Free Schedule Templates

Free schedule templates you can use to organize your tasks, assignments, and other activities.

Word • PDF • Excel

Schedule Templates

Schedule Templates

Schedule templates are designed to help you plan your time better — your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks and activities.

We divided these templates into Work and Non-work schedule templates. Therefore, you can track both your job tasks and the activities outside your work hours.

In case you want to share these templates with your colleagues, your partner, or friends, you can use the Google Sheets and Google Docs versions of the schedules.

On the other hand, if you'd like to download these templates to your computer, feel free to use the Word and Excel versions.

Finally, if you prefer paper to online formats, bear in mind that you can download each of these schedules as a PDF, and then print them out.


  • 01. Work from home schedule template
  • 02. Weekly work from home schedule template
  • 03. Daily work from home schedule template
  • 04. Weekly assignments schedule template
  • 05. Daily assignments schedule template
  • 06. Yearly time off schedule template
  • 07. Weekly meetings schedule


  • 08. Monthly household chores template
  • 09. Weekly household chores schedule template
  • 10. Monthly workout schedule template
  • 11. Weekly workout schedule template
  • 12. Monthly budget schedule template
  • 13. Weekly meal planning schedule template
  • 14. Daily meal planning schedule template
  • 15. Travel schedule template

Work schedule templates

We created these free work schedule templates to help you be more productive and efficient with your work tasks.

You'll notice that some templates cover your daily, weekly, and monthly assignments, while other templates only provide you with one type of assignment.

That's because some types of schedules demand more details, such as the Work from home template — which is why this one has both the daily and weekly versions.

Work from home schedule template

When working from home, you often have to deal with many distractions, either coming from your neighborhood, from the people you live with, or your pets.

One of the best ways to avoid all these interruptions and get back on track with your work is to follow your schedule .

Here are two Work from home schedule templates you can use to organize your workday — or workweek, if that suits you better.

Weekly work from home schedule template

The Weekly work from home schedule template breaks down each day into three sections: Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.

Furthermore, there's a Weekly work checklist, and Meetings/calls section.

If you enjoy having an overview of your weekly tasks, this template will suit you, especially if you have flexible working hours . In this case, you'll be able to choose the time of day for your job assignments, then figure out when you'll fit in your home chores or meal preps.

Of course, even if you have fixed working hours, this template will help you make an 8-hour workday schedule that suits your needs.

To use it properly, you should fill this template out either on Sunday afternoon/Monday morning or note down new tasks every day.

Start by choosing the time of the day for each assignment during the week.

To ensure you'll get the most out of every workday, keep in mind your circadian rhythm — leave the most complex tasks for the time of the day when you're most alert. Then, be sure to add all your significant weekly tasks to the Weekly work checklist, as well as jot down all your weekly meetings and calls.

We hope that the Work from home weekly schedule template will help you finish your job tasks on time.

Once again, remember to take frequent breaks in between assignments.

⬇️ GET Weekly work from home schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Weekly work from home schedule template (Google Docs)

Weekly work from home schedule template

Daily work from home schedule template

The Daily work from home schedule template ensures you stay on track with all your daily tasks. This template breaks down your day into hourly segments. In addition, there's a valuable section called the Daily work checklist, where you can input all the most crucial activities/tasks of the day. Moreover, there's a To-do list for tomorrow, which you can fill out at the end of each day.

Anyone working from home can surely benefit from using this template. We suggest opening this template first thing in the morning.

Make sure to note down your most vital tasks and activities in the Daily work checklist section. Next, write down your meetings of the day. Once you do that, you'll have a better idea of when you'll be free to deal with your significant assignments. Don't forget to include breaks throughout the day, too.

Finally, to avoid working overtime, you should note down all the tasks for tomorrow in the To-do list for tomorrow.

⬇️ GET Daily work from home schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Daily work from home schedule template (Google Docs)

Daily Work From Home Schedule

Assignments schedule template

We created two types of templates that allow you to keep track of your assignments:

  • Weekly assignments schedule, and
  • Daily assignments schedule.

Weekly assignments schedule template

The Weekly assignments schedule is quite straightforward — there's a simple table where you can add tasks for each day of the week. In addition, we included the Task deadlines section and Reminders.

If you're looking for an easy way to keep a record of all your weekly assignments, this template will fit your needs.

We suggest filling it out at the beginning of a week.

Of course, if there are any unexpected tasks throughout the week, be sure to add them to the Weekly assignments schedule.

Now, this template also ensures that you complete all your tasks before the deadline, which is why we encourage you to enter your tasks' deadlines in the middle section.

Furthermore, there's the Reminders section, where you can add any important reminders or notes for your weekly assignments.

⬇️ GET Weekly assignments schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Weekly assignments schedule template (Google Docs)

Weekly Assignments Schedule Template

Daily assignments schedule template

The Daily assignments schedule is a template that helps you figure out your top 3 priorities of the day. Moreover, since this template contains The Eisenhower Matrix technique section, it allows you to distinguish between important/not important, and urgent/not urgent assignments.

This template is practical because it ensures that you deal with your tasks according to their urgency and importance.

Once you fill out the Eisenhower Matrix technique section, simply scroll down to the hourly table and choose time blocks for these assignments.

Finally, don't forget to enter some vital tasks for tomorrow.

⬇️ GET Daily assignments schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Daily assignments schedule template (Google Docs)

Daily Assignments Schedule Template

Yearly time off schedule template

The Yearly time off schedule template allows you to keep track of your time off throughout the year. In this template, we covered several vital categories of time off, such as paid vacation, sick leave, earned days, and others.

Also, there are three important sections for each type of time off: Consumed days, Available days, and Balance.

So, how to use the Yearly time off template?

It couldn't be simpler.

First, enter the balance for each type of time off. For particular types, such as sick leave, you may not have a balance, but for paid vacation, you definitely will.

Then, whenever you receive approval to take time off for any reason, just enter the number of days in the proper row (the type of time off) and in the right column (the current month).

Next, the template will automatically calculate the number of Consumed days (for each type of time off) and the number of Available days left.

Thus, you'll have a better idea of how many days off you've used so far and how many there are left by the end of the year.

⬇️ GET Yearly time off schedule template (Google Sheets)

Yearly Time Off Schedule

Weekly meetings schedule

The Weekly meetings schedule is suitable for those of you who have meetings every day. With this template, you'll be able to keep track of all your meetings. In addition, you can add any significant details, such as meeting agenda, topic, and start and end time.

The Weekly meetings schedule covers five days of the week. To make the most of this template, you should open it at the beginning of the week and enter all your weekly meetings. Be sure to include details such as where meetings take place or the links to online calls.

To ensure that you're fully prepared for any meeting, add its topic and agenda, if needed.

Then, once the meeting starts, you can follow its agenda, but also write notes in the Important notes section.

⬇️ GET Weekly meetings schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Weekly meetings schedule template (Google Docs)

Weekly Meetings Schedule

Non-work schedule templates

Apart from templates for organizing your job tasks, meetings, and time off, we created some non-work schedules you can use for free, too.

Here's the list of the templates you can use for planning your time outside of work:

  • Household chores schedule,
  • Workout schedule,
  • Budget schedule,
  • Travel schedule, and
  • Meal prep schedule.

Household chores schedule template

We made two types of household chores templates:

  • Monthly household chores, and
  • Weekly household chores schedule template.

Monthly household chores template

The Monthly household chores template helps you deal with all your errands around the house. This template covers a weekly breakdown of chores, but also some additional ones that you do once a month.

You can add your typical weekly chores.

Plus, you can add the names of the people in charge of these errands, which comes in handy if you share your household chores with your partner, roommate, or family members.

There's a column called Additional monthly chores, where you can enter some of the errands you deal with every month. For example, cleaning/vacuuming furniture or cleaning windows.

Moreover, we included another section for all the outdoor chores, which comes in handy if you live in a house. To make sure you won't forget any outside-the-house monthly errands, be sure to add them to this list.

⬇️ GET Monthly household chores schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Monthly household chores schedule template (Google Docs)

Monthly Household Chores Schedule

Weekly household chores schedule template

The Weekly household chores schedule template allows you to keep an eye on all your household chores during the week. We included a separate schedule for each day, along with Before work and After work columns, so that you can plan your errands accordingly.

In addition, we added the Who's in charge column to this template, too.

Since this template covers seven days, you can enter all your weekly errands at the beginning of the week.

Then, simply add the name of the person in charge of every chore.

Once you or your family members finish a specific errand, just put a checkmark next to it.

Also, during the workweek, you can decide whether you'll deal with these chores before or after work.

And, on weekends, you can choose whether you'll complete your errands in the morning or afternoon.

We didn't include evenings on weekends, because you should have some time to relax on Saturdays and Sundays.

Finally, this template contains the Shopping list — so, whenever you remember you need to buy milk or anything else, note it down here.

⬇️ GET Weekly household chores schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Weekly household chores schedule template (Google Docs)

Weekly Household Chores Schedule

Workout schedule template

The Workout schedule template allows you to organize your exercise routine.

No matter whether you prefer working out in a gym or from home, you'll surely find our monthly and weekly workout templates useful.

Monthly workout schedule template

The Monthly workout schedule template ensures you stay consistent with your monthly workout targets. Setting such long-term goals is vital because it gives you a clearer picture of what you want to achieve. Thus, when you have a monthly target, you'll be able to make weekly plans. This will also help you plan your days accordingly.

That's why the Monthly workout schedule template contains the Overall goal field. So, your goal can be losing weight, improving your physical condition, or anything else. Just remember that goals should be challenging enough, you don't want objectives that are too easy or too difficult to achieve.

Now, how can you use this template?

Once you adopt your monthly objectives, you should decide what types of exercises will get you closer to your goal.

Then, choose how frequently you'll do such types of workouts.

Also, whether you'll do your exercises with or without equipment is up to you, and you can add these details to your schedule, too.

If you haven't been working out before, or you've taken a longer break, please make sure you consult your fitness instructor first. This way, you'll be sure your workout plan is suitable for you, and you'll avoid any injuries.

⬇️ GET Monthly workout schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Monthly workout schedule template (Google Docs)

Monthly Workout Schedule

Weekly workout schedule template

Apart from the Monthly workout schedule template, we also created the one for your weekly plans. First, you can plan your monthly routine, then use the Weekly workout schedule template to add more details.

As you can see, the Weekly workout schedule template covers several workout categories:

  • HIIT (high-intensity interval training), and
  • Yoga/stretching.

Depending on your monthly goals, you should choose the frequency of each category. Of course, you don't have to include all these categories in your workout plans, just the ones that will help you move towards your monthly objective.

Next, think of the best days for each type of exercise, as well as the time of the day.

Then, decide on the duration of your workout sessions.

This template also allows you to add links for workout videos you'd like to try, but also links for playlists. There's no doubt that music can help us stay motivated — so be sure to add your favorite tunes to this column.

Finally, remember that rest days are just as important as the days you exercise. Therefore, note down the days you'll spend resting.

⬇️ GET Weekly workout schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Weekly workout schedule template (Google Docs)

Weekly Workout Schedule

Monthly budget schedule template

The Monthly budget schedule template is designed to help you keep an eye on your expenses . In addition, this template includes a Savings column — to remind you to save some money for rainy days.

To make the most of our Monthly budget template, make sure you add the Starting budget.

Then, write down all the expenses you have during a month, such as rent, utilities, and other similar costs.

To ensure you'll pay all these expenses on time, there's the Due date column, too.

The template automatically calculates the total sum of your monthly costs, which can be pretty convenient.

Furthermore, to ensure that you'll put aside some part of your monthly income into your savings account, we included the Savings column. Thus, you can note down the amount you'd like to save from each paycheck.

⬇️ GET Monthly budget schedule template (Google Sheets)

Meal planning schedule template

Monthly Budget Template

Meal planning can be such a bummer, especially on days when you have too much work to do. Instead of figuring out what you'll have for each meal of the day, try organizing your meals for an entire week. Then, simply follow this routine throughout the week.

To make your life easier, we created two meal planning schedule templates:

Weekly meal planning schedule template

Daily meal planning schedule template.

The Weekly meal planning schedule template allows you to create a healthy meal plan for an entire week. You can write down your ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

As you can see, the Weekly meal planning schedule template covers seven days and four meals for each day. We suggest filling this template out on weekends, so that you'll have enough time for shopping.

If you're usually swamped with work during a workweek, you can make a couple of meals on weekends and store them in a freezer.

Another practical option this template offers is the Ingredients to buy list, where you can note down everything you need for meal prep.

⬇️ GET Weekly meal planning schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Weekly meal planning schedule template (Google Docs)

Weekly Meal Planning Schedule

Our Daily meal planning schedule template is more detailed than the weekly one. The Daily meal planning schedule template covers categories such as Preparation time, Ingredients, and Recipes.

This template helps you have a clearer understanding of how long each meal preparation will take. Therefore, you can easily adjust your meal preps with your work and other daily activities.

Moreover, with this template, you'll be able to write down all the ingredients of your meals, as well as add recipes.

⬇️ GET Daily meal planning schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Daily meal planning schedule template (Google Docs)

Daily Meal Planning Schedule

Travel schedule template

Do you enjoy traveling?

If so, our Travel schedule template will help you keep all the valuable information about your trip in one place.

This template covers categories such as Places to see, Tickets to buy, and Don't forget to pack.

Thus, you can write down all the attractions and spots you'd like to visit during your stay.

If you need to buy tickets for museums, galleries, monuments, or simply public transportation for that destination, be sure to add all the details to this template.

And, if you can make an online purchase, just add the link next to your list.

Finally, this template reminds you to pack the most crucial things, like money, passport, and medications. So, make sure you go through this list before your trip.

Of course, you don't have to plan everything ahead, leave some days open for any activity that comes your way. After all, this is how you make the best memories.

⬇️ GET Travel schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Travel schedule template (Google Docs)

Travel Schedule Template

Schedule projects and teams with Clockify

Aside from our Schedule templates, you can also use Clockify to schedule your projects and employees . This feature especially comes in handy for managers because they need to effectively schedule employee work time to ensure that all team members meet their deadlines.

The scheduling option in Clockify allows you to plan both projects and teams.

Here's how you can use Project scheduling with this Clockify option:

  • Add a new project by clicking on the button on the left corner. Clockify will automatically load that project and show you all the tasks under that project name. You can add a milestone by clicking anywhere on the timeline. You can easily edit your milestones, drag-and-drop them, or change their names.
  • You can add more team members to the project and create new assignments. To make sure nobody's swamped with work, Clockify will show users who are over their capacity.

In addition, you can zoom in and out to take a better look at assignments. Moreover, you can have an overview of the total hours assigned for each project.

Project scheduling in Clockify

When it comes to team schedules, Clockify also helps you see who's overbooked and who's available.

With Team scheduling, you can:

  • Add new members. Clockify will then automatically load all the assignments of these users.
  • Edit user's capacity by clicking on the three dots next to the user's name. This will give you a clue whether users are at their maximum capacity (Full), or they have several hours available for new tasks (Xh open), or if users are over their capacity for the day (Xh over).

This way, managers are able to assign new tasks to the right people and ensure that everyone has an equal amount of work during the week.

Employee scheduling in Clockify

Start tracking time with Clockify

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job assignment excel template

The Best Free Job Tracker Spreadsheet Template for 2024

  • Last updated January 2, 2024

Whether you’re searching for work as a fresh graduate or hoping to advance your career, the process can feel overwhelming. You might forget which job offers you applied to or struggle to keep track of potential employer interviews. This is where tracking job applications comes in handy.

If you’re looking for a ready-made template to organize your applications, our free job tracker spreadsheet is fairly intuitive. When paired with our article, you’ll discover tips you may never have considered before.

Job Tracker Spreadsheet

Table of Contents

What Is a Job Tracker Spreadsheet?

This tool organizes all of your applications (and their statuses) in a single place. You’ll typically use a program like Google Sheets  to make/access your  job application spreadsheet .

Job application tracking allows you to monitor your application progress, note which companies responded to you, and note whether you’re invited for an interview or have been rejected. This lets you stay organized and even gain insights into your job search strategy. This can be especially useful when paired when you work with freelancers and contractors, like you’d find on a service such as Fiverr .

What Should a Job Application Tracking Spreadsheet Have?

There’s really no benchmark for how job tracking spreadsheets should be built and what they should contain. Generally speaking, it’s recommended to consider the following details and categories:

  • Company or organization you want to join
  • Contact name and preferred communication channels
  • Position offered
  • Link where you’ve encountered the job
  • Application deadline
  • Location of the position
  • Employment type (e.g., freelance, full-time, part-time)
  • Your application date
  • Status of your application (e.g., if you received a reply, qualified for an interview)
  • Files and documents sent to recruiting personnel
  • Checkboxes if you’ve sent follow-up emails
  • Status of your hiring process (e.g. offered a position, rejected, scheduled for another interview)
  • Date of interviews
  • Location and mode (e.g., online, in-person)
  • Any other notes to consider

Of course, you can always also add more fields to your spreadsheet – especially if you’re creating one from scratch. If you don’t know where to start, there are a ton of helpful Spreadsheet Point guides and tutorials .

For the most comprehensive Google Sheets guides on job tracking and much more, why not apply for online courses at Udemy ?

Why Use Our Free Job Tracking Template?

A ready-to-fill jon search spreadsheet only requires you to input specific details of your applications. This saves time you would have otherwise spent arranging the formatting and formulas on a blank sheet.

Job Search Spreadsheet

There are a few other reasons to consider our job tracking spreadsheet:

Organized Tabs

This job tracker contains three separate tabs: job details, pre-interview, and interviews. These divide your application process into multiple stages, allowing you to keep specific information in organized categories.


The set of common application statuses and checkboxes can easily be selected from a drop-down list . This prevents the tedious task of repeatedly typing words.

Ease of Access

Since our template runs on Google Sheets, you can access your  job search template  anywhere you have an internet connection. If you want to collaborate, you can conveniently share it with your friends or colleagues.

Personal Customization

Our sheet also has a dedicated section for your notes, letting you detail the most important elements of a company, its culture, and employee benefits. You can also prepare questions about the position here.

You’ll discover more personalized benefits as you explore our job tracker spreadsheet. For greater access to more helpful templates, don’t forget to visit our profile on Gumroad  — and save 50% off all premium templates by using the promo code SSP .

3 Tips to Use This Free Job Application Spreadsheet

1. job details tab.

Visiting and noting multiple postings on various websites (like LinkedIn and Indeed) is a necessary step for job seekers. This lets you cast a wide net and see which companies would be interested in hiring you.

This tab is where you put every piece of information you know about the position offered by a certain company. Enter the name of the organization under the first column, followed by the job posting link, recruiter’s name, and contact details in the cells beside it.

Job details tab in tracker spreadsheet

You’ll also notice that two columns have drop-down lists: Type and Mode. Under Type, you can quickly select the employment terms of the job, whether it’s full-time work, part-time, or freelance.

Job type selection dropdown in job tracker spreadsheet

On the other hand, Mode allows you to note whether the job is done remotely or in person. Updating the cells under this field is important, especially if you are applying for the position online.

Job mode selection

Don’t forget to populate the other categories, such as the base pay for the job and the materials you’ve already sent them.

2. Pre-interview Tab

After sending your application emails and documents, start tracking the companies that invite you for an interview.

Under the pre-interview tab, the first four columns on the left are auto-filled with the company name and contact details of the hiring manager. These details should only appear once you’ve sent an application for the job position (and noted it under the Sent field on the previous tab).

Pre-interview tab in job tracker spreadsheet

Beside them is the field where you can enter your application date. Immediately following it are the categories “Reply Received” and “Send Follow-up.” Checking these boxes lets you track whether you still need to follow up on your application or proceed to the next steps.

Follow-up section under pre-interview job tracking sheet

To push your application through the hiring process, you might also be asked for further documents or media. List these under “Other Files Requested”, which you can also refer to when applying for other future jobs.

The last two columns are named “Research Done” and “Qualified for Interview”, also featuring checkboxes under them. Update the former if you’ve already studied the details of the company (such as its work culture) while waiting for a response. The latter allows you to mark whether you can proceed to the next step of your job search.

3. Interviews Tab

If you’ve qualified for an interview — and have updated the relevant category in the previous tab — the Interviews sheet will be useful to you.

Column A (“Status”) allows you to mark whether you’re currently undergoing a second interview or have already been hired. In case you didn’t pass one of your interviews, you can also select Rejected from the drop-down list included. Columns B to E should display the interviewing company name and its contact details.

Interview application status on job tracker spreadsheet

This tab is further separated into Interviews 1, 2, and 3 (which you can also increase, depending on your preferences or needs). Here, you can enter the details of your interview, including whether it’s online or in-person, as well as the location or platform.

Interview status column in job tracking spreadsheet

There’s another status column that lets you mark whether you’ve received a callback for another interview, were hired on the spot, or simply rejected. Related:  Free Memo Templates for Google Docs

A “Notes” section is provided to write down any feedback from the interviewer, as well as questions that you want to be answered during your next meeting.

Interview research tab for job tracker spreadsheet

Tracking Job Applications Has Never Been Easier

A job tracker spreadsheet goes a long way in making the application process more efficient. You can easily monitor your progress, analyze what employers require from potential applicants, and customize your approach for each application. Download our job tracking template today:

Job Tracking Template

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How to Create a Task Tracker in Excel (Download Free Template)

Abrar-ur-Rahman Niloy

Although there is no direct tool to track tasks in Excel, we can use a combination of different functions and formulas to create a dynamic task tracker of our own. This tutorial will show you the quick and easy steps to set up your task tracker with reports on its current status of it in Excel.

Step 1: Making Dataset for Task Tracker in Excel

At first, we will be making a dataset, that should be automatically updatable. We will make a task list with their entry and name, following the category, urgency, importance and the completion status Follow these steps to make the dataset dynamic so that when you add a new task it automatically updates to the table.

  • First, we select the following headers in the dataset.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Then select cell B5 and go to the Home Now select Conditional Formatting from the Styles tab and select New Rule from the drop-drop down list.

job assignment excel template

  • Next, in the New Formatting Rule box, select Format only cells that contain in the Select a Rule Type Then select cell value as not equal to and select a blank cell for the value. Once you are done here, click on Format .

job assignment excel template

  • Now, go to the Border tab on the Format Cells box and select Outline border as shown in the figure.

job assignment excel template

  • After that click on OK in both the boxes.
  • Now go to the Home tab with the formatted cell selected and select Format Painter .

job assignment excel template

  • After that, select an area where you want to keep the dataset.
  • Let’s name the spreadsheet AllTaskList . And then create a new one with the name Tables .
  • Create different values for categories, urgencies, importances, and the status here.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Now go back to the AllTaskList sheet and select cell D5 .
  • Then go to the Data tab and select Data Validation from the Data Tools  group.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • As a result, the Data Validation box will pop up. Now go to the Settings tab and select List under Allow .

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Then select the Source field and then select the different values from the Tables

job assignment excel template

  • After that click on OK in the Data Validation
  • Consequently, a list box will be added with the categories in the selected cell. Select the appropriate category for it.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Similarly, add list boxes under the other columns with the help of the other sheet. And then select their values.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Now fill out all the tasks in the dataset. At this point, the formats will be automatically added and copy the lists created by Data Validation for the next rows. The completed list would look something like this.

how to create a task tracker in excel

You can add more tasks later on too.

  • Finally, select columns B:G, and in the name box, write the name of the dataset, Let’s say, Tasklist .

how to create a task tracker in excel

Move on to the next steps now to get more organized data from this dataset.

Read More:   How to Create a Daily Task Sheet in Excel

Step 2: Creating New Sheet to Track Pending Tasks from Dataset

Now we need to organize the incomplete tasks, maybe based on the categories or other parameters you want. We will need the usage of the FILTER function and depending on how you want it the SORT function .

  • First, create a new spreadsheet for this purpose. And let’s name it Pending Tasks . Put down the headers like the original dataset here.

job assignment excel template

  • Now select cell B5 and write down the following formula.

=FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!B:B<>0)*(AllTaskList!G:G="Not Done"))

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Now press Enter on your keyboard. As a result, you will have all the pending tasks here in this spreadsheet.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Generally, it will be sorted as a serial number. If you want it to be sorted by other parameters first you need the SORT function. For a sort by category use the following formula in cell B5 instead.

=SORT(FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!B:B<>0)*(AllTaskList!G:G="Not Done")),3)

  • And then press Enter on your keyboard. You will have the pending tasks sorted by category.

how to create a task tracker in excel

🔍 Breakdown of the Formula

=FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!B:B<>0)*(AllTaskList!G:G=”Not Done”))

👉 AllTaskList!B:B<>0 is a formula to express a condition and returns a boolean value.

👉 Similarly, AllTaskList!G:G=”Not Done” is a condition and returns a boolean value.

👉 FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!B:B<>0)*(AllTaskList!G:G=”Not Done”)) returns all the row values where both the above conditions were TRUE.

Read More: How to Create a Progress Tracker in Excel

Step 3: Creating Pending Tasks Using Different Parameters

If you want all the pending tasks of a specific category or all the urgent pending tasks. Or Important/Not important tasks maybe. To get those in a new spreadsheet, follow these steps.

  • First, create a new sheet and create all the headers in it. Let’s name the sheet Pending Tasks by Category .

job assignment excel template

  • Now, select cell D4 and go to the Data
  • Under the Data Tools group, select Data Validation .

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  • Next, in the Data Validation box select List under Allow in the Settings  tab.

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  • Now select different category values from the Tables sheet and press Enter . Then click on OK .
  • Select a category from it.
  • After that, select cell B7 and write down the following formula.

=FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!G:G="Not Done")*(AllTaskList!D:D='Pending Tasks by Categroy'!D4))

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Now press Enter . You will see all the values with the category you have selected.

how to create a task tracker in excel

Similarly, you can change the category in cell D4 to see the pending tasks of other categories. Henceforth, the list will update automatically.

how to create a task tracker in excel

Similarly, you can create pending tasks by urgency and importance of those tasks.

Read More:  How to Create Real Time Tracker in Excel

Step 4: Building Task Details List

Now we will create a spreadsheet to know the details of one particular task we want. Follow these steps to see how to create such spreadsheets. We will accomplish that with the help of the   VLOOKUP function and in the final case the   IF function .

  • First of all, create a new spreadsheet, Let’s name it Task Details .
  • Then select the details and the orientation of the chart containing your details.

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  • Now enter a serial no in cell C4 .
  • Then go to cell C6 and type:

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  • After that, go to cell C7 and write down the following formula. Now press Enter .


how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Similarly, go to cell C8 and write down the following formula. Then press Enter .


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  • In a similar fashion, go to cell C9 and write down the following formula. And then press Enter.


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  • Then go to cell C10 and write down the following formula. And then press Enter.


how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Finally, go to cell C11, write down the following formula and then press Enter .

=IF(VLOOKUP($C$4,Tasklist,6)="Done","Completed","Work in Progress")

job assignment excel template

As a result, you can see the task details from the spreadsheet easily.

how to create a task tracker in excel

If you change the serial no in cell C4 , you can see the particulars of that specific task.

how to create a task tracker in excel

=IF(VLOOKUP($C$4,Tasklist,6)=”Done”,”Completed”,”Work in Progress”)

👉 VLOOKUP($C$4,Tasklist,6) looks for the value in cell C4 in the 6th column of the original dataset named “Tasklist” .

👉 =IF(VLOOKUP($C$4,Tasklist,6)=”Done”,”Completed”,”Work in Progress”) checks if the value that came up is “Done”. If it is the value, then it prints “Completed”, otherwise goes for the value “Work in Progress”.

Step 5: Generating Dynamic Report on Task Tracker

Now on to the next part to create a summary of the original dataset and visualizing it with graphs for the complete and incomplete tasks. We are going to use a formula for counting that and add some graphs using the Excel tools here. The COUNTIFS   and  SUM   functions will come in handy in this step.

  • First, create a new spreadsheet. Let’s name it Summary .
  • Then create a dataset to separate complete and incomplete tasks for different categories.

job assignment excel template

  • Now go the cell C5 in the spreadsheet and write down the following formula and then press Enter .


how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Now select the cell again. And then click and drag the fill handle icon down to fill up the formula for the rest of the categories.

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  • After that, click and drag the fill handle icon to the right to fill up the cells of the next column with the same formula.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Now write the following formula in cell E5 . And then press Enter .


  • Again, select the cell and click and drag the fill handle icon down.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Similarly, select the cell again and click and drag the fill handle icon down to the end of the column.

job assignment excel template

  • In a similar fashion and the same formula, find the total tasks done and not done in cells C9 and D9 .

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • And after some formatting, the final summary will look like this.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Next, select the range B5:E9 and go to the Insert In the tab, select Recommended Chart .

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  • As a result, the Insert Chart box will open up. Now, go to the All Charts tab in it.
  • Then select your preferred chart. We are using a column chart for the demonstration. To do that, select Column from the left and choose the chart from the right as shown in the picture below.

job assignment excel template

  • After that, click on OK . As a result, the column chart will pop up.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Finally, the chart will look something like this after some modifications.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • To insert a pie chart for the completed tasks select the category column and the “Done” column in the dataset.

job assignment excel template

  • Now go to the Insert tab and select Recommended Chart from the Charts
  • After that, in the Insert Chart box that popped up, go to the All Charts tab and select Pie from the left side of the box. Select the pie chart you want from the right.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Finally, click on OK and you will have the pie chart emerge on top of the spreadsheet. If you change the chart style, it will look something like this.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Then again, you can follow the same procedure after selecting the “Category” column and the “Not Done” column and get a pie chart for the incomplete tasks.

how to create a task tracker in excel

  • Finally, rearrange the charts with the dataset so that it looks pleasing and you can easily get the idea with the dataset about your task tracker.

how to create a task tracker in excel

If you change anything in the original dataset created in the first step, all of the data in other sheets and the charts will update automatically now. With these simple ways, you can create a task tracker in Excel.

Download Template

Download the task tracker created in this example from the link below. You can already use it as your task tracker or use it as a reference for the steps described below.

Task Tracker Template.xlsx

This was a step-by-step process to create a task tracker in Excel. Hope you found this guide helpful and informative. If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know below.

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  • How to Keep Track of Customer Payments in Excel
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  • How to Keep Track of Clients in Excel
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Abrar-ur-Rahman Niloy

Abrar-ur-Rahman Niloy, holding a B.Sc. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, has contributed to Exceldemy for nearly 1.5 years. As a leader in Excel, VBA, and Content Development teams, he authored 114+ articles and assisted the Exceldemy forum. Presently, as a project writer, he prioritizes stepping out of his comfort zone, aiming for constant technical improvement. Niloy's interests encompass Excel & VBA, Pivot Table, Power Query, Python, Data Analysis, and Machine Learning libraries, showcasing his commitment to diverse... Read Full Bio

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[Require your URGENT help.]

When I open this Task tracker template after downloading, it shows an _xlfn. prefix, which is displayed in front of certain formulas (‘SORT’ and ‘FILTER’) in every sheet where they were used.

I am using MS Office Home and student 2016 licensed version. I found that this error occurs when these formulas are not available, in my Office version and also in many other versions.

Therefore, I kindly request the team to create and send me the new task tracker template which resolves this formula issue in my MS Office version. I would be earnestly waiting for your assistance.

Regards, Ashish

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Greetings ASHISH PANT , I appreciate you asking this question. We use the Microsoft Office 365 version here. In order to resolve your problem, you need to open the Excel workbook in Microsoft Office 365 version.

Regards ExcelDemy

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This is a great tutorial! I’ve been wanting to create a task tracker for a while, and this is the perfect guide. Thanks!

Hello, Instast!

Thanks for your appreciation. To get more helpful content stay in touch with ExcelDemy.

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This is really amazing! Why not add a timestamp at a new column, at the very end of every table. This will help tracking the latest updates.

Thank you very much!

Abrar-ur-Rahman Niloy

Hi Nawaf, thanks for the appreciation!

We focused more on the checklist side of the task tracker- whether or not the task is done or yet to be done (or not) was our main focus here. Also, we wanted to rearrange and prioritize our tasks based on a criteria. So we skipped the timestamps in this article. If that is your priority, you can easily do so too by adding an extra column and including it within the dataset too. You can also add an assigned time and current time and compare them to find the status of the task in the main dataset. If you face any problem regarding the timestamps or want to do something particular with them, let us know. We are always here to assist.

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how great is the content you have delivered

Hello y2mate ,

Thanks for your appreciation.

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Hello Viraltecho ,

You are most welcome.

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Using Solver to schedule your workforce

Many businesses (such as banks, restaurants, and postal service companies) know what their labor requirements will be on different days of the week, and need a method to efficiently schedule their workforce. You can use Excel's Solver add-in to create a staffing schedule based on those requirements.

Schedule your workforce to meet labor demands (example)

The following example demonstrates how you can use Solver to calculate staffing requirements.

Contoso bank processes checks 7 days a week. The number of workers needed each day to process checks is shown in row 14 of the Excel worksheet shown below. For example, 13 workers are needed on Tuesday, 15 workers are needed on Wednesday, and so on. All bank employees work 5 consecutive days. What is the minimum number of employees the bank can have and still meet its labor requirements?

Data used in example

Start by identifying the objective cell, changing cells, and constraints for your Solver model.

Note:  The objective cell is called the target cell in Excel 2007.

Objective cell – Minimize the total number of employees.

Changing cells – Number of employees who start work (the first of five consecutive days) each day of the week. Each changing cell must be a non-negative integer.

Constraints – For each day of the week, the number of employees who are working must be greater than or equal to the number of employees required. ( Number of employees working ) >= ( Needed employees )

To set up the model, you need to track the number of employees working each day. Begin by entering trial values for the number of employees who start their five-day shift each day in the cell range A5:A11. For example, in A5, enter 1 to indicate that 1 employee begins work on Monday and works Monday through Friday. Enter each day’s required workers in the range C14:I14.

To track the number of employees working each day, enter a 1 or a 0 in each cell in the range C5:I11. The value 1 in a cell indicates that the employees who started working on the day designated in the cell’s row are working on the day associated with the cell’s column. For example, the 1 in cell G5 indicates that employees who started working on Monday are working on Friday; the 0 in cell H5 indicates that the employees who started working on Monday are not working on Saturday.

To compute the number of employees working each day, copy the formula = SUMPRODUCT($A$5:$A$11,C5:C11) from C12 to D12:I12. For example, in cell C12, this formula evaluates to = A5+A8+A9+A10 +A11 , which equals (Number starting on Monday)+ (Number starting on Thursday)+(Number starting on Friday)+(Number starting on Saturday)+ (Number starting on Sunday) . This total is the number of people working on Monday.

After computing the total number of employees in cell A3 with the formula = SUM(A5:A11) , you can enter your model in Solver as shown below.

Solver Parameters dialog box

In the objective cell (A3), you want to minimize the total number of employees. The constraint C12:I12> =C14:I14 ensures that the number of employees working each day is at least as large as the number needed for that day. The constraint A5:A11=integer ensures that the number of employees beginning work each day is an integer. To add this constraint,click Add in the Solver Parameters dialog box and enter the constraint in the Add Constraint dialog box (shown below).

Change constraints dialog box

You can also selected the options Assume Linear Model and Assume Non-Negative for the changing cells by clicking Options in the Solver Parameters dialog box and then selecting the check boxes in the Solver Options dialog box.

Click Solve . You'll see the optimal number of employees for each day.

In this example, a total of 20 employees is needed. One employee starts on Monday, three start on Tuesday, four start on Thursday, one starts on Friday, two start on Saturday, and nine start on Sunday.

Note that this model is linear because the objective cell is created by adding changing cells, and the constraint is created by comparing the result obtained by adding the product of each changing cell times a constant (either 1 or 0) to the required number of workers.

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10 Free Work Schedule Templates in Excel & ClickUp

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

February 15, 2024

Timing. Is. Everything. ⏰

That’s true when we’re explaining why our last relationship didn’t work out, and it’s definitely true when we’re trying to schedule the right number of team members to work the night shift.

A well-timed work schedule—whether it’s a project schedule, a daily schedule, or an employee shift schedule—is like a well-timed orchestra. It keeps everything in harmony. 🎶

When your work schedule gets out of sync, it can lead to angry customers, burnt-out employees, and missed deadlines. And those are all more painful than an out-of-sync violin. 🎻

But you can keep your small business humming with a customizable work schedule template. There are work schedule templates to help you plan everything from employee shifts to project deadlines to your own daily workflow.

We’ll share our ten favorite templates to help you master employee scheduling in no time.

What Is a Work Schedule Template?

What makes a good work schedule template, 1. clickup employee work schedule template, 2. clickup work shift schedule template, 3. clickup monthly work schedule template, 4. clickup employee workload template, 5. clickup 24-hour schedule template, 6. clickup monthly team schedule template, 7. clickup project management schedule template, 8. clickup work schedule blocking template, 9. monthly excel work schedule template by vertex42, 10. daily excel work schedule template.

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There are several types of work schedule templates, but they all help you figure out: how much work there is, who’s going to do it, and when.

Perhaps the most recognizable work schedule template is the weekly employee schedule. But even if you have a team that works a traditional 9-5 schedule, you can use a work schedule template to assign tasks and deadlines. And freelancers and individuals can use a daily schedule as part of their personal time management strategy.

Essentially, a work schedule template can organize any work day, week, or month for any number of employees. Here are the different types of work schedule templates to help you get the picture. 📸

  • Employee schedule template : For businesses with multiple part-time employees or work hours that extend beyond 9-5, this type of schedule will tell your team members when they’re on duty 🫡
  • Project schedule: An essential project management tool, a project schedule breaks your goal down into individual tasks and deadlines. It can also help you establish project milestones and set a meeting cadence for important check-ins
  • Daily work schedule: For freelancers and individual contributors, a daily planner template allows you to be more productive each day

Check out these work schedule apps !

What we’re about to tell you is going to sound like a paradox (wrapped in a riddle and candy-coated with an enigma), but hear us out. 🙉

The best work schedule templates should be both plug-and-play and easy to customize. And trust us: Templates can be both. In fact, good templates always are.

You should be able to open up your template and start instantly plugging in information, like hours, tasks, and employee names. But you should also be able to expand your template (or remove sections) to make the schedule match your business’s unique needs.

It should be easy to add more employees, more hours, or more niche sub-tasks. You should also be able to simplify these fields if you’re running a smaller operation.

And finally, any template you use should be easy to duplicate. Our daily and weekly schedule calendars often follow a similar rhythm. So being able to duplicate your schedule template after you customize it will help you streamline your scheduling process in the future.

10 Work Schedule Templates to Use in 2024

Plug-and-play, customizable, and easy to duplicate, these templates are mysteriously good at what they do. 🕵️

Even better: They’re free.

Explore these ten free work schedule templates to find solutions to organize your team members’ schedules and your own.

ClickUp Employee Work Schedule Template

Much like your favorite Broadway actor (we assume everybody has one), this free employee schedule template is a triple threat. 🎭

You can use it to schedule employee shifts, assign tasks during those shifts, and calculate your labor costs. ✅

The ClickUp Employee Work Schedule Template includes cells to add employees’ roles and hourly rates. It also allows you to assign a shift manager and track shift progress as your team members check off their to-do lists.

You can also add employee capacity for the week or mark it down to zero if someone has time off. In terms of employee schedule templates, this one goes above and beyond your basic weekly schedule template, which is what really makes it a star. 🌟

ClickUp Work Shift Schedule Template

If you think “simplicity” is the sexiest word of all time, then you need to plan your shifts with the ClickUp Work Shift Schedule Template .

The data fields have been paired down to the essentials. All you need to do is add your shifts’ start and end times, the roles you need for each shift, and who’s going to fill those roles.

The weekly work schedule template is color-coded, so it’s easy to see different shifts—like your day shift and night shift—at a glance. The only extra fields are to mark team members absent and add a reason for callouts.

If Scandi-style interior design were a template, it would be this template. This is minimalism for the workplace , which is what makes this layout so easy on the eyes. 👀

This weekly work schedule template will save your team from information overload. And since ClickUp isn’t just a scheduling software—it’s also a team communication app , a goal tracker, a project management app, a budget tracker, and so much more—it’s easy to share your shift schedule with your team when it’s ready.

ClickUp Monthly Work Schedule Template

This monthly calendar employee schedule template will show you the tasks each of your team members needs to complete in a month. And you can view the information as a calendar, timeline, or Gantt chart, so every team member gets to see things their way. 🤩

It’s a great choice for full-time teams that don’t need to track shifts but do need to track tasks and project goals. Tasks are even organized by team, so you can get a bird’s eye view of what each department is working on. 🦅

This employee schedule template will help you make sure all of your teams are working toward the same broader company goal and none of your teams have gone rogue (and are off working on Q4 goals when you haven’t even finished Q2 yet).

The ClickUp Monthly Work Schedule Template will keep your team and your projects on track so you can all cross the finish line together. 🏁

ClickUp Employee Workload Template

Your human resources are the most important resources your company has. And tracking your team members’ workloads is essential to resource management .

ClickUp is the ideal employee monitoring software for the job. With the ClickUp Employee Workload Template , you can see if your team members’ work schedules are too light, too full, or just about right on any given day of the week.

This can help you make better decisions about who to assign new tasks to and allow you to redistribute tasks so no one’s work or shift schedule ends up too packed. (Because, unlike an overstuffed suitcase, you can’t just sit on a work schedule and magically cram more stuff into your day.) 🧳

You can also view team workloads, which will help you make more strategic future hiring decisions. This employee schedule template ensures everyone in your company ends up with enough breathing room built into their work schedule. 😮‍💨

ClickUp 24-Hour Schedule Template

If you’re ready to be a super achiever, the ClickUp 24-Hour Schedule Template can help you make the most of every day. 💪

Use this daily employee schedule template to break down everything you want to achieve for the day into simple tasks with time blocks for each one. You can schedule everything from your project review to your after-work exercise.

A time-blocked daily calendar app can help you reach more of your goals inside and outside of work. Just don’t forget to leave eight hours for a good night’s sleep. (You need to be well-rested when you take on the world.) 😴

ClickUp Monthly Team Schedule Template

When a new project rolls in, you can’t just roll with the punches. You need a plan of attack. The ClickUp Team Schedule Template is like a project manager’s one-two punch. 🥊

You can use it to outline your project activities and assign tasks to team members so everyone on the project understands who’s responsible for which tasks. Then add hours and deadlines to each task and view it as either a weekly schedule, showing all the work your team needs to finish this week, or as a team member schedule, showing the work broken down by person.

It even has a built-in workload view so you can make sure no one’s work schedule is overloaded. With so many views, color-coded and organized into neat rows and columns, this work schedule template is a knockout in more ways than one.

ClickUp Project Management Schedule Template

We’re not typically ones to get overwhelmed by emotions. We didn’t even cry at the last Pixar movie we saw. But, the ClickUp Project Management Schedule Template is so beautiful, it makes us all teary-eyed. 🥹

You set up your project work with tasks, start and end dates, and assignees, and this template will organize it into a status board, Gantt chart, and timeline view. You can also break your project down into phases and add risks and issues.

There are statuses for your progress rate and for tasks that have been delayed or put on hold, so you can stay on top of your work schedule and quickly address issues that threaten your timeline. With this employee schedule template, those threats are about to be neutralized. 🦹

ClickUp Work Schedule Blocking Template

Time blocking is one of the best ways to organize your day and be more productive. With this technique, you’ll block out chunks of time for individual activities or for types of activities (like assigning one block of time to work on a specific project, another to emails, and another to meetings).

This is a great strategy for freelancers and individual contributors who want to be more on top of their work schedules but don’t do well when they schedule every minute of every day. Theming your blocks of time is a more flexible way to schedule your work day, so this technique is like the yogi of scheduling.

And just like yoga, it can also make you feel more zen. 🧘

The ClickUp Work Schedule Blocking Template will help you start time blocking your days to organize your work schedule and your life schedule. In addition to blocking out your day, you can also set your availability so you can stay focused and work with fewer interruptions by using this schedule template.

Excel Work Schedule Templates by Vertex42

For teams that are already deeply ingrained in Microsoft Excel, this Excel calendar and employee schedule template will fit within the processes you already use. It’s simple to use with a grid structure outlining the days of the week across the top and the time of day across the side.

All you have to do is insert employee names to show who’s working and when, so you have a better view of this weekly work schedule template.

Additionally, this shift schedule template is best for small businesses that rely on simple shift work with only a few employees working at one time. It allows you to schedule employees’ shifts two weeks at a time, so it will line up well with a bi-weekly payroll setup.

And once you fill in the information, it’s printable, so you can post it for your team members to reference. You can download it as an Excel schedule template or a Google Sheets schedule template.

Excel Daily Schedule Template

This easy-to-use template helps you organize and prioritize your tasks efficiently. Whether you’re juggling multiple projects or managing a team, this template provides a clear overview of what needs to be done each day.

With its customizable features, you can tailor it to your specific needs, track progress, and ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Transform the way you work with our Excel Daily Work Schedule Template.

Manage your Workload with Work Schedule Templates

Schedules are all about using your time efficiently, and an employee schedule template makes the time you spend on scheduling more efficient. So get the timing for your team’s workdays right. 

Pick your favorite employee schedule template or shift schedule template from above and download it for free to start planning your employee schedules, project schedules, or daily schedules.

With ClickUp, you can choose from thousands of free templates that will help you plan everything in your life—from your work day to your next vacay. All our templates are customizable, so you can arrange them however you want. You’re the maestro—we just help your projects sing. 🎼

So, don’t let any more time pass you by. Get started for free !

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Free Office Templates

Free Assignment Schedule Tracker for Excel

Whether you are a student in high school, college or post-graduate studies, assignments are inevitable. If you need a way to keep track of your assignments in all your subjects and classes, then you will find this Free Assignment Schedule Tracker for Excel very useful.

Ensure You Submit Assignments on Time Using this Template

Submit Your Assignments on Time

The Free Assignment Schedule Tracker for Excel is a template that you can download for free from the Office portal. It is professionally designed and looks sleek yet still highly functional. This is just one of the many spreadsheet templates that you can use for school purposes, especially for ensuring that you are on top of your class and activities.

This free assignment schedule tracker is a simple, no-frills assignment tracker you can use for Mac and Windows. You can record, track and segregate your assignments according to categories such as instructor, course, assignment, and many more.

Assignment Detail Gives a More Elaborate View of the Tasks

Track Your Assignment Submission Status

This free Office template contains a table that already contains headings for your assignments. It allows you to write down your assignments for your instructor, course, assignment name, and when you started the assignment, as well as when it is due. The dates allow you to track your progress and ensure that you pass your assignments on time. This also lets you know if you are progressing slowly or none at all in any course.

A unique feature for this assignment template is that it allows you to highlight the assignments due within a certain period of time. This way, you can set your priorities and focus on more pressing tasks, especially those which are due soon.

Easily Track Progress Using the Completion Bar

This template can also be used outside the classroom setting. It can also be used in project management, where majority of the tasks are time-bound and need to be finished within a set deadline. Instead of assignments, project tasks and schedules will be written and project managers can use this to see the persons involved in each task, and when they are due.

Go to  Download Free Assignment Schedule Tracker for Excel

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10 Powerful Excel Project Management Templates for Tracking Anything

Want Microsoft Excel to manage your projects? Use these free Microsoft Excel spreadsheet templates for tracking any project!

Project management templates are an essential tool for replicating successful projects. With Microsoft Excel's free templates, you can turn your simple spreadsheets into powerful project management tools.

In this article, you'll find some of the most useful and free Microsoft Excel project management and project tracking templates you'll want to use for your next project.

Microsoft Excel Project Timeline Templates

Let's take a look at the best Microsoft Excel project management templates.

We cover both native and third-party templates here. To find the pre-installed Excel spreadsheet templates, open Excel and search for the respective keyword from the New document screen.

If you're already in Excel, go to File > New to bring up the template search. Check the Managing Microsoft Excel Templates section below for more details.

Excel comes with several timelines and Gantt chart templates provided by Microsoft, but it also integrates templates from Vertex42, one of the most popular third-party resources for spreadsheets.

1. Work Plan Timeline

The Work Plan Timeline template is suitable for a basic project with multiple phases. When you enter your data into the worksheet, the roadmap will update automatically. This template comes pre-installed in Microsoft Excel 2016 and up.

2. Date Tracking Gantt Chart

Gantt charts are a staple in every project manager's toolset. They help you visualize the flow of your tasks and track progress.

With this template, you can create a comprehensive Gantt chart with minimal effort. Just enter each task, complete with a description, who it's assigned to, a percentage to indicate progress, a start date, and allocated days until completion. This template is a Microsoft Excel default.

3. Milestone and Task Project Timeline

If you want to integrate milestones into a basic timeline, this template provided by Vertex42 is ideal. It combines the best elements of a Gantt chart, i.e. the visualization of the task flow, with milestones hovering above the timeline.

Just fill in the respective tables to populate the visual. You can find this template by searching in Excel.

Excel Project Plan Templates

A project plan is a document that may require Excel charts, but is otherwise composed in Microsoft Word. For basic projects, however, you may get away with only a Microsoft Excel document.

4. Simple Gantt Chart

When you search Excel's template repository for project plan templates, you'll mainly find different Gantt chart variations, including this Simple Gantt Chart from Vertex42. What sets it apart from the Gantt chart above is the inclusion of project phases. This template is included in Microsoft Excel.

5. Event Planner Template

A project plan really isn't something you typically put together in Excel. However, if you are planning a small project, like a party, you just need a one-page template that lists the essential tasks and lets you define a schedule and a budget. This template from Office Templates Online is a great start.

Excel Project Tracker Template

A search for a tracker will bring up a wild mix of personal and business-related Excel spreadsheet templates for tracking. However, you can narrow down your search by selecting categories that relate to the project management task you're dealing with.

6. Activity-Based Cost Tracker

This tracking template can help you get an overview of direct, indirect, and general and administrative product costs.

7. Project Tracking Template

This Vertex42 template is essential if you are handling multiple different clients, projects, and/or deliverables. It combines project details, expenses, task statuses, and due dates.

Business Plan Templates

Microsoft Excel 2016 had its own category for business plans. You could search for the keyword business and select the Business Plans category on the right.

In Excel 2019 and onwards, you can perform either query, but the latter misses some templates, while the former might be overwhelming. We recommend looking into the following.

Business Plan Checklist

Creating a business plan can be a complex project in and of itself. This checklist will help you cover all your bases by guiding you through the process using a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis.

Note that you'll find two similar templates in Excel, but they're both identical SWOT analysis checklists, differing only in their formatting.

Startup Expenses

This template is a great starting point for a budding business owner who needs some help with projecting the costs of their endeavor. The template will guide you through the most common assets and services your new business might require.

Once you've filled in all the potential expenses, you'll have a much better idea of how much funding you'll need to raise to get your business up and running. For more business plan templates , take a look at our dedicated article.

Search for Online Templates

Couldn't find the exact project management template you need in Excel? Turn to a third-party online resource for a wide selection of Excel spreadsheet templates. We recommend the following sites.

This website has a few great project management templates for Microsoft Office 2003 and up. The site notes that its templates are mostly related to project scheduling. Anything more complicated might require Microsoft Project or other project management software.

On the page dedicated to project management , you'll find a list of useful material, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Project Budgeting
  • Critical Path Method

Each page contains a quick rundown of what the template does, one or more templates, and further tips and tricks for the respective project management tool. It's a great resource for budding project managers.

TidyForm has a respectable selection of Microsoft Excel project management templates. The most popular categories are listed on the homepage. If you can't immediately spot what you need, switch to the Business section or try the search feature.

When you scroll to the bottom of a section, you'll see a list of popular categories and related categories. This can be helpful when trying to find just the right template. We recommend the following pages:

  • Project Budget
  • Project Proposal
  • Work Breakdown Structure

Still looking for the perfect template? You might have to create custom Excel templates to get exactly what you want.

Managing Microsoft Excel Templates

First, let's see what templates you already have installed in Microsoft Excel. For the purpose of this demonstration, we've used Excel 2019, but the procedure is similar in Microsoft Office 2013 and Office 2016.

Default Templates

When you start up Microsoft Excel, the first window you see will contain a search field for online templates. When you're starting from an existing workbook, go to File > New to arrive at the same view.

Microsoft Excel comes with a selection of pre-installed templates. They are listed underneath the search field. You can pin your favorite ones by clicking the respective symbol in the bottom right of the listing.

Search Online for More Project Templates (Excel 2016)

Searching for the type of template you need is the fastest way to locate it. For example, if you search for the term "project," you may also see template categories listed next to the templates that match your search. The category feature no longer appears in Excel 2019.

Narrow Down Your Search (Excel 2016)

A neat feature is that you can narrow down your search by selecting multiple categories. This helps you exclude templates that may match your keyword, but not your desired category. On the downside, you may find that the perfect template is not available in Microsoft Excel.

Preview & Create Your Template

When you click a template, you'll see a preview with a brief description of what the template provides. You can also pin the template from its preview; the symbol sits in the top right.

To download and use a template, click the Create button, which will open a new Microsoft Excel workbook with the template pre-filled.

Template Ready, Set, Go

Now that you have all the project management templates you could ever need, maybe you're interested in additional tools, tips, and tricks. For example, you could build a custom interactive Excel dashboard to manage data within your projects. The possibilities are endless.

Run and collaborate on creative projects more smoothly.

Plan, manage, and track product launches and campaigns.

Stay organized and communicate critical details to teams.

Streamline and scale manufacturing operations.

job assignment excel template

See how TeamGantt helps teams like yours meet deadlines, streamline communication.

job assignment excel template

Successful marketing project starts with a plan.

Track event details and to-dos.

Scope out roadmaps and manage backlogs.

Manage design, copy, and video work.

Learn all about gantt charts and how to use them to manage projects more easily.

Hear real testimonials from real TeamGantt customers.

How to Create a Task Tracker in Excel: Free Template

Excel to-do list template example

Checking tasks off your to-do list feels pretty awesome, right? If only everything in life gave you that instant sense of accomplishment!

A task list earns its keep by helping you schedule, assign, and track all the work that needs to be done for a project. You can also use it to give stakeholders and team members at-a-glance updates on project progress.

With our free Excel task checklist template, you can keep up with all the to-dos you need to knock out—whether you’re focused on an important work assignment or just want to finish up a few projects around the house. We’ve done all the hard work so you can have all the fun marking things done.

Ready to get started? We’ll show you just how easy it is to take your task list from to-do to ta-da! Here’s what we'll cover:

How to create a task tracker in Excel

How to customize your task list template, how to create an online task tracker in teamgantt.

Let’s start with a simple tutorial on how to keep track of tasks at work using Excel. 

1. Download our free Excel task tracker template

At TeamGantt, we know how important it is to ensure projects get done on time and on budget. That's why we created this Excel task list template to make tracking project progress a breeze.

Make this task tracker template your own by adding to-do list items and tasks, assigning task owners, and tracking task status, budgets, and costs. 

Download your free Excel task tracker template

2. Add to-do list items and tasks

First, find the T ask Name column on your worksheet, and enter a descriptive name for each task you want to track for a particular day of the week.

3. Indicate the status of each task

This sample to-do list template features four different status options—with icons as easy visual cues—so you can see where each task is at a glance: Not Started , In Progress , Complete , and On Hold .

To assign a status to a task, click on the status dropdown menu in that task’s row, and choose the status that applies to the task you’re working on.

job assignment excel template

4. Set task due dates

Set clear expectations for your team by entering the deadline for each task in the Due Date column.

job assignment excel template

5. Assign task owners

Start by specifying which team or department will carry out the work using the Task Type column. Then pair each task with its rightful owner by entering the team member’s name into the Assigned to column.

job assignment excel template

6. Include task budgets and costs

Use the Hours Budgeted column to let team members know how much time has been budgeted for each task.  

‍Once a task is complete, log the time spent on it in the Actual Hours column.

job assignment excel template

Tracking daily and monthly tasks in Excel

We’ve designed this task tracker template to track your weekly to-do list. But you can create additional task lists for monitoring daily and monthly to-dos.

Click Insert > Sheet > Blank Sheet to add a new worksheet. Then give each row and column a header label, and use the formatting tools to design your own daily or monthly task tracker.

job assignment excel template

Once you’ve got the basics squared away, feel free to customize your Excel task list template to ensure it fits your project needs. You can add a title, switch up the colors, add or delete new rows and columns, or even dress your to-do list up with your company logo.

Adding titles

We’ve titled this checklist template “Weekly Task List.” As exciting as that moniker may be, we bet you’ll want to give your to-do checklist your own snazzy (and specific) name.

1. To add or edit the title of your project task list template, double-click your cursor into cell A-2.

2. Enter a new title for your task list. Feel free to include the project name and date range in your title so there’s no doubt what this task tracker covers.

job assignment excel template

3. Format the header text using the same formatting tools you’d use to format any other text in the worksheet.

Changing colors

Want to apply your own brand colors to your task list? Or make it easy to tell Tom’s tasks from Bill’s? No problem!

1. Click to highlight the cell, row, or column you want to change.

2. Go to Format > Cells , and select the Fill tab.

3. Click on the Background Color dropdown, and choose the new color you want to apply to the cell, row or column you’ve highlighted.

job assignment excel template

Adding rows/columns

We’ve outlined a few basic to-do list categories to get you started. But there may be other details you need to track along the way. For example, you might want to add a priority column. Or maybe your Monday has a lot more to-dos than the other days of the week.

1. To insert a new row, click Insert > Rows . A new row will be added above the one you currently have selected, using the same formulas and formatting of the row above.

job assignment excel template

2. To insert a new column, go to Insert > Columns . A new column will be added to the left of the one you currently have selected, using the same formulas and formatting of the column to the left.

job assignment excel template

Removing rows/columns

We may have included details you simply don’t need to track. That’s okay! Deleting extra info won’t hurt our feelings a bit.

1. To delete an existing row, click on the row you want to remove. Go to Edit > Delete , and choose Entire Row .

job assignment excel template

2. To delete an existing column, click on the column you want to remove. Go to Edit > Delete , and choose Entire Column .

job assignment excel template

Adding a company logo

Want to give your project task list template some more flair? Add your company logo to the worksheet.

1. Right-click on the TeamGantt logo/header image in row 1, and select Change Picture .

job assignment excel template

2. Choose the image file you want to add to the worksheet, and click the Insert button.

Printing the to-do list template

By the time you finish customizing your to-do list template, it’ll be so pretty you just might want to print it out and pin it to the wall—and we don’t blame you.

1. First, let’s set the print area. Simply click and drag your cursor to highlight all the cells you want to print out. Then go to File > Print Area > Set Print Area.

job assignment excel template

2. If you want to adjust the scale of the checklist to fit on a single page, click on the Page Layout tab. Then go to Margins > Custom Margins and select the Page tab.

job assignment excel template

3. Once you’ve set the print area and adjusted the scale of your checklist, you’re ready to send your task list to the printer. Click File > Print.

job assignment excel template

Additional resources

  • Project management template library : Use these simple templates in any industry to plan and manage projects, identify and mitigate risk, and communicate effectively at every project step.
  • ‍ Gantt chart Excel template : Save time organizing your project plan with our premade Excel gantt chart template! Simply plug in your tasks and dates, and you'll have a presentation-quality Excel gantt chart.

Want to take the tedium out of task lists? Give TeamGantt’s online gantt chart software a try , and create a customized task tracker in minutes.

With TeamGantt, it’s easy to collaborate on work and streamline workflows. Here are just a few of the handy features you—and your team—will have at your fingertips:

  • Drag-and-drop simplicity
  • Reusable project plan templates
  • Project dependencies
  • File storage
  • Time tracking
  • Resource management
  • Planned vs. actual timelines

And because TeamGantt is all online, everyone on the team can update tasks in real-time. No more juggling a million different spreadsheets or scrambling to capture last-minute updates before a big meeting!

Sign up for your free account and get started. (No strings attached, we promise!) Once you’re in, here’s a sneak peek at just how easy it is to create and manage task lists in TeamGantt.

Setting up your task list project

Before you can set up tasks, you’ll need to answer a few quick onboarding questions and then create a new project.

job assignment excel template

1. Start by entering a descriptive name for your project on the project setup page. We called our example project “Weekly Task List.”

job assignment excel template

2. Then, choose a new Start Date , if you want your list to begin on a day other than today.

job assignment excel template

3. Next, decide whether you want to start from scratch with a blank project or choose a template from our handy library of pre-built options . To make things super easy for you, we created a Weekly Task List template .

Simply click on the Preview templates icon, expand the Admin & Personal category, and select Weekly Task List to preview the template. If you’d like to use it, select Use Template in the bottom right corner of the window.

job assignment excel template

4. If not, feel free to choose a different template option or click anywhere outside of the preview window to return to the Create a new project page.

5. Next, select which days of the week you want to assign and track work for this project. The default is Monday through Friday, but you can choose any configuration of days that make sense for your work schedule.

job assignment excel template

6. Finally, select Create new project to save your changes and get to work.

Adding and editing task lists

Now that you have a project, it’s time to set up your task list! We chose the Weekly Task List template for our example, which gives us a labeled task group for each day of the week.

job assignment excel template

1. Simply click on each task group field, if you want to rename it.

job assignment excel template

2. If you need to add more task groups, click +Group of Tasks , and enter the name of your new task group in the blank field that appears below.

job assignment excel template

3. To add a new task, click +Task and enter a name in the blank that appears below. Then, use the drag-and-drop features to adjust the timelines for each task .

job assignment excel template

4. To delete a task, hover over it and select the trashcan icon that appears to the right of the task name.

job assignment excel template

Assigning team members

To invite other users to your project, select the People tab in the top navigation bar of your project. Then, select Invite People to add new users by name and email address.

job assignment excel template

Once a user has been added to your project, designate them to a task by clicking assign in the Assigned column and selecting the checkbox next to their name.

job assignment excel template

Here’s an in-depth tutorial on how to invite users and assign them to tasks .

Creating dependencies

Dependencies enable you to control the order of tasks in your project. If one task has to wait for another to get done before it can begin, the dependency will account for that. For example, a designer may not be able to design a landing page until the content’s been written.

1. To add a dependency, click on the gray dot to the right of the first task in the gantt chart.

job assignment excel template

2. Then drag the dependency line to connect it to the dependent task below.

job assignment excel template

Changing task colors

To change the color of a task, hover over the task, and choose a new color by clicking on the colored square that appears to the right of the task.

job assignment excel template

Ready to discover just how easy and fast task tracking can be?

This is just a preview of all the fun you can have with task lists on TeamGantt—but there’s so much more to see! 

Sign up for your free TeamGantt account today to learn all about the project management possibilities you could have at your fingertips.

Try TeamGantt for Free

job assignment excel template


Team To Do List Excel Template

Excel Team To Do List Template is designed for task management and tracking of employees. Summary dashboard with charts. Editable & printable.



Team To Do List - Someka Excel Template Video

This template is also included in bundle with special discount! See details >>


Creating a to-do list for your business gives you an overview of the work that needs to be done. Your employees will have clarity on what they need to do with prioritization. Team To Do List Template is an Excel tool to help leaders and managers to keep track of their team’s progress in certain jobs. The template includes options to expand or collapse the number of tasks.

Our Team Todo List Template is an ultimate organizer for team collaboration and productivity for your staff. You can use this file as a checklist, as reminders or a log to schedule tasks for your priority calendar to boost efficiency and motivation in your team.

This spreadsheet tracker simplifies duty delegation, listing priorities, and scheduling deadlines. It’s an internal company planner, enhancing workflow and organization.

Main Features of the Team To Do List Template


  • Create your team and assign tasks in the Team Data Sheet.
  • Switch between Months and update the status of tasks.
  • Dashboard shows the total number of tasks completed, in progress, or closed.

Now let’s see these 3 sections in detail.


In order to make things as easy as possible for the users in team to do list template, there is a team data page, where you can create your team and assign tasks. This helps the users to just insert the jobs without wasting much time.

Assigning tasks, setting priorities, and tracking action items become efficient and motivating.


In the job assignment table, you need to insert an assignment date and a deadline, too. Because your job duties will appear on each month according to their deadline date. You can also increase the number of team members up to 100 and the number of tasks up to 2000. Remember to input only the white cells, as the grey cells are for calculations.

Now, then go back to the Dashboard and see the monthly jobs of your team members.


Here, you can go to a certain month and see an overview as well as make changes to the status of certain tasks . In team to do list template, please note that you do not need to change anything else on this page because the data for the chosen month will be automatically shown.


**Gray columns contain automatic calculations and you should not overwrite them manually.

Basically, all you need to do is update the status of jobs that have not started, are in progress, or were finished. You can also see the status of each team member for the chosen month. Besides that, the team members will also update according to the names you create in the Team Data Sheet .


The color-coding format aids in discipline and reminds teams of their responsibilities for the ongoing projects.

Finally, the dashboard of the Team To Do List Template helps you navigate between pages easily, and also gives you a visual statistic with the total jobs that have not started, are in progress, or have been completed.


With our template, boost completion rates and foster teamwork within your company’s collaborative environment .

Team To Do List Template Features Summary:

  • Employee Task List Template on a monthly basis
  • Ready-to-use job assignments
  • Task status with visual progress charts
  • Compatible with Excel 2010 and later versions
  • No installation needed.
  • Easy-to-use and nice design
  • Works on both Mac and Windows
  • On-sheet instructions

Team To Do List Template is a ready-to-use Excel Template and provided as-is. If you need customization on your reports or need more complex templates, please refer to our custom services .


Watch the video below to see the template in action! Presentation also includes usage notes, explanations and tips & tricks about the template.

Team To Do List - Someka Excel Template Video


User reviews & comments, 23 reviews for team to do list excel template.

Bill ECi – May 17, 2023

The yellow notes were incredibly useful for providing guidance. It was a great decision to include them on the template.

Rana Ahmadi – January 9, 2023

I want to use this on my Mac, is that okay?

Someka – January 9, 2023

Greetings! You can absolutely use this to-do list template on a Mac as well, but make sure to install Microsoft Excel first. If you’re not fond of using the Excel version, you have the option to try the Employee Task List Template in Google Sheets instead.

Desmond Y. – December 18, 2022

Good Job team, the to do list template was really helpful for my small team.

Ruth Wise – September 21, 2022

Happy with investing to purchase the SU version, It does what you mentioned in video, TNX.

John.C – June 2, 2022

I like this template, but something bothers me. I cant add my company logo, and it seems a little weird to present something with another company logo.

Someka – June 15, 2022

No need to worry! You can easily customize this Team To-Do List Template with your own branding. Just click on the Someka logo, delete it, and upload your own logo. If you need help to delete Someka’s logo , please follow the link provided.

Xia Zhong92 – April 13, 2022

Is that possible to dedicate just one task to one person??

Someka – April 13, 2022

Greetings! It is indeed possible to do this. Please open the Data Sheet and begin by adding the job description. Next, use the assigned to option and a dropdown list to select the employee’s name. Now, you’re ready to proceed!

Calfuray S – February 4, 2022

very creative excel but job desc. lines are not sufficient.

Someka – February 4, 2022

Hi Calfuray,

Adding more lines is possible, after unlocking the premium version of the product with the password we sent. Under the sheet, you will see plus (+) sign on the left side of the table. Extra rows will be added automatically when you click on the plus (+) sign. Please see the image below.


Hope this helps!

Calfuray S – February 5, 2022

thanks team. what is the difference between your license

Someka – February 5, 2022

About our license details, our single-user license is for personal use only. With the multi-use license, you will have the right to share the file with your colleagues in the same organization and/or put your file on your company’s network for internal use. But you will still not be allowed to put it on websites with public access or re-sell them or share them with third parties. To learn more about our license details, please click here .

E.Hunter – January 18, 2022

USEFUL! This excel defines our team’s monthly deliverables well.

ODAIR DELGADO – September 24, 2021

Super fácil e prática, de muita funcionalidade

Dean Barrick – August 28, 2021

I just downloaded the the free version and opened it with Excel 2106 build 14131.20360. I attempted to enter the Assigned on and Deadline dates, but no matter what date format I used it changes to MM/DD/YYYY. Great for Europe, but not for North America.

Someka – August 29, 2021

Thank you Dean for your feedback. The modifiable versions of the template will let you change the date format according to your particular needs!

Mohamed – April 30, 2021

ODAIR DELGADO – March 3, 2021

show de planilha, super boa

Jeannette Vittorioso – January 16, 2021

Hello, I purchased your To Do List and when I updated the status to closed I noticed that it updated the metrics at the top to reflect it’s closed but it didn’t remove it from the “team data sheet” is that by design as I would think if I update the status for an item that it would remove it from the Team data sheet. I can see this being a challenge when managing many projects.

Someka – January 17, 2021

Hi Jeannette,

First of all, thanks a lot for your interest!

Thanks for the suggestion, our development team might consider this if they decided to update the template. Besides that, you can send your template to [email protected] to our support team. In that way, if there is something wrong with your data, they can help you to solve it.

Best regards,

Tuyen – September 29, 2020

Can you help and guide me to fix this template.

Since I need to manage the number of owners more than 10 people, how am I supposed to expand to more than 10 members?

Someka – September 30, 2020

For now, the existing Team To-Do list template only allows you to show up to 10 people on the top of the monthly page. But, if our development team decided to increase the number of people that can be shown on that sheet, we will inform you about the new version and directly send the latest version to our customers.

On the other hand, if you would like to make other changes to the template, you can also look at our customization process .

Hope that helps!

kevin peart – April 21, 2020

very helpful and easy to use thankyou

sami – February 24, 2020

i bought the tool but i couldn’t and unprotected the sheet but i could team members to the tool, what I mean their names not reflected in the dash board or the status of each member I can see the status of 10 members, so i observing any help!!

Someka – February 25, 2020

Thanks for your time to spend to write feedback!

Please have a look at this page to learn how you can unlock the template: Unlock Sheets

– In the Team Data Sheet, there is a part for team members to enter up to 50 people. So after you enter their names, you can select the members from the Job Assignment Table, Assigned To column. – For specifying the status of the job, all you have to do is selecting it from the sheet for each month. Once you do that, you will see the total number of member statuses.

In the mean time, our developer team get contact you via e-mail to give a detail explanations. For further questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

samson – December 19, 2019

you guy are excellent. Thanks so much

Colin Mitchell – November 18, 2019

Very good and efficient tables with a clean interface. Can you advise if the entire workbook is fully customisable if purchased

Someka – November 19, 2019

Hello Colin,

Thanks for your feedback! Regarding the question you asked, yes, after you paid for the template you will also have paid for the modification rights and the password. So with the password, you are going to get after payment process, you can unprotect the sheet/all workbook and all Excel functions will be totally open without needing input password again.

Hope this helps Colin, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions!

Johnny Poonan – March 29, 2019

Extremely practical tool

eliotb – February 19, 2019

The extra details like prioritizing tasks and putting due dates to stay reminded is a great help for when I have a lot of things on my plate. I love the dashboard since it helps me visualize our tasks and due dates.

manduri – February 7, 2019

I feel like it is more standalone as it does not sync with calendar, email, IFTTT, etc. The look isn’t also the prettiest to look at.

karl_s – February 6, 2019

If you need help organizing your tasks, I highly recommend giving this a shot. It has a great, scheduled tasks and sections that differentiate your tasks/months!

luisjeffrey – January 25, 2019

For me, it’s all about efficiency and organization when it comes to my task list. This provides a clean and easy to use with customizations that are very much needed on our business.

You must be logged in to post a review.

Only verified users who have downloaded and used the template may leave a review.


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Rotation Schedule Template

I was recently asked if it would be possible to convert my annual calendar template into an automated work rotation schedule , for an employee who is working a rota consisting of a number of days on followed by a number of days off. The result was the new template listed below.

For other related scheduling templates, see the work schedule and shift schedule .

Rotation Schedule

Rotation Schedule Template

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)

"No installation, no macros - just a simple spreadsheet"

About this Rotation Schedule Spreadsheet

This template provides a convenient way to display your work rotation schedule, using the annual calendar template as a basis. Just enter the year and start month, then use the other inputs to define your shift schedule pattern. The workbook contains 3 separate worksheets, each providing a slightly different set of features.

In the first two worksheets ( Rotation and Rotation_Advanced ), the rota schedule is defined by entering the numbers of days on Shift 1, followed by the number of days on Shift 2, followed by the number of days off. For a simpler "days on/off" pattern, just leave the "Shift 2" field blank.

In the Rotation_String worksheet, you can define a rotation as a repeating string such as "11xxx22xx333xx" which would mean that you work Shift 1 for 2 days, followed by 3 days off, followed by working Shift 2 for 2 days, followed by 2 days off, followed by working Shift 3 for 3 days, followed by 2 days off.

Both the Rotation_Advanced and Rotation_String worksheets use the new built-in function NETWORKDAYS.INTL() , available as of Excel 2010, to let you choose which days make up the "weekend" (Sat/Sun, Mon/Tue, Sunday only, etc.) and to also account for holidays. In these worksheets, the rotation excludes both weekend days and holidays, all of which we call "non-working days." This means that if the rotation calls for you to work 2 days starting on Friday, then you would work Friday and then Monday (skipping the non-working weekend days).

The workbook contains a "Holidays" worksheet where you can list days that should be considered non-working days.

Rotation Schedule for Multiple Employees

Rotation Schedule for Multiple Employees


This version of the rotation schedule allows you to show the rotation for multiple employees. You define the rotation pattern for each employee, all starting from a specific date. The template shows the total number assigned to each shift for each day.

Rotation Schedule Patterns

This rotation schedule template does not handle all types of shift schedule patterns. But, it does a pretty good job of handling most of the common cases:

[ On / Off ] Patterns

Shifts that involve working X days followed by Y days off are easy to handle with this rota template. Just leave the "Shift 2" field blank. Or, if using the String method, you can define a 4/2 pattern as "1111xx".

[ Shift1 / Shift2 / Off ] Patterns

In some cases, an employee might work 2 days on Shift 1, followed by 2 days on Shift 2, followed by a number of days off.

An example would be a 4-day shift pattern in which an employee works a 12 hour day shift the first day, followed by a 12 hour night shift the second day, followed by two days off. If using the String method, this would be defined as "12xx".

[ 2/3/2 ] Fortnight Patterns

Some rotation schedules use a pattern that repeats every fortnight (2 weeks), and may be referred to as 2/3/2. I created the Rotation_Advanced worksheet specifically for cases like this, where the repeating pattern is "11xxx11xx111xx" with "x" meaning OFF and the "1" meaning ON.

Day shift for X months, then Night shift for Y months

It is pretty common for an employee to be assigned a shift for an extended amount of time (months?) because of how hard it can be on the body and general life planning to change from a day to a night shift on a regular basis. Though the rotation schedule template is set up to show an entire year, you could use it to just show a few months at a time (by hiding or deleting the unneeded rows).

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Free Job Description Templates

By Becky Simon | October 26, 2017

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Job descriptions help to clarify employee roles and responsibilities within an organization. Having clearly defined expectations is essential to attract qualified applicants and to increase employee accountability once individuals have been hired. 

A poorly written job description may lead to confusion or inaccurate interpretation of what a particular job entails, which can result in employee dissatisfaction, poor performance, and increased turnover. By contrast, an effective job description can help reduce employee turnover, and ultimately save a business both time and money. It may also provide employers some protection by serving as a reference in resolving disputes related to work expectations. 

Below you’ll find job description templates to support hiring and human resource management. All of the templates are free to download, and you can choose PDF or Microsoft Word formats, or a job description form template for Excel. 

Job Description Form

Job Description Form Template

Download Job Description Form

Excel    |    PDF

This form template provides a basic layout with sections for position description, requirements and qualifications, and other details about a job. Easily customize this template for an expanded job description if additional sections are required. However, keeping it to a one-page form provides simplicity and brevity for both employers and prospective candidates.

Comprehensive Job Description Template

Comprehensive Job Description Template

Download Comprehensive Job Description Template

Use this employee job description template to create a thorough outline that covers essential job details, measurements for success, and desired qualifications. Creating a comprehensive job description allows you to include information about the company’s organizational structure and how the job fits in, functional relationships that are connected to the position, and performance expectations. Utilize bullet points and concise language to make the document thorough yet easy to read.

Blank Job Description Template

Blank Job Description Template

Download Blank Job Description Template

Excel    |    Word    |    PDF

This blank template is ready for you to fill in with job description details. Whether you’re hiring for an entry level position or more advanced role, use this template as a guide for outlining a job description. Include a summary of the job, essential functions, required qualifications, and more. If needed, include a section to record when the job description has been reviewed and approved to track updates.

Intern Job Description Template

Intern Job Description Template

Download Intern Job Description Template

Create an internship job description template for your organization to attract qualified candidates. The format and content of an internship description is similar to other job descriptions but may include information about learning opportunities and other benefits. Include the duration and location of the internship, requirements for applying, any compensation provided, intern responsibilities, and an overview of your organization.

Simple Job Description Template

Simple Job Description Template

Download Simple Job Description Template

This simple template for job descriptions provides a generic layout that is easy to use and looks professional. It includes typical details such as job purpose, expectations for training or education, primary responsibilities, and who the job reports to. You can customize the template by adding a company logo and editing the content to match a specific job.

Tips for Creating Effective Job Descriptions

The length and amount of detail included on a job description will vary depending on the specific job, level of responsibility, and size and type of organization. In general, job descriptions should be concise and only list the primary tasks and qualifications. 

More detailed information about duties and procedures can be described in a company manual. The manual provides in-depth detail on company policies, expectations, and job requirements, whereas a job description used for attracting candidates should be relatively brief. Smaller companies may need to list more responsibilities in a job description, as having fewer employees often means that individual roles take on a wider range of tasks.

The process of creating or updating job descriptions often starts with a brainstorming session, and may include input from employees on how to define their own positions. Once a role has been clearly defined, a job description can be created that breaks down the position into duties and objectives, needed skills and qualifications, physical demands of the role, benefits and salary, and other information. 

When completed, you will have a document that serves as a tool for measuring performance, planning career progression and succession, and managing the many roles that exist within a company. For job descriptions that will be posted online, use keywords to help qualified applicants find the position.

In addition to keeping job descriptions brief, increase efficiency by limiting the number of unique descriptions for roles that are similar. For example, a large company with many employees in similar positions may create one job description for a general type of position and then include a section listing differences based on level of seniority or authority. If you need inspiration or guidance in writing different descriptions, you can search online for examples or check with trade associations to see if they have sample job descriptions available. 

For all job descriptions, be sure to follow anti-discrimination laws to support a positive company culture from the onset of hiring, and to avoid potential lawsuits. If you’re unsure about the legal wording for stating anti-discrimination policies as an equal opportunity employer, consult with an attorney or the EEOC (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).

What to Include in a Job Description

Job descriptions are shaped by company policies, industry standards, and other factors. For example, corporate recruiting efforts may call for a different style of job description than positions in nonprofit or governmental agencies. Differences aside, here are some common elements to be included in a job description:

  • Company Information: Offering candidates a glimpse inside a company and its culture provides a view of what applicants could be a part of and how the position supports company goals.
  • Position Overview: A job summary highlights important details and provides a broad overview of the role and its associated responsibilities.
  • Responsibilities: Duties can be listed with bullet points for easier reading, but as mentioned earlier, try to keep this section concise by grouping responsibilities into main categories rather than listing every task with exact detail. For management roles, you may add a separate section that lists which positions will report to them. 
  • Primary Objectives: The clearer these are, the more likely it is that goals will be reached. Plus, having clearly defined objectives provides a concrete way to measure employee performance.
  • Required Qualifications: Listing the knowledge, skills, and experience or education required for a position makes it clear to candidates whether they have the necessary qualifications for a position.
  • Work Environment: Depending on the role, you may include information about the environment where people work and the physical demands of a job so that expectations are clear upfront.
  • Call to Action: When a job description is used to advertise an open position, a call to action makes it clear how to apply, including who to contact and where to send application materials.

Job descriptions may also include a salary structure and information about other benefits. No matter what details you choose to include, aim for clear, concise language to avoid misunderstandings. To learn more about recruiting and writing effective job descriptions, check out this article . 

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25 Must-Have Project Management Excel Templates and Spreadsheets


Still using spreadsheets to manage your projects? Revolutionize your projects with ProjectManager. Plan, track and report with automated tools.

Before you can plan your project, you need the right tools to collect the necessary data to formulate a strategy—and project management Excel templates are a great place to start.

Best Project Management Templates for Excel

Visit our project management templates page and you’ll find Excel and Word templates for creating all the project documents you need to manage your project. But, if you just need free Excel project management templates and spreadsheets, then look no further.

Here are 25 essential project management Excel templates you can download and use right now. Transform your bland Excel spreadsheets into expertly-designed project management templates , and take your project management Excel processes to the next level.

1. Gantt Chart Template

A Gantt chart is a visual tool that helps you see at a glance the scheduling of tasks and their dependencies over the project timeline. That makes it an ideal project planner template.

ProjectManager's Gantt Chart template

While it’s true that a Gantt chart template can be overly complex in Excel spreadsheets, especially when you need of more advanced scheduling features like task dependencies and resource allocation, they remain a vital part of any project manager’s toolkit. That’s why we recommend using online Gantt chart software to help plan tasks and projects collaboratively with your team.

Online Gantt chart tools integrate into project management & planning software, so they update in real time. This allows for easy drag-and-drop changes and can be color-coded to customize as you need. ProjectManager is a project management software that does this and more. Try it for yourself today!

ProjectManager's free Gantt chart template

But to quickly make a Gantt chart from your task lists, download this free Gantt chart Excel template, also known as a project timeline template, for an easy way to create a project schedule. Simply add tasks and deadlines to this Excel spreadsheet and visualize how long your project will take.

2. Project Management Dashboard Template

The project dashboard is what keeps you in the driver’s seat as you travel through the lifecycle of the project. It allows you to monitor the project, tracking the task status, budget and more in one place.

Project Management Dashboard Template featuring tasks, workload, task lengths and costs

From this free project management dashboard for Excel, you create graphs and charts that give you a visual and easily digestible look at your task and workload management, as well as cost. It’s a sure way to stay on top of a project generally and know where you have to drill down into specifics.

You can add more power to your PM dashboards when you use online project management software . That way, when team members are updating task statuses, the dashboards populate with real-time data.

3. Project Status Report Template

The need for a project status report is obvious. If you don’t have good intel on what’s happening in the project, then you’re managing blindly. You have no idea if you’re on track or if resources are being blocked.

Project Status Report Template for Excel

With this free Excel project status report template, you have a tool to greatly improve your project communications, both with stakeholders when you’re delivering a presentation, but also with team members.

It’s up to you to decide on the frequency of the reports. But with a project status report template, a lot of the busy work that can pull you away from a project is already done, giving you greater access to the information you need.

4. Action Plan Template

A project is initiated to complete the realization of a goal. But achieving that objective requires a strategy and the steps to implement that strategy successfully. In short, projects require an action plan .

Free download Action Plan Template

Projects are pragmatic and the action plan is a framework to collect your thoughts about executing the project plan in an effective and efficient way. With our free action plan template, you can fill in the blanks to ensure that you’ve covered all bases and make your project start on the right foot. It’s a great companion template to an overall project plan and project charter.

From prioritizing tasks to assigning and noting the status, timeline and resources, we have you covered. And, again, the action plan can be uploaded seamlessly into ProjectManager , so you can then use all our great features to visualize workflow with kanban boards and monitor progress with our real-time dashboard.

5. Project Tracker & Task List Template

Tracking the project is crucial to ensure that it remains on schedule. That means also keeping tabs on the work at a task level.

Task Tracking Template

This project tracker & task list template can help as a task to-do list, and it includes columns for the planned and actual duration of the project to determine what’s working and what needs more attention.

Once you integrate your project and task tracking template into a project management software system, you can then produce Gantt charts to get a clear visual on the project timeline, as well as get that data delivered to your dashboard to note project progress in real time. And, of course, you can import your Excel and Microsoft Project files seamlessly into ProjectManager. Our software can transform your static Excel files into stunning, dynamic project management tools.

Project dashboard in ProjectManager

6. Project Budget Template

A project can have a great plan, but without the financial backing to pay for it, nothing can happen. That’s why a project budget, as tedious as it might be, is one of the most important phases of getting a project on track to successful completion.

image of project budget template

With this free Excel project budget template, you can literally see when you’re in the red because it’s color-coded. And this document, more than just one that’s crucial to the start of a project, is also a way to track that budget across the lifecycle of the project.

This template has room to cover all your costs, from easy ones to collect — such as labor and materials — to ones that change or carry over from project to project. Budgets are estimates, but with this free template, those numbers will be more accurate.

7. Kanban Board Template

Kanban boards come from the Toyota factory floor, developed by Taiichi Ohno, an industrial engineer and businessman, as a planning system to manage and control work and inventory. Since being introduced as physical boards with columns representing phases in production and tasks that are displayed as cards that move across the board, they’ve evolved into digital tools.

Kanban board template for Excel

When you download our free kanban board template for Excel, you’ll get five columns and multiple cards, all of which are fully customizable so you can make adjustments to reflect the production cycle of your project. We’ve set up the kanban board to have five columns: backlog, to-do, doing, in review and done.

Cards are color-coded to show the priority level, from high (red) to medium (green) and low (blue). On each card is the name and description of the task, who it’s assigned to and what the due date is. Again, you can add as much or as little information to the card as you like. Of course, you can also use a project management template in ProjectManager and get access to dashboards, reports, resource management features and much more.

8. To-Do List Template

A to-do list gets things done. Whether it’s the grocery list you stick on the door of your refrigerator or a task list for a project, being able to collect and prioritize work ensures that you don’t forget anything important and tackle the most important tasks first. Plus, it’s a lot of fun crossing off tasks once you’ve done them.

To-do list template for Excel

This free project management Excel template can list as many tasks as you have, each with a start date, due date and even a column that shows the percentage complete of each task. There’s also a column to note the process, for example, to indicate if the task is done. Finally, a column is set aside for notes to capture anything you need to add.

The to-do list template is a simple tool that can be used to make more complex tasks manageable. It helps motivate you to do the work because it’s no longer overwhelming, but doable. It’s a rudimentary plan, and everyone knows planning is everything.

9. Project Risk Template

Risk is a part of managing a project. The job involves being able to anticipate what risks are likely to occur and then formulating a response to get the project back on track. That’s where this free Excel risk-tracking template comes in.

risk tracking template

First, it allows you to list all the possible risks you believe may happen over the course of the project. Next, you can define how it’ll impact the project. You determine the level of the risk and assign it to an owner so that someone is responsible to keep an eye on it.

Now you have a plan in place to resolve that risk quickly, and a document that can be shared so the risk is never given a chance to blindside a project.

10. Project Timesheet Spreadsheet

Team members need to have a way to track their work through the tasks they are assigned, and a simple timesheet can provide an easy way to keep them on schedule as well as give them the needed information to know where they are in their tasks.

free timesheet template for Excel

The free Excel timesheet can calculate cost per hour and includes vacation and overtime columns, to accurately note the time spent on and off the project. But project timesheets are useful for a number of different purposes, so this is a handy tool.

When you manage timesheets with online project management software , then the rubber hits the road. You’ll be able to filter columns and customize reports, easily sharing them in an email, PDF or Excel and CSV file. Plus your team can submit timesheets based on actual tasks in the system, and you’ll get alerted by email when they do.

11. Work Breakdown Structure Template

A project is made up of deliverables and those deliverables are created by tasks. The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a way to visualize the project deliverables, the tasks, and the subtasks, which are necessary to make them.

Work Breakdown Structure Diagram Template

ProjectManager has a free WBS template that structures the process of breaking down the large project into smaller and smaller tasks, in a hierarchical visual that allows you to see the entire scope of the project work.

This is a key element of project planning, but it’s also critical to estimating project costs and setting up a realistic schedule. Better still, because our WBS free template is an Excel spreadsheet, it can then be uploaded into the ProjectManager software to initiate a project, assign tasks to team members and monitor and track progress once the project is executed.

12. Project Plan Template

A project plan template has everything you need to map out your project once it’s been approved. It has space for you to define your project goals, activities and tasks as well as all the resources you’ll need to execute the work. You can begin to schedule your activities , tasks and the duration of each across a project timeline. There’s even a place to identify task dependencies.

free project plan template for project management

Project plans are tailored around your project and no two are the same. That’s why this project management template has a place to add appendices.  Here is where you can attach a scope, cost and schedule management plan or a work breakdown structure (WBS) as well as your business case, feasibility study and project charter. The more detailed your project plan, the more you position yourself and your team for success when the project is executed.

13. Project Estimate Template

This free project estimate template for Excel will help you forecast a more accurate budget and realistic schedule. Before you can plan a project, you need to identify all the costs that will be associated with it. This free project management spreadsheet allows you to do a more detailed collection of what you’ll need to spend on your labor, materials and project resources.

Project estimate template for Excel

From a job description to estimate details, this project template is a great way not only to figure out your budget but collect the various vendors and contractors you’ll be employing to help you execute the project. Create as many project phases as you require. Each is subtotaled and those subtotals are then tallied automatically for a final sum. Change is impossible to avoid when managing a project, but the more accurate your estimate, the more likely you’ll deliver on time and within budget.

14. RACI Matrix Template

Using a RACI matrix template is an essential tool for organizing projects. Projects can be confusing, and if people aren’t sure of their roles, problems are going to occur. The RACI template for Excel is a free tool to identify and define the various roles and responsibilities of everyone involved with the project.

Project management RACI matrix template for Microsoft Excel

This project management Excel template is broken up by project phase on the left and across the top all the various project positions are listed. Then in the corresponding box beneath the title is filled in with R, A, C or I to explain their relation to that specific point in the project. RACI stands for responsible, accountable, consulted and informed. Defining these roles with this Excel spreadsheet leads to smoother operations.

15. Issue Tracker Template

Issues are when something is happening right now in your project. So, what do you do when this happens? You track those issues and resolve them with the help of this free issue tracker template.

Excel issue tracking template

The first thing, of course, is identifying those issues as they occur. This is the document in which you can collect that information. The issue tracking template serves you by making sure every step of the way, from identifying to resolving the issue, is documented.

Of course, you’ll want to share the issue tracker template, and you can with this free Excel template, but only as a static document. With project management software , that information is easy to collect and share, as well as edit in real time.

16. Resource Plan Template

Resources are anything you need for a project. Our free resource plan template for Excel is the first step to managing your team and resources. You can use it to identify, list and organize all your project resources as well as figure out how much of each you’ll need and what that’ll cost. You can use this project Excel template to integrate with your schedule and budget to track costs as you execute the project.

project resource plan template for Excel - free download

While you’ll want to start your resource plan during the planning phase of your project, it should be a living document that’s regularly updated as things change over the life cycle of the project. Once the project has been completed, you can save the template and use it when you’re planning resources for future projects that are similar. Using this free project management template for Excel keeps everyone informed, which leads to a smoother project.

17. Multiple Project Tracking Template

If you’re managing a program or a portfolio of projects, then you need our free multiple-project tracking template for Excel. When you download this free project management Excel template, you have the tool you need to monitor the progress of many projects at once.

Multiple project tracking template for Excel

This free template provides a high-level overview of your projects, including all relevant information, all in one place. You can track tasks, dependencies, schedules and costs, which allows you to make more informed decisions when allocating resources across all your projects and helps you identify issues quickly.

Whether you’re a program manager, portfolio manager or work for a PMO, our free multiple project tracking template is going to make your job easier. It will serve you throughout the life cycle of all the projects you’re managing for resource management, communicating with stakeholders and more.

18. Production Schedule Template

In order to balance supply and demand when producing any commodity, you have to have a production schedule. It tracks the production of your product over a specific time period. No manufacturer is going to make anything without one. Download our free production schedule template for Excel.

production schedule template for Excel

Use our free production schedule as part of your larger supply chain management to manage resources, help your sales team and get your goods to customers on time without negatively impacting quality. Our template helps you to make more accurate production plans and manage your inventory.

You can manage both your workers and your materials, workstations and processes, as well as track your targets, manage deliveries and more. Our free template is a must-have document when you’re in production planning.

19. Punch List Template

A punch list captures the work that still needs to be done on a construction site. The job isn’t complete until that punch list is completed. The punch list is also a great way to capture tasks that fall outside the contract and track their progress. These are only some reasons why you need to download our free punch list template for Excel.

Punch list template for Excel

Our free punch list template lists all the items on the punch list, including a description and who has been assigned to do that work. There’s also space to add a date for when it was first identified and when it was approved. You can also add the estimated duration for doing the work.

This is a special template, too, in that you can use it as an Excel document or open up the template in ProjectManager. If you use our software, then you’ll have access to kanban boards to visualize workflow, a real-time dashboard for a high-level view of your progress and performance as well as Gantt charts, timesheets, workload charts and much more.

20. Weekly Work Schedule Spreadsheet

If you need help handling your human resources, get our free weekly work schedule spreadsheet for Excel. You can use it to manage your team’s weekly work and the project’s workflow. Note the days your team can work and collect the rate of pay and hours they work on their tasks. This flexible employee work schedule can apply to the regular nine-to-five work week or a more hybrid model.

Weekly work schedule template for Microsoft Excel in a spreadsheet format

Use this project management template for Excel to get info on your team members and their work schedule. You can add their name, tasks assigned to them and the project on which they’re working. There’s space to list all the days they’ll be working. This Excel template is a great place to capture data, but it’s a static document. If you want to update it, you have to do that manually. It can take time and pull you away from managing the project and your team’s work.

21. Change Log Tracking Spreadsheet

Try our free change log template for Excel and create a successful change management process. Change is going to happen in every project, whether due to requests from stakeholders or from external forces, such as weather or supply chain issues. Being prepared for change and how to respond to it is going to make or break your project.

Project Change Log Template for Microsoft Excel

This project management Excel spreadsheet allows you to number changes that you identify in the project to track them easier. There’s a place to capture when the change was first discovered, who owns it and who is tasked with dealing with that change. There’s even space to note its status and set the priority so you know which changes should be dealt with first. Having a change log means you can manage change and not allow change to negatively impact your project.

22. Change Request Form Template

One thing that’s constant in any project is change. Those changes, however, must be managed. That’s where the change request form comes in.

job assignment excel template

Our free change request form template gives you the structure to identify, track and resolve those changes when they arise in a project. The free template has space to note what the change is, give a team member ownership to lead the task of resolving it and then get it signed off on.

When used in conjunction with ProjectManager, the change request form is more dynamic. It can act as a collaborative platform in which team members can communicate and attach relevant documents, even hand-offs and sign-offs. Keeping everything under one roof is something you’ll not want to change.

Related: How to Run MS Project on your Mac Step by Step!

23. Gap Analysis Template

If you’re looking to improve your business and stay innovative, then you need this gap analysis template for Excel. It’s one of the tools you can use to get a strategic analysis of where you are now and how to get to where you want to be in the future. This project management spreadsheet will help you devise an action plan to move you from your current state of affairs to wherever you plan to take your organization in the future, whether that’s an increase in market share or getting a product to market quickly.

Project gap analysis template for Microsoft Excel in a spreadsheet format

This free Excel template has everything you need to start meeting your goals, from general information and the current state of your business to the future state you’re aiming to achieve, what the gap percentage is and the actions necessary to close that gap. You can identify who in the organization can lead the initiative and even track the status. You have to start somewhere and a gap analysis is where it all comes together.

24. Stakeholder Analysis Spreadsheet

Stakeholders are invested in the project and project managers have to keep them updated and manage their expectations. That’s where this free stakeholder analysis template for Excel comes in. It helps you identify and manage all the stakeholders in your project. This free template is a cornerstone of any thorough stakeholder management plan.

Free stakeholder analysis template in a spreadsheet format for Excel

The stakeholder analysis template gets you started with a project overview, which is followed by a list of all the stakeholders involved with the project. There’s a dropdown menu to note if that particular stakeholder is of high, medium or low influence. That means, how much power they have to impact the project. That information is crucial to how to manage them. Then you identify each stakeholder in the spreadsheet as they relate to the project. Note the frequency you need to communicate with each stakeholder and more to manage them and keep the project moving forward.

25. Cost Benefit Analysis Spreadsheet

Crunch the numbers to learn if your project is worth pursuing with our free cost-benefit analysis template for Excel. You can see if the project can be delivered within a specific time frame and reasonable cost. This Microsoft Excel template allows you to compare what you expect to spend against the benefits or opportunities the project might provide. From a cost perspective, you can see if the project is viable.

free cost benefit analysis template for project management

Whether a personal or professional project, our free cost-benefit analysis template is a powerful and flexible tool. It can be used over and over again, collecting the project information, quantitative costs (indirect, intangible and opportunity) and quantitative benefits (direct benefits, indirect benefits, intangible benefits and competitive benefits). Adding up the three cost sections and the four benefits sections of the template provides a total cost to compare against total benefits. It’s an essential analysis to undertake before committing to any project.

Using Excel for Project Management

Think of all the things you have to process along the way to a successful project—scheduling, resource planning, defining tasks and milestones, etc. The days of Post-It notes and notebooks filled with scraps of paper are long gone. Thankfully, today project managers can use Microsoft Excel templates for project management.

Microsoft Excel does a lot of things well: mathematics, analysis and organization. But, it’s not intuitive for project management due to its blank spreadsheet format. So, without using pre-built project management spreadsheets or templates, it’s hard to execute project management on Excel.

Go Beyond Excel Project Management Templates & Spreadsheets With ProjectManager

Project management software can take you way further than Excel templates for project management ever could. ProjectManager , an award-winning project management software, is a comprehensive platform that lets you plan, track and report on your projects online. Because it’s an online tool, you get live visibility into your project team and their tasks.

Plan your projects from start to finish with our Gantt chart feature. This feature allows you to map your project tasks in phases and assign them to team members. You can even create dependencies and set milestones. Plus, you can import Excel files and Microsoft Project files into the Gantt chart, bringing your static templates to life. In addition, ProjectManager integrates with over 1,000 third-party apps such as Google Drive, Slack and Microsoft Office 365 so that you can share your project with everybody on your team.

imported template to make a gantt chart

Team members (and managers) can choose to manage their own tasks in either the task list or kanban view. The kanban view is a favorite for visual workers who are involved in many projects. The customizable columns on a kanban board allow a user to easily see their progress, or sort their tasks by project or department. Of course, every view, whether it’s the Gantt, list or board, allows you to collaborate with other team members and get more work done than you ever thought possible. You’ll wonder why you ever used project management Excel processes.

ProjectManager's kanban boards make project management templates come to life

Get all the features of these Excel project management templates and more when you use ProjectManager . All of these tools are available in our award-winning project management software to help you plan, track and report on your project in real time. See what it can do for you by taking a free 30-day trial run .

Click here to browse ProjectManager's free templates

Deliver your projects on time and under budget

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  1. Free Task List Templates for Excel

    Download. ⤓ Excel (.xlsx) For: Excel 2010 or later. License: Private Use (not for distribution or resale) Description. This task tracker template demonstrates the use of custom icon sets via conditional formatting to show a priority rating of 1-4 with different color circles. It uses a similar technique for the checkbox in the Done column.

  2. 30+ Free Task and Checklist Templates

    Find free task list and checklist templates for Word, Excel, and PDF, including basic task and to-do list templates, as well as specific use case templates for business and personal projects. ... Students can plan for the week by using this free template to keep track of classes and assignments. The template includes columns for listing the due ...

  3. Free Work Schedule Templates for Word and Excel

    Each Word template is free to download and compatible with older versions of Word. Download Mon-Sun Weekly 8am - 6pm Work Schedule Template. Download Sun-Sat Weekly 24-hour Work Schedule Template. Download Mon-Sun Weekly Schedule Template, 24-hour Template. Download 5-Day Work Schedule with Notes Template.

  4. Free Task List Templates for Employees (Excel

    Alternatively, you can also browse online for templates compatible with Excel and download them. Review the template structure. Take a moment to review the structure and layout of the template. Familiarise yourself with the columns, headers, and data fields already included. Create column headers Then, modify the headers and sections of the ...

  5. FREE Schedule Templates

    Work schedule templates. We created these free work schedule templates to help you be more productive and efficient with your work tasks. You'll notice that some templates cover your daily, weekly, and monthly assignments, while other templates only provide you with one type of assignment. That's because some types of schedules demand more ...

  6. Free Job Tracker Spreadsheet Template for 2024

    3 Tips to Use This Free Job Application Spreadsheet. 1. Job Details Tab. Visiting and noting multiple postings on various websites (like LinkedIn and Indeed) is a necessary step for job seekers. This lets you cast a wide net and see which companies would be interested in hiring you.

  7. How to Create a Task Tracker in Excel (Download Free Template)

    First, create a new sheet and create all the headers in it. Let's name the sheet Pending Tasks by Category. Now, select cell D4 and go to the Data. Under the Data Tools group, select Data Validation. Next, in the Data Validation box select List under Allow in the Settings tab.

  8. Free Job Analysis Templates

    Job Task Analysis Worksheet. This job task analysis template includes rating scales for evaluating the importance and frequency of various duties. The importance scale ranges from "not important" to "extremely important," and the frequency scale ranges from "every few months" to "many times per hour.". Both factors can also be ...

  9. Free Employee Shift Schedule Template for Excel

    Download our free employee shift schedule spreadsheet to help organize work assignments. This template was designed for small businesses and is particularly useful for fast food restaurants, small stores, or departments where employees change stations throughout a work day. Also check out our work schedule template and free calendars. Note: Our ...

  10. Using Solver to schedule your workforce

    Using Solver to schedule your workforce. Many businesses (such as banks, restaurants, and postal service companies) know what their labor requirements will be on different days of the week, and need a method to efficiently schedule their workforce. You can use Excel's Solver add-in to create a staffing schedule based on those requirements.

  11. 10 Free Work Schedule Templates in Excel & ClickUp for 2024

    10 Work Schedule Templates to Use in 2024. Plug-and-play, customizable, and easy to duplicate, these templates are mysteriously good at what they do. 🕵️. Even better: They're free. Explore these ten free work schedule templates to find solutions to organize your team members' schedules and your own. 1.

  12. Free Assignment Schedule Tracker for Excel

    The Free Assignment Schedule Tracker for Excel is a template that you can download for free from the Office portal. It is professionally designed and looks sleek yet still highly functional. This is just one of the many spreadsheet templates that you can use for school purposes, especially for ensuring that you are on top of your class and ...

  13. 10 Powerful Excel Project Management Templates for Tracking Anything

    1. Work Plan Timeline. The Work Plan Timeline template is suitable for a basic project with multiple phases. When you enter your data into the worksheet, the roadmap will update automatically. This template comes pre-installed in Microsoft Excel 2016 and up. 2. Date Tracking Gantt Chart.

  14. Responsibility Assignment Matrix with Excel RACI Template

    Assigning RACI roles and responsibilities to TeamGantt tasks. Open your project, and toggle to the RACI tab. This will display all your project tasks in a list format (rows). On the right side of the matrix, you'll see a column for each person currently invited to the project with cells for each task in the project.

  15. Free Excel Task Tracker Template & To-Do List

    Make this task tracker template your own by adding to-do list items and tasks, assigning task owners, and tracking task status, budgets, and costs. Download your free Excel task tracker template. 2. Add to-do list items and tasks. First, find the T ask Name column on your worksheet, and enter a descriptive name for each task you want to track ...

  16. Team To Do List Excel Template

    Team To Do List Template is an Excel tool to help leaders and managers to keep track of their team's progress in certain jobs. The template includes options to expand or collapse the number of tasks. ... In the job assignment table, you need to insert an assignment date and a deadline, too. Because your job duties will appear on each month ...

  17. Free Rotation Schedule Template

    About this Rotation Schedule Spreadsheet. This template provides a convenient way to display your work rotation schedule, using the annual calendar template as a basis. Just enter the year and start month, then use the other inputs to define your shift schedule pattern. The workbook contains 3 separate worksheets, each providing a slightly ...

  18. Templates for college and university assignments

    Templates for college and university assignments. Include customizable templates in your college toolbox. Stay focused on your studies and leave the assignment structuring to tried and true layout templates for all kinds of papers, reports, and more. Category. Color. Create from scratch. Show all.

  19. Free Job Description Templates

    Download Blank Job Description Template. Excel | Word | PDF. This blank template is ready for you to fill in with job description details. Whether you're hiring for an entry level position or more advanced role, use this template as a guide for outlining a job description. Include a summary of the job, essential functions, required ...

  20. 15 Great Work Plan Templates & Samples (Excel / Word)

    A work plan template helps save time as you switch between projects. Your template can be modified to add, remove, or replace team members or tasks. It can also include customized prompts for setting objectives or goals. Typically, a work plan template includes the following areas: Objectives. Goals. Group duties.

  21. 15 Excel Spreadsheet Templates for Tracking Tasks, Costs and Time

    We've collected ProjectManager's 15 best Excel spreadsheet templates for tracking that you can download and use for free. 1. Dashboard Template. A dashboard is how you keep track of your work, including the time spent on tasks, what you're spending and if you're making progress as planned. ProjectManager's free dashboard template for ...

  22. 18 Free Excel Construction Templates

    The following are our top 17 Microsoft Excel construction templates for better construction project management. Use them as needed, and combine them for a cohesive set of documents that owners and team members will appreciate. 1. Construction Proposal Template. Construction projects require a proposal before they can begin.

  23. 25 Must-Have Project Management Excel Templates & Spreadsheets

    17. Multiple Project Tracking Template. If you're managing a program or a portfolio of projects, then you need our free multiple-project tracking template for Excel. When you download this free project management Excel template, you have the tool you need to monitor the progress of many projects at once.