
Top Argumentative Nursing Essay Topics For Your Next Paper

Nursing is a dynamic and ever-changing profession, continuously introducing fresh challenges and dialogues. For nursing students and professionals, these debates foster the growth of analytical thinking and enhance writing, all while deepening your understanding of the discipline. This article will explore various compelling nursing argumentative essay topics to spark ideas for your upcoming paper. Let’s dive in!

What Is an Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay presents a well-reasoned argument through claims backed up by evidence. The primary goal is to convince readers to agree with the writer’s perspective or stance on a debatable issue by presenting a logical, well-supported case study.

Key elements that comprise a compelling argumentative essay include:

  • A clear, concise thesis statement that presents the main argument or central position on the chosen topic
  • Body paragraphs containing supporting evidence, relevant data, expert opinions, facts, and persuasive examples that validate the thesis statement
  • Addressing potential counterarguments or opposing views and providing counter-evidence and rebuttals
  • A conclusion that restates the thesis summarizes the main points of the argument, and ends with a strong final statement

Nursing students are often tasked with writing persuasive, argumentative essays demonstrating critical thinking skills. To construct convincing arguments, they must thoroughly research current healthcare and nursing practice issues, then critically evaluate evidence from scholarly sources to support their stance.

Choosing a Great Argumentative Essay Topic

Selecting the right topic is a critical first step for writing an engaging, thoughtful nursing argumentative essay. There are several key factors to consider when deciding on a compelling and appropriate topic for your essay.

  • Finding a Topic Within Your Scope of Practice: As a nursing student, choosing a topic within your current scope of knowledge and practice is important. Avoid topics that require expertise beyond your nursing education level. Select issues faced by the types of patients and healthcare settings you encounter in your training.
  • Picking a Specialty-Specific Topic: Choosing a topic within your nursing field or specialty can enable you to go more in-depth. For example, an OB nursing student could pick a maternal health topic, while a mental health student may analyze a psychiatry-focused issue.
  • Choosing a Relevant, Timely Issue: Consider nursing argument essay topics based on current healthcare problems, emerging research, or new policies and practices. Timely topics are more engaging than outdated or obscure issues. Prioritize relevant issues that need to be addressed and resolved.
  • Finding Meaningful Topics That Interest You: Pick nursing essay topics that genuinely interest you and align with your passions in the field. Writing about issues you care about increases enthusiasm and engagement during research and writing.
  • Considering Available Research Sources : Evaluate if you can find adequate high-quality research sources and literature to support the stance you choose to take. More obscure topics often lack sufficient research data.
  • Getting Your Instructor’s Input: Run your potential essay topic ideas by your professor. They can provide valuable direction and feedback to ensure you choose a topic that aligns with assignment goals and parameters.

Keeping these key factors in mind will guide you in selecting strong nursing argumentative essay topics that are timely, focused, debatable, meaningful, and researchable. Your chosen topic lays the foundation for a compelling essay to write and read.

What Makes a Good Argumentative Essay Topic?

Several key attributes characterize an ideal nursing argumentative essay topic.

  • Debatable: The topic should present an issue, problem, or controversy with strong, logical reasoning on two opposing sides. Avoid subjects with a clear right or wrong position that do not lend themselves to debate. Select a thesis that is arguable from different valid standpoints.
  • Specific: The topic needs to be narrowly focused enough that you can comprehensively cover it within the length requirements of the assignment. Overly broad topics lead to superficial arguments that lack depth. Choose a specific stance to defend or a problem to analyze.
  • Defensible: You must be able to support your position or stance with evidence-based research, data, and facts from reputable sources. Ensure you can find adequate high-quality references to defend your argument convincingly. Do not choose a stance you cannot back up convincingly.
  • Relevant: Select a contemporary nursing issue, problem, or controversy that is current and timely rather than outdated or obscure. Timely topics pique the reader’s interest far more. Ensure the issue is relevant to modern nursing practice.
  • Interesting: Pick a nursing essay topic that genuinely piques your interest and aligns with your own passions in the field. The research and writing process will be more engaging and enjoyable when intrinsically interested in the topic.
  • Original: Add your own unique spin, perspective, or angle to the topic. Avoid overdone topics that have been exhaustively argued. Approach it from an original point of view.

With these key selection criteria in mind, you will be equipped to pinpoint compelling nursing argumentative essay topics that are debatable, focused, defensible, timely, engaging, and fresh. The ideal topic lays the foundation for an argumentative essay that is impactful and thought-provoking.

List of Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

Here are numerous ideas to inspire great nursing argumentative essay topics:

Best Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The implications of nurse-patient ratios on patient outcomes.
  • Should nurses have prescribing rights?
  • The future of telehealth and its impact on nursing.
  • Nurse practitioners vs. general practitioners.
  • Is mandatory overtime harmful to nurses?
  • The ethics of patient restraint.
  • Dealing with non-compliant patients.
  • Nursing and healthcare policy reforms.
  • Nursing leadership vs. management.
  • The role of nursing in global health.
  • Nursing standards across different countries.
  • Addressing workplace violence in nursing.
  • The ethical dimensions of organ donation.
  • The balance of care vs. administrative tasks.
  • Nurse burnout: causes and solutions.

Simple Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Importance of bedside manners.
  • Role of nurses in community health drives.
  • Importance of continuous professional training.
  • Patient autonomy in healthcare decisions.
  • How technology is reshaping nursing.
  • The role of a nurse in patient advocacy.
  • Dealing with difficult patients.
  • The nurse’s role in palliative care.
  • Addressing mental health in nursing.
  • The challenges of geriatric nursing.
  • Home care vs. hospital care.
  • The nursing perspective on health insurance.
  • The role of spirituality in healing.
  • Nursing ethics in patient confidentiality.
  • Addressing language barriers in patient care.

Interesting Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The ethics of assisted suicide in nursing care.
  • How AI and robots will impact the nursing profession.
  • The cultural challenges faced by nurses abroad.
  • Nursing perspectives on alternative medicine.
  • The role of humor in patient care.
  • Combat nursing: The unsung heroes of the battlefield.
  • Pediatric nursing vs. geriatric nursing: contrasting challenges.
  • How do nurses deal with personal emotions in trauma care?
  • The evolution of male nursing in a traditionally female profession.
  • The impact of climate change on global health and nursing.
  • Nursing on the frontlines of epidemic outbreaks.
  • The role of nurses in genetic counseling.
  • Challenges of psychiatric nursing.
  • Transgender patient care: nursing perspectives.
  • Nursing in the age of the internet: The impact of misinformation.

Easy Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The importance of nursing uniforms.
  • Should nurses receive flu shots mandatorily?
  • Night shifts vs. day shifts for nurses.
  • The significance of patient feedback in nursing.
  • Nursing hierarchy and its impact on patient care.
  • The nurse’s role in dietary and nutrition advice.
  • Is there a need for spiritual training in nursing?
  • Hand hygiene practices in nursing.
  • The nursing approach to chronic vs. acute conditions.
  • The role of the family in patient care and nursing.
  • The impact of holidays on nursing staff.
  • How do nurses unwind and manage stress?
  • Dealing with loss in the nursing profession.
  • The importance of soft skills in nursing.
  • The challenges of rural nursing.

Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics on Nursing

  • Should nurses be involved in end-of-life decisions?
  • The ethics of triage in emergency situations.
  • Dealing with patients who refuse treatment.
  • Nursing unions: beneficial or detrimental?
  • How far should patient-nurse confidentiality go?
  • Should nurses be allowed to strike?
  • Mandatory vaccinations for nurses.
  • Use of placebos in nursing.
  • Nursing perspectives on abortion.
  • Discrimination and bias in nursing.
  • The implications of euthanasia in nursing.
  • The debate over home births vs. hospital births.
  • Patient rights to refuse lifesaving treatment.
  • Child vaccinations: nursing perspectives.
  • The role of nurses in experimental treatments.

Mental Health Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The role of nurses in identifying early signs of mental health issues.
  • Should nurses receive specialized mental health training?
  • Dealing with patients with dual diagnosis: substance abuse and mental illness.
  • How do nurses manage their own mental health in high-stress environments?
  • Nursing strategies for handling patient self-harm or suicidal tendencies.
  • The importance of cultural sensitivity in mental health nursing.
  • Nursing perspectives on electroconvulsive therapy.
  • The ethics of involuntary psychiatric holds.
  • The impact of long working hours on nurse mental health.
  • Addressing PTSD in nurses post-traumatic incidents.
  • The stigma of mental health within the nursing community.
  • The role of therapeutic communication in nursing.
  • Dealing with aggressive patients in mental health settings.
  • Nursing strategies for adolescent mental health.
  • The integration of traditional practices in mental health nursing.

Medical Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The nursing stance on medical marijuana.
  • How nurses adapt to rapidly changing medical technologies.
  • The argument for holistic vs. Western medicine from a nurse’s view.
  • The challenges of nursing in overmedicated societies.
  • Nursing and the debate over antibiotic overuse.
  • Ethical considerations of organ transplantation in nursing.
  • Genomic medicine and its implications in nursing care.
  • The debate over pain management vs. addiction health risks in nursing.
  • Nursing’s role in addressing the obesity epidemic.
  • The impact of telemedicine on traditional nursing roles.
  • Ethical dilemmas of genome editing and nursing.
  • The role of nursing in medical trials.
  • Challenges of Nursing in non-communicable diseases.
  • The evolving role of nurses in cosmetic surgeries.
  • Addressing medical errors from a nursing perspective.

Unique Argumentative Essay Topics 

  • The integration of art and music therapy in nursing.
  • Space medicine: Imagining the role of nurses in space expeditions.
  • Nursing in wartime vs. peacetime.
  • Ethical dilemmas of cloning from a nurse’s perspective.
  • The role of nurses in disaster zones: ethical challenges.
  • Nursing in a post-apocalyptic scenario.
  • Nursing challenges in high-altitude and deep-sea scenarios.
  • Incorporating virtual reality in nursing care.
  • The concept of global nursing citizenship.
  • Biorhythms and their impact on patient care.
  • Nursing in a multi-species hospital: Sci-fi perspectives.
  • Nurses’ roles in combating bioterrorism.
  • Exploring the philosophical underpinnings of nursing care.
  • The implications of brain-computer interfaces in nursing.
  • Nursing in utopian vs. dystopian societies.

Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School

  • Why nursing is a heroic profession.
  • How do nurses deal with needle-phobic patients?
  • The role of school nurses.
  • Why are nurses’ uniforms so important?
  • Dealing with bullies in a nursing setting.
  • Why nurses are as important as doctors.
  • The role of pets in therapeutic nursing.
  • How nurses help patients overcome fear.
  • Nurses: The unsung heroes of any surgery.
  • The challenges of being a young nurse.
  • How do nurses handle emergencies?
  • The importance of empathy in nursing.
  • Celebrating diversity in the nursing field.
  • How nurses help kids understand their illnesses.
  • Nursing in pop culture: Real vs. reel.

Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics for High School

  • The psychological impact of long-term nursing.
  • How nursing practices differ across the globe.
  • Balancing personal emotions while caring for terminally ill patients.
  • The role of nurses in global pandemics.
  • Should nurses have the authority to prescribe certain medications?
  • Addressing the gender disparity in nursing.
  • How cultural beliefs influence nursing practices.
  • The challenge and reward of geriatric nursing.
  • The ongoing debate about nurse practitioners vs. physicians.
  • Addressing language barriers in the nursing field.
  • Ethical considerations in end-of-life care.
  • The importance of continuing education for nurses.
  • Nursing’s role in promoting preventative healthcare.
  • How does nursing in a rural setting differ from urban settings?
  • The need for specialized training for pediatric nurses.

Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics for College

  • Nursing burnout: causes, effects, and solutions.
  • Addressing the global shortage of nurses.
  • The impact of healthcare policies on nursing practices.
  • Ethical considerations in genetic testing: A nurse’s perspective.
  • The role of technology in enhancing nursing care.
  • Nursing leadership and management in modern healthcare.
  • Dealing with ethical dilemmas in neonatal care.
  • The future of nursing in the age of AI and robotics.
  • The intersection of nursing and mental health in general care settings.
  • The role of nursing in addressing health disparities in underserved communities.
  • Combatting misinformation in healthcare: The nurse’s role.
  • Exploring the various nursing specializations and their significance.
  • The challenges of nursing in intensive care units.
  • Ethical considerations of euthanasia from a nursing perspective.
  • How socioeconomic factors influence patient care and nursing practices.

Final Thoughts on Argumentative Essay Topics

With critical thinking and thorough research, nursing students can craft persuasive, evidence-based argumentative essays on many topics.

Refine your analytical and communication abilities by delving into meaningful nursing issues and debates. The ability to articulate sound arguments backed by research is an invaluable skill set for today’s nursing professionals.

While these topics are a great starting point, delivering an impactful essay demands time, effort, and expertise. If you’re striving for excellence but are pressed for time or feel unsure, let us help. Our nursing essay writing service experts will craft a well-researched, human-written, and plagiarism-free research paper or essay tailored to your specifications. Place your trust in our expertise, and let us elevate your work. Ready for a top-tier nursing argumentative essay?  Place your order now.

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140+ Strong Nursing Argumentative Essay Ideas for BSN Students

  • August 13, 2023
  • Academic Writing Guides

Strong Nursing Argumentative Essay Ideas

Nursing is a field that is always evolving, and with that comes new topics for nurses to explore. If you’re looking for some good nursing argumentative essay topics, then look no further!

Nursing Argumentative Essay Writing

Here are some of the most popular topics that nurse writers love to debate:

1. The Importance of Nurses in the Healthcare System 2. The Challenges Facing Nurses Today 3. The Future of Nursing 4. The Impact of Technology on Nursing 5. The Role of Nurses in Promoting Patient Safety 6. The Importance of Continuing Education for Nurses 7. The Impact of Social Media on Nursing

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There are plenty of great nursing argumentative essay topics out there. But how do you know which ones will make for a good, engaging essay?

Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect topic for your next nursing argumentative essay.

1. Pick a topic that you’re passionate about. –  If you’re going to be writing about a topic, it’s important to choose one that you care about. Otherwise, it’ll be difficult to stay motivated throughout the writing process. Choose a topic that you’re excited to learn more about and share with others. 2. Do your research. – Before you start writing, it’s important to do your research on the topic. This way, you’ll be able to back up your claims with evidence and make your essay more convincing. Be sure to look for reputable sources that offer both sides of the argument so you can get a well-rounded view of the issue. 3. Be prepared to defend your position. – When you’re choosing a topic for your nursing argumentative essay, be sure to pick one that you’re prepared to defend. You’ll need to be able to argue your point convincingly in order to get a good grade.

Unique Nursing Argumentative Essay Ideas

The nursing profession is one that is constantly evolving and growing. As a result, there are many unique and interesting topics to write about when it comes to nursing. If you are looking for an argumentative essay topic related to nursing, here are some ideas to get you started.

The Increasing Role of Nurses in the Healthcare System: As the healthcare system continues to evolve and change, so too does the role of nurses within it. This is an excellent topic to explore in an argumentative essay, as there are many different opinions on the matter.

The Impact of Technology on Nursing: Technology is increasingly playing a role in all aspects of healthcare, including nursing. This is another great topic to explore in an argumentative essay, as there are both positive and negative aspects to consider.

The Importance of Continuing Education for Nurses: As the healthcare system grows and changes, so too do the skills and knowledge required of nurses. This makes continuing education an essential part of being a nurse. This is a great topic for an argumentative essay as there are many different opinions on how much continuing education nurses should be required to have.

Additional Nursing Argumentative Essay Ideas include;

  • The Challenges Faced by Nurses Today
  • Are nurses undervalued?
  • Is the nursing profession understaffed?
  • Do nurses get enough breaks during their shift?
  • Should nurses be required to work overtime?
  • Should hospitals do more to support nurses?
  • Is the nursing profession at risk of being replaced by robots?
  • Are there enough male nurses?
  • Is the nursing profession racist?
  • Is the nursing profession sexist?
  • Do patients have too much control over nurses?

Hot Nursing Argumentative Essay Ideas

When it comes to writing an argumentative essay, there are some topics that are just hotter than others. These are the topics that tend to get people talking, and that can be difficult to come to a consensus on.

When it comes to nursing, there are a few controversial topics that always seem to be at the forefront.

If you’re looking for good argumentative essay ideas for your next paper, here are a few of the hottest topics in nursing right now.

  • Is it ethically wrong for nurses to strike?
  • Should the government provide more funding for nursing education?
  • Is it necessary for all nurses to have a bachelor’s degree?
  • Should the government do more to regulate the nursing profession?
  • Are there any benefits to having nurse-led clinics?
  • Is it ethically wrong for nurses to refuse to work with certain patients
  • Should nurses be allowed to prescribe medication?
  • Are there any benefits to having nurse-managed healthcare teams?
  • Is it necessary for all nurses to be certified in CPR?
  • What are the most important qualities that a nurse should possess?

Nursing students always find themselves in a dilemma when it comes to choosing a good topic for their argumentative essay. The main aim of an argumentative essay is to present your point of view about a certain issue and try to persuade the reader to accept your opinion.

Here’s a  nursing annotated bibliography Example 

How to write a nursing Nursing Argumentative Essay

When it comes to writing a nursing argumentative essay, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind in order to make sure that your essay is well-written and effective.

  • First of all, you need to choose a good topic. This can be something that you are passionate about or something that you have a lot of knowledge about
  • Once you have chosen a topic, you need to do some research and gather evidence to support your argument
  • Once you have gathered all of your evidence, you need to write a thesis statement. This is the main point of your essay and everything else should support this statement
  • After you have written your thesis statement, you need to write an introduction and conclusion
  • The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and give them an overview of what your essay will be about.

Here are Good Argumentative Essay Topics On Health And Fitness With Prompts [+ Outline]

argumentative essay on nursing

The conclusion should sum up everything that you have talked about in your essay and leave the reader with something to think about.

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120+ Fresh Nursing Essay Topics (With FAQs and Essay Writing Tips)

nursing essay topics

Be it writing a nursing assignment or preparing an essay to get admission to a nursing school, choosing the right nursing essay topic is of utmost importance.

An essay can make or break your chance of getting into that school or your chances of scoring the highest in the assignment.

Considering the importance of nursing essays, we have got you some handpicked nursing essay topics that will help you ace the exams.

The article is divided into 3 sections according to the difficulty level. You can opt for them according to your convenience.

You’ll also find an interesting list of topics in the miscellaneous section. So make sure to check that as well.

The following part of the article includes some tips on framing a well-structured essay.

 Basic Level Nursing Essay Topics

  • Describe the role of nurses in society.
  • What are nursing ethics?
  • According to you, what are the challenges associated with nursing?
  • Discuss nursing ethics.
  • Importance of nursing care for infants.
  • What are the possible reasons behind a fewer number of male nurses?
  • Throw some light on nurses’ practice act.
  • Why is there a need for significant leadership in nursing?
  • What are the steps you need to take to cure minor wounds?
  • What are the steps you need to take to cure severe wounds?
  • Discuss the steps that nurses should take to deal with hyperactive patients and their relatives?
  • Are there any differences faced by nurses as compared to doctors when it comes to respect and value?
  • What measures can nurses take to cure serious wounds when not having any instruments?
  • What steps can nurses take to deal with patients in backward regions, where there is a lack of medical infrastructure?
  • Analyze the problems with medical infrastructure.
  • How to strengthen medical infrastructure?
  • How to perform home nursing?
  • Steps to improve mental health.
  • Discuss the pitfalls of dieting.
  • Importance of technology in nursing.

Moderate Level Nursing Essay Topics

  • Throw some light on holistic nursing.
  • Should we allow nurses to prescribe medication or antibiotics?
  • Discuss the risks associated with nurses prescribing medication?
  • Discuss the problems associated with the compensation of nursing jobs.
  • How should nurses deal with abusive or rude patients?
  • How can civilians be helpful to nurses in treating their patients?
  • Infant mortality and its possible causes.
  • How to prepare a nursing resume to apply for a job?
  • Mental impact on nurses.
  • Basic theories to apply in nursing.
  • Nursing in India: from struggle to victory.
  • Soft skills required in nursing.
  • Reasons to choose nursing as a profession.
  • How to teach nursing?
  • How to deal with depression being a nurse.
  • How to deal with patients with dementia initially?
  • What efforts should be made to make patients’ stay in neonatal units more pleasant?
  • Legalizing euthanasia.
  • Importance of midwifery. Is it underestimated?
  • How can we help pharmacies strike a balance between helping the patients and earning a profit?

Advanced Level Nursing Essay Topics

  • Significance of psychological training to ensure efficient medical working.
  • Has covid-19 impacted the chances of nursing being a chosen profession?
  • How to avoid hospitalization in covid-19?
  • Measure to enhance the efficiency of nurses as assistants of doctors.
  • What can nurses do to treat patients with Alzheimer’s disease?
  • Express your views on applying Henderson’s principles in the nursing area.
  • How to convince people to donate organs?
  • Chronic diseases and covid-19 pandemic.
  • Discuss pediatric ethics.
  • Explain acute coronary syndrome.
  • Explain the cause behind anxiety disorders.
  • Write on obesity and weight management programs.
  • What precautions should be taken in the postnatal period?
  • Dealing with gestational weight gain challenges.
  • Precautions to be taken pre and post-delivery.
  • Joint disorders study in elderly people.
  • What are geriatrics ethics?
  • Menarche and menopause challenges and symptoms.
  • Explain reproductive endocrinology.
  • Therapeutic injections: pros and cons.

List of Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Are nurses more vulnerable to health risks than doctors?
  • How does the increased number of working hours impact the working of nurses?
  • Is nursing a female-centric profession?
  • How important is the role of a nurse when compared with that of a doctor?
  • Difference in the salary paid to day shift nurses vs. night shift nurses
  • What should be the adequate amount of nursing staff to have in a hospital?
  • Should more emphasis be laid on home nursing?
  • How is racial discrimination a problem in nursing?
  • Are nurses more empathetic than doctors?
  • How important is it for a nurse to work on her emotions?

Miscellaneous Topics for Students Nursing Research

  • Nursing Theory: 
  • Nursing theory history and significance
  • Strategies for theory construction in nursing
  • Nursing theory vs. nursing practice
  • Person-centered nursing: theory and practice
  • Areas of agreement in nursing theory development
  • Nursing Education:
  • Critical thinking in nursing education : Literature review
  • Future challenges for nursing education
  • Curriculum development in nursing education
  • New nursing education structure in US/UK/Asia
  • Creating innovative models of clinical nursing education
  • Nursing Care: 
  • Transcultural concepts in nursing care
  • Basic principles of nursing care
  • Factors influencing why nursing care is missed
  • Measuring patients’ satisfaction with nursing care
  • Spiritual nursing care: state of the art
  • Pharmacology for nursing care
  • Nursing Interventions:
  • The systematic development of nursing interventions
  • The impact of nursing interventions
  • Nursing interventions for smoking cessation
  • Nursing interventions for patients with chronic conditions
  • Nursing interventions for premature infants
  • Nursing interventions to promote functional feeding
  • Nursing Homes:
  • Nursing homes in developed and developing nations: a comparison
  • Characteristics of nursing homes that affect resident outcomes
  • Infections among patients in nursing homes
  • Nursing homes and COVID‐19: What has changed?
  • Abuse of patients in nursing homes
  • Family involvement in nursing homes
  • Nursing Leadership 
  • Factors contributing to nursing leadership
  • Nursing leadership and patient outcomes
  • Leadership and management in nursing
  • Transformational leadership in nursing
  • ethical leadership in nursing
  • Nursing Diagnosis:
  • Nursing diagnosis process and it’s relation with critical thinking skills
  • Application of nursing process and nursing diagnosis
  • Do staff nurses use nursing diagnosis effectively?
  • Methods to validate nursing diagnoses
  • Accuracy of nursing diagnoses: How effective are they?
  • Nurse Burnout:
  • Nurse burnout and quality of care
  • Nurse burnout: personal and environmental factors
  • Impact of nurse burnout on organization
  • Predictors of burnout among nurses in US, UK, India
  • Pediatric nurse burnout
  • Nurse Staffing: 
  • Nurse staffing and inpatient hospital mortality
  • Hospital nurse staffing and quality of care
  • Nurse Patient Ratios
  • The effects of nurse staffing on medical costs
  • Nurse staffing in critical care and how it affects patient outcome
  • Nurse Practitioner Role
  • Barriers to developing nurse practitioner role
  • Analyze nurse practitioner role in acute care settings
  • How case-study research can better implement nurse practitioner role
  • Practice and clinical leadership: The core role of the nurse practitioner
  • Neonatal nurse practitioner role
  • 200+ Great Ideas of Nursing Research Topics to Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do you start writing a nursing essay.

The following section includes some tips on how to write a well-curated nursing essay.

  • Plan your essay- you need to have a well-planned outline of the essay to write an outstanding one.

Spend a good amount of time in research and shortlist the things that you would want to include, things that you would want to highlight or your personal story if any.

  • Start writing- Start your essay with a statement that is catchy and strong. Include an adequate amount of research and evidence to support your point in the body. End it with a conclusion stating a summary of the essay.
  • Revision- go through the content and look for grammatical or spelling errors, if any. Focus on the structure of the essay.

2. List tips on how to write a nursing school application essay.

  • Focus on being informative- while framing the essay, be mindful of the information you include. Make sure it is backed by some evidence.
  • Select the best essay topic- go for such a topic that makes the officers remember you after they have read the essay. At the same time, make sure you are comfortable writing on it.
  • Check the structure- the essay should be divided into 3 parts- introduction, body and conclusion. Make it readable and easy to understand.

To sum it up, when you kick-start writing a research paper, make sure you move ahead step-by-step.

Since research is the first step in writing the essay, you first have to gather all the essential list of information that is relevant to your nursing essay topic.

Next, handpick the information and come up with an essay that is well-curated and backed by evidence.


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100+ strong persuasive nursing essay topics ideas [+outline], dr. wilson mn.

  • August 11, 2022
  • Essay Topics and Ideas , Samples

Nursing essays can be extremely persuasive. They can help nurses advocate for their patients and care for them in the best way possible. Below are Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics to get you started.

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What You'll Learn

Strong Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics

There are many persuasive nursing essay topic ideas to choose from. Here are some of the most Strong Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics ones:

  • How effective nursing care can prevent chronic illness .
  • The importance of teamwork in nursing care .
  • How nurses can provide emotional support to their patients .
  • The benefits of breastfeeding for infants and mothers .
  • The importance of sleep for both infants and adults.
  • The different types of pain that nurses must be able to manage.
  • Why proper nutrition is so important for nursing patients .
  • The role of nurses in managing acute health conditions.
  • How nurses can help patients adjust to life after a hospital stay.
  • The importance of preventive health measures for nurses and their patients. .
  • How nurses can promote healthy eating habits among their patients..
  • The impact of stress on nursing care. .
  • The impact of technology on nursing care. .
  • The challenges that new nurse staffing policies may pose..
  • The Relationship between Nursing and Healthcare
  • The Importance of Nursing in a Healthy Population
  • The Effect of Nursing on Patient Recovery Time
  • The Role of Nursing in Preventing Infections
  • Nursing and the Environment
  • The Importance of Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations

Current Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics

Topics that could be covered in Current Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics include but are not limited to:

  • The Effect of Education and Training on Nurses’ Role in Healthcare Settings
  • The Impact of Technology on Nursing Practice
  • Perspectives on Nursing Ethics and Professionalism
  • Caregiving Dynamics in the Context of Aging and Illness
  • Role of Nursing in Palliative Medicine
  • Achieving Best Patient outcomes through Nurse-led Interventions
  • Issues Related to Global Health Challenges and How Nurses Can Address Them
  • Promoting Safe Practices in Healthcare Settings through Collaborative Efforts with other Staff Members
  • Advocating for Change: A Look at How Nurses Can Impact Changes in their Communities and Society as a Whole
  • Advocating for Improved Patient Care
  • The importance of nursing in society.
  • The role of nursing in providing health care .
  • The benefits of nursing education .
  • The challenges of nursing practice .
  • The impact of nursing on patient outcomes .
  • Nursing ethics and standards of practice .
  • Nursing leadership roles and responsibilities.
  • Nursing research and scholarship in the field of nursing.
  • Critical thinking skills for nurses in the clinical setting.
  • Evidence-based approaches to nursing care .

Good Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics

Persuasive nursing essays can explore a variety of topics depending on the instructor’s preference and course requirement. Below are good persuasive nursing essay topics that may be of interest to you.

  • Nursing interventions for common conditions in the elderly population.
  • Nursing interventions for pediatric patients with special needs or healthcare concerns..
  • Nursing interventions for critically ill patients. .
  • emiatic resuscitation techniques for nurses..
  • Advanced cardiac life support for nurses. .
  • Care of the hospitalized patient: assessment and planning stages
  • How to improve patient safety .
  • The role of nurses in promoting healthy lifestyles.
  • The impact of technology on nursing .
  • Ethics in nursing practice .
  • The future of nursing education .
  • Nursing leadership skills.
  • Nursing care of the elderly and disabled patients .
  • Impact of health care reform on nursing practice .
  • Role of nurses in disaster preparedness and response programs.
  • Care of acutely ill patients in hospitals.
  • Infant and child nurses: roles and responsibilities.
  • Nursing knowledge assessment tools for improving learning outcomes for nurses
  • The following are twenty persuasive Nursing Essay Topic ideas to write about:
  • The importance of nursing care

Unique Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics

There are many unique persuasive nursing essay topics to choose from, and the options are always changing. Today, persuasive nursing essay topics may include:

  • The changing landscape of nursing
  • The impact of technology on nursing
  • The importance of teamwork in nursing
  • The challenges of nursing today
  • The importance of diversity in nursing
  • The power of empathy in nursing
  • Nursing as an art form
  • Nursing as a humanitarian profession
  • Nursing as a career pathway
  • Nursing as an essential component of health care reform
  • Nursing as a global community responsibility
  • Nursing as a life-saving profession
  • Nursing and aging: challenges and opportunities
  • Nurses and nutrition: exploring connections and implications
  • Nurses and chronic illness: balancing treatments and lifestyle changes
  • Nursing interventions for pediatric patients: from diagnosis to home care settings
  • Navigating the nurse practitioner role: creating successful practices for collaborative

Persuasive Nursing Essay Topic ideas

Below is a list of recent and current persuasive writing topics that nurses may find useful.

When considering persuasive writing topics , nurses may want to consider exploring the following:

  • Nursing is a profession that is constantly in demand. It is one of the most versatile fields, and it offers many opportunities for personal growth and development .
  • The following are Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics to write about:The benefits of breastfeeding for the mother and baby.
  • The benefits of complementary feeding for the mother and baby.
  • The importance of physical activity during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The importance of early identification and treatment of postnatal depression.
  • Here are  Capstone Project Ideas for Nursing Leadership [50 Topics]
  • The benefits of incorporating a healthy diet into pregnant and breastfeeding women’s lives.
  • How music can play an important role in childbirth preparation and postnatal recovery.
  • The impact that stress has on pregnant women and their babies.
  • How sleep deprivation can affect both the mother and her baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • How genetic factors can influence a woman’s ability to breastfeed successfully.
  • The importance of providing emotional support to mothers during childbirth and post-birth recovery periods.
  • The importance of establishing a close relationship with a lactation consultant while pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • What factors can influence a woman’s decision to formula feed her baby instead of breastfeed?
  • Exploring the different ways that medications can be used to help promote lactation in mothers who are not breastfeeding or unable to breastfeed satisfactorily
  • Care of Patients with Special Need
  • Breastfeeding and Womb-Feeding
  • Pain Management in Nursing Homes
  • Infection Control in Nursing Homes
  • Bereavement Nursing
  • Diabetes Management in Nursing Homes
  • Geriatric Pharmacology
  • Geriatric Asthma Management
  • Coping with Change in the Aging Population
  • Hospice and Palliative Care Services for the Elderly
  • Nutrition in the Elderly
  • Respite Care: A Time of Renewal for Families caring for a loved one at home
  • Transition Planning for Family Caregivers
  • Coping with Illness and Disability
  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in Healthcare Settings
  • Nurse Practitioner Leadership Development
  • Innovative Approaches to Clinical Practice
  • Enhancing Quality of Life through Cancer Care

Persuasive Nursing Essay Outline

Nursing essays can be extremely persuasive. Below are persuasive nursing essay topic ideas to get you started.

Find out more on  How to write DNP capstone project Methodology Chapter ,  How to write a DNP Capstone Project Literature Review ,  How to write a DNP capstone project chapter 1 – Introduction , and  DNP Capstone project Abstract Examples [Outline & How-to]

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Nursing Essay Topics to Elevate Your Writing

#i',$content, -1); --> table of contents 90 fresh essay topics for nursing students to write about what’s a nursing essay nursing application essay topics to get you started best pediatric nursing essay topics for inspiration great nursing argumentative essay topics nursing persuasive essay topics to consider 15 good evidence based practice nursing essay topics mental health nursing essay topics 90 fresh essay topics for nursing students to write about.

Whether writing a paper for an academic program or crafting an admission essay for your dream school, picking the right topic is crucial since you’ll invest much time and energy in the task. But don’t worry, our personal nursing essay writing company has got your back!

This article will share a range of fresh nursing essay topics handpicked by our best experts. By exploring them, you’ll definitely be able to come up with a compelling paper that demonstrates your worth as a future healthcare professional. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

What’s a Nursing Essay?

  • Admission/Application Essay
  • Admission Editing
  • Admission Proofreading
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Argumentative essay
  • Article paraphrasing
  • Article review
  • Book Report/Review
  • Business plan
  • Capstone Project
  • Concept map
  • Concept paper
  • Conference Paper
  • Critical review
  • Custom List of Topics
  • Data analysis
  • Defence Presentation
  • Discussion Post
  • Dissertation
  • Dissertation Chapter - Abstract
  • Dissertation Chapter - Discussion
  • Dissertation Chapter - Introduction Chapter
  • Dissertation Chapter - Literature Review
  • Dissertation Chapter - Methodology
  • Dissertation Chapter - Results
  • Dissertation revision
  • Evidence-based practice paper
  • Exam Answers
  • Grant proposal
  • Interview essay
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Literature review
  • Literature review outline
  • Marketing plan
  • Math Problem
  • Multiple Choice Questions
  • Non-word assignment
  • Nursing care plan
  • Nursing teaching plan
  • Paraphrasing
  • Personal Statement
  • PICO/PICOT Questions
  • PowerPoint Presentation Plain
  • PowerPoint Presentation with Speaker Notes
  • Problem solution
  • Proofreading
  • Quality improvement project
  • Reaction paper
  • Reflection paper
  • Reflective Journal
  • Research Paper
  • Research Proposal
  • Retyping (PDF / PNG / Handwriting to Word)
  • Scholarship Essay
  • Scoping review
  • Shadow health assessment
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Statistics Project
  • Swot-analysis
  • Systematic review
  • Thesis chapter - Background
  • Thesis chapter - Conclusion & future works
  • Thesis chapter - Implementation
  • Thesis chapter - Introduction
  • Thesis chapter - Other (not listed above)
  • Thesis chapter - Results & evaluation
  • Thesis chapter - Theory & problem statement
  • Thesis literature review
  • Thesis Proposal
  • Thesis revision
  • Topic Suggestion
  • Topic Suggestion + Summary + References

A nursing essay is a form of academic writing that aims to investigate a specific nursing issue. It provides a clear argument or point of view supported by evidence. Such online nursing papers can be of the following types:

  • Descriptive

“How long should an essay of this type be?” you might ask. There’s no strict rule. Hoverwer, one thing is for sure: the length of your paper will greatly depend on the topic’s complexity and your institution’s guidelines.

With that in mind, let’s move on to the list of essay topics for nursing students that you might find interesting. We’ve grouped them into six thematic categories for your convenience.

Nursing Application Essay Topics to Get You Started

These 15 nursing application essay topics below can help showcase your experiences and commitment to the profession, so check them out now!

  • How my personal experiences helped me prepare for the nursing profession.
  • A reflection on the life situation that inspired my choice to pursue a career in this field.
  • Overcoming obstacles to pursuing a nursing career.
  • My interest in the field and how it all began.
  • The value of communication skills in the field.
  • The importance of empathy in the field.
  • Diversity and cultural competency.
  • Ethical dilemmas in field-specific practice.
  • How nursing fits into my personal and professional objectives.
  • The role of technology in the field.
  • A significant healthcare issue and my proposed solutions.
  • The value of patient-centered care and ethics in the field.
  • A reflection on a patient interaction: how did it impact my career?
  • The benefits and challenges of being a leader.
  • My personal philosophy of nursing.

Read also: How to write the perfect nursing scholarship essay .

Best Pediatric Nursing Essay Topics for Inspiration

In case you’re pursuing a pediatrics specialty, these fresh pediatric nursing essay topics might be helpful, so take note!

  • Perinatal mental health and its impact on neonatal outcomes.
  • The trauma-informed care and its impact on pediatric patient health outcomes.
  • What’s the neonatal specialist’s role in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)?
  • Managing pain in children: modern techniques and challenges.
  • Family-centered care and its role in present-day pediatrics.
  • The neonatal specialist’s role in caring for clinically unwell and premature infants.
  • How does developmental care impact premature infants’ health and well-being?
  • Ethical considerations in pediatrics.
  • The pediatric nurse’s role in taking care of children with disabilities.
  • The pediatric specialist’s role in caring for children with chronic illnesses.
  • Strategies for lowering maternal and newborn mortality in resource-constrained settings.
  • Nursing leadership and its role in improving newborn and pediatric healthcare outcomes.
  • Field-specific interventions used to prevent and treat diabetes complications in pediatrics.
  • Vaccination and the role of pediatric specialists in educating families.
  • Emotional and medical challenges faced by pediatricians working with children diagnosed with cancer.

Now that we’ve covered some of the most frequently requested topics, let’s look at some trending nursing argumentative essay topics.

Great Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

These top 15 argumentative essay topics for nursing will surely set you on the right path, so read on!

  • Should nurses have specialized training in the same way that doctors do?
  • Should nurses be paid the same as physicians?
  • Can nurses be forced to work longer hours?
  • Do nurses suffer from more health issues than doctors?
  • What is the distinction between the impact of doctors in the healthcare industry?
  • What is the ideal working relationship between a doctor and a nurse?
  • Do nurses’ functions outweigh those of doctors’?
  • What are the implications of home nurses failing to perform their professional duties?
  • Should medical specialists be granted a global visa to find work in any country?
  • Is this career only for women? Should men be encouraged to join this profession?
  • Is it ethical to participate in the procedure of ending the lives of terminally ill patients?
  • Do nurses suffer any racial discrimination issues?
  • Should nurses get bonuses for the outcomes of their patients’ treatments?
  • Should nurses get additional degrees on top of professional training?
  • Do we need to allow nurses to prescribe medication?

Apart from argumentative essays, you’ll be frequently asked to write persuasive essays during your academic years. So, in the next section, we will discuss this type of essay.

Nursing Persuasive Essay Topics to Consider

Whether you write for a professional training program, college, or independent research, we hope these nursing persuasive essay topics will inspire a brilliant paper!

  • Gender division in the profession. Do we need to encourage more males to become nurses?
  • Should governments funnel more resources into nursing research?
  • Should vaccinations for healthcare workers be mandatory?
  • Should a significant technological investment be needed to reduce errors and improve hospital patient monitoring?
  • Should nurses be given more decision-making authority to increase patient outcomes?
  • Should hospitals choose patient-centered treatment over cost-cutting measures?
  • Should holistic practices be integrated into field-specific practice?
  • Addressing professional burnout through workplace reforms.
  • Should nurses be given the authority to prescribe specific medications and treatments to increase patient care access?
  • Should continuing education in the field be mandatory?
  • Regular cultural competence training to improve patient satisfaction.
  • Should pain management be emphasized more in education to offer better outcomes for chronic patients?
  • Should greater emphasis be put on patient education to improve self-management and outcomes?
  • Should clear ethical guidelines be developed to guide end-of-life care decisions?
  • Should nurses be more involved in public health campaigns and initiatives to enhance patient outcomes?
  • Should comprehensive mental health training be incorporated into nursing curricula?

By now, you should have plenty of ideas to use in your next persuasive essay so we can move on to evidence based practice nursing essay topics.

15 Good Evidence Based Practice Nursing Essay Topics

Here are some of the best topics to focus on when writing an evidence-based practice essay:

  • The significance of EBP and its impact on patient outcomes.
  • Ethical considerations in EBP: research vs. patient autonomy.
  • A case study of successful EBP implementation in the field.
  • Nursing research’s role in advancing EBP.
  • Empowering nurses via evidence-based practice.
  • The influence of EBP on clinical decision-making.
  • The challenges of introducing field-specific research into practice.
  • The role of technology in advancing EBP in the field.
  • The role of cooperation between healthcare professionals in developing EBP.
  • The effect of evidence-based practice on disparities in healthcare and equity.
  • The future of evidence-based practice in the field and emerging trends.
  • The importance of EBP in clinical care.
  • The role of EBP in treating patients with obesity.
  • What EBP changes should be done to improve patient outcomes?
  • What are the ways to measure the effectiveness of evidence-based interventions?

In case you’re conducting research on mental health issues, the below topics will come in handy.

Mental Health Nursing Essay Topics

Here are 10 top mental health topics suitable for nursing students:

  • A comparison of the effectiveness of various mental health interventions in the field.
  • The significance of trauma-informed care in mental health practice.
  • The role of mental health practitioners in preventing youth suicide.
  • Stigma’s influence on field-specific practice and mental health care.
  • The impact of chronic illnesses on the mental health of patients.
  • Self-care techniques for avoiding burnout in mental health professionals.
  • The role of nurses in meeting the mental health needs of various population communities, including LGBTQ+.
  • A personal experience demonstrating the significance of compassion in mental health practice.
  • Telepsychiatry: its impact on mental health practice in the field.
  • The role of nursing in telehealth.
  • The impact of nurses in supporting recovery-focused care in mental health settings.
  • Cultural differences and their implications for mental health practice.
  • The role of nurses in managing anxiety disorders.
  • The challenges and strategies for providing mental health care to children and adolescents.
  • The role of nurses in shaping and advocating for mental health policies that improve patient care.

We hope these ideas have inspired you to craft an outstanding paper that checks all the boxes. However, if you’re still struggling to find the perfect topic or are not sure where to start, consider consulting your supervisor or getting professional help.

argumentative essay on nursing

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15 Attention-Grabbing Argumentative Essay Topics Related To Nursing

You know, writing an argumentative essay can be a lot of fun. No more do you have to bite your lip and write in an unbiased way (as I’m sure you’ve had to do with other assignments); now you can voice an opinion!

Having said that, you’re not being asked to blindly shout off your mouth on the topic at hand! You will, of course, need to present an informed, well balanced piece consisting of counter arguments and opinions (from reputable people and organizations) as much as your own take on the issue.

Nevertheless, the object is to persuade your reader to your stance, so if you select your references wisely, contain relevant information and provide a level headed, well presented case, then you can’t go wrong.

It’s always best to select an issue that you have a real passion for. (It also helps if you already know a fair bit about the subject beforehand.) If you can balance your passion with that of academic excellence, you’ll be on to a winner.

So, in this instance, you need to choose an issue concerned with nursing. It’s a big subject, so the more you can narrow it down to a specific point of interest, and one on which there is a great deal of data and opinions to be had, the better your choice will be.

Here are fifteen ideas to help you come up with your own topic:

  • Why more men becoming nurses would be beneficial to the equality of the sector.
  • Nurses should not be allowed to end the life of a patient.
  • An increase in salary for nurses is crucial to providing a better health care service.
  • Nurses should be allowed to take on board more responsibilities that can currently only be provided by doctors.
  • Western safety standards for nursing should be mandatory in developing countries.
  • To provide all round better health care, an extra year of study should be added to all nursing qualification courses.
  • Placebos work – why nurses should be administering them.
  • Personal choice: the right of Jehova’s Witnesses to not be induced for treatment.
  • Understaffed hospitals are directly responsible for poor quality of care.
  • The U.S.A should have a National Health System akin to Britain.
  • Spouses should have the right to remove feeding tubes from their partners.
  • The government should raise more awareness of the health risks from junk food.
  • Stem cell research should have more government funding.
  • Nurses should administer homeopathy pills – it’s not all bunk!
  • How European working methods in health care should be introduced in the U.S.

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argumentative essay on nursing

Exciting Debate Topics for Nursing and Medical Papers

argumentative essay on nursing

We often get the question, "What is the best controversial or debatable topic for a nursing student?" and have decided to answer the issue comprehensively.

Nursing students agree that choosing a suitable topic is the most challenging part of writing any nursing paper. It gets tricky to develop an ideal debate topic for your nursing paper.

A nursing debate paper has an introduction, body, and conclusion. It includes a thesis statement in the introduction and expounds on the main points in the body, mainly through a persuasive or argumentative approach.

When it is a requirement that you select a debatable nursing topic, you can start by considering the controversial healthcare topics that relate to nursing practice, education, and research. You can then expand your search into medical topics or other nursing-related subjects, such as biology, pharmacy, or psychology.

This blog will cover all the ideas and examples of debatable nursing issues for a nursing school paper. They are ideal for writing a reaction, issue, research, or term paper for school. We hope that by the end of this article, you can select the best nursing debate topic to step you in the right direction as you write the nursing essay or research paper.

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Ideal Nursing Debate Topics a Nursing Student Can Consider

Here are some quick nursing debate topics you can consider. They are mostly controversial issues in nursing that call for urgent solutions and address through policy change, systems approach, and other viable means to improve nursing practice and profession.

  • Should nurses make end-of-life decisions for mentally ill old patients?
  • Are needle exchange programs effective?
  • Is nursing a science?
  • Professional integrity in nursing
  • Is using embryo models from stem cells ethical?
  • Are needle exchange programs ethical?
  • Stigmatization of AIDS patients by healthcare workers
  • Do nurses get tired?
  • Are fat nurses unhealthy?
  • Should nurses be given health breaks?
  • Should wearing uniforms be mandatory for nurses?
  • Should nurses have smoking areas?
  • Should nurses force children to be vaccinated?
  • Is it practical to do cardiac surgery for the elderly?
  • Should nurses decide when to remove feeding tubes?
  • Is the Glasgow Pain Scale effective in assessing the pain levels of patients?
  • Is DNA banking ethical?
  • Nurses who breach privacy and confidentiality should be fired
  • Cloning is unethical
  • Circumcision of newborns without anesthetics
  • Do Magnet Recognition Programs result in less autonomy for nurses and patient dissatisfaction?
  • Magnet status is merely a marketing gimmick
  • Who decides the best staffing ratio?
  • The use of computers and medical errors
  • Nurse burnout, yet many nurses are unemployed
  • Poor pay for nurses
  • Long working hours for nurses
  • How long should a nurse take between patients?
  • Autonomy of practice for RN
  • Organ transplant between patients with AIDS
  • Blood transfusion between patients with AIDS
  • Ethics of weight loss surgery for teens
  • Right of refusal for blood transfusion
  • Rising rates of C-section births
  • Should elective C-Sections for first-time mothers be more available?
  • Should nurses have unions?
  • Should nurses have the right to refuse to participate in a morally objectionable procedure (transfusion, stem cell research, circumcision, vasectomy, etc.)
  • Mandatory overtime for nurses
  • The appropriate length of shifts
  • Hiring from nursing schools and universities
  • Caring for a pregnant drug addict
  • When should oncology patients be told they've had enough treatment with no hope for recovery?
  • Recruiting and retaining specialist nurses
  • Abuse and harassment of travel nurses by crews
  • Nurses living with HIV/AIDS
  • Mandatory drug tests for nursing practitioners and medical professionals
  • Home care vs. Nursing Homes
  • Making hand hygiene mandatory among nurses
  • Homeless nurses
  • Use of opioids in pain management
  • Acupuncture for pain management
  • Spinal manipulation for pain management
  • Engagement of nurses in environmental conservation
  • Green nursing
  • Caring for homeless patients
  • Caring for patients who have lost hope
  • Aging in place vs. Elderly homes
  • Telehealth and medical errors
  • Polypharmacy and elderly care
  • Use of electronic cigarettes to encourage quitting to smoke
  • Working together as a nursing couple
  • Should psychiatric patients be physically restrained?
  • Should nurses go against their oaths?
  • Long hospital shifts
  • Discrimination in nursing school acceptance
  • Rude nurses in practice
  • Nurses being exposed to hazards in the workplace
  • Poor pay for new nurses
  • Nurses turnover rates
  • Role of nurses in the opioid epidemic
  • Rights to prescribe drugs by nurses
  • Wearing tabards during medical rounds
  • Staffing ratio for the nursing workforce
  • Education to practice pipeline for nurses
  • Is the ADN pathway effective for nursing practitioners?
  • Relevance of professional nursing organizations
  • Forensic Nursing
  • Patient transfer under duress
  • Alarm fatigue among ICU nurses
  • Antipsychotics prescriptions for psychiatric patients
  • Prescribing amphetamines to children
  • Multidisciplinary teams caring for patients
  • Nurses as patient advocates
  • Succession planning in nursing
  • What next for nursing retirees?
  • Diversity in nursing
  • Role of nurses in patient safety
  • Burnout among nurses working with prisoners
  • Harassment and sexual assault of prison nurses
  • Minority nursing students
  • Nursing educational research
  • Resilience in nursing students
  • Nurses practicing Yoga
  • Academic burnout among nursing students
  • Professional values of nursing students
  • The sexual relationship between old nurses and nursing interns
  • Can nurse managers marry nursing staff from their institution?
  • Quality of sleep among nurses
  • Eating habits among nurses
  • Healthy diets for nurses at work
  • Resting zones for nurses who work longer shifts
  • Organized transport for nurses after longer shifts
  • The work environment for nurses
  • Incivility against nurses
  • Workplace violence against nurses
  • The span of control for nurse managers
  • Retaining bedside nurses
  • Moral distress in the workplace
  • Professional joy and resilience
  • The moral obligation of nurses
  • Toxic nurse leadership
  • Clinician cognitive overload for nursing leaders
  • Multispecialty nursing
  • Shared governance
  • Interoperability of electronic health records
  • Quality of life of nurses
  • Artificial intelligence in nursing transition
  • Nurses' wellbeing
  • Policy influence of nurses
  • Handling patients that refuse to eat
  • Can nurses substitute social workers?
  • Are psychiatric nurses a substitute for psychologists?
  • Reasons for rising cases of postpartum depression
  • Role of artificial intelligence in nursing care
  • Self-medication among nurses
  • Alcohol and substance abuse addiction among nurses
  • Disciplinary action for rogue nurses
  • Should nurses start nursing care centers?
  • Should the state pay medical insurance for all nurses?
  • Caring for the families of nurses
  • Paternal and maternal leaves for nurses
  • Nurses should go for long breaks
  • Role of nurses in raising a healthy society
  • Role of nurses during wars
  • How forensic nurses handle victims of child abuse
  • Investigating and reporting child molestation
  • Time management when working under pressure
  • Nurses often have anxiety
  • Handling depression as a nurse
  • Stress management training should be mandatory for nurses
  • Recommending complementary alternative medicine to patients not responding to treatment
  • Role of nurses in redesigning homes for the elderly
  • Use of opioids in managing rheumatoid arthritis
  • Handling patients who can't see or talk
  • Cultural competence for nurses
  • Handling LGBTQ patients and their relatives
  • Discrimination of patients
  • Handling patients with burn wounds
  • Free housing for nursing staff
  • Housing programs for nurses
  • The brain drain of the nursing workforce
  • Licensed Nursing
  • Negligence and caring for frail and old patients
  • Defamation among nurses
  • Informed consent and patient care
  • Shared patient decision-making; what's the boundary?
  • Inadequate resources for nurses and patient care
  • Advanced care planning
  • Battery cases among nurses
  • Job termination for nurses
  • Abandoning the code of conduct to save the patient
  • Nursing rights of medical administration
  • Nurses must have a nursing philosophy
  • Hiring nursing leaders from the workforce
  • Encouraging breastfeeding among new mothers
  • Mourning with patients
  • Attachment to a patient
  • Intensive nursing care is challenging for new nurses
  • Pediatric nursing requires extra care
  • Role of nurses in diabetes management
  • Nurses facilitating cancer screening
  • Suicide prevention in palliative care
  • Spiritual intervention in nursing
  • Every nurse should keep a reflective journal
  • Caring for children with no relatives or parents
  • Nursing education is demanding
  • Nursing leadership is challenging
  • Nurse leaders vs. Nurse Managers
  • Nurses donating organs to their patients
  • Nurses transfusing blood for their patients
  • Nurses caring for their relatives in their workplaces
  • Nurses marrying their patients
  • Sexual abuse of nurses by patients
  • Hiring nurses who are ex-convicts
  • Rates of divorce for nurses
  • Maltreatment of nurses hired by families
  • Prescription of antibiotics
  • Dance and art therapy for nurses
  • Team building activities for the nursing workforce
  • Continuing education for nurses: who should pay?
  • Educational loans for nurses
  • Organized vacations for nurses
  • Healthcare boot camps for nursing students to practice
  • Mandatory physical exercise for nurses
  • Sports activities for nurses to unify the staff

For more insights, ideas, and information, you can also check out our list of epidemiology topics . If that doesn't get you what you want, feel free also to check our ultimate list of capstone project topics for any level of nursing studies. We also have advanced mental health topics to consider as you develop a debatable nursing topic for your paper. If you lean more towards technology, you will find our post on nursing informatics topics an exciting read.

Parting Shot!

You can turn any nursing topic into a debate topic. Ask yourself how you would address the topic, whether controversial or not, in a manner that either side gets educated.

A debate is about arguing why your points are valid and your competitors are not. When writing a nursing debate essay, do it as an argumentative essay. You must provide arguments and counterarguments to show a balanced and mature discussion.

If you feel stuck with writing nursing essays, you are always welcome to get professional assistance from our online nursing papers website . Our nursing experts are online 24/7 and ready to help you achieve your dreams. The better part is that we guarantee to use the most controversial issues when choosing a topic for you and use peer-reviewed journal articles to inform the writing process. As a result, you will get 100% plagiarism-free nursing paper and chase higher grades.

Related Reading:

  • Steps for writing a nursing student resume .
  • Writing a good abstract presentation poster for nursing students
  • How to write a care plan

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How to Write a Nursing Essay with a Quick Guide

argumentative essay on nursing

Ever felt the blank-page panic when assigned a nursing essay? Wondering where to start or if your words will measure up to the weight of your experiences? Fear not, because today, we're here to guide you through this process.

Imagine you're at your favorite coffee spot, armed with a cup of motivation (and maybe a sneaky treat). Got it? Great! Now, let's spill the secrets on how to spin your nursing tales into words that not only get you that A+ but also tug at the heartstrings of anyone reading. We've got your back with nursing essay examples that'll be your inspiration, an outline to keep you on the right path, and more!

What Is a Nursing Essay

Let's start by dissecting the concept. A nursing essay serves as a focused exploration of a specific aspect of nursing, providing an opportunity for students to demonstrate their theoretical knowledge and its practical application in patient care settings.

Picture it as a journey through the challenges and victories of a budding nurse. These essays go beyond the classroom, tackling everything from tricky ethical dilemmas to the impact of healthcare policies on the front lines. It's not just about grades; it's about proving, 'I'm ready for the real deal.'

So, when you read or write a nursing essay, it's not just words on paper. It's like looking into the world of someone who's about to start their nursing career – someone who's really thought about the ins and outs of being a nurse. And before you kick off your nursing career, don't shy away from asking - write my essay for me - we're ready to land a professional helping hand.

How to Start a Nursing Essay

When you start writing a nursing essay, it is like gearing up for a crucial mission. Here's your quick guide from our nursing essay writing service :

How to Start a Nursing Essay

Choosing Your Topic: Select a topic that sparks your interest and relates to real-world nursing challenges. Consider areas like patient care, ethical dilemmas, or the impact of technology on healthcare.

Outline Your Route : Plan your essay's journey. Create a roadmap with key points you want to cover. This keeps you on track and your essay on point.

Craft a Strong Thesis: Assuming you already know how to write a hook , kick off your writing with a surprising fact, a thought-provoking quote, or a brief anecdote. Then, state your main argument or perspective in one sentence. This thesis will serve as the compass for your essay, guiding both you and your reader through the rest of your writing.

How to Structure a Nursing Essay

Every great essay is like a well-orchestrated performance – it needs a script, a narrative that flows seamlessly, capturing the audience's attention from start to finish. In our case, this script takes the form of a well-organized structure. Let's delve into the elements that teach you how to write a nursing essay, from a mere collection of words to a compelling journey of insights.

How to Structure a Nursing Essay

Nursing Essay Introduction

Begin your nursing essay with a spark. Knowing how to write essay introduction effectively means sharing a real-life scenario or a striking fact related to your topic. For instance, if exploring patient care, narrate a personal experience that made a lasting impression. Then, crisply state your thesis – a clear roadmap indicating the direction your essay will take. Think of it as a teaser that leaves the reader eager to explore the insights you're about to unfold.

In the main body, dive into the heart of your essay. Each paragraph should explore a specific aspect of your topic. Back your thoughts with examples – maybe a scenario from your clinical experience, a relevant case study, or findings from credible sources. Imagine it as a puzzle coming together; each paragraph adds a piece, forming a complete picture. Keep it focused and let each idea flow naturally into the next.

Nursing Essay Conclusion

As writing a nursing essay nears the end, resist the urge to introduce new elements. Summarize your main points concisely. Remind the reader of the real-world significance of your thesis – why it matters in the broader context of nursing. Conclude with a thought-provoking statement or a call to reflection, leaving your reader with a lasting impression. It's like the final scene of a movie that leaves you thinking long after the credits roll.

Nursing Essay Outline

Before diving into the essay, craft a roadmap – your outline. This isn't a rigid skeleton but a flexible guide that ensures your ideas flow logically. Consider the following template from our research paper writing service :


  • Opening Hook: Share a brief, impactful patient care scenario.
  • Relevance Statement: Explain why the chosen topic is crucial in nursing.
  • Thesis: Clearly state the main argument or perspective.

Patient-Centered Care:

  • Definition: Clarify what patient-centered care means in nursing.
  • Personal Experience: Share a relevant encounter from clinical practice.
  • Evidence: Integrate findings from reputable nursing literature.

Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Practice

  • Scenario Presentation: Describe a specific ethical challenge faced by nurses.
  • Decision-Making Process: Outline steps taken to address the dilemma.
  • Ethical Frameworks: Discuss any ethical theories guiding the decision.

Impact of Technology on Nursing

  • Current Trends: Highlight technological advancements in nursing.
  • Case Study: Share an example of technology enhancing patient care.
  • Challenges and Benefits: Discuss the pros and cons of technology in nursing.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main ideas from each section.
  • Real-world Implications: Emphasize the practical significance in nursing practice.
  • Closing Thought: End with a reflective statement or call to action.

A+ in Nursing Essays Await You!

Ready to excel? Let us guide you. Click now for professional nursing essay writing assistance.

Nursing Essay Examples

Here are the nursing Essay Examples for you to read.

Writing a Nursing Essay: Essential Tips

When it comes to crafting a stellar nursing essay, a few key strategies can elevate your work from ordinary to exceptional. Here are some valuable tips from our medical school personal statement writer :

Writing a Nursing Essay: Essential Tips

Connect with Personal Experiences:

  • Approach: Weave personal encounters seamlessly into your narrative.
  • Reasoning: This not only adds authenticity to your essay but also serves as a powerful testament to your firsthand understanding of the challenges and triumphs in the nursing field.

Emphasize Critical Thinking:

  • Approach: Go beyond describing situations; delve into their analysis.
  • Reasoning: Nursing essays are the perfect platform to showcase your critical thinking skills – an essential attribute in making informed decisions in real-world healthcare scenarios.

Incorporate Patient Perspectives:

  • Approach: Integrate patient stories or feedback into your discussion.
  • Reasoning: By bringing in the human element, you demonstrate empathy and an understanding of the patient's experience, a core aspect of nursing care.

Integrate Evidence-Based Practice:

  • Approach: Support your arguments with the latest evidence-based literature.
  • Reasoning: Highlighting your commitment to staying informed and applying current research underscores your dedication to evidence-based practice – a cornerstone in modern nursing.

Address Ethical Considerations:

  • Approach: Explicitly discuss the ethical dimensions of your topic.
  • Reasoning: Nursing essays provide a platform to delve into the ethical complexities inherent in healthcare, showcasing your ability to navigate and analyze these challenges.

Balance Theory and Practice:

  • Approach: Connect theoretical concepts to real-world applications.
  • Reasoning: By bridging the gap between theory and practice, you illustrate your capacity to apply academic knowledge effectively in the dynamic realm of nursing.

Highlight Interdisciplinary Collaboration:

  • Approach: Discuss collaborative efforts with other healthcare professionals.
  • Reasoning: Acknowledging the interdisciplinary nature of healthcare underscores your understanding of the importance of teamwork – a vital aspect of successful nursing practice.

Reflect on Lessons Learned:

  • Approach: Conclude with a thoughtful reflection on personal growth or lessons from your exploration.
  • Reasoning: This not only provides a satisfying conclusion but also demonstrates your self-awareness and commitment to continuous improvement as a nursing professional.

As we wrap up, think of your essay as a story about your journey into nursing. It's not just about getting a grade; it's a way to share what you've been through and why you want to be a nurse.

Imagine the person reading it – maybe a teacher, a future coworker, or someone starting their nursing journey. They're trying to understand your passion and why you care about nursing.

So, when you write, remember it's more than just an assignment. It's your chance to show why nursing matters to you. And if you ever need help – there's always support from our essay writer online .

Ready to Excel in Your Nursing School Essay?

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How to Write a Nursing Essay?

How can a nursing essay effectively address ethical considerations, what are some examples of evidence-based practices in nursing essays, related articles.

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100+ Nursing Essay Topics


Table of Contents

What is a Nursing Essay?

A nursing essay is a piece of academic writing that explores specific topics related to nursing, patient care, healthcare, or any other relevant subject. These essays serve a dual purpose: to enhance the writer’s knowledge about the topic and to provide insights into current nursing practices and challenges. Such essays require thorough research, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of both theoretical concepts and practical implications.

Read more: How to Write a Good Nursing Essay

A Quick Guide on How to Choose a Nursing Essay Topic

Selecting the right topic for your nursing essay is crucial for its success. Here’s a brief guide to help you:

  • Interest & Passion : Choose a topic you’re passionate about. Your enthusiasm will reflect in your writing.
  • Relevance : Ensure the topic is relevant to current healthcare trends, challenges, or the specific course you’re pursuing.
  • Scope for Research : A good essay is backed by solid research. Ensure there’s enough information available on your chosen topic.
  • Practical Implications : Ideally, select a topic that has real-world significance in the nursing field. This adds depth to your essay.

Engaging Nursing Essay Topics Lists

Patient care & interaction.

  • The importance of patient-nurse communication.
  • Ethical dilemmas faced by nurses in patient care.
  • The role of empathy in nursing practice.

Technological Advancements in Nursing

  • The impact of telehealth on nursing practices.
  • Integrating artificial intelligence in nursing.
  • Wearable technology and its influence on patient care.

Healthcare Policies & Nursing

  • Analyzing the effects of healthcare reforms on nursing practices.
  • The role of nursing in shaping healthcare policies.
  • Addressing understaffing issues in nursing.

Nursing Education & Training

  • The significance of continuous learning in nursing.
  • Challenges faced by nursing students and possible solutions.
  • The future of nursing education: A blended learning approach?

Mental Health & Nursing

  • The role of nurses in addressing mental health issues.
  • Coping strategies for nurses dealing with job-related stress.
  • Integrating mental health training in nursing curriculum.

Global Health & Nursing

  • Nursing practices in the face of global health crises.
  • Cross-cultural nursing: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of nurses in global health campaigns.

Specialized Nursing Fields

  • Pediatric nursing: Challenges and rewards.
  • The evolving role of surgical nurses.
  • Oncology nursing: Providing care and comfort.

Nursing Leadership & Management

  • The importance of leadership skills in nursing.
  • Strategies for effective nursing team management.
  • The role of nurses in hospital administration.

Patient Care Dynamics

  • The transformation of patient-nurse relationships over the decades.
  • Bridging the gap: Overcoming language barriers in patient care.
  • How do cultural differences influence patient-nurse interactions?

Innovations in Nursing

  • The role of virtual reality in patient rehabilitation.
  • Impacts of electronic health records on nursing efficiency.
  • The growing importance of mobile health apps in nursing practices.

Pediatric & Neonatal Care

  • The unique challenges of neonatal nursing.
  • Pediatric pain management: Best practices and challenges.
  • Psychological support for children with chronic diseases.

Nursing & Chronic Illness

  • Managing long-term care for Alzheimer’s patients.
  • The nurse’s role in diabetes education and management.
  • Strategies for handling patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Elderly Care & Geriatric Nursing

  • Best practices for handling age-related mental health issues.
  • The challenges of geriatric nursing in a rapidly aging society.
  • Ethical considerations in end-of-life care.

Mental Health Nursing

  • Approaches to handling patients with depression.
  • Nursing practices for managing schizophrenia.
  • Addressing substance abuse: The role of the nurse.

Community & Public Health Nursing

  • The role of community nurses in health education campaigns.
  • Addressing health disparities through community nursing.
  • Nursing strategies for infectious disease control in communities.

Critical Care & Emergency Nursing

  • Best practices in trauma care: A nursing perspective.
  • The psychological impact of emergency nursing.
  • Strategies for efficient triage in emergency departments.

Nursing Ethics & Professionalism

  • Navigating the complex world of medical ethics in nursing.
  • Balancing patient autonomy with medical advisement.
  • Confidentiality concerns in the digital age.

Oncology & Palliative Care

  • The evolving role of nurses in cancer care.
  • Palliative care strategies for terminal illnesses.
  • Psychological support strategies for cancer patients and their families.

Midwifery & Women’s Health

  • The changing landscape of midwifery practices.
  • Addressing women’s reproductive health: The role of nurses.
  • Best practices in prenatal and postnatal nursing care.

Orthopedic & Surgical Nursing

  • Preoperative and postoperative nursing strategies.
  • Challenges in orthopedic nursing: From rehabilitation to chronic pain management.
  • Innovations in surgical nursing and their impacts.

Nursing Research & Evidence-Based Practice

  • The significance of evidence-based practices in modern nursing.
  • Challenges and solutions in nursing research methodologies.
  • The future of data-driven practices in nursing.

Holistic Nursing Practices

  • Integrating alternative medicine into mainstream nursing care.
  • The significance of spirituality in nursing.
  • Benefits and challenges of holistic nursing in modern healthcare.

Nursing & Technology

  • The impact of telemedicine on nursing practices.
  • Using augmented reality for patient education.
  • The pros and cons of robotic assistance in nursing care.

Occupational Health Nursing

  • The role of nurses in promoting workplace wellness.
  • Addressing mental health issues in corporate settings.
  • Strategies for handling work-related injuries and illnesses.

Nursing Leadership & Advocacy

  • Enhancing leadership skills among nurse practitioners.
  • The role of nurses in healthcare policy advocacy.
  • Strategies for promoting inter-professional collaboration in healthcare settings.

Nursing in Pandemics & Epidemics

  • Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for nursing professionals.
  • The role of nurses in epidemic preparedness and response.
  • Strategies for mental health support for nurses during health crises.

Forensic Nursing & Legal Implications

  • The expanding field of forensic nursing: Roles and responsibilities.
  • Legal and ethical challenges in forensic nursing.
  • Collaborative practices between nurses and law enforcement agencies.

Nursing Education & Curriculum Development

  • Incorporating digital literacy into nursing curriculum.
  • The benefits of simulation-based learning in nursing education.
  • Addressing the gap between academic learning and practical training in nursing schools.

Public Perception & Nursing Image

  • Overcoming stereotypes associated with the nursing profession.
  • The impact of media representation on public perception of nurses.
  • Promoting nursing as a gender-inclusive profession.

Rural Health & Nursing

  • Challenges and rewards of nursing in rural communities.
  • Strategies to improve healthcare accessibility in remote areas.
  • Bridging the technology gap in rural healthcare settings.

Nursing Burnout & Well-being

  • Identifying early signs of burnout among nursing professionals.
  • Strategies for promoting mental well-being among nurses.
  • The importance of work-life balance in the nursing profession.

Environmental Health & Nursing

  • The nurse’s role in addressing environmental health issues.
  • Impacts of climate change on healthcare and nursing practices.
  • Strategies for nursing care during natural disasters.

Global Health & Travel Nursing

  • Adapting nursing practices for different cultural contexts.
  • The challenges and rewards of travel nursing.
  • The role of nurses in global health diplomacy.

Need Assistance with Your Nursing Essay?

Struggling to get your thoughts down on paper? At , we offer premium essay writing services to help you craft an impeccable nursing essay. Our team of experts understands the nuances of nursing topics, ensuring you receive a well-researched and coherent essay. Let us handle the writing while you focus on your passion for nursing. Contact us today to get started!

Useful References

  • American Nurses Association
  • National League for Nursing
  • World Health Organization – Nursing and Midwifery
  • Journal of Advanced Nursing

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Topics Base

Everything begins with an idea!

Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

Nursing is a profession that focuses on the care of families, individuals, and communities. Nursing is undoubtedly one of the most demanding professions. If you are aspiring to be a nurse, you must be prepared for a variety of demanding activities, even during your study years. Due to the wideness of the nursing profession, students will have to engage in other activities aside from attending classes and carrying out practicals. Argumentative essay writing is among the other tasks which nursing students can’t do without. Argumentative essays assist students in understanding some nursing concepts that do not have a straight forward solution. We know that having to select a nursing argumentative essay topic is a task that students need help with. The exact assistance that students need is here because we’ve listed the best nursing argumentative essay topics below. We implore students to check out the topics and choose the ones they can argue best. Students will find both the popular and unpopular nursing argumentative essay ideas below. We strongly believe that students will easily know what to write about the topics below since they are both interesting and easy enough for students to work with.

  • Do nurses receive the same prestige as doctors?
  • Are nurses less exposed to health hazards than doctors?
  • Do nurses go through more stress than doctors?
  • Should nurses be more appreciated than doctors?
  • Nurses should be more financially compensated than doctors
  • Nurses attend to more patients than doctors
  • Can overtime work impact the quality of work that nurses do?
  • The impacts of nurses are different from that of doctors
  • Nurses are the most resourceful healthcare workers
  • Nurses do more work than doctors
  • Are nurses generally negligent?
  • An average nurse abuses his/her power
  • Home nurses are usually unemotional
  • Male nurses are more indifferent to patients than female nurses
  • Is it proper for nurses to end the life of a patient with a terminal illness?
  • Government should motivate men to join the nursing profession
  • Nursing is not a profession for women only
  • Racial discrimination is a common problem in the nursing profession
  • Nurses play more important roles than doctors
  • Nurses in industrialized nations should compulsorily work for a minimum of two years in an underdeveloped country
  • Should sexualize nurses be banned?
  • Sexualize nurses handles psychological issues better than non-sexualize nurses
  • Nurses exercise more patience than doctors
  • Oversight should be a compulsory requirement for home nursing
  • Do nurses have the right to prescribe medicine to patients?
  • Should nurses be given a global visa to allow them to work wherever their service is needed?
  • Night nurses deserve to make more income than nurses on the day shift
  • Nurses deserve bonuses related to patient outcomes
  • Is it proper for nurses to work overtime against their will?
  • Nurses deserve to have residencies like doctors do
  • Should the wage of nurses be on par with the wage of doctors?
  • What should be the best number of nurses in a hospital?
  • Should there be a close working relationship between nurses and doctors?
  • The amount of overtime that nurses work should determine the bonuses they receive
  • Nurses are generally more emotionally connected to patients than doctors
  • Nurses serve as better motivators to patients who have psychological issues
  • Nurses are more caring than doctors
  • Nurses spend more time with patients than doctors
  • Nurses are better than doctors in terms of time management
  • Nurses are more tolerant than doctors
  • Nurses are more vulnerable to infectious diseases than doctors
  • Nurses don’t take enough precautionary actions while attending to patients
  • Nurses are generally more carefree than doctors
  • Nurses need to be more observant than doctors
  • Nurses should be more compassionate than doctors
  • Should nurses discuss personal issues with patients who seem to crave for attention?
  • Is it proper for nurses to interact with patients beyond the professional level?
  • Should nurses be allowed to ask personal questions from patients?
  • Should nurses have sexual affairs with their patients?
  • Should nurses give non-medical advice to patients?
  • Should there be a limit to the kind of relationship that exists between nurses and their patients?
  • Home nurses are generally more emotionally connected to their patients than home doctors
  • Nurses are more tenacious than doctors
  • Nurses offer more quality service to patients than doctors

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Guest Essay

Nurses Deserve Better. So Do Their Patients.

argumentative essay on nursing

By Linda H. Aiken

Dr. Aiken is a professor of nursing and sociology and the founding director of the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing.

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed strengths in the nation’s health care system — one of the greatest being our awesome nurses. But it also exposed many weaknesses, foremost among them being chronic nurse understaffing in hospitals , nursing homes and schools .

More nurses died of job-related Covid than any other type of health care worker. The more than 1,140 U.S. nurses who lost their lives in the first year of the pandemic knew the risks to themselves and their families. And yet they stayed in harm’s way. They cared for their fallen co-workers. They went to New York from around the country to fight on the front lines in the first Covid surge. Nurses from Northwell Health in New York returned that support by deploying to the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit in December when a surge occurred there.

We celebrate nurses now. We call them heroes. But if we value their sacrifices and want them to be there when we need them, we must prevent a return to the poor prepandemic working conditions that led to high nurse burnout and turnover rates even before Covid.

As a nurse with extensive clinical experience in hospitals, I found it nearly impossible to guarantee safe, effective and humane care to my patients. And so I established the world’s leading research center on nursing outcomes to understand the causes of nurse understaffing in the United States and abroad and to find solutions to the problem.

The United States has a robust supply of nurses . And there is no evidence that recruits to nursing have been deterred by Covid. To the contrary, applications to nursing schools increased during the pandemic.

Death, Through a Nurse’s Eyes

A short film offering a firsthand perspective of the brutality of the pandemic inside a covid-19 i.c.u..

I was looking through the window of a Covid I.C.U. And that’s when I realized I might see someone die. I didn’t even know who she was. But I was filled with immense grief as she edged closer to death by the hour. What I didn’t know yet was that by the time I left just two days later, at least three patients would be dead. The vaccine offers hope, but the sad truth is that the virus continues its brutal slaughter in I.C.U.s like this one in Phoenix, Ariz. The only people allowed in are health care workers. They’re overworked and underpaid in a deluged hospital. I wanted to know what it is like for them now, after a year of witnessing so much death. Eager to show us their daily reality, two nurses wore cameras so that for the first time we could see the I.C.U. through their eyes. “Unless you’re actually in there, you have no idea. Nobody can ever even imagine what goes on in there.” [MUSIC PLAYING] This I.C.U. contains 11 of the hospital’s sickest Covid patients. Most of them are in their 40s and 50s. And they are all on death’s door. It’s an incredibly depressing place. I blurred the patients faces to protect their privacy. But I also worried that blurring would rob them of their humanity. The family of this patient, the one who is rapidly declining, allowed her face to be shown. And they readily told me about her. Her name is Ana Maria Aragon. She’s a school administrator and a 65-year-old grandmother. Sara Reynolds, the nurse in charge of this I.C.U., organized a video call with Ana’s family to give them a chance to be with her just in case she didn’t make it. “It just breaks my heart when I hear families saying goodbye.” You might expect the doctors to be running the show. But it is really the nurses who are providing the vast majority of the care. “We do everything. We give them baths every night.” “Rubbing lotion on their feet.” “Shave the guys’ faces.” “Cleaning somebody up that had a bowel movement. It doesn’t even register as something gross.” “Look, I walk into the room. I say, hey, sounds like you have Covid. And I might order a chest X-ray. I might order blood work. I might order catheters. All that stuff is done by the nurse. I may have spent 10 minutes. The nurse might spend seven or eight hours actually in the room, caring for them. Let’s say there was a day that nurses didn’t come to the hospital. It’s like, why are you even opening?” “Ibuprofen.” 12-hour-plus shifts, isolated in this windowless room, these nurses survive by taking care of each other. “Aww, thank you.” And by finding small doses of levity. [MUSIC - JAMES BAY, “LET IT GO”] “(SINGING) Wrong. Breeze.” “I’m getting older now, and there’s all these new young nurses coming out. And I feel like a mom to all of them. Morgan, she’s got big aspirations. She loves to snowboard, and she’s so smart. And Deb, Deb’s just— she’s funny.” “I tease her all the time. I can tell her to do anything, and she’ll just do it because I think she’s scared of me because I just always say, make sure you have no wrinkles in those sheets.” The patients spend most of their time on their stomachs because it makes it easier to breathe. But the nurses have to turn them often to prevent pressure sores. There was one woman in her 50s who was so critical that this simple procedure risked killing her. “Even just turning them on their side, their blood pressure will drop. Their oxygen levels will drop.” “Her heart had actually stopped the day before. And so the concern was if it was going to make her heart stop again.” “Then come over. Push.” “We were all watching the monitors.” “I felt relieved like, whew, we did it.” Arizona’s a notoriously anti-mask state. And it faced a huge post-holiday surge in Covid cases. In January, the month I was there, Arizona had the highest rate of Covid in the world. As a result, I.C.U.s like this one have too many patients and not enough nurses. “Because they’re so critical, they need continuous monitoring, sometimes just one nurse to one patient with normally what we have is two patients to one nurse. But there definitely are times when we’re super stretched and have to have a three-to-one assignment.” A nurse shortage has plagued hospitals over the past year. To help, traveler nurses have had to fly into hotspots. Others have been forced out of retirement. Especially strained are poorer hospitals like Valleywise, which serves a low-income, predominantly Latino community. “Many of our patients are uninsured. Some of them have Medicaid, which pays something but unfortunately not enough.” This means they simply can’t compete with wealthier hospitals for nurses. “There is a bidding war. The average nurse here, give or take, makes about $35 an hour. Other hospitals, a short mile or two away, might pay them $100.” “We lost a lot of staff because they took the travel contracts. How can you blame them? It’s sometimes a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a lot of money.” “Every single day I’m off, I get a call or a text. ‘Hey, we desperately need help. We need nurses. Can you come in?’” This nursing shortage isn’t just about numbers. “Physically it’s exhausting. We’re just running. We don’t have time to eat or drink or use the restroom.” “They have kids at home, doing online school. And I think, gosh, they haven’t even been able to check on their kids to see how they’re doing.” “My days off, I spend sleeping half the day because you’re exhausted. And eating because we don’t get to eat here often.” Nurses have been proud to be ranked the most trusted profession in America for nearly two decades. But during Covid, many worry they aren’t able to uphold the standards that earned them such respect. “I can’t give the quality of care that I normally would give.” “It’s absolutely dangerous.” “That’s demoralizing because we care. We’re nurses. It’s our DNA.” Ana had been in the hospital for over a month. Her family told me she was born in Mexico. She came to the States 34 years ago, first working in the fields before eventually landing her dream job in education. She’s beloved at her school. Former students often stop her in town and excitedly shout, Miss Anita. She was very cautious about Covid. She demanded her family always wear a mask and yelled at them to stay home. Yet, tragically, she somehow still caught it. “She had been declining over the course of several days. It’s a picture we have seen far too often that we know, this one is going to be coming soon.” Because there is no cure for Covid, the staff can only do so much. Once all the ventilator settings and the medications are maxed out, keeping a patient alive will only do more harm than good. So Ana’s family was forced to make a tough decision. “And I talked to family and let them know that we have offered her, we have given, we have done everything that we can, there’s nothing more that we can do. The family made the decision to move to comfort care.” “If I’m there while someone’s passing, I always hold their hand. I don’t want somebody to die alone. That’s something that brings me peace.” “Thank you.” “Thank you.” “Dance floor is packed. People hugging, holding hands, and almost no one wearing a face mask.” “I think like many health care workers, I’m angry a lot. And my faith in humanity has dwindled.” “How can you think this isn’t a real thing? How can you think that it’s not a big deal?” “Free your face. Free your face.” Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey has advocated for personal responsibility over mask mandates even though he’s been photographed maskless at a gathering and his son posted a video of a crowded dance party. “Even on the outside, they go, I don’t care. I’m not wearing a mask. I’m not getting the vaccine. That’s bullshit. The second they come into the hospital, they want to be saved. Never do they say, ‘I made the decision. I’m accepting this. Don’t do anything, doctor.’” Half a million people in this country have died from Covid. Many have been in I.C.U.s with nurses, not family members holding patients’ hands. “I always wonder, are they still going to be there when I get to work? It’s on my mind when I get home. Are they going to make it through the night? There’s one that I can think of right now.” One patient in his late 50s was so critical that he required constant supervision. Each of his breaths looked painful. “There was one day that he was kind of— he was looking a little bit better. And so he was able to shake his head and smile. And we set up a video call for him. And it was just the sweetest thing ever. I could hear his little grandson— he was probably 4 years old or so. And I saw him on the screen, too. And he was just jumping up and down, so excited. ‘You’re doing it, Grandpa. You’re doing it. We love you. Look at you. You’re getting better.’ It just broke my heart. It broke my heart. He’s one that I don’t think is going to be there when I get back on Sunday.” But I’d already been told something Sara hadn’t. The patient’s family had decided to take him off life support. “Yesterday they did? Oh. And I just think of his little grandson. And ‘you’re doing it, Grandpa. You’re doing it.’” He wasn’t the only patient who didn’t make it. When I went back to the hospital, I noticed that the bed of the patient I’d seen get flipped over was empty. My heart sank. I knew this meant she’d passed away. “What’s sad is when I go back, those beds will be full. They’ll have somebody else there just as sick with another long stretch of a few weeks ahead of them before it’s time for their family to make that decision.” I’d never before seen someone die. And even though I didn’t know these people, witnessing their deaths left me sleepless, exhausted, and depressed. It’s unfathomable to me that these nurses have gone through that every single week, sometimes every single day for an entire year. I assumed the nurses must block out all the deaths to be able to keep going, but they don’t. They grieve every single one. “I’ve always loved being a nurse. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do. And these last couple months, it’s definitely made me question my career choice.” And what makes their situation so tragic is that many of these nurses hide their trauma, leaving them feeling isolated and alone. “We’re the only ones that know what we’re going through. I don’t really want to tell my family about everything because I don’t want them to feel the same emotions that I feel. I don’t want them to know that I carry that burden when it— that it is a lot. I’m Mom. I’m strong. I can do anything. And I don’t want them to see that.” Leadership in the pandemic hasn’t come from elected officials or spiritual guides but from a group that is underpaid, overworked and considered secondary, even in their own workplaces. As so many others have dropped the ball, nurses have worked tirelessly out of the spotlight to save lives, often showing more concern for their patients than for themselves. I worry their trauma will persist long after we re-emerge from hibernation. Covid’s legacy will include a mass PTSD on a scale not felt since World War II. This burden should not be ignored. “Thank you. Thank you. I feel, yeah. And you’re all amazing.” [MUSIC PLAYING]

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Nevertheless, we find ourselves too often with a shortage of nursing care. Many decades of research reveal two major reasons: First, poor working conditions, including not enough permanent employer-funded positions for nurses in hospitals, nursing homes and schools. And second, the failure of states to enact policies that establish and enforce safe nurse staffing; enable nurses to practice where they are needed, which is often across state borders; and modernize nurse licensing rules so that nurses can use their full education and expertise.

Training more nurses cannot solve these problems. But more responsible management practices in health care, along with better state policies, could.

Not only are states not requiring safe nurse staffing, but individuals also do not have the information and tools they need to pick hospitals and nursing homes based on nurse staffing or to advocate better staffing at their hospitals and nursing homes.

Ninety percent of the public in a recent Harris Poll agreed that hospitals and nursing homes should be required to meet safe nurse staffing standards. But powerful industry stakeholders — such as hospital and nursing home organizations and, often, medical societies — are strongly opposed and usually defeat legislation.

The New York State Legislature is the first in the postpandemic era to fail to approve proposed safe nurse staffing standards for hospitals. The legislature passed a bill that did not require safe nursing ratios, opting instead for internal committees at hospitals to oversee nursing and patient safety. This happened despite compelling evidence that the legislation would have resulted in more than 4,370 fewer deaths and saved more than $720 million over a two-year study period through shorter hospital stays.

What are the solutions? While there are some actions the federal government could take, the states have most of the power because of their licensing authority over occupations and facilities. The hospital and nursing home industries have long failed to police their members to remove the risk of nurse understaffing. So states should set meaningful safe nurse staffing standards, following the example of California, where hospital nurses cannot care for more than five adult patients at a time outside of intensive care. State policies are tremendously influential in health care delivery and deserve greater public attention and advocacy, as they are also ripe for exploitation by special interests.

In states with restrictive nurse licensing rules, many governors used their emergency powers during Covid surges to waive restrictions. If they were not needed during a national medical emergency, why are they needed at all?

Still, the federal government has a role to play: It should require hospitals to report patient-to-nurse staffing ratios on the Medicare Hospital Compare website, because transparency motivates improvement. The federal government could incentivize the states to pass model nurse practice acts.

We need influential champions taking on special interests so that states will make policy changes that are in the public’s interest. AARP is using its clout to advocate nurse-friendly policies. But health insurers and companies such as CVS, Walgreens and Walmart that provide health care have been on the sidelines.

While we long to go back to pre-Covid life, returning to chronic nurse understaffing in hospitals, nursing homes and schools would be a big mistake. We owe nurses and ourselves better health care resources. The so-called nurse shortage has become an excuse for not doing more to make health care safe, effective and patient-centered. State legislators must do their job. Health care leaders must fund enough positions for nurses and create reasonable working conditions so that nurses will be there to care for us all.

Linda H. Aiken is a professor of nursing and sociology and the founding director of the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing.

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An earlier version of this article misstated the status of legislation on nurse staffing standards in New York State. The bill passed without setting minimum nursing ratios; it did not fail to pass.

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Nursing Essay Examples

Cathy A.

Nursing Essay Examples That Will Help You Write a Stellar Paper

Published on: May 6, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024

nursing essay examples

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Many nursing students struggle with writing effective nursing essays, which are an essential part of their education and professional development.

Poor essay writing skills can lead to low grades and an inability to effectively communicate important information.

This blog provides a comprehensive guide to writing nursing essays with examples and tips for effective writing. Whether you are a nursing student or a professional looking to improve your writing skills, this blog has something for you. 

By following the tips and examples provided, you can write compelling nursing essays that showcase your dedication to the field.

Let’s get started.

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What is a Nursing Essay?

A nursing essay is a type of academic writing that aims to explore a particular topic related to nursing. It also presents a clear and concise argument or viewpoint supported by evidence. 

Nursing essays can take many forms, including:

  • Descriptive essays
  • Reflective essays
  • Analytical essays
  • Persuasive essays

What is the Importance of the Nursing Essay?

Nursing essays are important for several reasons. First, they help nursing students develop critical thinking skills by requiring them to analyze and evaluate information.

Second, they help students develop research skills by requiring them to locate and use credible sources to support their arguments. 

Third, nursing essays help students develop communication skills by requiring them to present their ideas clearly and concisely in writing. Finally, nursing essays are important for nursing education because they prepare students for the types of writing.

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To help students better understand how to write nursing essays, it can be helpful to review examples.

Below are some examples of nursing essays.

Nursing School Essay Examples

College Nursing Essay Examples

Graduate Nursing Essay Examples

Nursing Scholarship Essay Examples

Nursing Essay Conclusion Examples

Nursing Essay Examples of Different Fields

Nursing is a diverse field with many different specialties and areas of focus. As a result, nursing essays can take many different forms and cover a wide range of topics. 

Given below are some examples of different types of nursing essays:

Personal Philosophy Of Nursing - Essay Examples

Cal State Fullerton Nursing Essay Examples

Evidence Based Practice Nursing In Medical Field - Essay Examples

Leadership In Nursing And Healthcare Professionals - Essay Examples

Principles Of Professional Practice Of Nursing Professionals And Pharmacists

If you're seeking additional examples of nursing essays, you're in luck! 

Below are some more examples that can help you gain a better understanding of nursing essays:

Health Care And Reflective Models For Nursing - Essay Examples

History Of Nursing Essay Examples

Ethical Dilemma In Nurses Work - Essay Examples

Mental Health Nursing Essay Examples

Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Working In A Team And Collaboration In Nursing

How to Write a Nursing Essay

Writing a nursing essay can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience.

Here are the key steps involved in writing a nursing essay:

Understanding the Topic and Question

The first step in writing a nursing essay is to carefully read and understand the topic and question. 

This will help you determine what information you need to research and include in your essay. Make sure you understand any key terms or concepts related to the topic. Consider different perspectives or viewpoints that may be relevant.

Researching the Topic

Once you have a clear understanding of the topic and question, it's time to research. 

Start by gathering information from credible sources such as academic journals, textbooks, and government websites. 

Consider both primary and secondary sources, and make sure to take detailed notes as you read.

Organizing and Outlining the Essay

Once you have completed your research, it's time to organize your ideas and create an outline for your essay. 

Start by identifying the main points or arguments you want to make, and then organize them into a logical order that flows well. 

Your outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Writing the Essay

With your outline in place, it's time to start writing your essay. Make sure to follow your outline closely, and use clear and concise language that effectively communicates your ideas. 

Use evidence from your research to support your arguments, and cite your sources appropriately.

Editing and Revising the Essay

Once you have completed a first draft of your essay, take some time to edit and revise it. Look for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation, and make sure your essay is well-organized and flows well. 

Consider asking a peer or instructor to review your essay and provide feedback.

What To Include In Your Nursing Essay

When writing a nursing essay, there are several key elements that you should include. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Introduction

Your introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic and purpose of your essay. It should also include a clear thesis statement that presents your main argument or point of view.

  • Background Information

Provide some background information on the topic to help the reader better understand the context of your essay. This can include relevant statistics, historical information, or other contextual details.

  • Evidence and Examples

Use evidence and examples from your research to support your arguments and demonstrate your knowledge of the topic. Make sure to cite your sources appropriately and use a variety of sources to strengthen your argument.

  • Analysis and Evaluation

Provide analysis and evaluation of the evidence and examples you've presented. This can include discussing strengths and weaknesses, comparing and contrasting different viewpoints, or offering your own perspective on the topic.

Your conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis statement. It should also offer some final thoughts or suggestions for further research or action.

Nursing Essay Topic Ideas

Choosing a topic for your nursing essay can be challenging, but there are many areas in the field that you can explore. Here are some nursing essay topic ideas to consider:

  • The role of technology in nursing practice
  • The impact of cultural diversity on healthcare delivery
  • Nursing leadership and management in healthcare organizations
  • Ethical issues in nursing practice
  • The importance of patient-centered care in nursing practice
  • The impact of evidence-based practice on nursing care
  • The role of nursing in promoting public health
  • Nursing education and the importance of lifelong learning
  • The impact of nursing shortages on healthcare delivery
  • The importance of communication in nursing practice

These are just a few ideas to get you started. You can also explore other topics related to nursing that interest you or align with your academic or professional goals. 

Remember to choose a topic that is relevant, interesting, and feasible to research and write about.

Tips for Writing an Effective Nursing Essay

Writing a successful nursing essay requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you write an effective nursing essay:

  • Writing Concisely and Clearly

Nursing essays should be written in clear and concise language, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical terms. Use simple language and short sentences to help ensure that your ideas are communicated clearly and effectively.

  • Stating a Clear Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement should clearly state your main argument and provide a roadmap for the rest of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and located at the end of your introduction.

  • Using Proper Citation and Referencing

Citing and referencing your sources is crucial in any academic writing, including nursing essays. Make sure to use proper citation and referencing styles, such as APA or MLA. Include a reference list or bibliography at the end of your essay.

  • Seeking Feedback and Revising

Before submitting your nursing essay, seek feedback from peers, professors, or writing tutors. Use their feedback to revise and improve your essay. Make sure that it is well-structured, coherent, and effectively communicates your point of view.

By following these tips, you can write a nursing essay that demonstrates your knowledge and skills in the field.

In conclusion, writing a successful nursing essay requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. 

To showcase your knowledge in the field of nursing, it is important to have a clear understanding of the topic at hand. When writing your nursing essay, be sure to include relevant examples, incorporate current research, and use proper citation and referencing. 

And remember , seeking feedback and revising your essay is key to ensuring that it effectively communicates your ideas and arguments.

If you need help with your nursing essay or any other type of academic writing, consider using our AI essay writer . 

Our nursing essay writing service can provide personalized support to help you succeed in your academic goals.

So, why wait? Contact us to get college essay writing help today! 

Cathy A. (Literature)

For more than five years now, Cathy has been one of our most hardworking authors on the platform. With a Masters degree in mass communication, she knows the ins and outs of professional writing. Clients often leave her glowing reviews for being an amazing writer who takes her work very seriously.

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argumentative essay on nursing

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109 Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics To Ace Your Paper

Oct 15, 2022

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Oct 15, 2022 | Topics

Nursing is a job that requires a lot of patience, attention to detail, and critical thinking. If you’ve ever had the pleasure or displeasure of being in a hospital or doctor’s office (and we all have at some point or another), then you know how important it is to have nurses around who can make sure that everything goes smoothly. Nursing is an important profession because it keeps us healthy!

Nursing argumentative essay topics can help you write an essay on any aspect of nursing: whether it be why nursing is important or what makes good nursing different from bad nursing. In this article, we will look at some awesome essay ideas for topics about nursing so that you can ace your next assignment!

Best Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

  • What makes a good nurse?
  • The importance of nursing in our society today.
  • How can we improve the quality of nursing care in America? 1. Nursing: A Field in Crisis
  • Why Nurses Are Important to Our Health
  • How Nurses Can Help Reduce Healthcare Costs
  • The Importance of Patient-Centered Care in Nursing
  • What can be done to improve the conditions in nursing homes?
  • Are there ways to reduce hospital-acquired infections?
  • Should patients be allowed to have more say in their own care? Why or why not?
  • How do we ensure that nurses’ rights are protected at work? Is legislation enough, or are there other ways to achieve this goal?
  • How do we ensure that nurses are paid fairly for the work they do?
  • What can be done to reduce the rate of burnout among nursing students?
  • How can we better prepare future nurses for the challenges of their profession?
  • Should we require all registered nurses to have a bachelor’s degree in nursing? Why or why not?
  • Should nurses be allowed to prescribe medicines?
  • Would this help reduce the burden on physicians, or would it lead to more problems than it solves
  • Should there be limits on how many patients a nurse can care for at once?
  • What are some practical solutions that could help reduce the cost of healthcare in America?
  • How do we ensure that all people have access to high-quality medical care?
  • Are there ways to make sure that nurses’ voices are heard at work without resorting to strikes or other forms of protest?

Simple Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should hospitals be required to provide free healthcare to all patients?
  • What can be done about the shortage of nurses in America?
  • How do we ensure that all people have access to high-quality medical care? Is this even possible?
  • The importance of nurses in the healthcare industry
  • What it means to be a nurse in the 21st century
  • How nurses can help patients who have lost hope
  • How modern hospitals need to change their policies and procedures to accommodate new technology so that they can better serve their patients
  • The best ways for nurses to evaluate new technology with regard to how it will impact patient care
  • How nurse practitioners can help ease the burden on an overworked nursing staff
  • How technology can help nurses perform their jobs more efficiently
  • The best ways for nurses to adapt to new technology so that they can improve care
  • How hospital administrators must incorporate patient feedback into their decision-making process

Interesting Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

  • How technology will change the way nurses perform their jobs
  • How the nursing profession will be impacted by new technology
  • The best ways for nurses to evaluate new technology so that they can improve patient care
  • How hospital administrators should incorporate patient feedback into their decision-making process
  • The best ways for nurses to adapt to new technology so that they can improve patient care
  • How nurses can protect their patients from the dangers of new technology
  • The most effective way hospitals can prepare for the rise in elderly patients
  • The best ways for nurses to adapt to new technology are so that they can improve care.
  • A comparison of the different types of technologies available at different hospitals and their effectiveness
  • An argument about whether or not patients should be allowed access to their medical records
  • The nursing shortage is a serious problem in the nursing community. Have you ever wondered what causes it?
  • Do nurses need to be trained in more advanced techniques and have access to new technologies?
  • What is the best way for nurses to manage their time effectively, especially when it comes to patient care?
  • Are there any regulations that are too strict when it comes to patient care, and do they need revising or changing altogether?
  • Are nurses allowed enough autonomy at work so they can make decisions based on their own judgment, or do they feel too restricted by rules and regulations?

Easy Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The importance of wearing a medical mask in hospitals
  • The need to wear gloves at all times when handling patients
  • How the use of disinfectant can help prevent the spread of infection
  • Why it is important for nurses to wear their name badges at all times while on duty in a hospital
  • Why nurses should not be allowed to work more than 48 hours per week
  • How important it is to maintain safe hygiene practices while working in a hospital setting
  • Why it is important for doctors and nurses not to get involved with each other romantically
  • How effective mental health training can improve patient outcomes
  • Whether or not there should be assigned seating arrangements in hospitals
  • How much time should be spent on each patient during shift change

Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics on Nursing

  • Should nurses be allowed to work more than 48 hours per week?
  • How effective is mental health training for doctors and nurses?
  • What are some ways to improve patient outcomes when working in a hospital setting?
  • Should nurses be allowed to wear their name badges at all times while on duty in a hospital?
  • Do nurses need to be certified to practice their profession?
  • Should nurses wear uniforms or regular clothes to work?
  • Does your hospital or clinic have enough space for nursing students and new nurses, or is there room for improvement in this area?
  • Are hospitals and clinics safe places to work? If not, what could be done to make them safer for employees and patients alike?
  • How can we encourage more people to become nurses because of the shortage of qualified professionals in this field of medicine right now?
  • Night shift nurses deserve to make more income than nurses on the day shift

Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School

  • What is the best way to treat a patient with an earache?
  • Which treatment option is better for a patient with a broken leg: physical therapy or surgery?
  • If you needed to choose between two medications which one would you select and why?
  • You have a patient with a broken leg. Physical therapy is an option, but so is surgery. Which treatment would you choose? Why?
  • What is your opinion on the use of antibiotics in patients with ear infections?
  • What do you think about this policy? Is it fair to hold healthcare providers accountable for their patient’s decision-making? Why or why not?
  • Significance of promoting nursing practices.
  • What steps can nurses take to deal with patients in backward regions, where there is a lack of medical infrastructure?
  • Should nurses receive bonuses due to the results of patients’ treatment?
  • Home nursing should include mandatory supervision.

Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics for High School

  • Nursing Homes or Retirement Homes
  • Nurses vs. Doctors
  • Preventative Medicine vs. Curative Medicine
  • Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
  • Hospitals’ Role in Healthcare Delivery System in the US
  • The Effect of Cultural Differences on Health Care Delivery Systems
  • The Effect of Technology on Health Care Delivery Systems
  • The Role of Government in Healthcare Delivery Systems
  • The Effect of Healthcare Reform on Health Care Delivery Systems
  • Health Care Reform and the Future of Healthcare Delivery Systems
  • Healthcare Delivery Systems: A Brief History

Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics for College

  • The Role of the Nurse Practitioner in Primary Health Care
  • The Importance of Patient Privacy and Confidentiality in Healthcare Settings
  • How Technology Can Improve Quality of Life for Persons with Disabilities
  • The Role of Nurses in Public Health Care Reforms
  • The Benefits and Risks Associated with In-Home Care vs Long Term Hospitalization, Where Should a Person With Chronic Disease Receive Treatment?
  • What Are the Risk Factors Associated With Postpartum Depression ?
  • The Risks and Benefits of Using Plastic Surgery as a Treatment Option for Patients with Body Dysmorphic Disorder
  • Is Homosexuality an Illness?
  • What Are the Causes of Diabetes?
  • Why Do Some People Become Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol?
  • The Benefits of Using Medical Marijuana as a Treatment Option for Patients with Cancer

Need Our Help with your Nursing Argumentative Essay

Our writing service can help you with your nursing argumentative essay . We have a team of experts who can help you with your nursing argumentative essay. Our writers are experienced and qualified in essay writing , so they can deliver the best results.

Our prices are affordable, so it’s easy for you to hire us for your application essay, case study, research paper, or project. And our writers are native English speakers, so there won’t be any problems when communicating with them about the project

If you’re looking for a way to get started on writing a nursing essay, we hope this list has given you some inspiration. Remember that these are just some of the possible topics—there are plenty more! And if one of them doesn’t quite fit your needs, don’t worry. Just try another one until you find something that does work for your project.

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With a passion for education and student empowerment, I create blog content that speaks directly to the needs and interests of students. From study hacks and productivity tips to career exploration and personal development

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The Case for Nursing: Why I Want to Pursue a Career in Healthcare

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Nursing Debate Topics: The Importance of Discussing and Debating Nursing Issues


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Nursing Debate Topics The Importance of Discussing and Debating Nursing Issues

As healthcare continues to evolve, nursing debate topics have become increasingly important. Nurses have to make tough decisions every day, and discussing these topics can provide guidance and support. In this article, we will explore some of the nursing debate topics that are being discussed and debated by the nursing community.

Certification and Education

One of the ongoing debates in nursing is the benefits of obtaining certification in specialty areas such as wound care , oncology, or palliative care . Nurses who obtain certification in these areas are better equipped to provide better patient care. Another debate is about requiring nurses to obtain a master’s degree in nursing before practicing as a nurse practitioner. Advocates argue that a master’s degree better prepare nurses for the complexities of the role. Additionally, requiring certification in basic life support (BLS) and advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) can help improve patient outcomes.

Debate Topics on Certification and Education in Nursing:

  • Are certification exams a reliable measure of nurses’ competency in specialty areas?
  • Should continuing education be mandatory for all nurses to maintain licensure?
  • Should certification be required for nurses who administer chemotherapy?
  • Is it necessary for nurses to obtain certification in wound care?
  • Should nurses be required to obtain certification in critical care before working in an ICU?
  • Should nurses be required to obtain certification in geriatric care before working in a nursing home?
  • Is certification in oncology nursing necessary to provide quality care to cancer patients?
  • Should certification in palliative care be required for hospice and end-of-life care nurses?
  • Should nurses be required to obtain certification in pediatric care before working in a pediatric unit?
  • Should certification in pain management be required for nurses who administer pain medication?
  • Should nurses be required to obtain certification in mental health before working in a psychiatric unit?
  • Should certification in infection control be mandatory for all nurses?
  • Is certification in IV therapy necessary for all nurses?
  • Should certification in neonatal care be required for nurses who work in a neonatal ICU?
  • Should certification in cardiac care be required for nurses who work in a cardiac ICU?
  • Should nurses be required to obtain certification in public health nursing?
  • Government responsibility in balancing public and private healthcare
  • Is certification in occupational health nursing necessary?
  • Should certification in forensic nursing be required for nurses who work in a correctional facility?
  • Should certification in emergency nursing be required for nurses who work in an emergency department?
  • Should certification in hospice and palliative care nursing be required for nurses who work in a hospice facility?
  • Should nurses be required to obtain certification in informatics before working in an electronic health record (EHR) system?
  • Should certification in nursing administration be required for nurse managers?
  • Should certification in nursing education be required for nurse educators?
  • Should nurses be required to obtain certification in case of management before working in a case management role?
  • Should certification in rehabilitation nursing be required for nurses who work in a rehabilitation center?
  • Should certification in diabetes nursing be required for nurses who work with diabetic patients?
  • Should certification in home health nursing be required for nurses who provide home health care?
  • Should certification in community health nursing be required for nurses who work in community health settings?
  • Should certification in nursing informatics be required for nurses who work in telehealth?
  • Should certification in wound, ostomy, and continence nursing be required for nurses who work with patients with chronic wounds?
  • Should certification in gastroenterology nursing be required for nurses who work in a gastroenterology unit?
  • Should certification in orthopedic nursing be required for nurses who work in an orthopedic unit?
  • Should certification in perianesthesia nursing be required for nurses who work in a post-anesthesia care unit?
  • Should certification in transplant nursing be required for nurses who work with transplant patients?
  • Should certification in urologic nursing be required for nurses who work in a urology unit?
  • Should certification in dermatology nursing be required for nurses who work with patients with skin conditions?
  • Healthcare management: career paths and requirements
  • Should certification in oncology nursing be required for nurses who work with patients receiving chemotherapy?
  • Should certification in rheumatology nursing be required for nurses who work with patients with rheumatic conditions?
  • Should certification in infectious disease nursing be required for nurses who work with patients with infectious diseases?
  • Should certification in plastic surgery nursing be required for nurses who work with plastic surgery patients?

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Scope of Practice

Nursing scope of practice is another area of debate. One of the debates is whether to allow nurses to perform certain surgical procedures without physician supervision. Advocates argue that this would improve patient access to care and reduce costs. Another debate is whether to allow nurses to prescribe and administer medical cannabis. Advocates argue that this would provide patients with alternative treatments for chronic pain, anxiety, and other conditions. Additionally, allowing nurses to assist with physician-assisted suicide is a controversial debate.

Exploring the Boundaries: Controversial Issues in Nursing Scope of Practice

  • Is it appropriate for nurses to delegate certain tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel?
  • Should advanced practice registered nurses be allowed to practice independently without physician oversight?
  • Is it within a nurse’s scope of practice to prescribe medication?
  • Should registered nurses be allowed to perform certain medical procedures, such as intubation?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to provide mental health counseling to patients?
  • Should nurses be allowed to initiate treatment plans without a physician’s order?
  • The debate over nurse practitioners operating independent clinics
  • The role of nurses in prescribing medications: Overstepping boundaries?
  • Should nurses be trained in minor surgical procedures?
  • The debate over nurses providing anesthesia without doctor supervision
  • The pros and cons of expanding the scope of practice for nurse midwives
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to diagnose certain medical conditions?
  • Should registered nurses be allowed to perform certain surgical procedures, such as wound debridement?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to administer anesthesia?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain radiologic procedures, such as taking x-rays?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to provide palliative sedation to patients?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain diagnostic procedures, such as ultrasound?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform end-of-life care tasks, such as pronouncing death?
  • Should nurses be allowed to prescribe medical marijuana for certain conditions?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain complementary and alternative medicine therapies, such as acupuncture?
  • Should nurses be allowed to participate in assisted suicide procedures?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain reproductive health procedures, such as intrauterine device insertion?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain cosmetic procedures, such as Botox injections?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain infectious disease control procedures, such as isolation orders?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain genetic testing procedures?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain therapeutic procedures, such as physical therapy?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain invasive procedures, such as lumbar punctures?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain diagnostic imaging procedures, such as MRI scans?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain mental health assessments, such as suicide risk assessments?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain pediatric procedures, such as circumcision?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain procedures related to sexual health, such as Pap smears?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain emergency medical procedures, such as chest tube placement?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain medical procedures, such as colonoscopies?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain cardiac procedures, such as defibrillation?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain respiratory procedures, such as mechanical ventilation?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain procedures related to substance abuse treatment, such as medication-assisted treatment?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain ophthalmologic procedures, such as eye exams?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain procedures related to sleep medicine, such as sleep studies?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain gastroenterological procedures, such as endoscopy?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain procedures related to pain management, such as nerve blocks?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain procedures related to occupational health, such as hearing tests?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain procedures related to addiction treatment, such as suboxone administration?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain procedures related to neurology, such as lumbar punctures?
  • Is it appropriate for nurses to perform certain procedures related to cardiology, such as echocardiograms?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain procedures related to dermatology, such as skin biopsies?

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations are vital in nursing debate topics. One of the debates is whether nurses should participate in medical assistance in dying (MAID). Advocates argue that nurses should be allowed to participate in MAID because it is part of their role in providing patient-centered care. Another debate is whether nurses should be allowed to refuse care to patients who exhibit violent or aggressive behavior. Advocates argue that nurses should be allowed to refuse care to protect themselves and other patients. Additionally, allowing nurses to administer medical cannabis raises ethical concerns.

Exploring Controversial Ethical Issues: Debating Topics and Perspectives

  • Is it ethical to use animals for scientific experimentation?
  • Should the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports be allowed?
  • Should parents be allowed to choose the genetic traits of their future children?
  • Should medical professionals be allowed to refuse treatment based on personal beliefs?
  • Is it ethical to use genetic engineering to create “designer babies”?
  • Should assisted suicide be legalized for terminally ill patients?
  • Should individuals be allowed to sell their organs for transplant?
  • Should healthcare be considered a basic human right?
  • Comparing faith practices in healthcare: Sikhism, Judaism, Bahaism, and Christianity
  • Is it ethical to use social media data for psychological research?
  • The ethical implications of nurses participating in assisted suicide
  • Debate over nurses’ right to conscientiously object to certain medical procedures
  • The ethical challenges of nursing care in correctional facilities
  • Nurses’ role in advocating for patient rights vs. hospital policies
  • The debate over mandatory vaccinations for nurses
  • Should there be limits on how much information tech companies can collect about individuals?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Is it ethical for companies to use sweatshop labor?
  • Should individuals be allowed to choose their own gender identity?
  • Should there be limits on the use of artificial intelligence in military operations?
  • Is it ethical to use AI algorithms to make decisions that affect people’s lives?
  • Should doctors be allowed to prescribe placebos without informing the patient?
  • Should pharmaceutical companies be allowed to charge exorbitant prices for life-saving drugs?
  • Is it ethical to use drones for targeted killings?
  • Should individuals be allowed to use deadly force in self-defense?
  • Should countries be allowed to use torture as a means of obtaining information from suspected terrorists?
  • Should whistleblowers be protected from legal action for revealing confidential information?
  • Is it ethical to use big data to predict and prevent crimes?
  • Should countries be allowed to conduct surveillance on their citizens in the interest of national security?
  • Should genetic testing be mandatory for certain diseases?
  • Should individuals be allowed to own exotic animals as pets?
  • Should individuals be allowed to sell their own data to companies?
  • Should individuals have the right to refuse medical treatment on religious grounds?
  • Should medical professionals be allowed to disclose confidential patient information in certain circumstances?
  • Is it ethical to use data mining techniques to target advertising to specific demographics?
  • Should parents be allowed to refuse medical treatment for their children on religious grounds?
  • Should medical professionals be allowed to conduct research on their own patients?
  • Should individuals be allowed to sue for emotional damages?
  • Is it ethical to use autonomous weapons systems in warfare?
  • Should companies be held liable for the actions of their autonomous robots?
  • Should individuals be allowed to modify their own genes for non-medical reasons?
  • Should individuals be allowed to opt out of vaccinations for personal or religious beliefs?
  • Should there be limits on the use of gene editing technology for animals?
  • Should individuals be allowed to opt out of certain medical procedures for personal or religious beliefs?
  • Should medical professionals be allowed to refuse to provide care to patients who have made lifestyle choices they disagree with?
  • Should individuals be allowed to refuse medical treatment for mental illness on religious grounds?

Patient Care

Patient care is a crucial aspect of nursing. One of the debates is maintaining minimum staffing ratios for registered nurses in nursing homes. Advocates argue that this would improve patient outcomes and reduce errors. Another debate is about providing care for patients with different cultural beliefs and practices. Advocates argue that nurses need to be aware of cultural differences to provide culturally sensitive care. Additionally, administering medications through non-traditional routes, such as intranasal or transdermal, is a topic of debate.

Exploring Controversies in Patient Care: Topics Up for Debate

  • Is it ethical to deny medical treatment to undocumented immigrants?
  • Should patients have the right to refuse life-saving medical treatment?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to use restraints on patients who are a danger to themselves or others?
  • Euthanasia: an analysis of utilitarian approach
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to administer involuntary psychiatric treatment to patients who are a danger to themselves or others?
  • Should healthcare providers be required to provide care to patients with communicable diseases even if they have personal objections?
  • Should patients have the right to assisted suicide or euthanasia?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to refuse to provide care to patients based on personal or religious beliefs?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to disclose a patient’s medical information without their consent in emergency situations?
  • The debate over rationing care in resource-limited settings
  • The ethical challenges of providing care to non-compliant patients
  • The pros and cons of alternative medicine in nursing care
  • Debate over the use of restraints in patient care
  • The challenges of providing care to patients with controversial lifestyles
  • Should healthcare providers be required to disclose medical errors to patients and their families?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to engage in romantic or sexual relationships with their patients?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to perform unnecessary medical procedures for financial gain?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to withhold treatment from patients who are noncompliant with their medical advice?
  • Combating health care-associated infections: a community-based approach
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to prescribe opioids for chronic pain management?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to use placebos in medical treatment?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to participate in medical research without informed consent from patients?
  • Should healthcare providers be required to provide culturally competent care to patients from diverse backgrounds?
  • Should patients have access to alternative and complementary medicine treatments?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to deny care to patients who engage in risky behaviors, such as smoking or drinking alcohol?
  • Should healthcare providers be required to provide interpreters for patients who do not speak the same language as their healthcare provider?
  • Should healthcare providers be required to provide care to patients regardless of their ability to pay?
  • Should patients be allowed to sue their healthcare providers for medical malpractice?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to provide medical treatment to minors without parental consent?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to use physical restraints on patients with dementia or other cognitive impairments?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to participate in lethal injection executions?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to prescribe medical marijuana to patients?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to provide medical treatment to patients against their religious beliefs?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to use genetic testing to diagnose medical conditions in patients without their consent?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to use telemedicine to diagnose and treat patients remotely?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to prescribe off-label medication use?
  • Should healthcare providers be required to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to refuse to provide care to patients who are overweight or obese?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to use restraints on patients with developmental disabilities?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to provide medical treatment to prisoners?
  • Should healthcare providers be required to provide palliative care to patients with terminal illnesses?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to refuse to provide care to patients with mental health conditions?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to use mechanical ventilation on patients who are brain-dead?
  • Should healthcare providers be required to report suspected cases of elder abuse or neglect?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to prescribe medication for conditions that do not have FDA approval?
  • Should healthcare providers be required to provide patients with complete and accurate medical information?
  • Should healthcare providers be allowed to participate in clinical trials without informed consent from patients?

Nursing Workforce

The nursing workforce is another area of debate. One of the debates is preventing nurse burnout and fatigue resulting from working 12-hour shifts. Advocates argue that this would improve the working environment for nurses and provide better care for patients. Another debate is requiring nurses to undergo regular mental health evaluations. Advocates argue that this would help identify mental health issues early and provide appropriate treatment. Additionally, allowing nurses to refuse care to patients with a history of substance abuse or addiction is a topic of debate.

Debate Topics for Nursing Workforce

  • What impact does the nursing shortage have on patient care?
  • Is mandatory overtime ethical for nurses?
  • Should there be a minimum staffing ratio for nurses in healthcare facilities?
  • Should nurse practitioners be allowed to practice independently without physician oversight?
  • Should nurse practitioners be allowed to prescribe controlled substances?
  • Should foreign-trained nurses be allowed to work in the US without additional certification?
  • Should nurses be allowed to unionize?
  • Should nurses be required to have a BSN degree to practice?
  • Should nurses be required to complete a residency program after graduation?
  • Is it ethical to require nurses to work rotating shifts?
  • Should nurses be allowed to refuse to care for certain patients based on personal beliefs?
  • Should nurses be required to take on-call shifts?
  • Should nurses be required to work holidays?
  • Should nurses be allowed to work remotely?
  • Should there be a minimum wage for nurses?
  • Should nursing programs be required to teach cultural competency?
  • Should nurses be allowed to self-schedule their shifts?
  • Should nurses be required to work a certain number of hours per week?
  • Should nurses be required to complete continuing education to maintain their license?
  • Workplace violence in healthcare: causes, regulations, and prevention strategies
  • Should there be a cap on the number of patients a nurse can care for at one time?
  • Should nurses be allowed to refuse to work in certain specialties?
  • Should nurses be allowed to refuse to perform certain tasks?
  • The debate over mandatory nurse-to-patient ratios in hospitals
  • The impact of unionization on the nursing profession
  • The challenges and benefits of travel nursing
  • Debate over the role of nurse managers vs. bedside nurses
  • The future of nursing in the era of AI and automation
  • Should nursing schools be required to teach about the social determinants of health?
  • Should there be a standard nurse-to-patient ratio for home health care?
  • Should nurses be required to complete a certain number of clinical hours before graduation?
  • Should nurses be allowed to perform certain medical procedures without physician supervision?
  • Should nurses be allowed to administer anesthesia?
  • Should nursing programs be required to teach about environmental health?
  • Should nurses be required to have a certain amount of experience before working in certain specialties?
  • Combating workplace violence in nursing: the impact of policies, legislation, and organizational culture
  • Should nurses be required to undergo periodic drug testing?
  • Should nurses be allowed to work while pregnant?
  • Should nursing programs be required to teach about disaster preparedness?
  • Should nurses be allowed to refuse to work during a pandemic?
  • Should nurses be allowed to refuse to work in unsafe conditions?
  • Should nurses be required to wear body cameras to prevent workplace violence?
  • Should nurses be allowed to refuse to work in facilities that do not have adequate PPE?
  • Should nursing programs be required to teach about healthcare policy?
  • Should nurses be allowed to refuse to administer experimental treatments?
  • Should nurses be required to have a certain amount of experience before working as a charge nurse?
  • Should nurses be allowed to refuse to work in facilities that do not provide mental health support?

Harnessing the Power of Debate in Nursing Education

The art of debate is not just for politicians or lawyers. For nursing students and professionals, engaging in structured, informed debates can offer a multitude of benefits. Debates foster critical thinking, enhance communication skills, and expose participants to diverse perspectives, all of which are crucial in the dynamic world of healthcare.

Why Debates Matter in Nursing Education

  • Critical Thinking

Debating allows nursing students to analyze complex issues, evaluate evidence, and construct well-informed arguments. This skill is vital when making split-second decisions in clinical settings.

  • Effective Communication

Through debates, students learn to articulate their points clearly and persuasively, a skill essential for patient education, interdisciplinary collaboration, and advocacy.

  • Ethical Reasoning

Many debates in nursing revolve around ethical dilemmas. Engaging in these discussions helps students navigate the gray areas of healthcare, ensuring they provide care that aligns with their professional and personal values.

  • Exposure to Diverse Perspectives

Debates bring to light varied viewpoints, helping students appreciate the diversity of thought in healthcare. This exposure prepares them to provide culturally competent care and collaborate effectively with a diverse team.

Tips for Effective Debating in Nursing:

  • Stay Informed

The foundation of a compelling argument is knowledge. Regularly review the latest research, guidelines, and best practices in nursing.

  • Practice Active Listening

Before rebutting an argument, ensure you understand it. Active listening promotes mutual respect and often leads to more productive discussions.

  • Be Open-minded

While it’s essential to defend your position, remain open to changing your perspective based on new information or insights. Flexibility in thinking is a valuable trait in healthcare, where evidence and best practices continuously evolve.

  • Structure Your Argument

A well-structured argument is more persuasive. Start with your main point, provide evidence or examples, and conclude with a summary or implication of your argument.

  • Stay Calm and Respectful

Debates can become heated, especially when discussing deeply personal or controversial topics. It’s crucial to maintain professionalism, respect opposing views, and avoid personal attacks.

Benefits of Integrating Debates into Nursing Curriculum

Incorporating debates into the nursing curriculum can provide students with a platform to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. Here are some advantages:

  • Enhanced Engagement

Debates are interactive and dynamic, leading to increased student participation and engagement.

  • Skill Development

Apart from critical thinking and communication, debates also foster skills like research, teamwork, and public speaking.

  • Preparation for Real-world Scenarios

The topics debated often mirror real-world challenges in healthcare. Engaging in these discussions prepares students for the complexities they’ll face in their careers.

  • Promotion of Lifelong Learning

Debates often spark curiosity, leading students to delve deeper into topics, read more, and become lifelong learners.

In conclusion, debates are more than just academic exercises. They’re powerful tools that hone essential skills, promote critical thinking, and prepare nursing students for the multifaceted world of healthcare. As the nursing field continues to evolve, fostering a culture of discussion and debate will ensure that nurses remain at the forefront of patient care, advocating for best practices and optimal patient outcomes.

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Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics: 10 Questions Worth A Discussion

In a Nursing course you learn much more than just basic information; you learn how to show empathy and how to communicate with the patients. Especially if you want to pursue a career in this field, you need to get as much knowledge as you can in these years. An essay for this course is pretty simple to be done, as long as you put some effort into it, and you gather the right data. These ideas definitely worth a try:

  • What makes you a nurse?- There are so many characteristics that you need to have, and you can express your ideas on this topic. You can quote other personalities or your classmates for a different perspective.
  • Palliative care. – This is considered to be one of the most difficult branches of nursing, although some people chose to dedicate their life to patients. What are the biggest challenges in this field?
  • The basics of psychiatric nursing – It is much more difficult to care for a person who has a psychiatric disease, discuss some of the most important elements you need to watch out for.
  • Care for paralyzed patients – They require attention all the time and you need a lot of strength and empathy to be able to provide proper care.
  • Patient or parents? – There are times when parents don’t agree with medical decisions, and you will be put in a difficult position. What is your priority?
  • Autistic children- The parents very often don’t know how to take care of them properly, so they need the support of medical staff. Discuss the common characteristics of the disease.
  • Color therapy- This new type of therapy is suitable especially for patients who can’t communicate verbally in a normal manner.
  • Administrating pain drugs to children- For an adult, it is relatively easy to dose the medicine since he can tell you exactly how it hurts, but things are quite difficult with toddlers.
  • Rehabilitation- Even if we are talking about drugs or alcohol, patients need medical as well as emotional support to recover from their addiction.
  • The legal norms of healthcare- Even if you want to provide care for all patients, sometimes legal matters can stop you from doing this. Even if most of the countries have free health care, in some regions the patient needs to pay for any intervention.

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