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Essay on Go Green for Students and Children in 1000 Words

June 18, 2020 by ReadingJunction 1 Comment

Essay on Go Green for Students and Children in 1000 Words

In this article, you will read an Essay on Go Green for students and children in 1000 words. This includes what effort needs to save earth , its importance, precautions, and 10 lines on Go green.

So, Lets start this Go Green Essay for Students…

Table of Contents

Introduction (Essay on Go Green)

Nowadays, many people are thinking about environmental issues and the environmental condition of the Earth.

Why has this issue become so relevant? What do we need to do to protect our future?

People understand that their irresponsibility hurts the natural environment. Our planet suffers from many problems, which result from excessive human activity.

The entire planet is suffering from pollution , global warming , deforestation , and endangering wildlife species. These problems are very relevant and require fast and comprehensive solutions.

The solution for these problems is the change in the attitude of mankind towards nature and the natural resources that are being used unrestrictedly. People have to value the environment and nature for their survival. Put, people should go green to save the Earth.

What efforts we should take to go green and save our earth?

We cannot grow a forest within a year; people understand that. But very few people are taking the important steps to change their lifestyle, which will affect the environment in a few decades.

People need to be more educated about the harm that is being done to the environment and the planet earth because of industrialization and pollution.

We should encourage people to plant trees that will grow in ten to fifteen years. Even though our generation might not enjoy this, but our future generation will. It’s like investing in a small firm which develops into an enormous company and will provide profits.

Educating people, the consequences of deforestation, and polluting the water bodies should be done on a large scale, which is possible in this age of the digital world. Every year the average temperature of the planet is rising due to global warming. We should encourage people to use energy-saving appliances, turn off the lights when not required, turn off the taps to avoid water waste age, and drive less.

We need to use more public transport as it does not release any harmful gases that can cause the greenhouse effect and global warming. Subsequently, industrialists must use special filters in plants, factories, and power plants to reduce the number of toxic emissions in air and water. Also, people should stop cutting trees as they are the lungs of the planet.

Consideration of Future Generations by Go green mission

For the wellbeing of the future generation comprising our children and grandchildren, it is the responsibility of the current generation to take care of the environment and not create problems that will be a burden for the future generation.

Many people have thought about why they should think about the planet as they will not be alive till then, and it is a problem for the future generation to solve.

Precautions to take for Go green

Public transportation provides a significant chance to integrate with the community and know your colleagues better too. Also think to buy organic foods and make an organic meal beneficial for both human and environment.

Use natural light instead of the fluorescent light bulbs, which consume more energy. Before leaving the office, see that we switch all your computers and the lights off. Encourage people to recycle and use eco-friendly products.

People don’t care what will happen, and if there is any problem, future generations will solve it. This thinking results from greediness and consumerism.

People have become greedy by nature and value only their comfort. For this comfortable life, nature is being exploited by the current generation, and the future generation will face the effects of this.

It is a little ridiculous to think people are destroying the forest and polluting the rivers so they can gain profit. Even though people require fresh air and water to survive, they do not appreciate it, which is provided by the forest.

But nowadays, many companies have become environmentally conscious and encouraging their employees to be more environmentally friendly. The companies are arranging activities like planting trees, collecting plastics, arranging seminars for employees to increase their knowledge regarding the environment and forests.

10 Lines on Go Green

  • Offices are going paperless; more and more work is being done on a computer. With introducing the cloud, people can share their work with their colleagues through this.
  • The greenest way to reduce energy consumption is to switch off the lights when not in use.
  • Before opting for the recycling , see if you can re-use the substance. For example, printing on both sides of the paper or re-using scrap paper for taking notes.
  • Another way of going green is recycling.
  • If possible, it will cut unnecessary travel, save money, and consume petrol and diesel, which is one of the principal reasons for air pollution . Nowadays, meetings are conducted with the help of the various video apps available.
  • Water needs to be spared at any cost. Use only one bucket of water while taking a bath. Plus, you can also use dual flush toilets or water-saving devices at your homes.
  • If possible, use public transport or share cars while commuting towards the office.
  • Bring your lunch to the office in a reusable box instead of ordering and eating packaged foods.
  • Rainwater harvesting is another option through which you can collect the water and use it for watering the lawns and gardens.
  • Encourage everyone near you to keep the city and your neighborhood clean and green.

As you can learn from the above points, there are many ways to go green, which are easy to follow and have many advantages for mankind and the environment. If you care about the future generation and of planet earth and want to make a difference, follow the above suggestions.

If we don’t stop this unwise activity, we will lose many priceless natural resources like freshwater, fresh air, plants, animals, birds, fish, etc. If people do not change their lifestyle, this will lead to deforestation and global warming, leading to the destruction of this planet. Hence it is necessary for this generation to go green to save the planet for the future generation.

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July 5, 2021 at 6:02 am

any go green topics to be send me to educate people.

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Essay on Keep the Earth Clean and Green

Students are often asked to write an essay on Keep the Earth Clean and Green in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Keep the Earth Clean and Green


Keeping the Earth clean and green is our duty. It means reducing pollution and waste while promoting a healthy environment.

Importance of Cleanliness

A clean Earth promotes good health. It reduces the spread of diseases, making our world safer.

Importance of Greenery

Greenery absorbs carbon dioxide, reducing global warming. It also provides habitat for wildlife.

We can plant trees, recycle, and reduce waste. Every small action helps.

Keeping our Earth clean and green is essential. It ensures a healthier and safer future for everyone.

250 Words Essay on Keep the Earth Clean and Green

Our planet Earth, the blue gem of our solar system, is the only known celestial body that supports life. It is our collective responsibility to keep it clean and green, ensuring the survival of the multitude of species it houses, including us.

The Importance of a Clean and Green Earth

A clean and green Earth is not merely an aesthetic ideal. It is a necessity for the survival and well-being of all life forms. A clean environment reduces the spread of diseases, while a green environment helps to maintain biodiversity and balance in the ecosystem.

Our Role in Keeping the Earth Clean and Green

As humans, we have a significant role in maintaining the cleanliness and greenery of our planet. We can accomplish this through simple actions like reducing, reusing, and recycling waste, planting more trees, using renewable energy sources, and promoting sustainable living.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite the apparent simplicity of these actions, implementing them on a global scale is a colossal challenge. The key to overcoming this lies in education and awareness. By spreading knowledge about the importance and methods of keeping the Earth clean and green, we can motivate people to take action.

In conclusion, keeping the Earth clean and green is a shared responsibility that we must all undertake. Through conscious efforts and sustainable practices, we can ensure a healthier and more balanced ecosystem for future generations. Let us remember that we do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.

500 Words Essay on Keep the Earth Clean and Green

The imperative of keeping the earth clean and green.

In the face of an escalating global environmental crisis, the call to keep the Earth clean and green has never been more urgent. This essay elucidates the importance of maintaining a clean and green environment, the challenges we face, and the potential solutions to these challenges.

A clean and green Earth is the bedrock of human survival. Cleanliness ensures the absence of harmful pollutants that can damage our health and biodiversity. Greenery, on the other hand, plays a pivotal role in mitigating the impact of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas.

The green spaces also provide habitats for a myriad of species, thereby preserving biodiversity. They contribute to our mental well-being, providing spaces for relaxation and recreation, and contribute to the aesthetic beauty of our planet.

The Challenges

Despite the clear benefits, our Earth is under siege. Rampant deforestation, pollution from industrial waste, plastic pollution, and excessive carbon emissions are pushing Earth’s ecosystems to their limits. The adverse effects include climate change, species extinction, and deteriorating human health.

The challenge is exacerbated by the fact that the damage is often invisible or delayed, leading to a lack of urgency in addressing these issues. Additionally, the problem is systemic, intertwined with our economic and political systems that prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability.

Potential Solutions

The solutions to these challenges require a multifaceted approach. At the individual level, we can reduce, reuse, and recycle to limit waste production. We can also adopt more sustainable lifestyles, such as using public transportation, eating less meat, and using renewable energy sources.

However, individual actions, while important, are not enough. Systemic changes are needed. Governments and corporations must prioritize sustainability. This could mean implementing strict environmental regulations, investing in renewable energy, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Education is also a key solution. By instilling a sense of environmental stewardship in future generations, we can ensure that they will make decisions that prioritize the health of our planet.

The call to keep the Earth clean and green is a call to safeguard our future. It is a call that requires us to rethink our relationship with the Earth, to transition from exploiters to stewards. It is a monumental task, but with concerted effort at all levels – individual, societal, and systemic – it is a task that we can accomplish. The future of our planet depends on it.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on How to Keep Our Surroundings Clean
  • Essay on Green Earth Clean Earth
  • Essay on Clean Mumbai Green Mumbai

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Essay on Save Earth: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words

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  • Nov 11, 2023

Essay On Save Earth

There is a popular saying that goes, ’You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Well, then why harm the planet that is providing for you?’ We all should know that our planet Earth is the only planet where life can exist. Our planet provides us with basic necessities such as water, air, food to eat, and much more. So if you want to save our planet Earth for yourself and for the coming future generations then do give this blog a read. Today we will be talking about how you can save your planet Earth by taking all the required measures. We have also listed some sample essay on Save Earth which will help you to talk about the same in public. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why is Saving Earth so Important?
  • 2 Essay on Save Earth in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Save Earth in 150 Words
  • 4 Essay on Save Earth in 200 Words

Why is Saving Earth so Important?

Our planet Earth is the only planet that provides us with raw materials, oxygen, food which we need for fuel, and other essential materials.  

There are a number of reasons why saving the Earth is so important:

  • Our Earth is the only planet that supports life. Despite signs of organic molecules and water on other planets and moons, life is only known to exist on Earth. There would be nowhere else for us to go if not Earth.
  • Our Earth provides us with basic necessities such as medicine, food, clean water, and air to breathe. 
  • The combustion of fossil fuels releases harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which traps heat and warms the earth. Rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and more extreme weather events are just a few of the negative effects of climate change that are already being felt.

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Essay on Save Earth in 100 Words

The only planet in the cosmos that is known to sustain life is Earth. Since it is our home, we must take care of it.

There are numerous reasons why protecting the planet is crucial. To begin with, it is our only place of residence. There won’t be somewhere else for us to go if we destroy Earth. Second, Earth gives us food, water, air, and shelter—everything we require to survive. Third, a wide variety of biodiversity exists on Earth, which is vital to human health.

Unfortunately, the health of Earth is being threatened by human activity. Among the difficulties we confront are deforestation, pollution, and climate change.

To save the Earth, we can all do our part. Here are some actions you may take:

  • Cut back on the use of fossil fuels. Make more of an effort to walk or bike, drive less, and take public transit wherever you can.
  • Make the switch to alternative energy sources like wind and solar energy.
  • At home, use less energy and water.
  • Reduce trash via composting and recycling.
  • Encourage companies and groups that are engaged in environmental protection.

Both our own life and the survival of future generations depend on saving the planet. We can contribute to ensuring that our planet is healthy and habitable for many years to come by acting now.

Also Read: Essay on Save Environment: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words

Essay on Save Earth in 150 Words

Since the Earth is our home, it is up to us to preserve it. However, the health of the planet is in danger due to human activity. Among the difficulties we confront are deforestation, pollution, and climate change.

The most important environmental issue of our day is climate change. Greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, which causes the earth to warm. Among the detrimental repercussions of climate change that are already being felt are rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and an increase in extreme weather occurrences.

Pollution poses a serious threat to Earth as well. Among the materials we use to damage the air, water, and land are chemicals, plastics, and trash. Not only can pollution harm humans and wildlife, but it can also ruin ecosystems.

Deforestation is another issue. In this, the trees are removed and instead, buildings are constructed.  Forests filter water in addition to providing habitat for species and regulating the climate. Deforestation is one of the primary causes of both climate change and biodiversity loss.

We must take action to safeguard Earth from these threats. We can potentially reduce our carbon footprint by switching to renewable energy sources and consuming less energy. We can also reduce pollution by using less plastic, recycling, and composting. We can also safeguard forests by planting trees and promoting sustainable forestry practices.

Preserving the planet is essential for our own existence as well as that of future generations. To keep our world safe, each of us has a responsibility.

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Essay on Save Earth in 200 Words

The only planet in the solar system where humanity can survive is Earth. Since our planet gives us access to fundamental essentials like clean water, fresh air, and food to eat, it is our duty as humans to make sure that it is habitable for future generations.

We can see that, among all the urgent problems, one of the most significant ones that affect humanity is climate change. Among the detrimental repercussions of climate change that are already being felt are rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and an increase in extreme weather occurrences.

Pollution is another major problem. The majority of the materials that are key to pollution of the air, water, and land are harmful chemicals, plastics that are carelessly thrown away, and other materials. This is not only harmful to humans and wildlife but also to the environment. 

Deforestation is the third main issue; it is the removal of trees for construction or other purposes, like agriculture. One of the main contributors to both climate change and biodiversity loss is deforestation. Consequently, we need to act to defend Earth from these dangers. 

We hope this essay on Save Earth helped you with some knowledge of some of the pressing issues we face on a daily basis and what we can do to save our planet. 

Related Articles

We can conserve the globe by avoiding contamination of the Earth and its natural resources, including the air and water.

Reducing carbon emissions is the first step towards saving our planet. This can be done by using environmentally friendly resources, conserving water and following the Reduce, Reuse and Recycling practices.

Clearing forest areas for agricultural, human settlement or any other commercial activities is known as deforestation.

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay-writing page and follow Leverage Edu ! 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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How I Would Clean the Earth Analytical Essay

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Issues facing the world

Involving the youth, how to clean the earth, recommendation, works cited.

The world is continually advancing in technology and other areas of life such as businesses, and e-commerce, among others. However, this does not reflect on its steps towards being eco-friendly.

Instead, the world is becoming polluted at an alarming rate, which in turn contributes to various health problems. In addition, the world is suffering from the effects of global warming, which is increasingly causing unpredictable weather. This has contributed to various devastating calamities such as global warming, famine, among others, on the world population.

This raises the need to save our world by trying to solve these challenges. Various organizations around the world have credited global warming with a series of devastating calamities throughout the world. For instance, The Pentagon believes that pollution and its effects in global warming, famine, among other calamities are the destabilizing force in the world as people seek for limited resources.

This is mainly because a polluted world leads to climatic changes, which are closely linked to economic stability as well as security of energy. This paper will try to explore ways of cleaning the earth to make it a better place for the present and future generations (Cleanuptheworld.org. 1).

The world is faced with several issues that need immediate attention. These range from global warming, famine, earthquakes, inadequate drinking water, drought, overcrowding, and increased spread of diseases, among others. Most of these issues have been attributed to our way of living. In fact, some of these issues can be avoided if we could take care of our world.

In essence cleaning our world is an instrumental step towards saving it from harsh calamities such as tornadoes and spread of diseases. To do this, every party needs to be involved. This includes the society, to ensure that their aspirations of a green earth are met. Cleaning the world is a collective responsibility that should encompass every group of people.

This should include the youth, organizations, government institutions, universities, schools, corporate businesses, private sectors, among others. When this is done effectively, pollution of our environment would be greatly reduced, in the process helping in reducing transmission of waterborne diseases, natural calamities, and conflicts, among others.

For, this reason, it is important that cleaning of our world be done regularly to help save it for future generations. Moreover, for this to succeed, youths should be involved. This is mainly because they will suffer from the symptoms of emerging calamities named above. Furthermore, their children will also be affected, and they have the energy to make these changes (VanderMey 58).

Youths are usually instrumental in almost every activity of the society. This is mainly because they posses the energy and numbers required to perform this cause. Educating the youth on how to ensure cleanliness of their environs is critical to survival of future generations. The bible states clearly that cleanliness is next to godliness. This phrase has had a great impact in our society as people try to explore its significance.

In essence, even as we move forward in technologies, social development as well as in our steps with Christ. It is our responsibility to care for the environment. The youth, especially, have a mandate to ensure our world is clean. In this regard, it is important not only to clean the earth during the earth-cleaning day, but also to be aware of our environment and keep it safe.

Another reason why we need to save our environment and clean our world is to protect the lives of endangered species. The changing climates are posing great danger to animals and plants as famine and drought ravage them respectively (Cleanuptheworld.org. 1).

For all the advances that have been made, the worlds still suffers greatly from pollution and careless disposal of wastes that now threaten our very survival. Some of these problems are avoidable, if care can be taken to ensure safe disposal of wastes as well as regular cleaning of our environment.

This will mitigate spread of diseases, effects of global warming, drought and instead improve lives of inhabitants of the earth. There are many ways through which, individuals and organizations can clean up the world. These include buying recyclable products, preparing vegetarian meals fewer times a week.

Others include wise disposal of wastes, cleaning our compounds, among others. This paper will focus mainly on those that affect our youths and that require changes. These include, cleaning our compounds, disposing both recyclable and unrecyclable wastes wisely and safely.

Buying recycled products to help clean our world. Ensuring that we completely use up our clothes before buying new ones and other related materials. In addition, youths need to participate in eco-friendly projects such as tree planting programs, sensitization of the society on importance of conserving our environment as well as cleaning it (VanderMey 58).

These programs are very important in helping to cleanup the world. Moreover, youths should take a significant step to educate the world on health risks and calamities associated with a dirty world.

They should also ensure that they take the initiative to clean streets and other environs during earth clean up day, which usually takes place every third weekend of September. In addition, they should also be proactive to initiating other projects aimed at cleaning the world wherever they are regularly.

This is a call to all the youths in the world, because the repercussions of our mistakes will affect all living things on earth. Every group of individuals has a responsibility of saving our world from pollution. In fact, every organization as well as businesses should adopt eco-friendly methods of production, and waste disposal.

For instance, use of recyclable papers to print in offices and other departments should be adopted to save our trees. In all these, the youth, who form the majority of populations in the world, need to be actively involved in cleaning our world. If this is achieved, then most of the world’s goals will be achieved (VanderMey 58).

Most people keep blaming our governments for global warming due to release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. However, even though this is true and should be condemned, our people also need to save their environs from destruction. Cleaning the world is for everyone and should therefore a collective responsibility.

As much as this may be difficult, everyone should do something to clean the world. This starts from simple disposal of wastes to e-commerce, paperless banking, buying of recycled products and reducing carbon emissions, among others. Polluted environment poses hazardous risks to life on earth.

In fact, some calamities have been attributed to a polluted world. These include global warming, drought, famine, economic instability, conflicts among other problems. Countries should therefore ensure that such problems are mitigated on, to promote a better world for the present and future generations (Cleanuptheworld.org. 1).

The modern world is currently faced with various environmental issues that need immediate attention. These range from global warming, famine, earthquakes, inadequate drinking water, drought, and overcrowding, increased spread of diseases, among others. Most of these issues have been attributed to our way of living.

In fact, some of these issues can be avoided if we could take care of our world. This cannot be achieved fully, if everyone looks on governments to reduce fuel emissions. In fact, as much as the governments work towards reducing environmental pollution, steps should be taken by the society to clean their environment.

As has been stated above, this should be done through, among others, actively involving the youth in cleaning our world, buying of recycled and recyclable products such as printing papers, and computers. Other methods include using electronic mails, to save our trees, paperless banking, participating in regular tree planting programs, among others (Parashar 1).

More Youths should be actively involved in cleaning the world since they form the majority of the earth’s population and are strong agents of change. Institutions should also adopt paperless banking as well as e-messages and learning to save our trees. In addition, more people should participate in world earth day to clean the world. It should also be noted that even without waiting for earth cleaning day, people should ensure that their environs are clean (Mika Community Development 1).

Cleanuptheworld.org. “Put Your Group on the 2011 Global Environmental Map!” Cleanuptheworld. 2011. Web.

Mika Community Development. “Youth Development”. mikacdc. 2011. Web.

Parashar, Utpal. “Nepal: Cleaning the world’s highest garbage dump”. Hindustan Times . 2011. Web.

VanderMey, Randall, et al., eds. “The College Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching. 2nd ed”. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 5). How I Would Clean the Earth. https://ivypanda.com/essays/how-i-would-clean-the-earth/

"How I Would Clean the Earth." IvyPanda , 5 June 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/how-i-would-clean-the-earth/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'How I Would Clean the Earth'. 5 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "How I Would Clean the Earth." June 5, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/how-i-would-clean-the-earth/.

1. IvyPanda . "How I Would Clean the Earth." June 5, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/how-i-would-clean-the-earth/.


IvyPanda . "How I Would Clean the Earth." June 5, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/how-i-would-clean-the-earth/.

  • Essay On Save Earth

Save Earth Essay

500+ words essay on save earth.

Taking care of our Earth is no longer an option – it is a necessity. There is no other alternative planet where life is possible other than Earth. Since the beginning of our existence, we have exploited nature by cutting innumerable trees to build infrastructure and killing animals for food. We have extracted minerals, crystals, and gems from the womb of the Earth. We have taken and used whatever natural wealth there is to take and are now facing the grave consequences of nature’s pushback. We must realise that the Earth’s resources are not limitless. They are depleting fast, and this threatens our existence on the planet that we call home. Thus, it’s crucial that we should take care of and save Mother Earth. This essay on ‘Save Earth’ will help us to understand the current condition of our planet and what measures we can take to save Earth. We have also compiled a list of CBSE Essays for students to boost their essay-writing skills.

Alarming Situation of Earth

The Earth has reached an alarming state. It’s high time for us to take action. Human activities have impacted the atmosphere and climate conditions of the Earth. It has had such an impact that the seasons have shifted. Now, there is a delay in the monsoon. The summer is becoming too hot and glaciers are melting. The sea level is rising, and aquatic life is on the verge of extinction. Pollution is increasing, and the air quality is getting worse day by day. The water is getting polluted, and the noise level is rising, due to which most of the people are getting ill. Global warming and the greenhouse effect are the results of human activities, which are now causing threats to human life itself. So, if we are not going to act now, then it will be too late, and till then, the existence of life on Earth will end.

Different Ways to Save Earth

To save Earth, we all have to come up together to make a difference. One person can not make up the difference, but we all together can do the miracle. We have to take care of small things in our daily routines, such as switching off the lights when not in need, closing the tap and using the water properly, and avoiding the use of plastic and non-biodegradable material at home. We should focus on solar and renewable sources of energy, such as solar heaters and panels. Take out the private vehicle or car only when required and prefer using public transport.

We should try to educate other people about the alarming situation on Earth and guide them on how they can contribute to saving the Earth. For this, various campaigns or group activities can be performed in public places to raise awareness. Also, we should plant more and more trees in our neighbourhood. We should adopt and promote an eco-friendly lifestyle. We must teach our kids the value of our planet, so they will also adapt to sustainable living and not exploit our planet. Remember, every little step does make a difference!

Students must have found this essay on saving Earth useful for practising their essay writing skills. They can get the study material and the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams at BYJU’S.

Frequently Asked Questions on Saving our Earth Essay

What are the simple steps to be followed to save our earth.

Simple steps to save our Earth include volunteering to clean up the community and public places, ensuring water and soil conservation, planting trees on special occasions and making this a habit, avoiding shopping for unwanted things and controlling pollution.

Is Global warming connected to the ‘Save our Earth’ notion?

Yes, global warming is a situation that is causing a lot of natural calamities around the world. Saving the Earth is said to definitely reduce the effects of Global warming.

Are we destroying planet Earth by expanding infrastructure?

Several acres of forest area are now being converted into construction sites as a part of infrastructure development. In turn, the wildlife and animals which belong to these forests are left homeless, thereby causing a great natural imbalance.

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Save Earth Essay

Earth is the only known planet with life in the universe. As a result, we must cherish and preserve whatever we obtain from our mother planet. We must protect Mother Earth so that future generations can live in a safe environment. Here are a few sample essays on the topic “Save the Earth”.

100 Words Essay On Save Earth

Apart from Earth, there is no other known planet where life is feasible. It is the only known planet with the combination of the essential natural resources, oxygen, water, and gravity, allowing for a successful life. We must protect the planet by implementing numerous practical steps to leave a healthy world for future generations. People should plant more trees to ensure adequate oxygen levels and to mitigate the effects of air pollution and global warming.

Save Earth Essay

We must stop destroying rainforests, which are vital to our way of life, the atmosphere, and the habitats of numerous animals. To rescue the environment from global warming, people should reduce their use of power and use less fossil fuel. To avoid damaging the planet, they should promote the usage of solar lights and wind energy. The 3R rule (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) is quite helpful in conserving our planet.

200 Words Essay On Save Earth

Earth is the most valuable thing to its inhabitants because it contains oxygen and water, both of which are necessary for life. The earth's natural resources are deteriorating day by day as a result of different human activities. It endangers life on Earth. Several woodland animals have become extinct due to a lack of a suitable environment.

Pollution, global warming, and other environmental challenges are becoming more prevalent daily. It is critical to end all bad practices to mitigate their detrimental impacts. Every year on April 22, Earth Day is observed to raise awareness among people all around the world. It is marked annually to recognise people's efforts to preserve the earth's natural environment.

Our earth requires us to take care of it and leave it in a better condition than we found it. It is necessary to continue healthy life on Earth. We are not the only ones living on Earth; several unknown living species exist.

So, instead of being selfish, we should consider the well being all living species on the planet. We should safeguard our planet and ecology by lowering the amount of garbage, such as plastic, paper, and wood. To reduce waste, we should practice reusing and recycling items such as clothing, toys, furniture, books, and documents. We must reduce all those activities contributing to increased pollution and global warming.

500 Words Essay On Save Earth

Earth and its resources enable life to exist on it. It would be impossible to envision our lives without these resources because life cannot exist without sunlight, air, vegetation, and water. However, this will soon become our reality if we do not save the planet today.

The resources that the earth supplies are limited. They are blessings that we do not recognise. Humans have become selfish and are rapidly depleting the earth's resources. We must safeguard them to preserve our own lives. This is because man and all living species rely on the planet for sustenance.

It Is The Need Of The Hour

To argue that safeguarding the environment is urgent would be an understatement. Human actions motivated by greed and selfishness have wreaked havoc on the environment. It has been damaged beyond repair. Because of these activities, almost all natural resources are now poisoned.

When all of these resources are threatened, the lives of all living organisms are in jeopardy. This is why we must save the planet at any cost. All other concerns are secondary, with the primary priority preserving the environment. Because when the world ceases to exist, all other difficulties will vanish.

Earth is the only planet capable of supporting life. We need a planet B to which we can travel. This heightens the urgency of saving the planet and our lives. We will lose the opportunity to watch our future generations thrive if we do not take extreme action today. Everyone must band together for the exact causes because we are first and foremost inhabitants of this planet.

How To Save The Earth

Humans only need to take action to conserve the earth and its resources because all human activities impact the existence of other organisms. Everyone will benefit from a little extra effort. Every action will have an effect. For example, if one person decides to quit drinking bottled water, thousands of pounds of plastic can be avoided.

Furthermore, we should begin by planting more trees to compensate for the tremendous deforestation. We can restore ecological balance and improve people's quality of life by planting more trees.

Similarly, we must reduce water waste. Individually, this will have a significant influence on water conservation. We must not contaminate our bodies of water by putting rubbish into them. It is critical to conserve water, especially when rapidly running short.

We can conserve the planet by preserving trees, vegetation, water, natural resources, and power. We must firmly adhere to all available measures to control pollution and global warming. Everyone should plant more trees in their neighbourhoods to help reduce pollution and the effects of global warming. Afforestation, reforestation, recycling of used paper and other natural products, and conservation of natural resources, power, water, and the environment should be supported and promoted.

To summarise, the government and individuals must work together to save the planet. We can educate people about the repercussions of not saving the earth. They can be taught how and what they can do to help save the planet. We can save our world and make it brighter if we all work together.

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Conserving Earth

Earth’s natural resources include air, water, soil, minerals, plants, and animals. Conservation is the practice of caring for these resources so all living things can benefit from them now and in the future.

Biology, Ecology, Earth Science, Geography, Geology, Conservation

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Earth ’s natural resources include air , water , soil , minerals , fuels , plants, and animals. Conservation is the practice of caring for these resources so all living things can benefit from them now and in the future. All the things we need to survive , such as food , water, air, and shelter , come from natural resources. Some of these resources, like small plants, can be replaced quickly after they are used. Others, like large trees, take a long time to replace. These are renewable resources . Other resources, such as fossil fuels , cannot be replaced at all. Once they are used up, they are gone f orever . These are nonrenewable resources . People often waste natural resources. Animals are overhunted . Forests are cleared, exposing land to wind and water damage. Fertile soil is exhausted and lost to erosion because of poor farming practices. Fuel supplies are depleted . Water and air are polluted . If resources are carelessly managed, many will be used up. If used wisely and efficiently , however, renewable resources will last much longer. Through conservation, people can reduce waste and manage natural resources wisely. The population of human beings has grown enormously in the past two centuries. Billions of people use up resources quickly as they eat food, build houses, produce goods, and burn fuel for transportation and electricity . The continuation of life as we know it depends on the careful use of natural resources. The need to conserve resources often conflicts with other needs. For some people, a wooded area may be a good place to put a farm. A timber company may want to harvest the area’s trees for construction materials. A business may want to build a factory or shopping mall on the land. All these needs are valid, but sometimes the plants and animals that live in the area are forgotten. The benefits of development need to be weighed against the harm to animals that may be forced to find new habitats , the depletion of resources we may want in the future (such as water or timber), or damage to resources we use today. Development and conservation can coexist in harmony. When we use the environment in ways that ensure we have resources for the future, it is called sustainable development . There are many different resources we need to conserve in order to live sustainably. Forests A forest is a large area covered with trees grouped so their foliage shades the ground. Every continent except Antarctica has forests, from the evergreen -filled boreal forests of the north to mangrove forests in tropical wetlands . Forests are home to more than two-thirds of all known land species . Tropical rainforests are especially rich in biodiversity . Forests provide habitats for animals and plants. They store carbon , helping reduce global warming . They protect soil by reducing runoff . They add nutrients to the soil through leaf litter . They provide people with lumber and firewood. Deforestation is the process of clearing away forests by cutting them down or burning them. People clear forests to use the wood, or to make way for farming or development. Each year, Earth loses about 14.6 million hectares (36 million acres) of forest to deforestation—an area about the size of the U.S. state of New York. Deforestation destroys wildlife habitats and increases soil erosion. It also releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere , contributing to global warming. Deforestation accounts for 15 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Deforestation also harms the people who rely on forests for their survival, hunting and gathering, harvesting forest products, or using the timber for firewood. About half of all the forests on Earth are in the tropics —an area that circles the globe near the Equator . Although tropical forests cover fewer than 6 percent of the world’s land area, they are home to about 80 percent of the world’s documented species. For example, more than 500 different species of trees live in the forests on the small U.S. island of Puerto Rico in the Caribbean Sea. Tropical forests give us many valuable products, including woods like mahogany and teak , rubber , fruits, nuts, and flowers. Many of the medicines we use today come from plants found only in tropical rainforests. These include quinine , a malaria drug; curare , an anesthetic used in surgery; and rosy periwinkle , which is used to treat certain types of cancer . Sustainable forestry practices are critical for ensuring we have these resources well into the future. One of these practices is leaving some trees to die and decay naturally in the forest. This “ deadwood ” builds up soil. Other sustainable forestry methods include using low-impact logging practices, harvesting with natural regeneration in mind, and avoiding certain logging techniques , such as removing all the high-value trees or all the largest trees from a forest. Trees can also be conserved if consumers recycle . People in China and Mexico, for example, reuse much of their wastepaper, including writing paper, wrapping paper, and cardboard. If half the world’s paper were recycled, much of the worldwide demand for new paper would be fulfilled, saving many of Earth’s trees. We can also replace some wood products with alternatives like bamboo , which is actually a type of grass. Soil Soil is vital to food production. We need high-quality soil to grow the crops that we eat and feed to livestock . Soil is also important to plants that grow in the wild. Many other types of conservation efforts, such as plant conservation and animal conservation, depend on soil conservation. Poor farming methods, such as repeatedly planting the same crop in the same place, called monoculture , deplete nutrients in the soil. Soil erosion by water and wind increases when farmers plow up and down hills. One soil conservation method is called contour strip cropping . Several crops, such as corn, wheat, and clover , are planted in alternating strips across a slope or across the path of the prevailing wind . Different crops, with different root systems and leaves, help slow erosion.

Harvesting all the trees from a large area, a practice called clearcutting , increases the chances of losing productive topsoil to wind and water erosion. Selective harvesting —the practice of removing individual trees or small groups of trees—leaves other trees standing to anchor the soil. Biodiversity Biodiversity is the variety of living things that populate Earth. The products and benefits we get from nature rely on biodiversity. We need a rich mixture of living things to provide foods, building materials, and medicines, as well as to maintain a clean and healthy landscape . When a species becomes extinct , it is lost to the world forever. Scientists estimate that the current rate of extinction is 1,000 times the natural rate. Through hunting, pollution , habitat destruction, and contribution to global warming, people are speeding up the loss of biodiversity at an alarming rate. It’s hard to know how many species are going extinct because the total number of species is unknown. Scientists discover thousands of new species every year. For example, after looking at just 19 trees in Panama, scientists found 1,200 different species of beetles—80 percent of them unknown to science at the time. Based on various estimates of the number of species on Earth, we could be losing anywhere from 200 to 100,000 species each year. We need to protect biodiversity to ensure we have plentiful and varied food sources. This is true even if we don’t eat a species threatened with extinction because something we do eat may depend on that species for survival. Some predators are useful for keeping the populations of other animals at manageable levels. The extinction of a major predator might mean there are more herbivores looking for food in people’s gardens and farms. Biodiversity is important for more than just food. For instance, we use between 50,000 to 70,000 plant species for medicines worldwide. The Great Barrier Reef , a coral reef off the coast of northeastern Australia, contributes about $6 billion to the nation’s economy through commercial fishing , tourism , and other recreational activities. If the coral reef dies, many of the fish, shellfish , marine mammals , and plants will die, too. Some governments have established parks and preserves to protect wildlife and their habitats. They are also working to abolish hunting and fishing practices that may cause the extinction of some species. Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels are fuels produced from the remains of ancient plants and animals. They include coal , petroleum (oil), and natural gas . People rely on fossil fuels to power vehicles like cars and airplanes, to produce electricity, and to cook and provide heat. In addition, many of the products we use today are made from petroleum. These include plastics , synthetic rubber, fabrics like nylon , medicines, cosmetics , waxes, cleaning products, medical devices, and even bubblegum.

Fossil fuels formed over millions of years. Once we use them up, we cannot replace them. Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource. We need to conserve fossil fuels so we don’t run out. However, there are other good reasons to limit our fossil fuel use. These fuels pollute the air when they are burned. Burning fossil fuels also releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. Global warming is changing ecosystems . The oceans are becoming warmer and more acidic , which threatens sea life. Sea levels are rising, posing risks to coastal communities. Many areas are experiencing more droughts , while others suffer from flooding . Scientists are exploring alternatives to fossil fuels. They are trying to produce renewable biofuels to power cars and trucks. They are looking to produce electricity using the sun, wind, water, and geothermal energy — Earth’s natural heat. Everyone can help conserve fossil fuels by using them carefully. Turn off lights and other electronics when you are not using them. Purchase energy-efficient appliances and weatherproof your home. Walk, ride a bike, carpool , and use public transportation whenever possible. Minerals Earth’s supply of raw mineral resources is in danger. Many mineral deposits that have been located and mapped have been depleted. As the ores for minerals like aluminum and iron become harder to find and extract , their prices skyrocket . This makes tools and machinery more expensive to purchase and operate. Many mining methods, such as mountaintop removal mining (MTR) , devastate the environment. They destroy soil, plants, and animal habitats. Many mining methods also pollute water and air, as toxic chemicals leak into the surrounding ecosystem. Conservation efforts in areas like Chile and the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States often promote more sustainable mining methods. Less wasteful mining methods and the recycling of materials will help conserve mineral resources. In Japan, for example, car manufacturers recycle many raw materials used in making automobiles. In the United States, nearly one-third of the iron produced comes from recycled automobiles. Electronic devices present a big problem for conservation because technology changes so quickly. For example, consumers typically replace their cell phones every 18 months. Computers, televisions, and mp3 players are other products contributing to “ e-waste .” The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that Americans generated more than three million tons of e-waste in 2007. Electronic products contain minerals as well as petroleum-based plastics. Many of them also contain hazardous materials that can leach out of landfills into the soil and water supply. Many governments are passing laws requiring manufacturers to recycle used electronics. Recycling not only keeps materials out of landfills, but it also reduces the energy used to produce new products. For instance, recycling aluminum saves 90 percent of the energy that would be required to mine new aluminum.

Water Water is a renewable resource. We will not run out of water the way we might run out of fossil fuels. The amount of water on Earth always remains the same. However, most of the planet’s water is unavailable for human use. While more than 70 percent of Earth’s surface is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is freshwater . Out of that freshwater, almost 70 percent is permanently frozen in the ice caps covering Antarctica and Greenland. Only about 1 percent of the freshwater on Earth is available for people to use for drinking, bathing, and irrigating crops. People in many regions of the world suffer water shortages . These are caused by depletion of underground water sources known as aquifers , a lack of rainfall due to drought, or pollution of water supplies. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 2.6 billion people lack adequate water sanitation . More than five million people die each year from diseases caused by using polluted water for drinking, cooking, or washing. About one-third of Earth’s population lives in areas that are experiencing water stress . Most of these areas are in developing countries. Polluted water hurts the environment as well as people. For instance, agricultural runoff—the water that runs off of farmland—can contain fertilizers and pesticides . When this water gets into streams , rivers , and oceans, it can harm the organisms that live in or drink from those water sources. People can conserve and protect water supplies in many ways. Individuals can limit water use by fixing leaky faucets, taking shorter showers, planting drought-resistant plants, and buying low-water-use appliances. Governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations can help developing countries build sanitation facilities. Farmers can change some of their practices to reduce polluted runoff. This includes limiting overgrazing , avoiding over-irrigation, and using alternatives to chemical pesticides whenever possible. Conservation Groups Businesses, international organizations , and some governments are involved in conservation efforts. The United Nations (UN) encourages the creation of national parks around the world. The UN also established World Water Day, an event to raise awareness and promote water conservation. Governments enact laws defining how land should be used and which areas should be set aside as parks and wildlife preserves. Governments also enforce laws designed to protect the environment from pollution, such as requiring factories to install pollution-control devices. Finally, governments often provide incentives for conserving resources, using clean technologies, and recycling used goods. Many international organizations are dedicated to conservation. Members support causes such as saving rain forests, protecting threatened animals, and cleaning up the air. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is an alliance of governments and private groups founded in 1948. The IUCN works to protect wildlife and habitats. In 1980, the group proposed a world conservation strategy . Many governments have used the IUCN model to develop their own conservation plans. In addition, the IUCN monitors the status of endangered wildlife, threatened national parks and preserves, and other environments around the world. Zoos and botanical gardens also work to protect wildlife. Many zoos raise and breed endangered animals to increase their populations. They conduct research and help educate the public about endangered species . For instance, the San Diego Zoo in the U.S. state of California runs a variety of research programs on topics ranging from disease control in amphibians to heart-healthy diets for gorillas. Scientists at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in London, England, work to protect plant life around the world. Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank , for example, works with partners in 54 countries to protect biodiversity through seed collection. Kew researchers are also exploring how DNA technology can help restore damaged habitats. Individuals can do many things to help conserve resources. Turning off lights, repairing leaky faucets, and recycling paper, aluminum cans, glass, and plastic are just a few examples. Riding bikes, walking, carpooling, and using public transportation all help conserve fuel and reduce the amount of pollutants released into the environment. Individuals can plant trees to create homes for birds and squirrels. At grocery stores, people can bring their own reusable bags. And people can carry reusable water bottles and coffee mugs rather than using disposable containers. If each of us would conserve in small ways, the result would be a major conservation effort.

Tree Huggers The Chipko Movement, which is dedicated to saving trees, was started by villagers in Uttar Pradesh, India. Chipko means hold fast or embrace. The villagers flung their arms around trees to keep loggers from cutting them down. The villagers won, and Uttar Pradesh banned the felling of trees in the Himalayan foothills. The movement has since expanded to other parts of India.

Thirsty Food People require about 2 to 4 liters of drinking water each day. However, a day's worth of food requires 2,000 to 5,000 liters of water to produce. It takes more water to produce meat than to produce plant-based foods.

Tiger, Tiger Tigers are dangerous animals, but they have more to fear from us than we have to fear from them. Today there are only about 3,200 tigers living in the wild. Three tiger subspecies the Bali, Caspian, and Javan tigers have gone extinct in the past century. Many organizations are working hard to protect the remaining tigers from illegal hunting and habitat loss.

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essay on green earth

A ship carrying liquefied natural gas passing by the Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm in western France, 30 September 2022. Photo by Stephane Mahe/Reuters

We need to find a way for human societies to prosper while the planet heals. So far we can’t even think clearly about it

by Ville Lähde   + BIO

At the heart of current environmental debates is a crucial question: is economic growth possible without environmental destruction? Climate change, biodiversity degradation, overexploitation of natural resources and many forms of pollution are evident problems, and their recognition is backed by a strong consensus of the sciences. It is a sign of the times that most people no longer deny the maxim that endless material growth is impossible on a limited planet. There are limits to growth, material and ecological. Only people dreaming about asteroid mining fuelled by fusion and facilitated by terraforming deny this tenet. Despite being often super-rich, like Elon Musk, in this regard they are fringe. Recognition of key environmental problems is becoming increasingly widespread, even if this is not met by necessary action.

However, alongside this is the dominant and widely accepted economic belief that growth is necessary – economic growth. It is needed not only to feed and clothe the poor of the world, but it is necessary for the energy and momentum of societies everywhere. Actually, if one listens to the eulogies of economic growth by politicians in wealthy countries, like my home country Finland, the latter is usually the main argument. Growth is needed, or else unemployment soars, pensions are unpaid, and debts accumulate.

It is widely acknowledged that in recent decades and centuries, economic growth has caused environmental problems. The severity of the ecological crisis is debated, some of it even denied, but this is the big picture. However, in recent years there has been a consistent effort to resolve this tension between economic growth and ecological limits with the notion of ‘decoupling’. (This should not be confused with the ‘decoupling’ of global trade and ‘friendshoring’ that is debated around US-China relations.) The basic idea is that economic growth can continue and literally decouple, or part ways, with material growth and environmental degradation. Growth can be green.

There are surely ecological problems, but they are not insurmountable. Just like the ‘dark Satanic Mills’ were cleaned, just like ozone depletion was overcome, any and all environmental problems will be resolved with growth, not without it. The connection between economic growth and negative impacts can be broken.

B ut not everyone agrees, and decoupling has become a hot topic in public debates. In February 2023, The New York Times published Paul Krugman’s column ‘Wonking Out: Why Growth Can Be Green’. Krugman stated that ‘it’s possible to decouple growth from environmental harm’ and aimed his column explicitly at people who claim that economic growth and environmental protection cannot be combined. He saw this putatively false claim emanating both from environmentalists (or the Left) and from people who oppose environmental policies. In effect, the former were labelled as useful idiots for the latter.

To back himself up, Krugman drew statistics from the Our World in Data site. Similar sentiments have been published in articles on the site over the years. In his article ‘How Much Economic Growth Is Necessary to Reduce Global Poverty Substantially?’ (2021), Max Roser stated forcefully that it will be possible to decouple economic growth from environmental harm. He too aimed his critique at an opposing group of people. For him, doubters of decoupling do not take poverty seriously:

If those who say that it is not possible to decouple growth from environmental harm are right, then the future will be bleak. If indeed there should be no possibility to sufficiently decouple growth from environmental impacts then the future will be either one of continuing global poverty or one of continuing environmental destruction, or both.

In the article ‘Shrink Emissions, Not the Economy’ (2018), also published on the Our World in Data website, four authors made a case for decoupling, focusing on climate emissions. They too noted how denying decoupling brings anti-environmentalists and some environmentalists into the same camp. However, now the opposition was named specifically: ‘degrowthers’. In a nutshell, degrowth is a loose intellectual and political movement that calls for stopping the kind of economic growth that is driving ecological destruction.

The idea is that environmental harm increases as countries become more affluent but tapers off after that

One vocal representative of the degrowth movement is Timothée Parrique. He wrote a detailed response to Krugman, accusing him of cherry-picking his evidence. Parrique ended his response with strong words:

The story of decoupling is reassuring; it’s a don’t worry, everything is fine, everything is going to be okay kind of thing to say. And this is precisely why that story is dangerous. As ecosystems are getting nightmarishly worse, the fable of green growth is acting as a kind of macroeconomic greenwashing, especially when mobilised to discredit other, more radical solutions to the ecological crisis.

A similar public exchange of words took place after Andrew McAfee’s combative essay ‘Why Degrowth Is the Worst Idea on the Planet’ (2020) was published in Wired . He claimed that the world’s richest countries have learned how to reduce their ‘footprint on Earth’. He also attacked degrowthers as being practically anti-science:

Some voices in the conversation about the environment seem wedded to the idea that degrowth is necessary, and they are unwilling or unable to walk away from it, no matter the evidence.

Referring to examples of cleaning local air pollution, he invoked another specialist concept: ‘the environmental Kuznets curve’. The idea is that environmental harm increases as countries become more affluent but tapers off after that. In a nutshell: only wealthy societies can really take care of the environment.

One of the big names in the degrowther circles, Jason Hickel, responded to McAfee on his blog. Like Parrique, he referred to the extensive research literature on the decoupling question, and pointed out how partial or false is the rosy picture about wealthy societies. He also claimed that, in criticising Hickel and degrowth in general, McAfee had distorted his views. His ending was, however, diplomatic:

My appeal to McAfee: let’s try to get beyond this sort of thing and engage more honestly with the empirical and theoretical work that has been done, so we can have more meaningful conversations. If we are going to realise our shared goals, we can and must do better.

S hould not this engagement with empirical work and honest debate just be a matter of looking at the facts, checking out the right statistics? But this is not a simple matter. If we want to be serious about the issue, we have to frame the question properly. Meaningful discussion and even disagreement must happen within a shared frame.

Certain key questions have to be answered before any facts can be brought to bear on this issue. First of all: what kind of decoupling are we talking about? Is it relative or absolute? (More on this below.) Secondly: what is decoupled? It does not suffice to answer ‘environmental harm’ or ‘footprint on Earth’. As I wrote in an earlier essay for Aeon , environmental problems are legion, and aggregating them is highly problematic. And thirdly: from what are we supposed to decouple? What should keep growing?

If these questions are not answered, any discussion and debate will end up in confusion. There are no meaningful generic answers to the questions ‘Is decoupling possible?’ or ‘Is decoupling happening?’

If the current situation is unsustainable, relative decoupling is not enough

If decoupling of environmental impacts (or use of natural resources) from economic growth takes place, it can be of two kinds. It can be relative or absolute . In relative decoupling, both graphs keep climbing up, but environmental impacts grow slower. The speeds of growth decouple relative to each other. But environmental impacts still keep getting worse.

Depending on what kinds of impacts you are talking about – local air pollution, deforestation, climate emissions, plastic pollution – the critical limits are set differently. Perhaps some increase of some environmental impact can be stomached somewhere , if it is necessary to raise people from poverty or grow more food, for example. But if the current situation is unsustainable, relative decoupling is not enough. You need to diminish the impacts. When connected to the growth imperative, this means you need absolute decoupling. The economy grows while the impacts decrease.

It is, however, not sufficient that the impacts decrease. This has to take place fast enough. Again, here, environmental problems differ in their ecological dynamics, but with many there are specific timetables of mitigation. With climate change, you have the aspirational ‘safety limits’ of 1.5°C or 2°C and the carbon budgets that dictate the target years of net zero. In general, when there are serious risks of ecosystems (and, with them, human systems) flipping into new dangerous regimes, so-called ‘tipping points’, or else of severe irreversible damage, meeting the timetable becomes crucial.

B ut what do we need to decouple absolutely? As environmental problems differ in their geographic scale, their causes and their ecological dynamics, not all decouplings are equal. Successful elimination of local air pollution in cities is often used as an example of decoupling. However, one can quite easily understand that such pollution can be combatted by legislation or technological fixes irrespective of economic growth or decline. If certain practices are banned or made mandatory, that is it. As Parrique notes, air quality can very well be better in poorer circumstances.

Perhaps declining climate emissions is a more representative example? First of all, climate emissions are directly connected to the overall activity in society, especially energy production. If there is absolute decoupling there, that says something more general than, say, removing sewage from streets. Secondly, it is possible, quite self-evidently, to decrease climate emissions while growing the economy. If you shut down a lot of coal plants and transition to low-emission energy sources, emissions go down. Of course the economy can grow: new power systems have to be constructed, old ones dismantled. Eventually, societies will run into the realm of ‘hard to abate’ emissions from industry and agriculture, but the opening salvos are no-brainers. And, as Krugman notes, they can be good business.

As the climate scientist Zeke Hausfather noted in 2021, absolute decoupling of climate emissions has taken place already in many countries, mostly affluent Western countries that have increasingly moved away from coal and have more climate legislation. Nowhere has emission decline been fast enough: no country is on track to meet the stringent emission-cut targets. Note that absolute decoupling in these cases is true even if consumption-based emissions, that is, emissions inherent in imported goods, are counted in. Some decades ago, domestic emission decline was still somewhat illusory: it was mainly due to ‘externalising’ emissions through trade, that is, buying stuff from less wealthy countries. Since then, emission decline has stemmed more and more from domestic changes in energy production. Externalisation of some emissions takes place still, but it is not large enough to offset the general decline in emissions. And, of course, energy systems can change in the export countries too. Just look at China. Too little, too late, most likely, but still good news.

Because the current situation is unsustainable, the sustainable way is down – towards material degrowth

However, it is crucial to keep in mind that behind the façade of ‘the environmental crisis’ there is a legion of diverse issues. It is surely possible to lower climate emissions while other problems get worse: overfishing, plastic pollution, freshwater scarcity, erosion of farmland, deforestation… and, especially in its myriad forms, biodiversity decline .

Actually, climate mitigation, if done wrong, can end up exacerbating other problems. Bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS) is inherent in most climate scenarios. In a nutshell, it means that energy crops are grown, burned for energy, and then most of the emissions are captured technologically and stored somewhere. Large-scale cultivation of energy crops threatens to cause further deforestation, soil degradation and biodiversity decline, and added pressure on already scarce water resources in many areas. Bioenergy in general, for example excessive reliance on forest wood as fuel, tends to erode biodiversity. And many countries are waking up to realise (like Finland) that, as carbon sinks and storages in forests diminish, the putative green credentials of wood go up in smoke.

This is why, increasingly in studies of decoupling, extraction of natural resources has become a favourite metric. It is a rough tool, of course. Overfishing and sustainable fishing are different. Clearcutting rainforests is a particularly bad form of forestry. Sand is not herrings is not uranium is not apples is not oranges. If done carelessly, using flows of natural resources as a metric risks all kinds of problems of aggregation. Quality is paramount: we cannot read from those flows what we can and should do.

But we can read what we should not do. We are in an unsustainable and potentially disastrous situation with many dimensions of the environmental crisis. And material flows, the sheer amount of stuff extracted, processed, transported, used and discarded simply is the key driver for a variety of central forms of environmental impact. Because the current situation is unsustainable, the sustainable way is down – towards material degrowth. Here the analogy with climate emissions breaks down: there is no evidence of economy-wide absolute resource decoupling.

Economic growth all over the world is still strongly coupled with growing material consumption. Modern life has not ‘dematerialised’ with the promise of paperless offices, with internet and with the growing service economy. What’s more, ‘externalisation’ of resource use is still a fact of life. It is not analogous with the case of climate emissions. This makes sense: importing fruit and coffee from water-scarcity areas still uses up water; stuff produced with cleaner energy still needs raw materials.

This is why answers to the question ‘Is decoupling happening?’ can diverge radically depending on what environmental metric you are using and in which part of the world you are. And there is still the other question: ‘Is it happening fast enough?’ If not, the question arises whether it could happen faster without the growth imperative.

T hirdly, from what are we supposed to decouple? Remember, the issue of decoupling is not about whether environmental pressures can be diminished. Of course they can be. The issue is whether this can happen in the context of continuous economic growth. Some even claim that it is possible only with economic growth, the engine of innovation. At the extreme, the most technologically obsessed see acceleration through the worst of it, ‘burning through’ the historical bottleneck, as the only answer. We can clean up afterwards. Staying still is stagnation. But coining a phrase from James Baldwin, the fire next time can burn down the house and the foundations, along with the fire brigade.

The whole idea of decoupling remains tied to economic growth, and in our world that still means GDP. Pretty much everyone agrees that it is a crappy metric, but still those who argue for the necessity of growth end up arguing for continued GDP growth. Decoupling gives this crude tool a new lease of life. Alongside economic growth, people are of course talking about poverty elimination, education, ending hunger and creating human wellbeing. But the question is, are these things fatefully tethered to increasing GDP and thus increasing extraction of natural resources?

A crucial ancillary question is, does the world need to see economic growth for everyone, everywhere, all the time? This is actually an issue pointed out repeatedly by degrowther figures like Parrique and Hickel. We live in a world of deep systemic inequality within regions and between regions, with overconsumption and underconsumption, with humongous carbon and material footprints for some, and specific problems related to poverty and insecurity for some. The latter people surely need economic growth, and material and energetic growth. But the future will be bleak, if bettering the lot of billions requires overconsumption by the affluent minority.

The real issue is whether diverse environmental pressures are relieved fast enough to safeguard our continuation

This perhaps is the great lure of the idea of decoupling: it promises that everything can change without anything really changing. We are already on our way to a better world, so any kind of systemic change is not needed. All boats are raised, wealth trickles down, and so on.

In the end, however, the whole toing and froing about decoupling may itself be a confusing dead end. It anchors us to the abstraction of GDP, to any idea of aggregated and undifferentiated growth and, conversely, it seems to invite an equally abstract environmental metric as a counterpoint. Decoupling A from B. It plays havoc with contextuality.

The crux of the matter is not whether decoupling is possible. The real issue is whether, both globally and in regions all around the world, diverse environmental pressures are relieved fast enough to safeguard the continuation of our societies. It would be quite nice if we also safeguarded the continuation and resilience of the diverse ecosystems we live among. In the end, these goals are connected, even if the connections are not always clearly defined, and thus are easily ignored. Living without a stable life support system is not possible. And, of course, the world is inhabited by other beings too.

It is a secondary question how the economic accounting of that development is made. GDP itself is a creature conjured by accounting, and not a stable one at that. Changes in accounting practices can and have caused shifts of GDP without corresponding changes in material reality. So perhaps clever collective accounting tricks can be devised to put a positive economic sign for reaching a safe ecological zone for our societies. That would be a radical change.

The other crux of the matter is not growth, it is wellbeing. This has been grasped beautifully under the banner ‘A Good Life for All Within Planetary Boundaries’. Starting with a landmark article in Nature in 2018, a group of researchers has tried to answer a devilishly difficult question. Is it possible to realise sufficiently good life for all people of the world, even until the global population stabilises, and remain within a safe ecological zone? Currently, no society in the world manages to do both. And, conversely to what the eulogists of decoupling repeatedly state, the wealthier societies tend to overstep overall ecological boundaries more, even if they succeed better in some dimensions.

Answering this question, and making it a reality, will require contextual understanding and tailored solutions. It requires changing the provision systems of societies, the ways we are housed, clothed, fed, healed, transported, educated and so on. People live in different circumstances, and societies too face different challenges. There is no one grand question of decoupling that needs answering. We need many better questions and a legion of answers for the host of our problems.

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Essay on Go Green Save Future

essay on green earth

More and more people are thinking about the environmental issues and ecological condition of Earth nowadays. Why has this problem become so relevant? What should we do to save our future? In my opinion, people have understood that their irresponsibility causes harm to the natural environment. Our planet suffers from numerous problems, which have been caused by the results of the excessive anthropogenic activity. The entire planet suffers from pollution, global warming, deforestation, extinction of biological species, etc. These problems are extremely relevant and require rapid and intensive solutions. It is possible to defeat these problems if the entire humanity changes its approach towards nature, natural resources and the value of nature for its wellbeing. In simple words, people should go green to save Earth.

Why should we take efforts now in order to save Earth in future?

Very few people understand that it is important to change their lifestyle now in order to see the results of these changes in a few decades. Doubtless, you will not grow a big forest in a year. You can plant a small tree but it will grow to its proper height only in ten or fifteen years. To my mind, this activity resembles investment into a small firm. In a few years, the firm develops into a big company, which will provide you with the solid profit. Consequently, it is not right to say that the idea of going green is useless. When you do not see the results of your activity now, it does not mean that you will not see them in ten years.

Consider future generation

Furthermore, we must not be selfish. It is important to think about the wellbeing of our children and grandchildren. We are responsible for the natural environment and problems, which will become the burden for our children.

I know that many people do not care about the condition of Earth after their death. They say that it is the headache of our future generations. I suppose, it is the main problem. People do not care about future and they do not appreciate what they have.

This approach is caused by greediness and consumerism. People want more money and material values in order to satisfy their needs. They are ready to exhaust the world they live in. They cut down forests, kill animals, birds and fish and pollute rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. They care about their profit and nothing more. No wonder, people open new and new plants, factories and power stations, which cause harm to the natural environment but provide them with money.

It looks ridiculous when people are ready to destroy forests and pollute rivers in order to gain profit. People do not appreciate fresh air and water, though they cannot survive a minute without them. They are ready to live in the unhealthy, terribly-looking and polluted environment in order to receive more money. Finally, they will have to pay for their treatment at a hospital, because they breathe in polluted air and consume contaminated food and water.

There are a number of companies who are already into having a ‘greener’ business system. An example is Movegreen, who are using an eco-conscious approach for doing business. These specialized movers in Orange County are providing excellent services for anyone wanting to move in Southern California.

How can we save our planet from the results of our harmful activity?

To begin with, we should reduce pollution, because it the cause of numerous problems. We must not litter in the street, parks and forests. We should recycle wastes in order to save our priceless natural recourses and we should always responsibly recycle electronics and e-waste , not just dump them in the landfills.

We should use public transport more frequently, because it does not release numerous harmful gases, which cause greenhouse effect and global warming. Next, entrepreneurs should use special filters at plants, factories and power stations in order to reduce the amount of poisonous emissions into the air and water. Then, people should stop cutting down forests, because they are the lungs of Earth.

Moreover, every forest is a home for thousands of animals, birds and insects, which improve the balance of ecosystems.

In conclusion, our unwise and extensive activity causes harm to the natural environment. We lose priceless natural resources, fresh air, water, forests, animals, birds, fish, insects, etc. People should change their lifestyle rapidly in order to stop deforestation, global warming, pollution and other problems, which can destroy the life on the planet. We ought to go green in order to save the life of future generations.

This short essay on such a popular topic is provided by http://smartwritingservice.com writing company which produces custom written essays.

Clay Miller


Informative n comprehensive essay .

it is a very good paragraph.it teaches children good how to keep nature good.i liked it so much.i think you are a very good teacher.so u teach good things to every body.thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like this eassy very much thank you

Very informative!!!

This essay helps alto to teach my student in better manner.

A good feedback of modi’s mission

It is very helpful for me

This information is very important for me

very useful

thanks for this

It is very innovative and useful for me.

Very persuasive and appealing to the readers!

I have got every point. Very precious

I love this essay as it is the need of todays world

Very interesting.#shyam

I really enjoyed reading these and they helped me in writing my own essay, and Im in highschool! Thanks!

They are ready to exhaust the world they live in. They cut down forests, kill animals, birds and fish and pollute rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. They care about their profit and nothing more. No wonder, people open new and new plants, factories and power stations, which cause harm to the natural environment but provide them with money. It looks ridiculous when people are ready to destroy forests and pollute rivers in order to gain profit. People do not appreciate fresh air and water, though they cannot survive a minute without them.

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The Beauty of Earth: an Essay on The Magnificence of Our Planet

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Published: Mar 8, 2024

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The natural wonders of earth, the diverse inhabitants of earth, preserving the beauty of earth.

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English Compositions

Short Essay on Our Planet Earth [100, 200, 400 words] With PDF

Earth is the only planet that sustains life and ecosystems. In this lesson, you will learn to write essays in three different sets on the planet earth to help you in preparing for your upcoming examinations.

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Short Essay on Our Planet Earth in 100 Words

Earth is a rare planet since it is the only one that can support life. On Earth, life is possible for various reasons, the most essential of which are the availability of water and the presence of oxygen. Earth is a member of the Solar System. The Earth, along with the other seven planets, orbits the Sun.

One spin takes approximately twenty-four hours, and one revolution takes 365 days and four hours. Day and night, as well as the changing of seasons, occurs due to rotation and revolution. However, we have jeopardized our planet by our sheer ignorance and negligence. We must practise conservation of resources and look after mother earth while we have time.

Short Essay on Our Planet Earth in 200 Words

Earth is a blue planet that is special from the rest of the planets because it is the only one to sustain life. The availability of water and oxygen are two of the most crucial factors that make life possible on Earth. The Earth rotates around the Sun, along with seven other planets in the solar system. It takes 24 hours to complete one rotation, and approximately 365 days and 4 hours to complete one revolution. Day and night, as well as changing seasons, are all conceivable due to these two movements. 

However, we are wasting and taking advantage of the natural resources that have been bestowed upon us. Overuse and exploitation of all-natural resources produce pollution to such an alarming degree that life on Earth is on the verge of extinction. The depletion of the ozone layer has resulted in global warming. The melting of glaciers has resulted in rising temperatures.

Many animals have become extinct or are endangered. To protect the environment, we must work together. Conversation, resource reduction, reuse, and recycling will take us a long way toward restoring the natural ecosystem. We are as unique as our home planet. We have superior intelligence, which we must employ for the benefit of all living beings. The Earth is our natural home, and we must create a place that is as good as, if not better than, paradise.

Short Essay on Our Planet Earth in 400 Words

Earth is a unique planet as it is the only planet that sustains life. Life is possible on Earth because of many reasons, and the most important among them is the availability of water and oxygen. Earth is a part of the family of the Sun. It belongs to the Solar System.

Earth, along with seven other planets, revolves around the Sun. It takes roughly twenty-four hours to complete one rotation and 365 days and 4 hours to complete one revolution. Rotation and revolution make day and night and change of seasons simultaneously possible. The five seasons we experience in one revolution are Spring, Summer, Monsoon, Autumn, and Winter.

However, we are misusing resources and exploiting the natural gifts that have been so heavily endowed upon us. Overuse and misuse of all the natural resources are causing pollution to such an extent that it has become alarming to the point of destruction. The most common form of pollution caused upon the earth by us is Air Pollution, Land Pollution, Water Pollution, and Noise Pollution.

This, in turn, had resulted in Ozone Layer Depletion and Global Warming. Due to ozone layer depletion, there harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun are reaching the earth. It, in turn, is melting glaciers and causing a rise in temperature every year. Many animals have either extinct or are endangered due to human activities.

Some extinct animals worldwide are Sabre-toothed Cat, Woolly Mammoth, Dodo, Great Auk, Stellers Sea Cow, Tasmanian Tiger, Passenger Pigeon, Pyrenean Ibex. The extinct animals in the Indian subcontinent are the Indian Cheetah, pink-headed duck, northern Sumatran rhinoceros, and Sunderban dwarf rhinoceros.

The endangered animals that are in need of our immediate attention in India are Royal Bengal Tiger, Snow leopard, Red panda, Indian rhinoceros, Nilgiri tahr, Asiatic lion, Ganges river dolphin, Gharial and Hangul, among others. We have exploited fossil fuels to such an extent that now we run the risk of using them completely. We must switch to alternative sources of energy that are nature friendly. Solar power, windmills, hydra power should be used more often, and deforestation must be made illegal worldwide.

We must come together to preserve the natural environment. Conversation, reduction, reuse and recycling of the resources will take us a long way in rebuilding the natural habitat. We are as unique as our planet earth. We have higher intelligence, and we must use it for the well-being of all living organisms. The Earth is our natural abode, and we must make a place as close to Paradise, if not better.

Hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea about our planet Earth. I have tried to cover every aspect that makes it unique and the reasons to practise conversation of natural resources. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on many important topics, keep browsing our website. 

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Essay on Earth

500 words essay on earth.

The earth is the planet that we live on and it is the fifth-largest planet. It is positioned in third place from the Sun. This essay on earth will help you learn all about it in detail. Our earth is the only planet that can sustain humans and other living species. The vital substances such as air, water, and land make it possible.

essay on earth

All About Essay on Earth

The rocks make up the earth that has been around for billions of years. Similarly, water also makes up the earth. In fact, water covers 70% of the surface. It includes the oceans that you see, the rivers, the sea and more.

Thus, the remaining 30% is covered with land. The earth moves around the sun in an orbit and takes around 364 days plus 6 hours to complete one round around it. Thus, we refer to it as a year.

Just like revolution, the earth also rotates on its axis within 24 hours that we refer to as a solar day. When rotation is happening, some of the places on the planet face the sun while the others hide from it.

As a result, we get day and night. There are three layers on the earth which we know as the core, mantle and crust. The core is the centre of the earth that is usually very hot. Further, we have the crust that is the outer layer. Finally, between the core and crust, we have the mantle i.e. the middle part.

The layer that we live on is the outer one with the rocks. Earth is home to not just humans but millions of other plants and species. The water and air on the earth make it possible for life to sustain. As the earth is the only livable planet, we must protect it at all costs.

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There is No Planet B

The human impact on the planet earth is very dangerous. Through this essay on earth, we wish to make people aware of protecting the earth. There is no balance with nature as human activities are hampering the earth.

Needless to say, we are responsible for the climate crisis that is happening right now. Climate change is getting worse and we need to start getting serious about it. It has a direct impact on our food, air, education, water, and more.

The rising temperature and natural disasters are clear warning signs. Therefore, we need to come together to save the earth and leave a better planet for our future generations.

Being ignorant is not an option anymore. We must spread awareness about the crisis and take preventive measures to protect the earth. We must all plant more trees and avoid using non-biodegradable products.

Further, it is vital to choose sustainable options and use reusable alternatives. We must save the earth to save our future. There is no Planet B and we must start acting like it accordingly.

Conclusion of Essay on Earth

All in all, we must work together to plant more trees and avoid using plastic. It is also important to limit the use of non-renewable resources to give our future generations a better planet.

FAQ on Essay on Earth

Question 1: What is the earth for kids?

Answer 1: Earth is the third farthest planet from the sun. It is bright and bluish in appearance when we see it from outer space. Water covers 70% of the earth while land covers 30%. Moreover, the earth is the only planet that can sustain life.

Question 2: How can we protect the earth?

Answer 2: We can protect the earth by limiting the use of non-renewable resources. Further, we must not waste water and avoid using plastic.

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Enchanting Wonders of the Tropical Rainforest: a Vivid Description

This essay about the tropical rainforest provides a vivid description of its unparalleled biodiversity and intricate ecosystems. From the towering canopy to the bustling forest floor, every aspect of the rainforest teems with life, showcasing the wonders of nature’s resilience. Despite its beauty, the rainforest faces threats like deforestation and climate change, putting countless species at risk. The summary emphasizes the need for stewardship to protect and preserve this vital ecosystem for future generations, underscoring the importance of conservation efforts to safeguard its enchanting wonders.

How it works

In the heart of the world’s equatorial regions lies a treasure trove of biodiversity, a realm where life flourishes in abundance and diversity like nowhere else on Earth – the tropical rainforest. Stretching across continents like a lush green blanket, these vibrant ecosystems harbor an astonishing array of flora and fauna, each intricately woven into the intricate tapestry of life. Let us embark on a journey to unravel the enchanting wonders of the tropical rainforest.

At first glance, the tropical rainforest captivates with its towering canopy, where sunlight filters through a dense maze of foliage, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor below.

This dense, multilayered canopy serves as a haven for countless species of plants and animals, each carving out their niche in this bustling ecosystem. From majestic towering trees reaching for the sky to delicate orchids clinging to the branches, every corner of the rainforest teems with life, painting a breathtaking tableau of biodiversity.

Beneath the canopy lies a rich tapestry of life, where the forest floor teems with activity. Here, a myriad of plants compete for sunlight in the dim understory, while fungi and decomposers work tirelessly to recycle nutrients, fueling the cycle of life. Amidst the lush foliage, elusive creatures like jaguars, tapirs, and colorful birds roam, their presence a testament to the rainforest’s remarkable resilience.

But perhaps the true marvel of the tropical rainforest lies hidden beneath the surface, where a vast network of rivers and streams meander through the dense foliage, nourishing the land and shaping its diverse ecosystems. These lifelines not only provide essential water for the flora and fauna but also serve as vital corridors for migration, allowing species to thrive across vast distances.

Yet, despite its awe-inspiring beauty, the tropical rainforest faces myriad threats, from deforestation and habitat fragmentation to climate change and illegal poaching. As human activities encroach further into these pristine habitats, the delicate balance of life hangs in the balance, putting countless species at risk of extinction.

In conclusion, the tropical rainforest stands as a testament to the incredible diversity and resilience of life on Earth. From its towering canopies to its rich forest floor, every inch of this biodiverse wonderland teems with life, offering a glimpse into the intricate web of interconnectedness that sustains our planet. As stewards of this precious ecosystem, it is our responsibility to protect and preserve the tropical rainforest for generations to come, ensuring that its enchanting wonders endure for centuries to come.


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Enchanting Wonders of the Tropical Rainforest: A Vivid Description. (2024, Jun 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/enchanting-wonders-of-the-tropical-rainforest-a-vivid-description/

"Enchanting Wonders of the Tropical Rainforest: A Vivid Description." PapersOwl.com , 1 Jun 2024, https://papersowl.com/examples/enchanting-wonders-of-the-tropical-rainforest-a-vivid-description/

PapersOwl.com. (2024). Enchanting Wonders of the Tropical Rainforest: A Vivid Description . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/enchanting-wonders-of-the-tropical-rainforest-a-vivid-description/ [Accessed: 1 Jun. 2024]

"Enchanting Wonders of the Tropical Rainforest: A Vivid Description." PapersOwl.com, Jun 01, 2024. Accessed June 1, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/enchanting-wonders-of-the-tropical-rainforest-a-vivid-description/

"Enchanting Wonders of the Tropical Rainforest: A Vivid Description," PapersOwl.com , 01-Jun-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/enchanting-wonders-of-the-tropical-rainforest-a-vivid-description/. [Accessed: 1-Jun-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). Enchanting Wonders of the Tropical Rainforest: A Vivid Description . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/enchanting-wonders-of-the-tropical-rainforest-a-vivid-description/ [Accessed: 1-Jun-2024]

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Reducing Green Cover of Earth

Life on Earth is possible because of some basic things, but one of the most important things for sustaining life on Earth is Trees. Trees are fundamental to the needs of humans as they produce oxygen, without which life won’t be possible on Earth. However, one of the most concerning current factors is reducing Earth's green cover. Green cover is the area covered by trees on Earth and is important to measure how much forestation is there worldwide. This green cover is continuously reducing, posing a risk to the ecosystem of Earth.

With the increasing population, the need for resources such as houses, vehicles, timber, etc., has increased by a huge margin. This population push has given rise to deforestation, which is a process of cutting trees and using the space for industrialisation and wood for other purposes. New industries are being opened on a regular basis, and with no land in cities, they turn towards the forests as the land is cheap. They cut the trees to make factories and profits and pollute the environment and water bodies. The result is increased climate change with less rainfall and more heat, which further reduces the green cover on Earth.

As humans, we have to ensure that this green cover increases, or we will be left with less food and oxygen. It will be bad not only for humans but also for other species responsible for maintaining the Earth’s ecosystem. Governments all around the world are making so many efforts to increase the green cover. We should also help in contributing to the efforts at the personal level. We can start by saving as much electricity as possible in our households and limiting pollution by using public transport whenever we can. Also, we should avoid the use of plastic as it gets buried in the soil and makes the land infertile over time. The last and the most important thing is to save water as it is fundamental for maintaining the green cover on Earth. We only have this one planet to live on, and the green cover is the most important factor to ensure we protect our planet. For raising awareness about pollution and ways to maintain the green cover, Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22. We should also raise awareness about the topic and prevent anything that can cause the reduction in green cover on Earth.

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