazon

This guide covers Rust’s fundamental data types, the core concepts of ownership and borrowing, how to write flexible, efficient code with traits and generics, and much more. Dives into both the how and why for a lot of the features and benefits of Rust.

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63. Rust for Rustaceans: Idiomatic Programming for Experienced Developers

Author: Jon Gjengset | Available on Amazon

This coding book is best for people who have already mastered the basics of Rust. It covers how to build and maintain larger code bases, write powerful and flexible applications and libraries, and expand the complexity of your projects.

Rust for rustaceans tweet

64. The Rust Programming Language

Authors: Steve Klabnik, Carol Nichols | Available on Amazon

This programmer book is the official book on the Rust programming language, written by the Rust development team at the Mozilla Foundation. Comes with code examples and three whole chapters dedicated to building complete projects using Rust.

Rust Programming Language tweet

Kotlin: Books Books For Learning Kotlin

Check out these three Kotlin books that can help you write better Android apps.

65. Kotlin in Action

Authors: Dmitry Jemerov, Svetlana Isakova | Available on Amazon

Best for experienced Java developers, this book on coding covers the basics of Kotlin all the way through building applications to run on the JVM and Android devices. Topics include functional programming on the JVM, writing clean and idiomatic code, and combining Kotlin and Java.

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66. Kotlin Cookbook: A Problem-Focused Approach

Author: Ken Kousen | Available on Amazon

A great coding book for ​​both experienced programmers and those new to Kotlin. Includes over 80 code examples paired with simple explanations. Learn how to solve problems with Kotlin by concentrating on your own use cases rather than on basic syntax.

67. Head First Kotlin: A Brain-Friendly Guide

A complete introduction to coding in Kotlin. This programming book goes beyond syntax and how-to manuals and teaches you how to think like a great Kotlin developer. Written in a conversational way that keeps you turning the pages.

Head First Kotlin tweet

Go: Best Go Programming Language Books

Here are the top Golang books for people who want to learn Go, the statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google.

68. The Go Programming Language

Authors: Alan Donovan, Brian Kernighan | Available on Amazon

Starts from the basic concepts of Go, including the structural elements of Go programs (e.g., syntax, control flow, data types) and goes all the way to how to build, test, and maintain projects with Go. Includes hundreds of interesting and practical examples of well-written Go code.

The programming Language tweet

69. Head First Go

Author: Jay McGavren | Available on Amazon

Great for visual learners, this beginner/intermediate level Go coding book features hand-drawn diagrams and clear examples.

70. Get Programming with Go

Authors: Nathan Youngman, Roger Peppe | Available on Amazon

In this Go coding book, you’ll master Go syntax, work with types and functions, and explore bigger ideas like state and concurrency. There are also seven capstone projects featuring spacefaring gophers, Mars rovers, ciphers, and simulations to help you learn concepts.

Ge programming with go tweet

With the help of the best books for computer science, you’ll be able to conquer any coding challenge ahead of you. Start your collection of the best books to learn programming today.

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12 Best Problem Solving Books to Read

By: Angela Robinson | Updated: June 30, 2023

You found our list of top problem solving books .

Problem solving books are guides that improve critical thinking capability and the ability to resolve issues in the workplace. These works cover topics like bias and logical fallacies, problem prevention, and prioritizing. The purpose of these books is to help workers remain calm under pressure and come up with solutions more quickly.

These guides are similar to decision making books , negotiation books , and conflict resolution books . To improve competency in this area, one can also play problem solving games .

This list includes:

  • problem solving books for adults
  • creative problem solving books
  • business problem solving books
  • problem solving books for programmers

Here we go!

List of problem solving books

Here is a list of books to improve problem solving skills in the workplace.

1. Fixed: How to Perfect the Fine Art of Problem Solving by Amy E Herman

Fixed book cover

Fixed is one of the most useful new books on problem solving. The book calls for problem solvers to look beyond instinctual and obvious answers and provides a framework for more creative thinking. While most folks think about problem solving in terms of logic, reason, and disciplines like math and science, this book shows the role that art and imagination play in the process. Amy Herman consulted on leadership training with Silicon Valley companies and military organizations and brings this expertise into the text to train readers on how to adopt a more innovative critical thinking approach.

Notable Quote: “Working through problems is critical for productivity, profit, and peace. Our problem-solving skills, however, have been short-circuited by our complicated, technology-reliant world.”

Read Fixed .

2. Cracked it!: How to solve big problems and sell solutions like top strategy consultants by Bernard Garrette, Corey Phelps, and Olivier Sibony

Cracked It book cover

Cracked it! is one of the best creative problem solving books. Drawing inspiration from the tactics of consultants, this guide is a practical playbook for approaching business problems. The authors outline a “4S” method– State – Structure – Solve – Sell– to tackle obstacles and get support from stakeholders. While many problem solving books simply focus on how to think through issues, this guide also demonstrates how to gain approval for ideas and get others onboard with the solution. The book explains how to best use these techniques, and presents case studies that show the theories in action. Cracked it! is a handy reference for any professional that faces tough challenges on the regular.

Notable Quote: “If you want to know how a lion hunts, don’t go to a zoo. Go to the jungle.”

Read Cracked it!

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3. Upstream: The Quest to Solve Problems Before They Happen by Dan Heath

Upstream book cover

Upstream takes a proactive approach to problem solving. The book urges readers to not only be responsive to issues, but also try to prevent obstacles from occurring. The guide opens with an exploration of “problem blindness,” and the psychological factors that cause folks to be oblivious to issues, along with a reminder that many problems are more controllable and avoidable than first assumed. The pages that follow outline a series of questions leaders can ask to fine-tune the system and steer clear of major headaches, for instance, “How Will You Unite the Right People?” and “How Will You Avoid Doing Harm?” Upstream is full of real world examples of how minor tweaks achieved major results and allowed organizations to sidestep serious holdups.

Notable Quote: “The postmortem for a problem can be the preamble to a solution.”

Read Upstream .

4. Problem Solving 101: A Simple Book for Smart People by Ken Watanabe

book cover

Problem Solving 101 is one of the most fun problem solving books for adults. Written by Ken Watanabe, the guide draws on Japanese philosophy as well as the author’s experience as a consultant at McKinsey to help readers understand and approach problems in productive ways. The pages provide blueprints for problem-solving methods such as logic trees and matrixes, and include scenarios and illustrations that help readers visualize the process more clearly. Problem Solving 101 breaks down the problem solving procedure into the most basic parts and lays out step-by-step instructions for choosing the best action in any situation.

Notable Quote: “When you do take action, every result is an opportunity to reflect and learn valuable lessons. Even if what you take away from your assessment seems to be of small consequence, all of these small improvements taken together make a huge difference in the long term.”

Read Problem Solving 101 .

5. What’s Your Problem?: To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg

What's your problem book cover

What’s Your Problem? insists that the most important step in the problem solving process is to start by honing in on the correct problem. The root of much frustration and wasted efforts is that professionals often pick the wrong points to focus on. This book teaches readers how to reframe and approach issues from a different perspective. The guide outlines a repeatable three step process “Frame, Reframe, and Move Forward” to ensure that workers prioritize effectively and stay on track to achieve desired results. What’s Your Problem? teaches professionals of all levels how to be less rigid and more results-focused and adopt a more agile approach to fixing issues.

Notable Quote: “The problems we’re trained on in school are often quite different from the ones we encounter in real life.”

Read What’s Your Problem?

6. Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, et al

sprint book cover

Sprint is one of the best problem solving books for programmers. The authors are the creators of the five-day-process at Google. This guide describes best practices for conducting sprints and solving problems in limited timeframes. The book provides a day-by-day breakdown of tasks for each day of the workweek, with the final steps being designing a prototype and a plan for implementation. Though this idea originated in the tech world and is most widely used in the software industry, this problem-solving and product design approach can be useful for any position that needs to find fixes in a time crunch.

Notable Quote: “We’ve found that magic happens when we use big whiteboards to solve problems. As humans, our short-term memory is not all that good, but our spatial memory is awesome. A sprint room, plastered with notes, diagrams, printouts, and more, takes advantage of that spatial memory. The room itself becomes a sort of shared brain for the team.”

Read Sprint , and check out this guide to virtual hackathons and this list of product design books .

7. Think Like a Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies You Can Use to Make Giant Leaps in Work and Life by Ozan Varol

Think like a rocket scientist book cover

Think Like a Rocket Scientist lays out formulas and instructions for thinking more strategically. The guide reveals common problem solving approaches used by rocket scientists when exploring the unknown and testing new technology. The book is split into three sections– launch, accelerate, and achieve– with deep dives into concepts such as moonshot thinking and overcoming failure. The anecdotes revolve around space exploration and rocket science yet the methods can be applied to more commonplace and less complex problems as well. Think Like a Rocket Scientist proves that one does not need to be a genius to be a genius problem solver and lets readers learn tricks from one of the most complex professions on the planet.

Notable Quote: “Critical thinking and creativity don’t come naturally to us. We’re hesitant to think big, reluctant to dance with uncertainty, and afraid of failure. These were necessary during the Paleolithic Period, keeping us safe from poisonous foods and predators. But here in the information age, they’re bugs.”

Read Think Like a Rocket Scientist .

8. Bulletproof Problem Solving: The One Skill That Changes Everything by Charles Conn and Robert McLean

Bulletproof problem solving book cover

Bulletproof Problem Solving is one of the best business problem solving books. This workbook-style-guide breaks down a “bulletproof” method of problem solving favored by consultants at McKinsey. The authors distill the process into seven simple steps–define the problem, disaggregate, prioritize, workplan, analyze, synthesize, and communicate– and give numerous examples of how to follow this cycle with different dilemmas. The chapters explore each stage in depth and outline the importance and finer points of each phase. The book also provides practical tools for readers to build skills, including an appendix with exercise worksheets.

Notable Quote: “Problem solving doesn’t stop at the point of reaching conclusions from individual analyses. Findings have to be assembled into a logical structure to test validity and then synthesized in a way that convinces others that you have a good solution. Great team processes are also important at this stage.”

Read Bulletproof Problem Solving .

9. Think Like a Programmer: An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving by by V. Anton Spraul

Think like a programmer book cover

Think Like a Programmer is one of the top problem solving books for programmers. The guide lays out methods for finding and fixing bugs and creating clean, workable code. The text emphasizes that programming is not merely a matter of being competent in the language, but also knowing how to troubleshoot and respond to unexpected occurrences. The chapters present examples of problems and puzzles and work through the answers to help strengthen professional competencies. The book provides an introductory crash course and practical toolkit for beginning coders, with a focus on C++. Yet since the text outlines general theory and approach, the book is also helpful for dealing with other programming languages, or for solving problems in non-tech industries as well. The point of the text is to provide a proper mindset and attitude for reacting to these developments, and the book can be a benefit for folks in any field.

Notable Quote: “Don’t Get Frustrated The final technique isn’t so much a technique, but a maxim: Don’t get frustrated. When you are frustrated, you won’t think as clearly, you won’t work as efficiently, and everything will take longer and seem harder. Even worse, frustration tends to feed on itself, so that what begins as mild irritation ends as outright anger.”

Read Think Like a Programmer .

10. The Founder’s Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup by by Noam Wasserman

The Founders Dilemmas Book Cover

The Founder’s Dilemmas lays out the most common problems entrepreneurs face and gives advice on how to avoid or solve these issues. The book tackles topics such as managing relationships, hiring, and rewarding or correcting employees. The chapters outline the mistakes inexperienced leaders often make and offer strategies for handling these tough situations with more smarts and skill. By reading this book, founders can learn from predecessors and avoid making obvious and avoidable errors in judgment. The Founder’s Dilemmas is a problem-solving resource for startup leaders and team members who lack more traditional guidance.

Notable Quote: “Ideas are cheap; execution is dear.”

Read The Founder’s Dilemmas , and check out more entrepreneurial books .

11. The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don’t by Julia Galef

The scout mindset book cover

The Scout Mindset challenges readers to move beyond gut reactions and preconceptions and rethink problems. The book offers instructions for overcoming bias and central beliefs to gather more objective data. Julia Galef encourages readers to act more like scouts than soldiers and gather information without judging to make more informed decisions. The text outlines the common reasons folks jump to conclusions and offers advice on how to avoid incorrect assumptions and conduct level-headed analyses. The Scout Mindset is a call to action for objectivity and an instruction manual for breaking away from unhelpful mental patterns that can lead to poor choices.

Notable Quote: “Discovering you were wrong is an update, not a failure, and your worldview is a living document meant to be revised.”

Read The Scout Mindset .

12. Super Thinking: The Big Book of Mental Models by Gabriel Weinberg and Lauren McCann

Super Thinking book cover

Super Thinking is a comprehensive resource that explains various mental models for problem solving. The book identifies logical fallacies and shows readers how to avoid these pitfalls. The pages also lay out appropriate strategies, tools, techniques to use in different situations, such as matrices, pointed questions, and philosophies. The point of the guide is to teach readers how to evaluate information and make quick yet accurate judgements. The guide helps readers decide the best approach to use for each circumstance. Though packed with information, the pages also contain images and humor that prevent the material from getting too dry. Super Thinking is the ultimate cheat sheet for thinking rationally and acting with intention.

Notable Quote: “Unfortunately, people often make the mistake of doing way too much work before testing assumptions in the real world.”

Read Super Thinking .

Final Thoughts

Problem solving is one of the most essential skills for modern industry. With the breakneck pace at which the current business world changes, there is no shortage of new developments that professionals must contend with on a daily basis. Operating the same way for years at a time is impossible, and it is almost guaranteed that workers at every level will have issues to unravel at some point in their careers.

Books about problem solving help professionals predict, prevent, and overcome issues and find more viable and sustainable solutions. These guides not only provide skills, but also methods for survival in a highly competitive business landscape. These texts show workers that they are more capable than may first appear and that sometimes, seemingly insurmountable obstacles are beatable with a combination of creativity, teamwork, and proper process.

For more ways to beat the odds, check out this list of books on innovation and this list of books on business strategy .

We also have a list of the best communication books .

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FAQ: Problem solving books

Here are answers to common questions about problem solving books.

What are problem solving books?

Problem solving books are guides that teach critical thinking skills and strategies for resolving issues. The purpose of these works is to help professionals be more creative and strategic in problem solving approaches.

What are some good problem solving books for work?

Some good problem solving books for work include Sprint by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, et al, Upstream by Dan Heath, and Think Like a Rocket Scientist by Ozan Varol.

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Author: Angela Robinson

Marketing Coordinator at teambuilding.com. Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Marketing Coordinator at teambuilding.com.

Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving

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Stormy Attaway

MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving 5th Edition

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MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving

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MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving , winner of TAA’s 2017 Textbook Excellence Award ("Texty"), guides the reader through both programming and built-in functions to easily exploit MATLAB's extensive capabilities for tackling engineering and scientific problems. Assuming no knowledge of programming, this book starts with programming concepts, such as variables, assignments, and selection statements, moves on to loops, and then solves problems using both the programming concept and the power of MATLAB. The fifth edition has been updated to reflect the functionality of the current version of MATLAB (R2018a), including the addition of local functions in scripts, the new string type, coverage of recently introduced functions to import data from web sites, and updates to the Live Editor and App Designer.

  • ISBN-10 0128154799
  • ISBN-13 978-0128154793
  • Edition 5th
  • Publisher Butterworth-Heinemann
  • Publication date August 31, 2018
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 7.5 x 1 x 9.5 inches
  • Print length 626 pages
  • See all details

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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Butterworth-Heinemann; 5th edition (August 31, 2018)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 626 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0128154799
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0128154793
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.31 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.5 x 1 x 9.5 inches
  • #41 in Bioinformatics (Books)
  • #120 in Business Intelligence Tools
  • #478 in Introductory & Beginning Programming

About the author

Stormy attaway.

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15 Best Books for Programmers You Should Read

As software developers we constantly need to learn new concepts, programming languages and technologies to stay up to date.

One of my preferred methods for learning is by reading books, and there is no shortage of great books on software development.

The problem is, there are so many books that it can be difficult to find the ones that are worth your time.

That is why in this article I have covered some of the best books I have found over the years that are worth reading.

These books can be read at any level, but some of them are quite advanced, so I would recommend you have at least a couple of years experience already to get the most out of these books.

1. Developer Hegemony - Eric Dietrich #

Developer Hegemony

For anyone who has read any of my other articles on books , you will know I love books that are thought-provoking and motivational.

A quick warning before reading this book. It will make you want to quit your job and become a consultant.

Software Developers hold an enormous amount of power. We are the ones who are producing the assets for the companies we work for. Often, if it wasn’t for the software developers, the company wouldn’t make any money.

So, why is it that we end up in subordinate positions, being dictated what to work on as well as how and where to work.

Developer Hegemony looks at the past, present, and future of corporations and what it means for software developers.

This is a great book that will make you realise your potential as a software developer and can help you find ways to gain more respect and freedom from your coding skills.

2. The Pragmatic Programmer - David Thomas & Andrew Hunt #

The Pragmatic Programmer

It is no accident that the cover of this book has woodworking tools instead of a keyboard and mouse.

This book encourages you to see programming as a craft and not just a data input job. Although written 20 years ago, this book is still relevant today and covers various tips to help you can become a better programmer.

If you are keen to learn how to write flexible, adaptable code that is easy to maintain, then this book is a must-read.

3. Clean Code - Robert C. Martin #

Clean Code

What programming book list would be complete without mentioning Clean Code by Robert C. Martin?

There is a good reason why this book appears on every developer's reading list. It is the bible for learning to write clean code, and practically, everything written on the topic originates from this book.

I think most of us are familiar with the damage that messy code can do to an application. On a personal level, you want to avoid being known as the person who writes bad code, either.

If you want to be known as the person who writes elegant code rather than other developers cursing your name under their breaths, then you need to read this book.

4. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software - Erich Gamma #

Design Patterns

Design patterns are mentioned in a lot of software development books. They are really the key to writing clean, maintainable code that other developers can work on easily.

When everyone is “singing from the same hymn sheet”, it makes developing code as a team a lot easier. One way to do this is by using reusable design patterns that other developers will recognise.

If you can become familiar with the main design patterns, it also makes writing code easier as well as you don’t have to solve the same common programming problems yourself.

Although this book was written nearly 30 years ago, the design patterns are still relevant today, and it is worth having this book on your desk to reference.

5. Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy - Narasimha Karumanchi #

Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy

Beginners always tend to get a bit stuck when it comes to data structures and algorithms, but like anything they become easier with practise.

This book will give you a good introduction to the topic, but also provides many puzzles and examples to see how data structures and algorithms can be used.

If you are preparing for an interview and are expecting plenty of questions on data structures and algorithms, then it is worth giving this book a read beforehand.

6. Refactoring - Martin Fowler #


Anyone who has been a programmer for a little will have come across Martin Fowler. He writes numerous useful articles on his website, I especially like his posts about microservices.

This book is just as useful as his website and covers how to refactor your code to improve the maintainability of your applications.

Everyone is familiar with refactoring now, but it wasn’t as common when this book was released, and it has become the goto reference on the subject.

If refactoring isn’t your strong point, or you just want to find some more techniques you can use daily then it is worth giving this book a read.

7. The Mythical Man-Month - Frederick Brooks Jr. #

The Mythical Man-Month

Another classic software development book, although some concepts are a little bit dated now.

Instead of covering programming, this book is more about the more project management side of developing software.

It is the book you wish your project manager had read.

The book covers the author's experience as a project manager at IBM, where he was responsible for some massive software projects.

It has some great advice which some of us know but would be worth passing on to your PM. For example, how adding more engineers to an already late project isn’t going to help.

8. Coders at Work - Peter Seibel #

Coders at Work

This book isn’t like the other books on this list. It is a collection of 15 interviews by renowned programmers.

The book covers interviews with people like Brenden Eich (Inventor of JavaScript), Joe Armstrong (Inventor of Erlang) and Peter Norvig (Director of Research at Google and author of THE text on AI).

There are not many books that give us an insight into the minds of some of the best programmers of our time. The book is packed full of advice and inspiration that is useful, no matter where you are in your career.

9. Test Driven Development: By Example - Kent Beck #

Test Driven Development

Everyone has heard of Test Driven Development (TDD) but few people do it.

If you want to write maintainable, robust code, then you need to test it before you write it. Building up your application one test at a time helps you think through how your application is going to work before you waste lots of time writing code.

This is the goto book on Test Driven Development and is packed with examples, so you can see how to do it in practice.

If you want to get started with TDD, then it is worth reading this book first.

10. Pragmatic Thinking and Learning - Andy Hunt #

Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

From one of the authors of The Pragmatic Engineer (#2), this book's subtitle is “Refactor Your Wetware” and refers to your brain and how we think about solving problems.

This book is full of tips on ways to improve your thinking, learn faster and remember what you learn.

Software development is more about problem solving than writing code, so it is important to improve your brain along with your coding skills.

11. Code Complete - Steve McConnell #

Code Complete

Another classic which should be on every developers' bookshelf.

Although some concepts are a little outdated now (waterfall anyone) this book is still packed with a practical tips on how to write better code.

This book covers everything from design, testing, naming conventions as well refactoring. Everything in this book is backed with data and real-world scenarios, so it isn’t just “fluff” that you see in plenty of other books.

12. Cracking the Coding Interview - Gayle Laakmann McDowell #

Cracking the Coding Interview

Software developer interviews can be pretty daunting. Whether it is being asked to code with an audience or redesign the companies' architecture on a whiteboard, they can cause anyone's palms to sweat.

Before going to an interview, it is worth reading this book. Gayle is a former software developer and hiring manager and this book covers everything including problem-solving, data structures, and algorithms.

It is packed full of 189 interview questions that are most commonly asked in interviews, as well as giving us a behind-the-scenes look at how big companies such as Facebook and Google hire developers.

This book is a must-read for anyone considering applying for a software development job.

13. Code - Charles Petzold #


Many of us understand how to write code, but don’t understand the inner workings of the very computers the code is running on.

This book covers topics such as the binary system and logic gates that many developers don’t understand.

Even though the subject is quite complex, Petzold does an impressive job of breaking down the concepts and making them accessible for a wider audience.

If you want to get a better understanding of the software hardware interface and how your computer actually works “under the hood” then I would recommend reading this book.

14. The Art of Computer Programming - Donald Knuth #

The Art of Computer Programming

This is a 5 books set covering everything from the fundamentals as well as algorithms and the mathematical foundations of computer science.

If you are serious about being a software developer, then this book set is a worthwhile investment. It is definitely an investment given the price of this set compared to the other books on this list.

If you are looking for a comprehensive resource on programming that you can reference throughout your career, then these books are worth getting.

15. The Effective Engineer - Edmund Lau #

The Effective Engineer

There is a key word in the subtitle of this book, “How to Leverage Your Efforts In Software Engineering to Make a Disproportionate and Meaningful Impact”.

Leverage. One of the greatest things about being a software developer is that you can impact so many people with your code. Once written, your code can scale indefinitely.

This book, written by the former CTO of Facebook, aims to help developers be more effective at their jobs by showing us how to focus on the most impactful project and tasks.

You have probably heard of the 10X engineer. These engineers are not a thing of myth and legend, they really can have a 10X impact compared to others; however, they don’t achieve this by working 10 times the hours.

If you want to find out how to be a more effective engineer and reap the success that comes with it, then it is worth reading this book.

  • Published 2023-01-19
  • Tags #studying #programming #books

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Java, Java, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving

(4 reviews)

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Ralph Morelli, Trinity College

Ralph Walde, Trinity College

Copyright Year: 2016

Publisher: Ralph Morelli, Ralph Walde

Language: English

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Reviewed by Onyeka Emebo, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech on 12/28/21

The text adequately addresses areas under Object Oriented Programming using Java as a Programming Language for Introduction to Computer Science courses. It gently introduces basic concepts in computer, objects and java using problem solving... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

The text adequately addresses areas under Object Oriented Programming using Java as a Programming Language for Introduction to Computer Science courses. It gently introduces basic concepts in computer, objects and java using problem solving approaches and gradually builds up to more advanced Java technologies in such a simplified manner that can be easily understood. The text also provides a table of content at the beginning and a summary of points for each chapter with exercises.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

The text content is accurate, without errors and unbiased. There is however some links that needs to be updated.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

While the field of computer science with particular emphasis to programming as it relates to this text is constantly evolving, the approach taken by this text to teach the essentials is likely to persist. The code, tested in Java 8, should continue to work with new Java releases. Updates to the text can be done easily by the way it has been written.

Clarity rating: 5

The text is written in a clear and easy to understand manner. The objectives, explanations, examples and exercises are clear and easy to follow. The codes are well commented to aid readability.

Consistency rating: 4

The text is highly consistent in both structure and terminology. It starts each chapter with objectives and outline and concludes with summary, exercises and solutions. However, some codes within the chapters are put in figures while others are not, this could be confusing.

Modularity rating: 5

The text is divided in 17 chapters (0 - 16) and 8 appendices (A – H). Each chapter is further divided into sections and subsections. This breakdown makes it easier for instructors to apportion sections to students at different times within the course.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The text is organized in a manner that is logical and it flows well from section to section. The structure makes navigation from chapter to chapter easier.

Interface rating: 3

I reviewed the PDF version and it looks good to a large extent. The links in the table of contents are working properly. There are clickable links within the text to different figures, sections, such as appendices, and external websites. However, there are some issues with some figure titles, e.g., figure 12, 1.10, 2.7, 2.10, 2.14, etc. are cut off. Some hyperlinks for some figures missing e.g., figure 2.8 and some figures don’t have titles.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

The text contains no grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The text is culturally neutral. The examples are unbiased in the way it has been presented.

Reviewed by Ghaith Husari, Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University on 4/17/20

This book covers Object-Oriented Programming under JAVA. It introduces the concepts of object-oriented programming and they are used for problem-solving. This book covers all the relevant areas of Object-Oriented Programming under Java. Also, it... read more

This book covers Object-Oriented Programming under JAVA. It introduces the concepts of object-oriented programming and they are used for problem-solving. This book covers all the relevant areas of Object-Oriented Programming under Java. Also, it covers more advanced topics such as socket programming and algorithms.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The Object-Oriented concepts and implementation example shown in code samples are accurate and easy to learn as the code samples are aligned with the concept being discussed. Some links and URLs are out-dated but they have little to no impact on student learning. However, I would add a note that says "some of the links and URLs might not up-to-date. However, they can be found using search engines if necessary"

Programming languages get updated regularly to include new and easier functions to use. While it is impossible for a textbook to include every function, this textbook provides a great learning opportunity that allows students to build the muscle to be able to learn more about Java online. When it comes to Object-Oriented concepts, the book is extremely relevant and up-to-date

The textbook is very easy to understand and the code sample is both clear (code readability) and relevant.

Consistency rating: 5

The text and the terms it contains are consistent. Also, the textbook follows a consistent theme.

The textbook chapters are divided into sections and subsections that are shown also in the table of contents which can be used to visit each section.

The textbook consists of seventeen chapters that are organized in a logical manner. The more general concepts such as problem-solving and programing are placed at the beginning, then the chapters introduce the discuss Object-Oriented Programming come after the general chapters. The more advanced topics such as socket programming and data structures and algorithms come towards the end. This made a lot of sense to me.

Interface rating: 5

The textbook is easily accessible online and it can be downloaded to open with Edge or Adobe Reader without any problems.

No grammar issues have been noticed.

This textbook is neutral and unbiased.

Reviewed by Guanyu Tian, Assistant Professor, Fontbonne University on 6/19/18

This textbook covers Object-Oriented Programming with Java programming language pretty well. It starts with the concept of Objects and problem solving skills and then dive into Java programming language syntax. Overall, it appropriately covers all... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This textbook covers Object-Oriented Programming with Java programming language pretty well. It starts with the concept of Objects and problem solving skills and then dive into Java programming language syntax. Overall, it appropriately covers all areas of the subject including the main principles of Object-Oriented Programming and Java programming language. In the later chapters, this textbook also introduces advanced topics such as concurrent programming, network/socket programming and data structures. The textbook provides table of contents at the beginning and index of terms at the end. Each chapter also provides a list of key words and a list of important concepts and technique terms.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

The content of the textbook is mostly accurate. Many URLs linked to Java documentations and APIs are not up-to-date.

Many URLs to Java references are not up-to-date and many online samples are not accessible. Nonetheless, the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming and Java programming language syntax are mostly current. Any updates to the contents of the textbook can be implemented with minimal effort.

The text is easy to understand. However, some of the texts are not displayed on adobe reader.

Consistency rating: 3

The text is consistent in terms of framework. Each chapter starts with introduction to a problem, and then discussion and design of the solution with UML diagrams; then Java is used to implement the solution(s). However, there is some level of inconsistency in terms of Java code samples. For example, some Java code examples use appropriate indentations and new lines, but some examples do not. This may confuse students.

Each chapter is divided into different sections and subsections. A student can go to each section of a chapter by clicking it in the Table of Contents.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 3

The topics in this text book are organized in a reasonable order. It starts with general concepts of computer and program design, then Objects and Java Programming Language, and then advanced topics in computer programming. It would be better if the textbook starts with Java programming language and then principles of Object Oriented programming.

Some of the texts are not displayed in the reviewer's adobe reader. Many diagrams and figures are poorly drawn. Overall, the interface of the book is one area that needs improvement.

No major grammar issues has been noticed.

The text of this textbook is a neutral and unbiased.

Overall, this textbook covers materials of Object-Oriented Programming with Java taught in first or second-year computer science course. However, the contents of Java programming language has not been up-to-date and the interface of the book is very poor compare to similar books the reviewer has used for learning and teaching the same materials. Some sample codes are not well written or inconsistent in terms of the use of indentation and new lines. Many URLs are obsolete and the web pages are not accessible.

Reviewed by Homer Sharafi, Adjunct Faculty Member, Northern Virginia Community College on 6/20/17

The textbook includes the material that is typically covered in a college-level CS1 course. Using an “early objects” approach and Java as the programming language, the authors go over problem-solving techniques based on object-oriented... read more

The textbook includes the material that is typically covered in a college-level CS1 course. Using an “early objects” approach and Java as the programming language, the authors go over problem-solving techniques based on object-oriented programming principles. In addition to an Index of terms towards the end of the text, each chapter summary includes the technical terms used, along with a bulleted-list of important points discussed in that chapter.

The computer science concepts and the accompanying sample code are accurate and error-free; however, the only issue is the fact that the URLs that make references to various aspects of Java, such as API documentation, JDK, and the Java Language Specification, have not been updated to reflect the fact that Sun Microsystems was acquired by Oracle back in 2010.

Like other software systems, Java is updated on a regular basis; nonetheless, the computer science concepts discussed in the textbook are based on standard undergraduate curriculum taught in a CS1 course. Therefore, any updates to the textbook would need to be with regard to the version of Java with minimal effort.

Clarity rating: 4

The authors deliver clear explanations of the computer science concepts and the accompanying Java language features.

There is a consistent theme throughout much of the text: A topic is introduced and discussed within the context of a problem. Its solution is then designed and explained using UML diagrams; finally, Java is used to illustrate how the solution is implemented on the computer.

Each chapter is divided into sections that can easily be identified within the table of contents. Therefore, it’s fairly easy for a student to pick and choose a section in a chapter and work on the other sections later. Throughout each chapter, there are self-study exercises to incrementally test understanding of the covered material. Solutions to those self-study exercises are then provided towards the end of the chapter. In addition, each chapter includes end-of-chapter exercises that can be used to assess one’s understanding of the computer science concepts as well as the various features of Java.

The book consists of seventeen chapters; however, a typical CS1 course would need the material in the first ten chapters only, and those chapters are set up in a logical manner, allowing one to go through the material sequentially. Depending on how fast he first ten chapters are covered during the course of a semester, an instructor may choose from the last seven chapters in the text to introduce more advanced topics in computer science and/or Java.

Interface rating: 1

The textbook can be accessed online or opened using Acrobat Reader with no problem. There are no issues, as long as navigation is done one page after another manually. However, when browsing through the table of contents (TOC) or the Index, the entries are not set up using any live links. That is, you cannot click on a page number associated with an item within the TOC or the Index to go directly to that page.

Grammatical Errors rating: 3

This reviewer did not come across any such issues, while going through the text.

This is a computing textbook, where the contents are presented using technical terms. Culturally, the textbook is completely neutral and unbiased in terms of how the material is presented.

Table of Contents

  • 0 Computers, Objects, and Java
  • 1 Java Program Design and Development
  • 2 Objects: Defining, Creating, and Using
  • 3 Methods: Communicating with Objects
  • 4 Input/Output: Designing the User Interface
  • 5 Java Data and Operators
  • 6 Control Structures
  • 7 Strings and String Processing
  • 8 Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • 9 Arrays and Array Processing
  • 10 Exceptions: When Things Go Wrong
  • 11 Files and Streams
  • 12 Recursive Problem Solving
  • 13 Graphical User Interfaces
  • 14 Threads and Concurrent Programming
  • 15 Sockets and Networking
  • 16 Data Structures: Lists, Stacks, and Queues

Ancillary Material

  • Ralph Morelli, Ralph Walde

About the Book

We have designed this third edition of Java, Java, Java to be suitable for a typical Introduction to Computer Science (CS1) course or for a slightly more advanced Java as a Second Language course. This edition retains the “objects first” approach to programming and problem solving that was characteristic of the first two editions. Throughout the text we emphasize careful coverage of Java language features, introductory programming concepts, and object-oriented design principles.

The third edition retains many of the features of the first two editions, including:

  • Early Introduction of Objects
  • Emphasis on Object Oriented Design (OOD)
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML) Diagrams
  • Self-study Exercises with Answers
  • Programming, Debugging, and Design Tips.
  • From the Java Library Sections
  • Object-Oriented Design Sections
  • End-of-Chapter Exercises
  • Companion Web Site, with Power Points and other Resources

The In the Laboratory sections from the first two editions have been moved onto the book's Companion Web Site. Table 1 shows the Table of Contents for the third edition.

About the Contributors

Ralph Morelli, Professor of Computer Science Emeritus. Morelli has been teaching at Trinity College since 1985, the same year the computer science major was first offered. More recently, he was one of the Principal Investigators (PIs) for the Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) project, an NSF-funded effort to get undergraduates engaged in building free and open source software that benefits the public.  In summer 2011 a team of Trinity HFOSS students and faculty traveled to Haiti to build an open source mobile application that helps manage beneficiaries for a humanitarian aid organization. Currently Morelli is the PI of the Mobile CSP project, an NSF-funded effort to train high school teachers in CT and elsewhere to teach the emerging Advanced Placement CS Principles course that is being created by the College Board. The main goal of this NSF initiative is to increase access to computer science among underrepresented groups, including girls, African Americans, and Hispanic Americans.  The Mobile CSP course teaches students to create mobile apps to serve their community.  In summer 2014, a group of 20 Mobile CSP students spent their summer building mobile apps for the city of Hartford. 

Ralph Walde.  Dr. Walde has given Trinity 28 years of distinguished service, first as a Professor of Mathematics and now as a Professor of Computer Science. He was instrumental in helping to establish and nourish computing at Trinity and was one of the founding members of the Computer Science Department.

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