Dispensary Manager Cover Letter Example

Dispensary Managers ensure the daily operations of a medical or recreational dispensary like Marijuana. These professionals work alongside vendors, and manufacturers to ensure a safe and pleasant shopping and working environment.

Writing a great Dispensary Manager Cover letter is an important step in your job search journey. When writing this document, be sure to reference the requirements listed in the job description. Your cover letter should highlight the most relevant and exceptional qualifications to help the hiring manager see why you’re a great fit for this position. If you are ready for this role, upload our Dispensary Manager Cover Letter Samples pick the right out, and get started.

Dispensary Manager Cover Letter example

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The Dispensary Manager ensures that the unit’s operation complies with stipulated laws and regulations. The job description entails promoting customer satisfaction while reaching sales and profit goals. Other duties include the following – ordering supplies, tracking inventory flow, managing sales, training and organizing staff, developing marketing plans, and overseeing the daily operations of the dispensary. To succeed in this role, the person should stay aware of the latest laws and orders governing the sale and purchase of marijuana.

What to Include in a Dispensary Manager Cover Letter?

Roles and responsibilities.

  • Managing the daily operations of the unit, including ordering inventory.
  • Training and managing staff and sales.
  • Developing and implementing marketing plans.
  • Adhering to local and state regulations.
  • Managing customer service and ensuring customers are educated about the products and services.
  • Fostering relationships with vendors and manufacturers.
  • Ensuring accuracy and timely recording of transactions.
  • Overseeing the security of the dispensary.

Education & Skills

Dispensary manager skills:.

  • Strong knowledge of medical laws.
  • Good understanding of marijuana laws.
  • Excellent customer service skills.
  • Superior communication skills.
  • The ability to manage financial accounts.
  • The ability to foster relationships with vendors.
  • Accounting skills.

Dispensary Manager Education Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in marketing business or management.
  • Knowledge of medical and marijuana regulations.
  • Appropriate skills, and the right aptitude.

Dispensary Manager Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Mr./Ms.,

I came across the job opening for Dispensary Manager in your esteemed organization, and I am eager to submit my resume for the same. As a passionate and skilled professional with an interest in the cannabis industry, coupled with record management skills, I can certainly assure you that I would be a valuable asset to your team. Given that your organization is extensively in this industry, my expertise and skills would be an advantage.

The most important aspect of being a Dispensary Manager is to be accommodative to the client’s needs at the same time be prompt and resourceful to the management and co-workers so that the best service can be offered to the clients. I am in awe of how (company name) can provide such best customer service.

Here is an insight into my qualifications –

  • Huge experience in budgeting and inventory management.
  • The ability to comply with industry regulations.
  • Managed team workers, and participated in training and coaching sessions.
  • Strong record of minimizing waste, increasing profit margin, and ensuring supplies at all times.
  • Staying current with the ever-changing regulations pertaining to the cannabis industry.
  • Completing understanding of state, local, and federal regulations.

Apart from these qualifications, I have a deep passion for undertaking challenging situations and finding opportunities for growth in them. I can further create a pleasing, and caring environment for the animals in our facility. Furthermore, I promise to participate in all sales and marketing activities as I have experience in creating and managing promotional initiatives.

Thus, with my experience, patient-friendly attitude, and flawless track record, I am well-prepared and hopeful to extend my service to your organization. It would be great if I could get an opportunity to discuss further on this further so that you will have a chance to know how well of a fit I would be for this role.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Sincerely, [Your Name]

  • Mention why are unique from your competitors.
  • Mention the skills and qualifications that align with the job description.
  • Highlight your relationship-building skills with vendors and manufacturers.

Also, have a look at our Dispensary Manager Resume Samples to match your cover letters.


Customize Dispensary Manager Cover Letter

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Dispensary Manager cover letter example

Christine Graham Hiring Manager Dayjob Ltd 120 Vyse Street Birmingham B18 6NF

10th April 2017

Dear Ms Graham,

Whilst browsing the job adverts on the Dayjob.com website, I came across your vacancy for a Dispensary Manager, and upon reading it immediately realised that it perfectly matched my abilities.

I am a hard-working, well spoken, presentable and confident individual who can provide your customers with a high quality and professional pharmacy service that complies with the highest standards. You can rely on me to project a positive and friendly image to dispensary patients and other visitors and deal with any queries in a professional, courteous and efficient way.

At present, I am employed by ……………., where I am tasked with overseeing the day-today operations of the pharmacy including; regulatory compliance, patient relations, security, inventory management, retail sales, cash processes, sales reports and patient education. I pay particular attention to maintaining accurate records of all dispensary activities including daily cash reconciliations, deliveries and returns.

In addition to all of the above, I possess superb communication skills that allow me to maintain and develop relationships both with our customers and pharmaceutical company representatives. I have the ability to diffuse difficult situations with diplomacy and ensure that issues are resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

On a personal level I am a lifelong learner with a keen desire to become a subject matter expert. Furthermore, as a sociable person you can rely on me to work as a brand ambassador for your company both during and outside of work hours.

I have enclosed my CV with this letter and that will give you a more detailed description of my qualifications, abilities and competencies.

Finally I would like to thank you for your time, consideration and forthcoming response.

Yours sincerely,

Name Address 1 Address 2 Tel: 0044 121 638 0026 Email: [email protected]

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How to Write the Best Cover Letter for Cannabis Jobs

Picture of Liesl Bernard

  • March 3, 2022
  • Cannabis Industry , Cannabis Job Seekers

Cannabis Job Cover Letter

Most people dread writing cover letters. Whenever you write one, you are probably searching for cover letter examples to help you Frankenstein one together for a job you are eyeing. At times, you may be tempted to use a variation of one you have already written, which is not recommended. If you are looking for a cannabis job, we can guide you through the process of writing an exceptional cover letter. Our guide on how to write the best cover letter for cannabis jobs will break down the process into easily digestible chunks. Whether you are looking to jump into the cannabis industry or are making a move from one marijuana company to another, our tips will boost your chances of starting your cannabis career.  

write a new cannabis cover letter

Write a New Cover Letter for Each Cannabis Job  

Do not use cover letter examples almost word-for-word or past cover letters no matter how inviting the temptation is. Writing a new cover letter will help you focus on a specific position and company. Cannabis employers want to see that you are excited about the role they are offering. Now, can you recycle a couple of solid sentences from past cover letters? That is perfectly fine. However, be cautious of sending a generic letter. You want to express how you have used your most relative skills and showcase your passion for the role. For those applying to several cannabis jobs, spread out when you write each cover letter. The process of writing a new cover letter will allow you to take inventory of what you can offer the cannabis business, analyze what they are looking for, and learn more about the company. 

cannabis cover letter tips

5 Tips for How to Write a Cover Letter for a Cannabis Job   

Go beyond your resume  .

One of the most notable tips on how to write a cover letter for cannabis jobs is to not restate what is on your resume. Being repetitive could send your application straight to the trash. Expand on what you say in your resume to give the cannabis employer a more comprehensive picture of your accomplishments. Of course, you will have to pick and choose which bullet points to expand. Therefore, choose resume bullet points that highlight skills and experience that can help the cannabis company. Here are a couple of questions to support you in elaborating on your bullet notes:  

What was your approach to executing one of the major responsibilities?  

What are the essential details that help you tell a short story about one of your resume bullet points?  

How did your mindset, passion, or drive help in getting a specific task done?

Highlight the Right Skills and Experiences  

Thoroughly research the cannabis company you are focusing on. In addition, you will want to analyze the cannabis job and the expectations for the position. When choosing which bullet notes from your resume to expand upon, pick ones that align with the role. Usually, when companies write job descriptions, they list the top requirements and skills first. Describe how you can deliver on the cannabis position’s primary responsibilities. You may even use tools like WordCloud or Find Keyword , allowing you to see what words stand out in the job description. Often, employers will include specific keywords in the job description so that they may pop up in the right search queries.    

Include Statistical Success from Past Positions    

Quantifiable success is crucial for both your cannabis job cover letter and resume. Even if you did not work in positions where success can immediately be reflected by numbers, you can still include statistics that show your impactful contribution. It may be something as easy as explaining that you implemented a strategy bumping up cannabis dispensary sales by 25%. On the other hand, you may have to get creative. For example, you can state how many times per week you contacted clients through various channels to show drive and flexibility. Even if you dealt with people more than figures in your last position, you could include your statistical impact. Think about how often you do something or the timeframe in which you completed a complex task without sacrificing quality. The bottom line is that numbers and statistics will make your resume and cover letter more appealing.   

Consider Including Testimonials    

Incredible feedback from clients, co-workers, or managers should be considered for your cannabis industry cover letter. However, you want to weave it into the content in a way that feels natural. Dropping in a full testimonial will seem out of place. You want to paraphrase the testimonial, so it fits in well instead of using the full quote. It should be quick and precise. For example, you can say something along these lines: “I displayed leadership skills that made my manager comment on how he would bet on me if my path led me to become an NFL coach.”    

Write a Gripping First Line  

The best movies grab your attention from the very beginning. Little to no time is wasted to get you focused on the story. That goes the same for your cover letter. Yes, it is permissible to mention the cannabis job you are applying for and stick to something simple in your introduction. However, you should make the first line interesting. You have a variety of ways to start, so choose wisely. Here are some ideas to get you started: use an interesting fact about yourself, mention a captivating statistic, use humor, state an enthusiastic observation about the company, or mention a pain point your skills and experience can address.    

marijuana cover letter structure

Cover Letter Structure   

An essential focus for how to write a cover letter is structure. Using structure for your cannabis cover letter will make it easy to follow. Best practices for writing a cover letter utilizes a framework that includes the following:  

In your header, include your full name, phone number, email address, and date. You may also include your LinkedIn profile link and a portfolio link if applicable.    


As we have mentioned, start your cannabis cover letter with a gripping first line. Hook the hiring manager in with humor, a fascinating statistic, an interesting observation, or another attention-grabber. After grabbing the hiring manager’s attention, mention 2 to 3 of your achievements that are relevant to the position. Then, state why you believe you would be the ideal fit for the cannabis job in one sentence to end the introduction. You will see this approach in many cover letter examples. Also, if you know the hiring manager’s name, use it to start off the letter.   

First, you should explain why your skills and experience make you the best option. Learn what the most important requirements for the cannabis job are. How do you fulfill the requirements in the cannabis job description?  The body of your cover letter should highlight how your skills and experience will allow you to deliver on the top priorities of the cannabis company. If you do not have any strong relative experience, lean more on your skills.   

Next, you want to show that you are a great fit for the company culture. Look at the company’s social media platforms–sites like Glassdoor –and the company website to get a feel for what the company culture is like. Figure out what you like about the company and display that through in the body. Perhaps, you are passionate about their full-organic approach to producing cannabis products or the way they nurture creativity with team-building exercises. Whatever it may be, make it known in the body paragraph(s).  


Your cover letter conclusion should be short and sweet. If you have anything else to say that didn’t quite fit in the categories of skills, experience, or company culture, mention it here. Also, make sure you thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration. Finally, end with a call to action. For example, you can invite the cannabis hiring manager to further discuss how you can help the company achieve its goals or reach out to you for additional information.   

cover letter voice cannabiz

Get the Right Voice and Tone  

When you write a cover letter for a cannabis job, you do not want to sound exceedingly formal, yet you also do not want to sound too laid back. Write in a friendly but professional tone to avoid sounding robotic. Additionally, it would help to write in the cannabis company’s voice. Study their social media presence, website, and company culture to capture their voice. Writing in the cannabis company’s voice will make it feel more personalized. Also, hold back from being too enthusiastic about the role. Filling the cannabis industry cover letter with adverbs may make it seem phony.   

different cannabis careers

Different Cannabis Careers, Different Formats  

Just because you know the standard format for cover letters does not mean you have to use it. If you want to take a different angle for one of your cannabis job cover letters or want to do some A/B testing, consider alternative formats. More traditional companies will want the standard three-to-five-paragraph format. However, there are plenty of non-traditional cannabis companies out there. Not to mention, there are many creative cannabis jobs where a unique cover letter would be more appreciated. You can use slight variations from the traditional format. For example, you can include bullet points, bold words, or images. Also, you can go with significant derivations from the standard, including anything from videos to infographics.   

cannabis cover letter example

Cover Letter Example for a Cannabis Job  

There are a ton of cannabis jobs available out there. So, you are going to end up writing plenty of cover letters to go with your resume. Here is one cannabis industry cover letter example you can refer to when you find yourself stuck in the writing process.   

Dear Hiring Manager (use name if you know it),  

As a kid, I wanted to be Batman. However, after learning that it would be expensive and extremely dangerous, I searched for another way to help people. Luckily, I found out that I am passionate about recruiting. I have experience working for the largest recruiting firm in the nation and have put together over 200 teams with thousands of applicants in the past several years. Also, I believe in the healing qualities of cannabis, as it helped me deal with injuries and continues to help lessen the stress of everyday life. My enthusiasm for both cannabis and helping people find purposeful careers , along with my extensive experience in staffing, make me a true fit for your innovative cannabis company.  

I have nearly a decade of experience working as a recruiter, seeking, interviewing, and assessing candidates to match them with the right companies across various industries. During my time recruiting for Company X, I was responsible for developing recruitment strategies, which helped the firm make 12% more placements compared to the previous year. Strategies include autonomous video interviews, screening questions that involve company culture, and the creation of comprehensive company profiles. Additionally, I developed and optimized job descriptions that attracted more diverse candidates . Overall, this led 82% of our first-time clients to return for repeat business.    

Some companies are in the market solely for money. However, I believe your company is passionate about cannabis and the good it can do for people. I truly admire your partnership with the Last Prisoner Project . Our passion for cannabis aligns, as I want to help the industry grow companies and teams that are diverse, progressive, and effective in delivering safe products that nurture people. I am experienced in making mutually beneficial connections and assisting my team when cross-marketing opportunities arise. My current organization awarded me Recruiter of the Month seven times, reflecting my willingness to succeed for the company, not as an individual.   

I believe in the “always be helping” mission over the “always be closing” mantra. After all, recruiting is about helping people find careers and purpose. I hope we can further discuss what I can bring to the table in more detail.  Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or (555)-555-5555. Thank you for your time! 

Sincerely, John Doe   

Now Go Write!  

You know what you need to write a captivating cover letter to grab the attention of cannabis employers. Now, all you have to do is write it! It can help to chunk the parts, so it does not feel too overwhelming. If you are looking for more cannabis jobs, head to our job board . If you are looking to refresh your cannabis resume, head here . Happy job hunting!  

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Cover Letter Ninjas

Sample Cover Letter For Working at a Dispensary

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As states begin to legalize or decriminalize cannabis , many enterprising folks are seeking out jobs at dispensaries. It’s easy to see why! These jobs tend to be well-paying with great perks. Many workers also enjoy the work environment at dispensaries as they tend to be Gen-Z friendly, and a bit laid back.

So, how do you land a job at a dispensary? First, be sure you meet the baseline qualifications. Next, you gotta have your resume and cover letter ready. We’ll help you with the latter. Check out our tips, followed by a great sample cover letter for working at a dispensary.

What Skills Do You Need to Be a Budtender?

The goal of your cover letter for a dispensary job is to persuade the hiring manager that you have the skills and right attitude for the job. After all, many dispensary owners are often pitched by amateurs who don’t take the job seriously. 

To make it immediately clear that you understand the ropes, lead your cover letter with a brief summary of your budtender skills and qualifications. Here’s what you can include:

  • Cannabis strains knowledge 
  • Strong people skills
  • Customer service skills 
  • Baseline medical knowledge around medical cannabis usage 

If you have relevant training or perhaps pursue a degree in nursing , healthcare, or biology, this can be a major advantage. 

What Should Be in Your Cover Letter for a Dispensary?

A compelling cover letter for a dispensary job offers a mix of professional and personality insights. As a rule of thumb, you should have the following points covered:

  • Relevant work experience
  • Transferable skills (e.g. from other customer-facing jobs)
  • Personal background details (you are of legal age and have no felonies)
  • Passion and interest for the industry
  • Personal traits and professional attitude 

If you pack all of the above into your cannabis cover letter, few hiring managers will pass on it! 

Remember: many people don’t bother to send a cover letter with their resume and that’s a total blunder. There’s really no better way to express your true interest in a position. Or show that you are a perfect fit for the work environment. You can also use your cover letter to highlight some aspects of your personality and previous relevant work experience. Together with a well-written resume, a cover letter makes an unbeatable job application combo!

Claire W.

Lead With Enthusiasm and Follow With Your Qualifications

Use the first paragraph of your letter to introduce yourself and “sell” your eagerness for the proposed job. First, explain what makes you interested in the cannabis industry as a whole, the company, and the specific position you are applying for. Be sincere so the hiring manager really gets your personality.

Just keep in mind that this is your chance to show that you’d be a great fit. Adjust your communication style a bit so that it reflects the overall persona and style of the dispensary’s branding. Consider something like this:

“I was so excited to learn that Prairie Village would be home to the Green Ways dispensary. Now that you are hiring budtenders, I am absolutely thrilled at the opportunity to work in an industry that promotes wellness and environmental stewardship.”

Now, use the following paragraph to highlight your most important qualifications. Pick one or two of the core competencies that will help you to stand out among the other applicants.

Provide Brief Explanations For Employment Gaps (If Any)

Take a look at your resume. Do you have gaps in your employment history? Your potential employer will want to know what’s going on, and your cover letter is the perfect place to explain things. Remember that it’s perfectly fine to have a gap in your employment to stay home with your family, go to school, travel, study, or do volunteer work.

Before you start writing, keep a few things in mind. First, the best explanation is a simple one. Don’t spend multiple sentences explaining your life choices. Next, be honest. Don’t say you were attending school when you simply had trouble finding the right job. Finally, if something truly needs a detailed explanation, save it for the interview.

Check our cover letter examples addressing gaps in employment for more tips.

Ensure That You Have Followed The Required Pre-Application Steps

It’s not easy to get a job at a dispensary. As these businesses operate under strict regulations, they have to ensure every person they hire meets basic criteria. Candidates with debt problems, criminal records, or other issues are excluded from consideration.

 Before you can apply, you may need to do the following:

  • Sign releases for a credit check and criminal background check.
  • Provide several personal and professional references.
  • Have your fingerprints taken at your local police station.
  • Obtain copies of your recent tax returns.
  • Ensure that your ID and other documents are available and up to date.

Remember that the process of vetting employees can be expensive. By staying on top of the documents you are supposed to provide, you show that you are a serious candidate.

Cover Letter Sample For Working at a Dispensary – .docx Format

Let’s put these tips into action. Take a look at our sample cover letter for someone pursuing a job as a budtender.

cover letter sample for working at a dispensary

Download example (Word version)

Cover Letter Example For Working at a Dispensary – Text Format

Dear Mr. Mason,

My name is Jonathan Ninja, and I’m very excited to submit my application for the position of weekend budtender at Green-Health dispensary. I’ve been a strong advocate of the cannabis industry for years and was so proud that my hometown was chosen as the first dispensary location in Logan county.

I have been employed as an assistant manager at Read It Again Books for the past two years. In that position, I have picked up valuable skills such as cash handling, customer service, inventory and stocking, and point of sales. I’m confident that I will be able to seamlessly transition these skills to become a valuable team member at Green-Health.

You will notice a six-month gap in employment on my resume. During that time, I was a volunteer with EarthWorks, an environmental charity.

Once again, I’m very interested in this opportunity. I look forward to meeting you for an interview at your convenience.

Jonathan Ninja

Final Tip: Keep it Short And Streamlined

The best cover letter is one page or less. Use short paragraphs, and avoid rambling. This is the best way to ensure that a busy hiring manager will give your application package the consideration it deserves.

And if you are struggling to pack your letter into a single page, try using one of our free cover letter templates to keep your writing more organized!

FAQs about Dispensary Jobs 

As of 2021, the legal cannabis industry employs over 321,000 full-time workers in the US. As five more states voted to legalize medical and/or adult-use cannabis sales, even more jobs are projected to emerge in the upcoming years. 

So if you are just entering the workforce or want to explore various career paths (beyond the budtender) in this industry, here are some answers for you! 

What is the hardest part about being a budtender?

For different budtenders, the challenges will vary. But overall, many report that working as a budtender can be gruesome at times due to overtime, lack of proper recognition from the store managers, insufficient training, and lack of career advancement opportunities. Obviously, this isn’t the case with every employer. There are more worker-oriented companies and well, less pleasant ones. So be sure to browse company reviews before you apply. 

What degree do you need to work at a dispensary?

Most dispensaries don’t require you to have a degree, just a high school diploma or GED certificate. Many locations also have higher enrolled undergrad students for part-time jobs. Surely having a relevant degree in biology, botany, nursing, or another health-related field can boost your chances of getting hired. But not having one won’t be a deal-breaker either. 

How much do dispensary budtenders make?

Since budtender is essentially a retail job, the compensation isn’t that high for entry-level workers. Most budtenders earn between $12-$24 per hour or around $34,000 annually . Certainly, some states and individual employers pay better compensation (up to $50,000). But higher paid jobs require either several years of relevant work experience or extra training/degree. 

Do budtenders get paid in cash?

No, most likely your employer will put you on payroll and pay the salary into your bank account (as it’s easier for them in terms of compliance and taxes). Smaller vendors may, however, offer cash payments. But this is a less common scenario. 

What should I wear to a dispensary interview?

If you are after a customer-facing job, your best bet is to dress in smart casual. No need to done a suit or formal dress, but try to look put together. If you are wearing slacks and a tee, make sure both are fresh and non-wrinkled. Overall, most dispensaries are pretty chill about how their staff looks as long as they appear presentable. 

Other Cover Letter Samples

Cover letter example for operations manager, a memorable receptionist cover letter example, savvy sales representative cover letter example, a lovely nanny cover letter example.

A huge collection of cover letters created by a ninja team of writers and career advisors. Learn how to write, style and file cover letters that employers actually enjoy reading.

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Just Cover Letters

Cover Letter for a Dispensary

A dispensary is a place where patients can go to receive medical marijuana. A dispensary is different than a doctor’s office because a doctor’s office can only prescribe marijuana, whereas a dispensary can sell marijuana.

In order to open a dispensary, you will need to get a license from the state in which you plan to open the dispensary. You will also need to get a license from the local government. In addition, you will need to have a business plan and security plan.

Cover Letter for a Dispensary

A cover letter is a great opportunity to introduce yourself to a dispensary and explain why you would be a great candidate for the position. It can also highlight your relevant experience and skills.

Dear dispensary manager,

I am writing to apply for the open dispensary position. I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications that you are looking for.

I have experience working in a dispensary and have a deep understanding of the products and services that you offer. I am passionate about helping patients find the right products and services to meet their needs.

I am confident that I can be an asset to your team and would be grateful if you could consider me for the position. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at _ .

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Senders Name]

Cover letters are an essential part of the job application process. They are your opportunity to introduce yourself to a potential employer and explain why you are the best candidate for the job. When applying for a dispensary position, it is important to make sure your cover letter is tailored to the specific role and includes relevant experience and skills.

In your cover letter, be sure to highlight any experience you have working with cannabis patients or in the dispensary industry.

  • Keep it Short
  • Introduce Yourself
  • Mention Your Qualifications
  • State the Position You’re Applying For
  • Explain Why You Want the Job
  • Include Your Contact Information

In conclusion, a cover letter is an essential part of any job application. When applying for a dispensary, be sure to highlight your customer service skills, knowledge of the product, and experience in the medical field. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Standard Cover Letter for Resume

How to Write a Cannabis Cover Letter

The cannabis industry employed over 211,000 Americans with full-time jobs as of March 2019. While once an illicit market, cannabis is now an industry darling, providing careers to scores of individuals. In this nascent space, applicants have the opportunity to establish themselves as early leaders, crafting lucrative careers for themselves in the process. 

Today, much of the market relies on word-of-mouth to hire a person. This is often attributed to the ongoing grey area the market finds itself in. With an illicit, outlaw mindset still justifiably in place, many employers hire just as much on talent and interest as they do a co-sign from a trusted cannabis community source. 

That said, the times are indeed a-changing. Colleges and universities are offering majors and minors in cannabis. Soon, college-educated students will enter the job market with their resumes in tow, further demonstrating that marijuana is becoming a legitimate industry like any other. 

Whether just leaving college or any other scenario, it’s wise to start having a cannabis resume on hand. And as the recent job market has shown, any good resume must come with a cover letter.

How to Write a Cannabis Cover Letter 

Writing a cover letter for the cannabis industry won’t vary much from one geared towards any other sector. In general, it is recommended that applicants follow these broad rules: 

  • Keep your cover well letter under a page : Cover letters should serve as a glimpse into what you and your resume are about. Remember that it should be a snapshot and not the full story. An extended essay is likely to turn off hiring managers who may see hundreds of applicants, especially in an in-demand space like cannabis. Instead of a full page, aim for two to four concise paragraphs. Explain who you are, as well as your interest and experience in the field. 
  • Use suitable business language : Cannabis can be a laid back industry. That remains true today despite the maturing market. That said, even if the hiring company is more laid back, it’s a smart approach to side with caution. Keep the “hey”s and slang for later interactions when you get a feel for the company beyond its brand statement. 
  • Edit and spell check thoroughly before sending : Spelling errors are near immediate dealbreakers for hiring managers. If an applicant isn’t thorough enough to edit a letter they are using to get a job, how can a company feel confident this person will perform their duties at the level needed? Unless an applicant has a medical difficulty that limits their ability to spot editorial issues, there is little to no exception for any lapses in a cover letter. 
  • Account for the company’s wants: Using appropriate business language is one thing. However, altering the style of your cover letter to meet the desires of the hiring company is entirely different. Adhere to the requests in the job posting. This could include using more common terminology, as could it extend to formatting, additional information wanted and other standard cover letter demands to pay attention to. 

Sample Cannabis Cover Letter

With the standard rules in mind, job applicants may want to consider using the following cover letter as a template (notes are included in the key below): 

  Dear [Hiring manager’s name or Company’s hiring department] (1),

I recently saw your listing seeking a [Job title] with [Company]. With interest in [One or two personality or industry traits the listing mentioned] (2) and desire to work in [Field], I am submitting my resume for consideration. 

My training and accomplishments in [Key area of the job], have provided me with the expertise and credentials to [Reiterate a fundamental job requirement or two]. For example, my work achievements include [One to two short sentences on applicable career highlights] (3).

I know that [Company] has a reputation as a leader in [Sector or service] (4). I hope that my credentials and interest in your company and the industry serve as an indication of how I can help in this role (5).

Thank you (6),

Sample Cover Letter Key

  • Search for the hiring manager on the job listing, the company’s website or LinkedIn. Finding the manager’s name may help demonstrate your desire to land the job and learn about the business. 
  • Look for the essential credentials or requirements the listing mentions. If it doesn’t have any, search the company’s website for common traits discussed. Or, use your best judgment from the listing to determine which characteristics to mention. 
  • Apply rules from Footnote #2
  • Apply rules from Footnote #1
  • Highlights can come from college or other education if an applicant is currently studying or graduated in the past few years or less. Otherwise, consider omitting these achievements. 
  • Other greetings like “Sincerely” and “Best wishes” are often mentioned. This is subjective, and applicants should use any acceptable business phrase they feel sees fit. 

Most Common Cannabis Job Listings 

Keep in mind that as the industry matures, just about every job in the workforce can and will be replicated in the cannabis space. According to the popular job search platform Monster , these are some of the jobs frequently posted on its site:

  • Bud Trimmer 
  • Budtender 
  • Extraction Technician 
  • Dispensary Manager 
  • Edibles Chef

These roles represent just the tip of the career iceberg in cannabis. Other careers are emerging in sales, from seed to point-of-sale technology to CBD. The demand for lab testing is on the rise in numerous states. As are legal expert roles, with compliance serving as a critical need in the space. 

Soon enough, these roles and a myriad of others will be ripe for the taking, as we are just getting a taste of what’s likely to come. Those looking to enter the space should be getting out in the field, making a name for themselves, while also sharpening up their resumes and cover letters. 

The biggest hurdle to landing that dream cannabis job? Finding the right education for the industry. 

Stand out from the pack and learn more about the Green Flower Cannabis Fundamentals Certificate Program today.

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Budtender Cover Letter Example

Elena Prokopets

If you don’t think you need a cover letter and resume for a budtender position, think again. You can’t just walk into a dispensary and announce your candidacy. Why? Because most medical marijuana dispensaries have become big businesses and run a formal hiring process for hiring new employees. Plus, there are certain compliance regulations they must meet too.  

In general, you have to assume that dispensary managers and owners want people on the front lines to know all about marijuana – the types, the various products, the hybrids, the paraphernalia, and more. They also want budtenders who are “people persons” —  amicable and helpful, so that customers want to return. After all, the competition is growing out there.

Your resume should provide all the details of your educational background about cannabis, your work experience that relates to marijuana production and/or sales, and any successes you have had in the field of person-to-person sales.

Once you have polished that resume, you are ready to re-focus on your cover letter. Take a look at the budtender cover letter sample below and use it as you “plug in” your own information.

Budtender Cover Letter Example (Word version)

budtender cover letter example for dispensaries job

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Budtender Cover Letter Sample (text version)

I understand you’re looking for another budtender for MJ Store and I think I would be a great fit. In fact, Jim Jackson, who works for you now, recommended me to apply. 

In my attached resume, I list many things I can bring to the table, but here is a more succinct summary of why I’m a good fit for the position. 

In 2020, I completed my budtender certification from Cannabis Training University. The specific courses are detailed in my resume. I then worked for a grower in Colorado for three years. He grew Indica, Sativa, and several hybrids which were then sold to dispensaries all over the state.

I have two years of budtending experience at Grassroots and have grown a loyal customer base of 50+ who always come to me when they shop, for any type of bud, edibles, gummies, and more. Also, I was selected to do the product presentation alongside the management at the Grow Tradefest and Business Expo in Lake Ozark, MO last September. 

My budtending coursework, my hands-on experience with growing, and my continuing education on new trends and products will bring a good level of expertise to your operations. 

I’d love to talk with you about your opening and what I can bring to your business. Give me a call and let’s set up a time.

Sincerely, Shelly Martin

How to Write a Budtender Cover Letter

The letter above is a solid starting point for your writing. But you are probably wondering how to mimic a similar voice and structure. Below are our tips. 

Use Casual Tone 

You aren’t applying for a position with a bank. Cannabis is a more casual industry and those who work in it are generally younger and more down-to-earth. Yes, you want a cover letter that presents your unique background and qualifications. But you want the style and tone to be like that of your reader. 

Think about how you usually talk to the shop visitors — more like a knowledgable buddy, rather than an imposing mentor, right? Try to adopt the same tone in your cover letter as well.  

Provide Proof of Your Knowledge

Don’t just use industry jargon. To get hired as a budtender, you must demonstrate the knowledge a manager or owner looks for. They don’t want to spend a lot of time training you about all of the products, the potency, etc. The letter above provides such proof — a certification, your growing experience, deep product knowledge, etc.

Be Factual About Sales Successes

The letter above speaks to 50+ loyal customers. This is substantial for most dispensaries and shows that the applicant can establish a good rapport with the clientele and perhaps even bring some of their past buyers to the new location. Given the growing competition among dispensaries, this is a huge plus. 

New to the industry? Don’t worry either. Show how your past achievements in other types of sales can be adapted to the cannabis industry.   

Be Assertive About an Interview

Don’t call it an interview in the cover letter. Instead, give a call to action. The statement, “ give me a call, and let’s set up a time ” is a good example of such.

Here are some other call-to-actions to use for a cover letter:

  • I’m excited to learn more about your business and growing techniques. How about scheduling a quick lunch interview?
  • Let’s catch up some time this week to further discuss the suggestion about X I’ve mentioned. 
  • If you still have questions, do reach out via email or phone. I’m also available for a quick meetup on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. 

Final Thoughts: Casual Does Not Mean Bad Grammar is Okay

While you may use some industry jargon and want a casual tone, you still want to be sound professional. And that means that your grammar, spelling, and punctuation must be correct. You never know when a reader may be a stickler for decent writing  — don’t take the chance. Review your cover letter meticulously.

Elena Prokopets

Elena runs content operations at Freesumes since 2017. She works closely with copywriters, designers, and invited career experts to ensure that all content meets our highest editorial standards. Up to date, she wrote over 200 career-related pieces around resume writing, career advice... more

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2+ Budtender No Experience Cover Letter Examples

Need help writing a top notch budtender cover letter? Get these 2+ budtender no experience cover letter examples and make your best first impression.

budtender no experience cover letter examples

If you’re looking for a job as a budtender, but you don’t have any work experience, fear not: you’ll find 2 examples of stellar budtender cover letters with no experience here. Study up, and get ready to write the perfect cover letter to land you your dream job!

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Budtender No Experience Cover Letter Example #!

Dear hiring manager,

Hello! I’m excited to be submitting my application for the budtender position at Smith Brothers Dispensary, which I found advertised on your Instagram. As a customer, I’ve always found that Smith Brothers provides a higher level of customer service than your competitors, and I’d love to contribute to that tradition as the team’s newest budtender.

While I don’t have experience as a budtender, I do have customer service experience through previous retail positions. Through these experiences, I understand the balance between providing excellent customer service and ensuring that the customer receives what they’re looking for – even if that isn’t necessarily what they were asking for. For example, a customer recently asked to purchase a specific brand of tent for a camping trip. After speaking with him about the trip and his needs, I identified the correct type of tent and explained why it would work better for him. He came back after his trip to personally thank me for the recommendation – exactly why I love customer service jobs!

I’ve already learned so much about the cannabis industry from Smith Brothers, and I know I’d only learn more as a budtender at the dispensary. I’m so excited about the opportunity to continue to learn and improve my customer service skills in this position.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration. Please find my resume attached, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Melissa Grant

Budtender No Experience Cover Letter Example #2

I’m pleased to submit my application for the budtender position at Smith Brothers Dispensary, which I found advertised on your website. I’ve been interested in the cannabis industry for several years now, and I think that working as a budtender will allow me to expand my industry and product knowledge. I’m very excited at the prospect of helping to grow Smith Brothers, by welcoming new clients, fostering relationships with current regulars, and assisting with shop maintenance and upkeep.

I’ve always considered myself to be a people person, and I know that my easy style of communication and ability to make connections with others will be a massive asset to my work at Smith Brothers. My friends have always said that I could make friends with anyone, anywhere, and that’s something I’m very proud of. I love the idea of welcoming clients into the dispensary, getting to know them and their needs, and recommending products from there. People have often said that I put them at ease, and I think that’s an important trait for a budtender to have – I wouldn’t want potential clients to feel overwhelmed or awkward, because I genuinely love meeting new people and helping others.

Smith Brothers has quickly become my go-to dispensary because of your top-tier customer service. I’d love to help contribute to that environment!

Thank you so much for your time and consideration. Please find my resume attached, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Anthony Hart

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  • Cover letter for dispensary assistant

In this article, we will provide examples of cover letters for a dispensary assistant position. A cover letter is an essential part of the job application process as it allows you to introduce yourself, highlight your qualifications, and express your interest in the position. By following these examples, you can create a compelling cover letter that will help you stand out from other applicants.

Whether you have previous experience in a similar role or are looking to start a career in the cannabis industry, these cover letter examples will guide you in crafting a professional and effective letter that showcases your skills and enthusiasm for the job.

Letter Example 1:

Letter example 2:, suggestions for writing a cover letter for a dispensary assistant, conclusions, q: how should i address the hiring manager in my cover letter, q: should i include my previous experience in the cannabis industry in my cover letter, q: how long should my cover letter be, q: can i use a template for my cover letter, examples of cover letters for a dispensary assistant.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the dispensary assistant position at [Company Name]. With my strong background in customer service and my passion for the cannabis industry, I believe I would be an asset to your team.

In my previous role as a customer service representative, I developed excellent communication and problem-solving skills, which I believe are crucial in providing exceptional service to dispensary customers. I am familiar with different cannabis products and strains and have a deep understanding of their effects and benefits. I am also knowledgeable about current regulations and laws surrounding cannabis use.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name]'s mission of providing high-quality products and outstanding customer service. I am confident that my skills, experience, and passion for the cannabis industry make me a strong candidate for this position. Thank you for considering my application.

Dear [Company Name] Hiring Team,

I am writing to apply for the dispensary assistant position advertised on [Job Board/Company Website]. As someone with a strong interest in cannabis and its medicinal benefits, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your dispensary's mission of providing safe and effective products to patients.

With my previous experience in customer service and my knowledge of cannabis strains and products, I believe I would excel in this role. I am confident in my ability to provide excellent customer service, educate patients about different products, and ensure a positive and safe experience for everyone who visits the dispensary.

I am eager to become a part of [Company Name]'s team and contribute to its success. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to the growth and success of your dispensary.

Best regards,

  • Research the company and tailor your letter to their specific needs and values.
  • Highlight your relevant skills and experience, such as customer service, knowledge of cannabis products, and adherence to regulations.
  • Show enthusiasm and passion for the cannabis industry.
  • Proofread your letter for any grammatical or spelling errors.

Writing a strong cover letter is an essential step in the job application process for a dispensary assistant position. By following the examples provided and incorporating the suggested tips, you can create a compelling letter that showcases your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role.

A: It is best to address the hiring manager by their name if it is provided in the job posting or by doing some research. If the name is not available, you can address the letter to "Hiring Manager" or "Dear [Company Name] Hiring Team."

A: Yes, if you have previous experience in the cannabis industry, it is beneficial to highlight it in your cover letter. This shows your familiarity with the industry and can make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

A: A cover letter should generally be one page in length. It should be concise and focused, highlighting your key qualifications and why you are interested in the position.

A: While using a template can be helpful to guide your writing, it is important to personalize the letter and tailor it to the specific job and company you are applying to. Avoid using generic templates without customizing them to fit your qualifications and the job requirements.

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