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Populate Assignment group based on service offering and location in servicenow

I want to update the assignment group to a particular assignment group when the condition fulfills on RITM ie. service offering is xyz and location is abc, then it should update.

For example, there is one catalog item that is being raised by GETit and RITM is generated with an assignment group. I want to update that value when the matching conditions are fulfilled.

I tried using assignment rules but again it doesnt work if the field has already a value and in my case assignment group already has a value, we just need to update it.

Can someone please help me here.

Mansi Goel's user avatar

  • What’s setting the assignment group in the first place already? If it’s a workflow, then change the logic in the workflow to match your criteria, if it’s an assignment rule, then give your new rule a lower order so it takes precedence –  Nick Parsons Commented Jun 12 at 13:16

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Assigned to and Assignment group

The Assigned to [assigned_to] field is a reference  field type that points to the Users [sys_user] table. This field is generally used to designate a user to work on, or be responsible for the task. By default, this field has a reference qualifier (role=itil) set on its dictionary record that prevents any non-itil user from being assigned to a task. You can override this reference qualifier on tables that extend task though, as the Project Task and Service Order tables do, if you have the relevant plugins installed.

The Assignment group [assignment_group] field serves pretty much the same purpose. The reason for having both, is that a workflow might automatically assign a certain type of task ticket to a group, ...

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ServiceNow Advanced Reference Qualifier | How to filter the Assignment group based on Assigned To

Been in a predicament in ServiceNow, where you know the person a task needs to be assigned to, but don’t know the right group? I got you!

In this video, we add an advanced reference qualifier on a dictionary override on the assignment group fields (for incidents) that calls a server side script include to run some funky glideRecord queries and return as back a refined list of group sys_id’s. Its then these groups that are shown when you click the Assignment Group magnifying glass.



Reference Qualifier bit:

javascript:new global.AssignmentGroupFilter().refineAssignmentGroup(current.assigned_to)

Script Include:

Tags: advanced reference qualifier beth anglin GlideRecord reference field reference qualifier script include servicenerd servicenow admin servicenow demo servicenow tutorial sysid in

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How do I find Assignment Group id and User id in ServiceNow?

A unique 32-character GUID identifies each record in ServiceNow (Globally Unique ID) called a sys_id.

sys_id of a record is important when writing a script, workflow, or other development tasks.

Here are ten different methods to find the sys_id of a record in ServiceNow:

Right-click or hamburger You can right-click the header bar of most forms and find the sys_id.

To get a sys_id from the header bar:

Navigate to the record where you are looking for a sys_id. 

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To get a sys_id from XML

  • Navigate to the record where you are looking for a sys_id

Right click the header bar and select Show XML. Alternately you can also click the Hamburger > Show XML

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Since the sys_id of a record is always part of the URL for a link to that record, it is possible to retrieve the sys_id by viewing the URL.

To get the sys_id from XML

Right-click the header bar and select Copy URL. Alternately you can also click the Hamburger > Copy URL

For example, an Incident with the following URL:

https://<instance name>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=incident.do sys_id=23dc968f0a0a3c1900534f399927740e

The sys_id is : 23dc968f0a0a3c1900534f399927740e

  • Add an onload client script to show a sys_id function onLoad() { var incSysid = g_form.getUniqueValue(); alert(incSysid); }

The sys_id value of a record can be found in a business rule (or any other server-side JavaScript)

The sys_id value of a record can be found in a background script. Note: Test in a development instance first!

Login as an admin

Go to System Definition > Scripts - Background

Paste a script similar to this and click Run Script

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By adjusting the url of a record, you can add this URL Parameter to export the sys_id and all fields to CSV

Navigate to the list of records where you want to find the sys_id

Build your filter

Right-click the Filter, and select Copy URL

Paste the URL into a new browser window

Add &CSV&sysparm_default_export_fields=all to the end of the URL

A CSV file with all fields AND the sys_id is exported.

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Here is a creative way to use the Easy Import Template to export the sys_id data you are looking for.

Right click the header bar and select Import. Alternately you can also click the Hamburger > Import

Do you want to insert or update data? Update

Do you want to create an Excel template to enter data ? True

Include all fields in the template? True or False, your choice

Click Create Excel Template

Click Download

Open the Excel Spreadsheet

Select Page 1

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If you are using the  ServiceNow ODBC Driver  and a reporting tool, you can pull the sys_id field information easily.

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If you are using the  ServiceNow Rest API , you can also pull sys_ids

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Check this link (external): https://www.servicenowelite.com/blog/2020/9/29/ten-methods-to-find-sysid?rq=sys_ID

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Report Showing Tickets Passed Back to My Assignment Group

I'm looking for some assistance with ServiceNow reporting logic, hopefully this forum can help!

I'd like to create a report in ServiceNow that shows tickets that were previously escalated from a particular assignment group, and have since been reassigned to the same assignment group.

A ticket sitting in the Service Desk assignment group is sent to the Networking assignment group. A technician from Networking adds some work notes, and then sends the ticket back to the Service Desk assignment group.

I'd like this to be a report, as I want to add a widget to a Dashboard that shows the number of tickets that have been reassigned to the originating assignment group.

Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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  15. ServiceNow Advanced Reference Qualifier

    In this video, we add an advanced reference qualifier on a dictionary override on the assignment group fields (for incidents) that calls a server side script include to run some funky glideRecord queries and return as back a refined list of group sys_id's. Its then these groups that are shown when you click the Assignment Group magnifying glass.

  16. How do I find Assignment Group id and User id in ServiceNow?

    Here are ten different methods to find the sys_id of a record in ServiceNow: Right-click or hamburger. You can right-click the header bar of most forms and find the sys_id. To get a sys_id from the header bar: Navigate to the record where you are looking for a sys_id. Right-click the header bar and select Copy sys_id.

  17. Knowledge Base

    User management - Assignment group managers can add roles and modules to users, and add and remove users from their assignment group(s). This is done through the ServiceNow request forms on the Service Hub. The Add a new user form is used to add a user to ServiceNow under your organization.

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    if they're groups in a single course, you can just make it a group assignment: How do I assign an assignment to a course group? If not, can - 106058

  20. Assignment Group Assignment not working for Incident

    Assigning assignment groups using the data lookup definitions is not working consistently.

  21. Report Showing Tickets Passed Back to My Assignment Group

    Thanks for the responses all, I figured it out. For those who are interested, here are the filters I used on my report: Active is true. Assignment Group is Service Desk. Reassignment Count greater than 1. State is not one of Closed Complete, Closed Incomplete, Closed Skipped, Closed Abandoned, Skipped, Resolved, Closed. 2.

  22. Assignment Data look up for Assignment group is not working

    Assignment Data lookup rules for Assignment group is not working

  23. Adaptive Release Based on Assignment Group Achievement

    I have an instructor looking to create a set of assignments from which students will choose which ones to do to try to earn a set score in the overall assignment group. Rather than just putting assignments in the group and telling students they need to achieve a certain level, we'd like to set an item to adaptively release upon the completion ...