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Mobile App Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Business Plan Outline

  • Mobile App Business Plan Home
  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Company Overview
  • 3. Industry Analysis
  • 4. Customer Analysis
  • 5. Competitive Analysis
  • 6. Marketing Plan
  • 7. Operations Plan
  • 8. Management Team
  • 9. Financial Plan

Start Your Mobile App Plan Here

Mobile App Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your mobile app business plan.

We have helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their mobile app businesses.

Mobile App Business Plan Example

Below are links to each of the key elements of a mobile app business plan template:

  • Executive Summary – In the Executive Summary, you will provide a general overview of your business plan including your target market, business model, and how you plan to make your business successful.
  • Company Overview – The Company Overview section will provide an overview of your app idea, history of the company, monetization strategy and milestones achieved.
  • Industry Analysis – From your market research, you will provide an industry analysis. This will include a discussion of the current mobile app industry landscape, trends, and issues facing your industry.
  • Customer Analysis – The Customer Analysis section will describe your target market. This includes information on demographics, psychographics, and behaviors.
  • Competitive Analysis – This section includes an overview of your direct and indirect competitors, their market share, your competitive advantage, and how you plan to compete against them.
  • Marketing Plan – The Marketing Plan section will describe your marketing strategy. This includes information on your target audience, pricing strategy, and promotional activities.
  • Operations Plan – The Operations Plan section of your mobile app business plan will describe your business operations.
  • Management Team – The Management Team section will provide information on the management members of your team. This includes their experience, education, and skills.
  • Financial Plan – In the Financial Plan section, you will provide the financial model and financial statements for your business. This includes your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

Next Section: Executive Summary >

Mobile App Business Plan FAQs

What is a mobile app business plan.

A mobile app business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your mobile app business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can  easily complete your mobile app business plan using our Mobile App Business Plan Template here .

What Are the Main Types of Mobile App Companies?

There are many types of mobile app companies across a variety of categories. There are mobile app companies that focus solely on mobile games. Others are exercise or wellness focused. Some mobile apps provide guidance on specific topics, some offer music streaming, and other apps provide help or assistance on a variety of topics. Many companies have developed company-specific mobile apps to allow users to become more connected with their products or offerings. For instance, most major brands, restaurants and financial services companies have company-specific mobile applications.

What Are the Main Sources of Revenue and Expenses for a Mobile App Business?

The primary source of revenue for mobile app companies are subscription paid by the users on an annual or monthly basis. Advertising (selling ad space to other companies on their app) is another significant revenue sources.

The key expenses for mobile app companies are the costs to advertise and generate users. These expenses are often in the form of targeted social media advertising or online targeted marketing. Some major mobile app companies pay to have their mobile apps advertised on television commercials or music streaming platforms. Another major expense for app companies are office space, employee salaries and technology licensing fees.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Mobile App Business Plan?

A mobile app startup is most likely to receive funding from angel investors and friends and family. Personal savings and credit cards are also often used. Venture capitalists will fund a business plan for an app once it achieves enough traction (e.g., enough users or generating enough revenue).

A well crafted mobile app business plan is essential for attracting any type of potential investor.  Most app startups require funding to get off the ground and cover at least their startup costs.

What are the Steps To Start a Mobile App Business?

Starting a mobile app development company can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Mobile App Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed business plan for an app that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include market research on the mobile app industry and potential market size, information on the mobile app concept, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.  

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your mobile app business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your mobile app business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Mobile App Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your mobile app business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your mobile app business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 

7. Acquire Necessary Mobile App Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your mobile app business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your mobile app business.  A mobile app marketing plan includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising. 

Learn more about how to start a successful mobile app business:

  • How to Start a Mobile App Business
  • How to Start a Mobile App Development Business

Where Can I Get a Mobile App Business Plan PDF?

You can download our free mobile app business plan template PDF here . This is a sample mobile app business plan template you can use in PDF format.

Comment réussir la commercialisation et le business plan de son application mobile ?

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Nos experts ont réalisé un un pack complet pour une application mobile , modifiable.

Les Français passent de plus en plus de temps sur leur mobile. Les téléphones portables se sont développés et la navigation mobile est maintenant beaucoup plus confortable que quelques années auparavant. Ce n'est pas étonnant si le mobile est devenu le support préféré des Français pour un usage quotidien.

Rédiger un bon business plan pour une application mobile est un exercice périlleux. En plus de tout ce qui est généralement requis pour réussir un business plan, vous devrez expliquer toutes les spécificités techniques de votre application et de son business model.

Souvent, au moment de la rédaction du business plan, l’application mobile n’est même pas encore développée. Pourtant, vous devez prouver à votre banquier ou à votre investisseur que votre application mobile sera un succès , que les utilisateurs vont se précipiter pour la télécharger, que la V2 sera encore mieux que la V1 et que vous allez conquérir les marchés étrangers.

Les business plans pour des applications mobiles servent souvent de supports pour des levées de fonds, en vue de financer une application mobile .

En effet, à cause des coûts importants de marketing de développement, ce sont des projets qui demandent des sommes importantes pour démarrer. C'est pour cela que les entrepreneurs se tournent souvent vers des investisseurs privés. Or, il s'avère que les investisseurs privés sont plus exigeants en termes de business plans que les banquiers. Un banquier a besoin de savoir si vous pouvez rembourser un crédit, un investisseur veut voir un projet qui lui permettra de faire x10 sur son investissement.

Dans l’article qui suit, nous vous donnons nos conseils essentiels pour réussir le business plan de votre application mobile. Du business model à la description de l'équipe en passant par la mise en forme du business plan et le plan d'action, notre équipe vous livre de précieux conseils pour réussir le business plan de votre application mobile.

Que doit contenir un business plan d’une app mobile ? Comment réussir le business plan ? Quel chiffre d’affaires votre application mobile peut-elle générer ? Comment faire le budget prévisionnel d’une application ? Comment prouver à un partenaire financier que son app peut devenir rentable ? Que doit contenir la partie financière d’un business plan d'application mobile ?

Nous répondons à toutes ces questions dans la suite de l’article.

Pour réussir le développement et la commercialisation de votre projet d'application mobile, vous pouvez aussi utiliser les ressources du pack complet pour concevoir une app mobile rentable .

application mobile business plan pdf

La présentation du business plan d’une application mobile

Dois-je faire un business plan avant de concevoir une application .

Oui, rédiger un business plan avant de développer et commercialiser votre app vous permettra de : - étudier le marché des applications mobiles dans sa globalité - comprendre les dernières tendances du secteur - identifier les facteurs de succès d’une app - mieux cerner les besoins de votre marché cible - construire une proposition de valeur convaincante pour votre app - identifier vos segments de clientèle - analyser la concurrence et ses faiblesses - trouver des avantages concurrentiels pour votre app -construire un plan de développement pour votre application - construire une stratégie marketing rentable - identifier les risques liées à la conception d'une app - prouver à un potentiel partenaire financier que votre projet est solide et rentable

Notre modèle de business plan pour une application mobile permet de remplir tous ces critères.

Que doit contenir le business plan d’une app mobile ?

Voici les 4 parties que l’on retrouve dans notre business plan pour une app : - la partie “Opportunité de Marché”, qui va servir à présenter le marché du développement mobile dans son ensemble - la partie “Présentation du Projet”, qui va présenter votre projet mobile - la partie “Étude de Marché”, pour l'étude de la clientèle, des concurrents et de l'environnement en général - la partie “Stratégie”, présentant le plan d'action pour développer une app rentable sur le long terme - la partie “Finances”, analysant les aspects financiers de votre projet d'app mobile

Le business plan d'une application mobile

Extrait de notre business plan pour une application mobile

Comment mettre son projet en valeur dans le business plan de son app?

Pour mettre en valeur un projet de développement d'une application, il faut notamment : - expliquer comment vous allez attirer vos premiers utilisateurs - expliquer comment vous allez créer de la valeur pour vos segments de marché - présenter une stratégie pour faire augmenter le nombre de téléchargements et le chiffre d’affaires de votre app - prouver que votre app mobile possède des avantages concurrentiels - prouver que le seuil de rentabilité peut être atteint - exposer une stratégie financière complète pour votre app

Notre business plan pour une app a été rédigé pour répondre à ces objectifs.

Quel est le business model d’une application mobile ?

Une application mobile a la particularité de pouvoir revêtir de multiples modèles économiques : freemium, abonnements payants, achats intégrés dans l'application, rémunération grâce à la publicité, affiliation, etc.

Quoiqu'il en soit, le business model de votre application mobile devra être expliqué à travers le Business Model Canvas , qui est une partie du business plan.

Notre business plan pour une app mobile contient un Business Model Canvas qui présente le modèle économique d’une application.

Comment faire l’étude de marché d’une application mobile ?

Pour réussir l'élaboration de ce document, utilisez notre modèle d'étude de marché pour une application mobile .

Le business plan, lui, contient la synthèse des éléments d’une étude de marché.

Dans la partie “Étude de Marché” de notre business plan pour une application , on retrouve notamment : - des données actualisées sur le marché des applications mobiles - les dernières tendances en matière de développement mobile - les potentiels segments de marché d’une app - la matrice SWOT d’une app mobile - l’analyse des applications concurrentes - les avantages concurrentiels d’une

Nous rappelons que ces deux documents sont présents dans le pack complet pour une application mobile .

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Les points importants du business plan d’une application

Parlez de l'expérience utilisateur (ux) de l'application mobile.

Une “User Experience” (UX) de qualité constitue la base de la réussite de toute application mobile : elle doit être simple à prendre en main et la navigation doit être intuitive. Généralement, on ne réussit pas son UX du premier coup. Cela passe par des phases de tests. En effet, c'est une étape importante pour votre app .

Une impression de sérieux et de professionnalisme. Tout comme pour votre business plan, l'apparence de votre application doit refléter un certain sérieux et un certain professionnalisme. Attention aux fautes d'orthographe, aux erreurs de design et aux couleurs mal accordées. Si l'environnement de votre application n'inspire pas confiance, alors les utilisateurs ne feront jamais de paiements sur votre plateforme.

Attention à ne pas laisser de bug. Cela va sans dire, vous devez tester, re-tester et retester à l'infini votre application pour vous assurer qu'il n'existe aucun bug. Si jamais un utilisateur rencontre un bug technique, il faut que votre équipe technique le résolve le plus rapidement possible.

Parlez de l'équipe autour de ce projet d'application mobile

Le succès de votre application dépend de son développement. Ce n'est pas un secret, si votre équipe de développeurs n'a pas les compétences requises pour développer une bonne application, alors il y a peu de chances pour que celle-ci génère du revenu sur le long terme. Nous évoquons ce point dans notre article sur l'analyse SWOT d'une application mobile .

Il vous faut au moins un profil technique dans l’équipe dirigeante. Trop d'entrepreneurs se lancent dans le développement d'une application sans même savoir lire une seule ligne de code. C'est une erreur qui peut être fatale. Si vous n'êtes pas la personne qui va développer cette application, il faut au moins que vous ou votre associé comprenne le code source, qui est à la base du succès de votre application mobile.

Également, au moins un des membres doit être un professionnel du marketing. Dans le cas d'un restaurant, avec un bon emplacement, vous pouvez déjà attirer un nombre important de clients. Ce n'est pas le cas pour une application mobile : personne ne va "passer devant" votre application mobile. Ainsi, vous devez la faire connaître. Cela passe par une solide stratégie marketing et communication pour votre app.

Qui est le porteur de projet ? Pour bien comprendre votre projet, il faut comprendre qui vous êtes. Bien entendu, vous allez joindre votre CV en annexe de votre business plan. Cependant, cela ne suffira pas. Avez-vous des expériences professionnelles en rapport avec le développement d'applications mobiles ? Peut-être avez-vous travaillé pour une entreprise qui développe une application mobile dans le passé ? Ou d'autres expériences pertinentes ? Mentionnez-les. D'où vous vient l'idée de cette application mobile ? Qu'entendez-vous accomplir avec ce projet ?

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Parlez du plan de développement de votre application mobile

Vous développez une application, vous devez avoir un roadmap produit. Une application mobile est un produit qui nécessite de nombreux développements et de nombreuses améliorations. En moyenne, une application sort une mise à jour tous les mois. Vous devez prévoir ces évolutions dans une roadmap produit détaillée, avec des dates et des actions précises.

Détaillez la phase de tests. Vous devez expliquer le plus précisément possible comment vous allez conduire votre phase de tests. Combien d’utilisateurs ? Comment allez vous récolter du feedback ? Comment allez-vous hiérarchiser les demandes des utilisateurs ? Est-ce que vous allez lancer une bêta test ? Quelles seront les caractéristiques de votre MVP ? Tout cela doit être détaillé dans le business plan de votre application mobile.

Quel est votre plan pour combattre la concurrence ? Il faut que votre application mobile contienne des fonctionnalités que ne propose pas la concurrence : ce sont les avantages concurrentiels de votre application mobile. Pour cela, il faut commencer par dresser une analyse rigoureuse des applications concurrentes. Repérez les manquements des applications concurrentes : une expérience utilisateur peu travaillée, des temps de chargement trop longs ou encore des fonctionnalités qui ne répondent pas aux besoins des marchés. À partir de ces faiblesses, remarquez des opportunités de marché et profitez-en pour créer un avantage concurrentiel. Attention cependant, assurez vous que ces avantages concurrentiels vous permettent vraiment de capturer des parts de marché.

Parlez du business model de votre application mobile

Les applications mobiles présentent plein de business models différents. Il y a des applications qui sont complètement gratuites et qui se financent grâce à la publicité (les médias). Il y a les applications qui fonctionnent avec le business model du freemium (comme Tinder). On peut aussi noter les applications auxquelles il faut s'abonner (comme Meditopia) ou encore celles qui, comme les marketplaces, prélèvent des commissions sur les transactions entre leurs membres (Uber).

Vous n'êtes pas obligé d'avoir un seul business model. Vous pouvez en présenter plusieurs. Cependant il faudra justifier dans votre business plan pour une application mobile pourquoi vous avez choisi ce(s) business model(s) et pourquoi vous pensez que c'est celui-ci (ceux-ci) qui vous amènera(ont) le plus rapidement à dépasser votre seuil de rentabilité.

Enfin, la définition de vos segments de marché doit apparaître dans le business plan de votre application mobile. L'étude de marché de votre application mobile , qui doit précéder votre business plan, vous donnera des informations précieuses sur votre marché cible. Bien identifier et décrire son audience permettra d'expliquer en quoi votre application mobile (et ses différentes fonctionnalités) peut répondre à ses attentes. C'est ici qu'arrive la notion de proposition de valeur. Pour élaborer une proposition de valeur, il faut d'abord identifier un problème (ou une opportunité) de marché. Votre offre doit apporter une solution à ce problème.

La partie financière du business plan d’une application mobile

Comment estimer le chiffre d’affaires de son app mobile .

Votre business plan d'application mobile doit présenter des projections de revenu qui font sens.

Vous devez commencer par estimer un revenu moyen par client. Attention à bien distinguer les clients "payants" des autres (la plupart des applications mobiles sont gratuites et seulement certains clients paient, pour une version plus développée par exemple (on appelle cela du freemium)).

Ensuite, on cherche à estimer combien de clients vont payer pour votre application mobile. Vous allez probablement mettre du temps à vous faire connaître : soyez conservateur dans vos hypothèses, pour les mois de départ. Cependant, vos efforts et investissements en marketing, publicité et communication devraient vous permettre de faire grossir ce nombre pour les mois qui suivent.

Pour la deuxième et troisième année, pour une application mobile, vous pouvez prévoir un taux de croissance d'environ 50 %. Il faut que votre taux de croissance soit ambitieux.

Il faut cependant noter qu'un chiffre d'affaires prévisionnel trop ambitieux pourrait donner l'impression à votre banquier que vous n'avez pas les pieds sur terre

Pour une estimation précise du chiffre d’affaires, vous pouvez utiliser notre modèle financier pour une app mobile . Vous rentrez des hypothèses, le chiffre d’affaires et les autres indicateurs financiers se calculent automatiquement.

Quel est le budget prévisionnel pour le développement d'une application mobile ?

Le budget prévisionnel pour le développement et la commercialisation d'une app mobile se situe généralement entre 30 000 et 300 000 euros.

Les éléments les plus importants qui vont influencer le budget d'une app mobile sont : - le nombre de fonctionnalités demandées (et donc la complexité de l'app) - le nombre de tests et déploiements de l'app - le nombre de plateformes sur lesquelles l'app sera disponible - si vous externalisez (ou internalisez) le développement de l'app - le budget alloué au marketing pour le lancement de l'app

Pour connaître le budget prévisionnel (précis et détaillé) de votre app mobile, vous pouvez utiliser notre modèle financier pour une application .

Dans ce modèle, vous retrouverez un budget prévisionnel déjà établi pour une application, cependant vous êtes libre de modifier des éléments pour obtenir votre propre budget de démarrage.

Développer une app mobile: est-ce rentable ?

Pour développer une application rentable, il y a deux choses à garder en tête. Tout d'abord, son potentiel pour générer des revenus. Ensuite, vient la capacité à maîtriser les coûts de fonctionnement.

C'est lors de la mise en place de votre stratégie marketing (notamment lors de la définition du SEO, ASO et SEA pour votre application mobile ) que vous allez décider des initiatives pour qu'un maximum de personnes téléchargent et utilisent votre application mobile. Vous pouvez par exemple vous associer avec une autre entreprise qui s'adresse au même marché cible. Développez de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour toucher de nouveaux segments de marché. Ne vous faites pas dépasser par des applications concurrentes avec une meilleure stratégie en ligne.

Également, la rentabilité de votre application mobile passera par une gestion efficace des charges de votre compte de résultat. Attention, cependant. Bien démarrer un projet d'application mobile nécessite de faire des investissements (et donc de dépenser de l'argent). Par exemple, il ne faudra pas hésiter à investir massivement dans sa conception et dans des tests pour s'assurer que l'application ne contient aucun bug.

Afin de vous rapprocher de votre seuil de rentabilité, regardez plutôt du côté du compte de résultat et des charges courantes. Par exemple, trop d'entreprises qui développent une application mobile n'ont pas une gestion optimale des honoraires qu'ils paient aux prestataires de services.

Également, soyez prudent avec votre plan d'embauches : le personnel coûte cher en France. Combien de téléchargements vous rapportent vos actions marketing ? Mettez en place des indicateurs de performance et de rentabilité. Surveillez le montant de vos taxes dans le prévisionnel de votre compte de résultat.

Vous l'avez compris, le business plan de votre application mobile doit aussi refléter vos capacités en gestion financière.

Pour connaître votre chiffre d’affaires prévisionnel, vos dépenses et votre seuil de rentabilité, vous pouvez utiliser le prévisionnel financier adapté à une application mobile .

Comment prouver la rentabilité de son projet dans le business plan de son app mobile ?

Se lancer sans connaître le potentiel de rentabilité de son projet d'application mobile n'est pas concevable.

Pour prouver la rentabilité de votre application mobile, vous devez identifier le seuil de rentabilité et montrer que vous allez (rapidement) l’atteindre.

Vous avez atteint votre seuil de rentabilité quand le résultat d'exploitation de votre entreprise est positif. C'est en élaborant un prévisionnel financier que vous obtiendrez cette donnée financière. Un bon modèle Excel vous indiquera où se situe votre seuil, en termes de chiffre d'affaires, mais également en durée : il s'agit de savoir combien de jours (semaines, mois) il vous faut pour atteindre votre seuil de rentabilité, chaque année.

Notre modèle de prévisionnel financier pour une app mobile vous donne accès à ces informations.

Quels sont les tableaux et indicateurs financiers à inclure dans le business plan d’une app ?

Il y a certains tableaux qu'il ne faut absolument pas oublier.

Voici la liste : un compte de résultat prévisionnel, un bilan prévisionnel, un plan de financement, un budget de trésorerie, l’analyse du seuil de rentabilité, le tableau des soldes intermédiaires de gestion ou encore le détail du calcul du besoin en fonds de roulement.

Pour une lecture plus agréable, vous pouvez ajouter des graphiques dans le prévisionnel financier de votre application mobile.

Vous retrouverez tous ces éléments dans le modèle Excel pour une application mobile .

Comment réussir facilement le business plan d’une application ?

Un modèle de business plan pour une application mobile.

Retrouvez toutes les données de marché directement dans notre modèle. Le marché des applications mobiles est en plein boom. Vous devez prouver à votre investisseur que c'est une bonne idée de lancer une application, plutôt qu’un site internet basique par exemple. Cela passe par des données de marché. Vous les retrouverez dans notre modèle de business plan pour une application mobile .

Bénéficiez d’une mise en forme professionnelle. En matière de business plan, la forme compte presque autant que le fond. En effet, le but d'un business plan, pour une demande de financement, est de convaincre le lecteur de la solidité de votre projet. Vous devez faire tout ce qui est en votre possible pour rendre la lecture du business plan agréable. Cela passe par une mise en forme professionnelle.

80 % de votre business plan rédigé par des professionnels grâce aux modèles. À de multiples occasions, notre équipe a eu l'occasion de rédiger des business plans pour des applications mobiles. Ces business plans ont tous un tronc commun : les données de marché, les points forts de l’application, les critères d’analyse des concurrents, les business models, etc. Nous avons inclus tous ces éléments dans le modèle de business plan.

Il ne vous reste plus qu’à compléter avec vos informations. Nous considérons que pratiquement 80 % du business plan est déjà rédigé dans le modèle. À vous de personnaliser les 20 % restants avec vos propres informations et vos photos.

Un modèle de prévisionnel financier pour une application mobile

Notre modèle financier pour une app mobile vous aidera à réussir votre business plan.

En effet : - le modèle contient tous les éléments financiers évoqués plus haut - le modèle est facilement modifiable - le modèle vous guide et vous aide à corriger vos hypothèses - le modèle est adapté à la réalité du développement mobile

Pour bien comprendre ce que contiennent nos modèles de prévisionnel financier, vous pouvez consulter un exemple gratuit de prévisionnel financier .

Une équipe en support

Bien entendu, notre équipe reste disponible pour la moindre question et vous accompagne pour remplir le modèle.

Nous sommes réactifs et disponibles pour nos entrepreneurs.

Ils ont téléchargé nos modèles

Plus de 20 000 entrepreneurs ont téléchargé nos modèles et ont pu donner naissance à leur projet d’entreprise. Beaucoup d'entre eux sont à la tête d'une entreprise qui développe des applications mobiles.

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Application mobile : Modèle de business plan rédigé gratuit

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vous souhaitez rédiger un business plan pour une application mobile , société facile vous offre un exemple de business plan rédigé gratuit. 

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Business plan Application mobile : résumé opérationnel

Dans cette section, nous allons examiner le résumé opérationnel du business plan de l’entreprise (Application mobile AP). Cette partie est essentielle pour donner un aperçu général de l’entreprise et de son plan d’affaires pour les investisseurs potentiels, les partenaires commerciaux et les clients.

L’Application mobile AP est une entreprise de développement d’applications mobiles qui se concentre sur la création d’applications de qualité pour les entreprises de toutes tailles. Notre objectif est de fournir des applications mobiles personnalisées et conviviales pour améliorer l’expérience client et stimuler la croissance des entreprises.

Nous avons identifié un besoin croissant pour des applications mobiles de qualité supérieure pour les entreprises en raison de l’augmentation du nombre d’utilisateurs de smartphones et de tablettes. Nous avons également constaté que de nombreuses entreprises ont des difficultés à trouver des développeurs d’applications mobiles compétents pour répondre à leurs besoins spécifiques. C’est là que l’Application mobile AP intervient en offrant des services de développement d’applications mobiles personnalisées à des tarifs compétitifs.

Nous avons une équipe de développeurs d’applications mobiles talentueux et expérimentés qui sont capables de créer des applications mobiles de qualité pour tous les types d’entreprises. Nous offrons également un service de conseil complet pour aider les entreprises à comprendre comment elles peuvent tirer le meilleur parti de leurs applications mobiles pour stimuler leur croissance et leur réussite.

Enfin, nous croyons que l’innovation est la clé du succès dans notre entreprise. Nous restons à l’affût des dernières tendances en matière de technologie mobile pour que nous puissions offrir à nos clients les dernières fonctionnalités et les dernières expériences utilisateur.

En conclusion, le résumé opérationnel de notre business plan met en lumière notre vision, notre mission et notre engagement envers l’innovation pour offrir des services de développement d’applications mobiles personnalisées et conviviales pour toutes les entreprises. Nous sommes convaincus que nous pouvons aider nos clients à atteindre leurs objectifs commerciaux en tirant parti de la technologie mobile et de l’expérience utilisateur

Business plan Application mobile : analyse de marché

Dans cette section, nous allons examiner l’analyse de marché pour l’entreprise Application mobile AP. Cette analyse est importante pour comprendre les tendances du marché, les concurrents et les opportunités de croissance pour notre entreprise.

Le marché des applications mobiles est en pleine expansion avec l’augmentation du nombre d’utilisateurs de smartphones et de tablettes. Selon les estimations, le marché mondial des applications mobiles devrait atteindre plus de 935 milliards de dollars d’ici 2023. Ce chiffre montre le potentiel énorme pour l’Application mobile AP de croître dans ce marché en pleine expansion.

Il y a des concurrents établis dans l’industrie des applications mobiles, mais nous avons identifié des lacunes dans leur offre qui peuvent être comblées par nos services. De nombreux développeurs d’applications mobiles proposent des applications génériques qui ne répondent pas aux besoins spécifiques de l’entreprise. En revanche, l’Application mobile AP offre des services de développement d’applications mobiles personnalisées qui sont spécialement conçues pour répondre aux besoins uniques de chaque entreprise.

Nous avons également identifié une forte demande pour des applications mobiles de qualité supérieure pour les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME). Ces entreprises ont généralement un budget limité pour le développement d’applications mobiles et ont besoin d’une solution rentable pour répondre à leurs besoins spécifiques. L’Application mobile AP peut répondre à ce besoin en offrant des services de développement d’applications mobiles à des tarifs compétitifs.

Enfin, nous avons identifié des opportunités de croissance dans les secteurs de la santé, de l’éducation et du commerce électronique. Ces secteurs ont un fort potentiel de croissance dans l’industrie des applications mobiles et nous avons l’expertise pour fournir des applications mobiles personnalisées pour répondre à leurs besoins spécifiques.

En conclusion, l’analyse de marché montre que le marché des applications mobiles est en pleine expansion et que l’Application mobile AP a un fort potentiel de croissance dans ce marché en répondant aux besoins spécifiques des PME et en offrant des services de développement d’applications mobiles personnalisées à des tarifs compétitifs. Nous sommes également prêts à répondre aux besoins des secteurs de la santé, de l’éducation et du commerce électronique en fournissant des applications mobiles personnalisées pour répondre à leurs besoins uniques

Business plan Application mobile : stratégie commerciale

Dans cette section, nous allons examiner la stratégie commerciale pour l’entreprise Application mobile AP. La stratégie commerciale est importante pour établir un plan d’action pour la commercialisation de nos services de développement d’applications mobiles personnalisées.

Notre stratégie commerciale consiste à développer une forte présence en ligne grâce à une solide stratégie de marketing numérique. Nous allons utiliser les médias sociaux, les publicités en ligne, le référencement et le marketing de contenu pour atteindre notre public cible. Nous allons également développer des relations avec des partenaires commerciaux clés pour atteindre un public plus large.

Nous allons utiliser les médias sociaux pour établir une présence en ligne forte et pour attirer notre public cible. Nous allons publier régulièrement du contenu intéressant et informatif sur nos services de développement d’applications mobiles personnalisées pour attirer l’attention de notre public cible. Nous allons également utiliser les publicités en ligne pour atteindre un public plus large et augmenter notre visibilité en ligne.

Le référencement est également un élément clé de notre stratégie commerciale. Nous allons optimiser notre site web pour les moteurs de recherche pour que nous puissions être facilement trouvés par les personnes qui cherchent des services de développement d’applications mobiles personnalisées en ligne. Nous allons également développer une stratégie de marketing de contenu pour attirer notre public cible en publiant des articles et des blogs sur des sujets liés à l’industrie des applications mobiles.

Enfin, nous allons établir des relations avec des partenaires commerciaux clés pour atteindre un public plus large et augmenter notre visibilité en ligne. Nous allons travailler avec des agences de marketing, des entreprises technologiques et des entreprises de développement de logiciels pour élargir notre portée et offrir des services complémentaires à nos clients.

En conclusion, notre stratégie commerciale consiste à développer une forte présence en ligne grâce à une solide stratégie de marketing numérique, à optimiser notre site web pour les moteurs de recherche, à développer une stratégie de marketing de contenu et à établir des relations avec des partenaires commerciaux clés pour atteindre un public plus large. Nous sommes convaincus que cette stratégie nous aidera à atteindre notre public cible et à stimuler la croissance de notre entreprise.

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Livraison repas domicile et bureaux

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Location voitures

Business plan application mobile : stratégie de communication.

Dans cette section, nous allons examiner la stratégie de communication pour l’entreprise Application mobile AP. La stratégie de communication est importante pour établir des relations avec nos clients et pour maintenir une image positive de notre entreprise.

Notre stratégie de communication consiste à établir une relation étroite avec nos clients en offrant un service personnalisé et une assistance continue. Nous allons également maintenir une image positive de notre entreprise grâce à une communication transparente et honnête avec nos clients.

Nous allons offrir un service personnalisé à nos clients en travaillant étroitement avec eux pour comprendre leurs besoins spécifiques. Nous allons également offrir une assistance continue à nos clients pour répondre à leurs questions et pour résoudre tout problème qu’ils pourraient rencontrer. Cette approche nous permettra de créer une relation de confiance avec nos clients et de les fidéliser à long terme.

La communication transparente et honnête est également un élément clé de notre stratégie de communication. Nous allons communiquer avec nos clients de manière claire et honnête pour qu’ils sachent exactement ce qu’ils peuvent attendre de nos services de développement d’applications mobiles personnalisées. Nous allons également être transparents sur les coûts et les délais de livraison pour éviter toute confusion ou malentendu.

Enfin, nous allons maintenir une image positive de notre entreprise grâce à une communication cohérente et professionnelle. Nous allons répondre rapidement aux questions de nos clients et être à leur écoute pour répondre à leurs besoins. Nous allons également utiliser les médias sociaux pour partager des informations pertinentes sur notre entreprise et notre secteur d’activité.

En conclusion, notre stratégie de communication consiste à établir une relation étroite avec nos clients en offrant un service personnalisé et une assistance continue, à maintenir une communication transparente et honnête avec nos clients, et à maintenir une image positive de notre entreprise grâce à une communication cohérente et professionnelle. Nous sommes convaincus que cette stratégie nous aidera à établir une base solide de clients fidèles et à maintenir une réputation positive de notre entreprise.

Business plan Application mobile : ressources humaines

Dans cette section, nous allons examiner les ressources humaines pour l’entreprise Application mobile AP. Les ressources humaines sont importantes pour assurer le bon fonctionnement de l’entreprise et la satisfaction de nos clients.

Nous avons une équipe de développeurs d’applications mobiles talentueux et expérimentés qui sont capables de créer des applications mobiles de qualité pour toutes les entreprises. Nous avons également une équipe de service à la clientèle dévouée qui est disponible pour aider les clients à résoudre tout problème qu’ils pourraient rencontrer avec nos services.

Nous sommes conscients de l’importance de la formation et du développement des compétences pour nos employés. Nous offrons une formation régulière pour maintenir les compétences de nos employés à jour et pour les aider à s’adapter aux dernières tendances en matière de technologie mobile. Nous croyons que des employés bien formés et compétents sont essentiels pour offrir des services de qualité supérieure à nos clients.

Nous sommes également conscients de l’importance de la diversité et de l’inclusion dans notre entreprise. Nous nous engageons à offrir un environnement de travail inclusif et à recruter des employés de différentes cultures, origines et orientations. Nous croyons que la diversité et l’inclusion sont essentielles pour stimuler l’innovation et la créativité dans notre entreprise.

Enfin, nous croyons que la rémunération équitable et les avantages sociaux sont essentiels pour attirer et fidéliser des employés talentueux. Nous offrons une rémunération compétitive et des avantages sociaux, y compris une assurance santé, des vacances payées et des jours de congé maladie.

En conclusion, les ressources humaines sont un élément clé de notre entreprise. Nous avons une équipe de développeurs d’applications mobiles talentueux et expérimentés, une équipe de service à la clientèle dévouée, et nous offrons une formation régulière pour maintenir les compétences de nos employés à jour. Nous nous engageons également à offrir un environnement de travail inclusif et à offrir une rémunération équitable et des avantages sociaux pour attirer et fidéliser des employés talentueux

Business plan Application mobile : Prévisionnel financier

Dans cette section, nous allons examiner le prévisionnel financier pour l’entreprise Application mobile AP. Le prévisionnel financier est important pour comprendre les coûts et les revenus prévus de notre entreprise et pour établir des objectifs financiers à long terme.

Notre prévisionnel financier comprend un plan de revenus et un plan de dépenses. Nous prévoyons de générer des revenus grâce à la vente de nos services de développement d’applications mobiles personnalisées à des clients de toutes tailles, ainsi qu’en offrant des services de conseil. Nous prévoyons également d’augmenter nos revenus grâce à des partenariats commerciaux clés.

Les dépenses comprennent les coûts de développement d’applications mobiles personnalisées, les coûts de personnel, les coûts de marketing et les frais généraux. Nous prévoyons de gérer nos dépenses de manière efficace pour maximiser notre rentabilité.

Nous avons établi des objectifs financiers à long terme pour notre entreprise. Nous prévoyons une croissance des revenus progressive chaque année, avec des marges bénéficiaires stables et des flux de trésorerie positifs. Nous avons également identifié des opportunités pour augmenter nos revenus grâce à des partenariats commerciaux clés.

Enfin, nous prévoyons d’investir dans notre entreprise pour stimuler la croissance à long terme. Nous prévoyons d’investir dans la formation et le développement des compétences de nos employés, ainsi que dans la recherche et le développement pour rester à l’affût des dernières tendances en matière de technologie mobile.

En conclusion, le prévisionnel financier pour l’entreprise Application mobile AP montre une croissance progressive des revenus chaque année, avec des marges bénéficiaires stables et des flux de trésorerie positifs. Nous avons identifié des opportunités pour augmenter nos revenus grâce à des partenariats commerciaux clés et nous prévoyons d’investir dans notre entreprise pour stimuler la croissance à long terme

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Mobile App Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky Mobile App Business Plan Template

Mobile App Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 5,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their app development company. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a mobile app business plan template step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Mobile App Business Plan Template here >

What is a Mobile App Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your mobile app as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Mobile App Company

If you’re looking to launch a mobile app or grow your existing mobile app you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your mobile app in order to improve your chances of success. Your business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Source of Funding for Mobile App Companies

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a mobile app are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, angel investors and venture capitalists. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable. But they will want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business.

The second most common form of funding for a mobile app is angel investors. Angel investors are wealthy individuals who will write you a check. They will either take equity in return for their funding, or, like a bank, they will give you a loan.

Venture capitalists will also fund a mobile app and will take equity in return for their funding, VC funding generally comes after you’ve received initial proof of concept or traction with your app.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a mobile app development company.

Your business plan should include 10 sections as follows:

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of app business you are operating and the status; for example, are you a startup, do you have a mobile app that you would like to grow, or do you already have several successful app businesses?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the mobile app industry. Discuss the type of mobile app you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, you will detail the type of mobile app you are operating.

For example, you might operate one of the following types:

  • Business app : this type of mobile app generally helps increase productivity and/or decrease costs.
  • Entertainment app : this type of mobile app includes news, social networking, music, video, etc.
  • Lifestyle app : this type of mobile app includes things like fitness, shopping, dating, etc.
  • Education app : this type of app must have the primary objective of advancing a user’s knowledge and overall breadth in a particular subject.
  • Utility app : this type of app includes things like scanners, trackers, health-related apps, cell service providers, etc.
  • Travel app : this type of app aids in planning and booking trips.
  • Other app : there are a limitless number of areas in which a successful app could be created

In addition to explaining the type of mobile app you operate, the Company Analysis section of your business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include sales goals you’ve reached, new store openings, etc.
  • Your legal structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of your app development business.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the mobile app industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy particularly if your research identifies market trends. For example, if there was a trend towards quiz apps, it would be helpful to ensure your plan incorporates gamification into your app.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section:

  • How big is the app industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your mobile app? You can calculate this figure by multiplying the size of your target customer market by the amount they might spend per year on your app.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: business operations managers, college students, sports enthusiasts, soccer moms, techies, teens, baby boomers, etc.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of mobile app you operate. Clearly, baby boomers would want different pricing and product options, and would respond to different marketing promotions than teens.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, include a discussion of the business types (if B2B), ages, genders, locations and income levels of the customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other app businesses in your niche.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to achieve similar results to what your app offers.

With regards to direct competition, you want to detail the other app development companies with which you compete. Most likely, your direct competitors will be mobile app businesses offering the same type of service or activity that yours does.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What products do they offer?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide superior features?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For an app business, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product : in the product section, you should reiterate the type of mobile app that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific features of your app.

Price : Document how you will price your app and if there will be different pricing levels (e.g., free, entry, premium) and what those levels will be.

Place : Place refers to your distribution method. Document how customers can download your app (e.g., from your website, the Apple Store, Google Play, etc.).

Promotions : the final part of your mobile app marketing plan is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will drive customers to your app(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Social media advertising
  • Advertising in magazines, newspapers and/or trade journals
  • Reaching out to local bloggers and websites
  • Pay per click advertising

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your mobile app such as writing code, building upgrades, fixing bugs, providing customer service, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect your 10,000th app install, or when you hope to reach $X in sales. It could also be when you expect to hire your Xth employee or launch a new location.

Management Team

To demonstrate your mobile app’s ability to succeed as a business, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally you and/or your team members have direct experience in app development business. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act like mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in mobile apps and/or successfully running small businesses.

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

Income Statement : an income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you have 100 downloads per week or 200? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets : While balance sheets include much information, to simplify them to the key items you need to know about, balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. For instance, if you spend $100,000 on building out your mobile app, that will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $100.000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement : Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a mobile app:

  • Cost of equipment like computers, data warehousing, etc.
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff and independent contractors
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your store design blueprint or location lease.

Putting together a business plan for your mobile app is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will really understand the app business, your competition and your customers. You will have developed a marketing plan and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful mobile app.

Mobile App Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my mobile app business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Mobile App Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily complete your Mobile App Business Plan.

Where Can I Download a Free Mobile App Business Plan PDF?

You can download our mobile app business plan PDF template here . This is a template you can use in PDF format to create a business plan for an app.

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Mobile App business plan?

OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You

Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.   Click here to see how Growthink’s professional business planning advisors can create your business plan for you.

Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

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How to Write a Mobile App Business Plan + Free Template

Male and female entrepreneur sitting at work station comparing specs and writing code as part of their mobile app development business.

Anthony St. Clair

11 min. read

Updated February 7, 2024

Free Download:  Sample Mobile App Development Business Plan Template

When Apple released the first iPhone in 2008, it also launched its App Store—with about 500 apps. Nowadays, the number of apps on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store totals about 5 million. If apps were people, they’d outnumber the population of Los Angeles.

Sure, the “gold rush” days of app development are long behind us, but building apps remains a solid way to bring useful or entertaining services to market. An app can also be part of a narrow or broader business strategy.

But with so much competition, building a profitable, successful app takes more than just an idea and a team of mobile app developers. You need a business plan to help guide your vision and implementation. This article will cover the steps to create your mobile app business plan, along with some tips to run it successfully. 

Need more guidance? Download our free mobile app development business plan for a full business plan outline that you can use to inspire your own plan.

  • How to write a business plan for a mobile app

A business plan can be as short or extensive as you need it to be, and not a page more. In fact, you could launch a successful business based on even a one-page plan for your app development firm.

Writing a business plan for your mobile app business comes down to thinking through where you are with your app idea, what you want to accomplish, and how you think you will get there. A good business plan gives you both a starting point and a road map, but you can always review it and update it as you go.

At its heart, that’s all your app business plan needs to do.

Here are some of the key things your mobile app development business plan should include.

1. Determine what kind of app you will develop

Competition and opportunity co-exist throughout every app sector. If you’re still trying to decide where you might want to target your app development , strong contenders and trending app verticals include:

  • Productivity
  • Shopping (mobile-specific and general eCommerce)
  • Health and Fitness
  • Personalization

The sector you’re developing your app for influences the type of app you’ll want to build. For example, will you code for Apple iOS, Google Android, or both? Will you focus on a web or hybrid app? Is the app an extension of a website or other business channel? 

You’ll need to have this information defined up front in order to conduct proper research and easily write your business plan . 

2. Conduct market research and identify competitors

It’s one thing to have a good idea for an app. But the real question is, does the idea have a market that will be hungry to buy in?

As you develop your business plan, understanding your potential customer base is key.

For starters, evaluate similar apps and competitors in the vertical you are developing for—especially if there is already an app doing something that you want your app to do. As you conduct research and put together a market and competitive analysis, be sure to think through the following questions:

  • Who are their customers?
  • Are they the same ideal customer and target market ? 
  • What steps will your company take to engage the market and involve them in testing and promotion? 
  • What are the demographics (such as profession, age, or sex) and psychographics (such as opinions, hobbies, and lifestyle goals) of your target market? 

If you don’t understand the market for your app, it will be difficult to get them to find, install, use, and tell the world about your app.

Researching the market and your competitors can also clue you into expected app features, pricing and revenue models, gaps in services, and pain points that customers feel aren’t being met.

Understanding these factors can also help your business plan address a potential threat to your app’s viability: abandonment. User retention can be challenging throughout the app market, with 25% of customers using an app one time and then ditching it. So, be sure that you take into account how to attract new customers as well as how you’ll keep them around.

3. Positioning and promotional strategies

Once you’ve proven the market demand for your app’s concept, you should start figuring out how to promote your app and position it in the marketplace. Your business plan doesn’t have to include a detailed marketing plan . But it can be the perfect place to set up a few essentials that can guide your app’s marketing throughout its development and release cycles.

At a minimum your plan should include foundational messaging for pitching, branding, mission, and your overall sales and marketing strategy for your app, such as:

Develop and refine your elevator pitch

How concisely can you get across what your app does, why it’s needed, and what will make people love it? Can you talk up those key points with anyone from potential investors to your ideal customer, developers, and engineers to your mom and your best friend?

Examine how you’ll build awareness, interest, and need for the app

Will early testers be part of your outreach? Will you work with social media influencers, traditional media, or celebrity endorsers? How will you articulate the problems your app solves or the joy it provides?

What are some of the branding and marketing tasks your startup will pursue? 

For example, what is the company name? The app name? How will you engage your market on the social media platforms they like to spend time on? What original supporting content will attract the interest of your key audience?

In your business plan, it’s essential to understand your startup from the point of view of a founder and key player. But the marketing and promotional components of your business plan help you see your app from the point of view of an outsider, such as a customer or investor. The better you understand these other points of view, the better you can develop your messaging, build your app, and make it a success.

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4. Startup costs, financials, and pricing

Figuring out the potential startup costs for your app is not a one-size-fits-all equation. Generally, these are some of the factors to consider as part of your financial plan .

Platform development

Expect different development costs when developing for iOS, Android, or both. Your process will include defining a function, outlining what you need for your MVP, wire-framing, coding, testing, designing, and more.

Internal employees or outside contractors? 

If you’re planning to build up a full-on firm with employees, benefits, and offices, you will be looking at a different cost structure than if you want to outsource to a contracted development company or work with a freelance team that’s not employed by your app startup. That team may need pros in charge of mobile and backend development, design, QA, customer support, design, marketing, managers, and more.

The resources you have and the resources you need

How long it’ll take to develop and release your app depends in part on the resources you have access to.

Successful apps monitor and improve. Did the app crash? Is it scaling sufficiently to handle increases in use and load? What usage metrics are you monitoring and analyzing? How will you need to update the app to deal with OS updates?

By understanding these and other potential costs, you can develop a budget in your business plan. For more in-depth financial considerations, you should develop forecasts to gauge costs, future cash flow , and how your app company might grow and change over time by hitting release and growth milestones.

5. Development milestones

The release of your app is a milestone that’s farther down the road. In the meantime, you’ll be developing milestones that reflect major accomplishments in the development process. Your business plan can reflect some of those milestones, such as:

  • Production of key features and functions
  • MVP completion
  • Testing and refinement
  • Acceptance of app in app stores
  • Achievement of sales and adoption goals
  • Implementation of new features and versions

Remember, app development takes time. Focus your initial milestones on pre-release goals. From there, you can set and work toward post-release milestones that can pave the way to future growth, releases, and profits.

  • Mobile app development tips for startup growth

As you develop your mobile app’s business plan, here are a few other tips and considerations to keep in mind.

Native, hybrid, or web?

Creating apps tailored to each OS—Apple and Android—can cost the most to develop, but also can maximize your app’s performance. The better the performance, the most adoption and use you could see in your target audience. 

At the same time, other apps work solely on the web, and others are developed as hybrids. Hybrid apps can help you manage team and development costs, but they typically can’t take full advantage of each OS.

As a rule of thumb, typically the more complicated or intense the app’s function, the better it tends to be to develop a native app. Lightweight functions may work fine in a web or hybrid environment.

Security and privacy

Privacy and security are at the forefront of customers’ minds as well as industry discussions around app business models. If you are developing for regulated industries—such as health care or financial services—there may also be legal privacy and security requirement to adhere to.

Decide on a platform: Apple, Android, or both?

If your target market is predominantly on one OS, that can guide your development decisions. Developing for both platforms requires more resources, but can give you the benefit of maximizing your ability to develop the app for each OS, and reach the most customers. Another option to consider is launching on one platform and adding another over time, depending on milestones in your business plan.

Offline vs online

A growing consideration in today’s app development firms is whether the apps can only function online, or if it can function offline too. Some level of offline function—and messaging that the app is offline—can make for better customer satisfaction, since users will have access to at least some features regardless of their internet connection.

For example, Google Maps can download route information so a user still has the mapping and some functions, even if they enter a remote location or go through an area where they don’t have a cellular or wifi signal. 

Walking users through what they can and can’t do offline, and how functions can be completed or data can sync once online again—can also go a long way to winning trust and loyalty from your app’s users. You’ll also want to determine if the offline function is something you develop as part of the launch, or if you roll it out in a later version.

Revenue model: Free/freemium, subscription, in-app purchases, ads, or a combo?

Apps can drive revenue in many ways. A common strategy is a freemium model: Offer a free baseline app, but other features can be unlocked with purchase or subscription.

Subscription models (usually with a tie-based free trial period) have also become increasingly popular in companies, and they are finding broad acceptance in the market. An app can also drive revenue by being a mobile commerce tool, helping customers complete a transaction from the convenience of their phone instead of having to go to a browser, non-mobile device, or other fulfillment channels.

Some apps are only available for purchase, often as a way to showcase an app’s superior or unique place in the market. Once purchased, though, other revenue models can come into play. The popular game Minecraft is a prime example: Customers purchase the app, but the Minecraft Marketplace offers in-app purchases to further customize the game.

Test properly before launch

If your app doesn’t work at launch, it may never recover from that stumble.

As the app reaches development milestones, ongoing testing can help you find and resolve problems before you have to deal with them in the deployed product. Conducting extensive testing across various devices, users, and OS versions can help you catch problems before they harm your new app—and your startup’s viability and profitability.

  • Download your free mobile app development business plan template

Our free mobile app development business plan can give you the template you need to start setting up your business plan—and your business. It’s just one of hundreds of free sample plans that have been time-tested by our team and by thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world.

The question is simple: What mobile app development business will you create? Whatever it is, your business plan can help you get there. Download your free plan now and get started.

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Content Author: Anthony St. Clair

Anthony St. Clair is a business copywriter, author of the Rucksack Universe travel fantasy series, and a craft beer writer specializing in Oregon. Learn more at

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Mobile and Web App Business Plan Template

Introducing our free mobile app business template! Streamline your app development process with this easy-to-use template designed for entrepreneurs and startups. From market research to revenue projections, our template includes all the essential components for crafting a successful mobile app business plan. Download it now and get started on the path to app development success!

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Download the template today!

The world is in the midst of a mobile revolution, and mobile apps have become an integral part of our daily lives. With the growing popularity of mobile devices, developing a mobile app has become a lucrative business opportunity for entrepreneurs and startups. However, building a mobile app from scratch can be a daunting task. That's why we're excited to offer our free mobile app business template, designed to make the app development process simpler and more efficient.

Features of the App Business Plan Template

Our mobile app business template includes all the essential components for crafting a successful mobile app business plan. Here are some of its key features:

  • Market Research - Before developing an app, it's important to conduct market research to identify the needs of your target audience, understand your competitors, and assess the demand for your app. Our template includes a comprehensive market research section to help you conduct a thorough analysis of the app market.
  • Business Model - Choosing the right business model is crucial to the success of your mobile app. Our template offers a variety of business models to choose from, including freemium, subscription, and in-app purchases. We'll guide you through each option and help you decide which one is best for your app.
  • Revenue Projections - Estimating the revenue potential of your app is a key step in the planning process. Our template includes a revenue projections section that helps you forecast your revenue streams and expenses, so you can make informed decisions about your app development strategy.
  • Marketing Plan - Once your app is developed, you need to get the word out and attract users. Our template includes a detailed marketing plan section to help you create a comprehensive strategy that covers all the essential marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization.

Benefits of Using Our Template

Using our mobile app business template provides a range of benefits, including:

  • Saves Time and Money - Developing a mobile app is a time-consuming and costly process. With our template, you can save time and money by streamlining the planning process and creating a more efficient development strategy.
  • Provides Clarity and Focus - Our template provides a clear roadmap for app development, helping you focus on the essential components and avoid unnecessary distractions. This helps you stay on track and achieve your goals more effectively.
  • Increases Your Chances of Success - A well-planned and executed mobile app has a greater chance of success in the market. Our template provides you with the tools and resources you need to develop a successful mobile app business plan and increase your chances of success.

Our free mobile app business template is an essential resource for entrepreneurs and startups looking to develop a successful mobile app. With its comprehensive market research, business models, revenue projections, and marketing plan sections, you can create a detailed plan that sets your app up for success. Download our template now and start your journey to app development success!

Mobile App Business Plan Frequently Asked Questions

Q: why do i need a mobile app business plan.

A: A mobile app business plan is essential to the success of your app because it helps you identify your target audience, understand the market, and develop a clear strategy for success. Without a plan, you risk wasting time and resources on an app that may not meet your goals or resonate with your target audience.

Q: What are the essential components of a mobile app business plan?

A: A mobile app business plan should include market research, a business model, financial projections, and a marketing plan. These components provide a comprehensive roadmap for app development, including identifying your target audience, assessing the demand for your app, estimating your revenue potential, and creating a strategy for attracting and retaining users.

Q: How can a mobile app business plan help me secure funding for my app?

A: Investors and lenders are more likely to fund your app if you have a well-crafted mobile app business plan. A comprehensive plan demonstrates that you have a clear understanding of the market, a viable business model, and a strategy for generating revenue. By showing your plan to potential investors, you can demonstrate that you have a solid plan for success and increase your chances of securing funding. Having strong financial projections are key to securing funding. Use a mobile app financial projection template can make this process easy.

We Know a Good Business Plan When we See One

Collectively, our team has reviewed thousands of business plans and has nearly 20 years of experience making SBA loans. We've also helped more than 50,000 businesses create financial projections across many industries and geographies.

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Adam served as Executive Director for a SBA microlender in Indiana for over 10 years helping businesses and reviewing thousands of business plans.

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Grace has built hundreds of custom financial models for businesses as well as our projection templates which are used by thousands of businesses every year.

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Kyle served as an SBA loan officer for 7 years working directly with startups and business owners to review their business plans, projections, and prepare their loan package.

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How To Write a Winning Mobile App Development Business Plan + Template

App Business Plan

Creating a business plan is essential for any business, but it can be especially helpful for mobile app development businesses looking to improve their strategy or raise funding.

A well-crafted business plan not only outlines the vision for your company, but also documents a step-by-step roadmap of how you are going to accomplish it. In order to create an effective business plan, you must first understand the components that are essential to its success.

This article provides an overview of the key elements that every mobile app development business owner should include in their business plan.

Download the Ultimate Mobile App Business Plan Template

What is a Mobile App Development Business Plan?

A mobile app development business plan is a formal written document that describes your company’s business strategy and its feasibility. It documents the reasons you will be successful, your areas of competitive advantage, and it includes information about your team members. Your business plan is a key document that will convince investors and lenders (if needed) that you are positioned to become a successful venture.

Why Write a Mobile App Development Business Plan?

A mobile app development business plan is required for banks and investors. The document is a clear and concise guide of your business idea and the steps you will take to make it profitable.

Entrepreneurs can also use this as a roadmap when starting their new company or venture, especially if they are inexperienced in starting a business.

Writing an Effective Mobile App Development Business Plan

There are a few key components of a successful mobile app development business plan.

Executive Summary

The executive summary of a mobile app development business plan is a one- to two-page overview of your entire business plan. It should summarize the main points, which will be presented in full in the rest of your business plan.

  • Start with a one-line description of your mobile app development company
  • Provide a short summary of the key points in each section of your business plan, which includes information about your company’s management team, industry analysis, competitive analysis, and financial forecast among others.

Company Description

This section should include a brief history of your company. Include a short description of how your company started, and provide a timeline of milestones your company has achieved.

If you are just starting your mobile app development business, you may not have a long company history. Instead, you can include information about your professional experience in this industry and how and why you conceived your new venture. If you have worked for a similar company before or have been involved in an entrepreneurial venture before starting your mobile app development firm, mention this.

You will also include information about your chosen mobile app development business model and how, if applicable, it is different from other companies in your industry.

Industry Analysis

The industry or market analysis is an important component of a mobile app development business plan. Conduct thorough market research to determine industry trends and document the size of your market. 

Questions to answer include:

  • What part of the mobile app development industry are you targeting?
  • How big is the market?
  • What trends are happening in the industry right now (and if applicable, how do these trends support the success of your company)?

You should also include sources for the information you provide, such as published research reports and expert opinions.

Customer Analysis

This section should include a list of your target audience(s) with demographic and psychographic profiles (e.g., age, gender, income level, profession, job titles, interests). You will need to provide a profile of each customer segment separately, including their needs and wants.

For example, a mobile app development business’ customers may include small businesses that need an app to increase their customer base and reach new markets.

You can include information about how your customers make the decision to buy from you as well as what keeps them buying from you.

Develop a strategy for targeting those customers who are most likely to buy from you, as well as those that might be influenced to buy your products or mobile app development services with the right marketing.

Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis helps you determine how your product or service will be different from competitors, and what your unique selling proposition (USP) might be that will set you apart in this industry.

For each competitor, list their strengths and weaknesses. Next, determine your areas of competitive differentiation and/or advantage; that is, in what ways are you different from and ideally better than your competitors.

Marketing Plan

This part of the business plan is where you determine and document your marketing plan. . Your plan should be clearly laid out, including the following 4 Ps.

  • Product/Service : Detail your product/service offerings here. Document their features and benefits.
  • Price : Document your pricing strategy here. In addition to stating the prices for your products/services, mention how your pricing compares to your competition.
  • Place : Where will your customers find you? What channels of distribution (e.g., partnerships) will you use to reach them if applicable?
  • Promotion : How will you reach your target customers? For example, you may use social media, write blog posts, create an email marketing campaign, use pay-per-click advertising, launch a direct mail campaign. Or you may promote your mobile app development business via word-of-mouth or by exhibiting at trade shows.

Operations Plan

This part of your mobile app development business plan should include the following information:

  • How will you deliver your product/service to customers? For example, will you do it in person or over the phone only?
  • What infrastructure, equipment, and resources are needed to operate successfully? How can you meet those requirements within budget constraints?

You also need to include your company’s business policies in the operations plan. You will want to establish policies related to everything from customer service to pricing, to the overall brand image you are trying to present.

Finally, and most importantly, in your Operations Plan, you will lay out the milestones your company hopes to achieve within the next five years. Create a chart that shows the key milestone(s) you hope to achieve each quarter for the next four quarters, and then each year for the following four years. Examples of milestones for a mobile app development business include reaching $X in sales. Other examples include developing new products or services, launching a new website, hiring new employees, and so on.

Management Team

List your team members here including their names and titles, as well as their expertise and experience relevant to your specific mobile app development industry. Include brief biography sketches for each team member.

Particularly if you are seeking funding, the goal of this section is to convince investors and lenders that your team has the expertise and experience to execute on your plan. If you ar e missing key team members, document the roles and responsibilities you plan to hire for in the future.

Financial Plan

Here you will include a summary of your complete and detailed financial plan (your full financial projections go in the Appendix). 

This includes the following three financial statements:

Income Statement

Your income statement should include:

  • Revenue : how much revenue you generate.
  • Cost of Goods Sold : These are your direct costs associated with generating revenue. This includes labor costs, as well as the cost of any equipment and supplies used to deliver the product/service offering.
  • Net Income (or loss) : Once expenses and revenue are totaled and deducted from each other, this is the net income or loss.

Sample Income Statement for a Startup Mobile App Development Company

Balance sheet.

Include a balance sheet that shows your assets, liabilities, and equity. Your balance sheet should include:

  • Assets : All of the things you own (including cash).
  • Liabilities : This is what you owe against your company’s assets, such as accounts payable or loans.
  • Equity : The worth of your business after all liabilities and assets are totaled and deducted from each other.

Sample Balance Sheet for a Startup Mobile App Development Company

Cash flow statement.

Include a cash flow statement showing how much cash comes in, how much cash goes out and a net cash flow for each year. The cash flow statement should include:

  • Cash Flow From Operations
  • Cash Flow From Investments
  • Cash Flow From Financing

Below is a sample of a projected cash flow statement for a startup mobile app development business.

Sample Cash Flow Statement for a Startup Mobile App Development Company

You will also want to include an appendix section which will include:

  • Your complete financial projections
  • A complete list of your company’s business policies and procedures related to the rest of the business plan (marketing, operations, etc.)
  • Any other documentation which supports what you included in the body of your business plan.

Writing a good business plan gives you the advantage of being fully prepared to launch and/or grow your mobile app development company. It not only outlines your business vision but also provides a step-by-step process of how you are going to accomplish it.

A well-written business plan is essential for any mobile app development company. It can attract investors, provide clarity and direction, and keep you organized and on track as you grow your business.

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Anton Baryshevskiy

Anton Baryshevskiy

Head of Business Development, Co-Founder

Anton Baryshevskiy

Head of Business Development

Get your project estimation!

How to Write a Business Plan for a Mobile App Startup?

If you’re on the threshold of launching your mobile app startup, there are numerous things you need to be concerned with: workload, core concept, budget, product implementation area, employees… You need to rightly put all key elements of this puzzle together to provide a clear roadmap for your project — that is, to compile a business plan for mobile app development.

We at Mind Studios know how to make a business plan for an app. Here, you'll find a complete guide to creating a business plan. Also, we’ve added our template to help all stakeholders and investors have a clear and most importantly, equal understanding of your startup idea. So if you don't know how to plan an app yet and where to start, let's find out more about it.

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A business plan is a guide that turns your ideas into action

As a rule, you should start with visualizing the project and formulating its key ideas. They will later become the basis of your business plan.

Another vital component of developing your project is writing a product requirements document (PRD) for your app. It consists of three sections: business requirements, user requirements, and software system requirements . The business plan is, actually, a component of the PRD, namely the business requirements part.

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All the preceding processes, such as developing a project vision, core ideas, and concepts, creating an app development plan, and drafting a PRD, allow all stakeholders to be on the same page as the startup's founder.

In this post, we’ll go through how to write a business plan for an app startup.

Some statistics

Still not sure if your startup needs a business plan? Numerous studies back up the value of having a well-thought-out business plan for companies on different stages of their business journeys.

According to one study that involved 3,000 company owners from diverse fields, those with business plans were almost twice as likely to succeed as those who didn’t. Furthermore, such strategic-planning companies were more effective in attracting investment or securing loans.

You can find more detailed information in the diagram below:

Some statistics

If your way is developing a mobile application

As of 2021, people have made 230 billion downloads of mobile applications, up by 63% than in 2016. Everyone appears to require mobile solutions these days, so your startup has a lot of room for imagination. You can choose from a wide range of mobile app types. To name a few, it could be a travel, event planner (here's an event app development guide), money management, social networking, or fitness app.

exemple business plan application mobile

No matter which one you decide to create, a pre-written mobile app business plan can help you seamlessly go through the mobile app development process with its four fundamental stages : discovery, idea validation , design, and actually, development.

A goal without a plan is just a wish

There is a plethora of mobile applications these days. It means, though, that there are hundreds of almost identical apps in each category. Attracting users becomes a task of utmost importance.

Chad Mureta, an app tycoon, says that a developer’s profit directly depends on their knowledge of what’s interesting to the user; that is, to create a successful and profitable application, a developer should think like a user .

Creating a mobile app business plan template based on thorough user analysis will help you explain your business idea to stakeholders. Also, you’ll see a path to a product-market fit. To make that happen, you should determine what your target audience wants, needs, likes/dislikes in competitors’ apps, and tends to expect from using your app.

Therefore, identifying your target audience preferences should be your priority, as it is one of the main drivers of your startup.

Understanding the market is the key to success

The author of the bestseller 4 Steps to Enlightenment. Strategies for creating successful startups , Steve Blank, suggests that very few people understand where their market is. The writer believes it is almost impossible to launch a thriving startup without analyzing the market it’s going to enter.

Before you start writing a business plan, it’s crucial to figure out not only the degree of public interest in your product but also the level of competition in the market you’re going to enter.

Thanks to the preparatory analysis of your rivals and potential app users, you’ll be able to flawlessly identify your product’s objectives, advantages, and unique value proposition (UVP). This will also help you form the basis of a proper business plan.

Review your business plan annually

Steve Blank claims that a business plan is static in contrast to a business model, which is dynamic. A business plan appears to be stable by definition: that’s a document created once and rarely revised after adoption.

But in our quick-to-change world, do you believe there’s anything that could remain static? Especially in terms of business? Investopedia , for example, shares an opposite to Steve Blank’s statement: A business plan should evolve in tandem with a company’s growth.

We at Mind Studios adhere to the last approach and recommend you go through your business plan for an app at least once every year . It will allow you to respond to changes in your users’ demands and assess what goals you have achieved and which ones you still need to accomplish.

Moreover, refreshing a business plan will enable you to keep your finger on the pulse of your startup’s current and upcoming financial needs and, therefore, help you develop efficient strategies to attract investments. Consider it a dynamic document that adapts to your startup’s development path.

Why should you make a business plan for apps?

In addition to helping you get your startup off the ground, a viable business plan acts as an indicator for investors to consider it as a potential asset.

exemple business plan application mobile

Let’s summarize the main reasons why your mobile app startup needs a business plan:

Reasons for a mobile app startup to draw a business plan

Both startups and established businesses need business plans, the content of which will depend on the company’s primary goal.

To attract partners, startup owners tend to use a business model canvas — a more flexible model of the traditional business plan. It can seamlessly adapt to the iterative nature of tech startup development, yet providing core information about a project.

However, the business model canvas for an app does not guarantee 100% success; it can only be one of the components that will help your project attract investment. A comprehensive business plan with a detailed description of your company and mobile app, justification of funds use, and coverage of all legal concerns is what can instill trust in all stakeholders of your project.

exemple business plan application mobile

Is there a difference between a business plan for a mobile app and other software?

There are obvious distinctions between mobile applications, websites, and other software solutions. They significantly contrast in marketing approach, monetization strategy, and feature sets. As a result, business plans for these solutions will differ as well.

A traditional software development business plan might be structured similarly to a business strategy for a mobile app company. However, any document that presents the firm and its product will be distinctive in content. It is reasonable since each project is unique, with its own goals and target audience.

What does a business plan for a mobile app look like?

Four core blocks of a business plan for a mobile app

Your mission is to create a reliable and stable mobile application for either enterprises, individuals, or non-profit organizations. In this case, a business plan will help you pave the road to make your project profitable.

Therefore, when writing a mobile app business plan for startups, you’ll need to estimate the cost of development and commissioning as well as the timing of the return on investment in your project. Only by doing this, will you get a clear picture of your app’s viability.

One of the essential factors in writing a good startup business plan for a mobile app is delivering maximum transparency at each part. Let’s highlight what you should include in your mobile app business plan to make it serve your business in the most effective way possible.

Executive summary

Let’s start with the executive summary . It is the first and most significant part of your mobile app business plan because it’s the first thing an investor will read. The executive summary should be clear and concise, with no detailed information about how your product works. Address the situation in the market, who your target customer is, and what unique problem your application can solve.

Make your proposal unique to distinguish your company from others. In other words, create a unique value proposition (UVP). Use your imagination: consider your executive summary as a movie teaser and your investor as a spectator. Would they like to see your movie?

Specify your goals . These objectives should rely on your business analysis. Investors will examine your aims to see if they satisfy their needs. You also have to determine the ultimate goal of your exit plan . Furthermore, you should establish a list of funding requirements and the proceeds that will be used to boost the attractiveness of your company. One of the essential factors in the startup business plan for your mobile app success is ensuring maximum transparency at each stage.

Make your document convincing . To do this, ensure your product’s concept and goals are crystal clear and do not vary throughout the paper. Provide the reader with accurate data and realistic expectations about your project. Of course, don’t forget to make sure that the name of the person who created the business plan and executive summary and the names of your team members are consistent throughout the documentation.

Business description

Introduce your company in this part, beginning with corporate information and ending with your mobile app concept. This part of your startup business plan will show investors the corporate values of your company, your mission, product vision, and the fundamental factors for your startup success.

This information is vitally important for investors. For example, a technology startup accelerator Y Combinator considers getting money as by far the easiest part whereas working on ideas — the most significant part for any startup in achieving success. In most cases, Y-Combinator-like organizations make compiling a thorough business plan a prerequisite before introducing newly-formed projects to investors.

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Company overview

Here you should describe your company’s:

Company's overview

This section should give the reader of your business plan detailed information about your startup: the official name of your company, the location of the headquarters, and its structure, namely the business entity type (LLC, corporation, etc.). Make sure to provide further details about your team, such as the number of workers, their names, job titles, and so forth.

Describe the purpose of your company and the fundamental principles that guide your business in the mission statement. After establishing your mission, outline the primary challenges and solutions your startup can offer.

exemple business plan application mobile

Company history

Before making any business proposal, describe the history of your company, how your team formed, and how you came up with your idea. In addition, you can talk about the main stages of your company’s development and the experience that precedes the product launch.

Whether you are outsourcing app development process or you have an in-house team, it is often the most significant part of the executive summary because your app development team is the main engine of your project implementation. You should specify each person’s name, position, work experience, and responsibilities in the company. In addition, you can involve an advisory group that will help you make essential decisions. Consultants on your advisory team should have experience in the industry.

Market analysis

Information about the state of the market should be the main factor in your app idea realization. You should be aware of the present situation in your industry, have up-to-date information, and be able to generate a short-term forecast.

To conduct market analysis , you should take several steps:

  • Examining existing business environment
  • Defining your market research criteria
  • Determining your total available market (TAM), service available market (SAM), and service obtainable market (SOM)
  • Identifying your direct competitors
  • Analyzing your target audience and figuring out the cost per acquisition (CPA) for your niche

No market research in the mobile app industry can be conducted without analyzing Google Play Store and Apple App Store with their ranks for top paid, top free, and top-grossing apps as well as user reviews.

Market forecasts

Forecasting is an integral component of writing a business plan for an app development startup realization.

Forecasts from reputable research firms such as Nielsen and Forrester are of interest when creating any business plan, be it a business plan for an app development, a website, or a traditional software startup business plan. To provide reliable market forecasts, you can:

  • Include data on the growth of companies with solutions similar to your mobile app
  • Add information on the amount of money poured into similar startups (platforms like Crunchbase or Y Combinator can help with this)
  • Enrich your business plan with some forecasts on your target customer behavior

Your goal is to assess whether there’s a real market for your product, whether there are enough customers in the market, and, accordingly, whether those customers are willing to pay money for using your product.

exemple business plan application mobile

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis: Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method that allows you to present a structured description of your business situation. It can be a great way to evaluate your app startup concept from four perspectives. Namely, its:

  • W eaknesses
  • O pportunities

It’s natural when a business has weaknesses: knowing about them will serve as a powerful driver for finding solutions and will reduce any risks your company may need to face.

Marketing strategy

An app marketing strategy is a bridge that allows your product to fall into the hands of your customers. You have to convince investors that you have such a bridge. This is an important part of the mobile app strategy.

When drawing up a mobile app marketing plan, you have to define the marketing strategies you intend to use in application promotion. Here are a few examples, along with descriptions of how they work:

Create a landing page

Landing page for a mobile app example

Creating a landing page for your mobile app will help you reach a wider audience by informing users about new features and updates. Make sure your page contains the name of the application, a description of its functionality, promotional videos, and so on.

Launch a website and blog

Launching a website is a great way to promote your application. There, you may, for example, provide more information about your company, its goals and values, and an overview of your future mobile solution.

A website blog is also a helpful thing with your app advertising. You can share news on your upcoming product and publish SEO-optimized articles for better promotion.

Social media marketing

Consider social media marketing while developing a business strategy to promote your app. Describe how you intend to use this form of advertising at various phases of your mobile solution development: before launch while attracting your audience and retaining users.

Estimate your marketing budget

You may estimate the cost of marketing services based on the market analysis you outlined in the preceding section of your business plan. Understanding the marketing budget is essential to all parties: you, the app owner, investors, and other stakeholders.

Product growth

Depending on the type of app startup, growing the user base approach differs, as does the business plan for entering different markets. For example, a massive advertising attack tends to make sense in markets where consumers understand your product or service and its usefulness.

Take, for instance, Uber , which has successfully launched extensive marketing campaigns. The company’s ads have spread globally with Uber localizing advertising for each region.

So, if you’re still working on a business strategy, think about how you’ll expand your user base in advance. This will tremendously assist you in future product growth.

Choose your product launch type

Feature flagged soft launch for a mobile app

Be sure to indicate the product launch type in your business plan. There are two such types: hard and soft launch . The first one means delivering a finished product to your entire target audience. A soft launch is when you release an MVP or full version of your app, but for a limited audience.

To rightly set out this part of your business plan, you should clearly understand what kind of financing you need to move forward. Moreover, you need to express it as clearly as possible to be sure a potential investor will also understand what funding you need.

The financial model includes, as a rule, a three- to five-year forecast of all the main forecasted indicators, including profit and loss, cash flow, balance sheets, start tables, unit economics calculation as well as your app’s projected revenues and costs. Your financial document has to contain the following components to determine the actual cost and distribution of investments in the best way, with a clear explanation of each.

Startup costs/funding required

Inform your investors about estimated costs. We recommend placing reasonable estimates and leaving room for extra expenses since these numbers might fluctuate.

Designate all types of costs :

  • One-time costs (e.g. relocation costs, costs for buying an office space, equipment, servers, software, licenses)
  • Fixed costs: they remain unchanged regardless of whether you produce something or not (e.g. rent, insurance, lease payments, fixed salaries)
  • Variable costs: costs that change according to the production volume (e.g. wages)

Monetization strategy

It is another section you need to add to your mobile app business plan. By illustrating your monetization model, you’ll demonstrate to your investors and other stakeholders that your project will be profitable and provide a return on investment with positive unit economics. It will also help you be sure that your startup will reach its break-even point.

The most common ways to monetize an application are :

  • Advertising
  • Charging for the application (if your business model describes a paid application, you need to convince the consumer why they have to pay and what they’re paying for)
  • In-app purchases (this is a widespread mobile app business model in iOS and Android applications)
  • Subscriptions (this model of monetization is quite popular and works until the user decides to cancel the subscription; in most cases, subscription apps have a free trial period)

Activities Mind Studios took to build an effective monetization model for Fitr.Training

One of our prominent projects in which we’ve helped set up a monetization strategy is Fitr. Training , a remote fitness coaching application. Our team analyzed the platform’s performance and discovered we could enhance the conversion rate.

We established a monetization model based on the collected data and customer feedback. Namely, our team launched an efficient subscription option. The results were remarkable: one out of every four coaches now uses the paid membership.

Mind Studios can also assist you in elaborating a potent monetization strategy.

Business plan example for a mobile app startup

We’d like to offer you a business plan template for a startup updated to 2023. Keep in mind that, although this mobile app business plan itself is structured according to all the rules, the calculations are entirely fictional. To complement our business plan, we also provide a mobile app marketing plan template, ensuring a strategic approach to promoting your app in the competitive market. This template includes up-to-date techniques for 2023, guiding you through effective advertising and user engagement strategies.

Download the free PDF business plan template for a mobile app here .

Writing a business plan for a mobile app startup isn’t easy. As a rule, the most challenging part of developing a business plan for a mobile app idea is writing the first page. Many people in this situation rush to find and download a free copy of another company’s business plan. They mistakenly believe that someone else’s business strategy will help them achieve their goals. But it absolutely won’t!

A business plan cannot be a cloned document. It must be one-of-a-kind reflecting your passion and enthusiasm in bringing your idea into life . A successful business plan should demonstrate that your company is viable and financially attractive. The higher the viability, the higher the investment opportunity.

If you need to compile a well-thought-out business plan to attract investments and successfully launch your app, our expert team at Mind Studios is here to help .

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How to Measure App Engagement: Top 7 User Engagement Metrics for a Mobile App

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How to write a business plan for your mobile app development project.

business plan for a mobile app development project

Starting a mobile app development project is a great idea because it allows businesses to reach a larger audience with their product or service, and it gives users the convenience of being able to access the app from anywhere on their mobile devices.

But, first thing first, you need to write a business plan.

A business plan is essential for any project, especially for mobile app development. It outlines the goals, objectives and strategies needed to successfully launch the app. It also helps to identify potential risks and provides a roadmap for the project's success.

In short, a good business plan will help ensure the profitability of your mobile app development project .

What are the essential parts of a business plan for a mobile app development project? What is the recommended format? Which important financial measures should be there? What's the best way to create a business plan quickly and effectively?

Please, find comprehensive answers to all these questions below.

Also, please note that starting your business plan from scratch is not mandatory.

You can download our editable business plan for a mobile app development project and adapt it to your project.

business plan app

How to prepare a business plan for a mobile app development project

Is it worthwhile to invest time in a business plan for your mobile app development project.

Yes, you should invest time in a business plan for your mobile app development project to ensure the success of your project.

Formulating a comprehensive business plan will allow to:

  • get familiar with the mobile app development market
  • stay on top of the industry's emerging trends
  • identify what makes a mobile app development project solid and successful
  • understand the target audience's requirements and preferences for mobile applications
  • come up with a unique value proposition for your app
  • analyze competitor target markets
  • identify solid competitive advantages for your mobile app development project
  • find a business model that will generate positive cash flows
  • implement a well-structured and calculated action plan
  • evaluate risks associated with a mobile app development project, including technical challenges, user privacy, and market competition

Our team has created a business plan for a mobile app development project that is designed to make it easier for you to achieve all the elements listed.

How to outline a business plan for a mobile app development project?

A business plan is filled with facts, figures, and indicators. It must be presented in a structured format, to make easy to read and digest.

When we built our business plan for a mobile app , we took care to arrange it appropriately.

The content is arranged in 5 sections (Opportunity, Project, Market Research, Strategy and Finances).

1. Market Opportunity

The introductory section has been named "Market Opportunity".

This section presents a comprehensive report on the mobile app development project, including key data and metrics to guide your decision-making.

We continuously update all the data there.

2. Project Presentation

The second part is dedicated to the "Project" of your mobile app development project. Here, you can outline the purpose and functionality of your app, target user demographics, user interface and experience design, development timeline, app store submission plans, and the unique value proposition that solves a specific problem or provides a unique solution for users.

Remember to introduce yourself at the end of this section.

Discuss your expertise in mobile app development, your range of services, and how you plan to provide innovative and user-friendly app solutions to clients. Highlight your track record of successful projects, your skilled team of developers, and your dedication to delivering seamless and engaging mobile experiences that meet the needs and expectations of users through your mobile app development project.

You'll find wording already provided in our business plan. Tailor it to fit your concept exactly.

3. Market Research

Next up is the "Market Research" section.

In this section, you will find a detailed market segmentation analysis for your mobile app development project.

It includes a presentation of other mobile app development companies in the industry that will be competing with you. Your project's unique app features and competitive advantages are also highlighted. A customized SWOT analysis is included.

4. Strategy

In the "Strategy" section, you will find a detailed growth plan for your mobile app development project, outlining all the necessary steps and initiatives to ensure its high profitability.

Furthermore, there is a marketing strategy, a risk management strategy, and a Business Model Canvas that has been filled in, all included in this section.

5. Finances

Ultimately, the "Finances" section provides a comprehensive view of the financial aspects and metrics of your project.

business plan mobile app development project

How to write an Executive Summary for a mobile app development project?

The Executive Summary is like an introduction to the business plan for your mobile app development project.

Keep it brief, not exceeding 2 pages. Stick to the crucial points.

When you show your business plan to an investor, this is what they will read first. It needs to get their attention and make them want to read the rest of the plan.

In the Executive Summary of your mobile app development project, answer these questions: what is your mobile app development project about? who is your target audience? are there any similar projects in the market? what makes your project unique? how much funding do you require?

How to do the market analysis for a mobile app development project?

The market study of your mobile app development project helps you understand external factors such as customer demands for mobile applications, competition within the app development industry, and emerging trends in mobile technology.

By conducting an extensive market study, a mobile app development project can understand user needs, offer innovative and user-friendly mobile app solutions, optimize pricing strategies, and execute targeted marketing campaigns, ultimately leading to increased user adoption, app downloads, and a prominent position in the mobile app industry.

This is what we've outlined in the "Market Research" section of our business plan for a mobile app :

  • interesting data points and market insights about mobile app development, including app usage trends, app market revenue, and the growth of app-based services
  • a list of potential customer segments for a mobile app development project
  • the competitive research
  • the competitive advantages for a mobile app development project

business plan mobile app development project

The key points of the business plan for a mobile app development project

What's the business model of a mobile app development project, business model of a mobile app development project.

A mobile app development project's business model revolves around creating and monetizing mobile applications for specific platforms such as iOS or Android. Revenue can be generated through app purchases, in-app advertising, in-app purchases, or subscription models.

The business model focuses on identifying market needs or gaps, designing user-friendly and engaging apps, developing robust and scalable code, testing and optimizing app performance, and implementing effective monetization strategies.

Success depends on market research, delivering high-quality user experiences, effective app marketing, regular updates and improvements, and staying responsive to user feedback and evolving industry trends.

Business model ≠ Business plan

Please don't mix up the terms "business plan" and "business model."

A business model outlines the way a company creates value, generates revenue, and operates.

In a business plan, you demonstrate your business model using a structure called the Business Model Canvas.

Rest assured, we provide a Business Model Canvas in our business plan for a mobile app .

How do you identify the market segments of a mobile app development project?

Market segmentation for your mobile app development project involves dividing your potential clients into different groups based on their app development needs, industries, and target audience.

These categories may include factors such as iOS app development, Android app development, gaming apps, or clients from specific industries (e.g., healthcare, finance, education).

By segmenting your market, you can offer specialized app development services and solutions that cater to each segment's specific requirements. For example, you might provide iOS app development services and design user-friendly and intuitive interfaces for Apple device users, offer Android app development services and optimize apps for a wide range of Android devices and versions, specialize in gaming app development and create immersive and engaging gaming experiences, or develop industry-specific apps tailored to the needs of clients in sectors such as healthcare, finance, or education.

Market segmentation allows you to effectively target your marketing efforts, showcase your app development expertise, and deliver high-quality and customized mobile app solutions that meet the unique needs of each client segment.

In the business plan for a mobile app , you will get a detailed market segmentation, helping you understand your target audiences and their needs.

How to conduct a competitor analysis for a mobile app development project?

Without surprise, you won't be the only mobile app development project in the market. There will be other developers working on innovative and user-friendly mobile applications.

Your business plan should encompass an extensive market study that examines your competitors' characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses.

Address their weaknesses (such as inefficient app development processes, lack of user testing, or poor app performance).

Why should you focus on these elements? Well, these weaknesses can hinder the success of mobile app development projects. By addressing these aspects, you can offer innovative and user-friendly app designs, provide efficient and reliable app development and testing processes, and deliver excellent customer support, positioning your mobile app development project as a trusted and preferred choice for businesses and individuals seeking high-quality and functional mobile applications.

It's what we call competitive advantages—building them is key to standing out in the market.

Here are some examples of competitive advantages for an app: user-friendly interface, innovative features, regular updates and improvements.

How to draft a SWOT analysis for an app?

A SWOT analysis can help identify potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can inform the development of a successful mobile app.

As you can guess, there is indeed a completed and editable SWOT matrix in our business plan for a mobile app

The strengths for a mobile app development project

When we talk about the "S" in SWOT, we mean Strengths, which are the project's positive attributes or advantages.

For a mobile app development project, possible strengths could include a user-friendly interface, comprehensive testing, scalability, and a secure back-end system.

The weaknesses for a mobile app development project

The "W" stands for Weaknesses, referring to the areas or aspects of the project that need to be addressed.

In the case of a mobile app development project, potential weaknesses could include an inexperienced development team, lack of proper project management, and poor quality assurance processes.

The opportunities for a mobile app development project

O represents Opportunities in SWOT, referring to the external factors or conditions that can create opportunities for the project's advancement.

In the case of a mobile app development project, potential opportunities include creating a social media app, a productivity app, a gaming app, and a shopping app.

The threats for a mobile app development project

When we mention the "T" in SWOT, we're referring to Threats, which are the external risks or negative factors that can impact the project's performance.

How to craft a marketing strategy for an app?

A marketing strategy plays a pivotal role in a business plan as it defines how a business will entice customers and generate sales.

An app can attract users by implementing a well-crafted marketing strategy that showcases its unique features, user-friendly interface, and how it solves a specific problem or meets a particular need.

Users won't choose your app without effective marketing; highlighting its features, usability, and benefits is necessary.

Have you explored marketing approaches to attract customers to your app? Consider optimizing your app store presence, running targeted advertising campaigns to reach your target audience, and utilizing social media platforms to engage with users and receive feedback.

No worries if you don't know anything about marketing and communication.

How to build a 3-year financial plan for an app?

A solid business plan must include detailed financial information such as projected income, expenses, cash flow, and balance sheets.

When creating your business plan, you must include anticipated revenue figures for your mobile app development project.

To earn the trust and confidence of potential investors, it's crucial to have revenue projections in your business plan that are based on believable and well-founded assumptions.

Our financial plan for a mobile app is straightforward and equipped with automated checks, enabling you to validate and adjust your assumptions easily. This way, we make sure you're building solid financial projections.

It goes without saying that you'll have to develop a provisional budget for your mobile app development project. Pay attention to every expense and don't leave any out (our financial plan includes a complete list for your convenience).

The break-even analysis is central in the financial plan as it will tell you whether your mobile app development project will generate profits or not.

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Focus sur le business plan d’une application mobile

Pierre Aïdan - Image

Pierre Aïdan

Docteur en droit et diplômé de Harvard.

Mis à jour le 26 juin 2023

Depuis l’essor du smartphone, le marché de l’application mobile connaît une croissance fulgurante. Il est donc important de vous démarquer si vous souhaitez vous lancer sur ce marché concurrentiel. On vous dit tout sur l’élaboration de votre business plan pour application mobile. Pour vous faciliter la tâche, n’hésitez pas à télécharger notre modèle de business plan .


Pourquoi rédiger un business plan pour application mobile ?

Vous vous demandez à quoi sert le business plan  ? Sachez que l’utilité d’un business plan n’est plus à démontrer. Le business plan d’une application mobile, est l’étape de construction de votre projet. Elle est indispensable si vous souhaitez rencontrer le succès. Le business plan a une double finalité :

  • Il vous permet de faire le point sur votre projet  : son concept, son financement, sa viabilité ;
  • Il vous permet d’obtenir des financements  : si vous souhaitez faire appel à des financeurs, obtenir un prêt professionnel , le business plan vous permet de convaincre vos potentiels investisseurs.

Cette étape ne doit donc surtout pas être négligée. Un business plan réussi, c’est la première marche vers le succès de votre application.

Que faire avant la rédaction du business plan pour application mobile ?

Laissez votre idée mûrir avant d’attaquer l’élaboration de votre business plan pour application mobile. Cette phase de réflexion vous permet de faire le point sur votre projet, mais également de le peaufiner avant l’étape capitale du business plan.

Vous pouvez par exemple évoquer vos principales idées à vos proches afin d’obtenir des premiers retours sur votre projet, sur ses qualités et ses défauts. Surtout, posez-vous les bonnes questions :

  • Comment me démarquer de mes concurrents ?
  • Comment financer une application mobile  ?
  • Quelle stratégie de communication adopter pour séduire le plus grand nombre de personnes ?  

Toutes ces questions doivent faire l’objet d’une réflexion afin d’inscrire leurs réponses dans le business plan de votre application mobile. Cette étape vous permet de définir le projet et la stratégie financière la plus adaptée.

Comment présenter votre projet dans le business plan d’application mobile ?

La structure du business plan est importante. Deux aspects principaux doivent être abordés à l’occasion de la rédaction du business plan d’application smartphone, la présentation générale de votre projet, et son financement.

Lors de la présentation de votre projet, plusieurs points doivent être traités :

  • Le concept de votre projet  : le marché de l’application mobile est hyper concurrentiel. Affinez votre projet, démarquez-vous, construisez un projet différent apportant une innovation. Décrivez ici la finalité de l’application, son fonctionnement ainsi que son contenu ;
  • La stratégie marketing  : quel nom, quel logo pour votre application mobile ? Soyez simple et accrocheur ! Prévoyez également votre stratégie de communication, notamment sur les réseaux sociaux, devenus indispensables à la réussite d’un projet ;
  • L’étude de marché  : pas de business plan sans étude de marché. Étudiez la part de marché de vos futurs concurrents, leurs atouts, leurs faiblesses mais aussi vos potentiels partenariats. Lors de l’étude de marché, ciblez le profil-type de votre clientèle.

Comment élaborer la partie financière du business plan d’application mobile ?

Il est indispensable d’évoquer le business model de l’application mobile . Ici, vous allez y mentionner le coût de développement de l’application et le modèle économique que vous souhaitez mettre en place.

Par exemple, vous pouvez adopter le modèle du freemium , en rendant votre application gratuite pour attirer le plus grand nombre d’utilisateurs. Dans cette optique, il est nécessaire de prévoir une autre source de revenus, qui peut être celle de la publicité ou des achats intégrés via application .

Votre business plan doit également mentionner votre chiffre d’affaires prévisionnel , et votre seuil de rentabilité , c’est-à-dire le chiffre d’affaires à atteindre pour que votre application mobile soit rentable.

Prévoyez également votre modèle de distribution  : le business plan d’une app android n’est pas le même que celui d’une app IOS. En effet, le coût de développement d’une application Android coûte généralement moins cher que celui d’une application IOS.

En définitive, votre business plan d’application mobile doit être la feuille de route de votre projet à court et moyen terme. Vous y présentez le projet, mais ne négligez pas le business plan financier qui vous permet de convaincre vos potentiels investisseurs de la viabilité de votre projet d’application.

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Fiche mise à jour le 26 juin 2023

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Mobile App Business Plan

Are you ready to revolutionize the mobile app industry? On this page, you will discover the essential steps to launch your own successful mobile app startup . 

In the digital era we live in, mobile apps have become an integral part of our lives, offering convenience, entertainment, and endless possibilities. If you’re ready to turn your brilliant mobile app idea into a thriving startup, this comprehensive guide is your roadmap to success. We’ll explore crucial topics like creating a mobile app development plan, selecting the optimal app for business planning, understanding the mobile app business model, launching a business app, establishing an app development company, effective marketing strategies for your mobile app, and crafting a compelling business plan for your tech startup. Let’s dive in!

Developing a Mobile App Business Plan

Before diving into the mobile app development process, it is crucial to have a well-defined plan. Start by identifying your target audience, understanding their needs and pain points. Conduct market research to analyze the competition and identify opportunities. Outline your app’s features and functionalities, and create a development timeline with clear milestones. Define the technology stack, choose the appropriate platforms (iOS, Android, or both), and establish a budget for development and ongoing maintenance.

Choosing the Best Mobile App for Business Planning

When it comes to business planning, having the right tools is essential. Look for mobile apps that cater specifically to business planning needs. These apps typically offer features such as financial projections , budgeting tools, goal tracking, and collaboration capabilities. Research and compare different options to find the one that aligns with your specific requirements and integrates seamlessly with your business processes.

Understanding the Mobile App Business Model

To build a successful mobile app startup, you need to understand the various business models available. Common mobile app business models include: 

Freemium: Offering a basic version of the app for free and charging for premium features or upgrades.

In-App Purchases: Providing additional content, virtual goods, or services within the app that users can purchase.

Subscription: Charging users a recurring fee to access the app or its premium features on a monthly or annual basis.

Advertising: Generating revenue through in-app advertising or partnerships with advertisers.

Sponsorship: Collaborating with brands or businesses to promote their products or services within the app.

Choose a business model that aligns with your app’s value proposition, target audience, and revenue goals.

Creating a Business App

Creating a business app involves understanding unique needs, providing solutions, and streamlining processes. Prioritize user-friendly interfaces, seamless integration, and regular updates based on feedback. Develop a mobile app to enhance engagement, streamline operations, and drive growth. Identify audience needs, design a user-friendly app, integrate with existing systems, and iterate for success.

Starting a Mobile App Company

If you aspire to start an app development company, consider the following steps:

Define your niche: Identify a specific industry or market segment to specialize in. This will help differentiate your company and target a specific audience.

Build a talented team: Assemble a team of skilled professionals, including app developers, designers, project managers, and marketers.

Establish partnerships: Collaborate with other businesses, agencies, or freelancers to leverage their expertise or fill skill gaps.

Create a portfolio: Develop a portfolio of successful apps or prototypes to showcase your skills and attract clients.

Market your company: Utilize digital marketing strategies, attend industry events, and network with potential clients to generate awareness and build a reputation.

Marketing Strategies for a Mobile App

Marketing plays a crucial role in the success of your mobile app startup. Some effective marketing strategies for mobile apps include:

App Store Optimization (ASO): Optimize your app’s name, description, keywords, and visuals to improve its visibility in app store search results.

Social Media Marketing: Leverage popular social media platforms to create engaging content, interact with your target audience, and build a community around your app.

Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with influencers or industry experts who can promote your app to their followers and provide credibility.

Content Marketing: Create informative and engaging content related to your app’s niche to attract and educate your target audience.

App Install Campaigns: Run targeted advertising campaigns to drive app installs, leveraging platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or mobile ad networks.

User Referral Programs: Incentivize your existing users to refer your app to their friends and family, offering rewards or discounts for successful referrals.

Crafting a Business Plan for a Tech Startup

A well-crafted business plan is essential for attracting investors, securing funding, and guiding your mobile app startup. Your business plan should include:

Executive Summary: Provide a concise overview of your mobile app startup, its value proposition, target market, and revenue potential.

Market Analysis: Research and analyze the target market , industry trends, competitive landscape, and potential opportunities or challenges.

Product Description: Describe your mobile app, its unique features, functionalities, and how it addresses user needs.

Marketing and Sales Strategies: Outline your marketing and sales strategies , including user acquisition, monetization, and retention plans.

Financial Projections: Present detailed financial projections , including revenue forecasts, expenses, and anticipated profitability.

Team and Management: Introduce the key members of your team, highlighting their skills, experience, and roles within the company.

Funding Requirements: Specify the funding you require to develop and launch your mobile app startup, along with potential sources of investment .

As technology continues to advance, more individuals and entrepreneurs are recognizing the potential of starting their own mobile app businesses. This surge in interest reflects the growing importance of mobile apps in various industries and the desire to capitalize on their benefits. 

Our team of mobile app business plan writers have developed a sample business plan specifically tailored for the mobile app industry in New York City, New York . This comprehensive business plan takes into account the unique characteristics and opportunities of the local market. We believe this mobile app business plan sample will be an invaluable resource for your mobile app business startup. 

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Executive Summary

“Lizzy App” (herein also referred to as “the company”), led by Founder Ava Liz, is in the strategic planning phase of developing Lizzy (herein also referred to as “the platform”), an exclusive mobile dating app designed specifically for American-born South Asians. The platform’s mission is to create a meaningful space for users to find love and companionship with like-minded people.

The online dating industry is currently undergoing a significant transformation, becoming more inclusive and adaptable to the diverse needs of various ethnic and cultural groups. However, amidst this progress, there is a unique blend of cultures that often remains overlooked—American-born South Asians. These individuals, born in the US to parents who emigrated from South Asian nations, navigate between the traditional cultures of their parents and the diverse norms of the US. As a result, they require a dating app that understands and respects their unique cultural nuances.

Lizzy aims to fill this gap by providing a platform specifically tailored to the needs of American-born South Asians, offering a unique value proposition centered around exclusivity and assured through a meticulous user vetting process. By understanding and integrating the specific requirements of this demographic into the platform, Lizzy goes beyond mere surface-level compatibility and facilitates genuine connections based on shared cultural experiences and values.

To bring this vision to life, the company is seeking a bank loan of $150,000. T he funds will be allocated toward app development, marketing initiatives, operational expenses, and other startup costs. The loan will be repaid by implementing a cash capture mechanism, primarily through tiered membership fees. Additionally, the company expects to generate additional revenue through various in-app purchases, creating a sustainable revenue stream to support the growth and sustainability of the platform. 

With a robust business strategy, a steadfast focus on customer satisfaction, and backed by a visionary Founder with a strong commitment to bridging cultural divides, Lizzy is positioned to emerge as the ultimate platform for North American-born South Asians, revolutionizing the dating experience for this unique community.

Business Overview

Lizzy App is an emerging company poised to revolutionize the dating scene for American-born South Asians through the development of the limited-access dating app, Lizzy. The key differentiating factor of the platform lies in exclusivity, as all users are required to submit an application and pass a meticulous screening process based on undisclosed criteria before being accepted into the platform. This careful vetting process ensures that users have a higher chance of connecting with like-minded individuals who share similar cultural backgrounds and values.

Lizzy’s revenue model is built upon two primary streams: membership fees and in-app purchases. The platform offers tier-based membership options that grant users access to a range of benefits and features, each available at different price points. To foster long-term commitments and establish a stable revenue stream, Lizzy implements a cash capture mechanism and offers discounts for extended membership durations. Moreover, in-app purchases provide additional avenues for revenue while enhancing the user experience with premium features and options.

Leveraging the Founder’s extensive network, Lizzy will initiate a beta launch in NYC Metro in April 2024. This beta launch will serve as a crucial phase to gather early user feedback and insights, allowing the company to make any necessary refinements before launching to the rest of the American market in June 2024. Once established in the American market, Lizzy has ambitious plans to expand its operations to the United States, reaching a larger audience of North American-born South Asians and solidifying its position as a go-to platform for meaningful connections and relationships.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to create a respectful, and exclusive digital space which enables North American-born South Asians to find meaningful connections which respect their unique blend of cultural identities.

Vision Statement 

Our vision is to create harmony within the South-Asian community; ensuring North American-born South Asians can safely and privately connect and explore one another.

Core Values

Lizzy’s culture is built upon a foundation of core values that shape the way the company interacts with customers, partners, and employees. These values are fundamental to all business activities and decisions and are deeply ingrained in the company’s ethos.

Community-Centered Approach.

The company believes in creating a platform that resonates deeply with the North American-born South Asian community. By fostering a sense of belonging and prioritizing the unique cultural values and aspirations of this demographic, Lizzy delivers a genuinely inclusive and personalized user experience.

User Safety and Secur ity.

Lizzy places the safety and security of its users at the forefront of its priorities. The company maintains stringent security measures and thorough vetting processes to ensure a safe and respectful online environment.

Excellence and Quality.

Lizzy is committed to delivering an unmatched user experience. By continually refining the platform to enhance ease of use, d esign aesthetics, and overall user satisfaction, the company strives to exceed user expectations at every touchpoint.

Collaboration and Openness.

Lizzy promotes a collaborative environment where ideas, feedback, and innovations are openly shared and valued. By actively encouraging collaboration between team members, users, and partners, Lizzy ensures a collective effort toward the betterment of the platform and overall user experience.

Uncompromising Integrity.

Upholding the highest ethical standards, Lizzy fosters a culture of trust, honesty, and transparency with team members, partners, and customers. The company treats all stakeholders fairly, ensuring transparent communication in all business activities.

Goals and Objectives

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Market analysis.

As the online dating industry evolves, understanding market trends, government regulations, and the competitive landscape is essential for positioning Lizzy for success.  This market analysis will provide a comprehensive review of these key factors, providing valuable insights into the industry that will help the company develop a winning strategy.

Global Dating App Industry

The dating application industry refers to a sector of the digital market that provides platforms or services for individuals to meet potential romantic partners. Dating applications, or dating apps, are a modern form of matchmaking, primarily accessed via smartphones and tablets. They allow users to create personal profiles, list their preferences, and search for other users who meet their desired criteria. These apps typically utilize algorithms to match users based on various factors, such as shared interests, age, geographic location, and more. Some apps also leverage advanced technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, to create more sophisticated matching mechanisms.

The global dating app industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing popularity of online dating applications among young individuals, particularly millennials. The market size of the global online dating application industry was valued at $7,939.2 Million in 2022, with a projected CAGR of 7.6% from 2023 to 2030. One of the key factors contributing to the growth of online dating applications is the rise in usage among the LGBTQ+ community, who have found these platforms to be a safe and inclusive way to connect with potential partners. Moreover, the convenience and accessibility offered by smartphones and high-speed internet have fueled the adoption of dating apps worldwide.

In terms of revenue generation, the subscription segment led the market in 2022, accounting for more than 62% of the overall revenue. This dominance is attributable to the additional features offered by paid subscriptions, such as an ad-free experience, unlimited likes, and read receipts, among others. The subscription segment is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.7% during the same forecast period.

Regionally, North America held the highest share, approximately 36% in the global market, largely due to the presence of major players such as Tinder and Bumble. The United States alone accounted for about 58% of the market share in this region in 2022. However, the US is anticipated to exhibit the fastest growth rate, with a projected CAGR of 7.3% during the forecast period. The Asia Pacific region, led by China and India, is also expected to witness rapid growth.

American Online Dating Industry

The American online dating industry has been experiencing steady growth, with revenue reaching $56.64 Million in 2022. This trend is set to continue with a CAGR of 2.53% in the next five years, pushing the market volume to an anticipated $66.21 Million by 2027. This growth can be attributed to the increasing number of Americans turning to online platforms to seek romantic relationships and companionship.

Projected Revenue Chart Online Dating

American Online Dating Industry Historical and Projected Revenue, 2017 to 2027 

Moreover, the number of users in the online dating market is expected to increase, with projections estimating approximately 3.05 Million users by 2027, representing a growth of 0.23 Million users compared to the figures in 2022. This upward trajectory will also be reflected in the penetration rate, which is expected to rise from 7.4% in 2023 to 7.6% by 2027. This gradual increase indicates a broader acceptance and adoption of online dating applications among the population.

In addition to the growing user base, the average revenue per user is expected to show positive growth. In 2022, the average revenue per user amounted to $63.10, and by 2027, it is projected to reach $66.56. This indicates that the industry is not only expanding in terms of user numbers but also generating higher revenue per individual user.

Market Trends 

This section provides an overview of the latest trends in the online dating industry, helping Lizzy stay ahead of the competition and identify new opportunities for growth. By examining key market drivers, consumer behavior, and industry challenges, the company can refine and innovate Lizzy’s business model to meet the evolving needs of users.

Inclusivity for Exclusivity

The online dating industry has experienced a significant shift in user preferences, with a notable focus on value-driven, niche dating platforms. Instead of engaging in mindless swiping through countless profiles, users now prioritize the search for a sense of belonging and meaningful connections within specific communities. This emerging trend is exemplified by the success of platforms like Grindr, which caters exclusively to the needs of gay, bisexual, and bi-curious men. Additionally, a diverse range of other niche dating apps has emerged, catering to users’ unique preferences, hobbies, or interests. These specialized platforms have capitalized on the demand for inclusivity by narrowing their focus to specific segments of the population, effectively transforming exclusivity into a unique selling point.

As a dating platform exclusively catering to North American-born South Asians, Lizzy is well-positioned to tap into the demand for a specialized and inclusive dating experience within this specific community. By providing a platform that understands the cultural nuances, values, and aspirations of this demographic, Lizzy will be able to create a sense of belonging and connection that is often lacking i n mainstream dating apps. With a focus on inclusivity, cultural resonance, and tailored connections, Lizzy has the potential to become the go-to dating app for individuals seeking meaningful relationships within their own cultural context, setting it apart from other generic dating platforms.


Gamification is an emerging trend that adds an element of fun and interactivity to the online dating experience. By incorporating gaming elements into dating apps, platforms have found innovative ways to engage users and encourage interaction. Bumble’s “Ice-breaking Questions” and Tinder’s mystery game “Swipe Night” are prime examples of successful gamification strategies. These unique features created a buzz among users and even attracted new users to these apps. To introduce gaming elements, some app publishers have revamped the dating app profile by incorporating users’ interests or character types, allowing users to find potential dates based on compatibility and shared personalities. Ur My Type (UMT) stands as a notable example of this enhancement, as the app matches users based on their Myers-Briggs personality types.

In line with these trends, Lizzy will incorporate elements of gamification into the platform. This will involve Daily Login Rewards. In order to encourage users to engage with the platform on a daily basis, Lizzy will offer rewards for consecutive log-ins. These rewards will include free swipes, cumulative points that can be exchanged for in-app purchases, or other additional features and benefits. This strategy aims to maintain user engagement, foster a daily habit of using the app, and provide users with incentives to continue their interaction with Lizzy.

User Safety

Alongside the rapid rise of online dating, concerns over user safety have also escalated. In the past, dating apps have been subject to criticism for insufficient protective measures against harassment, catfishing scams, and other forms of online abuse. A survey by the Pew Research Center revealed that 10% of dating app users had endured threats of violence, 35% received unsolicited sexually explicit messages or images, 28% faced offensive language, and 9% were threatened with physical harm. In response to these concerns, the industry has started to place greater emphasis on implementing effective safety measures. Enhanced privacy settings, advanced user verification methods, and features designed to report and block abusive users are now standard requirements for dating apps.

To address user concerns over safety, Lizzy is committed to implementing robust security measures in addition to standard protocols such as data encryption and privacy protection. As part of the company’s safety strategy, Lizzy will establish a comprehensive vetting process for all users, ensuring the verification of identities and profiles to create a safer and more trustworthy platform. Additionally, Lizzy will introduce a report and block function which will allow users to report any suspicious activities and promptly block individuals who engage in inappropriate behavior. To further enhance user support, Lizzy will expand the customer support team to efficiently handle disputes, address complaints, and provide timely assistance as the user base continues to grow.

Dating App Burnout

The trend of dating app burnout is on the rise, with a majority of users experiencing stress and disappointment due to unsuccessful dates and mismatched intentions, according to recent research by Badoo. The study found that, on average, singles go on six failed dates per year and spend approximately $350 on these unsatisfactory experiences. Approximately 31% of respondents admitted they find it challenging to express their intentions out of fear of judgment, and 82% expressed a desire to be more honest about their intentions to benefit future relationships. Misunderstandings also stem from assumptions made based on people’s profiles and gender, adding to the existing frustrations.

Lizzy aims to address this issue by implementing an efficient vetting process to ensure a high-quality user pool, thus increasing the chances of successful, compatible matches. The platform will also encourage users to be open about their intentions from the outset, alleviating concerns about judgment and promoting honest communication. Additionally, Lizzy’s focus on North American-born South Asians reduces the breadth of assumptions made based on profiles, as users share a common cultural background. By recognizing and addressing the common causes of dating app burnout, Lizzy will be able to offer an enhanced, satisfying dating experience to all its users.

Government Regulations

This section outlines the various government regulations and guidelines that directly affect Lizzy’s operations in the US. Upon expansion to new territories, the company will diligently review the relevant laws and regulations in each jurisdiction with the guidance of legal consultants. This proactive approach will enable the company to mitigate potential risks of non-compliance and maintain a high level of trust and credibility with stakeholders.

USA’s Anti-Spam Legislation 

Enacted in 2014, USA’s Anti-Spam Legislation seeks to promote ethical practices in electronic messaging and to combat spam and related cyber threats. Such threats encompass identity theft, phishing, and the distribution of harmful software, including viruses, worms, and trojans, collectively known as malware.

Under the regulations of USA ASL, companies are encouraged to adopt a more disciplined approach to managing their electronic marketing programs. This entails obtaining consent before sending commercial electronic messages. Requesting consent is a crucial gesture that demonstrates businesses’ respect for consumer privacy. Moreover, it ensures that businesses engage with individuals who have a genuine interest in their products or services, leading to improved open and click-through rates.

As a company operating a digital platform, specifically an online dating app, Lizzy will be engaged in constant electronic communication with users. To ensure compliance with the CASL, Lizzy will:

  • Obtain Consent: Lizzy will only send commercial electronic messages to users who have expressly given their consent. Consent will be sought during the application process, and users will have the option to revoke their consent at any time.
  • Provide Identification Information: All electronic messages sent by the company will clearly identify Lizzy as the sender and provide contact information, including a physical mailing address and either a telephone number, email address, or website URL.
  • Provide an Unsubscribe Mechanism: All commercial electronic messages will include a clear and simple mechanism for recipients to unsubscribe. Upon receiving an unsubscribe request, Lizzy will promptly remove the user’s contact information from the mailing list.

Competition Act 

The Competition Act is the main federal statute in the US that prescribes rules against false or misleading advertising and deceptive marketing practices. The Act prohibits making public representations that are materially false or misleading. Such representations can be reviewed under civil provisions and are prohibited under the Act’s criminal provisions. The criminal and civil provisions are identical, but the criminal offense necessitates a “knowing” or “reckless” mental state.

The Competition Bureau, the regulatory body responsible for enforcing the Act, can choose to pursue either the criminal or civil track when enforcing compliance with misleading advertising laws. Typically, the Bureau reserves the criminal track for particularly severe cases. The Act also includes specific prohibitions that apply to certain types of advertising issues, such as pricing claims, performance claims, promotional contests, testimonials, bait-and-switch selling, and sale above an advertised price. Furthermore, the Act mandates that all statements, warranties, and guarantees be backed by “adequate and proper” testing. This provision places the burden on the advertiser to substantiate any claim before it is made public.

In alignment with the provisions of the Competition Act, Lizzy commits to transparent, honest, and accurate advertising. This includes clearly representing its services, pricing, and promotional offers, and ensuring that all claims, whether related to the functionality of the app or success rates, are supported by proper evidence or testing. This practice is not only intended to maintain regulatory compliance but also to build a solid reputation for integrity and trustworthiness, which is fundamental to gaining and retaining user trust.

State Regulations

Personal Information Protection Act of New York

Since the initial user base of Lizzy will originate from the Founder’s personal network in New York, it is important to acknowledge that the state has its own private-sector privacy law, which is substantially similar to the federal PIPEDA. Generally, establishments subject to a similar provincial privacy law, such as New York’s Personal Information Protection Act, are exempt from PIPEDA with regard to the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information that occurs within the state.

PIPA is a privacy act that governs the private sector in New York, outlining how all private sector organizations must manage the personal information of employees and the public (including customers). The act establishes common-sense rules for collecting, using, and disclosing personal information, striving to balance an individual’s right to protect their personal information and an organization’s need to collect, use, or disclose personal information for reasonable purposes.

The act also grants individuals the right to access the personal information an organization holds about them and request corrections if they believe the information is incorrect or incomplete. Personal information, as defined by PIPA, includes information that can identify an individual (e.g., name, home address, home phone number, or ID number) and information about an identifiable individual (e.g., physical description, educational qualifications, or blood type). However, it does not include business contact information or work product information.

Under PIPA, personal information can be collected, used, or disclosed for practical purposes only. In the context of the act, “reasonable” refers to what a reasonable person would deem appropriate in a given situation. Factors such as the type or amount of personal information collected, the intended use of that information, and the potential recipients of that information will determine what is considered reasonable.

Competitive Analysis

The global online dating market is characterized by high competition, with dominant players influencing the industry landscape. These market leaders have successfully implemented sustainable growth strategies and are actively pursuing various methods of expansion, such as mergers, acquisitions, collaborations, and agreements. To better understand Lizzy’s position in this market, a competitive analysis has been conducted to identify the primary competitors and their respective strengths and weaknesses.

exemple business plan application mobile

Competitor A is positioned as a dating app for South Asians to connect and engage in serious, long-term relationships, thus leaving a gap for apps which offer a space for casual connections.

exemple business plan application mobile

Competitor B’s traditional approach to matchmaking may not resonate with modern, urban, professional South Asians looking for a more contemporary and dynamic platform like Lizzy.

Competitor C is a less tailored choice for American-born South Asians. Competitor C does not account for the cultural nuances and shared experiences that Lizzy integrates into the platform.

Products and Services

Lizzy’s primary source of revenue comes from membership fees, which are provided in various tiers tailored to the diverse needs and preferences of vetted members. Each membership tier offers different benefits, with higher tiers providing users with a greater number of daily swipes and likes, as well as unlocking exclusive features.  As part of Lizzy’s cash capture mechanism, membership fees are priced based on the duration, with discounted rates offered for longer commitments. This strategy not only encourages users to commit to a longer membership but secures a more predictable revenue for Lizzy.

To stimulate user activity and maintain consistent engagement, the number of swipes and likes is replenished after a 24-hour period. This daily renewal system keeps the platform dynamic and encourages users to interact with the platform regularly. Understanding the value of flexibility, Lizzy offers both auto-renewal and manual renewal options, allowing users to control their membership status according to their convenience.

These in-app purchases not only offer users more flexibility and control over users’ experiences but also allow Lizzy to generate additional revenue, providing a win-win for both parties.  Moreover, these additional features fulfill the desire of users to optimize their matching chances, maximize their reach, and enrich their overall dating experience. By offering these options, Lizzy enhances user satisfaction and engagement, which in turn will lead to long-term loyalty and revenue growth.

Competitive Advantages  

The following competitive advantages differentiate Lizzy from other online dating platforms:

Highly Vetted User Base: While many dating platforms struggle with fake profiles and fraudulent activity, Lizzy ensures user authenticity by meticulously vetting all users. Through referrals, social media checks, and committee reviews, Lizzy creates a secure and trustworthy environment for its users, enhancing the quality of interactions on the platform.

Niche Market Focus: Lizzy caters specifically to North American-born South Asians, a niche often overlooked by broader dating platforms. This targeted approach eliminates the need for users to navigate through a multitude of unsuitable profiles, offering a more efficient and culturally compatible dating experience.

Limited Swiping : Unlike other platforms that bombard users with endless profiles to swipe through, Lizzy carefully curated matches for users. This approach mitigates decision fatigue and enhances the overall user experience by presenting only the most relevant matches, making each connection more meaningful.

Exclusivity: Lizzy introduces an element of exclusivity through its selective application process, distinguishing it from other dating apps. Prospective users or “applicants,” will undergo screening based on undisclosed criteria, resulting in a curated user base. This approach enhances overall user quality, attracts individuals seeking an exclusive dating experience, and fosters a safer and more genuine community.

Competitive Pricing : Lizzy offers an affordable alternative to platforms like Dil Mil, providing excellent value for money. This is achieved by combining user-focused features with a more accessible pricing model, making Lizzy a cost-effective choice for users seeking quality connections.

Ad-free Experience: Unlike many dating apps that disrupt the user experience with ads, Lizzy offers an ad-free platform. This allows users to focus on their connections and conversations without interruptions, providing a more comfortable and immersive experience.

Key Success Factors

Lizzy’s success will be driven by the following key factors:

Strategic Marketing and Branding

Effective marketing and branding strategies will play a crucial role in raising awareness and driving user adoption. Showcasing Lizzy’s unique selling points and creating a strong brand identity will be vital for attracting users, especially in the early stages of operations.


Lizzy’s ability to scale efficiently and effectively will be key to its long-term success. The platform must be prepared to handle increased user volume and expansion into new geographical areas while maintaining its high level of service and performance.

Healthy Churn Rate

User turnover is inevitable for dating platforms, as a percentage of individuals join with the goal of finding a long-term relationship and eventually leaving the platform. Therefore, Lizzy will focus on implementing user retention strategies while also attracting new users to keep the community lively and dynamic.

Sustainable Monetization

Lizzy will strive to strike a balance between generating re venue and offering value to its users. The company will implement monetization strategies that are fair and transparent, ensuring that the prices charged align with the true value provided to users.

Continuous Innovation

The digital landscape, especially the dating app market, is continually evolving. To stay competitive, Lizzy will continuously innovate, introducing new features and improving user experience based on market trends and user feedback.

Customer Service Excellence

Providing exceptional customer service will enhance user satisfaction and loyalty. Lizzy will strive to offer responsive, empathetic, and effective customer support, resolving user issues promptly and professionally.

Sales and Marketing Plan

The sales and marketing plan lays out the company’s strategy for expanding Lizzy’s user base and growing the community. This section examines the key channels the company will use to promote its services, as well as the metrics that will be used to gauge success. Additionally, the plan will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company, opportunities for growth and expansion, and potential threats that could impact business operations.

Target Customers

Lizzy will primarily cater to American-born South Asians, also referred to as “second-generation South Asians.” According to the American Government’s Classification of Generation Status, the term “second-generation” refers to individuals who were born in the US and have at least one parent born outside of the country. This classification essentially represents the children of immigrants.

The platform will initially launch in NYC Metro, a vibrant region with a robust South Asian community. In this area alone, there are approximately 40,640 American-born South Asians within the 20 to 54 age group, providing an excellent launchpad for Lizzy. The initial focus on a geographically confined area will allow the company to build a strong local presence and gather valuable feedback for refining the platform.

Following three months of intensive beta testing and platform refinement, Lizzy intends to roll out the platform to the rest of the American market. Nationally, there are roughly 230,000 American-born South Asians aged between 20 and 54. This population is expected to increase at a CAGR of 10.17% to reach approximately 550,000 by the year 2030. These statistics indicate a promising future for Lizzy in the American market, presenting ample opportunities for growth and success.

Furthermore, Lizzy has long-term plans to expand to the United States, a move that will provide access to an even larger pool of potential users. This planned expansion is another strategic step in positioning Lizzy as the premier dating platform for American-born South Asians, extending its reach beyond the American market.

American-Born South Asians

American-born South Asians represent a unique segment of the USA’s diverse population. Born in the US to parents who emigrated from South Asian nations such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and others, these individuals straddle two worlds—the traditional South Asian cultures of their parents and the diverse, multicultural norms of the US. This group, while inherently familiar with American societal norms, maintains a deep connection with their South Asian roots through family customs, food, language, and more. Being born and growing up in the US, they often face unique challenges when it comes to dating and finding a suitable partner. The cultural nuances, expectations, and traditions of their heritage can sometimes clash with Western norms, making it difficult for them to find someone who understands and appreciates both aspects of their identity.

American-born South Asians trace their roots to a variety of regions across the South Asian subcontinent. Notably, individuals of Indian descent represent the largest segment within this demographic, constituting over half of the population. Other significant sub-groups include those of Punjabi, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Tamil, Bangladeshi, Gujarati, Jatt, and Bengali descent, as well as those who identify more generally as South Asian without specifying a particular country or region.

Key Channels

Lizzy’s marketing plan hinges on a multi-tiered approach to connect with American-born South Asians who form the core of its user base. The Founder’s personal network will serve as a launchpad for the initial phase, while Instagram, TikTok, Facebook,  and Youtube will be key platforms for outreach given their popularity among the target demographic. The marketing approach will be designed around the marketing funnel, concentrating on various stages including awareness, consideration, conversion, loyalty, and advocacy.

At this stage, the company’s objective is to make the target demographic aware of Lizzy and its unique value proposition. This involves highlighting the features and benefits of Lizzy, building a strong brand presence, and generating excitement within the community to capture the interest of potential users. As this is the first point of contact between Lizzy and potential users, efforts will be focused on creating a positive and compelling impression.

Founder’s Personal Network: The founder possesses a strong network of individuals who have a significant number of followers. By leveraging these connections, Lizzy can tap into a sizable pool of potential users. It is anticipated that each of the 30 contracts will bring in approximately 10 users, leading to an estimated initial user base of 300 individuals.

Paid Social Media Ads : Lizzy will run targeted paid advertising campaigns on popular platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. Leveraging advanced targeting options, these ads will reach individuals interested in dating apps or related content. By utilizing these platforms, Lizzy aims to enhance visibility, connect with a larger, more specific audience, and effectively communicate its unique value proposition through culturally relevant and engaging advertisements.

Influencer Collaborations: Lizzy plans to collaborate with influencers who have a significant following within the American South Asian community. These influencers will play a vital role in introducing Lizzy to their followers, creating a buzz around the brand. Collaborators will be carefully selected based on their credibility and alignment with Lizzy’s brand values.

Public Relations: Lizzy will also engage in public relations activities, such as issuing press releases, to local media outlets and South Asian-centric publications. This will help increase brand visibility, build credibility, and reach potential users who may not be active on the aforementioned social media platforms.

Website: To attract organic traffic to the website and position Lizzy as a trusted authority in the niche dating market, the company will invest in creating high-quality website content optimized for search engine optimization (SEO). This will include informative articles, blog posts, and guides related to dating, relationships, and South Asian cultural topics.


In the consideration stage, the objective is to engage the interest of potential users and nurture them into becoming Lizzy users. This stage involves a detailed showcasing of the platform, its unique features, and the benefits users can experience from it. Here, the focus is on strengthening the connection between Lizzy and potential users, persuading them to consider Lizzy as their preferred dating app.

Organic Social Media Engagement: To build a stronger connection with potential users, Lizzy will engage in organic social media activities. These activities will be tailored to each platform:

  • Instagram: Lizzy will regularly post visually appealing images and videos showing the app in use, user testimonials, and content that resonates with the cultural nuances of the target demographic. Instagram Stories will also be used for limited-time content and to engage followers with interactive elements like polls and questions.
  • Facebook: While also sharing similar content as on Instagram, Facebook will be used to foster a community around the Lizzy brand. This includes creating a Facebook Group for users and potential users to interact, ask quest ions, and share their experiences.
  • TikTok: Lizzy will create and share engaging, short-form video content on TikTok. This includes tutorials on using the app, highlighting unique features, and other culturally relevant content.
  • YouTube: Long-form video content will be created for YouTube. This includes detailed walkthroughs of the app, interviews with successful matches, and content about love and dating within the South Asian community in the US.

Lead Capturing Landing Pages: Lizzy will create targeted landing pages designed to capture the contact details of potential users. These landing pages will include a prominent call to action, encouraging visitors to provide their email addresses in exchange for updates, exclusive information, or possible early access to the platform.

Email Marketing: Once the contact details of potential users have been captured, an email marketing campaign will be implemented. The campaign will aim to build interest and anticipation for the platform during the initial stages. In the later stages, regular newsletters will be sent out to provide more in-depth information about Lizzy, showcase success stories, and provide updates on new features.

The conversion stage is the turning point in the marketing funnel, where interested individuals take definitive action to become users of Lizzy. Given that Lizzy is an exclusive platform, this step involves completing an application process and undergoing a screening before being accepted. Both the application and screening process can be completed either via the Lizzy app or on the website, making it accessible to a wide range of users. During this stage, strategies will be centered around persuasive tactics aimed at encouraging sign-ups, membership purchases, and various in-app transactions.

User-Friendly Application Process:  Lizzy will ensure a streamlined and user-friendly application process to encourage conversions. Clear instructions and expectations will be provided from the beginning to minimize potential drop-offs and create a smooth and efficient experience for applicants.

Onboarding Program : Once a user is accepted, a comprehensive in-app onboarding program will take place to ensure they understand the platform’s various features and benefits. This not only helps in conversion but also ensures users utilize the platform to its fullest extent.

Trial Memberships: Lizzy will offer trial memberships to new users, providing them with an opportunity to explore the benefits of a full membership. These trials serve as a powerful incentive for users to convert into paying members.

Discounted Rates: To encourage long-term commitment, Lizzy will offer discounted rates on longer membership plans. This approach not only helps in securing revenue through a cash-capture mechanism but also enhances user retention by incentivizing users to choose longer subscription periods.

In-app Pop-ups: Lizzy will utilize in-app pop-ups to promote additional in-app purchases, including options such as extra likes, swipes, search options, and unlock additional features. This strategic approach aims to drive revenue while enhancing user engagement within the platform.

At this stage in the funnel, the focus is to encourage users to continue their relationship with Lizzy and consistently use the platform. Loyalty is cultivated through a positive user experience, excellent customer service, fostering a sense of community, and creating a safe and enjoyable environment where users can find meaningful connections.

Personalized User Experience: Lizzy will leverage its data-driven approach to provide a personalized experience for each user. This will involve tailored match suggestions, personalized messages, and other customized content that make users feel valued and understood.

Robust Customer Support: A critical aspect of user loyalty is the assurance of support when needed. Lizzy will provide comprehensive customer support, handling queries, concerns, and complaints promptly and professionally.

Promoting User Safety: Lizzy will promote safety features, such as the ability to report and block users, through various communication channels. By doing so, Lizzy reassures users that their safety and comfort are a top priority, thereby fostering a sense of trust and loyalty.

Regular Updates: Lizzy will maintain an ongoing commitment to improving the platform based on user feedback. This will be executed by regularly updating the platform and introducing new and exciting features.

Daily Login Rewards: In order to encourage users to engage with the platform on a daily basis, Lizzy will offer rewards for consecutive log-ins. These rewards will include free swipes, cumulative points that can be exchanged for in-app purchases, or other additional features and benefits. This strategy aims to maintain user engagement, foster a daily habit of using the app, and provide users with incentives to continue their interaction with Lizzy.

Community Engagement: Lizzy will actively engage with its user community on social media platforms. This will be done through regular posts, discussions, and interactive content. By creating a lively and interactive social media presence, Lizzy can cultivate a sense of community and belonging among its users, contributing to increased loyalty.

At this point in the marketing funnel, the objective is to turn loyal users into brand advocates. Advocacy occurs when users are so satisfied with their experience on Lizzy that they actively recommend it to others in their network. This not only provides a powerful testament to the value and quality of Lizzy but also helps attract new users to the platform through word-of-mouth. Here, the strategies will be focused on encouraging users to share their positive experiences, refer their friends, and actively promote Lizzy within their social circles.

Referral Program: A referral program will be put into place where existing users can invite their friends to join Lizzy. For each successful referral that results in a new user, the referrer will receive certain benefits such as premium features, extended memberships, or other in-app incentives. This gives existing users a compelling reason to spread the word about Lizzy.

Community-Building Events: Lizzy will host community-building events, both virtually and in person, as a means to further establish a sense of community among its users. These events can also act as a platform for users to share their positive experiences with Lizzy, reinforcing their role as advocates for the brand.

User Testimonials: Real-life success stories or testimonials from users can be a powerful form of advocacy. Lizzy will encourage users to share their experiences and stories, which can then be featured on Lizzy’s social media platforms and website. This not only promotes the brand but also adds a level of authenticity and trustworthiness to the platform.

Engagement with User-Generated Content : Encouraging users to share their Lizzy experiences on their personal social media accounts can create a viral effect. Lizzy will engage with such content by liking, sharing, or commenting on user posts, which can further boost visibility and reach.

Brand Ambassadors: Lizzy will identify power users or influencers within the Lizzy community and extend invitations to them to become brand ambassadors. These individuals will play a crucial role in promoting Lizzy within their network, generating buzz around the platform, and serving as relatable faces for the Lizzy brand. Their endorsement and engagement will contribute to increased awareness, trust, and loyalty among the target audience.

Key Performance Indicators

To effectively track Lizzy’s progress and ensure continued success, the company has identified the following KPIs:

  • User Acquisition
  • Number of new user applications
  • Application acceptance rate
  • Member referral rate
  • Monthly user growth rate
  • User Engagement
  • Daily active users (DAU) and monthly active users (MAU)
  • Average time spent per session
  • Number of connections made between users
  • Number of in-app activity
  • Membership Retention
  • Retention rate of active members
  • Average duration of membership
  • User churn rate
  • Monetization
  • Average revenue per user (ARPU)
  • Revenue generated per membership tier
  • Revenue generated from in-app purchases
  • App Performance
  • App Store and Play Store rating and reviews
  • Number of reported crashes and technical issues
  • Cost per lead and user acquisition cost 
  • 4:1 return on ad spend 
  • 5% monthly website traffic increase
  • 2% monthly follower growth rate on all social media platforms
  • Gross margin 
  • Net profit margin 
  • Positive cash flow

SWOT Analysis

  • Exclusive platform that caters to the unique cultural context of American-born South Asians
  • Founder’s expertise and deep understanding of the unique needs of the target demographic
  • Founder’s extensive network within the South Asian community in NYC Metro
  • Thorough user vetting process that ensures a high-quality user base
  • Diversified revenue streams through membership fees and in-app purchases
  • Limited user base due to the exclusive focus on North American-born South Asians
  • New entrant with limited brand recognition compared to established dating apps
  • Potential for a slower user growth rate compared to broader demographic dating apps
  • Revenue heavily reliant on membership fees and in-app purchases
  • Limited resources for aggressive marketing and user acquisition


  • Increasing demand for niche dating platforms
  • Growing consumer spending on online dating services
  • Expansion into the American market to tap into the population of American-born South Asians
  • Potential collaboration with influencers or celebrities to increase the platform’s visibility
  • Integration of gamification features to attract and retain users
  • Intense competition from both mainstream and other niche dating platforms
  • Regulatory changes impacting user data privacy and app operations
  • Economic downturns affecting users’ capacity to pay for premium services
  • Rapidly evolving user preferences and expectations in the online dating industry
  • Negative experiences or incidents that can damage the platform’s reputation

Operational Plan

The operational plan serves as the backbone that outlines the fundamental actions required to ensure Lizzy’s operations run efficiently and effectively. This section provides a comprehensive overview of the company’s day-to-day activities, covering critical areas such as hours of operation, location, app development, project timeline, platform mechanics, compliance with laws and regulations, and risk management. 

Hours of Operations

The operating hours for the different departments of the company will vary depending on their respective responsibilities.

Management Team

To ensure optimal productivity and efficiency, Lizzy’s management team will operate during standard working hours. This will enable the team to work collaboratively and be available for communication with contractors and stakeholders during regular business hours.

Additionally, this operating schedule promotes a healthy work-life balance for employees, which is crucial for maintaining high morale and productivity. Having weekends off allows employees to recharge, ensuring they are motivated and ready to provide exceptional service during the workweek.

App Operations

The App Operations team, consisting of the Customer Service Department and the Account Review Department, operates on a 24/7 schedule. Team members will be working in shifts to provide round-the-clock support for the platform, seven days a week. Each team member will follow a standard 40-hour workweek, ensuring that customer queries are promptly addressed and user profiles are efficiently reviewed. This schedule enables the team to deliver excellent customer service, enhance user satisfaction, and maintain active engagement on the platform.

Office Location

During the initial phase, the Lizzy team will adopt a fully remote work model, leveraging modern technological tools for communication, collaboration, and project management. This approach allows the company to save on infrastructure costs, ensuring that more resources are available for critical areas such as platform development and user acquisition. The remote work model also provides the advantage of recruiting talent without being limited by geographical boundaries, thereby opening up a wider pool of potential employees.

Once the company achieves a lucrative financial standing, the plan is to establish a physical headquarters in New York City, New York, a city renowned for its thriving tech industry and vibrant startup ecosystem. This office will house senior management, administration, human resources, and other corporate functions, fostering a collaborative and centralized work environment.

App Development

The development of Lizzy will be entrusted to Simply Designs, a renowned application development firm in New York City, New York. Led by Scott Jackson, Simply Designs has built a strong reputation in the industry, specializing in custom software and app development across multiple platforms. Their expertise lies not just in coding, but extends to wireframing, graphic design, project management, testing, and facilitating app store approvals, making them an ideal partner for this project.

Simply Designs’ team of skilled mobile app developers will manage the process from concept to deployment. This includes creating a user-friendly interface, ensuring smooth functionality, and optimizing the app for both iOS and Android. In addition to the mobile app, the contractor will also be responsible for creating Lizzy’s website, ensuring a consistent brand image and user experience across all digital touchpoints.

The decision to outsource the app and website development to Simply Designs not only guarantees high-quality output but also provides financial advantages for Lizzy. Outsourcing will save the company the associated costs and time involved in hiring, recruitment, and managing an in-house development team. Furthermore, this approach ensures that the technical aspects of the project are entrusted to capable hands, allowing Lizzy to concentrate on other core areas such as market research, user acquisition strategies, and delivering superior customer service.

Project Timeline

The following illustration represents the projected timeline for Lizzy, detailing the key milestones and development stages that the company intends to accomplish. This timeline offers an informative roadmap of the company’s strategic goals, showcasing the planned trajectory from the acquisition of funds to the anticipated platform launch.

Platform Mechanics

The following diagram illustrates the key functionalities, steps, and interactions that a typical user will encounter from the application process to engaging with other users on Lizzy. This visual representation showcases the platform’s unique features, intuitive design, and user-friendly interface, providing a clear understanding of how Lizzy strives to deliver a seamless dating experience to its users.

Lizzy will adhere to the federal and provincial laws discussed in Section 3.2 Government Regulations , as well as other pertinent regulations, bylaws, and standards. The company will take all necessary steps to ensure that it obtains the required government permits to conduct its business operations legally and ethically.

Labor and Employment

The company will strictly adhere to the legal standards for payment, compensation, and working conditions as mandated by the New York Employment Standards Act. The management team will ensure open communication channels with employees to promote a positive work-life balance that enhances welfare. Moreover, the company will continuously monitor its adherence to labor laws and periodically review compensation packages to ensure they meet the legally mandated minimum wage requirements.

Risk Analysis

Slow Adoption Rate 

As a relatively new platform, Lizzy faces the inherent risk of slow user adoption which could significantly impact the company’s growth, market position, and long-term sustainability. 

Apart from leveraging the Founder’s personal network, Lizzy will implement a robust marketing strategy to boost awareness and attract users. Incentives will also be provided to early adopters, encouraging user referrals and positive word-of-mouth.

User Data Breach

A breach in user data could result in unauthorized access to user profiles and personal information, eroding user trust and potentially exposing the company to legal consequences.

Lizzy will adopt rigorous security measures, including encryption, regular security audits, and secure access management. In the event of a breach, Lizzy will promptly inform affected users and take immediate corrective action

Negative User Behavior

Users engaging in harassment, catfishing, or other inappropriate behaviors could damage the platform’s atmosphere and deter potential users.

Lizzy will implement a stringent user vetting process and enforce strict community guidelines to keep the community safe.  Users will also be encouraged to actively report any suspicious or inappropriate behaviors.

Regulatory Changes

New regulations or amended regulations on online services could have an impact on the operations of Lizzy, potentially resulting in additional costs or requiring modifications to the business model.

To ensure ongoing compliance, Lizzy will stay updated with all regulatory changes in the industry and work closely with legal consultants. The company will allocate the necessary resources to accommodate any adjustments required as a result of regulatory changes.

Economic Downturn

Changes in the economy can influence user spending behavior. In an economic downturn, users may be less willing to pay for premium features.

Lizzy will monitor economic indicators and adjust its pricing strategy as needed. The company will also strive to offer a range of features and price points to cater to users with different spending capacities.

Technological Malfunction

Any disruptions to the operation of the platform, such as crashes, bugs, glitches, or performance issues, can have a negative impact on user experience, potentially resulting in the loss of account.

To ensure the seamless functioning of the app, Lizzy will invest in high-quality technology infrastructure and conduct regular testing and maintenance. Additionally, prompt technical support will be provided to address any issues that may arise.

Market Competition

The online dating industry is highly competitive, with numerous platforms vying for user attention. An increase in competition could lead to a loss of market share for Lizzy and impact its growth.

To set the platform apart from competitors, Lizzy will focus on a differentiation strategy. This will involve continuously innovating and improving its service offerings to align with the specific needs and expectations of North American-born South Asians.

Organizational Plan

The organizational plan outlines the company’s approach to managing human capital, including the organizational structure, management team, personnel plan, and recruitment plan. This plan will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure the company remains adaptable and responsive to emerging opportunities and challenges.

Founder and Owner

Ms. Ava Liz is a results-oriented professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in the social service sector. Ms. Liz’s expertise, characterized by a deep understanding of mental health and a proven ability to establish and maintain productive relationships with team members and clients, has led to a career filled with impactful social initiatives. Leveraging these skills, Ms. Liz has transitioned into tech entrepreneurship as the Founder and Owner of Lizzy, a venture that carries the same level of social commitment and determination.

A respected member of the South Asian community, Ms. Liz holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and a Bachelor in Social Work, alongside an active registration with the New York College of Social Workers, highlighting academic proficiency and commitment to professional development. Moreover, Ms. Liz’s past success in fundraising, notably raising over $20,000 for the ALS Society within the South Asian Community, demonstrates tenacity, resourcefulness, and commitment to effecting positive social change. These attributes, along with Ms. Liz’s keen understanding of the target demographic’s unique needs and experiences, will play a crucial role in leading Lizzy to unprecedented heights in the dating app industry.

Key Personnel

This personnel plan provides an overview of the duties and responsibilities of each employee and contractor within the company, offering clarity on individual duties and fostering a culture of accountability and effective management. By clearly defining the scope and mandates of each team member, Lizzy aims to cultivate a cohesive and efficient team capable of working collaboratively toward achieving the company’s goals. 

Account Reviewer

Full-time Contractor

  • Review and evaluate user applications based on predetermined criteria
  • Make decisions on whether to approve, deny, or place applications on a waitlist
  • Ensure the application process is fair, consistent, and aligned with Lizzy’s policies
  • Communicate decisions to applicants and provides feedback when necessary
  • Uphold the integrity and standards of Lizzy’s user community

Customer Support

Offshore Contractor

  • Provide email support to assist users with inquiries, issues, and technical problems
  • Respond promptly and professionally to user queries and concerns
  • Resolve user issues and escalate complex problems to the appropriate team
  • Offer guidance and assistance in navigating the platform and its features
  • Deliver excellent customer service at all times and ensure user satisfaction

Industry Advisor

  • Offer industry-specific knowledge and insights to guide Lizzy’s strategic decisions
  • Provide expertise on trends, market dynamics, and best practices within the dating app industry
  • Assist in identifying opportunities for growth, innovation, and differentiation
  • Offer advice and guidance on industry regulations, compliance, and emerging technologies
  • Helps shape the overall industry positioning and competitive strategy of Lizzy

Market Advisor

  • Conduct market research and analysis to identify market trends
  • Assist in defining and refining Lizzy’s target market and value proposition
  • Provide insights on competitor analysis and market positioning
  • Collaborate with the marketing team to develop effective marketing and promotional strategies
  • Guide market entry and expansion strategies based on market dynamics and opportunities

Growth Advisor

  • Drive the development and execution of growth strategies for Lizzy
  • Identify opportunities to increase user acquisition, retention, and engagement
  • Analyze user data and performance metrics to identify areas for improvement
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to implement growth initiatives and experiments
  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of growth strategies and make adjustments as needed

Chartered Professional Accountant

  • Manage financial records and bookkeeping with accuracy
  • Ensure compliance with accounting standards
  • Prepare financial statements, handle tax filings, and provide financial analysis and reporting
  • Assist in budgeting, forecasting, and financial planning
  • Provide guidance on financial strategies and helps ensure proper financial management

Financial Plan

The following financial projections have been carefully crafted by the management team of Serenity Farm Co. All projections are forward-looking and are dependent on securing the required financing.

Pro Forma Income Statement

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Business Plan Application Mobile

exemple business plan application mobile

  • Business Plan complet de plus de 40 pages
  • Validé par des banquiers et experts comptables
  • Données mises à jour au 25/12
  • Plus de 200 données paramétrables
  • À personnaliser avec vos informations


Que contient le business plan application mobile.

exemple business plan application mobile

Un Business Plan complet de plus de 40 pages

Ce modèle de Business Plan complet de plus de 40 pages a été conçu sous la supervision de conseillers bancaires et d'experts-comptables. Il est composé de 7 chapitres qui reprennent les points essentiels et nécessaires pour présenter efficacement votre projet, et que vous pourrez aisément personnaliser afin de rendre votre Business Plan unique. Dans ce modèle de Business Plan, vous retrouverez notamment : - Les chiffres clés du secteur des applications mobiles, et plus généralement du secteur des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) ainsi que du secteur du développement de logiciels - Les données de marché les plus récentes - Les dernières tendances de l'industrie - Les préférences des consommateurs - Les 3 principaux facteurs clés de succès - Une proposition unique de valeur - Les avantages concurrentiels à mettre en oeuvre - La présentation des porteurs de projet - Les principaux segments de votre marché - Une analyse SWOT - Une étude de l'environnement concurrentiel - 4 axes qui vous permettent de vous différencier - Un Business Model Canvas - Un mix marketing pour gagner des clients - Une stratégie d'acquisition marketing détaillé en 5 étapes - Un plan d'action précis sur 3 ans - Une politique de gestion des risques - Une analyse des barrières à l'entrée - Un résumé des points forts de votre projet - Les tableaux financiers à compléter - Un exemple de montage juridique Aucun prérequis n'est nécessaire. À chaque étape, des exemples et des aides sont là pour vous aider à personnaliser votre Business Plan, et vous garantir un rendu professionnel.

Des tableaux et des graphiques financiers professionnels pour votre banque

Dans la rubrique "Montage Financier" de votre Business Plan, vous retrouverez les principaux tableaux et indicateurs financiers nécessaires à une demande de financement : - Hypothèses de chiffre d'affaires - Compte de résultat prévisionnel - Bilan prévisionnel - Budget de trésorerie prévisionnel - Indicateurs de performance - Besoin en fonds de roulement - Plan de financement - Investissements au démarrage A l'aide de la rubrique "Montage Financier" de ce Business Plan, vous pouvez présenter une analyse financière sérieuse à votre banquier ou à vos investisseurs.

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Une centaine d’ icônes additionnelles vous permettant de personnaliser votre Business Plan à l’infini

A la fin de votre Business Plan, vous retrouverez 3 pages d’icônes et photos additionnelles qui vous permettront de personnaliser très facilement votre présentation. Le modèle de Business Plan peut être modifié avec Microsoft Powerpoint, Keynote ou bien encore Google Slides (puis éventuellement exporté au format PDF). Vous pourrez par ailleurs personnaliser votre présentation en y ajoutant votre logo, vos propres photos, le nom de vos principaux concurrents, des données additionnelles concernant votre marché local...etc. Mais vous pouvez aussi simplement vous contenter de modifier le texte. Quoi qu'il en soit, au fil des mises à jour que nous avons faites tous les trimestres, nous avons rendu ce Business Plan plus complet, plus intuitif et plus simple à utiliser. Et nous mettons tout cela à votre disposition sur un plateau d'argent !


  • Un Business Plan esthétique et professionnel
  • Des tableaux financiers à présenter à votre banquier
  • Plus de 100 icônes et photos pour personnaliser votre Business Plan

exemple business plan application mobile

  • Un Prévisionnel Financier détaillé
  • Une Étude de Marché sectorielle
  • Un Executive Summary
  • Le guide « Comment se différencier et développer une entreprise prospère »


Application Mobile

Construisez un Prévisionnel Financier correct même si vous n’avez aucune connaissance en finance et en comptabilité

Notre Pack Complet contient un Prévisionnel Financier complet, un Prévisionnel Financier étant la partie financière du Business Plan. Ce Prévisionnel Financier vient donc compléter la rubrique "Montage Financier" de votre Business Plan. A l'aide de notre Prévisionnel Financier, fini les erreurs de calculs ou les oublis de paramètres. Répondez simplement à toutes les questions pour ne rien oublier et laisser les calculs se faire automatiquement. Nul besoin de compétences en finances, en comptabilité ou en modélisation financière sur Excel : vous rentrez vos hypothèses en modifiant des chiffres dans des cellules. Ensuite, les tableaux financiers se calculent automatiquement. Notre Prévisionnel Financier contient l'ensemble des tableaux nécessaires à une demande de financement : - Hypothèses de chiffre d'affaires - Compte de résultat prévisionnel - Bilan prévisionnel - Budget de trésorerie prévisionnel - Indicateurs de performance - Besoin en fonds de roulement - Plan de financement à 3 ans - Investissements et financements - Salaires et charges sociales - Détail des amortissements - Soldes intermédiaires de gestion - Capacité d'autofinancement - Seuil de rentabilité économique Nous avons même ajouté des graphiques et des ratios financiers de fonctionnement : - Chiffre d'affaires (vue annuelle et mensuelle) - Marge globale (vue annuelle) - Valeur ajoutée (vue annuelle) - Excédent Brut d'Exploitation (vue annuelle) - Résultat net (vue annuelle) - Flux et balance de trésorerie (vue mensuelle) - Ratios de rentabilité - Ratios de solvabilité Modifiez simplement les hypothèses (qui sont déjà pré-remplies) afin d'adapter le prévisionnel à votre projet. Des outils de contrôle vous accompagneront aussi tout au long de votre phase de saisie afin de vous aider à comprendre les termes financiers, vous donner des pistes d'amélioration ou bien encore des exemples pour compléter votre Prévisionnel Financier de manière cohérente. Les plus de notre Prévisionnel Financier : - Permet d'éditer un Prévisionnel Financier complet de 10 pages à imprimer en répondant simplement à des questions - Calculs automatiques - Présentation graphique automatisée de vos résultats financiers - Permet d'élaborer ses ratios clés et tableaux de bord (seuil de rentabilité, proportion de coûts fixes, % d'endettement, CA par activité...etc.) - Mise en page simplifiée permettant une impression du document en un clic, ou un export au format PDF. Ainsi, vous pouvez présenter une analyse financière sérieuse et complète à votre banquier ou à vos investisseurs. Ce Prévisionnel Financier s'adresse donc à : - Tout créateur souhaitant réaliser son prévisionnel sans erreur de calcul, ni erreur comptable - Tout entrepreneur devant présenter des chiffres cohérents à sa banque ou à des investisseurs - Tout entrepreneur ayant besoin de comprendre l'impact de ses décisions quotidiennes (achat, prix de vente, délai de paiement...etc.) sur son activité économique

Accédez instantanément aux avantages concurrentiels essentiels dans votre domaine grâce à notre Étude de Marché sectorielle

Notre Pack complet contient aussi une Étude de Marché sectorielle. Notre Étude de Marché a pour principal objectif de vous aider à réduire les risques d'échec. Notre Étude de Marché vous permet aussi de mieux cerner les forces en présence sur votre marché, et à plus long terme de prendre les mesures adéquates pour vous implanter durablement sur votre marché. Notre Étude de Marché contient donc les éléments suivants : - Des données statistiques utiles pour votre secteur - Les tendances de votre industrie - Une étude de la concurrence - Une liste de 10 avantages concurrentiels pour votre activité - La méthode pour choisir un échantillon représentatif - Un exemple de questionnaire et d'étude qualitatifs - Un exemple de questionnaire et d'étude quantitatifs - Une analyse comportementale des clients et des utilisateurs - Les critères qui déclenchent ou freinent l'acte d'achat - Une segmentation de la demande sur votre marché - Une étude fournisseurs - Une matrice SWOT - Une analyse PESTEL de l'environnement économique, technologique, écologique, social et légal de votre projet - La méthode pour calculer la taille et la valeur de votre marché - La stratégie marketing pour faire grossir votre revenu - Des hypothèses de chiffre d'affaires - Des conseils d'experts pour réussir dans votre domaine Ainsi, notre Étude de Marché vous permettra d'esquisser les grandes lignes de la demande sur votre marché : répartition des acteurs par secteur, clientèle, panier moyen, fréquence d'achat globale et par type de produits, canaux de conversion, type de paiement utilisé, taux de refus...etc. Par ailleurs, notre Étude de Marché contient également des avis et conseils d'experts, une aide précieuse recueillie auprès de personnes expérimentées dans le secteur : - Comment vous lancer ? - Quels sont les textes de loi à connaître absolument ? - Quels sont les coûts moyens au démarrage ? - Quels sont les obstacles les plus fréquents que l'on rencontre dans votre secteur ? - Où risque-t-on de perdre du temps ? - Quelles sont les principales raisons d'échec dans votre secteur ? - Quelles sont les activités qui peuvent sembler utiles au premier abord, mais qui prennent en fait un temps fou, pour des résultats limités ?

exemple business plan application mobile

Sortez du lot avec un Executive Summary qui présente votre projet sous son meilleur jour

L'Executive Summary est le résumé de votre Business Plan. Bien qu'il s'agisse du premier document qui sera lu par votre banquier ou vos investisseurs, c'est un document qui se rédige en dernier. L’objectif de l’Executive Summary est de susciter l’intérêt du lecteur en un minimum temps. L’Executive Summary est donc un véritable outil de marketing et de vente. Dans votre Pack Complet, vous retrouverez donc un Executive Summary adapté à votre secteur que nous avons pré-rédigé : très court et synthétique, il est à la fois percutant, pédagogique et didactique. À vous de le personnaliser avec vos informations personnelles.

Notre guide « Réussir : Comment se différencier et développer une entreprise prospère »

En bonus avec votre Pack Complet, vous aurez immédiatement accès au guide " Réussir : Comment se différencier et développer une entreprise prospère ", un guide qui vous permettra d’intégrer plusieurs stratégies pour exploser votre chiffre d'affaires, et mettre votre business sur orbite ! Si vous voulez connaître une croissance rapide cette année, ce guide va vous permettre de découvrir les outils indispensables pour réaliser vos rêves d'entrepreneur et atteindre vos objectifs. Dans ce guide vous retrouverez notamment : - Comment adopter un positionnement clair et différenciant - Comment développer des avantages concurrentiels pérennes - Comment fixer et suivre vos objectifs - Comment établir vos règles et processus de management - Comment déléguer efficacement les tâches routinières - Comment rester au courant des tendances et évolutions de votre marché - Comment penser de manière créative - Comment mettre l'accent sur l’expérience client Ce guide est normalement commercialisé pour une valeur de 79.90€ mais celui-ci est inclus gratuitement dans notre Pack Complet !

exemple business plan application mobile


  • Une Étude de Marché de votre secteur

exemple business plan application mobile

Ce modèle de Business Plan est un support qui va permettre à l'ensemble de vos partenaires (banques, investisseurs, associés…) d'apprécier la faisabilité financière, économique et commerciale de votre projet, mais également les convaincre de vous faire confiance. Il s'agit d'un fichier PowerPoint qui contient toutes les données et analyses spécifiques à votre activité. Le Business Plan est par ailleurs un support indispensable pour solliciter des financements : prêts bancaires, investissements, garanties…etc. C’est un véritable outil d’évaluation du projet dans son ensemble. Également, le Business Plan permet d'apprécier la viabilité et la cohérence de votre projet. Enfin, ce Business Plan sera un excellent outil de pilotage pour toute la durée de vie de votre entreprise.

Oui, le Business Plan est 100% modifiable. Il est d'ailleurs compatible avec toutes les versions de Windows, Mac, et même Linux. Il peut être modifié à l'aide de Microsoft Powerpoint (PC), de Keynote (Apple) ou même à l'aide de divers logiciels gratuits, incluant Google Slides (de la suite Google Office), ou bien encore Impress (de la suite Open Office). Vous pouvez aussi choisir de l'exporter au format PDF si vous le souhaitez.

Pas d'inquiétudes ! Le modèle de Business Plan est très simple à prendre en main à l'aide de simples copier/déplacer, afin que tout le monde puisse l'utiliser et l'adapter à ses besoins. Sachez quoi qu'il en soit que lorsque vous achetez ce Business Plan, cela vous donne accès à notre support client prioritaire pendant 3 mois. Donc si vous avez la moindre difficulté, vous aurez la possibilité de solliciter l'équipe support qui se fera un plaisir de vous accompagner et de répondre à toutes vos questions.

Oui, lorsque vous achetez ce Business Plan, un accompagnement de la part de notre équipe support est inclus pendant 3 mois. Donc vous avez 3 mois pour prendre en main votre Business Plan et tous les outils associés, pour tout tester ; et si vous le souhaitez, à tout moment, vous pouvez solliciter le support clients pour relire ou corriger gratuitement votre Business Plan.

Le modèle de Business Plan est disponible immédiatement après l'achat. Vous recevrez un lien pour le télécharger, ainsi qu'une copie par email, à l'adresse courriel que vous nous aurez communiquée. Le paiement sur notre site se fait de manière sécurisée et cryptée par l'intermédiaire de STRIPE. Vos coordonnées bancaires ne nous sont donc jamais transmises. Nous sommes simplement avertis par STRIPE dès que le paiement a été effectué, et la livraison de votre Business Plan est alors immédiate. Aussi, nous vous envoyons une copie de secours de votre Business Plan par email. Pour ce faire nous utilisons les services d'un spécialiste français de la distribution d'emails (SENDINBLUE).

Oui, comme des milliers d'entrepreneurs que nous avons déjà accompagnés avant vous, vous pouvez présenter ce Business Plan à un partenaire financier afin d'obtenir un financement.

  • Etude de marché 113.99€ 79.90€
  • Prévisionnel Financier 79.99€ 49.90€

exemple business plan application mobile

  • Formation de 0 à 100 K€ 499.90€ 249.90€

Business Plan Application Mobile

Découvrez notre modèle de business plan création d'une application mobile rédigé par nos experts. Il vous permettra de mieux convaincre votre banquier de la solidité de votre projet d'application mobile et de structurer votre réflexion afin de mettre toutes les chances de votre côté. Une fois téléchargé, vous n'aurez plus qu'à l'adapter avec les informations propres à votre projet.

Business Plan Page 0.jpg

Idéal pour les débutants

Tous nos modèles sont prêts à l’emploi et intuitifs. Ils ne nécessitent aucune compétence particulière.

Taillé pour convaincre

Organisé pour présenter efficacement votre application mobile, il est soigné et percutant. Aussi joli qu'efficace.

Modifiez facilement les images utilisées et personnalisez le document avec vos propres photos.

Word et Excel

Nos fichiers sont au format Word et Excel et s'exportent en PDF. Idéal pour les utiliser sur votre ordinateur ou votre mac.

Un gain de temps

Concentrez-vous sur l'essentiel, ce document vous fera gagner un temps précieux, et saura vous inspirer.

Si malgré tous nos efforts, vous rencontrez un problème, notre équipe est disponible pour vous venir en aide.

Présentation du Business Plan Application Mobile

Si la rédaction de votre business plan vous semble difficile ou si vous ne savez pas par où commencer, notre modèle de business plan vous permettra de gagner un temps précieux et de produire un document de qualité professionnelle.

Notre modèle contient un business plan complet pour présenter votre application mobile.

  • Le résumé opérationnel
  • Les origines du projet
  • Le produit ou service
  • Le marché cible
  • La stratégie marketing
  • Le montage juridique
  • Le prévisionnel financier

Le contenu du business plan application mobile

Nos modèles de business plan sont au format Word et font en moyenne entre 12 et 16 pages. Chaque document est découpé en 6 chapitres de base. Il s'agit des points essentiels qui sont nécessaires pour présenter efficacement votre projet. Chacun des sous-chapitres vous propose un texte d'exemple que vous pourrez aisément personnaliser pour rendre votre business plan création d'une application mobile unique.

Business Plan application mobile : Le résumé opérationnel

1. Le résumé opérationnel

Notre business plan débute par un executive summary, une étape importante pour convaincre votre banquier et donner à vos lecteurs l'envie de découvrir d'avantage votre projet de création d'une application mobile. Nos experts ont rédigé ce dernier dans le but de permettre aux financeurs potentiels de se faire une idée de la future application mobile, de son concept sans dévoiler trop d'informations. Le rôle du résumé opérationnel est d'accrocher les investisseurs sans pour autant rentrer dans les détails du contenu. Vous trouverez alors dans cette première partie les ambitions de votre start-up , l'histoire de la création, le concept, les fonctions de chacun au sein du projet et enfin quelques aspects juridiques de votre future entreprise.

Business Plan application mobile : Les origines du projet

2. Les origines du projet

Cette partie contient l'origine du projet et le parcours des membres fondateurs . Elle permet de présenter l'entrepreneur et les autres membres de l'équipe grâce à leur parcours professionnel, leurs expériences, leur histoire pour démontrer la complémentarité des profils et l'expérience de l'équipe.

Business Plan application mobile : L'application mobile

3. L'application mobile

Dans cette partie vous trouverez la description complète de votre app. Vous aurez aussi accès au type de propriété intellectuelle, les brevets, les marques et les licences. Ensuite vous trouverez le stade d'avancement et les idées pour lancer le projet de création d'une application mobile avec un planning préétablit des étapes de la réalisation.

Business Plan application mobile : Le marché ciblé par l'application mobile

4. Le marché ciblé par l'application mobile

Dans cette partie vous trouverez une étude de marché du secteur des apps en France, avec la nature, la tendance, les principaux acteurs, les chiffres clés, la clientèle ciblée et une analyse de la consommation des ménages. Elle est indispensable pour déterminer sa clientèle. Elle contient également l'analyse de la concurrence direct et indirect et une présentation du positionnement de votre future application mobile.

Faites votre étude de marché en fonction de votre ville

Pour vous aider à faire votre étude de marché, nous mettons cet outil à votre disposition. Inscrivez le nom de votre ville et découvrez vos futurs concurrents qui partagent votre code Naf.

Business Plan application mobile : La stratégie marketing de l'application mobile

5. La stratégie marketing de l'application mobile

Cette partie contient la plan marketing complet de votre création d'application mobile : la politique prix (avec la justification de la tarification des services), la politique de la communication (comment et quand lancer une campagne de communication dans le secteur des apps mobiles et grâce à quels supports, pour quels coûts), la politique de distribution (le choix de l'emplacement, les horaires d'ouverture, l'équipe opérationnelle , les fonctions dans l'entreprise, les compétences recherchées et le coût de chacun), la politique fournisseurs (le choix des fournisseurs, les conditions de paiement, les délais de livraison), les installations et équipements (le local, le matériel informatique, tout le nécessaire pour ouvrir une start-up et les coûts).

Business Plan application mobile : Le montage juridique

6. Le montage juridique

Cette partie comporte la forme juridique à choisir pour ouvrir une entreprise développent une application mobile et la justification de ce choix, la répartition du capital avec les membres associés.

Business Plan application mobile : Tableaux Financiers Page 2

7. Le prévisionnel financier

1. les produits.

Quels sont les services que votre création d'une application mobile proposera, leur prix, leur coût unitaire, leur nombre de ventes pendant les trois premières années d'activités, etc. Vous obtiendrez également un graphique dynamique de l'évolution des ventes de votre application mobile.

2. Les frais de fonctionnement

Indispensable pour éviter les dépenses surprises qui peuvent mettre en danger votre activité les premières années. On retrouve ici le loyer, les abonnements, les dépenses publicitaires, le comptable, etc.

3. Le personnel

Vous devez renseigner le nombre d'employés de votre start-up et leur salaire afin de budgéter la masse salariale que vous devrez financer.

4. Les investissements

Au lancement de votre entreprise, de nombreux investissements (site internet, équipements pros, etc.) plus ou moins lourds devront être réalisés. Nos tableaux d'amortissements vous aideront à bien évaluer leurs impacts sur vos prévisionnels.

5. Les ressources externes

Vous devez renseigner le capital de votre entreprise, les fonds propres , les subventions auxquelles vous pouvez prétendre et les emprunts . Encore une fois notre outil vous permet de voir le détail de chaque emprunt (mensualités, durée, coût total, etc...).

6. Les tableaux finaux

Une fois ces différents tableaux complétés, notre logiciel calculera automatiquement et sur 3 ans les trois tableaux clés pour compléter votre business plan. Ce sont eux qui détermineront la viabilité et la rentabilité de votre projet : le compte de résultat , le plan de financement et le prévisionnel de trésorerie . Vous aurez ainsi une estimation du seuil de rentabilité de votre projet.

Les ratios financiers du secteur

Les chiffres clés présentés ci-dessous sont donnés à titre indicatif. Il s'agit de moyennes obtenues sur la base des données économiques transmises par un panel de 4 147 entreprises ayant le code NAF 5829C. De grandes disparités peuvent exister entre les différents établissements. Par exemple, certains sont rentables d'autres pas.

Nos articles pour vous aider à écrire votre Business Plan Application Mobile

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Merci pour avoir mis en place un outil accessible à tout le monde, intuitif et simple.

Mei Ongonga

Très facile d'utilisation et articles très clairs, même pour une débutante comme moi.

Célia Brom

Simple d´utilisation, précis quant aux questions qui clarifie le chemin pour atteindre la vision.

Magali Vezzaro

Super outil et modèle assez pratique pour s'inspirer. Très facile d'utilisation.

N'dri Ange

Support explicite et très bien construit. Ergonomie agréable. Parfait pour débuter un projet.

Bertrand GABORIT

J'ai aimé cet outil. Ca m'a aidé de voir une vision global pour créer mon business plan.


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Pourquoi utiliser notre Business Plan Application mobile ?

Depuis 2011, nous avons développé une alternative qui allie qualité professionnelle et rationalité économique. Ce plan d'affaires est déjà pré-complété, il ne vous demandera que quelques heures de travail pour l’adapter à votre projet.

Voici le début du Business Plan Application mobile

1. executive summary.

Business Plan Application Mobile

Notre société a pour ambition d’être la référence des applications mobiles de vente de chaussures haut de gamme. Innovation, création et savoir-faire sont nos maîtres-mots. Fort d’une expérience de plusieurs années en tant que Chef de secteur pour le compte d’un grand chausseur français, M. A. a souhaité s’associer avec Mme B. pour créer leur entreprise. Amis de longue date, leur passion pour la mode et leur goût pour la création les animent.

L’entreprise propose à la clientèle un service de vente en ligne qui lui permettra d’habiller ses pieds avec les plus belles paires issues de l’artisanat français haut de gamme. Notre objectif est de permettre à nos clients de faire leur choix parmi une large sélection de chaussures. Nous souhaitons mettre l’accent sur la diversité à la fois en termes de styles mais aussi de matières. Dès le départ, notre service s’adressera aux particuliers.

M. A. et Mme B. portent ce projet. M. A. assure les fonctions de Gérant. Il sera aussi Responsable de la logistique et de la gestion administrative. Mme B., en qualité de Cogérante et Responsable technique, secondera M. A. dans ses fonctions et assurera également les missions techniques (gestion et optimisation de l’application mobile). L’entreprise est une SARL au capital de 20 000 euros. Nous sommes 3 associés :

  • Les deux porteurs de projet participent chacun à hauteur de 49% soit un apport individuel de 9 800 euros.
  • Mme C, un tiers de confiance, participe au capital à hauteur de 2%, soit 400 euros.

Aujourd’hui nous disposons d’un apport personnel mais nous sollicitons un prêt bancaire pour compléter le financement nécessaire au lancement de notre future activité. Pour appuyer cette demande nous vous présentons ce business plan création d’une application mobile en 3 parties : notre offre, notre business model et les stratégies que nous allons mettre en place pour garantir le succès et la viabilité de notre entreprise

2. Naissance du projet

2.1 origines du projet.

La société résulte de la collaboration entre M. A. et Mme B.. . Deux axes forts soutiennent notre idée. Nous éprouvons tous deux l’envie de mettre à profit notre passion pour la mode et notre goût pour le savoir-faire français. Ensuite, lors de nos parcours professionnels respectifs, nous avons constaté que ces dernières années les pratiques et attentes de nos clients ont connu de profondes transformations dues à l’explosion du e-commerce et des applications mobiles. Une application mobile propose à la vente tous types de produits.

A la différence d’un magasin physique, l’offre est présentée exclusivement sur l’application mobile. Les clients peuvent y accéder via une plate-forme et ainsi passer commande à toute heure. Nous avons donc décidé d’ouvrir une boutique de chaussures françaises haut de gamme accessibles uniquement grâce à notre application mobile.

2.2 Parcours des membres fondateurs

3. le produit ou le service, 3.1 description du produit – service.

Nous voulons proposer à nos clientes de faire leur choix parmi une large sélection de produits que nous avons choisis. Notre objectif est de nous élever, à termes, comme les leaders de la vente de chaussures au détail. L’offre s’articule autour de 5 piliers :

  • Tarifs compétitifs
  • Qualité élevée des matières premières
  • La garantie d’une fabrication entièrement française
  • La priorité à la relation client


Ça vous a plu ? Vous avez une question ?

Dans un soucis de transparence avec nos utilisateurs, et pour ne pas qu'il n'y ait de surprise, nous mettons à votre disposition un maximum d'informations sur le contenu de nos modèles. Mais si vous toutefois, il vous reste une question, n'hésitez pas à nous la poser.

Evaluez gratuitement le Business Plan de votre application mobile

Vous avez besoin d’être rassuré sur la solidité de votre projet ? Répondez en 5 minutes à ce questionnaire. Il évaluera les points forts et les points faibles de votre projet. Il vous donnera également les pistes d’amélioration à prendre en compte dans votre business plan.

Les résultats de votre évaluation sont prêts. Merci de compléter le formulaire ci-dessous. Un mail vous sera envoyé afin de les récupérer.

Voici d'autres business plan qui pourraient vous plaire

Business Plan Agence de communication

Pourquoi et comment construire le business plan de son application mobile ?

Louisa Avril

De nos jours, les smartphones sont devenus le support préféré des utilisateurs. Afin d’avoir une meilleure visibilité du développement de votre application à moyen terme, il est nécessaire d’élaborer le business plan de votre application mobile . De plus, le fait de devoir analyser le marché en profondeur vous permet de poser les premiers jalons de votre stratégie marketing. Le but ? Tester la faisabilité et la viabilité de votre projet pour démarcher les investisseurs potentiels. Alors comment construire le business plan d’une application mobile ? Réponse !

Table des matières

Qu’est-ce que le business plan d’une application mobile ? 

Le business plan d’une application mobile est un document qui va décrire entièrement un projet , que ce soit au niveau de ses objectifs , mais aussi au niveau financier et stratégique . Contrairement au cahier des charges d’une application mobile , le business plan ne va en aucun cas décrire en détail le contenu de l’application et son design. Il s’agit du côté plus technique du projet. 

Une part du business plan vise également à donner des prévisions vis-à-vis de votre application. Par exemple, vous allez retrouver les prévisions de ventes ou de téléchargements, ou encore le taux de rentabilité de votre application mobile. C’est donc un document beaucoup plus complexe mais très précis qui va permettre de prouver que votre projet est rentable et qu’il est nécessaire de le développer. En résumé, il évalue la viabilité et le potentiel de croissance de votre future application mobile. 

Vous pouvez par ailleurs transmettre le business plan de votre application à vos partenaires ou aux investisseurs potentiels pour qu’ils aient une vue d’ensemble de votre projet et qu’ils disposent de chiffres clés beaucoup plus parlants pour eux ! 

D’autre part, le business plan de votre application n’est pas forcément destiné à des financiers ou des investisseurs. Il est nécessaire de le faire pour vous, pour votre entreprise et pour assurer la survie de votre application mobile. Il vous assure que l’ensemble de votre projet est cohérent avec les attentes du marché, que votre stratégie marketing est assez bien construite et que votre plan financier est bien construit avec des chiffres précis. 

Pourquoi faire le business plan de son application mobile ?

Si vous lancez une start-up dans le domaine du digital ou autre, alors une application mobile est incontournable ! Et comme tous les créateurs d’entreprise qui évoluent dans ce secteur, il faut avoir les fonds nécessaires pour envisager ce type de projet. Alors pour être crédible et gagner la confiance de votre banquier ou d’un financeur potentiel, la rédaction d’un business plan pour une application mobile est indispensable .

Comme les investisseurs privés sont beaucoup plus exigeants que les banques, il faudra prouver la viabilité de votre projet pour une levée de fonds. En effet, il faut savoir qu’au démarrage, le coût d’une application mobile est souvent conséquent, surtout pour un entrepreneur qui débute. Et contrairement à un banquier qui sera peu regardant, les financeurs cherchent à rentabiliser leur investissement le plus vite possible. Il faudra donc prévoir un budget prévisionnel et démontrer en quoi votre application peut devenir rentable rapidement et que vous proposez un projet solide. 

Le business plan d’une application mobile n’est rien d’autre que la phase de création et de construction de votre projet. Il ne faut donc pas négliger cette étape !  

Business plan application mobile mayasquad

Je veux discuter de mon projet

Quels éléments doivent être intégrés dans le business plan d’une application mobile ?

Avant d’entamer votre business plan d’application mobile , il existe toute une phase de réflexion et d’analyse indispensable qui passe par une étude approfondie du marché pour mettre en avant votre business model. On retrouve généralement les critères suivants dans un business plan : 

  • Analyse du marché
  • Présentation du projet
  • Analyse des concurrents
  • Stratégie marketing
  • Plan opérationnel
  • Plan financier

Analyser le marché en profondeur 

Pour le développement d’une app, une analyse poussée du marché est essentielle. Elle doit d’ailleurs apparaître clairement dans la rédaction de votre business plan pour votre application mobile . Vous allez donc étudier le marché des applications mobiles au sens large dans votre secteur d’activité afin de construire un projet innovant avec une valeur ajoutée. Pour cela, vous devrez donc :

  • Comprendre les dernières tendances de votre secteur d’activité
  • Étudier le marché des applications mobiles au sens large
  • Identifier les facteurs de succès d’une application
  • Cerner les besoins de votre clientèle cible pour en identifier les segments (faites appel à vos personas )
  • Identifier les potentiels risques liés au développement de votre application mobile

L’analyse du marché va vous permettre d’évaluer le marché sur lequel vous souhaitez vous positionner et d’identifier les facteurs clés du succès. 

Mettre en valeur votre projet d’application mobile

Pour séduire les investisseurs financiers, vous devrez présenter votre projet de A à Z dans un premier temps en expliquant ses fonctions ainsi que vos choix de conception et de développement. Ensuite, il faut prouver la rentabilité de votre projet. Pour cela, vous devrez donc expliquer :

  • Comment vous réussirez à attirer les utilisateurs
  • Quelle est la valeur ajoutée de votre projet sur votre secteur d’activité
  • Quelle stratégie marketing vous allez mettre en place pour augmenter le chiffre d’affaires de votre application mobile
  • En quoi votre application mobile est plus avantageuse que la concurrence
  • Comment le seuil de rentabilité pourra facilement être atteint
  • Quelle est la stratégie financière complète à mettre en place

En résumé, votre projet doit être solide pour convaincre le plus grand nombre de partenaires possible. Vous devez également définir les objectifs visés par votre application mobile. Par exemple, vous souhaitez créer une application pour augmenter la visibilité de votre marque, étendre votre activité, se positionner comme leader sur le marché ou bien proposer un service ou des produits innovants. 

Étude des concurrents

Après avoir analysé le marché au sens large, il est important de faire une étude de vos principaux concurrents, qu’ils soient directs ou indirects, dans le business plan de votre application mobile . S’intéresser aux concurrents indirects peut être un atout en termes de stratégie marketing ou même de développement. En effet, il est possible qu’une entreprise d’un tout autre secteur d’activité crée une application très intéressante, qui vous paraît prometteuse et donc vous pouvez décider de vous inspirer de cette dernière. Vous pouvez également proposer une analyse comparative des différentes applications de vos concurrents et en tirer des conclusions. 

L’analyse de vos principaux concurrents va vous permettre de faire ressortir les forces et les faiblesses de votre entreprise et alors de vous démarquer en proposant un nouveau projet avec des fonctionnalités spécifiques par exemple. De plus, cela vous apportera de nouvelles idées quant à votre stratégie marketing. 

Décrire sa stratégie marketing

Vous devrez présenter votre stratégie marketing, c’est-à-dire votre stratégie de communication, mais aussi votre image de marque comme le logo ou autre de votre application mobile. Vous allez donc présenter comment vous avez ciblé votre communauté, quelles actions avez-vous mises en place (évènements, forums), sur quelle plateforme vous allez publier votre projet et enfin la stratégie adoptée après le lancement de l’application. Vous pourrez aussi détailler vos choix en termes de référencement, autrement dit utiliser le SEO ou le SEA . 

Le plan opérationnel de votre application mobile

Le plan opérationnel du business plan d’une application concerne l’application mobile en elle-même et plus précisément son développement. Vous devrez décrire étape par étape la conception de l’application, l’ajout de fonctionnalités, les différentes phases de recettage , etc afin d’avoir une sorte de feuille de route de votre application mobile. Les différentes étapes post-développement doivent également être précisées ici, c’est-à-dire la publication et le lancement de votre application mobile. Vous pouvez alors mentionner la date prévue de sa sortie, le nombre de campagnes publicitaire organisées et sur quelle plateforme vont-elles être diffusées. En résumé, vous devez vous dire que cette section du business plan de votre application mobile doit être le reflet de votre cahier des charges mais sous forme condensée !

Restons en contact et recevez toutes nos recettes miracles pour votre projet

Présenter votre plan financier 

Une fois la totalité de votre stratégie de développement de votre application mobile et de votre stratégie marketing décrite, vous devez maintenant présenter les coûts liés à tout ça. Votre business plan doit alors donner des estimations des revenus employés pour concevoir l’application mais aussi ceux liés à la rentabilité de cette dernière. Par exemple, vous pouvez retrouver : 

  • Le budget prévu pour votre application mobile qui comprend le design, les fonctionnalités, le ou les systèmes de programmation, le matériel, etc.
  • Le revenu moyen par client (si vous créez une application mobile partiellement ou entièrement payante)
  • Le modèle économique choisi
  • Le seuil de rentabilité 
  • Le budget pour votre stratégie marketing
  • Estimer les revenus générés par l’application, c’est-à-dire le chiffre d’affaires prévisionnel

Essayer de chiffrer un maximum pour que vos futurs partenaires puissent se faire une idée concrète du niveau de rentabilité de votre projet d’application mobile.

Contenu du business plan d'une application mobile

Vous l’aurez compris, construire un business plan pour une application mobile ne se fait pas au hasard et nécessite une réflexion sérieuse avec une recherche approfondie. Alors si vous avez besoin d’être accompagnés durant toute cette phase de développement, Mayasquad reste votre interlocuteur privilégié. Avec une stratégie de développement mobile qui a déjà fait ses preuves et un fonctionnement agile , nous structurons votre produit dans les moindres détails en donnant la priorité à des fonctionnalités essentielles pour le rendre attrayant et surtout, incontournable !

Quel modèle économique choisir pour le business plan son application mobile ?

Pour rentabiliser votre projet, il existe différents business models avec des applications qui se financent via la publicité, avec un modèle Freemium, des achats intégrés, le téléchargement payant ou du sponsoring. Quoi qu’il en soit, l’aspect financier doit faire partie des principales informations à intégrer dans le business plan d’une application mobile.

Business plan application mobile mayasquad

Business model #1 : la publicité sur mobile

Pour rentabiliser votre application mobile, vous pourrez proposer des espaces publicitaires à la vente sous forme de vidéos ou d’images à des annonceurs. C’est un business model très connu et qui est souvent employé pour une application gratuite. Au niveau du seuil de rentabilité, il faudra miser sur un fort trafic et un excellent taux de rétention. En plus, il faut aussi être attentif à la saturation de l’espace publicitaire pour éviter de faire fuir les utilisateurs. Des entreprises vont alors payer pour que leurs publicités s’affichent ce qui permet au détenteur de l’application, gratuite à la base, de générer des revenus. Instagram fonctionne comme cela : le téléchargement de l’application est gratuit, mais il y a de nombreuses pubs dans le fil d’actualité des utilisateurs.  

Business model #2 : le Freemium

Le business model Freemium est fréquemment utilisé par les applications mobiles gratuites. Les applications Freemium sont gratuites mais disposent de fonctionnalités limitées. Il faut passer sur une version premium qui elle est payante pour avoir accès à la totalité des fonctionnalités. C’est notamment le cas de Shazam et de Spotify qui incitent les utilisateurs à payer pour profiter de toutes les fonctionnalités de l’application. Le gros point fort de cette approche, c’est qu’elle permet à l’utilisateur de tester le produit avant d’opter pour une version complète.

Business model #3 : l’achat intégré

Contrairement au modèle Freemium qui ne propose qu’une version partielle de l’application mobile, l’application mobile avec achats intégrés donne un accès complet aux utilisateurs qui pourront ensuite se faire plaisir avec des options ou des bonus supplémentaires pour optimiser l’expérience. C’est un business model que l’on retrouve fréquemment pour les jeux sur navigateur avec la possibilité d’opter pour des skins, des packages ou de l’équipement qui renforce les performances d’un personnage.

Business model #4 : le téléchargement payant

Pour rentabiliser une application mobile dans votre business plan, vous pourrez également passer par le téléchargement payant sur le store . Ici, il faudra donc promouvoir votre application en levant un maximum de freins pour inciter l’utilisateur à payer pour votre produit. Pour démarrer, vous pourrez aussi proposer une version Lite qui permet de tester certaines fonctionnalités gratuitement. Tout comme dans le business model Freemium, c’est une astuce qui permet de convertir les ventes plus efficacement. En revanche, il faut garder à l’esprit que les stores prélèvent en moyenne 30 % de commission sur chaque vente.

Business model #5 : le sponsoring

Enfin, vous pourrez également passer par le sponsoring pour le business plan d’une application mobile. Ici, vous donnez la priorité à un annonceur qui paye votre application pour avoir le monopole sur toutes les bannières publicitaires pour une durée limitée. Au niveau de la monétisation, elle se base sur un format de durée qui sera à renouveler ou non en fonction du succès rencontré.

Pour vous aider à faire le bon choix, Mayasquad vous propose un cadrage stratégique pour votre projet. Dans notre équipe, un coordinateur de succès prend en charge votre accompagnement pour faire le pont entre vos attentes, votre étude de marché, les techniques et le marketing. En bref, vous profitez d’une expertise clé pour construire le business plan de votre application mobile !

Je contacte Mayasquad

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exemple business plan application mobile

  • Business Plan for Investors
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Mobile Application Business Plan

Our mobile app startup business plans have helped 190+ clients attract more than $124m in financing

OGScapital knows the secret in preparing a business plan for mobile app startup that will raise the money you need.

Results-driven solutions

Your mobile app development business plan will comply with all investor requirements. Our dedicated team will emphasize your business plan for developing an app unique advantages and attractiveness, highlighting the market potential, investment returns, and competitiveness of your value proposition.

Strategic advice

We do more than structure your inputs in a professional way. We also take our internal knowledge and market research into account. We will challenge your business idea, adding best practices and providing guidance that will make your ideas more attractive to investors.

Experienced team

All of our experts are MBA fellows from TOP10 schools. Together, we can boast wide-ranging experience working in senior positions in top investment banks, consulting companies like PWC, Deloitte, UBS, and Morgan Stanley and serving Fortune 1000 clients.

High-quality market research

Your mobile application business plan will include market analysis and research from globally recognized research firms including IBISworld, Datamonitor, MarketLine, Statista, etc. In addition we are using our network of industry experts and opinion leaders.

Full customization

Each document is prepared from scratch, with rich and eye-catching design that utilizes graphics, tables, pie charts and illustrations. No templates and no ready-made solutions. Three MBA consultants will work on your business plan for mobile apps.


OGScapital connects you with our extensive and global network of investors. Our network includes different profile of investors, such as venture capitalists, private equity funds, angel investors, banks/private lenders and international financial institutions.

Key types of mobile application development business plans

OGScapital has huge experience in delivering add value to various mobile app businesses

  • Native Apps
  • Web Applications

iOS Applications

Android Applications

  • Hybrid Applications

Our solution

OGS with help you meet your goals by creating a mobile application business plan that will comply fully with all investor and government body (licensing) requirements.


Users: Family & Friends Seed Funders, Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists, Government Bodies and Private Equity Funds

  • Size: 40-50 pages
  • Timeframe: 12 days
  • Graphic design: included
  • Unlimited revisions: included
  • Assigned team: 3 senior experts with a project lead

Rush Delivery Service: Available

Document contents:

Executive summary.

  • Competitive Analysis
  • Business Model
  • Mission/Goals
  • Overview of mobile app
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Marketing Mix
  • Market Analysis
  • Market Forecast
  • Exit Strategy
  • Business/Operating Strategy
  • 5 Forces Analysis
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Use of Proceeds

Our investor-ready business plans are designed by our team of graphic designers.

Our fees are highly competitive and entirely reasonable, scaling up or down according to task complexity

Content varies depending on the client’s needs. We know that making a business plan for developing an app for investorsis not a one-size-fits-all process. All documents, though, include the following key sections: market analysis, business model description, operational strategy, goals, financial model, etc

We can guarantee that the mobile application business plan we prepare for you will comply fully with investor/lender requirements. However, we cannot take responsibility for the success of your fundraising efforts—there are simply too many factors that we cannot control (e.g., your credit score, relevant experience, etc.)

OGScapital will work closely with you and provide guidance throughout the process.

Your mobile app startup business plan in 4 easy steps

Fill out our online form

We will begin writing a mobile app development business plan for investors and issue a draft within 10-15 days.

We consider your comments, revise as necessary, and issue the final business plan for mobile apps .

Payment methods: debit/credit card or wire transfer


Our clients are our top priority, and we do everything in our power to not just meet but to exceed our client’s expectations.

OGScapital are in the TOP3 on Trustpilot with a score of 9.5/10.

Fantastic work, will highly recommend

Alex and team have been fantastic. We did very much enjoy the structure they have put in place to allow a great collaboration but also their huge ability to translate our vision into reality.


Alex Silensky was extraordinary. Very responsive and extremely patient. The depth of research in our market was great.

Received more than expected!

All the custom graphs and charts tailored to my business helped make the goals in mind look more achievable!

They were able to knock it out of the ballpark.

OGScapital’s work has been met with high praise. The new business plan is well thought out and fine-tuned. Customers can expect a diligent and hard-working team that delivers cutting-edge solutions.

They did what they said they would, following the discussed timeline and price.

Impressively, OGScapital lived to their promise and delivered the business plan on time, which impressed the company's investors. The team excellently handled the entire collaboration, from start to finish. Overall, they were trustworthy.

My experience with OGScapital

I had searched for a company to produce a business plan. It was a very tough decision as there are so many out there offering the same service. I decided to go with OGScapital not because they were the cheapest but because from my very first phone call Alex was a professional. He was not pushy, he was very calm and patient in answering all my questions that made me feel comfortable in doing business with them. From my 50% deposit to my final payment, my experience dealing with Alex was EXECLLENT ! OGScapital delivered a product on time that I am very pleased with. I would highly recommend anyone seeking a business plan to go with OGScapital !!!!!

My partners and I had a great experience with OGScapital and we are satisfied with the final results. The communication and cooperation were excellent and top notch. We look forward to work with them again. Regards

Magnificent work, just love it!!

I cant put words one the work I got, they just blow my mind. I didn’t see that coming. When I got the draft I was speechless, I thought it’s good but not that good. They really put every details you will need. And the time is really quick, just like we agreed. Price is normal, if you look other places it will be much higher. But I can not give you the guarantee that I will give you here. Pleasure to work with alex

OGScapital was established in 2006 by 8 partners. Since then, we have become the #1 business plan company with a track record including more than 5,000 satisfied clients. OGScapital has a specific team of consultants focused on development industry only. In addition we have wide-ranging experience working in globally recognized investment banks and consulting companies (PWC, Bain, Deloitte) and serving Fortune 1000 clients.

OGScapital was established in 2006

Our documents have helped attract $124m+ for mobile app projects

Our senior experts have experience spanning 42+ industries

Our track record includes 190 happy clients from Mobile App industry

Our team includes 60 consultants including 5 mobile development professionals

OGScapital has access to a network of 300+ investors

Our clients

More than 5,000 companies have used OGScapital’s services.


Mobile Application Development Business Plan

Mobile applications don’t come cheap, especially when they are of extraordinarily high quality. A well-made mobile application could cost around ten thousand dollars to two hundred thousand dollars (or more.) You’d be surprised to see how expensive something as straightforward as a calculator application can be. It is a significant reason why more and more developers are looking for a business plan for mobile apps .

They know how lucrative this field is and how much money they can make if they develop an app that people would download. However, merely developing a mobile application is not enough. You also have to create a business plan for mobile apps  to ensure your project has structure and remains organized. A mobile app startup business plan is immensely important, whether it is for a mobile application or anything else.

It provides you direction, ensuring that you have a well-thought-out strategy to bring your idea to fruition. Are you looking for sample business plan for mobile apps ? If the answer is yes, continue reading this piece as it discusses some essential elements pertinent to developing a business plan application mobile.

Types of Mobile Applications

Any individual planning to develop a mobile application will ultimately have to decide the type of app they want to build. There are thousands of mobile apps available these days, and it would be fair to say that the market is incredibly saturated. The only way to succeed is to come up with a fresh idea or to develop an improved version of an app that already exists. Here are the three main mobile application types:

Platforms for a Mobile Application

There are tons of platforms that you can take advantage of to develop your mobile application. Some of them are relatively straightforward, while others require years of training and are only for pros. Nevertheless, with a wide array of options, you can get your app development dreams up and running by choosing a platform and starting your entrepreneurial journey.

Business Plan for Mobile Apps

Merely launching your app stores is not enough. As mentioned earlier, the mobile app landscape is quite vast. So, you will need to dedicate a major chunk of your budget towards your marketing strategy to ensure people download the application.

More importantly, you will need a well-thought-out business plan for mobile apps  mentioning your overall app development cost, including the platform’s and feature’s prices. While not every business plan for developing an app is the same, most of them have several things in common. This mobile application business plan template providesa general overview of the elements present in a mobile application business development plan.

You must create a thorough and precise executive summary for mobile app business, introducing your project to potential investors. Consider providing a brief yet informative summary of what they can expect from your business plan for mobile apps and where they will find the pertinent details.

Identification of the Problem

In this part of your business plan for mobile apps , you will show the investors how your business will fulfill particular mobile app needs of the users. For this, you will need to identify and highlight the problem people face, proving that they will buy your app and your business will be profitable.

Potential Solutions

Identifying the problems people face is not enough when creating a mobile application business plan, you also need to provide a list of potential solutions to help them. List your solutions in this portion of your business plan for mobile apps , showing how your app will eliminate people’s various problems. It would be best if you came up with a unique solution to impress the investors.

Unique Selling Points

As discussed earlier, there are more than two million applications on the App Store and almost three million apps on the Play Store. With so thousands of other android and iOS on the horizon, you must ensure your app stands out from the rest to make your business plan for developing an app profitable.

Consider highlighting the aspects that make your app unique to impress investors with your idea. Of course, no USPs or value propositions are set in stone. They may change with some new features and updates when you introduce the app in the market. Nevertheless, it would help if you had a strong starting point to make your mobile app business plan worth the investor’s time.

Strategic Objectives

Investors want to know how your project will align with their targets. Creating a well-written mobile app startup business plan  will provide them with the right details ensuring your win their trust. Mentioning your target revenue, acquisition strategy, and end goal could work wonders and provide investors with clear information regarding how you aim to fulfill your business’s and their objectives.

Company Profile

Like every business plan, mobile application business plans also have company profiles. Why? Because investors want to know who they are aligning themselves with. You can start by providing info about your startup, where you registered it, who the key players in your team are, your operational strategies, the shareholders, and other pertinent information.

While these were the main elements you will find in every mobile application development business plan, here are some other additions that you should consider adding depending upon the scope and nature of your app:

  • Projections
  • Market Size/Competitors
  • SWOT analysis.

Financing in Mobile Application Business Plan

As discussed earlier, developing a mobile application takes time and requires an incredibly high amount of money. You may be aiming to create a straightforward app like "calculator" or "calendar," but it comes at a cost, and in most cases, it requires you to break the bank.

Fortunately, you don’t have to empty your bank account to make your app development dreams come true as you can get financed. Tons of highl-profile developers received thousand of dollars worth of financing to develop their mobile applications. You can also get financed. All you need to have is a well-written business plan for mobile apps to impress investors.

You’d be astonished to see the number of people looking to invest in mobile apps with potential. It would be best to dedicate a decent chunk of your time to create a helpful and user-friendly app idea, ensuring you get financed. 

Sure, you can create a mobile application business plan without anyone's assistance, but it is quite risky in most cases. You can increase your chances of receiving the financing you want by getting a team of professionals to write your mobile application's startup business plan for developing an app . At OGS Capital, we can create a winning mobile app startup business plan for you, ensuring you get adequate funding to fulfill your entrepreneurial dreams.

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Freelance Web and Mobile Developer

Joachim, a graduate of ESCP Business School and Sciences Po Lille, previously served as an investor at Caisse des dépôts, focusing on the digital economy, before transitioning into entrepreneurship consulting and mentoring for startups.

With nearly 25 years of experience, he develops websites and mobile applications on a freelance basis. You can explore his work on platforms like CodePen and GitHub .

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We have been creating applications that are being used by broad range of customers which range from Business users to mass customers. We have client across Moscow, Saint (ST) Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and other Cities and Province in Russia(RU)

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  1. Mobile App Business Plan Template

    Mobile App Business Plan Example. Below are links to each of the key elements of a mobile app business plan template: Executive Summary - In the Executive Summary, you will provide a general overview of your business plan including your target market, business model, and how you plan to make your business successful.

  2. Un exemple de business plan pour application mobile (pdf)

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  3. Application mobile : Modèle de business plan rédigé gratuit

    Modèle de business plan sur 3 ans (pdf et excel) à télécharger. vous souhaitez rédiger un business plan pour une application mobile , société facile vous offre un exemple de business plan rédigé gratuit. Sommaire. Business plan Application mobile : résumé opérationnel. Business plan Application mobile : analyse de marché.

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  5. Mobile App Business Plan Template & Guide [Updated 2024]

    Marketing Plan. Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P's: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For an app business, your marketing plan should include the following: Product: in the product section, you should reiterate the type of mobile app that you documented in your Company Analysis.

  6. Free Mobile App Development Business Plan Example

    Milestones. Secure initial funding - June 1, 2023. Launch official AppHero website - July 15, 2023. Acquire first 10 clients - September 30, 2023. Complete 20 app development projects - December 31, 2023. Expand team with additional developers - March 1, 2024. Reach $500,000 in annual revenue - December 31, 2025.

  7. How to Write a Mobile App Business Plan + Template

    By understanding these and other potential costs, you can develop a budget in your business plan. For more in-depth financial considerations, you should develop forecasts to gauge costs, future cash flow, and how your app company might grow and change over time by hitting release and growth milestones. 5. Development milestones.

  8. Free Mobile App Business Plan Template

    Our free mobile app business template is an essential resource for entrepreneurs and startups looking to develop a successful mobile app. With its comprehensive market research, business models, revenue projections, and marketing plan sections, you can create a detailed plan that sets your app up for success. Download our template now and start ...

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    The executive summary of a mobile app development business plan is a one- to two-page overview of your entire business plan. It should summarize the main points, which will be presented in full in the rest of your business plan. Start with a one-line description of your mobile app development company. Provide a short summary of the key points ...

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    A business plan is filled with facts, figures, and indicators. It must be presented in a structured format, to make easy to read and digest. When we built our business plan for a mobile app, we took care to arrange it appropriately. The content is arranged in 5 sections (Opportunity, Project, Market Research, Strategy and Finances). 1.

  12. PDF Mobile Application Business Plan Example

    Choose professional, creative cover pages to make your business plan stand out. 5. Share easily with anyone. Upmetrics plans are easily shareable in pdf and word documents. And if either doesn't work, you can share it with a quick link too and track the reader's activity! 2. Write an interactive plan.

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    Le business plan d'une application mobile, est l'étape de construction de votre projet. Elle est indispensable si vous souhaitez rencontrer le succès. Le business plan a une double finalité : Il vous permet de faire le point sur votre projet : son concept, son financement, sa viabilité ; Il vous permet d'obtenir des financements : si ...

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  16. Télécharger le Business Plan "Application mobile"

    Télécharger un exemple de business plan pour une application mobile. Ce modèle au format Word et Excel vous aidera à vous lancer rapidement. Nos Business Plan ; Notre Plate-forme ... Chacun des sous-chapitres vous propose un texte d'exemple que vous pourrez aisément personnaliser pour rendre votre business plan création d'une application ...

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    Le business plan d'une application mobile est un document qui va décrire entièrement un projet, que ce soit au niveau de ses objectifs, mais aussi au niveau financier et stratégique. Contrairement au cahier des charges d'une application mobile, le business plan ne va en aucun cas décrire en détail le contenu de l'application et son ...

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    OGS with help you meet your goals by creating a mobile application business plan that will comply fully with all investor and government body (licensing) requirements. Specifications: Users: Family & Friends Seed Funders, Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists, Government Bodies and Private Equity Funds.

  19. Home

    With nearly 25 years of experience, he develops websites and mobile applications on a freelance basis. You can explore his work on platforms like CodePen and GitHub. Book an appointment. On Business Plan showcases strategies for crafting a successful business plan, identifying a viable business model, and diving into startup creation.

  20. Web

    Tapadia Tech is a leading Web, Android & iPhone Mobile Application Development Company in Moscow, Saint (ST) Petersburg, Russia. Hire experienced team of web developers. WordPress, PHP, Responsive Website Designers

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