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  • Our support desk will guide you and we shall develop sample topics for you, each with some background information, and then you choose the best from the same.

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 Guidelines for Writing an Exceptional Research Project Topic!

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MSc Project Topics | Recent Research Suggestion Topic Ideas

The importance of choosing the right M.Sc project topics cannot be overstated. It is the bedrock upon which the entire research journey is built. By offering our expertise and resources, we aim to simplify this crucial step, making easy the topic defense process ensuring students embark on a research journey that is meaningful, impactful, and aligned with their academic and career goals. In the vast world of academia, having a guiding hand can make all the difference, and we're here to be that unwavering support for every aspiring MSc student.

Most Recent Research Project Topics for MSc Students;

Choosing the right research topic for a Master of Science (MSc) program is crucial for students aiming to make a significant impact in their field of study. Recent trends in various disciplines have highlighted the importance of innovative and practical research projects that address current issues and contribute to academic knowledge. In this context, exploring the most recent MSc   research project topics for students can provide valuable insights and inspiration. These topics range from advancements in technology and healthcare to societal challenges and environmental sustainability, reflecting the diverse interests and expertise of MSc students. By looking into these areas, students can identify projects that not only align with their academic goals but also have the potential to drive meaningful change in their respective fields.

✔ "Developing a sustainable waste management strategy for a local community": Sustainable waste management is an important issue for many communities, and an MSc project that focuses on developing a sustainable waste management strategy for a local community could make a significant impact. This project would involve researching best practices for waste management and developing a customized strategy that takes into account the specific needs and resources of the community. The resulting strategy could help to reduce waste, improve recycling rates, and minimize the environmental impact on the community.

✔ "Evaluating the effectiveness of renewable energy sources in urban areas": As urban areas continue to grow, the demand for sustainable energy solutions becomes increasingly important. An MSc project evaluating the effectiveness of renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, in urban settings would involve analyzing data on energy consumption, cost efficiency, and environmental impact. The findings could inform policy decisions and encourage the adoption of greener energy solutions in cities.

✔ "Analyzing the impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems": Coastal ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. A Masters level project topic analyzing these impacts would involve field research and data collection on changes in biodiversity, water quality, and habitat conditions. This research could contribute to the development of conservation strategies and policies aimed at protecting coastal environments.

✔ "Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in personalized medicine": Personalized medicine is an emerging field that tailors medical treatment to individual characteristics. A project exploring the role of artificial intelligence in this area would involve developing algorithms that predict patient responses to different treatments based on genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. This research could enhance the effectiveness of medical interventions and improve patient outcomes.

✔ "Investigating the social and economic impacts of remote work": The shift to remote work has transformed the way people live and work. An MSc project investigating the social and economic impacts of remote work would involve conducting surveys and analyzing data on productivity, work-life balance, and economic changes. The results could provide insights for employers and policymakers on optimizing remote work practices.

✔ "Developing strategies for enhancing cybersecurity in financial institutions": Cybersecurity is a critical concern for financial institutions. A project focused on developing strategies to enhance cybersecurity would involve researching current threats, analyzing security protocols, and proposing improvements. This research could help financial institutions protect sensitive data and maintain customer trust.

Masters project topics with a narrowed and defined focus can be incredibly impactful and valuable. Selecting a relevant and impactful research topic is vital for MSc students aiming to contribute meaningfully to their academic and professional fields. By exploring diverse and recent research areas, students can find projects that align with their interests and offer significant potential for innovation and practical application. Whether it's developing advanced technological solutions, addressing critical health issues, or investigating social and environmental challenges, these research project topics for MSc students underscore the importance of rigorous, relevant, and feasible research at the master's level. Embracing these projects will not only enhance students' academic journeys but also contribute to advancements in their respective fields, driving positive change and development. There are many potential MSc project topics with a narrowed focus that could be perfect for your interests and skills. You can liaise with our experts if you need more Master of Science research topic ideas, based on your needs/interests and area of specialization.

 Creative & Innovative MSc Research Topics- Professional Help

Key factors that indicate good master of science degree research topics;.

  • Relevance of the research topic : The relevance of a research topic is of paramount importance. A good research topic should be related to the field of study and should address a current issue, trend, or problem. The topic should have a clear focus, be feasible, and should have a practical application. An appropriate topic can be beneficial for both the student and the community, as it can help to solve real-world problems.
  • Originality and authenticity : Originality is a key aspect of a good topic. A topic that is unique, innovative, and contributes to existing knowledge is highly recommended. The topic should not be repetitive or redundant but should add a new dimension to the field of study. An original topic can enhance the research value and attract the attention of the academic community.
  • Feasibility and viability of the topic : Good master of science degree research topics should be feasible, meaning that they should be achievable within the given time frame and resources. The topic should have a clear scope, and methodology, and should be realistic in terms of data collection, analysis, and interpretation. A feasible topic can provide a sense of direction and focus to the research work and can help to avoid unnecessary complications and delays.
  • How interesting the topic is : The topic of an MSc research paper should be interesting and engaging. It should be something that the student is passionate about and has a genuine interest in. A topic that the student finds boring or uninteresting can lead to a lack of motivation, enthusiasm, and creativity. On the other hand, an interesting topic can lead to a more profound understanding of the subject, better engagement, and a higher level of achievement.
  • Applicability in future career : A good MSc topic should be relevant to the student's future career aspirations. The topic should be aligned with the student's career goals, skills, and interests. It should provide an opportunity to acquire relevant knowledge, skills, and experiences that can be valuable in the future. A relevant research topic can help to build a strong foundation for the student's career and can be beneficial in terms of employability and professional development.
  • Collaboration opportunities : Great research topics for  MSc  papers  should provide an opportunity for collaboration with other students, researchers, or professionals. Collaboration can enhance the quality of research, provide diverse perspectives, and create a sense of community. A topic that allows collaboration can lead to new networks, opportunities, and experiences, and can contribute to personal and professional growth.

Ideally, choosing good MSc research topics for a paper is an essential step in an academic journey. The topic should be relevant, original, feasible, interesting, aligned with future career goals, and provide an opportunity for collaboration. By keeping these key factors in mind, students can make informed decisions and create high-quality thesis work that can make a positive impact on their academic and professional lives.

What is the Ideal Length of an MSc Research Paper Topic?

The ideal length of an MSc research paper topic is typically concise yet descriptive enough to clearly convey the focus and scope of the research. A well-crafted topic should be specific and precise, usually ranging from 10 to 15 words. This length ensures that the topic is clear and easily understood while encompassing the key elements of the research. By maintaining this balance, students can effectively communicate the main idea of their research without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary details. Additionally, a concise topic helps in keeping the research focused, making it easier to develop a coherent and structured thesis. This precision not only aids in the initial stages of proposal writing but also facilitates a more organized approach throughout the research process, ultimately contributing to a more impactful and successful academic project.

Why You Should Use Our Help to Develop Your MSc Research Topic

Selecting the perfect research topic for your Master of Science (MSc) thesis is a critical step that can significantly influence your academic success and future career. Here are compelling reasons why you should consider using our expert assistance to develop your  topic  for MSc research work:

  • Expert Guidance: Our team comprises experienced professionals with extensive knowledge across various academic fields. Their expertise ensures that you receive informed advice tailored to your specific area of study, helping you choose a topic that is both relevant and innovative.
  • Customized Support: We understand that each student's research interests and goals are unique. Our personalized approach ensures that the topic we help you develop aligns with your academic aspirations and personal interests, providing a strong foundation for your research.
  • Access to Resources: Our services offer access to a wealth of academic resources, including current literature, databases, and research tools. This support is invaluable in identifying gaps in existing research and developing an MSc topic that contributes new insights to your field.
  • Feasibility and Scope : We help you define a research topic that is feasible within the time frame and resources available for your MSc program. Our guidance ensures that the scope of your research is manageable and practical, preventing common pitfalls such as overly broad or narrowly focused topics.
  • Enhanced Academic Rigor: With our assistance, you can ensure that your research topic meets the high standards of academic rigor required at the MSc level. We provide insights into developing a robust theoretical framework and a clear research methodology, enhancing the credibility and impact of your study.
  • Time Efficiency: Developing a suitable research topic can be time-consuming. By leveraging our expertise, you can streamline this process, saving valuable time and allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of your research and academic responsibilities.
  • Ethical Considerations: Our guidance ensures that your research topic adheres to ethical standards, including the treatment of participants and data handling. This ethical focus is crucial for maintaining the integrity and credibility of your research.

Using our services to develop your MSc research topic offers numerous advantages, ensuring that your research is well-conceived, feasible, and impactful. Our expert research support can help you navigate the complexities of topic selection, setting you on the path to academic excellence and professional success.

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MSc Thesis Topics – Determining Research Variables for Your Topic

Choosing the right topic for your  MSc thesis  is a pivotal step in your academic journey, and determining the appropriate research variables is essential for the success of your thesis. Research variables are the building blocks of your study, influencing the direction, methodology, and outcomes of your research.  Understanding the role of research variables is crucial because they form the foundation upon which your entire study is built. Variables are the elements of your research that you will measure, manipulate, and analyze to draw meaningful conclusions. They provide clarity and specificity, allowing you to test hypotheses and explore relationships within your chosen MSc topic. A clear and precise definition of variables not only enhances the reliability and validity of your study but also ensures that your research can be replicated by others, a key component of scientific inquiry. Here's how to effectively determine research variables for your topic:

  • Identify the Key Concepts: Start by clearly defining the primary concepts and objectives of your MSc thesis topic. Understanding what you aim to investigate will help you pinpoint the variables that need to be measured or observed and eventually allow the development of a great masters thesis project .
  • Differentiate Between Types of Variables: Familiarize yourself with different types of research variables – independent, dependent, and control variables. Independent variables are those that you manipulate to observe their effects, while dependent variables are the outcomes you measure. Control variables are factors you keep constant to ensure a fair test.
  • Literature Review: Conduct a thorough literature review to see how similar studies have defined and measured their variables. This step not only provides a framework for your own MSc thesis research but also ensures that your variables are relevant and scientifically valid.
  • Operational Definitions: Clearly define how each variable will be measured and observed. This operationalization ensures that your MSc thesis research topic can be replicated and that your variables are assessed consistently.
  • Feasibility and Resources: Consider the feasibility of measuring your chosen variables within the constraints of your available resources, time, and access to data. Ensure that you have the necessary tools and methodologies to accurately measure your variables.
  • Ethical Considerations: Ensure that the measurement and manipulation of variables adhere to ethical standards. This is particularly important if your MSc research involves human participants, requiring consent and ensuring confidentiality.
  • Pilot Testing: Conduct a pilot test to assess the reliability and validity of your variables. This preliminary testing can help identify any issues with your variable definitions and measurement methods, allowing for adjustments of the thesis topic before the main study.

Must You Have the Topic for Your MSc Thesis Approved? Why Is It Important?

Securing approval for your MSc thesis topic from your academic advisor or thesis committee is a critical and necessary step in the research process. This approval is not merely a formality; it serves several essential functions that contribute to the success and integrity of your research. Ensuring that your topic is vetted and endorsed by experienced faculty members guarantees that it meets the rigorous academic standards of your institution and aligns with the goals of your program. The approval process provides a structured framework for your research, ensuring that your chosen topic is both feasible and significant within your field of study.

How to Defend Your MSc Thesis Research Topic

Defending thesis topics is a pivotal moment in every master's student academic journey, requiring thorough preparation and clear communication. Here’s how to effectively prepare for and execute your thesis topic defense:

  • Deep Knowledge and Literature Review: Begin by ensuring a comprehensive understanding of your topic. This includes being well-versed in the background, key concepts, and current trends in your field. Conduct an extensive literature review to identify gaps in existing research, providing a solid foundation to justify the necessity of your study. This depth of knowledge will allow you to confidently address any questions from your committee.
  • Clear and Concise Proposal: Prepare a proposal that is clear and concise, detailing the context and significance of your research. Your proposal should include a well-defined introduction, research questions or hypotheses, and specific objectives. Ensure your objectives are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). Outline your research design, including data collection and analysis methods, and discuss the feasibility of your study in terms of time, resources, and data access.
  • Strong Justification and Significance: Build a robust argument for your topic choice and methodology. Clearly justify how your research will fill gaps in the existing literature and contribute to your field. Highlight the significance of your study, discussing its potential theoretical and practical implications and how it can benefit the academic community or society.
  • Anticipation of Questions and Criticisms: Anticipate potential questions and criticisms from the committee. Think about the aspects of your research that might be challenged and prepare well-reasoned responses. Rehearse your defense with peers or mentors to refine your answers and boost your confidence.
  • Professional Presentation: Create a professional and visually appealing presentation using slides or other visual aids. Organize your presentation logically, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Keep your slides concise and focused on the main points to enhance clarity and engagement.
  • Clear and Confident Communication: Practice clear and confident communication. Speak at a moderate pace, avoid jargon, and explain technical terms when necessary. Use appropriate body language, maintain eye contact, and project confidence in your research to make a strong impression on the committee.
  • Engagement with the Committee: Engage actively with the committee members during your defense. Listen carefully to their questions and feedback, showing that you value their input. Be flexible and open to suggestions, demonstrating your willingness to make necessary adjustments based on their recommendations.
  • Ethical Considerations: Address ethical considerations in your research, ensuring compliance with ethical standards. Discuss how you will obtain informed consent and maintain participant confidentiality. Highlighting your attention to ethical issues will demonstrate your commitment to conducting responsible and respectful research.

By thoroughly preparing and confidently presenting your MSc thesis research topic, you can effectively defend its validity, feasibility, and significance. This process not only secures approval for your research but also sets a strong foundation for a successful and impactful thesis.

Crafting Hot & Most Current MSc Dissertation Topics

What to Do When Your MSc Dissertation Topic is Rejected

  • Stay Calm and Professional: When your topic is rejected, it’s crucial to remain calm and professional. Take time to process the feedback without reacting impulsively. Remember that rejection is a common part of the academic process and can serve as a valuable learning experience.
  • Seek Detailed Feedback: Request a thorough explanation of why your topic was rejected. Understanding the specific reasons behind the decision will help you make the necessary adjustments. Look for constructive criticism in the feedback to guide your revisions or the selection of a new topic.
  • Consult with Your Advisor: Arrange a meeting with your academic advisor to discuss the feedback in detail. Use this opportunity to gain clarity on the areas that need improvement and to explore alternative topics or refinements. Your advisor’s insights can be invaluable in steering you in the right direction.
  • Re-evaluate Your Topic: Critically assess your original topic based on the feedback. Identify its strengths and weaknesses, considering if the scope was too broad, too narrow, or lacked feasibility. Adjust the scope to make it more focused and manageable.
  • Update Your Literature Review: Conduct a more thorough literature review to identify additional gaps or emerging trends in your field. This can inspire new topic ideas or help refine your existing topic to ensure it is relevant and significant.
  • Revise or Choose a New Topic: If your topic has potential but needs refinement, make the necessary adjustments, focusing on clarifying your research questions, objectives, and methodology. If the feedback suggests the topic is not viable, consider selecting a new one, using the insights gained to choose a more suitable and impactful direction.
  • Prepare a Stronger Proposal: Strengthen your proposal by incorporating the feedback. Provide a clear rationale for your topic, a robust literature review, and a detailed research plan. Ensure your proposed methodology is sound and feasible, addressing any concerns raised previously.
  • Seek Peer and Mentor Review: Before resubmitting your topic, seek feedback from peers or other mentors. They can provide additional insights and identify potential issues you might have overlooked. Treat this as an iterative process to continuously refine and improve your proposal.
  • Resubmit with Confidence: Once you have addressed the feedback and made necessary adjustments, resubmit your revised topic. Be prepared to explain how you have tackled the previous concerns. Persistence is key; each iteration brings you closer to approval.
  • Embrace the Learning Experience: View the rejection as a learning experience and an opportunity for growth. The insights and skills gained during this process will be valuable for your academic and professional development. Use this experience to continuously improve your research skills and approach, ensuring future success.

By following these steps, you can effectively respond to the rejection of your MSc dissertation topic, refine your research approach, and ultimately secure approval for a strong and viable research project.

How does the Topic influence an  MSc Dissertation's Research Design   

The topic of an MSc dissertation significantly shapes its research design by defining the scope, methodology, data collection, and analysis techniques. A well-defined topic narrows the focus of the study, setting clear boundaries and guiding the formulation of research objectives and questions . It influences whether a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method approach is most suitable, and dictates the type of data needed, whether primary or secondary. The topic also determines the specific sampling techniques and the appropriate analytical tools and software. Ethical considerations, such as obtaining informed consent and ensuring participant protection, are guided by the nature of the topic. Additionally, the topic's complexity and demands affect the feasibility of the research, considering time, resources, and accessibility to data and participants. Finally, the significance and potential impact of the topic on academic and practical fields drive a more rigorous and comprehensive research design. Therefore, selecting a relevant and well-defined topic is crucial for developing a coherent and effective research approach that achieves the study’s objectives.


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100s of Free Management Dissertation Topics and Titles

Published by Grace Graffin at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On April 16, 2024


The subject of management involves an in-depth understanding of the various aspects of business management, such as employee management, risk management, organisational behaviour, and many more.

When choosing a topic for your management dissertation, make sure to consider diverse topics that explore both the theoretical and practical aspects of management.

We understand that getting a dissertation topic approved can be extremely challenging as academic supervisors require students to research a unique case.

This is where our team of writers comes into play. Our writers can up with exciting and manageable management dissertation topics to help get the juices flowing in your head so you can write your dissertation on a unique and engaging topic.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for here.

How to Select the Best Management Dissertation Topic?

A dissertation topic must be selected based on research interests, availability of data, time limitations, and the research’s scope and significance. The following management dissertation topics are carefully shortlisted while considering all these parameters. Please review these topics and let us know if you have any queries.

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2024 Management Research Topics

Topic 1: an evaluation of organizational change management- why do people tend to oppose change.

Research Aim: The research will aim to assess the structure of organizational change management and to find the reasons why people resist or oppose the changes in an organization. There are many reasons through which change in organization’s management becomes important but some employees’ does not accept that changes. There are many reasons why people resist changes on organization. In certain circumstances, resistance to change might be beneficial. Resistance to change is, in fact, a crucial feedback mechanism that must not be neglected.

Topic 2: Investigating the effectiveness of customer relationship management in airlines

Research Aim: The research will aim to study the efficiency of CRM in airlines. Customer relationship management has evolved into a critical technique used by every corporation to better its operations and obtain a competitive advantage over competitors. Customer relationship management has evolved into a key priority for airline firms and an integral part of airline businesses’ corporate strategy to distinguish themselves from rivals in the eyes of the consumer. The goal of facility organisations, such as airlines, is to provide services that attract and maintain satisfied, loyal customers who promote the airline.

Topic 3: How does leadership affect employees’ productivity? A case of IT firms

Research Aim: This research will focus on leadership positions in IT organisations with the goal of increasing staff productivity and performance. Leadership is essential for increasing employee retention, career drive, and efficiency. Most companies’ progress is accelerated by effective leadership. As a result, it is critical to organisational success. Employee performance, on the other hand, is a critical pillar of every firm, and companies must examine the variables that contribute to great performance. Leadership is based on confidence, which is based on skill, sincerity, ethics, transparency, reactivity, empathy, and kindness.

Topic 4: The effect of organisation advancement tools on business performance

Research Aim: The research will aim to find the effect of organization advancement on business performance. Organizational tools are objects that assist you in organising your workspace, resources, and tasks in order to make your workday more effective. Physical instruments, planners, and software platforms are examples of what they can be. Organization advancement tools are a great source to improve your business performance as they help you in managing your daily tasks and workforce.

Topic 5: The importance of leadership and social skills in new entrepreneurs: An investigative study

Research Aim: The research will aim to investigate the importance of leadership and social skills in new entrepreneurs. Developing talent, introducing innovative goods and services, delivering efficiency, and gaining market share all benefit from improved leadership qualities. If you wish to stay small, you might be able to get away with not growing your leaders. Otherwise, it will restrict your progress. Social skills enable entrepreneurs to interact with customers more effectively, resulting in more agreements and more profitability.

Covid-19 Management Research Topics

Crisis management during covd-19.

Research Aim: This study will identify crisis management aspects during COVD-19, including its challenges and solutions.

Business management during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will review business executives’ challenges in various scale industries and how they are recovering from the loss. How far did they succeed?

Hospital and medicine management during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will highlight the role of hospital management during COVID-19, the challenges they came across, and the ways to overcome those challenges.

Educational management during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will address the issues faced by students and educational institutes. How are they trying to overcome the challenges of imparting education during the coronavirus pandemics?

Maternal health care management during COVID-19

Research Aim: The lockdown situation has been an issue of concern for the patients, including pregnant women. This study will address the role of Maternal health care management during COVID-19.

Management Dissertation Topics for 2023

Topic 1: analyzing the traditions and trends in public administration and management in post-wwii europe.

Research Aim: The purpose of the research will be to analyze the characteristics of cultural and national communities that have influenced public administration and management in the 1970s and 1980s in Europe. The study will be carried out using a systematic literature review.

Topic 2: The Impact of Gender-inclusive Gatekeeping and Predecessors Influence on the Success of Female CEOs

Research Aim: The purpose of the research will explore how local organisational agents and contexts can help women leaders overcome barriers and achieve success at higher levels in corporate firms. The study will focus on CEO succession events and predecessor CEOS factors and their influence on women post-succession. The research design will be developed qualitatively.

Topic 3: Analysing the Impact of Daily Psychological Power on Organisational Leaders

Research Aim: The research will use quantitative techniques to analyze power-holders relational and interdependent work contexts. The study will examine the effect of daily psychological power using the factors of abusive behaviour and perceived incivility.

Topic 4: Examining the Impact of Cultural Diversity on Interaction Process and Performance

Research Aim: Using quantitative techniques, the research will analyse the interaction process and performance factors in two groups of employees in the services industry – homogenous and culturally diverse. The effectiveness in operation and arrangements will be examined.

Topic 5: Analyzing the Impact of ‘Voice’ and ‘Silence’ on Destructive Leadership

Research Aim: The research will examine the limited and biased view of silence in management literature. The study will also analyse the impact of silence in an organisation in terms of a functional value using quantitative research techniques. Furthermore, how silence in organisations can be used as a strategic response will be discussed.

Topic 6: Examining the Relationship between Productivity, Management Practices, and Employee Ability in the UK Setting

Research Aim: Using quantitative techniques, the study will analyse a relationship between productivity, management practices, and employee ability using data from management practices surveys and employees’ longitudinal earnings records.

Topic 7: Analysing the Factors that Impact International Differences in Gender Pay Gap

Research Aim: The research will use quantitative techniques to analyse microdata from various countries between 1980 and 2010. The study will use the factors of wage structures, net supply, wage compression, collective bargaining coverage, and unionised wage setting to identify the lower gender pay gap internationally.

Topic 8: The Impact of Psychosocial Hazards on Workplace Risk Management

Research Aim: The study will investigate workplace risk management practices in industry sectors with a high risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and mental health disorders (MHDs) and the extent to which they may rise from psychosocial hazards. The research will be conducted using qualitative research techniques.

Strategic Management and Organisational Behavior Dissertation Topics

Strategic management and organisational behaviour can be described as the actions a firm takes to achieve its business objectives primarily derived from competitive markets’ dynamic behaviour. Following are some interesting dissertation topics under this field of study;

Topic 1: The Impact of Organisational Goals on Organisation Behavior

Research Aim: The primary focus of this research will be to combine factors from the theory of action, phases and self-determination theory to develop a motivational model that will explain the relationship between organisational goals setting process that lead to organisational behaviour. The research will be conducted using mixed methods of research techniques.

Topic 2: Integrating the Principles of Strategic Human Capital and Strategic Human Resource Management to Improve Organisational Performance

Topic 3: comparing the impact of family and non-family firm goals on strategy, family and organisational behavior.

Research Aim: This research will analyse the differences between family and non-family business goals and their impact on how businesses develop strategies. Also, the research will assess how these developed strategies would affect family and organisational behaviour. This research will use quantitative research techniques.

Topic 4: Analyzing the Effect of Strategy, Innovation, Networks and Complexity on Organisational Adaptability – The Mediating Effect of Leadership

Research Aim: The current study will use empirical analysis to examine the effects of strategy, innovation, networks, and complexity of organisational adaptability using leadership as a mediation factor.

Topic 5: Examining the Effect of Appointment of a Racial Minority Female CEO on White Male Top Manager Intrapsychic and Behavioral Responses

Research Aim: This research will examine white male managers’ behavioural responses to a female racial minority CEO’s appointment. The behaviour that the research will analyse is the amount of help that the white male top manager provides to their fellow executives. The research will be conducted using quantitative techniques.

Topic 6: Analysis of the Effectiveness of an Affect-Based Model to Portray Recipients Responses to Organisational Change Events

Research Aim: The study will use the Affect-Based Model developed by Oreg et al. (2016) to analyse if it is useful in documenting and portraying the recipient responses to organisational change events. The research will use factors of valence and activation to assess the effectiveness of the model. The study will be conducted using quantitative techniques.

Topic 7: Evaluating the Relationship between the personality of a CEO and Employee Motivation

Research Aim: This research will investigate the relationship between a CEO’s personality and employee motivation. The core of this study will be to assess whether a CEO’s character possesses the power to influence employee motivation or not. Case studies from various companies will be used in this study.

Topic 8: Assessing the Role of Managers in Bringing and Implementing Technological Change in an Organisation

Research Aim: This research will focus on how managers implement technological change in their organisations. Change management is challenging as not all employees are open to accepting change. This research will focus on various ways through which managers successfully implement technological change in their companies.

Topic 9: An Analysis of Organisational Change Management: Why Employees Resist Change?

Research Aim: This research will focus on why employees resist change in organisations, i.e., why employees dislike change. Different causes and factors will be discussed in this study, and the research will conclude why employees do not wholeheartedly accept the change.

Knowledge Management Dissertation Topics

The importance of knowledge management for organisations can’t be understated because this aspect of management enhances the workforce’s capabilities and overall productivity. It leads to a competitive advantage and provides the basis for differentiating an organisation from its competitors. Some interesting dissertation topics under this field are;

Topic 1: Examining the Impact of Enterprise Social Networking Systems (ESNS) on Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning

Research Aim: The research will investigate the effect of ESNS on knowledge management processes and organisational learning. The research will use knowledge creation and sharing to play the mediating role in analysing the proposed relationship. The proposed study will use empirical research methods.

Topic 2: A Review of Knowledge Management Research

Research Aim: The research paper will use a systematic literature review technique for the proposed study. The research will review the last twenty years of knowledge management literature to assess the presence of bias in explaining knowledge integration over research by exploring knowledge differentiation processes.

Topic 3: The Impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on Innovation and Knowledge Management Capacity

Research Aim: The purpose of this research will be to investigate the plausible relationship between knowledge management systems, open innovation, knowledge management capacity, and innovation capacity in firms. The research will be conducted using empirical techniques to draw reliable conclusions.

Topic 4: The Impact of Strategic Knowledge Management on MNC and their Subsidiaries Performance

Research Aim: The research will develop a model to test the possibility of a relationship between strategic knowledge management (SKM) processes and organisation performance compared between multinational companies and their subsidiaries. The research will also analyse the impact of relational context on knowledge creation and transfer.

Topic 5: Analyzing the Relationship between Knowledge Management Practices and Knowledge Worker Performance - The Mediating Role of Organisational Commitment

Research Aim: The study will analyse the role of knowledge management practices to address the issues of insufficient organisational commitment and knowledge workers’ performance in the UK’s public sectors. The proposed study will use quantitative research techniques to fulfil its aim and objectives.

Topic 6: The Relationship between Knowledge Management Processes and Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Private Business Schools in the UK

Research Aim: The proposed research will explore the impact of knowledge management processes on sustainable completive advantages by using knowledge-based view (KBV) and resource-based view (RBV) as mediators in the relationship. The research will be conducted using quantitative techniques of data collection (i.e. questionnaire) and analysis (i.e. structural equation modelling).

Topic 7: The Impact of Strategic Knowledge Management on Manufacturing Firm’s Performance

Research Aim: The purpose of the study will be to empirically investigate the relationship between the availability and use of IT solutions for strategic knowledge management and a manufacturing firm’s performance, which will be measured in unit production. The research will use the resource-based view and the knowledge-based theory to develop a conceptual framework to analyze this relationship’s effect.

Topic 8: Evaluating how Knowledge Management Impacts Company Performance: A Case Study of Sainsbury

Research Aim: This research will discuss the basic concepts of knowledge management. The study will also discuss the impact knowledge management has on a company’s performance, i.e. how it helps companies achieve their goals. The main focus of this research work will be on Sainsbury’s knowledge management framework.

Topic 9: Knowledge Management as a Core Competency? Evaluating the Application and Benefits of Knowledge Management

Research Aim: This research will uncover how companies utilise knowledge management as their core competency and how it benefits their business operations. This study’s main focus will be on applying the various concepts of knowledge management and their implication for businesses.

Topic 10: Exploring the Managerial Concerns and Issues in Knowledge Management and Their Impact on Organisations

Research Aim: This research will explore the managerial concerns and issues related to knowledge management. The study will also focus on assessing the impact of these issues on businesses and how they can influence day-to-day operations. This will be an evidence-based study where evidence from different companies and various situations will be evaluated.

Leadership and Management Information System Dissertation Topics

Leadership drives the organisational agenda and is regarded as one of the most influential factors in streamlining organisations’ processes. Good leadership results in better performance of any organisation because it gives direction to the business activities under the market conditions and requirements.

Similarly, management information systems are pivotal to any organisation’s success and successfully implementing them can benefit the organisation in many ways. Following are some dissertation topics under the subject of leadership and management information systems;

Topic 1: The Role of Information Systems (IS) in Enterprise Architecture and its Impact on Business Performance

Research Aim: This study will examine the relationship between IS Enterprise Architecture and business performance using technical alignment and IS capabilities mediators. This research will be conducted using quantitative techniques to fulfil its aim.

Topic 2: Exploring The Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Employee Knowledge Sharing

Research Aim: This research will use social learning theories and self-determination to investigate the relationship between ethical learning and employee knowledge sharing. The study will be conducted using empirical research techniques.

Topic 3: Analysing the Impact of Relationship Leadership and Social Alignment on Information Security Systems Effectiveness in Private Organisations

Research Aim: This research will use social capital theory as its theoretical foundation to explore the impact of relational leadership on social alignment between business and IT executives. The relational model will study the factors of integrated knowledge, information security system effectiveness, and organisational performance. This research will use empirical techniques.

Topic 4: Examining the Relationship between Operating Room (OR) Leadership and Operating Staff Performance

Research Aim: This research will analyse the relationship between Operating Room leadership and operating staff performance. This will be done using emotional intelligence and collaboration variables to assess staff performance, using recovery numbers. The relationship will also be examined through the mediating role of leadership principles. The data will be collected and assessed using quantitative research techniques.

Topic 5: The Role of Transformational Leadership as a Mediating Variable in the DeLone and McLean Information Success Model.

Research Aim: The research will use the DeLone and McLean Information Success Model to analyse if productivity software implemented in an organisation can improve its performance. However, the research will also evaluate the model and propose modifications to include transformational leadership as a mediating factor in the information success model. The research will be quantitative in nature.

Topic 6: Assessing the Role of Leadership in an Organisation to Help Adopt Advanced Technological Systems

Research Aim: This research will assess the role of leadership in an organisation to help companies realise the importance of innovative, technologically advanced systems. Many companies today are still naive to the ever more important role of technology. Thus this research will aim to help companies adopt innovative technological systems through leadership. The research will be evidence-based in nature.

Topic 7: Evaluating How Changing Business Leadership Impacts Technological Organisational Performance

Research Aim: Changing leadership in organisations can prove a disaster if not handled properly. The transition process is extremely challenging, and companies should have the capability to handle this phase. This research will explore how their decision to change leadership impacts technological and organisational performance and how to optimise the process. This research will be quantitative in nature.

Topic 8: Can Information Systems in Organisations Be Considered a Competitive Advantage?

Research Aim: Information systems, if implemented successfully, benefit organisations immensely. The impact that an information system has and its results help companies stay ahead of their competitors. This research will assess how companies can turn their information systems into a competitive advantage, and most importantly, whether they or not information systems should be considered a competitive advantage.

Topic 9: Understanding the Leadership Challenges of Implementing and Managing an Advanced Information System in an Organisation

Research Aim: This research will help explain the challenges that managers and the entire leadership of an organisation face when implementing an advanced information system. Bringing a change in a company is challenging, and throw in a technology to implement, the process becomes even more challenging. This study will explore in detail all related challenges through quantitative research.

Topic 10: Do all Business Processes in an Organisation need Information System Management?

Research Aim: It is often argued that not all business processes require information systems. However, when talking about today’s world and the technological advancements taking place, it is recommended that business processes in organisations adopt the technology. This research will be a comparative analysis of whether companies are successful and profitable with information systems or without them.

Also Read: Business Dissertation Topics

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Organisational Culture and International Business Dissertation Topics

Organisational culture shapes the work ethics and helps in defining the professional image of organisations. Organisational culture plays a huge role in international business.

Organisations that adopt the country’s culture they are operating in are known to run their operations more successfully. The following topics are related to organisational culture and international business and help students choose an appropriate topic according to their interests.

Topic 1: The Impact of Organisational Culture of Collaborative Networks Influence on IT Governance Performance in Large Enterprises

Research Aim: This research will explore the influence of collaborative networks’ organisational culture on IT governance performance. The study will use a case study to analyse multinationals as they have a wide working network. The purpose of the research will be to determine whether or not organisational culture helps businesses effectively use IT in business operations. The research will be conducted using mixed methods research.

Topic 2: Analysing the Relationship between Supervisor’s Job insecurity and Subordinates’ Work Engagement

Research Aim: The purpose of this research is two-fold. The research will analyse the relationship between the supervisor’s job insecurity and subordinates’ work engagement using a mediator and a moderator. The research will first examine the mediating role of subordinate’s pro-social voice between supervisor job insecurity and subordinates’ work engagement. Next, the research will examine the moderating role of organisational culture between the supervisor’s job insecurity and sub-ordinates pro-social voice. The research will be conducted through quantitative techniques.

Topic 3: Analysing the Impact of Individual Perception of Organisational Culture on the Learning Transfer Environment

Research Aim: The research will be conducted empirically to assess the relationship between culture (as perceived by employees) and the work environment based learning factors (i.e. learning transfer environment [LTE]) in the organisation). LTE is measured using feedback and coaching factors that received resistance or openness to chance, personal outcomes, and supervisor and peer support.

Topic 4: The Role of Organisational Culture on the Development of Psychological Distress in the Workplace

Research Aim: The purpose of the study will be to analyse how organisational culture may cause the symptoms of psychological distress in the workforce. The study will use corporate culture and work organisation conditions as base factors to relate them to employees’ psychological distress. The research will be conducted using quantitative research techniques.

Topic 5: Analysing the Role of Leadership and Organisational Culture

Research Aim: The research will examine the relationship between organisational culture, leadership and employee outcomes. The paper will focus on the mediator of leadership processes and their impact on the relationship between culture and employee outcomes. The study will be conducted using quantitative research techniques.

Topic 6: The Role and Relationships among Strategic Orientations, Cultural Intelligence, International Diversification and Performance of Organisations

Research Aim: The research will aim to understand the drivers of the international expansion of globalised firms. The research will explore the relationship between strategic orientations and cultural intelligence as drivers and international diversification and firm performance. Strategic orientations used in the study include international market orientation (IMO) and entrepreneurial orientation (IEO). The study will be conducted using quantitative research techniques.

Topic 7: Dynamics of Corruption Culture Distance to Core Values

Research Aim: The research will examine how corporate bribery is impacted by cultural distance between multinational enterprises (MNEs) in their home and host countries. The research will also analyse the organisational distance to core value between MNE’s entry into the host country and its headquarters. The research will use empirical data collection and analysis techniques.

Topic 8: Examining Organisational Export Performance by International Business Competencies

Research Aim: The study aims to explore the relationship between international business competencies and export performance. The research will also analyse export performance by singular analysis or combined analysis of the competencies. The research will be conducted using empirical data.

Topic 9: Does Organisational Culture Influence the Leadership Type that a Company Should Adopt?

Research Aim: This research will argue whether companies should hire leaders concerning their culture or not. Organisational culture and leadership are interconnected. Thus companies that do not operate according to their culture struggle to grow exponentially. This research will aim to focus on the possible relationship between leadership and organisational culture. The research will be evidence-based.

Topic 10: Organisational Culture and International Business Competition: Are they Interrelated?

Research Aim: Organisational culture plays a huge role in making a company competitive internationally. When a business’s culture is motivating to all employees and identifies the right culture for its employees, there is every likelihood of rapid growth for both the company and the employees. The research will explore how the two concepts are interrelated.

Important Notes:

As a management student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing management theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The management field is vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like operations management , business , business administration , MBA , human resource management and more. That is why creating a management dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field is imperative.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation , as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best management dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and adds to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample management dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your Management Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths while identifying research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is establishing the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : Make sure to complete this by your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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How to find dissertation topics about management.

To find management dissertation topics:

  • Research recent management challenges.
  • Explore industry trends and innovations.
  • Analyze organizational behavior or strategies.
  • Examine cross-cultural management issues.
  • Investigate sustainability and ethics.
  • Consult academic journals and experts.

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Conceptual design of REST-based Geospatial Web APIs

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Coniferous tree species mapping using Sentinel-2 and digital terrain data

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In this research the following major questions should be addressed: - How can explicit classification certainty of individual objects or pixels be used as additional information in forecast modelling, e.g. to trigger alternative...

DEMs in Terms of Surface Finish

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The objective of this MSc research is to develop a set of physical and population vulnerability curves for a variety of hazard types, intensity types and elements-at-risk types, in a a web-based open environment. The research will start...


You will analyze the photos of the camera-trap for animals close to the seismic station and use that to select windows from the continuously measured seismic records for further analysis. You will do spectral analysis of the seismic...

Dare to validate models by their spatio-temporal patterns

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Data driven modelling of COVID infections using weather data inputs

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Deep Learning based fusion of SAR and optical data to synthesize cloud-free and enhanced quality imagery

The student will initially revise the literature on deep generative networks, on image synthesis, and on deep learning based image fusion. The main focus will be on methods that are able to compose an efficient end-to-end trained system....

Deep Learning based multisource data fusion for biomass estimation

The student will initially revise the literature on biomass estimation and on multimodal deep learning models. The main focus will be on developing an end-to-end trainable multimodal/multi-path deep neural network composed of multiple...

Deep Learning based multisource data fusion for detecting deforestation

The overall goal of this research is to develop deep learning based methods to compose a multimodal classifier for detecting changes on Land Use and Land Cover, especially those changes caused by the suppression of the vegetation...

Deep Learning for Dense Image Matching

The student will initially revise the existing literature on image matching algorithms using CNN as backbone. The use of already existing code and available datasets to train these algorithms will be the starting point of the work. As...

Deep Neural Networks for (Multi-Scale) Geographical Modeling

Deep Neural Networks (DNN) is considered as a panacea for different problems in several application areas. But what about spatial modeling? In this MSc topic, you will explore the possibility of using Deep Neural Networks for modeling...

Deep learning algorithms for building opening detection from UAV images

The student will initially revise the existing literature on single stage and two-stage detectors. The proposed network will predict the bounding boxes of openings in UAV images. Some datasets of understanding façade such as CMP-base...

Deep learning algorithms for single image depth estimation from UAV images

The student will initially revise the existing literature on the SIDE algorithms. The use of already existing code and available datasets to train these algorithms will be the starting point of the work. The UAV datasets will be...

Deep learning for glacier area mapping and facies classification

There is a long list of glacier surface characteristics which can be mapped from optical and SAR remote sensing. In this research thesis, the student will investigate deep learning techniques for automatically extracting the glacier...

Deep learning for the classification of water and bridges in Airborne Laser Scanner data

Key challenge in this research is to find out different strategies to improve the classification of water and bridges.

Designing operational data-driven forecasts models

to design operational data-driven forecasts models: a case study using machine learning based phenological models and weather forecasts

Detection and classification of objects with machine/deep learning for asset management in buildings

Machine/deep learning approaches for object detection, object classification, and object localization methods applied mainly on RGB images (and optionally on 3D point clouds)

Detection of gradual changes in seasonal phenomena using time series analysis

Methods using seasonal time series to classify crops exist, for example dynamic time warping (DTW). Methods to find sudden changes in time series with or without added seasonal patterns exist as well, for example B-FAST. Using these...

Development of a spatially explicit active learning method for crop areas mapping from satellite image time series

The overall goal of this MSc research is to develop spatially explicit active learning methods for crop areas mapping from satellite images time series. Different spatial information, e.g. geographic distance between samples or pattern,...

Development of a spatially explicit active learning method for crop areas mapping from satellite image time series and auxiliary datasets

The overall goal of this MSc research is to develop spatially explicit active learning methods for crop areas mapping from satellite images time series and auxiliary data. Different spatial information, e.g. geographic distance between...

Development of unsupervised or weakly supervised Deep Learning methods for cloud detection

The student will initially revise the literature on unsupervised and weekly supervised deep networks, and on cloud detection methods. The main focus will be on methods that are able to compose an efficient end-to-end trained system, and...

Digital Urban Borderlands – How geospatial data technologies (will) shape migrant cities

The primary objectives of projects in this theme should be to: - Acquire the ability to critically evaluate geo-data technologies and their social implications - Contribute to an emerging field of research on critical data studies and...

Digital twins /3D city modelling. (the topic has several possible directions)

This research will focus on applying innovative methods (in some cases machine learning), integration of different 3D data for creation and applications of Digital Twins/3D city models. There are several possible...

Dimension of Geographical Networks

Developing and implementing algorithms for detecting subnetworks the local network dimension of which is homogeneous.

Disaster Risk Reduction in Complex City Systems

Objectives: • To analyze potential disruptions in an urban system concerning major hazardous events • To evaluate the consequences of uncertain interactions in urban systems due to dynamic and interactive conditions and/or...

Drought analysis for agricultural applications

The objective is to evaluate and develop effective methods for drought analysis for agricultural applications. Water cycle data from in-situ, reanalysis and satellite will be used to derive high resolution data relevant to agricultural...

Dynamic Area Frames for improved Crop Production Estimation

Advanced Agro-Ecological Zoning was carried out through clustering pixel-specific long-duration (20-years) temporal NDVI-profiles (greenness-profiles) for the whole Orisha area. We labelled the created zones (22x): Crop Production System...


In this research the following major questions should be addressed: - What climate risks  and disaster impacts have occurred in a specific conflict-affect country (historical hazard and impact analysis)? - What forecast skill exists...

Effects of lake heatwaves on lake composition

As a consequence of global warming, lakes are warming up [1]. This is expressed by steadily increasing base temperatures, but also in increases in the frequency and intensity of lake heatwaves [2]. Land-based organisms may adapt to a...

Electricity from saline wetlands

The objective of this research is to study the feasibility of using (artificial) saline wetlands for osmotic power generation, thus combining the ecological function of wetlands with renewable energy generation. The feasibility study...

Estimating Kalahari Lake Xau evaporation using satellite imagery

Main objective To estimate the lake open-water evaporation of the intermittent Lake Xau, Botswana Specific objectives Define periods when the Lake Xau was filled up with water within the time span from 2010 to 2019. Define daily...

Estimation of forest canopy height and its change with TanDEM-X InSAR data

The objectives are flexible, and depend on the precise case study chosen. Below a few basic example objectives are listed. - To estimate forest canopy height with TanDEM-X InSAR data with different techniques; - To estimate the change of...

Ethics in the geo-sciences – What’s the problem anyways? A critical data studies approach

The primary objectives of projects in this theme should be to: - Acquire the ability to critically evaluate geo-data technologies and their social implications - Contribute to an emerging field of research on critical data...

Evaluation of MODIS and Proba-V NDVI time series for mapping understory vegetation

In this study, we propose to use relatively high spatial resolution (i.e.,100 m) and very high temporal resolution (i.e., 5-day composites) Proba-V NDVI time series as well as its associated greenness metrics (e.g., maximum NDVI, mean...

Evaluation of NDVI time series analysis in predicting the distribution of priority mammal species at national scale (Greece)

To date, distribution of species is based on presence data was modelled on a country scale using only primary and coarse resolution environmental parameters. The proposed research topic will refine the initial models by including more...

Evaluation of forest resistance to drought using time series of hyperspectral and LiDAR data

This research aims to examine whether different forest management practices will affect forest resilience to drought. The study site is a mixed conifer forest within Sierra National Forest in central California, USA. It has an extension...

Evaluation of vegetation seasonality of African rangelands at fine spatial resolution

The main objective is to assess how both Sentinel-1 (radar) and Sentinel-2 (optical) can be used for effective assessment of vegetation seasonality at 10m resolution across African rangelands. The precise objectives need to be defined,...

Explore the temporal aspect of the dynamics of urban spatial structure

In this MSc research, you will need to use network science to detect urban spatial structure dynamics with multiple timeframes using public transport data. Next, use the spatial interaction model (or LUTI) to explore the driven force...

Exploring the Link Between Vegetation Land Cover Classes and Airborne Thermal Hyperspectral Data in Mixed Temperate Forest

The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between various vegetation land cover classes and thermal infrared data obtained from high-resolution airborne thermal hyperspectral imagery in a mixed temperate forest in Germany. ...

Feasibility of RGB-D Visual SLAM for accurate indoor point cloud creation

Intel® RealSense™ depth camera D435i, i.e., the combination of an IMU, RGB stereo camera, and a depth camera, is connected onto a laptop and utilized by the student to scan an indoor environment. ROS libs, ORB-SLAM2, or other suitable...

Finding and monitoring geothermal systems with time-series data from the ground and from space

This study will use time series of remotely collected data from the ground as well as from space. Two fumaroles in Kenya’s Olkaria field are currently monitored with ground-based thermal infrared cameras at the surface. Subsurface...

Flood recurrence on wetlands and flood prone areas

Detection of free water on flood prone areas and wetlands. Radar and shortwave. Construction of long term time series of floods. Flood evolution: building and recessions. Construction of flood recurrence maps and water permanence...

Forest height estimation using radar remote sensing images

The objective of this study is to reveal to what extend noise reduction can improve the accuracy of estimated forest parameters using RVOG model. Several efficient algorithms exist in the literature to suppress the speckle noise in SAR...

Forest responses to disturbances along Samaria-Lefka Ori National Park (Crete) using a multisensor approach

The main objective of this research is to monitor the evolution of an open coniferous Mediterranean forests under droughts and/or insect attack disturbances in order to estimate tree mortality as an indicator of forest degradation. The...

From global satellite water cycle products to field scale water states

The topic deals with the scaling from global satellite water cycle products to field scale water states which includes both the surface and profile information on water states – with a focus on soil moisture and evapotranspiration. One...

Fuel type mapping for fire risk assessment in Cabañeros National Park (Spain)

Accurate fuel type mapping will help in the decision making process in relation to fire risk mitigation, since it can help to design fuel treatments strategies that will reduce the occurrence and the impact of the wildfires on ecosystem...


Several research options are available within this topic: - Regional seismological subsurface imaging using receiver functions, ambient noise tomography, earthquake tomography, or joint inversion of multiple seismological datasets. -...

Gap analysis of Protected Area design and management in Greece

The design of the network of protected areas is the first requirement towards their legal establishment and functioning. The proposed MSc research aims to evaluate the design of the PAs in Greece and can address one or more of the...

Gaze-directed Flow Map Explosions in AR/VR

To build an AR or VR application that allows users to explore a generalized 3D origin-destination flow map by having grouped routes “exploded” (i.e., disaggregated) upon the user’s gaze being fixed upon them, for use on either a...

Generalization of image classification methods across different urban environments

This study will make use of labelled UAV / satellite imagery across different urban environments. A supervised machine learning method (e.g. Fully Convolutional Networks) will be trained on one study area, and the generalization of that...

Geo information for sustainability certification

Sustainability certification helps to make clear which producers produce their goods with respect for nature and people. Many sustainability criteria (e.g. non-forestation) have a spatial component. Checking each and every spatial...

Geo-health: understanding the relationship between people, location, time and health

Your Geohealth research can take different directions. A first line of research concerns the study of access and accessibility of health services. A second direction is to study the relationship between socio-economic conditions and...

Geography of COVID-19 Tweets in Western Europe

To monitor and analyze the dialog about COVID-19 on Twitter over time and space in Western Europe using Geotagged tweets and investigate the relationship between people's attention to the pandemic and the disease's spread.


In this research the following questions could be addressed, to be further developed for a concrete context in consultation with stakeholders: - Combine climate data, remote-sensed heat mapping with exposure and vulnerability information...


The goal of this topic is to use airborne hyperspectral imagery, aerial photos, and airborne geophysics for detailed mapping of the stratigraphy and the architecture of hydrothermal vent systems and paleo-surfaces. The results may help...

Hierarchical Bayesian space-time small area mapping of COVID-19 risk: The case of Netherlands

The objective of this topic is to develop space-time risk maps that takes into account population variabilities, demographic, environmental and socioeconomic factors, spatial, temporal, and space-time variations. This will require the...

How Many Arrows Are Too Many?

This project will seek to measure levels of map clutter in origin-destination (OD) maps and relate them to user-reported levels of usability, so as to try to determine how much clutter becomes excessive.

Hybrid adjustment of UAS-based LiDAR and image data

The objective of this research is to find an efficient and applicable registration method to co-register LiDAR data (trajectories and point clouds) and image data (camera poses and point clouds) simultaneously acquired with a hybrid UAS...

Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Forest

The objective of this study is to analyze the response of Douglas fir trees to water and temperature stress and light fluctuations. This will be carried out by processing data measured with the Piccolo hyperspectral system. The Piccolo...


In this research the following major questions should be addressed: - What impact can pre-segmentations have on the follow-up image analysis? Is there a positive impact at all? What particular analysis steps do benefit from a...


The aim of this reserach is to incorporate socio-economic indicators in the Tajirisk platform , and generate a holistic risk index which is composed of the outcomes of the multi-hazard risk assessment in terms of the exposure and losses...

Identifying dis- and co-benefits of climate change adaptation in cities of the South

This MSc project shall investigate positive and negative side-effects of adaptation in a city of the South with adaptation experience. The student will first review local climate policies of selected cities in the Global South,...

Identifying livestock herd location in Kenya with thermal night-time satellite imagery from ECOSTRESS; a first assessment

The main objective of this thesis will be to provide a first assessment whether herd locations (and possibly livestock numbers) can be revealed by night-time imagery from ECOSTRESS. ECOSTRESS is a sensor flown onboard the International...

Improved mineral exploration targeting through wavelength integration

In 2020, ITC MSc student Bruno Portela has studied an epithermal system in Nevada with the help of short-wave infrared imagery. His results are currently being published in Ore Geology Reviews. As part of this research you will take the...

InSAR phase time series analysis using machine learning approaches

This study attempts to explore existing and advanced machine approaches such as a recurrent neural network for time series analysis. The input data – InSAR phase time series can be downloaded from, along...

Indoor scene segmentation and depth estimation using deep learning

The student will initially revise the existing literature on scene segmentation and depth estimation with deep learning. Student will focus on the technologies can be used to train an efficient end-to-end network. The network only takes...

Informal economy and creative industries in Indonesian Kampongs

The topic proposed will analyze how kampongs, and/ or government strategies targeting the Kampong, influence spatial patterns of urban development, and better understand the mutual relationship between the informal economies or the...

Integration of remote sensing and social media data for generating training samples and mapping the impervious surfaces

Developing a classification system based on the integration of remote sensing and social media data for estimating the impervious surfaces

Investigating the applicability of Turner's (1968) theory of informal settlement patterns in an African urban context

The aim of this topic is to: Empirically explore the applicability of Turner’s (1968) theory on explaining settlement choice of new residents in an informal African urban context.

Kenya pre- and post-landslide analysis with Sentinel-1 satellite SAR imagery

Land rights from space - using remote sensing in support of land administration.

This will be a comparative research based around specific case area – where supervised and unsupervised image analysis methods will be tested and compared to identify different tenure types using image-based proxies.

Land-based pollution in coastal areas

Use Sentinel 1 and Sentinel-2MSI images to detect and identify land-based pollution in coastal areas. You will use a combined active-microwave and passive-optical methods detect and identify untreated sludge and oil spills in coastal...

Landscape Preference and Morphometry

This research will examine whether there is a relationship between people's landscape preferences and the local morphometry of those places. It will examine whether there is a correlation between preference and measurable physical...

Landscape preferences and gazes when experienced through VR

To determine where people gaze when viewing natural landscapes and whether or not immersive video of landscapes affects people's landscape preferences.

Legal reforms induced by FFP Land Administration

To review trends in legal reforms induced by innovative approaches in land administration

Location uncertainty in user-generated geographic content

Quantify and reduce uncertainty of locations derived from place-names in user-generated geographic content


The focus of this research topic will be on employing state-of-the-art remote sensing algorithms (including machine learning, BIG data and cloud computation) for the mapping of deprivation and/or socio-economic conditions within cities,...


The objective of this study would be to investigate what the green minerals in the drill cuttings really are and possibly how to best prevent future misinterpretations as epidot. To help solve this question the drill cuttings can be...


This MSc topic aims at investigating this research gape. The available course of the thesis may cover themes from seismology to geomorphology, with a common link in terms of landslide susceptibility modeling. Study areas may chosen...

Machine Learning for predicting wastewater pollutants in space and time

In this MSc research project, you will use machine learning (ML) models to reproduce time series that depend on spatial features. Most ML time series methods can be used to predict future time datasets at locations where historical data...

Machine learning for disaster risk management - how can we ensure everyone is included and protect societal/human values?

A study will be conducted of the real-world use case to identify possible risks to human/societal values such as biases, personally identifiable information (PII), or demographically identifiable information (DII). The study will look at...

Mapping Arable Field Fractions for the entire Ethiopia with Machine Learning and Remote Sensing

The purpose of this study is to map wall-to-wall arable field probabilities/fractions at 20-30m spatial resolution for the entire Ethiopia. The maps will be derived from surface reflectance/emissivity acquired by a number of remote...

Mapping Dutch agriculture using multi-source images and deep learning

Developing and implementing deep learning algorithms for the fusion of the Sentinels images to improve the croplands maps in the Netherlands

Mapping Solar Induded Chlorophyll Fluorescence with TROPOMI

The objective of this research is to analyse and interpret seasonal cycles of solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), a data product of TROPOMI for a wet-to-dry gradient in tropical Africa or a temperate-continental gradient in...

Mapping boundaries

Neutral visualization of border conflicts

Mapping of temporary inundation on agricultural lands with big data

Develop method for createing time series of inundation maps with the integration of optical and radar satellite images.

Mapping socio-economic inequalities inside and across cities using machine learning and earth observation (topic has several sub-topics)

The focus of this research topic will be on employing state-of-the-art remote sensing algorithms for the mapping of deprivation and/or socio-economic conditions within cities, this will be combined with local data (either existing data,...

Mapping timeseries of changing adminstrative units

Make users aware of of changes in administrative units in time series

Maps Telling Stories

Implementing and testing modifications to existing cartographic means with respect to their ability to tell stories.

Modeling and Linking the growth of slums with the processes on ground using Generic Slum Ontology

The objective of this project will be to use existing knowledge on the existence of slums and the ontological framework from the Generic Slum Ontology (GSO) to model the growth of slums. The purpose is to combine the indicators from GSO...

Modelling accessibility/access to food

This MSc thesis study will use recently developed tools for modelling spatial accessibility to explore the spatial patterns of access to crops (production) or food (consumption), and their implications to society.

Monitoring Nitrogen Dioxide emissions and plumes

The objective is to analyse satellite NO2 data. The specific objectives will depend on the interest of the student and the open questions at the time of topic selection. It can include: - Methodology testing to identify and quantify...

Monitoring freeze-thaw dynamics using microwave satellite data

Climate change causes degradation of permafrost in northern regions and unanticipated environmental problems. Microwave satellite data can be used to monitor these changes on global scale.

Multi temporal Land use classification using synthetic aperture radar images

The objective of this study is time-series or multi-temporal classification of Enschede. Seasonal polarimetric spaceborne RadarSAT-2 images over the city will be considered. From each data set several efficient polarimetric features will...


The following research questions could be considered: - Can we improve on existing multi-temporal image analysis methods? - Can we make our measurements of geological land surface cover independent of time? - Can we distinguish weather...

Natural Resources Based Social Tenure Boundaries and Risk Management

The study will review the existing mechanisms to manage risks of shifting natural resource based cadastral boundaries due to disaster event in different countries and suggest an inclusive and participatory approach based framework. It...

Novel estimation of precipitation and evapotranspiration by use of soil moisture measurements

ITC has established several regional in-situ soil moisture and soil temperature observation networks in the Twente area in the Netherlands, in the Tibetan plateau in China and in Kenya. The soil moisture probes are usually installed at...

Object based change detection on multi epoch airborne laser scanner data using Siamese networks

Literature review on change detection using multi epoch point clouds, Siamese networks. Implement suitable deep learning network, generate training data and change detection on multi epoch dense point clouds. Analyze object changes,...

Optimal realization of web mapping projects: vector versus image tiles, and design choices that matter

Improve the understanding of how design choices made in the realization of a web map interface impact the eventual system performance

Optimizing data collection by volunteers

To investigate the use of active learning methods to optimize volunteered data collection


For this research topic the following main research question(s) could be considered: - Develop a method for mapping minerals or interesting features on a planet, moon, asteroid or comet of choice. - Develop a method for assessing the...


Development of a national spatial geo-referenced GIS dynamic database of public and private assets and infrastructure (agriculture, livestock, infrastructure, buildings) and associated physical vulnerability to different types of natural...

Perceptions and tipping points in climate change-driven migration

Planning support for improving urban bikeability.

Goal of the research is to develop a planning support tool that supports the participatory planning of bicycle friendly urban areas. The methodology may include the analysis of the current bikeability of a certain case study area or...

Predicting Crop Yield with Hyperspectral versus Multispectral Broadband Image Data

The purpose of the study is to develop predictive maps of crop yield for four world staples (corn, rice, soybean and wheat). Crop yield data for these crops was collected from several fields in the Province of Ferrara, Italy in 2020. The...

Preserving multiple semantic perspectives in user-generated geographic content

To develop a method to represent multiple semantic perspectives in user-generated geographic content and visualize them.

Quantifying Ecohydrological Processes in Arid and Semi-Arid Ecosystems

The STEMMUS numerical soil-water-atmosphere model (Zeng and Su, 2013; Yu et al., 2016) and SCOPE radiative transfer-photochemistry-non-radiative energy dissipation model (van der Tol et al., 2009) will be combined as a numerical toolbox...

Quantitative assessment of surface-groundwater interactions


This research plans to compare a regular social protection (SP) targeting method (often income- or categorically-based) with a method that integrates natural hazard risk information (“climate-informed” method). The climate-informed...


The methodology described in van Ruitenbeek et al. (2019) will be used as a basis and further developed in consultation with supervisors.

Re-organizing land information: from analogue to digital systems

Methodological approaches and data collection/analysis methods depend on the research questions, which a student develops in the course of proposal writing. Mixed method approaches are encouraged, especially the creative use of spatial...

Real time optimization of hybrid UAV’s flight path for road infrastructure monitoring

The student should first conduct a literature review on general flight planning, giving particular attention the the vast literature on next-best-view. The student will then implement an algorithm that allows the flight path to be...

Reconstructing Tree Cover Time Series from Corona and Landsat Image Archives

The purpose of the study is to develop and test an automated technique to map the fraction of forest cover at 30-60m resolution from the late-1960s to present. Images will be acquired over a predetermined study area from the Landsat and...

Regional Energy Transition as Systemic Integration (RETSI)

This thesis project will be supporting a currently on-going research project (RETSI) funded by the NWO on energy transition and how it is intertwined with other societal challenges, such as, climate adaptation and circular agriculture....

Remote sensing of a mangrove forest (Firth of Thames, New Zealand) as a key to mangrove restoration and flood risk reduction

Mangroves provide protection against waves and flooding. However, little is known about how establishment of mangrove seedlings translates to the long-term development of mangrove forests. The key objectives of this study are to (1)...

Remote sensing to support nature policies in practice

The objective of the study is to build a scientifically sound showcase of a remote-sensing based nature monitoring method.

Remote stakeholder collaboration in urban planning

Goal of the research is to explore means of remote stakeholder collaboration in urban planning and to assess its effectiveness in a case study. Potential urban planning topics are bikeability in urban areas, urban energy transition, and...

Representing urban vitality with High-low frequency data

In this MSc research, students will 1) explore the diverse data and methods available in existing studies to represent urban vitality; 2) study the relationship between the different representation; 3) discuss their strength and...

Resilient Land Use Planning

To study multi-functional land use as a way to increase the resilience of regions

Response of water transpiration by trees to weather conditions

The objective of this study is to analyze the response of tree transpiration and evaporation to weather extremes. The methodology includes the following steps: (1) You will install sap flux density sensors and a thermal camera in trees...


The aim of this study is to identify key hazardous processes that happen simultaneously during tropical cyclones. Possible research questions are: - To what extend is storm surge impacting the flash flood hazard? - What process...


Short and longwave infrared spectroscopy of end-of-life battery materials is a new field of interest. Li-ion batteries have many different active cathode materials, and we can foresee that fast ‘smart sorting’ is needed in recycling...


This project will focus on defining spectral signatures of lithium minerals of interest to the mining industry. There is a need for systematic research to quantify the relation between chemical composition and spectral absorption...


Spectral detection and identification of REE minerals like REE-fluorocarbonates (e.g., bastneasite) and REE-silicates like eudialyte is still in its infancy, despite the key role that spectroscopy can play in the exploration and/or...

Scattering characterization and temporal change detection using co-polarimetric SAR imagery

This study will utilize and compare several polarimetric decomposition methods to generate a reliable classification map, and identify the temporal evolution of all radar scatterers using classification dynamic map. The main objective is...

Searching for canopy treasures in reflected GNSS signal in the Speulderbos

* Get acquainted with GNSS reflectometry * Help building a raspberry pi powered gnss reflectometer receiver * Create a validation dataset of tree top heights. Write an observation plan. * Analyze reflected GNSS signals from the...

Semantic Labeling of Urban Areas in Aerial Imagery

Deep learning has transformed the field of computer vision, and now rivals human-level performance in tasks such as image recognition and object detection. Once trained, these models serve as generic feature extractors, and can be...

Sensing our environment for assessing health risks

Review the literature. Explore how different sensors, including humans, are being used to monitor our environment and how these are applicable to health risks. One aspect of this research will examine the role humans and citizen science...

Sensor fusion of mobile mapping data for road management using machine/deep learning

Machine/deep learning approaches for sensor fusion, object detection, object classification, and object localization methods applied on RGB images and 3D point clouds

Sentinel-1 time series data for crop identifications/discriminations

This study aims to detect/classify different crop categories and map their spatial distribution using time-series remote sensing data. Temporal analysis of Sentinel-1 SAR data of fields covering different crop types (Rice, Mazie,...

Sentinel-2 data for estimation of forest net primary productivity

The goal of this study is to examine the Sentinel-2 data to map and model NPP and its spatial variation in a temperate forest in Germany. The student will work with Sentinel-2 high-resolution multispectral satellite images. The student...

Settlement Synergies: R&D for Regional Urban Development

Possible objectives and methodology, depending on your interest: - Adapt spatial and economic planning methods for industrialization or coastal zone development - Develop collaborative spatial planning and decision support (SPDSS)...

Simulating Multi-level Risk Perception and Coping Appraisal for Covid-19

This research topic aims to extend an existing agent-based Covid-19 model with risk perception at the municipality level to compare national coping and local coping strategies.

Sketch Map Tools for Geography Education

Gather requirements and design a tool for creating sketch maps for use in geography education.

Smart Monitoring of the Work Progress in a Building Construction Site Using Low-Cost Indoor Mapping System

The main objective of this research is the smart use of indoor mapping systems output either LiDAR-based or image-based to monitor the progress of the work in building construction and the quality checks between the as-built and...

Smart infrastructure: monitoring and managing urban water flows

Although we are open to suggestions from students who are excited about this topic (see topic description), we are specifically looking for students who are interested in working on the following two research areas: 1. As part of the...

Space-time geostatistical modelling, mapping and simulation of COVID 19: A case study of the Netherlands

The main objective of this study is to develop a geostatistical model for filtering the observed risk, granular mapping, and generation of realizations through simulations. The structure of the method depends on the data structure of the...

Spatial models of observer intensity in citizen science

Test a model of observer intensity developed for The Netherlands in one or two Fenno-Scandinavian settings, evaluate the findings, and possibly develop a next-generation model of observer intensity that applies generically. Observer...

Spatial soil moisture variability in the Twente

The objective of this MSc research topic is to analyze the spatial variability among soil moisture measurements that have been collected in Twente over the years from 2009 to 2019. A network of twenty soil moisture monitoring stations...

Spatial-Temporal Accessibility modeling in Cape Town

• Development of an integrated spatio-temporal multi modal transport model for the city of Cape Town, preferably in an open GIS environment. The model allows for spatial-temporal analysis of accessibility and mobility. The model should...

Spatial-temporal analysis of fine-scale estimation of crop phenology based on Sentinel-1 and -2 time series data

The objectives are flexible, and depend on the precise case study chosen. Below a few basic example objectives are listed. - To estimate relevant temporal information from high-resolution satellite image data; - To evaluate the accuracy...

Stability analysis of skyscrapers in the Netherlands using coherent stacking interferometry

In 2D SAR images the backscattering from ground, façade, roof are superimposed in to a single pixel due to layover issue. This work attempts to implement a new interferometric technique that is able to resolve the layover issue and...

Statistical downscaling of ambient air PM concentrations using AOD from TROPOMI data

The objective is to develop a space-time statistical downscaling method for predicting PM concentrations from AOD retrieved from TROPOMI at the European scale. Data required include PM observations from European monitoring stations and...

Street furniture detection and identification in multi temporal equirectangular images of mobile mapping systems

Research aims for the identification of street furniture features like light poles and traffic signs out of the 360˚ panoramic images acquired by a mobile mapping system. Few research is published in this focus but we are aiming to...

Subspace clustering for the analysis of geo-referenced time series

Exploring and implementing subspace clustering algorithms for the analysis of geo-referenced time series

Sustainability of groundwater resources evaluation under stresses

Sustainable Transport

The theme of sustainable transport is broad which provides students with the possibility to develop their own topic.


For this research topic the following main research question(s) could be considered: - How can the different types of drought be best monitored in the selected region? - How has drought hazard changed in last 30 years? - What is the...


The following research questions could be considered: - How does iron oxide speciation influence spectral absorbance features? - Which iron-bearing minerals can be distinguished in multi-spectral VNIR data? - How well can we distinguish...


This MSc topic aims at laying the foundations for a near-real-time forecasting system. To achieve this, a multidisciplinary approach which involves geomorphology, statistics and meteorology will be pursued. Several study areas can be...

The 2018 and 2019 droughts in Twente

The objective of this MSc research topic is to quantity the severity of the 2018 and 2019 droughts using the profile soil moisture measurements collected in Twente and assess whether remote sensing-based drought indices are able to...

The automated detection and recovery of gaps in 3D image based point clouds

In this MSc project, the objective is to apply an automated and efficient detection of gaps in the 3D reconstructed object parts and replan the imaging network to have finally a fully coved object with the required level of details and...

The effectiveness of weirs as drought mitigation measure in the Brecklenkamp community

The main objective of this MSc research topic is to investigate the effectiveness of weirs as drought mitigation measure for the Brecklenkamp community. Through a combination of groundwater modelling and data analysis students analyze i)...

The geographic trace of evolution in visuals

Development of a visualization technique that supports biogeographic analysis in phylogenetic studies

The predictive value of regional scale soil moisture for drought and streamflow

Soil moisture data at regional scale is readily available with a high accuracy from NASA’s Soil Moisture Active/Passive (SMAP) satellite. The objective of this research is to investigate what the predictive value of the regional scale...

Towards building information modelling (BIM) based on 3D automated maps for informal settlements.

With this research topic, we aim in investigation of automated 2D and 3D maps as initial step towards BIM modelling. The topic can include work related to classification of UAV (or other RS data), visualization, methods and tools for...

Transport Justice - Evaluating accessibility capability

• Evaluation of the use of the capability approach of Amartya Sen in transport studies. • Assessment/modification and application of instrument developed by Brussel to a major city in the Netherlands. • Development of an approach...

Ultra-precise road marking vertices extraction using UAV imagery and deep learning algorithms.

The student should start with a literature review, investigating the state-of-the-art methodologies for infrastructure inventory generation. The student will then develop an algorithm for road marking extraction from images. In...

Understanding Concept Maps: A Closer Look at the effects of Concept Mapping Designs on Users’ Conceptual Learning

Examine the effect of different concept mapping hand-crafted designs on users’ reading and comprehension of conceptual information. We will explore how concept maps designs generalize on different types of contents that we use at ITC,...

Urban Climate Observation over Enschede

The WRS department of ITC faculty has developed urban climate observation flux tower sites and, in cooperation with the Creative Technology group at the EWI faculty, the City Council of Enschede and the Regional Water Authority...

Urban Heat Islands and 3D Urban Morphology

The urban morphology can be modeled by local climate zones (LCZs) can be extracted using machine learning algorithms (e.g., random forest). The methodology has been developed for moderate-resolution imagery (see,...

Urban Heat Stress Determination for Enschede

Climate change is nowadays prominently present on the political and thus scientific agenda, which is reflected in the Dutch Delta-Programme for Spatial Adaptation (“Delta-Programma Ruimtelijke Adaptatie – DPRA”) in which an...

Urban Quality of Life (QoL) and Community Well-Being

Depending on the specific questions, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods (QUAN-QUAL) is envisioned; e.g., qualitative data analysis, Qualitative GIS and mobile data capture, walking interviews, photographic recording,...

Urban green in Paramaribo: explorations of accessibility and social justice

The MSc research will explore the accessibility of and issues of justice with respect to urban green spaces in Paramarbo, Suriname: How are urban green spaces distributed in the city? How accessible are urban green spaces to residents of...

Urban morphology and socioeconomic status of cities

Understanding how urban processes give rise to urban forms based upon earth observation

Usability of the vario-scale approach in interactive and dynamic mapping

Examining the usability of the vario-scale approach in interactive and dynamic mapping.

Using Local Climate Zones to understand the effects of urbanisation on phenology

The objectives of the MSc dissertation is to investigate the suitability of the LCZ scheme's, specifically WUDAPT L0 data for phenology characterisation. This shall be achieved using Pan-European phenology data sets (leaf development,...

Utilising Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and satellite imagery to map and monitor tree health in Mediterranean ecosystems

The proposed MSc research will use UAV carrying multispectral sensors to compare vegetation indices and classification algorithms to map tree health. Rapid eye and field observations can be used in conjunction with UAS (Phantom 4 UAV -...


The purpose of this project is twofold: carry out image-based damage assessment for an event where IBF was done, to determine the accuracy of the loss prediction, where possible for individual hazard types. Secondly, investigate the...

Virtual Reality for Education - learning while in my back yard

Review mobile apps that may be useful for use in the classroom to conduct local fieldwork. Test and assess mobile phone apps and provide recommendations on what apps are appropriate.

Visualizing Places

Developing and comparing different cartographic means to display places on a map.

Volunteer community characteristics in Citizen science

Study patterns in space, time, behaviour of communities of contributors to citizen science. Specifically in context of a Dutch citizen science community.


The objective of this research would be to find out what causes the spatial patterns in the “shadow” maps of laboratory hyperspectral images from the ITC Geoscience Laboratory. By investigating this topic you will aim to understand...


For this research topic the following main research question(s) could be considered: - What key factors define a worst-case flooding scenario (rainfall, landuse, DEM, etc)? - How different is the flood comparing a standard design storm...

Web-based decision support or serious games for urban planning

Develop design framework for web-based collaborative spatial evaluation Develop serious games for integrated spatial governance and planning

YouTube as a source of information for Innovative Approaches for land administration

To review and provide an in-depth description of the content, themes, and composition of fit-for-purpose land administration videos on YouTube.

Grad Coach

Research Topics & Ideas: CompSci & IT

50+ Computer Science Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

IT & Computer Science Research Topics

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a computer science-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of CompSci & IT-related research ideas and topic thought-starters, including algorithms, AI, networking, database systems, UX, information security and software engineering.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the CompSci domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: CompSci Research Topics

  • Algorithms & data structures
  • Artificial intelligence ( AI )
  • Computer networking
  • Database systems
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Information security (IS)
  • Software engineering
  • Examples of CompSci dissertation & theses

Topics/Ideas: Algorithms & Data Structures

  • An analysis of neural network algorithms’ accuracy for processing consumer purchase patterns
  • A systematic review of the impact of graph algorithms on data analysis and discovery in social media network analysis
  • An evaluation of machine learning algorithms used for recommender systems in streaming services
  • A review of approximation algorithm approaches for solving NP-hard problems
  • An analysis of parallel algorithms for high-performance computing of genomic data
  • The influence of data structures on optimal algorithm design and performance in Fintech
  • A Survey of algorithms applied in internet of things (IoT) systems in supply-chain management
  • A comparison of streaming algorithm performance for the detection of elephant flows
  • A systematic review and evaluation of machine learning algorithms used in facial pattern recognition
  • Exploring the performance of a decision tree-based approach for optimizing stock purchase decisions
  • Assessing the importance of complete and representative training datasets in Agricultural machine learning based decision making.
  • A Comparison of Deep learning algorithms performance for structured and unstructured datasets with “rare cases”
  • A systematic review of noise reduction best practices for machine learning algorithms in geoinformatics.
  • Exploring the feasibility of applying information theory to feature extraction in retail datasets.
  • Assessing the use case of neural network algorithms for image analysis in biodiversity assessment

Topics & Ideas: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Applying deep learning algorithms for speech recognition in speech-impaired children
  • A review of the impact of artificial intelligence on decision-making processes in stock valuation
  • An evaluation of reinforcement learning algorithms used in the production of video games
  • An exploration of key developments in natural language processing and how they impacted the evolution of Chabots.
  • An analysis of the ethical and social implications of artificial intelligence-based automated marking
  • The influence of large-scale GIS datasets on artificial intelligence and machine learning developments
  • An examination of the use of artificial intelligence in orthopaedic surgery
  • The impact of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) on transparency and trust in supply chain management
  • An evaluation of the role of artificial intelligence in financial forecasting and risk management in cryptocurrency
  • A meta-analysis of deep learning algorithm performance in predicting and cyber attacks in schools

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Networking

  • An analysis of the impact of 5G technology on internet penetration in rural Tanzania
  • Assessing the role of software-defined networking (SDN) in modern cloud-based computing
  • A critical analysis of network security and privacy concerns associated with Industry 4.0 investment in healthcare.
  • Exploring the influence of cloud computing on security risks in fintech.
  • An examination of the use of network function virtualization (NFV) in telecom networks in Southern America
  • Assessing the impact of edge computing on network architecture and design in IoT-based manufacturing
  • An evaluation of the challenges and opportunities in 6G wireless network adoption
  • The role of network congestion control algorithms in improving network performance on streaming platforms
  • An analysis of network coding-based approaches for data security
  • Assessing the impact of network topology on network performance and reliability in IoT-based workspaces

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Topics & Ideas: Database Systems

  • An analysis of big data management systems and technologies used in B2B marketing
  • The impact of NoSQL databases on data management and analysis in smart cities
  • An evaluation of the security and privacy concerns of cloud-based databases in financial organisations
  • Exploring the role of data warehousing and business intelligence in global consultancies
  • An analysis of the use of graph databases for data modelling and analysis in recommendation systems
  • The influence of the Internet of Things (IoT) on database design and management in the retail grocery industry
  • An examination of the challenges and opportunities of distributed databases in supply chain management
  • Assessing the impact of data compression algorithms on database performance and scalability in cloud computing
  • An evaluation of the use of in-memory databases for real-time data processing in patient monitoring
  • Comparing the effects of database tuning and optimization approaches in improving database performance and efficiency in omnichannel retailing

Topics & Ideas: Human-Computer Interaction

  • An analysis of the impact of mobile technology on human-computer interaction prevalence in adolescent men
  • An exploration of how artificial intelligence is changing human-computer interaction patterns in children
  • An evaluation of the usability and accessibility of web-based systems for CRM in the fast fashion retail sector
  • Assessing the influence of virtual and augmented reality on consumer purchasing patterns
  • An examination of the use of gesture-based interfaces in architecture
  • Exploring the impact of ease of use in wearable technology on geriatric user
  • Evaluating the ramifications of gamification in the Metaverse
  • A systematic review of user experience (UX) design advances associated with Augmented Reality
  • A comparison of natural language processing algorithms automation of customer response Comparing end-user perceptions of natural language processing algorithms for automated customer response
  • Analysing the impact of voice-based interfaces on purchase practices in the fast food industry

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Topics & Ideas: Information Security

  • A bibliometric review of current trends in cryptography for secure communication
  • An analysis of secure multi-party computation protocols and their applications in cloud-based computing
  • An investigation of the security of blockchain technology in patient health record tracking
  • A comparative study of symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms for instant text messaging
  • A systematic review of secure data storage solutions used for cloud computing in the fintech industry
  • An analysis of intrusion detection and prevention systems used in the healthcare sector
  • Assessing security best practices for IoT devices in political offices
  • An investigation into the role social media played in shifting regulations related to privacy and the protection of personal data
  • A comparative study of digital signature schemes adoption in property transfers
  • An assessment of the security of secure wireless communication systems used in tertiary institutions

Topics & Ideas: Software Engineering

  • A study of agile software development methodologies and their impact on project success in pharmacology
  • Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments
  • A study of the impact of DevOps practices on software development and delivery in the healthcare sector
  • An analysis of software architecture patterns and their impact on the maintainability and scalability of cloud-based offerings
  • A study of the impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on software engineering practices in the education sector
  • An investigation of software testing techniques and methodologies for subscription-based offerings
  • A review of software security practices and techniques for protecting against phishing attacks from social media
  • An analysis of the impact of cloud computing on the rate of software development and deployment in the manufacturing sector
  • Exploring the impact of software development outsourcing on project success in multinational contexts
  • An investigation into the effect of poor software documentation on app success in the retail sector

CompSci & IT Dissertations/Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a CompSci-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various CompSci-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • An array-based optimization framework for query processing and data analytics (Chen, 2021)
  • Dynamic Object Partitioning and replication for cooperative cache (Asad, 2021)
  • Embedding constructural documentation in unit tests (Nassif, 2019)
  • PLASA | Programming Language for Synchronous Agents (Kilaru, 2019)
  • Healthcare Data Authentication using Deep Neural Network (Sekar, 2020)
  • Virtual Reality System for Planetary Surface Visualization and Analysis (Quach, 2019)
  • Artificial neural networks to predict share prices on the Johannesburg stock exchange (Pyon, 2021)
  • Predicting household poverty with machine learning methods: the case of Malawi (Chinyama, 2022)
  • Investigating user experience and bias mitigation of the multi-modal retrieval of historical data (Singh, 2021)
  • Detection of HTTPS malware traffic without decryption (Nyathi, 2022)
  • Redefining privacy: case study of smart health applications (Al-Zyoud, 2019)
  • A state-based approach to context modeling and computing (Yue, 2019)
  • A Novel Cooperative Intrusion Detection System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Solomon, 2019)
  • HRSB-Tree for Spatio-Temporal Aggregates over Moving Regions (Paduri, 2019)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Fast-Track Your Research Topic

If you’re still feeling a bit unsure about how to find a research topic for your Computer Science dissertation or research project, check out our Topic Kickstarter service.

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Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments.

Steps on getting this project topic


I want to work with this topic, am requesting materials to guide.

Yadessa Dugassa

Information Technology -MSc program

Andrew Itodo

It’s really interesting but how can I have access to the materials to guide me through my work?

Sorie A. Turay

That’s my problem also.


Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments is in my favour. May i get the proper material about that ?



Nanbon Temasgen


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Offered MSc Thesis topics

See also our current list of projects on the Research page to get an idea of what is topical in our research. Another list of all our projects is also available in Tuhat, with responsible persons listed (you can ask them about potential thesis topics).

A more exhaustive list of topics from the department is available at CSM Master thesis topics (moodle).

General writing Instructions

We have written some instructions to help the students write their Master's theses, seminar papers and B.Sc. theses. Please, read the guide before starting your thesis work: Scientific Writing – Guide of the Empirical Software Engineering Research Group .

Master's Thesis Topics

Software engineering and technology are prevalent areas for thesis at the department, and many candidates ask for thesis topics every academic year. We do our best to accommodate the requests, but the applicants can smoothen the process by taking an active role in thinking about potential topics based on the themes presented below.

We provide guidance for selecting a suitable topic and the supervision and support needed to complete the work. Please contact Antti-Pekka Tuovinen or Tomi Männistö if you are interested. You can also contact the group members to ask about the subject areas they are working on.

Suppose you, as a student, are working in software development, processes, architecture or something related. In that case, there is a good chance of finding an interesting thesis topic that closely relates to your work. In such a case, the actual work often provides an excellent problem to investigate, propose or try out potential solutions for, or the case can act as a rich source of data about the practice of software development.

We also welcome companies to suggest potential topics for Master's thesis. The topics can be general, based on existing research, or they may require original research and problem-solving. We will help to evaluate and fine-tune the proposals. Depending on the topic, you may also need to be prepared to provide guidance and assistance during the thesis project.

Please contact Antti-Pekka Tuovinen or Tomi Männistö if you have an idea for an industrial thesis and need further information.

The listing below introduces our current research areas and potential topics for the thesis. Each topic has a short description and the names of the researchers working on the topic. Please contact them for more details about the research and thesis work. Note that you can also suggest and discuss other topics within the general area of software engineering research. We encourage creativity and student-centred insight in selecting and defining the topic.

Earlier theses

Some earlier MSc thesis titles below give some idea about the topics. You can try looking up more info from E-thesis , but note that it is up to the author if the actual thesis pdf is available online. Just search using the title (or part of it) in quotation marks. You can also go to the library in person and read all theses (even those without a public pdf) on a kiosk workstation (ask the staff if you need help).

  • Exploring study paths and study success in undergraduate Computer Science studies
  • EU:n tietosuoja-asetuksen GDPR:n vaikutus suomalaisissa pk-yrityksissä 2018-2020
  • Industrial Surveys on Software Testing Practices: A Literature Review
  • Laskennallisesti raskaan simulointiohjelmistokomponentin korvaaminen reaaliaikasovelluksessa koneoppimismenetelmällä
  • Web service monitoring tool development
  • Case study: identifying developer oriented features and capabilities of API developer portals
  • Documenting software architecture design decisions in continuous software development – a multivocal literature review
  • Elinikäinen oppiminen ohjelmistotuotannon ammattilaisen keskeisenä
  • Miten huoltovarmuus toteutuu Ylen verkkouutisissa?
  • Utilizing Clustering to Create New Industrial Classifications of Finnish Businesses: Design Science Approach
  • Smoke Testing Display Viewer 5
  • Modernizing usability and development with microservices
  • On the affect of psychological safety, team leader’s behaviour and team’s gender diversity on software team performance: A literature review
  • Lean software development and remote working during COVID-19 - a case study
  • Julkaisusyklin tihentämisen odotukset, haasteet ja ratkaisut
  • Software Development in the Fintech Industry: A Literature Review
  • Design of an automated pipeline to improve the process of cross-platform mobile building and deployment
  • Haasteet toimijamallin käytössä ohjelmistokehityksessä, systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus
  • Light-weight method for detecting API breakages in microservice architectures
  • Kirjallisuuskatsaus ja tapaustutkimus API-hallinnasta mikropalveluarkkitehtuurissa
  • In-depth comparison of BDD testing frameworks for Java
  • Itseohjautuvan auton moraalikoneen kehittämisen haasteet
  • Towards secure software development at Neste - a case study
  • Etuuspohjaisen eläkejärjestelyn laskennan optimointi vakuutustenhallintajärjestelmässä
  • Internal software startup within a university – producing industry-ready graduates
  • Applying global software development approaches to building high-performing software teams
  • Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus lääkinnällisistä ohjelmistoista ja ketterästä ohjelmistokehityksestä
  • Matalan kynnyksen ohjelmointialustan hyödyntäminen projektinhalinnassa
  • Uncertainty Estimation with Calibrated Confidence Scores
  • Tool for grouping test log failures using string similarity algorithms
  • Design, Implementation, and Validation of a Uniform Control Interface for Drawing Robots with ROS2
  • Assuring Model Documentation in Continuous Machine Learning System Development
  • Verkkopalvelun saavutettavuuden arviointi ja kehittäminen ohjelmistotuoteyrityksessä
  • Methods for API Governance automation: managing interfaces in a microservice system
  • Improving Web Performance by Optimizing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Literature Review and Empirical Findings
  • Implementing continuous delivery for legacy software
  • Using ISO/IEC 29110 to Improve Software Testing in an Agile VSE
  • An Open-Source and Portable MLOps Pipeline for Continuous Training and Continuous Deployment
  • System-level testing with microservice architecture
  • Green in software engineering: tools, methods and practices for reducing the environmental impacts of software use – a literature review
  • Machine Learning Monitoring and Maintenance: A Multivocal Literature Review
  • Green in Software Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review
  • Comparison of Two Open Source Feature Stores for Explainable Machine Learning
  • Open-source tools for automatic generation of game content
  • Verkkosovelluskehysten energiankulutus: vertaileva tutkimus Blazor WebAssembly ja JavaScript
  • Infrastruktuuri koodina -toimintatavan tehostaminen
  • Geospatial DBSCAN Hyperparameter Optimization with a Novel Genetic Algorithm Method
  • Hybrid mobile development using Ionic framework
  • Correlation of Unit Test Code Coverage with Software Quality
  • Factors affecting productivity of software development teams and individual developers: A systematic literature review
  • Case study: Performance of JavaScript on server side
  • Reducing complexity of microservices with API-Saga
  • Organizing software architecture work in a multi-team, multi-project, agile environment
  • Cloud-based visual programming BIM design workflow
  • IT SIAM toimintojen kehitysprojekti
  • PhyloStreamer: A cloud focused application for integrating phylogenetic command-line tools into graphical interfaces
  • Evaluation of WebView Rendering Performance in the Context of React Native
  • A Thematic Review of Preventing Bias in Iterative AI Software Development
  • Adopting Machine Learning Pipeline in Existing Environment

Current topic areas of interest to the research group (see below for the details)

Open source-related topic areas in collaboration with Daimler Truck (TOPIC AREAs, INDUSTRIAL COLLABORATION)

Open source-related topic areas in collaboration with Daimler Truck

  • Open Chain: Developing the Journey to Open Chain Compliance at the example of Daimler Truck
  • How should an industrial company (for example, Daimler Truck) leverage open source software: Building a framework with different dimensions, from efficient governance to value in inner source and open source projects
  • How can an organization efficiently incentivize inner-source activities? (on different levels, culture, infrastructure, governance, regulations & commitments.)
  • How can an industrial organization leverage value from actively engaging in FOSS activities (especially on active creation and contribution)
  • How can spillovers help Industrial companies to educate the rare resources but also attract and retain talent? Ref: Gandal, N., Naftaliev, P., & Stettner, U. (2017). Following the code: spillovers and knowledge transfer. Review of Network Economics , 16 (3), 243-267. Abstract: Knowledge spillovers in Open Source Software (OSS) can occur via two channels: In the first channel, programmers take knowledge and experience gained from one OSS project they work on and employ it in another OSS project they work on. In the second channel, programmers reuse software code by taking code from an OSS project and employing it in another. We develop a methodology to measure software reuse in a large OSS network at the micro level and show that projects that reuse code from other projects have higher success. We also demonstrate knowledge spillovers from projects connected via common programmers.

If interested, contact Tomi Männistö for further information

Hybrid software development (TOPIC AREA)

The current pandemic has brought many, even radical, changes to almost all software companies and software development organizations. Especially the sudden moves to working from home (WFH) in March 2020 forced them to adapt and even rethink many software engineering practices in order to continue productive software development under the new constraints.

Now (December 2021), various hybrid ways of working appear to become the new "normal" for the software industry in general. For instance, many companies are offering flexible workplace arrangements (WFX).

This thesis theme aims to explore and possibly explain such changes in contemporary software engineering. Potential research questions include the following:

  • How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected different software engineering activities (negatively or positively)? What are the mechanisms?
  • What adaptations and countermeasures have different software organizations devised to cope with the challenges?
  • What could be learned from them for future hybrid software development processes, practices and tools?

Contact: Petri Kettunen

MLOps -- as a derivative of DevOps -- is about practice and tools for ML-based systems that technically enable iterative software engineering practice. We have several funded positions in the area of MLOps in our research projects (IMLE4 and AIGA ) that can be tailored to the interest of the applicant. For details, contact Mikko Raatikainen ( [email protected] ).

Digital Twin of Yourself

Digital twins are virtual world dynamic models of real-world physical objects. They originate from manufacturing domains. In such environments, they are utilized, for example, for predictive maintenance of equipment based on real-time machine data.

Recently the application domains of digital twins have broadened to cover living objects – especially human beings, for instance, in medical domains (so-called Human Digital Twins). In this thesis topic, the objective is to design a digital twin of yourself. The choice of the digital twin dynamic model is free, and so are the data inputs. One possibility could be, for instance, your real-life physical exercise data (e.g., from a heart-rate monitor). You could also consider your Citizen Digital Twin, following your study data and yourself as a lifelong learner.

Software engineering and climate change (TOPIC AREA)

Global climate change may have various impacts on future software engineering on the one hand, and software engineering may affect climate change directly or indirectly, positively or negatively on the other hand. All that opens up many potentially important research problems. Specific theses in this topic area could be, for instance, the following themes:

  • Green IT (e.g., engineering new software with energy-efficiency requirements in order to reduce or limit power consumption and consequently the carbon footprint)
  • Carbon neutrality goals of software companies (e.g., software development organizations decreasing physical travelling in order to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions)
  • Developing software products or services for measuring climate change-related factors

The thesis could be a literature review, an empirical case study or a scientific design work.

Life-long learning for the modern software engineering profession

Specific intended learning outcomes for computer science (software engineering) graduates are life-long learning skills. Such skills and capabilities are essential in modern industrial software engineering environments. Workplace learning is a vital part of most professional software development jobs. What are the necessary life-long learning skills exactly? Why are those skills and capabilities essential in different software organizations? How can they be learned and improved? How do software professionals learn in their workplaces? What particular skills will be more critical in the future? Why? This topic could be investigated by case studies in real-life software organizations. The specific research questions could be some of the above or possibly focused on particular skills (e.g., assessing one's own and the works of other software developers). Contact: Petri Kettunen

Software development in non-ICT contexts (TOPIC AREA)

Software technology is increasingly applied in non-ICT domains and environments (e.g., healthcare, financial sector, telecommunications systems, industrial automation). Such conditions bring up many considerations for effective and efficient software engineering, such as: What are the key characteristics of different use domains (e.g., complexity, reliability)? What is the scope of the particular software system? How are the software requirements engineered? What are the specific constraints (e.g., regulations) in different domains to be considered in software engineering? How to measure the success of software projects and products? What software development methods (e.g., agile) are applicable in different domains? Why/why not? What particular software-related competencies are needed (e.g., digitalization, IoT, cyber-physical systems)? This research problem could be investigated theoretically (literature study) and empirically in industrial case studies. The actual research questions could be some of the above or formulated individually. Contact: Petri Kettunen

Creatively self-adaptive software architectures (TOPIC AREA)

We have recently started exciting research in the intersection between the research fields of self-adaptive software and computational creativity, intending to develop novel software architectures that can creatively adapt themselves in unforeseen situations. This initiative is a new research collaboration between the Discovery Group of Prof. Hannu Toivonen and ESE. There are different options for thesis work with either of the groups. To get a better idea of the topic, see Linkola et al. 2017. Aspects of Self-awareness: An Anatomy of Metacreative Systems.… Contact: Tomi Männistö

Continuous Experimentation (TOPIC AREA)

Software product and service companies need capabilities to evaluate their development decisions and customer and user value. Continuous experimentation, as an experiment-driven development approach, may reduce such development risks by iteratively testing product and service assumptions critical to the software's success. Experiment-driven development has been a crucial component of software development, especially in the last decade. Companies such as Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Amazon and many others often conduct experiments to base their development decisions on data collected from field usage.  Contact: Tomi Männistö

Digitalization and digital transformations: impacts on software engineering and systems development (TOPIC AREA)

Digitalization is nowadays cross-cutting and inherent in most areas of businesses and organizations. Software is increasingly built-in and ubiquitous. Such trends and developments bring up many potential software research problems, such as: What does digitalization entail in different contexts? How should digitalization be taken into account in software development processes? What is the role of customer/user involvement in software-intensive systems development (e.g., digital services)? What are the key quality attributes? What new software engineering skills and competencies may be needed? What is the role of software (and IT) in general in different digital transformations (e.g., vs business process development)? How is digitalization related to traditional software engineering and computer science disciplines in different contexts? What aspects of software development and digital technologies are fundamentally new or different from the past? This research problem could be investigated theoretically (literature study) or empirically in industrial case studies. The actual research questions could be some of the above or formulated individually. Contact: Petri Kettunen

High-performing software teams (TOPIC AREA)

How is (high) performance defined and measured in software development (e.g., productivity)? Which factors affect it - positively or negatively - and how strongly (e.g., development tools, team composition)? Can we "build" high-performing software teams systematically, or do they merely emerge under certain favourable conditions? What are suitable organizational designs and environments for hosting and supporting such teams? See this link and this link for more info. Contact: Petri Kettunen

Software innovation (TOPIC AREA)

How are innovation and creativity taken into account in software development processes and methods (e.g., Agile)? What role do customer/user input and feedback play in software(-intensive) product creation (e.g., open innovation)? How to define and measure 'innovativeness' in software development? What makes software development organizations (more) innovative? See here for more about the topic. How can Open Data Software help innovation? Contact: Petri Kettunen

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Item Type & Format:  |  67 pages |   |  Chapter 1-5  | 

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  6. Msc. Research Topics - Universiteit Twente

    Research Topics. ACQUAL. Operational land cover mapping in Africa using machine learning and multi-source datasets. The overall goal of this MSc thesis is to develop a scalable machine learning solution for mapping land cover classes in Africa.

  7. Computer Science Research Topics (+ Free Webinar) - Grad Coach

    Here, we’ll explore a variety of CompSci & IT-related research ideas and topic thought-starters, including algorithms, AI, networking, database systems, UX, information security and software engineering.

  8. Offered MSc Thesis topics | Empirical Software Engineering ...

    The listing below introduces our current research areas and potential topics for the thesis. Each topic has a short description and the names of the researchers working on the topic. Please contact them for more details about the research and thesis work.

  9. Guide to Writing MSc Dissertations - Birkbeck, University of ...

    The dissertation is a significant component of the MSc degree. It has two parts: investi-gating and understanding a topic, and producing a coherent piece of text that describes the results of the investigation. Both parts are typically new for students, and highly instructive.

  10. Get Final Year Project Research Topics for Masters (MSc)

    Get Complete Chapter 1-5 Project Materials and Research Topics for Masters (MSc) students in Doc & PDF. Final Year Projects and Research Materials on CodeMint.