Jane Friedman

3 Myths About the MFA in Creative Writing

writing classroom

Today’s guest post is an excerpt from DIY MFA by Gabriela Pereira ( @DIYMFA ), just released from Writer’s Digest Books.

Most writers want an MFA for one of three reasons: They want to teach writing, they want to get published, or they want to make room in their life for writing. It turns out these reasons for doing an MFA are actually based on myths.

Myth 1: You Need an MFA to Teach Writing

Many writers get the MFA because they think it will allow them to teach writing at the college or graduate level. Once upon a time this might have been the case, but these days so many MFA graduates are looking for jobs and so few teaching positions exist, that it’s a challenge to get a teaching job with a PhD, much less with a terminal master’s degree. The writers who do manage to snag a coveted teaching position are often so overwhelmed with their responsibilities that they have to put their own writing on the back burner. While in the past an MFA may have served as a steppingstone to becoming a professor, it’s not the case anymore.

More important, many teachers in MFA programs do not have that degree themselves. Some professors are successful authors with prominent careers, while others are publishing professionals who bring the industry perspective to the courses they teach. This goes to show that the MFA has little impact on a writer’s ability to teach writing. Being a successful author or publishing professional is much more important.

Myth 2: The MFA Is a Shortcut to Getting Published

No agent will sign you and no editor will publish your book based on a credential alone. You have to write something beautiful. If you attend an MFA program and work hard, you will become a better writer. And if you become a better writer, you will eventually write a beautiful book. An MFA might help you on your quest for publication, but it’s certainly not required. After all, many writers perfect their craft and produce great books without ever getting a degree.

Ultimately getting published is a matter of putting your backside in the chair and writing the best book possible. For that, you don’t need an MFA.

Myth 3: An MFA Program Will Force You to Make Writing a Priority

If you can find time to write only by putting your life on hold and plunging into a graduate program, then your writing career isn’t going to last very long. Only a small percentage of writers can support themselves and their loved ones through writing alone. This means you must find a balance between your writing and the rest of your life.

Even within your writing career, you must become a master juggler. Forget that glamorous image of the secluded writer working at his typewriter. These days, writing is only a small piece of the writer’s job. In addition to writing, you must promote your books, manage your online presence, update your social media … and likely schedule these tasks around a day job, a family, and other responsibilities.

The danger with MFA programs is that they train you to write in isolation but don’t always teach you how to fit writing into your real life, or even how to juggle writing with all the other aspects of your writing career. Not only that, but external motivators like class assignments or thesis deadlines don’t teach you to pace yourself and build up the internal motivation you need to succeed in the long-term.

Genre Writing in MFA Programs

Most MFA programs focus on literary fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. While these are noble areas of literature, they cover only a tiny slice of the wide and diverse world of writing. Heaven forbid a writer in a traditional MFA program produces something commercial—or worse, genre fiction. While a handful of MFA programs allow writers to study genre fiction or children’s literature, the majority still focus on literary work alone. If you want to write genre fiction, commercial nonfiction, or children’s books, you likely will not learn much about them in your MFA courses.

Writers of genre and commercial fiction are among the most dedicated, driven writers I know. They take their craft seriously and work hard to understand the business side of the publishing industry. In addition, a vast number of associations, conferences, and guilds are dedicated to specific genres or commercial writing. Literary writers are not the only ones who crave knowledge and community. Commercial and genre writers want it, too.

This is why I created DIY MFA : to offer an alternative for writers who do not fit the strict literary mold of the traditional MFA system.

Should You Pursue an MFA?

MFA programs are not a bad thing. In fact, they are exceptional at serving a small and very specific group of writers. If you write literary fiction, creative nonfiction, or poetry, and if you thrive in a formal academic environment, then the traditional MFA is a great option. If you can afford the tuition without taking out loans, and if you have the time to make the most of the experience, then you are one of those ideal candidates for graduate school.

One reason I am extremely grateful for my own MFA is that it gave me the opportunity to work with several phenomenal teachers. I studied YA and middle-grade literature with the brilliant David Levithan. The legendary Hettie Jones was my first workshop teacher. I worked closely with Abrams publisher Susan Van Metre, who served as my thesis advisor and mentor. These experiences were invaluable, and at the time I didn’t think I could make connections with such literary luminaries any other way. Now I know, however, that you can make connections and find great mentors without attending an MFA program.

The “Do It Yourself” MFA

As an MFA student, I discovered the magic equation that sums up just about every traditional MFA. The Master in Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing is nothing more than a lot of writing, reading, and building community. In the workshops, you exchange critiques with other writers and work toward a manuscript that becomes your thesis project. Most programs also require you to take literature courses both in and outside your chosen area of literature. Finally, you are asked to attend readings or talks by other writers—to build your personal writing community. To create a personalized, do-it-yourself MFA, you have to find a way to combine these three elements.

Write with focus. You have to commit to a project and finish it. In traditional MFA terms, this project is your thesis, and it’s a crucial part of your development as a writer. But you don’t need to complete a thesis to get this experience; you just need to finish and polish a manuscript. While you can feel free to play and explore early on, you must eventually choose a project and see it through from beginning to end. When you write with focus, you write with a goal in mind.

Read with purpose.  This means reading with a writer’s eye. If you’re like me, you were a bookworm long before you could hold a pencil in your hand. Writers love books. In fact, many of us become writers so we can create the very books we love to read.

Reading for pleasure is wonderful, and it certainly has its place. Reading with purpose is different: It is reading in a way that serves our writing. It’s not just about finding out what happens in the story; it’s about learning how the author pulls it off. Reading this way isn’t just an intellectual exercise. When we read with purpose, we examine how an author crafts a story so we can emulate those techniques in our own work.

Build your community.  In the traditional MFA, building a community happens organically. You meet fellow writers in your workshops and literature courses. You go to readings and conferences to connect with authors. You attend a publishing panel and learn about the industry. The community element is baked into the MFA experience.


To learn more about crafting your own customized MFA experience, sign up for the DIY MFA newsletter , and check out the new book, DIY MFA .

Gabriela Pereira

Gabriela Pereira is the Creative Director at DIY MFA , the do-it-yourself alternative to a master’s degree in writing. She develops tools and techniques for the serious writer, to help you get the knowledge without the college. With an MFA in creative writing, Gabriela is also a freelance writing teacher, and has led workshops throughout New York City via writing programs like: 826NYC, East Harlem Tutorial Program and Everybody Wins. When she’s not working on DIY MFA, she loves writing middle grade and teen fiction, with a few short stories for “grown-ups” thrown in for good measure.


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[…] Today’s guest post is an excerpt from DIY MFA by Gabriela Pereira (@DIYMFA), just released from Writer’s Digest Books. Most writers want an MFA for one of three reasons: They want to teach writing, they want to get published, or they want to make room in their life for writing. It turns out these reasons …  […]


I find screenwriting programs to be more honest with respect to story telling.


So true, I did a screen writing module in my degree. It was easy, fun and clear to write a script. So weird!


THANK YOU! I needed this. I occasionally doubt myself and my future success possibilities because of my lack of an MFA. I’ve been gradually letting that notion go, and this helps!

Also, I’m not interested in social media with exception of using Twitter as a news aggregator. From my perspective it’s an unwanted hassle. I write fiction and have neither the time nor inclination for blog posts or podcasts, but I do understand the nature of the disadvantage this might impose. And I think reality reliably informs us a social media presence is not necessarily mandatory to find success.

[…] view post at https://janefriedman.com/mfa-creative-writing-3-myths/ […]

[…] 3 Myths About the MFA in Creative Writing (Jane Friedman) Most writers want an MFA for one of three reasons: They want to teach writing, they want to get published, or they want to make room in their life for writing. It turns out these reasons for doing an MFA are actually based on myths. […]

[…] to the rest at Jane Friedman and thanks to Matthew for the […]

[…] the program could help build contacts, at the very least. Here is an article by Jane Friedman with 3 Myths About the MFA in Creative Writing to help answer some of the […]

[…] Jane Friedman […]

[…] Honoree Corder’s Website Removed by S.J. Pajonas How Do You Like Them Apples! MFA: Myths for Authors Write, Camera, Action! DRM Drama Audio on the Go Singles’ Night (1) Singles’ Night (2) Swan […]


The Best 15 Creative Writing MFA Programs in 2023

April 7, 2023

Whether you studied at a top creative writing university , or are a high school dropout who will one day become a bestselling author , you may be considering an MFA in Creative Writing. But is a writing MFA genuinely worth the time and potential costs? How do you know which program will best nurture your writing? This article walks you through the considerations for an MFA program, as well as the best Creative Writing MFA programs in the United States.

First of all, what is an MFA?

A Master of Fine Arts (MFA) is a graduate degree that usually takes from two to three years to complete. Applications require a sample portfolio for entry, usually of 10-20 pages of your best writing.

What actually goes on in a creative writing MFA beyond inspiring award-winning books and internet memes ? You enroll in workshops where you get feedback on your creative writing from your peers and a faculty member. You enroll in seminars where you get a foundation of theory and techniques. Then you finish the degree with a thesis project.

Reasons to Get an MFA in Creative Writing

You don’t need an MFA to be a writer. Just look at Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison or bestselling novelist Emily St. John Mandel.

Nonetheless, there are plenty of reasons you might still want to get a creative writing MFA. The first is, unfortunately, prestige. An MFA from a top program can help you stand out in a notoriously competitive industry to be published.

The second reason: time. Many MFA programs give you protected writing time, deadlines, and maybe even a (dainty) salary.

Third, an MFA in Creative Writing is a terminal degree. This means that this degree allows you to teach writing at the university level, especially after you publish a book.

But above all, the biggest reason to pursue an MFA is the community it brings you. You get to meet other writers, and share feedback, advice, and moral support, in relationships that can last for decades.

Types of Creative Writing MFA Programs

Here are the different types of programs to consider, depending on your needs:

Fully-Funded Full-Time Programs

These programs offer full-tuition scholarships and sweeten the deal by actually paying you to attend them.

  • Pros: You’re paid to write (and teach).
  • Cons: Uprooting your entire life to move somewhere possibly very cold.

Full-Time MFA Programs

These programs include attending in-person classes and paying tuition (though many offer need-based and merit scholarships).

  • Pros: Lots of top-notch programs non-funded programs have more assets to attract world-class faculty and guests.
  • Cons: It’s an investment that might not pay itself back.

Low-Residency MFA Programs

Low-residency programs usually meet biannually for short sessions. They also offer one-on-one support throughout the year. These MFAs are more independent, preparing you for what the writing life is actually like.

  • Pros: No major life changes required. Cons: Less time dedicated to writing and less time to build relationships.

Online MFA Programs

Held 100% online. These programs have high acceptance rates and no residency requirement. That means zero travel or moving expenses.

  • Pros: No major life changes required.
  • Cons: These MFAs have less name-recognition

The Top 15 Creative Writing MFA Programs Ranked by Category

The following programs are selected for their balance of high funding, impressive return on investment, stellar faculty, major journal publications , and impressive alums.

Fully Funded MFA Programs

1) johns hopkins university, mfa in fiction/poetry (baltimore, md).

This is a two-year program, with $33,000 teaching fellowships per year. This MFA offers the most generous funding package. Not to mention, it offers that sweet, sweet health insurance, mind-boggling faculty, and a guaranteed lecture position after graduation (nice). No nonfiction MFA (boo).

  • Incoming class size: 8 students
  • Admissions rate: 11.1%
  • Alumni: Chimamanda Adiche, Jeffrey Blitz, Wes Craven, Louise Erdrich, Porochista Khakpour, Phillis Levin, ZZ Packer, Tom Sleigh, Elizabeth Spires, Rosanna Warren

2) University of Texas, James Michener Center (Austin, TX)

A fully-funded 3-year program with a generous stipend of $29,500. The program offers fiction, poetry, playwriting and screenwriting. The Michener Center is also unique because you study a primary genre and a secondary genre, and also get $3,000 for the summer.

  • Incoming class size : 12 students
  • Acceptance rate: a bone-chilling less-than-1% in fiction; 2-3% in other genres
  •   Alumni: Fiona McFarlane, Brian McGreevy, Karan Mahajan, Alix Ohlin, Kevin Powers, Lara Prescott, Roger Reeves, Maria Reva, Domenica Ruta, Sam Sax, Joseph Skibell, Dominic Smith

3) University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA)

The Iowa Writers’ Workshop is a 2-year program on a residency model for fiction and poetry. This means there are low requirements, and lots of time to write groundbreaking novels or play pool at the local bar. Most students are funded, with fellowships worth up to $21,000. The Translation MFA, co-founded by Gayatri Chakravorti Spivak, is also two years, but with more intensive coursework. The Nonfiction Writing Program is a prestigious three-year MFA program and is also intensive.

  • Incoming class size: 25 each for poetry and fiction; 10-12 for nonfiction and translation.
  • Acceptance rate: 3.7%
  • Fantastic Alumni: Raymond Carver, Flannery O’Connor, Sandra Cisneros, Joy Harjo, Garth Greenwell, Kiley Reid, Brandon Taylor, Eula Biss, Yiyun Li, Jennifer Croft

4) University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)

Anne Carson famously lives in Ann Arbor, as do the MFA students U-Michigan’s Helen Zell Writers’ Program. This is a big university town, which is less damaging to your social life. Plus, there’s lots to do when you have a $23,000 stipend, summer funding, and health care.

This is a 2-3-year program, with an impressive reputation. They also have a demonstrated commitment to “ push back against the darkness of intolerance and injustice ” and have outreach programs in the community.

  • Incoming class size: 18
  • Acceptance rate: 4% (which maybe seems high after less-than-1%)
  • Alumni: Brit Bennett, Vievee Francis, Airea D. Matthews, Celeste Ng, Chigozie Obioma, Jia Tolentino, Jesmyn Ward

5) Brown University (Providence, RI)

Brown offers an edgy, well-funded program in a place that doesn’t dip into arctic temperatures. Students are all fully-funded for 2-3 years with $29,926 in 2021-22. Students also get summer funding and—you guessed it—that sweet, sweet health insurance.

In the Brown Literary Arts MFA, students take only one workshop and one elective per semester. It’s also the only program in the country to feature a Digital/Cross Disciplinary Track.

  • Incoming class size: 12-13
  • Acceptance rate: “highly selective”
  • Alumni: Edwidge Danticat, Jaimy Gordon, Gayl Jones, Ben Lerner, Joanna Scott, Kevin Young, Ottessa Moshfegh

Best MFA Creative Writing Programs (Continued) 

6) university of arizona (tucson, az).

This 3-year program has many attractive qualities. It’s in “ the lushest desert in the world ”, and was recently ranked #4 in creative writing programs, and #2 in Nonfiction. You can take classes in multiple genres, and in fact, are encouraged to do so. Plus, Arizona dry heat is good for arthritis.

This notoriously supportive program pays $20,000 a year, and offers the potential to volunteer at multiple literary organizations. You can also do supported research at the US-Mexico Border.

  • Incoming class size: 9
  • Acceptance rate: 4.85% (a refreshingly specific number after Brown’s evasiveness)
  • Alumni: Francisco Cantú, Jos Charles, Tony Hoagland, Nancy Mairs, Richard Russo, Richard Siken, Aisha Sabatini Sloan, David Foster Wallace

7) Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ):

Arizona State is also a three-year funded program in arthritis-friendly dry heat. It offers small class sizes, individual mentorships, and one of the most impressive faculty rosters in the game. Everyone gets a $19,000 stipend, with other opportunities for financial support.

  • Incoming class size: 8-10
  • Acceptance rate: 3% (sigh)
  • Alumni: Tayari Jones, Venita Blackburn, Dorothy Chan, Adrienne Celt, Dana Diehl, Matthew Gavin Frank, Caitlin Horrocks, Allegra Hyde, Hugh Martin, Bonnie Nadzam


8) new york university (new york, ny).

This two-year program is in New York City, meaning it comes with close access to literary opportunities and hot dogs. NYU is private, and has one of the most accomplished faculty lists anywhere. Students have large cohorts (more potential friends!) and have a penchant for winning top literary prizes.

  • Incoming class size: 40-60
  • Acceptance rate: 6%
  • Alumni: Nick Flynn, Nell Freudenberger, Aracelis Girmay, Mitchell S. Jackson, Tyehimba Jess, John Keene, Raven Leilani, Robin Coste Lewis, Ada Limón, Ocean Vuong

9) Columbia University (New York, NY)

Another 2-3 year private MFA program with drool-worthy permanent and visiting faculty. Columbia offers courses in fiction, poetry, translation, and nonfiction. Beyond the Ivy League education, Columbia offers close access to agents, and its students have a high record of bestsellers.

  • Incoming class size: 110
  • Acceptance rate: 21%
  • Alumni: Alexandra Kleeman, Rachel Kushner, Claudia Rankine, Rick Moody, Sigrid Nunez, Tracy K. Smith, Emma Cline, Adam Wilson, Marie Howe, Mary Jo Bang

10) Sarah Lawrence (Bronxville, NY)

Sarah Lawrence offers speculative fiction beyond the average fiction, poetry, and nonfiction course offerings. With intimate class sizes, this program is unique because it offers biweekly one-on-one conferences with its stunning faculty. It also has a notoriously supportive atmosphere.

  • Incoming class size: 30-40
  • Acceptance rate: N/A
  • Alumni: Cynthia Cruz, Melissa Febos, T Kira Madden, Alex Dimitrov, Moncho Alvarado


11 bennington college (bennington, vt).

This two-year program boasts truly stellar faculty, and meets twice a year for ten days in January and June. It’s like a biannual vacation in beautiful Vermont, plus mentorship by a famous writer, and then you get a degree. The tuition is $23,468 per year, with scholarships available.

  • Acceptance rate: 53%
  • Incoming class: 40
  • Alumni: Larissa Pham, Andrew Reiner, Lisa Johnson Mitchell, and others

12)  Institute for American Indian Arts (Santa Fe, NM)

This two-year program emphasizes Native American and First Nations writing. With truly amazing faculty and visiting writers, they offer a wide range of genres offered, in screenwriting, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction.

Students attend two eight-day residencies each year, in January and July, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. At $12,000 a year, it boasts being “ one of the most affordable MFA programs in the country .”

  • Incoming class size : 22
  • Acceptance rate: 100%
  • Alumni: Tommy Orange, Dara Yen Elerath, Kathryn Wilder

13) Vermont College of Fine Arts

One of few MFAs where you can study the art of the picture book, middle grade and young adult literature, graphic literature, nonfiction, fiction, and poetry for young people. Students meet twice a year for nine days, in January and July, in Vermont. You can also do many travel residencies in exciting (and warm) places like Cozumel.

VCFA boasts amazing faculty and visiting writers, with individualized study options and plenty of one-on-one time. Tuition is $48,604.

  • Incoming class size: 18-25
  • Acceptance rate: 63%
  • Alumnx: Lauren Markham, Mary-Kim Arnold, Cassie Beasley, Kate Beasley, Julie Berry, Bridget Birdsall, Gwenda Bond, Pablo Cartaya


14) university of texas at el paso (el paso, tx).

The world’s first bilingual and online MFA program in the world. UTEP is considered the best online MFA program, and features award-winning faculty from across the globe. Intensive workshops allow submitting in Spanish and English, and genres include poetry and fiction. This three-year program costs $14,766 a year, with rolling admissions.

  • Alumni: Watch alumni testimonies here

15) Bay Path University (Long Meadow, MA)

This 2-year online program is dedicated entirely to nonfiction. A supportive, diverse community, Bay Path offers small class sizes, close mentorship, and a potential field trip in Ireland.

There are many tracks, including publishing, Narrative Medicine, and teaching. Core courses include memoir, narrative journalism, and the personal essay. The price is $785/credit, for 39 credits, with scholarships available.

  • Incoming class size: 20
  • Acceptance rate: an encouraging 78%
  • Alumni: Read alumni testimonies here

Prepare for your MFA in advance:

  • Best English Programs
  • Best Creative Writing Schools
  • Writing Summer Programs

Best MFA Creative Writing Programs – References:

  • https://www.pw.org/mfa
  • The Creative Writing MFA Handbook: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students , by Tom Kealey (A&C Black 2005)
  • Graduate School Admissions

Julia Conrad

With a Bachelor of Arts in English and Italian from Wesleyan University as well as MFAs in both Nonfiction Writing and Literary Translation from the University of Iowa, Julia is an experienced writer, editor, educator, and a former Fulbright Fellow. Julia’s work has been featured in  The Millions ,  Asymptote , and  The Massachusetts Review , among other publications. To read more of her work, visit  www.juliaconrad.net

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Top 6 Reasons Now is a Good Time to Get Your MFA in Creative Writing

If you're considering getting your master of fine arts (mfa) in creative writing, there are many reasons why now is a good time to do so. here are five of the most compelling reasons why you should consider getting your mfa from fairfield university..

1.   Strong Reputation

Fairfield has a strong reputation for producing top-notch MFA graduates who go on to have successful careers as writers. The University has a long-standing tradition of producing talented writers, and the MFA program is recognized as one of the best in the country.

2.   Experienced Faculty

The faculty in the MFA program at Fairfield University is made up of experienced writers who have published numerous works and are well-respected in their field. These skilled and active professionals will provide you with the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals as a writer.

3.   Diverse Student Body

Fairfield University's MFA program is made up of students from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, which provides a rich and diverse learning environment . Also, for over a decade, the MFA program has fostered a strong and passionate community of emerging writers with military backgrounds and has provided them with the necessary tools and insights to nurture their talent and share their stories with the world.

4.   Supportive Community

The MFA program at Fairfield University provides students with a supportive community that encourages collaboration, experimentation, and creativity. This supportive atmosphere will provide you with the confidence and inspiration you need to take your writing to the next level.

5.   Inspirational Location

Fairfield University's two-year low residency MFA in Creative Writing Program involves exciting, bi-annual 10-day residency periods at inspirational  Enders Island , off the coast of Stonington, Connecticut. Each residency brings together a uniquely talented group of faculty, guest writers, students, editors, and agents. During the residency, faculty and students work, eat, learn, and have fun together. With 360-degree views of Fisher's Sound to inspire you, fellow students and faculty talk about and practice the basics and subtleties of writing and craft.

6.   Career Opportunities

Graduates of Fairfield University's MFA program have a wide range of career opportunities available to them, including writing, teaching, editing, and publishing. These opportunities will allow you to pursue your passion for writing and help you build a successful career in the field.

Now is a great time to pursue your MFA in Creative Writing from Fairfield University. With a strong reputation, experienced faculty, diverse student body, supportive community, and numerous career opportunities — as well as with the flexible, low-residency model — you'll be well-equipped to take your writing to the next level and achieve your goals!

What will your next chapter be?

Last Modified: 10-11-2023 08:51 AM

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The 10 Best MFA Creative Writing Programs [2024]


Many people have a talent for stories, but not everyone will become a successful author. In many cases, people simply need to hone their skills – and the best MFA creative writing programs are the key.

If you have an undergrad degree and are looking for the next step in your academic adventure, you’re in luck: We’ve scoured MFA creative writing rankings to find you the best programs.

Table of Contents

The 10 Best MFA Creative Writing Programs

1. johns hopkins university – krieger school of arts & sciences.

Johns Hopkins University

Master of Fine Arts in Fiction/ Poetry

Located in Baltimore, Maryland, Johns Hopkins is a world-renowned private research university. Their Master of Fine Arts in Fiction/Poetry is one of the best MFA creative writing programs anywhere. Students take courses and receive writing practice (in fiction or poetry) at the highest level. This MFA program also offers the opportunity to learn with an internationally renowned faculty.

  • Duration:  2 years
  • Financial aid:  Full tuition, teaching fellowship (for all students set at $33,000/year)
  • Acceptance rate: 11.1%
  • Location: Baltimore, Maryland
  • Founded: 1876

2. University of Michigan –  Helen Zell Writers’ Program

University of Michigan

Master of Fine Arts

The University of Michigan is a public research university – and the oldest in the state. Its Master of Fine Arts program is one of the best MFA creative writing programs in the country, exposing students to various approaches to the craft. While studying under award-winning poets and writers, students may specialize in either poetry or fiction.

  • Duration: 2 years
  • No. of hours: 36
  • Financial aid: Full funding
  • Acceptance rate:  26.1%
  • Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • Founded: 1817

3. University of Texas at Austin – New Writers Project

University of Texas at Austin

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

The University of Texas at Austin is a well-known public research university with around 50,000 students at the graduate and undergraduate levels. It offers one of the best MFA programs for creative writing, aiming to enhance and develop its students’ artistic and intellectual abilities.

  • Duration:  3 years
  • Financial aid:  Full funding
  • Acceptance rate:  32%
  • Location:  Austin, Texas
  • Founded:  1883

4. University of Nebraska – Kearney

UNK logo

Master of Arts

The University of Nebraska strives to provide quality, affordable education, including its online MA English program. Students can focus on four areas, including Creative Writing (which provides experiential learning in either poetry or prose).

  • Credit hours: 36
  • Tuition : $315 per credit hour
  • Financial aid :  Grants, Work-study, Student loans, Scholarships, Parent loans
  • Acceptance rate: 88%
  • Location: Online
  • Founded: 1905

5. Bay Path University (Massachusetts)

Bay Path University

MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing

Bay Path University is a private university with various programs at undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate levels (including women-only undergraduate programs). This creative non-fiction writing program is one of the first fully online programs in the country. No matter their location, students are able to develop their creative writing skills and knowledge – in a range of literary genres.

  • Credits:  39
  • Tuition: $775 per credit
  • Financial aid :  Federal Stafford loan, Student loans
  • Acceptance rate: 78%
  • Founded:  1897

6. Brown University (Rhode Island)

Brown logo

MFA in Literary Arts

Brown is a world-famous Ivy League university based in Providence, Rhode Island. Its two-year residency MFA in Literary Arts is designed for students looking to maximize their intellectual and creative exploration. The highly competitive program offers extensive financial support. In fact, over the past 20 years, all incoming MFA students were awarded full funding for their first year of study (and many for the second year).

  • Tuition:  $57,591  (but full funding available)
  • Financial aid :  Fellowship, teaching assistantships, and stipends.
  • Acceptance rate: 9%
  • Location: Providence, Rhode Island
  • Founded:  1764

7. University of Iowa (Iowa)


MFA in Creative Writing

The University of Iowa is a public university located in Iowa City. As one of the most celebrated public schools in the Midwest, students learn under established professors and promising writers during their two-year residency program.

  • Credits:  60
  • Tuition: $12,065 for in-state students, and $31,012 out-of-state
  • Financial aid :  Scholarships, teaching assistantships, federal aid, and student loans.
  • Acceptance rate: 84%
  • Location: Iowa City, Iowa

8. Cornell University (New York State)

Cornell University

Cornell is an Ivy League university located in Ithaca, New York. This highly competitive program accepts only eight students annually, and just two from each concentration. Not only do students enjoy a generous financial aid package, but they also have the opportunity to work closely with members of the school’s celebrated faculty.

  • Tuition:  $29,500
  • Financial aid :  All accepted students receive a fellowship covering full tuition, stipend, and insurance.
  • Acceptance rate: 14%
  • Location: Ithaca, New York
  • Founded:  1865

9. Columbia University ( NYC )

Columbia University logo

MFA in Fiction Writing

Founded in 1754, Columbia University is the oldest tertiary education institution in New York – and one of the oldest in the country. The school offers a Writing MFA in nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and literary translation. The fiction concentration promotes artistic and aesthetic diversity, with a diverse teaching staff and adjunct faculty from a wide range of diverse experience.

  • Credits:  60 points
  • Tuition:  $34,576
  • Financial aid :  Scholarships, fellowships, federal aid, work-study, and veterans’ grants.
  • Acceptance rate: 11%
  • Location: NYC, New York
  • Founded:  1754

10. New York University (NYC)

NYU logo

New York University (NYU) is known for delivering high-quality, innovative education in various fields. Located in the heart of NYC, the institution’s MFA in Creative Writing boasts celebrated faculty from poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction backgrounds. This dynamic program fosters creativity and excellence through literary outreach programs, public reading series, a literary journal, and special seminars from visiting writers

  • Credits:  32
  • Tuition:  $53,229
  • Financial aid :  Fellowships, scholarships, and federal aid.
  • Location: NYC
  • Founded:  1886

Common Courses for MFAs in Creative Writing 

As part of your master’s in creative writing program, you’ll usually need to complete a number of compulsory courses, along with certain electives. Common courses you’ll need to take include:

  • Literary theory
  • History of storytelling
  • Genre conventions
  • Market trends
  • Marketing manuscripts to publishers
  • Thesis or dissertation

Typical Requirements for Applying to an MFA Creative Writing Program

Besides the application form and fee, most MFA in creative writing programs have standard requirements. While the following are the most typical requirements, always check with the specific program first:

Make sure your resume  includes all relevant information to showcase your interests, skills, and talent in writing.

2. Writing Sample(s)

MFA creative writing program selection committees look for applicants who are serious about writing. Therefore, they typically ask for at least one 10-20 page writing sample. The best samples showcase talent in your preferred area of writing (e.g., fiction, non-fiction). MFA poetry programs have varied sample requirements.

3. Transcripts

You’ll need to show your undergraduate degree (and possibly high school) transcript.

4. Statement of Purpose

A statement of purpose is usually 1-2 pages and shows your passion for writing and potential to succeed in the program.

5. Recommendation Letters

Most programs require letters of recommendation from academic or professional contacts who know you well.

Related reading: How to Ask a Professor for a Grad School Recommendation

6. GRE Scores

Some MFA programs require GRE scores (though this is not the case for all universities). If you happen to need some assistance while studying for your GRE or GMAT, be sure to check out Magoosh for easy test prep!

What Can Creative Writers Do After Graduation?

As a creative writer with an MFA, you’ll have a variety of career options where your skills are highly valued. Below are a few of the common jobs an MFA creative writing graduate can do, along with the average annual salary for each.

Creative Director ( $90,389 )

A creative director leads a team of creative writers, designers, or artists in various fields, such as media, advertising, or entertainment.

Editor ( $63,350)

An editor helps correct writing errors and improve the style and flow in media, broadcasting, films, advertising, marketing , and entertainment.

Academic Librarian ( $61,190)

An academic librarian manages educational information resources in an academic environment (such as a university).

Copywriter ( $53,800 )

Copywriters typically work to present an idea to a particular audience and capture their attention using as few words as possible.

Technical Writers ($78,060)

Technical writers are tasked with instruction manuals, guides, journal articles, and other documents. These convey complex details and technical information to a wider audience.

Writer ( $69,510 )

A writer usually provides written content for businesses through articles, marketing content, blogs, or product descriptions. They may also write fiction or non-fiction books.

Social Media Manager ( $52,856 )

A social media manager is responsible for creating and scheduling content on social media, and may also track analytics and develop social media strategies.

Journalist ($ 48,370 )

Journalists may work for newspapers, magazines, or online publications, researching and writing stories, as well as conducting interviews and investigations.

Public Relations Officer ( $62,800)

A public relations officer works to promote and improve the public image of a company, government agency, or organization. This is done through work such as: preparing media releases, online content, and dealing with the media.

Lexicographer ( $72,620 )

Lexicographers are the professionals who create dictionaries. They study words’ etymologies and meanings, compiling them into a dictionary.

Can You Get a Creative Writing Degree Online?

Yes, a number of institutions offer online master’s degrees , such as Bay Path University and the University of Nebraska. Online courses offer a high degree of flexibility, allowing you to study from anywhere – and often on your own schedule. Many students can earn their degrees while continuing with their current job or raising a family.

However, students won’t receive the full benefits of a residency program, such as building close connections with peers and working with the faculty in person. Some on-campus programs also offer full funding to cover tuition and education expenses.

Pros and Cons of an MFA in Creative Writing

Like anything, studying an MFA in Creative Writing and pursuing a related career can have its benefits as well as drawbacks.

  • It’ll motivate you to write.

Many people are talented but struggle sitting down to write. An MFA program will give you the motivation to meet your deadlines.

  • You’ll have a community.

Writing can be a solitary pursuit. It can be hard to connect with others who are just as passionate about writing. An MFA program provides students with a community of like-minded people.

  • Graduates have teaching prospects.

An MFA is one option that can help you find a teaching job at the university level. Unlike some majors that require a Ph.D. to enter academia, many post-secondary instructors hold an MFA.

  • Not always the most marketable job skills

Although an MFA in Creative Writing will provide several useful skills in the job market, these are not as marketable as some other forms of writing. For example, copywriting arguably has a wider range of job prospects.

  • It could limit your creativity.

There is a risk that your writing could become too technical or formulaic, due to the theories learned during your MFA. It’s important to know the theory, but you don’t want to let it limit your creativity.

How Long Does It Take to Get an MFA Degree in Creative Writing?

A master’s in creative writing typically takes between 2-3 years to complete. Unlike other master’s degrees’ accelerated options, creative writing program requirements require a greater number of workshops and dissertations.

Alternatives to Creative Writing Majors

There are plenty of similar majors that can set you on the path to a career in the creative writing field. Consider alternatives like an MA in English , literature, humanities, media studies, and library sciences.

Related Reading: Master’s in Fine Arts: The Ultimate Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

What can i do with an mfa in creative writing .

An MFA graduate could teach creative writing at a secondary or college level. They may pursue a career in advertising, publishing, media, or the entertainment industry. They could also become an author by publishing fiction, non-fiction, or poetry.

Are MFA Creative Writing Programs Worth It?

Having an MFA opens doors to a range of well-paid careers (more on that above). If you’re skilled in writing – and want to make a decent living with it – an MFA program might be an excellent choice.

How Do I Choose an MFA in Creative Writing?

First, consider whether an on-campus or online MFA program is best for you (depending on your lifestyle and commitments). Another key consideration is a university with renowned authors on their teaching staff who will give you the highest levels of training in creative writing. Also, consider your preferred focus area (e.g., fiction, poetry, nonfiction) .

What Are MFA Writing Programs?

An MFA in writing or creative writing is an advanced program that teaches students the art and practice of writing. During these programs, students hone their writing skills and equip themselves to publish their own work – or pursue a career in media, teaching, or advertising.

Can You Teach with an MFA? 

Yes! Teaching is one of the many career options an MFA provides . An MFA in creative writing can qualify you to be a teacher in creative writing (in schools or the higher education sector).

Is It Hard to Be Admitted to MFA Creative Writing Programs?

MFA creative writing programs are relatively competitive. Therefore, not all applicants will get into the program of their choice. However, if you are talented and ambitious that becomes more likely. Having said that, the most prestigious universities with the best MFA creative writing programs accept a small percentage of the applicants.

What Is the Best Creative Writing Program in the World? 

A number of creative writing programs are known for their famous faculty and excellent courses, like the Master of Fine Arts in Fiction/ Poetry from Johns Hopkins and the MFA in Literary Arts from Brown University . Outside the US, the most celebrated English program is likely the University of Cambridge’s MSt in Creative Writing.

How Hard Is It to Get an MFA in Creative Writing?

An MFA is an intensive, highly-involved degree that requires a certain amount of dedication. Anyone with a passion for creative writing should find it rewarding and satisfying.

Should I Get an MA or MFA in Creative Writing?

Whether you choose an MA or MFA in creative writing depends on your own interests and career ambitions. An MFA in creative writing is ideal for anyone passionate about pursuing a career in fiction, poetry, or creative non-fiction. An MA is a broader degree that equips students for a wider range of career choices (though it will qualify them for many of the same roles as an MFA).

Can I Get Published Without an MFA?

Absolutely. However, studying for an MFA will equip you with a range of skills and knowledge that are extremely helpful in getting your work published, from honing your craft to submitting your manuscript to working with publishers.

What Are the Highest-Paying Jobs with a Master’s in Creative Writing?

An MFA in creative writing can help you land a range of jobs in the creative and literary fields. The highest-paying jobs for graduates with a master’s in creative writing include creative directors ($90,000) and technical writers ($78,000).

Key Takeaways

An MFA in creative writing program will hone your talents and develop the skills you need to become a successful writer. The best MFA creative writing programs will give you incredible knowledge of the field while developing your practical skills in fiction, non-fiction, or poetry.

The acceptance rate for the best MFA writing programs is fairly low, so it’s crucial to understand the requirements well and prepare thoroughly. To help you with your application, check out our guide to applying to grad school .

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Lisa Marlin

Lisa Marlin

Lisa is a full-time writer specializing in career advice, further education, and personal development. She works from all over the world, and when not writing you'll find her hiking, practicing yoga, or enjoying a glass of Malbec.

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What an MFA Degree Is and What You Need to Know

An MFA helps artists gain confidence and mastery in an art form, whether it is painting or dancing.

What You Should Know About MFA Degrees

Young woman painting outside


Students pursuing an MFA need to be ready and willing to learn from criticism.

Despite the intense competitiveness of artistic fields and the fact that these disciplines are unlikely to make someone rich unless he or she experiences extraordinary success, these fields continue to attract legions of men and women. The allure of fine arts careers, which allow for a high degree of autonomy and self-expression and offer the constant challenge to produce original and influential work, entices many people. Artists who are determined to become experts on their art form may be interested in a Master of Fine Arts degree , commonly known as an MFA.

What is an MFA degree?

An MFA degree signifies that a professional artist has completed a series of rigorous courses in his or her art form and signals that someone is adept at his or her chosen craft, whether it is a technologically intensive field like graphic design or film editing, or a technology-free art form like drawing. An MFA is a graduate-level credential, meaning that before you get an MFA, you typically need a college degree.

MFA degree recipients say their graduate school education allowed them to refine their artistic philosophy and creative techniques while elevating the quality of their art to make it more unique, polished and interesting. In addition, MFA degree holders say having an MFA has given them the credentials necessary to teach courses in their art form at colleges and universities, and that it gives them sufficient knowledge of their art discipline to offer thoughtful critiques.

[Read: Determine the Risks, Rewards of a Master's in Fine Arts .]

Frank J. Stockton, a visual artist who earned an MFA in painting and drawing from the University of California—Los Angeles , says his primary motivation for pursuing an MFA was that he loved painting and wanted to do as much of it as humanly possible. "Also, I just wanted to be the best artist that I could be," he says.

Anthony Borchardt, an assistant professor and gallery director at Fontbonne University in St. Louis, says prospective MFA students should understand that an MFA degree is unlikely to result in an extremely lucrative job.

One is as likely to become wealthy from art as he or she would be to become wealthy from athletics, Borchardt wrote in an email. "It's a rare opportunity, and it takes commitment, sacrifice and patience. Besides being a full-time working studio artist, students can try to get into the teaching field post-graduation. An MFA is not a guaranteed job. As I tell my students, once they get the degree, that's when the hard work actually starts. The payoff is the opportunity to do what few people are able to do. Make art and do what you love. To find success in this field, you need to have a burning desire from within and be committed morning, noon and night."

However, Marta Bistram, a communications professional with an MFA in creative writing from Chapman University in California, says the creativity you cultivate in an MFA program can be applied in multiple career paths. "I pursued a career in communications after defending a creative thesis of original poetry, which some might consider an unusual avenue," she wrote in an email. "I firmly believe that the way an artistic graduate program encourages you to think is applicable to any career path a graduate chooses, whether or not it directly correlates to their discipline. I continue to work on my poetry outside my 9 to 5, but I find extreme satisfaction from both my career and my artistic pursuits."

Experts say that though there are some extremely wealthy people with MFA degrees who achieved fame and fortune as a result of their art, the vast majority of MFA degree holders earn modest salaries. According to PayScale, a compensation data company that publishes the going rates for various types of jobs, the average MFA degree-holder in the U.S. earns an annual salary of $58,000.

Maria Cominis – a theater professor, professional director and working actress who has published books about acting and who most recently played Mona Clarke on the TV show "Desperate Housewives" – says that she has "never regretted" getting an MFA.

Cominis, who teaches at California State University—Fullerton says people who pursue an MFA are typically seeking an artistic career, because they believe such a career would be fulfilling. Cominis adds that most prospective MFAs understand that it is unlikely they will become rich and famous, but that's besides the point.

"I don't think that anybody goes into the arts to become rich," she says. "I don't think I've ever met anybody – whether it's a playwright, an actor, a designer – that enters the arts to become a gazillionaire."

What types of MFA degrees are there, and how do dual-degree programs fit in?

There are a variety of MFA programs, with programs that specialize in nearly any artistic discipline you can imagine. For instance, there are MFA programs specially tailored to the interests of aspiring fashion designers, dramatic actors, fiction authors, choreographers, ballet dancers, sculptors , arts critics and movie directors.

It is also possible to combine an MFA degree with another graduate credential, such as an MBA degree , if you pursue a dual-degree program. For instance, New York University offers a MBA/MFA graduate program which involves coursework in both the school's Tisch School of the Arts and its Stern School of Business .

"A dual degree may be attractive to students because it allows them to gain expertise in two disparate, but complementary academic domains, in order to set themselves apart in their field and foster innovation across sectors," Kathryn Heidemann, assistant dean of Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy and its College of Fine Arts , wrote in an email. "For example, it's not uncommon now to see the arts and creativity permeate across the fields of health, law, technology, community development, government, and business. However, as dual degrees typically involve earning two separate degrees (which typically involves two separate curricular agendas, faculty/administration and more), this may put all of the onus on the student to 'connect the dots' themselves across disciplines."

Heidemann, who directs Carnegie Mellon University's master of arts management program, says that prospective graduate students who want to combine their interest in art with their passion for another discipline, like business, should consider pursuing an interdisciplinary degree. "With this in mind, it is important to note that there is a strong supply of interdisciplinary degree programs available that offer holistically-designed, cross-disciplinary curricula that allow students to achieve full competency of the arts within a specific cross-sector domain," she wrote in an email.

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reasons to get an mfa in creative writing

How long is an MFA program, and how hard is it to get an MFA degree?

MFA programs vary in length, with some accelerated programs lasting only a year and others lasting as long as three or four years. Typically, an MFA program lasts between two and three years, experts say, and a strong MFA program is a demanding one which requires serious commitment. Experts say that an MFA that can be obtained easily, with minimal effort, is of limited utility, since one of the benefits of high-quality MFA programs is that they teach artists how to be disciplined about their creative process and respond to critiques.

Who should get an MFA?

Michael Markowsky – a studio artist with an MFA who teaches on the faculty of the Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver, Canada – says an MFA is a large investment of time, energy and money. It's not right for everybody, but it's been very rewarding for him personally.

"I had a fantastic experience, which I always describe to people as saving me 10 years worth of struggling to refine my art practice and ultimately my life," Markowsky wrote in an email. "It was an intense experience, but it was instrumental in helping me understand the core ideas and themes that run throughout all of the diverse artworks that I make."

Markowsky adds that an MFA is only the right choice for someone who is both passionate about becoming a better artist and interested in learning the history and theory of a particular craft. He notes that someone who pursues an MFA needs to be ready and willing to learn from criticism, but he or she must also be confident enough to know that criticism doesn't necessarily mean failure.

"I often discourage students from pursuing an MFA because I don't believe most of them are ready or willing or capable of undergoing such an intense experience, and therefore it would not only be a waste of money, but also might destroy their interest in making art altogether," he says. "I personally believe someone interested in pursuing an MFA should have both a very clear idea of what they are doing and want to do, and also an extremely open mind to working with people who will ruthlessly challenge those ideas. Anyone who is stubborn and inflexible won't get anything else but frustration out of the exercise, and anyone who is lost and timid will find themselves traumatized and torn to pieces, and – as one of my former MFA advisors once said – incapable of putting themselves back together again."

[Read: Fine Arts Programs Slowly Move Online .]

Experts say it is also important to consider whether your financial, professional and family obligations will permit investment in an MFA program, which tends to be very expensive, time-intensive and stressful.

How much does an MFA degree cost?

The cost of an MFA program varies from school to school and from student to student. Fine arts schools often give scholarships and financial awards. However, sticker prices at the nation's most prestigious fine arts programs are significant. Some nationally renowned art schools charge MFA students more than $30,000 annually for tuition and fees.

Bistram says price was a key factor for her when she was choosing an MFA program. "I knew that paying for my graduate degree would be challenging for me, so I looked for programs that were willing to invest in their students," she says. "I only applied to programs that offered full or partial fellowships. This financial assistance allowed me to spend my two years of graduate school focusing primarily on perfecting my craft, rather than splitting my time between competing priorities, and was extremely rewarding."

How much should prestige matter when choosing an MFA program?

MFA recipients disagree about how much MFA applicants should weigh the importance of a program's reputation and name recognition when choosing a program.

Stockton says some art institutions and galleries in Los Angeles do have a preference for featuring artists with MFAs, so visual artists who want to have their work displayed in prestigious art shows may want to get an MFA. “It's no secret that the art world looks at all kinds of different criteria for deciding who is worthy of working with and who to take seriously, and there is a perception that you are a professional artist, I find, if you have a master’s degree," Stockton says. He notes that the MFA can add credibility to an artist's resume and help him or her get a second look from art curators, but ultimately, the quality of the art is what matters most for artistic career success.

[Read: Fine Arts School Tips for Success .]

Stockton says enrolling in an MFA program with an exceptionally talented cohort of students allows you to learn from those students, both during and after the program, assuming you establish and maintain strong relationship with classmates.

Markowsky notes that another important factor to consider is the quality of professors at an MFA program, since having top-notch artistic mentors in the area of art that you are interested in can be very valuable.

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Jessica Zdunek July 7, 2016

Female artist mixing paints with her fingers

However, experts says prospective MFA students who are unable to gain admittance to the most competitive fine arts schools should find reassurance in the idea that they can become great artists and produce beauitful art, regardless of which art school they attend, so long as they are committed to their craft.

Steve Almond, a published author who earned an MFA in creative writing and who teaches narrative journalism courses at Harvard University , says the quality of a person's artwork is the primary metric that matters in artistic careers, so if someone can become a tremendous artist without going to a big-name art school, that's fine.

Almond says in creative writing, good editors and publishers judge work based on its own merits, rather than the credentials of the person who made it. "What matters is whether it's a gripping story," he says.

What is the best way to judge the quality of an MFA program?

Borchardt says one key thing to look for when evaluating MFA programs is rigor.

"The degree is an intense multiyear commitment to creating a style of art that will separate you in a very difficult market," he says. "It is a study in which you may end up not creating the art that you love or first desired but an art that can be both marketable and self worthy."

Borchardt says a solid MFA program will provide students with highly technical training in their particular art form. "A good program will focus on the technical aspects of how to make art, whether that's learning new painting processes or studies in different firing techniques for ceramics," he wrote. "Knowledge is what needs to be gained to be able to create art that stands the test of time. Art work will flourish out of those studies. Some programs focus on just creating work and not focusing on the processes, but a good program should be technical and offer the freedom to create after the skills are built up....Red flags for a subpar program include limited instruction in technical processes and fundamentals."

How does someone become a competitive applicant for an MFA program?

MFA professors and alumni say the most important component of an MFA application is the quality of the art that is included in the application. Depending on the type of MFA a person is applying for, he or she would either be submitting an artistic portfolio or writing sample, or he or she would be auditioning before a panel of judges.

Bistram says when she applied for an MFA program, the component of her application which she focused on was her portfolio. "The portfolio component of the application was most important in my admissions process," she wrote. "While other graduate programs place a great deal of value on test scores and undergraduate transcripts, MFA programs evaluate a candidate primarily based on the artistic work they can produce."

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The 10 Best Creative Writing MFA Programs in the US

The talent is there. 

But the next generation of great American writers needs a collegial place to hone their craft. 

They need a place to explore the writer’s role in a wider community. 

They really need guidance about how and when to publish. 

All these things can be found in a solid Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing degree program. This degree offers access to mentors, to colleagues, and to a future in the writing world. 

A good MFA program gives new writers a precious few years to focus completely on their work, an ideal space away from the noise and pressure of the fast-paced modern world. 

We’ve found ten of the best ones, all of which provide the support, the creative stimulation, and the tranquility necessary to foster a mature writer.

We looked at graduate departments from all regions, public and private, all sizes, searching for the ten most inspiring Creative Writing MFA programs. 

Each of these ten institutions has assembled stellar faculties, developed student-focused paths of study, and provide robust support for writers accepted into their degree programs. 

To be considered for inclusion in this list, these MFA programs all must be fully-funded degrees, as recognized by Read The Workshop .

Creative Writing education has broadened and expanded over recent years, and no single method or plan fits for all students. 

Today, MFA programs across the country give budding short story writers and poets a variety of options for study. For future novelists, screenwriters – even viral bloggers – the search for the perfect setting for their next phase of development starts with these outstanding institutions, all of which have developed thoughtful and particular approaches to study.

So where will the next Salinger scribble his stories on the steps of the student center, or the next Angelou reading her poems in the local bookstore’s student-run poetry night? At one of these ten programs.

Here are 10 of the best creative writing MFA programs in the US.

University of Oregon (Eugene, OR)

University of Oregon

Starting off the list is one of the oldest and most venerated Creative Writing programs in the country, the MFA at the University of Oregon. 

Longtime mentor, teacher, and award-winning poet Garrett Hongo directs the program, modeling its studio-based approach to one-on-one instruction in the English college system. 

Oregon’s MFA embraces its reputation for rigor. Besides attending workshops and tutorials, students take classes in more formal poetics and literature.  

A classic college town, Eugene provides an ideal backdrop for the writers’ community within Oregon’s MFA students and faculty.  

Tsunami Books , a local bookseller with national caché, hosts student-run readings featuring writers from the program. 

Graduates garner an impressive range of critical acclaim; Yale Younger Poet winner Brigit Pegeen Kelly, Cave Canem Prize winner and Guggenheim fellow Major Jackson, and PEN-Hemingway Award winner Chang-Rae Lee are noteworthy alumni. 

With its appealing setting and impressive reputation, Oregon’s MFA program attracts top writers as visiting faculty, including recent guests Elizabeth McCracken, David Mura, and Li-young Lee.

The individual approach defines the Oregon MFA experience; a key feature of the program’s first year is the customized reading list each MFA student creates with their faculty guide. 

Weekly meetings focus not only on the student’s writing, but also on the extended discovery of voice through directed reading. 

Accepting only ten new students a year—five in poetry and five in fiction— the University of Oregon’s MFA ensures a close-knit community with plenty of individual coaching and guidance.

Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)

Cornell University

Cornell University’s MFA program takes the long view on life as a writer, incorporating practical editorial training and teaching experience into its two-year program.

Incoming MFA students choose their own faculty committee of at least two faculty members, providing consistent advice as they move through a mixture of workshop and literature classes. 

Students in the program’s first year benefit from editorial training as readers and editors for Epoch , the program’s prestigious literary journal.

Teaching experience grounds the Cornell program. MFA students design and teach writing-centered undergraduate seminars on a variety of topics, and they remain in Ithaca during the summer to teach in programs for undergraduates. 

Cornell even allows MFA graduates to stay on as lecturers at Cornell for a period of time while they are on the job search. Cornell also offers a joint MFA/Ph.D. program through the Creative Writing and English departments.

Endowments fund several acclaimed reading series, drawing internationally known authors to campus for workshops and work sessions with MFA students. 

Recent visiting readers include Salman Rushdie, Sandra Cisneros, Billy Collins, Margaret Atwood, Ada Limón, and others. 

Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ)

Arizona State University

Arizona State’s MFA in Creative Writing spans three years, giving students ample time to practice their craft, develop a voice, and begin to find a place in the post-graduation literary world. 

Coursework balances writing and literature classes equally, with courses in craft and one-on-one mentoring alongside courses in literature, theory, or even electives in topics like fine press printing, bookmaking, or publishing. 

While students follow a path in either poetry or fiction, they are encouraged to take courses across the genres.

Teaching is also a focus in Arizona State’s MFA program, with funding coming from teaching assistantships in the school’s English department. Other exciting teaching opportunities include teaching abroad in locations around the world, funded through grants and internships.

The Virginia C. Piper Center for Creative Writing, affiliated with the program, offers Arizona State MFA students professional development in formal and informal ways. 

The Distinguished Writers Series and Desert Nights, Rising Stars Conference bring world-class writers to campus, allowing students to interact with some of the greatest in the profession. Acclaimed writer and poet Alberto Ríos directs the Piper Center.

Arizona State transitions students to the world after graduation through internships with publishers like Four Way Books. 

Its commitment to the student experience and its history of producing acclaimed writers—recent examples include Tayari Jones (Oprah’s Book Club, 2018; Women’s Prize for Fiction, 2019), Venita Blackburn ( Prairie Schooner Book Prize, 2018), and Hugh Martin ( Iowa Review Jeff Sharlet Award for Veterans)—make Arizona State University’s MFA a consistent leader among degree programs.

University of Texas at Austin (Austin, TX)

University of Texas at Austin

The University of Texas at Austin’s MFA program, the Michener Center for Writers, maintains one of the most vibrant, exciting, active literary faculties of any MFA program.

Denis Johnson D.A. Powell, Geoff Dyer, Natasha Trethewey, Margot Livesey, Ben Fountain: the list of recent guest faculty boasts some of the biggest names in current literature.

This three-year program fully funds candidates without teaching fellowships or assistantships; the goal is for students to focus entirely on their writing. 

More genre tracks at the Michener Center mean students can choose two focus areas, a primary and secondary, from Fiction, Poetry, Screenwriting, and Playwriting.

The Michener Center for Writers plays a prominent role in contemporary writing of all kinds. 

The hip, student-edited Bat City Review accepts work of all genres, visual art, cross genres, collaborative, and experimental pieces.  

Recent events for illustrious alumni include New Yorker publications, an Oprah Book Club selection, a screenwriting prize, and a 2021 Pulitzer (for visiting faculty member Mitchell Jackson). 

In this program, students are right in the middle of all the action of contemporary American literature.

Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, MO)

Washington University in St. Louis

The MFA in Creative Writing at Washington University in St. Louis is a program on the move: applicants have almost doubled here in the last five years. 

Maybe this sudden growth of interest comes from recent rising star alumni on the literary scene, like Paul Tran, Miranda Popkey, and National Book Award winner Justin Phillip Reed.

Or maybe it’s the high profile Washington University’s MFA program commands, with its rotating faculty post through the Hurst Visiting Professor program and its active distinguished reader series. 

Superstar figures like Alison Bechdel and George Saunders have recently held visiting professorships, maintaining an energetic atmosphere program-wide.

Washington University’s MFA program sustains a reputation for the quality of the mentorship experience. 

With only five new students in each genre annually, MFA candidates form close cohorts among their peers and enjoy attentive support and mentorship from an engaged and vigorous faculty. 

Three genre tracks are available to students: fiction, poetry, and the increasingly relevant and popular creative nonfiction.

Another attractive feature of this program: first-year students are fully funded, but not expected to take on a teaching role until their second year. 

A generous stipend, coupled with St. Louis’s low cost of living, gives MFA candidates at Washington University the space to develop in a low-stress but stimulating creative environment.

Indiana University (Bloomington, IN)

Indiana University

It’s one of the first and biggest choices students face when choosing an MFA program: two-year or three-year? 

Indiana University makes a compelling case for its three-year program, in which the third year of support allows students an extended period of time to focus on the thesis, usually a novel or book-length collection.

One of the older programs on the list, Indiana’s MFA dates back to 1948. 

Its past instructors and alumni read like the index to an American Literature textbook. 

How many places can you take classes in the same place Robert Frost once taught, not to mention the program that granted its first creative writing Master’s degree to David Wagoner? Even today, the program’s integrity and reputation draw faculty like Ross Gay and Kevin Young.

Indiana’s Creative Writing program houses two more literary institutions, the Indiana Review, and the Indiana University Writers’ Conference. 

Students make up the editorial staff of this lauded literary magazine, in some cases for course credit or a stipend. An MFA candidate serves each year as assistant director of the much-celebrated and highly attended conference . 

These two facets of Indiana’s program give graduate students access to visiting writers, professional experience, and a taste of the writing life beyond academia.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Ann Arbor, MI)

University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

The University of Michigan’s Helen Zell Writers’ Program cultivates its students with a combination of workshop-driven course work and vigorous programming on and off-campus. Inventive new voices in fiction and poetry consistently emerge from this two-year program.

The campus hosts multiple readings, events, and contests, anchored by the Zell Visiting Writers Series. The Hopgood Awards offer annual prize money to Michigan creative writing students . 

The department cultivates relationships with organizations and events around Detroit, so whether it’s introducing writers at Literati bookstore or organizing writing retreats in conjunction with local arts organizations, MFA candidates find opportunities to cultivate a community role and public persona as a writer.

What happens after graduation tells the big story of this program. Michigan produces heavy hitters in the literary world, like Celeste Ng, Jesmyn Ward, Elizabeth Kostova, Nate Marshall, Paisley Rekdal, and Laura Kasischke. 

Their alumni place their works with venerable houses like Penguin and Harper Collins, longtime literary favorites Graywolf and Copper Canyon, and the new vanguard like McSweeney’s, Fence, and Ugly Duckling Presse.

University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN)

University of Minnesota

Structure combined with personal attention and mentorship characterizes the University of Minnesota’s Creative Writing MFA, starting with its unique program requirements. 

In addition to course work and a final thesis, Minnesota’s MFA candidates assemble a book list of personally significant works on literary craft, compose a long-form essay on their writing process, and defend their thesis works with reading in front of an audience.

Literary journal Great River Review and events like the First Book reading series and Mill City Reading series do their part to expand the student experience beyond the focus on the internal. 

The Edelstein-Keller Visiting Writer Series draws exceptional, culturally relevant writers like Chuck Klosterman and Claudia Rankine for readings and student conversations. 

Writer and retired University of Minnesota instructor Charles Baxter established the program’s Hunger Relief benefit , aiding Minnesota’s Second Harvest Heartland organization. 

Emblematic of the program’s vision of the writer in service to humanity, this annual contest and reading bring together distinguished writers, students, faculty, and community members in favor of a greater goal.

Brown University (Providence, RI)

Brown University

One of the top institutions on any list, Brown University features an elegantly-constructed Literary Arts Program, with students choosing one workshop and one elective per semester. 

The electives can be taken from any department at Brown; especially popular choices include Studio Art and other coursework through the affiliated Rhode Island School of Design. The final semester consists of thesis construction under the supervision of the candidate’s faculty advisor.

Brown is the only MFA program to feature, in addition to poetry and fiction tracks, the Digital/Cross Disciplinary track . 

This track attracts multidisciplinary writers who need the support offered by Brown’s collaboration among music, visual art, computer science, theater and performance studies, and other departments. 

The interaction with the Rhode Island School of Design also allows those artists interested in new forms of media to explore and develop their practice, inventing new forms of art and communication.

Brown’s Literary Arts Program focuses on creating an atmosphere where students can refine their artistic visions, supported by like-minded faculty who provide the time and materials necessary to innovate. 

Not only has the program produced trailblazing writers like Percival Everett and Otessa Moshfegh, but works composed by alumni incorporating dance, music, media, and theater have been performed around the world, from the stage at Kennedy Center to National Public Radio.

University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA)

University of Iowa

When most people hear “MFA in Creative Writing,” it’s the Iowa Writers’ Workshop they imagine. 

The informal name of the University of Iowa’s Program in Creative Writing, the Iowa Writers’ Workshop was the first to offer an MFA, back in 1936. 

One of the first diplomas went to renowned writer Wallace Stegner, who later founded the MFA program at Stanford.

 It’s hard to argue with seventeen Pulitzer Prize winners and six U.S. Poets Laureate. The Iowa Writers’ Workshop is the root system of the MFA tree.

The two-year program balances writing courses with coursework in other graduate departments at the university. In addition to the book-length thesis, a written exam is part of the student’s last semester.

Because the program represents the quintessential idea of a writing program, it attracts its faculty positions, reading series, events, and workshops the brightest lights of the literary world. 

The program’s flagship literary magazine, the Iowa Review , is a lofty goal for writers at all stages of their career. 

At the Writers’ Workshop, tracks include not only fiction, poetry, playwriting, and nonfiction, but also Spanish creative writing and literary translation. Their reading series in association with Prairie Lights bookstore streams online and is heard around the world.

Iowa’s program came into being in answer to the central question posed to each one of these schools: can writing be taught? 

The answer for a group of intrepid, creative souls in 1936 was, actually, “maybe not.” 

But they believed it could be cultivated; each one of these institutions proves it can be, in many ways, for those willing to commit the time and imagination.

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7 Creative Writing Careers You Can Get With an MFA Degree

MSMU Blog: 7 Creative Writing Careers You Can Get With an MFA Degree

Creative minds gift beauty to the world around them. Artists in every field give people the opportunity to appreciate the thoughts, emotions and stories that connect people across the globe. However, the field of fine arts is traditionally regarded as highly competitive, which can be discouraging to some aspiring artists.

But despite the competitive reputation of the field, an MFA in Creative Writing is one of the most versatile fine arts degrees in the field, offering those who are passionate about writing plenty of opportunities in countless industries. Because the world will always need talented writers, an MFA in Creative Writing can be put to use almost anywhere.

Download our guide, The Art of Storytelling: A Guide to Creative Writing Careers with an MFA Degree, to learn more about becoming a professional writer.

Are you a wordsmith searching for where to best use your creative skills? Keep reading to find out more about the various ways you can make a career out of your love for the written word.

Why Think About an MFA in Creative Writing?

Across languages, the history of human experience lives on through words. 

Words always have been and always will be one of the most important means of connecting people intellectually and emotionally. The passion to unite people through the written word is a unique one that deserves to be honed.

Vintage Newspapers

Writing is everywhere we look.  

On billboards, at the store, in our mailboxes, throughout our entertainment mediums — because of the importance of words in everyday life, nearly every job industry imaginable requires passionate, skillful writers. 

In other words, the world needs storytellers; if you long to tell stories, whether in the form of a novel or a newspaper, consider joining a community of storytellers in an MFA program. An MFA in Creative Writing will prepare you to use your creative writing abilities for any career you might pursue.

What Can You Do With an MFA in Creative Writing?  

So you like writing, and creative writing is needed in a variety of fields. But what can you actually do with an MFA in Creative Writing ? Explore just seven of the many options for a creative writer below.

Ever dreamed of seeing your novel on a shelf at the local bookstore? An advanced creative writing degree can help you fulfill your dreams of becoming a published author . Be a novelist or a poet, of fiction or of nonfiction, and share the words you craft inside your head with the world around you. 

2. Screenwrite

Bring your stories to life on screen. Whether you like creating plot, characters or script, you can use your creative writing skills as a screenwriter. Screenwriters create content for shows and movies and imaginatively translate the written word into a visual piece of art.

Is structure your forte? Do you enjoy digging into the details of grammar and style in writing? Help other writers better their writing by being an editor. Editors surround themselves with pieces of writing in all forms, readying them for publication . 

Want to help other people accomplish their goals of being a published author? Look into a career as a literary agent . Literary agents help aspiring authors navigate the overwhelming world of publishing.

Some creative minds find their strength in the world of nonfiction. Those with a natural curiosity for the real, current world and a gift for research can go for a career as a journalist. Newspapers, magazines and various online publications need people who want to gather information and report on world events.

6. Speak out

If you like sharing your opinions, providing perspective and having your voice heard, a job as a columnist might suit you. Columnists can write for all kinds of media, specializing in writing articles on a specific topic or interest .

In the age of rapidly advancing technological communication, skills in writing might lead you to be a social media specialist. As a social media specialist, you can help brands build community with the public through creating and managing a brand’s online presence.

A Quick Look at the Job Outlook for Writers

Jobs for writers and authors nationally have a stable market . Across the country, creative writing job openings grow at a steady rate of 4 percent per year with about 142,800 positions available at any time. The job growth rate increases for writers working in marketing ( at 10 percent ), technical writers ( at 6 percent ) and those working in broadcast media ( at 10 percent ).

Los Angeles Downtown

In the Los Angeles area alone, writers can find careers among thousands of job options . The versatile, secure market for writing jobs gives creative writers space to grow in their talents and passions.

Why Earn a Creative Writing MFA at MSMU? 

Los Angeles, California is a hub of creative minds. Home to the film hotspot of Hollywood and nationally famous papers like The Los Angeles Times, writers who find their passion in anything from screenwriting to journalism find themselves in a community of creative writers in Los Angeles. 

Doheny LA Skyline

And, Mount Saint Mary’s University Los Angeles sits right at the heart of it all.

A MFA in Creative Writing gives students a broad education on the craft. The Mount gives students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in a specific area of study within the creative writing field by offering two certificate options in its MFA in Creative Writing program:

Latin American/Latinx Creative Studies Certificate (LALCS): Dive deep into the heritage of Latin American and Latinx cultures. With an LALCS Certificate, students study the rich artistic traditions of Latin American and Latinx cultures from the Caribbean and Southern, Central and Northern Latin America, especially across different genres of writing. Students will learn from faculty with expertise in a variety of literary and writing backgrounds and be able to immerse themselves in Latinx culture through studying abroad in Cuzco, Peru. This certificate prepares writers to think critically about and be engaged with the world around them

Writing for Media Certificate: Learn about how essential diversity is in all forms of writing. In MSMU’s Writing for Media Certificate program, students take courses in screenwriting, podcasting, cinema studies and more, to gain well-rounded knowledge of the writing field. Students also understand the value of appreciating and representing voices from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds in media. A diverse set of teachers and classes help students produce robust portfolios of work over the course of the program that they can carry with them as they enter their careers.

Pursue Your Creative Writing Career at the Mount!

The world wants to hear your stories.

At Mount Saint Mary’s University, students can pursue their Creative Writing MFA on campus, online or a mixture of both. Over the course of this interdisciplinary program, all candidates will complete fifteen credit hours in writing workshops, several electives in literary theory, the humanities and film and create an original creative writing manuscript in a selected genre. Students will graduate prepared to write in all fields and qualified to teach writing at the college level.

If you want to dedicate your life to telling stories of any kind – fiction or nonfiction, in sentence or verse, in print or online – a Creative Writing MFA could be your next step in sharing your voice with the world.

Write your career story starting at the Mount. If you are interested in MSMU’s Creative Writing MFA, apply now , request more information , or attend an info session .

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SNHU graduate, Felicia Ramos-Peters working on her computer. With the text Felicia Ramos-Peters '14

Online MFA in Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts

Clock Icon

Earn an MFA in Creative Writing Online

  • $637/credit (48 credits total)
  • Transfer up to 12 graduate credits
  • 100% online – no residency required
  • Four fiction genres to choose from
  • Career-focused certificate included
  • No application fee or GRE/GMAT scores required

Online MFA in Creative Writing Program Overview

Share your story with the world and let the power of storytelling take your career to new heights with an online Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing . As one of the only programs available that encourages a focus on genre fiction, our online MFA lets you hone your craft in an area specific to your strengths and interests. You'll also learn about the business side of creative writing, preparing you to market your work in the real world.

While most MFA programs require a residency, Southern New Hampshire University's online MFA in Creative Writing can be completed entirely online, with no travel necessary.

“Traditional MFA programs, whether full-time or low residency, are out of reach for many writers,” said Paul Witcover , associate dean of creative writing. “The SNHU online MFA was designed to make the MFA experience accessible to all fiction writers, opening the door to diverse voices excluded for too long from the literary conversation. Our program is dedicated to giving writers the tools to succeed on the page and beyond it.”

Graduates leave the program with a completed and revised novel in one of our four offered genres: Contemporary, Young Adult, Romance and Speculative. With the included certificates in either online teaching of writing or professional writing , you'll have the skills to support your writing career, no matter where it takes you.

.st0{fill:#21386D;} What You'll Learn

  • The business and technical sides of professional writing
  • How to navigate the publishing ecosystem, identify agents and editors, and market your work to appeal to decision-makers
  • Using social media to gain a following and build your brand
  • How to teach writing in a classroom setting

.cls-1 { fill: #21386d; } How You'll Learn

At SNHU, you'll get support from day 1 to graduation and beyond. And with no set class times, 24/7 access to the online classroom and helpful learning resources along the way, you'll have everything you need to reach your goals.

Why Emily Chose Online MFA in Creative Writing

The Value of an Online MFA

Emily Jones ’20 embraced a transformational experience through the online MFA in Creative Writing program, which supported her in taking her writing career to the next level. “I can now say, without even a hint of imposter syndrome, that I am a writer,” said Jones. “And that is because of Southern New Hampshire University.”

Career Outlook

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, writers and authors made a median annual salary of $69,510 in 2021, while editors made $63,350. 1

Paul Witcover with the text Paul Witcover

“Our mission is to give students a degree and associated practical skills they can use to forge successful pathways in academia, business, or by blazing their own career trail,” said Paul Witcover , associate dean of creative writing.

Earning one of the included certificates in online teaching of writing or professional writing will also be an invaluable addition to your resume for part-time, full-time and freelance jobs in a variety of fields, including:

  • Higher education. Instruct writing courses in higher education settings. In 2021, postsecondary teachers made a median annual wage of $79,640, and you can expect to see a 12% growth in available positions through 2031, according to the BLS. 1
  • Advertising. Use your storytelling skills in a way that influences consumer action. As a copywriter, you could find yourself doing any number of writing projects from crafting emails and ads to writing entire commercials.
  • Marketing. If you're more comfortable with long-form prose, many businesses have invested in content writers who create quality content such as blog posts, ebooks and podcasts to attract and retain customers.
  • Entertainment. Good at building suspense or setting up punchlines? From movies and plays to comedy and podcasts, being a good storyteller and writer is important to finding success in the entertainment industry.
  • History. Every person's life has a plot, but it takes writers like you to tell their stories in a compelling way. Help readers relive the experiences of historic figures and pop culture icons as a biographer.

Higher Education

Instruct writing courses in higher education at a college or university, either in-person or online.


Influence consumer action through copywriting, from print ads to digital advertising and broadcast commercials.

Create written content such as blog posts, ebooks and podcasts to attract and retain customers.


From movies and plays to comedy and podcasts, writers often find success in the entertainment industry.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts favorable job growth in postsecondary education. And while statistics are not available for all job settings mentioned above, the BLS reports the following:

.cls-1 { fill: #21386d; } Job Growth

The BLS predicts an 8% growth in available postsecondary teaching positions through 2032. 1

.cls-1 { fill: #21386d; } Potential Salary

Writers and authors made a median annual salary of $73,150 in 2022, while editors made $73,080 and postsecondary teachers made $80,840. 1

Understanding the Numbers When reviewing job growth and salary information, it’s important to remember that actual numbers can vary due to many different factors — like years of experience in the role, industry of employment, geographic location, worker skill and economic conditions. Cited projections do not guarantee actual salary or job growth.

Start Your Journey Toward an Online MFA in Creative Writing

If you're looking to earn your Master of Fine Arts online, you've found the right program. Even though there are no residency requirements, you'll still interact frequently with other students and faculty members in asynchronous discussions, critique workshops and within our online writer’s community, where students come together to share industry news, extend writing tips and develop critique partnerships.

Jamilla Geter with the text Jamilla Geter

"I liked MFA-514 (Advanced Studies in Genre Literature) best," said student Jamilla Geter . "It was a great look into the different genres. It really helped me narrow down what genre I wanted to write in."

Felicia Warden with the text Felicia Warden

"Though it was not writing exactly, its connection to it – especially in our digital world – was made clear almost immediately," she said. "Writing is not just providing content of value to your readers, but also creating avenues of access so those readers can find your content. This course helped me to understand that and to learn how I can create those avenues."

Besides allowing you to focus on your own creative interests, part of our 48-credit online MFA curriculum requires you to choose from 2 certificate offerings designed to round out your education and better prepare you for a multitude of writing-related careers.

The first choice is a Graduate Certificate in Online Teaching of Writing , which is tailored to those who see themselves teaching in an online classroom setting as a supplement to their writing careers. Students practice approaches to editing and coaching, learning how to establish a virtual instructor presence and cultivate methods for supporting and engaging students within online writing communities.

Learn more about the online teaching of writing graduate certificate .

Students can also choose the Graduate Certificate in Professional Writing , which highlights the technical and business opportunities available to writers. Students will develop a range of skills, such as copywriting, social media, marketing principles and/or content generation, learning many of the freelancing skills integral to today’s project-driven economy.

Learn more about the professional writing graduate certificate .

All of our courses are taught by accomplished authors and industry professionals who know both the craft and business of creative writing. They will work closely with you to develop both your creative and professional skill set.

"All instructors within my program were extremely knowledgeable and helpful," Warden said. "I learned a lot about the different career paths my instructors chose. ... The course instruction, along with their anecdotal experiences, helped in offering knowledge in different areas of our field.

MFA Program Thesis

The thesis for the Online MFA in Creative Writing is required to be a novel of at least 50,000 words in one of the four genres the program offers: Contemporary, Young Adult, Romance, and Speculative.

Every Southern New Hampshire University online MFA student who graduates from the program will do so with a revised novel manuscript in their chosen genre, which is completed in a three-course thesis series. Throughout your tenure in the program, you can either work on a singular idea that you will develop during the three thesis courses, or you can begin a new project for your thesis. You can also combine elements of the four genres offered in the program for your thesis. For example, your thesis might be a YA Speculative Fiction novel.

Kathleen Harris with the text Kathleen Harris

"My three thesis classes for the MFA degree were the most helpful," said Kathleen Harris '21 . "I was actually writing a book as my thesis, so it was both enjoyable and advantageous for the degree. And it was the end of a very long milestone of accomplishments."

Minimum Hardware Requirements Component Type   PC (Windows OS)   Apple (Mac OS)   Operating System  Currently supported operating system from Microsoft.   Currently supported operating system from Apple.  Memory (RAM)  8GB or higher  8GB or higher  Hard Drive  100GB or higher  100GB or higher  Antivirus Software  Required for campus students. Strongly recommended for online students.  Required for campus students. Strongly recommended for online students.  SNHU Purchase Programs  Visit Dell   Visit Apple   Internet/ Bandwidth  5 Mbps Download, 1 Mbps Upload and less than 100 ms Latency  5 Mbps Download, 1 Mbps Upload and less than 100 ms Latency  Notes:   Laptop or desktop?   Whichever you choose depends on your personal preference and work style, though laptops tend to offer more flexibility.  Note:   Chromebooks (Chrome OS) and iPads (iOS) do not meet the minimum requirements for coursework at SNHU. These offer limited functionality and do not work with some course technologies. They are not acceptable as the only device you use for coursework. While these devices are convenient and may be used for some course functions, they cannot be your primary device. SNHU does, however, have an affordable laptop option that it recommends: Dell Latitude 3301 with Windows 10.  Office 365 Pro Plus  is available free of charge to all SNHU students and faculty. The Office suite will remain free while you are a student at SNHU. Upon graduation you may convert to a paid subscription if you wish. Terms subject to change at Microsoft's discretion. Review system requirements for  Microsoft 365 plans  for business, education and government.  Antivirus software:  Check with your ISP as they may offer antivirus software free of charge to subscribers.  if (typeof accordionGroup === "undefined") { window.accordionGroup = new accordion(); } accordionGroup.init(document.getElementById('f756dce5bd874c61855f6f6e92d88470')); University Accreditation

New England Commission of Higher Education

Tuition & Fees

Tuition rates for SNHU's online degree programs are among the lowest in the nation. We offer a 25% tuition discount for U.S. service members, both full and part time, and the spouses of those on active duty.

Tuition rates are subject to change and are reviewed annually. *Note: students receiving this rate are not eligible for additional discounts.

Additional Costs: Course Materials ($ varies by course). Foundational courses may be required based on your undergraduate course history, which may result in additional cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

A woman reading poetry to celebrate national poetry month and demonstrate why poetry is important

Why is Poetry Important? Celebrating National Poetry Month

SNHU graduate Stephanie Gould holding her diploma with SNHU's executive vice president and university provost, Lisa Marsh Ryerson

Actor Stephanie Gould Surprised Onstage With Diploma Delivery

SNHU associate dean of liberal arts Dr. Robert Denning wearing a dark suit and blue tie.

Associate Dean of Liberal Arts Dr. Robert Denning: A Faculty Q&A

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A New Community of Writers

Should I get an MFA in Creative Writing?

January 14, 2023 by Richard 11 Comments

If you love writing, an MFA might be the way for you to go, but there are many things to consider. In life, there are no guarantees, but taking the risk might keep you writing. The truth is, you never know. Before signing up for your MFA in Creative Writing, here are some things to consider. Student Union, where many MFAers sleep.

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

If you are considering pursuing your MFA in Creative Writing, here are a few things to keep in mind. Creative writing programs are bombing now, but it may not be your best idea.

Circle of Writers

You will be around people who write. You will be around experienced writers. Having access to professional writers is generally a good thing for writers. The more people you know who read your work, the better you write most of the time. You’ll have other people around you to motivate you. Do you need it? Do you crave a community of writers?

More Time to Write

You’ll have more time to write. Most MFA programs are studio programs that focus on writing. We are not talking about an MA in English. We are talking about studio creative writing programs. These are programs that give you time to write. You spend most of your time meeting deadlines for writing and then workshopping what you’ve written. A writing program might work if you need to get away from your busy job and life to write and have no refuge.

Literary Writing

You’ll have training from literary writers. It’s good if you are interested in literary writing (meaning you write the fiction of life). I’m about to say something that will get me in trouble with you, but if you are most concerned with story-telling and have few details about how the story is told, you probably will not like academic courses. Literary writers get into the nooks and crannies of writing. Not to say that genre writers do not focus on language—literary focus on how the story is told. If you are not a “micro” writer, you may not enjoy it very much. There is always an exception to the rule. Some MFA programs do offer paths in genre fiction.

You MIGHT have access to literary agents. Literary agents watch some MFA programs. These programs usually produce good writers, and agents monitor the programs for writers they can represent. Iowa and Arizona are at the top of this list. The list of good programs is constantly changing, save that Iowa is always on top.

Better Writer

It will help you in your writing, or better stated: it will help you understand yourself better to become a better writer. After all, becoming a better editor is one thing, but becoming a better writer-storytelling- having your style is different altogether. An MFA program will teach you about language. It will also allow you to learn more about yourself as a writer. It will give you time and support. It will not magically improve your writing just by stepping into the program. Could you do this on your own without the program? Yeah, many others have. Many great writers have sought out writing circles and have yet to attend university.

It will allow you to teach at a university or in a writing program or go on to get your Ph.D. An MFA is ideal if you are interested in teaching at a university. This especially applies to poets. Poets generally find it hard to make a living writing poetry, so teaching is one of the best options.

There are other ways.

You can get a lot out of simple workshops. If you do not want to teach writing, you might not need an MFA. You do not have an “academic” interest in language and don’t necessarily care about the literary world; I would say you might want to sign up for a couple of workshops. They have workshops in every major city from time to time. Look for them in writer’s magazines (classifieds).

Bad Influence on Your Writing?

Some people say MFA programs are a terrible influence on your writing. They mean that most programs do not focus on a particular genre (other than literary). Writers need to remember that each genre in writing has its quirks and niches. Science fiction, romance, and mystery writers may have different goals in their writing. Working with writers who focus on the genre you love will do you more good than going and getting an MFA. When choosing an MFA program, one thing you should remember is the professors teaching the courses. If you like their writing, they will help you the most in your writing. If you think they are boring, why bother going into the program?

Every genre has workshops and seminars where great writers from that genre attend and teach or even read your work and comment. There are online courses where outstanding writers in a genre teach. These are much more valuable than going to a general MFA program. Get involved. Get in a workshop.

Being in an MFA program will not “hurt” your writing. It will change your writing and may not tailor changes to the genre you love. You can use what they teach you, but why not learn and work with someone in your area of the genre?

You will buy primo credits at a Master’s level at a university. You will spend between $7000-$15,000 a semester (or more, depending on the school). The degree could cost $30,000-$100,000. Each degree and university are different, but make sure to look at the cost before you enroll. Many MFA programs do have stipends and assistantships where you can teach to get your tuition paid. If you are one of the unlucky ones who do not get an assistantship, you are looking at a steep bill for your writing degree.

No guarantee

MFAs are like any degree you get in the humanities; there is no guarantee. It might not get you a book deal. It might not get you published. It might not even get you a teaching job. Many MFAs had gone right back into the field they were working in before they got their MFA. Yes, you can do the work, pay the money and spend the time and you still need to get a job related to writing. This happens in every field, but you have to remember the jobs associated with report writing tend to be few and far between in many parts of the country. Only some people can get a job, and it is possible to go through all the steps and remain in the same spot you’re in right now.

  Ask yourself the right questions. Don’t let others discourage you. Don’t let anything stand in your way. If you want an MFA degree, you shouldn’t let anything stop you. Many writers do very well with a creative writing degree.

Updated 1/14/22

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About Richard

Richard Everywriter (pen name) has worked for literary magazines and literary websites for the last 25 years. He holds degrees in Writing, Journalism, Technology and Education. Richard has headed many writing workshops and courses, and he has taught writing and literature for the last 20 years.  

In writing and publishing he has worked with independent, small, medium and large publishers for years connecting publishers to authors. He has also worked as a journalist and editor in both magazine, newspaper and trade publications as well as in the medical publishing industry.   Follow him on Twitter, and check out our Submissions page .

Reader Interactions

October 26, 2014 at 2:53 pm

Still confused on whether to get an MFA.

January 31, 2015 at 9:48 pm

I am Just as confused- I write mostly poetry- so do I benefit from getting a MFA or not-

Elaine says

February 17, 2015 at 3:17 pm

After reading several different opinions on the value of earning an MFA in writing, I have concluded one really needs to determine motivation. I think those motivated by intrinsic rewards will gain the most value from this type of degree.

Nina Annette says

May 5, 2016 at 5:28 pm

What do I do? I think an MFA would be a great way to meet other writers and intellectuals, to refine and challenge my writing, and to have meaningful discussions on books, essays, and more. I’m a philosophy and politics undergraduate, as I love debating and discussing both theoretical works and real-world problems. I am not in school to become a millionaire, but I also know that I need to be practical. I literally have no idea what I want to do, but I think the MFA in writing might be a worthwhile opportunity, especially since many can be worked around jobs. Maybe I can get funding, but if not, is it a worthwhile opportunity?

Bob Gray says

August 11, 2016 at 11:04 am

RUN as fast as you can from these MFA programs. There are no jobs with this degree. IF it is not FREE to obtain the MFA, do you want to spend years paying off debt for a degree that provides no job opportunities. My son did just that. Now he is filled with regrets. It is NOT a worthwhile opportunity. It is not an opportunity for anything except postponement to the real world. Earn a degree that will get you job offers and pay your bills!

Noah Mead says

November 15, 2016 at 2:13 pm

William Faulkner, John Steinbeck, Jack Kerouac, just to name a few writers who did not have an undergraduate degree let alone an MFA

legfan says

March 22, 2017 at 4:50 pm

Unemployed english major here. Taking business classes right now, hopefully get into mba and business world so i can affored things i want. With the economy like it is, better off waiting until you are 60 to write, it is hopeless. Business is dull, but think of all the interesting things you can do with a financial foundation. No good evidence in this article to get an mfa. Id rather go and study books because at least its analysis.

Every Writer says

March 23, 2017 at 6:36 am

I want to make it clear that I’m not trying to point our reasons to get an MFA in this article. I’m simply letting writers know the possible benefits of this degree. It makes me happy to see the comments on this article. When I wrote it, the one thing I wanted people to do most was really think out if an MFA degree is right for them. They should know the risks, but I believe it’s attached a lot to the ends.

So if you get an MFA, and the time you spend give you all the time and support you need to write a great book, you do, and then become a successful writer, would you regret your MFA?

On the other hand, if you never writer or publish a book, never become successful, then yes, I think you would regret the money you spent. That’s how it is with any degree though. If I train to be a rocket scientist but then become a plumber, do I get mad at myself for wasting money?

MFAs ARE a stepping stone to jobs, but they are jobs in teaching. For instance, many many poets cannot make a living off their writing…poetry just isn’t that popular, so the MFA moves them to a PHD track, that gets them a job teaching while they write. It’s just one example.

I do not push for or against MFAs.

March 23, 2017 at 7:47 am

More to think about:

I looked these up quickly, but you can do more extensive research if you like. Pulitzer Prize winners for the last 5ish years:

2016 Viet Thanh Nguyen PHD English 2015 Anthony Doerr MFA 2014 Donna Tartt MA English 2013 Adam Johnson MFA 2012 no award 2011 Jennifer Egan MA English 2010 Paul Harding MFA

Poetry 2016 Peter Balakain BA/MA/Phd (BA, MA English I think!) 2015 Gregory Purdlo MFA 2014 Vijay Seshadri (? Teaches MFA) 2013 Sharon Olds PHD English 2012 Tracy K. Smith MFA 2011 Kay Ryan BA, MA English 2010 Rae Armantrout MFA

Did this very quickly…on the fly…please forgive and POINT OUT TYPOS.

October 12, 2017 at 6:12 pm

Every Writer,

Donna Tartt did not get an MA in English.

crazy roll 3d says

January 6, 2023 at 1:01 am

I think you should try.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

14 reasons (not) to get an mfa in creative writing (and two reasons it might actually be worth it).

  • Get a marketable skill (Nope.)
  • Improve your job prospects (Not listed even once)
  • Earn more money (This is actually debunked in several places. You read that right. DEBUNKED .)
  • Internships or professional opportunities (Not even mentioned.)
  • The sheer pleasure of the pursuit of knowledge (Pfffft. What kind of nerd goes to school for this?)

reasons to get an mfa in creative writing

  • Genuinely increase one's chances of publication
  • Undoubtedly improve one's writing
Okay take a breather.  Maybe grab a snack. 
The question isn't if it's useful. The question is if it's WORTH IT.


Huzzah! Huzzah! HUH-zzah!

Did you know this blog is advertising a creative writing degree, on the sidebar. LOL>

Yeah, the robots that crawl my site just see key words. They don't always know WHAT I'm saying about various things. But I have nothing AGAINST MFAs. Just with people getting them for the wrong reasons

I wish I'd read this before I spent $35,000 and three years getting an MFA so that I could compete with thirty applicants for every teaching position in the country. Most useless piece of paper ever.

I have a friend who's really glad she did it, but none of the reasons are pragmatic ones, so at least you are in good company. :-/

This is shockingly frank and distressingly accurate. Thanks for your honesty even if it stings. I teach Creative Writing in an MFA program and the misconceptions my students have is appalling. I wish I could make your article mandatory reading prior to their enrollment.

That's a totally cool idea, but if you do that, will you make sure the URL is visible at the bottom of the page you print out and/or have them read it here at the website. My instructors used to print out stuff and the printer cropped the bottom so you couldn't see where to go if you wanted to find more from the writer.

Ouch. True....but OUCH.

There are good reasons to get an MFA, but I think 99% of the students aren't doing it for one of those reasons. :-/

Came here from your recent letter to the MFA student. Man, you've nailed the problem. Music and theater--those MFA's make sense and they can get you hired in an orchestra or troupe. But Creative Writing....just useless.

God I'm glad I read this before I made this choice. I'm not saying I won't still get the MFA but I'm glad I read this.

You're welcome!

Thanks-- you just saved me two years and twenty grand. If we ever meet, the coffee's on me (Dunkin' Donuts; small black).

I'm not much of a coffee drinker. Maybe I can just get a couple of donut holes instead?

Damn. You just seriously tipped the scales on my decision. Thanks for saving me 30 grand--I'm going to buy a car.

Well just name it Chris (and try to have a threesome in it), kay?

Dude, you are hilarious. I have until Nov. 13th to make my decision. What's a douchebag like me supposed to do?

It's tough for me to say, having never read your writing, but my initial impulse is that if you are not burning to get one and absolutely sure that it's the right path, it probably isn't. I don't actually dislike MFA's. I just think they are too often undertaken as a "Don't know what else to do" next step.

This afternoon I withdrew from my MFA dramatic writing program after completing half of the credits. I'm going to get a certificate to teach language arts in middle school instead. Creative writing programs aren't all about creative writing. There are pretentious jargon-heavy academic readings and pretentious jargon-heavy discussions about postcolonial issues--all of which require hours of preparation. In addition, every semester I was expected to write a full-length script including no less than two rewrites. My writing was never, ever good enough for my professors. I should mention that I am a published writer (magazines, newspapers, online literary journals). I also have a published play for which I receive annual royalty checks. One of my scripts was recently chosen for a prestigious competition. Nevertheless, I never earned a grade higher than a B. Consequently, I've lost faith in my writing. Worse, I've lost interest in writing. I hope this is a temporary state. Furthermore, the future for an MFA graduate seems to be as an adjunct for community colleges--if you're lucky. In fact, only two of our program's recent graduates are teaching at a community college. But one of them had college teaching experience before he earned his MFA. Another had a temporary job at the post office. He's unemployed now. A fourth makes pizzas.You get the idea. The only guarantee that comes with an MFA is debt. Thank you for your article. I'll read it every time I question my decision to leave.

I hope you regain faith and interest in your writing. It sounds as though by every bellwether that matters you are capable and competent.

Chiming in unsolicited: would you be *satisfied* if your writing was "good enough for [your] professors"? Pointing out areas to improve your writing is their entire job. It's what you are (or were) paying them to do. Wouldn't you be irritated if you handed in a piece and they said, "Yep, it's great. I got nothin. See ya."

I've been toying with the idea of going back to school lately and your post has brought up a lot of important points. I'm not committed to the prospect of going back--in fact, reading a bunch of admissions requirements today reminded me what I disliked about my undergrad experience in creative writing. I do wonder what you'd recommend, apart from graduate studies, in order to be a part of a community of writers. I spent a lot of time abroad after graduating and feel a bit out of touch. That, and getting more opportunities for publication, were the motivating factors in thinking about going back to school. I'm curious what you have to say about the process of making connections with other writers.

Tricky. I'm not sure there's a really stellar answer. Connections with other writers are tough to forage even in a writing program. I have found some success in kind of going through the paces in your typical places and then forming "elite cadres" out of the folks you get on with who are actually serious about it. I have usually connected with one or two other writers in many of the online or local groups and those people have gone on to be part of a group who regularly send each other writing for feedback even after the original group petered out or ended.

I am currently going for an MA in Creative Writing, and I'm getting just as much (if not more) opportunities than probably an MFA degree could EVER afford, because it's a rounded approach in not just creative writing, but literature and rhetoric. In a sense, this makes me more marketable...do I want to get published? Sure! But I'm also wanting to teach and be well-rounded as a person. Thank you for this very informative article. :)

UC Davis has a lit focused MA in creative writing that I've given more than a cursory look. I really think that's the way to go unless you're absolutely sure about the kind of writing MFA's encourage.

Not Davis, specifically. I just mean the MA program. I think that's a good call you made there.

I just completed my MFA and my first manuscript through National University. I know many people will say I bought my degree and they are right. I spent every penny from my full-time teaching position to do so. My main reason for spending three and half years of taking challenging courses,spending $21,000.00, was to become a better writer, and complete the book that I had been procrastinating finishing for twenty years. I have no regrets. I will add $4,000.00 a year to my salary because I already have an MA. from UCSD where I obtained a B.A. in English Literature, two teaching credentials, one Administrative Credential and now my MFA in Creative Writing from National. I didn't consult with Google or anyone else before I enrolled in my program, I just did it. Do I think my 190 page manuscript is worth a damn? Hell yes I do, it means the world to me because instead of talking about how much I wanted to write a novel I actually completed one. Will it get published? It was not my intention to pitch it anywhere besides the garbage when I thought I couldn't do write another page but I have no intention of trying to get it published. It wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell but it's still mine, and it took revision, upon revision, upon revision to complete it but I love writing, and I would do it over in a heartbeat. I am really proud of what I accomplished and I encourage anyone with the desire to pursue a degree in writing or any other discipline to go for it. It certainly won't hurt your resume.

I'm actually tremendously glad you like what you got out of an MFA. If you are happy then that's really all that matters. Certainly just following your passions is what more people should do. But a lot of young writers (especially the kind Googling the question of an MFA's utility) would be wondering if $21k and 3 1/2 years would get them any further than cultivating their own discipline. That's a pretty large investment to approach with the idea of "couldn't hurt." Most people are going to want to know exactly how much that kind of time and money COULD help. Which is why I wrote the article. Lovely to hear about folks who are making it work for them though. Thank you!

Thank you for the civility of your response. So many writing forums espouse such negativity that I simply shake my head and move on. It is a tough decision and I am extremely grateful and fortunate I was able to make the decision and to benefit from it. However, with regard to your reference to younger students note, I would like to add that from my perspective, the MFA is even more beneficial because they are young and can have that much more writing experience behind them. It certainly is a big cost and investment of time but well worth it. That's why I responded. There were many con comments and I thought it would be nice to add some pros to the comments. Again, many thanks for the response. :)

It's always good to get the other side. I'm glad you wrote it! Someone wrote in on the Mailbox asking for reasons TO get an MFA a few weeks back; you might appreciate that reply. It's not as popular of a post though, and it is probably harder to find. http://chrisbrecheen.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-mailbox-is-mfa-worth-it.html

I know this article was written a couple of years ago, but I'd like to thank the author - it's great food for thought, and the fact that most of the 'cons' are making me sigh with relief tells me that, as an on-the-fence potential student, it's not something I really want to do. I'm completing an MA in Writing in the UK, where I have always lived, and was persuaded a few months ago by a couple of teachers that I should apply for an MFA (or even a PhD) in the US, because a) I would have a chance of getting in and b) unlike the UK, funding is something that actually exists. I have been torn for months. I would like to experience a new culture and have 'time to write' (something that has come out the mouths of all my teachers), but lots of things have been putting me off, too. Mainly, that I don't want to be one of the many people I know who have been clinging on to institutions for as long as they can, trying to get their foot in the door as a teacher, but avoiding the real world and not actually writing anything. I also hate the snobbishness that I've read between the lines on quite a few MFA websites. If I manage to make a name for myself writing, it will probably be in YA fiction, which is not something that a funded programme seems to approve of. By 'allowing myself time to write', I would in fact be pulling further away from my real interests out of academic requirement. I think the scales really started to tip yesterday. I went into the city for an event in a bookshop, where an agent who has previously read your first three chapters spends ten minutes firing comments at you - e.g., 'You do *this* well, and it will be your USP, but cut *that* scene and you have more chance of getting a reader to want to continue,' and so on. It was infinitely more helpful than anything I've learned in over a year in education, and it only cost five quid.

Getting an MFA paid for by student loans has basically guaranteed I'll never write again. I work 2-3 jobs to keep ahead-enough of the wage garnishment so I can keep a roof over my head (I'd need to earn 100k/yr to make just the MINIMUM payments on my loans, oh but wait, if I was making 100k/yr I guess I wouldn't qualify for the minimum payments...). My life has been a nightmare of instability, debt colletctor calls, no time to do anything but work shit jobs (and the ones you are qualified for with an MFA are all, basically, shit jobs, you're just flipping e-"articles" or disinterested tutoring students instead of burgers) since I completed classes in my 'pay-to-play" Ivy league program. This is easily the worst mistake of my life and I am sure it has taken several years off my pathetic tenure here on the planet already. Worst part is, I still want to write, even actually do maybe once a month when I get a free afternoon. But lets face it--48hrs/yr does not complete the novel. Or even many stories. Not that they get accepted anyway--it's clear my program accepted me simply because I could get loan money, not because I had much talent. Give it up, I know.

A lot of this is true, a lot of this is false. I only have time to speak to the latter. Most MFA programs, including the one I am currently attending, are fully funded. None of us are going into debt. You teach a composition course, work in a writing center, or in some other capacity work your way through. And it isn't just the tuition that is fully funded, we get a monthly stipend that pays the bills and affords a bit of spending money. Furthermore, most of the readers and writers I know are not so narrowly minded as you imply under the heading JOIN A COMMUNITY OF WRITERS..., we read just as much mainstream fiction as the other guy. In fact, I'm probably the only person in my program (including our Professors) who enjoy writers that are language based, experimental, etc. Also, my program is not a top ten program: I'm at a major state school. I do meet authors, I have met agents who read my work and met with me one on one. There are connections to be made through various avenues in an MFA program. Moreover, the idea that an MFA fosters a certain brand of fiction is horribly misleading. A lot of MFAs allow writers to explore different genres, and a lot of MFAs have people in them who are just like everyone else: they love to read fantasy, sci-fi, YA, as well as literary realism, etc. Getting an MFA for 20,000 dollars, but it has been my experience, and this is borne out by just the slightest bit of research that most programs provide funding. Poets and Writers rank the top MFA programs based on a myriad of factors, one being the cost, and anybody can peruse their scale and see that most schools provide funding.

Getting an MFA for 20,000 dollars may be steep*

Actually it's generous. Costhelper.com puts the national average (in the USA) at THIRTY grand. And fully funded MFA's are definitely the exception, not the rule. Glad you're enjoying your program, and found a good one! (Really I am.) The usual pedagogy in the USA makes yours the exception, not the rule, and you are WELCOME to take a cruise around the internet if you don't believe me. It's also been almost three years since I wrote this and the major cultural backlash MFA programs started getting hit with has caused a few to revisit their first principles. (Though not many.)

I noted a homophone error towards the end of the article -- "phase" in place of "faze" in the fifth paragraph from the bottom.

My low res MFA was more than thirty. Just saying. But I'm so immensely glad I did it because... http://www.rebeccagrabill.com/blog/2016/5/13/7-reasons-you-might-want-an-mfa

I’m actually just switching from a law degree to an English lit with Creative degree. I gave Law my best shot but I was fighting with myself the whole time because I knew it was Creative Writing that I really wanted to be doing

This sounds like a great reason to do it! (My mom wanted me to be a lawyer so bad.)

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reasons to get an mfa in creative writing

  • Creative Writing MFA

Further your commitment to writing as the center of your professional life.

Intensive study and practice of fiction and poetry writing with award-winning and nationally renowned faculty at the most diverse university in new england..

UMass Boston's Creative Writing MFA offers you an intense, 3-year program and focused opportunity to further your commitment to writing as the center of your professional life. Through a combination of mentoring by accomplished faculty in a series of creative writing workshops, courses focused on the study of literature offered through the English MA Program, and electives that include the practice of literary editing, the teaching of creative writing, documentary poetics, the art of memoir, and more—you will have the guidance to develop and shape your work to the full extent of your talent.

All accepted students receive funding. Graduate assistantships offer the opportunity to work with students as teaching assistants and fellows, or in editorial positions with one of our sponsors, including 826 Boston, Hanging Loose Press, Write on the Dot, Consequence Magazine, Breakwater Review, and Arrowsmith Press.

Career Possibilities

Pursue a career as a professional writer, publishing your work in literary journals, magazines. Work as an editor and collaborate with writers to refine their work and shape the final product for publication. These are just a few of the possibilities.

Become a(n):

  • Writer/Author
  • Literary Agent
  • Writing Instructor/Professor

Start Your Application

Plan Your Education

How to apply.

Applicants must meet general graduate admission requirements in addition to the following program-specific requirements:

  • A 3.0 GPA overall and in the student’s major
  • Three substantive and detailed letters of recommendation, from former teachers familiar with the applicant’s most recent academic and creative work
  • A 3-5 page personal statement focusing on the role of the candidate’s reading life in his or her development as a writer. (Note: The general Graduate Admissions application refers to this as a statement of interests and intent. They are one and the same.)
  • Applicants must indicate whether they are applying in FICTION or POETRY in their Statement of Purpose. If you want to apply in both genres, include one writing sample in FICTION and one in POETRY and indicate in the Statement of Purpose that the application is for both.
  • A writing sample of 10 manuscript pages of poetry or 20 manuscript pages of fiction

Deadlines & Cost

Deadlines: January 15 (priority) for fall. While rare, if space is available, we’ll happily consider applications until June 1 (final deadline).

Application Fee: The nonrefundable application fee is $75. UMass Boston alumni and current students that plan to complete degree requirements prior to graduate enrollment can submit the application without paying the application fee.

Program Cost Information: Bursar's website

Writing Workshops (24 Credits)

Complete one from below four times.

  • CW 601 - MFA Poetry Workshop 6 Credit(s) or
  • CW 602 - MFA Fiction Workshop 6 Credit(s)

Literature Courses (9 Credits)

Complete three graduate literature courses.

Electives (9 Credits)

Complete three from below.

  • CW 605 - Memoir Workshop 3 Credit(s)
  • CW 606 - Literary Editing and Publishing 3 Credit(s)
  • CW 614 - The Teaching of Creative Writing 3 Credit(s)
  • CW 675 - Creative Writing Internship 3 Credit(s)
  • CW 697 - Special Topics in Creative Writing 1-6 Credit(s)

Students may elect courses offered by other graduate programs with approval from the graduate program director.

  • ENGL 459 Seminar for Tutors may be taken for graduate credit (see Undergraduate Catalog)
  • ENGL 675 - Reading and Writing Poetry 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 676 - Reading and Writing Fiction 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 681 - Advanced Workshop in Poetry 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 682 - Advanced Workshop in Fiction 3 Credit(s)

Thesis Courses (6 Credits)

Complete the course below both semesters of the third year.

  • CW 699 - MFA Thesis 3 Credit(s)

Graduation Criteria

Complete 48 credits from twelve courses including four writing workshops, three literature courses, three electives, and two semesters of thesis workshops.

The MFA degree requires six semesters of full-time study, with 9 credits required in each of the first four semesters, and 6 credits in the final two semesters, during which students will concentrate on completing a thesis in fiction or poetry under the direction of a faculty member. MFA workshops are limited to 12 students, and seminars are limited to 15. Students have the opportunity to interact with writers in our Global Voices Visiting Writer series (recent visitors have been Raquel Salas Rivera and Carole Maso), and work with visiting prose writers - recently these have included Jane Unrue, ZZ Packer, and Fanny Howe.

Capstone: Completion of an MFA thesis of 48 to 64 pages of poetry or 100 to 200 pages of fiction written under the supervision of a thesis advisor, reviewed by a thesis committee, and subject to a public defense.

Statute of limitations: Five years.

Contact & Faculty

Graduate Program Director John Fulton john.fulton [at] umb.edu (617) 287-6700

English & Creative Writing MFA Department englishmfaprogram [at] umb.edu (617) 287-6702

Fiction Faculty

John Fulton , Program Director & Associate Professor Askold Melnyczuk , Professor Eileen Pollack , Visiting Assistant Professor

Poetry Faculty

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Aspiring Author

What Jobs Can You Get With an MFA in Creative Writing?

Author: Shannon Bowring Updated: January 31, 2023

Light and airy classroom set up for MFA in Creative Writing

So you took the plunge, endured the emotional upheavals and tough criticism of your writing, and took on student loan debt you’ll be paying off for years. Congratulations! You now have an MFA in Creative Writing. But what jobs can you get with your MFA in Creative Writing ?

How much can you expect to earn?

According to ZipRecruiter , as of December 2021, the average annual pay in the United States for a Creative Writing MFA is $73,613 per year. If this number seems optimistic, even unrealistic, it’s because it is. A deeper plunge into the report shows that annual salaries for writers actually range from $11,500 to $259,000. That’s a hell of a difference. We can only assume that the Big Bestselling Writers have claimed that top spot, while the rest of us aspiring authors are likely hovering far closer to that $11k range.

In other words, and I’m sure this is no surprise to anyone reading this, the majority of writers are grossly underpaid.

But I’m here to tell you not to lose hope. There are many ways, other than selling book s, to leverage that Creative Writing MFA to make a comfortable, if not lucrative, career as a writer .

Art of the Job Search by Heather Hund

If you’re a traditionalist

  Many writers go into teaching after earning their MFA in Creative Writing, often at the university level. The usual trajectory is to begin as an adjunct and then work one’s way up through the ranks to professor* , which ideally comes with a sweet corner office lined with leatherbound books. Typically, you need to have published at least one book to land the coveted position of teaching others how to write in a college or university.

If you want to teach, but not in a university

There are plenty of other ways to teach the craft of writing. If you’d like to work with writers but not within the world of traditional academia, consider offering your expertise as a writing coach, tutor, or adult education teacher. There are thousands of writers out there looking for someone to share what they’ve learned about the craft of writing and the business side of becoming an author. Seek out (or create) local and/or online venues where you can share what you have learned through your own experience. Having an MFA attached to your name will help writers feel you can be trusted to know what you are talking about.

If you are an online guru

Opportunities for good writers are continually expanding and evolving online. Countless websites and businesses are always on the lookout for talented content writers, copywriters, copyeditors, grant writers, and technical writers. (One good source for these remote jobs is Remote.co .) Having an MFA in Creative Writing can help give you an edge in this competitive market. One advantage of these jobs is that they are often flexible and part-time, which is great for those looking to keep their writing muscles fresh without making a lifelong commitment.

If you are That Person always correcting other people’s grammar

The world will always need quality editors and proofreaders . This career path can take many forms—you could work for a literary magazine , publishing house, or newspaper, or try your hand as a freelancer. Editing others’ work keeps your own writing skills sharp, with the added bonus of potentially bringing in big bucks: Depending on genre and level of editing, a freelance editor can earn anywhere from $36-$70 per hour. Sign me up!

If you are a rebel

You have an MFA in Creative Writing, so think creatively . Get involved with your local writing community and run writing workshops (a quick online search can guide you on how much you should expect to charge, depending on your format and attendance). Have a guest house on a beautiful piece of property you don’t mind renting out? Start a writing retreat or writing residency to give fellow writers a place to disconnect from their busy lives and work on their novels, poems, and essays. For an additional fee, you might also offer these writers one-on-one coaching or editing services.

A Creative Writing MFA isn’t a guarantee—but it is an opportunity

As an aspiring author , you must find a way to apply your skills as a writer and make them work for you . Many authors I know have shaped successful, happy lives for themselves by doing a variety of the jobs listed above, often more than one at the same time. The post-MFA life does not come with a guarantee of monetary wealth—but if you get creative and do the work, it is possible to create a writing life that is spiritually, artistically, and emotionally fulfilling. And isn’t that what real success is all about, anyway?

Though, honestly, I wouldn’t mind earning $259,000 a year.

*With the effects of the pandemic, and the slow but steady shift away from brick-and-mortar classrooms, this route of teaching in a traditional university seems to be getting more difficult. That said, the world needs great writing teachers, so if this is the path you want to take, please be intrepid and find a way to do so. You are the unsung heroes; teach away, teach away.

Recommended reading

Here at Aspiring Author , we love recommending bestsellers and fawning over hot new releases. On this real time recommended reading list, you will find a list of top rated books on the publishing industry, craft, and other books to help you elevate your writing career.

reasons to get an mfa in creative writing

Truth Is the Arrow, Mercy Is the Bow: A DIY Manual for the Construction of Stories

reasons to get an mfa in creative writing

The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to Psychological Trauma (Writers Helping Writers Series)

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Writing Better Lyrics

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Funny You Should Ask: How to Do Search Engine Optimization: SEO for Marketing, Blogging, and More (Funny You Should Ask: Breaking Down Internet Marketing, Publishing, SEO and More)

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The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need: A One-Stop Source for Every Writing Assignment

About the author.

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Shannon Bowring

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Hunter College


MFA in Playwriting

Program overview.

The Rita and Burton Goldberg MFA Playwriting Program at Hunter College is a highly selective, rigorous, and affordable two-year playwriting program located in the heart of New York City. We seek writers eager to develop their craft and challenge assumptions about what theatre is and will become.

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Playwriting

Students must obtain a total of 36 credits to complete the MFA degree.

There are five students in each cohort, which allows our instructors to give students generous individual attention. Each semester, students take three courses that meet in the evenings, which enables students the flexibility to work during the day.

Learn more about Coursework and Structure on the MFA in Playwriting webpage.

You must meet the following minimum requirements in order to be considered for admission. Meeting these minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance to the program.

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Play Manuscript - Submit a full length play at least 45 pages as a PDF. A digital copy of the manuscript needs to be uploaded in the online applications system before submitting the application
  • Two letters of recommendation from appropriate academic or professional references.
  • A statement of purpose of approximately 500-750 words answering the following questions: Why do you choose playwriting as a literary form? Discuss your background in the theatre, the playwrights and productions that have influenced you, and what you hope to bring to the stage.

Providing an exceptional academic value is what we do best. See how Hunter compares against other top MFA in Playwriting programs in NYC.

Career Paths

The career paths for individuals with a MFA in playwriting can vary widely, and salaries can be influenced by factors such as experience, expertise, location, and the specific field within the arts. Here are ten potential career paths and salary ranges for MFA graduates in playwriting.

Arts administrators work in management and planning within cultural organizations. They may manage budgets, coordinate events, and handle organizational operations.

Salary Range: $45,000 - $70,000

Playwrights can work in content creation for media companies, developing scripts for television, film, or online platforms.

Salary Range: $60,000 - $100,000

Teaching playwriting or creative writing at universities, colleges, or workshops provides an opportunity to share expertise and mentor aspiring writers.

Salary Range: $50,000 - $80,000

Many playwrights work independently, creating original plays and scripts on a project-by-project basis for theaters, festivals, or commissioned work.

Salary Range: Highly variable; may depend on the success and frequency of productions.

Literary managers work with playwrights and authors, helping them develop their work, connecting them with producers, and facilitating the publication or production of their plays.

Some playwrights pursue residencies at theaters or institutions, providing them with time, space, and resources to focus on their craft.

Salary Range: Stipends or project-based; may not be a consistent source of income.

Playwrights often transition into production management roles, overseeing the technical and logistical aspects of bringing a play to the stage.

Working in publishing, particularly in dramaturgy, involves editing, evaluating, and selecting plays for publication, contributing to the literary side of the theater industry.

Playwrights can leverage their storytelling skills in script editing roles for the film or television industry, providing feedback and revisions to enhance narrative quality.

Playwrights with a passion for writing about theater may pursue careers in theater criticism or journalism, sharing insights and reviews with the public.

Salary Range: $40,000 - $70,000

Application Deadline

Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Hunter College may consider late applications on a rolling basis pending space is still available in the program.

Some programs may extend their application deadlines beyond those listed above. Please contact Graduate Admissions for specific information. For information on how to apply, click the link below.

Students Educated Outside the US

Applicants whose native language is not English and who have taken all or part of their undergraduate education in a country where English is not the native language are required to submit scores on the  Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL ) or the  International English Language Testing System (IELTS ). The following minimum scores must be obtained:

  • TOEFL iBT: 80/ Paper Based Test: 550/ Computer Based Test: 213
  • IELTS: 6.5 Overall Band Score

Ready to Apply?

Get started on your application now or visit the academic department's website to learn more about this graduate program.

Contact the Program


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  27. MFA in Playwriting

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