First In Architecture

Lineweights and colours in Autocad can be a bit of a minefield when you first start out. It is difficult to find standard colour/weight assignments and therefore you find yourself wondering if you are doing things correctly and have set things up ok.

We had really good AutoCad training at uni and were given useful information on standards of practice. However, as soon as you get out into the workplace this can fall apart. Generally, offices have their own standards and practices, which will vary from one organisation to the next, which adds to the confusion. I will give you the standards I have come across the most and that seem to be more commonplace.

One thing that is key to know is that in Autocad you can save your own plot styles (ie, line weights assigned to colours) so that wherever you go you can use your own system. Not ideal in the workplace as you should conform to office standards, but very useful when you are going between different computers, at home, uni, library, laptop and so on.

It is also useful to set up a standard dwg file, that has all your standard layers and colours so that you can copy and paste into any new dwg without having to recreate your layering system all over again. I will go into more detail about layering in a future post, just to make your AutoCad life, a little easier!

Just remember, everyone has their own way of doing things, so take from this what you will and find a way that works best for you.

Generally, it is easiest if you only use the basic colours, 1-10 for your general drawing. Then use the other colours as and when they are required and assign specific line weights as you need them. With that in mind these are the basic colour assignments.

Autocad Colour / Pen Width

1. 0.18mm – Red

2. 0.25mm – Yellow

3. 0.35mm – Green

4. 0.35mm – Cyan

5. 0.50mm – Blue

6. 1.00mm – Magenta

7. 1.40mm – Black

8. 0.35mm – Dark Grey

9. 2.00mm – Light Grey

10. 0.18mm – Red

autocad plot style pen assignments

I have found that sometimes it is useful for all your pens to plot in black and white, but to have red plot as red for a site boundary for example. It is also useful to have greys plot as grey for hatching and shading and so on. With this in mind I tend to create a completely monochrome pen set, and a monochrome with red and grey pen set. This usually covers everything, however, you can assign pen colours as and when you need them. This is done in the plot styles menu, select your pen, then choose the colour – often the default is set to black.

This is a basic introduction to the idea of pen sets, line weights and so on. Click below for our video tutorials that covers this in more detail, and shows you how to assign line weights and create plot styles.

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Sir i need pen width & color standard for architecture drawing

with item for example which color for wall,window,door,dimension etc.

Hello, we will get a post containing line weight / colour details and standards out by the end of the week. Sorry it won’t be sooner but we are on summer break at the moment! – First in Arcitecture Team

am also same doubt, if u get these things pls post here. and also which line weight used for wall,window,doors, Thanking you

Autocad is nightmarish software, any and everyone customizes it as they see fit with according chaos. In my own case I generally agree with above and particularly keep it simple.. only customize pens 1-8, that is more than enough lineweights or colours, leave all the others in medium width. I have to say I hate Autocad and Autodesk,, 20 years of such arcane outrageously priced software, Me I use Draftsight [free] and Sketchup. I have no desire to support companies like Autodesk.

Thank You so much!!

How can I obtain a copy of your monochrome pen set. I do all my work in black & white. I want to review my design just as the contractor sees on the bidding set. Thank you

Hi Raymond, I have plot style that you can download here:

Why do you have two of the same color and lineweight? (color 1 and 10)

I set colour 10 to be a red that will print out in red, not black. This is useful for boundary lines, marking out important items and so on.

Hi, Could you kindly please confirm what line weights/colours should be used for what part of the drawing. I am an interior design so need to be able to produce simple furniture floor plans.

So need the line weight/colour for the following;

Interior Walls External Walls Doors Windows Furniture Lighting Dimensions Text

I have looked online everywhere and can’t seem to find the answer anywhere!

Thanks so much.

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

I would also like to ask the same question as Georgie. What line weights and colors should be used for what part of the drawing? I am also an interior designer.

Hello Yoana, There have been a few updates since this blog post that should be more useful to you: Check out that one, and there are some links to some other useful posts within in that. All the best, Emma 🙂

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To Assign a Plot Style Table to a Layout

  • Click the Model tab or the layout tab to which you want to assign the plot style table.

autocad plot style pen assignments

  • In Page Setup Manager, click Modify.
  • Under Plot Style Table (Pen Assignments), select a plot style table from the list.

This option is available only for the Model tab.

This option is available only for layouts.

  • In Page Setup Manager, click Close.

Related Concepts

  • About Assigning Plot Style Tables to Layouts
  • About Switching Plot Style Table Type

Related Tasks

  • To Edit Plot Styles in a Plot Style Table
  • To Preview the Effects of a Plot Style Table in a Layout
  • To Work With Plot Style Table Conversions
  • To Delete a Color Mapping Table

Related Reference

  • Commands for Print or Plot Settings
  • Color Dependent Plot Style Table Reference

Artist, Landscape Architect, Educator

How to Add and Change Plot Styles in AutoCAD

by Letora | Jan 1, 2023 | AutoCAD , Tutorials | 0 comments

Plot Style in AutoCAD

Plot styles are an essential component to set when plotting or printing your AutoCAD files. If done correctly, plot styles ensure the readability of text and legibility of the linework within your printed documents. 

In this post, I will cover the following:

What are plot styles?

  • Why use CTB files?
  • How to add a CTB file?
  • How to edit an existing CTB file?
  • How to create a CTB file?

A plot style is the assigned properties associated with an object when plotted or printed to pdf.  Groups of plot styles are saved in two ways. The first plot style,  named plot style (STB) , assigns properties to an object independent of color. The second is  color-dependent plot style (CTB) , where the plot style are set based on the object’s color. 

Why use CTB  plot style  files in AutoCAD?

CTB plot style dictates how colors in AutoCAD will appear when plotted when line weights are assigned to them. Most people associate plot styles in this manner since all layers and objects in AutoCAD have a designated color. For example, if you want to create a hierarchy in your line weights, you can assign a certain line thickness to a particular color in the plot style table. While drafting, you can set up your layers and objects by color based on the desired line weight. In addition, you can choose to have objects plotted in color or black and white. 

There are 256 available colors in AutoCAD. Most designers begin with designating line weights to the standard colors in the second palette within the Color Select toolbox comprised of colors 1 through 9. For example, I have seen firms assign red (color 1) as the thinnest line weight and white as the thickest. 

In addition to color, a CTB file can dictate various properties of an object or a layer, such as grayscale, linetype, lineweight, transparency, or screening.

How to add a CTB file plot style in AutoCAD ?

  • First, find the location of the CTB file to be added to your AutoCAD drawing. 
  • Go to File or type Options. 
  • Select Plot Style Manager. You will see a list of existing plot styles in the folder. 
  • Copy and paste the CTB file into the Plot Styles folder. 
  • Go to the Page Setup dialog and select the Plot Style Table pull-down to see if the file shows up. If it is listed, you are all set. 

How to edit an existing CTB plot style file in AutoCAD ?

  • Type  Plot  in the Command line. The Plot dialog box will open.
  • Select  Edit  from the Plot Style table pull-down menu.
  • Click Plot Style Table Editor to enter the Plot Style Editor Program.
  • Select the Form View tab to display the pen assignments of the new CTB file. Here you can adjust the properties of the AutoCAD colors. 
  • Be sure to confirm if the lineweight is assigned a value in millimeters or inches. Adjust this setting as needed.
  • Select Edit Lineweights and Lineweight settings to adjust the thickness.
  • Return to the Plot Style Table Editor, and click Save & Close. 

How to create a CTB plot style file in AutoCAD?

  • Select  New  from the Plot Style table (pen assignments) pull-down menu.
  • Select the  Start from scratch  option to create a new plot style table.
  • Click  Next .
  • Type a name for your new plot style (example: MY_OFFICE). Then click  Next .

autocad plot style pen assignments

Letora Anderson

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How to Add Plot Style in AutoCAD (Step by step)

R. Khouri

In the world of AutoCAD, understanding plot styles is essential for achieving the desired appearance and print output of your drawings. Plot styles, represented by CTB (Color-Based) and STB (Named Plot Style) files, control the colors, lineweights, and other plot settings of objects within your drawings. However, navigating the intricacies of plot styles can be a daunting task for beginners and even experienced users. This article aims to provide clear and concise guidance on various plot style-related questions, from adding and importing plot styles to assigning and editing them in AutoCAD. Whether you’re using AutoCAD on Windows or Mac, this FAQ article will help you enhance your plotting workflow and achieve professional-looking prints.

Key Takeaways

  • Plot styles in AutoCAD, represented by CTB and STB files, control the appearance and print settings of objects in your drawings.
  • CTB files are color-based and define plot settings based on colors, while STB files are named plot styles and allow you to assign plot styles based on object properties.
  • To add plot styles in AutoCAD, place the plot style files in the appropriate folder, such as the “Plot Styles” folder within the AutoCAD installation directory.
  • You can add a plot style table (CTB) using the “Add-A-Plot Style Table Wizard” or the “Page Setup Manager” in AutoCAD.
  • To assign a CTB file, modify the page setup settings and select the desired CTB file from the Plot Style Table (Pen Assignments) section.

Understanding Plot Styles

Before diving into the process of adding plot styles, it is crucial to understand what plot styles are and how they affect the appearance of plotted drawings in AutoCAD. A plot style, also known as a CTB (Color-Based) or STB (Style-Based) file, defines the properties of plotted objects such as line weight, color, and line type. By applying plot styles, you can ensure consistency and clarity in your drawings.

Adding Plot Style in AutoCAD

To add plot style in AutoCAD, follow these steps:

Step 1: Accessing the Plot Style Manager

  • Launch AutoCAD and open the drawing for which you want to add plot styles.
  • In the menu bar, navigate to the “Output” tab and click on the “Plot” button. Alternatively, you can use the “Plot” command by typing it in the command line.
  • The Plot dialog box will appear. Click on the “Plot Style Table (Pen Assignments)” drop-down menu and select “Manage Plot Styles.” This will open the Plot Style Manager.

Step 2: Choosing a Plot Style Table

  • In the Plot Style Manager, you will see a list of available plot style tables. AutoCAD provides several default plot style tables, such as “monochrome.ctb” and “acad.ctb.”
  • If you want to use an existing plot style table, select it from the list. Alternatively, you can create a new plot style table by clicking on the “New” button and following the prompts.

Step 3: Modifying Plot Style Settings

  • Once you have chosen a plot style table, you can modify its settings by selecting it and clicking on the “Edit” button. This will open the Plot Style Table Editor.
  • In the Plot Style Table Editor, you can customize various properties, including color, lineweight, and linetype assignments for different objects. You can also create and edit plot styles to suit your specific requirements.

Step 4: Applying Plot Styles to Layouts

  • After customizing the plot style table, click on the “Close” button to return to the Plot Style Manager.
  • In the Plot Style Manager, select the layout(s) for which you want to apply the plot styles.
  • Choose the desired plot style table from the “Plot Style Table (Pen Assignments)” drop-down menu.
  • Click on the “Apply to Layout” button to assign the selected plot style table to the chosen layout(s).

Step 5: Plotting the Drawing

  • With the plot style table applied to the layout(s), click on the “Plot” button in the Plot dialog box to begin the plotting process.
  • Configure other plot settings such as plot scale, paper size, and plot area.
  • Finally, click on the “OK” button to generate the plotted drawing according to the specified plot style settings.

Tips for Effective Plot Style Management

To optimize your experience with plot styles in AutoCAD, consider the following tips:

  • Organize Plot Style Tables : Create a systematic approach to manage plot style tables by organizing them into categories based on project requirements. This way, you can easily locate and apply the appropriate plot style table when needed.
  • Customize Plot Styles : Experiment with different plot style settings to achieve the desired visual effects. Adjust line weights, colors, and linetypes based on your specific drawing requirements. Customizing plot styles allows you to tailor the appearance of your plots to match the standards or preferences of your organization or client.
  • Save Custom Plot Style Tables : If you create a custom plot style table that suits your needs, save it for future use. This will save you time and effort when working on similar projects in the future. To save a plot style table, click on the “Save As” button in the Plot Style Manager and provide a meaningful name for the file.
  • Import and Export Plot Style Tables : AutoCAD allows you to import and export plot style tables, making it easier to share them with colleagues or use them on different computers. The import and export options can be found in the Plot Style Manager. Exporting plot style tables ensures consistency across multiple projects or team members working on the same project.
  • Utilize Plot Style Overrides : AutoCAD provides the flexibility to override plot styles on individual objects or layers within a drawing. This feature allows you to deviate from the assigned plot style table for specific elements that require unique visual treatment. To override a plot style, select the object or layer, right-click, and choose “Properties.” In the Properties palette, navigate to the “Plot Style” section and select the desired plot style override.
  • Maintain Plot Style Standards : Establishing and adhering to plot style standards is essential for consistent and professional-looking drawings. Define and document the plot style settings, such as line weight guidelines, color assignments, and linetype usage, for your organization or project. Communicate these standards to all team members to ensure uniformity in plotted drawings.
  • Seek Plot Style Resources : AutoCAD has a vast community of users who share their knowledge and resources. Explore online forums, blogs, and websites dedicated to AutoCAD to find plot style tips, tricks, and pre-designed plot style tables that can be imported into your projects. These resources can provide inspiration and save you time in creating customized plot styles.
  • Regularly Review and Update Plot Styles : As your projects evolve and requirements change, it’s important to review and update your plot styles accordingly. Periodically assess the effectiveness of your current plot style settings and make adjustments as needed. This proactive approach ensures that your plotted drawings remain visually appealing and aligned with project specifications.
  • Document Plot Style Choices : Keep a record or documentation of the plot style choices you make for each project. This can serve as a reference for future projects or when revisiting older drawings. By documenting your plot style decisions, you can maintain consistency and easily reproduce desired results in subsequent drawings.
  • Consider Printer and Plotter Compatibility : When selecting or creating plot styles, take into account the printer or plotter that will be used to produce the final output. Different devices may have varying capabilities and limitations, such as line weight rendering or color accuracy. Be mindful of these factors to ensure optimal results when printing or plotting your drawings.
  • Collaborate with Others : If you are working on a team project, it’s important to collaborate with other team members to establish consistent plot style practices. Communicate and discuss plot style choices, standards, and any specific requirements with your colleagues. This collaborative approach helps to avoid inconsistencies and ensures a unified visual representation across all project deliverables.
  • Troubleshooting Plot Style Issues : If you encounter any unexpected results or inconsistencies when plotting your drawings, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take. Check the plot style table assignments for your layouts, ensure that the correct plot style table is applied, and verify that plot style overrides or layer settings are not causing any conflicts. Additionally, consulting AutoCAD documentation or seeking assistance from online resources can help address specific plot style issues you may encounter.
  • Stay Updated with AutoCAD : AutoCAD is constantly evolving, with new features and improvements being introduced regularly. Stay updated with the latest versions and releases of AutoCAD to take advantage of any enhancements or advancements related to plot styles. Updated software versions often provide better tools and functionality for managing plot styles, which can streamline your workflow and enhance your overall plotting experience.

By following these tips and best practices, you can effectively add and manage plot styles in AutoCAD, resulting in professional-looking and visually appealing plotted drawings. Remember to experiment, customize, and document your plot style choices to optimize your workflow and achieve consistent and high-quality results.

FAQ: How to Add Plot Style in AutoCAD

1. where do i put plot styles in autocad.

To add plot styles in AutoCAD, you need to place the plot style files (CTB or STB) in the appropriate folder. In Windows, navigate to the “Plot Styles” folder located in the AutoCAD installation directory, typically under “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD[version]\Plot Styles”. On a Mac, go to the “Plot Styles” folder within the AutoCAD application package by right-clicking on the AutoCAD application icon and selecting “Show Package Contents”, then navigate to “Contents > Resources > Plot Styles”.

2. How do you add a plot style table in AutoCAD?

To add a plot style table (CTB) in AutoCAD, you can use the “Add-A-Plot Style Table Wizard” or the “Page Setup Manager.” In the wizard, select “Add-A-Plot Style Table File (.ctb)” and browse to the location of the CTB file. In the Page Setup Manager, click on the “Modify” button for the desired page setup, go to the “Plot Style Table (Pen Assignments)” section, and click the “Add or Remove Plot Styles” button to browse and add the CTB file.

3. How do I add a CTB File to AutoCAD?

To add a CTB file to AutoCAD, follow these steps:

  • Open AutoCAD and go to the “Options” dialog box by typing “OPTIONS” in the command line.
  • In the “Options” dialog box, select the “Files” tab.
  • Under the “Printer Support File Path” section, click on the “Plot Style Table Search Path” button.
  • Click the “Add” button and browse to the location where the CTB file is saved.
  • Select the CTB file and click “Open” to add it to AutoCAD.

4. How do I add a plot style in AutoCAD Mac?

To add a plot style in AutoCAD for Mac, follow these steps:

  • Open AutoCAD and go to the “Plot” dialog box by typing “PLOT” in the command line or clicking on the “Output” tab in the ribbon and selecting “Plot.”
  • In the “Plot” dialog box, click on the “Plot Style Table (Pen Assignments)” drop-down menu.
  • Select “Add or Edit Plot Styles” to open the “Plot Style Editor.”
  • In the “Plot Style Editor,” click on the “Form View” tab.
  • Click the “New” button to create a new plot style or select an existing plot style and click “Edit” to modify it.
  • Adjust the plot style settings as desired and click “OK” to save the changes.

5. How do I import a plot style?

To import a plot style in AutoCAD, follow these steps:

  • Open AutoCAD and go to the “Plot Style Table Editor” by typing “PLOTSTYLE” in the command line or clicking on the “Output” tab in the ribbon and selecting “Plot Style Manager.”
  • In the “Plot Style Table Editor,” click on the “Import” button.
  • Browse to the location where the plot style file (CTB or STB) is saved.
  • Select the plot style file and click “Open” to import it into the plot style table editor.
  • The imported plot style will now be available for use in AutoCAD.

6. Where is CTB File in AutoCAD?

In AutoCAD, CTB files are typically stored in the “Plot Styles” folder within the AutoCAD installation directory. On Windows, the default location is “ C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD[version]\Plot Styles”. On a Mac, the CTB files can be found within the AutoCAD application package by right-clicking on the AutoCAD application icon, selecting “Show Package Contents,” and navigating to “Contents > Resources > Plot Styles.”

7. What is CTB File in AutoCAD?

In AutoCAD, CTB (Color-Based) files are plot style files that define the color, lineweight, and plot settings for objects in a drawing. They determine how objects are displayed and printed based on color assignments. CTB files are commonly used for controlling plot settings in AutoCAD.

8. How do I send a CTB File?

To send a CTB file to someone, follow these steps:

  • Locate the CTB file on your computer.
  • Compress the CTB file into a ZIP or RAR archive to reduce its file size, if necessary.
  • Use a file transfer method such as email, file-sharing services, or cloud storage to send the compressed CTB file to the recipient.
  • Provide instructions to the recipient on where to place the CTB file in AutoCAD, typically in the “Plot Styles” folder, as mentioned earlier.

9. How to add plot style in DWG TrueView?

To add a plot style in DWG TrueView, you can follow the same steps as adding a plot style in AutoCAD. DWG TrueView uses the same plot style management tools and options as AutoCAD, allowing you to add, import, and modify plot styles using the Plot Style Manager or Plot Style Table Editor.

10. How do I assign a CTB file in AutoCAD?

To assign a CTB file in AutoCAD, follow these steps:

  • Open the drawing in AutoCAD.
  • Type “PAGESETUP” in the command line or go to the “Page Setup Manager” from the ribbon.
  • In the “Page Setup Manager,” select the desired page setup and click on the “Modify” button.
  • In the “Modify Page Setup” dialog box, go to the “Plot Style Table (Pen Assignments)” section.
  • Click the “Add or Remove Plot Styles” button.
  • In the “Plot Style Table Editor,” click on the “Form View” tab and select the desired CTB file from the list.
  • Click “OK” to assign the CTB file to the page setup.

11. How do I create a custom CTB file in AutoCAD?

To create a custom CTB file in AutoCAD, you can follow these steps:

  • In the “Plot Style Table Editor,” click on the “New” button to create a new plot style.
  • In the “Plot Style Editor,” adjust the color, lineweight, and other plot settings as desired for each color category.
  • Give the new plot style a name and save it.
  • The custom CTB file is now created and can be applied to drawings as needed.

12. How do I change a drawing to CTB in AutoCAD?

To change a drawing to use a CTB file in AutoCAD, follow these steps:

  • In the “Modify Page Setup” dialog box, go to the “Plot Style Table (Pen Assignments)” section. 5. Click the “Add or Remove Plot Styles” button.
  • Click “OK” to apply the CTB file to the drawing.

13. How to convert STB to CTB?

To convert an STB (Named Plot Style) file to a CTB (Color-Based) file in AutoCAD, you can use the “Convert Plot Styles” tool. Follow these steps:

  • In the “Plot Style Table Editor,” click on the “Convert Plot Styles” button.
  • In the “Convert Plot Styles” dialog box, select the STB file that you want to convert.
  • Choose the destination folder where you want to save the converted CTB file.
  • Click “Convert” to convert the STB file to CTB format.

14. Should I use CTB or STB?

Whether to use CTB (Color-Based) or STB (Named Plot Style) depends on your preference and workflow. CTB files are commonly used in AutoCAD and offer more control over plot settings based on colors. STB files, on the other hand, provide a more flexible approach, allowing you to assign plot styles based on object properties rather than colors. If you prefer a color-driven approach, CTB may be more suitable, while STB is ideal if you want to assign plot styles based on object characteristics.

15. Which is better, STB or CTB?

The choice between STB (Named Plot Style) and CTB (Color-Based) depends on your specific requirements and preferences. CTB files are widely used and provide control over plot settings based on colors, making them simpler to implement. STB files offer more flexibility by allowing you to assign plot styles based on object properties, making them useful for complex projects. Ultimately, the decision depends on your workflow and the level of control you need over plot styles in your drawings.

16. How do I fix a missing CTB File in AutoCAD?

If a CTB file is missing in AutoCAD, you can try the following steps to fix the issue:

  • Check if the CTB file is located in the correct folder. Refer to the earlier answer on where to place plot style files in AutoCAD.
  • If the CTB file is in the correct folder, verify the file name and extension to ensure it matches the expected format.
  • Restart AutoCAD to refresh the plot style list and see if the missing CTB file reappears.
  • If the issue persists, try importing the CTB file again using the “Plot Style Table Editor” or “Page Setup Manager” to ensure it is properly added to AutoCAD.
  • If none of the above steps work, consider reinstalling AutoCAD or repairing the installation to resolve any potential file or configuration issues.

17. How do I edit a CTB file in AutoCAD?

To edit a CTB (Color-Based) file in AutoCAD, follow these steps:

  • In the “Plot Style Table Editor,” select the CTB file you want to edit.
  • Click on the “Edit” button to open the “Plot Style Editor.”
  • In the “Plot Style Editor,” you can modify the plot settings for each color category, including line weights, linetypes, and colors.
  • Make the desired changes to the plot styles and click “OK” to save the modifications to the CTB file.

18. How do I delete a CTB file in AutoCAD?

To delete a CTB (Color-Based) file in AutoCAD, follow these steps:

  • Close AutoCAD if it is open.
  • Locate the CTB file on your computer in the “Plot Styles” folder or the folder where it is stored.
  • Right-click on the CTB file and select “Delete” from the context menu.
  • Confirm the deletion when prompted.
  • Note that deleting a CTB file will remove it from AutoCAD, and any drawings using that plot style table will no longer have access to it.

19. How do I export a CTB file in AutoCAD?

To export a CTB (Color-Based) file in AutoCAD, follow these steps:

  • In the “Plot Style Table Editor,” select the CTB file you want to export.
  • Click on the “Export” button to specify the destination folder and file name for the exported CTB file.
  • Choose the location where you want to save the exported CTB file and provide a name for it.
  • Click “Save” to export the CTB file to the specified location.

20. How do I reset the plot style settings to default in AutoCAD?

To reset the plot style settings to default in AutoCAD, you can follow these steps:

  • In the “Plot Style Table Editor,” select the CTB file you want to reset.
  • Click on the “Reset” button to restore the plot style settings to the default values.
  • Confirm the reset when prompted.
  • Note that resetting the plot style settings will discard any custom modifications made to the CTB file and restore it to its original state.

Mastering plot styles is crucial for achieving consistent and high-quality print outputs in AutoCAD. By understanding how to add, import, assign, and edit plot styles, you can customize the appearance of your drawings to meet specific design and printing requirements. Whether you prefer using color-based CTB files or more versatile STB files, AutoCAD provides the necessary tools to manage plot styles effectively. By following the instructions provided in this FAQ, you can confidently navigate the world of plot styles and unlock the full potential of AutoCAD’s plotting capabilities. Remember to experiment and fine-tune your plot style settings to achieve the desired visual representation of your designs. With practice and familiarity, you’ll become a skilled plot style master in AutoCAD.

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R. Khouri

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Practical Autodesk AutoCAD 2021 and AutoCAD LT 2021 by Yasser Shoukry, Jaiprakash Pandey

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Using plot styles

In the model space, each line or curve will have a set of properties, such as the color and the line weight. You can print the lines and curves using the same colors and line weights already available in the model space, or you can customize how each line appears in the printed drawing. I n the top-right corner of the Plot window, you will find the Plot style table (pen assignments) section. This section is used to control the pen assignments of different lines in the model.

A common example is the use of different colors for different objects in the model inside AutoCAD (to improve visibility while working on the model) while planning to only use the black color (or greyscale) in the printed drawings. That is very common ...

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autocad plot style pen assignments

Page setup in AutoCAD – Complete tutorial

Updated on May 29, 2024 | By Jaiprakash Pandey | Category AutoCAD | min reading time

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autocad plot style pen assignments

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In AutoCAD, setting up your page in a layout or paper space is crucial for presenting your drawings professionally.

Here's a comprehensive article that will help you understand all about page setup in AutoCAD in a step by step way.

Here is a video version of this article for you, but if you prefer the article then read on.

Setting Plotter and Paper Size

You can use any AutoCAD drawing that you have to follow along this tutorial.

Assuming you already have your drawing open in AutoCAD, we will begin by selecting the appropriate plotter and paper size for the drawing.

To do that we will start in the layout or paper space.

At the bottom of your AutoCAD software, click on the Layout tab and you will see a model space with a paper background.

autocad plot style pen assignments

From the contextual ribbon, navigate to the Layout tab and click on Page Setup Manager to activate the command.

Once the command is active, the Page Setup Manager menu will pop up from where you can use it to specify your paper sizes and the plotter you prefer to use.

autocad plot style pen assignments

The options available within the page setup manager are like the Modify option which allows you to modify existing page setups.

It's essential because it enables you to adjust settings like plotter, paper size, plot area, and plot style tables without creating new setups from scratch.

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In this case, after you click on the Modify option, a popup warning will be given.

Click OK , and the Page setup window will pop up with several options as follows:

autocad plot style pen assignments

  • Printer/ Plotter option, you can either decide to pick for the dropdown list a physical printer or virtual plotter, in this case, pick the DWG to PDF option.
  • Paper size option, you can select the one that you prefer, in this case, pick the ANSI A (11.00 x 8.5 Inches) option.
  • Plot Area option enables you to specify what exactly you will be plotting, in this case, pick the Layout option to print the entire layout.
  • Plot scale option use a scale of 1:1, and ensure the unit of your drawing is selected.
  • Plot style table helps you specify the pen assignments for your drawing, for example, if you specify the acad.ctb your drawing will be plotted in color, while the Grayscale and Monochrome will print in black and white, in this case, pick the acad.ctb option.
  • Plotting options helps you specify some settings that you would prefer to be used while plotting your drawing, for example either to plot object line weights or not.
  • Drawing orientation enables you specify if your design is in portrait of landscape mode, in this case, pick the landscape option and click on OK to close.

Adding Title Block

Adding a title block in your layout adds essential information about the drawing, such as the project name, date, scale, and author details.

To add a title block, you can either create one from scratch or use a pre-existing template.

In this case, you can use the file from the sample title block provided in the video shown above to insert it into your layout and adjust it's size and position as needed.

You can use the Insert Block command to bring it into your project, activate the command by typing "I" and hit enter to launch the block menu.

From the available tabs, select the Libraries tab, and add the block by clicking on the “library” icon to launch the file explorer.

Then navigate to the file destination where you have your title block drawing saved, then click on open to import it into your design as shown below:

You can also edit the title block to fit within your layout area’s margins using the Stretch command.

To edit it, first, explode the block by selecting it and typing X  to activate the explode command and hit enter.

Then activate the Stretch command , by either typing S , or by selecting the command from the Modify panel in the Home tab.

Once active, create your stretch window over the top lines, specify a base point, and edit accordingly as shown below.

If you find it a challenge to move your mouse smoothly because the cursor is snapping, simply resolve that by pressing on the F9 key to turn the snap-on setting off.

Adding Viewports and Placing Objects in It

Viewports allow you to display different views of your drawing within the layout.

To add a viewport, go to the Layout tab, under the Layout Viewports panel, choose the desired shape and size for your viewport, and place it on the layout.

In this case, choose the Rectangular option, then navigate to your paper layout and specify the first corner of your rectangle, and then the opposite corner.

autocad plot style pen assignments

Setting Scale in Viewports

Setting the scale in viewports is crucial for accurately representing the dimensions of your drawing.

To do this, double-click inside the viewport to activate it.

Then, go to the viewport scale dropdown menu and choose the appropriate scale for your drawing.

This ensures that the objects within the viewport are displayed at the correct size.

autocad plot style pen assignments

In this case, you can specify the 1:100 scale and pan your drawing to show the dimensions for the dining area.

Then double-click outside to exit from the options to edit the content within the viewport.

You can also opt to create other viewports within the same layout paper available to the best of your design judgment, plus the different viewports can have different scales and targets with the drawing.

If you want to verify the AutoCAD specified scale to the dimensions within your drawing, you can use the distance tool.

You can activate it by using DI  as a keyboard shortcut, and then turn off the snap cursor mode to get the correct reading with respect to the AutoCAD scale .

Adding Scale Field in the Viewport

Adding a scale field in the viewport provides a visual reference for the scale of the drawing.

To do this, you can opt to change the text style from the dropdown menu in the annotate panel in the home tab or go directly to the Insert tab, under the Data panel, click on Field command.

autocad plot style pen assignments

Once active, the Field window will pop up, under Field category pick objects under field names pick Object , under object type.

Click on the select Tool and pick the viewport, then under Property , pick custom scale and under format select Use scale name , then click on OK and place it where you would prefer.

You can then adjust the size and position of the scale field to fit your layout every time you adjust the scale of your drawing.

The scale field will update automatically, and the updates can be seen by running the Regenerate command by using the RE keyboard shortcut.

Locking the Title block view

If you want to prevent the changing of the scale for the viewport when working within it, then follow these steps.

Double click on the viewport to activate it, once active, you can either lock your view by using the lock command located within the Layout Viewports panel in the Layout tab , or from the bottom right-hand corner.

autocad plot style pen assignments

Plotting the Drawing from Layout

Once you've set up your layout with the desired plotter, paper size, title block, viewports, and scale, you're ready to plot the drawing.

Go to the Output tab and click on Plot , choose the appropriate plot settings, such as plot area, plot scale, plot style table, and plot destination.

Finally, click OK to plot your drawing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions that we get quite often related to layouts and page setup.

Can I customize the title block?

Yes, you can customize the title block by adding or removing fields and adjusting its layout to suit your requirements.

How do I ensure that my drawing fits within the viewport boundaries?

You can adjust the viewport boundaries by clicking and dragging the grips.

Additionally, you can use the Zoom and Pan commands to position the drawing within the viewport.

What should I do if the plotted drawing doesn't match my layout?

Double-check your plot settings, including plot area, scale, and plot style table.

Ensure that the correct plotter and paper size are selected, and verify that the viewport scale is set correctly.

You can also opt to use the Window plot area style, then you will specify the window boundaries.

If AutoCAD warns you that your drawing is not fitting within the paper, check on the Fit to paper and Center the plot option.

Mastering AutoCAD's page setup in layout or paper space is essential for creating professional-looking drawings.

By understanding how to set the plotter and paper size, add a title block, create viewports, set scale, and plot the drawing, you can efficiently present your designs with precision and clarity.

If you have questions related to this article let me know in the comments down below.

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About the Author

Jaiprakash Pandey

Jaiprakash Pandey is the published author of “Practical AutoCAD book” by Packt publication he is also an Autodesk AutoCAD certified professional and Autodesk expert elite community. He has been delivering CAD training to corporate clients for more than 8 years and his clients include Steel, Power, Automobile industries and also government organizations, fortune 500 companies and the military.

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    Get Practical Autodesk AutoCAD 2021 and AutoCAD LT 2021 now with the O'Reilly learning platform. O'Reilly members experience books, live events, courses curated by job role, and more from O'Reilly and nearly 200 top publishers. Using plot styles In the model space, each line or curve will have a set of properties, such as the color and ...

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