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How to Write an Enduring Issues Essay: Guide with Topics and examples

How to Write an Enduring Issues Essay: Guide with Topics and examples

Writing Enduring Issues Essay

Writing Enduring Issues Essay

Writing an enduring issues essay is not easy. You must discuss a topic that can get people to discuss and think long after they read your paper.

This guide will teach you how to write an enduring issues essay. You will find the topics list and examples of each one. In addition, we go over the different types of essays used for this purpose and give you a brief overview.

enduring issues essay us history

What is an Enduring Issues Essay?

An enduring issues essay is a written task where the author identifies and describes a historically significant challenge that endured for a long duration and has been addressed with different degrees of success.

Example of enduring issues

You should describe the challenge, explain why it has endured and how different people successfully addressed it at different times.

Mostly, this can be either by a group or an individual, but it must be historically significant so that the argument you present can be backed up with historical evidence.

An enduring issues essay is a written task where you are to identify and describe a historically significant challenge that has endured over time and has been addressed with varying degrees of success.

For example, if you were asked to write an enduring issues essay on women’s rights in America, you would need to determine if women’s rights have improved or not since the beginning of the nation.

You could then compare these results from past times with present-day trends. This task can happen by looking at how women were treated in colonial times compared to now.

You could also compare them to those who came before us, such as those who were slaves during slavery, compared to today’s race relations which do not discriminate based on race but rather on merit.

Typically, an enduring issues essay allows for historical analysis to see how our society has changed over time and what is still relevant today.

How to Write an Enduring Issues Essay

1. choose your topic.

When you are writing an essay, you need to choose a topic that is interesting and interesting enough to draw the attention of your readers. The topic should be something that can get discussed in several different ways.

choose a topic

To ensure that your essay is successful, it needs a clear structure.

An outline will help you plan exactly what you want to say in each section of your essay and how they relate to one another. In addition to planning your essay, several tips can help you write an enduring issues essay.

First, write down some ideas for the essay. Write down what questions or topics you would like to discuss; for example, if you wanted to write about global warming in your essay, then write down all the things happening worldwide on this issue.

You must consider something that impacts everyone, not just someone specific or something local such as pollution.

Next, think about where these ideas come from. For example: do you have friends who are interested in this issue? Can they help you find information about it? Can they give examples of others who have written about this topic before?

2. Choose your Thesis Statement

The best way to write an enduring issues paper is to start with a thesis statement. This sentence or two summarizes your argument and explains why you are writing.

The thesis statement should be a strong one that states your main point clearly and concisely but also broad enough to encompass many other points of view. It should be like: “All of us need to find ways to improve our communication skills.”

You can then support this thesis by using examples from your own life or others in your family, school or community. You might also use statistics or other research materials from books or online resources, such as Wikipedia.

3. Write your Introduction

the introduction

You should write your introduction in an engaging and emotional tone. You can achieve this by writing about a personal connection, experience or something that makes you feel strongly about the issue.

If you are writing about a social issue, discussing how it affects people and what it means for those involved or affected by it is important.

You can use examples to illustrate this point and help your readers understand the importance of your argument.

For example:

In this essay, I will discuss how climate change is affecting our future generations by highlighting some of the problems they face due to climate change, such as rising sea levels and ocean acidification, droughts and wildfires, extreme weather events and food shortages (Klein and Sams).

In addition, I will discuss how we can tackle these issues by implementing new technologies that reduce carbon emissions and help us adapt to climate change (Klein and Sams).

4. Include body sections

The body section is where you will elaborate further on the issue, giving examples and evidence that support your argument. You may also include an additional supporting quote if you have any. The body section should be no less than three paragraphs long.

The essay’s body sections should explain each issue’s causes and effects. The body section should not be longer than three paragraphs unless you are going for a detailed explanation of your chosen topic.

A good way to structure your body section is by using a question-and-answer format. You can ask yourself questions such as: ‘What are the causes?’ or ‘How does it affect me?’ and answer them with your own opinion or research findings.

The body section is where you need to explain what you have learned about the topic and why it matters to you personally. You can use quotes from others who have experienced similar problems or relevant statistics on how many people are affected by these issues worldwide.

5. Conclusion

writing the conclusion

The conclusion is the final part of a written essay, which can be either a paragraph or a point, and it should give you a summary of your main points. It should not be too long and should include some conclusion statement.

The conclusion is the last line of your essay that summarizes all the points previously discussed in your writing. The best way to conclude an essay is by stating your main points, followed by an explanation.

Enduring Issues Essay Example Topics

A) climate change.

For example;

The issue of climate change has been a topic that has been discussed in the past and will continue to be discussed in the future.

Climate change is a global phenomenon affecting all parts of Earth’s life. It is caused by human activities such as fossil fuel burning, deforestation and agriculture. It devastates agriculture, water supply, food production and human health.

The causes of climate change can be attributed to human activities such as fossil fuel burning, deforestation and agriculture (UNFCCC).

Fossil fuels are the main contributors to greenhouse gases (GHG) which are responsible for trapping heat within the atmosphere through a process known as radiative forcing.

Deforestation is another cause of climate change as it contributes to land-use changes, which results in increased carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere.

Agriculture contributes to CO2 emissions because it releases methane gas into the atmosphere when animals eaten by humans are released back into the environment after being consumed by humans.

Climate change has serious consequences for all life on earth, including humans, who have become a major contributor to climate change through their consumption habits, such as over-fishing or consuming meat from animals raised using non-sustainable practices such as intensive farming methods and fertilizers.

b) The Great Depression

One example of this kind of essay is “The Great Depression,” which was written by John Steinbeck in 1939. In this essay, he talked about how people worldwide suffered during this time because they had no jobs, money or food.

He also talked about how people turned to crime to survive financially, which brought down society’s values even more than before.

c) The Nazi Holocaust

Another example would be “The Nazi Holocaust” by Hannah Arendt, which discusses the systematic genocide done by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party against Jews during World War II.

In this essay, she talks about how many German citizens were happy when Hitler took control of their country because they thought it would bring glory to Germany again after losing wars with other countries such as France.

enduring issues essay us history

With over 10 years in academia and academic assistance, Alicia Smart is the epitome of excellence in the writing industry. She is our chief editor and in charge of the writing department at Grade Bees.

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How to Write an Enduring Issues Essay

An enduring issue essay is a significant part of the Global History and Geography II Regents Examination in the New York State. How do you prepare for it and make sure you’ll do your best?

One good way is practice. Learn how to write an enduring issue essay from this guide. It gives step-by-step instructions on working with documents and analyzing the evidence to elicit the issue. Another way is to read as many examples as you can – luckily, your friendly free essay writer is always there to help.

Let’s Start With The Enduring Issue Definition

Before we talk in detail about the essay’s format and structure, let us first understand the unique subject of it. What is an enduring issue?

An enduring issue is a lasting problem or challenge that has been manifesting itself in various forms throughout history. Different societies faced it and dealt with it with varying degrees of success, but it persists thought time. The conflict of new ideas and beliefs with custom and tradition or the scarcity of natural resources can serve as examples of enduring issues.

How to Work with the Enduring Issues List

The enduring issues essay rubric is the most important in the Global History and Geography II exam. It will consist of five excerpts from historical documents and a pre-planning worksheet with an enduring issues chart to help you identify the underlying issue that is common for all five documents.

To identify the issue quickly and successfully under time pressure and in a stressful environment of the examination, you should start preparing for it today. The first thing you should do is familiarizing yourself with the list of topics that might come up. The list of enduring issues varies, but here are some of the potential ones:

  • traditional culture vs. modernization
  • discrimination and inequality
  • human rights violation
  • impact of the environment of humans
  • human impact on the environment
  • industrialization
  • urbanization
  • desire for power
  • cooperation
  • imperialism/expansionism
  • nationalism
  • colonization
  • cultural diffusion
  • population growth

To talk about the issue raised by the set of documents, you can (and are encouraged to) use any outside knowledge that you have learned from other courses, such as Social Studies or US History, or personal experience and observations. However, you must include the evidence from at least three of the documents presented in the examination worksheet.

Here is an exercise you can do to feel more comfortable with identifying the issues. Make three columns in your notebook or word processor, put the enduring issues from the list above into the first column. Think about any related words or events that are associated with each issue. For example, for Technology , you can put innovations and the industrial revolution, and for Conflict , write French Revolution and Civil War.

Then, in the third column, try to look for less obvious connections – the accompanying issues that emerge when the bigger one is in motion. For example, for Revolution and War, these would be mass killings, reign of terror, new visions being discredited by the horrors of conflict, scarcity of resources, poverty, diseases.

The documents you will receive for analysis during the examination will most likely deal with some of the accompanying issues, a neutral or even a positive phenomenon that emerged from a bigger, underlying issue you must unpack. That means, during the exam, you will have to go through this process in reverse. That is why it is important to exercise in seeing these connections.

Enduring Issue Essay: Introduction to Writing

To have a 5 score on your Enduring Issues Rubric, you should:

  • accurately identify and define one enduring issue common for at least three of the five documents
  • build an in-depth argument about how this issued affected people, how it persists or has changed over time
  • not only describe the issue but analyze it, create new information from evidence
  • support your argument with details and evidence from at least three documents
  • support your argument with relevant outside knowledge
  • organize your essay logically with a clear plan: the introduction paragraph, the body, and the conclusion.

As you can see, the basic requirements are not that different from any other essay, however, the key to success is to identify the enduring issue and support it with the evidence from the documents you will not see until the exam itself. However, here are the good ways to identify an enduring issue, whichever it might be:

Instead of an issue you know a lot about or an issue you would like to write about, look for challenges and problems in the documents.

Instead of settling on a general name, try to narrow the issue down to be as specific, as possible (it must still cover at least three documents). For example, instead of just “discrimination” you can identify an issue as racism, sexism, xenophobia, or prejudice against LGBTQI+.

If possible, try to expand on your core enduring issue by analyzing its causes or identifying the effects. For example, “Racial discrimination that led to marginalization and economic disadvantage of the discriminated group”.

You don’t have to limit yourself to the issues we provided as examples. If in the documents you clearly see an enduring issue that is not on the list above, go for it. For example, the generation gap or pollution aren’t given as examples, but they are enduring issues nonetheless.

Let’s suppose that you have identified the issue and have chosen the evidence from the documents. Now let us look into how to start an enduring issues essay and write it on time.

How to Prepare an Enduring Issues Essay Outline

The 5-paragraph essay format you have probably been using for your high school essays will be appropriate for the enduring issues essay as well. Here is how to apply it for your enduring issue essay outline.

Introductory paragraph

Remember that your exam is timed. You should spend about 8 minutes or less on writing your introduction, so keep it short and sweet – 5 or 6 sentences will be enough. Best way to outline it is:

  • A short definition of an enduring issue, followed by an example of the issue you are writing about. For example, “An enduring issue is a challenge that persists throughout human history. One example of such challenge is the scarcity of freshwater”.
  • Define your chosen issue and provide some examples that you will later expand on in the body of your essay (remember about the documents).
  • Close the introduction with a generalization that affirms that the issue you’ve chosen is indeed an enduring one. For example, “From ancient times to nowadays people continue struggling with water shortage”.

Outlining the body

In this part of your essay, you will analyze the evidence according to the requirements of the prompt. The number of paragraphs in an enduring issues essay depends on the number of documents you cite and the additional external evidence you may want to provide. Three paragraphs are the minimum. Here is how you should organize each of them:

  • A short and simple topic sentence introducing the subject of the paragraph and providing a smooth transition from the previous one.
  • Evidence from the document, rephrased and properly cited (Doc. 4)
  • Explanation of the evidence: how has it affected people, how it persists or changes through time.

To write an engaging and coherent essay, assume your audience knows nothing about the topic:

  • Write in short , straightforward sentences
  • Explain your point in detail
  • Use linking expressions (accordingly, as a result, meanwhile, afterward, furthermore) and signal words (to illustrate, specifically, because of, however, consequently) to help your reader navigate the essay
  • Use only the essential parts of the documents to illustrate your point

Concluding paragraph

In the concluding paragraph, you should summarize your essay, generalize it, and provide a wider context for the issue you’ve analyzed in the main part of your essay. For a short and effective conclusion, stick to the following plan:

  • Restate your selected enduring issue
  • Sum up the body of your essay. List key ideas – one for each paragraph. You don’t need to repeat the details here, only the gist.
  • Finish with a though-provoking generalization about enduring issues (For example, how these issues stem from the flaws/strengths inherent to human nature or how they cannot be solved forever but must be addressed by each new generation).

Remember, you must not include any new facts or evidence here. Also, avoid unsupported opinions that do not follow from the evidence.

How to Get an Enduring Issues Essay Example

If you are still confused about writing this particular type of essay, you can search our sample essays collection for the enduring essays or papers on similar topics. Read and learn from the examples – they are absolutely free!

Another way to get a perfect customized enduring issues essay sample is to send us your enduring issues essay prompt and let us write it for you! Our writers have vast experience with all formats of academic writing and great expertise in various research fields. They will provide an in-depth analysis, expert insight, and a perfectly formatted paper that adheres to the requirements.

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart came to WOWESSAYS™ with a mission to put together and then slice and dice our vast practical experience in crafting all kinds of academic papers. Jana is an aspired blogger with rich expertise in psychology, digital learning tools, and creative writing. In this blog, she willingly shares tricks of pencraft and mind-altering ideas about academic writing any student will find utterly beneficial.

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Writing a Winning Enduring Issues Essay

Enduring Issues Essay

Are you taking geography, history or related courses? If the answer is “yes,” the chances are that your teacher will, at some point, ask you to write an enduring issues essay. Note that even teachers outside the above two disciplines might also ask you to write an enduring issues essay. So, how do you go about writing a winning enduring issues essay?

This post is a comprehensive guide to help you understand what an enduring issues essay is and how to craft it. Furthermore, we have also provided a sample and special tips to help you craft top-rated essays.

What is an Enduring Issues Essay?

This is a type of essay where students are required to identify and describe historically significant challenges that have persisted over time and efforts to address them implemented with varying levels of success.

In most cases, you are provided with a set of historical documents, which you need to analyze, and finally write a report.

Examples of Enduring Issues

To be able to craft a great essay, it is important to start with enduring issue definition. Enduring issues are problems that people encounter daily and that have been looked at or debated in anthropology, history, geography, and social studies or other related disciplines. Therefore, studying them helps to look for solutions, and essay writing is one of the best ways to present such recommendations. Here is a list of some common enduring issues that you are likely to find in excerpts.

Inequality Conflicts Power Cooperation Impacts on the environment Interconnectedness Beliefs and ideas Scarcity Environmental impacts Innovation Cybercrime Religious extremism

How to Write a Great Enduring Issues Essay

The process of crafting a good enduring essay starts with answering the question, “what are some enduring issues under consideration?” Then, go ahead and identify a good title and a thesis for your essay. The thesis statement is very crucial because it will be reflected in the entire essay. Then, develop a good enduring issues essay outline, which details what you should discuss at different points in the essay. You might also want to check a few enduring issues essay examples to see how their outlines were developed. Here is a sample outline that you can use:

Introduction: The introduction should capture the background of the study and bring out the thesis. Also, you should use the introduction to grab the readers’ attention, and make them want to go through the entire essay.

Body: In the body of your essay, you describe how the issue you are focusing on has affected people over the generations. If your teacher provided the excerpts about the issues you will discuss, make sure to understand the context of the problem well. Then, present the issues logically and use additional evidence to make the story look professional and informative. Make sure also to bring out the counterarguments.

Conclusion : This is the last section of the essay and should be used to summarize it. Note that you should not use the conclusion to introduce new points, but should only summarize what was discussed on the essay.

Enduring Issues Essay Prompts

If you take a closer look at the most enduring essay prompts, they are almost similar. Take a closer look at these examples:

  • Define a nesting issue by bringing out its historically accurate explanation captured the three documents
  • Human rights violation: Why is it an important enduring issue?
  • A closer look at inequality from the viewpoint of industrial revolution.
  • How has global warming impacted society?

Enduring Issues Essay Example

When you finally submit the completed essay, some of the things that your teacher will check include succinctness, flow, facts, and sentence structure. See the following enduring issues essay sample that demonstrates how to do a great paper.

Nationalism is the identification with a person’s own country and supporting its interests, but this happens to the detriment of the interest of other people in other nations. Nationalism happens through people uniting and forming a united front that helps to define them. In history, many countries felt the extreme attachment and, indeed, pride for their countries. Although people mainly see nationalism positively because it is their source of pride, there are others, especially the excluded ones, who see it to be extremely negative. The events that make a country view nationalism both positively and negatively make it a hot enduring issue. Nationalism changes the way people think, making them look for ways to benefit, whether socially or economically, to the detriment of others. In history, nationalism was a key source of conflict that fueled major conflicts, including World War I and II. It influences cultures and nations, as shown by Count Camillo di Cavour’s statement about driving foreigners away from Italy in 1852, Unification, and Death in the 20th century in Serbia…

Enduring Issues Essay Writing Tips

To make your essay shine and earn you more marks, it is prudent to ensure you understand the instructions from your lecturer well and follow them. For example, what format does your teacher recommend? Here are other useful tips to consider.

  • Ensure to read about the selected issue or issues widely.
  • Develop an enduring issues chart to help you understand the extent of their implications.
  • Carefully follow the guideline provided by your teacher.
  • Make sure to support the issue that you are discussing with credible resources.
  • Read other enduring issue essay examples to learn from other writers.
  • Proofread your work well before submitting it.

Seek Writing Help from Experts

When it comes to writing enduring issues essay, many students often find it a challenge. Some find the deadline tight while others have poor writing skills. However, it would help if you do not give up because custom writing help from experts is only a click away. The assistance is provided by expert writers with experience and commitment to help you rake the best grades. Why go for a standard or a failing grade when you can scoop an A with an expert?

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  • 3 Examples of Enduring Issue Essays to Write Yours Like a Pro

Enduring issues are lasting problems of the world. When writing a paper for the NYS Regent Exam, you’ll get a task to craft an essay about some of those issues. It would help to have a few samples beforehand to know how to write it well, wouldn’t it?

In this article, you’ll find three enduring issues essay examples. They serve to reveal the nature of this paper type. Also, you’ll get the enduring issues list and read some practical tips on enduring issues essay writing.

So, here we go.

What Is an Enduring Issues Essay?

First, let’s explain: What is an enduring issue?

Enduring meaning is “lasting.” So, if we needed to provide an enduring issue definition, we would say that it’s a problem that exists across time. It’s an issue in global history that many societies have attempted to address with varying degrees of success.

An enduring issues essay is a paper identifying and describing some lasting problem, referring to excerpts from historical documents.

In this essay, you:

  • Identify and define an enduring issue in the introduction.
  • Explain why it’s significant, how it has impacted people, and how it has lasted over time. For that, you use your knowledge of the subject and evidence from the documents you get in the prompt.

An enduring issues essay is a part of the Regents Examinations in New York State.

Enduring Issues List

Enduring issues examples are many, and it’s hard to predict which one you’ll get in the exam prompt. We can divide them into five top categories:

  • Environment
  • Wants and Needs

Each category has sub-topics your essay prompt may include. So, here is the list of enduring issues. We’ve made it a table for better clarity and understanding:


How to Write an Enduring Issues Essay

Before writing an enduring issues essay, you examine the provided documents to analyze which issues exist there. There can be several different issues, and you have the element of choice here: 

  • Name and define the enduring issue you’ll discuss.
  • Choose the documents among those provided to support your thesis.
  • Develop your essay introduction and thesis. (Use the formula: Thesis = Enduring Issue + Why It’s Important + Topics of Discussion . See the example below.)
  • Write a body. (The number of paragraphs = the number of documents you address in the essay.)
  • Conclude an essay, restating the claim in your thesis.

Here’s an example of a thesis statement in your enduring issues essay:


Our colleague Melissa Keele did a great job visualizing the structure of a body paragraph . It should include the following elements:

  • Topic sentence
  • Document information
  • Analysis of both: Explain how the issue impacted people/places and how it continued/changed over time
  • Outside information whenever possible
  • Closing sentence (optional)

As for enduring issues essay conclusion examples , let’s go to the complete samples below. Such an essay’s concluding paragraphs are usually short (3-5 sentences). Just reiterate your claim again, insisting on its significance and effect over time.

Enduring Issues Essay: Examples

As a rule, prompts for enduring issues essays are super detailed (1). Read them carefully and examine the corresponding documents precisely — and you’ll know what and how to cover in your paper.

Below are several samples of complete essays. Each example is on a different issue for you to see how to structure this type of writing.

Sample 1: Social Studies topic

Sample 2: global history and geography topic.

In this sample, we’ve covered just one body paragraph for you to see how to structure it. Two other paragraphs about Maximillian Robespierre and Napoleon Bonaparte would have the same format, with corresponding evidence from historical documents.


Sample 3: Climate Change topic

Tips on structuring your enduring issues essay.

Now that you have enduring issues essay examples and know what to include in each paragraph, the final note from us:

These tiny steps and easy-to-follow rules will help you craft an A-worthy paper.

1) Focus on evidence-based claims and arguments. Make every sentence of your essay matter: Avoid generic categories, conflicts, and points.

2) Don’t be afraid to explore beyond the given documents. Enduring issues essays are also about your knowledge. So if, after analyzing the sources, you see the lack of points to cover the issue, feel free to explore more and support your claims with extra points.

3) Stay objective. This essay isn’t opinion or reflective but analytical and based on evidence. Structure it accordingly:

  • Introduce the issue
  • Present its historical context and importance
  • Finish with its impact and relevance

Ready to Write Yours?

An enduring issues essay is about a lasting problem in global history. It’s a part of the Regents Examinations for New York State’s students. You’ll get a detailed prompt with guidelines.

So, you’ll need to define the issue you’ll discuss and find the evidence in the documents the examiners will give you. Use the above enduring issues essay examples as samples to understand the structure. We hope they’ll help you format your paper the best you can.


  • https:// w ww.nysed.gov/sites/default/files/programs/state-assessment/2-sample-enduring-issue-essay.pdf
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Poster-ready guide for identifying and enduring issue and a list of common enduring issues, but don’t just stick to the list.

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Defines "enduring issue" with a provides a list of tips for identifying one. Includes the list of New Visions Enduring Issues that commonly come up in the curriculum.

enduring issues essay us history

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  • Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) for Global History and Geography II
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  • Educator Guide to the Regents Examination in Global History and Geography II, First Administration, June 2019 - Updated, July 2023
  • PowerPoint Presentation: An Overview of the Framework-based Regents Examination in Global History and Geography II - May 2018
  • Draft Prototype Items for Global History and Geography II Regents Exam
  • Commissioner Elia’s Memo Concerning Global History and Geography Transition

Part 1: Multiple-Choice Questions

  • Part I: Revised Task Models for Stimulus-Based Multiple-Choice Questions
  • Claims and Evidence

Part 2: Short-Answer Constructed-Response Questions (CRQs)

  • Understanding the CRQs - Updated, July 2023
  • Rubric for Prototype CRQs - Updated, July 2023

Part 3: Enduring Issues Essay

  • Enduring Issues Chart
  • Spanish-language translation of Global II Enduring Issues Essay prototype
  • Enduring Issue Nest - Human Rights
  • Enduring Issue Nest - Nationalism
  • Enduring Issues Nest - Boycotting misinterpretation
  • Teacher Planning Sheet for Human Rights
  • Teacher Planning Sheet for Nationalism
  • Blank Enduring Issue Nest
  • Blank Teacher Planning Sheet for Enduring Issue
  • Student Planning Page Sheet for Enduring Issue
  • Significance of Issue

Part 3: Enduring Issues Essay Scoring Materials

  • Turnkey Training for Scoring Enduring Issues Essay PowerPoint
  • Sample Enduring Issue Essay
  • Sample Content-Specific Rubric
  • Comparison of DBQ Rubric to Enduring Issue Essay Rubric
  • Practice Papers
  • Practice Papers Rating Sheet

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  1. Enduring Issues Essay: Posters & Handouts

    enduring issues essay us history

  2. Writing About Enduring Issues: Essay Which Matters

    enduring issues essay us history

  3. Global

    enduring issues essay us history

  4. Results for Global History Enduring Issues practice

    enduring issues essay us history

  5. Enduring Issues Essay! Practice Enlightenment & Revolutions!

    enduring issues essay us history

  6. Enduring Issues Essay Guide by Veronica Oliver

    enduring issues essay us history


  1. Ian Dehner Unit 5: New Deal Essay US History II Dr. Mastopoulos

  2. LIVE Global History Regents Review: Part 1

  3. Declaration of Independence and Its Historical Significance

  4. Primary Teacher & Pre-Primary Teacher Sponsor Date Manipur✅️|| Kakching, Thoubal, Imphal West & East

  5. Truman Doctrine: The Beginning of American Foreign Policy

  6. Body Paragraphs Writing the Enduring Issues Essay


  1. Enduring Issues Essay ⇒ Guide with Samples and Outline

    An essential part of the NYS Regent Exam in Global History and Geography II is writing an enduring issues essay. In this article, we will examine its definition, outline, and examples. An enduring issues essay is a written task where you are to identify and describe a historically significant challenge that has endured across time and has been addressed with varying degrees of success. For ...

  2. Enduring Issues Essay Outline and Grading Checklist

    A model enduring issues essay using the New Visions suggested outline and infused with words and phrases in New Visions writing resources. Materials created by New Visions are shareable under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license; materials created by our partners and others are ...

  3. How to Write an Enduring Issues Essay: Guide with Topics and examples

    2. Choose your Thesis Statement. The best way to write an enduring issues paper is to start with a thesis statement. This sentence or two summarizes your argument and explains why you are writing. The thesis statement should be a strong one that states your main point clearly and concisely but also broad enough to encompass many other points of ...

  4. A Writing Guide to the Enduring Issues Essay

    The enduring issues essay rubric is the most important in the Global History and Geography II exam. It will consist of five excerpts from historical documents and a pre-planning worksheet with an enduring issues chart to help you identify the underlying issue that is common for all five documents. To identify the issue quickly and successfully ...

  5. Enduring Issues Essay: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

    Enduring issues are problems that people encounter daily and that have been looked at or debated in anthropology, history, geography, and social studies or other related disciplines. Therefore, studying them helps to look for solutions, and essay writing is one of the best ways to present such recommendations.

  6. PDF Enduring Issue Essay Sample

    Enduring Issue Essay Sample. This question is based on the accompanying documents. The question is designed to test your ability to work with historical documents. Some of these documents have been edited for the purposes of this question. As you analyze the documents, take into account the source of each document and any point of view that may ...

  7. Enduring Issues Essay: Examples to Check Before Writing

    Develop your essay introduction and thesis. (Use the formula: Thesis = Enduring Issue + Why It's Important + Topics of Discussion. See the example below.) Write a body. (The number of paragraphs = the number of documents you address in the essay.) Conclude an essay, restating the claim in your thesis.

  8. PDF Enduring Issues (EI) Essay Guide

    This guide will assist you in completing the Enduring Issue (EI) Essay question for the NYS Global History and Geography II Useful Terminology Enduring Issues (EI) Essay Guide Historical Circumstances (Context) Contextualization: Refers to the historical Circumstances that led to this event/idea/time period/development. (5W's, How, PERSIA, etc)

  9. PDF Enduring Issues Chart

    An enduring issue is a challenge or problem that a society has faced and debated or discussed across time. An enduring issue is one that many societies have attempted to address with varying degrees of success. Enduring Issues are often nested, e.g., conflict (war, competition, armed struggle, resistance, invasions, threats to balance of power ...

  10. Enduring Issues List and How to Identify an Enduring Issue

    Enduring Issues Anchor Paper Assignment. Activity in which students examine anchor papers for the Enduring Issues Essay and use the New Visions outline and checklist to assess them and provide feedback to the authors, learning what to do and not to do when writing an Enduring Issues Essay. 1 class period. Next.

  11. Writing the Enduring Issues Essay

    In this video, Mr. Cellini examines the Enduring Issues Essay from the June 2019 Global History and Geography Regents Exam. Learn the process of writing the ...

  12. Enduring Issues Essay Resource: Enduring Issues Outline and Checklist

    U.S. History. Unit 11.0: US History Introduction; Unit 11.1: Colonial Foundations; Unit 11.2: American Revolution; Unit 11.3A: Building a Nation; ... Enduring Issues Essay: Enduring Issues Essay Outline and Grading Checklist. Preview Resource Add a Copy of Resource to my Google Drive.

  13. Global History Regents Review

    In this video, Mr. Cellini explains how to write strong introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs for the Enduring Issues Essay task found on the Global ...

  14. PDF Global History and Geography Ii (Grade 10)

    For Part III Enduring Issues Essay: † A content-specific rubric † Prescored answer papers. Each score level has two papers. They are ordered by score level from high to low. † Commentary explaining the specific score awarded to each paper † Five prescored practice papers General: † Test Specifications

  15. PDF Global History and Geography Ii (Grade 10)

    The procedures on pages 2 and 3 are to be used in rating papers for this examination. More detailed directions for the organization of the rating process and procedures for rating the examination are included in the Information Booklet for Scoring the Regents Examination in Global History and Geography II. Rating the CRQ (open-ended) Questions.

  16. PDF Planning for the Global History & Geography Regents Enduring Issues Essay

    Planning for the Global History & Geography Regents Enduring Issues Essay. Step 2—Choose an Issue: Decide on an issue to write about that is supported by at least three documents. The enduring issue I will write about is: This issue is supported by the following documents: Document. Document. Document.

  17. Enduring Issues Essay

    Enduring Issues Essay: An essay that deals with the long-time debate issues across the time in the world.The meaning of enduring is bear-like, for example, bears the stress and bears the situations. Coming to the enduring issues means, ongoing discussions across the world regarding the history and geographic issues.

  18. Enduring Issues- Global History Essay Prep Flashcards

    Explain the enduring issue "Inequity" and give example (s) of related Outside Information. Inequity is a lack of fairness or justice. Ex 1:US segregation and racism, civil rights. Ex 2: Womens' rights, suffrage. Ex 3: LGBTQ rights, the 2015 supreme court decision. Explain the enduring issue "Need for and Impact of Innovation" and give example ...

  19. Global History and Geography II

    Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) for Global History and Geography II. Educator Guide to the Regents Examination in Global History and Geography II, First Administration, June 2019 - Updated, July 2023. PowerPoint Presentation: An Overview of the Framework-based Regents Examination in Global History and Geography II - May 2018.

  20. How to Write an Enduring Issues Essay Thesis

    Unit 11.0: US History Introduction; Unit 11.1: Colonial Foundations; Unit 11.2: American Revolution; Unit 11.3A: Building a Nation; ... How to Write an Enduring Issues Essay Thesis A lesson on writing a thesis that includes the enduring issue, a claim about it, and a list of examples to be discussed in the essay.

  21. Global History Midterm

    Terms in this set (10) Enduring Issues Essay Note from Mrs. Cordaro. Conflict. Cooperation. Power. the ability to influence or control the behavior of people, it's a part of every human interaction. you can see the effects of power in your relationships with your family and friends, and in schools, sports, business, and government.

  22. Issue Of Power Dbq

    1215 Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. An enduring issue is an issue that exists over time. This issue is often attempted to be addressed by various areas around the world and history. The most significant enduring issue is the issue of power. The enduring issue of power means having the ability to control someone or various people.

  23. Enduring Issues Essay Anchor Paper

    Activity in which students examine anchor papers for the Enduring Issues Essay and use the New Visions outline and checklist to assess them and provide feedback to the authors, learning what to do and not to do when writing an Enduring Issues Essay. 1 class period. Materials created by New Visions are shareable under a Creative Commons ...

  24. Enduring Issues Essay New York State Rubric Separated By Category

    Enduring Issues Essay Outline and Grading Checklist. New Visions recommended outline that is also a grading checklist for students to self-assess, give feedback to peers, and for teachers to use with students. Materials created by New Visions are shareable under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC ...