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How To Write A Descriptive Essay?

How to Write A Descriptive Essay?

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A descriptive essay is a captivating genre of writing that goes beyond mere storytelling; it immerses readers in a sensory experience, allowing them to vividly visualize and connect with the depicted scenes. In this article, we will delve into the art of crafting descriptive essays, unraveling the techniques that transform ordinary words into a tapestry of images, emotions, and sensations.

Before exploring the step-by-step process of writing a descriptive essay, let’s take a moment to understand the essence of this literary form.

What is a Descriptive Essay?

A descriptive essay is a type of writing that vividly portrays a person, place, object, or experience through detailed sensory observations, creating a vivid and immersive impression for the reader.

In a descriptive essay, the writer uses sensory details such as sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures to convey a rich and comprehensive depiction of the chosen subject.

The goal is to paint a vivid mental image for the reader, allowing them to experience the essence of the described entity. Through careful selection of language and a focus on sensory imagery, a well-crafted descriptive essay not only communicates information but also evokes emotions and engages the reader’s imagination.

This genre often relies on the use of figurative language, similes , metaphors , and other literary devices to enhance the descriptive elements and create a lasting impact on the audience.

Why Do We Write Descriptive Essays?

Descriptive essays serve a multifaceted purpose , engaging writers in a form of expression that goes beyond mere storytelling.

Here are some reasons why we write descriptive essays:

  • Descriptive essays transport readers into the world being described, allowing them to feel the emotions and imagine the scenes vividly.
  • Through detailed descriptions, writers create a sensory experience that resonates with the audience on an emotional level.
  • The primary goal of a descriptive essay is to leave a lasting impression on the reader’s mind.
  • By using rich language and sensory details, writers can make their subjects come alive, leaving a vivid and memorable impact.
  • Writing descriptively encourages keen observation of the surroundings.
  • Writers must pay attention to details, nuances, and sensory elements, honing their observational skills to create a nuanced and realistic portrayal.
  • Descriptive writing challenges writers to use language effectively, employing various literary devices, figurative language, and sensory imagery.
  • Crafting descriptive essays contributes to the development of a writer’s stylistic and expressive capabilities.
  • Descriptive essays stimulate the reader’s imagination, encouraging them to mentally picture and experience the scenes described.
  • Readers become active participants in the narrative, fostering a deeper connection with the content.
  • Writers use descriptive essays to convey personal experiences, allowing readers to share in the emotions and details of significant moments.
  • These essays become a medium through which writers communicate their unique perspectives and insights.
  • Descriptive essays aim to capture the essence of a subject, whether it’s a place, person, event, or object.
  • Writers strive to distill the core qualities and characteristics that define the subject, presenting a comprehensive and nuanced depiction.
  • Descriptive writing often involves portraying diverse settings, cultures, or experiences.
  • By engaging with descriptive essays, readers can gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of the world around them.

In essence, descriptive essays serve as a literary vehicle for writers to share their perceptions, elicit emotional responses, and transport readers to the realms of their imagination. The genre allows for a unique and immersive form of storytelling that transcends mere narration.

What is the Structure of a Descriptive Essay?

Organizing a descriptive essay involves two key aspects. Firstly, it encompasses the overall structure of the essay, comprising the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Secondly, it involves structuring the descriptive paragraphs, which can adopt either a chronological or spatial arrangement.

This dual consideration ensures a coherent and engaging presentation of the subject, capturing the reader’s attention through both the essay’s overarching organization and the detailed arrangement of descriptive elements.

Descriptive Essay Structure

The structure of a descriptive essay typically follows a chronological or spatial arrangement, allowing the reader to visualize the subject systematically. Here’s a basic outline commonly used for organizing a descriptive essay:

  • Introduce the subject of your essay.
  • Provide a brief overview or background information.
  • Present the thesis statement, expressing the main idea or impression you want to convey.
  • Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or feature of the subject.
  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point.
  • Use vivid and specific details, employing sensory language to create a clear image.
  • Organize paragraphs logically, considering a chronological or spatial sequence.
  • Summarize the key points without introducing new information.
  • Reinforce the overall impression or emotion you want the reader to take away.
  • End with a strong concluding statement that leaves a lasting impact

Paragraph Organization

Paragraph organization can be either chronological or spatial:

  • If describing an event or process, arrange details in chronological order.
  • Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain a coherent narrative flow.
  • If describing a place, arrange details based on the physical layout or spatial relationship.
  • Move from one area to another in an organized manner, helping the reader navigate through the setting.

Let’s discuss now types of descriptive essay topics!

Descriptive Essays Topics

Descriptive essays cover a wide range of topics that aim to evoke a vivid and sensory experience for the reader. Here are several types of topics commonly assigned for writing descriptive essays:

  • Recount a memorable event or moment from your life.
  • Describe a significant achievement or challenge you’ve faced.
  • Paint a picture of a specific landscape, such as a beach, mountain, or forest.
  • Describe a natural phenomenon like a sunrise, sunset, or storm.
  • Choose an everyday object and provide a detailed description of it.
  • Describe a prized possession and explain its significance.
  • Depict a family member, friend, or influential person in your life.
  • Describe the characteristics of a fictional or historical figure.
  • Explore a city, town, or neighborhood, highlighting its unique features.
  • Describe a specific room, building, or location that holds special meaning.
  • Describe a cultural or social event, such as a festival or celebration.
  • Depict a historical event and its impact on individuals or society.
  • Paint a detailed picture of an animal, domestic or wild.
  • Describe a specific encounter with an animal and the emotions it evoked.
  • Explore the nuances of a particular emotion, such as love, fear, or joy.
  • Describe a moment that left a lasting emotional impact on you.
  • Analyze and describe a piece of art, whether a painting, sculpture, or performance.
  • Explore the details of a book, movie, or music composition.
  • Describe a journey or travel destination, capturing the essence of the place.
  • Depict the cultural and sensory aspects of a specific travel experience.

These topics provide a diverse range of opportunities to create rich, descriptive essays that engage readers by appealing to their senses and emotions. Depending on the assignment or personal preference, writers can choose topics that resonate with their experiences and allow for a compelling exploration of descriptive language.

Writing a Descriptive Essay

Here’s a step-by-step process to guide you in writing a descriptive essay:


  • Begin by exploring well-crafted descriptive essays to understand the distinctive features of this genre.
  • Analyze how authors use sensory details, figurative language, and organization to create a vivid and immersive experience for the reader.
  • Pay attention to the tone, mood, and overall style employed in descriptive writing.
  • Choose a subject that holds personal significance or has the potential to evoke vivid imagery.
  • Consider topics that allow for detailed sensory descriptions and emotional engagement.
  • Jot down key details related to your chosen topic, including sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures.
  • Reflect on personal experiences, memories, or observations that can enhance your descriptive narrative.
  • Develop a clear thesis statement that encapsulates the main idea or impression you want to convey.
  • Ensure that your thesis sets the tone for the overall descriptive focus of the essay.
  • Organize your thoughts by creating an outline with sections for the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • Consider whether a chronological, spatial, or thematic structure best suits your chosen topic.

After preparing for your descriptive essay, it is time for the drafting stage.

While drafting the essay make sure to consider the following steps:

  • Begin with a hook that grabs the reader’s attention, such as a striking detail or a thought-provoking question.
  • Introduce the subject and provide background information to set the stage for your descriptive exploration.
  • End the introduction with a clear thesis statement.
  • Devote each body paragraph to a specific aspect or feature of the subject.
  • Start with a topic sentence that highlights the main point of the paragraph.
  • Use descriptive language and sensory details to paint a vivid picture for the reader.
  • Organize paragraphs coherently, maintaining a logical flow of ideas.
  • Enhance your descriptions with similes, metaphors, and other literary devices to add depth and creativity.
  • Ensure that figurative language contributes to a more nuanced and imaginative portrayal of the subject.
  • Reiterate the overall impression or emotion you want the reader to take away.
  • End with a powerful concluding statement that leaves a lasting impact.

Revising and Editing

After finishing the initial draft, take the time to revise your essay, ensuring that your descriptions are pertinent and compelling. Next, meticulously proofread the text for any errors, whether they pertain to grammar, spelling, punctuation, or capitalization.

  • Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and consistency.
  • Check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation issues.
  • Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to refine and improve your descriptive essay.
  • Make any necessary revisions based on feedback.
  • Ensure that your essay effectively conveys the intended emotions and imagery.
  • Proofread the final draft to ensure a polished and well-crafted piece of writing.

Tips and Ideas for Writing a Good Descriptive Essay

Writing a compelling descriptive essay hinges on the art of vividly animating your subject, transcending the constraints of literal description found in formal essays. Here, the utilization of senses takes precedence, urging you to delve into rich figurative language. Furthermore, the success of your endeavor lies in a meticulously organized description, guided by a systematic and purposeful arrangement of details.

Here are some tips to consider:

  • Enrich your descriptive essay by appealing to the reader’s senses. Describe sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures to create a multisensory experience.
  • Incorporate vivid and specific details to paint a more immersive picture of the subject.
  • Use language that taps into emotions, whether it’s conveying joy, sorrow, excitement, or tranquility.
  • Connect with your readers on an emotional level by describing experiences or scenes that elicit specific feelings.
  • Integrate similes and metaphors to add depth and nuance to your descriptions.
  • Compare elements using vivid imagery, creating a more imaginative and engaging narrative.
  • Consider different organizational structures to enhance the flow of your essay.
  • From General to Specific (or Vice Versa): Gradually zoom in on details or start with specifics and broaden the focus.
  • From Outside to Inside (or Vice Versa): Begin by describing the external features before delving into the internal aspects or vice versa.
  • From Least Important to Most Important (or Vice Versa): Build up the significance of details progressively or prioritize the most important features first.
  • Chronological Order: Follow a timeline, describing events or details in the order they occur, such as from the beginning to the end of a journey.
  • Concentrate on key elements to avoid overwhelming the reader with excessive details.
  • Ensure that each paragraph has a clear focus, contributing to the overall theme of your descriptive essay.
  • Instead of outright stating facts, show them through descriptive language and imagery.
  • Allow readers to draw their own conclusions by vividly illustrating scenes, emotions, and experiences.
  • After drafting your essay, review and revise it with a critical eye.
  • Trim unnecessary words or redundant descriptions to maintain clarity and conciseness.
  • Ensure a smooth transition between paragraphs to sustain the narrative flow.
  • Share your descriptive essay with others and seek constructive feedback.
  • Consider how well your descriptions resonate with readers and make adjustments accordingly.

Remember, the things we describe have the power to evoke a multitude of sensations:

  • Feel: happy, angry, cold, hot…
  • See: big, large, small, tiny…
  • Touch: coarse, hard, soft, smooth…
  • Taste: sweet, sour, bitter…
  • Hear: loud, quiet, silent…
  • Smell: bad, moldy, unpleasant, pleasant…

Utilize these sensory details to bring your descriptive essay to life and create a vivid experience for your readers.

Descriptive Essay Example

This is an example of descriptive writing. This essay attempts to paint a picture of the city market. It follows the structure we discussed earlier.

A Symphony of Colors and Sounds at the City Market

In the heart of the city, a vibrant market unfolds like a living canvas, each stall a stroke of color and every vendor a maestro in a symphony of commerce. The air is thick with anticipation and the palpable energy of a thousand stories unfolding in a bustling tapestry of sights and sounds.

As you step into the market, the first wave of impressions hits you like a crescendo. The riot of colors assaults your senses, from the radiant reds of ripe tomatoes to the earthy browns of handcrafted baskets. Stalls adorned with fabrics of every hue create a kaleidoscope, inviting shoppers to weave through a maze of possibilities. The vibrant saris flutter like flags in the breeze, each one telling a unique story of tradition and craftsmanship.

Amidst the labyrinth of stalls, the sounds of the market form a harmonious blend of life. The rhythmic clang of a blacksmith shaping metal resonates with the staccato beats of a drummer performing in the street. The haggling banter of vendors, a language in itself, weaves into the laughter of children running through the crowd. Overhead, the calls of hawkers mingle with the distant hum of city life, creating a symphony that is both chaotic and strangely melodic.

As you navigate through the market, the smells become a sensory guide, leading you from one culinary delight to another. The earthy aroma of freshly ground spices competes with the sweet fragrance of ripe mangoes, while the smoky trail of street food wafts through the air. The market, in this olfactory symphony, becomes a playground for the senses, enticing you to explore its every nook and cranny.

The market is not just a marketplace; it is a living organism, pulsating with the vitality of those who inhabit it. The faces of vendors tell tales of resilience and survival, etched with lines of hard-earned wisdom. Shoppers, eager and contemplative, weave through the crowd like characters in a novel, each on their own quest for treasures and experiences.

As the sun begins its descent, casting a warm glow over the market, the symphony reaches its finale. The fading light transforms the chaos into a mosaic of shadows and highlights, accentuating the textures and contours of this lively ecosystem. The market, having played its daily opus, prepares to slumber until the next dawn.

In the midst of this bustling city market, where chaos and harmony coexist, one discovers not just a marketplace, but a living, breathing entity. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a celebration of diversity, and a sensory journey that leaves an indelible mark on all who traverse its vibrant aisles.

Here’s an analysis of the above structure:

  • The essay starts with a captivating introduction that sets the scene for the descriptive journey, establishing the bustling city market as a vibrant and living canvas.
  • The body paragraphs vividly explore different aspects of the market, focusing on colors, sounds, and smells. Each paragraph is dedicated to a specific sensory experience, using descriptive language to paint a detailed picture for the reader.
  • The organizational structure includes a thematic approach, showcasing the various elements that contribute to the overall atmosphere of the market.
  • The essay concludes with a reflection on the market’s significance, portraying it as a living organism with a rhythm of its own. It emphasizes the resilience of the human spirit and the diversity celebrated within the market.
  • The final paragraph ties together the sensory experiences, portraying the market as a dynamic entity that plays its daily opus, preparing for a new day.

A descriptive essay is a literary endeavor that goes beyond mere narration, immersing readers in a sensory journey through carefully crafted words. To write a compelling description, you must consider not only the selection of vivid details that appeal to the senses but also the artful arrangement of these elements.

Deliberate choices in language, from the use of figurative expressions to the organization of the narrative, contribute to the creation of a captivating and immersive experience for your audience. In essence, a well-executed descriptive essay transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary, leaving an indelible impression on the reader’s imagination.

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Writing Guides  /  How to Write a Descriptive Essay (2021 Edition)

How to Write a Descriptive Essay (2021 Edition)

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay is both expository and creative. When you write a descriptive essay, you use rich diction to make your chosen subject come alive. Your job is to describe in detail a person, place, or thing.

You describe things every day of your life. Just think: you tell your friend about the date you had last night in great detail, or you describe how good that bowl of ramen was yesterday.

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You tell your parents about your bad day at school, or you make fun of your teacher.

Writing a descriptive essay just asks you to do the same in writing.

What Is a Descriptive Essay?

Consider the difference between these two paragraphs:

Big Macs are popular because they taste good in addition to being cheap and filling. Every time I go to a McDonald’s restaurant, I order a Big Mac because when I am hungry, nothing else hits the spot. Ordering a Big Mac is a simple process. Eating a Big Mac allows me to grab a quick lunch before I go to work. Although they are unhealthy and fattening, I like Big Macs because they are salty, fatty, and delicious.

Even before I opened the door, the thick, nauseating aroma of French fries filled my nose and making me wince. The restaurant was filled with loud children, two of which screamed at the top of their lungs demanding more food from their mothers. A long line had formed at the ordering counter, and I took my place behind the last person. After a grueling five minutes of waiting, I place my order for a Big Mac. When my sandwich finally arrives, I can feel the saliva already filling my mouth. The first bite of familiar salt and fat fills my mouth with pleasure, obscuring all the inner voices telling me to stop eating such disgusting food.

Both paragraphs describe a Big Mac, notice how the second paragraph has richer detail about a specific moment in time as well as the item being described? The first paragraph is more about why you like Big Macs, whereas the second paragraph is more about the experience of ordering one. This is what a descriptive essay should be. You are asked to engage all five senses to invite your reader on a journey.

Describing With the Five Senses

In a descriptive essay , you will almost always be expected to use as many of your senses as possible. If you can use all five senses, then you can create truly fantastic descriptive essays.

The use of the five senses in your description is known as imagery .

Of course, it will not always be possible to employ all five senses in every scene but with a little practice, you might find that you are writing just as much about the taste of fear in your mouth as you are about the feel of your heart beating in your chest.

Sight: Consider color, size, shape, design patterns, straight versus curvy lines, where the item is in relation to other items, lighting.

Sound: Pitch, tone, duration, volume, intensity, melody, rhythm, cadence

Taste: Metallic, bitter, sweet, overly sweet, sour, familiar, unfamiliar

Touch: Smooth, bumpy, sharp, gummy, gooey, viscous, sandy, grainy

Smell: Garbage, sewer, tar, sulfuric, floral, fruity, overripe, coffee, like grandma’s house

Using Metaphors and Similes

One of the hallmarks of a descriptive essay is using the literary devices of metaphor and simile.

Metaphor and simile are types of figurative language .

Figurative language is the opposite of literal language.

Literal Statement

That couple has eight children.

Figurative Statement

That couple breeds like rabbits.

Both a metaphor and a simile describe something in terms of something else, to transform an unfamiliar person, place, or thing into something the reader will find familiar and can relate to.

Simile Example

Bubble tea has large black balls at the bottom called pearls. These pearls have a gummy texture, and when you chew them, they are a lot like gummy bears .

The italicized portion of this passage (“they are a lot like gummy bears”) is a simile. Bubble tea pearls are being compared with gummy bears. They are like gummy bears, even though they are not the same thing.

He stayed in the sun so long that he looked like a baboon’s butt.

In this example, you compare the person to a baboon’s butt. You could have said, “He stayed in the sun so long, he turned red,” but using the simile adds a humorous dimension to your description.

A metaphor achieves the same goal but in a more direct way. Metaphors are commonly used in tasting notes for wine.

Metaphor Example

This cabernet sauvignon has aromas of plum and fresh tobacco, with lingering notes of dark cherry.

Plum, tobacco, and dark cherry are not actual ingredients in the wine, but are the closest things that the taster will recognize when sampling it.

Metaphors function as more assertive versions of similes.

There was a tower of food on my plate.

Your plate of food was not a literal tower, but you want the reader to imagine how much food the kitchen piled onto it.

Metaphor Example:

She was an ogre that day.

The person you are describing was not a mythical creature in a literal sense, but her demeanor made her a metaphorical ogre.

[related essays]

Extended Metaphors

An extended metaphor is a descriptive writing technique in which you spend a good paragraph or so describing your object in terms of another.

Extended Metaphor Example

She was an ogre that day. Her pent-up resentment made her skin look puffy, and her lack of sleep was turning her skin chartreuse. With hunched-over shoulders, she would grumble a few words that sounded like gibberish. If you asked her to repeat what she said, she would yell or spit out abuses like, “What are you, deaf?” In true ogre spirit, she seemed ready to bite off our heads at the slightest disturbance. No amount of kind words could restore her sense of humanity.

Avoiding Cliché

While you may be tempted to use metaphors, similes, analogies, and other figurative language that is familiar to you, be careful of using clichés .

A cliché is an overused term or phrase. If you find yourself using a cliché, spend an extra minute thinking of a new way of saying the same thing. Keeping it fresh will make your descriptive essay a lot better. If you want good grades, avoid clichés as much as possible.

She eats like a horse.

She eats like a mother bear emerging from her den at the first thaw of spring.

The Difference Between Showing and Telling

When you write a descriptive essay, your job is to make a person, place, or thing come alive for a reader.

You will put your reader to sleep unless you use imagery, simile, metaphor, and other literary devices.

Example of Telling

The church was an old building, built in 1795. It was big and attractive.

Example of Showing

Most of the townsfolk thought the church was haunted. Built in 1795, the bell tower loomed over the town, casting a long dark shadow across the public square each and every afternoon.

Descriptive Essay vs. Narrative Essay

A descriptive essay is similar to a narrative essay, in that both of them may use rich detail, imagery, simile and metaphor.

However, a narrative essay tells a story. A descriptive essay does not necessarily need to have a plot : a beginning, middle, and end.

A narrative essay is almost always descriptive, but a descriptive essay is not necessarily narrative.

Unlike most other formal academic essays, descriptive essays and narrative essays can be written in either first or third person. Use whatever you prefer, or whatever the assignment instructions indicate.

Example of a Descriptive Passage in First Person

The room smelled of freshly brewed coffee when I walked in. Sunlight streamed in from the windows, causing me to squint, temporarily blinding me and making me feel cranky. I set down my book with a sudden thump, which startled my sister. She filled the cup, the sound of the liquid stream making me anticipate the rejuvenating power of caffeine. I took a sip so eagerly, I burnt my tongue on the hot liquid, but I did not care. It tasted so good, at once of chocolate and cherries. My sister makes the best coffee in the world.

Example of the Same Descriptive Passage in Third Person

The room smelled of freshly brewed coffee. Sunlight streamed in from the windows, illuminating dust particles in the air and exposing all the stains on the kitchen counter. Julie filled a cup from the carafe, breaking the silence in the room. The warm cup was comforting, and the coffee tasted like chocolate and cherries. Julie makes the best coffee in the world.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

There are four main steps to writing a descriptive essay:

1.  Picking a subject

2.  Outlining and prewriting

3.  Rough Draft

4.  Polishing and Revision

Descriptive Essay Topics

The first step to writing a descriptive essay is picking a subject or topic you want to describe. Most descriptive essays will be about people, places, things, events/experiences, or feelings.

Someone in your family

A role model

A famous person

A character in a novel

A place you have been on vacation

A famous landmark

Your college or university

A natural setting like a forest or beach

A kitchen gadget

A food item

A music festival

A religious ritual

A party you attended

How you felt when you broke up with your first boyfriend/girlfriend

How you felt when you got into college

How you felt when you walked into a room of people you did not know

Descriptive Essay Outline

The second step in writing a descriptive essay is prewriting, including brainstorming and outlining.

Loosen up your mind by jotting down anything you can think of in relation to the person, place, or thing you are describing. Doing prewriting exercises like these will make the process of writing the essay a lot easier because you are no longer starting from a blank slate.

Do not worry about full sentences at this point. Just write down colors, smells, and anything that comes to mind.

Ask yourself some questions like:

What does this person, place, or thing remind you of?

If this person were an animal, which animal would he or she be?

Is the object you are describing hard or soft? Cold or hot? Where does the object belong, and where does it not belong?

An essay outline is the transition point between brainstorming and the essay itself. All the thoughts you had about the person, place, or thing can coalesce into the blueprint for your essay.

An essay outline is a road map for your descriptive essay. Because a descriptive essay borders on creative writing, you may not need to use a five-paragraph essay format as you would for other types of expository essays.

You may still be asked to use the five-paragraph essay structure, though:

I.  Introduction

A.  Tell the writer what you are about to describe.

B.  Thesis statement that mentions several of the core characteristics of the person, place, or thing

II.  Body paragraph one

III. Body paragraph two

IV.  Body paragraph three

V.  Conclusion

Another way of structuring your descriptive outline would be to use each body paragraph to describe a different aspect of the person, place, or thing.

If you are describing a person, for example, you could use the following type of outline:

A.  Introduce the person

B.  Thesis: This person comes from a wealthy background, has a healthy body, and good communication skills.

II.  This person’s family was wealthy, but the person does not take their position of privilege for granted.

II.  This person volunteers twice per week at the homeless shelter

A.  This person lives in a small and humble home

III. This person maintains a healthy body

A.  This person is a vegetarian

B.  This person exercises every day

IV.  This person has good communication skills.

A.  This person listens patiently and with good eye contact

B.  This person speaks calmly and focuses only on positive aspects of the situation.

A.  This person shows how to live an ideal life because of their grace, discipline, and kindness.

Descriptive Essay Outline Example

Let’s say you are going to write a descriptive essay of a church service. Your outline might look like this:

A.  On January 23, 2021 I visited the orthodox Greek Church in Buffalo, NY, for a Sunday service.

B.  Thesis: The main features of the religious ritual included the smell of incense, the sound of chanting, and the formal attire.

II.  Smells

A.  Incense

B.  The smell of the old building

III. Sounds

A.  Chanting

B.  The voice of the priest during the sermon

C.  The sounds of the congregation

IV.  Visuals

A.  Clothing worn by clergy

B.  Clothing worn by people

C.  The stained glass windows, wood, and other interior design elements

A.  An orthodox religious service is a multisensory experience, involving different smells, sounds, and sights that set the sacred space apart from the ordinary world.

Descriptive Essay Example

Using the above outline, we can write a rough draft.

On January 23, 2021 I visited the orthodox Greek Church in Buffalo, NY, for a Sunday service. The loud chimes of my alarm broke into my deep sleep at 7AM. Feeling the cool water on my body during my morning shower woke me up faster than coffee could, and I hustled to put on a conservative outfit: a plain blue shirt and beige pants. After a bland breakfast of crunchy but soupy cereal in milk, I sped down the road in my car towards the building I had seen before but had yet to enter. The engine purred and within five minutes I was in the Orthodox Greek Church parking lot. Walking in with a steady stream of worshippers, I took my seat in one of the back pews, all of which were made of maple wood. This was my first time attending an Orthodox Church service. The main features of the religious ritual included the smell of incense, the sound of chanting, and the formal attire.

The smells of the Orthodox Church are remarkable, exotic, and evocative. This particular church is in a historical building, and I noticed the mustiness right away. It was a pleasant mustiness, the kind that reminds me of being in an old library. The smell of old books and wood makes the church feel connected with history. Likewise, the use of frankincense and myrrh resin incense brings to mind the Biblical times. An Orthodox Church ritual feels so ancient partly because of this characteristic aroma. Incense smoke fills the air but without becoming too intense, possibly due to the good ventilation system and the high ceilings. The smell also induces a calm state of mind as the service begins.

Chanting and the droning sound of the priestly voice are the overarching sounds at the Greek Orthodox service, punctuated by the occasional cough or murmur from the congregation. Less participatory than a Protestant religious ritual, there was some audience participation in the singing. Overall, though, the Orthodox service seemed stoic because most of the sounds emanated from the high altar. The priest did most of the talking, and occasionally chanted some Biblical verses and prayers. A chorus also filled the air with angelic voices that in unison carried the hopes and dreams of the congregation to heaven. As if the incense did not already induce an altered state of consciousness, the religious chanting puts the mind into a trance state during the ceremony.

Befitting the orthodoxy of the Sunday service, all the congregants wore formal attire, and the clergy wore long flowing robes suitable to their station. The formality of the clothing matched that of the ceremony itself. There was no color scheme for the members of the congregation, except for the fact that the priest wears all black. The room was filled with both artificial and natural light streaming in from the stained glass windows and skylights. It was apparent the building had been renovated and rebuilt over the years, evidenced by the obvious new additions and annexes. The floor was also a newer tile, which clashed somewhat with the wood beams on the ceiling. Incense censers dangled from strategic places on the ceiling, and Byzantine-style gold leaf religious iconography of the saints adorned the altar.

An orthodox religious service is a multisensory experience, involving different smells, sounds, and sights that set the sacred space apart from the ordinary world. A blend of old world and new, the Greek orthodox ceremony reveals the way a religion can serve as the link between the past and the present. Gilded and ceremonial as many of the elements of the church service are, the ceremony was also simple in other ways, via the use of ancient incense, timeless chanting, and conservative priestly vestments.

Hopefully after reading this article you have a much better idea of what a descriptive essay is and how to write one. In fact, all of us already use descriptive language in our daily lives. Writing a descriptive essay is a natural extension of the way we think and communicate about the world around us.

A descriptive essay can be fun to write. Writing a descriptive essay allows you to be creative, and to think like a poet.

When you describe something, you want to use all the five senses if possible: showing the reader what the person, place, or thing might look, feel, smell, taste, or sound like to them.

You can use a descriptive essay to describe an event or situation from your past, a moment in time, a person, a place, or an item.

You will frequently use similes and metaphors in a descriptive essay, which allows you to practice your writing skills. With similes, metaphors, and other types of figurative language, you bring your description to life like Dr. Frankenstein animated his creature.

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What is a Descriptive Essay? How to Write It (with Examples)

What is a Descriptive Essay? How to Write It (with Examples)

A descriptive essay is a type of creative writing that uses specific language to depict a person, object, experience, or event. The idea is to use illustrative language to show readers what the writer wants to convey – it could be as simple as a peaceful view from the top of a hill or as horrific as living in a war zone. By using descriptive language, authors can evoke a mental image in the readers’ minds, engaging readers and leaving a lasting impression, instead of just providing a play-by-play narrative.

Note that a description and descriptive essay are not the same thing. A descriptive essay typically consists of five or more well-written paragraphs with vivid imagery that can help readers visualize the content, as opposed to a description, which is typically one or more plain paragraphs with no particular structure or appeal. If you are still unsure about how to write a compelling descriptive essay, continue reading!

Table of Contents

What is a descriptive essay, types of descriptive essay topics.

  • Characteristics of descriptive essays

How to write a descriptive essay using a structured outline

Frequently asked questions.

A simple descriptive essay definition is that it is a piece of writing that gives a thorough and vivid description of an object, person, experience, or situation. It is sometimes focused more on the emotional aspect of the topic rather than the specifics. The author’s intention when writing a descriptive essay is to help readers visualize the subject at hand. Generally, students are asked to write a descriptive essay to test their ability to recreate a rich experience with artistic flair. Here are a few key points to consider when you begin writing these.

  • Look for a fascinating subject

You might be assigned a topic for your descriptive essay, but if not, you must think of a subject that interests you and about which you know enough facts. It might be about an emotion, place, event, or situation that you might have experienced.

how to write a descriptive essay step by step

  • Acquire specific details about the topic

The next task is to collect relevant information about the topic of your choice. You should focus on including details that make the descriptive essay stand out and have a long-lasting impression on the readers. To put it simply, your aim is to make the reader feel as though they were a part of the experience in the first place, rather than merely describing the subject.

  • Be playful with your writing

To make the descriptive essay memorable, use figurative writing and imagery to lay emphasis on the specific aspect of the topic. The goal is to make sure that the reader experiences the content visually, so it must be captivating and colorful. Generally speaking, “don’t tell, show”! This can be accomplished by choosing phrases that evoke strong emotions and engage a variety of senses. Making use of metaphors and similes will enable you to compare different things. We will learn about them in the upcoming sections.

  • Capture all the different senses

Unlike other academic articles, descriptive essay writing uses sensory elements in addition to the main idea. In this type of essay writing, the topic is described by using sensory details such as smell, taste, feel, and touch. Example “ Mahira feels most at home when the lavender scent fills her senses as she lays on her bed after a long, tiring day at work . As the candle melts , so do her worries” . It is crucial to provide sensory details to make the character more nuanced and build intrigue to keep the reader hooked. Metaphors can also be employed to explain abstract concepts; for instance, “ A small act of kindness creates ripples that transcend oceans .” Here the writer used a metaphor to convey the emotion that even the smallest act of kindness can have a larger impact.

  • Maintain harmony between flavor and flow

The descriptive essay format is one that can be customized according to the topic. However, like other types of essays, it must have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The number of body paragraphs can vary depending on the topic and available information.

It is crucial to remember that a descriptive essay should have a specific topic and goal, such as sharing personal experiences or expressing emotions like the satisfaction of a good meal. This is accomplished by employing exact language, imagery, and figurative language to illustrate concrete features. These language devices allow the writer to craft a descriptive essay that effectively transmits a particular mood, feeling, or incident to readers while also conjuring up strong mental imagery. A descriptive essay may be creative, or it may be based on the author’s own experiences. Below is a description of a few descriptive essay examples that fit into these categories.

  • Personal descriptive essay example

A personal essay can look like a descriptive account of your favorite activity, a place in your neighborhood, or an object that you value. Example: “ As I step out of the front door, the crisp morning air greets me with a gentle embrace; the big chestnut tree in front, sways in the wind as if saying hello to me. The world unfolds in a symphony of awakening colors, promising a day filled with untold possibilities that make me feel alive and grateful to be born again”.

  • Imaginative descriptive essay example

You may occasionally be required to write descriptive essays based on your imagination or on subjects unrelated to your own experiences. The prompts for these kinds of creative essays could be to describe the experience of someone going through heartbreak or to write about a day in the life of a barista. Imaginative descriptive essays also allow you to describe different emotions. Example, the feelings a parent experiences on holding their child for the first time.

Characteristics of descriptive essay s

The aim of a descriptive essay is to provide a detailed and vivid description of a person, place, object, event, or experience. The main goal is to create a sensory experience for the reader. Through a descriptive essay, the reader may be able to experience foods, locations, activities, or feelings that they might not otherwise be able to. Additionally, it gives the writer a way to relate to the readers by sharing a personal story. The following is a list of the essential elements of a descriptive essay:

  • Sensory details
  • Clear, succinct language
  • Organized structure
  • Thesis statement
  • Appeal to emotion

how to write a descriptive essay step by step

How to write a descriptive essay, with examples

Writing an engaging descriptive essay is all about bringing the subject matter to life for the reader so they can experience it with their senses—smells, tastes, and textures. The upside of writing a descriptive essay is you don’t have to stick to the confinements of formal essay writing, rather you are free to use a figurative language, with sensory details, and clever word choices that can breathe life to your descriptive essay. Let’s take a closer look at how you can use these components to develop a descriptive essay that will stand out, using examples.

  • Figurative language

Have you ever heard the expression “shooting for the stars”? It refers to pushing someone to strive higher or establish lofty goals, but it does not actually mean shooting for the stars. This is an example of using figurative language for conveying strong motivational emotions. In a descriptive essay, figurative language is employed to grab attention and emphasize points by creatively drawing comparisons and exaggerations. But why should descriptive essays use metaphorical language? One it adds to the topic’s interest and humor; two, it facilitates the reader’s increased connection to the subject.

These are the five most often used figurative language techniques: personification, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, and allusion.

  • Simile: A simile is a figure of speech that is used to compare two things while emphasizing and enhancing the description using terms such as “like or as.”

Example: Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving – Albert Einstein

  • Metaphor: A metaphor are also used to draw similarities, but without using direct or literal comparisons like done in similes.   

Example: Books are the mirrors of the soul – Virginia Woolf, Between the acts

  • Personification: This is the process of giving nonhuman or abstract objects human traits. Any human quality, including an emotional component, a physical attribute, or an action, can be personified.

Example: Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world – Louis Pasteur

  • Hyperbole: This is an extreme form of exaggeration, frequently impractical, and usually employed to emphasize a point or idea. It gives the character more nuance and complexity.

Example: The force will be with you, always – Star Wars

  • Allusion: This is when you reference a person, work, or event without specifically mentioning them; this leaves room for the reader’s creativity.  

Example: In the text below, Robert Frost uses the biblical Garden of Eden as an example to highlight the idea that nothing, not even paradise, endures forever.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay

– Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost (1923)

Descriptive essays need a combination of figurative language and strong sensory details to make the essay more memorable. This is when authors describe the subject matter employing senses like smell, sound, touch, and taste so that the reader can relate to it better.

Example of a sensory-based descriptive essay: The earthy fragrance of freshly roasted chestnuts and the sight of bright pink, red, orange fallen leaves on the street reminded her that winter was around the corner.

  • Word choice

Word choice is everything in a descriptive essay. For the description to be enchanting, it is essential to utilize the right adjectives and to carefully consider the verbs, nouns, and adverbs. Use unusual terms and phrases that offer a new viewpoint on your topic matter instead of overusing clichés like “fast as the wind” or “lost track of time,” which can make your descriptive essay seem uninteresting and unoriginal.

See the following examples:

Bad word choice: I was so happy because the sunset was really cool.

Good word choice: I experienced immense joy as the sunset captivated me with its remarkable colors and breathtaking beauty.

  • Descriptive essay format and outline

Descriptive essay writing does not have to be disorganized, it is advisable to use a structured format to organize your thoughts and ensure coherent flow in your writing. Here is a list of components that should be a part of your descriptive essay outline:

  • Introduction
  • Opening/hook sentence
  • Topic sentence
  • Body paragraphs
  • Concrete details
  • Clincher statement

how to write a descriptive essay step by step


  • Hook: An opening statement that captures attention while introducing the subject.
  • Background: Includes a brief overview of the topic the descriptive essay is based on.
  • Thesis statement: Clearly states the main point or purpose of the descriptive essay.

Body paragraphs: Each paragraph should have

  • Topic sentence: Introduce the first aspect or feature you will describe. It informs the reader about what is coming next.
  • Sensory details: Use emphatic language to appeal to the reader’s senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell).
  • Concrete details: These are actual details needed to understand the context of the descriptive essay.
  • Supporting details: Include relevant information or examples to improve the description.


  • Summarize key points: Here you revisit the main features or aspects of the subject.
  • Restate thesis statement: Reinforce the central impression or emotion.
  • Clincher statement: Conclude with a statement that summarizes the entire essay and serve as the last words with a powerful message.

Revision and editing:

  • Go over your essay to make sure it is coherent, clear, and consistent.
  • Check for logical paragraph transitions by proofreading the content.
  • Examine text to ensure correct grammar, punctuation, and style.
  • Use the thesaurus or AI paraphrasing tools to find the right words.

A descriptive essay often consists of three body paragraphs or more, an introduction that concludes with a thesis statement, and a conclusion that summarizes the subject and leaves a lasting impression on readers.

A descriptive essay’s primary goal is to captivate the reader by writing a thorough and vivid explanation of the subject matter, while appealing to their various senses. A list of additional goals is as follows: – Spark feeling and imagination – Create a vivid experience – Paint a mental picture – Pique curiosity – Convey a mood or atmosphere – Highlight specific details

Although they both fall within the creative writing category, narrative essays and descriptive essays have different storytelling focuses. While the main goal of a narrative essay is to tell a story based on a real-life experience or a made-up event, the main goal of a descriptive essay is to vividly describe a person, location, event, or emotion.

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How to Write a Descriptive Essay

4-minute read

  • 26th February 2020

A descriptive essay, as the name may suggest, is an essay in which you describe something. The idea is to create a vivid picture of something – a person, object, place or experience – for your reader.

But how do you write a descriptive essay? We have a few helpful tips to share.

1. Brainstorming and Organizing Your Ideas

Your first step should be to brainstorm ideas . Think about the qualities of what you’re describing. As well as physical qualities, make notes about any thoughts, memories, and emotions you associate with your subject matter.

This brainstorming will give you the raw material for your descriptive essay. The next step is to create an essay outline. Typically, this will include:

  • An Introduction – An outline of what you will describe and the “thesis” for your essay (i.e., a key theme that will run through your essay and guide your description). For instance, if writing about an inspirational teacher, you could mention the importance of education in the introduction.
  • Main Body – A series of paragraphs in which you describe your subject. Each paragraph should cover a single main point, then lead neatly on to the next one, adding to the overall picture you’re creating for the reader.
  • Conclusion – A final paragraph where you summarize your overall essay. This is also a good place to reaffirm your essay thesis, emphasizing how your description reflects this.

Before you start writing, then, make some notes about what each paragraph in your essay will include. This will then guide the drafting process, making sure your essay has a clear structure.

2. Use Vivid, Sensory Language

A descriptive essay should paint a picture for your reader. And this means you need to use vivid, exciting language rather than a formal, academic tone. Ideas for making your essay more linguistically engaging include:

  • Using sensory language to evoke how something looked, smelled, etc.
  • Writing in the present tense to make the situation feel immediate.
  • Describing feelings and thoughts elicited by the subject of your essay.
  • Looking for dynamic adjectives and adverbs to use (e.g., you could say something made you “happy,” but “elated” or “delighted” may be stronger).
  • Using metaphors, similes, and other literary techniques .

Keep your introduction in mind while writing. The language you use should serve the “thesis” you set out there, drawing the reader’s attention to specific aspects of the thing you’re describing.

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3. Show, Don’t Tell

“Show, don’t tell” refers to a technique used by authors to make their writing more engaging. Essentially, all this means is using action, description, and dialogue to paint a picture for the reader rather than simply stating something in plain language. We can see the difference below:

Telling: Miss Hardy was an engaging speaker.

Showing: When Miss Hardy spoke, everyone listened. Her voice bubbled with enthusiasm, bringing even the most mundane subjects to life.

In the first sentence, we simply tell the reader that Miss Hardy was an engaging speaker. But in the second, we try to help the reader picture being in her class, listening to her speak. And by engaging the reader’s imagination like this, we can make our description more memorable.

4. Editing and Proofreading Your Descriptive Essay

Once you have a first draft, you’ll be ready to start editing. The idea here is to go back over your essay – at least once, but possibly multiple times – to look for ways you could improve it. This drafting process may involve:

  • Making sure your writing is clear, well structured, and impactful.
  • Rewriting passages that feel clichéd or that could be stronger.
  • Reading your essay out loud to see how well it flows.
  • Ensuring that the central theme of your essay is present throughout.

And when you’ve finished redrafting, go through the essay one more time to remove any typos that remain. Alternatively, you can submit your descriptive essay for proofreading . With the expert eye of a professional editor on your side, you can be confident your writing is the best it can be.

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Ultimate guide to writing a descriptive essay, carla johnson.

  • June 14, 2023
  • Essay Topics and Ideas , How to Guides

If you want to get better at writing, you should definitely learn how to write a descriptive essay. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at what a descriptive essay is, why it’s important to write one, and what you can expect to learn from this guide.

– Definition of a descriptive essay: It is a type of academic writing that tries to give a vivid picture of a person, place, thing, or event by using sensory details, figurative language, and other literary techniques.

– Importance of writing a descriptive essay: It’s important to write such essays because they help writers improve their descriptive skills, which are important in many fields like creative writing, journalism, and marketing.

– Purpose of the guide: The purpose of this guide is to provide you with a step-by-step framework for writing a successful essay, from choosing a topic to revising and editing your final draft. By following this guide, you’ll be able to write descriptive essays that are engaging, effective, and memorable.

What You'll Learn

Understanding the Elements of a Descriptive Essay

To write a successful descriptive essay, it’s important to understand the key elements of this type of writing. Here are some of the essential elements to keep in mind:

1. Description of the subject or topic : The heart of a descriptive essay is the description of the subject or topic. This should be a detailed and evocative description that captures the essence of the subject or topic.

2. Sensory details: To make the description more vivid and engaging, a descriptive essay should incorporate sensory details, such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Sensory details help the reader to experience the subject or topic in a more immersive way.

3. Organization and structure : A descriptive essay should be well-organized and structured to ensure that the description flows smoothly and logically. This can be achieved through the use of descriptive subheadings, transitions, and other organizational tools.

4. Importance of vivid language: Finally, a descriptive essay should use vivid language and literary techniques, such as metaphors, similes, and personification, to bring the subject or topic to life and make it more memorable and engaging.

Choosing a Topic for a Descriptive Essay

Choosing a good topic is essential to writing a successful descriptive essay. Here are some tips to help you choose a topic:

1. Importance of selecting a good topic: A good topic is one that is interesting, relevant, and meaningful to you as a writer. It should also be a topic that you feel confident writing about.

2. Tips for choosing a topic: To choose a good topic, start by brainstorming a list of potential subjects or topics that you find interesting or important. Then, narrow down your list by considering factors such as feasibility, relevance, and potential for descriptive detail.

3. 50 Descriptive essay topics: Here are some topic ideas to inspire your descriptive essay writing:

– A favorite childhood memory

– Your first love

– A memorable trip or vacation

– Your favorite place in nature

– A special possession or object

– A person who has had a significant impact on your life

– A favorite food or meal

– A significant life event

– The inside of a favorite room or building

– A work of art that inspires you

– A favorite book or movie

– The view from a favorite spot

– A unique hobby or passion

– An important historical or cultural site

– A special moment in time

– A favorite animal or pet

– A childhood game or toy

– A favorite sport or athletic activity

– A dream or aspiration

– A favorite holiday or celebration

– A special talent or skill

– A favorite season or weather event

– A significant life lesson

– A favorite song or piece of music

– A favorite color or aesthetic

– A favorite smell or taste

– A significant relationship or friendship

– A favorite type of architecture or design

– A moment of personal growth or transformation

– A favorite mode of transportation

– A favorite element of nature (e.g. water, fire, wind)

– A favorite type of plant or flower

– A favorite type of weather phenomenon (e.g. thunderstorm, snowfall)

– A favorite type of landscape (e.g. mountains, beach, desert)

– A favorite type of cuisine or food culture

– A favorite type of clothing or fashion trend

– A favorite type of technology or gadget

– A favorite type of musical instrument

– A favorite type of literature or genre

– A favorite type of film or television genre

– A favorite type of art or artistic style

– A favorite type of vehicle or machine

– A favorite type of recreational activity

– A favorite type of job or profession

– A favorite type of building or structure

– A favorite type of holiday or celebration

– A favorite type of animal or pet

By choosing a topic that is interesting and relevant to you, and by incorporating descriptive details and sensory language, you can create a memorable and engaging descriptive essay that captures the essence of your chosen subject or topic.

Research and Gathering of Information

Research is an important part of writing a successful descriptive essay. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when conducting research for your essay:

1. Importance of research in writing a descriptive essay: Research can help you to gather information and insights that will support and enhance your descriptive essay. It can also help you to find interesting and engaging details that will make your essay more memorable and impactful.

2. Sources of information for research: There are many different sources of information you can draw upon when researching your descriptive essay. These might include books, articles, interviews, personal experiences , and observations.

3. Evaluating sources: It’s important to evaluate your sources carefully to ensure that they are reliable and trustworthy. When evaluating a source , consider factors such as the author’s credentials, the publication’s reputation, and any potential biases or limitations.

Creating a Descriptive Essay Outline

Creating an outline is an important step in the writing process , and can help you to organize your thoughts and ideas in a clear and logical way. Here’s what you need to know about creating a descriptive essay outline:

1. Importance of creating an outline: An outline can help you to structure your essay , ensuring that you cover all the key points and details you want to include. It can also help you to identify any gaps or weaknesses in your argument, and to revise and refine your essay more easily.

2. Elements of a descriptive essay outline: A descriptive essay outline typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Within each of these sections, you may include subheadings or bullet points to further organize your ideas.

3. Examples of a descriptive essay outline: Here’s an example of a basic descriptive essay outline:

I. Introduction

   A. Hook

   B. Thesis statement

   C. Background information

II. Body Paragraphs

   A. Topic sentence

   B. Sensory details and description

   C. Supporting evidence and examples

   D. Analysis and interpretation

III. Conclusion

   A. Summary of main points

   B. Restatement of thesis

   C. Final thoughts and implications

By using an outline to guide your writing, you can create a descriptive essay that is well-organized, engaging, and impactful.

Writing the Introduction of a Descriptive Essay

The introduction of a descriptive essay is an important part of the writing process. Here’s what you need to know about writing a strong introduction:

1. Importance of an introduction: The introduction sets the tone for your essay and provides readers with an overview of what they can expect to read. A strong introduction can grab the reader’s attention and make them want to keep reading.

2. Elements of an introduction: A strong introduction should include a hook to grab the reader’s attention, background information to provide context, and a thesis statement that previews the main points of your essay .

3. Examples of a descriptive essay introduction: Here’s an example of an introduction for a descriptive essay about a favorite place:

“Standing at the edge of the cliff, I look out over the vast expanse of blue water below. The sun is just beginning to dip below the horizon, casting the sky in shades of pink and orange. This is my favorite place in the world, a place where I feel at peace and in awe of the beauty around me. In this essay, I will share my experiences and emotions about this special place, exploring the sensory details that make it so memorable.”

Developing the Body Paragraphs of a Descriptive Essay

The body paragraphs of a descriptive essay are where you will provide the bulk of your descriptive details and analysis. Here’s what you need to know about developing strong body paragraphs:

1. Importance of body paragraphs: The body paragraphs are where you will provide the sensory details and descriptions that bring your essay to life . They should be well-organized and focused, with each paragraph covering a single main point or idea.

2. Elements of body paragraphs: Each body paragraph should include a topic sentence that previews the main point of the paragraph, sensory details and descriptions that support that point, and analysis and interpretation that help to explain the significance of those details.

3. Examples of a descriptive essay body paragraphs: Here’s an example of a body paragraph for a descriptive essay about a favorite place:

“The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks below is one of the things that makes this place so special to me. It’s a rhythmic, soothing sound that seems to wash away all my worries and cares. As I stand here, I can feel the mist from the waves on my face, and I can taste the salty air on my tongue. These sensory details help to create a vivid, immersive experience that makes this place feel real and tangible to me. But it’s not just the sensory details that make this place special – it’s also the memories and emotions that are associated with it. Every time I come here, I feel a sense of peace and contentment that I can’t find anywhere else.”

By developing strong body paragraphs that incorporate vivid sensory details and analysis, you can create a descriptive essay that is engaging, memorable, and impactful.

Crafting the Conclusion of a Descriptive Essay

The conclusion of a descriptive essay is the final impression you leave on your reader. Here’s what you need to know about crafting a strong conclusion:

1. Importance of a conclusion: The conclusion should provide closure to your essay and leave a lasting impression on the reader. It should summarize the main points of your essay and leave the reader with a sense of significance and importance.

2. Elements of a conclusion: A strong conclusion should include a summary of the main points of your essay , a restatement of your thesis statement, and a final thought or reflection that leaves the reader with something to think about.

3. Examples of a descriptive essay conclusion : Here’s an example of a conclusion for a descriptive essay about a favorite place:

As I stand here, watching the sunset over the water, I am reminded of the beauty and wonder that exists in the world around us. This place, with its sensory details and memories, has become a part of who I am and what I value. It is a reminder to slow down, to appreciate the simple things in life, and to find beauty in the unexpected. As I leave this place, I carry with me the sense of peace and contentment that it brings, and I am grateful for the memories and experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.

Editing and Revising a Descriptive Essay

Editing and revising are essential steps in the writing process. Here’s what you need to know about editing and revising your descriptive essay:

1. Importance of editing and revising : Editing and revising can help you to identify and correct errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as to refine and improve the overall quality of your essay . This process ensures that your essay is polished and ready for submission.

2. Tips for editing and revising: Some tips for editing and revising your descriptive essay include taking a break between writing and editing, reading your essay out loud to catch errors and inconsistencies, and getting feedback from others to identify areas for improvement.

3. Examples of edited and revised descriptive essays: Here’s an example of an edited and revised paragraph from a descriptive essay about a favorite place:

Original: “The beach was beautiful. The sand was warm and the water was blue. I liked going there.”

Edited and Revised: “As I walked along the shoreline, the warm sand between my toes and the cool water lapping at my ankles, I felt a sense of peace and tranquility that I couldn’t find anywhere else. The sun was setting behind me, casting the sky in shades of pink and orange, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore was rhythmic and soothing. This was my favorite place in the world, a place where I could escape from the pressures of everyday life and just be. I will always cherish the memories and experiences I have had here, and I look forward to returning again and again.”

By taking the time to edit and revise your descriptive essay, you can ensure that it is polished, engaging, and impactful.

Frequently Asked Questions about Descriptive Essays

1. what is a descriptive essay.

A descriptive essay is a type of essay that uses vivid language and sensory details to describe a person, place, object, or event. The goal of a descriptive essay is to create a vivid and immersive experience for the reader.

2. What are the elements of a descriptive essay?

The elements of a descriptive essay include a description of the subject or topic, sensory details, organization and structure, and the importance of vivid language.

3. How do I choose a topic for a descriptive essay?

To choose a topic for a descriptive essay, consider your personal experiences and interests , focus on sensory details, and consider the audience you are writing for.

4. What is the structure of a descriptive essay?

The structure of a descriptive essay typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Within each of these sections, you may include subheadings or bullet points to further organize your ideas.

5. What is a descriptive essay thesis?

A descriptive essay thesis is a statement that previews the main points or ideas that will be covered in the essay. It typically appears at the end of the introduction and helps to guide the organization of the essay .

6. What are some common mistakes to avoid in writing a descriptive essay?

Some common mistakes to avoid in writing a descriptive essay include using vague language, overusing adjectives and adverbs, and failing to provide sufficient sensory details.

10 Inspiring Descriptive Essay Examples

1. “The Beauty of Autumn” by John Keats

2. “A Walk in the Woods” by Bill Bryson

3. The Grand Canyon” by John Muir

4. The Eiffel Tower at Night” by Ernest Hemingway

5. “The Great Barrier Reef” by David Attenborough

6. “The Northern Lights” by Jack London

7. My Childhood Home” by Maya Angelou

8. The Streets of New York City” by E.B. White

9. “The Serengeti Plains” by Jane Goodall

10. “The Taj Mahal” by Rabindranath Tagore

These 10 inspiring descriptive essays showcase the power of vivid language and sensory details to create a memorable and immersive experience for the reader. Each essay offers a unique perspective on its subject, from the natural beauty of the Grand Canyon to the bustling streets of New York City.

Lessons to be learned from these examples include the importance of using sensory details to create a vivid and immersive experience for the reader, the power of language to evoke emotion and convey meaning, and the value of personal experiences and perspectives in shaping our understanding of the world around us.

In conclusion , writing a descriptive essay requires careful attention to detail, a focus on sensory details and language, and a clear and well-organized structure. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you can create a descriptive essay that engages and immerses your readers in the subject matter. Remember to choose a topic that resonates with you, use sensory details to create a vivid experience for your readers, and revise and edit your work to ensure that it is polished and impactful.

Whether you’re describing a favorite place, a meaningful experience, or a unique perspective on the world, a descriptive essay can be a powerful tool for communicating your thoughts and ideas. By taking the time to craft a well-written and engaging essay , you can inspire and connect with your readers in meaningful ways.

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Descriptive Essay

Caleb S.

Descriptive Essay - A Complete Guide

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Have you ever found yourself struggling to paint a vivid picture with your words, to capture the essence of a scene, person, or experience in your writing?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many writers face this challenge when tasked with crafting descriptive essays.

For that, has come up with a solution!

In this blog, you’ll get easy steps to write good descriptive essays. Along with a step-by-step guide, you’ll also get impressive example essays to learn from.

With expert examples and helpful tips, you'll discover the secrets to crafting captivating descriptive essays. 

So let’s get into it!

Arrow Down

  • 1. What Is a Descriptive Essay?
  • 2. Elements of a Descriptive Essay
  • 3. How to Write a Descriptive Essay? 6 Steps
  • 4. Descriptive Essay Topics
  • 5. Descriptive Essay Examples
  • 6. Tips for Writing an Effective Descriptive Essay

What Is a Descriptive Essay?

According to descriptive essay definition,

“It is a type of essay that is used to describe an event, a place, a person, or anything in detail.”

In a descriptive essay, you're not merely telling the reader about something; you're showing it to them. You're using your powers of observation and imagination to transport your audience to the scene you're describing. 

Whether it's a bustling city street, a serene natural landscape, a beloved childhood memory, or a complex character in a novel, a well-crafted descriptive essay can make the subject come alive in the reader's mind.

Purpose of a Descriptive Essay

The purpose of a descriptive essay is to evoke a strong, sensory experience in the reader's mind. 

Unlike other forms of writing that may aim to inform, persuade, or argue, the primary objective of a descriptive essay is to create a detailed and vivid portrayal of a subject. 

Whether you're describing a person, place, object, or experience, the goal is to transport your audience to that specific moment or location. 

This allows them to feel as if they are seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling what you're describing.

Here’s a short video that explains descriptive writing:

Types of Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essays come in various forms, each serving a unique purpose and style of writing. 

Here are some common types of descriptive essays:

  • Spatial Descriptive Essays

These essays focus on describing a specific location or setting. Whether it's a serene beach, a bustling city street, spatial descriptive essays transport the reader to a particular place, allowing them to visualize it vividly.

  • Personal Descriptive Essays

In these essays, writers delve into their personal experiences, memories, and emotions to create a connection with the reader. They often describfge a significant moment in their life, a cherished memory, or a transformative event.

  • Object Descriptive Essays

These essays revolve around the detailed description of a particular object. It could be a family heirloom, a work of art, a unique gadget, or any item that holds personal or historical significance.

  • Character Descriptive Essays

These essays offer a comprehensive portrayal of a character's physical appearance, personality, motivations, and development within the narrative.

  • Process Descriptive Essays

These essays break down a complex process into a step-by-step description. Whether it's a cooking recipe, a scientific experiment, or an artistic technique. Process descriptive essays help readers understand how something is done.

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Elements of a Descriptive Essay

There are five basic features of descriptive essay: 

  • Sensory Details

A descriptive essay involves arousing the emotions of the readers and creating an association with them. Sensory details paint a picture of the subject for the reader and engage their senses like sight, touch, smell, and taste.

  • Figurative Language

Using figurative language is one of the main elements of a descriptive essay. The use of metaphors, similes, adjectives, and adverbs, etc. creates the character sketch of the subject. 

This sketch helps the readers feel what the writer felt about the subject and helps him visualize the subject.

  • Central Theme

The central theme shapes and directs the essay’s content and helps organize the details. It should be well defined and focused on a single point.

  • Precise Language

The effect of your essay depends on the type of language that you have used in it. The language should emphasize the main theme and aim of the essay. Therefore, avoid using vague and ambiguous words. 

  • Organized Ideas    

An organized structure is an essential element of this essay. Also, the chronology, spatial location, and order play an important role.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay? 6 Steps

Writing an effective descriptive essay involves topic selection, creating an outline of parts of the descriptive essay, organizing ideas, and adding relevant information into the essay. 

The following is the process of descriptive writing.

Step# 1. Choose an Engaging Topic

Selecting the right topic is the crucial first step in writing a descriptive essay. Your topic should be captivating, drawing the reader in and keeping them engaged throughout the essay. 

A well-chosen topic sets the stage for an immersive and memorable descriptive experience.

Step# 2. Craft a Detailed Outline

Crafting an outline is essential to ensure your descriptive essay flows cohesively. It serves as a roadmap, helping you organize your thoughts and sensory details in a logical sequence. 

An effective outline keeps you on track to include all the necessary elements that make your description come alive.

Here's the typical descriptive essay structure for you to follow:

Explore this blog about creating a structured descriptive essay outline for organized essay writing.

Step# 3. Begin with a Compelling Introduction

The essay introduction sets the tone for your descriptive essay. It not only introduces the central theme but also incorporates a strong, captivating opinion that makes an initial impact on the reader.

In this section, you provide a concise preview of what the essay will explore, leaving your readers eager to delve further into your descriptive narrative.

Step# 4. Craft an Informative Thesis Statement

A thesis statement defines the scope and purpose of the essay. It is a narrow subject line, which should be clear and precise. Write the statement in a creative way and choose descriptive words for it. 

Creating mystery in your thesis statement attracts the reader to the body of your essay.

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Step# 5. Writing the Body Paragraphs

To create good body paragraphs for your essay, start each one with a topic sentence that relates to your thesis statement. 

Then, use evidence to support your point and explain how it backs up your argument. Make sure your paragraphs are well-organized, especially if you're talking about personal experiences or memories. 

Finally, summarize the main points in each paragraph to keep your essay easy to follow and well-structured. This will help your essay flow smoothly and support your main idea.

Step# 6. Ending with a Strong Descriptive Essay Conclusion

Crafting a strong essay conclusion is your final opportunity to make a lasting impression on your reader. 

This section should effectively tie together the key elements of your essay. Begin by using appropriate transition words like "to finish with," "in conclusion," or "lastly" to signal the end of your essay. 

Moreover, offer insightful closing thoughts that resonate with the reader, whether it's a thought-provoking idea or a call to action.

Descriptive Essay Topics

Whether you are writing about a person or a place, your topic should have good supporting points that explain the topic. 

Choosing an engaging topic will develop curiosity and hook the reader to the last bit of the essay. Here we have prepared a list of amazing descriptive essay topics for you.

  • A Place of Childhood Memories: Describe your favorite childhood location.
  • The Perfect Sunset: Depict a mesmerizing evening sky.
  • A Walk in the Enchanted Forest: Explore the depths of a magical forest.
  • A Day at the Beach: Capture the sights, sounds, and sensations of a beach day.
  • An Abandoned House: Describe the mysterious allure of an abandoned building.
  • The Art of Street Photography: Portray the life and characters of a city street.
  • A Significant Family Heirloom: Tell the story of a cherished family keepsake.
  • A Visit to a Cultural Festival: Share the experience of a vibrant cultural event.
  • A Place of Solitude: Describe a location where you find peace and tranquility.
  • A Family Reunion: Capture the joy of a memorable gathering with family members.
  • My High School Cafeteria: Recount the bustling atmosphere and diverse interactions in the high school cafeteria.

Descriptive Essay Examples

You should read some good essay examples before writing your own essay. An essay example would help you demonstrate, compile, and organize your essay in a structured form.

Below we have provided some amazing examples to help you know the process.

A School Lunch Hall Descriptive Essay Example

The Weekend Market Descriptive Essay Sample

Descriptive Essay on Historical Place

Descriptive Essay on a Teacher that I Remember

Descriptive Essay on my Village

My Favorite Place Descriptive Essay

5 Paragraph Essay - Descriptive Essay PDF

Descriptive Essay about a person

Descriptive Essay Example about a place

The ultimate aim of this practice is to identify and learn different techniques for writing an impressive descriptive essay. Find more descriptive essay examples here to read and learn from.

Tips for Writing an Effective Descriptive Essay

Writing a compelling descriptive essay requires more than just describing a subject; it demands the skill to make your readers truly see, feel, and experience what you're portraying. Here are some valuable tips to help you craft an effective descriptive essay:

  • Choose an Engaging Topic: Start with a captivating subject that resonates with you and your audience. The more connected you are to the topic, the more vividly you can describe it.
  • Create a Detailed Outline: Plan the structure of your essay. Identify the key elements and sensory details you want to include in your description. A well-organized outline will keep your essay coherent.
  • Use Vivid Language: Your words are the paintbrush for your reader's imagination. Employ descriptive adjectives, strong verbs, and figurative language to create a vivid picture. Paint with words.
  • Engage the Senses: Appeal to all five senses – sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. This immersive approach helps readers connect with your narrative on a deeper level.
  • Show, Don't Tell: Rather than telling your readers about a subject, show it to them through sensory descriptions and tangible experiences. Let them draw their own conclusions.
  • Use Metaphors and Similes: Comparing your subject to something familiar can enhance the reader's understanding. Metaphors and similes create memorable images.
  • Organize Your Description: Present your sensory details logically. Consider the order in which you introduce them, ensuring a smooth flow that makes sense to the reader.
  • Engage Emotions: Your description should evoke emotions in the reader. Describe not only what is visible but also the feelings and atmosphere surrounding the subject.

Summing it up,

Descriptive essay writing is a skill that requires thorough practice. It involves the ability to craft an engaging story with vivid descriptions, sounding as realistic as possible. 

The above-mentioned steps and examples are a great way for students to learn how to write a descriptive essay. 

However, if you still need expert help to write a flawless essay, we’ve got your back.

You can hire an expert descriptive essay writer at Our custom essay service is your go-to choice for all types of essay writing help. 

Moreover, we provide non-plagiarized essays and high-quality papers based on your custom requirements. So contact our descriptive essay writing service now to get the best essay help at an affordable price.

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Caleb S.

Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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A descriptive essay is a type of essay that aims to depict a particular person, place, object, or event in detail. The purpose of a descriptive essay is to create a sensory experience for the reader, using language that engages five senses.

  Descriptive essay might scare with its dreadful name, yet it is essential for improving writing skills. How else would you explain something to a person who doesn't know much about a particular topic? Our answer is always a description of a subject. Writing is the perfect way to use vivid language and create something genuinely unique. Power of convincing and telling is one click away. So save time and trust us in showing you exactly how you can master your next article.

What Is a Descriptive Essay: Expanded Definition

Descriptive essay is a map that guides its reader through the chosen subject. Your goal is to introduce people to something new. You, writer, succeed if they leave with a concrete understanding of the topic. Are you writing an article about diving? An audience might not become professional divers, but they indeed will seem like pros after reading. Envision yourself painting an image that makes a statement, as any painter would. Whether you are writing an essay about global warming or just how your summer went — descriptive writing is the way to go.   In case you need to explain something or analyze your idea, use our explanatory essay example . 

What Is the Purpose of a Descriptive Essay

The purpose of a descriptive essay is as simple as it sounds — describe. You didn't expect that, did you? The topic of that said description can be anything you want. Or, usually, anything your professor wants. You can write about any person, place, event, object, and the list is endless. The trick is using figurative language and adding as many details as possible, while making writing effective. So don’t overdo with adjectives as if you’re writing a novel.

Descriptive Essay Outline: How to Create One

The descriptive essay outline is the secret weapon in this war against sloppy writing. Bland words used only to describe never leave impressions. A good idea is to use language that triggers responses from the senses (smell, taste, vision, and any other sensory experience evoking emotion). Lastly, creating an outline will save your ideas from being thrown in the trash of your memory. You can always create a list with enumerated topics and ideas. Or you can also divide the outline for an essay into sections corresponding to paragraphs. This way, you’ll know what to write.

Descriptive Essay Structure: Main Elements

Descriptive essay structure doesn’t go far from its fellow articles. But let’s cover basics:  

  • Introduction — includes general facts about the subject without scaring readers with too much information.
  • Thesis statement — last sentence of introduction with the main idea.
  • Main body — shining moment to use details and figurative language we talked about.
  • Conclusion — excellent way of wrapping up the text. Let readers remember your work!

How to Write a Descriptive Essay: Step-By-Step Guide

How to write a descriptive essay? — you would ask. We can’t leave you just hanging with no answer! So check our guide for students. Learn how to leave an impression as you write an essay , add a personal touch, select the subject, and create detailed masterpieces.

Step 1. Choose a Topic for Your Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay topics are hard to choose, but they’re your first step to success. Remember these words when thinking about the topic: clear, intriguing, and specific. An audience should know what they’re reading. As a writer, you also have another responsibility… Don’t be selfish! Choose something that will be interesting not only for you but appealing to the reader. You can always look through essay title examples to choose and create the best one.

Step 2. Craft a Good Thesis Statement for Your Descriptive Essay

Thesis statement for a descriptive essay is the cherry of your work. A jewel, if we might say so. It’s also not the time to be coy. Openness with several hints of mystery is the best policy for your thesis. Lure readers in and secure their attention. But your goal is still to include the most important idea. Consider these questions:

  • What are you trying to prove?
  • Why is this topic vital?
  • Why should the audience care?

Step 3. How to Start a Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay introduction is all about intrigue as it’s the first chance to impress the readers with an epic start. Don’t worry, your only assignment here is to make people read further. It’s not that hard to hook them! Not literally, of course. But the first statement should be catchy, fun, or just memorable. It can be anything to make readers say ‘wow,’ without too much data. You have the main body for that.

Step 4. Creating Body Paragraphs for Descriptive Essay

Body paragraphs for descriptive essay are your chance to play with details and language. Traditional articles usually contain three paragraphs, if your professor doesn’t have special requirements. Thus, each body paragraph should have its own topic sentence, evidence, and concluding statement. They also develop distinct ideas. In other words: every paragraph must have its own idea linked to the chosen topic. Additionally, depending on the article, you can also explain your personal opinion, either negative or positive. But using academic research instead of your own beliefs is a more classy option, at least for this article. Maybe you will need an explanatory essay  or other essay kinds, we have got you covered. Find them in our blogs.

Step 5. Compose Conclusion for Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay conclusion is like your final marathon mile. You’re almost there, just view your conclusion as a summary of your work. The last paragraph makes clearer what your goal was. So we recommend writing as if your audience hasn’t read your written work. Overall, keep it short, add no new information and finish with some food for thought.

Step 6. Proofreading and Editing Your Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay needs editing, sometimes even more than its fellow papers. Our final step — proofread the text , please. Yes, we know, it’s boring and takes time. Deleting your own words is an ungrateful, whiny requirement. But it refines your work and helps you to avoid mistakes. No one wants to see ‘autism’ instead of ‘author.’ Here, we’re writing from personal experiences. Consider taking your time editing to avoid typos or grammatical errors!

Descriptive Essay Format: Basic Rules of Use

The format of a descriptive essay will depend on your professor's requirements. Usually, you’ll need to edit your word document and submit your complete version in one of the fowling formats:

  • APA (used more for hard science)
  • MLA (preferred by humanitarian subjects)
  • Chicago style format (also liked by humanitarian disciplines, but you’ll recognize it for footnotes)

Understanding all those formats is not a must, especially memorizing them. Just google templates!

Descriptive Essay Examples

Descriptive essay example will include all the basics that we’ve just covered. Your complete word document should be styled according to those tricky formats we talked about. Your article should also have standard five paragraphs (introduction, main body, and conclusion). Understanding this structure will secure a nice flow of your work. Just in case, buy online essay  if you want to do something different tonight than homework.

Descriptive Essay: Final Thoughts

Descriptive essay is not some monster under your bed. So don’t be scared of shining some light on it. Strong articles will have a clear purpose and an intriguing thesis. Keep in mind that your alluring introduction shouldn’t include data overload. Your main body is a mix of examples, details, and evidence. Lastly, your conclusion is like a red bow on the present that summarizes your work. Already excited to perform such an assignment?


In case you have any issues, get help from our outstanding essay writing service. We’re proud of our writers and their timely delivery. With our assistance, you will get a quality work conforming to all standards.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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Frequently Asked Questions About Descriptive Essay

1. what's the difference between a narrative essay and a descriptive essay.

A descriptive essay doesn’t tell a story but simply contains information about a particular topic. So the main difference that distinguishes narrative works is a storytelling element. But a complete descriptive text is more of a guide and description with no plot.

2. How do I come up with a topic for my descriptive essay?

Descriptive essay topics are usually given by professors. If not, choosing places, people, events, or even objects is your best bet. Try to select something interesting. So you don’t have to struggle with boring material having no idea how to word it.

3. How many words should be there in a descriptive essay paragraph?

Descriptive essay paragraph is usually 100-200 words long. Fewer words will make an article non-academic. In contrast, longer sections will surely help you lose the attention of your readers. So keep it along the lines of this word count, and you’ll be good.

4. What is the difference between a descriptive essay and a definition essay?

Descriptive essay literally describes any topic using colorful words and figurative language to impress your reader. You’re painting pictures with figurative and bright words instead of colors. In contrast,  definition essay  is the type of article that explains any chosen concept or an academic term. So it’s slightly drier and more on the nose of academic writing.  

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How to Write a Descriptive Essay

Try to answer: What does it look like? How does it smell? What is it? How does it feel? How does it taste?

Step 1: Choose a topic

A descriptive essay will usually focus on a single event, a person, a location or an item. When you write your essay, it is your job to convey your idea about that topic through your description of that topic and the way that you lay things out for your reader. You need to show your reader (not tell them) what you are trying to describe by illustrating a picture in their mind’s eye very carefully.

Your essay needs to be structured in a manner that helps your topic to make sense. If you are describing an event, you will need to write your paragraphs in chronological order. If you are writing about a person or a place you need to order the paragraphs so that you start off in a general manner and then write more specific details later. Your introductory paragraph sets the tone for the rest of the essay, so it needs to set out all of the main ideas that you are going to cover in your essay.

Step 2: Create a statement

The next step is to create a thesis statement. This is a single idea that will be prominent throughout your essay. It not only sets out the purpose of the essay, but regulates the way that the information is conveyed in the writing of that essay. This is an introductory paragraph that sets out your topic framework.

Step 3: Get the senses right

Next, create five labelled columns on a sheet of paper, each one having a different of the five senses. This labelled list will help you to sort out your thoughts as you describe your topic – the taste, sight, touch, smell and sound of your topic can be sketched out among the columns. List out in the columns any sensation or feeling that you associate with the topic that you are writing about. You need to provide full sensory details that help to support the thesis. You can utilize literary tools such as metaphors, similes, personification and descriptive adjectives.

Once you have the columns laid out you can start to fill them with details that help to support your thesis. These should be the most interesting items that you have noted in your columns and will the details that you flesh out into the paragraphs of the body of your essay. Topics are set out in each separate paragraph and a topic sentence begins that paragraph and need to relate to your introductory paragraph and your thesis.

Step 4: Create an outline

The next step is to create an outline listing the details of the discussion of each paragraph. Students in high school are generally asked to write a five paragraph essay while college students are given more freedom with the length of their piece. The standard five paragraph essay has a particular structure including the introductory paragraph with the inclusion of a thesis statement, followed by three body paragraphs which prove that statement.

Step 5: Write the conclusion

Finally, the conclusion paragraph makes a summary of the entirety of your essay. This conclusion also needs to reaffirm your thesis (if necessary). Your conclusion needs to be well written because it is the final thing to be read by your reader and will remain on their mind the longest after they have read the remainder of your essay.

Step 6: Review your essay

It is important to take a break from your writing once you have completed the work. By stepping away from the work for a short time you can clear your mind and take a short rest. You can then take a look at the essay with fresh eyes and view it in much the same way that a person reading it will when they first see the piece.

After you have taken a short break or a walk (or whatever the case may be), read the entire essay again thinking about your reader. You should ask yourself if you were the reader, would the essay make sense to you? Is it easy to read so that anyone can understand what the topic of the essay is? Do any of the paragraphs need to be rewritten because they are confusing and need to be better written to be descriptive?

Your choice of words and language need to convey what you are trying to describe when you talk about a particular topic. The details that you have provided should give your reader enough information that they can form a complete picture. Any details in the essay should help a reader to understand the meaning of the topic from the writer’s point of view.

Read your entire essay over again, out loud this time. Sometimes reading something out loud can help to identify any issues that should be worked out. Read the essay again to a friend or family member and have them give you any criticisms that they might have. Have someone else ready your essay and then ask them if anything needs to be clarified or if they received a clear picture from the details given in the essay.

Step 7: Finish it up

Finally, read your essay again very carefully and check for any grammar, punctuation or spelling errors that are obvious within the essay. If you find any clichés, be sure to delete them, they certainly do not belong in your essay. If there are any parts that are not completely descriptive or don’t make as much sense as you would like them to, rewrite them once again and then follow the proof reading and reading aloud process again to ensure that the final product is exactly as expected. You can never be too thorough when it comes to reading the essay over again and checking for any areas that need to be reworked.


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How to write a captivating descriptive essay that paints a vivid picture in the reader’s mind.

Write descriptive essay

Have you ever wanted to transport your readers to another world with your writing? To paint vivid images in their minds, evoke powerful emotions, and create a lasting impact? If so, mastering the art of descriptive writing is an essential skill that you simply cannot afford to overlook. Crafting a captivating descriptive essay requires more than just a basic understanding of language – it demands the ability to engage all five senses, to create a sensory symphony that envelops the reader.

Join us on a journey of exploration and discovery as we delve into the nuances of descriptive writing. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of composing a descriptive essay that will leave your audience spellbound. From selecting a compelling topic to employing effective literary devices, we will equip you with the tools and techniques necessary to bring your writing to life.

Along the way, we will share invaluable tips and tricks gathered from seasoned writers who have mastered the art of description. You will learn how to harness the power of strong verbs and sensory details, infuse your writing with emotion, and create a narrative that lingers in the minds of your readers. So, whether you aspire to become a novelist, a poet, or simply want to enhance your overall writing skills, this guide is your passport to unlocking the secrets of captivating descriptions.

Choose the Perfect Topic for Your Descriptive Essay

Choose the Perfect Topic for Your Descriptive Essay

When it comes to crafting a descriptive essay, the topic you choose plays a vital role in the overall success of your writing. A well-chosen, engaging topic allows you to capture the attention of your readers and transport them into the world you are describing. In this section, we will explore the various factors to consider when selecting the perfect topic for your descriptive essay.

First and foremost, it’s important to choose a topic that you have a genuine interest in. When you are personally invested in the subject matter, it will naturally shine through in your writing. Whether it’s a place you love, a person you admire, or an experience that left a lasting impression on you, selecting a topic that resonates with you will give your descriptive essay an authentic and enthusiastic voice.

In addition to personal interest, it’s crucial to consider the audience you are writing for. Think about who will be reading your essay and what they might be interested in. Are you writing for nature enthusiasts? Foodies? Travel enthusiasts? Tailoring your topic to suit the preferences of your target audience will help to ensure that your descriptive essay is relatable and engaging to them.

Another important factor to consider when choosing a topic is the availability of descriptive elements. A good descriptive essay is characterized by vivid and sensory details that bring the subject to life. Consider whether your chosen topic has plenty of descriptive elements that you can explore and describe in your writing. For example, if you choose to write about a specific place, consider whether it has interesting sights, sounds, smells, and textures that you can vividly portray in your essay.

Lastly, it’s essential to select a topic that allows for a unique and fresh perspective. Avoid choosing overused or cliché topics that have been covered extensively. Instead, find a unique angle or approach to a common subject that will make your essay stand out. This could involve focusing on a specific aspect or moment within a broader topic, or showcasing a lesser-known aspect of a well-known subject.

By considering your personal interest, the preferences of your audience, the availability of descriptive elements, and a unique perspective, you can choose the perfect topic for your descriptive essay that will captivate your readers and make your writing truly memorable.

Create an Outline for Your Essay

Developing a clear and organized outline is an essential step in the process of crafting a well-written descriptive essay. By creating an outline, you can effectively structure your thoughts and ensure that your essay follows a logical progression. It serves as a roadmap for your writing, allowing you to focus on the main ideas and supporting details that you want to include.

Before beginning your outline, take some time to brainstorm and generate ideas. Consider the main aspects or features of the subject you are describing and think about the specific details that you want to highlight. This brainstorming process will help you establish a strong foundation for your outline and guide your writing throughout the essay.

When creating your outline, start by identifying the main sections or paragraphs of your essay. Each section should focus on a different aspect or feature of the subject. Within each section, include the specific details, examples, or evidence that you want to incorporate to support your description.

Remember to maintain a logical progression throughout your outline and essay. Start with an engaging introduction that provides some background information and sets the tone for your essay. Then, move on to the body paragraphs, which should present the main ideas or features of the subject in a clear and organized manner. Finally, conclude your essay with a thoughtful and concise summary that reinforces the main points and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Additionally, consider the order in which you present your ideas within each section. You may choose to present them in a chronological or spatial order, depending on the nature of the subject. Experiment with different arrangements and see which one flows best for your essay.

An outline acts as a roadmap for your essay, allowing you to navigate through the writing process with clarity and organization. By investing time in creating a solid outline, you can ensure that your descriptive essay is well-structured, coherent, and engaging.

Use Sensory Details to Bring Your Writing to Life

Engaging all five senses in your writing is essential to creating vivid and immersive descriptions. By incorporating sensory details, you can transport your readers into the world you are portraying, evoking emotions and allowing them to experience what you are describing.

Instead of simply stating that something is loud, show how the sound reverberates through the air, making your reader’s eardrums vibrate. Instead of writing that a room is cozy, describe the soft texture of the cushions, the warm glow of the fireplace, and the aroma of freshly baked cookies hanging in the air.

When you focus on sensory details, your writing comes alive. Paint a picture with words, allowing your readers to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the world you have created. Use colorful and descriptive language to appeal to the senses, creating a more immersive and engaging experience for your audience.

Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different sensory details. Think about the atmosphere, the different elements present, and how they affect the senses. How does the rain feel on the skin? How does the scent of flowers linger in the air? These small details can make a significant impact on the reader’s experience.

By incorporating sensory details into your writing, you can elevate your descriptive essay from a mere collection of words to a vibrant and captivating piece of art. So next time you sit down to write, remember to engage all five senses to bring your writing to life.

Organize Your Essay with Clear and Cohesive Paragraphs

When it comes to writing a descriptive essay, it is important to organize your thoughts and ideas in a clear and coherent manner. A well-structured essay not only helps the reader understand your message, but it also showcases your ability to convey information effectively.

One way to achieve this is by using clear and cohesive paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or idea related to your topic, providing detailed descriptions and supporting evidence. By dividing your essay into paragraphs, you create a logical flow that guides the reader through your thoughts.

To ensure the clarity and cohesiveness of your paragraphs, it is important to start each one with a clear topic sentence. This sentence should introduce the main idea of the paragraph and serve as a guide for the reader. From there, you can provide supporting details, examples, or evidence that further develop the main idea.

In addition to topic sentences, it is important to use transitional words and phrases to create a smooth transition between paragraphs. These words and phrases help the reader understand the connection between your ideas and how they relate to each other. Some examples of transitional words and phrases include “however,” “in contrast,” “similarly,” and “on the other hand.”

Furthermore, organizing your paragraphs in a logical order can greatly enhance the clarity and cohesiveness of your essay. Consider the most effective way to present your ideas, whether it be in a chronological order, a spatial order, or by importance. This will help the reader follow along easily and understand the progression of your thoughts.

Finally, it is important to conclude each paragraph in a way that summarizes the main points and leads into the next paragraph. This helps to maintain a strong flow throughout your essay and ensures that your ideas are well-developed and connected.

In conclusion, organizing your essay with clear and cohesive paragraphs is essential for conveying your ideas effectively. By using topic sentences, transitional words and phrases, logical order, and effective conclusions, you can create a well-structured essay that engages the reader and showcases your descriptive writing skills.

Show, Don’t Tell: Use Vivid Language and Examples

Show, Don't Tell: Use Vivid Language and Examples

When it comes to writing a descriptive essay, it’s important to remember the old adage: “show, don’t tell.” This means that instead of simply stating facts or describing something in a straightforward manner, you should use vivid language and examples to bring your writing to life. By using descriptive language, you can create a more engaging and immersive experience for your readers.

One way to bring your writing to life is by using vivid language that appeals to the senses. Instead of simply saying that something is “big,” you can use more descriptive words like “enormous” or “massive.” Similarly, instead of saying that something is “beautiful,” you can use words like “stunning” or “breathtaking.” By choosing words that evoke strong emotions and sensory experiences, you can paint a more vivid picture in the minds of your readers.

In addition to using vivid language, it’s important to provide specific examples to support your descriptions. Instead of making broad statements about a person, place, or thing, try to include specific details that help to illustrate your point. For example, instead of saying that a beach is “peaceful,” you could describe the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the feel of the warm sand between your toes. By providing specific examples, you can help your readers to better visualize and understand what you are describing.

To further enhance your descriptive writing, you can also incorporate figurative language, such as metaphors and similes. These literary devices can add depth and richness to your descriptions by comparing one thing to another in a creative and imaginative way. For example, instead of simply saying that a sunset is “beautiful,” you could compare it to a painting that is “a fiery masterpiece, with colors that dance across the sky.”

Overall, when writing a descriptive essay, it’s important to use vivid language and examples to bring your writing to life. By creating a sensory and emotional experience for your readers, you can make your writing more engaging and memorable. So, instead of telling your readers what something is like, show them through your use of descriptive language and specific examples.

Revise and Edit Your Essay for Clarity and Conciseness

After completing the initial draft of your detailed composition, it is imperative to carefully review and modify it for clear and precise language. By revising and editing your essay, you can enhance the overall quality of your writing and effectively convey your ideas to the reader.

Begin by carefully reading through your essay, identifying any areas where your language may be unclear or confusing. Look for opportunities to rephrase sentences or clarify ideas, making sure that your message is easily understandable. By using precise vocabulary and avoiding unnecessary jargon or ambiguous terms, you can improve the clarity of your essay.

It is equally important to ensure that your writing is concise and to the point. Review each sentence and paragraph, considering whether any redundant or repetitive information can be eliminated. Aim for brevity, expressing your thoughts in a concise and straightforward manner. Remove any unnecessary qualifiers or excessive adjectives that may detract from the clarity of your essay.

Pay attention to the organization and flow of your essay as well. Check that your ideas are presented in a logical order and that your paragraphs transition smoothly from one to the next. Consider whether any information can be rearranged or added to improve the overall coherence and comprehension of your essay.

After revising for clarity and conciseness, it is crucial to proofread your essay for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation errors. Read through your essay multiple times, checking for any typos or inconsistencies. Consider using online tools or asking a peer to provide feedback to catch any errors you may have overlooked.

By revising and editing your essay for clarity and conciseness, you can enhance the impact of your writing. Ensure that your ideas are effectively communicated and easily understood by making precise language choices and eliminating any unnecessary or confusing information. Take the time to carefully review your essay, and you will be rewarded with a polished and well-crafted piece of writing.

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Descriptive Essay Writing

Cathy A.

Descriptive Essay: Definition, Tips & Examples

Published on: Jun 21, 2023

Last updated on: Mar 1, 2024

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Many writers struggle to effectively convey vivid imagery and captivate readers through their descriptive essays.

The lack of proper guidance and techniques hinders writers from unlocking the full potential of their descriptive writing skills.

In this comprehensive blog, we aim to provide you with valuable insights, expert tips, and proven techniques to help you master descriptive essays.

We will guide you step-by-step, equipping you with the tools to create compelling and captivating essays.

Get prepared to transform your writing as we delve into the magic of descriptive essays.

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What is a Descriptive Essay?

A descriptive essay is a type of essay that asks the students to describe something, such as a person, place, incident, emotion, or event. It is a detailed description where the writer is painting a picture in words.

Different people have different thoughts and points of view. A descriptive essay allows you to explain your point of view in your own way. You should give a description of every aspect of the topic so that a reader can feel as if he has personally experienced that.

Two Classic Approaches to the Descriptive Essay

There are two main ways to write a descriptive essay: the personal essay and the formal description. Let’s discuss them in detail.

  • Personal Essay

The best way to describe an experience using your feelings and responses would be through a personal essay. This work can awaken empathy in readers, but it's important not to make any mistakes or organize poorly.

Formal Description

Descriptive writing is a great way to show your readers what you're talking about. It resembles an argumentative essay because it has one main goal: communicating key points or describing something in detail.

Features of Descriptive Essay

There are five basic features of a descriptive essay that distinguishes it from other writing types.  Let's discuss them in detail.

  • Sensory Details - A great descriptive essay appeals to the audience's emotions and forms an association for them. In this essay type, a writer paints a picture with words so they have to be really engaging and appealing to the senses.
  • Central Theme - The content of your descriptive essay is shaped according to the central or major theme. Make sure to define the central theme explicitly and focus it on one single point.
  • Figurative Language - A key to writing an impactful descriptive essay is to use figurative language throughout the content. Use metaphors, similes, adverbs, and adjectives to describe settings and characters.
  • Precise Language - The vocabulary you use for the content should be appropriate and accurate. The language, as well as the tone, should reflect the major theme of the essay vividly.
  • Organization of Ideas - Arrange all your ideas and information in a properly structured manner.  Make sure that your descriptive writing is based on these elements to ensure its effectiveness and success. 

Descriptive Essay Format

All formal writing types, including descriptive papers, require a proper format to be readable and understandable.

Therefore, before starting your essay, you should create an outline of your essay. It will help you organize your essay.

Below is the format of the descriptive essay outline.

Descriptive Essay Outline Template

How to Start a Descriptive Essay?

Writing a strong descriptive essay requires a writer to form a strong plan. Following are the steps involved in the pre-writing or planning procedure of a good descriptive essay:

1. Topic Selection

Usually, professors assign the topic for a descriptive essay. But, if you have a choice to select a topic, then you have a great chance to select something which you know a lot about.

Have a look at some popular descriptive essay topics.

Descriptive Essay Topics On Writing About A Person

  • Describe your favorite person
  • Describe your best friend
  • Describe your favorite family member
  • Describe your enemy
  • Describe someone whom you love the most
  • Describe your mother
  • Describe your father
  • Describe your family
  • Describe your favorite brother
  • Describe a person whom you idealize

Descriptive Essay Topics About an Event

  • Describe your friend’s wedding
  • Describe your college farewell
  • Describe the last Christmas party
  • Describe your brother’s bachelor party
  • Describe your own wedding
  • Describe the memorable concert you have attended
  • Describe your last convocation
  • Describe the best dinner party you have ever attended
  • Describe the event you have attended where you were not invited
  • Describe your last day at the office 

Descriptive Essay Topics About a Place

  • Describe your favorite place
  • Describe the place you have visited in the summer
  • Describe your grandmama’s farmhouse
  • Describe your hometown
  • Describe your favorite college
  • Describe your favorite vacation destination
  • Describe your favorite tourist spot
  • Describe your favorite museum
  • Describe your dream house
  • Describe a fancy place that you have created

2. Brainstorming

The next step is brainstorming about the selected topic. At this point, think of all the relevant points that exactly describe your topic.

3. Thesis Statement for Descriptive Essay

After the brainstorming session, develop a strong thesis statement . It is a very crucial part of the whole essay because it will be a prominent part of the essay.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay?

When you have drafted a plan for your essay, it is time to execute it effectively. The writing process of your essay will only get simpler if you have taken all the required pre-writing steps.

Follow the below-mentioned steps to finally begin your writing procedure for the descriptive essay: 

1. Introduction

An introduction serves as the gateway to your essay, drawing readers into the realm of your ideas. It's the stage where you set the tone and establish the central theme.

Unlike an analytical essay , which dives deep into dissecting and interpreting information, a descriptive essay paints a vivid picture, immersing readers in sensory experiences and intricate details.

In the descriptive essay introduction, we aim to pique curiosity, perhaps by posing a thought-provoking question or igniting a spark of intrigue that beckons readers to journey further into the narrative woven within these pages.

The body part gives you the freedom to write the details about your selected topic. Here you have 3 to 4 paragraphs where you can paint a picture in the reader’s mind through vivid language, persuading dialogues, or images.

This part should support your thesis. Describe all the points in detail. The idea should come out at the beginning.

The paragraphs should be interlinked with good transition words . Organize your paragraphs in a way that makes sense.

3. Conclusion

It is the last chance to impress the reader. So, you need to pay all attention to this section. Restate your thesis statement and give a short reminder to the reader what the essay was required to cover. Make a good final statement so that the reader can leave thinking about your essay.

4. Proofreading

Proofread your essay to do a review. You can identify the mistakes and correct your tone.  Go through your essay 2 or 3 times so that you can identify all the mistakes and correct them before final submission.

Descriptive Essay Examples

Given below is a visual demonstration of how a descriptive essay typically looks!

how to write a descriptive essay step by step

If you’re still struggling, check out some more descriptive essay examples given below!

Descriptive Essay Example About a Person

Descriptive Essay Example About an Event

Descriptive Essay Example About a Place

For further information, check out this informative video below.

In conclusion, mastering the art of descriptive essays is within your reach.

By implementing the expert techniques and tips shared in this blog, you can elevate your writing to new heights.

Remember to practice and refine your skills, allowing your creativity to flourish.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

What are the 4 elements of descriptive writing.

The four elements of descriptive writing are:

What are the 2 types of description?

The two types of description are:

  • Impressionistic

How many paragraphs is a descriptive essay?

The five-paragraph essay is a classic format that has been used for a descriptive essay. This format includes an introductory paragraph with the inclusion of a thesis statement, followed by three body paragraphs and a conclusion.

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how to write a descriptive essay step by step

How To Write A Descriptive Essay: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to write descriptive essay step by step

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Search for perfection in writing.

Writing is still the primary mode of teaching all kinds of subjects and disciplines to students in schools and colleges. Teachers rely on this medium to explain complex concepts and ideas to impressionable pupils in their lectures. Later, writing is used to gauge the level and depth of understanding of what and how much students have learned and retained.

The quest for improving writing, both language, and expression, is visible in essay writing. Since it is about connecting readers with a subject through different literary devices, it requires a level of finesses and expertise to use pertinent words, phrases, and structures for better impact. In this blog, we will take a comprehensive look at descriptive writing, from planning and writing the first draft, to finalizing and completing the task. 

What Is A Descriptive Essay?

In a nutshell, a descriptive essay is a descriptive account of a subject of a person, a thing, or a place. Potentially, anything can be the subject of a descriptive essay, as long as it has the elements of both apparent and hidden traits or characteristics. 

Writers rely on figurative language and sensory details to connect the dots for the readers. There is no way we can downplay the power of solid description because many authors have created fictional worlds and people, solely based on the description.

Although it has room for subjective experiences and impressions, the structure of a descriptive essay is rigid with three distinct sections. These are the introduction, body, and conclusion. We will revisit them later in the relevant sections.

Comparison Between A Description & A Descriptive Essay

Many students make the mistake of mixing a description with a descriptive essay. In reality, they are quite different from each other. A description can be a sentence or a paragraph, laser-focused on the subject to compare and contrast its features with other well-known subjects to sketch a riveting picture. On the other hand, a descriptive essay is a comprehensive account of the subject. This includes an opening to set the stage and put forward the thesis statement, the main body to cover the theme and expand on all the elements, and a satisfying conclusion to tie all the loose ends.

In other words, a description cannot have a theme or dedicated sections to prove a point, while a descriptive essay juxtaposes different sections for added effect.

Common Subjects For A Descriptive Essay

Narrative essays often need a grand theme or central point to base the narrative on, but this is not the case with  a descriptive essay . Anything that can be perceived through the five senses of human beings can become a subject for a descriptive essay.

Based on these revelations, here are some of the classes from which subjects can be derived:

  • Describing a person with a certain character(s)
  • Painting a picture of an object
  • Creating a riveting account of a place
  • Reliving or imagining a novel experience
  • Shedding light on the mechanics of an emotion

Writing A Descriptive Essay

Before we move on to the brass tacks of writing a descriptive essay, let us take a look at two of its most common types.

  • Personal or impressionistic descriptive essay relies heavily on a writer’s personal experience or subjective approach toward the subject. It can be vague or less vivid with even contradictory or ironic details in place. This type of descriptive writing can be surrounding an experience or an emotion, such as swimming in the sea for the first time or paragliding around Grand Canyons.
  • A formal or objective description covers the argumentative or concrete details of the subject. It has a rigid structure with vivid details and relies more on the empirical truth than the subjective experience or angle of the author. This approach is put to work when the subject does not require subjective details and readers are more interested in knowing the ultimate reality.

Now that the categories of major descriptive essays are out of the way, let us go through the steps involved in writing a descriptive essay.

Researching & Outlining

Even when the subject matter of the intended descriptive essay is impressionistic and personal, it takes some research and compilation of information before getting started. At least, students need to come up with a suitable title for the topic to provide a unified heading for the essay. When the necessary research is done, it is best to outline the whole essay, from start to finish, so that writers have a clear direction and the conclusion of the whole journey in sight. Many times, students start with enthusiasm but hit a wall because of poor planning or no research, to begin with. To write a good descriptive essay, the first step will always be to research and create a comprehensive outline.

Writing Major Sections

There are three major sections in a descriptive essay. The first one is the introduction that kickstarts the whole thing. It should start with an enticing hook to get readers invested in the essay. A hook can be any provocative thing that can catch the readers off guard. The introduction is often closed with a thesis statement. After the introduction, the main body of the essay comes into play. It has the bulk of the essay in terms of elements and word count. Writers can play the best when they balance all the elements of the descriptive essay, such as sensory details, vivid imagery, and figurative language. In the end, the closing should tie all the loose ends together by summarizing the main premise of the essay.

Proofreading & Editing

There is no way you can overstate the importance of proofreading and editing in a descriptive essay writing process. Experts even say that great writing is good proofing and editing. This is natural because initial drafts are written with little to no oversight for errors and inconsistencies. The rationale, back then, is to get it all on paper. In the proofreading and editing phase, writers need to approach the manuscript from a different angle. They should adopt the readers’ persona to check what is working and what is not. The best way to do so is by dividing the process of editing into different steps. This will ensure that no mistakes or slip-ups remain in the text when you move on to finalizing the draft.

Finalizing The Draft

After proofing and editing the earlier manuscript, students will have something better than a half-baked draft. In this step, the focus is on finding the contextual flaws and working on them. To do that, it is necessary to recall the purpose of descriptive writing, which is to connect the readers with the subject. Again, the readers’ persona will come fore to rescue writers from dead passages. They need to make sure that every example is true to the source and that sensory details are working accordingly. The three major sections are well-defined but complement one another for the added effect. In the end, writers should see to it that the title, the thesis statement, and the content of the write-up are aligned together.

The Ultimate Checklist

No matter how well we cover all the bases for the writing of a great descriptive essay, some crucial details are bound to be lost or forgotten in the process of writing and editing. In these situations, it pays to have a checklist that can help writers revisit and check the essentials of the write-up accordingly.

Here is a comprehensive checklist that will take care of all the necessary angles:

  • Provision of context in the introduction
  • Readability of the essay
  • A direct relation between thesis statement and content
  • Use of literary devices such as figurative language and sensory details
  • A comprehensive conclusion
  • Laser-focused sections and paragraphs
  • No grammatical and punctuation errors!

After writing the essay, the writer should go through this list and check items off of it to ensure everything worthwhile is covered in the draft.

What is the format of a descriptive essay?

A descriptive essay follows the standard format of the essay, despite its subjective and impressionistic inclinations. The format is based on three major sections.

  • An introduction or opening to start the essay with a hook and set the stage before putting down the thesis statement
  • The main body covers the bulk of the essay, including the manifestation of the theme, figurative language, and sensory details
  • A satisfying closing or conclusion to summarize the main points before signing off

How can I start a descriptive essay with better impact?

Writers employ “hooks” to lure readers in and made them invested enough to read on. This could be one or multiple literary devices for a better impact. The most common types of hooks include asking a direct question, starting with a quote, or making a bold statement that can catch the readers off guard.

What are the major elements of a descriptive essay?

Just like the building blocks of an edifice, certain elements are necessary to compose a well-rounded and balanced descriptive essay. Here are the major elements that you must keep in mind:

  • A focused title represents one thing or aspect
  • Figurative language
  • Sensory details
  • Three well-defined sections
  • The intent is to educate or entertain readers

How can vivid details add to the descriptive essay?

In a descriptive essay, the rationale behind weaving the whole narrative is to show the readers what the subject is all about. Since readers may not have first-hand information or appreciation of the topic, it is necessary to provide vivid details and make the subject come alive on the paper for them.

What is an example of a descriptive sentence?

There are two types of sentences. One is the basic sentence that has no description but only necessary information. The other type is a descriptive sentence that borrows elements from figurative language and relies on sensory details to show the “real” thing. Saying the day was hot is only a basic sentence, but describing it as “the day when the gates of hell were opened” is a descriptive sentence. 

What is the best way to write a descriptive paragraph?

A descriptive paragraph is different from a descriptive essay because it is laser-focused on the subject and only mentions brass tacks. The best way to write a descriptive paragraph is to set the stage with the opening sentence and then jump right into the description. In the end, the last sentence should hold the water for the depth and potency of the subject.

Summing It All Up

Writing a descriptive task is not an easy task. Many elements need to be balanced and require expertise to amplify their effects. It can be said that writing a descriptive essay is easy but writing a good descriptive essay that checks all the boxes and connects the subject with the readers is a tough nut to crack. School and college students often have limited experience and tools to put the subject on display. 

In this spirit, we have designed this guide that will help the students understand the nature of a descriptive essay, its distinguishing characteristics, as well as the steps involved in writing a great descriptive essay. In the end, we have topped it off with a checklist to better remember and understand things.

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How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph

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Olivia Valdes was the Associate Editorial Director for ThoughtCo. She worked with Dotdash Meredith from 2017 to 2021.

how to write a descriptive essay step by step

  • B.A., American Studies, Yale University

A descriptive paragraph is a focused and detail-rich account of a specific topic. Paragraphs in this style often have a concrete focus—the sound of a waterfall, the stench of a skunk's spray—but can also convey something abstract, such as an emotion or a memory. Some descriptive paragraphs do both. These paragraphs help readers  feel  and  sense  the details that the writer wants to convey.

To write a descriptive paragraph, you must study your topic closely, make a list of the details you observe, and organize those details into a logical structure.

Finding a Topic

The first step in writing a strong descriptive paragraph is identifying your topic . If you received a specific assignment or already have a topic in mind, you can skip this step. If not, it's time to start brainstorming.

Personal belongings and familiar locations are useful topics. Subjects that you care about and know well often make for rich, multilayered descriptions. Another good choice is an object that at first glance doesn't seem to warrant much description, like a spatula or a pack of gum. These seemingly innocuous objects take on entirely unexpected dimensions and meanings when captured in a well-crafted descriptive paragraph.

Before you finalize your choice, consider the goal of your descriptive paragraph. If you're writing description for description's sake, you're free to choose any topic you can think of, but many descriptive paragraphs are part of a larger project, such as a personal narrative or an application essay. Make sure the topic of your descriptive paragraph aligns with the broader goal of the project.

Examining and Exploring Your Topic

After you've selected a topic, the real fun begins: studying the details. Spend time closely examining the subject of your paragraph. Study it from every possible angle, beginning with the five senses: What does the object look, sound, smell, taste, and feel like? What are your own memories of or associations with the object? 

If your topic is larger than a single object—for example, a location or a memory—you should examine all of the sensations and experiences associated with the topic. Let's say your topic is your childhood fear of the dentist. The list of details might include your white-knuckled grip on the car door as your mother tried to drag you into the office, the gleaming white smile of the dental assistant who never remembered your name, and the industrial buzz of the electric toothbrush. 

Don't worry about writing full sentences or arranging the details into a logical paragraph structure during the prewriting phase. For now, simply write down every detail that comes to mind.

Organizing Your Information

After you've compiled a lengthy list of descriptive details, you can begin assembling those details into a paragraph. First, consider again the goal of your descriptive paragraph. The details you choose to include in the paragraph, as well as the details you choose to  exclude , signal to the reader how you feel about the topic. What message, if any, do you want the description to convey? Which details best convey that message? Reflect on these questions as you begin constructing the paragraph.

Every descriptive paragraph will take a somewhat different form, but the following model is a straightforward way to get started:  

  • A topic sentence that identifies the topic and briefly explains its significance
  • Supporting sentences that describe the topic in specific, vivid ways, using the details you've listed during brainstorming
  • A concluding sentence that circles back to the topic's significance

Arrange the details in an order that makes sense for your topic. (You could easily describe a room from back to front, but that same structure would be a confusing way to describe a tree.) If you get stuck, read model descriptive paragraphs for inspiration, and don't be afraid to experiment with different arrangements. In your final draft, the details should follow a logical pattern, with each sentence connecting to the sentences that come before and after it.

Showing, Not Telling

Remember to  show,  rather than  tell , even in your topic and concluding sentences. A topic sentence that reads, "I am describing my pen because I love to write" is obvious "telling" (the fact that you're describing your pen should be self-evident from the paragraph itself) and unconvincing (the reader cannot  feel  or  sense  the strength of your love of writing).

Avoid "tell" statements by keeping your list of details handy at all times. Here's an example of a topic sentence that  shows  the subject's significance through the use of detail: "My ballpoint pen is my secret writing partner: The baby-soft tip glides effortlessly across the page, somehow seeming to pull my thoughts down from my brain and out through my fingertips."

Edit and Proofread Your Paragraph

The writing process isn't over until your paragraph has been edited and proofread . Invite a friend or teacher to read your paragraph and provide feedback. Assess whether the paragraph clearly conveys the message you intended to express. Read your paragraph aloud to check for awkward phrasing or cumbersome sentences. Finally, consult a proofreading checklist to confirm that your paragraph is free of minor errors.

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How to Write a Descriptive Text in 5 Steps


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how to write a descriptive essay step by step

How to start: use a writing stimulus

Think about the sensory details, plan and structure your writing.

Writing is a key skill for kids and teens to develop in schools. Writing descriptively can be a hard task for students of all abilities, especially for younger kids who aren’t quite sure how to use their imagination and put it down into writing yet. But don’t worry – writing is a skill you can develop , and there are plenty of ways to help the learning process along. With practice, you can learn how to write descriptively using a simple checklist.


A descriptive text is a text that wants you to picture what is being described with words. Why is this important? Because books, unlike movies, are not visual. Reading books requires readers to use their imagination and have a clear picture in their heads of what they’re reading. It's by no means easy to write in this style consistently! 📚

When you’re practising descriptive writing, it’s great to use a visual stimulus to engage your imagination. This is a great starting point for tackling those blank white pages. For younger children getting started with descriptive text, images from The Literacy Shed are great because they are imaginative, age-appropriate and provoke responses. 

You can do descriptive writing exercises on your own, with a group of other pupils or with your parents. A great place to start is to choose an interesting image and start by writing down 5-10 pieces of vocabulary that the image provokes. Remember to include a range of verbs, nouns and adjectives. 

Want to go a step further? Use a physical or digital thesaurus to expand your vocabulary choices. It’s a great idea to consider using less commonly chosen words – this will help your writing stand out.  

Example: Try turning green , foggy , scary , cold and dark into mossy , misty , frightening , glacial and inky. 

Writing doesn’t need to be chronological, and it’s really important to plan and let your brain explore before writing in prose. After you’ve had a go at responding to a stimulus and creating a vocabulary bank, it’s time to turn these into advanced sentences by experimenting. ✍️

Follow these five steps, and take note of our example below:

Add adjectives and adverbs to deepen your writing. Writing descriptively is about giving the reader lots of extra details to aid their imagination. 

Stimulate the senses (hearing, touch, taste, sight, smell) throughout the text. Employing the reader’s five senses encourages them to engage beyond what they see.

Use similes and metaphors (comparing objects to other things) to vary your writing. Don’t forget connectives to piece it all together!

Add character details so they become personal to you. Don’t forget, you can pretend that objects, as well as people, have emotions.

Use other figures of speech, like alliteration and hyperbole, to show that you have thought about your writing. The key is conscious crafting and going one sentence at a time. 

Teacher model : Above the mossy woodland floor, tall, angry trees swayed in the evening wind, slowly losing their last leaves to the arrival of winter. 

We teach students to plan for as long as they can before they start to write, helping them to feel confident before they approach a blank page. Once you have a bank of creative vocabulary, some exploratory sentences and a few images ready to go, it’ll be much easier to start writing. 

It’s wise to make key choices about the style of writing you want to do before you put pen to paper. Chronological? Flashback? Start with small details and then zoom out to the rest of the image? The more careful choices are made in the early planning stages, the more detailed and purposeful your writing will be. ✔️

Make a paragraph plan before you write. This creates a writing frame to keep referring back to. This is especially useful when you aren’t quite sure where you’re going next. Here’s our teacher model:

Paragraph one - The narrator looks upwards and notices the last few leaves falling off of the trees in the wintery woodland. She notices one leaf in particular which starts to move with a life of its own. 

Paragraph two - The narrator tracks the leaf and starts to run to follow it as it darts about the forest, on the journey it passes different areas to describe; nests, a stream, a cottage. 

Paragraph three - The leaf lands at the foot of the cottage porch. The narrator notices a bright light shining from beneath the gap, and knocks on the door. 

Start to turn this plan into your actual description and you’re in an excellent position to start writing, with a clear idea of where you’re headed. Remember to go back, re-read, change and edit your writing as needed; no text will be perfect the first time around! 📓


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How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph

Last Updated: March 18, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,800,856 times.

If you want to immerse a reader in an essay or story, there’s no better way to do it than with a crisp, vivid descriptive paragraph. These paragraphs are best when you let your creativity take control, experimenting with structure and content and using unusual, striking phrases to hook your reader’s attention. Whether you’re describing a person, place, or thing, your paragraph should make your reader feel like they’re right there with you or your characters, experiencing the moment firsthand.

Sample Paragraphs

how to write a descriptive essay step by step

Describing a Person

Step 1 Start your paragraph with a general topic sentence that introduces the person.

“Mr. Bixler was the tallest person I’d ever seen.” “Melanie’s hair is the biggest thing about her.” “To understand John’s thoughts, all you had to do was look at his hands. They never stopped moving.”

Step 2 Focus on the most striking part of their appearance first.

  • “I didn’t usually notice people’s skin, but Natasha’s glowed. It was almost alien. Night could be falling, or we could be sitting in a dark classroom, and I’d still see her out of the corner of my eye, faintly golden.”
  • “His arms looked too long for his body, and disproportionately muscular, like pale twin boa constrictors.”

Step 3 Focus on physical details that hint at the person’s personality.

Showing Personality through Physical Description

Kindness or friendliness: “He had a tendency to slope his back and shoulders to smile right in my eyes.”

Rudeness: “He towered over everyone else in the room, staring over everyone’s heads as though looking for something more interesting.”

Ambition: “She walked with energy that seemed to start in her legs, striding purposefully, and went all the way up through her hair, which swept behind her in a smooth ponytail.”

Step 4 Fill in any last details to give a good general picture.

  • To describe a face, for example, you could write, “Her nose and her two front teeth were just slightly crooked. She was constantly pulling her long hair forward and throwing it back again, blinking her bangs out of her eyes like she had no idea how they’d gotten there.”
  • To describe someone’s body or clothing, you might write, “He was a big guy, but carried himself like he wanted to apologize for it. He hunched his shoulders and bent his neck over his phone, and wore gray clothes so he could blend into the walls.”
  • Even the general details you’re describing should only be mentioned if they add insight into the person or character’s personality or impression. For example, if their eye color doesn’t hint at any deeper part of them, you don’t have to include it.

Step 5 Use figurative language and strong adjectives throughout your paragraph.

Using Figurative Language

Simile: a comparison between two things using “like” or “as.” Ex. “Her baby’s ears were as tiny and delicate as seashells.”

Metaphor: using a word or phrase with an object, action or person that it can’t literally apply to. Ex. “In class, Mrs. Sherman was an actress. She flew around the room and boomed out each story we read, using different voices and facial expression for every character.”

Step 6 End the paragraph with a resonant description or conclusion.

  • “I’d known Lulu for years, but I’d never seen her wear a pair of shoes. In the summer, I’d watch the soles of her feet turn black and callused from the asphalt, which baked so hot under the sun it would let off waves of steam. It had to burn, but she just rose up on her tiptoes and laughed.”
  • “In spite of the loud voice, the confident set of his shoulders, and the easy smile, Henry was the saddest person I’d ever met.”

Writing about an Object

Step 1 Give an idea of the size and general shape of the object.

  • “She’d been wearing the necklace for so long, the chain seemed to blend into her skin. It was thin and the jewel was very small, sitting at the exact center beneath the dip in her collarbone.”
  • “The water bottle lay on its side in the dirt, just off the main path, so dented that you could barely tell what its original shape had been.”

Step 2 Describe its sensory details, like color, texture, or taste.

Using Sensory Details

Sight: “The lightbulb was incredibly powerful, throwing off a blaze so bright it was almost violet.”

Sound: “The bag crinkled sharply when I opened it.”

Touch: “The wood of the tree was rough, almost biting, scratching her hand when she brushed against the trunk by accident.”

Taste: “The pizza was garlicky and so salty that he finished his whole glass of soda after just one piece.”

Smell: “When they opened the box, the faded, pungent scent of old paper lifted out.”

Step 3 Talk about what it’s used for to give a sense of its purpose.

  • For example, you could say, “It was her lucky pencil, the one she always used for tests, and she kept it in a separate section of her backpack for that reason. She sharpened it slowly with her personal handheld sharpener, then carefully swept the shavings into the trash.”

Step 4 End by telling or showing how the object is significant, depending on your tone.

  • For example, you could show the importance by writing, “He took his watch off in the bathroom every night, cleaned it gently with a wet tissue, and placed it on a small cloth on his bedside table.”
  • For a more direct option, you could write, “The journal had been passed down by her grandmother to her mother and finally to Katie. It was the oldest thing she’d ever owned, and the thing she loved the most.”

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph About a Place

Step 1 Start by describing the first thing that strikes you about the place.

“It wasn’t just that the buildings were tall— they were, they shot straight from the ground into the clouds and seemed to go for miles —but that they were so clean, almost transparent. It was like the towers stretched up so high that they became more air than steel.”

“The beach was empty, but you could tell it usually wasn’t. There was trash everywhere, abandoned towels, tipped over coolers, even a whole umbrella, unfurled, sticking out of a hole in the ground. ”

Step 2 Highlight small place details to make your description interesting.

  • “The river ran so high along its banks that it sloshed over the sides of the walls, spilling brown water into the streets, but no one seemed to view this with alarm. I watched a man ride his bike just along the wall, speeding straight through the biggest puddles.”
  • “The neighborhood was perfectly suburban, but sat right across the two-lane road from miles of sprawling cornfields, green arms sifting through the breeze, punctured here and there by broken-down farm houses.”

Step 3 Use surprising, exotic language to make the place come to life.

  • For example, in The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood describes a room as “A chair, a table, a lamp. Above, on the white ceiling, a relief ornament in the shape of a wreath and in the centre of it a blank space, plastered over, like the place in a face where the eye has been taken out.”

Step 4 Add sensory details to appeal to your sense of scent, touch, and sound.

  • For example, you could write, “He couldn’t remember the last time the house had been quiet. Someone was always flying up or down the stairs in heavy, clomping boots, peeling open the refrigerator door, blaring a baseball game on the radio or yelling to turn it off again.”

Step 5 Write about how you or your character react to the place.

  • “Standing there at the foot of the Rockies, seeing mountains for the first time, it was like the whole world was shrinking, especially me. It made me dizzy, how small I had become.”
  • “The rain slammed down around them, standing at the bus stop in a dim yellow circle of light. She tugged her coat closer, feeling the chill in her fingers and watched him try to talk over the sound of the water.”

Step 6 Include only the most important details so you don’t bog your reader down.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Do your best to show your readers what you’re describing, through strong sensory language and phrases, instead of just telling them. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Recheck the essay by reviewing spelling errors, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes. Allow somebody to proofread your work. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1

how to write a descriptive essay step by step

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About This Article

Christopher Taylor, PhD

To write a descriptive paragraph, start by introducing the person, place, or thing you want to describe in the first sentence so you grab the reader's attention. Use striking phrases and vivid adjectives to help the reader visualize everything. Try to be as specific as possible by describing the way things smell, taste, feel, and sound. You can also include some metaphors or similes to help the reader fully experience what you're describing! For tips on writing an effective final sentence for your paragraph, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How To Write A Descriptive Essay On A Person: Step By Step

how to write a descriptive essay on a person

  • Post author By admin
  • March 1, 2024
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Descriptive essays are like painting a vivid picture with words. They allow us to delve deep into the essence of someone or something, capturing every detail, emotion, and nuance. When it comes to writing a descriptive essay on a person, it’s all about bringing that individual to life on the page. In this guide, we’ll explore step-by-step how to write a descriptive essay on a person, from choosing the right person to polishing your final draft.

Table of Contents

How Do You Start A Descriptive Essay?

Starting a descriptive essay requires setting the scene and grabbing the reader’s attention. Here are some effective ways to begin:

  • Start with a vivid description: Paint a picture with words by describing the setting, person, or object you’ll be focusing on. Use sensory details to immerse the reader in the scene.
  • Use an engaging anecdote: Begin with a short story or anecdote related to your subject. This can draw readers in and make them curious to learn more.
  • Pose a rhetorical question: Start with a thought-provoking question that relates to your topic. This can pique the reader’s curiosity and encourage them to keep reading for the answer.
  • Invoke the senses: Appeal to the reader’s senses by describing sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures. This creates a vivid experience for the reader and sets the tone for your essay.
  • Provide a brief background: Offer a brief introduction to your subject, providing context for the description that follows. This helps orient the reader and gives them a sense of what to expect.

Ultimately, the goal is to engage the reader from the very beginning and create a strong foundation for your descriptive essay.

How To Write A Descriptive Essay On A Person?

Pre-writing phase.

Before diving into writing, it’s essential to do some groundwork.

  • Selecting Your Subject: Choose a person who holds significance for you. It could be a family member, friend, mentor, or even a historical figure you admire.
  • Brainstorming Traits: Think about the qualities and characteristics that define this person. Jot down specific details, memories, and anecdotes that come to mind.
  • Gathering Memories: Reflect on your experiences with this person. Recall moments that stand out, whether they’re funny, heartwarming, or profound.
  • Determining Tone: Consider the tone and perspective you want to convey in your essay. Will it be nostalgic, admiring, or reflective?

Creating an Outline

A well-structured outline provides a roadmap for your essay, ensuring that you cover all essential aspects.

  • Introduction: Set the stage by introducing the person you’ll be describing and stating the purpose of your essay. Your thesis statement should give readers a glimpse of what to expect.
  • Body Paragraphs: Organize your essay into paragraphs focusing on different aspects of the person’s character.
  • Physical Description: Paint a vivid picture of their appearance, from their physical features to their style of dress and unique mannerisms.
  • Personality Traits: Dive into their personality, exploring their quirks, habits, values, and passions.
  • Impact on Others: Highlight the person’s relationships and influence on those around them, including anecdotes that showcase their impact.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the key traits discussed in the essay and reflect on their significance. Leave readers with a lasting impression.

Drafting the Essay

With your outline in hand, it’s time to start writing.

  • Introduction: Begin with an attention-grabbing opening that draws readers in. Introduce the person and provide context for why they are important to you.
  • Body Paragraphs: Develop each section with descriptive details and vivid imagery. Use sensory language to evoke emotions and create a sense of intimacy.
  • Conclusion: Reinforce the central theme of your essay and leave readers with a thought-provoking insight or reflection.

Revision and Editing

Once you’ve completed your first draft, it’s time to polish your essay.

  • Review for Clarity: Ensure that your essay flows smoothly from one paragraph to the next, with clear transitions between ideas.
  • Check for Errors: Proofread your essay for grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. Pay attention to sentence structure and word choice.
  • Seek Feedback: Share your essay with friends, family, or peers for feedback. Consider their suggestions for improvement and make revisions accordingly.

Finalizing the Essay

Before submitting your essay, take one last look to ensure it’s polished and ready to shine.

  • Formatting: Format your essay according to the guidelines provided, including font size, spacing, and margins.
  • Proofread Again: Give your essay a final proofread to catch any lingering errors or typos.
  • Submission: Once you’re satisfied with your essay, submit it with confidence, knowing that you’ve crafted a compelling portrayal of the person who holds significance in your life.

Top 3 Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person

“my grandmother: a portrait of strength and love”.

In this essay, the author paints a vivid picture of their grandmother, emphasizing her physical appearance as well as her inner strength and loving nature.

Through detailed descriptions of her wrinkled hands, warm smile, and comforting presence, the author captures the essence of their grandmother’s character.

Anecdotes and memories illustrate her resilience and the profound impact she has had on the author’s life, making her a cherished figure to be admired and celebrated.

“The Man Who Built Bridges: A Tribute to My Father”

This essay pays tribute to the author’s father, highlighting his remarkable qualities as a bridge builder both literally and metaphorically.

Through evocative descriptions of his weathered hands, steadfast determination, and unwavering kindness, the author portrays their father as a symbol of resilience, integrity, and compassion.

Anecdotes from the author’s childhood underscore the profound influence their father has had, leaving a lasting legacy of love and strength.

“The Artist of Words: An Ode to Maya Angelou”

In this essay, the author celebrates the life and legacy of Maya Angelou, the renowned poet, author, and civil rights activist.

Through vivid descriptions of Angelou’s commanding presence, eloquent speech, and unwavering courage, the author captures the essence of her indomitable spirit and profound impact on literature and society.

Quotes and excerpts from Angelou’s works illustrate her mastery of language and her ability to inspire and empower others, leaving an enduring legacy of hope and resilience.

Tips To  Write A Descriptive Essay On A Person

Writing a descriptive essay about a person requires attention to detail and a focus on capturing the essence of the individual. Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling descriptive essay:

  • Choose a Subject You Know Well: Select a person whom you know intimately or have spent significant time with. This familiarity will allow you to provide rich descriptions and insights into their character.
  • Brainstorm Descriptive Details: Before you start writing, make a list of physical attributes, personality traits, habits, and mannerisms that characterize the person. Think about specific anecdotes or memories that showcase their unique qualities.
  • Create an Outline: Organize your essay with a clear structure, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Decide on the main traits or characteristics you will focus on in each section.
  • Start with an Engaging Introduction: Grab the reader’s attention from the start with a compelling opening sentence or anecdote that sets the scene and introduces the person you will be describing.
  • Use Vivid Descriptive Language: Paint a vivid picture with words by using sensory details to describe the person’s appearance, movements, facial expressions, and gestures. Appeal to the reader’s senses to create a vivid and immersive experience.
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Instead of simply stating facts about the person, show their personality and character through descriptive scenes, dialogue, and actions. Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points.
  • Focus on Emotions and Impressions: Describe not only what the person looks like but also how they make you feel and the impression they leave on others. Capture the emotions and atmosphere surrounding your interactions with them.
  • Be Objective and Honest: While it’s important to highlight the person’s positive qualities, don’t shy away from portraying their flaws or weaknesses if they are relevant to the essay. Be honest and objective in your descriptions.
  • Organize Your Thoughts: Structure your essay logically, moving from one characteristic or trait to the next in a coherent manner. Use transitions to guide the reader smoothly through your descriptions.
  • Conclude with a Reflection: Summarize the key points of your essay in the conclusion and reflect on the significance of the person in your life or the impact they have had on others. Leave the reader with a lasting impression or insight.

By following these tips and techniques, you can create a descriptive essay that brings your chosen person to life on the page and leaves a lasting impression on your readers.

In conclusion, writing a descriptive essay on a person is a rewarding endeavor that allows you to celebrate the unique qualities and impact of someone special.

By following these steps (about how to write a descriptive essay on a person) and pouring your heart into your writing, you can create a masterpiece that truly brings your subject to life on the page.

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Step by Step: Learning How to Write an Informative Essay

Harish M

Writing an informative essay is a great way to share knowledge on a specific topic, providing readers with new, interesting, and factual information. The purpose of an informative essay is to present a subject objectively, without injecting personal opinions or biases. Informative essays can take many forms, such as explaining a system, analyzing data, summarizing an event, comparing subjects, or guiding the reader through a process.

To craft a compelling informative essay, it's essential to understand its structure, which typically includes an introduction with a clear thesis statement, body paragraphs that present facts and details, and a conclusion that summarizes the main points. The introduction should provide background information on the topic, capture the reader's attention, and clearly state the thesis.

Choosing Your Topic

Selecting the perfect topic for your informative essay is crucial to crafting a compelling and engaging piece. Consider your interests, reactions, and feelings towards potential topics, as this will make the writing process more enjoyable and the final product more authentic.

Narrowing Down Your Topic

  • Start with a broad subject area that piques your curiosity or aligns with your assignment requirements.
  • Brainstorm potential topics within that subject area, jotting down all ideas that come to mind.
  • Research each idea to ensure there is sufficient information available to support your essay.
  • Narrow your focus to a specific aspect or perspective of the topic, making it more manageable and unique.

Considering Your Audience and Purpose

By carefully selecting a topic that is both interesting to you and relevant to your audience, you'll lay the foundation for a successful informative essay. Remember to thoroughly research your chosen topic to gain a solid understanding of the key concepts and ideas associated with it.

Conducting Thorough Research

Once you've selected your informative essay topic, it's time to dive into research . Thorough research is the backbone of a well-written essay, providing the facts and details needed to support your main points.

Identifying Credible Sources

To ensure the information in your essay is accurate and reliable, focus on using credible sources Consider the following:

Organizing Your Research

  • Take detailed notes as you read, making sure to record the source for each piece of information.
  • Identify common themes or answers that emerge from your sources.
  • Organize the information by subtopics, creating an outline or using other organizational tools.
  • Review and revise your research, double-checking facts and ensuring the information is relevant.

Citing Your Sources

Properly citing your sources is crucial to avoid plagiarism and give credit where it's due. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Record the necessary citation information for each source as you conduct your research.
  • Use the appropriate citation style (MLA, APA, or Chicago) based on your essay's requirements.
  • Include a citations page at the end of your essay, listing all the sources you consulted.

By conducting thorough research, organizing your findings, and properly citing your sources, you'll build a strong foundation for your informative essay.

Creating an Effective Outline

Creating a well-structured outline is essential for organizing your thoughts and ensuring that your informative essay flows logically. A clear outline will guide you through the writing process, making it easier to stay on track and cover all the necessary points.

Crafting Your Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the foundation of your essay, expressing the overall argument or purpose in a clear and concise manner. To create an effective thesis statement:

  • Identify the main point you want to convey in your essay.
  • Condense this main point into a single, concise sentence.
  • Ensure that your thesis statement is specific and arguable, not just a statement of fact.

Developing Sub-Points

Once you have your main points established, it's time to develop sub-points that provide further detail and support. Consider the following steps:

Structuring Your Outline

A typical informative essay outline includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Here's how to structure each section:

  • Introduction : Capture the reader's attention, provide background information, and state your thesis.
  • Body Paragraphs : Outline your main points and provide evidence and examples to support them.
  • Conclusion : Summarize your main points and restate your thesis in a new way.

By creating a well-organized outline, you'll ensure that your informative essay is structured, coherent, and effectively conveys your intended message to your readers.

Writing a Strong Introduction

The introduction of your informative essay is the first impression readers will have of your work, so it's crucial to make it engaging and informative [6]. A well-crafted introduction should include three key elements: a hook, background information, and a thesis statement.

Crafting an Attention-Grabbing Hook

Your hook is the opening sentence that captures the reader's interest and encourages them to continue reading. Consider using one of these techniques:

Providing Essential Background Information

After your hook, provide 2-3 sentences of background information that gives context to your topic. This helps the reader understand why your topic is important and how it relates to the broader subject matter.

Stating Your Thesis Clearly

Your thesis statement is the most critical component of your introduction. It should be a clear, concise sentence that summarizes the main ideas of your essay. A strong thesis statement:

  • States the main point or argument of your essay.
  • Is written in the third-person point of view.
  • Frames the research question and uses the most common or interesting answers.

By crafting an engaging hook, providing essential background information, and stating your thesis clearly, you'll create a strong introduction that sets the stage for a compelling informative essay.

Developing Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of your informative essay are where you dive deep into your chosen topic, providing evidence, examples, and explanations to support your thesis statement. Each paragraph should focus on a single main point that directly relates to your thesis.

Crafting Effective Body Paragraphs

Follow these steps to create compelling body paragraphs:

  • Write a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph.
  • Provide supporting details, such as quotes, examples, or facts, to back up your main point.
  • Analyze the evidence, explaining how it supports your thesis and the significance of the information.
  • Use transitions to connect your paragraphs and ideas, ensuring a smooth flow throughout your essay.

Varying Paragraph Types

Depending on your topic and purpose, you can use different types of body paragraphs to engage your readers and convey your message effectively:

Revising and Refining

As you write your body paragraphs, keep these tips in mind to ensure clarity and coherence:

  • Vary sentence structure and length to enhance readability
  • Use parallel structure when presenting similar ideas or information
  • Revise and edit for conciseness, removing irrelevant ideas or changing your thesis to fit the evidence

By crafting well-structured body paragraphs that provide ample evidence and analysis to support your thesis, you'll create an informative essay that engages your readers and effectively conveys your message.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Writing an informative essay is a rewarding process that allows you to share knowledge and insights on a topic of interest. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can craft a well-structured, engaging, and informative piece that captivates your readers. From choosing a topic and conducting thorough research to creating an effective outline and developing compelling body paragraphs, each stage of the writing process plays a crucial role in the success of your essay.

As you embark on your informative essay writing journey, remember to stay focused on your purpose, maintain a clear and objective tone, and provide ample evidence to support your main points. With dedication, practice, and attention to detail, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of informative essay writing and effectively communicating your ideas to your target audience.

Revising and Proofreading

Once you've completed your informative essay draft, it's crucial to revise and proofread your work to ensure clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy. Editing and proofreading are two distinct processes that help refine your writing and eliminate errors.

The Editing Process

Editing involves a thorough examination of your essay, focusing on improving the overall quality and clarity of your writing. Follow these steps to effectively edit your work:

  • Take a break from writing before editing to gain a fresh perspective on your essay.
  • Read your essay out loud to identify unclear sentences or awkward phrasing.
  • Review your essay for tone and word choice, ensuring they align with the assignment requirements.
  • Vary your sentence structures and word choices to maintain reader engagement.
  • Add transitions between ideas to guide readers through your essay smoothly

The Proofreading Process

Proofreading focuses on identifying and correcting surface-level errors, such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. Use these techniques to proofread your informative essay effectively:

  • Read your essay slowly and carefully, checking for punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors.
  • Ensure consistency in verb tense throughout your essay.
  • Check for subject-verb agreement and clear pronoun usage.
  • Verify the accuracy and formatting of your citations.
  • Consider reading your essay backwards, sentence by sentence, to catch any remaining errors.

By dedicating time to revising and proofreading your informative essay, you'll enhance its quality, clarity, and impact on your readers. Remember to approach the process with a critical eye and an openness to making necessary changes to improve your work.

1. What steps are involved in writing an informative essay?

To write an informative essay, begin by selecting a topic through brainstorming and narrowing down ideas. Choose a topic with readily available relevant information. Next, conduct thorough research and record the data you find. Organize the information into categories for clarity. Start writing by drafting a thesis statement, followed by the body paragraphs. Finally, write the introduction and conclusion.

2. What are the key components of an informative essay? An informative essay typically consists of five main parts:

  • Introduction: Captures the reader's interest and introduces the essay topic.
  • Background: Provides context to help the reader understand the points being made.
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly states the main point or argument of the essay.
  • Body Points: Includes evidence and discussion points that support the thesis statement.
  • Conclusion: Summarises the essay and reinforces the main points.

3. How can teachers effectively instruct students on writing an informative essay?

To teach students how to write an informative essay, start by providing them with engaging and relevant texts on topics they care about. This approach ensures that students are invested in the subject matter. Encourage students to prewrite and discuss their ideas as part of the planning process, which is crucial for structuring their essays. Additionally, provide continuous feedback and opportunities for students to revise their work to enhance their writing skills.

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    Descriptive essay example. An example of a short descriptive essay, written in response to the prompt "Describe a place you love to spend time in," is shown below. Hover over different parts of the text to see how a descriptive essay works. On Sunday afternoons I like to spend my time in the garden behind my house.

  2. How to Write a Descriptive Essay: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

    Once you have chosen your topic, draw five columns on a piece of paper or a word document on your computer. Then, label each column for the five senses, "touch," "sight," "sound," "taste," and "smell.". Write down as many details you can think of for the topic based on each sense.

  3. How to Start a Descriptive Essay: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

    3. Use sensory details. A key element of a good descriptive essay is a lot of details that focus on the five senses: smell, taste, touch, sight, and sound. Put a lot of sensory details into your opening paragraph. Describe how a scene sounds or tastes. Discuss how an object feels or smells.

  4. Mastering the Art of Writing A Descriptive Essay: Crafting Vivid

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  5. How to Write a Descriptive Essay (2021 Edition)

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  6. Guide to a Perfect Descriptive Essay [Examples & Outline Included]

    The use of literary devices such as personification and metaphor makes the banyan tree in the second example come to life. This is how you can make your writing more vivid, descriptive, and poetic. 2. Use your senses. Sensory descriptors are one of the most important aspects of a descriptive essay.

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    A descriptive essay's primary goal is to captivate the reader by writing a thorough and vivid explanation of the subject matter, while appealing to their various senses. A list of additional goals is as follows: - Spark feeling and imagination. - Create a vivid experience. - Paint a mental picture. - Pique curiosity.

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    Your first step should be to brainstorm ideas. Think about the qualities of what you're describing. As well as physical qualities, make notes about any thoughts, memories, and emotions you associate with your subject matter. This brainstorming will give you the raw material for your descriptive essay. The next step is to create an essay outline.

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    How to Write a Descriptive Essay in 7 Steps. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 • 3 min read. Descriptive essays teach students the basics of writing and self-expression. Depending on your line of work and your writing goals, you may continue writing descriptive essays well into your professional career.

  11. How to Write a Descriptive Essay: Examples & Tips

    Choose an Engaging Topic. Selecting the right topic is the crucial first step in writing a descriptive essay. Your topic should be captivating, drawing the reader in and keeping them engaged throughout the essay. A well-chosen topic sets the stage for an immersive and memorable descriptive experience. Step# 2.

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    Step 2. Craft a Good Thesis Statement for Your Descriptive Essay. Thesis statement for a descriptive essay is the cherry of your work. A jewel, if we might say so. It's also not the time to be coy. Openness with several hints of mystery is the best policy for your thesis. Lure readers in and secure their attention.

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    Step 1: Choose a topic. A descriptive essay will usually focus on a single event, a person, a location or an item. When you write your essay, it is your job to convey your idea about that topic through your description of that topic and the way that you lay things out for your reader. You need to show your reader (not tell them) what you are ...

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    Choose the Perfect Topic for Your Descriptive Essay. When it comes to crafting a descriptive essay, the topic you choose plays a vital role in the overall success of your writing. A well-chosen, engaging topic allows you to capture the attention of your readers and transport them into the world you are describing.

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    Following are the steps involved in the pre-writing or planning procedure of a good descriptive essay: 1. Topic Selection. Usually, professors assign the topic for a descriptive essay. But, if you have a choice to select a topic, then you have a great chance to select something which you know a lot about.

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    Choosing a Topic. The first step in writing a descriptive essay is choosing a topic that you want to describe. Think about a person, place, object, or event that is meaningful to you or that you have a strong emotional connection to. This will make it easier for you to describe the subject in detail and convey your emotions to your readers.

  17. How To Write A Descriptive Essay: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Learn how to write a descriptive essay with this comprehensive guide that covers the format, structure, and steps of planning and writing a descriptive essay. Find out the difference between a description and a descriptive essay, the common subjects, the major elements, the best way to write a paragraph, and the tips for proofreading and editing.

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    Come up with a thesis. Create an essay outline. Write the introduction. Write the main body, organized into paragraphs. Write the conclusion. Evaluate the overall organization. Revise the content of each paragraph. Proofread your essay or use a Grammar Checker for language errors. Use a plagiarism checker.

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    The first step in writing a strong descriptive paragraph is identifying your topic. If you received a specific assignment or already have a topic in mind, you can skip this step. If not, it's time to start brainstorming. Personal belongings and familiar locations are useful topics. Subjects that you care about and know well often make for rich ...

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    Step #5. Use other figures of speech, like alliteration and hyperbole, to show that you have thought about your writing. The key is conscious crafting and going one sentence at a time. Teacher model: Above the mossy woodland floor, tall, angry trees swayed in the evening wind, slowly losing their last leaves to the arrival of winter.

  22. 4 Ways to Write a Descriptive Paragraph

    6. End the paragraph with a resonant description or conclusion. The end of your paragraph is the part that will stick in your reader's mind. Try to make your last sentence the most interesting one, either with an unexpected final description or by summarizing the material in a unique, surprising way.

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    Brainstorm Descriptive Details: Before you start writing, make a list of physical attributes, personality traits, habits, and mannerisms that characterize the person. Think about specific anecdotes or memories that showcase their unique qualities. Create an Outline: Organize your essay with a clear structure, including an introduction, body ...

  24. How to Write an Informative Essay? Step by Step Guide

    1. What steps are involved in writing an informative essay? To write an informative essay, begin by selecting a topic through brainstorming and narrowing down ideas. Choose a topic with readily available relevant information. Next, conduct thorough research and record the data you find. Organize the information into categories for clarity.

  25. AI Essay Writer

    AI Essay Writer by Editpad is a free essay generator that helps you write narrative, persuasive, argumentative and descriptive essays online in seconds. How to use AI Essay Writer by Editpad? To use Editpad's AI Essay Writer, you need to follow these simple steps below: Type or paste your essay topic or requirements in the input box provided.