drug related essay in ielts

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IELTS Writing Task 2 – Topic: DRUG

ielts writing topics 2019

1.  Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons.

Sample Answer

Most of the firms, organization and companies as well as Government make restrictions  to smoke in work places and public amenities respectively. It has become fashionable in  the world today to blame smoking. However, although I feel that smoking can be  harmful, but I don’t think it should be forbidden completely. I would also argue that  people should have the right whether they smoke or not.

Let me deal with the three positive sides of smoking. Firstly, smoking certainly helps  many people to relax. For some, it even improves concentration. If someone is upset  owing to debt or they have exam, like to smoke to reduce the pressure or tension. Most  of the people like to smoke when they are relaxing with friends. Secondly, governments  throughout the world make huge profits from taxes on cigarettes. The income obtained  from taxes provide funds which are used for building school, hospital and public places  such as parks, gardens, sports ground and foot paths. Thirdly, tobacco industry also  employs tens of thousands of people all over the world, particularly in poorer countries  like Zimbabwe or India. Without cigarettes, these people would have no jobs.

Despite these positive effects there are lots of negative effects of smoking too. Initially,  smoking has been proven to be too dangerous for health. As one cigarette contain more  then 4000 chemical substances, therefore, it causes for many injurious diseases like  heart attacks, asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer and cough. According to the current  report, in Britain about 3,500 people are killed each year in road accidents and 120,000  are killed by smoking. Furthermore, smoking costs government millions of dollars  because of the large number of people who need treatment in hospitals for smoking-related problems. Moreover, there is also concern today about passive smoking. Recent  research shows that non-smokers can suffer health problems if they spend long period  of time among people who do smoke. In UK children whose parents are smoke are  three times as likely to start smoking themselves.

In short, I think the world would be a better place without cigarettes. However, the  decision as to whether – smoke or not should be for each individual to make. I suggest  people should not smoke in a room or place where there are non smokers but surely  they should be free to smoke elsewhere.

 (386 words)

2. People in all modern societies use drugs, but today’s youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse. 

Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal  drug use on the rise, but children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with  alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behaviour are unclear, but certain sociologists  blame the examples set by their elders.

Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is  acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. Consequently, children may have a similar  view towards illegal drugs, even if their parents are against their use. In addition, drug  use shown on television and in films can only confuse children who are also taught at  school that drug abuse is wrong.

The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a  possible cause of the problem. Many believe they cannot live up to their parents’ expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness. Also, the widespread availability of  drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Drugs are used as  a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society.

The effects of drug abuse are well known. Many young people’s talents are wasted, and  addiction to hard drugs can cost a user his or her life. Furthermore, those who drink and  drive may be involved in fatal road accidents. The cost to society is great, and  enormous amounts of money are spent on convicting drug dealers and on education programmes.

To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is to educate  young people about the dangers of drug use, and to take steps to reduce the pressure  of competition placed upon them.

 (285 words)

3.  Drug abuse is becoming a problem in our society. What are the causes of this and what are some solutions?

Drug abuse is rife in many countries. Billions of dollars are spent internationally  preventing drug use, treating addicts, and fighting drug-related crime. Although drugs  threaten many societies, their effects can also be combated successfully. This essay  looks at some of the effects of drug use on society, and suggests some solutions to the  problem.

Drug abuse causes multiple problems for countries and communities. The medical and  psychological effects are very obvious. Addicts cannot function as normal members of  society. They neglect or abuse their families, and eventually require expensive  treatment or hospitalization. The second effect is on crime. Huge police resources are  needed to fight smuggling and dealing. Criminal gangs and mafia underworlds develop  with the money from drugs.

However, the menace of drugs can be fought. Education is the first battle. Children  need to be told at home and in school about drugs. People need to be aware of the  effects so that they can make avoid this problem. A second approach is to increase  police manpower and powers to stop dealers and to enforce the law. However the main  target should be the user. Families and counselors need to talk to children and people  at risk. Parents need to look at their children and help them to Jobs are needed to give  people a role in society.

In conclusion, although the problem of drugs may seem impossible to eliminate, there  are concrete steps that can be taken to weaken the hold of drugs on society. The  danger from drugs is too great to ignore.

 (256 words)

4.  Should Smoking be Banned?  

It has become fashionable in the world today to condemn smoking. However, although I  feel that smoking can be harmful, I do not think it should be banned completely.

Let me deal first with the positive side of smoking. First, smoking undoubtedly helps  many people to relax. For some, it even improves concentration. Many people like to  smoke before exams or when they are relaxing with friends.

A further point is that governments throughout the world make huge profits from levying  taxes on cigarettes. This provides funds which are used for building schools, hospitals  and other public amenities.

The tobacco industry also employs tens of thousands of people throughout the world,  particularly in poorer countries like Zimbabwe or India. Without cigarettes, these people  would have no jobs.

I would also argue that people should have the right to choose whether they smoke or  not. People should not smoke in a room where there are non-smokers but surely they  should be free to smoke elsewhere.

The arguments against smoking are well known. Smoking has been shown to be  dangerous to health. Heart disease, bronchitis and lung cancer have all been linked.

A further issue is that smoking costs governments millions of pounds because of the  large number of people who need treatment in hospitals for smoking related problems.

There is also concern today about passive smoking. Recent research has shown that  non-smokers can suffer health problems if they spend long periods of time among  people who do smoke.

In general, I think the world would be a better place without cigarettes. However, the  decision as to whether to smoke or not should be for each individual to make.

 (277 words)

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IELTS Essay, topic: Some people believe that the problem of illegal drugs can be solved by legalising all drugs (agree/disagree)

  • IELTS Essays - Band 9

This is a model response to a Writing Task 2 topic from High Scorer’s Choice IELTS Practice Tests book series (reprinted with permission). This answer is likely to score IELTS Band 9.

Set 3 General Training book, Practice Test 12

Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that the problem of illegal drugs can be solved by legalising all drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

drug related essay in ielts

Illegal drugs have become a worldwide problem in modern day society. The trading of drugs is widespread in nearly all countries and the number of people consuming drugs worldwide is high. It has been suggested simply to legalise all recreational drugs to solve the problems associated with them. I personally agree partially with this proposal, because I can see many advantages, yet also many disadvantages.

One positive aspect of legalising these drugs would be that the number of criminal activities committed to obtain them would decrease. Fewer people would therefore be imprisoned and have a criminal history that prevents them from progressing in life. Additionally, essential police resources would be freed up and devoted to other areas. Finally, high taxes could be imposed on the legal product, allowing governments to have better resources to improve the infrastructure of their countries.

Although legalising all illegal drugs could result in several positive effects, there are many negative effects that could be possible. As a result of the legalisation, I personally believe that it would become acceptable to use drugs and people would no longer pay attention to the damage that drugs cause. Schools might no longer educate teenagers and adolescents about the negative effects drugs have on people, resulting in more teenagers experimenting with them, as they would believe that this is a normal aspect of life. This would result in a higher number of drug addicts and potentially in more deaths, because it would be easier to obtain a large amount of illegal drugs and therefore the chances of overdosing would also increase.

In conclusion, I partially agree with the proposed action. Nonetheless, I think that an age restriction should be placed on drug use, as teenagers and adolescents could easily become addicted if all illegal drugs are legalised. This group of people is highly at risk of becoming addicted and potentially dying as a result of drug use and therefore should only be allowed to consume drugs after reaching a certain age.

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Essay 451 – Causes of widespread drug use by young people

Gt writing task 2 / essay sample # 451.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

People in all modern societies use drugs, but today’s youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs at an increasingly early age.

Discuss the causes of widespread drug use by young people in modern society. Make any recommendations to help fight youth drug abuse.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

Drug use among young people is a growing concern in modern societies, with both legal and illegal substances being experimented with at an alarmingly early age. This essay will delve into the causes behind the widespread drug use among youth in today’s society. Furthermore, recommendations will be provided to combat this issue effectively.

One of the primary causes of widespread drug use among young people is peer influence. Adolescents often seek acceptance and validation from their peers, leading them to engage in risky behaviours, including drug experimentation. The desire to fit in and be part of a social group can drive young individuals to succumb to peer pressure and engage in drug use, even if they are aware of the potential risks involved. Another significant factor contributing to youth drug abuse is the influence of media and popular culture. Movies, music, and social media platforms often glamorize drug use, creating an allure around these substances. For instance, many popular music videos depict celebrities engaging in drug-related behaviours, sending a message that such activities are not only acceptable but also glamorous and desirable.

To combat youth drug abuse effectively, a multi-faceted approach is required. Firstly, educational programmes should be implemented in schools to raise awareness about the dangers of drug use and equip young individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed decisions. These programmes should include comprehensive information about the physical and psychological consequences of drug abuse.

Furthermore, the proactive involvement of parents and guardians is crucial. Open communication channels should be established to facilitate discussions about drugs, their associated risks, and the importance of making responsible choices. Parents should also serve as positive role models, demonstrating healthy lifestyle choices and providing support to their children.

The widespread drug use among young people in modern society is a complex issue with various underlying causes. By addressing the factors that cause this problem along with implementing educational programmes and involving parents, we can take significant steps towards combating youth drug abuse.

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 285 - young drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many countries, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, young drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many countries. what are the reasons for this and what can be done to control it.

drug related essay in ielts

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Drug abuse: Problem and solution

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IELTS essay Drug abuse: Problem and solution

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 10: Different medical traditions

Courtney Miller

10 min read

Updated On Sep 18, 2023

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 10: Different medical traditions

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In IELTS Writing Task 2, students are asked to write a formal essay of at least 250 words, in 4-5 paragraphs based on the given writing task 2 essay topics. The task is similar for both Academic and General Training with regards to the type of questions and the scoring, but the topics given for General Training will be slightly easier than Academic. Given below is an essay with sample answers that will help you to practise and get a good score.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

A number of different medical traditions are now widely known and used: Western medicine (using drugs and surgery), herbal medicine, acupuncture (using needles at certain points of the body), homoeopathy (using minute doses of poisons), and so on. How important is the patient’s mental attitude towards his/her treatment in determining the effectiveness of the treatment?

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Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay 01 :

Today, plenty of medical methods are used by professionals to cure humans. These methods have different impacts via different mechanisms to control the development of each disease. I believe that bonding between patient and doctor is extremely important because it can raise the level of confidence between them, and the patient will receive a more accurate therapy.

Apparently, despite using modern medication introduced by developed countries, alternative medicine, hypnotism or other traditional methods have not been forgotten yet. In this way, in China, traditional medicine has been used by many professionals teaching medicine in university, and different methods are applied to cure debilitated humans, like putting needles on different parts of feet to relieve musculoskeletal pains.

In addition, doctor-patient communication is a very important factor and positive reinforcement is a leading strategy that many health professionals usually use to enhance the level of reliability of each medical treatment. Clearly, having a better self-confidence, a medical doctor can show his or her abilities to cure diseases and become prosperous in finding the causes of their patients’ problems. In particular, an experienced psychologist can relief the symptoms of a depressed patient better when he is supported mentally by using some hypnotism techniques. His physician can explain the mechanism of this type of medical induction in detail and raise the trustworthy between them.

Another factor why a patient should be familiar with the process of his treatment is that he will become more punctual in using of drugs. Definitely, to reach the maximum of influence of each medication, including modern or alternative medicine, people must use prescribed drugs accurately. A perfect healthcare employee must value his or her patients’ opinions and give the detail of procedure as long as ethical issues of therapy are not being missed. For example, a one being diagnosed with a progressed cancer must be informed how much some alternative medicines might be important than chemotherapy, and their oncoming side effects must precisely be explained to the patient. As a result, this patient will be able to select these therapies instead of usage of chemical therapies.

In conclusion, reliability is an essential factor for receiving a better healthcare service. From my point of view, knowing about the details of treatment and having mutual relationship between doctor and patient, are the two important reasons that increase the speed of improvement of diseases.

Model Essay 02 :

These days all most all of the people are curious and concern about their health. So do I. I think it is because of the number of different medical traditions which are now, widely known and used.

The topic or argument which I will discuss today is, “A number of different medical traditions are now widely known and used: Western medicine (using drugs and surgery), herbal medicine, acupuncture (using needles at certain points of the body), homoeopathy (using minute doses of poison), and so on. How important is the patient’s mental attitude towards his or her treatment in determining the effectiveness of the treatment?”

I think it is very important for the patient to have good mental attitude towards his or her treatment in determining the effectiveness of the treatment. It is because of a number of different medical traditions which are widely know or used.

After time by time, because of new or advanced technology, a lot of different medical treatments are coming out or invented from the doctors. And not all the people are aware or concern about that, the people, who do not believe, will get bad mental attitude and deny the treatment. If so, the doctors will have hard time determining the effective treatment. If that is the case, what could you do?

And one more thing which I want to tell is when the doctors or scientists make or invent new medical treatment, they should check many times before they will announce so that there will have trust between doctors and the patients. Most of people do not believe the effectiveness of new medical treatment because they are thinking it has not had full experiences with other people.

Because of the reasons above, I strongly believe that it is very important for the patient to have good moral attitude towards his or her treatment in determining the effectiveness of the treatment.

Model Essay 03 :

Nowadays, there are a plenty number of medical traditions that are widely known and used, such as Western Medicine which use drugs and surgery, herbal medicine, acupuncture which use needless at certain points of the body, and homoeopathy which use minute doses of poisons. Every medical tradition has advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the medical methods depends on patients’ preferences. Patients’ mental attitude and their believe in medical traditions that they choose play important part as a key success factor of disease curing.

Before patients choose the medical traditions that they want to use, they should find out the best methods for their disease. After that, they have to believe in the doctors, nurses, and other stakeholders who take care of them. They should also have positive and optimist feeling. They have to be sure that they can recover from their diseases.

Patients’ trust on the effectiveness of a particular treatment determines its result. With positive feeling, patients can face step by step of their medical treatment effectively. When people get sick, they treat themselves differently. They do what they believe as the best way to make them healthier.

When we get a heavy cough or flu, some people just believe that they need rest, need vitamin, take traditional treatment, or directly consume drugs from store for their diseases. Actually, all of treatments that they choose can work effectively if they believe in that.

In brief, after analyzing explanations above, we can conclude that patients’ mental attitude is the most important part toward their treatments in determining the effectiveness of all treatments.

Model Essay 04 :

A wide range of medical treatments is available today. Patients may wonder which will be the most effective, and whether their own mental attitude to the type of treatment might affect its success. This essay will consider the second of these questions.

Many people visit their doctor or go to hospital with complete trust in the expert care offered by conventional services. However, some people do not get a satisfactory result. For example, the drugs they are prescribed may have unpleasant side-effects. Their initial positive attitude towards their treatment does them little good.

Similarly, those patients who choose alternative treatments over traditional medicine may find themselves disillusioned. Less rigorous qualification standards among alternative practitioners may mean that some healers give ineffective or damaging advice. The result, again, is that a patient who entered treatment with confidence leaves that treatment disillusioned.

On the other hand, patients may try a style of treatment with some scepticism. A person used to conventional medicines and drugs may be suspicious of treatments based on diet and lifestyle changes. Yet if they follow such programs, they may in fact notice improvements in their condition, in spite of their scepticism. Equally, a patient opposed to conventional medicine may have an accident and be saved by the effective treatment of conventional emergency services.

In conclusion, it appears that the mental attitude of the patient is not the most significant factor in determining the outcome of the treatment. Patients who enter treatment confidently may leave disillusioned while those who begin treatment sceptical of the results may find themselves surprised with what they have gained. Patients should seek the advantages which each style of care can offer.

Model Essay 05 :

Health is a crucial thing for every single person in this world. When suffered an illness, medication is the direct solution the people take. Nowadays, there have been a big number of medical traditions widely recognized and applied like Western medicine, herbal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy and many others. Regardless the classification of that medical treatment, patients’ mental attitude on a treatment is regarding one of key success. This essay aims to investigate several reasons which base the importance of that mental attitude related to this case.

To begin with, although it is very hard to believe, Psychologist often says that what you think, what you will be. What I mean is whatever the kind of medical treatment we use when we get sick, our trust on the effectiveness of a particular treatment determines its result. I think this is the reason why someone who is not successful to remove his/her pain by consuming a modern pill, suddenly feeling better after joining an acupuncture practice. Probably he/she puts trust more on the acupuncture rather than on the ingredients of pill he consumed.

Furthermore, the conservative patients like most old people in my village, get healthy sooner if they cure it with traditional medicine. However, the modern people like citizens in big city, hardly feel any effect by using such kind of treatment. In contrast, they feel their illness can be released more quickly by consuming modern pill or other kinds of modern medicine. Again, it is due to the level of trust or mental attitude they put on each kind of medication.

In short, after analyzing explanations above, it can be clearly concluded that mental attitude towards medical treatment plays vital role which determines the effectiveness of that treatment.

Model Essay 06 :

In this essay I shall elaborate on various ways of medical treatment versus the mental attitude of the person undergoing treatment.

The Homeopathic deals with administration of small quantities of mild medicines in the form of small white and sweet granules. This type of treatment cures the diseases permanently; however treatment takes longer while. The patient should have patience to be OK. There are no side effects in this treatment.

Herbal (Ayurvedic): The treatment comprises of powders, tablets, medicated oils etc. prepared from natural herbs, plants and minerals. This is one of the oldest types of treatment and has no side effects. This type of treatment is faster compared to Homeopathic.

Acupuncture: This is the Chinese way of medicine and it is based on a different paradigm from scientific biomedicine. Treatment of disease is attempted by the activity of needles, pressure, heat, etc. on sensitive parts of the body called “acupuncture points”. Besides, Acupressure is a similar Chinese medicine technique based on the same ideas as acupuncture. Acupressure involves placing physical pressure by hand or with the aid of various devices on different acupuncture points.

Finally Western Type, known as Allopathic type of treatment is the most popular and widely accepted these days. The medicines are made of different proportions of chemicals and drugs those can be administered orally or injected directly into the muscles, veins and arteries with the help of a suitable syringe. Surgery is also performed wherever needed. The treatment is popular and fast.

Summarizing, important for recovery is the positive mental attitudes, those make miracles regardless of the type of treatment.

Model Essay 07 :

Any type of medicine whether a western or traditional has its own advantages and disadvantages. Though some medicines are more effective while others less, the purpose of all the medicines is to treat the patient. I personally believe that any type of medicine if taken under proper guidance will benefit the consumer, irrespective of it being the western or traditional. It all depends on the persons thinking towards it.

Nowadays because of rapid growth in medical field, number of new medicines are coming in a very short period of time. People generally don’t have that much knowledge about each medicine that comes in a market. It leads to the confusion and finally people go with the traditional treatments that are already proven and used widely. Going by the traditional method they feel safe and it generates a positive flow within their mind and which in turn helps them to recover faster.

On the other hand, because of the advanced technology and research, its possible to cure and treat some of the diseases that were not possible to treat with the traditional methods. Not only the major diseases but research has proven that fever, cough, cold can have types like from pollution, from food and so on. So going by traditional method which was unable to distinguish between the actual cause may take patient longer to heal, but if patient’s mentality towards the traditional medicine is more positive than some of the modern medicines available then patient would choose the traditional way and it may heal him/her faster than some of the modern medicines available in the market.

So to conclude, patient’s mentality plays a very important role on the effectiveness of the treatment the patient is undergoing.

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Updated on 02 February, 2024

Mrinal Mandal

Mrinal Mandal

Study abroad expert.

Mrinal Mandal

Your IELTS essay on health should be written with some basic principles in mind. While appearing for the language proficiency test, you will have to complete the assignment in forty minutes. Ensure that you keep the minimum word count at 250. Thirdly, make sure that you present your argument logically and clearly. The essay should be well-presented, with everything outlined neatly.

Table of Contents

  • Vocabulary For Health Essay

Other IELTS Health Essay Topics for Practice

  • Prepare for IELTS With upGrad Abroad

Frequently Asked Questions

Study abroad without ielts, ielts essay on health sample essays.

Question-  Some people claim that the Government should provide free health care. Others think that the Government will not provide the most innovative treatment methods and it’s better to invest those funds in education and culture. What is your opinion?

Essay 1 - 

Health is a key concern for people worldwide. Especially in the past two years, we have seen how important health infrastructure and its access are. Most citizens want the Government to invest in the health sector and provide healthcare and medicines at subsidized rates. However, some people feel that the Government will not introduce innovative treatment methods in the healthcare space. It would be better to invest those funds in education or cultural pursuits instead. It is important to understand both sides before concluding. 

Healthcare costs regularly increase, and individuals cannot pay for basic health facilities and checkups, especially in developing nations. Even if the Government cannot come up with more innovative healthcare methods, it can still offer free medical facilities to citizens who are unable to afford the same. Because only a healthy nation can be a productive nation. The Government may also ensure health insurance for free to secure the lives of citizens. 

The education sector is also no less important. It should not be a choice, picking one sector over the other as both play a crucial role in the development and progress of any country. The Government should certainly invest in developing educational institutions throughout the country while coming up with more scholarships and financial grants for bright students who are pursuing higher education. The Government should emphasize healthcare and allocate funds for educational and socio-cultural development, which will uplift the community as a whole. 

To conclude, it can be said that healthcare does require greater attention from the Government, considering that a majority of less-privileged citizens still lack access to basic healthcare facilities and their inability to afford the same. Healthcare will naturally be prioritized over education, although the Government should have a suitable allocation strategy for ramping up the education and cultural sectors as well. 

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Essay 2 - 

Question-  Many think that it is very difficult for people to maintain a healthy lifestyle in today's world. Others, however, feel that it is easy for people to be healthy and fit if they want to be. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 

You should write at least 250 words.   

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become increasingly important, as witnessed first-hand by the world in the Covid-19 aftermath. Immunity and nutrition played an important role in combating the virus. 

This knowledge is not new that health is happiness. With an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, several studies have raised concerns about the depreciating health of individuals and collective societies. While tech advancement has been a boon in many forms, it has also been a bane. As the screen time of individuals increases, the physical activities go down.

The rise of computer-based working styles and smartphones has contributed to inactive daily lives worldwide. People prefer to binge-watch shows or scroll on social media for hours than undertake sports or other physical activity. Eating habits have changed too, with a high dependency on processed and packaged foods, once again owing to the modern and fast-paced lives we lead. 

Despite the hurdles stated above, it is still easier to stay healthy and fit in recent times owing to the sheer volume of information available on proper nutrition and wellness. There are articles, videos, podcasts, and tips aplenty for people to stay healthy amidst the vagaries of modern life. Today's general trend leans more towards awareness about healthy eating, organic foods, better lifestyle practices, and achieving fitness goals without excessive stress. Hence, it is still possible to take time out and gather information on building a healthier lifestyle. Technology itself has made it possible to stay updated and informed. 

To conclude, it can be said that while there are more distractions and hindrances today for people to stay fit, it is always possible to get proper guidance at the click of a button and lay the foundation for a healthier and happier life. 

Recommended Reads:

Vocabulary For Health Essay 

If you are preparing for the IELTS writing task 2 essay, you cannot overlook the topic ‘Health.’ Given below are some of the lexical terms that might help you in your preparation for the IELTS essay on health. 

  • Appetite – a desire to satiate a bodily need
  • bacteria – microscopic, single-celled organisms that sustain in diverse environments
  • obesity – the condition of putting on extra weight
  • Pandemic- a disease that spreads over the whole world
  • Ache – pain in any part of the body.
  • cardiac-related to the heart
  • collapse – fall and become unconscious 
  • fit – in good health
  • gland – a group of cells in an animal’s body that synthesizes substances like hormones 
  • hormone – chemical substances acting as a messenger in the body
  • immunity – a condition of being able to resist a particular disease
  • lifestyle – the way of living 
  • medication – a drug that is used to cure or prevent disease
  • dehydration – a reduction in the amount of water beyond permissible levels in the body
  • epidemic – a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease
  • nausea – a feeling of vomit
  • rehabilitation – the action of restoring someone to health through therapy
  • stamina – the capacity to sustain prolonged stress caused by activity
  • Therapy – treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder
  • panic – sudden uncontrollable fear, causing unthinkable behavior
  • vaccination –injecting a dead organism to evoke the body’s defense mechanism 

against it by the production of antibodies that form a memory.

Many essay topics around health form part of the IELTS writing task. Some of the topics have been listed below for your practice:

Nowadays, the average weight of people is increasing while the levels of their fitness are declining. What as per you could be the reasons for it? How can it be tackled?

To lead a healthy life, one should opt for vegetarian food. Do you agree or disagree?

Many studies affirm that junk food is the major cause behind the declining health standards in people. What do you think?

Many organizations are motivating people to opt for healthy living by incentivizing them. Do you think this will bring some change in the lifestyle of the people?

Studies show that people with good habits are more likely to live long and fulfilling lives. What steps can be taken to encourage people to incorporate good habits into their daily lives?

The health of the country can be improved if we focus on community health. Do you agree? Cite down the ideas by which the health of the community can be improved.

People often go to work even if they are sick to meet the high job demands and sense of commitment. By doing this, they might accomplish important tasks, but pose serious health hazards for other people at work and make people prone to contracting a disease. In your opinion, should people go to work if they are sick?

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The program costs INR 15,000 and is 100% refundable if a student starts their  study abroad journey with us. 

  • It is a six-week-long course and offers the following for  IELTS preparation : 
  • 25 hours of live online classes
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  • Four one-to-one speaking practice sessions (30 mins each)
  • 15 writing assignments with correction and feedback 
  • Two full-length mock tests
  • One-to-one analysis of two full-length mock tests

How to write an IELTS essay on Health is Wealth?

Given below are some of the key points that you can include in your essay on health is wealth 

  • Cite the present situation and its repercussions; for instance, bad health can be related to less productivity which can be linked to a less performing economy and other possible dangers it may pose
  • In the first paragraph, state all the reasons that lead to bad health. For instance, nowadays, people lead a fast-paced life with no time left for exercise and practice mindful eating. Stress adds to the already worsened condition and plays a leading role in generating ailments like obesity and high blood pressure
  • In the second paragraph, you can write about the solutions that can be taken to keep the problems in check. For instance, you can write about the benefits of exercise and yoga in daily lives, mindful eating habits, and leading a stress-free lifestyle
  • You can summarise all the key takeaways listed in the essay. This will be posted as a concluding paragraph for your essay.

How to write an IELTS essay on mental health?

Just like any essay, the structure for this essay also remains the same. Start with the introduction of the topic. Develop the essay in the body paragraphs by adding the causes for it and provide a solution in the proceeding body paragraph. Conclude the essay by highlighting all the key points. Some of the key points that you can include in your essay are: 

  • Introduction- Start by writing on the topic and introducing it with a well-formed definition. Go on by answering the questions like Why is it important? What is society’s attitude towards it? Mention the psychological illnesses. You can write that society is more accepting of physical illness than mental illness. Also, people with such cases are often ignored by their families and society, and in severe cases, they receive improper treatments only to tag them as madmen. 
  • Body: write about the lag in terms of lack of medical facilities and capacity to treat mental illnesses. Give reference to the discrimination that prevails at the time of allocating the budget to treat mental illnesses. 
  • Body: Write about the solution that can help in the betterment of mental health. Also, mention the need and sensitivity of the society to change the mindset toward mental health.

Conclusion: Summarise all the main points and end on a positive note.

Conclude the complete essay in not less than 250 words.

How health is affected by lifestyle?

To write about how health is affected by the lifestyle, you can make use of the points enlisted below

  • Those who live an active lifestyle have a long span of life than those who do not
  • Many factors like sedentary jobs, unmindful eating habits, wrong posture, and exposure to negative media, to name a few, affect our lifestyle and in turn health. It could lead to diseases like cancer and depression and bring home conditions like obesity. It also leads to less productivity at work
  • With the incorporation of certain good habits like yoga, the ill-effects caused due to bad lifestyle could be reversed 
  • Yoga, meditation, mindful eating, and maintaining an active lifestyle can lead to good health and ultimately add years to our life.

How to write an essay on maintaining good health?

Just like any essay, the structure for this essay also remains the same. Start with the introduction of the topic. Develop the essay in the body paragraphs by adding the causes for it and provide a solution in the proceeding body paragraph. Conclude the essay by highlighting all the key points the essay. Some of the key points that you can include in your essay are as follows: 

  • Maintaining good health is very important these days, and comes with several rewards. It is about adopting those habits that help you in your mental, physical and emotional development
  • Good health helps you to keep many diseases at bay and ensures a quick recovery 
  • In today’s world, many people are struggling with health issues that impact their quality of life in several ways
  • Bad health can be a major impediment, and much of it owes to the lack of exercise and junk food. In the long run, a person’s body becomes home to many ailments like cancer and other fatal diseases
  • Good health can be achieved by adopting good choices in our daily routine and following them persistently. Some of the measures that help maintain good health are practicing yoga, mindful eating, exercising, maintaining a good social circle, etc.
  • Summarise all the key points.

What is the format/structure for the IELTS essay on health?

The format for the IELTS essay on Health is as follows:

Introduction- Start with the definition of health. Write about different kinds of health? What is people’s perspective towards it? Mention different factors that contribute to healthy living.

Body: write about the importance of health? How we can keep ourselves healthy. Mention all the practices. Mention the dangers that one faces if health is ignored.

Body: Write about the solution that can help in the betterment of health. Also, mention the need and sensitivity of the society to change the mindset toward health.

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IELTS Writing & Speaking: 5 mind maps / brainstorming ideas on traffic accidents, drug addiction, global warming, brain drain & culture shock; for task 2 essays, speaking part 2 & 3

This post on mind maps or brainstorming is for candidates who find it difficult to arrange / find out ideas for IELTS Writing Task 2 and Speaking part 2 / cue card and part 3 questions. Hopefully, these 5 mind-maps on drug addiction, traffic accidents, global warming, brain drain & culture shock will help you gather ideas quickly to write essays or speak on a topic card or more complex questions for sometime.

IELTS Writing & Speaking: 5 mind maps / brainstorming ideas on traffic accidents, drug addiction, global warming, brain drain & culture shock; for task 2 essays, speaking part 2 & 3

It is quite common that IELTS candidates often find it difficult to put together some ideas on different topics and it becomes fairly difficult for them to write an IELTS Writing Task 2 essay or speak on a topic/cue/task card in IELTS Speaking part 2.

Keeping this in mind, here I’ve arranged 5 mind-maps or brainstorming ideas on 5 basic IELTS topics. You will find these topics in almost all the IELTS books, hand-notes, blogs etc. Let’s have a look.

1. Drug Addiction

Here is a mind map on drug addiction.

IELTS Writing & Speaking: 5 mind maps / brainstorming ideas on traffic accidents, drug addiction, global warming, brain drain & culture shock; for task 2 essays, speaking part 2 & 3

You can use this mind-map to generate your ideas for the following IELTS Writing Task 2 essays.

  • Clear evidence on the use of drugs prevails in modern societies. However, today’s teenagers and youths are doing both legal and illegal researches on drugs. Some social experts maintain that parents and other legal guardians of society can barely do anything to control them. Discuss the reasons and effects of this extensive drug abuse by young generation. Propose any suggestions that you believe are necessary to help combat drug abuse among youths.
  • Teenagers are progressively becoming drug addicts in nearly every country of the world. What are the outcomes of this social problem? Suggest some preventive measures to fight this hazard.
  • Some experts consider that the trouble of illegal drugs can be solved by just making all drugs legal. Others, however, feel that this issue can only be solved by educating everyone in the society about it. Discuss both the views and offer your own opinions on the matter.
  • Drug addiction in the society spreads only because of careless guardians. How far do you agree or disagree?

You can also use the mind-map to generate your ideas for the following IELTS Speaking part 2- cue cards.

Describe a time when you had to help someone in danger.

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • Who you helped
  • Why you helped him/her
  • And how you felt after helping him/her

Describe a social problem that is affecting your locality seriously.

  • What the problem is
  • How it is affecting your locality
  • What the present condition is
  • And how this problem can be solved

You can also use the mind-map to generate your ideas for the following IELTS Speaking part 3 questions.

  • Do you think addiction should be considered as a disease?
  • Why do you think youths are so interested in drugs?
  • Do you think the government can solve the problem?
  • How was the situation of drug abuse 20 years ago?
  • Why is this problem spreading so rapidly?

2. Traffic accidents

Here is a mind map on traffic accidents.

IELTS Writing & Speaking: 5 mind maps / brainstorming ideas on traffic accidents, drug addiction, global warming, brain drain & culture shock; for task 2 essays, speaking part 2 & 3

  • A big number of deaths are caused by road accidents every year. Why do so many accidents occur? Make recommendations which may help reduce the number of road accidents.
  • The best way to decrease the number of traffic accidents is to raise the age limit for younger drivers and to lower the age limit for aged drivers. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Some experts claim that the best way to reduce traffic accidents is individual awareness. Others are of the opinion that only tougher rules and regulations can only solve this problem. What is your opinion about this?
  • Lately there has been a rapid boost in the number of public deaths on the highways. Traffic designers blame drivers for driving aggressively while drivers articulate that the roads are terrible for traffic use. Who, in your opinion, is to be blamed for the mishaps that are responsible for tragic deaths caused on roads?

Describe a tragic road accident you saw.

  • Where the accident occurred
  • Where you were at that time
  • How the accident affected you
  • And give details about the accident.
  • Do you think traffic accidents can be avoided by installing technology?
  • How should be the law against road accidents?
  • How do you think traffic accidents can be solved immediately?
  • Who are to blame for the problem?

3. Global warming

IELTS Writing & Speaking: 5 mind maps / brainstorming ideas on traffic accidents, drug addiction, global warming, brain drain & culture shock; for task 2 essays, speaking part 2 & 3

  • Global warming is now one of the hot topics around the world now. It is affecting both the environment and the biodiversity. Discuss the reasons behind this problem and suggest some preventive measures to tackle this problem.
  • Many experts are worried about global warming as latest researches show that the worldwide boost in temperature is becoming worse. In addition, research suggests that global warming the levels of pollution in the atmosphere degenerate the overall temperature of the earth. Discuss the effects of global warming and probable solutions to the problem.
  • Global warming is the ultimate result of human activities the negatively affect our environment. How far do you agree or disagree? Is there a way to slow down the effects of global warming?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The only way to reduce the effects of global warming quickly is planting more and more trees.

Describe a great problem that is affecting the whole world.

  • Since when it has come to our attention
  • How big the damage is
  • And suggest some solutions for this problem.
  • Discuss how global warming can be solved.
  • What kind of affects of global warming have you observed in your country?
  • In what ways global warming damage the ecosystem?
  • Is global warming preventable? If so, how?

4. Brain drain

IELTS Writing & Speaking: 5 mind maps / brainstorming ideas on traffic accidents, drug addiction, global warming, brain drain & culture shock; for task 2 essays, speaking part 2 & 3

  • A rising number of experts, such as doctors, engineers and teachers, are leaving their native countries to give their labour in first-world countries. What are the reasons behind this tendency? What recommendations can you provide to deal with this situation?
  • The main reason behind the rapid migration of professionals in developed nations is job and financial insecurity. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • Some experts claim that brain drain can only be solved if government comes forward to support the professionals. Others say that individual love and responsibility for native country is important to stop this trend. What is your opinion about it?
  • What is a brain drain? Do you think it is helpful for maintaining good relation between nations?
  • In what ways can the rich nations help poor nations?
  • What are the social and cultural effects of brain drain?
  • Can brain drain be beneficial for a country?
  • When do you think brain drain occurs?

5. Culture Shock

IELTS Writing & Speaking: 5 mind maps / brainstorming ideas on traffic accidents, drug addiction, global warming, brain drain & culture shock; for task 2 essays, speaking part 2 & 3

  • Settling into new customs and cultures can be extremely difficult. Although some ‘culture shock’ is unavoidable, there are numerous ways to make living abroad much easier. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
  • Going overseas for university study is an exciting experience for many students. However, it may offer some advantages but it is almost certainly better to stay home because of the complexities a student inescapably faces living and studying in a different society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?  Offer your personal opinion.
  • It is often believed by many people that the best way to understand a culture is by learning the language used in that particular culture. Do you agree or disagree?

Describe a foreign culture that you like.

  • What culture it is and how you know about it
  • What differences there are between that culture and your own
  • Why you like that foreign culture
  • And explain if you faced any problem understanding that culture
  • Why do you think being away from home is worrying for a lot of people?
  • What are the downsides of moving to another country for work or study?
  • Why do some people feel it stressful when they face a new culture?
  • How can a person adapt to a culture quickly?
  • When and how does culture shock occur?
  • Do you think age plays any role in affecting people of different ages?

Click here to learn more about mind-mapping in IELTS Writing Task 2 

Click here to get mind-maps/brainstorming ideas for 14 writing task 2 topics 

Click here to learn more about mind-mapping in IELTS Speaking Part 2

Click here for mind maps/brainstorming ideas for 5 more topics (unemployment, violence, animal testing, natural disasters, stress)


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IELTS Speaking Part 1: General questions on Changes in life, Extra-curricular activities, Social issues; with model answers

IELTS Speaking Part 1: General questions on Changes in life, Extra-curricular activities, Social issues; with model answers

This is the fourth set of general questions of IELTS Speaking Part 1 with example answers. If you wish to earn a good band score in the speaking module, you have to start with a great impression on the examiner’s mind and part 1 is the best place to do it. Practicing the general questions over […]

IELTS Writing Task 2: Agree disagree topic on using forensics to solve old cases; with 3 model answers

IELTS Writing Task 2: Agree disagree topic on using forensics to solve old cases; with 3 model answers

This IELTS Writing Task 2 post offers some sample answers to an agree-disagree topic. This agree-disagree topic asks the candidates to provide arguments as to whether new science related to criminal forensics should be used to look at old cases or not. In this post, you will find three great model answers which may help […]

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Band 7+: Many crimes are often related to the consumption of alcohol or drugs. Do you think that the legalization of these substances would increase or decrease the crime rate??

There is a prevailing notion that crime often involves the use of illegal substances and substances with high alcohol content. From my perspective, I completely agree that the authorization would decrease the offense rate for the reasons presented below.

First, if the government legalizes the use of drugs and alcohol, it will help control crime rates better. Crimes related to the possession and trafficking of banned substances will be significantly reduced because the government has allowed them to trade a certain amount. We can see that in countries like Canada that have legalized marijuana and alcohol, the crime rate related to banned substances is low, thanks to government intervention in controlling illegal drugs. Illegal organizations would be controlled by hard policies that strictly inspect goods, ensuring that organizations have no opportunity to circumvent the law. Business activities will be made more transparent under government control.

Another reason is that legalizing the above substances would help improve the health of society. Alcohol and narcotics have beneficial effects on human health and are often used for medical purposes, such as antiseptics and pain relief. In addition, their legality helps addicts feel less embarrassed by society and allows them to receive timely treatment. Addicts will receive specially attentive medical care services, helping them quickly improve their health and reintegrate into the community. This also contributes to controlling the rising crime rate and helping society develop healthily.

In short, I am firmly convinced that the legal use of illegal substances has many social and health benefits that help reduce crime rates.

Check Your Own Essay On This Topic?

Generate a band-9 sample with your idea, overall band score, task response, coherence & cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range & accuracy, essays on the same topic:, many crimes are often related to the consumption of alcohol or drugs. do you think that the legalization of these substances would increase or decrease the crime rate.

There is a widespread belief that crime often involves the use of illegal substances and those with high alcohol content. From my perspective, I completely agree that legalization would decrease the offense rate for the following reasons: Firstly, if the government legalizes the use of drugs and alcohol, it will better control felony rates. Crimes […]

There is a widespread belief that crime often involves the use of illegal substances and those with high alcohol content. From my perspective, I completely agree that legalization would decrease the crime rate for the following reasons: Firstly, if the government legalizes the use of drugs and alcohol, it will better control crime rates. Crimes […]

There is a prevailing notion that crime often involves the use of illegal substances and substances with high alcohol content. From my perspective, I completely agree that the authorization would decrease the offense rate for the reasons presented below. First, if the government legalizes the use of drugs and alcohol, it will help control crime […]

There is a prevailing notion that several offences are frequently tied to the use of alcohol or drugs. From my perspective, I totally agree with the view that the legalization of these substances would increase the crime rate on account of the reasoning presented below. To begin with, legalizing alcohol and drugs would escalate substance […]

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Drug Companies' Responsibility to Spend Money on Researching Medicines to Help Poorer Countries

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that drug companies have a responsibility to spend money on researching medicines that will help people in poorer countries. Others say the main responsibility of drug companies is to make money.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

This is an IELTS Task 2 Essay Band 9 Sample Essay responding to the prompt "Some people say that drug companies have a responsibility to spend money on researching medicines that will help people in poorer countries. Others say the main responsibility of drug companies is to make money. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion."

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Sample Essay 1

The debate surrounding pharmaceutical companies' responsibilities oscillates between their duty to research medicines for impoverished nations and their pursuit of profit maximization. This essay posits that while financial viability is crucial for innovation, prioritizing global health equity is both ethical and beneficial in the long run.

Proponents of prioritizing research for less affluent countries argue that pharmaceutical giants, with their substantial resources, have a moral obligation to address the health disparities that plague these regions. Diseases like malaria and tuberculosis, largely eradicated in the developed world, continue to ravage poorer countries, partly due to the lack of profitable markets for such drugs. This perspective underscores a vision of global health as a collective responsibility, where the advancements in medicine serve as a beacon of hope for all humanity, not just the affluent. For instance, the development and distribution of the river blindness drug, Ivermectin, by Merck & Co. demonstrated how pharmaceutical companies could significantly impact public health without direct financial gain, fostering goodwill and potentially opening new markets.

Conversely, critics maintain that drug companies, as businesses, primarily owe their allegiance to shareholders, not societal health. They argue that research and development (R&D) require colossal investments, and without the promise of return, there would be little incentive to innovate. This view holds that profit generation fuels further research, suggesting a cycle where financial success enables the pursuit of more ambitious projects, including those that might benefit low-income countries indirectly. This pragmatic approach emphasizes the importance of a stable and lucrative business model as the foundation of sustainable pharmaceutical innovation.

In conclusion, while the pharmaceutical industry's responsibility to generate profit is undeniable, leveraging their capabilities for the broader good can create a symbiotic relationship between profitability and global health improvement. Prioritizing medicines for poorer countries not only fulfills a moral obligation but can also pave the way for long-term sustainable development, ensuring that advancements in health and medicine benefit the entire global community.

Sample Essay 2

The debate over whether drug companies should prioritize financial gains or allocate resources for the development of medicines for impoverished nations is gaining increasing prominence. In navigating this complex issue, my thesis posits that while drug companies must prioritize profitability to sustain their business, they should also earmark a portion of their resources for the betterment of healthcare in underprivileged countries. This essay will elaborate on the humanitarian need for research aimed at poorer nations as well as the capitalist perspective that underscores the importance of profitability.

The notion that drug companies have a responsibility to spend money on researching medicines for impoverished nations stems from a humanitarian angle. For one, such an approach serves the greater good by ensuring that crucial medicines reach those who are most vulnerable and otherwise overlooked. For instance, the development of affordable antimalarial drugs has a direct and profound impact on African nations where malaria is endemic. In doing so, drug companies not only gain social capital but also expand their market reach, creating a win-win scenario for both parties.

On the flip side, the argument that the core responsibility of drug companies is to make money is based on capitalist principles. In a free-market economy, the primary duty of any company is towards its shareholders. Research and development (R&D) require enormous financial investment, and there is no guarantee of the commercial viability of a new drug. Therefore, focusing on diseases prevalent in wealthier nations, where consumers can afford expensive treatments, ensures a better return on investment. This enables companies to sustain their R&D pipelines, leading to the innovation of new medicines in the long run.

To sum up, the essay has explored the dual expectations placed upon drug companies: the humanitarian imperative to focus on healthcare needs in impoverished countries and the business necessity to generate profits. This intricate balance aligns closely with the question statement, affirming that drug companies can indeed harmonize their profit-making objectives with their social responsibilities.

Sample Essay 3

The debate over the responsibilities of pharmaceutical corporations often centers around a moral dilemma: should they prioritize profit or invest in the health needs of impoverished nations? In this essay, I will discuss both perspectives and argue that while pharmaceuticals are inherently profit-driven entities, they also have an ethical obligation to address the pressing health needs of less affluent countries.

On the one hand, it's undeniable that pharmaceutical companies operate within a commercial paradigm, where research, development, and marketing of medicines require significant capital. For instance, the creation of drugs for rare diseases often involves hefty investments due to the limited target market. Consequently, setting prices that reflect these costs becomes crucial for recuperating investments and funding future research. Furthermore, these corporations have a duty to their shareholders and employees to generate profits. This capitalistic framework is foundational to their operation, prompting them to set prices that ensure sustainability.

However, a purely profit-driven approach can inadvertently marginalize vulnerable populations. High drug prices often render essential medications inaccessible to those in developing nations, exacerbating global health inequalities. For instance, the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa during the late 20th century highlighted this disparity. While antiretroviral treatments were available, their exorbitant costs made them unreachable for many, leading to countless preventable deaths. Such scenarios underline the moral obligation pharmaceuticals have beyond their commercial interests. Collaborative efforts, like the COVAX initiative for COVID-19 vaccines, demonstrate how these corporations can play a pivotal role in global health equity. By offering tiered pricing or donating medicines, they can contribute to a more just distribution of health resources globally.

In conclusion, pharmaceutical companies, while profit-driven, must also consider the global health implications of their pricing. Balancing commercial goals with ethical duties can lead to a fairer global health landscape.

  • Task 2 Essays

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    Model Answer: Drug use among young people is a growing concern in modern societies, with both legal and illegal substances being experimented with at an alarmingly early age. This essay will delve into the causes behind the widespread drug use among youth in today's society. Furthermore, recommendations will be provided to combat this issue ...

  6. Youth drug abuse is a serious problem

    Drug abuse is rife in many countries. Billions of dollars are spent internationally preventing drug use, treating addicts, and fighting drug-related crime. Although drugs threaten many societies, their effects can also be combated successfully. This essay looks at some of the effects of drug use on society and suggests some solutions to the ...

  7. IELTS Essay # 1160

    In conclusion, youth drug abuse is a serious problem that requires a multi-faceted approach to control. By understanding the possible causes and implementing effective strategies to prevent and treat drug abuse, we can help young people to avoid the negative consequences of drug use and lead healthy, productive lives. Sample Answer 2:

  8. Discuss the cause and effects of widespread drug abuse by young people

    The essay "Discuss the cause and effects of widespread drug abuse by young people" is a Cause and Solution writing task 2 question that has previously appeared in an IELTS test. The essay writing section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS aspirants.

  9. People in all Modern Societies Use Drugs- IELTS Writing Task 2

    People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the cause and effects of widespread drug abuse by young people. Outline Essay Type. Cause-effect essay ...

  10. IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

    IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay: ... Tobacco and alcohol are drugs that cause addiction and health problems. Therefore they should be made illegal. ... According to the recent statistics, four million people around the world die yearly from tobacco-related diseases - one death every eight seconds. Tobacco is significantly becoming a greater ...

  11. IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

    Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. You should write at least 250 words. Sample Essay: Today, juveniles consume more illegal drugs than in the past. They have a better access to more variety of opioid or non-opioid materials and use them far more remarkably.

  12. IELTS essay Drug abuse: Problem and solution

    Drug abuse: Problem and solution. Unfortunately, drug abuse is becoming one of the pervasive problems of present-day society. Nevertheless, we still have chances to stop the spreading of this global threat. In this essay, I am going to look at the number of troubles that caused by addiction and consider solutions to them.

  13. PDF Problem solution: DRUGS

    The use of illegal drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, are becoming more and more common in many countries. What are some of the problems associated with drug abuse, and what are some of the possible solutions? Steps in Planning your Essay 1. Underline key vocabulary in the question and write words with the same or related meaning. 2.

  14. 50 Latest Cannabis IELTS Topics

    Many countries have decriminalised the use of cannabis and as a result have seen a reduction in drug related crime. ... Writing9 was developed to check essays from the IELTS Writing Task 2 and Letters/Charts from Task 1. The service helps students practice writing for IELTS and improve their writing skills. By using this site, you agree to read ...

  15. Tobacco and Alcohol are Drugs that Cause Addiction and Health Problems

    Agree Disagree essays, like 'Tobacco and Alcohol are Drugs that Cause Addiction and Health Problems', are the most common type of questions in IELTS Writing Task 2. In contrast to classic Agree Disagree essays, 'To what extent do you agree or disagree' questions do not specifically ask you to declare your level of agreement or disagreement with the statement.

  16. The Use of Illegal Drugs Such as Heroin and Cocaine- IELTS Writing Task

    Consumption of drugs like cocaine and heroin can have severe implications on people's health. Despite the hazardous ramification, the use of illicit substances such as drugs has garnered a lot of attention from youngsters these days. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss these issues and provide potential solutions.

  17. IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 10: Different medical traditions

    In IELTS Writing Task 2, students are asked to write a formal essay of at least 250 words, in 4-5 paragraphs based on the given writing task 2 essay topics. The task is similar for both Academic and General Training with regards to the type of questions and the scoring, but the topics given for General Training will be slightly easier than ...

  18. Essay On Health For IELTS

    Download IELTS Guide. Your IELTS essay on health should be written with some basic principles in mind. While appearing for the language proficiency test, you will have to complete the assignment in forty minutes. Ensure that you keep the minimum word count at 250. Thirdly, make sure that you present your argument logically and clearly.

  19. 5. Culture Shock

    Explore 5 comprehensive mind maps and brainstorming ideas for IELTS Writing and Speaking. Gain insights into topics such as traffic accidents, drug addiction, global warming, brain drain, and culture shock, specifically designed for task 2 essays, speaking part 2, and part 3. Elevate your IELTS preparation with these valuable resources.

  20. Band 7: Many crimes are often related to the consumption of alcohol or

    The essay addresses the prompt by discussing the potential impact of legalizing alcohol and drugs on crime rates. The position is clear and well-developed, providing reasons to support the argument. However, the essay could benefit from further elaboration on the potential drawbacks or counterarguments to strengthen the analysis.

  21. Drug Companies' Responsibility to Spend Money on Researching Medicines

    Explore an IELTS Band 9 sample essay dissecting the critical issue of whether drug companies have a responsibility to spend money on researching medicines for poorer nations or if the main responsibility of drug companies is to make money. Dive into our IELTS Band 9 sample essay that discusses if drug companies have a responsibility to spend money on researching medicines that will help people ...

  22. drug related essay in ielts

    This essay looks at some of the problems caused by drug use on society, and suggests some solutions to reduce the effects. Paragraph 2: Problems. Topic Sentence.... Additionally, drug addicts experience drug-induced illusions and are ... IELTS Opinion Essay · IELTS Discussion Essay · IELTS Problem Solution... Drug- related cases have been ...