About Me Presentation Templates

Break the ice and initiate conversations with an About Me presentation that will leave a lasting impression with Venngage’s selection of free and customizable slide templates.

about me presentation templates

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About Me Presentation Design Templates

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Home PowerPoint Templates Template Backgrounds Personal Self Introduction PowerPoint Template

Personal Self Introduction PowerPoint Template

The Personal Self Introduction PowerPoint Template is an infographic theme consisting of five slides and an excellent option of an About me template to present yourself. Each of these slides offers unique designs to help create a career profile. The cover slide of this self introduction template lets users add a profile picture and briefly summarize their professional history. The grid layout in the next slide separates sections of contact information, education, and skills. Users can edit the placeholders with relevant data from their resumes or CV. The work experience template provides a vertical timeline of past jobs with the current position on the left side. It highlights the existing position with the previous work background summarized in one slide. The employer recommendation slide can be used as a part of a job application ending with a thank you note.

A self-introduction is an overview of an individual’s identity i.e., Who you are, what you do. The summary allows other people to understand more about an individual professionally. A great introduction comprises contact information, specialty, knowledge, and skills. A documented self-introduction is a form of user profile such as a team member’s introduction. You can present a personal introduction when taking a new position at the company or preparing a presentation on career development. Alternatively, you can download other About me templates for PowerPoint presentations and Google Slides and make visually appealing recommendation slides to present yourself.

The Personal Self Introduction PowerPoint Template is a resourceful tool to leave the audience with a lasting impression. The different types of layouts will help users outline all the necessary information in a visually engaging way. Apart from CV or resume, the skill coaches and professors can introduce themselves at the start of their courses.

Presentation of Self Introduction Resume

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Must-Have About Me Presentation Examples with Templates and Samples

Must-Have About Me Presentation Examples with Templates and Samples

Lakshya Khurana


The very first, imperative and even obligatory task to perform when you join or attempt to mingle in with a new group of people is to tell the members about yourself. You could be introducing yourself to a new place of work, department, team, or just wanting to be friends. An introduction or indulging in a bit of ‘About Me’ is, thus, the first step to a fruitful relationship.

When done in a formal setting, a PowerPoint Presentation is always the go-to medium, and SlideTeam’s collection of About Me Presentation Templates is the most-established framework you will find online.

What can be asked in a job interview? Get ready for the questions with our PPT Templates in this blog here !

PowerPoint Designs to Showcase Who You Are in Engaging Ways

You put the right foot forward with an informative, visual presentation that delivers relevant information to the audience. SlideTeam’s content-ready and 100% editable and customizable slides make this easy. No more making presentations from scratch and spending time and energy on finding the ‘right’ material because we have got you covered.

Do you wish to prepare for that important interview? Click here for our blog on the best templates to help you in this task! 

These PPT Designs provide a solid framework that acts as a starting point, and have the flexibility to mold slides to your particular needs.

Let’s dive right in and choose the PowerPoint Set(s) that suit you best.

Explore our blogs on  Presentation About Myself Templates  and  Self-Introduction Templates   for an extensive collection of PowerPoint designs by SlideTeam, offering a solid framework to introduce yourself in formal settings. Craft engaging and informative presentations effortlessly with 100% editable slides, saving you time and energy.

Template 1: Introduce Yourself PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Lay it all out on the table with this polished PowerPoint Deck. Present yourself with ready-made slides with neat categories for information on your career, qualifications, experience, skills, etc. This PPT Set enables to present a SWOT Analysis of yourself, so the questions of strengths and weaknesses are answered before they can be asked; this showcases your preparedness and self-awareness, qualities that impress all. Progress further into the presentation and show the audience your personable side with the language you speak and the hobbies that interest you. Download now.

Introduce Yourself Powerpoint Presentation Slides


Template 2: Ten Minutes Presentation About Myself PowerPoint Set

This PPT Preset is designed to showcase your professional journey effectively. Highlight key aspects such as work experience, education, and personal profile, creating a well-rounded introduction. The template guides you through a career map, allowing you to illustrate your growth and aspirations. Conduct a SWOT analysis to demonstrate self-awareness, followed by a section on professional qualifications, achievements, and training. Share your hands-on experience and emphasize your diverse skill set. The template is a visual aid and a strategic tool for presenting a compelling narrative of your background and capabilities in a concise 10-minute format. Download now!

Ten Minutes Presentation About Myself PowerPoint Set

Template 3: The Perfect Way to Introduce Yourself PowerPoint Presentation Slide

A quick visual presentation with the right diagrams is what will keep people engaged as you showcase your professional pedigree. Use this PPT Set to present details like the companies you’ve worked for, your achievements, career path so far, skills you have, and the tools and platforms you have mastered, etc. Demonstrate that you are the right choice and build trust between you and management with a download of this PPT Template Bundle.

The Perfect Way To Introduce Yourself Powerpoint Presentation Slide


Template 4: About Me Business Skill Professional Expertise Technical Details

Sometimes the time you have is short, but that’s ok because you can talk about yourself with this 14-slide PPT Preset. Deliver an amazing, concise introduction and talk about your personal slide, the technical and academic details, a business description of you, etc. Each slide in this deck allows you to discuss a new facet of yourself, and present an all-rounded picture of yourself that wows one-and-all. Download this presentation template now.

About me business skill professional expertise technical details


‘Who Am I?” Done Right

As you begin a new chapter in your career and build upon your professional network, it is only natural that you become more and more comfortable when it comes to the topic of you. With SlideTeam’s About Me Presentation Templates, you can make an excellent first-impression and a tremendous positive impact on your colleagues.

Download one or all of these PPT Templates through our subscription-based pricing with monthly, semi-annual, annual, and annual+ packages!

Ace the job interview with the right PPT Templates from SlideTeam! Accessible in our blog here!

FAQs on Self-Introduction

How do you write about me in a presentation.

When writing about yourself in a presentation, focus on conveying relevant information that establishes credibility and engages your audience. A brief background overview highlights your qualifications, expertise, and relevant experiences. Share personal anecdotes or achievements that connect with the topic or the theme of the presentation. Emphasize your passion and commitment to the subject matter, demonstrating why you are the right person to deliver the presentation. Keep it concise, engaging, and tailored to your audience's interests and needs.

How do you introduce yourself, with flair and creativity,  in a presentation?

To introduce yourself  with a flair and creativity, consider starting  the presentation with a compelling story or a thought-provoking question related to your topic. Use appropriate humor (make sure the joke is universal, and stays away from religion, sex or politics) to break the ice and connect with your audience. Share a surprising or unusual fact about yourself related to the presentation's theme. Incorporate multimedia elements like images, videos, or props to make your introduction visually engaging. Keep it brief, leaving your audience curious and eager to learn more about you as you transition into the main content of your presentation.

What is an example of self-introduction?

In my new role as [Your Position] at [Company Name], I bring [X years of industry experience] to the team. Previously, I worked at [Previous Company], where I [briefly mention key responsibilities or achievements]. I'm eager to collaborate with this talented group, leveraging my expertise in [relevant skills/areas]. Outside of work, I'm passionate about [mention a hobby or interest] and open to discussions on [industry-related topics].

I look forward to connecting with my colleagues and contributing to [Company Name]'s success. Feel free to reach me at [your email] or stop by my office. Thank you for the warm welcome.

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About Me Template

The About Me Template offers a structured format for people to compile and present personal and professional narratives. This design ensures that everyone shares their stories with unmatched clarity, making a lasting impression on viewers.

Trusted by 65M+ users and leading companies

About the About Me Template

At Miro, we empower people to present themselves with clarity and confidence. Our About Me Template is designed to help users share their professional journey and personal highlights in a visual and organized manner.

What's an About Me Template?

An About Me Template is a structured framework that helps users collect and present personal and professional information about themselves. It's a digital canvas to introduce oneself to peers, potential employers, or clients. Here are three benefits of using one:

Clarity : The structured about me format ensures you present all relevant information without forgetting important details.

Professionalism : It gives a polished and standardized presentation, elevating your professional image.

Personalization : While structured, the template allows room for customization, ensuring your personality shines through.

How to use the About Me Template in Miro

Our template is easy to navigate, with dedicated fields for various categories:

Personal info : Begin with your name, date of birth, and a brief description or bio. This sets the tone for the rest of the template.

Achievements : Highlight your accomplishments, awards, and significant milestones here.

Education : List your educational qualifications, institutions attended, and any other certifications.

Contact Info : Add your email, phone number, LinkedIn profile, or other relevant contact details.

Hobbies : Share a bit about what you love doing in your spare time. It gives a personal touch and offers insight into your personality.

Skills : List your key competencies and expertise here.

Languages : Highlight the languages you speak and your proficiency level in each.

Work experience : Outline your career journey, starting with your most recent position, the company name, and a brief description of your roles and responsibilities.

Remember that authenticity is paramount when using the About Me Template. While showcasing your qualifications and achievements is essential, intertwining your unique story and personal touch is also important. Visual elements, like photos or infographics related to your journey, can make your template more engaging and memorable. Regularly updating your About Me Template ensures you're always ready to present your most current version of yourself, whether for networking, job opportunities, or collaborations. Happy designing!

Can I customize the About Me Template?

Yes. While the template provides a structured format, it's fully customizable. Adjust colors, fonts, or add additional fields as you see fit.

Is the template shareable with colleagues and peers?

Like all Miro templates, the About Me Template can be shared via a link or as an image or PDF.

What if I have more than one hobby or skill to list?

The template is flexible. You can list multiple hobbies, skills, or any other category. If you need more space, simply expand the relevant section.

Get started with this template right now.

Reverse Brainstorming Thumbnail

Reverse Brainstorming Template

Works best for:.

Ideation, Brainstorming, Team Meetings

Reverse brainstorming is a technique that prompts a group to think of problems, rather than solutions. Because we naturally think of problems, it’s a great way to get a group to anticipate problems that may occur during a project. To engage in reverse brainstorming, start by identifying the problem, and then think of things that might exacerbate it. Ask your team to generate ideas around ways in which the problem could get worse. Reverse the problems into solutions again, and then evaluate your ideas.

Ideas Parking Lot Matrix Thumbnail

Parking Lot Matrix Template

Project Management, Ideation, Meetings

When the creative energy is flowing, a workshop or meeting will yield a lot of new ideas — but not all are on-topic or currently feasible. Roll them right onto a parking lot matrix, a simple, effective tool for separating the best ideas from those that are promising but could use more research or discussion. This template will let you easily make your own parking lot matrix, which will come in especially handy during long meetings (and when you have teammates who tend to go off-topic).

Random Word Thumbnail

Random Words Template

Ideation, Brainstorming, Mind Mapping

Random word brainstorming is a simple, creative technique using random words to generate new ideas and creative solutions to your problems. Using random word prompts allows you to step beyond traditional boundaries and address challenges from a different direction. Random word brainstorming allows your team to unlock their creativity to solve business problems, create new inventions, improve existing ideas, or just think about problems in a new way.


Love Bomb Icebreaker Template


Encourage team members to show their appreciation for each other using Miro’s free Love Bomb Icebreaker Template. Participants can add words or phrases that show what they appreciate about their colleagues.


Soccer Retrospective

Agile Methodology, Retrospectives, Meetings

The Soccer Retrospective template offers a sports-themed approach to retrospectives, using the game of soccer as a metaphor for teamwork and strategy. It provides elements for reflecting on past performances, analyzing strengths and weaknesses, and setting goals for improvement. This template fosters a competitive yet collaborative spirit, encouraging team members to work together towards common objectives. By leveraging the metaphor of soccer, the Soccer Retrospective empowers teams to refine their tactics, enhance communication, and achieve their goals effectively.

Start Stop Continue Retrospective Thumbnail

Start, Stop, Continue Template

Retrospectives, Meetings, Workshops

Giving and receiving feedback can be challenging and intimidating. It’s hard to look back over a quarter or even a week and parse a set of decisions into “positive” and “negative.” The Start Stop Continue framework was created to make it easier to reflect on your team’s recent experiences. The Start Stop Continue template encourages teams to look at specific actions they should start doing, stop doing, and continue doing. Together, collaborators agree on the most important steps to be more productive and successful.

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AI-Powered Poster Generator

With the Piktochart AI poster generator, you can turn any prompt into a gorgeous poster in seconds. No design skills? No problem. Just tweak it as you wish, then share your poster.

The new way of creating posters

Create in a Flash

Prompt to poster in 10 seconds

Say goodbye to complicated design steps. Simply type in your theme and watch as our AI poster maker transforms it into reality.

AI Image Generation

Bring your vision to life

Go stock photos and generate images that are contextualized to your needs with our advanced AI image generator. Put your creativity to the test and generate highly realistic images that make you stand out.

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Create Without Limits

Where every idea finds its canvas

For events, marketing, learning, or personal creations, Piktochart AI delivers captivating poster designs for every need. Dive into a universe of impressive imagery tailored to suit any subject.

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Create Your Vision

Piktochart starts, you put the finishing touches

Our AI sets the stage with a professionally crafted poster, then passes control to you, allowing you to modify and refine each detail to amplify your visual impact while keeping true to your brand.

Posters created using Piktochart’s AI-powered poster maker

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Professionals like you use Piktochart’s free online poster maker to:


  • Create eye-catching promotional materials that align with brand identity, ideal for advertising campaigns, product launches, and trade shows.
  • Design captivating posters for corporate events, webinars, and conferences.
  • Communicate new offers, services, or store openings.

SMEs and enterprises persona

HR & Internal Comms

  • Internal announcements, motivational quotes, or event notifications.
  • Job advertisements and onboarding materials to attract and welcome new employees.
  • Convey important company policies and reminders through clear, engaging posters, ensuring better compliance and awareness.

NGOs and government persona

NGOs and Government Organizations

  • Develop impactful posters for awareness drives, fundraising events, and community outreach programs.
  • Attract volunteers, highlighting the roles, benefits, and the difference they can make.
  • Announce charity events, workshops, and seminars.

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  • Create informative posters on health topics, wellness tips, and medical advisories.
  • Showcase healthcare services, specialist departments, and new medical technologies available at healthcare facilities.
  • Display important health and safety protocols within healthcare settings.

How to Make a Digital Poster

1. Define Your Story

Briefly describe (within 120 characters) the purpose behind your poster. Whether it’s for promotion, making an announcement, driving awareness, or sharing health information.

2. Select from Our Varied Poster Designs

Jumpstart your project with our array of ready-to-use poster templates, perfect for shining a spotlight on any subject. After picking your preferred design, you’ll find yourself in our editing suite.

3. Tweak the Design with Piktochart Editor

With your template chosen, hitting the “Edit” button grants you entry into the Piktochart editor. This is your playground to adjust, alter, and align the design to reflect your personal touch and message.

4. Enhance with Visual Elements

Piktochart’s user-friendly drag-and-drop editor makes personalization a breeze. Tap into our rich collection of complimentary photos, icons, illustrations, and text options to craft a poster that stands out. Enhancing and tailoring colors is just a click away with our versatile design tool.

5. Publish and Promote

Once your poster is exactly as you envisioned, it’s time to save and share your work. Export in various formats like JPG, PNG, or PDF, catering to both digital platforms and print materials.

AI-Powered Visualization for Any Topic

What kinds of posters can be generated using this AI tool?

Navigating design elements and finding the right visual style can be daunting. With Piktochart AI, it’s easy to transform data into high-quality posters . Excellence made simple, just for you.

Event posters

Drum up buzz and awareness for an upcoming event. Piktochart AI transform dense data and information into engaging invitational posters for your events.

Advertising posters

Spark emotions that incite action – whether it is to make a purchase, improve brand opinion, donate to a cause, or make a lifestyle change. With Piktochart AI, it’s achievable at the click of a button.

Conference posters

Inform your audience with a glance about an upcoming conference. Whether it’s for a medical conference, marketing conference, or any conferences, Piktochart AI’s user-friendly poster maker helps you catch the attention of your audience effortlessly.

Ready to use AI to design posters like a pro?

Join more than 11 million people who already use Piktochart to create stunning posters.

Is it possible to personalize my poster with my own photos and diagrams?

What’s the limit on poster creation, how do i enhance the quality of my posters, is signing up mandatory to use piktochart, poster resources.

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How to Make a Poster in 6 Easy Steps [2023 Guide With Templates]

featured image for poster ideas and templates

25 Poster Ideas, Templates, and Tips for Creative Inspiration

types of posters


7 Types of Posters and What Makes Them Stand Out

What else can you create with piktochart ai.

Home / Free PowerPoint Templates / Teacher about me Slides

Teacher about me Slides

template for about me presentation

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Teacher about me Presentation

Free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

This scrapbook-style template brings you the best of both worlds: structure and creative freedom. Get inspired by the layout that’s already there and apply a personal touch by adding your own text, images and photos. Customize the “Get to Know Me” slides, share hobbies and fun facts, and explore topics and ideas that interest you. Include your favorite inspiring quotes and statements. Check out the resource page for special icons and elements to spruce up your design. If you’re wondering how to use this as a PowerPoint template, Google Slides or Canva design, look no further than the handy “How To” slide at the start of the deck.

Features of this template

  • 25+ slides to personalize with your own creative touch
  • Collaboration features for designing with friends and family
  • Searchable photos, images, fonts, videos and soundtracks
  • Animation and transition features along with other classic tools
  • Download or share via email or social media with a few clicks
  • A simple drag-and-drop editor to help you add graphics
  • Hundreds of unique icons and elements to choose from
  • Millions of free, stunning images to select from our library
  • A pre-recorded Talking Presentation feature to save you time

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Supercharge your slides with canva..

Add dynamic GIF's, captivating videos, and stylish photo frames directly from Canva's royalty-free asset library effortlessly. Share or export anywhere, be it PPT or Google Slides.

template for about me presentation

Magic Write

Go from idea to your first draft *in seconds with Magic Write, our content generation tool powered by OpenAI.

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Image generator

Dream it up, then add it to your design. Watch your words and phrases transform into beautiful images.

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Background remover

Click to remove image backgrounds, perfect for product photos, headshots, or transparent PNGs.

template for about me presentation

Export your results to PPT and Google Slides

Canva allows you to export to a perfect PPT or Google Slide when you are done.

Learn how to export from Canva to other formats

Canva to PowerPoint Canva to Google Slides

  • 1. Open the template in Canva .
  • 2. In Canva click on "Share" at the top right-hand corner, then click "More"
  • 3. Scroll down further and you will see "Google Drive" button.
  • 4. Choose the "PPTX" or Powerpoint file type. Make sure to click "All Pages" on select pages.
  • 5. Your template is exported to Google Slides!

  • 1. Click on Canva button to open the design.
  • 2. Once the Canva file is opened, click on "Share" at the top right hand corner, then click on "Download"
  • 3. Once you clicked on "Download" , choose the "PPTX" or Powerpoint file type
  • 4. Your template is now ready for use on Powerpoint!

Professional designs for your presentations

SlidesCarnival templates have all the elements you need to effectively communicate your message and impress your audience.

Suitable for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits.

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‘I have a question’: Ray Kinard’s journey as a lifelong learner about York County

I was ready to say goodbye to Ray Kinard after checking in on his health and asking if I could stop by his Springettsbury Township home.

He asked me to wait.

“I have a question,” he said.

He would make such a query numerous times over the years. Sometimes, he greeted me that way. This time, he waited until we were signing off on the phone.

Who were the three members of the Continental Congress who served during the entire time Congress met in York? he asked.

He was referencing a column I had written the week before about the sacrifices of health and life made by delegates to Congress here in York in 1777 and 1778 and back home. I had mentioned one of the three, James Lovell of Massachusetts, in my York Sunday News column. But I had not included the other two, and Ray called me on it.

That is vintage Ray Kinard, a self-taught local historian, who must own the largest private collection of York County and American history books in the county. It would be hard to prove that, and Ray isn’t sure of the count. But he believes there are 1,500 volumes in various rooms in his house.

Anyway, looking at this collection wasn’t the reason for my visit.

Ray — many folks call him “Pete” as evidenced by his email address, [email protected] — had told me at an OLLI class at Penn State York that I taught in April that he had been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and would soon start treatments.

He showed rare skill

Ray is widely known in York County for his local history interests. That intrigue started in grade school in Spring Grove, and it was cultivated by his friend and mentor Armand Gladfelter, who knew Seven Valleys, Ray’s hometown, better than anyone and would go on to write a three-volume set on the topic.

Ray worked at the A.C. Henry Mill after high school, which became a part of his later story. Ray and the late Terry Koller visited the sites of more than 300 mills in York County. That included some standing and others whose foundations were hard to locate.

Ray did close work with Gladfelter in the evenings as a chicken doctor. The two would go to farms to exercise a rare skill. They checked the chickens to determine those that were laying eggs and those that weren’t. Ray explained from a chair in his East York home that their skills were in demand because it made no sense for a farmer to feed one-third of his chickens if they weren’t laying eggs.

The point is that Ray spent a lot of time with Gladfelter and kept up his local history studies long after his mentor died and long after his own retirement as a lead assembler at Cole Steel. In fact, we compared notes about how many of my presentations Ray has attended. I thought 30. Ray believes it’s more than 50. In many presentations — in OLLI classes, for example — I would sometimes ask Ray to explain topics because he could do that better than I could.

It would be incomplete to view Ray as just a student of local history, someone who takes in but does not give back. He is a teacher as well, a presenter on about a dozen topics before local history groups and a keynote speaker at many events.

And a doer. As part of the U.S. bicentennial in 1976, he restored the Seven Valleys jail, an 1899 holding tank used mainly for drunks sleeping it off.

Ray is an integral part of many historical organizations: York Civil War Roundtable member, past vice president of the Codorus Valley Area Historical Society, board member of the Friends of the Heritage Rail Trail and greeter and resident historian of the Hanover Junction Museum, his favorite site in York County.

Ray served as a member of a committee at OLLI, an enrichment initiative for lifelong learners, to recruit speakers for the array of continuing education offerings that sometimes top 90 classes in a term.

Ray gives his views

When Ray did not attend an OLLI class in May, I wondered how his cancer treatments were going.

So I visited Ray to, among other things, interview him for this story.

Because of the cancer treatments, Ray, 88, is having trouble eating and has dropped more than 30 pounds. After a doctor’s appointment two days after my visit, he stopped his cancer treatment with the hope that he could eat.

As usual, Ray commented on a number of local history topics, particularly about those in his Civil War wheelhouse. For example, he recalled taking classes from local historian Thomas L. Schaefer at Penn State York in the 1990s: “Tom Schaefer was the original Scott Mingus.”

And he believes York’s controversial surrender to the Confederates in 1863 was justified because of the unpredictability of Confederate Gen. Jubal Early, rash leader of the rebel raid, in torching the town: “I said the guy was a little crazy.”

And about the U.S. president who is the topic of scores of books in Kinard’s vast library: “I can’t get enough of Abraham Lincoln.”

Indeed, I left Ray as he lay in bed, reading Dale Carnegie’s “Lincoln the Unknown,” among dozens of books, newspapers and other publications across his bedspread. He had left enough space to sleep, which he says he has been doing a lot.

A walking Wikipedia

In recent years, Ray has assisted Tom Yingling, leader of the Jefferson-based Codorus Valley historical group, in piecing through the society’s museum collection. This was up Ray’s alley because he appreciates newspaper clippings and old photos. His library includes well-organized notebooks of those things.

He would tell Yingling each week: “This is fun! I really enjoy looking through all these things.” Sometimes, he would get permission to bring something home to read it and then bring it back.

Yingling said he considers Ray his Wikipedia for Seven Valleys and Hanover Junction knowledge. And he keeps learning.

“When Ray would come across something he did not know before,” Yingling said about Ray’s Codorus Valley museum work, “he would exclaim, ‘Golly days!’”

The three who stayed

In my visit, I did not have enough time to answer the question he had posed about the tireless congressmen who never went home in the nine months they stayed in York.

And I know Ray reads these weekly columns in the York Sunday News.

So here’s my answer, Ray: James Lovell and Francis Dana of Massachusetts and Henry Laurens of South Carolina.

And, Ray, I am hoping and praying for your restoration of health. And I hope to see you in an upcoming class.

Upcoming presentations

Jim McClure will present with Scott Mingus and Jamie Noerpel about “History Publishing from Generating the Idea to Marketing Your Work” at 7 p.m. June 6 at the York County Writers Roundtable’s quarterly meeting, York County History Center, 250 E. Market St., York.

McClure will teach two OLLI classes: “21st-Century York County: Begins with Celebration, with Promise Ahead. But Oh, Those Years in Between Were Rough,” 1 p.m., June 17; “The Hex Murder: York County's Notorious Witchcraft Trial”; 11 a.m., June 25. (Zoom only).” https://olli.psu.edu/york.

Jim McClure is a retired editor of the York Daily Record and has authored or co-authored nine books on York County history. Reach him at [email protected]

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This is me! A presentation template for Google Slides and PowerPoint, I'll tell you a little bit more about myself! I come from the Slidesgo website - there you can find more templates like me! My slides are very fun and creative, as they are decorated with colorful stickers of all kinds of elements: food, animals, insects, hearts and even UFOs. And what am I good for? Well, I am 100% customizable for any kind of presentation, although my creators designed me to make personal introductions at school. Introductions like the one I just made! Do you dare to make your own?

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